

By Captain in 17 Aug 2018 | 13:09
Captain Joseph

Captain Joseph

Faithful User
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Forum Loyal User
Posts: 236
Member since: 7 Jul 2017
Chapter One.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation whereby you slipped and almost fell and then an invisible force draws you back? Or you are suppossed to wake up early and someone just taps you and you wake up, not seeing anyone? Or there is danger in front of you and something just tells you not to go there?
Do you think all these cannot be explained?
Well they can. Its only one word.
Most people believe fairies don’t exist, some think its just a myth, legend or a folklore. What people don’t know is that we actually do exist. Not in the tiny, small form you think. But in a more human form, just with longer hairs, wings and magical abilities. The thing is you cannot see nor touch us unless we reveal ourselves to you, which is a crime in the fairy world.
Our job as fairies is to protect animals, control water bodies, give good dreams, make music, control the wind, protect plants and so on. But i was given human guidance. That means i was a guardian fairy. My job was to protect, guide and watch over the human i would be assigned to.
Every human had a guardian fairy, one to protect them from the evil ones. We usually come around the time they are born so i wondered why i was assigned to a teenager rather than a baby.
Being a guardian fairy was a lot of job, and being assigned to a teenager, a boy, wasnt going to be easy because i didnt know him.
But i was willing to do my job, afterall, i’ve spent eighteen years of my life learning about Human Guidiance. And i wasnt ready to back down now.
"I Azaria, pledge to the fairy queen to be responsible for Blake Martins, to serve him, protect him from the evil ones and the lurk of the darkness. I promise to have no relationship whatsoever with him, and to never reveal myself to him. I promise not to be distracted by earthly things but to keep focus in my work. I promise to fufil my duties as a guardian fairy without any fault, so help me Queen"
I finished saying my oath and bowed in front of the Queen, who was sitting in her throne. The fairy Queen was a young woman who had ruled for years. She was fair and beautiful, and was the only one with brown wings. He hair shimmered in the light as she walked up to me.
She rose up my hand and put the binding bracelet on my hand. It was pure gold. The binding bracelet was to connect me to my ward. The person i would be protecting. I would feel his emotions and know when he is in danger.
"I now make you, Azaria, a guardian fairy" She said, placing her hand on my head. "Remember the rules and keep them, Humans can be very appealing"
With that I bowed my head and left the court.
Immediately i got outside, i squealed and jumped in joy.
Finally, all my hardwork payed off. I was now a guardian fairy. I needed to tell Motherio.
She was like a mother to me, she took me in after the death of my parents. She has been taking care of me since i was born.
I flapped my white and blue wings as i made my way back home. Fairies flew past me, to their duties. Some were watering the plants, some were at the river bank. Our world was a peaceful one. And a beautiful one too. Trees and flowers surrounded us. A small stream flowed through fairyland. Small houses were built on rocks, trees and even above the water. It was mostly the water fairies that live there.
I continued flying, feeling the wind hit my face and ruffle my hair. I turned over and smiled happily, making my way through the empty space, home.
"Azaria!!" Someone shouted behind me and i slowed down. The person flew next to me and i saw my best friend, Flameburst, a fire fairy. We have been friends since our childhood.
The smell of ashes suddenly filled my nostrils and i knew Flameburst must have been out burning something as usual.
"Where have you been?" She asked, brushing her red hair from her eyes which where the same colour as blood. Each fairy abilities matches the colour of their hair, eyes and wings. Like Flameburst was a fire fairy, she had red hair, red eyes and red wings.
But me, a guardian fairy always had two colours. My hair was white and blue, my eyes blue and my wings were white. The blue part of my hair and eyes were from my mother who was a water fairy.
"I went for my Oath taking and confirmation. I am now officially a guardian fairy" I smiled.
"That is amazing, Az, we need to tell sparks about this" She said, taking my hand and flying through the Light fairies zone.
After a few minuted, we saw sparks, her yellow wings facing us. She was trying to make a big ball of light in her palms. She was a light fairy, they make lights, control in sun, they also make fairylight.
"Hey Sparks" Flameburst shouted, causing Sparks to loose concentration, and the once big ball of light in her palm vanished.
"Gosh! Flameburst, you always do that!" She turned in annoyance, her yellow eyes glowing. Noticing my presense, she smilled, coming to hug me. "Az!"
"Guess who is a guardian fairy?" I asked.
"Oh my God! You finally did it, congratulations!" She said, squeezing me tighter.
"I cant breathe" I said, gasping for breath.
"When did you take your oath?"
"Few minutes ago, I saw her and grabbed her over here, we came to tell you" Flameburst said, creating a small fire in between her palms.
"So who is the lucky baby you were assigned to?" Sparks asked, looking at me with anxious eyes.
"I wasn’t assingned to a baby, guys, I was assigned to a teenager named Blake Martins"
"WHAT!!" They shouted in unision. "That’s impossible, you cant be assigned to a grown up. You are suppossed to be a child!"
"I know, I’m confused as well, I wonder what happened to his previous guardian" I said, sighing a little.
"But there is a good side to it. He could be incredibly cute" Said Sparks. She always had a thing for human guys.
"Sparks! We are not to have anything to do with the human, we are their guardians and nothing else" I said, and Flameburst nodded in agreement.
"Its against the rule"
"Yea, yea, blah blah. But humans are so cute, especially the teenage guys, God! you are so lucky. Did the queen tell you anything about him?"
"Yes, She said his name is Blake Martins and he is in high school, senior year and he was nineteen years" I said, trying to remember all the queen told me.
"OMG! I smell romance in the air, He is just a year older than you and he is in high school. Oh God! He sounds dreamy" Sparks said with a dreamy smile on her face.
"Sparks, you need help. There is no romance in this. Azaria would just do her job and nothing else. Humans life is none of her concern. She would just guide this Blake guy and nothing else. Isnt that right Az?" Flameburst inquired.
"Yes, I’m not to have any sort of relationship with him" I replied.
Or was I?
Was i going to get carried away by this human?
What was i thinking? Am i going crazy? I would be punished if i have any relationship with humans.
With that thought, I left and went home to tell motherio.

Chapter Two.
*Blake Martins point of view*
My alarm sounded waking me up from my dreamless sleep. I opened my eyes to the darkness of my room. The whole house was silent. I didnt hear my mom feet running through the hallways, or my dad usual angry shouts to someone on the phone. I didnt hear my little sister singing one of Justin Bieber’s song in front of my room before coming in and jumping on my bed. She was my personal alarm.
But I didnt hear anything, only the singing of a bird outside my window. The whole room was dark, pitch darkness, just like my heart.
I got up, removing my duvet from my body and putting on my lamp. In a matter of seconds, the darkness was driven away and i squinted my eyes to the bright light. I stood up and went to the bathroom and put on the shower.
I stood under it, allowing the water run through my skin, the heat calmed me, washed me and went into the drain. I watched as the drain swallowed and consumed the water, just like darkness consumed me.
Thoughts, lifeless thoughts, empty thoughts clouded my brain. One summer, One day, One momemt was all it took to transform my life, my once perfect life into a nightmare. That night took everything i ever loved away from me. It took away my joy, my peace, my heart and my soul. Transforming me into the cold, heartless person i was now.
Leaving me sad, lifeless, emotionless and bad.
I stepped out of the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. My reflection stared back at me. Grey eyes stared right at me. Grey dull eyes. My black hair slept across my face dripping wet.
The water ran across the red spot with was already turning black, the wound i had gotten from last night fight.
I looked at my right arm, there was a tattoo there, it was a drawing of a little girl, she was smiling, and she had happy eyes. Her black hair was covering her forehead.
Under the drawing was written *pancake* that was the name i called her. I knew who she was. She was my sister. The only thing i was left with of her was memories. Painful memories.
I turned away from the mirror, trying to block out the pains of the memories, thoughts rushing back to me as i went towards my wardrobe to bring out my clothes for school. I picked a black pair of jeans, a black cotton top, a black leather jacket and black boots. Black was my colour. I quickly put it on and stared at my watch. I had fifteen minutes left before school starts.
Stupid fucking school.
I picked up my book from the table and ran through it, seeing my unfinished homework. Expecting all the answers to just magically jump into it. But it didnt. I groaned and placed the books in my bag and ran downstairs, to the kitchen to make pancakes.
I was bad at cooking but i was going to give it a try.
In a few minutes, I was running out of the smoky kitchen, coughing.
I couldnt even make a fucking pancake!
I picked up the coffee i did, and just as i took a sip, i spat it back out indisgust.
And a fucking coffee too!
How helpless can i be?
I fustration, i picked up my bag and dashed out of the house not after taking my keys to my motorcycle.
School starts in a few minutes. This year was going to be different, i was no more the good student and perfect guy. I was a whole different person. A heartless, bad, oppressive, agressive, ruthless person has taken over me. Life has taught me a lot, to never get attached to something cos in the end, it takes it back.
My phone chimed, and i opened it to see a text message.
Nice fight, last night. Today again at 11pm.
Yes, i was a high school student but i was also a fighter.
I jumped on my black bike and started it.
Malloy High School, say hello to your new bad boy. Blake Martins.

Chapter Three.
The moment i entered Blake’s room, the binding bracelet notified me of the saddness the filled the room. The bracelet allowed me to be linked together with Blake so i could feel whatever he was feeling.
I felt his pain, his sadness, his anger, and even his fear. He was lonely, and scared.
But why?
Why was the room so dark? Was he sleeping?
Immediately, the light came on and i saw him. He was the most handsome person i had ever seen.
His cheek bones, were perfectly shaped, his straight nose, dark, thick eyebrows were craved slightly. His eyes were still closed and i moved closer to him. Then he opened them.
Those were the emotions in his eyes, I wondered how someone could be feeling so much emotions at the same time. I looked at him again, his body was slightly bruised and a tattoo of a little girl named pancake was on his right arm.
Who was she?
He groaned and stood up from the bed. His back had scars, scars that matched the one on his face. It wasnt totally healed but at least it wasnt bleeding.
I felt sad for him.
What had happenened to him?
What made him like this. So lonely, sad and angry?
He walked to his bathroom and i debated for minute if i should follow him there.
Was i crazy? How can i follow him to the bathroom?
So instead i stayed and wondered what this Blake of a person was.
He was handsome, cute but sad. And it was part of my job to make him happy at all times. So this was the Blake Martins i was assigned to.
Where was his parents?
A lot of questions clouded my head as i took a survey of the room. It wasnt the neatest but it was inhabitable.
The bed was slightly scattered with his blue duvet on it. To the left side of the bed was a reading table, there was a lamp on it, some school books and a pen. It was hardly noticable but i saw a piece of paper. It read,
Damaged, broken. I am beyond repair.
Why did he write this? What happened to Blake? Why all these emotions?
I looked up and saw various drawings. Drawings of the same little girl on his arm, a woman, and a man. There were perfect. Each drawing has a small note just underneath it.
Pancake, Mom and Dad. They were his parents and the little girl was his sister.
Where were they?
I moved away from the table and moved to the other side of the bed. There was two guitars there, both black. And a small box. Few books were in the floor. On the walls of his room were some words written with white marker.
They are all gone.
All taken away from me.
I would find you.
Break you.
Take everything you love before your eyes.
Then kill you very slowly.
Those were the words i was seeing on his wall. These were his pains, his suffering.
Who was he going to kill?
What had that person done to him?
My thoughts were cut short when Blake stepped out of the bathroom.
I tried to remove my eyes but his body drew me to him. So i moved closer. He stood in frong of a mirror. Looking at himself.
He had body like a greek god. Muscles bulged, abs were present. He was perfectlt sculpulated. On his back, just below his shoulder was written. Damaged.
He walkes towards his drawer and picked up his clothes all black. I could still feel his emotions, he was in great pain.
He picked his books and went downstairs. I followed him through his empty home as he walked through the kitchen. He was trying to cook something but the next thing i knew was that a fire had started.
I panicked and quickly brought out my fairy dust, sprinkling its magic on it. The fire went out.
He couldnt cook.
He groaned in annoyance and took a sip from a cup, he spat it out immediately abd i smiled.
He looked so cute as he frowned. Taking his bag and his keys, he walked out of the house, i followed him, flying above him. His phone chimed and he brought it out.
I looked at it and it said. Nice fight, last night. Today again at 11pm.
I frowned, Was he some kind of fighter?
Who was this Blake Martins?
I didnt know much, but from the little i saw.
He was a bad boy. And bad boys were trouble. This job was going to be a difficult one.
I thought as he zoomed off on his motocycle. Surely, on his way to school. I followed flying above him.
Praying i would survive my first day of being a guardian without troubles. to be cont..........

