Intermission Season 3

Intermission Season 3

By DRIZZLE in 1 Nov 2016 | 15:53


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Copyright© 2016

[color =red]Genre: [/color] Romance/Love Thriller
100% absent of erotic contents

That you were allowed to copy/repost the last seasons on your blog, pages and vice versa does not guarantee
automatic access to this season.

[color =red]Notice:[/color]Please, i plead with everyone, avoid the temptation of reposting this story else i will have no choice than to stop posting. Thanks

“My name is Ben Derrick”
”You don’t look like him and will never look like him”
“But we are already friends, the best of friends for that matter”
“I want you to tell me more about yourself”
“You like visiting people like your friends?”
“Believe me, you are the only one that makes me happy and that is why I always want to be with you”
“: Coming to your father now is not a good idea, moreover, you still have to further your education after secondary school and so will I. So, there is no need visiting your parents now, we only have to know each other better and that is what matters or are you in a hurry to get marry?”
“My father is one of the influential personnel in this country; the incumbent senate representing our constituent and I have everything I need”
“I want a place where I will influence little children, bring them up in the best way and help them in mathematic as it is becoming the highest challenge this country’s education system is facing”
“Yes, I will be your girlfriend”
“I don’t want to be under any man but I want to get pregnant and raise the child by myself and the father will not have anything to do with the child when he/she grow up”
“: it is the weirdest thing to say but since we become friends, I have begun to develop a very strong feeling for...”
“: I don’t really care about disgrace or anybody, all I care is you. You may think that my misfortune is responsible for me bringing myself low before you but I don’t care because I am following my heart”
“I always want to surprise you”
“You shouldn’t have done that Ben”
“You don’t have to trust anybody or else, they will send you into your greatest regret of trust in your entire life. Just watch and see, you can go for now but remember that I will not stop fighting for your love”
“I know that you will be because you brought me here to contract this”
“I have been seeing her with him frequently. She was always in his office, in her car and the way she acts when the teacher is in the class shows everything”
“That is very strange because I don’t think you will call me that on a normal day, maybe you are having some poignant exertions; can you tell me about it?”
“Did you portend that you don’t tru...trus... trust me?”
“: I know that she will go immediately you are okay but I pray that your sickness will not heal so soon, I mean, you will continue to be sick for two three years. I don’t even want you not to sick again, just keep on with your sickness but don’t die because I know that if you die now, she will not be here to cook of us”
“So you now have the guts to ask me stupid questions. You are asking me what brought me here, have you forgotten that I was assigned to look after you? To provide you with everything that you needed? You seemed to have changed a lot; I have done everything in my power to bring you to the right part but all my efforts were now all in vain”
“Why are you calling me, am I indebted to you?”
“I never knew that you are such a fool when your uncle told me to extract money from you but you fell for my first trick. Thank God that I never had sex with you. You are just a capital fool, I thought that your friends are even stubborn but they are even more foolish than you. But I want to tell you that the mastermind behind everything was your uncle, your own blood. I think it is the time the truth is revealed; I never loved you but was playing according to your uncle’s instruction. Thank you for all your love and attention and may God grant you the zeal and strength to bear the pain of heartbreak”
“What, what are you trying to say. Don’t tell me that you are truly responsible for her pregnancy”
“You have to change your decision Ben. He loves you and has a reason for doing everything he does”
“You know, everything seemed complicated and disgusting and telling you that will subsequently raise your spirit leading to unexpected demand from you which will in turn bring about suspicion from people”
“If you don’t return within six months, I won’t have any other choice than to find you where ever you are”
“You are sleeping with two sisters, twin for that matter. Do you know what that will cause between them if they find out that you are sleeping with both of them?”
“I want you to leave this house and never return”
“Maybe you should check the trending news on twitter and tell me if you can explain. Idiot”
“Is it because I gave myself to you willing that make you think that I don’t know what I wants or who I love?”
“And what did I do? I am responsible for what happened? That she caught me with her sister”
“Okay mum. The truth is that I don’t love any girl as for now”
“I think you guys are really getting together”
“He will not do anything and could sleep anywhere he like either on the street, in the guess house or rather the unused gateman quarter”
“I am leaving”
“I told you that you are an idiot but you think that i am joking. How could you tell me that you are in town?”
“Why did you bring me here when you cannot even reply my greeting?”
“I didn’t reply because there is nothing good about this evening”
“There is nothing like love. Everything is just infatuation; who delights your sight”
“My name is Lady”
“My name is Kelvin but my mum calls me Kay”
“We timed our movement and hit at the right time and at the right area”
“I know that you censure your uncle but i don’t think you have to do that; you only have to blame me. I have been hiding this from you but i think i have to let you know now; i want to change, you can do me anything. Your uncle loved you; i was the one that was blackmailing him”
“I am B-X”

source [size =35]Here[/size]
1 Nov 2016 | 15:53
Wow...The season 3 is out! @mercy1 @vivian8 @hi-bee-kay @oluwaferanmi @emergencia @hormortiyor Over to you dudes and divas.
1 Nov 2016 | 16:18
Episode 1 I ogled at the car solicitously, circumventing the gape of Frank who was striving for every potential means to initiate a conversation. After listening to what Tracy had to say, i had irately picked up my car key and hurried out of the house. Frank found his way into the car before i was even able to get to the car. I gave him a quick homicidal glance before focusing on the road. FRANK: please dude, it is not what you are thinking; it is just some form of malformation. You know that I will never do such thing, not when knowing too well that she was your girl then*he pleaded* I simply glanced at him without uttering any word. My mind was totally made up and there was no way the relationship could work out; not any more. Keeping secrets in any relationship is not the real problem but keeping an important thing away from your partner is very disastrous to the relationship. FRANK: i know how you feel right now Ben but you have to listen to me*he appealed* ME: you don’t know how i feel right now traitor because if you do, you would have gotten yourself out of this car * i shouted* FRANK: you are taking this too far man. For God’s sake, you should please give me a chance to explain. All that I said there were just means to achieve an end. I don’t mean everything that I said out there but I can’t watch a girl threaten me ME: What are you trying to justify man? Everything you said about what happened between both of you corresponded with her own sides of the story and you are trying to deny an unadorned truth? Or are you now regretting your misdemeanor? *I questioned lividly* FRANK: Oh my God! What on earth are you trying to insinuate? *He asked* ME: What I am trying to insinuate is that you should please keep your mouth shut and allow me to concentrate on the road. I know that you are having another bad thing in mind but please, I want to reach home alive *I responded* He kept on blabbing notwithstanding my adamant to listen. I drove into their compound and ordered him out of the car. He hesitated for some seconds before getting out. The bad feelings i had were intense, I felt like my world was crumbling; the only one that I intended to trust turning out to be the worst traitor I have ever had. The worst being that Frank could not tell me about it even after our breakup I drove into the compound recklessly and rushed inside, avoiding Kay who was tremendously stunned at my unexpected revolutionize of character. I got into my room to behold Anna sited on my bed in only her under wears. Her reluctant smiles infuriated me, enhancing my anger. ME: What are you doing here? *i shouted angrily* ANNA: I am here to see you *She smiled seductively* ME: Look Anna, you have to go now, i am not in the mood of this now *i with calm but angry tune* ANNA: What is the problem? *she asked with concern, standing up on the bed* are you okay?* she added with her gaze firmly fixed on my phizog* ME: Do I look okay? Please Anna, I am not in the mood for any question now* I replied* ANNA: What is it Ben? You can confide in me please * she pleaded* I shook my head in frustration; my head running thousands of thoughts without comprehending any. Telling her about my best friend’s affair with my ex-girlfriend was not the real predicament but explaining everything in detail to her will be appalling as it will reveal my real plan toward her husband. Being desperate will subsequently lead her to a wrong part so as to help me and I don’t want to involve anyone in my now aborted quest ME: please, you have to leave right now*I pleaded calmly* ANNA: I entrusted you with my entire secrets and instead of involving me in your life, you are sending me out of your room? *she asked as tears began to trip down from her eyes* ME: get out! *I shouted angrily without thinking* She climbed down from the bed slowly and began to walk toward me; my eyes drifted off from her, searching the room for her material. I quickly picked them up and pushed her out of my room as she was too reluctant to leave. ME: please don’t return back again and consider everything that we shared over *I said as she stood by the door in her under wears* What I said obviously surprised and infuriated her as she rushed to me and landed me two successive slaps on my either cheeks but that never bothered with tears drooling down her cheeks. ANNA: I loved you Ben; I have sacrificed a lot for you and after having your way with me to your satisfaction, you decided to pay me back with this because you have discovered another rich cheap slut that will spend more than I did for you? *she sobbed. As she hit me on chest* I wondered how she got to know that I had another girl but it occurred to me that Timmy would have happily told her about it not knowing that he was setting up unstoppable fire. It was obvious that I have being too daft not think about that ME: Look Anna, all the things we have being doing are extremely crazy and perilous. You are my uncle’s wife to be crying out loud and he could do the unthinkable if he mistakenly finds out about us *I tried to explain though knowing too well that that does not matter at that moment. I began to regret shouting at her initially rather than explaining things to her amicably.* ANNA: You know since that everything we have being doing are very crazy but you accepted the deal *she shouted* ME: I accepted the deal because you gave me no choice, moreover, you haven’t fulfilled your own part of the deal *I retorted* ANNA: I haven’t fulfilled my own part of the deal because you never asked. I am always ready to fulfill my part of the deal ME: Fulfilling your own part of the deal does not make any sense because the deal is all for your own interest. I never asked you for anything because I needed nothing from you. All I did was to make you happy and I have now discovered that I have being trailing a very dangerous part and I can’t continue with that *I explained* ANNA: You think that I don’t know you? *she shouted* I know that you are nothing but a heartless playboy; a monster *she screeched* I know you more than yourself Ben. You dated Evelyn after dumping Tracy because you have gotten enough from her. You accepted me after dumping Evelyn and now you want to dump me because you have found an old fool to manipulate like you did to me. But I want to assure you that you have reached your cross road; I am your last point because I am not letting go of you no matter what. “She threatened* ME: Believe me Anna; I never dumped anybody neither am I a play boy. I am just the bad guy who is trying to do the right things. All that I am doing is for your own good. I want you to concentrate with your husband and forget about all these crazy things. You are still young to care much for sex than love ANNA: Either if what I do is crazy or being too young to care much for sex is none of your business; it is my life and my body. Moreover, I am not craving for sex but to be with whom my heart yearns for. *She replied nonchalantly* ME: whatever. This relationship is good as dead *I replied unflappably* ANNA: Really! *she laughed wickedly *don’t worry, when your uncle get to know that you have being sleeping with his wife, you will know what it takes to mass with the wrong person *She threatened and stormed out of the room* All these while, I never thought that Timmy might have returned and have being eavesdropping our conversation.
1 Nov 2016 | 16:27
Ben be careful
1 Nov 2016 | 16:55
Wow!! Finally finally, the imaginary questions would be answered. Seated... Don't keep us waiting
1 Nov 2016 | 17:04
Abeg make one show sharp sharp @frankkay @froshberry-2 @victoriouschild @jummybabe and others
1 Nov 2016 | 17:10
Thanks for the beeps. @froshberry-2.
1 Nov 2016 | 17:23
1 Nov 2016 | 17:26
1 Nov 2016 | 17:57
@timothy thanks for the tag @starlet u are wlc back
1 Nov 2016 | 19:32
Thanks @sirtims
1 Nov 2016 | 20:12
1 Nov 2016 | 20:30
You're welcome.
1 Nov 2016 | 20:41
Keep on rolling
1 Nov 2016 | 22:22
2 Nov 2016 | 02:59
nxt pls
2 Nov 2016 | 04:34
Thanks dear @froshberry-2
2 Nov 2016 | 06:21
2 Nov 2016 | 07:07
tnx u came first today @froshberry-2 lolz
2 Nov 2016 | 07:09
Ben u really have to be careful
2 Nov 2016 | 10:55
2 Nov 2016 | 14:52
You're welcome @mercy1 Abi o @vivian8
2 Nov 2016 | 14:56
3 Nov 2016 | 09:46
4 Nov 2016 | 04:39
Followin' keenly...
4 Nov 2016 | 04:49
now the season 3 is here, following jejely
4 Nov 2016 | 11:44
EPISODE 2 I slumped on my bed with my mind racing with resentment, trepidation and regret. It pained me watching her leave but I believed that it was the right call to reshape my life. I placed my palms on my forehead as I tried to calm myself; her treats still ringing bell in my ears. Knowing that doubting her will be the most imprudent thing to do, I couldn’t help but think of what the outcome of everything might be. It dawned on me that everything comes with prices; either for good or bad. But mine was more than bad; I could feel as setback and adversity loom around me but there was nothing I could to stop it. I felt awfully feeble and petrified; my nastiest outlandish being my doings hounding those that I cared for. Then I remembered Kay; I couldn’t imagine what might be going on in his mind at that moment. I contemplated on going to meet him but decided against as I was not in the normal state of mind and I don’t want to risk transferring aggression to him. My worst fear was scaring him away from me thereby putting my major aim of helping into jeopardy. The worst problem in any relation is losing each other’s trust and I don’t dream of that with him. “God help me” I prayed hoping that God will find a place in his heart and answer my prayer because I knew that my prayer will not exceed my doorstep. I stood up and headed to the door but on a second thought, I returned to my bed. I had to bath but that was not in my schedule at that moment. My only memo being my thought which was not yielding any meaningful solution My phone rang but it aborted before my weak hand could reach for it. I picked the phone but before I could unlock it, Frank’s call came in again. I glanced at the phone for some seconds before aborting the call and blacklisted his two phone numbers. I felt bad that things turned out like that between us but I had no choice though I felt that I took it too far; reason being that I was no longer in any relationship with Tracy, though that was sincerely complicated because I still had feelings for her despite our pasts. I don’t know why but my only reason was that she was my first love Another call came into my phone and I wondered if it was still Frank but to my greatest relieve; it was from Tracy. I hesitated before picking the call ME: Any problem? *I asked immediately the line connected* TRACY: I am sorry for calling but I couldn’t help but wonder if you reached home safely *She replied calmly* ME: I think that you don’t have to worry about me Tracy, there is no need caring about my wellbeing because that is completely extraneous and I will appreciate if this be the last time you will dial my number *I replied* TRACY: I don’t know what to say Ben but I will be grateful if you give me a benefit of doubt on this. I am not asking for any relationship or friendship but I want to correct everything that I have done and it will be my greatest joy if you grant me this wish *She insisted* I shook my head sadly amidst confusion, trying to fathom where she was driving at because the Tracy I knew must have another important agenda when trying to do something. But my state of mind was not helping matter as trying to stretch my brain further would have caused me brain damage ME: You did not wrong to me Tracy and I have nothing bad against you. I might have before but not again. I want to be left alone now please, I really want to be alone *I pleaded as I lacked words to express the little that my mind could comprehend* TRACY: I know you Ben; I know how you feel right now and I know that you are trying to avoid me by all means but trust me on this; I am real. I know that it will be very hard to believe after our ugly past but those days are behind us now and moving forward toward building something nice is my sole priority *She responded* I could feel it, the little that my brain could comprehend. I could guess where she was driving at; build a future. Making a life misery is one thing and trying to escalate its gloom is another strange and hard thing exclusively. I felt sad, sad that Tracy was still knocking around in my life without getting tired. Good or bad? That does not really matter but something was wrong, wrong with me and I could not place my finger on it. All that I felt around her was total weakness which was perfectly stranger and saddening for me ME: Well Tracy, you requested that we should neither be friends nor lovers but you are now insinuating that we should build a future. Are you having any allusion that I am naïve or something worst than that? *I asked sadly* TRACY: No, not at all *She stammered* I mean, I simply want to make some things right to avoid being hunted in the future. I know that my life had being extremely disgusting but the future is what I want to change *She explained* ME: You can rebuild your life yourself and that must not involve me. Moreover, you lived your past life yourself without involving me and trying to build your future presently does not have to involve me if you are not having any other motive in mind *I replied* TRACY: Truthfully, I have no other motive. I just want to be relieved when thinking about you, I want you to see me as a changed person and not the old Tracy *She persevered* ME: There is nothing you can do to utter what I feel about you right now. Trying to do anything will rather damage what I have for you. The only thing that I have ever wanted from you is honesty and what you did have covered that and I will not ask for anything more. I am really cool with you but no feelings attached *I replied trying as much as possible to defect from her plan* TRACY: I know that but………… please can we talk later? *she asked* ME: No, I am seriously occupied and I don’t know when I will be chanced *I lied* TRACY: Okay but try to ping me as soon as you are free *She requested and I hung the call without replying* ______
6 Nov 2016 | 07:30
Waiting for the "16".
6 Nov 2016 | 07:33
EPISODE 3 I drove into town and headed to Lady’s resident and glanced at her house from distance with its gate completely locked. It was then it occurred to me that my racing mind had turned me to a fool without having the thought that she might be at work. Without thinking, I revised the car and headed for her office I entered into the spacious compound of the company which looked endless and luckily, I was able to scale through the securities at ease. I headed for the elevator as I entered into the hall and in no time, I was at her office floor. I ME: Please, is your madam in? *I asked her secretary who was arranging some files on her desk* SECRETARY: Do you have an appointment with her? *She asked suspiciously* because she is not expecting any visitor today again. As you can see, I am already rounding up for today’s work; so, why do you want to see her? *she added* ME: You are right; she is not assigned to see anyone today again but believe me, she will be very delighted to meet me today *I replied calmly* SECRETARY: What is your name? *She asked as she punched into the office land phone* ME: Dan, just tell her that it is Dan *I replied with my reason well known to me* SECRETARY: I am very sorry for wasting much of your time but she insists that she know no one with that name but you can go in, she want to know what you want. *She said to me suspiciously after a long conversation with her boss* ME: Thank you very much *I forced a smile* I got into the office to meet her backing me while she swung slowly on her seat. I couldn’t help but marveled at the sophistication of her office LADY: Who are you and why do you want to see me by this hour of work? *She asked without turning back* My gaze kept wandering around the office without giving her a reply. I glanced at my wrist watch and yawned as the time seemed to had triggered hunger in me LADY: I can see that my unannounced visitor is dumb or rather deaf *She muttered calmly* I smiled, taking slow steps toward her. I placed my hands on her desk and leaned forward to peck her ear ME: Someone you will like to see *I whispered into her ear while she turned swiftly* LADY: Oh my God, what are you doing here? *she gasped in surprise* ME: What am I doing here? I came to see you of cause *I replied* LADY: You shouldn’t have come here; it is not right for you to be here *She replied, surprising me* ME: Fine, then I has to go because I am not welcomed here *I replied angrily* LADY: Wait *she called as I made to leave* I am sorry how I sounded but try to understand. This is an office and any romance related activities are never entertained here. Do you know what my fate would have being if not that I am already closing for work and the camera in this office is already off till I am gone? Even being the manager of this company does not place me as its owner *She explained* ME: It is okay but I really have to go… *I replied* LADY: Wait, I will make it up to you. Just give me some seconds to round up my work and we can go on a dinner date *She requested* ME: Well then, I will wait for you in my car *I replied* I waved at the receptionist who stared at me suspiciously without giving any reply. Not that I really cared though she was beautiful. I sat in my car with earphones plugged to my ears while I nodded to the low tune music which it brought forth, unconscious of anything else. I looked through the glass to see a figure standing closer. I hurriedly unplugged my earphone and reduced the glass. I froze as I behold Lady’s secretary standing beside my car SECRETARY: Hey, I have being knocking on your glass for the past five minutes but your earphone seemed to had obstructed your sense of hearing *She said* ME: Anything the problem? *I asked not knowing her intention* SECRETARY: No, there is no problem, I just want to say hi *She replied with smile* ME: Okay then *I replied uninterestedly* The least I expected at that moment was conversation with a total stranger SECRETARY: Well, my name is Nick *She introduced* ME: I am Ben *I replied not remembering that I had used a fake identity some minutes ago* NICK: Ben, I hope that you told me that your name was Dan? *She asked surprisingly* ME: Yeah, Ben, Dan, all the same. Dan is my family name and most people know me by that but Ben is my name when speaking with beautiful girls like you *I defended and giggled at what I just said* NICK: Really? *She smiled sheepishly* ME: Of course you are really beautiful. Can I have your phone number? *I requested* NICK: Sure, let me have yours rather. *She replied while I called out the number for her* LADY: What are you doing with my cousin? *I heard her shouted angrily* NICK: Erm, I am sorry, I was just……. ME: I got lost while trying to find my way out; you know, this company is too large and luckily for me, I met her coming out and I asked for her help *I chipped in knowing well that her current phizog meant nothing but a sack letter for the frightened lady* By the way, what took you so long, you are supposed to be out before your secretary *I added* LADY: I am sorry for keeping you waiting, I have to attend to some things in some departments *She apologized* we have to go now *She noted and glanced at Nick who was already entering her car with her eyes still on us* About An hour earlier I sighed as I dropped Tracy’s call, contemplating on what my life was turning into. Knowing that it was not heading to anything good, I wondered how it will all end, if it will truly end. A knock came on my door causing me to leap with fright, thinking that it was Timmy. My conscience was skirmishing me, not knowing if I will be able to stand Timmy. ME: Come in *I said loudly, trying to compose myself* To my utmost respite, Kay walked in bearing a concern filled phizog which made me to look away. My bad side was hunting me and putting me to the sword, making me feel that everyone is an enemy. KAY: I am sorry for coming here but I couldn’t help it. I want to know if you are okay *He said calmly* ME: Yeah, I am perfect, I am really okay. I am just trying to……. *I stammered, trying to come up with a story but he interrupted me* KAY: You are not okay please. Your face, eyes and your words says otherwise. I have known you for a very short period but you are one of the most confident people I have ever met; not even your uncle can be as clam as you and stuttering is the last thing to ever come from you no matter what. I don’t want to ask about what is wrong but no matter what it is, always remember that you can surmount it. Just believe in yourself and find the spirit within you *He advised* I couldn’t believe that someone could still care for me. His words brightened my face and raised my spirit; I realized that his care needed to be repaid; I had to do everything in my power to retain his trust and loyalty. ME: Earnestly, I am very distressed right now but I don’t know how to explicate it. I beg you understand *I sighed* it is something I don’t know how to explain even if I try. *I explained* KAY: I know but if it has anything to do with your uncle’s wife, I will advise you be careful and inform him about it before it gets out of hand *He replied* ME: How do you know that it is anything relating to her? *I asked surprisingly* KAY: Don’t worry; I am neither stalking you nor eavesdropping on you. I saw how your uncle’s wife drove out of the house and subsequently your brother who looked tenser than I have ever seen and I get to conclude that some things are not right *He explained* His words thundered in my head, sweat gushing out of my body and drenching my clothes in a matter of seconds. I couldn’t believe what I just heard; Timmy driving out of the compound? That simply signified that he had being in the house all these while and subsequently heard everything that transpired between his wife and I. I wondered why I never noticed his present, car or even the car that Anna came with. But there was no way I could have noticed anything except my thoughts. KAY: What is it? What is happening to you? *I heard Kay asked* ME: Nothing, I mean, my brother drove out of this compound some minutes ago? *I asked confusedly* KAY: Yeah, he returned early in the morning. Anything the problem with that? *He asked* ME: No, I was just curious because I never noticed his present *I replied* KAY: I guess it was the result of your state of mind. Just try to calm yourself down to avoid expanding the problem. I have to go now *He replied* ME: Thanks Kay *I replied while he nodded* I sighed frustratingly, thinking of solution but the highest I could get was not convincing. Leaving the house was the best thing at that moment but I had nowhere to go; Evelyn was gone as well as Frank. I sprung from my sitting position and dashed into the bathroom. In no time, I was already dressed _______
6 Nov 2016 | 07:35
Okay, following keenly
6 Nov 2016 | 09:20
waitinq for the worst since Uncle Tim heard you quyz.
6 Nov 2016 | 19:34
next please!
7 Nov 2016 | 10:08
Welcm back man
7 Nov 2016 | 13:57
0 Likes here now
7 Nov 2016 | 14:04
hmmm..finally the long awaited intermission is here.
7 Nov 2016 | 14:15
ben i will advice u to let timmy knw wat happend btw two of u so that she wont tell him before u do...the earlier the better.
7 Nov 2016 | 14:18
i fear for you since you are trying to make things right you must surely face some challenges just tread carefully. next please
7 Nov 2016 | 14:18
Visit the lady via her office na.
7 Nov 2016 | 14:56
hmmmmmm Timmy heard it all
7 Nov 2016 | 15:35
7 Nov 2016 | 16:24
I advice u to leave the house before Timmy do something bad to u.
7 Nov 2016 | 16:43
so where are u going
7 Nov 2016 | 17:05
Ben be a man for once ..
7 Nov 2016 | 17:50
evenly can still accpt u
7 Nov 2016 | 18:21
Hmmm, things fall apart. That Ann is something else, coming to ur room when ur uncle is very much around!
7 Nov 2016 | 20:09
8 Nov 2016 | 00:24
That's bad! But try to think of a better solution. Leaving the house isn't the best solution
8 Nov 2016 | 05:53
8 Nov 2016 | 06:48
Yeah, if i were to be invited to dix case as a judge, Hmm......
8 Nov 2016 | 17:02
Oya nah.
10 Nov 2016 | 16:03
Neeeexxxttttt please..!!:yes:
18 Nov 2016 | 08:00
24 Nov 2016 | 10:20
Episode 4 LADY: So, what is it that you want to talk to me about? *She asked as we sat opposite each other in a restaurant* ME: Nothing, just pulling your leg. I came to spend the day with you but didn’t meet you at home and so decided to come to your office *I replied* LADY: That is very nice of you. I was equally thinking of paying you an unexpected visit since you failed to call for days *She replied disappointedly* ME: I am very sorry; I was very busy with my uncle’s errand and I owe you for that, that is why I decided to see you rather than call *I responded* LADY: That is very thoughtful of you. I had also being very busy for the past days but creating enough time for you will always be a priority. So, are you returning home now or you will be heading to somewhere else? *She asked* ME: Yeah, I will be heading to somewhere very special for you *I laughed* LADY: Naughty boy, remember that I am your senior sister *She joked* ME: Of course I will not forget that. A senior sister always take very good care of her brother and that is what you are doing now but with more passion *I teased* LADY: Common lets go, I don’t want to be tempted to do anything stupid here *She said and stood up* you know what I mean *She winked and grabbed my hand* ME: Everything around you is very beautiful; from yourself to your cars, house, dresses and your secretary *I joked as we walked out of the restaurant with my gaze fixed on her* The smile she had as I began my statement faded instantly at the mention of her secretary and I couldn’t help but smile. Making her jealous was my only aim because I had no interest in Nick whatsoever; my priority was ditching away all the girls in my life to start a new life but could that be possible? LADY: Don’t tell me that you are already crushing on her because I will crush her before she crushes what we shares *She replied angrily* ME: Of course not; I just want to know your reaction because of how you felt seeing us together *I replied* LADY: You want me to be happy seeing both of you together? Am I not a human with blood? *She responded angrily* ME: Calm down sweetheart, I don’t have anything for her and despite that she is beautiful like I said, I will not have anything with her because I love you and as her boss, doing that will make you lose your respect from her. *I explained* you seemed not to trust me when I said that I love you *I added* LADY: Not like that, I am only trying to protect what belongs to me. Do you want me to fold my hands and watch you being taken away from me? Do you want me to feel happy with that? That will only mean that I don’t care about you. *She defended* ME: Is okay; I just want you to believe me. *I said and kissed her hand* _ LADY: You look so calm and disturbed, anything the problem? *She asked as we lay naked under the bed sheet* It was one hell of sex night for me. Though I was distracted throughout, I managed to hide it and tried as much as possible to perform to her satisfaction as I had no emotion attached to it. ME: I don’t know how to tell you this but I just want to be alone for sometimes and sort out some things with my uncle. *I muttered* LADY: From the moment I saw you in my office, I knew that everything is not alright but you couldn’t tell me about it *She replied* ME: I am sorry but the problem is more than me to tell anyone. I just need some space to sort it out myself but believe me, it will take just a few days *I pleaded* I seriously needed enough time to sort myself out, even more than two weeks and telling her that I was having affair with my uncle’s wife will be my doom and I don’t want to pill more enemies; I wanted to end everything amicably to the benefit of everyone involved. LADY: Well, then; I don’t want to stop you since it is something very important but note that you have only few days. Not that I am happy about the new development but I have no choice. Everything I do for the past days, I kept your image involved. You might asked why I never bordered all these days for your present but knowing that you are out there and could meet you anytime is different from knowing that we cannot meet each other for some period of time *She explained* ME: Thanks for your understanding *I replied and got down from the bed* I will have to leave now *I announced* LADY: I will send you some money when I get to work; you might need it *She insisted* ME: No, thanks, I am okay. I will not need any money *I replied tying towel around my waist* LADY: I give you the money, not under pressure. Do you know how much I usually pay guys for a night? *She asked* ME: Are you trying to say you are paying me for sex? *I asked surprisingly* LADY: No, I am just trying to give an example. What I mean is that if I pay money to guys I don’t know or have feelings for, for sex, why wouldn’t I pay the person I love? *She replied* ME: I didn’t sleep with you because I want any money from you but because I have feelings for you and you have to respect that. I don’t want your money or anything from you *I replied angrily* if all you cares is the sex then get ready to find it elsewhere because I am not that kind of guy LADY: I am sorry…I am really sorry. I thought that every guy will be willing to extract money from me, but I now know that all people are not the same. I beg of you, don’t get mad at my approach *She pleaded* ME: All the people are not the same and I will like if you excuse me *I replied and hurried into the bathroom* ___
24 Nov 2016 | 13:16
Episode 5 Leaving Lady’s house, I headed home hoping that Timmy will be out. I had great confident that he will not be in owing to his business schedule but I was totally wrong. As I drove into the compound, I didn’t know either to turn and leave as his car was parked at its usual spot. I stopped the car and leaned on the steering, thinking of what to do. I opened the car door and came down ready to face the only option that seemed the best for me. I walked slowly into the house with my mind making silent prayers. I stopped on my track as I saw him sited on the couch with a bottle of wine, his countenance more dangerous than that of the lion ME: I….. I… I can explain *I stammered* TIMMY: Explain where you have being since yesterday or why you never inform anyone about your movement or why you decided to switch off your phone? *He asked, surprising me* I gazed at him in surprise; his phizog changed to calmness but angry. I couldn’t fathom the truth from his countenance. I thought either to confess my deeds or let it be since he seemed not to be aware of anything. But he was in the house the previous day and acting unaware of the event could mean that he might not be aware of my conversation with Anna or was trying to play smart on me. It was a very big decision for me to make; telling him everything when he knew nothing about it will be very dangerous and not telling him when he knows was something else ME: I am sorry for everything that happened yesterday. Many things happened yesterday and I am sure that you are aware of some but I can explain *I pleaded sitting opposite him* TIMMY: You can go on, I am all ears *He responded* ME: The truth is that, I knew Anna from school and we kind of got kinky before I travelled but unfortunately, I returned to know that she was already engaged to you. I don’t know what to do but I decided to make the right choice which was to let go of her because I had no strong feelings for her. but unfortunately, she had another plan. She lured me into having sexual affair with her under the pretext that she did not love you. But I discovered yesterday that what we were doing was anomalous and I decided to let her understand but she turned out misunderstanding me and threatened to inform you that I have being sleeping with her. *I explained* I know that it is very hard but I hope that you can forgive me one day *I pleaded* TIMMY: I heard what happened yesterday but are you trying to insinuate that you are telling me all these now because she threatened to blackmail you? *He asked angrily* ME: No, I was planning on telling you this and believe me, you wouldn’t have known about this if I was not trying to do the right thing for your sake. I regretted everything that happened and I know that it is very difficult for you to receive such treatment from me but I am very sorry; I don’t know how else to explain how sorry I am. I left house yesterday because I couldn’t bear seeing you when I knew that I don’t deserve to be around you. I can’t be staring at you when I have something bad against you; that is why I left yesterday. Please, I beg for your forgiveness *I pleaded amidst tears* I cried and it was sincere because I was truly remorseful. I couldn’t have imagined some months back that I will be the one pleading for his forgiveness when I had lived all my life seeking vengeance on him TIMMY: I don’t have anything against you Ben. I forgave you after hearing your discussion yesterday. All I have done was trying as much as I could to protect you and that is what I will keep on doing. I know that you don’t mean what you did but you had no choice. I would have done more than you did if I were in your shoe *He replied* I was extremely astonished; I couldn’t believe that Timmy could utter such words; not now, maybe later. I couldn’t help but wonder if he meant all that he said or was only trying to keep everything under control before striking. I stood up and moved toward the door in fright. I was extremely frightened because all that my mind could do was warn me against trusting him and I don’t know what he was planning at that moment TIMMY: Common, you just have to believe me, I have nothing against you. I am only concerned about your dealings which was why I have being worried since yesterday because I don’t know if you were safe *He noted with smile* ME: What about Anna, what happens to her? *I asked suspiciously* TIMMY: The right thing. You did the right thing by breaking up with her for my own sake and I also did the right thing. I am even grateful that you did not cause any trouble after knowing that I was trying to marry your girlfriend *He explained* ME: What did you do? *I asked in confusion* TIMMY: Common, do you think that I will harm her? Of course not; that was my past life. What I did was calling off the engagement yesterday which was what she wanted *He replied* I couldn’t help but feel his pain. After wasting his time and spending much on her, he ended up with such fate just because of my wayward life. Everything around me was hurting people who cared about me while I was being hurt by those that I cared for ME: Please, you can’t do that; I will fix everything for better *I insisted* TIMMY: *Laughed* No, you don’t have to because you can’t. Anna stated clearly that she was not interested in everything and her father forced her in. Though I was desperate to get married to her, I don’t want to keep on hurting people because I have hurt so many people *He persisted* ME: And what are you planning to do about the marriage? *I questioned curiously* TIMMY: like I once told you, you will not feel much pain when you lose one cattle out of thousands. I will be getting married on my desired date with another lady who is already pregnant for me *He replied with smile* I was extremely confused. That he was getting married to a lady that was already pregnant for him only mean that the lady would have being pregnant before he chooses to take Anna to the aisle. I stared at him with disgust; I knew that he was capable of anything but not wedding someone else when he has another pregnant lady out there; that is, if his supposed marriage with Anna had materialized ME: What are you saying? Are you saying that you never intended to keep Anna? *I asked* TIMMY: No, I got to know about the pregnancy last week and I don’t know what to do but thank God for bringing this opportunity *He replied happily* But there is a problem *He added* ME: What is it? *I asked in alert* TIMMY: Chief Dominic is not happy about the latest development and I know that he will do something very dangerous *He explained with concern* ME: Do you mean Anna’s father? *I asked with fright* TIMMY: Exactly and he is coming for you *He replied* I needed no soothsayer to explain what he meant to me. I couldn’t help but wobbled in fright as my life headed to the most dangerous part I had never imagined ME: What can I do now? What do we do? *I trembled* TIMMY: I don’t know. Dominic is someone who will never stop at nothing unless he achieves his aim. My prayer is for him to use his last option which is the police or else, it will be very dangerous if he do otherwise *He replied, increasing my fear* ______
24 Nov 2016 | 13:17
tanks for posting after this long holiday of yours
24 Nov 2016 | 19:02
What are u going to do now
25 Nov 2016 | 04:28
trying to put things right but got into a deep ptoblem
25 Nov 2016 | 06:00
This Is Serious Ooo
25 Nov 2016 | 06:41
Ben you are in for it but am sure Timmy can help you
25 Nov 2016 | 06:48
Ben u are in 4 it but I knw u ll surely survive dis
25 Nov 2016 | 08:11
It complicated
25 Nov 2016 | 08:23
25 Nov 2016 | 08:54
Hmmmm. Next.
25 Nov 2016 | 09:00
Ur case of lyk that bad son in the Bible, buh why keepinq dix story for so long!
