Hell's Angel

Hell's Angel

By PEmamezi_darkest™ in 24 Jan 2016 | 07:31
PEmamezi_darkest™ PEmamezi_darkest™

PEmamezi_darkest™ PEmamezi_darkest™

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Member since: 23 Nov 2015

After the battle ended and Lucifer lost his
power and throne, we thought it was
over. But part of my mother's vision was
overlooked. The battle might be over but
the war is only beginning.
My crazy grandmother has joined forces
with Lucifer.
What they haven't anticipated is me.
A stronger hydrid with more power than
they could believe.
My destiny, is to kill Lucifer and take his
Even if that means leaving everyone I
But I won't be alone ............
24 Jan 2016 | 07:31
Waiting like never before
24 Jan 2016 | 07:34
24 Jan 2016 | 07:37
I don dey wait sharp sharp
24 Jan 2016 | 07:42
qbam!!! ope o one of my beat tori z bk..cnt wait.. [b] @invincible oya Dab [/b]
24 Jan 2016 | 07:43
waitin for d story to began
24 Jan 2016 | 11:31
Chapter 1 I stood still taking in every move the werewolf in front of me is making, he is watching me curiously, probaly wondering why I haven't got in a fighting position to defend myself. I might not look like I'm ready, but trust me, he won't even see me when I make my move, as much as my mother has been accepted, me on the other hand hasn't been completely accepted. A mix of two they can accept but a mix of three seems to test their limits. Every training session, the biggest wolves except for Alex and Seb, always go for me, wanting to teach me a lesson. Seb and Alex allows it because they know I can defend myself, but it took a long time for them to allow anyone to fight me. Their overprotective of me, like their parents are with my mother. But they are sick of the pack not fully accepting me, fear of the unknown make it hard for people to accept, even if you have grown up with them. When they saw my strength starting to shine through it like they all decided their mission is to break me, make me feel weak and unwanted. But it will take a hell of alot more than those mutts to break me, I never flaunted my strength, I never acted like I am better than anyone else, I spent years trying to be friends with them, show them I am as normal as them, the worst ones are the pack members, demons are more accepting, the guardians and vampires were cautious, but once they saw I wasnt a danger to them, they accepted me for me. I have had to keep my mother from killing some of the wolves, when she first saw how they treated me she snapped, it took Liam, Jake, dad, Seb, Alex and me to hold her back. She doesn't want me treated the way she was, she wants to give me the best life possible, but even she can't control peoples reactions to me. The best advice she gave me and I stick to it, if people can't accept and love me for who I am without wanting to change me, their not worth my time or tears, that I need to be strong and never change who I am to fit in. I have stuck to that, I won't show any weakness around them, like now, if this over sized prick thinks he can break me, let him try, like the others he can find out the hard way. He is snarling and snapping his teeth at me, trying to frighten me, Seb and Alex have trained with me, their a hell of alot bigger and stronger, I have been able to take them both on since I was sixteen and two years on, I'm stronger than I have ever been, every time I win a fight their like two proud brothers, there all I need to keep a smile on my face and get through this shit. The girls all hate me even tough I have never done anything to them, its because Seb and Alex are always around me, their nearly twenty and still haven't found their mates, the girls turning eighteen have their eyes set on them hoping to be the next Luna or Beta female. The guys act like they hate me around the girls but their eyes have always shown lust, to the point that Seb and Alex have given them warnings to stay away from me unless they treat me properly in front of everyone, that they won't allow any of them to think that I will be one of their dirty little secrets. Like the wolf in front of me now, he has always been nasty to me in front of all the girls, on his own he practically tries to jump me. Right now he wants the girls attention, if he takes me down, that exactly what he will get, all their attention. When I'm done the only attention he will need is from the pack doctor. I saw him ready to make his move and I smirked. This will be fun. He jumped towards me, aiming for my neck, to take me down as quickly as possible. I stood still til he got close, I spun to the side, grabbing the fur on the back of his neck, using his momentum, I swung his around and sent him flying into a tree, breaking it. He whimpered after the impact, but soon covered it with vicious growl, he is pissed now, that will only make his attacks sloppy, he won't think of his training, he will just try take me down whatever way he can. He got to his feet, shaking his head, he walked towards me, trying to stare me down, but I never broke eye contact. He started to circle me, snapping his jaws, trying to distract me and intimidate me. I rolled my eyes, all the snarling and growling does fuck all to scare me. He ran and jumped over me trying to make an attack from behind. Two can play that game, when I heard his paws hit the ground and get close, I jumped and back flipped, I brought my knees down on his skull, sending his body crashing to the floor hard. I jumped off him and stood in front of him. I can see he is getting weaker, it will only take one more blow and he will be down. He slowly got to his feet and snarled. Time to end this. I pulled my fist back and landed a hard punch to the side of his head, making my elbow connect after my fist. I was right, that last blow finished him, his eyes rolled back in his head before his large body fell to the ground with a thump. I heard clapping, I smiled knowing it was Seb and Alex, know one else would clap for me. I turned around and found them standing, clapping with pride in their eyes. I gave them a small smile back, I love training and fighting, but having to constantly defend myself ever training session, is getting tiring, each fight, is like loosing all chances of ever been accepted, I hate it and what they all think about me, but I will never give them the satification of ever showing that. "Anyone else what to challenge Faith or have you learned, you are all making fools out of your selves, showing how petty you all really are, this is not the pack I want, I want a pack who works as a team and accepts every member wether their vampire, demon, guardian or all three, quit acting like spoilt brats and grow up, your all dismissed, I can't stand to look at any of you any longer" Seb shouted. "Good fight Faith, he deserved every bit of that, any of my pack piss me off I sending them to get their ass kicked by you, obviously anything I have been saying hasn't sunk in yet, I dont know why, your strong, beautiful and would do anything for anyone, I just dont understand what the problem is, you never flaunted your powers or strength, you only show your strength and skill to protect yourself, I swear I'm alpha of the most self absorbed pack, dont let them get to you, anyway you have Alex and Me, the two hottest wolves around, what more could you want" Seb said trying to make me laugh. "True I do, I dont know about the hottest wolves around, but you two are all I need" I said smiling at Seb. "Exactly, if they cant accept you for who you are, fuck them, they will need you before you will ever need them, you always have us Faith, dont forget that" Alex said wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we started to walk back to the pack house. After the battle my parents built a house near the pack house, so they could stay close to one another. It was just a ten minutes of a walk from the pack house. I said my goodbye to Seb and Alex. I walked towards my house, I can't wait to have a shower. I opened the door and headed to my room, my parents are gone to have a meeting with the guardian to find out as much as they can about the growing group of guardian and vampires, what their intentions are. I know my parents know, but their not telling any of us yet til they know for definate. But I doubt their intentions are anything good, if they were they would have joined us by now. I know before the battle the guardians and vampires were killing demons the minute they enter this world because they were manipulated into believing that demons were evil, the same way they thought my mom was evil because of her black wings, her wings meant something more, she is the angel of judgement and soul, as well as a warrior, my dad is a warrior too, only he is a mix of guardian and demon. I was born with the mark of a warrior, I think it was no Brainer that I would have it with two warriors parents. Like my parents my wings aren't white, their silver and the edges are black. From the minute my parents saw them they told me to always be proud of them, their unique and make me who I am. I know mom was rejected and asked to leave by her family when they saw that her wing were black and that's when Liam and Jake found her and made themselves apart of her life til she accepted they loved her for who she is, black wings and all. I know she had to kill her father, it was her life or his, her mother tried to apologise to her when she found out what her wings meant and that they had all been manipulated, but my mom didnt accept, she had her family and it wasnt her. After that I dont know much about her. I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I'm the image of my mother, I have my dads brown eyes instead of her blue eyes , their surrounded by long thick black eyelashes, I have jet black hair that is wavy and falls to the middle of my back, I have her small nose and full lips. I'm five ft nine, I have lightly tanned skin, I have a full chest a bit bigger than my mom, a toned stomach and toned long legs from all my training. I have been training since I could walk, once I saw the pack, demons, guardians and vampires training, its was all I wanted to do, I wanted to be as strong and skilled as my mother, she is so strong minded aswell, she lets know one get to her, someone does something to seriously piss her off, they always find out the hard way not to fuck with her. I guess that's where I get my fiery temper from, as much as I hate having to defend myself at every training sessions, I won't back down once I have been challenged either. I dont run from a fight, I'm the opposite, I run to them. Im too stubborn to back down. I dont start fights but I sure as hell finish them. I turned the shower on and stripped off, stepping into the hot water, I just stand still for a few minutes letting the water spray down on me, before I scrub myself and wash my hair. I smile to myself, in a couple of days I will be eighteen and Seb and Alex are bringing me to the hottest club in the city to celebrate. Were meeting a couple of Seb and Alex's cousins. One of their friends is turning eighteen aswell so it should be a good night, on the plus side they won't know anything about me. I'm heading into town tomorrow for a girly day with my mom, to pick out something to wear and maybe find out what is happening with the other group. I have a bad feeling about them, I dont know why but its feel like something life changing is going to happen, but wether its a good or bad thing I dont know, only time will tell.  Continue Reading
25 Jan 2016 | 03:52
First to comment..hell angel..
25 Jan 2016 | 06:56
[b]I love this... "Hell's Anqel"....[/b]
26 Jan 2016 | 09:39
Chapter 2 Ariel POV I can't believe I over looked that part of the vision, I was too focused on that bitch Anna and Lucifer, I never thought of it again, til now. It all came flooding back when the guardians started to hear about a group building in size. Right now me and Brax are waiting for the guardian council, well it use to be only guardians but places have been given to demons. They have been trying to find out everything they can about what they gathering for. I know nothing good is going to come from this meeting, I can feel it. "Ariel, Brax there all here now" Leo the councils leader said. Brax and I stood up and followed him into their meeting room. I knew by all their faces I was right. This isn't good. We sat down opposite the council and waited for them to start. "Ariel, Brax nice to see you again, sorry for the wait, we were just getting the last bit of information, its not good, this group still thinks that demons need to be killed, they have gathered alot of other guardians and vampires who think the same, Ariel your the main target" Leo said. "What's new, I knew it would take time to build an alliance, but I didn't think they would go as far as to gather others to help them fight, who is leading them?" I asked. "That's where it gets worse, its your mother Ariel and somehow Lucifer has managed to insert himself as the other leader, Ariel there coming to kill all the demons, your mother has completely lost it, she is planning on killing anyone who means anything to you, especially Faith, she wants you broken like her, Lucifer is pushing her to take everything you love away from you" he said. I looked at Brax and saw the same rage in his eyes that I know is burning in mine. "Like fuck she will, I will rip her apart before she gets near my family. The bitch really has lost her fucking mind if she think she can come for my family and survive it. She is lucky its me and not Faith coming for her. There just pawns to Lucifer, he will use them as a distraction, he is coming for his soul and once he gets that he will fight for his throne" I said. "We will need Faith in this fight Ariel, you are extremely strong but you can't kill Lucifer, Faith is stronger than most of us put together, she is strong enough to stop Lucifer getting his throne, do you think she is ready for a fight like this?" he asked. I pictured so many ways to kill Leo in that moment. The thought of my daughter fighting Lucifer, makes me sick. Yes she is strongest fighter I have ever seen but that doesn't mean I am any less protective of her, she is my baby, regardless of what age she is. "Does it have to come to this, Faith fighting?" Brax said through gritted teeth. He is every bit as protective as me. "I'm sorry for asking, I truely am, but with the numbers they have and Lucifer, we will need her to save us all" Leo said genuinely. I looked at Brax, he knows aswell as I do once Faith hears this she will offer herself to fight and that is what kills me. The guardian, demons and vampires have accepted her, even the pack members at my age range, but those bastard s her age treat her like dirt. She has never done anything to them, I feel like I have passed a curse down to her, I get accepted and she is rejected. The first day I saw how they treated her after her strength started to shine through, I wanted to rip them piece from piece, I went all psycho mom and went for them, unfortunately I was stopped. The boys are jealous because she is stronger and doesn't pay them any attention, only to Alex and Seb. I know that the reason because I can hear their thoughts, not one of them isn't attracted to her, the girls are jealous because they know she is beautiful and strong. So they make it their mission to try break her. But one thing I have passed onto her, is been tough, to not change herself so other will accept her and now she will fight to save their ungrateful, judgemental asses. Alot of the demons found their mates are werewolves, so their is no way we are going to be allowed to fight without the pack helping. "She hasn't killed anyone, at her age I had already killed more times than I could count, in the wrong yes, but we didn't know that at the time, she has never had to do that. She can fight better than all of us, her powers are unique, but were still working on her control of the stronger one. She has most of my power and all of Brax's. I just dont know how she will be after she kills for the first time, it could make her stronger when she knows its to protect or it could completely break her. But I know I won't be able to stop her fighting once she hears this" I said. "I just hope this doesn't break her Ariel, she is a young girl with a great future ahead of her" Leo said. "But that could all change, we all know what it means if she fights Lucifer for the throne and wins, she will have to take his place and rule over hell, what life is that for her? what about her mate when she finds him? we could be taken her whole life either way" I said, Brax took my hand in his. "I know, but if he takes the throne he will do everything he can to destroy who means the most to you, he is out for revenge but he is playing this as a game and waiting for the right moment to make his move" he said. "I know we dont have another option, but it doesn't make this any easier, I wanted her to have a better start in life than what I had, I will tell her about this, but not til after her birthday weekend, I want her to enjoy it without having this hanging over her head. The embarrassment of having to tell her that her grandmother is the crazy bitch leading all of this" I said. "Okay Ariel, we will wait til then, but we will send our best trainer to you to help her get control over all of her powers and make sure she is prepared for what will face her, maybe it will be a good idea to project your fight with Lucifer to her, so she knows what he looks like and what he is capable of. It would be to easy for Lucifer to seduce a young woman of her age" he said, but the last part lower. "If he so much as touches my daughter I will rip him apart, its bad enough he tried to take Ariel from me but if he tries it with Faith I will find a way to kill him" Brax said with anger clear in his voice. "You and me both" I said.  Continue Reading
26 Jan 2016 | 23:25
sorry for the late update
26 Jan 2016 | 23:26
[b]first to comment! This is getting more interesting, abeg drop anoda 1 sharp sharp o :) 4:26am? @pemamezi you no dey sleep? + why u no do roll call na?
27 Jan 2016 | 02:02
@invincible i b dy rite throught out the nite... Expect lyk 2 more epi today... By God's grace and as for roll calll... :roll: the tin dy make me vex... General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
27 Jan 2016 | 04:50
0 Likes fighting lucifer in this her young age? Z going to be fun
27 Jan 2016 | 05:11
‎Bring on, bring on. Dnt 4gt 2 call me if u update, else we go fight our own war @pemamezi
27 Jan 2016 | 06:18
ahh... @delight chillax.. E neva reach dat level... Lolz... U b chairlady na if i no call u hus will i... *winkz*
27 Jan 2016 | 06:41
I don land gidigba who holla me abeg take five .... @Pemamezi u are sighted nd what is making u angry about de roll call.....
27 Jan 2016 | 06:53
wow ride on bros i dey ur back
27 Jan 2016 | 07:21
I nid pictures of this story
27 Jan 2016 | 08:13
27 Jan 2016 | 09:01
ride on
27 Jan 2016 | 09:09
27 Jan 2016 | 09:27
I don land like landrover @Pemamezi I hope say u preserved seat for me?