17 Aug 2018 | 13:09
17 Aug 2018 | 13:19
@Captain Joseph thanks for the calling,I don book front sit.. oya continue
17 Aug 2018 | 14:01
17 Aug 2018 | 14:12
wow the story is nice, that reminds me of Disney world cartoons
17 Aug 2018 | 14:49
On seat ?, bring it on
17 Aug 2018 | 14:54
Wow i luv this story, continue i dey wit u
17 Aug 2018 | 15:53
17 Aug 2018 | 17:37
Nice start
17 Aug 2018 | 18:57
Nice story seated
17 Aug 2018 | 19:11
wow... I love. it
17 Aug 2018 | 21:46
18 Aug 2018 | 01:26
Am in....... Thanks for the i'v @captainspoonz
18 Aug 2018 | 03:42
continue pls
18 Aug 2018 | 06:26
18 Aug 2018 | 09:40
we wait on you
18 Aug 2018 | 12:06
following jeje
18 Aug 2018 | 13:31
Nice story
18 Aug 2018 | 13:39
nice start
18 Aug 2018 | 14:03
Nice start. Continue
18 Aug 2018 | 15:33
make I come dey use my own data to beg you to upload the next episode or what? I will ban you If you don't upload the next episode
18 Aug 2018 | 17:59
@zain no worry tomorrow 2 episode coming
18 Aug 2018 | 18:35
hmm nice start
18 Aug 2018 | 19:48
hmm don't fall for him it would be too early
18 Aug 2018 | 19:49
you have to make him the happy and good guy he was
18 Aug 2018 | 19:50
next update.....
18 Aug 2018 | 19:52
@zain no worry tomorrow 2 episode coming
okay oo na you promise me ooo
19 Aug 2018 | 04:59
Chapter Four. *Azaria’s point of view* The speed at which Blake used to ride his motocycle was so high i thought he would have an accident. The binding bracelet made me know he was driving with anger, too much anger. What would make him so angry? The drive was about ten minutes, then he got to school. It was a huge school, with tall buildings. "Malloy high school", a banner read. Students came in and out of the large doors and i marvelled at the number of students i was seeing. I’ve never seen so much humans at the same time in a place before. Some girls were gisting and laughing at something they were talking about. Some guys were resting in their cars, wearing the same jersey and laughing, mocking some girls passing by. Some students, a small group, most of them wearing glasses were pointing at something in their books and talking about it. Some girls in short skirts and crop tops were holding something, a shaking object, they were practising some dance moves. Their clothes matching the guys jerseys. There was also a group of guys holding skateboards and putting on only black. Bad boys no doubt, because some of them had ciggerate in their hands. I figured that was the group Blake belonged to. The school consisted of different people, Everybody was in one group or the other, and i was so suprised. This was new to me and it was cool. This environment was so different from the fairy world and i wished i belonged here. In a group, talking to friends and rushing for classes. Am i mad? My job was to protect Blake, not get carried away by human things. Speaking of Blake. Where was he? I was carried away by the scene in front of me and i had forgotten about my job. I saw him, recognising his black hair, he had parked his bike and was walking towards the door. As if they had put the whole school in ’pause’. Everybody stayed staring. All the gisting, laughter had died down as they stared. I was standing beside Blake. Where they looking at me? I panicked. No! Humans cant see me. They cant! I observed the direction of their eyes and noticed they were looking at Blake. Why? The whole parking lot was quiet as they continued to stare at Blake in shock. Then i started hearing whispers. "Isn’t that Blake Martins?" "What happened to him?" "Why is he dressed in black?" "What’s with the cold look on his face?" "Didn’t you hear what happened to his parents?" "He fights now" "He’s changed" "He’s not the good guy anymore" Those were what i was hearing, but Blake didnt seem to care about it because he continued to walk into the school. The eyes of the students kept looking at him as they made way for him to pass through. Fear, shock, was written on their faces. Blake went inside and opened a locker, he removed his books and placed some in his bag, the students were still staring at him. I could feel his anger as they stared at him. "Why cant people fucking mind their business?" He asked, talking to no one in particular. Just as he was putting his books in his bags, a blonde girl who was holding that stuff in her hand, came to him, smiling. "Hi Blake!" She said. But Blake didnt even look up, snubbing her completely. "Blake, Uhm.. Hello" She said again, her smile growing a little. But as usual Blake didnt reply. She had a lot of guts coming here. His aura screamed dangerous. When Blake didnt reply, she tapped his shoulders and that got his attention because he slamed his locker shut. The noise rang through the hallway. Me and the girl jumped in fright. I felt Blake’s anger. "Dont fucking touch me, Bitch. The next time you fucking do that I’ll break your fucking bones!" He growled. The girls stood scared in front of him, not moving. The whole hallway was quiet as they watched. Suddenly, those guys with jerseys came to the one in the middle who i figured was their leader stood in front of Blake. He was a few inches shorter, with brown hair and hazel eyes. "Don’t fucking talk to my girlfriend that way!" He yelled, but the girl quickly ran to his side. "Its ok Mason, lets leave" She said, nugging his arm. Blake didnt reply the Mason guy, but i could feel his anger accelerating. "Yo! Blake I’m talking to you" Mason sad, dragging Blake’s jacket. Wrong move. Blake turned, clenching his fist and landing a blow to Mason’s cheek. Mason stumbled but Blake didnt stop there, he punched him again, this tine Mason fell. I screamed in horror as Blake used the opportunity to sit on him and continued hitting him. It wss getting bloody and Mason girlfriend begged Blake to leave Mason alone. But Blake was really angry, punching Mason in the guts, stomach everywhere. Students were watching no one made an attempt to settle the fight .They all watched as Blake beat Mason to pulp. I didnt know what to do, no one moved an inch, even I was frozen. "Dont fucking touch me again, you and your slut of a girlfriend. Cos the next time you do such. I’ll do more than punch you" With that Blake stood up, looking at Mason’s unconscious body one last time and walking away. Everybody parted way for him to pass. No one wanted to touch him to avoid getting beaten up. I followed him as the bell rang, signalling the start of classes. Blake’s anger was too much, there was also pain buried in his anger. What I’m i going to do? How was i going to do my job if Blake was like this? I was to protect him, but he seems to be the one causing harm on other people. He had serious anger issues. And he hates when people touch him. There was so much i didnt know about him. So much to learn. About him and the human world. This job was going to be harder than i thought.
19 Aug 2018 | 05:58
Chapter Five. *Blake’s point of view* Fuck school. Fuck maths. Fuck Mason. That asshole had the right to touch me, him and his stupid doll of a girlfriend. He’s lucky i didnt break his neck. And this stupid fucking school, wont mind their business, always staring and whispering. I’m going to use someone as an example for the rest. "Mr Martins, are you following?" Mrs Brown, our maths teacher asked, closing a page from her textbook. I looked up and frowned at the number of eyes looking at me, waiting for my reply. "Cant you people fucking mind your business?" I growled, getting angry. "Mr Martins, please watch your language" Mrs Brown scolded. Immediately, all eyes turned towards the board, away from me. "Thank you!" I didnt want to get into detention today because i had a match this night..A fighting match. And i didnt want to be late unless, my boss would be pissed. At first, i never liked fighting, but after what happenend, i did it, not because i loved it, but to fend for myself. And to get myself prepared for the person who destroyed my life. I was going to find out who he was sooner or later. Finally, the final bell rang, signalling the closure of school. I ran out of the class and went towards my bike, switching it on and driving out of the hell hole. On getting home, No one welcomed me, just the usual sound of the doorbell echoing down the empty house. The silence was killing me slowly so i went to my room and put on some music while sitting on my reading table to write all my emotions. "Once i was happy, but now I’m sad. Once a good boy, now a bad one. Who is feared, dangerous, and heartless. But is that really what i want? Hell yeah. People need to know i have changed, i cant let my feeling get all over the place. I fought at night, went to school on the day. Came back home to this empty old house. This can never go back to the way it was. I was going to look after myself, and myself alone. Or is someone out there, looking out for me?" I dropped the pen and sighed. Went to my bed and slept. *Few hours later* I jolted up with the feeling of someone touching my legs. But when i opened my eyes, i saw no one. The room was still empty. I looked at my legs and could have sworn someone was here touching me. I got up quickly and prepared for the match, as i had only ten minutes before it started. Picking up my jacket and my keys, i left the house. *Azaria’s point of view* I touched him, i made myself to be felt by him. I really touched him, he was getting late for his fight, so i had to wake him up. His skin felt nice to touch, soft and smooth. I wanted to touch him again but it would be creepy and scary to him. And I didnt want him to start thinking he was crazy. I watched as Blake made his way through the street, it was dark already, the only light he was from the poles and his motocycle. I could feel his determination and fears too. As we got deeper into the night, i felt a little scared. He stopped his bike, tying its chain to a pole and opening a door, which had stairs in it. The smell of sweat and urine filled my nose as he walked down the stairs. Soon, i could hear some shouts and screams from people. Then i saw light, it was a large room, filled with men, smoking , drinking, exchanging money. They had tattoos on their arms and they were huge, with big arms. I shifted neat Blake even though they couldnt see me. I didnt want Blake to be here. He was still young, he couldnt be involved in this kind of life. Immediately they saw him, people started calling his name and tapping his back. He was angry for a moment but stepped to a small circle. "This match is for Snake versus Blake!" A man shouted. "Place your bets now!" Immediately he said that,i felt Blake’s fear. Was he scared of this Snake guy? Because that was the only explanation to his sudden fear. Though he didnt show it, but with the binding bracelet, i knew. He took off his jacket and his shirt, throwing it on the floor and jumping up, getting ready to face his opponent. The moment Snake stepped into the circle, i knew Blake wouldnt survive him. He was huge, like two times the size of Blake. He had bulging muscles, dark eyes, tattoos and so many piercings on his face, lips and nose. I suddenly feared for Blake. He was so determined to fight his opponent. A bell rang and the crowd cheered, signaling the beginning of the match. Snake approached Blake punching him in the guts, and throwing him to the ground. Snake had the upper hand, as he stayed on top of Blake punching him. I tried to close my eyes in fear, but kept them opened, i couldnt miss this. When blake rose his hand up to block the punches, Snake stood up picking up Blake’s body. The crowd cheered as he threw Blake’s body back to the ground with so much force, i thought his bones would break. Blake stayed unmoving on the floor, his eyes closed, his whole body covered in blood, i thought he was dead, until he coughed out blood causing the crowd to cheer him up. I was confused, I didnt know what to do. I was scared. Blake was in serious pain. Snake frowned when he saw Blake was still conscious, he stalked towards him again, picked him up. Blake tried to get out of his grasps but thst only angered Snake as he threw Blake to the wall. Blake hit the wall with a serious amount of force and fell towards a bin. He crashed to the floor hitting his face first. I flew towatds him, he was not moving, but was breathing slowly. The cried cheered Snake when Blake didnt stand nor move at the count of ten, signalling Snake as the winner. Blake was still not moving, and he was loosing a lot of blood, and no one was paying attention to him. He was going to die, i couldnt let that happen. He wasnt moving. He had stopped breathing. He was loosing a lot of blood. I had to do something, if not he would die. I would be punished if i do that but i had no choice, i had to sacrifice myself to save Blake. I had to reveal myself to him.
