

By chimmy in 31 Oct 2018 | 17:09
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Member since: 29 Sep 2016

Episode 1

"To love and to hold." The priest said.
"To love and to hold." The bride repeated, smiling at her groom as if he was an angel sent from heaven and she had just seen him for the first time. The groom kept smiling back at her and they kept exchanging smiles as though they will never have the chance to do it again.
"For as long as we both shall leave."
The priest said.
"For as long as we both shall live."
The bride said after him, still smiling.
Kendra watched the new couple exchange vows and recalled how she had stood at this same altar and exchanged the same vows with her husband.
For as long as we both shall live... Those words were lovely but tricky. When you spend you married life with the person you said those words with and then realise afterwards that if you had seen it coming you wouldn't have said those words. Kendra felt like standing up from her seat, walking up to the bride who was her best friend and tell her to snap out of it! She had once been the kind if girl who dreamed of a happily ever after kind of marriage with kids running around you and your husband telling you that you are the best thing that has ever happened to him, and when she met her husband three years ago at the age of eighteen, he was the most handsome man she had ever seen and he reeked of wealth. She had met Connor at a wedding like this and she had been the VIP guest. He had approach her to ask if the seat beside her was empty and she had said no. Kendra could still replay the whole scene in her head even in her grave. They had started talking from there and exchanged numbers. That was how she found out that he was the owner of a big pharmaceutical company in the city and he was still very young!
He got her heart immediately. And they got married in three months. She fell head over heels in love.
Till death do us part...She still thought of that world now and wished death would really take her away from the man she married. The beast she lived with. Her marriage was the kind every woman dreamed of. She had every thing at her beckon call...except one thing...Happiness.
Kendra smiled now and clapped along with the others as the groom moved to kiss the bride....Aliyah...her best friend who, unlike her had played cool until she had found the love of her life.
Kendra was still yet to find her life much less to find love because right now her life was in shambles. She turned to her husband, Connor. He looked like the most gentle man any woman can wish for as he clapped his hands and cheered the couple like he were a saint. Her smile seem like it had been a fake one.
They had all driven off to the reception and were entertaining themselves when someone came to her and asked if the seat beside her was empty. She looked at the one at her right, hoping that her husband had seen what just happened. But he was not there with her. He had probably gone to the toilet to ease himself or stepped out to answer a call or something. Then she turned to look up at the person who spoke. It wasn't until then, she saw that it was a man. A really handsome man. Kendra frowned. What was the problem with big men and empty seats, she thought.
"No. its empty."
She said to him and he said his thanks and sat beside her. His Cologne passed through her nose like a flowery scent and she sniffed. She had a large description of him immediately. He was so light in complexion and didn't look more than twenty eight or thirty. She saw that from his well tailored suit,he was a master of money him self. And she looked down at the two big phones he carried as he was seriously busy with one, they were classy and the young man had swags. But she wasn't interested in handsome men anymore. The one who married her and treated her like trash was enough for her to hate men. She turned to her drink and sipped absent mindedly. Then he looked up at her and smiled.
He said. She looked at him and nodded without smiling, hoping to give him the wrong vibes but its either he didn't see it or he doesn't understand.
"Are you a friend to the bride or the groom?"
"Are you the receptionist?"
She asked coldly. This man should not come and put me in trouble o, she thought. Her husband was a gorilla himself. The young man laughed.
"Very funny."
She hadn't intended for it to be funny so she frowned.
"I'm Alexander Macaulay. Or Alex, whichever suits you best."
Her head snapped in different electric sparks and she faced him.
"What do you want?"
He raised his eyebrows. "Hey, relax. I'm just trying to make a conversation. I'm a friend to the groom."
"I'm a friend to the bride. She's my best friend from the university."
"Oh really? Are you still a student?"
She said and turned to her drink immediately. He looked at her for a while then he turned to his phone. She kept sipping her drink as if it was what she came here for. She had been rude but she couldn't help it. If he thinks he can talk his handsome fave into my brains,she thought. Her husband came up and sat beside her. She smiled at him but he didn't smile back. Trouble. She wondered what had happened now for him to change so soon like this. Her heart started beating fast. Then the time came for the bride and the groom to dance. Alex turned to her again.
"So, if you're a friend to the bride why didn't I see you at the engagement party last week?" He said and smirked. Oh Lawd Have Mercy! She turned to her husband and he was smoking fire. She turned to Alex and forced a chuckle. "I didn't attend. I wasn't able to."
Last week she had been in the hospital because her husband had beaten her to a pulp. So she couldn't go to her friend's party looking like an over ripe tomato.
Her husband stood up and said it was time to leave, she stood up and walked with him without a side glance at the guy beside her who looked at her confused, or a goodbye to her friend who had expected her to stay till the end of the wedding. She got into her husband's car and he drove home like a mad man and in silence. She knew better than to utter a word. When he got home and they'd stepped in, the whole house was quiet and they maids had all gone to bed. He walked in to the middle of the room and turned to her. She looked startled at him. His face was hard and ugly. The handsome man was gone. The devil had surfaced.
"Honey what's..."
Her words were sent back into her mouth with the back of his hand and the force of his back handed slap hit her down to the floor and she hit her cheek on the hard cushion of the chair on her way down....

To Be Continued....
31 Oct 2018 | 17:09
Carry on Pls na me first come make any body no come follow me Drag sit. [hr] [b]JUST ONE CLICK[/b] •Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Final Episode
31 Oct 2018 | 18:30
Some men are like that
31 Oct 2018 | 19:21
Nice start
31 Oct 2018 | 19:46
Carry go
1 Nov 2018 | 04:29
1 Nov 2018 | 04:35
Oboy, this marriage na world war 3 oo
1 Nov 2018 | 04:35
Hope nobody took my seat at the front, especially@ Abdullah, being the first, doesn't mean you should take my seat oooo
1 Nov 2018 | 05:07
am gonna love this
1 Nov 2018 | 05:28
hmm, what a start.... Next epi pls
1 Nov 2018 | 05:48
@chimmy, no offense ooo, how are you managing to post stories and hustle. I'm definitely sure u also dey hustle... Tankiu
1 Nov 2018 | 07:07
not all handsome men are handsome in heart
1 Nov 2018 | 07:09
1 Nov 2018 | 07:30
wow a resounding slap its gonna b interesting
1 Nov 2018 | 08:16
Nice start
1 Nov 2018 | 08:30
Carry on
1 Nov 2018 | 09:54
nice one
1 Nov 2018 | 12:06
1 Nov 2018 | 12:14
1 Nov 2018 | 14:20
Nyc start
1 Nov 2018 | 15:54
I hate men who beats women.........nice start anyway
1 Nov 2018 | 15:58
Ahhhh,,,,, what kind of a marriage is dis?..? my God,,, I will run without waiting for a footwear to take along
1 Nov 2018 | 17:30
HEALER Episode 2 She looked startled at Connor as she tried to stand up. Her still looked down at her and he looked like one of those pictures in children bible stories she used to read as a child about Goliath. He was the Goliath she saw now. If she were a scientist she would have had a microscope to see that he was breathing fire through his nose. He didn't even look remorseful. She stood up on her feet. It had been three years now and she knew she should be used to his beatings but it seemed to her that every new day he invented a new version of hitting her. And he always made sure she was badly affected. "I knew I should have picked that call right there in the hall!". his voice as hard as the judgemental trumpet she had been thought about in bible school as a child, was loud enough to wake the dead. " I leave you for a few minutes and you think you can flirt around with the next man you see?!" He snapped. She looked at him like she had seen a thief holding a gun. She began to shook her head and his hands came on her fave again but this time it was the other cheek. In the case of her marriage, turning the other cheek when you were being slapped was not necessary. Because Connor will surely turn it for her with his hands. She staggered backwards and was thankful that she didn't hit her head on the glass table behind her. The fact that she hadn't lost her life during his beating sessions in their marriage was still beyond her. She stood up again. "Connor, i wasn't flirting. He just asked for a seat." Connor let out a wicked laugh. "Do you think I'm a fool? I saw how he was smiling at you when he asked you why you didn't go to Aliyah's party. You think I don't know what's going on? Bloody pretender!" "No, you're wrong, I..." "I'm wrong?! Did you just say that I'm wrong?" She swallowed hard and felt like slapping herself instead of the next slap that landed on her again. This one tore her bottom lip and she tasted blood. "Connor,please. Hear me out. I swear I don't know who that man is. I only met him at the wedding and he was asking if the seat is empty." She was already crying but her tears has never moved him one bit. She wasn't surprised when he laughed at her again and started moving towards her. She reared backwards. He grabbed her and threw her to the bed pounced on her and started using her as a punching lesson. She shouted and cried for him to stopped but he kept hitting her. "You flirt! What are you hungry for that I haven't given to you?! Is it sex?! You want sex, right?!" He tore the red glittering designers evening gown he had bought her and yanked her legs open, struggling with his zipper he pulled out his big shaft and dug into her dry opening. She shouted for him to stop but he kept digging in and shouting back at her to shut up. "Your husband isn't good enough for you right? You want another man! I'll show you how other men would treat you when you try to sleep with them." He said still pushing hard into her and hitting to be calm. ********** She hadn't slept at all the entire night. Her body ached and her eyes were swollen from crying too long. Connor was sleeping peacefully on the bed and she turned to look at him. He looked like a saint even in his sleep. It was morning and her head pounded so much from lack of sleep. As she made her way to the bathroom she looked at her reflection in the mirror and tears rolled down her eyes. Her face was swollen and she had developed a black eye. All this for a stranger, she thought. She should have been used to him raping her unnecessarily but maybe the thought of her pain in this marriage kept making her feel weary. She had never been pregnant because the doctor had said she was having womb issues. She didn't even know if it was his frequent beatings that had caused it because she knew that she had never indulged in any messy act while I'm sch and she had never had any abortions whatsoever. She started the shower and stepped into it to bath. Her husband had opened up two big salons for her and she was managing them successfully. As she was bathing, her cell phone rang and she looked to see her mother was the one calling. No one even knew of her marital problems not even her parents who had warned her to calm down before jumping into marriage. She inhaled and exhaled and picked the receiver. "Hello, mum." She said trying to sound jovial and happy. "Kendra. How are you doing?" "I'm good. How are you and dad?" "Oh we're doing well." Her mother was silent for a while. "Are you feeling alright,dear?" "Yes, mum. I feel great." "Well, you don't sound great." "I just woke up, mum. How do think will sound?" "Okay. Well, how is your husband doing?" "Oh, he's going well. He's still asleep." "We've really missed you, you know. You don't even come to visit anymore as you used to." She felt sorry for herself. She was supposed to visit her parents who lived in the city too but she hadn't. Her husband didn't even let her. "Mum, I'm sorry. I know I should but I'll fond time to come, I promise." "Well, I was trying to call Connor but his phone is switched off. I wanted to thank him for the things he sent to us just now. He's a really great son in law." Kendra paused. "What things?" "Oh, he didn't tell you? He sent someone to the house just this morning and he brought a lot provisions and he even sent in a huge amount of money to your father's account." Kendra closed her eyes in pain. Why was he like this? What kind of a man had she married that would beat her every time and sent gifts to her parents and money just to take their attention away from her. She sighed. "God bless him a hundred folds." Her mother was still saying. "Okay. I'll tell him you said thank you." She said. "Alright dear. Please do that and don't forget to come visit." "Yes, mum. Bye.". She hung up and broke down in tears. Connor was a beast! ********* She was on her way to the salon when her phone rang again and she stopped her car by the side of the road to pick the call. It was her friend, Aliyah. she smiled and picked up the receiver. " Hey, young Mrs. " She teased. Aliyah laughed from the other side of the line. "Thank you. Old Mrs." Aliyah teased back. "How's it going? The honeymoon." "Going okay." Aliyah laughed. She seemed happy from the way she spoke. "I didn't see you yesterday after the party." "Yeah...I uh...wasn't feeling too well. So Connor took me home." She said, looking at herself on the rear view mirror to check her makeup which she used to hide the black eye her husband had given her. "Awwwn, so sweet. You know I'm happy that at least I'm married now. That way I can talk when others are talking about how sweet their husbands are. Connor really tried in taking you home. Are you feeling better now?" She asked. Worst,Kendra thought. "Never better." "I was really upset that you had gone without telling me, you know. But its okay. So what's up? Do we meet today?" "No." She said hastily reminding herself that Aliyah mustn't see her in this sorry ass state. "I will be having a big day today at the salon. You know its a Saturday. And you should stay at home with your husband. It's your honeymoon anyway. Unless you are tired of the exercise." She teased. Aliyah laughed. "Who says?" Aliyah said and they both laughed. She said her goodbye and hung up then sighed. A lot of people had always carried their noses up at her whenever she passed by especially women who thought she was too proud that she married a very rich man and didn't want to mix up with people who weren't her caliber. And she had even heard one of them at the mall gossiping to her mate that she knew who Kendra was and she was one lucky woman who married the right husband. "Just look at her attire. It smells money." The lady had said before and Kendra had only laughed within her. Of only they knew. And so she would have said she wished she was in Aliyah's shoes now but experience thought her better. She dropped her phone and started her car to move backwards and continue her journey only for her car to halt as it bounced back after hitting something or someone....she quickly looked at the rear view mirror she had forgotten to look at earlier and discovered that she had hit someone's car. "Holy Shit." She said and put on her dark sunshades to step out of the car.... *********** Alex was driving when he pulled by the side of the road to pick a call. One of the bridals at the wedding yesterday had managed to indulge him in a funny discussion and as weddings always ends with exchange of numbers he had taken her number. The call had pushed his memory back to the weird behaviour the other lady had given him. He didn't even know why he had taken that seat in the first place. But when he approached her asking if the seat was taken she had turned around to her right as if she was searching for the person that spoken. Like he was invisible. He knew he was tall and couldn't be missed out anywhere because he was attractive. Not that it had entered into his head. Then she turned to him and said, no its empty. When she had looked at him he was dumbfounded. He had never seen such beauty before in his life. The best part were her eyes. He loved those eyes. He was as nervous as a little boy, just because of a lady that was completely human! And instead of showing off his nervousness he busied himself with his cell phone not that there was anything of importance that distracted him other than the lady beside him. He was well aware of her picking up her glass of wine and sipping it. Then he fleet awkward and thought he should start up a conversation but at that point he was at a loss of what to say. He had been with a lot of women but none of them had gotten to him the way this one did and he didn't even know her! It wasn't until she had given him the first blow that he realised that she was only beautiful but she was downright rude. He had swallowed the insult taking it as a joke but the way she had spoken to him again, he had to withdraw. He didn't even know what had happened and the next thing he knew she stood up and followed the man beside her. Or was he her husband? He hadn't been able to forget that rude behavior ever since. He wasn't sure if it was the way she acted or her beauty itself. And he didn't even know her name! He was still on the phone when the car parked in front of him reared and hit his car. He paused and cut the call immediately in a serious anger to unleashed it on whoever that fool was. He stepped out of the car. "What the fuck!" He saw that his break light were broken. The lady stepped out of the car. The rude lady....Damn.... To Be Continued....
1 Nov 2018 | 18:15
This your suspense ba i go Prosucute you for am
1 Nov 2018 | 20:06
Rude indeed
2 Nov 2018 | 01:28
this gonna be interesting and a lesson to we
2 Nov 2018 | 01:31
that damn rude lady!!!! not her fault anyways... the fear of Connor her husband is d beginning of wisdom for her....
2 Nov 2018 | 03:42
what kind of marriage is this, well continue
2 Nov 2018 | 07:40
ride on
2 Nov 2018 | 07:49
lol d rude lady u too still meet
2 Nov 2018 | 08:44
This is more than a mere coincidence
2 Nov 2018 | 09:13
Nice story
2 Nov 2018 | 12:57
Kendra, are caged in his house or what? Do you want to die before you realize that you married a beast?
