

By chimmy in 21 Jul 2018 | 05:04
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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After her grandmother's death, 24 year old Evelyn embarks on a journey of discovery; to reunite with the mother that had abandoned her when she was just a baby. Unfortunately, what Evelyn discovers is far from anything she could have ever imagined. The pernicious truths surrounding her birth and parentage soon turn Evelyn's sedated world into a ponderous mess.

Filled with disappointment and bitterness, Evelyn struggles to pick up the pieces of her shuttered world and start anew. But just like a rose rises from a thorned branch, Evelyn finds solace in the arms of the one man she was never supposed to love.

Will history repeat itself or can Evelyn overcome the odds against her and sprout freely like the beautiful flower she was meant to be? Or, will she wither and fall from the pressures of her weary leaden life?

Will you give Evelyn a chance and accompany her on this journey to cheer her on? I certainly hope you do!
21 Jul 2018 | 05:04
21 Jul 2018 | 05:07
@frankkay @jummybabe @oneal32 @john451 @willingyung [url=friend]@others[/url] Here comes the story of Evelyn.
21 Jul 2018 | 05:20
21 Jul 2018 | 05:46
Right here, even if I was not invited
21 Jul 2018 | 07:20
bring it on
21 Jul 2018 | 08:30
sipping my Coke as I wait the story to start
21 Jul 2018 | 10:07
seated with anoda ba3 incase dis 1 get flat during d journey i go quicky change am b4 i mizz
22 Jul 2018 | 03:36
am back guys
2 Aug 2018 | 20:48
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 1 wp-1458723979648.png Promise me Eva, you will not under any circumstance go looking for your mother…promise me, please. Grandma Melody’s words echoed through Evelyn’s head as she stood in front of the expensive looking golden gate. She raised her hand to ring the bell but paused midway, again. “This is a very bad idea Eva, a very very bad idea.” She told herself for the umpteenth time. Her clothes screamed whatever else was going on inside her head; a tight fitting black midi-dress, high heels and with a shawl over her head. Advertisements Report this ad Could there be anyone else out there in the world in such a dark place as she? Evelyn wondered. What the hell am I doing here? Evelyn asked herself again, gripping her hand on the handle of her suitcase. “You were right granny, I shouldn’t be doing this.” Evelyn said to herself. But she wouldn’t be Evelyn if she had kept her promise to her grandmother and stayed away. When it came to acting without thinking or letting emotions control you, she held the world record. Evelyn was about to turn around and leave when the small pedestrian gate opened and a uniformed and armed security guard appeared. “How may I help you ma’am?” The guard asked. Advertisements Report this ad Evelyn had heard that her mother had married rich, but how rich could the family be to require the presence of an armed guard? “Aarh….” Evelyn searched for what to say. I am here to see my mother who wants nothing to do with me but I am here anyway. Now that would be the quickest way of ensuring she was banned from being anywhere near the premises in the future. “Are you a relative of the family?” The guard asked, looking at her luggage. “Er?” Evelyn fumbled for words. Why did all her speech organs go into hibernation whenever she was in desperate need of their services? Advertisements Report this ad “May I see some ID please,” the guard said. “ID?” Evelyn threw the guard a disconcerting look. What sort of home requires visitors to produce Id’s? Isn’t that a little too extreme? “The lady of the house does not like letting strangers inside. I am the fourth guard they’ve requested this month, and we are just in the second week of the month.” He was making her mother sound like such a cruel person…and unfortunately, he was not the first person to do so. The very first time Evelyn had asked her grandmother about her mother, the old lady had candidly replied, “you might think that I am such a bad person for saying this about my own daughter but your mother not being in your life is the best thing that could have ever happened to you. She is my daughter and I love her…but she was never ready to be a mother when she had you. And she certainly doesn’t deserve to be called a mother, by anyone.” Advertisements Report this ad Evelyn’s response to her grandmother at that time had been, “that was then, what if she has changed now?” At thirteen years old then, she didn’t want to believe that the woman that had given her life wanted to have absolutely nothing to do with her. Unfortunately, it took two years after that conversation with her grandmother for Evelyn to learn a bit more about the nature of the woman that had brought her into the world. “Why did you bring her here?” Evelyn had heard the impeccably dressed woman ask her grandmother that hot sunny afternoon. She had remained standing by the cab in the parking lot while her Grandma Melody spoke to the fine lady. Grandma Melody was obviously not a welcomed visitor, the woman looked furious and kept looking around to see if anyone was in sight. “This is my place of work. What if people see you here with her?” The woman asked, gripping Grandma Melody’s hand and leading her back towards the cab that had brought them. Advertisements Report this ad Evelyn kept watching from the distance. She was leaning closely to the car to keep herself from open view. This was the first time she was getting a better full view of the woman she had only heard about and suspected to be her mother. Grandma Melody pulled her hand away from her daughter’s grip and stopped just a few feet away from the car. “I did not want to bring her but she insisted that she wanted to see you, just this one time.” Grandma Melody said between clenched teeth, her eyes burning with fire. “She just turned fifteen yesterday and I couldn’t even get her a single present because I just paid her school fees a few days ago with the little money I had. So when she told me that all she needed was to see you even if for just a few seconds, how could I deny her request?” Evelyn’s heart broke at the sight of her grandmother’s tears. She desperately wanted to understand why her own mother would want nothing to do with her but every time she saw her grandmother like that, she couldn’t help wondering exactly what sort of woman her mother was. “You should have let me take her to the orphanage when her stupid father rejected her but you insisted on….” Grandma Melody jumped and put her hand over her daughter’s mouth to shut her up. “Can’t you see that she can hear you?” the old woman whispered whilst looking in Evelyn’s direction. Evelyn lowered herself down to the ground with her back against the car as tears streamed down her cheeks. “Do I look like I care about her feelings?” Her mother hissed, rudely shaking off Grandma Melody’s hand from her mouth and almost sending her tumbling to the ground. With her back turned to them and hunched over by the car, Evelyn could only make out their voices. “She is your daughter Beatrice!” Grandma Melody shouted the moment she had regained her footing but immediately held her hand to her mouth when she realised she was shouting. “Sheesh,” her daughter put her finger over her mouth and she searched around for any possible audience they might have in the dark underground parking lot. “Do you want to announce it to the whole world?” Beatrice said. “That girl has nothing to do with me mother. The moment you decided to stop me from taking her to the orphanage is the moment she became a stranger to me. You begged me to let you keep her and I did, so don’t even think about making me feel guilty for not offering her any support. She was better off growing as far away from me as possible. “Besides, I have offered to give you money for your upkeep but you insist on wallowing in that filthy neighbourhood and tiny house like a poor person and yet you complain when I refuse to visit you. Not everyone is so comfortable and proud of being poor like you mother. I refuse to live such a pathetic life like you. I am a young beautiful woman who deserves to be pampered like a queen and I found myself a man to do exactly that for me and it kills kills you to see me so successful. “You would rather have me spend the rest of my life crouched in that stinking place you call a home but I refuse mother, that will never happen. If you are not going to accept my help, then don’t come looking for me at my place of work looking worse than my maid does on a very bad day.” “How can you talk like that to your own mother?” Grandma Melody asked with eyes filled with tears. “You said it yourself that you don’t have a daughter like me.” Beatrice retorted. “I also don’t have a mother that looks like you. Just look at yourself,” she looked at her mother fro head to toe disgustingly. “What are you even wearing?” She was pointing at her mother’s cream white lace top and long yellow skirt that Evelyn had picked for her the last time they had gone shopping together at a second hand store. Evelyn had been excited to discover such great finds in the huge pile of clothes and she couldn’t wait to see the clothes on her grandmother. She had called her a hot grandma when she first saw her wearing the clothes and from that time, the pair had become Grandma Melody’s favourite. Evelyn’s grandmother fought back the tears as she starred at her daughter in disappointment. Clearing her throat, she said, “How can I accept your money when I know very well how you’ve earned it?” “I did not steal or kill anyone mother,” Beatrice fired back. “I just got lucky. I guess the God you worship must have felt pity for you and released me from your little world of poverty. If you think that I am such an evil person, why did you bring that girl to meet someone like me?” “That is my regret right now,” Grandma melody said is a low and shaking voice. “That is my regret….” she repeated as she turned around and walked the rest of the short distance to the cab. The cab driver immediately started the engine the moment Grandma Melody had reached the vehicle. She walked over to the side where Evelyn was now sitting on the ground and silently sobbing with her head buried in her hands. She helped her up to her feet by her shoulders, opened the back passenger door and helped her in, closed it and walked the other way to sit next to her. “Take us back home George,” She instructed the driver as she lay her granddaughter’s head on her laps, rubbing her hand through her hair gently to calm her down. “I see Beatrice hasn’t changed much amai,” the driver commented as he drove out of the parking lot. “Thank you for the free ride George but please let’s not talk about her right now okay?” She was sending him a look through the rear-view mirror and George nodded his head. “You helped me out a lot grandma when my wife was sick so giving you a ride is the least I can do to repay your kindness.” Evelyn heard George saying. But Grandma Melody wasn’t listening to him. Her mind had wondered away at the sight of her grandchild sobbing on her laps. “I am here to see the lady of the house,” Evelyn pushed back the tears and forced the memories to the back of her head. “Just tell her that Grandma Melody sent me.” She told the guard. “She will know who I am.” It must have been Evelyn’s teary eyes that softened the guard’s heart because he moved to the side and gestured for her to get in. “I might get fired for this,” he said to her. “But you look like you desperately need to see the madam. She is not in right now so if you could sit by the bench over there,” he was pointing towards a purple long bench a short distance from where they were standing. Evelyn’s breath was taken away by the beauty of the landscape before her. It was as if she had just stepped into a whole new world. The scene before her was a gallery of sorts, like all forms of green nature from around the world had been gathered and then placed strategically onto this landscape. Would the souls inhabiting these lands exhibit the same kind of paradisiac feeling emanating from these heavenly surroundings? Evelyn asked herself. “When is she likely to be back?” Evelyn asked the guard. Just then a car honked by the gate. “That should be her,” the guard removed a blue coloured remote from his pocket and aimed it at the gate while Evelyn moved to the side and watched a convoy of two vehicles enter the premises, a white Range Rover in front and a black Xtrail following closely behind. “Who is that?” Kelvin Kangwa asked his fiancé upon seeing the young lady standing by the gate. Moola looked back and then shrugged her shoulders. “No idea, probably one of those village people claiming to be my father’s relatives. Mum is so lucky she has no family because these people pop up every single day.” “But she doesn’t look like she’s from the village,” Kelvin said, looking into the rear-view mirror just before turning to park behind the already filled car park. “I don’t think your mother saw her though.” Mrs Mwangala had just stepped out of her vehicle and was humming a sweet tune, a sign that she was in a very good mood. Kelvin had witnessed his future mother-in-law chase away relatives from the premises, calling them leaches and instructing them to never show up again after throwing some change at them for transport to get them back to wherever they had come from. It was never a pretty sight. Moola quickly came out of the vehicle and ran to her mother. “We have another one mum,” she pointed towards Evelyn. Mrs Mwangala slowly took off her shades and glared in that direction. She was about to say something when she recognized the girl. “You kids go ahead into the house,” she said to her daughter and her fiancé. “I will take care of this.” “I don’t think I will be staying Mrs Mwangala,” Kelvin said, looking at his wristwatch. “I need to get back to the office now. I only came to drop her off because she was putting up a fit when I insisted on heading back to work. Lunch break is already over.” “It’s your father’s company, You should enjoy the privileges that come with nepotism. Why do you worry so much?” His future mother-in-law answered, her still fixed on the girl standing by the gate starring back at her. “Precisely why I worry so much,” Kelvin laughed. He hugged his already pouting fiancé only to have her refuse to let him go as she tightly held on to him. “How about just having a glass of water before leaving?” Moola pleaded, batting her long lashes at him after he had succeeded in removing her from his body. “You can’t leave just like that after coming all the way. Pleeeeaaase….” Kelvin knew there was no winning against her. He laughed and followed her into the house. He had not choice, she was holding him by the hand and already dragging him towards the house. Mrs Mwangala went to talk to her estranged daughter. By now Evelyn was shaking and sweaty from nervousness. She stood with her back straight and her hands held together in front like a high scholar awaiting inspection from a prefect. Mrs Mwangala grabbed her daughter by the hand and led her outside through the small gate. Once outside, she banged the gate shut and painfully released her grip as lasers shot from her blazing eyes. “What are you doing here?” Mrs Mwangala thundered the moment she was convinced they were out of earshot. “I came to see you,” came Evelyn’s whimpering response. “I can see that, but the question is why?” Beatrice said. “I wanted to talk to you during grandma’s funeral… but you only showed up for the burial and left the moment they started lowering her body down so…I couldn’t talk to you.” “What is it you wish to talk to me about?” Mrs Mwangala asked, her irritation showing all over her face. “Since Grandma Melody is gone, you are the only family I have.” Beatrice chortled, holding her hand to her stomach as if she had just heard the funniest thing in the world. Evelyn was taken aback by that kind of response, she watched the woman she desperately needed to love her treat her like a pest she needed to get rid of. “Is that what your grandmother told you, that I am your family?” She had stopped laughing but she looked like she was more than ready to start all over again. “You are my mother.” Evelyn said. Until that moment, she had had no idea how painful those few words would sound when said out loud. Mrs Mwangala’s face suddenly turned grim, leaving no trace of the smirk she had previously been wearing. “I am your what?” The forty-two year old woman spat. Evelyn could not bring herself to repeat the words. It was obvious this conversation was not going the way she had hoped it would. But what had she expected? Mrs Mwangala continued to unleash her vermin. “Don’t ever say such nonsense to me or to anyone else out there, you hear me?” Something broke inside Evelyn and it came pouring out through her eyes. “I only have one daughter in this world and she is on the other side of this fence as we speak,” she was pointing to the high maroon wall fence surrounding the big yard. “I don’t have any other daughter and don’t intend on adopting one either. I don’t care what my mother might have told you but whatever she said, it is obvious she lied to you. “Now, if I see you loitering around here again, I will have you arrested for trespassing on private property and if you ever repeat the words you just said to me to another soul, I will sue you for defamation of character.” “Why do you hate me so much?” Evelyn asked broken heartedly. “It is a fact I am your daughter…so why…why do you hate me so much?” Mrs Mwangala scoffed. “Hate you?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t even care whether you are dead or alive. Until today I had never spoken to you so what makes you think that I would have any feelings whatsoever towards you? As far as I’m concerned, you don’t exist. You were my mother’s little orphan child, not mine.” Evelyn was at a loss for words. She could only stare at the angry woman glaring down at her in her six inch heels. “You better get the hell away from here before I ask the guard to do something about you.” And she turned to leave. She had just opened the gate when right there on the other side she found Kelvin standing with a gift box in his hands. “I asked Patrick where you were and he told me you were outside,” Kelvin explained, pointing at the guard who was now standing inside his guard room. “How long have you been standing here?” Mrs Mwangala asked with a guilty stricken face. “Not so long, I just got here,” Kelvin said nonchalantly. “Here,” he held out the gift box to her. “I forgot to give this to you. It’s from my mother. She said she was sorry she couldn’t give it to you on your actual birthday.” Beatrice accepted the gift, hesitantly. “Are you sure you….” Kelvin smiled to ease her mind. “I swear,” he raised his arms slightly in the air. “I didn’t hear a thing. I was just about to open the gate when you opened it. Has your visitor gone?” Mrs Beatrice Mwangala relaxed a bit. “She should be gone by now,” she waved her hand dismissively and then turned her attention to the gift box in her hand. Smiling, she said, “Your mother is such a kind woman. She didn’t have to, but I can guess that I will love whatever is inside. She has the best taste, you take after her.” Kelvin appeared flattered. “You are too kind,” he said. “She picked that up from Malaysia.” He was pointing at the gift box. “It was one of her usual charity related trips but she always manages to find time to shop for everyone back home. I don’t know what is inside so I hope you like it. I should get going now,” he looked at his watch. “Oh yeah,” Mrs Mwangala said. “I knew that Moola would delay you. She is so crazy about you. Three months seems like such a long time for her. She can’t wait to be Mrs Kangwa.” Kelvin was grinning. “Me too, I can’t wait.” He said, and started heading back towards his car. Mrs Mwangala followed him behind. “See you for the rehearsals over the weekend Mrs M.” Kelvin said as he got into his vehicle. “How many times have I told you to stop calling me Mrs Mrs…call me mum. We are as good as family now.” “Yes mum,” Kelvin laughed and closed the door. Mrs Mwangala watched him drive away with a proud smile on her face. Kelvin was watching her through his rear-view mirror, a blank expression on his face. “He is so handsome, isn’t he mum?” Moola appeared from behind her mother, her hand waving excitedly at her fiancé. Beatrice put her arm around her daughter’s waist and walked with her back into the house once Kelvin’s car had disappeared and the gate closed. “Who was it this time?” Moola asked her mother as they walked towards the house, putting her arm around her mother in return. “How did you get rid of her?” Beatrice chuckled. “The usual,” she said. “Threw her some cash for transport to travel back to the village and told her that we have special guests at home so we can’t accommodate her. I don’t think she will ever show up here again.” Moola laughed. “I bet dad will hear about it soon,” she said. “They always call him to complain.” “It’s not like he ever listens to them,” her mother said. “He loves me too much to doubt me. Only problem is that he tolerates them too much. He thinks he is a charity organization or something. He should thank God he has a woman like me to control affairs for him.” “You are his trophy wife mum! Of course he is still crazy about you.” Moola said excitedly. “I am not that young any more you know,” her mother returned, but still managing a grin. “Yeah right,” her daughter said. They had reached the house. Outside the gate, Kelvin saw Evelyn standing by the road side a few feet away. She looked like she was crying and for a moment he contemplated stopping or not. He was almost driving past her when his foot suddenly hit the brakes and he came to a stop right in front of her. “Dammit,” he cussed and lowered his window. “Hi, you okay?” he asked her. Evelyn used her hand to wipe at her tears before giving Kelvin a suspicious look. “I am okay,” she lied, sounding a little irritated by his intrusion. “You don’t need to mind me, just go.” “Okay,” Kelvin said and immediately drove off. Despite pushing him away, Evelyn had not expected that he would actually leave right away. She was starring after him in disbelief when his car came to a sudden stop again. He reversed to where she was, got out of his vehicle and went to grab her suitcase which had her handbag resting against the handle. He opened the back passenger door and put the suitcase inside while Evelyn looked on in disbelief. “What do you think you are doing?” She had followed him to the vehicle and tried to get her bags out but Kelvin closed the door before she could reach for them. Without saying a word, he grabbed her hand, opened the front passenger seat and forced her inside before shutting the door. “Tell me where to drop you off,” he said to her once he was back in the drivers spot. He started the engine and put the vehicle back on the road before she could offer him a reply. “Let’s just say that I hate seeing women cry…especially on the side of the road.” He said. “Seatbelt please,” he added. Evelyn put her seatbelt on. “Drop me off at the nearest bus stop,” she said and faced forward to avoid any possible conversation between them. “Why didn’t you ask her about your father?” Kelvin asked, deliberately ignoring her cue for silence. Evelyn threw him a questioning look. “How did you….” “I overheard your conversation, accidentally.” Kelvin confessed. “That’s very rude,” she told him. Kelvin shrugged his shoulders. “It couldn’t be helped,” he said matter-of-factly. “I asked you a question, why didn’t you ask her about your father?” “What’s it to you what I talked about with her?” Evelyn asked. Kelvin laughed. “Well, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” And then there was silence in the vehicle for the next five minutes or so. “I think you just passed the bus stop,” Evelyn said whilst looking out the window. “I know,” Kelvin said, not showing any signs of stopping. Evelyn sat up in her seat. “Where are you taking me? Are you some sort of pervert? I heard it’s the innocent looking ones that hide horrible secrets.” Kelvin chuckled. “Then I guess we are both hiding horrible secrets.” “You can stop the vehicle now,” Evelyn was clearly perturbed now. “Relax,” Kelvin said. “There’s a driver I know that parks by Longacres. It’s on my way to my work place so I can leave you there and he can take you wherever it is you are going…. Don’t worry about the fare, he’s a good buddy of mine.” Evelyn relaxed again. And then another bolt of silence followed. “I wanted to ask her about him,” Evelyn finally answered Kelvin’s earlier question out of nowhere. “Um?” he said, taken aback by her words. “My father,” she supplied. “I wanted to ask …that woman about him but she never gave me a chance.” “I see…I can understand.” He said. As if something had suddenly occurred to her, she turned her body around to look at him. “Why do you care so much what she and I talked about? I know that she only has one child, so….” “I am Moola’s fiancé. She and I will be getting married in three months time. I guess I am just curious because I did not wake up today expecting to hear the things I heard today…kind of makes me wonder about certain things.” “Well, you heard what she said,” Evelyn said. “I won’t be a problem to her any more so you don’t have to worry about me or others finding out about your future wife’s family secrets.” “So you are just going to give up just like that?” Kelvin asked. “What do you expect me to do? Force her to love me when she doesn’t even want to recognize the fact that I am her daughter?” “You are not much of a fighter are you?” Kelvin asked. Evelyn did not qualify his question with a response. When Kelvin dropped her off at the taxi rank and gave his driver instructions, Evelyn thanked him and quickly got into the vehicle without waiting for his response. “Take me to Olympia, Chainama road,” she instructed the driver. “Yes boss,” the driver enthusiastically replied. * * * “What brings you over to my humble aboard?” George asked Evelyn, gesturing for her to sit down on the sofa opposite him. “Is your wife around?” Evelyn asked as she looked around the small living room of the one bedroomed apartment. She sat down. “No, she’s at her mother’s place, together with the kids. They will be back in two days time.” “You were so close to my grandmother, she considered you family,” Evelyn said. “Yes, she really was like family,” George answered, his face turning sombre at the mention of the old lady he had come to depend on for so many years. “I know that she talked to you a lot…about her issues…her family.” George nodded. “Not everything, but I knew some things. I think I know now why you are here.” “I want to know who my father is George,” Evelyn said. “For years I tried to get my grandmother to reveal the information to me but she refused to tell me. Why is there so much secrecy surrounding my birth?” Listen, Eva,” George leaned forward in his seat and nervously rubbed his hands against each other. “Grandma Melody made me promise to never say anything to you about your parents.” The thirty-five year old revealed. “You think I don’t know that?” Evelyn asked. “But she is gone now…and I feel like if I don’t find out anything about my parents…I will lose my mind.” Her voice was already shaking. “I am just tired…tired of everything…tired of not knowing…tired of being rejected….” “Your grandmother knew that you would come to me even after her passing and she made me promise….” “Why does everyone feel the need to keep the truth from me?” Evelyn snapped. “Why should I feel so pathetic and alone in this world when I have people that brought me into this world out there living their lives as if they do not know of my existence. I might as well just kill myself and follow my grandmother….” “Please don’t talk like that Eva,” George said, her threat reaping through him like a bolt of lightning. “What do I have to live for?” she sobbed. “The only person I ever cared about…the only person that ever cared about me is gone…leaving me all alone. How do you expect me to continue living as if everything is okay when all I want to do is to follow my grandma so we can both keep each other company?” “I don’t think that I am the right person to talk to you about that kind of information Eva.” “And who do you think is the right person to talk to me about it?” George had no answer for her. “You see,” Evelyn picked up from his lack of response. “I cannot stand the idea of living in this life with all these questions…knowing that I have parents that gave birth to me yet not being able to see them. I understand, my mother does not want me…but, but what about my father George? And why does my own mother hate me so much?” For a moment, George remained quiet as he contemplated what to do. He was clearly conflicted and Evelyn watched him in silence as he battled with his conscious. He finally sat up and looked at her. “Your father,” he said with a heavy heart. “He is dead Eva…I am so sorry.” “What?” Evelyn asked, she could hear her heart pounding louder and louder as George’s words rang through her head. “I am very sorry Eva…this is not easy for me….” “When, when did he…die?” “Not too long after you were born,” George answered. “How?” “Eva….” “How did he die George?” She asked sternly. George was hesitant. He was not sure how to react or handle Evelyn. Sometimes she came off as naive and a little timid and sometimes she looked like she would light up the whole place with just a look from her eyes. “I can’t….” he was shaking his head slowly. “Goddammit George!” Evelyn snapped, getting up from the sofa. “I am not living this place until you tell me everything or your wife will hear about how a young woman spent a night at her house while she was away recuperating at her mothers.” She folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the wall in defiance. “Your mother,” George finally said. “They said your mother had something to do with your fathers death.” Evelyn dropped her arms to her sides and gaped at George. * * * Kelvin had just parked his car at his usual spot at his workplace and was walking to the office when his phone rang. “Am I under surveillance or what?” Kelvin said with a smile on his face. “You the only one I trust in this whole world,” a female voice said from the other end of the line. “You are the only one I have…if I don’t trust you then I have no business living in this God forsaken world.” “I know,” Kelvin said, instantly replacing his smile with a serious expression. “How did it go?” The woman asked. “How else would it have gone?” Kelvin replied. “What can we expect from someone like her?” “She wasn’t suspicious or anything….” “Of course not. I thought you trusted me.” The woman chuckled. “I do…it’s just that…you know…I know this can’t be easy on you and…sometimes I fear that you might be holding back certain things from me because you are worried about how it might affect me. You are not keeping anything from me, are you?” Kelvin held the phone away from his ear, put his other hand over his mouth, looked up into the sky and sighed heavily before holding the phone back to his ear. “Of course not, mother.” He said, his gaze looking heavy and tired.
2 Aug 2018 | 20:48
welcome dear.
2 Aug 2018 | 21:53
More please
3 Aug 2018 | 15:35
what can of mother is that? who does that to her own child
3 Aug 2018 | 15:39
hmmmmm,,,, Kelvin's mother has an hidden agenda too
3 Aug 2018 | 18:01
What a mother???
3 Aug 2018 | 18:56
What kind of mum will hate her biological daughter DAT much n how did she even have a hand in de death of Evelyn's dad??? What is Kelvin's mum also up to??? Time will surely tell!!!
3 Aug 2018 | 20:33
no comment
4 Aug 2018 | 08:42
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 2 wp-1458723979648.png The moment George started speaking, Evelyn regretted having insisted on knowing the truth about her parents and her birth. And like a witness watching things unfold right before his eyes, George narrated the story of how a little girl named Evelyn came to be. * * * March, 1990 It was a Friday afternoon. The dark grey clouds looming in the skies above were as daunting in their appearance as they were in their promise of new life to be borne from their pouring wonders. Advertisements Report this ad Still with a long distance to cover before reaching home, sixteen year old Beatrice quickened her pace and silently chastised herself for dodging prep, again just so she could hang out with the cute boy that was visiting the family at the main house at home. “Now am going to be soaking wet by the time I get home and that’s just not so cool!” She complained and quickly graduated her fast walking pace to a jog. She had not even gone far when the heavens cried and quenched the dry thirsty earth with enough pause to give every living thing pause for a moment before running for cover. For Beatrice, there was nowhere close by to hide apart from the houses on either side of the long dusty road. She stopped for a few seconds to wipe her face with and cover her head with her school bag, to hell with the books inside. No way she was going to let her mother subject her hair to that hot and cruel iron comb again. She had just resumed running when she heard a car drive up from behind and hoot. She moved to the side, thinking that the driver was urging her away from the centre of the road where she had been but to her surprise, the car stopped right in front of her and she saw the passenger door open. She recognized the red land Cruiser. It was the only one of that kind in that neighbourhood and it belonged to Mr Chileshe the landlord from the main house. Beatrice ran and got into the vehicle. Advertisements Report this ad “Dear Lord you are soaking wet!” The kind looking thirty year old man said as he reached out to the back of her seat to grab his Jacket hanging there. It was then that he noticed that a third of her very light skinned thighs were screaming at him from where she was seated. He quickly threw the jacket at her and asked her to cover herself up. “Thank you so much Mr Chileshe,” she said, clearly oblivious to her state of almost-nakedness because she used the jacket to cover her upper body instead. Mr Chileshe nervously cleared his throat and quickly focused his attention on the road ahead as he drove at a snail’s pace with his hazards turned on. “You should wear your seat belt,” he said without looking at her. She did as instructed; a smile playing on her face as she tightly hugged herself into the jacket, embracing the warm heat from the car’s AC which he turned on just before she had entered the vehicle. “Do you think Danny is home this time?” Beatrice asked. Advertisements Report this ad “Danny?” Mr Chileshe asked. “Oh, you mean Daniel my wife’s cousin?” “Yes, that one,” she said. “I am not sure. He’s nineteen years old and a student…I don’t suppose he would be at home at this hour unless he is a very good boy…which I doubt. Why do you ask?” No sooner had he finished the question than the answer occurred to him. “Oooh,” he said, looking at the visibly smitten Beatrice. “You have a little crush on him?” “A little!?” Beatrice exclaimed. “I think I am in-love with him!” “You are only what, fifteen years old? What do you know about love young one?” Herbert Chileshe asked. Advertisements Report this ad “I am sixteen years old and I will be graduating high school in a couple of years so I am old enough. I have had plenty boyfriends before so I have experience. Arrh…please don’t tell my mother any of this stuff I just said. She will kill me!” Mr Chileshe laughed. “I think your mother already knows what a naughty child you are. I heard her complain about something you did to my wife the other day.” “My mother likes to act holy. She thinks she is Mother Theresa. Anyway, do you think I have a chance with Danny?” Mr Chileshe never dreamt he would be having a conversation like this one with anyone in reality. He had always wished for a sister but his parents could only give him boys for siblings. And when he thought he might get a daughter of his own, he was faced with a whole new challenge. So this is how it feels like to have a little sister? Herbert thought. Advertisements Report this ad Despite his pleasure at being treated like an older brother, Herbert Chileshe was not sure how to respond to the girl’s enthusiasm and willingness to pour her heart out to him. Being such an introvert, he found socialization more challenging than most things in life and thus he could only thank the stars for giving him such outspoken company. He didn’t need to say much to keep the conversation going with Beatrice. The teenager was a nonstop chatter box! “I don’t know Danny very well,” Herbert told the girl. “For the five years Nora and I have been married, this is the first time he’s visited us. Our home is very close to his school so he will be spending his vacations with us.” “I see,” Beatrice replied. “That means I get to see him often. Does he have a type?” She asked. “Beatrice, Daniel is nineteen years old,” he reminded her. “There is a law somewhere that forbids him to have the kind of relationship you are imagining with him.” “I don’t care,” Beatrice said nonchalantly. “I heard your wife comes from a very rich family. That means that Danny is rich too isn’t it?” “I should think so,” he answered. “What has that got to do with anything?” “I want to get married to a very rich man. I am tired of being labelled poor at church, at school and everywhere I go. My mother doesn’t seem to mind at all so she’s not making any effort to make our lives better. That means it’s up to me to do something if I want to get out of this hell hole.” “Did you ever consider just working hard at school and then picking a career that would make you a lot of money?” Beatrice laughed. “That takes a lot of work and a lot of time for me to see the fruits but, if I marry rich, it reduces the time by half.” “Do all sixteen year olds talk as much as you do?” Herbert wondered out loud. “You are just too much of a quite man Mr Chileshe that’s why you think I talk too much. No wonder your mother in-law disrespects you every time she visits.” Herbert didn’t know how to respond to her sudden revelation. He had no idea that his private business was a matter of public concern. “You don’t need to feel embarrassed,” Beatrice assured him. “I am always on your side. Rick folks are just like that, always thinking they are better than everyone else. Just by looking at her daughter, I can tell that she is the one unable to give you a child. She looks like she had a wild life before you married her. She looks like the type that had multiple boyfriends wrapped around her well manicured rich girl fingers.” “Beatrice, that’s my wife you are talking about,” Herbert said sternly. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t speak about her in such a manner.” “Cool,” Beatrice said, completely unfazed by his sudden withdraw and seriousness. “I just don’t like that your mother-in-law is constantly disrespecting you like it’s your fault you guys can’t have a child. You are such a good hearted man. If not for you, my mother and I wouldn’t have a place to stay. And, I also just hate your wife. She is too arrogant. I am sorry….” She shrugged her shoulders. “Thank you for saying that about me…but my wife isn’t a bad person. She was just raised differently than most people but she’s very kind. You guys started off on the wrong foot so…. As for my mother in-law, well, it’s always easier to put the blame on the other side of the family when such problems occur. You are too young to understand matters like this.” “Most people tell me that I am too mature for my age,” she said. “We are almost home now.” She squinted her eyes trying to look past the heavy rains. “I think that’s your wife waiting by the gate under the umbrella. I know that dress very well.” “She’s the one,” Herbert confirmed with a proud grin on his face which was quickly replaced by concern. “It’s too cold and wet out there. What the hell does she think she’s doing?” “I guess she does love you after all,” Beatrice commented. “What would make you think otherwise?” He sounded a little smug. Beatrice simply shrugged her shoulders as Herbert turned to drive through the already opened gate. Nora ran towards the car and waited on him right outside his door, ready to cover him up with her umbrella the moment he stepped out. Nora took her husband’s briefcase from him and just as she was give him a light hug, she saw the door open on the other side and out came Beatrice. Nora made a face at her husband who only shrugged his shoulders before planting a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you for the ride Mr Chileshe!” Beatrice shouted before running off towards their two room apartment on the other side of the yard. “What was she doing in your car?” Nora grilled her husband the moment they were inside the house. “Ummm sweetheart, you don’t need to sound like that,” he said. “I found her getting soaked on her way here and I offered her a ride. Did you expect me to just drive past her when we were both coming to the same place?” “I just don’t like that girl honey,” Nora whined. “Did you see the length of her skirt?” Herbert blinked profusely, unable to answer her question and at the same time wondering if it was rhetoric. “What sixteen year old girl wears a short skirt that only covers her neck while the rest of her body is left to fill in the blanks for all men’s imaginations out there. Just look at you Herb, you look so guilty already. I am sure you had an eyeful didn’t you? It must have been fun getting a front row seat to such a spectacle ah.” “I don’t know what you expect me to say Nora,” he started walking towards their bedroom. Nora was right behind him. “I am very tired sweetie, can we not fight please.” He had stopped at the door of their bedroom and turned to face her. “If I cared about her state of dress do you even think that I would have so easily entered the yard with her in my car?” “I guess you have a point,” Nora said, placing her hand on his chest. “However, this should be the last time I see you giving that girl a ride.” “Yes, I hear you,” he said resignedly. “Do you know that she was dating a married man and only left him after his wife came to publicly humiliate her here?” Herbert sighed and turned to open the door. Nora followed him inside. “I know, you mentioned that to me several times now and I have told you, several times too that I am not like that man.” Her husband said, throwing his jacket on the bed. “There is no need for you to act like this every time you see me talking to her. They are our tenants. We can’t just pass each other whenever we meet as if we are strangers.” “There is a difference between exchanging pleasantries and stopping to chat.” Nora said. “For a man who doesn’t talk much, I have seen you chat with that girl’s mother longer than you do with other people.” “She’s a widow, she reminds me of my mother a lot. You know very well how my mother raised us alone without the support of a man. Every time I see Ms Melody, I think about my late mother.” “But that woman only has one child Herbert. She is nowhere close to being anything like your mother.” “You wouldn’t understand,” he said. “It’s not like I expect you to.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “Nora!” her mother called out for her. “Is that husband of yours back now? I thought I heard voices.” “You should go,” Hebert started unbuttoning his shirt. “Your mother needs you.” “I’m coming mama!” Nora made a face before turning to leave the room. Herbert threw his head on the bed and sat down looking like a man that had just been heavily rained on. The next morning during breakfast, Herbert took the opportunity to talk to Daniel about Beatrice, thinking that if his wife knew her interest in her cousin, perhaps she might stop worrying about his eyes wondering in the teenager’s direction. “You mean that small girl from the quarter with the big boobs?” Daniel asked Herbert. Hebert felt as if he had just been asked a trick question because his wife was looking at him sternly, religiously waiting to hear his response. “I mean the school girl Daniel,” he deliberately avoided giving the obvious answer that would land him flat into a trap. “Yes, she’s the one I’m talking about. Don’t tell me you’ve never noticed those huge things hanging from her chest? They are the first thing you see when she enters the room or comes out of that tiny house of theirs.” The nineteen year old was completely oblivious to the fact that he was putting his brother-in-law on the spot. Herbert took the wise way out. “So I take it you like her?” It appeared that he had successfully dodged a trap from the looks on the faces of the two women in sight. “Hell no!” Daniel said. “I like her boobs quite alright, but my dislike for jail is deeper than the desires of my loins.” “Danny!” Nora threw her cousin a warning look. “That’s very wise of you Danny,” Tina commended her nephew. “Some of these girls just exist to give poor unsuspecting men trouble.” She was looking accusingly at her son on-law. “That girl smells like trouble. I could tell the very first time I laid eyes on her so you better steer clear off her, you hear me?” “Yes aunty,” Daniel said. “Go for girls your age and the ones with the same background as you. You have seen for yourself the kind of problems your cousin is facing because she married beneath her.” “Mother!” Nora snapped. “Please don’t talk about my husband like that, and he is sitting here right here with us.” “I am just trying to educate your cousin here.” Her mother said unapologetically. “I am sure that Herbert understands exactly what I am trying to say, don’t you son in-law?” “I should leave for work now,” Herbert stood up. “Thank you for breakfast honey. I will see you in the afternoon, mother,” he said to his mother in-law with a forced smile on his face. “Danny, let’s chat another time okay.” “Fine bro, see you later.” Herbert walked into the living room where his briefcase was lying on the table and he picked it up to go. “Are you not even going to kiss me goodbye?” Nora had followed him into the room. Herbert walked back to her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.” He said and quickly turned to leave. “Has he left?” Nora’s mother joined her in the living room, walking towards the window to look outside. He saw Herbert get into his car and drive out of the yard. “You should really stop disrespecting my husband like that mother,” Nora cautioned her mother. She walked over to the display unit and turned on the tele. Her mother left the window to sit down on the sofa. “I don’t like the looks of him. He looks dumb and I hate that for a man he is so easy to control. What sort of man is so spineless?” “It’s not that he is spineless mother,” Nora joined her mother on the sofa. “He was just brought up differently from us. His mother taught him to be very respectful towards his mother in-law that’s why he never answers you back. He’s not like that with me you know. He’s always telling me off and doesn’t mince words when he’s upset. “That’s the problem with quite people, when they finally speak, they explode. He really hates being disrespected and I think that if you keep pushing him like this, one day he might just punch you in the face, or worse.” And then she laughed at the image her imagination had conjured up, much to her mother’s chagrin. “I dare him to try,” the woman said. “He’s only like that with you because you let him.” “That’s how a wife ought to be. But of course you wouldn’t know. Growing up abroad must have really messed you up mother. Thank God I went through those lessons before I got married. That funny speaking lady saved my marriage.” “Ooh I hate that woman so much. I only let her teach you because your grandfather threatened to cut me off from her will if I didn’t let you do it. But seriously, couldn’t you have picked a better man? Why did it have to this one of all people? There were so many men from good families seeking your hand in marriage but you just had to pick one who can’t even give you children.” “Here we go again,” Nora complained. “My husband doesn’t have a problem having children mother. I have told you several times that we saw a specialist and she told us that we are both fine, it’s just time.” “Tell that to his relatives, because I have seen them point fingers at you many times.” “I don’t owe anyone an explanation mother. Let them talk if they want, as if that will make the problems in their own marriages go away. Herbert and I are happy. We will have children whenever God wants us to.” “So what are you going to do about that girl eyeing our Danny?” “There is no way in hell I am going to let her get anywhere close to him. I am going to put a stop to her infatuation the moment I see her outside loitering about like she always does.” As expected, Nora caught Beatrice surveying the house when she went into the kitchen to give instructions to the maid about what to do with the new kitchenware she had bought the previous day. “That girl, seriously?” She said as she looked out the window. “You mean Mama Melody’s daughter madam?” her maid asked, also watching Nora through the window. “She is quite a character that one isn’t she?” The elderly woman remarked, laughing at the sight of Beatrice looking around the house with such thirst in her eyes, oblivious to the audience looking at her from inside. “What is she searching for?” The maid asked. “Just wash the dishes bamake Joe and stop looking for gossip.” Nora answered. “But if you must know, she seems to be interested in Danny but I am going to put a stop to this right away.” When Nora opened the door, Beatrice almost jumped at her unexpected appearance. She had been looking forward to seeing someone else. Nora walked to where she was and joined her under the huge Mango tree that separated the two houses. “What do you think you are doing there?” Nora asked her. “I am just standing,” Beatrice answered smugly. “Is there a law against me standing here?” “What?” Nora couldn’t believe the girl’s insolence. “What did you just say to me?” “I thought rich people unwaxed their ears with expensive formulas, I guess that was only a rumour.” Beatrice snickered. “You are a stubborn little thing aren’t you?” Nora retorted. “I knew there was a reason why I didn’t like you the first time I saw you.” “I am only like this because you looked down on us when my mother begged you to let us live here. It’s not like you even need the little money that comes from this house so I am not going to pretend that I like you. I really despise you and I will never forget how you treated me and my mother.” “How did a kind woman like your mother end up with a twerp like you?” Nora asked. “What did you call me?” “Look it up in a dictionary,” Nora said. “Of course I am assuming that that third rate school of yours has a library since it’s obvious you don’t own one.” “What do you want from me?” Beatrice asked. “You obviously didn’t come all the way here from your Sugar Candy Mountain to put a smile on my face.” “I heard that you are interested in my brother,” Nora scoffed. “I thought he was your cousin.” Beatrice said. “Cousins are also considered siblings, didn’t your mother teach you that?” “I don’t have siblings or cousins so how the hell am I supposed to know something like that? Why are you concerning yourself with my feelings? Whatever I feel is between Danny and me, it’s none of your business.” Nora broke down in laughter. “Did you just say none of my business?” She clapped her hands. “You really are clueless. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since they don’t teach common sense in schools. Do you actually think that my family would let you anywhere near my cousin? Do you even know who his father is?” “I didn’t say that I want to get married to him. I just like him. Is there anything wrong with that?” “Why don’t you try boys your age? Danny is clearly way out of your league. You are just a kid. You should concentrate on school instead of chasing after older men. Besides, Danny doesn’t even like you. He thinks you are just a kid and has never thought of you any other way. Don’t let those mountains in your chest fool you. “I suggest that you stick to boys your age and stop trying to reach for things way above you. You still reek of your mother’s breast milk and you think you can cheat your way into my family. Wake up and smell the coffee you stinking little brat.” “If you had seen the way your husband reacted when he got a glimpse of my legs, you wouldn’t be calling me a little girl right now.” Beatrice said vaingloriously. Nora smacked her hard across the face but instead of wincing in pain, Beatrice only touched the assaulted area as she smiled defiantly at the woman who had just declared war against her. “The truth hurts doesn’t it?” Beatrice said. “Do you want me to prove to you just how much of a child I am not?” She threatened. Nora scoffed. “Do you think that my husband would give you his time of day?” He confidently asked. “Herbert is the most honourable man you will ever meet in your sorry life. He is different from all those men you’ve been playing around with.” “If he is so honourable, why are you trembling?” Beatrice asked, looking down at Nora’s shaking hands which she immediately knotted into fists. “There is something about these twins that leaves any red-blooded man powerless,” She was pointing at her chest. “You said it yourself, poor people have no pride whatsoever…isn’t that what you said to my mother when she was grovelling before you begging you to let her stay in that tiny house of yours with the little change she had on her? “You were so damn right Nora, I will hand you that. Someone should have really told you that there is power in what we speak…because you are about to find out just how powerful your words are.” “You better stay away from my husband or I will make sure that you regret the day you were born.” Nora was reeling with anger. “I already regret being born from parents like mine, think about something else to threaten me with,” came Beatrice’s conceited reply before she turned and left Nora convulsing from rage. “Can you believe that girl mother?” Nora stormed into her mother’s bedroom and interrupted her call. “Mummy will call you back again in a little bit, okay my love?” her mother said to whoever she had been speaking to on the phone before putting the receiver down. “Was that little V?” Nora asked. “I also wanted to talk to him. Gosh I miss him so much.” For a moment, Nora had forgotten about her rage. Her little brother had a way of making her feel like the happiest person alive. He was the one thing she terribly missed about leaving her parent’s home; she didn’t get to see him as often as she would have loved. “You barged in here like a tornado, what the hell is going on?” Her mother asked. “That, that stupid girl,” she was pointing in the direction of Beatrice’s house. “She threatened me, can you believe that?” “What do you mean she threatened you?” Tina asked her daughter. “I told her to stay away from Danny and she ended up threatening to go after my husband instead.” “What?” Her mother got up from the bed. “I should have handled this myself. We need to put a stop to this and send that woman with her Jezebel daughter away from here.” She started walking towards the door but her daughter’s next words halted her. “I might have said something to make her threaten me like that.” Nora shut her eyes in regret. “There is nothing that you might have said that would make it okay for anyone to threaten your marriage child.” Her mother assured her. “Wait here, I am going to take care of this before it gets out of hand.” And she bolted out of the room and headed straight to Beatrice’s house. Nora followed her behind. Tina busted into the house unannounced and found Beatrice buttering her bread in their make-shift kitchen. “What are you doing?” Beatrice asked the pair. “So you went and cried to mummy,” she teased Nora who was standing behind her mother. Tina moved forward and smacked Beatrice hard across the face, the same spot her daughter had earlier targeted except this time around, Beatrice felt the world spin around as she placed her hand the injured area, shutting her eyes to keep the world from spinning so fat. Her eyes had turned red as tears welled up inside. Tina then went about grabbing things from the house, whatever she could get her hands on and she went throwing them outside while Beatrice watched in dismay. “Shouldn’t we wait for her mother to come back before kicking them out?” Nora asked her mother who continued to throw things out with the kind of commitment that she wished could only be rivalled by the bond holding her daughter’s marriage. She might not be a fan of Herbert, but any man was better if it meant avoiding divorce. She pushed the shell-shocked Beatrice to the side and sent her falling to the floor, turning the small bucket of water lying there to the side and drowning her bottom in its spilled contents. She remained on the floor as Tina went about her business and it was in that position that her mother found her when she finally came back from buying a few groceries from the shops nearby. “What is going on here?” Melody asked. Tina finally stopped whatever she was doing and went outside to lash out at her daughter’s tenant. “I am doing something that should have been done a long time ago. If you cannot control your own daughter, then you should be ready to face the consequences of your sins.” She lashed out at the visibly confused woman. “What did my daughter do this time?” Melody asked. “She threatened my daughter’s marriage!” Tina shouted. “You of all people should know exactly what that means since you claim to be such a good Christian.” “Beatrice,” Melody turned to her daughter. “Is what she’s saying true?” “Are you suggesting that I would lie to you about such a thing?” Tina hissed. “Beatrice, what did you do?” Melody asked her daughter. Beatrice finally decided to get up from the floor and she did so in the most calm way possible. “I told you that we should move out of this place but you insisted on staying and being treated like garbage by these people. I don’t regret anything I said to her mother. After what they’ve just done, I am more determined than ever to teach this spoilt woman a lesson. I will help you throw some things out,” she was now addressing Nora’s mother. “You seem out of breath just handling these few things. You must be growing old. Is your husband still alive? Maybe I should hitch a ride from him as well. I hear the old fellas really like them young and fresh.” And she went about moving the rest of the remaining stuff outside. “Can you hear your daughter?” Tina was fuming from ear to ear. “I am very sorry Ma’am,” Melody bowed her head down continuously. “It is my sin that my daughter turned out this way. Please forgive me. I beg of you. We will move out of here as soon as possible.” “I need you out of here this very moment!” Tina thundered. “I understand,” Melody said resignedly. “Just give me time to pack everything and we will be out of here.” “Good,” Tina said and turned to leave. “What are you still doing in there Nora?” She shouted to her daughter who was still standing inside the house watching the scene between the two mothers. Nora quickly ran to catch up to her mother. “Did you really have to do that?” Nora asked her mother once she had caught up to her. “You will thank me later in future for that,” Tina told her daughter. “But that was not how things turned out,” George told a shell-shocked Evelyn. “What happened to my grandmother and… you know, Beatrice?” Evelyn asked. “They left that house that very day,” George said. “Where did they go?” “On the streets, where else would they go? Your grandmother grew up on the streets before she was rescued by some missionaries so she knew where she could find a safe place to spend the night with her daughter. She was too embarrassed to go to any of her church friends because then she would have to tell them what had happened. “She was never one to tell a lie. No one would have welcomed them into their home with that. That single night they spent out on the streets was the day Beatrice lost whatever little innocence she had left in her. She was filled with so much bitterness and a need for revenge and she went after Mr Chileshe with a vengeance.” “Tell me something,” Evelyn made George pause his narrative for a moment. “Is he my father? Mr Chileshe, was he my father?” George hesitated but eventually nodded. “Yes,” he said. “Dear Lord,” Evelyn gasped. “So she finally succeeded in seducing him.” “That she did, yes…but not so easily.” George said. “Mr Chileshe knew exactly what she was up to so he avoided her. Unfortunately, he had so much going on in his marriage and the devil somehow found a space to squeeze himself in. Beatrice was so determined to ruin that family that she never relented in her pursuit, not even for a second despite being rejected over and over again. “Nora’s mother even had her arrested once but Beatrice turned things around at the police station, claimed the woman was only bitter because her daughter’s husband was chasing after her. She threatened Tina and Nora that if they didn’t have her released; she would accuse Herbert of molesting her while they lived at their house. She was a very good actress, they would have believed her without a doubt.” “It reached that far?” Evelyn asked. “Oh dear, it was worse than that,” George said. “Beatrice’s determination shook Herbert to his very roots so much that he begun to see her as a woman and not as the child she was. There is something about confessed feelings that makes people weaken inside and Beatrice went beyond just confessing her love to him. “But, it still took two years before Beatrice would have her way. He finally gave in to her after a heated argument with his mother in-law. It was something he had done out of anger, out of spite and he regretted it the moment the deed was done but that was all Beatrice needed to push her agenda forward. And that is how you were conceived.” “I feel like I just heard a story that was happening to someone else and it has nothing to do with me,” Evelyn said with a distant expression on her face. “I cannot believe that something like that…something so scary and unbelievable has so much to do with me. I guess now I can understand why Grandma Melody never wanted to speak to me about it.” “She didn’t feel it was something you needed to know…and she was right.” George said. “But, you said my mother killed my father…how did things turn out like that? Did she really kill him?” “I said she had something to do with his death. I never said that she actually killed him.” “What is the difference?” Evelyn asked. “Perhaps I should tell you the rest of the story so you can understand what I mean.
4 Aug 2018 | 08:45
next oh sister chimmy
6 Aug 2018 | 10:18
next oh
7 Aug 2018 | 05:24
Ride on
7 Aug 2018 | 07:15
this is serious
7 Aug 2018 | 09:32
this is serious
7 Aug 2018 | 09:35
tell her,,,, bcos I also want to hear it oooooo,,,,,
7 Aug 2018 | 13:36
Hmmmm still following
7 Aug 2018 | 14:33
7 Aug 2018 | 17:13
Dis is so unbelievable... What kind of revenge be Dis na???
7 Aug 2018 | 21:28
Pls say it ooo
8 Aug 2018 | 02:12
Ah cnt wait
8 Aug 2018 | 02:13
Nxt epic. Pls
8 Aug 2018 | 02:13
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 3 wp-1458723979648.png “The pregnancy was the icing on the cake that Beatrice needed and she grabbed onto it with everything she had.” George narrated. “It was no secret that Herbert on his own was not a rich man, but with Nora by his side, he was one of the richest men in town at that time. Beatrice was aware of the fact that if she caused the two to divorce, she might gain nothing. It was not clear whether she had come to love Herbert or if she her obsession with revenge had completely taken over her, however, one thing was very clear; she wanted everything that Nora had…she wanted to take everything from her. “Using her pregnancy, she told Herbert that she would keep the pregnancy a secret if he agreed to be giving her money every month or whenever she asked for it. At first it seemed like such a bright idea for the poor guy. He had already told Nora about his moment of weakness with Beatrice so he could not risk her knowing about the pregnancy because then she would definitely leave him. “Nora’s relationship with her mother had soured after that fiasco. The daughter blamed the mother for how things had turned out in her marriage and the mother blamed her daughter for being so gullible.” Advertisements Report this ad “And did Herb…I mean my father, did he agree to her plan?” Evelyn asked. “Of course he did,” George said. “He had no choice, but like the saying goes…nothing that lies under the sun can remain hidden forever.” * * * Nora was in the kitchen preparing dinner with her maid when a knock was heard on the door. “Check who’s there Bamake Joe,” Nora instructed. Advertisements Report this ad The elderly lady slowly opened the door and gasped in shock when she saw who was standing on the other side. “Who is it?” Nora asked whilst chopping some onions on a board, her face turned away to keep her eyes from watering. “Madam….I think you should come and see for yourself….” the maid said. “What?” Nora paused what she was doing and threw a puzzled look at her maid. “Who is it Ba Irene?” a dreary feeling slowly enveloped her upon seeing the woman’s reaction. She put the knife down and slowly walked to the door. Irene quickly moved to the side to let her boss handle the situation. There was only direction the ensuing conversation was going to take and the weather was stormy over there. Advertisements Report this ad “What are you doing here?” Nora asked her former tenant who was down on her knees on the hard ground with her whole upper body lowered so close to the ground and her hands pressed against the ground. Beatrice’s mother remained like that for what appeared to be forever, repeating the words “forgive me my daughter, please forgive me,” without raising her head to look at the woman she believed to have offended. “Do you think that you grovelling before me like this will make everything your daughter did go away?” Nora gibed. “Remove her from these premises Ba Irene before I do something crazy.” She then turned to go back inside. “I really had no idea she was pregnant Nora,” Melody said to the back of her former landlord. Nora froze. Advertisements Report this ad “She left home six months ago and I only managed to track her down yesterday,” Melody had straightened her back and was now looking at Nora. “I know that I am being shameless to beg you for forgiveness but….” “Beatrice is pregnant?” Nora was now facing her. “Your daughter is pregnant by my husband? What are you telling me?” Melody covered her mouth with both her hands. “You didn’t know?” She asked. “Oh my God what have I done? She was pregnant,” she said in a very low voice. “But now she has a baby girl.” “Are you sure the baby is Herbert’s?” Nora asked, a smile playing on her face. “Let’s face it, your daughter is a whore. That baby could be anyone’s but certainly not my husband. I believed Herbert when he told me that nothing is going on between them. It was a one-time mistake and truth be told, I somehow understood why he would have done something like that. “I know there’s no excuse for what he did, but, there is no way I was going to let that daughter of yours ruin a very good marriage. Herbert and I might not be perfect, but we love each other. I don’t know what you think you can gain from coming to me like this and telling me all this nonsense but….” Advertisements Report this ad Melody was shaking her head in disagreement. “You are wrong,” she said. “I have no such evil intentions towards you. I treated you like you were my own daughter but as take as much responsibility for my own daughter’s actions. I know that she will never come to you to apologize for what she’s done but no matter who she is, she is still my daughter…and this is the only thing I can do for her.” “Then you should have taught your daughter well before she turned into such a sex hungry maniac chasing after other people’s men.” “I know,” was all Melody could say in response. “You should go. There is no way in hell I am going to believe all this nonsense you are telling me about.” “I also wish that it was just nonsense,” Melody was looking at the ground as she spoke. “I wish that was the case….but….” she looked up at Nora this time around. “If not for the fact that I found your husband dropping off groceries for her and the baby at her place…a place that he’s renting for them, I would have also never imagined that…that….” Melody stammered, unable to bring herself to say the words again. “Why are you doing this to me?” Nora beseeched her former tenant. “Why do you have to tell me all these lies?” Melody’s heart was breaking with her. “I am sorry,” was all the response she could manage. “I am sorry,” she kept repeating. Melody’s tears were enough to confirm Nora’s worst fears. It would have been easy to ignore or completely disregard the words uttered by Melody had they been delivered by someone else…but this was Melody. No matter who her daughter was, Melody was not such a vindictive or evil person. There was no way she was going to come all the way just to slander Herbert. That realization caused Nora to finally break down in tears. Melody had thought that watching her daughter lose her way was the worst pain she could ever go through but on that day, she discovered a whole new kind of pain watching Nora. Irene went over to her boss and tried to help her up but Nora kept sobbing and sobbing. “I think you should leave make Beatrice,” the elderly lady said to Melody. Melody didn’t need further probing. She got up and with a hunched back she slowly walked away. Later that evening, Herbert arrived home to a barrage of clothes…his clothes, his shoe, his bags and anything else that was his thrown at him by an angry and inconsolable Nora. “What is going on here?” A clueless Herbert asked his wife and when the only response that came was more stuff being thrown at him, he turned to Irene who had been watching a few feet away. She only shrugged and quickly left them to their privacy. “Nora,” Herbert walked over to her and tried to touch her but she held her hand in the air to keep him at bay. “Don’t you even dare,” she warned him sternly with her back still to him. “Honey….” Herbert said imploringly. “Don’t you honey me,” Nora turned around and lambasted him. “Don’t you even dare,” she roared. “Get your filthy little things you son of a bitch and get the hell out of my house, right now!” she pointed at the door for him. “At least tell me what’s going on….” “Are you kidding me? Do you think this is some sort of game? How can you stand there and act like you don’t know what you did? She has your baby Herbert!” The words immediately brought tears to her eyes. “After everything that we’ve been through Herb,” Nora wept. “You made her pregnant and then set up house with her…how could you? How could you do this to me you ungrateful bastard?” She grabbed a vase from the bedside table and flung it at him. Herbert managed to dodge in time. He went down on his knees and begged her for forgiveness but Nora refused to have any of it. “Put the car keys down and get the hell out of my house and let me not see you anywhere near me or my family ever again. We are done Herbert, we are done.” She then walked over to the door and held it wide open for him. Herbert got up from the floor. “I will leave today…since you are very upset today. I will come back when you calm down….” “Don’t patronize me,” Nora snapped. “Do you think this is some kind of headache? I should just sleep it off and when I wake up tomorrow it will be gone? Is that it?” She sneered at him. “Just get out of here.” Herbert did not bother to pick up any of his things that were lying everywhere. Instead, he walked over them on his way out of the house looking like a heavily beaten up man. Nora closed the door of the bedroom behind and with her back against it, she slowly slid down to the floor and sobbed. Beatrice was surprised to see Herbert standing at her door so late at night. He had never shown up at her door step willingly before. She excitedly welcomed him and asked him to come in but Herbert remained where he was. “You finally got what you wanted. Are you happy now?” he asked her. “What are you talking about?” Beatrice asked. “She knows, my wife knows about the baby.” “What do you mean she knows? Didn’t we agree that you would not tell her….” “I wasn’t the one that told her!” Herbert shouted. “I thought you did….” Beatrice was clearly not happy about the unexpected development. “Why would I tell her that?” “Because that’s exactly the kind of person you are!” “What?” she said. “You are only useful to me as long as you stay married to her. Without her, you are completely useless, don’t you see that?” Herbert couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I was making way more money keeping silent so why would I ruin that for myself?” Beatrice asked. “Do you think I’m dumb?” “Clearly you are not,” Herbert said. “You successfully managed to ruin a good solid marriage.” Beatrice scoffed. “That marriage was already broken even before I came into the picture. I know that putting the blame on me is one way to make yourself feel less guilty but face it Mr Herbert, you slept with me and you liked it. My job as a single woman was to seduce you and your job as a married man was to reject me. I did my part, you failed yours. So tell me now, who is to blame for how things turned out?” “What was I thinking?” Herbert pursed his lips in derision. “I am guessing you are here to spend a night since she kicked you out?” Beatrice said. “Little Eva will be so happy to have her daddy sleep with her for the first time. Sometimes it gets noisy and scary for her, what with all those noisy trucks passing by the road. I seriously regret choosing a house in this area. I was so taken in by how huge it is I forgot about the busy road.” “I guess I must seem crazy to you ah?” Herbert asked, not believing her gall to complain about something like that at that particular time. Beatrice laughed and said, “a little,” holding two of her fingers together to demonstrate her point, mocking him to her hearts content. “I don’t give a dame about that child of yours and I know for a fact that you also don’t.” George was saying. “However, I understand that it is my duty as the father to take care of it financially but don’t for a moment harbour delusions of me acting like a father to it.” “Her name is Evelyn,” Beatrice reminded him. “I might not like her much but she brings me money so show some respect. And I think you should brace yourself,” she said, watching Nora come through her gate. “We have company,” she announced. Herbert turned and saw Nora walk towards them. She looked like a grenade ready to explode…and explode she did. “Nora,” Herbert had started to say. She had reached where they were. “Something told me that you would be coming here.” She said. “I called your mother and she gave me your address,” she said to Beatrice. “And the mystery has finally been solved,” Beatrice said sarcastically. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your gallant visit Your Majesty?” She curtsied to her. “My love, what are you doing here?” Herbert turned away from Beatrice and addressed his wife. “When you say my love,” Beatrice was saying from where she was standing, looking down at the pair of them. “Which one are you referring to?” Nora was looking from Beatrice to her husband with such repugnance on her face. “You disgust me you two! And I thought that we would finally get what we’ve always wanted. I was going to tell you tonight during dinner that I am two months pregnant. I had no idea I was going to be raising this child all by myself.” And she turned and started running back the way she had come. “I hope I will be in the audience when the day of your reckoning comes,” Herbert said to Beatrice before running after his wife. “I will make sure to keep a seat for you next to me in hell!” Beatrice shouted to his back. “I need the best company I can get over there.” She added for her own benefit. Outside the gate, Herbert found Nora getting into her car. He tried holding the door open so she wouldn’t close it and drive away but Nora quickly fastened her seat belt and started the engine of her Datsun. In her fit of rage, she pushed her foot hard against the accelerator and propelled her small car onto the road with such force she had no chance of bringing it under control in time. The car rammed head on into the oncoming truck carrying building blocks, it’s hood immediately attaching itself to the hood of the giant truck. Before Herbert could register what had just happened, he listened in horror to the sound of screeching tires and metal hitting against metal. “Nora!!!!” Herbert shouted from the side of the road as he starred in horror at the shattered glass on the ground, the broken windshield and his eyes instinctively went to the unconscious woman trapped behind her seatbelt, the blood on her face dripping down onto her laps. The seatbelt kept Nora from being tossed over the now non-existing windscreen. Her limp body was hanging forward and being pushed back and forth from the impact of the truck driver’s struggle to bring his huge vehicle to a stop. And when it finally came to a stop, Herbert rushed to check on his wife. He struggled to get the door open and taking advantage of the broken window, he reached inside to feel his wife’s pulse whilst crying out her name. Beatrice came running out of her gate and found Herbert wailing on top of his voice as he held the limp body of Nora in his against his over the broken window. Beatrice stood back and watched the scene before her in absolute terror. * * * “What happened to Nora?” Evelyn mirrored her mother’s look of terror as she waited for George’s response. “Did she make it?” She probed the silent George further. “She didn’t,” George finally revealed. Evelyn brought both her hands to her mouth. “Nora died on impact,” George continued. “She didn’t stand a chance. Her death took its toll on Herbert your father. Nora’s family went after him for blood and they finally got what they wanted when Herbert hang himself in his and Nora’s bedroom a few hours after she was buried.” “What happened to my mother?” Evelyn asked. “The day after Nora’s accident, Beatrice took you to your father’s house…but there were a lot of people gathered there for the funeral. Her intention was to dump you there and leave since she no longer had ah…she didn’t ah….” George stammered. “She no longer had any use for me,” Evelyn finished for him. “You have to understand Evelyn,” George tried to explain. “In as much as Herbert felt responsible for his marriage failing and his wife death, he also held your mother equally responsible. It was very cruel for Beatrice to show up at the funeral house with you like that. Nora’s whole family was there and so where Herbert’s. She was kicked out like a dog and Herbert did not mince words with her.” “So I guess that’s how I ended up with my grandmother….” Evelyn said. “Now I understand why she would have tears in her eyes whenever she looked at me.” “Your grandmother was a very kind woman,” George said. “Very strong and God-fearing. Beatrice was her Achilles heel. After the death of her abusive husband, Melody wanted to give her daughter some freedom because they had lived in such fear for a very long time. Unfortunately, with freedom comes responsibilities and Beatrice was too young to shoulder that kind of freedom and responsibility. That’s why Grandma Melody always blamed herself for her daughter’s behaviour.” Evelyn was leaving George’s house later that night looking like she was carrying the weight of the house over her shoulders. She stood outside the house and checked if there were any taxi’s passing by but the dark street was deathly quiet. Looking from left to right at the long dark street, Evelyn immediately regretted turning down George’s offer for a ride. She had had no idea how late it was or how dark outside was. She shouldn’t go back inside to say she had changed her mind. Because George’s house was not alone in the premises, who knew what prying eyes were watching ready to send reports to his wife. She couldn’t risk causing such a misunderstanding in his marriage. Her mother had already committed enough sin to taint all future generations of her offspring. Mustering some courage, she folded her arms over her chest and started walking, hoping to find a cab ahead since buses had stopped operating two hours before. She had been walking for close to ten minutes when the street suddenly lit up from behind. She turned and spotted a vehicle coming in the distance. Looking very hopeful, she stopped and waited anxiously for it to get closer. She moved slightly into the road and held put her hand to hail at the driver to stop. Evelyn was almost smiling when she saw the car slowing down but no sooner had it slowed down than she heard the tires screech against the hard ground and the car came at her at such speed it would have wiped her off the face of the earth had she not jumped out of the way in time. Fearing that the crazy driver might back into her, Evelyn forced herself on her feet and instead watched the vehicle disappear into the night at record breaking speed. “Don’t I know that vehicle?” Evelyn asked herself. “Oh my God,” she brought her shaking hands to her mouth and shaking like a leaf in morbid fear as the memory of where she had last seen the vehicle came to mind. “Oh my god,” Evelyn repeated, slowly backing away towards where she had come from. When the vehicle had completely disappeared from sight, Evelyn turned around and ran as fast as she could back to George’s house.
