[b]I have been offline for the past 24hrs, turned off my phone.
really needed time to heal, you women are wicked and
heartless and i pray that more guys continue using you guys to
i love my girlfriend more than life it self, there isn't anything i
won't have done for her aside from weed of cos.
yesterday we sat down and talked
she complained about my clubbing lifestyle, weed coolvaling and
strange friends, whats paining me is that she saw all these
things before she agreed to date me , whats with the change of
plans, well i cant stop coolvaling and she asked me to CHOOSE
BTW HER AND coolval.
as a man standing my ground i said her but she should leave
coolval alone and she gave me stories of how guys changed for
their girlfriends
but we are not married after making love i went outside wit my phone to
greet a friend and we started she coolvaling an posting came saw me
MuBarak, went inside picked her things and left, got a text
an hour later saying [color=rrd]we are done[/color] i didn't even know what to
say to her, called her all night she didn't pick. went to her house
and i was told that she has travelled, i have been sick since
yesterday but am fine very fine very very very fine
[size=200]you can break me but you
won't kill me[/size] i wish her all the best