finding Mr wrong

finding Mr wrong

By pŕıćéĺèżż in 18 Apr 2017 | 03:22
pŕıćéĺèżż pŕíņćě

pŕıćéĺèżż pŕíņćě

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episode 1

They had all begun to look alike. I swore I’d
seen this man before. It had to be his boring
navy suit or the questions he asked. Even the
small conference room with its plain white walls
and cheesy inspirational quotes looked familiar.
My eyes landed on the plant in the corner that
had seen better days. The poor thing looked limp
and neglected . . . much like how I felt.
“We’ll be in touch.” Firm handshake, fake smile,
and I was out the door. I’d heard that line
more times over the past month than I had in
my entire twenty-seven years—sixteen times, to
be exact. Living in the city that never slept,
you’d think I’d be able to find a job, but no.
I’d been a marketing sales representative for a
large cable company for the past five years. My
goals were always met, and I’d even won a few
sales awards. But now I couldn’t sell myself if
my life depended on it.
Here’s a tip: never date your boss. Stefan Wilson
might be one of the hottest men I’d ever met,
but because I caught him pounding his
secretary, I was now pounding the pavement. He
wasn’t the love of my life, but we were in a
committed relationship. Asshole.
Hoofing it to the subway after my last interview,
I checked my emails, hoping for a stroke of luck
that one of these jobs panned out. The only
email sitting unread in my inbox was from an
online cable affiliate who was once my client. I
could sell the shit out of her network. Shelly and
I had become fast friends and out of all my
clients, I missed her the most.
I know you’re going through a lot right now, but
I have the perfect thing for you! It’s a social
experiment sponsored by Flame Relationship
Services. You’ll spend six weeks on a tropical
island with a bachelor of your choosing. The
event is next week, and lucky for you, the
female contestant had a death in the family, so
she can no longer participate. And lucky for me,
you’re my friend who has the free time to help
me out.
What could be so bad? Bachelor of your
choosing, six weeks in paradise while being wined
and dined, and a cash prize.
Win/win, especially for you.
So, are you in?
Little minor detail, I need a response today.
Chat soon!
After a roll of my eyes, I clicked the link and
scanned the rules. What caught my attention
was the prize. Half a million dollars? Holy shit!
As I continued to scan the fine print, my heart
raced in my chest. I could do this. Images of
me stranded with a stranger flashed through my
head. This had to be the craziest thing I’d ever
considered. If I thought too long about it, my
good sense would have me tossing my phone in
my purse without a second thought, but maybe,
just maybe, this was the answer to my prayers.
Yes, why not? I had the time. Without further
negative thoughts, and with just a few more
keystrokes, I replied to Shelly, telling her I
wanted in. Her confirmation and instructions
came quick in an email, along with the attached
contract. I skimmed it, electronically signed,
and sent it back a few minutes later. It was a
done deal.
I gripped the lapels of my coat with my fists,
pulling them together over my chest in an
attempt to keep the cold air off my skin.
Tonight, I was meeting my girls at José Ponchos
for happy hour. All I wanted was to sit my ass
down and maybe forget what I just signed up
for as a cocktail warmed my insides.
José Ponchos was packed with business people
and the typical Friday night bar goers. It was so
easy to decipher between those looking to wind
down and those wanting to go down. Some
women looked refined, while others looked like
they were on the prowl, and it was only 5:30
p.m. for God’s sake.
Vanessa, Desiree, and Cassie, my best friends,
were sitting in a booth off to the side. Cassie
waved to me, ensuring I spotted them, and with
each step toward their table, my feet screamed
at me to take my stilettos off, but they’d need
to pipe down for a bit.
“Hi!” I said as I slid into the booth, and they
all looked at me as if I had grown two heads.
Apparently, my voice was too chipper. “What are
we drinking?”
“Margaritas are on the menu for tonight.”
Vanessa smiled. “I ordered a pitcher for us.”
She grabbed the glass container and poured
some for me.
In one large gulp, I finished half of it. My face
screwed up as my eyes squeezed so tight I
thought my eyelashes would stick together. Wow,
that was tart. I blinked as a small shiver
coursed through me and turned my attention
back to the girls.
Cassie reached across the table and patted my
hand. “No luck with the job hunt?”
“Who knows?” My shoulders slumped from the
sheer exhaustion I felt over the process. “You
know how it goes. They say they’ll call, but I’m
sure as soon as I walk out of the office, my
résumé lands in the recycle bin.”
“Sweetie, you’ll find something.” Desiree smiled.
“It’ll just take a bit more time.”
I shrugged one shoulder, and said, “We’ll see.”
Chatter from the other patrons filled the air. It
wasn’t so loud that we couldn’t hear each other,
but as the bar filled, the volume increased.
The way Vanessa eyed me had me asking,
“What?” I glanced down at my professional
outfit, wondering if she thought it was prudish.
“You look weird. Like the cat that just ate the
canary. Plus, your hair is a bit disheveled.” I
brought my hand to the top of my head to
smooth down whatever errant strands there
were. “Did you just have a quickie in the ladies’
room or something? What’s that on your face?”
My hand flew to my cheek. “Wait, is that . . .
dried spunk?”
“Eeewww,” Desiree and Cassie gasped, and then
looked at me with curiosity.
“Oh my God,” I said with disgust. “It most
certainly is not. I’ve been running around all
day in the freezing cold. I’m sure it’s dried
snot.” I couldn’t muster up the energy or desire
for a quickie right now, I thought with a shake
of my head. “Crap, I hope this wasn’t on my
face during the last interview.” I grabbed a
napkin and wiped my cheek. My hand snatched
my iPhone out of my pocket before I took off
my coat.
Taking another sip of my drink, I tapped the
screen of my phone, bringing it to life. I clicked
on the link Shelly had sent me. “Look.” I
handed the phone to Cassie, and Vanessa, who
was sitting next to her, looked at it as well.
“A social dating experiment?” Cassie gawked at
me as if I were crazy, while Vanessa’s lips grew
into a rueful smile.
“Brilliant. This is genius! You have to do this.”
Vanessa flapped her hands as if she were
fanning herself.
Desiree grabbed the phone away from Cassie and
studied the site. “Do you realize what this says?
You need to stay on a tropical island with a man
for six weeks.” She continued perusing the screen
with wide eyes. “The upside is he can’t be a
sociopath since they did a short background
“He could also be a hot piece of ass!” Vanessa
exclaimed. “Plus, what does she have to lose?
She’d get money, a vacation, and a man out of
the deal. Sounds like the trifecta to me.”
I snatched my phone back in defiance. “The
money and vacation are fine, but I don’t want
a man. No way. After what I just went through,
the last thing I want or need is another dick
with a dick. Plus, I get to pick the guy. There
will be three to choose from, so I’ll just pick the
one who sounds like he can’t commit.” Stealing
Shelly’s words, I said with a shrug, “It’ll be a
“You’re crazy.” Cassie shook her head. “What if
they all want to commit?”
“No she isn’t, and she could just pick the one
who sounds the hottest,” Vanessa countered. “Be
sure to ask if he has a big cock. You know, just
in case. Just because you’re stuck with the guy
doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with him.
Besides, who would want to go away with
someone who has a little pecker?”
“She can’t ask anything personal. Did you read
all the rules, Brae?” Desiree interjected, her
lawyer mode in full effect.
“Most of them. It’s fine. I need the money. My
savings will only keep the banks off my back for
so long, and I’ve worn out more pairs of shoes
hoofing it to interviews. Winning this money
could solve my problems. It would be such a
weight lifted off me. Plus, six weeks isn’t that
18 Apr 2017 | 03:22
18 Apr 2017 | 04:20
Go on.
18 Apr 2017 | 04:34
《《《《《episode 2》》》》》》》》 I chose to ride the Vanessa vibe because Cassie and Desiree were making me second-guess everything. I needed to be one hundred percent confident going into this. Plus, I’d already signed and Shelly gave me the spot. From what I understood many applied, but once the original contestant backed out she didn’t have time to find a replacement on such short notice. Vanessa’s eyes cut to the right, and I followed her line of sight to see a man at the bar ogling her. “I’ll be back. You’re doing the right thing, Brae. I can feel it. We’ll be supporting you. Right, girls?” Her eyes flitted between us as she slipped out of the booth. Everyone nodded and Vanessa was off to talk to the handsome stranger. “When is it?” Cassie asked before sipping her drink. “Two weeks from tomorrow. That’ll give me enough time to go shopping, pay my bills, and come up with my questions for Mr. Wrong.” Desiree laughed. “You’re really going to go through with this?” “Damn straight I am. By the time the six weeks are over, I’ll have a killer tan, half a million dollars, and no man.” My confidence soared the more I convinced myself this was a great plan. “What are you going to do if you fall for him?” Cassie cocked a brow. “It could happen.” “It won’t happen. I’m swearing off men for a while. Trust me, I know what I’m doing.” Just the thought of liking the man I’d be spending time with sent a chill down my spine. No way. I would stick to my plan. We all looked toward the bar as Vanessa tossed her head back and flipped her hair over her shoulder, laughing at whatever the man she was talking to had said. Yeah, she wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “Well, ladies, I’m exhausted.” I grabbed my coat, slid out of the booth, and kissed them both on the cheeks. “I’ll talk to you later.” I looked at Desiree, who still had a concerned “mom” look on her face. “It’ll be great, Des. Just wait and see. Would you like to come over tomorrow and go over the fine print with me?” “I’ll call you and let you know what time I’ll be at your place.” I smiled at her, knowing that was what she needed. She was the caretaker, the sensible one of the bunch. “Great, I’ll have wine chilling.” With another quick wave to Vanessa, I hailed a cab and made my way home. By the time Des showed up, I had already enjoyed three glasses of wine. She was adamant about going over the details of the dating contract, but I just wanted the money and would do almost anything to get it. “I see you’re going to be taking this seriously.” Des shook her head and poured herself a glass of Merlot. “Des, it’s a no-brainer. I’m doing this to satisfy your OCD.” We sat on my sofa while Des reached for the iPad. Sliding her reading glasses on, she began scanning the screen. “You look super smart in those.” A hiccup escaped me, followed by a giggle. Des rolled her eyes. “Number one.” Her tone was serious, so I did my best to sober up and pay attention. “All of your questions must be geared toward romance, relationships, or dating.” “So, I can’t ask how many inches he is?” I asked with a snort. “No, you can’t.” Des did not look amused. “Girth?” “Did Vanessa put you up to this?” she huffed. “Can you please focus?” I put my hand up in surrender. “Okay, what else.” “You both must stay on the island for a full six weeks or forty-two days. If you hook-up with someone else on the island, or leave for even an hour, and they find out, the experiment is over and no one gets a dime.” “How would they know? Are there cameras?” Des scrolled through the contract. “No. It says there will be unannounced visits from people affiliated with Ignite Your Spark. You both must be present.” “What if I need to pee and I’m not there?” “Will it take you an hour to pee?” She raised a brow in a silent scold. “Again, let’s concentrate, shall we?” “Whatever, I’ll hold it.” “There will be planned activities for both of you that you must engage in.” “Like what? Chess tournaments? Scrabble? I’d kick ass in Scrabble.” Des took my glass of wine and set it on the table. “I’m cutting you off.” She shook her head. I let out a sigh. “What activities?” “Romantic dinners, island excursions, couple massages.” “Oooh! I hope my masseuse is hot!” I raised my brows, and she frowned. “That would be breaking rule number one— lusting after a man other than the one you’re with.” “I’ll make sure I get the fat old woman.” Her eyes scanned the page, and then she said, “Hmmm. Challenges.” When she didn’t get a response, she repeated, “Did you hear me? Challenges. You will both have to complete team building challenges.” “I’m a team player.” I went to grab for my wine glass, but she slapped my hand away. “What else?” “Your location won’t be disclosed to anyone other than the producers of the show, except for one person of your choosing to be your emergency contact.” “Awww, will you be my person?” I batted my lashes at her. “Yes, who else would you choose? Vanessa?” “Yay, you’re my lobster!” “Brae.” Her serious tone worried me a bit. “Did you read the last line?” I looked at my iPad as Desiree moved her fingers over the screen to magnify the text. Then she read out loud, “Couple will be married on the forty-second day. Family and friends will be welcome to attend.” “I’m sorry, what?” This time when I went to grab my wine, she let me. “Married, Brae. You need to marry this guy. You were wrong. You don’t get to walk away with a killer tan, half a million dollars, and no man. The man is part of the deal.” “How did I miss that? Let me see that again.” I snatched the tablet from her hands, and sure as shit, that’s what it said. “You’re a lawyer, can you handle my divorce?” “Yeah . . . in a year. Plus, you need to make four public appearances together promoting your loving union.” Desiree’s eyes were filled with concern. “Brae, this man is a stranger. It’s bad enough you’ll be sharing a room, but a life? You may get the money up front, but it says if you aren’t married for the full year, you have to give it back. You’re depending on this stranger to be your knight in shining armor. Even if it’s temporary, do you want your first and, hopefully, only marriage to be with a guy you’d know for a month and a half at that point? One who’s so desperate, he turned to a dating service?” She was right. I jumped to my feet and began to pace, my hands on my hips and gaze penetrating my carpet. It wasn’t like I could get a loan. I was unemployed, for God’s sake. There was no way my parents could find out about this. At that thought, my stomach rolled. “My mother is going to flip out. She has so much on her mind as it is. If I call her in two months and tell her I’m getting married, she’s going to have a stroke! Not to mention my father! Holy shit! What have I gotten myself into?” I cried, throwing my hands out at my sides. My heart was beating so hard, I was ready for it to burst out of my ribcage, and my skin became clammy as I continued my fevered steps, the anxiety feeling like a living force inside me. Nausea washed over me and I ran to the bathroom, getting there just in time. “Sweetie, are you okay?” Desiree pulled my hair back and handed me a cool washcloth. “You’ll be there for me, right? Will you handle things for me?” I wiped my mouth and stood. The more I thought about what I signed on for, the more bile churned in the pit of my stomach.. . to be continued . .
18 Apr 2017 | 13:16
Now u understand
18 Apr 2017 | 15:22
Bring it on
18 Apr 2017 | 16:54
ride on. you might later fall in love with him
18 Apr 2017 | 18:15
18 Apr 2017 | 18:39
18 Apr 2017 | 18:55
episode 3a Jude's side of the story. (sorry I started this story without introducing anyone but as you read on ,you will see the characters, thanks still your boy pricelezz prince ) ''back to the story" The setting was straight out of one of those horrid awards shows Americans went gaga over. Velvet ropes corralled the hordes of crazed overdressed New York socialites hoping to get in. Two intimidating men whose physiques looked more like refrigerators than humans stood guard at the door. What the hell was happening, and why the fuck was I here? Kyle. Dammit. The fucker said it was a work function he needed to attend, and once he made an appearance, we could take off. I’d bet my last dollar this wasn’t a work thing at all. Knowing my friend, that chick he was banging was going to be here tonight and he lied to get me here. I strutted up to the two kitchen appliances with eyes and gave my name. One quirked a brow at my accent. It happened every time. People assumed I was a Swedish model without a brain in my head, and most of the time I let them assume. I waited, feigning boredom as they scanned their clipboard. Without a word, one of the ogre twins moved the velvet rope, granting me access. With each person allowed entry, the crowd became more irate, and my passing through was no exception. Here these poor saps were dying to get in, and I wanted no part of this night. At least Luca would be coming as well. Lucky for Kyle, Luca often stopped me from beating the crap out of him. When the three of us attended Yale University, Kyle’s antics would often get us into all sorts of trouble. Most of the time with chicks; once with the disciplinary committee. Each time, it was Luca who convinced me to let him live another day. What happened when a Swede, an Italian, and a Canadian walked into a frat house? Chaos. Thrust together because we were foreigners, no one could have predicted the friendship that culminated between us. Even though Luca and I spoke impeccable English when we arrived at Yale, we often depended on Kyle to talk our way out of situations—which proved to be a mistake on many occasions. Once inside, I forced my eyes to focus in the dimly lit room. It was massive, loud, and jammed with people. My phone buzzed in my pocket. When I fished it out, a text from Kyle announced they were sitting at the bar. The first thing I said when I reached them was, “I want a Belvedere with a twist . . . on you.” He dragged me here. The least he could do was buy me the most expensive drink I could order. Kyle smirked. “Fine.” He repeated my drink choice, telling the bartender to add it to his tab. Only after I took a long sip did I speak. “You. Owe. Me. Big.” Another smirk meant he knew it. “Seriously, what the fuck are we doing here? And be honest. I don’t buy your crap that this has to do with work.” His eyes cut to Luca before landing back on my scowl. “It is work. Just drink your ridiculously expensive vodka and relax. Where else do you have to be?” He had a point. After a long, stressful week, I needed to relax a bit. I wouldn’t admit that out loud, though. It would serve me well to have him thinking he owed me one. I scanned the scene. Round cocktail tables and club chairs all pointing toward a curtained stage filled the dance floor and my initial thought was Karaoke. I despised Karaoke. “What’s happening here tonight?” Kyle glanced over his shoulder at the stage. “Some trivia thing.” This didn’t look like a trivia crowd. This crowd was here for very specific reasons. The girls were dressed to the nines and the guys may as well have had stylists for the occasion. My untucked white button-down and dark denim jeans would have to suffice. Photographers lined the perimeter, snapping pictures of the guests, and a camera crew was setting up at the back of the room facing the stage. The closer I looked, the more I realized the female to male ratio was a bit skewed. “Why are there so many dudes here?” “Ask him.” With a palm up, Luca deflected to Kyle, sporting his typical Italian what the fuck do I know tilt of the head. “You have thirty seconds to start talking,” I said without humor, lifting my vodka while my gaze remained steady on Kyle’s face. Just as I opened my mouth to start my countdown, a spotlight lit a perfect circle against the black velvet curtain stretching across the stage. Applause drowned out the music and a man and woman emerged, smiling wide while waving to the crowd. The man wore a tuxedo and looked like he could be the host for Wheel of Fortune, and his booming announcer voice supported that theory. His partner was a busty blonde who squeezed herself into a red sequined gown two sizes too small. “Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I’m Chip, and this here is my lovely wife, Barbi.” Chip? Barbi? More like Dipstick and Busty. “Welcome to Ignite Your Spark, sponsored by Flame Relationship Services. We believe true love sometimes needs more than that initial spark. It’s not just about striking the match, it’s also about stoking the flames. Via Ignite Your Spark, we bring two people together who are a perfect fit on paper. Once that spark catches, we provide all the necessary tools to keep the embers of romance from flickering out before they can become a blazing fire.” The busty blonde smiled wide at what her co- host had just said. I heard the words, but they weren’t registering in my brain. All I kept thinking was, again, why the fuck are we here? “Chip and I founded Ignite Your Spark ten years ago, and are proud to say we are responsible for over three hundred marriages to date. After our own romance sparked to life . . .” While she continued to ramble on about how they met and came to be, I turned back around on my bar stool and drained my Belvedere. “So, tonight,” Busty continued, “we are proud to announce one of our best social experiments of all time. We stand behind our theory that love often needs help to flourish, but what would happen if you didn’t see the person you are emotionally connecting with? What if all you have is that emotional connection to work from? Tonight, our female contestant will blindly interview three males selected at random from our twenty finalists. Once her questions have been answered, she will then choose one to escape to paradise with for forty-two days. If they find love, they will be rewarded financially, and by the most divine gift the universe can offer—finding their soulmate and eternal flame.” Dipstick nodded at his wife like a big toothy bobble head. “Our female Spark is currently backstage waiting to meet her Mr. Right. We had an overwhelming response from over ten thousand applicants vying for the opportunity to find their Mrs. Right. We will now announce who the three lucky Sparks are.” He pulled out a notecard and grinned at the crowd. “Spark number one. Will Chad Heathrow please come on up?” The spotlight swung to the crowd, searching and landing on a Ken doll wearing a navy blazer and khaki slacks. I had enough nieces to know Ken dolls were dickless. He high-fived his friends before jogging up to the stage. “When are we leaving?” I whisper-shouted to Luca, and got shushed by the woman beside me. Kyle leaned closer, and answered, “Just relax. Order another drink, eh?” With each word out of my friends’ mouths, and Kyle adamant that we stay, I came to the conclusion that Kyle must have signed himself up for this ridiculousness. What an idiot. “Did you sign yourself up for this shit?” I asked Kyle. “Does this have to do with that chick you’re banging?” He waved a dismissive hand, and I leaned closer, saying, “I’m outta here.” . . . . . . . . . To Be Continued. please someone should call the register
19 Apr 2017 | 05:50
he might sign in your name
19 Apr 2017 | 12:32
19 Apr 2017 | 13:38
Maybe u are her mr right
19 Apr 2017 | 14:52
Jude, i think your name is on the list
19 Apr 2017 | 15:04
You are among them I guess
19 Apr 2017 | 15:47
20 Apr 2017 | 05:03
____episode 3b____ “You can’t!” Kyle gripped my arm in panic. “I, um . . . you need to be here.” “Why?” The hosts began chatting with the Ken doll, and all the pieces seemed to snap into place. The way Luca and Kyle ignored me, I knew . . .”What the fuck did you do?” My voice increased in volume as the noise in the room lulled. Glares from surrounding tables did little to deter me. Kyle’s eyes grew wide as Luca laughed his ass off. “Are you fucking kidding me? You signed me up for this?” I looked to Luca, who was now facing the opposite direction, his shoulder shaking in a way that meant he was still laughing. “Hey,” I said with a snap of my fingers, “did you know about this?” “Maybe,” Luca said on a shrug. “Motherfuckers!” “Relax, you won’t be picked.” Kyle leaned closer when more people around us glared in our direction. “Your odds are one in twenty.” “And if I am?” A chick turned around and pointed a finger at us. “Shhh!” “Oh, well, then, it’ll be fun to watch you squirm for a few minutes. Remember a couple months ago when you hooked me up on that blind date for my birthday? Let’s see, what was her name? Randi? Randi with an i.” Luca and I both started laughing. “Yeah, real funny. Especially when she excused herself from the table and I ended up using the urinal next to her. I mean, him.” Luca bent over, grabbing his stomach. “Assholes.” “You were just jealous your date’s dick was bigger than yours,” I said on a chuckle. “Fuck you. Now, I hope you do get picked.” He smacked me on the back. “Payback, my brother. And if you get picked, so what? I could be doing you a favor. You get to be on a tropical island with a hot chick, or at least I’ve been told she’s not a chick with a dick.” “You’ve seen her?” “Well, no. But the original female was hot. When she backed out, I’m sure they picked an even hotter one.” “Backed out? What if she’s a cougar looking for my blood?” Luca laughed, and mumbled, “Well, that would be fantastico,” while smacking his knee at his own little joke. “Shut up.” Kyle glanced at him and fought to hide his grin. “We could hope.” “Cocksucker!” “Relax. She’s not a cougar, although that would be awesome. The age bracket is between twenty- five and thirty-five. These are just details. The point is, it would be a nice getaway with a gorgeous stranger for six weeks. Compared to what you did to me, this is a fucking gift. Think of all the sex. How hot is that?” He lifted his beer and winked. “You’re welcome.” “I can have sex whenever I want, and I don’t have to leave Manhattan.” I dragged a hand through my hair to keep it from gripping his neck. “Have you lost your ever-fucking-mind?” I asked, incredulous. “Who the fuck is going to run my company for six weeks? What I did was hilarious. What you did is a felony. You forged my name!” “Oh please. I perfected your signature years ago. It’s your word against mine in a court of law.” He pointed to Luca. “He knows nothing, so don’t think he’s a witness. And as far as your business, you have an international army. The finance world wouldn’t even miss you.” The crowd went wild when the Ken doll waved before taking his seat on stage. “Okay, we’re looking for Spark number two. Will George Kroft please come on up?” I sighed in relief at the sound of a name other than mine. The same deal with dude number two occurred. He stood on the stage blushing through his introduction. His round face, protruding ears, and neck were all as red as a tomato. The man stood no taller than five-feet, and his beer belly deserved its own introduction. Luca let out a short, loud laugh. “Oh boy, do I hope you get picked.” Just as he said that, I heard, “Spark number three. Can Jude Soren please join us?” All three of our jaws dropped as the spotlight searched the crowd for their last victim. Kyle stood and clapped my back, bringing attention to whom they were waiting for. The beam of light swung to where we were sitting, landing on me. “I guess I lost my bet,” Kyle shouted above the crowd. “What are the chances?” “Yes, Kyle owes me a hundred,” Luca bragged. “You fucking bet on this?” I scrubbed both hands through my hair and was surprised none came out at the roots. “What. If. She. Picks. Me?” Luca leaned forward and raised his drink. “Just be your charming self, I’m sure she’ll want nothing to do with you.” I was going to kill him—them. First him, then the other one. Dismember their bodies piece by piece. I began cursing everyone and everything in my native tongue, the Swedish words flying out like bullets. “Dude! I have no idea what you’re saying.” I leaned in, getting right into his face. “I never signed anything,” I said through gritted teeth. Kyle snickered, “Oh yes you did. And if you don’t get up there, you’ll get sued.” “I’ll get sued? You mean, you’ll get sued.” “Potato, potahto.” He whipped out a folded packet of papers and thrust them in my hand. “I swear, I combed through it. You’re good.” Before I could strangle him, the host brought the crowd’s attention straight to me with a wave of his hand. “Jude, come on up!” This chaos unfolded like a slow-motion picture. The spotlight captured the entire chain of events, with me yelling at Kyle and threatening his life. And all this occurred while the host insisted, “Hello, we’re waiting. Do you already have a case of cold feet? The wedding isn’t for forty- two days.” “Wedding?” I bared my teeth to Kyle like a Doberman about to attack. “I’m going to fucking kill you.” “There’s a prenup clause that states you each take away what you brought in. She can’t get your money—unless you want her to, that is.” Did he just say prenup? “I’m not doing this!” I threw my hands up, no longer giving a shit who heard me. “Too late! Go!” He pushed me forward and I almost passed out as I walked through the crowd, up the stage, and beside the two hosts. I think I answered questions; I couldn’t be sure. Every set of eyes focused on me—the men leering and women hooting and hollering like I was a male stripper. Busty eye-fucked me while placing a red clawed hand on my arm, and said in a breathy voice, “Are you ready to turn your spark into a raging flame?” Channeling a porn star, she added, “Jude.” What the fuck was happening? I searched the bar to where my asshole friends sat watching. Kyle and Luca were cracking up at my expense. A question forced my focus away from them and I fumbled through my answer. When I looked back, they were gone. The only thought running through my head was, once this is over, I am going to jail for murder. The two other victims sat in director’s chairs beside a large white screen that split the stage in half. A single chair on the other side of the divider waited for its occupant. The three of us wouldn’t be able to see her, nor could she see us, but the crowd had an open view of the entire stage. Busty took my hand in hers, led me to my seat, and snatched the now damp and wilted papers from my grip. Dipstick asked for the audience’s attention as he read through the rules one by one. I listened to bits and pieces, but words like true love, soulmates, marriage, happily ever after, and forty-two days were the only ones I heard in a long monotonous drawl. “Okay, Sparks. Here we go. The only responses allowed must answer the question you are asked. At the end, you will each have the chance to ask one question of your own. It cannot pertain to any personal information, physical appearance, occupation, religion, politics, or finances. Please answer all questions honestly, and be sure to be your own charming selves.” . . . . . . . To Be Continued.