8 Aug 2018 | 11:39
Lemme go and buy banana,i'm coming....
8 Aug 2018 | 18:23
Don't even know what to qualify Beatrice behaviors with
9 Aug 2018 | 09:06
I hope nothing happened to George o
9 Aug 2018 | 11:28
hmmmmmm,,,, Beatrice really tried oooooo,,,, she ruined totally a happy home. but who was in dat car,,, where has she seen d car b4?
9 Aug 2018 | 12:49
nice keep it up
9 Aug 2018 | 13:11
Who is driving the car
9 Aug 2018 | 18:27
Who wanted to kill her?
9 Aug 2018 | 20:53
9 Aug 2018 | 23:16
I guess it was ur heartless mum who was driving de car trying to kill u!!!
10 Aug 2018 | 06:15
what! u thought u I'll be safe at that time? thank God u went back
10 Aug 2018 | 07:54
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 4 wp-1458723979648.png George was on the phone talking to his wife who had left him countless missed calls and messages while he was talking to Evelyn when he heard someone thunder against his door. “There’s someone at the door honey,” he whispered to his wife, slowly walking into the kitchen to grab something to use to defend himself. “They are hammering at the door as if they want to break it down.” “Who is it Bashi Nelly? Who could it be at this hour?” The deeply perturbed woman asked. “Call Bashi Davis from the main house and ask them to come and help you.” George picked a knife and his wife’s heavy pounding stick and walked to the door. Advertisements Report this ad “Ba George!” Doo doo doo, went the thuds against the door. “George open up for me!” And then more doo doo doooo. “It’s a woman, she keeps calling my name….I think it sounds like Eva” He continued whispering. “You told me she just left alone in the night what if someone is chasing after her?” His wife’s response came. “Try to confirm if she’s the one and open up. She could be in danger.” “You are right,” George put the pounding stick down and held his knife out in position. He leaned closer to the door and asked, “Who is it?” “Who do you think it is George it’s me Evelyn I just left your home for pete’s sake. Open up.” Evelyn yelled. Advertisements Report this ad He immediately recognized her voice now…and her mysterious temper that came out once in a while. He quickly opened the door and she forced herself passed him and stood to wait for him to finish looking the door again. Panting and sweating, and with her hands resting on her waist, Evelyn waited for George to finish locking the door before raining down on him for delaying to open the door. “I could have died out there Ba George!” Evelyn complained. “Why did it take you so long to open the door? And is that a knife in your hand? Dear Lord….” “You were hammering my door like a mad man, what was I supposed to think? That you are an angel sent to me by God? You scared the crap out of me Eva and who’s chasing you anyway?” “Get me some water,” she was frantically fanning herself with her hands as she turned around to take a seat in the living room. “And I think you were on the phone with someone,” she reminded him, pointing at his hand. Advertisements Report this ad “Dammit,” George cussed and remembered his wife. “I am sure you heard Bana Nelly. It’s only Eva.” “What’s going on? Is everything okay?” His wife asked. “I am not so sure,” George admitted. “Let me find out and I will let you know…but aren’t you supposed to be sleeping this time honey?” His wife laughed softly. “I have been doing nothing but sleeping the whole day and now I have no sleep. Talk to her and let me know once you are done.” “I will,” he said and ended the call. He went into the kitchen and poured her a glass of water. Advertisements Report this ad “I told you it’s very dangerous out there this late at night,” George was standing over her watching her gulp down the contents of the glass. “You are draining my blood,” Evelyn said after empting the glass. She handed it over to him and gestured for him to sit on the other sofa. “Oh,” George realised he was standing too close and went to sit on the sofa opposite her. “Where there people actually chasing you or your imagination just got the better of you?” He was trying to musk his smile. “Was that your wife?” Evelyn asked. He nodded. Advertisements Report this ad “Call her back and tell her that I will be spending the night here.” “What?” He was back up on his feet. “There is someone out there trying to kill me. I was planning on spending the night at a friend’s place that’s out of town but her house is too big and scary. There is no way I am going to be there alone when someone obviously wants to kill me. Thando carried the keys to her house with her and she will only be back over the weekend so she’s out of the question. Besides, all my stuff is already here. All you need to do is let me talk to your darling wife and I can explain everything to her.” “Who’s trying to kill you Evelyn?” George asked, growing very concerned at her insistence. “I wish I knew who it was also Mr George, but it was dark and the headlights were too blinding. I thought I recognized the colour and make of the vehicle but it was a different person behind the wheel.” “Then who do you think it was?” “If I tell you, you are just going to think I’m crazy.” She said. “Why don’t you try me first?” He said. Evelyn thought about it for a moment. “It was the same car my mother was driving during the day.” She said. George couldn’t believe it. “Are you sure?” “See, I told you that you wouldn’t believe me!” “I know Beatrice is a crazy woman but murder Eva? That’s just too out there.” He sat down again. “But who did you see behind the wheel?” “It was a man. I couldn’t see his face clearly but I could tell it was a man. I had looked straight through the windshield right before I moved to get out of the way and for a second I saw his face…but I am not sure if I was imagining things or not. I was extremely scared. I thought I was going to die.” “So the vehicle came straight at you deliberately or it was like an accident. Maybe the driver didn’t see you….” “He saw me alright George,” she replied. “That’s the one thing I am sure of. He saw me and then turned his vehicle to face me directly and then he came at me at such speed I thought I was gone. Why would my own mother hire someone to get rid of me?” “Let’s not jump to conclusions yet Eva. It might not have anything to do with her. What does she have to gain by killing you?” Evelyn threw him a condescending look. “She has everything to gain from my death,” she said. “Now that Grandma Melody is not here, she must think that I will force myself into her perfect little life. You said that no one knows about her past isn’t it?” “Yeah, I think so.” But George didn’t sound convincing. “After Herbert’s death, Beatrice had left town and only she knows where she had been. She came back a completely changed woman; she had changed her name and her looks and she was married to the richest man in the country.” “Who is her husband?” Evelyn asked. “His name is Shadreck Mwangala. He left Zambia for Nigeria at the age of fourteen and rumours are that over the years he had managed to set himself up with the right contacts. By the time he was twenty, he had become friends with some very prominent business people in Nigeria. He had established himself as an oil lord and after making billions; he came back to Zambia and invested most of his money here. He’s built schools, malls, and houses all over the place.” “I heard that he is way older than her…. how old is he?” “He should be in his sixties now. He was a widow when he married her. He first lost his children in a traffic accident in New York when his underage and heavily drunk son went behind the wheel and rammed into an oncoming vehicle on the highway. The accident killed both twins…his children were twins, and also another boy they had been partying with. Three months later, his wife died from depression and four months later, he married Beatrice who was pregnant with his child.” “Wow, that’s very sad. So Moola and Mark are his only children?” “Yes, and this time around he is obsessed with his family and not his business…well, if I am to be precise, he’s made his family his first priority and his business his second but the opposite is the case for Beatrice. She is actively involved in all of her husband’s businesses and she makes sure everyone feels her weight wherever she goes.” “So he also doesn’t know about her past? Or that she has another child?” “I couldn’t answer that with much confidence. I mean, he might not know or he might know but chose to keep the fact a secret. All I know is that he is very crazy about his trophy wife and he shows her off every opportunity he gets even if she is in her forties now.” “George,” Evelyn looked up at George with a weary expression on her face. “What is he is the one who sent someone after me?” “What?” The taxi driver asked in disbelief. “I mean, if he loves her that much…and he is such a powerful man….what if getting rid of someone trying to make the life of his trophy wife hell is one way of expressing his love for her?” “You really know how to write fiction with your mind Eva, I will give you that. But I know for a fact that he couldn’t have been the one after you tonight.” “Why do you sound so sure? And why do you know so much about those guys anyway?” “Because that cab I drive belongs to them,” he revealed. “The company that owns those taxis is his…and Beatrice is unfortunately my boss.” “Does she know you know so much about her?” Evelyn asked. George laughed. “Of course not. She would fire me straight away if she discovered I knew any of the things I know. Do you remember that time I took you and Grandma Melody to that former workplace of hers?” Of course I remember that day. How can I ever forget?” “I had not joined her husband’s company at that time. I was operating a private taxi. Even though I remember her from that day, she completely forgot about seeing me in that car park. She really pays no attention whatsoever to people she feels are beneath her and that, that I feel would eventually be her undoing.” “What do you mean by that?” Evelyn asked. “She has brushed people the wrong way all these years…one day someone might snap and give her a taste of her own medicine.” Evelyn was studying George’s face closely. “I hope you re not talking about yourself George,” she said, still searching his face. George laughed. “Hell no. I have a very beautiful wife and two beautiful children to take care of. I cannot risk doing something so stupid. If anything, you are the one that appears to be more likely to do something like that….” Evelyn busted out laughing. “I think you are wasting your talents working as a Taxi driver Mr George. You should have joined the police force.” “No ways, I don’t have the stomach for such kind of works and besides, I think I make more money than they do.” They both laughed. But George was now looking at the twenty-four old surreptitiously. She had deliberately avoided answering his question directly and yet her response was so strong it gave him a conclusive answer. “What are you planning on doing about your mother?” He finally asked her. After a moment of hesitation, she answered, “I am not sure. At first I was planning on completely staying out of her way since she made it so clear she doesn’t recognize me as her daughter but after what happened tonight…I have a number of ideas on what to do but I can’t seem to settle on one. I am so bitter and conflicted…I keep asking myself, what would Grandma Melody do? And I keep letting her down with whatever answer I come up with.” “Care to share some of those ideas with me?” He asked. “No,” Evelyn quickly replied. “You should call your wife now,” she said. “I think she is waiting for your call.” “Oh yeah” George said and got up from the chair. “Let me take this in there,” he pointed towards his bedroom. “I’ll be right back.” Evelyn nodded. * * * The following Sunday afternoon, Moola and Kelvin’s bridal party of six was gathered together with the soon to be bride and groom under the largest of the four gazebo’s set up on the expansive beautiful lawn behind the Mwangala’s residence. “I think today we danced longer than we ever did before,” said thirty-five year old James who was Kelvin’s best friend and best man. He looked at his watch and then took out a henker from his pocket to wipe at his sweat. “I think so too,” his dancing partner chipped in as well. Twenty-three year old Cassandra had been best friend’s with Moola since preschool. The two of them went to the same schools, including universities. “Can you lend me that James?” She was pointing at the handkerchief in his hands. “What?” James was not the only one taken aback by her strange request. “I just used this thing, it’s dirty.” Everyone else was looking at her strangely. It was no secret that the twenty-three year old had a long time crush on the thirty-five year old. Despite knowing he was married, Cassandra never missed an opportunity to get more intimate with the handsome looking Engineer. When she had heard that James had finally agreed to be on the line-up despite his busy schedule, Cassandra had celebrated and thanked the stars for the opportunity to be within close proximity to the man that acted like she never even existed. She had vowed to make him notice her during the four months of rehearsals and she had religiously committed herself to that task. “Do you think I care about how dirty it is right now?” The beautiful maid of honour asked. “Here, use this,” a visibly upset twenty-eight year old Anastasia handed her a soft pad from her powder case. Being close friends with James’ wife, Anna felt it was her duty to protect her friend’s husband in her absence and she never missed a chance to put the thwart university student in her place every time she tried something. Had it not been for the fact that Cassandra was taller than her, Anastasia could have insisted more on being James’ partner and instead of her. “Don’t you know it’s impolite for a woman to use a married man’s hanker?” Anna scolded the young lady. “You have layers of foundation and make-up on your face. What do you think he’s wife will think if she sees your face all over her man’s personal towel?” “You need to chill Anna, you’ve started with your whining again,” Cassie said. “I didn’t ask to sleep with him, I merely asked him for a piece of cloth eish.” She got up from her chair. “Am going inside to grab some fresh juice. This one here has turned hot.” She said and left the group. “I will help her mix it up and carry it here,” Moola said and ran after her friend. “You should also tell her off to stop chasing after you so shamelessly,” Anna rained down on James once the two girls were gone. “I think he always tell her off,” Kelvin defended his buddy. “We all know how shameless Cassie is,” William too chipped in. “She is not shameless,” the sixteen year old Mark defended his crush. “She is just cool and outspoken. You People are too old to understand her.” “And you are too young to be crushing on a twenty-three old lady,” Cassandra remarked. “You should try paying a little more attention to your fifteen year old partner Emily here,” she was pointing at the blushing teenager sitting next to Mark. Mark made a disgusted face. “Ewww, she is like my cousin for crying out loud.” He protested. “The key word there is like,” William stated. “Hers and your parents might be close but the two of you aren’t related. Isn’t that right Kelvin? Kelvin?” William nudged his friend. Kelvin was forced out of his reverie. “Yes, you are right.” He said, looking very confused. Everyone around the table laughed. “Do you even know what you are agreeing to?” James asked. “You’ve been zoning in and out of consciousness from the time we came here. “Have you started having cold feet?” They were all looking at him anxiously waiting for his response. “What cold feet are you talking about?” Kelvin rubbed his eyes with her hands. “You look like you haven’t slept in days.” William observed. “Is everything alright with you?” “You guys just think too much,” Kelvin dismissed his friend’s suspicions. “I am just tired from work and my mother is going through one of her episodes so….” “Oh no,” James said. “That can’t be good.” “What episodes?” Mark asked his future brother in-law. “You are too young to understand,” James replied. “You guys are boring,” the sixteen year old got up as well. “I’m leaving now to do something more fun with kids my age. We are done for today, right?” “Yes Mark, you can go.” Kelvin said and Mark immediately ran off towards the house. Inside the house, Moola and Cassie sat in the kitchen to chat. “You should really try to control yourself in front of Anastasia,” Moola said and placed a glass of red wine in front of her friend after filling it all the way to the top. “I know you need that much after that episode outside,” she laughed. “No wonder you are my best friend,” Cassie said and gulped down everything at once while her friend gaped at her in disbelief. “Some more,” she pushed her glass in front of Moola and she filled it up again. “Why you insist on pursuing him when you know very well that he’s a married man?” Moola asked her friend. “Because I can’t believe he is in-love with such a woman. Where did he even find a woman like that? She is fat, short and ugly. A good looking guy like that deserves someone as hot as me, not her.” “Haven’t you heard,” Moola was saying. “Love is a very strange thing. I think that he s genuinely in-love with her. There are just men that are attracted to big women like that…maybe James is one of those.” Wait a minute,” Cassie laid her glass back down. “Are you telling me that you are now on her side because you are going to be a wife soon? What is this, some form of loyalty amongst wives?” Moola laughed. “Of course not. I don’t mind you chasing after James because I also happen not to like his wife. She is such an old woman’s attitude. Did I tell you about that time I met her at Kelvin mum’s place and she called me to the side to ask me to wear a wrapper on top of my skirt because it was too short?” She made inverted commas in the air. “Ati I shouldn’t dress so indecently when visiting my in-laws, imagine.” “That chick has some nerve atase,” Cassie cussed. “I hope you put her in her place! No wonder she and Anna are best friends, they are both so naggy and old fashioned.” “I didn’t have to do or say anything,” Moola informed her friend. “I told you before that I have the coolest mother in-law ever. She candidly informed the alangizi-wannabe that she didn’t mind at all. That she liked me to be as comfortable as possible when visiting her and to act like I always do in front of my own mother.” “Did she really mean that?” “I think she did. She was wearing very tight skinny jeans and a cropped top that day.” Moola laughed. “I really mean it when I tell you that she is the coolest. “I wish my future mother in-law would just be as cool,” Cassie said. “What do you know about James’ mother?” They both busted out in laughter. Back under the gazebo, Kelvin was still being grilled by his friends. “Did it finally occur to you that marrying a twenty-two year old when you are thirty chakuti is not such a good idea?” James asked his buddy. Kelvin threw him a disgruntled look. “I thought you said 22 was the ripe age?” “I was trying to make you feel better since you seemed to be having doubts about the date of the wedding. If you don’t get married soon, Twaambo might just ask me to stop hanging out with you because she hates your fiance’s little circle of friends. You can ask Anna here. But if you make her your wife, then she will have no choice but to stop nagging me.” “Are you insane?” William asked. Kelvin too was asking the same question with his face. “I also think that you guys are rushing it,” said Anastasia. “Moola is way too young…and childish if I am being honest. I think you could have waited till she turned twenty-four or something.” “I don’t think she’s childish per se,” Emily chipped in. “I think that she is more of a spoiled brat than a childish person.” “Sweetie,” Anna reached out to place her hand over the teenager’s. “At our age, those two things are synonymous.” “Her age is the least of my worries so you guys should just give up,” Kelvin told his friends. “I have never been sure of anything in my life than the decision I made to marry Madam Beatrice’s special daughter.” There was so much conviction in his voice and in his eyes as he looked towards Moola’s house. * * * George dropped off Evelyn at her new residence in Hansworth on a Sunday evening. “You can go Ba George,” she told him when he tried to carry her biggest suitcase inside. “The door is right there and I am a very strong woman,” she chuckled. “I am grateful already that you brought me all the here for free. Thando should be inside waiting for me. I will just call her to help me get the rest of the stuff inside. Get back to work now.” “Are you sure?” George asked. Just then, Evelyn’s phone rang. “Yes I am sure George, now go,” she pushed him towards the car. “I need to take this.” “Okay, I’m going now. Take care of yourself and call me if you need any help.” “I know, thanks. Hi Sibu,” she waved to George and answered her phone. “Hi Eva? Did you manage to shift?” Sibusiswe asked from the other end of the line. “I did,” Evelyn replied. “Thank you so much for letting me crash at your friend’s place. I am very sorry for imposing on you like this…it’s just that…I was too scared to sleep alone in that huge mansion of yours.” Sibu chuckled. “I know you have very good reasons for changing your mind and I can’t wait to hear about all of them when I come back. Sibeso called me crying saying she wishes you didn’t leave. I heard you were very good with the kids.” Evelyn smiled. “Those kids are such fun!” she said. “I have always wanted siblings but…. Anyway, when are you coming back? A lot of clients have been asking for you at the office. Some of them refuse to be handled by anyone else. They insist on waiting for you to return.” Sibu was laughing. “Tell them to wait, I am still enjoying my vacation with my husband to the max. I gotto go now sweetie, Ted’s coming. I ran back inside to make this call and now I think he’s noticed my absence.” “Thank you so much Sibu and please greet him for me. You are both terribly missed over here. Take care, bye.” “Who were you talking to?” Evelyn turned to find her friend Thando standing by the small gate watching her with her arms crossed over her chest. “That was my boss, Mrs Zulu,” Evelyn informed her friend. “How long have you been standing there?” “I heard voices and so I came out to check. The driver left without helping you to get your stuff inside?” The twenty-nine year old asked. “It was George who dropped me off. I felt bad making him carry the things inside after giving me a free ride. He offered to help but I turned him down.” “That’s the problem with you my friend,” Thando moved closer to help with the bags. “Let’s carry the small things inside the fence first and then come back to carry the big one together.” “You and your boss are really close ah? You even address her by her first name.” Thando asked as they moved back and forth. “Only when we are not at work. She treats me like I’m her little sister. She said I remind her a lot about her. She never told me what she meant but ever since she gave me the job as her secretary despite not being fully qualified, she’s been very kind to me.” “I wonder how she would react if she heard that your best friend has a huge crush on her ex-husband.” “I don’t think it would matter to her. She’s very happily married now and her ex can date whoever he likes. She is not the kind of person to concern herself with his activities. Apart from their son, there have no other business together.” “I feel tired just looking at this bag,” Thando said as the two of them starred down at the giant bag before them. “You should have really let George help you with this one.” “I know, foolish me.” Evelyn said. “Stand there, let me check the road if there are any guys passing by that can help us.” Evelyn stood by the room and looked from left to right for signs of anybody that could help. She spotted a few men slashing some grass in front of the house a number of blocks away from them. There was no way for them to hear her all the way even if she called out. “I have seen some guys working over there,” she shouted back to her friend. “Give me three to five minutes, I will get them.” “Okay, you better hurry up or you will find me sitting on it. What did you even out in there, a human?” Evelyn laughed and went after the men. She had just walked a short distance when she saw a car approach in the opposite direction. Thinking about her near death experience with a car last time, she moved as far away from the small road as possible and waited for the driver to pass. But instead of the car driving past her, it stopped when it reached where she was. Evelyn was in flight mode when the driver rolled down his window and out came Kelvin’s head. “You,” she said to him, immediately willing her racing heart to calm down. There was no more danger. “What are you doing here?” he asked her. “I could ask you the same thing,” she said. “I came to drop off Moola’s friend. She’s a student at Unza and she’s renting a place over there.” He pointed in the direction he was coming from. “We had rehearsals today so….” “Oh, I see. You go on ahead then,” she said, quickly dismissing him. She didn’t want to get mixed up in anything related to her mother. “You didn’t tell me why you are here,” he said. “You also live here? Are you a student?” “You are always asking me questions every chance you get. Are you naturally a curious person or I just happen to bring out the curiosity in you?” “You know, it wasn’t such a complicated question. But your response is making everything complicated.” “I am going to ask those guys digging over there to help me move some things into the house. I just moved in with a friend.” “See, that wasn’t so difficult, was it?” “Don’t patronize me,” she retorted. “I’m going….” “Wait,” Kelvin stopped her. “I am a man too, I am sure I can help. Get in,” he opened the door for her from inside. “No, I don’t need your help. Thank you for offering but….” “But you won’t accept my help because I am somehow related to the mother that rejected you?” Evelyn didn’t know what to say. She had been caught red-handed. “I am right!” Kelvin said. “Fine, I guess I will just pay for my mother in-law’s sins today.” He put on a depressed face. Evelyn sighed and gave up. She walked to the opened door and got in. “The house is over there,” she pointed ahead. “Where there’s that tree,” she said. “Buckle up!” Kelvin said enthusiastically and started the engine. Unbeknownst to the both of them, they had an audience behind them. The moment Evelyn got into the car and kelvin started off, Cassie appeared from behind the hedge she was hiding and placed a call to her best friend. “You won’t believe what I just saw,” the third year student said to her friend. “I just saw Kelvin pick up some girl and he just dropped her off at her place.” “What are you talking about Cassie? Where are you even? I thought Kelvin was dropping you off?” “Yes, he dropped me off home but then he left. I came out to ask one of the guys working outside here to get me some talk time because I forgot to buy on the way here and there I saw Kelvin. He stopped to chat up this girl. She’s tall and slim like that. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about but it appeared Kelvin was talking her into accepting a ride with him. And now they are both coming out of his vehicle in front of her house.” “Maybe she’s just a friend, why are you so worked up?” “I know these crazy bitches from Unza honey, they don’t play when they see a good man. If she can play hard to get with a looker like Kelvin then she’s definitely a very dangerous girl. I am going to spy on them right….wait, he just came out alone. He’s getting in his car and leaving.” “See, I told you, she’s probably just an acquaintance. I trust Kelvin with my life. He is crazy about me. I mean, what normal man wouldn’t?” She chuckled. “I am not scared of any competition out there. I am a force to be reckoned with baby, have you already forgotten?” The two girls laughed. “But just to be safe, you should go and check her out.” Moola instructed. “It’s better to cut off the weeds before they make the plants thin.” “I’m on it,” Cassandra said. “That’s my girl!” Kelvin was just about to join the high way on Great East road after coming from Hansworth when his phone rang. Dearest Mother, he could see the caller id from where his phone was resting on the other seat. Kelvin picked up his phone and muted it. He turned up the volume on his radio and with a staid expression on his face; he got onto the highway and drove off.Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 4 wp-1458723979648.png George was on the phone talking to his wife who had left him countless missed calls and messages while he was talking to Evelyn when he heard someone thunder against his door. “There’s someone at the door honey,” he whispered to his wife, slowly walking into the kitchen to grab something to use to defend himself. “They are hammering at the door as if they want to break it down.” “Who is it Bashi Nelly? Who could it be at this hour?” The deeply perturbed woman asked. “Call Bashi Davis from the main house and ask them to come and help you.” George picked a knife and his wife’s heavy pounding stick and walked to the door. Advertisements Report this ad “Ba George!” Doo doo doo, went the thuds against the door. “George open up for me!” And then more doo doo doooo. “It’s a woman, she keeps calling my name….I think it sounds like Eva” He continued whispering. “You told me she just left alone in the night what if someone is chasing after her?” His wife’s response came. “Try to confirm if she’s the one and open up. She could be in danger.” “You are right,” George put the pounding stick down and held his knife out in position. He leaned closer to the door and asked, “Who is it?” “Who do you think it is George it’s me Evelyn I just left your home for pete’s sake. Open up.” Evelyn yelled. Advertisements Report this ad He immediately recognized her voice now…and her mysterious temper that came out once in a while. He quickly opened the door and she forced herself passed him and stood to wait for him to finish looking the door again. Panting and sweating, and with her hands resting on her waist, Evelyn waited for George to finish locking the door before raining down on him for delaying to open the door. “I could have died out there Ba George!” Evelyn complained. “Why did it take you so long to open the door? And is that a knife in your hand? Dear Lord….” “You were hammering my door like a mad man, what was I supposed to think? That you are an angel sent to me by God? You scared the crap out of me Eva and who’s chasing you anyway?” “Get me some water,” she was frantically fanning herself with her hands as she turned around to take a seat in the living room. “And I think you were on the phone with someone,” she reminded him, pointing at his hand. Advertisements Report this ad “Dammit,” George cussed and remembered his wife. “I am sure you heard Bana Nelly. It’s only Eva.” “What’s going on? Is everything okay?” His wife asked. “I am not so sure,” George admitted. “Let me find out and I will let you know…but aren’t you supposed to be sleeping this time honey?” His wife laughed softly. “I have been doing nothing but sleeping the whole day and now I have no sleep. Talk to her and let me know once you are done.” “I will,” he said and ended the call. He went into the kitchen and poured her a glass of water. Advertisements Report this ad “I told you it’s very dangerous out there this late at night,” George was standing over her watching her gulp down the contents of the glass. “You are draining my blood,” Evelyn said after empting the glass. She handed it over to him and gestured for him to sit on the other sofa. “Oh,” George realised he was standing too close and went to sit on the sofa opposite her. “Where there people actually chasing you or your imagination just got the better of you?” He was trying to musk his smile. “Was that your wife?” Evelyn asked. He nodded. Advertisements Report this ad “Call her back and tell her that I will be spending the night here.” “What?” He was back up on his feet. “There is someone out there trying to kill me. I was planning on spending the night at a friend’s place that’s out of town but her house is too big and scary. There is no way I am going to be there alone when someone obviously wants to kill me. Thando carried the keys to her house with her and she will only be back over the weekend so she’s out of the question. Besides, all my stuff is already here. All you need to do is let me talk to your darling wife and I can explain everything to her.” “Who’s trying to kill you Evelyn?” George asked, growing very concerned at her insistence. “I wish I knew who it was also Mr George, but it was dark and the headlights were too blinding. I thought I recognized the colour and make of the vehicle but it was a different person behind the wheel.” “Then who do you think it was?” “If I tell you, you are just going to think I’m crazy.” She said. “Why don’t you try me first?” He said. Evelyn thought about it for a moment. “It was the same car my mother was driving during the day.” She said. George couldn’t believe it. “Are you sure?” “See, I told you that you wouldn’t believe me!” “I know Beatrice is a crazy woman but murder Eva? That’s just too out there.” He sat down again. “But who did you see behind the wheel?” “It was a man. I couldn’t see his face clearly but I could tell it was a man. I had looked straight through the windshield right before I moved to get out of the way and for a second I saw his face…but I am not sure if I was imagining things or not. I was extremely scared. I thought I was going to die.” “So the vehicle came straight at you deliberately or it was like an accident. Maybe the driver didn’t see you….” “He saw me alright George,” she replied. “That’s the one thing I am sure of. He saw me and then turned his vehicle to face me directly and then he came at me at such speed I thought I was gone. Why would my own mother hire someone to get rid of me?” “Let’s not jump to conclusions yet Eva. It might not have anything to do with her. What does she have to gain by killing you?” Evelyn threw him a condescending look. “She has everything to gain from my death,” she said. “Now that Grandma Melody is not here, she must think that I will force myself into her perfect little life. You said that no one knows about her past isn’t it?” “Yeah, I think so.” But George didn’t sound convincing. “After Herbert’s death, Beatrice had left town and only she knows where she had been. She came back a completely changed woman; she had changed her name and her looks and she was married to the richest man in the country.” “Who is her husband?” Evelyn asked. “His name is Shadreck Mwangala. He left Zambia for Nigeria at the age of fourteen and rumours are that over the years he had managed to set himself up with the right contacts. By the time he was twenty, he had become friends with some very prominent business people in Nigeria. He had established himself as an oil lord and after making billions; he came back to Zambia and invested most of his money here. He’s built schools, malls, and houses all over the place.” “I heard that he is way older than her…. how old is he?” “He should be in his sixties now. He was a widow when he married her. He first lost his children in a traffic accident in New York when his underage and heavily drunk son went behind the wheel and rammed into an oncoming vehicle on the highway. The accident killed both twins…his children were twins, and also another boy they had been partying with. Three months later, his wife died from depression and four months later, he married Beatrice who was pregnant with his child.” “Wow, that’s very sad. So Moola and Mark are his only children?” “Yes, and this time around he is obsessed with his family and not his business…well, if I am to be precise, he’s made his family his first priority and his business his second but the opposite is the case for Beatrice. She is actively involved in all of her husband’s businesses and she makes sure everyone feels her weight wherever she goes.” “So he also doesn’t know about her past? Or that she has another child?” “I couldn’t answer that with much confidence. I mean, he might not know or he might know but chose to keep the fact a secret. All I know is that he is very crazy about his trophy wife and he shows her off every opportunity he gets even if she is in her forties now.” “George,” Evelyn looked up at George with a weary expression on her face. “What is he is the one who sent someone after me?” “What?” The taxi driver asked in disbelief. “I mean, if he loves her that much…and he is such a powerful man….what if getting rid of someone trying to make the life of his trophy wife hell is one way of expressing his love for her?” “You really know how to write fiction with your mind Eva, I will give you that. But I know for a fact that he couldn’t have been the one after you tonight.” “Why do you sound so sure? And why do you know so much about those guys anyway?” “Because that cab I drive belongs to them,” he revealed. “The company that owns those taxis is his…and Beatrice is unfortunately my boss.” “Does she know you know so much about her?” Evelyn asked. George laughed. “Of course not. She would fire me straight away if she discovered I knew any of the things I know. Do you remember that time I took you and Grandma Melody to that former workplace of hers?” Of course I remember that day. How can I ever forget?” “I had not joined her husband’s company at that time. I was operating a private taxi. Even though I remember her from that day, she completely forgot about seeing me in that car park. She really pays no attention whatsoever to people she feels are beneath her and that, that I feel would eventually be her undoing.” “What do you mean by that?” Evelyn asked. “She has brushed people the wrong way all these years…one day someone might snap and give her a taste of her own medicine.” Evelyn was studying George’s face closely. “I hope you re not talking about yourself George,” she said, still searching his face. George laughed. “Hell no. I have a very beautiful wife and two beautiful children to take care of. I cannot risk doing something so stupid. If anything, you are the one that appears to be more likely to do something like that….” Evelyn busted out laughing. “I think you are wasting your talents working as a Taxi driver Mr George. You should have joined the police force.” “No ways, I don’t have the stomach for such kind of works and besides, I think I make more money than they do.” They both laughed. But George was now looking at the twenty-four old surreptitiously. She had deliberately avoided answering his question directly and yet her response was so strong it gave him a conclusive answer. “What are you planning on doing about your mother?” He finally asked her. After a moment of hesitation, she answered, “I am not sure. At first I was planning on completely staying out of her way since she made it so clear she doesn’t recognize me as her daughter but after what happened tonight…I have a number of ideas on what to do but I can’t seem to settle on one. I am so bitter and conflicted…I keep asking myself, what would Grandma Melody do? And I keep letting her down with whatever answer I come up with.” “Care to share some of those ideas with me?” He asked. “No,” Evelyn quickly replied. “You should call your wife now,” she said. “I think she is waiting for your call.” “Oh yeah” George said and got up from the chair. “Let me take this in there,” he pointed towards his bedroom. “I’ll be right back.” Evelyn nodded. * * * The following Sunday afternoon, Moola and Kelvin’s bridal party of six was gathered together with the soon to be bride and groom under the largest of the four gazebo’s set up on the expansive beautiful lawn behind the Mwangala’s residence. “I think today we danced longer than we ever did before,” said thirty-five year old James who was Kelvin’s best friend and best man. He looked at his watch and then took out a henker from his pocket to wipe at his sweat. “I think so too,” his dancing partner chipped in as well. Twenty-three year old Cassandra had been best friend’s with Moola since preschool. The two of them went to the same schools, including universities. “Can you lend me that James?” She was pointing at the handkerchief in his hands. “What?” James was not the only one taken aback by her strange request. “I just used this thing, it’s dirty.” Everyone else was looking at her strangely. It was no secret that the twenty-three year old had a long time crush on the thirty-five year old. Despite knowing he was married, Cassandra never missed an opportunity to get more intimate with the handsome looking Engineer. When she had heard that James had finally agreed to be on the line-up despite his busy schedule, Cassandra had celebrated and thanked the stars for the opportunity to be within close proximity to the man that acted like she never even existed. She had vowed to make him notice her during the four months of rehearsals and she had religiously committed herself to that task. “Do you think I care about how dirty it is right now?” The beautiful maid of honour asked. “Here, use this,” a visibly upset twenty-eight year old Anastasia handed her a soft pad from her powder case. Being close friends with James’ wife, Anna felt it was her duty to protect her friend’s husband in her absence and she never missed a chance to put the thwart university student in her place every time she tried something. Had it not been for the fact that Cassandra was taller than her, Anastasia could have insisted more on being James’ partner and instead of her. “Don’t you know it’s impolite for a woman to use a married man’s hanker?” Anna scolded the young lady. “You have layers of foundation and make-up on your face. What do you think he’s wife will think if she sees your face all over her man’s personal towel?” “You need to chill Anna, you’ve started with your whining again,” Cassie said. “I didn’t ask to sleep with him, I merely asked him for a piece of cloth eish.” She got up from her chair. “Am going inside to grab some fresh juice. This one here has turned hot.” She said and left the group. “I will help her mix it up and carry it here,” Moola said and ran after her friend. “You should also tell her off to stop chasing after you so shamelessly,” Anna rained down on James once the two girls were gone. “I think he always tell her off,” Kelvin defended his buddy. “We all know how shameless Cassie is,” William too chipped in. “She is not shameless,” the sixteen year old Mark defended his crush. “She is just cool and outspoken. You People are too old to understand her.” “And you are too young to be crushing on a twenty-three old lady,” Cassandra remarked. “You should try paying a little more attention to your fifteen year old partner Emily here,” she was pointing at the blushing teenager sitting next to Mark. Mark made a disgusted face. “Ewww, she is like my cousin for crying out loud.” He protested. “The key word there is like,” William stated. “Hers and your parents might be close but the two of you aren’t related. Isn’t that right Kelvin? Kelvin?” William nudged his friend. Kelvin was forced out of his reverie. “Yes, you are right.” He said, looking very confused. Everyone around the table laughed. “Do you even know what you are agreeing to?” James asked. “You’ve been zoning in and out of consciousness from the time we came here. “Have you started having cold feet?” They were all looking at him anxiously waiting for his response. “What cold feet are you talking about?” Kelvin rubbed his eyes with her hands. “You look like you haven’t slept in days.” William observed. “Is everything alright with you?” “You guys just think too much,” Kelvin dismissed his friend’s suspicions. “I am just tired from work and my mother is going through one of her episodes so….” “Oh no,” James said. “That can’t be good.” “What episodes?” Mark asked his future brother in-law. “You are too young to understand,” James replied. “You guys are boring,” the sixteen year old got up as well. “I’m leaving now to do something more fun with kids my age. We are done for today, right?” “Yes Mark, you can go.” Kelvin said and Mark immediately ran off towards the house. Inside the house, Moola and Cassie sat in the kitchen to chat. “You should really try to control yourself in front of Anastasia,” Moola said and placed a glass of red wine in front of her friend after filling it all the way to the top. “I know you need that much after that episode outside,” she laughed. “No wonder you are my best friend,” Cassie said and gulped down everything at once while her friend gaped at her in disbelief. “Some more,” she pushed her glass in front of Moola and she filled it up again. “Why you insist on pursuing him when you know very well that he’s a married man?” Moola asked her friend. “Because I can’t believe he is in-love with such a woman. Where did he even find a woman like that? She is fat, short and ugly. A good looking guy like that deserves someone as hot as me, not her.” “Haven’t you heard,” Moola was saying. “Love is a very strange thing. I think that he s genuinely in-love with her. There are just men that are attracted to big women like that…maybe James is one of those.” Wait a minute,” Cassie laid her glass back down. “Are you telling me that you are now on her side because you are going to be a wife soon? What is this, some form of loyalty amongst wives?” Moola laughed. “Of course not. I don’t mind you chasing after James because I also happen not to like his wife. She is such an old woman’s attitude. Did I tell you about that time I met her at Kelvin mum’s place and she called me to the side to ask me to wear a wrapper on top of my skirt because it was too short?” She made inverted commas in the air. “Ati I shouldn’t dress so indecently when visiting my in-laws, imagine.” “That chick has some nerve atase,” Cassie cussed. “I hope you put her in her place! No wonder she and Anna are best friends, they are both so naggy and old fashioned.” “I didn’t have to do or say anything,” Moola informed her friend. “I told you before that I have the coolest mother in-law ever. She candidly informed the alangizi-wannabe that she didn’t mind at all. That she liked me to be as comfortable as possible when visiting her and to act like I always do in front of my own mother.” “Did she really mean that?” “I think she did. She was wearing very tight skinny jeans and a cropped top that day.” Moola laughed. “I really mean it when I tell you that she is the coolest. “I wish my future mother in-law would just be as cool,” Cassie said. “What do you know about James’ mother?” They both busted out in laughter. Back under the gazebo, Kelvin was still being grilled by his friends. “Did it finally occur to you that marrying a twenty-two year old when you are thirty chakuti is not such a good idea?” James asked his buddy. Kelvin threw him a disgruntled look. “I thought you said 22 was the ripe age?” “I was trying to make you feel better since you seemed to be having doubts about the date of the wedding. If you don’t get married soon, Twaambo might just ask me to stop hanging out with you because she hates your fiance’s little circle of friends. You can ask Anna here. But if you make her your wife, then she will have no choice but to stop nagging me.” “Are you insane?” William asked. Kelvin too was asking the same question with his face. “I also think that you guys are rushing it,” said Anastasia. “Moola is way too young…and childish if I am being honest. I think you could have waited till she turned twenty-four or something.” “I don’t think she’s childish per se,” Emily chipped in. “I think that she is more of a spoiled brat than a childish person.” “Sweetie,” Anna reached out to place her hand over the teenager’s. “At our age, those two things are synonymous.” “Her age is the least of my worries so you guys should just give up,” Kelvin told his friends. “I have never been sure of anything in my life than the decision I made to marry Madam Beatrice’s special daughter.” There was so much conviction in his voice and in his eyes as he looked towards Moola’s house. * * * George dropped off Evelyn at her new residence in Hansworth on a Sunday evening. “You can go Ba George,” she told him when he tried to carry her biggest suitcase inside. “The door is right there and I am a very strong woman,” she chuckled. “I am grateful already that you brought me all the here for free. Thando should be inside waiting for me. I will just call her to help me get the rest of the stuff inside. Get back to work now.” “Are you sure?” George asked. Just then, Evelyn’s phone rang. “Yes I am sure George, now go,” she pushed him towards the car. “I need to take this.” “Okay, I’m going now. Take care of yourself and call me if you need any help.” “I know, thanks. Hi Sibu,” she waved to George and answered her phone. “Hi Eva? Did you manage to shift?” Sibusiswe asked from the other end of the line. “I did,” Evelyn replied. “Thank you so much for letting me crash at your friend’s place. I am very sorry for imposing on you like this…it’s just that…I was too scared to sleep alone in that huge mansion of yours.” Sibu chuckled. “I know you have very good reasons for changing your mind and I can’t wait to hear about all of them when I come back. Sibeso called me crying saying she wishes you didn’t leave. I heard you were very good with the kids.” Evelyn smiled. “Those kids are such fun!” she said. “I have always wanted siblings but…. Anyway, when are you coming back? A lot of clients have been asking for you at the office. Some of them refuse to be handled by anyone else. They insist on waiting for you to return.” Sibu was laughing. “Tell them to wait, I am still enjoying my vacation with my husband to the max. I gotto go now sweetie, Ted’s coming. I ran back inside to make this call and now I think he’s noticed my absence.” “Thank you so much Sibu and please greet him for me. You are both terribly missed over here. Take care, bye.” “Who were you talking to?” Evelyn turned to find her friend Thando standing by the small gate watching her with her arms crossed over her chest. “That was my boss, Mrs Zulu,” Evelyn informed her friend. “How long have you been standing there?” “I heard voices and so I came out to check. The driver left without helping you to get your stuff inside?” The twenty-nine year old asked. “It was George who dropped me off. I felt bad making him carry the things inside after giving me a free ride. He offered to help but I turned him down.” “That’s the problem with you my friend,” Thando moved closer to help with the bags. “Let’s carry the small things inside the fence first and then come back to carry the big one together.” “You and your boss are really close ah? You even address her by her first name.” Thando asked as they moved back and forth. “Only when we are not at work. She treats me like I’m her little sister. She said I remind her a lot about her. She never told me what she meant but ever since she gave me the job as her secretary despite not being fully qualified, she’s been very kind to me.” “I wonder how she would react if she heard that your best friend has a huge crush on her ex-husband.” “I don’t think it would matter to her. She’s very happily married now and her ex can date whoever he likes. She is not the kind of person to concern herself with his activities. Apart from their son, there have no other business together.” “I feel tired just looking at this bag,” Thando said as the two of them starred down at the giant bag before them. “You should have really let George help you with this one.” “I know, foolish me.” Evelyn said. “Stand there, let me check the road if there are any guys passing by that can help us.” Evelyn stood by the room and looked from left to right for signs of anybody that could help. She spotted a few men slashing some grass in front of the house a number of blocks away from them. There was no way for them to hear her all the way even if she called out. “I have seen some guys working over there,” she shouted back to her friend. “Give me three to five minutes, I will get them.” “Okay, you better hurry up or you will find me sitting on it. What did you even out in there, a human?” Evelyn laughed and went after the men. She had just walked a short distance when she saw a car approach in the opposite direction. Thinking about her near death experience with a car last time, she moved as far away from the small road as possible and waited for the driver to pass. But instead of the car driving past her, it stopped when it reached where she was. Evelyn was in flight mode when the driver rolled down his window and out came Kelvin’s head. “You,” she said to him, immediately willing her racing heart to calm down. There was no more danger. “What are you doing here?” he asked her. “I could ask you the same thing,” she said. “I came to drop off Moola’s friend. She’s a student at Unza and she’s renting a place over there.” He pointed in the direction he was coming from. “We had rehearsals today so….” “Oh, I see. You go on ahead then,” she said, quickly dismissing him. She didn’t want to get mixed up in anything related to her mother. “You didn’t tell me why you are here,” he said. “You also live here? Are you a student?” “You are always asking me questions every chance you get. Are you naturally a curious person or I just happen to bring out the curiosity in you?” “You know, it wasn’t such a complicated question. But your response is making everything complicated.” “I am going to ask those guys digging over there to help me move some things into the house. I just moved in with a friend.” “See, that wasn’t so difficult, was it?” “Don’t patronize me,” she retorted. “I’m going….” “Wait,” Kelvin stopped her. “I am a man too, I am sure I can help. Get in,” he opened the door for her from inside. “No, I don’t need your help. Thank you for offering but….” “But you won’t accept my help because I am somehow related to the mother that rejected you?” Evelyn didn’t know what to say. She had been caught red-handed. “I am right!” Kelvin said. “Fine, I guess I will just pay for my mother in-law’s sins today.” He put on a depressed face. Evelyn sighed and gave up. She walked to the opened door and got in. “The house is over there,” she pointed ahead. “Where there’s that tree,” she said. “Buckle up!” Kelvin said enthusiastically and started the engine. Unbeknownst to the both of them, they had an audience behind them. The moment Evelyn got into the car and kelvin started off, Cassie appeared from behind the hedge she was hiding and placed a call to her best friend. “You won’t believe what I just saw,” the third year student said to her friend. “I just saw Kelvin pick up some girl and he just dropped her off at her place.” “What are you talking about Cassie? Where are you even? I thought Kelvin was dropping you off?” “Yes, he dropped me off home but then he left. I came out to ask one of the guys working outside here to get me some talk time because I forgot to buy on the way here and there I saw Kelvin. He stopped to chat up this girl. She’s tall and slim like that. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about but it appeared Kelvin was talking her into accepting a ride with him. And now they are both coming out of his vehicle in front of her house.” “Maybe she’s just a friend, why are you so worked up?” “I know these crazy bitches from Unza honey, they don’t play when they see a good man. If she can play hard to get with a looker like Kelvin then she’s definitely a very dangerous girl. I am going to spy on them right….wait, he just came out alone. He’s getting in his car and leaving.” “See, I told you, she’s probably just an acquaintance. I trust Kelvin with my life. He is crazy about me. I mean, what normal man wouldn’t?” She chuckled. “I am not scared of any competition out there. I am a force to be reckoned with baby, have you already forgotten?” The two girls laughed. “But just to be safe, you should go and check her out.” Moola instructed. “It’s better to cut off the weeds before they make the plants thin.” “I’m on it,” Cassandra said. “That’s my girl!” Kelvin was just about to join the high way on Great East road after coming from Hansworth when his phone rang. Dearest Mother, he could see the caller id from where his phone was resting on the other seat. Kelvin picked up his phone and muted it. He turned up the volume on his radio and with a staid expression on his face; he got onto the highway and drove off.
12 Aug 2018 | 03:37
12 Aug 2018 | 08:09
12 Aug 2018 | 14:11
12 Aug 2018 | 20:03
observing keenly
13 Aug 2018 | 03:59
still observing bcos I know dia is a secret somewhere abt Kelvin and his dearest mother
13 Aug 2018 | 06:40
Ride on
13 Aug 2018 | 07:37
Is the police
13 Aug 2018 | 07:37
It's really gonna get interesting... Lemme observe keenly erh!!!
13 Aug 2018 | 10:10
Beatrice is really a mess...she's getting older...her stupidity is also getting tougher...rejecting her first child
13 Aug 2018 | 15:47
Herbert was really a kind man to his family and others...but nora and her mama started a fight whick beatrice was crazy about
13 Aug 2018 | 15:56
Nora never liked this fight but her mama was the crazy was just a sad one 4 herbert and nora that loved each other
13 Aug 2018 | 16:00
Melody was a grandma with a difference to eva...she cared 4 her so much that she never wanna see he cry any day
13 Aug 2018 | 16:04
The story kelvin has to hear was so touching to him...he just wanna do something 4 her...moola has got to trust him
13 Aug 2018 | 16:09
Evelyn has got some task at hand to put thing inorder...she has got some friends that do support her...kelvin coming 4 her is...
