

By chimmy in 15 May 2019 | 08:29
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Kane rubbed his hand all over the surface of the short gun, he gently placed it to his mouth as if he was trying to kiss it, he return it to his laps and tied up his shoe lace just as the other three gang were dressing up.
He check the gun again and smile, he drop the tip of the cigarette in his hand before stepping on it. Two of his gangs noticed and began to laugh and Kane laughed too before saying

“You won’t understand the joy and fulfillment I have just having this precious thing in my hand, just one hit and my victim is gone, no mercy…one hit

The two other gangs began to hail him…

“Kaka the kaka…area destroyer, the giant scorpion himself…the thorn in human flesh, money bag…the creative master…

Kane smile while dancing to their praises, as they were still singing the main gang leader came in, puffing out weed smoke from his mouth.

“Hope we are all ready, few minute from now it will be twelve mid night, and we move at exactly 12:30am. Just as usual, I need to make sure the road is clear and quiet, python you will mount the gate, Razor blade you will stand by the door to make sure no escape route, grass cutter you will stand close to the car and give signal when necessary, don’t give a wrong signal because tonight operation is going to be fire for fire, this man is freaking rich, and the dollar is right in his house as I speak, grass cutter once you jump in through the fence... you will unlock the gate for us... me with Kaka will come inside through the gate, we have to be careful with those barb wire, I have explain it to you all on how to move…I don’t need any mistake at all…me and Kaka the scorpion we will go inside together, get what we went there for and vamoose, no shooting until you are attacked first and if the man tries to prove stubborn, then he is a gunner, he will go down in defeat… you know how much is involve Kaka…don’t mess it up, that was why I got you a sound gun which I call baby boy, I just want everything to be accurate, I know your father has money Kaka and all this money we have here is nothing to you compare to your father’s wealth but…

“Tiger..Tiger my main man… wait, sorry to interrupt you…but I don’t depend on my father’s money...he said he will never buy me my dream car until I start doing well and stop my arrogant behavior, my father is mad…he is a mad old man, he thinks I depend on his stupid money…no way, I want to make my own money and show it to his face that his money is worthless, I will buy my dream car, the latest model and drive right into one of those his fine Lexus jeeps in his garage, I will crash it and dare him to do his worst…I am Kaka the scorpion…area destroyer, I am the giant scorpion…no one dares me…not even my father…after tonight operation, the next hit will be at my father’s house…we will drain half of that money he think he has…I will give you all information when the time comes, I need to go home within that time and check around on how our movement will be…but tonight with this baby boy in my hand…hahaha.. One correct hit and my victim is gone…no mercy…my head is full…please pass me some more weed there…let me smoke the final for tonight trip…

They started hailing Kane again as their leader ask them to hurry up, they did their normal notorious cheer before checking to make sure everything is in order.

Olivia brought down the food from the fire, she called her mother

“Mom, the food is ready should I dish out for you and Dad or you want to eat with me today…

Olivia’s mother came to meet her in their small kitchen, and began to say something to Olivia quietly

“Olivia just dish for both of us, your father said he is not hungry...something seem to be troubling him…

“what could that be mom, work, my school fees or is it your health issue that is troubling him, i know I just newly gained an admission and he spent so much to make sure I get in there, being in the university and also your health challenges now which I now will pass just with time…is never easy, I understand Dad and I feel his pain, his pay is little compare to all the expenses, is not fair on him to be…

Olivia’s father came into the kitchen and they suddenly pause, he walked to his wife and gently squeezed her shoulder, he smile at Olivia before saying

“the two girls in my life are beginning to gossip with my name…isn’t that surprising, my two sweet girls, my lovely wife and my precious daughter, the two most important people I have in this world…please what is my offence and I will amend my ways…I live for two of you and all I want is to do all I can to put a smile on this beautiful faces here…

“Dad, we are just worried about you…something seem to be troubling you…you mean everything to us just as we mean to you…what could be eating at you…

“Nothing my daughter, i…I am fine…or maybe I am not…but I can’t place it…something maybe troubling me but is neither my work or anything I can think off, you are not the problem, Olivia… you are my biggest blessing, and I am not worried about your mother’s health because I know she will be alright soon, is just typhoid which was not noticed on time and it got into her blood, her health is bouncing back and her beautiful color is gradually returning again…hmmm. I just don’t know what is wrong with me this past two days but I will be fine…okay? none of you should worry over me please…face your studies Olivia and do well in school, become a lawyer as you have always dreamt to be…make your mother and i proud…alright…?

“I will dad, I promise…I will. Thank you for being a great dad and I will do all I can never to disappoint you and mom…

Kane drove down that night with his gang to their victim’s house, they parked at a distance before proceeding to the gate, all of them with their facial mask, which shows only their eyes, nose and mouth. they plan to scale the fence, they have already study the compound from outside and know how to jump in to avoid the barb wires that was used to round the fence.
The one they called Grass cuter stood with his gun close to where they parked their car, Python mounted outside the gate, Razor blade was going in so that he can stand by the door of the house, while Kane and Tiger will go inside the main house.
Their victim is a wealthy man, who live with his family, information just got to them that the man who just return from abroad brought back dollar in boxes, which he intend to take to the bank once the weekend is over so the gang decided to strike during the weekend.
Razor blade was the first to jumped into the gate carefully, he went to the big gate and tried to unlock it but found out it was locked with a code, Tiger must have forgotten to notice that the gate is coded. The gang leader after waiting for Razor to unlock the gate but no result he urged Kane to scale the fence and jump in with him so they proceed to the fence, tiger carefully scale the fence avoiding the barb wires before jumping, when Kane manage to get to the top of the fence, he was about to jump in when he saw two giant dogs gently coming behind tiger and Razor, and they did not know because they were waiting for him to jump down before they proceed.
Kane wanted to scream but realized that it will be getting them into trouble, so held his mouth as Tiger and Razor urge him to be fast and jump down, just then they hard a terrifying sound and quickly turn and before they could shoot the two giant dog jumped on them, their scream went high into the air as the beast started tearing them apart…Kane began to shoot at the animals, out of the four bullets in his gun, he missed one, one mistakenly hit his gang leader who was battling with the dog then another bullet hit one of the dog before the police siren started blazing from afar. He had only one bullet left inside the gun.
The owner of the house has already called the police and they were rushing down.
Kane tried to jump down but the barb wire tore his skin, and cut part of his face, he fell from the high fence and broke his legs
The other gang were trying to escape but police caught grass cutter, Kane manage to escape with python, they were being pursued by the police and they ran into a small house by the third street, the police who did not see where they ran into went to another street to search for them with their torch light and gun

As Kane and his partner in crime ran into the small house they started threatening to shoot anybody that shout or makes noise.

The house they broke into was Olivia’s house. She was asleep in her room when she hard the heavy sound which made her to sit up quickly, it sound like somebody just broke down their door, she started hearing voices and threats, followed by her father’s pleads.
Olivia rushed out to know what was happening and saw that the two men has mask on, the other taller man has a cut on his left cheek and blood has sucked up his facial mask, and he also have a deep cut on his hand and he was leaping in one leg, she tried to scream and the man with the deep cut pointed gun at her, her parents held onto each other shaking in fear and Olivia father was saying with a whisper
“Please we don’t have money, we are poor family, struggling with life, search the whole house we don’t have anything in this house please have mercy…don’t hurt us…please I beg you don’t hurt my only child…take it out on me but spare her…please I am begging you on my knees sir… I beg you in God’s name…have mercy…have mercy…

Python slapped him and asked him to keep quiet while Kane went over to Olivia who was shaking and moving back.
He forcefully grabbed her and she screamed again, he hit her hard and she fell to the ground, he unbutton his belt and pounce on her like a prey, he tore her dress before going down into her, she cried but couldn’t get away from the beast on top of her, and just then Olivia’s father rushed at Kane and threw a chair at him which made him to cry out in pain, he fell off from Olivia who has passed out and her nightie ruined in blood, Kane’s gun fell off from his hand as Olivia’s father hit him and as Olivia’s father tried to grab the gun Python shot him with his own gun, he shot him again and the man fell in his on pull of blood.

“Kaka we need to leave here now… he is dead and the gun noise will attract the police…let’s leave now…there’s no more bullet in my gun…

“Where’s my gun…you killed him…python…his dead…you shouldn’t have shot him…

“he could have killed you if I wasn’t here, you should be thanking me for saving you sorry ass…the plan was to take a shelter and leave here why do you have to rape the poor girl…they are not part of the plans, this is not part of the plan Kaka…if things goes wrong now…your wealthy father is ready to spend all he have to save you but I got no wealthy parents and that’s why I’m doing this…it was risky, I have known someday luck will run out of me but I did not care all that matters is to make the money and enjoy myself to the full now all our plans has failed…tiger, grass cuter and Razor are out there…dead or alive I can’t tell, we manage to escape the least you could have done is to stay cool here and not hurt this poor family, now you made me to kill an innocent man who tried to save his daughter…you are a bastered…with all this injuries on your body and danger around us you still have the appetite for a woman…because you know you may get away with anything…Kaka now look…the man’s wife has passed out from the shock and that girl has fainted after the father was shot…if she survive she will be left with nobody, her mother may also die because she was already gone before I gun down her husband…you really messed up the plan…big time…you messed up…

“shut up...are you feeling sympathy for them…oh you are feeling sorry for people you don’t even know…let me remind you that sympathy is not part of this job…that girl was too sweet to be resisted, the moment she entered I went all hot…and stop all this petty talk it doesn’t suit you, you did what you were suppose to do by killing the man because I would have done the same for you if I was in your shoe…we need to have each other’s back…that’s the game…we will get out of here…please don’t start with that your emotion talk…it doesn’t suit you and that’s not who you are…you are python…stop acting like a cockroach that can be easily smashed…let’s find away and get out of here..i still have one bullet left in my gun...we will use it wisely to attack if there’s anything…

