Just One Night Stand*** A Novella

Just One Night Stand*** A Novella

By Shaxee in 8 Feb 2016 | 15:57
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Posts: 2461
Member since: 19 Oct 2014
Hello guys, have been out for a long time now, but guess what am back after bunch of emails, messages on cvl22 and on fb, asking where I've disappeared to, but the big question was why was I out, nobody asked that, but I can't talk about that now because am back, and thanks to val for updating my unfinished stories which I've already finished in my blog, and thanks to everyone that email and called me, thanks to Ritagold Aka Miss Farooqui, and a big thanks to Victoriachild for those funny entertainment she do pull up, and thanks to others who have been up to hear from me and here I am... cheers ??Cool?...

Here comes another epic which I just decide to start up for people here both the new and the old members to discover that am around, so grab a sit, and a bear, or probably whiskey to cheer up, and tell your fellow cvl22 member and say, this gonna be hot, interesting and fabulous if you understand what I mean.. so chill....


"Never trust others too much. Remember, the Devil was once an angel"

Those were the words I'll remember for the rest of my life as they belonged to my mother... As they were the last thing I heard from her before she died. She had a habit of quoting someone, and then she'd explain to us its meaning. That night was special. We argued. Rows from everyone and my little brother crying.
We were in a car, going out for a family dinner.
And then the crash. Then they died. I'll regret it for the rest of my life, for they died because of my tongue. Me and my little brother, Ayden, survived. I don't know how we managed, but we did, and he became my life ever since.
8 Feb 2016 | 15:57
Welcome back broe.... Ndo..Accept my condolence
8 Feb 2016 | 16:06
First to comment... Welcome bosses boss... On behalf of my fellow coolvallers I welcome you and ask for you forgiveness on behalf of those that didn't have the chance of reaching you to ask why you're off.... Welcom bro/boss/man/dad/crush
8 Feb 2016 | 16:10
I have already taken my seat
8 Feb 2016 | 16:25
Kaley's POV "We can't spend our money on something so insignificant. People die all the time, you'll get over it... Here I come honey, wait for me!" I played those words in my head over and over again as I cried in front of the mirror in the hospital bathroom. They fùcking told me that their nephew's life is insignificant to them! The people I thought could help me with my brother's transplantation and therapy said that to me just a few minutes ago on the phone. Those sick bastards! Fighting my tears, I splashed the water on my face trying to hide my bloodshot eyes, but I knew that it will be hard. I've cried the whole day ever since learning about Ayden's state, and I doubted that it will go away just by washing my face once. I took deep breath before exhaling and repeating it again and again. I didn't want to think, but I had to. I didn't know how, but I had to get that money for him. With that as my final thought, I headed back to Ayden's room. I noticed Mel's pain when she heard everything from doctor. I knew she was from some rich family, but she cut her ties. I didn't know how, but they destroyed her life, it was all she said when she mentioned it to me long ago. She said she'll try to get it, but she wasn't sure just when will she make it. He may die by then... I couldn't let it happen. The doctor explained everything to me, he had AML, the type of leukemia that attacked your red blood cells. Most leukemia cancers attack white ones, but this one reduced the production of red cells thus causing problems to every single cell in the body. There was no oxygen for them. Therapy was simple, he needed the marrow transplantation, then chemotherapy. He will constantly be under strong rays that will destroy his sicken blood cells while it will get filtrated in the meantime. He'll also need some medicines, bit they couldn't say it for sure, the question is if his body will accept it anyway. I prayed it will... But i needed money for all that. "But I don't want to stay here and I don't want you to go." Ade whined. Visiting hours are over and I had to go, but Ade had to stay there. He wouldn't let me go and I didn't want to go either, but I had to. I’ve never been separated from Ayden at night, not since the day our parents died. After the accident he’s had nightmares and I was always there to calm him down. That's why we've been sleeping together no matter what. Seeing what I saw happen to our parents at such a young age was a terrifying experience for me, so I can't even imagine what's been going through his head. "Ade, you know I would like to stay here or take you with me, but I can't," alright, let's make this more interesting "You see, there is a monster's bacteria in you and those nice superheroes in white are trying to destroy it, otherwise you will become one of them and start terrorising this planet." I tried to make this like an adventure to him. I moved my arms making different figures to make this talk more interesting for him. He didn't have to know what’s happening, not yet at least. How the hell do you explain to a six year old kid what leukemia is? Blood cancer? How do you even explain to him that he has to get surgery? If he were to hear that he's going to get cut open... Ok, not really, just stabbed with needles in his vertebra, he would go insane and probably escape this hospital on his own. "Even Amy?" His eyes widened and I chuckled. Amy’s been his crush for a long time, as he has hers. She is Melisa's daughter and the same age as him. They were of the same age and a team of troublemakers, you see, and I swear that he wanted to protect her more than he cared for himself. He'd always share his food with her, and she'd do the same. "Yep, her too. Do you want her to get hurt or will you stay here and fight like a real hero?" I raised my eyebrow. He's buying it. "Let's beat it!" He raised his little fist in the air and I did the same. Kissing his forehead, I told him I would come back tomorrow and all he has to do is go to sleep. I gave the nurse my phone number in case Ade wanted to talk to me and she nodded saying that she'll call me if needed. I could barely look at his weakened form without crying, his hair wasn't like it was before and I knew that it was because of the radiation he's been under as a treatment. That night, for the first time in my life, I spent my time alone in our little flat... Well, it was just a one story house with two rooms, but the man was kind enough to rent it for us under the price of a single room flat. I didn't sleep. Just cried. There was, after all, nothing I could do for the time being. Next day, I was working at "Eat & Smile", but my usual cheerful mood was gone. How could I even think of being happy when Ade was in the hospital on his own? I didn’t even say anything to that bimbo that comes in everyday; I just walked around like a zombie. How can I be myself when Ayden is in the hospital, probably scared to death from all the staff going in his room? He’s never been good with strangers around him and all those in white must scare him to death. I need to go and see him fast. He may see them as the heroes, but he's a child. They'll just come, give him a medicine and leave, they won't play with him, I think. He'll be scared no matter what. "Kay..." Ryan called me and I turned around to face him " everything all right honey, do you want me to send you home?" he asked with worry itched across his face and I just shook my head no. "I am alright, just... Its Ade, he's sick." I tried to keep my tears back. Maybe I'm not strong enough to stay cheerful and positive in this situation, but I sure as hell can't cry like he has already died. I cried enough yesterday and today I promised, for him, that whenever I think of him I will always laugh, so I just have to hope for things to settle down and get better. I know that something good will happen... It just has to. "There's nothing to worry about, you know how Ade is, he will get through any fever that gets him, just like always.” He smiled. He knew nothing, I wasn't strong enough to talk about that yesterday and now.. . Oh, God. I just couldn't... "That's the point, this isn't some usual fever Ryan..." I looked at the ground, not wanting him to see my glassy eyes. "What do you mean?" This caught his attention as he stopped chopping the carrot he was working on. "He-he has leukemia..." I finally choked it out "The doctors said that without surgery he wouldn't be able to live, at most, for more than one month. And I have no money for it." I let a tear escape from my eye. I didn't, I couldn't. My mind was broken at that moment. "Don't worry he will make it somehow," he hugged me "We can try something, we can help you, you can count on me and my wife. We'll get though this all together ," he said but I shook my head. Even with their help, it would be hard. "He's my only family, I can't loose him, too." I cried. "We will help you somehow, everything is going to be alright. What about your aunts…?" "Those people aren't our aunts! You should have heard them... What she said," I cried and shook from anger "I really need that money, I know that it's lot but I need it!" "So what are you going to do?" He asked. "I don't know, anything. I would do anything to get that money." I am determined, no matter what; I will get that money even if it kills me... If only I knew just how much my words were true. After that I kind of did die... After I met him, the guy that hurt me a million and one times in one night, I never dreamt that such a thing could ever happen to me... Blake's POV (aka the male protagonist of this story, the billionaire) So, to clear this up. Instead of dealing with a bastard of CEO that just managed to fùck up my contact and made me lose 30 millions, I'm what? Eating? Going to eat, because as my friend, Max, said; I needed to chill out... And just because Max wants it, what? I have to go to the freaking café? I could work instead! Truth to be told, it's because of their workers that I don't want to be here. Ah, they ain't better than those I had in telecommunications sector, they banged like what? One tenth of my workers? I need to fill those papers later to fire them, I could understand if they took one for each, but one tenth? 364 men for just fifty-two of them? In a month?! Thirty one day?! I'm becoming paranoid, I use too many numbers in the last time, they're making me depressed. Not to mention that bastard of my father that's been trying to take over ownership of my company. The same my company he brought to brink of bankruptcy I rose up again out of nothing. "Come on Blake, they have great food and it would be fun for you to be around some normal people," my best friend, Max, who made me come here, said. That blond guy was like a chirping bird, he knew every, I repeat every good place in entire Seattle to stick around... One being my house he came wasted at nights. Nope, he wasn't a womanizer, just pretended to be, but he was heavy drunk when he had no job, other than that he was great. No one ever complained at his work about him, all pregnant woman wanted to shag him, called him adorable etc. He blames it on their hormones, but has only one true love. Melissa. "Yea right, who knows what kind of waitresses we’re going to see here. And I am surrounded by normal people," it was no secret that there are bitchy waitresses that work at caffés here. I got three in bed. From the same restaurant. And that said a lot. They all just want attention hoping for a guy to pay their necessities and take them on romantic dinners every night... Where all they would eat is salad and that's some expensive salad... Like seriously, you can find salads more expensive then a normal fried chicken nowadays. And I still needed to deal with my workers and the other CEO. "There is a girl that works at this one, she once slapped Dylan, plus you? Normal people, already? Please, don't, it's making an insult for half of the world to call Regina normal, Bro," he said. Wow, really sneaky from your mouth, Maximilian. But that girl he just mention to work here, she must be good, Dylan is an even worse of a womaniser then I am, that girl must have some balls. I must see her, maybe it's not that bad. "I bet I can make her sleep with me," I smirked. I am what woman called "hot", it's the truth they said it themselves, and any woman would kill for me. Now, I'm not being egoistic, it was true. Especially when they found out who I am and just how rich I am. I’d like to meet a girl that doesn’t know of my real status and falls in love with me for who I am, not for my riches. But I guess I'm asking for too much, such a woman doesn't exist. "Don't blame me if you get slapped though," he grinned. Once we entered I overheard a conversation. "I really need that money; I know that it’s a lot but I need it," some girl said. "So what are you going to do?" A guy asked her, this place really needs a space for privacy. This why I hated going out, too many people, too many talks. "I don't know, anything. I would do anything for that money, to be honest." Wow, another money hungry woman, I guessed. Don’t they feel ashamed asking for money like that? What’s happening to the shame people on this earth are lacking? Shaking my thoughts, I went with Max to a free table. Soon a girl with a gold curly hair came over. She had a blue-green eyes, but they were red, was she crying? For some reason, she was still beautiful for me. I couldn't explain it, she seemed to be young, late teens, nineteen maybe , that's almost seven years younger than me. "What can I get you?" She asked and I recognized that voice from before, it was the girl that is desperately in need of money, for who knows what. "You." Max said and she sighed. "I have a vision, Max, and in in that vision, you are left with just one ball. So, if you don't want my vision to really happen, I suggest you start behaving." She narrows her eyes at him and he gulped, wow she's good... I could see they knew each other from the way he chuckled hiding his fear and her rising her eyebrow to dare him to continue. And I just got an idea. "I need to go to the bathroom," he said, rushing there. She sighed again and then turned to me. Just as she was about to say something, I interrupted her. "So you need money. I couldn't help but overhear that conversation you had." I told her and her eyes widened. Her lips parted few times not knowing what to say and I sighed. "I have a proposal for you," she looked at me bewildered and was just about to say something when I interrupted her "One night with me, I can do whatever I want until morning and will pay you as much as you want. Take half a million if you want for all I care." Her eyes widened and I waited. I prayed that she'd say no, slap me even or yell, but I knew that it was hard to resist that offer. She clenched her teeth and she was about to say something to me when she suddenly just moved her gaze from me. "Fine..." She said it with venom in her voice and I closed my eyes with a silent sigh. I was right. For those workers of mine, for other woman and for her. I'm going to teach her not to be that like as she currently is, that only wants money. I don't know what her reason for it is but nothing is worth it, and she better realize it now. Either she wanted to move on, buy a car, travel or whatsoever, it wasn't worth it. Nothing was worthier own life, I learnt it in pain and tears, and it was time someone taught her that as well. If only I knew the horrible mistake I made by saying those words that day, by deciding to destroy the life of an innocent girl that only wanted to save her brother... And if only I knew she was a virgin...
9 Feb 2016 | 06:02
9 Feb 2016 | 11:39
9 Feb 2016 | 12:01
And hope you didn't take advantage of her and push her out without giving her the half a million you'd promised her already? I somehow bought your philosophy "Nothing is worthier than ones life, dignity and respect.... not even all the coffers in the CBN".
9 Feb 2016 | 12:33
Welcome back @Itzshaxee it's been ages we saw yr work here and we looks forward to a thriller from you
9 Feb 2016 | 12:38
Welcome back @Shaxee. Following.
9 Feb 2016 | 12:54
Hmmmm..go and continue forever and always pls
9 Feb 2016 | 13:34
welcome bk z qonna b fun meehn... @omodemilade59 dear u nee tu c dz..
9 Feb 2016 | 13:39
Kul........... Shaxee, I can no longer access ua blog............... z it under maintainace........?
9 Feb 2016 | 13:53
wow, dis is going to be hot
9 Feb 2016 | 14:09
- Never judge a book by it's cover... Especially when someone else informs you of it - Kaley's POV The girl in front of me had perfectly curled blonde hair. Her lips are dyed red and she looked so pretty. Her black dress goes along her skin at her waist and then freely falls down to her mid-thigh and black heels to match perfectly. "I swear, if I wasn't a girl, I would so bang you." Melisa said. I moved my gaze away from the mirror, to look at her. "Thanks, but I think I’ll have nightmares because of that sentence." I told her I was going on a date tonight, not wanting to tell her the real reason for my absence. That guy, I think his name is Blake, told me to be ready by 7 and its 6:38. After saying goodbye, she left. All that is left now is to wait for him to come. I may be a virgin and I may have always planned on having my first time with a guy that would be my husband, that I am going to love, but this is the only option I have if I want my brother to live. When he asked me for a one-night stand, I wanted to slap him, I really did, but then I remembered Ade. I had to be strong for him, there's no way in Hell I'm going to let him down, I am so nervous, but still... I couldn't let him die. Melissa said she contacted her brother, but she wasn't sure as to how should she confront him, yet I only told her that I found a friend from long time ago that was willing to give me the money. I then proceed to lie that he met me with some nice guy who wanted to take me on a day, and was so passionate about it that I just bad to accept. She was glad that my life went well... Or so she thought. He? How could he ask something like that, after he heard my conversation? Why couldn't he just mind his own business? I couldn't understand him, he seemed to be rich since he offered me 600.000 for one night with him as if it were six cents to him. Oh, I said yes. In normal situations, I'd slap then yell many indecent things at him for even bringing up that thing. Anyway, it's just one night, and I will never have to see him again. I can do it. Sighing, I sat on the bed waiting, twirling my fingers in anticipation. All the courage I've just built inside of me disappeared when I heard my doorbell; it meant only one thing – he’s here. I tried not to look so shaken when I got there; I took a deep breath and opened the door. There he was, in black jeans and leather jacket over a plain white V-neck perfectly matching his black messy hair. He was leaning on the doorframe and gazed me with his greyish-blue eyes. I saw him once, it was in a suit and he was definitely the most beautiful man I encountered. "Are you ready?" He asked me icily and I nodded. He may have the body of a supermodel, but his mind was that of an asşhole "Good, now follow." He went to his car and I went back into the house turning off the lights and then locking the door. As I turned around I bumped in something strong, his chest. "You live alone?" He asks and I nod. He just rolled his eyes and once again instructed me to follow him and I did as I was told. He led me to a black SUV and I wondered just how much money he must really have. He ignited the cars before pointing to the backseat where was placed a black bag. "There's your money, check it if you want," he opened it and I saw money in it before he closed the doors before igniting the car. I only gulped, praying that the night will end soon and I could be with my brother. He'll have his future. "We are going to the hotel in Vancouver, I don't want to be seen with the likes of you here,” he said not taking his eyes from road as he started driving.
9 Feb 2016 | 14:32
at those who said they can access my blog, the link is am gonna be starting one of my new series there soon.... so feel free to browse through my blog.....
9 Feb 2016 | 14:35
welcome back dis story..following
9 Feb 2016 | 16:32
9 Feb 2016 | 18:39
wonderful story nice one @shaxee am in this let's ride pls
9 Feb 2016 | 19:22
wlc bk @shaxee
10 Feb 2016 | 04:48
No update yet @shaxee, y na.......?
10 Feb 2016 | 13:17
Wlc back @shaxee, next
10 Feb 2016 | 13:47
- Stand up and walk. You have two beautiful legs on your own, don't you? You don't need to rely on anyone - Kaley's POV I couldn't get up the next morning. I was still in the dress from the last night, so I slowly got out of it before taking it off. I felt violated. So horrible and worthless that it was impossible to describe it. It was as if I weren't in my skin, and if I weren't alive. It was really hard to even stop crying for a second because I didn't know what else to do. I slowly got to my phone before dialing the number of Doctor Grainger who responded after her the third ring. "Doctor Grainger, how can I help you?" she asked and I gulped. It was impossible to help me fight now. "I, it's me. Kaley Evansville and I... I've got the money, how fast can you make that transplantation possible?" I asked keeping my neutral voice intact. She didn't need to know. No one did. "I... Are, are you sure? You do? I mean, it's not that I..." she started but I interrupted her. "Yeah, I meet with an old friend of mine and told him my story. Apparently, he was very successful in life, so he offered me the money. He said that I can pay back whenever I can, even if it's in twenty years..." I started and she kept silent. "Well, then. Since it's been three days since we found out and he's a child and young, I can manage something by the end of the week. We have three people who had compatability with marrow, so it's easy," she continued and I nodded as tears invaded my eyes. "I got it, thank you," I sobbed and heard her sigh on the other side before she spoke again. "Look, I... I know it's been hard and all, but you were lucky. It takes losing a lot to get money and even months to find a compatabile marrow... Sometimes, it isn't even enough, but we're sure that he'll make it. You know that, right? Be happy, your brother will live. I'm sure he'll accept it nicely ." That alone helped me move on. She'll never know, but she helped me. I needed to hear those words, I really did. Slowly, my brain started forgetting the night I died to save my brother. After the surgery, when they told me he'll live, one week later when they told me his body is getting better, or even now one month later when his hair started growing again, I haven't thought about that night. Melissa said to have fixed her ties with her brother a week after his surgery, so she was paying for medicines and treatment. I couldn't say no, she forced me to go to the fair and enjoy myself, but I couldn't. From time to time, I'd see her with Max. He was an often customer at 'Eat and Smile', and I met him with Mel actually. I came to think that they liked eachother, but she was treating him like her brother all the time. As if she was afraid. I didn't think of it that much . It wasn't my business back then. It's been a whole month since that horrible night I’ve decided to forget all about it. The doctors said that since Ade's body accepted the treatment, they would let him go in few days. I was at his room at the moment, and they finally allowed me to meet him without the mask and suite on me. They made me wear it because of radiation, he's body was under it, so it was contagious as well. I was happy, I could hug him skin by skin. My little brother. My life. "Please, tell me again." Ayden asked me. You see, he was scared for his surgery so I made up a story with doctors to make him think that they wouldn’t do anything scary, like chop him up... Well what he doesn't know won't hurt him. "Well, you see, after you counted back from ten, you fell asleep and then the monster appeared. The doctors were fighting it, but it was to no avail. It was winning, until something magnificent happened. You woke-up and stood up with gleaming red eyes..." I trailed. "Like Scott, from X-men?" He asked excitedly and I nodded "Yes, just like him. You said 'I won't let you destroy this planet' and two rays came from your eyes, killing It." He was watching me in awe, hanging onto every word I said. "But then you fell asleep again, and, I guess, forgot all about you saving the world..." I mocked with a grin. Because of him, I forgot of that night. His smile, his living and cheerful self were all worth it. "It's not my fault, us superheroes lose a lot of energy saving the world," he replied shaking his head while pouting. "That's right, but too bad Amy wasn't here to see you in action. She would think so highly of you..." I comment. "Oh, no..." He gasped. "It’s all right, you can always tell her about it the next time you see her." I hugged him. I’m so glad he’s feeling better and acting more like his usual self. "So how is our hero doing today?" Doctor Grainger asks from the doorframe. I haven't noticed her, I owed her a lot. I doubted that it really took just one week to arrange everything, but she made it. She saved Ayden. "Better than ever, doc!" He said, with excitement lacing his tiny voice. "I am glad to hear that, because soon you’ll be leaving us and go out into the world to tell everybody about your adventures.” She announced. "Really?!" He asked, excitedly; she nodded. "Don't worry, we will always remember your act of bravery, sweetheart," a shiver went through my spine upon hearing that nickname; I was quick to ignore it. It didn't bother me as much as it did the first night, but it brought the reminiscents of it when I heard that nickname. "You hear that Ade? You’re famous." I hugged him as he giggled. "You must be proud to be the sister of a superhero," he said. Where did he learn all of these terms, he’s a pretty smart kid. But then again I’m biased to think that. "Yeah, right buddy. A superhero who can't even remember saving the world and Amy..." I mocked and he started protesting all over again. I spent the whole day with him; well, atleast until afternoon visiting hours were over. After leaving the hospital, I went to work. Ryan understood my situation, so he allowed me to come in whenever I could. I didn't have a full-time job; I mostly just worked per-diem since the day I found out about Ayden, but he still paid me the same amount as before. He said that I needed it, and u couldn't disobey. There was some money from him I left in the bank, but I couldn't use it. Melissa was still paying the rest, so I had nothing to spend it on. "Hey boss, I'm here." I announced from the entrance of the kitchen and immediately went to change my clothes after he acknowledged my presence with his usual speech. It was usually something like 'Did the aliens drop you when the anti-gravitational field broke down?' or something like that and we'd usually start arguing to see who will win again. He was really like a father I've been missing, but I haven't told him the truth behind that money. No one did. I said the same what I told Doctor Grainger that night, a friend helped me. "So, how is Ayden doing? I miss that kid a lot." Stacy, one of my co-workers asked, after getting back from a table she’s working. "His doctor said that he’ll be discharged in the next few days, seems that the surgery went better than expected." I responded, feeling really happy that I’ll have my brother back with me in no time. Although Stacy and I don’t see each other or hangout out side of work much, we bond really well. We are both crazy and she's just a year older than I am. I’m happy that the people that surround me care so much about what’s been going on with my brother and are genuinely concerned for his well being as I am. He's now in good health and soon will be out of the hospital and our lives can go back to normal. "Well tell him to hurry up, all these pastries and cakes won't wait forever," she says. I laughed; we were getting a little louder, talking about random things; hopefully no one will overhear our conversation, don’t want that happening again. Well, who cares if people heard us, not like we care for their opinions. I haven't come to work the first week. It was either because I was sore and in pain, or because I'd cry too much. They'd notice, I didn't want them to notice. As we were finally leaving the back room, I told her that it would be all right if she wanted to leave and go home; seeing as its late in the after noon and we were not expecting many costumers for the rest of the night. Monday, what can I say. No one comes out that much at Monday. After Stacy left, I heard the door chime, signifying that someone walked into the Caffè. Ryan put that annoying thing with few bells on the entrance signaling us of a new arrival, and I seriously loathed that thing from the depths of my soul. I walked towards where the new customers decided to sit, to take their order. As I approached the table, I started to get a massive headache and take a deep breath, to see if that will help until I can get something to take for the headache Then I closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, my mouth starts salivating and a nauseous feeling started creeping in my stomach. I felt like spilling my guts, so without looking back at my customer, I went to the closest sink to throw up. Great! The last thing I need is to get sick! "Are you ok?" a voice behind me asked. I lift my head to see who it was but became extremely dizzy; the room started spinning. Before I could say or do anything, darkness consumed me. What happened after that, I have no idea, I just remember falling and someone reaching out to catch me before hitting the floor. ___________
10 Feb 2016 | 16:47
Ua pregnant already...... Oh my
10 Feb 2016 | 17:02
No update yet.....?
