Food For The Gods.

Food For The Gods.

By Shaxee in 3 Nov 2014 | 12:48
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Member since: 19 Oct 2014
A romance story between two lovers from different world.
Tosin: Tope's father.
Ronke: Tope's mother.
Bisi: Tosin's mother.
Tobi: Augustina's father.
Bimbola: Augustina's mother.
Tope: George, Augustina's boyfriend.
Augustina: Damilola, Tope's girlfriend.
Priestess: servant of igbudu god.
Old woman: Mid wife.
Princess: Jealoused daughter of a king.
"I warned you, Tosin" Bisi said looking angry.
"Mother, now is not the time to blame. My wife has been bitten by the mighty snake from that evil shrine of orang. She's in pain mother" Tosin said almost in tears.
"Please spare me that, i warned you but you wouldn't listen. You should be happy the mighty snake of orang didn't bite you instead. You are nothing but a worthless son, you are so dull" Bisi said irritated.
"Ah, mother this world is bad. How can my own mother be this heartless? This world is bad" Tosin said, now in tears.
"Tell that to the mammy water you have for a wife" Bisi, hissed and walked away throwing insults at Tosin.
"gods of my father, have mercy on my wife" Tosin said.
"Tosin, fast take this child and run to the shrine of igbudu. Don't let dawn meet you before you get there" The old woman said.
"What of my wife? How is she?" Tosin asked.
"Time is not on your side. Hurry up, be mute on your way there. The mighty snake of orang is coming. Goooo" The old woman said.
** **
He set out, crying and running to the igbudu shrine with the baby wrapped in his hands. He remembered how he first met Ronke, a fair, beautiful maiden who was given to serve the god of the sea at a tender age. He remembered the way she smiled, half immensed in water, playing and laughing. She gave him a scary look and entered the water with a great speed. He remembered throwing stones at the spot where she had entered the water but she wouldn't come out. He continued throwing stones until it was dark and had to leave the river.
He wiped another tear as he ran even faster with the baby in his hand. He couldn't determine the sex of the child as all he was concerned about was reaching the shrine before the mighty snake does.
As he got closer to the shrine, a terrible slash of lightning tore across the sky, and he heard the sound of leaves around him shake. He heard a song from the priestess of the shrine as he got on his knees infront of the shrine. He raised the child wrapped in his hands to the priestess who had her back against him.
"How dare you, disturb the peace of the sacred shrine with that thing in your hand" The priestess spat out.
"Priestess of the great igbudu shrine, spare my child and wife and take me instead" Tosin said, bowing his head.
"Shut up. You do not say such here. Here is no market place for lazy bones like you" The priestess said.
"Am sorry great priestess of igbudu. But help beg the great igbudu not to harm my family" Tosin said.
"Hold your peace, the deed has already been done. Your wife is dead" Turning her head to look at Tosin. "Give me the child" She commanded.
"Please save him from the mighty snake of Orang" Tosin pleaded.
"He would be saved, but would die if he doesn't kill the mighty snake of orang on his fifteenth year".
Holding the child to herself she made some incantation and dropped the child who stayed suspended in the air with a red dust surrounding him. She continued with the incantation until the child came to where she stood still suspended in the air. She carried it and gave to the father.
"Teach him how to kill. He would need the strength of a lion".
"No one has ever defeated the mighty snake of orang, who ever tried to never live to tell the story great priestess. Tosin said sad.
"He has the blood of the sea and the mighty snake of orang in his blood. Teach him how to kill i said, now leave. I said leave" The priestess said as she entered inside the shrine.
3 Nov 2014 | 12:48
EPISODE TWO. *FIFTEEN YEARS LATER* "Mother? Are you really my mother?" Tope asked. "Yes i am your mother Tope. I died after giving birth to you" Ronke said. "Is it true what father said, that the mighty snake of orang killed you?" Tope asked. "My child, all your father said is the truth. I have no time with you anymore. First thing tomorrow morning, go to the river that leads to the sea of aku and drink the water from the leaf of the tree in the middle of the river three times" Ronke said and disappeared. "Mother? Mother, where are you?" Tope shouted after her. ** ** "Tope? Tope? Where has this boy gone to? Tope?" Tosin was restless. "I think i need to see the priestess right away" Turning and bending on his knees shocked on seeing the priestess behind him. "Great priestess of igbudu, what brings you here to my compound so early?" Tosin asked, still on his knees. "Rise, you poor soul. The mighty snake of orang has chosen today as the day to rejoice over the death of your son" The priestess spoke. "Noooo, Tope. Priestess please save my son's life" Tosin said. "Hmmm, the task is not an easy one. A life must be sacrificed for him to to be able to kill the mighty snake of orang" She said, looking at the skya as if listening to it. "Take my life. I will sacrifice my life" Tosin was cut short by his mother. "Never, never will i fold my hands and see my only son die because of that son of a mammy water" Bisi said. "Mother, stop this. I won't fold my hands and watch my only son die the way Ronke, his mother did" Tosin said angrily. "A life is needed now. The mighty snake of orang is almost there. I can sense it" Closing her eyes and shaking her head continously. "Who shall it be? Who i asked again?" The priestess asked. "I can't let my only son sacrifice his life, great priestess take me instead. Save my son's son" Bisi said sadly. "So shall it be" The priestess raised her staff to the sky three times before disappearing, leaving Bisi gasping for breath before falling to the ground. "No mother, why did you do it? Why mother?" Tosin said holding his mother in his hands crying. "I..i...di...did it for you" closing her eyes she quietly said. "Tope catch". "No mother, noooo.Tope where are you? gods of our land fight for my son. Ronke join mother to fight for our son" Tosin said, crying. ***Tbc***
3 Nov 2014 | 12:49
EPISODE THREE. ** ** As soon as Tope drank from the tree in the middle of river aku. He felt a pain in his abdomen and felt some changes in his body. The clouds became dark as if preparing to battle the earth, the winds formed a tornado in the middle of the river and thick red dust surrounded him. Tope felt mother nature has drained all of him. He felt hot and weak and fell inside the river. Few minutes later he felt strengthened with a strange power and came with full force with the body of a mermaid. He saw himself floating on the river with a staff in his hands, he felt like a god with two horns on his face. He noticed he was half transformed into a fish from his waist down and on the upper part of his body he felt like a human except for the two horn he has on his head. He heard the earth shake and the dark clouds turn to red then he saw the god of orang in the sky laughing, he turned around to the direction he heard a splash, and saw a small gold snake swimming towards him. Yes, the mighty snake of orang was nothing but a small gold snake who has the power to blind just mere looking at you, it has the power to make you dumb by hissing at you. As it got closer to Tope, he felt scared but felt renewed with strength. He heard a voice encouraging him to use his staff to touch the river which he did and the river parted with water from the snake flowing to where he was leaving the snake on a total dry land. He was further instructed to speak unto the snake of which he did but as he spoke, all that came out of his mouth was fire which burnt the mighty snake of orang and as it burned it hissed in agony but Tope was unharmed by the hiss it made. He went further to strike the burning snake with his staff which whined and hissed in pain. He felt the earth shake and the clouds clear into white and saw the god of orang angry and defeated, he felt the wind around him stop and he collapsed to the ground weak and exhausted. ******* "Son, son wake up" Tosin said as he pulled his son from the river. "Mother!" Tope looked frightened as he woke up shivering. "Son you did it. Tope am proud of you, you defeated the mighty snake of orang. god of my fathers thank you" Tosin said happily. "Enough, take this Tope" The priestess of igbudu gave Tope a calabash full of the mighty snake of orang's venom. "Drink all of it" She said. "What is it?" Tosin asked. "Drink it Tope" The princess of igbudu insisted. Tope sat up still weak, before drinking all that was in the calabash and collapsing again. "Let him be" The priestess warned. "Don't kill him please" Tosin pleaded. "His destiny is in his hand. If he overcomes this the he is strong" The priestess said. "What did you give him? He looks dead" Tosin said angrily. "Take him home. And if by dawn he doesn't wake up, feed him to the gods of the sea" She said and disappeared. "No not my poor son" Tosin wiped his tears and took his son home on his shoulder. ***Tbc***
3 Nov 2014 | 15:07
U didnt complete d stories u were posting.... Nd yet u re already posting another..... Datz nt encouraging @ all
3 Nov 2014 | 17:44
CONTINUATION OF EPISODE THREE. "gods of our land, have mercy on my son. Tope is the only child i have" Tosin said as he sat beside his lifeless son the next day. "Have mercy on me i have lost my wife and my mother, now my son is like a chunk of wood, lifeless. I can't feed him to the gods of the sea, never instead take me" Tosin cried. "Tosin, Tosin get up from that bed. Today is the d-day. Tosin" Bisi said, tapping her sleeping son. "Please have mercy on my son" A startled Tosin said as he woke up. "Mum! thank God you are alive" He said as he hugged her. "Son, don't tell me is today of all days that you wish me death. What happened? See the way you are sweating as if you ran a marathon race" Bisi gave her son a towel as she spoke. "Mum it was a bad dream. One terrible dream one shouldn't have. What's today?" He asked as he collected the towel from her. "Today is the fourteenth day in the month of june. The day your wife Ronke and son Tope finally return from oversea" Bisi said. "Oh my God. Mum what time is it?" He got up from his bed with hands on his head. "Ronke would kill me o, am late" He said as he dashed into the bathroom with his towel and came out two minutes later cleaning his body. He was restless as he paced about in his lilac colour bedroom. In the middle of the room laid a queensize bed with a wardrobe at its side. A dressing mirrow and on the other side of the wall laid a plasma tv. The room had two set of chairs on another part of it. "Tosin, its just past six na. Its not yet time" His mother said quietly. "Its just past six? Mum why did you let me bath now na?" He said looking sad. "Hahahaha, you call that bath? Did you bath? You know you should be happy i woke you up from that dream that made you sweat and smell so badly" she laughed as she said. "Haba, mum i don't smell. I didn't smell my wife can testify to that" he said as he winked at her. "Child, lets go and see if breakfast has been served. Am hungry" His mother said. "Me too mum. I can eat a human and still insist on eating an elephant" Tosin said and they both laughed as they walked downstairs to the dinning which had a white paint on both sides of its wall with a wooden table and six pairs of chairs. "Good morning sir, good morning ma" said a quiet and lovely voice. ***Tbc***