As they left Kane felt a pack of pain clouding his heart, he felt so guilty but was trying not to show it. No matter how he tried to wave it off the pain was still there, he wanted to go back and see if he can save the man or his wife, most important the beautiful girl he just hurt.
Kane felt like a beast as he tried to escape with his friend.
15 May 2019 | 08:29
Too much emotional
15 May 2019 | 09:55
too bad
15 May 2019 | 17:29
Hmmmmmm too bad...
15 May 2019 | 20:22
This are d type of thieves that are supposed to be shot dead immediately... Beasts and animals in human clothing
16 May 2019 | 05:56
no comment naa
17 May 2019 | 02:34
LASTING MEMORY Episode 2. The fine male doctor smiled at her again as usual and she returned the smile before proceeding down the corridor, she wonder why the young man always smiling anytime he sees her but never bother to say a word, she was already getting irritated with the constant smile. She opened the door and entered, everything was becoming a ritual for her. This was not her first or her second doctor’s appointment so she was use to the routine. Doctor Kate exclaim happily on seeing her walked in “Look who we got here…our beautiful Miss Olivia…how are you doing today… “I’m doing better than I was yesterday…I keep improving everyday… “yes, you should…not just for yourself but also for your unborn child…you will finally meet her few weeks from now…aren’t you excited about it… “I am...of curse I am excited doctor… Looking forward to having her…hmmm…do you think I will make a great mom to her… “You will be a fantastic mother…don’t worry you will forget all your worries, pain and lost when you finally hold her in your arms… “I feel relief…I’m glad to hear that…sometimes I have clouding thoughts…terrible things cycles my mind and I just need a little assurance…just to be sure that I know what I’m doing, I don’t want to think of the frightening past, which still threatens my sanity…you know doctor…things like having a baby without father, a product of rape, lost both parents same day and…and I could have flushed it out when I found out that I was pregnant… I felt it was a bad omen, it was evil to carry such child but I couldn’t get myself doing it…I tried to take my own life severally but I just couldn’t until I was introduced to you and your counselling sections has helped me greatly, ever since you started counselling me I have not have thoughts of suicides but I still have fears of the past…and terrible dreams…I think of my dear mom and dad everyday that passes by…I miss them… i could have being in school now pursuing my dreams and working hard to make my parents proud but here I am, a school drop out…carrying pregnancy by an unknown man…isn’t that so sad…is really sad doctor…I am not doing too well in letting go of the past but I’m pushing…I am working hard in finding purpose in life again… “ you are doing so well my darling…and I am so proud of you…your late parents will be also proud of you too because if you have hurt yourself there won’t be you today…they want you to be happy and I know someday your dream will come true….it was a tragedy to have lost both parents same day, it look like your dreams was going to be cut short but don’t let it happen, when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry tell life you got a thousand and one reasons to laugh…you are wining and let nothing stop you Olivia…this child you carry maybe a product of a bad and evil man who only came to kill and to destroy but when you push her forth she will be a new beginning for you…and new sunrise…do you understand me…don’t ever throw a bad man sin on her shoulder rather love her as you will love your life…and in that way…the past will let go of you…life threw a lemon at you turn it into a lemonade or a lemon pie…hahahaha…yes…i love that smile on your face, you are a beautiful young woman and even your pregnancy can not hide that fact, a man can still walk up to you and say…”hello lady, you look so hot and classic, beauty is understatement when it comes to you, I don’t have words to describe you but I like you a whole lot, do you mind if I have your contact or we hook up sometimes…oh forget about the big tummy thing, it look more of a fine fashion than what it really appears, so what do you say to my kind humble request… Olivia burst out laughing at Doctor Kate who was putting up some manly attitude as she tries to cheer her up, they both fell into a serious laughter. Doctor Kate was always having words to say to her, things that keep her going, she was married with two kids, a counselor and a great mother, who takes great pleasure in talking to young women in an unfortunate situations and she was good with what she does. Olivia likes her a lot and never miss any appointment with her, in that way she has being able to meet other women who needed counseling, and she had a close friend who she met in Doctor Kate counselling class, Helen came from a broken home, she lived with her mother and step father who abused her severally, when she found the courage and told her mother about it she was surprise that her mother did not believe her, instead she was more protective of her abusive husband than her own daughter. Helen’s mother threaten to throw her out if she ever tells anybody about what her step father was doing to her. When Helen couldn’t take it anymore, she ran away from the house and her mother never bothers to look for her. She was suicidal, she wanted to take her own life, she was found on the day she put a rope to her neck and tries to hang herself but was seen on time and rush to the hospital where Doctor Kate met her. Her step father had a ghastly accident a year later and died and Helen’s mother started searching for her daughter everywhere and when she found her, the woman pleaded for her to return home, it took time and with Doctor Kate’s encouraging word for Helen to return back and started living with her mother again, she got a job and now she is taking care of herself and her mother. Helen was Olivia’s close friend, who comes around whenever she is not at work. After Doctor Kate was done speaking with Olivia, she did her normal check up on her and book her for her next visit, which Olivia looked forward to As she was leaving she met the male doctor again who never stop smiling at her anytime she comes around. This time around Doctor Mark decided to summon courage and talk to Olivia “Hello Miss or Mrs…pardon me…. I guess you have being seeing me but may not know my name…Mark is my name and I am kind of curios about something…forgive my manners…I am not always like just that we can not be smiling at ourselves every time you comes around without a proper introduction…so I decided to do that today…but I do want to make sure that I am not trespassing my boundaries, I mean no harm just trying to be a friend…I have checked your ring finger and I did not see a wedding band and all the while you do come here no man comes along with you…except that your slim friend…I hard you mention her name one time…Helen. And I also know your name Olivia…I hard Doctor Kate call you that…I’m sorry for this long speech but I just want to know you better…hope you don’t mind…please… “I’m glad you finally summon courage and speak out…I was already getting uncomfortable with your continues stare and cheerful attitude…it looks suspicious and was getting irritating too…I’m not married and yes my name is Olivia…and I do come around with my friend, Helen. is nice to know you are not a psycho finally...Doctor Mark. lastly I am not interested in male friends…I don’t feel comfortable around them, so don’t try to get closer than this please because I may end up hating when I suppose to be liking you, male friends doesn’t work for me so please respect that…but we can remain hello and smiling friends as usual… They both laugh and Mark said “There’s no problem Olivia, I totally respect your wish and I will stay off…Please, here is my complementary card…just in case of any emergency and you can’t reach Doctor Kate immediately…you can always call me… Olivia smile before collecting the card, she went home and try to open her small kiosk where she sell beverages, recharge cards and few other things to keep herself going. Later that evening Helen stopped by on her way from work “I got you some fruits, doctor Kate said you should eat enough fruits to avoid constipation….hahaha…that baby needs a very healthy environment to form properly…don’t go and suffocate her with wastage that needs to be passed out… “Your biology teacher need to be arrested, she thought you wrongly… upside down. the only correct thing you got here is that I needed fruits…that’s all…thank you for always supplying me with enough, my baby is safe in the womb and waste are kept far different from where babies are formed…by the way how was today’s work… “fine…just as usual, how was your appointment with doctor Kate…and also did you meet the fine man with a cute smile…he is always smiling…and he seem to like you not minding your condition…you are cute babe, and this pregnancy looks good on you…you seem to be slaying with it… isn’t that fantastic.. “don’t flatter me…you know how much I hate that…but Doctor Kate said something like that today and the smiling doctor…we finally met today…you won’t believe it…he said his name was Mark and he gave me his card to call for any emergency…but I warned him to stay away from me because I do not want him to get hurt…I am trying to concentrate on this child, I don’t need men for now and maybe that’s the way it will be, men destroyed my family and almost succeeded in destroying my life…I’m struggling to let go but doctor Kate said it will take time but eventually I will pull through but for now I don’t need doctor Mark…he looks at me in a way I don’t feel comfortable in… “You don’t meant it…I said it…I knew he likes you and was too shy to admit it…Olivia, you need to loosen up and make friends, not every man is a killer and a rapist, my step dad was a rapist, he messed up my life for three years but I still know there are good men out there who are better than the terrible men this generation raised. wait... did Mark ask you other personal questions… Olivia and Helen talked into the evening before Helen left. Olivia was certain of one thing she will revenge her parents death is she ever come across the evil man that unleashed terror and took everything she had but she knows coming across him will never be possible because she did not even get to see their faces because of the mask, the man that raped her had an injury on his face and arm and before she passed out she hard his friend call him “Kaka”. Kaka doesn’t ring a bell to her, is a nick name and not a common name. She just want to move past everything that happened that night but whoever “Kaka” maybe will not go free. Her revenge is the only thing that will give her peace of mind and even if she did not meet Kaka or whoever he is she will certainly hold onto her inner anger and pain which push her forward everyday to be better and make her father and mother proud as she has wanted to do. Few weeks later Olivia gave birth to a baby girl whom she named Emerald, she was so happy as she held her baby girl, Doctor Kate was right, she forgot the trouble, pain and shame behind her conception and embraced the beautiful being. She was turning her bitter lemon into a sweet Lemonade as Doctor Kate has said. Kane drove around the neighborhood, is being two years since his father sent him out of the country after he got into a police case and he was almost locked up. his friend python was caught and locked up in prison, the rest of the gang are dead, his father have to send him out of the country and he stayed there for two and half year before returning. He still remembered the family him and python attacked, the image of the young girl never leaves his memory, she was so slender and beautiful, no day passed without remembering how terrible he was. He raped an innocent girl and his friend python shot the man as he tried to shoot him. All he wanted to do was to save his daughter but the evil in him over took his whole being, his past still hurt him everyday. He deserved to be dead or locked up just as all the gang members got their share but his father saved him by flying him out of the country until the chaos died down. his inner man still hunt him everyday. He can’t right his wrongs or undo what has being done but he is ready to live right and throw off his old ways, he has quit smoking and other bad habits. He was trying to concentrate in the present and take over the father’s company as he has always wanted him to do. His father is becoming more proud of him everyday than he has ever being. Today he was driving around this long quiet street, he planned to check out one of his father’s old properties which he wanted to renovate and turn into a big supermarket. The old building was in his name and his father has said he should do anything he likes with it. as he was speaking with his father’s estate surveyor over the phone he ran out of airtime, Kane tried to buy from his bank but the network was bad in that area. He asked around where he can get a recharge card and he was directed to a kiosk which was not too far from where he parked. He drove down to the kiosk, whined down his glass and saw that the small kiok owner was a beautiful young lady with a little girl about two to three years, she was plaiting the little girl’s hair. She quickly stood up to answer him and after paying for the card he bought, he decided to drop extra money for her which she rejected but as he insisted she collected the money. she thanked him with a sweet smile that got to his heart. He wanted to stay and just stare at the young lady with her beautiful daughter but decided to drive on, since he has business in this area he will always stop by and say hello to her. He silently prayed that she wasn’t married although he did not see any wedding band but he still wish she wasn’t. He will visit the area more often because of the young lady with a cute smile which was taking over his mind. Olivia returned to her daughter’s hair with a deep smile, she was happy to have extra cash which she will gather tomorrow with her little savings and register Emerald in the kindergarten class which wasn’t too far from her street. If she can’t attain her dream of being a lawyer she will make sure Emerald will. The man was staring at her as if she was a goddess and she was use to such attentions but there was something different about him. she wish to see him again to thank him for his kindness. If all men were so nice like him her parents will still be alive and she will be rounding up with her law school by now. Olivia thought within herself as she continued with her daughter’s hair.
17 May 2019 | 02:36
Humm this is serious, she is now wishing that if people like kane are many than her perent won't have die, without knowing that the man in question is tragedy behind the calamity that before her family
17 May 2019 | 04:37
And u don't know that he is all so the father of ur child.
17 May 2019 | 04:40
He is your night mere
17 May 2019 | 04:41
Good job to the writer keep it coming
17 May 2019 | 04:41
Bring it on
17 May 2019 | 05:18
SOS sad she had to loose both parents
17 May 2019 | 14:13
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 3. Olivia paid up all the necessary fee for her daughter, she has being saving up for this day and was glad that Emerald was starting school, beginners class where she will learn nursery rhymes and numbers and two to three letter words and Emerald will get to meet other children and associate with them. Helen bought school bag, lunch box and a pack of long socks for Emerald who was so excited to start school and couldn’t wait for the day to break so that she can carry her lovely pink lunch box which contains her food flask and water bottle, her school bag has a princess Barbie on it and she slept that night hanging it on her back, it was after she was deeply asleep that Olivia removed the school bag from her and put it aside The little girl was so happy as she and her mother matched to school the following morning, some other kids were crying but she was so excited especial having a new fine school stuffs from her mommy and from Aunt Helen. Olivia smiled back home, she opened her kiosk and set up her wares, she wrote down the things running out of stock, she will buy more goods with the remaining money with her and stock up her kiosk because now that Emerald has started school she will have to make sure that she pays up her school fees whenever the time is due. She smiled within herself as she went about her daily routine she will go back later in the day to go and pick her daughter from school. Olivia opened her kiosk and sighed as she displayed her wares, she really need to restock quick. Now that Emerald has started school she will also get ready for the school fees and whatever fee that needs to be paid, her expenses will go higher than before which was well expected. She will go to the market tomorrow after dropping Emerald in school and buy more things to add the her goods, she will do all she can to make sure that her daughter never lacks anything. Helen stop by the next day as Olivia was leaving for the market, Olivia was surprise to see her that early morning. “Helen, what happen you did not go to work today…hope everything is alright…what of mumsy…? “mum is fine, I told you that i was made the supervisor at work, so I have a day off to rest within the week which starts today while my colleague takes over…we are only two supervisors there now. The work load is becoming too much it comes with my new post as the supervisor but I can always scale through because the salary mouth watery and Francis has being so encouraging too. I just made breakfast for mum and ran out so that I can join you this morning and take Ema to school, Francis traveled you know he I always on the road whenever duty calls, I miss him anytime he is away…that is by the way, Ema…my baby is now a big girl, she goes to school…. But babe, see the way you just panic…must there always be a bad news...don’t always have negative thoughts is not a good thing…I am beginning to talk like doctor Kate…where’s Ema… “I have taking her to school already…I’m on my way out to the market…my shop is looking so dry and scanty so I need to restock…thank you Helen for getting Emerald school stuffs, she is so excited and even slept with her new school bag…I told you and is so funny anytime i think of it… “You shouldn’t be thanking me…Ema is part of my responsibility too, we will both join hands and train her into a proud, fearless and beautiful lady. Not the scared little mouse my mother made out of me while growing up and i couldn’t do anything when I was taking advantage off…let me follow you to the market since today is my free day…after today it will be till weekend again before I will be free to come around… “if you go with me we will waste time… talking non stop…so stay back…open the Kiosk and sell everything before I return, there is not enough recharge card, I will call my supplier to bring some…when he comes please pay him with this money…and sell everything before I return, don’t steal my wafer biscuits…I know you like wafers…you are allowed to eat only one…anything more than that will be stealing… They both laugh as Olivia left for the market and Helen opened the kiosk and displayed wares just as Olivia does, she swept the shop and when the recharge card man came on his bike, she paid him with the money Olivia gave her. Helen sold things for students going to school that morning, she also sold other things since she knows almost all the prices A fine car stop in front of the kiosk and Helen rushed out to answer the man who seem speechless at first He was a fine man who smells of wealth, and with a closer look Helen saw that he had a scar on his cheek which wasn’t too obvious, he smiled at Helen after she greeted him cheerfully. “Sir what do you want to buy… “uhhh…mmm..oh…do…you…have card…recharge card…. Helen quickly answered asking him which type and how much he wanted, he bought all the card of one particular network and paid double for it, Helen was grateful but the man did not drive off instead he relaxed back while trying to load his phone with the card. Helen waited hoping he will buy another thing Kane was surprise to see another person in the kiosk, he has expected to see the same lady with a little daughter, the lady who’s smile and beauty has kept him sleepless for days, he drove down here just to see her but was surprise to meet another cheerful slim lady, who even after selling the cards to him still stood with an attractive smile waiting just in case he decides to buy another thing. Even the card he bought he has no need of it at the moment because he bought enough from his bank last night. But it feels good to buy from this kiosk and see those happy smiles. It was more because of the beautiful lady he met the last time who made him to drive all the way down all in preteens of checking out the old house. Kane couldn’t hold back the question that was almost choking him so he voiced out “I met a lady here the last time…with a little girl…was she helping you out or you are helping her out…are you related to her…please…what’s your name… “Helen, and Olivia is my friend…I’m helping her out…she is not around at the moment… “ooohkay...Helen, hope you don’t mind if I ask you this….is your friend married…I saw her with a baby girl…is that her daughter….but couldn’t get to ask her…can you tell me more about her… “She is not married…and yes, the baby girl is her daughter…and this is her little shop…her small beginning which we pray will birth something bigger in the future, I’m only helping her because she is not around at the moment, Olivia is a kind loving soul and she is also so friendly so you can ask her any other question whenever you see her…I can’t say more than this to you sir… “I deeply appreciate all you have said already, Helen. thank you and I will definitely come around next time and with time get to know all about her…pardon me for not introducing myself earlier…my name is Kane…thank you ones again…. Kane drove off and Helen waved happily as she watch him drive away. When Olivia came back Helen was so eager to tell her about Kane “…he said his name was Kane, he drives a silver highlander jeep…he did not come down from the car but I can tell that he is a tall man, he will pass for a bouncer in a club but he look too posh…and he is a fine man who smells off wealth…he asked about you, he was so interested in getting to know you, he wanted to know if you are married, if Ema was your daughter and I told him few things but nothing deep, I told him to ask you himself whenever he comes around next time and he promise to do that….he bought enough recharge card and paid double.. “Oh wait…I know who you are talking about…he was here some days ago and also bought card from me after which he gave me extra cash…I was shock at his generosity…at first I didn’t want to collect the money from a common stranger but he insisted and me…deep down I know I needed that money so I took it…I was even looking out for him to say my thanks again…there was something about him…I can’t place it…he looks at me and sent chill down my spin… “oooh ooh…you are already liking him…see the way you talk about him….babe…this is are finally having interest in a man…different men has being coming to you but you never pick interest in them, doctor Mark tried all he could but you never opened the door of your heart to him, good looking and rich hot bachelors are always fighting over you but you shut them all off and scare them all away, my case is different because Francis is everything I want in a man, he loves me and I’m sure of that now and I don’t intend to leave him again, he has being there for me and I really do want to end up with him just as he also want but my dear friend Olivia is stuck and no man has succeeded in conquering her world but I think that will be changing soon…. see the way you talk about Kane…he must have charmed you with his loving charm…he seem so nice and friendly too… They talked, laugh while going around arranging the things Olivia brought back from the market, and she later left Helen to pick Emerald from school. Kane came another day and met Olivia, he stepped down from his car with three bags in hand filled with different gifts for Olivia and Emerald, he gave them to a surprised Olivia who thanked him, Olivia saw that he was indeed tall and a well body built, Helen was right, Kane can pass for a bouncer in a club with his stature, and with a closer look she could see that he has a little scar on one side of his cheek. Kane comes around more often bringing different things to Olivia and gradually Olivia began to like him and looked forward to his visit which was becoming often and on Kane will always come down from his car and sit with Olivia outside her Kiosk which was well restocked by now, they will sit, talk and laugh. Kane told her of what he planned to do with the old building his father gave him. He told Olivia almost everything about himself but he tried as much as possible to skip his deadly bitter past which he hates to remember. Kane took Olivia out one weekend, while Helen watched Emerald in the kiosk. He drove her around, from the movies to the mall, when he finally came to drop her off he decided to ask Olivia about Emerald’s father which he has always wanted to ask but was waiting for Olivia to bring it up but she never did. Olivia never say anything deep about herself just the normal usual things which he already know Kane was deeply in love with Olivia and Olivia was beginning to love him gradually but never opens up. “Emerald’s father must have being a foolish man to have abandoned you, which man in his right mind will leave a precious jewel like you…I guess he left you for another woman or you left him for some personal reasons… he is so senseless not to have loved, cared and protects you and Emerald like you both deserve…is fine if you don’t want to talk about him…I can see even raising his topic brings sadness to your face…I’m so sorry Olivia…I don’t want you to be sad…but that man is so cursed…he is not man enough...I’m sorry but I feel this anger in me for such men who does not know what they want and can’t take up responsibilities of their actions and that seem to be the kind of man who will abandoned you when he should be by your side every second, loving and supporting you through life. He hurt you… I know Olivia, I can feel that he hurt you, such a man does not deserve to be in your life, maybe God pushed him out for my good…all I want to do is to make you forget about how sorrow feels like…I love to watch you smile…laugh…it makes me happy…you don’t owe me an explanation over your past but I do want to be right here in your present and even into the future if you will let me in…you took my breath away from the first day I set my eyes on you…I have not being able to think straight ever since…you occupy every part of me Olivia… I am not like the useless man who abandoned you when you need him most…I am not talking just like every other man out there because I know you must have hard things like this…but I’m different…I want you to go back to school, pursue your dreams and become who you want to be, you are bigger than that small Kiosk, there is too much greatness in you which you can’t throw off, I’m ready to do everything to get you where you want to be Olivia, this is not a flatter and is never because I want something from you this is my own way of proving that I really do care about you in every way, and I will deposit enough money in your account to help you run through your career, even if we don’t see again tomorrow or something bad happens to me…which I don’t pray for but in that way you will still be able to forge ahead…for you and for Emerald…I do want to prove this to you and even more if you will let me, I am not like every man coming to promise heaven and earth to you, no, I’m Kane, I am not perfect but am ready to make your good life wishes come to past …please Olivia…I want to be a father to Emerald, give you the love and care that you deserve and more…I’m not forcing you to accept me…I just want you to always know that I really do care deeply about you and…I love you…so much… Olivia was quiet, she was already falling for Kane but doesn’t know why she was holding back. after many years she found a man she likes so much and who worships her like a goddess, she want to tell him of her past, her parents death, about the evil man who took everything from her but out of the dump and destruction Emerald her precious daughter emerged, she has held so much hate for the man who hurt her so much, tore her apart, everything she holds dearly that evil man destroyed it and the only thing she have of the man is “kaka” which never makes any sense. She will hunt the man down and destroy him if she ever in her life time come across him, no matter who he was she will not spare him one bit, he must feel the pain and emptiness that she has felt after her whole world fell apart. Kane was indeed a good man, Olivia thought to herself. “If all men were like Kane the world will be a better place, he is an angel in human form. Olivia decided to open up a little to Kane “Emerald’s father never existed…I was raped by an unknown gun man…who destroyed my world…i…I don’t want to talk about it please…not now…not today or anytime soon…I hate to remember what the past took from me, my daughter is all that matters to me…and you are a good man Kane you are not like the evil man that took away my joy… Kane drew Oliver into his arms, as he tried to console her aching heart. his own heart began to beat so loud into his ear drum, “did Olivia just mentioned that a gun man raped her…”could it be that…no…no…is not…it can’t never be…oh my God what if…uuuhhh oh no…I’m going crazy….i need to leave or she will see my discomfort… Kane wanted Olivia to remain in his arms but he was getting all hot as different thoughts began to hunt him the moment Olivia mentioned a gun man, fear griped him. “Olivia can’t be the same young beautiful girl his past man tore apart, he may not have fully seen the girl’s face because it was little dark in the room but she was slender and so young and innocent. Kane was uncomfortable as he dropped Olivia off bid her good night before driving away with speed to a very quiet place to break down and cry over his past sin. Olivia did not go into details about her past pain but he prayed so hard that night begging God not to let what he fear most to come true, because Olivia may never forgive him and he does not want to ever see her sad or unhappy. He prayed so much in the comfort of his room and did not even come out for two days.
18 May 2019 | 01:50
Intresting....ride on
18 May 2019 | 05:05
so painful, seated
18 May 2019 | 13:08
nice abi? only if u know
18 May 2019 | 13:09
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 4 & 5. “I have plans for tomorrow I won’t be able to see you… “What kind of plan is that…can I be included in the plans? Please... “Come on Kane…is nothing big just that I will be taking Emerald to a birthday party…a friend of mine invited us for his nephew’s birthday tomorrow “Okay… so I can I take you there and maybe bring you back. If you don’t mind… “Ooh…well, my friend will be coming to take us and he said he will also bring us back…let me not stress you over that… Kane eventually agreed although he wanted to go with Olivia but he decided not to push further. Mark came the following day and picked Olivia and her daughter to the venue. After they settled in Emerald was so eager to go and a bouncing castle with other kids. Olivia watched as Marked guide Emerald to join other kids, she was so excited as she play with everyone even with the celebrant. Mark introduced Olivia to his elder brother and the wife, they were happy to meet her. Olivia sat with other parents as children kept on performing in the background, she kept a close eye on her daughter who was flowing with every game and was too excited to tag along. Mark came to sit beside Olivia. “she is so lively…and very active…I’m talking about Ema…despite she has not seen any of the kids here before…. look at how she is associating with everyone with that attractive smile on her face…you are a lucky mother…well I know the sugar drinks and cakes will make her super active too… Olivia still focusing on the kids laughed out, Mark was sitting so close to her that she can perceive his fine cologne, he smells so nice. He was a little different form his brother, his elder brother was taller than him but wears same smile as Mark. Mark said he took after his father in everything while his brother was more of his mother. After the party was almost over Olivia informed Mark that she will be going, so Mark quickly told his brother’s wife who parked different gift parks for Emerald who was already tired from the whole play, Olivia thanked her and the husband before leaving with Mark Emerald slept off in the car as Mark drove them home. When he stopped in front of there house, Olivia thanked him. “Thank you Mark…aside Emerald having so much fun I also had fun myself, your nephew is so cute…your brother and his wife make a lovely couple…our pumpkin is already asleep…she must be so tired from jumping up and down and participating in almost all the games…thank you…we will like to go inside now… “Olivia…please wait…I really do not want to press you on this again after you made it clear the last time…which has being years but…I wish we could get to hang out and talk more…I’m just trying to press my luck buttons…maybe...just maybe you will consider me this time…please… “I have a man in my life Mark…and he is everything I want, I love him… I am occupied already…so please don’t press your luck buttons…it won’t work out…I’m sorry… Mark was pained and felt heart broken but he accepted his fate and bid Olivia good night. Kane called that night to ask how the birthday party went and Olivia filled him in excitedly. Helen came on one of her off days to spend time with Olivia “Francis asked me to marry him…this is the second time he is asking me to marry him Olivia… “And… what did you say…you should be happy settling down with the man you truly love, you don’t sound so happy about it…I know for sure that Francis loves you…you have tried to push him away severally instead he kept fighting to win you over and never gave up until you finally agreed to date him and now…he want you to be part of him forever…what is holding you back…I thought you said that you love him? “I do, I really do love him but sometime I have fear…fear of the past affecting my future and the way I look at men generally…and he is not exceptional…don’t get me wrong…Francis is a sweet hardworking man…he is never like the beast of a man that molested me for years…no…not all all…but I just don’t know how marriage will be like for me…I may end up using my past to judge him…and many other innocent men out there….i…I told him he shouldn’t rush me…I wasn’t ready for marriage and he told me he will wait until I’m ready…I just don’t understand him…anytime I try to make him leave instead he will give me more reason to love him the more…moving along and forgetting the past does not work like magic Olivia…I still think of the past and it hurt…so hurt like yesterday…sometime I want to hate my mother and watch her suffer for neglecting me when I needed her the most and doctor Kate’s words will come echoing to my head…”do yourself a favor and forgive your mother” she say when I forgive I was actually doing myself a favor…I see her points but is hard…my mother was so dependent of my step dad…feeding and upkeep, she thought without him she will die and that was why she never wanted anything that will affect her food chain…even if is me, she shut me up and threatens me never to speak up and after my step dad died she found out that she can actually live without him and she is now looking up to me everyday for her upkeep…what if I was dead. What if I succeeded in killing myself back then…I act all cool as if I got no worries but I still look back to those years of torture and no defense, those cold night, while my mother pretend to be asleep and the beast craw into my room and molest me, I cry and lay awake with fear and trembling every night, I was giving drugs to drink every weeks just to flush out any unwanted pregnancy, I didn’t know what the drugs was for until I grew up and realize what it really was…what if they succeeded in damaging my womb, but I’m glad that such did not happen just that I needed to treat somethings back then which Doctor Kate helped me through and I am fully okay, but what if all the bad things of life have happened to me because of my mother’s carelessness and the beast of a man who was not satisfy with my mother and decided to add daughter to the list, Olivia you are a strong woman…you have move past what hurt you, blessed with Emerald and Kane who loves you dearly…I envy your courage but I have not found your kind of strength yet for myself… when I think I have move on, when I think I have overcome all obstacle…then it will come rushing up to my present like a flood… “Helen…listen to me…you will be fine…I assure you that…let go of those bitter emotions…and like doctor Kate usually say when life gives you a hundred reasons to cry…show life that you got a thousand reasons to laugh…and when a lemon is being stoned at you…turn it into a lemonade or a lemon pie…make good out of the bad and recklessness of life…you will be fine…go ahead with Francis…he will help you heal totally…and do not paint another man’s sin to his face…he deserve better than that. I thank God everyday for Kane…I’m so grateful to him, look at me now…I’m back to school…pursing my dreams…dreams that I thought will never be possible…he is helping me in every way possible….Kaka was the devil that destroy my family…and I’m glad he is either dead or rotting away somewhere…if Kaka ever comes like an angel to me in the dream I will find a gun a shoot him dead, I don’t know how to forgive a man filled with so much evil…I don’t want to even forgive such a man…but my peace of mind is that he is far away from me…I will never see him…so I move on with the man of my dream and I have no regret. Kane is God’s gift to me and Emerald also…go ahead and accept Francis proposal….so that Emerald can be your little bridesmaid….or flower girl…she will be so happy if you pick her to be part of the train…you will make a beautiful bride, and of curse I will be by your side cheering you up…you will make a wonderful wife to Francis and sweet mother to your future kids…trust me on this…make good thing out the trouble life threw at you…you will excel…I’m here for you…always…. They talk into the evening before Helen later left Kane took Olivia to a new and well furnished apartment, he got her a fine portable car for her running around, Emerald has to change school to one of the best schools in town. On Olivia’s birthday, Kane decided to surprise her further by opening a big supermarket like he has wanted to do with one of his property which wasn’t so far from Olivia’s former place of resident. He put Olivia as the owner of the property, surprising her with it during her birthday which was the day he officially opened it. He called it OLIVEM Supermarket, which was a combination of Olivia and her daughter’s name together. Olivia was so shock when she was blind folded and guide to the place, when her eyes was open and she saw the big place with it signs she almost fainted out of shock, it was so unbelievable and she refuse to accept it “Kane…this is just too much…have you thought of what your father was going to say about it all…I…is too much…I can’t accept this…you have done a lot already…you have done enough and…this is too much…Kane…I can’t… “Please…accept it Olivia…don’t say no…I have always wanted to move your kiosk to a bigger dream…I told you that you are far bigger than that kiosk…my father gave me this building…he put my name to it that I should do whatever I wanted with the property and I decided to create a beautiful thing out of it for you…is all yours…the property name and everything in there….i have restock it to the brim…just for you to sign some document as the sore owner and it will be all yours…I thought of the name to use for the supermarket I have to combine your name with Emma’s to bring about Olivem…please accept it and don’t say no to this if you truly loves me…I told you before that I wanted us to settle down soon but you said you will have to finish your school first before thinking of marriage and I am not rushing you Olivia, I love you everyday…you are like the air that I breath….no matter how long it takes I will be here for you…whenever you are ready for us to make our relationship official…tie the knot and live as God as instituted…I will be the happiest man but until then just accept this token…is deeply from my heart and every paper is in your name…is only your signature that we are waiting for and everything will become officially yours…please Olivia…shhhh….please don’t say no Olivia…please… That was how Olivia became a big supermarket owner. Helen later accepted Francis wedding proposal and the date was later fixed for them Emerald was the little bridesmaid and she was so happy to walk down with Helen, Olivia was her chief bridesmaid and it was a happy day for everyone, Helen’s mother was so glad as she watch her daughter get married to Francis the man who never gave up on her, doctor Kate was there, Mark too came as he was invited, Kane was seated among the audience with a smile as his eyes was focused on Olivia all through out. Mark wish he was the one getting married to Olivia, he was looking at Olivia who was so filled with smile as she helped her best friend Helen, a blushing bride, who was so beautiful in her wedding dress. Mark was already aware of Olivia relationship with Kane, the son of a wealthy senator. Their relationship was not hidden to the public eye after he opened one of the biggest supermarkets for her He hard that the man even put the property in her name and got her a car and he is the one responsible for her school. He knows he may not have done everything as the said Kane was doing for Olivia but he would have made sure that Olivia will be happy for the rest of her life, going back to further her studies, buying her car that he would have done, but opening a big supermarket as OLIVEM, which was the talk of town that was a very big project, he will not have promise such a big thing but he would have tried to open a mini mart if she so desired. but then he wasn’t going to compete with anyone, not with Kane, who was obviously so wealthy than him, spending his father’s money but he has to work for every dime that he spend, some people were born with a silver spoon while others have to earn it. He can’t stress himself over competing to win Olivia heart because Olivia never wanted him, he was the one trying to see if anything can work out but it never did. He wish Olivia nothing but happiness and if she ever invite him for her wedding he will be glad to attend and buy one of the best gifts for her because she deserves it After sometime Mark stood up and congratulate Helen and her husband like everyone was doing, Olivia smiled at him and thanked him for coming, she introduced him to Kane and they shook warmly before Mark later drove off with a clear mind and planning to see if he can get serious with someone else and start his own family, everyone was moving on except him, maybe is really time for him to also move on.