27 Jan 2016 | 10:46
@sonshine na u b ma rite hand man na... U b boss... @preciousfay sorry i avnt made any provision for pic.. Bt i will try ma best... Hopefully
27 Jan 2016 | 11:37
Ride Thank God say yawning sickness don comot for my hubby @sonshine body
27 Jan 2016 | 11:39
Chapter 3 Faith Pov I walked around the shops with my mom, searching through each shop for the perfect outfit. I tried a few times to find out about the meeting with the guardians council but she isn't telling me anything. She just keep avoiding the situation. I left it at that, if she didn't want to tell me yet then she has her reasons. I should just enjoy being eighteen. I walked around the shop looking for something that stands out. I was just about to leave when I spotted the perfect dress. It is a black fitted backless halter neck dress that goes down a little part my knee. "This is the perfect dress" I said looking at it. "It is, you try it on and I will look for shoes" Mom said. I walked towards the dressing rooms and closed the door behind me. My mom has good taste so I know whatever shoes she picks they will be perfect. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the dress. It fitted perfectly to my curves and doesn't look slutty. "Found shoes" mom said and I opened the door. They are black five inch peep toes with stones along the sides and heels. I slipped them on and they look perfect. "Oh Faith, you look beautiful, I can't believe your eighteen already, you could end up finding your mate, but remember there is the possibility you could have more than one" she said. "I know, its crazy to think that, will you do my hair for later" I asked, mom always has her hair in unique styles. "Of course baby, the boys won't recognise you tonight when they come to collect you, I wish I could throw you a party" she said. "I know mom, but there is no point, no one would turn up and if they did it wouldn't be for me, going out shopping and going out tonight is perfect for me, I dont need a big party" I said smiling. I dont want to be surrounded by two faced people for my birthday, its bad enough that I train and fight them. We went for something to eat and then we headed home after I got a few accessories and makeup. Dad was waiting for us at home along with Liam, Rebecca, Jake, Rose, Seb and Alex, who started cheering as I came in. "Happy birthday" they all shouted together. "You hardly thought we wouldn't have your closet friends and family here for your birthday" Dad said smiling, as he hugged me and kissed my forehead. "Thanks you, this is perfect" I said as dad let go to let the others hug me. Seb and Alex crushed me into arms. "Happy birthday baby girl" Seb said. "Happy birthday princess" Alex said. They both stayed at my side, as my mom walked in with my birthday cakes. "Make a wish Faith" my mom said smiling. I closed my eyes and wished to find someone to love and accept me for me. I know my mom heard my thoughts, I could see the hurt behind her eye. "Okay present time, open mine and Alex's first" Seb said handing me a small box, as they both smiled. I opened it to a beautiful long white gold chain with a key done in diamonds, it is beautiful, I took it out of the box and gently placed it in my hand, this will be perfect for tonight. "Oh my god boys, its beautiful, thank you two so much" I said kissing them both on the cheek. "Okay, now mine and Jake's " Rose said excitedly with a huge grin. I love her so much, she can cheer you up in a second and is such a beautiful person. She handed me a bag. I opened it to find the handbag I have been in love with for the last few months. "Oh my god, you got the bag thank you so much" I said as I wrapped my arms around her. "Your welcome honey, you deserve something nice, you only turn eighteen once" she said smiling. "Ours now" Liam said even more giddy that Rose, you would not think he used to be a big bad alpha, but he is only like this around us. He handed me a small box and I opened it to find beautiful square diamond earrings. "Oh they are perfect, thank you so much" I said, as he picked me up squeezing the life out of me. "Okay liam, dont crush our little Faith" Rebecca said laughing, when Liam let go she hugged me. " You have turned into such a strong beautiful young woman" she said smiling. "Just ours left to open" Mom said. "But you already bought me my dress and shoes today, you didn't have to get me anything else" I said smiling at them. "We wanted to baby, its your big day" she said. She handed me a long slim box. I opened it and found a beautiful white gold charm bracelet. Its has a few charms already, a number eighteen, wings and a heart with a diamond in the middle. "Its gorgeous" I said as I looked at the little charms. "We can add charms to it for your next birthdays, each one represents you, your beautiful wings and your the heart of our family" mom said. "Thank you all so much, this is a hell of a lot better than a big birthday party, I have everyone here who matters to me" I said. For the next few hours we spend together. I dont need anyone else to accept me and love me, I have all that and more around me. I said goodbye to them all, Seb and Alex will be here in a couple of hours to collect me. I ran upstairs and got another shower. I made sure my legs are smooth and used my strawberry and vanilla shampoo and body wash. I got out and found Mom waiting to help me. I put on my underwear and got into my dress. I sat back and let her blow dry my hair and then straighten it. She did one side of my hair in four tight braids and put loose waves at the other side. It look really good. She started on my make up giving me brown and black Smokey eyes with black liquid eyeliner and a little bit of mascara. She put light blush on my cheeks and finished it with a tinted red lip gloss. She handed me my shoes and I slipped them on. She stepped back to let me look at myself, I look beautiful just like her. "You look stunning honey, god love the boys, they are going to spend the night sending boys running scared" she said smiling. "I can just imagine, at least tonight I can relax and enjoy myself, know one will know who I am there" I said smiling. "I'm sorry honey, I hate that you are treated like this, if you and your father will just let me teach some of them a lesson they won't open their mouth again, I will make sure of that" she said. "Mom, its okay, I can kick their asses, you will probaly put them in hospital if you do get the chance" I said smiling. "They wouldn't be there for long just a couple of days, werewolves heals quickly" she said trying to convince me to give her my permission. "Its okay, I say you had everyone running scared of you at my age" I said. "It was a different way of living then, by your age I had killed so many demons, I had no home at sixteen til Jake and Liam found me. I wasnt accepted either and I did everything I could to piss them all off any chance I was given" she said. "I think I need to forget about been accepted, as of today I dont give a fuck what anyone thinks, if they can't accept me, well that's their problem not mine" I said. "Good, dont let anyone make you feel less than what you are, you are worth a thousand of them, dont ever forget that, now the boys will be here soon, are you wearing your new jewellery and bag?" she asked. "I am will you help me with my bracelet, I can manage the rest" I said. She put my bracelet on and headed downstairs to open the door, the boys are here already. I put on my chain they got me and my earring Liam got me. I switched over all my stuff from my old bag to my new bag. I did a last check in the mirror and my jewellery and bag looks perfect. I grabbed on coat and bag and walked down stairs. I got to the bottom and I hear wolf whistles come from the boys. "You look beautiful" Seb said looking shocked at me been all dressed up. "Yep, definitely hot Faith, we will have our work cut out for us tonight Seb" Alex said. "You look gorgeous, so like your mother" Dad said smiling as he kissed her. "Okay, guys are we ready to go" I asked. "We are, dont worry Brax and Ariel, we will keep all the boys away unless one turns out to be her mate" Seb said smiling. "Oh shit, I forgot you can find you mate now, dont let him near her unless he is good enough" my dad said sternly. "Dont worry we won't" Jake said. I walked outside and got into Seb's jeep, we have a forty minute drive before we reach the club. Alex turned up the radio and blasted radioactive by imagine dragon through the speakers. "You ready for a great night, you can do whatever you like, know one knows us there" Alex said with a smile. "More than ready" I said smiling.  Continue Reading
27 Jan 2016 | 12:34
new epi guyz... Hell's angel epi 3.. Next epi.. Probably bfor or after 10..... General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
27 Jan 2016 | 12:37
Dat Ariel grandma is a semi devil already Oh! Maybe she didn't know about her husband ^_^ his soul has already been destroyed
27 Jan 2016 | 13:13
I just hope nothing will ruin your happy moment for you Faith
27 Jan 2016 | 13:19
@victoriouschild z lyk u dy read ma mind oh.... :roll:
27 Jan 2016 | 13:37
@Pemamezi pie you no know say I be mind reader before ?
27 Jan 2016 | 13:41
Tnx swthrt 4 d I.V @PEmamezi, let the party begin!!!
27 Jan 2016 | 14:25
I pray you'd find your mate at the party :) @victoriouschild you be wetin? If i hear! Oya read my mind na :) @delight what did you just call @pemamezi ? Sweetheart??? Hmmmm
27 Jan 2016 | 14:44
@victoriouschild no b una dey form lovi lovi nw abii..any body tlk?
27 Jan 2016 | 14:48
@victoriouschild oya read ma mind....@delight swthrt realy :mrgreen: @pheranmmie041 oga love... Na ur rite love nd power na.... @invincible na only mate u knw....
27 Jan 2016 | 15:25
were @pizzaro nd @softie
27 Jan 2016 | 15:26
@pemamezi b4 nko? If u knw sey i no go be her mate, no post the next epi o
27 Jan 2016 | 15:29
27 Jan 2016 | 15:53
@invincible u??? Wen b gay... Even if na dream i dy rite am.. U no fit b faith mate any day... She go jst piece u lyk say u b bread... Lolz...
27 Jan 2016 | 16:17
Chapter 4 Faith POV We pulled up outside the club and parked the car. I felt myself finally relax, I can be myself here without others whispering about me and glaring. Seb got out and opened my door. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked towards the door. Seb nodded at the doorman and he let us pass. I could feel the music pump through the club. Eminen and rhianna song Monster is playing. I walked into the club and looked around. The seats and booths all have black leather seats, there is a balcony above me where people are sitting and watching the crowd on the dance floor. The dj booth is off to the far end of the balcony, sending out strobes of different coloured lights. I saw at least five different bars scattered around the club. "What do you think of the club birthday girl" Alex asked. "Its unreal, I can see why people are cueing to get in here" I said. "So, the big question, what are you drinking?" Alex asked. "Em, a blue wicked to start with" I said. "Be two minutes, stay with Seb" he said smiling and walked towards the bar. I looked at Seb who is texting on his phone. He looked up at me and smiled putting it away. "They should be here soon, with their own birthday boy, Cody, he is their third in command. Lucas is the alpha and my cousin, Blake is his Beta, all three are hoping to find their mates tonight, Lucas is twenty and Blake is nineteen. You never know we could all find our mates tonight aswell" Seb said smiling. "You two could, once my mate finds out who I am and what I am, they won't accept me, we both know that Seb" I said with a sad smile. "They would be stupid to reject you, you have every man in this club's attention, look around" he said seriously. I did what he said and looked around to find I did have attention I hadn't noticed before, it was good attention, not like the usual looks of disguist. For once I smiled, I actually feel beautiful for a change instead of repulsive. I turned back to a smiling Seb, "See, you are beautiful Faith, dont ever think anything else" he said. "What would I do without you boys" I said. Alex appeared holding my bottle of wicked and two bottles of bud. I took my drink and took a mouthful. It tastes nice, not the awful taste I was expecting. I finished it quickly and went to the bar to buy another bottle for me and the boys. I just ordered our drinks when I smelt the most mouth watering scent, I could feel my heart start to beat faster in my chest. I looked around to see if I could spot who owns the scent but I couldnt see through the crowd. I paid for our drinks and walked back towards the boys. Seb's cousins and friends have arrived. The closer I got the stronger the scent got. I smiled at Seb as he stepped forward to take a their drinks out of my hand. "Guys, this is Faith, our birthday girl, Faith this is Cody, Blake and Lucas" he said pointing to the three boys in front of me. Cody put his hand out to shake mine and I done the same. "Dam, no sparks, I was praying you were my mate" he said winking at me. Blake done the same and looked disappointed when there was no sparks either. Lucas turned around to shake my hand and my heart stopped, he is gorgeous. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes, a strong nose and jaw with full lips. He has a slight bit of stubble but it just made him more sexy. His is tall at six ft four, with broad shoulders and strong arms. His eyes darkened as he said, "Mine" and pulled me flush to his body, buring his face into my neck and inhaling my scent. Sparks raced through my body from his contact. I heard the others cheer and whistle. After a few minutes he released me. "You are beautiful and all mine" he said huskly. "Only if we approve of you first" Seb said seriously. I couldnt help but smile, but I saw the fear hidden behind their eyes, their afraid of his reaction when he finds out who I am and so I am. I'm not getting my hope up, Alpha's are proud, they won't accept mates unless their perfect, beautiful, strong and most of all a wolf, or mabey vampire, demon or guardian. Not a mix of three. "You have known me all your life Seb, of course im good enough, I will treat her like a princess and protect her with my life" he said smiling as he looked at me. But I know that look of love will soon change. I knocked back my drink and looked at Seb, before I walked to the bar. Why did my mate have to be a wolf, their the only ones who dont accept me. I got my drink and listened into their conversation. "Is it true Seb, that you have the Dark Angel living near you pack" Cody asked. "Yeah, along with her mate and daughter, she is really close to mine and Alex's parents, so is her mate and daughter" Seb said. "I heard she is hot and has some major powers" Cody said. "She is beautiful, so is her daughter, she is stronger than her mother and father combined, they are both warriors, even with her mothers powers she is still stronger" Alex said. "She might be beautiful, but a hybrid like that is dangerous, a monstrosity, she shouldn't have been born, I dont know how you let her live near your pack" Lucas said. "Good thing its not your pack so, I thought you were better than this Lucas, as alpha, you should set a better example, just because she is stronger and a mix of three doesn't make her beneath us, we should be grateful to have someone that powerful willing to fight with us" Seb said pissed. "Calm down Seb, its not like she is your best friend or anything, I do set a good example to my pack, I just dont let any thing that dangerous near my pack" Lucas said. I stopped listening, I felt rage course through my body, did he just call me a fucking "thing". My own mate. I knew this would happen but hearing him talk about me like that when he hasnt seen me before just pisses me off. I could feel my last shred of hope of been accepted disappear. I'm done been nice and trying to be accepted by narrow minded bastards like him. I finally felt my heart completely harden, I have the ones I love, I dont need anything or anyone else. I walked towards them, I could see Seb and Alex starting to shake. Their wolves are trying to break out. Their wolves has accepted me as a little sister and will protect me like one. I could feel my own eyes bleed to black. "Seb and Alex its okay, dont waste your time or energy" I said. "What, are you going to tell me your friend with the monstrosity" Lucas said looking at me shocked. "No I'm not friends with the monstrosity, I am the fucking monstrosity you asshole and just to clear things up, I Faith reject you Lucas as my mate" I said. "What, your her and your rejection me, it should be the other way around" he said looking pissed. "And I care why? did I bruise your ego and ruin your image, get over yourself" I spat. "Come on faith were leaving before I do something I won't regret" Seb said. "Your a fool Lucas, you just fucked up the best thing that could ever happen to you, now you get to watch her walk out of your life, there is no going back now and believe me you will regret it " Alex said. I walked out of the club feeling nothing, this is what my mom must have meant by closing your heart off and only letting the ones that care about you in. I can't get hurt if I dont give a fuck.  Continue Reading
27 Jan 2016 | 16:23
[b]@Faith nw turn 18 join wt a "qo ahead liscence" 2 pick a date? Cheiii... Lucky u! . . . Uhm... 4 ur mind nw, u don dey wish sey na u dem ur parents qv d liscence of [color =blue]qo ahead n pick a date[/color] after u don turn 18. Well, 4 ur info, u beta zero ur mind frm it nw cos dat 1 no dey eva hpn 4 dream nt 2 talk of dis we country "9JA" lol...[/b]
27 Jan 2016 | 16:26
new epi guyz... Hells angel epi 4.... Am nt sure if i will b dropping any tin tomaro... Plz bear wit us.... :mrgreen:General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
27 Jan 2016 | 16:36
Ow maybe she will find her mates? Bcus am sure they will be more than 1. Or maybe its 1 of d boys
27 Jan 2016 | 16:40
27 Jan 2016 | 17:15
Most of the events that happened to her mother are happening to her.............................
27 Jan 2016 | 17:50
Don't worry Faith you will soon find a mate that will love you for who you are @pheranmmie041 @Pemamezi na my best friend o we no dey do any lovi lovi for here @invincible and @Pemamezi na yoke I dey yoke o mind reader ke who dash money banana ?
27 Jan 2016 | 18:26
Maybe faith mate z going to be lucifer...
28 Jan 2016 | 00:40
Y are they even rejecting u...?
28 Jan 2016 | 00:56
[b] @pemamezi water u update tuday khe..bobo no try am @victoriouschild u see tribal mark 4 my friend indeed [/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 02:07
@frdex i try oh... Say na 9ja..d moda go really allow d pikin dy go look for one tin say na mate... TFY..... @pheranmmie041 me nd vicky na JSUT friends.... Lolz.... @onahsunday631 e fit happen sha...
28 Jan 2016 | 02:59
@Pheranmmie041 Can't a boy and a girl be best of friends ?
28 Jan 2016 | 04:02
[b] @victoriouschild its possible buh in ur case with @pemamezi i dout it...ha @pemamezi na ma quy na han ah sabi am weh weh..d quy badt qan even @sonshine or @frankkay cn testify [/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 04:32
@Pheranmmie041 na true o wey u talk, me no trust any guy, not at all and d main issue b say d gal na ma wify. @Pemamezi mek dat ur friendship wit ma wife stop. And u @Victoriouschild are they no ladies u cn mek friends wit ehh?
28 Jan 2016 | 05:22
Ride on
28 Jan 2016 | 05:45
even ma main man @sonshine no trust me wit he wify.. Shey na cus i no gt.???? No p . Searching for a wify...!!!
28 Jan 2016 | 06:38
@sonshine don't tell me you are a jealous hubby @Pheranmmie041 don't forget that @Pemamezi is a gay and his gay partner is @invincible
28 Jan 2016 | 07:16
@victoriouschild u call me a gay....???? @sonshine hold ur wify oh... If i b gay na e both of us enjoy our sef d oda nite.. Eh.. Vicky....????abi u won lie say u no enjoy am...
28 Jan 2016 | 07:32
I guess she wl meet anoda mate of hers. Lucas is a pure loser jst lik marcus or wat ws dat his useless name. @invincible wats ur problem wt wat I call him? I called him swthrt, if u hv a problem wt dat den its ur case. I heard u ar even a gay nd @individual is ur mate, wat else do u wnt 4rm me? @Pemamezi honey continue jare
28 Jan 2016 | 07:38
JEEEEEEeeeeZZZZ I'm not a gay na, shey you are my wife @delight???? @victoriouschild its @pemamezi who is gay oooo his partner is @pizzaro :)
28 Jan 2016 | 07:46
@pemamezi wetin i hear u talk?? You na Bisexual be dat o 'coz i catch u nd @sonshine yesterday afternoon :)
28 Jan 2016 | 07:56
@Pemamezi you fit lie eh you and who enjoy which nyt ? Abeg I dey faithful to hubby @sonshine plz don't believe him he is only lying Am so sorry @invincible I thought you were his gay partner little did I know that it is even my coolval crush @pizzaro thank God the crush i have on him is not that strong sef
28 Jan 2016 | 09:33
@Pemamezi you fit lie eh you and who enjoy which nyt ? Abeg I dey faithful to my hubby @sonshine plz don't believe him he is only lying Am so sorry @invincible I thought you were his gay partner little did I know that it is even my coolval crush @pizzaro thank God the crush i have on him is not that strong sef
28 Jan 2016 | 09:35
ewooooo @delight who be gay? @invincible wetin you do delight na???
28 Jan 2016 | 11:01
Jeeezzz! D [color =red]BLOOD[/color] OF [color =blue]JESU[/color]!!! @Invincible ur evil plan wil not stand neither shal it com to pas
28 Jan 2016 | 11:11
@individual na because i no gree buy @delight shawarma ooo @sonshine ask and you shall recieve! Shey na u ask???