4 Nov 2014 | 01:41
EPISODE FOUR "Ah, Damilola my child you are awake so early? How was your night?" Bisi said smiling at the angel before her. "It was fine ma. Hope yours was okay grandma? Augustina asked. "Yes it was my child" Bisi replied now sitting down. "Augustina thanks for preparing breakfast" Tosin said nodding. "You are welcome sir" Augustina said as she made to leave for the kitchen. "Augustina!" As if on a second thought. "Never mind" Tosin dismissed her with a wave of his hand. "What was that all about?" Bisi asked. "Mum, i wanted her to bring her cv to the office later in the day. But i kicked off the idea because i would be home today" Tosin said. "So, what do you think?" Bisi said with all smile on her face. "Do you think Tope would like her?" "Ahn, ahn mami. Isn't it too early today to start this talk?" Tosin said jokingly. "I am saying the truth now. You know i like her and already see her as a member of this family" Bisi replied. "Yes mother she is already a part of this family. She might even be mistaken for my daughter outside" Tosin added. "Adopt her if Tope misbehave. Atleast her parents would be happy" Bisi added. "Mum lets not be too fast in walking when we haven't even finished crawling" Tosin said and continued with his food. "Ok son. I will rest my case for the main time. Damilola!" She called as she turned facing the kitchen. "Yes grandma" Augustina said as she hurried up to the dinning wiping her hands on her skirt. "My grandson and his mum would be arriving soon. So prepare eguisi and pounded yam. Make sure you use that turkey i bought yesterday together with the chicken and fish in the freezer. And incase you finish on time prepare that chicken and shrimp stew i taught you the other day" Bisi said. "Okay grandma" Augustina said smiling. "And one more thing, dress smart and be beautiful to welcome my grandson" Bisi said winking at her son. "Wear maybe a trouser or a decent skirt. You have a trouser don't you?" Tosin asked looking serious. "Yes sir i do. The one mummy bought me but i haven't used it" Augustina said not sure of what was happening. "Good. Wear it. Just look attractive and pray it works out well" Tosin said. "You can go now Damilola" Bisi said. "Thank you ma" Augustina dashed into the kitchen looking puzzled. "Don't worry Tosin. I have this strong feeling Tope would love her" Bisi winked at her son again and started laughing. ******** In the bedroom Augustina was disturbed by what mr Tosin said. She kept pacing about in her room wondering what mr Tosin meant. She was still in deep thoughts when she heard a car pull over in the compound. She knew it was Mr Tosin's car and so she fled to the dinning trying to put things in order. Her heart almost stopped when the front door opened and Akin the gate man came in with two luggage giving her a heavenly smile. ***Tbc***
6 Nov 2014 | 01:25
EPISODE FOUR Continuation "Oh o mum let them enter the house first na" Tosin said as he entered inside the house which was painted lilac with a big flat screen on the wall. The living room had black chairs and a glass table in the middle with no much design to accompany it. It was a simple livin room with black tiles. "Home sweet home. I have just been away for only two weeks and i so much miss this place and my comfortable bed" Ronke said has she sat beside her husband pecking him. "Please you people shouldn't spoil me and my grandson o. Abi Tope do you like what you are seeing? Bisi asked Tope as they both entered the house. "Hahaha grandma, this is nothing compared to what they do overseas" Tope said looking at the house he left twelve years ago. "Mum, this place need some little touching. Its too simple for your class" Tope said irritated. "Ah, ah where is Damilola? Damilola, Damilola!" shouted Bisi. "Dear is she ready? Hope she won't spoil this?" Ronke said quietly to her husband looking worried. "Let's just hope he likes her" Tosin replied her in a low voice. "Yes grandma. Welcome daddy, welcome grandma, welcome mummy, welcome brother Tope" She greeted them as she entered the living room. "Ehen, Damilola you are here. Greet Tope well na" Bisi said. Now Damilola was more confused, she didn't know how best to greet him and she started scratching her head and feeling uncomfortable. Tope on the other hand was dumb struck, he stared at her as if he has seen an angel. The parents smiled as they saw the look on Tope's face. "Tope!" his mother called out and poor Tope came back to earth. "Wow she is a beauty. Nice body shape. Big eyes with beautiful dimples" Topi said taking a glance at her again. "But she is not my type. Mum who is she?" Tope said. "Thanks sir and you are welcome back home once again" Augustina said. "Wow, Tope that was rude. Apologise to Augustina now" Tosin ordered. "Am sorry ma'am" He said as he gave her a scorn look pretending not to like her. "Damilola is the food served?" Bisi asked changing the topic. "Yes ma" Augustina replied. "Up, up lets go and eat. Damilola lead the way. You are looking take away in this your outfit and i love this your orange t-shirt. I never knew you have this lovely shape" Ronke said and kept on praising Augustina. They made her seat opposite Tope who pretended not to like her. She felt uncomfortable throughout. She couldn't look at Tope but just picked at her food. ***Tbc***
6 Nov 2014 | 01:26
EPISODE FIVE That evening, Augustina went to the feed the fishes in the pond that was located at the back of the house. She wasn't focused on feeding the fish, she was greatly disturbed by Tope's behaviour towards her. She love mr Tosin's family and the way she is treated but she didn't understand why his only child would hate her the very first day seeing her. She hoped and quietly prayed they would be friends. Tope on the other was restless, he lost interest on what was been discussed and insisted on taking a walk round the corner unknown to him that he would meet Augustina. He paused on seeing her from afar and admired this young lady in her early twenties. Dark in complexion great dimples, cute big eyes, lovely figure eight. He decided to talk to her. "Hey, you. What's that name of yours?" He almost melted as he saw the beauty before him turned. "Its Augustina sir" Augustina replied him. "No i don't like that name. What name did grandma call you earlier?" Tope asked. "Its Damilola sir. Hope there is no problem?" Augustina asked. "Nah, Da..milola. Its a nice name. So how did you get here? Heard you saved dad's life" Tope said "I was only led there by God" Augustina replied. "I know. But tell me how a small girl like you saved dad's life" Tope said. "Hahahahaha, you call twenty two small? Well i happened to see him along the road shot on my way to church. So i ran and called for help, that was how i got here" she said with a smile. "Thanks for saving dad's life. Ummm what do you do for a living?" He enquired. "Am a graduate of computer science. I just finished serving" Augustina replied with a smile. "Wow that's nice" Just then his phone rang. "Please a moment" Tope picked up the call. "Hello...princess? How? No i don't know you. I just bought this line few hours ago when i came into the country. No its a wrong line i guess. Ok i got to go..Yeah, bye." He ended the call. "I'm so sorry about that" Tope said smiling. "No problem sir" Augustina replied. "Beautiful big eyes" Tope teased her. They kept talking for a while and Tope apologised for his rude behaviour earlier and pecked her on her cheeks on his way inside. ***Tbc***
6 Nov 2014 | 01:28
Nd it hasn't been continued
10 Dec 2014 | 11:07
EPISODE SIX "Hello...Hello? Hellooo? Morning, no still on bed. Who is this? Umm...ok you were the lady that called me yesterday or weren't you? Yes you are. No i hate to admit it but you disturbed my sleep, so i got to go. Okay, maybe.....the name is George. Look i got to go, yeah bye" Tope hissed. "Princess my foot" Tope went back to sleep. Ronke strolled back to the bedroom with her mother inlaw behind her. "Mum, so what do we do now?" Tosin asked. "I saw them talking and laughing yesterday. I think that's a good move, i mean after saving Tosin from the hands of those assassins, i think we should repay her with Tope" Ronke added. "You saw them together? Are you sure?" Bisi asked. "Yes mum" Ronke answered with a nod. "Women" Tosin said unimpressed. "Mum what do we do? Should i give her the job now or let her start together with Tope?" Tosin asked. "Let them start together" Bisi said "Okay" Tosin replied. In the kitchen, Augustina did her morning chores and went to mrs Ronke in the living room when she was called. "Good morning ma, Good morning grandma" Augustina said. "Damilola, have you seen your Tope today? I mean Tope, have you seen him?" Ronked asked. "No ma i haven't seen him" Augustina answered. "By this time of the day?" Bisi added. "What is the time sef?" "Its three minutes past seven mum" Ronke said. "Have you served breakfast?" Ronke asked. "Yes ma" Augustina said. "Good take breakfast to Tope in bed. Make sure he finish his meal and bath before coming down. That boy can be lazy sometimes" Ronke said. "Ok ma" She turned to go when she saw Mr Tosin coming to the living room. "Good morning daddy" Augustina said with a smile. "Good morning, Augustina. I know your night was fine from your smile" Tosin said. "You can go now" Bisi dismissed her laughing with Ronke leaving Tosin confused. Augustina hurried with a tray of food to Tope's room. She composed herself and knocked on his door before entering. "Yeah, come in" Tope answered with a sleepy voice. "Good morning sir. How was your night?" Augustina said dropping the tray beside the bed. "Betty?" Tope pretended and drew her close kissing her but she redrew from the kiss cleaning her lip. "Am not Betty" She replied him angry. "Oh, am so sorry. I thought you were my ex" Tope added. "I brought you breakfast" Augustina said still angry. "Do you have a boyfriend?" Tope asked looking at her eyes. "Yes i do sir" Augustina replied looking away. "Damn it" Tope coughed out. "Excuse me?" Augustina said "Am not hungry, you can go" Tope told her "Am sorry sir. Mum said i can only come down when you are done eating and bathing" Augustina said. "I said am not hungry or are you gonna force me? Now leave this minute before i hurt you" Tope shouted. "Ahn, ahn, Tope, why are you shouting her? Ronke questioned as she entered inside the room. "Mum am not hungry. I told her to go but she wouldn't" Tope replied "Its okay, Augustina you can go" Ronke said
