Joke by Dindy

Joke by Dindy

By Dindy in 30 Aug 2016 | 16:27
Dindy Dindy

Dindy Dindy

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Posts: 578
Member since: 26 Jun 2016
Boy:please can I see your pix?
Picture sent✔✔
Picture received✅✅
Boy:wow you look look so old are you?
Girl:I am 18
Boy:huh?.....i said your age not your junior sister's
#DINDY WROTE THIS=> facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi
30 Aug 2016 | 16:27
Lol... Nice one man... Keep it up.
30 Aug 2016 | 16:32
thank you@emmyrexx
30 Aug 2016 | 16:50
30 Aug 2016 | 17:04
31 Aug 2016 | 02:23
JOKE part 2 BY DINDY It was a cool wonderful Sunday evening, I was chatting with my girlfriend then this following conservation took place. Girl: "Dindy love can I ask you a question".. Dindy: "Yes dear go on". Girl: "What habits are holding you back from success?". . . . Dindy: Thinks deeply with all seriousness then replies..."Meeting you" #DINDY WROTE THIS=> facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi part 3 coming soon
4 Sep 2016 | 19:08
4 Sep 2016 | 19:09
JOKE PART 3 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy what have you really done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today? . Reads it but didn't reply . Girl: Dindy are you there? . Three hours later..... Dindy: Oh sorry dear was pursuing my dreams. Girl: How dear?. Dindy: Sleeping on my bed, I still need to pursue it more, good #DINDY WROTE THIS=> facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi...BB out for part 4
6 Sep 2016 | 15:23
8 Sep 2016 | 09:00
JOKE PART 4 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy I am sorry to say this but your sister ain't so pretty, please don't take it offensively ok?. Dindy: Ok no problem. Girl: Let us play a question game. Dindy: Awesome!. Girl: If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be?. Dindy: Your #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi BB pin:7bd0a0d6 Watch out for part 5
8 Sep 2016 | 14:52
JOKE PART 5 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy I wanna tell you my deepest secret. Dindy: Ok go on. Girl: I have slept with 6 different men under the space of 3 weeks. Dindy: What!?. Girl: Dindy please don't take it wrongly, I was drugged. Dindy: I am so sorry. Girl: I hope you don't see me as a whore. Dindy: No I don't. . . Days later . . Girl: Dindy can I come over tonight?. Dindy: Sure Girl: Great! Dindy: But wait, how much do you cost? #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi BB pin:7bd0a0d6 Watch out for part 6
9 Sep 2016 | 18:43
JOKE PART 6 BY DINDY It was a cool and lovely evening, Dindy and his girlfriend sat under a tree talking then this happened.... Dindy: My one and only sugar bunny. Girl: (smiles) Oh Dindy you have started with your sweet words again. Dindy: You are so beautiful. Girl: (blushing) thanks dear. Girl: Dindy love I want you to Look into my eyes and tell me what you see. . . Looks deeply approaching for a kiss then says . . Dindy: I see.. Girl: (talks softly) Yes dear say it. Dindy: souls of aborted kids. Girl: (slaps Dindy) idiot! (tongue out). #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi BB pin:7bd0a0d6 Watch out for part 7
10 Sep 2016 | 06:05
10 Sep 2016 | 06:34
10 Sep 2016 | 13:25
JOKE PART 7 BY DINDY PLEASE GUYS I NEED YOUR HELP I was sitting at the back seat in a bus when a pretty girl came to sit beside me, as she sat she gave me the "wooing eyes" look which I understood very fast. When the bus was filled with passengers the bus zoomed off, few minutes later the diver asked for everyone to pay up their money. The pretty lady beside me gave me the "eyes invitation" look then asked me for the 100 naira note I was holding in my hand because she had 500 naira note with her, I gave it to her smiling like a he goat. 15mins later I was fighting within myself (whether to talk to her or not) but finally i decided to talk to her. Dindy: Excuse me. Girl: (talking softly) Yes what is it?. Dindy: I wanna ask you something please don't be offended Girl: Ok go on. Dindy: If i told you that you are the most amazing green leaf i have ever seen in my life, would you believe me? Girl: Yes i would. Dindy: If i told you that your hair is the most beautiful thing on earth, would you believe me?. Girl: (blushing) yes i would. Dindy: I just want to tell you that...that..that.. Girl: (smiling and blushing heavily) yes go on tell me what's on your mind. Dindy: I need you to give me back the 100 naira note i gave you, i wanna give the driver 500 naira because i need change to buy garri... Girl: (hissed) Please o i don't know why the girl called me an idiot, did i do bad by asking for my money back?. #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi BB pin:7bd0a0d6 Watch out for part 8
10 Sep 2016 | 14:21
JOKE PART 8 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy do you really care about me?. Dindy: Yes I do dear more than the things of the world. Girl: (smiles) Do you mean it?. Dindy: Yes I do. Girl: Ok dear let me ask you this question. Dindy: Go on Girl: If you could go back in time, once, and change a single thing – what would it be? Dindy: My neighbour's WiFi #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 9
12 Sep 2016 | 04:03
JOKE PART 9 BY DINDY Dindy: Your voice is too sweet, I'm sure you're very beautiful. Girl: Thanks dear. Dindy: can I see your picture please. Girl: Ok dear give me two minutes. . . After two minutes. . Image sent✅✅ . Image received✔✔ . Dindy: Da*n girl who's the mother f**ker that gave birth to something like you, you are so ugly girl!. Girl: Please you can insult me as you like but please don't insult my mother-who suffered giving birth to me. Dindy: I did not insult your mum oo. Dindy: What i was only trying to say was that there is no difference between a monkey and its offspring. #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 10.