19 May 2019 | 02:54
It will be very difficult for olivia if discover that the same kane she is in love with now is still the same kaka that destroy her world and also rape her which gave to emerald
19 May 2019 | 06:15
And as mak u make the right choice by moving on
19 May 2019 | 06:17
Kane should open up to olivia
19 May 2019 | 06:32
now u are hurting too abi?
19 May 2019 | 11:22
19 May 2019 | 16:18
Hmmmmmm de evil DAT men do....
19 May 2019 | 21:29
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 6. Kane roll from end to end as the troubling night mare cycled his vision, it felt so real as he went back to the memory lane, something was hurting his eyes, he tried to wake up but he couldn’t, then right there he saw himself standing right before his past. His partner’s words echoes like a loud trumpet, words he has forgotten and put it all behind him. “….Kaka…he could have killed you if I wasn’t here, you should be thanking me for saving you sorry ass…the plan was to take a shelter and leave here why do you have to rape the poor girl…they are not part of the plans, this is not part of the plan Kaka…if things goes wrong now…your wealthy father is ready to spend all he have to save you but I got no wealthy parents and that’s why I’m doing this…it was risky, I have known someday luck will run out of me but I did not care all that matters is to make the money and enjoy myself to the full now all our plans has failed…tiger, grass cuter and Razor are out there…dead or alive I can’t tell, we manage to escape the least you could have done is to stay cool here and not hurt this poor family, now you made me to kill an innocent man who tried to save his daughter…you are a bastered…with all this injuries on your body and danger around us you still have the appetite for a woman…because you know you may get away with anything…Kaka now look…the man’s wife has passed out from the shock and that girl has fainted after the father was shot…if she survive she will be left with nobody, her mother may also die because she was already gone before I gun down her husband…you really messed up the plan…big time…you messed up…you messed up kaka “shut up…..are you feeling sympathy for them…oh you are feeling sorry for people you don’t even know…let me remind you that sympathy is not part of this job…that girl was too sweet to be resisted, the moment she entered I went all hot…and stop all this petty talk it doesn’t suit you, you did what you were suppose to do by killing the man because I would have done the same for you if I was in your shoe…we need to have each other’s back…that’s the game…we will get out of here…please don’t start with that your emotional talk…it doesn’t suit you and that’s not who you are…you are python…stop acting like a cockroach that can be easily squashed…let’s find away and get out of here..i still have one bullet left in my gun...we will use it wisely to attack if there’s anything… Kane woke up in sweat, he looked around the room, the air-condition was working fine, tears burn down from his eyes, regretful tears. He gently lay back to the bed and stayed awake. He flashed back to the last day of his gang hood, when he use to be tough and harden, he has even planned to attack and rob his father because his father has refused to give him what he asked from him then. he was the only one among the gang that has a very wealthy father, who happens to be a senator, he never boast of his father’s wealth rather he wanted to make his own money in any way possible. Tiger has being their gang leader, he was second in command, the others were all dead except python who was still in prison for several years now He was able to escape all trouble because of his wealthy father, he could have being dead or rotting away in prison like python is. He wasn’t proud of his past life, he hates anything that will remind him of it, he knows he was the one that night, after Olivia told him about Emerald and broke down in tears. He has done his findings and was able to gather enough information, it was the that same night Olivia was raped that her parents were also killed in the hand of the same gun men, him and python. The news was that the police caught them and they were in prison while the rest of the arm robbers died, his father used money to cover up his mistakes and send him abroad until the whole thing died off. He never ever expected to meet Olivia again or anything about the family him and python destroyed, he did not know who Olivia was until he asked her about her past and it was a very sad news which was difficult for her to tell. He was afraid when Olivia mentioned gun men raping her, he has silently prayed it has nothing to do with him until he decided to do his findings and the truth was staring right at his face. He can’t undo what has been done, he can’t bring back Olivia’s parents to life or restore what she has lost but he knows for certain that money will do many magic, it will heal her wounds. he loves Olivia even before knowing she was the same fragile, slender girl that stood shaking all over before him, she started screaming, he slapped her hard and she fell back before he grabbed her, tore her night wear and stroke her steadily just as his body has wanted, she was crying, a silent sob as she plead to him like a saviour but with the effect of the overdosed weed he took he wasn’t listening all that matter to him is to be satisfied. it was until her father grabbed something and threw at him which made him to fell off and cried out in pain, his gun has fallen off and the man could have killed him with it and thank God for python who saved his life and killed the man instead, Python has being so angry with him for hurting the innocent family and he was even more angry with himself for destroying a suppose happy home, he never knew the girl survived after she fainted from the whole shock and never know that his path will cross with her again, and now she has a daughter for him even without knowing. He wish he has never joined such a terrible gang, he wish he has listened to his father and be an obedient son, he wish for many thing to change but his past still hunt him like a thief, the only thing he has vow to do is to make Olivia’s dream to come through, give her everything that life took from her aside her parents which he can’t give her, but he will do everything possible to make sure she forget what the past feels like. he want to get married to her and start a family soon but Olivia has made it clear that she need to concentrate with school and finish up first before thinking of marriage, he was very sure that Olivia loves him and see him as an angel without sin, and that gives him a fulfilling joy, Olivia perceive him to be a perfect man and there is nothing in the past that can even link him to his sins, nothing and no one will do that. He knows that Olivia will forgive him any wrong, she loves him deeply and can’t seem to do without him, he has succeeded him conquering down her wall of anger and vengeance for the evil man in her past and he was glad he succeeded in doing that Opening one of the biggest supermarket for her destroyed all walls of doubt and bitterness, she has never looked back ever since, she adores him and he has try to portray as a perfect man to her He loves her so dearly and they will soon become one family that’s all that matters to him Him, Olivia and their daughter Emerald they will live as one big family and love will surely win over hate Olivia doesn’t have to know he was the same evil man in her past and he will not reveal that to her anyway, even if she finds out in the future, she will not have a choice than to forgive him, with the level of her love for him she can not live a day without him so eventually Olivia will let the past slide off and she will see the present as a blessing in disguise. Kane was glad that his plans was almost perfected. Olivia who was in school, employed a nanny to be looking after her daughter, she needed to concentrate with her studies, she was moving from different stages, after university she went to law school, her dreams was coming to fulfillment and she was really going to make her late parents proud just as she has promised them before their untimely death Olivia was asked to chose a topic in school that she can tackle so well and she chose criminal law and criminal procedure, the bases of criminal responsibility, the rules and policies for enforcing sanctions against individuals accused of committing offenses against the public order and well-being, and the rights guaranteed to those charged with criminal violations. Olivia picked the subject of her topic as Kaka, she would have love to pursue justice with all her might back then if she knows better, but despite it has all been in the past she will not derail in becoming a renown barrister so that she can bring justice to victim of her kind, people who has nobody to speak up for them, she will take up many cases without asking for anything just to make sure that justice is served cold and chilled, and every culprit will be given a well deserved sentence. Olivia still create time to be with her daughter who was growing so fast and with the man of her dream, the love of her life who God created so perfect without spot. Kane to her was a walking angel, she wish her parents were alive to meet the great man that God gave to her, a perfect handsome being, who wants nothing else but her happiness. She would have being married to him as he has wanted but that will distract her law school, and she doesn’t want anything that will affect her pursuit of justice, she want to become a voice to the voiceless, a human right activist. and will make sure people like Kaka never gets away from the law, men like Kaka who go around, molesting, destroying and attacking the innocent will meet their lop hole, they will taste what it is like to be in real life pain. No matter how much money they offer to be freed they will surely serve their punishment, he who destroys must surely be destroyed. But angels like Kane will never cease to prosper and live happily with their families in peace as they deserve and no harm will come to them. Python who has being in prison for years was finally released, he was going to start his life all over again, to be a better citizen. Kaka has escaped because of his father’s wealth and status and they allowed him to served all this years quietly for the sin that him and Kaka committed, and Kaka even has the large part of the crime but they hanged everything on his head and flown Kaka out of the country and he was sentence to years in prison. Now he is hoping when he finally gets out he will have hope of another good beginning. Kaka should be able to help him start a new life again, being behind bars is never a good experience, and he was determined to warn many young and old fellows who chose such part of life. Kaka owes him big time, he will search him out and get something out of him which will help him start all over again into another journey of life, this time for the better.
19 May 2019 | 23:46
Good job
20 May 2019 | 10:35
interesting, Olivia u have to forgive kane, when u find out about what he did to u an ur family
20 May 2019 | 11:10
20 May 2019 | 14:27
Nice story
20 May 2019 | 14:30
The story schame look like stalked by mefia. I, somuch lov the story
20 May 2019 | 14:32
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 7 He searched and kept on asking around until he got the right place to locate him, Python quickly went to the said address where Kane lives Kane was so surprise to see Python “This is unbelievable…I’m so surprise to see you…when did you get out…? “hahahaha…look at you…guy…do you expect me to die in prison yard…well I was on patrol since last year...they did not want to grant me full bail but God intervened through the help of one lawyer and here I am, free at last, after years of imprisonment, it feels so good to be free…and I’m out for good this time, I never want to visit my past again…is not a place to be…I detest it Kaka…I so much detest the wicked life we use to live, the people that died because of our heartlessness, the ones we rendered hopeless…all those bad days is nothing to be proud off. we were so foolish thinking that it was wiseness…but I’m glad that I’m among the few that got saved…I’m given a second chance to be better I will not mess it up…I served my term and here I am…you got lucky and escaped all…I envy you…I envy the fact that you did not have to experience the kind of life I experienced in prison, I envy you because your wealthy father saved your ass and quickly catapult you out of the country. I don’t have a wealthy father so i took all the blame and suffer the crime that we both committed, Tiger, grass cuter and Razor blade are all dead, we made it…I made it out of prison is something I will never ever take for granted…life and freedom is too precious Kaka, nobody should joke with it…Kaka the Kaka, so how is life with you…what has being happening on this part of the planet, Kaka my man…the giant scorpion himself, the money bag, the area destroyer…the thorn in human flesh…the creat… “enough…enough of that…don’t call me those names again, please don’t call me such names …my name is Kane and that is all….we were so foolish back then without knowing it, smoking all manners of thing and unleashing terror with pride, but no more…we are wiser now…the past should remain where it belong. I’m happy that you made it out and alive and listening to you speak…I feel so glad to hear those reasonable words coming from you…my father only did what he suppose to do to cover up the shit, don’t hold that against me, because if you have my kind of father he will do the same for you as his son…. Well, to the mean gist, i met this amazing woman, she is everything I want and we plan to settle down soon, you won’t believe it if I tell you that she was the same slender girl I raped that night, you shot his father as he tried to shoot me and her mother died that night too, the house we went to take shelter from the police and I got all hot when the slender girl appear so I decided to devour her, I’m not proud of what I did, don’t get me wrong but destiny has brought us back together, yes…years later I met her and without knowing who she was… I fell for her, deeply in love with her, she has a daughter, who was a product of that night terror…I never knew Python until I asked her about her daughter’s father, she hate to talk about herself but that night she told me a gun man raped her and destroyed her world, I got scared because I know I have a similar past, a terrible past…I was so scared and I couldn’t sleep for days and decided to dig deep, I was shock to find out that she was the same girl of that night…well, she doesn’t know who I am, and I can’t tell her now until we are married, maybe later in the future I will break the news slow and steady and she will have no choice than to forgive me because I know she loves me so much and can’t seem to do without me, she sees me as an angel without spot and I want to keep it that way…she doesn’t have to know anything of the past, knowing I am responsible for her parents death or I am the man behind all her terrible past may break her down, I have done many things to make her forget what her past smells like, I have being able to break down her wall of hatred, yes, I have succeeded in doing that for her, you know that with money a lot of things can change, money works like magic and I am not boasting with my father’s wealth because I have also made my own money and in return I made my father proud, money has done that magic for me and she is all mine, very soon when she finish up with her study because she is presently in school, once she is done we will become one big family, she as my wife and also with my daughter, we will become a happy family, our destiny intertwined together right from time…. we are meant for each other…. “Kaka, all this sound like a fairy tale to me, wow…this is really unbelievable…so you mean you have a daughter from that girl…and she doesn’t even know who you are…are all this stories real…I mean…it sound like a movie…wow…you got to still tell her the truth…she deserve to know if you truly love her, and if she loves you then she will have to forgive you no matter how hard it is…or maybe is for the better to keep it until you are ready since you have bought her over already with money and she sees you as Mr perfect…well I’m happy for you, indeed, you both are destined to be together…you are really living large and my own life is just starting from the beginning again… and I will be needing some money to start up my life…please, give me some money so that I can begin my own life again, get a place to stay, maybe start a business or trade and become the man I was suppose to be…maybe I will find love in the future, get married and also have a family of my own if God pleases….and please my name is not python, there is a curse behind such names and I hate to be called or reminded of what my life use to be like, my name is Wilson, you know that already…but you can call me Willy and it will still be cool by me….i really need money Kane… Kane asked him how much and he mentioned, Kane told him he doesn’t have such amount but offered to help him anyway by giving him something to start up with. Kane and Willy talked so deeply into the evening before he left Willy got a small place to stay first, but the money Kane gave him was not enough to start up anything for himself, he knew that Kane has the money but don’t want to spend on him, he felt disappointed because Kane was his only hope of starting life again, he just want Kane to set him up with a good job, Kane was well connected, he can connect him to a better job or set him up with something tangible, after all he deserve more from him after taking all the punishment that was meant for both of them. He was going to go back to his place the following week to meet with Kane again, he will let him know that he wasn’t begging him for stipend but for money that will sustain him, tangible money so that he can focus again, Kane shouldn’t feel like he was doing him a favour, he deserve what he was asking from him, and the least he can do was to support him and not feel like he was a street beggar, begging for alms. Olivia visited Kane from school, she was almost through with law school, in her finals, rounding up and Kane has started planning on how their wedding will be like, he was so excited that after the years of waiting he was going to finally have her fully to himself. Olivia was in his kitchen preparing food when Wilson arrived, Kane wasn’t so happy to see him so soon again, but he acted so cool and offered him a seat and drink. Wilson was introduced to an excited Olivia, who was pleased to meet Kane’s friend, she later returned back to the kitchen excitedly, Wilson was shock to see the slender girl now a full woman, so cheerful and beautiful, Kane was indeed a lucky man to have all the good things of life coming to him Kane gave Wilson a sign for them to move away from the sitting room to the outside cot where Olivia will not hear their conversation and Wilson obeyed and followed him outside, they sat with their drinks and talk quietly Olivia was so eager to finish up her cooking so that she can serve Kane and his friend, who looked at her with shock written all over him, he was slim and not so tall as Kane was, Kane said Wilson has being away in another state working and just returned back now, which was the main reason she has not being able to meet Wilson before now and Wilson nodded with a smile to everything that Kane was saying Olivia rounded up with her cooking so quickly, she dished out for Kane and his visitor, she arranged the tray and quietly carried it to them so that she will not interrupt their discussion, despite they were quiet with their talk but they seem to be arguing over something. As she got close she hard Wilson mentioned Kaka and immediately the tray in her hand fell to the ground in shock
21 May 2019 | 02:48
Kaka here will come
21 May 2019 | 07:22
Hmmmmmmm This so bad
21 May 2019 | 10:39
Gbaaam! Explain yourself Kaka
21 May 2019 | 10:40
u think way ,I believe he we surely help u
21 May 2019 | 11:16
I know that this python we cause problem for you
21 May 2019 | 11:16
new episode loading
22 May 2019 | 02:50
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 8. Olivia happily carried the tray of food to serve Kane her fiancee and Wilson his dear friend She can see that Kane and Wilson were quietly talking as she approached them unaware. It was more of an argument than a friendly talk, Kane seems to be angrily arguing over something and Wilson wasn't taking it cool She knew is must be a friendly fight which happens among close friends so she waved it off and approached with full smile As Olivia got close she suddenly hard Wilson mentioned Kaka, she was shocked and immediately the tray fell off from her hands to the ground, and everything in the tray splashed the whole place The moment Kane hard the sound he was surprised as he turn to see that it was Olivia He quickly rushed to her as she bent over the broken cups and spilled food on the ground Wilson also followed. "Honey...what happened...are you okay... the things in the tray must have been very heavy.. so sorry, you could have asked for help...i would have been so glad to help know that already or you tell the housekeeper to assist you...i'm sorry honey....get up...come here...are you alright..? Kane helped the terrified Olivia to her feet. Wilson also apologised for whatever happened to her. Kane's housekeeper quickly came out and clean up the mess on the ground. Olivia was shaking, she was sure she hard Wilson mentioned Kaka, her most dreaded enemy, the name she does not ever want to hear or come across, the reason why she was studying so hard and picking a project topics in school on criminology and human rights and all of the topics is on how to nail any future"Kakas" destroying homes and lives. She was going to become a barrister and bring justice for the afflicted, and help those who's"Kaka" got away without punishment of any sort. She was sure she hard Wilson mentioned Kaka. "How can Wilson call Kane kaka, what sort of expensive joke is that, no can't be possible" but she hard the name clearly or could it be from her head. Maybe it was ringing in her mind due to too much study and having so much hate for such name. "I'm... I'm sorry...the tray fell off my hand...i...what..what did your friend called you Just now...I mean the name he called... Kane looked at Wilson confused, Wilson returned the look not knowing what to say. Kane mind began to beat so fast as he wondered if Wilson mentioned something that made Olivia to remember the past, "could it be that Olivia remembers the name "Kaka" from her past" Kane thought within himself, he looked at Olivia who has stepped away from his arms. He needed to act fast. " Wilson calls me was Kane that he called me...or Wilson do you call me another name aside Kane... Kane looked up at Wilson while asking him and Wilson quickly reply " No...not at all...your name is Kane and that's what I called you...I did not call any other name... Kane turned to Olivia looking at him like a criminal or maybe is his mind that made him feel Olivia was looking at him in a bad way. His heart never stop beating but he did everything he can to appear calm, Kane moved closer to Olivia who took another steps back ward, away from him " Honey... what's the everything alright... Wilson calls me Kane right from time... you hard him say that himself. What is going on...what did you hear him call me aside Kane... Honey..are you okay... please...what is it? Olivia breathed deeply, she looked at Wilson who looked away confused, Olivia looked back at Kane who was already shaking from whatever Olivia was thinking, he had a pleading and worried crossed face. He kept breathing hard Olivia shut her eyes and opened them again, she looked straight at nothing. Maybe she was over reacting, the name must have come from her inner mind, maybe she needs to loosen up from her deep studies on the devil called Kaka before the goes crazy. Olivia felt stupid for over reacting. Kane made another attempt to come closer to her, she didn't move back this time, he can see that she was struggling with something and refused to say whatever it was. As he moved closer again he gently held her in his arm, he kissed her forehead and her cheek. Olivia relaxed back into his arm. Wilson stood without a word, not knowing what to do. Kane gave him a sign to leave but Wilson needed money that Kane has refused to give If he leaves now he may not get the money again because Kane will not want him to come around especially now that Olivia is suspecting something. Which May be a link to the unfortunate happening of the past, a link to the arm men who unleashed terror on her and her entire family. Kane will blame him for whatever happens to Olivia and will warn him to stay far away from him He will never be able to get the money he needs to start all over. As Kane gave Wilson sign to walk away while Olivia was in his arm, Wilson pretend not to understand and stood there without moving. Kane kept up with facial sign language, Wilson stylishly used his hand to remind him about the money, Kane made another sign of "I will call you" with his left hand while holding Olivia with the right hand. Wilson nodded before walking away. Olivia noticed that Wilson was walking and quickly pulled away from Kane and asked Wilson to wait, he did. " I'm so sorry Wilson, please wait let me prepare another thing for can't leave without eating something... don't go like this...this is my first time of meeting you and I really do want to make it a good memory for you...I don't know what happened to me earlier but I leave that aside for now... please stay while I rush up with something... Olivia turned to Kane and said "Kane, please tell your friend not to go... tell him to spend more time with us so that I can prepare some thing else. I'm Just meeting him for the first time, you told me earlier that he works in another state and that's why I haven't met him before, now that he is here to visit please allow me to prepare little something for him... Kane, please tell him to stay... Wilson smiled and looked at Kane who gave him a sign not to stay but to leave immediately. Wilson turned to Olivia who was still pleading for him to stay with a cute smile on her face which he can't resist and decided to please her instead. Olivia went back to the kitchen to start-up another food preparation. Kane took Wilson to another far corner outside the house. " Guy, you really need to leave my house, you can't stay here...look at what you almost caused...she told me she can't remember anything from her past and your presence here is not a good thing at all, don't you ever in your life call me Kaka..I mean must be the name that gave her that shock...I don't know what happened to her but all I know is that you really needs to leave right now...I will tell her that you couldn't stay, you got a business call and decided to leave...I don't want anything that will link her to my past... my next plan is finally settling down with her after a long wait...I love her...she is the mother of my child... well, I know she doesn't even know I'm Emerald's real father but I really do not want her to know... because I fear loosing her...I have established so much in her, all I want is for her to forget everything about the past and focus on what I appear to be... angel in human form, that's how she sees me and that's how I want to be remembered... she is my wife to be and that is what I'm focusing on right now... Olivia has never given me a cold look before...she has not act that way towards me... you saw that thing that happened sent a cold Chill down my warm body, I almost had a heart will not understand how her earlier reaction affected me and you cursed it all...I don't want such to happen please leave... "You are talking too much, you don't need to give me all this long talk for me to understand, I already did... but you still haven't given me the money which was the main reason I'm here in the first place...Kane don't you understand...I need the money...I can't be like this... no job and no money... you have this money..i know you do...why not give me something to start a legal you want me to go back to crime... involving myself with illegal things...I don't want to go on that lane again...prison is not a place to be..i told you that already...I want to make something good out of my life and have a family some day like you are planning with Olivia... please...all I ask is money to start a good business or connect me to a better job that will yield good income for me and you will never see me again...the first money you gave me I used it to secure a place to lay my head and the next thing is how to sustain myself, pay bills and save some for the future... help me out.... please... "Wilson... stop begging me, stop begging like a child, go and hustle and make money... you are a man act like one... I'm not a money making machine...I don't owe you anything... I told you I don't have money for you now...the first money I gave you is enough to start a trade... you renting an apartment with it is none of my business...guy... just go into the Street and hustle, make your own money and enjoy to the fullest...I told you earlier that I'm not given you anything a man... the prison you went to did not cripple you, you came out with your two hands and legs so work your way to a better future... I'm not your father neither I'm I responsible for you...I have helped you already so leave.. Wilson and Kane kept arguing, Wilson threatened not to leave until he gets some money from Kane, Kane later told him to go he will transfer something to his account. And with that Wilson left. Days later Wilson did not get any alert from Kane He tried calling him but Kane did not take any of his calls. Olivia went to the mall with Kane and Emerald, Kane later took them to the amusement park, he was so caring and even bought tickets for those who couldn't afford the Merry go round. Olivia was happy to watch him help many people, putting smile and their faces. Kane was indeed her kind of man, a man who has other people's interest at heart, helping those who needs help. A man with a large heart. She wasn't mistaken when she calls him angel in human form. Kane was doing every thing possible to please Olivia. He totally forgot about Wilson, he even ask his gate man not to open the gate if Wilson ever comes looking for him again. Wilson has sent messages, called Kane but no response came He decide within him that he was going to go back to his place again and if Kane still insist on not helping him then he will be left with no choice than to go through his wife to be, Olivia. Kane was daring him to do his worst by ignoring him, when he start with his worst he will not like the outcome. Because the heat will be too hot for him to bear. " Kaka should not dare me because he has money and feels he can get away with anything...Kaka should not try to provoke me...I can chose to crucify him, when the heat starts he may not stand it...what is really the big deal if he helps me to start my life that too much to ask... after all the hell that I went through in prison..he has never suffer anything and that was why he is asking me to enter street and hustle as if he knows what hustling life taste like...Kane has the money and connection...why can't he give me tangible cash or set me up...he is daring me... Kane is really daring me... money makes him feel like he got wings to fly out of every trouble but the trouble I will give him he may never get away from it... let me still give him one more week after then I will know the next steps to take... Wilson drank deeply from the bottle before settling it down. He was going to wait for another week to see if Kane will send anything for him but if he doesn't he will do whatever comes to his mind and that will be targeting on his wife to be, Olivia.
22 May 2019 | 02:51
Why kane or kaka called himself is like. Very sturbbon. And arsh. But us wait for outer come
22 May 2019 | 04:43
Kaka, why can't you help him
22 May 2019 | 05:37
kane, kaka or whatever they call u , while are u behaving like this, give him the money now, what's ur problem? did u want him to tell on u?
22 May 2019 | 17:06
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 9. "I'm at your gate right now and the security man refused me in, I'm not leaving here until you come out and settle me. I know Olivia has gone back to her place.. for your information I also know where she lives and I may decide to pay her a good visit... maybe a deep talk about who Kaka really the right thing to avoid many troubles, do something now that I'm here or I'm going over to visit your wife to be, she may even decides to give me double of what I'm asking you... she has one of the biggest supermarket that is well managed for her by her workers...Olivem. combination of her name and that of her daughter...I know everything Kane and I'm the last man you should be messing with.. Wilson sent the test message to Kane and waited outside and without wasting time the security came outside and told Wilson that kane asked him to come inside and he immediately did. Kane stood and watch Wilson approach "What sort of test message is that Wilson...are you threatening me... now listen to me...I can joke with everything but never with Olivia and my daughter, stay far away from her and never you in your life threaten me except you want to go back to prison or dig your wouldn't want that but I can make that happen if you ever throw such an expensive is half of the money you demanded... take it and disappear...I don't want to see you here again... Wilson collected the money, but he will come back soon for more until he collects enough money from Kane. He quietly left without a word After another week he returned back and sent another test message to Kane who was not in the house then. Kane got the test and quickly deleted it. When Wilson started calling he bared his calls, which made Wilson not to be able to reach him The security informed Wilson that his boss wasn't around. Wilson sat outside the gate to wait for his return He was still there when he saw Olivia driving down in her car with her daughter. Olivia was surprise to see Wilson sitting outside the gate all by himself. She stopped right in front of the gate as the security opened the gate for her to drive in. Wilson stood up on seeing her and she beckoned on him to enter inside and he quickly did. After Olivia drove in and parked she stepped down and walked up to Wilson after asking her daughter to go inside. "Why are you sitting outside the gate... what happened.. I'm so sorry. even if Kane is not around you should have come inside and wait for him...was it the security that asked you to remain outside... that's not right... have you called Kane over the phone to let him know that you are here... I'm so sorry for the trouble of waiting outside the gate...... " shouldn't be Sorry...I just decided on my own to wait outside for my friend...the security has no hand in it...since Kane is not around...I called him but his line is not available... sitting inside here all by myself will be boring so I decided to wait outside.. Olivia took Wilson inside and offered him drinks and snacks which he accepted gladly and thanked Olivia. Olivia started the evening food quickly since Wilson was around so that he will get to eat something today. Emerald was upstairs in the room well decorated for her by her father, while watching a programme on her television, she was going to spend the weekend with her mum in Mr Kane's house which was the name she calls Kane. He will officially become her dad once he marries her mum. Emerald looked forward to having Mr Kane as father, he was her mum's hero and she likes him because he is always caring and gives her everything she wants. Olivia Later sat with Wilson in the living room as they watch television while the food Cook in the kitchen. She asked the housekeeper to keep an eye on the food while she sit to entertain Wilson who awaits Kane's return. "How's Olivem moving... how do you combine it with schooling, wedding preparations and your tight schedules.... asked Wilson as he focused on Olivia who wore a very attractive smile "Is going on fine, I manage my time very well that was why I employed able hands who I trust to give me good results and they have not disappointed me before, I'm rounding up with school don't have much to do again... I'm trying to focuse on the wedding preparations... settling down with Kane is my dream come true...he is a good man, you tell me...are you still relocating back to the state where you work or you are here to pitch your tent for good... how long have you and Kane be friends...he does not really mention you that was why I was surprise when he introduced you to me that day as his friend... tell me how long you two has been together... "Well, let me answer your questions one after the other, first of all i'm here to stay.. I'm not going back to my former I'm pitching my tent here... to answer your second question...I have known Kane for a long time...Kaka use to be my close pal before I relocated to another stat... Olivia blinked several as she hard the name Kaka again. Every other thing that Wilson was saying she was not listening, she was very sure she heard the name clearer this time. Olivia without listening to anything Wilson was saying went into a deep thought. "Kane name has the Ka in it, why haven't I thought of the Ka before now, but why... How is it possible for Kane to bear such evil nick name...he could have picked up a better nick name than Kaka, his friend just called him Kaka again and there's no denying the fact that I hard it so clear... Olivia did not notice that Wilson has paused from what he was saying and was asking her if she was okay. when Olivia got herself she frowned before facing him "Wilson, please try not to lie to me this time...I heard you call Kane...Kaka. I hard it very clear, I'm not stupid like I was meant to believe the last time...why do you call Kane Kaka...why? I hate that name...if is a mistake please kindly try to avoid such... Kaka is not a good name for somebody like Kane, I know he has Ka in his name but doesn't give anybody right to call him such name... let me make you understand something, Kaka was the man who brought disaster to my home, he destroyed my hopes and dreams... I'm an orphan today because of that evil name... God brought Kane to comfort me, he restored everything that Kaka took from me except my parents. Kaka is the unknown devil I intend to fight for the rest of my life while Kane is the angel I can't live without...I hope you understand me Wilson...I don't know why you called him such but please try not call him that again...I will really appreciate if you do so .. Wilson nodded before apologising to Olivia, he stood up and decided to leave. Olivia asked him to stay and wait for Kane to return but he refused and left immediately. Olivia couldn't continue with the cooking as her mind keep wondering on the name she hard Wilson very clear, this will be making it the second time she was hearing such name. There must be more, something isn't right. When Kane drove in that evening excitedly after seeing Olivia's car parked, he already knew that she and Emerald will be spending the weekend over at his place. He bought lots of things for them. As he got in he saw Olivia sitting down, lost in her own thought. Emerald ran down to welcome him and that was when Olivia noticed his presence and greeted him with a frown plastered on her face, she later tried to smile but Kane knew that is not the real deep smile that Olivia has. He asked her if she was alright and she replied affirmatively. Kane refreshed for the night and came to sit with her. Olivia turned and looked at him deeply. she saw the scar on his face, she have never asked about the scar before because it wasn't obvious but she was beginning to have questions for everything troubling her sanity. Kaka has a deep cut on his cheek which made blood to suck up on his facial mask, Kane has a scar on his cheek which he has never told her how he got it and she has never asked because she felt it wasn't important until now. As Olivia stare at him, Kane misunderstood it for another thing and he bent over to kiss Olivia but she turned her face. Kane tried again but saw the coldness in Olivia's eyes, he quickly spoke out. " What is it honey, did I do something wrong... what is the problem, you have being acting all cold towards me ever since I came in...if I offended you in anyway or did something wrong why not tell me so that I can make it right, what is my offence... what is troubling you honey... please talk to me...I love you so very much and whatever troubles you also troubles me.. I'm never myself when you are not happy... please talk to me... "How did you get the scar on your face, we have never talked about that before... and what is really your nick name while growing up...we also haven't talked about that too... Kane was surprised at the question, he has not expected such questions from Olivia, he wondered what brought about the question as he tried to answer Olivia "I don't understand why you decided to ask all this today... you are getting me worried, what is the problem... what did i do wrong honey... please tell me Olivia was furious as Kane tries to dodge the question, she stood up for the first time and shout at Kane who was puzzled at whatever that was happening "Answer the damn question Kane, if I'm going to be your wife then we need to be truthful to each other, do not hide anything from me, I'm open to you and I expected same thing in return Kane... I ask did you get your facial scar and what is your nick name... what name do your friends calls you... why do i feel you are hiding something...why do I suddenly have this strong fear ... tell me something.. anything you think I deserve to know... anything you haven't mentioned before... if you truly love me then you should prove it further by opening up to me Kane...I love you so very much, you are like the air that I breath, I see you as Mr perfect and nothing will change that but I will be more hurt and feel betrayed if I find out that you are keeping something from will be better if you tell me by yourself about whatever you are keeping from me, anything bad that is attached to your name... I will feel hurt but I will forgive you eventually because you told me by yourself but if I find out later that you have being lying to me then everything is going to change real bad because I hate liars and pretenders...I maybe over reacting right now but if that will lead me to whatever you are keeping away from me then is all for good... "I don't know what has come over you, I don't know what I did that provoked you tonight...I just don't know but I am not hiding anything from you... you already knows me Olivia... you know everything about me...I can't hide anything from you my love... I'm sorry if I did something wrong or make you feel like I'm hiding something...I am not hiding anything...I can't hide anything from you Olivia... you are going to be my wife and marriage should not be built on distrust...I got my facial scar while growing up, me with my friends were playing one day and one of them threw a heavy stone and it mistakenly landed on my face and left this little scar, I don't have a nick name, all my friends back then calls me Kane even till now... please Olivia stop this.. you are getting me scared with your sudden reaction towards me... everything I told you is true...I can't lie to you... trust me.... Kane was on his feet pleading, Olivia was not satisfied with his reply, she still felt Wilson can't mistakenly mention Kaka twice, if the first was a mistake then this second time confirmed that the first was never a mistake, Olivia who was not taking it at all needed to understand why Wilson calls him Kaka twice. "If what you are saying is true then why did Wilson, your friend calls you, don't give me that look... I'm not fooled, Wilson was here today and while waiting for you to return, we started having a normal gist and he refers to you as Kaka. This time around I hard it clearer and I knew you lied to me before... on the day I hard same name... you are lying... why did he call you Kaka, of all the whole names in this planet why will he call you such... Kane was shocked and afraid as he hard Olivia say that Wilson came around. He became confused because he did not know what Wilson has told Olivia. But he was certain that Wilson will pay for the fire he came to set between him and Olivia Kane tried to pacify a furious Olivia to calm down and when she became calm she walked away from him to her daughter's room to sleep, leaving a disturbed Kane to nurse his troubled heart. The following day, Kane could not wait for morning to come before driving off in search of Wilson.