13 Aug 2018 | 16:13
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 5 wp-1458723979648.png “Why haven’t you been picking up my calls Kelvin?” Kelvin threw himself on the sofa and turned on the TV, one hand holding his phone to his ear. “I was on the road when you called mother,” he said, stretching his legs out as he lay on his back. “I know you are curious about how the rehearsals went, everything went well. You don’t have to worry about a thing.” “Kelvin,” his mother said. Her tone sent him warning shots that he was not going to like whatever she was about to say. Advertisements Report this ad “You haven’t been keeping anything from me have you?” She asked. “Mum,” Kelvin was well prepared to reassure her. “I know, I am just being paranoid, I know that’s what you are going to say. It’s just that you’ve been acting very distant for the past two weeks. You haven’t really fallen for that girl, have you?” “I thought you trusted me,” Kelvin said. “We agreed that the marriage was only a business thing and I intend to stick to that. Have i ever let you down mother?” “No you haven’t,” she said. “I am sorry son. It’s just that….” Advertisements Report this ad “I know, you don’t need to say it.” Kelvin answered. “Did you manage to book you flight to Dubai? It’s supposed to be this coming Tuesday right?” “Yes, Tuesday evening. I managed to get a ticket today. Can you come home tomorrow and spend some time alone with you mother before she leaves? You I haven’t seen you in a very long time.” “I was just there the other week mum,” Kelvin said. “You do know that am a grown man now ka? It won’t look so good if I spend all my free time with my mother.” “But you are my boy, you will always be my little boy Kelvin and you are the only one I have in this world. Try to understand your mother’s loneliness….” Kelvin chuckled. “That’s why I told you to find yourself a man,” he told her. “What will happen to you when I get married? You will start competing with my wife for my attention and we can both imagine how that’s gonna turn out. I am going to ask Mr Nzala to come fetch you on a date tonight. Find something sexy to wear my queen, ah?” Advertisements Report this ad “Oh I hate that old man Kelvin,” his mother protested. “He smells like such an old man and he looks too ah…you know…too horny.” She last the last part in a whisper as if someone might be eavesdropping on their conversation. Kelvin laughed out loud. “You also know how to use such words Mum?” he said. “Okay, how about Mr Cornell from Fedex, that one is a looker and he’s even younger. I have seen him check you out whenever we attend those functions of yours.” “Kelvin!” His mother scolded him. “He is way too young for me that one. He will just end up using my money to pamper young girls, no way.” “I guess no man will ever be good enough for you mum.” “But you are good enough for me son. I don’t need anyone else.” Advertisements Report this ad That’s the problem, Kelvin mouthed the words. And to his mother he said, “I will come see you tomorrow. Have a good night mum. I love you.” “I love you too son. Have a good night.” Still smiling after ending the call with his mother, Kelvin looked at his phone for a few seconds before finally deciding on opening his Facebook App. He typed ‘Evelyn Chileshe’ and he searched amongst the listed profiles but found no one that looked remotely like Evelyn. He paused to think and as if suddenly hit by lightening a few seconds later, he sat up and started a new search. ‘Evelyn Nanyangwe,’ he typed. Advertisements Report this ad There were a lot of people with the same name but he finally found the one he was looking for further down the list. He clicked on it and went through her profile. “Dang!” he cussed when he realized he could not see much of her details due to her settings. Kelvin threw his phone down in frustration and picked up his television remote control. He laid back on the sofa and started watching tv, a grim expression playing on his face. Evelyn went through that week like a robot, anxiously waiting for the weekend to come so she could bury herself in movies and forget about her family drama. She was not sure about what sort of feelings she ought to have for her mother and just what exactly she felt about her. For so many years she had imagined a fairy tale reunion with the woman who had given her life but her out-right rejection had shattered Evelyn to her very roots. After everything she had heard about her mother from George, Evelyn was not sure any more what to think or expect. However, there were two things Evelyn was most sure of; that her mother was not the woman she had thought her to be, and that she was better off not having her in her life. And thus, thinking that she had her mind made up, Evelyn pushed herself though the week with a forced smile on her face. Unfortunately, there are certain kinds of pain that no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you are alright, your mind and body know better. And thus, Evelyn would find herself shedding tears at the most unexpected times and there were those nights when Thando would force her awake from her her turning and tossing, all covered up in a cold sweat. “You know you’ve been like this for days now,” Thando remarked as she helped Evelyn out of her pajama blouse. “It’s so cold and yet you are sweating like a pig.” “I am fine,” Evelyn said, now only dressed in lace undergarments. “I think that this is more serious than you make it seem Eva,” Thando made herself comfortable on her friends bed. “I can only imagine what you must be going through. Have you ever considered getting some help? You know…like a….” “You mean like a shrink,” Evelyn gave her a look and then laughed. “I know, it sounds ridiculous but think about it Eva….” Eva moved to lean her back against her head board. “I will not be seeing any shrink Thando,” she vehemently said. “I admit that this thing has deeply affected me in ways I never thought possible but I will get over it with time. I was just caught by surprise, that’s all.” The look on Thando’s face said she wasn’t buying any of the things her friend was saying but she still nodded and proceeded to give her a hug. When the weekend finally came, Evelyn found herself alone at home while Thando had traveled again for a work project. Being a social worker, Thando was in and out of town constantly following up on numerous projects she was in charge of. Evelyn turned on her small TV in the bedroom the moment she woke up and she went straight to her list of Series and Movies she had set to record during the week. Evelyn was deeply immersed in an episode of The Blacklist when she heard a knock on the door. At first she ignored it, thinking whoever it was had come for Thando since she had not yet given her new address to her friends. She was hoping whoever it was might get tired and leave on their own when no one answered the door. It didn’t go according to her expectations. The person kept knocking and knocking until Evelyn was forced out of bed. She flung the door open with such force it almost hit her in her in the face. She was more than ready to scream at whoever it was that had rudely forced her out of her bed when there she gazed upon Kelvin. “You?” Evelyn was starring at him wide-eyed. Kelvin was smiling mischievously as he looked at her from head to foot. It took a moment for Evelyn to discover the source of his happiness. She remembered what she was wearing; a white negligee that left very little to the imagination. Evelyn quickly covered herself in the right places with her hands before running back into the house, giving Kelvin a whole other view of her back in the process. Evelyn walked out of her bedroom a few minutes later in a pair of sweatpants and a matching top. She almost jumped in fear when she found Kelvin seated comfortably in the living room. “Are you always this rude?” Evelyn asked from the other side of the room. “It depends,” Kelvin said, a mischievous smile still playing on his lips. “If a woman with your kind of figure stands in front of me half naked, I would not be foolish enough to alert her of her state of almost-nakedness. It’s not everyday you a guy gets confronted with such a view so forgive me for being a man.” “I don’t remember letting you into the house,” Evelyn said. “Oh,” Kelvin said. “That’s what you meant?” Evelyn was not sure if he was feigning ignorance or not. “I meant both!” She yelled. “What are you doing at my house anyway?” “Can’t a guy visit his friend at home?” “Friend?” “Aren’t we friends?” Kelvin asked. “I know your name, I know your parents, I have helped you a couple of times and I even know where you stay….I think all those things put together constitute friendship. Besides, there is a dame good reason why I came to sit down here unless…unless you want me to stand up so you can see….” he was deliberately looking down at his trousers and Evelyn immediately caught on. She immediately backed away from him with a disgusted look on her face. “You are nuts!” Evelyn said. Kelvin innocently shrugged his shoulders. “I was just trying to be polite.” “You call that polite?” She was pointing at him. “You came at me almost naked,” Kelvin defended his virtue. “What the hell was I supposed to do? Whether you like it or not you are a very good looking woman…and my body just….” “Okay,” she raised her hand towards him to keep from talking further. “I get it, you can stop it now. Let’s change the subject to…how about you leave now?” As if he had not heard a thing, Kelvin shifted slightly in his seat to make himself more comfortable, putting one leg over the other and throwing Evelyn a daring look. “You of all people know what kind of relationship I have with your fiance and mother in-law.” Evelyn tried to reason with him. “What do you think they will think of me when they hear that we are hanging out? What exactly do you want from me? You couldn’t have just popped up at my door for nothing. I might not be that bright but I know how to read situations. Everything about you tells me that you are up to something.” Kelvin was quiet, thinking about what to say to her. She was right not to trust him. He had spent the past week cooking up reasons for seeing her and then more reasons why seeing her was such a bad idea. Evelyn had been on his mind from the moment he had laid eyes on her and she had somehow implanted herself in his head since. Kelvin was not sure what his feelings towards her where; whether it was mere curiosity, pity or something more, he was not sure…but he wanted desperately wanted to know. “I can see you thinking,” Evelyn pulled him out of his reverie. “Are you trying to use me…you know, since you know that I am your mother in-law’s somewhat Achilles heel? I heard you rick folks get married for reasons other than love.” Kelvin managed a laugh this time around. “I guess you are quite perspective after all,” he said. “So I’m right,” Evelyn said. “You want to dig up all the information you can find about me and then use it against the woman that gave birth to me so you can gain some advantage over her?” “Not necessarily,” Kelvin said. “But the business world is ruthless so…anything is possible. I am going to be honest with you though, if an opportunity presents itself where I could gain from divulging the information I know about you, I am going to use it. I know that if the roles where reversed, my mother in-law would not hesitate to use her cards against my family.” Evelyn gave up hope on seeing him leave any time soon and went to sit down, facing him. “I told you, I want nothing more to do with that family so if you think that….” “Relax Eva,” Kelvin said. “Don’t call me Eva,” she told him. “You and I aren’t that close.” “Why is it okay for you to hate me due to my association with your mother and yet…yet it’s not okay for me to like you based on that very association?” Kelvin asked. “I take it you are used to always having your way, isn’t it?” “As a matter of fact yes,” he said proudly. “Do you even love Moola?” “Of course I do,” Kelvin answered a little too quickly. “Why do you ask?” Evelyn shrugged her shoulders, “just curious,” she said. “Do you think I don’t love her?” He asked, separating his legs and leaning in towards her. Evelyn laughed softly. “Why are you acting all defensive? It was just a simple question.” “Moola might be a little eccentric but she’s a lovely girl,” Kelvin said. “Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” she asked him. “And did you just say a little eccentric? A little? I once saw her slap a waitress at a restaurant in one of those buildings owned by her father. She demanded that the waitress get down on her knees and beg for forgiveness and when the poor girl did, your fiance took the bowl of soup and poured it on top of her head…while everyone watched.” Embarrassment flashed across Kelvin’s face. “Okay, maybe she is extremely eccentric, but she has many more good qualities. She was just raised differently from most people. Her father is after all the richest man in the country. Even Presidents and ministers worship him.” “I guess that’s what you love about her…a marriage union with that kind of family can open all sorts of doors for anyone right?” “Yeah, that’s a fact,” Kelvin admitted. “You should really leave now,” Evelyn said. “I need to get ready to go somewhere right now.” “This is just another way of you trying to get rid of me isn’t it?” Evelyn laughed and got up. She walked over to the door and held it open for him. “Either way, you have overstayed your welcome.” “Okay,” Kelvin stood up whilst raising his hands in surrender. “I am going to leave now,” he was walking towards the door. “But I will come and visit again soon.” Evelyn glared at him. “No!” she said. “Please don’t do this again, I mean it,” she said. Kelvin only laughed as he walked passed her to his vehicle. * * * Beatrice was excited to have her husband back home after two months of being so far away from home. She had chosen to remain home to prepare his dinner while the driver went to pick him up from the airport. Shadreck Mwangala smiled when he entered his house and was welcomed by the smell of freshly cooked food. He silently thanked the heavens for giving him a wife that enjoyed preparing him home cooked meals. “You are here my love!” Beatrice came rushing from the kitchen into the living room to give her husband a welcoming hug. “Oh I missed you so much,” she said and planted a kiss on his lips. “I missed you too my darling,” the sixty-five year old man wrapped his young bride into his huge muscled arms. For a man his age, Shadreck was well-built and looked more fit that most men his age. “How is my number one woman in the whole world doing?” He asked as they walked hand in hand upstairs. “She was missing you terribly but now she is a very happy woman,” Beatrice said chirpily, squeezing his hand some more. “How was your flight?” “Not bad,” he said smiling. “But I am just glad I will be grounded for the next four months. No trips for four straight months, can you imagine that?” He was looking at her endearingly. Beatrice was all smiles. “That means I get to have a date for my fundraiser for the orphanage,” she said excitedly. She opened the door to the bedroom and allowed him to enter first. “hmmm, I missed this smell,” he said of the lavender scented air filling the room. He grabbed his wife by the waist and pulled her towards him.’’whispering into her ears he said, “I am starving.” Beatrice laughed and slightly pulled her head away from him. “Only after you take a warm bath and have your supper.” She said, and then leaning in she whispered, “you can have me for the rest of the night,” she teased before moving away from him to lay his laptop bag on the table. “This is exactly what I missed about home, being spoiled like this.” Shadreck proudly said. Beatrice turned to face him again. “I will be downstairs setting up the table while you bath.” “I have never understood why you never let anyone help you with preparing meals. We have two housekeepers, I am sure one of them must be good at cooking.” Shadreck said whilst taking off his coat. “I have told you several times my love, they are housekeepers, not chefs.” Beatrice said, moving closer to take the coat from him. “You also refused to hire a chef,” he reminded her. “It’s not like we can’t afford one. I just hate seeing you getting all worked up and tired worrying about what to cook.” “You should know me by now, I can’t trust anyone with food meant for my husband. I feel safer knowing that I am the one that prepared everything for him. Women can be very cunning, you have no idea.” Shadreck laughed as he sat on the edge of the bed. “Carol and what’s that other one’s name,” he scratched his head trying to remember. “Problem is you keep firing the maids before I even get to master their names. You are such a perfectionist Beatrice.” Beatrice laughed and knelt down before him to remove his shoes and socks. “You are a man, you wouldn’t understand how women’s minds work.” “But you’ve fired the boys working outside as many time as the females working inside.” “Are you trying to say that I am a bad boss?” Beatrice feigned crying. “No, no, no,” her husband said. Holding her by the shoulders and lifting her up to so she could sit on his laps. “You are the best boss…I just think that you are too much of a perfectionist. But I trust your judgement of course. It’s just that…sometimes I think that you still think about your past…you know, how you lost your fiance to another woman. I would never do that to you you know.” “I know,” Beatrice said, quickly avoiding his gaze. “I left something on the stove,” she quickly got up from his laps and started heading towards the door. “You go in there,” she pointed towards the bathroom. “…and I will head downstairs to finish up everything.” Shadreck got up, “I really wish you were joining me,” he said to his wife who was now standing by the door, ready to leave at any second. “Where’s that little fox?” He asked as he walked to the bathroom. “It’s Friday today,” Beatrice said, glad to have a change of topic. “There is only one place she could be.” “She is still pining after that fiance of hers?” “You mean Shadreck?” Beatrice laughed softly. “She’s still crazy about him but the good thing is he feels the same way. I have to rash down now my love, you take a shower and we can catch up all you want once you are done.” “Most certainly,” Beatrice heard him say before he turned on the shower. Evelyn had just gotten home from work and had not even put her bag down when she heard a knock on the door. A pair of hands grabbed her by the collar and neck the moment she opened the door and she was forcefully pulled outside. Before Evelyn could even register what was happening, she was pushed hard to the ground by the two women attacking her. She used her hands to keep her bottom from hitting the ground and ended up bruising her palms against the hard ground. Not one used to physical confrontations, Evelyn was not sure what to do and all she could manage was to ask, “who are you people? What’s going on here?” “Did you just ask who I am?” Moola moved closer to her and laid her six inch anorexic heel onto her leg. Evelyn quickly moved her leg and managed to get back up on her feet. Dusting the dirty off her hands, she asked. “I remember you,” she was pointing at Moola. “You are a Mwangala.” “How about we start pulling her hair out right now?” Cassie asked, looking more than ready for a fight. “I don’t have that much hair so,” Evelyn was saying before the glacial stares from the two girls shut her up. She might not have the courage to engage in a physical fight, but her vocal skills ere usually on point…as long as they didn’t pick the other option that always embarrassed her whenever she was nervous; freeze. “Is that what attracted Kelvin to you, your smart mouth?” Moola asked. “Kelvin?” Evelyn said. “Is that why you are here?” she then scoffed. “And I thought you were here because of something else. So you don’t remember me?” She asked Moola. Instead, Moola threw her a blank look. “Why would I know someone like you?” She turned to Cassie for confirmation. Cassie shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know her. Until today, I have only seen her from afar.” “I was at your place a few weeks ago talking to your mum. I was waiting by the gate with a suitcase when you guys drove in.” Moola tried to remember. “Are you my father’s relative? What is this? Because my mother kicked you out so you go after my man?” Evelyn laughed, silently wondering where the confidence was coming from. “I am neither your father’s relative nor I am after your man.” She said sternly. “You should have spoken to your mum and to your man before coming all the way here to embarrass yourself.” “What did you just say?” The two girls asked all at the same time. “If you want to know who I am, ask your mother and as for your man, do tell him to stop bothering me because I am not interested in being his friend.” “Let’s just beat this bitch up and get out of here M,” Cassie suggested. “I would love to see you try that,” Thando said from behind them. Evelyn could barely hide her relief upon seeing her best friend. “Who are you girls?” She addressed Moola and Cassie. “What are you causing a commotion at her house?” “Don’t you know who I am?” Moola asked her, pointing her finger at herself. “Don’t you ever get tired of asking people that question?” Evelyn asked. “I don’t care who the hell you are as long as you can get the hell out of here right now before I box both your heads in.” “You wouldn’t be talking to me like this if you knew who my father is,” Moola returned. Thando laughed. “Well, then you should have brought your father with you here so we can have a man to man talk. I don’t know what you think my friend here did to you but whatever it it, I am sure it is a misunderstanding which can be sorted out if you all spoke like human beings instead of acting like animals.” “Your friend here is a fiance snatcher and we only came here to teach her a lesson. A girl like her does not deserve any kind of respect.” Cassie said. Thando was overcome by fits of laughter while the two girls watched in astonishment. Evelyn on the hand was laughing, not at the accusation that had been leveled against her but at Thando’s unexpected reaction. “Is she talking about that guy that’s always coming here bothering you to be his little friend?” Thando asked once she recovered from laughing. Evelyn nodded. “Perhaps it’s a good thing you are here,” Thando turned to Moola. “I take it that Kelvin guy is your fiance?” “He is as good as my husband,” Moola answered. “We are getting married in seven weeks.” “Good for you,” Thando said sarcastically. “But here’s the thing sweetheart, help that husband of yours to train his eyes not to wonder. He keeps coming here bothering my girl claiming he wants to be friends but we all know that’s bullshit. He needs to stop and you are going to help him do that, okay?” Moola didn’t know how to respond and so she remained quite, her eyes turning red. “Let’s get out of here,” Cassie grabbed her friend’s hand and led her away. “Don’t forget to help him!” Thando shouted from behind while Evelyn laughed. “That was cruel,” Evelyn told her friend as they walked into the house. “She’s such a brat,” Thando said, throwing her handbag on the floor before throwing herself on the couch. “Do you remember that day she threw soup on a waitress?” “Of course I do,” Evelyn said. “How can I ever forget that?” “If I wasn’t a christian I was going to say that go after her man…just to teach her a lesson.” Evelyn laughed, “thank God you are a Christian then because I would never do that.” “Er,” Thando shrugged her shoulders once, “there’s no crime against thinking or imagining things. It just pisses me off when I think about the fact that I breathe the same air as such people in this world. Did that Kelvin guy call you again?” “He never called today,” Evelyn answered, sitting next to Thando on the couch. “I don’t even know who gave him my number and his line is private so, I can’t tell whether it’s him calling or someone else. I have no choice but to pick up his calls every time thinking that it might be an important call from someone else.” “I have a really bad feeling about that guy,” Thando was saying. “Why does he insist on wanting to be your friend when he will be getting married to your step-sister? Is that normal?” “I know right,” Evelyn said, a far-away expression on her face as she recalled the reasons he had given her for wanting to be close to her…reasons she had not been able to share with her best friend. Telling Thando those reasons would automatically mean that Kelvin would no longer be welcome at their house and Evelyn was not yet sure if she would welcome that development or not. However, the biggest question Evelyn seemed to be grappling with was why she cared so much about not being able to see Kelvin again. It was obvious she did not like him, but why did she care for his company so much? “How was work?” Evelyn immediately moved to change the topic. “Moola knows about your little side-chick,” Cassie told Kelvin the moment Moola had excused herself to go to the bathroom. Kelvin had been watching a group of girls dance their hearts out on the dance floor when he was forced to turn and look at Cassie. From where they were seated in the VIP section, the group had the perfect view of the dance floor below and they could see everyone coming in and going out of the club. “Side chick?” Kelvin asked. “Are you high already?” “Don’t try to be smart with me Kelvin,” Cassie said. “I might young but I am not dumb. The only reason Moola isn’t all up in your face is because she is too proud to confront you about it since she doesn’t have enough evidence. But I know what I saw.” “And just what did you see?” Kelvin asked with a smile on his face. He found the whole theme rather amusing than accusing. “I saw you constantly come in and out of that girl’s house in Hansworth.” Realization finally dawned on Kelvin’s face and then he laughed. He had known this moment would come eventually and it did. “You mean Evelyn?” “Yes, that same one,” Cassie said. “And can you believe what that girl said when we confronted her?” “You confronted her?” Kelvin was almost getting out of his chair but he stopped when everyone around the table turned to look at home. “Sorry guys, you can get back to your beer.” Kelvin told his friends before turning his attention back to Cassandra. “What did Evelyn say when you confronted her?” “She said that you are the one who’s busy chasing after her and not the other way round.” Cassie provided. “What?” Kelvin laughed. “Well, actually, it was her friend who said that. That Evelyn of yours said you are the follows her around wanting to be her friend and her friend said that we should tell you to stop bothering her because they know you want to be more than just friends with her.” “And Moola believed that?” Kelvin asked. “She did, those girl’s were too convincing and to make matters worse, that Evelyn girl didn’t seem at all interested in you. Instead of us embarrassing them, they ended up taunting us and we ran out of there as fast as we could.” “So that’s why Moola’s been in such a bad mood this evening,” Kelvin said. “You think?” Cassie asked sarcastically. “What are you guys talking about?” Moola had joined them. Kelvin grabbed her hand and led her to sit on his laps. “I hear you are mad at me?” He said to her. Moola wanted to turn to look at her friend but Kelvin put his hands on her cheeks and turned her face towards him. “I heard you confronted my side-chick,” he said with a smile on his face. “Are you laughing right now?” Moola was obviously agitated and ready to blow at any minute. “Calm down, she is not my girlfriend.” “She’s not?” Moola quickly asked. “Wait, what am I thinking?” She added. “It’s not like I expect you to admit it to my face that you are seeing her.” Kelvin was finding the whole thing amusing. “Are you jealous? I thought you were too hot to stress about other bitches?” He reminded her of her own words. “That was before my own friend saw you going in and out of another girl’s house.” “And you assumed I was seeing her just because of that?” “Well,” “That girl works for one of the largest law firms in the country,” Kelvin started explaining. “You know Ted Zulu right? The son of the former Minister of Finance?” “Of course I know him. He married his best friend’s ex-wife and set up that law firm under her name. But what has that got to do with what we are talking about?” Moola asked. “That firm is representing those five workers that got injured at my uncle’s factory. I was coming from Cassie’s place when I saw that girl and I remembered seeing her at court from a distance. I got close to her so….” “So you could get her to reveal information about the case to you and then send it to your uncle’s attorneys?” Moola excitedly finished for him. “Exactly!” Kelvin said. “I knew it!” Moola said. “I knew that there was no way you would cheat on me,” she was now looking at Cassin accusingly. “This girl kept on insisting that you were up to no good and I just couldn’t ignore it.” Cassie was just starring at her blankly, unable to hear whatever the two were talking about from where she was seated. “Well, I am so glad this happened because for the first time I get to see you act all jealous.” Kelvin was smiling up at her. Moola leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. “Next time warn me in advance before I embarrass myself,” she told him. “I can’t wait to see the look on that girl when she realizes that you were just using her.” “Yeah, me too,” Kelvin said, his features suddenly turning sober. “I need to go to the gents,” he told Moola who then moved to let him stand. She was all smiles as she planted a kiss on his cheek and then grabbed Cassie’s hand to lead her downstairs on the dance floor. “Come and join us when you are done!” She shouted to her fiance before exiting the room. * * * Tanzania Lucy Ziwa had just put her six month old baby boy to sleep and was ready to hit the sack when her cell phone. She quickly picked it up and tip-toed out of the room. There could only be one person calling her at such an ungodly hour. “Hello,” she said, slowly closing the door behind her and walked to the room furthest from her bedroom. “Is everything okay?” Asked a woman’s voice from the other end of the line. “Yes, it’s all good madam. It wasn’t easy to convince him but he finally agreed…but for only four months. He said no more than that.” “Good,” the woman said. “Four months isn’t bad. We can work with that. How are the kids doing? “They are all fine,” Lucy said with a smile on her face. “I just managed to put Reagan to sleep to now. I hope I can also get some much needed sleep as well before he wakes up again. It’s such….” “I have to go now,” the woman’s voice cut whatever else she was about to say off. “I will see you soon and we can talk then.” And she ended the call without giving Lucy a chance to say goodbye. Lucy put her phone down on her kitchen island and walked to the fridge. She poured herself a glass of water, drunk the water and turning suddenly, she smashed the glass onto the floor and sent the pieces scattering all over the place, brusing her left foot in the process. She had awakened the baby again. “Mum!” She heard her five year old shout from the other room. “I am coming,” Lucy yelled. “Stay there, don’t come into the kitchen. It’s just a glass that has broken.” She then looked down at her feet and saw her blood soaked foot. As if in a trance, Lucy remained fixed in that position for some time while her son wailed for her attention at the highest stretch of his vocal cords. And suddenly, as if unpossessed by the demon that had been holding on to her, Lucy lifted her head up looked towards the direction where her son’s cries were coming from. Forgetting about the pieces of broken glass on the floor, Lucy quickly ran to her son, leaving a long trail of blood in her wake
14 Aug 2018 | 05:27
hmmmmmm,,,, who Is this Lucy? and what is Kelvin really really up to?
14 Aug 2018 | 07:13
14 Aug 2018 | 10:13
Kevin why are you disturbing Eva nah pls let her be
14 Aug 2018 | 12:44
14 Aug 2018 | 13:29
14 Aug 2018 | 18:31
Who's Lucy n who was she talking to on de fone? There are a lot of secrets to be revealed sha!!!
14 Aug 2018 | 19:18
I believe Lucy is Beatrice husband's secret woman
14 Aug 2018 | 20:17
should I take it that you people don't like this story or what
15 Aug 2018 | 04:36
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 6 wp-1458723979648.png The following Monday morning, Shadreck Mwangala graciously greeted his employees as he headed to his office, smiling to some, waving to others, and stopping every now and then to exchange a few pleasantries with some of them. It was a well-known fact that the business mogul was well-liked by almost everyone. “Good morning old woman?” the CEO peeped through his secretary’s office before going to his. “Good morning Sir,” the fifty-five year old woman cheerfully returned. “You look very radiant boss,” she said. “I take it your trip went well?” Because she took so much pride in her age and never missed an opportunity to educate those younger than her, Grace had earned herself the Old Woman nickname around the office, a name she embraced very proudly. Advertisements Report this ad Thanks to Beatrice, Grace Banda had been given the opportunity to be the secretary of the richest man in the country at her age. It was no secret why Beatrice had hand-picked her for the position; the woman hated the idea of young girls and single women prancing around her billionaire husband every day of the week. Because she was happily married and with four children, Grace had beaten a long list of eligible candidates to become Mr Mwangala’s secretary. Mr Mwangala returned the smile. “It could be that the trip went well or that I am just happy to finally be back home…or it could be both!” he told her. Grace laughed. “I see you haven’t changed Sir. How come you did not come with the boss lady today?” “Beatrice has a few things to take care of at her Salons. She will be here later in the day. Anything for me this morning?” He asked. Advertisements Report this ad “Your young friend Mr Sampa is here,” she said. “He’s waiting for you in your office.” “Oh yeah,” Shadreck said, scratching his head slightly. “I forgot that I had asked him to report here first thing in the morning. Bring some tea for me…and you know he’s usual right?” Grace nodded, “I do, have already served him but will bring a fresh cup for him as well just in case.” “Thank Old one,” Shadreck said and left for his office, smiling. “Young man,” Mr Mwangala said to the twenty-something year old man he found siting in his office. Advertisements Report this ad The young man smiled, stood up and offered his hand to Shadreck. “Good morning Sir?” he greeted. “Please sit,” Mr Mwangala motioned for him to sit down after exchanging a handshake. “You are the only Zambian I know that keeps time no matter the circumstance Sampa. Keep up with the same spirit and you will be successful in life. So how have you been? The wife? Business?” “Everything and everyone’s fine Sir, can’t complain.” Sampa replied. “When did you get back?” “Last week Friday,” Shadreck laid his laptop bag on the table and removed the computer from there. “Just a few days ago and you are already back in the office?” Sampa said. Advertisements Report this ad Shadreck laughed in his usual deep and hoarse voice. “That’s how life is young man,” he said, turning on his laptop and waiting for it to fully come on. “People think that life for those already successful is easy but the truth is that’s not always the case,” he was saying. “Once you attain success, there is always the fear that you might lose it or it might slip right through your hands and you find yourself back where you started. That naturally forces you to work even harder.” Just then Grace walked in with a tray of beverages. She set the cups before the men in the room and quietly walked out. “It seems I always learn something new whenever I visit you,” Sampa said once they were alone. “Good, because I want you to succeed in life instead of getting too comfortable. Your father was too scared to take chances but you have an opportunity to make something of your life. Now, do you have what I asked for?” “I do,” Sampa picked up his bag and removed a large brown envelope and handed it over to him. “Everything I found on her is in there,” he said as he gave the envelope. Advertisements Report this ad Mr Mwangala took the envelope and put it down without opening it. “Give me a summary,” he said. “I don’t think I will have the time today to go through everything.” “I used the images I got from your security team at home to follow up on her,” Sampa started. “Her name is Evelyn Nanyangwe, her father is registered as Unknown on her birth certificate, her mother is…ah…Beatrice Nanyangwe…your wife sir,” Sampa paused to let the business mogul register the announcement. “Go on,” Shadreck leaned back into his huge leather chair and motioned for the young man to continue, a complete blank expression on his face. “She is twenty-four years old,” Sampa nervously continued. “She as raised by her grandmother, a woman called Melody Sinyangwe…your late mother in-law. She works as a secretary at a law firm called Sibu & Associates…she is single and has no children.” “Did you find out what her reasons for trying to reconnect with my wife are?” Mr Mwangala asked, his voice tuned to the perfect pitch. “I gathered it was because your wife is the only family she has left. However, judging from her Facebook updates, things did not go as planned and she appears to have given up on trying to reconnect with her. Of course she did not explicitly say that…she merely implied it but I was able to make conclusions based on their body language during their meeting outside your home.” Shadreck Mwangala shut his eyes and placed his fingers on his eyelids. With his head bowed down, he stayed like that for what felt like forever. “Is that all?” He had asked when he finally lifted his head up and opened his eyes. “I am afraid that’s all I could find Sir,” Sampa said. “You only asked me to find out what her relationship to your wife is and since I got the assignment only two days ago….” “I know,” Mr Mwangala said. “That’s all I needed to know. I am already regretting having asked you to dig into my wife’s past. That’s a part of her life she never likes talking about and I have respected that for all these years. There was just something about that girl that bothered me when I saw the surveillance videos.” “If you want me to find out more about the girl’s father,” Sampa was saying. “No, no, no,” Shadreck said, sitting up in his chair. “I think I already know what happened to him. She had mentioned something about him when we first met…she just never told me they had a child together. He’s dead already so you don’t need to find out anything.” “I understand Sir,” Sampa said. “Did she hate him that much to even forsake his daughter…her own daughter?” Mr Mwangala said, the words coming out as in a whisper. “What did you sat Sir?” Sampa asked. Shadreck looked up at him and shook his head. “Sorry about that, I was just thinking out loud. I hope you haven’t told anyone about this little task I gave you.” “Of course not sir, I did as per our agreement.” “Good,” the business man said. “I didn’t want to give anyone else this task. This is a very personal issue and I couldn’t risk it getting into the hands of the wrong people that’s why I asked you to help me out. You are like a son to me so I know I can always count on you.” “I owe you my life Sir,” Sampa said. “I am always here whenever you need my assistance. I would never disappoint you.” “Good, I like hearing that.” Shadreck removed a key from the inner pocket of his jacket and moved his chair backwards so he would have enough space to bend over and open his office that was under his desk. He took out some cash and placed it into a small envelope before handing it to Sampa. “That should take care of everything,” he said as he handed over the envelope. “Thank you very much sir,” Sampa reached out and took the envelope. “If there’s nothing more,” “It’s fine yes,” Shadreck said. “You can go now. Thank you for this,” he tapped the envelope on the table. Once he was alone in his office, Shadreck took the envelope into his hand and starred at it for a very long time, debating in his mind whether to open it or not. He finally opened it. He separated the documents from the pictures and decided to go through the latter first. After going through a number of pictures, one image caught his attention and Shadreck put down the rest of them and remained with that one in his hand. It was a picture of Kelvin standing outside Evelyn’s door. The time stamp on the corner of the image is what seemed to have caught Shadreck’s eye more than anything else on the picture. It was 21:32. Shadreck suddenly put the photo down and grabbed the rest of the bunch he had yet to look at. The next few photos were showing a progression of Kelvin’s movements outside Evelyn’s apartment; It appeared he never knocked on the door. Instead, he turned back to his vehicle and drove away. Shadreck threw the photos down on the table and pulled the land phone closer to him and quickly dialled a number. Kelvin was just getting into his office when his cell phone rang from his pocket. Seeing who was calling from the screen, he quickly closed the door behind him and went round his desk to sit down. “Mr Mwangala?” Kelvin said. “Good morning son!” His soon-to-be father in-law cheerfully greeted him. “I am okay Sir, is everything okay?” Kelvin immediately asked. It was rare for the man to call him. For all the years he had been with his daughter, Kelvin could count on one hand the number of times he had called him…and most of those times where to ask if his daughter was with him. Shadreck chuckled before responding, “Of course everything is fine. Apologies for calling you this early in the morning but you will be marrying my daughter soon so this couldn’t wait. You are still going ahead with the marriage isn’t it?” “Of course we are Sir, why are you asking me such a question?” Kelvin’s heart was pounding loud and fast. “Can’t a father worry about his own daughter?” Shadreck asked. “The wedding is still going ahead Sir, I promise.” “That’s good then but we should still meet for a glass of beer. Same place tonight say….6pm.” “Yes sir, I’ll be there,” Kelvin replied. The moment Kelvin was done with that call, he called his mother. “I think the old man is starting to suspect something mum,” was the first thing he said to his mother the moment she picked up his call. “What are you talking about? What did you do to raise his suspicions? I thought you had everything under control.” “I did…I am sure I did. But he’s acting strange. He just called me and asked if we were still going ahead with the wedding.” “Did something happen that might suggest otherwise?” His mother aked. “I don’t think so,” Kelvin tried to think. “Wait,” he said. “What did you do?” His mother asked, sensing something. Kelvin vigorously rubbed his hand through his hair in frustration. “Perhaps it’s Moola,” “What about Moola?” “There is this project I am helping Uncle with…you know, the case with those factory workers. I was trying to get close to some girl that works at that law firm that’s representing them so I could get her to divulge some information and Moola found out and got jealous.” “How many times have I told you to stop helping out that useless uncle of yours Vinny? He has his own capable son to take care of him. Why should he use my son? This is not the time to be making such foolish mistakes. When your father died, he was one of the top people that wanted to take everything away from us. I can’t believe he’s my own brother. If I was not such a strong-willed person, we would all be on the streets right now.” “Mother, that was a long time ago and he apologized. Can’t we all just move on now? Why do you like holding on to the past so much?” “Because I was happy in the past Vinny….I was so dame happy back then but they took everything from me and I vowed never to…..” her voice was starting to break. “It’s alright mum,” Kelvin quickly intervened. “I am sorry I brought it. I will set the record straight with the old man and everything will be fine. I will give Uncle’s case to someone else to handle. Is that okay?” He could hear his mother smiling from the other end of the line. “That’s more like my son now,” she said. “I will also give him a call just to put his mind at ease.” “I have to get back to work now mum, let’s chat again later. I love you.” “I love you too son, bye.” Kelvin set his phone down and covered his face in his hands. How did things get this complicated? He asked himself. I am so sorry for lying to you mother…please forgive me. I also wish I knew what I was doing. This is not easy for me.’ I just want it to end. Kelvin thought as his mind went back to the night he had driven all the way to Evelyn’s place only to change his mind and leave without seeing her. “Why did I even go there?” Kelvin lamented, kicking his legs against each other. * * * Evelyn was walking from the office to the bus stop when a man who appeared to be in his mid forties stopped her. Thinking that he was someone in need of directions, she stopped and smiled at him. “I am very sorry to disturb you ma’am,” the gentle looking man said. “There is someone who would love to have a chat with you.” He was pointing towards the black Mercedes Benz parked some distance behind him. Evelyn’s immediately wiped the smile off her face. “Excuse me Mr, who do you think I am? I am not interested in this kind of thing. You should some other girls. And tell whoever is sitting in that vehicle to grow a pair.” She was glaring accusingly at the vehicle hoping that whoever was sitting behind the tinted windows would get the message written all over her face. “How can a grown man so shamelessly send someone else to do his dirty work? Doesn’t he have any pride?” Instead of getting upset, the man appeared amused by her tantrum. “Are you laughing at me?” Evelyn asked. “I am very sorry Ma’am,” he wasn’t. “Perhaps this might help.” He opened his palm to reveal a business card. He offered it to her. Evelyn was ready to dismiss him when the name written on the card caught her eye. She quickly grabbed the card from him and gave it another look. “Is this the man sitting in that vehicle right now?” Evelyn asked. The gentleman only nodded. “How do I know you are not lying to me?” She asked, looking him over suspiciously. He smiled. “Are you sure you’ve never seen me anywhere before? I always appear anywhere that man appears. I am always either beside him or behind him.” Evelyn stepped back to take another look at him. She smiled and said. “You are right, I thought your face looked familiar the moment I saw you. I have seen you on Tv and even on newspapers. But….what does he want from me?” “That I can’t tell you ma’am,” the strangely familiar man said. Evelyn sighed deeply and started walking towards the vehicle that seemed to be attracting the attention of every passer-by. Once they were by the vehicle, the gentleman opened the back passenger door for her and she quickly slid inside. The gentleman closed the door after her and walked back around to take up the seat behind the wheel. “I thought I was going to have to come out to convince you to come,” Shadreck said to her once she was settled next to him. “What do you want?” Evelyn asked. The car started moving. “Where are you taking me?” Evelyn slowly started to panic. She immediately remembered the night of the accident. She might not have been sure of who was behind the wheel but she had her suspicions. “Relax little Eva,” Shadreck calmly told her. She threw him a look. “It was you that night wasn’t it?” She asked and then looked to the side to check if the doors were locked. They weren’t. “Why are you panicking like I am kidnapping you?” Mr Mwangala asked. “Relax,” he tried to hold her hand but she quickly pulled it away. Evelyn tried to look outside and she noticed they were now on the highway. “Where are you taking me?” She asked again. “Has someone ever tried to kidnap you before?” Shadreck asked, finding her behaviour rather amusing. Evelyn turned to glare at him. “Are you telling me that it wasn’t you that tried to run me over that night?” Shadreck gaped at her. “Run you over?” “I know it was dark but I remembered that vehicle. That was your wife’s car. I know it was her vehicle.” “Why would your own mother try to kill you?” He asked. “I knew you knew who I was!” she said accusingly. “If I truly wanted to do something to you, I wouldn’t have picked you up in broad daylight…and these doors would be fully secured. You are free to get out of this vehicle if you just ask.” To test his sincerity, Evelyn tried to open the door on her side and it actually open. Now in a state of panic, she tried to close it again but she was so nervous she couldn’t get it to shut tightly. The gentleman driver slowly brought the car to a stop by the side of the road and came around to close it properly for her. “Do you trust me now?” Shadreck asked her, a smile playing on his face. “If it wasn’t you that tried to hit me that night, then it was your wife. She made it clear to me how much she detests me and doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.” They were back on the road. “Did she ask you to meet me so you can threaten me some more?” Evelyn asked. “Beatrice doesn’t even know that I know about you.” Evelyn threw him a questioning look. “She doesn’t know,” he repeated. “That’s why I came to meet you. I can understand why my wife might have reservations about bringing you into our lives. That part of her past where you come from was very traumatic for her.” “Traumatic for her?” Evelyn asked in shock. “What did she tell you about her past?” “I didn’t want to meet you to talk about my wife.” Shadreck said. “However, I do understand why you might harbour such feelings towards her. She did after all abandon you at the most critical time of your life.” “So did you come to me to try and make up for what she did to me using money?” She asked. Shadreck laughed. “I got found out,” he said. “But,” he quickly added. “I am not trying to buy everything you might have gone through living life without the care of your mother and father…there is no price that can be put to that. I just wanted to….” “You just wanted to pay me off so you could keep my mouth shut so as not to damage your perfect wife’s reputation, right?” “There’s that yes but there’s also the fact that you are my wife’s blood. I can’t go on in life pretending you don’t exist. What my wife cannot do, it is my responsibility as her husband to step in for her.” “Wow, I guess Beatrice did get a second chance after all. I just happened to pick up the tab for all her sins,” Evelyn said with tears in her eyes. “How did she get so lucky?” She added under her breath as tears streamed down her eyes. “It’s just not fair.” Shadreck handed her a box of tissue and Evelyn grabbed a few. For a while, there was silence in the vehicle as it moved. “Where are you taking me?” Evelyn finally broke the silence. “Don’t you recognize this area?” Shadreck Mwangala asked. “We are taking you home.” Evelyn looked out the window and recognized her neighbourhood. “That’s all?” She looked at him. “You are not going to shove an envelope of money in my face and ask me to stay away from your wife?” Shadreck chuckled. “I only came to make the offer today. It is up to you to come to me to collect whenever you are ready. If I force the money on you, you will hold no loyalty for me. But if you come to me for it, you will owe yourself a lot more than loyalty. There’s no greater enemy to battle than yourself.” “I see,” Evelyn said. Parked outside her place, Shadreck handed her his business card. “I already have that,” Evelyn said, showing him the one she had taken from the driver. “Oh, I forgot about that.” He put the card back. “Call me anytime you need to talk.” “I don’t think so,” Evelyn said as she got out of the vehicle. “But thank you for offering anyway.” “Tell me something,” Shadreck stopped her outside the door. “When did the almost hit and run happen?” It was on Friday…somewhere around midnight. Are you thinking about doing your own investigations?” “If possible, yes…just to prove to you that my wife had nothing to do with it.” He said. “Good luck with dealing with the truth, I know you will need it.” Evelyn said and walked away. Shadreck watched her retreating figure in silence, a sombre look expression on his face. “Take us home Oliver,” he told his driver who was still holding the door open after Evelyn. Oliver closed the door and walked back to his station. When Evelyn entered the house, she was about to head straight to the bedroom when something made her stop in the living room. A conversation she had had with Kelvin on the phone when he first started calling her flashed through her mind. “Is this Ms Chileshe?” The male caller had asked her. “Ms Chileshe?” She had asked, ready to end the call when she remembered George’s story. Herbert Chileshe, the thought had crossed her mind as she stood in the living room. “Who’s this?” She had asked the caller right before he hang up. Two hours later, Kelvin had called her. “Evelyn?” he had said. “Who’s this?” standing in the middle of the living room. “This is Kelvin,” you remember me? Moola’s fiancé.” “Where you the one who had called about two hours ago?” She had asked him. “Me?” he had laughed. “I got your number from someone just now. What’s wrong?” Evelyn remembered feeling uncomfortable about the whole thing. Kelvin’s voice and the previous caller’s sounded very much alike and yet he had denied calling her. So who had it been that had called her Ms Chileshe? As far as she knew, only George and Beatrice knew about who her father was. She had always used her grandfather’s name Sinyangwe and until her conversation with George not so long ago, she had had no idea who Herbert Chileshe was. If it really had been Kelvin calling, why would he hang up like that and then lie to her about it? He had already told her what his intentions with her were. It’s not like it would be a surprise to her if she discovered that he had somehow learnt about who her father was. It was after all his mission to discover whatever he could about his soon to-be mother in-law in a bid to have an advantage over her. Could it have been Mr Mwangala? Evelyn scratched her head. Was that why he had finally approached her in person? Evelyn shook her head to dismiss her running thoughts and went to throw herself on her bed. That night as Shadreck lay in bed with his wife, he nonchalantly asked her, “Meagan that white friend of mine that lives in Olympia, she told me that she saw your vehicle in that area late at night a few weeks ago.” Beatrice gave her husband a puzzled look. “Late at night? A few weeks ago? You know I can’t drive in the night honey. What are you talking about? I am sure she a familiar car and thought….” she paused. “What?” Shadreck asked her. “Did you remember something? Was it you?” “Did she tell you which day?” “She did,” he said. “Friday, it was around midnight or so. She and her husband were coming from a wedding and you drove past each other.” “Oh yeah, she’s right! It was probably my vehicle she saw,” Beatrice said. “That was the day Kelvin had borrowed it because his was heating up after he dropped off Moola. I gave him mine to use for the night and he returned it very early the very next day.” “Kelvin?” Shadreck asked, a chill ran down his spine as a look of dread crept into his eyes. What are you up to Kelvin? Shadreck Mwangala thought
15 Aug 2018 | 04:38
this is complicated
15 Aug 2018 | 15:11
Lucy is Beatrice husband’s side chick
15 Aug 2018 | 20:37
Kelvin??? What is really going on??? Things r really getting complicated!!!
15 Aug 2018 | 20:42
Kevin what are you up to
16 Aug 2018 | 10:10
i dont even have any idea about kelvin mission
16 Aug 2018 | 15:58
What's going on Kelvin
17 Aug 2018 | 02:25
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 7 image Kelvin was turning and tossing in his sleep, desperately trying to awaken from the grips of the nightmare that had haunted him for the past twenty years. When he finally succeeded in forcing himself awake, he stepped out of his bed and went to open both widows of his bedroom. With no shirt on and with sweat dripping from his forehead, Kelvin flung the curtains open and starred into his dark backyard like a man trying to master all his strength for the battles awaiting him ahead. He stood like that for close to five minutes before turning to look at the time on his alarm clock resting on his bedside table. It was about the only thing in the room he could clearly make out from where he was standing. 02:21, the alarm clock announced in its blue visionary wonder. Advertisements Report this ad “Looks like it’s already my birthday,” Kelvin said to himself, a severe expression on his face as he slowly walked back to lay on his bed; his whole body facing up while his head rested on his arms over the pillow. Suddenly struck by a thought, Kelvin reached out to the bedside table and grabbed his phone. He quickly went through his call log and messages and found tones of them from Moola and some from his friends, obviously wishing him a happy birthday. “Nothing from you mother,” Kelvin said as he tossed his phone to the other side of the bed in frustration. “Nothing,” he lamented. “What was I expecting?” Are you happy dear sister? Does this make you happy wherever you are? Kelvin thought to himself. Advertisements Report this ad “You could have picked any other day to die…why did it have to be my birthday?” Kelvin asked himself as an image of a truck ramming into his sister’s car flashed through his mind. “Happy birthday?” He scoffed. How could he possibly celebrate his birthday when it coincided with the day he lost his sister, the apple of his parent’s eyes? The memory of that day was engraved on both his heart and mind and it kept replaying itself very so vividly whenever his birthday came. * * * Advertisements Report this ad Ten year old Kelvin had jumped out of his father’s vehicle the moment it was parked in front of his sister’s house. After driving for so many hours, he was more than excited to have finally arrived. It had been such a long time since he had seen his older sister. “Slow down young man before you lose a leg!” His father shouted behind him. But Kelvin wasn’t listening. He ran passed Irene the maid who was standing outside waiting to welcome them. He was so consumed in his excitement at finally getting to celebrate his birthday with his sister that he did not see the distraught look on Irene’s face as he ran passed her. “Nora! Nora!” he ran into almost every room of the house expecting to find his sister but there were no signs of her. Advertisements Report this ad “It’s a good thing you are here sir,” Kelvin found Irene talking to his father when he ran back outside. “Where’s my sister Aunt Irene?” The ten year old Kelvin had asked the woman who appeared to be crying. “What’s wrong Ba Make Joe?” His father had asked. “Did something happen to my daughter?” “You just missed her Sir,” Irene replied. “She got into her car and drove off after talking to Ms Melody on the phone.” “Ms Melody? Isn’t she the lady….” Advertisements Report this ad “Yes that same one sir.” “What did they talk about to make her leave home at this hour?” “All I know is that she had an argument with her husband, she kicked him out and then she called Ms Melody to ask for an address. I think she has gone to see Ms Melody’s daughter Beatrice.” “What?” Alfred Kangwa had asked. “That girl is very evil sir; you have to follow the madam just in case something happens. She is a very dangerous girl that one and Madam is in a delicate situation right now.” Irene informed him. “What do you mean by delicate?” “She is pregnant sir.” “Do you know her address?” He asked. “I can write it down for you. I had heard her say it when she was speaking on the phone.” Irene quickly ran into the house to write down the address while Kelvin’s father got back into his vehicle. “Where do you think you are going?” Alfred asked his son who had just joined him in the car. Kelvin banged the door and strapped his seatbelt on. “I also want to protect my sister if she is in danger dad.” He innocently yet determinedly told his father. “I have no time for your drama young man; you better get out right now before I lose my cool.” But just then, Irene appeared with a piece of paper in hand. She handed it to him and stepped away from the vehicle. “I am only taking you with me because I have no time to enter into an argument with you,” Alfred told his son as he turned his vehicle around. “There’s her car dad, over there!” Kelvin was excitedly pointing in the distance to the side of the road where his sister’s car was parked. “And there she is!” He pointed to her as she came out of the gate. “Drive faster before she leaves dad!” He shouted at his father. “How are you even able to tell it’s her at this hour and from this far?” Alfred asked his son. “Because I know her car and I know her very well, she’s my sister.” He proudly said. “And she is my daughter,” his father laughed. “But she is closer to me and she loves me more,” Kelvin answered back. But his father was no longer listening to him. Something in the distance had caught his eye. “What’s going on?” Alfred asked, looking at the scene just ahead of them. “Isn’t that Herbert? What is he doing here?” Kelvin quickly rolled down the window and put his head out. “Nora!” He shouted towards his sister’s vehicle. “Why have you slowed down dad? She is going to leave!” Completely ignoring his panicking son, Alfred parked his car to the side of the road just a short distance from where his daughter’s car was parked. “It looks like her husband still wants to talk to her. Let’s give them some time. Your mother interferes too much in her business; I don’t want her to think I have become the same.” “But dad,” Kelvin had turned towards his father and was ready to launch an argument with him when the look of horror on his face stopped him. And then came the sound of tires screeching against the tared road, the sound of metal against metal and when he turned his head, it was only to confirm his worst fears. The ten year old boy saw his sister’s small vehicle reduced to half its size as the sound of broken glass and tired tyres filled the late evening air. Kelvin had passed out. * * * Kelvin was forced out of his reverie by the ringing of his phone on the other side of the bed. He grabbed it and answered without checking his screen. “Hello,” he said, his voice sounding almost out of breath. “Son, are you okay?” His mother asked. “Mum,” Kelvin sat up on his bed. “I saw that you were online just a few minutes ago…so I thought I should check up on you. You can’t sleep?” Kelvin shut his eyes and pressed his fingers hard over them, as if to force his tears back. When he opened his eyes again, they were flaming red, like a man that had just risen from the pits of hell. “It’s one of those days,” was all Kelvin could tell his mother. “What time is it over there?” “It’s daytime,” she replied. “How are you holding up?” She asked in a very low tone. “What do you expect mum?” Kelvin answered. “I am even surprised you called.” “I know, me too.” She said. “Something you said to me last year made me realise that I was being very unfair to you.” “What did I say?” “Well, you didn’t say it directly per se…but I could tell just how much this whole thing affected you. I know that I have changed a lot ever since your sister’s death. I lost control….I was too busy mourning her and your dad…and doing everything possible to avenge their untimely death that I forgot to be a mother to you.” “Mum….” “Let me speak,” her voice was shaking, as if from crying. “I need to get this off my chest. I am sorry son…I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to celebrate your birthday with you. Instead of mourning a lost daughter, I think it’s better for me to celebrate the life of the only child I still have.” Kelvin couldn’t help but cry. How long had he waited for this moment to come? However, he couldn’t help wondering what had happened for his mother to turn around like that. “I am grateful enough that you are helping me avenge her wrongful death and that’s good enough for me. Wherever she is, she will always be in my heart…in our hearts Vinny. So…, happy birthday son. I love you. I love you with all my heart.” “Mum,” Kelvin said as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Mum…thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” “I know son,” she said. “I am happy to hear the smile in your voice on your birthday. It’s been a long time coming.” “I love you too mum.” “Have yourself a great time today and don’t think about anything else, okay?” “Yes…thank you so much mother.” “I am going to look for a giant present for you so you go back to sleep and I will skype you later in the night. Happy birthday Kelvin. Go back to bed now.” “Goodbye mum,” Kelvin was grinning from ear to ear as he put his phone down. “I guess this calls for a celebration,” he said to himself with a tear stained face. “How about I give you and me a big present sis? We both deserve it on this special day of ours.” He picked up his phone again and dialled a number. “I have a job for you in the evenings,” he told whoever was on the other side. “Meet me at our usual place at 2pm today for instructions.” “Yes boss,” said a very deep masculine voice. Tanzania After ending the call with her son, Mrs Mervis Kangwa put her cell phone back into her handbag and walked out of the airport. She found her driver waiting outside, holding the door open for her. “Welcome back Madam,” the middle aged man smiled and bowed his head slightly. “Thank you Stephen,” Mervis replied and got into the car. “Is Lucy at home?” She asked Stephen who was now behind the wheel. “Yes ma’am,” he replied. “She is expecting you.” “Good,” Mervis said and put her sunglasses back on, shifting slightly to make herself a little more comfortable. * * * After cleaning up her desk for the day break, Evelyn knocked on her boss’ door to say goodbye. “Come in,” Sibusiswe said from the other side of the room. Evelyn opened the door slightly and peeped in. “I’m heading out now boss,” she said. Sibusiswe slowly got up from her chair, revealing her six months old pregnancy in the process. “It’s time already isn’t it?” She checked her wrist watch. “It’s amazing how time moves so fast when you have too much work to do.” “You look like you are going to pop any minute,” Evelyn teased her. “This is what I get for marrying a man whose family has a long history of twins,” Sibu said, placing her hand on her side to cushion the pain from her back. “Do you need a ride?” Sibu asked. “Ted should be coming down any minute. We can leave you somewhere close to home. You can get a cab from there. It gets dark fast these days you know.” Evelyn laughed. “You worry too much Madam Pregnant, I will be just fine. I actually think that it’s quicker to get on a bus than to use private transport. Those bus driver’s show no mercy on the road.” “You should try describing them when you are using your own private transport; you won’t be smiling like that then.” Sibu said, picking up her handbag from her desk. Evelyn chuckled. “You are so right. I know I would hate them if I was driving my own car. Do you need me to help you with your bag?” She was pointing to Sibu’s handbag. “Pregnancy is not a disability Eva, stop acting like my husband.” “And just what am I being accused of in here?” Ted popped up from behind Evelyn. Evelyn quickly stepped away from the door to give him space to enter. Ted went inside and gave his wife a hug. “Been waiting the whole day to do this,” he said. “We were together during lunch Ted…and you did way more than this.” Sibu accused. “Okay, am gonna leave you two lovebirds now,” Evelyn announced and turned to leave. “See you tomorrow and have a good night!” She waved to them. Ted released Sibu from the embrace and laughing, he said, “I think you made your secretary blush.” “It’s about time she found herself a boyfriend that one,” Sibu said. She tried to get her coat from the hanger but ted beat her to it. He removed it and helped her put it on. He then grabbed her handbag from her, took her hand into his and led them out of the office. Evelyn was lucky to find a bus already waiting at the station. She ran to secure a place before it filled up and managed to find a seat at the very back by the window side. Four more people and the bus was off. She put her head sets on and turned her volume on full blast to keep anyone from trying to chat her up. Whenever she was on the bus, there was nothing she hated more than some peculiar stranger trying to engage her in an awkward conversation all in the hopes of getting her number or using her as an audience for exercising bragging rights. As the music played in her ears, Evelyn couldn’t help smiling at the thought of Ted and Sibu. She had never seen a happier couple before. Will I ever find something like that? She wondered. She told herself. If my own mother wants nothing to do with me…who the hell would give me that sort of happiness? That kind of luck only happens to those blessed from birth. I was cursed even before I came out of that woman’s womb. Anyway, it doesn’t hurt to wish. When the bus finally stopped at Marshlands, Evelyn came out and with her headsets still on, she walked the remaining distance to her place. She was so engrossed in her music that she did not hear the van pull up in front of her just as she turned into the street leading straight to her home. Two strong looking men approached her from the sides and while one grabbed her by the head and held a cloth to her nose and mouth, the other scooped her up from the ground and carried her into the van. She had no time to scream or kick in protest. She was knocked out by the chloroform the moment she was put in the van. When Evelyn came to, she found herself alone in someone’s bedroom. The room was very dark so she could not make out much of her surroundings. However, she could make out the bed with its clean white linen positioned right in the middle of the room. When she lifted her head slightly to look around, she saw other movements around her from every corner of the room. “Hello, is anyone here?” She asked. But there was no response. Evelyn quickly examined herself and found that she was still intact. Apart from her throbbing head and slight dizziness, she didn’t feel any kind of pain from certain parts of her body she was most concerned about. How long was I out? She wondered. She checked her pockets again and discovered that her cell phone was gone. She touched the places around her but felt no signs of her handbag. She saw the same shadows of movement around her again but it was too dark to make out anything. She started wondering if she was hallucinating or not. Where the hell am I? She asked herself as panic started rising in her. Evelyn slowly got up from the floor and using her hands to find her way around the room, she moved towards the bed. It was then she realized she had no shoes on as she felt the carpeted floor under her feet. She resumed walking. And so did the dark shadows around her. She paused. And so did they. “Hello,” she said again. “Is anyone there?” She had now reached the chorus of panic. Whatever room she was in, it was big. Now in complete panic and fear mode, she quickly felt her way around until she found the door. She banged against it with all her might, screaming at the top of her lungs for anyone to rescue her. “Is anyone there?” She shouted. “Who are you?” She yelled. “Why are you doing this to me?” “What do you want?” At the back of her mind, there was only one person she could think of that was capable of doing such a thing. “Beatrice!” She screamed the name. “I know it’s you Beatrice! Get me out of here you demented woman!” But there was no response. After hailing all sorts of insults at whoever she thought was behind her captivity for close to three hours, Evelyn had no fight left in her any more. Feeling cold and dejected, Evelyn wrapped her arms around her and dropped to the floor in resignation, awaiting whatever doom was in store for her. She was coiled on the floor like that when the room suddenly lit up. Evelyn was immediately on her feet. And so did the dark shadows that had been following her around for the past three hours. Now that she could clearly see her surroundings, a few things started making sense. There were no dark shadows following her around. It was her own reflection…or reflections…from all the mirrors covering the four walls of the room. Evelyn moved around in a circle to take in the rest of the room. The huge bed with its white linen was right in the centre of the room. And apart from the carpeted floor and the mirrors around, there was absolutely nothing else filling up the spaces of the large room, not even windows. She finally understood why the room had been so dark. She was about to start banging on the door for attention when it suddenly flung open. Running back into the room to pick up the only thing she could use to defend herself, Evelyn grabbed a pillow and stood back; waiting for whatever demon was behind all this to appear. But no one appeared. And the door remained wide open. “Who are you?” Evelyn tried to communicate with her silent and invisible abductor. “What do you want from me?” “Beatrice, is that you?” She was holding the pillow in front of her like a weapon, ready to attack whoever came through the door. However, when five minutes went by and no one appeared, Evelyn grabbed onto whatever hope she had left in her and tip-toed towards the door. She was just about to peep out when a tall figure appeared right in front of her and blocked her view. Evelyn slowly lifted her head up and found herself gazing into a very familiar pair of brown eyes. “You!” She yelled.
17 Aug 2018 | 05:46
why would Kelvin wanted to run Eva over?
17 Aug 2018 | 06:05
y would Kelvin also kidnap her? I think I now know,,, its all for revenge,,,, but will Beatrice say she has not met her son in law's mother? and did she not recognize her as d mother to the woman she destroyed her happy home wen she was 16years?
17 Aug 2018 | 06:33
What did you want Kelvin
17 Aug 2018 | 07:03
Beatrice problem await u n future
17 Aug 2018 | 09:32
Its Kelvin Beatrice Nemesis wl soon catch up with u
17 Aug 2018 | 10:22
Now i understand Kevin motive
17 Aug 2018 | 10:50
Kelvin wants to revenge take revenge for his sister's death on Eve
17 Aug 2018 | 11:44
It's now making sense to me,so Kelvin was Nora's brother n he wants to avenge his sister's death by punishing Beatrice.... But how is he going to achieve DAT n why is he even pestering Evelyn also? Time will surely tell!!!