25 Nov 2016 | 09:09
25 Nov 2016 | 09:33
Dis 1 is strong eleyi gidi gan
25 Nov 2016 | 09:34
nice one
25 Nov 2016 | 10:25
Episode 6 I ambled into my room dolefully; my head racing with trepidation and apprehension. Thinking about how everything will end was plainly inconclusive. My nastiest dread being that Anna will be extra frantic to devastate my life as far as her father will be disposed to bond the nod. I mulled over on calling her to apologize but decided against it. I thought of calling my dad to meddle in but my ego and disinclination to let go of the past got the better of me. My option of emancipation was awfully diminutive and it only rested on Anna. I picked up my phone to call her, anticipating the worst. As I scrolled through my contacts, Tracy’s call came in. I cursed within me as I clicked on the answer button TRACY: Hey, how are you doing? *She asked* ME: Hope I said that I will call you whenever I am free? *I asked irately* TRACY: Yeah but I decided to call as your call was not forth coming *She replied* ME: That doesn’t alter the verity that I insisted to be the one to call; moreover, the day is far from being over *I retorted* TRACY: The day is far gone; you promised to call yesterday and I called today since you failed to keep to your promise, anything wrong with that? *She responded* ME: This is what I am talking about; you always want to be in control. What is your concern if I call a month later of the promised time? *I retorted* TRACY: Everything is my concern because I am involved here. Do you know how someone feels when kept in suspense? I am trying to do the right thing while you are busy thwarting my efforts *She replied* ME: Look, I am not in the mood for all these dialogue. Anytime you see my call will be when I am ready to discuss with you and please, stop disturbing my peace with your calls *I replied* TRACY: You hang the call, then be ready to switch off your phone because I will text and call you until you will have no choice than to either block me or switch off your phone *She threatened* ME: What do you want from me Tracy? *I asked exasperatingly* TRACY: I want us to talk *She replied* ME: And I say that we will talk later TRACY: And I insist that we talk now *She responded* I glimpsed around furiously, wishing that she was in my presence to receive the most deafening slap ever. Hanging the call was not an option and speaking with her meant that she was in charge. In charge? Hell no; we were no longer together and anything can happen but her controlling my opinion will be an insult to me. ME: Whatever Tracy, I can’t keep on accepting bullshits from you. I am going to hang this call now and a ping from you will only help my decision because I will make sure we become the worst of enemies *I responded angrily and hung the call* TIMMY: Common, don’t let your present state to influence your decision and relation with other people. You have to calm down; I am trying everything possible to get in touch with the Chief but all my efforts are not yielding anything positive now but I believe that it will very soon *He advised from his stand by the door* ME: You are stalking on me? *I asked suspiciously* TIMMY: No, not at all. I came here to discuss things with you but met you in an argument on the phone and decided to wait. *He explained* you should have listened to whoever you were speaking with *He added* ME: You won’t understand *I muttered thoughtfully* TIMMY: I know that I won’t understand unless you tell me *He replied* ME: The person that I spoke with is the person behind all these problems. You want me to discuss with her? To believe her? Or to still seek help from her? *I asked angrily* It might sound bizarre that I blamed Tracy for all my problems but it was the right thing to say though I chose the life myself. I wouldn’t have mingled with Tracy on the first place and her tricks in convincing me to believing that Timmy was the mind behind everything made me developed odium toward him leading me to seeking revenge which in turn led to my affair with Anna after knowing that she was already engaged. TIMMY: You could still ask for her help since she is behind all these but not to trust her. You have to use her as bait for your liberation without her knowledge *He replied* ME: I understand where you are heading but that is not the option here *I replied not willing to let him know that I was dealing with Tracy* You said that you came here to speak with me and what is that? *I asked* TIMMY: I tried to contact the chief to plead with him to let go of everything but he was not picking my calls. He has already blocked three of my lines as we speak. Since he do not want to speak with me, I called his wife and pleaded with her to convince her husband to rest this case but her efforts also yielded nothing. She is already tired of getting involved *He explained* ME: What of Anna. Why don’t you plead with her mother to beseech with her? She is her daughter and has to listen to her mother *I requested* TIMMY: The problem is that Anna had being out since yesterday without a trace and his lines had being switched off. I don’t know the game she is trying to play and I believe that she is acting to her father’s instruction *He explained* though he want to give her away without her consent, Anna still remains the chief’s favorite and he will do anything for her; I mean, anything, even killing for her *He added* ME: Her father’s instruction? *I asked confusedly* TIMMY: Yeah, I think that he is trying to do it the legal way and Anna might be the master mind behind it because the chief hardly play slow games like this. He will rather do it the faster way which is eliminating his target without any link *He explained* I think that Anna do not want to harm you but to deal with you *He added* ME: What kind of game are they trying to play? *I asked anxiously* TIMMY: I don’t know but anything it might be will be something I will not be able to save you from unless your father is involved *He replied* ME: I will appreciate if we do not talk about my dad on this issue *I replied* TIMMY: Common Ben, he is your father for crying out loud; believes me, everything he did were for your own good *He replied* ME: Not the right time to discuss about that. I have to figure out how to end all these mess *I replied* TIMMY: Whatever you are planning to do must involve your father for t…………..*He was saying when a furious bang came on the entrance door and we both sprung up* they are here *He noted* My body trembled as we both walked to the sitting room; the banging on the door never relented as it rather kept on increasing. I stood at a distance while Timmy walked slowly to the door; I could notice that he was also frightened as hell. I froze as soon as he opened the door. Standing by the door were five well armed police men with fierce look as though they were on a mission of arresting a very powerful notorious armed robber. POLICEMAN: Where is that bastard kidnaper that raped you? *Rowed one of the policemen* My fright tripled; a kidnapper? A rapist? I knew at that moment that I was already doomed, doomed without any hope liberation or solace ANNA: That is him over there *She replied pointing at my direction as she walked into the midst of the policemen with an old man whom I guessed to be the chief; her father* __
25 Nov 2016 | 11:32
Hmmm... You'll spend a week in the prison cells.
25 Nov 2016 | 11:39
trouble is showing up. nice story keep it coming
25 Nov 2016 | 11:42
25 Nov 2016 | 11:51
getting more intresting
25 Nov 2016 | 12:11
Hmmm Ben Did You See The End Of Vengeance. See What You Brought Upon Your Self
25 Nov 2016 | 12:30
25 Nov 2016 | 12:37
u better call ur papa he has more than all those shit dat call themselve police and chief lol
25 Nov 2016 | 13:22
25 Nov 2016 | 14:04
25 Nov 2016 | 14:06
This is serious oooo.....
25 Nov 2016 | 15:04
it's only your dad that can help you out of this
25 Nov 2016 | 16:04
That's is not the End guy! Yhu have to be Bravo and face the worst...
25 Nov 2016 | 16:14
ya cup dn full
25 Nov 2016 | 16:35
25 Nov 2016 | 16:53
you are in hot soup
25 Nov 2016 | 16:53
Ride on
25 Nov 2016 | 16:59
25 Nov 2016 | 17:08
25 Nov 2016 | 17:24
let's see if Ann dad is as powerful as your dad.
25 Nov 2016 | 17:26
25 Nov 2016 | 17:31
getting more interesting
25 Nov 2016 | 17:31
26 Nov 2016 | 02:32
ℓ̊ thought as much
26 Nov 2016 | 02:42
The Lady's house will be the ideal place to be
26 Nov 2016 | 02:58
Life Ȋ̝̊̅§ complicated at times
26 Nov 2016 | 03:13
26 Nov 2016 | 03:27
Your Dad Ȋ̝̊̅§ the only way out..... Or Tracy might know of a way to help you
26 Nov 2016 | 03:28
wow...... getting . more and more interesting
26 Nov 2016 | 05:30
Menhh...this Anna is a she devil...
26 Nov 2016 | 05:56
Ben you have no other option that to get your dad involve or else you will rot in jail
26 Nov 2016 | 06:55
At last you will still involve your father, stuborn boyz!
26 Nov 2016 | 09:46
one of my best stories in coolval it's gud Ure back
26 Nov 2016 | 09:51
26 Nov 2016 | 10:53
gbese re oøo..
26 Nov 2016 | 12:34
next oøo but so critical
26 Nov 2016 | 16:52
Chai...dt worry,you wil b fine
27 Nov 2016 | 01:48
For real.. Ben tagged as a kidnapper and a rapist too whereas you guys enjoyed it
27 Nov 2016 | 20:38
Don't worry, everywhere you go; you'd encounter favours in the cell.
28 Nov 2016 | 01:44
Mission for the strongest
29 Nov 2016 | 03:05
#Choi e don happen
30 Nov 2016 | 07:45
*Seriously panting*all 4rm season 1:::::::::::ben i pity u ooooo cos dey wil treat ur fuck up big tyme
30 Nov 2016 | 18:19
cme update na
2 Dec 2016 | 02:27
Ben,u will av to involve ur dad to easily get out of dis
6 Dec 2016 | 00:51
Episode 7 ME: Anna? *I marveled* POLICEMAN: You are under arrest Mr. and you have to remain silent or anything you say will be used against in the court of law *Said the same policeman as he walked to me and cuffed my hands at my back* Search the house for any anomalous material *He ordered his men* TIMMY: You have no right to search my house *He insisted, standing by the way of the policemen as they made to walk past him with his gaze fixed at the chief* POLICEMAN: Who is this man? *He asked angrily* CHIEF: His compliance *He replied with deadly grin* POLICEMAN: Mr., you are also under arrest for aiding and housing a criminal *He said as he walked to Timmy, while he struggled as he cuffed him* And you have to give way for my men to do their job because we don’t know the amount of weapons that could be in this house *He added and nodded to his men who they moved on to search the rooms* After some minutes, they returned with two handguns and a box of bullets. I couldn’t believe that there was anything of such in the house. I knew instantly that my doom had increased and will only need God’s intervention to save me from spending the rest of my life in jail. POLICEMAN: Move it, bastards *He cursed, landing me a hot slap as he dragged me out of the room* ANNA: Welcome to hell playboy *She smirked* I felt like strangling her to death but that will rather put me into more danger than help my situation. I was bundled into the police van with Timmy like criminals while they blared their siren as they sped out of the compound. I couldn’t help but think of what might be running in Kay’s mind at that moment. _ After some minutes of driving, they got to the police station and bundled us out like stubborn goats, hitting us nonetheless until we got into the police station. It seemed as though everything was already settled as we were stripped shorts and bundled into cells without giving us freedom of speech or to write any statement with the young female DPO staring at us with the face of “Every day for the thief one day for the…” We were bundled into different cells with barricade separating us. I stared at myself in frustration; I couldn’t believe that I will ever spend a second in a cell. TIMMY: What are we going to do now? *He asked me* CHIEF: Nothing; no one is allowed to visit you here and I believe that no one even know that you are here to call any lawyer to bail your dirty ass and that senseless gateman of yours knows nothing about this because he was sent to sleep before we got in and he now think that both of you travelled to vacation as we have fed him with that *He smiled wickedly from outside the cell* You of all people know how dangerous it is to mess with me but yet, you couldn’t advise your cousin to refrain from throbbing my precious daughter *He said to Timmy* TIMMY: I know what you can do chief, but I will tell you that you on the wrong part here *He replied* CHIEF: And you know that I don’t have to be on the right part to protect my interest *He smiled* TIMMY: I know that but this is exceedingly erroneous. We have being friends for years and I had being very loyal to you and this is not his fault, he was only trying to help you accomplish what you wanted with your daughter but your daughter misunderstood his point *He replied* CHIEF: I might have forced Anna into marrying you but that doesn’t mean that I do not love her. She is my daughter and my favorite. Do you think that I was happy acting against her will? I was only trying to repay you for your loyalty but you took it for granted; you threw it at my face *He shouted angrily* TIMMY: I didn’t throw it at your face; I did what every man in my condition would have done *He defended* CHIEF: What every man would have done? Do you mean impregnating another woman when my daughter is already engaged to you? *He asked painfully* TIMMY: *Frightened* How did you know that? *He questioned anxiously* CHIEF: You know that I have my ways of knowing anything I want. Your doings led my daughter into sleeping with this your useless cousin of yours and if that was not enough, he turned out to be a playboy, playing my own daughter, my own precious favorite daughter *He shouted pointing at his chest* Do you know what it takes for the both of you to be still alive? An intervention of my daughter to watch you suffer here before you kisses the earth goodbye and I will make sure that her wish is granted in full. You will remain her for one week with neither food nor water *He threatened and walked away* I was left with no option than to cry, cry for my stupidities. Worst of all was that my doings will be sending someone else to his early grave. ME: I am sorry for putting you into all these mess *I said to Timmy amidst tears* TIMMY: You don’t have to apologize for anything. Everything is all my faults; I wouldn’t have gotten into this forced marriage after knowing that she had nothing for me. My selfishness and greediness led to all these mess and I felt extremely hurt seeing you in this condition *He responded sincerely* ME: We don’t have to blame each other here; we have to think of any possible solution to get out of here *I replied* TIMMY: The chief was right; we have no option or hope of liberation. We have no means of communicating with anyone outside this bars and no one know that we are even here; we are just being kidnapped helplessly *He explained* Everything was the truth; we had no option than to wait for miracle; that is, if we are worthy to witness any miracle. “Lord Have Mercy” I sighed
9 Dec 2016 | 16:35
Episode 7 ME: Anna? *I marveled* POLICEMAN: You are under arrest Mr. and you have to remain silent or anything you say will be used against in the court of law *Said the same policeman as he walked to me and cuffed my hands at my back* Search the house for any anomalous material *He ordered his men* TIMMY: You have no right to search my house *He insisted, standing by the way of the policemen as they made to walk past him with his gaze fixed at the chief* POLICEMAN: Who is this man? *He asked angrily* CHIEF: His compliance *He replied with deadly grin* POLICEMAN: Mr., you are also under arrest for aiding and housing a criminal *He said as he walked to Timmy, while he struggled as he cuffed him* And you have to give way for my men to do their job because we don’t know the amount of weapons that could be in this house *He added and nodded to his men who they moved on to search the rooms* After some minutes, they returned with two handguns and a box of bullets. I couldn’t believe that there was anything of such in the house. I knew instantly that my doom had increased and will only need God’s intervention to save me from spending the rest of my life in jail. POLICEMAN: Move it, bastards *He cursed, landing me a hot slap as he dragged me out of the room* ANNA: Welcome to hell playboy *She smirked* I felt like strangling her to death but that will rather put me into more danger than help my situation. I was bundled into the police van with Timmy like criminals while they blared their siren as they sped out of the compound. I couldn’t help but think of what might be running in Kay’s mind at that moment. _ After some minutes of driving, they got to the police station and bundled us out like stubborn goats, hitting us nonetheless until we got into the police station. It seemed as though everything was already settled as we were stripped shorts and bundled into cells without giving us freedom of speech or to write any statement with the young female DPO staring at us with the face of “Every day for the thief one day for the…” We were bundled into different cells with barricade separating us. I stared at myself in frustration; I couldn’t believe that I will ever spend a second in a cell. TIMMY: What are we going to do now? *He asked me* CHIEF: Nothing; no one is allowed to visit you here and I believe that no one even know that you are here to call any lawyer to bail your dirty ass and that senseless gateman of yours knows nothing about this because he was sent to sleep before we got in and he now think that both of you travelled to vacation as we have fed him with that *He smiled wickedly from outside the cell* You of all people know how dangerous it is to mess with me but yet, you couldn’t advise your cousin to refrain from throbbing my precious daughter *He said to Timmy* TIMMY: I know what you can do chief, but I will tell you that you on the wrong part here *He replied* CHIEF: And you know that I don’t have to be on the right part to protect my interest *He smiled* TIMMY: I know that but this is exceedingly erroneous. We have being friends for years and I had being very loyal to you and this is not his fault, he was only trying to help you accomplish what you wanted with your daughter but your daughter misunderstood his point *He replied* CHIEF: I might have forced Anna into marrying you but that doesn’t mean that I do not love her. She is my daughter and my favorite. Do you think that I was happy acting against her will? I was only trying to repay you for your loyalty but you took it for granted; you threw it at my face *He shouted angrily* TIMMY: I didn’t throw it at your face; I did what every man in my condition would have done *He defended* CHIEF: What every man would have done? Do you mean impregnating another woman when my daughter is already engaged to you? *He asked painfully* TIMMY: *Frightened* How did you know that? *He questioned anxiously* CHIEF: You know that I have my ways of knowing anything I want. Your doings led my daughter into sleeping with this your useless cousin of yours and if that was not enough, he turned out to be a playboy, playing my own daughter, my own precious favorite daughter *He shouted pointing at his chest* Do you know what it takes for the both of you to be still alive? An intervention of my daughter to watch you suffer here before you kisses the earth goodbye and I will make sure that her wish is granted in full. You will remain her for one week with neither food nor water *He threatened and walked away* I was left with no option than to cry, cry for my stupidities. Worst of all was that my doings will be sending someone else to his early grave. ME: I am sorry for putting you into all these mess *I said to Timmy amidst tears* TIMMY: You don’t have to apologize for anything. Everything is all my faults; I wouldn’t have gotten into this forced marriage after knowing that she had nothing for me. My selfishness and greediness led to all these mess and I felt extremely hurt seeing you in this condition *He responded sincerely* ME: We don’t have to blame each other here; we have to think of any possible solution to get out of here *I replied* TIMMY: The chief was right; we have no option or hope of liberation. We have no means of communicating with anyone outside this bars and no one know that we are even here; we are just being kidnapped helplessly *He explained* Everything was the truth; we had no option than to wait for miracle; that is, if we are worthy to witness any miracle. “Lord Have Mercy” I sighed
9 Dec 2016 | 16:36
Episode 8 Darkness spanned in the room slowly with the evening breeze flowing into the room through the small sized window which was protected with iron barricade serving as our only source of sunlight. We both sat in the cell silently, lacking words to discus. I felt tremendously famished as I had not taken anything since the turn out of the day. I knew better than grumble of hunger since there was no way I could get a drop of water. I lay on the mini bed hoping for the worst. I couldn’t even look at Timmy anymore; his regretful phizog always pissed me off as that meant nothing at that moment. VOICE: Hey convicts *I heard a voice and raised up my head to behold the female DPO* ME: We are not convicts and you have no right to call us that unless we are found guilty which I know will never happen *I retort* DPO: I love your courage and smartness young man but there is no way anything less or more than being here will happen unless the Chief asks for your release *She smiled* ME: What are you even still doing here by this time as a DPO? *I asked angrily* or you are here fucking your men because I know that you are not married *I added* DPO: You guessed right handsome, I am here to fuck you *She replied indifferently* TIMMY: And what made you think that he will help you scratch off your dirty corrupt shit? *He asked* DPO: Because he is very hungry and need something to eat *She replied* ME: You said that I am hungry and still want to fuck me, where do you think that I will get the strength for that nonsense if you are not as selfish as your job? *I asked* DPO: I am not selfish, I am only trying to help *She replied* ME: You are only trying to help? Why don’t you get us out of here if you truly want to help us? *I retorted* DPO: I can’t do that handsome but the least I could do is get you guys some food which will come with a prize ME: Sex prize; I don’t even know how a girl of your age will be recruited into the police force and be promoted to the post of DPO. Maybe you used your free soak away to attain such feet *I marveled* DPO: I am offering you two things at a time and you are making noise. What even made you insinuate that I will sleep with anyone for promotion? I have everything I wanted before joining this force and my promotions was influenced from the top and not by me. You accept my offer and I will be giving you guys foods every night in exchange of what I want and that is the least I could do because you don’t expect me to be bringing food for you guys here when my men are on duty *She explained* I was as confused as hell; what she requested was more similar to what landed us in their cell. Offering sex in exchange of a plate of food? Very absurd when I have all the freedom on earth to chose the food of my choice at anytime some minutes ago. ME: You want me to have sex with you with an empty stomach? *I asked* DPO: Yeah, that is the only way you can fill your stomach and I won’t offer you anything unless you fulfill your part *She replied* TIMMY: What if I take his place? He is starving and has no strength to walk what more of doing what you are requesting *He pleaded* DPO: You think I didn’t see you before I chose him? I want something very young, handsome and sweet and his bulge is heavier than yours. Can you see, I like good things and I don’t give out my body out to anyone if I have no special crush on you *She replied* ME: Please, I will do anything you want but I have to eat. I can’t stand a second without falling. *I pleaded* TIMMY: I am not asking for anything from you but please, if you truly want to help us, you have to give him something to eat and he will do anything you want tomorrow, I promise *He pleaded* DPO: *Sighed* If I should hand you the food in anticipation of getting back my payment tomorrow, what do you advise that I do now that I am seriously horny? *She asked* TIMMY: I can help you with that DPO: Common, shut your dirty mouth *She shouted angrily* do you think that I am a whore or give out my body to anybody? I have my dignity to protect; I chose what I want and you must never utter any silly words from your mouth unless you are ready to face something more painful than you are already receiving. *She threatened* TIMMY: I am sorry ma *He apologized while I smirked* DPO: Sorry for yourself *She hissed as she dropped a yellow bag on the ground* No complain tomorrow Mr. to avoid seeing the other side of me *She said and walked away* Life could be crueler than one could ever imagine. I couldn’t believe that my life could turn out into such mess; pleading with someone for food in a restricted enclosure. Timmy pleading with this lady that could not even stand a chance with those he had dealt with. To be continued
9 Dec 2016 | 16:39
9 Dec 2016 | 18:23
So so ssssoooooowwwwwwyyyyyy
10 Dec 2016 | 10:07
10 Dec 2016 | 10:13
such is life trying to amend your past is very difficult speaking from experience
10 Dec 2016 | 10:39
sorry bro
10 Dec 2016 | 10:43
Hmmm that's life for u hope she turn out to help u guys
10 Dec 2016 | 10:48
Sorey oo
10 Dec 2016 | 10:54
Haba madam dpo na like that u wicked
10 Dec 2016 | 11:01
She go see strong tin
10 Dec 2016 | 11:05
10 Dec 2016 | 11:05
For me Ann will pay heavily
10 Dec 2016 | 11:07
Abeg can u update fast Ure making us loose interest in dis wonderful piece
10 Dec 2016 | 11:14
@Kessbenson Then Go to his site and read this story. :s
10 Dec 2016 | 11:21
U should f--k and eat
10 Dec 2016 | 11:57
sorry bro sum days are like dat
10 Dec 2016 | 12:20
10 Dec 2016 | 14:17
Why did yhu have to sorry, have yhu forgetten where yhu are!
10 Dec 2016 | 15:15
10 Dec 2016 | 17:57
10 Dec 2016 | 18:21
So pathetic
11 Dec 2016 | 01:07
The DPO is your only source of escape, so you just have to play according to her rules for now!
11 Dec 2016 | 02:26
Ride on ooooooooo
11 Dec 2016 | 05:17
All na una fault jare
11 Dec 2016 | 08:11
sorry is ur name
11 Dec 2016 | 09:08
11 Dec 2016 | 16:34
Hope is coming
11 Dec 2016 | 19:39
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 9 I sat on the mini bed, eating the rice which she had dropped gently with my mind wandering about everything that had happened since the turn out of the day. TIMMY: Everything will be fine *He assured* ME: I don’t think so; we have no chance here whatsoever *I responded* TIMMY: Don’t say that please, we have a very big chance now as far as you play your cards very well *He replied confidently* ME: What do you mean by if I play my cards very well? *I asked confusedly* TIMMY: The DPO has presented us with an opportunity of liberation only if you play your cards very well *He replied* ME: What are you saying? Are you insinuating that I should oblige to her damn deal? *I asked angrily* TIMMY: Are you thinking of the way around? *He marveled* I think you don’t know what you are into here because if you do, you won’t hesitate to do whatever she request even if she is not returning any favor. If you are thinking of not fulfilling your own part of the deal, then you should also think of how you will be able to overcome hunger for good six days before the last minute of our life on earth; that is, if you can make it to that day alive *She replied* ME: You are talking as though you are a stone that needs nothing for survival *I retorted* TIMMY: You think that I can’t stay for a week without food? I have stayed more than that. All that I am saying is for your own good and if you chose your option, I will have no choice than to care less *He threatened* Not that it is more than what you have done in the past *He added* ME: Yeah, in the past like you just said *I replied* TIMMY: Yeah in the past but it is still part of you. There is nothing you will lose in this; all you have to think is about your safety rather than what you are doing with her *He replied* I stared at the plate of food in front of me speechlessly. Going on another sexual adventure was the last thing I thought at that moment and as everything stood, I had no choice. Despite that the said lady was pretty, I was far from being happy because it was out of my consent; there was no ting of feeling from my end despite her claims of strong feelings for me. ME: Fine….Fine but I don’t know how to influence her to liberate us. *I responded* TIMMY: I have no idea now too but with time, we can come up with something tangible to use persuade her *He replied thoughtfully* I sighed deeply as I lay on the mini bed knowing well that everything was far from being over. It was gravely a hard event for me and a totally new experience, making everything more disgusting as it seemed. Glancing at Timmy, I wondered what he might be thinking at that moment though I knew that the event that was telling on him was his absent from his business activities; spending days behind restricted and closed door. __ I woke up the following morning feeling normal, physically normal but far from being mentally normal as my bran kept its pace of thoughts; thinking notably how everything will go with the damn bitch termed the DPO. It was very unfortunate that I was paying for my sins in the hardest way I could ever think. I touched my face and I could feel the early morning stiffness of my skin and yawned frustratingly as requesting for a cup of water to use wash my face was the last thing to do though I felt awkward witnessing unacquainted lifestyle. Laughter jolted me back from my frustration, causing me to glance up and behold, Anna was neatly dressed in her school uniform, bearing more mocking smile than satisfaction on her face. I sighed calmly on knowing her mission and folded my arms with my gaze, piercing her body like though it will be able to tear her apart. I might have felt more relieve seeing her but her latest behaviors only suggested that she was a simple replica of her father. ANNA: Are you not going to say hi to your girlfriend? *She grinned while a fixed my eyes on her without blinking or caring about her words* Fine, good morning baby, how are you doing here? *she laughed* TIMMY: I think you should concentrate more on going to school rather than waste your time here in a bid to hurt someone. It will be good for you if you focus more on your study rather than follow the footstep of your father *He chipped in* ANNA: The more reason why you should mind your business rather interrupting what doesn’t concern you. My concern here is Mr. Playboy and not you; my father got you and that is why I am not talking to you *She replied nonchalantly* Timmy simply shook his head amidst grin and turned away from her. I serious felt for him being humiliated by a kid but also fear what might happen to Anna if we eventually make it out of the police custody alive as I feel that there was more behind Timmy’s reaction to her respond. ANNA: Nice way of silencing a motherfucker *She blurted and grinned* so baby boy, are you enjoying your new life behind the sun? *She Asked* ME: Maybe if you will take a second to glance well, you will notice that the early morning sun in here is more beautiful than you will ever see in your entire life *I responded* ANNA: Well, maybe you are right but being behind the bar with your movement restricted is what you should think more about. *She replied* ME: You are right but I have spent more days alone than one night and this is just a walk over for me. Not even a walk over; it is just being what I wanted, to be alone and enjoy silence and I have gotten that to my satisfaction all thanks to you. I couldn’t believe that after everything, you could still care for me to grant me my heart desire *I replied trying to sound normal though I was extremely furious with her presence* ANNA: But something must be different like excessive hunger *She smile but frowned immediately as though something stroke her suddenly* ME: yeah but I will get use to it but someone is finding something frustrating *I smiled* and is subsequently finding it hard to let it go. *I added* ANNA: *Frowned* well, all I feel now is total happiness and satisfaction ME: And you know that you are lying because down in your heart, you know that what your father is doing is wrong and you are not like him because you have a very soft heart……for me *I replied calmly* She shook her head frustratingly at my response and I knew that I got her on a tight region though I didn’t mean to make her feel remorseful of what she did. ANNA: I don’t know what you are talking about *She stuttered* ME: Yeah, you don’t know because it beclouds your mind. Putting on a fake satisfactory smile will not help you Anna; rather, it will dig deep into your soul. Expressing your true feelings will help erase them. *I replied* ANNA: You want me to feel remorseful but you have failed because I am no longer the Anna you know; I can do something you could not even imagine like sending a bullet into your skull *She replied* ME: Someone is trying to play sturdy here *I smiled* there are countless of guns here, why don’t you request for one and do it, moreover, your father has the resources to cover your tracks; father’s favorite *I mocked* ANNA: You have the guts to speak because my father is not here, can you imagine yourself replying back to my father? *She asked* ME: No but I can imagine you holding your father back from striking me. I think it is time you avoid doing what you will live your entire life to regret *I responded* ANNA: For some seconds, I will feel your pain but then, I feel like striking you to dead ME: Love still tolling around someone *I laughed* and for a playboy for that matter ANNA: You might say that as much as you wish but this is the last time you will see me here *She hissed and blizzard off* Sincerely, I felt that my life lay on someone else hand and that was her and I wished she have a change of mind and plead with her father to let go of everything.
12 Dec 2016 | 12:58
ntermission Season 3 – Episode 10 Some minutes later, a footstep approached our wing and I knew that it must be the DPO since no police was assigned to take care of us. DPO: Morning guys, hope you have a wonderful night? *She smiled* ME: As you can see, we are okay or are you having any problem with your sight? *I retorted* DPO: I can see that someone is apprehensive here but I will advice that it doesn’t extend to my deal. Get ready for it Mr. by 7pm, no complain *She replied* ME: I am in for your deal but it will be to your own gain if I can get you to the highest point and you know that that cannot be achieved with fatigue *I responded* DPO: Yeah but that doesn’t mean that I have anything to do about that because I am not the person that brought you here. But sincerely, if I happen to have the opportunity to lock you up, I will do that in one place, ‘my bedroom’ and you know what that mean *She smiled* ME: You are right but risking something for another thing you will not have to your satisfaction is the last thing a young lady like you will ever do *I replied* DPO: Trying to make sense but the truth is that I will take the chance of setting you free but bringing you guys food here to the awareness of my colleagues is the last thing I will do. The maximum of my effort is bringing you food here when no one is around *She explained* ME: But you may have some trusted allies in your rank like those that have slept with you before, willing to do anything so as to get access to your sweetness once again *I replied indifferently* DPO: Like I told you last time, I am not interested in workplace relationship but I will look into your suggestion and see what I can do but that should not get into your head *She replied and walked away* TIMMY: You are on the right track *He said as soon as her footstep faded* But succeeding in this doesn’t mean that you will find the most important one easy with her *He warned while I sighed thoughtfully* After some hours, a police man came to drop a nylon which contained plates of food. I noticed his awkward glances but caring about him was my last problem _______ It was our sixth day in the police custody and also frequent meeting with the police DPO and I will confess that it was a wonderful experience; pleasure and pain. Subsequently, I tried to convince her to work out a plan to let us go but she kept on insisting that she had no power to tamper with the chief. It was obviously a great blow for me, our days on earth was already numbered. Suggesting on escaping was the last thing as Timmy advised that the chief have the means to get hold whoever he wants from any part of the country. Anna on her own failed to visit; not that I actually expected her visit but I wished that she could have visited. In all, Timmy remained calm, unconcern of the outcome of the chief dated day insisting that he was not scared of death but I was, serious scared of being hurt; I was still young and have many years ahead. I was very optimistic, optimistic that something like miracle could still happen. ME: You cared less about everything, no suggestion no plan *I said to Timmy frustratingly* TIMMY: What do you want me to do? Break out of this place or convince the DPO to let us go? Do you know what that mean, putting the lady in danger or are you planning of including other innocent people in the list of the chief targets? *He questioned* I shook my head in frustration, dying alone for my sin was the best option to me rather than involving other innocent people. My thought of informing the DPO that the chief was planning to commit murder in the police cell was simply unbelievable and trying to persuade her that the chief said it himself will be more insane as no sane human will threaten death to someone beforehand. TIMMY: The best thing to think about now is pleading with God to forgive you all your sins most notably the latest one with the DPO *He smiled* ME: I don’t blame you, you can smile, laugh for all I care. After luring me to accept her deal, you are now mocking me right? *I replied angrily* TIMMY: I might have lured you but for your good. Can you guess how you would have being feeling right now if you wouldn’t have accepted the deal? *He asked* ME: Yeah, I will look wretched but that doesn’t mean that I will be dead. I could have stayed without her damn food *I retorted* TIMMY: You should be grateful for the opportunity that presented itself. What else would you have wished here apart from assorted food and pleasure? *He replied* ME: Did I inform you that I am sex starved? *I asked furiously* TIMMY: No but you have none here, you are sex starved here. Tell me, did you enjoy your meeting with her or not? *He asked with smile* ME: That is none of your business TIMMY: Oh! Everything is my business because you are blaming me for the pleasure you got while I remained rooted here. Do you think I did not wish for a second that I am in your shoe? *He asked* ME: Whatever, simply mind your business and let me concentrate on my thought *I snapped* TIMMY: You have nothing to think rather than where you will be after leaving here; either in paradise or hell fire *He laughed while I stared at him angrily without uttering anything*
12 Dec 2016 | 13:02
Timmy is actually right but I think Anna still likes you
12 Dec 2016 | 14:13
12 Dec 2016 | 14:22
12 Dec 2016 | 14:51
woow!!! dat d.p.o is nice ooo Atleast she don't want u guys to die inside d prison
12 Dec 2016 | 14:56
12 Dec 2016 | 15:20
Timmy is making jest of u
12 Dec 2016 | 15:26
Lol.... What a Emmanueller dramer goinq on that d-n cell, Ben yhu beta enjoy ur promo! While it last boy
12 Dec 2016 | 15:34
12 Dec 2016 | 15:50
chai sorry oh
12 Dec 2016 | 16:05
This chief strong o!
12 Dec 2016 | 16:08
12 Dec 2016 | 16:24
put ur pride away and call ur dad
12 Dec 2016 | 18:01
Hell nioooooooooooooo
12 Dec 2016 | 18:10
y don't u convince DPO to give u phone ...u should Ave contact ur father
12 Dec 2016 | 18:21
hope miracle happen
12 Dec 2016 | 18:53
13 Dec 2016 | 02:36
Next o
13 Dec 2016 | 04:05
Timmy is right jare I think Anna won't allow her dad to kill you because she still likes you
13 Dec 2016 | 06:05
Just play along
13 Dec 2016 | 23:06
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 11 DPO: Today is your last night in here but I wish you could stay *She said as we sat in her office with my body drenched with sweat* It was truly our last day in her custody but what she doesn’t know was that we were not gaining our autonomy the following day but our doom. I simply stared at her without giving any reply; I had nothing to say moreover. Subsequently, I stop thinking about anything, about what will happen the following day with my mind and soul already made up to be with either Christ or Satan. DPO: But in all, I am very happy for you, we can meet up if you like *She said again* ME: I will think about it but for now, I have to return to where I belong *I replied* DPO: Are you not happy regaining your freedom tomorrow? You seemed sad and confused; what is the problem with you? *She questioned* ME: Nothing, I just want to be alone now *I replied and walked out of her office while she sighed* That night was a very quite one for us, our usual night discussion was replaced by silent. The only thing on my mind was for the night to be over, to know what fate holds in store for me. I was woken up in an hour that I guessed to be between 12am-2am by a slap on my back. I sprung up from sleep but couldn’t see anything as a very powerful flashlight descended on my face, causing me to shield away. The light which my sleepy eyes received transferred pain into my body as I felt that my eyes were bursting. I rubbed my palm on my face briskly as I glanced down to avoid my eyes coming in contact with the light. VOICE: So you are the young boy that was playing with the devil? I think you don’t know him because if you do, you wouldn’t have tampered with his property. But I am really sorry, there is nothing I can do to help your naivety since you have sparkled the fire and I have to do my job *Came a very hush tune* A strong hand tugged me up to my tremulous feet, sweat gushing out of my body making my eyes to be seeing clearly than ever. The only light in the room was his torchlight which reflected around the room. I could see that he was dressed in black leather shirt and a blue jean trouser with his head covered with hood but there was something familiar about him though I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. ME: Please, don’t kill me, I will pay you twice the man paid you if you will let me live *I stuttered* TIMMY: You can do whatever you want to me but please, don’t touch him *He pleaded* MAN: I am not a deal breaker, paying million times the man had paid will change nothing since the deal had being sealed *He replied* ME: Please, just look at me, I am still young for this and I don’t know what I did to deserve this from the chief; I was only trying to help her daughter build her future *I pleaded with tears* The man laughed and then flashed his light on my face forcing me to shield off. Her laughter stopped suddenly and I returned my gaze at him to know what went wrong but shielded it once more as his light still remained on my face. MAN: Let me see your face *He ordered and dragged my hair forcefully to face him while I closed my eyes, unable to stand the powerful light of his torch* what the hell is this? *He muttered in confusion as he withdrew the touch from my face* His sudden question took me by surprise and confusion. I was extremely lost at what the man was saying and prayed it was not something bad that could exacerbate my situation. He brought out a phone from his pocket and scrolled through it for some seconds before turning his touch light on my face agaib\n. MAN: Are you Ben? *He asked angrily* ME: *Nodding* Yeah, I am Ben *I responded with freight* MAN: What the hell are you doing here? *He asked* ME: *Confused* I don’t understand your question, what do you mean by what I am doing here? You are here to carry out an assignment on me and you are asking me questions *I responded* MAN: Are you insane? I am asking you question and you are talking gibberish. What the fucking hell brought you here? *He shouted angrily sending fear down my spine* ME: I think you are already aware of what I am doing here and I don’t remember knowing you *I responded* MAN: I am B-X and I want to know the hell you are doing here *He responded*
14 Dec 2016 | 10:35
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 12 Hearing the word “B-X” sounded like a bomb in my ears sending my mind to Frank. I felt some familiarity about the man and my guess was actually right. ME: I knew it was you Frank and I wouldn’t have thought of anything less than finishing what you have started *I hissed* MAN: Hey Mr. I am not Frank and I don’t know what you are talking about. I am Frank’s senior brother and I know your picture and not you though he has told me many things about you. So, will you tell me what brought you here? *He explained* I felt as though I have committed something more than what brought me in the police web; that Frank was not truly B- X but his senior brother? That explained why Frank was able to know everything about him and Tracy. ME: You were sent here for a mission and you are asking about what I did to warrant your involvement? I marveled* B-X: No information about the offence of the culprit, just information about what has to be done *He explained* ME: I tried to let go of Anna as she was engaged to my uncle but she desperately took it too far and involved her father so as to get back at me and my uncle *I explained* B-X: Who is your uncle? *He asked* ME: Timmy here *I replied pointing to his direction* B-X: Timmy? So you are the second person on my list? *He asked in surprise* TIMMY: I can see that you change your voice at every mission. I don’t even have any hint that it was you *He replied* B-X: I am confuse here, what….I mean, why will the chief have to order a hit on you, his most trusted ally? *He asked* TIMMY: Well, many have changed and I think it is for the good of everyone *He replied* B-X: Then you guys have to remain here till morning, going with you now is not a good idea, I will have to talk to the chief to let go of anything he might be holding against you *He requested* ME: Do you think that he will listen to you? *I asked curiously* B-X: He will because I have never asked him of any favor and you have to settle anything you have with Frank; I heard that you guys have a little misunderstanding *He replied* ME: Yeah, minor misunderstanding but it is my entire fault *I responded* B-X: You talk too much; I didn’t ask you about who is at fault. I have to go now Tim and don’t try to provoke the chief again because you might not have such luck again *He advised and walked into the darkness, locking the door as he does so* ME: What the hell is all this? *I asked as soon as B-X was out gone* TIMMY: Our ass being saved by the bad guy *He replied* ME: You know the meaning of that his weird name? It sounds like a blood sucking monster *I asked* TIMMY: Yeah, he is more of a blood sucking monster because that guy leaving is the most dangerous guy to ever mess up with and to say that he let us live is because of you and not because he know me because he can even kill his girlfriend; that is, if he have one. You might be friend with Frank but he never told you that his senior brother was killed by that guy that just left and the worst news for you is that you share the same name with him *He responded* ME: What the fuck! I don’t share any fucking name with such a disgusting human that have no brotherly heart *I retorted* TIMMY: Yes you do and he just saved your ass. What then do you think is the meaning of B in his name? Booty, boob, or bra? *He ridiculed* ME: Bra will be very nice for him and not my name. *I persisted* TIMMY: But I am sorry, there is nothing you can do to change that. His name remain static but only a few people know that, not even the chief know anything about him because he never stay any closer to his family *He explained* ME: Then what is the meaning of the remaining X in his name? *I questioned* TIMMY: It means nothing; he once said that the X is a constant letter and anything can be inserted in place of it but anything deadly, wicked and dangerous like B- monster, B-devil and the likes *He replied* ME: This guy sucks, I don’t even know why I get to know all this about him; and the worst thing is that he shares the same name with me. Maybe I have to change my name to something good *I murmured not knowing that I actually said it out* TIMMY: But it is already too late, you cannot change your name but you can change the person behind the name. Not that the name is actually bad but the bearer is and the meaning of the name do not suggest anything bad either. Just kick it off and enjoy your second chance playboy *He laughed* ME: Yeah but we truly doesn’t deserve any second chance or maybe I am just being too harsh on myself *I sighed* TIMMY: I don’t think that you are too harsh on yourself; I think it is only a new thing to you which is why you are finding it difficult to stop thinking about your past *He replied* ME: Maybe you are right but I can’t help it, I am always extremely disturbed *I complained* TIMMY: I advise you let it slide by; letting go means living in the present, focusing on the future and knowing that there was a past. If you try to think about it much, then you might end up remaining rooted to it in a more advanced point *He advised*
14 Dec 2016 | 10:37
Your ass has just been saved
14 Dec 2016 | 11:22
Second chance is nt giving to many bt few so use it wisely
14 Dec 2016 | 11:22
God gave u anoda chance better amend ur ways
14 Dec 2016 | 11:30
Thank God u gat second chance to life
14 Dec 2016 | 11:34
narrow escape, you should be thanking your star
14 Dec 2016 | 11:50
Hmm kudos
14 Dec 2016 | 12:07
14 Dec 2016 | 12:13
let's hope re chief doesnt change his mind
14 Dec 2016 | 12:14
14 Dec 2016 | 12:17
next please
14 Dec 2016 | 12:57
You are lucky
14 Dec 2016 | 13:46
14 Dec 2016 | 14:38
Lucky dudes
14 Dec 2016 | 15:40
What is second chance when LETTING GO is involved? Guy that is Niqqa for yhu!