11 Dec 2014 | 01:43
EPISODE SEVEN ******* Two months later, Augustina was made Tope's assistant in Tosin and co's company. Augustina sat comfortably in her office looking for a file which need urgent attention, she ran-sack her office but the file was not found. She thought of the places it would be and decided to ask the managing director if he by chance took it. Augustina composed herself before going to the manager's office, she hated the fact she was going there without been called upon but she was going there for a reason. She tried discouraging herself not to meet her boss concerning the files but she kicked the idea off and took a bold step by knocking on the door. "Come in" Said Tope who was dressed in a white sleeved shirt and black trouser with red tie to go with it. He sat comfortably on his seat with a cup of coffee on his desk and his phone on his hands smiling as he chatted. Augustina was suprised at her boss behaviour, he ought to be working not chatting. She closed the door and took some steps towards his desk and stopped then cleared her throat to draw his attention. Tope was stunned by the beauty before him who wore a red silk dress with black trouser, a pair of red high heel, black and red stripes of ribbon was used to pack her braided hair and an eye glass set beautifully on her pretty face. He smiled and continued to stare at her, forgetting his phone and making her uncomfortable until she cleared her throat once more and he regained himself. "Yes, miss Augustina what can i do for you? Tope asked now focused on his phone. "Sir, i didn't see the Julius cold water file. I was wondering if he took it from my desk" Augustina said, but he gave her no reply. "Sir, Tope?" "Yes i did. I have given it to the Ceo" Tope said without looking at her. "But sir, why would you do that? You know i was working on that particular file" Augustina said angry. "I did that because of your snail like nature. I did your job for you" Tope said now looking at her. "But you ought to have told me about taking the file" She said back. "I owe you no explanation" Tope added. "Okay. I would take my leave now" Augustina said, turning to leave. "Next time don't come to my office until i say so" Tope said, before she left. That evening, Tope just got out from the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist when his phone beeped. He walked to the bed and took the phone. "Princess? What does she want again?" He opened the message and read. "Good evening mr George. How have you being? I just got back into the country and my father wants to host a welcome back party for me. I was hoping you would attend so as to see you in person for business purpose. Please don't say no to a lady. Here is the venue: Morning spring Hotel, crystal city. Date: 17, December.Time: 8pm. Would be expecting you" Tope hissed. "Won't go there" Tope said as he threw the phone on the bed and got dressed. He felt lonely and decided to go to Augustina's room. He got to her room and without knocking entered to see Augustina fast asleep. He stared at her for a while before tapping her. Augustina looked at this 6ft tall fair in complexion twenty three years old man who had the shape of an athlete with sleepy eyes. "Damilola, we need to talk" Tope said to her. "Sir, hope there's no problem?" she said as she sat up. "No not at all. Damilola i want to ask you a question" Tope said. "Go ahead" Augustina said wiping her eyes. "Umm, do you? I mean are you a virgin? Tope finally said. "Yes sir i am. Why did you ask?" Augustina said shocked by the question. "Wow, that's nice. Nothing you can go to sleep now" Tope said smiling. "Sir, Tope please why did you ask?" Augustina enquired. "I just wanted to know. I gotta go" He quickly stood up from where he sat on the bed and left the room. A jumped for joy when he got to his room. "This is good news" Tope said to himself. He is so weird" Augustina said to herself and went back to sleep.
11 Dec 2014 | 01:45
CONTINUATION OF EPISODE SEVEN Mr and mrs Tosin sat in the living room watching a documentary one thursday evening when Augustina came to join them. "Mum, dad am sorry to disturb you, but i would like to visit my parents this weekend" Augustina said. "Hope they are alright?" Ronke asked. "Yes ma. Its almost three months since i last visited them. I just thought i'd visit them tomorrow and besides am also missing them" Augustina added. "Okay if that is the case. Then you can have a week off work. Remind me tomorrow before i leave for the office to give you some money for them" Tosin said. "And i will also give you some provisions and foodstuff for them" Ronke added. "Thank you mum, thank you dad. Am grateful" Augustina said kneeing down. "Mum what's going on here?" Tope asked. "Oh, its nothing. Damilola was just thanking her for given her a week leave to visit her family" Ronke replied. "Really? Then who would assist me in the office? Dad we started work the same day so we ought to go on leave the same day. And how are you sure she is not going to a man's house?" Tope said. "Haba, Tope why are you always like this the poor girl is missing her parents we can't deprieve her this joy" Tosin said. "Am not going to a man's house. I can't lie to dad and mum here and besides we would be communicating" Augustina replied eyeing Tope. "This is how we would do it. Tope i know you have no where to go to but if you insist on taking that one week leave then you would have to go with Damilola to the village" Ronke said. "Fine by me. Atleast i would be sure she's not going to a man's house" Tope said smiling. "That is your business" Augustina addressed Tope. "Mum, dad i would be in my room" Augustina said as she walked out. Ronke and Tosin now had their attention on Tope. "What? Okay i would also go to my room. Call her if you need anything" Tope stood up and went to his room. "Weird" Tosin said. "Very weird" Ronke added.
11 Dec 2014 | 01:47
Nic one
12 Dec 2014 | 06:23
EPISODE EIGHT It was half past nine when Tope and Augustina set out for the four hours thirty five minutes drive to Augustina's village. The journey was a quiet one as none of them uttered a word to the other, it was after an hour that their silence was broken by loud gun shots from afar. A group of robbers were operating some miles away and they were lucky enough to have driven at a slow speed. The robbers kept shooting into the air as they made away with their victim's money and belonging. Tope reversed and parked half way inside the bush signalling Augustina to bend her head has the robbers made to come their way. He made her stay bent that way until after ten minutes when the road was a bit free. He opened his door and walked to the passengers seat where Augustina sat and opened the door. "Dami, are you alright?" He knew he was becoming too familiar with her even when he pretended not to have feelings for her. "Yes, i am fine" Augustina said when she got her voice. She never expected Tope to call her 'Dami' and in such manner. She loved the emotion he put into calling her that and smiled inwardly. "Are you sure? Are you hurt anywhere?" Tope asked looking concerned. "I am okay sir" Augustina said nodding. "Come here" Tope drew her to him and pecked her on her fore head. "I won't let anything happen to you i promise" "I think we should get back in the car" Augustina said wondering the kind of guy Tope is, one minute he is lovely the next minute he is a bone in her neck. She couldn't explain what the peck meant since it was the second time he has pecked her. "Okay miss" Tope said with a smile and opened the door for her to enter. "Wait, i will just ease myself first" She said and hurried to a thick high bush and bent to ease herself. Tope also used that opportunity to pee he turned to the direction of Augustina and saw her pulling her jeans up her pink pant, he was carried away at the sight but felt silly when her eyes met his. They got back inside his prado jeep and chatted little before coming across a group of police men in a nearby town. "Park well" said one of the officer. "Good morning sir" Tope greeted. "Wetin good about this morning? Where your particulars?" Asked the officer. "Here there are sir" Tope replied. "Okay, e correct" Na your wife be this? See how she just sitdown quiet. Abi you beat am?" The officer enquired. "No officer i didn't. Yes she's my wife. We were robbed in a nearby town and her wedding ring was stolen" Tope said holding her hand. "No mind them. We hear the story for here. Eyah, see how she come quiet. Madam abeg no vex. Oga go replace am. Abeg oga find us small notes for purewater or mineral" the officer said. "Here" Tope counted five notes of one thousand naira and gave it to him. "Hey, oga you too much. God go bless your business. You see this your fine wife for here God go give am fine fine children like am. Sule remove that drum for road for oga. Incase you need anything oga just call us" The officer said as Tope drove pass the check point laughing and still holding Augustina's hand. "This Nigeria police officers are just so corrupt" Augustina said. "And funny too" He smiled when she redrew her hand from his. "Why were you quiet?" Tope asked. "Why did you lie? She said. "I had to" Tope said. "And besides it felt good" "How do you mean?" She asked him. "Never mind. We would talk about it when we get to your village" He smiled. "Okay" She smiled in return. They kept talking until they got to Augustina's village.