2 Nov 2018 | 13:36
u guys meet again
2 Nov 2018 | 14:40
HEALER Episode 3 Kendra stared shocked at the man who had just come out of the car. Was the beating she received from her husband still having effect on her or did she just hit the car of the same guy from the wedding. She couldn't even remember his name but as if yesterday, before Connor slapped his name off her memory, she could still recall his name and last name.She looked around her for any sign of her husband or a car waiting somewhere with him inside, watching. When there was none, she looked from the broken headlight to the guy who stood before her. When your mother tells you to be nice to everyone, this is the reason why,she thought. She always avoided these kinds of problems with people but his she became this careless, she was still at a loss. She tried to find the right words to say to him and he was just staring at her, probably waiting for her to say something first and she knew that as the culprit you are meant to explain yourself. "Oh my God." She started, hoping that was a good start, considering the fact that they didn't meet on a very good note and she was the one who caused it. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know how I totally forgot to look behind me first. I was on call...I'm really sorry." She was still asking herself what kind of a lame excuse is that, when he looked up. He had been staring at his broken lights since she was blabbing all that rubbish even she knew it made no sense at all.... ********* Alex looked up. What kind of a lame excuse is that? He asked himself. When she had stepped out of that car, he had looked shocked at her as if he didn't expect to see her. And he had braced himself for any more harsh words because he knew it was her fault. But the lady that had given him a time bomb yesterday was the same one putting on a puppy face and apologizing to him with excuses of picking call He laughed within him and turned his face down to pretend as if he was studying the broken break light but he was actually laughing. This God is wonderful, he thought. Who would have thought that rude lady here could apologize. He was also answering a call in his car but he didn't hit hers! He looked up at her. Those eyes were shielded with dark sunglasses. But he could still see her beauty. "Wow." He said. "I didn't know you had it in you." He said and she paused and looked at him. "Excuse me?" She said. "I mean the apology. I didn't know you had it in you. You know I was also answering a call when you hit me." "I just said I'm sorry. What do you want me to do to make it up to you? I can pay for the damages." Very good, he thought. He knew she would say that as a lady who had it all. Rude. He said to himself. He stepped closer to her, he wanted to know if she's married. "Why? From your husband's money?" He said to her. Pay back time. He saw her inhale in anger as if to digest the weight of his insult. "I beg your pardon, mister." Who the hell does this lady think she is?! He thought. "Alex." He corrected. She nodded. "I don't know why you have to be rude,Alex. I just apologized. I can take care of the damages." No he won't let this one slide like this. He needed her name and number regardless if the fact that she was married. She didn't look married. She looked like a single lady of maybe twenty one if he was right. "Why dont you drop your number and I'll call you and tell you how much its worth after I must have thought about it." At first she stared at him. Then she laughed. "Oh, please Alex. I know that trick and its not working." Another blow. But he smiled. "Okay, then. Well, you can put in a million into my acct and we are settled." "One million? For ordinary headlight?" "Ordinary? If it were ordinary I won't be standing here with you. I'll just brush off the issue and ride on. I have an appointment so be quick about it. You seem like the kind of lady who can afford more." He said looking at her up and down. she inhaled and exhaled. He stepped in front of her almost at kissing level and stared her deep in the eyes. Her perfume was lovely and the smell on her hair too. He saw her swallow hard. He didn't even know why he was still trying to get this lady's attention when he knew that she was married. He saw the difficult she had in making a move so he shrugged. He knew this was a childish play but somehow he enjoyed getting her angry if that was the only way he could get her attention. She didn't strike him as the kind of lady who would have too many friends. He shrugged. "Or better still give me your number." ******** Kendra couldn't believe the effect this guy had on her. When he stepped closer, she inhaled deeply as if she was trying to memorize the smell of his cologne. And he looked down at her lips, she looked down at his. When he asked of her number, she could believe him. A million naira or her number. If she transfered that kind of amount to him, her husband might find out. And something in her....the devil's voice said give him the number. And she requested for his phone which he gave to her, and she typed her number and returned it to him. She didn't even wait for his reply and she walked back to her car and with a backward glance she for in and drove off... To Be Continued...
2 Nov 2018 | 15:47
If ur husband catch u!
2 Nov 2018 | 18:10
Why do I have de feeling dat Alex is going to be de healer? Anyways it's early days yet,let's see how it goes.... Ride on!!!
2 Nov 2018 | 19:02
hmmmmmm lets c ao its goes
3 Nov 2018 | 05:46
i think he's the healer
3 Nov 2018 | 10:08
3 Nov 2018 | 11:26
Will Alex be the healer? Time will tell
3 Nov 2018 | 11:59
Alex the healer
3 Nov 2018 | 13:12
I hope ur husband will not beat you up again, when he find out
3 Nov 2018 | 13:28
Let move on
3 Nov 2018 | 15:28
U ar so cheap alex. lol
3 Nov 2018 | 16:29
are you still going to your beast husband's house after giving him the number? hehehehehe get ready to enter into pot of soup, hot one for that matter
3 Nov 2018 | 16:32
Enjoying this
3 Nov 2018 | 17:06
Alex will be the healer
3 Nov 2018 | 17:31
HEALER Episode 4 She smiled at her friend who had come to visit her two days later. Kendra didn't know why she felt so glad having her friend with her than actually having her husband with her. And Aliyah looked better in just four days. Marriage was really doing her well. She smiled up at her whenever she said something about her husband and how wonderful a man he is. Again she reminded herself no to wish at all. The same way she had said his wonderful her husband was then too. Not that she wished her friend any I'll luck in marriage. In fact she would never wish her enemy any ill luck like hers. "So, I was thinking about the mall. Are you going with me?" "What do you want to do at the mall?" Kendra asked Aliyah shrugged. "Just to buy a little thing. I need new clothes. U know those sexy clothes that can confuse your husband. I need you to come with me since you've been there, so you'll know the ones that can pull his brains out." Kendra was laughing out loud. "Come on, Aliyah. Its not that hard to pick." "I know but I want you to be my eyes there. You can always tell the sexy ones from the nunish ones." "Okay I'll come with you, but you know I have to leave early." "Yeah, I know. But this time I'm sure Connor will understand if you come home late. He loves you." Kendra looked up at her as if she didn't understand the word love. In fact she didn't understand that word. As of three Years ago, she had thought she knew word only to be thought that she didn't know the meaning at all. If what her friend had was love, then what did she have...or thought she had with Connor. She smiled ruefully at her friend. They left for the mall at exactly 5pm and being the kind of person, Aliyah was she always wasted time because she wanted the best thing to buy. They were at the cloth section, when Aliyah tried on a lingerie making sexy sounds as she showed Kendra the look on her.Kendra laughed out loud and Aliyah finally picked the ones she wanted but as she was the shopping princess, had decided to buy more clothes for herself. "Come on,Aliyah. You have thousands of clothes." "I need new ones. Come on. I won't take long." Aliyah said and Kendra looked at her wrist watch. "That's what you said like two hours ago. Its seven already." "Come on." Aliyah didn't even wait for her reply and she rushed to a rack where she saw one she liked and went in to try it on. Kendra was busying herself with feeling her eyes with the gowns she saw when she heard someone say behind her. "Hello, lady." She looked up with a start and nearly stepped into him while trying to turn around. His hands rested on her waist, trying to balance her and stop her from falling. She blinked from the shock and saw Alex. He smiled at her with his hands still on her waist. The image would have passed for kissing lovers and she gulped. She looked at him "Hi." She said and turned around to study the clothes. Not that she was really studying them. Her attention was fully on the man still standing close behind her. "That dress won't look good on you.". He said. She stopped at first then moved forward and picked another one. " That one won't look good either." She turned at him sharply and glared angrily at him. "What do you want?" She said. He smiled. "Easy. I didn't come to look for you, princess." "Then, go." She was looking around in case her alien of a husband materialised from somewhere. What kind of a palava is this fine? She thought. "I'm here with my sister. She came to shop too. So I was wondering. I didn't get your name earlier." "You don't need it." He smirked. "Why? Are you a ghost?" She looked at him, then smiled. ********* Today he was probably going to see an angel in his dream tonight, Alex thought. She smiled. Why was it that ladies who rarely smiled had a wonderful smile? He hadn't expected the statement to cause her to smile but she did. The rude lady smiled. He relaxed and smiled as well. "So you do smile?" He said. Oops. Wrong choice of words. the smile left as easily as it came. She turned around and picked another dress, trying out its texture. He wanted to understand this lady. Was she really this rude or what? She kept with what she was doing as if he wasn't there and then he felt the urge to hold her waist and kiss that smooth skin behind her exposed neck. Something with the way she spoke to him pulled him to her. She always acted tough around him like she had the power to slap him and he would do nothing about it. But then whenever she looked at him he saw something else in her eyes. Something akin to sadness...bitterness. But why would a woman this comfortable be sad? And her strange bravado intrigued him. She picked up a light pink dress. "That looks perfect." She turned sharply at him as if she was just finding out that he was still there. "Jesus. What is your problem? What do you want?" He shrugged. "Just your name." "That's very absurd for you to still be following me like this." He grinned. "What do you think I want? To get into your pants?" She gasped and pulled her fingers together into a tight fist, glaring angrily at him. He chuckled. "Get. Out.Of here." "I just told you I came with my sister." He looked around him. "She's around here somewhere. I don't know." "Get away from me. Now." She said and he stepped forwards and she moved backwards. She felt the clothe rack against her back and knew that if she stepped back again she could probably embarrass herself by falling on her butt. ******* Kendra could feel him moving closer to her and she moved back. What the hell was this guy looking for? Was he an agent from hell to ruin her night. "Stop.". She said. " You know as much as I would love to kiss you right now, I still want your name." "Kendra." She didn't even know when the words came out of her mouth and he smiled. "Kendra." He said as if in a whisper. "Kendra!" Someone shouted from behind her and she turned around and blanched. "Connor.". She said. ******** Alex looked from her to the guy he had seen at the wedding that day. Connor. She looked like she had seen the devil and he was confused. If this man was her husband then why was she looking at him like she would pee in her pants any minute? The man in question looked from him to Kendra like he would kill her right there and no one would do anything about it. He walked up to them and smiled. Alex looked at him. Oh really. He thought. That smile was fake and even a fool could see it. He saw his hands move to his wife's waist pulling her to him. She moved like a dummy. And if he could guess right, he knew her heart was beating. Odd. " Hello." The man said to Alex,smiling.. Kendra seemed to have practiced her composure because she forced a smile at Alex too. That's your mask right? He thought. "Honey, you remember the guy from the wedding, right?" Connor smiled at her too. The both of them didn't know how silly they looked with this act. "Alex. Meet my husband, Connor.". Alex extended his hand for a shake and Connor grabbed it like a robot. Aliyah found that chance to come into the picture. " Oh, hello,Connor." She said. "I didn't know you were here too." She looked at Alex and smiled. "Alex? Did you know Connor?" Alex smiled. "No, I just met him now." "I was having a business meeting with someone at the restaurant close by when I saw my wife. I thought I should come in and pick her up." Connor said. Aliyah smiled "Oh. that's sweet of you. Kendra and I were just shopping. But its okay if you want to leave with her." No....No...Kendra could shout it out loud but her mouth remained sealed. She smiled up at Aliyah. "Oh bit Aliyah wanted me to help.her pick some.clothes,right?" She said to her friend who laughed. "Oh no. Since your husband is here I don't mind anymore." Aliyah said. Alex saw Kendra give her friend a facial message but Aliyah was.looking confused at her. Connor spoke first. "Alex.Its good to meet you." He looked at his wife and smiled. "Sweetheart, can we leave now.." He said and Kendra just looked at him like someone who had selective amnesia. As if she couldn't even recall who he was any more. Connor didn't wait for her to reply and he guarded her to the exit. Alex watched them. For someone who made everyone feel like she was the brave hearted and strong willed, to her husband she acted like a puppet. she was scared of him but yet she lived to show brave. He felt sorry for her and yet he still felt that he liked her the more.... To Be Continued....
3 Nov 2018 | 19:37
Conor is surely going to fry you today just wait until you guys get home
4 Nov 2018 | 01:00
u don enter am today am sure he will skin u alive
4 Nov 2018 | 03:18
Alex, u c d trouble u caused 4 her dis guys dat won't mind dia business
4 Nov 2018 | 11:01
You are in soup already
4 Nov 2018 | 11:15
See gobe? Wahala don come oo... R,I,p in advance Kendra,chaii!!!
4 Nov 2018 | 15:08
ti e ti ba e finally
4 Nov 2018 | 16:42
HEALER Episode 5 Alex turned to Aliyah. She was smiling at the both of them as they left through the exit. With the way the young lady smiled he was certain she didn't understand what was going on in her friend's life at all. "So, that's her husband?" He asked and she turned to him. "Yes. Don't they look so cute together.?" "Indeed." He murmured with his eyes still at the exit through which they had left. ******** Kendra entered into the car in silence. Part of her wanted to explain herself to him and the other part just felt like keeping her mouth shut and take whatever she got in a few minutes time. She sighed and closed her eyes resting her head on the headrest. God, where are you? She said within her. Aliyah hadn't understood what was going on. If she did she would have cover up for her. She didn't blame the lady. She. was part of the people who had smiled at her when she passed by and said she married the best anyone could wish for. How could she walk put of this marriage and hide her shame? She looked sideways at Connor and she didn't even need the street lights to see that his face has hardened like a dried concrete as he drove by. She wasn't driving home with the sweet man who had taken her out of the mall. Somehow it still shocked her how he could be really sweet one minute and scary the next minute. As they pulled into the mansion she wished that there had been a heavy traffic jam on the way to delay them a little. But the traffic jam will only worsen his angry state because she would be the one receiving the doubled wrath of Connor. He walked of the car and went in before her. She dragged her feet into the house and followed him upstairs to their bedroom. He went into the bathroom and she stood there uncertain of what to do. Then she turned and pulled off her ear rings and necklaces. She placed them in the jewelry box. Time had passed when she had loved the gifts he bought her. The expensive jewelries he brought home on every trip he went, telling her how he had thought of her when he saw the beautiful diamond or gold necklace or rings. At first when he had first hit her and came home the next day with the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen, she had smiled at him and kissed him and thanked him for making her feel so special. But she knew better now. Now she would trade all these expensive stuff for happiness and peace and love. She just wanted to know how it felt to be loved by your husband. To go to bed one night with the knowledge that you were going to bed with your husband not a monster who could just wake up one morning and decide that your life was no longer of any importance and take your life that minute. She would appreciate the feeling of having her own children running around her and her husband kissing her good night and giving her breakfast in bed. But all those were mere dreams and fantasies that would never come true. She turned away from her jewelry box and a hard pressure hit her hard to the floor. How Connor always surprised her with his fists. Whip! Whip! The pain he inflicted on her from the head of his belt was beyond death itself. It was excruciating. He slashed her. arm with the head of his belt and she winced. "What were you doing with him again? Not flirting right?" She made to speak but his iron belt ran across her face again giving her a deep cut on her cheek. She tasted blood from her cheek down her lips. "Please." She said but the pain could let her speak up. She shook again from the sharp pain the at landed in her back. She knew this one would really cut her because she hadn't healed at all at the point where the last whip landed. She winced as tears ran down her cheeks stinging the injury she had on her cheek. "I...don't know what he was doing there...I only went with Aliyah to shop." She managed to say and he saw red. "You know how I hate lies! Liar! You bitch!" He whipped her. She cried. God please take my life,She prayed as she swallowed hard on the pressure of his belt on her back. She stood up and shouted at him to stop. "I'm not lying!" She snapped. "Its the truth,Connor! I went with Aliyah. He only came with his sister." Connor looked at her as if in surprise that she would snap at him like that. "Did you just shout at me?" Oh my God, she thought and reared backwards. When he charged for her, she ran out of the room and down the stairs in a rush to elude him, then she slipped and tumbled over. Hopefully she hadn't passed out but he lifted her again and shook her in rage. "How dare you raise your voice at me! Huh?! You bitch!" He slapped her hard. "You have the guts to cheat on me and lie about it!". She fell backwards and braved herself from falling as she held unto the railing if the stairs but she didn't hold on tight and she slipped and fell again. Connor didn't seem to have pity on her as she fell and fell, he still caused her down the stairs with his w belt, hoping to hit again when she got back on her feet. By the time,Kendra was back on her feet again she reeked of blood like she had just survived a fatal accident. Her face and arms and back were covered in blood. She cried and begged him to spare her. But Connor's eyes were blood shut with rage. He raised his belt again and she dodged then fled the house. Kendra didn't know where she was going but she hoped she found someone to help her before she fell into the wrong hands. She ran bare footed but her body was weak from too much flogging. she made her way to the express way and waved for cars that passed by to stop for her. Any body. Even a ritualist at that time was better than her husband. It felt like an eternity before a car drove past her and reversed. The jeep winded down its glass and Kendra leaned weakly against the window sill. The driver looked at her and she looked back but her weakness was getting to her eyes ,she couldn't see clearly. ******* Alex was driving his way home after dropping his bed bug of a sister home at his mother's. But his mind had refused to stray from Kendra and her husband. He was surprisingly worried for her. He chuckled at himself. How could he be worried about someone he didn't know much. Someone who seems to hate his presence. And yet someone who intrigued him more. The more he looked at her eyes the more he saw lots of secrets and pain. His car drove past someone who was waving desperately and seemed to be having a big problem standing on her two feet. He blinked and was thinking that perhaps his mind was working tricks on him again because he was thinking of her. But as he released, and saw the lady lean weakly against the window sill, he blanched. She looked like she had been run over by a truck. Kendra! He saw her eyes close and open. "Please...please..." She said breathlessly. He rushed out of the car to the other side where she stood to ask her what happened to her, but she crumbled in his arms. Unconscious... like she had passed out...or was she dead?... To Be Continued...