14 Dec 2016 | 16:14
hmmmm intresting
14 Dec 2016 | 16:37
Hope chief will forgive you..
14 Dec 2016 | 16:44
plz next oooo.
14 Dec 2016 | 17:00
You are just fortunate bro!
14 Dec 2016 | 17:01
ride on
14 Dec 2016 | 17:03
Na God save u
14 Dec 2016 | 17:54
Dem for die na
14 Dec 2016 | 18:44
15 Dec 2016 | 03:06
wow wat a breakthrough
15 Dec 2016 | 10:00
You are giving another chance use it to make amends
15 Dec 2016 | 17:11
second chance
15 Dec 2016 | 20:56
Bad record for B--x
15 Dec 2016 | 20:57
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 13 As I walked out of the police station the following the day after being released by the chief, I met Anna outside, leaning on his father’s car, I gave her a homicidal look before standing some distance away from her, waiting for Timmy who had to sign some papers. I serious hated Anna at that moment but still couldn’t help but decide to talk to Timmy to let everything go despite feeling like strangling her to death myself. My body wobbled in anger as I watched her walked toward my direction; my head kicking in anger. I might not want to have anything to do with her again or seek for revenge but I don’t want to have anything to do with her anymore, not even staying closer to her. ANNA: I am really sorry for everything that has happened for the past days but believe me, it is not my fault, my father took it that far on his own and I had no choice than to play along. *She explained even before she could get to me* ME: You had no choice when you palpably indicted me of something I knew nothing about *I responded angrily* ANNA: I am telling you the truth Ben, my father forced me to say all those things and I never meant what I said when I visited you guys the other time, I was only trying to hide my feelings, to feel normal because I felt extremely bad seeing you in that room *She pleaded* ME: Believe me Anna; I have nothing against you rather than acquiring great lesson of never to underestimate a rat. But now that I am free, I will have to stay clear from anything that belongs to your father. *I responded apathetically* ANNA: So, *Crying* you are insinuating that you will have nothing to do with me again? *She asked* ME: No, I am insinuating that I will stay off everything that has your surname, even far away from your rotten shoe *I responded indifferently* ANNA: You sucks; I just explained things to you but you don’t care to understand. *She cried* ME: I have made my decision Anna and you have to respect that. *I replied* ANNA: I hate you Ben, I hate your damn decision *She shouted and stormed off my present* I sighed as I watched her leave and felt absolutely relieved. Not having strong feelings for her made her departure insignificant to me. TIMMY: Hope you are not thinking of having anything with her again? *He asked as he joined me on my spot* ME: Not at all though she insisted. She is now in my past and it will be very nice if you also think like that *I responded* TIMMY: What do you mean by that? *He asked* ME: Don’t give me that hint man; do you think that I have forgotten your gesture when she visited us last time? I know that you are already thinking of doing something but I am pleading with you to let it go *I responded* TIMMY: Common Ben, I don’t have any of such plans in mind *He persisted* ME: This is what I don’t like, it is very obvious that you are already mapping out plans as we speak but you don’t want to admit it because you don’t want to be interrupted. I am begging of you please, forget everything that happened for the past six days *I pleaded* TIMMY: This is no longer your problem Ben; do you know how it feels to be mocked by a kid? You don’t know because you are still a kid and trust me, if you are in my shoe, you wouldn’t mind strangling her to dead in the police station and risk the rest of your life in prison *He replied with pain* ME: I might not know how you feels right now but you don’t have to let words have the better of you. You are a very strong man and you don’t have to be broken with only words. Please, I beg of you, do this for me. *I persisted* TIMMY: This is your problem, always interfering in things that do not concern you *He replied frustratingly as he stopped a taxi and mounted in* I sighed as I joined him in the cab; I couldn’t risk being threatened with death again. The chief unleashed fire on us when his daughter was not even hurt and imagining what will happen with us if Timmy tampers with his daughter was like waiting for manner and quail to rain down from heaven. About an hour later I smiled as I walked out of my room, feeling extremely refreshed after taking a warm bath. The fully working air conditioner helped with the atmospheric condition which my body needed at that time as the cool air it generated pierced into my body gently, leaving trail of its movement into my skin. But I was not completely okay; I had to eat something well prepared before my system will be balanced. On meeting the absence of Timmy in the sitting room, I headed out at once with my debit card as I had no cash on me at that moment. I walked slowly to Kelvin’s little room and knocked before opening the unbolted door. I know that I had a very big explanation to make to him; his face as I walked into the house that morning with Timmy suggested nothing but explanations. ME: How are you doing? *I smiled calmly* KAY: I am doing well now and I can see that you look more elegant than before *He responded with a forced smile* ME: I am very sorry, I couldn’t inform you of our urgent trip because you were asleep when we left and there was no way I could reach you *I lied in correspondence to what the chief said that they had told him* KAY: It was very strange, strange that I felt asleep during the day and strange that I was informed by your uncle’s wife without stepping a foot in here afterward and also strange that your numbers had being switched off for the duration *He replied suspiciously*
18 Dec 2016 | 06:00
yea oo
18 Dec 2016 | 07:15
They went for picnic in the police station
18 Dec 2016 | 07:44
18 Dec 2016 | 08:47
18 Dec 2016 | 11:37
Lol... Who say who
18 Dec 2016 | 11:58
Sharp guy
18 Dec 2016 | 12:00
okay jus dey observe niii
18 Dec 2016 | 12:54
next jare
18 Dec 2016 | 12:55
your decision is good @ben
18 Dec 2016 | 13:05
18 Dec 2016 | 14:07
welcome from hell
18 Dec 2016 | 15:43
18 Dec 2016 | 16:11
18 Dec 2016 | 17:37
Hmmmm freedom at last...
18 Dec 2016 | 18:12
18 Dec 2016 | 18:36
18 Dec 2016 | 19:17
good for u ben
19 Dec 2016 | 06:38
19 Dec 2016 | 07:30
Kelvin just accept the explanation that way Timmy just let everything go
20 Dec 2016 | 00:07
Hope ben change. And stop all this sex. His been doing it without protection .
21 Dec 2016 | 08:39
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 14 ME: Yeah, it sounded and seemed very strange and I also felt the same but I had no choice. The call service at the place was very poor and there was no way of reaching anyone outside the village and you unusually falling asleep might be as a result of stress, hope you have not being feeling strange since then? *I questioned* KAY: No, I felt weak for about two days before I recovered; something like intoxication *He replied* ME: Don’t worry, it was just stress, I am heading out to get some food, hope you won’t care to join me? *I offered* KAY: Thank you, I will remain here *He replied* ME: Fine, we are going, I am not asking for your opinion *I replied while he shrugged* ___ After having breakfast with Kay, I drove him home before heading into town, hoping to meet Frank in. As I drove along the busy road, my phone ringing tone stopped the music which was transmitting through the phone into the car stereo. I picked the phone and frowned on sighting the caller. My dealings with the woman was one I shouldn’t have gotten into and avoiding her at that moment was not an option; I was just from the police custody and daring her could send me back there for more days. I reluctantly picked the call, thinking of how to scale through her web without leaving any other problem. ME: Good day ma *I greeted* MISS AGNESS: Good day, how have you being? *She asked* ME: Good, how have you being too? *I replied* MISS AGNESS: I have being much enthusiastic of meeting you this weekend but unfortunately, I will be out for a business trip this weekend *She replied* ME: That will be a bonus for your course, one month before our meeting again *I replied hopefully* MISS AGNESS: Common, that I will not be available this weekend doesn’t mean that the rest of the weekend will be the same *She complained* ME: I never said so, all that I am trying to say is for you to always get involved into weekly business trip and note that you are not entitled of meeting any other person because that will bring an end to us. Extend my greeting to Liza *I replied conclusively* MISS AGNESS: I will, she has being longing to speak with you, complaining that your number had being switched off for the past weeks *She replied* ME: Yeah, I will give her a call later, I am on the steering right now, see you later *I replied and hung the call* I sighed hoping that she will simply let go of me and live any life of her choice. But will that be good? Won’t that be selfishness? But I did not lead her to her lifestyle in the first place. As I drove; my thought drifted back to Frank and I quickly removed his numbers from black list; my conscience blaming me of everything that happened between us. But I was not totally at fault, he shouldn’t have claimed what he was not just to gain an upper hand in what is not life threatening situation and I had no option than to believe what he claimed due to my already flabbergasted and fuming state of mind at that time. I drove into their compound and came down from the car after parking at a good position. I glanced around as I walked toward the main building, my mind racing as though I killed someone. I knocked on the front door and waited for some seconds before the door was opened by his mother. ME: Good morning ma *I greeted calmly* FRANK’S MOTHER: Good morning Ben, it has being a very long time we met? *she smiled making way for to enter* ME: Yeah, I always met your absent whenever I visits *I defended* FRANK’S MOTHER: You know, I am always out to work. What can I offer you? *She asked* ME: I am okay ma, I am here to see Frank *I replied* FRANK’S MOTHER: Oh! He didn’t inform you? *He asked skeptically* ME: Inform me of what? *I questioned confusedly* FRANK’S MOTHER: He has being sick for the past three days, you sure he didn’t inform you about it? *She asked again* ME: No ma, I travelled to village for some days now and there is no call network there, I am just returning this morning *I replied* FRANK’S MOTHER: I can see *she nodded thoughtfully* He is in his room, he was discharged yesterday evening *she replied* ME: Thanks ma *I appreciated and headed for his room with my conscience doing what it knew how best to do; blaming me for everything*
22 Dec 2016 | 05:54
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 15 Frank was lying on the bed with his face facing my reverse side as I walked into the room. ME: Hey dude *I called evenly* He turned to me instantly and smiled. His physique was not bad but you can tell that he was sick. FRANK: How far, I thought you will never come *He replied* ME: Yeah, I wouldn’t have come because I never knew that you have being sick. *I responded* FRANK: Because you never cared; you blocked all my lines and never listens to what guys told you, you made a decision never to change it *He replied devastatingly* ME: Yeah, I made a decision and do not have to change it because you never considered the effect of claiming who you aren’t *I defended* FRANK: Wait; I claimed what I am not? Who made you believe that I am not who I claimed that day? *He marveled* ME: Someone who knows the real person you claimed to be. I still don’t even know why you will claim to be B-X when you are nothing comparable to his nature. Do you know the consequences of claiming to be the bad guy when you are not? Do you think that being a bad guy is the best thing? Or are you fantasizing on becoming a bad guy; someone who everyone will fear at the mention of his/her name? *I questioned* FRANK: I know that what I did was not good but I had no option man. I know Tracy very well; she will always like to take a single chance to take control and I couldn’t imagine that happening again. *He defended* ME: That does not prove a point either; do you even think that she might have set us up? Inviting us over to meet her in that position doesn’t tell you something? What if she would have invited B-X rivals and they ends up hearing your claims or what if she had recorded what you said and handed it over to the police? *I asked angrily* FRANK: Yeah *He replied thoughtfully* I never thought of that. I will have to meet with that girl again and find out if she has any tape *He said regretfully* ME: no need to do that because she is not a fool to admit that she has one even if she has hundreds. I will talk to her myself. *I replied* FRANK: Fine, but how did you find out that I am not B-X? *He asked sitting on the bed* ME: I meet with him, in the most awkward situation one could ever think of *I replied* FRANK: I don’t understand, what do you mean you met him in an awkward situation? *He asked confusedly* ME: It is a very long story but before I start, I have to apologize for my frosty reaction to what happened that day; I am very sorry *I replied* FRANK: It is okay man; I am the one that is supposed to apologize but this is not the time for all that, you should go on and explain everything that happened *He replied* ME: Many strange thing happened dude *I began* could you believe that Anna has the heart to pact with her father to send us to police cell for seven days? *I asked rather than say* FRANK: What? What the hell was that for? *He asked angrily* ME: You know that I have being having an affair with her even after knowing that she was already engaged to Timmy so as to get back at Timmy. After our meeting with Tracy that day, I decided to call the relationship a quit with her but she misunderstood me and Timmy subsequently heard of everything and called off the engagement but it never went down well with her father who convinced her to lie against us, leading to our arrest for the past seven days, I am just returning from the police cell *I explained* FRANK: What the fuck! You spent a whole week in the police cell because of that stupid girl? Man, her father needs to be deal with severely *He raged* ME: *Laughed* You can’t man FRANK: If I can’t then someone else can *He insisted* ME: I am saying that you can’t, insinuating that you can’t convince your brother to go after him because your brother is working for him and he was the one sent to kill us in the cell yesterday *I explained* FRANK: You gat to be kidding me *He marveled* ME: How then do you think that I know that B-X is your brother *I replied* FRANK: Men, that guy really sucks *He lamented* what was he thinking before accepting such a sucking mission? *He asked frustratingly* ME: He sucks but I would have being dead by now if not for the miracle that he was the one that was sent for the mission *I replied* FRANK: You might say so but do you know what would have happened if he would have shot you? That would have being the end of our family bond*He replied* ME: I guess that is why you decided not to tell me that you have a brother and another who is dead *I replied* FRANK: How do you expect me to tell you that? That my brother killed his own senior blood brother? How will you feel about me? That I am not much better than him? *He replied angrily* ME: Yeah, I would have reacted badly but that does not mean that I will be mad at you because you are not Ben, he is quite different and I have every right to know about him *I insisted* FRANK: Like you failed to tell anyone about your parents? Do you think that I am happy for not telling you about it? I always feel guilt not telling you about my brother who shares the same name with you. *He responded* VOICE: Well, I am always on time
22 Dec 2016 | 05:56
22 Dec 2016 | 06:26
who be that one
22 Dec 2016 | 07:29
B-x I guess
22 Dec 2016 | 07:46
It's B-X
22 Dec 2016 | 08:54
Bad BX
22 Dec 2016 | 09:24
Hahahahaha... B-X on tym
22 Dec 2016 | 09:48
I swear u no go do am again
22 Dec 2016 | 09:50
22 Dec 2016 | 09:57
abbi na their mumcy???
22 Dec 2016 | 10:57
D guy dn show
22 Dec 2016 | 12:42
22 Dec 2016 | 17:24
Who be that?
22 Dec 2016 | 21:46
B-x I guess
23 Dec 2016 | 03:56
B-x I guess own dat Voice
23 Dec 2016 | 04:22
23 Dec 2016 | 09:43
23 Dec 2016 | 14:18
24 Dec 2016 | 05:53
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 16 I turned swiftly in fright to behold B-X smiling at us. His outlook showed nothing but a very handsome young man with a charming smile. His chocolate skin color doing great justice to his well braided hair. B-X: I can see that some people are trying to sort some important things out *He smiled* FRANK: What the hell are you doing? *He almost shouted* B-X: Calm down bro, I am here for us to talk *He replied walking over to him* FRANK: You have to leave now, mum is around and you know what that means if she finds you here *He pleaded* B-X: Calm down bro, we have a very long time to talk before mum wakes up *He smirked* FRANK: Oh my God! This is what I hate about you; you really suck. Always moving about drugging everyone like they are animals and you don’t even have a ting of respect for your own mother *He complained angrily* B-X: You don’t have to blame me for everything that happened; you don’t even have to blame me for anything. You know the risk I always takes coming here to see you and I have no option than to do that because I want to explain things to you; in the present of your friend and it will be very long. *He explained* FRANK: You are here to explain what? Explain what I have being asking you for years without receiving an answer? As you can see, I am not feeling okay and you have to leave now because I don’t want to talk about anything with you; I don’t even want your answer again *He fumed* ME: Well Ben, I will admit that I really hated everything about you but I will like to hear what you have to say. Everyone makes mistake and sometimes, those who are seen as the bad people are not usually guilty *I nodded at Frank* B-X: I sincerely appreciate your sense of indulgence Ben. The truth is that I never killed my brother Frank but that was what the organization made people to believe. I had being avoiding answering your questions because I had no concrete explanation to give and I sincerely feels the pain of losing a brother till date *He explained remorsefully* FRANK: If you are insinuating that you were not behind his death, then who was? *He asked* B-X: That is the truth Frank. Initially, I thought I was truly the person behind his death but I got to suspect foul play when that happened to someone else. I made an underground search on the organization and I discovered the truth, I was not truly the killer but the leaders were *He explained* FRANK: What are you trying to justify here? Your innocent? You don’t have to because there were video recordings of what truly happened and many photos too *He replied* B-X: Yeah, there were pictures and videos of me pulling the trigger but I was not the killer; I was told that there were no bullets in the gun and I verified that but my astonishment got the better of me when I pulled the trigger and it released bullet *He defended* ME: You are trying to say that they tricked you like changing the initial gun or hiding its bullet in the trigger? *I asked sarcastically as his tale sounded totally unbelievable* B-X: yeah, I was tricked but not on the gun. There was another sniper which sent the bullet into his body and I believed Timmy pulled the shot *He explained* ME: Now I understand and believe what happened but why then will you save Timmy when he was the one that killed your own blood brother? *I asked confusedly* B-X: Every newbie in the organization passes through tests and training and the final stage is shooting a fellow member but unfortunately for me, my brother who had being in the organization was chosen and another new member will be forced to handle the sniper. When I discovered what happened, I asked Timmy of his final training because I didn’t witness it and he explained what truly happened and I had no choice than to forgive him because it was not his fault because Timmy is the best guy I ever met and I held him to higher esteem *He explained* FRANK: So, why are you telling me all these? *He questioned indifferently* B-X: I didn’t tell you this for you to forgive or believe me but for you to know the truth but I hope that you will understand one day *He concluded* ME: I felt very bad knowing that you killed your brother but your explanation has made me to change my mind; I truly believe you and I know how it feel to be betrayed by those you think are protecting you *I replied sincerely* FRANK: What are you going to do now that you have known the truth? Let the people involved live happy life while you live out of your family? *He questioned angrily* B-X: Do to them what happens in the abattoir *He replied and walked out of the room*
25 Dec 2016 | 12:45
Episode 17 I drove out of the compound after a long conversation with Frank, trying as much as possible to persuade him to give his brother chance to prove his rectitude. Though it seemed that his mind was already made up with his brother, my persistence had effect on him as he promised to try as much as possible to convince his parents to let go of the past and welcome their son back in the family. It was almost 4pm when I got home; I walked straight into the kitchen to have a cup of warm water as my mouth seemed soured due to the lengthy discussion I had with Frank as I was not used to such. As I drank the water gently, my phone rang and I glanced at it to see that it was Anna. I hissed and hung the call but her call came again and I furious picked it. ME: Why can’t you leave me alone? What else do you want your wicked father to do to me again *I shouted* VOICE: Well, her wicked father has a free package for you. I froze at the comprehension of the voice; my heart leapt in fright at what his reaction on my outburst might be. I truly dreaded the man like Satan itself; not after seeing what he can do. ME: Wh…at else do you want from me? *I stammered* CHIEF: I don’t want anything from you young man. Like I said, I have a special free package for you *He laughed* and I am sure you will like it *He added* ME: I don’t want anything from you and I will never like anything relating to you… again *I replied angrily with my fears reducing drastically* CHIEF: I guess so but you have no choice when dealing with me. My daughter told me that she is still in love with you but you are not willing to accept her back because of what happened; hope that is not true? *She asked* ME: That is absolutely right old man; why are you even so keen on imposing your daughter into a relation that has no future? *I asked angrily* CHIEF: I can see that someone still failed to learn his lesson but I will advise you don’t disobey me on this because there will be no mercy this time around. *He threatened* you have being sleeping with my daughter behind my back but I am offering that on a golden platter; you can do to her whatever you want as far as she never get hurt….I mean, never get hurt. Any question? *He asked* ME: Yeah, you disgustingly suck; everything about you is damn disgustingly pompous and dim-witted. Do you think that you can control every one like your cattle? *I shouted angrily* CHIEF: No but you have no option *He laughed* ME: I have many options and one is never to be scared of you, another being never to abide by your threats. Try laying your filthy hands on me again and I bet you will meet someone who is beyond you *I replied and hung the call* I don’t know how and why but I had no fear about him at that moment; all I felt about him was resentment and sullenness, wishing that I will be able to pay him back in his own cup. I walked out of the kitchen and headed to the sitting room with my brain wondering why Anna will be desperate to be with me after knowing soundly that I had nothing for her. As I made to switch on the television, Anna’s call came again. I abandoned the call initially but picked it at the second ring. ANNA: Hello Ben *She said* ME: What has gotten into you Anna? Why have you changed into this impenitent desperate chick? *I asked disappointedly* ANNA: What are you trying to do? Blame me? I think you should better blame yourself for everything that has happened to me. Do you know what my father told me? He said that I am insane and that is the first time he will ever insult me and it is just because of you. I wouldn’t have being this frustrated if I hadn’t known you, if you haven’t asked me out but here am I, being a laughing stock amongst my folks and you are still blaming me for that *She replied angrily* ME: There is no excuse you can give that can justify the condition you found yourself right now rather than you allowing your heart to get the better of your thinking. I told you plainly that I have no strong feeling for you but yet, you couldn’t let go. You are very beautiful and there are a lot of guys there who are seriously dying for your love *I replied* ANNA: No one is dying for my love; they are all dying to get under my panties and nothing more. I know that you don’t love me but I don’t care, all I ask is for you to pretend to love me and stop telling me to my face that you have nothing for me. Moreover, I didn’t forced you to woo me, you did that on your will because you had feeling for me *She responded* ME: That is the problem; I can’t keep on pretending to love you when I don’t. Just get over me because there is nothing that can change that *I replied nonchalantly* ANNA: I know that this is more of what my father did. But don’t worry, my father already has other plans for you *She replied and hung the call*
25 Dec 2016 | 12:48
Lol this is getting more serious!
25 Dec 2016 | 13:26
Mtcheeww...I think u should involve ur dad
25 Dec 2016 | 13:36
To hell with your fathers plan
25 Dec 2016 | 13:48
na by force ?
25 Dec 2016 | 14:04
U've to act fast may be u should involve ur dad
25 Dec 2016 | 14:24
where's Evelyn na
25 Dec 2016 | 14:34
Eh eh i hope anna will not kill ben
25 Dec 2016 | 14:57
This Anna must be nut,how can she force her stinking self on someone who doesn't love her...menh this desperation dey too much ooo
25 Dec 2016 | 15:02
Getting more interesting
25 Dec 2016 | 16:00
Wish you qet your father involve.
25 Dec 2016 | 16:31
its time to involved the Vice president
25 Dec 2016 | 18:41
Something good will happen
26 Dec 2016 | 01:42
Saved by a bad guy
26 Dec 2016 | 01:54
The little boy Ȋ̝̊̅§ wise
26 Dec 2016 | 02:03
Ben and Ben
26 Dec 2016 | 02:14
Ben you got guts
26 Dec 2016 | 02:25
And She Think Dats The Best Way To Love? WTF! Nonsense.
26 Dec 2016 | 08:06
see wahala oøo... Wetin dat man go do sef
26 Dec 2016 | 08:57
@Ben why is your life so complicated
26 Dec 2016 | 09:14
Oh ben be careful
26 Dec 2016 | 12:19
Nansence gal
26 Dec 2016 | 13:08
nyc one
28 Dec 2016 | 01:44
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 18 ME: Are you ready? *I asked Kay as he sighed* It was a moment I was supposed to be thinking about but rather, I found myself thinking of something else; thinking of the next move of Anna’s father despite not being much frightened. My instinct kept on warning me about him but I shrugged it off, hoping to overcome whatever he might bring. KAY: Yeah, I am actually ready *He replied thoughtfully* are you sure that you really want to do this; I mean, help us? *He replied* ME: Like she is my mother, I feel much more than being your friend Kay and I might have done some terrible things but believe me, I am actually happy being given the chance to do this *I replied sincerely* He simply nodded, focusing his attention on the rear view mirror, obviously being worried with something but I knew better than ask and I equally feel his pain. Growing up in the other side of the world without enjoying a ting of kid’s fun and suffering pains was always my painful thoughts and the possible solution of attaining equality among mankind. It was a very long journey from town to their village, precisely 3hours; the highest I have ever gone. We arrived at the atypical serene village which had a very bad road with stagnant water occupying most of the road. It was totally a very strange and new experience for me as I steered the car, trying as much as possible to avoid the bottom plate of the car coming in contact with anything that could cause any damage to it. We drove into a neighborhood which had more trees than buildings; freshly growing crops beautified the environment with many domestic animals rooming around peacefully. We parked something distance away from a building which looked normal rather than having some cracked and patches on its wall. ME: The road here is extremely bad but I like the beauty of livelihood here *I said as we came down from the car, expecting the car which was left in a pool of red mud* KAY: You like this place? *He asked in surprise* ME: Yeah, this place is cool and serene; no noise and the grasses here are also beautiful *I replied* KAY: You are really funny *He laughed* everyone in this village is wishing to go out and never to return because everything here is as disgusting as being covered by pool of shit *He replied as we headed toward to the house* ME: That is because everyone born here are more acquainted with everything here to the extent that they become boring. But for me, this is my first time of seeing such a neighborhood and it is completely a new experience for me. I like a very cool and calm environment where the beauty of nature can be witnessed in its fullness. Being in town is like living a fake life where everything is being invented or imported *I replied* KAY: Maybe so but I still prefer to be in town than village though it still have disadvantages *He persisted while I shrugged* As we got closer to the house, a woman emerged from our left side, carrying a log of fire wood on her head. I don’t know why but I rushed to him before Kay could do and helped her with the wood. ME: Good morning ma *I greeted as I helped her carry the wood* KELVIN’S MOTHER: Good morning my son *She sighed as she panted to catch her breath* Kay my son *She shouted as she set her eyes on him* KAY: Good morning mum *He replied as they engaged in a warm hug* KELVIN’S MOTHER: Who do you come with? *She asked with surprisingly fluent intonation* KAY: Mum, this Ben, my oga’s cousin and a very good friend *He introduced* KELVIN’S MOTHER: You are more than being raised in the town; you also have something special for our species here. You are highly welcome *she joked* ME: Nothing special ma, every human belongs to the same species and trying to break the bond will be discrimination *I replied* WOMAN: I only said that with experience *She responded* Please, let’s get inside *She urged* We walked into the moderate sitting room which was as clean as dove with everything well arranged. From what I saw about the woman, I couldn’t help but came to the conclusion that she had being out to a very bigger city in the past. Everything about her sounded sophisticated than the place she lived in. KELVIN’S MOTHER:: Please, make yourself comfortable; let me prepare you guys some breakfast, I am sure that you didn’t eat anything before leaving for this village *She replied and quickly walked out of the sitting room before we could say a word*
29 Dec 2016 | 04:40
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 19 ME: Your mum is more accommodating and sound than I thought *I said as soon as she was out of earshot* KAY: You haven’t seen her best side, she is one of the most jovial women I have ever met *He replied* ME: You are right and she is also educated *I complimented* What about your sister? I haven’t seen her since we came in *I asked* KAY: she should be at school *He replied* ME: Oh, I totally forgot *I responded* We kept on discussing for almost an hour before his mother returned with a tray of plates KELVIN’S MOTHER: You are welcome my sons *She smiled as she arranged the plates on the centre table* I made you a special meal and I am sure you will like it *she added* ME: Thanks ma *I responded thoughtfully* We ate the well pounded yam with Egusi soup which was well cooked with stock and dry fish. Saying that I enjoyed the well cooked soup will be an understatement. KELVIN’S MOTHER: So, to what do I owe this unannounced visit? *She asked as soon as we were done with the food* ME: Kay told me something about your health and I kind of feel concerned; I feel like I can help *I explained calmly* KAY: Yes mum, he is a very good friend and has being helpful for sometimes now *He chipped in* KELVIN’S MOTHER: *Sighed* The last time I checked, the doctor said that it will need a very huge sum of money for any cure of my eye predicament and if I may ask, where will you get such money from? *She asked suspiciously* KAY: Mum *He almost screamed* ME: Is okay Kay. I may not know the rate of which your treatment might cost but I will be able to fund it and if I cannot, my mum will. About how I will get the money, my parents provided me with all that I needed and I saves the extras for some things like this *I explained* KELVIN’S MOTHER: Please, don’t mind my inquisitiveness, who is your father? *She asked again* ME: My father is Derrick *I replied* KELVIN’S MOTHER: Derrick as in Derrick O.? *She asked* ME: Exactly KELVIN’S MOTHER: I can see the resemblance *She nodded* you share almost all the features *She added* ME: You know my dad? *I asked in astonishment* KELVIN’S MOTHER: Everyone in this village knows your father. One of the most generous man this village has ever produced, I guess you inherited that from him *She replied* ME: Do you mean that my father is a native of this village? *I asked more surprisingly* WOMAN: You don’t know that you are from this village? *She asked in confusion* ME: I didn’t grow up with my parents and I wasn’t born in this country so, there is no way I could know anything about our village and tradition *I replied sadly* KELVIN’S MOTHER: I see *She nodded thoughtfully* maybe we can show you around to your father’s places *She suggested* ME: No, I will ask him to do that himself *I responded trying as much as possible to hide my anger* so, when will you be free to follow us to town and have a medical test and subsequently the necessary treatment? *I asked* KELVIN’S MOTHER: I am free now, I don’t have anything doing *She responded* KAY: What about Blessing, what will she do if she returns from school? *He asked* KELVIN’S MOTHER: She will not be returning until 5pm and I hope we will be back by then *She replied* but before we leave, let me get you some roasted corn *She added and walked out of the room* KAY: I know that you are currently angry but you have to calm down and talk to your dad calmly *He said* ME: What made you think that I am angry about not knowing this place? *I faked a smile* I would have asked him if I wanted to know but I didn’t because I don’t really care, not that there is anything so special about knowing my village *I defended* KAY: Well, it is obviously scribed on your face that you just lied. Come on Ben, you said a few minutes ago that you like this place and now saying that there is nothing special about this place *He responded* ME: Well, initially, I felt that this place is superb but I am now having a change of mind now and that is bound to happen after judging a book by its cover *I defended* KAY: I can’t help but wish that you can keep on lying at every second; very funny to watch your facial expression *he laughed* My mum is not here and admitting that you are currently mad at your father will cause you no harm *He said* Instead of arguing with him further, I remained silent as I actually felt extremely sad and fuming. I was very angry at my dad of not letting me to know where I truly came from, not even a word about it from him. I glanced at my phone and unfortunately, there was no call network.
29 Dec 2016 | 04:46
very strange
29 Dec 2016 | 07:09
Tell me what you want to do wt the phone & I will supply the network
29 Dec 2016 | 07:52
29 Dec 2016 | 08:11
Ok Nah :s
29 Dec 2016 | 08:30
29 Dec 2016 | 10:37
Must yhu be hangry over small issue? Hw many tym have yhu even spent with yhur dad to dip into ur background,
29 Dec 2016 | 11:28
u and dis ur dad
29 Dec 2016 | 12:50
Calm down joor...
29 Dec 2016 | 13:52
You never ask like other kids
29 Dec 2016 | 13:54
Ur village fine o, no good road and no network sef!
29 Dec 2016 | 14:17
Na suffer u go suffer if u no deal wif chief quickly
29 Dec 2016 | 16:37
chill man
29 Dec 2016 | 17:47
just calm down
29 Dec 2016 | 18:56
take heart ooh
30 Dec 2016 | 12:37
Episode 20&21 Episode 20 We drove out of the compound and headed out of the village, eating the roasted maize with local pears the woman had prepared. The woman couldn’t help but tell her countless tales but I was far from listening; my mind was wandering around my father; the hatred I had for him rejuvenating much stronger than before. I don’t know why but everything about the man pissed me off even though I tried to subdue it. KAY: you have not being talking for a while now, anything the problem? *He asked* ME: No, I am just trying to concentrate on driving *I responded* KAY: Yeah but you haven’t being biting from your maize either *He persisted* I sighed deeply, trying to pacify the ire that was building within me. His nosiness was seriously getting on my nerves and I prayed he stopped his questions to avoid getting on my other side which I will regret later. ME: Please, I am perfectly okay, I have my reason for doing anything and you don’t expect me to explain every bit of my actions*I replied with calm but angry voice* He calmly nodded and focused his attention on the other side of the glass; bringing about a deadly silence. I would have felt bad about what my reaction caused but I wasn’t as I was occupied with something more than causing silence. Moreover, it really helped to stop what might be much bigger than that. We got to the hospital at almost 3pm and headed for the doctor’s office. After explaining to the doctor how she feels, the doctor requested that a test be conducted on her. I anxiously waited for her in the reception hall with Kay, hoping that I could get home and relax my mind as soon as possible. I felt angry about not knowing where I came from but I couldn’t help but think of what will happen if I decide to take the bull by the horn as I was not thinking of complicating things more with my father. After some minutes, the woman came to meet us in the hall ME: How does it go? *I asked anxiously* KAY’S MOTHER: Not bad, the doctor asked me to return tomorrow for the test result *She explained* ME: Fine then, we will have to go now *I responded* KAY’S MOTHER: I will be going back alone, you can’t return here today if you decided to drop me off *She insisted* KAY: That is true, you have to go and return tomorrow *He chipped in* ME: Fine then, try to come for the test tomorrow very early so that the doctor can attend to you before getting much busy *I said as I handed her some notes of money* and you can join her to make sure that she is okay *I said to Kay who nodded in affirmative* My phone rang as we headed out of the hospital and I checked to see that it was Tracy. I refused her first call but later picked it on the second call ME: I can see that you are trying to be stubborn; doing things at your own will *I said angrily* TRACY: Always complaining about my behavior when you know the reason behind it *She replied seriously* ME: Why do you call? *I asked* TRACY: Since you don’t want to see me, I have decided to do the right thing. I call to tell you that I am waiting for you in your room…nope, your sitting room because your door is locked *She replied while I gasped in shock* ME: What the hell is wrong with you? *I shouted angrily* you need to get the hell out of that place now *I ordered* TRACY: Not a chance; you rather get here now or I will remain here until Timmy returns and you know what that mean *She laughed* ME: I don’t know what it means and I don’t fucking care if shit happens between the both of you and I warn you, I don’t have to meet you in there *I retorted* TRACY: You get here in the next ten minutes and we talk for thirty minutes and I will be off. Don’t expect anything less *She replied and hung the call* I hurried into the car, oblivious that I was with people. My only concern was making sure that Timmy didn’t meet her in my absent because something bad might happen between. I drove on a very high speed as I headed home, thinking of what to do to the girl but all that my mind told me was to let the devil be to avoid stories as I don’t know what she had in mind. I drove into the compound and hurried into the house without parking the car. There was no sign of anyone in the room as I got inside and I couldn’t help but sighed as I slumped to the couch, thanking God that the girl was telling lie about her presence in the house. TRACY: Not so soon Ben because my new life doesn’t involve lying; I am actually here *She said as she walked out of the bar with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine* ME: *Fuming* You are turning to something else Tracy and I will not tolerate such insolence from you. If you won’t respect my decision, then get the fuck out of my life because we can’t be friends with that *I said angrily* TRACY: I am the one who is supposed to be saying that. I respected everything you said but you can’t respect what you said yourself. By the way, we can have a drink before heading to any discussion *She replied* ME: And you think that I am a fool to accept drink from you? *I asked suspiciously* TRACY: Accept drink from me? *She giggled* I don’t think that you are the one accepting drink here because this wine belongs to you and it has not being popped. I am only helping you with your duty. *She said as she poured the wine into the two wine glasses before sitting opposite me* She picked one of the glasses and sipped from it with her gaze focused on me. I sluggishly picked up the remaining glass cup and gulped down half of its content before returning the cup on the table. I could feel that everything was not okay with the wine as she focused her gaze on me in expectant of something. ME: What did you do? *I asked as I began to feel stiffness under my groin* TRACY: The right thing *She replied with a plain simple face* ME: Motherfucker *I cursed weakly as I slump to the couch* Episode 21 I don’t know how long I slept or what happened but I woke up naked in my room. I glanced at my side to behold a body; naked as well and I sprung up in awe. I totally lost the memory off how I got in my room as I bent my head to know who was in bed with me. The realization hit me immediately I noticed that it was Tracy. I pulled off the bed sheet that was covering us and glanced downward. I frowned as I viewed sperm littered on the bed sheet and my thigh. I furiously yanked her to the other side but it seemed that she was deep in slumber as she failed to wake. I spanked her had on her bare buttock and she sprung up, wincing in pain. ME: What the hell did you do? *I asked angrily* TRACY: What did I do? *She asked rubbing her palm on her face* ME: What the hell do you fucking do? Do you think I am joking? *I shouted* TRACY: I don’t know what I did please *She insisted* ME: I am not joking girl. What do you have to say about all these sperm? *I questioned pointing at my thigh* TRACY: Oh! That? *she smiled* Come on; don’t tell me that you are sad because it stained your bed sheet? Don’t worry, I will clean it before I leave *She replied indifferently* ME: You are insane *I shouted* why will you drug me just because of sex? *I questioned* TRACY: Now I get where you are heading to. I drugged you because I wanted to have sex with and you will not give in to that if I request. So, anything wrong with getting what I wanted in the simplest way? *She grinned* ME: You sucks girl and I fucking hate you *I wailed* I was totally angry at what she did; being forced to have sex twice within 10 days as well as having unknown drugs and its side effects in my system. TRACY: No, you don’t hate me, you love me and I also love you. I think it is time to let go of the past and fully embrace the present. You don’t have to keep on rebuffing your feelings what it needs because of some bullshit past that will never occur again *She replied as she rolled the bed sheet to cover her body* ME: Get out of my room now *I said angrily as I yanked the bed sheet off her body* I don’t want to ever see you again *I added and stood up from the bed* She sluggishly stood on the bed bearing nothing as cover on her body with her seductive gaze wandering all over my body. I closed my eyes as her sexy body had great effect on me; I felt totally lost; her fair fresh hairless body glistering as though she was standing under the sun. I opened my eyes and was welcomed by her charming satisfactory smile. The more I stared at her, the more my bulge got bigger. ME: You have to leave now, I don’t want Timmy to meet you here *I managed to find my voice* TIMMY: She has to leave but not because of me but because she is no longer welcomed around you and I will advice she stay far from you with her seduction or else, I will risk everything she holds against me and fight her with my last breath *He said while I turned swiftly to see him standing by the door with his hands in his pockets* I quickly reached for the towel and used it to cover my naked body while Tracy bent down with her hands trying to shield her exposed body but later let go of everything and spread her legs wide as she stood with a devilish grin on her face but Timmy seemed less concern with her naked body as he hissed and walked out. ME: You heard what he said; you have to leave and never return. Your latest gesture states that you are nothing but a selfish goddamn bitch who is only interested for her gain *I said as soon as Timmy was gone* TRACY: Do you think that you can get rid of me so easily when I have no bad intention against anyone? Don’t try your luck Ben, I love you and always will. I am not threatening anyone but I leave the decision for you, you need me back? You decided for yourself and I will always keep in touch to help you make the right decision *She replied and began to pack her belongings* ME: No need giving me time; I have already made my decision many months ago and it till stands strongly and nothing can change that *I replied* TRACY: Not a time for words, it is visible in your eyes Ben; the memory and everything that we shared. Just stop arguing and observe for what your body wants. *She replied* ME: Get over it Tracy, we have being done since and you get to live with that, I don’t love you anymore and I know that you don’t love me either but only trying to play an unknown game *I responded* TRACY: I am not playing any game here, I am only trying to correct my wrongs and you know that I love you truly and you also do. It is too early to conclude anything because this is just our beginning, the first page of our love story *She replied, picked up her hand bag* See you soon *She said and walked out of my room while I sighed and slumped back on the bed*
31 Dec 2016 | 04:42
too bad. Not knowing what am going to say right now.