12 Dec 2014 | 12:11
EPISODE NINE It was already afternoon when they got there, Augustina showed him where to park his car before they highlighted from the car. "Here we are" Augustina said stretching her muscles. "Its seem like i would catch a cold" He said sneezing. "Not funny, there is no way i will let you catch a cold in my village" Augustina said. "Thanks for warning me" Tope said holding her hand smiling. "Hey, sister Damilola welcome o" Said her neighbour. "Hey, brother Femi good afternoon. How family na?" Augustina asked. "Family dey fine. How work?" Femi enquired. "Work is fine, we thank God. Are my parents around?" Augustina asked. "Yes, they just came back from farm.They should be in the backyard roasting yam" Femi said. "Damilola you never introduce your guy give me o" "My guy? Wetin make you think say na my guy? Augustina asked with eyes wide open. "Hi, good afternoon. My name is Tope am Dami's fiance" Tope said drawing her closer, but with the shock on her face she just kept on staring at him without saying a word. "Whoa Damilola na mean say you don upgrade be that o. Choi see small Damilola of yesterday o" Femi said but his last word faded with the shout of joy from Augustina's parent. "My child welcome, come in your father is waiting for you inside" Augustina's mother said. "Mummy good afternoon. How have you being?" Augustina said hugging her mum before following her inside the house. The house is a small house with two bedroom, a bathroom, a parlour and and a kitchen. The parlour is a bit bigger than the bedroom because two old sofas were placed opposite each other, a small round table laid between the chairs making the room a little tight. On the right side of the wall laid a black and white tv with a radio on top of it. Tope stood by the door with mouth apart looking at the house. He was lost in his world and he wondered why chose to be unfair to certain people. He was brought by to reality by Augustina's calm voice. "Tope? Are you alright?" She enquired. "Yeah, am fine" He nodded as he said. "Okay, you haven't greeted my parents" She added. "My goodness am so sorry" He addressed her parents "Good afternoon sir, good afternoon ma" Tope said bowing. "Good afternoon young man. Please come in" Mr Tobi said. "Have your seat sir" Mrs Bimbola addressed him from the way he looked. "Daddy, mummy, this is mr Tosin's son Tope. He is my boss in the office" Augustina said. "Ehen, welcome sir" Mrs Bimbola said, looking at her husband. "Ma, please am like a son to you. Stop calling me sir" Tope said. "Any boss of our daughter is a sir" Mr Tobi said. "Not in my case" Tope said. "Damilola hurry up and go and bring food for your boss na" Mrs Bimbola said. "Okay ma" She said and left. Tope quickly told them his intention for their daughter and they were over joyed with the good news. That Evening, Augustina showed him around the village and when it was late they went back home. Tope and Augustina was made to sleep in the same room while her parents slept in the second room. They both felt uncomfortable with the silence in the room as Augustina laid on a wrapper spread on one side of the room while Tope slept on the bed. The next day was a busy one for them as they went to clear a portion on their farmland. Tope was made to sit and watched and he chatted with his friends on bbm stealing glances at Augustina from time to time.
12 Dec 2014 | 12:13
EPISODE TEN "Dami, please come and sleep on the bed. I am tired of depriving you of your bed. We can share if u want or i will sleep on the floor" Tope told her. "Sir, i am comfortable where i am. I am used to sleeping here" Augustina said. "Please, if you respect me you won't say no. I promise i won't touch you, remember i have a girlfriend" Tope said. "Sir, it doesn't matter. I love where i sleep. Let's just leave it like that" Augustina said. "Haven't i told me to stop calling me sir? Call me George or Tope. And if you feel comfortable there then goodnight" Tope said "Goodnight" Augustina replied. The next morning Augustina and Tope left the village. They were quiet throughout the journey until Tope's phone beeped and he parked the car so he could answer the call. "Hey fine...sure am alone just driving..oh, i travelled to one dirty village like that.....okay take care, yeah bye" Tope ended the call. Before he started the car he got another beep this time from one of the service provider and he quickly muted it and placed it on his ear. "Hellooo Angel, yeah sure...just left there, yeah she's would start immediately....ummmm yeah...are you back from canada? so missing you...i know you are...lets meet tomorrow then...yeah our usual spot...ok bye love you" He ended the call and took a quick look at Augustina and smiled within himself. "Betty, Betty i really love you" Tope added and looked at her again before starting the car. They were quiet until they got home. Mrs Ronke seeing the car drive him almost pulled the house down with happiness as she ran out to welcome them. "Welcome my children. How was village and your parents?" Ronke said embracing them both. "Mum, they are fine. They sent their regards" Augustina said "Mum, am tired i would be in my room" Tope said and walked inside the house. "Damilola what is wrong with him? Did you two fight?" Ronke asked. "No ma we didn't" Augustina explained all that happened and Ronke laughed. "Don't mind him he is jealous" Ronke said. "Jealous of what? Why would he be jealous?" Augustina asked "You would understand when the time comes" Ronke said. "By, the way mum where is grandma and dad?" Augustina asked. "Your grandma went for a meeting. Your dad went out" Ronke replied and led her inside the house. Meanwhile Tope was looking at them from his room's window. "I don't know what's wrong with me. Why can't i tell her how i feel? Maybe its because i love her too much to let her go. Damn it. I hate this feeling, i hate her. No i don't hate her infact i love her more than anything in this world" Tope said i lied on his bed, angry at himself.
12 Dec 2014 | 12:17
Uhmmm i guess its d lack of comments dat made u abandon d story b4..... Dont do dat aqain o.. We love all ur stories... #kisses#
12 Dec 2014 | 18:50
CONTINUATION OF EPISODE TEN. Tope was restless as he sat down in his office looking at his phone which laid on his desk. He picked up his phone went through his contacts, dialled a number and ended it before it rang. He adjusted his tie, folded his shirt removed his eye glass stood up almost immediately and went out of his office. He got to a office where he stopped, took a deep breath then he held on to the door's handle as he listened to the conversation coming from inside the office. "Augustina why are you so adamant? I love you and i want you to be my wife. Can't you see that am hurt with this your childish behaviour?" Mr Ben a co-worker said. "Look mr Benard, i won't have you come in here and insult me. I have told you i don't like you, simple" Augustina said. "But i love you and want to make you my wife. Look Tina just give me a chance you would come to love me" Mr Benard told her. "Mr Benard am not interested just leave me alone" Augustina spat out just then the door opened. "Mr Benard, i believe you have work to do in your office" Tope said and sat down staring at Augustina who felt uncomfortable. "Yes sir, i would go get them done" Mr Benard said as he left the office. Tope on the other hand left the office immediately and hastened his step until he caught up to mr Benard. "Sir, hope there's no problem?"Mr Benard asked. "Yes there is" Tope said scratching his head. "You know that lady you just professed your love for, is my woman? Let it not repeat itself again. You can go for any other girl in this office but definitely not my woman" Tope said with a warning look. "Am so sorry sir, i didn't know you two are together. I promise it won't repeat itself again. "That's okay now get back to your office" Tope said. On his way to his office he passed by Augustina's office, opened the door and closed it then went to his office whistling. He sat down on his seat, ordered for a cup of coffee, put his glass on and dialled Augustina's office as he drank the coffee.