23 May 2019 | 01:48
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 9. "I'm at your gate right now and the security man refused me in, I'm not leaving here until you come out and settle me. I know Olivia has gone back to her place.. for your information I also know where she lives and I may decide to pay her a good visit... maybe a deep talk about who Kaka really the right thing to avoid many troubles, do something now that I'm here or I'm going over to visit your wife to be, she may even decides to give me double of what I'm asking you... she has one of the biggest supermarket that is well managed for her by her workers...Olivem. combination of her name and that of her daughter...I know everything Kane and I'm the last man you should be messing with.. Wilson sent the test message to Kane and waited outside and without wasting time the security came outside and told Wilson that kane asked him to come inside and he immediately did. Kane stood and watch Wilson approach "What sort of test message is that Wilson...are you threatening me... now listen to me...I can joke with everything but never with Olivia and my daughter, stay far away from her and never you in your life threaten me except you want to go back to prison or dig your wouldn't want that but I can make that happen if you ever throw such an expensive is half of the money you demanded... take it and disappear...I don't want to see you here again... Wilson collected the money, but he will come back soon for more until he collects enough money from Kane. He quietly left without a word After another week he returned back and sent another test message to Kane who was not in the house then. Kane got the test and quickly deleted it. When Wilson started calling he bared his calls, which made Wilson not to be able to reach him The security informed Wilson that his boss wasn't around. Wilson sat outside the gate to wait for his return He was still there when he saw Olivia driving down in her car with her daughter. Olivia was surprise to see Wilson sitting outside the gate all by himself. She stopped right in front of the gate as the security opened the gate for her to drive in. Wilson stood up on seeing her and she beckoned on him to enter inside and he quickly did. After Olivia drove in and parked she stepped down and walked up to Wilson after asking her daughter to go inside. "Why are you sitting outside the gate... what happened.. I'm so sorry. even if Kane is not around you should have come inside and wait for him...was it the security that asked you to remain outside... that's not right... have you called Kane over the phone to let him know that you are here... I'm so sorry for the trouble of waiting outside the gate...... " shouldn't be Sorry...I just decided on my own to wait outside for my friend...the security has no hand in it...since Kane is not around...I called him but his line is not available... sitting inside here all by myself will be boring so I decided to wait outside.. Olivia took Wilson inside and offered him drinks and snacks which he accepted gladly and thanked Olivia. Olivia started the evening food quickly since Wilson was around so that he will get to eat something today. Emerald was upstairs in the room well decorated for her by her father, while watching a programme on her television, she was going to spend the weekend with her mum in Mr Kane's house which was the name she calls Kane. He will officially become her dad once he marries her mum. Emerald looked forward to having Mr Kane as father, he was her mum's hero and she likes him because he is always caring and gives her everything she wants. Olivia Later sat with Wilson in the living room as they watch television while the food Cook in the kitchen. She asked the housekeeper to keep an eye on the food while she sit to entertain Wilson who awaits Kane's return. "How's Olivem moving... how do you combine it with schooling, wedding preparations and your tight schedules.... asked Wilson as he focused on Olivia who wore a very attractive smile "Is going on fine, I manage my time very well that was why I employed able hands who I trust to give me good results and they have not disappointed me before, I'm rounding up with school don't have much to do again... I'm trying to focuse on the wedding preparations... settling down with Kane is my dream come true...he is a good man, you tell me...are you still relocating back to the state where you work or you are here to pitch your tent for good... how long have you and Kane be friends...he does not really mention you that was why I was surprise when he introduced you to me that day as his friend... tell me how long you two has been together... "Well, let me answer your questions one after the other, first of all i'm here to stay.. I'm not going back to my former I'm pitching my tent here... to answer your second question...I have known Kane for a long time...Kaka use to be my close pal before I relocated to another stat... Olivia blinked several as she hard the name Kaka again. Every other thing that Wilson was saying she was not listening, she was very sure she heard the name clearer this time. Olivia without listening to anything Wilson was saying went into a deep thought. "Kane name has the Ka in it, why haven't I thought of the Ka before now, but why... How is it possible for Kane to bear such evil nick name...he could have picked up a better nick name than Kaka, his friend just called him Kaka again and there's no denying the fact that I hard it so clear... Olivia did not notice that Wilson has paused from what he was saying and was asking her if she was okay. when Olivia got herself she frowned before facing him "Wilson, please try not to lie to me this time...I heard you call Kane...Kaka. I hard it very clear, I'm not stupid like I was meant to believe the last time...why do you call Kane Kaka...why? I hate that name...if is a mistake please kindly try to avoid such... Kaka is not a good name for somebody like Kane, I know he has Ka in his name but doesn't give anybody right to call him such name... let me make you understand something, Kaka was the man who brought disaster to my home, he destroyed my hopes and dreams... I'm an orphan today because of that evil name... God brought Kane to comfort me, he restored everything that Kaka took from me except my parents. Kaka is the unknown devil I intend to fight for the rest of my life while Kane is the angel I can't live without...I hope you understand me Wilson...I don't know why you called him such but please try not call him that again...I will really appreciate if you do so .. Wilson nodded before apologising to Olivia, he stood up and decided to leave. Olivia asked him to stay and wait for Kane to return but he refused and left immediately. Olivia couldn't continue with the cooking as her mind keep wondering on the name she hard Wilson very clear, this will be making it the second time she was hearing such name. There must be more, something isn't right. When Kane drove in that evening excitedly after seeing Olivia's car parked, he already knew that she and Emerald will be spending the weekend over at his place. He bought lots of things for them. As he got in he saw Olivia sitting down, lost in her own thought. Emerald ran down to welcome him and that was when Olivia noticed his presence and greeted him with a frown plastered on her face, she later tried to smile but Kane knew that is not the real deep smile that Olivia has. He asked her if she was alright and she replied affirmatively. Kane refreshed for the night and came to sit with her. Olivia turned and looked at him deeply. she saw the scar on his face, she have never asked about the scar before because it wasn't obvious but she was beginning to have questions for everything troubling her sanity. Kaka has a deep cut on his cheek which made blood to suck up on his facial mask, Kane has a scar on his cheek which he has never told her how he got it and she has never asked because she felt it wasn't important until now. As Olivia stare at him, Kane misunderstood it for another thing and he bent over to kiss Olivia but she turned her face. Kane tried again but saw the coldness in Olivia's eyes, he quickly spoke out. " What is it honey, did I do something wrong... what is the problem, you have being acting all cold towards me ever since I came in...if I offended you in anyway or did something wrong why not tell me so that I can make it right, what is my offence... what is troubling you honey... please talk to me...I love you so very much and whatever troubles you also troubles me.. I'm never myself when you are not happy... please talk to me... "How did you get the scar on your face, we have never talked about that before... and what is really your nick name while growing up...we also haven't talked about that too... Kane was surprised at the question, he has not expected such questions from Olivia, he wondered what brought about the question as he tried to answer Olivia "I don't understand why you decided to ask all this today... you are getting me worried, what is the problem... what did i do wrong honey... please tell me Olivia was furious as Kane tries to dodge the question, she stood up for the first time and shout at Kane who was puzzled at whatever that was happening "Answer the damn question Kane, if I'm going to be your wife then we need to be truthful to each other, do not hide anything from me, I'm open to you and I expected same thing in return Kane... I ask did you get your facial scar and what is your nick name... what name do your friends calls you... why do i feel you are hiding something...why do I suddenly have this strong fear ... tell me something.. anything you think I deserve to know... anything you haven't mentioned before... if you truly love me then you should prove it further by opening up to me Kane...I love you so very much, you are like the air that I breath, I see you as Mr perfect and nothing will change that but I will be more hurt and feel betrayed if I find out that you are keeping something from will be better if you tell me by yourself about whatever you are keeping from me, anything bad that is attached to your name... I will feel hurt but I will forgive you eventually because you told me by yourself but if I find out later that you have being lying to me then everything is going to change real bad because I hate liars and pretenders...I maybe over reacting right now but if that will lead me to whatever you are keeping away from me then is all for good... "I don't know what has come over you, I don't know what I did that provoked you tonight...I just don't know but I am not hiding anything from you... you already knows me Olivia... you know everything about me...I can't hide anything from you my love... I'm sorry if I did something wrong or make you feel like I'm hiding something...I am not hiding anything...I can't hide anything from you Olivia... you are going to be my wife and marriage should not be built on distrust...I got my facial scar while growing up, me with my friends were playing one day and one of them threw a heavy stone and it mistakenly landed on my face and left this little scar, I don't have a nick name, all my friends back then calls me Kane even till now... please Olivia stop this.. you are getting me scared with your sudden reaction towards me... everything I told you is true...I can't lie to you... trust me.... Kane was on his feet pleading, Olivia was not satisfied with his reply, she still felt Wilson can't mistakenly mention Kaka twice, if the first was a mistake then this second time confirmed that the first was never a mistake, Olivia who was not taking it at all needed to understand why Wilson calls him Kaka twice. "If what you are saying is true then why did Wilson, your friend calls you, don't give me that look... I'm not fooled, Wilson was here today and while waiting for you to return, we started having a normal gist and he refers to you as Kaka. This time around I hard it clearer and I knew you lied to me before... on the day I hard same name... you are lying... why did he call you Kaka, of all the whole names in this planet why will he call you such... Kane was shocked and afraid as he hard Olivia say that Wilson came around. He became confused because he did not know what Wilson has told Olivia. But he was certain that Wilson will pay for the fire he came to set between him and Olivia Kane tried to pacify a furious Olivia to calm down and when she became calm she walked away from him to her daughter's room to sleep, leaving a disturbed Kane to nurse his troubled heart. The following day, Kane could not wait for morning to come before driving off in search of Wilson.
23 May 2019 | 01:56
Kane Karma has caught up with u
23 May 2019 | 05:10
Kane it will be better if u can open up
23 May 2019 | 05:39
Just say the truth
23 May 2019 | 07:14
U r de cause of ur own problems Kane,if u had settled Wilson, all dis wudnt have happened, now see what u ve caused??? Wilson is ready to nail u hard if u don't reason up....
23 May 2019 | 12:17
hmmm this Wilson is an a....s
23 May 2019 | 14:15
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 10. Kane speed down that morning to Wilson’s house, through out the night he couldn’t sleep, all he thought off through out the long night was what Wilson might have told Olivia. He has warned Wilson never to call him Kaka and yet he went ahead to so in his absence to Olivia, the only person he was hiding such a name from. When he got to Wilson’s place he parked his car and rushed inside shouting Wilson’s name. Wilson was awoken by the noise and when he looked through his window he saw Kane who was fuming in anger and waiting for him to come outside, Wilson wondered why Kane decided to come to his place this early morning. ever since he moved into his new apartment Kane has never bother to know where he live. He has only told Kane where he rented his new apartment during one of their conversation but Kane never showed interest in where he was staying until now. Kane later proceed to Wilson door after he saw his window curtain shift to one corner, which means that Wilson was watching him and has refused to come outside Kane hit hard on the door severally with his fist before Wilson came to open the door, and immediately the door was opened, Ken rushed up at Wilson, and he gave him a hard blow which made him to stagger back, Kane gave him another and the hard blow kept coming until Wilson was on the ground. Wilson who was taken off guard tries to fight back despite the fact that Kane looks stronger than him. Wilson manage to throw few punches at Kane, he kicked and fought to stand up as Kane tried to strangle him on the ground, he fought hard until he turn Kane over to the ground, sat on him and started his own punching as the gangster spirit took over both of them. They fought and the house appliances got destroyed due to the heavy fight, when Kane got up he threw Wilson hard to the wall and made him to cry out in pain. The television and all Wilson fine decoration was all destroyed. Wilson was bleeding and his eyes was swollen too, Kane sustained few bruises. “I warned you Wilson didn’t i…I told you to stay away from her…i warned you…yet you went in my absence and spoke to her…why…what did you tell her…you idiot…you are a dead man Wilson because I will make sure I kill you before leaving this wretched place…you are so dead… “I did not tell her anything Kane...i only mentioned Kaka…and it was not deliberate… the name slipped out of my mouth, is a name that I’m use to calling you and it will be hard to change that all of a sudden, I’m not a computer to automatically change Kaka to Kane…the name slip out of my mouth and by the time I realized the mistake it was already too late...look at the damaged you left on me…take a look at my house…you have destroyed everything…you are going to pay for all this damage…you ingrate…you will pay in a hard way…if I have being protecting your past mess before…I will not do that again…I guess is time to let the cat out of the bag…how long do you intend to cover up your mess…Olivia is not even my business…all I wanted was money….money that you have in abundant and yet you refuse to give me enough to start up myself… “shut the hell up…shut up your filthy mouth Wilson…aren’t you ashamed of yourself…I gave you enough money the first time you asked and you used it all to rent this wretched house, I also gave you the second time and you still have the guts to come back for more…who the hell are you…what if I was not in the country when you got out of prison…won’t you find a way to start your life again, what if you couldn’t find me…maybe I have relocated to another state…won’t you still survive without I owe you anything…I don’t owe you a dime yet I still supported you Wilson and this is how you pay me back…going to my wife to be, spilling rubbish to her…you greedy fool…greedy animal….oh…you are digging your own grave Wilson…you are so dead because if Olivia finds out more than she suppose to…if Olivia, my wife to be dig up my past and finds out that I’m really Kaka…the gun man who rip her family apart…I will come for your head…Wilson I will bury you alive…stop daring me… don’t take me down the memory lane of the old days…don’t let me take a long walk with you back to those bad days that I have all forgotten until you showed up in my life again…you won’t like the outcome Wilson…take this as a serious warning and stay far...faraway from me and my woman otherwise I will come visiting you with thunder and brimstone…you won’t like that… “you can not do anything Kane…you can’t do anything to me…if you try such we will all go down together I promise you…we will both kill ourselves because I’m not going back to that prison, I will rather die than go back there…I’m not afraid of death Kane…you should be worried …far more worried than you are doing right now…rushing over here to throw blows at me will not still change the fact that you are a slave to your dirty past , which stare right at your face whenever you see Olivia, I wonder how you live with yourself…holding in such a huge secret and wanting her to see you as Mr perfect…angel Kaka…hahahaha…very funny….i saved your life Kane, that man would have killed you that night while you went on and on raping his daughter…i asked you one question that I still haven’t gotten an answer yet…how do you manage to have appetite for sex even in a terrible time as such…we were being pursued by the police and ran into their home to take shelter and you…you Kane decided to unleash terror and it ended up so badly…they put everything on my head, your father sent you out of the country, I was charged to court and sentence to years in prison with hard labor…I accepted my fate and served my sentence until a divine help came for me and I was saved…the least you can do to show appreciation is to help me start my life all over again, to support me...…I never mentioned you all through the time I suffer alone in prison…I was hoping if I come out of prison you will help me get back to my feet, you have the money Kaka…your father is wealthy…you are in money and yet you are being selfish and stingy…you are very wicked but try to appear as Mr angel to Olivia…so pathetic…you have never be true to yourself or to her…you are so terrible Kaka…so terrible and do you know what Olivia said to me…she said she will never forget the man that unleash terror on her family, Kaka was the evil man who destroyed her life, and gave her a stone heart but Kane was the man who appears as an angel and restore all she lost except her parents…you should find a way to tell her the truth, she may forgive you or she may not but you will feel free that a heavy burden has being lifted off from your shoulder but that is your business and i don't care how ever you chose to play your card... listen to me Kane…the days of begging you for money is over…I will ask you for what is rightfully mine…my settlement for all the trouble I went through for both of us…and if you delay any further…I swear with my late father’s grave…I will unleash my own terror on you…i dare you to do your worst…I would have still understand if you were out of reach to help me but since you aren’t I will get my own share of a better life…look at my apartment… everything you destroyed here…Kane, you will pay for it all…you are threatening me with death forgetting that I died in prison and resurrected…I am not afraid of what you got…you should be afraid of what is yet to come…the bomb is still loading...just pray it doesn't consume you... Kane sat hard on Wilson’s chair, defeated and held his head in anguish. Wilson try to clean up all the broken glasses and all the mess they both left, he washed off the blood from his face and brought out drink from his small fridge. He poured whiskey in a glass cup and hand it over to Kane. Kane collected the drink and drank as they both sat to talk man to man, this time around they spoke calmly as friends would. Kane poured out all his fears and Wilson encouraged him with kind words. When Kane finally returned home Olivia was gone with her daughter and she left no message of where she was going. He tried calling her line but it was off, Kane refreshed and drove off again to Olivia’s house but she was not there, the security said she has not come home since yesterday. Kane drove off in search of her. Olivia called Helen to inform her that she was coming over to her place but Helen traveled with her husband and will be coming back the following day. Olivia thought of Doctor Kate, she needed to talk to somebody and she called Kate who informed her that she was in the hospital and asked her to come right away. So Olivia drove down with her daughter to the hospital to see Doctor Kate. As she walked down the corridor she saw Doctor Mark, speaking encouraging words to some patients who were on their way out. She managed to smile towards his direction as he smile and wave at her, before she could turn into Doctor Kate’s office Mark rushed up to her, Emerald greeted him with a smile, Mark responded by gently squeezing her shoulder. “Olivia…Olivia…wow…I can’t believe my eyes when I saw you…look at Ema, the baby of yesterday…she is all grown into a beautiful princess…wow…I’m happy to see you two…how is your husband…although you did not invite me for your wedding but I forgive you anyway…I can’t hold a simple grudge against you…..what brought you down to this side of town today… “I’m not yet married Mark…wanted to finish up with law school first before walking down the aisle…happy to see you too…I’m here to see doctor Kate… Mark nodded as Olivia walked past him into doctor Kate’s office.
24 May 2019 | 02:27
Kane u cost everything
24 May 2019 | 15:38
Hope u find her. Just a simple things ur friend that was there 4 u all the time and u are here fucking up and down
24 May 2019 | 15:41
Kane,have u seen DAT u r causing ur own downfall? Don't ever say I didn't warn...
24 May 2019 | 18:18
LASTING MEMORY Episode 11. "...I asked him repeatedly but he kept assuring me that he wasn't hiding anything...I just felt he is keeping something from me Doctor...this is the second time... that his friend refer to him as Kaka... the first time I thought I was crazy... maybe because digging so deep on kaka but I Just realised that I heard it that first time... I was right and not crazy...they both denied calling such name until yesterday evening and I heard his friend, Wilson say it very clear... I don't know what to as if I don't know Kane anymore...or I'm I over reacting...I just needed someone to talk to... "Maybe you are over reacting... Kane loves you Olivia...calm down and focus on your upcoming marriage with the man who loves you...or do you think that Kane maybe Kaka from your possible can that be... "Kane can't be not possible and will never be...I have vow never to forgive or forget the man behind my parents death...the man who left me with a lasting memory...and that man is Kaka and not point is why is he bearing such a terrifying nick name of all the names on this planet... doctor will never understand how much hate I hold for such name...and he never mentioned it until his friend relocated back to this place...Kane has a scar on his face... just a scar... Kaka has a deep cut on his face that night...I saw the open wound even before he slapped me across the face and I fell to the ground and he pounced on me...I saw it... "Olivia... Kane can't be Kaka... don't merge them... they are two different people entirely... I know a good man as kane would have confessed to you if he has any dirty past...anything as strong as such would have slipped out of his mouth knowingly. or....unknowingly because he loves you deeply...Kane is the kind, sweet man who will never trade you and Emerald for you understand me...erase every doubt and focus on the present and settle down with a man who cares for you...Kaka is either in prison or already dead...such men does not last long...they either die by their past guilt or unfortunate things will happen to them or even to their children if they are luckyy to have any...a man can't rape kill and destroyed an entire family and walk so free without a curse of those he hurt...take a look at Helen's step dad...who molested her severally... even her mother was aware of this yet she covered him up until Helen ran away and become suicidal...I thank God for sending help to her Just at the right time...her stepfather died in a car wretch and her mother is now depending on her for a daily bread...I have handled so many unfortunate cases as such and I'm glad to know that most of this victims have become victorious, they turned their lemon into a lemonade.... I kept saying when life gives you something hard to chew... please chew it and grand it with your teeth...let them see that you can't be easily broken by an unfortunate happening... learn to forgive too Olivia...forgiveness does more good to you, it purges your soul and purifies your helps you to become free from anger and strife...let go of the past and focused on the present... I'm sure your parents Will be smiling down at you right have made them proud...and I'm so proud of the strong woman you have become... Olivia was more relaxed after talking with Doctor Kate. Emerald did not go in with her to doctor Kate's office, Olivia asked her to sit at the reception close to doctor's office and wait for her but by the time she came out Emerald was not there any more. Doctor Kate who was with Olivia asked the nurses there on the girl's whereabouts and as they were telling doctor Kate that Doctor Mark took her out they saw Emerald walking down with Mark, a bottle of unopened juice and snacks was in her hand. As Olivia was about scolding her daughter for going out without her notice Mark spoke in her defence. " I'm was all my fault...i wanted to tell you first but decide not to disturb your talk with doctor Kate...we just went to the cafeteria...she was sitting here bored so i took her along.. I'm all my fault...she did not even want to follow because she's felt you maybe looking for her and she hasn't touched any of the snack food or drink that I got for her...she wanted to show you first before eating...I must confess that you are really bringing her up to be strong willed...just like you...but I'm sorry for taking her without your knowledge... "Is okay Mark...i was worried but become relaxed when I saw her with you... your cafeteria do they have cooked food or is it just snacks... Emerald must be hungry...and I'm also hungry...we haven't eaten breakfast and is already noon... Mark was more than willing to take Olivia and Emerald back to the cafeteria. Olivia thanked Kate and Kate hugged her warmly and also hugged Emerald as they went with Mark to eat. " I can see you are doing good...being the CEO of OLIVEM supermarket is indeed a big work but you got no worries... your managers got you covered...I believe your friend, Helen is alsoe doing great with her husband... when is your wedding coming up...and hope you will invite me... "OLIVEM is well managed, I only go there to see how everything is going and how the staffs and customers and doing... Helen is fine... well, she is still over four years now that she has being married and getting so worried but her husband is not so worried like she is... he encourages her to wait on God's time and I'm certain they will have a baby at the right for me... I'm getting ready to walk down with my soul mate... I'm almost through with law school, I guess the most important part is defending my projects and moving on to the next about you...I thought you will be married by now... "Uhmmm...hmmm...well... I'm not...maybe I'm yet to meet the right one...I was in a relationship for almost two years, i thought it was going to lead us into marriage but it didn't...she relocated to another country because of her kind of job... and it becomes a distance relationship which she couldn't cope at a point after meeting a new guy over there, she told me about it and I have no choice than to let her go... she got married to the guy early this year, I couldn't attend but I sent my blessings to them...well still hoping to start dating again... soon... but I have being So occupied with work...maybe because I want it that way... occupying my mind with things I Love to elder brother and his wife ask of you sometimes and I told them that you were married already...hahaha..I will settle down at the right time...when God wills it... I'm not rushing ahead of myself on that... taking everyday at a the way I'm happy to see you and Emerald...I know you speak with Kate over the phone often but I don't get to see you except if you come down... and about your friend, Helen...if she feels she can't wait any longer for the child to come they can try the IVF process...I know many couples are going towards that line too but her marriage is just four years she should be patient and her desires will be granted... Just like I'm patiently waiting for my desires to become reality... congratulations in advance...and hope you Will remember to invite me when the time comes... I haven't changed my mobile line or house in this my complimentary card... I guess you lost my line...I thought of calling sometimes but don't know if it was okay to do so...I will be looking forward to your call of invitation... They laughed together while eating and talking about so many other things, she collected his complimentary card. Olivia Later left the hospital with her daughter and drove back to her place. She switched on her phone after leaving it off for long, Kane's text messages and voice note poured in. She was already tired to start driving down to his place but she still did. She left Emerald with the nanny and drove to Kane's place that evening. As she drove down Kane was calling again but she didn't bother picking up because she was very close to his place. Olivia drove inside as the gate man opened the gate. She parked, picked up her bag and went in. Kane was upstairs talking on phone with somebody as she walked inside. She can hear him talking loudly on the phone with some one. Her favorite music was playing in the background. Olivia quietly went upstairs and suddenly pause as she hard her name. "...I have gone to her place twice today...even her supermarket too she's not there... she's not there...her friend is not in town...I checked there also...I don't know what to do...or where to search for her... she's not taking her calls either... I'm afraid and deeply worried... should have being careful when speaking to you think she you know wether she found out tha... "To know what exactly... Olivia interrupted Kane who was shock to see her as he turn to face her. He stood not knowing what to do as Olivia approach him gently. "To know what...and found out what... Olivia stood in front of Kane with a questioning look. Kane thought of what to say quickly as an idea came to his head. " I was going to trave with you to the Bahamas after our do our honey moon there... so...I was planning that with Wilson and I told him not to let you know, it was supposed to be a don't know what to say or think again since yesterday night that made you so angry and disappear without a word since morning... and switch off your phone...I don't know what really got you upset since last night...I thought Wilson mentioned that to you also and maybe other things that makes you think I'm keeping something away from you... Olivia still stood looking at Kane, she was happy to hear that they will be going to the Bahamas Island to spend their honeymoon. She wondered what got into her to think that a perfect man like Kane who has never hurt a fly will ever hurt anyone, never in the past or in the present. Kane was a special being, she was happy to have such a sweet and caring man who will soon become her forever soulmate. She kept watching him as Kane tries to clean his eyes which was becoming teary. he shakes while talking to her, Kane later knelt down, Olivia was surprised as she kept looking at. "Olivia, I can't live without you... I'm sorry for everything, I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway, I have always tried to be a Pefect man to you but I'm not perfect...i have done things in the past of which I'm not proud off...please don't leave me... I know I don't deserve someone like you... but I love you... with my whole being Olivia... I love you and Emerald...I know marriage should be built on trust and truth... that is why I decided to say this...I don't know how to start this but i have something I really want to tell you.... you deserve to know...I'm afraid..I don't want to loose you... I'm so afraid Olivia but I have to say it anyway...uhmm...I use to...I mean I was a...a...hmm...a...uhmm... Olivia... will you ever forgive me...I...I have being so terrible...I use Olivia went to him as Kane struggle with words. She asked him to stand and he did, she went into his arms and Kane held her very close. She later look up at him before saying "I can't hold any wrongs against you...I don't know what you are struggling to say but i will always forgive you no matter what it May be...I love you Kane... and I'm sorry for over reacting this days... I'm sorry for making you to worry so much... now I'm here let's focus...we have a wedding to plan... She kissed Kane and he quickly responded And with that Kane forgot about everything he had wanted to say to Olivia as they went on with their passionate kiss. Kane gave a sigh of relief as he held Olivia in his arm. All worries and doubt was forgotten at that instant.
25 May 2019 | 02:45
Owk. Next but and wrong wil not come out
25 May 2019 | 06:43
Next please
25 May 2019 | 06:53
Kane if she find out herself, I don't think she will be able to forgive u o, u better tell her now before its too late
25 May 2019 | 08:27
hmmmmm,nxt plsss
25 May 2019 | 08:54
u would've continue with what u where telling her
25 May 2019 | 12:53
this Olivia sef,,, she should Hav allowed Kane to finish his conversation b4 making her presence known,,,,
25 May 2019 | 13:07
kane beta say d truth ooo
25 May 2019 | 13:13
u re too fast
25 May 2019 | 13:14