31 Dec 2016 | 05:36
Hmmm Ben is too dull for my likening ... madam Ben I mean to type
31 Dec 2016 | 06:23
31 Dec 2016 | 06:51
Ben sucks. I don't understand why Ben behave that way. Getting angry with his father and not being able to be furious with a bitch. Ben you Sucks
31 Dec 2016 | 07:37
Ben you are a fool for accepting that drink its like you want that prophecy about you to come to pass Nonsense
31 Dec 2016 | 07:41
Ya fault
31 Dec 2016 | 08:22
Ben don't blame her, you caused everything by accepting that f***king drink from her.
31 Dec 2016 | 09:33
i hate to admit that ben can be so stupid sometyms,hw can he practical accept a drink from a girl who nearly ripped his heart out....jst pray she doesn't take in if not u ur own story go dey for God hand...
31 Dec 2016 | 09:43
Buh Ben yhu never knws what dix gal is upto maybe is for ur own gud or nt
31 Dec 2016 | 11:30
31 Dec 2016 | 13:23
m. U. T. E.
31 Dec 2016 | 15:59
Am speechless
31 Dec 2016 | 18:27
U get too many probs Ben
31 Dec 2016 | 20:43
Greatest fool for accepting d drink
31 Dec 2016 | 21:33
Ben is d biggest idiot dat ever liveth 4 accepting d drink
1 Jan 2017 | 03:24
Hmm She Might Cage You Down With Pregnance And You Kw Wat Dat Means To Her Father
1 Jan 2017 | 13:17
Too bad of Tracy
2 Jan 2017 | 09:12
Intermission Season 3 Episode 22 “Shit” I cursed as I headed into the bathroom. I realized that I had a devil of destruction tolling around me without any hint of escape. I gave up, hoping and waiting for what everything will grant me; how everything will end but will it really end? I walked out of the bathroom and wasted much time than usual getting dressed. Walking out of my room, I met Timmy in the sitting room with a fair beautiful lady who will probably be in her early twenties. I sighed as I walked toward the door, waving at them without looking at their direction because I was extremely tired of girls. But unfortunately, Timmy called me back to join them leaving me with no choice. TIMMY: This is Flora, my fiancée and…you already know my cousin *He introduced as I sat opposite them* FLORA: Yeah, I have seen him around some times but I never thought that he is your cousin you have being talking about *She smiled, revealing her white dentition* ME: Yeah, I always visit places but I never noticed you, maybe because I am passing or being occupied with something without glancing around *I replied* FLORA: You are right *She replied* and your voice is awesome *She added with a charming smile* I felt that the ground should open and swallow me up as my frown met with that of Timmy which was a replica of a wounded lion. I was lost on how a lady pregnant for a man will complement another man; most disgustingly in the presence of her child father to be. I felt mad and confused; I was only trying to win Timmy’s trust after messing with his fiancée and another she devil was cueing to take over. ME: Not a chance aunty Flora, we all have the same voice in our family and that of your husband is the most outstanding of all; I am just trying to sound normal due to my heavy cracking voice *I replied in a bid to relieve the tension* FLORA: I know, I am just trying to acknowledge your fluent speech and your use of words, you know, it is very hard for teens to be that fluent and courageous when speaking with strangers *She explained to my relief while Timmy sighed with a feigned smile* TIMMY: Okay guys, to the reason why I asked you to join us, I want us to talk about what happened between you and Tracy *He said* ME: Any need for that? *I asked not wanting to talk anything about Tracy* TIMMY: Yes, I am here with you and I have to tell you everything I know that will help you. I told you sometimes back that Tracy was my ex and we kind of ended very ugly and you don’t know what will happen if Flora was not here when she walked out. *He insisted* FLORA: Tracy had being my rival for a very long time until she let go without any reason but I didn’t know that she did that because she found somewhere easier for her. Why am I telling you this? To let you know that I know that little girl very well and I will advice you stay far away from her because you can’t stand her desperate side *She explained* ME: If that is what you guys want to let me know, then I will say that it is already too late because she is already accelerating beyond desperation and she promised to meet someone, to hit someone hard in order to achieve what she wants *I replied indifferently* TIMMY: I know that already and I am always ready for her. I don’t even know why she had being rooming around us with her evils but she will get more than she bargain for this time. *He replied* FLORA: I don’t think so, she is very smart and plays her game very well and she has something very strong against you. Do you think that you stand a chance with her? *She asked* TIMMY: I know that but risking that to end her torments is the best option now or do you suggest that we live the rest of our life in fear? Do you think that she will relax even if she gets what she wants? I know that bitch, she will never; destruction and unleashing pain has always being her sole aim *He replied* FLORA: We all run away from dangers; not in defeat but to fight another day, to fight another day with more power and tactics *She warned* ME: I don’t even know why this girl won’t let me be *I lamented* I have tried everything possible to push her away but she kept on coming back stronger *I added frustratingly* TIMMY: She is doing that because she is truly in love with you and she will never relax until she get what she wants; maybe not the Tracy that I know *he replied thoughtfully* ME: I have something to do in town *I announced as I got up and walked to Timmy* I did something very bad in the past and I won’t let that happen again…no matter what *I whispered into his ears* See you guys around *I said and walked out of the room as I was getting irritated with the direction of our discussion*
2 Jan 2017 | 10:19
Dnt yhu see that your past is what affectinq ur present nw....
2 Jan 2017 | 16:38
try work tinz wit tracy and see where it wil lead u
2 Jan 2017 | 17:46
2 Jan 2017 | 18:24
Dem dn tel u dia own oh
2 Jan 2017 | 18:29
Left for you to decide
2 Jan 2017 | 20:23
Better you accept Tracy to know her motive
2 Jan 2017 | 20:30
indeed it's really left fr yu to decide
3 Jan 2017 | 05:25
Still observing keenly
3 Jan 2017 | 10:54
Had Times
3 Jan 2017 | 14:34
I guess that Evelyn will still surface in your life also
3 Jan 2017 | 15:20
Intermission Season 3 Episode 23 I drove into town at around 6pm; as the dau brought out thin darkness. I was wondering of how Lady will feel on seeing me since it had being more than a week we met. The most serious problem being that I left no call and her unwillingness to call as well only meant that she was already angry. I drove to her gate and horned for some seconds without getting any reply. I came down from the car and walked into the opened gate. I felt something strange as I got into the compound, making me to look around very carefully. I noticed a new jeep that was parked behind hers and wondered if she bought a new car. I curiously walked to her door and knocked but got no reply. After knocking for many times without getting any reply, I pulled the knob of the door and it opened without much effort. The television in the room was playing and the room looked scattered with pillows on the rug as though it was kid’s playground. An alarm rang in my ear immediately and I found myself hurrying upstairs. It was a very stupid move but I thought about nothing at that moment; not even the implication of what I was doing. I never thought that the lady might be engaged, married or in a strong relationship but was only playing game because her spouse was not around. I began to hear some incoherent moans as I approached her room, escalating the anger in me. I banged at the door furious bringing about silence inside the room. The door opened and a young man probably in his late thirties stood by the door with towel around his waist; his body drenched of sweat as though he was from a pool. MAN: Who are you? *He asked authoritatively* ME: erm..erm, I am Ben, I am here to see miss Lady “I stammered* MAN: Miss Lady? Why are you here to see her? *He asked again advancing fotward as though he was suspecting something about my presence* ME: I am here on an official assignment and I have to leave since it seems that she is currently busy *I replied more courageously and made to leave but his strong giant hand grabbed me back* MAN: I am suspecting something about you *He said angrily* what are you still doing in there? *He shouted, glancing into the room* LADY: I am coming, do you want me to come out naked? *She replied as she hurried out, tying a bed sheet that was flowing on the ground* MAN: I think that this is one of the guys that you have being messing around with? *He asked angrily* LADY: No honey, I don’t know him, I have never seen him before *She stuttered with fear* MAN: Well, if you don’t know him, I do *He replied and began to scroll on his phone* I think that he is the one that you have being going around with lately but guess what? I have people watching your back and this is the photo of both of you in a restaurant *He explained with rage and handed the phone to her* My body shook with fear, his powerful hand holding me firmly, leaving me with little to no choice of breaking off. I couldn’t help but sigh in frustration; fatigue and hopelessness getting the better of me. Since my return, all I have witnessed was trouble and nothing more and I couldn’t help but wished that I never left home that evening. LADY: Come on baby, this is not anyone relating to what you are thinking. For Christ sake, this boy is still too young and how do you think that I will have anything to do with him? I was with him that night but not what you are thinking. He is a junior brother to my secretary and we all hung out that evening *She lied* MAN: But you said some seconds ago that you have never met with him *He responded suspiciously* LADY: Yeah because that was the first and last day I saw him and it was kind of getting dark. I only remembered him through this picture; moreover, I am not even seeing well as we speak, all thanks to you *She smiled weakly* MAN: *Let go of me* Why are you here now? *He asked without giving Lady chance to speak* ME: Some seconds ago, I thought that you will tear me into pieces; tough guy. Like I said, I am here to see Lady and not you *I replied, adjusting the collar of my shirt* MAN: You want to deliver anything to her; you do that right now and right here or rather leave. I am her husband and I control everything she does *He retorted* I thought that what he said was some kind of prank but the look on her face suggested that he was right. I sighed heavily to control the anger that was trying to get the better of me. ME: My sister sends me to plead with you to excuse her from work tomorrow to attend to her health. She didn’t inform you at work because her sickness started after returning home this evening *I explained with frown* LADY: Tell her to find any means to come to work tomorrow and fill for sick leave because i cannot defend her absent without any document*She replied* ME: Okay ma, you take care of your husband very well *I smiled at her* I am leaving you and your wife Mr. but don’t try to erase her memory again *I grinned before walking to the stairs*
4 Jan 2017 | 07:05
4 Jan 2017 | 07:11
you are lucky.
4 Jan 2017 | 08:11
Hmmm Ben
4 Jan 2017 | 08:17
Such A Stupid Ben
4 Jan 2017 | 08:28
Lol see lies.
4 Jan 2017 | 08:52
Always acting like a brave person but.....
4 Jan 2017 | 09:27
lucky you Ben, I those u were going to see Miss Evelyn sef .
4 Jan 2017 | 09:30
Bad boi
4 Jan 2017 | 09:40
hahahaha God save your ass....
4 Jan 2017 | 09:47
Mheennn dah was close...
4 Jan 2017 | 10:06
tracy is evil....a desperate b...h
4 Jan 2017 | 11:03
4 Jan 2017 | 11:36
Don't count your chicks before they are hatch dude, Watch your back........ He maybe coming for you
4 Jan 2017 | 11:55
God saved ur fucking ass
4 Jan 2017 | 12:10
4 Jan 2017 | 13:29
Na God save u::::::::he 4 don beat u blue nd black
4 Jan 2017 | 14:16
Ben you are foolish you heard sounds and still knock what if something bad happened
4 Jan 2017 | 14:43
Ben God save you
4 Jan 2017 | 14:55
Ben Ben
4 Jan 2017 | 15:39
that was close
4 Jan 2017 | 16:39
God saved you Ben So Lady was married after all?
5 Jan 2017 | 08:36
Na god save u
5 Jan 2017 | 08:51
Dis Ben sef!
5 Jan 2017 | 14:43
5 Jan 2017 | 16:08
Intermission Season 3 – Episode 24 Getting out of the compound, I meetTracy beside my car in the thick darkness with her phone screen light the only light around. It was a very surprising and confusing moment for me as I never imagined that she could ever know that I was seeing another lady. ME: What are you doing here? *I questioned irately* TRACY: I am waiting for you here. It seems that you are seeing another girl *She smiled* ME: That is not the reply to my question; why are you stalking me? *I retorted ignoring her question* TRACY: I am not stalking you; I just want to make sure that you are safe *She responded* ME: Make sure that I am safe? Don’t tell me that you have being stalking me all these while? *I asked angrily* TRACY: Trust me; I have not being stalking you? *She replied* ME: Stop lying to me *I shouted and grabbed her by the collar* why have you being stalking me all these while? DidbI tell you that I need any guardian? Do I look like I fucking want to see your face? *I screeched* TRACY: Please, let go of me, I can explain *She pleaded as she fought for air* ME: I don’t even need your explanation; just get off my way let me get out of here *I replied as I let go of her* TRACY: You get that wrong because I am not taking a step from here unless you hear me out *She replied, folding her arms across her chest* ME: Fine; no need for any explanation, you can do whatever you like but please, stop forcing yourself on me *I replied uninterested of her explanation* TRACY: I am not forcing myself on you; I only have some questions I need answers from you *She responded* ME: oh my God! What questions do you have to ask me again? *I asked frustratingly* TRACY: I know when you were arrested with Timmy and I kind of tried to find out what happened but all I could get was that you are dating Anna while Timmy was also having some relationship with her and I want explanation on what truly happened because I am kind of confused on that *She explained* ME: Why do you even care about my life? Why can’t you leave me alone and live your life happily rather than chasing shadows? *I retorted* TRACY: Not the answer to my question and you know that I won’t take anything less than satisfactory answer *She replied* ME: Okay; I kind of get naughty with her and what happened the day I visited you with Frank happened but this time, Timmy replaced Frank but we got busted and ended up in the police web *I replied mockingly* TRACY: Well, I now understand what really happened but your drive on getting back at me is just simply nothing because I don’t feel bad if you call me names *She responded* ME: Your problem; hope I can go now? *I replied* TRACY: No; I said that I have many questions and not one. How do you feel watching your friend have his way with the only girl you love? *She asked disappointedly* ME: I would have felt extremely bad if it is a girl that I love but thinking that I am feeling bad about what happened that day is simply funny because I will throw an extravagant party if I can have the opportunity of watching thousands men rock you simultaneously *I responded indifferently* TRACY: Trying to prove to be a bad guy but I noticed your regretful demeanor that day *She replied* ME: Get over it Tracy; we are done and we are done for good; nothing can change that *I retorted as I was running out of patience* TRACY: Something can change that and that is love *She replied* ME: I think it is time you give up on love because I don’t know if it exists *I countered* TRACY: Time to find out if love truly exists or not *She replied and before I could speak up, her lips where already on mine* I unconsciously raised my hands in the air as I murmured incoherently. My weak resistance lasted for some seconds before I surrendered, wrapping my hands around her head as we engaged in an intense kissing.
6 Jan 2017 | 11:02
Chai... You gave in!
6 Jan 2017 | 11:38
So U No Even Sure
6 Jan 2017 | 11:38
Nxt plz
6 Jan 2017 | 12:03
This guy you be fool oo
6 Jan 2017 | 12:26
she knew you so well
6 Jan 2017 | 13:30
this Ben and Tracy palava just be like Onihaxy and Abimpe dey can never leave themselve, they love themselve bt both guys cant admit its
6 Jan 2017 | 13:31
Ben u start dey bore Wats wid u dat u can't avoid her
6 Jan 2017 | 14:14
I thought u have change u allow her to take control over u.toooo bad
6 Jan 2017 | 14:18
hahahaha.............from anna to tracy,nnah o dikwa very risky ooo
6 Jan 2017 | 15:00
ben u stil luv tracy n datz jst it nxt plz
6 Jan 2017 | 15:16
chai... Badh quy.
6 Jan 2017 | 15:16
Mehn, u still love her, stop bluffing..
6 Jan 2017 | 15:38
a fool like you ben
6 Jan 2017 | 15:55
Supper mumu
6 Jan 2017 | 16:13
u are to soft
6 Jan 2017 | 16:28
were ni e :s
6 Jan 2017 | 16:40
Abeg make una no blame dix Ben nau, u ppl no say he stil qet little to offer.
6 Jan 2017 | 16:41
dat tracy fit be ya downfall oh
6 Jan 2017 | 16:59
Ben you still love her and you can't do anything about it
6 Jan 2017 | 17:02
so fast she has gotten yr weak point
6 Jan 2017 | 18:08
Like father like son, so generous
6 Jan 2017 | 18:27
Women always get what they want
6 Jan 2017 | 18:40
Ȋ̝̊̅§ getting intense
6 Jan 2017 | 18:46
You get luck no be small
6 Jan 2017 | 18:53
this Ben na confirm idiot
6 Jan 2017 | 19:38
What wrong wit u
6 Jan 2017 | 20:41
6 Jan 2017 | 20:53
So na true Tracy dey talk, u still love her!
7 Jan 2017 | 06:13
Ben the benco..
7 Jan 2017 | 06:51
You still love her Ben
7 Jan 2017 | 06:58
Na WA ooo
7 Jan 2017 | 12:35
7 Jan 2017 | 14:15
i don't no y Timmy couldn't tell u what transparents btw him & Tracy
7 Jan 2017 | 21:48
What if the lady come out and see u Ben?
10 Jan 2017 | 01:37
Following Like Kilode
15 Jan 2017 | 07:40
There's were men are weak....... ℓ̊ don't blame you guy
15 Jan 2017 | 14:22
Hmmmmm.... Dis #Ben is confirm idiot..... His matter na anoda tin, he realy nid deliverance
17 Jan 2017 | 13:05
What now Ben?? The suspense is killing me ooo
20 Jan 2017 | 19:45
na wa oh
30 Jan 2017 | 13:57
pls snd the nxt epi to my wall lazy poster
30 Jan 2017 | 17:23
Intermission episode 25 We ended up in the car, tearing each other’s clothes off in a speed of light. I can’t explain how and what I felt about Tracy anymore as every move she made struck my weak spots. I was extremely confused as soon as we were done as Lady and her husband stood by their gate, flashing light at us as the car doors were wifely opened. I shrugged it off and quickly closed the door before they could see Tracy’s face. TRACY: Who are they? *She asked as she fastened her bra* ME: Not your business *I simply replied as I switched on the car ignition* TRACY: Don’t worry, I already know. You are here to spend the night with your sugar mummy but unluckily for you, her husband was in *She laughed* ME: I will advise you just shut up and let me think *I retorted* TRACY: Think of the quickie we just had or think of what that woman’s husband would have done to you if you were not lucky? *She mocked* ME: You are crossing you boundary girl; what is your concern with my life? *I questioned* TRACY: I think it is time you stop treating me like trash and start treating me like whom I deserve *She replied sadly* ME: I am treating you like who you are; anything more than that will simply be enormous prejudice *I responded* TRACY: Why can’t you get over the past and live with the person you love and cherish. I am your girlfriend; I have always being your girlfriend Ben *She replied* ME: You are not my girlfriend and never will. I will have no choice than to drop you off here if you don’t keep quite *I threatened* TRACY: Drop me in the middle of nowhere and I will spend the remaining days of the month in your room; not even Timmy can order me out *She laughed* ME: You are always insinuating to be tough and hard nut to crack; do you think that that will help your situation? Do you think that I will ever date any girl that will always be a thorn in my boot? *I marveled* TRACY: I know that it won’t help anyone but believe me; I am only doing this because you gave me no choice but I promise to change as soon as you give me other choices *She replied* ME: Not my concern. By the way, how many videos do you have against B-X and Timmy? *I asked* TRACY: Not your problem *She responded* ME: Okay *I replied and remained silent* TRACY: okay *She said after some minutes of silence* I have no video against B-X or rather Frank but I still don’t believe that Frank is really B-X and as for Timmy; I have many videos of his bad past and don’t even think of asking me to destroy them because I won’t *She narrated* ME: You are a rebranded hypocrite; preaching forgetting the past while you soil yourself in sordid grimy past. Are you even thinking like a human? *I responded* TRACY: No, I am not thinking like human, I am thinking like a dick; your dick and you don’t need an explanation on how your dick thinks *She smirked* ME: Bitch *I cursed out loudly* TRACY: Your bitch *She laughed* do you know how it sound to be called ‘Ben’s bitch?’ Very romantic *She giggled* ME: Suit yourself *I shrugged* TRACY: Common, stop giving me silence gesture. Hope you won’t mind to officiate what we share? *She asked* ME: Yeah, we will officiate it in the next world. You are asking if we can or will officiate something that is base on deception and manipulation. You think that you are playing your games well not knowing that you are playing yourself *I responded* TRACY: I am not deceiving or manipulating you because true love defines everything. Your heart is the only thing manipulating you; your feeling controls you. The only problem you are having is your unwillingness to let them perform their functions to the fullest; allow them bond and grow us together. Can you envisage what will happen if you allow your heart and feelings to take control? We will be the happiest couple on earth *She said* I glanced at her and turned my attention to the road without responding as I was already tired of her questions and tricks. But, she was actually right; I still felt something for her and it was getting strong with our togetherness and I was getting weaker around her. I felt that it was just a matter of time before everything gets loose and the only solution was to stay away from her which was simply impossible due to her desperate nature. The beauty and charms which attracted me to her was still very intact; growing stronger. Her hip thickening and expanding while her skin lightened. It was very unfortunate that I could still describe and termed her a very beautiful and charming young girl after our differences; very strange that I still loved her. To be continued
31 Jan 2017 | 05:58
Hmm ..nxt sha
31 Jan 2017 | 08:30
Love ke
31 Jan 2017 | 08:32
31 Jan 2017 | 09:10
Better don't still love her
31 Jan 2017 | 10:55
it like u left the story but no lele am fully back.
31 Jan 2017 | 11:23
Uh oh....a good dilema
31 Jan 2017 | 11:34
Love kwa, That is bcos u dnt think with ur head but ur dick is doin d thinking
31 Jan 2017 | 11:48
see this one o... I hope you'll still love her when she cause your death...ode
31 Jan 2017 | 13:28
to be continue next 3 months lol nice one man
31 Jan 2017 | 14:10
naso...bad niqqur
31 Jan 2017 | 18:01
following Ben I don't even knw how to describe u
31 Jan 2017 | 18:38
This Tracy is just too tricking for my liking And she is also using the love Ben still have for her as a edge over him
31 Jan 2017 | 19:15
love ur ficking grave
1 Feb 2017 | 02:42
Love one tintin
1 Feb 2017 | 08:57
Next plz!
1 Feb 2017 | 12:26
Episode 26 It was already over one week I broke up with Lady or rather, events broke us up and I never set my eyes on her afterward neither do she call or visit and I don’t care either. FRANK: I forgot to tell you but don’t blame me because you never asked; guys are out for the past two weeks but will be returning before Christmas *He informed as we alighted from the car* I was headed to the boutique with Frank as I needed new stuffs with December festivity imminent. ME: I don’t blame you; I have being too occupied that I forgot most things. Hope they are okay? *I asked concernedly* FRANK: You are asking as if they are kids. I am equally thinking of doing same very soon but my mum is completely against it *He replied* ME: Don’t worry dude, she has her reasons. I would have done the same if I wouldn’t have being admitted into university *I replied calmly but thoughtfully with the implication of the statement very clear* FRANK: You got admission? *He asked sadly rather than surprisingly* ME: Erm….I am sorry, I got admission to study medicine and surgery but I haven’t informed anyone about it; you are the first person to know about it *I explained* FRANK: I am the first person to know about it? Would you have told me if I haven’t brought this topic up? You registered for JAMB, wrote the exam and then the Post UTME without telling anyone when I told you everything about my life? *He asked disappointedly* ME: I am sorry man; I was going to tell you even if not because of this topic. I am already waiting for the right moment, when you will not take it too serious just like you are doing now. I made mistake not telling you about the registration and exam and I can’t just walk up to you and begin to blab about registering exam and writing it without your knowledge and expect you to be happy about you; I beg for your understanding *I pleaded* FRANK: “What do you want me to understand? *He asked as we stopped at the entrance of the boutique* you don’t seem to trust anyone not even yourself. Do you know how it feels moving around with a friend that doesn’t trust you?” *He questioned* ME: I won’t deny it; I have being having problem trusting anyone lately but you can’t blame me for that because you know everything; I have being trying so hard to evoke the conviction. Do you think that I would have talked about the admission if I never thought of informing you? Or do you think that I will just shuffle to school without telling you that I am at school? Come on, this should not cause problem between us *I tried to explain* FRANK: It will not cause anything between us because it already did. *He shook his head aggressively* What are you even trying to justify with your explanation? That I should just accept what you did just like that or that I should support and encourage what you did? We were talking that you never cared to ask about your best friends and you bring this up. Do you even have conscience? Do you even feel that you have friends and relatives? *He fired* It was true that I don’t always think about people that are not with me but I do occasionally and I equally feel that I have friends and relatives but I never thought about them extensively. I never felt the same after returning from the police cell; it seemed that the experience gave me more bravado, valor and fortified my emotions; I totally felt like nothing was important in life. ME: I am sorry dude but you have to get over this. I admit being guilty and I don’t know how to appease for it but your current mood will not help matter. You are my friend and you should please help me by understanding that I never meant to do it; I only lost control *I pleaded* FRANK: Now you remember that I am your friend but you didn’t when you live your lonely life. I would have termed you a charlatan and egotistical if I didn’t know you very well. Your behaviors are too questionable without any answer. Just get over that attitude man; it will never help you. Caring for those that cares for you will seriously strengthen the bonds you share with them *He replied* ME: I will try; I have being trying but I don’t know what is wrong with me these days. It seems that I am losing my memory *I groaned* FRANK: Try harder, you are perfect and okay. Just feel calm and keep your cool; you seemed distracted and you have to let it go. I don’t know what it is but I think that it is all about Tracy *He replied as I glanced around to know if anyone had being listening to our conversation* ME: You are right. I don’t know what to do about her; she is always on my neck without giving me a single chance. *I replied frustratingly as we walked into the boutique* FRANK: Man *Patting me* look out *He said pointing to a direction* My eyes followed his gesture to behold the last person I dreamt of seeing. Standing at some distance, selecting some clothes was Evelyn with her shopping cart almost filled with clothes. My brain stopped working as I began to sweat profusely in the fully functioning air conditioned room. I felt bad and guilty and above all; I felt heartbroken; the love I had for her flashed back into my heart. FRANK: Let’s leave, you are embarrassing yourself here *I heard him said but couldn’t do anything about it* don’t let her see you Ben; let’s leave now *He shouted and hit me on the shoulder* The hit on my shoulder not only jolted me back but also attracted her attention and that of the few people in the boutique. She walked toward us slowly before we could do anything; her face bearing a very beautiful and satisfactory smile, such that I only saw whenever she was extremely happy; when we were together. But something was still different; she seemed happier than I have ever seen.
2 Feb 2017 | 05:27
evelyn back right. I think so.
2 Feb 2017 | 06:04
lost but found love!
2 Feb 2017 | 06:28
getting complicated
2 Feb 2017 | 06:46
Evelyn is pregnant that why she's happy
2 Feb 2017 | 07:19
hope she is married now .
2 Feb 2017 | 07:49
she z married ....yes I pray so
2 Feb 2017 | 10:33
she is engaged
2 Feb 2017 | 11:09
maybe she is married now next pls
2 Feb 2017 | 11:17
Let it not be what am thinking
2 Feb 2017 | 13:50
wat happened next
2 Feb 2017 | 14:39
Evelyn is now married
2 Feb 2017 | 15:18
Mayb she z married
2 Feb 2017 | 16:44
Lyf goes on, what did yhu think?
2 Feb 2017 | 17:39
What could have made her happier?
2 Feb 2017 | 21:47
She might have moved on after the heart break!
2 Feb 2017 | 22:58
she's marrid oh
3 Feb 2017 | 00:51
3 Feb 2017 | 01:15
Evelyn is back
3 Feb 2017 | 05:08
3 Feb 2017 | 18:47
Maybe she is married just guess
4 Feb 2017 | 02:13
o boy them nor dey deceive ashawo dey fork three times that girl go kill it you are sharp
6 Feb 2017 | 03:07
Intermission Season 3 Episode 27 Sometimes, we stupidly let go of the only right thing in our life but can we find another much better or rather closer? ……………………………….. EVELYN: Hello Ben *She she smiled even before she got to us* FRANK: Hello madam, we are actually on our way out, can you please excuse us? *He intervened* EVELYN: Yeah; sure but I need to invite both of you, I mean, all of you to my wedding *She smiled as she dipped her hand into her hand bag and brought out a wedding card* I will be disappointed if anyone of you fails to turn up *She said as she handed the card to me* I perused the card furiously; my heart and brain boiling in anger. I felt that I could see the stupid man that she fell in love with and chop off his head in a blink. Yeah; I felt extremely pained and disappointed and I know that she noticed as he broadened her smile. EVELYN: Remember my last promise to you Ben; I will make sure that you regret ever knowing me but for now, failing to attend my wedding is the last thing you should think because I can see the pain written boldly on your face *She whispered into my eyes and pecked me on the cheek before walking away; smiling contentedly and exultantly* I stood rooted to my spot staring at the wedding card in my hand while Frank never made any move rather than gaze around thunderstruck. FRANK: *Dragging me along* let’s get the hell out of here. I felt ashamed as I was being dragged out of the boutique like a kid but I had no resistance; I was extremely weak. It was one hell of a moment I wish never happened; I felt that I have lost everything in the world. It was clear that I ended the relationship with her but I never ended the love; the love was still intact and strong as before but the only problem and barrier was the reason I couldn’t remain or reestablish the relationship with her. FRANK: I warned you not to end the relationship but you won’t listen. Do you know what this entire situation mean? You will never have the opportunity to be with the only girl you love; she is gone man and I am f**king sad and heartbroken. For Christ sake, she is such a wonderful woman and you let go of her because of one stupid age difference. Do you think that you will find another unconditional love like what you shared with her? Can you ever love wholeheartedly like you did? *He shouted angrily* ME: I don’t know what to do man; I am very confused right now. I still love her and I can’t stop loving her. I can’t watch her taken away by another man; it is freaking throbbing dude *I shouted as tears began to ooze from my eyes* FRANK: I know that you can’t but what are you going to do now? Make up your mind to be with her now despite the reason why you broke up with her much intact than before? Ask her to call off the wedding? Or just to satisfy your feelings now and still let go of her because of the same age differences? *He asked* ME: I don’t know man; I am excessively clueless to know what I want. Every time I do anything right, I end up doing another thing wrong and I want to change that. I don’t want to go against my mother’s advice but I want to do the right thing; being with her, but I am confused, one thing most go wrong *I replied frustratingly* FRANK: That is your frequent complain. No one is perfect man and we all makes mistake. You made mistake letting her go and this is an opportunity to correct that *He replied* ME: No, this is not the time to do anything right; going after her now is just doing something worst. I don’t know what to do man; I can’t just wake early morning and destroy another person’s happiness *I replied* FRANK: Yeah, you are already destroying another person’s happiness; your own happiness. Tell me; have you ever feel completely happy since your breakup with her? Have you ever feel any ting of happiness with the numerous girls you have being with after her? Have you ever had any meaningful and sincere relationship with any girl in your life except her? Can’t you see that she is the only one meant for you? Wake man and stop trying to be a saint when you are far from being perfect *He replied* ME: You are right man but I still don’t know what to do, I still don’t want to come between them. She seemed happy and contented. I love her and I want her to be happy and if she is happy with her husband, then, I have no option than to let that be. We had our moment; extremely blissful and perfect and if she feels that where she is now is good for her, then I have no option than to respect her choice. *I persisted* FRANK: She is not happy man; all that she did in there were just to cover up her real feelings. Your mood didn’t allow you to notice anything but I did. You know her more than I do and you know that she can keep a mood that is far from her actual mood. She was forcing everything she did just to get back at you. I noticed her face changed as she left; do you think that the love she had for you will just die like that? You know about all this more than I do to come to conclusion just like that. *He explained* His elaboration left me at a cross road; at a very tight angle where I could not make any decision. I sincerely want to stop hurting people but should that involve hurting my own self? My own happiness?
6 Feb 2017 | 05:15
6 Feb 2017 | 06:32
just let her go and place your focus on your future. she is not just right for you Ben
6 Feb 2017 | 08:00
6 Feb 2017 | 08:24
Know what you want and go for it.
6 Feb 2017 | 08:36
The ball is in ur court
6 Feb 2017 | 08:37
Just follow your heart
6 Feb 2017 | 10:20
I think frank is right..
6 Feb 2017 | 10:30
6 Feb 2017 | 10:50
Just let her be
6 Feb 2017 | 11:08
Hmmm Ben I wonder the way of your life so complicating
6 Feb 2017 | 11:50
Nay let her be
6 Feb 2017 | 12:02
6 Feb 2017 | 12:45
6 Feb 2017 | 16:32
6 Feb 2017 | 17:19
hmmm comment preserved
6 Feb 2017 | 18:01
Ben your life just seems to be getting more complicated
6 Feb 2017 | 21:27
Go for your love Ben
6 Feb 2017 | 22:45
How can yhu make anothe man happy, when yhu have no peace in yhu,
7 Feb 2017 | 00:46
nawa ooo....Ben as a reader am confuse also oooo.....
7 Feb 2017 | 05:10
Nna mhenn...eleyi gidi gan!!!