11 Feb 2016 | 07:21
Kaley's POV Getting grip on reality with the headache was something we, all human beings, hated but we're still doing it again and again. Most the time, after we got wasted on some party or whatever. That wasn't my problem right now, my headache was from other reasons. "So what's wrong with her, doc? Is it something serious?" I heard a guy's voice. My eyes feel heavy. I was back to the headache part and started wondering as of what happened? I definitely haven't been on some party and got drunk, so... Oh, right; I fainted... great. Wait, who's that guy? Doctor? Am I in the hospital? "Say Max, are you her boyfriend? Plus I'm disappointed in you, that's your profession, so how come you don't get it?" Another voice asked, who is that? Wait; Am I really in the hospital then? Hold on, BOYFRIEND?! Ah, I don't know who you are, but noth... Wait, profession? Is he an expert in fainting? "Yes, I... Somehow, wait what? No way!" the voice no. 1 said in disbelief, and if groaned trying to open my eyes. Oh, you little. "Yes way, so you are or you're not?" he asked and just as I opened my eyes, but closed them immediately after because of their sensibility to the light, the guy responded. "Yeah," Oh, now he's done. "Alright, then. From what I can see, she hasn't been eating properly, I can see absence of vitamins in her body, this is a critical period for her and..." He stopped when I groaned louder, opening my eyes slowly letting them adjust to my surrounding. Oh, God. I was at the hospital again. I really loathed them and it took me my whole willpower not to escape right that moment. "He's not my boyfriend. I don't have one," I stated. My throat was dry, it's been killing me, and this guy thinks he can come in here and say whatever he wants and listen about my problems? I remembered throwing up, no wonder I had a feeling like someone ripped out my throat. I suddenly remembered that I knew that voice, that's... "Aww, why are you so cruel to me Kay? I can have an imaginary relationship with you," he said. I'm going to kill him! I don't care if I end up going to hell for this, but he did not just pose as my boyfriend in the hospital like it was a no big deal. "Max, right now I contemplating whether I’ll be cutting one or both of your balls," I grinned as I saw him he gulp and turn a few shades pale. I then started coughing, killing later, relieving my thirst now. "W-water..." I choked out and he immediately went to pour me one. Doctor, I assumed he was one since he was the only white capped one in the room, was glancing between the two of us in confusion before he shook his head. He had put the papers he held in his arms as he took some weird lamp and pointed it in my eye. "Follow the light," he instructed and tried to before he removed it and moved his finger instead of it. I knew what he was doing, checking my brain activity. It was one time when my parents were still alive that I wanted to be a doctor, so I used to get fevers intentionally so my father could take care of me and spend his time teaching me. He was doctor, and my mom didn't have any specific work; just an ordinary housewife.
11 Feb 2016 | 14:16
Awww..... Shaxee dis z 2 short na...... Nxt
11 Feb 2016 | 16:48
@shaxee Next...
12 Feb 2016 | 13:11
No update yet
12 Feb 2016 | 16:30
Kaley's POV Should I do this? Is this a right thing to do? Can I live with this decision, if I do do it? So many questions were on my mind at that moment. Is having an abortion really the best option for me? I mean, I don't have enough money for my baby, and if I gave it up for adoption, I'm sure that grief will eat me alive, but abortion would be much I capable of killing a baby? My baby? I know what most of people would say, that thing is not even alive, it's just a embryon, but I couldn't agree to that. The moment it was created, it became a living thing. I know, I was just a eighteen years old girl. I was supposed to be finishing my senior year at the moment, yet here I was one month into the pregnancy. With a child of a man who was number one on my list of people I hated. My body shivered from it. It was the beginning of December, the winter and my once most favourite part of the year. But I loathed it now. It was at times like this did my parents die. In cold, snow. Two months ago I became an adult, but two years ago on the very same date I became an orphan. I could rise my child like that, couldn't I? I may not have give him the best things in the world he deserved, but... I could give him love. I'm sure Ayden would love him too. Melisa would definitely be there for me and... That's right, I still had a third of money I got from him in the bank. It wasn't little, I could use it for the baby. Maybe find a better flat somewhere. I could even find another job if necessary... If I kept the baby. But I was scared. The baby will grow up one day, what would I do if he or she asked me for the father one day? I couldn't deal with it, it would be too painful for me. Too agonizing to even think of that man and the circumstances under which was my future child made. My thoughts were shortly interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing, I saw it was Mel and so I answered it up. "Hey, Kay-Kay I need your- I mean can I ask you for something? A little favor for our long and beautiful friendship?" Her voice was sweet-coated and I immediately knew that she wanted something from me. But, what? She almost never needed anything from anyone. "Sure, just say what you need," I said, acting all innocent, like I didn’t know that she wanted something from me. Melissa was never sweet talker, you see. She cursed a lot, yelled a lot, but was literally a fairy with children; the younger, the better. "You are the only one that can save me now, I don't have anyone else I could ask," of course, oh lil Mel, she can go on and on with her conversation until she’s managed to wrap you up in her plans and you then just can't say no. "What is it so important that you need my genius mind?" This is why I like talking to her; she takes my mind off of any worries. It takes one to hear just a sentence of some story she had to tell and became erupted in listening to it until the very end. At times as such, one could forget everything. "Well are you free on Saturday night... and the day after, actually?" She trails off, I confirmed that I am, what is she scheming now? I swear to Santa, if she's just trying to set me a date or something... "Alright, the thing is... Were you that sobbing? Oh my God, you were, have you been? Of course you’ve cried. What happened? Who do I kill? Is everything all right? Where are you?" Shot, I forgot about that. Stupid sniffles. Think, Kaley, think! "Umm, it's stupid. I tripped and hurt my leg, so I am at the hospital checking it out. Nothing serious, but it hurts so damn much," I nervously laughed at the end and hoped that she’ll believe it. "Damn it woman, you are so clumsy that I'm afraid to take my eyes off you even for a second," she sighed and I almost did a victory dance then and there praising my clumsiness and lying skills. "Oh, right, forget about that. You know my family? The one I said I loathed but fixed... More or less, I'd rather marry the Satan then sign a peace threats with all of them... Oh, fùck, I'm going to some stupid party my grandfather threw, I had to actually, and Amy will be all alone, so I've been wondering if you could come to babysit her? If I'm not mistaken, they're letting Ayden go the same day, so you can bring him over!" she added and it was my time to sigh this time. What do I have to lose? "Fine, fine, I will," I said and she went silent for a second making me get worried, was she alright? "Wow, that was fast. I didn't even have to try," she said making me burst out laughing. Oh, how I needed this in my life, especially now of all times. "Go away before I change my mind," I chuckled and she only left a sarcastic laugh which made me shiver. I swear, she was evil. Pure, pure evil. " Right," she finally said and I could see her rolling her eyes at me "But you are still coming, right?" How could I say no? She would annoy me whole day until I said yes... "Of course, it would be my pleasure"...not, never when it comes to you. Just my luck, she won't be there, just Amy and Ayden, so I'll survive... Somehow. " Great, I will come and pick you up," she said and ended call with that. Wow, she is overly cheerful for her age sometimes, how old was she? Oh yeah 24, but she acts more like a four year-old though. Once again my internal battle was interrupted, this time by a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said and Max's head popped in. Where did he go to anyway? "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded standing up. I grabbed my belongings, which weren't much, and started walking. He said nothing, haven't even asked what was wrong to me and I had a feeling that he knew, but I didn't want to push my luck and make him find out in case he didn't. I hugged my arms and rubbed them, I was still cold. Once we were in the elevator, he noticed that I was cold, so he took off his jacked and placed it around me to warm my body. I weakly mumbled a 'thanks' as I tried not to blush. The thing was really warm and comfy. And then, he was the first to speak. "Look, I don't know what’s happened, but if you need any help, just call me and I will be there faster than superman to come for you and make you feel better." His voice was stern and serious but had a cheerful ring to it. "Thanks," I mumbled again as he grinned noticing the blush from earlier. "Ooo, is that because of me?" He was mocking me and it took all of my willpower to stop myself from killing him. "Or rather because of your manliness, which is amusing to me because you suck at it," there you go; I stuck my tongue out at him. Me and Max had our usual quarrels. We weren't closest of friends, but we could talk freely. I mocked him for being adorable, he mocked me for being boy-like. Melissa usually just ate popcorn and enjoyed the show, but seriously; those five times we argued she was munching on some popcorns from who-knows-where. He placed his hands across his heart pretending to be wounded and dying... Too bad he actually wasn't. "Don't you die on me, you still have to beat superman, remember? Now get up, you are too cute for your own good," I don't think I've smiled like this in a long time, but his face was full of terror like he's just saw a ghost. "You did NOT just go there? But you DID!" He was looking with disbelief and terror in his voice and face at me, making me even more amused with his eyebrow raised the way they were. "Yea, maybe you’re right... Cuteness and little of manliness... There is a little of it, just a little... Yup, that's it - you are ADORABLE," and I hugged him out of nowhere squishing him. "I'm dying, you're killing me! You're seriously killing me..." He faked dying, lile he was losing the air form his lungs. "At least be proud to die in the 'good arms' of this amazing person. Not just anyone has the chance to do that," he was so easy to joke and talk with, I’m glad to have him in my life. Never start an argument with a woman who states that you are cute... Or she will make you look like a complete fool. Trust me, I’ve witnessed Mel doing so thousands of times with him, so I guess that is where I’ve picked it up. Poor Max, now he has the two of us to bug him. "Why, why did you become friends with her? She’s evil," there’s scowl on his face and I just laughed. On that, we both agreed. "We are here, where am I to drop you off?" he said once we heard the sound of the elevator doors opening. "I still can't believe I think of you as of my sister..." He grumbled, I couldn’t help but grin mischievously. "I'm just doing what are all younger sister are suppose to do; annoy their older brothers until we feel satisfied,” he scowled once again and kept on grumbling under his breath, as I made something that should resemble an evil laugh. "I hate you, you know that?" He said and I faked being hurt by his words, but couldn’t hold my façade and burst out laughing again. "Nah, you actually do love me, don't deny it." I blinked with puppy eyes rapidly in front of his face pouting my lips just a little bit. "How can I say 'no' to that face?" He face palmed himself and I grinned. I was never close to him, but truth to be told, I feel more comfortable around him, he may just become my new best guy friend. "Get in or else I'm leaving you to run home," he said entering his grey Mercedes-Benz. "You wouldn't!" I yelled pretending to be like one of those over-dramatic ladies in soap operas. "Oh, yes I would." With that, I entered the car, believing him because he’s done it to a close friend before; he then he drove off towards my home. It was the first time after everything that happened to me that I enjoyed my moments without thinking on bad things that happened to me recently. I was truly enjoying my time with Max as I entered his cars and he drove off to my home. We sang along the radio, but our voices were those of two dying hyenas, so we couldn't even get past chorus without laughing like maniacs. And then I decided. I didn't care if I had to work two jobs to raise my baby. I didn't care if I had to buy us a new place. I didn't even care about pain I've been put through. Because I decided with my whole heart. I'll keep the baby, and rise him or her the best way possible.
13 Feb 2016 | 02:14
@itzshaxee nice work so far but please help us to update forever and always
13 Feb 2016 | 06:04
following....... weldone bros... shaxee
13 Feb 2016 | 11:07
am enjoying it bruh, ride on,
13 Feb 2016 | 12:37
Hmmm, interesting, following up with next epi...nice one
13 Feb 2016 | 13:10
13 Feb 2016 | 16:13
13 Feb 2016 | 16:53
Nxt epic plz
13 Feb 2016 | 17:27
13 Feb 2016 | 18:32
- I'd rather regret trying something, then not giving it a go - Kaley's POV It's been a week since that day. I haven't told Max what really happened in that hospital room, though he’d told me to call him if anything happens. And as for the baby, I’ve decided to keep it. I don't care that I will have to work harder than I already do, but I won't let my baby suffer. Some woman think that by now, the little creature in my belly isn't a baby, just something else. I disagree. The moment it was made, it became alive. By now, it had all parts of a human, limbs, something that should form inner organs, beginning of brain... Even if I tried to deny it, I'd still see it as a baby. I already loved him or her, even though I never saw it. It's a bullshit when someone states that you can't feel anything until you hold the baby in your arms. That just shows how horrible of a person you really are. If I had to talk with some other girl in my state, I'd tell her to keep it. Your parents don't support you? Are you really going to kill your future because of your past? No, that's not the way to do it. You find it hard to live with it? Then live for the baby, when there's a will–there's a way. I really find it hard to believe that some people can give up so easily on children just because they're "not even a thing". If I close my eyes and think of the embryon in my belly, I'd see the future with a child playing with me, and that's enough for me. As for Blake, I sincerely doubt that I will ever see that man again, and I don't have any way to contact him; so who cares. He would probably want me to have an abortion and call me gold-digging whore, being the idiot he is. Melissa asked me to go over and babysit Amy since she has to go to some family meeting. Her family has these gatherings at least once a year, but she can't take Amy because her relationship with them is still... Icy, so she was going to be leaving her to her brother for weekend, but since he also has to go, she’s asked me to watch over her until they return. So, here I am, standing in front of a mansion... Actually it's more like castle, so let me correct myself, I am standing in front of gates of Melissa’s brother’s huge castle. "Nonsense, Kaley, this is just a mansion; not a family one, of course. My brother’s never liked living in big mansions so he moved to this smaller one," she said. Maybe her brother is delusional, because this is FREAKING HUGE. Well damn, at least I have Amy and I’ve brought Ade with me. They should keep me busy. "Yea, sure. Now go, the sooner you leave, the sooner you will return," I told her, silently praying that she’d be back as soon as possible. "All right, Alfred!" She called out and a butler appeared. Wow, her brother is a lot batman–much "This is Kaley, she came to look after Amy until my brother and I return. Where is he anyway?" she asked. "He’s already left, because his date, in his words, “ an ungrateful clawed witch that Satan himself sent” , has been bugging him to hurry up," he answered with a scowl on his face, and I immediately thought that I liked him. "Don't tell me, he brought her out off all of them?!" Mel had the same scowl; I guess she, whoever she is, really was witch from hell. It takes a lot for Mel to hate someone. "Unfortunately, I’ve heard horrible sounds last night, I will have nightmares because of her screams until I die... And maybe even after," poor Alfred. "She's a spoiled brat that only chases money, that Regina Waltz is something we as humans should be ashamed to share this earth with. I don't even know what my brother sees in her." Ouch, now I understand them. "Oh, I don't think he likes her though, last month he was really depressed about some girl he’d met. I got it out of him a few days ago when he got drunk, apparently he met and slept with some girl and he’s hung up on her. I think he likes her and is using Regwitch to fill that void,"awkward, so... Those guys forgot about me completely, so I coughed twice intentionally before I heard something they didn’t want me knowing. "Oh, right. Well Al, Kay is the complete opposite of Regwich, so you’ll enjoy her company," She said and I smiled. "Prepare the limo, I plan on going there and getting drunk to forget everything. Or maybe I’ll end up puking on her the moment I see her," she laughed wholeheartedly; Alfred just nodded. Blake's POV I'm at my granddad’s party, the one they throw every year. Over the past month, I haven’t been able to get that girl off of my mind. So last night I spent it with Regina, and her being her devious self, made me bring her with me. Why are all women like this? As soon as we entered, she started chatting with everyone trying to get everyone’s attention and I just wanted to get away from her. I still remember the night I spend with that girl. I wasn't the sweetest that night, in all honesty I still don't know what made me decide to make her regret asking for money. When I saw her in that shower... Something inside my head just snapped. I couldn't continue what I started, I just couldn't. I was never the one who cared for other people's feelings, they never cared for mine, so it's not like they have the room to complain, but that night something in me changed. I no longer cared that she was in state to give her virtue for money, I just decided to give it to her and leave her alone. Maybe it was because of my past? When my father almost bankrupted and killed my entire family for his foolishness? Was it that I remembered just how is to be desperate to have money to live another day that I gave it to her? I honestly didn't know, and I don't think I ever will. As soon as I saw my sister, I used that as my chance to get away from Regina, since the two of them hate each other's guts. "I'm going to go talk with Melissa; Reg, enjoy yourself," I told her and left, not waiting for a reply. She'd just complain and try to keep me next to her anyway, maybe shag a guy or two tonight... Yup, that's what Max meant by saying that she's not a "normal" company. "Hello, sist..." I started but she stopped me. "Don't you sister me, why the hell Blake? That's all I have to ask. You could’ve brought granny and I wouldn't have complained, but Regwich? (A/N Regina + witch; if you didn't get it ) How could you even think of bringing her here?" She asked, anger lacing her voice. How can I explain her that I am a man with needs and she was more than willing to give me what I needed, while I drown in regret for world full of selfish women? "She was extremely persistent and very persuasive to have me bring her..." I told her, she just answered with 'bullshiz'. Well, aside from half of my family wanting me to marry her, she didn't really have the reason to come her... Just note that beautiful sarcasm... Not to forget her side of family. As of Mel, I loved her. She is my younger sister, but she distanced herself from our family and started a new life without us. I never complained, I couldn't. What this family did to her... It was for the best if she saved herself from us. I never even dreamed of seeing her here again, and honestly, in the same room as my father... I don't even want to think of that. Thanks God he's not here tonight, I didn't care why, but I was glad he wasn't. "Poor Al couldn't sleep because of her, the last night. How do you expect me to leave my daughter in your house?" "That was just a one night thing, nothing more. She won't be here this weekend," I told her truthfully. "So, will Amy be ok while we're here?" I ask her. Though, Regina often came for those "night stands" with me, but never complained on other woman, so I was fine with it. "Yes, I left her with my friend, so don't be surprised when you find a girl in your home once you get back," Melissa said. What, when? How? She obviously saw my confused look so she continued to explain. "I planned on telling you before we left, but you weren't there." "You know how I feel about strangers in my house? Why did you let her in?" I was getting angry, who know what she could do alone in my house. God I hope she doesn’t vandalise my home. And the vase! Mother's vase! She better not break it. "Relax, she's a good person. She’s brought her little brother to play with Amy, you know the one she likes, I told you about him, didn’t I?" "Brother? Ade, or something, I thought you said he was in the hospital?" Now I was really confused. She's been asking me go give her money for his therapy I did without a question, but it was impossible for him to go out. Shouldn't he have his surgery first? "Yeah, it seems that a very good friend of hers gave her an enormous amount of money for his surgery few weeks ago. Chemotherapy is finally over, so everything's great. I'm glad that there are nice people in the world," she said dreamingly. That friend of hers did seem like a very nice person. "Yup, I know what you’re thinking, me too. However, what really troubles me is that Max told me she fainted a week ago and he told me that she’s pregnant. I wonder when is she going to tell me; I just hope she won't do anything reckless since she has no one but her brother," there goes my chance, pregnant women aren't my thing, I can't do that to future mothers... But I would like children on my own one day; I am ready at my age and pretty lonely. I’d have to find a woman that’s not a money-loving whore. Nope, not likely, I haven't meet a single one that didn't want my money. "She seems like a nice person," I finally told Mel and she nodded. "My only true friend, I want to help her but don't know how. I mean she hasn’t even told me that’s she’s having a baby yet," she says, sadly. "Just being there for her is enough, at least for now, Melly." I grinned; I know how much she hates that name. "Die, Blakey-poo," damn that woman. "What's her name anyway?" I tried to change the subject. I love Mel, but she's pain in posterior sometimes. "Oh, why you interested, bro?" Hell no, I gave her weird look. "Just kidding, it's Kaley." Kaley... I’ve heard that name before. Kaley; it can't be her... And then it hit me, 'a good friend of hers gave her and enormous amount of money for his surgery,' oh my god, what have I done. Before I could put it all in place, it hit me harder. She is pregnant; I could’ve gotten her pregnant! ------------------------------------------------------------
14 Feb 2016 | 03:27
Yes the goal ve been scored. U ue gotten her pregnant
14 Feb 2016 | 08:44
Nxt shaxee
14 Feb 2016 | 09:20
- Anticipation is an interesting game, only while your hunting. Once you’ve caught your prey, the joy is joy no more; then it becomes a pride - Kaley's POV Bottles of juice were scattered all around the room. Feathers of pillows were everywhere in the air, pictures that cost more than my house were all destroyed. Carpets that I could pay my college taxes with were all soaked in milk. Alfred had grass and mud stains all over him with a barking Alexander next to his leg, who wasn't in better state. The ceilings are all splashed in juice and one window was broken, and I had just one question: "How the hell had all this happened?" -One hour earlier- I was really nervous when we came here at the noon, but now as I saw how comfortable it's around Alfred and the dog Alexander, I began to feel relaxed. Actually, I've already been feeling like I was at home, but I paid extra attention to the stuff around the house like; not to break or damage anything. I even had the lunch being extra careful not to break the plate or drop the cup of tea Alfred provided me with. You never know what kind of man is the owner of this mansion... Except for being rich. Sometimes, I wonder what kind of person would be of me if I was born into a family like this. The guy had a style, I must say. This place didn't really give away the homey feeling, but it was like a shelter from darkness and loneliness. As an ex-artist, since I haven't painted for two years, I could easily read someone by their surroundings. With all those cheerful colors and piano next to the fireplace, you could say that he was the man who wanted company but was lonely in his soul. I somewhat wanted to meet the person, to ensure him that he's not alone and that everything's just fine. We're human, it's only natural for us to stick together and want more company, for we can never learn to function if we keep ourselves isolated... Not that I have the right to complain. I forgot about every single one of my friends from my past after my parents died, and I wasn't really the type of person who formed deep bonds with them. Back to where I was; hours after I came here, those two wanted to ear something sweet. Don't judge, i wanted to try and bake something, but with my baking skills and his expensive things, that was just impossible. I still wanted to live. Alfred was out of question. He, his words couldn't cook to save the head, he was good at anything but that and his wife was the one that cooked, but she went to visit their daughter and wasn't there. So, not really having a better solution, I decided to go out and buy something. Al explained where the closest market is and how to get there. Turning myself to those two who almost died on the ground with cries for me to get it for them, I began speaking. I swear they're evil. "All right kids you stay here, while I'll go to buy some sweets and please don't cause any problems for Alfred, alright?" I pleaded and both Ayden and Amy nodded their heads at the same time. How cute were they? I almost forgot about my previous statement about them. "We promise, we will be good," Ayden replied standing proudly in front on Amy before she huffed and pushed him aside. "Yes, we will. We will play hide and seek," she said making me stare at them in awe.