4 Nov 2018 | 23:54
Foolish you Kendra, you should have known better than to go back yo that house with Connor. Now look what he has done to you
5 Nov 2018 | 01:30
Well! Thank God your healer is here
5 Nov 2018 | 01:56
Dis connor is not human at all he is a monster in human form
5 Nov 2018 | 04:47
Being cool good but if you are too cool den it bad kendra you are too cool and quiet
5 Nov 2018 | 04:51
If you don't leave that bitch of a husband, he will kill you soon
5 Nov 2018 | 10:37
May God help some of our lady out of those wicked men's hand.
5 Nov 2018 | 11:39
I knew it DAT Alex was gonna be de healer but de question is, how is he going to do it? Time will surely tell!!!
5 Nov 2018 | 16:03
HEALER Episode 6 Kendra opened her eyes and blinked turning her face away from the light above her. Was she in heaven already? The light was so bright the nearly blinded her. She winced. The pain was still there. Didn't they teach her in church then that when one was in heaven there was no pain? Then why the hell was she feeling like she had used her entire body to battle with a truck. Then she turned to the faint noise she heard at her right ear and saw someone in white dress. A lady whose back was turned as if she was busy with something and Kendra couldn't see her face. She tried to move but she discovered that there was something in her hand. Then it occurred to her. She wasn't in heaven after all. Damn it! Why was it taking God too long to take her life? She recalled what had happened last night. She knew she ran out of the mansion with Connor calling her to stop and once. No...he wasn't calling her, he was ordering her to stop. But how her weak legs had carried her that far to the express, she was still at a loss. A car had stopped and that was all she could remember. She blinked. She also heard voices calling into her to come back but it wasn't Connor's. It sounded familiar and there was only one person with that kind of strong willed voice....Alex. She wasn't sure if she had been dreaming it but she heard the voice in echoes loud and bold calling her name to come back. The lady turned and looked at her, then she smiled. Was it her or did she have a striking resemblance with Alex? She wasn't the nurse because she was dressed in a very fancy outfit. She looked almost like Kendra's age mate. And she was beautiful. "Hello. You're finally awake. Thank God.". She said and sat on the seat next to the bed. Kendra looked around the ward..It was a.very big, private ward. " How long have I been here?" The lady shrugged, still smiling. "Just last night and this morning. How do you feel?" "Like I was run over by a truck." She chuckled and nodded. "You did look like you were run over by a truck when you were brought in here last night." Kendra looked at her. "Who brought me here?" She said holding her breath hoping it wasn't Connor as usual. "Oh, my brother did. He said he saw you on the way and you almost died because you passed out. I'll call the doctor and tell him you're awake." She made to leave and Kendra called her back. "Wait...who is your brother?" "Alex? You don't know him? He said he knows you." Alex was the one who had stopped for her? "And you are..?" "Monalisa. Or Lisa whichever suits you best." She said and turned and left the room. Kendra tried to turn on her back and winced. Wrong idea...she felt like she had lain on needles on the bed then she remembered she had been beaten badly there. This wasn't the hospital she usually went to but she didn't k ow the owner of this one. She sighed and tried to get comfortable. The bed was comfortable enough but her body and arms gave her great discomfort. The door opened and she expected to see the doctor but Alex walked in instead. ********* When Lisa had told him that Kendra was awake he made a mental sign of the cross and sighed in relief. He hadn't been able to rest easy with the way she had slumped in his arms last night. He thought he had lost her. In fact he had nearly lost her when he found out that her pulse were weak and rushed into the car on a full speed, calling the hospital to get ready for him. But she was almost gone but he time he got there and they were trying to revive her. For the first time in his life since his mother had nearly lost her life, Alex had never been this scared of losing anyone else. He had thought that she had somehow gotten into an accident with her husband on their way from the mall last night but it wasn't until he had undressed her, he saw the marks on her light skin. They weren't hard to notice. The marks from various beatings. Her Husband had been hitting her. He thought as much with the way he acted last night and the way she acted with him, that the was something going on that even Aliyah didn't know of. What kind of a man would raise his hands and beat his wife to the point of death?! The thought of having her beaten by that beast made his blood boil. He could never raise a hand on a woman regardless of who she is and what she is. He stepped in and she looked at him. This was a beautiful lady who a devil like her husband was trying to damage. She was still staring at him and she lowered her gaze as if she was ashamed. Of what, he thought. With his hands folded against his chest, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her for a while. "Hello, Kendra." He said. "How are you feeling today?" She sighed and nodded. "I'm fine. Just a little ache here and there." She gave him a weak smile. That was number two. Then the smile left again as fast as it came. "Do you remember what happened to you last night?" She looked at him and stared as if she was trying to remember. "I...had an accident." Lies! "An accident." He repeated. "What kind of accident?" He knew the truth but he wanted her to admit and trust him to say it to him. "" What the hell?! He lowered his gaze. "I see." He said. ********** Kendra didn't know what else to tell him. She felt that he would believe what ever she told him since he wasn't the doctor anyway. He wouldn't know the truth. But when he lowered his gaze and murmured, she looked up at him. He knew she was lying. But how would he know that? "There were marks on your body,Kendra." He said after a few seconds of silence between them. She swallowed hard. She didn't need to be told. She could still feel the plasters at her back and on her cheek. "It was an accident." She said. "Thank you for bringing me here,Alex. I'll pay the bills." She heard him chuckle and shake his head. "You always have a way of paying for everything,don't you?" She looked up at him. What the hell did he mean by that?! There was a knock on the door and a tall and pretty looking nurse walked in. "I'm sorry, doctor. Its time for the surgery." She said and Kendra looked confused. Who was she referring to. She saw Alex nod. "Is everything set?" He asked. "Yes sir." She said. "Give me a few minutes." She nodded and slipped out the same way she had slipped in. He stood up and looked at her as if he was going to say something but was hesitating. Then he turned and left the ward. Kendra was still shocked at this new revelation. He was the doctor? Was he also the one who had attended to her? She remembered his voice calling her to come back. It was him! And she had just lied shamelessly about an accident!... To Be Continued...
5 Nov 2018 | 17:15
U better leave DAT hell u call marriage girl
5 Nov 2018 | 17:21
Kendra you are very stupid for trying to cover the truth.... What are you covering the truth for? Oh! you still want to go back to Connor? You must be psychic to think of such
5 Nov 2018 | 19:38
but can some women continue to stay in dis hell of a marriage all bcos dey need to remain married????
6 Nov 2018 | 00:42
u just shamelessly lied to Ur healer,,, don't worry, Ur husband will continue hitting u while Alex will continue healing u
6 Nov 2018 | 00:48
you better wise up kendra
6 Nov 2018 | 04:04
Kendra u better wise up and leave this monster u called ur husband
6 Nov 2018 | 06:06
Kendra u better leave d beast u called ur husband. Money without peace of mind equals to untimely death
6 Nov 2018 | 06:09
Better explain everythhng to him cus he knows the truth already
6 Nov 2018 | 09:33
A Yoruba adage says; You must not cover yourself from someone who going to bath you
6 Nov 2018 | 11:04
HEALER Episode 7 Alex came back six hours later probably after the surgery that nurse had announced. She was still shocked that he was even a doctor. He didn't even look like one and she was still ashamed of the lame lie she told him few hours ago. She knew now that if he hadn't believed her, then he had seen the marks both old and new while she was unconscious. But he didn't come in alone, he came in with Lisa. They were in a conversation and he looked like the girl was boring her. He was in his white coat and had a fancy looking sphygmomanometer hanging around his neck. A nurse came in with him and this one was completely different from the last one. "Lisa, I'm busy and you're disturbing me." Lisa made a pouty face and looked at him. "Please, Alex. You know you can do it." He looked at her and she blinked like a doll and grinned. Kendra found herself smiling at them. "Let's talk about this later. Okay?" "No. Right now. You will leave here late and drive all the way to your house and avoid me. Don't think I don't know you,Alex." "Alright, then. I'll do it." Lisa smiled, planted a kiss on his lips and left with a goodbye at Kendra. He sighed and turned to her and stared at her. "What?" She asked him. He stepped forward. "I don't know. You seem to be smiling better than before." Kendra didn't pull back her smile. She nodded towards the door. "She's a cute lady." "Who? My sister? More like a bed bug." He said and took the folder from the nurse, studying it. "She's your age,Kendra. I'm sure you both can get alone well. She's not hard to love. And she makes friends easily." His eyes were still on the chart board. "How old do you think i am?" He looked up at her and grinned. His smile was affecting her in ways she couldn't explain. Maybe because she was beginning to feel comfortable around him, or that she wanted him to forget about the shameless way she lied...she didn't know which one. "I know you're twenty one,Kendra." She looked at him in surprise and he laughed. "Relax, I haven't been stalking you. Aliyah told me last night." "Oh." She said and he went back to the chart board. He looked at the nurse. "She's awake and stable. I don't think there's any need for the drip. Cut her off from it and let her start taking tablets." The nurse nodded. "Yes sir." Kendra looked at them as the nurse took the folder a and left the ward. He looked down at her and then settled at the chair beside her bed. "You know you can sit on the bed. I won't bite." She said and he grinned. "I'm sure you won't. You don't look like one who would. But I'm in my coat which can be harmful to you considering the fact that I have been walking mg around the hospital in it." She nodded. "Do you work as a staff here?" He smiled. "You want to pay me?" He teased. "I didn't mean it like that I just....I'm sorry about the way I lied earlier. I know I should have told you the truth but then I was just ashamed." He stared at her for a while. "Ashamed of what?" " bravado towards you. My meanness and my cold attitude." ************ Alex watched her lower her gaze while she spoke and saw that this lady was ashamed of being weak in front of people. She was ashamed of being the one to attract pity to herself. The mask was gone. He could see the true Kendra. The one who built a hard wall around herself so people won't see how shaken she is inside. So people won't pity her...or laugh at her. "Look at me when you talk to me,Kendra." He said and she shook her head without looking at him. "Kendra." He said in a whisper. But she heard it. "Come on. Look at me. Do it." She slowly raised her gaze at him and he saw tears. Real tears! He had never imagined that she was the crying one. Good God! What had her husband done to her? Their gazes locked and she couldn't control her tears. His hand lifted and he gently gripped one of her hand resting on the bed. "I'm sorry for breaking down like this,Alex." She said in a broken voice. "Thank you for saving my life." "Aliyah doesn't know about it, right?" She shook her head. "No one knows about it. Just you." "Why didn't you tell anyone?" "I couldn't. I just couldn't do it." "I thought at first that it was one of those marriage issues but then it got worse. I didn't want to tell anyone because it was my fault. I rushed into it so fast. We got married in just three months. Everyone told me to wait and I was so in love that I couldn't wait. What do I tell them? That I finally realised that I should have waited? It sounds funny and they will all laugh their butts to the ground." "Kendra, this is your life. You can't keep hiding and dying slowly. You don't even understand what happened to you last night. You were already gone. We had an xray on you and one of your ribs is fractured." She looked at him. "Why did you have to carry this alone? He doesn't deserve to have you. If he keeps hitting you like this, he's a fool. You have to do something about it." "I can't. He's my husband. For better for worse. That's what we said at the altar." "So...for better for worse, huh? And he hits the worst into you and when you die, he'll take on the next lady and keep hitting her." She sniffed. He saw her close her eyes as if trying to calm down. He moved forward. "Kendra." He said and she looked up at him. Damn! She looked so vulnerable, he wanted to kiss her there. He wanted to reassure her that she had a friend and ally in him. A confidant. But he noticed that she was still holding back. That's why she acted tough to everyone. Because she was scared of showing them what she was going through. "Kendra." He said again. But the words couldn't come out. He was looking at those eyes. Those soulful brown eyes that showed him her heart. Her bleeding heart. "You can't let him end your life like this,Kendra. You have to do something before he does it for you." "I can't kill him." Good God! He wasn't talking about that. "That's not what I meant. I won't advice you to kill any one much less him." She stared at him again and lowered her gaze and he knew she was crying again. How could she have suffered this for three years?! Endured his molestations and beatings for three whole years and still be alive. The more he thought of it, the more fell in love with this strong and extraordinary woman. She kept crying and he gave her hand a light squeeze, leaning forward, he placed a light kiss on the top of her head. If she felt it, she gave no sign.... To Be Continued...
6 Nov 2018 | 18:24
7 Nov 2018 | 00:56
That is not a marriage sweetheart
7 Nov 2018 | 01:01
hmmmmm,,, how can someone be staying In dat abusive and killer home
7 Nov 2018 | 03:04
hmmm today na today, I pray he shouldn't kill u
7 Nov 2018 | 04:34
while did u allowed him to be treating u like this na? can't u find a way to leave him?
7 Nov 2018 | 04:35
Kendra did you also exchange vows that he will beat you as he pleases?