17 Aug 2018 | 20:28
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 8 image Kelvin was smirking down at her. “I was hoping we would start business from the bed but,” he was looking down into her blouse from where her body was touching his…a position she had put herself in during their near-collision. “We can start from here if that’s what you like,” he finished, and sent Evelyn backing away from him immediately, putting as much distance between them as possible. “Why are you doing this?” She asked him. Kelvin entered the room and locked the door behind him. “Because it’s my birthday,” he said nonchalantly as he went to sit on the edge of the bed. Advertisements Report this ad “Come,” he patted the space next to him. “You must be out of your mind,” Evelyn hissed at him. Kelvin simply shrugged his shoulders and laughed. “You really do look hot when you are pissed,” he said. “That’s the same look you had when I saw you standing outside your mother’s house. Dame you looked so edible.” He got up from the bed and walked to where she was. There was nowhere else to go for Evelyn when she back touched the wall, she knew he had her right where he wanted her to be. Advertisements Report this ad “And you look exactly like that right now,” he said as he slowly ran his finger through the nape of her neck, drawing his face closer she could literally hear every beat of his heart. “Why are you doing this?” Evelyn lifted her head away from him, hating with all her breath the smell of his perfectly scented expensive cologne and beer. “I told you, it’s my birthday today…and you are my present.” He said and backed away from her. Evelyn’s eyes went to the keys he was holding in his other hand. She was shaking with fear but the sight of the keys in his hand gave her some form of hope Kelvin smiled. “Even if you manage to get your hands on these, there is no way of getting out of this place for you even if you manage to leave these four walls here.” Advertisements Report this ad “What has me being here got to do with your bloody birthday?” She asked. “Finally, you ask a good question.” He said. “I have spent the past years doing everything possible to avenge the death of my father and sister….” “What do I have to do with the death of your father and sister? Until a few weeks ago, I didn’t even know who the hell you were.” “Me too,” Kelvin said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I didn’t know you existed until a few weeks ago. Meeting you was like receiving manar from heaven.” “You are clearly drunk,” Evelyn said. “You must have me confused with another person.” Advertisements Report this ad “I might be a little bit drunk but my mind is working perfectly fine,” he said. “If you tell me that you are not the daughter of Beatrice, then I will open that door and every other door in this house and let you leave.” “Beatrice is not my mother,” she said sternly. “Now can you open the door for me and let me go?” Kelvin broke into laughter. “Genes are very cruel. That and DNA,” Kelvin said. “You can’t talk them away into oblivion. They stick to your skin like a tick…sucking the blood out of you until you acknowledge their presence.” And he continued laughing. Advertisements Report this ad “Are you doing this because of her?” Evelyn shouted over the sound of his laughter. “Are you doing this because Beatrice did something to your family?” Kelvin suddenly sobered up and stood up straight. “Finally,” he said. “Is that it?” Evelyn said, finally realizing why she was being held captive. “If you want to take revenge, why not use your fiancé? Do you think doing me harm will have any effect on Beatrice? You of all people should know just how much she gives a gives a dame about me.” Kelvin hardened his features and closed the distance between them. With his arms crossed, he looked into her eyes. “I never said anything about punishing Beatrice.” He said. “Do you have any idea what it’s like to watch your sister die right in front of you and not be able to do anything to save her? Do you?” he asked her. “You were there….at the accident site?” Evelyn asked. “I was there. I saw my sister’s husband, your father…and your mother Beatrice. They were all there. God knows what Nora had witnessed inside that place that made her come running out like that. She couldn’t wait to get away from her husband that she drove straight into an oncoming truck. “How I wish I had died with her that day.” Evelyn looked horrified. Finally, it seemed she was getting the questions she had had about kelvin answered. “Like the fool I was, I passed out.” Kelvin laughed at himself. “I passed out,” he repeated. He was smiling and crying at the same time. “My poor father couldn’t handle the guilt. He regretted not having ran to her side when she was in such pain. He thought he was giving her the space she needed. He was wrong. She didn’t need space, she needed him…she needed us. We were right there behind her and we did nothing.” Evelyn’s legs finally gave way and she went down on her knees, the guilt of her parent’s sins and that of her very existence eating at her core. “My father died a few days later,” Kelvin said. Evelyn sobbed on the floor. “My mother changed after that. She wanted nothing more than to avenge the wrongful deaths of her loved ones. To her, I was no longer a son…I became a weapon she could use in her elaborate plans against your mother. “I too, I was mad. Mad that I had not done anything for my sister. I always used to tell her that I would be her hero…but no. I turned out to be the worst coward ever.” “But you were only a boy,” Evelyn tried to reason with him. “I was old enough to make a difference,” he retorted. “But, I might not have risen to the challenge in the past but I can now. Instead of being mad at my mother for neglecting me…I can finally do something to help my sister rest in peace. You came into my life at the most perfect time possible, like manna from heaven; you landed right in front of me.” “Do you think that doing me harm will somehow help your sister rest in peace? I am a victim in all this just as much as you. I did not choose my parents.” “I also didn’t choose to have a sister die at the hands of a selfish and merciless woman. There is such a thing called the price of blood. God used it on the rest of mankind when Adam and Eve sinned so can you imagine what a mere mortal like me is capable of when he’s had his family taken away from him in the most cruel way possible?” “I understand how you must be feeling right now,” Evelyn got up from the floor and went to stand in front of him. “No you don’t understand,” Kelvin said. “You have absolutely no idea how I’m feeling right now. You see, today is my birthday…and it also happens to be my sister’s death anniversary.” Evelyn gasped. “On this day, my sister found out about your existence. On this same day, she was hit by a track right outside your mother’s place. She died, on this same day. And exactly ten days later, my father gave in to a stroke.” “Kelvin…” Evelyn was still shaking her head in disbelief as tears streamed down her eyes. “I had no idea…I am so sorry. I…I…don’t know what to say….” “How about wishing me a happy birthday?” Kelvin said, wiping away the tears from his face with his bare hands. He closed the space between them and started playing with the buttons of her blouse. He was slowly running his finger up and down. Evelyn flinched as Kelvin’s hand brushed over her cleavage. “I understand…that…I am your…your…enemy,” Evelyn stammered. “But…this is not right Kelvin.” She tried to reason with him. “You are not this person….” “Shut up!” Kelvin snapped. “You don’t know me and you have no right to make assumptions about me.” Evelyn got down on her knees and pleaded with him. “I will do anything you want but please….” she cried. “Don’t do this to me. I am begging you.” “Undress,” he commanded her, turning away from her to sit on the bed. “What?” Evelyn couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “Take it off,” he was moving his finger up and down at her. “Everything, NOW.” “Kelvin….” “Would you like me to help you?” He asked and immediately got up. He walked over to where she was kneeling and unceremoniously scooped her up from the floor by her shoulders and ripped her blouse apart with vengeance. Evelyn quickly covered her bosom with her hands as she cowered into the nearest corner, pleading with her eyes for him to stop. “You have two choices,” Kelvin said to her. “I can hand you over to my mother who is an expert in the art of revenge since she’s been doing it for such a long time. God knows what she would do to you if she discovers your existence. She was somehow misled into believing that you had been abandoned by your mother at an orphanage. “You were very ugly when you were a baby,” he laughed. “So naturally, everyone assumed you were a boy when your mother showed up with you at my sister’s funeral. You can go to that orphanage and find out what happened to that boy she mistook for you. I am sure you would think of my methods as angelic when you do the comparisons. OR, you can surrender to me.” “What do you mean surrender to you?” Evelyn asked, still covering her exposed parts with her arms. “Be my mistress.” Kelvin stated. “Are you nuts!” Evelyn yelled. “Alright then, I will take it that you’ve gone for option A. I will make a call to my dear mother then. I am sure you have heard about her reputation through the grapevine. I can assure you, she does not disappoint.” He then turned to leave the room. “Wait,” Evelyn stopped him. Kelvin immediately obliged her, a smirk playing on his face as he turned back to face her. Evelyn had heard enough about Mrs Kangwa’s power and influence in the political world. It was enough to scare her ovaries into infertility all the way into her next life. Together with Mr Mwangala, the two of them controlled the power in the country like King and Queen from two opposing fronts. Whereas her rival was known to bankrupt his enemies and potential threats, Mrs Kangwa was known to eliminate from the face of the earth anything or any person she considered a potential threat. Even though no proof was ever brought against her, that fact in itself was enough to scare away any potential danger in her way. “What does being your mistress entail?” Evelyn asked. “It means that you will belong only to me and not any man or woman out there. You will appear before me whenever I call, you will surrender your body, mind and soul to me, you will bear my children if I feel like it and you will not tell a soul about this arrangement. I don’t think there’s any need for me to get into the details of what might happen to you the moment you decide to divulge any of this to anyone.” “How long…how long do you need me to be your mistress?” “Until such a time I get tired of you.” “No!” Evelyn protested. “What if that never happens?” Kelvin scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself too much young lady,” he said sarcastically. “You will get your freedom whenever I feel like. The more you antagonize me, the longer and the more painful your stay with me will be.” “And what if someone finds out that I am your mistress? You should know, nothing residing under the sun can stay hidden forever.” “Let me worry about that. You just worry about doing your part. Now, take off the rest of that. The longer you take, the longer the night will be, for the both of us. Your choice.” Evelyn thought about his offer for a while. She was clearly stuck between a rock and a hard place and she stood to lose her soul no matter the direction she took from that point on. “I don’t think I can do this,” she finally said. “Do what?” Kelvin asked. “Being your mistress,” she answered. “I think I am going to take my chances with your mother.” “What?” Kelvin laughed. “I have spent the past twenty years trying to take my chances with her and here I am still doing her bidding. Do you think that she would even give you a chance to get a single word out? “The moment she discovers who you are, she will wipe out everyone you’ve ever cared about, all your friends and family. She is already working on your family right now as we speak, only a matter of time before she gets to your friends.” “I guess lunacy runs in the family then,” Evelyn said as she looked at him disdainfully. “Are you going to take off your clothes or not?” “Do you think that doing this to me will bring back your father and sister?” Kelvin rushed over to her and glared into her eyes. “Do you think I am doing this for revenge?” He yelled. “Then why are you doing this?” Evelyn yelled back at him. “Because it’s the only thing I can do that I have complete power over.” He calmly said. Because I am the only one who gets to decide what happens in this room and what happens to you; not you, not my mother, and not anyone else out there. “And most importantly, because I have this physical ache, a thirst that I have been dying to quench from the moment I saw you and thanks to your mother, I have the licence to drink from you for as long as I like. So let’s take whatever happens in this room tonight as a sent to me by my dearly departed sister Nora…and let’s try to enjoy ourselves as much as possible.” Kelvin proceeded to grab her arms and forced them apart to reveal her ample bosom which was well packaged and displayed in a black bra. He moved her towards him so that she was now resting against him while he unfastened her bra behind. Evelyn tried to put her arms back to cover her breasts but to no avail. She was no match for Kelvin’s determined hands. He quickly yanked the bra from off of her and threw it on the floor, completely exposing her upper body. “You have the best pair I have ever seen on any woman,” he was hungrily starring at her whilst holding her hands in check. Kelvin had successfully managed to damage whatever little pride she had been functioning on from the time her mother had out-rightly rejected her. Two thick drops of tears fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Evelyn felt her life slowly slip away from her. “Your trousers, take off your pants as well,” Kelvin said. “Unless you want me to help with those too.” Evelyn felt every urge to wipe the smirk off his face but instead, she hang her head down and tasted the flavours of her salty tears. Is this all I will amount to in this lifetime? She cried as she brought her shaking hands to her pair of trousers and undid the button while he watched her a short distance away. Evelyn cried even harder as she felt the pair of trousers slid all the way to the floor. “The pant too,” Kelvin instructed. Before she knew it, she was standing completely naked in front of him while he slowly took in every inch of her. “On the bed,” he gave her his back as he walked to position himself closer to the bed. He stood to the side with his arms crossed over his chest. “Come and lie down here,” he said. “Do you think that degrading me like me will give you the satisfaction that you are looking for?” She said from where she was standing. “This only proves what a coward you are,” she fired on. “You have been controlled by a woman all your life and you are still letting a woman control you right now.” He scoffed. “Says the woman standing completely naked in front of me.” “You might have me like this but you will always remember that you never had me willingly. What sort of man doesn’t even have the balls to get a woman to willingly take off her clothes for him? You are the worst kind of coward scum.” Kelvin was reeling in anger. He went at her, grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the bed. He threw her down on the bed and positioned himself on top of her. Instead of begging him like she had been doing before, Evelyn was laughing. That caught him by surprise. She was mocking him. Kelvin could see it in her eyes. “You might have my body tonight but you will never have my soul. I will never come to you willingly. Keep that in your mind as you thrust your cowardly body on top of me.” “Shut up!” Kelvin yelled and landed his mouth hard on hers but he could still hear her laughing at him. “You think that you are punishing me for Beatrice’s sins, well you are not.” Evelyn said when Kelvin had paused to glare at her. “She is still winning,” Evelyn continued. “She has successfully managed to kill another Kangwa; turned a perfect gentleman into a monster. Go ahead; put the crown on her head and let her control you just like your mother has done all these years.” Kelvin raised his hand into a fist and just when she thought he was going to land a hard one on her face, he hit the space right next to where her head was lying and he jumped off from her. He was breathing hard and heavy, and sweating profusely. Evelyn quickly went for the white sheets and covered herself while Kelvin appeared to be struggling with calming himself down. He was hunched over, his back to her and his hands resting on his knees, deeply breathing in and out. Evelyn took this opportunity to search for the keys, but they were nowhere in sight; not even his phone. She looked over at him and saw something bulging slightly from his pockets. What time did he put them in their? She wondered. She was contemplating hitting him from behind when Kelvin raised his back and stood up straight very so suddenly. He turned around and went at her in a fit of furry. He grabbed her on both sides of her arms as she was wrapped in a sheet and he brought her to stand down on the floor in front of him. “Do you think that I can’t make you fall for me on your own?” He roared at her. “Let me go, you are hurting me,” Evelyn protested. Kelvin lessened the pressure of his grip…but he did not let go of her. “I am only going easy on you today because I am too upset to think rationally. I might do something to you that I might regret later.” “I think that boat has already sailed,” Evelyn retorted. “Don’t play smart with me,” he thundered down on her. “You might have saved yourself tonight but nothing has changed. You are still going to be my mistress. I will be marrying your step-sister in the next couple of weeks and you will be your step-sister’s concubine. Tell me, do you still feel like a winner?” His face was so close to hers she could see the hairs in his nose if she chose to. But Evelyn had her eyes shut as she desperately tried to look away from him. Unfortunately for her, Kelvin had one of his hands holding the back of her head which was ensuring that she stayed locked in position. The next thing she knew, he pushed her back and she fell on her back on the bed. “Put some clothes on. I will bring your phone so you can call your housemate and tell her you won’t be coming home tonight.” He had already turned his back to her and was heading towards the door. “I have never slept out from the time we started living together.” Evelyn shouted. “Do you think she will believe me if I tell her that I am sleeping out all of a sudden?” Kelvin turned to face her. “She will believe you,” he said in a very tight and controlled voice. “Because you will make it so that she believes every word.” “You want me to spend the night here?” Evelyn was about ready to start crying all over again. She thought her nightmare was almost coming to an end. “My birthday isn’t over yet,” Kelvin said and turned to leave, locking the door behind him. Alone in his room, Kelvin ripped his shirt off and threw it on the ground. He quickly got out of his pants and went straight into the shower, allowing the water to fall on him with his head bowed and his hand touching the wall. He remained like that for close to ten minutes, not lifting a figure to wash himself. An hour later, he appeared before Evelyn in a fresh change of clothes; a white t-shirt and grey skinny jeans. Noticing the tray of food in his hands, Evelyn starred at him in disbelief. “Are you kidding me?” She asked. She had put her pair of trousers back on but she still had her upper body covered with a bed sheet. Kelvin laid down the tray containing a plate of macaroni and cheese and some orange juice. Her phone was also there. Evelyn tried to grab her phone from there but Kelvin was too quick for her. He removed the white shirt resting on his shoulders and threw it at her. “At least finish dressing.” He told her. Evelyn examined his shirt with a disgusted look on her face. “You covered yourself well in my beddings. Which of the two do you think has witnessed more horrors than the other; the bedsheets or the shirt?” He seemed to have made the decision easy for her. She turned around and put the shirt on, quickly dropping the bed sheet to the floor. “You disgust me,” she said when she turned to look at him. Kelvin gave her a mischievous smile. “Keep hating, I’ll have you know, there’s a thin line between love and hate. I am actually quite a nice guy when I am not exerting revenge on anyone.” “I thought you said this was not revenge?” “I lied.” He nonchalantly responded. “It’s both, it’s everything. Do you think you would be in this room if you were not Beatrice’s daughter? Anyway, you need to call your friend before she calls the police. She has already left you countless messages and missed calls.” “Give me the phone.” She reached out her hand. Kelvin laughed, “Do you think am stupid?” he asked her. “I will dial her number, put it on speaker and then hold it for you while you talk. And just in case you think about doing something stupid, think about what could have possibly happened during the time you had lost consciousness. In a world of technology and social media…there are countless possibilities.” Evelyn appeared to be at a loss for words. She simply gaped at him in utter disbelief. “Here,” Kelvin held out the phone to her. “Move closer,” he instructed her. “I know you have a knack for acting before thinking…this is not going to be one of those times.” He warned her. There was terror written all over Evelyn’s face as she waited for Thando to pick up the call, thinking hard about what she was going to say to her. Kelvin gestured for her to smile and she did as instructed. “Eva, where the hell are you? Are you okay?” Thando went off at her the moment she answered the call. Evelyn feigned a laugh. “Calm down Thando. I am okay. I am sorry I missed your calls. My battery had died and I only managed to charge it now.” “Where the hell are you?” “I am at a friend’s house in Makeni.” “Makeni?” Evelyn winced in pain at Thando’s assault of her eardrums. “Yes, it’s someone I had not seen in a long time. We bumped into each other at the bus stop while I was waiting for a bus and she we just decided to hang out.” “But which friend is this one? I thought I knew all of your friends Eva? Are you keeping secrets from me?” Evelyn could hear the laugh in her voice. Her friend’s mind had already wondered off. Well at least she seemed to be buying her story…or whatever version was cooking up in her imaginative mind. “It’s nothing like whatever you are thinking.” Evelyn told her friend. “Okay, I won’t hound you tonight,” Thando relented. “Just tell whatever guy you are with that I don’t approve of his methods. He should first reach home before he can think about getting his hands on you.” “It’s nothing like that Tha…” Evelyn then paused to look at whatever Kelvin was gesturing for her to do. “I was only calling to let you know that I am safe. I will see you tomorrow, okay?” “You better call me in the morning before I die from curiosity. Have fun my darling!” “Good night.” And Kelvin ended the call. “That wasn’t so difficult now was it? I think am starting to like your friend.” “Well she hates you, if you must know. She thinks you are up to no good and guess what, she was right.” “Eat your food before it gets cold.” He turned to leave. “Why are you keeping me here if you won’t do anything to me?” Kelvin stopped. “Who said I wasn’t going to do anything?” “I understand why you hate me,” she said. “I know that I am the physical manifestation of everything that went wrong with your sister, with your father…and with your mother. But you know what; I don’t think it’s me you are mad at.” Kelvin finally turned to look at her. “Enlighten me,” he said. “Who do you think I am mad at?” “Beatrice my mother, your mother, and yourself.” Kelvin appeared amused by her hypothesis. “Like I said, enlighten me.” He said, and moved to lean his back against the door. “You are upset at Beatrice because of obvious reasons,” Evelyn started. “And you are upset at your mother because she changed after your father and sister’s death. You said it yourself, you became nothing but a tool for her to use. You are mad at yourself because you feel like you let your sister down. “The only reason I am in this room is because I am the easiest target for you to vent on. You can get to Beatrice whenever you want because your mother has the final say on everything. You can’t rebel against your mother because she is the only family you have left and there is a part of you that wants to revenge as much as much as she does…and so, you just let her take charge. “And as for yourself, let’s face it; you would have killed yourself a long time ago if you had the balls to do it. You brought me here for the simple reason that you need a scapegoat for your feelings of failure.” “For someone with a two digit IQ, you seem to have quite a lot say.” Kelvin said. “I mean not be book intelligent but I am street smart,” she fired back. “And you know I am right.” “No you are not,” Kelvin said. Even he didn’t look like he was convinced by his response. “Eat your food and go to bed,” he instructed, looking about ready to leave the room. “What if I made you a proposal?” Evelyn said. “Would you be willing to think about it?” “What sort of proposal?” He asked. “Nothing you say will change the fact that you are already mine.” Evelyn looked defeated, from head to toe. She dropped down to the floor and sobbed the moment she was alone in the room. Right outside the door, Kelvin listened to her sobbing with his hand clutched over his heart. He blinked away the tears, cleared his throat and walked upstairs to his study. Throwing himself down into his chair behind his desk, Kelvin’s phone rang. It was Moola. He muted the call and then turned off his phone, a blank expression on his face as he sat back and watched the hands of time on the wall clock ahead tick-tock away.
18 Aug 2018 | 05:32
Kevin pull yourself together and leave Eva out of it
18 Aug 2018 | 10:52
Next pls
18 Aug 2018 | 13:09
Kelvin, what are u up to?
18 Aug 2018 | 13:10
Hmm so Kelvin want to revenge her sister death abi?
18 Aug 2018 | 13:11
Why is Dis guy doing Dis na? What in heaven's name has come over him na???
18 Aug 2018 | 15:59
kelvin d early u put eva out of dis d beta 4 u hurting her wil do u no gud
18 Aug 2018 | 16:26
hmmmmm,,,, is dis really a best revenge from Kelvin???? he is very mistaking
18 Aug 2018 | 17:38
Eva is not to be blame for all dat happened in ur family Kelvin how if Eva had obeyed her grandma warnings not to get in touch with Beatrice, all these wouldn’t had come upon her.
18 Aug 2018 | 20:40
Eva is in a situation that is not hers...this condition is not supposed to be hers...involving her in that revenge is stupidity
19 Aug 2018 | 01:51
She's just as innocent like a new born baby before the baby will start learning things...she can't be guilty in this situation
19 Aug 2018 | 01:56
Eva...u have got to put yourself together in this moment of your life..when some people don't even know what they are doing
19 Aug 2018 | 02:03
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 9 image When morning came, Kelvin appeared again in Evelyn’s temporary room. “Good morning,” he greeted her and threw the clothes he was carrying on his shoulder on the bed. “You need to take a shower and have a change of clothes…unless, you don’t feel like going for work today. Evelyn glared at him, revealing huge dark circles under her eyes. Advertisements Report this ad “I see you didn’t get enough sleep,” Kelvin observed. “You look like shit.” “Well thank you.” She said sarcastically. “I always wondered what I would look like if I was ever held captive by some loony psycho.” She then got out of bed. “Where is the bathroom?” She asked. “I was wondering when you would ask that. How did you survive the night?” He asked. “It appears you have a spongy mattress.” She was looking at his bed with a mischievous smile on her face. “It just soaks in everything so well.” She was moving her head for emphasis while Kelvin gaped at her in disbelief. “Remind me to ask you where you bought it before I leave. I could really use something like this when I start a family.” Advertisements Report this ad Kelvin was now smiling, realising she was pulling a fast one on him. Evelyn quickly looked away upon seeing him smile like that. There was something about Kelvin that, whenever he smiled or laughed made him look very attractive. If she didn’t know him, she would think he was a normal good looking human being. The last thing she needed was thinking of him as normal. Kelvin was nothing but a man out for her blood. Advertisements Report this ad “Why did you look away like that?” Kelvin asked. “Do you find me that repulsive?” The genuine concern in his voice when he asked those two question made Evelyn’s heart almost skip a beat. What did he care what she thought of him? She thought to herself. “Take me to the bathroom.” Evelyn avoided addressing his questions. Disappointed at not receiving a response, Kelvin led her out of the room and walked up the stairs ahead of her. Advertisements Report this ad “Is this room underground?” She asked as she followed him behind. “It’s called a basement,” Kelvin answered. “Or a dungeon,” she remarked under her breath. “I heard you,” he said. They had reached the top of the stairs. Kelvin took out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door in front of him. Advertisements Report this ad “Does Moola know about the basement?” She asked as she walked past him while he held the door open for her. To her surprise, Evelyn found herself standing in another bedroom, except this one was well decorated and had a window, unlike her prison. “Of course not,” Kelvin answered. “She thinks it’s just a place where I keep some old staff belonging to my father.” “Let me guess,” Evelyn stopped outside the door to look at Kelvin who was still standing by the door. “That door is locked as well.” She was pointing ahead at the maroon door of the room they were now standing in. Kelvin finished locking the door they had just come through and went to unlock the one Evelyn was pointing at. “I guess this answers your question, right?” Evelyn couldn’t help laughing. “I take it I am not the only girl who’s been held hostage in this house.” “Sadly, you are the only one. Or should that be a good thing?” “You built all of this just for me?” Kelvin stopped whatever he was doing to look at her. Shaking his head, he said, “Tsk tsk tsk…I really think you should get over your Princess Syndrome.” “What’s a Princess Syndrome?” She asked. “It’s thinking that the world revolves around you…like everything somehow has something to do with you.” “Can you blame me for thinking like that right now?” “I guess not,” he said. “But, if you must know, I only moved that bed in there today. I use that room for other business that has absolutely nothing to do with why you were there. Satisfied?” “And the mirrors?” She asked. “Those are for effect, they’ve always been there.” “Then what the hell goes on down there that would require the use of all those mirrors? Are you into some kind of kinky stuff? You know, S&M and the like? You look just the type.” She was visually examining him, up and down her eyes went. “Aren’t you going to come out?” Kelvin asked, holding the door open for her again. “Ooh,” she said and quickly came out of the room and found herself standing in a long passage way. “I take it this is the legal part of the house?” “Everything here is legal, including your presence in this house. The rest of the doors from this point on are unlocked. You are free to leave whenever you feel like.” “Are you serious?” Evelyn was on the verge of breaking into excitement mode, except, she wasn’t sure if she could trust his word right away. “Don’t celebrate just yet,” he didn’t take long to confirm her judgement of him. “You are still bound by the contract we signed down there.” She looked like a bucket of cold water had just been poured on her. “That being said,” Kelvin continued. He finished locking the door and he stood leaning against it. “I will never take you down there again. However, I expect you to be here whenever I call for you. As for the rest of the time, you are free to go about your business as usual…except dating…because you are bound to me, until such a time when I tire of you. Any questions?” “Where’s the bathroom? I need to change.” She completely and deliberately avoided answering him. “You are not going to shower?” “Over my dead body,” she said. “In your shower?” “That can be arranged. All it takes is a call to my mother.” he threatened her. “C’mon,” he led her to the far end of the corridor and opened the last door. “These are the guest bathrooms, have fun. You can come upstairs when you are done. You will find the rest of your stuff there.” “Upstairs?” She asked. “The third door over there,” he was pointing to one of the doors they had passed. “Open that door and you will find a case of stairs leading up.” “How big is this house?” Evelyn asked. “Big enough. This whole floor is for guests and upstairs is my sanctuary. Get changed, or you will be late for work.” Evelyn couldn’t help feeling a little envious. Despite the circumstances, the house she was now standing in looked like a very beautiful home, the kind she saw in movies and magazines…the kind she could only dream about. Hadn’t it always been her dream to own a huge house and have as many children as possible? If only Kelvin was not such a psycho…. Evelyn shook her head copiously. What are you thinking about Eva? She admonished herself? Why would you think of that psycho like that? She quickly changed into the clothes he had given her; a long tight black skirt with a long slit in the front right in the middle going all the way and ending just slightly above her knees. She took off his shirt and with just a bra on, she leaned forward into the sink and washed her face. Evelyn took the stairs up and found herself in his expensively furnished and professionally decorated living room, but Kelvin was nowhere in sight. “Hallo,” she called out. “In here,” came his voice from the next room. Evelyn walked to where the sound of his voice had come from and found Kelvin seated by the kitchen table; a full display of all sorts of delicacies laid out on the table. “Are you expecting the Queen of England?” She had stopped by the door and was starring at the food wide-eyed. “Sit,” he motioned towards the chair in front of him. “Unless you want to be late for work, I suggest you start eating now.” Logic told her to refuse the food but the sight of it all made her stomach growl, and loudly so. Kelvin laughed. Evelyn held her hand to her stomach as if to shut out the noise. “Forget about your pride,” he told her. “You never touched the food last night and now your stomach is protesting. Seat down and eat something.” Evelyn clenched her hands into fists and went to join him by the table. “Don’t laugh,” she warned Kelvin who was unsuccessfully trying to stifle his laughter. Evelyn went at the food unapologetically. Kelvin started eating as well, but he was doing more starring than eating. “You were really hungry, eish,” he commented as he watched Evelyn religiously win her war against hunger. Evelyn waited to swallow whatever was in her mouth before responding. “I bet my grandmother is turning in her grave right now,” she said. “And why is that?” Kelvin asked. “I am dining with the devil.” He chuckled. “I always suspected that the Devil was good looking.” Evelyn gave him a stern look before grabbing the jar of juice and filled up her glass. She gulped down the contents of the glass at once and slammed it down on the table. “Thank you for breakfast,” she said and stood up. She had spotted her handbag and mobile phone on the kitchen island whilst eating and so she walked over there and picked them up. She then walked to the door and stood there, waiting for Kelvin to get up from the table. “You know that you have no chill right?” Kelvin was smiling, obviously amazed by her behaviour despite all that had transpired between them. “Don’t you feel…say, maybe embarrassed, shy or anything in those lines?” “You kidnapped me, poisoned me with chloroform, took videos and pictures of me whilst I was out and God knows what else you did, you then ripped my blouse apart and forced me to stand naked before you, you sexually assaulted me…and now you are asking me if I am embarrassed or not? Tell me, is something wrong with your head? No, wait,” she held out her hand. “Don’t answer that. I think I already know the answer to that one. Now let’s go!” Kelvin stood up and grabbed his car keys from the table. “I was genuinely asking if you are alright,” he said to her as they walked to where his car was parked. “I thought maybe you would be feeling embarrassed…or shy after what happened between us.” “Why should I feel embarrassed? If anyone should be feeling like that, it should be you.” Evelyn answered. “You are the one who forced me to do all those things. I’ll admit, my pride was hurt, I have never been that humiliated in my life before…not even my own mother rejecting me comes closer to what you put me through last night but, I am a mind over matter kind of girl.” They had reached the vehicle. Evelyn went to sit in the back the moment she heard the car unlock. “You want someone to see us so they can send a report to your fiancé?” Evelyn responded to the questioning look Kelvin was giving her. “She followed me once to my place, God knows what she will do if she hears that you gave me a ride. This is the exact kind of drama I dislike. Are you just going to stand there?” Kelvin moved and went to sit behind the wheel. “Seatbelt,” he instructed her. “Even in the back? Wow, talk about being psycho.” She still put her belt on despite her snide remarks. “Why would anyone build themselves such a huge house?” Evelyn asked as she looked up at the bundle of architectural beauty in front of them. “Someone who wants a big family,” Kelvin replied. “You also,” she was about to excitedly state how they both share the same dream but she caught herself in time. “I still think it’s too much for a mere home.” They were now on the road heading to Evelyn’s work place. “So what made you change your perception about being my mistress?” Evelyn turned to stare at him. “Who said I changed my perception? I still think you are a psychopathic lunatic who should be hospitalized for the kind of illnesses you have.” “Illness?” Kelvin asked. “You have a lot of issues; the death of your father and sister, your mummy issues, me…. You need to take care of all these before you get married.” “I admit, yes I have a lot of issues…but I am not as bad as you think I am. And, am I not taking care of all those issues right now?” Evelyn sneered. “You don’t believe me?” “Anyway,” Evelyn said. “I did a lot of thinking in the night. I decided to get this business with you done and over with so that I can get back my life as soon as possible.” “Do you think it’s going to be that easy?” He asked. “As a matter of fact, yes.” She confidently stated. “Just what makes you so confident?” He asked. “You,” she answered. “Me?” “Yes you.” “How?” She laughed. “I am not scared of you anymore.” She said. “And why’s that? Do you think I was bluffing about everything I said to you?” “Oh no,” she quickly supplied. “I think you meant every word about me being your mistress…or was it concubine you said? I just don’t think you are capable of doing some of the things you threatened me with last night. You had me naked in front of you and you still managed to walk away. I was in there the whole night but you never touched me. I heard you come in and put an extra blanket on top of me.” “Oooh, you heard that?” “Of course I did,” she said. “I told you I never slept. I just pretended to be asleep when I heard you open the door. I heard you sit down on the bed and watch me for close to twenty minutes. You didn’t attack me.” “I just didn’t want you to freeze and die in my house. That would only complicate things further.” He argued. “Before you left, you fixed my pillow, sighed heavily, checked my temperature with your hand, walked and the room for a bit and then you finally left. I don’t know what was going on in your head but obviously, you are conflicted. I know you have this genuine need to get your revenge, but using me like this won’t give you the kind of satisfaction you think you are going to get. I might be your worst enemy in the whole world but I also did you no wrong.” “I know very well that what I’m doing to you is wrong,” Kelvin said. “But there is this huge part of me that is angry…angry at you because of who you are. Had my sister not discovered you existed, she wouldn’t have left her house to go after your mother.” “No matter how justified you feel your actions are, this is still wrong Kelvin.” “Don’t say my name, don’t say my name like that. Please.” Kelvin said between clenched teeth, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. “I think that you were just too drunk last night and you made some very wild decisions.” “If you think that chafing me would somehow make me change my mind then I suggest you give up. It won’t work.” “Well,” Evelyn shrugged her shoulders. “Can’t blame a girl for trying.” She said. Kelvin appeared slightly disturbed by Evelyn’s words. “You don’t need to take me all the way to the office,” Evelyn told Kelvin when they were nearing her work place. “What, you think Moola might hear and come to harass you?” He asked and let out a short laugh. “I told her that I’m after you for information pertaining to my uncle’s corporate case. She thinks I am just trying to use you so she doesn’t care anymore even if she were to hear any stories.” “And she believed you?” “Of course she did.” Kelvin laughed. “Still, just leave me somewhere along the way. I don’t want to create any suspicions. Rumours might start going around that you are seeing another woman and your mother might hear about it and start investigating me. I do not wish to die because of my mother’s sins.” Kelvin did as instructed and dropped her off a few blocks before her office. “My mother is coming back this weekend and I have some plans with her so I won’t be able to see you for a while.” He said to her through the open window. “You can enjoy your freedom in the meantime but don’t do anything against our contract.” Evelyn simply banged the door and scowled at him before walking away. When you look at me like that, you make it harder for me to like you….why did you have to be your mother’s daughter? Kelvin thought as he watched her walk away from him. Just two minutes in the office, Evelyn received a call from her boss. “Come in,” came the response from inside when she knocked on the door. “Come in, sit,” Sibu instructed her as she took off her coat from behind her desk. “You don’t look so good,” She was now closely examining Evelyn from the other side of the table. “Late night?” She asked, smiling mischievously. “Something like that,” Evelyn forced a smile on her face. Better to have people misunderstand than to start explaining things that Budha himself wouldn’t understand. “How’s the team this morning?” She was pointing to Sibu’s pregnancy just before she sat down. Sibu smiled. “They’ve been kicking and kicking. I think they will be rivals these two. They don’t seem to like each other that much.” She was gently rubbing her belly as she spoke. “Or, it could be that they really like each other and while you are thinking that they are fighting, they could be having a jolly good time playing together.” Evelyn provided. “Ummm,” Sibu thought about it for a moment. “You could actually be right.” She said. “Wow, how come I never thought of that?” Evelyn laughed. “Because sometimes you tend to be such a pessimist boss.” “When you’ve been through what I’ve been through, you can’t help but be a pessimist. Sometimes I don’t even realize that’s what I’m doing. My husband always looks at me a certain way to warn me to stop being so negative when he senses that I am about to lose it. You and him are actually very much alike Eva. You are both such optimists. You always try to see the good in everything. I can never be like that.” “With a husband like yours, I think it’s bound to rub off on you eventually.” Sibusiswe laughed. “I think it’s already started!” They both laughed. Sibu reached into her handbag and took out two small light blue envelopes and handed them to Evelyn. “What are these?” Evelyn said as she received them. “One of the charities Ted and I help sponsor is hosting an event this weekend,” Sibu explained. “It’s a fundraising dinner actually. We have it twice a year, mid-year and end of year. Unfortunately, I cannot attend this one,” she was rubbing her belly again to emphasize her point. “Ah,” Evelyn said. “So who would you like me to send these to? I have a list of….” “I am giving them to you right now Eva,” Sibu said. “Me?” Evelyn almost jumped in her seat. “Yes you,” Sibu laughed. “Why do you look so shocked? Don’t tell me you’ve never attended such a function before?” “Ah, yes,” Evelyn said. “What business do I have attending such functions meant for the uber rich? Thank you Mrs L for the kind gesture but,” she laid the envelopes on the table and pushed them towards Sibu. “I am not the right person you should be giving these to. Besides, I don’t even have anyone to go with.” “I think I am also starting to rub some of my negativity on you Eva.” Sibu remarked, looking very concerned. Evelyn laughed. “I suspected you might give the no date excuse so I had thought of the perfect date for you.” Evelyn was curious to hear who she had been set up with. “Who did you think of?” “Martin,” Sibu suggested. Evelyn was up from her chair. “Are you kidding me? Your ex-husband?” Sibu was amused by her secretary’s over reaction. “What’s wrong with me setting up my ex-husband with someone I think would be a perfect match for him? I know the age difference is slightly wider than….” “You think am reacting like this because of the age difference?” Evelyn was dumbfounded by Sibu’s nonchalance regarding the dating life of her own ex-husband. Evelyn had always known that her boss was not an ordinary woman, but, she never imagined she would get to experience firsthand just how extra-ordinary she was. She had heard a lot of stories about Sibu from the workers and just about everyone in town and even though Sibu never spoke directly about her past, there was a part of Evelyn that thought that the truth might have been stretched a little to make the stories more interesting for gossip mongers and tabloids. “Martin might be my ex-husband but we get along just fine,” Sibu was saying. “Both Ted and I get along fine with him. Whatever happened between us is in the past. Him and I have a child together so it’s only natural that we be civil with each other otherwise what will we be teaching our child?” “And your husband doesn’t mind you being friends with your ex like that?” Evelyn wondered out loud. Sibu laughed. “It wasn’t always like that.” She said. “But we are all grownups. I know that people still think Martin is a no-good playa but he’s really changed. I can assure you, that’s something you don’t have to worry about.” “You are really serious aren’t you?” Evelyn asked. “Of course I am,” Sibu answered matter-of-factly. “He asked me a favour recently, that I should find him a good woman,” “A woman like you, right?” Evelyn asked. Sibu only laughed. “He seemed so sincere it broke my heart and you know what, you are the first person that came to my mind when he made that request.” “No Mrs L, I am flattered that you think of me like that but I can’t date your ex-husband.” “Why?” Sibu seemed genuinely curious about Evelyn’s lack of interest in Martin. “Is it because I am your boss and he is my ex? Or is it because you feel he is too old for you? He is still in his thirties…I think… and the age gap I hear is the perfect….” Evelyn was shaking her head and waving her hand to stop Sibu talking. “It’s none of that, well, maybe yes but that’s not the major issue.” “Then what is it?” Sibu asked. “I wish I could tell you,” she replied. “All I can say is that I am not looking to be in a relationship right now.” “Is it because you found someone already?” Sibu asked, a glint of a smile appearing at the corners of her lips. “You look like you had quite a busy night.” “It’s not what you think. I was just helping a friend out with something. But, if you are really looking for someone for your ex-husband, I think I know someone who might be perfect for him.” Sibu could finally smile with hope. “You know someone?” “Yes,” Evelyn said. “My house mate Thando, she has this really huuuuuge crush on Martin.” “Are you serious?” Sibu asked. “Yes,” Evelyn answered. “She had a brief encounter with him somewhere and she can’t seem to stop talking about him since. She’s a happy go lucky kind of girl. You would love her if you met her. It’s not easy not to love her.” “If she is your friend then I trust your judgement. So, here’s what we’ll do, I will tell Martin that I found him a date for the dinner this weekend and you will tell your friend Thando that she too has a date this weekend, Saturday!” “Great!,” Evelyn said excitedly. “So that means I don’t have to go to that function right?” Whilst smiling, Sibu said, “No, you are still going. I still have a back-up date for you.” “What?” Evelyn couldn’t believe her boss. Sibu was enjoying herself. “My mother…step mother to be more specific, her cousin Lebogang is visiting from Botswana and he’s always looking for something to do. He’s twenty-six years old, good looking, a doctor by profession and ….” “Mrs L,” Evelyn felt like crying. “I told you, I am not looking for a relationship.” “That’s exactly why I need you to go to this event!” Sibu insisted. “You are at that age when you should be out there dating and making mistakes Eva. Why do you insist on being alone always? “I remember there was a time when I thought being alone was the best thing for me but ever since I learnt the power of companionship, I have not looked back. I just don’t want to see you make the same mistakes as I did.” “I understand, very much that you mean well boss but….” “No buts,” Sibu got up from her chair and walked over to where Evelyn was standing. She held both her hands. “Why don’t you try just this once Eva,” she said. “Lebo is a pretty decent guy. I actually think you would like him. Go with him to this thing and if you don’t like him, well, you would still get to enjoy great food and great company. Please please Eva…just do this for me, please.” Evelyn wanted to say no but the look in Sibu’s eyes made it very difficult for her to do so. What if Kelvin heard about it? Evelyn wondered. And then she remembered that he would be too busy with his mother to be following her around. Smiling, she said to Sibu, “You are very persistant you know that.” Sibu laughed. “I do. So will you oblige me, just this once?” She pleaded. “Okay.” “Okay?” “Yes, okay.” Sibu wrapped her secretary in a hug. “Are you sure you are supposed to be doing this?” Evelyn asked, wondering whether to hug her back or not, her arms stretched out. Sibu laughed and released her from the embrace. “This is safe sweetie,” she told her. “How about we go shop for your dress at lunch time today?” “I don’t think I have that kind of money to afford a decent dress for such a function Mrs L.” “Who said you are going to be buying?” Sibu laughed. * * * When Saturday finally came, Evelyn was both nervous and excited as she waited for her date to come pick her up at home. She had no idea what Lebogang looked like. She had spent the rest of the week fighting the urge to look him up on the internet. There was a part of her that was hoping he would turn out to be a great guy because…who doesn’t want to show up at such a fancy event with a gorgeous man on her arm? Evelyn always wondered what it would be like to attend such a function, and now that she was finally given the opportunity to be at one, she wasn’t sure what to do or expect. “Oh my gosh you look like a princess!” Thando complemented her when she came into her room, with just a towel wrapped around her. Evelyn looked at her reflection in the mirror. It was the first time she had seen herself look or feel like that. “I feel like I am looking at someone else,” she told her friend. Thabo came to stand behind her. “That’s because I am such a genius artist…and of course it helps that I had a great canvas.” She said smugly, praising her own make-up skills. “Red really does look great on you,” Thabo said as she looked at Evelyn’s reflection in the mirror. “You look like some celebrity or one of those rich and famous people. You are gonna fit right in amongst those rich gloaters over there.” “And why are you still not changed Thabo?” Evelyn turned around to look at her friend. “Aren’t you going to be late?” “Martin just called, he said he can’t make it.” “What?” “Yep.” “And why don’t you look or sound upset? You were looking forward to going on a date with him.” Thabo laughed. “I know. I kind of knew he would do that. That’s why I was hesitating going into the bathroom. That guy is still hung on his ex-wife. There’s no way he was going to go on a date arranged by her.” “So why are you not crying or screaming like I expect you be doing? He just cancelled on you at the last minute. That’s considered rude you know.” “I know,” Thabo said, looking a bit down. “But the good news is,” she started to smile again. “I have his number now!” Evelyn didn’t know what to say to her friend. Why was she surrounded by such special people? “Am just glad you are taking this whole thing well. I would have felt bad going and leaving you alone when you are feeling down.” “C’mon, forget about me. You know I am a relentless bitch. Martin is in for a surprise if he thinks he can get rid of me just like that.” Evelyn laughed. “I kind of feel bad for the poor guy. He’s really in for a big surprise.” Both girls laughed. “Get up, I wanna see how you look, full view.” Evelyn stood up and stepped aside to give Thando a full view of her outfit. It was a red and white lace bodycon dress that accentuated every curve on her body. “What do you think about the shoes?” Evelyn was pointing at her 4 inches red stiletto heels. “I feel like it’s too much red.” “Hell no, you look perfect,” Thabo assured her. “Besides, most of that dress is white so the red is mostly just complimentary. You look so hot I could kiss you right now…but then that would ruin your sexy lipstick.” “You need help Thabo,” Evelyn laughed. “I have a confession to make by the way.” Thabo sat down on the bed and faced her friend. Evelyn went to sit with her. “What did you do?” She asked. With Thabo, anything was possible. “I checked out Lebo’s Facebook profile,” and she shut her eyes to avoid looking at Evelyn’s reaction. “Thabo!” Evelyn said. “You promised!” “I know, am sorry sweetie. I just couldn’t help myself.” Just then, Evelyn’s phone rang from the dressing table. “Talk of the devil,” Evelyn said and got up to answer her phone. “It’s him.” “Answer it!” Thabo rushed over to her. “Hi,” Evelyn answered the phone. “Hi, is this Evelyn?” Asked a male’s voice. He sounds hot. Evelyn mouthed the words to Thabo, her hand placed over the phone. Thabo was jumping up and down in excitement. Evelyn held the phone back to her ear. “Yes that’s me,” she said. “This is Lebo…Lebogang, Sibusiswe’s eerr….” “I know who you are,” Evelyn chuckled. “My boss already gave me your number. Are you here?…or are you calling to cancel?” She held her breath, thinking about what Martin had just done to Thabo. And then she heard him laugh. OMG! She mouthed to Thabo again. “I am actually outside your door Evelyn…I hope I got the address right.” He’s here! She said to her housemate. Thabo immediately ran out of the bedroom and into the living room to look out the window. “You are here?” Evelyn asked and followed Thabo to the window. “And we have a winner,” Thabo said upon seeing the man standing in front of their house, she was drooling without shame. Evelyn too peeped through the curtain and got a glimpse of him. “I can see you, I will be right out.” “Okay, I’ll be here.” He said and cut the line. “I think am about to have a heart attack,” Evelyn was limply standing behind thabo and clutching her chest playfully. Thabo ran back into Evelyn’s bedroom to grab her purse. “Here,” she put it into Evelyn’s hand and started pushing her towards the door. “You look sexy and you have a hunk waiting for you outside. Go out there and Cinderella the hell out of that event.” Evelyn laughed, hugged her friend goodbye and walked out to meet Lebo. “Oh my,” were the first words that Lebo said to her the moment he laid eyes on her. “You look fantastic!” “Thanks,” Evelyn said when she got to him by the car. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” She was grinning from ear to ear. Lebo went to open the door for her and Evelyn nervously got in. “You have a very beautiful car,” she told him when he sat behind the wheel. “Thanks,” Lebo said as he started the engine. “Seat…” and then he laughed. “I was going to ask you to put your seatbelt on but…” Evelyn laughed as she looked down at her already strapped seatbelt. “I always do this whenever am seated in the front.” She told him. “I think I like you already,” Lebo said, smiling as he got them back on the road. By the time they reached the venue, Evelyn was in high spirits. She had such a great time with Lebogang during the short ride to the hotel where the event was being held. She could not remember the last time she had had such a great time just talking to someone. It was in those same spirits that the two of them entered the event hall. But Evelyn’s spirits were immediately dampened when her eyes gazed upon the crowd of expensively dressed guests and immediately spotted the one group of people in the world she had not planned on meeting that evening. But there they were, in all their glorious wonder, the Mwangala’s and the Kangwa’s. Just what had happened to the stars of fate that they would all find themselves under the same roof on the same day and hour? Evelyn froze as all eyes settled on her and Lebo.
19 Aug 2018 | 02:09
Kelvin...maybe u need to go and grab beatrice...right now u mishandling the wrong person...shut the fu<k up and listen to me
19 Aug 2018 | 02:10
See kelvin,i understand what u went through about your birthday and your sister...u are not that heartless do more good
19 Aug 2018 | 03:14
Making her your concubine like this,is an error...u should be thinking twice about this...maybe in protecting her
19 Aug 2018 | 03:24
Eva...put it all aside...u can win this...beside what has happened last night...there are more people that loves u
19 Aug 2018 | 03:31
U have got sibu and shanbo and many more people who cares 4 u...even kelvin maynot even be what he thinks he wanna be
19 Aug 2018 | 03:44
19 Aug 2018 | 09:12
Good ride on
19 Aug 2018 | 09:31
I pray he shouldn't harm u
19 Aug 2018 | 09:32
wow interesting
19 Aug 2018 | 12:58
Kevin think twice
19 Aug 2018 | 13:53
wow!!! next episode will be so thrilling bcos I know Kelvin will definitely be jealous of Lebo and angry wit Eva,,,, Beatrice will be fidgeting thinking Evelyn came for her,,,, wow.... am gonna love next episode more
19 Aug 2018 | 13:59
Just pray u don't meet Kelvin der!!!