14 Feb 2016 | 15:53
- Thinking about a person after some time doesn't always has to mean that we miss them, thinking of them - that's called moving on - Kaley's POV I knew it. I knew whom that voice belonged to. I guessed I just didn't want to believe it, after all this time I hoped that I would be away from him and enjoy my life until the end. So why... Why did I have to see him again? Wait a second, he’s the guy? The guy that lives here, Melissa's brother? I didn't saw that coming. Looking in his eyes, I saw mischief so I instantly backed up against the wall, who knows what he's ready to do? My memories of him weren't the prettiest, and I did nothing. Now, after all the mess that happened, I doubted that he's going to be kinder. For a second I thought I saw regret in his eyes, but I must be wrong. He didn’t show it a bit that that night, he didn’t show any emotion at all, so what could have possibly been changed now. "Will you step out of my wardrobe? At least what is left of it," he said and I weakly nodded, waiting for him to step aside. Noticing that, he moved to the right allowing me to step out. I hesistantly made the move to get out while watching him carefully waiting for any sudden movement. As I stood there, he rubbed his hands while bitting his lip nervously as I waited. I had to get Ayden out of here as soon as possible. I couldn't stay here with him. Not after everything that happened. "So, um, are you hungry?" He asked and I mumbled a weak ‘no’ not looking at his eyes. I always thought that I would be able to stand my ground the next time I’d see him, if I ever did, but now I see that the truth is that I can’t, not right now at least. My lie was suddenly betrayed by the loud growl in my tummy, that traitor. Blake just chuckled shaking his head. For some reason, he became more relaxed as I fought my blush. "Someone disagrees with you," I blushed but kept my head low, not wanting him to see me like that, a blushing idiot. I still needed to get away from... "Come," he motioned for me to follow him and so I did without even noticing it, so much for trying to standing my ground. I didn't know why I acted like this, I shouldn't listen to him. I should yell, fight, do anything! I should have taken Ayden the moment I saw this guy and got away from this house, nit following him to who knows where. What if he takes me again? No, I can't. I have to get away. "I won't bite, you can trust me," he suddenly said as I bit my lip. Yeah, right, tell that as much as you won't, I won't trust you with an ounce of my being. You never gave me a reason to. "I'm telling the truth, I'm..." he wanted to say something but shut himself silent. What? What is he? "...Nevermind. Let's go," he said instead before turning around and heading to where I guessed was the kitchen from previous venture with Alfred. Just then, barking Alexander stormed inside and jumped on Blake who started playing with him. "Look at you, boy. I have to wash you now," he exclaimed as Alex barked in protest before running to hide behind my legs making ne chuckle and get down. For that moment, I forgot about Blake being in the same room with me. "It's okay, doggy. You have to, you're all dirty," I chuckled as he whined before lying down and crawling towards me and I shook my head. Nope, that won't work on me. "Alex, come," Blake suddenly said making me snap out of that daze and realize that he's there. He patted him before leading him towards the room where Alfred was with kids. "Kids, wanna bathe this guy?" he said and they both jumped and hugged him with squeaks and " Yes ". He gave him to them before coming back to me and pointing to the kitchen as I followed. I couldn't take Ayden when he sounded so happy with Amy after all he's been through. Once we came to the kitchen, the sight in front of me amazed me. My apartment was half it's size. I was only in the part where we ate, not the part where the food was made. "I love cooking, so I've got a nice place to experiment," he proudly stated as I nodded not knowing what to do. It became awkward after that, so he cleared his throat breaking the silence between the two of us. "Sit," he ordered, pulling out a chair and I sat down not daring to disobey him. Damn Kaley, you aren't supposed to be afraid of anything or anyone... Anyone but Blake, I guess. "What would you like to eat?" He asked and I replied with 'anything is good with me' and he just hummed a melody as he prepared the ingredients for my meal. Damn, he really knew how to cook? I wouldn't take him for that kind of a person after all. I mean, he? The same guy from that night... No, don't recall that night. No. After few minutes of silence, he finally spoke stopping with food chopping. "Why didn't you tell me what the money was for?" I was shocked at that question, how did he find out? No, wait a second, why did he even think he got the right to judge and blame me after all the time? After all he did? It’s none of his business what I decided to do with that money. "You never asked," I said through gritted teeth. The nerve of this guy! My answer seemed to satisfy him. He put the knife down and suddenly caught me by my shoulders catching me off guard and my eyes widened. "And the baby? When did you plan to tell me about the baby, Kaley? Once it was born, started school or gotten married? Or did you plan to go and get rid of it?" His nails pierced my skin making my eyes get teary. "Please stop, you’re hurting me." I weakly mumbled because of his deadly grip on me. That made him snap out of it and took a step or two away from me. "Sorry," he said ashamed and returned back to chopping food. He haven't said a word after that, so I decided to speak. "I.. I didn't have any way to contact you," I don't know why was I explaining myself to him "And I haven’t picked abortion as an option..." He made me feel so guilty in front of him, this wasn't meant to be like this "Besides, I wasn't sure of your reaction, if I were to tell you about it." "You think I would force you to kill my own child?" He said in disbelief, he couldn't grasp it. Is he fùcking kidding me? "Damn it, I am not that cruel and heartless!" "Well, considering how you were the last time I was with you I can't really take you for a nice person..." I left that sentence hang in the air. As if he could have changed overnight. "That time was... Different," he said, unsure of his own words. "I may not be the best person you’ve met, but I must be damned if I let my child suffer or live without its father, or even worse kill the baby." He finally said as he put the indigents in a pot. From what I see, he was preparing some type of chicken, probably with mashed potatoes since he had them sliced on side. "What do you plan on doing now?" He asked once again; a question I wasn't sure of how to answer. Mostly because I really didn’t know what I was going to do. "I don't know, I’ll probably find another job. Two jobs aren't so bad," I mumbled looking at my shaky hands "I still have some of money left from then, so... I'll rent a better place to stay." "Damn you, woman!" He said angrily, stabbing the chef’s knife into the cutting board he’s been using. "I’ll give you all the money you’d need." He said and just as I was about to decline he continued. "I won't take 'no' for an answer, the mother of my child shouldn't be worrying about that, and I have the full intention in being a part in my kid's life." He spoke with finality. I kind of understand his point of view; he is the father after all, thought I didn't see that coming, that kind of reaction from him. "Just to clarify one thing," what does he want now? "You weren't with any guy other than me, right?" did he just... I gritted my teeth and angrily answered. "How dare you to ask me such a question? Unlike you, who is womanizing around, I only slept with you and no one else. I’d planned on keeping myself for my husband, but you ruined that as well and now you have the nerve to ask me if this baby is someone else's? I am not the one that told you about it, so you don’t have any right to accuse me of trying to get your attention, it was you who brought this up first." I all but yelled at him, feeling a few tears streaming down my cheeks. Damn this man, I hate him! "I'm a man, what did you expect me to think?" He said it without any emotion lacing his voice. "However, I do believe you... I just needed some reassurance, and about the kid, I won't allow it to have parents living separate, the kid doesn't deserve that. It was my mistake after all," "What do you mean?" I’m so confused; first he accuses me of getting pregnant by someone else and now he believes me? What the heck is wrong with this guy? Is he bipolar or what? "Move in with me," he said nonchalantly. I just watched him with a blank expression. He's gotta be kidding, this guy's been missing a screw or two in his head. Before I could say anything else he added. "Your brother as well." He seriously couldn't be serious, after what happened he expected me to just move in and forget everything that’s happened. "You don't have to answer immediately, take some time. And since you're already going to sleepover here, let me take you to my room so you can ready yourself for sleep. Dinner will be ready by the time you finish.” "Yo-your room?" I stuttered. What he wanted to do, I couldn't think of any other reason as to why he called me in there but that. "All other rooms are being renovated, so yeah, don't worry you can take the bed." He reasoned rubbing his neck as I stared at him with disbelief. Is he for real now? "Bu... But I... you... I mean... umm," I stuttered over my words. "I won't take ' no' for an answer," he said, I nodded realizing that his words were final. I didn't want to anger him, who knew what he could do in anger. "Come," he said and I followed obediently. His room was dark, black and white, just like his personality. He took me into another room inside of his, which I soon found out to be a bathroom. It was all red, heck even the curtains for the shower were a dark crimson red. He left and returned with a towel, black t-shirt, I believe is his and a pair of boxers. "This is all I can offer at the moment, I’ll be back in twenty minutes and if you're not done by then, I’ll drag you out naked if I have to," he said and I blushed nodding as I took hold of the towel and his clothes. He soon left and I sighed, that was scarier than it seemed and much more intimidating then I expected. At least he wants this baby... I won't have problems with it. Taking off my clothes, I got into the shower and let myself enjoy the warm water, clearing my head of any thoughts running rampant. I was in his house, in his room, his bathroom and shower enjoying in water. This couldn't get any better, could it? Oh wait, it could, I'd be sleeping in his bed... I don't know how long was I in there, but my peace was soon interrupted by the sound of curtains being pulled back. I jumped and screamed realizing it was Blake who was there, so I tried covering myself but it wasn't of much use. "There's nothing I haven't already seen, come." With that he wrapped the towel around me bringing me out of the shower. I was blushing like never in my life while he was drying me not daring to make a move. As u said before, he was unpredictable. Ugh, I couldn't even be properly mad at him, but I still hoped that he will just leave me alone soon. My feet suddenly become very interesting to look at. He put his shirt over me and it reached down my mid-thighs as he wrapped my hair in towel. "I don't think there is any need for those," he said swinging his boxers around his finger and I blushed even deeper if possible. "Definitely not," he grinned and got out with me following him. "I have a hairdryer there somewhere, hold on," he said and I nodded. Entering the room, I saw a tray with food. Chicken with mashed potatoes, yum. Who would of thought that Blake has the ability to cook? "Eat and I'll dry your hair. Then go to sleep after. I will be in my study if you need anything, okay? Just find al and ask him to lead you to me. But I'll probably bathe those two first." he said and I nodded. Once he dried my hair and started combing it, I allowed myself to enjoy the food he prepared. I had to say that I never tasted something as good as this. He seemed much friendlier and a whole lot nicer, but I still have had the feeling it's just because of the baby. He then started drying it and u surprisingly didn't mint it, because he was so gentle with it. Well, I won't let that bother me. "Done," he said and I've just finished eating it all. He grabbed the plate and gave me the glass with water before heading outside. His bed was definitely the most comfortable thing I ever touched; I would literally kill for it. Lying down I couldn't help but to gulp seeing how dark his room actually is, so I left the nightstand lamp on that was next to the bed. And so, I fell into the deepest and most comfortable sleep ever.
14 Feb 2016 | 15:56
Guys don't forget to visit my blog for more exiting stories from me @
14 Feb 2016 | 15:58
Getting more interesting
14 Feb 2016 | 20:59
Wow,dis is so captivaitin,keep it up
15 Feb 2016 | 06:26
Next plzz
15 Feb 2016 | 17:59
- What we decide may haunt us because we made the wrong choice or we waited for too long... But mostly it's because we made that decision in the rush... That bring us circumstances. Them meeting with more circumstances - that's what "fate" actually is - Kaley's POV I woke up with... Nothing. I actually woke up without soreness or pain in my back. And I didn't feel like getting up at all. What day was it? Oh yeah, Saturday... I am sick if the boss call. But then again, I need money... My life officially sucks. I swear to everything there is, my life is hell. Sighing, I tried to stand up, but something pinned me down. An arm... strong muscular arm to be more precise... Wait, what?! Suddenly, previous night came rushing in my head. Blake. That guy. He's living here, and I've been sleeping in his bed, he's sleeping next to me. No, no, no, no, no it can't be. How could I let this happen, I have to get out of here, fast! I tried to move, but he wouldn't even bulge. What the fudging cake is his arm made of? I groaned and elbowed him in his ribs, but to no avail... This thing that jumped me from every single corner toned a whale. Ok, not a whale but still, you could get the point. Seeing as I had no other options, I elbowed him even stronger. Please work, I'll try to whisper something out so it would seem like he's still dreaming and I'm not even real. Hopefully it would work, because right then I heard a groan and he soon started stirring as a sign that he woke up. Finally. Ok, now my plan to... "What the hell..." he said rubbing the place I previously hit. Okay maybe this won't work as planned "Go back to sleep, it's not even..." he checked to clock on a night board which showed 04:58 "...five at morning!! What the hell woman, you better have a damn good excuse as to why you fùcking woke me up this early," he whisper-yelled in frustration with the half-closed eyes at me and I sighed. He had a really nice way with words. So much from my plan to hypnotize him and leave unnoticeable. "Saturday, work, morning shift. Ring a bell?" I asked yawning and he groaned even louder than the previous time. For some reason, I was much calmer than I needed, but I was also feeling a bit lightheaded so I tried to finish this as soon as possible. Don't tell me that the morning sickness already started. "I will pay you the trice your payment if you continue sleeping, now good night," he snapped burying his head in the pillow and this time I groaned. Didn't he have a job to do, too? "I can't just ditch my job to just lay in bed. I have responsibilities, you know? And what about you, don't you have some work to do?" I told him and he just took that pillow from under his head and put it across his head so he couldn't listen to me anymore, I'd say. Just then, another wave of nausea hit me and I bit my lip and layed down to calm my upsetting belly. God help me with this. "Your choice, I gave you my offer," he said through muffled voice "Besides, my job starts from 06:30, and I can take free day whenever I want," he added and I groaned once again. Talk about being the lucky baboon. Taking a money from him was a big 'NO-NO', however my head really started to hurt like hell and I really liked the bed and pillow I was laying on and I didn't want to see Barbie from my workplace again today. Actually calling her a Barbie was a big insult to Barbie herself. So... 3vs1 - the heck with it, one day won't kill me. Pillow and mattress, here I come. And so I prepared myself to fall in deep... And I couldn't take it anymore. Jumping out of the bed with an arm across my mouth, I headed into his bathroom before throwing up my dinner in the toilet. It burned my throat and tears started falling from my eyes, but I couldn't stop, it continued.
16 Feb 2016 | 07:12
Uh..Morning sickness has started already...Am calmly watching like the ocean..
16 Feb 2016 | 09:06
#luving d story next plzz
16 Feb 2016 | 10:37
2 short na @shaxee........... Nxt episode plz
16 Feb 2016 | 11:33
Morning sickness has started
17 Feb 2016 | 14:03
love dis story
17 Feb 2016 | 16:24
nice story
17 Feb 2016 | 17:18
- Call a girl beautiful and she'll forget it immediately. Call her ugly and she wont stop thinking about it every time she looks at the mirror... Unless she's special to you- then calling her beautiful will make her blush every time she sees or thinks of you - Kaley's POV I couldn't believe that I said that I, Kaley Evansville, agreed to live with and marry Blake. It's like throwing yourself into a lion's den. Maybe I had some fever, because in all honesty, something was wrong with me, and the best part: I didn't even mind it. Who knows, maybe this turns out to be good or something... Nah, I have a feeling that this all will turn out to become Hell. At the very moment, I was in Ade and I bedroom packing things I wanted to take with me and Ayden from our flat house. I'm not sure how do I call it since it's just one store house and has only basic rooms. "This?" Blake called from the living room holding an old, rusty doll. Yup, I forgot to mention that he was helping me, but I let that thought slip from my thoughts. He found her! I immediately put the photo frame with me and Ayden grinning with Christmas presents from three years ago and headed towards Blake to take Gretchen. It was my old doll my parents gave me for my fifth birthday I thought I lost. "Oh my God, you found her!" I exclaimed before taking it "She needs few stitches here and there, but she's alive!" I exclaimed hugging her as he warmly smiled at me. "What?" I asked with a glare and he rose his arms in surrender. "Nothing, just... I had one too, a sailor boy, but it got burnt," he said and I felt sorry for him. No one deserves to see their childhood toys get destroyed. "Oh, well..." I started "We can always make you one," I suggested making him chuckle. "I have a new hobby now. I'm making boats and ships, so I don't really need one. Besides, I'm a grown up now," he said and I rolled my eyes before going back to my room to finish with the packing. "Just wanted to help," was all I said before resuming with what I've been doing for the last two hours. Few more minutes later, everything necessary and what held some sentimental memory for me was packed inside six boxes. Blake cracked his fingers before pulling the keys from his pocket and handling them to me. "Press this button towards my SUV," he showed me which one, "Then open the back doors for me. I'll get them inside," then he pointed to the boxes. I nodded before going outside. Ayden was with Mel in the daycare, and she said she'll bring him later to Blake's house since we're moving in today. When he was finished, he got on the driver seat before putting a safety belt and telling me to do the same. "Okay, house locked, box packed, you - packed, did we forget something?" he asked and I shook my head. "Nope, all that is left now is to move in, someone else will take the house," I mumbled though I doubted that someone will take it. "I'll take it," he said starting the car, "With nice investment, it will be a great safe house."
18 Feb 2016 | 05:58
- It's interesting how people that know the least of us usually have the most to say - Kaley's POV "So..." "So..." Blake and I glared at each other for about fifteen minutes. Both starring each other down, as if the one who looks away or gives up first is doomed to death... Or in this case to sleep on the couch. "As I was saying, we will..." He started I interrupt him. "You mean, I will take a bed while.." Now it was his turn to interrupt me. "And I’ll be join you.." "...sleeping on the couch" " my bed," he groaned while I grinned. "Forget it. Either we sleep together, or you'll sleep on floor," he said with finality like I’d listen. Why is he being so stubborn about the damn bed, if he wants it so much, he can have it and I can take another room. But no, we have to sleep together since we're soon to be married, at least according to him. "No way, be a gentleman and let me take a bed!" I yelled, he sighed rubbing his palms on his face. "It's my bed we're talking about." "But you invited me to sleep on it..." I point out. "...but I will sleep on it as well" "Nope," "Yes," "No way," I objected. "Yes way," he returned. "Nope," "Yep," "Hell no" "Hell yea" And so we’ve ended up in this position: both lying on a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor. It wasn't so bad, but it wasn't peachy either. I have a feeling that my back is going to be so achy tomorrow. Of course, this would’ve all be much easier if he’d just left me take the bed. We would both be deep in sleep by now and my back wouldn't be in pain. "So..." Here we go again. "What?" I snapped and he chuckled. "Even though it's not the bed, we’re both here lying together. I won," he said and mouth dropped. He is insane "...and this would all be better if we moved from here to the warm, cozy, fluffy bed," he was tempting me but I shall not fail. Wait, fail what? "How about no?" I tossed around trying to find comfortable position to lie. "Those words aren’t what you really want, sweetheart, you know that your heart is telling you that I’m right," that little... "You don’t know what I do or don’t want, ok? And I don’t have a heart, so just leave me alone, " I snapped and he sighed. "If you didn't have a heart, you would’ve never done what you did for Ayden," he said and I gulped. Ade is something else. I would do anything for the only family I have left. My aunts don't count; they do not act like family should. "Ade... Ade is my only family, I would do anything for him," I fought the tears remembering that I'm the reason for my parents death. "You’ll be having the baby..." He whispered the next part he said, I barely heard him. "...and me." Then he returned his normal tone. "You can hurt the baby like that, you know?" Damn, I wasn't thinking. My emotions are all over the place. "And we're getting married soon, remember? You can't run away from sleeping next to me forever.” Yes, I can and I will. "And besides you'll catch a cold there, your back will hurt and you'll have sore muscles for the next few days. Now get up," There goes the playful Blake; he was back to his cold and demanding self. "Fine," I was defeated, but then again, why was I so against something like this, as he said - this is only normal. For us to sleep together, I mean. I stood up, but I couldn't get rid of this feeling of weakness, in the end I end up doing what he wants me to do. Maybe I'm just afraid that Blake knew that that night will come again and it terrified me. I know nothing about him, he may be gentle now because I'm pregnant, maybe the Blake I met that night is the real Blake, heck with it, maybe he's even worse. What did I get myself into by agreeing to marry him? Damn it Kaley, you're such a fool. A stupid, stupid fool. "Stop zoning off," he yelled and I flinched. Maybe I'm right after all. Who the hell is this guy I’ll be marrying? "Sorry," I said lowering my head and he sighed. "Come here," he tapped the spot next to him on the bed, which is now fixed. He took all things we put on the floor and returned them back to where they belong. I got on the bed gulping as he pulled me toward him. "Don't be afraid of me," he sighed. "I won't hurt you," I just kept quiet, if I say what's on my mind he may snap and so I just nodded trying to sleep. I can't risk it now, if the Blake I met that night is the real Blake, then I would do anything to avoid seeing him again. "I haven't assured you yet, right?" He spoke in calm voice, but I just kept quiet. Maybe he’ll just shut up and leave me alone. "Fùck," he hit the pillow and stood up as he picked it up, leaving me speechless. "Fine, sleep alone, I’ll take the couch!" He screamed as he gripped his messy black hair with his free hand. After that it was silent... And cold. I started missing the warmth of his body next to me and I hated myself for feeling that way. How am I feeling anyway? Why do I seem to feel bad for him when all I should do is hate him? Why am I like this? Weak. I’m unable to stand my ground. Broken; too afraid to say what I want. Lonely; never letting others in. I was always a cheerful kid laughing and socializing with everyone. But then they died because I was stubborn, like I am being right now. Blake’s offered to be next to me, and I’ve pushed him away. He's the only one who’s affected me in some way. I'm not but at the same time I’m afraid of him. I want trust him yet at the same time don't. I'm so confused. By now I'm completely freezing from cold temperature. Damn winter. "Blake..." I asked in a low voice but heard no response, so I tried again but a little louder. And again... Seems like he fell asleep already. I'm so going to regret this. I got up and saw him sleeping on the couch. Actually, two couches. He moved one to another making a bed. He was covered with only one blanket so I took mines and got next to him covering both of us together. "Just for tonight I'll let you sleep next to me, but tomorrow don't even think about it," I heard his raspy voice and nodded. He had every right; I dug my own hole. He groaned and once again pulled me next to him warming my body. "Dammit, you're freezing," he said getting up and taking off his shirt, I blushed but he only hugged me closer to him, lying back to fall back asleep. "How the hell could you be freezing when it's not even that cold?" He mumbled to himself and I weakly smiled as sleep consumed me...
18 Feb 2016 | 06:01
Nice 1 @shaxee.... Nxt plz.... 1st 2 comment
18 Feb 2016 | 10:01
Ife wan fe gbona... Dem still dey cook their love e never done...
18 Feb 2016 | 18:46
Next please
19 Feb 2016 | 03:07
Hea z 2 dry @shaxee..... No update 4 2day?
19 Feb 2016 | 15:07
Wrapped up,so consumed by love..
20 Feb 2016 | 07:56
- Babies... You always worry about them, but in the end they are the ones to soothe your worries... And completely change the way you look at the world - As always, Kaley's POV "Wake up," a harsh voice interrupted my sleep. "Go away," I replied yawning. "Oh c'mon wake up," there it is again. "I don't want to..." "You must get up, it's 10 in the morning, we’ve got to hurry up or we are going to be late," the voice said again. Wait, that voice. It's Blake... Late for what? "Where are we going?" I immediately regretted standing up so quickly; somehow I got my foot tangled on the blanket and I tripped off the couch onto Blake taking us both down. "Ouch..." I weakly said preparing myself for his scowling. "What the heck, woman?!" And there it is. "Are you crazy? You could’ve killed us both; made one of us break something! Who the hell rushes like that when waking up? Goddammit!" "Sorry, but you were the one rushing me to get up," I sheepishly said, he sighed. "Get off of me, we have to hurry," he said again and I nodded getting up and offering him a hand, which he gladly took. But once he stood up, he didn't let go of my hand, and then he made this more awkward by starring at it. "Umm, Blake... You can let go now," he snapped of his daze and grinned. "I was just wondering what type of wedding ring would suit more on your hand... And I think I’ve thought of the perfect one," he said making me blush. "Oh, well..." I trailed as he let go of it. "Go take a shower, I’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen before we leave," he said. "And what about you? Shower, I mean?" I said as he looked at me deviously. "Are you asking me to join you? As much as that sound inviting, I already had one, so enjoy your shower alone," he says with a sexy smirk on his face. Sexy? What is going on in my head? "I...I wasn't, I mean not that... Ah, ah... Damn it," I say as he burst out laughing. "Whatever floats your boat," he said leaving me alone to prepare myself for... What was I supposed to hurry and prepare for? Oh, damn I guess I will find out later. After I finished showering and preparing myself for the day, I got downstairs meeting a Blake swinging Ade around in the air. I wonder if he's going to play like that with our kid. I smile lightly, feeling good that Ade feels comfortable with Blake. "Kay, look I'm superman," he shouted and I giggle. He looks so happy. "Yes you are, but slow down with your powers," I told him and Blake chuckled. "Why, afraid that his awesomeness will surpass yours?" He asked and I huffed. "No, my awesomeness is unsurpassable," I purse my lips and dug in the pancakes that were on the table. "Don't listen to her buddy, she's just jealous," he told Ade. That reminds me. "Blake, where are we going?" I asked him and his reply came in cold tone. "Max, where else? We have to check on you and our baby" "Oh, right," I blushed when he said our baby. "Finished?" he asked referring to my breakfast and taking the last bite I nodded. "Then let's go then," Once again I witnessed him wearing casual clothes as he grabbed his leather jacket and car keys. He looked sexy beyond human possibilities, but I would never admit it and bust his ego. He got into the drivers side of his black Ferrari leaving me to open the door for myself.