7 Nov 2018 | 06:07
You really have to do something before he does it for you
7 Nov 2018 | 06:12
You're toying with your life
7 Nov 2018 | 10:49
Kendra wise up
7 Nov 2018 | 14:54
HEALER Episode 8 "Why didn't you tell me all about it, Kendra?" Aliyah said to her, four days later at the hospital. Kendra lowered her gaze. "Look at you. You look like shit!" I'm sorry, Aliyah. I know I should have told you but I just couldn't." "Kendra, I am your friend. We could have worked something out. I can't believe that bastard would raise his hands on you like this. And to think that you've been going through this for three years. Its too much o,Kendra. You could have died, I hope you know that." Kendra nodded. "But I didn't." "You didn't because Alex happened to be, he was actually passing by and what if he hadn't seen you? Or worse,what if he had passed by at all?" Kendra said nothing. Aliyah was mad at her for keeping quiet but with all her scolding, she actually made a point. The thought of not seeing Alex at that time. She would have died there and no one would know of how she died or who caused her death. Alex had been nice enough to her and she was beginning to wonder what she would do now. She didn't want to go back to her parents place just yet. She wanted Connor far from.her for now. And he had been calling her persistently as if he expected her to still be alive after the beating he gave her. "Have you told your parents?" Aliyah said and she looked sharply at her. "No. I don't want to tell them." "Kendra, you have to stop this. You can't keep it away from them. They're your parents. And look where your silence has led you. You're still young. Too young to be traumatized about marriage." "I'll tell them but I can't stay with them. I need to find a place to stay. I don't want him to find me just yet." "Why don't you come over to the house. You can stay with us." Kendra thought over it and shook her head. "I can't. It's too easy. Besides I don't want to be a burden to you and Ben.." "Who says?" Kendra smiled. "With your honeymoon things." She teased and Aliyah chuckled. "You still find a way to be funny in this state?" Kendra smiled. "I'm serious,Aliyah. I don't want to be a bother. And if he doesn't find me, he'll come there." "Yeah, you're right. But where will you go? Will you lodge in a hotel?" Kendra shrugged. But when she had said her plans if a hotel to Alex, he had kicked against it, saying that she needed to be at a place where she can be on constant watch daily. He had a point in that too and he had offered to take her to his mother's. She almost refused but then that was the only place Connor didn't know. ********** She had been with Alex's mother for four more days where she was recuperating slowly and getting herself back. But she hadn't heard or seen Connor, apart from his persistent calls and text messages telling her how sorry he was and how he wanted her back to him. Kendra stared at his last message for what seemed like an eternity. The man wasn't even sure if she was still alive or if he had killed her with his beatings and he still kept calling and texting her. Alex came from time to time to check on her and visit. His mother wasn't a problem. "Its a good thing, you're here,dear." His mother had said, few days later when she had joined her in the kitchen. The house was very big, almost like the one she lived in with Connor but the woman still made her meals herself. She was younger than a woman who had given birth to someone like Alex and Lisa. She smiled. "Its a good thing because that young man if a son I have rarely visits. And now he comes here frequently like he kept a secret bag of money he doesn't want anyone to touch." Kendra laughed. "I'm grateful that you're harboring me in your home,ma. I'm really grateful." "Oh, don't be like that. Alex has taken in a lot if women into his own house but he has never brought one to me with earnest pleading that I take good care of her like he did in your case. So I'm not uncomfortable. At least I can talk to someone. Lisa, that girl?" She shook her head. "She's something else. She hardly stays at home and she always hangs around with friends." The woman smiled. Kendra smiled back. This woman could make great friends with her mother. The both if them had the same difficulty in being reserved. Someone stepped into the kitchen and Kendra looked up and smiled. Alex smiled back as he went to give his mother a kiss on the cheek. "Oh, you came early, dear." His mother said. "We were about making dinner. Do you mind sticking around a little more?" He looked at his wristwatch. "Don't you dare, son." She said to him. Kendra knew he was only doing that to pull her legs and he smiled and then laughed. She laughed along with him. This family was the best after hers. He joined at the sink where she was washing the cabbage. She smiled up at him. They were nearly at kissing level and she was very aware if his nearness and how his heart was beating. The truth was that she was beginning to like this guy. Alex had hinted to her of his feelings even if he knew that she was married but she knew that he wasn't going to court a married woman. He was just the kind of person who loves to be outspoken. "Hey." He said and smiled. She returned the smile. "Hey." She said. "How have you been?" He said and washed his hands too so he could take the cabbage from her. She laughed when he went for the knife. "You don't want to do that." She said. He looked at her and grinned. "Why? Surprised that I'll cut it better than you?" "No. I'm surprised because i know you can't cut it better than me." He gave her a challenging look. "Really? I can cook too. You'd be surprised." She looked at his mother when he winked at her and the woman averted her attention immediately to the cooking pot on the gas as if she didn't even know what was happening. As if she didn't know that Kendra had caught her smiling. She went closer to Alex and whispered. "Stop it, your mum is here." He looked at his mother and whispered back to her, "Who says she isn't listening to us right now?" He placed a quick kiss on her cheeks and laughed as she hit his arm, blushing. Her beauty was coming back again and she seemed to be glowing more than the first day they met. "Oh, I forgot my phone upstairs. I'll be right back." His mother said and left the kitchen with Alex grinning as she left. He turned to Kendra. "That's her way of saying I saw you both but carry on any way." "You're impossible.". She said and collected the cabbage from him turning to cut it. "So you can cook,huh? I swear,Alex. You are so full of surprises." She said with her back to him. She shook when she felt the heat of his body so close behind her. When she tried to turn, he placed his hands on her waist and kept her back to him. He brought his lips to her right ear. "You'll be more than surprised to know that there are so many other things I can do." He whispered. His voice was seductive. And enticing,she almost lost herself. She paused what she was doing and turned her face to look at him. But his gaze went down to her lips. Kendra swallowed hard. He leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers. She sighed. She looked up at him. His gaze was watching her as if he expected her to start floating that minute. He moved to give her a real kiss but someone cleared her throat, bringing both her them back to planet earth. His mother passed a look to her son as she entered and he winked at her, and smirked. But for Kendra, she focused on cutting the cabbage. But she wasn't really focusing, she trying to gain her composure and deal with the butterflies in her stomach.... To Be Continued...
7 Nov 2018 | 15:05
Alex the healer,,,,, he just heal her to himself,,,, Dats Gud oooo
7 Nov 2018 | 17:16
hummn Alex Alex, Kendra what are u going to do about ur husband now since U and Alex are beginning to fall for each other
7 Nov 2018 | 19:57
kendra u have to do sumtin b4 u get paralyzed due to his beating
8 Nov 2018 | 00:48
U and Alex are beginning to fall for each other
8 Nov 2018 | 01:02
U are getting along with alex
8 Nov 2018 | 04:14
Kendra don't jump into what u are about to leave
8 Nov 2018 | 04:31
HEALER Episode 9 Kendra was beginning to smile again. Alex had counted how many times she had smiled before him and hr had made a calculation of twenty in just three weeks. That was a good start for someone who hardly smiled at all. And her beauty was returning to normal again. The beast was still calling her and he knew that Kendra hadn't picked any of his calls. That Sunday he came over to visit and met them about to have dinner again. He had joined the family to sit beside her at the dinning as he watched her laughs at something his mother said. She was becoming free with him and with his family like they were hers. After that dinner he had followed her to her bedroom with his mothers eyes giving him the warning look. "I went to Church today with your mother and Lisa.". She said to him when she stood at the balcony of her bedroom with him leaning against it, his arms folded on his chest. She smiled up at him. " It was wonderful. Did toy know that I haven't been to the church in three years?" He heard her chuckle. "Funny because, Connor never allowed me to go. In fact he forbade me to go to the church. But I had a wonderful time today." Her eyes were out in the dark if the night and she stared out in space, smiling. He studied her for a while. "I'm glad you had a great time." He said. She smiled up at him again. Number twenty one. "Thank you,Alex. Thank you so much for helping me." "Its nothing." "And I didn't know that you are the owner of that big hospital. See why I said that you ate so full of surprises?" He laughed out loud. "Well, I'm not really the owner. It belongs to my stepfather. He's dead so I'm the owner now." "I'm sorry." She said. He nodded, he was still studying her. Then she looked up at him. "Something tells me that you knew all along that u was going through hell with Connor. Why didn't you say anything? How did you know." He grinned. "Because I'm not stupid." He turned and leaned his hands against the railing, facing the dark night. "I knew,Kendra. I always knew something was wrong with you. Odd, but I don't know how but I just knew. And I was sure if it because I've been where you are. My mother suffered the same thing with her first husband. That's why she took a liking to you easily. Because you remind her of how she was able to leave the bastard called my father and meet my stepfather." Kendra looked down at her hands resting on the railing. "Oh. It must have been hell for her." "It was. She almost lost her life. my stepsister. She was born after my mother married my stepfather." Kendra smiled. "I'm glad that she was able to pull through, Alex. Your mother is a nice woman." He smiled. Her phone rang again and she looked up at him. Connor. He gave a wicked grin and snatched the phone from her,She gasped and raised her hands to get it back but he was much taller than she is. "Alex. Stop. You can't pick the call." "I can give him something to dream about." He said grinning. She laughed. "Don't be ridiculous, Alex. Give me the phone." She towered for it again and he held it away from her reach as she raised herself trying to match his height. The act for to him and he bent and caught her lips with his. She nearly fell backwards because she was caught off guard just that his hands held her waist pulling her body to his and kissing her like never before. When he was sure that she had calmed and he heard her moan, he brought down the hand that held the phone which had stopped and started again, using that hand to wrap around her completely. And they stood at the balcony like two secret lovers, kissing while her phone rand and rang and kept ringing... ********* Aliyah stared at the unwanted visitor at her door. Connor stood there like a drenched puppy looking at her. Then she smiled at him. Let him play the fool, she thought. "Connor! Hello. How have you been?". He gave her that innocent smile that could make a priest ask God for mercy. "I'm good, how are you?" "Never better." She stood looking at him and he looked back at her not that she didn't know what to do next but she just wanted to make him look like the fool for coming here. "Oh, sorry. Come.on in." She said when she was satisfied that she had made a fool of him. He nodded like an idiot and stepped in with Aliyah staring at his back as if she had seen a vision about how he would die in her hands. Her husband stood at the end of the living room but he was the one who could hide his feelings. Aliyah was trying so hard to but she just couldn't.Connor sat himself down and both couple stared at him as if they were expecting to see the mad man instead of the saint.... To Be Continued....
8 Nov 2018 | 17:06
Connor, I'm very sorry to inform u DAT u ve already lost ur wife to another caring n loving man so deal with it,mumu!!!
8 Nov 2018 | 18:02
So he's looking for his punching bag? Well he's late
9 Nov 2018 | 02:17
The chemistry between Alex and Kendra is growing rapidly. Now Connor will not come back to her life again
9 Nov 2018 | 02:21
Connor oniranu...nw u feeling sory abi
9 Nov 2018 | 04:35
stupid man
9 Nov 2018 | 08:23
so u are still lying for what now? I hope u are not planning to go back to him again?
9 Nov 2018 | 17:50
that ur husband is a useless man ever
9 Nov 2018 | 17:50
hmmmmmm love in the air
9 Nov 2018 | 17:51
HEALER Episode 10 Ben went to sit on the sofa, pulling his wife with him. She complied. Connor looked at them, then looked around as if he was looking for someone. Search for her all you want, fool. Aliyah said within her. Ben smiled up at him and he smiled back. "Connor, how have you been? Its been a while since the wedding." Connor smiled. "Yes. It has. I've been good and you?" Ben shrugged. Aliyah forced a smile. Connor shifted in his seat. "Um...I came to see Kendra." The both of them blinked at him. "Kendra?" Aliyah spoke. "She's supposed to be with you isn't she?" "Yes, but I haven't seen her in three weeks now." He looked up at them. His facial expression looked to Aliyah like one of those cartoons she used to watch as a kid. "Why? What happened?" That's why she loved her husband. The man knew how to make one look like an idiot. Connor looked down at his hands. "We had a little argument. And she got upset and left the house. I've been calling her persistently but she's not picking any of my calls or replying any of my messages." He concluded. Aliyah stated at her husband in shock. This man was a bloody liar! Kendra had been living with a beast!! "Wow." Ben said either that he was surprised at the news or at the way Connor told his heart touching story. Aliyah snapped her fingers as if she just remembered something. She looked up at her husband. "Babe, that's the reason why I've been calling her and she hadn't been picking up. Oh my God. Are you sure she's okay?" She looked at Connor. "Why don't you try her parents place?" "She's not there either. They don't even know where she is." Hm! Aliyah thought. Kendra's parents were aware that she wasn't with her husband but she didn't tell them where she is. "Oh my God." Ben said. "We don't know where she is,Connor. My wife has been worried sick about her too. She was about coming to your house to look for her." Connor nodded and bowed his head. He said his thanks and left the house with Aliyah sniffing with rage at him. ********* "Why did you have to go out?". Alex asked her from the other line of the phone. She smiled as she tried to put the groceries she bought into the car. She had borrowed his mother's car to go shopping for her. " Relax,Alex. She wanted to sent the maid and I just had to take it up instead. I haven't been out in weeks and I'm becoming bored staying inside." "Well, you can always have me keeping you company.". He teased her and she laughed. " You are crazy." "I know, right?" He said. "Are you at work?" She asked, opening her driver's side to get in. "Yea. I am." "Okay." She was about getting in when she saw Connor standing in front of her. She froze. She didn't even hear what Alex had said. With the phone still to her ear, she said, "Let me call you back." "Is everything okay?" He must have sensed the tension in her voice even if she tried to be calm. "Yes. Everything is fine. I'll call you as soon as I get home." She said. "Okay, bye." Alex said and she hung up without replying. She stared back at Connor who stood in front of her bit he was neither smiling NIR angry. He looked like someone who had been given a death wish. Kendra was beginning to think she was the one who had just been given a death wish.... To Be Continued...
9 Nov 2018 | 17:55
Connor wont dare lay a finger on Kendra. not any more
9 Nov 2018 | 19:56
Why is he even looking for her. I think Kendra should hasten up and file a divorce suit. Connor didn't value what he had until he lost it
9 Nov 2018 | 20:06
connor u have lost kendra for gud
9 Nov 2018 | 21:24
how did he locate her, hmmm I dey follow sha
10 Nov 2018 | 02:54
And here comes the beast
10 Nov 2018 | 03:28
Here comes de wife beater de man who has respect for woman and beat his wife like a cow
10 Nov 2018 | 03:31
How did he find her self dis son of a bitch
10 Nov 2018 | 03:34
he is d one wit death wish ooo,, Kendra should not go back to Connor even if he has changed for good,,, he should go and marry anoda wife
10 Nov 2018 | 06:41
yea connor is a loser he dont know d worth of wat he have until he lost it
10 Nov 2018 | 14:38
U wnt her to come back, so that u I'll kill her abi
10 Nov 2018 | 15:02
dis guy is a psychopath
10 Nov 2018 | 16:26
why is Connor looking for her again
10 Nov 2018 | 16:45
HEALER Episode 11 Kendra stared at Connor like she hasn't seen him before. Actually she hasn't seen him in three weeks almost a month when she would have been dead. Aliyah had visited her and told her everything that had happened when Connor came looking for her at Aliyah's. She had known it would come to that. She thanked God she hasn't gone to stay at her friend's place. Connor stepped forward but she remained where she was. Normally she would have reared back in fear. "Hello, Kendra." He said. Kendra knew that she had never ran away from him before even with everything he had done to her and she was sure that after two days he had expected to see her back at the house regardless of what had happened. But he didn't. "I haven't seen you at the house lately. What happened?" Are you kidding me?! She looked at him and walked to her car, he chased after her, pulling her to fave him. "Kendra, please. I want you back." "Connor let go off me.". She said not looked ng at him. " Kendra, please. Don't do this. I'm sorry about what happened. I don't know what came over me and I shouldn't have done that." She looked up at him. "Really? Then after two days you'll repeat this same words to me. Its no longer a new thing to me because I already know those apology words by heart. Get your hands off me,Connor. Before I scream for help." "Kendra, I promise to change. I will change, baby. Please don't do this to me. I need you back." "Connor, move!" She snapped. Kendra didn't want to look at his face because the psychotic guy seemed to know how to attract pity with the way he made a face. She kept her gaze to her car instead. "Where do you stay? Where are you now?" "Get out,Connor. Its none of your business." She pushed away from him, quickly got into her car and zoomed off without heeding the voice of her husband to wait. She drove into Alex's mother's house and rested her head against the head rest to gain her composure back. The tiny tears that were forming at the corner of her eyes were brushed off by her handkerchief and she sighed and pulled herself back together. ********** Alex joined them for dinner that night. But he didn't sit beside her, he took his position opposite her. She heard Lisa say something to everyone about how her day at school was today and how mean her lecturer was. Alex made a big joke out of it and everyone laughed with Lisa shooting sharp gazes at him. When his eyes met Kendra's, he smiled and winked at her. She blushed pink and lowered her gaze smiling. When she raised her gaze at his mother, she was giving Alex a look which means that she had seen them. Alex lowered his head and laughed. "Leave the young lady alone,Alex." He grinned. "Oh, mum. But you know I'm not used to leaving beautiful young ladies alone." He said and his mother chuckled. While it was time to take the dirty dishes to the kitchen she had helped Lisa do it but she could feel Alex's eyes on her, smiling at her. She heard foot steps in the kitchen while she was washing the dishes and knew whom it was even before she felt the brush of his strong hands on her from behind. His hands skidded down from her shoulders to her hands that were already soapy and in the sink. His hands went in there and enclosed her hands. "Alex, what are you doing?" She said but her voice was failing her. "How did your day go?" "It went well." She remembered the encounter with Connor but her memory played tricks with her when his hands lifted her soapy hand up to her chest. She chuckled with her eyes closed. "What are you doing?" She heard him chuckle. "Showing you something." His hands guided hers up to her neckline. Then with her soapy hands his hands went into her blouse to her breasts beneath her bra, rubbing gently against her nipples. The wetness of their soapy hands and the way he rubbed against her breasts brought pleasure to her and a sigh escaped her. He smiled. "You like that.". She gasped and felt dizzy as she smiled. and nodded. " Yes, I..." But she couldn't go on with her statement. The voice and foot steps of Lisa interrupted them as his sister stepped in and she was in call.But they had already stopped. She looked at both of them and she must have sensed a tension because Alex was grinning at her and Kendra was feeling shaky. She put her hands in the sink smiling at Kendra. "Its okay. I'll do it." She said. Kendra smiled and left the kitchen. Lisa looked up at her brother. "You're impossible." He laughed... To Be Continued....