28 Jan 2016 | 11:21
@Victoriouschild I trust u, bt u lik makin mail frnds... I mean male frnds wic s nt saf at al, especiali dis coolval gays,,, sori guys
28 Jan 2016 | 11:24
@Invincible wat did I asked? Com! I'm nt d one dat said @Delight shouldn't date u o, afta al u knw ur sin...
28 Jan 2016 | 11:32
@victoriouschild wen u b dy beg for more.. U cum here dy form cus @sonshine dy here... @sonshine wen @invincible b dy arrange dis hot afternun.. Won cum show he sef... @invincible @pizzaro na ma junior twin broda... @delight no mind dm won jst spoil ma image..*tongues out* @temmyjoy babe again cum ova...
28 Jan 2016 | 11:35
[color =gold]next epi by or after 8 or 9[/color]
28 Jan 2016 | 11:37
@sonshine which kain sin? I'm holy jare :) @pemamezi see your mouth! Who go wait till 9pm? Beta make u start to dey type the tori o
28 Jan 2016 | 11:57
@individual dat ws wat I heard o, dnt blame me 4 saying it out. I heard u ar both coolval ninjas bcos u ar gay partners. Erm..@invincible whr is d sharwama? I hv bn asking 4 it 4 hw many hrs now!? @pemamezi am nt listening 2 anytin dey ar saying against u my dear, dey can talk till nxt year,I dnt care. I hope by 9pm u wl b posting three episodes? Bcos dat 8 or 9 far!
28 Jan 2016 | 12:01
@Pemamezi I've pas thro alot b4 nw stil bcus of luv, so una smal aligations no go fit spoil my marriage, cuz I trust my wify n sho does trust me too *tongue out*
28 Jan 2016 | 12:04
@Delight just close your eyes and open your mouth,,,,,you would see how the magic works
28 Jan 2016 | 12:05
@invincible I dnt play Nollywood love jare nd moreover I dnt believe in magic
28 Jan 2016 | 12:07
@Delight its not nollywood love oooo its called REAL love, just give it a try
28 Jan 2016 | 12:12
Hahahahahahahahaha @sonshine am sorry your wife don leave u o
28 Jan 2016 | 12:13
Alright swthrt @invincible @sonshine who is ur wife pls?
28 Jan 2016 | 12:17
@Invincible so wan to tel me dat u're a `[color =grey]HOLY[/color][color =red]GAY[/color]',,,Lol
28 Jan 2016 | 12:19
@Invincible my wife left me 4 ur dream abi? I knw dat's ur plan, bt I Promise u it won't work - - - @Delight erm... erm... Abeg no do dat tin wey u wan do... C erm,,, lets talk abt dis privately #Winkz
28 Jan 2016 | 12:25
So @sonshine u follow doz guys wey no fit introduce der babes 4 public? We no dey go any private, if u no fit tell me 4 here, ur own don finish bcos I go dey spoil ur mrkt wt every girl. Haba! Nd u come here dey do lik say na @invincible b d devil meanwhile u na d devil plus chameleon. I don catch u 2day!
28 Jan 2016 | 12:42
@sonshine u no well.......chai! So u no even fit tell us your wife name?? Deres god ooo
28 Jan 2016 | 12:48
@sonshine I don divorce you I no marry you again
28 Jan 2016 | 13:44
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... I no dy fit laf... @victoriouschild *tongues out*... Wen i tell u say @sonshine no love u..u b dy say.. He loves me wit all his hrt... To talk am for public dy hard am.... Hahahahahahahahahhahahahaha... Cnt stop lafing....
28 Jan 2016 | 13:47
@Pemamezi me beg for more you dey day dream nii ?
28 Jan 2016 | 13:53
[color =red]AAAAARRRRHH!!![/color] Ayaf [color =red]DIE[/color] @Victoriouschild baby is not wat it seems lik, I...I...I can explain... Dnt just do dis to me #Kneelin @Delight is not wat u tink na! Dere's always a reason 4 evrytin na! U shud at least allow me to tel u wat I wanted to tel u na Y u com do dis to me na!
28 Jan 2016 | 14:04
@Pemamezi na me u dey laugh abi?
28 Jan 2016 | 14:06
@sonshine wat did I do wrong? Its nt my fault dat u cnt introduce ur wife to us probably bcos u hv lots of dem.
28 Jan 2016 | 14:32
Chapter 5 Faith POV The rays of Sun light that slipped past my curtains woke me up. I looked at my clock, only an hour til training. Today, anyone who wants to fight me is going to get put down hard. I done taking it easy on them bastards. The naive Faith is gone, last night took all hopes I have of been accepted and I done being ashamed of who I am. They dont like me, fuck them, I'm not going to hide in the shadows and hope I dont get challenged. God love the one who tries to piss me off today. I got out of my bed and walked towards my shower. I turned it on and stripped off. I washed away all reminders of last night. After twenty minutes I got out. I walked into my room to get my clothes for training. Normally I wear sweat pants and a tank top, I picked out black short shorts and a black sports bra, I might aswell give the girls something to really bitch about. I put on my black and white high tops. I dried my hair and put it into a fish braid. I walked down stairs to find my mom and dad in the kitchen. I know by their faces they know what happened last night. "Dont look so worried, I'm okay" I said. "Are you sure you seem a little different, a good different" my mom said looking at me and then smiled. "What?, what's different" my dad asked looking at my moms smiling face. "She is done taking shit and letting those little fuckers walk all over her" Mom said and dad looked at me proud. "I dont know why I let them do it for so long, I have acted weak when I'm anything but weak, I'm not holding back anymore, I will give them a reason to fear me, my mate called me a thing, a monstrosity, as if I'm so different from anyone else, the only difference is I'm stronger" I said. " I knew you had your mothers fiery temper and strength, you just needed to accept who you are and embrace it. Use it and make sure none of them fuck with you again, they haven't seen your full strength or powers how about you give them a sample today" my dad said. "They are in for a shock today, I better get to training" I said. "Okay honey, but come back straight after I have a few things to tell you and someone for you to meet" my mom said. "Okay, see you soon" I said leaving. Mabey she is ready to tell me about the council meeting. I walked towards the training ground with my head held high. When I got closer, I heard everyone start to whisper, by the sounds of it they all heard about last night. Seb isn't the only one with relations in that pack. But what they dont realise I rejected that asshole not the other way around. Seb and Alex turned to face me. They are looking at me like I'm fragile and I'm going to break any minutes from all the whispering. I would have yesterday but not today. "Oh look everyone, her mate didn't want her so she thinks dressing like that she can get someone else" the pack slut Katie said. I looked at her with a smirk, "We all dont think about who our next fuck will be and for your information I rejected him" I said staring at her, she looks shocked that I actually spoke back. "At least I can get some" she said. "Anyone can get some when they keep their legs open with an open invitation to any takers, its not something to be proud of, being the pack slut" I said, my smirk grew when she started to go red. "Your just a nasty mix of everything, know one wants" she said smirking. "And you think I give a fuck, the ones that do want me around you can't even get close to and you know why, the alpha and beta wouldn't lower themselves to sleep with something as nasty as you" I said. That did it, she shifted and came charging at me. I laughed at the size of her wolf, she is barely bigger than a pup. I watched her come forward and build the energy from one of my powers into my hand. I clenched it shut, she is inches from my face, I pull back and punch her hard into her mussel, I could hear her bones break as her body went flying across the training field til she landed hard on the ground in a heap. She wasnt moving, I completely knocked her out. I looked at the others shocked faces, some of the boys look pissed, they won't be getting any use out of her for awhile with a broken jaw. "Anyone else want to try and attack me, do it now, you won't get another chance to and survive it" I said, looking at every single one of them with my hand open ready for someone to take up my offer. Seb and Alex look shocked but I can see they are proud I'm not taking shit anymore. "I will fight you and end you once and for all, you think kicking Katie's ass makes you strong, she is the weakest member. I will show you what a real fight is" Kaidyn the pack warrior said stepping out from the group as everyone cheered. "We'll see" I said staring him down. He shifted into a dark brown wolf a little smaller than Alex. I rolled my neck and shoulders. He won't get close to even beating me, he isn't strong enough, I have a few powers none of them know about. I embraced all my powers and strength, I'm not holding back on this one. He circled me, I didn't move to follow him, his footsteps are easy to hear so I will know when he lunges for me. I heard his movements slow before he made his move and lunges at me. I dropped to the ground as he moved over my head. I got to my feet and watched him. He made a kill move, aiming for my throat. Now he is really pissing me off, I can hear Seb and Alex growl. That move is never to made during training, if he lands its right, I would be dead. If he want to play dirty then bring it on. I created a ball of energy and swung him hard towards him, I watched it connect and sent him flying backwards. I tightened my hold on the energy I hit him with. I held him mid air, tightened it, if I kept going I could crush every bone in his body slowly and painfully. But I'm not done with him yet. I raised him higher and slammed him so hard into the ground it cracked. I walked towards him, I placed my hand around his neck and let my gift take over. I stepped away from him. "Get up, you want to fight in wolf form, I think its only fair if I fight in wolf form too dont you think" I said. I used my power to make my body shift. A couple of seconds later I am standing on all fours. I looked towards Kaidyn to see him looking shocked and scared. My wolf is larger than him, I can hear everyone around us gasp and curse. They haven't seen my powers in action before. I circled Kaidyn wolf, staring him down, I can tell he is fighting not to submit to a more powerful wolf. He lunged once again for my neck. I released a vicious growl, warning him he has gone to far. I let him close before I turned around and kicked him hard into the mussel with my back legs. He fell to the ground whimpering before he got to his feet. I watched him and made my move. I ran towards him faster than any wolf has ever moved before and jumped on his back, clamping my jaws around the back of his neck. I'm going to make him submit to me. He started to buck, but my hold on his neck is too strong. I clamped down harder til he whimpered in submission. I released him neck and watched him shift to human form. I let my power release his energy and I shifted back. I walked towards him and punched him straight into his face, knocking him to the floor. I grabbed his hair and made him face me. "You try a kill move on me again, I will make sure my energy crushed your every bone in you body and I will make it more painful than anything you have ever experienced before" I said, I let go of his hair and shoved him to the ground and stepped over him. I looked at all the others faces, they look shocked and scared . So they should be, I let them away with their shit for far too long. "Anyone else want a try?" I asked. No one even looked at me and put their heads down. "I thought as much, you want to keep fighting me and it will only get worse, I am done with your petty shit, grow the fuck up" I said. "Eh Faith, since when can you shift into a wolf bigger than me" Seb asked looking dumbfounded. "I can't really, I have a couple of powers you have only seen now, I'm kinetic, I can manipulate energy and use it, that's what sent Kaidyn flying into the air and been held there. The last one I haven't got full control over yet, I can pull power from others at a touch, whatever their power or specie, I can change into like a wolf with Kaidyn. I can't hold the power for long or keep it, that's what I have to work on" I said. "Okay, you can touch anyone and replicate their powers and use it against them, like Kaidyn's power is being a warrior wolf so you turned into that, but a hell of a lot bigger" Seb said. "Pretty much, I think for me to keep it I have to pull their power completely from their body, depending on how strong they are I could leave them completely human or dead" I said. "That is fucking deadly" Alex said. "You may shift into a wolf more often and come for a run with us Faith, the feeling of freedom when we run is the perfect stress release" Seb said. "Once I can hold it long enough you won't be able to stop me coming" I said. "What do you want to do about Kaidyn, he made the kill move twice toward you so you get to decide his punishment" Alex said. "I think making him submit and getting his ass kicked is enough for now but if he tries it again I will leave him in you pack hospital" I said. "I'm glad the fighter in you has come out Faith, you are so much stronger that we all thought" Seb said  Continue Reading
28 Jan 2016 | 15:20
new epi guyz... Hells angel General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
28 Jan 2016 | 15:28
[b] yaaaqa...she rocked it real badt :mrgreen: [/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 16:04
Wow! Now she is ready. Kick der ass babe, weak things yet proud of nonsense
28 Jan 2016 | 16:23
[b]@PEmamezi_darkest™, Yeah u re really tryinq...abeq, dnt relent.[/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 16:35
clap for you faith...
28 Jan 2016 | 16:39
[b]@PEmamezi_darkest™, I'll continue readinq dis stori only if u aqree 2 feed me wt more episodes. 9ice job![/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 17:05
[b]@PEmamezi_darkest™, I'll continue reading dis stori only if u aqree 2 feed me wt more episodes. 9ice job![/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 17:07
[b]Faith the strongest[/b] [b]Lucas is such a loser[/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 17:34
[b]you guys are funny am jst loughin out loud seeing u guys chat gays nd none gays :) :) @pemamezi my boy u are doing a good job here kip it up am solimly behind u....[/b]
28 Jan 2016 | 20:30
Following bumper to bumper
28 Jan 2016 | 23:08
This story is superb. Ma boi bring mu @Pemamezi
29 Jan 2016 | 01:17
@Delight wat prompted dat qustn sef?
29 Jan 2016 | 01:24
Faith d strongest
29 Jan 2016 | 01:56
@sonshine nd @frankkay .... TFO... C deir mouth lyk boy...
29 Jan 2016 | 02:53
I love the new Faith @sonshine go back to your wife Sofia am done with you let me go and look for a new hubby
29 Jan 2016 | 03:13
U dis @victoriouschild, u change hubby lik undies, haba! @sonshine I wnted 2 knw ur wifey, dats all
29 Jan 2016 | 05:34
@Victoriouschild ok help me find anoda wife if u dnt wan 2 marry me again. - - - @Delight I hop u knw wat ur `want' as cost me now? U too fit help me find anoda wife
29 Jan 2016 | 06:17
@sonshine u nd @victoriouschild ar jst perfect 4 each oda. U knw y? I will tell u later wen I wake up, am currently sleeping
29 Jan 2016 | 06:25
Lol @Delight I'm eager 2 knw wat u wan 2 tel me so try wake up quickly #Yawnin
29 Jan 2016 | 06:42
@sonshine go back to your else Sofia @delight It not my fault that I change hubby the thing is all my hubbies are cheats and womanizers and delight please wake up early o am eager to hear what you want to say
29 Jan 2016 | 06:50
@Victoriouschild wat's ur own self wit Sofia? evrytim u r mentionin her... Mitcheeee...w
29 Jan 2016 | 06:57
@sonshine you are still in love with her that's what's my own wait of minute Sonshine did you just hiss on me ?
29 Jan 2016 | 07:07
Lmao... Husband nd wife wahala, mtcheeew. Am glad @invincible is nt lik dis jare, if he try messing up anyday, I quit. @sonshine et @victoriouschild take ur marital affairs outta here pls *straight face* hubby dat cnt stay wt one woman nd wifey dat cnt stay wt one man, wat a perfect match.