20 Feb 2016 | 23:20
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER FOURTEEN - We often fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time - Kaley's POV "Merry Christmas Kal-Kal!" Where the heck has Ade been finding these nicknames? "Merry Christmas to you too, Ade," I replied hugging him before he rushed into the living room. "Look what Santa gave me," he moved his arm to show me the train he was hiding behind his back. It's probably Blake's doing. "Hmm, that means you were good kid this year, now you just need to be even better to get what you truly want for the next one..." I told him and he grinned. "You mean, I can get a bike?" he asked excitedly. "Of course, if you’re a good boy ‘til next Christmas," I nodded and he started running around the room; the room he’d once destroyed. Lucky me that Blake 'forgave' me without making any scenes and forcing me marry him. Note my sarcasm. "Stop zoning out for once in your life, will you?" Blake's voice echoed through the house as he smacked the back of my head once again. He really likes to smack my head, doesn't he? "I'm so going to regret marrying you," I mumbled as he raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" He asked pouring himself some of the coffee I’d made. "You're always smacking me, I'm a pregnant woman, remember?" I said as I took his cup of coffee to finish making it. I am pro at this; everyone’s said that my coffee is the best. "Your problem for always zoning out. I saw that as the easiest way to get you back to Earth," he shrugged as if was nothing. "What the heck? Don't!" He said as I poured some milk in the coffee mixing it with sugar at the same time. "I know what I'm doing, relax," I told him as he groaned. "I like my coffee black, without any sweet crap or milk in it," "Then I guess we have to change that," I smiled as I handed him back his cup "Try it," I grinned as Blake glanced between me and cup cautiously. "You're not trying to poison me, right?" He asked and just kept smiling. "Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if you could actually die from my tasty speciality," I say grinning. "Speciality," he scoffed, and was still unsure on whether he should try it or not. "Yea, you didn't see, but I also put a bit of chocolate powder in as well," maybe this was a bad idea after all since he scrunched his face in disgust. Well, if he doesn’t try it then he wont know what he’d be missing. "I'm soo not drinking this," he pushed it away but I grabbed the cup from him, he was about to get rid of, and moved it even closer to his face. "Just a sip, if you don't like it, I promise to start drinking the same black coffee as you even thought I hate it to the depths of my soul," I said and sighing, he hesitantly took a sip without showing any kind of reaction. He shrugged as he went towards his study but suddenly said: "Whenever I want it, you'll bring me this 'speciality' of yours, you’ve got yourself a new job. As my personal assistant," he said as I watched him confused. Does that mean that he likes my coffee? Screw the coffee I just got a job! Wait, what does a personal assistant do? Was he even serious? "Wait, what do you mean by that?" I yelled as I rushed in order to catch up to him. As soon as I did, I was about to say something but he interrupted me.
20 Feb 2016 | 23:26
Itz gud 2 av u bak @shaxee..... Nxt plz
21 Feb 2016 | 00:13
(chanting)Shaxee shaxee shaxee ... U re soooo on point ...
21 Feb 2016 | 01:27
Nyc 1... Next plz
21 Feb 2016 | 09:38
It bn a while shaxee.welcum back
21 Feb 2016 | 10:48
Wat next?
21 Feb 2016 | 12:29
tank God say i don meet up..nice 1..following
21 Feb 2016 | 16:25
wow am really enjoying it
22 Feb 2016 | 06:55
No update yet......? Nawa u ooo @shaxee
22 Feb 2016 | 10:32
- It's not the face that makes someone a monster, it's the choices they make with their lives - Kaley's POV "Nope, nope, nope," Blake said and turned his look to the opposite side. "Nah, no, too classy, too sluty, too modern, too red," he said the last one with eyes wide open. "Just pick any, I'm sure it will be all right," I told him for, what felt like, the millionth time today, but he just shooed me away with his hand and continued his search for my dress in this shop. While he was busy disliking the dresses in this shop as every women and worker were swooning and ogling him; after 3 hours of searching, I decided to look for some other types of clothes. As I was rummaging through a rack, I came across a wonderful blue gown. It was a blue ombre dress that went from dark blue to sky blue on the bottom. It was simple, kind of like wedding dress material, but I took a liking to it. As its beauty mesmerized me, I decided to try it on. Maybe it won't be that bad. Once I finished putting the dress on, I stepped out of changing room and turned to see myself in a mirror. I’ve never seen myself like this, I looked so... Elegant. Like I'm really someone suited for a rich man like Blake. I twirled around a few times, because I looked and felt like a real princess and just couldn't take my eyes away from the mirror. "We're taking it," I suddenly heard Blake's voice who appeared beside me from what seemed to be out of nowhere. "And by the way, you look gorgeous. Actually, saying that you look gorgeous would be a complete understatement, you're by far more beautiful," he said and I blushed like a tomato. "Thanks," I mumbled as he neared me, kissed my forehead and then hugged me. "Umm, Blake..." this was kind of awkward. "Shh, don't speak or move... You're the first woman I’ve hugged in a long time... After her," he mumbled last part silently but I was able to understand it. Her? Does he mean the woman from his laptop? Was she a girlfriend of his? Did he love her? I started feeling weird things after I met Blake, and this was one of those feelings - jealousy. I have never even been in love nor liked someone so I never had to feel jealousy, but now I do. I think I'm falling for him. But I can't, this one-sided love will only hurt me or even worse, he can toy with my feelings and I don't want to feel that. As I was too preoccupied with my thoughts, I felt his hand on my back gently undoing the zipper of my dress. "There, now go and change, there's much more to search for," he said as he gently pushed me back in the changing room. "What?" I asked confused. Weren’t we here just for this dress? "You didn't really think that one dress could solve it all? Sweetheart, it's a family dinner, you'll meet my grandpa so you’ll have to be nice and dandy," he replied with a grin as I watched him terrified. He can't be serious. "Wh- why... What, when?" "Remember that party for Christmas tonight, well it will be in the Blackburn residence where my granddad is," he said nonchalantly. "Ade's suit is already prepared, you're the only one that left." Wait, Ade got suit? "Ade-?" "Yes, we bought him a suit for tonight, he's part of our family now so he has to go as well. Besides Amy's coming too, so it was easy for him to decide if he wanted to tag along," he chuckled and I joined him. That's so like Ade. "But do I really have to go through all this shopping?" I sighed and he nodded. Just as I was about to protest, my tummy growled being the little twerp it is. This baby will definitely like food a lot.
22 Feb 2016 | 15:29
- Sometimes, words can be sharper than sword and deeper then wound - Kaley's POV He kissed me. Like seriously kissed me. Not on my cheek, nor forehead... My lips... With his lips! I've never been kissed in my life, not even that night... Just the thought of it made my stomach flip. 'Go away' shaking the memories of what had happened back then I continued what I was thinking before. I still have those feelings of his lips pressing mine, even thought it happened more than half hour ago. "We're here" Blake said and I threw a look at our surrounding. We were passing through the huge gate leading to the Blackburn residence and I couldn't help but awe it. It was amazing, perfectly edited garden with... "Hold on, are those labyrinths?" I said noticing them on both sides of passage. "Yeah, planed and made by my grandad personally" he replied with a chuckle. "Amazing" Ade said "Can we explore them?" he asked excitedly. "I'm afraid we can't, it's dark and dangerous now Ade, maybe some other time" I said patting him as he pouted. "And we're off" the car suddenly stopped as Blake turned at us from his driver seat "Wait, I'm a gentleman now, don't go out before I open your door" he said as I sighed. "So now I'm a lady, huh?" I asked him as he got out and opened my door. "Nope, but you look like one, so I let it pass" he said giving me his hand which I gladly accepted. Getting out of his gray ferrari, I decided to go along with his joke. "Why thank you, kind sir" I said bowing a bit and he kissed my arm. ' With those lips that were previously on mines' "Shall we, milady?" "Why are you speaking so strange?" Ade suddenly asked in the middle of our act. Not knowing how to explain this to him, I just shook my head and smiled changing the subject. "Well Ade, isn't this great? We're going to spend a Christmas together. With Amy and Mel too" I asked and he smiled excitedly. "What are we waiting for, let's go to the Amy now" he started running inside. "Ade, wait..." I tried to stop him but it was too late, he already rushed inside. "I'll catch him, you come slowly. We don't want you tripping now, do we?" he said as he rushed to catch him. Sighing I decided to follow with slower tempo. I still couldn't forget his kiss. After all that happened, after all that 'I should hate him' thing or 'I'll never see him again in my life' , I never thought I would like him the way I do, or to enjoy a kiss we shared. Heck with it, I never knew I'll kiss anyone after that night. My hand moved on it's own gently brusing my upper lip, no matter how much I tried, there's no way I could forget the feel of his lips on mine, that's for sure... I'm going crazy, this kiss probably meant nothing to him compared to what I feel about it. Even if it did mean something, it's probably a lot different then mine thoughts about it. I was so deepened into it, that I didn't see an elderly person coming my way until I smashed into him. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you all right, not hurt?" I immediately asked trying to see how big damage I made but to my surprise, the guy just laughed. "I'm alright, my dear" he said "I didn't see you before, who did you came with? Only family and close friends are allowed here" he asked. "Oh, I'm with..." I tried to point to Blake with my finger but he was nowhere to be found "...him, where did he dissapear, it passed barely a half minute" I mumbled to myself but the person probably heard me and he laughed.
22 Feb 2016 | 15:30
Lolz...... Mayb we cn also experience d kiss 2 knw iv we're gonna loose sense ov our surrondings 2..... Tnx 4 d update @shaxee...... Ua rilli doin a 9ic job hea
22 Feb 2016 | 16:22
He don disappear ni...
23 Feb 2016 | 04:39
No update yet......? Ani p @shaxee
23 Feb 2016 | 13:57
Wetin dy sup na @shaxee............ Dis ain't lyk u ooo, no update till nw.... I no even undastand una again @shaxee et @ritagold...... Wen u update, she go update..... Wen u no update, she no go update also
24 Feb 2016 | 06:18
24 Feb 2016 | 08:13
- If you haven't really got over the past, you've never really lived your present life. What you're chasing now isn't a better future, but a past so full of remorse - Kaley's POV My blood was boiling at the sight of those two. Chatting happily like we don't exist. They were probably going on parties like this all the time while Ayden and I were struggling to survive. They never even called. When they took money our parents saved in bank I later learnt was 600.000 dollars, they said to the judge how they will take care of us and so all the money will go for our necessities. However, they sold our house and bought a little flat for me and Ade, probably because they didn't want to take us with them on they journey around the world, and then left. We never saw them again, and the only time I heard from them was when Ayden was dying. As I escaped those thoughts, I saw her coming my way. "Kaley, oh my god, we're so happy for you" she exclaimed as she spread her arms to hug me but I just moved away. "So now you remember us? Maria" I said with a venom in my voice. This woman is a cruel witch and deserves nothing else. "I've never forgot you, my dear" acting all innocent now, huh "We're sorry for your parents and Ayden, I think we never had enough time to talk about it. What you say to renew our bonds now for your sake. You must be so lonely" you mean for ' your' sake. "No thank you, I'm good as I'm now" I replied trying to calm down. In that moment Ade came and spoke. "Is that aunt, Kay?" and she glanced at him disappointed. "Oh, you're alive? Too bad for insurance money..." she murmured but I heard her. Don't tell me that the only reason they returned here was because they wanted to take money from Ayden's life insurance once he died? How low can they get? Not being able to control myself anymore, I smacked her... And I was never happier in my life. "How dare you..." she started but I interrupted her. "How dare you to call yourself our aunt?!" I yelled "You dissapeared for two years and when I told you about Ayden you returned just because you wanted money!" everyone's eyes were on us and her husband came next to her. She tried to smack me, but before her hand could hit me, it was stopped by none else then Blake. "I would be careful if I was on your place" he warned her and she retreated. "Those are lies, we didn't came for that, we missed you and wanted to see you" she tried to look like a good person once again, while Mel came and took Ade away. Good, he don't have to hear this. "When I called you to ask for money because Ayden was dying in the damn hospital, you told me that everyone dies and you can't spend your money on something so insignificant, so don't bullshit me with that" few around us gasped but I don't care "When our parents died, you took all the money and went to travel the world leaving me Ayden to survive on our own, so don't say you love or care for us, because you only care for your own asses" there goes my lady style. "What? That's not..." she once again started. "Not to forget that you said to Ayden that it would be better if we also died with mom and dad" I said somewhat quieter and then my angry tone came back "Who the hell says to a three years old kid on a funeral that it's better if he died!?" I no longer cared to who was listening now, I had to take it all out "You didn't even paid for their funeral, if Rian wasn't there, who knows what could have been? 600.000 dollars and you didn't respect your sister and brother-in-law enough to pay for their funeral? What kind of person you are?" I noticed tears sliding down my cheeks. I haven't cried since who knows when, and I hoped I never will again. I hate this feeling of being weak. I hate this life Ade and I had to live through. And I hate them for leaving us. "Get them out of here" I heard Blake say. I didn't care who saw me in this state, they didn't care for me so why should I care for them "Come here" it was Blake again, he hugged me and took me somewhere as I walked gladly without any objections. We came to some doors and when he opened them I noticed that we were in a huge dark room. "It used to be mine while I lived here" he said noticing my confusion "Come, let's take care of you" and with that he took me to another doors inside which lead to the bathroom. Across the whole wall was a mirror and looking at myself I saw I looked like a wreck... Really ugly wreck. He turned on the water on and made me sit on the bath as he wet the towel and then cleaned my face. "There, much better without make up, my non-lady fiancée" he grinned and I just showed him my tongue. He poked my forehead and lifted me up. "We can or go back now or simply go and sleep" "I don't really feel like going down" I honestly replied. "Yea, me neither. I was looking for some excuse to escape them anyway" he chuckled and I joined him. Suddenly, his fingers were ony back once again untying the knot on my dress letting it fall down freely. He then got his tux on and I blushed. Is he going to do what I think he will? "Don't worry, I'm not going to force you on something you're not ready nor want" he ensured me and I nodded. He got his shirt off and gently put it on me. Then he made me sit on huge king sized bed as he got my heels down. I still wonder how I managed to walk this long with them on. And finally he got rid of that butterfly in my head putting it on a nightstand. "All set and dandy" he said and then got up and just as he was about to leave I grabbed his hand. "Umm, about what happened few nights ago" I started shyly "could you please sleep with me" I gulped waiting for his answer. I had a feeling that it would be no. "Do you hate me for what I did, but I want a honest answer" he suddenly asked. "I... Hate you from the depths of my soul. I never hated someone in my life as I hate you..." he looked defeated "...was what I would like to say. But that's a lie. If it weren't for you, Ade would be dead. You saved my little brother, no matter how it actually happened. And now, you gave us safe roof above our heads and you accepted our child. For the first time after so long times I could live without any worries. So there's no way in Hell I could ever hate you... Yes, I'm still afraid of you because I don't know who you really are, what your true personality is alike, but I definitely don't hate you. Actually I..." like, if not love you " very grateful to you. I feel like you're my home already, the heck with it. Thank you... No matter how sick this sounds, thank you for offering me that deal on that night" I finished truly. Even if did hurt me and I cried for days after, I'm thankful for saving Ade. Maybe I could have told him somehow what I needed money for, but it's in the past now. I'll no longer stay trapped in it. "I see... Thank you, too... For not hating me" he said and started moving once again. "We'll call it peace, what happened other night and we'll share that bed. Just wait a second to get shower... I think there is still some clothes of mine here" he said and smiled. What's with me and all those smiles nowadays? I've been waiting for some 15 mins until Blake got out, he was wearing some black shorts ands shirt while he still had a towel around his neck as few drops of water were dripping down his hair. "What's with Ade, in all this hurry I forgot about him" I asked concerned and he simply showed me his phone. "I just texted Mel to inform her of us staying here. She'll take care of him" he said and I nodded. He got into the bed and put his hands so I can sleep on one of them. First, I was confused and wary, but then I reminded myself that this is Blake, and allowed myself to cuddle with him. He hugged me, with both arms and legs, preventing me from escaping him. Possessive much, huh? I giggled at that thought. "What's so funny" he asked integrated. "Hugging me all like this... You're look so possessive" not that I mind. " Why, yes I am possessive over things that belongs to me" he replied as I rose my eyebrow "my fiancée, my kid and my future wife... Only mine and no one can have them" I didn't expect him to say that, I was joking when I said all that. "Oh..." "Yeah, oh..." he grinned and I smacked him "Go to sleep now, you're pregnant woman" "I don't really want to sleep, you know" "I don't care, I do" "You're mean, and evil" "Tell me something I don't know" "And not gentleman at all" "Truth, but ask anyone you want that knows me, they'll all say the opposite" "You're a good liar" "More like a good actor... That aside, you complained about not knowing me" "Yeah, I remember" back then I even thought that he may be some terrorist. "Then let's play 'Questions until you fall asleep', deal?" "Does that even exist?" "I doubt that 20 questions will be enough for us, so we'll play until one of us is too tired to continue, deal?" he asked yawning. "You seem like you're about to drop dead" "I ensure you that I have enough stamina to keep me all night long, sweetheart, so just go on. I promise to stay awake until you fall asleep" truth... I'm sure he has enough stamina. "So, favourite food then?" "Anything eatable, you?" how the heck can he like everything? "That's hard... Lasagna I guess, I used to eat it a lot when I was younger" Dad would always make me one for dinner even if whole family was eating something else "Color?" "Cliche, light green. Just like your eyes" he grinned and I blushed. "So, your parents died... I'm sorry, I didn't know" he suddenly said. "It's ok, I never really talk about them" no one ever asked so I never had a need to talk about them. "Can I ask how it happened?" "Car accident... It... It... It was all my fault" if only, if only I listened to them instead of arguing. "How do you mean your fault... I mean if you don't mind telling me" can I really tell him? Not even Ryan knows about this, he said that there's no need for details and that only that matters is that we're alive. "It was my sixteenth birthday... My friends have prepared a party for me, but my parents wanted for us to go on a family dinner" tears started forming in my eyes just from remembering that event "We were in the car, they were in the front seats while Ade and I were in the back... I started arguing since I wanted to go to that damn party, and they told me how I'm childish" I can still hear their voices from that night "Dad turned around to tell me how I can go to the party once we're done with dinner... He lost sight of road for just few seconds... The other driver was drunk and he came out of left track... Dad tried to turn car but... But... But we got hit anyway... They died at the instant" I was crying my heart out on Blake's arm, but he didn't seem to mind. I should have stayed calm in that situation, not argue with them. That way they might have survived. "It's not your fault" Blake said gently. "It is... I was so stubborn and stupid" "Even if your father haven't turned around, nothing says that drunk man wouldn't hit you. If it's someone's fault, then it's fault of that drunk idiot" "Still... Still..." I don't know what I was looking for, it seemed to me like it was for the best if I was to blame. "There's nothing to think anymore and blame yourself" he gently caressed my cheeks wiping my tears away "It's in the past, nothing's your fault" and then he kissed my head. "Thank you" he said "For telling me and not asking me about Marine" "Marine?" who's that. "The girl on my laptop, I saw that it concerned you, but you didn't ask" it was never my business to start with. "One day, I will be able to tell you about her, but not now. Just not now while I'm in the same house as he is" he? Wait a second, he said to George something about not coming here again if he's here... Lukas? "Can you tell me who she is, you don't have to if you don't want" I warily approached him. And what he said, left me stunned for few moments. "She... She was my sister..."
24 Feb 2016 | 11:06
Was? Did she die? Thumbs up @shaxee
24 Feb 2016 | 13:06
Dis story is going great
24 Feb 2016 | 14:50
24 Feb 2016 | 15:22
Death always has a witness. So, its nt partly ur fault.
24 Feb 2016 | 16:36
Wow....... Grt story line. Glad to have u back Shaxee
24 Feb 2016 | 16:57
Until all the words are said, and all the conflicts are solved, a peace cannot occur... Because it's not in human nature to simply stop a war nor forget it without a reason - Kaley's POV I admit it. Blake is the most cuddleable creature that walked this planet ever. I do not wish to get up... Nor do I want him to to get up. Last night was just as I saw it happen; complete disaster. And in the end of all this, I didn't spend the Christmas with Ade as I promised I will. Who knows how he feels now, I suddenly dissappeared after not telling him where, and that's not the worst. It happened right after he saw Maria, he may start thinking how I left with her. Oh, no. "Damn, I have to find Ade. What if he thinks that I left him alone and dissappeared" I said as I jumped out of bed. "Huh?" Blake asked with his head still deep buried in philows. "Ade, I forgot about him the last night. I have to find him... And apologize for leaving him alone... And to explain him that I was here all the time" I rambled nervously and as I was about to exit Blake's room, his strong arm smacked on the doors passing an inch from my face. "Don't you dare go out like this" he yelled as my backs came in contact with cold door frame. I looked at him confused and then glanced at my body... Crap, I'm in Blake's shirt! And nothing else! "Oh, my god! Sorry, I'll get something to wear right this second" I exclaimed and started my search through his old wardrobe. All the shorts were in lower parts of it, so not really having a choice, I leaned down to take them. "Tease..." Blake murmured as I rose my eyebrow confused of his words. "What? Did you say something?" I asked him curiously as he chuckled with ' Not at all' and jumped back into the warm and fluffy bed I wanted to stay in so bad. "Ade comes first" I stated as I changed in Blake's clothes the fastest I could. "I'll be back to join you once I talked with Ade" I told him as I exited his room. I started running around the hall and then I came to the huge stairs leading to that hall we were in yesterday. And then I stopped suddenly remembering something very important... I have no idea where the hell am I or should be going!! "And I also have no idea how to come back to Blake... Crap!" I sighed "C'mon Santa, don't make this any harder for me, help me" I mumbled sighing. "Can I help you?" an elderly voice said behind me. "Wow Santa, you're really fast the day after Christmas" I said forgetting about the guy behind me, and when I turned around I came eye to eye with an amusing look of George's face. "I ensure you I'm not Santa, my dear" he said and I blushed from embarrassment "But if I can, then I'll be glad to help you" he said and I nodded not looking him in the eyes. After our encounter and my... Maria, I couldn't stand to look at his eyes. "Um, I was looking for my brother. Little, acting like a superhero and extremely loud if you have saw him by any chance, could you help me?" I asked putting a hand behind my head nervously. "I'm sure I saw a kid of that description... It's hard not to, today. He's in the kitchen" damn Ade, I'm so going to kill you. "Sorry, he's a bit of too cheerful" I said smiling. "Oh, not at all, it was funny around him in the house. I haven't enjoyed myself since Blake was a kid" he said "C'mon, I'm on my way to the kitchen so I'll take you there, let's go" he said and I nodded. "Thank you" I said as I followed from behind. I still couldn't believe that yesterday had happened. From the moment I came here and had that unfortunate meeting with George, through the meeting of Blake's father, Lucas, that almost threw me out and then Blake appeared almost starting a World War III, who I managed to calm later, the proposal, finding out about Mel and Max's plan for Blake and my meeting all to the point I saw Maria and Sylas (uncle) and having a loud chat with them. All that on Christmas? Oh and not to forget the kiss. Blake said nothing about it, so it was probably nothing for him. Damn you, head. Don't think about it, get your mind of something.