10 Nov 2018 | 18:10
chai i fear dis alex see as he dey make married woman dey fall for am
10 Nov 2018 | 18:54
is this love or lust alex?
11 Nov 2018 | 05:28
I don't understand wat healer is doin again oooo
11 Nov 2018 | 13:07
Easy naaaaaa
11 Nov 2018 | 13:16
Dis two luv birds r gradually falling for each other, let's see how it goes sha!!!
11 Nov 2018 | 14:36
11 Nov 2018 | 14:42
wat happening is dis d only trick alex can use so dat a lady can fall for him or wat
11 Nov 2018 | 15:00
HEALER Episode 12 She stepped into her bedroom and looked behind her to see if Alex had followed her. Bit to her dismay he didn't. She wanted him to follow her. The crazy act in the kitchen earlier was something she had never experienced with anyone else before not even Connor. Connor. She remembered their brief encounter. Nowadays the thought of him alone gave her the wrong vibes. She chided herself because she knew she shouldn't be acting like a sexually frustrated bitch but she was sexually frustrated and Alex wasn't helping. She knew of his feelings for her and she hadnt pushed him away. She didn't know why she hasn't pushed him away. She's supposed to be married and faithful to her husband even if he was a beast. But whenever Alex was around her, she lost herself to his nearness, his touch and his kisses. Even his voice was beginning to affect her and she had only known him for a month! This wasn't right. She was still scared of rushing into anything that has to do with her feelings. The door opened and she saw him walk in, but he was on the phone. He looked up at her, walked up to her and took her hands in his as he was seriously in the conversation. "Alright, I'm listening." He paused and played with her fingers absent mindedly. "Is he calm now? What did you give him?" He paused. "Alright, keep him under watch. I'll be there in....say, thirty minutes." He played with her wrists still on the phone, he slid his hands to her waist. "They want to see me? Why? Is there anything else apart from the pain?" He paused. "Okay. I'll be there soon." He hung up and pulled her to himself, kissing her forehead. He looked into her eyes and smiled. "Well, I'll be damned. I seem to be touching you too much these days. A married woman." She smiled at him. "Well, you haven't said you don't like it so I haven't stopped." He watched her, expecting her to say something. Kendra didn't know what to say. So she said the first thing that came to her mind. "I don't want you to stop.". She told him and he grinned. " Then I won't stop." He said. "How was work today?" She asked and he shrugged. "The usual. I have a patient waiting to see me now. I font know why they want to see me. There are so many other doctors there. And the best ones at that.". She smirked. " Maybe its a young lady. And she wants to see you?" "Ah, so I'm that good looking." He smiled back. He studied her for a minute, brushing off strands of massive weaving from her face. Kendra wanted him to kiss her so badly that she stared at his lips. He smiled. "What?" he said. "Nothing.". She said and turned away from him. " You know when you look at me like that it only makes me want you more." He said and chuckled. "I must be the worst sinner to be this in love with you." He said to her and she turned again to look at him. "What did you say?" She said. Her heart was soaring right now that she wanted him to repeat what he just said to her. He only grinned. "You seem like you have something to tell me. What is it?" She chuckled. "Am I that transparent?" "Of course you are. So transparent that I can see even your lovely nipples right now..." He stepped closer to her and whispered. "And your lovely light skin... how smooth they are and how they can respond fast to my touch." She could feel her heart rate increasing. Dear God, she thought. No wonder they said the road to hell was broad. She would gladly take that road even this once. She sighed and looked up at him but he looked impressed at what he just did to her. "So, what's the problem?" He said immediately, changing the subject. She cleared her throat as if the effect of his words had blocked her speech. "I saw Connor today,Alex." He didn't seem to move an inch or make any sound so she didn't know if he was calm or shocked at her words. He looked like he wasn't surprised and wanted her to continue. "At the super market." "Are you afraid?" He asked. She turned away from him and walked to the window. "I don't know, Alex. I feel that he is following me. What if he finds this place? What if he comes here?" Alex walked up to her. "Do you want to go back with him?" She turned sharply at him. "No. Of course not. I'd rather die,Alex." "Then you shouldn't be scared. Do what you should have done a long time ago." She looked up at him. He stared back at her. ********** "You should be fit and strong in...six more months or so." He said to his patient who had surgery the day Kendra was admitted. An old man in his late sixties who had a kidney transplant. His young daughter stood behind her father and smiled. She was the same lady he had exchanged numbers with at Aliyah's wedding but hadn't been calling much even though the lady called him from time to time. The old man smiled at Alex. "Thank you, son." The old man said to Alex who smiled. "Its nothing at all, sir." "I hope you find a good wife for yourself.". The old man said and smiled up at his daughter then at Alex who was looking at both father and daughter, confused. All these matchmaking Papas, he thought. " She's a good one you know. And I won't object." Alex laughed and nodded. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind." "Dad,that's enough." Janice said, not that she wasn't enjoying the discussion. They both left his office with him smiling. He was just twenty eight for crying out loud. Janice had never hidden her ideas of having a relationship with him, in fact Alex was sure she had discussed this with her father, for him to make such remarks. And the man seemed like the kind who was very fond of his daughters especially Janice. His land phone rang and he picked it. His secretary's voice came in. "Hello, doctor." "Yes? Is there any other patient?" "No sir. But there is someone here to see you. A man." "Is he a patient?" "No, doctor. He doesnt have a card here. But he said he has an appointment with you.". Alex frowned. " He's not a patient and he has an appointment with me?" "Yes,doctor." The lady said. "What's his name?" The lady paused. "His name is Connor, sir." Alex paused. "Connor." He repeated. That name... He only knew one Connor. "Alright. Let him in." And he hung up, waiting for his visitor. Some minuted later the door opened and he stepped in. The Beast,Connor. "Alexander Macaulay?" Alex nodded. "That's me." He said.... To Be Continued....
11 Nov 2018 | 15:28
talking about the devil him self He is here to threaten alex
11 Nov 2018 | 18:25
whta is that beast looking for? he should just fukk off from Kendra's life for good
11 Nov 2018 | 18:44
guess he want to threathen u
12 Nov 2018 | 02:15
But i think he is here to beg
12 Nov 2018 | 04:00
maybe he is there to warn alex .
12 Nov 2018 | 06:42
@chimmy please when will complete WHO IS SHE.just asking please
12 Nov 2018 | 06:44
@chimmy please when will you complete WHO IS SHE.just asking please
12 Nov 2018 | 06:44
what on earth is he doing in alex's hospital
12 Nov 2018 | 08:06
Alex is a doctor, so dealing with Connor is not a big deal
12 Nov 2018 | 12:22
HEALER Episode 13 Alex stared at him like an animal watching his prey. Connor stood there and said nothing. Alex studied this man. Looking at him no one would believe that he was such a person. So calm. "I'm sure you know who I am." Connor said and Alex smiled. "Of course I know who u are. Please sit." Connor took a seat. "I came for business, Alex." "What kind of business?" "I went my wife back. And I know you are aware of where she is...since you both seemed to be...very acquainted." Alex understood what he meant by acquainted. With the way he picked his words carefully he knew the man was insinuating that he and Kendra were lovers. He still had the gut to accuse his own wife. Bastard! "I want you to release her.". " You speak as if I kidnapped her." "I could always say you did,Alex." Alex was getting angry but he smiled at the man instead. If he was able to handle his own father,he could handle the piece of cake,he thought. "Tell me,Connor. How did your wife leave the house?" He saw the discomfort in Connor's face and smiled again. "Well, she upset and left me." Liar! "Really? And you haven't seen her for weeks?" "What are you saying? That I had something to do with it?" "Oh, but I haven't said anything like that. Unless you know you had something to do with it." Connor looked at him as if he could hit Alex. Alex watched him beneath his thick lashes. Bring it on, he thought. "Whatever happened should be between my wife and I. And I want my wife. Tell me where she is,Alex." What kind of arrogant man is this? Alex leaned back in his chair and shrugged. "I have no idea. If you want your wife back then you should be able to know where she is." "Well, I don't. And I know that you do. So tell me." "I already told you,mister. I don't know where your wife is." Connor stared at Alex then banged his hand on the table in anger. Alex looked at him, unmoved. "Damn it,Alex! Tell me where she is." Alex gently leaned forward. "This is my office,Connor. In case you forgot. I won't allow such display of madness here." "When I find out that she's with you, you'll be sorry." Connor stood up to leave but Alex wasn't going to let that threat slide. "Connor." Connor looked at him. "I'm not surprised your wife left you. If she could stay with you that long, then I feel so sorry for her. You're just like the patients I see everyday. Sick." He said. Connor stared at him for a while and walked out of the office. Alex stared at the door he just left through and he knew that all won't be well for a few more days or perhaps from now on.... To Be Continued...
12 Nov 2018 | 16:33
owkay,,,, he actually found him
13 Nov 2018 | 00:00
welldone Alex, Connor is a psichiatric patient
13 Nov 2018 | 05:54
Connor u are a shameless beast. Ride on pls
13 Nov 2018 | 06:51
yea all wont b well from now on connor may trace alex to his mother house
13 Nov 2018 | 08:49
Alex pls b careful o,dis one is a psychotic patient nt ur regular malaria nd accident patients o
13 Nov 2018 | 09:03
Keep calm, it just am empty threat
13 Nov 2018 | 11:03
Any man wu raises his hands to hit a woman is seriosly sick in d head
13 Nov 2018 | 11:09
HEALER Episode 14 Kendra hadn't seen Alex in a week and she was beginning to miss him badly. He called from time to time but she knew all she wanted was just to see him. To hear him tease her as he used to. His mother had hinted about him being extremely busy and Kendra understood the life of a medical doctor especially one who owned two big hospitals that were very popular in the city. She hasn't stopped thinking about her last encounter with Connor and his visit to Alex. She occasionally looks behind her to he sure he wasn't following her around. But that night, the maid had knocked on her room door and given her the most shocking news of her life. "He said he's your cousin, ma." The maid said. Kendra looked at her. "My cousin? What did he say his name is?" "He didn't say, ma." Kendra stood and went out the door to the living room and stopped in her tracks in shock. Connor! He was dressed in a white T-shirt and black jeans and he stood up and smiled at her when he saw her. She wanted to turn and face the maid in anger but then she remembered that the maid only delivered the message she was given. She inhaled and exhaled. "Kendra. Hello." He said and she turned around and was heading up the stairs when she saw him run up to her, holding her hands and pleading with her to hear him out. The maid passed by and gave them a look. Kendra composed her self and went down the stairs to a seat in the living room. He sat beside her. "Kendra please forgive me. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for what happened." He said and she said nothing. She only frowned and stared ahead. "Baby, I'm so sorry for doing that to you." "Very good,Connor." She said to him. "Your performance is very good. You're sorry? I don't think so. I think you're good at drawing sympathy to yourself. That's what I think." She was already thinking of how he was able to find where she was. "Kendra... baby, come on. Don't do this to me. Don't leave me. Baby, I'll due if you leave me. I know I acted rash to you..." She turned sharply at him and cut his speech. "Rash? Is that the right word for your madness? All those times you hit me and called me names and molested me, abused me....almost killed call that rash? I would have died,Connor. I was nearly gone. You really have some guts to come shoe your face here again after what you did to me." "I'm sorry. I let my singer get the best of me. I was so jealous of seeing you with him..." "You've always been jealous if seeing me with everyone, Connor. That's a lame one you just gave." He lowered his gaze and lifted it again to her. He took her hands in his and she snapped it away from him. "Please don't push me away. I love you, baby. I really love you and I don't want to lose you." "You don't love me,Connor. You love yourself and you've always loved yourself. No one else." He went down on his knees. "Kendra. I'm so sorry. believe me. Please, Babe. Come back to me,please." "You've over stayed your welcome,Connor. Leave." "I can let you be with your friends again. I will give you what you want. Whatever you want. I'll try to be the best man you'll ever want.Even if I know you have your heart on someone else." She looked at him, then stood up to leave. He held her back. "Kendra, don't do this to me. Please don't leave me for someone else. I'll die if you leave me. I'll take my life." Kendra closed her eyes and battled with her mind and her heart. She wanted to leave him and she also wanted to take him back. To go back with him. She knew that she wasn't ready to see him just yet. She knew that if she saw him she could mess up and run back to him. He still kept pleading with her and begging her to come back. She pulled all that was in her, the picture and voice of Alex invaded her thoughts. His words, smiles, and she pushed Connor away from her and rushed up the stairs without a backward glance. She got to her bedroom and shut the door, leaning against the door, she let tears run down her cheeks as she slid down to the floor of her room. She needed Alex. She wanted to see him. She really wanted him to hold her right now. She waited and waited. When it felt like several hours had passed, she picked up her cellphone and was sure Connor had left. Then she went to tell the maids that she won't be home till the next day, she left the house and drove off. ********** Alex opened the door and was surprised to see Kendra standing at the door. She smiled up at him. And walked in when he stepped aside for her. He hadn't seen her in a week. Not that he was avoiding her, he had missed her so badly that he found every chance to call her and know where she was or how she was doing. He was even worried about her that he started calling his sister, telling her to always keep her company and not leave her alone. His sister had complied at once. She looked around the big house and smiled at him when he closed the door. "You have a beautiful home." He smiled and came close to her. ******** Kendra could feel her heart beating. When he stepped closer to her she could perceive the strong smell of his cologne and his refreshing smell of his bath soap. He had just had his bath. He smiled at her. "Thanks." He said and led her to the sofa. "How did you know my house?" She smiled and shrugged. "Lisa." "Ah. Yes, the bed bug." She laughed. "What can I get you?" "Nothing." "Well, I don't think that kind of refreshment exists." She laughed again. "I'm serious, Alex. I just haven't seen you in a while." He grinned "I always knew I am attractive. A lot of people have been trying to in a while." "Really? Don't give yourself too much importance." She smiled. "Oh but I know I am important. How are you doing today?". She merely shrugged. " You're becoming more beautiful than the last time I saw you." "Oh,Alex. You really do know how to make a woman feel special. I know your wife will be thrilled to have." He grinned. "How do you know its not going to be you?" She stared at him when she understood the truth behind his words. He stepped closer to her and brushed the back of his hand on her cheek. "I'm serious when I say you're beautiful,Kendra. Never doubt that. From within and on the outside,, you're beautiful." She only looked at him. He leaned forward and gave her a feather like kiss. Her eyes closed and he pulled back to look at her, watching her sigh. He brought his hands to the back of her neck and pulled her forward for a long deep kiss. Kendra sighed and moaned and leaned into him with her hands wrapping themselves around his neck. He pulled her down with him so she was lying on him on the sofa and he was on his back with his hands around her waist holding her to him. Kendra could feel the pressure of his manhood. He looked at her. "Why did you want to see me?" He asked, gently pushing her hair aside so he could kiss her cheek and her neck. "I don't know,Alex. Connor came to the house today." He looked at her. "I just couldn't...I wanted to see you,Alex. I missed you so much." He smiled. "You know I'm glad to hear that. I've been busy I couldn't find the time. Even though I missed you like crazy." She was the one who leaned down to kiss him and this time it was deep and fierce and he pulled her so close as though he wanted to have all of her at once. She moaned and sighed and her hands went down his stomach, lifting his shirt so she could feel him. When she moved her hand down to his zipper, he pulled back. "Wait...what are you doing,Kendra?" She looked at him, panting hard. "I want you,Alex. I want you so bad. Please." "Kendra stop. We can't...What happened with Connor today?" "Nothing. He just wanted me to come back. But I don't want to. That's not it,Alex. I just want you." He stared at her for a few seconds, then pulled her close and kissed her. She lifted herself, straddling him, and pulled off her blouse. He sat up to take off her bra, exposing her light smooth skin and her pink hard nipples which were already aroused. He stared at them for a while and shook his head. "I'll be damned. You look so beautiful..." He brought one full breast up to his lips and sucked her life a little baby. Her head fell back and her eyes fluttered shut. She arched her back and placed her hands on his head pulling him closer and encouraging him. God, this felt like Paradise, she thought. She heard him moan and felt his tongue flick her nipples as if he was playing with them. He drew on her nipples lightly and let them bounce back. Then he looked up at her and used his tongue instead of his entire month, teasing and rubbing the tip of her nipple. Kendra shivered and moaned, pleading with him to put his mouth on it. The torture was something she had never felt even with Connor. Something sweet and her whole body on fire. "Alex..." She said to him and he chuckled still playing with the tips of her nipples. He lifted her,bridal style and took her upstairs to his bedroom, fully and slowly he undressed her. She lay on the bed and watched him undress with his eyes locked on hers. Kendra was seeing the body of a man. A beautiful body. What he did to her downstairs was something she had never experienced before. Even Connor hadn't given her such foreplay before. He came down on her, kissing her as his hand travelled all the way down the triangle of her legs. He stopped to look at her and he smiled. "You feel lovely here." He rubbed her in circles. She sighed. "Yes...that's it. That's what I want to see. Wonder what will happen if I go deeper..." He dug into her with two fingers and started thrusting in and out, slowly. "I love how you feel in there,Kendra." He whispered to her. "I love everything about you." Kendra was swimming in the ocean of fire. Her entire body was in different directions and she was confused. She hasn't experienced this kind of love making before. She had been hearing if foreplay but she hasn't experienced it with anyone. He increased his pace and Kendra couldn't take it anymore. When it seemed like her body would explode she shuddered violently. Was that an orgasm? It felt great, she thought. Most time when Connor would have sex with her, he'll only do his thing and roll of her. But Alex was only using his hands and yet... He parted her leg wide for his touch and placed his mouth on her. Kendra looked down in shock but she couldn't speak as his tongue took her on every inch of her body. He sucked...rubbed...sucked and flicked his tongue in a swirling rhythm. He reached up and kissed her lips, then turned her over on her stomach. Kendra was confused until she felt his hands enter her again from behind. She was so wet, he moaned. "Damn." He said. "I could drink all of you right now. You re so wet....Yes, that's it baby." She felt another orgasm rising within her and she buried her face into the sheets to keep from shouting. "That's it. Its okay, I'm with you, baby." "Alex, I can't..." "Yes, you can. Go ahead, sweetheart. Let go." She came again , surprisingly. He smiled to himself.But it didn't take long after he had places intoxicating kisses on her neck, before he pushed into her from behind. Kendra wasn't sure she knew what he was doing and she tried to turn away from him, but he placed his finger on her clitoris and rubbed gently. "Calm down. I'm only going to show you how much I treasure you." His strong whisper came into her ear and she relaxed. He moved deeper and deeper until she had taken all of him and he moved. Thrusting in and out of her with ease and patience...and love. His control snapped and he pulled out of her. He didn't want to come just yet until he was completely feeling her every muscle around him. He pressed her unto her back, spread her legs wider and plunged into her. Kendra sighed and wrapped her legs around his waist to hold him there. He drove in with strong and sure speed. Then he moved to her ear,. "You have to come one more time,Kendra." "I'm tired. I don't think I...can." She said, breathlessly. "I know you can. Come on, baby. I want you to slide in with me. I want to feel you. Okay?" He said. She was still doubting it with her eyes closed when she felt his fingers slid down again, manipulating her spent and tired nerves. Then the pleasure rise again and she tightened around him. He in return increased his speed and they both came. She shuddered and he shuddered, pouring all of him into her..body and soul... To Be Continued...