20 Apr 2017 | 16:42
ride on
21 Apr 2017 | 05:02
21 Apr 2017 | 11:38
ride on..
21 Apr 2017 | 12:25
ride on
21 Apr 2017 | 13:01
<<<<<<episode 4>>>>>>> Brae's side of the story. “Stay still, for Christ’s sake!” Cassie scolded. Every part of my body trembled. My nerves controlled each of my shaky movements. “Your lips look like Angelina Jolie’s on steroids.” Vanessa spit into a tissue and swiped at my lips. “I’ll fix it.” “Oh my God! Did you just use your spit on my lips?” My nose wrinkled in disgust. “Shhh, you’re making it worse.” Vanessa continued dabbing away, and when I spun to look in the mirror, I was horrified at the woman staring back at me. Heat shot through me and I began to sweat, my skin turning clammy. “My face is all red. It looks like I contracted a disease. Why am I so splotchy?” Holy shit. Was I breaking out into hives? Pointing at my chest, I said, “Are these hives?” I was going to have a panic attack. Shelly appeared, smiling, “Ten minutes.” “Crap.” In a flurry, Vanessa powdered my cheeks, Cassie blotted my lips, and Desiree leaned against the wall, tsking. “Breathe, sweetie. It’ll be fine.” Shelly placed her hand on my shoulder. “Drink this.” She handed me a glass of wine, which I downed in one smooth gulp. I introduced Shelly to my girls. Vanessa asked, “So, how hot are the guys, have you seen them?” We all looked at Shelly, waiting for her reply. “I have, and I can’t tell you. Don’t worry about anything. You’ll be just fine. They’ll love you.” Fine? I felt anything but fine. She told my friends she had seats reserved for them at her table and left us alone once again. Keep your eye on the prize. Keep your eye on the prize, played over and over in my head. Once my girls were done fussing over me, I looked myself over one more time and let out a small sigh of relief. The wine settled my nerves and now that everyone had stopped touching me, my blotchy skin returned to its natural pink hue. “Brae,” Cassie’s soft tone settled me a bit, “you’ve got this. Just be yourself and you’ll make the right decision. Who knows, maybe you’ll find your spark.” I patted my friend’s hand because she meant well. “You keep forgetting I’m not looking for a spark. I’ll pick the worst choice possible, and before you know it, Des will be handling my divorce a year from now.” She nodded at my words, but by the look in her eye, I could tell my friend didn’t agree with my assessment. Shelly popped her head back in through the door. “We need to get to our table. Brae, good luck. They should be calling you out in a few minutes. Do you have your questions?” I held up the blue note cards in my trembling hands. “Yes, I’m all set.” Before I knew it, I was escorted to the stage. Applause and whistles bellowed on the other side of the curtain. I heard a male announcer reviewing the rules I had studied as if there’d be a test on them. After he finished, the crowd silenced. That was the minute I knew things for me were going to change. A booming voice came over the speaker. “Please help me welcome our female Spark!” I stood stock still, frozen in place. After a deep breath, I smoothed the fabric of my black sheath dress and stepped on to the stage, praying I wouldn’t fall flat on my face. My legs shook with each step I took as I walked to my seat. An opaque white fabric wall separated me from the men. Even with the spotlight, I couldn’t see shadows or outlines of what could be on the other side. This was it. The ultimate blind date. I should have demanded more wine. The emcee asked if I was ready and all I could do was nod before he told me to take it away. More applause resounded, mimicking my heartbeat. I waved to the audience, placed my notecards on my lap, and gave the best smile I could. “Hi, Sparks.” I sounded ridiculous. “Let’s start, shall we?” I cleared my throat. “Spark number one, how would you describe your perfect first date?” “That’s easy,” Spark number one said on a masculine chuckle. “First of all, it’s a pleasure to meet you . . . kind of.” I thanked him before he continued. “We would go to her favorite restaurant, then to a movie. Of course, I’d bring flowers and would want to get to know her.” A very faint, but very audible groan came from behind the curtain. A seductive female voice said, “Now, now,” causing a few chuckles from the crowd. “Thank you, Spark number one, that sounds lovely.” If that were what I was looking for. I adjusted myself in my seat. “Spark number two, same question. Describe your perfect date.” “I’d ask you to come to my house so I could introduce you to my mother.” The audience laughed, but I wasn’t sure he was kidding. His nasal tone sounded serious. “Then I’d take you to meet my best friend, who owns the best comic book store in all of Manhattan.” “Thank you. Sounds interesting.” And there’s no way in hell I’d do that. “Spark number three. Same question.” “Maybe take her to my favorite restaurant,” a sexy European accent responded. I couldn’t pinpoint whether it was French, or maybe German. “Then back to my place to fuck,” he continued. I almost dropped the cards from my hands, and every male in the room cheered. His arrogance was practiced. This guy was trying to make up for something he lacked. “So, no flowers?” “I don’t need to bring gifts, you’d have me. But if you’d like something, I could bring a blindfold and cuffs.” The crowd gasped. I searched for my friends, and when my eyes caught sight of Vanessa, she was licking her lips while giving me a thumbs up. “That sounds like it would be fun for you.” “Trust me, you’d enjoy it.” “Okay, moving on. Spark number one, if I asked the last girl you were with to tell me one thing about you, what would she say? Just one.” Spark number one answered, “That I’m thoughtful.” Awww . . . he sounds sweet, which earned him another strike. “Spark number two, same question.” “That I’m smart.” Hmmm, boring. “And number three?” Couldn’t wait to hear that one. “That I have a big cock.” Of course he’d say that. All the men in the crowd guffawed and the women applauded. Why the hell were they clapping? “Number one, what was the last gift you gave a woman?” “A dozen roses.” His response caused an internal eye roll. “Number two?” “That’s easy. A photo album. It was my mom’s birthday last week and I made her a scrapbook.” I cleared my throat to camouflage my chuckle. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but number three? Same question.” “The best orgasm of her life.” I had no control over my thighs clenching together at his words. With each of his responses, the females in the crowd clapped harder, my friend Vanessa leading the enthusiasm. I could only imagine what he was doing behind the screen to elicit such a positive response for his crass answers. I waited for the noise to settle before I ignored him to continue. “Next question. Number one. Did you play sports in high school?” “I was the quarterback of the Varsity football team.” A foreign voice mumbled, “Of course you were,” and laughter erupted at his rudeness. “Number two?” “I was captain of the debate team.” “Is that a sport?” I asked with sarcasm. . . . . . To Be Continued
21 Apr 2017 | 18:42
You are really finding Mr wrong
22 Apr 2017 | 04:37
dis spark no 3 sef
22 Apr 2017 | 04:49
22 Apr 2017 | 05:32
22 Apr 2017 | 08:07
This guy is so wrong
22 Apr 2017 | 08:24
22 Apr 2017 | 08:36
22 Apr 2017 | 15:49
spark no. 3 you don't want to be choose that's why you are giving them flat answers
22 Apr 2017 | 16:25
episode 4b continuation of brae side of the story. “Yes, it could be physically challenging.” The crowd laughed, but they seemed to be laughing at him rather than with him. “Number three? Did you play a sport?” “Nope. I couldn’t find a jockstrap big enough.” My spontaneous laugh erupted before I could stop it. “Let’s move along, and remember, number three, keep your description to yourself.” “Yes, ma’am,” he quipped. “Starting with Spark number one, then two, and three following behind, what is your favorite meal?” Number one: “Lobster, champagne, and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert.” That was now strike number four. Number two: “Corn dogs. I’m not into anything fancy.” I giggled. “I’ve never had a corn dog.” “Food on a stick is my favorite. They’re quite delicious.” Ignoring his confirmation, I asked, “Number three?” “A can of Reddi Wip and pie.” This man’s voice and his responses set in motion Kegel exercises I hadn’t done in years. “Dare I ask what flavor?” “Does it matter?” I groaned out loud. “Moving on . . . again. I only have two more questions for you. Do you men play any instruments?” Number one said, “Guitar.” Hmmm, sexy. Number two said, “No.” Number three said, with pride, “Clitoris.” The place went nuts with laughter, clapping, and a few comments such as, “I can’t believe he said that,” and, “I bet he’s good at it too,” filtered up to where I sat on the stage. The emcee stepped in to quiet down the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, please. Okay, Female Spark, continue, if you would.” “Thank you, Chip.” I paused a moment, debating on giving him another chance. Wondering what he’d say prompted me to ask, “Number three, care to change your answer?” A few seconds of silence passed before he said, “Meh, I’m good.” What a prick. “Okay, last question. How would you propose?” Number one said, “A candlelit dinner followed by a carriage ride through Central Park. Number two proudly replied, “Hide her ring in a Cracker Jack box and take her to a Star Trek convention. I’d lead her to Dr. Spock, and with him looking on, I’d ask her to dig through the sweet treats to find the prize. Then, I’d drop to one knee and ask her to be my Klingon for life.” “Holy fuck. Dude, are you for real? You going to have your mom there too?” Number three chimed in with that sexy accent of his. Number two replied, “Oh yeah, mom would be there. She’s a huge Captain Kirk fan.” “Okay, thanks, guys,” I said before a fight broke out behind the screen. “I appreciate your responses.” “Sweetheart, you forgot someone.” That voice had my thighs pressing together again. “Fine, Spark number three, how would you propose?” “We’d fly to Vegas, you’d get my name tattooed on your ring finger, because I don’t do jewelry, and then Elvis would marry us.” “I didn’t ask about a wedding. I asked about a proposal.” “You wouldn’t have a choice, sweetheart. For me, it’s one in the same.” Holy shit. “So, I assume you’d have my name tattooed on your finger as well?” “No, definitely not.” “Why? You don’t do tattoos?” “I have seven of them.” With that, the crowd once again erupted in laughter and chatter. This guy was a real piece of work, and he just made my decision a no-brainer. to be continued.
22 Apr 2017 | 19:29
he's crazy
23 Apr 2017 | 04:56
dis no 3 is funny
23 Apr 2017 | 06:01
Following still
23 Apr 2017 | 07:10
Spark number 3 na something else
23 Apr 2017 | 07:24
That spark 3 is something else I like him
24 Apr 2017 | 04:12
Hmmm straight forward u can say
24 Apr 2017 | 04:45
__________episode 5_________ . . .jude's side of the story. I sat confident, thinking there was no way this chick was going to pick me. The two tools next to me were deep in thought, preparing their one and only question. Meanwhile, my arm was slung over the back of the chair as I relaxed into the fabric, counting the minutes until this circus was over. Number one looked like he just stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine and number two was a complete dork. The emcee stepped on stage. “Gentleman, you get one question to ask our female Spark. Remember, the same rules apply. You can not ask about looks, where she lives, or what she does for a living.” Tool number one asked, “Do you believe in love at first sight?” There was hesitation, but then her sexy voice said, “Yes, I do believe it could happen.” Of course she does. I glanced out and met Luca’s eyes. He mouthed, “Super hot.” I didn’t care if she was the next Heidi Klum, there was no way I wanted her picking me. Tool number two came up with a stellar question. “What are your thoughts about living with your in-laws until we can save enough to buy our own home?” Shit. This guy didn’t stand a chance, which now made mine fifty-fifty with Prince GQ. Part of me wanted to pay him off just so he’d shut the fuck up. She didn’t even hesitate to say she wouldn’t move in with his parents. No doubt this dude lived in the basement and got his rocks off to Captain America instead of Wonder Woman. Here we go. I pondered my question with careful consideration and almost changed it considering the other ones, but I went with it anyway. If for nothing else, I was curious. “What are your thoughts on putting out on the first date?” Her raspy voice exclaimed, “Not happening. I’m not that type of woman.” “You say that now. Maybe you should reserve that answer until we meet.” I stifled a chuckle and looked up, seeing Kyle and Luca cracking up. The emcee and his wife stepped center stage. “Wasn’t that fun?” The audience responded in- kind, and he grinned while nodding. “I have a feeling there’s a spark about to ignite. Are you all ready to hear who our female Spark has chosen?” Get the fuck on with it, I thought as everyone in the place clapped and cheered in excitement, including the idiots to my right. “Okay, Miss Spark, who do you choose to continue this journey with?” Everyone stopped breathing, including me, waiting for her response. She cleared her throat before saying, “First, I’d like to thank the three gentlemen for coming tonight, and to all those who applied to compete. After serious consideration, I feel my chances of finding love would be best with . . .” A long dramatic pause stretched for what seemed like hours, and my palms began to sweat waiting to hear her choice. “Spaaarrrrk nummmbbbberrrr ttthhhrrreeee,” filtered through the speakers, causing a hushed lull in the room. Wait, what did she say? She said three. She fucking said THREE! If her response had hands, one would be squeezing my heart while the other squeezed my balls. Chaos ensued in the club and my opponents sat stunned beside me with their mouths hanging open as I began to plot Kyle’s death. Brae's side of the story. Based on the reaction of the crowd, I picked the right one . . . which was wrong for me. They may as well have been cheering for a rock star with the way they carried on. Well, the women at least. The men all looked shocked for some reason. The photographers in the room captured every moment, including my panicked demeanor. When the hosts came to stand beside me, my heart pounded from nerves. They each hugged me while uttering words of encouragement. Meanwhile, I couldn’t calm myself down. If I thought the mini panic attack I had backstage was bad, that was nothing compared to what I felt now. My knees wobbled, my skin felt clammy, and I was pretty sure I would throw up if I opened my mouth to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to introduce you to our female Spark, Miss Brae Daniels!” I offered a wave and a closed mouth smile, on account of the bile in my throat still making it dangerous for me to speak. . . . . . .To be continued.