13 Sep 2016 | 03:34
JOKE PART 10 BY DINDY Girl: (sad face) Dindy I am sick and tired of life. Dindy: Why?. Girl: (Angry) I hate this world. Dindy: what is going on?. Girl: I have tried everything possible to get a flat tummy but it ain't working. Dindy: (hissing) Why will it work?. Dindy: When there are Lost destinies and souls of aborted children in there (hissing) #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 11.
14 Sep 2016 | 12:00
JOKE PART 11 BY DINDY Dindy: Boys lie more than girls. Girl: It's a Lie, girls lie more. Dindy: It's a lie!. Girl: Ok. Girl: Let's play a lie game and see who lies the most. Dindy: Cool!. Dindy: You go first. Girl: I love you!. Dindy: You're a virgin! #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 12.
15 Sep 2016 | 16:35
JOKE PART 12 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy let's play a game. Dindy: awesome!. Girl: It's called challenge for the mastermind. Dindy: Sweet.... Girl: If you get it right, I will give you a tight long hug. Dindy: Great!!!!. Girl: I'm an 8 letter word First 4 letters is a question 2,3,4 protects our head 5,6,7 is a liquid in tree 7,8 are same letters *WHAT AM I*???. Dindy: The answer is simple. Dindy: you are a caterpillar you just made me understand you have many legs! #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 13.
16 Sep 2016 | 13:14
17 Sep 2016 | 04:05
17 Sep 2016 | 04:38
17 Sep 2016 | 04:39
:D :D :D
17 Sep 2016 | 14:26
JOKE PART 13 BY DINDY Dindy vs lawmaker Lawmaker: Dindy laws are not meant to be broken. Dindy: Yes they are!. Lawmaker: Ok maybe some are meant to be broken. Dindy: See..... Lawmaker: But Dindy respect yourself and don't break any rules here. Dindy: My toilet respected itself now its condition is beyond crazy dude #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 14
19 Sep 2016 | 03:49
19 Sep 2016 | 05:05
JOKE PART 14 BY DINDY Dindy: Baby. Girl: Yes dear. Dindy: I know one day you will leave lagos. Girl: Yes. Dindy: When you leave will you remember me?. Dindy: please dear be honest with me, you know I love you so much. Girl: Dear I can never ever forget you, I love you so much more than anything. Dindy: (smiles) thanks dear. Dindy: But baby what will you remember me as?. Girl: one of my ATM machines…….lol. #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 15.
24 Sep 2016 | 18:05
JOKE PART 15 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy what are you doing now. Dindy: Running for my life. Girl: What!?. Girl: (scared)What is going on dear who is after you?. Dindy: Oh ****!, i was almost caught. Girl: (tears) oh my Gosh!. Dindy: Da*n I have been caught. Girl: (crying) Dindy: Why did this happen to me. Girl: Wait a sec, how come you are still texting me if you were caught by whatsoever was chasing you?. Dindy: Oh i was playing temple run. Dindy: So you thought someone was really chasing me? (laughs). Girl: You are such a big fool!!….lol. #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 16.
24 Sep 2016 | 18:06
25 Sep 2016 | 13:19
JOKE PART 16 BY DINDY There is no problem masturbating on the bed. : : : The problem is when your mum knocks and you remember that you forgot to lock the #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 17.
26 Sep 2016 | 18:13
You're finished entirely..
26 Sep 2016 | 18:16
There's Problem masturbating on the bed o..the victim is a per.vert, it does more harm than good. .
26 Sep 2016 | 18:17
i know right?
27 Sep 2016 | 20:16
JOKE PART 17 BY DINDY In a room with low light and the dvd player playing cool music, making the atmosphere cool and and nice. Girl: (breathing heavily and talking softly) Oh Dindy put it in well. Dindy: (sweating seriously) i never knew it would be like this, just cool down i will try harder. Girl: (talk softly) c'mon dindy move in more more more. Dindy: (sweating more) see you will kill me o, wait let me drink water. Girl: Ah Dindy you can't even do it properly, you are not a man. Dindy: You are mad!, did you pay me to do it? you were even begging me to do it. Girl: Idiot you can't even carry small refrigerator into the #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 18.
27 Sep 2016 | 20:16
JOKE PART 18 BY DINDY Like seriously you ladies should not wear things that would reveal your behind and front. I was on my own sitting when a lady came from no where and sat right across a chair facing my direction, after 15mins she started checking me out, I noticed it but I was not so interested. As Time went by my eyes looked at her and our eyes met together, I quickly looked away but her eyes were still on me. I finally made up my made to say hi to her, for her not to feel too disappointed. Dindy: Hello beautiful lady. Lady: Yea. Dindy: I was over there and I saw your glorious glowing body. Lady: (Smiles) thanks. Dindy: I hope you don't mind if I say this. Lady: (talks softly) go on. Dindy: Please I am tired of seeing the color of your coloured bra and undies, can you please cover it up!. Lady: (slaps dindy) you are an idiot!!. What did I do wrong?...i was only trying to be #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 19.
29 Sep 2016 | 16:48
JOKE PART 19 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy dindy dindy!!!. Dindy: Yes dear. Girl: I just made a new game its call "round up with two words" Dindy: Cool let's play. Girl: Ok, it goes like this; i would ask you a question and you would replied back with only two words that best answers the question, if you get it right you will get a kiss. Dindy: (grin) Awesome, let's play. Girl: I am used in many homes especially in homes of married man. Dindy: A Tv!. Girl: No. Dindy: A broom! Girl: No. Dindy: A remote!. Girl: No, you gat one more chance, you loose it and no kiss for you. Dindy: Shit! Mehn, oh wait I know!. Dindy: Your mum!(smiles). Girl: (angry) you are very stupid it's your mum that used in many homes idiot! #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 20.