19 Aug 2018 | 05:58
Chapter Six. *Azaria’s point of view* I stood up quickly and looked once again at Blake’s battered, unconscious body. I had no choice but to reveal myself and get him out of here befors he dies. I looked at the crowd, no one was even looking at us, they were still praising Snake on his victory. I walked quietly away and towards a small conner. Looking around, making sure no one was here, i took out my fairydust, poured some of it on my hand and closed my eyes. "As clear as day, as bright as the sun, let me be see by thee. But let my wings be hidden from thy sight" I sprinkled the dust on my face. Still closing my eyes, i felt my body being lifted from the ground and turned lightly. My whole body felt it was coming to life. Blood surged through my veins and my heart race increased. Strange air filled my lungs and the intensity of the light around me made me shut my eyes tighter. Gradually, i felt my body being dropped to the floor. And the light vanished. I opened my eyes to look at myself. And behold I looked the same. My hair was still the same color, blue and white. I was still putting on a sleeveless gown made from flower petals. I was still putting on the binding bracelet. But when i looked behind me, my wings were slightly faded, it was hardly noticable. It worked. I had revealed myself to the human world. All i just had to do was take Blake out of here, and blend in. No big deal. I turned out of the small conner only for me to bump into someone. I staggered but quickly held myself. "Look, what do we have here?" The man said, then i noticed another man was with him. The man who spoke was huge! With piercing on his nose, he looked dangerous and smelled of smoke. While his friend was just as huge as him, but had a tattoo on his arm. Fear surrounded my heart at the sight of them and their deep voice. I moved backwards. "She’s a preety one" Said the tattoo guy. "What a beautiful meal, the lord has sent us this night, I cant wait to taste her" The one with peircing said. I moved backwards, scared. What were they going to do to me? Kill me? I didnt really know about the human world yet. Why did he say he was going to taste me? "No please, i dont taste good. My skin is bitter" I quickly blurted. The two men exchanged glances and looked at me in shock. Confusion filled their faces. But i continued. "So please dont eat me, Its better to eat grasses or fruits, they taste better and they give a lot of energy and nutrients to the human body. But us, people like me, we taste horrible" I finished. "What the fuck is she saying?" The tattooed guy asked, confused. "I have no fucking idea, she thinks we are going to eat her" The other replied, staring at me in shock. I didnt undetstand, didnt they mean they wanted to eat me. I didnt understand these humans. "I thought you wanted to eat me, when you said, you cant wait to taste me" "Fuck, No, C’mon Will, lets show her the kind of taste we mean" They came towards me, looking at me with hungry eyes, and lust. "No, please go away" I pleaded. Tears almost coming out of my eyes. "No darling, we are going to have a nice night with you" They chuckled. "Hold her down Will" The pierced man dragged me down, hitting me on the floor with so much force. Pains surged through my back and chest, I had never felt so much paon before, My eyes blured from tears and i screamed at them. "Ple...Please, le...let me go" I cried, but they payed deaf ears. I still didnt understand what was going on, and the tattoed man sat on top of me. Air stopped flowing through my lungs because of his weight. My stomach ached. Just as the other man, held my gown, a voice said. "Get away from the girl" The voice was deep and unfamiliar. Immediately, the two men stood up from me and i quickly stood up too from the floor. They were standing in front of me so i couldn't see who saved me. I breathed a sigh of relief as the two men moved away from me. "Who the fuck are you?"The tattooed man said. "Oh, I’m a little bit hurt, you dont know who i am" The voice chuckled. Who was this person? I had to get back to Blake. I bent a little and started to walk away. "Now get out of here before things get ugly" Just as he said it, the two men apologised and left, looking at me coldly before vanishing into the night. What just happened? What did the guy do to make them go just like that? "Won’t you say thank you. I just saved your ass" The voice of my saviour sounded in my ears and i turned to look at him, stopping dead on my tracks. He was young, tall and gorgeous! He looked a little older than Blake. Brown hair, black jeans, black sleeveless top. His whole arms was covered in tatoos. Why did humans love black and tattoos? "Thank you" I whispered. Taking my eyes away from him. "Don’t you know girls dont come around here, especially at night" He said, coming closee to me. I moved away immediately, but he smiled. "I’m not going to hurt you, I’ve never seen you around. Who are you?" "Azaria" I said, moving away gradually. I couldnt trust anyone. "Thats a weird name" He said, looking at me deeply, then he looked at my hair and appeared confused. Something about this guy wasnt right, something told me he was dangerous. Something told ne he was worse than the other men. But he smiled. "I’m Diego Sanchez"
19 Aug 2018 | 05:59
To Be Continued.......
19 Aug 2018 | 06:16
19 Aug 2018 | 10:11
@zain you will pay for the 1 extra episode.
19 Aug 2018 | 12:53
i wonder how u will be able to guide him with this your powerless and fearful nature, u can't even protect yourself, cont. bro
19 Aug 2018 | 13:43
what a nice story.....
19 Aug 2018 | 14:12
@komolafejoseph welldone I love your story..
19 Aug 2018 | 14:21
wow kip it on
19 Aug 2018 | 15:36
But I thought fairies are powerful not fearful as chicken hearted as this
19 Aug 2018 | 16:02
Why did u have to show yourself? I thought u will be having some powers,how den can u be a guardian if u r Dis powerless??? Maybe I might be wrong!!!
19 Aug 2018 | 16:46
next pls
19 Aug 2018 | 17:57
but I tot as a fairy,,, she doesn't need to show herself,,, she can just touch him in that state and his strength will he renewed,,, way kind of fairy is dis one is alws fidgeting at small thing like dis?
19 Aug 2018 | 18:47
Next please
20 Aug 2018 | 02:49
next pls
20 Aug 2018 | 04:04
20 Aug 2018 | 13:32
20 Aug 2018 | 16:29
next pls
21 Aug 2018 | 08:01
Chapter Seven. *Azaria’s point of view* Diego walked closer to me holding out his arm to me. I didnt understand what he was doing. "This is the part you shake me" He said, gesturing to his hand. I still didnt understand so i held his hand and shook it vigorously. I turned away from him. I had to get back to Blake, he could be dying. "What are you doing here anyway?" He asked, smirking. "I’m here to save my friend" I said, still moving away from him. "Who is your friend?" He asked again. I was releuctant to answer but i did anyway."Blake, he is really injured" "Blake, the guy who fought Snake, and got beaten up really hard" He laughed. "He’s stupid to have a match with him" So it was Blake who picked the fight with Snake. Why would he pick someone who he knew would break him in half? "Thank you for saving my life, but i really have to go now" I said, running away, while Diego shouted at me to come back. I ran to where Blake was, and he was still laying on the floor, unconscious. I walked over to him, raising his face from the ground. His eyes were closed. Purple and black spots surrounded his face. His mouth bled. I felt sad.. I tried lifting him up, but he was too heavy. He slipped from my hands, falling back to the ground. I picked him up again, trying to balance him on my side. His face was just above my breast, and i blushed a little. He still looked handsome. I held Blake’s waist and tried to move but we fell down back to the ground and tesrs gathered in my eyes. I was too weak to carry him. And he was loosing a lot of blood. I couldnt use the fairydust power in the presence of all these people. "You need help" A voice said, and i turned to look at Diego. I didnt understand why he was helping me but i wiped my tears. "Yes, please. My friend is going to die if i dont help him" Immedietely, Diego came towards me and lifted Blake with little effort, he balanced him on his shoulders and exited the building. Blake’s body layed limp on Diego shoulders as we climbed up the stairs. "That’s his bike!" I pointed st the black bike chained to a pole. "I have to get it in my car, we cant ride in that" Diego said, pulling out his keys from his pocket, he pressed a button and a beeping sound was heard. Then followed by a flash of light, i looked for its source and saw it was from a black car. It looked expensive. Diego walked to the car."Open the doors" He said to me. "How do i open it" I asked, looking at the strange vehicle. "What? You cant open the car" Diego sighed and raised a small lever on the door and it opened. I blushed a little. He graduallu placed Blake’s body on the seat and told me to get in. I sat on the chair putting Blake’s head on my laps. Diego shut the door and i looked around the car. I didnt even understand what i was seeing, so many buttons, a round wheel, a stick on the side of the chair. I looked at the back and saw Diego opening the back of the car. "Search his pockets for keys" He said to me i searched Blake’s pocket and found some keys, and gave them to Diego. In a few seconds, Diego was placing Blake’s bike in his car and got inside the car. Pressing some buttons and turning the wheel, the car moved and i screamed in fright. "What?" Diego asked, looking at me in concern. " I’ve never been a car before" I said, holding the door tight. I looked at Blake, he looked peaceful, but was in pains. I wiped the blood away from his lips. I was a bad guardian. Just my first day of my job, my ward was dying. He didnt deserve this, this was just a nineteen year old boy who was alone in this world. He was just trying to be strong. No one deserve this, especially Blake. I held his face, why was i feeling like this? I quickly removed my hand and looked outside. It was dark, pitch darkness. "Do you know the way to Blake’s house?" Diego asked. I pointed to a street and described the way for him. We drove in silence, i thought of the consequenses i would face if the queen found out i revealed myself to the humans. Revealing yourself to the humans was the number one rule you shouldnt disobey. And i had just broken that rule. I would be punished greatly if the queen found out. "I guess this is the house" Diego said, loking out the window. "Yes, please just help me get him inside" Diego helped me carry Blake out and put him on the sofa, he placed his bike close to the garden. "Thank you" I said. "You’re welcome, he would be fine. You owe me one Azaria, never forget that" Diego said and got into the car before speeding off into the night. I quickly ran in, seeing Blake’s unconscious body, i brought out my fairy dust. I sprinkled it on him, and said the healing spell. "Heal his wounds, make him breathe, restore his body and make him ok" Blake coughed, but his eyes were still shut. He stopped bleeding but the wounds were still there, it would take a while but the pain he felt would reduce a little bit. I looked at him again, he had started breathing again. His chest rose and fellin rhythm to his breath intake. I felt really sad for Blake. He was all alobe.And i wanted to be there for him. I wanted to be at his side. I wanted him to know i was here for him, watching him, caring for him. I didnt want to be his guardian, i wanted to be his friend, someone he could talk to concerning his feelings, his fears, his pains and thoughts. I didnt want to stay in the shadows, watching over him. I wanted to be with him. What is wrong with me? Am i crazy? I had already revealed myself now i wanted to remain like this? I thought, "I better change back before Blake wakes up and see a strange looking person in his house" I picked up my fairydust and was about to sprinkle it on my body when i heard his voice. "Who the fuck are you?" I turned to see Blake staring at me.
22 Aug 2018 | 06:22
Chapter Eight. *Blake’s point of view* Finally, I could breathe. Air finally passed through my lungs. Pains attacked me from everywhere. My head, shoulder, torso, arm, even my lips hurts. Then i opened my eyes, expecting to see myself on the floor of the underground fighting spot, instead i opened them to the most gorgeous girl i had ever seen. Her face was smooth, glowing. Her cheek appeared soft, eyebrows perfectly shaped. Her hair was long, very long, white and blue. I had never seen anyone with that colour of hair before. Her pink lips were moving but i didnt hear what she was saying, i was captivated by her beauty. Who was this girl? "Who the fuck are you?" I asked, and she turned. My heart froze. Her beauty in her eyes struck me. They were the colour of the mid day sky. Blue. They looked innocent, naive, tender. Care, affection layed in them. She looked shocked, suprised as She tried to get words out of her mouth. I was in the same situation as her. We were both shocked. "I’m Azaria" She finally said, putting something in her pockets. That voice as sweet as the owner. Soft and melodious. Azaria? Who beared that kind of name? It was weird. I wanted to know about this girl who was staring at me with wide eyes. "And what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, sounding harsh. But deep inside i was mesmerised by her. She doesnt need to know that. "I helped you from your fight. You were very injured" What? How did she know? I tried to sit up from the chair, but pained sliced through my torso and i fell back down, holding my stomach in pain. "You need to rest Blake, you sustained a lot of injury" The girl said, holding my hands and looking at me with deep concern. At the mention of my name, i turned towards her. "How the fuck did you know my name?" "Uhm..I heard it at the fighting ground" She answered, looking everywhere but me. She was lying, she was bad at it. I looked at our interwind hands and quickly removed my hands fron hers. How dare her touch me? She had no right. I didnt even know her and she doesnt know me, so why should she care about me. I didnt need anyone caring for me. "Get out!" I said, getting angry. I dont need her, i didnt need anyone. "What?" She asked, staring at me in fright. "I said get out of my house! I dont appreciate you coming to my rescue and taking care of me. Looking at me with those innocent eyes" She stood up. "Please i cant go, let me stay here for the night. Its dark outside. And i might run into bad men" She pleaded, tears gathered in her eyes. I couldnt say No. She was right. Bad men would be out by this time of the night. And i didnt want anyone touching her. What’s my business? I tried to stand up but fell again. The pain was intense. Dried blood covered my black top, even my hands has purple spots. Azaria, noticing my pain stood up from the floor and ran upstaris. "Where the fuck are you going?!" I shouted after her. Why did she even know my house? A lot of questions churned inside my head. I wanted to go after her, but i was in pains, i couldnt even stand up. She ran back down, few seconds later. With a small bucket and a my towel, all from my bathroom. How did she know where i kept my things? She knelt down in front of me and put the towel into the half filled bucket of water. The cloth soaked water, and she squeezed it out. Then she rose up my shirt. "Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled, she jumped in fright, and i snatched the towel from her hand to clean myself. "I dont need your fucking help. I dont even fucking know you!" I tried to clean my torso myself but the pains attacked me and i threw the towel in annoyance. "Fuck! Fuck! Fucking fuck!" I was in intense amount of pain. All because of Snake. "Fuck him! Fuck that asshole!" "Please let me do this, I need to clean the wounds before it gets infected!" She said softly, picking up the towel and soaking it again before squeezing it. I hated her gentility, and her soft words. I hated as she was helping me. I dont need anyone help, especially from someone who i didnt know. But i had no choice, i needed to get better soon, i stil had a fight tomorrow night. She rose up my shirt for the second time and i didnt objecg, instead i watched as she gently placed the cloth on my stomach and cleaned the wounds. Her small fingers moving in circles as she wiped the blood. She looked so focused as she cleaned me up. There was something about her. Something that drew me to her. I looked at her hair once again, it was long and thd colour was beautiful. Did she dye it? Because it looked as if that was how her hair has been. And for the first time, i looked at her dressing. She was wearing white, a white sleeveless gown. Her smooth hands were in display. She wore a small pointed shoe that looked like it was made from tree branches. Weird. Who wore this kind of shoes this days? My attention was brought back to reality when she applied more pressure on my injuries. I winced in pain and she looked up at me. The concern in her eyes attacked me. "Sorry" She said, dirverting her attention back to cleaning my wounds. Unanswered questions filled my mind as i stared at the unknown girl before me, who the only thing i knew about her was her name. Azaria. What was her last name? How did she find me? Why did she help me? One question kept leading to another one and i grew more impatient. I had never been so curious about anyone before. But suddenly, i wanted to know about this mystery girl. I wanted to know about this Azaria. And i was going to find out. I wont let her go until i know who she is.