25 Feb 2016 | 05:41
- CRY is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how BROKEN you are- Kaley's POV For the second time today, I woke up next to Blake. Or atleast I think it's still today. Well, it's not like I really minded, I'm still exhausted from the previous day and once again, the kiss came up my mind. I'll have to ask him what was that all about or I'm going to get insane from all this thinking. He seemed very experienced, but then again why am I even wondering, it's Blake we're talking about. What if he says something like 'Oh, it was just an ordinary kiss' or so, how should I react? I mean it was my first kiss after all... But somehow, I'm glad it was Blake who took it, not someone else, he's soon to be my husband and I always wanted to keep it for him... Then again, this sounds so wrong. Sighing, I tried to get up, but he pinned me down in a bare millisecond... There goes getting up. "Stay..." he mumbled sheepishly as he yawned. "We should get up... We've been sleeping for a whole day" I replied turning around to face him. "So what, we said that we'll be up for dinner... Not the rest of the day" he said opening his eyes and starring at me intensively. "Still, it's not healthy to sleep this much, last thing we ate was lunch" "You hungry?" "Not really, but still..." "Then there's nothing to worry about, go back to sleep, munchkin" "Munchkin?" I asked shaking my head. Only Blake, only Blake. "Do you have something better?" he asked rising his perfectly shaped eyebrow. "Nope... Forget I even asked" I giggled. "Can't promise" he chuckled "It's hard to forget every time you laugh" he said making me blush. "Sh..shut up" I said not coming up with a good comeback. "Wow, the day you were left speechless have finally come" "Yea, and I can stop talking to you for the whole day as well" "And just as I thought that I had you..." he sighed and closed his eyes back. That's it, this is my chance. It's now or never. "Blake..." "Kaley..." we both said in the same time. "Ladies first" he said and I nodded. How should I say this to him, what if he thinks that I'm an idiot? I mean, how often do you get asked with 'Did the kiss we shared mean something for you?' question, but seriously? How to start this, maybe I should just mention the kiss and let the story evolve... Here goes nothing. "Um... It's..." I bit my lip and he groaned "Are you alright?" I asked concerned, is he in pain or something? "Yes, please continue" if he says so. "Well..." Oh damn. Sighing, I decided to get right to the point "About that kiss..." even thought I wanted to say it loud and confidently, in the end it sounded like a weak whisper. Damn! "What about it?" he asked rising his eyebrow once again making him look intimidating infront of me. "Well..." holy cow, how do I ask this. "Why are you so confused, I simply felt like kissing you when I saw you there in front of me, with your lips inviting mines, so there's nothing much to wonder. I liked it and I like you" he said nonchalantly and I blushed. It was just an ordinary kiss for him after all... Wait, he liked it... And me? "Relax now, it was just a little peck, it's not like it was your first kiss" he said with a smile and staring at him with my mouth open agape, realizing what he's just said, I immediately covered myself with the blanket. "You gotta be kidding me, seriously?" he asked. "Shut up" I said blushing like crazy but suddenly the blanket was ripped away from me as I gasped. "This can't happen, we have to fix that" "Huh?" what did he mean. "First kiss isn't supposed to be some peck, it's supposed to be a real kiss" and with that he got on top of me as I was watching him confused. Don't tell me... And before I had any chances to proceed with what was happening, his lips smashed down on mines. He was moving them slowly as he made mine move in synch with his, I didn't know what to do, so I just kept with the flow. His lips were so gentle and soft that I lost my mind in them, and just as I thought that it was all from him, he bit my lip making me gasp. He seemed to like that since I felt him smile on my lip and with a swift movement he showed his tongue in my mouth as I widened my eyes. Back then, I would think of it being gross and eww, but now it seemed so... Normal and ok. Of course, once again I didn't know what to do, so I simply allowed him to do what he wanted. Not that I minded, that is... Well until one thing happened. Not so long after, I felt the hem of my shirt going up and panic immediately ringed in my ears. No, I can't do this, not now. Not again, so I tried to wiggle away from his grasp as my eyes got teary and it seemed like that brought him back to some sense as he realized what was he doing. "Shít, sorry" he said fast "I didn't mean to do that... Please calm down, sorry" but all that his words did was bring me more tears "Fùck, sorry munchkin, please calm down. Shh, sorry" he said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. But that couldn't help, I finally remembered what I've been trying to forget ever since, all the things he did that night to me and it made my stomach flip in fear and want to vomit just remembering what I had to do for him. So without any other thought, I escaped from his grasp and rushed in the bathroom vomiting... Thought there wasn't much I could throw out since I haven't eaten since yesterday. Soon I felt his hand moving the strands of my hair behind my ears and gently rubbing my back. "Fùck, I forgot about your vitamins and medicines" he said and lifted me up once I finished then put me on the tub washing my face "Better now?" he asked and I weakly nodded, I'm just hungry now. Once again, he lifted me up and I clutched in his arms not being able to stop fearing him, whenever I closed my eyes, that night was playing in my head making me being afraid to even blink. So I left a little sob in his chest trying my best not to burst into tears once again, but it was useless. "Sorry, please forgive me. I didn't think... I swear I didn't want to... Sorry" he was petting my head, but that was his arm. The same right arm that hit me back then, the same arm that pulled my hair, the same hand that was pinning me down while he was raping me. "I'm so sorry" his voice was filled with pain, despair and regret and I immediately knew that he meant what he said, but I couldn't help but to flinch a bit whenever his arm touched me. "It...It's ok" I hiccuped wiping my tears but they kept falling and he simply kept repeating 'I'm sorry' all over again. Around half an hour later, I managed to calm a bit, and Blake brought me glass of water I gladly took to ease my sore throat. I glanced at him and he looked like a mess with his shirt stained in my tears. I wanted to apologize, but he was faster. "I'm sorry" "You already said that and I told you it's alright" I mumbled looking at my hands. I know that it was his instincts he reacted that way when we kissed, I'm not blaming him, I was just afraid of being hurt again. "I know, but not for that" he gulped "I realized that I never apologized for what I've done, and trust me when I say that I regret for hurting you and that I would have wanted for us to had started somehow different... And that I'm also sorry for making you do all those despicable things for me. I'm so sorry" he said lowering his head in shame. I just nodded and since he couldn't see I made my first move and hugged him. This time I couldn't say 'It's alright' since I knew that we'll never be. I was too broken and he... He was also damaged in his own way. The happy times we spent were just that, happy times. Not reality nor the life we will have. He had his demons and I had my fears... So the two of us were just about to go through the hell and maybe won't be able to get back... He was my savior, but my destroyer just as much... He was my protector, but I was supposed to be protected from him as well... And he was the one to fix me... But also the one that broke me down... But I did know one thing... I loved him... And there was nothing I feared more...
25 Feb 2016 | 05:41
Nice..... Bring it on @shaxee. Tnx 4 d update
25 Feb 2016 | 07:11
So 9ce sorry 4 d 2 of una
26 Feb 2016 | 03:49
26 Feb 2016 | 04:06
@precy ... Why re u always here before i or anyone else ... Do u gt any special invite????
26 Feb 2016 | 06:22
26 Feb 2016 | 08:03
Nope @crusherdaniels
26 Feb 2016 | 09:20
So intriguing.
26 Feb 2016 | 15:59
hmmmmn.... your worst enemy might turn up to be ur best friend.
26 Feb 2016 | 18:35
- Never leave your past unfinished and stuck in problem... Or it will finish you off before you even get hold of situation you're in... - Kaley's POV "Alright, we're off" Blake's voice echoed in hall as everyone's eyes were on him. After that little incident we had, we came down for family dinner that went smoothly and now we're on our way to go home. Of course, none of us talked about what happened ever since. "Why so fast? You could have stayed for a few more days" his mother said with a saddened smile on her face. Few days here would probably drive Blake insane... "I know, but Kaley's been feeling rather sick in last few days, so I have to go home and make sure she's taking her medicines" Blake said throwing her an apologetic look and she sighed. "Come back soon then... And I guess we can expect some grandsons in near future" she wiggled her eyebrows and he groaned as I blushed as hell. "Sure mother... We'll be expecting you in a month for our wedding, just so you know" he said chuckling as her lips parted in a 'ohh' motion. "Isn't that too soon?" she asked and I could understand where is all that coming from. Until yesterday, they haven't even known about mine relationship with Blake, and then BANG! Suddenly we're going to be married and now she finds out that the wedding will be in none less then one month... If my child was about to go through that, I would have been terrified as well. I can't even imagine her reaction when she finds out about the baby... "Not really, I knew her for some time and have already decided that she's the one I'll ever want to spent the rest of my life with" he shrugged and glanced at me with admiration but with a hint of sadness as well... Oh Blake, he's still blaming himself for what happened... And I'm not sure if I can handle to meet with his look of pity whenever he looks at me. So I simply smiled at him as his eyes gazed at mines confused for a second before relief passed through them. I grabbed his arm and getting on my tiptoes, I kissed his cheek making him blush a bit... Holly fudging cake, he blushed! I couldn't help but giggle at that making him smack my head. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist, it was so cute" I said and he stuck out his tongue at me making his mother gasp. "How dare you Blake, that's so uncultured" she said and he apologized glaring at me. What did I do? It's his fault, not mine "Immediately apologize to Kaley" she ordered and he obeyed with a scowl on his face. "Sorry for smacking your head... Again" he grinned and I nodded in sign of accepting his apology. "Now if you don't mind, we shall be leaving" he said hugging his mother as she awkwardly patted his back, I can say that he never acted this way. "Are you sick?" she asked him touching his forehead ad he laughed. "From love" he replied and started hugging me out of nowhere... Talk about crazy hormones, I'm the one that should be emotional wreck... Not that I'm already not. "Kaley..." she said and I came closer as she hugged me. Talk about awkward patting "...take care of my son" "I will" I replied in return. "Thank you... It's been a while I saw him smiling like this" she said as I glanced at smiling Blake that was bidding his goodbyes with everyone. Soon, we all said what we had and started walking back home with Blake carrying Ayden on his back... Will he play like that... Surely he will, oh my silly Blake. In one moment he's funny and in another cute then suddenly scary... Just what is your real face, I wonder? Suddenly I felt smack on my head... Again... I'm so going to kill him.
28 Feb 2016 | 13:03
-In order to prove yourself that you're not in love with someone, you have to admit to yourself that you love them first. Because you cannot know whether something is or isn't if you don't understand it in the first place- Kaley's POV I knew that whoever this girl was, she wasn't invited over by Blake. Atleast I thought so since he was with me all the time planning our wedding and I highly doubt that he has time to go around with other women. "Huh, who the hell are you? Where is Blake?!" she asked me with anger in her voice I guess. "Who am I? And who the hell are you?" seriously, I'm not the one half-naked in your room. "I'm Blake's girlfriend, and sorry if he brought you here for one night stand, he's quite the player" she giggled and it was already pretty obvious that she was lying. I'm his fiancée for creep's sake, like he would really have time for... Hold on, I'll go along with it. "What? No way, he was so sweet so there's no way that he could do something so cruel" I just hope Blake comes soon so I can joke with him too. "I know, I tried so many times to stop his player's ways, but it was useless... I don't even know why did I become his girlfriend, we even got engaged last night" yeah, right and I got engaged with his twin on the same day. "Oww, poor you. I would break up with him immediately you know, you must be really nice person to endure that all" ha, as if! "What can I say, I'm head over heels in love with him" she sighed dreamingly "I'm Regina, by the way" so that's her name... Hold on is that the same Regina about who Alfred and Melisa talked few days ago? "Oh, such a pretty name" surely but Regwitch is much better "I'm Kaley by the way" I shook my hand with her and she looked at my engagement ring. "Oh, you cheating on your fiancée?" she had that smug grin on her face I so hard wanted to smack, but before I could say anything, a Blake's voice came out booming from the doors. "What the hell are you doing here!?" "Oh, c'mon you know why I'm here, sunny" you gotta be kidding me, that's the best nickname she came up with? "How dare you Blake cheat on your lovely fiancée here, just look at her how sweet and sexy she is?" I mocked in my the most serious voice and he rose his eyebrow staring at me like I grew another head "What the..." he started but I interrupted him. "That's it, our engagement is over, I'm leaving" even thought I was pretending like I was about to start crying and dead serious, I was giving my best not to burst out laughing from inside. "What?!" damn it woman with your screeching voice. "Goodbye" wad all I said before I brushed past him and went downstairs where was Al. "You don't plan to really leave do you, miss?" he asked with his eyed wide open. "Huh? Oh, no. I just had to play along, it was so funny to watch his face like that" I chuckled. "You've become quite a smart girl there, miss" "Just call me Kay, it's so strange with that 'miss' thing" I waved my hand and suddenly we heard shouting voices from the upstairs, oh boy. "I'll go hide around the house, see you" I smiled and rushed to hide somewhere, that will teach him not the leave his exes around. I came to his office and decided that it would be the best place to stay until he finds me... If he finds me, then I'll go babbling how he hurt me with the way she treated me, more lies will make him feel guilty and then he'll learn his lesson... Come to think of it, why am I even doing this? Oh yes, I was jealous of that girl, how she came freely, gave him a nickname and all that... I'm becoming helpless in love, am I not? No, I'm not, it's simply a liking that I have towards him and thankfulness for giving me a home, nothing less and nothing more.
28 Feb 2016 | 13:04
Hello guys haven't seen any of you registered in the forum kindly visit and register please, thanks, if having any problem registering message me
28 Feb 2016 | 13:11
Lolz, 4ni u kay..... Nxt @shaxee
28 Feb 2016 | 14:36
next pls
29 Feb 2016 | 15:52
29 Feb 2016 | 18:59
- If I could be the rain that connects the Earth and Heaven that won't meet in a whole eternity, could I also be the one to bind two people's hearts together- I don't think that there's need for me anymore to say I'm writing in Kaley's POV, right? Mornings... I used to hate them, but it's been almost a month since that girl Regina barged in. Blake had a looong time talking with his father about what happened which only made things worse with their relationship... Not that I think that it could get any worse then it already was. Regina tried to get so many times after that incident back to Blake using all kind of seducing schemes, but failed every time. Even after I tried to convince myself that I didn't love Blake, every 'proof ' I used made me think otherwise. I found a lot of new things about him, but not one thing I really wanted to know: what happened to his sister. By the look of it, I came to conclusion that something also happened to Melisa, she never talked about Amy's father which I found very confusing. Not only that, but whenever I asked her, she completely shut down saying how she didn't know who he was, one night stand apparently, but Max always looked at her with saddened eyes at her when she said that. At first, I thought that he's probably Amy's father but he wasn't so attached to her as one father should be, and when I confronted Blake about that, his reply was 'No, why the hell would you think that?' and his question hadn't held any secret, so I dismissed that idea. So, I came to conclusion that she was or telling the truth or hiding something painful... But I decided not to press her any further, if she wants - she'll tell me one day. My and Blake's wedding will be in two weeks, on Valentine's Day, but I know that even thought his mother was glad I opened and fixed Blake somehow a bit, she was very vary of me... Well it's not like that everyday your billionaire son decides to marry someone of low status in one month period... I guess, you never actually know. "What are you thinking about?" right, to get back to my point. Waking up, I always hated that part of my life, but now when almost a month have passed since I saw Blake again and decided to marry him, I came to like waking up in his arms. Not even once did it happen after Christmas that I woke up alone. "Just thinking about what have happened in a previous month" was my shy reply as I hid in the base of his neck. I liked being next to him, for some strange reason, it was really nice and comfy... Was it because of me liking him, I wonder? I'm not sure, all that 'love' still seemed as a strange subject to me... Maybe I should do some research on the Internet about it, I think that it should help. This is so strange and complicated for me, why did I have to fall inlove, when I never even liked anyone a lot? I wanted to learn it slow and secure, not for it to simply BOOM in my life... For a man I once thought I'd always hate and never see again. "A lot have happened, huh?" he chuckled "Hope you don't plan on giving up on our wedding" he joked, but I could feel a hint of fear in his voice. "As if you'd let me" was my sarcastic comment, but even did let me choose, I doubt that I'll reject him and leave him alone. "But..." his voice became serious "If I let you choose, would you still say 'yes ' to me?" my eyes widened. Did he just say that out loud? "I..." I was at loss of my words. I didn't know what to say to his question. "Nevermind, it's fine. Not like I would let you go" that little... But it seemed like it was a forced answer he just used, I think that he was... I don't know, afraid of my answer? I must be silly, since my oh so-proclaimed love for him, I tried to find some way that the feelings were mutual, how stupid from me. I was pathetic for even trying that, like he could seriously love someone like me. As I said, he and I were like Earth and Heaven. He was rich and very successful while I on the other hand am poor and not so smart. I only have high school, for creep's sake. "Shall we go to eat?" was his raspy question as I nodded my head. I wanted to tell him, but if he's wondering about that, then he probably wants to get rid of me. C'mon, he didn't even have a sex in a last month, and it was obvious that he was man with his needs which I apparently couldn't satisfy. That freaked me out seriously, I think that I wouldn't be able to take it if he left me and just the thought of me trying to imagine him sleeping with another girl was sickening and unacceptable "Let's go" and with that he got up as I followed slowly behind tugging on his shirt "What?" his voice was somewhat angry and I couldn't understand why. Did I do something wrong to anger him? If I did, then what is it? "Umm, nothing..." I said as I headed to the bathroom. "Sorry, what's wrong?" "That would I like to know, why are you so angry and jerky all of sudden!?" I yelled, being also angry for who knows what. "Me, look who's saying!?" his voice came back in the yelling matter just like mine. "Atleast I wasn't snapping at other like you did after waking up!" "Snap?! You think I snapped, I'm much worse when I snap, I was acting all normal until you started changing your mood all of sudden for me asking you 'what'!" "Well if you asked me nicely what was wrong with me, maybe I could have not snapped at you and told you nicely what I had on my mind" "Shut up, you stupid girl!" I flinched at his tone. His yelling was nothing compared to this one he just used "For all I care now, you could go, you don't even have to marry me, I'll take care of baby! If you want, I'll give you enough money to live your life peaceful away from us!" and with that he stormed out of room as I tried to think over what have just happened. And then it hit me, my fears were right. He got tired of me and decided that he no longer need me, that's why our wedding didn't matter to him anymore. I feel on my knees and suddenly I felt the thick cold substance rolling down my eyes. I was crying. Not only did his decision hurt me, but his words as well. He thought I was stupid. I know I never went to the universities I wanted and all that, but did he seriously had to rub it in my face? I cried even harder. I was just a teenager for crying out loud, I had to take care of Ayden so he didn't have to suffer at the young age. I couldn't go to the damn university because of that. No, I'm not blaming Ayden. It was my fault mom and dad died in the first place, so if someone was to blame, then it would be me. Blake was right, I'm stupid and thus I'm worthless. And the worst thing is that I only bring problems in the lives of other people. Blake would probably be much happier if he could keep with his bachelor's life and I just came in bringing him the burden of becoming a father with how stupid I was. I could have used some pills for that night knowing what's going to happen, but no - I was stupid! Ryan had to take care of my parents funeral because I killed then which made him a problem with his budget! Why? Because, once again, I was stupid! Of course Blake wouldn't have wanted to be with me, I mean, he could have any woman on this planet, and I was just a naïve, plain and stupid me! He and I were never meant to be together, we were too different to even have a chance for a relationship. If I had to say, even Regina was a better choice for him! My breaths soon became heavy and I had a feeling like I was suffocating. My eyes were foggy and the black spots soon appeared in my sight before I finally fell down in dumbness. The last thing I remember wad heavy and running footsteps as someone voice was calling my name... And soon I lost my consciousness. How stupid of me to faint after confronting reality...