13 Nov 2018 | 17:44
Which kain healer be dis
14 Nov 2018 | 03:32
Alex i know ur plan is to get her pregnant so that she can divorce her husband, y did u cum inside her
14 Nov 2018 | 03:38
hmmm d tin don happen
14 Nov 2018 | 07:01
hmmmmm,,,, mr healer, d sharp guy,,,, he @last healed her inside out,,, he healed her body and soul
14 Nov 2018 | 11:12
Finally... But guy u bad o
14 Nov 2018 | 16:38
HEALER Episode 15 She stirred and stretched with her eyes opening after several blinks. She saw him looking down at her resting his head on his palm which was being supported by his elbow. He was smiling down at her. Last night had been awesome to her. She smiled back. Kendra felt wonderful because even if he hadn't used protection she knew she couldn't get pregnant because the doctor had said so during her first year of marriage. And she was seriously looking for an excuse to leave Connor. Infidelity was the only way since death has refused to take her. "Good morning." She said and he bent and kissed her lips. "Good morning. You sleep like an angel." He said and she laughed. "Oh, please,Alex." "I'm serious. I love the way you sleep." She turned to face him. "So you've been watching me sleep?" "I just happen to be an early riser." He kissed her lips and she responded in a passionate one. "I hope you're not too tired? I can't seem to get enough of you." He grinned and she laughed again. "Of course not." His hands moved over her body, tantalizing her breasts at the same time. She moaned in his mouth and pulled him down to her body, opening her legs wide for him. Alex didn't object. He moved into her with a steady movement. His hands entwined with hers, lifting them up above her head and kissing her as he drove in, until they were both exhausted and panting hard. Afterwards, he carried her,bridal style to the bathroom, placing her into the large and wide bath tub. When he started the water he noticed her eyes on his body and he smiled. "I'm glad you like it." He said and grinned. She blushed pink and tried to hide her smile. "How are you sure I'm admiring your body?" "Because I know you are." He stepped in with her and started bathing her body. She didn't know if he was bathing her or seducing her because his hands moved slowly and seductively with his eyes on her face, inspecting her. He moved his soapy hands to her breasts and was putting the lather on her but she was feeling the pleasure his hands imposed on her body. He lifted the sponge to her nipples and stroked in light feather like movements, watching her. "I love the way your breasts respond to my touch." He said, smiling. "Like they've been waiting impatiently for it." She threw her head back against the tub and sighed. He chuckled. "Let's see if this will bring my pussy back to life." He said and ran the sponge down, slowly her most sensitive place. She moaned. He let go off the sponge, placing either of her legs apart so they were spread like a woman birthing a child thought the water was above her to her neck, she still felt his fingers dig into her. She sighed and gasped at the same time. "You like that?" She didn't respond. She only sighed. "Tell me,Kendra. What do you want? Do I go deeper?" She sighed more as his hands swirled around her clitoris. "I want you to tell me what you want." She was trembling seriously and she wanted him to go into her but she couldn't find the voice to say so. "Do you want to feel me inside you?" She nodded. He chuckled. "Say it." "Yes..." She managed to say. His hands dug inside her and she gasped with pleasure. Pleasure washed over her when he used his thumb to caress her clitoris and dig his fingers into her at the same time. "Do I go deeper?" She nodded. He dug in deeper ...and deeper....then faster till she was sliding into the bathe tub, he lifted her to the wall, drove furiously into her, crowding her with his body as her legs wrapped around him. He moved fast...faster until they were both empty and over come with pleasure. She felt her muscles tighten around his penis which was still inside her, driving deeper with a pace she had never experienced before. Then she came. Few minutes later he filled her with his seed.... To Be Continued...
14 Nov 2018 | 17:32
what is he looking for in ur office
14 Nov 2018 | 17:32
hmmm so what would u do?
14 Nov 2018 | 17:34
Kendra is surely going to get pregnant, looking at dis love making session... I know Connor won't accept defeat like dat,he will surely fight back!!!
14 Nov 2018 | 18:05
Alex really knows how to turn women on
15 Nov 2018 | 00:06
Now Connor has lost finally because there's no going back for Kendra
15 Nov 2018 | 00:30
Healer to bad
15 Nov 2018 | 03:23
All this pouring of seed will surely lead to something
15 Nov 2018 | 09:52
Pregnancy is d next sure thing
15 Nov 2018 | 10:48
oh my
15 Nov 2018 | 12:13
Alex dats mr psycho's lawful wedded wife.........
15 Nov 2018 | 13:49
Mmm. I go like 2 b this kind healer o.....plz anyone in need of healer here....indicate ur self
15 Nov 2018 | 15:45
HEALER Episode 16 Alex and Kendra were getting inseparable. They spent time together most times and she almost forgot that she was still married to Connor. And her husband was still persistent in coming and sending her flowers early in the morning, with romantic notes on them. He sent her messages of how he loves her and wants her back with him. He was beginning to do those things that he did before she married him. Those things that made her head turn and ring church bells in her head before she said yes to his proposal of marriage. But this time the situation was different. This time, she was no longer in love with him any more. This time she wanted a divorce and she was certain of it. Just yesterday Connor came back with a bouquet of flowers and he had seen Alex there too. He looked at Alex like a mortal enemy but still stated his reason for coming. Same old story. But Kendra had told him clearly that she wasn't interested in the marriage. She wanted a divorce. Connor looked like death itself when he looked at her and begged her to stay with him. But her mind was made up. ********* Alex sat in his office leaned behind his chair and was deep in thought. He was in love. No doubt that Kendra had stolen his heart completely. He hadn't touched her since the time he had made love to her endlessly. That day had been the best day of his life. He smiled at the memory of it and smiled at himself because he knew he was going mad with her. Kendra. A married woman. And he still couldn't take his mind off her no matter how hard he tried. She compelled him most times...No.... She compelled him right from the time he set eyes on her at the wedding. She was an embodiment of beauty and bravery. A strong virtuous woman. He was still in deep thought when a knock was heard on his door, tearing his mind from Kendra immediately. He looked up. "Come in." He said and the door opened to reveal two men in suit. "Mr. Alexander Macaulay?" One of them said. He looked at them. Their faces would never ring a bell even if he were drunk and asleep. "Yes, that's me." "I am detective Jackson and this is my colleague Alfred. You are under arrest for the kidnap of Mrs. Kendra Coleman." He looked at them in shock. "What?!" "You have very right to remain silent else anything you do or say will be used against you in court." Jackson nodded to his colleague who went forward and seized Alex. "What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.... *********** Kendra looked at Alex as he sat opposite her in the interrogation room the next day. He lowered his head on the desk in front of him and raised it to look at her. He smiled. " How are you, princess?" Kendra sighed. She hasn't been okay ever since yesterday when she learnt of His arrest. And she knew she was the cause of it. His mother hadn't blinked a sleep at all last and neither had Lisa, his sister. No one had slept at all. "You're still trying to make a joke even in this state?" She said. He shrugged.. "My mission, babe. That's my mission for you." Tears rolled down her eyes. He looked at her and held her hands even if his hands were handcuffed. "Hey, don't cry. What's the matter? Where's that fire ball I fell in love with?" "Stop it,Alex. We both know who is behind this." "Its okay,Kendra. My lawyer is on the case and I've refused to say anything until I see my lawyer." "Connor knows the truth,Alex. He knows and he's doing this to spite the both of us. He wants me to come back. That's what he wants." "No. I won't allow you go back to that beast. He can do whatever he pleases but you won't go back to him." He said and she saw how adamant he was. But she knew better who her husband was. ******** She kicked the door opened and stepped in, glaring angrily at him. He looked up at her and smiled. "Hello,Kendra. Its a beautiful surprise to see you." "What kind of a man are you,Connor?" His smile faded. "I don't know what you mean." "You know what I'm talking about. Alex did nothing to you. Why are you acting like a child?" "He did nothing to me? He took what's mine. He has what's mine and until he decides to release it, then I'll think of letting him go." "What the hell are you talking about?" "I know the truth,Kendra. And even if he has a million dollars I will still fight for what's rightfully mine. You think I don't know of your affairs with him?" "Don't be ridiculous, Connor. Let him go. You know its a false accusation. He did nothing to you. All he ever did was help me. You should be thankful,Connor, that while you beat the life out if me, he was the one who saved my life!" She said and he lowered his gaze. "Better be careful what ever foolish and childish act you make." "He dared me,Kendra." Kendra laughed. "Dared you. Oh, Connor you can't do more than a dead rat to him even if he really dared you and you know it. Let him go before this all gets worse." "He has to let you go first!" He snapped. "You are my wife,Kendra. Regardless of the fact that you have been sleeping w with him even before you left me. You are still my wife. Till death, remember? Let him leave you alone first and I'll let him go." Kendra stared at him for a while. She wanted Alex to be free. She wanted him away from there. No one would suffer her own mistakes. She sighed. "I'll let him out." He said. She looked up at him in surprise. "But only on one condition." "What?" "You'll come back to me and we will start over again. Like a peaceful couple we should be. You won't talk to him or see him ever again. That's my condition, Kendra. Unless you still want him in jail." "You must be insane, Connor. Its official. You're truly out of your mind. You know Alex can still get himself out if there in no time. They will find no evidence against him and if it gets to the court its his word against yours because I will testify against you. So all your conditions are useless." She turned to leave and he called her back. She paused. "Don't try me,Kendra. I can make this work out the way I want it and you know it. Be careful what you say to me because I'm the one with the gun here and I can pull the trigger when ever and wherever I damn please." She slowly turned to him. He smiled at her. "So what is it going to be? Him or you?" She blinked and swallowed hard. He was sitting behind his desk watching her. "Decide, Kendra. Alex's connections can't out weigh mine." She closed her eyes and inhaled and exhaled. "Fine. Let him go." She said between her teeth. with her eyes still closed, she added. "I'll stay away from him." He smiled.. To Be continued....
15 Nov 2018 | 19:37
Kendra, you cant do that. you wont go back to that beast
15 Nov 2018 | 19:58
Do you have a death wish choosing to go back to that beast.You better think twice
16 Nov 2018 | 02:44
Going back to that house means u have doubled your death warrant, well its ur choice
16 Nov 2018 | 04:21
ode??? is she not d one Connor claims d as been kidnapped??? so Wats d basis of dat allegation
16 Nov 2018 | 05:46
Kendra use ur head, ur husband has not changed. Allow Alex to speak to his lawyer
16 Nov 2018 | 07:59
Ok....and you want to go back to him may God protect u kendra...but that decision made has a ??????
16 Nov 2018 | 08:05
Kendra, going back to DAT beast will be de worst decision or choice to ever make... Just stick with Alex,figure out what to do n den fight till de end!!!