24 Apr 2017 | 06:07
wow! ..... I know she's gonna choose him
24 Apr 2017 | 07:56
so much fun
24 Apr 2017 | 08:02
and let the journey begin
24 Apr 2017 | 08:46
so much loving this
24 Apr 2017 | 10:22
24 Apr 2017 | 12:01
nice man
24 Apr 2017 | 12:56
24 Apr 2017 | 15:19
Smile,this gonna be a great adventure
24 Apr 2017 | 16:26
____________episode 6_____________ continuation of Brae's side of the story “Spark number one, please come meet Brae. Brae, this is Chad Heathrow.” A handsome man emerged from behind the screen. His sandy brown hair was neatly styled, his preppy outfit was impeccable, and his disappointed smile was genuine. This is good, Brae. You didn’t want him. He could be someone you could’ve fallen for, my conscience argued. He gave me an affectionate hug before walking off the stage without so much as a backward glance. “Spark number two is George Kroft.” The men in the crowd began chanting, “George! George! George!” When he emerged with a huge grin, his short arms were raised high like an Olympic athlete. George looked just as I imagined . . . to a T. I stood several inches taller than him, forcing his gaze up when he said, “Awww, dammit. Mom would have loved you,” while appraising me from head to toe. He shook my hand, his clammier than mine, and waved to the audience before heading backstage. “Okay, everyone. Here is the moment we have all been waiting for. Brae, it’s our pleasure to introduce you to your Spark, Mr. Jude Soren!” Jude. His name was Jude? Shit. I wasn’t sure what the delay was, but after a few long moments, he still hadn’t come around the divider. When the females jumped to their feet in a standing ovation, my eyes cut to Vanessa, who was betraying me by pumping her fist in the air while hooting. This man clearly made a fan of my friend. Cassie and Des both looked like they felt sorry for me. And then . . . he appeared. Fuck. Fuck . . . fuck . . . fuck! What did I do? A tall, lean, sexy as sin man emerged wearing a white button-down shirt and dark denim jeans that fit him like a glove. Chestnut brown hair with hints of golden highlights had that just fucked look going on. At least a day’s worth of scruff covered his sculpted square jaw, spreading upward to also frame the most perfect set of male lips I’d ever seen. He stalked toward me, a livid look on his face. If at all possible, that made him even hotter. No levity, no smile, just a pair of gorgeous eyes piercing a scorching hole right through my body. I was screwed—completely and utterly screwed. The host beamed, either choosing to ignore the fact that we were shooting daggers at each other, or he simply didn’t care. “Brae and Jude, please mark the beginning of this epic romance with a kiss.” That one command seemed to fuel his fire. He walked straight up to me, forcing me to take a step back. Stopping him with firm hands on his chest—his rock solid chest—I tilted up on my toes and pecked his lips. “Yeah, that won’t do,” he rumbled in that intriguing accent. Grabbing my ass with two hands, he pulled me hard into his body and crushed his lips against mine. At contact, my hands were now sandwiched between us. His tongue burrowed its way into my mouth without warning. If it could speak, it would say, “I’m here, deal with it.” His grip on my ass tightened as his other hand traveled up my back, under my hair, and around my neck. My knees buckled, and he must have felt my weight giving in because he moved a thigh between mine to hold me up. I was now straddling his leg while making out with this complete stranger who was all man. From his rock hard pecs beneath my touch, to the way he commanded my body to submit, to the scent of his cologne, all managed to cause me to forget where we were. The screams and shouts of the crowd should have snapped me back to reality, yet I couldn’t guarantee I’d stop him if he were to lay me down and fuck me right here on the stage. The more his tongue caressed mine, the more my brain refused to function. Simple motor skills like breathing, or even pushing him away, failed me, and it didn’t look like my brain was going to reboot any time soon. As I said, I was completely and utterly screwed. Once he allowed me to come up for air, his lips twisted into a cocky smirk. It was the type you wanted to slap, and the kind that made your panties damp. Nose to nose, I could now see the true color of his eyes were greenish-brown rimmed in gray. And they were the sexiest pair I’d ever seen. The hosts ushered us to a smaller room behind the stage, and Jude grabbed my hand, pulling me along like a puppy on a leash. Shelly, two guys I’d never seen before, and—thank God— my friends were in attendance. A tray of filled champagne flutes sat on a small table. As everyone entered the room, they each took one in passing. I purposely did not, not needing anything to muddle my already muddled thoughts. Vanessa charged toward me, pulling me away from Jude’s grip without apology. “Holy shit. I can’t believe you picked him,” she tried to whisper, but failed when he chuckled at her. I took it upon myself to add more distance between him and us. Cassie and Desiree joined us, quick to tell me how gorgeous Jude was. “Even though he’s an absolute prick,” Des added so only we could hear. “Who cares? Every female in the room was turned on by his answers.” “Which was why she should have picked number two,” Des quipped. “And then what? Spend a year with a complete dork watching Star Trek with his mother, who would never in a million years grant me a divorce? I figured if I had to do this, based on every female’s reaction, including Vanessa’s, why not spend the time with someone who was apparently easy on the eyes? Yes, he’s a complete asshole, but it’s only a year. I can handle him.” “Famous last words,” Des mumbled. Undeterred, Vanessa continued. “I agree with Brae. He’s hot as fuck. I’ve never, and I mean never, seen such perfection in a man. I’d volunteer to be his spunk funnel any day!” “Shut it!” I said as Cassie gasped and Desiree’s mouth dropped in shock. I looked over my shoulder in panic to see Jude talking to the two unknowns, shaking his head at whatever they were saying. Thank God, he didn’t hear her. Vanessa shook her head. “My friends are prudes.” We rolled our eyes. Annoyed, she jammed her manicured finger into my boob for emphasis. “Seriously, he is one fine hunk of man, and you need to climb him like a tree.” It was official. Even though I was going to paradise, it would be hell. I was being punished by the universe, and the severity of this retribution could only mean I was a serial killer in a former life. Shelly waved Jude and me over, looking proud as punch. “Well, since you two have seemed to hit it off, here are your airline tickets. There’s also a copy of the rules and guidelines once you get on the island.” Jude had yet to speak, but his intense staring continued. “Can we have everyone’s attention?” Shelly shouted, and Jude took my hand again, gripping it tighter than before. The host glanced our way and raised his glass with a smile. “Please help me toast our happy new couple.” I watched in a daze as the room lifted their flutes, Jude included. With everyone’s glass in the air, Chip then said, “Congratulations to Jude and Brae. May the love you find blaze on forever.” The nausea that inflicted me since I signed up for this charade returned full force at the mention of forever. One by one, those in the room took their obligatory sips. Jude did as well while looking down at me. My eyes focused on his Adam’s apple bobbing from his swallow, and my mouth went dry. Without invite, he placed his flute against my lips and tilted. I had no other choice but to drink, and after I did, he then drained the rest himself while his eyes never left mine. “Well, I’d say we have another great couple, wouldn’t you agree, Barbi?” My trance was interrupted, forcing my disoriented gaze to Chip. “Yes, I sure would,” his wife agreed, eyeing Jude up and down as if she wanted to go away with him herself. If I weren’t desperate for money, I would have handed her my ticket. Jude appreciated the attention and winked at her, not caring that her husband was standing next to her, or that his hand was holding mine. Prick. Barbi went on, “This is a once in a lifetime experience. We hope you both take full advantage of all the tools we will be supplying to help your relationship grow.” His eyes caught my sneer when I pulled my hand from his. He grinned at my discomfort before dampening his lips with his tongue—the same one that assaulted mine not more than ten minutes ago. TO BE CONTINUED.
25 Apr 2017 | 12:14
oh oh ..... This jude make sense die
25 Apr 2017 | 17:36
still following
26 Apr 2017 | 03:29
26 Apr 2017 | 04:31
next. . .brae would end up loving jude i can bet it
26 Apr 2017 | 04:43
Waoo so nice... Jude is one hell crazy guy
26 Apr 2017 | 05:31
following keenly
26 Apr 2017 | 07:02
Dis gonna be a long ride
26 Apr 2017 | 07:41
You in for it and e could b ur mr right
26 Apr 2017 | 13:24
no updatep yet? ......ahahah @prince111coolval22-com
26 Apr 2017 | 16:59
@prince111coolva22-com ................
26 Apr 2017 | 17:05
@pricelezz why is the updates not coming again
28 Apr 2017 | 04:28
Next pls......
28 Apr 2017 | 13:56
What is actually holding you from updating the story Mr writer???
1 May 2017 | 07:14
••••••••••••••••• episode 7•••••••••••••••••••• • . . Brae's side of the story Chip continued where his wife left off. “As your audition paperwork detailed, all your affairs should be in order. From here, you will be driven straight to the Grand Hotel where you will be spending tonight.” My stomach dropped. This was happening. When I looked at Jude, he tossed a look at one of the men I didn’t know, who responded without being asked, “Your bags are in my car.” Jude didn’t say anything in reply, but the anger that radiated from his eyes spoke volumes. He didn’t want to be here anymore than I did. I definitely picked the right one. “Tomorrow morning, a car will come pick you up from the Grand Hotel at nine. You’ll still be on U.S. soil, so passports aren’t necessary. But you will need a government issued ID with you. Also, any electronic devices, including cell phones, will be collected when you land. You aren’t permitted to contact anyone while on the resort, and as you both know, you were to assign one person who is allowed to reach you during your time on St. John for emergencies only.” Jude’s eyes narrowed at the guy next to Shelly, who was avoiding him. “Do you have any questions?” “Will there be booze on the island, access to firearms?” the other friend asked. When they both started laughing, Jude shut them down really quick with a glare. “Yes to the alcohol, no to the firearms,” Chip responded, as if they were serious. “No worries, though. They will have all the amenities they’ll need.” He turned his focus back to us. “You’ll even be given a thousand dollars in spending money. Just follow the rules, let fate take over, and we have full confidence that with our help your spark will ignite and turn into a roaring flame.” The moment Chip and Barbi left, Shelly said, “Well, this will be great.” Jude and I both shot her a look. The man who had his arm draped over her shoulder chimed in, “I’m Kyle, Jude’s best friend.” “Ex-best friend.” I almost laughed at Jude’s comment, but I didn’t give him the satisfaction. Unfazed, Kyle continued. “This is our other best friend, Luca.” Luca, who was tall, dark, and very handsome, raised a hand, and said, “Ciao.” He also had an accent. Shit, these three were best friends? Kyle was fairer than his friends, but just as good looking in a more wholesome way. I could only imagine the havoc they could wreak on the female population when together. I watched Kyle whisper something to Shelly, causing her to smile. My friend was holding out on me, which could explain why she didn’t take this opportunity herself. I introduced my friends. When Vanessa shook Jude’s hand, I couldn’t fathom why my stomach twisted. Yes, she was one of the most beautiful women I’d ever met—long brown hair, perfectly shaped body, toned legs that seemed to go on for miles in the short dress she was wearing—but why should I have cared? “Nice to meet you, Mr. Wrong. I’m Vanessa.” It was impossible for me to stifle my laugh, but after Jude gave Vanessa a livid expression, he politely shook her hand, as well as Cassie’s and Desiree’s. Des leaned in, and whispered, “If you hurt her, I will find you,” loud enough for me to hear. Jude’s snarky smirk faltered a bit before he said, “I’ll take good care of her.” He winked and the smile that spread over his lips knocked the wind from my lungs. Fuck. After the salacious responses to my questions, that kiss, his gorgeousness, and his sexy as sin accent, I second-guessed my confidence that I could handle him. I was in way over my head. *Jude's side of the story Knowing we had minutes left before being whisked away to la-la-land, I muttered, “Excuse us,” and grabbed the collar of Kyle’s shirt to drag him out of the room. Once in the hall, I transferred my hold to his neck, squeezing until his eyes bugged out. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end you right now.” “You’d be lost without me?” he croaked out before laughing in my face. “Wrong answer.” Not trusting myself, I released him and ran a hand through my hair. “Du inavlad kuksugare.” “Whoa, slow down there, Mr. Swedish Fish. English.” “I called you an inbred cocksucker. Seriously, what the fuck, Kyle? I need to see what you signed my name to. I need to know every detail of this fucking nightmare.” He nodded with enthusiasm. “I put a copy in your suitcase. It’s not terrible, I promise. I wouldn’t have done this if it were something you couldn’t handle.” “You also didn’t think he’d get picked.” Luca appeared, counting out the bet he won. “This is true.” Kyle shoved his hands in his pockets and grinned. “You should look at it as a nice, long vacation—which you are long overdue for. You’ve been looking pretty haggard these days, eh.” At my lunge, the jackass laughed harder. “No outside communication? How can I run my business without occasionally touching base, at the very least?” “Luca is your emergency contact. He will make sure Soren Enterprises runs without a hitch. I’ll be here to make sure your apartment is fine, your mail gets opened, and your secretary handles whatever needs to be handled. We’ve got this, Jude. Trust us.” “I don’t have a choice, do I?” “Well, you do, but then, thanks to Kyle, you would have to file bankruptcy,” Luca answered with a casual shrug. “There will be no need to file anything. This is the universe telling you to step back, relax, and focus on your people skills.” Luca snorted and Kyle suppressed a laugh. “All kidding aside, Jude, she’s hot as fuck. It’s a no-brainer.” Yes, she was. When I first saw her in that tight- fitting black dress, toned legs, sexy curves, and the long, silky sable hair, I envisioned wrapping those locks around my fist. My visual wasn’t making this any easier, but that was beside the point. I thrust a finger at him, and said, “I’m still going to hurt you when I get back.” He mimicked Luca’s shrug. “Worth it.” “Luca, promise me if anything happens that needs my attention you’ll call me.” “I will.” He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “They’ll be monitoring your calls. If I call and say your Aunt Mildred died, that’s code to come home immediately. How’s that?” “Okay, good.” I pulled out my cell and began forwarding the contact info of my key men. “I’m texting you their cell info, since it’s the weekend, and I don’t want you waiting until Monday. Call my lawyer, Cleese. Tell him what’s going on. Then call my CFO, Morrison, and tell him what Kyle signed me up for. Tell him he’s in charge during my absence. Then fill Ruth in. She not only needs to hold down the fort at the office, she needs to give daily journals of all the office activity to Morrison. Once done, call my parents and tell them what Kyle did. Then give them Kyle’s contact info and tell them to call him with anything they need. Anything at all.” I looked up to be sure Luca was still listening. His fingers flew over the screen of his phone before he finally looked up. “Got it.” “What do you need me to do?” Kyle asked. “You’ve done enough. Just pray nothing goes wrong, and if it does, disappear.” Kyle mumbled something I didn’t quite catch. “Say again?” He straightened his shoulders, and repeated, “I said, when this is over, I bet you’ll be thanking me.” His confidence faltered when I glared at him in response. “Or not.” Shelly poked her head into the hallway with a bright smile. “Jude, are you ready? Your ride is here. You can collect your luggage and meet us out front.” I looked at Luca first, and then Kyle. “Where did you say my luggage was?” “In my car in the lot. I’ll go grab it,” Kyle said, bolting down the short hall and disappearing around a corner. The asshole had to be relieved to make an escape. He was probably counting down the minutes until I left. I really, really, really couldn’t believe he did this to me. To be continued. Sorry I lost My phone that's why I'ven't been updating My stories. Thanks all that called to check and those that's waited for you all
4 May 2017 | 19:38
Sorry man but i think what your friend kyle did worth it
5 May 2017 | 06:32
5 May 2017 | 07:14
5 May 2017 | 08:14
5 May 2017 | 09:35
***********Episode 8********* Continuation of Jude's of the story from last episode “What the fuck was he thinking?” I asked Luca once we were alone. “Revenge.” I raised my hands, palms up. “This is by far the stupidest thing he’s ever done. Playing innocent pranks is one thing, but that fucker took it to an insane level.” “Well, I think a chick with a dick is pretty bad.” At my growl, he added, “Hey, don’t turn on me. I’m innocent in this. Besides, this is Kyle. He doesn’t think things through. Don’t you remember that time he thought it would be a great idea to spend our spring break on his parents’ sailboat, neglecting to tell us they’d be joining us?” Christ, that week was a mess. Scrabble, Monopoly, Bundt cake—it was a complete and utter nightmare. He nodded at my tortured groan. “Exactly. He thought it would be fantastic to have someone steering the boat, cooking for us, doting on us. It is what it is now. Just use the time in paradise to get into her pants and plot your revenge.” “I can do that,” I concurred. Luca was right. This was what it was, and I just needed to get through it, try to enjoy the opportunity, and ride this insane wave. One thing Kyle was correct about: I did need a vacation. I looked at Luca and pleaded, “Dude, you must help these six weeks. Please? I won’t be able to relax unless I know you have my back.” He walked closer and put a firm hand on my shoulder. “Always.” "Brae's side of the story" We didn’t say one word to each other on the drive from the club to the hotel. Jude checked us in and our silence continued on the elevator ride up to the first room we would be sharing as a couple. I wasn’t sure what caused more of my nerves. The fact that I’d be alone with him in a hotel room all night long, or the fact that a tiny part of me was looking forward to it. When I glanced at his reflection in the mirror-lined doors, his face was etched with a blend of irritation and what appeared to be anger. I didn’t know him well enough to be certain what thoughts were traveling through his head. My sole indicator was the way he snarled at his friend Kyle earlier. Did he think this was how I wanted to get married? All of my little girl dreams of the perfect wedding flew out the window the moment I signed on that dotted line and committed to this game. A means to an end, I kept telling myself, but the on stage kiss he planted on me made my insides feel like I was on a wild roller coaster ride—one we were now on together. Jude swiped the plastic key into the black box on the door before holding it open for me. At least he had manners. Right in the center of the room was a king size bed covered in oversized pillows and a fluffy white comforter. A note with our names on it sat in the middle. We set our bags to the side and stared at it. There was a quick knock on the door and a voice behind it announced our luggage was here. As Jude went to answer the door, I walked over on shaky legs and picked up the folded card, reading it out loud. Jude and Brae, Welcome to the first night of the rest of your lives. Tomorrow, you embark on a journey of love. May the spark you’ve ignited develop into a roaring flame. Congratulations and have a wonderful time. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi Cheesy much? With a sigh, I glanced his way. He tipped the bellhop and once again mumbled something in his native tongue. “If you’re going to insult me, please use English so I know how to defend myself.” “I wasn’t insulting you, I was contemplating ways I was going to kill Kyle.” “Well, if you end up in jail for a year, that would make our first year together a piece of cake for me.” “Year? It’s only six weeks.” “It’s in the contract.” Jude unzipped his suitcase with so much force, I was convinced he broke the zipper. Snatching out the manila envelope containing said contract, his eyes darted across the words as he studied it. His brows furrowed as he flipped the pages. Raking his hands through his hair, he began mumbling again in his native tongue. Defeated, he sat with a thump on the edge of the bed. “Did you read this? My jackass of a friend implied we could get divorced once the wedding was over.” “I read it. My friend is a lawyer and went over the details with me. Your friend, the jackass, was mistaken.” “So, you knew you’d have to marry a complete stranger and stay married for a year, and you still did this? Let’s not forget the public appearances we’re required to do. Is that why your friend called me Mr. Wrong?” A chill ran up my spine. “Well, technically I didn’t know that detail before I signed it. Desiree pointed it out to me afterward, and I don’t control what Vanessa calls you, but she knew I wasn’t looking for Mr. Right.” “Detail?” he almost shouted, ignoring the back half of my response. “That’s what you call this? A detail? This is a major fucking deal. One year of my life is now committed to you.” I dropped the card on the bed and planted my hands on my hips. “It’s been two weeks since I received the contract. I’m sure you did as well. So, you can file your complaints at the door. We’re in this together now, and believe me I’m more concerned with how we’ll survive the next six weeks first. Because at this moment, I’m not sure I will.” “For your information, missy, I didn’t have two weeks. I barely had two minutes before I was dragged on stage. So, excuse me if I seem a bit upset by this.” “Well, don’t blame me, mister, I’m not the one who dragged you on stage. You can blame your ex-friend for that.” “No, but you’re the one who picked me.” I thought he mumbled something else, but I couldn’t make it out. “What was that?” “Nothing.” Irritation continued to boil my blood. “No, please. Enlighten me,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. He stood, his eyes pinned on my folded arms—or maybe it was my boobs he focused on. A very long moment went by before he spoke. “I said, lucky me. I did my damnedest to make sure you wouldn’t want anything to do with me. Yet, you picked me anyway. Why is that?” He stalked closer, until we were mere inches apart, causing my heart rate to spike. When he folded his arms, mimicking my stance, he was so close, our forearms touched. “I get why you didn’t pick tool number two, but tool number one was perfect in every way. So, why me?” At my silence, he prompted, “I was nothing less than a prick on that stage. Maybe you like pricks? Or maybe my answers were right up your alley and turned you on?” The accusation was clear in his question; the taunt clear in the way he moved even closer and leaned down until his nose almost touched mine. His greenish-brown eyes seared lasers right through mine. It took me about three seconds too long to react, but three seconds was long enough for an arrogant smile to tilt the corners of his gorgeous lips. My tongue betrayed me by poking out to dampen my own lips, causing that smile to spread. Dammit, he irked me with the way he stood staring, but I couldn’t get my brain to function in any capacity. I took a step backward and scoffed. “Oh please. I’m in this for one reason, and you fit the bill perfectly, Mr. Wrong.” “Yeah? What reason is that? A hot, mindless, emotionless fuck? Because that’s all I’ll agree to.” “Not on your life,” came out of my mouth, but my brain thought, I’m good with that. Stomping over to my suitcase, I grabbed my toiletry bag and pajamas. “You’re an ass, and you can take the couch.” Jude pointed to what was more of a loveseat on the opposite side of the room next to the desk and a small table. “That thing? You want me to sleep on that?” “Yep.” The more I studied him, the more I was certain there was no way he’d be comfortable on it. Here we were together just two hours, and I already sentenced him to the couch. I could offer half the bed, but screw him. This could be the last good night of sleep I’d get for six weeks. He plopped down on the end of the sofa and yanked his shoes off while speaking in his foreign tongue again. . . . . To Be Continued.