29 Jan 2016 | 08:23
@Victoriouschild No I pee on you #Yawnin
29 Jan 2016 | 08:24
Wooaaah... Faith rocks
29 Jan 2016 | 08:24
@delight Na you cause this problem between me and my hubby @sonshine now o
29 Jan 2016 | 08:36
Chapter 6 Faith POV I turned around to head home when I found my mom and dad, standing with hottest man I have ever seen. He has deep green eyes, the darkest black hair I have even seen. It shaved at the side and spiked at the top. He has strong features will full lips and some stubble like he hasn't shaved this morning. He is about six ft three. He has wide strong shoulders and muscley arms. He is wearing a tight black t shirt showing off a toned stomach. I can see a bit of a tattoo coming from his back and onto his chest. He has black combat trousers on and combat boots. He looks about twenty-five and all man, not a boy. I can feel my mouth water as I look at him. I looked at his face and made eyes contact with him. My heart started to thump furiously in my chest. I heard a cough and I tore my eyes from him reluctantly, to face my mother who is trying to hold in a laugh. I can feel my cheeks blush slightly. I can still feel his heated stare on me. I could feel my body start to heat up wherever his eyes landed. The urge to go and wrap myself around him is something that shocked me. "Faith this is Darren, the council sent him to help you train with your powers, I will explain the rest to you at home" mom said still smiling. Dad and Darren walked ahead of us and mom walked beside me. "Is this about the meeting you went to?" I asked. "It is, I just wanted you to enjoy your birthday first before I told you everything" she said. "Okay, so your going to tell me everything" I asked. "We are, Darren is one of the first demon and vampire hybrid. His mother left the guardians to be with him. They hid away with him until they heard the truth came out and the commander was dead. He is meant to be one of the best trainers" she said smiling. "Okay spill, what has you so happy" I asked. "Oh nothing, you won't figure out yourself" she said. We walked back to our home in silence, my mom's smile never leaving her face. We walked into the kitchen to find dad and Darren talking. They stopped when we entered. I had to fight myself not to look at Darren, I knew I wouldn't be able to pull my eyes away from him if I did. I sat down opposite my dad. "The meeting we went to we found out the group of guardians and vampires are planning to attack us. They still believe that demons are evil and that I'm evil too. Unfortunately their leader is my mother, who has completely lost her fucking mind. Me rejecting her apology and her mates death took its toll on her sanity and now she want to kill anyone and everyone I love, that includes you Faith" mom said. "So my grandmother is the leader, has she lost all common sense, she won't survive, I won't stand back and let her hurt you or dad, I'm fighting with you's" I said. "There is one more thing, they have Lucifer on their side aswell, encouraging them, he doesn't care about this fight he just wants to get his soul back and then his throne, I'm not strong enough to kill him if he does get his soul back" mom said. "But I am, if he does get his soul I could use my power if I can't get more control over it and use it properly. I could pull him power from him and leave him human or dead. Either way he won't be a problem anymore" I said. "Its not that simple sweetheart, if he gets his throne back and you win against him you have to take his throne and rule over hell" she said. Okay that makes it less simple. I dont want to be stuck there, ruling over others and not been able to see my family. This is alot to take in. I'm the only one strong enough to do it. If this is what I have to do to keep my family safe, then I will do it. "Okay, if that happens I will deal with it then. Hopefully I can kill him before he reclaims his soul" I said looking at the heartbreak behind my parents eyes. "I will protect you with everything I have Faith, I will do everything I can to make sure your dont have to take the throne" my mom said and I believed her, I know she will give everything she has got to protect me. "We will both do everything we can to protect you, your not alone in this honey" my dad said with conviction. "I am going to project my fight with him to you, so you can see his power but also know his face, he will try to seduce Faith" mom said. Before I could say I wouldn't let him seduce me, I am watching my mom fight him. I can see now, he is perfect, if I didn't know he was Lucifer and evil, I dont think I would of been able to fight him if he tried to seduce me. I saw my mom fight with everything she has, I gasped when I saw the brick fall down around her and trap her. He is powerful but so am I. I saw how she took his soul and encased it. Its with the archangel now. He is going to need my mother to call it back, so that means he is going to go for what leverage him can get and use it against her. He will try and go for me. But that will be his biggest mistake. "He is going to need you to call his soul back" I said to mom. "Yes, so he will go for you or your father to use against me" she said. "Your mother and I discussed this, if he has me your mom is not to call his soul back, she will only call it back if he has you" dad said. "We dont need to talk about that because he isn't going to get one of us, he is weaker now, he is in our world now, not his own" I said strongly. "That is where Darren comes in, he is going to help you with your power, but we already saw today you have more control over it, you shifted into a big ass wolf" she said proudly. "He pissed me off, he made to kill moves on me" I said. "He what, I am going to fucking rip his head off, I will show him my own kill move" mom said jumping to her feet so quickly and moved so fast she was already out the door before we knew what was happening. "Shit, she will kill him this time. I'm going to need you two to help hold her back" dad said getting to his feet and heading towards the door. I followed dad running and I could sense Darren behind me. Dam that woman can move fast. Shit, she has him. She landed a hard punch to his jaw using her energy aswell. He was sent flying across the field. Everyone stood there speechless, the ones my age have never seen my mom completely pissed off like she is now. Her energy is rippling around her whipping all over the place. Liam and Jake went running towards her to calm her down along with dad. I could hear her shout at Kaidyn, "You try a kill move on my daughter again I swear to god I will rip your soul from your body and sent you to the darkest pit in hell, you got it" she said. Liam and Jake calmed her down but it was their turn to have a go, "You do not use kill moves in training, your lucky it was up to Faith to decide your punishment because if it was mine, I would have you stripped of your warrior title and banished from the pack, if you do it again that's exactly what will happen" Liam roared. He turned around to face all the pack, "Seb and Alex have spoken to all of you about your behaviour towards Faith, now I'm going to. Enough is enough, we have a battle coming and we need to work together. Faith is the one strong enough to protect us all. What is with you? you can accept wolf and guardian hybrids, vampire and guardian. even demon hybrids, but because Faith has three you judge her like some kind of monster. Get over yourselves, you are know better than anyone else. From now on, if I so much as see or hear any of you talking to her in the disgusting manner you have, you will have me and Jake to answer to along with Ariel. If you attack her and try a kill move on her I will not stop Ariel pulling your soul from you and landing you in hell, have you got it?" Liam shouted. I watched as everyone bowed their heads to him, know one even attempted to open their mouths. "Good, your dismissed" Liam said. Mom walked back to me and gave me a sheepish smile, "Sorry Faith, but they went to far this time" mom said. "Its okay mom, it has gone on too long" I said slightly embarrassed that Darren is here to witness this moment. Now he know's he is training someone that not even a pack that I grew up with can't accept her. I didn't look at him, I didn't want to see him show the same reactions everyone else has. "I'm just going to go for a walk, I will be back soon okay" I said to mom. "Okay sweetheart, if you need me you know where I am, I love you baby girl" mom said. "Love you too" I said and went walking in the direction of the woods. I just want a hole in the ground to open up and swallow me. I wouldn't have cared any other day. I feel like a child that everyone needs to protect. I fought back today, at least he saw that. But seeing what had to be done after, the mortification of it. I stayed walking til I got to the small lake hidden deep in the woods. I took off my runners and sat down on the little wooden plank and dipped my feet into the water. Swaying them back and forth. How did I end up been everyones enemy. The thoughts of ruling hell doesn't seem so bad now, I wouldn't have to deal with this shit on a daily basis.  Continue Reading
29 Jan 2016 | 08:54
new epi guyz... Hell's angel epi 6 General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
29 Jan 2016 | 08:57
Hmmm..i really feel pity for u faith..y are they rejecting there saviour?
29 Jan 2016 | 09:38
Ruling in hell gosh
29 Jan 2016 | 10:31
I feel your pains Faith
29 Jan 2016 | 10:59
hmm feelin it
29 Jan 2016 | 12:10
Ruling hell is unacceptable. I feel ur pains @faith @victoriouschild I didn't do anytin o, I only asked a question.
29 Jan 2016 | 13:09
As interestin as eva Boi u r tryin
29 Jan 2016 | 16:50
@Delight wat did u wan 2 tel me or r u stil sleepin?
30 Jan 2016 | 03:36
@sonshine I won't tell u again. Jst settle wt ur wifey
30 Jan 2016 | 05:48
@Delight y hav u change ur mind na, I hope she hasn't bribe u not 2 tel me?
30 Jan 2016 | 08:41
[b]Gush! Dis idea of Faith "rullinq hell" after d war I dnt lik it @all cos d throne n evn d ppl miqht end corruptinq her.[/b]
31 Jan 2016 | 06:05
@pemamezi r u qoin tu uodate tuday?
31 Jan 2016 | 07:46
Chapter 7 My feet swayed back and forth in the cold water. How am I going to face Darren again, I'm beyond embarrassed. The pack sluts are probaly all over him by now. That thought alone sent jealousy ripping through my veins. I dont want them touching Darren and tainting him. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard twigs snap under someone feet. Knowing mom she has probaly has come to check on me and see if I'm okay. I didn't bother turning around. I was startled when I heard a masculine voice speak, "Are you okay Faith? , I turned slowly to find the owner of the voice on his hunkers beside me, its Darren. "Yeah, I'm okay" I lied, I didn't want him to know I'm embarrassed that he saw my downfall. "Faith you dont have to lie to me, I'm here to help you" he said, with his gorgeous eyes focusing on mine. The only thoughts in my head at that moment is what his lips would feel like on mine. "Your here to help me train Darren, not fix the problems I have" I said. "I can try help with those too Faith" he said, moving to sit beside me. Just having him sit this close to me is torture, all I want to do is close the space between us and feel his body pressed to mine. "I wish, there isn't enough time in the world to fix those problems Darren, but I'm over it now" I said. He moved his body closer to mine and I could feel my body heat up with him been so close. He really is gorgeous, I could get lost in his green eyes for hours. "They aren't worth your time Faith, you are so much better than them, they only fear you because you are stronger than them and the girls, that's just jealousy because you are so beautiful, its hard not to be captivated by you" he said with a husky voice. I didn't answer because I didn't know what to say, he knows what I am and still thinks I'm beautiful. I just looked at him taking in every detail of his face. I have to fight myself not to reach out and caress his face with my hand. I can feel a strong pull to him, my body is screaming at me to touch him and make him mine. I was so lost in thought, I didn't realise he has moved his face closer to mine. My heart started to thump wildly in my chest. His lips are inches from mine. But before they came close enough he pulled back. I couldn't help but feel disappointment wash through me, my body felt cold with the distance between us. "Are you ready to come back to your house" he asked "Yeah, I am" I replied, pulling my feet from the water and shaking the wet from them. I stood up and put my hightops back on. I started walking towards home with Darren walking beside me. Something about been this close to him feels right. I didn't dare look in his direction. I would only end up tripping over something and making a bigger fool of myself. Finally my home started to appear through the trees. I walked in the front door with Darren following behind me. I walked into the kitchen to find Seb and Alex waiting for me along with my parents. Seb immediately walked towards me and wrapped me in his arms, picking me up and squeezing me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugging him back. This is exactly what I needed. Seb kissed my forehead and put me down only to be wrapped in Alex's arms. "You okay baby girl?" he asked. "I am now" I said into his neck. This was all I needed a pick me up from my boys. "Alex, Seb, this is my trainer from the council Darren" I said introducing them. Darren shook both of their hands. "You will have a job training Faith, she takes it easy on us and were hard set to keep up with her" Seb said. "Sounds like I will have my hands full especially after seeing her in action, fighting one of your warriors during training" Darren said, smiling at me. "That was coolest thing I have ever seen, Faith shifting into a wolf bigger than an alpha's wolf" Alex said proudly. "Its quite a gift you have Faith" Darren said. "It will be once I can control it properly" I said. "Right baby girl we better head back to the pack house, we will try get back to you later if not we will see you in the morning" Alex said, kissing my forehead before he left with Seb doing the same. "You have good friends with them two boys" Darren said, looking into my eyes. "Yeah I do, their my world" I said honestly. I saw something flash in Darren's eyes before it disappeared. "Okay, I'm going to get a shower and cleaned up" I said. "Okay honey, see you in a little while, when your finished Darren can go over your training routine with you" mom said. I nodded and went to my room. I stripped off my training clothes and walked into my bathroom. I turned on my shower to the hottest I can take. I stepped in and let the water pour down my body, relaxing my muscles. I still can get Darren's lips out of my head and how close I came to getting to feel what they would be like on mine. Why can't I get him out of my head when I haven't given my mate from last night a seconds thought since the moment I saw Darren. I dont know how I'm going to concentrate on training with him when I know all I will be thinking is what it would be like to kiss him and feel his body pressed to mine. I stayed longer in the shower trying to get those thoughts from my mind. I haven't got a hope. I turned the shower off and dried myself off. I put on black sweatpants, a black tank top and my hightops. I sat in front of my mirror and started drying my hair. I straightened it when I was done and left it down. I put a thin line of liquid eyeliner on and some mascara. I put a lightly tinted red lip gloss on. I checked myself over in the mirror. I couldnt get dressed up my mom would spot straight away what im at so all I can really do is put a bit of makeup on and leave my hair down. I walked downstairs and into the lounge where I heard voices. Mom, dad and Darren are sitting around talking, but they stopped when I entered the room. This isn't awkward at all. "Your dad and me are just heading over to the pack house to go over their training plans, we will leave you and Darren to go over your training plan" mom said with a beaming smile and wink. "Okay" I said eyeing them suspiciously as they left the room. I turned to face Darren and found his eyes roaming my body. He stopped when I caught him. But lust still lingered in his eyes. I walked towards him, his eyes never leaving me, I sat down in front of him and looked into his dark green eyes. "So you have a training plan to go over" I asked, keeping eye contact. "Yeah, em, yeah I have a plan set out for what we have to work on" he said. "Okay, so what's first?" I asked. "This, I'm sorry Faith, I can't hold it back any longer" he said in a husky voice. I looked at him confused, what is he on about. Before I could ask him, he leaned forward and grabbed my waist, lifting me onto his lap so I am facing him. I looked into his eyes and saw again the flash I saw before, this time he didn't hide it, lust and love is clear in his eyes. I couldnt think clearly, but I didn't need to. He put his hands on my either side of my face and slowly pulled my face to his, placing his forehead to mine and whispered, "Your mine" before he took my lips with his gently. Electricity exploded inside me, moving to every part of my body. His lips are so soft and sweet, moving gently over mine. I was shocked at first, but it didn't last long. I moved my lips with his and placed my hands on his strong chest as he moved his hands from my face and moved them slowly down my body to my waist. He gripped my waist pulling me tighter to his body. Every where his hands touched left a trails of sparks. Our kiss was slow at first, but it got more heated. I ran my hands from his chest up to his neck, I put one hand on the side of his neck and my other hand I ran into his hair and gently tugged on it. I felt heat and sparks flood to my core when he released the sexiest moan, I have ever heard and gripped me tighter. I let my own moan escape when his hard bulge pressed against my core. He smirked and gently bite my bottom lips with his teeth and sucked on it. My heart feel like its ready to burst from my chest its beating that fast. I know now why I feel pull towards him, he is my other half and my beloved, in one. What makes this moment perfect is he is showing me he accepts me as his other half. He want me, even knowing what and who I am. We broke our kiss to catch our breath. "Do you accept me Faith" he asked, his green eyes looking into mine. "Yes I do, do you accept me" I asked. "How could I not, you are everything and more than I could ever have imagined my other half to be" he said. I smiled and took his lips in mine again, I can't believe he is mine I will never be able to get enough of him.  Continue Reading
31 Jan 2016 | 07:54
Chapter 8 "Come on Faith, stop holding back, your not going to kill me" Darren said. "You can be sure of that" I teased. Darren came running towards me, delivering multiple combo' s of punches and kicks. I blocked each one effortlessly, he is stronger than Seb but still not strong enough to take me down. If he wants me to stop holding back then that's exactly he will get. I blocked his last punch and hit him with my own punch into. if center of his chest, sending him staggering backwards. He smiled and moved quickly towards me and tried to land a butterfly kick but I saw it coming and moved behind him faster than he expected and landed my own kick into his back sending him flying face first towards the ground. He stopped himself and did a flip, facing me once again. He is so hot right now. He used my moment of distraction and tackled me to the ground, pinning me down by putting his full weight on top of me. I smirked and flipped us over, he is now pinned down underneath me. He sat up and took my face in his hands and kissed me. Our lips started to heat up and Darren flipped us again so he is the one of top. I ran my fingers through his hair tugging on it as he ran his free hand slowly down the side of my body, leaving a trail of sparks and electricity behind everywhere he touched. He has been here a week already and our bond is getting stronger. My parent's already knew who Darren was to me, my mom heard his thoughts straight away and knew he would do anything to be with me and protect me. Alex and Seb were delighted for me, even more so that he accepted me straight away knowing who I am and what other people think. The pack hasn't so much as looked at me wrong, I think the combination of seeing my powers and full strength along with the threat of my mom ripping their souls out and delivering them to the worst place in hell has finally stopped them from trying to attack me any chance they get. I saw the fear in Kaidyn and the other boys eyes when they saw my other half is Darren and the best trainer that the council has. Some have even asked him for tips after Darren helped train them a couple of mornings and handed their asses to them on a plate, they have even watched Darren and me training without any smartass comments or attacks at what I am. The warrior's even seemed impressed for the first time since they saw how strong I was. It's like everything is finally falling into place, I have my other half and I can finally walk around without taking Shit from anyone, they don't even whisper nasty comment's when I walk past them. But I have seen the sluts try and gain his attention, dressing in less clothing than normal but Darren never even looked in their direction or acknowledged that they were even around. Seb told me that Lucas has tried to contact him a few times but Seb has ignored his attempts, he is still unbelievably pissed at him even though I have told him hundreds of times to make up with him, I don't want to be the reason their not talking, their family. I heard a cough and Darren and me froze, stopping our kiss and looking at the owner of the cough. Thank god it was only Seb and not one of my parents. "Hey Seb, are you okay?" I asked starting to blush as he stood there trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm okay, you two seem quite busy, I just want to warn you the guy's on patrol said Lucas has turned up and wants to talk to me and possibly you, but don't think you have to do it, if he so much as looks at you wrong I will personally throw him out of here" Seb said honestly. "Talk to him, I don't have anything to say or talk to him, so he won't be seeing me" I said truthfully, I don't want to see him or speak to him, he is nothing to me. "I will see what he has to say first and that he is genuinely sorry for that Shit he did, don't worry I will tell him you want nothing to do with him" Seb said smiling. "Thanks Seb " I said smiling. "Okay I will see you too later, I will let you get back to training" he said laughing, making me blush more. I turned to face Darren, worried that he will think I want that moron. He didn't look worried though thankfully. "I know he doesn't mean anything to you, I would feel it through our bond if you did" Darren explained. I smiled at him and did what Seb suggest and got back to training, I took Darren's lips with mine and showed him exactly how I feel for him. After a while we got our stuff and walked back toward home, hand in hand. When we got closer I could see Seb trying to drag someone away from my home. I walked towards him quicker to see what's going on. My eyes narrowed when I saw the person Seb was dragging away is Lucas. I could feel Darren's hand squeezing mine. "Sorry Faith, he wouldn't get it into his head that you don't want to see him, don't worry he is leaving now Joe he won't be returning" Seb said shaking with anger. "So what he said is true, you don't want anything to do with me, who is this guy your holding hands with" Lucas asked. "Not that is any of your business, this is Darren, my other half, my beloved or in term's you will understand he is my mate" I said looking at him coldly. "He can't be Your mate, I am, you don't get two" he said shocked. "Actually I do" I said glaring at him. "But your mine, know one else is suppose to touch you" he said shaking now. "I stopped been your's the moment I rejected you, if I can remember correctly you called me a monstrosity" I said glaring at him. "But your still mine, I came here to apologise and your already with someone else, I was definitely wrong about you, you are a slut" he spat. Before I could even register what he just called me, Darren had already moved and punched his so hard he was sent flying backwards. Lucas shifted into his large brown wolf and started running at Darren. But Darren didn't even move he stood his ground til Lucas was close enough and then moved wrapping his arms around Lucas' s neck, he swung him around and slammed him hard into a tree, breaking it. Lucas lay on the ground whimpering, he has to have a few broken ribs from that impact. I looked at Seb who was glaring in Lucas' s direction. Darren walked towards Lucas and grabbed the hair on the scruff of his neck, making him face him, "If you ever speak to Faith like that again, I will kill you, you fucked up not her, so stay the fuck away from her" Darren said with anger lacing him voice. He let go off Lucas and walked back towards me, "Are you okay Faith?" Darren asked. "Yeah I'm fine, he is just an asshole" I said looking at Darren. "Your not wrong there Faith, don't worry about him, he will never step foot on my land again" Seb said shaking. "It's okay Seb, don't worry about it" I told him. "Faith you are my family and know one talks to my family like that and you are definitely not a slut" Seb said still with his eyes fixed on Lucas. I watched Seb walk towards Lucas as Lucas shifted back to human form with a few nasty bruises. Seb grabbed him by the back of his neck and dragged him away from us. "I'm sorry Faith, I will come back and check on you in a little while" Seb told me. I watched the two of them disappear and felt Darren take my hand and kiss it. I smiled at him and finished walking the short distance to my house. I am really starting to fall hard for him, he is everything I could want and more.  Continue Reading
31 Jan 2016 | 07:57
new epi guyz... Hells angel epi 7 nd 8... General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
31 Jan 2016 | 08:01
31 Jan 2016 | 08:45
[b] finally ni tru true...darren+faith=stronqest child....ride on boyy @pemamezi :mrgreen: [/b]
31 Jan 2016 | 09:27
Ride on bro.