13 Dec 2014 | 07:00
EPISODE ELEVEN Few minutes later, Augustina knocked on his door and walked. Tope pretended to be busy with work as he went through a file. "Yeah, miss have your seat" Tope said without removing his eyes from the file. "Thank you sir" Augustina sat down. "Yes? Miss Augustina i know you have been taking your job very serious but what i don't know is why you choosed to turn your office into an hotel" Tope said still not looking at her. "I beg your pardon sir, i don't understand what you mean" Augustina said angry. "Look here, young lady i do not take insults from you. What is mine remains mine. Do i make myself clear?" Tope said and looked at her. "Yes sir" Augustina said though not understanding him. "Good. And that goes to you to miss" Tope added. "Sir, i don't understand what you mean" said Augustina. "Its very simple unless you are a dullard. Now take this paper and sign where your signature is needed" Tope stood up and showed her where she would sign. "But sir, i would need to go through this file first before signing it" Augustina said angrily. "You are my assistant and whateva i sign needs your signature or you think i haven't gone through it before telling you to sign? Now if you know what is good for you, you better sign that paper and leave this minute before i file a report of you and mr Benard's indecency in the office" Tope said raising his voice. "But sir, you know that's not true. I would only sign this file as your assistant" She angrily signed it. "And not because am scared or can't defend myself if that be the case" Augustina said with anger in her voice. "That's good of you. You can go back to your office now" Tope said and watched her leave his officed and laughed. "Hahahahaha, am so smart. She thinks she is wise. Let me see how she escape this" Tope said with joy. Augustina's phone rang immediately she entered her office. She was angry with Tope's behaviour. "Hello, gorgeous how are you doing? A soft voice from the other end of the line said. "Am fine, Uduak? Augustina said "Excuse me? What Hu..ak? The voice asked. "Is this Uduak? Augustina asked. "No it's not. Goodbye" The voice ended the call. Augustina wondered who the caller was and before she sat got another call, this time from Tope. She hissed and insulted him before picking the call. "Hello sir?" Augustina answered. "Come to my office now" Tope ended the call. "What does he want again? I hate this guy so much. What is mine is mine" she said mimicking him before leaving for his office. The rest of that week was smooth for both of them as they avoided each other but the strange voice kept calling Augustina.
13 Dec 2014 | 07:02
Lol... Tope is jez too pompous nd rude 2 profess his love
13 Dec 2014 | 08:06
Wow! I was first suprised to see u started another story again, but it's definately worth it. D story is too good to be true, especially since it's a Nigerian setting. You got me hungry for more, now let's go, best writer pls do update.
13 Dec 2014 | 17:59
EPISODE TWELVE The weather was a hot one, as Tope highlighted from his car. He greeted the gate man and walked into Tosin's and co company. He looked lovely on his dark blue suit and white shirt. He greeted the secretary and ordered for a chilled drink. "Today is really going to be a good day. Its a good thing i waited till this week. Oh, Dami you shouldn't have lied about having a boyfriend and hurting me. I would still have believed you if grandma haven't told me it was a lie. Now with this document, you would come crawling on your knees crying to me" Tope thought. Then he sited a gift box and a piece of paper on one side of the desk. "What could this be?" He read the note aloud. "Wishing you a lovely day in the office. Already missing you. Thanks for last night, i really enjoyed my stay with you. I love you.....DAMI" Tope's eye widened as he picked up his phone and called Augustina. Few minutes later, Augustina appeared in his office wearing a black gown that brought out her curves, fitted with red lofters. "Open it" Tope gave her the box. "Here, it is sir" She said trying to give it back to him but he held his hand stopping her. "What is inside?" Tope asked her. "Sir, its a pant and a boxer" Augustina said as she dropped the box. "How dare you?. Do you think you can blackmail or seduce me? Tope asked her, furious. "I beg your pardon sir" Augustina replied, suprised.
14 Dec 2014 | 03:37
Continuation Of Episode Twelve Augustina called and explained everything to her mrs Ronke when she got to her office. She was in tears and so cried while she was on the call, she listened to all mrs Ronke told her and nodded her head before ending the call. Tope was mad at himself for slapping her. He has thought of his action as cruel but he is a man with pride, he hated the fact he hurt her but he couldn't go to beg her and so he poured his anger on everybody that got in his way in the office. Tope was so confused as he paced up and down in his office, he ended up shouting at his secretary, when she told him his mum wanted to see him. He walked lazily to his dad's office looking dull. He was suprised to see Augustina in his mum's hand crying. "You should be ashamed of yourself Tope, for raising your hand on a woman. Or was that how i brought you up?" Mrs Ronke said. Tope couldn't look at them or reply them so he just bowed his head. "Look here both of you, this is my company and i won't let both of you ruin it for me. Let this not repeat itself again. Tope, now you apologise to Dami and take her out later" Tosin said, deep down he had a feeling it was Tope who sent that box to himself. "Am sorry miss" Tope said "Come'on will you apologise well to her?"Ronke said. Tope frown "Am so Augustina, it was a mistake. I promise it would never happen again" Tope said "Good, now you are talking"Ronke said. "You both can go now, Augustina take a day off, go and rest at home. Tope would take you out later" Tosin said and they both left the office.
14 Dec 2014 | 03:38
EPISODE THIRTEEN Tope picked up his phone and searched for something, then dialled a number. He smiled when he ended the call and closed from his office before normal closing time. He got to a boutique and picked a suit and a gown for the event. An hour later, he knocked on Augustina's door who was sleeping. He opened before she answered and gave her the dress with the instruction of her wearing a ring on her middle finger for it was part of the accessories he bought. It was already 7pm when they both set out for the princess welcome back party. It was a quiet drive which lasted forty five minutes before they got to crescent city. They never knew what that night held for them. Morning spring hotel was the second best hotel in that state. It was built beautiful with cream colours. It has a big conference hall, a swimming pool, a restaurant, a supermarket, a bar, a love garden, and lots more. They were taken to a hall filled with wealthy people, chiefs, kings, politicians, spoilt rich kids. And when the party started around 9pm, the princess was introduced as a chubby not too fine lady who had bleached her skin to the photocopy of michael jackson.
15 Dec 2014 | 07:47
Continuation Of Episode Thirteen. The princess moved from seat to seat welcoming her guess and when she got to Tope's seat. She immediately fell inlove with him and held on to his hand without letting go and this irritated Augustina. Tope introduced Augustina as the woman to his heart and fiancee. The princess gave Augustina a cruel look, let go of Tope and went ahead to welcome other guest. The party was meant to last till 5am the next morning but Tope needed to spend the rest of the evening with Augustina because he planned opening up to her and telling her about the file she signed. They left the party around 10pm after giving the princess the little gift they bought for her. They got into the car and Tope heaveda sigh of relief before starting the car. He knew she was still angry with him from the frown on her face. As they drove to the outskirt of the city, they heard a bang on their car like they have just been hit by another car. Tope tried to control his car but they were hit again this time they were pushed to the side of the road, where three huge men in black body hug shirt came with guns and ordered them out of the car.