6 May 2017 | 21:26
Sparks drama
7 May 2017 | 05:00
is dis how you guys will live for a year
7 May 2017 | 05:03
very funny
7 May 2017 | 09:10
I guess so
7 May 2017 | 09:36
naxo u go Soon fall for am
7 May 2017 | 10:13
You are on a long thing
7 May 2017 | 11:44
lol ..... Lets see
7 May 2017 | 14:19
Ok.. Next
7 May 2017 | 16:31
observing jejely
7 May 2017 | 18:35
************episode 8b*************** . . . . . . Continuation of Brae's Side of the story from last episode. I have no idea what you’re saying. Is that Greek?” In a curt tone, he replied, “No, I’m Swedish.” “Do you live in Sweden?” I asked, panicked. If we went to the end, there was no way I was moving to Sweden. “I’m from Sweden. I live in New York.” I didn’t bother hiding my sigh of relief. The scowl on his face deepened. He was insanely handsome, but his anger put his gorgeousness on steroids. The well-defined lines of his amazing physique were visible beneath the white fabric of his dress shirt. Even his fingers had muscles. Everything about the man screamed sex. The way my body automatically began Kegel exercises once again confirmed I was screwed. Before he picked up on the fact that I stood rooted while staring at him, I stormed into the bathroom with my small overnight bag and slammed the door. As much as I despised him at the moment, he was still getting under my skin. Even the mint flavor of my toothpaste couldn’t rid my memory of what Jude tasted like. Everything about that kiss was a mystery. So many questions swirled in my brain. Why did he kiss me that way? Why did I let him? Would he do it again? However, the one question that had me wondering was: would he want to? Especially after his outburst, there was nothing indicating he’d ever want to again. Wait . . . why should I care if he did? Cassie’s words, “you’re crazy,” seemed prophetic. Because now that I was here with a door separating me from the most annoying, conceited, arrogant, gorgeous man I’d ever met, she was one hundred percent correct. Since screaming at my reflection wasn’t an option without my roommate thinking I was certifiable, I continued my nighttime routine. I had a way and order in which things needed to be done. My methods kept me calm. Vanessa would tell me I was OCD, but it was a great system that worked, so I stuck with it. Everything I did had a rhyme or reason. My routine started with my six-step cleansing ritual, a four-step moisturizing process, brushing my hair ten times, and then slipping into my sensible pajamas. Before I opened the door, I grabbed the box of tissues to keep on the nightstand. Jude was standing just outside the bathroom with his arms crossed in front of his chest. “Took you long enough. What the hell were you doing in there?” Before I could get a word out, he took a step back and looked at me from head to toe. It wasn’t a sly or quick glance. No, he made a production out of it, making me feel self-conscious in my pink pajama short set. Our arms brushed as he walked past me into the bathroom. He let out a chuckle just before closing the door. Ass. Deciding to expedite the sleeping arrangements, I tossed a pillow and blanket from the bed onto the small sofa. I sank my head in the plushness of the feather pillow, tucked the comforter under my chin, shimmied on the thousand-thread count sheet, closed my eyes, and prayed Jude didn’t snore. They sprung open only a minute or so later when he emerged from the bathroom. His routine was shorter than mine. He stood wearing nothing but a very tight-fitting pair of white boxer briefs. Through them, the outline of a thick, long shaft was clear as day. His abs were ridiculous, and I counted at least eight. My eyes focused on his unique tattoos. Two simple bands around his right forearm, as well as a line of graduated stars that curved from his armpit down to his happy trail. They were nothing less than an orgasmic orbit of sorts, a beacon guiding me toward the promise of something wonderful . . . and based on the visible outline of that something in those briefs, it would be sure to rock my world. The nail in my coffin would have to be the sexiest happy trail I’d ever seen, and I was a sucker for them. Just the thinnest line of dark hair, perfectly centered in the middle of his abs and extending down over his belly-button before disappearing behind the waistband of his briefs. I gasped—yes, gasped . . . an embarrassing audible puff of air that I sucked down my dry, parched throat echoed in the room. The obvious sound floated from my mouth to his ears. By the time my eyes found their way back up to his face, I was beet red and he was gloating. He leaned against the doorjamb, his arms folded and an obnoxious smirk on his lips over having caught me ogling him. “Would you like me to turn around so you can get a good look at my ass as well?” he asked on a chuckle. “Or I could just remove these to save you unnecessary eye strain,” he added, tucking his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear and lowering them just enough to cause panic. “No!” I yelped, covering my eyes in case he wasn’t bluffing. The chuckle turned into a full-blown laugh as I heard him cross the room. When I chanced a peek, he was standing in front of the tiny couch, his hands on his hips and his back to me. I took the opportunity to go ahead and check out his fine ass, the defined muscles of his back and shoulders, and the peppering of hair on his exposed upper thighs. “While you were hogging the bathroom, I decided I’m not sleeping on that thing,” he said, turning to face me with a scowl. “I’m six-three.” “The carpet is nice and plush. I’m sure it would be comfy for you.” “I’ve never slept on the floor in my entire life, and I don’t plan to now.” He snatched his pillow and walked over to the other side of the bed. I sat up, annoyed at his gall while he promptly ignored my scowl. The bed dipped beside me and he punched the pillow a few times before turning his back to me, ignoring the comforter beneath him. “Night, Sparky.” When he reached over to shut off the lamp, the fabric of his briefs dipped into the crevice of his ass. I stifled a moan. “First of all, it’s Brae. Second, you aren’t sleeping here.” Having the lights out was way too dangerous. I huffed as I got out of bed and stalked over to the bathroom, flipping on the light. “This stays on,” I demanded. When the bright beam hit him in the face, he groaned, “God, you’re a pain in the ass. I guess you don’t trust yourself?” “It’s you I don’t trust.” “Relax. When I make a move on you, you’ll be forewarned.” He flipped onto his back, putting his right hand behind his head. “But, if you want this,” he said, waving his left hand over his body, “by all means, have at it, Sparky. Even if I’m out cold, I invite you to go for it. I love surprises.” “Ugh!” I snatched my pillow and moved to the small couch, repeating my mantra over and over as he chuckled at me in the dimly lit room. Keep your eye on the prize. Keep your eye on the prize. When I shut my eyes to try to fall asleep, the prize I visualized was a six-foot-three Swede. . To Be Continued.
8 May 2017 | 19:41
9 May 2017 | 04:39
Now u are not keeping ur eye on the price rather u are keeping it on the man
9 May 2017 | 10:46
Enjoying these
9 May 2017 | 10:52
9 May 2017 | 14:49
Ride on
9 May 2017 | 15:33
9 May 2017 | 16:23
I dey feel u wella... Jude u are the man
9 May 2017 | 16:47
**********Episode 9********* Jude's side of the story Great, she snores. I just had the worst sleep of my life in the most comfortable bed, and the only thing I could attribute it to was the gorgeous buzz saw currently sprawled on the couch. Something kept waking me just as I fell back asleep. At first, I thought there was a cat in the room, but considering I’m allergic to cats, I knew that wasn’t the case. No, this loud purring came from my new roommate. When my eyes focused on her, I did my best to refrain from chuckling. Brae was sprawled out like a disjointed starfish. The blanket that once covered her body now lay on the floor. Her chestnut brown hair created a veil over her delicate face, wavy strands vibrating with each rumble erupting from her chest. Taking advantage of her comatose state, I walked closer to finally get a good look at her body. I scanned every inch from head to toe, inspecting her like an exotic sports car. The knit fabric of her shirt outlined her fairly large breasts, which my hands could handle. A sliver of bare skin on her flat stomach and those gorgeous legs had me growing with excitement. I already knew what her chocolate brown eyes looked like and how her pouty lips tasted. The memory of kissing her along with seeing her sprawled out caused my excitement to worsen. I really should’ve taken a cold shower. If she were to wake now, there would be no hiding my hard-on. A quick glance at the clock on the nightstand showed it was eight a.m. It wouldn’t be long before those clowns running this show would appear. I debated between showering or waking her, but another loud snore forced my hand. It was time to have some fun with the future Mrs. Soren. Stepping right beside where her head lay on the couch, I crouched down with my hands on my knees, and yelled, “Wake up, Sparky!” The way her body comically jolted, forcing her to fall off the couch and land at my feet, was one of the funniest sights I’d ever seen up close. I cracked up laughing, doubling over her body with my own. Gorgeous brown eyes blazing with anger glared up at me. “You’re an asshole.” A response wasn’t possible; I couldn’t stop the hysterics overtaking me. Through my tears, I watched her lift a cushion from the couch. As the cotton connected with my cheek, the sting did little to calm my laughter. “Oh my God, Sparky. That was hilarious.” “Stop calling me that!” She clamored from between my legs in quite an unladylike fashion into a standing position. “Okay, I just changed your name to kitten.” She folded her arms beneath her ample breasts, shooting daggers at me as she did. “Be thankful I’m not Native American or your name would be Snoring Kitten.” “I don’t snore.” Another fit of laughter erupted. “You just earned yourself a video proving you do. I can’t wait until you fall asleep tonight.” In a huff, she spun around, ignoring my comment. The floor vibrated as she stomped her feet into the bathroom just before she slammed the door, again. She did that last night, and ended up in the bathroom for a very long time. Dammit, I should have peed first. I rapped my knuckles on the door. “Hey, Kitten, before you lock yourself in there for an hour, I need to take a piss.” The door swung open. “You’re disgusting. There’s no need to be so crass.” I flashed her a sweet smile. “Kitten, I need to relieve my bladder, may I please use the lavatory?” I asked, batting my eyelashes. “Stop calling me kitten,” she snarled. She was one pissed off little cat. “I’m sorry, do you prefer pussy? Because I know I do.” With another huff, she slammed the door. “Now you can hold it,” came from beyond the wooden panel. “Fuck.” There was a knock on the outside door. Realizing I was still in my boxers with stiff morning wood, I grabbed the blanket off the floor and slung it around my waist. Barbi stood in the hallway donning her beauty queen look. Her fake eyelashes were so long, I swore I felt a breeze when she blinked. Her eyes looked down to the small tent below my waist. “I hope I’m not interrupting.” My dick throbbed with the need to relieve itself. “Is there something I can help you with?” She pulled out a large manila envelope. “These are your boarding passes. A car will be waiting downstairs in one hour to take you to the airport. Breakfast will be arriving shortly.” “Thank you.” I took the envelope from her and hurried to shut the door. I could hear the shower running. Great. “Brae, I need to come in. Be prepared for me to break this door down or open it now.” The water turned off, and an image of Brae naked suddenly flashed in front of my eyes. In my visual, water droplets rolled from the ends of her hair down her ample breasts toward her navel and over the curve of her pussy. God, she was stunning, even in my thoughts. “You’re such a pain.” Brae flung the door open wearing a towel around her body like a strapless dress and a turban on her head. Without acknowledging her, I pushed forward, raised the toilet seat, and shifted to pull my boxers down. That’s when I looked up and saw her reflection in the mirror. “Sparky, I’m not shy. If you want to continue watching, feel free. If not, I suggest you stop staring.” That was all it took for her to turn and walk out, slamming the door behind her. I couldn’t remember when taking a piss ever felt this good or lasted this long. It was like the scene from Austin Powers. As soon as I thought I was done, there was more to come. What seemed like an eternity later, I finally flushed. Without asking for permission, I turned the shower on. Steam scented with a pleasant sweet smell billowed around me in the small stall. I figured it to be whatever shampoo or body wash Brae used. It reminded me of her. When I looked on the shelf, sure enough, there was a small white bottle with a green apple on it. I quickly washed up, dried off, brushed my teeth, and opened the door to join my new roommate. My first instinct was to tease her a bit more, but through the mirror on the wall, I could see the solemn look on her face as she stared out the window. “Everything okay?” She shifted to look at me. The soft pink dress she wore landed just above her knees. “Yes, everything is fine. I’m just hoping there are two bathrooms where we’ll be staying on the island.” All I could do was smile. I wished for the same. “Are you done in there, or do you need to shave?” Running my hand along my stubbled jaw, I smiled. “No. I’m all set.” “Great, because I need to finish getting ready.” She didn’t close the door this time, which was fine with me, except I needed to get dressed. I slipped on a pair of tan shorts and a navy T-shirt. “Room service,” came from the hallway, followed by a knock. Brae rushed out of the bathroom with damp hair and opened the door. Apparently, she was hungry. A beautiful redhead wheeled the cart in. Her uniform looked like something out of a fantasy French maid catalog. I reached into my pocket for a tip, but when I handed it to her, she wouldn’t take it. “Your tip has been taken care of.” Something about that sentence had me thinking of Brae’s lips. “Well then, take another.” I slid the bills into the pocket on her small apron. She bit her lip and then smiled. “I’m Melanie. Will you be ordering lunch as well?” “Ahem,” Brae uttered in a sharp tone. “We will not be ordering lunch since we are checking out. Thank you and have a good day.” She stood with her hand on the edge of the door prepared to slam it. Hmmm . . . jealous Sparky was a sexy turn on. “Yes . . . well, have a nice day.” Melanie hurried out, leaving the cart of food behind. “Jealous, much?” “You already broke rule number one. While we’re together, we are not supposed to hit on other people. It’s in the contract.” She snagged a strawberry off the platter and bit into it, leaving just the green leafy stem between her fingers. “Let me guess, you’re a rule follower, and I wasn’t hitting on anyone.” “Yes, for the next six weeks, I’m following the rules to the letter. I don’t want to jeopardize losing the money. Plus, you don’t know when they’ll be watching us. For all we know, sweet Melanie could be a mole. If you can keep it in your pants, that would be peachy.” She ended her request with veiled sarcasm. Was she kidding? I crossed my arms and forced a laugh. “Sweetheart, technically we aren’t on the island yet. As far as keeping it in my pants, trust me, you’ll be the one begging for it to come out to play.” . . . . . . . To Be Continued.
10 May 2017 | 19:02
Hmmm Am Loveing Dis Story.., Next Pls
11 May 2017 | 05:24
wow.. next
11 May 2017 | 06:34
nice story u got here bro
11 May 2017 | 06:38
They fit each other
11 May 2017 | 07:21
mmmm. continue
11 May 2017 | 07:39
11 May 2017 | 07:46
Lemm jst wait nd see o
11 May 2017 | 09:21
Enjoying this
11 May 2017 | 10:22
You two are so unbelievable
11 May 2017 | 14:14
una fit each oda
11 May 2017 | 16:08
Next plz
11 May 2017 | 20:16
Next ooooooooo!!!.....
13 May 2017 | 16:41
Next oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Abeg............
14 May 2017 | 02:10
is dis how you guys will live till the deal is off
14 May 2017 | 08:44
**********episode 10********* . . . .Continuation of Brae's side of the story from previous episode. . . I really shouldn’t have been shocked by anything he said. Knowing him all of twelve hours, I had a good indication of his personality. My sense of character was pretty spot on when it came to reading people. My eyes tracked him as he lifted the silver domes off the breakfast plates. He snatched a grape off one of the plates and popped it in his mouth. When his gaze fell on me, a half smile spread over his lips. “Hungry?” “Yes, but I definitely need coffee first.” “Ah, my kind of woman.” He pulled out one of the chairs at the small round table and motioned with his hand. “Have a seat.” His gentleman act surprised me. Ambling over, I sat in the chair he offered feeling it hit the back of my legs as he pushed it under me and closer to the table. In a smooth move, he took the linen napkin off the tray and flapped it open. “May I?” he asked, one eyebrow raised in question. On my nod, he gently placed it on my lap. With a smug smile, he sat across from me and poured us each coffee. A chivalrous prick, and there was something very sexy about that. “Thank you,” I murmured. “You’re very welcome.” The second smile he gave me was genuine, and absolutely stunning. “Cream . . . Kitten?” he asked, his eyes lighting with the tease of his nickname for me. And . . . he was back. “Yes,” I replied, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. “And please don’t call me kitten.” “Okay, no more kitten,” he agreed on a nod before shoveling a huge forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth. “What would you like me to call you, then?” “Brae. My name is Brae.” “What fun is that?” He chewed thoughtfully, his brows furrowed in concentration as he actually waited for my reply. I got it, he liked teasing me. The more I huffed about it, the more he would. Ignoring his question, I took a much-needed sip of my coffee and bite of my breakfast. I decided to switch tactics. “So, since we’re stuck together, maybe we should get to know each other?” “I agree. What do you want to know?” He leaned back and spread his hands wide. “I’m an open book. Nothing is taboo.” “Okay, why the graduated star tattoos?” “Because the ‘biggest star’ is behind my zipper.” He smirked, using air quotes, his brows waggling. “Can you be serious?” “I am serious.” I rolled my eyes on an exhale. “Fine. I’ll tell you. One for each of my sisters.” “You have five sisters? There are six of you?” His response was a shrug. “And the two bars around your forearm?” “My parents.” I did not expect him to say that. My deer in headlights response must have clued him in on that. “What?” he asked, looking at his egg-laden fork. I watched the food go into his mouth and his lips move subtly as he chewed. “Nothing. I guess I didn’t expect that. You’re close to your family?” “Yeah, I guess. Aren’t you?” “My parents, yes. I’m an only child.” “I couldn’t imagine that.” He reached for his coffee, his eyes holding mine as the cup tilted upward. “You must have had a lonely childhood.” “I had friends, cousins. It wasn’t so bad.” He tipped his head and watched me for a long, hard minute. “What do you do, Brae?” Crap. A slow blush spread over my cheeks. “Stripper?” “What? No!” “Well, I’m trying to figure out what has you blushing. Lingerie model?” “Sales.” “Ah, Escort?” “No, you jerk.” I hit him with a glare and left it at that. Taking a sip of my coffee, I asked, “What do you do?” “No. We’re still on you. Why would your position make you blush?” I pictured the many positions I engaged in with my boss, Stefan, the many surfaces in which we practiced those positions, and my blush deepened. “I’m unemployed.” I leaned back and shrugged. “Thus this,” I added, waving a hand between us. “All inclusive six-week vacation, plus a nice cash prize sounded perfect for what I needed in my life at the moment.” “Ah, so it’s all about the money?” “For me, it’s all about a house, so yes, the money is important. Who would do this to legitimately find love? Why would you be here if not for the money?” “I got railroaded into it by my best friend.” “The one who’s your now ex-best friend?” “The very same.” He quirked a brow and nodded. “You pay attention.” His eyes focused on my plate. “Don’t you eat meat? Please tell me you eat meat.” “I try to eat healthy.” He snatched a piece of bacon and his jaw worked in small, meticulous circles as he chewed. “Why? Your body is incredible.” The slow perusal over my breasts caused my heartbeat to quicken. “Um . . . thank you, but it’s because I do that it is.” I pointed to his abs. “Don’t you work for those?” “If I’m in the mood, I’ll run. Otherwise, I rely on my sex life for physical activity. Just thirty minutes of fucking burns almost one hundred and fifty calories. Did you know that?” On my eye roll, he nodded. “Truth. As long as you put in some effort, that is. In fact, with you on top, you could probably burn double that. Would you like to know how many calories you can burn giving a blow job?” My mouth gaped open in shock. “Oh my God.” His lips lifted in an amused smirk. “Looks like you have the technique perfected, Sparky.” He finished up the last morsel on his plate and helped himself to the rest of my bacon. “Actually, three slices of bacon are about that many calories. Would you like to help me work them off? We’d be done just in time for the car service to arrive.” He raised one of his brows in an invite. “No.” “Why not make the most of our predicament? Six weeks in paradise without sex is going to be challenging. What kind of vacation is that? Not to mention a whole year after that. If you hear moans coming from the bathroom, that’s just me taking care of business.” “Anyway . . .” I drawled out, needing to change the subject before I made the insane choice to take him up on that offer. “What is it you do?” “Finance.” The way he sat back and folded his arms meant that was all he was saying on the topic. Well, too bad. I had the right to know details of his life if he knew some of mine. Okay, granted, I didn’t reveal why I was unemployed, but still. “What exactly do you do in finance? Loan shark? Bookie?” “Bookie?” he asked in his sexy Swedish accent. “I don’t know what that is. Does it involve sex?” “Is that all you think about?” “Pretty much.” “You’re very evasive. I think I deserve to know what my future husband does for a living.” Jude choked on the sip of coffee he’d just taken. “You’re pretty confident we’re going to make it to the end without killing each other or breaking the rules.” Did he think I was taking this lightly? He may have been forced into this situation by his friend, but I was forced into it by my circumstances. I needed to get to the end. “I don’t plan on breaking any of the rules, and yes, I most certainly will be able to make it to the end.” I picked up the napkin from my lap and placed it on the table. “Our ride will be here soon.” “Yes, dear.” When I stood, he took my wrist in his hand. “Forty-two days . . .” his words trailed off, but his grip remained. “Looks like I’ll be taking a lot of cold showers.” “Or you can just jump in the ocean.” Before he could say anymore, the alarm on my phone chimed. “They’ll be here any minute.” Jude stood and stretched, his shirt rising just enough for me to see the lowest star on his torso. He rubbed his stomach. “Good thing jerking off burns up to fifty calories, and after tonight, I’ll have that video of you.” He grinned. “I’ll just keep it on mute.” “You’re disgusting, and you’re not videotaping me.” “Whatever you say, Sparky.” I went into the bathroom to retrieve my toiletries and throw my pajamas and dirty laundry back into my suitcase, but he never moved away from the table. His eyes tracked my every move, the expression on his face unreadable. “Are you going to stand there all day?” I asked, irritated he was staring at me, and being blatant about it. I hated being watched. Now that I knew he watched me sleep, I doubted I’d be able to get a good night’s rest with him near. Without a word, he moved around the room, collecting his things. It took him less than a minute. He waited for me to be done, leaning against the dresser as he continued to watch me. I zipped up my suitcase and looked at him expectantly. “What?”. TBC.