30 Sep 2016 | 17:55
30 Sep 2016 | 18:22
2,4 and 15 got me laughing really hard
30 Sep 2016 | 19:26
1 Oct 2016 | 01:46
JOKE PART 20 BY DINDY There is no problem writing a love letter to your girlfriend. : : : : The problem is when her dad gets the letter instead of her and your name and address fully written on #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 21.
1 Oct 2016 | 08:11
1 Oct 2016 | 08:20
what's RTB@FroshLord
1 Oct 2016 | 10:05
Read this before.
1 Oct 2016 | 10:22
2 Oct 2016 | 01:47
JOKE PART 21 BY DINDY The problem doesn't start when you go to porn site and watching porn movies : : : : The problem is when your dad or mum was standing behind you all the while you were watching DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 22.
3 Oct 2016 | 19:02
4 Oct 2016 | 17:19
JOKE PART 22 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy I know you are a genius Dindy: Nah not really Girl: So are you saying that you have failed before. Dindy: Yea, I have Dindy: Actually a test Girl: What test is that? Dindy: Blood test, I got a 0 - (negative) Girl: (Hisssing) DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 23.
5 Oct 2016 | 14:40
JOKE PART 23 BY DINDY Dindy and his girl were walking and talking about lovely things, they saw a spot where fried bean cake was sold, they stopped and bought it. As they continued walking, they ate the bean cake one after the other. Suddenly one mistakenly fell off Dindy's hand, Dindy bent down to pick it. Girl: [Ashamed] Ah!, what are you doing?. Dindy: Wanna pick the bean cake up and eat it. Girl: [Angry] Don't do that, we are out in public. Dindy: Ah see you!, With the way the economy is going now ehn, not even shango will leave a food sacrifice DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 24.
7 Oct 2016 | 01:36
JOKE PART 24 BY DINDY There is no problem wearing a tight shoe when you go out. : : : : The problem really starts when you can't remove it because you did not carry extra #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 25. Hi guys, I will be releasing a story about my writing success online over a short period of time. It is titled "THE UNDERDOG DINDY", it will be posted to night by 8pm or 9pm. Please invite all your friends to read it, it is inspiring, funny and you will learn about how Dindy does his things, don't miss out @THE UNDERDOG DINDY.
8 Oct 2016 | 10:46
8 Oct 2016 | 10:54
it's time
8 Oct 2016 | 16:48
JOKE PART 25 BY DINDY There is no problem fighting your life out and struggling, just to enter a bus which will take you half way home. : : : : The problem starts when you relax and the bus zooms off, then the conductor ask you to pay up and you can't find your wallet and phones. #DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 26.
9 Oct 2016 | 10:03
JOKE PART 26 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy, do you know how to make a girl blush?. Dindy: Yes i do. Girl: Really?. Dindy: I've made my little sis blush alot. . Girl smiles sexily . Girl: Ok. Girl: Make me blush. . ...Dindy smiles then gives her a dirty slap.. . Girl: OMG!(crying). Dindy: See now you will blush. . Looks at Dindy with a red cheek then slaps Dindy DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 27.
12 Oct 2016 | 17:28
JOKE PART 27 BY DINDY Dindy: I love you dear. Girl: No you don't, you are lying to me. Dindy: I am not dear, see I will do all I can just to make you happy, I will never in this world cheat on you, you're my life. : Girl Looks at Dindy with sexy eyes. : Dindy: I LOVE YOU. : Girl blushes and smiles. : Girl: Ok fine, but do you know the difference between lust and love?. Dindy: Yes sure I do, what do you take me for?. Girl: Ok fine, explain what they are. Dindy: Lust is... : Dindy Holds her hands, then she smiles. : Dindy: Lust is what i feel for you and love is what I have for party rice!. : Girl slaps Dindy and walks DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 28
14 Oct 2016 | 15:31
14 Oct 2016 | 15:46
JOKE PART 28 BY DINDY The problem is not browsing with your mum or dad's phone for hours ::: ::: ::: ::: The problem is when you realize that you have being using their credit to browse. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 29
16 Oct 2016 | 16:22
16 Oct 2016 | 18:04
JOKE PART 29 BY DINDY There is no problem sleeping on your bed : : : : : The problem is when you wake up to discover that it was a dream and you are still in the office, plus your desk is filled with your DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 30. Hello everyone, my blog site will soon be available and i mean very soon (maybe week), so be expecting it. My stories, inspirational write ups and jokes will all be there for you to read. Thanks alot guys, much love from your little boy "THE UNDER DOG DINDY" (go read that story if you haven't read it before).
20 Oct 2016 | 17:50
JOKE PART 30 BY DINDY I and a girl were talking at night (one day like that), when this following conversation took place. Girl : Dindy, if I ask you to ask me to do something naughty, what would you prefer the most from me?. Dindy: I would... : Dindy stands very close to her. : Girl breaths heavily with a racing heart. : Girl: [Talks slowly and softly] Just say it Dindy, just say it. Dindy: I would ask you, whether your stretch marks can cut meat.. : Girl Slaps Dindy and walks DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 31.
21 Oct 2016 | 21:34
22 Oct 2016 | 18:38
JOKE PART 31 BY DINDY Girl: Hello Dindy. Dindy: Yes dear. Girl: what's your real name?. Dindy: Nnamdi. Girl: Nice name. Dindy: Thanks. Girl: What does it mean?. Dindy: It means "my father is around". Girl: [laughs out loud] what a funny name. Dindy: What's that your name again?. Girl: Lickafina. Dindy: [Laughs out very loud] Ashewo's (whore's) DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 32.
23 Oct 2016 | 12:11
JOKE PART 32 BY DINDY There is no problem entering a bus :........ :........ :........ :......... The problem is when the break of the bus fails and the driver looses control, and everyone in the bus is above 70 except you and they all DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 33.