15 Dec 2014 | 07:48
EPISODE FOURTEEN They did as the men said and got into the black tinted bus. They got to a house which has just been completed and were led into a room where they were both locked. Tope held Augustina and assured her everything would be alright. They were in the room already sleeping for there was no escape route apart from the door which was locked from outside, when they heard the door open and one of the men pointed a gun at Tope telling him not to move or make a sound and Augustina was taken away by another. He tried struggling with them but he was shot on his shoulder and the gun was used to hit him on his head and he went into unconciousness. The next morning mr and mrs Tosin got a call from San hospital, a private hospital in town. They were shocked on hearing the news and rushed down to the hospital where they met Tope crying like a baby. They asked him what happened but he cried the more so they let him rest that day and a search warrant was made for Augustina. Two months later, Tope sat with his pyjama looking unkept and unhappy. He has stopped going to work or eating. He hadly spoke, he had become a shadow of himself. He regretted not protecting Augustina, he blamed himself for what happened to her. His parents didn't know what to do to help Tope, Augustina's parent were already grieving over the disappearance of their daughter. They believe it was the daughter's destiny to leave them in such agony. "I have told u a thousand times. Damilola would never die that way, let me meet baba the seer but you say christains shouldn't stain their hands with such fetish practice" Bisi spat out. "Am just so confused. Let's do what mama wants, i believe that's a good thing at this point dear. We are already seen as ritualist" Ronke said to her husband. "The God, i serve would help us find Damilola and those that abduct her" Tosin said. "And what if she is dead already?" Bisi asked. "No, grandmama she is not dead. I know the God i serve won't let that happen to her" The princess said as she entered the house. "Princess, you are here?" Ronke asked suprised. "Yes i am. Good afternoon ma's and good afternoon sir" The princess said. "You are welcome but Tope is not home now" Bisi said eyeballing her. "Ok ma, i would wait for him" The princess said sitting down with her silver heel and black bom short and a see through white shirt that revealed her black bra. "Were you asked to sit? Oya start going home. We are busy and will go out soon. Come back tomorrow or next" Bisi shouted at her as she made to open the door for her. "Don't worry" The princess said with a cruel look on her face as she left the house. "Ahn, ahn mami you were a bit harsh on that poor girl" Tosin said. "Harsh? I hate that girl with the blood in me. I don't feel at peace with her around Tope" Bisi said. "Even me, its a good thing you drove her away. She doesn't even have respect for us" Ronke added. "Let's forget about that uncultured rat and continue with the matter on ground" Bisi said
15 Dec 2014 | 07:50
EPISODE FIFTEEN "Its been two years since Augustina's disappearance son, don't you think its time to move on?" Tosin said. "Dad, everything is confusing, why did she kill Augustina? I want her to be brought to justice" Tope cried out. "Son, we have no evidence against her" Tosin said. "I will make sure she dies by the sword. She would definitely pay for killing her. Oh, Dami, am so sorry. I shouldn't have lied about you being my fiancee" Tope poured out more tears mixed with catarrh. "Who could that be?" Ronke peeped downstairs from the window. "Talk of the devil, its dat witch called princess" She hissed as she sat down. "Ehen? So she still have the mind to come to this house after killing Damilola and sending thugs to threaten me. No wahala, she would meet her end today" Bisi said tying her headtie round her waist ready for a fight. "Mum, let's be careful, that girl is dangerous o. Let's just leave her until we have concrete evidence against her" Ronke said. "Yes, lets do as Ronke said. You remember what baba said na" Tosin added. "That oloshi is knocking on the door. Am not going to open that door for her because i would tear her into piece if i set my eyes on her" Bisi said. "Me too mum" Ronke added. "Don't worry i would. I know how to get the truth from her" Tope said wiping his tears. "What do you intend doing?" Ronke asked standing up. "Nothing for now. I would play by her rules" Tope said and went to answer her
15 Dec 2014 | 07:51
Continuation Of Episode Fourteen Tope opened the door for the princess with a smile on his face and hugged her. The princess was overwhelmed with suprise. "Please, have your seat princess" He said as he held her hand leading her inside. "Thank you, i am a little bit confused with your behaviour here" The princess said. "Where is everybody?" "They are sleeping. Why are you confused?" Tope asked "You have always been moody whenever am around you, sometimes you don't speak to me when i call. Here we are and you are smiling and happy" The princess said. "Am sorry if my happiness made you angry" Tope said moving to another chair and frowning. "No, its not like that my prince. I didn't mean to make you angry" She said as she moved close to where he sat. Tope thought to himself 'she called me her prince, funny. I like this. I will make sure i inject her with a very dangerous, poisonous venom' "Okay, its just that i have decided to move on after losing my fiancee. You left me for two years alone in this wicked world princess, i missed you so much and i love you too" Tope said. "Wow, you do?" The princess asked with a smile as she moved closer rubbing his chest. "Yeah, i do. I mean you were the only one that cared about me when i was down. But what i don't understand is why you left me for two years" Tope said. "Oh, about that. I had to travel out of the country. I felt embarrassed when your parents drove me away but i couldn't deny my heart love again that was why i came here immediately i came into the country" The princess said. "Am sorry about my parents behaviour. They regretted what they did and wanted to apologise to you but you were gone then" Tope said drawing her close and pecking her on the fore head. "I love you princess" "I love you too" The princess replied hugging him. Meanwhile Tope's parents and grandma hid behind the curtain as they watched and listen "Mtcheww. This girl would suffer for all she did. I swear you. I wish i can go there and strangle her" Bisi said. "I believe Tope would make her pay for all she did" Tosin added. "Let's go upstairs. It looks like they are coming this way" Ronke said and they all rushed upstairs.
15 Dec 2014 | 07:52
EPISODE FIFTEEN Chief Tunde sat comfortably on a white plastic chair outside his hut, eating kolanut and smoking from his pipe. He was a robust man in his late fifty who had six wifes and twenty eight children, he was one of the richest farmer in the village of igbudu. He spat out blood when he bit his tongue and hissed dryly. He raised his head and smiled at the group of seven women entering the compound and nodded in response to their greetings. He called the last and youngest to sit with him. "My child, you said something before you left the farm with my wives this morning" Chief Tunde said. "Yes, sir. Its about my returning back home. I have fully recovered from the head injury i sustained and i know my family would be looking for me" Augustina replied. "I see, and what do you plan to do about that lady?" Chief Tunde asked puffing out smoke from his pipe "Sir, i still have my phone recording of her. I thank God, he never made water destroy the evidence in this phone" Augustina said. "That one still suprise me. We rescued you from the river and your phone was never soaked" Chief Tunde said. "That is a miracle from God, sir. Even when i had it hidden in my brassiere, it didn't get soaked with water when i was dump in that river to die" Augustina said. "Hmm, that's true sha. But can you keep that phone safe when you get to town?" Chief Tunde asked her. "Yes, sir. I have friends that can help me there sir" Augustina said. "And the young man, you were with the day you were abducted, do you trust him?" Chief Tunde asked looking at her as if he wore big eye glass "Yes, sir. He is my fiance. I trust him" Augustina had to lie about him been her fiance. "So, you love him that much? No wonder you turn Kayode's proposal of making you his second wife" Chief Tunde laughed. "Yes, sir i really love Tope" She was suprised at her words. She knew she felt something strange anytime she thought of Tope. "Okay then, Kayode would be going to town tomorrow, you can go with him if you are really ready" Chief Tunde finally said after a long silence. "Thank you sir, i would go and get ready. Am grateful sir for everything you have done for me. I promise i would never forget you and your family. God would reward you with good and would bless and make you prosperous sir" Augustina said as she knelt down and thanked him. The next day, was a sad day for chief Tunde's family as they said their goodbye to Augustina who cried as she embraced each one of them. She got into the car with Kayode who assured her everything would be okay. He drove her to Merry city where she continued her journey on foot although he gave her one thousand naira note and a piece of paper containing his contact. She got to a phone shop and asked to use their phone. She searched through her phone's contact until she came across Tope's number. She didn't waste time before dialling the number.
15 Dec 2014 | 07:54
Hmmn, I see a bright light shining here. Looking forward to more updates today nd I hope I'm not asking 4 too much, but still it's up to u.
15 Dec 2014 | 08:20
Pls continue ooooo
15 Dec 2014 | 08:22
EPISODE SIXTEEN Tope and the princess laid on the bed in morning spring hotel in crystal city, he had a frown on his face as he walked to the window while the princess bit hard on her lower lip as she drew the blanket over her unclothedness. "Its been two months since we started dating and you have showed me no sign of love George. Am getting tired of this your childish behaviour. Augustina is dead and gone for good, your not making me feel like a woman won't bring her back" The princess said. "How dare you?" Tope made to slap her when she talked about Augustina that way. "Yes, go ahead and slap me" The princess said, standing on her feet and letting him see her unclothedness. "Look, princess. I don't want to hurt you. I promised myself to remain a virgin until my wedding night, that's why i haven't touched you. Look princess, i love you and would want to marry you, just exercise little patience with me please" Tope said. "If that is the case, then i don't see the reason we should still be here. You can go now my driver would take me home" The princess said. "Okay, talk to you later" Tope said pecking her before leaving. He got to his car and laughed at the princess for not reading the handwriting on the wall. He heaved a sigh of relief and said he was just starting with her, just then his phone rang 'unknown number? Who could this be?' he picked up the call "Hello" Tope said "Hello, please is this Tope?" Augustina asked "No, this is George. Tope's brother" Tope said still happy with what he did to the princess. "Tope, for once would you be serious in your life. You are the same person as George" Augustina said now angry. "Who is this?" Tope asked suprised at the tune. He suddenly felt strange, the tune reminded him of Augustina. "Come to merit junction, the phone shop by the right. Come alone its about your abduction that night tell no one" Augustina said. "Dami?" Tope asked "You have ten minutes" Augustina ended the call and paid for it. She heaved a sigh and begged to rest there for ten minutes. Tope kicked the car and drove with the a great speed as if in a car racing competition. He got there two minutes before the time and wondered where she could be. He knew deep down that Augustina was the one that called. He got the shock of his life when he saw her. "Dami, Dami" Tope rushed to where she sat looking at him and carried her into his arms. Words couldn't describe how he felt, he couldn't hold his joy and he engaged her in a hot, long breath taking kiss and she was lost in his world for she never protested by the time he released her he already had tears in his eyes. "Dami, thank you for staying alive. Oh, Dami, i thought i have lost you forever" Tope drew her close once more and hugged her. "Can we go to some where quiet?" Augustina asked him. "Yeah, sure. Let's go home. Mum, dad and grandma would be happy to see you. Oh, Dami" Tope hugged her again this time tighter until she chuckled. That evening mr Tosin's house was filled with lots of merriment as Augustina's survival gave them so much happiness. She told them all that happened and Tope opened up to her about his relationship with the princess, Augustina felt jealous and everyone in the house sensed it. Few minutes later the princess knocked on the door and she was happily welcomed by all of them except Augustina who had hidden in grandma's room. They soon retired to grandma's room leaving Tope with the princess who insisted on sleeping in and staying in Tope's roomfor the first time.