14 May 2017 | 10:09
Next Pls
14 May 2017 | 10:50
14 May 2017 | 12:01
14 May 2017 | 14:04
This is gonna be a long ride of your life Brea
14 May 2017 | 14:04
You de ask
14 May 2017 | 19:25
Sparky Jude
15 May 2017 | 08:31
*************episode 11************* . . . Continuation of Brae's side of the story from last episode. . . . “Are you done?” “Yes.” He walked over to the phone on the nightstand and pressed a button. “We need a bellhop to room eight-eleven. Thank you.” I shrugged into my coat and hoisted my purse on my shoulder. And there we stood, awkwardly waiting for the bellhop. I felt his eyes on me the entire time. It seemed like hours passed by the time there was a knock. I wheeled my carry-on toward the door when a large hand skimmed mine as he took the handle from my grip. “I can handle my own bag,” I argued. “Not so long as I’m around,” he said with a wink. The two sides of Jude Soren were both sexy and frustrating. Something told me there was more to him than just good looks and snarky retorts. Now I just needed to decide whether I should bother to take the time to find out what they were, or spend our time together just tolerating him. . . . . . Jude's side of the story Continuing from where Brae stopped. . . . Five minutes after boarding the plane was all it took to conclude that Brae definitely had some issues. Before takeoff, she pulled out every necessity she could need from her purse, which could double as a satchel. A magazine she bought in the airport, gum, mints, a small pack of tissues, hand sanitizer, eye drops, which piqued my curiosity, and even ChapStick. The small items were in a Ziploc bag, which she tucked away in the seat pocket, then she stowed the satchel under the seat in front of her. “Eye drops?” “The air is very dry in an airplane.” Good lord. Here we were sitting in first class, and for the first time in my adult life, the mile-high club wasn’t even a thought. Thankfully, cocktails were still available. I sipped my vodka on the rocks, feeling her eyes on me. “What?” “Isn’t it a bit early for hard liquor?” My response was to finish it in one swallow. When the flight attendant came back, I ordered a vodka with orange juice. “There, is that better?” Brae just rolled her eyes before she turned to look out the window. We didn’t say much to each other on the flight. As Brae dove into her magazine, I immediately purchased the Internet package. Besides wanting to use every minute of the long, five-plus hours to attempt to organize my affairs, I’d have to relinquish my damn phone as soon as we landed. “We’ll be losing our phones soon. Don’t you want to take advantage of having Wi-Fi?” She looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. “No. Besides it being a fortune, I already tied up my loose ends.” Well, good for you, I quipped in my mind, but my mouth said, “Suit yourself.” Even though I already asked Luca to, I still shot off an email to my key people telling them I’d be unreachable for an extended period of time. I gave each of them Luca’s contact info, as well as Kyle’s. I challenged my secretary, Ruth, to bother Kyle at least ten times a day for every little non-business related decision. I didn’t care if she called him to ask if she should order sandwiches for the staff lunches or salads. If salads, with or without dressing. Should she include dessert? If yes, cookies or cake? Every question needed to be a separate phone call. By the time I got back, I wanted him pulling his hair out from Ruth’s incessant inquiries. Ruth, of course, would get a nice bonus for her assistance. While I was at it, my final email was to my mother. Without getting into detail, I explained, because of Kyle, I was involved in a social experiment for six weeks and couldn’t be reached. I then said if she needed anything to contact Kyle’s cell. I knew that wouldn’t sit well with her, and the moment she told my siblings they’d all be bombarding him with questions. What made that plan even better was they all spoke broken English. Payback, I chuckled to myself. As we started our descent, Brae sanitized her hands and then smoothed ChapStick over her lips in a counterclockwise motion before reversing directions. I’d never witnessed anything like it, and I had five sisters. With a thud, the airplane touched down at the airport in St. John. Brae’s fingernails may have left a lasting impression on my forearm as she gripped it until we came to a rolling stop. When she finally decided we were safely on the ground, she released me. “I’m so sorry.” She looked down at the half-moon indentations in my skin and winced. “I’m not a fan of flying.” “Or landing,” I teased with a wink. Three dings sounded and passengers started moving about. I retrieved our bags from the overhead compartment while Brae gathered her belongings under the seat. Felicia, the perkiest flight attendant in the sky, gave me one last flirtatious smile as we exited the plane along with other anxious vacationers. Hot humid air greeted us like a slap in the face. “Could she be more obvious?” Brae snorted as we walked down the stairs leading to the tarmac. “Bye, Felicia,” she added with an eye roll. “She was just being friendly. It’s her job.” Pulling our small carry-ons behind me, we entered the slightly air-conditioned terminal and made our way to the luggage carousel. “If she’s so friendly, why did she snarl at me?” “Maybe it’s your sunny disposition.” Her brow puckered for a split second before she sported the annoyed look I’d already grown accustomed to. My veiled insult must have hurt her feelings. Not wanting to start this adventure on the wrong foot, I offered a genuine smile. “I’m sorry.” Brae smiled in acknowledgment as we stood amongst other people. For a small airport, it was a busy place. Most likely people were escaping the cold and looking forward to relaxing. Ironic that we stood next to them as tense as a whore in church and just about as out of place. Tropical steel drum music played through the sound system, which was most likely to get visitors in the mood for what was to come. An older gentleman held a sign with our names printed on it. We both strolled over to him, and a warm smile spread over his lips. “Mr. Soren, Miss Daniels?” “Yes,” we responded simultaneously. “I am Pedro. Chip and Barbi would like to welcome you to St. John. We hope you’ll enjoy your time here. Once you retrieve your luggage, there will be a blue sedan waiting outside to take you to your cottage. The driver’s name is George. I am here to collect your cell phones. They will be returned to you at the end of your stay.” I pulled mine out, mumbling a variety of curse words in Swedish. Brae handed hers over with a smile. Kiss-ass. Finally, bags started dropping on the moving belt. “That’s me,” Brae said as she pointed to her large blue suitcase with a bright pink ribbon tied to the handle. She went to grab it, but I got to it first and set it down next to her before waiting for my bag. “Thank you.” She smiled up at me, and the look in her eyes just about knocked me over. “You’re welcome.” I wasn’t sure whether it was the way my words were just above a whisper or the flustered look on my face that caused our eyes to connect and hold. A confusing moment passed between us, and I broke the connection by turning away in haste. Spotting my suitcase, I leaned over and pulled it off the belt. An older man was next to me, trying to reach for his blue and green plaid bag. Without hesitation, I pulled his case off as well. “Thank you, son.” He looked to Brae, and gave me a smile. “You’re a lucky man. Hold on to her. She’s a beauty.” Rendered speechless, I just looked at him. “You kids here on your honeymoon?” Brae stepped closer and placed her hand on my arm, clearly not wanting to disappoint the man. “No, just a vacation.” The way her fingers flexed on my skin followed by her glorious smile made me almost forget the real reason we were on the island. “You’ll love it here. This is where my wife and I came to celebrate our anniversary, marking each decade with new memories. Unfortunately, my Luanna passed just before the holidays, but I couldn’t bear to cancel the trip. This would have been our fiftieth anniversary. Luanna would have wanted me to come.” His voice trailed off as if recalling a memory, one I was sure involved his late wife.. . . . . To be continued.
15 May 2017 | 20:16
thanks for following me up till day.I see u all
15 May 2017 | 20:20
If U Know U See Us All, Then Post Another One.. #Wink#
15 May 2017 | 22:43
continue pls
16 May 2017 | 05:59
16 May 2017 | 06:41
ride on.
16 May 2017 | 06:54
16 May 2017 | 07:19
@prince111coolva22-com is this your story
16 May 2017 | 10:47
16 May 2017 | 16:22
16 May 2017 | 16:52
So so so sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice... I dey feel every bit of this story
16 May 2017 | 19:18
i really hope u both inlove soon.*winks* ride on.
17 May 2017 | 02:23
**************episode 12****************** Continuation of Jude's side of the story from last episode. A lump formed in my throat. Brae released my arm and wrapped the man in a quick hug. “I’m very sorry for your loss.” The old man smiled at us. “Thank you. Well, I better go, but you two enjoy this time together. Believe me, this island is magical.” We stood and watched his plaid case disappear out the door. Not knowing what else to say, I turned to Brae, noticing her eyes filled with tears. “Let’s go find our ride.” She wiped her now damp cheeks. “Okay.” . . . . Brae's side of the story from where Jude stopped . . Blue water, white sand, palm trees, and silence. Tranquility was just what I needed after the hustle and bustle of city life. Ever since meeting the older gentleman at the airport, Jude had been particularly quiet. Not that I minded the peace, but for some reason it was worrisome. When we first got in the car, I observed everything was opposite of how it was in the states and got a bit nervous. “Why do they drive on the left side of the road?” Maybe that question would break the ice since all Jude had been doing was staring out the window. Jude mumbled, “Because it was previously owned by Denmark.” The driver, George, chimed in, “And because of the donkeys.” I caught his smiling reflection in the rearview mirror and smiled back. When I glanced at Jude, he just shook his head. “Donkeys?” I scooched toward the edge of the seat, trying to get closer to the front. “Yes. Island folk will tell you that before there were cars, donkeys were the mode of transportation. They traveled on the left side of the road. So, when motor vehicles came to the island, they were forced to drive in the same direction to avoid hitting the animals.” “Wow, what a cool story.” I looked at Jude. “Isn’t that a great story? So much better than Denmark.” “Sparky, it’s folklore. The real answer is because of the Danish.” “Well, I like George’s explanation better.” I smiled at George. “Yes, we will blame the asses,” Jude chortled, sarcasm thick in his tone. “Isn’t Denmark near Sweden?” “Yeah, why?” “Oh,” I drawled with a grin. “You meant the asses with tails.” Jude finally laughed. “Smartass.” George tossed me a wink and I relaxed in my seat, relishing in the fact that I got one up on Jude. The place where we were going to be living for the next six weeks wasn’t exactly what I had expected. I had a feeling Jude felt the same way since he stood stock-still, staring at the small white home. George shook his hand, then hugged me and softly whispered, “Good luck.” “Why did he leave?” Jude just stared at the sedan as it pulled away down the narrow road. “Because we’re home, sweetheart.” I batted my eyes at him. “Fuck me.” “No, thank you.” For once, I was excited. This little white home was perfect—absolutely perfect. I instantly fell in love with the white shingles, thatched roof, the tiny porch holding adorable white potted plants, and the white picket fence surrounding the property. It looked like somewhere Snow White would live, if she lived in the Caribbean. “Why is everything white?” Ignoring him, I stepped closer, staring at all the details in awe. The house wasn’t any wider than a doublewide trailer home, but I’d give up everything in New York to live here in a second Without giving him the chance, I grabbed both my bags and pulled them behind me, clunking up the porch steps one by one. There was a sign on the door: Welcome to Ignite Your Spark Cottage. The place where love ignites into flames. Jude grumbled and rolled his eyes. “Welcome home, Sparky.” “I wish you’d stop calling me that,” I said through gritted teeth. “Nah.” He reached in front of me and jiggled the doorknob. “Great, we’re off to a good start. No cell phone, and we’re already locked out.” I dug out the packet and produced a key. “Oops, I guess that’s what this is for.” Jude stared at me like a deer in headlights before snatching the key from my grasp. “There’s only one?” Looking deeper into the packet, I said, “Yup. And I’ll take that now.” “Not on your life.” He opened the door and shoved the key into his front pocket. My, “This is beautiful!” was countered with Jude’s, “This is a nightmare.” Stepping inside, my heart filled. The home was more like a studio apartment in Manhattan. The white walls were topped with a navy blue crown molding. The one room open floor plan was separated not by walls, but by each corner having its own living space. The dining room, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom all shared equal real estate. Jude scurried through the small space, opening and closing doors. The only doors aside from the ones leading outside were the closet, a small laundry room, and the bathroom. “Do you realize there’s only one bathroom? And what the fuck is that?” “It’s called a washing machine,” I enunciated the words very slowly. “It’s to wash clothes.” “Smartass,” he grumbled. “This is no bigger than a jail cell.” “Which you need to get used to, according to your plan of murdering your ex-friend. Stop exaggerating. This place is beautiful.” I was truly in love. Navy curtains framed every window, the fabric pooling on the dark wood floors. The doors leading in and out were French, with tiny panes of glass that made it a touch more formal than just a beach house. Even the kitchen was inviting. A small peninsula island was the focal point. White tiled countertop accented in navy matched the color scheme of the room. The white on white cabinets, although few, were delicately designed with etched glass fronts. Even the tiny round table in front of the peninsula with two dark wood chairs made me smile. Jude contradicted my joy with a grumble. “This gives a new meaning to breakfast in bed. I could just swing my legs over and eat at the table.” I glanced at the quilt-covered bed attached to a fancy wrought iron headboard. My eyes first realized that it was only a full size. Shit. I could tell the size of the bed only just hit him as well. “What the hell. Is that a twin?” “It’s a full. You’re assuming you’re sleeping in the bed.” Jude’s eyes scanned the room. “There isn’t even a couch in here. That small couch doesn’t count, Miss We Need to Follow the Rules and Share a Bed.” “Oh gee, I can’t wait,” I mumbled, but he heard me. “I need air.” It only took a few strides until he opened the door leading to the outdoor space. I hurried behind him, excited to see what was there. My feet were immediately ensconced in sand. I glanced around for a mat or rug. Constantly having sand on those gorgeous wood floors would drive me nuts. A spicket on the side of the house and a hook with a towel hanging off it immediately caused a sigh of relief. Pointing to it, I said, “See that?” His eyes followed the line of my finger. “Please wash your feet and use the towel before you come in the house so we don’t have sand everywhere.” He stared at me while blinking. I responded with a fake smile. Two mesh lounge chairs were nestled together, creating the perfect romantic setting intended for couples. The cute white picket fence bordering the front of the cottage also wrapped around the back. I let out a sigh, appreciating everything about this home. “I could live here forever.” Jude glanced back at me. “You just got here.” “It doesn’t matter, look at this place. It’s paradise.” “It’s hell.”. . . . . . . . TBC.
27 May 2017 | 07:03
lol dis two are something else
27 May 2017 | 10:55
This two ehn
27 May 2017 | 14:46
27 May 2017 | 17:32
I think that dis two are attracted to each other
27 May 2017 | 17:40
I just love how you too like acting like a tenagers
27 May 2017 | 18:35
Hehehe leta see if u will enjoy the place as u intended
28 May 2017 | 08:21
y is it taking dis lng,it getting bored.arrrgh
1 Jun 2017 | 12:29
*************episode 13*************** continuation of Brae's side of the story from last episode. “Are you going to disagree with everything I say? If so, this is going to be a very long vacation.” “Vacation? Did you see the TV in the bedroom, or should I just say room? The screen on my iPad is bigger.” “No, I didn’t notice. I’m not planning on watching television while we’re here.” I opened the back gate and spotted a hammock two steps away from us on the beach. Cutting my eyes to his face clued him in to what I was about to do. At the same time, we both lunged toward the hammock, sending it rocking furiously from side to side. “I call dibs,” I said, trying to push him off. “No way, Sparky. This has my name on it.” Without effort, he lifted me by my waist and plopped me down so fast, the bottom of my dress pushed up toward my hips. On instinct, my legs straddled his lap. The position lined us up perfectly, and I gasped at the immediate contact of his obvious arousal. “Now we’re talking, Sparky,” he said, his tone husky. Despite his words, there was no humor in his eyes. They blazed in vivid color as he stared right through to my soul. Before he had a chance to blink, I flew off his lap and lost my balance, landing ass first on the sand beside him. “Shit.” “You’re a klutz.” He leaned over the side of the hammock and chuckled. “That’s twice now that you’ve landed on your ass in my presence, and we haven’t even been together twenty-four hours. Maybe you should consider strapping a pillow to your ass.” “Shut up,” I brilliantly responded, dusting myself off and storming toward the turquoise sea. Just staring at the ocean as I crossed the short strip of beach already calmed me. I had a feeling sitting out here while reflecting my bizarre predicament would become a normal occurrence these next six weeks. Hearing the waves roll in was so peaceful, I debated running back to the house to grab a towel to sit on since I despised the sand, but that would have made my dramatic exit comical. Forcing myself to sit required a pep talk, and my inner voice quipped I was in the freakin’ Caribbean and needed to suck it up. With my hands behind me, I leaned back. The ends of my hair grazed my lower back as I relaxed my neck to face the sun. Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine how wonderful this place could be if the person I was with appreciated it as much as I did. When Jude said he was in hell, my heart sank. Not because of me, there’s no way I’d think I was his heaven, but St. John was far from hell. Thoughts of the man we’d met at the airport made me smile. I could see why he came here to celebrate with his wife for their anniversaries. It was a shame she wasn’t here now. A seagull squawked and flew overhead. When I opened my eyes, Jude was sitting next to me, his forearms on his knees as he stared out over the water. “How long have you been sitting there?” “Not long.” Turning his head to look at me, he gave me a smile that made my heart beat a bit faster—one I knew could get the attention of anyone in its presence. “I’ve always loved the water.” I simply nodded. “I’m sorry I said this was hell.” “Me too.” I gave him a feeble grin. “That’s twice you’ve told me you’re sorry. Maybe you should consider those words to be your next tattoo.” After taking a shaky breath, I offered, “I don’t know what type of life you lead, but that house is everything I’d ever want or need. It’s simple and beautiful at the same time.” “So, you’re a white picket fence sort of woman?” I hadn’t really thought about it too much in the past, but now being in this predicament, it was hard not to. “I suppose I am. I’m guessing you’re not?” He quirked a brow. “I know you’re not a woman, I meant about the picket fence.” “Two point two kids surrounded by a picket fence has never been anything I’ve dreamt about, so I suppose my answer is no.” “Then it’s probably a good thing we’re only in this for a year.” Even though I picked the wrong guy for the right intentions, knowing we didn’t want the same things saddened me for some reason. Maybe it was because of what I’d been dealing with between Stefan’s cheating, my self-induced unemployment, and the endless interviews that went nowhere—rejection in any form wasn’t pleasant. Jude stood and brushed sand off his legs. Everything the man did was sexy. Maybe I should have picked bachelor number two. Then at least I’d know my heart wouldn’t get broken. He extended his hand to help me up and we stood toe to toe, looking at each other. It was a shame he was such an ass sometimes, because he was perfect in every other way possible. How I wish I could call Vanessa or one of my friends to help me out. Okay, maybe not Vanessa. She’d tell me to jump his bones. Jude's side of the story from where brae stopped. Hunger hit like a freight train. Realizing we hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and the three vodkas I had on the plane weren’t really sustenance, I rubbed a hand over my empty belly. “I’m starving. Let’s order dinner.” “Order dinner?” The way she asked made me snippy. “Yes, order dinner.” I glanced at my Rolex, and added, “It’s only five, but we haven’t eaten all day.” She stood with a smirk like the cat that swallowed the canary. “You do realize we didn’t see any restaurants or eateries on the way to the cottage, right?” Come to think of it, we didn’t. “So, they’re going to starve us? Please don’t tell me there’s a clause in that stupid rule book that says that boat,” I thrust my arm forward and pointed a finger at the little dinghy anchored off shore, “is meant to catch our own meals!” She laughed, and I was pretty sure it was at me. “The fridge is stocked. They aren’t that cruel.” As she walked toward the cottage, she dusted the sand off her ass, and my eyes honed in on the motion. Turning her head, she said over her shoulder, “I’ll cook tonight. You’re welcome.” What the fuck? Cooking? Laundry? Seriously, what the fuck? I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to relieve the tension radiating through me. How was a couple supposed to fall in love when subjected to all this menial labor? I reluctantly followed her, my hunger making my ire even worse. Two things made me very cranky: lack of food and lack of sex. I found her removing ingredients from the fridge, humming as she did, taking her sweet ass time. “Do you need help?” I asked to speed things along. “Yes, can you light the grill outside?” My guess was the very audible sigh I released wasn’t what she was looking for as a response. “Never mind. I’ll do it.” Ignoring her, I went outside to light the fucking grill. I think I did this once in my life at the frat house. How hard could it be? They all had to be the same, right? I stood before it, almost wishing the thing would spontaneously ignite itself. Maybe it was a female grill? The thought made me chuckle. “Okay, be nice,” I said to it as I turned a few knobs and pushed the button marked start. With a small whoosh, the flame sparked to life, bringing with it a smile on my face. I rubbed the hood affectionately. “Thanks, babe. Forced to be here six weeks to ignite my spark, and how ironic if it only ended up being with a grill.” “Who are you talking to?” I turned to see Brae holding a plate of raw chicken. “How long have you been standing there?” “Long enough to know the island heat has baked your brains.” She walked over and plunged a fork into one of the breasts before plopping it on the grill. “Did you season them?” She furrowed her brows. “Not yet.” “You do realize you need to, right?” “After they’re cooked, I will,” she snipped. I knew enough about cooking to know that’s not how it worked, but my line of questioning annoyed her enough to thrust the plate toward me. “You’re welcome to take over.” When I remained still, she nodded. “Yeah, I thought so. You can set the table.” Another sigh caused her to roll her eyes, and I walked back into the shack. After opening and slamming a few cabinets, I pulled out plates, glasses, and utensils. That took me all of three minutes, and then I stood with my hands on my hips while staring into space.. . . . . . . . . . To Be Continued. sorry for the delay, I haven't been with my phone for awhile now,you guys should just Bear with me for the meantime. Thanks & love you all. still your boy #pricelezz
5 Jun 2017 | 10:56