16 Nov 2018 | 09:19
What! hope dats a joke kendra
16 Nov 2018 | 10:08
HEALER Episode 17 "Are you sure you want to do this?" Her mother asked two days later when she went to visit. Her father, being a very hard to read man had placed himself at one end if the living room, reading a newspaper as if it was none of his business. He had been the one to kick against the idea of Kendra's marriage to Connor and she looked up at him in shame. He was the reason she didn't visit them while she stayed with Alex. Alex. He had been released already after that stupid deal she made with Connor few days ago. She nodded. Her mother sighed almost to the point of tears. "I knew it. What kind of husband is this?" Her mother said. "When he had been coming and coming I should have known something wasn't right." She looked at her husband who had turned the next page of the newspaper to read. "Honey, you're not saying anything. Do you want your daughter to die?" Her husband looked up at her, then passed a look at his daughter who lowered her head to her hands. "What do you want me to say? I said all I could say the day she insisted on marrying that excuse of a man. Look! Go to the store and you will see lots of your husband's gifts which are almost getting spoiled. All for what? So he can keep destroying the life of my daughter with our eyes closed. I told you it wasn't right but what did you say? That she's our only daughter and we should support her happiness." He looked at Kendra. "Are you happy now? What do you want me to do? I will not be disgraced because of you,Kendra." Kendra was already crying and her mother turned to her father in tears too. "Daddy, please I'm sorry." She said. He didn't burge. The man was a hard but to crack and Kendra knew that he was very angry with her. Perhaps that's one of the reasons she hasn't found happiness in her marriage. "Daddy, I'm sorry." She said again. "Don't do this,Honey. She's our only child. Your only child." He turned sharply at her. "My only child will not bring me shame by leaving her husband's house." He looked at Kendra. "Go back to your husband's house,Kendra. That's what is required of you now." She sniffed and went down on her knees, holding the leg of her father. "I know I erred. I should have listened to you. I have to do it for Alex. Please dad, I'm sorry." She knew how much her father loved her even with her stubborn attitude while she was growing up. Her mother gave her father a pleading look. "I'm not asking you to take me into your home. I'm only asking you to forgive me,dad. Please I'm sorry." He sighed and looked up at the ceiling as if he was trying to get a direction from above then he looked down at his daughter and sighed again. "I should have investigated this before you went into that marriage. God knows that I'm angry with that man for what he did to my daughter. What do you want to do now?" She sniffed and looked up at him. "I want a divorce." "Divorce? But that is against our faith? Unless he is dead or has been sleeping with other women." "Has he been like that dear?" Her mother asked she shook her head. She was sure of Connor being faithful to the core in that aspect. "And you have never been unfaithful to him,I'm sure of that." Her father said and Kendra looked down at her hands watching them with the side of her eyes. They both looked down at her in surprise. She said nothing. "Kendra!". They both chorused. *********** She was surprised when she saw Alex walk into her salon one week later. She had missed him and she hasn't seen him ever since he was released. She hasn't been picking his calls either. Not that she hadn't been dying to hear his voice but she couldn't do it. She looked up at him as he entered her office that day and a part of her wanted to go to him and hug him, kiss him and tall him how much she missed him. He stood in front of her . " Hey,Kendra.".Alex said. She looked at him. He was looking more handsome than the last time she saw him. God help me,,she thought. She smiled up at him. ********* Alex knew her enough to know that she had just given him a fake smile..He didn't know what was wrong with her these days and he wanted to find out why she has refused to pick any of his calls or reply any of his messages. But he just hoped it wasn't what he was thinking. He had almost gone crazy not seeing her at his mother's place when he went there because he was surprised she hadn't called. He wanted to see her and hear her voice but the Kendra he always saw, the one who had a laughter of a four year old girl, the laughter that made you want to laugh with her....that Kendra wasn't the one he was seeing now. He was looking at the one who had put on the mask again. The one he had first met. "How have you been, Alex." She asked. He nodded. "Great. How are you doing?" "I'm doing great too. I heard that you have been released. That's good to hear." He watched her. She wasn't the kind to blab. What the hell was going on. "Why haven't you been picking any of my calls? I was damn worried about you.Are you back with your parents?" She looked up at him and shook her head. She turned away from him, he was compelled to walk up to her which he did, placing his hands on her shoulder but surprisingly she pulled away from him. Odd. "No, I'm not at my parent's. I am back with Connor." She said and smiled. He paused at her. He couldn't have heard right. "What?" He said and she sighed, raised a smile at him and nodded. "Yes. I have decided to work it out with him. We have decided to start over again.". She was blabbing. " Who decided? You or the both of you?" She turned away from him. "We both decided, Alex." No...No.... "Look at me when you talk to me,Kendra." He was used to looking at her eyes when she spoke. He could see through her that way. And she already knew it so she turned around and refused to fave him. ********* Kendra was hiding her tears so she turned around. And Alex was no fool. He always loved to look at her eyes when she was talking to him so he could tell what she was feeling. And she wasn't about to let down her bravado for him to see through her. She kept her back turned to him and chuckled. "Oh, please,Alex. What's the use? We both knew it would come to this. You and I can never happen and you know it. I'm married. You knew that I am married before you came for me. I want to go back to my husband which I just did." She said. She knew she. was hurting him because she didn't hear anything from him so she pulled herself together and turned to face him. He looked straight into her eyes. Damn!. "Kendra what are you doing? Do you want to kill yourself? Listen, I don't care if you decide to go back to your husband afterwards even though I love you like crazy but I would have agreed if the man in question isn't a psychotic bastard like Connor. But, baby I want you to be happy. That's all I want. What the hell are you doing?" "He's my husband,Alex. And I love him." She said with so much certainty. She looked straight at him. "So I've decided to go back with him and work things out. And he has changed a lot. He's calmer now." ********* Alex couldn't believe his ears. What did she think she was doing? Then it stuck him like bolt of lightening. Oh My God! He looked at her. "Kendra... baby tell me the truth. Did you make a deal with him? Is this all a part of the bargain you made with him?" She inhaled and exhaled then smiled up at him. Fake smile. "Of course not." She wasn't telling him the truth and he knew when she was lying. "Kendra please don't lie to me. I know what I'm seeing and it different from what you're saying.." "Can you please stop looking at my eyes?!" She snapped and turned around. "I already told you. I don't love you,Alex. I love Connor! How else do you think I got married to him without loving him?!" She shouted and he looked at her. There was something he was feeling with right now and that was the fact that she was trying to cover up something and the fact that he was feeling a sharp pain in his chest right Now. Her words injured him. "You know I'm not trying to turn you away from your husband. No matter how much I love you I still want you to be happy, baby. And you can't blame me for falling head over heels for you. You know that." And. the next thing Kendra heard was the door shut. She broke into tears. "I love you,Alex." She said in tears. ********* That night she couldn't sleep. She lay in bed trying to forget how her day had gone, trying to forget that she had just lost Alex completely but the more she tried the more she kept thinking about him. She was in love with him. Connor had drained all the love she had for him with his fists and now Alex had replaced her husband in her heart. But how could she forget the man who had thought her how to love without a fault. She heard the door open and knew it was Connor. The room was dark but she knew he still saw her in bed with her back facing him. He must have thought she was asleep because he didn't say a word, just went to the bathroom to shower. It was few minutes later before she heard him come out again and felt the depression of the bed with his weight on it..Memories of her love making with Alex came back to her and she closed her eyes. Then her eyes flew open when she felt Connor's hands on her shoulder And his lips on her bare skin. She felt irritated and she pushed away from him. "What the hell are you doing,Connor?" She said, sitting up to face him as she put on the light beside her bed. He smiled at her. "Come on, baby. I've missed you badly. I want you,,please." "Connor, I'm tired. I had a bad day at work and a hectic one too. I can't." "Why can't you?" He asked as his face darkened with anger. "But you never feel tired when he tries to get between your legs,do you?" "Don't be impossible, Connor. You don't know that. I want to sleep." She turned to lie down and he pushed her back to him. She looked at his face to see the same rage she had ran away from for a month as he pressed her on her back and mounted her. She struggled with him. "Connor! What are you doing? Stop!" "Don't you ever say no You never say no when he touches you and he's not even your Husband!" He placed her hands together above her head,pinning them with one of his hands as she struggled in vain. He slapped her face with the other hand and yanked her legs wide open to settle between them fumbling with his trouser. "Stop,Connor,please!" "Don't you fight me, bitch!" He drove into her and she screamed, trying to fight him back to no avail... To Be Continued...
16 Nov 2018 | 15:06
Double beating for you.....and i think you will soon be diagnose pregnant
16 Nov 2018 | 15:53
i am sure kendra is playing games with connor
16 Nov 2018 | 16:48
u are now to dis ur hell marriage am surprise connor hasnt change still d same beast
16 Nov 2018 | 16:57
Like seriously kendra....well i pray you don't regret your decision later
17 Nov 2018 | 00:50
This kendra self...u No fit sue d bastard to court for harassing you...u Da there da concur to him bullshit of a condition
17 Nov 2018 | 00:51
Kendra I hope he will not kill u this time around, someone u suppose to have filed a divorce for
17 Nov 2018 | 04:53
Better divorce that stupid husband of yours before he kills u
17 Nov 2018 | 05:06
Cornor will never change
17 Nov 2018 | 07:39
You brought it upon yourself
17 Nov 2018 | 09:41
u just need to go away from Connor
17 Nov 2018 | 14:18
now you would agree with me that you made a big mistake by accepting the deal
17 Nov 2018 | 14:52
HEALER Episode 18 She stood at the window with her arms folded against her chest staring out the window. She misses Alex like crazy. He had never raised his hands on her like this. And she was the one was refusing his calls. But she still missed him. Last night was like a nightmare to her. The thought of Connor's body inside hers irritated the life out of her. The way he was groaning and moaning on his own pleasure as he released inside her was like a traumatic experience. Kendra felt like girl who had been raped. In fact she was a girl who had been raped. She still heard the movements of Connor as he dressed up. He was going on a trip and she didn't even give a damn. He knew the real reason she was still with him and as the fool he was, he didn't mind at all. "I'll only be gone for two days,Kendra. Don't think you can use that to gallivant around the city with your lover." He said and she felt like hitting him. But she didn't move she didn't turn around. He walked up to her and made to place a kiss on her lips but she turned her face away so his kiss landed on her cheek. He looked at her and lowered his face. "I love you, Kendra. I really do love you and I don't want you to leave me. I don't mind the fact that you slept with him, I still want you with me." She didn't utter a word. She didn't move. He sighed and turned to leave. "I want a divorce, Connor." She said without looking at him. He stopped on his tracks and turned to her. "What?" "I said I want a divorce. I'm tired of this marriage." "So you can go back to him?! Impossible! I won't allow it! You are not going to leave me, you understand. Now if you think you can use this as a medium to sleep with him again, don't even try my wrath. Because if you do,Kendra you'll be so sorry." With that he stormed out of the room. She stared into space and didn't move until she heard the sound of his driver starting the car. ******** "Kendra you have to file for a divorce." Aliyah said to her. She sighed. "I know,Aliyah. I know." "I cant believe that idiot. So after all those baby faces he has been putting up, he still forced himself on you.Its rape, like it or not. A man shouldnt force sex on a woman even if she's his wife or not." Aliyah said in anger. "Honestly i dont know what youre still doing with this excuse of a man. God k ows that i would have given him poison a long time ago." Kendra smiled at her friend. "I'm sure you would." After a few seconds of silence between them, Aliyah went to the closet and pulled out a dress for Kendra. "Alright. Up with you,babe. Let's go." Kendra looked at her. "Where to?" "Where do you think we're going? To the hospital of course." Kendra looked up at her friend who looked back at her in boldness after her funny and insane discovery. Kendra had come down with a flu which forced her to an impromptu early morning communion with the toilet bowl whenever she woke up. And she was beginning to think it was something she ate few days back that wasn't so good with her system. Aliyah sat beside her in bed and made a face after she saw that Kendra wasn't budging. "Come on, let's go." She pulled on Kendra's sleeves. "Aliyah. I've told you to stop bugging me. I know what I ate. Its probably the reason my system is not agreeing with me." "Probably. But you never can tell." "Please don't bring that scary discovered here. I have a stomach flu. It has happened a million times before." "Okay but we still have to go. If it's malaria or something then you can be treated." Aliyah shrugged. Kendra sighed and pulled herself from the bed to get dressed. "I don't know why you bothered bringing me here,Aliyah. Its useless, trust me." She told her friend ,few hours layer after they had seen one of Aliyah's doctors and were waiting for a result. Aliyah shrugged. "Just so you don't freak out later, I told the doctor to carry out a pregnancy test on you." Kendra looked at her and the started laughing. "Aliyah. Oh God, I didn't know you had such faith. Didn't I tell you that I can't get pregnant?" "The doctor said you had to do it so I told her to do it." "Oh, please Aliyah. Don't be silly. That's not even an expensive joke because its not a joke at all. You and I know that I can't get pregnant." "Okay,Kendra. Point taken but its already done. So all we'll have to do is wait and see if you're sick with malaria or not." Few minutes later the doctor walked into the office where they sat waiting for her. She smiled up at Kendra. "Your test results are ready,dear. Its not malaria or anything, honey. You're two weeks pregnant." The doctor smiled and Aliyah turned a shocked look at Kendra who was blinking severely at the doctor like she couldn't see clearly. "What?" Kendra said and the sound of her voice surprised the doctor who was thinking that as a married woman, she should be happy. Aliyah chuckled nervously. "Doctor, are you sure? Because, my friend here can't get pregnant. Its what her doctor has told her from day one." The doctor looked confused at them. "You can't get pregnant?" "Yes. My doctor told me that my womb is damaged." Kendra said. "Honey, I don't know why your doctor will say that to you. Your womb seems to be very strong,dear. And we don't make mistakes in test results because we always try to make the results twice so we get the real one and here's the both of them saying the same thing. And your ailment says exactly what your tests result says. You're two weeks pregnant." Kendra's jaw dropped. ********** She hadn't been able to forget the look on Connor's face when she told him that she was pregnant the night he got back from work and they settled to have dinner. It was odd and she was confused because even though he hadn't been hitting her much like before, he didn't look as happy as a man who had just been informed of being a father to be. He was supposed to be glad but he merely looked at her, grumbled a reply and continued his dinner. She kept thinking about it as she dusted her bedroom the next day, when she pulled open, Connor's part of his closet to arrange his clothes which the dry cleaner had just delivered,when a pile of papers fell to her feet. She placed the clothes on the bed and bent to pick them. All of them were doctor's reports. She picked them and was arranging them when she saw what they really were. She blanched and kept reading. One stated that her husband...Connor Coleman was bipolar. "What?!" She said out loud in shock. Bipolar! Another clearly stated that he had a low sperm count and therefore was unable to get a woman pregnant. Then the third one stated that she, his wife had s strong and for womb. She knew they had gone to the doctor during their first year of marriage after they had tried in vain to have children and she had been given a report from the family's doctor.that she could never have children because her womb was damaged. She quickly rushed to her closet and pulled out the file she received from the doctor. They were both from the same hospital and the same doctor had signed the four papers. She nearly fainted when the truth hit her. Her husband could never get a woman pregnant which meant that she was fit to have children. The fault wasn't from her, but from Connor. So, if he was at fault then the baby wasn't was Alex's baby.... and she had just told her husband that she was expecting Alex's baby!.... To Be Continued....