Eve. By Chimdi Samuel. Chapter Twelve. *A Year Ago" It was a sunny saturday afternoon and i sat in the sitting room watching tv. Saturdays weren’t really my favourite days because Alberto was always at home through out the day, unlike weekdays where he went to work. The house was busy, the maids were running up and down, cleaning a week’s dust. They came every saturday. Alberto hated strangers in his house. The cook was the only one who came everyday , in the mornings and went in the afternoons after instructing me on how to heat the food when it was cold already. The gardner too came every saturday, trimming the overgrown grasses. It was a normal saturday, a busy saturday. I didnt do anything because Alberto forbade me to even pick a broom. Still sitting, and watching 8 miles , one of my favourite movies, which was a real life story of Eminem. Alberto walked in. "Hey" He greeted, sitting beside me, and picking the remote. "Good afternoon" I replied softly. He changed the station and put wrestling. I had always hated wrestling, it was violent and rough. So i stood up and wanted to leave the room when Alberto called me back. "Where do you think you are going?" "To my room" "No, get back here and sit on my laps!" Alberto commanded. I sighed and sat down on Alberto’s leg. Suddenly, he started laughing. "Why did you sit like that?" I looked at myself, and i was sitting down normally. "Rest your head on my chest, now" Alberto ordered. So i rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart slowly pounding in his chest. I felt his chest rise and fall in rhythm with his breathing. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Eve. For years, I’ve lived in despair, sadness, l onliness but the first day i saw you in your parents house, looking so innocent and small, then i wanted to have you to myself" He touched my hair and my heart skipped a beat. Why was i suddenly feeling this way? "You were very young then, only thirteen. I came to your house with the intention of killing you and your parents. But when you opened the door for me, my stony heart melted. I fell inlove with your big cute eyes. You looked so innocent and fragile . I wanted you to be with me, i wanted to have you to myself, so i took you now im too selfish to return you" I wiped the tears falling from eyes as i listened to Alberto confess his feelings. "Then as soon as you opened the door, you ran away from me, you were scared of me. My heart broke for a moment and then anger consumed me. I wanted to drag you back and force you into the car and go with me. But when your dad didnt have the money to pay me back, i used that opportunity to ask for you to be with me" He picked my face and stared at me, wiping my tears. "I was happy when i had you. I was so selfish, i kept you here not wanting anyone to know you exist. I stripped you away from your freedom, Eve. I took you away from your family, your joy, your everything all for my selfish reasons" "Then please Alberto, let me go" I whispered, holding his hand. He looked still for a moment, looking at my eyes, taking in the colour, looking for any emotion. "I cant Eve, I cant give you up, not now not ever" He finally said. I burst into tears when he said that. I cried, i was never going to see my parents again, i was never going to get my freedom. Alberto held me while i cried. "I’m so sorry Eve. But my selfishness wont let me take you back, i hope you can forgive me for that " "Go get dressed we are going out" Alberto said. In a few minutes i was downstairs dressed in a white flay gown. Where were we going? Alberto came down seconds later and led me out of his mansion. He picked the black suv car out of the seven cars that were in the garage. We got in and i asked Alberto where we were going but he said it was a suprise. Few minutes later, Alberto stopped the car and we came down. It was a beach. I shivered. "No, Alberto, im scared of the water please, lets go back. I cant swim" "Oh! I didnt know that, its too late now. Dont worry, its not like im going to push you inside the water. Lets go" Alberto picked the mat, buckets and somethings in the car before we went towards the beach. Only a few people were there, with little kids running around with water guns. The beach was blue and a wave came crashing, I screamed and went towards Alberto holding him tight in fear. He just laughed. "There’s nothing to be scared of Eve, Its just water" "Yea! just the water that takes people and drown them" I looked at the beach and saw surfers. Riding on boards with a smile on thier face. Still looking at them, Alberto spalshed water on my face. "Hey! what was that for?" I said frowning, but Alberto was just laughing. "Ok, if you can catch me, i would be your slave for the whole day, i would do anything you want me to do" I looked at the barbeque roasting at the beach, and i wanted it, if only i would just catch him and demand he buys it for me. So i stood and started running after Alberto, i was nt really a good runner, but Alberto ran like usain bolt, laughing loudly. I ran faster with all my might but Alberto was faster. I had to do something to make Alberto stop. Alberto looked back and winked at me. "Youre so slow, Eve" "My stomach it hurts!" I shouted, holding my stomach as if in pain Alberto stopped laughing and quickly ran to me. I smiled a little. Fool. He quickly held me and looked at me in concern and care. "Where does it hurt?" He asked, worry filled his face. "Gotta!" I said, jumping on him. But he stumbled and fell, and i crashed on top of him, laughing. "No thats cheating, thats not fair,.you used my emotions" I smiled, squeezing Alberto’s cheeks. "You didnt say there was a rule against that" I smiled while Alberto sighed and got up. "What do you want?" "Barbeque, ice cream, pizza" I said, pointing at everything i saw. Few minutes later, we were sitting on the mat eating. While Alberto was telling me funny jokes. I laughed till i cried. I didnt know Alberto had this playful and funny side. He looked so handsome when he smiled. His hair was wet. His muscles bulged out from his white top. He was also putting on a kakki short. Alberto was handsome. I looked at his lips as he talked and for the first time since i came to Alberto’s life, i wanted to kiss him. "Uhmm, why are you looking at me like that?" Alberto asked, smiling. "Nothing" I said, standing up and looking at the beach. It was evening already and the sun was setting, a lot of people had gone home. The water looked so calm and still. Alberto stood up and came beside me holding my shoulders and looked at the beach with me. It looked the quiet, the moment looked so perfect. "Alberto, are you ever going to let me go?" I asked looking at him. "I dont know, Eve" We stared at each other, and for a moment i forgot all my problems and i took in Alberto beautiful eyes. He bent down, coming closer to kiss me and i let him. When his lips touched mine, i felt sparkles fly. He kissed me softly and i kissed him back. His love, possessiveness, care, obsession, afftection could be felt in that kiss. This was the first time Alberto kissed me. This was the first time i kissed Alberto. This was the first time i grew feelings for Alberto. *Back to the present* I opened my eyes and saw i was still in James car. "Hey, thank God you are awake" James smiled at me. "Where are we going?" I asked James. "To your house, you are going to see your parents, Eve"
25 May 2019 | 23:12
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 12. Kane started hurrying with the wedding plans, if Olivia officially becomes his wife it will be hard for her not to forgive him if the truth finally surface, and maybe then he will find the gut to tell her the real truth which he has not being able to say or better still he will allow the past to remain where it belong. He doesn’t have to tell her anything for peace sake. He hurried the people printing the wedding cards to perfect their work on time, he has gotten his wedding attire, everything he will need and also for his best man too. Olivia who was back to school to finalise her project defence was speaking with him one afternoon and Kane said he has already gotten his wedding things and the cards has been printed waiting for distribution, everything was almost ready from his side, it remains only hers. “Kane…slow down…you seem to be running at a speed of recent, I thought we are suppose to chose the type of wedding card we want to do, we have not concluded on the colour yet, and me and you suppose to do it together when I return back from school… before even taking it for printing…I’m surprise to hear you say is already printed…you did not send the colour or pattern for me to see again… “is beautiful Olivia and I know you will love it when you see it…I will take a picture of it and send it for you to see what it looks like…I can’t wait to make you my wife…I have patiently waited for so long already…we could have being married before now if not that you said you wanted to concentrate with school and finish up before marriage and I waited…but no more waiting because is finally going to happen…everything from my side is almost ready…when you return you will go and try some wedding gowns and see which will fits…if you send me the type you really like I would have gone and get it myself…so that when you come you wouldn’t have to stress yourself over doing all that…honey should I check out some wedding gown shop online for you? “haa Kane…slow down…stop being in a hurry…I’m not going anywhere…I’m all yours…I have always being…wedding is only to make it official…you are running at a speed…I told you I will be coming next week, so relax…next week is not far from now…when I come back I will go and check out wedding gowns and also things for Emerald, I will also like to check the bridal stuffs…and my best lady too…focus on your own…I will do mine, please don’t share all the card yet…I have a lot of people I want to give personally…so just chill until I get back…alright…I love you…byeee. Kane has settled Wilson after the long misunderstanding, they were cool pals again. Wilson set up his business and refurnished his house. He visited Kane one day and they sat inside to drink and talk. Olivia who was suppose to come back the following week, decided to come home on time to plan well with Kane so he doesn’t rush up with the whole wedding plan in her absence and end up making a mistake, she wanted to foresee things as it goes. Olivia did not tell Kane that she was coming back, she has planned to surprise him, she first stopped at her place, checked on her daughter before driving down again to Kane’s house. She parked her car outside the gate and quietly went inside, as the security opened open the gate and greeted her warmly, she smile at him, he asked her why she parked outside, she told him she want to surprise Kane and the man started laughing as he thanked God for his boss and madam, who’s love affair was made in heaven. Olivia sneaked into the house, she knows every corner of the house and how to move without being seeing or heard. She followed through the back door and came in quietly, she saw that Kane was with Wilson as they drink and laugh, they were both looking drunk. Olivia wanted to come out and shout “surprise” but decided to wait a little more. Kane will be so happy to have her home and together they will sit and plan well before Kane will rush up with plans and make a mistake in her absence. She listen to Wilson and Kane talk and laugh as old friends, she also giggle within herself as she imagined Kane’s reaction when he eiy see’s her, he will be so surprised . Wilson spoke after gulping down a drink in a glass cup and poured another for himself… “I have being so busy setting up my business, thank you man…the money you gave me was all I have being asking for to start up myself…is not really a big thing, you have this money yet saw it as a big deal to help long time paddy…you should be happy to help me out after spending years in prison, prison life has always have a negative effect on people who made it out of there…those who can’t stand the shame and how to start all over again take their own life but that is not in my case…I just wanted a little support and you saw it as a big deal…helping me is not even anything compared to what I did for you, you would have being a dead man today if Olivia’s father has shot you that night as you went on digging into his daughter... that’s really pathetic…I can’t imagine, he almost took hold of that gun and blow off your brain until I intervened, I saved you and still went ahead to suffer in prison while your parents send you abroad to enjoy…guy…you have not tasted what suffering is like…you have never suffered, I will tutor you on that…so helping me to stand back on my feet suppose to be your own way of thanking me for everything I did for you…but that aside…I’m happy that you reasoned like a man and think it through…I can still hear those your punches as they sound in my ear drum, you beat me real hard because I wasn't well prepared…it was unexpected…but Kaka…you are wicked o…punching without mercy….what if I die that woke me up from sleep that morning…rushed all the way down to finish me up all because I mentioned Kaka to Olivia…that means if I had said more than that you would have truly killed me without guilt…chai…Kaka my man…I survived that night that tiger and the rest of the gang member died, I survived being beaten to death by those mob and police men, I survived the prison life and when I thought I was free from all of this…my friend decided to come and punch me to death…ahhh…I had a terrible headache for days…remember I told you about it…it was so serious…but I survived again because I was born to always survive…anyway my business is kicking up real fast and all thanks to you for finally compensating me, I have being so busy trying to set it up and I have not being able to ask you this few days how the wedding preparation is going, you promise to open up to Olivia that day…do you succeed in doing that… “well, I’m happy for you, setting up something for yourself is really good…and you cursed all the beating…you should have never sit to talk with her in my absence because you know how I will feel about that and even if you talk, you needed to be careful not to mention anything implicating, I have being able to protect myself and cover up my mess all this years, you can’t come and blow it all off over night…I have invested so much on Olivia trying to make up for the past and all she lost and I was good with that…she see’s me as Mr perfect and I want it to remain so even after getting married….and the preparation for my wedding is going on fine…I have printed the cards and even started distributing some of it, gotten my suit and other necessary things…Olivia will be here next week to get her own stuffs, I’m just waiting for her to return so that we can proceed to the alter, Wilson…about telling her my past story…I can’t tell her…how do I even start…where do I even start such confession, will I come to her and then say…”honey, please forgive me…I was the gun man that raped you and cursed your parents death…and I escaped all punishment because my parents are wealthy, I met you again unknowing at first but later found out that you were the same slender girl back then and I was happy to know that you had a daughter who is my biological child…I tried to cover up my mess all this years…but I do love you and please forgive me…let the past remain in the past…will such confession work…how do I even tell her such…I tried to say it but it hanged in my truth…I couldn’t Wilson, so I decided to wave it off, get married to her and live as one family, she doesn’t really have to know…is better she doesn’t know, what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, I mess up big time in the past, I’m not proud of what I did but it has turn out to be a blessing to me in disguise and to her also, me having her and also my daughter and she getting her dream come true, dream of finishing school, and owning a big supermarket, I can’t bring her parents back to life and I can’t undo what has being done but will try and make it right so that she will not have any reason to doubt or worry about anything… so whatever happened should be kept in the past….i will always try to cover up my tracks and in that way we will all be fine…I want to quickly get married to her now that she is done with school so that she will not be able to leave even if she finds out who I am in the future of which I know she won’t but that will be if you will also keep your mouth shut and try to get use to calling me Kane…practice it continuously so that you won’t call me Kaka again to her hearing…me and Olivia are meant to be together and even the past can not separate that fact…whatever happe….. Olivia’s leg was shaking, she couldn’t stand anymore, she staggered severally as she ran out of the gate into her car and zoomed off. The happy security was surprise to see Olivia ran off with speed, he thought within him “maybe my boss did not like the surprise and got her angry and she left...or she planned to surprise my boss and got her own surprise too which made her to leave so soon, maybe she is coming back again, she probably want to go and bring her daughter or something else, my boss and madam has never had a quarrel to my hearing…so it can’t be trouble but why do madam left in such a hurry and I can tell that she was crying or maybe I was mistaken…but whatever it is, I am preparing myself for their wedding day, there will be enough eating and drinking that day… After sometime Kane walk Wilson who was going back to his place as darkness settled everywhere. As they got to the gate, the security man happily asked Kane. “Sorry to ask you sir…do you see madam…she was here before… Kane looked at the security as if he was insane. “Which madam are you talking about? Kane asked the security in a funny way. “I mean our madam, the only madam here…Madam Olivia…I thought you saw her when she…. “…Are you on a cheap drink…madam is in school and will be coming back next week, you must be seeing double…I wonder what you are talking about…stop babbling and open the gate… Kane said in a funny way as him and Wilson started laughing, they ignored the security man who was acting confused. The security man wondered if madam has become a ghost that his boss could not see her when she came in and went out in a hurry. Kane later went back inside and ignored the confuse security man who doesn’t seem to know what he was saying. he went inside to call Olivia, but her line was off, he left a message that he was missing her and can’t wait to have her all to himself.
25 May 2019 | 23:17
Thing are getting messed up kane should have just let her know before now
26 May 2019 | 06:00
Things are getting messed up kane should have just let her know before now
26 May 2019 | 06:01
Kane sorry to disappointment you, but she has known the truth and it will take only the grace of God for her to forgive you
26 May 2019 | 11:15
Kane sorry to disappointment you, but she has known the truth and it will take only the grace of God for her to forgive you
26 May 2019 | 11:15
No more wedding
26 May 2019 | 14:48
olivia u hav to dealt with it
26 May 2019 | 16:26
Things won't work out again Wedding canceled
26 May 2019 | 17:35
hmmmmmm,,, d bible says whosoever covereth his sin will not do good... u should Hav talked to her,,, if she forgave u, all well and good
26 May 2019 | 18:48
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 13. Olivia stood closed to the window, looking out at nothing as she consume her mind with different thoughts, she breathed deeply and continued to stare at nothing. Her phone was ringing again but she ignored as usual and remained focus at whatever she was staring at. Helen spoke from the background as she move closer to stand with her “Babe…babe…your phone is ringing again, he is still the one calling…you have been standing at this window for almost an hour and has refuse to say anything…I understand Olivia…how terrible and unbelievable all this are…you have always being a strong woman, I envy your kind of strength babe…I usually say that to you….i still wish I’m as strong as you are…now Is time…time to show this strength that you posses inside of you…you can overcome this…for the sake of those that love you and for Emerald sake…whom you carried without shame, bore and nursed her and have never stop being a great mother to her…Kane or Kaka or whatever his names are can not make you break down…I’m still in a shock, finding it hard to believe is been him all this while…Jeeezzz…this world is a terrible place to live in…so terrible…nobody can tell who is who anymore…maybe I have to check if my husband is one of my step father’s relatives…is very funny but things are really happening…but I know Francis can never have a bloodline from such a terrible man… oh my God, Babe what do you plan to do now… you almost got married to him without knowing this deep…huge secrets…your wedding is three weeks from now…how could Kane…I mean Kaka…whatever…all this years you have being with him and he never find it necessary to tell you who he was…he was probably afraid to say it…is terrifying to even believe all this is happening… Helen kept on talking but Olivia was quiet and continue to stare at nothing, she wasn’t listening, her mind was occupied with different things, Helen gently touched her and she turned and move away from the window to sit down. She has being waiting to wake up from this night mare since yesterday, hoping and silently praying is not true, pinching herself just to make sure she is not having a bad dream, she has checked herself severally wondering if she was day dreaming, still waiting to wake up from all of this because the heaviness of it all will be too much to bear. Olivia suddenly stood up, picked up her car key and phone, she told Helen she was going, Helen asked her where she was going to but she didn’t reply as she stormed out and drove out with speed. She kept driving until she finally got to where she was going to, she didn’t bother stepping down immediately as she held her steering and place her aching head on it. She stayed that way for long before finding the courage to step down and quietly walked out. Olivia passed so many well constructed tombstone, the whole place was so still, soundless. The synonyms that is commonly used to define a deadly quietly place is a grave yard, people usually say “as quietly as a graveyard”, and they were right, because this place was deadly quiet. Olivia thought within herself as she continued to walk down until she got to a twin tombstone, standing beside each other. An inscription was on it. The tomb wasn’t like this few years ago, but she later paid people who raised it up to a better standard. She couldn’t give her parents a befitting burial, she couldn’t fulfil her promise of making her caring and loving father proud even after they died she still did not make them proud. Her father must have felt disappointed in her, all this years of being with a man who murdered them in cold blood. Olivia cleared a place and sat down quietly close to the two tomb belonging to her father and her mother. She did not utter a word immediately as she sat in silent, she face her father’s tomb, shut her eyes and opened it, she breathed down before finding the word to speak out. “you were my hero, a good husband and father, you loved mother and loved me, you called us “your girls” you cared for mother all through the time she fell ill, you struggled to make sure I attain height, despite there was not enough for the house upkeep you sent me to school to study and become whatever I want to be, I see your struggle which you try to hide sometimes, I can write a long composition about you, and a whole rim of A4 paper will go half from writing about you father, you died while trying to save me. You saw it all even before it happened…mother was worried about you, we wondered what was eating at you, but you couldn’t even say what exactly you battled within your mind, we never knew that the real darkness was coming until it came and totally consumed you and mother and I ask my self severally why it spared me…I wanted to die that night, I have wished we all disappeared from this crazy and wicked world… But for whatever reason I was spared, I had Emerald, she is growing so well... Father, I finished up with school, I have everything except two of you, and do you know who takes credit for all this so called “good things” in my life, do you know who is behind it all..? is you and mother’s killer, Kaka…hmmm. it has being Kaka all this while, all this years it was Kaka…my worst night mare, the man who killed you and mother untimely, together with his friend, they killed you and mother and crumble my entire world and since then i vow with this your grave never to spare such a man, I studied so hard for the same curse, to bring people like him to book, I never knew that my worst enemy, the dreaded devil himself was the same love of my life, the man I believed to be so perfect, and angelic being. Father our wedding is few weeks from now, I could have being long time married to him without truly knowing he was the man I have fought in my mind all this years…you and mother’s killer. Hmmm, father I felt like I have disappointed in everything, I failed in my promises too. Sorry is not enough to explain how I feel. i…I practically killed you over and over again when I went about with the same man who killed you first…he tried to make up with his money, sending me to school, opening a supermarket and many other things but he has failed to bring you and mother back to life, his money still has not being able to bring you both to life…father do you know the painful part…Kaka did not face any judgement, he walked free after unleashing terror, I listened to him yesterday and hard his friend said that he took all the punishment meant for both of them and went to prison while he was sent abroad, Kaka did not face any kind of punishment father, not from the land, not from the law or even nature… his money saved him from all of this…but it won’t save him forever…I will make sure of that…I hate when somebody preach to me about forgiveness, do they understand what forgiveness really means, I could forgive a man if he cheat on me and hurt me, I will forgive a man who stepped on my feet unknowingly, a man who ran into my car and I caused an accident… I can also forgive this, I could forgive anything but how do I forgive a man who finished an entire family, a man who killed my sweet mother and my loving father, beat and raped me without remorse, we have never offended any one, father you thought me how to live a simple life and stay in my lane and I followed all this teaching carefully until the same man I looked up to disappeared like a wind by the devil’s angel himself.. People who talk about forgiveness...hmmm… I just wish they will take a walk in my shoes, feel what it was like to loss a kind and daring man that you are…a homely and understanding mother…my loving caring parents to a man called Kaka, Kaka traveled out after the whole mess, while I mourn he was living his life, while you continue to lie in this cold grave he was having the best of his life and saying to himself “I’m not proud of my past but it has turned out to be a blessing because Olivia and Emerald who is my biological daughter will be mine, we are meant to be one family, my past is turning out to be my blessing”. hahaha, Father can you believe he said that, He actually did…what a lame and stupid excuse, a very nice way to move on with his life. I can’t bring you back…if money would have…I’m sure you and mother will be alive right now…I will return soon to give you details of how it all went. This is my battle father, Kaka scaled through everything, the land, the law and even nature failed to punish him but I’m sure he won’t escape from my claws, maybe it has being divinely arranged for this day to come when he will get his own share of punishment, from me and I won’t fail, I won’t fail you this time. I will certainly get my own pound of flesh…and come back with details for you and mother… I don’t know when but I will certainly return. Keep resting father…keep resting mother. Olivia wiped off her tears and walked away. She zoomed off and went home, her daughter was home and doing her home work on the reading table while the nanny makes dinner. Olivia’s phone was ringing again and it was Kane, she picked it up “Olivia…where on earth did you keep your phone, I have being calling since yesterday, I was already planning to drive down to your school to know what is happening…why aren’t you taking your calls…and you did not return any of the calls…Olivia, are you alright over there…you got me scared and worried…what happened to your phone…I even try calling your friend Helen…just to ask if she has heard from you but she is not taking her own calls either…her phone rang continuously but she did not pick or return my calls…I don’t understand why you will always make me to worry so much over you…do you know how I feel if I don’t get to hear from you…I will become scared thinking that something bad might have happened… Olivia is not right…my heart has being troubled since yesterday…. “I’m sorry, i misplaced my phone, and couldn’t find it on time because it was on silent…I could have called with another person’s phone but I have being so buried with this project work, trying to finalize everything so that I can come home to you…I’m sorry Ka..kane…I will keep my phone close to avoid missing your calls again… “Alright, I feel better now that I have hard from you, I miss you honey, everything about you and I can’t wait to have you all to myself…come home soon so that you can get your wedding gown and every other thing that you may need… “in a second thought…I think you should go ahead and get whatever you think is cool, any wedding gown you pick for me I will wear it, you already know my size and what I will like…so go on and get it, I may come home and feel tired to start going to a wedding shop, you know the stress with school, and our wedding is few weeks from now…I may not really meet up touring bridal shops for a wedding gown…please go ahead… “Alright…I will do that, I actually suggested that for you before but you strongly opposed it, I’m surprised that you changed your mind but glad to do your shopping for you…I will take a picture of it and send to you to make your choice…so that once you come back it will be to the alter straight and we will live happily ever after… They talked some more before Olivia told him she need to go to bed and rest, Kane later ended the call. Kane was happy as he started checking wedding gown online. by tomorrow he will go to any fine bridal shop he searched out online, he will go and properly check the gowns for his lovely wife to be.
27 May 2019 | 00:11
Sorry for ur sorry self kane
27 May 2019 | 03:10
Hmmm so Olivia wanted to proceed with the marriage and play ignorance of Kane past, I wonder how she is going to avenge her parent death
27 May 2019 | 04:00
kane neva knw wat awaits him
27 May 2019 | 08:25
27 May 2019 | 08:33
27 May 2019 | 08:33
ur big mouth of a friend who can't stop talking about the past has cause u trouble now,next pls
27 May 2019 | 09:45
Am laughing in chinese
27 May 2019 | 10:52
Hmmmmmm okay she wants to pretend until the wedding day
27 May 2019 | 13:17
"Hell cannot stand de fury of a woman",,,,I pity u Kaka/Kane cos u have no idea what lies in wait for u sha....
27 May 2019 | 13:19
kane sorry for u
27 May 2019 | 17:59
Hmmmm,,, don't worry. a big shock is coming Ur way Kane
27 May 2019 | 18:31
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 14. She was a learned lawyer which made it easy for her to draw out all the plans, she has typed out all the document, everything necessary, and within two weeks everything was ready, she could have leased it out for a period of time, maybe five years or more but she decided to sell it off instead. She contacted real estate managers and they quickly put it out for her and without wasting time buyers began to show interest. Different buyers contacted her through her estate mangers while some spoke to her direct with their different prices but she was looking out for more than just the money. She didn’t want to waste time on bargains, Olivia was very particular about time, and she did not have enough of it. Olivia finally accepted a buyer, different people has being coming, she has put it out as very urgent and will be given to the first set of buyers, and different companies and big personalities has being coming to bargain for the price but she finally got a somebody who she handed all the document to after signing. The money was quickly transferred to her account, her estate managers were well settled. The new owner agrees with Olivia to change the name from Olivem to whatever he pleases after four months of buying it and he also agreed to retain the staffs too and can bring in more staffs if he desires so. Olivem was in her name, the property belonged to her but not anymore, she sold it all out. After selling Olivem supermarket without Kane’s knowledge she moved on with her next plan. She handed Emerald over to Helen, who traveled out of the state with her, enabling her to concentrate on her mission. She paid Emerald’s nanny off and she left. Olivia drove down to see Kane as he has being calling all this while and she being giving him different excuses of being away but promise to return a week before the wedding to try her wedding gown and every other thing. Olivia drove down to Kane’s place, he was outside waiting for her arrival, the security man was happy to see her as he greeted her cheerfully. She went in with excited Kane, immediately they got inside he gently drew her into a hug and try to kiss her. She turned her face, smile and stepped away. “honey, what’s wrong, is there a problem…oh wait… is my mouth smelling…I can quickly brush up…hahahaha…I missed you so much honey…everyday without you in it is so empty…I just can’t wait for this wedding thing to be over and I’m so happy you are done with school, I will finally have you all to myself…are you not happy about that, I miss you honey more than you can imagine… Kane made another attempt to kiss her but she pulled out again from him still smiling as if nothing was wrong, she was putting up a fine acting but deep down she was bleeding. Olivia wish she can quickly put a bullet to his head so that he can join all the people he has killed, Olivia imagined different things as she stood staring at Kane and smiling so well while her thought was consumed with what she planned for Kane. She stared at the face of the man she has loved so deeply all this years not knowing he has always being her enemy, her worst night mare, a murderer, her parent’s killer, pretending and lying to her face all this years. She will not spare him, Kane will not escape from her claws. He has escaped from everything that could have punished him for all the children he rendered orphan, for wealthy home him and his gangs wrecked, for all the blood of the innocent he has shed that cry out for vengeance. For those with wounded heart who cried to their grave, lives where turned upside down because of a man like Kaka who escaped all of what could have punished him because of his wealthy father. Nobody avenged for the poor and the helpless people whose hope he destroyed, no justice for the afflicted. She could have finished up with school and become whatever she wanted to be if Kane has not killed her father, her father would have made her dreams to still come through but the man standing before her killed him with her mother and try to make up at same time receiving glory which wasn’t befitting him. Kaka was the man that stood before her and not Kane, because Kane died and disappeared from her life the day she found out the truth, every Kane in her vanished like thin air and left a monster called Kaka, her hate was much more than she has ever loved, it consumed her every thinking and whole being. Olivia was fully in on this, she was not just doing it for her parents but also for many others whose hope was bashed and never gets out of the mess that their oppressor created, justice must be served. “he who kills by the sword must die by the sword” Kane has incurred many charges in the court of law, serious charges like murder, possession of fire arms, robbery, rape and so many others and such a person doesn’t deserve to walk free after committing all this crime. Kane will have his own part of the general cake so that he can find out how it taste. “I miss you too Kane, more than you do but you know our wedding is few day from now so let’s try to keep this few days a little holy without getting so intimate…after all I’m still yours, you will have me the way you want…so be patient for the remaining days…wait until the wedding is over…I’m always here for you… “oh really…oohkay…is kind of difficult just staring at those fine lips of yours without a kiss…or cuddle or even more…you know what I mean…hahahaha…but I will try and wait…I’m a very patient and obedient man when it comes to you…every of your word must stand my royal highness…if you want us to wait…fine, no kissing but maybe a little cuddle…pleaseeeee…don’t leave me like this…hahaha…having you in my arms is all I want…I won't do more than that…but I’m not promising…hahahaha…I’m so happy honey…finally…I feel like tearing down the roof with this whole joy in my heart…you are going to be my wife, we will both be a great parents to Emerald…a great loving family…that’s my heart desire and is all coming through…thank you for staying by myself all this years…your presence in my life have made me a changed man…I love you now and will continue to love till I draw my last breath…we will have more children if God pleases and grow old together…I’m forever yours, I have seen different women, different sizes and height but I have never seeing a woman so beautiful, loving, caring, so understanding…a great cook, homely and very friendly not just to me but to everyone…like you, you posses it all and even more….you are so special Olivia and I love you with my every breath…and will love you forever… Olivia kept smiling as Kane came closer and kissed her forehead, he try to hold her but Olivia walked away. Kane showed her the gown and many other things he bought, he told her he has even booked a makeup artist for her but Olivia told him to pay the person off because she has her own makeup artist who will attend to her. Kane bought things for her and Emerald, he has paid for everything, the caterers, photographers and the video coverage, the venue inclusive and all the decoration that was already on going. Invitations has being sent out to people who are looking forward to the day. Kane urged Olivia to try the gown but Olivia said he can’t see her in her wedding gown before the wedding day because is not right and Kane agreed with her. Olivia later left with the wedding gowns. The day finally came and Kane was so excited as him and his men dressed up that morning for his wedding. Kane checked his bow tie to ascertain if it was in order, he smile into the mirror. He practiced different smile to know which is lovelier to smile to Olivia when she walks down the aisle to meet him. Today was the day, he has waited for so long for this day to come and is finally here, he called Olivia that morning to inform her that he was already on his way and Olivia told him that she and her girls were rounding up with their makeups and will soon be on their way. People were already gathering at the venue as Kane arrive with his men, Wilson was among Kane’s groom men Kane and his men stepped in with style into the auditorium. A lot of people cheer at them as he walked down with his men in suit to wait for his beautiful wife to arrive. Olivia stood in front of the mirror and stare into it with a frown. She was dressed in her wedding gown. Her phone rang and she picked up “Hello ma…is ready, we are waiting for you…everything is ready… “Okay, thanks… I’m coming out now….today is a good day…few hours from now I will be married…is a good thing…I’m glad is all going to happen finally…so the wedding first…my groom is waiting…of curse I’m happy…a little patient…I’m coming out gently before I ruin my beautiful gown… Olivia stepped out with a smile, as she whispered again to herself “Today… is my wedding day”.
28 May 2019 | 02:42
28 May 2019 | 07:31
Hmmmm,,, following
28 May 2019 | 08:56
I thought you now hate Kane so. Why go on with the wedding
28 May 2019 | 11:25
revenge is best served cold. Kane doesn't Kno what is coming...
28 May 2019 | 15:21
Kane wil be arrest during d wedding programme
28 May 2019 | 17:41
hmm I know it hard to forgive such people,but u should've consider ur daughter too an think how she we feel when she grew up an find out,it painful selling those things is not even a good idea,,,but well it ur choice
28 May 2019 | 17:48