22 Aug 2018 | 06:24
Chapter Nine. *Azaria’s point of view* I continued to clean Blake’s body, i could feel his eyes boring holes into my skin. I knew he was staring at me. He was curious about me. I knew that through the binding bracelet. The moment he woke up, fear consumed me as he stared down at me with cold eyes. I never thought meeting Blake in person would be so scary. He was really cold and harsh. Just because i watched him from the shadows, i thought i knew him. But he was a whole different person in reality. I wanted to leave before he woke up, but it was too late. When a fairy reveals herself to the human world, she only has thirty minutes to change back. But if she doesnt change back within that period, she would be stuck in the human world for days. When a fairy reveals herself, it takes a lot of power, energy. And that energy only lasts for thirty minutes before it is consumed. So if she doesnt change back within the period of that much energy, she would be stuck in the human world till the energy fills up again. She would need to wait till the power fill up and get to the point she would be able to change back. So from the time i transformed, my thirty minutes was counting and it was almost over when i healed Blake, i just had to quickly change, but when Blake woke up, i couldnt let him see me change and few minutes later, my time expired. So I’m here, stuck in the human world for days. If the fairy queen finds out. I’m dead. Blake winced in pain as i pressed harder to his wounds. I had lied to him about how i knew his name. I would still have to lie to him if he asks me any questions. Humans can never know of the fairy world. It was the most sacred rule. I finished cleaning Blake up and went upstairs to keep the buckets. I saw Blake lying down, eyes closed. I couldnt believe i had shown myself to him. And i was trapped here in the human world with BLAKE! I smiled. Why was i happy? No, I wasnt happy. Lie. Deep down, i knew i could be friends with Blake and help him through his depression. This way i could even protect him bettet, i could be able to change his mind about him. I could feel up that lonliness in his heart. I could learn more about him and ask him about his family. I squealed in my mind. I was happy. This was a good decision. This way, I could understand Blake and change him for the better. I could even go to high school! Oh My God! What was i thinking? Am i going crazy? Go to high school? No. Blake won’t ever let me go with him, or even stay here in his house. Except, i lie to him. I had to tell him something believable. I looked at Blake and found him looking at me too. I quickly removed my eyes from his, and adjusted myself on the couch i was sitting on opposite him. "Tell me, Why did you help me?" He asked. I looked up at him. "Because you were unconscious" I squeaked. "You better say the truth Azaria, or I swear to God, I’ll throw your fucking ass outside" Blake said, looking at me with angry eyes. "How did you know my house?" He asked. I couldnt tell him, i memorised the way when he was going to the underground fighting spot. "Diego, found it. He was the one thst helped me bring you here" I said. At the mention of Diego, Blake muscles tensed. I felt his anger. "That fucking asshole!! Why did you let him help me?" He shouted. "I didnt know, i tried carrying you up, but i couldnt. He helped me, you would have died. He was nice" I said, not looking at Blake, i didnt want him to know i was scared at the tone of his voice. "Nice?" Blake laughed. "Diego Sanchez?! He’s a fucking criminal!" This was my oppoortunity to know more about Blake so i asked. "Why did you say so? Did he do anything to you?" "I’m the one who asks the questions, not you. What were you doing in our underground fighting spot?" Blake asked closing all talks about Diego. "I...Uhm...I ran away from home and i found the door and went in, saw your body and helped you here"I blurted out the first that came to my mind. Blake looked at me suspisciously, trying to find any thing that gave me out. He knew i was lying. I just silently prayed he didnt ask more questions because the way he stared at me made me squirm. "Why did you run away?" "I live with my foster parents. They treat me badly" "Wont they come looking for you?" "No, they wanted me to leave and besides I’m eighteen" I smiled proud of myself. I was such a good liar. Blake looked at me for a moment before speaking. "You can stay here for a while until you get your own place. I’m only letting you stay because you helped me. You should get a part time job to earn some money" I smiled, Blake accepted me, I could stay in his house. He said so! I screamed in joy and ran to him, hugging him, he felt nice to touch. I felt safe in his hands. Blake froze for a moment before pushing me with so much force i almost fell. "Get the fuck away from me?!" He shouted. I looked at him, he was angry at me. I was so happy Blake had allowed me stay that i forgotten he hated people touching him. "I’m sorry" I quickly apologised. "Did i hurt you?" I thought i could have injured him" I walked towards him again, raising up his shirt to check for bleeding. "I said get the fuck away!" Blake pushed me again. He pulled his shirt back down. I wasnt angry at him, he was going to accept me sooner or later. So i just smiled. "Why are you fucking smiling? You are suppossed to be angry with me for pushing you" He asked, looking at me with confusion. "It’s not everyone that likes hugs. I know that" I said. Blake looked happy for a few minutes before frowning back. I was starting to understand him. "There is a room at the end of the hall, It has a bed and a few things in it. I can get you some of my mom small clothes to change into" He said, standing up. Wincing in pain he sat down again but stood up and made for the stairs, stopping once in a while to take deep breaths. I followed him upstairs and he took me to the room it was just beside his. He opened the door and it had a bed and a cupboard. And a door to the bathroom at the left. I looked at Blake, he wasnt standing up properly. He left the room and came back with a white night gown. "When you take your bath, dress into this. There’s a toothbrush on the sink. My room is just beide this, incase you need anything.. Good night, i need to sleep I’ve got school tomorrow" He said, before closing the door behind him. I looked around the room. And sat down on the bed. I was going to live with Blake. I was going to know more about him. I was going to have a job. I couldnt contain my joy as i jumped on the bed happily. What if the fairyqueen find out? No. I cant think of that now. I was going to be with Blake for days. I was going to live a human life.
22 Aug 2018 | 06:25
Chapter Ten. *Blake’s point of view* It was a dream, i knew it. But it was also a memory. That memory that had been buried in my mind for as long as i could remember. It had come to haunt me again. To scare me, to remind me of how lonely i was in this world. It was a painful memory, and i hated when it came visiting. We were in the car, everyone was laughing I was sitting at the backseat with May, my little sister. We were currently on our way to the mall to get my sister a new bag for school. "Bwake!" May shouted, she still didnt know how pronounce my name. Always taking the L as W. "Barbie is crying, she wont eat her cornflakes" She said, holding her girl toy in her hand with a sad expression on her face. "But its a toy, toy dont cry nor eat" I tried to reason with her. It was just a plastic shaped into the form of a girl. "Barbie is not a toy, she is still a child, and she doesnt want to eat" She said, rocking the toy in her hands, like it was a real child. "And she wont stop crying" "This stuff has no life, Its just a stupid doll".I said, hitting the doll in my sister arms. "Blake! Be nice to your sister!" My mom shouted from the front seat, giving me the ’I’ll kill you if you insult her toy’ look. I smiled, but when i looked at May, she had tears coming out of her eyes. "Barbie has a life" She said, clenching to her doll. But it was just a stupid toy, why would she be crying about it? She cried louder and i was moved in my heart. I hated seeing May cry. I quickly shifted towards her. "Hey pancake, sorry about Barbie, she has a life" I said. Lie, this doll was stupid. I said in my mind. "She is beautiful and had a bright future ahead of her" Another lie, I would throw it away or burn it when you get older. "Would you hold her for me so she could stop crying?" May asked, wiping her tears. What? No way! I cant hold this stupid doll! "Ok, Pancake, its all for you" I said holding the doll in my hands and rocking her as if she would stop crying. "See, she has stopped crying, would you help me feed her Bwake?" What is all this now? I said in my mind. "Ok, just give me the bottle!" i took the bottle from Pancake and started feeding the doll, while she sang. This is awkward. I said in my mind. After a few minutes, I gave pancake back her doll and we started playing a game. It was our favorite game. We would guess what is each other’s mind. I always won because May always thought about dolls. My mom’s laughter filled the car as my dad honked at a driver. She always laughed over little things. I took after my mom, the eyes, hair and even her smile while May was more of my dad. We were happy. Everything was fine until the car came crashing into ours. That moment haunted me, the images of the broken glasses, the sound of screams, gagging , the smell of gas, petrol, blood , the feeling and presence of death. I tried to open my eyes to the accident thst just occured, and the first thing i noticed was the car was turned upside down, I was strapped to the seat with my seatbealt. I looked to my right to see my sister, she was trying to open her eyes. Her hair covered half of her face, but the fear was visible in her eyes. "Hey, hey May, look here, look at me" She finally divertefmd her attention to me. Blood covered half of her face. Broken glasses were in her cheeks. "B...B..Bw..Bwake...I’" She chocked, looking at me with teary eyes. "Dont be, you’re gonna be fine, I’m here, just take deep breaths" I encourged her, even as i tried to unbuckle my seatbelt. "Wh....what of mom?" She asked. I turned to look at my parents and their lifeless eyes stared back at me. Huge pieces of glass poked out of their heads.They were gone. My breathe hitched. No. It cant be, teats gathered in my eyes. "B..Bw..Bwake" My sister called out to me, trying to look at my parents. "No, No, dont look. They are fine" I struggled to say, i couldnt let May see my parents lifeless body. I tried to remove the seatbelt, my legs were stucked. By now, the smell of petrol was filling my nostrils. I had to be quick. I hit the chair and clawed at the seatbelt but it wouldnt bulge. "Bwake, are we going to die" My sister cried. "No, no give me your hand, hold me, we are going to get out of this!" Tears ran down my cheeks. I didnt know what else to say but I knew May had to survive this. I held onto her small hands and used my other hand to remove her seatbelt. But just as mine, it was stuck. I scrramed and struggled to remove the seatbelt, i dragged it, preesed the button , tried to cut it but it remained the same. "Bwake, would i still go to school?" My sister asked, crying. "Yes, you will" I said, giving up hope, it was too late. We were trapped here. I held onto May’s hand tighter, clenching it as she did too, we held onto each other. "Are you ok in there?" Someone said from my window. I looked to see a man, probably a few years older than my dad. "Yes, please save my sister first" I said, smiling at May. But the man didnt listen he struggled at my seatbelt and in a few seconds, it removed it. I got out of the car and was running to the other side of the car when the man held me back.. "Get off me, my sister is still in there!" I struggled to get out of his hands. But he was stronger. "The car is going to blow up now" He said, holding me tighter. "LET ME GO!" I shouted as May shouted my name from inside the car. Just as i shouted, the car blew up, scattering into pieces, fire sprang up from every side of it. "NO!!!!!!!!!!!" "MAY!!!" I screamed, as i watched the car burn. No, my sister is in there, May was in there. I stopped struggling, I couldnt breathe, I collapsed to the floor. Tears fell down my eyes like a fountain. I screamed, screamed loudly, even as tge flames ate up the car.. I had lost everything. I didnt bother trying to breathe. It was no use. I didnt fight back the darkness clawing its way into me. I let it take over me. I wanted to die and i invited the darkness, begging it to take me away.