31 Jan 2016 | 11:06
Nice one.....she wolves nd he wolves lolz.....pls ride on.
31 Jan 2016 | 12:10
Am happy for u faith
31 Jan 2016 | 13:18
I said it, Lucas is jst like Marcus. Stupid things
31 Jan 2016 | 13:35
Am so so happy that you find your mate Faith
31 Jan 2016 | 15:55
Lucas u r a big time loser
31 Jan 2016 | 17:23
I said it! Lucas is such a loser. Glad u found ur other half
31 Jan 2016 | 18:12
weldone job bros mi keep it rolling ... I dey ur back nd DAT mean no shaking :)
1 Feb 2016 | 03:21
@frankkay na now u dy act like ma boy... Keep it up.. I fit buy you sweet one day.. *Tongues out* :mrgreen:
1 Feb 2016 | 08:28
2 Feb 2016 | 10:34
Chapter 9 Warning X rated scenes Walking through my front door, I knew know one was home. I turned around and faced Darren. I brought my lips to his, kissing him gently. He pulled my body closer to his and he turned us so he had me against the door with his hands at either side of my head. Our kiss turned heated as he grabbed my ass and picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started walking us up the stairs without breaking our kiss or missing a step. He pushed opened my door and kicked it closed. He gently laid me down on the bed and used his elbows to keep his full weight off of me and he lay between my legs. He placed his hand on the side of my face and kissed me passionately making my head dizzy and electricity flowed straight to my core. I have wanted him the second I saw him, each day our bond has become stronger making it harder to fight the pull and lust I feel for him. I don't want to fight it anymore. He broke our kiss and looked at me, "Are you sure your ready, we can wait" he said with a husky voice. "I'm ready" I smiled. He brought his lips back to mine, kissing me gently. His ran his hands along my sides leaving trails of sparks along my bare skin. Every touch make more heat travel to my core. He broke our kiss and flipped us so I'm sitting on top of him. He sat up facing me as he ran his hands up my sides and slowly pulled my sports bra off. I got the end of his t shirt and pulled it off him. His body is perfect, sexy celtic tattoos covered his back and some of his chest. His arm's and chest are stronged with the right amount of muscle and a rock hard six pack. He has a nice amount of chest hair and a trail of hair coming from his belly button down. He turned me over again, taking off my Hightops and started to pull my sweatpants down slowly leaving me only in my lace french knickers. I could see his eyes darken with lust as he took in every inch of my body. He kicked off his runners and took off his tracksuit. Leaving him in tight black boxers showing his impressive size. He moved on top of me again, this time leaving a trail of kisses from my belly button toward my breasts slowly. He took my breast into his hand gently caressing it as he took my nipple into his mouth, gently sucking on it. He moved his mouth my breast and trailed kisses up my neck and took my lips with his again. He moved his hands down my waist and towards my underwear, taking it off, along with his boxers. His hand moved up my thigh and towards my core as he gently rubbed my bud with his thumb. My body started to heat up and pleasure started to build making my skin tingle. Just as the pleasure is building he pulled his thumb away, breaking our kiss as he looked at me once more making sure this is what I want. I nodded and his lips came to mine again as he positioned his length at my entrance. He pushed his length in slowly and stopping each time to let me adjust. He pushed his whole length in and then started to move in and out slowly. The pain started to fade with each stroke and I could feel pleasure start to build again. He moved us so I was sitting on top of him . He held my waist moving me up and down slowly til I got the rhythm and moved up and down slowly, teasing him. I started to build the pace when Darren let out a sexy moan as he gripped my waist tightly. He sat up and moved my legs so they wrapped him. His lips crashed to mine, Deeping our kiss. He put one hand on the middle of my back and one on my ass, pulling me towards him as he built the pace, moving in and out as the feeling of pleasure started to build quickly. I gripped his back and buried my face in his shoulder as he went faster and faster til I moaned out his name as I released. A few more stroke and Darren gripped my back as he released a moan. Darren lay back and brought me with him. We both lay in each others arm's breathing heavily and panting. "I love you Faith" he said as he looked into my eyes while he played with my hair making my already thumping heart speed up. "I love you too" I told him and watched him smile before he gently kissed my lips. We lay in each other's arm's savouring this moment. I could feel our bond already strengthened. I feel complete, like I finally have my missing piece. I can feel what he is feeling now. The same feeling as I'm having, feeling complete and loved.  Continue Reading
2 Feb 2016 | 11:35
Chapter 10 Training with Darren, my fighting skills have really improved. I'm not afraid to use my full strength on him anymore. I have kicked his ass in every training session's, thank god it doesn't bother him that his other half is stronger. Today were trying to work on my gift again. I have to get control over my gift. So mom and Seb are going to help again. Walking hand in hand with Darren towards the training field with him, I have never felt so complete and happy. Since we mated a couple of week's ago, our bond has grown stronger. Mom and dad know we have completed our bond, but they haven't said anything, they just hugged me and smiled. When we got to the training field mom, Seb and dad were there waiting for us, hopefully this time I can get my power to work, we have tried a couple of times but I haven't been able to keep their power's, this time I'm going to try pull more from them and see what happens. "You ready to practice for this hun?" Mom asked, knowing after last time, I felt like such a failure. "Yeah, I need to get control of it, their army is getting closer everyday. My power is our advantage, we can't win against lucifer if I don't get control over it. I can temporarily replicate it like before but I need to learn how much I can pull without killing the person" I told them. "We have enough time hopefully, so you can get to the level we need, if not were both strong enough, we take him on together and win" she tried to reassure me. "Let's get started, I will try it on Seb first because I can already replicate his power and see how long I can hold it for " I said. I walked towards Seb and put my hands on his face and focused on replicating his power. I could feel it flow into to me, I held on for a little longer than usual but pulled away before I hurt him. I looked at him and he seems okay just a little pale. But he smiled at me and winked letting me know he is okay. I walked a little bit away from them and focused on the power I replicated. After a few minutes I shifted into a wolf. "It is scary how big you are as a wolf, but I can help but admire your wolf, she is beautiful, with a colour I have never seen on a wolf before, your fur is silver and at the end it's blends into black like your wings" Seb said. Normally once I replicate a power I can only use it once. I shifted back to human form for a few minute's before I tried shifting again. I could feel myself shift into a wolf again but it didn't last for long after a few minutes his power I replicated is started to go shifting back faster than any wolf should, I screamed from how painfully it is to come back to my human form, I feel like I have broken every single bone in my body. I lay on the ground, trying to breath through the pain as my heart thumped rapidly in my chest. Darren ran towards me and dropped to his knee's and started rubbing my back. His touch helped and the pain started to leave. When it did completely, he pulled me onto his lap and kept me in his arm's for a few minute's. "Are you okay now, I could feel some of pain you went through, you're definitely not shifting into a wolf again til you can control it, it's too painful for you to try again" he said while rubbing my hair. I had to agree with him on that one, it is too painful to try again til I have control again. "Don't worry, I won't be trying that again til I have control" I agreed with him. "Are you okay Faith?" Seb asked as he kneeled down beside me looking worried. My parent's weren't to far behind him looking worried aswell. "Yeah I'm okay now, my power wore off and shifting back to human form felt like I broke every bone in my body" I told them. "That's what it is like for our first shift, but it would be more painful for you because your not a born werewolf like us" Seb explained. "You all go through that and the younger wolf's can't wait to shift, are they crazy? do they know that it' s fucking painful" I asked Seb. He started laughing. "Trust me they know, they have seen other's shift so they know what is coming and even after that they can't wait. Once the first shift is over it doesn't hurt anymore and the rush you feel from running in wolf form will make you forget any pain you felt" he said smiling. "Still it will be a good while before I shift again, I think trying mom might be less painful" I said smiling. I got up on my feet with Seb' s help and pulled Darren to his feet. Mom smiled and hugged me, cutting off my oxygen supply with how tight she squeeze me. "Okay mom, can't breath" I said slowly trying to catch my breath. "Oh, sorry baby" she smiled sheepishly. "It's okay, you ready for me to try your power's, I have my own flame silver and black flame, so it's your other's powers from being the angel of judgement and souls that I need to replicate" I said to her. "Okay baby, I'm ready when you are, keep going til I tap you to stop if I'm getting to weak okay" she said. I nodded and like with Seb, I placed my hands on her face and focused on replicating her power's, I could feel them flow into me. Mom' s powers feel so much stronger than Seb' s as the power pushed through my body, I didn't stop til I felt mom tap. Straight away I pulled my hands from her. "Are you okay mom, did I pull to much? I asked concerned. "I'm okay, just feeling a little weak, that will go in a few minute's, test out my power, you have my kinetic and flames to work with my power will extend into your sword when you call it, you can also read minds and project memories into someone's mind, make their worst fears come to life or bring the happiest moment come to like, along with being able to see into someone soul and what their judgement will be" she explained. "Okay, I think I will start with the kinetic and flames, who is willing to let me try it on them" I asked looking at them. "None of us, but I do know someone who will be more than willing to let you try it on them" he smirked with an evil grin. A few moment's later, Kaidyn arrived, I tried not to laugh. "You wanted me Alpha" he said looking at Seb before he looked around him to see who is here. "I do, Faith is training with her new powers and your going to help" Seb smirked as Kaidyn looked scared. "Okay Alpha, I will do what's needed to help" he said as he looked scared to death when my mother looked at him with a glare that would have anyone running scared. Since my mom nearly ripped his soul out, Kaidyn has actually been quite friendly and helped out in some of my training session's. "Where do you want me Faith?" he asked trying not to look at my mom as she kept her eyes on him. "Just a few meters down, I don't know if this will work or if it will hurt you, just have yourself prepared" I warned him. He smiled a small smile genuinely at me, nearly shocking me. When he stopped moving, I concentrated on the energy around me and started to pull it towards me slowly, I didn't pull too much, I actually don't want to hurt him, if it was one of the sluts, I would go full force. I released the energy sending it towards him. I watched as it hit him sending him flying back off his feet and into the Woods. He only stopped when he hit a tree breaking it in half. "Sorry Kaidyn, I only used a small amount" I shouted and looked at my mom who looks completely shocked. "I felt how much energy you pulled, you shouldn't of being able to send him that far with the small amount of energy, maybe because you're stronger, the energy is stronger aswell" she said thoughtfully. Kaidyn slowly got up and moved his body slowly making sure nothing is broke. He slowly started walking towards us. "I have to say, that is some power you have, it literally knocked the breath out of me" Kaidyn smiled. "You up for testing another" I smiled. "As long as you don't kill me, I don't mind you testing out your power's " he said honestly. He has really changed over a couple of week's, mom did more to him than we thought, she scared him enough for him to actually change his attitude. "Thanks Kaidyn, will you stand where you were standing before" I instructed. He moved back and stood in the same spot. I focused on releasing mom's flames, they came quickly through my body and into my hands. I looked at Kaidyn and thought of the flames wrapping a big circle around him so he won't get burnt. The flames surrounded him and is looked at them in awe. Like I saw in my mom's projection, I built the flames up, encasing him. I pulled them back and found a very sweaty looking Kaidyn from the heat of the flames. He walked towards us again and stopped in front of me. "Just a couple of more thing's to test but none of these are like the other ones, you just have to stand in front of me" I smiled. He nodded and sighed his relief at not being burned or sent flying into a tree. I stayed looking at him and focused on his thought's. After a couple of minutes I could hear them, "She is gorgeous, why the fuck was I such a dickhead to her, she is perfect, strong, beautiful and the most powerful warrior I have ever seen. Pity she isn't my mate, but I will take this type of training if it means she stands this close to me" I pulled back from his thought's, slightly embarrassed but glad that he isn't going to be a dickhead to me anymore. I focused back on Kaidyn even tough my cheeks are still slightly read. I could see images of his life flicker through my mind. He isn't a bad person, he has had such a rough life, beaten by his father for not being strong enough to win every fight he had in training. His father is dead now but that type of thinking is embedded in his mind. That's why he made the kill move towards me, he didnt want to be seen as a failure, even tough he knew he could never beat me when his own Alpha couldn't. His soul is pure because even with all of that he is still caring, he hasn't done anything other than kissing with the sluts because he is waiting to find his mate, hoping they will have all their first together. I nearly let an awe escape but I stopped myself. "Thanks Kaidyn, I have tested all the power's I need to, your safe for another while" I joked smiling. I couldn't stop myself, I hugged him, shocking him to the point he stiffened but soon relaxed and patted my back awkwardly even tough his thoughts were screaming for him to wrap his arm's around me. I let him go and smiled at him before he walked away. I stood there thinking about his memories, then it hit me, I shouldn't of been able to read his thought's again after I already have done. I looked back at mom, who obviously saw all his thoughts aswell because she looked at him with that motherly look, where she is wanting to look after him. I think he is definitely safe from having his soul ripped out and sent to hell. Wanting to see if my thought's were right I concentrated on pulled energy around me into a ball. I could feel it working as the energy came to me and I made a ball with it before I pulled the energy back. It worked, I replicated her power. I tried shifting again but nothing happened. Maybe I'm able replicated mom's because I'm her daughter or because I pulled more from her than I did with Seb. But I'm definitely not testing that theory today. I don't want to risk feeling that pain again today. "You still have my power's" Mom said looking delighted. "Yeah, I don't know if it's because you're my mom or I need to pull more from other's. I don't think I can pull to much on someone who isn't as strong as you. Seb looked pale after I pulled that small amount from him, I think I would kill him if I pulled from him as much as I pulled from you" I said thinking about Seb from earlier. "It doesn't matter how you did it baby, with you having my power's along with your own, you are strong enough to stop lucifer even if he gets his soul back" she said smiling. Darren walked towards me and stood behind me wrapping his arm's around me and kissing my cheek. Finally I have the power I need, I just need to practice more with them so i won't need to concentrate so hard if I want to use them. I want it to be as natural as my other power's.  Continue Reading
2 Feb 2016 | 11:42
new epi guyz... Hells angel epi 9 and 10 @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
2 Feb 2016 | 11:50
Ride on luv@pemamezi,'winks'
2 Feb 2016 | 12:15
My junior wife@victoriouschild,am missing u
2 Feb 2016 | 12:20
Goodluck with all dat swt
2 Feb 2016 | 12:27
Seriously if by d slightest mistake faith turns bad. She is going to become a destroying machine cos notin will match up against her
2 Feb 2016 | 12:51
@Pemamezi if I wouze u ehn na me u dey call ur boy. :) @temmyjoy u are sighted next pls. waiting patiently for dey next cook u do well my boy...
2 Feb 2016 | 13:16
0 Likes d strongest!
2 Feb 2016 | 14:33
@onahsunday631 i see say u dor dy eye faith.. Abeg commot ur eyes... She dor gt mate.... @frankkay is lyk i go flog u first bfor u go begin knw say i ur bros... *tongues out* @temmyjoy am glad u could make it.. Vip sit for u... @victoriouschild u fit cum spend the nite wit me... :mrgreen: @delight honey pie
2 Feb 2016 | 14:56
hmm nyc kip it up..ride on bro.
2 Feb 2016 | 15:00
@pemamezi my darling luv ***i hope @invincible is nt around d corner, na joke o***
2 Feb 2016 | 15:33
Next oooo Senior wife @teemyjoy I missed you more @Pemamezi pie I no fit spend the night with you
2 Feb 2016 | 16:05
Lol..@pemamezi who no go like to ave strong girl as his beta half? I like faith still searching for my dear confessor o...@frankkay bro help me to find her pls
3 Feb 2016 | 03:28
@delight et @pemamezi taaa i dey hear o
3 Feb 2016 | 06:53
3 Feb 2016 | 08:54
@invincible go slip.. I won borrow sweet @delight for one day... @onahsunday631 lolz.. Wish you luck in your search... @victoriouschild why na??
