It's My Birthday!
Hey All, I am a great deal older than any of the commentators
here and I realised many. many years ago that birthdays are
awkward milestones that are pretty meaningless at the end of the
day. Everyone can have a good birthday even a GREAT day but
you need to accept some simple facts of life. The number of
people who will rejoice the day you were born every year (apart
from your parents) are going to be pretty few and far between -
ever. If your partner can't be bothered to arrange anything for you
or at least make it an upbeat day then you are probably with the
wrong person. Come up with your own great birthday ideas -
treat it like it is someone else's - if you can't think of anything to
do or way to celebrate why should other people? Ring the
changes, so that each birthday ( if you really want to look back on
it...) is memorable for its own reasons. Remember the most
important thing about your birthday is that it is a excuse for
OTHER PEOPLE to have FUN and the more fun you make it , the
more likely you will have a faithful following each year. If you have
found friendships slipping away, ask yourself why and either
accept it, put the effort in for the other 364 days of the year or
find new ones. Finally my No.1 tip, which I realise some of you
because of age, circumstance or finances may not be able to
do, TRAVEL Wake up in a different place,preferably overseas, on
your Birthday. Just being somewhere different makes life an
adventure - and never underestimate how ready strangers are to
celebrate your birthday too.
I love m love Me!
I cherish Me!
And am happy!
Start calling.