19 Aug 2018 | 20:27
10 There they were; The sixteen year old Mark who was impeccably dressed in a suit and tie standing between his mother Beatrice and his equally well-dressed father Shadreck. Moola was standing between Kelvin and a woman Evelyn could only assume was Mrs Kangwa given the last conversation she had had with Kelvin. The first person that caught Evelyn’s attention was Kelvin, and rightly so. His piercing gaze ripped right through her and sent her blood flowing into the opposite direction. Evelyn felt her knees weaken, and if not for Lebogang who was holding on to her like a prince in shinning armor, she would have made the most memorable entrance ever at a charity event; fainting in front of everyone upon entering the room. “Areyou okay?” Lebo whispered into her ear, his arm over her shoulder. She never took her eyes off Kelvin because if she had, she would have seen the blazing looks on Beatrice and Moola’s faces and would have been forced to run for cover. “Who are those two?” Mervis asked her son and soon to be daughter in-law whilst looking at Evelyn and Lebo. “I think you have competition tonight my dear daughter in-law,”she said to Moola, smiling as if she had just paid her a compliment. “That girl looks like she can take out every female standing in this room.” Kelvin could see the smoke coming out of Moola’s ears. “There’ssomeone I need to introduce to you mother,” Kelvin put his arm over his mother’s shoulders and quickly led her away, but not before giving Evelyn one glacial stare over his shoulder. “I hope it’s not one of those people trying to dig into my past and get a scoop for their cheap tabloids.” Mervis said as she allowed her son to lead her away. Kelvin laughed. “Now why would I enable someone like that? Relax mother, your past is safely burried. Nobody in here knows who the hell you were.” They both smiled and waved to some people along the way. “This idea of you being some sort of mystery or enigma is getting out of hand mother.”Kelvin said. “Peopleare starting to come up with very wild theories about why you rarely appear in public. “If you can avoid certain trouble, why not go all the way to avoid it?” Mervis argued. “Mum no one from your past can recognize you,” Kelvin countered, leaning in closer to her to deliver the words only to her ears. “Gosh, even I can’t recognize you sometimes and yet I am your only son.” Mervis was smiling triumphantly. “I guess that surgeon did a good job ah.” She was touching her face everywhere. “You mean the one from twenty years ago or the one you recently visited in Dubai?” “Let’snot get into this right now son,” Mervis whispered. “I showed up here didn’t I?” “Only because I begged you to come with me.” Kelvin said. They had now reached the end of the hall but Kelvin didn’t appear to be stopping. “Where are you taking me?” Mervis looked up at her son suspiciously. “We are going outside, into the garden.” Kelvin said, taking his mother’s hand and leading her through the red carpetted passageway leading into the garden before she could protest. “Then why did you….”Mervis had started to complain. “Because you seemed to be having such a great time in there making my fiance mad,” he deliberately stressed the two words. They were now standing outside in the garden. “Do you want to make it obvious that you don’t like her?” Kelvin asked his mother. “What? I was only kidding around with her. She couldn’t have taken that seriously did she?” Mervis was clearly making light of a situation she knew would have escalated into something bigger had Kelvin not pulled her away in time. “Her parents are right there mother,” he said. “Aren’t you the one who’s always telling me to be cautious around them?” Mervis scowled like a child that just realized the gravity of their mistake. She knew her son was right. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I just get so mad sometimes….” “I know,” Kelvin held both her hands. “I understand very well how you must be feeling.” “This is exactly why I don’t like appearing in public. I am better off staying behind my desk at home and pulling strings remotely, or better yet, travelling. It’s enough that we are giving these charities large fortunes that are only going to end up in the pockets of selfish nefarious bastards. I don’t understand why they insist on….” “Mother,” Kelvin was shaking her hands. “Calm down. How about we do this,” he was smiling at her. “You can leave now with my car and I can remain in your stead. I think everyone has seen your face already so they have no business saying or writing nasty things about you.” Mervis openly welcomed the suggestion. “I can do that right?” “Yes,” Kelvin smiled reassuringly. “You can leave mother.” “But how are you going to get home?” “I will hitch a ride with someone,” Kelvin said. “There are way too many people in there that would jump at an opportunity to help the son of the richest woman in town.” Mervis was smiling proudly.“In southern Africa baby, richest woman in Southern Africa.” She corrected him. Kelvin laughed. So typical of his mother to brag in such a situation. “I just need to say goodbye to….” “You don’t need to do that,” Kelvin quickly provided. “I know how you hate acting nice,” he laughed. “I will just tell them that you weren’t feeling so well, jetlag…they all know you had travelled so they’ll understand.” Mervis held put her hand behind her son’s head and pulled it down to her level. She planted a kiss on his forehead and said, “you really are the best son in the world you know that?” Kelvin’ssmile never reached his eyes. He quickly put his arm aroud her shoulders and said, “let me escort you to the car my queen. There’sa way right here.” Mervis happily allowed her son to lead her to the parking lot, oblivious to the mysterious expression on his face. Back in the hall, Lebo was looking at Evelyn with such great concern. “Areyou okay Evelyn?” He asked her again. Evelyn was shaking all over, hereyes fixed on the entrance of the passageway on the other ide of the room where Kelvin had just disapeared with his mother. “You don’t look so good Eva,” Lebo was saying. “Do you want us to leave?” He was almost turning her around so they could leave but Evelyn put her hand on his arm to stop him. “No, we don’t need to leave,” she told him, her eyes now on Beatrice and her glowing brood. Her husband Shadreck was nowhere in sight. “Areyou sure Eva?” Lebo asked. Evelyn slowly removed his arm from her shoulder and held on to his hand. “I am fine now,” she was smiling endearingly at him. “I am sorry I got like that…this is my first time being in such a place so….” Lebo was smiling at her.“It’sfine, you don’t need to apologize. I understand, but, if you feel like getting some fresh air outside first before coming back in here to greet a few people and mingle, we can do that. Besides, I don’t know anybody here.” He laughed. “Sibu asked me to greet a few certain people and give them her apologies….” “We don’t need to go outside lebo,” Evelyn tried to put more life into her smile to reassure the visibly concerned Lebogang. “I am really fine now.” “Hi,” came a female’s voice from behind Lebo. He turned around and found a woman smiling at them. She appeared to be in her mid-forties,impeccably dressed just like everyone else in the room. “You must be Lebogang and Evelyn right?” The woman asked, her genuine smile made Evelyn feel very welcome. “Yes,” Lebo smiled back. “You must be Mrs Richards, the organizer of this wonderful event.” “Yes I am, but you can just call me Prisca,” she said as she shook their hands. “Wow,” she said as she looked at Evelyn. “You truly are a beautiful young lady Miss Evelyn. You had everyone’s head turn the moment you stepped into the hall. I am so glad Michael isn’t here tonight,” and leaning forward to whisper into Evelyn’s ear she said, “My husband has a weakness for pretty girls you see.” Evelyn was blushing all over. “Thank you Mrs…Prisca,”she corrected herself in time. Lebo and Prisca laughed at her little mishap. “I think am the luckiest man in this room tonight,” Lebo said proudly, moving his arm from over her shoulder to put it around her waist. Evelyn looked up at him, nervously smiled and then looked around the room for any possible audience. Lebogang felt her tense against him. He squeezed her a bit hoping to relax her but something in her eyes made him think that there was more going on with her than just nervousness. Evelyn was able to breath a bit when she saw no signs of Kelvin anywhere in the room. On the other hand, Beatrice and her family appeared to be deeply engaged in a conversation with other guests, but she could still feel her disapproving eye on her every now and then. “The two of you make such a wonderful couple.” Mrs Richards was beaming from ear to ear just looking at the two of them. “You remind me a lot of my husband and I when we were young.” “I couldn’t agree more,”Kelvin appeared from behind Evelyn, his hands in his pockets and a forbidding expression on his face that was coupled with a smile that could not even reach his upper lip. “The two of you really make such a great couple,” he was stressing every word in the sentence like someone with a score to settle with the grammar police. “Fancy seeing you here, Eva.”Kelvin came to stand right in front of Evelyn, taking in every inch of her and sent shivers down her spine with his molesting eyes. On the other side of the room, Moola was looking over at them like an eagle guarding its nest. She was one in two places. “Kelvin,” Mrs Richards smiled at the son of one of her biggest sponsors. “You two know each other?” She asked. “You know him?” Lebo too asked Evelyn. All the while, Kelvinhad not taken his eyes off her. “Aarh….” Evelyn thought about the right thing to say in such a sitaution. Kelvin wasn’t doing much to help and he didn’t look like he was even trying. But what did she expect from him? He was after all the one who had put her in that predicarment in the first place. Why did he have to come here? Evelyn kicked herself in her head. Why did I come here even? “Work,” Evelyn finally thought of what to say. “I know him from work.” She lied. “My name is Lebogang,” Evelyn’s tall and handsome date reached one hand out to Kelvin while his other hand kept holding on to Evelyn’s waist, tightly, and marking his territory with just one look in his eyes. “Evelyn’s boyfriend,” Lebo finished his introduction. He could feel Evelyn tense behind his touch again. “Boyfriend?”Kelvin said as he shook Lebo’s hand, summoning all the forces of his ancestors behind his grip as a cold and calculated smirk graced his handsome face. If the two of them were not so obviously standing on two opposite ends, anyone could have easily confused them for brothers. They were both tall, fair complexion, both dressed in black Jaguar suits and with the kind of hair that was known to grace the cover of black men’s fashion magazines. Two suns stood and sized each other up while the moon watched from the side, praying every prayer in the Holy Book in the hopes of avoiding an eclipse. “How about you kids catch up while I go say hi to the arriving guests,” Mrs Richards was looking at a group of poeople that had just entered the hall. “I’ll come back to you Lebogang and Evelyn, Sibu asked me to introduce you both to some very important people here.” “Thank you Prisca,” Lebo said with a feigned smile on his face. “Thank you Mrs Richards,” Evelyn said, but only as loud as a whisper. “Boyfriend?”Kelvin repeated himself once the organizer was gone. “What’s going on here?” “Moola,” Kelvin said to his fiance who had finally managed to make an escape from her parents to come and man her territory. “Don’t I know you?” Moola was looking at Evelyn contemptiously. “Is this how you guys in Zambia welcome guests?” Lebo remarked. “I’m starting to feel like I am going to get upset from soon.” He added sarcastically. “Let’sgo out for some fresh air Lebo,” Evelyn said to her date. “Don’t mind these people, they are not important.” She took him by the hand and led him back out where they had come. Without thinking, Kelvin started to follow them but Moola grabbed his hand and gave him the coldest look possible. “What do you think you are doing?” She asked him, looking at him accusingly.“Have you lost your mind?” “Am sorry,” Kelvin apologized. “That guy just pissed me off.” “Areyou sure it’s the guy you have a problem with?” Moola grilled him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. “You know very well what I mean,” she said. “You think I didn’tsee the way you were looking at that girl?” “Don’t start with your drama Moola,” Kelvin said. “This isn’t the place for that.” “What’s going on here?” Shadreck joined the pair. “I don’t know dad, you ask Kelvin.” Moola said and stormed off with her glass of wine in hand to join a group of girls chatting by the corner. “Kelvin?”Shadreck gave his son in-law an admonishing look Outside the hotel, Lebo and Evelyn found a spot where they could chat in private and Lebo turned to her. “What was all that about Eva?” Evelyn couldn’t remember when Lebogang had started calling her like that but she loved the sound of her name from his lips. Unfortunately, that realization only made her feel even more guilty over what had just transpired. “I know that I have no business asking you this since we just met but, I thought this was going to be our first date so naturally, I had certain expectations. So am gonna ask you, what’sgoing on between you and that Kelvin guy?” Evelyn hang her head low, unableto look Lebo in the eye. “Look at me Eva,” he placed his hand on her forehead and gently lifted her head up. “Tell me whatever is going on, I swear I won’t get mad but please, just don’t lie to me. I already feel so stupid not knowing what’sgoing on with you or why you are acting like this….” “I don’t even know where to start Lebo,” she was on the verge of crying. “I don’t know what to say to you…it’s all so very complicated.” “Then give me the summary,” he said. Evelyn sighed, heavily. “Eva?” Lebo urged her on. Feeling like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, Evelyn forgot for a moment about where she was and tried to sit down on the grass but Lebo caught her on time. She just wanted to lie down and sleep her troubles away. Was that too much to ask? “What do you think you doing? You are going to ruin your dress.” Lebogang rushed to hold her. But Evelyn just hang limply there, with Lebo’s grip on her the only thing keeping her on her feet. And then he felt her tears fall on his shoe and he immediately looked down. There it was, one thick drop. “Evelyn?” He tried to make her stand up straight but she didn’tseem willing to win her war against gravity. Sensing her sense of powerlessness, Lebo wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly while she gave way to the stream of tears she had been keeping at bay. “I am tired…I am so tired of all this,” Evelyn cried into his chest. Lebo only held her tighter.“I’m right here with you, I’m here….” he soothingly said to her over her head. And Evelyn let herself go, finally allowed herself to cry in the arms of this stranger that had appeared in her life out of nowhere. She cried over her cursed existence, her unrighteous fate, and she cried over her current situation…atthe loss of yet another person that had just walked into her life with a smile but was now going to leave all because she had been born from two people that were never supposed to be together in the first place. In Lebo’s arms, Evelyn cried over everything in her life that had gone wrong, everything that was going wrong…and everything that was yet to go wrong. For close to ten minutes, she stayed in his arms and allowed herself to feel the warmth of his body and soothing hands…if only for a while. And then Lebo’s phone vibrated from his pocket. Evelyn tried to raise her head but Lebo said, “just ignore it. It’sprobably just Sibu trying to check up on us.” “It could be important,” Evelyn unglued herself from his embrace. Lebo took out a hanker from his pocket and handed it her.“I think you’ve runied your make-up.” He said smiling. Evelyn found herself smiling back. It was something about his tone and the look in his eyes when he was talking to her that made her heart break even more. Lebo’s phone kept vibrating. “Maybe you should just check who it is,” she said, pointing to his pocket. Lebo took out his phone from his and checked. “My mother?” he said, his forehead wrinking up in surprise as he held the screen up for Evelyn to see. “You should answer it,” Evelyn told him. “You are far from home so she might get very worried if you don’t pick her calls. I am going to go back and look for a bathroom,” she pointed to her face that had smudged make-up. “Good thing you used waterproof mascara,” Lebo teased her. Evelyn laughed. “I won’t even ask how you know that.” She said. “Blame this woman that had a boy right in the middle of girls.” He was shaking the phone in his hand. “Talk to her, I will be back soon.” Evelyn said and left him to head to the bathrooms inside. She was almost at the entrance of the hotel when someone grabbed her by the arm and dragged her away to the other side of the hotel. It was Beatrice, looking furious and fuming like the devil’s first cousin. “Let me go, you are hurting me!” Evelyn tried to free her hand but Beatrice wouldn’t stop until she was sure she had dragged her far away enough from any prying eyes. “Just look at you!” Beatrice was referring to her daughter’s messed up make-up,a disgusted look on her face. “What the hell are you doing here?” She barked at her.“Didn’tI tell you to stay as far away from me and my family as possible?” “If you think that I came here just to be close to you then you are more deluded that I imagined you to be. I have as much right to be here as you and your family.” She tried to walk away from her but Beatrice grabbed her hand again and pulled her back. “Who gave you an invitation? I need to talk to the organizers of this event so they can deal with whatever embacile allowed the likes of you access to such an exclusive event.” “This is a charity event,” Evelyn reminded her. “Yes, which means you are supposed to be on the other side of it, not inside where all the money is made.” “Can you even hear youself?” Evelyn asked. “I am your daughter! You gave birth to me whether you like it or not. The more you insult me, the more ashamed of yourself you should be. I never asked you to give birth to me!” “Why do you think I hate the sight of you?” Beatrice hollered. “It’sbecause I am ashamed for allowing myself to give birth to something like you. You were the biggest mistake of my life, a huge business deal that went wrong. I wish you would just disappear from the face of the earth and leave me and my family the hell alone.” Evelyn could only respond with tears, unable to master any strength to respond. She had had enough for one night. She tried to walk away again, but Beatrice pulled her back. “How much do you need me to give you so you can disapear? Tell me, what do you need; a house? A car? A visa to travel abroad? Tell me, I will give it to you.” “I just want you to leave me alone,” Evelyn said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Good, it seems we agree on one thing at least.” Beatrice pressed on. “How much do you need?” “I don’t need anything from you!” Evelyn finally snapped. “I don’t need you, I don’t need your money, I don’t need your family and I sure as hell don’t need you as a mother. There’snothing I hate more in this world than knowing that I came from someone like you. “You disgust me, you and your fancy lifestyle. You think that will last forever? You think there is no God out there? No,” she was shaking her head. “Thereis a God out there and he is still warming up the hell that he will throw you in when the time comes and that time will be soon. All your money and everything that you hold dear will not be enough to save your stinking soul.” Beatrice was laughing, laughing hard to the point of breaking while Evelyn watched in despair, amazed by the show her mother was putting on. “You sound just like your grandmother,” Beatrice said, sobering up at the blink of an eye. “She was all about that Jesus and that holy crap and she died poor. Judge me all you want but at least I will not be heading to hell in tattered clothes and stinking feet. You should have learnt something from your pathetic grandmother. All the faith but look how she died?” “You mean your mother?” Evelyn said. “She was not just my grandmother, s he was your mother .” “That woman was never a mother to me,” Beatrice said. “Anyperson that took so much pride in being poor cannot and will never be related to me. I suffered living under that woman’s roof. No mother should put her child through such hell.” “You are one to talk,” Evelyn retorted. “How I wish the people in there would hear you speak right now.” Evelyn was pointing towards the hall where everyone was gathered. Beatrice snickered. “Allthose people in there are just as bad as me, they are all acting like they give a dame about the underprivileged when all they want to do is show off to the world that they have money.” “I guess you were right when you said I shouldn’t have come here.” Evelyn said. “I am always right.” “No you are not,” Evelyn said matter-of- factly. “What did you just say?” Beatrice took a step towards her daughter. Evelyn did not flinch. “You do not scare me,” she was looking her straight in the eye. “If anyone should be scared here, it’s you.” Beatrice scoffed. “Now why would I be scared of a nobody like you?” “Because I am the only one that knows exactly who you and because I am the only one paying the price for all the sins you’ve accumulated over time. Eventually, I am going to have to collect my dues…and you will pay me back every cent.” “Areyou trying to threaten me?” Beatrice laughed. Evelyn started shaking her head, leaning in towards Beatrice as if to mock her and smiling she said, “Oh no, I am not good with threats. I am making you a promise.” “You little….” Beatrice was about to slap her across the face when Lebo appeared from the side and grabbed her raised arm. “What do you think you are doing?” He thudered down at her menacingly, his hand gripping hers with such force. Beatrice tried to push him off but Lebo kept her in check, holding her hand without breaking a sweat. “Did you find yourself a rich boyfriend?” Beatrice looked from Evelyn and then to Lebo who was still gripping her hand. “So it’s true what they say about genes isn’t it?” She was looking at her daughter with a nasty smile on her face, like there was a secret in the air that only the two of them were aware of. “I will never be anything like you!” Evelyn said sternly. “Let her go Lebo. She is not someone you should be touching. She is Satan’svernim, let’s go.” She took his hand and led him away, leaving Beatrice reeling in anger as she nursed the part where Lebo had been gripping her. “Eva stop,” Lebogang stopped before they could reach the entrance of the hotel. Behind them, Evelyn saw Beatrice use the back way into the garden to go back inside. “Honestly, I think I have had enough for a day,” Lebogang said, folding his arms over his chest. “Either you tell me what’sgoing on or we go our separate ways, right now, right here.” He said. “I knew this was going to happen,” Evelyn said resignedly. “You knew?” “I knew…I knew the moment I stepped into that hall and laid my eyes on that bunch.” “So are you going to tell me what’s going on or you would like me to leave? Don’t worry, I will call a cab for you. I am not in the habit of leaving women stranded at night.” “Do you really want to leave?” Evelyn asked. her eyes were begging him not to leave. “Yes Eva, I want to get out of here.” “Do you mind taking me with you?” “If you let me, I will take you away from this place right now.” Evelyn smiled and reached out her hand to him. Lebo took it and led her towards the parking lot. The whole exchange between the two had been heard and witnessed by Kelvin who had been standing behind one of the walls leading to the hotel entrance. Kelvin came out of hiding when he heard them walk away, one hand knotted tightly into a fist as he watched Evelyn and Lebo walk hand in hand a short distance away. While Kelvin kept watch over the two, he did not notice that he too had an audience of his own. Moola was watching him through the glass doors of the hotel entrance, her perfectly decorated face looked just about ready
20 Aug 2018 | 05:38
make una keep watching una back
20 Aug 2018 | 09:14
I wish Evelyn will tell Lebo everything dat happened btw her and dos pple,,,, bcos I don't see any reason y she should pay for her mother's sin,,, if Kelvin Hav scores to settle wit d culprit den he should go to Beatrice,,, did Evelyn Eva enjoy her mother's money? so how can she suffered for her sin? kelvin is do selfish,,, he want to get married but forbid Evelyn till he gets tired of her,,, who does dat? if Evelyn accept dis stupid arrangement den she is d most stupid and coward Hav ever known
20 Aug 2018 | 13:25
eva mayb u can atleast explain 2 leho
20 Aug 2018 | 13:26
20 Aug 2018 | 13:27
@chimmy are u from nigeria?
20 Aug 2018 | 14:12
I knew DAT going to DAT event wudnt end u guys well... I just can't fathom wat de hell is wrong with Kelvin
20 Aug 2018 | 17:42
Watching watching all d way
20 Aug 2018 | 20:46
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 11 image “I heard what you said,” Lebogang had his hands in his pockets, one leg crossed over the other and leaning against his car outside Evelyn’s house. With Lebo’s jacket on, Evelyn wrapped herself tightly to keep herself warm. She threw Lebo a puzzled expression. “What I said? When?” she asked. “To that woman,” Lebo replied. “I didn’t mean to…but I heard some of the things you and the other woman talked about at the hotel.” Evelyn dropped her arms and froze in trepidation. “I had seen her grab you while I was on the phone so I followed you. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop…I was just worried that you might be in danger so….” “How much did you hear?” Evelyn asked, tears welling up in her eyes. Why was everything spiralling so out of control? “I heard enough Eva,” Lebo told her. “Enough to know the relationship between you and that woman.” Evelyn’s tears poured without pause. Is this what the end looked like? She lamented. “Eva?” Lebo quickly closed the distance between them and held her in his arms. Evelyn was now sobbing hard against his chest Lebo did everything he could to soothe her and it took over ten minutes to finally get her to calm down. “What is really troubling you Eva?” Lebo asked once again. They were now seated in his car as it had gotten colder outside. “I know we just met but I can promise you this, you can trust me.” He implored her. “I know I can trust you Lebo,” Evelyn replied. “I have no doubt about that….” “But?” he added for her. “But, as you might have seen or heard for yourself, this is something very complicated. Everything in me is dying to talk to someone…to talk to you about what’s going on but the price I would have to pay for doing something like that is far more than whatever else I am going through right now.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked. “Just that,” she supplied. “This is way more than just an estranged relationship between a mother and daughter. There are other things surrounding that one little fact that would turn my already crumbling world upside if word of it got out…or if any of those people got wind that I told someone about it.” “How bad can it be?” Lebo asked. “Isn’t she your mother?” “You heard the way she talked to me, did she sound like a mother to me?” Lebo shook his head. “Not in the slightest. She sounded more like your nemesis.” “You see?” “What if I tried to find out on my own? Will that also out you in danger?” Evelyn turned her body fully to look at him. “Why do you want to know these things so bad Lebo? Is this just a case of curiosity or there’s more. We just met, I don’t understand why you would want to get so deeply involved in my affairs.” Lebo took her hands into his and held on to them. “I know this will make me sound like the biggest fool in the world but, something happened to me the moment I saw you walk out that door and approach me.” He was pointing to the door of her house. “I have met a lot of beautiful women in my life but I have never before met anyone like you Eva,” he continued. “When I saw the things that were happening to you at that hotel…when I saw you cry…I felt something break inside me. “I wanted to protect you. I want to protect you. I want to be that one person in your life you can run to when things get hard. I am not yet sure what all this means but all I know is that I don’t want today to be the last time we will be seeing each other.” The whole time he was speaking, Evelyn was looking into his eyes. All the things that his lips could not tell her, his eyes did. She wanted nothing but to drown in the sincerity swimming from there, to stop the hands of time and engrave that moment in time onto her heart so she would turn to it in her deepest despair. There was something comforting and healing in that pair of eyes. She didn’t know him well but she suddenly wanted to know everything about him. She wanted to trust and believe him. She wanted to hear him say he needed her…that he wanted her. And then Lebo started kissing her, hard, wet and full-on lips on lips. Everything was happening so fast that Evelyn could not keep tabs on her emotions that were spinning out of control. The first few seconds when she realized what was going on, her first instinct was to push him away, however, there was something else happening to her, a strange feeling coursing through her body that brought all her brain activity to a sudden halt. She didn’t want to lose that feeling. If she could cling to it forever, she would do so with every breath she took. Lebo’s hand was gripping the back of her head as he kissed her, deeper and deeper. Overwhelmed by all the strange yet welcome sensations coursing through her veins, Evelyn cupped Lebo’s face and started kissing him back. She wanted more…more of his lips…and more of him. That was until she felt his cold yet warm tongue down on her nipple. And the hands of time started ticking again. Reality hit Evelyn hard across the face. The merciless cold winter night bruised her face unapologetically when Lebo reluctantly pulled his face away from her to look at her. “I’m sorry,” Lebo drunken eyes apologized to her. “I didn’t mean to….” “Its fine,” Evelyn forced a smile on her face, her cheeks blushing red, whether from what had just happened between them or from the cold, Lebo could not be sure. “I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said. “It’s just that…everything was happening so fast….” “I wasn’t going to….” Lebo quickly went for damage control. He had not meant for things to escalate that quickly. “I know,” Evelyn tried smiling again to reassure him. “We were both caught up in the moment. It’s late now,” she was looking over at her door. “I think I should go inside.” She reached for the door but Lebo reached over and placed his hand on hers. “I don’t want you to think that I am forcing you Eva,” he was saying. “But I just need you to know that I will always be here if you ever need to talk.” Evelyn wanted to remind him that he won’t always be there…that he would soon go back to his home in Botswana and completely forget about her…. She wanted to tell him that if he discovers the truth, he might not be able to look at her the way he was looking at her right there. Lebo did not miss the conflict in her eyes as she gazed at him. He leaned forward, planted a kiss on her forehead and told her, “wait,” while he went around the car to hold the door open for her. “Thanks,” Evelyn said as she stepped out of the vehicle. “Thank you for going with me tonight. I really had a great time despite everything.” “You really mean that?” Lebo was looking at her expectantly. “Yes I do,” Evelyn assured him. “You were everything a perfect date should be.” Lebo was grinning from ear to ear. “I hope that means that there will be a second date, right” He was expectant again. Evelyn was smiling back at him. “We’ll see….” She said. “I heard a yes in my head,” he said excitedly. Evelyn only chuckled. “I want to hug you right now but I won’t. I don’t trust myself that I would let you go inside after that. You should go in, I will leave once I see that you are safely inside.” “Good night Lebo.” Evelyn smiled, took off his jacket and handed it over to him. She then turned and walked the short distance to her door. Once at the door, she stopped to look back at him and waved. A very ecstatic Lebo waved back and motioned for her to get inside. Lebo left the moment he was sure Evelyn was inside. As he was turning at the corner of the street leading to Evelyn’s house, Lebogang drove passed another vehicle heading in the direction he was coming from. With his mind dancing from the aftermath of that passionate kiss with Evelyn, Lebo was too absentminded to check the passengers in the car that had just passed because if he had done so, he would have turned back around and rushed to Evelyn’s rescue. However, Kelvin’s furry-flashed face indicated that he had seen the smiling face of the driver that had just driven past them as he turned to get another look at the driver. “Step on that thing won’t you?” Kelvin snapped at his driver once Lebo’s vehicle had disappeared from view. Evelyn had just turned on the lights in the living room and was going to check on Thando who was a heavy sleeper when she heard tires screeching outside. She paused by the bedroom door to concentrate. The lights shining through the window told her that there was someone in front of their house. Thinking that it was Lebogang who had returned for some reason, Evelyn ran back to the door, unlocked it and swung it wide open only to find a furious Kelvin standing in front of her. Without saying a word, he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her out of the house. Evelyn wanted to scream the moment her bare feet stepped on the cold ground outside but she knew better than to attract the attention of Thando who would obviously demand to know everything that was going on with Kelvin. Thando knowing that part of her life would only complicate things further. Thando’s rationality always disappeared whenever she sensed some injustice taking place around her. Evelyn could only imagine the amount of havoc her best friend would raise if she discovered Kelvin’s true identity. Kelvin swung the back door of the cab open and pushed Evelyn inside before getting in to sit next to her. “Where are you taking me?” A petrified Evelyn asked. She was very much aware of the wrath she had awakened in her proclaimed Master and she could only imagine the things he had in store for her. It was while Kelvin was dragging Evelyn to the car when Cassie who was passing in another vehicle heading out to the club with her friends saw them. “Mwansa stop!” Cassie shouted to their driver. “What is it Cassie?” Her friend Chipego who was also Mwansa’s girlfriend asked as the car parked to the side. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” said Tanya who was seated next to her. “There’s something I need to check,” Cassie informed her befuddled friends. Just then, the cab passed right next to them and Cassie managed to get a clear view of Kelvin who seemed to be having some sort of struggle with the girl she and Moola had confronted a few weeks ago. “That son of a bitch,” Cassie cussed out loud. “What is it?” Tanya asked. “Is it someone you know?” “Let’s just say that it’s someone I used to know because he is going to be a dead man after this.” She took out her phone from her clutch bag and dialled Moola’s line. Evelyn was trying to get the door on her side open so she could jump out of the vehicle but Kelvin was watching her every move. They struggled for a while as she tried attempted to free her hands from Kelvin’s grasp before she finally concluded that struggling against him was energy being used in futility. He was too strong for her. “You better calm yourself down before you make me lose whatever little control I still have on my temper.” He sternly warned her. Apart from her heavy breathing, Evelyn remained silent the rest of the way. Kelvin had not spoken another word to her until they were finally inside his home. Once he was done locking the door, he turned to her, laid his hands on her shoulders and forced her back against the wall next to the door. “Who is he?” Was the first question he fired at her as fireworks shot from his eyes. His face was just inches away from hers and he could feel her trembling body and her fast beating heart. Instead of answering, the only thing Evelyn could think of doing was cry. “Don’t!” Kelvin clenched his jaw in furry and hd his fist out, ready to pounce whenever he lost control. “Don’t show me those tears,” he said between clenched teeth. “Don’t.” “I am sorry,” Evelyn said in-between sobs. “I am sorry Kelvin.” “You are sorry for what?” He roared. “Tell me who the hell he is!” “He’s just a friend,” Evelyn said. “That’s not what he said.” Kelvin said. Evelyn could see the muscles on Kelvin’s face. He was speaking in a controlled tone, each word carrying more weight than supposed to and his jaw kept clenching and unclenching. He had never hit her before…but could this be the day he finally started? “I know,” Evelyn tried to turn her face away from his furious gaze but she had no room to move. “He only said that out of spite. Him and I are just friends. I swear.” “Then why did you say you were sorry?” “Because I knew that you were upset when you saw us together.” “Us?” Kelvin scoffed. “So now you and him are US? What are you not telling me Eva? What did you do with that son of a bitch? And you better not lie to me!” Evelyn closed her eyes, unable to tell him a lie whilst looking at him. “Open your eyes,” Kelvin caught on to her. “Open your eyes and answer me Eva. What did you do with that guy?” “Nothing, we did nothing.” She still had her eyes shut. “Eva?” Kelvin roared into her face. “Look at me when you speak. Open your eyes.” No longer able to control herself, Evelyn gave up her fight and sobbed, slowly dropping to the floor as she brought her hands to cover her face. “Nooo….” Kelvin was slowly moving away from her, shaking his head in disbelief. He grabbed the closest thing he could lay his hands on and threw it on the floor. Evelyn almost jumped as the pieces of what had once been a beautiful salad bowl hit the floor and flung in all directions. “Get up,” Kelvin went at her, his shoes stepping all over the broken glass as he grabbed her by the hand and dragged her upstairs to his bedroom. In her bare feet, Evelyn left a trail of blood on the livingroom floor all the way into Kelvin’s bedroom. Unaware of her pain, Kelvin pushed her onto his bed and started ripping her dress apart. In no time, Evelyn lay on her back in nothing but her lingerie, crying, panting and wincing in both pain and fear. Kelvin was leaning in to force his lips on her when he saw something in her eyes that made him pause. “Why have you stopped fighting me?” He asked her. “It hurts,” Evelyn said. “What hurts? I haven’t even started.” She pointed to her feet and that’s when he saw the blood on his beddings. “What the…. where did this come from?” “The broken glass,” Evelyn answered. “Shit!” he cussed before moving from on top of her to look at her feet. “Gosh you have cuts all over your feet!” “It hurts.” “Why didn’t you say something goddammit?” “I tried to….” “Wait there,” he got up from his knees and headed to his bathroom. He appeared a few seconds later with a First Aid box kit in his hands. He found her still laying on her back, groaning in pain. “Sit up,” he told her as he helped her do so, leading her feet towards the edge of the bed. He sat down by the bed to get a good look at her feet as he disinfected the wounds and he heard Evelyn say, “I can do it.” “Just sit,” he said sternly and continued administering first aid. When he was done, he sighed heavily and moved so that he was now his back against the bed, with his head bowed in resignation while Evelyn watched from the bed. They stayed like that for five minutes, no words spoken between them. “Kelvin,” she was the first to break the silence. “UM,” Kelvin answered his back still to her. “I am sorry….” she said, almost in a whisper. Kelvin slowly got up from the floor and went to kneel on the other side of the bed, his eyes full of unshed tears. Confused by his reaction, Evelyn turned her body to face him. “What are you sorry for Evelyn?” he asked her. “I don’t know Kelvin,” she answered honestly. “I am just sorry that I made you upset.” “I am sorry too,” he said, his tears finally giving way. “It’s okay, I understand. You didn’t mean to hurt me, you were upset.” “Not that,” he said. “What?” Evelyn asked. “I am sorry…but I think that I am in-love with you Eva.” And then she felt the room suddenly go cold and quite. A needle could have dropped and she would have heard it land on the carpeted floor. The walls started to spin around her. “Eva?” Kelvin was looking at the tranced expression on her face. “Did you hear what I said?” She was nodding and then shaking her head at the same time. “I said that I think that ….” “I heard you the first time,” she quickly cut him off, not trusting that she would be able to keep her sanity if she heard those words a second time. There was something about hearing someone say those words directly to her that seemed to shake her to her very roots. Why did the first person to tell her such words be Kelvin of all people? Even if she wanted to brush his words aside, the damage had already been done; he had already said those words out loud. “Why?” She asked him. “You hate me.” “I know,” he said. “I think that I love you as much as I hate you.” “No.” “Yes.” “You are just confused. You don’t know what you are talking about.” She tried to argue with him. “No, I am not confused anymore.” Kelvin countered. “I have thought about for a long time and it’s true, I am in-love with you.” “Please don’t say that?” She begged. “Do my words make you nervous Eva?” He asked. “No, they just make me uncomfortable.” She answered. “Why do they make you uncomfortable?” “Because this is you we are talking about.” She replied. “You have invested so much time and energy trying to punish me for being my mother’s daughter and now you are confused. You are confusing those feelings of anger and resentment for something else. “I understand why you might think you have such feelings after seeing me with another man but that’s only because you think of me as your property…something that belongs to you. We all feel some ounce of jealous when we see something we feel belongs to us with someone else.” “Please don’t reduce my feelings to something so trivial,” Kelvin said. “Do you think I like feeling this way? God I hate the fact that you exist. Every time I look at you I think of my sister and what she went through. I see you and I just feel like kicking something…kicking you. My blood boils when I think of your mother and I can’t seem to think straight. “I have these ideas in my head of how I should punish you, make you pay for everything my family went through…I always have it worked out in my head but every time I see you…every time I look into your eyes…all those feelings go away and something else takes over. “At first it’s true, I just wanted to possess you, to make you mine even if by force by the truth is that I was fighting hard to keep these feelings away because they disrupted all the rational calculations I have made in my head. I told myself that there’s no way I can be in-love with the daughter of the woman that killed my sister and caused the death of my father. “I tried to fight…. I tried to hurt you, to hate you…thought that maybe if you hated me like that, then I would hate you more in return and feel so remorse over hurting you. I thought that would help clear the confusion in my head. “But when I saw you at that hotel on the arm of another man, I knew without a doubt that what I felt for you was something I have been desperately trying not to avoid admitting from the moment I met you. I know its absurd yes, I know…but I won’t lie to myself any more. I am in-love with you Eva.” “No you are not,” Evelyn insisted, turning to look away from him but Kelvin moved to be in front of her again. “Look me in the eye and tell me what you see in there Eva,” he said, taking her hands into his. She tried pulling away but he held her in place. “Look into my eyes Eva,” he pleaded. She was still looking away. “The only thing I am going to see in there is the desperation of a man who wants to use me to avenge his sister’s face. Why not save yourself the embarrassment?” “I deserve that,” Kelvin said. “I deserve that.” He repeated. “Just out of curiosity,” she was finally looking at him. “How exactly did you see this scene ending in your head? That you confess your love for me and I jump straight into your arms?” “I didn’t think that far. I just knew I had to tell you. It wasn’t easy for me to come clean but if I didn’t tell you how I really felt, I was afraid I might lose you.” “Lose me? You’ve never had me Kelvin. The only reason I am sitting her half naked in your bed is because you forced me to.” “Which is why I am going to stop,” he announced. “What do you mean?” Evelyn asked after a moment. “I mean that I am going to stop forcing you to be my woman. I have a lot of issues against you yes but I will not force you to do anything you don’t want any more. I am just begging you that you think about what I just told you.” “And what will happen after I think about it Kelvin? Have you forgotten that you will be getting married very soon?” Kelvin seemed at a loss for words. He had actually forgotten about his own engagement. Evelyn started to laugh. “Are you kidding me?” She asked him. “Did you actually forget about the fact that you are not a single man? And not just that, according to you, this wedding has a lot to do with your revenge. Were you planning on turning me into your willing mistress with that insincere declaration of love?” “It’s not like that Evelyn.” “Then what is it like Kelvin?” “Yes I will be marrying Moola but that’s not out of love and you know it. The one I love is you.” “So you marry your enemy’s second born daughter and turn her first born into your mistress? Wow, isn’t that the best revenge ever?” “It’s not like that.” “That’s how it looks from where am standing.” “What if I give up on the marriage and not marry Moola? I can do that for you Eva.” “Then it will be breaking the heart of your enemy’s second born daughter and marrying her first born daughter. I think they are all still in the same bracket.” “Then what do you want me to do to prove to you that my feelings are real?” “I want you to leave me the hell alone. I have never done anything bad to you Kelvin so I don’t deserve such treatment from you. I don’t care about your revenge or your marriage to Moola. I just need you to leave me out of it. Please.” “I can’t do that Eva. I need you in my life, sincerely.” He brought her hands to his mouth and kissed them. “Please Eva, just give me a chance.” Evelyn tried to withdraw her hands but Kelvin was still holding on to them. “Do you know that you doing this actually means that you don’t care about me in the slightest? The moment your mother discovers who I really am, do you think she will let me live? I checked at that orphanage where there was the boy they mistook for me…I found out how they discovered his dead body on the side of the street not far from the orphanage. “That was no accident. Witnesses saw that car go after him even when he desperately tried to make a run for it. An innocent little boy was killed all because your mother thought it was me. What do you think she will do to me when she discovers that her only begotten son is planning on ruining all the plans she’s put in place just so he can be with the daughter of the woman she is in the process of ruining. If you really loved me as much as you claim you do, you would not be putting me in such a position Kelvin.” Kelvin finally dropped her hands and got up on his feet, his two fingers rubbing his closed eyes as he lost himself in deep thought. He then walked over to the nearest wall and started hitting his head against it. “What do you think you are doing?” Evelyn asked. “Have you lost your mind?” “I think so,” Kelvin answered, still hitting his head slowly against the wall. “Stop it,” Evelyn snapped. “You are giving me a headache. And Kelvin stopped. He turned around to face her. “What if we ran away?” He suggested, a glimmer of hope suddenly touching his eyes. “I knew it, you’ve finally lost your mind.” Evelyn said. “I am very serious Eva. What if we went to some place so far that my mother can’t find us?” Evelyn scoffed. “Sometimes you act like you have a four digit IQ but now you are acting like it’s in the negatives. Who’s we Kelvin? I don’t have those kind of feelings towards you.” “I know you don’t and I blame myself for that. But if you can get to know me all over again, I am not such a bad guy Eva. I made a few terrible mistakes with you but that’s not really who I am.” “Besides the feelings part,” Evelyn was saying. “There’s your mother. She is the only family you have. Do you honestly think that you can fly across the world and be at peace knowing very well that you plunged a knife into her heart? “Or, that you did so with the daughter of the woman responsible for taking away her daughter and husband? Even if your mother was your worst enemy, no son would do something like that to his own mother.” Kelvin looked knocked-out, like all the fight had just been taken from him by those few words from Evelyn’s lips. He held his hand to his forehead and allowed his knees to give way to exhaustion. He was sitting on the floor looking dejected and hopeless. And then there was loud banging on his door, the kind that would collapse the target building if prolonged. “Kelvin, I know you are in there with that whore. Open this door right now!” Moola yelled from outside. Kelvin and Evelyn gaped at each other in shock as Moola banged her life away against the door.
21 Aug 2018 | 04:55
hmmmmm,,,, Kelvin u are very at a cross road
21 Aug 2018 | 07:39
Okay, still observing
21 Aug 2018 | 08:19
How I wish u explain ur situation to him, he might help u
21 Aug 2018 | 10:29
Enjoying this.
21 Aug 2018 | 13:57
What explanation will you give your wife to be
21 Aug 2018 | 18:51
Complicated matter
21 Aug 2018 | 19:41
Kelvin you are donefor
21 Aug 2018 | 21:24
21 Aug 2018 | 22:49
22 Aug 2018 | 02:01
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 12 image Evelyn looked at her state of undress and saw the end coming sooner than she had expected. She looked back up at Kelvin but he looked just as lost and confused as she. Clothes!” She whispered to him and Kelvin picked up her tone dress from the floor and threw it at her. Evelyn gave him another piercing look, this time deeper, longer and fused with a puzzling expression that told him, what the hell? She held up the dress to him where he had torn it and he finally understood her reaction. “Shit!” he cussed, rushing to his closet to find something else for her to wear. He settled for a pair of shorts and black t-shirt. Without hesitation, Evelyn grabbed the clothes from him and put them on. “Take me to your dungeon,” she told him once she was done, remembering the place he had once locked her in. All the while, Moola was still screaming and hammering at the door, yelling whatever expletives her brain could conjure up from the devil’s dictionary installed in her head. “Hell no, I am not taking you back there again,” Kelvin said. “I promised that I wouldn’t take you back there and I am keeping that promise.” Evelyn gave him another piercing and questioning look again. “Does this look like the time to play nice with me?” “Just let her knock, she will get tired and leave eventually,” Kelvin said. “She has been banging at that door for over fifteen minutes already and there’s nothing in that sound that hints at exhaustion or retirement. She is not going anywhere!” Kelvin walked over to Evelyn, laid his hands on her shoulders and forced her to seat down on the bed. “Relax,” he told her, getting down on his knees to level her. “The car I used today isn’t outside because I gave it to my mother and my phone is also off. She doesn’t know I am inside.” Evelyn’s eyes instinctively went to her thighs where Kelvin’s hands where now resting, comfortably. She looked at his hands and then back to his face. Kelvin looked down at his hands and smiled mischievously. “I think these shorts fit you better than they do on me.” He was slowly running his finger up and down the exposed part of her thigh. “Kelvin?” She shot him another warning look. Just then they heard a loud bang against the window. Moola had shifted her knocking camp. “Kelvin, you better open up the door before I break all your windows!” Moola shouted. “I know that you are inside. Your lights are on!” And she banged some more. Kelvin grabbed Evelyn from the bed and laid her down to the floor where he was, the bed hiding them from the window just in case Moola went ahead with her threats. “Do you think she can break them?” Evelyn face was only a few inches away from Kelvin’s, his hand pressed onto her back as he lay on top of her. “Oh yeah, she can…and she will.” He said. “Then why are you smiling like a fool?” Evelyn asked. “All my life I have never been called a fiancé snatcher but here you are about to turn me into one and you are laughing?” Kelvin pressed a finger over her lips to keep her from talking. “Sheeeee,” he said, looking down into her eyes before she turned her head to look away. And then Evelyn felt something move against her and she threw Kelvin another look. “Are you kidding me?? Right now? Don’t you have any self-control?” Kelvin smirked in response. “There’s a reason why they say men have two heads. That one down there does not do any thinking, this one does,” he pointed to his head. “The other one only responds to stimulus….” he was now looking at her chest. “And there’s plenty stimuli to motivate it right now.” Evelyn made another face and wiggled against him to force him to move. “I don’t think you are doing yourself any favours moving like that,” he said, unable to mask the wicked grin in his eyes. “Moola!” Cassie came out of her friend’s vehicle and spotted Moola standing outside Kelvin’s bedroom window. “Thank you for the ride guys,” Casse told the group in the car. “I will catch up with you later.” She closed the door and Mwansa drove off while the girls waved goodnight. She tried to run towards her best friend but her six inch heels made it impossible for her to make any movements longer than baby steps. She bent down, yanked the shoes from off her feet and ran after her belligerent friend. “Why are you only coming now?” Moola screamed at her. “I was very far sweetie. Did you want me to fly here?” Cassie retorted and earned herself a stern look look from her pal. “He isn’t answering?” “Do you think I would be standing out here if he was answering?” Moola yelled. “Calm down, don’t take it out on me. I’m not the one cheating on you.” “Who said he’s cheating?” Moola snapped. “Then what are we doing here this late at night standing by a guy’s window dressed like two characters from Pretty Little Liars?” Moola resumed her banging on the window but Cassie reached over and grabbed her hand. “You are going to hurt yourself,” she warned her friend. “How about we sit down for a bit and think before….” “What is there to think about?” Moola quizzed her friend. “Kelvin loves me. There is no way he would cheat on me unless some hussy seduced him. I knew that that girl was up to no good. She is seducing my man just so she can get back at my mother for turning her away when she visited us.” Cassie scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself? My ears are itching from hearing you talk like that.” She made a show of scratching her ears. “You are making excuses for Kelvin.” Cassie was saying. “He is the one who is engaged so he should be the one to avoid temptation if it comes his way but that’s not what it looked like when I saw them.” “What do you mean that’s not how it looked like?” Moola asked. “It looked to me like he was the one interested in the girl and not the other way round. He was dragging her to the car while she protested.” “There could be another explanation for that,” Moola defended her man’s honour. “Then what are we doing here Moola? I was really trying to have a good time after a rough month of exams.” Cassie whined. “I know that Kelvin would never cheat on me, I just know.” Moola insisted, turning her back to rest against the bedroom wall. “You are right,” Cassie came to stand next to her. “There should be a reasonable explanation for why he grabbed that girl from her place at that hour. Maybe something happened with his uncle’s case and she had lied to him about it…who knows? They could be anywhere right now as we speak. Don’t you have a key to his place?” “He changed locks recently and I forgot to get the new key.” Moola answered. “Why don’t you call his uncle to try and find out…maybe he might know something.” Cassie suggested. Inside the bedroom, Evelyn and Kelvin shared knowing looks upon hearing the girl’s conversation. Kelvin quickly removed himself from her and took out his phone from his pocket. He quietly tip-toed into his closet and closed the door behind him. “Uncle, sorry for calling you this late,” Evelyn heard him whisper from the closet. “You are going to receive a call from either Moola or my mother and when you do please tell them that you called me at around 20 today to talk to me about a complication that has risen from your case and I told you that I would take care of it as soon as possible…no, uncle…don’t laugh…I am serious…. Yes…no…it’s not anything like that uncle. I am not like you. I have to go now. I will explain everything to you later. Bye. Good night.” And then he appeared from the closet and came to seat down next to Evelyn. “Liar,” Evelyn remarked. “Have they gone?” Kelvin asked. “I am not sure but it has gone quite. Shouldn’t you call her now?” “That would only seem even more suspicious. She might know that I overheard her conversation. Love might be too blinding for her but she is quite intelligent when she needs to be. Besides, I have already switched off my phone.” “Why did you tell your uncle that your mother might call?” “Because Moola doesn’t have my uncle’s number so naturally, she’s going to call my mother to ask and my mother will have two options; to give her the number or to call my uncle herself. “Knowing my mother, she is not going to give her my uncle’s number because she doesn’t want the Mwangala’s to have access to him. That means that she is going to call him herself just so she can have her own peace of mind.” “I can hear a car…do you hear that?” Evelyn asked. “I do,” Kelvin answered, getting up and walking to the window o check. He cracked the curtain just a bit. “They’re gone,” he informed Evelyn. “Cassie is driving and Moola is on the phone, obviously talking to my mother. Pheeeeeeew.” He dropped the curtain and went to sit on the bed. Evelyn got up from the floor and joined him on the bed. “I hope you’ve learnt your lesson now. That girl loves and trusts you, blindly so if I might add but that’s not the point here. There will never be a You and Me in this lifetime and the sooner you get that off your mind the better for all of us.” “I am not giving up on you Eva,” Kelvin said matter-of-factly. “I know it’s hard for you to believe me right now but I will prove it to you. I will do whatever I can to convince my mother to wind up this revenge thing as soon as possible and we can be together once everything is taken care of.” “Kelvin,” Evelyn turned to face him. “I know you are a good guy and all but,” “But you don’t have feelings for me that’s what you are going to say isn’t it?” He finished her statement. “I am sorry,” she said. “I can’t express just how grateful I am to you for not revealing my identity to your mother but I don’t think I can be in that kind of relationship with you.” “Is it because of him?” Kelvin asked. “That guy you were with at the hotel…are you in-love with him?” He was glaring at her. “Kelvin….” “Just answer my question Eva. Are you in-love with him?” “I don’t know…honestly, I don’t know Kelvin. I only met Lebo today and I haven’t had time to think about what might happen between us. However, I will tell you this…I think I like him.” Kelvin was the true embodiment of a disappointed soul. “I am truly sorry Kelvin….” Evelyn said upon seeing the sunken expression on his face. “So, his name’s Lebo?” Kelvin said with a distant look in his eyes. “Did you guys kiss?” “Kelvin….” “Just tell me,” he said between clenched teeth. “Don’t lie to me.” “Yes,” Evelyn revealed. Kelvin jolted from the bed like he had just been hit by lightening and stormed out of the bedroom into the living room. Evelyn remained motionless on the bed, wondering how in hell things had gotten so complicated. A few minutes later, she found Kelvin stretched out on the couch watching soccer but his mind appeared to be somewhere else instead. “Am I free to leave tonight?” Evelyn asked from behind him. Kelvin neither responded nor moved to look at her. “Kelvin?” she called out to him. When he still didn’t move, Evelyn walked over to the door and tried to open it but it was still locked. “It’s locked,” she said, turning to look at him. Kelvin finally looked up at her, tears welled up in his eyes. He got up, removed a set of keys from his back pocket and inserted one into the door. Before opening, he turned to Evelyn and slowly moved her to stand against the wall next to the door. “Don’t you see me?” He asked, his eyes red from all the unshed tears. “Kelvin please….” Evelyn tried to look away. There was something about his brown eyes that made looking at him harder on her soul…worse when he looked like he was on the verge of crying. The monster in him had disappeared. He was just a man…a troubled man with feelings. “Don’t look away from me Eva,” he pleaded. Again his face was only inches away from hers and his hands were pressed against the wall on both sides of her waist. Kelvin deliberately moved his head closer so that his nose was now touching her nose and his lips were almost brushing hers. Evelyn’s heart started racing and with his body pressed against her, Kelvin could hear her heart pound hard and fast against him. He smiled, like he had just discovered gold in the place he had least expected to find it. “Your heart beats for me Eva,” he remarked. Evelyn tried to silently calm her heart down. “I am just scared of what you might do…its fear, not anything else you might be imagining.” She tried to move away from him but Kelvin pressed his body further into her and this time he let his lips touch hers. “Are you scared of what I am thinking of doing to you or are you afraid that you might actually like me?” He asked. “You promised that you wouldn’t force me to do anything,” Evelyn’s voice was quivering, much to Kelvin’s delectation. “I am not forcing you to do anything.” She could feel his hot breath against her and she wanted nothing but to stop her heart from racing. And then a familiar sensation coursed through her body and she tensed up immediately, desperately negotiating with her brain to keep her body from feeling anything. Kelvin was still teasing her lips, slowly brushing his against hers and lingering there for some seconds, then withdrawing again and repeating his torture all over again. “I need to go,” Evelyn’s words came out as a whisper, not what she had clearly intended. “I am not stopping you,” Kelvin said, his voice hot and horse. He removed his hands from the wall to allow her to move but instead, Evelyn’s movements stopped when her gaze fell upon his teasing eyes. That one look in her eye was everything Kelvin needed to move in. Immediately throwing caution to the wind, Evelyn stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck and drew his head in from the back and kissed him back with unfiltered hunger. Kelvin grabbed her by the waist and lifted her from off her feet and pressed her back against the wall. Evelyn wrapped her legs around him and went at his shirt, furiously working his buttons. Taking the lead from her, Kelvin carried her to the couch where he had been lying and laid her down, took her out of his t-shirt, unfastened her bra and before they knew it, they were both laying naked on the couch. Having carelessly ventured into an unfamiliar territory, with only her emotions guiding her and Kelvin’s experienced tongue and hands persuading her, tears streamed down Evelyn’s face as she battled to contain her raging emotions. And when Kelvin went down on her, his cold tongue awakening feelings in her she never imagined capable of having, Evelyn tensed up and froze as a gush of something warm she could not define convulsed her body into near collapse. “Stop,” she heard her own shaky voice say to him. Kelvin stopped and raised his head to look up at her. “Are you sure you want me to stop?” He asked, licking his lips to drive his point home. Evelyn pressed her hands against the sofa and pulled herself away from him. “I can’t do this Kelvin,” she announced. “You can’t or won’t Eva?” He had moved and was now leaning over her. “You want me just as much as I want you.” “I don’t know if it’s your body I want or if it’s you.” She argued. “All this is new to me Kelvin. I am curious yes…and I want to explore everything else I am craving right now but I don’t want it to be like this…at least now with you.” She managed to pull away from him again and got up from the couch. She picked up the clothes she had been wearing from the floor and ran to the bathroom. * * * Early the next Sunday morning, Kelvin took a cab to his mother’s place to pick up his vehicle and lay out the foundation for something he had determined himself to achieve as he lay awake on his bed in the night. “What happened to you last night?” Mervis did not waste time with pleasantries when her son opened the door and following her into the kitchen where she was preparing breakfast. “I just had a few things to take care of, nothing to worry about.” Kelvin feigned nonchalance. “I thought I asked you to stay away from you uncle Vinny. He is the only lose end we have and the further away from him we keep, the safer we will be.” “His is your brother mum, and despite all these things we are doing, he is the only family we have. I can’t just seat back and let him suffer. There is more to life than just revenge mother.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Mervis removed the omelette from the stove and set it aside so she could fully turn to examine her son. “What’s going on with you lately?” Kelvin sat down by the kitchen table and smiled at his mother. “What do you mean what’s going on?” he chuckled nervously. “I am just trying to tell you to not forget to live while you are exerting your revenge. “You’ve allowed those people to control your life…our lives ever since Nora and Pa died. When was the last time you did something just for yourself…something that made you happy and did not have anything whatsoever to do with Beatrice?” “Where is all this talk coming from?” Mervis quizzed him. “I have always wondered about these things mum,” he answered. “I keep wondering when all this will end and when we can finally start to live our lives like normal people.” “There is nothing normal about this family Kelvin,” Mervis said. “We are an extraordinary family now. When your father and sister where alive, we used to be normal. But after their death and I took our inheritance and turned it a fortune, we became extraordinary.” “What’s the use of all that money when we can’t be happy?” Kelvin asked. “Who said we are not happy?” His mother asked. “I am so happy I could pee on myself just thinking about what I have in store for those people that tore our family apart. I thought we were in this together son.” “We are, mother.” Kelvin said. “But….” “No buts,” she turned back to her cooking. She picked a tomato from the bowl of vegetables and started cutting it on the chopping board. “The best kind of revenge is the one served course by course. You can’t just dish out everything at a goal. Grab some plates from there and set the table for us.” With the weight of the world on his shoulders, Kelvin reluctantly got up from the chair and went to open the cupboard doors while his mother hummed to an old favourite tune as she cut her vegetables. Evelyn could not get over her guilt over what had happened between her and Kelvin the previous night. Thus, when Lebo called her in the morning, she ignored his calls. Sensing that she might be avoiding his calls deliberately, Lebogang sent Evelyn a text message instead that simply said; good morning. I hope you had a good night sleep. But it too went ignored. During the time that Evelyn was in church for Sunday worship, Lebogang took a drive to Sibusiswe and Ted’s house. “She won’t pick up my calls,” Lebo complained to Sibu who was laying on the couch watching tv while her husband prepared lunch in the kitchen. “She should be at church this time Lebo, don’t think too much.” Sibu tried to reassure him. “But I texted her very early in the morning…unless you guys here go to church at 6 in the morning….” Sibu laughed. “Maybe she was still sleeping and when she woke up she went straight to bath and had no time for her phone. She is one of those girls thats serious about church you know.” “That’s the problem right there,” Lebo nagged. “That she’s serious about church?” Sibu asked. “No, that she didn’t bother to check her phone in the first place. Most girls I know check their phones first thing in the morning before they do anything else.” “But Evelyn is not most girls Lebo.” Sibu said. “Sibu is right Lebo!” Ted shouted from the kitchen. “That girl is special…reminds me a lot about someone I used to know.” He laughed. Sibu laughed. “I think that my husband has a little crush on my secretary,” she whispered to Lebo. “I heard you Sibu!” Ted shouted and they all busted out laughing. “So do you think she will give me a chance?” Lebo later asked Sibu and her husband. “It depends,” Sibu said. “How did your date go?” “I think ti went great,” he answered. “There were a few hiccups here and there due to some people we met whom we weren’t supposed to meet but I think it was a very memorable date.” “What people?” Ted asked. “Did something happen?” Evelyn’s words to keep her family affairs a secret echoed through Lebo’s head and so he replied, “nothing serious, just some girl that had issues with Eva in the past. You know how women get sometimes….” he laughed softly. “Did it look like she liked you, I mean Eva by the way…not that woman whatever she is.” Ted asked. “I think so,” Lebo said. “I think that she genuinely liked me.” “of course she liked you,” Sibusiswe said. “Who wouldn’t like you? You are good looking and a gentleman.” “I think that you have overstayed your welcome Lebo,” Ted joked. “I don’t like it when my wife compliments other men in my presence but I will forgive her this time and blame her remarks on the hormones. You can continue sitting.” They all laughed while Ted ran his hand over his wife’s belly. “What if I go to see her after she knocks off from church?” Lebo asked. “No!” Ted and Sibu answered at the same time. “Why?” he asked. “Because you might spook her,” Sibu explained. “You guys only met last night. Just give her some time. Evelyn has never dated anyone before as far as I know. She avoids men like a plague and enjoys keeping to herself a little too much. If you come on too strongly for her, she will run away from you. Just seat and wait for her to contact you. I am sure she will when she finds time. She is probably also thinking about how to handle this new development in her life. Give her some time.” “What if someone else scoops her up from off her feet while I am busy giving her time?” Lebo asked, an image of Kelvin running through his mind. “How about,” Ted was saying. “You just show up at the office tomorrow pretending to be visiting Sibu and you can check her out then?” Both Lebo and Sibu looked up approvingly at Ted, huge smiles on their faces. “You are the man!” Lebo said excitedly. But Lebo was not the only one whose calls were being ignored by Evelyn. Kelvin had been calling her but she kept ignoring him until she eventually switched off her phone. At the Mwangala’s, Beatrice drove in from church, parked her car and entered the house quietly to surprise her husband whom she had left working in his study. With the huge international contract that her husband had been chasing for years finally within his grasp, Beatrice had allowed her husband to stay behind and attend to his work while she and the kids went to church. She was just glad that Moola and Mark were out hanging with their friends for the day so she could have some private time with her husband around the house. She tip-toed all the way upstairs having removed her shoes at the door and headed towardsher husband’s, a wide grin on her face. She stopped outside the door when she heard him talking on the phone. “How are the kids?” She heard him ask. “Good, tell them I love them when they return.” “Yes…I love you too. Goodbye.” Beatrice barged through the door the moment she heard those words coming out of her husband’s mouth. All furry and fire written all over her, she glared at her husband. “Who the hell did you just tell you love?” Shadreck swirled his chair around to look at his wife standing by the door, the look of contrition in his eyes was a recipe for things made from every wife’s worst nightmare.
22 Aug 2018 | 05:26
0 Likes's a good thing that u did stop doing that with kelvin...when there's lebo who started loving u with gentleness
22 Aug 2018 | 11:53
Kelvin tore your cloth more than one time because of his stupid revenge with the wrong person...4 now he's still an angry man
22 Aug 2018 | 11:59
Whatsoever it is that kelvin has got in his body or even cash...lebo has got it in his body and cash's hard to revenge and love
22 Aug 2018 | 12:05
Who does that?...loving and her pain before loving her...that was very risky to expect a love back
22 Aug 2018 | 12:10
There's more to this eva...u have got a choice to make...u have got to be wiser...i will support your choice if it was meant to be
22 Aug 2018 | 12:19
Kelvin...u fu<king gave her some pain,suddenly from no where u started loving her....u stupidly wanna rape her and later wanna gentle sext her
22 Aug 2018 | 12:25
Beatrice has not changed at suspicious of shadreck her husband and has forgotten her open secret...
22 Aug 2018 | 12:33
Sibu and ted has got this love going on between them...they have got this love experience together and an advice 4 lebo
22 Aug 2018 | 12:42
Lebo...u have got to get a little closer like u wanna do...u have got a competitor who wanna make her love him...she loves u
22 Aug 2018 | 12:48
Hmm trouble
22 Aug 2018 | 14:42
next pls
22 Aug 2018 | 18:55
Does DAT mean DAT Shadreck is having a family somewhere else or it's just Beatrice who's over reacting???
22 Aug 2018 | 20:07
Next please
23 Aug 2018 | 03:41
beatrice i pity u so ur husband get wife anoda where u don die
23 Aug 2018 | 08:45
I hope Beatrice won't kill her husband for this
23 Aug 2018 | 14:41
Following seriously.
23 Aug 2018 | 16:27
Eva it's good u didn't continue what u start with Kelvin, I would've been disappointed in u
23 Aug 2018 | 18:38
23 Aug 2018 | 20:33
i still don't get the reason y u are having feelings for kelvin who has anger issue,who is after ur body while u hav lebo
24 Aug 2018 | 05:57
wait oooooo,, is d man not a widower wit no children again?