4 Feb 2016 | 02:31
Tanx update yet? @pemamezi
4 Feb 2016 | 03:53
@Pemamezi go and ask your suger pie @temmyjoy to spend the night with you
4 Feb 2016 | 04:41
Chapter 11 Running laps to cool down after training, I couldn't help but smile. Finally I have managed to get enough control over my power's to make myself strong enough or even stronger to get rid of lucifer once and for all. Just as I was running near the lake I spotted someone sitting on the little bridge. I slowed down to a walk and moved towards the bridge. When I got close I realised it is Kaidyn. He didn't look up even as I walked closer to him. I kicked off my Hightops and sat down beside him, dipping my feet into the cool water. "Hey" I said looking at the water. "Hey" he said in a dull voice. I could listen to his thought's, but I won't, if he wants me to know, he will tell me himself. "Is everything okay?"I asked. "I'm just thinking of my past and how I take the effects of my life out on people, like you" he smiled sadly. "I don't hold it against you" I told him. "You should, I tried to kill you twice" he spoke in a low tone. "Yeah well you didn't get the chance to and mom already scared the Shit out of you and threatened to rip your soul out and bring it to the worst place in hell, so I think we're even on that count" I smiled. "Yeah she is one scary woman especially when she can fulfill that threat whenever she wants" Kaidyn said with a nervous voice. "So you should be scared of me now too, I have my powers and her powers combined so I should scare the Shit out of you too" I smiled at him as his jaw dropped. "Are you serious, you managed to hold onto them" he asked shocked with a little bit of fear in his eyes. "Yeah I managed to hold onto them. This means I'm strong enough to match lucifer. That's all the power I need" I said with a smile. "Do you not get scared, your going up against lucifer and you act like it doesn't scare you. You have so much pressure on your shoulders, how do you not break" he asked genuinely wanting the know the answer. "It does scare me, it would scare anyone. But since I found my other half, I'm not scared because I know I have someone to live for so I won't go down without a fight" I said honestly. "You are a hell of a lot stronger than any of us, I don't think we could do what you have to do, I know I haven't been the nicest to you and I am really sorry for that. I guess I was jealous of how strong you were becoming, I didn't think you would want to talk to me or even go on a date with someone who wasn't a strong as you. That was all our fears, that you wouldn't want to talk to us so we did what we thought you were going to do, except we took it further than you would ever go. We were the ones who changed, not you. But you always stayed the same even though at times we knew we had broke you, even though it was only briefly, you still came back the same and we were all too stubborn to apologise for what we did to you and fell back into our routine of trying to break you. I wish we all did apologise " he said shocking me. "I thought you all hated me because I was different, a mix of three supernaturals instead of one or two. I would never have stopped talking to all of you, you were my family" I said sadly. "We knew that awhile ago but like I said too stubborn" he smiled sadly. "How about we start afresh and be friends" I suggested. "You want to be friend's with me, why?" he asks surprised. "Honestly, when I got you to stand in front of me, I was testing my mom's other power out. I judged you're soul and when you judge a soul your see what their life has been like, so I know why you tried to kill me in training" I explained. "You saw my life, everything, what judgement did you make on my soul?" he asked embarrassed. "Yeah I did and don't feel like you always have to win to have anyone respect you, you're their warrior, they already respect you. You will be happy to hear I found your soul is pure " I smiled at him. "Who would have thought" he laughed. "I know, shocking I was sure you were going to burn in the pits of hell" I told him, keeping a straight face til he looked so shocked, I couldn't hold in the fits of giggles I got. "I actually thought you were serious" he said shoving me gently with his shoulder. "You're face was priceless" I smiled when my giggles died down. "Friends" he smiled. "Friends" I smiled back. We sat for the next hour laughing, joking and even sitting in comfortable silences. I didn't think I would ever end up friend' s with Kaidyn and right now I wish all that time wasted from him fearing me didn't happen but it means more now that even though I'm stronger now he isn't holding onto stupid fears anymore. We walked back towards the way we came and separated as we left the wood's. He headed towards the pack house and I headed towards home. "Faith, thanks for today" he smiled genuinely. "Anytime" I smiled back. Hopefully this is the start of everyone accepting me. If not, then I'm just glad I have one less enemy. I opened my front door and walked in to find Darren cooking and whatever he is cooking smells delicious. "Hey gorgeous, how was your run?" he asked smiling. "Good, I think I have made a new friend with Kaidyn" I said happily. "He seems like a good kid, he has had it hard from what your mom said, I think she regrets threatening to rip his soul and leave him in the worst part of hell" he said. "I thought that, she had that motherly look on her face. That look means she wants to look after him. So I say he is going to be a regular dinner guest if I know my mom" I told him. "He is a good fighter, the council are always looking for fighter's with the potential to train other's, I think he would be perfect. Other wolves would have snapped today when you sent him flying across the field but he didn't even waiver, he stayed calm. I know that day I arrived he didn't stay calm but he has improved his attitude completely" he said turning to face me fully. "I think you're right, he has really improved and his soul is as pure as it gets. If you want we can get him to join in with our training session's, I'm not the only one who has improved with your training, his attacks are cleaner and he barely has any weak spots now" I told him honestly. "Are you hungery?" he asked smiling when my stomach rumbled. "Starving" I smiled. I walked over to him to see what he is cooking. He is making my favourite meat balls and pasta. He leaned down and captured my lips with his. I wrapped my arm's around his neck and deepened our kiss. He grabbed me by my waist and lifting me up onto the kitchen counter, never breaking our kiss. I will never get enough of him. Our bond is stronger than I could ever have expected. I feel his emotions as clearly as I feel my own. Before our kiss could lead anywhere, mom and dad came rushing in. "There only a couple of day's aways, they have been spotted outside the town" Mom said. "Shit, their moving quicker than we expected" Darren said. "We need to make sure the wolves are prepared for what is coming" I told them. "You're dad and I have just left there, Seb is going to up their training and decide who is going to protect the pack house and who is going to fight with us" Mom explained. "I will up my training, I need to access your power as easily as I can access my own. I can't take time to concentrate on using them, I will only get other's and myself killed" I told them. "I will help you sweetheart, we can train together, Darren will you help Seb work out a few area's some of the wolves are struggling in" Mom asked. "No problem, I will see if Kaidyn will help me aswell, he has great potential" Darren said. Watching all of them organise what to do next, I couldn't help put feel a little sick. After this fight I could end up stuck with Lucifer' s throne. I'm praying I can kill him before he gets his soul back otherwise I'm screwed.  Continue Reading
5 Feb 2016 | 13:18
Chapter 12 Snapping myself out of my self pity, I got up and followed Darren and my parent's outside. I can't be scared of what hasn't happened yet. I need to concentrate on stopping it from happening. For one, I need to push myself harder to control all my power's. I know I have more if I pull deeper but something inside me is holding myself back from reaching to the level I need to be. Some stupid fear that I will become something that will really make everyone look at me differently, make them all fear me. The only one I really want to fear me is lucifer. Getting to him before he gets to his soul is my main goal. I stop him and he won't be able to claim his throne. Mom heads down there from time to time to check on the soul's and the demon who took over is running the place better than lucifer ever did. He has compassion and the humanity that lucifer lacked when he judged souls. Often sending them where ever he wanted regardless of how pure their soul's are. All that changed when mom was down there and now the demon is carrying on what she has started. Maybe he could still rule even if I fight lucifer for his throne and win. Walking towards the pack house, I could see how nervous everyone looks. News must have reached them that my crazy grandmother and lucifer are getting closer. Instead of looking at me with fear and disgust, there looking at me like I'm their only hope of survival. It's amazing how people change their attitudes when it suits them. As if them now being nice changes anything or the insults they have embedded in my skull. I need to toughen up if I'm going to get through this. I don't need anyone's approval. So what that I'm a mix of three, what is it to them, so what that I'm stronger, which they are now grateful for and so what if I have fucked up power's like they called them because they are the same power's that are going to save their asses. Taking a deep breath, I exhaled out all my insecurities and vunerabilies, expelling them from my body and mind. Holding my head up high I walked into the pack house and into the room my parent's and Darren are in. Everyone stopped what they were doing and glanced at me and smiled. I stood beside Darren and took in everything they were planning and discussing. There training plan is going to take up every second of their free time. Kaidyn and mom are going to help me train, they need Darren expert training to push the pack harder than what their use to. Everyone is going to have to push themselves, we have know room for anyone who isn't prepared to train to help protect their pack. After everything has been agreed, we split up heading to each area we decided to go too. Standing in the forest I gathered my energy as quick as possible and release it, blowing a hole through a tree. I did it again and again and again til the power felt natural to me, like the rest of my power's. Sweat dripped from my forehead and down my back soaking my tank top. I guzzled down my cold bottle of water. I brought out the flames mom has and moved them around, changing shapes, practicing on how to control them. I spent the next hour building energy ball's wrapped with the flames. It took an hour to create one I can hold without it scattering apart and sending me flying back on my ass. It took everything ounce of concentration to hold it in place. Drops of sweat trickled down my forehead. Keeping my concentration I raised the ball from my hands and took a deep breath. I dug deep inside me, pulling as much power as possible. With one last thought, I released the energy ball, wrapped in flames towards the line of tree's in front of me. What I didn't expect is the power that is in it. Instead of blowing a whole through the tree' s it wiped out every single tree in within a thousand meters. Nothing but ash and smoke now lay in front of me. Uh oh, I cringed looking at what I just did. Now how do I explain wiping out a whole forest. "Fucking hell Faith, that was some serious skill and power" Kaidyn said coming up behind me making me jump. "Shit Kaidyn, you scared me, how long where you there" I said holding my hand over my heart. "Long enough to see some serious skill, you have really being pushing yourself to build something of that power" he said impressed. "It took an hour to get that right, if I can keep practicing it, it shouldn't take as much out of me and need so much concentration to move it, hopefully Seb and Alex won't mind too much that I turned their forest to ash" I said sheepishly as Kaidyn laughed. "I think they will be more impressed in the fact that you created something that powerful. Lucifer doesn't stand a chance. You will fry his ass if you can do that again" he smiled. "Train with me tomorrow and I can see if I can create that again and work on my other power's " I pleaded with my eyes. "Okay, okay, you don't need to give me those eyes, of course I will train with you, especially if I get to see more of that" he smiled. Let's just hope I can create that again faster and will less amount of energy that it takes from me. This could be what's saves us.  Continue Reading
5 Feb 2016 | 13:23
New epi guyz... Hells angel epi 11 and 12 @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
5 Feb 2016 | 13:30
Nice o
5 Feb 2016 | 14:32
Getting more interesting. Next o
5 Feb 2016 | 15:01
ride on bro...cant wait to see hw faith wins d Lucifer nd her granny.
5 Feb 2016 | 15:19
5 Feb 2016 | 19:54
6 Feb 2016 | 02:44
Reading intresting
6 Feb 2016 | 08:49
Interesting.... Next please...
6 Feb 2016 | 11:44
@pizzaro good to see you are back from your......... Ehh... Break.? Rite :mrgreen:
6 Feb 2016 | 17:00
Interesting! I'm glad faith found a good mate
6 Feb 2016 | 18:19
Lol @Pemamezi Yeap Break!! :-) :-)
7 Feb 2016 | 14:24
7 Feb 2016 | 18:10
abeq who help me c my sweetheart?? @omodemilade59 mi...miss her lyk mi fedaku
9 Feb 2016 | 05:47
Ifemi ayomi @pheranmmie041 i am here with u jst dat am a little busy dats y.... Bt hv it in mind dat i am always in ur heart nd am goin nowhere.... Love u darling...
9 Feb 2016 | 07:24
Chapter 13 1 week later Warning X rated scenes in this chapter Sweat trickled down my back and forehead, as my body temperature is getting higher and higher to the point I think I I could actually incinerated myself. But I don't stop, I push myself even harder. Creating a ball of energy and flames this size is taking more out of me than I thought it would. Every day I have practiced with Kaidyn and now Darren and mom are here to see what I can do. The first ball I created wiped out the forest this ball could wipe out everything for miles. But I have enough control to pull the energy and flames back into my body. Right now it looks beautiful, like a smaller version of the sun. I could feel something inside me change, not only is my body getting hotter, my veins feel like molten lava is rushing through them and thats when it happened. Flames busts from my skin, travelling all over my body til I'm completely consumed by beautiful flames. I could hear my mom gasp from behind me. The flames didn't burn my skin like I thought they would. This actually feels natural, like my body is designed to hold them. The rising temperature of my body returned to normal, the sweat disappeared along with the feeling of lava burning through my veins. I should be scared Shitless right now but I'm completely calm as I watch the flames dance. Pulling the ball of energy and flames back into my body feels effortless now. Once I pulled it all back, I held my arm's out in front of me, mesmerised. Turning around to face Darren and my mom, they both look shocked but at the same time awe shone in their eyes. Darren started to move towards me, never taking his eyes off mine. I could see how proud he is and how much love he holds for me. He stopped in front of me and slowly reached his hand out to touch me. I knew some how that my flames wouldn't burn him because he is part of me now. His hand gently stroked my cheek and his thumb ran across my lips. "You're so beautiful Faith, I wish you could see how you look right now, you look every inch the warrior you are" he smiled. Before I could answer he moved closer and captured my lips with his, taking my breath away once again with the passion of his kiss. He slowly pulled his lips from mine and rested his forehead against mine, as we both took in deep breaths. I stepped back from him wanting to test something out. I smiled and let my wings free. My flames quickly traveled up my wings, igniting them. Darren looked at them completely captivated, he loved my wings from the moment he saw them because he thought they showed how unique and beautiful I truely am. Pulling my wing back, I closed my eyes and concentrated, pulling the flames back inside me. This new power feels so natural to me now, that I have finally released the true power inside me that I have been afraid to reach for, afraid it would prove just how different I really am. But I stopped caring about what the other's think of me. My being different is what could possibly save us and I'm more than willing to embrace myself and become as powerful as I can. Their not the one's who are going to have to face lucifer and fight til one of us are dead. Their fight will be the easier one and they will still have their freedom when they come out the other side. Me, if I win, I'm tied to hell for eternity, I won't even allow myself the hope of getting to lucifer before he gets his pure black soul back. Opening my eyes, I found the flames have vanished. I feel slightly naked without them now, like a layer of clothes are gone. "My god Faith, you nearly gave me a heart attack when you burst into flames. Has that happened before when you created a ball that size?" Mom asked looking at me with relief. "No, that was the first time that has happened but I think that power was always hidden deep inside me and I have been afraid to reach for it. But now, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Even pulling that ball back felt as natural as breathing" I smiled. "I knew you were powerful honey, but this has surpassed anything I could ever have imagined. You looked like a goddess when you're flames covered you're body, you won't lose this fight against him, even if he has his soul, he doesn't stand a chance against you now" she said with relief. "At least we know now what I am capable of now, how is the packs training coming along?" I asked them. "Great but not as big of an improvement as you" Darren smiled proudly at me. "It won't be too long til their at the level you and mom fight" I reassured him as he took my hand in his, squeezing it gently. "You're father and I are going to be gone for the night, we're going to see how close to us they really are, you're father is waiting for me so I'm going to have to leave now, I will see both of you in the morning for training" Mom said as she pulled me into a hug squeezing me tightly. "Okay mom, please be careful" I shouted as she ran towards dad's car. "We will" she shouted getting into the car as her and dad waved goodbye. Walking toward our home, Darren kept looking at me and smiling. "What is up with you?" I laughed. "I just can't believe you are my other half, I'm afraid I will wake up and all this will just have been a dream" he said. "I think that should be the other way around" I smiled shyly. Opening our door and walking in, closing the door behind us, Darren tugged my hand pulling me back to him. He pulled me tight to his body as his lips met mine, gently. He ran his hands from my waist and moved them slowly up my sides, skimming my breast as his hand cupped my face, deepening our kiss. I wrapped my arm's around his neck, pulling my body flush to his. He put his hands on my hips and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. Walking up the stair he never broke our kiss. He gently placed me on my bed, leaning over me as he kicked off his runners and then pulled mine off. I pulled the end of his top and broke our kiss as I pulled it over his head, getting a full looks at his sexy body. He slid off mine slowly and unclasped my bra. I pushed down his tracksuit and used my foot to push the rest of it down, leaving him in his dark blue tight boxers, but they didn't stay on for long. He pulled my shorts and panties off in one go. His eyes took in every inch of my body, each with each second they got darker. I couldn't help but admire his body. He is perfection. He moved and leaned over me, kissing my lips gently teasing me. He moved the tips of his fingers gently up my stomach and between my breast sending sparks racing to my core. He took his lips from mine and brushed his lips along my neck and collar bone. He put his hand on my back and flipped us over so I'm sitting on top of him. I smirked and slowly moved my core along his length knowing how much that turns him on. I leaned down and kissed along his chest and up toward his neck, while I moved myself along his rock hard length as he moaned and gripped me tighter. He grabbed my ass with one hand and lifted me up as he used his other hand to position his length at my core. I moved down his length slowly, as I kissed him. Teasing him, I kept my movements slow, til he grabbed my hips, moving me back and forth. I matched his pace, with my hands on his stomach, I moved faster, feeling myself building, with every moan he released as he gripped the pillow under his head. He let go of the pillow and put his hands on my ass again, lifting me up and down, each stroke moving deeper. I gripped his stomach as my release is seconds away. With three more thrusts, we both released. I collapsed on his chest as the pleasure still coursed through my body making me tremble. He wrapped his strong arm's around me, holding me close to him as he kissed my forehead. "I love you" I told him. "I love you too, you are my everything" he said before he kissed my forehead again. He pulled the blankets up around us as I stayed lying on his chest so I can be as close to him as possible as he played with my hair. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, my body is totally exhausted.  Continue Reading
