My fiance has asked that we postpone our wedding until we reach an agreement.
What happened is this. I have my own house but he is living in a rented apartment. I automatically thought he would move in with me since my space is 4 times bigger than his. It was when I called in the decorator to expand my closer to fit his that he said there was no need to do that since we would be moving to his place.
We have discussed this so many times and I explained that he could pay me the rent if it makes him feel better. Why should I inconvenience myself when we both could live conveniently? Why will someone call off a wedding till I agree to move in with him?
It just raises so many questions for me about who he really is. I don't want to beg him because I have been doing that but if I give in to moving to a small 2-bedroom apartment, just to make him happy, what else would I have to give in to? Why is this such a big deal for him to see me live uncomfort om what I am used to?
I love him but this is a scary sign I have never seen before. Should I move out of mine to make him feel better?
My mother said we should rent a bigger place, which would not be owned by any of us. He disagreed and still insisted I move in with him first.
Now little things are coming up; the things he can afford for the wedding, I collect the money and add to it to get the standard of what I want. He gets upset and insists that I get only what he has paid for... nothing more.
I don't know what to do...I am scared for myself... I am worried... What do I do?
*Questions drawn ??*
Is this an issue of pride on the man or an issue of lack of submission on the woman's side or what exactly do you think the issue is?
Is it something they can resolve or should they just go their separate ways?
Are they compatible? If it were you, what would you do as a woman or man?