7 Feb 2017 | 06:41
Intermission Season 3 Episode 28 It was two weeks after meeting Evelyn at the boutique with her wedding approaching very closely. I tried reaching to her but her phone number was always switched off which indicated that she changed her Sim card. I had to check her house but there was no sign that someone had being around the compound for months. I felt clueless and frustrated; with no other choice than to give up the search. Frank who had being helpful all along even gave up before I did; advising me to let her go. It was not much emotional for me; I was ready to face it but being happy was the last thing for me at that period. I felt calm, thoughtful, dull and weak. Kay who had returned from the village after the successful treatment of her mum tended to cheer me up but my spirit was too weak to wake as I moved around in the shadow of myself. I couldn’t tell him much about Evelyn except that she was my girlfriend; I thought that it was insane going for older women and so, decided to keep it to myself to avoid being a laughing stock. Timmy tried to find out what was wrong with me but I kept lying to him that it was about the chief. As I sat in the sitting room lonely gawking at the television which I strangely got interest at, my dad’s call came in and I wondered why the old man will call at that moment when he never called since I left home; not that his call actually mattered to me. ME: Good day sir *I frowned* DAD: Good day son, how are you doing? *He asked* ME: Fine, hope I am safe with this call *I responded* DAD: So I am no longer righted to call my own son? *He questioned without any iota of anger* ME: Didn’t say so though it is being ages since you called *I replied* DAD: Yeah, always busy with work but I guess I will make that up to you *He responded* ME: Make it up me as how? After putting every other thing before your own son, you are saying that you will make it up to me? I don’t need that dad, I never needed that *I replied angrily* I was craving on making things up with my dad but anything relating to him seemed to be conveying some strange bad things when dealing with me; I felt enraged at any moment I talk about anything relating to him. DAD: I promise to make it up to you; I want things to work out between us; you are my son *He replied seriously* ME: You know that things cannot work out well between us even if you try. Imagine making things right now and the next second, I am already the last list on your schedule, things don’t work like that dad *I persisted* DAD: I know that but I am serious this time; I am currently in town and I will be with you in a very few minute *He replied* His words left me dumbfounded; my dad in town just to see me? That was simply impossible, maybe he came for a business event or rather; things are changing magically and drastically without any obstruction. ME: Wait dad; are you insinuating that you are here to see me or branching from a business trip? *I questioned unbelievably* DAD: To see you of course. Do you think I will just abandon you like that forever? I am your father and I take responsibility of everything that happens to you; I make sure that you are always protected *He explained* “You always make sure that I am always protected but where were you when I spent seven days in the police cell” I almost questioned but stop at the last moment as the aftermath of that struck me. ME: Till you come then *I replied while he sighed before ending the call* TRACY: Father and son battle; very interesting tale *She laughed with her hands folded across her chest as she sat opposite me* Asking her how she got in will be wasting of time as I was already used to her frequent sneak in and out. ME: Not funny girl *I hissed and restarted the movie that I was watching* what brings you here this time? *I questioned without glancing at her* TRACY: Nothing; just boring at home and decided to keep you company; you know, you hadn’t being yourself for days and it is kind of overwhelming *She laughed* ME: I don’t need any company; maybe not you but you can stay as you wish and leave whenever you get bored *I replied* TRACY: But I can speak or rather blab as you usually term it. I think that your relationship with your father should be very strong right now rather than being shaky and disorganized *She said* ME: That is none of your business and you should not go any closer to him because you will live to hate him if you end up at his other side *I warned* TRACY: Don’t worry; he will be very gentle with his daughter in law to be *She laughed* ME: In your dream girl; you should be thinking of the time you are wasting here in anticipation of being my girlfriend rather than dream the unimaginable *I retorted* TRACY: Keep calm sweetheart, no need to be mad at me *She moaned seductively as she got up and began to walk slow to my direction, cupping her boobs tenderly with tongue moving in between her lips as she does so* I am here to feed you with your best food; the best food you ever wanted *She whispered slowly as she climbed on my lap and kissed me slowly* your lips always taste magnificent; ouch….always like it is the first time I am ever tasting it. >>>>>>>>>
9 Feb 2017 | 05:48
from another problem to another problem. Now tracy again
9 Feb 2017 | 06:39
Tracy and her wahala again
9 Feb 2017 | 06:47
Wats abt dis Tracy girl dat u can't do away wid Ben u too soft
9 Feb 2017 | 06:49
Can't u ignore dis Tracy, do as if she is not dere Dan u making useless conversation with her, it irritate me wen u reply her.
9 Feb 2017 | 07:51
Hmmmm :whistle:
9 Feb 2017 | 08:19
@druid I wonder o
9 Feb 2017 | 12:10
Not easy to ingore not when he is emotional recked
9 Feb 2017 | 12:14
Tracy get lost.
9 Feb 2017 | 13:10
Stop o..ur dad will soon enter
9 Feb 2017 | 13:47
This Tracy is just a she devil
9 Feb 2017 | 15:13
Ben, you are too weak!
9 Feb 2017 | 15:15
dat bitch go get charm oøo
9 Feb 2017 | 15:51
nawa for this guy o can't u just be a man for once
9 Feb 2017 | 17:05
This tracy na bitch
9 Feb 2017 | 17:10
sincerely speaking I don't know why you are replying her
9 Feb 2017 | 19:19
this guy is a fool
10 Feb 2017 | 15:59
idiot ur fader fey come and u dey dere dey do
10 Feb 2017 | 19:37
Intermission Season 3 Episode 29 I felt weak with my face buried in between her boobs without making any movement. Her cologne was too breezy and erotic; her constant messaging on my back increasing gently. I almost lost it but remembering that my dad will be around any minute soon saved the moment as I pushed my face off her cleavage. ME: You have to go now and I mean now. I know that you have never listened to what I say but for once, do what I say and leave this compound right now *I breathed heavily* TRACY: *Laughing* I know why you want me to leave; your dad will be here very soon and you don’t want me to be a disturbance. Don’t worry, I will behave well *She laughed sarcastically* but as his daughter in law to be *She smirked* ME: Don’t you hear what I said? *I shouted angrily* I said leave now or I will have no choice than to throw you out *I threatened* TRACY: Come on sweetheart, we have been in all this together; you know that you cannot touch a woman, most especially me. I am staying but I promise to be a good girl, a very good girl *She replied* I stared at her angrily as she sat comfortably like a newly born baby who had no worries. A knock came on the door before I could utter anything to her while she smiled and shook her head. I hurried to the door with my heart beating; yeah, my heart was seriously beating because I don’t know what might be my dad’s reaction if he finds a girl lonely in the house with me; not after my last experience with him. ME: Welcome dad *I greeted as I collected his briefcase from him* DAD: Thanks *He sighed as wiped off the little sweat on his for head* TRACY: Good afternoon sir *She prostrated and collected the briefcase from me while I bite my lips furiously* DAD: Good afternoon young lady. Who is she son? *He asked me rather than her* ME: Ermm……she is…….*I stammered not knowing what to say about her* TRACY: I am his girlfriend sir, I was returning from somewhere and decided to stop by *She chipped in* I felt like fainting at that moment; the strange and shocked countenance of my dad not helping matter while the unlimited smiling of Tracy made me feel like strangling her to dead. DAD: Not that anything is wrong but I am surprised that he never told us about you *My dad replied as he held her and they both walked to the couch* TRACY: Yes sir, we actually decided to keep everything on a low key and focus on our education *She replied* DAD: That is great, but how long has you being together? *He asked once more* TRACY: Three years sir *She smiled satisfactorily* DAD: That is quite a long time, you two must truly love each other to stay that long together *He said* TRACY: Yes sir, I love him very much and his is not exceptional *She winked at me* DAD: Impressive, so you are …? TRACY: Tracy sir DAD: Nice being with my son, you are highly welcomed to the family *He smiled* TRACY: Thanks sir *She grinned happily* DAD: Come on, come have a seat, do you think I will disapprove it? *He motioned to me while I sluggishly walked to sit opposite them* Please, can you get me something to eat? I am very famished and tired *He yawned* TRACY: Right away sir *She replied and hurried to the kitchen* ME: Dad, about her……… DAD: I am not saying anything about her again; maybe not anytime soon. *He interrupted* what do you want me to do for you, just mention it *He requested* “Just get this silly girl out of this house and never to return” I almost screamed ME: I travelled to one village some weeks back and met a woman who seemed to know many things about you, insisting that you are from the village and equally has asset there *I replied ignoring what he said* DAD: If the woman said that she knew me then she definitely does and if she say that the village is also mine then it is true but you have to understand that no one hide that from you. You have being out and I haven’t spend a quality of time with you since you grow up. All your siblings visits village occasionally and they know many thing about the villlage; since you have being to the village, then I will hand you the key to our house maybe you decides to visit again *He explained* ME: Thanks, I am not returning there again. Moreover, you said that you are here to see me personally but I can see that you are returning from somewhere else *I replied* DAD: It is true; I am from somewhere else but believe me, I accepted to come for the business because I wanted to see you. Christmas is fast approaching and I have to know all you wants because I will be extremely busy as soon as the celebration is much closer *He explained* ME: Don’t worry dad, I got everything covered. *I replied* DAD: Fine, then I will get those that I know you will need; most especially with your girlfriend *He smiled* ME: Not my girlfriend dad *I replied angrily* DAD: Don’t worry, I am cool with it and your mother will equally be very happy. Do you kind of know any chief? *He asked suspiciously* ME: Yeah, any problem? *I replied amidst fight and confusion* DAD: I was told that you got into problem with him and I have to plead with him to forgive you but you should please, kindly stay far away from him; stay far away from trouble, I don’t want anything to happen to you *He warned* TRACY: Food is ready *She winked at me before walking to the direction of the dinning still on apron* *****************
11 Feb 2017 | 02:47
Tracy is obviously insane
11 Feb 2017 | 03:30
Lol, Tracy dey wiser than u . d girl can talk haba.
11 Feb 2017 | 03:35
not only insane, the girl na player. my guy I don't think u have option.
11 Feb 2017 | 03:37
Guy be wise , Tracy is prurient she fit fuck your dad, lol.
11 Feb 2017 | 03:42
11 Feb 2017 | 04:11
Ben you better think of how to dispose that tracy of a girl.
11 Feb 2017 | 04:45
11 Feb 2017 | 06:18
the part Tracy is playing this story is making angry anytime I read this story
11 Feb 2017 | 09:21
She could b crious dis time
11 Feb 2017 | 09:59
U must realy b silly 4 let tin tracy control u Nt even respectin ur orda
11 Feb 2017 | 11:02
11 Feb 2017 | 11:17
Stay away from chief and Tracy the sole property of chief is here with you Mr man you don't know what you want
11 Feb 2017 | 14:15
Go to hell Tracy
11 Feb 2017 | 14:16
Tracy is a devil herself A chameleon
11 Feb 2017 | 15:45
0 Likes be small thing o
11 Feb 2017 | 16:19
crazy girl
11 Feb 2017 | 17:27
u 'be gotten into d hand of a good player... U need to be self strong to be fee from her grip
11 Feb 2017 | 22:47
Ben, you are really weak! Tracy is much more smarter than you and if care is not taken you'll end up marrying her if she is not already pregnant for you!
11 Feb 2017 | 23:31
Tracy... Wise bae
12 Feb 2017 | 02:46
dat gal na sharp gal, sharp shooter
12 Feb 2017 | 10:54
Hmmmm d ting be lik, u dnt knw wat next @ben
13 Feb 2017 | 04:53
14 Feb 2017 | 03:51
Episode 30 I paced the room furiously as soon as my father was gone; my brow saturated with sweat. I was as confused as hell on what to do; my dad buying the idea that Tracy was my girlfriend and the affability he showed to her never helped matter and it was very strange of my dad to be happy with wrong things about me. Instead of being mad at me, he was shockingly accommodating; acting like someone whose fifty year old son finally brought a girl home. ME: What the hell did you just do? Crawling into my father’s heart and making him believe that you are my girlfriend? Do you ever think for once what your faith will be when I deny you where it really matters? Where you will be left marooned unaided with your despondent life? *I screamed as I yanked the tiny material of her top* TRACY: Come on sweetheart, you know that I love you and will never do anything to hurt you. Everything that I ever do have being for your gains but your hatred for me made you blind about the real side of me. Come to think about it; which girl will ever bring herself so low to be with someone who only affront and hate her? How many girls will be willing to guard and trail a man who doesn’t care about their existence? How many girls will be willing to forfeit even their family for the sake of someone who do not care if she lives or dies? Answer me *She shouted angrily* ME: The only girls that can do that are prostitutes; all they care is money and nothing more, they are so egotistical that they don’t care sacrificing their family to achieve an end and I don’t want such a girl, I don’t want such a girl as a girlfriend or wife *I retorted* TRACY: Going by your designation; I am not a prostitute because I have never asked you for money. I am the one that has being spending here. All you do is request like I am now a money making machine. Do you in anyway know how it feels when your efforts are never appreciated? *She asked sadly* ME: I don’t give a damn about your feelings because I never asked you for anything. I have being pleading with you to find a good life but all you do is chase for someone that doesn’t need you. I will keep on repeating it; you have no place in my life….i don’t love you anymore *I shouted* TRACY: That is where you are wrong; you know that the truth is the opposite of what you just said; I am the only one you love and all your efforts to change that will always remain fruitless. I am your love, I have always being and you have got to embrace that. Your father knows about us now and you know that he will always listen to me; you better embrace it and enjoy it to the fullest because you have nothing to loss; no expending *She replied and slumped to the sofa* ME: You are only bluffing; all you have done is inflate your ignominy. My father might pay more attention to you but there will be abrupt stop to that the day I announce my engagement with another girl. Do you think that my dad will force me into marriage? Better think wisely to avoid much disgrace *I replied and made my way into my room* The moment was upturned for me; it was an event I wished never happened. My dad’s extreme nature was the last I could have imagined to be manipulated by a kid of Tracy’s age and the point that the same girl was the one that extorted 1million from him was so embarrassing. She was playing her games smartly, manipulating every single person that came her way. Her simple and innocent nature made her seemed not to be a treat to flies despite being more dangerous than a tigress. I decided to speak with Timmy on how to get rid of the girl immediately before she spoils many things. Yeah, I really needed to speak with Timmy because I was not myself; I could not think of any way out at that moment, maybe because I was thinking of Evelyn or for the bitter truth that Tracy was strongly connected to me that I could not think against her which was where the presence of Timmy will be more useful; to snap me out of her oblivion. TRACY: You have being standing here for some minutes *She said as she walked into the room* Stop worrying about me; I am not a treat to anyone but for now, you really need a warm bath to keep you in check. *She added and began to unbutton my top* ME: Why are you doing this? *I asked frustratingly* TRACY: Because I love you *She replied without looking at my face* ME: I don’t mean why you are helping me to off my shirt but why you are haunting my life *I retorted* TRACY: I am not haunting you life Ben; I am only helping you to discover what you really want; so that you will not live the rest of your life regretting ever letting me go. My desperation aside, can you deny not enjoying every other thing that happens between us? Can you deny not enjoying seeing me by your side? Watching me every time? *She asked with her eyes piercing into mine* I couldn’t stare at her much longer; her words struck me hard, forcing me to look away. Aside her past, I enjoyed everything about her; the worst being that I could not be angry with her for long. All the hatreds I had for her was due to her past and fear of the real aim of her new behaviors; nothing comes for nothing they say. Does she really mean it when she said that everything she was doing was for the sake of love? I simply don’t have the answer due to her unpredictable nature. TRACY: I noticed that I meant everything for you but you don’t want to admit it and I am not forcing you because I believe you will understand everything sooner or later. But for now, let’s head to the bathroom; I will personally bath my baby *She smirked* To be continued
14 Feb 2017 | 05:44
nawa ooo.... indecision z a great disease
14 Feb 2017 | 06:55
I pity both of you
14 Feb 2017 | 08:38
Big one at dat "indecision" @onahsunday631
14 Feb 2017 | 10:11
Wahala don come ooo
14 Feb 2017 | 10:56
I beg Ooo Ben btw Tracy and Evelyn who do love?cos I can vividly remember that u said u love Evelyn at the same tym tracy ,I knw is just a story buh pls answer me..
14 Feb 2017 | 11:04
Ben all I have for u is to say sorry
14 Feb 2017 | 11:34
Did u guys call that indecision? @druid & onahsunday, It's fuccking foolishness
14 Feb 2017 | 12:16
dat ben dont know wat he want dats it
14 Feb 2017 | 12:26
I pity you @Ben
14 Feb 2017 | 13:51
Ben is just confuse nd he doesn't know who he love
14 Feb 2017 | 15:26
Ben is just confuse nd he doesn't know who he love
14 Feb 2017 | 15:26
14 Feb 2017 | 16:33
chai......ben have entered one chance....
14 Feb 2017 | 17:00
Am not sure dis guy knws wat he wnts
14 Feb 2017 | 17:56
Hmmm, you don't know what you want Ben! Although, is hard to hate someone you really love no matter how she hurts you!
14 Feb 2017 | 18:15
I dislike guys that can't make decision on their own. Ben i pity your life. Do you think tracy will let you go just like that after all you and frank do to her! becareful with that tracy of a girl.
14 Feb 2017 | 19:17
She may b sincere dis time
15 Feb 2017 | 03:09
16 Feb 2017 | 02:19
Episode 31 Having Tracy around in the house was fun but I was not willing to admit it, I was not ready to return to my past. She was my past and I was extremely focused on my future. I needed to get rid of her in order to achieve that but how would that be possible? I placed a call to Timmy but he never answered which prompted me to leave a message for him. Since his breakup with Anna and the emergence of Flora with her pregnancy, Timmy barely settled down in the house while Flora never returned to the house after our first meeting. Instead of getting angry with the abrupt change of situation, I was totally happy; the reason for the change being obvious and I extremely respected that situation. Flora’s behavior the first day of our meeting was alarming and I couldn’t help but pray she never return to meet me in the house. KAY: What are you thinking about? *He asked as he walked into the sitting room* ME: Nothing, I just called someone and he didn’t pick which distressed me. How are you doing? *I replied calmly* KAY: Normal stuffs; just happy that your girlfriend is around; she is very nice *He replied* ME: What made you think so? I mean, you barely know her *I marveled* KAY: I barely know her but I have this feeling that she is very nice and her attitudes never suggested otherwise. Come to think of it, your dad is very strict but still found her amazing; do you need any other proof for that? *He questioned* ME: Not at all, I just want to know your reasons. Hope we can go out later in the evening? You know, staying in door all days is very boring *I suggested* KAY: Sure, I will like to see more of your girl *He replied* I think there is someone at the gate *He added immediately as a heavy knock came on the gate* I sighed as he left. Tracy’s plan seemed to be working flawlessly. She was busy winning everybody to her side with her pious stance. The most surprising of all was that she always made fresh food thrice a day which got me wondering if her parents do not care if she lives with them or not. FRANK: Hello dude; you are seriously changing these days ooo *He complemented as he barged in which was not a new thing of him* ME: Change as how? *I asked confusedly* FRANK: Change as in change; your body looks awesome than before, your enjoyment is truly escalating and it is matter of time before girls will began trolling this place just to see your face *He embellished* ME: I changed my cream, maybe this new one is much better than the former *I replied* FRANK: Are you trying to say that I don’t know the different between food effect and cream effect? I know that there is something you are not telling me *He accused truthfully* TRACY: Yeah, he is not telling you that I have being taking care of him very well *She flashed her white teeth as she walked into the sitting room* I simply sighed and rested my head backward; I was extremely ashamed of myself. I couldn’t tell Frank about most of the things about Tracy and I because he will be extremely mad at me. All that Frank did was burst into laughter but stopped abruptly. FRANK: Wait…..wait, what did you say? *He questioned angrily* TRACY: What I mean is that I spend most of time here; I know what you are thinking but you have to believe me on this, I don’t mean anyone bad *She replied and sat on my lap, touching my cheek affectionately* FRANK: What….what are you wearing? A pant? *He questioned with furry visible on his face* TRACY: Ooh…. I am very sorry, I never knew that there was another person here while coming out, let me change into something decent *She apologized and dashed into the room* FRANK: You haven’t said a word *He frowned at me as I sat reluctantly* ME: What do you want me to say? Look dude, I am not saying anything because I don’t even know what to say. *I responded* FRANK: Saying that I am mad at you will be a simple lie; I am even proud of you. Look, Tracy is very hot and s€3y and you were able to resist her all this while, do you think that some really strong men can do that? With all her tricks? Come on dude *He said surprisingly* ME: I feared it will never go down well with you. *I sighed* She seems entirely different *I added* FRANK: I noticed that too but hope she is not just covering up her real self? *He asked thoughtfully* ME: I don’t know for now *I responded* TRACY: So guys, how do I look now *She called our attention as she stood hand akimbo; like a model that was ready for snapshots* FRANK: Cool and beautiful *He complimented her red colored body fitted sleeveless gown* Hope you are not trying to seduce someone here? *He smiled* TRACY: Hell yes but for your sake, I will try to control myself for now *She laughed and returned to sit on my laps* TIMMY: Hope we didn’t miss anything? *He said from the entrance door as he held hands with Flora* ME: Not at all, couch still vacant for a couple *I replied and tried to push Tracy away but she never cared* FLORA: You seemed to be having a nice moment *She smiled angrily at me* FRANK: Sure, you guys have missed a lot but that is not a problem, it is not over yet *Frank replied* I was calm but confused and tensed as Flora focused her eyes on me; not just a stare but jealousy gaze. She seemed not to care if any other person noticed but Tracy’s subsequent giggle indicated that she also noticed. TIMMY: Can you please excuse us Tracy? …….I mean, from this house *He requested* TRACY: Sure *She replied and stood on her foot* But you should keep something in mind *She turned to Flora* This is Ben, my boyfriend and this is Timmy, your fiancée; please, don’t ever forget that *She laughed loudly before walking into my room to pick her stuffs* ______
17 Feb 2017 | 04:26
17 Feb 2017 | 05:03
world best fool
17 Feb 2017 | 06:47
u tin d provok me slf ben.
17 Feb 2017 | 06:54
This girl tracy has problem
17 Feb 2017 | 08:22
17 Feb 2017 | 09:49
[color=blue][b]I never wanted to comment but I can't take it anymore Ben is the latest idiot of our time who claims to be tough while in reality he is as soft as a socked bread[/b][/color]
17 Feb 2017 | 10:36
getting more interesting ride on boss
17 Feb 2017 | 10:40
I agree with u @danco4real
17 Feb 2017 | 11:04
You are too weak Ben
17 Feb 2017 | 11:45
dis bitch node fear oøo
17 Feb 2017 | 13:13
17 Feb 2017 | 13:24
I don't even know what to comment again
17 Feb 2017 | 15:25
I go with yu @danco4real
17 Feb 2017 | 17:21
Tracy is someone u can't resist and u can't cheat love
17 Feb 2017 | 17:24
hmm am speechless
17 Feb 2017 | 17:27
tracy..... a witch in making
17 Feb 2017 | 18:56
I think Tracy is a change person submit your pictures now
17 Feb 2017 | 19:08
I understand Ben situation! Is a normal thing in life, except u av not experience such, u wont understand! U can hate such girls but u can't do a thing whenever they are around!
18 Feb 2017 | 01:50
18 Feb 2017 | 09:22
Sometimes this story pisses me of ....... Nxt
18 Feb 2017 | 10:07
Tracy Is Always One Step Ahead
19 Feb 2017 | 07:09
I don't even know what to say to this Ben of a thing
20 Feb 2017 | 07:41
Episode 32 FRANK: I don’t understand what is really going on here; what is this all nonsense about? *He asked unexpectedly* ME: What are you talking about? I think you are here playing nice with her some minutes ago? *I questioned angrily* FRANK: What do you expect me to do when I know that it will not matter after all? Her behaviors are very eccentric and erratic and I don’t know why you guys allow her to stay in this house in the first place. *He replied* TIMMY: No one gave her the guarantee to stay here; she forced herself to this point and we can’t stop her. She has her plan before striking, leaving us with little idea *He explained frustratingly* I know that I have being very callous to Ben and I have being trying to correct that but the emergence of Tracy is not good for anyone here; no one is safe and that is the reason that I decided to stay clear from her. *He explained* ME: Well, that is not the problem here; there is a very much bigger problem right now which is the reason I called for your presence *I informed* FLORA: What are you talking about? *She asked confusedly* ME: My dad was here some this morning *I sighed* TIMMY: Your dad was here today? *He alarmed* FLORA: What is wrong with your dad’s presence here? Como on guys, why should that bother you? There is no problem with that *She insisted* ME: Everything is the problem Flora *I shouted angrily, causing a questioning and confused gaze from everyone* my life is completely messed up, everything about me stinks; all I wished was to live a good life, a better life but all that I got had being misery and pain. My everyday life has always being accompanied with sting and lament *I groaned as I paced the room* FRANK: I don’t understand what you are talking about but I only comprehend that this is not about your dad’s present here but something else *He said expectantly* ME: Yeah, it is not much about my dad but it is everything about him. Look, my dad was here but Tracy was also here by that time. I don’t know how but she crept into his heart and made him believe that she is my girlfriend and my dad gave me no choice to explain. He now believes that she is my girlfriend and the most surprising part of it is that he was very cool about it and will invite her over for family lunch during festive period. *I explained* “What?” They all chorused ME: You see, my life just hit unforeseen ugly end. I knew that this Tracy is dangerous but I don’t know that her age will be this promiscuous and desperate to destroy someone’s life. *I murmured loudly* FRANK: That is not good at all *He said thoughtfully* FLORA: Why will she do that? I mean, why will your dad believe her? This is not right at all; maybe you should call him and give him some insight about the real truth *She requested of Timmy* TIMMY: No…No… No, that is not a good idea. His father is not someone you just call to counter a decision that he has already sealed unless you are ready to lose his trust, respect and your ego. *He obstructed* Do your father kind of get angry with you for having a girlfriend during the few period you spent with them? *He asked surprisingly* ME: To be sincere, I don’t want to keep on living a fake life, a life of lies and deceit. I did many horrible things when I was with them which I will live to regret and I am not blaming him for what he did because I was clearly the bad guy. Though I have never had a very beautiful relationship with my dad but my stay with them was a great disaster. I was exposed to situations where my only options was to make the wrong choices which never go down well with my dad *I explained* They all sighed and bowed silently; it was a very memorable and horrible moment for me as the image of everything that I did back at home began to flash back into my head and I couldn’t help but pity those involved. I thought that everything I was doing back then was going to be a history, a memory but I was wrong; it turned out to be one of my greatest regret, mess, disruption and my greatest fear. TIMMY: With what you said, I know that you did bad things and there is no need asking about it to avoid bringing back the memories but I will say that you really messed things up. I know that I have being of a very bad influence to you but all that I was trying to do was to make you happy. But now, I am regretting every bit of it. I thought that every fun oriented things I asked you to do was what keep teens in check, happy and satisfied but I now realized that it only helps by endangering one’s life; creating a bad image and memory that will keep taunting one. I take responsibility for all your problem Ben and I promise to do everything in my power to make things right *He promised* ME: It is not your fault Tim, you have never being a bad influence to me; no one has ever being. I am who I am and everything that has happened was my fault. I thought that life was a bed of roses where everything is about joy, merriment and hard work without challenges. I made every of my decision and not you; we never had a friendly discussion with me before I travelled to influence what I did over there. Everything I did was what I think will be a good memory, not thinking of its consequences but I think that I have learnt my lesson the hard way……to take things easy. *I countered* TBC
21 Feb 2017 | 06:40
Too much talk plenty for here abeg.
21 Feb 2017 | 08:59
now you are regretting your past
21 Feb 2017 | 11:07
Der is notin happening in dis story again, d long talks ar just too much
21 Feb 2017 | 12:13
You brought this upon urself
21 Feb 2017 | 13:52
this story is getting boring by every new episode We all have made bad decisions once in our life that we are not proud of but we don't need to allow those decisions continue to affect us we have to be strong and move on with our life and keep away from those things
21 Feb 2017 | 14:05
Ben you just have to stop blaming yourself for everything that happened
21 Feb 2017 | 14:17
Talk talk and more talk makes story boring, talk to plenty abeg
21 Feb 2017 | 14:20
Ben u don enter
21 Feb 2017 | 15:17
ur past is not dat BAD though
22 Feb 2017 | 10:22
All This Problem U Are The One Coursing Them Urself
22 Feb 2017 | 12:00
this story z just going up and down
22 Feb 2017 | 13:10
Next pls!
22 Feb 2017 | 15:19
still following Shaa ride on
22 Feb 2017 | 19:47
Episode 33 5 days later I paced the room inexorably; I was getting tremendously worn-out of the presence of Tracy in the house. After having a heartily discussion with Timmy and Frank, my hatred for Tracy resurrected with ardor. Every single thing she does in the house seemed to piss me off. She was confused at the change of events for two days before launching yet another desperate side of her that I have never seen. She barely left my side and always made sure to be by my side wherever I went despite not receiving a single word from me. She never gave me a single space no matter what she was doing; cooking but yet staying with me in the sitting room or my room. TRACY: Where are you going? *She questioned as I walked out of my room fully dressed for my evening outing* I ignored her question with my mind already made up to leave the house irrespective of her persistence. I was losing my social esteem and my friends seemed to be getting irritated with her presence as we barely discuss anything pertinent in her present. TRACY: I am asking you Ben, where are you heading to? *She asked again* ME: I am going out Tracy and I don’t want any disturbance from you this moment because I am sick tired of every single desperate behavior of yours. *I replied angrily* TRACY: I want an explanation; I want you to explain to me what I did wrong again because I am in the dark. I never did anything detrimental to your status to warrant this sudden change of character. Everything I do has being for your own good but you seemed too concerned about my past rather my present. I have loved you since the first day I set my eyes on you and I still do; very stronger than I could ever imagine. Please, for God’s sake, tell me what my offence is and I will apologize *She pleaded* ME: Your behaviors are costing me a lot now; I am losing my social status and my friends are backing out just because of you. Just take a look at this; Frank is my best friend and he always spend every evening with me as well as the weekend; have you seen him here for the past three days; since your stupid behavior forced him to leave here angrily? He has being avoiding me as well as my calls since then; I am losing every reputation that took me several years to build just because of you, don’t you get it? *I shouted angrily* The next day after discussing with Frank and Timmy, Frank brought a girl whom he introduced as his new girlfriend but Tracy’s pride of her s€3iness caused her to call the girl a flat-boob-young-b**ch which never went down well with anyone; including me. TRACY: I have apologized countless time that I only meant joke but you won’t forgive me. I never knew that it was going to be that disastrous and you know that I don’t use to insult people *She replied* ME: What will your countless apologies do, restore his relation or save the girl the embarrassment that you caused her? Will you feel okay if you were in her shoe? Will you take that as a joke? *I asked* TRACY: Sure, I will take that extremely serious but no one will ever call me that; you know why? I am too endowed to be insulted but for changing what my supposed joke caused? No one can do that except God *She replied nonchalantly* ME: And Flora, any excuse for what you said to her? *I asked* TRACY: She was hitting on you and I have to do everything to keep my man. I can’t keep my eyes widely open and allow insect in. Come on, you know that she was crushing on you and what I did was to save you from Timmy’s anger. Do you know what will happen if he catch the two of you together? *She questioned* ME: And that warrant disgracing her in his husband’s presence? *I retorted* TRACY: She never seemed embarrassed, does she? She knew what she was doing and was equally proud of that. Timmy knows what she can do which is the reason he is not allowing her to stay in this house *She explained ME: You seemed to know her very well but that does not change how I feel about you right now; not even you; you are nothing but a crap. Better get off my way to avoid stories that touches *I warned* TRACY: will you hit me if I fail to give way? No you won’t because you are not the type that hit women. You better wait for me here to get prepared and move out with you or you are going nowhere *She dared* ME: I am leaving this house this moment and nothing can change that *I retorted* TRACY: Something can change everything; your dad, I place a call to him and what will happen the next minute will be history *She laughed* Her statement caught me off guard; my dad’s involvement into the matter will be disastrous and I was not even in the mood of any more trouble with my dad but that still doesn’t necessitate submitting to her. ME: Look Tracy, I know what you are thinking but I am not submitting to you again; never and you better pick the pieces of your life and leave this house for your own good *I replied to her amazement* TRACY: What do you mean? *She questioned confusedly like a deaf person* ME: I mean that I am leaving this house and you can’t stop me *I replied and shrugged her off my way* “Not yet sweetheart” came a voice before Evelyn walked into the room with her luggage as though she was going to stay for years. TBC
24 Feb 2017 | 03:28
Finally. Ur doom is now nearer.... Eyelyn nd Tracy. Ah pity u
24 Feb 2017 | 04:20
Evelyn ????? wahala don come oooo.....u are *deady* in funke voice
24 Feb 2017 | 04:38
Finally oh is about to go down!
24 Feb 2017 | 04:58
What is Evelyn doing in Timmy's house? I smell trouble
24 Feb 2017 | 05:54
omoh am happi evelyn come jare dat tracy get something in the corner jare
24 Feb 2017 | 06:00
Did i read well????.....omo see gobe
24 Feb 2017 | 06:07
Hahaha u knw wen u do woman charm nd e bak fire.
24 Feb 2017 | 06:38
lol. guy I pity u
24 Feb 2017 | 07:24
Double wahala
24 Feb 2017 | 10:08
24 Feb 2017 | 11:21
Hmmm, Evelyn welcome home!
24 Feb 2017 | 12:33
Evelyn hmmmmmm
24 Feb 2017 | 12:42
This is worse
24 Feb 2017 | 12:43
evelyn coming to do what?
24 Feb 2017 | 12:46
you die well
24 Feb 2017 | 13:02
24 Feb 2017 | 14:30
24 Feb 2017 | 15:07
My dear you're in for it
24 Feb 2017 | 16:28
all of them will be back...
24 Feb 2017 | 16:48
Evelyn ha another wahala
24 Feb 2017 | 19:16
the story Don d dey interesting gon
25 Feb 2017 | 01:22
Fight of d fittest
25 Feb 2017 | 03:38
25 Feb 2017 | 18:36
Episode 34 It seemed to me that the world stopped moving at that moment, my head gaping in mystification. Evelyn’s wedding was in 5days time and she parked in to stay with me? I felt the urge to scream ecstatically and throw myself on her but I held myself on a second thought; I do not even know her aim of coming. ME: What the hell are you doing here? *I frowned* EVELYN: I think you are supposed to be happy to see me; oh….i came at a bad moment but don’t worry sweetheart, you are not going out today any longer *She smiled* ME: That doesn’t answer my question *I persisted* EVELYN: Well, as you know, my wedding will be in 5days time and I decided to spend the remaining days with you; maybe, till the wedding day *She smirked* ME: And you decided to barge in here rather than drop a call? *I questioned uninterestedly* EVELYN: This will be a farewell moment between us and I decided to make it a surprise *She replied and slumped to the chair* can I get a glass of water? *She requested* ME: Get her the yoghurt in the refrigerator *I motioned to Tracy who had being silent* TRACY: But it is remaining only one and you know that it is my best choice *She resisted* ME: I don’t care about your choice; just get it for her *I ordered while she walked away angrily* EVELYN: Something still hasn’t changed *She said but got no reply from me* you still remember my best drink *She smiled* ME: Look Evelyn, you are getting married and being your ex, you are not supposed to be seen by anyone around me *I cautioned* EVELYN: Do you care what happens to me? I know the answer; you don’t care about me and so, let me worry about what happens to my life *She replied* ME: Whatever *I replied and poured the drink that Tracy brought into two wine glasses* One more thing please *I motioned to Tracy as she made to leave* please, help me pack this bags into my room *I requested* TRACY: Inside your own room? *She questioned angrily* ME: Inside my room, anything wrong with that? *I asked* TRACY: Everything is wrong with that. I have being staying here for months and I my belongings had being in the guest room *She retorted* ME: I don’t think it will be a good idea if we discuss this right now. Simply do what I asked of you and give me some space, we all will talk later *I responded while she shrugged angrily* EVELYN: Why are you treating her like a trash? *She questioned as soon as she was gone* ME: Because she loves me *I replied thoughtfully* EVELYN: Does her love for you warrant being neglected and being treated like an pariah? *She persisted* ME: I have never asked you to be like her *I replied angrily* EVELYN: I loved you Ben and you can’t deny that; I gave you chance to think about us but you rather came to an inconvenient conclusion, stop playing blame game please *She replied sadly* ME: I loved you too Evelyn and instead of helping me discover what you really meant to me, you decided to block me off like I never had a meaning in your life *I retorted* EVELYN: But you were the one that broke up with me; I called, text and pleaded countless time but you shunned me off like a waste product. I wanted things to walk out well…….. ME: But you moved on so fast *I interrupted fiercely* EVELYN: I moved on so fast because time was not on my side and I can’t keep forcing someone who does not care how I felt *She responded* ME: But you promised to wait for me no matter how long *I defended* EVELYN: And you promised to stay with me no matter what. Do you know what I passed through during that period? I passed through hell *She screamed with tears* that period was the most challenging moment of my life…… and this guy came; I saw him as God sent to wipe off my tears and heal my pain. Do you expect me to let that chance to elude me? To lose that lifetime opportunity? *She asked* ME: That doesn’t change the fact that you could still have had a ting of patience. True love never dies and you know that what we shared was more than true love. You let go so quickly rather than fight for what you truly cherish, what you wanted to be with you till eternity *I responded* EVELYN: that was a dream which ended before it even got started. Everything was idyllic until you broke my heart for just no reason; the worst way of breaking up with someone. After having your fill that day, you still had the gut to quit through text; for what reason? Do I look like a prostitute or whore to you? *She shouted as more tears poured out from her eyes* ME: It was also a challenging moment for me, I never knew what I was doing *I replied sincerely* EVELYN: But we both know what we are doing right now and we should embrace the gift of nature and stop blaming ourselves, nothing can change where we found ourselves now *She replied indifferently* Never let any opportunity to pass you by because you don’t know if such will ever come again TBC
26 Feb 2017 | 06:12
Oluwa take control
26 Feb 2017 | 06:46
Ben your life s messed up. still following.
26 Feb 2017 | 07:20
Tracy is behind the door eavesdropping.
26 Feb 2017 | 08:42
Ohh..... Is okay na. ...
26 Feb 2017 | 09:06
hmm av start crying
26 Feb 2017 | 09:19
26 Feb 2017 | 12:25
Messed up guy
26 Feb 2017 | 12:56
Ben start eating jare time to waste ......
26 Feb 2017 | 13:39
26 Feb 2017 | 15:11
hmmmmmm Tracy listening....
26 Feb 2017 | 16:26
Ben your life is totally messed up
26 Feb 2017 | 18:55
27 Feb 2017 | 02:29
U Are In For It Again
27 Feb 2017 | 06:53
Nice 1 Ride On
27 Feb 2017 | 07:08
Aye nse e Ben
27 Feb 2017 | 15:00
dat tracy need to shot at head
28 Feb 2017 | 02:05
hahaha....your day jst begun....
