1. Osingo Osingo, Praise
the Lord.
This song is actually “O
sing my soul, praise the
Lord”. But as Nigerians, we
have invented our own
version lol.
2. Jangilova epo motor.
This was another favourite
of us when it comes to
playing games. I wonder
where we got Jangilova
when it is:
Jingle over like a motor.
3. The most excellency is
This is another song many
Christians sing. I bet you
will hear this when you go
to church on Sunday. The
correct wording is:
The most excellent king is
4. Sandalili Sandalili.
Every primary school child
from the 90’s knows this
song. We sang it and we
were proud. But did you
know we’ve been singing it
all wrong since time
immemorial ?
The correct thing is
Standard living, standard