24 Aug 2018 | 11:19
I said it! Shedrach has another family
24 Aug 2018 | 12:18
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 13 Without warning, Beatrice rushed into the room and tried to yank the phone from Shadreck’s hand but he managed to swerve around in his spinning chair in time to avoid her sudden attack. “What are you hiding from me Bashi Mark?” Beatrice was still trying to get her hands on her husband’s phone and he was still holding it away from her. “What are you getting so worked up for Beatrice?” Shadreck asked, smiling as he played at nonchalance. “You are not the only woman I love in this life,” the sixty-two year old said. “What did you just say?” Beatrice had paused and was glaring at him with the passion of a hundred angry ancestors behind her eyes. Shadreck got up from his chair and went to stand in front of his wife, smiling he said, “you really don’t trust me?” “You bringing up trust only means that there is something you are hiding from me.” She returned. “You really want to see who I was talking to?” He asked. “Yes,” she said. Shadreck held out the phone for her. “There,” he said, showing her his call log. “Tina?” Beatrice said. “Your sister Tina from Mongu?” Shadreck was smiling and nodding his head before quickly putting the phone in his pocket. “I know that you have no family of your own but I can promise you that it’s very normal for a brother to tell his little sister that he loves her.” Beatrice was gripped with embarrassment from head to toe. She hang her head low and started hitting her forehead softly over and over again before her husband reached out to wrap her in a hug. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “Am so ashamed…I don’t know what the hell I was thinking.” “It’s okay my love,” he said over her head. “I’m very much flattered that you still get jealous over an old fella like me. So, how about you make it up to me in the other room?” Beatrice held her upper body away from him with her arms still around his waist. She was smiling seductively at him. “What if I saved you the trip and created a new memory for you right here in the study?” She had already started working his buttons as she spoke. “I thought women coming from church were supposed to be filled with the Holy Spirit,” he was grinning triumphantly as he moved back to sit on the chair. Beatrice got down on her knees before him, this time unzipping his pants, slowly and deliberate. “I am everything else but holy,” she was telling him. “Be it Sunday or Friday. How about I show you exactly what I mean Mr Mwangala?” For a man on the throngs of passion, when the heat inside him seeks an out…when he chases with all his might for that one moment, a moment when time freezes, when his own breath becomes secondary and the need to arrive takes on a life-changing meaning…when he’s gripped by a power so overwhelming that he desperately clings to the wings around him, the wings of his young lover’s hands…deeper and deeper he digs…and deeper and deeper he yearns for an out…and release. And while Shadreck was lost in Beatrice’s erotic mechanization, she had reached out into the pocket of his trousers now lying on the floor and had managed to check for Tina’s number. For a woman trained and armed in the art of deceit, Beatrice knew better than to trust the word of another, even if that person was her own husband. The very foundation of her love life was built on manipulation and deceit and to death had she resigned herself to keep reaping the deserving fruits of her unpalatable actions. Thus, when she told her husband two hours later that she was going to meet a friend for a drink, it was only so she could meet a private investigator who could look into the identity of the owner of that number. “It’s a Tanzanian line,” Joseph the PI noted upon seeing the number written on the piece of paper he had just been handed. Beatrice was gripping the steering wheel of her new Jeep with both hands, the only thing around she could take her frustrations out on. “Yes, is the task out of your jurisdiction” She angrily asked the thirty something year old PI. “No, of course not,” he quickly supplied, not prepared to lose his number one well-paying client. “Just give me twenty-four hours and I will get back to you with results.” “Just be careful and keep this clean as always, you understand?” “Yes madam,” he answered and waited. Beatrice removed a brown envelop from her hand bag and handed it to him. “Get to work right away,” she said to the PI as he stepped down from her vehicle. Back at home, Shadreck was making his own arrangements. “Get rid of this line right now.” He said to whoever was on the other side of the phone. “I will send someone over with a new line for you to use.” And he cut the call. Putting down his phone, Shadreck then picked up the picture frame sitting on the other side of his massive table in his study and stared at it for a very long time. It was a portrait of the perfect family any man could ever dream of; two beautiful kids sitting between their proud and happy parents. As he traced his finger around the glass of the picture frame over and over again, the blank yet distant expression on his face made it hard for anyone to guess what was running through Shadreck’s mind. Mervis had just said goodbye to her son Kelvin after having breakfast when she her cell phone rang. Lucy , her caller ID announced on the screen. “You never call me first, is everything okay?” Mervis asked. “I think there’s a little problem,” Lucy said. “What is it?” Mervis’ dancing eyes mirrored the agitation quickly building up in her stomach. “I think his wife has found out about me,” Lucy announced. There was no mistaking the terror in her delivery. Mervis froze. “He just called and asked me to change my number.” Lucy explained. “How did she find out?” Mervis made a quick recovery and looked about ready to explode into a thousand pieces on bloody human flesh. “I don’t know,” Lucy was on the very of crying now. “I had spoken to him a few hours ago and everything seemed fine but then he called me just a minute ago and said that I change my number. He didn’t tell me why and I couldn’t get myself to ask. I think that the wife must have walked in on him while he was talking to me.” “Dammit!” Mervis cussed. “This changes everything I had planned. It means that we have to move our plans forward than initially planned before anyone catches on to our plans.” Are you saying that you want to end this now?” Lucy asked. “Yes, that’s what am saying Lucy.” She replied. “Why do you sound disappointed? It’s not like you are the one being inconvenienced here. I hope you were not getting too comfortable playing wife for another woman’s husband were you?” There was silence for a moment…and then Lucy’s voice finally came through the line. “No ma’am,” she said, her tone low and laden with filtered rage and trepidation. “Good,” Mervis echoed. “I need you to stay calm and in control so that no one gets suspicious. Do everything Mwangala tells you to do and keep me updated. I will be there to sort out everything tomorrow.” “Tomorrow?” The announcement caught Lucy by surprise. “Yes tomorrow. Do you have a problem with that?” Mervis snapped. “No, of course not,” Lucy answered. “You don’t sound very convincing Lucy,” Mervis observed. “Is there something you are keeping from me? You better tell me now or I swear to God I will make you regret the day you ever met me.” “No ma’am, I swear…I am not keeping anything from you,” she replied in a shaking voice. “It’s just that…things are happening so fast. These are my children….” “What did you say?” Mervis roared. “I understand that you have your own plans and all… but these are still my children Madam Mervis.” Lucy was pacing up and down her living room trying to master whatever courage came with her human default settings. She was never a woman to stand up for herself…wasn’t that the very reason she had found herself in such a predicament in the first place? She had been battered physically and bruised emotionally when Mervis picked her up from the streets and turned her into the perfect woman for a man she would have never ever dreamt of crossing paths with. What had presented itself as simply an opportunity to have some level of financial standing in life had turned out to be way more than she had bargained for…and now she was stuck at crossroads facing two powerful figures that had the power to ruin her and leave her in a far worse situation than she had been seven years ago. “You shut up you ungrateful wench!” Mervis yelled into the phone. “If not for me you wouldn’t have those kids in the first place. Do not think about betraying me even for a second or I swear I will things to you that not even your miserable dead husband could have imagined doing to you.” By the time Mervis was done with her mouthful of threats and insults, Lucy had been reduced to a bundle of nerves and tears sprawled on the cold floor of her living room. * * * Following the unexpected yet memorable turn of events that had transpired between him and Evelyn, Kelvin could not get a good night’s sleep. His head was filled with thoughts of her that he could not seem to shake no matter how much he tried. There was no question about where his relationship with Evelyn would go. There was could only be one possible end and there was only one person that would suffer the most pain if things came to light. It was only a question of when? But still, that knowledge was not enough to keep Kelvin from seeking out the only woman to have ever made his heart shake with both fear and grace. Thus, when all his calls and texts went ignored, he followed her to the one place he knew she could not run away from him; her place of work. Evelyn came out of the gate and was ready to head towards the bus stop when Kelvin intercepted her. She shut her eyes and hang her head in protest and resignation. “You’ve been avoiding my calls and texts,” Kelvin pressed her immediately. “What do you want from me Kelvin?” She could finally look at him. “I missed you,” he said simply. The confession was fast and unexpected. Evelyn appeared to be at a loss for words. The look in his eyes and the sound of his voice as he said those words to her did something made her blood feel warm against the cold winter atmosphere. “Let’s go, I’ll give you a ride.” He offered, pointing to his vehicle parked just behind them on the side of the wall fence of her office building. “Why are you still doing this?” Evelyn asked, not taking the hand he was offering. “I thought we already talked about this. You coming here like this only makes things even harder for me. What if your mother finds out that you were here? There are so many people around here that might know her. Did you even think about that or where you just too busy being selfish caring only about your feelings?” Her words ripped through Kelvin to his very core. He knew very well the risk he was putting her in and he had fought hard to keep himself from showing up before her but here he was…he had no excuse whatsoever apart from the fact that any moment that went by without setting his sights upon her made him feel like a dead man walking. Yet that was still not a god enough reason to put her life in danger. “I can’t,” Kelvin said, looking down at his feet in shame. “You can’t what?” Evelyn asked, looking around to see if anyone was watching them. “I can’t go on without seeing you Eva,” he confessed. Evelyn stopped whatever she was doing and looked at the man standing in front of her. Just what was she to believe; his past or his words? “I need some time Kelvin,” she told him. “I need to think. I am so confused right now and apart from the fact that there’s a huge part of you that hates me, nothing else seems to make sense. I am both terrified and enamoured by you. I don’t know whether to run from you or to run into your arms and the fact that you know I have this weakness scares me even more.” “I know that I am the last person you would want to trust especially with your heart, but Eva, I beg of you, please trust me just this once.” “And what happens after I trust you Kelvin? Now you have only two weeks left to your wedding. Do you still plan on keeping me as your mistress? I refuse in the name of everything holy to be anybody’s mistress. “The fact that you still insist on shaking up my feelings only proves to me that you are still out for revenge…because if you cared about me as much as you say you do, you wouldn’t be asking this of me.” “I tried to…” but Kelvin was forced to stop talking when a group of workers came through the gate. “Let’s talk somewhere else, please.” He sent her a pleading look before taking her hand and leading her to his car. He held the door open for her and waited for her to get settled inside before closing it and walking over to the other side to take his seat behind the wheel. “I tried to talk to my mother about hastening her revenge but she would not hear a word of it.” Kelvin said as he drove them to whatever place he had in mind. “Did you actually think that she would listen to you?” Evelyn asked. “I guess you just as naïve as you are calculative.” Kelvin threw her a side eye but quickly put his focus back on the road. “I had to try…just to check what exactly I was dealing with and it didn’t look so good.” “And yet you still showed up at my work place. Where are you taking me anyway? I hope it’s not to my place. There are spies planted there. I really hate that kind of drama.” Kelvin laughed. “Relax, we are just going to drive around and then I will get a cab to take you home later.” “Someone could still see us in the same car and it’s just as bad as all other possible scenarios.” “You think too much Eva, relax.” “How can I relax? Your fiancé is crazy! I already feel like a side chick riding around in your vehicle like this.” “You can’t be the side chick when you are the one I love,” Kelvin stated matter-of-factly. “Is that supposed to make me feel special?” Evelyn scoffed. “You really know nothing about love or women.” “I will find a way for us to be together Eva…and I promise not to defile your virtue in the process. Can you trust me on that one, please?” “Make it so that your mother does not make me pay for my mother’s sins and I promise to give my life to you.” She said with a sombre expression on her face. “I hope you keep your word,” he said, mirroring her expression as he fixed his gaze on the road ahead. Early the next morning just before her flight, Mervis had scheduled a meeting at the airport with one of her suppliers . He was a very short man with a pot-belly that proved a little overwhelming for his short frame but the stride in his step spoke of a man with an even fatter bank account. Mervis came out of the vehicle when she saw him pull up next to her in the car park. The man stepped out of his vehicle carrying an A4 envelope in his hands. Smiling with a great sense of familiarity, he shook Mervis’ hand and handed her the envelope. “All the documents are in there,” the short and round forty-something year old man said. There was no mistaking his heavy foreign accent, and the rare and authentic African print design he was wearing screamed his Nigerian origins even before he opened his mouth. “Did he sign all of them?” Mervis asked. “Yes he did,” the man answered. “He wasn’t suspicious?” “Of course not, why would he be?” he said smugly. “The man made a lot of enemies before he left Nigeria and all those people have a bone to chew with him. It wasn’t very difficult coming up with a phony company and getting those contacts to sign on it. “We left no room for speculation…and of course it helped that you offered us seventy percent of the stakes and only took thirty for yourself. That in itself was enough to motivate the interested parties.” “That’s because I don’t need his money Mr Chukwu. I already have enough to last me four lifetimes. I just need to leave them broke and desperate.” “And that they will be,” the man said chirpily. “He made no hesitation investing eighty percent of his wealth into the business. He thinks he’s going to be Africa’s Bill Gates.” Mervis laughed heartily. “That man is way too ambitious, that’s his biggest weakness.” She remarked. “I guess he picked the wrong woman to be his enemy,” Mr Chukwu commented. “I would certainly hate to be your enemy Madam Mervis. You are one hell of a business woman.” “Mwangala is not my enemy actually,” Mervis corrected her business partner. “He just happened to be in the same bed as my worst enemy. You know what they say; a friend to my enemy is also my enemy.” “I thought it was an enemy of my enemy is my friend ?” Mr Chukwu said, laughing. “It’s one and the same thing Mr Chukwu…one and the same….” Mervis said as she flipped the papers inside the envelope with her thumb. And now I have to get my hands on that remaining twenty per cent, Beatrice was saying in her head. * * * Beatrice was in a very terrible mood the following evening when she returned home from work and found her husband happily watching a game between Man City and his new favourite team Leicester City. She stormed into the living room and threw her handbag on the floor. She was soaked in rage and her lips were quivering from all the pent up anger she had been waiting to release from the moment she learnt what her husband had done behind her back. “You are back home early today,” Shadreck greeted his wife without paying much attention to her since his attention was on the game on tv. It might not have been live but Beatrice had walked in at a very crucial moment that he couldn’t risk looking away for too long. Noticing his lack of attention, Beatrice went for the remote control on the sofa beside him and turned off the tv unceremoniously. “What did you do to our businesses Shadreck?” Mr Mwangala immediately weighed the kind of trouble he was in. she only called him by his first name when she was extremely mad…and this was one of those times. “You found out already?” He said, sitting up straight to brace himself for the oncoming verbal torture. “ You found out already?” Beatrice spat. “Is that all you are going to tell me in this situation Bashi Moola? Have you lost your mind? You sold off all our shares without consulting me and all you can say is; you found out already?” “Calm down honey,” Shadreck said. “Sit down and let’s talk about this like civilized people. I might have done something like this behind your back but I had very good reasons…and I am still your husband.” His tone alone was enough to make Beatrice sit down. The man might be crazy in-love with her, but he never allowed those feelings to interfere with the kind of respect he felt he deserved from his wife. “Just explain to me, what did you do with all our money?” Beatrice asked, visibly controlling her tone and expression to come off as calm as possible. “I was going to tell you later on,” Shadreck was saying. “I wanted it to be a surprise for our anniversary.” “Selling off our shares and making us lose control of our businesses sounds like an anniversary gift to you? Why am I not jumping up in joy right now? Could there be something wrong with me?” “Why don’t you let me finish explaining at least,” he said. “Explain,” Beatrice said, folding her arms over her chest. “You remember that business deal I was working on over the weekend?” He asked her. She nodded. “You know very well that I had been chasing that deal for so many years. Those guys only agreed to let me in when I offered to raise the amount. At first I was a bit sceptical since we were dealing with a lot of money but then I spoke to my contact in Nigeria who told me that that area was a haven for oil, that we had to move in fast before the government and other stake holders realised the value of that area. “I spent two weeks doing some research during my trip two months ago and I found out that everything was true. I knew that if I came to you and told you about my plans, you would not agree to take such a risk. You are way too cautious but sometimes business requires that you take certain risks.” “By risking our life savings you mean?” Beatrice hissed. “I invested them Beatrice. I have made well calculated business moves in the past and I would expect that you would trust me this time again. Have I ever failed you before?” “You have never risked our entire fortune before Shadreck,” she said. “And you deceived me into signing documents that gave away everything I own.” “Not everything my dear,” he said, getting up and walking over to sit next to her. “I never touched the two businesses you control. Those are completely under your control. I know that in every business deal there’s a risk that it might not go as expected, so…just in case something like that happens…at least you would still have something to lean on.” “Is that supposed to comfort me?” Beatrice asked. Shadreck tried to hold her hand but she was not in the mood to entertain him. “I am sorry honey,” Shadreck said, looking extremely apologetic. “But I promise I won’t let you down once this thing comes through. I promise.” Beatrice didn’t seem moved at all. “I am not comfortable with all this. How can you even trust those people after everything that happened in the past? You took off with their money when and left them to fend for themselves. I can bet you all my life savings that they never forgot about that. People never forget the wrongs they’ve been dealt in life. I know I wouldn’t.” “They are businessmen Beatrice,” he tried to reassure her. “Besides, I never took their money. I took what was rightfully mine and left to grown my small fortune where I saw an opportunity. It was all business and they said they understood. They wouldn’t be where they are today if they didn’t understand such a simple fact.” “That’s what you think, but humans are scary by nature.” She said. “How much are you expecting from this deal?” “If I told you that you might be the Oprah Winfrey of Africa, would that help remove that frown on your face?” Shadreck said, smiling at his lovely young wife. Beatrice was looking at her husband like she had just swallowed a happy pill, forgetting for a moment about another issue of concern she had against her husband. Just who was the woman he was keeping in Tanzania? Those kids she had heard him mention on the phone, where they his? How many were they? And why couldn’t she find any information about the identity of that woman? What was Shadreck hiding from her? She wanted to ask him all this and many other questions…but the issue of money had crept up on her very suddenly and overshadowed all the worries that had been keeping her busy all week. At Evelyn’s home front that evening, she opened the door to the house after a long day at work and found her house mate and best friend Thando enjoying a hearty laugh with Lebo. Lebo could not explain the look he saw in her eyes when their eyes met. As Lebogang continued smiling at her as if she was the source of his Oxygen, Evelyn could not help wondering, what was that nagging feeling she was feeling in her heart? That same evening, Kelvin was alone in his room, pacing back and forth with his phone in his hands as Evelyn’s words echoed through his mind; Make it so that your mother does not make me pay for my mother’s sins and I promise to give my life to you. For the first time in his life, Kelvin had found a purpose for living, a fight of his own and not one decided for him by someone else. But just how was he to balance his love and loyalty between the woman he had loved all his life and the woman he wanted to love for the rest of his life? Looking down at his phone for the last night, Kelvin’s mind was made up. He dialled a number and raised the phone to his ear. “Ms Lucy?” Kelvin said.
25 Aug 2018 | 08:47
Eva is still in the middle of two men with quality...she has got something 4 every one of them...she has got to choose
25 Aug 2018 | 17:47
The love in her heart is loaded 4 one man...loving lebo makes it easier to begin this love and start peacefully
25 Aug 2018 | 17:52
Loving the other man with name kelvin is like starting a war that may take their lives...there will be so many things
25 Aug 2018 | 17:57
Kelvin is trying to put an end to this 4 love,to show how much he loves...he really wanna show that he can love her
25 Aug 2018 | 18:02
Melvis is also trying to put this to an end 4 revenge...she's like no one can hurt her and go free...this is her far back planned revenge
25 Aug 2018 | 18:07
Lebo is coming closer 4 this love...having a sweet conversation with thanbo...u remember thanbo now...eva's best friend
25 Aug 2018 | 18:17
Shadreck is like...he's in 419 has come 4 him just because of his foolish melvis is not smiling 4 them
25 Aug 2018 | 18:22
Melvis has to bring in the enemy of the husband of her enemy to revenge beatrice her enemy...lucy has got a tough task
25 Aug 2018 | 18:29
mmmmm what a complicated issue
26 Aug 2018 | 10:29
OK, following
26 Aug 2018 | 12:47
Shadreck you'll soon cry out loud
26 Aug 2018 | 13:49
am jst speechlez
26 Aug 2018 | 15:17
26 Aug 2018 | 15:25
I am following
26 Aug 2018 | 18:45
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 14 Guilt . That was the feeling gnawing at Evelyn when she laid her eyes upon Lebo’s smiling and welcoming face and a flash of that steamy evening with Kelvin ran through her mind. “Lebo.” She said in a very low voice, not sure what else to say to him. In response, Lebo got up from the sofa and went to hug her. “You look like you could use a hug,” he said whilst holding her. “Tough day at work?” Evelyn dropped her arms and slowly pulled back from his embrace before responding. “It was a crazy day today,” she said, avoiding meeting his gaze, something that Thando easily picked on. “I’m gonna go out for a walk,” Thando announced. “See you again soon Lebo., and have a good night.” “Thanks Thando, you too, have a good night.” Evelyn threw her bag down on the sofa and then herself. “You don’t look so good,” Lebo said, taking up a seat opposite her. “Is everything okay Eva?” “Yes Kelvin, I am okay…I guess am just tired.” She said. “Kelvin?” Lebo asked his tightening hard as he starred at Evelyn in disbelief. Evelyn threw him a questioning look. “Why did you bring up that name?” “I didn’t, you did.” Lebo said. “I did? When?” She asked, absolutely unaware of her blunder. “You just called me Kelvin Eva.” He stated. Evelyn gaped at him and covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh no,” she said. “I am so sorry Lebo…I don’t know what to say.” “How about you honestly tell me what’s really going on?” Lebo said. “Your reaction when you saw me sitting here spoke volumes and it took everything in me to not think much of it…but then…you said his name.” “Lebo….” Evelyn searched for the right words to say to make it up to him. “Are you in-love with him?” He asked. “I just happened to have a long day at work and he was the last person I spoke to,” Evelyn lied. “I made a mistake, I admit, but that’s about it.” “But you still haven’t answered my question,” he said. Evelyn sighed heavily. “I don’t understand why you would ask me such a question when you know that he has a fiancé. They will be getting married in less than two weeks.” Lebogang was watching her closely and listening intently. “You are still avoiding my question Eva. Are you in-love with him? Just be honest with me, I beg of you. I think it would be better for me to know exactly what am dealing with from the get-go because…because I think I have fallen for you. So tell me, do I have a chance with you or should I just give up?” Evelyn sighed heavily again, drowning her face into her hand. “To be honest with you, I don’t know what my feelings are,” she finally managed to say. “I have been so busy and occupied by much heavier issues to allow myself to feel anything or let alone think about dating.” “So it’s safe to say that you have some feelings for Kelvin….” Lebo noted. “I already told you,” Evelyn started to say. “I am not dumb Eva, I can see it in your eyes. I am just begging you to be honest with me because if you keep doing this, you are giving me hope…that I have a chance because you haven’t out rightly told me that you are already in-love with someone else. Do I have a chance with you?” Evelyn slowly raised her head to take a good look at him. By all physical standards of beauty he was just as good looking as Kelvin except…except for the eyes…he didn’t have Kelvin’s deep brown eyes. And why am I making such comparisons? Evelyn silently rebuked herself. Then she consciously looked back at Lebo with a fresh mind. The desperation visibly evident in his eyes while he sat there anxiously waiting to hear her response sent a chill down her spine. She wanted to reach out and lay her hand on his, or better yet, to hold him in her arms. She remembered the warmth of his embrace from that night at the hotel…how he had comforted her and made her feel like she was safest only in his arms. That had been the first time in her life when she had felt most safe and needed. Lebo had made her feel like that. But at what point did her feelings get so muddled in such a web of extreme complexity? Just what was she feeling in her heart and how was she to know which feelings constituted love when she had never experienced anything of that magnitude before? “I like you,” Evelyn said. “I really like you and that’s why am going to be honest with you.” “Please,” Lebo said. “I have these feelings…in my heart…I don’t know when they started and I don’t know how to stop them. I don’t even know what they mean…. All I know is that they make me both happy and scared at the same time. That night at the charity event, you made me happier than I had ever been; happy and safe. For some reason, I wanted more…I found myself longing for more.” “Then what’s the problem Eva?” Lebo asked. “My feelings,” she said. “My feelings confuse me, I don’t understand them,” Evelyn lamented. “Recently, things became way too complicated in my life. My mother, her past, our present…they all just collided and I was left sprawled on the ground, alone. Right in the middle of it all was Kelvin. “He both hates and loves me…at least that’s what he’s told me and that’s what I’ve seen. The problem is that he has every right to hate me because of who I am and unfortunately, I am not allowed to divulge those reasons to anyone else no matter.” “Says who?” Lebo asked. “There are just certain issues surrounding my birth that are not easy for me or anyone else involved to talk about. You see, I was born from a union of sin…and union that brought a lot of hurt to some families and my birth was sealed the fate for some of those people, in the cruellest way possible.” “I don’t understand,” Lebo interrupted her. “How does Kelvin come in all of this?” “I wish I could tell you exactly what you want to know…but I can’t. I am sorry Lebo.” “Me too Eva,” Lebo said resignedly. “How about you just tell me what I need to know?” “Kelvin’s initial intentions where to hurt me,” Evelyn revealed. “Naturally, I hated him. But during those gruesome moments we spent together, something changed. Somehow, the hate turned to something else. At first I was very determined to just walk away, to ignore him and forget he ever existed but….” “But you also fell for him.” Lebo finished for her. “I don’t know if what I feel for him is love or something else. I don’t know what it means or feels like to be in-love and it’s something I am not willing or anxious to discover…at least not right now. “All I am sure of is that everything between him and I changed the moment he told me that he loved me. He might have done certain things to hurt me in the past but I have seen that he is not such a bad person. “He is simply a man that needs love and attention from those he cares about and when he made his feelings known to me, there was a huge part of me that wanted to believe him…to believe that he was not the monster he had made me believe he was before.” “I think you already know what you feel for him Eva,” Lebo said. “You just don’t want to admit it to yourself…or you are just too scared to confront your feelings. But here’s what I don’t understand, why is Kelvin confessing his feelings for you when he is engaged to someone else? Does he plan on leaving her just two weeks before their wedding?” “I don’t know Lebo,” Evelyn replied. “I don’t know what Kelvin is thinking or planning and I don’t wish to find out. If there’s one thing I am sure of, it is that him and I will never be…unless I am willing and ready to lose my life.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lebo asked. “Just something like that.” She answered. “Oh yeah, another thing you can’t talk to me about,” he said sarcastically. Evelyn could only look at him apologetically. “The good news is,” Lebo said, standing up and walking to kneel on the floor before her. “I think I have heard enough to help me make a decision. Unlike Kelvin who has a lot of issues going on with him, I stand a better chance of winning your heart. “I understand that the two of you might have grown fond of each other during the times you spent together, but I intend to start spending more time with you from now on…as long as you allow me. “However,” Lebo continued. “If you tell me that you are willing to be with Kelvin despite the fact that he is with someone else or that you might die…your words, not mine, then all you need to do is tell me and I will never bother you again.” “That’s the thing Lebo,” Evelyn said, looking into his eyes. “It’s not just Kelvin I am hesitant about. It’s also you or any other man out there that might be interested in me. I am very flattered that a good looking and gentleman like you is showing interest in me but, there are just so many things going on in my life that make me feel less confident about being in a serious and meaningful relationship. “I am afraid of giving someone my heart and allowing myself to feel all those things only to be left alone when my past comes to light. I don’t think I can live with any more rejection in my life Lebo.” There were tears welled up in her eyes. Lebogang moved closer to her and took her hands into his. “I would never do such a thing to you Eva, never, I promise you. Just give me a chance to prove it to you, please.” “You are not even from here Lebo,” Evelyn stood up and went to stand by the window, her back to him as she looked out the window to their small front yard. Lebo got up from the floor and went to stand behind her, his hands in his pockets. “I don’t even know how long you plan on being in this country. You have your whole life in Botswana and I don’t expect you to just abandon everything and live here. “I don’t even know what kind of life you live over there. We both know nothing about each other so we are not in any position to make promises to each other.What will happen to me when one day you wake up and feel like going back home because you can’t handle everything that’s going on? “I am not going to lie to you, my life is a total mess and anyone that’s close to me is bound to feel the heat at some point. You might be willing to go through all that with me but I will not allow anyone I care about to suffer because of my weaknesses. I just can’t.” “All I can hear is that you care about me.” Lebo was smiling behind her. “I am serious Lebo,” She turned around to face him, an expression on her face that matched her words. “I know,” Lebo quickly sobered up, pulling her closer to him and then turning her so that her back was now against him as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Bu I am not going back to Botswana just yet.” He told her. “Winning your heart has suddenly become way too important for me than anything else out there.” “What about your job? And your family?” Evelyn asked. “I run my own company so I can stay away as long as I deem fit.” He said. “Besides, in this modern age of technology, you can still run a business even from space. I don’t want to go back without you.” Evelyn immediately tried to turn around to look at him but he forced her to stay in place with his arms. “You want me to live with you in Botswana?” She asked in shock. “Who told you that I want to leave my peaceful country to live in a foreign land Lebo?” “Zambia isn’t that peaceful anymore Eva,” Lebo remarked. “You guys are slowly becoming a mix of Rwanda, South Africa and Nigeria.” “If that’s your way of winning my heart then you need a new strategy,” she tried to get away from him again but he still managed to keep her in position. Laughing, he hugged her even tighter. “I am kidding me,” he said, planting a kiss on top of her head. “But on a serious note, don’t you think that getting away from this country would be the best way to avoid some of the problems you are facing right now or in future?” Evelyn thought about his statement for a while. “I did a bit of research on your mother’s family, very rich folks,” he was saying. “With the kind of reputation they’ve managed to establish for themselves over the years, I doubt they would want it known to the public that the mighty philanthropist Beatrice Mwangala had a daughter out of wedlock. “I can only speculate about how you came to be born and if what you’ve hinted at is anything to go by, I would understand why that family would feel the need to continue keeping your presence a secret. The more you keep bumping into them like you did at that charity, the more desperate they will get in trying to keep you hidden, forever.” Evelyn sighed heavily upon hearing things from another’s point of view. Lebo didn’t even know the half of it and yet he was able to calculate the kind of danger she might be in if her presence was discovered. And even though she had little to worry about from the public…since that was more of a concern for her mother’s side, it was Kelvin’s side learning about her that roused such great fear in her. She had witnessed for herself the kind of control Mervis had on her own son and she had an idea of what she was planning to do to Beatrice’s family to avenge her daughter’s death. Evelyn could only imagine the kind of vermin Mervis would unleash on the direct offspring of the affair that reaped her family apart. It was only a matter of time before she learnt of her existence and Kelvin’s feelings and erratic behaviour only brought that eventuality even more possible than ever. “Wouldn’t it hurt your feelings knowing that the only reason I would be following you to Botswana would be only because I need an escape? That is the same as using you for my own gain… and I don’t like how that makes me look or feel.” Evelyn asked the man who still had his arms wrapped around her waist. “I wouldn’t think of it as you using me,” he said confidently. “I would think of it as you trusting me to take care of you.” “A very optimistic way of looking at things,” Evelyn was smiling as she mulled over his words and weighed her options in her head. “That’s because I am such an optimistic guy.” Lebo returned. “I used to think that I was optimistic too, but recent events have turned me into a person I can hardly recognize. One moment I might be smiling, feeling happy, next moment I would be feeling a sense of great shame, embarrassment, fear, stuck at a crossroad…and crying…a lot of crying. That’s the kind of person I have become.” “Life can do that to you sometimes,” Lebo said. “You could choose to let your circumstances define you or you could rise above them, show them who’s in charge and live your life according to the direction you wish it to go. Eventually, everything will fall back in place.” “Wise and good looking,” Evelyn commented under her breath. And then loudly she added, “I didn’t know that was possible.” “Me neither.” He said and they both laughed. * * * Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Mervis looked like a wounded buffalo ready to pounce on any unsuspecting victim that was unfortunate enough to set themselves in her path when she pounded hard on Lucy’s new address where they had arranged to meet that morning. She had tried relentlessly for the past twenty-four hours to get in touch with Lucy but the woman’s phone was still off. There could only be one explanation as to why things had turned out this way. “What the hell where you doing while she was running away with two children Rafael?” Mervis verbally pounced on the man she had left I charge of Lucy. “I am very sorry ma’am,” Rafael could hardly look at her when answering. Without warning, Mervis walked over to where he was standing and slapped him hard across the face. The thirty-one year old man staggered backwards as he tried to nurse his bruised cheek with his hand. “Do you think saying sorry will make her appear before me?” Mervis yelled. “Why have I been paying you when you can’t even do such a simple job?” Rafael remained quiet, his feeling of remorse quickly replaced by shame. “You better find Lucy or be ready to say goodbye to your family today.” In what appeared to be well-times miracle, there was a disturbance at the gate and then Lucy appeared. “You!” Mervis approached her while she was still at the gate looking both timid and determined in whatever resolve she had reached on her way to meeting her boss. Mervis grabbed her by the ear and pulled her aside. “Open that door so we can talk properly inside. I have more than a lot to say and I don’t need an audience for that.” Lucy quickly ran and opened the door, she then stepped back and allowed Mervis to go in first. “What is this?” Was the first question Mervis asked when her eyes landed on the room empty room she was now standing in. “Where is all your stuff?” She turned around to look at Lucy who had also entered behind her. “Wait,” it suddenly appeared to Mervis that something bigger than the empty house was missing. “Where are the kids Lucy?” She asked. “They are gone,” Lucy answered. “What do you mean they are gone?” Mervis asked. “I took them far away to a place you can never find them.” She said. Mervis laughed, thinking someone was playing a very bad joke on her. “This is not the time to joke with me Lucy. I have no time for this kind of nonsense. Tell me right now, where have you taken the kids?” “They are my kids!” Lucy snapped and cried at the same time. “I already told you, they are mine. I gave birth to them. I won’t allow you to take them away from me.” “Come here,” Mervis tried to grab her by the head but Lucy moved to the side defiantly. “Do you have any idea what you’ve just done to yourself and to those kids?” Mervis roared. “I don’t care what you do to me but at least I know my children will be safe as long as they are far away from you.” Lucy said with such conviction in her voice that caught Mervis by surprise. “Who got to you?” Mervis asked. “Did you confess to Shadreck and he made you a better offer than mine?” “No one got to me,” Lucy said. “And Mr Shadreck doesn’t know anything about you or our arrangement. I am willing to let you use me to break up that home but I don’t want you dragging my children into this. If my children do not die by your hands, they will die in that woman’s hands.” “If I thought that Shadreck telling his wife that he was leaving simply because he fell in-love with another woman was enough, then I wouldn’t have gone this far with you!” Mervis shouted. “I could have picked a much younger and very sophisticated woman to sway his heart but I needed one that had the potential to be both wife-like and a mother. You had so many years to make him leave his evil wife and you still couldn’t make him stay with you. How pathetic of you to stand there and act like you run the show.” Mervis was feeling like she was losing her mind. She had not calculated for such a development because she never thought Lucy had the balls to stand up to her and betray her like this. The question she needed answered the most was; who was behind all this? Was it just a matter of courage borne from blind love or could it be that Shadreck had caught on to something and was now using her to get to her? The worst possibility running through Mervis’ mind was; had Beatrice discovered who Lucy was and managed to get to her? “I love him!” Lucy announced in a very shaky voice. “I knew it!” Mervis said and scoffed. “And do you think that he loves you back?” “I don’t know and I don’t care. I just didn’t want to win his heart using the tricks you taught me. I wanted him to come to me by his own will. The only reason why I have not told him the truth is because I still feel some level of loyalty towards you and I am willing to let you continue using me because I want this thing to end as soon as possible. I am tired.” Lucy lamented. “I should have known that picking a desperate whore from off the streets was a bad idea.” Mervis was saying. “You can insult me all you want but I am never telling you where my children are. They are only babies. They have no idea what’s going and I would like to keep it that way. You can punish me all you want, you can even kill me, I don’t care. I deserve everything because I am the one who signed such an evil pact. “I just want this thing to end. Yes, I admit, I am no good. I failed to make him leave his wife despite having two of his children and I can promise you that no matter how many years you wait, he will never leave his wife, at least not for me. You can use me in whatever manner you like but please, leave my kids out of this.” Mervis was glaring at her like she was the worst human species she had ever come across. “Your kids?” she scoffed. “Do you even know how much those kids are worth? Millions!” Mervis said, thinking about the twenty percent still untouched from the Mwangala’s fortune. More than the eight percent she had already managed to get her hands on, it was the twenty percent that meant everything to her simply because it was exclusively owned by Beatrice. With enough persuasion, Shadreck would have convinced his wife to surrender her money if it meant getting back the children Mervis had intended to hold hostage. But now Lucy had thrown her this curveball. “I am very sorry that it came to this but….” Lucy was saying from the corner of the room where she was cowering. “But you are going to make things right Lucy,” Mervis’ smile was threatening enough to freeze a waterfall. “You created this mess so naturally, you will fix it. You said it yourself, you owe me. If you think that death is the only way to punish you, then you must not know me by now. “I never make things easy for my enemies…especially those that have declared war to my face. Killing you would be letting you off too easily.” Mervis’ tone was calm and controlled and yet as menacing in its delivery as possible. “I am going to make things so painful for you that you will be begging me to hear the location of where you’re hiding those little bastards. Rafael!” She shouted for her Lucy’s handler who was outstanding outside. Eager to redeem himself, Rafael rushed into the room and stood at attention before his madam. “Put her in the vehicle,” Mervis instructed him. “There’s a special place she needs to go that might help her refresh her mind a little bit.” She was looking menacingly at Lucy with a smirk on her face that spoke of every possible evil she had in store for her. Lucy was wailing and kicking as Rafael dragged her to the car parked in front of the house. Later that evening, Kelvin received a call from Rafael. “Things are not looking that good over here Mr Kelvin,” Rafael reported. “What happened?” Kelvin asked as he punched in the password to his newly installed home security system. The door opened and he entered the house. He walked over to the fridge, took a bottle of water from there and walked with it to his guest lounge where he threw himself onto the sofa. “Your mother is losing it!” Rafael was saying. “She is keeping Madam Lucy in some room somewhere and two men spent the whole day torturing her. This is not what you promised us Sir. You said that you would keep us safe.” The poor man was on the verge of crying. “Calm down Rafael,” Kelvin said. “Tell me everything that happened first.” And then Rafael walked him through the events of that day, step by step. “But you didn’t expect my mother to take all this laying down Rafael, did you?” Kelvin said. “Of course not Sir but….” “I spoke to Lucy about my mother retaliating…but, I never imagined she would take things this far.” “I also never imagined such things happening in real life but your mother is something else Mr Kelvin. You really need to do something soon or Madam Lucy will die in there.” “I know,” Kelvin said. “I know. I will get to it right away. And please ask Lucy to hang in there. I will do everything I can to ensure that no more harm is done to her, okay?” “Yes sir, we are counting on you.” Rafael said. Immediately that call was done, Kelvin speed dialled his mother and waited for her to answer the call. “My son,” came Mervis’ usual greeting to him. “Hi mum,” Kelvin said, his voice heavy with emotion. Kelvin was about to cross a point in his life he had never dreamt of ever crossing and only God knew just where his feet would land. “Where are you?” Kelvin asked. Mervis chuckled before responding. “Why are you asking where I am? I thought I told you that I was in SA doing some shopping. Are you asking where I am right now? I am at a friend’s house in KZN. Is anything the matter? Why do you sound so serious?” “I know where you are mum, please don’t lie to me. This has to stop, right now.” Kelvin said sternly. “What’s going on son? You are starting to scare me now. What are you talking about?” Mervis asked, a strange feeling nagging at her heart as she waited to hear her son’s response. “I know that you are in Tanzania,” Kelvin said, standing up to face the wall, his hand placed over his forehead as he bent his head down and sighed heavily. He raised his head again. “I have always known where you go whenever you leave home. Come back home now, I have what you are looking for.” He announced. Mervis jumped from the hotel bed she had been lying on. “What do you mean you have what I’m looking for Kelvin?” she could hardly hear her own thoughts over her loudly beating heart. “The kids,” Kelvin said after a moment’s hesitation. “I have Lucy’s kids.” Mervis’ knees immediately gave way and she found herself kneeling on the carpeted floor of her hotel room. “Mother, are you alright?” Kelvin asked, the silence on the other side of the line creeping him out. “No…not you Kelvin…not you my son….” His mother’s words ripped through his veins and he felt every bit and piece of her broken heart weigh him down to the ground. Still sobbing, Kelvin later said to her, “I am very sorry mother…I am so sorry.” He was crying so hard Mervis could hardly make out the rest of his words. Broken and alone on the floor, Kelvin told his mother, “come home, I will explain everything when you get here.” And he let the phone fall from his hand to the floor as he surrendered his body to the emotions threatening to rip him apart. There was no shelter strong enough to protect him from the storm he had just brewed. There was no going back.
26 Aug 2018 | 18:53
I sincerely hope all these ends well.
26 Aug 2018 | 19:36
Hope she won't do silly things to kelvin
27 Aug 2018 | 15:00
i hope it all end well
27 Aug 2018 | 17:59
I wish all this I'll end soon, so that everyone I'll be happy
27 Aug 2018 | 18:02
why are am not getting comments on this story
28 Aug 2018 | 06:18
or is it not interesting
28 Aug 2018 | 06:18
hmmmmm,,,, war is looming ahead btw mother and son oooooo,,,, but in all dis I love dat Lebo guy more,,, I feel he is the right guy for Evelyn,,, but who can decide for a heart dat is ready to fall for a wrong party????
28 Aug 2018 | 07:38
This is bad and Mervis cause everything
28 Aug 2018 | 08:32
is nt dat its nt interesting but its complicated nd confusing
28 Aug 2018 | 09:25
28 Aug 2018 | 09:30
Kelvin! Are you sure you can withstand your Mama's venom if she comes for you? Aren't you putting Evelyn in dangers way with yr actions? What about your fiance with just two weeks to wedding? Isn't it better you let Evelyn be and continue living your life like she never existed. For you Evelyn.... I found it alarming and stupid that your heart seems to be beating for Kelvin when there's an almost perfect Lebo out there longing for your love.
28 Aug 2018 | 10:59
It is interesting na pls keep it rolling out fast thanks
28 Aug 2018 | 10:59
The war between the mother and her son may start any moment from now...they are going seperate ways right now
28 Aug 2018 | 17:01
Melvis has been so heartless in the name of revenge...even ready to hurt the innocent...this revenge should be melvis vs beatrice
28 Aug 2018 | 17:08
She's trying to bring down those around her enemy...even ready with her heartless attitude to hurt the kids
28 Aug 2018 | 17:16
Kelvin is kinda starting a war with his mama...she may take it easy on her son or her wicked war without emotions
28 Aug 2018 | 17:20
Lebo has come a long way with Eva that he don't wanna go back without her...he just wanna win her heart and protect her
28 Aug 2018 | 17:25
Eva has come to a confused moment of whom to choose among the two...having some kinda double emotions
28 Aug 2018 | 17:29
@Chimmy d story is super interesting. Continue pls
28 Aug 2018 | 19:18
Dis Mervis woman is something else oo... Evenly has found herself at crossroads, ma dear just listen to ur heart KK!!!
28 Aug 2018 | 20:01
Hi s too lond
28 Aug 2018 | 22:13
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 15 The confrontation between Kelvin and his mother Mervis went exactly as he had expected it to go; emotionally draining and physically exhausting. “You don’t look so well mother,” Kelvin as he opened the door to let his mother in. She already looked out of breath, panting and looking at him like he had just pulled off her life support. “I haven’t slept a wink from the time you called me.” Mervis said as she sat down on the sofa. “I have been telling myself that it was only a bad dream…that I heard you wrong…that my own son wouldn’t betray me like this.” “I’m going to bring you a glass of water,” Kelvin said and turned to head into the kitchen. “Do not patronize me Kelvin!” Mervis shouted from behind him. She was up on her feet. “How could you do this to me!” Kelvin slowly turned back around to look at her. “What have you done?” Mervis asked. “Seat down,” Kelvin said, pointing to the sofa where she had been sitting and then he sat on the other chair facing her. Mervis did as instructed and waited for her son to talk. “Before I tell you what I did,” Kelvin started. “I need you to know that I did all this for you, because I love and care about you mother.” “Have you seen me Kelvin?” Mervis asked. “Do I look like someone who’s just been showered by love? How long have you known about Lucy and why did you pretend you didn’t know?” “Because I wanted you to feel in control,” Kelvin answered. “I needed you to have all the control in this revenge scheme so I could feel some level comfort knowing that you were doing your best to make the people that took your loved ones away pay for their crimes.” “Then explain this to me,” Mervis said. “why would you go behind my back and do something like this whe you know very well how much this means to me…to us?” “Not to us mum, to you.” Kelvin calmly corrected her. “This isn’t just about me young man!” Mervis yelled. “He was your father and she was your sister.” “I was never up for taking revenge mother. Even as a young boy I understood very well the reperccusions on undertaking such a journey. I never wanted us to go through all the hurt and pain…constantly reminding ourselves of what we lost instead of letting go and allowing those people to rest in peace.” Mervis could not believe what she was hearing. “Then why did you beg me to let you help if you knew you were going to do something like this?” She asked. “Because it was the only way I could think of to make you notice me,” he said as tears welled up in his tears. “Ever since the two died, you forgot I existed. We made us move to a foreign country and you left me all alone for days on end while you drunk your life away and fell into depression.” “I didn’t leave you alone, there were a lot of people taking care of you.” “I didn’t need strangers taking care of me, I needed my mother. You kept acting like you were the only one who lost something but I lost something as well my mother. I was only ten years old and I saw my own sister die right in front of me. I watched her die mother!” Kelvin cried. “And that should have been enough to toughen you up but you kept whining for my attention like the little boy you were. You and your pathetic father watched my daughter die and you did nothing to save her. And yet you expected me to take care of you?” “I know,” Kelvin said. “I have spend the past twenty years or so blaming myself for what happened that evening but you know what mother, I am done. I refuse to keep holding myself responsible for something I had no control over. I went played that day in my head over and over again and I came to the same conclusion; there was no way either of us would have saved her in that situation.” “That’s just you trying to make yourself feel less guilty. At least your father took his own life when he realised his mistake but here you are still breathing and crying like a baby.” Kelvin froze for a moment and was staring at his mother wide-eyed. “Did you just say that father committed suicide?” Mervis scoffed. “Did you actually believe that story of depression?” She said, smiling at him sarcastically. “For days he tried to find excuses to justify his reasons for not running to your sister’s aid when she was obviously in pain. “But I made him see just what a coward he was and like the big coward he really was, he swallowed some pills and put an end to his miserable life. I can tell you this, that was the only time in his life he acted like a man.” Kelvin was standing now, shell-shocked with tears poring down his face as he looked down at his mother gloating like she had just said something that deserved praise. “I never forced you to join me in this revenge because I knew how spineless you were,” Mervis continued. “When you finally offered to help, I was still skepticle but I thought that since you had my blood running in your veins, perhaps you might rise to the occassion and surprise me. I thought you were doing great all these years but I guess the little boy inside you was just dying.” “You are right, I was never okay from the get-go.” Kelvin said. “I thought that offering my help would eventually make you see me…make you realise that you still had one child, one member of the family still alive. But no matter how much I tried to please you, to do things your way, the two dead people were always more important than me. “You never came to my school meetings or other such events. For years I watched with envy other kids who had the privilege of having their parents come watch them at play games and I was always alone like an orphan. You turned me into an orphan even when you are still alive and that hurts even more than losing a parent in death…because when you eventually leave, you would have left me twice.” Kelvin had raised his two fingers in the air, desperately fighting back the tsunami of tears pouring down. “You were so obsessed with making money and becoming a billionaire that eventually, I became a pawn on your elaborate chess board. You might not have loudly asked me to take on this revenge with you but your actions forced me to, because that was the only way you were finally able to recognize my presence in your life.” “How did you expect me to continue living a normal life when the people that had taken away my loved ones where busy living large and acting like nothing ever happened?” Mervis asked. Kelvin gaped at her in shock. “It is not people mother,” he said to her. “It is only one woman, Beatrice. You don’t need to drag all these innocent people into the picture and punish them for something they have no idea even happened.” And then a look of realization finally dawned on Mervis’ face. “You have fallen for that girl haven’t you? That’s why you are acting like this.” Kelvin’s heart dropped. Did she already know about Evelyn? Mervis was quick to pick on the fear written all over Kelvin’s face. “I am right,” she said. “You allowed yourself to fall for that Moola girl and that’s why you’ve betrayed me like this.” Kelvin’s heart went back in place at the mention of Moola’s name, relieved that Evelyn had still not crossed his mother’s radar. It would be nice if things remained that way, Kelvin thought. “You can think whatever you want mother but I will not let you harm those innocent kids just so you can get your revenge,” Kelvin said. “Do you actually think that you can pull off something like this against me?” Mervis asked.”You have always been a mama’s boy and you will never be able to break off this ambilical code unless I do it for you.” “Maybe you are right,” Kelvin said. “I never intended to forsake you when I contacted Lucy. I only did that because I want to put an end to this. You are getting old now yet you’ve never allowed yourself to breathe a moment of peace because you’ve been consumed by revenge. “You breathe, eat and shit revenge day in and day out. How long do you intend to drag this along? Aren’t you tired? I know I am tired but I can’t walk away and leave you behind to be eaten alive alone. I want us to put an end to this, right now mother.” “And you think that hiding those kids will change anything?” Mervis asked smugly. “I hid those kids because I know you. As long as you have access to those kids, you were going to drag this far until you raised them to be pawns in your schemes. This revenge has no way of ending as long as those kids are under your control. Just like you’ve done over the years, you’ll find new ways of inflicting pain on that family. “At first it was business deals, you managed to take away business from those people over and over again but that still wasn’t enough. You became bored because you had become so good at it you needed something even more challenging. It was no longer revenge for you, at some point it became a hobby, a game you were addicted to and you kept chasing a rise on a level higher than the one before. “I thought that getting me to marry someone I never loved was as low as you could get but I soon realised that you had much bigger plans in store. That’s how I learnt about Lucy. So I know mother, as long as Beatrice is still breathing, this revenge will never end. The only thing I can do is cut off the roots that are helping you grow, and that includes me, Lucy, those two innocent kids and everyone else I know is helping you run this scheme. I will keep doing that even if it means I die by your hands…something I know you would gladly do.” “Kelvin!” Mervis snapped. “You might not approve of my ways of doing things but don’t insult me like that. I would have to kill me first before I can kill my own flesh and blood. You might have greatly disappointed me right now but that doesn’t change the fact that you are my son, so watch what you accuse me of.” “Then tell me mother,” Kelvin walked over to where his mother was and knelt down before her. “What do I need to do to make you stop?” He asked with tears streaming down his face. “Tell me what you want and I will everything within my power to help you but please…let’s put an end to all this hate. I beg of you.” “Bring those kids to me and I will I just might reconsider removing that fiancé of yours from my top two enemy list. Anyone capable of turning a son against his own mother deserves to be stoned to death. I might not lay my hands on you son,” She said whilst wiping the tears off his face with her bare hands. “I might not kill you but that doesn’t mean I can’t get to those you care about.” Kelvin was left kneeling on the floor feeling hopeless and defeated as Mervis got up and started walking towards the door. Once at the door, she stopped and turned to address her son for the last time. “You have forty-eight hours to present those kids in front of me…or watch what I do to the woman you love to see if that’s motivation enough.” And she was gone. If Kelvin had doubted it before, he was now convinced beyond reasonable doubt that twenty years ago he had lost more than just a father and sister, he had lost his whole family…and that that woman parading as his mother was nothing but a shell of someone he used to know…someone he could no longer recognize. Feeling like a man carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, there was only one place Kelvin could think of going to lay down his heavy load. * * * With her best friend out of town again, Evelyn found herself dreading the long night ahead alone in the house. Ever since she could remember, she never liked sleeping alone. Having always lived in tiny apartments, Evelyn had become accustomed to sharing a bed with her grandmother. It was only when she moved in with Thando who was constantly on the move that she was forced to adjust to sleeping alone in bed. Unfortunately for Thando, it meant that on days she was at home, she had to contend with Evelyn waking up from her bed in the middle of the night to join her in hers. Once she was sure all doors and windows where closed, Evelyn got into her pyjama shorts and t-shirt and was about to get into bed when she heard a knock on the door. “Who could it be this time?” She wondered out loud, waiting for a few more seconds to check if the person would knock again…and again. They did, persistently. Evelyn pulled out a chitenge wrapper from her washing basket in the corner of her room and wrapped it around herself before going to answer the door. “Who is it?” She asked before opening the door. “It’s me Eva,” came a male’s voice. She didn’t need to ask who again to know who it was. That voice haunted her even in her sleep. She quickly unlocked the door. “Kelvin?” Evelyn gasped when she saw the state he was in; drenched in sweat, feet and slippers drowning in dust, and looking like a man on the verge of collapse. “Water,” Kelvin said, sounding out of breathe as he pushed passed her and fell to the floor the moment he was safely inside. “Close the door,” he said to a visibly shocked Evelyn who was still holding the door wide open and gaping at him like she had just seen a mad man for the first time in her life. But she still closed the door the moment she heard his request. “Is someone chasing you?” Evelyn asked. “Where’s your car…or cars?” “Water,” Kelvin begged again. “Oh yeah,” Evelyn said and quickly ran to the kitchen, appearing seconds later with a glass in hand. She handed to him and watched him ferociously gulp down the contents. “It’s at home,” Kelvin answered the moment he was done quenching his thirst. “Is your friend around?” he asked her. “No, she travelled for work. She will be back next week.” She answered. Slowly getting up from the floor, he said, “show me where the bathroom is and give me your towel.” “Huh?” “Is it this side?” He was pointing and moving in that direction. Evelyn rushed in time to stop him by the door. “This is the kitchen,” she said, blocking his way in. “You just saw me enter and come out with a glass of water. Did you think I gave you water from the bathroom?” “It’s been known to happen,” Kelvin said, his play at nonchalance gnawing at Evelyn more than the pain in his eyes. “Here,” she was saying as she led him to through the door on the left. She had a billion question running through her mind but she knew better than to press a man that looked like he had just lost the battle between angels and demons. “You will find my towel hanging somewhere in there,” she said and closed the door behind him. She was expecting him to have a quick retort for her but instead he simply said, “thank you Eva, and turned on the shower. Evelyn remained standing outside the door, something she could not understand kept holding her back from moving away…and then she heard Kelvin stifle his sobs against the running water. Her heart sunk and her eyes followed in kind. What had happened? Evelyn wondered as she silently walked towards her bedroom to prepare some dry clothes for him. It took about twenty minutes for Kelvin to come out of the shower, looking like a brand new man with the forced smile on his face as he stood outstand Evelyn’s bedroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist , waiting for her to welcome him inside. Evelyn blinked and blushed profusely at the sight of his exposed buff chest, stuck between starring in awe and looking away in embarrassment and ending up doing both simultaneously. Kelvin was smirking at her expense. “Wait here, I will bring some clothes for you,” Evelyn gushed and quickly turned to walk back inside but Kelvin was right behind her. “It’s looks particularly clean,” he commented as he looked around her room. “I didn’t say you could come in,” Evelyn was looking at him despondently, at a loss for what to do to or about him. “I always suspected there was something peculiar about you, turns out you are a neat freak,” he looking at her severely arranged room with each time exactly where it was supposed to be. “You know OCD is an actual disease ka.” he asked. Evelyn was laughing. “It’s not a disease, it’s a disorder. And look who’s talking? Have you seen your house?” “That’s exactly why I made an accurate diagnosis,” he was smugly shrugging his shoulders. “I was speaking from experience.” Evelyn picked up the clothes she had laid for him on the bed and handed them over to him. “I think the show is over now. The audience is pleased so you can dress up,” she told him. Kelvin was smiling innocently. “I have no idea what you are talking about.” And he put on the white t-shirt she had given him. “Are you sure you weren’t expecting me over tonight?” He asked. “This t-shirt is too much of a perfect fit to be a coincidence.” Evelyn was aware that all the happy conversation was a façade he was putting on to avoid talking about the real reason why he had shown up at her doorstep but she still played along just fine. Once he was done dressing up, he threw himself on the bed, back first as he sprawled his legs. “What do you think you’re doing?” Evelyn asked. “You are not planning on sending me to Thando’s room right?” Kelvin asked nonchalantly. “What do you mean send you to Thando’s room? Are you planning on sleeping here?” “Yes,” he answered simply. “Why?” she asked. “Because I want to spend the night with you.” “With whose permission?” “Mine of course.” “That’s not how it works Kelvin.” He then sat up, a serious expression suddenly appearing on his face as he looked at her. “Let me sleep here tonight,” he said pleadingly. “I promise I won’t try anything funny. If you want, I can even sleep on the couch in the living room, I don’t mind. Just don’t kick me out, please.” “What’s going on Kelvin?” Evelyn finally asked. “I had a fight with my mum, that’s all I can tell you for now.” He said. “Is that why you came here looking like someone was chasing you?” Kelvin fell back on the bed, using his arms as a second pillow. “I needed to make sure that no one followed me here so I circled around for a while before finally knocking at your door. “Who could have been following you this late at night?” Evelyn asked. “I’m tired Eva,” Kelvin complained. “Can’t we just forget about it…for today?” Evelyn went to sit on the bed, looking over at his sleeping figure. “Wake up Kelvin,” she told him, and tried to make him sit up by pulling his hand. A very reluctant Kelvin eventually sat up and moved to sit next to her, both their feet hanging by the bed. “I can feel a nagging sermon approaching,” he said sarcastically. “I have never had a man sleep on my mind before and if I am to allow you to do that, I think I deserve to hear an explanation as to why I should extend that charity.” “Wow, I am now a charity case!” and he let out a heart breaking laugh, hanging his head low over his chest. “I didn’t mean it like that,” Evelyn quickly tried to explain herself. “In any case, you are here and you obviously need my help…” she hesitated for some time before adding, “I don’t think I will be able to sleep knowing that something is obviously wrong with you.” Kelvin raised his head up and slowly turned to look at her, a huge grin playing on his face. “You have totally fallen for me haven’t you?” Evelyn scoffed and made a face at him. “Can you try to be serious for just a moment? Stop trying to change the topic…and no, I haven’t fallen for you. I am just being a concerned neighbour.” The disappointment of Kelvin’s face was too vivid to ignore. Evelyn quickly looked away from him. “I had a huge fight with my mum…it didn’t end so well.” He finally told her. “Did she find out about me?!” The kind of fear that Kelvin saw in her eyes made him realise yet again just how much of a stranger his mother had become. Since when did the mere mention of her name bring such fear in people’s lives. Is she really my mother? Kelvin wondered. And if she is not, then who is that woman I have called mother for all these years…and what did she do to my sweet kind-hearted mother? “No she didn’t, relax.” He said and he could hear her breath a huge sigh of relief. “Then what happened?” Evelyn asked. “What was so mad that you came here looking the way you did? Did she disown you or something?” Kelvin looked straight into her eyes and with tears welled up in his eyes he asked her, “You really think the worst of my mother, right?” Evelyn didn’t know what to say in response. The pained look in his eyes was enough to freeze all her mental faculties. Just what had happened to have broken this ever brazen and bold man to this extent? Evelyn wondered. “Kelvin….” Evelyn was still at a loss for words. “She really is a horrible person isn’t it?” Kelvin asked. Evelyn was now wondering whether Kelvin was really looking for answers or if he was in desperate need of someone to tell him a lie…anything different from the truth he already knew. In the end, she could only stare at him blankly. She had heard about how the little boy at the orphanage that had been mistaken for her had been ruthlessly killed. The things surrounding his death all pointed to one person and anyone capable of doing something like that to an innocent child was someone to be hated and feared. But how could she look Kelvin in his deep brown eyes and tell him that his mother was a monster? He was already a man on the verge of destruction. Ant slight push and he would come crumbling down. He had set aside his pride and ego walked all the way to her place and here he was desperately trying to push away his tears because he still needed to be a man in front of her. Seeing the desperation in his eyes, Evelyn did the only thing she could think of that would help him keep his pride. She got onto the bed, positioned herself behind him and before he could ask any question, she wrapped her arms around him from behind, her chin resting on top of his head. Even if you can’t bring yourself to cry in my presence, could you at least let it all out when I am not looking at you? Evelyn thought as she fought back her own tears, pressing her upper body tight against him. As if answering her question, Kelvin finally broke down…and even though Evelyn could not hear him, she could feel his body convulsing against her as he tightly gripped with both hands the part of her arm resting just below his face. When Kelvin finally told her everything that had transpired between him and his mother, Evelyn could finally understand why he looked like a man whose wings had just been clipped off. “So are you going to hand over the kids to her?” Evelyn asked him later while they sat in bed watching tv, each on his or her own pillow. Between them was an aisle of much three pillow separating them; the Isle of Virtue , as Evelyn had coolly coined it. “No way!” Kelvin said determinedly. “Do you actually think that she would harm them in any way?” Evelyn asked. “It’s not like they are Beatrice’s children.” Kelvin laughed. “You don’t know my mother,” he said. “There’s nothing in this world she can’t do. Those might not be Beatrice’s children but they are children of the man Beatrice is in-love with and that, that on its own is a sin against my mother on Shadreck’s part.” “Now you are really scaring me Kelvin,” Evelyn said. “It also pains me to know that I am capable of saying such awful things about my own mother. I keep wishing that this whole revenge thing is just a bad dream, that I will wake up one day and it would have all been just a nightmare.” “She is going to hurt Moola if you don’t give her the kids…you are aware of that? Evelyn asked. “Of course, how can I not?” he said, almost whispering the words. “I might not love her but I wouldn’t live with myself if something happened to her because of me. I have already hurt her enough all these years…dragging her along and making her think that I was in-love with her.” “Are you still going to marry her?” Evelyn asked, shutting her eyes tight as she waited for him to respond. Kelvin could feel her tense on the other side of the bed and so he moved his head over the pillow to peep at her. Kelvin laughed upon finding her in that position. “You really don’t want me to marry her.” He said to her. Evelyn opened her eyes only to find Kelvin’s head looking down on her. Feeling embarrassed at having been found out, she pushed him back to his side and put the pillow back where it had been. “When did you realize you were in-love with me?” Kelvin asked, his serious tone catching her by surprise. “If you want to talk about feelings then I suggest you grab a few blankets from there,” she was pointing to the wardrobe on the side of the wall where he was. “You should know by now that I keep my promises no matter,” Kelvin said. “I said I wouldn’t try anything with you tonight and I meant it.” “I know,” Evelyn said, remembering that day in his bedroom when Moola came knocking at the window and she begged Kelvin to hide her in the basement where he had previously held her captive. “Aren’t you going t answer my question?” Kelvin said. “Does it matter?” Evelyn tried to brush him off. “Yes it does,” he said. “Maybe that’s the kind of motivation I need to get through this.” “This evening,” Evelyn said. “What about this evening?” Kelvin asked. “I realised I am in-love with you when I found you standing by the door outside.” She said. There was no response from Kelvin and the room was filled with silence for about a minute or so. “Kelvin?” Evelyn called and leaned over the pillow to look at him. The stern expression on his face scared her to death. “Did I say something wrong?” she asked him. “I am not going to marry Moola,” he announced. “Is that why you look like that after what I just told you?” Evelyn sounded disappointed. She had expected him to be jumping up and down. “Knowing that you love me too means that I now have no choice but to break my mother’s heart,” he said. Evelyn finally understood and slowly dropped back to her sleeping position but Kelvin’s head popped up above her immediately. This time he was wearing the smile she had been longing to see a few seconds ago. “I love you Eva, daughter of Beatrice.” He said. “You really don’t know how to be romantic, eish!” But she was smiling and hiding his face with her hands so that he would not see her blushing cheeks. Kelvin slowly removed her hands from his face and planted a kiss on her forehead before returning to his side of the bed. “From now on,” Kelvin said after a while. “I am going to love my mother the best way I can.” “And how are you going to do that?” Evelyn had asked him. “I will break her heart first, and then give her a brand new one.”