16 Dec 2014 | 06:28
EPISODE SEVENTEEN Tope sat lazily on the chair close to the window, he felt like a prisoner in his own room. Its been two days since the princess visit, and she has refused to give him a breathing space. He refused sleeping on the bed with the princess, for fear that she might do something that would make him sleep with her, so he sleeps in the guest room. And at the same time he was worried about Augustina's wellbeing and he was scared he might lose her if she thinks he is sleeping with the princess. He looked at the princess lazily as she walked to where he was. "Princess, let's not do this" Tope told the already Unclad princess. He regretted coming to collect his clothes from the room that morning "But i can't stop this urge. Can't you see how much i want you? George please don't turn me down" The princess said now sitting on his laps and kissing him. "Oh, please just stop it. I told you am a virgin and made a" Tope felt weak as she went below his waistline with her hands which massage his already hard organ. "Just once, and i promise not to ask for it again" The princess said as she bent down pulling his trouser and kissing his already exposed body. "No don't you get? Am not ready to be disvirgined" Tope managed to push her away and he went for his clothes on the bed. "Now, open the door" "No way, unless you would force me. What are you even scared of or are you impotent?" The princess laughed falling on the bed and spreading her legs apart. "Do i look like i am impotent to you?" Tope asked angry as he wiped the tears formed on his fore head. "Prove you are a man if you know you are not impotent then" The princess said "Look princess, i only came to get my clothes i never knew you would lock the door. I really love you, my family do i want to make love to you but on our matrimonial bed. I was planning to keep this a suprise but you already made me change about it. I planned proposing to you tomorrow night but don't know how it would be a suprise again" Tope said, sounding sad but deep down inside he gave the princess all the insult in the world. "Oh my, you don't mean it, do you?" The princess ran to him and hugged him throwing her hands and kisses on him. "I do. But am not happy with your behaviour. Now the key" Tope said. "Am so sorry my prince. Please forgive me" The princess said as she gave him the key. "Am really not happy. Get ready to call your driver to take you home today. I think i would go on a business trip today" Tope said "Today? A business trip?" The princess asked suprise. "Yes, dad informed me about it last night" Tope said. "But you are suppose to propose to me tomorrow. When are you coming back?" She asked. "Maybe next week, i don't know. And about the proposal i would do that when i return. Right now, you need to get your father the king informed about my intention so we can fix a date" Tope said. "I will miss you" She said hugging him. "Same here" Tope said as he opened the door. Tope closed the door behind him and frowned. "I hate this girl. See what she did to me" He said looking at his hard organ. "Now i wish it was Dami that seduced me" He smiled at the thought then frowned at it again. He composed himself and went to the guest room to bath.
16 Dec 2014 | 06:32
Dnt fall 4 him tope please
16 Dec 2014 | 07:01
Nawa o,Tope should act fast based on d information Dami have.
16 Dec 2014 | 12:47
EPISODE EIGHTEEN It was already three hours since Tope's car developed a fault and it was already getting dark. "Oga, e be like say i go carry the car go back to workshop i no go fit repair am for here" The mechanic said "You are a very silly man you know that" Tope said angrily as he moved up and down. "Haba, oga e never reach that stage na" The mechanic calmly said. "But you are funny o, if you knew you won't be able to repair it then why keep us here?" Augustina asked. "Madam, i think say i go fit do am before. Abeg no vex, help me beg oga for me. I dey sorry" The mechanic said. "Look now its already past six, we can't go back to Merit. Your village is just an hour's drive from here" Tope said. "Yes it is, and it is not good travelling at night. Cars don't go to my village at night because of the bad road" Augustina said looking confused. "Don't worry, we will lodge in that hotel for the night" Tope said. "Okay, we would need a bike then because the place is still far and i can't trek with this shoe" Augustina said. "You would have to.Am scared of bikes, i heard it breaks people's waist" Tope said. "You are not serious" Augustina said as she waved a bike to stop. They were dropped infront of the hotel. "Jovial hotel! What a name" Augustina said laughing. "We need to go inside its cold outside" Tope said. They got inside the hotel and the receptionist informed them that they had just a room left which they took.
17 Dec 2014 | 03:41
Continuation Of Episode Eighteen Augustina slept on the same bed with Tope for the first time and in a romantic way, as she backed him and made him put his hands around her. It was past 2a.m when Tope woke up hard and restless, the thought of the princess seducing him kept playing and rewinding itself, but this time it was Augustina's face he saw not the princess. Tope couldn't control his feelings and he started to kiss and caress Augustina until she woke up. "Tope!" Augustina said "I am so sorry Dami, i didn't mean to do that" Tope said going on his knees. "Please get up. Do what?" Augustina helped him up. "I wanted i wanted to to i wanted to to to make love to you" Tope stamerred. "I know you want that, i mean isn't that why you are still hard?" Augustina asked him and he looked away embarrased. "Dami, am sorry you have to know how i feel like this tonight but Dami i really love you, i have loved you from the first day i laid eyes on you. Dami, i just couldn't bring myself to tell you about my feelings and when you were kidnapped i thought i have lost you forever" Tope said "Yes i know. And that's because i love you too" Augustina said. "You do?" Tope quickly held her hand and looked into her eyes. "Yes. I developed feelings for you when you were cruel to me at home and in the office. Mr Benard told me what you said to him and i later found out from network provider that you were the caller with the unknown number" Augustina said. "Am really sorry i was cruel to you. I just didn't want my feelings to show knowing you said you have a boyfriend" Tope said. "I lied to you about that. Tope this ring you gave me that night gave me reason to live. It kept me alive" Augustina said. "Do you remember i made you sign a document? That was an agreement between you and i that you would always be mine unless i say otherwise or you would pay me the sum of twenty million debt you owed me" Tope said. "Jeez, now you would have to pay me that money for touching me" Augustina joked. "Dami, i really love that ring i gave you is an engagement ring. Dami, will you be my wife and bear my kids?" Tope knelt down again. "Yes i will, but the princess is still in our life" Augustina said. "Don't worry about that" Tope said hugging and kissing her.
17 Dec 2014 | 03:42
EPISODE NINETEEN It was already nine in the morning the next day when Tope's phone rang he sat up and picked up his mobile phone "Hello, ehen oga na me. Your car don ready" The mechanic quickly said before Tope could say a word. "Okay, where are you?" Tope asked wiping sleep from his face. "Oga, i dey front of jeovia hotel with the car" The mechanic said. "Jovial, you mean?" Tope asked. "En, jeovia, joval all join" The mechanic said. "Okay, give me a sec. I would be down in a moment" Tope said. "Okay oga i dey wait" The mechanic said as he ended the call. "Who was that?" Augustina asked. "Its the mechanic, he is through. I would just be gone for a few minutes. Just stay here" Tope said, as he got dressed and quickly gave her a peck. "I love you" "I love you too. Don't be gone for long o" Augustina shouted after him as he made for the door. "I won't" Tope replied It was already noon when they got to Augustina's village. Mr and mrs Tobi didnt believe their eyes that their daughter was alive, they called their friends and relatives and held a small welcome party for her. They stayed in the village for one week before returning back to the city. A month later, Tope and his family went to pay the princess' family a visit and made their intention known to them. The princess was happy and the wedding was fixed for the next month. Two weeks to the wedding day, Augustina developed a cold and felt nausea. She later told Tope's mum and grandma about the symptoms she was having, and they decided to keep it a secret. "Am getting tired of all these. Why would you want to postpone the wedding date?" Tope asked the princess who was before him in the office. "I really don't have a reason, but i don't just like that date simple" The princess said. "Look don't provoke me. If that wedding does not hold on that date then be ready to say goodbye to me forever" Tope said. "What?" The princess said "You heard me right. Try change that date and you would see if i don't walk away" Tope said and they were silent for a while. "Okay, i won't change the date again but i thought it was nice if we move it to next month" The princess said. "I don't want to talk about this again" Tope said
17 Dec 2014 | 03:44
EPISODE TWENTY It was a good saturday morning as the sun shone bright on the beautiful faces of the people who went to pick their places from the canopies that were mounted one after the other forming a letter U design and the song omolade was playing. People chatted happily as they listened to the songs been played and the masquerade and cultural display. The princess looked beautiful in her local attire as she was interviewed by the camera man. Cheers and praises were showered as Tope's and his family made entrance into the palace with two jeep, an infinity and a range rover followed by a small toyota camry car with two police officers dressed in uniform. Mr Tosin signalled to the king's special adviser to get the king. "Yes, my inlaw? What, i mean why the delay?" The king asked. "Kabiosi, we are not yet your inlaw. We came here for something important which means we would need to sit and talk or better still send your visitors away because this wedding is not taking place anymore" Bisi said. "What? That's insane. Mr Tosin?" The king looked suprise. "Yes your highness. This wedding won't hold" Tosin said. "What? Get me the princess" The king said to a guard, now furious. "And send the guest away. All of you into my palace. Wait, leave the guest just delay them until i finish" They went with the king, his special adviser and chiefs into the palace and the princess joined them thereafter. "What? That's impossible, my daughter is not a murderer" The king got up as he said. "As the case is your highness, your daughter would have to come with us to the station" One of the police men said. "What station? Am not going anywhere with you" The princess said. "Oh, yes you would. I have evidence against you incase you havent forgotten" Augustina said. The princess was finally led out of the palace with the police men.