22 Aug 2018 | 06:28
this story is touching
22 Aug 2018 | 08:43
nice write up op
22 Aug 2018 | 08:43
Chai....... Sorry Sorry ehn
23 Aug 2018 | 00:57
This story is touching
23 Aug 2018 | 03:00
23 Aug 2018 | 03:04
Chapter Eleven. *Azaria’s point of view* "NOO!!!" I jumped in fright at the sound of the scream. Looking at my room frantically trying to trace the sound. My heart beating loudly in my chest. "MAYYYY!!" I heard again, recognising the voice belonged to Blake, i jumped down from my bed, running to his room. What was happening? I banged open the door and stepped into the dim room whose only source of light was from the moon outside. I could barely see as i walked in, hitting a mirror. I tried locating Blake’s bed as i heard heavy breathing, and small whimpers. I could also hear him moving profusely on the bed. I felt his bed and touched him. Sweat. His body was damp and he didnt stay still, he was shaking but i still couldnt see him. What was going on with him? The binding bracelet notified me of his sadness, his pains and sorrow. Too much emotions linking us together. I picked out my fairy light, it was a small ball of light fairies carried around to remind us that light can be found in the darkest places. As my hand connected to the ball, it lit uo immediately and i stared at Blake’s form. He was in sweat, his eyes were shut tight as he trashed around the bed, his fists were clenched and he seemed to be fighting an intense amount of pain flooding through him. He screamed again, this time a loud, piercing scream and then he appeared to be chocking, he started coughing. "Blake!" I called out to him, trying to reach him from whatever dream he was in. The state he was in, in his dream was transffering to reality and he had to come back. He had to wake up. "Blake!!" I called again, this time shaking him and tapping his sweat, covered shoulders. He still didnt wake up, the coughing increased and tears were coming out of his eyes. What sort of a dream was this? "BLAKE!!!" I shouted again, and he opened his eyes. The binding bracelet quickly notified me on the change of emotions, the sadness he was feeling few minutes ago quickly turned into anger. Intense anger, burning anger. His eyes were different, no more the usual bright colour, they were dark, pitch black, and they were staring deep into my soul. Black eyes. No this wasnt happening. No, it cant be. Blake stood up from the bed, i took a step back. He stared deep at me, black eyes, dangerous eyes, those eyes held no emotion, nothing was visible in his eyes only darkness. "Blake?" I said, taking a step back as he drew close to me. He stalked towards me, looking at me like i was his next prey, his next meal. "Blake? Stop please, you’re scaring me" I said, fear dripped from my voice. But Blake didnt stop, he walked up to me pushing everything in his way, his muscles were taut, his fists clenched, his anger felt. "Its all your fault, you took them away from ME!" He screamed, running after me as i fled from the room. He didnt stop. "Blake?! Please stop! You have to fight this!" I screamed almost falling into a table, the house was poorly lit, only a small lamp was on. Why do humans love staying in darkness? "Its all your fault! Its your fault May died" He said, flinging the lamp accross the wall, and picking of the table, breaking it in half. Super strength. I stood far away from him. "Blake please stop!" I was scared, but Blake didnt listen, he continued to destroy everything in his path. The chairs, tables, rack, vase, lamps. He turned the whole place upside down and i heard him growl in annoyance. Growling, animal like. "Blake, ple-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" He screamed, coming at me, but there was no place for me to run to. He picked me up by the neck and banged me against the wall, his fingers wrapped around my throat, squeezing it. I gasped for breatge, i struggled to breathe. I clawed att his hand, but it didnt move. I chocked, my lungs burning from lack of air. I tried to breathe but air wouldnt come in, i gasped. Blake was kiling me. I tried to call out his nane, but he squeezed my neck harder. I looked at his black eyes, no remorse, this wasnt Blake. My lungs were giving up, i couldnt see properly, everything was blury. Just when i thought it was all over, Blake let me go and i fell to the ground coughing loudly. "I’m sorry" I heard Blake say, "I didnt mean to, I dont know what came over me" He apologised, i looked at him and he was swaying a little, his eyes were back to normal, the usual colour. "Its ok" I said, standing up and walking towards him. "No, please stay away from me, I dont know what is happening to me" He said, before his eyes closed and he fell to the ground ,unconcscious. I knew what was happening to Blake. I looked at the back of his neck, and there it was ,my confirmation. A red, burning mark of two pitch fork, forming an X. Together with the black eyes, super strenght and animalistic growl. It could only mean one thing. Blake has been possessed by a demon. Helooo guys.....I know, i know you guys are angry with me and am deeply sorry, biko dont be angry. Ive been so so busy and exams are coming up. I was even thinking of putting this book on hold, but after many messeges from you guys i thought against it. Oya sorry na, oya smile. I hope am forgiven, for that i would post another chapter today, this evening. And would also post two chapters tomorrow, one in the morning and the other in the evening, by Gods grace. Chapter Twelve. *Azaria’s point of view* I stared at Blake’s form, i didnt know what to do. He had been possessed by a demon. Demoms rarely possess humans, because they were protected by we fairies but since Blake former guardian wasnt here for a while before I was assigned to him, that gave room for a demon to possess him.
23 Aug 2018 | 04:38
Chapter Twelve. *Azaria’s point of view* I stared at Blake’s form, i didnt know what to do. He had been possessed by a demon. Demoms rarely possess humans, because they were protected by we fairies but since Blake former guardian wasnt here for a while before I was assigned to him, that gave room for a demon to possess him. I still didnt know what happened to Blake’s former guardian. There was so much i didnt know and i couldnt go to the fairy world because i was still in human form. Oh God! What was i going to do? I looked at the young boy’s form, he looked so gentle and calm, no one would exepct he had been possessed by something so dangerous. Demons were enemies to the fairy world, though they were scared of us, but that didnt mean they didnt dare us sometimes. Before a demon possesses a person, he or she must be going through pains, sadness and lonliness, creating thoughts, dangerous thoughts to do bad things and terrible things. Sometimes it can lead to the death of the human. Demons feed off pain and anguish, they make their host dangerous and evil, a threat to the world. They become heartless and uncontrollable. They have super strenght, and black eyes. Demons possession often come when the host is sad or a painful memory has been revived, hence, he or she tries to act like they dont care and hide their feelings, they start doing things to make the pain go away, hence the demon comes to make he or she tougher, stronger and heartless, making he or she care about themselves alone and not others. Blake has been going through a lot and the absence of a guardian made it possible for him to get possessed. I looked at the mark on his neck, it was red, the usual mark of possession. The two pitch forks represented the demon’s hold on the host. The only way a demon can leave a host is if the host falls in love. Love is the cure. Demons hate happiness, care, affection but Loce is their greatest enemy, the onmy way theu can leave the host, is uf he or sge starts to fall in love, there, the pains, sorrow, anguish and lonliness is driven away. Giving room for happiness and love. And demons hate that. So the only way Blake could be free from this demon is if he falls in love. Fall in love with who? I couldnt tell him that, i couldnt tell him he was possessed by a demon and he needs to fall in love. He didnt even have any female friends that i knew of. Last time i checked he was shouting at one, back in school. I looked at him, Blake stirred slightly and later opened his eyes, he stared deep at me before glancing at my neck. He sat up, eyes running down my face. He touched my face, wiping away the dried tears from my face before touching my neck. I saw the concern in his eyes and the remorse. "I’m so sorry, Az. I didnt mean to. I dont know what came over me. That minute i was having a dream and the next i was angry, so mad" He confessed, looking at his fingers. "I know Blake, you can tell me what the dream was about" I said, taking his hand in mine. "I cant, Its none of your business" He said, removing his hand from mine and walking towards the broken table. Picking up a small box, he sat down back besideme and i coughed a little. "This belonged to my little sister" He opened the box and a small little statue of a fairy danced on a little table. A small song sounded at the background. "She believed in fairies, she said they watch over us" He laughed. "I never believed on her tales but i gave her full support" Blake sister believed in fairies? "She said she always wanted to meet one. But she never got to. She died" Blake etes filled with tears. "We were involved in an accident, we were going to get her bag for school. She was starting few days later. but now she would never have the chance to go to school and have a good happy life. It was all my fault" Blake stared at me, tears running down his eyes. "Its not your fault Blake" I tried to encourage him. "Fuck off!" He shouted, moving away from me a little. "If only i had been stronger, faster, I would have been able to remove my seatbelt and saved her before the car blew up. Thats why i fight, i fight everyday to improve myself, to make me strong so if im ever in that situation i wont be weak" "But Blake dont you-" "I dont need you to fucking advise me, I dont give a flying fuck about you or what you think about me" Blake said, getting angry, he stood up and look around the sitting room, looking at the mess he made. "I have to clean this up, please make yourself useful and help me" I was hurt by his words but i understood him. I understood why he was acting this way, he was shielding himself from hurt. I stood up and joined him in cleaning the room, we worked in silence. Blake cleaned the other side of the room, constantly glancing at me. I avoided his gaze as i picked up the shreds of broken glass. Thousands of thoughts concerning the demon in Blake clouded my mind. I didnr know how to make Blake, this cold guy fall in love with someone. And who could that person be? You. Something told me at the back of my mind. Me? Blake should fall in love with me? Never. Thats against the rule. A human cant fall in love with a fairy. There would be no future for the both of them. I quickly glanced at Blake to find him looking at me. He turned away immediately our eyes met. After a few minutes of awkward stares at each other, the room looked like nothing had happened in here. Blake walked up the stairs and i followed him. He was staggering a little bit as he opened the door to his room. "I have school tomorrow, I only have two more hours to sleep" He said, rubbing his eyes in tiredness. "Ok" That was all I said, opening the door to my room. I was still slightly hurt by what he said earlier. I mean i was trying my best to be a good guardian but Blake kept pushing me away. "Azaria?" Blake called and i turned to look at him, he looked sad and torn. Tears fought its way out of my eyes. "I’m sorry for what i did to you" He said before closing his door shut. I smiled a little. Blake apologised, and he did it with sincerity of heart. At least that was a start. I walked into my room and layed back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Thoughts ran through my brain. Mostly about Blake. The demon in him hadnt fully taken control of him yet, but if the love isnt there, he would take over and there would be no turning back again ever. Blake would be lost to him. He would be gone and replaced by an evil being. And i would be severly punished by the fairy queen. I had to make Blake fall in love soon.
23 Aug 2018 | 04:39
Pls help him.
23 Aug 2018 | 13:23
U have a tough task to handle ma dear n I strongly believe DAT u can do it!!!
23 Aug 2018 | 17:17
even if u were with him,,,, blame will still be possessed,,,, bcos u urself needs to be protected,,,, u are too weak to be a guardian fiery
23 Aug 2018 | 18:31
Please help him
24 Aug 2018 | 00:16
Only you can help him, go ahead and help him
24 Aug 2018 | 01:08
Chapter Thirteen. *Blake’s point of view* I walked into my room tiredly, wondering what the hell was wrong with me, why did i behave that way? I have never hit a woman before and i almost killed Azaria. Was i going crazy? I sat on my bed and thought about what just happened few minutes ago. One momemt i was sleeping, the next i was dreaming, and the next i was almost killing someone. My torso burned in pain, and I rose up my shirt to see my wounds from the fight almost completely healed. Weird. I turned to my right only to see a small ball of light on my table, just as i picked it up, the light vanished. Leaving the ball on my palm. Who owned this? Certainly not me, maybe it was Azaria’s. My mind wandered to the unknowm girl sleeping in the room beside me. She was different. Weird. But fucking beautiful. I had never felt so much emotion for someone in a few hours before, but here i was thinking about how cute she looked, how perfect her body was. She could make guys mad over her with just a glance at them. There was something about her, something i couldnt understand. She had blue and white hair, she wore odd clothings and had an unusual name. Azaria. But i loved it, I love how unique she was. Get a grip on yourself, Idiot. My mind screamed at me. What the hell is wrong with me? I should be looking for my family killer, not thinking about a girl who i didnt even know. I glanced at my clock, 6:00am, it read. I had just an hour left before i got ready for school. I layed on my back and looked at the ceiling, counting it. It was what i did when i couldnt sleep. Even as i tried to shut my brain to sleep, it went wandering to the cute girl beside my room. *Azaria’s point of view* I layed awake on my bed, my mind wandering to the boy next door. Blake. I was scared, scared of the demon in him, scared i was in human form, scared the fairy queen would find out, scared i wouldnt do my job properly. This job was not turning out the way i planned. It was going towards another dimension. And i was scared for myself. I needed to get that demon out of Blake, i wanted to make him happy, free from the memories that haunted him. And the only way i could do that was if he falls in love. I turnee to my side, and stared at the blue wall. I had just one job, protect Blake and i wasnt doing it right. I was failing. Blake was possessed by a demon. He got injured in a fight. I revealed myself to him, He tried to kill me, all these happened between twenty four hours. It wasnt even up to a day since i was given this job and i was already failing. I needed Blake to be happy, to fall in love, to get that demon out of him. I was going to get that demon out of him by all means. I was going to make Blake happy to annoy the demon and then he was going to fall in love. Starting now. *Back to Blake’s point of view* I felt something, or rather someone jumping on my bed and i groaned in annoyance. "Time for school, Its a bright new day, Time for school!" The voice shouted. Fuck. Azaria. What the fuck was she doing in my room, jumping on my bed and singing with a terrible voice? The jumping continued and my duvet was pulled away from my body. No. Please. Just give me two more minutes to sleep. Fuck. The cold hit me and i rubbed my arms. "Its a beautiful day! The sun is shinning!" She continued. I opened my eyes to see Azaria jumping on my bed with her nightgown, a beautiful smile on her face, and her terrible voice in my ears. I smiled a little, she looked cute, almost like May when she comes to wake me up. For the first time since my family’s death, I was waking up with a smile on my face. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I said, looking at Azaria, coldly. She turned to look at me, smiling brightly. "I’ve come to wake you up, and get you ready for school!" "Fuck off! I dont need you" I stood up from the bed, watching Azaria smile drop. Good. Now she was sad. "You’re late already" She said, coming down my bed and standing beside me. She was a short, beside me, my tall frame hovered over her as i looked down at her. Her blue eyes stared back at me. "I know, I have to bath now so fuck off" "Why do you like saying ’fuck off’? Its a bad word" She said, following me as i went towards my wardrobe to look for sonething to wear. "I say it cos I’m bad" I said, not looking at her, and bringing out a black trousers. "Why do you wear only blacks?" She asked again, looking over my shoulder at my wardrobe. "Cos black is for bad boys" I said, turning to look at her. But she was trying to pick out one of my jackets from the hangers, but since i was taller than her, she failed miserably and we both fell, crashing into the wardrobe. "Fuck!" I shouted as i opened my eyes to see Azaria on top of me in the dark big box. Her blue eyes were right in front of me. Her lips just mere inches away from mine, and i stared at it. Before looking back at her. "Sorry" She whispered. "What the hell were you doing?" "Trying to bring out that jacket for me to wear" She pointed at the jacket beside me. "Why do you need to wear my jacket?" I asked, looking at her confused, while she smirked down at me. "Because I’m following you to school" She smiled sweetly. Fuck my life.