10 Feb 2016 | 02:45
Chapter 14 Waking up in Darren arm's, I feel like I have slept for day's. Hour's ago, I felt completely exhausted but now, I feel completely rejuvenated, stronger even. Darren is still fast asleep under me. Gently I moved off of Darren and grabbed some sweatpants, a tank top, underwear and my Hightops. Grabbing fresh towel's, I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. Stepping in, I let the hot water flow down my body as I washed my hair. I wasn't in the shower longer than ten minute's when Darren walked in and decided to join me. He gave me a cheeky grin as he opened the shower door. "Morning beautiful" he said as kissed my shoulder from behind me. "Morning" I smiled leaning back into him. He trailed some of his fingers down my back til he reached my lower back. His fingers started to trace a design on my back. I could feels the intricate patterns he is tracing. "What design are you drawing? " I asked turning to face him. "It's not a design, you have a new marking on you're lower back, it's beautiful" he explained. "What does it look like?" I asked wondering why I have a new marking. "It's black and red, the middle has a black circle with flames wrapped around it like you're new power and the rest of it spirals with flames coming out at the end, I have never seen anything like it" he said looking mesmerised by it. After our shower we dried off. Darren picked up a circular makeup mirror and brought it into our bathroom. He stood behind me and held it so I could see it in the mirror. It looks exactly how he described it. "I wonder what it means?" I said. "Something to do with you're new power, maybe Brax might know, he might have some of the old books" Darren suggested as we got dressed. "I'll ask them when they get back, hopefully they will have some news about how close they are, I think we should be the one's to bring the fight to them instead of waiting for them to come to us. They won't be expecting us" I said turning around to face him. "Are you really ready for this Faith? you know the possible outcome, but what ever happens I will be right beside you" he smiled. "Are you sure you're prepared for that, we could be living our life in hell?" I asked. "I'm prepared to live anywhere as long as I have you, I love you Faith, nothing is going to change that" he smiled and kissed me. "Are the pack ready to fight?" I asked after he broke our kiss. "As ready as they will ever be" he said. "Good, I'm not waiting any longer, the more time they have, Lucifer gets closer to getting his soul back" I said determined. "Okay, we will talk to you're mom and dad when they get back" he smiled. As if they heard us, mom and dad shimmered into my room, breathless. "What's wrong?" I asked them. "He has his soul, the guardian found a way to call his soul back from the arch angel, that stupid bitch of a mother managed to open the box for him" Mom raged. "Is she stupid, can she not see she is being used, they're coming to kill you and dad because they think you're evil, what the fuck do they think he is, he is the fucking devil" I fumed. That woman is a fucking moron, she can't be that stupid as to open the box and give the devil back his power, he will destroy them once he has finished using them. "I can't believe we're related to that woman, she has gone out of her way to cause us pain, done everything she can to make sure we will die. I'm done, when I see her, her soul is only destined for one place. She will regret ever trying to hurt us, I will make sure of that" Mom said with her power bubbling at the surface. "I think we should bring the fight to them instead of waiting for them to attack, they won't be expecting it. After yesterday, I have more control of my power's, I can feel it and I have a new marking aswell" I told mom and dad. "You have a new marking? when did that appear?" Mom asked as her power starting to simmer down. "Some time during the night, I will show you, maybe one of you're books dad can explain it" I said, as I turned around and lifted up my top. "That is beautiful honey, it's looks just like you're energy ball with the flames, Brax get the books you're father showed me, it might be in it, like mine were" Mom said to dad. "Be will be back in a few minute's" he said as he shimmered. "How do you know for definite that he got his soul back?" I asked mom. "Just as we got close enough, I could see her open the box for him, you're dad wouldn't let me go to try stop them" she said a little pissed. "He was right, you would've been able to fight all of them especially if he has his soul mom" I told her. She would have been killed if she went up against him and the other's. "I know, but I would have done anything and everything to stop him getting his soul, I still can't believe she did that" Mom sighed shaking her head. Dad shimmered into the room holding two very old looking books in his hands. "If you're new mark will be in any books it will be these two" he said holding them out towards me. Taking them from his hands, I walked towards my bed and sat down. I traced my fingers over the symbols on the book and then opened it.  Continue Reading
10 Feb 2016 | 02:49
Chapter 15 Opening the book, I turned each page slowly, looking for anything that's looks like my new mark. I know what my other symbols are because mom and dad have some. Half way through the book, I'm starting to give up that I will find anything. Getting to the end,I flipped through the last page. But I did a double take. I flicked back through the last couple of pages. Right at the top of the page is my new mark, drawn in beautiful detail. Looking underneath the picture, I looked at the title, Hell' s Angel. Even my mark is telling me I'm going to belong to hell. With my heart thumping, I read the chapter underneath. I reread it a few times to make sure I haven't made a mistake. My destiny was always to kill lucifer. My power's when they reach full potential, the mark would appear. Once the mark appears, I will have complete control of all my power's. Even my own unique one is part of being Hell' s Angel. I can pull or replicate anyone's power's. If I pull it from them, like I thought, I would kill anyone who isn't near the same level of power as me. That's how mom survived. Right now I'm strong enough to take on lucifer and once I kill him, his power's will automatically come to me. His throne is destined to be my throne. I'm suppose to maintain the balance between heaven and hell by sending the judged souls to the right place's and also to correct the wrongly judged soul and deliver them to their rightful place in heaven and deliver the evil back to their rightful place in hell along with the devil himself. There is no avoiding it, no matter what I do, ruling over hell is my destiny but at least I will have Darren with me. The fear is gone now, I know for certain I will end up there one way or another. Surprisingly, it's not as crushing as I thought it would be. I can do some good, keep the evil under lock and key, making sure they will never make their way to the surface again. Somehow, with knowing this, I feel stronger and more determined that ever. "Well honey, what does it say?" Mom asked as they all looked at me, curiously. "My mark is a sign of who I am and what I was born to do. I'm a Hell' s Angel, born to end lucifer and take his throne to keep the balance of good and evil" I told them. "I still stand by what I said Faith, hi will be with you" he smiled. Mom and Dad looked at each other, I know it kills them to hear this, but there is no point holding on to the hope that it won't happen or we could change it. I am what I am and with that comes a lot of sacrifice but it's what I am born for the same way my mom is the Angel of judgement and soul's. "It's okay mom and dad, I'm not scared anymore. It's a relief to finally know what is coming. But Lucifer won't know what coming, soul or not, he isn't going to make it through this fight, even if it kills me" I told them. "I'm so sorry honey, I thought you're father and I could take the throne so you could live out you're life up here and have a family" Mom said looking heartbroken. "I know you would if you could, but you have you're own destiny, you started this, now it's my turn to finish it" I reassured them. "Okay, then I think you're mom and I need to talk to Seb, Alex and the pack. See if there are prepared to bring the fight to them" Dad said with a sad smile. He took mom hand and shimmered. Darren walked towards me and wrapped his arm's around me. I wrapped my arm's around him tightly and inhaled his scent. It won't be long til our life here is over and we start living in hell. I know mom can bring dad down to see us, I just hope Seb and Alex will be able to visit. Dad can shimmer so it's only natural he can come down here even if he needs mom' s help. Mom survived down there, hopefully I will too, but unlike mom, I have Darren to stay with me, she didn't even have dad. Waiting for mom and dad to get back, feels like I have been waiting for eternity. It's one thing for the pack to defend themselves when their attacked, it's going to be completely different when we're the one's leading an attack. I just need to make sure I get to lucifer first before he can get to my family and friends. It was another hour of waiting they finally came through the door. Darren and I both stood up as they came into the lounge. I couldn't make out how it went, their faces were both blank and too hard to read. "Well, what did they decide?" I asked nervous of their answer. I want to bring the fight to them, it's the only bit of control we have over all of this. "I will let them tell you" Mom said as Seb and Alex walked in behind them. They both looked at me with sadness in their eyes. Shit, their not going to do it. I could feel my heart drop. "Faith, are you sure you really want to do this? you're mom explained to us about you being a Hell' s Angel and what you're destiny is. This way you will be leaving us sooner" Seb said as Alex nodded. "I know it means leaving all of you sooner, but we have the chance to surprise them. We need to use it. We are as ready as we will ever be. At least this way we can leave the one's here to be safe and we won't have to worry about if we can keep them safe" I explained. "Okay, as long as you're ready, we are, we can make our move in two day's. Give the pack two days to relax with their families and we can plan out the best way to make our move" Seb explained. "Two days sound good" I smiled. "Good, so you're spending the rest of the day with us, it's been to long since we all just hung out together and we want to spend time with you before you take over hell" Liam said cringing at the thought's of hell. "I can come visit from time to time and maybe see if I can get you two down there. First thing's first though, I still have lucifer to fight, I don't plan on losing against him but that's not to say he won't take me with him" I said preparing them for that possibility. "You're too strong and stubborn to not win and we will all do all we can to make sure you survive this, we promise that" Seb said looking into my eyes to let me know they will risk everything to keep me alive. But I have no intention of letting that happen. I need them safe, they still have to find their mate's and I won't be the one to stand by and let them lose that chance. They deserve to find them and be happy. They have waited their whole lives to find their mate's. I just hope I will get to meet them some day and that they realise how lucky they are to have found them. It's hurts thinking about not seeing them and my family every day. Their my brothers, I grew up with them protecting me until they realise I could protect myself but even then I saw how hard it was for them to stand back and let me deal with their pack by myself. They are the only one's who never judged me or stopped loving me because I was different and for that I will love both of them for eternity.  Continue Reading
10 Feb 2016 | 02:53
New epis guyz.. Epi 14,15 and 16... Sorry for the late update..... General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
10 Feb 2016 | 02:58
[b] me dey vx so ah no qo read am...lai lai chaee i ve a feelinq one of dem will die durinq d battle :( [/b]
10 Feb 2016 | 03:44
Waow..just waow..waiting for the battle
10 Feb 2016 | 05:55
good one my boy @pemamezi u do well take 5 I love every bite of this story hell angel next pls let's see what is at stake... waiting patiently for dey next cook
10 Feb 2016 | 06:26
Waiting for the battle
10 Feb 2016 | 16:47
The battle line has being drawn already
10 Feb 2016 | 17:09
hmmm.plz let d fight beings
11 Feb 2016 | 04:45
@Pemamezi were are u nah kilode is unlike u nah
11 Feb 2016 | 11:19
[b]"[color =blue]To love dem till enternity[/color]" Dat sounds really sweet.[/b]
12 Feb 2016 | 03:14
Chapter 16 Spending time with the Seb and Alex has been so relaxing. I almost forgot what it's like after spending so much time apart with them training the pack and my training. But I have one more person I want to spend some time with too, Kaidyn. Even with our bad start, we have became close and he has helped me train. Darren has been training by himself, to give him the opportunity to work as a trainer for the council. With Darren coming with me, they will need someone to replace him and Darren and I both think Kaidyn is the best person for the job. He has come on so much with his fighting he is close to Darren' s strength he just needs to clean up his fighting techniques a little bit and he will be ready. Darren has already told the council about him and Kaidyn is putting in a lot of work to get it. I think he still feels he needs to prove himself to his father even though he isn't around anymore. The boys and me spent the rest of the day watching film's, laughing and talking. They didn't leave til early the next morning. I got to my room and climbed in beside Darren. His body automatically turned around and wrapped his arm's around me, this is where I feel the safest, in his arm's. I woke up early so I could spend some time with my mom, dad and Darren. I walked into the kitchen to find mom buried in old books, frantically flipping through page after page. I watched her thrown the books across the table's that didn't have whatever she is looking for. "What are you doing mom?" I asked, making her jump. "Faith, you scared me half to death, I didn't hear you come in" she said, holding her chest. "I noticed, what are you looking for?" I asked walking towards her and sitting down beside her. "I'm looking for anything that I can do so you don't have to take over the throne, but there is nothing in there stupid books" she said exasperated. "Mom, we both know you're not going to find anything, the only way you can take over is to kill me, but we know you can't bring me back, you're only allowed to do that once" I said as I leaned into her and wrapped my arm's around her. "I am so sorry Faith, if I was strong enough to have killed lucifer that time we wouldn't be in this situation and if that woman didn't give him his soul back either you wouldn't of had to kill him, you would of had a life here. I swear mother or not, that crazy bitch is going to be put down" Mom said. "Mom, don't waste the day looking for answer's we won't find, let's just relax as a family while we can, where is dad?" I asked looking around. "Em, he went to the underworld to look for more books" she replied sheepishly. "Call him back, I don't want him to spend the day down there, wrecking grandads office to find nothing" I sighed. "Okay, but take it easy on him, he is finding this a lot harder, you're still his baby girl, he feels he is suppose to protect you not the other way around" she smiled sadly. "I will mom, promise" I smiled. After a few minute's, dad shimmered into the room. I walked over to him and wrapped my arm's around him. He held me tightly and kissed the top of my head. "I love you dad" I told him. "I love you too, sweetie" he said, holder me tight as if I'm about to disappear in front of him. He held onto me as mum wrapped her arm's around us. Eventually they let me go and we sat down to have breakfast when Darren came down. This is the first day in a long time that we have been able to sit down together without having to rush out to training or going to the council. It's just a pity we couldn't do it sooner instead of only realising now that our lives have been so hectic, everything we have done, has been leading to this. After dinner, I left to find Kaidyn and walked towards the wood. I got closer to lake, I spotted him sitting on the small bridge. I took off my pumps and sat down beside him. "Hey, you okay?" I asked him, he looks a bit upset. "Is it true, that once you win, you have to take the throne?" he asked. "Yeah, it's true, but it's okay" I told him. "We have just started to get to know one another and now I'm going to lose you" he said, still not looking at me. "You're not losing me, I will come back as often as I can, we're going to try see can we get Seb and Alex down, if they can come down, so can you, I should have the power once lucifer is killed" I said bumping my shoulder off his lightly. "Promise me that you will fight with everything you have, you have to survive this Faith" Kaidyn asked finally looking at me, with his eyes watering. "I promise Kaidyn, and you have to promise to give everything you have to survive and get into training with the council" I asked him. "I promise Faith" he smiled sadly. We sat quitely together, watching our feet sway in the water. I'm really going to miss it here, especially this place. I don't have many friend's but the one's I have, I'm going to really miss. Eventually, we got up and walked back. This time Kaidyn is back to himself as we laughed and joked around. Walking out of the wood's, I spotted someone I never expected to see, Lucas. Kaidyn stood to his full height and glared at Lucas. "I know I'm the last person you want to see, but I had to see you before tomorrow" Lucas said. Kaidyn looked at me and I nodded that it's okay. "I will see you later Faith, and you, you so much as hurt her or say anything to her, Alpha or not, I will kick your ass" Kaidyn said as he got into Lucas face. "Don't worry, I won't" Lucas said, meeting Kaidyn eyes. With one last smile, Kaidyn started walking towards the pack house, but not before he bumped shoulders with Lucas as he walked past him. "What do you want Lucas, last time I saw you, you called me a slut and got your ass handed to you" I said glaring at him. "I was out of order, I didn't have the right to call you that, or say the thing's I said that night I met you, Alex and Seb was right, I did make the biggest mistake of my life and because of that I lost you completely" he said looking into my eyes. But those eyes have no effect on me because their not Darren s. "It worked out for the best Lucas, I could never be with someone who couldn't accept me straight away. That would always stay in the back of my mind, making me feel like I would never be good enough for you or you're pack" I told him. "I let everyone else's opinions on you get to me before I even met you. But we had no right, it's just out of fear of knowing there is someone out there a hundred times stronger than what we could ever be. It is stupid jealously, that we let get to far and now you are the one who is going to save us. I just want you to know how sorry I am before the fight tomorrow and that I wished I had. You would have been a great luna and mate. Good luck tomorrow Faith" he said with a sad smile before he turned around and started walking away. That was unexpected. Watching him walk away, I know even if he did accept me, it wouldn't have worked. He would never be able to leave his back to come with me to hell and I would never have expected it. He would end up in the arm's of someone else and all I would have been left with is the pain of his betrayals. Everything happens for a reason, that night was meant to happen the way it did so I could end up finding Darren.  Continue Reading
12 Feb 2016 | 04:31
new epi guyz... Hells angel epi 16 General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
12 Feb 2016 | 04:35
Can't wait for the battle between Lucifer and Faith
12 Feb 2016 | 05:28
Fear they catch me o..i hope none of ur good friend will die in the battle
12 Feb 2016 | 05:53
Kudos to u dear
12 Feb 2016 | 11:23
Hope u win faith, next pls
12 Feb 2016 | 13:09
i cnt wait ..
12 Feb 2016 | 14:39
looking foreword to dey day of fight @Pemamezi come nd continue nah Lucas sorry u don fuck up try again in another world waiting patiently for dey next episode
12 Feb 2016 | 20:17
13 Feb 2016 | 06:10
Faith! Faith!! Faith!!!. I hope when you kill this your story lucifer, the main, real world lucifer will also die????