1 Mar 2016 | 03:50
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 23 - It's always better to convey your feeling to the loved ones as fast as you can, even if it makes your eyes go teary sometimes. Because, once they are gone, no matter how loud you scream or hard you cry - they won't be able to hear you anymore- Blake's POV I didn't want to yell at her, heck with it I didn't even mean what I said to her, but I guess that part of me couldn't believe that she would leave me if she wanted. Why am I even hoping for, I hurt her so much that even I don't want to be in my company. If she wants to leave me, so may be it. Atleast she will be happy if she's away from me, even if that would break me down. I was enchanted by her, and I wasn't fool not to realize my feelings towards her... And exactly because of them, I want her to be happy even if her happiness meant me not taking part of it. She was the first girl that hadn't jumped on me trying to seduce out my money, she didn't even know who I was. She was so innocent that I hate and curse myself every day for acting the way I did that time when the two of us met. Regina was trying to get to me so many times, but I couldn't even look at some other girl after meeting Kaley. Just when she smiled, my heart would feel at peace, but break down whenever she cried... Knowing that I'm the reason behind her tears. For a second, I thought that I should go to the Regina and drown my pain in her, but I couldn't possibly be such an asšhole now that I had Kaley. She may hate me... No she said she doesn't, maybe she's scared of me and uncomfortable in my surroundings, but I became too attached to her that I simply cannot let her go... But I have to. I was acting like an idiot, I should go and apologise, she is right, it was my fault for snapping like that, she's pregnant and if she switched her moods, it was due to her pregnancy unlike me who is a repulsive idiot... Beside she shouldn't stress herself. Sighing, I got back to our room only to find her falling down. Without any second thought, I rushed shielding her as she fell on me. "Kaley!" I shook her once I sat down "Kay, open your eyes!" I gently hit her cheek trying to make her open her eyes and then I noticed that she has been crying. Shít, I'm such an idiot. "Kaley, c'mon. You'll be fine" I said as I picked her up and laid her on the bed, only thing left now is to wait the doctor... That's right, I should call Max! Taking my phone from the nightstand, I quickly dialed his number. " Damn it man, do you know what ti..." his groogy voice started but I interrupted him. "Haul you asš here right now, Kaley fainted!" " I'm on my way, will be there in 15, what happened?" he asked as I heard some door closing on the other line. "We..." I hesitated, but I better say it "We had a fight and I stormed out, but when I came back, she was fainting" " Shít, did she hit her head or her belly on something?" the sound of engine turning on followed soon after. "No, I caught her on the time before she hit the floor" " Good, that makes everything easier, I have to end call but don't worry, she should be fine according to what you have just said. See you soon" " Yeah" and with that, he ended call as I threw my phone on the bed grasping my hair. Fùck, none of this would have happened if I kept my cool and didn't act like that. Why does it seem like all I do is hurt her? Why can't I make her so happy that she'll forget all of the pain she's been through her life? "I'm sorry" I mumbled as I kissed her forehead. She was like light to me, I know it's too fast and all that, but I can't help her. Knowing how kind and innocent she was, always managing to lure my smile out... I just fell for her. Love is a feeling, not a decision after all... But if I had to chose, then I would so damn have chosen to love her and none else would matter to me anymore. I don't know how long was I sitting here looking and brushing her hair with my finger but soon Max came in gasping for air. "Fifteen minutes precisely" he said as he waved with some bag in his hands I believe were medical tools. "Please..." I didn't know what I was asking for, I just wanted to see her smiling again right now. "I know, lemme wake her up" he pulled some bottle from his bag and opening it he placed it closer to her nose which soon scrunched as she opened her eyes slowly. "Kaley, how are you? Are you alright, does something hurts?" I rushed with the questions, she has to be alright. "Yeah..." her voice was weak and hollow... Why is she like this, did our fight affected her that much? "Let's check on you" Max said "First, do you feel any pain in your belly?" she shook her head but something seemed to click in her head as she suddenly got up and started looking at her belly frantically. "Don't worry, seems like nothing happened, but I have to check something more, so lay down and relax" Max assured her as she nodded and lied back. "Do you need some water?" I asked not knowing what to do and she mumbled a weak 'yes, please' as I got up to the kitchen and bring it. I hoped that she'll change her mind and stay with me, but I seriously doubted that she'll do it after what happened minutes ago... When I got back to our room, she was smiling sadly at him as he was trying to make her laugh. "Oh, c'mon... You know you like them, touch!" he was flexing his muscles on his arm making her smile even more. "Wow, I told you you can mix your cuteness with your manliness" she joked as he pretended to be dying. Why can't she be like that with me, why can't I be like Max in situations like this and make her smile when she seems like she lost her hope? Maybe someone else is better for her... Someone like Max... No, shut up you brain! I can't think like that... But it's probably a truth... Damn it. "Here's the water" I said as I got near her and her smile fell of her face as I gave it to her. "Thanks" she said with her sweet soft voice and I smiled. "Anytime... Is she fine, Max?" I asked him, trying to change the atmosphere here. "Yeah, but please avoid situations for her like this, first trimester is the most critical considering it's the period all the organs are forming on fetus, so she has the most chances for miscarriage" he warned I nodded "Why don't you pick se nice and quiet village as for your honeymoon, she'll get relaxed and healthy air will help her alot, plus it's romantic" he grinned as she slightly blushed so I smacked him hard on his head "Ouch, ouch" he glared at me and then coughed twice intentionally. "What?" I asked annoyed. "I'll leave now, I'm going downstairs. I believe the two of you have something to clear up" and with that he got out of room "Give yourselves a chance, everyone fight, but peace formed after fights is what makes their bonds stronger. Give it a go, and you'll see" he said before closing the doors. This is my chance. "I'm sorry for the way I acted, I was a fool and I don't even know why I did it, but believe me, I didn't mean a single thing I said" there is it. "I'm the one that should apologize, you were right I was stupid" she said as her voice became heavy from hiccuping. What, when did I... Shít! "I didn't mean..." "I just came in your life bringing you a responsibility of being a father, I'm sorry" she said "I know that we're like heaven and earth, I'm stupid girl that never finished with her education that menaged to get pregnant because of her stupidity to take some pills, that killed her parents because of her hard head and made her brother suffer without ones" she started crying now. "That's n..." I started but she interrupted me once again. "And I came into your life being a burden so I understand why you don't want me as your wife!" That's not true... "And that why... If you... If you want for me... To do it, then I... I'll... I'll leave you to enjoy alone" she tried to wipe her tears, but it was in vain as more and more came. Not knowing what to do, I decided to say it no matter the consequences. And so I hugged her tightly as her arms clutched my shirt crying even harder and softly kissing her head whispered what was on my heart "But I don't want you to leave... I love you, Kaley Evansville... Even if you don't feel the same way"
1 Mar 2016 | 03:53
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 24 - One is to fall in love with someone. But it's another thing to feel someone else fall in love with you and then feel the responsibility towards that love - Back to Kaley's POV He... He just said he loves me... Blake, the guy I yearned to admit my feelings to but haven't, fearing that he'll laugh in my face, have just told me he loves me... I was happy, to know that the feeling of love between us is mutual... Wait, I have to tell him I love him too as well. "I... I..." for some strange reason, I couldn't voice my feelings. Why do I feel like this, can it be that I actually don't love him? No, all the things I did have proven me right, I love Blake! But why can't I say that? Why is it so hard to convey those feelings back? "It's alright, you don't have to say that back and I'm fine with that" his voice whispered. "But I..." I tried to reason, however failed. "Even I wouldn't be able to love someone as myself back" he continued. No that's not true, you're a wonderful person Blake, you helped me and you're helping people all around the world with your company... "Just don't leave me, please..." Blake... I already said that I will leave only if you wanted me to do so. "I won't" I replied as I finally moved my arms and engulfed him in a bear hug. "And you're not stupid, if someone's stupid here, it would be me" he said. "You managed to start a company with 18 while all I did with 18 was get pregnant..." seriously Blake, why would you even think of it. "It takes two to tango, munchkin, if someone's stupid then it's me with my 26 years for not being careful that night" well now that he says it, it's partly truth "Beside, you skipped a whole two grades, so I seriously doubt that you can call yourself stupid... That's it, once everything settles down, I'm sending you to the university, deal?" did my ears hear him well. "I..." I was once again at loss of words today, I'll be able to go to the university! "I..." a huge smile creept up my face "Yes!" "Aww, just look at them" we heard a voice immediately moving away from each other. "Max..." Blake groaned as I moved my gaze onto Max hiding behind the doors and blushed, good thing I haven't said it back to Blake. No wait, it's not good, he'll think that I don't like him which is not true. "Oh, don't mind me, just continue what you were on before you noticed me" he now leaned on the doors with his flexing muscles he cheered me up minutes ago... So much from going downstairs, huh? "For a time being I forgot all of my ideas to kill you, but they are coming back to me in a much brighter light, Max" I threatened as he gulped. "You'll get a husband soon, so think of killing him for pain he'll put you through the labor" that actually sounds like a great idea. "I'll drug her so she can go through the c-section, so there's nothing to worry about" Blake added unsympatheticly in a way as he was mocking me. "No way, I don't want to get my baby addicted to drugs before it's even born!" I yelled at him. "Are you trying to make me deaf, woman?!" he yelled back. "Nope, but it sure as hell sounds inviting!" "Why do I have to marry you, I'll better sell you on the black market, but knowing you, you'll kill whoever buys you and come back for me" he mumbled and I laughed. That actually sounded like me. Like me... Love me... I have to say those words back to him.
1 Mar 2016 | 03:53
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 25 - Never judge a person until you find out the real story behind their look - Kaley's POV I was stunned. My lips parted trying to voice out something, but no words came out. Max and Melissa... They were engaged! Surely, when I looked at them, they were like a real couple, but I could never guess that they would be engaged... Wait a second, what does Lucas have to do with it? Did he stopped it? "What? When?" was all I could ask for now. I've just noticed that the light was off in his study, I don't know why it haven't bothered me when I came in. He probably worked so hard on his laptop that he didn't even notice that it was night already. But even without the light in this huge room, you could perfectly see your surroundings due to the light from the outside and the moonlight breaking through the window. It seemed so peaceful, but I knew that there's more then it meets the eyes. This darkness was about to engulf us, because I had a feeling like this won't be some nice chit-chat... For some reason, the sole thought of having it with Blake was bringing me chills. I should have trusted my feelings because that is exactly what happened. "When Melissa was 18, and Max 20, it was six years ago" he sighed and looked at me "They were, high school couple, you could say..." he chuckled and I smiled to that newfound information. I could already imagine macho Max as a school's playboy and shy Mel... That's how it goes in those stories right? Or maybe was it oposite just like they are now... Though I doubt that I can list her as a player, more like a badass... And Max as a gentleman, he's not shy at all. They sounded so cute "Everyone believed in them to get married and he proposed to her on her 18th birthday..." his smile dropped as he put the sandwich he was eating back on the plate. This conversation made him lose his appetite, and so far I knew Blake, he never loses his appetite "She said yes and everyone was happy about it... Everyone but my father!" he said his name with such a hatred that I wanted nothing more but crawl in some far away corner and hide. He hated Lucas and that's for sure, I think that I'm about to find out why now. But I'm not so sure that I wanted to as I was at. beggining. "What did..." somewhere my lips asked on their own will, but there's no longer turning back I guess.... "He pulled the same stunt as now..." he breathed in and out dangerously slowly "...when he arranged my marriage to Regina. He strongly believed in uniting our companies with marriage... Waltz Company, you can guess who's it is..." he put his arms across his eyes as he leaned on the sofa we were sitting on. I could see his muscles flexing as he gripped and released his fists few times with long breathing in between. I could see he was trying to calm down, and in normal situation this would make me blush, his muscles... And me staring at them, but this wasn't usual... And knowing the reason behind his actions, I just couldn't. "So Melissa's husband is..." I trailed, waiting for him to continue. I couldn't understand myself, while I found myself not wanting to push him, my lips constantly urged him to reveal me more about himself... And that utterly confused and terrified me at the same time. What if he get mad because of it? "Regina's older brother, Ethan..." he said clearly not angered by my questions, for what I was glad "He was Max's rival in school you can say, two players from rich families... And bullying Mel all the time..." how can her father arrange a marriage to such a horrible man. She probably hated him and was terrified of him because if it, yet her father didn't even take into consideration her feelings "Since he was the oldest, he was the next CEO of Waltz Company. So guess what, our dear father arranged their marriage against her will..." I knew it "That bustard abused her every fùcking day in their marriage... For fúck's sake, he raped her every day!" his breathing became harder as he clenched his fists draining almost all colour from them. He started scaring me, but I know that of I was to escape, I'd hurt him. Now that he was finally opening to me, "He died in a car accident four months later, Melissa almost went through the miscarriage because of the beating she got from him and he never gave a fùck about it!" That's it, I could no longer take it. I gently grabbed his arms and sat in his lap trying to calm him somehow. Even though I was just doing that, in the deaf silence of his study, I could her his loud and fast heartbeat. Most of time, I would find myself being comforted by it, but now... I don't know even myself what it did to me now and soon I could feel the ringing in my ears of my own heartbeat fasten as well. Before I even realized, he was hugging me tightly and I knew that this was a hard thing for him to talk about. And I could understand why, his sister... My best friend went through all that hell and I'm glad that he died, no matter how cruel it sounds "It took as a whole three years to get our Mel back. Thanks to Max, she is even stronger then before now and she got a good healthy baby... I know that they still love each other, everyone can see it clear in their eyes... But I guess that she's simply too scared to start life of a marriage now, and no one's pushing her" I could feel her. The experience I had with Blake is nowhere close to hers, but I do know that I'm too scared from sleeping with him ever again "But it's so hard on Max, he never stopped loving her..." he was telling me their story and I made sure to take in every single information like a sponge "I still remember how broken he was when she returned him the engagement ring and said that she can't marry him 'because she didn't love him like that' which my father told her to do..." by now, tears started falling from my eyes. She loves him even now, so I can only imagine how hard was for her to say to a person she loved, probably wholeheartedly, that she didn't love him... I could never do that to Blake, it would kill my much worse then it would hurt him now that he confessed his love for me . "Why are you crying, I'm the one that should be like you, you're supposed to confront me..." he asked trying to lighten the atmosphere somehow and I sobbed. Suddenly the room didn't seem so dark as it was before, and I noticed that his heartbeat is somewhat normal now that my head is tightly pressed in his chest. "It's because you won't cry, I'm the one doing it instead..." I was probably a wreck right now, but I couldn't stop and hide my feelings like it didn't effect me at all. My sobbing started getting worse as I tried to talk "And because the of two of them... They had such a horrible past!" my tears started overflowing by now as I tried to hold them back. But it was useless and I didn't care, I felt like this was the only right thing to do in this moment and I was alright with it. "Yeah, and that's all in the past... You can see why I acted that way when I found out about that marriage..." was his grim reply, and I knew that he was trying to hide how much he was actually hurt, for my sake, but I didn't want that. That's why I openly cried for it "You have no idea just how much I want to kill that bastard!" he sighed as his arms released me. I immediately started missing the warmth they gave me once they got next to his body lying down on the black cold sofa. Even when he said all that, something seemed off, like he was trying to hiding some details from it. His father... Before I found about Mel, Blake said that his father had something to do with Marine's death, and his reaction was pretty much same as now. Could it be that she was also dragged in this story? Could it be that... "Blake... There's something you're not telling me, right?" his eyes widened as he took sharp inhale of breath. I immediately noticed that it's not something to be talked about, so I apologized. "Sorry, I didn't mean... I just let my tongue be faster then my own mind... Forget about it" I nervously rambled but he only left an lifeless chuckle. And that was when I actually got scared. He would never chuckle like that. Just what had happened to him. "I told you you're smart after all" was his grim reply "Mel was simply a bait... Back-up plan, you could call it even... That bastard, that's how low he thinks of our family!" no it can't be that he did what I think he did "Before he arranged Mel's marriage, he had arranged my twin sister's... Marine's... Also to the Ethan... But... Their past wasn't as sweet as his and Mel's..." he whispered. Oh, God! He's such a horrible man, how could someone ever do that to his own children? "Do you really want to know how fùcked up my family is? Because this is just a half of story... And it's much, much better then the rest of it" he stared at me with cold and blank eyes as I was watching him with my lips fully parted. And without thinking I did the only thing that seemed logical at that time. I nodded my head. Whether I regret it or not, I'm ready to face it... Now that he finally decided to tell me, I can't back down.
1 Mar 2016 | 03:54
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1 Mar 2016 | 03:55
wow. nice story u ve der.
1 Mar 2016 | 06:41
tried registering buh wasnt able to.
1 Mar 2016 | 06:43
#Rilli Impressed
1 Mar 2016 | 07:42
2 Mar 2016 | 10:53
3 Mar 2016 | 05:30
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 26 - A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when the words become superfluous - Kaley's POV I could hear the sharp intake of breath coming from Blake. Suddenly, the whole study became engulfed in thick darkness again... But it was probably just my imagination. The sandwiches I prepared for him were lying lifeless on the plate untouched, except by one on which you could see few traces of bites. "You should eat first" I found myself telling him. I don't know why, though. I understood that I was worried for him, but I started acting weird, first forcing out the answers from him and now demanding from him to eat. Maybe I finally got mad, I'm not sure, but I was genuinely worried about him, and that's the only thing I was now sure about. "Demanding little thing, aren't you?" he chuckled, but this time it was his amused chuckle, not some lifeless like the last one. "Sorry, I'm just worried about you" I admitted sheepishly without noticing the pink colour coming to my cheeks. "Fine, fine, mom. I'll eat first" he joked with amusement clear in his voice. "You better!" I jokingly slapped his chest seeing as he was back in his normal self. "Here" he chuckled taking the sandwich he already started before staring at him and then pinched my hip. I opened my lips to shout at him, but he used that chance to slip the sandwich in my mouth. That little tricky... "C'mon, bite..." do I look like a have a choice. Seriously? "I won't eat until you do" he said amused by the situation I was in and I wanted to slap him so hard, but chose against it. The taste of this so called 'dinner' was simply too strong and invitating for me to resist. Blame it on being from Blake's hand, but this had much better taste then anything I ever tried. As I said, blame it on being from his hand. "There, was it that hard?" he asked before taking a bite himself as I was still munching the one I took. His lips were so invitating. I suddenly remembered the feeling of his lips pressed against mine and instantly missed it, they were so soft and just calling for mine to reunite once again. Since I seemed to be crazy today, my hand moved on it's own... No, this time I wanted it, and so I rose my hand to touch them. He was stunned at first, and wanted to say something while I patiently waited, but nothing came out of them. "What..." the moment he has finally found his words, I could no longer resist. I smashed my lips on his, closing my eyes. He didn't show any kind of reaction, so I decided to pull away, but just as my head started moving backward, he grabbed my head from behind and kissed me. And I wasn't stunned this time. This seemed completely normal to me now, so I started moving my lips in synch with his. His other hand found it's way around my waist pulling me closer to him and I gasped when I felt 'him' poking me from the under. He smiled, obviously pleased by my reaction and soon showed his tongue in my lips immediately winning the dominance after bitting mine. When we finally pulled away, we were fighting to catch up with our breathing as he was watching me with a grin on his face. "Now that's what I call a kiss." he said and I blushed hiding in his shirt. "Shut up..." I mumbled making him laugh. "Can I ask you why?" his voice became quieter and more serious "Why did you kiss me?" if I don't use this chance, then I'll never get another one. "Um..." why is it so hard to confess your love to the one you truly love unlike lying about it to those you don't? Probably because you know that your heart won't be broken if you confess to this other when he leaves. But I already know that Blake loves me... But then again he may have said it just to make me stay... No it didn't look like that. "You don't have to answer." he said noticing how long it was taking me to ti do so "I mean, it's alright if you're confused..." "That's the point, I'm not..." I mumbled as I awerted my eyes anywhere but at his face and started playing with my hair "I d-did it... Be-because I..." I gulped "I... L-love you" and then closed my eyes "...too." That was much, much harder then it seemed to be. "I... Are you sure?" the heck? That's not what you should ask the girl after she has just confessed to you. "Yeah... For a while actually" I said looking at my hands that were playing with the hem of his shirt "Sorry for not replying it when you told me earlier" I bit my lip. I would like to know what's on his mind right now. "I don't know what to say" I figured that myself "So... I'm just going you once again to prove myself that this is real" and then he pulled my chin up so I can look at his eyes that held... Love? This was the first time I saw him like this, and only one thing was on my mind - I liked so darn much what I was seeing. "Can I?" he asked and at first I was confused until I realized that he was asking for my permission to kiss me again, so I nodded. He was so cute like this! And soon enough, his lips were on mines again. I think that I'll never get tired from kissing him. It was so relaxing, so needy. This was the way I could confess how I was feeling about him and unlike other kisses where you could feel lust, this one was tender and caring. It's as if I could feel his love towards me in this kiss, all the feeling he held. And I gladly returned them to him. To me, it passed a whole eternity until we pulled away, but it was probably around a minute. I moved my head into the croak of his neck trying to calm my heart, but then I heard his own which was a lullaby specially beating for my ears with it's fastened pace. "I don't think I'll get tired from this" he said and I nodded. "Me either" I said finally calming down. This is my favourite place, his embrace. Sure, he made me cry, but this was definitely worth it. Never in my life did I think to be happily engaged, and married soon because I honestly never had a time for if. Before my parents died, I was living recklessly not appreciating the life they gave me, and after it I only thought of surviving with Ayden. So now, even if unexpected, I'm glad to have a chance of loving someone. Especially when that someone is Blake. "Finish with your meal" I gently scowled him and he made a horrible attempt to pout, but looked cute nonetheless. "Fine, woman. I will" he said before lifting up another sandwich, and I grabbed one as well. Feed belly - happy life. That was what my mother used to say for a family dinner. "Damn your hands woman, I'm glad I'll be marrying you" he said chewing down a bite with open mouth. "Where are your manners, sir?" I mocked him. "I already told you that I'm no gentleman when there's no ladies around" he countered and I laughed. Some things never change, especially Blake. "Isn't it a bit of dark here?" I asked him and he rose his eyebrow. Perfectly shaped one, I must say. Why don't I have my eyebrows like his? "Once we're done with this meal, let's go upstairs. I believe you're tired" he said. What about him? "I believe that I'm not the only one" I said and he chuckled. "I think I have already told you that I have a lot of stamina, munchkin." he wiggled his eyebrows and I smacked his chest playfully "But you're right, let's go to sleep." he added. We finished in some 15 minutes and soon went upstairs. Blake said to leave the plate in his study and that he'll take care of it later or tomorrow, so we headed straight to our room. "So... I guess that you want to hear the rest of the story now, huh?" he nervously patted his head and I shook my head. "There's no need for it. We'll have a plenty of time in the future for that... Beside, I believe that we should go to sleep already" I told him sincerely and got a genuine smile of his in return. "Sure" was his reply as he came in the bad and patted the place next to him for me to lie down. It was then that I realized that he haven't changed the clothes from sleep in a whole day... And he looked so damn sexy in that black shirt of his with his sweatpants. And so I gladly joined him...
3 Mar 2016 | 13:59
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 27 - To change yourself and to accept someone else's opinion are two completely different things. - Kaley's POV It's been a week after my confession to Blake and I've been smiling ever since. There was no way for me to stop thinking about him. All that love I was afraid of I had for him became the force that moved me now. I decided not to hide my feelings anymore, and let me tell you that it was one great revelation for me. My life seemed more simple after that and I enjoyed it to my fullest. I haven't pressed Blake into telling me about his sisters, but when I saw Mel again I couldn't hold it in and so I bursted out crying infront of her. She found out that Blake told me about her past, and surprisingly wasn't mad at him for revealing her secrets. She was actually happy to see that he opened to me and told me not to worry about all that because she's completely different person now than she was, and that it is all in her past now. I trusted her because, she really didn't seem to mind talking about it, and she was glad of it because everyone treated her like a broken glass... Well everyone but me, I knew that my pity wasn't what she needed so I simply acted normal with her. Blake's family knew nothing about the baby, and both me and Blake knew that we'll have to tell them sooner or later... We decided for later, immediately after the honeymoon actually. Blake feared that they'll accuse me of using the child to bind him down to the marriage and use his money, and truth to be said, me too. We hoped to use our honeymoon as a chance and then come home suddenly having found out about me being pregnant... Blake was a real genius sometimes. At the very moment, I was lying on our bed with my face deep buried in the philows that were sprawled on his side of bed. They smelled like him and I welcomed that scent hugging those philows tightly. He's been out for work and should soon come back home, but I couldn't help how much I missed him. Blame it on hormones! "Kay!" I heard his voice coming from downstairs. That meant that he's back home. Happily, I jumped out of the bed and rushed downstairs. "I'm coming!" I yelled back before coming to the stairs and seeing him lessening his grey tie and undoing few buttons of his shirt around his neck. I could feel myself lusting for his touch because this thing infront of me was so damn hot! "Hey, munchkin!" he greeted finally noticing me just few feets infront of him and grinned happily. Not needing anything else, I rushed downstairs and jumped in his arms as he twirled me around. "Missed me?" he asked chuckling and I nodded my head repeatedly few times not minding my nose being crushed by his hard chest. Is he doing a workout? What a stupid question, he probably is. "Much!" was my simply reply not bothering to remove my face from his solid body as he moved his hands from me. He removed the upper part of his grey tux and threw it on the nearby sofa on his right before hugging me once again. "Guess what?" he whispered in my ear. "What?" this perked my attention. "I missed you too." he said as he grabbed my face with both his hands before planting a gentle longing kiss on my lips. At first I was surprised, but after realizing what he did, I closed my eyes and gave in returning the kiss back. He pulled after few seconds "Cheesy." I said blushing a bit. I'll never get used to his kisses. "Aww, someone's blushing!" he exclaimed ruffling my hair. It was then that I realized how he no longer smacked my head. "Shut up!" I glared at him playfully and then I heard someone coughing. Looking at out left where the living room was, I saw Blake's mother with a huge grin on her face. "You lovely birds can enjoy later, now we have better things to do." she exclaimed and Blake groaned. Wait, what things? He seems to notice my confused look sighing and turning hus head to me. "You, mother and Mel will go shopping. We need your wedding dress and those things." oh... "Wait, what?!" I asked terrified, no me and shopping are big no-no! "Don't worry, it's tomorrow. Today we're going to make wedding plans, invitations etc." he said chuckling. He knew me all too well. "Oh..." I trailed. Of course it's not today, it's already dark as hell. "Lemme guess, not a shopping type?" she asked and I nodded. "And Blake won't let me use my money so I hate robbing him." I glared at him as he looked at me with a serious look on his face making me gulp. I just crossed the line. "Kaley" he never calls me by my full name "We already discussed this. I'll provide you with money and you have no say in that." his voice was stern and serious that I had to lower my head. He knew to be scary sometimes "I want to pay for your necessities and I will, are we clear." that control freak. "Sure." I weakly mumbled not daring to look at his face. "Why are you so against me spending our money on you?" he trailed his hand through his hair. Wait, 'our'? "It makes me feel like I'm just using you..." if I was something, then it's 100% truthful to him and it was something I liked. I could freely tell him what's on my mind and he wouldn't judge it. "You know that all this money is yours as well?" he asked "And besides you're not using me, I'm willingly giving you my money and I've already told you that I'll be paying for our wedding." he scowled me and I nodded. I'd rather not argue about that, the last time we did, the TV got broken... And the vase that was thrown at it. I learnt that Blake is really nice and calm person, but once he gets angry, there's no saying what he'll do... Except hurt me. I'm positive that he'd never hurt me not even in anger. "Sorry..." I said "I forgot about that." Sincerely, I didn't, I hated the way he wanted to control me and all that, but our arguments is what I hated even more. "No. I'm sorry." he said pulling my chin upwards to meet his blue eyes "I forgot that you're not used to others taking care of you." he said and I just shook my head. "Forget about it. I'll get used to it if it really means that much to you." I smiled, but even I knew that it haven't reached my eyes. "Why am I not sure about that?" he asked and once again I shook my head. "It's ok." I simply said and hugged him. I was suddenly too tired to talk. I just wanted to be back to few minutes ago where we acted like we didn't care about the rest of the world. "This is new." his mother said and I remembered that she was there for the whole time "Blake, can I talk with your fiancée alone?" she asked and I rose my head at him to see him looking at her warily. "Alright..." he said confused and then turned to me. "I'll go take the shower upstairs, will be back in fifteen." was all he said before leaving me alone with his mother. I could feel that he was upset, and I felt ashamed to know that it was me that caused those feelings.