24 Oct 2016 | 16:34
JOKE PART 33 BY DINDY There is no problem getting drunk as high as anything. :_______ :_______ :________ :_______ :_______ The problem is when you wake up and discover that you spent your whole night in your father-in-law's room and he is right in front of you looking at you. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 34.
26 Oct 2016 | 16:08
JOKE PART 34 BY DINDY There is no problem toasting a girl in the club. :_______ :_______ :________ :_______ :_______ :_______ The problem is when you guys meet in the day time and you end up realizing you mistook of a beast for beauty. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 35.
29 Oct 2016 | 03:53
JOKE PART 35 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy Dindy: Yes love dear. Girl: Where do I belong in your life?. Girl: Family?. Dindy: No. Girl: Friend?. Dindy: No. Girl: Love? Dindy: No. Girl: Then what am I to you?. Dindy: Don't ask me, go ask the first lady!. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 36.
30 Oct 2016 | 13:06
JOKE PART 36 BY DINDY Some girls will be cooking non sense in the kitchen, feeding their guy poison to eat. The guy gets frustrated and breaks up with them. Later they will be saying and posting "I want a real man that will love and understand me, for who I am, what I cook and he would know my position in his life". :______ :_______ :________ My sister look at me, I say look at me. :________ Who do you think you are?. BUHARI'S WIFE??? 0_0 ........ =)) =D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 37.
31 Oct 2016 | 18:18
JOKE BY DINDY PART 37 The problem as a conductor is not when you call a small boy bastard. :_____ :______ :_______ :________ The problem happens when two days later you call passengers, then you bend your head inside the bus to collect money and you see the boy pointing at you with his father wearing an army uniform looking at you with an angry face. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 38.
1 Nov 2016 | 16:58
JOKE PART 38 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy love. Dindy: Yes baby. Girl: We need to save the world from destruction. Dindy: Yes i agree with you. Girl: We need a good plan. Dindy: Yes that's so true. Girl: What do you suggest?. Dindy: Breaking up with you for a better savings DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 39.
2 Nov 2016 | 16:49
Lmao. :yes:
2 Nov 2016 | 16:52
JOKE PART 39 BY DINDY The problem is not when you buy a brand new iphone 7 from ikeja :____ : ____ :______ :_______ :________ The problem is when you get home and you on it, then it shows you DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 40.
3 Nov 2016 | 20:35
Super Duper.
4 Nov 2016 | 02:33
4 Nov 2016 | 02:59
But how will i know part 40 has been posted abeg notify me @dindy
4 Nov 2016 | 03:01
JOKE PART 40 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy what did i do wrong? you have being avoiding me. Dindy: It's not you, it's my pastor. Girl: What did he tell you?. Dindy: I can't say it. Girl: Tell me dear please. Dindy: Ok, my pastor said I should avoid my savings account......... ;D ;D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 41.
5 Nov 2016 | 03:32
@Sommyangel (Favoured child)......always check it when you see an update
5 Nov 2016 | 03:34
5 Nov 2016 | 03:39
JOKE PART 41 BY DINDY Today is a brand new day, God has given us a new life and new air. God gave us an opportunity to wake up to see a new day like this. That's why we need to start doing good things and start showing love to our enemies. Give your enemies flowers, money, clothes, shoes and most important of all, don't forget to give them a new Samsung s7 the explosive type ;), so that judgment can start for them quickly. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 42.
6 Nov 2016 | 06:29
Lmao. @sommyangel Another one is here.
6 Nov 2016 | 06:45
Lol. Tanx 4 d beep, u re such a darling @froshberry-2
6 Nov 2016 | 11:22
Kikiki... :mail: I know you'd want to read it.
6 Nov 2016 | 11:27
JOKE PART 42 BY DINDY The problem doesn't start when you lie to your parents, that you went to your best friend's house. :____ :_____ :______ :________ :_________ The problem starts, when your best friend walks out from your room saying "Yo dude where have you been? i have being here for hours waiting for you" flogging things:D... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 43.
7 Nov 2016 | 15:56
JOKE PART 43 BY DINDY The problem doesn't start when she sees you with another girl. :___ :____ :_____ :______ :_______ The problem starts, when you ask her to cook night food for you to eat.........starving things on point :D :D. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 44.
8 Nov 2016 | 17:37
JOKE PART 44 BY DINDY After the Halloween, a teacher asked some students, on what costume was the most terrifying. :______ Teacher: Who can tell me the most terrifying costume ever worn on Halloween?. Students: Aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty!. Teacher: Mmm, ok James. James: a vampire costume. Teacher: That's scary. Students: Aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty! Teacher: Mmm, ok Linda. Linda: a werewolf costume. Teacher: That's really scary. Students: Aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty!. Teacher: kelvin. Kelvin: A flower costume. Teacher: [Laughs] but that ain't scary, it's funny. Students: Aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty I!, aunty! Teacher: Dindy. Dindy: A SAMSUNG S7 costume. Teacher: Jesus!!!!, that is the most terrifying costume ever!!, don't ever say it again!..........:') :') DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 45.
9 Nov 2016 | 17:40
@sommyangel We've missed gan o...
10 Nov 2016 | 01:29
JOKE PART 45 BY DINDY Dindy: Men are more trustworthy Than women, in relationships. Girl: That's a lie. Dindy: Why did you say so?. Girl: Well, what a man can do, a woman can do better. Dindy: That's a lie. Girl: It's totally true Dindy: Ok, Good to know. Girl: [tongue out]. Dindy: That I'm not the biggest idiot in this relationship. Girl: [Angry] Stupid boy............. :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 46.