1 Mar 2017 | 05:56
i swear talk too much
2 Mar 2017 | 01:10
Episode 34 It seemed to me that the world stopped moving at that moment, my head gaping in mystification. Evelyn’s wedding was in 5days time and she parked in to stay with me? I felt the urge to scream ecstatically and throw myself on her but I held myself on a second thought; I do not even know her aim of coming. ME: What the hell are you doing here? *I frowned* EVELYN: I think you are supposed to be happy to see me; oh….i came at a bad moment but don’t worry sweetheart, you are not going out today any longer *She smiled* ME: That doesn’t answer my question *I persisted* EVELYN: Well, as you know, my wedding will be in 5days time and I decided to spend the remaining days with you; maybe, till the wedding day *She smirked* ME: And you decided to barge in here rather than drop a call? *I questioned uninterestedly* EVELYN: This will be a farewell moment between us and I decided to make it a surprise *She replied and slumped to the chair* can I get a glass of water? *She requested* ME: Get her the yoghurt in the refrigerator *I motioned to Tracy who had being silent* TRACY: But it is remaining only one and you know that it is my best choice *She resisted* ME: I don’t care about your choice; just get it for her *I ordered while she walked away angrily* EVELYN: Something still hasn’t changed *She said but got no reply from me* you still remember my best drink *She smiled* ME: Look Evelyn, you are getting married and being your ex, you are not supposed to be seen by anyone around me *I cautioned* EVELYN: Do you care what happens to me? I know the answer; you don’t care about me and so, let me worry about what happens to my life *She replied* ME: Whatever *I replied and poured the drink that Tracy brought into two wine glasses* One more thing please *I motioned to Tracy as she made to leave* please, help me pack this bags into my room *I requested* TRACY: Inside your own room? *She questioned angrily* ME: Inside my room, anything wrong with that? *I asked* TRACY: Everything is wrong with that. I have being staying here for months and I my belongings had being in the guest room *She retorted* ME: I don’t think it will be a good idea if we discuss this right now. Simply do what I asked of you and give me some space, we all will talk later *I responded while she shrugged angrily* EVELYN: Why are you treating her like a trash? *She questioned as soon as she was gone* ME: Because she loves me *I replied thoughtfully* EVELYN: Does her love for you warrant being neglected and being treated like an pariah? *She persisted* ME: I have never asked you to be like her *I replied angrily* EVELYN: I loved you Ben and you can’t deny that; I gave you chance to think about us but you rather came to an inconvenient conclusion, stop playing blame game please *She replied sadly* ME: I loved you too Evelyn and instead of helping me discover what you really meant to me, you decided to block me off like I never had a meaning in your life *I retorted* EVELYN: But you were the one that broke up with me; I called, text and pleaded countless time but you shunned me off like a waste product. I wanted things to walk out well…….. ME: But you moved on so fast *I interrupted fiercely* EVELYN: I moved on so fast because time was not on my side and I can’t keep forcing someone who does not care how I felt *She responded* ME: But you promised to wait for me no matter how long *I defended* EVELYN: And you promised to stay with me no matter what. Do you know what I passed through during that period? I passed through hell *She screamed with tears* that period was the most challenging moment of my life…… and this guy came; I saw him as God sent to wipe off my tears and heal my pain. Do you expect me to let that chance to elude me? To lose that lifetime opportunity? *She asked* ME: That doesn’t change the fact that you could still have had a ting of patience. True love never dies and you know that what we shared was more than true love. You let go so quickly rather than fight for what you truly cherish, what you wanted to be with you till eternity *I responded* EVELYN: that was a dream which ended before it even got started. Everything was idyllic until you broke my heart for just no reason; the worst way of breaking up with someone. After having your fill that day, you still had the gut to quit through text; for what reason? Do I look like a prostitute or whore to you? *She shouted as more tears poured out from her eyes* ME: It was also a challenging moment for me, I never knew what I was doing *I replied sincerely* EVELYN: But we both know what we are doing right now and we should embrace the gift of nature and stop blaming ourselves, nothing can change where we found ourselves now *She replied indifferently* [b] Never let any opportunity to pass you by because you don’t know if such will ever come again[/b] TBC
3 Mar 2017 | 00:57
Hmmm... Nice words to ponder on!
3 Mar 2017 | 01:50
34 again
3 Mar 2017 | 01:50
3 Mar 2017 | 01:57
You posted this b4
3 Mar 2017 | 05:12
Episode 35 The next two days was living hell for me. Staying in the same house with two s€3 aficionados almost claimed my life. Evelyn who insisted on having the last moment with me never gave up as she seemed extra energized while the ever jealous Tracy could not stay out of the cue as she threatened to bring up quarrel with Evelyn if I left her out of the act. I thought that I have seen it all not knowing that the worst was waiting for me. EVELYN: I will make a suggestion; maybe we could have threesome this morning; you know; it will be very hot and mind blowing *She suggested as we ate our breakfast* TRACY: Despite not being happy or comfortable with you sleeping with my man, I will admit that it will be very awesome *She supported* ME: Look b**ches, I don’t understand what the both of you are turning into, most especial you Evelyn because this Tracy here is already a well renowned publicized slut. But for this suggestion, I say no and I mean it. The both of you cannot claim to love me when all you care is yourself *I retorted* EVELYN: Correction, I am not in love with you any longer; the love is dead and buried. I am only here to satisfy myself and not because I love you *She responded* ME: Of course you are still in love with me; as strong as the most blistering moment of our relationship. There are random guys out there, why don’t you go to them for your last s€3 out rather than come to me? Or do you think that I have forgotten how you act whenever you are truly happy? *I questioned* TRACY: Why don’t you guys stop all this old love stuffs? What is at hand now is that we are having threesome and that is final *Tracy chipped in as Evelyn began to get cold with every word I uttered* ME: Should I take excuse from the both of you before going to see Kay? *I questioned in a bid to change the tension in the room with the sole aim of leaving the house entirely* EVELYN: You know that I know everything about you; like reading your mind and I can tell right now that you are lying. I made the suggestion and it must stand, you are not permitted to step a foot out of this house until I say so *She replied* TRACY: How do you know that? *She questioned confusedly* ME: Because we are soul mate *I replied* TRACY: I didn’t ask your bad mouth. *She retorted to me* Can we talk about this privately? *She requested of Evelyn* EVELYN: I don’t want to talk about that friend *She responded sadly* but for your sake, I will tell you later *She promised* ME: Why don’t I give you guys chance to discuss my assassination *I smiled and stood up* between former teacher and student or rather, old enemies *I laughed and began to walk toward the exit door* EVELYN: You are not going anywhere *She shouted angrily as she rushed to block my way* You think that your confusion can creep into my head? Better start walking back into your room *She ordered* ME: For Christ sake, I am still in my short; how do you think that I will walk through that gate half naked? *I defended as she held my groin while Tracy held the collar of my shirt tightly with daring look* TRACY: You look much better in that short than trousers. It will be very nice if you keep the thought of leaving this house aside. Just mention anything you want to eat and it will be ready in a flash. *She chipped in* EVELYN: I know what he wants but first, lead the way to the room *She requested while I sighed frustratingly* I walked slowly, wondering if Evelyn knew what she was doing. She seemed to take Tracy for granted despite hearing a lot about her. I pushed her aside as we made to enter my room and urged Tracy to keep going before dragged her furiously back to the sitting room. ME: What the hell is wrong with you? Are you really in your right senses? *I questioned as soon as I was sure that Tracy could not eavesdrop our discussion* EVELYN: Nothing, I am perfectly okay but if I may ask, why do you think that I am not okay? *She asked* ME: Your wedding is in a few days and here you are, performing s@3ual acts with someone that you know could end your marriage in a twinkle of an eye. Do you know if she has secret cameras all over this house? *I asked concernedly* EVELYN: A s€3 tape that will also show herself? *She questioned* ME: Do you even know her? She will not care if the whole world sees her tape. To be precise, she will be extremely happy about it for the fame *I explained* EVELYN: Well, I have everything under control and I thought you will never be suspicious of that *She defended* I made her my friend for a reason; so that she could tell me all her plans here and I have to do everything to make her less suspicious of my actions *She added* ME: And what did you find out about her mission here? *I questioned curiously* EVELYN: I will tell you that later but for now, let’s head back to the business at hand *She smiled* ME: Why are you helping me? *I questioned confusedly* EVELYN: Because your friends pleaded with me *She replied* ME: Which of my friends? *I asked to ascertain the ‘friends’ she was talking about* EVELYN: Frank, Timmy and his fiancée but I am not here because of them; I am here because I planned to be here, even before they came to me. So, I am doing double work *She explained while I sighed deeply* and like you said, I still love you; very strongly but I am getting married and you should not expect anything more than what is happening right now *She added and walked out sadly* TBC
3 Mar 2017 | 05:17
Episode 35 The next two days was living hell for me. Staying in the same house with two s€3 aficionados almost claimed my life. Evelyn who insisted on having the last moment with me never gave up as she seemed extra energized while the ever jealous Tracy could not stay out of the cue as she threatened to bring up quarrel with Evelyn if I left her out of the act. I thought that I have seen it all not knowing that the worst was waiting for me. EVELYN: I will make a suggestion; maybe we could have threesome this morning; you know; it will be very hot and mind blowing *She suggested as we ate our breakfast* TRACY: Despite not being happy or comfortable with you sleeping with my man, I will admit that it will be very awesome *She supported* ME: Look b**ches, I don’t understand what the both of you are turning into, most especial you Evelyn because this Tracy here is already a well renowned publicized slut. But for this suggestion, I say no and I mean it. The both of you cannot claim to love me when all you care is yourself *I retorted* EVELYN: Correction, I am not in love with you any longer; the love is dead and buried. I am only here to satisfy myself and not because I love you *She responded* ME: Of course you are still in love with me; as strong as the most blistering moment of our relationship. There are random guys out there, why don’t you go to them for your last s€3 out rather than come to me? Or do you think that I have forgotten how you act whenever you are truly happy? *I questioned* TRACY: Why don’t you guys stop all this old love stuffs? What is at hand now is that we are having threesome and that is final *Tracy chipped in as Evelyn began to get cold with every word I uttered* ME: Should I take excuse from the both of you before going to see Kay? *I questioned in a bid to change the tension in the room with the sole aim of leaving the house entirely* EVELYN: You know that I know everything about you; like reading your mind and I can tell right now that you are lying. I made the suggestion and it must stand, you are not permitted to step a foot out of this house until I say so *She replied* TRACY: How do you know that? *She questioned confusedly* ME: Because we are soul mate *I replied* TRACY: I didn’t ask your bad mouth. *She retorted to me* Can we talk about this privately? *She requested of Evelyn* EVELYN: I don’t want to talk about that friend *She responded sadly* but for your sake, I will tell you later *She promised* ME: Why don’t I give you guys chance to discuss my assassination *I smiled and stood up* between former teacher and student or rather, old enemies *I laughed and began to walk toward the exit door* EVELYN: You are not going anywhere *She shouted angrily as she rushed to block my way* You think that your confusion can creep into my head? Better start walking back into your room *She ordered* ME: For Christ sake, I am still in my short; how do you think that I will walk through that gate half naked? *I defended as she held my groin while Tracy held the collar of my shirt tightly with daring look* TRACY: You look much better in that short than trousers. It will be very nice if you keep the thought of leaving this house aside. Just mention anything you want to eat and it will be ready in a flash. *She chipped in* EVELYN: I know what he wants but first, lead the way to the room *She requested while I sighed frustratingly* I walked slowly, wondering if Evelyn knew what she was doing. She seemed to take Tracy for granted despite hearing a lot about her. I pushed her aside as we made to enter my room and urged Tracy to keep going before dragged her furiously back to the sitting room. ME: What the hell is wrong with you? Are you really in your right senses? *I questioned as soon as I was sure that Tracy could not eavesdrop our discussion* EVELYN: Nothing, I am perfectly okay but if I may ask, why do you think that I am not okay? *She asked* ME: Your wedding is in a few days and here you are, performing s@3ual acts with someone that you know could end your marriage in a twinkle of an eye. Do you know if she has secret cameras all over this house? *I asked concernedly* EVELYN: A s€3 tape that will also show herself? *She questioned* ME: Do you even know her? She will not care if the whole world sees her tape. To be precise, she will be extremely happy about it for the fame *I explained* EVELYN: Well, I have everything under control and I thought you will never be suspicious of that *She defended* I made her my friend for a reason; so that she could tell me all her plans here and I have to do everything to make her less suspicious of my actions *She added* ME: And what did you find out about her mission here? *I questioned curiously* EVELYN: I will tell you that later but for now, let’s head back to the business at hand *She smiled* ME: Why are you helping me? *I questioned confusedly* EVELYN: Because your friends pleaded with me *She replied* ME: Which of my friends? *I asked to ascertain the ‘friends’ she was talking about* EVELYN: Frank, Timmy and his fiancée but I am not here because of them; I am here because I planned to be here, even before they came to me. So, I am doing double work *She explained while I sighed deeply* and like you said, I still love you; very strongly but I am getting married and you should not expect anything more than what is happening right now *She added and walked out sadly* TBC
3 Mar 2017 | 05:19
Hummmmm :s
3 Mar 2017 | 05:51
Evelyn how sure are you that Tracy will tell you all her plans?
3 Mar 2017 | 07:10
hmmm :b
3 Mar 2017 | 08:35
mind games
3 Mar 2017 | 13:06
hmmmm I don't Severn knw what to type about the story... well next let me keep observing
3 Mar 2017 | 13:08
hmmm I fare ooooo
3 Mar 2017 | 13:39
3 Mar 2017 | 14:08
God forbid bad thing o.getting married and still with ur ex? That z rubbish
3 Mar 2017 | 14:10
You lost her Ben
3 Mar 2017 | 15:12
Hmmm Threesome
3 Mar 2017 | 15:18
Ben be careful with both of them... Don't let them kill you
3 Mar 2017 | 16:01
all thanks to u eve....pls do nd help that confused imbecilic ben....
3 Mar 2017 | 16:40
game of de mind
3 Mar 2017 | 17:33
Too bad for you Evelyn
3 Mar 2017 | 17:34
I know Evelyn is up to something and she alone can help u out of Tracy's hand!
3 Mar 2017 | 18:18
7 Mar 2017 | 03:23
Episode 36 Evelyn’s wedding was already in a day time but she was still with me which got me thinking that the wedding tale might be crooked up but another call to my sister proved that she was truly getting married. I became twitchy at what her aspire of staying out of her scheduled wedding place. I made up my mind to question her about the game she was trying to play but my parents eventually showed up which got me more restless and startled. MUM: Are you not happy to see us? *My mum questioned skeptically as my panic got the better of me* ME: Not actually mum; I am just surprise because none of you called to notify anyone of your possible visit *I responded* DAD: We had no time for that because we have many things to cover. Hope you are aware of Evelyn’s wedding? *He asked as he headed to sit down* ME: Yeah, just some minutes ago *I replied as Evelyn walked into the room at that moment* EVELYN: Oh my God, I never imagined that you will be here by now*She shouted in ecstasy as she threw herself on my mum* DAD: What excuse could we have to give for turning up late *He smiled* MUM: I thought that you said that you have informed him about your wedding? *she frowned at her* EVELYN: I am sorry; I have got so many things to put in place which made me to forget so many things but I decided to be here unfailingly today to make up for that *She lied* MUM: Really? *She nodded suspiciously* DAD: What about Tracy is she around? She promised me to be here before our arrival *He asked* ME: Must she be here every second? She has parent and siblings *I replied angrily* Truthfully, his question got me extremely fuming. Imagine telling me that they were too busy to call me while he spoke with Tracy about their visit. DAD: I just made it clear that she promised to be here before we come *He said angrily* EVELYN: I think she would be in the kitchen; I came with her some minutes ago and she was talking about preparing something for some visitors *She defended* DAD: I told you *He smiled at my mum while she returned the smile* the best thing I like about her is her cooking dexterity. *He explained further* I knew at that moment that I was already dead and buried even before I existed. What other hope do I have to redeem myself from her web when my dad was already convincing people about her good side; not knowing the darkest part that occupied most of her existence. MUM: I can’t wait to meet this amazing girl who has the exact characteristic that I possessed during my youthful age *She commented* EVELYN: Like you taught me *She chipped in with smile* MUM: The best that I have ever raised *She patted her tenderly* you know, i always feel happy on remembering the positive impacts I had in the live of teenagers; it feel like the best thing I have ever achieved in life *She explain satisfactorily* My head seemed to be at the verge of bursting immediately Tracy walked into the room; wooing everyone with her charming smile. My mum couldn’t help but showed blessing on her while my dad grinned happily like I had never seen. I was silence throughout our meal but being sad at that moment was the last thing to do as everyone in the room seemed to be happy with her; Evelyn surprisingly inclusive. I thought on what to do and decided to speak with my mum; if anyone was to believe me; it would be my mum and Ken, not even my sisters. EVELYN: Hope you guys will be heading home directly? *She asked as we all walked slowly back to the sitting room* DAD: Yes, any problem? *He questioned* EVELYN: No, I just think that it will be better returning with you guys *She replied* MUM: I thought that you came here with your car? *My mum questioned suspiciously* EVELYN: Err….I actually used public transport, you know, I had to sneak out because there was no way I could leave home today with my car. *She stammered while my mum nodded thoughtfully* ME: Can I talk with you for a sec? *I requested of Evelyn* EVELYN: Just a second *She replied while I lead her back to the dinning* ME: You seemed to be unaware of the consequence of this your stupid plan. How do you plan on moving out of this house with your luggage? *I questioned confusedly* EVELYN: I never knew that your parent will be here and I had to think about a better option. Allowing them to leave here before me will be suspicious and so, I asked Tracy to help me move my luggage out on the pretext that she was in the kitchen. My belongings are current on the way home and I have placed a call on Sunshine to sneak them in for me. Just keep your calm and play your part very well because I can’t take any chance of being busted *She explained with fright* ME: Excuse me *I called back as she made to leave* what about Tracy? *I asked* EVELYN: She has no bad plan for anyone except anyone that wants to see her wrath. I will advise you don’t compel her to turn against you because she could wreck the career of your dad in a second *She warned before dashing out* I sighed nauseatingly; it was already apparent that my life was already disheveled. Tracy had only one innocent mission and motive; to be with me but also willing to go extra mile to achieve that. But Evelyn’s revelation tamed me for a second, I had no other option than to accept her for the sake of my dad, for the sake of those that a cherished or otherwise, I will end up costing everyone fortunes and reputation; I will end up destroying my dad’s career which took him many years to TBC
7 Mar 2017 | 04:44
smart bad devilish girl
7 Mar 2017 | 06:52
Na so she dangerous reach
7 Mar 2017 | 07:47
you cant beat her abi? Oya join her
7 Mar 2017 | 08:27
Stupid Ben
7 Mar 2017 | 10:50
7 Mar 2017 | 11:09
Ok o..marriage na by force now
7 Mar 2017 | 11:09
7 Mar 2017 | 15:33
How? Wats d connection btw ur dad, his career nd tracy?
7 Mar 2017 | 16:31
Ben, before I thought u ware smart but u have proven to be a dummy
7 Mar 2017 | 16:48
Sometime I Just can't help but imagine how far Tracy is willing to go just to have Ben
7 Mar 2017 | 21:10
taught you are tough
8 Mar 2017 | 02:12
I wonder how she can possess all this power well still observing shaaa
8 Mar 2017 | 18:22
Episode 37 TRACY: So, I will finally know the paradise you call home *She noted as soon as everyone was gone* ME: Sure and I am very happy about that *I smiled to her amazement* Look, I know that I have being very harsh on you but I have decided to change; for us to be happy *I explained* TRACY: Really! *She exclaimed more happily* ME: Yeah but base on some conditions *I responded* TRACY: Like I kept on saying, I want to be with you and I have done many dangerous things for that single reason and still willing to do more to make you happy *She replied convincingly* ME: Fine then; I want you to tell me things that you have never told me *I requested* TRACY: *Sighed deeply* There are many things that I have never told you or anyone but the worst part of my life was that I have sent two people to their early grave though I was not totally at fault; I had no other choice rather than sacrifice my own life. *She explained sadly* ME: That is weird *I frowned* and you live happily afterward? *I questioned* TRACY: No, I have being haunted by that memory. I never thought that my life could be so messed up to the extent of taking a life. But now that I know how it feels, I pray every day never to be in such situation again. *She explained* ME: *Breathed deeply* any one relating to me? *I asked* TRACY: Yeah, two but you know about one. The worst being that pregnant rumor; I know that it might sound unconvincing but believe me, I never got pregnant; I was only trying to extort money from Andy *She replied* ME: So you are admitting sleeping with him while we were dating? *I asked angrily as her revelation made me felt being cheated on* TRACY: I am sorry but that was the only way I could stop hurting you. After lying to you that my dad was sick, I felt extremely bad and vowed never to do that again. I subsequently needed some money and since Andy was pestering me to date him, I decided to take advantage of that. *She explained* ME: And what do you need money for during that period? *I inquired* TRACY: I was assigned to deliver some drugs to a client but I never made it to him with the drugs; I was attacked by some guys and they do away with it. I know better than return to announce such deplorable news and so, I decided to get the money from Andy which he never hesitated to hand over to me so as to save his status *She explained* ME: And you put me in the limelight of the pregnancy? *I asked angrily* TRACY: Like I said, there was never any pregnancy; Andy was afraid because he didn’t trust me and so, he decided to tell people about you being responsible for my fake pregnancy *She explained* ME: This is too much to take *I sighed frustratingly* TRACY: I know but I never meant to hurt your feelings. I brought that to myself, I lived a very dangerous life at my early age before I met you and I couldn’t pull out immediately; I couldn’t change without hurting myself and the people that I love *She replied amidst of tears* ME: And how did you managed to leave the group? *I asked suspiciously* TRACY: The same way that Timmy did; the chief seemed to be getting tired of the business and decided to take it low; selecting the best and those that he trusted out of the group and ditching out the rest *She explained* ME: I am speechless *I muttered rubbing my head thoughtlessly* TRACY: Whenever i reflect on my past life, I couldn’t help but cry; I almost ended up like those guys that I killed *She cried* ME: Come on, stop crying, everything is going to be okay *I consoled as I cuddled her tightly while I almost felt like crying* TRACY: Will it ever be okay? *She asked as her tears increased* ME: Sure, it will be okay….I am here for you no matter what *I whispered into her ears* TRACY: *Raised her head up in astonishment* Do you mean everything you are saying? Will you always be there for me? *She questioned like a young long lost kid* ME: I promise; I will always be by your side; I love you so much *I replied as tears began to roll down my eyes* TRACY: I love you so much *She replied and our lips locked in an intense kiss* Some minutes later. Frank and his girlfriend walked into the sitting room fully dress for our journey. They seemed to be much cheerful than the last time I saw them but the emergence of Tracy from the room changed the calm atmosphere into wild intense arena. TRACY: I know that I am not worthy to be uttering a single word to either of you but I want you to know that I am very sorry for what happened last time. I was ostentatious and arrogant and never thought of what my statement would cause. I am really sorry and I promise to make it up to you guys *She apologized* FRANK: And how do you plan to do that? *He asked suspiciously* TRACY: By becoming her true friend which I never was. I know that it sound weird and none of you will trust me but it is okay, I will take any treatment from you, as the punishment for my sins *She replied* SANDRA: No one is punishing you for anything, but trusting you will be very hard. As for being friends? We are friends, we had never being enemy *She smiled as they shook hands* But I still don’t trust you *She added* TRACY: I understand *She smiled sadly* _________________ Never build a thorny path while you go because it must definitely hurt you on your way down. TBC
11 Mar 2017 | 06:03
Na wa for this tracy girl
11 Mar 2017 | 06:21
well, I think she is tired of is past and trying to change, let see how it goes.
11 Mar 2017 | 07:15
Eeya it is good to repent
11 Mar 2017 | 07:30
Ök o..when will this story end?
11 Mar 2017 | 07:51
I still don't understand Tracy
11 Mar 2017 | 08:49
Tracy baby, you too much!
11 Mar 2017 | 16:35
Wow, nice 1
11 Mar 2017 | 16:49
Tracy's desire
11 Mar 2017 | 18:07
Ben has decided to be with Tracy just because she doesn't want his dad's business to be ruin
11 Mar 2017 | 23:24
Episode 38 It was almost 4:00PM when we got home; everywhere was buzzing with activities as though the wedding was taking place at our home. Everywhere was beautifully decorated with security men rooming every corner. I drove into the compound happily; home seemed to be more exciting than I thought. FRANK: Wow…This is paradise *He exclaimed as they glanced at building with astonishment* TRACY: Indeed; I was actually expecting something great but not as this *She supported* SANDRA: I wonder why this guy will leave this and be somewhere else *She joked* ME: Come on guys, let’s get our stuffs in *I called as I opened the car boot* VOICE: Let me have that *I turned to see a strong man suited in black offering to help me.* ME: Thanks *I smiled at him* MAN: No, I have being assigned to take care of you. My other colleague is inside getting your materials readied and I will appreciate if you allow me to do my job *He explained* ME: This is hell *I muttered frustratingly* one of the reason I never wanted to be here *I added* MAN: You seem not to like that. Every kid will be glad having someone walk around with them as their personal guard *He replied as he dropped our luggage from the boot* ME: Did I hear you say personal security guard? *I shouted* MAN: Don’t worry, you will get use to that *He smiled and walked away with the luggage* TRACY: What is the problem? *She questioned as my scream caught their attention* ME: I have a personal security…… i now have a guard that will be walking around with me…… I now have my replica protecting me from unknown danger *I blabbed* FRANK: You will soon get use to being manned around *He laughed* I know you and this is one of the things you hate but I am very happy that you have no other choice. I hissed and headed to the main building. I was happy being back home when everything was okay between my dad and I which really helped me to enjoy the stay but I got some other problems; Mira, Juliet and Jane. ME: Hello everyone *I shouted as I stepped into the filled up sitting room* I never thought of what my greeting would cause; everyone screamed in ecstasy while Ken and my sisters rushed to hug me but as I expected some people seemed to be sad with my arrival. ME: This is Frank my best friend and by his side is Sandra his girlfriend. By right hand side, you see this young beautiful girl smiling at you like an angel and she is Tracy, my sweetheart *I introduced* KEN: I missed you brother *He held me tightly* and I like your girlfriend; she is very cute and beautiful *He smiled at Tracy while she held his hand and they both headed off* SUNSHINE: When you left, everyone was very sad most especially Mira but her sadness was not because you left but because she could never be with you and now that you brought a girl home, you need to avoid her by all means to avoid hurting her *She advised as she led me out to the garden* ME: Sure, I know that but it was not my fault and she understood *I replied* SUNSHINE: She understood but feelings always take over one’s mind. Dad has told us much about your girl but I still want to hear from you *She smiled* ME: It is very complicated….. I want you to believe me; I never wanted this relationship to work because Tracy is very dangerous; she pestered on me, forced herself on me and convinced dad with her magic and I don’t know how to get off her web *I explained* SUNSHINE: I understand but have you asked yourself if you truly love her? *She asked* ME: Yeah, for several times and sincerely, the only answer is yes but I have loved someone else more than her but I can’t be with her any longer *I replied* SUNSHINE: That simply means that you have to choose the available one that you love. Not that she is bad, I like her shape, size and how she composes her grammar *She replied* ME: You have being chatting with her? *I asked less surprise* SUNSHINE: Everyone has being chatting and talking with her on phone *She replied* over here *She motioned to a lady who carried a tray of wine filled glasses* ME: You enjoy ordering people around? *I marveled* SUNSHINE: You will have no choice as far as you are in this house *She replied* Aunty Eve will be very happy with you; she has said a lot about you *She smiled at me* ME: I couldn’t turn her request down; she is very cool and caring but do you have much knowledge about her husband? *I asked curiously* SUNSHINE: Sure, he is Jenny’s senior brother; the first child of their family and he spearhead his father’s company *She explained* ME: Stop pulling my leg sister *I retorted with fright* SUNSHINE: What is wrong with that? You messed up with the twins and not Evelyn or the guy. *She replied* I went mute at that moment; the whole thing was already entangled and the secrecy between myself, Evelyn and the twin must forever remain a secret to avoid making three happy family friends enemies. My randy lifestyle already at the verge of crashing so many family bonds. ___ TBC
15 Mar 2017 | 01:34
Hahahahahahahahahaha bro its time to dance to your music.......
15 Mar 2017 | 02:24
15 Mar 2017 | 02:35
Why are you now scared
15 Mar 2017 | 02:50
Still waiting for how it wil end
15 Mar 2017 | 02:54
Guy Wait,Don't Tell Me You Never Think About This When You Started Playing The Twins O
15 Mar 2017 | 03:05
15 Mar 2017 | 03:28
15 Mar 2017 | 03:33
Chai...its really complicated
15 Mar 2017 | 03:37
Hmmm.. Let see how Ben will come out this web
15 Mar 2017 | 05:35
Ride on bro
15 Mar 2017 | 05:59
15 Mar 2017 | 06:04
Ben the Ben am just observing your case
15 Mar 2017 | 09:47
15 Mar 2017 | 13:23
Don't know wat too say
15 Mar 2017 | 14:58
chai intermission indeed
15 Mar 2017 | 15:18
15 Mar 2017 | 18:49
hohohohoho......... I laugh in ♨ Spanish... chill out guy, no worries for you
15 Mar 2017 | 20:34
I wonder why you are now scared
15 Mar 2017 | 21:56
16 Mar 2017 | 09:18
What goes around comes around! Next!
16 Mar 2017 | 13:49
Episode 39 ______ SUNSHINE: What is going on with you bro? Can you explain to me what is really happening? *She requested concernedly* ME: No, I am perfectly okay. I am just having a little headache *I lied while her phone rang at that moment to my relief* SUNSHINE: Mum needs our attention in her room right away *She announced as soon as she dropped the call* ME: Do you have any idea why she is summoning us? *I asked with fright* SUNSHINE: I don’t know; let’s get going, she hates being keep waiting *She responded and made her way in* I sighed thoughtfully before following her. I met Evelyn comfortably sited on her bed; the look on her face not showing any pleasant sign. MUM: Have a sit *She motioned me to sit beside Evelyn while I obeyed* now, I want someone among the two of you to explain to me the relationship you both shares *She requested calmly* Her request took me unaware; I never thought that my mum could ever be suspicious of us since she has never seen us together. I felt foolish and insane and uttering a word was the most challenging aspect of everything for me as the shame it will leave Evelyn in made me felt too responsible for everything. MUM: I am waiting for you *She shouted angrily leaving Evelyn in shiver* EVELYN: We….we…we were lovers *She stuttered* The room became tediously silent; I felt that the earth should opened up and swallow me. My mum’s angry eyes which were roving from me to Evelyn forced me to gaze at my fingers. My sister seemed less surprise as she worked her fingers on her tablet. MUM: *Breathed deeply* I never wanted to believe this *She muttered disappointedly* ME: I know what you are thinking right now mum but believe me, everything happened because I let it to. I love Evelyn and she loves me too; anything wrong with being with whom you love? *I asked* MUM: Wait…wait, is that the reason why you asked me if you could be with someone older than you? *She asked thoughtfully* ME: Yeah, I was in love with her but I was clueless because of the age difference. I knew that you will come up with good suggestion which was the reason why I requested for your advice *I explained* MUM: This has been going on for a very long time *She breathed* do you guys think of the implication of what you were doing? Do you think of the things you action could put in danger? *She asked* EVELYN: Mum, the truth is that I love Ben, from the first time I set my eyes on him. The feeling I had for him was very strange and unique, I had never felt like that my entire life. I felt like nothing else exists apart from us; I felt loved, homely, happy and accomplished. There was nothing else that mattered to me as long as I was with him; the implications of everything was nothing as long as our love was strong *She explained* MUM: And you were with him for the past five days and lied to us that you were there to tell him about your wedding? *She questioned* EVELYN: I want to be with him; I want to do everything with him *She cried* SUNSHINE: I never thought that this is this strong but I am not blaming any of you; age doesn’t have anything to do with love in this era, being happy with whom you cherish is the first thing to consider *She chipped in* EVELYN: And I am not achieving that again just because mum was not in support of that *She cried* MUM: I never knew that it was you, he didn’t tell me; he just requested for my help without any explanation or the person involved *She defended* EVELYN: I love Ben and I will forever love him. I am only in this marriage for the sake of getting married, not because love. I have being hiding my true feelings about everyone and I don’t know how long I can keep it; I am seriously losing my patience *She wept* SUNSHINE: Then call off the wedding; call off the wedding and be with who you won’t be tempted to cheat on *She suggested* This is what I have being telling you since; why will you be where you are not happy but keep on pretending to be? *She asked concernedly* Everything was as clear as ever to me; the reason why my sister was not surprise about everything was because she already knew. Evelyn asking her to help her sneak her luggage in? And my sister not asking about who I truly love when I told her about Tracy? I never thought that I was that stupid until that moment. EVELYN: I will do that; right away *She replied and sprung up from her sit* MUM: Come back and sit down here *She ordered angrily while Evelyn obeyed* What are you people thinking? Do you understand what that mean? Calling off a wedding? Do you think that it is what someone just woke up and do? Let make this clear to everyone of you; calling off the wedding will bring disaster to this family; do you think that your husband will just fold his arms and accept that? Come on, think with your head for once *She cautioned* SUNSHINE: You are right mum but what do you expect her to do now? *She asked* MUM: Nothing; just let the wedding proceed and live with your husband. Anything less or more than that will be totally unacceptable by anyone and no one will stand by you in such scandal. I am not happy that everything is turning out like this but you would have thought about this before accepting to marry him *She explained* EVELYN: What do you expect me to do? I was blinded by hatred and vengeance not knowing the consequence of it *She replied* SUNSHINE: What do you mean by ‘hatred and vengeance’? *She asked confusedly* EVELYN: Ben broke up with me and it hurt me so much. After spending a good time together, I checked the letter he attached to the flower he brought to me only to found out that he was not ready to continue….. without any reason. I pleaded with him on countless occasions but he wouldn’t change his mind. I became terribly sick but I could not tell anyone. I headed to the hospital but couldn’t drive much longer before I lost consciousness. I woke in the hospital to meet Jerry who later explained to me that he broke my car window before he could get me out of the car. I was sad, devastated and angry at Ben. I decided to let him know how it feel when being hurt; I never thought that my action will turn out to be my real problem *She explained with tears* MUM: I know how you feel but you have to heed to my advice. *She advised* everything will be alright and make sure no one else hear about this *She added* EVELYN: I love you Ben *She said and began to kiss me furious* It seemed to me that we were lonely as I began to kiss her back furiously like it was our first time. _____
17 Mar 2017 | 03:12
Ben trust me you don't know what you want
17 Mar 2017 | 03:50
17 Mar 2017 | 03:52
both of ena d mad
17 Mar 2017 | 05:04
ben Ben take it easy oooo
17 Mar 2017 | 06:15
nawao may somebody pls pray for this guy called Ben next pls
17 Mar 2017 | 07:56
you are dope confuse man
17 Mar 2017 | 10:09
Bhad kids
17 Mar 2017 | 14:25
do you realize that mummy is around ?
17 Mar 2017 | 15:53
You are confused man
17 Mar 2017 | 17:51
[color=blue][b]This Ben Is Confused And Have A Very Complicated Life[/b][/color]
17 Mar 2017 | 18:20
kikiki... Loving this
17 Mar 2017 | 18:25
Ben is the most confused being on earth
17 Mar 2017 | 23:10
Next plz
18 Mar 2017 | 02:25
18 Mar 2017 | 10:02
loving dis
18 Mar 2017 | 19:32
You are confuse.. Don't know what you want
19 Mar 2017 | 02:31
Episode 40 The rest of the evening was very dreary for me as I spent my time indoor. I made up my mind to let Evelyn go but my feelings for her rejuvenated more strongly after her confession that she still loved me and still willing to call off her wedding just because of me. I felt like crying but tears were not forthcoming; my mind was thinking rapidly with my conscience blaming me for everything and it was true; I was the cause of everything. I couldn’t blame my mum for her advice because she never knew the reason why I asked her for help. I scrolled through my Ipad; checking our pictures together. I thought of what to do to keep her memory fresh in me but the only best option was to keep her love alive; to think of her every moment. I stood up from the bed and headed to the mirror; my face was differently heartbroken but …… I was actually heartbroken and I needed to calm myself down but with what? TRACY: What is the problem sweetheart? *She asked as she walked into the room* you are supposed to be downstairs with everyone, anything the problem? *she stated concernedly.* ME: I am okay *I lied* I am just tired and needed some alone time *I added* TRACY: But you look extremely sad *She insisted, cuddling me from the back* ME: Yeah, I am lonely and supposed to be sad. I want to spend every single second with you and your absent makes me sad *I responded, hiding the Ipad in my hand because she had no idea about the tablet* TRACY: I am very sorry; you know the importance of being close to your family and I just can’t stay away from them today *She explained* ME: I know; that is the reason why I am not angry at you but sad at your absent *I replied* TRACY: I am here for you sweetheart *She whispered into my eyes* 9am the following day. I glanced at the mirror; adjusting my tire while Tracy used the bathroom. The day was very fresh and calm for me all thanks to Tracy. I thought that the day would be very tensed for me but she helped calmed my nerves, giving me hope that there was a very good life without Eve. My ringing tone drifted me back from my thoughts. I picked the phone from the bed and pressed the answer button immediately I saw that it was Evelyn. EVELYN: Where are you? *She asked immediately* ME: Getting ready; has the wedding programs started? *I asked anxiously* EVELYN: There is a black tinted Mercedes Benz parked outside waiting to pick you up right away; it is very urgent. *She replied and ended the call, giving me no chance to probe further* I hurriedly completed my dressing with fright; my only thought being that someone else would have eavesdropped our conversation the previous day or knew about us. ME: I need to see someone urgently before we leave *I said loudly to Tracy* TRACY: Make it snappy please, I don’t want us to be late *She responded from the bathroom before I dashed out of the room* Like she said, I met the car parked outside with the door widely opened. I entered, glancing to see the driver who had a face cap on with her head bent. To my greatest surprise, my sister raised her head up, smiling at me like a celebrant. SUNSHINE: Surprise? *She smiled as she accelerated the car out of the compound* ME: What is going on? *I asked confusedly* SUNSHINE: Why don’t you keep your patience as always until you meet with the person that asked to see you *She replied and returned her attention to the road* I sighed deeply to calm myself; the pressure of the suspense was telling on me heavily. Thinking; my sister would not smile when things were at stake but….. she could do that to give me hope. I decided remain silence throughout the drive to avoid getting myself worked up with thoughts. SUNSHINE: Here you go *She urged as she stopped in front of a hotel* I sighed once again and alighted from the car without asking her any question because I knew that she will not give any pertinent response though I kept on wondering why Evelyn will chose to see me in a hotel; very strange. A message came into my phone as I headed to the receptionist with the direction of what to ask of the receptionist. I followed the instruction on the message and was given direction. I breathed heavily as I headed to her room, walking slowly with my heart pounding heavily. I knocked on the door gently but got no reply which prompted me to turn the handle of the door lock and it opened. I couldn’t understand what was going on immediately I stepped my foot into the room. Evelyn was comfortably lying on the bed in her white wedding gown with cameras fixed to the bed. ME: Can you please explain to me what is really going on? *I requested anxiously* EVELYN: I want you to make love to me *She replied with all seriousness* ME: What? *I screamed* EVELYN: Yeah, I want to make this memorable for us and you have to do it like you have never done before……without protection and with my wedding gown on. *She explained emotionally* TBC
20 Mar 2017 | 10:31
20 Mar 2017 | 13:46
Hmmm indeed
20 Mar 2017 | 15:36
never you try that, I smell calamity descending you.
