[img]https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uCtdGLsvkcY/V6OBpzaCITI/AAAAAAACiS8/Nx975mvQ0wI-6UM4Sg_9dqoXkLVq_AREgCLcB/s280/g.jpg[/img]I need a
serious advice on this
matter. Today my girlfriend
started crying during sex. We've been together for
like 3 months and it has
been an intimate
relationship. You know
what I mean. I must confess though. I
hate having sex with
condoms. Since we are
exclusive, I talked to my
girl about it after the first
day we used a condom and she agreed we can
skip them after her
menstrual period - when
she is safe. And since
then, we have been
enjoying ourselves bareback. It feels really
good. I always ask her as
well if I'm hurting her and if
she is okay while we have
sex. She always nods
showing her approval. But last night she started
crying out of nowhere. I
asked what was wrong,
she didn't answer me. I
stopped and asked her
again what was wrong or if i did something that hurt
her and she said "Nothing,
please keep going." So i tried to start again but
she began crying again. I
eventually st