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 15. She stood before them, looking at the small box. The man spoke “Is licensed madam…is not doubled barreled, is just a normal one for armatures… just as you requested, no harm if you can handle it, here is it if you have the mind to handle it with care, is not loaded yet. We have already taught you how to load it and use when the needs arises, you have to be extra careful so that you don’t turn it on your self…but madam…you can change your mind and there won’t be any problem at all… “No…give it to me, and thank you for your service. You can leave now. The man drove off with the other two and Olivia went back to her car and made a called “Hello Inspector…good day sir…do you get my message? “Barrister Olivia, how are you doing over there, i was informed by my men about your request…how many men do you need and they will be sent to you right away…and what exactly is the situation on ground, I couldn’t get the full details from my men, they told me is a criminal offence, consisting of different crimes that was overlaid for years…and you are taking up the case to handle in court, I trust whatever judgement you dares fits…I’m strongly behind you Barrister…so, I’m sending my men to you right away… “Thank you inspector, I appreciate all your good work and joining hands with me to bring justice for the deserted…you are doing a good job and your rank of truth will keep going higher….as for the men, I won’t be needing them any more…let me handle this myself…going with your men may complicate things…so I will handle this in my own way…and if there’s any changes I will definitely let you know…I will give you feed back on how it goes but I’m sure that self defense is not murder sir…that was why I requested to deal directly with you on this case…thank you once again Inspector… “Police is your friend…anytime and any day, try and be careful out there…and if you eventually change your mind don’t fail to let us know…in truth… self defense is not murder Barrister and that is more reason you need the police for your defense at all time so that you won’t take laws into your own hands…but I respect your wish…your wish is my command…be good…you can always reach me anytime you need me… Olivia later ended the call, she looked at the small box which was sitting carefully in the passenger sit, and she removed it from there and placed it under her seat before she zoomed off. Olivia was already running late, as she entered the express her phone was ringing, Kane was calling she end the call continuously as he calls, different number called but she kept ending it without answering it at all, she was still in her wedding dress and a dark sun glasses. Her phone rang again and she looked at the caller it was from Doctor Kate, Olivia ended the call again without picking but doctor Kate kept calling and later doctor Mark also started calling, she ignored it and kept driving with speed, she decided to switch off her phone but another call came in and it was doctor Kate calling again, Olivia decided to slow down her speed, she parked her car and answered the call. “Hello doctor Kate… “Olivia…oh my God…what is happening, I have being trying to call you since and even asked doctor Mark to try and reach you too…what I’m I hearing…I spoke with Helen not long ago, she called me asking me to reach you immediately before you hurt yourself… she told me everything and I’m still in shock…why didn’t you tell me…you kept it away from me all this while…Olivia, so Kane was Kaka…oh my God, why didn’t you tell me when you found out…and today was suppose to be your wedding…what are you planning? Please, before you make any rational decision tell me where you are… please where are you Olivia…I need to see you…I know you are hurt…we are worried about you…Mark is here with me and he is also worried sick…I know you are hurting but please forgive him and let loose of whatever plans you have for him…don’t do it…Helen told me what you intend to do to him and she couldn’t talk you out of it…she is hoping I will succeed with you….I know how much hate you have held all this years for Kaka not knowing he was close to your skin…I understand is accumulated hate but please forgive him…. “forgive him…forgive him, like seriously….doctor Kate, that was more reason why I refused to take your calls because I know this will be your normal preaching…forgiveness…you don’t understand and I don’t expect anybody to understand anything right now…my mind is made up and I will handle this the way I want to...please stop worrying…I will be alright…but is either he goes or I go…one of us must leave this earth for the other because I can’t stand living in the same planet with Kaka, I have swore it and my words stand doctor…forgiveness is more reason many evil souls are rooming around this world, committing more crime, unleashing terror on the innocent, because they know they will be forgiven anyway. I could have think in the line of forgiveness if Kaka had come to me all this years and tell me the truth, the truth of being behind my parents death, the truth about everything Doctor Kate…if he was remorseful about it and I finally find the courage to let go…or I would have just get him arrested for him to face the justice that he escaped from and move on with my daughter…but Kaka knew all this while and made me to believe that he was Kane….i have thought this through and nothing will change my mind…I would have gone after his father and watch Kaka bleed like I bleed but the man is retired and very old and my battle is not with the old man but with Kaka…Kaka has money and connection…well, the money can’t save him now, not anymore, I have connection…more than he can imagine…so I’m all set for this…I’m sorry doctor Kate…I have always listened to you in everything…but I won’t on this…I’m still bleeding…I hurt so deeply…more than you can imagined…just knowing my worst enemy…the man I have hated with passion and killed several times already in my mind was staring right at my face all this years…he bought freedom with money and also thinks he can buy my forgiveness with money…to hell with his money…I will be his worst night mare…and he will not escape it doctor…I don’t care what it will cause me…I have sold out Olivem...and that was my starting line…if I let it all go…Kaka will think it was his money that work as usual, he will think he bought me over like he has being doing, escaping everything because he believes his money gives him power…I won’t let this go, he can’t afford my forgiveness…is too expensive for him…this time his money won’t save him…please not now doctor…don’t preach to me…because at the end of everything is either him or me…period. Olivia ended the call, switched off her phone and entered the express again before zooming off. She has already sent some men to pay the securities at Kane’s gate off, to leave for one week and she has gotten the information that they have left. No obstruction. Somebody was waiting for her along the express, she picked up the person and when she drove down to Kane’s place she handed her car keys to the man and ask him to drive off with it to an unknown place where her car won’t be easily seen and the man drove off. Olivia raised her wedding gown as she walked into the gate. She has her own keys to the house so she unlock the house and entered inside. Kane and every one else got tired from waiting for Olivia, some people even stepped outside talking in a whisper, the media was already taking pictures and recording the event. Kane was breathing hard as his men tries to calm him down. time has gone and people where gradually leaving in shame. Kane was more ashamed as people looked at him in pity, the media was capturing the moment and he almost fought with one of the coverage men, he broke a camera of another photographer who took picture of him continuously. His bride has deserted him, Olivia never showed up at the wedding, Kane’s frustration grew as he couldn’t understand why Olivia would do this to him, he has sent people to search for her and even check her in her place and anywhere possible but they all returned back without any positive news. Kane went inside the dressing room and asked everybody to keep off. He punch hard on the wall and stamp his feet in anger “what if she was kidnapped, involve in an accident, fell sick or something else happened to her…what if…. Kane couldn’t think straight, He sat on the ground and held his head. This was a great shame to his personality, he will be in the news for the wrong reasons, he has never in his life expected this to happen, Olivia’s phone was switched off, Kane has tried calling Helen earlier and it rang before she also switched off her phone. Something wasn’t right. Olivia has nailed him to the wall, how could she do such and what happened to her. People who came for the wedding saw things as it unfold, they quietly lined up at the food side, collecting food and drink, and some sat to eat and enjoy their selves. A woman well dressed gossiped with another woman as they eat their food at one corner quietly. “ Fredi, Fredi…haaa…the bride did not show up again…ewoo…things are happening oo…like play the groom has entered news with this o…news people have carried his story and by morning almost everybody will hear, social media, Instagram, Facebook, twitter and news agencies will carry this interesting story…do you see how angry the groom was…he fought with those photographers…if not for his friends holding him he would have done more…his father is a senator…but retired...the groom has money…he opened one big supermarket for his wife to be…the bride has a daughter, her parents were both killed by some gun men many years ago…how terrible…poor child, she was also raped and later had her daughter before she met the young man, the lady is a barrister now…oh you don’t know…now you know… “Ewoooo, Cordi…you don’t meant it…things are happening oo, aah what a poor child…I don’t know oo until now you are telling me…I only hard they have being together for long because the girl was in school…why will she abandoned her husband to be in the alter like that, the young man have locked himself in the priest dressing room and warned everybody to keep off…even his friends…me I only know a little about the lady and the man…but I never knew about the bride parents…how do you even know more than me Cordi…who told you all of this… “Me, do you know who I am…hmmm… I know many things Fredi…any old or latest news even if is being whispered inside an ant hole…I will still hear it…indeed things are happening like this one that just happened…is a big disgrace oo but it won’t matter much because there is enough food to eat and take away…this food is very sweet…they may refix the wedding again and we will come and eat, drink and gather gist for those who couldn’t make it down… Kane later left as night approach, all the people who came for the wedding were all gone except for Wilson who waited for him. They first drove to check Olivia at her place but nobody was around, even his daughter and the nanny wasn’t home, another drive to Helen’s place but nobody was also around there. Kane drove out again to Olivem supermarket but he got the shock of his life, as he was told that Olivem has being sold to another. Kane did not believe the story, he left immediately. He knew it can’t be possible because Olivia can not just sell such a huge asset without his knowledge. Kane believed that something wasn’t right. He drove back home with Wilson that night, his two security that was suppose to be on duty were all gone, nobody on the duty post or in the house even his house keepers. His body was shaking in anger, he try to understand what was really happening but he couldn’t think of any thing. The first shock was Olivia not turning up for the wedding, the second was finding out that Olivem has being sold to another, he did not believe the last story about selling Olivem because the big sign post of the supermarket was still there, the name is still there, everything is still the same even the staffs, so it can’t be true and Olivia can not do such a thing without informing him. Now his worries was “where is Olivia and my daughter” what happened to her…what is going on? He try to answer this question but couldn’t. Wilson spoke to Kane “Calm down…just calm down…and let’s hope she is alright…something has being going through my mind…do you think she knows…I mean she knows that you are Kaka…? “what kind of stupid thing are you even saying with your mouth…how can she know…is not possible for her to know like that except you went behind me again to tell her that I’m Kaka… “I can never do such thing to you…I never told her anything or sat with her again to talk after that first day…I was only wondering in my mind…what if she knows and played cool…she is a very intelligent person and she read law…you could have told her Kane…even before the wedding…I still stand on this…is she doesn’t know now and found out after the wedding that you are Kaka do you think she will forgive you…it will hurt her and is… “Wilson just keep shut…I don’t need all this right now…my head is already full…I have asked you before... how do you want me to put my mouth and tell her…how do you really want me to say it…that we killed her parents…I was an arm robber, I raped her…i escaped being punished because money speaker louder in our society...and I have known all this while who she was for years now but try to cover for the past…by giving her all I took from her…everything money can buy…I bought it for her but her parents are dead and I can’t bring them to life with money…and finally I will say…I am sorry Olivia …please forgive me for the sake of Emerald our daughter and forgive me because i Made your dreams to come true…jeezzzz…that is the worst confession I have ever hard…I don’t have such courage Wilson…I can’t tell her all that and she must not find out…maybe I will find the courage to do it someday but not today and not tomorrow…I need to find her first…that is my main problem now…please…don’t add to my trouble…by tomorrow the media will carry my picture and name to the public that is if they have not started already…they even captured the moment I was fighting those fools called camera men….my fear is where is Olivia and my daughter…what happened…maybe I should call the police to start a search for them…no, I don’t want to involve the police yet…what is happening to me…who did I offend…why must this embarrassing thing happened to me…why me, how could Olivia do this to me…oh my God ….i…I just want to stay alone…please leave Wilson…I will keep trying her number until I’m able to reach her…leave…I don’t want to see anybody right now…I want to think…all this is just too much… Wilson later left, Kane kept pacing up and down, he will punch the wall so hard and scream so loud in frustration. Olivia listened from where she was, she has planted a recording camera which she was listening to everything that Kane and Wilson was saying. Olivia was upstairs, in one of the rooms in Kane's house still in her wedding gown. “Is time for the main wedding to begin” Olivia said to herself as she opened the small box.
29 May 2019 | 02:58
This is the beginning of the end
29 May 2019 | 05:25
29 May 2019 | 06:02
29 May 2019 | 09:53
so u can't forgive
29 May 2019 | 12:06
Its time
29 May 2019 | 14:55
The show just started
29 May 2019 | 16:00
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 16. Olivia opened the door quietly and stepped out, she stood at the top of the staircase and look down at Kane as he went on talking to himself, pacing up and down with his phone in hand. Olivia turned on her phone and started going down, her phone was in her left hand while her right was occupied with a short gun, a long twisted rope was hanging down from her neck Kane was surprised as Olivia's phone rang and it was just within the house. He followed the sound and saw Olivia in a wedding gown standing on the stairs Kane opened his mouth in shock as he saw the gun in her hand. Olivia smile at him as she steps down in style " long dreaded comes your bride...I have looked forward to this day thinking it will never come, and finally here we are... I'm your bride Mr kaka and I'm here to lead you to your death... the death you escaped from all this years.. and after murdering you several times in my mind and watch you die over and over... now I will finally bring it to past in reality. This will be happening physically not in my dreams or mind is our wedding day... the day you will get to join those you have killed...are you scared... shocked...oh sweetheart don't be... you should be smiling because your bride is here... I'm here for you.. kaka the kaka... hahaha... Kane's phone fell off from his hand as Olivia approach, he started moving towards the door not knowing what to do or say, his legs shakes as Olivia got close and closer. He stammered but nothing reasonable came out he wondered in fear how long Olivia has known him to be Kaka yet she played cool "Olivia... please...Olivia... please... I'm sorry... please don't do this...please... drop the gun in your hand let's talk... please keep that thing away is dangerous... give me a chance to explain... keep the gun away Olivia... let me explain... "A chance to explain what exactly... why you killed my loving father and innocent unleashed darkness to my loving home and scale through without punishment.. Kaka, you had all the chance for years to explain to me why you killed my parents... you had all the chance to explain why you rendered me and many others heartbroken... you had all the chance Kaka to face judgement for all your terrible crimes but yet you took all this chance for granted... and a day like this has come for you to face the judgement seat... today is our wedding day... I'm your bride of death... and I will join you together with the otherworld... the bullet inside this gun is our wedding ring...but first I will release one bullet after the other... there are four in to your testicles which you forcefully used to raped me... another to your heart where the evil was formed, then one to your hand which you used to strike me then the last is to your head...I will Watch your brain scatter everywhere... first thing first... take this rope and tire round yourself...right now...I also have tape to tape up your mouth if you dares make a noise... Olivia threw the rope at Kane who stepped away from it and rushed to the door to escape, Olivia shoot at the door and the bullet flew out through the window, it shattered the window glasses, Kane fell back in shock on seeing that Olivia is determined to kill him. Olivia ordered him to crawl back with his knees, pick up the rope and tire up himself Kane obeyed and crawl back, he did everything Olivia asked of him obediently. Olivia switched off his phone and also her own and threw it off Olivia checked to make sure the rope around Kane was tight enough before going back to relax on the cushion and face Kane. "I just wasted one bullet... you thought this is a joke right? any other mistake from you and I will release all the bullet to your skull...bastard....You had everything kaka... what exactly was your reason for destroying the poor... what is your reason for unleashing terror on the innocent...I will kill you and nothing will happen... you know why because I'm also rich, I'm a barrister...I have the ear of this present government.. after killing you kaka...i will get away after few judgement and I will live my life as nothing conscience will be at peace, well justified because I did to you what you first did to others. Have you hard the latest gist in town aside your wedding gist...well, I sold OLIVEM... I'm a multi millionaire... I'm rich just like your father... because your father was weathy and you think you can get away with anything... never again Kaka...never... you prepared me for this day... and i'm well prepared for you...give me reason why I shouldn't kill you right away...but that must include bringing my parents back to life because that's the only way you will escape this... Kaka the notorious killer... today is your judgement day... you will taste what real pain feels like...our wedding Just began... kaka.. my worst enemy... caught in his own web.. "Olivia please...I'm not kaka, I'm Kane...i know I use to be notorious...I did things I still regret... I'm not proud of my very terrible and i can't understand why i did what I did... Olivia please forgive me...I never imagined it will get to this...I could have confessed before now but I was scared...I was so scared...I didn't want to loose you and I didn't even know how to present it to you... please... I'm pleading... not because I'm scared of dying but because I understand your pain... don't go this way of hate because of me... I'm not what I used to conscience Judge me everyday...far more than any kind of physical judgement.. I never meant for your parents to die, I...I accepted my sin of killing them unknowingly... because if I haven't... went over you when you appeared... they might still be alive...if money could have bring them to life I'm sure they will be alive by now because I was determined to give you all that... I took from you, love, happiness, dreams come true, fulfilment and family... saying sorry is never enough to show how I have felt all this years, I was being eaten up by guilt everyday of my life yet...I couldn't face my fear...I try to cover it. It wasn't my intention to destroy your home and Wilson were running from the police and decided to take a shelter and we found ourselves in your house and the moment you appeared I felt all hot...I quickly forgot the reason why we were there and bounce on you... and when your father tries to save you by taking my gun to shoot me, Wilson saved me instead and shot him before he could... but I...I never wanted to kill anybody or to hurt you...I had enough to smoke and drink that evening before our mission and that affected everything I did that eyes was cleared after the deed was done... I'm sorry Olivia... I'm deeply sorry... please forgive me for the sake of Emerald, for the sake of our sweet journey together... for God's sake most especially... please...I love you so much...I lov... Olivia rushed to him and slapped him twice, she kicked him so hard, she used a stool and stone him and Kane started bleeding, she continued to hit him until she was tired, she removed the wedding gown she was wearing and set it on fire close to Kane so that he will feel the heat of the fire Kane's hands and legs were tired and he couldn't do anything, he Just sat in a silent sob Olivia wore a black Jean trouser and a black top under the wedding gown. She faced Kane again. "If you ever repeat the word "love" then your death will come quicker.. you love me, do you know what love is.. you bastard...I loved my and Wilson killed them both in a cold blood, I almost died that night but I was destined to reopen your case someday... and the reason why I'm not after Wilson because he went to prison and faced his punishment while you went to abroad... to avoid being punished but today I bring judgement home to will face it...if you escaped from everything... you can't escape from my my dictionary there's no forgiveness for someone like you... I could have handed you over to the police but your money may not allow them to give you a well befitting punishment...I don't want to waste time with your case in I brought it home to you kaka. The night is is Just me and you in this big house Kane remained quiet, his whole body hurt, he was bleeding from his head and other parts of his body... the wedding gown fire burns out as he tries to move his body away from the fire, he looked up at Olivia and saw that she was another person entirely as anger consumed her every breath, she was so determined to kill him slowly until he dies, but he noticed Olivia was finding it difficult to complete her task of shooting him. Kane couldn't think of what to do, Olivia moved closer to him, she raised the gun and pointed it directedly at him, her hands were shaking, she lowered the gun, again breathed deeply and before pointing it again at him. Kane saw opportunity to save himself he quickly used his legs and swept Olivia off from the ground Olivia fell with a heavy thud to the ground and screamed in pain, the gun slipped out of her hand and fell faraway. Kane, who's hand and legs were tired roll on the floor to grabbed the gun with his legs. Olivia sustained injury on her head from the heavy fall, she rushed to the gun but Kane kicked her hard with his legs again and she fell on the television sets which shattered into her body, and the sharp objects cut deeply into her skin, Olivia released a heavy cry. Kane kept on trying to untied himself to be able to pick up the gun. Before Olivia could get up from the ground Kane has succeeded to untied himself, he loosened from the rope and rushed to the gun. He picked up the gun and went to Olivia who's face was covered in her own blood. He bent over her on seeing her deep wound which blood flows out from "Olivia... I'... I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you this way...I just did not want you to do what you planned to do... please get up...oh my God... you need a quick medical attention... Where's my phone... oh my God... Kane cried silently as tears clouded his eyes, he lifted Olivia who acted as if she has fainted and couldn't stand on her own, Kane searched around for his phone so that he can call an ambulance, he didn't see his phone he returned back to Olivia and tried to wake her, he put the gun in his pocket as he cleaned up the blood on Olivia's face he bent to kiss her lips while holding her in his arm. Olivia bite his lips so hard, kicked him in his stomach before grabbing the gun from Kane's pocket. She felt weak as she quickly stood staggered back and pointed the gun at Kane who was bleeding from his lips. Kane raised his two hands up in a surrender as he stood and approach Olivia begging her not to shoot him. Olivia ordered him to get down on his knees, he hesitated while still pleading and Olivia fired the bullet. Kane fell back in scream as the bullet hit his right knee. He fell down and pretend to be dead so that Olivia will not shoot him again. He lied still on the ground without shaking and held his breath as he silently pray that Olivia will not shoot again. Olivia's hand was shaking as she continued to point the gun at Kane. When She saw that he did not move, Olivia quickly dropped the gun and moved closer as she placed her ear to his chest, checking his heart beat. Kane opened his eyes a little to look at her and quickly shut his eyes again as Olivia got up from him. when Olivia did not hear any sound she began to shake as she went in search of her phone. She was bleeding again and her head was pounding seriously, she has loosed alot of blood. Olivia felt so weak but try to remain steady, she felt faint as her eyes began to cloud up. she switched on her phone. The first doctor's name she saw was Mark, she quickly dailed his number. Mark who has being trying Olivia's number quickly picked up his phone as Olivia call came in She was crying and sounded in a hurry as she asked him to get an ambulance immediately down to a certain address, there was an emergency, she urged him to hurry. Without wasting time mark got everything ready and left immediately with the ambulance team. They got to the house and rushed in to man lying on the floor. Kane was happy and relieved to hear the ambulance sound. He was quickly placed into a rolling bed, an oxygen was placed in his nose and mouth before he was wheeled out into the ambulance van and yet he still did not open his eyes as his knees were hurting him so deeply. Kane hard Olivia sitting and crying earlier before the ambulance came. He knew she needs treatment quick or she may pass out and he was glad that the ambulance team responded quick after she called. Mark rushed to Olivia covered her with a blanket and drew her into his arms. He couldn't keep his own heart beat steady on seeing all the mess on Olivia's body. Olivia was muttering something mark bent his ear to her mouth. "I killed him... oh my God...I killed him..I was so angry and I shot him dead... Mark whispered back into her ears. "I'm not sure you killed him...he is alive but has serious injury... he is not dead... Olivia you needs help, you look dry... wasted lots of blood... I'm concerned about you... stop speaking for now... you will exhaust the little strength left in you...shhhhh... please don't say anything... He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the ambulance. Olivia kept whispering. "I killed him...he wasn't breathing... Kane is dead...I killed him...I...I... She went quiet and later passed out in doctor Mark's arm Another oxygen was placed in her nose before the medical team drove off with speed to the hospital.
30 May 2019 | 02:37
I, enjoy it like it will never finish
30 May 2019 | 04:39
Pls next
30 May 2019 | 04:39
30 May 2019 | 05:08
Isn't that what you wanted
30 May 2019 | 09:09
Finally wedding don finish
30 May 2019 | 12:31
wow!!! so after d whole thing, Oliver now realized dat its alws not easy to take revenge or take laws into one's hand,,, anyways, I guess oliver still loves kane
30 May 2019 | 17:16
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 17. Mark examined Kane as he lay awake on his bed, Mark touched his wounded leg which was on a cast and supported with a pillow. Kane spoke “How bad is it Doctor…I can tell from the constant check ups and treatment that it’s not looking so good…tell me exactly how it is…do not minced word for me…I’m not a kid “the bullet penetrated into your knee cap, we have operated it and the bullet has being removed but you will be needing an orthopedic surgeon for a physical therapy…it will help you to get your balance back…a slim chance of using your right leg effectively for now…you will be needing a supporting system until after the physical therapy is over… “long talk…just tell me is not looking good and I will be using a crutches or a walking stick for now to support my balance….i will understand that English faster and better… is being two weeks already…I have not seen Olivia…How is she…I have asked you many times to tell me how she is doing and you have not said a reasonable word rather than she is recuperating…tell me something reasonable doctor….how is she…I ask again… “are you more worried about her or yourself...Miss Olivia will be fine…she is under Doctor Kate’s watch and many other doctor’s attending to her…I’m focusing on you right now…you shouldn’t worry about her…Olivia is alive and well… “What do you mean by I shouldn’t worry about her…she is my wif…I mean my…hmmm…I messed it up. I’m sorry…I think I’m over reacting…I just never thought things will get out of hands…one of us could have being dead or maybe two of us…what I fear most caught me unaware…I’m sorry doctor…I’m trying not to take my frustration on anyone…I caused this…but I really want to see Olivia…I want to know everything concerning her health…she was not in good shape at the scene…she couldn’t even shoot me as she has intended to do…her full guts failed her but if she is given another chance to play that same scene…she may end up killing me…I saw the fire in her eyes…it was a stored up anger and bitterness for the man she thinks I am…I could have being dead but she couldn’t do it…I don’t know if I would be able to live without her…I hate myself fro even hurting her…it wasn’t intentional…i…uhmmm…I just messed up big time…how is she please…tell me…don’t hide anything from me… “Olivia…just came out of coma few days ago and we have to remove the life support, it was a hard period of being totally off…due to the blood clothing on the left side of her brain, and the left side which is called hemisphere of the brain controls the right side, is higher in active tissue than the right side, so Olivia was affected in that way and she had a scalp laceration which she sustained from the deep cut, but she is a strong woman, she fell hard on something which caused the blood clothing and we have to shave off her hair to be able to run the thread proper, is called suture, using a surgical thread to sew up a wound…well, ever since she woke up she just lay still on the bed unable to move her whole body…the brain has to both be active otherwise she will have a seizure but is just for now until we loosened up the stitches. That was why I said she was recuperating because you may not understand all the medical terms and all that is at stake.…I do not want you to panic…Olivia will be fine...and you can’t see her for now…I’m not sure she even want to see anybody…you are the last person she really want to see right now…we are doing everything possible to steady her healing and she is corporating so well… Kane was quiet as Mark finished up with him and left. He wish he can see Olivia, but doctor Mark was right he will be the last person Olivia will want to see right now, the only thing he understand from doctor Mark explanation on Olivia’s health was that she was in a coma and on life support because of blood clothing in her left side of the brain, and was awake now and need to remain steady for her not to have a seizure. he new right when he kicked her hard and she fell on the television set and most of the decoration objects cut through, Kane new a big damage has being done, even with the way she was bleeding she needed a quick medication attention then. He does not blame her for anything but blames himself for everything, he silently prayed that Olivia will come out of this. Days later Olivia lay awake on her hospital bed and staring at the ceiling, she knows already that Kane was alive, she doesn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Doctor Kate walked in with a smile “You are awake already, you did not sleep for long this time….how are you feeling today… “I don’t know how I’m feeling…maybe worst…not any physical pain though...i guess you guys keep giving me pain relieve injection to kill the pains…I just spoke with Helen over the phone and she wanted to come down but I told her to stay because of Emerald…she will be devastated if she see’s me like this…is better she remains with Helen for now…looking at the calendar this will be the third weeks I’m here…that is so long to just be in bed…I hate hospitals and drugs...i think I just have no choice right here than to corporate with everything… even with my new skin hair cut…. “You could have died Olivia, how…how on earth do you muster such gut to handle a gun…I told you to let it go but you were consumed with hate…I’m not judging you but I’m blaming you for this…I dish out your own portion of blame accordingly. Is not about killing Kane but what if you have died in the process what will you tell your creator…Olivia, as much as I marvel at your strength and the way you are responding to treatment I also hate you for trying to kill Kane and hurting yourself instead…I have watched you this long years and I thought my constant teaching was taking root but it worked for Helen but I’m not sure it totally did for you...i love you and a whole lot of other people cares about you Olivia…why do such a stupid thing…you could have consider Emerald first, the innocent girl would have become motherless if you died…your wound was life threatening…you almost died… “It was that heartless man called Kane that did it to me, he threw me so hard and I almost loosed consciousness immediately… “it wasn’t Kane, stop blaming him…you did this to yourself…you wanted to kill him and he only tried to save himself from you…what do you expect…for him to remain still why you shoot him?…now after all your actions did your late parents came out of the grave to clap for you…hailing and shouting "Olivia…our strong darling daughter well-done” did you receive any applause…I’m sure they will be disappointed, you are suppose to live for them and make them proud even though they are no more…whenever they look down at you they will have a warm smile on their faces but you wanted the opposite…you wanted to join them…at the end what will be your gain…Kane is the father of your child…and the man you have loved so dearly, you saw no spot in him and you drift away the second you found out about his past, he becomes a devil to you and all you wanted is to destroy him for all his past wrongs, he is sorry, he is heart broken, he regret everything that happened, he wish he can undo his wrongs…I spoke with him sometimes and he really do love you and I know you don’t want to hear that…but he do and he is deeply sorry Olivia…please don’t do this again…do not scare me this way next time..i thought I almost lost you…I wouldn’t have forgiven you if you have died…I’m sure many of us includes Emerald and also your dead parents will blame you for your own death and a little blame on Kane…being a lawyer doesn’t give you the right to take laws into your own hand…you suppose to be smarter than that…I know it was hate that drives you but is time to let it go…unforgiveness is deadly and it kills faster than you can imagine…anger labels you a fool Olivia, it makes you a prisoner of your own mind….but if you can’t forgive your offender then is better to let them stay far from you, move out and move on, stay far from him and whatever that reminds you of him…with time you will grow past your hate…because I know forgiveness does not come so easy for some…it comes with a high curse for many…while others just freely let it go…if you can’t forgive then move on with your life and keep a clear distance from the person…that is what you could have done than getting on this dangerous journey…the police investigated the case, they retrieved the gun and sealed up Kane’s compound for now. I know you are a lawyer you will always pull through but I am more happy you are alive Olivia, don’t ever scare me like that again…please…you scared me but I’m glad you are here… Olivia...we love you so dearly…I love you and I don’t want you to hurt yourself or anyone ever again… Kate bent over and gently hugged Olivia and they were that way before Mark came in and Kate later left them Mark sat beside Olivia “Hey…you scared all of us…me especially…I’m glad to have you back…all those days you were in coma…I wasn’t myself…until you finally awaken…you embarked on a dangerous journey but you made it alive with all your hairs gone...but you look so pretty. with or without the hair you remain beautiful Olivia… Olivia tried to smile at the funny joke of losing all the hair on her head, the hair wasn’t much important because she knows it will grow back all that matters to her was that she was alive and she can’t wait to bounce back on her feet. Kane later started his physical therapy class with a specialist doctor, he couldn’t walk with his right leg without a supporting system, the bullet went through the cord that connect his kneecap to his shine bone and in the process damaging most part of his bone. He was still in the same hospital where Olivia was also recovering, he tried to see her severally but Mark told him it wasn’t a good idea because it may make Olivia feel bitter and endanger her quick recovery. Kane stayed away and focus on recovering and silently pray that Olivia will not have any side effect in the future from all the trauma she went through on her head which may endanger her brain cell according to Doctor Mark. Olivia told her personal nurse, who was place to watch her continuously that she feel better and wanted to get out of bed and feel the sun on her face, she was tired of being inside the room, watching television and reading books, she needed to stretch her legs a little. The nurse helped her and she got dressed, she gently covered her head with a hood to avoid any tingeing sensation that may come from the sewed up wound on her bare head. As Olivia walked around the hospital she saw Kane and his physical therapist practicing how to walk without any help, Olivia wanted to turn back but instead went closer to watch Kane. she stood with a frown watching him and doesn’t even know how she feel while looking at him, she still hate him for everything he caused her and tried to loosen up from all the hate by breathing in just as Kate has told her to do anytime she feels bad, she should take a deep breath and relax. As she breathed in Mark came to stand beside her after dismissing her personal nurse. He touched Olivia gently with a smile, she looked at him but did not smile back before looking back at Kane “you still love him…don’t you…you love him, remembering the way you felt so concerned on that very day…you were so worried thinking maybe he was dead…you weren’t even concerned about yourself…you went on crying that you have killed him even after I assured you that he was alive…it was after then you passed out…you loved him despite everything… “I don’t know what I feel right now Mark, love, hate…more hate or just neutral…but it doesn’t matter…I can’t remember panicking and asking you if he was dead or alive because I really don’t care…I can’t remember saying that I killed him...maybe you hard it from someone else but not really from me…I don’t care about Kane…he almost killed me…Kane almost killed me…he threw me into those TV set after sweeping me off from the ground and I fell face down with a broken nose…he then decided to threw me with force and I could have died from there…he is very wicked…he wanted to kill me and I hate him for that… “hahahaha…Olivia you are so funny…no…no I’m not laughing at you but at the tune in your voice…you both almost killed yourselves…you almost killed him too remember….he is also recovering from the after effect…the injury which will leave a scar on him. and you are recovering from the same thing that could have killed you…we try to make sure you don’t have a brain damage in the future…that can be harmful…and your body will have scars which you will sure remember in the years to come…I’m not supporting him but I’m not bias… I was so angry with him when I saw all that he did to you…I was bitter as I administer different drugs that night to keep you steady, I’m a doctor and I shouldn’t hate on my patient but Kane can see his wound physically but yours is more of internal wounds and it could be so dangerous…we were already planning on how to bring in international surgeon for your sake while you were in coma…and you surprised us all by coming out of coma so fast than expected…some people doesn’t survive this…they go from there while other have to use a life support for the period of six months that they will remain in coma…but here you are….i know he almost got you killed but I’m glad you are fully alive and recovering… “I don’t understand all this long talk all I know is that Kane is a wicked human being, he almost killed me after saying that he loves me….how can you hurt somebody that you claims to love…what if I was dead now…he will start feeling sorry…rubbish… Kane turned his back with the help of his doctor and saw Doctor Mark first standing at a distance close to his therapist class, Kane looked twice before recognising the other lady on a long hood covering her head, he muttered silently “Olivia” Kane saw that Mark was standing very close to her, smiling and saying something but she wasn’t smiling. Kane swallowed hard and asked his doctor to give him his crutches after taking hold of it he started leaping towards Olivia who after she noticed him coming towards her gently turned and started walking away as Mark led her back to her room.
31 May 2019 | 02:49
31 May 2019 | 04:38
mark is up to something fishy
31 May 2019 | 05:19
wow! very interesting it better this way ,thank God u realize ur mistake
31 May 2019 | 09:05
Hmm! Observing
31 May 2019 | 10:02
Thank God for una life
31 May 2019 | 10:43
Yes mark is up to something that is sure
31 May 2019 | 12:45
hmmmmm u can still forgive him an u guys we start all over again
31 May 2019 | 16:00
Olivia you cannot blame Kane for all I care but, I blame you for your current state
31 May 2019 | 17:54