10 Nov 2016 | 17:55
JOKE PART 46 BY DINDY Mum: Dindy go water the plant at the backyard. Dindy: Ok mum. :___ :____ 2 minutes later light goes off. :____ :____ Mum: Who switched off the generator? let me go check it out. :___ :____ Dindy's mum gets to the backyard. :___ :____ Mum: Oh my gosh!!, Dindy!, what are you doing?. Dindy: I'm watering the plant like you told me to. Mum: No!! i meant the flowers not the generator!!........... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 47.
11 Nov 2016 | 19:07
JOKE PART 47 BY DINDY Girl: What will you do, if you were asked to go naked in front of me or die?. Dindy: I won't go naked. Girl: What!?. Girl: So you prefer death?. Dindy: No, I won't die. Girl: [-_-] Then what will you be doing?. Dindy: I will simply be absent. Girl: [Angry] I hate you!!!...... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 48.
12 Nov 2016 | 17:27
JOKE PART 48 BY DINDY Girl: What are the things that stand between you and complete happiness. Dindy: You guess. Girl: Ok, work?. Dindy: No. Girl: Money?. Dindy: No. Girl: Life?. Dindy: No. Girl: Family?. Dindy: No. Girl: Then what is it? Dindy: Your face............. :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 49.
13 Nov 2016 | 17:57
JOKE BY DINDY With the way some girls are growing stretch marks will think they use it to peel orange........ Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
14 Nov 2016 | 16:11
JOKE PART 49 BY DINDY Pastor: Your mum told me that you have a spiritual problem. Dindy: Ah! That's a pure lie, I don't have. Pastor: So you're saying your mum is lying?. Dindy: I don't know sir. Pastor: Ok, let me ask you a question and I pray you answer it right. Pastor: Standing at the gates of heaven and God asks you “Why should I let you in?”. Pastor: What would you reply?. Dindy: Will first kneel down and say. Dindy: Please daddy let me in, the WiFi connection is bad on earth. Dindy was flog 100 times and was given 1 year dry fasting..... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 50.
14 Nov 2016 | 17:56
JOKE PART 50 BY DINDY Girl: If you were going to die at midnight, what would you be doing at 11:45 pm?. Girl: Calling people?. Girl: Asking for forgiveness?. Girl: Going to church?. Girl: Praying to God?. Girl: Doing things you have never done before?. Dindy: Non. Girl: Then what?. Dindy: Checking my facebook updates....... :D :D . DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 51.
15 Nov 2016 | 17:49
JOKE PART 51 BY DINDY I and a girl were having a conversation, then she asked me a question. girl: If you were kissing me, what type of other things would you prefer to be done simultaneously?. Dindy: Hmmm I can't say it. Girl: Talk na Dindy. Dindy: It's too bad. Girl: C'mon man up. Dindy: Ok. Dindy: I would like to clean off your lipstick from my mouth, so that my girlfriend won't see it. :_____ Girl slaps Dindy and walks away. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 52.
16 Nov 2016 | 18:50
Lmao! @sommyangel
17 Nov 2016 | 01:06
Hahaha. Tanx @froshberry-2
17 Nov 2016 | 05:11
JOKE PART 52 BY DINDY Girl: If you had to pick an animal, which animal do you find the sexiest of all?. Dindy: Give me options. Girl: Ok. Girl: A zebra?. Girl: A Horse?. Girl: A Dog?. Girl: A Cat?. Girl: A Wolf?. Girl: A Snake?. Girl: A Donkey?. Dindy: Non. Girl: Then which animal?. Dindy: Your mum.......... :D :D. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 53.
17 Nov 2016 | 18:07
JOKE BY DINDY Girl: Where would you like being touched the most?. Dindy: Shit girl that question just turned me on. Girl: [Smiling] tell me jare. Dindy: I would like to be touched deep down my ear hole..... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
19 Nov 2016 | 16:38
JOKE BY DINDY Girl: Have you ever had a dream about being a lesbian?. Dindy: Yes I have. Dindy: But the weird thing was that I saw you and my street dog getting down... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
19 Nov 2016 | 16:50
JOKE PART 54 BY DINDY Girl:Which is the first region your eyes would wander to if you were to ever see me naked?. Dindy: Laughing and crying Girl: What's so funny?. Dindy: Laughs more harder still crying. Girl: What is it na?. Dindy: Laughing uncontrollably with more tears. Girl: What?. Dindy: You don't have anything that my eyes can see.......... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 55.
19 Nov 2016 | 19:21
JOKE BY DINDY :...... Girl: What is the naughtiest moment in your school days that you can remember?. :....... Dindy: I took my classwork home.... :........... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
21 Nov 2016 | 19:08
JOKE BY DINDY :........ Girl:What kind of things really makes you laugh?. :......... Dindy: Free WiFi from an unknown source........ :........ Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
21 Nov 2016 | 19:28
JOKE BY DINDY :............ Girl: If you could jump into a pool full of something, what would it be?. Dindy: My bed........ :.......... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
22 Nov 2016 | 15:41
JOKE BY DINDY :.............. Girl: What was the sweetest moment in your life?. Dindy: the day i saw you..... Girl: that's so sweet of you Dindy. Dindy: No! I mean, the day I saw you looking like a baboon after applying too much make-up...... :........... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
22 Nov 2016 | 16:22
JOKE PART 55 BY DINDY I and an Hausa girl were chatting, when this happened ..... Girl: Dindy Dindy: Yes dear Girl: I want to asked you a question fa. Dindy: Ok, cool go on. Girl: Do you think I can make you laugh fa?. Dindy: Yes. Girl: How?. Dindy: Pronounce PARAGRAPH. Girl: FARAGRAPH ............ :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 56.
