apologize in
If you can try not to get angry, keep reading.
There's a reason why we go to school. There's a
special way
those that went to school can always be separated
from those
that didn't go to school.
There's a difference between an educated person and
a literate.
To the best of my understanding, been educated, is
"having had
an education especially to a higher level than average
while a
literate is "been able to read and write"
Also there's a "slight" difference between an
uneducated person
and an illiterate.
Uneducated means not educated, the opposite of
educated and
illiterate means unable to read.
We didn't go to school for the sole purpose of being
we went to school not only to be educated but to ACT
educated people.
You can always tell a person that went to school from
a person
that didn't go to school. Their reaction or response to
things or life issues.
The same way you can tell that the man at alaba
market didn't
go to school, because of how he talks loudly. Or you
can tell by
the words that the bus conductor says.
However, that someone is educated (University
Graduate or
Undergraduate) doesn't mean he/she will act like an
With that said,
If you have ever laid your hands on any woman, you
are an
uneducated fellow.
If you have ever referred to any lady as a bitch, whore,
ashewo because she no gree for you or called her
because she didn't agree with your comments and the
best way
to throw shots is calling her a harlot, olodo rabata ni
yen .
If you have ever gotten so angry to the point of
fighting the
person that angered you, and the best way to express
how angry
you are is taking off your shirt or cloth or tying your
around your waist, I'm sorry to disappoint you, you are
uneducated person.
If you have ever shouted and wailed and clapped your
and removed your shoes/slippers to fight because you
want to
prove a point, hellOooo!!! You are an uneducated
If you have ever walked on the high way and you just
anyhow, you are uneducated.
If you have ever stabbed someone with a bottle or with
a knife
or threw things against the wall by breaking the TV
screen or
burnt chairs or properties because you are angry, you
are an
uneducated person.
Ladies, if you have ever caught any woman with your
man and
instead of acting cool or walking out, you rush to fight
woman shame!!!! You are uneducated.
For the fact that you went to school, books shouldn't
be the only
thing you should learn, learn etiquettes, learn to be
learn how to eat in public, how to talk in public, things
to avoid.
Ever wondered why, there's a certain kind of way
someone acts
and you say the person is acting like a "villager"
The same way you see someone eat and you say the
person eats
like an "ajebutter"
It also applies to certain actions done by people.
If you do the aforementioned, no matter the level of the
gone, it's a big waste.
Just as the man I know that burnt his ex-gf's
certificates because
she left him for someone else.
He is a PHD holder and he did that, he's a stupid
All his years in school couldn't and didn't make him
You just can't take stupidity off people.
Just as we can't stop a pig from been dirty. It will
always go back
to dirt.
How can I forget?
If you are also among those people even with all the
in the world brings "culture" "religion" into every issue,
uneducated you
Or those annoying lousy humans that go to beer
parlors to
make noise and brag about the invisible money in their
There are many things people just do and you shake
your head
in disgust.
Going to school is NOT enough.