5 Jun 2017 | 16:43
5 Jun 2017 | 17:23
5 Jun 2017 | 17:23
5 Jun 2017 | 17:25
5 Jun 2017 | 18:33
Alright we are with you
5 Jun 2017 | 19:24
5 Jun 2017 | 19:38
Hoping to c more of u
6 Jun 2017 | 14:04
*******************episode 14********************* . . . . .Continuation Of Jude's side of the story from Last episode at the fuck was I supposed to do with myself now? I could jerk off, but even that made me cranky. I glanced out the window to see a very vague outline of her body surrounded by white billowing smoke. Part of me felt like I should check on her, the other said fuck it. I walked to the small TV and switched it on. Static. Switch. Static. Switch. Spanish News. Switch. Static. Switch. Soap Opera. “Goddamn it!” I jerked the knob to turn it off. My eyes darted around the room, looking for something to do. Boredom aggravated by hunger hit me full force, and it wasn’t a good combination. On the coffee table was her girly magazine and a pen. Desperation had me picking it up and flipping it open. The crease in the spine forced open a page that read—How does your man rate? I only managed to read six of her answers, but it was enough to know she thought I was an asshole. Guilt had me slapping the periodical back on the table when I heard her coming through the door. I made the mistake of glancing at the plate where what looked like three large lumps of coal sat practically whimpering over their condition. Humming to herself, she seemed unfazed that she cremated our already dead dinner. I continued to watch in disbelief as she put a plate of salad and wilted vegetables on the table beside the chicken. “Honey, dinner is ready,” she said with a saccharin smile. I was absolutely starving, but there was no way I could eat this meal. God, what I wouldn’t do for a Spark’s Steakhouse sirloin right now . . . heh, Sparks. She helped herself to a serving of each and started sawing through the charred chicken, oblivious to my gawking. Her eyes cut to mine as she huffed. “Do you expect me to serve you too?” “Um, I can’t eat this.” I was sure my prick-ish behavior would further her negative opinion of me, but damn it, I was starving and this wasn’t going to cut it. She waved a hand to the fridge behind us, and said, “There’s plenty in there for you to eat. Feel free to help yourself. You live here as well.” My eyes focused on the meal already prepared, then to the fridge, then back. On the one hand, I could eat now, even if it was crap. If I started from scratch, it could be another twenty minutes before my stomach was fed. Flipping back and forth like watching a tennis match, the sound of her knife screeching across the ceramic plate forced my decision. I stood and stormed over to the fridge, which only took three steps, and yanked it open. Eggs. That would be the quickest thing to make. Finding some cheese, peppers, and onions, I prepped and made a quick omelet without uttering a word. Seven minutes later, I was sitting with my edible dinner. She glanced at my plate, eyeing the contents like it was a gourmet meal. “So, you can cook?” Around a mouthful of food, I said, “I never said I couldn’t. You assumed.” Pointing to her plate that still held more than half a charred breast, I added, “No wonder you’re so skinny. It has nothing to do with not eating meat, you just suck at cooking.” Loading my fork up with a healthy bite of eggs and peppers, I lifted it toward her. “Want some?” She leaned away like I was offering her road kill. “Suit yourself.” I shoved the forkful into my mouth and moaned in pleasure. “Mmmm, not so bad, if I do say so myself.” “Okay, hotshot. You just earned cooking as your chore for the duration of our stay. Congrats.” “And what is your chore going to be?” I shoved more eggs into my mouth with a smirk. “Keeping your man happy?” I asked with an obvious wiggle of my eyebrows. “Yeah, no. I’ll do the laundry.” She pushed her plate away with a shake of her head. “Why are you such a jerk?” “You tell me.” I pointed to where the magazine lay, and said, “You seem to have all the answers.” Her eyes followed, her brows puckered together in confusion. “What answers?” “Oh, let’s see. Question number four, would your man put you before his own needs? You don’t know me enough to answer ‘hell no.’” I stretched and grabbed the magazine off the end table, tossing it between us. “So, you’re my man now? That’s not about you,” she quipped. It didn’t occur to me it could be someone else. I mean, why was she here if she was attached? Then again, how could someone like her not be attached? Remorse had me hanging my head and mumbling, “Sorry. I assumed it was.” The pained look on her face caused a lump to form in my throat. “You don’t have to explain. It’s none of my business.” While I stared at my plate, the sound of her chair scraping against the hardwood floor caught my attention. She stormed over to the small kitchen and dumped the contents of her plate into the garbage. Feeling like a heel, I followed to grab a beer from the fridge, also having lost my appetite. The water splashed around her hands as she scrubbed her plate before leaning into the counter with her head down. After expelling a long breath, she turned her head to look at me. “Remember when I told you I was unemployed?” “Yes.” “My boss was my boyfriend. One day, I caught him cheating on me with his secretary, so I impulsively quit. My love life was a big cliché, I was unemployed, and . . .” “And?” “Nothing.” Brae turned toward me, her back against the edge of the sink. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, and added, “I know you think a lot of yourself, which is fine, but like you said, I don’t know you well enough to judge. Thanks to your vagueness, I don’t know much about you aside from you’re Swedish and have two ex-friends who seem more like your brothers. Maybe you shouldn’t push them away. If you keep up the high and mighty attitude, they might be all you have left one day.” My eyes widened at her response. Sparky was the perfect name for her. “One ex-friend. Luca had nothing to do with this,” I said, trying to bring some levity into our conversation. She wasn’t amused, nor was she interested in continuing this discussion, made obvious by the scowl on her face. I expected her to go into the bedroom and slam the door, but since we were technically in the bedroom, Brae surprised me when she pulled a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and one glass out of the cabinet. She uncorked the bottle and poured a healthy serving. Every movement was like a dance. Her lithe body, which I’d assumed to be tense, appeared relaxed. I wasn’t going to apologize again, but I was sorry about her job. Her ex sounded like an ass. I didn’t condone cheating. Even though there was a lot I still needed to learn about Brae, I couldn’t imagine why any hot-blooded male would cheat on her. Silence stretched between us. I had no idea what to say to help her feel better. In the defeated way her shoulders sagged, her stunning brown eyes dull and hollow, there was a lot more to her problems than her asshole of a boss/boyfriend cheating and her being jobless. Before I could ask, or attempt to console her, she slipped out the back door, closing it behind her with a firm click. Through the window, I watched her drag one of the lounge chairs out the gate and onto the stretch of beach. She positioned it facing the ocean and settled on it while staring ahead, nursing her wine. A lump I didn’t understand formed in my throat. Was it pity? Remorse? Whatever it was, I had no idea what to do about it. . . Brae's side of the story . . . I couldn’t believe I admitted that to him. That look on his face, I knew it well. It was the same look the foreclosure representative from my parents’ bank had on his face when he said, “I’m sorry, Ms. Daniels. You’re running out of time.” It was the same look Stefan had when his eyes cut away from her face to mine as he fucked her in his office. It was a look that instantly made me sick to my stomach. There was no way I needed him feeling sorry for me. I couldn’t handle that on top of everything else I needed to worry about. I preferred him being a prick—that, I could fight against. Pity made me defenseless, and that was worse than anger. I’d rather be angry. Over the past few months, being angry at the bloodsucking banks and Stefan became a motivator to get me to do something about my situation. I’d be damned if Jude Soren derailed my goals just by feeling sorry for me. That alone was enough to force me to make a deal with myself. For the rest of our time together, I’d push the weight of my worries to the back of my mind and focus on the prize. Money was my motivator. Jude was just a means to an end. Even if it meant being the better person—and being nice to him. ... TBC.
9 Jun 2017 | 14:51
so dis story still dey exist
12 Jun 2017 | 04:13
**********episode 15********** . . . Continuation of Brae's side of the story from last episode. . “Brae?” The use of my real name surprised me more than his appearance. He came to stand beside me. His hands shoved into his pockets made him look insecure. It wasn’t a trait he normally possessed. “Are you okay?” I plastered a bright smile on my face. “Yes, I’m fine.” Lifting my glass, I drained what was left. “The wine is decent. You should have some.” One corner of his lips lifted in a half smile. “Maybe I will.” He took the glass from my hand and walked away without another word. A few minutes later, he dragged the second lounge chair over to where I sat. I couldn’t stop another smile—a genuine one this time—when I saw him balancing two glasses of wine in his other hand. “Here you go. I assumed you’d want a refill.” Our fingers touched, and I paused before taking the glass. “I didn’t poison it,” he teased at my hesitation. “Good to know. I’m just surprised you’re being nice to me, I guess.” My stomach twisted when I considered the reason was probably pity. Refusing to succumb to those negative emotions, I took a sip and grinned. “Thank you. That was sweet, Jude.” “My pleasure.” He looked out at the darkening ocean as I stared at his profile. Straight nose, firm square jaw, and that damn delicious scruff would be hard to resist if I had met him in the real world. He was just the type I’d be attracted to. Feeling my gaze, he turned his head as I looked away. “We missed the sunset,” I said, forcing his attention away, as if to confirm I was right. “There will be others. Are you tired?” “Yes, a little. I should probably turn in soon. It’s been a long couple of days.” Reminding myself not to be snarky—or sparky, as he enjoyed calling me—I refrained from mentioning the horrible night’s sleep I had on the rock hard sofa in our room last night. “Are you a lefty or a righty?” When I didn’t reply right away, he clarified, “Do you sleep on the left or right side of the bed?” “The middle, but I’m good both ways. You can decide.” “Hmmm. . . . ambidextrous. That could prove to be a very positive trait in our growing friendship.” I couldn’t help but laugh. “So, we’re friends now?” “Sure, why not? That’d be new for me, being friends with a hot chick,” he placated with a humorous tone. I laughed again. “I don’t know what’s more insulting, the fact that you’re reluctant to be friends, or the fact that you referred to me as a chick.” “Woman. Sexy woman. Hot, sexy, beautiful woman who purrs. Does it matter how I label it?” He frowned and groaned. “Ugh. I just remembered how much you snore.” He pointed to the wine. “Drink up. Maybe that will knock you out and quiet the buzz saw living inside you.” “I don’t snore.” Before he could respond, I quickly added, “You’ll never be able to prove it either. Your grand plan of taping me is null and void since you don’t have a phone with you.” “Doesn’t mean I don’t have a recording device. Well, GoPro. Kyle packed my GoPro. I guess the idiot thought I’d need it to record some mad surfing or . . . something.” He chuckled, but didn’t explain further. “Or something?” I prompted. He cut his eyes to mine with that sexy smirk on his lips. “Do you really want to know?” Did I? “Sure, why not,” I admitted with a shrug. “The last time I used it may have been to make a homemade movie of sorts . . .” “Ugh,” I croaked, thrusting a firm hand in his face. “Stop right there. On that note, I’m going to unpack and get ready for bed.” I swung my legs over the side of the chaise and stopped before walking away. “Unpack?” “Yes. You know, you take clothes out of a suitcase and place them in drawers. Some you hang on hangers in the closet.” I quirked my lips, mimicking his smirk. “I’m not living out of a suitcase for six weeks, and neither are you.” He rolled his eyes and groaned, as if my statement completely exhausted him. It was clear this man had people in his life to do such simple tasks like packing, cooking, and laundry. If he thought I was going to take on all those roles, he had another thing coming. “Also, if you need to pee, now would be a good time to use the bathroom.” “Seriously, what do you do in there? You don’t need primping.” Unfolding his body, he released a long, drawn out groan as he stood beside me. “We need to work out a schedule.” “It’s simple. I’ll warn you before I start my morning and night routine. The rest of the day, have at it.” I took a few steps before stopping again. “Just be sure you clean up after yourself. I’ve heard using a sock helps,” I said, winking, then laughed out loud at the shocked look on his face. It felt good to laugh. “Last chance to get in before I do.” He scurried past me and bolted right into the bathroom. A few minutes later, he appeared and waved a hand. “It’s all yours.” It was annoying how little time he spent on himself, yet could always look so fucking hot. “Don’t forget to unpack,” I demanded before shutting the door behind me. Of course, he left the bathroom a mess. His towel lay on the floor, and cluttered on the counter was an opened tube of toothpaste oozing onto the Formica, a generic tube of hair gel, a comb, an electric trimmer, a razor, and a can of non-descript shaving cream. Hmmm . . . I wonder if he manscapes? His blue glass bottle of cologne caught my eye. I glanced at the shower and noticed the shampoo bottle had the same generic label as his other products. The man’s hair was impeccably styled and he used no name brands? Picking up the tube, I flipped open the cap and sniffed the masculine scent. Did the man shop at a Dollar Tree for his toiletries? Next, I picked up his cologne. Like an idiot, I glanced behind me, even though I was alone in the small room, pulled off the gold cap, and turned the nozzle to spray it away from me. When the blast of liquid hit my neck, I almost dropped the bottle in shock. Shit, shit, shit. Grabbing a towel, I ran it along my neck after placing the bottle back. My reflection in the mirror displayed a red splotchy neck from scrubbing, which blended well with my red face. After a few long minutes, I took a deep, calming breath, and emerged from the bathroom to find him on the left side of the bed staring into space. My entrance broke his trance, his greenish-brown eyes landing on my face. They didn’t stay there long before he dragged his gaze down and back up my body. I purposely packed functional, very unromantic sleepwear. But the way he leered at my sleeveless plaid top and matching shorts made me feel completely exposed. What was even more disturbing was the way the quilt lay across his lap. It left an unnerving mystery as to what he was wearing to bed. God help me if he was naked. He wouldn’t do that, would he? That would be all I needed to make this already uncomfortable situation completely unbearable. Walking over to the front door, I unlocked and then re-locked the deadbolt. I could feel his eyes on me as I crossed the cottage to do the same with the back door. I refused to look at him as I checked to make sure the burners on the stove were all in the off position, grabbed a steak knife from the drawer, and turned on the microwave lamp. Tucking the knife under the mattress, so only the handle stuck out, I flicked off the main light and lifted the quilt to slide into bed. It was only then I chanced looking at him. His folded arms and raised brow forced me to involuntarily ask, “What?” “Afraid we’ll be murdered in our sleep? Or do you have plans to kill me?” “Unlike you, I wouldn’t fare well in jail. One can never be too safe.” I motioned to the door. “Plus, we’re in the middle of nowhere.” TBC.
13 Jun 2017 | 04:57
13 Jun 2017 | 14:44
13 Jun 2017 | 15:22
Of course you are in the middle of nowhere
13 Jun 2017 | 19:10
Hmmm don't try anything funny with her
13 Jun 2017 | 20:43
Am sure she didnt keet that thre becos of Jude
13 Jun 2017 | 21:27
next ......
20 Jun 2017 | 17:06
*************episode 16************* . . . Continuation of Brae's side of the story from last episode. “Oh, Sparky, you are one complicated chick.” The stunning smile he gave me eased the insult. “Why do you smell like me?” He leaned over and sniffed. “Yup, that’s my cologne, all right.” The look in his eyes told me I was busted. “I was trying to clean your messy side of the counter and it slipped. Can you please put the top on your toothpaste? Is that hard?” There, that should cover it. Ignoring the second part of my statement, he smirked his sexy, yet annoying smirk. “It slipped and sprayed onto your neck? Or maybe you just like how I smell?” “No, I was turning it to see the brand and it slipped. Did you make it in your basement?” I changed the subject, again. “No, but Kyle did.” The confused look on my face prompted him to say, “He’s a jackass, but the man is a genius when it comes to cosmetics. It’s what he does.” “That explains the no frills packaging. I hope he tests his products before you use them.” “Yeah, on me and Luca. Luca already grew a third nut.” He cracked up at my wide-eyed expression. “I’m kidding, Sparky.” “Goodnight, Jude,” I said, as I rolled over to hide my smile. “Goodnight, Sparky,” he said before rolling onto his side. There was barely any space between our backsides, and the warmth of his skin hit mine even though he wasn’t touching me. I could already predict being sore tomorrow from having to sleep as close to the edge as possible to avoid him. The thought elicited an involuntary sigh. “Sparky?” “Yes?” I responded, prepared to hear a snarky sexual comment. “If someone breaks in, I’ll protect you. You can sleep well knowing that. Sweet dreams,” he said, shocking me. “Thank you.” Smiling at his offer, I then added, “You too.” (Jude's side of the story from where brae stopped.) Purr . . . rumble . . . snort . . . whistle. Purr . . . rumble . . . snort . . . whistle. Purr . . . rumble . . . snort . . . whistle. Warm air hit my neck after every snort and whistle. What in the hell? My attempt to move felt constricted. Glancing down, a warm hand rested on my pecs. Further down, her bare leg was laying on mine. If I moved an inch to my right, I’d fall off this bed. But it was the rumbling near my ear that still had my attention. To say she was literally sprawled out would be an understatement. I glanced at the sliver of mattress I was confined to and then to the petite brunette currently hogging the entire bed. Purr . . . rumble . . . snort . . . whistle. Holy cow. I slipped one hand under my pillow, doing my best not to disturb sleeping beauty. With the GoPro in my grasp, I turned it on and positioned it just above my shoulder, aiming it at her face. While I was at it, I skimmed down her body, stopping at key parts, before moving the shot back up to her head. The sounds coming from her could rival a lumberjack. If I weren’t careful, I knew I’d start to laugh, which would definitely wake the beast. God knew I didn’t want to start the day off on a bad note. After what I thought was ample recording time, I clicked off the camera. Rather than stow it back where it was, I stretched to put it in the drawer of the nightstand. The motion caused Brae to stir and release me. “Is it morning?” Her husky voice was sexy as hell. I sat up and hurried to close the drawer. “It sure is. Did you sleep well?” “Mmmm . . .” Her arms stretched over her head, causing her back to arch, and her top to lift, and her belly button to show . . . and my cock started to stretch much like she was. “Yes, did you?” she asked, turning on her side to hold her head up on her bent arm. Her tousled chestnut hair was a mess and there was a crease in her cheek from the way she was passed out all night on her pillow, but she still looked stunning. What was the question? She must have sensed my confusion. “Sleep. Did you sleep well?” “Oh. Yes, I slept fine. I’m used to sharing a miniscule bed and being left with enough space to accommodate the width of half my ass,” I said with a wink before swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. “Did I hog? I’m sor—” Her words halted the moment I turned to face her. In lightning speed, her head whipped around to face the other way. Glancing down at my morning wood, I shrugged. “Sorry. I kind of can’t help it.” “You can by wearing more than those tiny briefs.” She blindly pointed behind her to my crotch. “Well, that’s not true. It really wouldn’t matter what I wore . . . but no can do,” I said with a firm shake of my head. If I had to fight every night against a bed-hogging bear, I intended to do it while being comfortable. Little did she know, one day very soon, I would adopt my own sleep routine. “You’re actually lucky I have these on. This is way more than my usual.” “More?” she mumbled. “Way more,” I repeated. “I have an OCD of my own. I prefer not to wear anything, but I thought I’d cut you some slack until we’re better acquainted.” With her head still turned, I took the opportunity to go into the bathroom. Not only did I need to use it, but after waking up next to her, I needed a cold shower. Using the only time I’d have to myself, I decided to take a bit longer than I normally would—granted, it wouldn’t be as pleasurable as I’d like it to be. Warm water cascaded down my body. When I closed my eyes, visions of Brae stretching and rolling mixed with the raspy sound of her voice had me turning the faucet to cold. I wasn’t in the mood for a fantasy when the real thing was lying ten feet away. Even though the streams felt more like shards of glass on my skin, I still couldn’t rid the images of what I wanted to do to her. One day, I’d take her in this shower and every other area in this house— maybe even outside. What worried me was how long I was going to last until she let me. The sound of a doorbell was enough to force me to turn off the water, grab a towel, and sling it around my waist. The cool porcelain sink felt good under my palms as I leaned against it, trying to rid the images in my mind. It was no use, though. The longer I tried, the more vivid they became. When I pulled the door open, Brae was sitting at the table with an envelope in her hand and a cup of coffee in front of her. Turning, her gaze landed on my chest, then lowered before rising to meet my eyes. “I forgot to bring my clothes in. But you seem to be appreciating this outfit, so if you’d rather me stay in a towel all day, I’d be happy to accommodate you.” She lifted a brow at my snark, but I wasn’t going to apologize again. Turning toward the dresser, I noticed the bed was impeccably made. The throw pillows were even fluffed to perfection. “The housekeeper came already? Is she coming back to clean the bathroom and bring us clean towels? Is that who rang the bell?” “No,” she quipped. “I made the bed. They’ll only be sending a maid once a week to supply clean linens, towels, and groceries.” “Once a week?” Just kill me now. “So, who was at the door?” “A messenger.” She waved the envelope. “He dropped this off.” “What is it?” I walked over to stand next to her. My waist was practically at her eye level. Watching her blush was quickly becoming one of my favorite things. “Can you please put some clothes on? And I don’t know what it is. It’s addressed to both of us.” Leaning down, I whispered, “You should turn your head, or you’re going to get an eyeful.” With a chuckle, I walked to the dresser and opened one of the few drawers she was so kind to leave empty for my stuff. “Can you read that so I know what to wear?” She angled herself away from me. Jude and Brae, We hope you’re enjoying your home away from home. Today, you’ll need to work together to steer yourselves down the right course. Use this time to understand each other’s strengths and help each other in times of weakness. Just like relationships, your ability to work together will be necessary in order to maneuver yourselves to the finish line. Your ride will arrive this afternoon to take you to Caneel Bay. .. .. .. .. . . .TO BE CONTINUED.