25 Aug 2018 | 13:11
Chapter Fourteen. *Azaria’s point of view* After annoying the hell out of Blake and forcing him to take me to school, he finally said yes. He picked out one of his mom’s gown and gave me to wear. But it was big kinda so he gave me his black jacket that ive been eyeing. The jacket gave me a little shape and i smiled at him. "Come on, we’re going to be late. What year are you in? so i can register you at school?" He asked, picking up a loaf of bread in the fridge and puting a yellow substance on it. "I dont know" I never attended school, so i dont know. I shrugged, putting my fingers into the cup of the yellow substance. "What are you doing? You’ll mess up the butter" He said, removing my hand from the cup, i wanted to taste the butter but Blake drew back my hand and wiped it clean with a towel. "What is the butter for?" I asked, looking as he placed another loaf of bread on butter and pressing it, before putting it in a small plate and sliding it over to me. "To give more taste to the bread" He said before repeating the same procedure to his. I picked up the bread and put it in mouth, forcing the two slices into my mouth. "What the hell?" Blake inquired. I coughed as the bread closed my air way. Picking it out of my mouth, Blake laughed at me. "Just because i put the whole bread in my mouth, doesnt mean you should. Take a little bite first before your preety little mouth tears" He smiled. "Oh" I blushed, using my hair to cover part of my face. I ate and the butter tasted weird in my mouth. Human foods were disgusting. "You dont like it?" He asked, noticing the disgusted look on my face. "No, It tastes awful, and I’m hungry" I placed my head on the counter, groaning loudly as my stomach churned. "I have some fruits in the fridge apart from that, nothing else" Fruits? Fairy food. "Yes, yes, please" I jumped up and threw my hands in victory. "Give me" "Weird" Blake said. "Take as much as you want in the fridge" I ran to the fridge and a yellow light went on, i gasped and closed it back slowly watching if the light would go off. "Just take the goddam fruit and lets start going!" Blake shouted, picking up his bag and the bag he gave me, saying it was his years ago. I picked all the fruits from the fridge, mango, apple, bananna, apricot, strawberry and threw it inside my bag, slowly eating the apple. I smiled at Blake who seemed to be looking at me like i was insane. "I guess I’ll have to put you in junior year, cos you look younger than me" "Are you in junior year?" "No, I’m a senior" "No, please put me in senior year. I dont want to be seperated from you" I pleaded, holding his jacket, he frowned at me and mumbled something i couldnt hear. "You may not be that brilliant, so you’ll need some help in a lower class" He reasoned with me, pushing me slightly away from his jacket. "No! I’m staying with you. Whether you like it or not" I frowned also. "Fine, but its your choice" He said, dragging me outside, and locked the door behind him. The sun was up, smiling brightly down st us and i smiled also. "Its a beautiful day" I said, following Blake as he walked towards his bike. He sat on it and roared it to life while i looked at it. "No way, I’m not getting on this death trap" I had never ridden on a bike before, and the thought of riding it through the road, with Blake’s usual speeding, didnt go down well with me. "Come on Az, we havent got all day" He said, giving me a helment. He put one on his head, buckling the strap under his jaw. "No! I’m not getting on that" I said, walking away from it. "For fuck’s sake Azaria, we are going to be late for school" Blake grumbled. "Better late than dead" I said, walking away, i didnt know where i was going but i wasnt getting on that bike, Never! I munched my apple happily as i didnt hear Blake calling out to me, thinking he was walking with me also to school. Only for me to feel my body being lifted from the floor. I screamed as Blake carried me to his bile and placed me on it, despite my shouts and constant hitting. "Put me down this instant!" I screamed, as Blake forcefully put the helment on my head and sat at my front. "Oh God! Blake please, get me out of this thing!!" The bike roared again to life and started moving with so much force, I held on to Blake for dear life. The ground moved below me and the trees also, Fear gripped my heart and i held Blake’s torso. For the first time, i noticed i was holding onto him. And it felt good. I could feel his abs on my fingers and with my head rested on his back, I heard the slow beat of his heart. His muscles contracted as he made a turn towards the school. I savoured every moment of the ride, enjoying the way i pressed onto Blake’s body and the sound of his heartbeat, the abs against my fingers. His sweet scent of male cologne. Soon my fears were forgotten. Maybe this ride wasnt as bad as i thought.
25 Aug 2018 | 13:12
Chapter Fifteen. *Blake’s point of view* I could feel Azaria’s breath on my back and boy it felt good. There was something about the way she held me and rested on my back, that feeling was somewhere in me and i didnt know what it was, but it was there, ligering somewhere in my heart. I knew she wasnt scared anymore, because the tight grip she had me wasnt felt anymore, instead she felt safe and secured. Holding onto me like she trusted me, and i wasnt going to let her fall. Immediately, something stirred in me. Was i going crazy? I didnt know who this girl was, all i knew was that she saved me and i was trying to pay her back for her kindness, not have feelings and butterflies in my stomach. Get a drip on yourself, idiot. A voice whispered in me. She is just a distraction. You need to find your parents killer. Remember that’s what this is about. You need to stay strong and dont let this few minutes madness get over you. The voice said again. I was going crazy. It seemed since yesterday night i was. First i was acting like a complete maniac towards Azaria, now i was listening to voices in my head. I almost laughed at my foolishness. I made a turn towards the school and felt Azaria hold on me tighten as the bike bent downwards. All eyes was going to be on the blue-white haired girl i had brought with me to school. I was going to register her with the school, not a serious process because the school belonged to the government. No school fees involved. A simple task. Register and join. That was what made the school so crowded. It came to view and Azaria shifted towards me, i guess she was excited. Well i wasnt. All eyes were going to be on her, especially him. He was going to wonder why on earth i had brought her with me. He was going to use that as a leverage to get to me. I wasnt going to be too close to Azaria because if he knew of the way i felt towards her..... How do you feel towards her? That stupid voice again asked. Fuck this. Either way I was going to keep Azaria away from him, because he was dangerous. *Azaria’s point of view* The school building came to sight and my stomach sank, i was nervous like hell, how was i going to act? Calm down Azaria. Its not a big deal, its just a building full of humans that’s all. I felt Blake’s anger through the binding bracelet. Why was he angry? Did he regret bringing me to school? He tensed as he brought the bike to a halt. I slowly tried to get off the bike but failed miserably as i fell to the ground, hitting my butt on tbe cold hard floor. Blake laughed at me and stretched out his arms to help me up, i took it and he removed the helment and strapped it together with his, to the bike. Then he pulled out a chain and chained the bike to a pole. Adjusting his bag, he looked at my face. "You look flushed, did you enjoy the ride?" "Hmm...Kinda....Although i felt scared only for a few seconds" I smiled. "Seconds?" Idiot. "Ok, i admit a few minutes" I turned to look at the school, a lot of students were at tge parking lot, talking and laughing just like yesterday. Only that now I actually felt it, their presence. "Your hair is too damn long" Blake muttered before stepping behind me and knoting my hair. I was beyond shocked. Blake’s fingers moved swiftly as he plaited my hair before tucking it. He looked at me face again. "Thats better, com’on classes would start soon" He dragged me inside. Eyes turned, open wide. Jaw dropped. Students turned, shutting up immediately at the sight of us. The once noisy parking lot was now as silent as a grave yard While some stared in shock, some mumbled to each other. "Who is she?" "Is that Blake’s girlfriend?" "Why would anyone want to be involved with a fighter?" The questions were left unanswered and their gaze burnt holes into my skin. "Why are they staring at us?"I spoke softly at Blake. "They didnt expect I’ll show up in school with a girl. Just ignore it, it would die down anyways" Blake held onto my hand and led me through the stairs and into the school. We were almost getting inside when a voice stopped us. "If it isnt the asshole and his girlfriend" We both turned and saw three guys, standing just few inches away from us. Students gasped as they watched the scene in front of them. The three guyd were obviously disobeying the school rules with their outfits, they wore black, and tattoos seeped out of their leather jacket, giving them this aura that screamed, dangerous. That voice i knew it. And i just had to confirm it by looking at their faces. Diego Sanchez. The guy from the fighting spot, the one who helped me get Blake back home. He schooled here? Why hadnt i seen him yesterday in school? "Fuck off, Diego" Blake said, gripping my hands tighter. "Oh, you sound so confident today, how about last night when your ass was beaten up badly by snake and I helped Azaria here, take you home" He smiled sweetly at me. But that smile, was dark. A dangerous smile and i knew it. "I dont remember asking you for help" Blake said, trying to get away from him. "Blake, Stop. Be nice. Diego helped you yesterday, the least you can do is say thank you" I removed my hand from his and stared angrily at him. If not for Diego yesterday, Blake could have died, or had serious injuries and he least he could do was be grateful. Blake stared coldly at me. "Diego never does anything to help anyone, I’m sure he has a plan stuck in that crazy head of his" "Listen princess" Diego took a step towards us and Blake stood in front of me like a shield. "What’s the matter Blake? Afraid I’ll snatch her away from you?" But Blake stared deeply at Diego, daring him to touch me, or even look at me. The stare went on for a few seconds and i could feel the tension growing between this two. Students were watching us like a movie and the embarrassment was getting too much, i had to intervene. "Stop this, Diego thanks so much for your help yesterday, Blake is really grateful for helping him out" I turned to look at Blake who was still staring daggers at Diego. If looks could kill. But Diego smiled, looking at me and then back at Blake."I know he is. Good bye Princess hope to see you in class" Diego moved closer to Blake and i was scared he was going to hit him, but instead he whispered something in his ear and smiled before walking away, with his two other friends walking at his side. Blake’s anger didnt go unnoticed my me, he fed on the anger and allowed it to consume him before staring back at me. "What did he say?" "Nothing, come on. Lets get you registered" He said, grabbing my arm into an office. This first day wasnt going well as i planned it would.