23 Nov 2016 | 15:44
Lolz. @sommyangel
23 Nov 2016 | 16:07
JOKE BY DINDY :........ Girl: Wetin does really always make you laugh?. Dindy: Anytime you try speaking English..... :........ Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
24 Nov 2016 | 15:40
JOKE BY DINDY :........ Girl: Have you ever had a crush on an animated character?. Dindy: Yes. Girl: What character. Dindy: Dindy...... :.......... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
24 Nov 2016 | 16:05
JOKE PART 56 BY DINDY Girl: [Sniffs] oh!. Dindy: What is it?. Girl: It's nothing dear. Dindy: I insist, tell me what is wrong. Girl: I don't feel completely complete. :......... Dindy looks at her seriously. :......... Dindy: I think it's your dress. Girl: What happened to my dress?. Dindy: Your body............. :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 57. Watch out for my inspirational story coming up on Sunday "THE WHITE STALLION", don't miss out, invite your family and friends even enemies to read it, don't miss out. Dindy baby out :D
25 Nov 2016 | 18:00
JOKE PART 57 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy I really need you. Dindy: Really?. Girl: Yes I really need you here. Dindy: That was what a banker told me years ago and now I'm bankrupt. Dindy: Babe I ain't gonna be your ATM!........ :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 58.
26 Nov 2016 | 16:44
26 Nov 2016 | 17:30
27 Nov 2016 | 01:37
28 Nov 2016 | 15:27
JOKE BY DINDY :.......... Girl: What goes up and can never come down?. Dindy: A naked man standing in front of a naked woman........ :...... Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
28 Nov 2016 | 15:27
JOKE BY DINDY :.......... Girl: Dindy, you're just between dry and wet. Girl: I mean your jokes. Dindy: Girl, You're just between hell and fire. Dindy: I mean your life....... :........ Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
28 Nov 2016 | 15:51
JOKE PART 58 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy your jokes are so d*mn stupid and boring. . . Dindy bends his head down and shakes it. . . Girl: Are you hurt?. Dindy: No Girl: So why are you shaking your head?. Dindy: Because I pity the kind of joke I will make out of the express road marks on your face.......... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 59.
29 Nov 2016 | 15:47
JOKE PART 59 BY DINDY With the way things are moving ehn, witches would be picking initiation food like life is hard. Oga of witches: What should we use to initiate this Dindy of a boy?. Witch 1: Let's use one small crayfish. Witch 2: No, let's use one toothpick. Witch 3: No, let's use ground nut. Witch 4: No, let's use one plate of party rice. Oga of witches: [Looking at witch 4] Are you mad?. Oga of witches: In this Buhari reign? do you want him to think we give free rice? o_o ......... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 60.
3 Dec 2016 | 15:23
Lmao... @sommyangel
3 Dec 2016 | 15:31
Lol. Tanx @froshberry-2
5 Dec 2016 | 08:48
Welcome. @sommyangel..
5 Dec 2016 | 10:36
JOKE PART 60 BY DINDY That moment when you and your wife fights seriously, then she trys to annoy you, but she ends up getting annoyed. Wife: [Pointing at Dindy] I will deal with you. Dindy: Please shut up your dirty mouth. Wife: [Looking at Dindy] See this useless man. Dindy: [Looks at his wife] I'm looking at him. Wife: You're a son of a b*tch.......... :D :D. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 61.
5 Dec 2016 | 15:59
JOKE PART 61 BY DINDY :....... :....... Some girls are so funny....a girl chatted me up like :....... Girl: Hello human :....... And I will replied :....... Dindy: Hy plant :....... Then she ended up insulting and blocking me. like seriously, I thought we were studying biology...... :D :D :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 62.
6 Dec 2016 | 16:45
Lmao. @sommyangel
6 Dec 2016 | 16:57
JOKE PART 62 BY DINDY :....... :....... The night was sweet and cool . . Dindy was relaxing in his room with thoughts all up in his mind with a smile on his face. . . What ran through his mind was :...... "The day i will catch that conductor that ran away with my 20 naira change ehn, the things i will do to him. Ehn"...... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 63.
7 Dec 2016 | 15:16
The day I'd catch mine too. It'll be so so amusing to him in another way.
7 Dec 2016 | 15:31
8 Dec 2016 | 12:26
JOKE PART 63 BY DINDY Girl: You are too rude Dindy. Dindy: I know. Girl: No girl will ever marry you with such a character. Dindy: Good, how old are you?. Girl: 38. Dindy: Are you married yet?. Girl: No. Dindy: Don't you think you need a face surgery?. Girl: You are an idiot!..... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 64.
8 Dec 2016 | 15:09
JOKE BY DINDY :........ Girl: Your jokes are simply very not funny at all. Dindy: Only a stupid bee would see a flower and say it's not beautiful. Girl: What do you mean? Dindy: -_- you are a bee..... :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
9 Dec 2016 | 16:10
JOKE BY DINDY :........ The problem is not owning an iPhone 7 :........ :........ The problem starts when you discover that owning one lung and kidney would never be enough for your health and long life..... :....... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
9 Dec 2016 | 16:17
JOKE PART 64 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy guess what?. Dindy: What. Girl: Guess na. Dindy: I just did. Girl: How?. Dindy: You told me to guess what and i said "what". Girl: You are such a fool... :D :D Like seriously what did I say wrong? o_o DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 65.
10 Dec 2016 | 11:09
10 Dec 2016 | 11:19
JOKE PART 65 BY DINDY Injustice is not when you take her out then buy her gold and diamond and yet she refuses to sleep with you. . . . Injustice is when she introduce you to her family as "just a friend". My brother that is pure wickedness....... In fact your case dey beer parlour........ :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 66.
11 Dec 2016 | 17:39
JOKE PART 66 BY DINDY Girl: Dindy you're too rude. Dindy: Thanks. Girl: Your jokes are very lame and not funny. Dindy: You are welcome. Girl: I can never laugh at your jokes. Dindy: -_- that's too bad. Girl: Why did you say that?. Dindy: Well that means the plastic surgery you did is melting...... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 67.