28 Jun 2017 | 11:17
Welldone ........ No comment
30 Jun 2017 | 15:45
Bimpevics yes u r right only God knows when. By the way nice one and no comment
3 Jul 2017 | 16:40
hmmnn .......
4 Jul 2017 | 13:55
***************episode 17************* #still on Jude's side of the story from last episode# Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi I stepped into a pair of navy swim briefs and black shorts before shrugging into a black tank top. Since we were going to a bay, I assumed this involved water. “You can turn around now. That’s all it says?” She flipped the card over. “Yes, that’s all it says. What do you think it means?” “Water sports? Why don’t you get ready?” She grumbled something while rummaging through the top drawer before disappearing into the bathroom with a few articles of clothing. The door creaked open. “I made a pot of coffee. I can guarantee it’s much better than my chicken.” She smiled before closing the door behind her. I helped myself, and moaned in pleasure at my first sip. Thank God it was good. Not knowing how long we’d be gone, and not wanting to repeat the hunger pains I had last night, I scoured in the fridge for breakfast. Nothing appealed to me, until I saw pancake mix in the small pantry. She was in the bathroom long enough for me to make a large stack of pancakes, cut up some fresh fruit, and fry some bacon. I couldn’t resist. I could smell that green apple shampoo she used before I saw her. She turned the corner and smiled. Her simple lilac sundress wasn’t sexy in any way, but the visible deep purple string around her neck sure as fuck was. Goddamn, I could only imagine what she looked like in a bikini. And in a short while, I’d be finding out. “Smells delicious.” When she stepped beside me to snatch a berry from the bowl, I had to resist leaning in to sniff her hair. “Is all this for you, or are you sharing?” “I guess I’ll share,” I mumbled, pretending to be put out by doing so. I lifted a piece of bacon and hovered it near her lips. “Pork?” She clenched her mouth into a tight line and leaned backward. “No thank you.” “Suit yourself.” I snapped a piece off with my teeth and released an erotic groan while I chewed. Her face tensed as she did her best to contain a smile. One day, I’d make sure she’d devour bacon. So long as I was making guarantees, one day I would devour her. I had sex with women I liked a lot less than Brae. Compared to her, they were Fords when she was a Rolls. So, who could blame me for wanting to test drive before I committed? . Brae's side of the story . “Welcome to today’s adventure,” a very handsome man greeted us as soon as we arrived on a different part of the island. He was a few inches shorter than Jude, but just as muscular. Where Jude was drop dead gorgeous, Roberto, as the nametag on his tank top read, was handsome in a free-spirit kind of way, with longer hair and darker skin. Roberto’s chocolate brown eyes were on me, mine were on him, and I could feel Jude’s eye’s drilling holes through the side of my head. “I’m Roberto, and I’ll be your kayaking guide here at Caneel Bay.” “Kayaking?” I asked, panicked. Jude sensed my apprehension through my tone and appeased me by saying, “Don’t worry, Sparky. I was on the rowing team at Yale.” Of course he was. “Together, you’ll navigate the beautiful bay where you will see colorful coral and an abundance of marine life, including some of the most spectacular turtles in the Caribbean.” “Are they snapping turtles? I’m not wearing a cup,” Jude snorted, and I elbowed him in the ribs. “Be respectful,” I said, but internally laughed at his joke, immediately remembering his jockstrap comment during the game show. “This is his home, and he’s proud of it.” He muttered something in Swedish, and I could only imagine what it was based on the grin he sported. Unfazed, our guide continued. “You can stow your clothing in the foot locker by the palm tree. Once you’re ready, meet me by the yellow kayak.” Before I knew it, Jude lowered his shorts to reveal a European cut bathing suit American men didn’t wear. As if my eyes were paralyzed, I couldn’t stop staring when he pulled his tank over his head. His body was like a work of art. Each muscle moved with purpose, and his tattoos made him even sexier. “Are you just going to stand there gawking or do you plan on kayaking in that dress you’re wearing?” Jude chuckled at his joke before he threw his clothes haphazardly into the locker and shoved his sandy shoes right on top of the pile. I felt my face heat with embarrassment at being busted. As quickly as I could, I stripped down to my bikini and stowed away my neatly folded dress on top of his mess, putting my sandals away on the shelf at the bottom. When I turned and saw him now gawking at me, I immediately assumed he was making fun of my OCD again. Just as I was about to defend myself, he said, “Purple.” “What? Purple is my favorite color.” I folded my arms, waiting for the insult. “Purple . . . looks . . . good on you.” Our eyes met and held. “Um . . .” Using the small backpack I brought with me as an excuse to change the subject, and never having been in a kayak before, I looked to Jude for advice. “Do you think I can bring this with us?” “Do you need it? What do you have in there?” Taking it from my hand, he pulled the top apart, widening the opening. “Do you really need all this stuff?” He reached in and pulled out a tampon. With his sexy leer, he asked, “No sex tonight, dear?” Mortified, I snatched the bag away from him and closed it. “I’ll just ask Roberto.” “Screw Roberto.” He stepped closer, taking the bag from my hand. “You don’t need this. We’ll only be gone an hour or so.” Taking control of the situation, he put the bag in the locker and slammed it shut. “Wait, I need my sunscreen.” I flipped open the locker again, grabbed the tube, squirted a glob of lotion in my palm, and rubbed it over my exposed skin. “Would you like some?” I added a dollop to his palm, and in a swift motion, he smoothed some over his face and arms. My eyes feasted on his toned skin that now glistened in the sun. On instinct, my tongue moistened my lips. Even the way his muscles contracted when he pushed the locker closed affected me. “We good now?” He cocked his lips to the side. At my nod, he took my hand and led me to the yellow kayak of death waiting for us. I couldn’t even allow my fear to fester. All I could think about was my hand in his. It wasn’t the first time, but it wasn’t any less thrilling. We came to stand beside Roberto, and Jude positioned himself between us. Roberto handed each of us a bright red life vest. Jude dropped my hand to put his on, and I followed his lead. The problem was, he snapped his black straps easily into their receivers, and mine had at least four inches between them. Glancing up, his eyes danced as he laughed at me. “Mine doesn’t fit.” “Sparky,” he said, his tone scolding. “You need to adjust the straps to accommodate the girls.” Roberto moved closer to help, but Jude intercepted, saying, “I’ve got it.” The snark in his tone was unmistakable, but again, Roberto seemed oblivious. The man must have taken a happy pill. Jude came toe to toe with me, his hands first releasing the tension on the top strap and then the bottom. As he concentrated on my vest, I stared up at his face. If I just lifted on my toes, my lips could be on his. My eyes honed in on the way his lips parted just enough for me to see his tongue pressed against his front teeth while he concentrated. His green-brown eyes followed the movement of his large hands. By the time his fingers closed the pieces together across my boobs, my entire body was pulsing. “There, now they’re safe and sound.” He took both hands and patted the padded vest right over my boobs, an obnoxious grin on his face. Then, he did it again, keeping them there the second time. “Are you done?” I arched a brow. “Yep,” he said with a prideful nod. Roberto witnessed the whole exchange with a smile. “You make a very beautiful couple.” “Thank you,” we both responded at the same time. . To Be Continued.
7 Jul 2017 | 22:03
I can see that you guys are now liking each other
8 Jul 2017 | 06:18
At least u guys are beginning to feel something
8 Jul 2017 | 09:06
It looks like you too are now liking each other @poster I will eventually drop this story if you continue posting like this You will post after 10-15 days without giving any explanation for the delay that is not so cool
8 Jul 2017 | 13:16
Buh etz takin lng nw,no doubt i love d story
8 Jul 2017 | 18:20
************episode 18********** (Brae's side of the story from last episode) Jude’s eyes connected with mine and held—again. Whenever he did that, stared at me in that way that made me feel like he wanted me desperately, my brain always malfunctioned. I barely listened through the instructions Roberto recited. I did hear him say, “To complete your challenge, you must kayak out to the red buoy and back. Do you need accompaniment?” I then heard Jude say, “No, we’re good.” That snapped me back to reality. “Good?” My heart pounded in panic. “I’ve never done this before.” “Trust me, I’ve got us.” I glanced out to the bay we would be navigating, completing a mental check. No waves, thank God. No obstacles to maneuver around. Really, it was just one big, open, calm pond. This shouldn’t be too hard. Minutes later, there we were cutting through the calm waters. I held my paddle in a way where neither end touched the surface. We picked up speed, and the gentle breeze blew my hair away from my face. I tilted my head up toward the sun, enjoying the ride, until he barked, “You plan on helping me, Sparky?” “You seem to be doing a good job. You don’t need me.” “Yes, I do. Because if I take a break, this is what will happen.” He stopped paddling and the kayak bobbed and tipped dangerously. With trembling fingers, I gripped my paddle in a false sense of security and gasped. “Okay, stop shaking it. I’ll help.” He chuckled and caused even more rocking. “I said I’ll help!” I yelled, my veins humming with anxiety. “That’s what I thought. Now, do what I do. Sweep.” “Sweep what?” “Your left. Sweep, then right is draw. Sweep. Draw.” Confusion caused my body to freeze like a mannequin. I startled when he barked, “You’re not listening.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I turned to glare at him, the motion dipped us to the right, and before I knew it—splash! Beneath the surface, I heard him yell, “Knulla!” I came up sputtering beside him. Once I caught my breath, I quipped, “Is that another rowing term, Mr. I Was on the Yale Rowing Team?” “No, it means fuck! As in what the fuck! Good job, Sparky,” he scolded. “You can’t bark orders I don’t understand. I’ve never done this before.” By the way he stared at me, I could tell he wasn’t listening. He reached over with his thumb and pointer finger and touched my lips, picking something off them. I swore I felt it everywhere. The cool water did little to cool me off. He lifted his fingers, and said, “Seaweed.” There was nothing remotely sexy about having a piece of seaweed stuck to my lips. But holy hell, my brain shut down without warning. Every part of me in comparison sparked to life. I felt myself sinking, and his arm wrapped around my waist. The damn vests kept our chests apart—too far apart. His long legs dangled with mine beneath the surface. With each move he made, I could feel his manhood brush against my thigh. I held onto his vest, gripping the edges near his bare arms. “Sparky, don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” My words were barely a whisper. His gaze moved to my lips, then back up to my eyes. “We need to get back on,” he said in a sexy rasp. His warm breath fanned my face. Without moving a muscle, he added, “I’ll lift you first.” I’d rather stay right where we were, until something not human brushed against my leg. Just as he placed his hands on my waist, I shrieked and bucked enough to send the kayak floating away from us. “You’re killing me, Sparky.” With a hand on my vest, he towed me toward the kayak and steadied it with his other hand. “I’m going to lift you. Don’t touch the kayak with your hands or you’ll tip it again. Keep them on your vest.” I did as I was told as he turned me to face the kayak. That was when two large hands grabbed my ass cheeks before stilling. When it didn’t look like he’d be moving them, I said, “The only reason I’m allowing this is because I want out of this water. Can you get on with it?” “In a minute. I’m having too much fun.” He chuckled at my glare. “Hey, cut me a break. It’s the little things.” He flexed his fingers, getting a good grip on my ass, and pushed me up. Forgetting everything he said, I reached out with a hand, tilted the vessel to the right, and sent it spiraling away from us. “Sparky! I said not to touch the side.” His brows pulled together in an annoyed expression. “I’m sorry.” Instantly, his features softened. “Please, let me do this or we’ll be here all day. And I really don’t want to find out the hard way that there are snapping turtles in here.” Repeating the steps again, his vest hit the side, causing it to flip upside down. “I swear I didn’t touch anything.” His only response was a sigh. After a few more failed attempts, I was beginning to think we’d never get out of that water. Where it was pristine and gorgeous when we started, it suddenly turned murky. Things kept touching my legs, and I was getting the heebie jeebies the longer we were submerged. Jude glanced toward the shore. “Can you swim to the shore?” I followed his gaze, and shrieked, “Hell no! Are you nuts? That’s like a mile.” “It’s like fifty yards, but fine. We’ll get in this fucking banana one way or another. I’ll hold it still. Climb me and get in.” “Climb you?” My thoughts immediately went to Vanessa and how she told me to climb him like a tree. My nipples pebbled, and it didn’t have anything to do with the water surrounding us. “Yes,” he said like I was a five-year-old. “Hold my vest, put your foot on my thigh, then the other, and climb into the kayak.” Doing as I was told, I found myself sitting just where I was supposed to be. Flashing a smile he couldn’t see, I bragged, “Yay, I did it.” “Good girl. Now, don’t move,” he threatened. “It’s going to rock. Just sit still.” I sat stone still as he retrieved our paddles from nearby and handed them to me. When the kayak leaned dangerously close to the surface of the water, my heart stopped. My gut instinct was to scream and jump, but his voice repeated, “Don’t move!” I barely blinked for fear of getting in trouble, and waited until he situated himself behind me. He released a very audible breath, and said, “Okay. Let’s try this again. Sweep.” “Are you kidding me? Just say left or right.” “Fine, Sparky. Left.” A moment later, he deadpanned, “Your other left.” (Jude's side of the story) I’d never been so happy to see dry land. Once we removed our life vests, Roberto raked his eyes over Brae while smiling wide as we approached him. He took our vests, and asked, “Did you have a good time? You looked like professionals once you got the hang of it.” “Thank you. It was just wonderful.” Brae smiled with pride as if she just rowed the English Channel. “It was spectacular. Such smooth, clear water. Kayaking should be something everyone tries. I’d do it every day if I lived here.” I shook my head in disbelief at her exaggerated reply. Roberto clapped his hands together. “You are welcome anytime, and if your boyfriend is busy, I’d be happy to go with you.” “Thank you. I’ll remember that.” Did she just bat her eyes? She had to be one hell of a sales person. She had me sold even though I experienced that disaster with her. There wasn’t a question whether Roberto was also sold on her. His eyes kept roaming her body and a perpetual smile lifted the corners of his stupid mouth. Brae laughed. “As soon as I understood what sweep and draw meant, I did much better.” Roberto grinned. “You can just think left and right. The idea is to relax your mind and enjoy the ride.” Cutting her eyes to mine, she smiled sweetly, “We’ll remember that next time, won’t we, honey?” To Be Continued.
16 Jul 2017 | 20:32
please guys, I really want to apologize on My delay in posting the story. I will Make it to guys soon
16 Jul 2017 | 20:38
Continue........ Following
17 Jul 2017 | 02:49
17 Jul 2017 | 06:09
17 Jul 2017 | 13:33
Next o
17 Jul 2017 | 14:32
Ride on
17 Jul 2017 | 16:47
We wil be xpecting,@pricelessprince
17 Jul 2017 | 18:01
Jude i truly feel ur pain and worries, sometimes girls can be...... :b
17 Jul 2017 | 18:38
*************episode 19*********** Continuation of Jude's side of the story from last episode Honey? Hello, green light. “You better believe it, sweetheart.” In one swift motion, she was in my arms. Just like in a dance, I dipped her backwards, making a production of it, and stared into her eyes like a long lost lover. The hollow of her neck pulsed as she worked down a swallow. When her lips parted in an attempt to say something, I closed the small gap between us. As the kiss progressed, so did my want for her. With one hand on the back of her neck, I could feel her pulse pound beneath my fingers. My other hand, having a mind of its own, gripped her thigh and brought her leg up to wrap around my hip. The more we made out in front of that tool, Roberto, the more I wanted to stretch her out in the sand and really give him a show. Brae’s hands squeezed my biceps. This move could have been interpreted in a couple of ways. She either, A, wanted more of me, or B, was signaling for me to stop. Naturally, I chose option A, but of course I was wrong. She mumbled something into my mouth. Her tongue stopped moving and the firm grip once on my arms was now planted on my chest. When I finally released her mouth, she sighed. Our eyes connected and if it weren’t for Roberto clearing his throat, we probably would have continued to stare at each other. Something about this woman intrigued me, but my feelings confused me. Part of me still wondered what could make her so desperate to be willing to go away and marry a stranger for money. The other part, my ego, felt protective. Roberto looked at her with interest. If Luca or Kyle saw her in a bar, I would bet my left nut they’d make a play for her. Of course, I would have as well, but that was beside the point. “Let’s get out of here.” I released the hold I had on her leg and pulled her upright. Her flushed skin mixed with the sun we got today made her glow. Taking her hand in mine, I strode away from Roberto while he stood, subtly adjusting himself. “Thanks, Roberto,” I called over my shoulder. “Why did you do that?” she asked as I tugged her along. “You never know, Roberto could be a mole.” She turned her head to look at him. “You think?” “Maybe.” I had to suppress a chuckle. This mole theory could work to my advantage. Hand in hand, we walked to the locker to gather our belongings and got dressed. Her stomach growled, making me laugh. “Are you hungry, Sparky?” “I am.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a granola bar. My stomach chimed in and internally kicked me for not bringing one for myself. That’s when she handed it to me and pulled out another. “Thank you.” I peeled the foil wrapper back and took a bite. “My pleasure. Call it an appetizer. What do you want to eat?” She slid the bar in her mouth and took a healthy bite. Between her lips wrapping around the bar and her question, my first instinct was to say, “You.” Instead, I said, “Lady’s choice.” “You’re being awfully kind. First you saved me in the water, even though it was your fault we tipped, Mr. Sweep then Draw.” She laughed. “And now you’re letting me choose what we’re having for dinner?” “You’re right. I’ve been too nice. Forget I asked. Now, move your ass because I’m hungry.” Rather than the snarl I normally received, she let out a hearty chuckle. Damn, this woman was going to drive me crazy. I just couldn’t wait to get my head between her legs so I could repay the favor. “You’re a really good cook. If all else fails in the finance world, you could open a restaurant.” Brae sat back in the chair with her hand on her stomach and a satisfied look on her face. “Thank you, but I think I’ll stick to finance.” What did this woman eat at home? Frozen dinners? All I did was grill steak and bake a potato. Just as I was about to relax outside, there was a knock on the door. Both of us stood to see who it was. That’s when we noticed a piece of paper lying on the floor. Great. Another note. I retrieved it and began to read it aloud. Jude. “Hmmm, this one is just for me.” Brae sidled up beside me to read it, but I spun around, holding it above my head. “Let me see!” “No. Ever hear of privacy laws?” I cupped it in my hand, shielding her away from it with my back. As my eyes scanned the words, my brain had trouble following. You shall provide an act of chivalry in the form of giving. In this exercise, Brae is the sole recipient. You are the giver. This act cannot revolve around household chores and needs to be more than holding a door open—although, that’s always a nice thing to do. Did they think I was raised by wolves? Just remember, this is all to please Brae. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi Well, pleasing a woman was my specialty. “What does it say?” Brae stretched her neck as far as she could in an attempt to see around me. Putting her out of her misery, I told her, “It says I need to pleasure you.” I licked my lips. “Finally, something to look forward to.” Her eyes widened in shock. “No, it doesn’t. Give me that.” She ripped the note from my hand and I watched as her eyes frantically scanned the words. “You’re such an ass. It doesn’t say pleasure me. It says you need to please me.” “Meh, same difference.” With each step I took toward her, she took one back. “What’s the matter, Sparky? You look nervous.” She flicked her hand back and forth. “Don’t be ridiculous.” She then raised that shaky hand up to rub the back of her neck. “Um . . . I’m getting tired. I’m going to clean up the dishes and then go to bed.” “I’ve got this. Why don’t you go take care of your nighttime ritual so we both can get to bed before midnight?” Brae smiled at me. “Are you sure you don’t mind? I’d like to take a shower. I feel very stiff all of a sudden.” Humph . . . stiff. Welcome to my world, sweetheart. “No, go ahead. I’ll take one when you’re done.” There was no way in hell I was going to be able to sleep. Between the scent of apples, her moaning, and lack of sex, I was doomed. “Can you please stop moaning? It’s after midnight.” “I’m so sorry. My shoulders are killing me and I can’t get comfortable.” Brae rolled over, laying on her stomach in her signature X form. Her short pajama shorts hugged her ass like a fucking glove. I studied her for a moment before getting the best idea I’d ever had. Reaching over to the nightstand, I grabbed the complimentary bottle of lotion. Sparky shifted just as I sat up and straddled her upper legs. “What the hell are you doing?” She craned her head back, then groaned. I leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “I’m going to please you now. Call it a Swedish massage.” My dick got the wrong idea. He woke up, ready for action, but, sadly, this was going to be all for her tonight. Glancing down at my cock, I whispered, “Next time, buddy.” “What?” Brae spoke, my dick flinched, and I moaned. The cotton of her top provided a barrier, but it wasn’t enough, nor would it suffice. With a dollop of cream on my hand, I reached under her tank top and began to rub her soft skin. “Mmmm . . . that feels amazing.” With each movement I made, my now rock hard dick rubbed up and down her ass. “Shhh, try not to talk. Just relax.” Knowing this was going to be impossible for her to accomplish, I readied myself for her to keep talking. With gentle pressure, my thumbs rubbed each side of her spine from her waist to her neck and back down, each stroke firmer than the last. My fingers got in on the action as they rubbed her sides. Her skin felt like silk under my palms, which continued to caress every inch of her back. In a long glide, my hands went from the top of her ass to the base of her neck. Her eyes were closed, her lips curved up, and her face was relaxed. The more I rubbed, the more she moaned, so I kept repeating the motion. In her defense, her back was tense. The muscle just above her shoulder blades had a large knot in it, which I worked with my thumbs. Inching my way down her body, I stared at the waistband of her shorts. If I attempted to pull them off, I knew she’d flip out, so I just took a chance and rubbed her over the cotton. This woman must live to do squats. The tone of her ass was perfection in my hands. TBC.