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 18. After a long stay at the hospital Kane was later discharge, he was still unable to walk normal so he got a home physical therapist, who will be coming twice to his house every week to massage and constantly train him until he becomes stable with his two legs. Olivia refused to see Kane or talk with him all through the period in the hospital. She tried every possible means to avoid him until he was discharged Kane's house was back in order, everywhere cleaned up as if nothing happened. His securities and house keepers were back to work. Kane still felt empty without Olivia in his life. With the help of his walking stick which he uses to support his right leg he stood up from his room and walk out to sit on the steps with his phone as he went on surfing the net. He tries to occupy his mind with his browsing but he still drift off to Olivia. Wilson visited him and they sat and talked about life and everything generally. Wilson stayed until night falls before leaving. Mark, who seems to be spending so much time with Olivia came again that afternoon making it the fouth time he was checking on Olivia that day. Olivia who has insisted on leaving the hospital soonest was taking a nap. As Mark entered her hospital room, Olivia was asleep and her personal nurse was out to do her laundry. Mark sat beside her on the bed and watch her sleep peacefully. He looked at her and breathed deeply, he brushed his finger on her hand quietly. he knows that he shouldn't be doing that, touching a sleeping patient in that manner, it wasn't professional, but when it comes to Olivia he can't help himself, Olivia was more than a patient to him. Mark gently raised Olivia's hands to his warm palm before lifting it to his mouth. He gently placed a kiss on the back of her hand and as he tries to lower back the hand Olivia woke up and Mark quickly sat up, straightened himself as if nothing happened. Olivia stared at him with a frown. Mark was quiet, wondering if Olivia noticed that he just kissed her hand, but he remained quiet as he stared back at Olivia Olivia spoke out "Why are you looking so lost there a problem... "Just a little worried that you will soon be leaving insisted on going home...I... just don't know why it has to be so soon...I feel worried because complications may arise...why not stay for another extra week let's watch and make sure you are stable... "I have spent over a month in this hospital...I need to go home... I'm tired of this place... doctor Kate said I'm free to go but my personal nurse will go with me to make sure I'm well settled but I don't need the nurse's help, she have tried in caring for me all this while, she is a human being and also needs rest...I feel fine, I need to go back to my normal life... being in this hospital can be so tiring... stop worrying about me... I'm fine...I feel fine and if any complications arises I will definitely call you over but I'm not sure there will be any trouble with my health... "What of Kane... will you consider him again... after all this...I mean do you still love him or you will give another person a chance into your life... there are people dying to have you in their life... will you ever give another person a chance or you still have Kane in mind... "Mark... Love and relationship is not my trouble...I have other pressing needs but definitely not a Love life...I just want to get out of here and get my life working again... I'm not planning for any relationship... not now or later...I have gotten alot to chew already from life...once I'm out of here I'm focusing on myself and my daughter... that's all. Mark nodded sadly and later left as Olivia's nurse returned back from the laundry. The next day Kate came and talked with Olivia for a very long time. Kate's talk with Olivia was very interactive as Olivia responded so well. She assured Kate she has made up her mind to let all the grudges and stored up hate for Kane go despite how hard it is she just have to move on for the sake of her daughter Emerald, her heart was so empty and she want to fill it up with other beautiful things aside man and Love. Kate supported her, telling her to take her time, everyday at a time and she will heal from all the sadness and lost. Olivia later left the hospital and went back home She drew out a different Life plans for herself and her daughter inclusive. Olivia employed a new housekeeper and cook and also a driver who will be driving her until she is able to drive on her own. A day came and she asked her new driver to take her to the cemetery and he drove her down. Olivia walked to her parents grave side with two fresh wrapped up flowers in hand, and stood in between the two grave side. "Dad...I promised to return with details about how I will destroy the man that killed you and Mom... and raped me... who's name happened to be Kaka...I promised to bring words back here...well i kept to the promise... the good news is that I did not only disappoint him at the wedding but I also shot him... and the bad news is that i almost died too...I felt like a murderer after shooting him and thinking that I killed him... I'm sorry...I couldn't do it the way I have wanted...I wanted to kill him but I just couldn't...I probably failed again or disappointed you but it was for the best...I know you and Mom Will not want me to trade on this revenge path... that is not who you brought me up to be loving, contented and forgiven and that's what I want to be... I'm gathering strength everyday to accept the fact that you and mother are no more and to forgive the man behind your deaths...I almost lost my life in the process of revenge but I'm glad to be alive...I have accepted my fate and sketched out a new plans to pursue...I need everyday strength to achieve all my purpose...this time around there's no Kaka or Kane in this new Just me and Emerald for the time being... thank you for being a great parents to me. you and Mom will forever live in my heart. I love you Dad...I love you Mom... may your kind and loving souls continue to rest in peace... Olivia dropped the two new flowers she brought on their graves side, she kissed her hand and placed it on her father and also her mother's tomb before walking away. That evening she stopped by at the exact address where Wilson lives. Wilson was shocked and afraid when he saw Olivia. He just returned back from his daily business and was about to retire for the night when Olivia came, he never knew that Olivia knows where he stays. Wilson was afraid as he stammered, he stood out with Olivia. "Good.... Good...evening...I..I mean how are you doing... Olivia..I'm Sorry, thought that night will turn out the way it did on that day your parents died... Kane made a mistake and he hates himself more than ever...he feels God was punishing him for all the attrocities he committed and couldn't face punishment like I did...I never wanted your family to be hurt... all we planned is to take shelter just for the police searching for us to pass by but it turned out far more than we bargained for... I plead for your forgiveness... from your recent fight with Kane which almost claimed your life and that of his...I came to understand the fact that you have known for a while but stored it all in... I'm deeply sorry...I can't justify our wrongs and why we tried to cover up our terrible sins all this while...i plead for your mercy Olivia... "Is okay Wilson, I'm not here to kill you for shooting my dad dead...or to throw Judgement at your feet...not at all... I came in peace...if I wanted to hurt you...I have many ways to do did what was required of you by saving your partner in crime...I do not blame you for my parents death...I never have. I only channeled my hate on Kane because he caused it all... and I'm here to clear that fact...I know you shot my dad but I have decided to pretend and move on because is really hard to say I will forget...I won't be able to forget but I will try and forgive... I'm doing what my father will want me to Wilson i wish you nothing but the best in this life... have a good night rest. Wilson stood there puzzled, not knowing how to respond as Olivia turned and drove off with her driver. Few days later Olivia was on phone with Helen and she also spoke with Emerald who wanted to come back home to her. Helen wanted to travel down to visit Olivia who she has not seen for some months now Olivia agreed to their coming as Helen planned on the day to travel back with Emerald. Olivia was watching a movie in her room when she hard the door bell, she has told her house workers not to answer the door so that they will not open up for the wrong person Olivia went to answer the door by herself and it was Mark After he was invited in and sat in the parlour, a fruit drink was offered to him of which he drank gently, Olivia sat opposite him. "I was around the neighbourhood so I decided to check you up... "Aaah... Mark...I don't believe you... when do you start having business in my neighbourhood... Tell me that you drove all the way down to check me up...I will totally understand.... " caught me in my own lying web, I admit...yes, I came to check up on you... just to make sure you are alright...I also miss you Olivia...but I can see you are doing so fine... those glows you usually have around you is returning back and your hair too is growing out... "Yea, the hair is growing back and I wear wig whenever I'm going out but walk comfortably with my real self whenever I'm home... that's the logic and is all cool... They both talk and laugh before Olivia hard her phone ringing and she excused herself and went to her room to receive her call. Kane, hard that Olivia was out of the hospital and back to her house decided to pay her a visit. "Even if she doesn't still want to see me I will remain there until she gives me will be difficult living without her, I don't know if I will be able to do that... Olivia have to hear me out... she has to know that I love her so very much and also Emerald. my daughter is the reason I can't give up...I will fight until I'm able to win Olivia back. Kane drove down and parked outside Olivia's gate before taking his walking stick and walk into Olivia's gate as her security man who happens to be the same old person there for long opened the gate for him after greeting him warmly. Kane gently walks to Olivia's front door and rang the bell, he waited patiently and silently prayed Olivia will not kick him out. Kane was surprised as the door fling open and doctor Mark stood with a frown looking at him He was speechless as different thought crosses his mind but he managed to speak "Good day doctor... good to see you again... I'm here to see Olivia... how is she... "Good to see you too Mr Kane, Olivia is feeling tired, she needs her rest... I'm not sure she is ready to see you today... Olivia really do not want to be disturbed... she maybe needing a shoulder and back massage before going to bed so I'm here to do that for her which will soon be our normal routine...she feels safe having me around.. I'm sorry...maybe you can go and call her before you come next time... Kane looked at doctor Mark, he bent his head for sometime as he looked down on his well designed walking stick. Kane looked up again not knowing what to say or do as Mark stood like a body guard on Olivia's door. He quietly nooded and turned, Mark thought Kane was walking away but instead Kane found a place close to Olivia's frontage and sat down. Mark went to him again "Mr Kane...I said Olivia won't be able to see you today... she doesn't need any thing that will rise her blood pressure...go back to your house and call her before coming...if she refused to answer your calls then send a text message to her but Olivia will not be able to see you today Mr Kane... Kane sat properly before saying "Doctor, I hard you the first time I'm not deaf...but I will rather sit here and wait for Olivia to come and tell me to leave by herself...but if not then I'm not moving an inch out of here... I'm not disturbing your massage or whatever...I will only sit outside here peacefully.... don't be bothered or threatened with my presence... "I'm not threatened Kane... I'm sure you will be wasting your time here because Olivia will not be able to see yo... Olivia suddenly spoke behind them and made both of them to turn to her "Mark, let him in... allow him to come inside... Kane quickly stood with his walking stick and started going inside, he looked at Mark and smile while a disappointed frown settled on Mark's face as he gently followed Kane behind and entered inside.
1 Jun 2019 | 03:14
Mark you're talking out of selfish interest
1 Jun 2019 | 07:15
Wow am not full please bring another one. I they wait
1 Jun 2019 | 09:05
He must understand that even war cannot defeat love. Mark have sence
1 Jun 2019 | 09:06
Mark u are behaving foolishly, not like a professional doctor
1 Jun 2019 | 17:44
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 19. Kane sat gently on Olivia’s cushion while Mark was sitting opposite him. He was still wearing a straight face pretending to be watching the television Olivia surprised Kane by asking him “What can I offer you, water juice, wine or fruits…I know you don’t like taking juice you prefer wine…so should I get it for you…? Kane looked up at Olivia with his mouth open not knowing how to reply to her unexpected kind gesture. He blinked just to make sure it wasn’t a dream, Olivia waited for Kane to reply but when he remained speechless she said “I will take your silent for a yes…and get the wine for you because I know you to be a lover of fine red wine… Olivia brought a wine and a tumbler for Kane who sat looking at her. Mark was quietly looking at them, he was feeling uncomfortable with Olivia’s attitude to Kane, he swallowed hard, and sat properly on his sit, he cleared his throat so that Olivia will acknowledge his presence. Olivia never smile all through this period, she was just on a straight expressionless face, and nobody can tell if she was happy or not. She ignored Mark who repeatedly cleared his throat just to draw her attention. Kane looked at Mark and saw the jealousy written all over him, he wondered if Olivia was already in a relationship with the doctor, which made the doctor to be acting all up at his presence. Kane ignored him and focused on Olivia who went inside and instruct her cook to prepare something for dinner. Kane can hear her telling the cook to start evening food immediately. Olivia returned to the sitting room and called Mark aside, out of Kane’s hearing. “All that drama outside wasn’t necessary Mark…he was my guest…you should have allowed me to have an opinion if I want him in or not…you shouldn’t make decisions on my behalf… “I’m sorry Olivia, I thought you wouldn’t want to see him after all he did to you…I was just looking out for you Olivia…I care about your well being…so much. and I never want anything or anyone that will make you sad ever again, I want to protect you from people like Kane…who almost killed you…you passed out for days Olivia…I have never being so scared in my life, I was not myself watching you lay so lifeless in that hospital bed with a life support…you wouldn’t understand how difficult and scary your condition was…your condition was so critical…but I’m glad at the end you are fully back to your normal self…I know I don’t have a say or have any right to dictate what you want but all I did was to protect you…because…I really do care about you Olivia… “Thank you Doctor Mark…I appreciate everything you have done for me so far…I really do appreciate you...but I need to talk with Kane and it will be better if you leave…Kane is not the devil but his past who’s name was Kaka is the darkness that engulfed me and I was determined to bring that past to book but as you already know it did not end well…I want to have a mature talk with Kane and your presence will be a great distraction…I’m sorry to ask you to leave but I need audience with Kane alone… Mark felt disappointed, he tried to argue but suddenly stopped. He went back inside, picked up his car key and drove off. Olivia went in to join Kane who has not touched his drink as he tried to focus on the television but his mind was on Olivia and Mark talking outside before Olivia returned back and sat opposite him, close to where Mark sat earlier before he finally left. Olivia did not say anything immediately as she tuned down the television volume before facing Kane. Kane dropped the drink in his hand and looked at his sweating palm, even with the air condition cooling in Olivia’s parlor he was sweating inside. He wondered how to start a conversation as they were both quiet except for his heart beat that sounded like a drum in his ears. Kane did not want to say or ask anything that will offend Olivia as he continue to stare at his palm and later looked up at Olivia who was staring at him with a frown on her face. He looked away and breathed down, he wish Olivia could just say something to him, he wish to ask her how she was fairing, plead for her forgiveness continually, ask of Emerald his daughter, who he has not seen for some months, he desire to ask Olivia if she was already in a relationship with Doctor Mark, he desire to ask her if is possible to give him another chance to right his wrongs, to give her everything and even more than he has ever given before, he wanted to say many things how his life has being so sad and empty without her presence, to tell her that he can’t live without her, Kane wish she can prove to Olivia that he truly loves her far more than anything and anyone, he knows he can’t bring her parents back to life as much as he would have given anything to bring them to life but he can’t because money can not buy life, he wish to say many thing to Olivia but all he did was to look at her and looked away as he saw the heat of Olivia’s eyes gazing down on him. “Are you going to sit there and stare without saying anything…why are you here…you have not told me why you came Kane… “i…I don’t know why I’m here Olivia…maybe to see you and to know how you are doing, to know if you will ever forgive me…to know if I will ever have a chance to be in your life again because my life is so empty without you…to know what I have to do to obtain your forgiveness…I’m ready to do anything Olivia, anything possible to have your total forgiveness for all my past sin…please…whatever the cause maybe. If you ask me to bring your parents back to life….that, I won’t be able to do Olivia…I wish I can but I can’t and that is the only thing I won’t be able to do for you but I will do every other thing to be qualified for your forgiveness…I know you warned me never to speak to you about love but I still can’t help it in this situation…I don’t deserve your love or forgiveness but I want to try to earn it…if you will give me another chance…I can never stop loving you Olivia…I can’t…I don’t know if I will be able to live without you…my life will be so void, lonely and empty without you in it…I love you and Emerald more than everything in this world…Olivia…. Kane went down on his left knee and held onto his walking stick as he stood his right knee which he can’t bend due to the damage the bullet left in his kneecap. Olivia kept a straight face as he watch him struggle to go on one knee while supporting himself with his stick, she felt pity for him because Kane may have to depend on a walking stick for the rest of his life if surgeries did not correct his knee Kane tries to keep his right wounded leg steady as he plead to Olivia on one knee, Olivia still did not say anything as he kept on watching him Olivia saw his struggle and his pain as he tries to change his kneeling position which was causing pain on his right knee Kane loosed his balance and fell to the ground, Olivia gasp as she saw him fall and he tries to get up again “please sit down Kane, the knelling thing is not necessary nor appropriate considering your condition…please sit and stop hurting your self…whether you knee, sit or stand up to speak to me it doesn’t really matter all that matters is the word not necessary the added action, I try not to hate you because of your past but I hate your past for all it took from me, I try to see you as Kane and not the terrible Kaka that unleashed darkness to my family, I’m beginning to work on myself to accept the fate that life threw at me…is really difficult, I have struggles but I will be alright… while you are sitting under my roof is because I’m letting go of the hate and unforgivness that clouded my mind…I want to see you differently from whatever you use to be but it will take time and distance to achieve that…all the terrible things happening of recent could have being avoided if you have walked on a good path as a young man back then instead trading a peaceful life for gangster and stupid power…if you have being upright in the past, we may not have end up together or have any connection but I’m sure you will live with a clear conscience and I may still have my parents by now… is so hard to just see you as an ordinary man, is difficult for me counting from the years we have being together and shared so much happiness and love, everything was so beautiful and I was looking forward to spending ever after with you and Emerald but one bad past changed everything and I’m about starting my life all over in a different platform is damn hard but I will be fine. Kane no matter how bad it is… is so sad that it has to go this way…but I won’t be able to love you like I have always done before finding out about your past…I can’t even love anyone right now…except myself and my daughter… being with you again I will always be reminded of my parents killer, you will remind me everyday with your presence and no matter how I try to let go or forget I will still remember and I may end up hurting even more than ever. Being with an ex murderer, a rapist and an arm robber. I know those are your past man and not who you are any more but I won’t be able to get past who you use to be especially loosing my loving parents to this careless past. I won’t be able to totally let go Kane and that’s more reason I’m letting you go to begin another life and I wish you all the best out there. Please do not argue or plead again because it won’t change anything…my mind is all made up. I hold no grudge or hate against you but there is no “we” any more and there won’t ever be and is not because I have not forgiven you but because I can’t forget…I ca…n’t…forg…. Olivia pause and bent her head, she covered her mouth with her hand as she sobbed silently. Kane’s eye was already soiled as he listened to Olivia, he released all the tears and it rolled down from his face, he stood up with his stick and gently walked up to where Olivia was sitting, he sat beside her and drew her into his arm and Olivia did not hesitate as she went into his arms and they both cried together like wounded babies. Kane couldn’t speak anymore as he felt so emotional and a lump of sad pain in his throat seeing that he may not have a chance with Olivia again but he was glad to at least have her in his arm even if is for this moment. Olivia got herself together and straightened from Kane, Kane tried to wipe her eyes with his hand but she stood up and took a tissue box, she came back to sit beside Kane as he gave him some of the tissue to clean his teary eyes as she cleaned hers too. She looked up at Kane, and quickly looked away She shut her eyes before saying “this…is so hard…so hard…but I will live everyday at time just as doctor Kate as said…is just so hard to accept that I will be starting my life all over again without you in it…but is better this way to avoid future regrets and th… Kane quickly covered her mouth with his, as he kissed her, Olivia struggled to get free but Kane held onto her, Olivia later relaxed as she allowed Kane to kissed her as if his life depends on it, she responded as they both held onto each other testing each others salty tears as it rolled down from there eyes. Olivia suddenly broke free and stood up as she cleaned her eyes with tissue, Kane later stood up with his walking stick and gently walked away. Olivia went to her room and released all the held on emotional tears as she cried into her pillow Kane sat in his car and couldn’t move as he placed his head on his sterling and cried like a child. He wonder how he will be able to live without Olivia, how will his life be like without Olivia in it who obviously still loves him but can’t be with him because of his terrible past which may hunt her in the future. Kane hit his steering hard in totally sadness as he wish he can undo what he did in the past, rewrite his own story, became reborn again so that he can start a clean path, do anything he can just to have Olivia back to his life. Olivia got a knock on her room door, the cook came to inform her that dinner was set but she told the cook she wasn’t hungry and don’t feel like eating as she remained in her room without stepping out.
1 Jun 2019 | 19:37
2 Jun 2019 | 06:12
take a chill and chilax.dix ix a hard tym for both of u SO don't let d past to overshadow the future
2 Jun 2019 | 06:15
Tomuch emotional. I fell like crying
2 Jun 2019 | 08:11
Painful. Just let the past aside
2 Jun 2019 | 08:12
This is a really hard period for you both.
2 Jun 2019 | 08:19
hmmmmm this is difficult,but u two should try an forget ur pass ,,,how I wish u two should come back together
2 Jun 2019 | 09:06
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 20. The house was quiet, empty and lonely for Olivia. She was processing her own legal firm which made her to drive out every morning and come back in the evening. It helped her greatly as she got involve with other barristers, human right attorneys, Councillors, judges and many others in her field of study and also outside. Helen came back with Emerald and the house became warm again, they talked deep into the night and Helen have to stay over till the following day before leaving. Olivia drove out with her daughter for a sight seeing and mini shopping. She asked her driver to stay back that she want to drive herself and have a mother and daughter moment with Emerald. Emerald was filled with question as she sat excitedly beside her mother who look straight ahead as she kept driving, she was happy to be back to her mom “Mom, you said you had an accident which made you to have a hair cut…was that the reason you asked me to go live with Aunty Helen? “Yes Emerald…you wouldn’t want to see me broken and crying like a baby when an injection was entrust to my butt… “hahahaha...injections can be painful on the butt…hmmm…but is so sad mom….that must have hurt so much…I’m sorry mom, you shouldn’t have sent me away with Aunty Helen…I would have love to take care of you by myself because I want to become a strong doctor like Doctor Kate…I guess is uncle Kane, doctor Kate and doctor Mark that took care of you while you are at the hospital…and when are we visiting uncle Kane…or maybe you can call him so that he can join us…that will be so cool…just as before… “Well, Kane won’t be joining us any more, I want you to understand that because is a fact…Emerald, you may not get to go hanging out, merry go round, shopping, eatery or any fun fair with Kane because things have changed and is not as it use to be before, Kane and I got involve in an accident…it affected my head and I have to shave off the hair and it also affected his leg… he may not be able to walk well because of that…we were both hurt from what happened and we are taking time to heal up…I feel sad about it but is my decision sweetheart….and I will feel more hurt if I see him again that was more reason I asked him to stay away so that he can also heal…so is me and you right now and forever…and mummy will give you only the best…do you understand me…? “Yes mom, I understand. Please don’t get mad at me but we can sometimes check on uncle Kane to know how he is fairing and also his leg injury…he is a nice man mom but if you say no I won’t insist…whatever you say is the best…all that matters is that I’m home and we have forever to spend together…I was dying to come home, Aunty Helen told me that you had a little accident and you were being treated in the hospital…I cried and wanted to come home but she assured me that you will be fine, she asked me to pray constantly for you and I did everyday, morning, afternoon and also night until I was able to speak over the phone with you… but I really wanted to come home…and I’m so happy to be home with you… Olivia gently squeezed her shoulder with a smile before saying “Thank you for praying for me…God must have hard your prayers and quicken my healing…let’s go and have some fun honey because mom miss you more than you can imagine…we will go on merry go round, shopping, sight seeing and we will take loads of pictures…hope you have your mini cannon camera… “Yes mom…is in my back pack…I’m so happy to be home…hurrayyyyyy…hahahaha…. Emerald laughed out as Olivia joined her as she continues to drive. Kane drove down again to see Olivia who wasn’t home at that moment but met Emerald who ran and hugged Kane immediately after opening the door. Kane shouted excitedly on seeing Emerald, he held onto his daughter as he put his walking stick aside and held her with his two hands… “Look who is back from the princess island, my one and only Ema…I have missed you pumpkin…you are growing like fertilized vegetable…look at how big you are…what have they being feeding you…. Emerald laugh as she loosened up from Kane, she couldn’t hide her excitement on seeing Kane, Kane picked up his walking stick instead of going inside he stepped back and sat on the outside step while Emerald joined him. “You are growing so fast Ema, soon you will be taller than your mom, I remember back then when you were doing horse ride on my back but if we do horse ride now that you are this big… you will break my back bone… hahahaha…time flies so fast…I never knew you are back…where have you being to...growing like a fertilized Vegetable… “hahahaha…all thank to mum, she is feeding me well and is not fertilized vegetable but organic veggie…I was out with Aunt Helen and i miss you too uncle Kane…mum told me about the accident…that you hurt your leg and may not be able to walk straight for a long time…I’m so sorry about that…she feels sad about it too…I also feel sad but I’m happy to see you…mom is not around …she went to her chamber….but you can come in and wait for her instead of sitting out here…I really don’t know if she will be happy about inviting you into the house…and I don’t want her to be sad or hurt because she said she will feel bad if she see’s you and I guess she is worried because of your bad leg …or maybe is better we just stay out here for the moment until she returns…I can get drink and food out here for you…and let’s hope mum will be happy to see you too like I am… “I’m happy to see you again Ema…I have missed you…so your mom has a chamber now…that so cool. Your mum is so determined and hardworking…I never knew she has gotten a chamber already. I didn’t want to get her angry that was why I stayed away for sometimes…because she is trying to recover from the accident that happened to both of us…I could have gotten your favourites snacks, pizza, strawberry ice cream…your best flavour, and a whole lot of other things for you if I knew that you were home. And I will soon be going in other not to get your mom hurt…she will have a long day after work and may not like you sitting out here with me…so I may get to see you soon if she approves…I don’t want to get you into trouble or get myself into trouble too…like a disobedient children…hahahahaha... Kane stayed for a little while before leaving. And after few hours Olivia drove back home and Emerald who was afraid that her mom will be angry or maybe hurt if she tells her about Kane earlier visit, did not say anything immediately to her until Olivia was relaxed for the night. She went in and apologetically told her mum that “Uncle Kane came around earlier today but he did not come inside the house, he just stayed a little while outside and left because he doesn’t want you to be angry for coming in your absence and I don’t want you to be mad at me…I saw his leg…he walks with the support of a walking stick…I feel sad for him but he left because he doesn’t want you to be mad and I don’t want you to be mom…please… “Emerald said while standing in front of her mom with a pleading look. Olivia was not angry as she smile and told her daughter that it was okay. They lay together on the bed and watch some comedy show. Olivia quickly slept off and Emerald covered her up with a blanket, turn off the television before going back to her room. Olivia employed attorneys in her firm, they foresee things on her behalf while she handles the big case as she was growing to become a renowned Barrister and human right activist. She opened other businesses and have people manage it for her. Mark came around and tries to talk to Olivia about getting into a relationship with him since she was no more with Kane but Olivia told him she was building her life and does not want a relationship. Mark left again as he plans to give Olivia time to think about what he told her. Kane also came around and begged Olivia if he can come around more often for Emerald sake but Olivia also rejected such an idea. She told Kane to stay away more often for the sake of her happiness and Kane agreed. Olivia started processing travelling papers for she and Emerald. As she plans to move out of the country so that she can breathe in fresh air. Kane and Mark where choking her with their constant plead for a relationship and she really need to get out of the country for some months or few years to be able move on and they will also move on. Mark was planning to come back again for Olivia, he thought within himself that such period of time was a good opportunity for him to win Olivia’s heart since she has ended things with Kane. He will keep trying until Olivia consider him and give him a chance into her life. “Kane will be so pained if Olivia end up with me but I don’t care, he messed up his chance with her now is my turn to finally have her after a long pursuit”. Mark thought within himself. Neither Kane or Mark knew of Olivia's plans to travel out of the country. Olivia wanted it that way but she informed Doctor Kate and her best friend Helen. Some days later, before Olivia start parking her bags as her papers and that of Emerald were all ready for them fly out of the country, Doctor Kate invited her out on women's date. She and Helen inclusive. They all went out for a movie and sit out as they all talked like old friends and laugh away all their sorrow and Helen has to give the breaking news of looking forward to becoming a mother soon. She was few weeks pregnant and it was confirmed by Doctor Kate. They were all happy as they talk, cry, laugh and kept talking until it was time to head back home. They hugged each other before driving off to their different homes.
3 Jun 2019 | 02:04
Next ooo
3 Jun 2019 | 04:00
Hmmmmm, stuck in between two men,such a huge dilemma....
3 Jun 2019 | 09:58
Hmmmmmm will you continue to deny Emerald her fatherly love?
3 Jun 2019 | 14:29
but no matter how far u go away from Kane.. his daughter will soon crave for him
3 Jun 2019 | 21:17
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 21. Olivia was in her room with her daughter arranging their luggage, in two weeks time they will be out of the country. Emerald was so happy as she looked forward to going abroad with her Mom. They talked and laugh as they went about their business. Emerald decide to ask about Kane. "Mom... how about Mr Kane, can I get a chance to say goodbye to him before we travel out...I don't know when I will get to see him again...I also want to say goodbye to Aunty Helen too...I will miss them all...can I? "A big No for Kane but a Yes for Helen... Kane must not know that we are traveling...I don't want him to know Emerald... but Helen is can speak to her over the phone...or you can call her with the house line... and also doctor Kate... I may not be able to drive down to their side today or tomorrow except if Helen comes down...but speaking to Kane is not you understand me... "Yes Mom...bu...but why can't we say goodbye to Mr Kane.... that's not fair Mom...he will... "Shhhhh... I don't want to hear another word about Kane... and don't you ever tell me what is fair and what is not will do as I say... do you understand me.. Emerald? "Yes Mom... I'm sorry...I will do as you say.. Olivia hard a knock and went to answer the door and it was doctor Mark. Olivia was not happy to see him and she did not hide her feelings as Mark came inside. " do not just go to people's houses without informing them could have called first to let me know... then if I'm free to see you I will let you know...I don't like you coming and going as you like...I don't like it... "I'm sorry Olivia, but if I have called you first before coming you would have told me that you are either busy or unavailable...I needed to see you urgently... "So...what is it that is so urgent... and hope this is not about the last time concluded topic on relationship...I have made myself clear enough that I do not want a relationship, I told you already tha .. "Olivia... Olivia I know you made yourself clear enough and I respect that but you need somebody like me in your life...I have known you for years, even before you gave birth to Emerald and before going into a relationship with Kane...your parents murderer and a rapist.. I have known... " Mark, do you really need to be this can you mention such thing so freely...and do you know that my daughter is inside... That was irrelevant. calling out Kane wasn't necessary...why do you have to so insensitive... I'm not going to take any form of insult from you... please leave... "Why are you defending him, all what I said was all true Olivia, Kane almost killed you after killing your parents..he is the stupid and insensitive one Olivia...I have always wanted you...all this long years all i did was to wait and hope Just maybe you will be mine...I have already giving up any chance of having you until your fight with Kane began then I knew that at the end you will become mine... Olivia please you have to reconsider...I have tried... You are the answer to the question why I'm still not married... what can I do to prove to you that you are my missing ribs...why are you being so hard on me...I may not give you all what Kane gave you... because my father is not so wealthy neither is he a senator like Kane's father who stole government money before old age caught up with him and he was forced to stepped down from the senatorial, my father was upright man who worked hard for his every dime before he died...and I worked hard for my every dime too... I don't depend on my father for anything rather my father depends on me and my elder brother who cared for him during his days on I'm not like Kane who happens to be "daddy's little spoilt brat" who got away with all his criminal offences just because of bribe and corruption in this society... I'm not like him and I will never pray to be like him... I'm doctor Mark and I can proudly beat my chest today because I'm self made...I have not raped or killed any one before... I'm a man of integrity... you need somebody like me to feel secured not a man like Kane... please Olivia consider how long I have being waiting and asking... don't miss another chance of being in my life...I want you so badly please... "I guess you are done time to leave my house Olivia walked to the door and opened it as she angrily asked Mark to leave. Mark stepped out and stood close to the door where Olivia was as he kept talking. "If you don't leave now I will call my security to throw you out, I don't want to do that due to the years we have known but don't push me not pus... The main gate opened as the security ushered Kane in, Olivia lost word as he watched Kane gently walking down with his walking stick. Mark turned and saw Kane and an idea quickly came to him. As Olivia ignored him and looked straight ahead at Kane, Mark moved so close to Olivia and cupped her mouth into a kiss shocking Olivia who opened her eyes wide in shock. Kane saw what was going on and pause as he swallowed hard before looking away, Kane bent his head as he saw Mark kissing Olivia. Olivia struggled to be free but Mark held her tight. Olivia managed to lift her hand and punch Mark on his left eye. He loosened up and moved back, he held his eyes in pain as he turned and gently walked out Olivia was speechless at what Mark just did. She has not expected such dirty act from Mark. She stood there puzzled as she watched him walked out of the gate his hand still on his eye. When Kane looked up he saw Olivia's shocked face looking at Mark as he walked out. Kane did not know if he should leave and come back another day because he was also struggling with what he just saw. Now, he understood why Mark doesn't like him, is probably because he was in a relationship with Olivia. Kane swallowed hard as he walked down to stand right in front of Olivia who was still puzzled at something or maybe she hates seeing his face around. Kane spoke out bringing Olivia to reality. "Olivia... how are you... I'm sorry to interrupt your... meeting...with doctor Mark, I know you have warned me severally not to come often...but I can't help it, I'm not myself whenever I'm away from..yo..u... and Emerald...I feel suicidal, lonely, heart broken...I feel part of me is gone... I'm not asking you not to be in a relationship with doctor Mark or anybody...I don't have such power or right to tell you what to do... doctor Mark may probably give you the peace of mind and security that you deserve... I'm everything bad that you portray me to be... I'm even semi cripple, I can't make good use of my right leg any more...they suggest I travel abroad for another suggery but I'm no more interested...alot of suggeries have being done on the leg already yet no much positive tired of life itself...I can't even defend myself any better that way so that you can win... what is the point of living when the only woman I loved so much... with my whole being hates me and does not want to have anything to do with me... she moved on with her doctor friend and I'm stock here wondering if i will ever move on... all I want right now is at least see Emerald my matter what...she is my daughter... Olivia, and I'm transferring all my wealth to her...I don't know how long I will live here on earth... being reclined to a walking stick... I can't move around on my own... life is so tiring... my life is empty without you in it...but is fine... I'm getting punished for everything I ever did back in younger age... can I see my daughter... Olivia... "Stop calling her your daughter... what is wrong with everybody today... Emerald is not your daughter, Kane... leave me alone... why can't I have peace in my house, we don't need your money... you have done enough already... give your wealth to another and leave my daughter out of it... did you and mark planned to come and frustrate my life today... what is all this again, and mind you I don't hate you or any one, I have moved past that and you too should get over it... do whatever that makes you happy but leave me and my daughter out of it... leave us alone for crying out loud... "Olivia, calm down... I'm sorry for getting you pissed...I only came in peace... you and i knows that Emerald is my daughter too... I'm sorry the way she was conceived but it has turned out to be a blessing to past is filled with mistakes and regrets, I'm sorry for my old self if it still haunts you...I will carry that guilt to my grave, I regret everything but I don't regret having a smart pretty angel like Emerald, she came out of all that chaos, and turned out to be a blessing in disguise... please don't deny me the joy of being in my daughter's life... please...if i can't be in yours then let me be in her life... that's all I asked. "You and Mark are both crazy... go and look for a solution to your problem I'm not your solution... please leave me and my daughter alone... I'm begging you for God sake... Olivia angrily went inside and locked her door leaving Kane standing outside. Who later left. Emerald was listening and quietly watching from the window starting from when doctor Mark came and later kissed her shocked Mom who punched him in the eyes before he left, she was still watching and listening till when Kane came in She was there listening to all they were saying. Now she knows that Mr Kane is truly her father and why her Mom did not want to have anything to do with him. Doctor Mark has mentioned that Mr Kane killed her grandmother and grandfather and also pregnated her Mom which resulted to having her. Emerald has listened to Kane when he said he regret everything he did to Mom and wish he can be in their life which Mom refused. Emerald quickly ran back to the room immediately she saw her Mom coming, She pretends to be arranging things as her Mom joined her. She dares not say any of the things she heard to her already angry Mother. Emerald quietly went about folding clothes and arranging them into a box in a way that it won't get her Mom more furious with her. That night as her Mom slept, Emerald copied Kane's number out of her mother's phone and hide the paper. As her Mom drove out on the third day, to make enquiries about their flight. Emerald quickly dailed Kane's number and called him.