17 Nov 2018 | 19:06
Hahaha! I knew it's going to happen, now u are carrying Alex's baby
18 Nov 2018 | 03:02
oh my , don't tell me u want to go back to him
18 Nov 2018 | 09:41
This is season film
18 Nov 2018 | 10:39
good for you, why did u go back? knowing who he is
18 Nov 2018 | 11:58
hmm so u better leave him before he I'll harm u
18 Nov 2018 | 11:59
Thunder fire you Connor
18 Nov 2018 | 12:08
u better leav dat house bcos u Hav made a seriousl mistake by telling Connor u are pregnant b4 he uses his fist to remove dat baby from Ur womb
18 Nov 2018 | 12:31
HEALER Episode 19 "Holy shit!" Aliyah cursed from the other end of the phone. "Wait a slept with Alex? Kendra!" "It just happened,Aliyah. Will you blame me? I was sexually starved and he happened to be there and all the time we've been dying for each other and we just couldn't find the time to...Look, he wanted it and I wanted it too. So, it just happened." Aliyah sighed. "Are you certain that he's the father." "Yes. I have the whole evidence here with me. Aliyah I don't know what to do. Connor already knows that I'm pregnant." "And he knows that he couldn't have been responsible. Oh, dear God. What do you do now?" "I don't know!" "Listen, have you told Alex?" Kendra chuckled. "I haven't been picking any of his calls at all. So,no." "You have to tell him,Kendra." "Are you kidding me? So both of them can kill themselves?" "Kendra, its not about that. He's responsible for this. He deserves to know. Tell him,Kendra. It will be easy enough for you if he's backing you up. And it will be easy when you finally state it as a reason for your divorce." Kendra was calm. Her mind was working. She sighed. "Calm down. Anxiety isn't good for a pregnant woman. At least that one, I know of." Aliyah said. "Okay... okay. I'll tell him. But it has to be in person." "And you know you can't give Connor the impression that you already know about his condition. Don't say a word, just act neutral." "I know. Okay...Alright." She hung up and tried to calm down. With shaky hands she put back all the papers, even when some fell of again because she was shaking. She tried to calm down and shut the closet as it was, went to bed and lay down, trying to get hold of herself. It seemed like several hours had passed before she found her strength and picked her phone. The voice came after the third ring. "Hello,Kendra?" Alex voice came in. She closed her eyes and sighed. She had really missed him. "Hello." He said again when she didn't say anything. "Alex. Hi." She said and heard him sigh. "How are you doing?". " I'm fine. How are you?" "I'm great. I hope you're good,Kendra. I've been worried and you haven't been picking any of my calls." She paused and sighed. "Yes, I'm fine." "Okay." "Alex....I....we need to talk. I have to see you." "Alright.Is everything okay?" "Yeah, everything is fine. There's something...that just came up that I would like to tell you person." "Okay. When?" "How about tonight? Are you busy?" "What time tonight?" "At 8." "No, I'm not busy at all." "I'll come to your house." "Good. I'll be expecting you." "Yeah, bye." "Kendra, wait....I love you." He said and she couldnt say anything. She pulled herself together and hung up. Alex loves her. "I love you too." She said after she had hung up on him. Few minutes later, the door opened and Connor stepped in to the room. He leaned against the wall and stared at her for a while. She turned and looked at him. His expression was unreadable and blank. "How are you?" He said. She shrugged. "Good." "I ordered Chinese food just now. I wanted us to have a little....romantic dinner tonight. Are you up for it?" She looked at him in surprise. He ordered food for a romantic dinner? She couldn't believe it. "To....Tonight? At what time?" "At the usual time. 8." He said. She had thought to skip dinner and lie about an appointment with Aliyah which she wanted to talk to Aliyah about just so she could run off to meet Alex. Was this man listening to her conversation?. "Oh." She said when she remembered the papers in his closet and she nodded. Play cool,Kendra. "Sure. Its fine. I'm up for it." She said. and he nodded and left the room. He hadn't asked about the baby and she was beginning to wonder if he had something in mind. The dinner was silent like they were having a Wake. She looked up at him and he looked up at her again. Then he smiled and poured her a glass of orange juice instead of wine. "Thanks." She said. "So, how was work today?" "I didn't go today." He looked up at her. "Why?" "Nothing. I just wanted to clean our room." He looked sharply at her. "Our room? I thought that chore was for the maids?" "Yes but then,Mary wasn't feeling too well to do it and Nina was busy with the kitchen. I was just bored so I had to do it." "Ah, I see." He sipped his wine. "So, how's the baby?" Her heart skipped and she shifted on her seat for composure. "Good." She smiled up at him and downed her whole glass to calm herself and he was watching her. "I wanted us to talk about our marriage." He said to her. She looked up at him. Was he finally accepting the divorce? "I want us to start over,Kendra. I...have been giving it much thought today and I want to start afresh with you and the baby." Damn it! "Oh. Why the sudden change,Connor? You know I don't believe you." "I know and I deserve that for being cruel to you. But I really want you back,Kendra. I'm serious thus time. I want to have a good family before the...child is born and I want to have it with you." She swallowed another gulp of Juice. She looked at him. "I can't divorce you,Kendra. I can't lose you. Believe it or not, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I want my wife back." She looked down at her food. God, why?! "I don't know, Connor..." "I'm not asking you to give me an answer now. Think about it." She nodded. "I'll think about it." She said. He smiled. Then she started felling dizzy and drowsy. She excused herself to go upstairs. She had barely gone half way up when she felt warm between her legs and she looked down and screamed in shock. Connor ran up to her, asking what the problem was. Blood! Thick blood! They returned home the next day from the hospital. But Kendra was broken. She could still hear the voice of the doctor as he gave her the diagnosis. "You miscarried, dear. It seems like you had taken some strong abortion pills." The doctor had told her. She felt like a dried vegetable as Connor helped her up to the bedroom. She sat on the bed stating into space as he put away her clothes which she had worn last night. Abortion pills. She didn't even know how they looked like. How could she possibly take abortion pills when she had always wanted a baby. "It was you,Connor. Wasn't it?" She said and he paused to look at her. "What?" "Don't play innocent here. Because I am the Victim! Not You!" She snapped. "Hey, calm down. You're probably still in shock." She chuckled and laughed. "Shock? That word is an understatement compared to what you've been putting me through. Don't pretend that you didn't put those pills my drink last night, because I know you did. Because you couldnt stand the fact that I got pregnant for someone else. And you can never get me pregnant." He looked shocked at her. "How can you..." "No, Connor!" She cut in. "How could you!?" He said nothing. "How could you be this wicked!" She was screaming at him and she didn't care if he lost it and stabbed her right now.After all he was bipolar. "My baby. You killed my baby. What kind of a man are you?" "You still have to ask me?!" He snapped back. "Yes I did it. What kind of a man will feel happy to know that his wife got pregnant by someone else when he could never get her pregnant? I did it,Kendra! Did you stop to think if my heart while you were spreading your legs wide for him?!" "You don't have a heart,Connor so don't try to feel deprived here. If you had a heart you wouldn't have made me.look like a barren woman just to cover your tracks. So I wouldn't know that it was your fault. If you had a heart you wouldn't have killed an unborn child pretending to want peace from me." "I want peace, Kendra. And I know that if you remained pregnant then you will use it against me in court and leave me. I had to do it. So, don't think that you can do anything to divorce me because I will never give it to you." She screamed in rage and wept, crumbling to the ground. "You will rot in hell,Connor! I hate you! I hate you!! Oh God please help me.!!" She wept and he merely left her there and walked out of the room... To Be Continued....
18 Nov 2018 | 14:55
ha c life u are pregnant with alex baby
18 Nov 2018 | 15:56
connor is qwicked i knw he is up to sumtin with dis his dinner idea
18 Nov 2018 | 16:14
The Kendra is the fool here, you supposed to suspect him na. How will Alex feel now.
18 Nov 2018 | 17:36
serious case
18 Nov 2018 | 18:10
serious caseMk
18 Nov 2018 | 18:10
18 Nov 2018 | 18:49
Good 4 u
18 Nov 2018 | 20:37
I just know dat d dinner will be Ur gateway to miscarriage,,,, I don't know wen u wil learn kendra
19 Nov 2018 | 00:21
Your wickedness is unbearable
19 Nov 2018 | 09:59
this is serious,u sef,u want that man to kill u
19 Nov 2018 | 11:10
you want that man to kill u b4 u leave him abi
19 Nov 2018 | 11:16
Kendra, thinking of you makes me want to puke. You are the cause of everything happening to you?
19 Nov 2018 | 15:54
What tha...!! H*ll. Men this guy hv bite more the can chew
19 Nov 2018 | 16:32
HEALER Episode 20 She was able to pull herself together after three more hours of crying. She hadn't seen Connor since then and he hadn't even stepped into the room ever since he left. She sniffed and took the last of the tissue to dry her already swollen eyes. She stood up in shaky legs and rushed out, down the stairs. Connor had been sitting at the bar, sipping a drink and he stood up when he saw he come down with her keys, running to the door. He ran towards her. "Don't you dare!" She said to him drawing out her hand to stop him.. His eyes darted in shock to the small pocket knife she had in her hand. He looked up at her. "Kendra where are you going? Don't tell me you're Leaving." "Get away from me, you devil. Before I do something I'll regret." "I'm not scared of death, Kendra. And I'm telling you if you leave me, I'll die. You know I'm not kidding. I don't have much to lose if you leave me." "Stay away from me!" She snapped. "I swear, Connor I'm going to kill you if you come closer." He watched tears roll down her eyes. "If you think you're bipolar, I'm the one who's tripolar." She said and he charged for her, they both struggled on the floor and she slashed him on the cheek with the pocket knife. He screamed in pain. Kendra found that as a chance to escape him. She ran off and tried opening her car but when she saw that it won't burge, perhaps because she was desperate and scared, she dropped the keys and ran out of the house. She made her way fine to the raid where she boarded a cab, gave him the address and pleaded with him to hurry before her husband gets to her. ******** The taxi stopped her at the gate and she paid him. "Keep the balance." She said in a hurry to go into the compound. She pounded her fists at the gate repeatedly until the security opened and was smiling at her to welcome her but she pushed her way in to his surprise and rushed to the door. After persistently pressing the doorbell and knocking so hard her hands were almost bruised, the door opened and she expected to see Alex. But she saw Janice instead. Janice smiled at her and she stared back at her in shock. The young lady wasn't supposed to be in his house at that hour and she wasn't supposed to be in one of Alex's shirts! "Hi, Kendra. Its been a while.". Janice obviously didn't know the situation right now because she was smiling at Kendra. She saw Alex appear behind Janice and he looked surprised to see her. " Kendra. What's the matter?" He said but instead, she turned and ran off. Before she could get to the gate, strong hands of Alex held her back and she turned around, hitting him hard with her fist and screaming like a mad woman. "Hey, calm down." He said, holding her hands, looking surprised at her outburst. "Don't tell me to calm down! What is Ben's sister doing in your shirt?!" She snapped. "What the hell are you doing with her?! Answer me,Alex!" Alex was shocked. This wasn't the Kendra he knew. She looked like a mad woman and he was beginning to wonder what had happened to her. "Answer me!" She snapped. He saw her eyes. Pain. Deep pain. And she looked like she had been crying. "Is she your girlfriend?!" She screamed. "What? No, she isn't. Listen, I met her on the way, calm down. Her car broke down and it was already late. So I brought her here. She just took my shirt to change hers. Nothing happened." But he saw that she wasn't buying it. "Kendra look at me.". He said and lifted her face to his. " Have I ever lied to you?" After a while she broken down in tears again. Crying and wailing. He held her close and consoled her but he was at a loss as to the reason she was crying. But he knew it had something to do with her husband. "Alex, my life is over." She said in between cries. "What? Don't say that." "I lost the baby,Alex. I lost it." "What baby?" But she kept crying louder against his chest. "Connor killed my baby. I hate him, Alex." "Calm down. Its okay." He was confused. What baby was she talking about? Had she been pregnant? But she couldn't have a child... ********** It seemed like an eternity before she was able to calm down and he took her inside, she told him the story that had happened. Alex was devastated. His own baby. The bastard had gone too far. Janice had gone into her room and left the both of them alone. Kendra felt like a deranged woman. "I was a fool,Alex. I thought I could still love him but he doesn't deserve to be loved. He destroyed my dream if ever becoming a mother. Of having a child of my own someday. He made me feel like barren woman. He killed my baby." She was crying again. He brought her head to his lips and kissed it, placing back on his chest. "Its okay." "I want a divorce, Alex. I want to leave that bastard." Alex sat up and made her face him. "It can still be done, Kendra. Do you still have the evidence that you were pregnant?" She nodded. "Now I want you to think about this question very carefully before you answer me. Can you testify against him in court?" She stared at him. "What if the evidence aren't solid?" "He hit you,Kendra. He rapes you. And he killed your baby. Now can you do it?" "Its his word against mine,Alex. I have no evidence that he has been hitting me." "Kendra, listen to me. You have to toughen up on this. He might try to frustrate this plan but I want you to be strong as you've always been. If he wants to testify against you I'll be the one to tell the story. I saw those marks,Kendra and I know what I saw. Aliyah has been with you for years she can say something." She nodded. He stood up and went upstairs, came down with his laptop and opened it. He turned it to her so she could see what he had. She stared at it and then looked at him. "Alex." She was surprised. "It was Lisa's idea. I thought it was stupid at first because you and I weren't talking much but she went ahead and took pictures of you in your beaten state. I wanted to show you but I was waiting for you to recover well before I did it." She looked again. That was enough evidence. This was her lying unconscious almost dead with blood all over her and marks of beatings. She still had the scars although they were a bit faint. "Now answer me,Kendra. Will you testify against Connor in court?" Tears rolled down her eyes as she looked at him. She nodded. "I'll do it. God help me but I'll do it." She jumped in him in a tight hug, crying and thanking him. Then she kissed him full on the mouth. Being a man, he didn't object. He pulled her closer for more. ********** The court case was hectic and it took days and almost weeks. Connor had been shocked when he was informed that he was to appear in court for a hearing. He had threatened Alex and Kendra to frustrate them and he had been doing it quit well, until a day came and Nina, one of Kendra's Maids in the house had appeared at Alex's door to speak with Kendra. And the lady had offered to testify against her boss. She had been Kendra's maid for three years and she had been the one to treat her wounds whenever she was beaten up so bad. Nina had been the one to tell the court the while story. "She's my madam. I've worked for her for three years. I came in when she just married our master. And it didn't take long for him to start hitting her. Some times he used his belt on her, He even has a long whip in his bedroom which he uses on her every time. We always heard the voice of our mistress up in the bedroom where he beats her sometimes to a coma. But no one would do anything, we were all scared of losing our jobs so we kept quiet. Until I'll see him leave the house and then go up to her. She always has blood on her body. She's a string lady. I'm surprised she hadn't died since then.". Nina spoke with tears in her eyes and her gaze fully on Kendra who smiled her, giving her a silent thank you. Nina's testimony and the pictures were strong evidences against Connor. The divorce happened like a dream come true. Kendra was free. Her relationship with Alex improved and she got happier than ever. She didn't want to rush like she did with Connor so she it took her a year to finally say yes to Alex. Two weeks after the divorce, The news carried it that Connor had been found dead on his bathroom floor in a pool if his own blood. He had taken a bullet through his head. Kendra felt sorry for him though he had made her the benefactor of his company. She still wished he had stayed alive to see her carrying her baby. She smiled with Alex beside her in the scan room when the doctor showed her the baby in her womb. She looked up at Alex and he looked happy and impressed. She was seven months gone. Two more months to be called a mother, she couldn't wait. She smiled at the screen, watching her son. "Its okay, little one. I'm always here waiting for you." She said to the screen and smiled up at Alex. He bent and took her lips in his, kissing her hard while the female doctor grinned at them like an idiot. She had seen Connor as her weakness and so he did all those things to her and she couldn't fight back. But Alex was different. She was right when she said her mother would be great friends with Alex mother. Both women just couldn't get enough of each other's company. Her life was finally in place. She had seen hell at a very young age. And she had also started her Paradise at a very young age too. She knew that if she had waited she wouldn't have seen hell and she would probably have met Alex earlier. She opened a blog two months after her divorce, on broken women. She wrote two books on her life story which were already best selling. She went for shows and motivational talk on women affairs, because people wanted to hear her story. And her story had impacted a lot into the lives of billions of people. She wanted to pull a lot of women out of the pit they found themselves and encouraged others too. Alex wasn't just her husband, he was her strength. And she did everything possible to be his strength as well. She trusted him, he would never hurt her. Even if he did, he never did it on purpose. Many people said there was a magic behind weddings and she never believed until now. She had met her husband at a wedding both first and second. She smiled at herself two days after the scan as she stood at the balcony of her house with Alex and thought of the day they first met. Who would have known that he was an angel sent to help her And that day she had hated him like crazy. She laughed within her. He was her angel...her doctor.... Her HEALER... THE END!
19 Nov 2018 | 18:05
Thank God for a won battle kendra
20 Nov 2018 | 03:02
wow!!! this is wonderful,,,, like seriously,,, I still don't get why some women are still dying from the violence marriages,,,, why are dey still staying in that marriage,,, if dey die, dos men will get anoda women,,, they will continue dia lives... marriage is not a do or die affair,,, if violence occur,,, dey should learn to run for dia lives.... I don't think Hav read it anywhere in my bible that says there is no heaven for a woman that fails to get married..... but am happy for her dat she took a bold step and came out of that marriage alive..... LADIES, SAY NO TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE,, THIS IS MY TESTIMONY!!!
20 Nov 2018 | 03:05
Wow atlast u had your freedom
20 Nov 2018 | 05:07
20 Nov 2018 | 05:20
What a wonderful story
20 Nov 2018 | 05:25
Am happy for u Kendra, Kudos to the writer
20 Nov 2018 | 06:24
A happy ending Kudos to the writer
20 Nov 2018 | 06:38
Nice ending.......thumps up writer
20 Nov 2018 | 07:17
Mmmm....thank you for the wonderful story......more ink to your pen
20 Nov 2018 | 07:47
More strength for you Nice one from the writer
20 Nov 2018 | 09:45
Wow it's been wonderful following this story to the end
20 Nov 2018 | 09:59
wow!!! nice story ,Weldon @chimmy
20 Nov 2018 | 12:47
20 Nov 2018 | 14:14
wow kendra now u are free u now met ur healer
20 Nov 2018 | 17:07
Well done.... Nice story!!!
21 Nov 2018 | 13:06
infact i must say this story is one of interetsting story i have read so far
23 Nov 2018 | 16:34
What a happy ending
4 Dec 2018 | 05:52
Connor is a beast in human form
21 Dec 2018 | 09:31
Nice one, really enjoyed it
3 Aug 2020 | 11:25
Lovely story u got there
21 Feb 2021 | 09:49


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