3 Mar 2016 | 14:03
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 28 - Even if we forget the faces of some people, we'll never be able to forget the memories of them carved in our souls - Usually I'd wake up because Blake would somehow manage to make me stir as he would rise up to prepare himself for the job. But not today. Today, I got woken up by my little brother. "Kay! Kay! Kay!" I heard his screaming voice so close to me that I'm sure that my ear buds broke. That little Satan's spawn. "Wake up, wake up!" oh, just wait 'till I'm up, I'm going to fry you for breakfast. Now, you're probably going to say that this is nothing at all, but let's face the reality: a five year old kid is using his tiny little fists to slap me awake and he has no feeling of pain whatsoever. So reality check: it hurts like hell. "I'm up! I'm up!" I lazily said as I opened my eyes. I had to close them at first because the light stung me so hard that I almost got blinded. Seeing as everything is done as my eyes slowly readjusted to the light, I turned to glare at Ayden. "What do you want, you little hero?" I asked him as he showed me his toothy smile and I noticed that one was missing. "Aunty Mel said to bake you up. And look, my tooth is gone!" he exclaimed happily. Wait, bake me up? Oh, he probably meant 'wake', he's so cute for not being able to pronounce some words right. As for the tooth, I was quite surprised. Mel's kindergarten was organizing a trip in the nature, some kind of children recreation center, so both he and Amy went there for a week. Melisa stayed because not all the parents agreed to let their children go and they needed someone to take care of that group. "Oh, did it hurt, what happened?" I asked him warily. "Nope!" he popped the 'p' part and gave me his childish grin "I bas eatin an apple and it bell down!" he exclaimed "I'm a hero, be don't cry!" he was too cute for his own good and I couldn't stay mad at him. "Aww, that's my little brother!" I said sitting up and hugging him. It was just a matter of seconds before he started his protesting. "I'm not a little! I'm a big boy!" "Sure, sure." I nodded jokingly as I let him go. It was then that I noticed that the place next to me was cold, meaning that Blake left long ago. "A tooth bairy lebt me a coin." he then said. Those teachers must be really nice people to do so. Ayden was a huge fan of magic and heroes, so this was probably very important to him, he surely considered it as a proof of their existence. "That's because you were talking good care of your tooth. Remember, you have to wash them everyday and make sure they are clean and healthy so that you can get more coins from tooth fairy, ok?" I asked and he excitedly nodded his head. "Aye, aye!" was his reply before storming outside. "Mel said to hurry." he threw me the last warning before dissapearing through the doors and I chuckled. He will grow to a nice man one day, and until then he'll always be my little brother. I got up and my eyes caught something white on the nightstand. It was an iPhone and I took it in my hands. It wasn't Blake's, he had black Sony Experia, so I got pretty interested in this little thingy. Presing the power button, I saw unmistakable photo of Blake on the background and in lower region, a 'slide to unlock' sign. I unlocked it only to come face to face with a photo of me and Blake when we went on a date few nights ago. He said how he wanted to start all over again in a proper way, so he took me on a date in amusement park. We barely had some time for ourselves because girls were jumping and squealing at the sight of a handsome guy I call my fiance. But it was funny nonetheless, especially because we were running and laughing the whole time. Suddenly the phone in my arms started ringing 'Crazy in love' and I saw Blake's name on the screen. I wanted to laugh so hard at this, but then it hit me. Should I even answer to this? Wait a second, I probably should, this must be his other phone because of the photos... So deciding to answer to the call, I allowed my fingers to slide to the green sign and put the phone to my ear. 'Good morning, munchkin.' I heard his voice on the other side often line. "Good morning, Blake. How are you?" I tried to sound polite to which he only chuckled. 'Could have been better if I were next to you, but nevermind that now. As you noticed this phone and the photos inside of it, it's yours now. I'll need you to have it next to you all the time to call you. That aside, you'll go with my mom and Mel in shopping now, so use my credit card for it. It's in the first drawer of your nightstand. Is it all clear?' he said and I nodded rolling my eyes. That's so like Blake. Then I remembered that he can't see me. "Perfectly clear, will you come home at usual?" I asked with a bit of disappointment in my voice, why does he have to work so much? I heard him chuckle on the other side 'No, I'll come around five today. I gotta go now, love you.' he said and I replied instantly. "Love you too." and with that we ended the call. By the time I came downstairs, Melissa manages to shove a sandwich in my mouth, comb my hair, and put a mascara on my eyes in less than five minutes before dragging me outside to the cars where was Blake's mother. Of course, it all happened so fast, that I didn't have enough time to grasp hold of a situation and protest about what she did. It was only when I entered the car that I noticed that Ayden had joined us as well. That little tricky monster. As we were driving to the place where we're about to get almost all our necessities for my wedding, I found out that since Ayden is the only guy that can go with us, he's the one to pick my dress. After all, no matter how young he was, he was a man. And they have the best taste... Or so Ayden said, but we all knew that he came only because Melissa said that he can try cakes and pick the best one. Blake unfortunately couldn't come, he had some job to do and it's a bad luck for the groom to see the bride. Stupid traditions... Who came up with that idea anyway? After few hours of shopping when I wanted nothing more than to kill Mel and Ms. Blackburn, we decided to go to the Starbucks to eat something since I was starving to death. Well atleast, me and Mel. said that she has to go home to leave those things and offered to take Ayden as well since he was close to dropping dead asleep. "That was the best shopping I had in years, I can't wait to see Blake's face once he sees you in that dress." she said dreamingly. "That was definitely the worst time of my life. I'm begging you, don't make me go there again." I groaned. I will never understand why do girls love shops so much. It's basically hours and hours of meaningless walk to collect one hundredth of clothing they picked. "Oh, shoo! It was worth it, you looked like a goddess, just wait till we're completely done with your hair and make up." she giggled and for a second I could say that she's the one getting married, not me. "Oh, dear God, what did I get myself into?" I wondered out loud. Sighing, I moved my gaze around the Caffè and saw a blonde guy looking at us with a huge grin plastered on his face. He was handsome, I must say, but he gave out that dangerous vibe that made me run over hills just to be as far as possible from him. And just as I thought that he was about to leave us alone, he suddenly started walking towards us. "What's the matter, Kay?" Mel asked me before following my gaze to the blonde guy striding this way and her features froze. She knew him. "Hello, Melissa." he said once he get close to us "Long time no see, huh? I see you haven't changed much, honey." he said with a smile even a five years old kid would notice was fake. Melissa's face then changed from shock, to fear who became anger in matter of seconds. "Hello to you too." she spat at him "Unfortunately I can't say the same for you, every second I look at you, you look uglier and uglier..." and then she said the name that exactly made me realize why was she acting like that. "...Ethan."
3 Mar 2016 | 14:04
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 29 - Truth is never as painful as discovering a lie - Kaley's POV Ethan. The name Blake told me about that's been haunting Melissa for a long time. The guy her father made her marry because he wanted nothing else than to unite their two companies. The guy that broke her and Max's love story and abused her every day in their marriage because he was a bastard. He probably still is. But wasn't he supposed to be dead? Blake said he died in a car accident few months after marrying Mel, so why is he here infront of us then? Could it be that Blake lied to me? No, he wouldn't lie about situation like this, for all I know this guy could have faked his own death. But what for. "I see you changed. What happened to a nerdy scaredy cat, Melissa?" he asked and she glared at him with so much rage I never thought will ever see coming from her. "She died the night you died too." Melissa said through gritted teeth "But here you are alive. Can't say I'm happy about it, though." she forced an evil smirk to which he simply smirked. "That's right, wife. " he empathised that word "I'm back, so doesn't that mean that the good ole you should be back as well?" he asked as her eyes widened. I couldn't say a word to protect her, my lips wouldn't move no matter how hard I wanted them to. "I will never go back to who I was with you, ex-husband. " she spat back to him and he rose his eyebrow. "We'll see." was all he said "I heard I have a daughter, how is she doing?" he put a sweet face on and Mel's face paled. "Good, without you." she said and he shook his head. It was pretty obvious by now that he was trying to scare her and intimidate her, but she gave her best not to show that it had an effect on her. "Really, I saw her yesterday, she has my hair... Now, now, I want to play with her, get to know her, ya kn..." je started, but the sound of Mel's fist hitting the tabbies as she stood up prevented him from doing so. "Stay the fùck away from my daughter!" she yelled and everyone's heads turned towards us. "Now, that's not how you should treat your husband, we're still not divorced however you look at that." he said in a cold voice before putting a fake warming smile "She's my daughter too, honey. Did you forget already?" "Go to he..." she whispered-yelled and he chuckled once again. That was a pure evil I could see in him, and I gulped. I'm glad that Blake isn't like him or I wouldn't be able to survive next to him. "Everyone, please excuse us, me and my wife had a little fight. Please, don't mind us." he said to everyone else, and some even chuckled. He was a master of manipulation, from what I could see. "I have to go now, business." he told us before his head landed on me "Kaley Evansville... Blake's soon-to-be wife, he made a good choice but the way you two meet..." he shook his head. Cràp, don't tell me he knew... He probably noticed my mortified face, because he suddenly clapped his hands and smiled. "Well, that's all from me, I'm on my way." and he headed out, but not before taking one last glance and saying: "You'll never be happy with him. We'll make sure of it." and with a smile on his face for the billionth time today, he got out of here. Nor me, nor Melissa said a single word after that, and there was a long, dreading silence for a few moments before her eyes became watery. "He's back... He really is back..." she whispered and I came next to her pulling her up and leaving the money on the table for our food before heading out to her cars.
3 Mar 2016 | 14:05
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3 Mar 2016 | 14:06
Hmmm......... Nawa ooo
4 Mar 2016 | 00:29
getting more n more interesting
4 Mar 2016 | 06:00
did Ethan fake his death?
4 Mar 2016 | 19:48
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 30 - Never forget that the kindness can hurt instead of help - I woke up without Blake by my side. It only happened once, this was the second one. But unlike the first time it happened, I knew that something bad is going on. And I had a feeling like it was all my fault. I curled myself in a ball under the blankets clutching my hands protectively around my belly. Here is our baby, Blake and I's (A/N I've read somewhere that I should use I's instead of my/mine, can someone tell me which is correct?), either a boy or a girl, but our little creature nonetheless. I haven't met it yet, but I'd already do anything for its sake. "Hey little one." I started talking to it, they say that babies can hear their mother's voice, and even thought I know it's too young for it, I simply wanted to talk with it. "You know, you came in like a bomb shaking us up, but ya know what, little one? You are the reason momma met daddy again and fell in love with him." I rubbed my belly lovingly. My usual flat stomach was already a little fatter now. "You know, I'm a bit of scared though. I know nothing about being a good mother... But I have a feeling that I'll get to learn it all with Blake once we meet you outside this world. That's why even though I'm scared, I'm excited and can't wait to see you already." I smiled to myself. "What are you doing, munchkin?" I suddenly heard his voice making me jump up as the blanket got removed from me. I saw Blake's eyes looking at me adoringly and I blushed. "Umm... You know..." I rambled nervously "Just stuff... I mean talking stuff... Not to myself, to the baby stuff... I mean... Oh, you know what I mean." I grabbed the blanket from his hand and hid myself curling into the tight ball once again. And then he laughed wholeheartedly making me let a little smile of my own. "Shut up. You look intimidating!" I protested "It's your fault." I mumbled the last part, and the blanket was once again removed from my body. "Is it now?" he asked grinning and I stuck my tongue at him, and before I had time to do anything, he suddenly kissed me tugging on my tongue. That made me part my lips with a gasp, which he used wisely to show his tongue in my mouth dominating the kiss completely. His both hands found themselves around my head holding me down in place. He shifted his body seating himself in between my legs as one of his hands found it's way under my head and another one on my belly. At the normal circumstances, I'd find myself scared trying to escape out of his grasp, but not this time. This time, I welcomed his touch being way too enchanted in his kiss. He suddenly smirked before removing his head as he nuzzled my nose with his own. "You're not scared?" he suddenly asked with a serious voice and I shook my head. "Nope, not anymore." I said bravely and he rewarded me with a genuine smile of an excited boy. "Oh, Kaley..." he said before his lips found their place on my own. His hand, the one that was on my belly, pulled my nightgown up to my breast and I loudly inhaled, which he seemed to be aware of. "Shh, it's ok. Trust me." he ensured me before moving both of his hands around my belly before he kissed it. "Hey kid," Oh, he is talking to our baby "I... Have no idea what to say, but I thought if momma already decided to talk to you, why don't I do the same?" he chuckled and smiled.
5 Mar 2016 | 04:12
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 31 If you marry someone, that means that you love every side of your significant other you already know, so if you find another side of him/her after the marriage you never knew about, doesn't that mean you'll love your significant other even more? - Kaley's POV... Breathe Kaley, breath. C'mon, you can do this, pull yourself together woman. You can do this, that's right, you can. "It's time Kaley!" Mel yelled from outside of my room. "I can't do it..." I whispered before exclaiming it out loud "I can't do it!" "Don't you screw with me right now, Kaley Evansville!" she bursted through the doors "I've been waiting for a weeks for this day to come!" she continued. "But I can't! What if I trip? Or what if..." I rambled, but she interrupted me. "Kay..." she growled like some wild animal at me "You are going to get the hell out of this room, Ryan is going to walk you down the damn isle and you're going to exchange those damn revolutionary vows!" revolutionary? What? "Wha..." once again I was interrupted by her. "Get your ass right now and marry my brother!" she finally yelled it. That's right, today on the Valentine's Day, I'll be marrying Blake. I'm already in my wedding dress, my hair done in some bum as my braids were left falling freely on the side with crystal decorations and earrings, and wearing some white sandals. I actually won that one, heels are big "No" for me, plus I used the pregnancy card on that one. Kaley 1: They 0! I'm getting good at this. "But what if he doesn't like my look?" I asked. Holly fudge was I one nervous wreck! "Have you seen yourself, girl?" she asked fuming "Are you blind? You look like a goddess, now get out before I marry you instead of Blake!" she yelled gripping her head before calling out for Ryan to see me. Since my dad is, you know, I asked Ryan to walk me down the isle and he was more than happy to do so. The forty years old brunette came through the doors looking at me proudly before engulfing me in a bear hug I gladly returned to him. "Look at my girl, she's all grown up!" he exclaimed once he got away from me before he twirled me around making me giggle. "It's only because I had a model to grow up to." I said back referring to him and aunt Elizabeth, his wife. "Oh, Kaley..." I noticed the tears forming in his eyes, so I immediately wiped them away "You made me the happiest old guy in the world when you asked me to walk you down." he said before hugging me again, and I also wanted to cry, but Melissa wouldn't be Melissa if she haven't interrupted us. "Don't you dare ruin that make-up!" she said and we both parted away bursting out in laughter. "Move now, move, they won't wait for you forever you know? C'mon girl, you're becoming a wife today." she grinned looking stunningly magnificent with her red dress and lips. Heck with it, she even added some reddish colour to her black hair making it all match perfectly, and I would have no idea if her dress was white, whether this was mine or her wedding. "She has right, c'mon milady." he joked before taking me under his arm "It's show time!" he chuckled before we started going with Mel ahead of us. As you could predict it, she was my maid of honor while Max was the best man. I wanted a small, family wedding, but Grace, Blake's mom had another idea making it into the grand one in Blake's garden. Approximately, around five hundred people were invited, all rich circle I guess, but I didn't really want to talk about that. Looks like getting Blake married was a huge deal among them. Holly crubge! I can't go infront of five hundred people! They'll all look at me! I started turning back, but Ryan held me tightly tugging on me to go forward. There's no escaping him now. The doors leading to the isle opened revealing a lot of people chatting around the garden that suddenly stopped when they saw me. They were standing on the both sides of the isle as Melissa threw white rose's petals infront of me and Ryan. "Now, that's what I call a wedding." Ryan whispered in my ear and I giggled forgetting all about those people around me. And suddenly there he was, under the white tend decorated with silver leaves and roses, waiting in a devilishly handsome black tux and a red satin tie he easined with a gulp before his blue eyes met mine. His lips parted in a slight 'oh' when he saw me and I blushed under their intensity making him grin when he saw my face. I was next to him in no time, being bewitched by his blue eyes. "Take care of her." Ryan told him before giving him my hand. "Oh, I will." Blake proudly grinned before taking it. The ceremony passed so quickly, way to quickly but tong enough for me to almost cry from the vows we exchanged. The wax he looked at me with those love-filled eyes almost knocked me down and the rings we had... Two platinum matching wedding rings, my had engraved 'His' while his had 'Hers'. When I looked at him questionably, he only shrugged with a huge childish grin on his face. "I now, by the rights given to me, pronounce you a wife and a husband." the priest said "You may kiss the bride." he continued and I bit my lip glancing at Blake. He wasted not a second before his hands grabbed my face and he kissed me passionately as the mass of people behind us started cheering and whistling at us. "I love you." he whispered seductively at me as he opened his eyes and I blushed already the missing his lips on mine. "I love you too." I grinned and he chuckled. "I know, who wouldn't?" he joked and I playfully slapped his chests making him rise his eyebrow before lifting me in his arms as I squeaked. Then a load of 'aww' and chuckled followed after as he kissed me on my forehead. "It's party time!" he then exclaimed at everyone as they all headed in the other part of the garden where stood a huge purple tent that was by some miracle, able to fit all those people in. Don't ask me how... Well, actually, most of the people, there were more round tables outside it, but the whole place was wonderful nonetheless. There were some strange trees with white roses and lights everywhere making this place look like a fairytale. "We won't stay for a long, we have a flight in an hour for our honeymoon. Let them party without us." Blake told me once we got there before he finally placed me downstairs. "No heels... Atleast you're still short for me." he chuckled and I huffed. "Your problem for being too big." I crossed my arms and he grinned. "Oh, I have some..." he started but before he could continue it any further, Max hugged me from behind and twirled me around silencing him in the mid-way. "Look at her, married and pregnant." he chuckled so that only I could hear making me giggle at his words. "Isn't it something like barefoot and pregnant?" I asked back and he shrugged. "Ditto. Go and cut the cake already, I'm hungry." he said and giggled once again before grabbing glarring Blake's hand and heading towards the huge 4 flours white came with purple edible roses and silver leaves. There was a figure of mini Blake and me on the top making me smile. "It's cute." I exclaimed and he only groaned grabbing my hand and placing a knife in it with his other one before moving so that we could cut the chocolate cake together we feeded eachother with. When it comes to biedermeier, Melissa caught it while Max winked at her all the time. I just knew it. Half an hour later, Blake was already packing our bags in the black R8 he had while I was looking for Ayden who was in the middle of stealing the cake with Amy. "Ade!" I yelled catching his attention. "I tried nothing, I..." he rambled but I interrupted him. "The one in the kitchen is better and no one's watching." I winked at him and he grinned at me with a toothless grin. "Thanks." he said and I hugged him. "Ade, remember that three weeks travel I told you about?" he nodded "I have to leave for it now." I added and he moved away. "Wisten to the aunty Mew, nevew go out awone and take cawe of mysewf, you said it quadwilion times Kay." he grinned and I kissed both of his cheeks before hugging him again. He is way too smart for his own. "C'mon Kay." Blake's voice interrupted us as he kneeled next to me before hugging Ayden in a man-like way. "Take care of the house, little man. You're the boss at the moment until I come back, alright?" he asked and Ade saluted at him before Blake did the same making me giggle. He's going to be a great father. "Let's go." he tugged on my hand indicating for me to start going, and giving one last hug at Ayden, I moved onto the cars where people awaited for us, greeting us and biding us farewells before we got inside, Blake being on the driver seat and me on a passenger one. And then there was that thought on my mind once again: I'll have to 'sleep' with Blake!
5 Mar 2016 | 04:15
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 32 - It doesn't matter how long uave you been preparing for some moment, once it comes to it, you're as good as a lost kitten. That's, when you'll have to give into your heart instead of using your brain - Kaley's POV "Wifey, wakey wakey!" I heard a sing-songing voice calling me dragging me out from my slumber. What happened? Where am I? Opening my eyes, I realized one thing, I was lying in Blake's lap where I certainly fell asleep. Rising my head lazily, I glanced at him who was smiling adoringly at me. "We're about to land. Come, I have to tie you up." he joked before helping me sit back in the seat next to him and putting the safety belt on me. To explain this shortly, we were traveling to the Greece, as Blake explained to me, to his beach house, and Blake wouldn't be Blake if he hadn't have a private jet. Business stuff, as he said, perks of being a CEO. "We're here already?" I asked nervously and he nodded. One would've thought that I was nervous for being in unknown land or excited for being married, but the truth is far more different than it. I was nervous because of my sleep 'sleep' with Blake. The last time, it was nothing but pain for me, but as far as I know and after Melissa five hours of 'sex will be the activity where you'll feel the most pleasure in your life', it wasn't so bad either. But I'm not so sure about it now that it's about to happen in few minutes, because we'll land soon and I doubt that the travel is going to last for a days... Too bad. C'mon Kaley, bite that damn tongue of yours! Not everything in your marriage can be roses and peaches, you need séx in it, dammit! Face the reality, he's a man. A man with a body of the Greek god and mind od a genius, but nonetheless a man that looks like a séx machine. And what does a man like him need? Séx! That's right, séx! Which, tonight, you will give to him. Why? Because you're a woman! His woman! And you don't want him to do it with some other woman now, do you? Mel haven't packed all those silky lingeries for nothing, now. You will go in that room where you'll stay, strip down, get in the damn bed and BANG! Do your job. It can't be that hard... Right? Oh, for the Sponge Bob's sake, this isn't your first time! You're even a pregnant woman, what is so hard at being naked, skin by skin with Blake laying on the same mattress as he pierc... Okay, it will hurt, I can't do this, I just can't! I don't have a pretty body, he said so that night. He'll be disgusted by me. He'll probably just turn his head and go to sleep, and that's also the same reason why he haven't tried anything on me yet, masking it with that 'not trying to hurt me act'. "Don't worry, it's a lovely place out there and there won't be many people. We have the beach for ourselves, munchkin." he smiled at me gripping my hand reassuringly and I nodded hiding my real thoughts. "Yeah, we can bathe... Hold on, it's winter! We can't bathe in there." I suddenly remembered and he only grinned. "We have our own pool for that, but don't worry, I heard it's so hot in Greece right now, so we can walk on the beach barefoot." he winked at me and I blushed thinking how we can do other things barefoot on that beach. That thought itself made me blush even harder. What have I gotten myself into.