12 Dec 2016 | 13:14
JOKE PART 67 BY DINDY After three hours of dressing up and applying make-up :......... Girl: I don't feel complete. Dindy: [Confused] What?. Girl: Look at me. :........ :........ Dindy looks at her seriously. :....... :...... Girl: Don't you think something is missing?. Dindy: Yea i do. Girl: What is that?. Dindy: Plastic surgery......... :D :D *****Girl slaps Dindy**** DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 68.
13 Dec 2016 | 13:20
13 Dec 2016 | 13:58
JOKE PART 68 BY DINDY :............. Girl: Dindy guess what?. Dindy: What?. Girl: I just got a new iphone 7. Dindy: Sweet. Girl: Yea. Dindy: Wait. Dindy: what was sold?. Dindy: liver, lungs or kidney or virginity? .... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 69.
14 Dec 2016 | 16:54
JOKE BY DINDY :....... Girl: Dindy my dad bought me a new car. Dindy: Really?. Girl: Yes. Dindy: Oh gosh, i need a holiday. Girl: For what?. Dindy: -_- From your lies..... :....... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
15 Dec 2016 | 15:39
JOKE BY DINDY :........ ***Dindy orders for a large quantity of food**** :....... Girl: Jesus Christ, Dindy you eat too much :.. Dindy: I don't eat too much o :... Dindy: I'm just hungry... :...... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
15 Dec 2016 | 16:15
JOKE PART 69 BY DINDY Dindy was making noise in class while his teacher was teaching. The teacher saw him and got angry. Teacher: You naughty boy Dindy: Yes ma Teacher: [Angry] Dindy stand up!. :...... Dindy stands up slowly. :...... Teacher: I'm going to ask you a question and if you fail it, I will give you twenty four strokes of the Cain and you will be sent out of my class, non sense!. Teacher: Now Dindy explain the features of a famer. Dindy: Your real daddy......... :D :D :...... Dindy was expelled from school...... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 70.
16 Dec 2016 | 17:31
JOKE PART 70 BY DINDY . Teacher: Dindy, you naughty boy stand up!. :....... Dindy stands up. :....... Teacher: I have told you severally not to interrupt me when I talk. Dindy: I'm sorry sir. Teacher: Shut up!. Teacher: Now anything I say, reply "Me". Teacher: Who's mum and dad gave birth to a child with no future and is standing up right now. :...... Dindy smiles wickedly then replies :...... Dindy: You sir!...... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 71.
17 Dec 2016 | 17:08
JOKE BY DINDY PART 71 One lovely evening Dindy was diving to a show and he was late, suddenly he got stuck in traffic, so he decided to drive on the walkway to get to the show on time. As he drove along the walkway a man who was walking on the walkway saw him coming. As the man saw Dindy's car coming from behind, he got angry because the walkway was made for legs not tyres. Man: [Angry] Oga where you dey run go!, you see road here!!!??. Dindy: I dey go Your grave!, you better commot for my front before I send you to your family meeting ground. Man: [Angry] Do you know who I am!?. Dindy: Oga I no know you o, but if you no leave there ehn. Dindy: The slap way I go give you ehn go cripple your memory ....... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 72.
18 Dec 2016 | 10:07
18 Dec 2016 | 11:33
JOKE PART 72 BY DINDY Teacher: What do you call a female lion?. Pupils: Aunty I!, aunty I, aunty I. Teacher: James. James: lioness. Teacher: Good. Teacher: what do you call a female chicken?. Pupils: Aunty I!, aunty I, aunty I. Teacher: Linda Linda: Hen. Teacher: Good. Teacher: what do you call a female elephant?. Pupils: Aunty I!, aunty I, aunty I. Teacher: Dindy. Dindy: The head mistress!!........ :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 73.
19 Dec 2016 | 16:39
19 Dec 2016 | 17:21
JOKE PART 73 BY DINDY It was a Friday evening Dindy went to buy something in a super market. After he had picked what he wanted, he went to the counter to pay for what he bought. Suddenly from no where the head pastor of his church came and met him there. Dindy: [shocked] Good evening sir. Pastor: Good evening my son. Pastor: What did you come to buy here?. :....... Dindy looks up thinking of a lie. :....... Dindy: I came to buy juice. Pastor: Ok, what's that thing you're holding?. Dindy: [Confused ] m sir, it is m. :...... Pastor pulls it out of Dindy's hand :...... Pastor: Jesus Christ!, what is this!?, Pastor: Condom! Dindy!, what are you doing with condom!? Dindy: Pastor it's not for me o. Dindy: It is for my house Dog..... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 74.
20 Dec 2016 | 17:11
20 Dec 2016 | 17:27
JOKE PART 74 BY DINDY :...... Dindy breathing heavily :...... Girl: Dindy I say you can do this!. Dindy: Yes I can!. Girl: You are a man!. Dindy: Yes I am!. :....... Dindy jumps up and down. :....... Dindy: [Shaking body] Yes I can do this!. :...... Dindy runs around the compound for five minutes. :...... Then comes back breathing heavily. :...... Girl: Are you ready now?. Dindy: [Breathes heavily] Yes now I'm ready!. Girl: Now take that broom and kill that cockroach!!!........ :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 75.
21 Dec 2016 | 16:13
21 Dec 2016 | 16:50
JOKE PART 75 BY DINDY Girl: If I were to kiss you surprisingly, what will you do?. Girl: Will you faint?. Dindy: No. Girl: Will you run away?. Dindy: No. Girl: Will you be shocked?. Dindy: No. Girl: Will you kiss me back?. Dindy: No. Girl: [Angry] Then what will you do?. Dindy: Fall under anointing........ :D :D. DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 76.