20 Mar 2017 | 15:53
Ben don't do it
20 Mar 2017 | 16:11
20 Mar 2017 | 16:34
Giv dat gal two medals .one for bein an idoit d second incax she misses d 1st wan. wat an idiot.
20 Mar 2017 | 17:11
Ben don't do it
20 Mar 2017 | 17:24
What of course not pls Ben don't even think about it
20 Mar 2017 | 17:48
Hmmm... Ben! You're treading on the wrong path.
20 Mar 2017 | 17:53
My guy, u are ruined 4ever if u try it
20 Mar 2017 | 18:49
20 Mar 2017 | 21:46
This z madness
21 Mar 2017 | 04:42
I pray u won't turn things upside down
21 Mar 2017 | 06:10
nawao for this Evelyn sef
21 Mar 2017 | 07:14
Hmmm...observing things
21 Mar 2017 | 11:22
Episode 41 I walked into the reception hall with Tracy holding me firmly. Everywhere was already filled up with degrees of personnel with wine distributors walking about with trays of filled glass cups. I glanced forward to notice Evelyn staring at me while she danced with her husband; her face looking extremely pale. TRACY: What are you staring at? *She asked with her eyes following the direction of my gaze* I hope that you promised me that you will never have anything to do with her again? *She questioned suspiciously* ME: What made you think that I am staring at her? *I asked with my gaze still focused at her* TRACY: It is very obvious that you are staring at her; I mean, you have being awfully eerie since you returned from your mysterious place; what are you even trying to refute here? *She snapped* ME: Fine, I am staring, everyone is staring at them and you are not thinking that I should walk in here and shun the couple, are you? *I defended* There was absolutely nothing to deny; I had being completely weird since meeting with Evelyn. My consciences kept blaming me for obliging to her wish while my heart kept prancing at the reflection of the camera that she set up before the act. I was completely lost; trying as much as possible to maintain my calm and thwart anyone from being chary of my abrupt change of approach. TRACY: I know that everyone is staring at the couple but she is clearly lost… lost in your realm. She has her eyes focused on you despite clinging to her husband and you expect me not to be suspicious? *She responded angrily* ME: Can we talk about this outside? *I requested as I sighted Mira heading to us* TRACY: Can I ask you something please? *She motioned to Mira as she made to walk by* MIRA: *Smiled* It seems that you have no idea of many things in this house for you to ask me a question. Thoughtfully; you should have known better than utter a word to me with every cold treatment I have being giving to you since you stepped into this house. I don’t want to say this but you should kindly stay far away from me *She hissed* TRACY: What does that mean? *She asked confusedly* ME: Nothing let just get out of this place *I responded, grabbing her hand but she snapped me off* MIRA: Look Tracy or whatever your name is, I had some blistering relationship with your man but we ended up in a very awkward way. I still love him and yes, I am damn jealous of seeing him with you and the both of you maintaining your distance will be the best to avoid problem *She explained* I simply lowered my head in ignominy; I never thought that Mira or the twin will let Tracy know about what happened between us since everything ended with the involvement of my mum thereby hindering me from informing her about it. Tracy stared at me briefly as tears poured out from her eyes and dashed out of the hall using her handkerchief to cover her face. MIRA: I can see that you might end up leaving here single after all *She smirked and disappeared into the crowd* JANE: My own time of action is edging closer playboy *She laughed mockingly as she appeared in front of me from nowhere* but I will advise you go and explain things to her because she sincerely love you and will forgive you *She winked* ME: Why are you saying this? *I asked confusedly* JANE: Because I am the most jealous being you could ever come across and I want to make my revenge very sweet….. for the both of you *She explained with angry murderous gaze and returned into the crowd* I stood static on my spot, my brain working swiftly like never. I was confused as well as frightened with Jane’s promise and afraid that she might end up hurting an innocent girl. Mira’s case seemed very simple but also precarious but I was very sanguine that she will not go to the extent of hurting me physically. SUNSHINE: What is wrong with you brother? *She shouted as she walked to me angrily* You are supposed to be outside explaining everything to her but you stand here staring at crowds that will not help settle your problem with your girl. *She said angrily* ME: I don’t know how to go about it, I don’t know where to start; I am beginning to regret my presence in this house *I said regretfully* FRANK: Just explain everything to us dude; I don’t know why you haven’t told me all this shit that I am hearing *He frightened me from my back as I never noticed her present* ME: Fine; I will explain everything that happened between us but trust me, you all are going to hate me afterward *I retorted* They both stared at me surprisingly; bewilderment and agitation very discernible in their faces. I breathed heavily, staring at them and awaiting who will persuade me to go on with the explanation. I had my reason of not letting anyone know about what happened between us because no human with conscience will ever do what I did. ME: I appreciate all your concerns but this is solely my life; I made mistakes thinking that I was doing great things, things that will be praised by everyone. I don’t want any of you to help me with my cross; I know Tracy, she loves me and I know how to calm her down. *I said and walked out of the hall* ___ TBC
21 Mar 2017 | 13:03
you are an idiot man
21 Mar 2017 | 15:03
Let's c how it goes
21 Mar 2017 | 16:34
the time of vengeance has arrived. Ben the play boy with sweet
21 Mar 2017 | 17:31
Fool of the highest order, dat wat u re Ben
21 Mar 2017 | 19:38
21 Mar 2017 | 19:51
I pray you survive this with all the threat you have been receiving
21 Mar 2017 | 20:17
dx quy is vexinq me.
21 Mar 2017 | 23:16
bad boy Ben nothing dey happen. just flex brother
22 Mar 2017 | 01:55
Episode 42 Tracy’s side of the story I sat in the living room cheerfully with my mum; my dad was at school while my siblings were out for school. After graduating from the university successfully without any carryover, I spent my little vacation with my family. The television was on and I was smiling…….. but not at what was happening in the movie; I was smiling because of something else. I never imagined that Ben could pull out such a surprise on my graduation celebration day; I knew that I never deserved such treatment from him because I still got many skeletons in my cupboard; dangerous than he could ever imagine. Despite running away from my past, it still haunted me; I could not tell anyone everything about my life; not even him who was more understanding than I thought. He cared for me and cherished me like an angel; the greatest being that he never cheated on me despite spending so many years away. But the truth is that; I love him more than he loved me, more than anyone can love but my life was already entwined; I cheated on him on several occasion, not because I enjoyed cheating on him but because I needed to satisfy my sexual urges; I needed to feel like a woman but that was not all; that was even the least of the things I was hiding from him. I glanced at the diamond ring on my finger and almost busted into tears but a glance at my mum stopped me; I had no explanation to give her for my sudden emotion. I closed my eyes and kissed the ring, wishing to be in his arms, to hear his soothing voice and cuddle me like a baby. I felt like spending every second with him but he has other thing to do; work. After obtaining his Masters degree in medicine, Ben decided not to establish outside the country just to be close to me, planning to go for his doctorate honor after our first child. It was a great problem between him and his parent but after unsuccessful spell of pressure, they gave up. I was so happy at the level of his success at a very short period; he was so dedicated to work that I wondered how he always create time to be with me. “This is the best movie I have ever watched; very fascinating” I heard my mum said and glanced at the movie which was already on its 1hr 22sec of play without my concentration. I kissed the ring again before focusing my attention to the movie. I was not in the mood for any question from my mum and knew better to cause a suspicion from her. Some minutes into the movie, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and screamed in pain. The pain was too excruciating that I had to lie on the couch, holding my belly firmly. MUM: What is it sweetheart? *She questioned with fright obvious in her voice* ME: My….my……. stomach *I stammered as the effect of the pain got the better of my body* I felt my strength draining rapidly; I knew what was happening to me but I dare not tell anyone, not even my mum who seemed to be more secretive than I do. MUM: Please stay with me………..stay with me sweetheart *She gasped in fright, fanning me with the pillow on the couch* ME: Call…….call……Be……Ben *I urged her weakly* MUM: No, I have to get you to the hospital, he will come to meet us there *she persisted* ME: Call…call….hiiiiii *I couldn’t finish what I was saying before I lost consciousness* Ben’s side of the story FRANK: Are you telling me that you proposed to Tracy on her graduation ceremony day? *He asked in astonishment* Frank has travelled down for a visit after obtaining a contract worth millions. He was so happy that he intended to throw a party to celebrate with us but I had no chance for that; my schedules were too crammed; I got so many things to attend to in a day. ME: Yeah, I think it is the best step to take at this time; you know, that is my next project *I replied as I dropped the wine glass in my hand on the table* FRANK: Are you sure that you are in your right senses? *He marveled* Do you think that she is the one that you should take to the alter? *He asked angrily* ME: Come on, we have being together for so many years and I know her more than she knows herself. My parents approved of it because they have studied her very well. Just be happy for me on this and forget about the past *I explained* FRANK: This not about the past, this is about the present. Tracy you know is very dangerous and always acts like a chameleon; she changes to whatever anyone wants just to attain her heart desire. *He persisted* ME: I know what you are talking about but can she keep such pretense up for years? That is not possible; it is very clear that she has changed and the best thing to note is that I love her and she also love me *I defended* FRANK: I don’t know what she has done to you but I pray you don’t live to regret your decision. You are much better than ending up with the wrong lady, it will affect your dream and everything you have achieved *replied* ME: Let’s talk about something else please *I insisted as the topic was already getting on my nerves* what is your next plan after completing this contract? *I questioned* FRANK: Nothing yet, I just want to concentrate on my career. Unlike you whose career was already defined even before it got started, I have to work very hard to achieve my dreams. *He laughed* ME: I have to take this *I said as Tracy’s call came in at that time but surprisingly, it was her mum who spoke* TRACY’S MUM: You really need to leave anything you are doing and get here right now, your fiancée is down *She announced* ME: What?……I mean, where is she? *I shouted as my body frightened* The news was too much for me to take; my fiancée in trouble of any kind? It will leave me in complete disarray and could subsequently affect my work. TBC
22 Mar 2017 | 02:43
boyyo ur life is officially u go propose give Tracy....i mean come on!!!
22 Mar 2017 | 03:34
I think we should give Tracy a second chance everybody deserve a second chance
22 Mar 2017 | 03:41
She deserve it
22 Mar 2017 | 03:52
Tracy ..... sleeping with other guy to satisfy ur sex urge??? That's bad .....Ben Tracy z not good enough for u
22 Mar 2017 | 05:09
I don't understand this story anymore...are you skipping chapters or am I the one reading d wrong story...I'm confused here, someone should clear me.
22 Mar 2017 | 06:22
give who a second chance? Tracy dat has been cheating on Ben.
22 Mar 2017 | 08:41
She do abortion?
22 Mar 2017 | 09:33
face it and grab it
22 Mar 2017 | 10:36
taa wch kind second chance be dat one
22 Mar 2017 | 10:50
She doesn't deserve you Ben
22 Mar 2017 | 12:18
Very sick in d head, i dnt even knw wen u accept Tracy back nt to talk of u proposing to her
22 Mar 2017 | 13:16
It's ur choice @ben
22 Mar 2017 | 13:46
Wats happening to her
22 Mar 2017 | 14:12
lol, man I pity u....
22 Mar 2017 | 17:31
speechless, just watching
22 Mar 2017 | 17:39
IS THE STORY GOIN ON well or some episodes are mised up... when did Tracy got home from Evelyns's wedding..
22 Mar 2017 | 18:28
Good for you...
22 Mar 2017 | 21:03
What's wrong with her?
22 Mar 2017 | 23:44
I'm lost oo......
23 Mar 2017 | 05:41
Hmmm...I think if u dn't want to get married to Tracy as u'v said,dis can b a step in putting an end to ur relationship nw.
23 Mar 2017 | 08:28
Episode 43 Ben’s side of the story continues I drove wildly along the busy road, oblivious that I could collide with another car. My sole thought was on Tracy; I was frightened and also confused; her mother never gave me any chance to ask what happened to her beside, she was very sound and okay before I left their home early in the morning. FRANK: You need to drive gently; you don’t have to kill yourself for the sake of something you have no idea of its gravity *He advised as I ducked a car at the last minutes of collision* ME: You don’t understand how feels dude *I shouted* FRANK: Stop the car *He ordered while I accelerated to safety before killing the ignition* I am driving *He insisted as I gave him askance look* ME: Fine *I gave up* Fifteen minutes later. ME: Where is my fiancée? *I questioned a nurse as I paced into the doctor’s waiting room* NURSE: Calm down and tell me the name of your fiancée sir *She said as she flipped through a file in her hand* ME: Tracy *I replied anxiously* NURSE: She is in the second floor; ward 114 and was brought here by an aging woman I guess is her mother *She stated* ME: Yeah, thanks very much *I responded and dashed to the elevator* Something was clearly not right with me; I had an encounter in the hospital that I sworn never to step a foot in the hospital but my racing mind was too far to recall that what more of fulfilling that promise. But the memory returned the moment I step a foot into the elevator. The room the nurse mentioned was the exact room that made me swore never to return to the hospital; coincident many will say but I prefer calling it karma. FRANK: What is wrong with you? *He asked as he patted me on the shoulder* ME: Nothing; I am just being worried about her *I lied* FRANK: That is not the truth Ben; you have being anxious since you got the news of her break down but some seconds ago has changed to extreme thinking that you even failed to notice that the elevator has stopped some seconds ago *He explained suspiciously* I walked out of the elevator without giving him a reply; I was already caught up and had nothing to say than explain what my problem was but I couldn’t tell him; I could not tell anyone about it and instead of wasting time saying gibberish; I decided not to say anything at all. Tracy’s side of the story I stared at the door as I heard footsteps approaching my ward; I smiled expectantly but freezes as it occurred to me that the footsteps belonged to more than one person. The doctor that administered the drug to me had left for his office without leaving any drug with me because I do not want Ben to know what really went wrong with me. The doctor had left a fake diagnosis result to cover up my sickness and I had to return when no one is around to get the real medication for my sickness. I know that I was doing a very dangerous things but I also know that no one could bust my game; no one has ever did but I needed to be extra careful to avoid suspicions. BEN: What happened to you? *He asked anxiously as he paced into the room with Frank following up surprisingly* He was very terrified and concerned; he looked tattered in his black suit like a long lost sheep and I couldn’t help but weep in my heart. He was too concerned about me without the knowledge that I brought everything to myself. ME: The doctor said that I had temporal stomach ache that was caused as the result of too much consumption of foods that contains excess gas *I lied in accordance to what my doctor had written in the test result* BEN: Did you take anything gaseous after I left this morning? *He asked disappointedly* ME: I am sorry, I felt the urge to relieve my stomach after consuming too much and I had no other option *I apologized* I was relieved that he bought my lie but at the expense of me not abiding by his instructions was something I really need to worry about as I do not want to lost his trust; not at this stage. I was diagnosed peptic ulcer earlier that year and the precautions included abstaining from gaseous food which prompted him to personally schedule my daily consumption. BEN: I am not talking about this now; I will be taking you along to perform a check personally *He responded to my detriment* ME: What? *I shouted confusedly* BEN: What? *He quoted me* anything wrong with performing my own check on my own fiancée? *He asked suspiciously* ME: I am not saying that there is something wrong with that but I am currently admitted in this hospital and doing that will be going against medical protocols *I persisted* BEN: You know nothing about medical protocols and you should leave the rules for me to handle *He noted authoritatively, leaving me with no choice but the emergence of my mum who had returned in town to get food for me gave me another lifeline* MUM: What is going on here? *She questioned with askance look as she dropped the flask in her hand* ME: He is insisting that he will transfer me from this hospital without any relevant reason *I quickly explained* MUM: No need for that Ben; Matthias has been her doctor since her childhood and he know everything about her health more than you do *she explained while stared at him; expecting his next reply* BEN: Fine then *He finally muttered in resignation though not contented* FRANK: She is right; you need to leave the doctor to do his job because this is not your own hospital *He chipped in, patting him on the shoulder with his gaze focused at me suspiciously* I knew that Ben was suspicious of everything but what got me much worried was the emergence of Frank. He had being the only person I couldn’t manipulate and I knew that he never liked my reunion with his friend. His gaze at me only notified me that he was willing to destroy me with any slightest opportunity and I had to strike before he does; I have to end everything once and for all.
26 Mar 2017 | 11:25
nice story But i do nt understand diz episode
26 Mar 2017 | 13:15
Tracy b open
26 Mar 2017 | 13:31
What is Tracy up to again
26 Mar 2017 | 13:40
Dis episode is complicated
26 Mar 2017 | 18:15
Tracy... Dont think you are winninq... Ben... Tryna play safe, she is showinq fake love to you.
26 Mar 2017 | 20:15
End everything once and for all I hope you are not trying to kill Frank?
26 Mar 2017 | 22:48
Hmmm...Tracy always dangerous Only God knows ur sickness...
27 Mar 2017 | 09:12
Tracy always living a false life
27 Mar 2017 | 10:01
Tracy, you can't do Frank anything, he is smarter than you are!
27 Mar 2017 | 10:46
Scam! Fake pple everywhr
27 Mar 2017 | 10:48
27 Mar 2017 | 11:47
This tracy z a shewolf o..strike frank?
27 Mar 2017 | 12:23
am confuse abt dis story at first ben dnt suppose proposed to her
27 Mar 2017 | 15:10
Episode 44 Tracy’s side of the story continues Frank was not only my concern at that moment; Ben changed abruptly after our diminutive dispute, staring around the room thoughtfully. I wondered what he was thinking about and the only thing I could come up with was Evelyn; that was the exact room that Eve occupied when she gave birth and what happened that day got me suspicious of both of them but I easily killed that suspicion because there was nothing to back it up with. But his latest action showed that there was something wrong somewhere; like they both had a very fatal misunderstanding because I was the one that forced him before we visited her in the hospital that day. He was so reluctant on congratulating her like they had never known each other their entire life. But anything at stake concerning Ben could be solved later, I needed to handle Frank before he leaves town. Ben’s side of the story I was extremely suspicious of Tracy’s strange behavior but her mother’s intersession killed that off because she seems extremely disciplined to help her daughter with anything that could tarnish her future. But that relieve never went down well with my thought as it drifted back to Evelyn. Flashback TRACY: I was told you had being informed for the past three days that Evelyn gave birth and you don’t even think it is right to visit her in the hospital before she is discharged? *She asked angrily as I got ready to go out* I had returned to stay with Timmy due to a mini break we had at school due to cult violence and Tracy had spent the entire period with me as she processed her UTME. ME: Any need visiting her in the hospital when we could simply visit her when she returns home? *I insisted* TRACY: That is not cool; visiting her in the hospital will show much concern than going to their house. *She persisted* ME: Fine; get ready, we are going right away *I responded in resignation* 1hour later. We walked into the ward to meet Evelyn smiling at her son. She seemed much happier than on her wedding day and a glance at her showed that something was not right. EVELYN: And finally you are here *She frowned at me as soon as she sighted us* saying that I am very disappointed at you will be an understatement because you were the first person that I called after delivering but you turned out to be the last to visit *She explained sadly* ME: You are lying right? *I questioned confusedly* She leaved with her husband and he could be the one that brought her to the hospital during labor; and she was noting that I was the first person to know about her safely delivery? Unbelievable! EVELYN: Why should I lie about something that will win me nothing? My husband was out of town and I never expected labor that time because it still remained three weeks. But luckily for me, I was here for check up and labor started. I called you first because I knew that you are around and the only person that could get here swiftly but I was totally wrong *She explained disappointedly* TRACY: I am sorry Eve but he also had some problems and has being undergoing treatment since he returned from school *She lied in my defense* EVELYN: That is okay; I am happy that you guys finally make it here because I will be discharged in an hour time *She smiled* ME: Congratulation Eve *I uttered as I dropped the gifts that I bought for her* I returned to her bed to see her child and her kid leapt in joy at my touch which prompted me to stare at him keenly. I almost fainted as soon as my eyes came in contact with his; the kid had everything in common with me and I needed no one to tell me the reason why Evelyn called me first after his delivery; she wanted me to see him first because he is my son. Evelyn’s side of the story I was so excited that I had a safe delivery but was much happier that my son took after his real father and he was the one who was supposed to see him before anyone else. I was not scared of anyone finding out about him because it was a promise I made to myself; that Ben’s child will be the first to develop in my womb and I just fulfilled that….happily. It sounds very crazy but I still loved Ben and the least I could do to remember him forever was raising his own child given birth by me. “He looks exactly like Davies” my husband had said immediately he set his eyes on my son which prompted a satisfactory smile from me. “From their offspring” I had replied while he kissed me without understanding what I meant. I was not willing to hide his real identity; he belongs to the Davies family. When Ben finally visited me in the hospital after waiting for a whooping three days; I became extremely happy but the presence of his girlfriend made me hide my total happiness in his presence. I knew that he will know that the baby was his if he set his eyes on him and he did just that but more professionally than I had expected and Tracy had no clue of anything despite the fact that my son was over comfortable with his real father. I was not much disturbed as Ben forced there leaving despite his girlfriend’s persistence to stay with me till evening. “I love you Petrosky” I whispered to my son and kissed him on the forehead while he smiled happily. I had given him the name because that was Ben’s second name, given to him by my dad but only a few knew him by that name. _____
28 Mar 2017 | 02:30
so ben is now a father. . .cool
28 Mar 2017 | 03:37
At least e as n offspring
28 Mar 2017 | 04:16
wow following..........
28 Mar 2017 | 04:23
petrosky father
28 Mar 2017 | 05:21
Hmmm, next plz!
28 Mar 2017 | 05:31
hmmmm this eve love strong o @tracy all your evil plan will never work winch
28 Mar 2017 | 05:52
This Tracy will never change
28 Mar 2017 | 06:03
Ben is now a father? Congrats
28 Mar 2017 | 07:58
Nice story,next pls
28 Mar 2017 | 08:38
This is a disaster so Ben is the father
28 Mar 2017 | 10:07
Hmmm... What should I even say? Nice episode #love dis episode
28 Mar 2017 | 10:46
28 Mar 2017 | 12:02
Problem ooo
28 Mar 2017 | 17:52
crazy pple
28 Mar 2017 | 19:27
congratulation Ben you are a proud father of one
29 Mar 2017 | 01:26
Episode 45 [b] Present: Ben’s side of the story[/b] I was becoming extremely suspicious about my fiancée and I was gradually losing the trust I had established for her. Frank’s words was beginning to make sense to me but not the way he meant; I began to reminisce that there were many things she was still hiding from me and I do not want that to wear me down; I have to be left alone to kill that suspicion as I do not want anything to come between us at that stage of our relationship. ME: I will like to travel to village and settle some things relating to our forthcoming wedding and I don’t know how many days I will spend *I announced to her as I led her into their house after returning from the hospital* TRACY: I don’t understand what you are talking about? *She noted confusedly* Can you please explain to me more clearly? *She further requested* ME: What I mean is that it is necessary to inform my family personally about our wedding and I have decided to do that today and I may return tomorrow or next *I explained; not caring about her reaction* TRACY: And you are just telling me about it? *She asked angrily* ME: I am telling you just now because I just realize that it is necessary. I have little idea about tradition and it was Frank who explained to me that my family must be aware of the wedding before it take place to avoid unnecessary problems and since I have signed off for today; I have to do that because I don’t know what will happen tomorrow *I explained* TRACY: Then I will be coming with you *She suggested surprisingly* you are not thinking of leaving me lonely here, are you? *She asked with suspicious gaze* ME: Sure not; you are not alone, you have your siblings and parent and you are the one that decided to spend your vacation with them rather than stay with me *I replied* TRACY: Fine then, just make sure that you return here safely before tomorrow runs out *She responded without any further argument* I felt happy that I will be having the next day all to myself without any distraction but yet, I felt that everything was not alright; Tracy will never give up on trying to be with me, maybe she had other things in mind. But I believed that my absent will limit her activities since she had no automatic access to my house. Tracy’s side of the story. I was very happy that Ben will be leaving for village without wondering much about the sudden trip. My concern was Frank who was still in town and I do not want to lose the chance to deal with him. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts; I dialed a number and waited patiently as it rang out without answering. After about five minutes later, the number called back. TED: To what reason do I owe this surprise call from T-Lady? *He questioned with surprise in his tone* Joining a gang doesn’t just end at that but having your own gang and Ted was a member of my own gang and the most rebellious of them all. He was hated by every member of our gang due to his passion and I hijacked that opportunity to make him my hit man, offering him whatever he wanted including sleeping with him and he helped me with so many difficult missions in exchange. ME: There is always the right time for everything and I hope you remembered that T-Lady is a name that has being dead *I replied sternly* TED: Yeah, the name is dead but the bearer is still hale and bouncing and you still remain T-Lady to me but now; why did you call? *He replied much seriously* because you do not just call for compliments *He added* ME: There is one young man that has being a thorn in my butt and I want him out of the way. Like always, I like clean job and this is not exception. I will send everything you will need to track him down right away *I explained and hung the call* I knew that Ted must ask questions about the reason for the job but I was not ready to explain anything about my love life to him because he could end up hurting many people out of jealousy. Ben’s side of the story. I drove slowly along the grimy road, humming and nodding in rhythm to the music that was buzzing through the car stereo. The environment was calm and cool like I wanted and I felt relieved being lonely, thinking of nothing else than the magnificent nature that surrounded me. I stopped the car swiftly as my eye caught an incident through the rear view mirror of my car; a young girl was been beaten by two boys but she managed to escape, running to my direction while the two boys ran after her. I quickly alighted from the car and the boys ran back on seeing me. GIRL: Help…..Help…..Help *She panted as she ran to me; her body getting weaker slowly as she held me tightly until she lost consciousness* I stared at either side of the road but got no glimpse of anyone. I became confused on what to do; I had no idea who the girl was and I had no first aid equipment in my car due to the hurriedness on which I had left home. My mind quickly drifted to something that could be of help; I had some bottles of cold water in my car. TBC
30 Mar 2017 | 03:21
Tracy i know you will still do something that will make ben hate you finally,you want to kill frank why tracy??
30 Mar 2017 | 03:37
make she no die for your hand o @Ben Tracy when exactly will you stop this kind of lifestyle
30 Mar 2017 | 03:39
e be ax iff u no know Ben elder broda oh tracy
30 Mar 2017 | 03:54
Tracy can't kill frank ....bc frank brother BX WILL kill Tracy
30 Mar 2017 | 05:05
i believe she wont succed frank is nt that kind of a guy that u can jst delete like that
30 Mar 2017 | 06:04
I pray you won't succeed Tracy
30 Mar 2017 | 11:10
These would not end well for you Tracy
30 Mar 2017 | 11:14
Unrepentant girl
30 Mar 2017 | 11:41
tracy dnt no anytin yet.
30 Mar 2017 | 15:25
tracy your plans won't work
30 Mar 2017 | 15:35
30 Mar 2017 | 17:41
Killing Frank won't be a success
30 Mar 2017 | 19:35
Hy, ben do fast.
30 Mar 2017 | 21:54
Tracy,I knew right from time dat u'r addicted to bad thing,u can't just stop doing something bad... God help Frank
31 Mar 2017 | 14:18
eeeeiii so Tracy is that Dangerous.... hmmmmmmm
1 Apr 2017 | 06:17
Episode 46 Ben’s side of the story continues I glanced back at the young girl who was sleeping at the back of my car; breathing slowly but steadily. I made up my mind not to wake her up but what got me thinking was where to take her to. Socially, it was absolutely wrong to take her to my house but that was the only option that I had, she need to be stabilized to avoid developing any side effect from the shock that result to her fainting. I carried her gently into my guest room as soon as I got home and rested her on the neatly arranged bed. I thought of how I could get her out of her school dress so that she could receive fresh air but decided against it as I had no idea how she will react to such awkwardness when she woke up. I switched on the Air conditioner and exited the room after making sure that her breath was stable. I headed to my room and took a cold shower as the weather was very hot. I put on a white singlet and a short and headed to the kitchen to prepare something for us. GIRL: Where is this place and who are you? *I heard suddenly and almost froze* ME: You need to take your bath before anything else, there are some clothes in the wardrobe *I responded without turning to her* GIRL: I don’t know how to use the shower *She replied tensely* ME: There is a bucket filled with water that I left in the bathroom, you can use that *I replied, focusing my attention keenly on what I was doing* With that, she walked away without asking any other question. I was totally uncomfortable staying under the same roof with a total stranger; a young teenage girl for that. Few minutes later. GIRL: Don’t open the door *She shouted with fright as I knocked on her door* ME: Meet me in the dining room, it is adjacent to the sitting room *I said loudly and returned downstairs* I sat on a seat in the dining room; waiting for her without touching the food. Her response to being in a strange place was the worst I have ever witnessed and I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through her mind at that moment. GIRL: I don’t know who you are but I need to go home *She said as she walked into the dining room* ME: You need to calm down, I am not going to harm you, I will take you home as soon as you are done eati…*I couldn’t finish what I was saying as I turned to see her for the first time* Evelyn *My mouth muttered thoughtlessly* GIRL: What is going on with you and who did you just called Evelyn? *She frowned at me* ME: Erm…Erm, are you related with Evelyn? *I stuttered* GIRL: Hell no, I don’t even know anyone by that name; are you sure that you are okay? *She asked, standing in front of me* ME: No, just eat so that I can take you home *I replied and began to eat from my food thoughtfully* She sat down slowly, staring at me suspiciously but I was far from feeling concern about what she thought. She was simply a replica of Evelyn, only that she was a little bit fairer than Eve and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was just a mere coincidence or family lineage. GIRL: I can’t eat this *She uttered confusedly, dropping the spoon in her hand* ME: What is wrong? *I questioned confusedly* GIRL: I don’t know you, I don’t know what you might have done to this food and I am not eating anything in this house *She replied as she got up and picked her school which I guessed also contained her school uniform *I will return your cloth to you immediately I get home *She added* ME: You don’t even know me young girl and all the conclusions you can come about me are negative. Do you think that I will harm you with food when you have being sleeping in here for the past two hours? Come on, don’t take me for a teenage boy that has had little experience of the world *I said angrily* Her childish action was already getting at my nerves; actually, that was not the best lone time I had hoped for. She stared at me for some moments before returning to her sit. GIRL: I am sorry for being that rude, it is because I feel insecure around men; I have had many frightening experiences and I am quite developing strong hatred for men *She explained as she ate slowly* ME: I understand, I don’t mean to be harsh at you either, only that it feel terrible being pushed away for nothing staid *I responded while she nodded* Can you tell me your name? *I asked subsequently* GIRL: Don’t try to use the privilege that I just apologized to ask me private questions, I don’t tell strangers my name and please, don’t take that as being rude *She replied surprisingly* ME: Is okay, I understand; I will just take you home *I smiled forcefully* Tracy’s side of the story I smiled contently; I was extremely happy but a glance up showed that I was at the verge of being busted as my family stared at me angrily. I stood up and hurried into my room without uttering anything to them; I knew better than spend the next second with them. My dad was mad at me for letting Ben leave at such a short notice, insisting that everything was not right with him and we all had being in a sad mood before Ted called to inform me of a mission flawlessly accomplished. It might sound weird but I was not much concerned about Ben; whatever is wrong with him will be settled as far as Frank was out of the way. TBC
1 Apr 2017 | 07:23
I can't believe this .... frank can't just die
1 Apr 2017 | 07:44
you can never change Tracy!!!!
1 Apr 2017 | 08:08
Frank won't die, the mission won't work
1 Apr 2017 | 08:46
1 Apr 2017 | 09:13
That one don give u wrong info tracy
1 Apr 2017 | 09:24
I hope frank didn't really die
1 Apr 2017 | 09:37
Are u for real? Mission accomplished? No No No now,ao can frank jst die like dat... Tracy u're a real devil...God!
1 Apr 2017 | 09:40
if frank dies the story no make seans again.
1 Apr 2017 | 11:33
Tracy don't be happy because the mission was not a success
1 Apr 2017 | 14:45
Let see how it goes! Next plz!
1 Apr 2017 | 15:01
Frank is a smart guy so he can't die just like that
1 Apr 2017 | 15:44
frank ain't dead
1 Apr 2017 | 16:19
I don't believe it frank can't just die
1 Apr 2017 | 17:14
I guess e is alive
1 Apr 2017 | 18:02
This Tracy can never change o I knw ur secret will soon be exposed and Ben will hate u for life and Frank cannot die just like that
1 Apr 2017 | 18:17
you are busted
1 Apr 2017 | 19:58
2 Apr 2017 | 04:43
Frank wont die Just like that
2 Apr 2017 | 13:14
I can't believe you are gonna kill Frank
2 Apr 2017 | 16:37
Episode 47 Ben’s side of the story: I steered the car to the direction the girl was noting and couldn’t contain my surprise as she led me to Kelvin’s house. I took a more critical glance at her and noticed that there was a bold resemblance between them. ME: Blessing *I called as I remembered the name that Kay had told me was her sister’s* BLESSING: How did you know my name? *She asked in shock* ME: Don’t worry, your mum will tell you when we get to your house *I replied angrily with her actions some hours ago extremely unfriendly* BLESSING: Do you know my mum? *She questioned again* ME: I don’t like to talk much young girl, just keep your mouth shut until we get to your house *I replied with a raised voice* She frowned at me for some seconds and looked side way; making incoherent sound. I wasn’t angry with her before we left my house but the realization that she was the sister of my friend that I was so unfortunate not to meet made me extremely mad at her. But sincerely, she was not to be blamed; she never knew me either but something has to be natural, social understanding. I alighted from the car as soon as we got into their compound without uttering a single word to her. Their compound was as clean as before but much improved. I walked briskly toward the main house but her mother’s call from the kitchen prompted me to turn around. ME: Good day ma *I greeted as she walked out of the kitchen, using a towel to clean her hand* She stared at me for some seconds as if trying to recollect something. I smiled at her without making any introduction and I don’t blame her for not recognizing me immediately; it has being many years. KAY’S MUM: Ben *She called thoughtfully* ME: I am glad you could recall me after all these years *I smiled as we hugged briefly* BLESSING: I don’t understand what is going on mum *She said confusedly* KAY’S MUM: This is Ben, Kelvin friend that I had being telling you about. Wait, what are you putting on and where are the two of coming from? *She questioned confusedly* ME: She was attacked by some boys and it was very fortunate that I was there *I explained briefly* KAY’S MUM: Thanks very much my son, please, wait for me in the sitting room *She responded* As I walked slowly toward the house, my phone rang and I checked to see Frank calling; I pressed the answer button but the voice that came on was not of Frank. VOICE: Frank was involved in a ghastly accident and you need to get back right now *was the only thing I heard before the line went dead* ME: Please, I need to go now, it is very urgent *I said in panic as I hurried toward my car* BLESSING: I know that you are leaving because of me and I am very sorry, I never knew you *She pleaded at the verge of tears* ME: No Bless, you saw me just answered a call and the information that I got was that my best friend was involved in a ghastly accident and I really need to get back right away; I am returning straight from here without branching to pick my stuffs from my house. I promise to return as soon I get the chance *I explained and entered into my car* I revised the car swiftly and speed off the compound with a dangerous speed. I had the instinct that there was something else behind Frank’s accident and I pointed my finger to a single direction; Tracy. I have known for a very long time that Frank and Tracy were not getting together and there stares at the hospital was a call for concern. Tracy’s side of the story I lay on my bed, laughing as I had a group chat with my friends; we shared our stories and subsequently shared advice to our difficulties. An unexpected call from Ted interrupted me and subsequently got me thinking. TED: There is a very big problem *He sounded frighteningly as soon as I answered the call* ME: What is it *I shouted as I sprung up from the bed in confusion* TED: Frank is alive and the police are on a very successful investigation; be expecting a visit from the police very soon *He explained while I shook in fright* ME: I don’t understand; how? ….what happened? Hope you said clearly that the mission was successful? *I questioned thoughtlessly* TED: So I thought but the failed mission and the visit of the police is supposed to be your less concern right now *He responded keenly* ME: I don’t understand what you are saying *I said calmly to avoid revealing my fright* TED: B-X is currently hanging in the air and you know better than spend the next hour at home *He explained* what where you even thinking to be on the other side of someone that made you who are *He subsequently questioned* ME: This is not the time for questions Ted, I need to think *I replied and hung the call* I paced my room as my brain ran out of thought. It was obvious that my doom was very close and I had nothing to do to stop it. Having the police on my trail was something I had never experienced as I made sure I left no trace and dealing with B-X joining? A dreadfully precarious circumstances. I thought of what to do to scale through all the problems but there was no single option to, what more of thinking of a backup option. Everything I had being building for the past 12years was at the brink of drowning alongside myself in just three days just because of a stupid mistake from Ted. I wished I had let Frank be and focused on protecting my love life. A very wonderful plan popped into my mind suddenly; Frank claimed to be B-X and sticking around Ben will automatically grant me safety; the last thing that Frank will do was hurting Ben who had being by his side through thick and thin. And the influence of Ben could also help manipulate the police to drop the case though that will require explaining everything to him but the hardest part was……. Can I explain what really happened to him?
4 Apr 2017 | 02:43
U ar a dead meat Tracy. U can neva escape ur doom
4 Apr 2017 | 04:18
that's your wahala
4 Apr 2017 | 04:21
mumu Tracy ...Ben will never protect u....evil doer
4 Apr 2017 | 04:25
well ur doom is near be prepared
4 Apr 2017 | 05:48
Tracy you won't escape your doom this time around
4 Apr 2017 | 06:06
Hmmmmm Face e music, how could she? Heartless girl...