4 Jun 2019 | 00:14
still observing
4 Jun 2019 | 06:10
maybe u we help ur family to come back together
4 Jun 2019 | 07:09
Sharp girl
4 Jun 2019 | 08:02
4 Jun 2019 | 09:39
Nice move Emerald
4 Jun 2019 | 18:59
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 22. Olivia was at the airport when she got a call from Kate, asking her to stop at the hospital, Olivia quickly drove down to the hospital on her way back from the airport. She met Doctor Kate “You sounded urgent...what is the problem…Doctor Kate…what is going on? “Is Doctor Mark, he told me what happened between two of you and he got a hard punch for it which almost blinded his left eye, I mean not real mind but it almost damaged his sclera…the white part of the eyes…is all blood shot now and he has to go home until he is well enough to resume…that was too hard Olivia…I am not justifying his action I have portioned his blames to him already, but hitting him on the eye…one of the most sensitive part of his body…it would have being better if you punch his manhood than blurring his vision…Mark is a nice and hardworking man, he probably blew things out of proportion when he came over…he thought that was the best way to win you over…he regrets it but yet he is left with pain in his eyes…Olivia, I’m not going to tell you who to love or not to love…you are matured enough to know what you really want…and all this will all be over soon after you leave the country…I guess by then Mark will learn to let go and channel his energy to another lady…I feel sorry for him, he almost broke down when he was speaking to me and I was frozen…I know he loves you but I never knew it was all that serious I’m certain he will be fine…time heals faster…I sincerely apologise on his behalf for everything he did and said. I kindly request you send a message to him…just explain yourself better and tell him that you did not meant to blow his eyes out…I know he has being a good friend over the years and you are one of those who he deeply cares for. Mark will suspend anything just to respond to you…don’t bridge such good relationship that has grown over the years…all because of a little misunderstanding…alright…send a little message and explain yourself better in a good manner and apologise for throwing such punch at him which wasn’t deliberate but make him feel at peace with his conscience so that he can also move on and never to trouble you again… “I can’t send him a message Doctor Kate…he caused it by not taking my words serious and even forcing a kiss at me… well, you always have a way of making me feel guilty for my actions…but with the years of knowing Mark I think I owe him an apology…Mark has truly being helpful and I really do want to leave everything aside and pay him a visit…I want to see him…not just sending a message…I will drive down to his place right away…before heading home…I’m sorry for hurting him…let me also go and tell him that to his face… Doctor Kate asked her not to stress her self by driving down, she asked Olivia to send the message which will go a long way…”Mark will feel better with the message”. But Olivia smiled and told Doctor Kate that she will go down to see Mark. Olivia drove down to see Mark, the day you was almost turning dark when she got there, she thought of Emerald who was at home with the household workers. She will probably be asleep before she returns. Olivia tapped on Mark’s door and his housekeeper was the one that answered the door “Good evening Ma…welcome... please come inside.. “Thank you…please, is Doctor Mark home…? The houses keeper told Olivia that he has being in his room all day, Olivia went inside and asked the older lady to go and inform him on her presence but as the woman was going Olivia asked her to stop, she will rather go and meet him in the room and the woman who has served Mark for years and also knows Olivia agreed and went back to her chores while Olivia went to see Mark in his room. She double tapped on the door, Mark who thought it was his house keeper replied “Ms Agnes...i asked you to leave the food on the dining, I will come out when I’m ready to eat…what is it again? Olivia walked in and saw two different types of eye drop beside Mark’s bed, his room was so neat and everything was all in place, Mark house was always in order all thanks to Agnes and that is why Mark has not being able to change her over the years because she has always served well and Mark has always been nice to her and her family whom he treats whenever any illness arises. Mark’s eyes was shot as he lay down facing up in a white t shirt and a long track trouser which looks like a pyjamas. Olivia haven’t really seen him on a casual before, he was always officially dressed, and seeing him looking so simple and calm reduced the tense in her heart as she sat beside him and gently touched his arms which prompt Mark to open his eyes in shock, he thought he was dreaming when he saw Olivia right in his room, one of his eyes was truly blood shot and looks swollen, Olivia never knew that he punched him that hard and felt pity for him. Mark stared at her with a straight face without a word, he called out to his house keeper “Ms Agnes…Ms Agnes…please come here…Why didn’t you come to inform me that I have a visitor…I could have leave my room to come out…I’m only having an eye ach not a leg ach… Olivia spoke on the woman’s defence and Ms Agnes apologise before walking out. “I wanted to see you and I did not want you to stress yourself by coming out but we can go to the parlour if you are not comfortable with my presence. Mark sat up from the bed, he sat properly still wearing on a long and confused look, he later spoke out “you coming down here is…is surprising, it has being a very long time before you even met Kane…when Ema was still far little, you visited, then another time was with Helen…is being years…and I’m so shock right now to see you and I’m still wondering if this is all a dream, Olivia in my house, right in my room, sitting calmly with me without throwing words or punch at me…I’m shock… and why did you drive all the way down to see me, is there any problem…or complication somewhere that you needs me to attend to, I haven’t being to the hospital since yesterday because of my eye…despite I’m not working but I will attend to you… “I thought you are mad at me for what happened…I spoke with Doctor Kate and she told me how the blow affected you, she said next time I should punch your manhood instead of your eyes… Mark started laughing and Olivia joined in, they became quiet again, Olivia broke the silent. “I’m sorry Mark, I didn’t meant to… Mark interrupted her. “I should be the one apologising, I am sorry… I shouldn’t have…go about the way I did…that was uncalled for…and I got what I deserve…I do not blame you one bit…I blame myself for talking and acting out of line…forcing someone to love you is totally a wrong package…and I was very wrong…I’m sorry for reminding you of your terrible past…I don’t suppose to speak freely of that or to even drag Kane into it…knowing well he has being a great guy and always there for you and Emerald…his only bondage was his bad past and everyone got a past Olivia…we all do, some are so bad while some are just normal…I have no right to compare and contrast my life with his…we all are running different race in life…mine must not be the same with his…I’m sorry for forcing the kiss…I just wanted to get Kane jealous and that was too childish of me and still out of line…I was already acting like a crazy man who need to be admitted in a psychiatric home…hahahaha…I’m sorry Olivia…I thought you won’t forgive me for what I did...i was having serious pain on the eye but it can’t be compare to the pain of guilt I felt as I wonder how I will ever face you again…I thought I have ruined years of friendship by becoming a pest all of a sudden… Olivia took his hand into hers and held it warmly, she gently moved close to him and placed her head on his chest. Mark was scared at first to hold her but later did and they remained that way. Kane was at Olivia’s house the moment Emerald called him and told him about knowing he was her father, she mentioned that she also want to say good bye to him ahead of time before she and her mum leaves the country. On hearing that Kane was furious and drove down to Olivia’s place, he sat with Emerald outside and listen to her tell him about getting all her things ready for the travel and how she will miss him. Kane almost broke down as he realized that Olivia planned to travel out without even informing him. "...Olivia wanted to travel with my daughter secretly and never mentioned it to that how much she hates me, how can she plan to do such a wicked thing to me…no…no I need to see her, is high time for her to chose if to kill me or to let me live in peace…she has to stop punishing me this way…so is either she finish me up from where she stopped…Olivia has to kill me first before she will be able to leave the country with my daughter…I need to see her wherever she maybe…time is going…why…Olivia why…why do you want to kill me just because of my past…leaving the country secretly…oh my God…this is just too much... Kane left Emerald seated as he pace round the compound with his walking stick. he tightens his fist as different thought crosses his mind, what if he takes Emerald to his house and let Olivia come over so that he can tell her exactly how wicked she has being all of a sudden, Kane thought of different thing and wave it off. As evening approach Olivia was still not back. Kane waited until the evening was turning into night and yet Olivia was not back. Kane called her severally but she ignored his call and did not pick up, Kane thought of who to call again, he remembered Doctor Mark and shakes his head, Olivia made it clear the other day that him and Mark were pestering her life. which means Mark was only trying to force himself into Olivia’s heart but Olivia has not accepted yet. Kane thought of Doctor Kate, he does not have her contacts. Doctor Kate will have answers to where Olivia maybe. Kane asked Emerald to go inside that he was coming back soon and Emerald who was also worried that her mom has not returned since morning went inside obediently, she knows she was in trouble for telling Mr Kane about their travel, her mother will be so angry, who knows what she will do to her. Emerald went inside and crawled up in her bed as she silently pray that her mom will not kill her for telling Mr Kane about going abroad. The cook called her for dinner but she told her politely that she was not hungry. Emerald want her parents to comeback as they use to be. she hopes her mum will reconsider and become more friendly with Mr Kane who happens to be her father. Her Mom was harsh on everybody, even Doctor Mark also shared out of the harshness, Emerald saw her mom punch Doctor Mark for trying to kiss her and shout at her father for coming around more often. Emerald continue to wish her mom will reconsider either Mr Kane or Mark, even if she has to be with Doctor Mark but she should be friendly with her Mr Kane and stop being too harsh to everyone. Kane drove down to the hospital and was lucky to see Kate who was about leaving for the day, she was already in her car when Kane walked up to her with his walking stick. After exchanging pleasantries Kane asked Doctor Kate if she has heard of Olivia and Kate told him that she and Olivia were together earlier. “if she is not home, she probably stop to check on Doctor Mark, who has not being feeling too well…I guess she is already on her way back home…the night is already approaching and Olivia doesn't like’ staying out late…so she should be home soon…hope there is no problem Mr Kane…or is there a problem…? Kane couldn’t start explaining how he felt to doctor Kate who may also be aware of Olivia leaving the country soon. Kane shakes his head and asked doctor Kate to give him Mark’s house address. Kate did not want to do so at first but as Kane pleaded just to be sure that Olivia wasn’t there before he start going home. At the end Kate gave him the address and Kane drove off to Mark’s house. he hopes that Olivia has left Mark's place as doctor Kate said but when he finally got there he saw Olivia’s car parked outside. He punched hard on his steering as different things crossed his mind. He swallowed hard not knowing if he should go inside or turn and drive back home. He stayed there and later stepped down and walked into Mark’s gate as the security opened the gate and he went in after asking if Doctor Mark was home. Kane knocked on the door and a round, older woman answered the door. “Good evening…please I’m looking for Doctor Mark…is he in… Ms Agnes looked at the tall man with a walking stick looking so troubled and ushered him in. “Doctor Mark has a visitor, he is in his room and I don’t want to disturb them…. please, you will have to sit here and wait for him to come out… Kane’s stomach made a sound as he hard that Mark was in his room with a visitor whom he already knows was Olivia. he wish he can rush up there into Mark's room. maybe is better not to see anything and go home. "Mark has succeeded in getting Olivia to himself. “what a bastard, he was trying to force himself on Olivia now he has succeeded….God…what do I do now…this is not fair…why do I have to be the one left out on this…why do I have to suffer so much….oh no…hmmm…Olivia has moved on with Mark…they are in the room doing whatever I can’t imagine…maybe I need to just leave…no…I will stay here and let them know how I feel…Olivia needs to answer me why she planned to take my daughter abroad without informing me…I need to give Olivia and Doctor Mark a piece of my mind. Kane held his head in his hands as the anger and pain surged through him, every second that goes by was as if it was strangling him. He kept wishing Olivia will just come out, He felt like a looser. He was in love with Olivia, he has never stopped loving her no matter how he tried to or how she pushes him away. he can’t seem to move on as she wants him to. Kane kept watching the time as it ticks, he breathed heavily with every passing second. He started counting time before he will barge into Doctor Marks’s room. Once the housekeeper is out of sight he will sneak up there to Mark’s room.
4 Jun 2019 | 22:50
5 Jun 2019 | 01:54
Kane calm down and act matured
5 Jun 2019 | 03:20
Kane, don't allow ur despiration destroy whatever chances u still have wt Olivia.
5 Jun 2019 | 07:57
This Olivia is so foolish and naive
5 Jun 2019 | 11:09
See this stupid Kane, u think u still have the right to be angry after all u did to Olivia. U wanted to claim Emerald as ur daughter after raping her mother when u are a thief, I even prefer Olivia to end up with Mark who has been patient all this while than u Kane who will only bring her bad memory and nightmare.
5 Jun 2019 | 15:11
Kane, my advice is this; stand up, turn around and use the main door, go into your car, reverse and go home. Pretend like everything is normal, then wait for the day they will depart. On that day before they leave, go to her house with your Will, a gun and a knife. When you get there, hand over the will to Emerald, then give Olivia the two weapons and ask her to kill you with the one she likes then see if she can do it
5 Jun 2019 | 17:03
This your advice carry weight @itzprince
5 Jun 2019 | 18:39
LASTING MEMORY. Episode 23. “What can I offer you sir, while you wait for Doctor to come and attend to you… Kane waved his hand at the woman without looking up at her, Agnes went to the kitchen and after sometime she came out and Kane was not in the parlor again. she looked round the house but the man was not anywhere around. Agnes wondered where the man she just left in the sitting room could be, after sometime she went outside to the gate and asked the security if he saw the man that came in with a walking stick. The security replied her that the man just left and drove off in his car. Agnes returned back to the house as she wondered why the man will leave in a hurry without seeing Doctor which was the main reason why he came at first. Olivia sat beside the bed as she listen to Mark about how he has always dream of being a doctor and finally he is one. Olivia checked the time and stood up. “all the stories are all wonderful, your childhood was awesome except for your Mom passing so early…well, we are a bit related with that…I’m glad to know you more than just my “doctor friend” you are a nice person and you deserve somebody that will truly love you…i value our friendship and that was the main reason I drove down here to make amend what was torn…and to explain myself in a very clear way…we can’t be together…I know I have said that already…if I end up with you it will be out of pity and not love…I see you as a great friend but I have not being able to develop mutual feeling for you…Kane was the only one I have loved so deeply until I discovered that he was the Kaka I have dreaded all this years, sometimes I wish i have never found out…maybe by now we will be married and happy together…and at same time I’m glad that I found out.... to avoid future crisis…I’m sorry Mark that I can’t love you the way you deserve…and I don’t want to imprison my emotions just to please you… “you don’t need to be sorry Olivia…rather I’m grateful for your boldness and clarity on this…I don’t want to be loved out of pity…no…that will be too dangerous and emotional disaster… Thank you for coming…I feel so free now than before…and thank you for listening to all my boring tale…you were calm all through…and never interrupted me…that makes me feel special…I just wish you can come once in a while…I will never pest you over a relationship…I respect you and I respect your wishes…we can just be cool friends…even after you probably get married or I find someone and settle down with…I will remain your “doctor Friend” and maybe a family friend too… “Thank you for your understanding Mark…I also wish to be there when you will find that special someone to settle down with, she will certainly be a lucky one and I pray your paths will cross soon. I will be leaving the country soon… me and Emerald are set to travel out…and by next week we will be flying out…I didn’t want to tell you before but I feel is necessary now that we understand ourselves better… Mark pause for a while as Olivia face the door, he stood up and join her as they walk to the door. “wow…wow…I just don’t know what to say Olivia…I guess is for the best…leaving the country….wow…hope I’m not the one pushing you away to another country with my constant trouble on relationship…. “No…no…that is what I want…I just want to breathe in fresh air outside here…we can always speak over the phone…I will be one of the happiest people if I get the news of your settling down with a good and kind woman just as you are… “Thank you for everything…you are making me to feel teary like a little boy…uhmmm…but is all good…I will miss you but we can always comunicate over the phone and I will certainly inform you when I get that special woman…you will be the first to know… Olivia hugged him and when they loosened up, they were both teary as Olivia pecked his cheeks before going down. Ms Agnes came out to inform Doctor Mark of a visitor that came earlier but later left. She described the person as a man on a walking stick. Mark and Olivia knew that it was Kane. They wondered what Kane came for and couldn’t wait. Olivia waved Mark goodbye as she crosses the gate and drove off. Kane has planned taking Emerald to his house but she refused to go with him because her mom with not be happy if she does that and she doesn’t want to get into more trouble with her and also the security will not allow him to take her out without her mom’s knowledge. Kane has no choice than to sit outside and wait for Olivia and after sometime she drove in. Olivia wasn’t surprise to see Kane sitting in front of her door step, she approached him. Before she could even get close Kane began to rage, calling Olivia names. He was so angry with her thinking Olivia slept with Mark but she never did. “you are so wicked Olivia…so damn wicked…it would have being better if you have killed me when you had that gun than to spare me and continue taunting me every day…you have broken me into pieces and I wish I was dead than to watch you do all this to me…you chose Doctor Mark because he is a perfect man and has no terrible past…and you hate me and never stop hating me because I had a past…Mark is a perfect man to you and you were at his place and he made love to you…I guess his caresses and loving making is far better than mine…and you are happy now right…he got what he has always wanted isn’t it…Olivia you are so heartless…what kind of woman are you…your hatred for me burn like a flame…all because of my past…you abandoned me on our wedding day…and totally tore my world apart…you wanted to kill me in revenge for your parents death…now you are planning to take my only hope away. Emerald…is also my daughter…despite everything she is still part of me…you were planning to going to abroad with my daughter….i won’t be able to see her again until I breath my last…aren’t you so heartless…tearing me apart and kicking me out of your life with everything you got…Kaka was my heartless past but he never deliberately killed your parents...he only caused their death and has suffered too much already for all his sin…far more than those who went to prison…what else do you want me to do…I can say sorry everyday of my life just to prove to you that am truly sorry…but even if I say sorry everyday you will still not be satisfied and will keep hurting me… I was at Mark’s place earlier and both of you were up there in his stupid room banging each oth… Olivia angrily slapped him before he will complete the word, Kane held his cheek and stare at her, he tightens his fist while breathing hard. Olivia stood right in front of him boiling even more. They stood that way without word as Olivia breathed down moved back. “I don’t have time for you Kane…I’m going to bed…you need to leave when you are done raging… As she tries to cross Kane held her hand from walking past him and quickly loosened up. He battles with the emotion building in his chest, Olivia walked inside her house, leaving him alone outside. She checked on Emerald who wasn’t really aside but pretend to be. Emerald has not being able to sleep but she pretend to be asleep as her mom checked up on her. Olivia covered her properly, kissed her forehead before leaving. Emerald thought within her. “If mom could do all that it means she wasn’t so mad at me as i have expected… i will find out if she is angry me by morning. Olivia changed to her nightie, she looked outside and saw Kane still sitting outside there her front step. She breathed as she put on a long robe before going outside and quietly sat beside Kane who still did not say anything. They stayed quiet before he spoke out still without looking at Olivia “I am not a bad person but my past man was…I am Kane and will never be Kaka…you are fighting and hating the wrong man…maybe it was better if I have died with others or locked in prison than to watch you do all this to me…it would have being better if everything was different…I regret not listening to my father in the beginning of my youth, I would have focused on building a career than becoming Kaka…ever since you walked out of my life…I die slowly everyday…and just knowing you were with Mark in his room…I almost had a heart attack just realizing that you will never be mine…I couldn’t imagine what was happening between you and Doctor Mark…it was almost snuffing life out of me…leaving the country with Emerald was another thing I don’t know if I will survive… “Kane, I know I don’t owe you or anybody about what I do with my life but I do want to let you know that nothing happened between me and Doctor Mark…it was more of talk and then a goodbye…I can’t be with Mark because I have never being able to love him the way he deserve…and you don’t have any right to trail me to Mark’s house…that was so stupid of you…what were you thinking driving down to Doctor Mark’s house... Kane? when I said I have forgiven you I meant it that way. stop taking our conversations back to unforgivness or how bad I am…forgiving someone doesn’t mean you must be in the person’s life…we had a wonderful memorable time together…and I needed to move on so do you…it doesn’t make me unforgiven or a bad person. I know the kind of person I am…I may chose to accept you and we continue our love affair and I end up hurting more than I have ever being or end up hurting you…you are the only man I have ever loved…and still love…I can’t move past that but I won’t move back into your life because I will end up hating you everyday…being a distance away makes me still retain the love we once share…I don’t want to loose it all and I am not denying your presence in Emerald’s life…she is equally your daughter and you have being a great father to her…she will be the only thread that brings us together…moving out of the country was the best thing for me to do right now…everything here is suffocating me…you especially…I need to breath a new air outside here and we will definitely return…I have business running here and my chamber will be calling me home…I have alot I want to do in the future…and is all going to be in this country…I’m sorry for striking you…you have to stop nagging like a pregnant woman and keep your emotions in check… don’t cycle your life around me Kane. I only hate your past man that tore us apart and not you…we will always have something connecting us no matter where we are or whoever we end up with in the future….learn to start loving yourself…you still have a life, so start over again…don’t say you can’t do it without me…try doing it…if you love me then start living your own life and do not cycle your living around my existence. when i leave this country I want to hear of your outings…I want to hear of your dates…and all the thing you are doing for fun…I will also send back mine to you…I know Emerald will make sure of that….i don’t know how to love another ever since….and I don’t want to…I just want to focus on my life and become the woman I always want to be…and I will be happy wherever I am that you are living the best of your life. Don’t allow me, or your past man or even your leg to be an excuse of living your dream…don’t let anything to keep you in bondage forever Kane…Alright? Kane quietly nodded, Olivia went into his arm and Kane held her and they remained that way until Olivia slept off in his arm. Kane could have carried her inside the house but he can’t seem to do without his walking stick, if he tries it him and Olivia may clash on the ground, so he just allowed her to sleep quietly. But as the time ticks in his watch and he was also feeling sleepy he gently woke Olivia to go inside and she asked him to come in and pass the night and he did. As he lay on the cushion in the living room, Olivia bent over and kissed his fore head before going to her room to sleep. Kane slept so soundly more than he has slept in a long while.
6 Jun 2019 | 02:32
Getting more interesting
6 Jun 2019 | 03:47
to me kane u aren't supposed to be in that house,ur behaving we make her more angry
6 Jun 2019 | 04:20
wow interesting
6 Jun 2019 | 05:39
I gave you an advice that will certainly bring her back to your life but you chose to do otherwise. Issorite
6 Jun 2019 | 09:44
she is indeed sharp pretty Angel!!!
6 Jun 2019 | 11:48
things might get better
6 Jun 2019 | 12:42
everything is now surf
6 Jun 2019 | 14:10
Kane leave everything to fate
6 Jun 2019 | 14:22
I gave you an advice that will certainly bring her back to your life but you chose to do otherwise. Issorite
What advice
6 Jun 2019 | 16:53
FINAL EPISODE OF LASTING MEMORY. Olivia Was amazed as her friends went with her and Emerald to the airport to wave them goodbye. Kane was there, Mark, Doctor Kate and also Helen, she and Emerald hugged everyone. Her friends waited until the plane took off. Olivia settled in immediately as they arrived. All she did with Emerald in the first month was to tour and visit places and in the second month she got busy with activities. Emerald started high school while Olivia engaged herself with more studies and works part time in other not to be bored. Months flew into a year. she never fails to call her people back home and they also calls her. Mark gave an exciting report of going out with a nice lady, Helen brought the news of giving birth to a baby boy, and she with her husband were both excited to welcome their bundle of joy after a long wait. Olivia was so happy for them, she spoke with Kate almost every week. Kane calls too and Olivia allows him to speak with Emerald. Emerald and her father spends time talking over the phone whenever she is free. Emerald rushed up to Olivia one day as she was making dinner, the phone she was using to do video call was in her hand as she showed it to her mother “Mom…Mom…look…look, Mr Kane…he is walking without his stick…look…isn’t that amazing… Olivia took the phone and saw Kane practising on how to walk without his sticks. Olivia smile, she left the kitchen with the phone and asked Emerald to continue with the dinner “Kane, I’m so proud of you…I told you that you are stronger than what you reduced yourself to… “thank you Olivia…I was getting so comfortable in those sticks that I didn’t want to do without it…maybe because I love the self pity that comes with it but no more pity…I have to take charge…just as you have always wanted…you said it will make you happy if I start living my own life…well, I’m doing that…I have not being able to go on a date yet…I don’t know if I will ever be able to do that but I’m ready to give every other thing a try, I’m doing so many things right now…I went to play tennis with Wilson, and we planed going to the basket ball cot by weekend…I need to start living….i was loosing myself but no more…maybe someday I will be able to go on a date with a nice, loving woman like you are…thank you for always bringing out the best in me…I’m sending some money again to Emerald by next week…I know you don’t want to accept any gift of any kind from me, you made that clear already but the money I send is for Emerald’s tuition fee…please don’t ask me to stop…and hope you are living your best life over there… “Sure, I am and i'm happy to know that you are living your life Kane…take good care of yourself…bye. A year turned into two and then three, Mark got married and had a daughter Olivia was sending all her kind wishes to him, right on his first date to when he proposed to the lady and to their wedding and also when she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and Mark couldn’t keep calm, he was so happy. Olivia tried to keep the friendship alive and even sometime speak with Doctor Mark’s wife over the phone, she was always excited to speak to Olivia after hearing so much about her. Olivia also cried with Helen when she had a miscarriage on her second child and she never fail to encourage and pray with her. After another year Helen became pregnant again and excitedly shared the news with Olivia who also jubilate with her. Olivia was happy for everyone living the best of their lives as she was trying to also live her own best too, meeting new people and making friends. She try not to get into anything intimate with any of her male friends, both white and black, she kept it casual with every one. She also had friends who were lawyers and barristers, they form a click and hook up most weekends. Emerald has a phone which enables Kane to speak to her anytime he wants, Olivia was happy that she left the country as she began to perceive things differently. she will never forget her parents because they lives on in her heart everyday, she can never forget the circumstances behind their death, but she has totally and deeply forgiven those behind it. Most especially Kane. Olivia was home one day expecting her friends who were coming to say goodbye to her as she planes to leave the country soon. When the door bell rang, Emerald rushed happily to the door to answer it. Some of Olivia’s friends came in, one came with her daughter who happens to be Emerald’s close friend. They came with pizza, drinks and different gifts for Olivia. They all ate while watching one of their favourite shows. Olivia informed them that she will be traveling back to her country, is almost four years since she left, she wants to go and foresee things, becoming a barrister is to help her country to fight crime and unlawful judgements against humanity and she can’t achieve all that in another man’s country. She has a chamber which she asked her learned colleague to be using in her absence. now, she needs to go back home and take over things but Emerald will stay behind until she is done with school. Olivia’s new friends wished her well and most of them wanted Emerald to come over to their house and live with them but Emerald said she will rather visit than living with them. She told everyone that she will be fine staying alone maybe with her friend Tessie. The neighbourhood was calm, nice people lives all around and her close friend will be staying with her so she has nothing to fear or worry. At the end they all agreed to be checking up on Emerald. Olivia got her daughter and her friends waving her good bye that morning as she flew off back to her country. Olivia came back home and used the first week to visit all her friends, Helen, Mark and his family and also doctor Kate. She tried not to ask of Kane, as she concluded within her that he must have moved on with another woman which was all she has wanted him to do but she wonder why she wasn’t so happy imagining Kane with another woman but Olivia tried to accept that. She got busy with work and continue to speak with her daughter over the phone and sometime speak to her friends too. She was in her chamber when her secretary came to inform her that a man was looking for her and as the man came in it happens to be Kane, he was not using his walking stick. With a close look one can still tell that he has an injury from the way he walks but it wasn’t so obvious. Kane has grown few white hairs around his bears. He was well dressed in a white striped shirt, a brown chinos trouser, a suede black shoe with a matching belt. As he walked into Olivia’s office with a very attractive smile, she looked at him as if she has never seen him before in her life. Olivia was speechless as she stood and stare at Kane who was beaming with a gentle man smile, she wanted to say something and Kane stretched his hand out, haunting her to pause. “my name is Kane and I’m please to meet you ma’m…can we just pretend and act like this is the first time we are meeting… just pretend by introducing yourself…I do want to know you…if you don’t mind… Olivia laughed out at Kane’s attitude, he was acting all official with her while robbing his bears with the other hand, and she was loving every bit of it. She pretend and stretched her hands to him. “I'm Barrister Olivia, and I am please to meet you sir…ooh. C’mon Kane, what happened to you…you look so different…I must confess that you look more handsome now than before and why are you pulling at your bears…is that a new style now… but I’m loving this new Kane… Kane blushed as Olivia came around her table and they both embraced and went on talking like old friends as if nothing ever happened. Kane kept it cool and listened to Olivia as they both talked excitedly. Few days later, Emerald called and sounded so happy over the phone. “Mom, I’m so happy for you…wow…this is so exciting…. “Happy for me, what happened…is there anything going on that I don’t know… “Mom, stop pretending….Mr Kane, my Dad… well, he told me that two of you are getting back together…and going on a date this weekend, that is the greatest news of all time…I feel so excited Mom, my heart wants to burst out with happiness…you traveling down and breathing in new fresh air has done a lot of good for you and for him too… “well, don’t conclude yet…we are just getting on as friends…and he wants me to go on our suppose first date with him this weekend…is not really bad, your Dad… has kind of change…acting like a gentle man…and all porch…so, I’m going on a few date with him to see how it goes…don’t get too excited about it... is just a date not a wedding...just focus on your studies… “is all the same to me…I am happy for both of you Mom…at least for giving love another try…no matter what comes out of it…I am still so proud of you and I’m focusing on my studies to make you and Dad proud…I will make you a proud Mom…because you deserve it and you also deserve some good happiness…best of luck Mom…and don’t fail to give me gist of how it all went…I know is all gonna be fun…make sure you have fun… And Olivia and Kane went on her suppose first date with Kane and it was all fun. Kane dropped her off before driving back to his place. He knows slow and steady wins the race, he wasn’t going to rush anything with Olivia, he will allow her to take her time in making any decision. But in everything he was living his life more than he has ever did, and he will make sure he gives Olivia a thousand reasons to smile and turns her lemon into a lemonade. Olivia stared at the mirror with a smile across her face, as she spoke to her daughter over the phone, giving her every gist on how the suppose date went. Emerald was over excited as she listen to her Mother speak with happiness in her voice. It was her prayer that her Mom give Mr Kane another chance into her life and not allow the past to hold their love captive and she was happy that they are beginning to live and be happy again with each other. Her father speaks greatly of her Mom and her Mom is not exceptional and she looks forward to another date with Kane. Olivia opened her drawer, and brought out her parent’s picture, she kissed the picture and held it in front of her. “you and Mom will continue to live in my heart, I’m a barrister now, I have found purpose and rejected love and happiness just because of where it was coming from, but I do want to embrace life to the fullest now because I know you two want me to be happy and I will not allow the darkness of the past to hold me captive…I will not live in bondage to the enemy of my mind…I want to be free, loved and happy…and that is what I will do…Emerald is making me proud everyday…she is turning into a smart and intelligent young girl and I can’t be less proud of her…I will be going on another date with Kane…we are taking it slowly and everyday at a time…and I love it that way…everyone deserve to be happy irrespective of the past…and I feel within me that you and Mom are both smiling down from heaven and nodding in agreement to this…this is how my own fate found me, I have run from it for so long but not again…I am embracing it and living my best life with the wonderful people that God has blessed me with… And on the next weekend, Kane drove down earlier and waited for Olivia to be through with her dressing, he helped her to zip up her dress, caressed her neck before kissing it. He lead her in his arm to the car, and drove her off to another fun filled evening. We all hope that their yesterday will remain where it belongs. As they both starts their life again today, we silently pray that their tomorrow’s sun shine will be brighter, filled with colorful rainbow. *THE END.*
6 Jun 2019 | 22:53
end kee???? Anyway nice story
7 Jun 2019 | 02:51
What a job welldone,that was a good one
7 Jun 2019 | 06:40
7 Jun 2019 | 15:47
nice ending
7 Jun 2019 | 17:37
Nice story... Well done!!!
7 Jun 2019 | 17:47
Kudos to the writer
8 Jun 2019 | 04:01
8 Jun 2019 | 08:06
I love this story
8 Jun 2019 | 08:19
wonderful!!!! I love dis. but can past really remain in d past????
21 Jun 2019 | 13:37
Hopefully the past won't hunt them like Olivier feared
3 Jul 2019 | 16:24
Hmmmm ride on
27 Jan 2022 | 05:45


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