13 Feb 2016 | 11:05
[b]Lucas, sure did d riqht tin 2 hv ask 4 4qivenex[/b]
13 Feb 2016 | 11:21
Chapter 17 The day has finally come. We have just finished going over our plan's on the best way to attack. Looking around at everyone, I could see some are excited and the rest are nervous. I don't blame them, I'm not exactly bursting with excitement myself at the thought's of coming face to face with the devil himself. But this has to happen, to put an end to all of this. There a good bit away so we will have to take the jeeps to get us there faster. Once we get to the point we will all walk from there. Mom, dad, Darren, Kaidyn and I are going in one of the jeeps. We walked towards the jeep in silence and got in. All you could hear is the sound of all the other jeeps door closing. The first half hour we all spent in silence, going over everything in our own head's. " Do you all remember the plan?" mom asked turning around to face us. "Yeah" we all answered. "Good, we're not that far away now and once we're out of the jeep it will only be a ten minute walk. I will lead us in and we will give the other's a chance to change sides before we attack" mom said. "Do you think any of them will change their minds?" I asked. "The first fight we had ninety percents changed sides. We need to give them the opportunity, some might be there out of fear" mom told us. "Hopefully some will change" Kaidyn said. "You and the other's will have to be prepared for the fact that you could find your mate's are with them. If you do, I'm hoping that will be enough for them to change but if not, you could end up fighting them" mom explained. "I don't think I could do that" Kaidyn said. "Either did I, but if it's your life or theirs you will have to fight back or they will kill you, if you can subdue them, try it and we can try get through to them after the fight" mom told him. I hope if any of them find their mates that will be enough for them to change sides. Dad pulled into a field off the road and parked up as the other jeeps pulled in behind us. We opened the door's and got out, stretching our stiff muscle's. I put my sword handles into the holder in my belt and I watched mom and dad do the same. We all walked towards each other. Seb and Alex walked towards me and squished me into a tight hug between them. They eventually let me go and we stood listening to mom giving them all the same talk we had in the jeep. I could see a lot of shocked faces, it didn't register with most of them that they could end up finding their mate's here. It would be the last thing on your mind when you're heading into a fight. Tension and excitement surrounded us but I didn't sense any fear. Their all sure that their training will have prepared them for this and I hope it has. "Okay everyone, time to start moving, just follow me and Brax" mom said. Everyone started moving and following them. Darren took my hand as we started walking. I had Seb and Alex by my side as well. It didn't feel like we were walking for long before we stopped. I slowly made my way up near the front and stayed hidden like we planned. They know about me but they don't know anything about my power's and who I am. I could see them all standing in front of us in a line. Then a man and a woman stepped forward. From my mother's memories I knew the woman is her mother, my grandmother and beside her stood Lucifer in all his glory. But something is strange with how I see him and how my mom sees him. Looking around, I knew know one else is seeing what I am. Under the surface of the perfect looking man, I could see the monster that lays, trapped in the disguse of a man. I can see him flickering between human and the monster. The monster wants out, it's the monster in him that can sense someone of equal power to him. His followers wouldn't be too long running from him as fast as they can if they could see the real him. "Well if it isn't my little Dark Angel, how I have missed you " Lucifer sneered. "I'm sure you have, I see that stupid woman has managed to get your soul back" mom said as she turned her head, glaring daggers into her mother. "Yes, she did come in quite useful, you do realise you will lose this time, Ariel, you're not strong enough or capable of killing me" he smiled. I walked forward and stood beside my mother, "She is not but I am" I smirked. He looked me up and down as the monster inside him tried to fight his way out. "And what makes you think you are the one to beat me" he asked. "Is the monster squirming inside you not enough for you to take noticed that you aren't the strongest one here. Imagine if you're little army could see the real you, they would really know how disgustingly evil you truely look" I said never taking my eyes off him and the reality of what I just said sinks in. "You can't see my true form, no one can, not unless I allow you" he said with rage lacing his voice. "But I'm not just anyone Lucifer, I'm the one who can destroy you, you can't deny that you feel my power and even with your soul your still not stronger" I said. "I highly doubt that child, you are a monster like you're mother" my grandmother sneered. "Really, the only Moster here is the one standing beside you, you have allowed the devil to use you and you're too stupid to realise that. Instead of killing the true evil you have tried to kill the guardian's that have been born to destroy him" I said anger clear in my voice. "I am giving the rest of you a chance to change sides, you have all been manipulated into helping Lucifer get his soul back. The evil you are suppose to fight is the one leading you. Think about it, this is not going to end well for all of you. So are you going to fight with them or us? " mom shouted. We looked around their group and could see a numbers of faces looking at each other before they slowlm started to walk towards us. Lucifer only smirked, it didn't bother him that any of them were leaving. They had already served their suppose. But my grandmother looked like a crazed woman ready to snap. I counted at least thirty who have come to our side. Looking behind me I saw two girl's stand beside Seb and Alex, smiling up at them. I gave them a smiled and turned around. While I was distracted Lucifer had stepped closer to me. I raised my hand a send a ball of energy flying towards him, quicker than he expected, it hit him straight into his chest and send him flying backwards. The rest of his army look completely shocked. They thought he is untouchable. For them he is but for me, I'm about to become his worst nightmare. I will strip away his human body and reveal to them all the monster that he truly is. He appeared in front of me, looking severely pissed off. I took him by surprise again and landed a hard punch to his face. That's when the fight started, both sides moved toward one another. Lucifer quickly moved towards me, aiming punch after punch. Only one got through but it did a little damage. I moved faster than I have ever moved, sending punches and kicks towards him. I moved closer to him and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off the ground and then body slamming him. I concentrate while he is dazed. I pulled at his power, replication it as much as I can. I could feel his power flow into my body and combining with the rest of my power's. The rush of it is completely head spinning. I let go of his neck, stood up and let the power flow through my body. I looked around to find everyone still fighting. So far all of the one's closest to me are still alive. I could see my mom fighting hers as her own mother taunted her. I would kill her myself but my mom has been waiting for this chance. Darren is fighting three at a time effortlessly and the boys are tearing thought the one's fighting them. Once again, I let myself become distracted. Lucifer came up behind me and and wrapped his arm around my throat. "I must say it's a shame to kill you, like you're mother you are breathtaking but more powerful than here. But I can't allow you to live" he said taunting me. I let the heat course through my veins as my body released my flames. This time my flames were huge and hotter than before. Lucifer laughed thinking my flames wouldn't hurt him. But I could hear his skin bubbling under my veins and as the smell of burning skin surrounded us before he released me and roared. Turning around, I smiled, it's seems my flames were enough to burn away most of his human body. What stood in front of me is a mix of man and beast. Everyone stopped fighting when they heard the inhuman roar that he released. Everyone that followed him stood their looking completely shocked and scared as they stepped as far away from him as possible. The smell of their fear surrounded us. His eyes never left me and he let the rest of his human body fall away. Standing up full height and stretching out his true form, he looks like something you could only imagine in you're worst nightmares but his form isn't a shock to me, I could see it the moment I laid eyes on him.  Continue Reading
15 Feb 2016 | 02:45
new epi guyz... Hells angel epi 17..... Lock and roll... General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
15 Feb 2016 | 02:47
Wow, monday vibe... Faith really rocks!!!
15 Feb 2016 | 04:04
0 Likes u are d best..i just hope ur grand mum will change
15 Feb 2016 | 04:33
15 Feb 2016 | 08:08
15 Feb 2016 | 09:09
wow following
15 Feb 2016 | 09:26
15 Feb 2016 | 12:13
eeeii lucifer. u can really decieve oo
15 Feb 2016 | 14:40
I know Faith is going to win this battle but also praying doesn't loose any of her loved ones in this battle
15 Feb 2016 | 16:07
[b]@PEmamezi_darkest™, wow, dis is qonna be fun. Ride on bro, u re d bex jare![/b]
15 Feb 2016 | 17:15
nice 1...following
15 Feb 2016 | 18:13
16 Feb 2016 | 07:43
Chapter 18 Looking him up and down, I took in his hard leathery skin that is completely black. His eyes are like black diamonds diamonds sparkly in the sun light. His head held two massive curled horns that also sparkled in the sun. He is huge standing at nearly eight ft of muscle. He released his black strong wings which are bigger than me. I could hear everyone moving behind me. "Still think you can win now" Lucifer asked. "Yeah, I do" I said. Bringing my energy and flames forward, mixing them together, I put all my energy into it. The ball grew bigger and bigger. Stopping, I held the ball in place. Lucifer tilted his head looking at it. With all the strength I have, I sent in towards him. The energy knocked him back as the flames quickly engulfed his body. His screams made the ground underneath us shake until where he stood started to open up. Flame ripped through the ground and wrapped around him, pulling him under. With one last scream, I could see the power leave his body. Before I knew what is happening, his power slammed into me, knocking me off my feet, taking my breath from me. I could my body rise off the ground as his power wrapped around my body and becoming one with me. I thought I felt his power before, but that was nothing compared to this. Every inch of my body burned as the power soaked into me. Slowly my body started to lower back down to the ground. Opening my eyes, I found my parent, Darren and the boys surrounding me. "You okay Faith, how are you feeling?" Darren asked. "Did I kill him?" I asked. "Yeah you did, he is gone for good " Darren smiled. "Then in that case, I'm perfect, it's over" I said as I started to get off the ground. Standing up, I feel better than I have ever being, my body feels so strong and I can feel power course through my vein. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. "Yeah, only mild injuries, know one is seriously injured. It looks like Seb and Alex have found their mate's" mom smiled. "I saw that when some of them came to our side" I smiled. "Okay, I'm going to find them before I have to leave" I told them. Walking through the crowd's, I finally found the two of them standing with two guardian's. "Hey guys" I smiled. "Hey Faith, this is Angelica my mate and Kelly, is Alex' s mate" Seb beamed. "Hi, it's lovely to meet you, I'm so glad they found you" I smiled. I knew they weren't too sure about me yet, especially since they came here to kill me and my mother. I could see Alex and Seb aren't happy about their reactions to me. The boys pulled their arm's from around them and stepped back. Shit. The girl's expressions went from cold to hurt as they looked at their mate's with confusion. "Faith is like our baby sister, she grew up with us and she is our closest friend. She just saved you both from being killed. She came over her excited to meet both of you and you two just looked at her like she is dirt. Mate's or not, that is unacceptable to us. If you want us in you're life, then you better get used to Faith being apart of that" Seb said and Alex agreed with him. "We're sorry, it's just we were brought up to think her and her mother are evil. It's hard to get our head around it but we will, we're sorry Faith" they said honestly. "It's okay, just make sure you look after these two for me" I smiled. "Are you leaving now Faith?" Alex asked. "Yeah, I need to be there to restore order. I can feel the control down there sliding" I told them. "We're going to miss you Faith, remember we love you and if you can get us down there for a visit when everything has settled we will come for a visit" Seb said. "I will hold you to that" I smiled. Hugging both of them tightly, I reluctantly let them go. Walking away from them, I spotted Kaidyn. I walked towards him, smiling. "Hey, I was looking for you. I'm glad to see you're not hurt" I said hugging him. "The fight didn't last long once he changed into that thing, I won't be forgetting that any time soon" he shivered. "Not the prettiest looking creature but at least he is gone now" I reassured him. "Thank god, but that means you're leaving" he said sadly. "I am, but I will visit as often as I can and hopefully bring you down their if you willing" I said. "Try and stop me, thank you for giving me a chance Faith, if it's wasn't for you and Darren, I wouldn't have changed or have a goal to reach. I will make sure I get that job with the council" he smiled. "You better, I will see you soon" I said giving him one more hug before I walked back to my parent's and Darren. "Are you ready Darren?" I asked. "I am, you did great Faith, you ended all of this" he smiled proudly. "We're going to miss you honey, but we will be down to see you once we get everything settled up here. It's over now thanks to you but I know it wasn't the best outcome for you" mom said teary eyed. "Mom, it's okay, it doesn't scare me anymore. I need to get down there but I will see you both soon. I love you two" I said, giving them one last hug before Darren took my hand. Stepping back, I let my new instincts kick in, my wing wrapped around us and when I pulled then back, I was standing in hell.  Continue Reading
16 Feb 2016 | 19:19
Chapter 19 Hell isn't what I pictured it would be. Its dark but it's not a bottomless pit of fire. Looking around at my new home, my eyes landed on a medieval looking castle with large oil burners outside it. The demons look slightly panicked. Walking towards them, they noticed me and one by one they dropped to their knee's. I looked at Darren with confusion. "You're their queen, their showing their loyalty to you" Darren explained. That makes sense. They are all on their knee's so at least that means they accept me. "You can all stand up, you do not need to bow to me" I smiled looking at all of them. They looked at each other a few times before they got to their feet. "Shall I show you to you're new home, my queen" he asked. "Yes that would be great, thank you" I told him. Darren took my hand as we walked towards the castle. The inside is the exact same as the outside, a complete replica of a medieval castle. That definitely needs to be changed. "You can change the castle to your liking my queen, you just have to picture it and it will change. This is you're world down here" he told me. "Then this will all be changed soon. Can you do me a favour, I need you all to start bringing the soul's that have been sentenced to hell back to me. I need to make sure they are in the right place and that Lucifer didn't just send them to where he wanted" I said. "Yes my queen, we can start now, their is a line of soul's waiting to be seen as well" he informed me. "Thank you, I just need to change this place first before any soul's enter" I told him. "Just call us and we can start sending them in when you're ready" he smiled. "I will, thank you, I want to get to know each and everyone of you and find where you are best suited and what you would prefer to do down here" I said, I didn't miss how his eyes lit up with excitement. Picturing my idea of our perfect home, I closed my eyes. I want this place to feel less evil and dark. That it's not a place to dear coming into if you're soul is pure and destined for hell and for the other's they will see for the last time what beautiful looks like before there sent to the darkest pits of hell. I opened my eyes to find the castle changed. It looks more friendly than the house of horror it was. "What do you think?" I asked Darren. "I think it's perfect, it's us" he smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. The ridiculous throne's are gone and two cream tall back chairs with silver detail and soft cushions take their place. If this is my world I might as well do everything I can to make it home. But I have to fix the mistakes Lucifer made before I do anything else. Darren held my hand as we walked to our seats and sit down. Ready to judge the soul's that have just walked in. Twenty Years Later It took ten year's to sort out all the mistakes, well not mistakes because he meant to send them there. He sent so many pure soul's to the wrong places just because he felt like it. I didn't think I would end up calling hell my home, but I have. I have become so close with the demon's down here. I talked to all of them and decided where to place them. So many of them were so unhappy with the job's Lucifer stuck them with. Their more comfortable in the castle now than they have ever been before. Thankfully I have been able to get Seb, Alex, Kaidyn and their mate's down here to visit. Mom makes sure to come down every couple of days and dads visits just as often. It took a long time for Seb and Alex' s mate's to take to me but eventually they realised they were making their mate's unhappy by holding grudges against me for know reason. I'm still very close to the boys, I try my best with their mate's but eventually I gave up working so hard to try get them to see the real me and not the monster they thought I was. Kaidyn met his mate when he moved to the council her name is Madison and I absolutely adore her. She is one of my closest friend's and she accepted me from the minute she met me. They have a five year old daughter called Hope and she is gorgeous. Darren and I are expecting our first child any day now and I can't wait to become a mother myself. I didn't think I would want to raise a child down here but thing's have changed so much, I couldn't think of a reason not to. But at least when my child comes into the world, he or she won't have to worry about battles that have to be ended or worried about being judged. I think the hardest day will be sending her to high school, I can't take that from them. Mom offered to look after him or her when the time comes and Darren and I can take turns visiting. The best gift I can give my child is a life free of war and acceptance. THE END...!
16 Feb 2016 | 19:26
well.. This is the end of Hell's Angel... Thanks for all your support and comments... And i hoped you all liked the story... Hmmm.. Do you think faith's child will be accepted??? General Register; @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm- vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @Barrywhite @Nekekingsley @Flindy @E-cube @Cedar1 @Steveokos @Gentleme @Queeneth2 @Anorexia @Turtiano @Ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @Teeboi53 @Profmiftau @Bamigift1998 @Edison82 @Everybody
16 Feb 2016 | 19:35
17 Feb 2016 | 01:46
Wow!wow!!wow!!! ...@pemamezi ... Iz dia more??????
17 Feb 2016 | 02:21
I so much love this story Nice ending
17 Feb 2016 | 02:42
Hmmm @pemamezi bravo! What a wonderful story..more ink to ur biro..waiting for heaven angel lols....i knw they will accept faith child..
17 Feb 2016 | 04:08
pls,answer my did the supernaturals like wolf,guardian,demon find their mate.
17 Feb 2016 | 04:25
[b]wow finnaly this is dey end faith really tryed ...nice story @Pemamezi bro u do well tanks for sharing this wonderful story with us once again tanks bro waiting for pit angel[/b] lol :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
17 Feb 2016 | 04:52
@pemamezi pls wen u start the season three abeg tag me
17 Feb 2016 | 05:10
wow wot a great story thumbs up.
17 Feb 2016 | 06:10
Nyc work,welldone,more grease 2 ur elbow @p
17 Feb 2016 | 06:12
wow...lovely..kudos to u
17 Feb 2016 | 10:32
[b]This is really captivatinq n mind blowinq fiction. U do well @PEmamezi_darkest™[/b]
17 Feb 2016 | 11:10
Wow! The end good job
17 Feb 2016 | 12:14
nice one. expecting more stories from you
17 Feb 2016 | 12:37
ona can put person for high jump... I never mentioned season 3 sha...
17 Feb 2016 | 17:42
Sweet story, amazing ending and superb fiction......nice job bro @pemamezi
18 Feb 2016 | 06:25
Well end..gud job..
19 Feb 2016 | 12:46
So very interesting
4 Mar 2016 | 11:46
Thank you.
16 Jun 2016 | 11:40
Nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 13:17
Nice story
20 Jul 2016 | 12:10
Nice story
1 Aug 2016 | 14:40
Following guy
1 Aug 2016 | 14:45
Wow!!! Sweet ending, finally, finally, finally. Am done reading. I love this story from beginning to the end. Kudos to the writer.
25 Jun 2017 | 21:27


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