4 Apr 2017 | 06:18
MUMU.. . .frank no be b-x o... . . .you go know. . . . .your doom is near
4 Apr 2017 | 06:39
i dnt kn what to say to this girl
4 Apr 2017 | 06:56
Tracy must accept that your doom is near
4 Apr 2017 | 08:17
Tracy you are a bitch
4 Apr 2017 | 08:21
Tracy your doom is near and am very sure Ben is going to kill you with his hand
4 Apr 2017 | 09:55
hmmmmm tracy bad gal i.knew u will nt succeed in mudering frank
4 Apr 2017 | 12:30
4 Apr 2017 | 14:16
dahz ur palavaa
4 Apr 2017 | 16:30
Have a chill pill and wait for Ben to come back.. Yes you cae.
4 Apr 2017 | 19:32
na you sabi
4 Apr 2017 | 19:58
Tracy, Nemesis will soon catch up with u
4 Apr 2017 | 23:07
U see urself Tracy U dn't knw dat everyday is for d thief but one day is for d owner... U think frank is boa-x, u're very wrong Ur doom is near jst face d music
5 Apr 2017 | 09:23
lol sorry miss cos ur as's is already on fire
5 Apr 2017 | 15:29
Tracy................. U are in for it again for the last tym
7 Apr 2017 | 17:52
8 Apr 2017 | 08:21
Episode 49 1 week later Tracy’s side of the story I arranged the dinning slowly and thoughtfully, wondering what was actually going on. Ben had returned to the village after claiming that my involvement with Frank’s incident had forced him to return without attending to what took him to the village the previous time which got me extremely suspicious. I thought that had tamed him but his recent exploits got me wondering if I actually have any knowledge about who he really was. I had to invite my mum over for a lunch to discuss everything with her and get a little encouragement with her. I was confused by what was happening to me; I was becoming weaker and weaker with every break of the day and I couldn’t understand things easily like before; my brain seemed to be in a great jeopardy and I really needed to see my doctor before Ben returns but I have to speak with my mum first; my marriage with him must come first before every other thing, even my own health. I stared at the plates on the dining table and felt extremely bad; everything I ever wanted was at my door step, seeking for my own attention, but yet, my past was knocking around in a bid to take everything away from me in a flicker. I knew that I have decided to let Frank be but I can’t stop thinking how dangerous he could be to me. But I only had a very few time to my final destination; our wedding was already in a month time and the necessary arrangement was already in progress. The door bell prompted me out of my thought and I rushed out of the dining, hoping that it was my mum but it turned out to be a delivery man. MAN: Mrs. Davies? *He questioned with a friendly gaze* ME: Yeah *I smiled* The name ‘Mrs. Davies’ was a name that always drove me crazy; it made me feel that I was already there but no, I am not yet which resulted to the tag helping but increasing my curiosity, wishing that I could hasten everything and claim the name all to myself. Sincerely, I was extremely anxious and scared as every woman will rush to the chance of taking that position in his life and his sudden constant trip was a real course for concern. MAN: Your husband ordered this for you *He said as I signed on his tablet* ME: Thanks *I smiled and turned back* MUM: I can see that someone is love sick *She said as she walked in and closed the door behind* ME: Oh mum *I screamed in ecstasy as I turned and hugged her tightly* MUM: You were anxious when talking to me on the phone and made it sound extremely urgent and here you are, very elated to see me like we haven’t seen each other’s for ages; what is the problem? *She asked with concern as soon as we broke from the hug* ME: Can we please talk about it over a meal? I made something very special for you *I insisted* MUM: You know that that is not possible. You are not married to Ben yet and you want me to eat under his roof as his mother-in-law? That is totally against our tradition and I managed to come here because you sounded extremely worried. So, why don’t we have a seat here and talk about what you have? *She explained and sat on the couch in the sitting room.* ME: I am having the feeling that everything is not alright *I stated confusedly without much clue to lay my emphasis* MUM: What exactly is not right? *She questioned calmly* ME: Ben, he is behaving so strange of recent; making sudden trips without leaving any hint at hand; I don’t really understand him anymore *I explained* MUM: You are becoming too suspicious of nothing *She laughed loudly* Ben is no longer the boy you dated years back but a full grown adult who can make his own decision. If he did not inform you about any trip, that simply means it is extremely professional and you have nothing to worry about or are you thinking that he have to babysit you from morning to night? *She questioned* ME: No *I murmured in agreement* MUM: There is nothing wrong about that daughter; just don’t keep that in mind as any problem and be a good wife *She advised* Ben’s side of the story ME: You are driving *I said to Kelvin as I tossed my car key at him* KELVIN: That is cool *He smiled as he grabbed the key* I had returned to village to see Blessing as I promised and fortunately, Kelvin had returned home to spend a few days with his family. After having a lengthy discussion with her mother, I was granted the freedom to return to the city with Blessing as she was already preparing for her WASCE. I had everything planed out; she agreed to stay at my second house which Tracy had no idea ever existed to avoid causing any problem between them. She was extremely happy; not because she was travelling to a bigger city but because she will have the opportunity to have a private mistress that will help her with her problems. I had developed some bad feelings for her the first time we met but her latest behaviors proved me absolutely wrong. Kelvin steered the car with me sitting beside him while Blessing occupied the back seat alone and in not much hours, we were already in town and headed to my house. Out of nowhere, an unknown car swayed in front of us and before we could know what was happening; the driver of the car pointed a gun at us as Kelvin tried to bring the car to a screeching halt. Two gun shot rang and Kelvin he lost control of the car. I grabbed the steering of the car and tried to control the car but it was too late as Kelvin’s leg on the accelerator moved the car at a breath taking speed with blood oozing out of his head and before the count of second, the car took bush part and somersaulted immediately it hit a trunk of wood. The last thing I knew was the moment the car stopped moving. . . . Who was the shooter and who was behind the attack?
9 Apr 2017 | 02:40
I can't even think
9 Apr 2017 | 06:06
Mehn! Am speechless
9 Apr 2017 | 06:19
what !
9 Apr 2017 | 07:45
Hmmn.. This is serious
9 Apr 2017 | 08:32
Hmmm...this is serious could it be tracy?
9 Apr 2017 | 09:47
Hummmmm speechless
9 Apr 2017 | 12:15
If you ask me, na who i go ask?
9 Apr 2017 | 12:15
I have no idea who the attacker could be
9 Apr 2017 | 20:38
9 Apr 2017 | 21:07
Who else if not tracy.
10 Apr 2017 | 03:19
Next please!
10 Apr 2017 | 07:13
Can't gues
10 Apr 2017 | 09:36
Nawa oooooo
10 Apr 2017 | 11:08
In life, some do things cos they think they can't do more, some cos they don't have a choice, but the truth is that we all have a choice and we are made or mal by our choice. Karma only compliment it by bringing her reward.
10 Apr 2017 | 14:31
Episode 48 ________ Ben’s side of the story I rushed into the hospital to meet Frank lying calming on the bed with his face facing the wall. He looked very okay without a bandage which got me wondering about the authenticity of the call that I got. ME: What happened? *I questioned as he turned to me slowly* FRANK: Not what happened but who is behind this *He responded angrily* ME: I don’t understand what you are talking about *I said confusedly* I was informed that you were involved in an accident but here you are without a single scratch; what is really going on? *I questioned further* FRANK: I was accidentally hit by a truck but it was intentional; Tracy tried to wreck my life and since I am sound right now, she will be the one to be wrecked *He explained angrily* I stared at him briefly and busted into laughter; not that I didn’t believe him but because I had something else in mind. Tracy was very bad in the past and I knew that her rivalry with Frank will not go down well but what I never knew was the time it will all happen. ME: Look man, I believe what you said and I know that Tracy could do something more than that but for my sake, you don’t need to hurt her; I will handle her myself *I interceded* FRANK: It is very late friend; my brother is already out and I don’t even know if he hasn’t done something as we speak *He responded while I breathed hard* ME: Please, you need to call him and convince him to pardon her; the police are also gaining massive success in their investigation that are pointing only at her and I have to do something to save my status *I pleaded and dashed out of the room without allowing him to ague further* Tracy’s side of the story My junior brother rushed into my room as I arranged my clothes hurriedly, causing me to shield my travelling bag from him in panic. DAVID: You are needed outside urgently *He simply noted and walked out of my room* My heart skipped on countless time with his news; the only thing in my mind was that it might either be the police or B-X. I picked up a revolver from underneath my bag and strapped it underneath my jacket and walked out of my room slowly with my hands folded across my shoulder, ready to pull out the gun at any slightest breakout. Surprisingly, I walked out of my room to meet my fiancée smiling at me gleefully. Chills ran down my spine; his expression showing that he had being fed by every detail of the incident and the revolver underneath my jacket made my legs to be weak. I became as thoughtless as a chick, having no specific thought in mind. ME: You don’t believe them do you? *I questioned with fright* BEN: Believe who about what? *He questioned confusedly* I stared at him silently, wondering if he was only playing with my emotion or being honest about not having any knowledge about what happened. But he was supposed to return the following day or next and returning a few hours after leaving only hinted that he had being notified of Frank’s accident but trying to be calm about it when I am being the only culprit was what got me confused the most. ME: You don’t believe that I attacked your friend, do you? *I questioned more clearly* BEN: Believe who about what? *He questioned confusedly* I stared at him silently, wondering if he was only playing with my emotion or being honest about not having any knowledge about what happened. But he was supposed to return the following day or next and returning a few hours after leaving only hinted that he had being notified of Frank’s accident but trying to be calm about it when I am being the only culprit was what got me confused the most. ME: You don’t believe that I attacked your friend, do you? *I questioned more clearly* BEN: *Laughed* is it about that one? Of course not; no sane man will believe such ridiculous accusation. You were sick and Frank visited you at the hospital and he got involved in an accident some hours later and someone is pointing finger at you? Come on sweetheart, no one is accusing you of anything; the police has arrested the driver of the truck and has realize that he was drunk-driving and has being charged for the offence; no one pointed a finger at you *He explained surprisingly* I became more confused, not knowing who else to believe. The fact that he did not say anything about B-X simply meant that B-X is not planning any attack; maybe Ted had lied to me about everything from not carrying out the simple task successfully to trying to freak me out; maybe he found out my reason for the assignment. BEN: Come on, snap out of it and give your darling a welcome hug *He requested as he moved closer to me with his eyes focused at my hands* I adjusted slightly as he hugged me, using my right hand to cover the revolver and my left hand to hold him. I was fuming in anger but I realized that Ben was lost suddenly which forced me to look back to the direction of his gaze but saw nothing. BEN: What are you looking at? *He questioned before I could ask him the same question* ME: I followed your gaze, what got you so interested that you lost interest in me? *I responded accusingly* BEN: *Smiled* I missed you *He replied without answering my question and kissed me deeply but I was not anyway closer to concentrating on the kiss* Ben’s side of the story I made sure to speak with Tracy in the best manner I could despite being extremely tensed and disappointed at her. I gave her everything she needed to help her stay away from her old life but she turned out hurting my own friend which subsequently meant that she could hurt me equally. But that was not all, her body language as we spoke stated that she was too anxious about my reaction and subsequently, wielding a harmful object at that moment. I couldn’t help but wondered what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten to town on time as I spotted a man in hood, discarding a sniper as we hugged. But what confused me most was how she was able to pull the attack on Frank at such a brief period; maybe she had more soldiers than I had thought.
11 Apr 2017 | 11:04
The man in the hood was B-X
11 Apr 2017 | 12:15
Little by little, getting more intense
11 Apr 2017 | 12:17
Tracy you are a demon
11 Apr 2017 | 13:05
Tracy Is In Big Soup
11 Apr 2017 | 14:16
Hmmm...Ben just be pls
11 Apr 2017 | 14:19
Ben just be careful
11 Apr 2017 | 17:13
Tracy u don't need dis
11 Apr 2017 | 17:58
y all this confusion na .....last episode and this one are very different as if we are going backward
11 Apr 2017 | 19:23
That man in hood is Brax Tracy you are in trouble your doom is near
11 Apr 2017 | 21:31
12 Apr 2017 | 09:49
maybe she will say what causes her intention to wreck frank
12 Apr 2017 | 11:01
ben i tink a made d wrong choice
12 Apr 2017 | 13:09
Episode 49 ________ 1 week later Tracy’s side of the story I arranged the dinning slowly and thoughtfully, wondering what was actually going on. Ben had returned to the village after claiming that my involvement with Frank’s incident had forced him to return without attending to what took him to the village the previous time which got me extremely suspicious. I thought that had tamed him but his recent exploits got me wondering if I actually have any knowledge about who he really was. I had to invite my mum over for a lunch to discuss everything with her and get a little encouragement with her. I was confused by what was happening to me; I was becoming weaker and weaker with every break of the day and I couldn’t understand things easily like before; my brain seemed to be in a great jeopardy and I really needed to see my doctor before Ben returns but I have to speak with my mum first; my marriage with him must come first before every other thing, even my own health. I stared at the plates on the dining table and felt extremely bad; everything I ever wanted was at my door step, seeking for my own attention, but yet, my past was knocking around in a bid to take everything away from me in a flicker. I knew that I have decided to let Frank be but I can’t stop thinking how dangerous he could be to me. But I only had a very few time to my final destination; our wedding was already in a month time and the necessary arrangement was already in progress. The door bell prompted me out of my thought and I rushed out of the dining, hoping that it was my mum but it turned out to be a delivery man. MAN: Mrs. Davies? *He questioned with a friendly gaze* ME: Yeah *I smiled* The name ‘Mrs. Davies’ was a name that always drove me crazy; it made me feel that I was already there but no, I am not yet which resulted to the tag helping but increasing my curiosity, wishing that I could hasten everything and claim the name all to myself. Sincerely, I was extremely anxious and scared as every woman will rush to the chance of taking that position in his life and his sudden constant trip was a real course for concern. MAN: Your husband ordered this for you *He said as I signed on his tablet* ME: Thanks *I smiled and turned back* MUM: I can see that someone is love sick *She said as she walked in and closed the door behind* ME: Oh mum *I screamed in ecstasy as I turned and hugged her tightly* MUM: You were anxious when talking to me on the phone and made it sound extremely urgent and here you are, very elated to see me like we haven’t seen each other’s for ages; what is the problem? *She asked with concern as soon as we broke from the hug* ME: Can we please talk about it over a meal? I made something very special for you *I insisted* MUM: You know that that is not possible. You are not married to Ben yet and you want me to eat under his roof as his mother-in-law? That is totally against our tradition and I managed to come here because you sounded extremely worried. So, why don’t we have a seat here and talk about what you have? *She explained and sat on the couch in the sitting room.* ME: I am having the feeling that everything is not alright *I stated confusedly without much clue to lay my emphasis* MUM: What exactly is not right? *She questioned calmly* ME: Ben, he is behaving so strange of recent; making sudden trips without leaving any hint at hand; I don’t really understand him anymore *I explained* MUM: You are becoming too suspicious of nothing *She laughed loudly* Ben is no longer the boy you dated years back but a full grown adult who can make his own decision. If he did not inform you about any trip, that simply means it is extremely professional and you have nothing to worry about or are you thinking that he have to babysit you from morning to night? *She questioned* ME: No *I murmured in agreement* MUM: There is nothing wrong about that daughter; just don’t keep that in mind as any problem and be a good wife *She advised* Ben’s side of the story ME: You are driving *I said to Kelvin as I tossed my car key at him* KELVIN: That is cool *He smiled as he grabbed the key* I had returned to village to see Blessing as I promised and fortunately, Kelvin had returned home to spend a few days with his family. After having a lengthy discussion with her mother, I was granted the freedom to return to the city with Blessing as she was already preparing for her WASCE. I had everything planed out; she agreed to stay at my second house which Tracy had no idea ever existed to avoid causing any problem between them. She was extremely happy; not because she was travelling to a bigger city but because she will have the opportunity to have a private mistress that will help her with her problems. I had developed some bad feelings for her the first time we met but her latest behaviors proved me absolutely wrong. Kelvin steered the car with me sitting beside him while Blessing occupied the back seat alone and in not much hours, we were already in town and headed to my house. Out of nowhere, an unknown car swayed in front of us and before we could know what was happening; the driver of the car pointed a gun at us as Kelvin tried to bring the car to a screeching halt. Two gun shot rang and Kelvin he lost control of the car. I grabbed the steering of the car and tried to control the car but it was too late as Kelvin’s leg on the accelerator moved the car at a breath taking speed with blood oozing out of his head and before the count of second, the car took bush part and somersaulted immediately it hit a trunk of wood. The last thing I knew was the moment the car stopped moving. . . . Who was the shooter and who was behind the attack?
14 Apr 2017 | 02:47
14 Apr 2017 | 03:30
14 Apr 2017 | 03:31
Following as always
14 Apr 2017 | 06:20
Hum I wonder who is............... It may be...............
14 Apr 2017 | 06:51
14 Apr 2017 | 07:51
14 Apr 2017 | 08:23
I think this one comes from the chief and Anna
14 Apr 2017 | 08:29
This is serious ooo
14 Apr 2017 | 10:52
This episode has been posted before
14 Apr 2017 | 11:02
It's has been post b4 now. you now confusing us with this pls do the right thing
14 Apr 2017 | 11:28
na wa o na who won come spoil show na ?
14 Apr 2017 | 13:03
na wa ooo.who do u offend?
15 Apr 2017 | 11:59
Episode 50 Ben’s side of the story I woke up in a strange environment; feeling extremely soared all over my body. I tried to sit up but a striking pain in my head forced me back to the bed. I glanced around and noticed that I was in the hospital and everything that happened began to flashback into my memory; tears trickled down my eyes at what happened; Kelvin had died before my eyes and I couldn’t do anything to save, I couldn’t do anything to save myself. NURSE: You are awake *She said happily as she walked into the room with a tray of drugs* ME: Where is Blessing? *I questioned angrily but my weak voice could not reveal my anger* NURSE: She is fine; she sustained just a few cuts *She responded while I sighed deeply* I am sorry for your friend, he was gone before he was brought here; there was nothing we could do to save him *The nurse added and headed to perform her work* ME: Stop *I said to her as she made to inject the drip that was connected to my body* I need some lone moment *I said as she stared at me confusedly* NURSE: I am sorry, you have to accept all our prescription for maximum functioning *She insisted* ME: I need to be alone please *I said sternly* don’t allow anyone in here; anyone *I added emphatically* She stared at me for some seconds and returned the syringe to the tray and walked out of the room, leaving the tray behind. I turned my gaze to the wall, thinking of how to present the news of Kelvin’s dead to his mother and at the same time wondering who will want Kelvin dead as the shooting was aimed and not sporadically. Yet, it seemed that Kelvin was not actually the target; the shooter aimed at the driver and not Kelvin and I always drove my car alone……. I was clearly the real target… Kelvin died in my place. Tracy’s side of the story I arranged the house swiftly is I got a call from Ben that he was on his way back; disposing the food that my mum had refused to eat to avoid raising an alarm as he was the only person that receives guests at home. Another call from him as I made to conclude my cleaning got me freaking out if he had returned that quickly. I answered the call but froze at the information that I got; Ben was involved in an attack that claimed a life. The information was clear; Ben was not the deceased but his condition was not revealed which got me much worried; our wedding was getting quite closer and I do not want anything that could cause any kind of setback. I drove hurriedly to the hospital at which he was admitted thinking of the two other people that were in the car with him. The person I could guess was Frank but he had returned as soon as he was discharged from the hospital. Unfortunately for me; I was not allowed entrance to see him immediately I got to the hospital, on the note that he had requested restriction of visit by anyone, not even the doctor that was attending to him. I sat on the floor outside his room despite the urges of the nurse to sit on a couch opposite. I dialed his number on multiple occasions but he was not answering. I placed a call to my mum but she didn’t answer as well which got me wondering what was actually wrong with me. I spent over two hours weeping on the floor until I was allowed in by a doctor. I walked into the room in tears but couldn’t help but cry more as soon as I sighted him also crying; something I have never seen him do. To my relieve, he did not sustain much injury as he had a deep cut on his thigh, I scratch on his shoulder and his knee cap. BEN: Kelvin is dead *He stuttered amidst tears* I couldn’t contain my surprise and sadness; I had thought of many people but not Kelvin; it was being a very long time since I heard from him. Personally, I saw Kelvin as a very cool guy who has more focus than opportunities and I sincerely liked him for that and his death was the last I had thought. ME: I am very sorry *I whispered to him amidst tears as I cuddled him emotionally* Ben’s side of the story I stared at Tracy as she walked in; hiding my furry as much as I could with the tears in my eyes draining slowly. I had no other suspect except her; she had attacked Frank the previous week and there was nothing to prove me wrong. I decided to hide my feeling from her but I felt like pushing her away from me the moment she cuddled me. There was nothing she could do to change what I felt for her; she had killed my friend in place of me and there was nothing to stop me; she had bitten more than she could chew. A call to my phone prompted her to disengage from me. She picked the phone from the table and handed it to me. I never expected my dad to call but he did; he never did since our argument on where I will establish and I never called him either. DAD: I heard what happened, I know that you knows the person behind this and I want you to tell me the everything, I don’t want a long story; just the name *He requested authoritatively as soon as the call connected* ME: I don’t have any idea presently; I will call you as soon as I am sure *I responded* DAD: With what you said, you already have a suspect… who is the person? *He persisted* ME: I don’t point fingers dad, I will tell you everything you need to know as soon as I am absolutely sure about it *I replied* DAD: Fine but I have to warn you, this is a murder case and every one is a suspect; include me and I will advise you cooperate with police to save your blushes… be exceptionally chary *He advised* _____
17 Apr 2017 | 06:15
i lost where I stopped.
17 Apr 2017 | 07:46
Story getting more complicated
17 Apr 2017 | 08:54
I don't think tracy is behind the attack.
17 Apr 2017 | 09:45
17 Apr 2017 | 09:56
nice one bro
17 Apr 2017 | 10:03
Tracy z innocent of this one ......I think Jane or Janet z behind it
17 Apr 2017 | 10:54
Not sure is Tracy
17 Apr 2017 | 11:28
I think Tracy is innocent
17 Apr 2017 | 12:00
Guess Tracy is innocent. it shld b d guy dat Tracy sent to attack Frank is behind d attack or B-X
17 Apr 2017 | 13:23
looking at it its not tracys handwork
17 Apr 2017 | 16:15
maybe the guy Tracy sent to kill Frank, cos I don't tink its B X
17 Apr 2017 | 16:17
This is going another way
17 Apr 2017 | 16:41
17 Apr 2017 | 18:45
Hmmm...who could dat be,dat want u dead I no it's nt tracy
17 Apr 2017 | 18:52
No suspect.
17 Apr 2017 | 19:09
0 Likes wa oooo
17 Apr 2017 | 22:01
who can be dat that want ben dead
18 Apr 2017 | 04:14
Nxt plz!
18 Apr 2017 | 05:23
Hmmmmm......seems like jane's handiwork,the one that threatened Ben on Evelyn's weeding day
21 Apr 2017 | 10:56
Abeg post na,u wan use suspence kill pesin?
26 Apr 2017 | 17:25
hmmm who do i point accusing finger at let say b..x
27 Apr 2017 | 07:46
next pls
29 Apr 2017 | 02:55
26 May 2017 | 18:02
@DRIZZLE why this long silence
27 May 2017 | 04:46
hmm.....taking too long
27 May 2017 | 16:44
still waiting oooh . why the delay
13 Jun 2017 | 06:38
u don enter guy
21 Jun 2017 | 17:36
nice one
21 Jun 2017 | 17:37
nice one
22 Jun 2017 | 01:50
nice one ride on
22 Jun 2017 | 01:52
Nigga or nigges abeg finish dx story na
22 Jul 2017 | 03:55
episode 51&52 Evelyn side of the story I gathered every dirty clothes in the house and headed to the laundry room. I was half way the washing when the door bell rang and rushed out to check who was by the door. Surprisingly, I met my husband who had left for work in not more than five hours standing by the door with a devastating look which got me wondering what was wrong with him. ME: What is the problem sweetheart? *I questioned as he remained rooted to the door with attempting to walk in* JERRY: Stop calling me sweetheart *He shouted angrily while I drew back in astonishment* ME: I don’t understanding what is going on with you sweetheart. You left here this morning extremely happy and I can’t remember us having any problem; what bring about this sudden attitude? *I questioned confusedly* JERRY: Everything *He shouted as he threw his brief case angrily to the floor* Everything is wrong Eve *He repeated angrily with his face burning* ME: You are scaring me *I noted more confusedly* JERRY: Pet *He breathed heavily* ME: What about him? *I questioned keenly* JERRY: Who is his real father? *He questioned heavily with his eyes turning red promptly* ME: What are you talking about? *I questioned indifferently* JERRY: You think I will not find out? You think that you can hide it for eternity? Oh my God! This is so disgusting and heartbreaking *He murmured as he paced the room confusedly* Pet got into accident in during school game and I had to rush from office to check how worse it is. Fortunately or rather unfortunately, he lost a lot of blood and needed transfusion. I opted to donate but guess what, we didn’t match. I don’t know what happened to all the results we had being conducting but the revelation prompted me to request for his blood sample from the school doctor which I took to the lab for DNA test and the result is freaking unforeseen *He explain and land heavily on the couch which produced cracking sound* I don’t know how you had being manipulating all the test results we have being conducting since his birth *He sighed heavily* ME: And how is that a problem? *I questioned unconcerned* JERRY: What did you just say? *He questioned as he sprung to his feet in fury* did I hear you well? *He questioned subsequently* ME: If you would have being more cautious and more attentive, you would have discovered this for a very long time *I replied* JERRY: What? *He shouted as he stopped on his track* you are not even denying it? *He asked confusedly* ME: Why I should, I have never denied it sweetheart, you are the one that kept yourself in that darkness *I replied* JERRY: How do you expect me to know when you call him my son? *He asked angrily* ME: Like I said, you do not listen very well; I have never called him your son but my.. own ..son *I emphasized more on ‘my own son’* If you could remember vividly, I have always interfered whenever you call him your son and that is solely because he is not your son and you get to understand that now *I explained and turned to leave* JERRY: Then why did you agree to marry me? *He asked* ME: Because I was under pressure to get married and it is so unfortunate that I never loved you, I tried but couldn’t Jerry. I have being living in this house for the past years waiting for this day; the day you will find out the truth and now that you finally did, it is the right time for me to move out. I am sorry Jerry but a marriage cannot work without mutual love *I explained in tears* JERRY: Please Eve, I don’t mind if he is my son or not, just don’t call off the marriage and I promise to do whatever it takes to make you happy *He pleaded amidst tears* ME: It is too late *I replied and turned toward my room to get my things ready* Tracy’s side of the story I watched as Ben ate the food I brought to him the following morning wondering what was going on with him. He had taken his time to scrutinize the food and prayed before eating from it which got me wondering if I had wronged him somewhere and somehow. The worst was that he refused to respond to my greeting as well as even utter a single word to me. All the he did was to stare at me anytime I said anything or ask him any question without responding. I left him and went to ask the doctor if the accident had affected his brain but the doctor only noted that he was suffering from stress and needed time to regain himself. Before I returned, he was through with the food and was arranging the plates. BEN: From where? *He asked strangely without looking up to me* ME: I don’t understand *I responded confusedly* BEN: Are you dumb? Can’t you understand a simple ‘where are you from?’ *He retorted* ME: Erm…. I went to see the doctor *I stammered as his sudden bust out took me off guard* BEN: Are you having any medical problem? *He questioned calmly and concernedly* ME: No, I went to ask the doctor about you *I responded* BEN: About me? Did I inform you that I am currently unstable? *He questioned with keen interest* ME: No, but technically, you are not okay. Your behavior since yesterday has being freaking me out which got me wondering if the accident has tampered with your inner self and I had no option than to ask the doctor *I explained more courageously* BEN: And what did the doctor said? *He questioned* ME: He said that everything is okay *I replied* BEN: Okay *He simply replied and lay back on his bed without uttering any more word* His sudden change of character and body language was freaking me out but the doctor’s explanation that it will stop kept me at check. But truthfully, I can’t blame him, the death of Kelvin was very fresh and it would have toiled with how he feels about every other thing. episode 52 Ben’s Side Of The Story I was discharged from the hospital the following day with the hospital bills being taken care by Tracy on my behalf. Blessing had returned to stay with her private tutor on the same of her brother’s demise. I focused my attention to my phone, ignoring Tracy who was trying so hard to initiate a conversation as she drove. Her words was a very big distraction to me, my mind, body and soul yearning for loneliness. Me: I have to wash *I said as soon as we got home* Tracy: Let me help you, you are still too weak. *She urged pleadingly* Me: Thanks very much, I just need some lone time; for some hours. I will come out as soon as I am better. *I explained* Tracy: Okay, I will get these washed *She said with her gaze on the bag in her hand which contained my clothes* Just let me know if you need anything, I will be in the kitchen as soon as I am done with the washing. *She added with her eyes focused on me calmly* I stared at her for some seconds without saying any more word before walking into my room. Voice: Hello playboy The voice snapped me out of my thoughts, sending shivers down my spine. My eyes traveled to the dirdirection of the voice see Jane seated on my bed with the bedsheets covering from waist downward while her hands ran across bweast. Jane: Happy to see me? *She smiled seductively* Me: How did you get in here? *I questioned amidst fright* Jane: I found my way in but I think that should be the least of your worries right now. You should be more worried more about why I am here. *She grinned* Me: You need to get out of this house right now. *I pleaded rather than command* Jane: You know, the last time that we were in this exact kind of lonely room, I did not just feel high but as high as the sky and I want that to happen right now; …… Oush, the thought alone is making me wet already *She bit lips seductively with sheepish smile and her hands fondling her bweast* Me: Is that the only reason why you are here? *I questioned* Her naked body was fresh, hot and tempting but I was far from thinking about irrelevant things including women; her seductive acts having zero impact on me with my mind wondering why she and how she came in. Jane: Actually, I am not here for this but eating without praying is a sin. *She smiled* Me: And you think that I am going to oblige to whatever you want? *I questioned angrily* Jane: You don’t have a choice here Mr. playboy. *She smiled mockingly* Me: Youof are wrong Jane, I always has a choice and this is the best of this moment; get out are of this house and never step a foot in this compound. I *I commanded furiously but to my greatest surprise, she simply smiled undisturbed* Jane: I guess you want your fiancee to know that you have a son out of wedlock; with another woman. *She smiled while my eyes almost popped out of their sockets in shock* You know that your wedding is just a stone throw and you don’t want anything that will jeopardize that. *She added* Me: I don’t have any idea about what you are talking about. *I faked* Jane: Just the classic playboy response. *She smiled* Deny once more and I will call my dad right now and tell him everything. *She threatened* Me: What do you want? *I questioned with a pounding heart* Jane: The first is the welcome entertainment that I requested; I want you to fuck me like whore, to a point that I will pass out. *Shr said shamelessly* Me: Oh my God! You don’t even have an iota of human shame anymore. *I lamented* Jane: Sure, I don’t when it is about s3x. *She smiled* Me: What happened to the bright innocent Jane that I once dated? *I questioned disappointedly* Jane;:Not dated but messed up like a s3x toy and guess what? You are the only thing that happened to me, the person that turned me to what I have become today. I loved you with all my heart and give you my body when, where and however you wanted not knowing that you are only a heartless player who is only interested in destroying your victims. You turned me into a s3x craving monster, the only thing I think and looks forward to becomes having a big rod in my p**sy. The most painful of it all is that I can’t have a long lasting relationship anymore. No matter how I love a guy, a relationship will not last for two months with him. it is either he catches cheating with other menon or I break up with him because he could not satisfy my sexual desires. I turned into something else, something that I can’t even explain, meeting the wrong people in quest to quench the constant fire that you ignited in between my thighs. My family had no choice but to abandon me in my messed up life, not even my twin sister sees me as human now all thanks to. *She explained with tears* Me: I am very sor….. Jane: Shut the hell up *She interrupted me* the time for apologies is far gone, just get down to what I asked you. *She raged* Me: I will do whatever you want but now is not a good time for this; I mean, I am just returning from the hospital with no single strength for what you are asking and I believe that something very hot and great. *I replied calmly and sincerely* Jane;:I know and I am not even thinking of f¥cking you right now but let you know that it will happen as soon as you are fully recovered. *She replied as got up from the bed and began to put on her clothes* Me: How did find out about him? *I questioned curiously* Jane: My brother is the only one that still sees me as his friend and kid sister. I was heading to his house yesterday to assist his wife with some stuffs but surprisingly, I will met him accelerating his car into his compound when he was supposed to be at work. I followed him in but something made him unable to notice my presence. He bagged into his house and began to question Evelyn about the paternity of her son. I don’t know why but after Eve boldly admitted that the boy is not his son, he began to plead with her not to leave rather than taking the situation by the hand. Eve refused to listen and leave. I thought that she will be heading directly to the father of her sonroom and so, I followed her but she rather lodged in a hotel and since I was already that far, I decided to get to the root of the matter. I got a room next to hers and later sneaked into her room at night only to find her crying on her bed and professing her endless love for you *She explained* I glanced at her in awe with no word coming out of my mouth. I never thought that Eve was ever going to come back what more in such a crazy style. That worst that I feared was at the last tip of crashing, the time that my deeds was going to destroy not only me but my family and every family that is connected to mine. Me: Who else knows about this? *I questioned with my entire body shaking strongly* Jane: I tried to entice my brother to me but it seems that way he do not want anyone to know about it. As a result, I decided to keep it to myself; for now, only me knows about it Petrolsky. *She responded* The mention of my second name erased every doubt that she might be fabricating everything for her own gain but then, what did she really wants? Me;: What do you want from me? *I questioned with the thought that she was only trying to use that to blackmail me* Jane: Nothing. *She replied with facial expression turning to a bad wounded Lionel seeking for vegeance* I only wants to destroy every single thing that you have built, every single of your dreams. I going to destroy you just like you did to me. I am going to tear you apart and separate your soul from your body *She unleashed with great determination while her threat, the way which she unleashed it made to pee on myself*
27 Oct 2017 | 07:30
Sorry Ben
27 Oct 2017 | 17:59
Welcome back oo
27 Oct 2017 | 18:00
this story is starting to piss me off..... I was actually @ episode 20 bt I decided to jump only to find out that Ken is nw dead and Ben is getting married to Tracy the public toilet...... Hmmm.....
31 Oct 2017 | 17:53
Wlcome back
5 Nov 2017 | 01:06
U never see something.. ...
5 Nov 2017 | 13:12
hmmm Ben u don enter 1 chance
19 Nov 2017 | 00:44
Wellicomu backi broda writer
19 Nov 2017 | 19:15
dis story is taking 4 life... Who is d writer?? Oga ur story is abt 2years nw o
12 Jan 2018 | 10:28
16 Jan 2018 | 01:07
Pls I need d complete story of intermission season 3 I stopped @ episode 50 pls someone should pls help me Thank u
30 Jan 2018 | 11:12
When Will We Read Season 4 Of Intermission ?
2 Mar 2018 | 18:51
i love this script
14 Mar 2018 | 08:40
14 Mar 2018 | 08:42
As in pleeeeeease coolval continue this story
14 Mar 2018 | 08:43
Please complete this story nah Mr ben
30 Mar 2018 | 12:56
still at page 116? nawaooo
1 Apr 2018 | 17:51
Think someone is thinking of sleeping with ben
14 Jul 2018 | 02:38
14 Jul 2018 | 10:50
Season 3 episode 54
15 Jul 2018 | 18:56
30 Jul 2018 | 12:08
This bullshit, the story is confusing
12 Sep 2020 | 00:43
When will the continuation from episode 3 from chapter 50 be have been waiting since 2018
31 Aug 2021 | 17:18
11 Feb 2022 | 08:27
11 Feb 2022 | 09:27
Kasala don bust
11 Feb 2022 | 16:17
What sleep with d.p.o ben u don enta one
11 Feb 2022 | 16:24
Chai tough decision to make
11 Feb 2022 | 16:33
nice words uncle timmy
11 Feb 2022 | 16:39
Kay thankGod ur broda didnt died or prisoned
11 Feb 2022 | 16:47
B-x is here
11 Feb 2022 | 16:53
This gal anna will she not get tired of this threats
11 Feb 2022 | 17:00
Too bad
11 Feb 2022 | 17:05
Wtf tracy loves ben but has greatly offended him so much
11 Feb 2022 | 17:20
Nawa love no be by force tracy
11 Feb 2022 | 17:24
Wow God don save u if not u for don enta trouble
11 Feb 2022 | 17:42
Tracy truly loves ben but the wound is inflicted on ben's heart is deep and it will take time to heal
11 Feb 2022 | 17:55
Ur worst nightmare
11 Feb 2022 | 18:02
Burie the past and move on ben
11 Feb 2022 | 18:06
Tracy is really a player a smart one for dat matter
11 Feb 2022 | 18:12
11 Feb 2022 | 18:16
12 Feb 2022 | 03:07
Evelyn has other motives
12 Feb 2022 | 03:18
12 Feb 2022 | 03:27
Tracy u are really hurt ur friends and ur beloved ben and i hope u have change for the better
12 Feb 2022 | 03:36
12 Feb 2022 | 04:00
What? This is madness
12 Feb 2022 | 04:07
12 Feb 2022 | 04:13
Well i hope she survives it
12 Feb 2022 | 04:19
Tracy is really evil minded lady
12 Feb 2022 | 04:23
A killer will always be a killer no matter except God decide to interve
12 Feb 2022 | 04:37
Tracy what have u done? Killing frank will only make things worst
12 Feb 2022 | 04:41
U are a fool tracy u have started a dangerous game to u will never win
12 Feb 2022 | 04:45
Revenge best served cold
12 Feb 2022 | 04:48
I guess it is ur old enemy anna or tracy
12 Feb 2022 | 04:52
Kelvin dead r.i.p
12 Feb 2022 | 04:56
Jane wants revenge
12 Feb 2022 | 05:30


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