5 Mar 2016 | 04:15
U'll eventually av 2 giv him uaslf cos ua rytfully hez @kay, hapi married lyf
5 Mar 2016 | 08:01
wow. happy regina n da family did not ruin ur wedding. hapy marriage life n enjoy it to da fullest
5 Mar 2016 | 08:23
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 33 - Honeymoon... The most important part of our lives, survive it and you'll live happily ever after, make a mistake... Let's just say it could be your last one - Kaley's POV (i got tired from writing it) When I woke up, my senses were immediately aware of the smell of bacon and eggs. Have I fallen asleep in the kitchen? What happened the last night anyway... Oh, I remember now. My Blake-séx-machine and me-his-woman came to work and I grinned by the thought of it. "Is my beautiful wife up yet?" I heard his voice and lazily opened my right eye seeing the grinning face of Blake above me. "Nope." I yawned before covering my head with a blanket earning a chuckle from him. "Then I guess that I'll have to eat this beautiful breakfast I made all by myself. Poor little things, the ham, the bacon, the nicely cut and toasted bread and this orange juice to be eaten by me." I knew what he was playing at, and there's no way I'd break down to his tricky ways. But it was so invitating and feeling it's smell even under the blanket wasn't helping me at all. "And thows chocolate chipped pancakes with a cherry on a top..." that was when I gave up and removed the blanket in a swift movement licking my lower lip. "Where is it?" I growled playfully like some wild animal at him and he simply rose his eyebrow. "Ah-ah," he scowled at me "Food first." "They are food!" I protested. "Real food. Pancakes I made are European styled, so they are for dessert." he said and this time I rose my eyebrow. There are more pancakes than those I eat? Like seriously? Pancakes are my favourite food, I should have known this since long ago. "Okay." I agreed warily because I only wanted to try that thing. "Good, say a now." he ordered doing it himself making it impossible for me to disobey when he's so cute. And with that he fed me with his hands. "This is feta," he said showing some soft white cheese "Also known as a Greece cheese. You can basically eat it with almost anything." he said giving me a bit of it with ham and he was right, the thing tasted freakishly good. "See?" he asked and I nodded asking for more as he continued to feed me. When he finished, he took some weird food that was put in a triangle and by the smell of it, I guessed that it was a pancake. "They'll taste different since those have milk in it and are filled with just creme and chocolate and my favourite, bananas." I rose my eyebrow, I already liked how that sounded. "Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!" I squeaked like a child on a Christmas, but hey! You'd act the same if you found out that there are more types of your favourite food out there, wouldn't you? "Alright, alright." he chuckled once again before placing the pancake infront of my lips making me bite on it. Holly cow, this was magnificent! He was right, you could feel the milk in it and it was giving off a wonderful taste mixed with a chocolate. I moaned, this was heaven! "Tease." I heard him say and snapped my head at him wondering what is he talking about. "You're sitting there all naked and moaning making me watch it." he said and I blushed realizing that I was indeed naked ( my phone corrected this part to 'baked', really phone does it seem to you that I want to bake her?) . "Oh..." was all I could say before he took off the shirt he was wearing before putting it on me, and I had a wonderful sight to see. Those abbs, I licked my upper lip, I'd never get tired from seeing them.
6 Mar 2016 | 18:18
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 34 Kaley's POV "So, let's do it." Blake said smiling reassuringly at me. "If I die here..." I started and he only shook his head. "You won't, it will be great and peachy. They'll be too happy to think of anything else. Plus we have Melissa and Max on our side." he said and I nodded. God help us. See, those four beautiful weeks of our honeymoon were done and now we're back home, standing infront of his family house with my bump already showing off a little. So, what's the big deal? Remember the plan me and Blake had about suddenly coming back with the news of me being pregnant? Well that's with the deal. "Let's go." he tugged on my hand to follow him, and with a gulp, I started moving my legs. As we entered the mansion, the same mansion I was almost thrown out from, we were greeted by the Melissa that immediately jumped embracing me in a tight hug. "Oh my God, oh my God. Have you brought us some presents? How was it?!" she was asking excitedly before hushing her tone down "Was my choice of lingeries of some use?" "Mel!!!" I blushed at her intensity of questions to which she only chuckled. "Details woman. D-E-T-A-I-L-S, right here and now!" she demanded, and luckily for me, Max interfered in our conversation saving me from her. "Easy now, Mel." he said before hugging me and whispering so low that only we could hear him "She's about to blast a bomb in this house, leave the questions for later,when you're all alone... That's, if Blake let her." he wiggled his brows and I glarred at him to which he only chuckled before doing a bro hug with Blake. "Where's Ayden?" I asked Mel and she grinned. "Playing war with grandpa and Amy. You don't want to know what they did from the kitchen." she said and I groaned. "I can imagine." was my response before hearing a loud footsteps of a two mini-devils. "Kay-Kay!" came his excited voice as I turned around to see my brother in his own hero-stance. "Ayden!" I exclaimed before he rushed towards me and jumped in my arms. "I missed you so, so much, my little man!" I squeaked as he gave me his childish giggle. "I missed you move. To an moon and back." he still couldn't talk properly. "It's 'the moon', not 'an'," I corrected him "We only have one." "See, I telled you Amy. It's not 'an', it's 'the'." Oh my, oh my. "It's 'told' you stupid, not 'telled'!" she stuck her tongue at him and he huffed. "I'm not stupid. You is." he protested with wrong words again. "I is smarter than you. You don't know of 'told'!" here she's back at him. "Oh, yeah? Well, you..." he started, but their argument was stopped when we heard a new voice joining us. "Kids, stop fighting. It's not nice to tell others that they are stupid." came George's exclamation. "I can't hevp it when she is." mumbled Ayden earning a gasp from him. "See, gvandpa, see. He caved me stupid when he is stupid himsevf!" they are so cute together. "My, my. What am I going to do with you two." the poor man sighed as he shook his head. "Ice-cream!" both yelled in unison and I almost face-palmed myself. Those two weren't kids, but Satan's spawns. "Only if you stop arguing." he used that wisely and they both nodded calling a peace with their pinky fingers before rushing inside. Kids. "Welcome home, young ones." he chuckled before holding out a hand for me to pick up and stand up which I gladly took with a 'thanks'. He hugged me and I hugged him back "It's good to be back." I said and he grinned. "It's nowhere as good as at the Blackburn residence." he laughed to some inner joke of his and I awkwardly joined him. "Don't be a bore, grandpa." Blake said before moving me behind him on a safe and hugging George instead. "Me, a bore?" he asked mockingly "Never."
6 Mar 2016 | 18:18
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 35 - And just when we think that we're gonna make it, that's when everything falls apart - Kaley's POV Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. The annoying sound was ringing in my head and I wanted someone to shut it down somehow. It was driving me crazy. I couldn't speak, darkness was all around me and I feel like my body was being tied for the cold mattress by some crushing force. And my belly... I couldn't feel it, all I had was a numb, empty lingering feeling at that area... No! Beep. Beep. Beep. What happened? Where am I? All I remember was... Beep... And then I opened my eyes. No, it can't be... 49 hours ago... Three more weeks. In three weeks, our little family is going to be complete. It's been five months after our honeymoon, and my love for Blake haven't even trembled for a second. Now I'm eight months pregnant with his baby and both of us can't wait to meet him. Our son. My life couldn't be any better at this point, I was loved and I loved, I had a family and my brother with me, I didn't have to worry about food or my child's future being rich and all, but the thing that troubled me is the fact that Regina gave up so easily from Blake, especially when she said that she'll get me no matter what. I was probably just paranoid and was worrying too much, but I don't know, I just had that feeling like something was wrong... "How is my beautiful wife? Hungry?" asked Blake as he entered the room with a trail filled with a lot of food in his hands. "Why, yes I am..." I answered "Of you." I added. Blame it all on my hormones, but I really wanted to be with Blake at the moment. In bed. Naked. "Nope, as much as I like your thoughts, we can't. Hold on just for few weeks, munchkin." he chuckled sitting next to me on the bed. "But it's too long..." I protested and he chuckled. "Trust me, it looks much longer for me. Come on now, open your mouth." he said placing a spoon of a hot soup infront of me making me obey with a giggle. He was threating me like I was some piece of glass or something, seriously man are so... I don't even know how to describe them, they are so annoying, bossy, nutheads! Yeah, they are nutheads. That's the right word. After finishing with my meal, he kissed me on my forehead before leaving to discard the tray. "I will be back in a second. Hold on." he said as he left through the doors. I loved my life, I really did. After the baby is born, I'll stay to take care of him with Blake abandoning everything, but after that I'm starting the college. That doesn't mean that I'll leave those three, they and my little brother are my life and I'll never go away from them no matter the reason, and I swear on my life to stay by their sides forever. But back then I had no idea of the problems I'm facing now... Ah, the college, I'm learning from time to time for the exams, being pregnant and all gave me a lot of free time, so I decided to read some books. I glanced at my work desk which was in the room to see few of them on it, but on the top of that pile was lying one of my favourites-a baby book. Slowly getting up, more like hooping from one place to another, because trust me, it's hard to move with a body of a whale, I dragged myself to it taking that book. 'A mother and the baby' was written on it and there was a photo of a mother smiling with her baby under. I slowly trailed my finger through the tittle of the book wondering of how will my son look alike? Like Blake? Or like me? Maybe he'd have half black and half blond hair? Nah, that's not possible, I'm exaggerating. Sighing, i glanced at the clock, it's already been few minutes since Blake left and he said that he'll be back soon, so what took him so long? Should I go and check on him? He'll think that I'm boring, he probably had some business... But he'd come and tell me what his business was. That's it, I'm going to check on him. Putting some sandals that were on the ground next to the bed, I slowly headed to find Blake. If he had some work right now, he's probably in his office then, so that's the place I've decided to check out first. Getting down the stairs, one by one, I finally got in the hall and headed towards his office with a smile. This will be interesting, I'll sneak upon him and scare him, I can't wait to see his reaction. I was already infront of the doors that led to his office, and surpassing my giggle, I suddenly slammed them open but I'll never forget the sight infront of me. Blake leaning on his desk, his hands around Regina's waist and she kissing him passionately being on the top of him. In a second, he pushed her away, and his eyes widened in horror when he saw me. "Kaley, it's not what..." he started, but with the tears blurring my sight, I rushed out of there the fastest I could clutching my pregnant belly. " go!" I heard him yell before calling my name, but taking the keys from the house, I quickly got out and locked the doors so he couldn't follow me. And then I ran out of that house to who knows where. Never in my life did I think that something like this would happen. When he first asked me to marry him, I had in my mind that he'd sleep with other women, but when he said that he loved, the thought of him doing it dissappeared itself. He said he hated Regina, so why? Why did he used the first chance when I wasn't able to be next to him to be with her? As I walked, I came to the traffic lights and since it was the red light, I stopped. Was I not enough to him? Did he really needed someone to sleep with so much that he abandoned me? Trust me, it's much harder for me, he said it himself. So it was all about séx from the very beginning, he held me close so that he could have someone to sleep with. He twirled me around his little finger with all that "I love you" so that I'd stay by hid side, when in reality, he never did. He played me. I guess, now I finally saw his real face. The very same face as that day when I had the one night stand with him. With a goddamn billionaire. The light turned green and I took that as my cue to start walking, I'll go to the Starbucks, I want to talk with Ryan. And then it all happened so fast that I wasn't able to realize what was going on before it was too late. In a mere second, I glanced on my right only to see a car going my way without any intention of stopping. In a next second, my eyes widened, but it was already too late. The car hit me and drove away. My limbs wouldn't move and my sight was getting blurred. I could feel the blood spreading under my body on the cold pavement. It was everywhere, but the one that worried me the most was the one spilling in between my legs. No. No. No! And then, I was surrounded by darkness as my thoughts went back to Blake and my baby. Someone... Help me...
6 Mar 2016 | 18:19
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND CHAPTER 36 - They say we don't know what we had until we lost it, but the painful truth is... We knew what we had all along. We simply never thought we'd lose it - Kaley's POV It was as if I was choking, which in reality I was. Struggling to take a breath, I removed the thing placed on my mouth that helper me breath because it was painful to breathe in and out the clear oxygen. It was only when I did remove it that I continued normally. I couldn't open my eyes, there was something on my right one, and too much of the light pressure on my left one, so it seemed like an impossible mission. I couldn't even feel my legs. What happened? All I remember is... Lunch. I was having my lunch with Blake, and what happened after that was all the distant memory. And then another picture came in my head, blood on my legs and the light. Something was off. Wait blood! My baby! I don't feel that heavy pressure on my belly, no, don't tell me... No! And then the rest of those images flooded in my mind, Blake and Regina, me rushing off, walking and someone hitting me with the car. My baby! The annoying sound of beeps accelerated and I wanted to cry, but I couldn't because of the thing on my eyes. Where am I, where are the others? What's with my baby? Someone come to me, someone. " Ne..." I mumbled but then the tears formed in my left eye from the pain in my throat. It was so funking dried "He...p." my whispers were like those of a wounded monster, harsh and ravaged, but I needed to know that my baby is okay. I needed to. "Kaley Evansville, the woman that destroyed my plans." I heard a voice say and I tensed. I knew that voice, but it never sounded so angry and evil. "I must say that it was a real pain in the asš to make a plan of removing you out of picture, but it was all worth it." he sighed before starting to laugh. What the hell is he talking about. "Don't worry, I won't kill you... If you cooperate that is, but for now I'm sure you noticed that the baby's out of your body, no?" he chuckled resounding the evil and I gulped. "He's dead." he said and that's when I broke. No, no, no! That's not possible! My son is well and safe and... But I did for hit by a car... "Just kidding he's not... Yet." it my eyes were opened I believe that I'd be widening them at the moment. My baby... My son... Thanks God. Wait, yet? "Can't talk, huh? It's fine with me, just nod or shake your head." I heard his voice again "Thanks to Regina successfully drugging Blake after she made that show when you ran out of the house, he won't be bothering us any time soon. The plan was to kidnap you and fùck you over by some plan we'd develop later, but you helped us a lot by allowing Ethan to hit you with the car. He acted on his own will, but this would be the best way to fake your death. Hit by a car, died and lost the baby. Great, I know." he said and my breathing stopped. Does that mean that Blake was inno... "Now, here's the deal, if you want your fùcking bustard to live, you'll get the fùck out of our lived, we'll move you to the Paris, England, anywhere just stay out of our lives... Or would you like for little Ayden to be next?" i believe that my face paled after hearing that. What the hell was wrong with this? This must be some dream and I'll wake up soon, right? "Do we have the deal or not?" he asked and without realizing what have I done, I weakly nodded my head. "From now on, you're no longer Kaley Blackburn. Your name is Ava Niall, the documents were prepared long ago, and this is the last time we see each other. If you come near Blake or any member of family again, I'll kill your brother and then I'll kill you. Today is your funeral, by the way. It's on the news, so..." I heard him moving around, and I heard a noise from the TV " happy you're not in her place." and then I heard the door open and close. He was outside. I took a deep breath trying to analyze what the fùck happened in those few minutes. This can't be happening, this is all just a part of a huge horrible nightmare and I'll wake up soon and be in Blake's embrace. He's gonna swing me in his lap and whisper the sweet things in my ear to make me forget about this all... He's certainly... "This is probably the hardest day for us all. The famous multi-billionaire we all were so excited to see getting married had lost his wife and a son in a car accident..." I heard a voice from the TV. Is that... "Today, as everybody knows is their funeral, Kaley and Christian Max Ravenburn, may the two of you rest in peace..." I didn't hear anything after that. Blake never told me how would he name our son, he said that he'll tell me when I hold him in my arms. The name he chose... My father's name... Oh, Blake. My poor Blake, I'm not dead, I'm alive. I'm here in some hospital, please find me, could you not recognize my body? Please save me from this horrible man, please save me from Lucas. Blake... "The car accident ended with an explosion and the both drivers were burnt down completely, however the eight months pregnant body with a ring that assured Blake that it's his wife were enough for..." wait, what? I moved my fingers, and certainly there wasn't my wedding ring. But, haven't I left it at home, in our room, what... Be happy that you're not in her place, I remembered Lucas' words, don't tell me he killed someone else? Oh my God, oh my God! No, just no! "We can only hope that Blake is going to be alright after this and somehow recover, because just by looking at him now, we can see the pain and grievance he's feeling right now." I couldn't listen to this anymore, I just couldn't. "Oh, my God. Miss. Niall, are you alright?" I heard a feminine voice ask before it distanced as she started yelling that I woke up "Oh, my God, who put this on TV?" and the noise stopped, I guessed she turned it off. "It's really sad what had happened, you had luck. You could have died just like that poor innocent girl, but both of you and your baby are alright." she said with a kind voice. If only she knew. "Miss. Niall, I'm doctor Marcus and I'll be in lead of your health. Your baby's as well." I heard a voice of a man say, but I couldn't say anything. I couldn't speak, all of this... It just wasn't real. It couldn't be. My baby. My love. My brother. My friends. Everyone I ever knew thought I was dead, I just couldn't deal with this all. "Your baby started breathing on her own two and a haf hour ago, so after I'm done with checks, I'll tell them to bring him here, alright?" he continued to speak, but I could no longer hear him. Soon enough, I was taken into the world of slumber once again. This just couldn't be real... Blake's POV I'm looking at her coffin as they was putting it lower and lower intothe ground. My eyes were so tired from crying and I couldn't say a word anymore. I couldn't even cry. She's gone and it's all my fault. Our son is gone, and it's all my fault. I allowed Regina to talk to me about something 'important', but she used that to kiss me and Kaley, oh my beautiful, innocent Kaley saw it. She ran, I still remember chasing after her blonde locks I always played with. The way she'd snuggle her head and rub it from my hand... And now she never will... And it's all my fault. "Big brother, why are they putting Kay Kay in the ground. She'll be scared from the dark." I glanced at her brother that was pulling on my pants with his tiny hands. Her brother that will never see his sister again. And it was all my fault. At that moment, I could do nothing but fall on my knees and hug him as the new tears formed in my eyes. It way all my fault that she's dead.
6 Mar 2016 | 18:20
Damn it, dey carried out deir threat
7 Mar 2016 | 01:47
hmmmm whos lucas? oh Kaley. pity Blake n deir baby. nice story
7 Mar 2016 | 05:35
this is so heart touching
7 Mar 2016 | 06:29
JUST ONE NIGHT STAND EPILOGUE - Sometimes, we'd do anything to make people we love be happy, even if that means that we won't be part of their happiness - The only thing I could think of while staring at the white celling was 'It had it better than me'. It looked so hollow, so empty, but I was worse. Numb, hollow and broken. I've finally managed to open my eye, but as of the other one... I don't think that I'll be able to look with it for a long time. The heck with it, I don't think I'll ever be able to see with it. The doctor said that I had some hope to see again, but even I could read in between lines, no matter how hard he tried not to show it, he knew I was a helpless case. My legs are broken. That's for sure, whether I stay paralyzed for the rest of my life or not, I know that I had it better. Much, much better than Blake. The man whom I love thinks I'm dead. Some may wonder why is it so painful, many people go through the grieving of the deaths that came upon their loved ones, so why... Blake thinks that it's his fault. I did storm out of his house after witnessing that scene, that oh so sour scene I never want to remember, but know that I won't. What a fool was I to so easily doubt him, the one whom I cherish the most. And then I was hit by the car, the one driven by Ethan, by the man that scarred my friend for eternity. Melissa and Max could never have their happiness because she'll never be able to overcome her fear of love. Why was Lucas so fùcked-up? Could he not just leave us alone to spend the rest of our lives in happiness? What am I saying, he willingly gave his daughter to the man that abused her, so why would he care for his son's happiness? As long as the company is alright, no one's happiness matters. Of course he'd think like that, he hadn't even hesitated to hit his unborn grandchild for the sake of it. They say that love is sacrifice. When you love the person, you're ready to cry and die in an instant so that the person you love can smile and be happy. For the sake of that person, you'd do anything and the person doesn't even need to know that you were protecting it. It doesn't even need to, as long as you know that the very same person you love will live it's happily ever after. That's why I'm sorry Blake. No matter how much I love you, how much it kills me that you're blaming yourself for my "death", how much I long to be by your side, this is the right thing to do. You'll overcome my death one day and live in the blind ignorance, maybe even marry again... For as long as I am by your side, Lucas won't stay calm. If I return, Ayden will die. Our son, Christian will die. And then... For all I know, you'll die trying to protect me. Lucas is monster, he killed your sister, he almost killed Melissa as well, he arranged all this so that me and our son die, so why wouldn't he try to kill you as well? I'm sorry Blake, but even though I know that I won't be part of your life anymore, I know that I'll be the reason of the happiness you'll feel one day... Even though I won't be a part of it. Slowly moving my head aside, I saw the doors to my room open and the nurse entering. I think her name was Mary, I'm not sure. I didn't want to think, I wanted to die. "You're awake, miss? Someone was eager to see you." she chuckled and that's when I saw him. Nestled in her arms, a little creature that was the reason of my happiness. The same little creature that brought me to Blake, that bonded us, that made me laugh so many times and see Blake's silly faces when he'd try to talk to it. I didn't even need to hear what she wanted to say to know who that was; my and Blake's son. It was our little Chris. I don't know how I did it, but I rose my hands towards him and the nurse gently placed him next to me on the bed, in my arm. I took that as chance to study him. He was so little, and I knew it was due to the fact that he was born earlier than supposed, but then again, he survived the miscarriage, and that was a miracle by itself. He was our little miracle. He had Blake's hair, raven black hair I'm sure was just as fluffy as his. I brought my other hand to it, which was in the cast because of my broken bone and gently patted his head. I was right, it is fluffy after all. I chuckled and he opened his eyes making me gasp. Who'd say, he inherited my eyes. Knowing the crazy genes that ran through the Blake's family, I guessed that they be blue but they weren't. So much from having mini-Blake around the house... And then the sad reality hit me again. This child will never meet his father, his father who thinks that he's dead. "I'm sorry..." I hicciped hugging him tighter "I'm so sorry... That you had to be born in this family, I'm sorry Chris." I cried for his fate, I could already see him, grown up and playing with other children when one of them will ask that horrible question "Where's your dad?", just what will he feel then, what will he say to something like that? "I'm sorry..." By now, my sobs had already turned to the cries and I was feeling like I couldn't do anything else. I hoped that at any second, Blake would burst through that hospital doors and hug me, kiss me and tell me that everything will be alright... But I knew it's impossible. He thought that I was dead... It was then that I felt something touching my nose and opened my eye to see that it was Chris' tiny hand. He was staring at me quietly, as if he knew what was I going through, as if he understood it. I held it for less than five minutes and I already knew that I'd die without a second thought about it for him. I decided right then and there... I'll protect him with my life, and somehow, one day... I'll make them pay. And that's a promise! THE END
7 Mar 2016 | 13:42
so does this mean that season one has ended????
7 Mar 2016 | 16:09
I cried reading the last part
7 Mar 2016 | 19:32
Wah!!! Dis cnt b d end na ehhh @shaxee
8 Mar 2016 | 03:35
@Shaxee. wen is season two commencing? really enjoyed every chapter of da story. tanks alot
9 Mar 2016 | 08:39
@shaxee am waiting for da season two o
11 Mar 2016 | 04:32
#crying mood activated ... shaxee do something abt d season 2
16 Mar 2016 | 21:23
wow! Interesting,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,*iwish it doesnt end*
28 Apr 2016 | 20:46
@shaxee,,,,,,,,,,,i find it difficult to register in ur blog ,,,,,,,,,,,can u put me through pls?
28 Apr 2016 | 20:54
nonsense,dis is tragedy..or it does have part2 i guess..please do sumtin.dis cn't be the end
30 May 2016 | 08:38
* :b
18 Jul 2016 | 14:54
Please this can end just like this. It got to have season 2 or continuation.
18 Jul 2016 | 22:57
Such a tragedy!!! Its so horrible. That shouldn't be the end
4 Aug 2016 | 09:10
nice story
9 Aug 2016 | 21:18
thumbs up
9 Aug 2016 | 21:20
Wow! If i say i didnt enjoy this masterpiece then i must hell be a liar, i've learnt more than alot of things from the stories i've come acrossed to in this site, thumbs Up OP, Thumbs Up My Fellow Coolvallers
27 Sep 2016 | 18:00
I bet there will be a season 2
27 Sep 2016 | 18:01


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