I have a lot of comical titles, lemme tell you just few of my titles. Nontex the chairboy, the minister of pawpaw and banana part 1&2, bishop of 4.5 billion congregation, the importer of happiness, the exporter of joy and more. Talking about joy and happiness, only God can give it all when you put your trust in him. Before we move to the joke lemme explain the part 1&2 of the pawpaw and banana. Part 1 means that God has blessed men with women and some of those important special parts of their bodies. Part 2 means that people should enjoy all kinds of fruits, pawpaw, banana, orange, pineapple and more.........NOW LETS GO TO THE JOKE........After their morning devotion, mrs charles told mr charles to conclude the morning devotion with a closing prayer. Mr charles began, dear heavenly father, king of glory and Lord of lords. I thank you for all the blessings, joy, happiness, peace, mercy, and goodness that you have brought into my life. Before he could continue with the prayers, mrs charles became jealous and shouted, "so you have been sexting all these girls, you have been cheating on me". Before mr charles could explain, his jealous wife has started packing her cloths. Since yesterday, their neighbours and mr charles has been begging mrs charles to stay and continue with the marriage............Lol.