17 Dec 2014 | 03:46
EPISODE TWENTY ONE A month later mr and mrs Tosin's family sat outside their house discussing. "Please everybody be quiet. Tope is now a man and would want to act like a man" Mr Tosin said as Tope got up from his seat and clears his throat in a way that made them all laugh. "I can't believe i am now a celebrity, see all eyes on me" Tope poses and send waves and kisses to them. "Yeah, a man indeed" Ronke said laughing uncontrollably. "Tell him" Augustina added. "Hey, young man i can see you are still a boy" Bisi added. "Will you be serious for Christ sake?" Tosin said "I know, i know you all love me so do i. I mean you can't talk at the same time. You would surely get my autograph. Hey Dami, i will start with you. Come here" Tope said as he led her to a open space. "It seems like this boy is drunk" Bisi said. "Sshhh" Ronke stopped her from talking further. Tope there and then right infront of everyone kissed her making his parents and grandma to laugh and then whispered into her ear. "Yeah he is drunk. And yes i would be the mother of your kids cause am already carrying one right now" Augustina said, just then everywhere became quiet as a gunshot was heard and Augustina fell from him bleeding in the stomach. "Hahahaha. Naughty you, you think i would stay that long in prison? Yeah, that's right today is your last day on earth too" The princess said as she also shot Tope. "Nooooo" Tope woke up screaming at the top of his voice. "Sir are you alright? Augustina dressed in a pink uniform rushed to Tope on the bed. She looked unkept but still beautiful. "Yeah" Tope said hugging her tight. "It was just a dream none of it was real" "Okay sir, do you mind letting go of me a bit?" Augustina asked politely. "Yeah, sure. Am sorry" Tope said composing himself as he remembered what she was. "Sir, i just came to drop the things you asked to be dropped for you this morning since you said you didn't want any disturbance. "You must be Damilola right? The new maid? Tope enquired "Yes sir i am"Augustina said. "Okay, i see" Tope said. "Sir, your friend the princess is here" Augustina said. "Okay tell her i would be down soon" Tope said dismissing her. Augustina paused outside his room. "This oga Tope is very handsome its too bad heaven and earth can't meet. He is already dating that rich princess so i don't blame him if he doesn't take note of me. What a world" Augustina said. "I don't believe all this was a dream. Gosh, menh, okay i think i would just go talk to her after i see the princess off" Tope said while stretching as he made for the door.
19 Dec 2014 | 04:37
EPISODE TWENTY TWO A day later Augustina with her dad in the boys quarter of mr Tosin's house. "Dad that is what she said. Am just so confused" Augustina said almost in tears. "I knew this was going to happen" Mr Tobi said. "Knew what dad? Hasn't it reached time for mum's arrival? Ooo, dad am going its past eleven already oga Tope would soon return" Augustina got up to leave. "Okay, come back later when your mum is back okay?" Tobi said. "Okay dad" Augustina said and left only to return few minutes later. "Dad,am confused and scared o. I know what the prophecy says, if truely he was served that food then it means i am to be sacrificed" Augustina said. "Over my dead body. My child do not say that. We would need to wait for the Tosin's to return then know what to do. I can not lose you, never" Mr Tobi said. "Dad, see it na, i don't know that old woman o. She just told me to help her cross the road and when i did she told me that he ate the wrong food o" Augustina said crying. "Wipe your tears my child i know what to do" Tobi said. An hour later, Augustina in the kitchen. "I don't understand sir" Augustina said. "Come off it girl. Please just give me a chance" Tope said "Oga Tope, i can't do that. Its against the rule and besides heaven and earth are not destined to meet" Augustina said moving some steps away from him. "And what's that suppose to mean?" Tope asked "Sir its nothing. It just simply means that the rich and poor can't be together just like you and me" Augustina said leaving Tope speechless. That evening, The Tosin's and Tobi's family sat together. "That is impossible" Mr Tosin shouted. "Its not impossible" The priestess said. Startled by the voice they turned around to where the voice came from and behold there she was with her staff and white chalk drawn on her body. She sat comfortably making some incantation,as everyone wondered how she got inside the house. "Who are you? And what do you want great goddess?" Bisi asked with a shaky voice. "Silent, i am a messenger of the god of the sea. I am here to deliver a message. Your son ate the food for the gods and if after three days a sacrifice of the one he first laid eyes on the day after he ate that food is not done the he would be sacrificed instead" The priestess said. "Great priestess is there no other way to appease the gods?" Bisi asked. "Hmm, there is, but it would cause him great harm if the lady in question is not a virgin" The priestess said. "Are you a virgin?" Ronke asked Augustina who shook her head. "Great, he is to take her to his room and break her hymen and the blood stains on the cover should be used to appease the gods" The priestess said. "Oya you two should go inside and do what the gods said" Bisi said.
19 Dec 2014 | 04:40
EPISODE TWENTY THREE A year later, Augustina sat carrying a child with her mother and mother-inlaw discussing. "Mum am tired of all this. Tope has changed completely he no longer give me the love and attention i need anymore. He hadly speak to me or eat my food" Augustina said. "Just like that? No quarrel?" Bimbola asked. "No mum, he prefers staying with Junior than me" Augustina said playing with her son that came as a result of that night. "That is strange. You would leave Junior here with us and come back in a weeks time. Make sure you do everything to win him back" Ronke said. "Okay mum" Augustina said. Few hours later Augustina went for her matrimonial home and met Tope looking at his phone. "Honey, are you okay? You have been looking at your phone since i came in. What's wrong? Augustina asked, taking a seat next to him on the sofa. "It's nothing dear. Where is Junior?" Tope enquired. "His grandmas wanted him to stay with them for a week. Honey you and i know something is not right. What is wrong? Talk to me i can be of help remember am your wife" Augustina said. "Nothing dear. It's just work" Tope said. "I smell lies. Still smelling it. Where is it coming from. Oh, its you" Augustina said smelling Tope until he started laughing. "Like seriously, you don't smell lies" Tope said "Please honey, am your wife and also the mother of your child. If you really love me you would tell me the truth. What's wrong?" Augustina asked trying to look into his eyes but he avoided her eyes and stood up turning his back against her. "Dear, i have told you. It's nothing" Tope said "Why are you lying to me? Can't you just open up to me, would i kill you? About a year ago you endangered my life, when you ate the food for the gods that was suppose to be served to the gods at that party, i cherished every moment with you when you broke my hymen. Now even with Junior you still hide the truth from me" Augustina cried. "Dear i did something bad to you" Tope said as he knelt beside her. "What?" Augustina made Tope look her in the eyes "I was drunk that night when we won that contract in paragon state, and i was not in full control of myself" Tope said in tears. "Honey, am listening" Augustina said. "I cheated on you with the princess. Am sorry Dami" Tope said crying. "Whattt? But why?" Augustina asked "I was drunk. Am sorry dear please forgive me" Tope cried the more just then his phone rang. "Pick the call" Augustina said when she saw the caller. "Dear she has been blackmailing me since then. I can't pick it" Tope said "Then give it to me" Augustina stretched her hand and collected the phone from him and gave the princess the warning of her life. "Honey, get up. Am not angry with you. I have known the truth for a while now" Augustina told the already shocked Tope. "How did you?" Tope asked "I happened to stumble upon ur diary when i was cleaning the room some days ago and out of curiosity i read its content" Augustina said "Am really sorry dear. I promise never to hurt you again" Tope said hugging her. "You are my heaven on earth and were destined to meet" Augustina said. "And no amount of the gods food can seperate us. I promise not to eat in parties" Tope said. "Hahahaha, you better keep your promise" Augustina said smiling. "Yes, i would" Tope replied her still hugging her. And from that day they lived happily and never lied to each other and were blessed with seven kids. *** THE END ***
19 Dec 2014 | 04:44
A littel bit confused but anyway great story
19 Dec 2014 | 04:55
Thanks guys
20 Dec 2014 | 03:33
Well... I must agree with pam nd don... I was confused too... Tnx anyway
20 Dec 2014 | 10:46
Very instresting story
30 Dec 2014 | 01:23
Who miss this story?????
26 Mar 2015 | 15:29
The 2nd week I registered here(though I haven't start commenting).... When I saw a story titled "Food For The Gods", I then wonder that it should be gods but when I read the story, I then understand its actualy gods(especialy the part where that guy dream that one god want his life)..... Its Realy An Interesting Story! I've been searching for it since just to re-read it.. I Miss It.....
26 Mar 2015 | 16:58
Lols i just decide to comment on it this evening if someone can read it.... But here u re...... U read and comment am nothing u bruh. Keep up the good work jah bless
26 Mar 2015 | 17:34
very lovely nd mind blowing story
27 Mar 2015 | 03:56
Nice one @shaxee,A̶̲̥̅♏ J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̣̣̥ reading 4 dy 1st time. I enjoy dy tortori....
3 Apr 2015 | 19:23
This story i rate 100% i love this story
19 May 2015 | 17:03
Skipped many information but you tried 10/10 shikenna
24 May 2015 | 08:42
This story is super b
13 Jun 2015 | 23:02
so intresting but a little bit confused
27 Jun 2015 | 07:06
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I don't quite understand ,well done shaaa
29 Jun 2015 | 07:05


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