::: I Lose interest Easily :::
I don't know how this works but I know how I react to other people stories. I know the logical solution to mine but it's hard to keep to my word. I'm engaged and so happy but I'm not satisfied, I don't know why. I really don't understand myself at all. I hate my father for cheating on my mum and still despise him but I love my ex and my Fiancé equally,...
... they're the only men I've ever being with. I dated my Fiancé when I was young and felt all he wanted was sex so I left him for my Ex, lost my Virginity to my Ex and broke his heart because of this same issue; I lost interest too. I went back to my Fiancé and he proposed after a while.
Many of you might judge but there's no bad blood, every party involved...
... understand. My problem is my Lack of Interest after a while. My Ex has advised me to hold on and stay strong and I shouldn't mess up my wonderful life and a great opportunity. I don't know if this is spiritual or I'm just my father's daughter.
Is this normal? Is Monogamy not enough?
Am I medically sane?
Please need your advise.