29 Aug 2018 | 08:25
good decision
30 Aug 2018 | 09:08
There is fire on the mountain, the war just got bloody. Kelvin be careful oooo please protect Eva. More please no delay needed. Thanks
30 Aug 2018 | 09:33
break her hrt 1st nd give her brand new hrt lol
30 Aug 2018 | 11:15
30 Aug 2018 | 14:53
hmmmmm,,,, Lebo's own has finished oooo,,,, but how would Kelvin break his mother's heart and mend it back?
30 Aug 2018 | 17:21
Please continue
30 Aug 2018 | 19:16
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 16 Evelyn did not understand Kelvin’s words and so she asked, “What do you mean break her heart and give her a brand new one?” Kelvin then sat up and removed all the pillows that had been separating them on the bed. “What are you doing?” Evelyn was clutching her hands to her chest as if to protect herself from whatever Kelvin was planning on doing. However, Kelvin made no effort whatsoever to reach out to her. He was seated on the bed, his upper body resting on his lower body. “There’s something that my mother said to me today that’s kept ringing in my head and I didn’t understand why until I came here.” “What’s that?” She asked. “I am going to suggest something to you,” he said. “It’s only going to be a suggestion and it’s up to you to decide whether you want in or not. I won’t pressure you and I will totally understand if you can’t. “This is the only way I have thought of protecting you because nothing will stop my mother from doing you harm the moment she realizes who you really are or that I am in-love with you. She won’t even try to understand my reasons for wanting to end this whole thing. She will think that you are the reason.” “And would she be wrong in thinking that?” Evelyn asked. “Not really,” kelvin answered. “Yes you have a huge part to play in my sudden decision to stop with the revenge but that’s a feeling I’ve always had even before I met you. You coming into my life and me falling for you is what gave me the courage to put my foot down and confront my mother. “However, that is not to say that I am an innocent victim that was manipulated by my mother, no. I am just as guilty as she is because I knew from the very beginning what I was getting myself into. I willingly did my part to aid her…and,” he dropped his eyes to look on the bed. “I…I willingly did all those awful things to you.” He added. “I know,” Evelyn’s eyes were fixed on him. “It’s your face that haunts me at night and awakens me in cold sweats every now and then, not your mothers.” Kelvin slowly raised his head up again to look at her. “If your point was to hurt me deeply, you did a fantastic job.” There was no missing the shame written deep into his eyes. “I also can’t believe that I did those things to you so I don’t expect you to forgive me.” He continued. “Whe I did those things…I was no worse than my mother, and didn’t even send me to do that. I won’t even ask for forgiveness because I don’t think I deserve it. I am just going to do everything in my power to make it up to you for the rest of my life.” “How?” Evelyn asked. “By saying what am about to say to you right now,” he was whilst smiling nervously. Just remember, I am not forcing you to do it. If you want, I can give you some time to think about it and if your answer is still no, then I will have no choice but to find another solution. Either way, I will not allow my mother to do anything to you.” “Okay, ow you are starting to freak me out,” Evelyn said. “”Just tell me what you want to say so we can go to sleep.” Kelvin burried his face in his hands and bent down for a few seconds before straightening up, sighing heavily and finally dropping his hands so he could look at her. This time, there was a serious expression on his face. * * * When Kelvin went back to his place the next morning, he got his mother on the phone right away. “Have you finally come to your senses?” Mervis asked sternly. “Good morning to you too mother,” he said sarcastically. “There’s nothing good about my morning so let’s cut to the chase. Where are Lucy’s children?” She asked. “I didn’t call to tell you where the children are mum. I called to ask you to give me more time to think about it.” Mervis scoffed. “Do you even hear yourself? Kelvin, stop playing games with me and tell me what I need to know.” “Mother, this situation we are in right now is different from what you and I have been through together for the past twenty years. You want the children, I have the children and I am still not willing to give them to you. “I know, you threatened to harm Moola if I don’t tell you where the kids are but we both know that you wouldn’t risk doing anything to her when the marriage is scheduled to take place in a few days time.” Kelvin could feel his mother shift position from wherever she was. “The initial reason why that marriage was set in motion was only because we needed that family to be indebted to us after bailing them out from their financial woes. As their son in-law, they wouldn’t have hesitated trusting you to take care of their businesses after we invested in them. “That was the original plan son.” Mervis was saying. “But you just told me that you are in-love with that Moola girl and you still expect me to believe that you would carry out our plans as before? Do you think am a fool?” “I never told you that I was in-love with Moola,” Kelvin replied. “You came up with that conclusion all on your own.” “Right now you would do anything to get the freedom you desperately desire so I won’t trust anything that comes out of your mouth. Just give me the kids and you can do whatever the hell you want with your life. Just don’t come running back to me when you realise how tough the world is without dear mama.” Kelvin could sense how his mother was lowly backing him to a corner. There was never a moment in time when he had won an argument against his mother. Mervis Kangwa always had an answer to everything and she never lost at anything. She was a shrewd mother just as she was a businessman. But Kelvin was no longer under her spell. That realization made him stop hitting his head against the wall and he stood up straight to drive his point across with as much conviction as he could master. “I need a week mother,” he candidly stated. “I will be meeting Moola’s family over the weekend and I will inform them that there won’t be any wedding.” Mervis was on her feet. “What?” She said. “Exactly what you heard,” Kelvin said. “You have a choice to make; wait for me to make up my mind or go ahead and do whatever you feel like doing to Moola because I won’t be the one losing out. “I asked for a week because I want to give you time to think thing through mother. It was never my intention to make you feel betrayed. I only did what I did because I care about you and I care about myself. It’s time to move on, to let go so we can live our lives in peace. Unlike you, I have never ever had the chance to fall in-love, date whoever I like, makes mistakes, get married and have my own children to protect and fight for. “But you…you had the chance to do all that mother.” Kelvin’s voice was on the verge of breaking but he was too determined to say his piece without breaking down. It was time for him to be a man. “You, dad and Nora, you all had the chance to have all that. Not me.” Kelvin pressed on. “If you truly loved me as a mother ought to love her children, then you should be the first one wishing those things for me. But instead, you want to drag us both to infinity fighting demons that we’ve allowed to control us when we can easily say no and walk away. “I want to walk away mother, and I want you to do the same. Punish Beatrie all you want but do it now and get over it. I am not trying to stop you from exerting your revenge, I am simply saying, do it now. How much satisfaction do you intend to get for all this that you are willing to lose your only son in the process? “If even after a week you don’t change your mind, I will give you what you want and I will walk out of your life forever. I will settle down, have a few kids and you will never get to meet your grandchildren because you will be too much avenging the lives of those that are no more. Think about it mother.” Throughout his monologue, Kelvin had been expecting his mother to interrupt and dismiss him rudely but he was shocked to have been able to say all that out without interruption. A huge part of him was dying to know if his mother had heard any of the things he had said because even though he could hear her breathing on the other end of the line, he was not sure if she had actually been listening. “You have really thought hard about this haven’t you?” Mervis’ voice finally came through. “As a matter of fact, I did.” Kelvin said. “One week, that’s all you get.” Mervis said after cold moment of silence. Kelvin was finally able to smile. He let out a deep sigh of relief. “Thank you mother,” he said. “Don’t thank me just yet, I haven’t made any decisions yet.” And she cut the line. An excited Kelvin immedately called Evelyn to deliver the good news. “She bought it!” “Seriously?” “Yes, she gave me a week.” “I don’t know Kelvin,” Evelyn didn’t seem to take the news as well kelvin had hoped. “Why, you don’t sound too happy?” He said. “Your mother scares me,” she said. “I think she’s too clever to have bought into that. What if she….” “We talked about this Eva,” Kelvin reminded her. “I thought you trusted me.” “It’s not that, I trust you…but, now she’s going to want to know everything that’s going on around you. Who knows what she might do the moment she discovers the truth? A week is too long for her to outsmart you Kelvin, no disrespect or anything, but she’s been doing this kind of thing longer than you have.” “I know,” Kelvin said, his voice heavy with emotion. “Why did it have to be a week?” Evelyn asked. “Couldn’t you have just said a few days or so?” “Because whatever conclusion my mother comes up with, she will still need to have her revenge and I happen to hold the cards to two of her major projects; Lucy and Moola’s marriage. “For her to get her ultimate revenge, she needs me. One week because she will need that much time to plan anything and I know for a fact that she will do everythig in her power to put me at a disadvantage so that she can yield me to her power and control again.” Just like Kelvin had suspected, Mervis too was on another call immediately after talking to her son. “I want you to follow him everywhere he goes and find out everything you can about everyone he meets, talks to or even waves at.” “Yes ma’am,” a male voice returned and Mervis ended the call. “Kelvin,” she said as she paced back and forth around her living room, turning her phone around in her hands as her mind took her on a deep long journey. “You actually think that you can out-smart me?” Mervis said with a look of derision on her face. And then she burst out laughing like she had just been possessed by something. * * * With only less than ten days remaining to the biggest day of her life, Moola was quickly growing weary of her man’s lack of contact. There had never been a time in their relationship when Kelvin had stayed without contacting her for more than two hours and now for close to a week, he either missed her calls or said he would call her back and never actually did. To make matters worse, she could not find him at his office or office and the idea of not knowing what was going on with him eat at her to near madness. The excuse everyone around her was giving her was wedding jitters but no matter how convincing that theory was to everyone else, something told Moola that there was something else at play than just jitters. Thus, she turned to the only person she knew could give her the answers she was seeking; Mervis. Moola found Mervis sunbusking by the poolside in front of her house and looking like the perfect portrait of a very fit modern rich woman. Moola puckered her lips tightly thinking about her disdain for the woman who acted like she owned the world and treated her like she was not good enough for her son. Unfortunately, Moola had over the years been forced to reconcile her mind to the fact that the disdain she felt for her mother in-law was equally, if not thrice reciprocated and that even though she could not openely express her feelings, the latter would, could and gladly did so whenever the opportunity presented itself. However, the nature of Moola’s visit that mid-morning required that she fold her pride and feelings and lock them somewhere she could not tap into for at least the length of the pending meeting. Thus, she forced a smile on her face and proudly defying gravity in her eight inch designer heels, she graced the tiled ground of Mervis’s yard that led to the swimming pool like a debutant from a British colony. Even though Mervis could see Moola approaching from her sitting position, she made no effort to sit up and welcome her. Instead, she raised her hand to the sky as if to will the sun that had just disappeared behind the clouds to shine again. “Good morning Mrs Kangwa?” Moola towered over her, in the process blocking her from the sun that had unceremoniously picked that very moment to appear from behind. “Don’t you know that it’s very rude to address your mother in-law whilst standing like a tree over her? Didn’t your mother teach you anything?” Mervis hissed. Moola slowly took off her sunglasses and glared at her mother…but only for a few seconds before putting the smile back on. “You told me to relax around you the first time we met,” Moola reminded her. “You said you were a modern mother in-law. You should have informed me when you decided to change to a traditional one.” Mervis was still too fluid, soft and bruised from her recent conversation with her son and if Moola knew just how much on thin on ice she was treading, she would have changed her usual brat attitude before Mervis unleashed her wrath on her. Mervis slowly sat up from the chaise lounge she had been laying on and taking off her glasses, she sent Moola one cold and long contemptious look. “This is exactly why I dont like you,” Mervis said as she put laid her sunglasses down on the table on the side of her chair. “The problem with you little girls of nowadays is that you are o excited about getting married when you know nothing, not even a single thing about what it means or what it takes to run such a kind of responsibility. “So I told you that I am a modern mother in-law and you took it to mean that I shouldn’t be respected?” Mervis berated her, and then sneered at her. “Get down on your knees,” Mervis commanded. “Now!” she added when Moola appeared hesitant, looking at her in disbelief and then looking down at her beautiful white lace dress that reached exactly above her knees and was shimmering against the sun’s rays in all it’s angelic glory. “You want me to to kneel down on this dirty ground?” Moola quipped. Mervis shot her another disapproving look that ripped through her skin and sent her blood cells running for cover. She dropped to her knees in a heartbeat. “What are you doing here unannounced?” Mervis asked. “I need to talk to Kelvin,” Moola said, her pitch too had gone a few hertz down in response to gravity. “I don’t live with Kelvin,” Mervis retorted. “I thought you knew the ins and out of his house like a cockroach. Why are you looking for him here?” Even though Mervis was acting smug with Moola, she too was curious about Kelvin’s movements lately. For the past few days, the mother had to embrace a new fact about her relationship with her son; she knew nothing about him. Inevitably, that realization also came with another fact; that Kelvin might…or could after all control her to his will. It is easier to defeat or plan a strategy against an enemy whose methods of attack you are aware of or familiar with. But with Kelvin, Mervis could no longer be sure of what he was capable of or what weaknesses he had. She had hoped that Moola might turn out to be a weakness but her presence at her house meant only one thing; that he was going ahead with his plans of calling off the wedding. But even with that highest probability that came with that possibility, there was no way Mervis could be sure if her son had meant his threat or not, or if he was simply waiting for her to fold in her revenge. Mervis needed answers and she needed them as soon as yesterday. “He hasn’t called me for days now and he keeps ignoring my texts and calls. The last time we spoke was when he called me over the weekend and told me that the families need to meet over the coming weekend. He never explained why, just said it’s got something to do with the wedding and he cut the line. Does he want to break off the engagement Mrs Kangwa?” Mervis was laughing, not the kind of response Moola was expecting after pouring out her concerns like that. “Not as far as I know,” Mervis answered. “It’s probably just wedding jitters.” “That’s exactly what my mother said and my father said that you are too greedy for money to let him walk away from this wedding so I shouldn’t worry about a thing…but am getting scared now.” Mervis was dumbfounded by the girl’s lack of tact. “There should be a law against pretty girls being so dumb,” she said whilst giving her potential daughter in-law a pitiful look. “Your kind of stupid goes against all the laws of nature…tsk tsk tsk.” Moola’s lips were more than ready to offer a retort but she remembered why she was there and immediately redirected the air flowing to her diaphragm. “You can insult me all you want, I am already used to it by now. Just tell me, where could Kelvin be? I have searched for him everywhere but he’s nowhere to be found and his phone is off most of the time.” “Do you honestly think that a man that age would tell his mother everywhere he goes?” Mervis asked. “Kelvin would,” Moola answered. “He’s always been a mama’s boy.” Mervis had a bitter-sweet smile on her face. If only you knew , she thought as he mulled over Moola’s words. “I have been debating whether to go and see that girl he’s been hanging around with but Cassie tells me she hasn’t seen him around that area for a while now.” Moola finally had Mervis’s full attention. “What girl? And what area?” she asked. “Can I stand up now and sit over there?” Moola was pointing to the chair next to Mervis and rubbing her knees with her other hand. “Tell me what girl you are talking about first and I will let you sit.” Mervis was almost yelling. Moola was smiling as she studied Mervis’ reaction. “I knew you wanted this marriage as much as I do! And dad was right after all.” “Moola, don’t test my patience.” By now, Mervis has fully turned her body around and was facing Moola. “It’s that same girl he met when he was trying to help your brother with that case.” Moola explained. “I only know her as Evelyn.” The first image that flashed across Mervis’s mind was of a beautiful and elegant ly dressed Evelyn walking into the hotel on the arm on Lebogang. Mervis remembered how quickly her son had dragged her away and asked her to leave so early despite forcing her to attend the function in the first place. And then she remembered the number of times her brother’s case had come up in their conversations and suddenly, very so suddenly, she had found the first piece of the complicated puzzle. “Why didn’t I think of that?” Mervis asked in a very low voice. The question was mostly directed at herself than her companion. “That girl you mention, where does she stay?” Mervis asked, anxiously waiting for an answer. Moola was looking at her suspiciously. “Why the so much interest in this girl?” She couldn’t help asking. “Do you think that he is cheating on me with her?” She had a petrified look on her face as she asked the question. “Calm your lungs down,” Mervis said, grabbing a towel, standing and wrapping it around herself. “I have also been meaning to meet that girl because she knows something about my brother’s case but Kelvin kept telling not to get involved.” Without waiting for permission, Moola quickly stood up and started wiping the dirt off her knees whilst mumbling some inaudible’s under her breath. “Her address!” Mervis yelled. “She lives in Handsworth, I can text you her address if you like.” “Text it, now.” Mervis said and started running towards her house. On the drive to the address, Mervis called her PI and gave instructions; “Find out everything you can about a girl named Evelyn that works as a secretary for Sibu & Associates Law Firm…yes, just the first name; I don’t know her last name also. Find out everything you can right away. That’s why I pay you. Give me a call in the morning tomorrow.” Evelyn…Evelyn…Evelyn…just who the hell are you and where did you come from? Mervis thought as she drove like a mad woman to Evelyn’s place. After knocking like a wild dear on Evelyn’s door and no response came, Mervis went to the one place she thought she might be during a weekday; her place of work. Mervis walked into S&A like a woman with a bone to chew with the firm. The angry expression on her face almost made Helen the receptionist want to jump under her table for cover. “Good….” Before Helen could even finish her greeting and deliver her forced smile, Mervis cut her off and went straight to the point. “Where’s Evelyn? I am looking for a girl named Evelyn.” For a brief moment, Helen had this knowing look on her face but it quickly disappeared when she realized Mervis’ glare was burning into her skin. “May I ask for her last name ma’am and if you had an appointment?” Helen asked politely. Mervis leaned in towards her from the other side of the reception desk and banged her hand against the desk. “Do you have any idea who you are talking to like that young lady?” Mervis asked the twenty-five year old petite receptionist. “I am very sorry ma’am, I never got your name,” Helen said. “That’s because I never told you my name in the first place and I am not the kind of woman that needs an introduction anywhere I go.” Whilst Mervis was going off about herself, Helen was looking at her computer monitor at the reply she had received from Sibu after she had sent her a short text alerting her of Mervis’ presence in the building the moment she had seen her walk through the doors. Keep her busy until I get there , read the message from Sibusiswe. “Well, it would really help me to know who you are and the full name of the person you are trying to meet because there are a lot of females with that name in this place.” Helen said and she literally had to move a few steps backwards behind her desk to keep Mervis who looked more than ready to strive land one on her. “What’s your name young lady?” Mervis asked, taking her phone out from her handbag and looking ready to call someone. Without hesitation or fear, Helen provided her name. “Helen Bwalya,” she candidly provided. “And without meaning to be rude, I would ask that you take one of the seats over there while you make your private calls as I would like to get back to other clients.” She was pointing at the switchboard on her desk that was blinking all kinds of red. It appeared Mervis’ temper had reached a boiling point. she was about to follow Helen where she was standing when she heard a voice behind her that made her stop. “What’s going on here?” it was Sibu. Mervis turned to look at the intruder. “You must be the owner of this place,” she said. “I have seen your face in the papers a couple of times. Don’t you people have any standards for picking employees?” Looking unperturbed and not in the slightly intimidated, Sibu said, “You are Mrs Kangwa. We’ve met a few times at different events. It’s my pleasure to have someone of your standing pay our firm a visit.” She reached out her hand but it wasn’t taken. Sibu dropped her hand and folded her arms across her chest, a smirk dancing provocatively on her face. “I didn’t come to this small law firm to do business. As you might already know, I happen to have higher standards.” Mervis said. “I see, that’s too bad,” Sibu replied. “Then did you perhaps make an appointment with someone working here?” “I need to see a girl named Evelyn. She is a secretary here?” Mervis answered. “And what’s her last name please?” Sibu asked. “How the hell am I supposed to know her last name? How many secretaries named Evelyn do you have?” Sibu turned to Helen. “Helen dear, how many?” “Four ma’am,” the receptionist replied. “How about you ask all four of them to come here instead of wasting my time like this?” Mervis snapped. Sibu closed the distance between her and Mervis and putting a hand over her shoulder she said, “Madam Kangwa, how about you and I talk in my office? You appear very agitated and it makes me even more uncomfortable to summon my employees down here when I can sense that you did not come here in good faith. How about you and I talk in private and we can determine how best I can be of help once I know what your need is.” Mervis shot her a grave look. “My business with this Evelyn girl has absolutely nothing to do with you so don’t go feeling high and mighty asking to talk in private about things that aren’t any of your business.” Sibu was smiling the whole time Mervis was talking, much to the latter woman’s chagrin. “I was actually hoping you would say that,” Sibu said. “I am very glad you are aware that this is a place of work for whoever you are looking for. You coming here in this manner shows no respect for this firm and everyone under it. “If you have personal business with an employee, I suggest that you make time with them and meet them outside these premises. You seem to be a very educated and proper lady, you run businesses too so I don’t doubt that you understand exactly what am talking about.” Mervis appeared to be at a loss for words for a moment, something she was very unfamiliar with. “I will leave now,” Mervis huffed when she finally found her voice. “It’s not like I have no other means of fishing her out. Good day.” And she walked away from them before they could say another word to her. “Good job Helen,” Sibu had turned to the receptionist once they were sure Mervis had disappeared from the building. “Is Evelyn going to be okay ma’am?” A visibly disturbed Helen asked. She had known Evelyn for just a few months but the two of them had grown fond of each other in just that short period. It was hard for anyone that met Evelyn to not like her. “Of course she will be,” Sibu said with enough conviction to put the girl’s mind at rest. “She is not alone after all. Just be vigilant, that woman is too determined to find her. She might send someone else to come snoop around. Let me know immediately you sense anything suspicious.” “With pleasure Mrs Lungu!” Helen excitedly answered. Back in her office, Sibu made a call to Kelvin. “Your mother just left,” she told him. Sibu could hear him sigh heavily on the end of the line. Kelvin was rubbing in frustration the part of his face just between his eyes. He was standing in the middle of a living room that appeared to be part of a hotel suite. “So she’s already found out…” he said. “Not much it appears,” Sibu informed him. “Just her name at most. She didn’t seem to know her last name but it’s just a matter of hours before that information comes to her.” “I know,” Kelvin said. “Is she with you?” Sibu asked. “Can I talk to her?” “Yes, she’s with me,” Kelvin said and started walking towards the closed door on the other side of the suite. “She hasn’t been feeling well since yesterday…I think the stress if finally getting to her.” Kelvin opened the door and froze there. “Kelvin, is everything okay?” Sibu could sense something when Kelvin suddenly went quite. “I left her sleeping in bed,” Kelvin said whilst looking at the huge bed in front of him. He then entered the room and started calling out her name and when no response came, he checked the bathrooms…there was still no sign of Evelyn. Kelvin was now in a state of panic. He checked every corner of their hotel suite and couldn’t find her. “Her handbag is gone too Sibu,” Kelvin said as he stood helplessly in the bedroom. “When was the last time you saw her?” Sibu too was now restless. “Have you checked the rest of the hotel? Maybe she didn’t go far.” Kelvin was running out of the room before Sibu could even finish talking. “Where could she have gone?” Sibu asked, but Kelvin who was running down the stairs because he could not wait a second longer for the lift that seemed to be taking forever to reach their floor. Kelvin headed straight to the reception desk and almost fell forward in his frantic state. “Did you see my….” “Your wife sir?” the young woman asked. “I saw her walk out of here a few minutes ago. A man stopped her right outside there,” she was pointing to towards the entrance. “They talked for a little bit before he led her to his vehicle that was parked on the other side of the road.” “A man? What man?” Kelvin asked.
30 Aug 2018 | 19:19
I think is lebo
30 Aug 2018 | 22:17
Lebo I guess.... Eiii madam Mervis,hmmmmmm!!!
30 Aug 2018 | 23:48
hmmm evelyn in trouble
31 Aug 2018 | 11:44
Eva don't be stupid o haba you want kelvin to run mad him na wa o. More please.
31 Aug 2018 | 14:21
Hmmmm,, Evelyn real foe just started
31 Aug 2018 | 14:33
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 17 Kelvin felt the world around him spin and spin out of control. He reached over the reception counter, grabbed the visibly confused and shaken receptionist by her jacket and asked; “Who took my wife?” Everyone down in the hotel lobby was now starring at the two of them. With her lips quivering and her feet off the ground, the girl stuttered her way through her response. “It was a tall man…sort of, like your height…young, I think in his late twenties…or early thirties…I don’t know! I’m not sure. Why are you doing this to me?” Kelvin released her immediately as realization dawned on to him. Lebogang, he thought. How the hell did he know to find us all the way here in Zim? “Is there a problem sir?” The thundering masculine tone of the man standing behind Kelvin sent a chill down his spine before he could slowly turn to look at who had addressed him. The gigantic frame dressed in a well-fitting black designer suit hovering over him forced Kelvin to take a deep breath and calm himself down, if only for a few seconds. “I am sorry sir,” Kelvin quickly apologized for his behaviour. And then he turned towards the receptionist and bowed his head at her in sincere commiseration. “My name is Simbarashe Chiruvhu, I am the manager.” The giant had reached out his hand and Kelvin extended his as well and the two men shook hands. “Sincere apologies for losing my cool,” Kelvin apologized again. “It’s just that, I thought something might have happened to my wife and….” “I understand sir and thank you for apologizing,” Mr Chiruvhu said. “Safety for our guests is one of our top priorities and if there’s anything I can do to help….” “Surveillance cameras,” Kelvin quickly said. “I saw that you have some by the entrance when we came in yesterday.” He was pointing to the entrance of the hotel. “Do they work?” “Yes they work perfectly fine.” He answered. “Then I think we’ve found a way you can help me.” A few minutes later, Kelvin was looking at Evelyn rush out of the hotel with her bag in hand and was met outside by none other than Lebogang. Forgetting where he was for a moment, Kelvin banged his fist on the table and won himself questioning stares from the technician and the manager. “Can you zoom in,” Kelvin told the technician operating the cameras. “I want to see that car’s number plate. Kelvin quickly wrote down the number plate, thanked the two gentlemen and went back to the suite. He called his PI. “Get a pen,” Kelvin said the moment his call was answered. “Who’s this?” The PI asked. “It’s me, Kelvin.” “Oh sorry boss,” the man said. “I couldn’t recognize the number. When did you travel to Zim?” “You have a pen and paper ready?” Kelvin asked, completely ignoring the PI’s efforts at civility. “They’re ready,” he replied. “Write this down,” he said, giving him Lebo’s full names and the car plate number he had written down. “Find out everything you can about this guy and give me his current location presently. I need this info as soon as yesterday.” “Yes boss, on it.” “And my mother?” Kelvin asked. “We still have people on her and also on her people,” the PI answered. “We are keeping a close eyes on them you don’t have to worry about a thing. She tried to get someone to give her access to the list of names of all S&A secretaries but we managed to block that too. But Mr Kelvin….” “What is it?” Kelvin could sense something in the PI’s tone. “You do know that it’s only a matter of time before your mother gets to someone…could be an employee there or just someone else connected to the law firm to give her names. She is a very well connected woman…and she always gets things done no matter what it takes.” “Harry,” Kelvin interrupted his PI. “Have you forgotten that this is my mother we are talking about? I already know what she’s capable of so don’t waste my time talking about the obvious. I don’t doubt that she will find out soon. I just need you to get me everything you can on that person immediately. “Yes sir, apologies.” Harry said. “If that happens, there’s nothing we can do on our end to stop it.” After the call, Kelvin went back to the reception and was about to inquire about car booking services when the receptionist addressed him first. “Sir, this was left for you a few minutes ago.” She handed him a small white envelope. Kelvin grabbed it from her and ripped the envelope apart. The letter inside was short but it’s brief content was enough to rip his heart apart. Please forgive me for leaving like this. I heard what was said on the phone and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I am so scared for my life and I hate to see you struggle between keeping your loyalty to me or to your mother. Because I love you, I don’t want to put you in this kind of situation where you have to choose and that’s why I’ve left. I am sorry that I couldn’t trust you all the way to the end…and I am sorry for letting us both down. Please go back home and don’t try to look for me. If you can find me, so will your mother so please I beg of you, don’t look for me. Take care of yourself. Love, Eva. “Who left this here?” Kelvin asked the receptionist, his eyes wet and heavy with unshed tears. “A little boy, about ten years old.” She answered. “Where did he go?” “This way,” she pointed to the left. “Describe him for me.” Kelvin went out and searched for a tall, light-skinned skinny boy dressed in red shorts and grey t-shirt but he found nothing. Wild thoughts kept running through his head as he searched high and low around the hotel for the skinny looking boy. Why couldn’t you trust me? Why him of all people? Why couldn’t you give us a chance Eva? You looked me in the eye and promised to stick with me and stay with me till the very end. What changed? What did that guy tell you to convince you? I said I would protect you…why couldn’t you believe me? Is it because am her son? After hours and hours of searching, Kelvin finally gave up and went back to what had once been his and Evelyn’s honeymoon suite. He picked up the pillow she had used and held it to his nose for a very long time, taking in her scent and trying his best not to break down. How could you do this to me? Kelvin thought as tears welled up in his eyes. How could you Eva? He carried those thoughts with him into the shower as he just stood under the cold shower for minutes that felt like hours, with his head bowed and the water falling on his head uninterrupted. Kelvin was getting ready to check out of the hotel early the next morning when he received a call from Harry his PI. “It doesn’t look so good boss,” was the first phrase that Harry said the moment Kelvin answered his call. “Did something happen?” Kelvin asked. “I think you need to come right away Mr Kelvin.” For a moment, Kevin froze as he listened to whatever the PI was telling him but he soon recovered and grabbed his small suitcase and he starting running out of the hotel. “Your reciept sir!” the receptionist shouted after him but Kelvin neither stopped nor did he look back. * * * Two days had gone by since Evelyn had last seen Kelvin. Even in her thickest determination to part ways with him, there was still a huge part of her that wanted to be him, that missed him and that cared about him deeply. “You are doing it again,” Lebo appeared in front of her out of nowhere. He took her hands that where holding on to the rails of the balcony behind their suite and he held on to them in front of her. “What have I done?” there was discomfort written all over her face as she looked down at their hands. She tried to free her hands but Lebo tightened his hold and smiled at her. “Your body might be here with me but your mind is still with him.” Lebo noted. Evelyn’s face flashed with guilt and she quickly avoided meeting his eye. “I’m right,” Lebo was forced to admit. He let go of her hands and went to sit down on one of the two chairs by the balcony table. One leg crossed over the other, he looked over at her with a pained expression on his face. “Do you regret coming with me?” he asked her. “Lebo….” “Wait, don’t answer that.” He said. “You need to understand something Lebo, this isn’t easy for me.” “I know…I want to understand, I swear am trying my best Eva but, it breaks my heart when I think about how you chose the son of the woman who’s after your life over me.” Evelyn was nervously rubbing her ring finger, unable to give a response to what Lebo was talking about. “I can only imagine how you must have been moved when he offered to go against his mother to protect you but Eva,” Kelvin continued. “How can you still trust him despite everything that he put you through? He spent twenty years of his life avenging his sister’s death…twenty years Eva. That’s not a joke. And if he can so easily betray his own mother, what do you think that says about his level of loyalty? “I admire the courage you have and your willingness to forgive people but I think you are making a huge mistake right now sulking over someone like that. As long as that guy is in your life, his mother will also be there, lingering around and waiting for the opportune moment to take her revenge.” “Please, let’s not talk about them anymore.” Evelyn said, and rubbing her forehead she said, “I need to rest for a bit, the migraine is back.” Evelyn walked back into the room and was about to open the door to her room when she heard a knock on the door. She turned to look at Lebo who had followed her inside. S “Are you expecting anyone?” she asked him. Lebo walked over to her, took her hand and led her to sit down on the couch. “Sit here for a moment,” he said as he knelt down before her. “What are you doing?” Evelyn asked as a number of wild thoughts went through her head. “What’s about to happen,” Lebo was saying. “I need you to know that I am doing all this for you…for us. It’s a chance for us to start a brand new life away from all the drama. It’s an opportunity for us to put everything that’s happening right now where it belongs…a chance to buy you the freedom you’ve always wanted.” Evelyn’s face had turned into a question mark. “What are you talking about?” she asked. There was another gentle pound on the door again. “Wait here,” Lebo got up and went to answer the door. “You came?” Evelyn heard Lebo tell whoever was standing by the door. Lebo held the door wide open and stepped aside to let the person in. Evelyn jolted up in her seat and gaped at the guest. “Good morning Eva,” Shadreck greeting her with a smile on his face. “What is he doing here?” Evelyn was shaking all over as she waited for Lebo to give her an answer. Lebo walked over to her and tried to put his arms around her but she flinched at his touch and moved away from him. “What do you want with me?” Evelyn asked Shadreck Mwangala. “I came to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” Shadreck said, still smiling smugly. “Make me an offer?” Evelyn asked. “Did someone tell you that I am looking to make deals, especially with someone like you?” Shadreck chuckled. “You break my heart little Eva. I thought you and I had an understanding. I happen to like you quite a lot.” Evelyn threw him a disgusted look. “Oh no,” Shadreck waved his hand. “Not like anything you are imagining,” he quickly corrected her. I am a business man, not a paedophile.” “What do you want from me?” Evelyn asked again. “Why don’t we all sit down and….” Lebo was saying to the both of them but Evelyn’s glacial stare sent him shutting up immediately. “Why did you tell him where we were?” Evelyn asked Lebo. “He told me that he had a way of protecting you against Mervis so that she can never harm you?” “And you believed him?” Evelyn asked. “At first I didn’t,” Lebo answered. “But when he told me who he was and what he can do to help, I knew that we needed him if we are to live our lives in peace forever.” “You really have no idea do you?” she was shaking her head slowly as she talked. “What are you talking about?” Lebo asked. “You shouldn’t have meddled in my business Lebo.” Evelyn stood up. “I was such a fool to put my trust in you.” She went into her room, picked up her handbag and walked back into the room where Lebo and Shadreck where standing. “Where are you going Eva?” Lebo went over to her. “I have no business whatsoever with this person here,” Evelyn sternly said. “The two of you talk amongst yourselves and leave me the hell out of it. She yanked the door open to get out but her exit was blocked by two huge masculine figures. “Are these your men?” Evelyn turned to Shadreck. “If you do not want anything to happen to your best friend Thando, I suggest you come back and sit down so we can talk business.” The two men pushed her back inside and shut the door. As Evelyn stumbled back into the room, Lebo rushed to keep her from falling back. “What have you done to her?” Evelyn yelled “What do you think you are doing?” Lebo asked Shadreck whilst helping Evelyn gain her footing. The moment she was stead on the ground, she pushed Lebo aside and faced Shadreck, defiance written all over her face. “I think you should sit down first,” Shadreck told her and followed his own advice by sitting down as well. “What do you think you are doing?” Lebo went at him but the door immediately opened and the two guys gave him threatening looks. He held himself back and stood back to address him instead. “We had a deal,” Lebo said. “I trusted you because you said we had the same enemy. You said you had a way of ensuring her safety as long as you knew where she was but what’s this you are doing?” Shadreck was chuckling like a man on a thrill of entertainment. “She was right when she said you shouldn’t have meddled in her business.” He said. “What are you talking about?” Lebo asked. “Ask her,” Shadreck pointed at Evelyn. “She knows exactly what am talking about…the reason why she’s very afraid right now.” Lebogang turned to Evelyn, a desperate look on his face. “He is not here to help me,” Evelyn informed Lebo, but her eyes were fixed on Shadreck. “He is here for purely selfish reasons.” “What do you mean? He is basically your step father isn’t he?” Lebo asked. Evelyn scoffed. “Despite everything I told you about my past, you still think he is someone I can consider my step father?” “When he told me that Mervis had stolen from him and that he was on a mission to ruin her, I thought we could trust him as an ally.” “And just how did you imagine this alliance playing out Lebo?” Evelyn quizzed him. “I didn’t think much about it, I was desperate and he sounded so convincing so….” “So you put my life at risk by signing a deal with the other devil after my life?” “Maybe we should hear what he has to say first….” “Are you kidding me?” Evelyn yelled. “You should have talked to me first before making decisions behind my back Lebo. You have absolutely no idea what’s going on here for you to have made such a weighty decision without consulting me.” “I have no intention of sitting here and listen to the two of you have your lovers fight so am going to lay it down for the both of you so that we are all on the same page.” Shadreck said. “Your other boyfriend,” Shadreck was pointing at Evelyn accusingly. “That Kelvin,” he said. “I recently had the misfortune of learning who he really is. Him and that mother of his worked hard to bankrupt me and on top of it, they are holding my children hostage. I want my children back, and that Kangwa lady wants you. “In exchange for my children, I offered to bring you to her since you are the reason why all this is happening. Because of you I lost all my money, everything I have ever worked for is gone. My reputation has been dragged to the ground and I can’t even walk with my head high in public. Because of you my life has been torn apart so I would rather she takes out her revenge on you than on any of my children. Perhaps is my wife cared about you, I would feel some guilt over what am doing but fortunately for me, she doesn’t seem to care whether you are dead or alive. So, if I hand over to Mrs Kangwa, I get to have my children back.” “Is that what she told you, that she has your children?” Evelyn asked. “She already told me everything,” Shadreck said. “I sensed something was off when Kelvin disappeared at the same time my investment deal went south. Even though I can’t take back all the money I lost to her, at least I can have me children back, even if that means sacrificing you in order to achieve that.” “What are the two of you talking about?” A confused Lebo asked. “What children?” “She lied to you,” Evelyn informed Shadreck. “Mervis doesn’t have your children, she lost your children…it’s been over a week now.” Shadreck was up on his feet. “What do you mean she lost my children?” “Do you need me to say it in Lozi?” Evelyn asked sarcastically. Before she knew it, Shadreck was on her, grabbing her by her blouse and demanding answered from her. Lebo tried to interfere but he was yanked away like a piece of paper and he went flying across the room. “What do you mean she lost my children?” Shadreck thundered at her. “You should ask her who took the children from her yourself,” Evelyn answered. “Someone knew what she was planning against you and used the children to blackmail her into doing something for him. That deal didn’t go so well so the kids haven’t been given back to her. “So you are wasting your time if you think that handing me over to her will bring those children back to you. She has played you for all these years and you had no idea. Do you think that you are fit to play games with her right now? She has you exactly where she needs you to be because she is still using you.” “Kasonde!” Shadreck yelled and the two buffed up men entered the room. “Take her to the vehicle right away.” He instructed them. Evelyn tried to run away but the two men where on her, each holding her by the arm while Lebo desperately tried to fight them, like a dog backing at a wall. “Where are you taking me?” Evelyn asked. “Taking you back home,” Shadreck answered. “It’s time for you to say goodbye to the Chobe weather. You are going to follow these men like a good girl and if you so much as attract unnecessary attention to yourself, you will not get to see your friend Thando ever again. Is that clear?” “I will do whatever you say but please leave Thando out of this. She has nothing to do with any of this.” “Then she should have picked her friends well.” Shadreck said. “We all have to pay for the decisions we make at some point in our lives.” “I guess Mervis was right by that logic then,” she said. “Whatever your children are going through right now, it is because of the decision you made to marry a woman like Beatrice.” “Take her away.” Shadreck commanded his minions. “If you want to see her and her friend alive, you better keep your mouth shut and go back where you came from.” He told Lebo. “You have more to lose fighting enemies that are not even your own and you have already done enough damage.” Lebogang had never felt so useless in his life as he watched Evelyn walk away with the two men to her sides and Shadreck right behind them. What have I done? He asked himself. Shadreck and his minion’s trip to their car down in the dark parking lot was intercepted by the appearance of Mervis in the company of four gun wielding minions that surrounded them. Shadreck looked around him and found that there were no other people in the car park despite it being in the morning. “Hand her over to me,” Mervis said to the two men holding on to Evelyn. One of her men who had long dreadlocks on moved closer and before he could say anything, they let go of her arms. The dreadlocked man grabbed Evelyn and let her to the vehicle. “Where are my children?” Shadreck asked Mervis. Mervis was laughing at him. “They say you can take a man out of the village but never the village out of him,” she said mockingly. “And yet people have the audacity to call you my rival? Just look at yourself….tsk tsk tsk.” “You have the girl,” Shadreck said. “Take me to where my children are or at least tell me who has them.” “So you heard….” Mervis said. “It’s true, I am not the one who has your children. Just like you, I have no idea where they are.” Shadreck lost his cool yet again and was going after Mervis but the three guns pointing at him from all directions stopped him in time. “Then at least tell me who has my children,” Shadreck pleaded. “I have your children.” Kelvin was standing behind them. From where she was seated behind the SUV closely guarded by Mervis’ minion, Evelyn’s heart skipped a beat when she saw Kelvin. She wanted to wave at him but with her hands now tied behind her back, she could only manage a nervous and frightened smile in his direction. “Kelvin.” Mervis and Shadreck said at the same time. “How did you….” Mervis was asking. “Surprised mother?” Kelvin said, completely ignoring the guns that had been turned on him. “Let Evelyn go right now.” “Don’t point those things at my son you fools,” Mervis shouted at her minions who immediately pointed the guns back at Shadreck. “And what makes you think that I would do such a stupid thing?” Mervis asked her son. “How could you betray me like this? You fell in-love with her of all people? How could you do this to your father and sister?” “I have no time to get into this with you right now,” Kelvin said. “Until a few days you were the most important thing in my life mother but because you keep insisting on being a villain all through the end, I gave me no choice but to reconsider my priorities.” “Are you telling me that she has become your first priority?” Mervis pointed over to where Evelyn was. “You have chosen the girl that caused you to lose your family over your own mother? Have you lost your mind?” “You can choose to look at it like that, I don’t care anymore.” “Who the hell does that girl think she is to come into this world and wreck my family apart like this?” Mervis grabbed a gun from one of her minions and started walking towards the car. “Because she is my wife.” Kelvin shouted from behind. Mervis stopped and turned back around to face her son. “What did you just say?” “She is my wife,” Kelvin repeated, very proudly. “And she is the mother of your first grandchild.” Mervis felt the ground below her start spinning and immediately after, then everything else around her was spinning. “W-what?” She asked. While Mervis was taking in the shock her son had just dealt her, Shadreck was looking from son to mother bemusedly. “When did the two of you get married?” Mervis asked. “It’s been a week now,” Kelvin said. “But the pregnancy is old enough.” “Do you really need to go this far just to spite me? This joke of yours is too cruel son.” Kelvin chuckled. “It would be, if I were joking,” he said, and suddenly turning serious, “You are very good at digging around for the truth, why don’t you conduct your own research?” “What are they talking about?” Evelyn asked the dreadlocked man guarding her. “I think your husband just informed his dear mother that she’s going to be a grandmother.” The man said with a smile on his face that Evelyn could not seem to understand. And then then the meaning of his words finally sunk into her. “How did you….” she started to ask but the man surprised her when he held out a knife towards her. Evelyn tried to scream out but his next words shut her down real quickly. “You better keep your mouth shut if you want to get out of here alive. Without looking suspicious, give me your hands.” Evelyn’s eyes registered the shock first but she remembered his warning and moved her arms so he could cut the rope. “Why are you doing this?” Evelyn asked the man as he was cutting, using one arm to avoid being detected by Mervis and the others. “Let’s just say that I am paying back a debt to Kelvin.” He said. “Now, quietly, open that door and slip to the back. Use the stairs to your left. You will find someone waiting for you at the top.” “What about you?” Evelyn asked. “Mervis will kill you when she finds out what you’ve done?” “Worry about yourself Eva. There,” he said when the rope completely came off. “Best for you to slip out right now while he’s keeping her busy.” Evelyn looked over at Kelvin and saw him still talking with his mother. She then grabbed the door handle and slowly started moving it. “By the way,” the dreadlocked guy was saying. “Congratulations.” Evelyn paused for a second, smiled and said, “thanks.” She finally opened the door and quietly slipped out. “How could you do something like this Kelvin?” Mervis asked her son for the umpteenth time. “Because it’s the only thing I could do to keep you from doing her any harm.” Kelvin said. “So what are you going to do now mother? That girl you hate with everything you’ve got, she’s carrying your blood in her womb. Tell me, do you still feel like killing her?” Mervis turned to look at the girl that had turned her world upside. “Where’s she?” Mervis asked. “And where’s Donald?” There was no sign on Evelyn or the Donald the dreadlocked guy that had been put in her charge. Mervis furiously turned to face her son while her men went in search of the fugitives. “What have you done?” She asked him, her eyes flaming red and shooting daggers at him. With a triumphant smile playing at the corners of his lips, Kelvin simply shrugged his shoulders, put his hands into his pockets and spread his legs apart like a man who had just won a long fought war. He was looking from Mervis to Shadreck when he said; “Can we talk about Lucy and the kids now that I have both your attention?
31 Aug 2018 | 17:11
kelvin is such a smart your moves
31 Aug 2018 | 19:04
you did a great job here
1 Sep 2018 | 08:40
Wow adventurous what If She Escapes And Fall In The Wrong Hands again?
1 Sep 2018 | 09:03
I had my reservations about Kelvin earlier because of his previous actions but he's already proven to be the real man. Just look at how he pulled his acts together even better than the seemingly perfect Lebo
1 Sep 2018 | 09:39
D handwork of mervis I think
1 Sep 2018 | 11:12
I love this story die
1 Sep 2018 | 11:14
Hmm I hope u mum will agree to ur plan
1 Sep 2018 | 11:17
hahaha u are funny Kelvin
1 Sep 2018 | 11:21
I pray she should be fine
1 Sep 2018 | 11:22
I love Kelvin's move now
1 Sep 2018 | 11:39
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 18 “Where have you taken my children?” Shadreck asked Kelvin. Mervis shot Shadreck a look that would have frozen any water particles in sight. “Do you think this is the time to talk about those bastards of yours?” Mervis yelled at him. “Your children are safe Mr Mwangala,” Kelvin assured him. “And do forgive me for using them in such a manner…I really had no choice.” The calm with which Kelvin was carrying himself despite the gravity of the situation made Shadrecks blood boil. Mervis too looked about ready to shoot something. “How can I trust the word of the man who’s been after my family for all these years?” Shadreck asked. Kelvin laughed. “I know,” he said nonchalantly. “But do you think that you have any other choice right now? Who would you have rather liked to have them; my delightful fiery mother over here or a newly married man anxiously waiting for the birth of his very first child?” “Do you think that… wife….” The word tasted like a bitter pill on Mervis’ palate. “…that that wife of yours will be pregnant forever? The moment she delivers my grandchild, that’s the end for her.” “You see mother,” Kelvin moved closer to stand right in front of his mother. “By that time, you would have realized that there are far better things to live for than dedicating the remainder of your life hurting people that have done you no wrong.” “That girl has done everything wrong to me.” Mervis said. “If she knew whose daughter she was, she shouldn’t have seduced my son and made him lose his senses in such a manner. Because of her, you turned your back on your own mother.” “No mum, because of her I became a human being, and no, she never seduced me or anything like that. I was the one who went chasing after her every chance I got. I am not proud of the methods I used to get her attention but I don’t regret anything. Thanks to her, I have been given a second chance to start over again and there’s no going back. “I hope you too can do the same…if only for the sake of your grandchildren. However, if you continue to be this bitter old woman, I will move out of this country with my family and you will never meet your grandchildren. I am sure I have shown you just how calculative and vigilant I can be if I put my mind to it. You will never find us, no matter how much you try. Maybe with all your money and power, you can buy yourself a whole new family.” “You wouldn’t dare!” Mervis snapped. Kelvin laughed. “I think you know I can and that scares you. The choice is yours mother; do as I say or risk losing your son and grandchildren.” Kelvin watched his mother battle her inner demons. He had made his calculations well and he knew exactly what buttons to press to get to her. He might not be her proudest production but he was still her only son…her only child…her only family. If she didn’t know it better, Kelvin had for the past weeks forced Mervis to recognize the fact that she could just as easily lose her only surviving child just like she had lost her daughter. Even in their volatile twenty year old relationship as partner’s in-crime, it was always Kelvin she ran to when she needed an ear to talk to or a wall to release her frustrations out on. A world without Kelvin is a world Mervis could not dare imagine. Kelvin new that and he capitalized dearly on it. And just like that, Mervis sucked on the bitter pill, she battled to swallow, letting the taste linger a little longer on her tongue before finally finding the strength to move her tongue. “What…would you…like me…to do?” Mervis asked her son. Kelvin was beaming from ear to ear having finally succeeded in moving his mother’s will to his. “Give Shadreck a chance to save his family,” Kelvin stated. Shadreck welcome the news with a sudden glow in his eyes. He could finally smell some hope. “Don’t celebrate just yet,” kelvin told him. “You just tried to sacrifice my wife, did you think you would get away with that? I might be cooler than my mother, but I am still her son. Vindictiveness runs in my blood.” Mervis had a blank expression on her face, unable to decide whether to applaud her son or to smack him in the face for that veiled insult. “Tell me whatever you want and I will do it…but please, keep my children out of it, I beg of you.” “I want to give my mother an opportunity to see her nemesis pay dearly for the crimes she committed against my family…and you sir are going to help her achieve that.” Kelvin said. Shadreck appeared confused, unable to grasp the meaning behind Kelvin’s words. “And just what would you like me to do?” he asked. “You people have already taken everything from me. What more do you want?” “No, not everything,” Kelvin answered. “There’s still that twenty percent that was left untouched…the one in your wife’s name. My mother here left it for last but we all know that the moment Beatrice realizes that you are now a very broke man, she is going to take that amount and run as fast as her two feet can to get away from you. “You cannot let Beatrice find out about your finances until you get everything in order. Half of that money in Beatrice’s name is to go into an account I set up for Lucy and the other half is for Moola and her brother Mark. If you choose to betray me, I will let my absolutely pissed off mother here to deal with you the best way she can…and we both know she spares no one when she means to quench her thirst.” Shadreck mulled over Kelvin’s words for a moment. He was right, Shadreck concluded. He was not too blindly in-love when he met Beatrice to not see that his money was the major thing that drew her to him. She might have come to love him along the years but still, that love was more of a fondness than anything else. “How do you suggest I go about that?” Shadreck asked Kelvin. “Always a perceptive man,” Kelvin said and moved to pat Shadreck on the shoulder. “Before my mother dealt you a severe blow, you were such a stoic and ruthless businessman. I have no doubt you will find a way to handle your lovely young wife.” And turning to his mother, “Do you have any objectives mother?” he asked. Mervis threw him an austere look. “Do I look like I have a choice?” She said. Kelvin laughed. “Oh yeah, you don’t.” he said smugly. “And to reward you for your corporation,” Kelvin had turned back to Shadreck. “You will find Lucy and the kids at Shaka’s Grill in Roma. Those three seem to have taken well to the Zambian weather.” Shadreck wasted no time in leaving. He was out of there with his minions before Kelvin or Mervis changed their minds. “You should have given him his family after he gets the money from Beatrice,” Mervis said to her son once they were alone. “Now he’s going to pack up all of them and run as far away as possible. He might be broke now, but he still has very powerful connections.” Kelvin smiled at his mother. “Faith mother,” he told her. “You should have some faith in people. Not everyone is as calculative as you. For that man, family means more to him than any amount of money. Besides, you have way more powerful connections than he.” “I just don’t think he has the balls to betray Beatrice like that.” Mervis argued. “He is in-love with her. He had many opportunities to leave her in the past but he never did.” “That was before Beatrice costed him his entire fortune and put his family in the line of fire…both literally and figuratively.” He was giving his mother an accusing look. “Also,” Kelvin added. “Staying married to someone does not necessarily mean you have undying love for them. For others, it’s simply the fear of starting all over again. You should know that already…since half of your marriage life with dad was like that.” “I liked you better when you spoke less and did everything you were told to do,” Mervis said. “This new person you’ve become creeps me out.” Kelvin laughed and went to put his arm over his mother’s shoulders. “You might hate it now, but I am exactly the kind of son you always wished you had. You just need some time to get used to it.” Mervis tried to remove his arm but Kelvin held on tightly. “Now, would you like to meet your daughter in-law?” “Don’t push it Kelvin,” Mervis warned. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” Kelvin shrugged his shoulders. “Where are you parked?” “Over there,” Mervis pointed to where her car was parked a few rows from where they were standing. “Do you know what the good book says about children who do not honor their parents?” Mervis asked her son as they walked towards her car. Kelvin raised his eyebrows and looked at her in disbelief. “Wow,” he said. “I guess I know exactly how Jesus felt when the devil quoted scriptures to him.” “Are you calling me the Devil?” Mervis asked. “Not exactly, but maybe in the first cousins kind of way…” he laughed. “I wonder what that makes you if your mother is first cousins with the devil.” “That’s exactly why I married an angel like Eva,” Kelvin said. “Maybe some of her goodness can rub off on me.” “Her name in itself doesn’t give much hope. You should ask Adam.” Mervis said. Kelvin laughed and moved to get the door for her. “There’s hope for everyone mother…even for people like you and me.” Mervis settled behind the wheel and started the engine running. “What about your minions?” Kelvin asked, checking to see if they were coming but none of them was in sight. “They know what they’ve done,” Mervis said. “They are wise enough to know not to show up in front of me when they’ve messed up this big.” “You can’t blame them,” Kelvin said to her through the window. “I’m just that good.” In response, Mervis pulled the window up to shut her son up and drove off without saying goodbye. With his hands in his pockets, Kelvin stood back and watched his mother drive off, a wide grin on his face. “In time mother…in time….” He said to himself as Mervis’ car disappeared from his view. * * * Despite not hearing from her fiancé for the whole week, Moola still held on to the hope that her wedding was still to take place the next morning. Shadreck walked into the living room to find Beatrice trying to grill reality into their stubborn daughter’s face. “I always knew that there was something fishy about that guy but you and your hormones kept insisting on marriage now look what has happened!” Beatrice was yelling on top of her voice. “Don’t walk away from me, am still talking!” She grabbed her crying daughter by her sweater and forced her to sit back down. “What’s going on here?” Shadreck finally made his presence known. “Where have you been for the past three days?” Beatrice had found a new target for her tongue lashing. “I told you that I went to take care of a few things concerning that contract,” A visibly tired Shadreck explained. “I lost my phone in the process and didn’t bother to get a new one since I knew I would be home soon.” “What are you going to do about your daughter?” Beatrice asked. “What about her?” Shadreck asked. “Are you kidding me?” Beatrice yelled. “Have you been too busy with your business that you forgot your daughter’s wedding was scheduled for tomorrow morning?” “Oh, that,” Shadreck said resignedly. “There isn’t going to be any wedding.” He pronounced nonchalantly, sitting down next to his daughter. Both women were gaping at him in disbelief. Moola was up on her feet. “What do you mean there isn’t going to be any wedding?” She asked her father. Beatrice too came to tower over his sitting figure. “Did you manage to contact the Kangwa’s?” she asked. “I did,” Shadreck said. “We have been searching high and low for that mother-son duo but we haven’t been able to locate them.” Beatrice was saying. “Even their lines have been off for the past week. How did you….” “Why don’t the two of you sit down first?” Shadreck instructed them. Beatrice and Moola obediently went to sit down. “What’s going on honey?” Beatrice asked. “I know that they paid for everything concerning the wedding but that doesn’t give them the right to cancel at the last minute without discussing things with us.” “They didn’t cancel out of nowhere,” Shadreck explained. “They informed me last week but I just didn’t know how to broach the subject to you guys. Moola was looking forward to it so badly and I …I just couldn’t….” Shadreck searched for the right words to say, stammering in his deceit and betrayal. Beatrice was beside herself with furry. “How can they do this to us!?” She yelled. “This isn’t about you mum,” Moola cried. “This is about me! It’s my wedding!” “In case you haven’t heard, there won’t be any wedding.” Beatrice reminded her sulking daughter. Moola was up on her feet again. “I don’t want to believe any of this,” she said. “I am going to look for Kelvin and he will tell me that you are wrong. There’s no way he can do this to me. He loves me!” Before her father could get in another word, Moola was out of the room, rushing upstairs to grab her car keys and handbag. “Did they tell you why they cancelled the wedding?” Beatrice asked her husband. Shadreck looked at her, dying to tell her how this was all her fault but controlling himself. “I was too upset to ask them any questions,” he lied. “Maybe you should ask them yourself.” He then got up and started walking upstairs. Beatrice followed him. “What’s been going on with you lately?” Beatrice asked him once they were in the privacy of their bedroom walls. Shadreck threw himself on the bed and closed his eyes. “You’ve been acting strange ever since you signed that huge contract of yours,” Beatrice said as she sat down on the bed. “Did something happen with that deal?” “I would have told you if something went wrong,” Shadreck said, his eyes still closed. “It’s this wedding thing that shook me up. We had invited a lot of VIP’s and the thought of informing them last minute that they won’t be a wedding makes me so mad.” “Your daughter just got dumped and yet you seem more concerned about your business contacts than her feelings.” Beatrice stated accusingly. Shadreck sighed heavily and sat up to lean his back against the head board. “How can you accuse me of not caring about my daughter?” He asked his wife. “I have been killing myself over and over again ever since I learnt there won’t be any wedding…wondering how to tell my daughter and imagining her reaction. She has been too obsessed with that boy that I couldn’t bear to give her the bad news. It breaks my heart to see her looking so helpless.” Beatrice had a moment of self-reflection. “I’m sorry I yelled at you,” She said, moving closer to hold his hand. “I’m just so mad and I don’t understand what the hell is going on. I thought that woman needed this wedding as much as we did. What could have happened?” “I think Kelvin fell in-love with some other girl,” Shadreck said. “What?” Beatrice asked. “Which girl would dare to steal from this family? Which family is she from? I won’t take this sitting down, I can promise you that.” “I hear it’s a girl named Evelyn…Evelyn Nanyangwe or something like that.” Shadreck was watching his wife’s reaction as he slowly said out the name. The horrified look on Beatrice’s face told him everything he needed to know. But he still needed to know if she would open up to him and tell him the truth. “Do you know who she is?” Shadreck asked. “She was there at that charity event last month.” Beatrice was blinking copiously. She got up from the bed and gave her husband her back. “Of course I don’t know who she is,” she said. “Why would you ask me such a question?” “Why are you talking with your back to me?” Shadreck asked. Beatrice turned to look at him but she avoided meeting his eyes. “I was just taken aback by your question,” Beatrice lied. “I need to go….” She was nervously pointing to the door. “I need to look for this Kelvin so I can get some answers.” “What are you hoping to resolve by confronting him?” Shadreck asked. “I don’t know, but I just need to see him.” She grabbed her car keys and purse from the top of her dresser and rushed out of the bedroom. Shadreck got up from the bed and walked over to the window. He watched as his wife struggled to get her car door open because she was shaking all over. She dropped the keys a couple of times before finally succeeding and speeding off out of the yard at a speed that could give Hamilton a run for his money. He then walked over to the phone by the bedside and called his daughter’s line. “Did you find Kelvin?” He asked. “I just left home a few minutes ago dad. I am still on the road.” Moola shouted. “Meet me at Mandahill by that Noodles place upstairs when you are done searching for Kelvin. You and I need to talk.” “Okay dad, am hanging up now, I’m driving.” “Okay.” Shadreck said and put down the receiver. * * * Thando was watching TV in her living room and enjoying some snacks when she heard the pounding on the door. Before she could stand up, the door flung open and in busted Beatrice, panting and sweating like a dog on heat. “Where is she?” Beatrice asked, her eyes searching the room for any signs of Evelyn. “Who the hell are you?” Thando was now standing at looking at the intruder in shock. Without answering, Beatrice went opening doors around the house, shouting Evelyn’s name and banging doors. “Evelyn isn’t home!” Thando shouted at her when she came out from checking the bathroom. “Where is she?” Beatrice asked. “How can you just barge in here and expect me to answer your questions?” Thando asked. “Who I am is no concern of yours,” Beatrice snapped. “Tell me where that whore is before I turn this place upside down.” “Do whatever you want,” Thando said and went back to make herself comfortable on the sofa. Not one to accept being dismissed or disrespected in such a manner, Beatrice walked over to the 24inch Samsung TV, pushed it with her finger and sent it crushing down on the floor. Thando got up from her chair and went at Beatrice with all her might. Her attack was so sudden and unexpected that Beatrice had no time to dodge the punch that landed had on her cheek and sent her tumbling back onto the pieces of the broken television set. Like a mad woman, Thando went after her again, pressed her leg hard on the back of Beatrice who was struggling to get up and pinned her to the floor. “I bought that TV with my very first pay,” Thando said between clenched teeth. “That is the money I was supposed to give my mother but she died before she could enjoy her only daughter’s hard earned money.” As she was talking, Thando bent down to grab Beatrice’s purse that was lying on the side from her fall and she opened it. “Now why would anyone be moving around with this kind of money in their wallet in this day and age?” Thando said as she counted the many K100 notes she found in the purse. “Don’t you dare touch that money!” Beatrice yelled, trying to get up but Thando pressed her leg hard into jer to keep her in place. At that moment, Beatrice regretted having spent the whole morning arguing with her daughter instead of taking the money from the salon to the bank. “And I am going to take a little for the emotional stress you’ve put me through by barging into my humble home uninvited.” She grabbed a few more notes and then threw the purse back down. “Now, tell me,” Thando continued. “Who the hell are you?” “You are going to regret treating me like this when you find out who I am,” Beatrice threatened. Thando chuckled. “I doubt that, but please, humour me.” “I am Beatrice, Mrs Mwangala. I am one of the….” “Are you that idiot that abandoned and rejected my Eva?” Thando asked before Beatrice could finish utilizing her bragging rights. “You will not be able to walk with your head high the moment my husband and I finish with you.” Beatrice said. Thando laughed, really hard and loud. “Again, that’s never gonna happen.” She then removed her leg and went to sit back on the sofa. Humiliated beyond comprehension, Beatrice picked herself and her purse up from the floor and glared at Thando. “Evelyn went on her honeymoon,” Thando candidly informed her. “What honeymoon?” Beatrice asked. “You know, the kind of thing that newly married couples do…shagging, lazing around, and more shagging….” “I know what a honeymoon is!” Beatrice yelled. “When did she get married? And to whom?” “Who else? To Kelvin of course.” “Kelvin is supposed to be marrying my daughter tomorrow. What marriage to Evelyn are you talking about?” “You obviously need a software update,” Thando told her. “You can check the facts for yourself because I won’t be giving you no explanation.” “How can that son of a bitch do this to me? To my daughter?” Beatrice said. “I am going to make those two pay dearly for this.” She started walking towards the door. “Where do you think you are going?” Thando rushed to block her way to the door. “You need to clean that mess before you leave.” She pointed to the broken TV. “You made the mess, you clean the mess.” Beatrice couldn’t not believe what she was hearing. “You can’t be serious.” She said. “I am dead serious.” Thando said defiantly. Beatrice opened her purse, removed a K300 and threw it on the floor. “That’s how the rich clean their mess,” Beatrice said smugly. Thando laughed and bent down to pick up the notes. “I bet you’re gonna remember these few Kwacha’s in the very near future but thanks, now I can get those jeans I’ve been dying to get my hands on.” Beatrice banged the door hard on her way out and left Thando laughing out loud. Moola joined her father at Mandahill a few hours later, her eyes red from bawling over her missing fiancé. “Didn’t find him?” Shadreck asked when his daughter joined him. He had picked a table at the far end to give them some privacy. “You knew I wouldn’t find him didn’t you?” Moola asked him. Shadreck handed his daughter a glass of water and Moola drunk half the contents. “Where could he be daddy? Why is he doing this to me?” the former heiress asked. Shadreck handed her a napkin and waited for her to calm down a little. “Kelvin married another girl my love,” Shadreck dropped the bomb. Moola stopped crying and looked at her father in shock. “How is that even possible dad? Him and I are supposed to….” “I know,” Shadreck said, reaching across the table to hold her hand. “Kelvin never planned on going ahead with the wedding.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Moola asked. “It means he was in-love with someone else.” “That’s impossible!” Moola shouted. “Kelvin was in-love with me. I know it. That’s something a girl knows. We were together for….” “He wanted you to think he was in-love with you but he never was. He had ulterior motives for being with you.” “That’s a lie,” Moola insisted. “There’s no way that’s possible. Kelvin loved me…he still loves me.” “Then why did he marry someone else and is even expecting a child with her despite his engagement to you?” Moola was at a loss for words, tears welled up in her eyes as her fathers words sunk in. “A child, you say? Married? Who is the girl?” She asked. “You know her, Evelyn.” Shadreck supplied. Moola finally broke down unreservedly, remembering all those encounters she had had with Evelyn and the conversations she had had with Kelvin…how she had believed him when he said that nothing was going on between them. “I was such a fool,” she sulked. “I knew that something was going on but I didn’t want to believe that he would be cheating on me with a girl like that. How can he do this to me daddy?” Shadreck moved over to sit next to his daughter and he wrapped her into his arms. “I’m so sorry my baby girl,” he comforted her. “I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you from all this.” They stayed like that until Moola was able to calm down again. “Where are they right now?” She later asked her father. “I don’t know,” Shadreck said. “There is something else I need to tell you….” Moola gave him a dead look. “Could there be something worse?” She slowly laid down her folk. Shadreck pushed his untouched plate to the side and looked at his daughter. “I am very sorry my baby,” he said apologetically. “What are you sorry about dad?” Moola asked. “You are scaring me now.” Shadreck took a long breath before dropping his second bomb. “I am leaving your mother.” Everything suddenly went quite. Moola could only hear her father’s words replaying in her head. And then she laughed, catching her father by surprise. “I thought I heard you say that you and mother are divorcing.” She said. “I think this Kelvin thing has knocked me out real bad I am now hearing things.” “My love….” The look in Shadreck’s eyes only confirmed Moola’s worst fears. She started shaking her head. “No,” she said. “You are joking.” She continued shaking her head. Even though her mouth refused to accept the reality, her brain already did as two thick lines of tears cascaded down her cheeks. Shadreck tried to reach for her hands again but Moola pulled them away from the table. “Why are you doing this to us? Tell me this is some bad joke you are playing on me…please.” Moola begged. “I am so sorry Moola.” It was the only thing he could say to her. “Does mum agree to this?” His daughter asked. “Your mother doesn’t know. I have not told her yet. I wanted to talk to you first.” “How can you do this dad!?” Moola yelled and attracted the attention of the few patrons eating at the restaurant. “I wish I could explain everything to you….” “You owe me an explanation!” Moola raised her voice again. “You can’t just wake up one day and say that you are leaving us. I thought you and mum were happy.” “We were happy,” Shadreck said. “Then why do you want to leave?” “It’s very complicated my baby….” “I have nowhere else to go today and I have no wedding to keep me busy so you can start telling me from the beginning. Is there another woman?” She asked. Shadreck didn’t answer. “Not you too dad!” Moola cried. “This is way too complicated for me to explain to you. You are young and….” Moola got to leave. “There’s no need for me to sit here if you think I don’t deserve an explanation.” Shadreck grabbed her hand and begged her to sit back down. “I will tell you everything,” he said. Moola sat back down. “Many many years ago before your mother and I met, she fell in-love with someone she was not supposed to and later gave birth to a baby girl.” Moola gasped. “Mum had another child?” “That girl, Evelyn, she is your mother’s child.” “What!” Moola shouted. “Try to calm down my child,” Shadreck said. “That’s not possible, that girl can’t be mum’s daughter…she can’t be my sister, no. Do you have any idea how much mother hates her? Her whole mood changes whenever she hears that girl’s name, worse when she meets her anywhere. You saw it too, that time at the charity event, you saw mum’s reaction.” “Didn’t you ever think that there could be another reason why your mother would hate a girl like that who’s never done anything to her?” “How can I think of something like that? This is my mother we are talking about. She told me that she was just some bothersome relative of yours from the village and I believed her.” “Your mother had a painful past and that girl was like a constant reminder of those old wounds, that’s why she didn’t like her very much.” “Even though she is her daughter?” “Yes,” Shadreck said. “I cannot explain to you everything that happened in the past, best your mum telly you everything you need to know.” “But what does all this have to do with you leaving? It all happened in the past, before you guys even met. Did that man from the past reappear?” “It might have happened in the past but, everything that’s going wrong in our lives right now is because of that very past.” “Is that Evelyn girl trying to take revenge on our family because mum rejected her? Is that why she stole my fiancé?” “Strange enough, it’s not Evelyn who’s taking revenge for the past. Evelyn is simply the forgotten daughter.” “Then who’s responsible for all this?” Shadreck hesitated for a moment before revealing; “It’s Kelvin and his mother.” Moola froze. By the time Shadreck finished catching her up to the past and present, Moola was in a state of shock and mental paralysis, unable to think rationally or move her lips to speak. Beatrice reached the bank just a few minutes before lunch time and found a slightly longer queue than usual. When it was finally her turn, she removed the cash from her purse and handed it over to the smiling teller. She then handed her a slip of paper with her account number and waited. “Ma’am,” the teller stopped to look at her. “This account, when did you last use it?” “Last week, on Friday. I always make deposits on Friday.” Beatrice said. “Is something wrong?” “This account was closed yesterday.” The teller said. “What do you mean closed? I have all my money in this account.” “That’s the thing, all the money from this account was removed and an application to close the account was submitted on Tuesday. How is it possible you are not aware of this development?” “I should be the one asking you that question. How can my account be closed and all my money gone when I never made such transactions in the first place?” And then Beatrice remembered something. “Sign me into your account so I can print the statement.” Shadreck had said to her a few nights ago just before they went to bed. “What do you need the statement for?” She had asked him. “Now that this deal finally went through, I am thinking of getting you a loan so you can build those fancy flats you’ve always dreamt of building.” Overwhelmed by the great news, Moola had given her husband the password and told him; “Do whatever you want with that account and let me become the richest landlord this country has ever seen!” “No,” Beatrice shook her head in disagreement to whatever conclusion had brain had conjured up. “No, it can’t be.” She kept repeating.” But as events of the past few weeks kept replaying in her head, she knew without a doubt that Shadreck had something to do with this strange development. “Ma’am,” the teller called out to her. “Are you alright?” By now, everyone in the bank was looking at her. No longer able to hold herself steady against the world spinning around her, Beatrice finally gave in to gravity.