30 Aug 2018 | 14:15
Chapter Sixteen. *Blake’s point of view* That motherfucker. Diego. I didnt know the plans running that fucked up mind of his. Calling Azaria princess. Fool. I stared at her and she looked angry at me. "Why the fuck are you staring at me that way?" I inquired, watching her tuck her hair behind her ear. She looked so cute Concentrate, idiot. "You should have thanked Diego, he really tried yesterday, you could have DIED!!" She yelled at me, that was the first time she did so. The way she stood, arms on her waist. She looked gorgeous. I laughed. "Look babe, Diego isnt the nice charming prince you think he is. He’s got something on that fucked up mind of his, and I’m going to find out what it is. Let’s get you registered" I dragged her towards the registry. After a few minutes of filling forms and asking questions, Azaria was finally placed in senior year. She grinned as she held a piece of paper which stated her time table and her locker number. I held onto her textbooks and we walked to search her locker. "What number is it?".I asked, looking through the hallway of filled students. "206" I stopped walking, Azaria’s locker was 206 and that motherfucker, Diego was 207. "We need to change your locker?".I said, taking her back to the registry. Azaria looked shocked. "What? Why?" I couldnt have Azaria beside Diego, it was obvious he was going to get into her head. And Azaria was as naive as a child. "Blake stop please!" Never, We were changing it. I couldnt have she and Diego talking. No fucking way. "Blake!" She stopped, removing her hand from my grip. "Please stop, I’m so tired, first i rode on your bike and almost died from fear, then the curious gaze from all students, then the talk with Diego, now this. I’m tired and i want to go to class. My excitement is running out. Please, let’s just go" She said, for the first time. i noticed eye bags under her eyes. We had a late night yesterday and with what i did, she was still tired. She looked like she was at the brinkof tears and i almost felt sorry for her. So we went back and found her locker, looking around if i would find Diego close to her. She picked up the necessary books and placed it in her bag, completely oblivious to the stares she was getting from people. "What are you having first period?" I asked, looking at her timetable. "Geometry" She replied, zipping her bag and taking one strawberry and putting it in her mouth. "I have English, come, i’lll show you the class" She was nervous, i knew it, from the way she chewed her fingernails and glanced frantically at me. But my mind was somewhere else. Diego. I didnt want Azaria to run into him at school. I was going to be seperated from her for a while and Diego could do something stupid. Diego was a fucking criminal, and he hates my guts, I didnt want him using Azaria against me. She was damn innocent. "Blake" She tugged at my arm when we reached the door to the class. Fear was written in her eyes. "I dont want to go in there, its filled with a lot of students i dont even know. And i look weird, I havent seen anyone with blue and white hair like mine. They would--" I placed my hand on her lips shutting jer up, she looked at me with wide eyes. "Chill babe, no one is going to think anything, you look anything but weird. So dont think that way" I looked at the classrom and saw him. Fucking Diego. I forgot he had Geometry also every Tuesday morning. He smiled and waved at me. Fool. "Look Az, Diego is in there, i want you to stay away from him, do you hear me? "But, he seemed nice and-" "Just promise me you would stay away from him?" I placed my hands on her shoulders. "Ok promise" The bell rang and i smiled at Azaria before letting her go into the clsss, she turned snd smiled at me. As she walked in all gaze went to her , she passed Diego and he slightly touched her, she turned and he smiled at her before smirking at me. Fool. I walked away with anger, Diego was up to something. His words still lingered in my ears. Not yet Blake, I’m going to take her from you, but not yet. I reached my class and sat on my usual back seat. I was going to protect Azaria from Diego no matter the cost. Because Diego is dangerous.
30 Aug 2018 | 14:16
God will help you
31 Aug 2018 | 03:57
wow am in love wit diz story
31 Aug 2018 | 05:02
Loving it
31 Aug 2018 | 11:04
good,,, azaria really needs to be protected bcos she is not anytin near a guardian fairy at all
31 Aug 2018 | 13:52
let's see where it will end
31 Aug 2018 | 14:02
@belove I know you will love it
31 Aug 2018 | 14:03
Mr update this thing na
1 Sep 2018 | 06:50
we dey wait oo
1 Sep 2018 | 12:57
Following keenly
1 Sep 2018 | 17:35
Following keenly
Same here!!!
1 Sep 2018 | 19:13
post more pls
2 Sep 2018 | 10:50
Chapter Seventeen. *Azaria’s point of view* I was going to faint. I knew it. I was shy, terrified and scared. About twenty students turned towards my direction, silently watching as i made my way towards the aisle, looking for an empty seat. Some stared at me with wide eyes, some stared at my hair, mouth opened wide. While some whispered to each other. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole. I wanted them to stop staring at me. Quickly finding an empty seat, i drew back the chai and placed my bag on the table and decided to seat down. But i sat on empty space as my butt hit the floor. The whole class erupted into laughter and i felt tears at the brink of my eyes. I didnt know whether to stand up from the floor or just bury myself under the table. I turned behind me to see a guy who i recognised as Mason, the guy who Blake had beaten up badly yesterday. Why did he do that? "That’s payback bitch for what Blake did to me" He smirked, hitting knuckles with his friend. Still debating whether to stand up or curl under the table, a pair of hands picked me up as if i weighed nothing and placed me on my seat. "Are you alright?" He asked, looking up, I saw Diego. His two friends behind him. I had forgotten he was in this class and he had come to help me. I nodded, wiping my already tears filled eyes and smiling at him. He turned to Mason who was looking a little scared now, scrambling backwards a little. Diego wasted no time in picking him up from his seat and slamming his fist to his face. Double beating for Mason, poor boy. I quickly got up from my seat and rushed to Diego side, begging him to stop. Phones, tablets were up recording everything that was happening. Students were watching. Why cant people mind their businesses? I turned back to look at Diego who was punching the hell out of Mason’s face, anger written all over his features. "Diego, please stop!" I gripped him harder. But he didnt listen and a few seconds later, he let Mason go. He looked at me. "That’s for you princess" And walked back to his seat. I was dumpfounded to say the least. I didnt know whether to say thank you or attack him for breaking Mason’s face. No body did anything, they just went back to their seat like nothing had happened. Did they just ignore that? I turned to look at Mason whose friends were carrying him up and taking him away from the class. I stood frozen to the floor. Mason’s face was injured. Diego was walking to his seat scotfree, no one did anything. Immediately, my fairy instinct hit me. Humans were my priority, I was to protect them, and not watch any of them get injured while i was there. Diego had no right, no right at all to harm anyone, not for my sake or anyone else. So i walked towards him and jumped on his back, gripping his neck. "You bloody creature!" I screamed, gripping his neck harder. "You could have killed him!" I screamed harder. "What the actual fuck!" Diego said, trying to get me off his back, but i wouldnt agree. "I did that for you, I should expect a thank you" He said, trashing around, but i could hear the amusement in his voice. He thought it was funny. Its not. "What’s going on here?" A voice said and Diego and I turned abruptly to see an elderly man, with a stern look on his face. I guess he was the teacher. "Mr Sanchez, this is not the right time to give your girlfriend a piggy ride, Now please if you would put down the young lady, the class would begin" He saud, pushing his glasses up his nose. I blushed slightly as Diego placed me to the floor. Diego smiled at me and sat down, to quickly avoid people from staring at me, I sat close to him. Picking up my bag from the other table, I turned to Diego who threw me a cute smile. "This isnt over" I said, turning back to the teacher. "Please, stand up" He pointed at me. Eh. Me? I slowly stood up and once again all eyes were on me. "Introduce yourself" The man said, giving me a straight face. God! My palms were sweaty already as i tried to find my voice to speak. Look at yourself now. You can jump on Diego’s back but you can't intoduce yourself. "Uhm...Hi..." Cough. "I’m...". Clears throat. "Azaria" I said, taking a long breath. And Diego chuckled slightly. "That’s an unusual name, Miss Azaria, What’s your last name?" Just as they asked during my registeration i gave him the same answer. "I don’t have one" Some laughed, some gasped. "Take your seat" He said, flipping through a book and turning to a white board. I sat and Diego threw a piece of paper at me. I frowned at him and opened the small paper ball. You have a nice ass. It read. Jesus! I threw the paper back at him, giving him a frown, but he just smiled. Diego continued throwing pieces of paper at me. Even when the teacher kept warning us. As usual i threw it back at him. I tried understanding what he was teaching but it all sounded rubbish to me. Diego threw another paper at me and i threw it back. The teacher obviously watching us said. "With all the warning glances, you both didnt listen. I’ll see you both in detention" I gasped. My first day at school and i got detention. A guy had gotten injured because of me. I had gotten myself involved with Diego. Blake was going to kill me. To be continued
7 Sep 2018 | 15:05
Lolz.... Continue Pls
8 Sep 2018 | 03:18
Hmm u have started ur journey to understand human beings
8 Sep 2018 | 03:59
8 Sep 2018 | 17:36
Angel in detention again
9 Sep 2018 | 12:18
hmmmmm,,,, Blake wil definitely kill u
10 Sep 2018 | 02:21
Chapter Eighteen. *Azaria's point of view* The rest of the day passed like a blur, it was the most fun day of my life. School was amazing, filled with so many people of different personalities. I even made a few friends including Diego. I mean the dude was fun, taking me to every class and making me introduce myself, it was embarrassing but he made it fun and I was beyond happy. I saw Blake a few times but he didn't see me at all u til during lunch. Diego had to settle something, no doubt something that got to do with Mason. So during lunch most people waved at me and giving me a very big smile. I still didn't tell Blake I've got detention. I just prayed he didn't have detention too, because it would be hell for both Diego and blake.m, to be locked in the same room. I was so sad when the bell rang for the last time today, signalling the end of class, I wanted to stay but Diego dragged me out of the class and we went to the detention room. Diego was really fun, I don't see why Blake called him dangerous and a criminal. Yes, he beat someone up but there was also this childish part of him. Even his friends were fun. We got to the detention room and Diego and I sat together waiting fir the teacher, we were talking about the girl who fell butt first in our last class. It was funny and Diego still brought it up because it made me laugh so hard my nose flared up, which was pretty embarrassing. "What's funny?" A voice distracted. I turned to see him. The boy I've been dreading to see because I was hanging out with his enemy. Blake. Blake strolled into the class not breaking eye contact with Diego, whose face seemed to have changed to anger in a matter of seconds. Blake stared with anger towards Diego too and I could feel the tension building. I had to say something to stop this fight I could smell slowly coming. "Oh, nothing, just about a girl that fell in our class. Why don't you take a seat Blake?" I said, gesturing to a seat close to me. "Don't fucking tell me what to do" he said grumpily, but sat down anyway. His face was stoic, no emotion written on it. But with the binding bracelet I knew he was pissed. Just then the teacher came in too and a few students who had been outside too ran in and took their seats. Thus was the room for all the trouble some students in this school. I was shocked I was here because I wasn't like that at all. "Since school just resumed and the principal hasn't given me the list of things all you deliquesces would be doing, I'm going to give you me own punishment. Now all of you please move outside and leave your bags behind." We all stared at each other, this was weird I think because they were never given any punishment that had to do with outside.. We filed out of the class and into the school back door. Blake making sure I was right beside him, and Diego making sure he was right beside me, which was right beside Blake. Which was making him angry. Boys. We got outside and a huge garden stared back at me, beautiful flowers here and there, of different colors, and different sizes, since the sun was up all of them opened their petals not husing their true colors. It was beautiful. "Wow, it's amazing" I turned to tell Blake, only to see him facing Diego with that same angry face, Diego too want backing out from their stupid stare. "Uhmm...hello, can you guys not see the garden?" I said, waving my fingers in front of them to draw their attention. Diego was the first to look away. "It's beautiful" I smiled at him and Blake noticing the attention I gave Diego when he commented on the garden. "It's fine" Blake said, dragging my arm slightly away from Diego so I was really close to him. "Yea I know right?" I smiled at him too. He just nodded, smirking at Diego . "This is an ixora" Diego pointed at a purple plant. "You know flowers?" I couldn't hide the surprise on my face as i qent towards the plants he was naming one after the other. Blake followed behind me, clearly angry Diego had all my attention. "Yes, I actually pay attention during Agricultural class, unlike some people" he turned to Blake, smiling. Blake was about to say something when the teacher called our attention. "There see hoses on the floor, pick one all of you and start watering the garden, they need all the water they can get because this place us freaking hot. Only when this whole place is wet would I allow you guys go home so make it snappy. I'll be inside, I've got some things to do. Please no playing, get to work you criminals" The teacher went back in to the school, leaving about ten of us in the garden. I bent down to pick a hose , Blake and Diego did the same and one the students ran towards the tap and opened it. Immediately, water burst through the hose and fell towards the grass, wetting it. In a few seconds, everyone was busy watering the plants, and the silence was killing me, even the sun too. I needed to do something to keep me wet kinda. be Blake and Diego argued sometimes about something, it was getting annoying. I needed to do something. I looked at Blake who was facing the other way even Diego too, they were looking away, they wouldn't see what I was about to do. So I faced my hose towards Blake , the water splashing on him immediately, wetting his jacket and sinking to his skin. I quickly turned away and shouted Diego, who turned to see Blake wet. He burst into laughter. "What the hell?" Blake shouted, looking at Diego, thinking it was him, he turned his hose also and wet Diego too. To say Diego was shocked was an understatement. And it was fun watching two of them when I was the one who caused it. Diego ignored him and continued his work, not giving Blake another chance. When I noticed the two of them weren't looking I turned my hose towards Diego too and the water shocked him wetting his back.. "Blake! How could you do that?" I shouted, causing Blake to turn, before he even said anything, Diego was running towards him , hose in his hand and pouring the water all over Blake. The water fight was still going on and I enjoyed it, laughing at the top of my lungs, it was fun. When the both of them went back to their work, I picked it my hose again ready to find trouble when the two of them turned to stare at each other, finding me almost pouring water on Blake. "You sneaky rat" Diego first said. "You're going to get a taste of your own medicine" Blake followed, pointing his hose at me too. "No, no, please" I begged trying to run away. But they followed directing their hose towards me and wetting me completely. In the process, other students got wet and they Included themselves in the water fight too. Hose flew everywhere, wetting everyone, students screamed everytime the water touched their skin. "IS THIS WHAT I ASKED YOU ALL TO DO!" Hello, so I'm back to finish off this story because I've been kinda busy, but I'll tell you all what I've been doing soon. Not now. It would come as a surprise. Ok so Azaria is having the time if her life in school, clearly forgetting why she was sent to the him an world, also forgetting about making Blake fall in love to remove the demon from him. She seems to be forgetting everything. How long would it take before the fairy queen notice she hasnt come to give the progress of her ward? How long would it take before the notices get absence from the fairy world? And she seems to be friends with Diego, which is Makin Blake very angry. Is Diego all that he seems? Or does he have a plan in mind?? Find out in the next chapter coming out this evening! Get all chapters of 'Eve' and previous chapters of 'His Guardian' on my page #Chimdi_Jane_Samuel. If you want to keep in touch with my story and get updated everytime I post it's better you 'like' and 'follow' it because there wouldn't be any tagging.TBC
30 Sep 2018 | 18:16
Welcome back.......... Next
1 Oct 2018 | 11:05
she has forgotten all abt her primary assignment and she is not even making any effort to go back to her invisible self again
1 Oct 2018 | 18:18
See person they send to guide someone, she is the one causing trouble. Who is going to protect who.