22 Dec 2016 | 16:30
JOKE PART 76 BY DINDY Dindy: Abeg waiter give me rice 70, beans 100, plantain 60, egg 100, bread 100, moi moi 150 with one bottle of kaikai. :...... Girl: What dah f*ck!. :.... Girl: You eat too much. :..... Dindy: I don't. :.... Dindy: I'm trying to loose weight..... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 77.
23 Dec 2016 | 17:39
JOKE PART 77 BY DINDY You will never know how scary your name is until you go for an HIV test and the doctor calls your name. :....... Doctor: Who is Dindy here?. ***Dindy says nothing*** :..... ****The man sitting beside Dindy looks at him***** :..... Man: Are you not Dindy?. Dindy: I'm not sure that's my name...... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 78.
24 Dec 2016 | 16:29
JOKE PART 78 BY DINDY :...... You will never know how terrifying your name is until your mum catches you stealing meat from her pot and she calls your name. :...... Mum: Dindy!. Mum: What do you think you're doing?. :...... ***Dindy gets confused with meat in his hand*** :...... Dindy: I am looking for plate.... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 79.
25 Dec 2016 | 13:55
JOKE BY DINDY :....... The problem as a pastor is not when all your members join MMM. :...... :...... The problem starts when all your members has deposited all their money into MMM and MMM says they are on break........... Long break ni, short break ko. My dear pastor the devil has stolen your glory....... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
26 Dec 2016 | 12:09
JOKE BY DINDY :......... Girl: What is one stupid and crazy thing you did and will never do again?. Dindy: Ask for your number. Dindy: I ain't gonna do that crazy sh*t ever again!!!............ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
26 Dec 2016 | 12:09
JOKE BY DINDY :......... Faith: What happened the last time you cried?. Dindy: I lost my money. Faith: How much. Dindy: 20 naira............ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
27 Dec 2016 | 17:03
JOKE BY DINDY :........ Faith: Do you have any allergy? Dindy: I'm not sure. Dindy: But I tent to spend all my money when you come close to me........... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
27 Dec 2016 | 17:04
JOKE PART 79 BY DINDY James: Hello. Dindy: How are you? :D. James: Are you Dindy?. Dindy: Yes I am. James: I wanna tell you something. Dindy: Please do :D. James: Your jokes are lame. Dindy: God bless you. James: They are what i call hard-dry jokes. Dindy: Thank you. Dindy: I think I lost something. James: What is that?. Dindy: Your senses....... :D :D DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 80.
28 Dec 2016 | 15:57
JOKE BY DINDY :...... Dindy. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you?. Faith: That I found something that belongs to you. Dindy: What is that?. Faith: your senses........ :..... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
29 Dec 2016 | 16:12
JOKE BY DINDY :....... Faith: What’s been your favorite age so far?. Dindy: Sperm stage. Faith: Why. Dindy: Because That was the last time I won a million people in one race........ :...... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
29 Dec 2016 | 16:13
JOKE BY DINDY :......... Faith: Who are you closest to in your family?. Dindy: My uncle. Faith: Why. Dindy: Free WI-FI........ :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
30 Dec 2016 | 15:28
JOKE BY DINDY :......... Faith: If you had one day left to live, what would you do?. Dindy: I would Look for the gala seller that ran away with my 50 naira change....... :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
30 Dec 2016 | 15:29
JOKE BY DINDY :......... Faith: What is that thing you have never done that you have always wanted to do?. Dindy: Digging. Girl: Why haven’t you done it yet?. Dindy: Because it is in a grave yield.... :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
31 Dec 2016 | 09:36
JOKE BY DINDY :........ Faith: When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?. Dindy: A fish........ :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
31 Dec 2016 | 09:36
JOKE BY DINDY :....... Doctor: Have you ever had any serious accident?. . Dindy: Yes. . Doctor: What is it?. . Dindy: Reading by accident....... DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 JOKE BY DINDY :..... Girl: If money didn’t matter, what would your dream job be?. Dindy: Sleeping.......... :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
2 Jan 2017 | 08:08
JOKE BY DINDY :....... Faith: What was the saddest event of your life?. Dindy: The day I met a boy. Faith: Who was he?. Dindy: A gala seller Dindy: He ran away with my 50 naira change.......... :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 JOKE BY DINDY :....... Interviewer: why did you change career paths?. Dindy: Because i found out the truth. Interviewer: What truth?. Dindy: About the career. Interviewer: What career is that?. Dindy: Playing draft............ :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
3 Jan 2017 | 10:52
3 Jan 2017 | 11:07
JOKE BY DINDY :...... Nelly: Have you ever had any regrets?. Dindy:Yes. Nelly: What was it?. Dindy: I gave a beggar 10 naira and he didn't give me change......... :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 :..... :..... JOKE BY DINDY :...... Interviewer: How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations in the office?. Dindy: I do what I do best sir. Interviewer: [Smiles] which is?. Dindy: Shut down the computer and sleep........ :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433
7 Jan 2017 | 14:37
JOKE PART 80 BY DINDY Faith: Let's play a game. Dindy: Cool, what game?. Faith: T (truth) and D (dare). Dindy: Nice. Faith: You go first. Dindy: I choose T. Faith: Have you ever broken a law?. Dindy: Yes. Faith: What law. Dindy: Law of gravity............ :........ DINDY WROTE THIS Facebook username: Ossy Andy Nnamdi Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Watch out for part 81.
9 Jan 2017 | 17:04
Daniella: what is one law you’d love to break? Dindy: Law of gravity. Daniella: How would you do that?. Dindy: I would jump off a cliff. Daniella: Why haven't you done it? Dindy: Because I'm still with my senses...... :D :D :D . . for more of my jokes new and old ones kindly join my whatsapp group . .
29 Jan 2017 | 10:02
8 Feb 2017 | 02:42
funny lol
8 Feb 2017 | 11:44


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