1 Sep 2018 | 18:22
This is sweet revenge on Beatrice, serves u right ma’am
1 Sep 2018 | 21:40
Kelvin love every bit of ur moves, kudos guy
1 Sep 2018 | 21:44
It's very sad things are happening Dis way esp to Moola n Lebo but also happy Kelvin was able to tame his mum n try to make her reason with him!!!
1 Sep 2018 | 21:48
Moola u have to be strong for ur brother and urself, ur mother’s sins brought this into ur life’s
1 Sep 2018 | 21:50
I think kelvin is the right man for Eva
2 Sep 2018 | 06:21
Beatrice! I don't know if sorry or is it take heart that would be relevant here? But whatever is correct, your misdeeds has finally catch up with you. This is the reward of wickedness and unrepentance. And Kelvin just won this game of cheese
2 Sep 2018 | 10:08
Waoh!!waoh!!!waoh!!! The love of money is the beginning of destruction
2 Sep 2018 | 12:11
she deserves everything Dats been happening to her,,,, stupid woman,,, she should remember wat thando said to her too oooo
2 Sep 2018 | 18:05
This is just the beginning... Watch out
3 Sep 2018 | 03:50
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 19 image Beatrice staggered out of the bank like a drunk woman, her mind replaying those moments with Shadreck when she should have questioned things instead of blindly putting her trust in the love of a sixty year old man over his much younger wife. Beatrice’s confidence that age was enough to keep her man had made her so shallow that she could not imagine Shadreck betraying her or leaving her for another woman. In her head, he was the lucky one for having found himself such a beautiful young wife who could love him as much as she showed him she did. She was aware of Shadreck’s wondering eyes once in a while but what man wasn’t like that? She had given him a home and a family that he so desperately wanted and she had faith that these things together where enough to seal their fate together until such a time when he died and she would start afresh with a much younger man. Not once had she pictured that scenario playing the other way round. The foul taste of the betrayal and the shock lingered in her mouth and made her stomach churn in disquietude. She clutched her stomach as she started walking towards the parking lot, stopping once in a while to find something to hold on and to catch her breath. Her heart was racing, fast and loud, blocking out all other sounds around her. One of the shoppers at the mall, a gentleman in his early thirties approached her and placed a hand on her to help steady her. “Are you okay madam?” the young man asked the emotionally and physically drained Beatrice who was holding on to a wall, anxiously waiting for her vision to become steady so she could cross the road leading to the parking lot. Beatrice slowly lifted her head up to look at the man holding her and she shrugged his hand away. “Get away from me!” She yelled at him, drawing the attention of everyone in sight. “Calm down, am just trying to help.” The gentleman said. “You look a little disoriented. I am a doctor….” “I have my own personal physician,” she snapped. “I don’t need some random stranger touching me and trying to take advantage of me. Leave me the hell alone.” The poor man raised his hands in surrender and walked away from her. Beatrice rushed across the road and was almost bashed by an oncoming vehicle. The driver went at his hooter with all his might and Beatrice stopped to shout at him. “Run me over if you dare you jerk!” She shouted. The man simply gaped at her in absolute disbelief and waited for her to cross over to the car park. She got into her car and drove like a mad woman to her house, all the while desperately trying to get hold of Shadreck on his cell. I lost my phone in the process and didn’t bother to get a new one since I knew I would be home soon. His words echoed through her head and she sent her phone flying in the air. Finally at home, Beatrice busted into her house screaming her husband’s name but no response came. “Mum,” Mark was standing at the bottom of the stairs calling out to his mother who was busy banging doors and shouting upstairs. “Where is your father?” Beatrice shouted from the top of the stairs. “How the hell am I supposed to know?” the teenager answered. “I got here just a few minutes ago.” “And your sister, is she back yet?” Beatrice asked. “Moola!” She yelled out. “Mum!” Mark yelled back. “You are going to break all the bulbs with your screams. Calm down. Did something happen? Is this about Moola’s wedding?” “It’s none of your business young man,” Beatrice turned and walked to her bedroom. Down the stairs, Mark was shaking his head slowly. “ Tsk tsk tsk… menopause,” he said and went into the living room to watch TV. Beatrice was on her computer furiously and desperately trying to log in to her bank account online but her password kept getting rejected. She was about to throw the laptop down when she heard the door downstairs open. She ran out of the bedroom and peered down the stairs and saw Moola enter the house. “What’s wrong with you too?” the oblivious Mark asked his sulking sister. “Don’t talk to me today if you want to live.” Moola said and started heading towards the stairs. Beatrice met her at the bottom of the stairs. “Why is your phone off!” She asked her daughter. “I have been trying to get hold of you for hours now. Did you talk to your father? I saw that you were the last person he called from the landline. Do you know where he is?” Moola’s eyes as she looked at her mouth were packed with contempt and scorn. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Beatrice asked. Moola started shaking her head slowly. “You disgust me.” She told her mother and tried to walk past her to get on the stairs. But Beatrice grabbed her hand and pulled her back. “How dare you talk to me like that young lady!? So what if you were dumped? That doesn’t give you the right to be this disrespectful to your mother. Are you the first person in the world to be jilted?” “Respect?” Moola pursed her lips at her. “Did I just hear you talk about respect, mother ?” She deliberately stressed the last word and then scoffed. “You are one to talk.” “Why are you talking to me like this?” Beatrice demanded to know. Meanwhile, Mark was watching the two women in amusement, saying out scores depending on whom he felt gave the most astounding retort. “I should have been recording this…if only my battery wasn’t low.” He said to himself, looking at his phone to see his battery life marked in red. “I’m too tired and depressed to fight with you right now. I’m going to take a nap.” Moola said and started stepped away from her mother to get on the stairs but again, Beatrice grabbed her back. “What do you mean I am one to talk?” Beatrice asked. Moola looked down at the part of her hand where her mother was gripping. “You are hurting me,” she said. “I won’t let go until you tell me why you are being such a brat!” Beatrice yelled. “You want to know?” Moola asked. “Okay, am going to tell you. Dad is gone and it’s all your fault!” The smile on Mark’s face disappeared within the blink of an eye. “What do you mean your dad is gone?” Beatrice asked. “He is gone! He has left us!” Moola shouted. “He got so tired of your lies that caused him to lose all of our money and he just couldn’t deal with all the misfortunes you’ve brought this family.” “What are you talking about?” Beatrice asked, shaking all over and her eyes dancing in confusion. “What are you talking about sis?” Mark had joined them at the bottom of the stairs to echo his mother’s words. “What do you mean dad is gone?” Moola turned towards her younger brother, the puzzled look on his face immediately brought tears to her eyes. “What’s wrong Moola? Did something happen to dad?” Mark asked again, his voice too shaking from the imaginations running through his mind. “Answer your brother!” Beatrice shouted and started shaking her daughter. “Where is your father?” Moola pushed her mother away with so much force and sent her tumbling backwards. She then turned to her brother. “Go to your room right now and park all your stuff. We are leaving this house today.” And she ran up the stairs living her brother and mother in shock. Beatrice quickly got up to her feet and ran after her daughter, catching her right outside her bedroom. “Why are you behaving like this?” Beatrice asked. “What did your father tell you?” “He told me everything mother!” Moola said. “About the lies you’ve told us all these years, your dirty secrets, how you seduced someone else’s husband, had a daughter with him and when he refused to marry you, you abandoned that child. “I know that that child is that Evelyn girl who it turns out is now married to Kelvin, the man I was scheduled to marry tomorrow, the man who it turns out is the brother to the woman whose husband you seduced twenty something years ago. “That woman died right outside your place and her father committed suicide a few days later because he could not live with the guilt of watching his daughter die right in front of him and not being able to protect her.” The shock of Moola’s words sent Beatrice reaching for the top rails of the stairs. However, Moola was not, even for a second touched by her mother’s desperate and unfortunate state. She was not in the mood to be taken in by her manipulation. She followed her where she was, crouched and desperately gripping the rail for support. “How did you…how….” Beatrice’s quivering lips were keeping her from uttering anything sensible. She stammered her way through her sentences and Moola could only shake her head in disappointment at watching her mother crumble down so easily. Unaware of Mark’s presence who was still standing at the bottom of the stairs, Moola went at her mother again. “Mrs Kangwa?” Moola continued. “You remember don’t you?” She asked. “Of course she looks different now but that only goes to show just how determined she was to make you pay for what you did to her family. “Because you were so greedy for other people’s things, things you did not deserve, you dragged us all down with you and now look where we are; I was engaged and then jilted by a man that didn’t even love me, dad’s businesses kept hitting stumbling blocks because there were people out there punishing him for the wrongs that you committed. “He lost all of his fortune due to a trap that Kelvin’s mother set up for him and now we have nothing. Thanks to you, some woman was sent into dad’s path to seduce him and take him away from you and now he would rather be with that family instead of us. That’s how much he detests you mother.” Beatrice appeared almost out of breath. She was gasping for air, hitting her chest with one hand and using the other to steady herself against the rail of the staircase. “It can’t be…that’s…that’s…not…true….” Beatrice was whispering, her hand softly hitting her chest in her desperation to calm her racing heart. Slowly, the walls around her started drawing closer and closer, threatening to squeeze her into oblivion. When everything else around started fading, Beatrice could no longer make out her daughter’s screaming words. She could see her mouth move when she tried to look up at her but she could not hear her. Tasting for the last time the saltiness of all her sins now painted in liquid onto her face; Beatrice hit the ground and right before losing consciousness, she heard her two children call out to her from a distance. “Mum!!!!” * * * Somewhere in Zanzibar Evelyn was awakened by the smell of bacon in the room. She opened her eyes and found a smiling Kelvin holding a tray of breakfast over her sleeping figure. She slowly sat up and rubbing her eyes said; “That smells sooo good.” “I know,” Kelvin said, laying the tray on her laps. However, no sooner had Evelyn come in close contact with the food than she rushed out of bed and into the bathroom to throw up. But nothing came out. Kelvin was right behind her, watching her struggle to vomit with a proud grin on his face. Evelyn raised her head to look at him in disapproval. “How can you smile like that when I am close to vomiting?” “I told you,” Kelvin was saying, leaning the side of his body against the door frame and crossing his arms over his chest. “You are pregnant.” He said, still smiling. “I am not!” Evelyn said. “It’s that shrimp you made me eat last night. I felt like vomiting the moment I put it in my mouth. I told you, am really not a fun of sea food.” Evelyn spat, flashed and walked over to the sink to wash her face. Kelvin went to stand behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. She smiled and stopped whatever she doing. “What do you think you are doing?” She asked him. Kelvin laughed. “Hugging my wife good morning.” He proudly stated. “It still feels so surreal,” She told him, raising her hand to look at her ring. “Are we really married?” she asked. “Of course we are,” Kelvin said. “And you could be carrying a Minnie-me or Minnie-you in here.” He was gently rubbing her tummy. Evelyn grabbed his arms and pushed him away. “I told you, I am not pregnant. You can even iron something on my stomach without hitting any bumps.” She grabbed a towel from the rail, dried her face and walked passed Kelvin back to their room. Kelvin followed her and grabbed her by the hand. He turned her to face him and with a serious expression on his face, he asked, “is it that you don’t want to carry my baby?” Evelyn chuckled at the absurdity of his unexpected question. “Why would you think that?” She asked. “I don’t know,” Kelvin shrugged his shoulders. “It’s just that…that first time I suggested lying to my mother about you being pregnant, you freaked out…and every time I ask you to get a pregnancy test, you insist that you are not. I was kind of hoping that you would be as excited as I am at the possibility of….” Evelyn put a finger on his lips. “Shhh,” she said. Kelvin stopped talking. She put her hands on both sides of his face and pulled him down towards her, gave him a long deep kiss and then released him. Satisfied by the sudden turn of events, but still confused by the meaning of it, Kelvin was smiling and giving his new bride a questioning look at the same time. “I’m scared,” Evelyn said, this time wrapping her arms around his waist. “What are you scared of?” Kevin asked. “What if we take a test and it turns out I am not pregnant?” She said. “I really want to be pregnant with your child but I also don’t want to jinx it by hoping. The only reason I am safe and alive is because we told your mother that I was carrying her grandchild. What if it takes a while for us to….” Before she could finish, Kelvin grabbed her by the back of her head and planted a kiss on her forehead. “I know you are pregnant,” he said with so much conviction. “How can you be so sure? Have you ever made a woman pregnant?” Kelvin laughed. “Hell no, you are definitely and most certainly my first womb.” She laughed. “Then how can you be so sure?” “I don’t know,” he said. “I just feel it.” and then he walked over to the dressing table, opened the top drawer and removed a pregnancy testing kit from a box. “What?” Evelyn said in surprise. “When did you buy that?” She walked over to him and took the tester from him. “Unbelievable,” she said. “I got it this morning while you were sleeping. There’s a pharmacy right outside the hotel. Go in there and try,” he was pointing to the bathroom. “I am just from peeing!” Evelyn reminded him. “Dammit!” he said. Evelyn laughed. “Can’t you force it?” Kelvin asked. “There’s always that bit that remains after….” “Kelvin!” She threw him a disconcerting look. Embarrassed, Kelvin turned and disappeared into the other room of their suite. Evelyn followed him and went to sit on his lap, blocking his view of the TV. She held his head in place and told him, “I pee every five minutes, have you forgotten?” Kelvin’s face completely lit up. He scooped her up in the air and started spinning around. “I think I am going to vomit now,” Evelyn protested and he immediately put her down. “I think breakfast might hasten things up,” She suggested. “What do you think?” Without saying another word, Kelvin rushed back into the bedroom and came out with the tray they had left on the bed. Thirty minutes later, Evelyn came out of the bathroom with a blank expression on her face and handed the stick to Kelvin who had been anxiously waiting, pacing around the bedroom. “Two red lines, do they mean what I think they mean?” He asked as he examined the stipe. “Umhu,” Evelyn replied and watched her husband lose control. “We’ve been gone for more than a month now,” Evelyn said to Kelvin as they drove around the Island in their rented car a few hours later. “Isn’t it time to go back now?” She asked. “I don’t have any motivation whatsoever to go back,” Kelvin answered honestly. “If I could have it my way, we would stay here forever.” “Do you still think am not safe?” She asked. “No,” he quickly answered. “It might take a while for my mother to get close to you but I know that she will eventually.” He assured her. “Before this revenge thing, she was a good person, strong willed, but still a good person.” “I don’t expect you to say otherwise about your mother,” Evelyn said. Kelvin chuckled. “Not my mother,” he said. “I have been through enough with her to know she is no saint. She has done enough things that could put her behind bars for many years but she’s been too careful in her plotting to attract the attention of law enforcers.” “And what about you?” Kelvin gave her a puzzled look. “What about me?” he asked. Evelyn thought for a moment before opening her mouth. “How far did you go…as in terms of breaking the law to get revenge?” Kelvin chuckled again. “You are asking if I killed anyone aren’t you?” Evelyn looked away and gave no response, holding her breath as she waited for his answer “I didn’t go that far Eva,” he told her. “I never took anyone’s life.” Evelyn let out a sigh of relief. “Ah,” Kelvin said upon seeing her release the breath she had been holding. “Did you actually think that I….” “I don’t know!” Evelyn covered her face with her hands in guilt and shame for having doubted him, even if for a second. “You kidnapped me, stripped me naked and tried to rape me a couple of times. There was so much anger in your eyes I feared you might kill me.” Kelvin shut his eyes for a few seconds as if to block out the horrible memories that made him feel the kind of shame he had never ever felt before in his life. “Not my proudest moments,” he said, almost whispering the words. “I promised to make it up to you for the rest of my life and I intend to keep that promise. Do you believe me?” He was looking at her to hear her response. “I believe you,” Evelyn answered. Kelvin smiled. “Thank you.” he said and fixed his attention back on the road ahead. “When did you tell your mother that we would be going back?” Evelyn asked. “I told her next week,” Kelvin said. “She keeps calling everyday whining about the baby and how you should be under the guidance of an adult since you don’t have parents and what not.” “Don’t tell me…” “Yeah, exactly what you are thinking,” Kelvin confirmed her fears. “I told you, her bloodline is her weakness. She was raised at an orphanage for a while and she doesn’t know who her real parents are. “My mother’s worst fear is dying and leaving no one behind to carry her legacy….like she dies and that’s the end; no one to carry her blood or to stay by her bedside holding her hand as the life slowly slips out of her. Her words,” Kelvin quickly added. “Not mine!” Evelyn was quite for a while, but later she said, “I think I understand her fears.” Kelvin turned to look at her, her heavy tone giving him extra concern. “You know that you don’t ever have to feel like that anymore right?” He asked her. Evelyn laughed softly. “I know,” she said, unconsciously rubbing her flat stomach. Kelvin looked at her hands and smiled before turning his attention back on the road. “We will go back home soon and I will build us a nice home for our family.” He was mostly talking to himself than to her. Evelyn turned to look at his serious expression as he spoke. “You will never be alone,” Kelvin said, his eyes still fixed on the road ahead. “I will protect you and my child with my very last breath.” They drove in silence for a while, taking in the beautiful scenes of nature around them. This was the first time Evelyn had travelled outside Zambia and she ensured that she utilized every moment away from home to live the fairy-tale kind of life Kelvin had shown her in the past month…the kind of life that always seemed surreal even when she was right in the middle of it, experiencing every moment. The kind of happiness she was experiencing was beyond anything she had ever dreamt for herself and that reality only heightened the fears and insecurities in her; that she might wake up one day and discover that it had all been a dream. Thus, every night before she fell asleep, she prayed for the dream to last one more day…. And so far, it always did. “What about Beatrice?” Evelyn later asked Kelvin as they drove to the nearest beach. “I know you don’t like me knowing about what’s going on back home but I overheard your conversation on the phone once when you thought I was sleeping. How is she doing now?” Kelvin clenched his teeth at the mention of Beatrice’s name and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “What is it?” Evelyn could feel her husband tense up and wondered if there was something going on back home that she wasn’t aware of. “Is there something you are not telling me?” She asked. Kelvin nervously smiled at her. “Of course not,” he said, turning to look at her for a few seconds. “I just don’t like thinking about the woman, that’s all.” Kelvin said. “I know that despite everything that’s happened, she is still your mother….” “I have never thought of her as my mother Kelvin,” Evelyn said. “I don’t expect you to feel bad or guilty about your feelings towards her. You are free to hate or loathe her as much as you want.” Kelvin reached across to her and held her hand. “I am sorry Eva,” was all he could say in response. * * * Beatrice kept turning and tossing in bed, much to her daughter Moola’s chagrin who was sleeping next to her in their newly bought two-bedroomed apartment. Moola sat up in frustration and woke her mother up. “Why did you insist on Mark taking that whole room to himself if you knew you would make it impossible for me to get any sleep?” Beatrice sighed heavily and sat up as well. “Over my dead body will I let my only son sleep on the sofa in that tiny living room.” Moola got out of bed and went to turn on the light. This new bedroom was a far cry from the humongous master bedroom Beatrice had shared with Shadreck at their old mansion which the latter had sold behind her back. It was only when Beatrice received an envelope with money in it that she learnt her now ex-husband had sold their home and split the money between them in half. She used that money to buy her children another house that was unfortunately twenty ties smaller than the house they were raised in. She didn’t know whether to thank Shadreck for his consideration in leaving her half the money from the sale of their home or sue him for his betrayal. In the end, she had no choice but to move on since she could do neither as she had no idea where her husband was hiding. Shadreck had secretly met with his children Moola and Mark the evening before he disappeared and made no efforts whatsoever to contact the woman he had spent the past twenty something years with except through his lawyers that came to hand Beatrice already signed divorce papers. Moola went back to sit on the bed. “What do you think the people that did this to us are doing right now?” She asked her mother. Beatrice grimaced and rolled her hands into fists at the thought of the people response for her fall from grace. “Whatever they are doing, they better pray I don’t get my hands on them. This isn’t over.” She said sternly. “I will make every one of them pay for everything they’ve put us through.” Moola scoffed. “How are you going to do that?” She asked. “We are broke. Apart from the money dad left Mark and I for school, we have nothing, absolutely nothing. So how do you plan on fighting giants when the only kind if ammunition you had was taken away from you?” “Who says I need money to make them pay? I only need to touch one person and the rest of them will come crumbling down in pain.” “What are you planning mum?” Moola asked, instantly growing perturbed. “You are not planning on hurting Kelvin are you?” She asked. Beatrice threw her daughter a reprobating look. “He used you, dumped you and humiliated you. Why do you still care about him?” Moola pouted. “I loved him for so many years,” she said. “My feelings can’t change just like that simply because I discovered he never loved me. He might have hated my family, but I still think that there was a part of him that cared about me. Dad even said that Kelvin begged his mother not to do me and Mark any harm.” Beatrice felt like smacking some sense into her daughter. “Sometimes I wonder if maybe they switched you at the hospital.” She said. “Maybe you should consider getting your other daughter back,” Moola suggested. “She managed to seduce another woman’s fiancé and even married him…. I say there’s no doubt she, is your daughter.” Beatrice grabbed a pillow and smacked Moola at the back of her head. “Ouch,” Moola said as she nursed the assaulted part. “That’s for spouting nonsense,” Beatrice said and put the pillow back down. “That girl is no daughter of mine.” She added. “She is the worst mistake I ever made in my life. I should have gotten rid of her when I had the chance.” Moola shivered at the sight of her mother’s deathly glow. “Stop looking like that, you are scaring me.” Beatrice got out of bed and stood to the side, a new kind of conviction registering in her eyes. “To get rid of a problem, you must remove the root of the problem,” She said. “What are you plotting to do mum?” Moola asked. “You just wait and see,” Beatrice said. “You wait and see….” A cold streak ran down Moola’s spine as she looked up at her mother. This was the first time since their father left that she had seen such conviction in her eyes. Two Weeks Later Kelvin parked to the side of the road outside the antenatal clinic when he saw his mother waiting for them by the gate. “I am so nervous,” Evelyn said, tilting her chair back to avoid being seen by her mother in-law. Kelvin laughed. “Even if you avoid seeing her now, you are still going to meet her the moment you get out of this vehicle.” He said. “I know it’s crazy that your first meeting is like this but what can we do? She insisted on taking you for your first visit and I am still feeling guilty about how I treated her so I couldn’t say no.” “I know,” Evelyn said. “You did the right now. Who knows, maybe seeing the baby inside me will soften her up a little.” Kelvin laughed. “That’s exactly what am hoping for. She’s seen us, she’s waving at me.” Evelyn raised her seat up and nervously waved back at Mervis. “Ooh she looks pissed.” She said between clenched teeth so the woman wouldn’t be able to read her lips from the distance. “Is that your phone vibrating?” Evelyn searched for her husband’s phone. “I threw it in the laptop in the back seat,” Kelvin said as he waved back at his mother standing on the other side of the road. He opened the door and came out. “We are coming mother!” Kelvin shouted. “I am tired of standing here waiting for you people to show up!” Mervis shouted back. “I thought you were not coming.” “Go back inside mum,” Kelvin said, but his voice was muffled by the sound of a vehicle passing by. “We will meet you inside.” “What did you say?” Mervis shouted back. Kelvin laughed. “She’s not hearing me.” Kelvin said to his wife. “It’s a call from work honey,” Evelyn said whilst looking at his phone. “Oh shit!” Kelvin cussed and quickly took the phone from her. “I forgot to tell Nzila that I would be late for today’s meeting. “Go inside, I will meet you guys there. I need to take this.” Before Evelyn could protest, Kelvin had already answered the phone. Evelyn looked across the street to the entrance of the clinic where Mervis was standing and the hairs at the back of her head stood up. She slowly got out of the car, grabbed her handbag from the back, checked both sides of the road for oncoming traffic and seeing no vehicle in sight, she slowly started walking towards her fierce mother in-law. Breathe Eva, breath , she kept telling herself as she crossed the road. Evelyn was too busy coaching her heart to calm down that she did not notice Beatrice parked on the other side of the road just a short distance away from the entrance of the clinic where Mervis was standing, shielded from sensing Beatrice’s presence by the mango tree looming over the wall fence. The moment Evelyn stepped her feet onto the tarmac, Beatrice hit the gas and went at her with every cent she had lost. “Evelyn nooo!” Evelyn was still mustering her courage when she heard someone shout her name from across the street. She opened her eyes to find Mervis running after her. The first thing Kelvin heard where tires screeching hard against the tarmac. It was a deja-vu moment that made his blood turn. The smell of burning tires and spilled oil…he recognized the smell of doom. Gripped by a sudden overpowering fear, the phone slipped from Kelvin’s hand and the screen shuttered into pieces the moment it hit the ground. He turned towards the sound of the vehicle and the then next thing he saw was his mother’s bleeding body rolling out of the road while Evelyn was on the other side, crouched on all fours with a look of horror on her face as realization of what had just happened slowly sunk in. Kelvin had started running towards his mother when he heard the bang and found himself transposed back into time. More familiar sounds of metal against metal, tires screeching and glass breaking. Beatrice’s vehicle had become one with an oncoming truck. Kelvin remained rooted to the ground, paralyzed by time when the past and the present collided, resulting in a single moment that was suffocating the life out of him. Just before the darkness could completely envelop him, Kelvin caught a glimpse of Evelyn sobbing as she crawled towards his mother in agony. “Mum.”
3 Sep 2018 | 05:37
Beatrice, u are so heartless. Now u will die in d hands of ur own daughter if anything should happen to Kelvin.
3 Sep 2018 | 10:01
hmmmmm,,,, till d last,,,, she is just cruel till d last,,, how can a woman loathe d child she carried in her a womb for nine months till d extent of killing her by running her ova with her vehicle.... Hmmmm,,,, anyways she has net her doom, no escape for her,,,,
3 Sep 2018 | 11:39
It turns out to become that there's one enemy who never wanna stop with wickedness that changed others to some revenge
3 Sep 2018 | 13:01
Kelvin really fought hard like a man who is ready to love the woman he felt something 4...when he was thinking of revenge
3 Sep 2018 | 13:06
Oh my oh came and carried kelvin like a baby to the girl who has been rejected by a nobody who never cares
3 Sep 2018 | 13:10
If this is what it takes to love someone that can change your life from being an avenver to a is what it takes to bring change
3 Sep 2018 | 13:14
last episode loading
3 Sep 2018 | 13:16
The avenger was changed to a lover...that's something that came because the avenger never wanna revenge
3 Sep 2018 | 13:19
Kelvin has found eva in the moment of his revenge...eva's love in her heart met kelvin's love in his heart...and then love took over
3 Sep 2018 | 13:27
Eva never wanna do this 4 her own safety but that was the most protected love she has got better than the other
3 Sep 2018 | 13:31
Eva has got thando and sibu and sibu's husband and the other lover who cares about her...she never walked alone in her life
3 Sep 2018 | 13:35
Lebo lost it all when he has refused to share the secret with shadreck...making him not having the strength to protect her
3 Sep 2018 | 13:39
Moola will one day found a lover as she knew already that kelvin also fought 4 her and save them from mervis wrath
3 Sep 2018 | 13:44
Mervis never wanna give right on this revenge but she has got this love 4 her blood...beatrice is the poor heartless woman
3 Sep 2018 | 13:49
Mervis has come to change 4 the sake of blood and family which Eva is part of that blood and family....beatrice is still that poor fool
3 Sep 2018 | 13:57
Why do you hate your daughter so much
3 Sep 2018 | 16:20
Wow, I pray u succeed in escaping
3 Sep 2018 | 16:30
who is even dis beatrice
3 Sep 2018 | 17:30
Beatrice why are u so heartless, ur end will soon come
3 Sep 2018 | 19:11
Hmmm that's serious oooo, trouble don the following u abi
3 Sep 2018 | 19:12
Ah! Ah! What just happened???
4 Sep 2018 | 11:25
still waiting for the last episode Ma
4 Sep 2018 | 14:43
Unrepentant soul u are Beatrice
4 Sep 2018 | 19:32
Her Forgotten Daughter – Part 20 “Are you telling me that my mother will never walk again?” Kelvin had followed the doctor to his office after his mother’s operation. I didn’t say that sir,” the doctor said. “I said that she may not walk again, may not …which means that there’s still a possibility that she might walk.” Kelvin made no effort to hide his frustrations. “You are a doctor sir, not an English Professor so don’t play semantics with me. That’s not why am sitting here. Just tell me what’s wrong with my mother.” The doctor pulled the chart behind him to show Kelvin exactly which areas of his mother’s spinal code was affected. “This is the affected area from the impact of the accident,” he said “As I was explaining to you earlier, the spinal code is made of nerve cells that are responsible for the transfer of sensory data to the brain as well as motor commands from the brain to the peripheral nerve roots, from here to there for sensory and from over there to there for motor commands.” Kelvin couldn’t sit any longer in the doctor’s Biology class. He got up from the chair and pushed it to the side in anger. “Just tell me, is she paralysed or not and if she is what do I need to do to make sure she walks again?” Unfazed by Kelvin’s anger, the doctor answered, “Fortunately for her, she didn’t suffer complete damage to the nerves. She’s lost sensation in the lower part of her body…this area here,” he pointed to the chart again. “Her legs, to be precise,” the doctor added. “She will not be able to walk…at least for a while, unless she undergoes intense rehabilitation and….” “How long will that take?” Kelvin cut him off. “There’s no definite time,” the doctor answered. “Recovery usually depends on a person’s will to get better. Despite her age, I noticed that your mother is no stranger to physical exercise which is a very good thing in this case. I have a number of recommendations that might help for a quick recovery but some of them are expensive and….” “Forget about the cost,” Kelvin said. “Just tell me what I need to know and I will take care of the rest. I just need my mother to get better soon.” Once Kelvin was done in the doctor’s office, he went to see Evelyn who was anxiously waiting for him in her ward. Without saying a word, the look on her face told Kelvin everything she was thinking. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. “Is it bad news?” Evelyn asked. Kelvin could feel her shaking against him. He released her and held her away from him, looking straight into her eyes. “She’s alive,” he told her. Evelyn heaved a huge sigh of relief. “Seriously?” She said. “Oooh, thank God.” She said whilst unconsciously rubbing her stomach. Kelvin’s eyes went straight to her hands. “Are you…safe?” He asked. Evelyn could tell he was talking about the baby. “We are,” she said. There was relief in Kelvin’s eyes. “Thank God,” he said. “I am so sorry Kelvin,” Evelyn said, the unshed tears making her eyes glow in pain. Kelvin took both her hands and brought them to his mouth. He too was shaking from the fear of what could have been just a few minutes ago. Because he felt he needed to be a man for both his mother and his woman, he held everything inside. Evelyn felt the coldness in her husband’s hands and she felt him fight back the pain threatening to rip him into pieces. “What are you saying sorry for?” Kelvin asked, his head bowed and his chin resting on her hands. “You didn’t do anything wrong, someone else did. I am just glad everyone is fine.” And he kissed her hands, pressing his lips hard and staying like that for a while…with his eyes still shut. Feeling every bit of the pain he was desperately trying to stifle, Evelyn took his hands instead and squeezed them tightly, as if to tell him, I’m here. She watched him in silence, two cold streaks of tears rolling down her cheeks. Evelyn had a lot of questions to ask about Beatrice but she didn’t dare ask Kelvin in that moment. In that moment she hated her fate; how in the world had she found herself in such a position? Her own mother, the woman that had given birth to her wanted to kill her. Her mother in law, the woman that wanted her life had just saved her by risking her own life. And her husband, the man that loved her like no other ever did was stuck between loving the love of his life and hating the woman that had given her life. Consumed by all these emotions, Evelyn was caught off guard when she felt something warm drop onto her hands; Her husband’s silent tears. A few hours later, Thando busted into Evelyn’s room at the hospital. Without saying a word, Thando threw her arms around her best friend and sobbed without restraint. “Did you break your legs?” She had suddenly stopped crying and was now examining Evelyn’s knees where she was bandaged. Evelyn laughed. “I had landed on my knees when Mervis pushed me out of the way. I landed hard and bruised myself, made things worse by crawling over to her when I realized I was in too much pain to try and stand.” “I still can’t believe that woman saved you. Yoh.” Thando said, pulling the chair closer to the bed and sitting down. “I know,” Evelyn said. “I also still can’t believe it. I am both sorry and grateful at the same time.” “I can only imagine what your husband is must be going through. Your mother just tried to kill you and his baby but she ended up almost killing his mother. What a world we live in.” Evelyn’s guilt at being the centre of all this misfortune froze her tongue in silence. “How I wish that bitch died in that accident,” Thando said. “I feel like walking over to her room right now and pulling out her life support.” “Are you talking about Beatrice?” Evelyn asked, her eyes lighting up at finally getting some information. “Yes,” Thando answered. “Who else can I be talking about? I saw her children standing outside her ward. Wanted to grab them and whip them till their buttocks turned red …but they looked so pitiful so I just let them be.” “Beatrice is on life support?” Evelyn asked. “Yes, seems her brain has finally caught up with her heart; they are both dead now. I guess when you have such a hard heart, even the grim reaper has a hard time grabbing you into his realm.” Thando said. “What about the man in the truck?” Evelyn asked. “He’s fine, just a few broken bones here and there but he will live.” Evelyn sighed in relief. “What do you think is going to happen to Beatrice?” “You mean if she lives?” Thando said. “If she lives, she’s going to regret living and she will kill herself right away. And if she dies, which is the most probable case, she is going to regret dying like an animal and wish she had killed herself while she still looked good.” “I am serious Thando,” Evelyn told her friend. “So am I,” Thando said, stifling a laugh in the process. “What did they say her chances are?” “What are the chances for a brain dead person sweetie?” Thando asked. “Anyway, I’m not sure, I wasn’t paying attention when Kelvin was telling me. I was too busy celebrating in my head when I heard she was on life support. Of course I would have been happier if she didn’t exist any more but….” she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. Evelyn sent her friend a disapproving look. “It’s not good to wish anyone dead no matter how bad they are Thando.” “That’s why I said existed,” Thando defended herself. “I didn’t say die. There’s a difference.” Evelyn could only gape at her friend in disbelief. sometimes Thando completely forgot the fact that Beatrice was her friends mother…that no matter how evil she was, she was the woman that gave birth to Evelyn. Three Days Later Evelyn watched from behind the curtain as Kelvin stood starring at Beatrice for over five minutes, his teary eyes moving back and forth from her face to the machine above her. She had seen that look in his eyes before; the deep burning and deathly look that had reaped through her and made her blood turn the opposite direction. And when he reached out his shaking over and placed it over the machine, Evelyn froze, her hand over her mouth. She knew she needed to stop him from making the kind of mistake that he could not live with but instead, she just stood there, rooted to the floor and unable to move. If she could, would she stop him from pulling the plug? She wondered. Did she want to stop him? Stuck in a dilemma, all Evelyn could do was cry silently as she watched her man struggle with his conflicted emotions. Consumed by emotions he could not understand, Kelvin finally gave in and broke down in tears. Releasing his hand from the machine and letting it drop to his hand. With one hand still holding on to the rail of the bed Beatrice was sleeping on, Kelvin’s knees gave in and he sat on the floor, sobbing, his whole body convulsing from all the pain he had been stifling for the past week. Evelyn ran over to Kelvin’s crouched sobbing body and she wrapped her arms around him. “I’m so sorry,” Kelvin was clasping on to her arms and shaking from the realization of what he had almost done. “It’s okay,” Evelyn told him, repeatedly stroking her hand through his hair and drawing his head deep against her. “It’s okay,” she kept repeating. Minutes later, Evelyn walked over to Kelvin who was seated on a bench under a shade outside the hospital carrying two canes of Liquifruit . She handed him and sat down next to him. “Thanks,” he said as he accepted the drink. Kelvin opened his cane of juice, took a sip from it and turned to look at her. “I really meant to turn off that thing,” he said to her. “I know,” Evelyn said, avoiding his gaze. “You know?” Kelvin asked. “I do,” she answered. “But I also know that you wouldn’t have.” “What make you think that?” He asked. “I really wanted to do it Eva. I felt it in my blood…I wanted to see her stop breathing…to go quite forever so that she can’t try to hurt my family again. In my head I killed her a hundred times over. In my head she had already died.” Evelyn put her drink down and fully turned also to look at him. “Thinking about doing something and actually doing it are two different things.” She said. “Do you think that you are the only one who thought about pulling the plug?” Kelvin threw her a questioning look. She laughed softly. “Yes,” she said. “I thought about it. Every time I walked passed her room the thought crossed my mind. How can anyone be so cruel?” Evelyn’s cried. “Was I really her daughter? How can you hate me so much? What did I ever do to her?” Kelvin held his wife in his arms and waited for her pull herself together. “You don’t need to think about such things,” he told her. Thirty minutes later when Kelvin and Evelyn walked hand in hand through the corridors of the hospital heading to Mervis’ room, Mark almost bumped into them as he came running and crying from his mother’s room. Kelvin and Evelyn looked at each other and as if reading each other’s mind, they rushed to Beatrice’s room and found Moola sobbing over her mother’s limb body. All the machines in the room had been turned off. Moola looked up at the two intruders and sobbed even harder. She looked over at Evelyn angrily before storming out of the room. “She just pulled the plug,” the doctor informed them. “It’s the hardest thing anyone can ever do for their loved one.” Looking over at Beatrice’s body, Evelyn realised that the last thing her mother ever did for her was to try and kill her. She broke down in tears and fell to the ground, crying for all the love she never received and all the apologies she would never hear. Evelyn felt her heart burn over the lost hope she had desperately held on to, believing that one day her mother would realize her mistake in holding her responsible for the past and love her like she did her other children. Pounding the floor over and over again in anger and pain, Evelyn kept asking herself; Why? Kelvin knelt down beside his wife and held her tightly in his arms, grabbing her hands so she could stop hitting the cold floor. * * * 2 Years Later Evelyn rushed into the supermarket, grabbed a trolley and went about grabbing a few last minute items for the house warming party she and her husband would be hosting that evening. She had asked Kelvin to get the groceries but as usual, he got some and forgot others. She was paying on the till when her phone rang. It was Kelvin. “How far are you?” He asked. “The guests have already started arriving.” “I’m coming honey,” she said. “Just give me five minutes. I hope you’ve turned off the oven.” “Oh yeah, that.” Evelyn heard him running. “Bashi Mapalo seriously!” She said. “I’m sorry babe, I was setting up the sound system. There, it’s off now.” “Haven’t they burnt?” “No, I don’t see any smoke.” “Check honey don’t just look for smoke. They could still be burning inside.” “Okay, but hurry up. I’m losing my head over here.” “I know. I’m hanging up, I need to pay now.” Evelyn smiled apologetically at the cashier waiting and handed her the money. Evelyn was shocked to find so many vehicles parked outside their house when she opened the door and drove in. Did they all decide to come at the same time? She asked herself. She found a free spot to park and quickly got out of the vehicle with her plastic bags. She used the back door into the kitchen to avoid meeting everyone when she wasn’t so ready. She opened the kitchen door and was shocked to find the room dark when she clearly remembered leaving the lights on before she left. “Did something happen to the chandelier?” She asked as she put down her plastic bags. She was just about to find the switch when the lights suddenly came on and she found her two year old son standing on top of the kitchen Island clad in a suit and bowtie and wearing very shiny shoes holding an iPad in his hands Evelyn suddenly had an idea why her husband had been acting mysterious the past few days. “Mapalo,” she said, smiling and walking towards her smiling son. “How did you get up there?” She asked. “I have something to show you,” the two year old hunk managed to say. “What? Show me then,” she said. Mapala clumsily pressed something on the ipad and raised the screen up for his mother to see. Evelyn gasped in delight when she saw the slide dancing on the screen; WILL YOU MARRY MY DAD, AGAIN? IF YES, PICK ME UP AND TAKE ME TO THE LIVING ROOM WITH YOU. “Why are you crying mum?” Mapalo looked concerned over his mother’s reaction. “Where they bad words?” he asked. “Dad told me they would make you smile.” Not wasting any more time, Evelyn picked up her son, took the ipad from him and walked with him to the living room. “Surprise!” Evelyn laughed when she found all her friends and her husband’s friends all waiting for her in the living room. She was pointing an accusing finger from Thando to Sibusiswe. “You guys knew about this and couldn’t even hint to your friend?” Thando shrugged and busted out laughing. “Well,” Sibu said. “It wouldn’t be a surprise if you knew about it.” “Says the woman who absolutely hates surprises.” Evelyn fired back. “But this isn’t my party young lady,” Sibu said and walked over to her to get Mapalo. A smiling Kelvin walked over to his wife and went down on his knees. Everyone in the room jeered. “Why are you doing this?” Evelyn asked as he took her hand. “Because I never did it right the first time.” He said. “I told you, I didn’t mind. I meant it when I said I was okay with it.” “I know you did,” Kelvin said. “But I still I still want you to have the kind of proposal that you deserve…and I wanted to do it with someone blessings as well.” “Someone’s blessings?” Evelyn asked. And Mervis appeared from behind everyone. “Oh no,” Evelyn gasped. “Mum?” She said. “And you are walking!” she added when she saw Mervis walk over to them, dressed in a form-fitting long blue dress and looking ten years younger. “When did this happen?” Evelyn asked. The last time Evelyn had seen her mother in-law was eight months ago when they had travelled to Dubai where she was undergoing rehabilation so the whole family could spend the holidays together. She had been using clutces then. “A few months ago,” Mervis said, her radiant smile warming Evelyn’s nervous heart. The two of them might have gotten closer ever since the accident, but Evelyn still felt some level of responsibility for everything that had gone wrong in the Kangwa family. Evelyn couldn’t stop the tears from pouring. She knew that all was forgotten and forgiven, but seeing Mervis smiling brightly at her made her feel a little guilty…wondering if she deserved that kind of happiness. Seeing the conflicting emotions written all over Evelyn’s face, Mervis reached out and held her hands. “This is a happy moment for you today.” She said. “Forget everything else that’s happened in the past and celebrate this moment. Every woman remembers her wedding day for the rest of her life…so you better be the happiest when you experience it.” Evelyn threw mother and son a questioning look. “Wedding day?” She asked Kelvin. Kelvin was shaking his head and smiling. “If you say yes, and with my mother’s blessings, we are getting married today. Everything is all set up. You just need to get into your dress and let the ladies fix your make-up because we will be taking a lot of photos.” Evelyn looked over at Sibu and Thando and they were both looking suspiciously guilty despite the huge grins on their faces. “I will deal with you two later,” she told them. And then looking back at her husband. “YES, I will marry you over and over and over again.” Without saying a word, Kelvin pulled her towards him and kissed her. Embarrased, Evelyn pulled herself from him. “Mum is right here honey,” she told him, hitting him on the chest. Kelvin grabbed Evelyn’s hand and together they got down on their knees before Mervis. “Look kindly on us mother and give us your blessings,” Kelvin said. Thinking about how far they had all come, Mervis couldn’t help shedding tears. In her heels and expensive designer gown, Mervis went down on her knees in front of the two and put her arms around them. “Of course you have my blessings,” she told them. Mervis’ words were received by applause the friends of the couple. Two hours later, Evelyn stood in front of the mirror and starred at her reflection, unable to recognize herself in her new goddess form. “Why pink?” She asked the two who were busy admiring the result of their work. “We thought about white,” Thando said. “But white is too normal…and we all know that this isn’t any normal union. We settled for pink because you are not such a girly-girl and we wanted you to feel like a girl on your special day.” “It’s perfect,” Evelyn said. “I absolutely love it.” “You look like a princess,” Sibu said, moving closer to fix her veil. “Are you ready to walk down the aisle now?” She asked. “I am,” Evelyn confidently stated. “But wait,” she turned to look at the ladies. “Who’s going to walk me down the aisle?” she asked. “Me,” Mervis said from the door. “No, no, no, no….” Thando rushed to hold Evelyn’s head. “No more crying woman, hell no. Make-up is perfect the first time around. I won’t be fixing it again.” That alone was enough to drive Evelyn’s tears away. With Mervis by her arm, Evelyn stood by the door and looked at her husband standing at the end of the aisle, looking like an improved version of James Bond. He was smiling and softly tapping his leg, like he always did when he was nervous. To his side was Mapalo, his son, her son…their son. That’s my family standing there, Evelyn thought and smiled. They are mine. This is my family , she said as she squeezed Mervis’ arm. “Maybe because you look so different now, I forgot you were my daughter…Nora…. I forgot.” Mervis whispered as she looked deeply into Evelyn’s eyes before walking her down the aisle. “Mum?” Evelyn was looking at her mother in-law with deep concern. “Are you okay?” She asked, thinking that perhaps the accident had done something to her brain that the doctors had not yet detected. Mervis laughed. “Relax,” she said. “I know you are not my Nora. I’m just saying…thank you for letting me be your mother.” Evelyn smiled and blinked back the tears, remembering Thando’s threat early. Even if I am to be your forgotten daughter, I don’t mind. Evelyn said to herself whilst looking at her mother in-law. As long as you call me your daughter…I don’t care whether I’m forgotten or not. “Come on my daughter,” Mervis said, as if she had read her mind. “Let’s take you to your husband now.” Evelyn looked at Mervis’ arm where hers was locked and then she looked up in front where her husband and son were standing, then she looked at the smiling faces of all their friends seated in their back garden…. Home, she thought. I am home. Breathing deeply, Evelyn straightened her neck and faced forward. Smiling, she said to Mervis; “Take me to my family mother.” THE END.
5 Sep 2018 | 11:39
At first she was lonely without a mother who will always be there and call her my daughter my daughter
5 Sep 2018 | 15:57
things turned out that she will never care 4 her but rather always try to bring harm to her~but she was protected by love
5 Sep 2018 | 16:04
Eva never wanna give up on herself which is among these three important virtue~BELIEVE IN GOD~BELIEVE IN LOVE~BELIEVE IN YOURSELF
5 Sep 2018 | 16:14
she has found love with this kelvin guy who has turned out to be a real lovely lover~he has got no competition no more and eva has got none too
5 Sep 2018 | 16:25
Eva has got 4 herself a new real mother who was changed to a better mother and a grandmother~SHE HAS GOT NEW JOY 4 MERVIS
5 Sep 2018 | 16:36
Eva has got thando and sibu and family and family and she's among the richest right now and friends~moola will find love later
5 Sep 2018 | 16:46
5 Sep 2018 | 16:58
5 Sep 2018 | 17:03
Happy ending
6 Sep 2018 | 08:02
You finally find a lovely Mother
6 Sep 2018 | 08:18
Wonderful! Beatrice deserved what she got.
6 Sep 2018 | 10:05
Thumb up for you
6 Sep 2018 | 10:55
Story well end
6 Sep 2018 | 10:56
oh my God,,,,!!!! this episode is heavenly,,,, am really tearing up,,,,, she found happiness at d end,,,,, am so so happy for her.... to hell wit Beatrice though.... good riddance
6 Sep 2018 | 14:41
Wow sweeto
6 Sep 2018 | 19:24
Wow!!!! nice story
7 Sep 2018 | 09:05
This is great, what a happy ending
28 Sep 2018 | 13:29
6 Oct 2018 | 02:26
20 Mar 2022 | 01:52
Wow too many secrets surrounding eva's life
20 Mar 2022 | 13:53
21 Mar 2022 | 02:23
Beatrice is really a bitter woman
21 Mar 2022 | 02:38
21 Mar 2022 | 03:12
Fingers crossed
21 Mar 2022 | 03:27
Kelvin your decision are vry difficulty becos it may cause trouble for eva
21 Mar 2022 | 03:55


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