2 Oct 2018 | 14:04
Ride on
3 Oct 2018 | 05:22
Chapter Eighteen. *Azaria's point of view* The rest of the day passed like a blur, it was the most fun day of my life. School was amazing, filled with so many people of different personalities. I even made a few friends including Diego. I mean the dude was fun, taking me to every class and making me introduce myself, it was embarrassing but he made it fun and I was beyond happy. I saw Blake a few times but he didn't see me at all u til during lunch. Diego had to settle something, no doubt something that got to do with Mason. So during lunch most people waved at me and giving me a very big smile. I still didn't tell Blake I've got detention. I just prayed he didn't have detention too, because it would be hell for both Diego and blake.m, to be locked in the same room. I was so sad when the bell rang for the last time today, signalling the end of class, I wanted to stay but Diego dragged me out of the class and we went to the detention room. Diego was really fun, I don't see why Blake called him dangerous and a criminal. Yes, he beat someone up but there was also this childish part of him. Even his friends were fun. We got to the detention room and Diego and I sat together waiting fir the teacher, we were talking about the girl who fell butt first in our last class. It was funny and Diego still brought it up because it made me laugh so hard my nose flared up, which was pretty embarrassing. "What's funny?" A voice distracted. I turned to see him. The boy I've been dreading to see because I was hanging out with his enemy. Blake. Blake strolled into the class not breaking eye contact with Diego, whose face seemed to have changed to anger in a matter of seconds. Blake stared with anger towards Diego too and I could feel the tension building. I had to say something to stop this fight I could smell slowly coming. "Oh, nothing, just about a girl that fell in our class. Why don't you take a seat Blake?" I said, gesturing to a seat close to me. "Don't fucking tell me what to do" he said grumpily, but sat down anyway. His face was stoic, no emotion written on it. But with the binding bracelet I knew he was pissed. Just then the teacher came in too and a few students who had been outside too ran in and took their seats. Thus was the room for all the trouble some students in this school. I was shocked I was here because I wasn't like that at all. "Since school just resumed and the principal hasn't given me the list of things all you deliquesces would be doing, I'm going to give you me own punishment. Now all of you please move outside and leave your bags behind." We all stared at each other, this was weird I think because they were never given any punishment that had to do with outside.. We filed out of the class and into the school back door. Blake making sure I was right beside him, and Diego making sure he was right beside me, which was right beside Blake. Which was making him angry. Boys. We got outside and a huge garden stared back at me, beautiful flowers here and there, of different colors, and different sizes, since the sun was up all of them opened their petals not husing their true colors. It was beautiful. "Wow, it's amazing" I turned to tell Blake, only to see him facing Diego with that same angry face, Diego too want backing out from their stupid stare. "Uhmm...hello, can you guys not see the garden?" I said, waving my fingers in front of them to draw their attention. Diego was the first to look away. "It's beautiful" I smiled at him and Blake noticing the attention I gave Diego when he commented on the garden. "It's fine" Blake said, dragging my arm slightly away from Diego so I was really close to him. "Yea I know right?" I smiled at him too. He just nodded, smirking at Diego . "This is an ixora" Diego pointed at a purple plant. "You know flowers?" I couldn't hide the surprise on my face as i qent towards the plants he was naming one after the other. Blake followed behind me, clearly angry Diego had all my attention. "Yes, I actually pay attention during Agricultural class, unlike some people" he turned to Blake, smiling. Blake was about to say something when the teacher called our attention. "There see hoses on the floor, pick one all of you and start watering the garden, they need all the water they can get because this place us freaking hot. Only when this whole place is wet would I allow you guys go home so make it snappy. I'll be inside, I've got some things to do. Please no playing, get to work you criminals" The teacher went back in to the school, leaving about ten of us in the garden. I bent down to pick a hose , Blake and Diego did the same and one the students ran towards the tap and opened it. Immediately, water burst through the hose and fell towards the grass, wetting it. In a few seconds, everyone was busy watering the plants, and the silence was killing me, even the sun too. I needed to do something to keep me wet kinda. be Blake and Diego argued sometimes about something, it was getting annoying. I needed to do something. I looked at Blake who was facing the other way even Diego too, they were looking away, they wouldn't see what I was about to do. So I faced my hose towards Blake , the water splashing on him immediately, wetting his jacket and sinking to his skin. I quickly turned away and shouted Diego, who turned to see Blake wet. He burst into laughter. "What the hell?" Blake shouted, looking at Diego, thinking it was him, he turned his hose also and wet Diego too. To say Diego was shocked was an understatement. And it was fun watching two of them when I was the one who caused it. Diego ignored him and continued his work, not giving Blake another chance. When I noticed the two of them weren't looking I turned my hose towards Diego too and the water shocked him wetting his back.. "Blake! How could you do that?" I shouted, causing Blake to turn, before he even said anything, Diego was running towards him , hose in his hand and pouring the water all over Blake. The water fight was still going on and I enjoyed it, laughing at the top of my lungs, it was fun. When the both of them went back to their work, I picked it my hose again ready to find trouble when the two of them turned to stare at each other, finding me almost pouring water on Blake. "You sneaky rat" Diego first said. "You're going to get a taste of your own medicine" Blake followed, pointing his hose at me too. "No, no, please" I begged trying to run away. But they followed directing their hose towards me and wetting me completely. In the process, other students got wet and they Included themselves in the water fight too. Hose flew everywhere, wetting everyone, students screamed everytime the water touched their skin. "IS THIS WHAT I ASKED YOU ALL TO DO!" Hello, so I'm back to finish off this story because I've been kinda busy, but I'll tell you all what I've been doing soon. Not now. It would come as a surprise. Ok so Azaria is having the time if her life in school, clearly forgetting why she was sent to the him an world, also forgetting about making Blake fall in love to remove the demon from him. She seems to be forgetting everything. How long would it take before the fairy queen notice she hasnt come to give the progress of her ward? How long would it take before the notices get absence from the fairy world? And she seems to be friends with Diego, which is Makin Blake very angry. Is Diego all that he seems? Or does he have a plan in mind?? Find out in the next chapter coming out this evening! .
5 Oct 2018 | 06:09
Chapter Nineteen. *Azaria's point of view* It was already late in the evening when we started going home, we got on the bike and zoomed out way through the streets. I had the best time if my life today and I didn't want it to end, it was fun. This was a life I wanted, I wanted to be a normal teenager without any job, I wanted to be free, enjoying life in the best way possible. I clinged unto Blake's jacket and rested my tired head in his back, letting the warmth cool my body temperature. Even though he was wet also, there was this feeling he gave me that made me happy and warm, and I wanted to stay like this forever. The bike finally came to a stop and I removed the helmet, taking a good look at my surroundings. We were in the woods, trees surrounded us and I could hear the chirping of birds. "What are we doing here?" I asked, looking back at Blake. But he just smiled at me. "I wanna show you something" he took my hand and led me through the trees, making sure to point to some fallen log. We walked in silence, the breeze pushing me hair slightly and the rustling of the leaves could be heard, even as we crunched some of them on the floor. I wasn't scared of where Blake was taking me, I was just nervous, o didn't know what he wanted to show me but he seemed pretty happy about it. The sound of water reached my ears and I perked my head up to look at where it was coming from, but instead I saw lines of trees. We continued for about three more minutes and I felt Blake's hand close my eyes as he led me forward, now the sound of the water was clear in my ears. Blake opened my eyes, and the picture of the most beautiful thing ever filled my eyes. Water fell from rocks , pouting all over the floor, beautiful flowers peeked from the rocks and beirds perched on top of it. The water was so pure, so white that I thought it didn't exist. It was beautiful and I couldn't stop the gasp that escaped my mouth. "I came here with my sister most days after school, we would sit on those rocks and throw stones into the water then run about. She was the best thing ever" Blake smiled and sat on the grasses, staring at a particular rock. A very big rock, I could see some small stones surrounding it. I wanted to ask about his sister, because he spoke about her in past tense. Where was she?? But then I was scared, what if he gets angry or the demon surfaced again. Every emotion he feels just feeds the demon, making him stronger to fight off. I sat down beside him too. In silence. Watching the spring. "She's dead, my parents are dead too" Blake finally spoke, not breaking eye contact with the water.. Something pricked inside of me and tears ran down my cheeks, I couldn't help it. Was that why Blake was screaming last night? Was he thinking of them? Or dreaming of them? "They died in a car accident, I wanted to help May, I swear I wanted to but the seatbelt won't bulge, and then the man came, I told him to help her first but the dick head wouldn't listen. I was free and the next thing I knew was the car bursting into flames, my little sister still in there. Az, I wanted to die, I wanted to run back in and die that very moment" He finished, not saying anything else. I quickly wiped my tears when I saw Blake turning towards me. "What?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Something flew in my eyes" I quickly replied, but Blake drew me closer to him until I was resting against his shoulders. I was shocked, I didn't know this side of Blake, I didn't know he could be so loving?? He gently stroke my hair, pulling it away from my face. My heart leapt with joy, was Blake feeling this way towards me?, was he starting to like me? I mean you don't hold someone like this unless you like them right? No, this is impossible, Blake, can never like me, he was too hot headed and and, I couldn't even find the right words to describe him but I new his heart was too heavy to like someone like me. *Blake's point of view* I liked her. What the hell? Something asked inside of me. No, scratch that, I didn't like her, I didn't like the girl I just met few days ago. You sure about that? That stupid voice said again. Yes, there's no space in my heart to like anyone, because life was so cruel, everyone I loved was always taken away from me in the end. Then why are you holding her like this?? Because she's cold, and I don't want her to have a flu. Yea, keep telling yourself that. Stupid voice inside my head. I looked at Azaria, there was something about her, about the way she acted, her smile, her touch . Everything about her was amazing and captivating. And I lost my self in her. There was a part of me that felt jealous whenever I saw her with Diego, I wanted her to be with me always, every day, every moment. I looked at her again, only to find her eyes closed and slight snoring coming from her. She was probably tired. After all this was her first day at school. I gently rested her on the grass and layed down beside her. I wanted to know so much about her, where she was from? About her family? There was so much I wanted to know. And I wanted her to remain with me forever, somehow she found a way into my lonely heart, and home. From the moment I layed my eyes on her I wanted her. I looked at her again, pulling her closer to me until I could feel her breast against my skin. Perfect. Everything was perfect and I didn't want it to end
5 Oct 2018 | 06:10
Sounds so romantic
5 Oct 2018 | 13:44
hmmmmm,,,, pertecto
6 Oct 2018 | 04:08
You're in love
6 Oct 2018 | 10:26


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