22 Jul 2017 | 23:48
hmmmm your buddy is waiting for action o
23 Jul 2017 | 09:39
23 Jul 2017 | 15:02
When is the next episode coming
23 Jul 2017 | 17:28
Waooo so lovely to read
24 Jul 2017 | 18:11
************episode 20*********** JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY skimmed my hands around her hips to massage her lower abdomen. She lifted slightly to allow me better access, and I took the liberty, rubbing close enough to her mound so if she had hair there, I’d feel it . . . but she was fucking bare. God help me. Moving back around to her ass, my thumbs continued exploring. Now, under her shorts, they moved up and down, but never hit pay dirt. I couldn’t without asking, “Brae? Is this okay?” “Feels wonderful.” Her voice sounded euphoric. “Don’t stop.” “Are you sure?” If my dick could punch me or tell me to shut the hell up, he would have. “Yeah, I’m sure. I’m so tight.” Fuck me. I knew she was talking about her muscles from rowing today, but hearing her moan and using words like “tight” and “don’t stop” was killing me. I shifted off her to get more lotion before positioning myself between her legs. With a hand on each thigh, I began to move, up and down, squeezing with each gentle motion. Every part of this woman was perfection. Even her pink-painted toes, which I was now working on one by one. When my fingers rubbed the arch of her foot, she flinched and almost kicked me in the head. “Sorry, I’m ticklish,” she giggled. “I’ll try not to do that again.” Moving back up her legs, I angled myself on my stomach, so my face was in line with her ass. How I wanted to kiss, bite, and own it. Maybe one day, but for now, I’d pleasure her, and not because that damn card told me to. Mainly because I wanted to. Yes, this was supposed to be for her, but I’d have to be dead not to also get pleasure out of watching her come at my hand. In a slow motion, I rolled her over, shifted the fabric covering her pussy I now knew to be bare to the side, and waited for her objection. None came. Perfectly pink, glistening with wetness I no doubt caused, it beckoned for me to touch it. Who was I not to comply? I paused for a moment to glance up at her face. God forbid she’d fallen asleep and I took advantage of her, but she wasn’t sleeping. Her eyes met mine. Her breasts rose and fell in rapid breaths. She wanted this. Thank fuck. Her pajama shorts were hampering my plans. With our eyes pinned, I dragged them off her legs, leaving her exposed. Again, I waited for her to stop me, but she never did. Unwilling to give her a moment to overthink what was happening, I repositioned myself and blew a stream of air onto her bare flesh, watching it twitch in acceptance. My fingers hovered over it, aching to touch, but knowing once they did, they wouldn’t stop until she came all over them. Using just my right index finger, I ran it alongside her opening. My left hand firmly held her thigh as I spread her open just a bit. I licked my finger that had just touched her and practically came in my shorts at the taste of her. With my finger now wet, I gently slid it inside her. Her ass bucked up a bit, but I ignored it. Not wanting this to end right away, I took my time—stroking it in and out, then around her clit and back in again. Each of my movements caused her to jolt, as if my touch was electric. My lips were so close. Touching her was one thing, but tasting her would be entirely different. Yet, being where I was, there was no way I could stop now. Moving forward, I flicked my tongue against her clit before flattening it against her opening. Having the evidence of her arousal on my mouth spurred me to focus on that one spot. Without moving my head, I continued to apply pressure with my mouth while my hands spread her thighs farther apart. Her arousal on my tongue tasted even sweeter than it did on my finger, as I knew it would. What I hadn’t expected was how satisfying this actually was. Not that I was a selfish asshole when it came to pleasing a woman, but generally speaking, I’d get some satisfaction out of it in the form of an orgasm. Oddly, I wasn’t thinking about myself getting off, just Brae. “Jude . . .” Brae’s hands landed on my head just as her legs shifted, squeezing my body. Her fingers grabbed my hair, giving it a gentle tug. “Shhh, I’m just getting started. Please don’t stop me.” Brae stiffened for a moment before she relaxed, letting her arms fall to the side. Alternating my finger, thumb, and tongue caused her to tremble. Knowing she was getting close, I slowed. Yes, this was supposed to be for her pleasure, but I wasn’t ready for this to end, no matter what my cock was telling me. Reluctantly, I removed my mouth from her pussy and climbed up to lie by her side. “Jude,” she repeated, but the way she said my name this time was more like a plea to keep going. Her next command confirmed it. “Please.” “Patience, Sparky.” I slipped my fingers back inside her to resume my efforts, using my thumb where my tongue had been. With my free hand, I lifted her shirt and cupped her breast. Her pebbled nipple hardened further under my palm. “Yes, just like that.” She moved her hand on top of mine and applied pressure to it. Holy shit. Sparky had a naughty side. “I’ve got you, Sparky. Just relax.” Her hips bucked against my fingers as I curled them up just enough to find the one spot that set her on fire. Pinching her nipple with one hand while fucking her with my other brought her to her peak. “Oh my God!” Her entire body trembled under my touch. I claimed her mouth with mine. My tongue mimicked the movements of my fingers as her pussy pulsed around them. She broke the kiss to say my name before her body relaxed. A sheen of sweat coated me as I rolled onto my back. All I could do was stare at the ceiling. If I looked at her, I knew I’d want more. The bed shifted when Brae sat up. “Jude.” I glanced at her, and my hand instinctively covered my hard cock. The way her skin flushed and lips parted further worsened my condition. “Are you . . .” She looked down at my boxers. “Do you need me to . . .” “I’m fine, Sparky. I’m just going to go take a quick shower.” Brae simply nodded. “I know what the card said, and that’s why you did what you did, but . . .” “Sparky, the only thing the card said was to do something nice for you, thus the massage. The rest was me taking the opportunity. I’d been wanting to touch you since we got here. I’m a man, it’s what we do.” A tight smile crossed her face. “I see.” Without another word, I retreated into the bathroom. With a door now separating us, I was able to breathe. The water from the shower did little to satisfy me, and after seeing the look on her face, jerking off wasn’t even an option. The desire was gone—deflated, if you will. Five minutes later, I was towel dried, back in a clean pair of boxers, and climbing into bed. Brae lay on her side facing away from me. I climbed in behind her, not knowing whether she was awake or not, and pulled her into my arms. While I was gone, she put on her pajama shorts and was tucked under the covers. She immediately stiffened against me, contradicting the way she responded to what I did to her a few minutes earlier. Surmising she must be feeling embarrassment, I tightened my hold in an attempt to comfort her. With her back pressed against my chest, I whispered into her ear, “Goodnight, Sparky. Sweet dreams.” Brae didn’t say anything, didn’t even flinch. But goosebumps appeared on her arms. She definitely heard me, and that was all that mattered. BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Every bone and muscle in my body protested my movements. Morning sunshine beamed through the windows. As I rolled over a bit, I realized I wasn’t in the bed—the place where Jude made my body come alive and then dismissed it as if it didn’t happen. Which was why I was on the sofa. I sat up and looked at him, all comfortable in the center of the mattress, his backside exposed since he slept over the comforter. He groaned and shifted his body a bit. That groan. The same one I heard last night when he brought me to one of the most intense orgasms of my life. Ironically, I remembered his response to my question. What was the last gift you gave a woman? The best orgasm of her life. But just like a man, he acted like it didn’t matter. For most of the night, I stared at the ceiling fan above the bed. I watched it spin, counted the rotations, and tried to fall asleep with no luck. At least not while I was lying next to him—not while replaying his words. I had a feeling he had a line for every situation, and by the talents he showed last night, he’d probably used them before. I was sure I had just become another meaningless conquest. TO BE CONTINUED .
10 Aug 2017 | 06:10
I love this story but the posted is not helping at all
10 Aug 2017 | 18:13
Nice nice... @poster this ur to be continued should not be long o
11 Aug 2017 | 04:50
@pŕıćéĺèżżpŕíņćě please try to update this story more frequently cos u are making us lose interest in this nice story
11 Aug 2017 | 04:52
***********Episode 21********* CONTINUATION OF BRAE'S OF THE STORY Coffee. That was what I needed to clear this fog out of my head. Once I had my cup in my hand, I turned to stare at Jude. God, why did he have to be so perfect in every physical way? Suddenly, Jude stretched out his arm as if he was searching for something. “Sparky?” I didn’t bother replying. I just took my coffee and headed outside to my happy place. Once lying on the lounger, I took a deep breath and started to relax. As I watched the water roll in, caressing the shoreline, I thought of the real reason I was here. My mantra—keep your eye on the prize—sounded off in my head. Yes, that was all I needed to do. Make it to the end without getting attached and take the money. “Sparky?” He stood beside me, wearing those tiny swim briefs—and, of course, no shirt. “We got another note.” I swore, if the man could walk around naked, he would. “Did you want me to read it through osmosis, or are you going to tell me what it says?” My snippiness was clear in the tone of my voice. Jude cocked one brow as he studied me—or more precisely, my boobs. “Well?” “Sorry, Sparky.” His brows furrowed, probably wondering why I was cranky. When he sat on the side of his lounger while studying me, I snagged the note from his hand and began to read it out loud. Jude and Brae, We hope you’re enjoying your time together. Today, you will be participating in one of our favorite activities. It’s sexy, sensual, and much better when doing it with someone else . . .” “Finally!” Jude abruptly cut me off. “Finally, what? I haven’t even finished reading it.” Before I could read another word, he said, “Sex. I wonder if it’s some island ritual or live porn.” Rather than being completely offended like a rational human being, I just stared at him. After last night, he has the nerve to say that to me? It was official. I was in hell. “Can I continue please? I highly doubt that’s what it is.” Jude shrugged, nonchalant. “Fine, go ahead.” After I let out a long breath, I picked up where I’d left off. It’s sexy, sensual, and much better when doing it with someone else. Please head down to the beach just beyond the fence at seven this evening for your first Rumba lesson. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi “What the fuck is Roomba? Isn’t that a vacuum? We’re going to clean the beach? What the hell kind of vacation is this?” He threw his hands in the air. Was he serious? “No, you idiot. I said Rumba . . . rum, like the alcohol. It’s a dance.” “I’m in. You had me at sex and alcohol.” I sighed. “I never said sex.” “No, Chippy did.” Realizing this was getting us nowhere, I got up to get another cup of coffee. “You’re ridiculous.” He followed me to the water spicket and miraculously mimicked my ritual without groaning about it. Once inside, he stood behind me to grab a cup out of the cupboard. When he held it out to me, I set the coffee pot down. “Fill it yourself.” His eyes widened at my reply, but he filled his cup just the same. “Why did you sleep on the couch last night? You should have stayed in bed, you’d be less cranky. Was it your snoring?” He glanced over the rim of his cup as he took a sip. I balked at his cluelessness. Was I supposed to stay in a bed with a man who made me feel cared for and wanted, which was something I hadn’t felt in a long time, only to find out it was because of a note he received? What did he say last night? I’m a man, it’s what we do. So, with that in mind, it had nothing to do with the me and all to do with the note. “I’m going to go shower.” Bringing my coffee with me, I closed and locked the door, knowing full well I’d be using all the hot water. Feeling a bit more relaxed and refreshed, I thought about everything that transpired last night. Hell, his penetrating gaze alone was enough to send me over the edge. But his mouth on me, his fingers in me, the memory of all he did to me, caused my insides to clench. There was no denying my body came alive under his touch . . . To be continue.
16 Aug 2017 | 09:00
Please you guys should just bear with small One. I will continue later.
16 Aug 2017 | 09:02
********************episode 21b****************** CONTINUATION OF BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY nor was there any denying I wanted more. The pale yellow sundress I picked out for today would be perfect for what was planned later. Dancing with Jude would prove to be difficult. The Rumba wasn’t a fast dance, nor was it one where dancer’s bodies didn’t touch. I knew this from a couple sources. One, I was an avid watcher of Dancing with the Stars, and two, I took ballroom dancing as an elective in high school. Naturally, Jude wouldn’t know either one of these facts. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I didn’t see him. Expelling a breath, I wasn’t sure what to do. It wasn’t as though this was a large home and there’d be various places to escape, but I still wanted some alone time. When I peeked outside, I saw the deck was unoccupied. Warmth from the island breeze soothed me as I relaxed on the chaise lounge. I couldn’t help but wonder where Jude was. Not because I missed him, but because we weren’t supposed to be apart for more than an hour or we could be disqualified. My heart raced a bit in fear. I’d kill him if he screwed this up for me. Maybe he didn’t need the money, but I did. Hell, the man didn’t know what a washing machine was. That fact alone piqued my curiosity, but right now, I just needed to know he didn’t bail on me. I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts when I heard breathing—no, panting. Did a stray dog find its way here? When I opened my eyes, Jude was bent over at the waist, hands on his knees—and, of course, shirtless. He glanced at me before snagging a towel off the railing. I quickly slid on my sunglasses to mask my indifference toward him. “Did you have a nice shower, Sparky?” Even the way the man wiped sweat off his body was tantalizing. “You could have let me use the bathroom first to take a piss at least.” My nose crinkled in disgust, but I remained silent. “No worries, though. The palm tree just outside the fence and I are now closely acquainted.” “That’s nice. I hope you two will be very happy together.” I leaned over and picked up my People magazine. “Although, next time you decide to leave, can you please let me know?” “Awww, were you worried about me?” I lowered the magazine with a bored expression and narrowed my eyes. “No, I was worried someone from Ignite Your Spark would come here for one of their surprise visits and I wouldn’t know what to tell them.” Jude quirked his lips to the side. “I like to go for runs in the morning. I just haven’t been able to do that. But, if it makes you happy, I’ll leave a note from now on. You’ve made it clear you don’t trust me. Did you think I packed up and left?” God, that thought saddened me more than it should have. “I didn’t know what to think. I don’t know you.” He nodded once before leaning toward me. Each muscle in his torso constricted. “I don’t run from commitments. I’m here, and that’s all you need to worry about.” When he stood, his strong body shielded the sun from my eyes. “I’m going to go shower now.” Commitment. He said that word with such conviction, it made me relax just a bit, but not enough to forget he had yet to acknowledge what happened between us last night. The best plan would be for me to act just as unaffected. To be continue.
16 Aug 2017 | 10:14
The updating interval of this story is making this nice story boring
16 Aug 2017 | 12:17
Continue and I hope u update soon
16 Aug 2017 | 13:06
Getting interesting
16 Aug 2017 | 14:51
getting intresting
16 Aug 2017 | 15:19
**************episode 22************** I could still taste her. Neither of us spoke about last night, and I wasn’t sure why. So many times, I thought about bringing it up, but even being in this small house, Brae managed to keep her distance until it was time to go to our dance lesson. Fabulous.   An older woman wearing a red shiny dress stood on a makeshift dance floor sitting on the beach. To be honest, this was ridiculous. This fucking dance was going to be the death of me.   Brae stood about three feet away from me. Every so often, she’d glance at me from the corner of her eye. Aside from that, I was invisible.   “Welcome to the dance of love. I am Belinda, and I will be your instructor today.” Humph, dance of love my ass. “The dance is flirtatious, fun, and very sensual.” She handed Brae a sexy pair of heels. “Put these on, darling, and you’ll be able to move better. Your hips will line up with his.” “Are they really necessary?” Brae dangled the shoes off her fingers and crinkled her nose.   “Yes.”   With a huff, she fastened the shoes on her feet. Belinda wasn’t kidding; they added about four inches to her height.   Belinda took us each by the hand until we faced each other, but Brae refused to look at me. The seagulls appeared to be circling nearby as if they didn’t want to miss the show.   “Brae.” Her eyes cut to mine in an instant.   “Jude.” Fantastic. Her tone mimicked the way she stood—stiff as a board. This was going to be a blast.   “Kids,” Belinda addressed us. “I have instructions that if you two come together as a couple—a team, if you will—the prize will be a couple’s massage. Isn’t that wonderful?”   “It sounds glorious.” Slight sarcasm laced my statement, “Brae loves massages.” That earned me a glare.   “Fabulous.” Belinda clapped her hands together. “Now then, the Rumba. It’s a sensual dance. Flirtatious and fun. Let me set the scene for you.” Our instructor placed my right hand just under Brae’s shoulder blade, her left hand on my shoulder, then put our free hands together. “Jude, you are trying to win Brae’s affections. You will flirt with her, and she will reject your advances.”   Without thought, I let out a chuckle. Considering that wasn’t far off the mark, this should be a piece of cake. Naturally, my partner snarled at me.   Belinda turned on a slow song with a Latin vibe that sounded like something out of a bad porn movie. “Bend your knees and do a box step.” She demonstrated the moves as if she had a partner. “Brae, these are your steps. Move your right foot back first—slow, quick, quick, slow, quick, quick, slow, quick, quick, back, side together, forward, side together, back, then repeat.”   Brae stared at her feet while moving in the same pattern, her hips swaying just like Belinda’s. Then, it was my turn. The steps were the same as Brae’s, but I started going forward rather than back. Seemed easy enough—it wasn’t.   By the tenth time of stepping on Brae’s feet, Belinda jumped in between us. “Jude, watch me and Brae.” Sounded great to me. I could use a little girl on girl action to get the creative juices flowing.   I probably should have been looking at their feet, but when their hips closely gyrated together, I was transfixed on each movement. Sparky had moves. Clearly, she was holding back on me. “Okay, I think I have it now. It’s vertical sex.”   “Oh my God.” Brae rolled her eyes as she started to turn away.   I snagged her by the arm and pulled her into my chest. My lips close to her ear so Belinda wouldn’t hear me, I said, “I want that massage, so dance with me the way you just did with her and we can get out of here. You do want to make it to the end of this farce, don’t you?” Yes, maybe I pressed my lips farther into her ear with each word. Yes, maybe by the last word I pulled her lobe in between my lips. And yes, maybe I pushed my growing excitement into her hips suggestively . . . but I wanted that damn massage.   I straightened, pinning my eyes to hers. “Ready, Sparky?”   Rendered speechless, she nodded before turning to Belinda. “Can you please start the music again?”   With a bright smile, she did as Brae asked, then counted off starting at five. Why did they always do that? Anyway, we heard, “Five, six, seven, eight,” and began to dance, honest to goodness dancing.   Our bodies were in sync and perfect rhythm with the porn music. Then Sparky’s hip grazed my dick and all bets were off. He sprung to life and decided to join the party. My palm on her back pulled her close so there wasn’t even space for sand to come between us.   My hand moved up to the back of her neck. With a swift movement, I pulled the clip out of her hair and cast it aside. Gorgeous waves cascaded over her shoulders. The scent of apple assaulted me, practically beckoning me to inhale it, which I did. I speared my fingers into her hair and pulled her close enough that we were breathing each other’s air.   Our Rumba turned into a scene from Dirty Dancing. Brae’s dress hiked up, almost exposing her ass as she practically rode my thigh. My dance partner let her inhibitions go, just as she did when I went down on her last night. She mumbled something about a prize as she bent backwards, causing her hair to brush my feet and her tits to point to the sky.   Holy fuck.   TO BE CONTIUNED
17 Aug 2017 | 13:38
Just continue
17 Aug 2017 | 19:07
18 Aug 2017 | 04:53
next o
18 Aug 2017 | 06:14
Next pls
18 Aug 2017 | 06:23
18 Aug 2017 | 09:18
he will later turn to ur Mr right
18 Aug 2017 | 10:48
Nice nice... Please continue the update daily
18 Aug 2017 | 12:45
**************episode 23************ BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY   Belinda began to applaud just as the music ended. Jude never released the hold he had on me. Once he pulled me up, my head spun, though I wasn’t sure whether it was the sudden movement, the feeling of his erection on my hipbone, or the way his eyes darkened as he stared at me.   “God, Sparky, you’re beautiful.”   This was all bad. I was at a complete loss at what to do. That’s when Jude licked his lips and I remembered why I was annoyed with him. “You can let me go now.” I pushed my body away from his.   Jude furrowed his brows and looked at me with concern. I turned to Belinda. “Did we pass?”   “Oh, honey, you more than passed. I’ve worked with many couples, some of whom were taking lessons in preparation for their wedding reception. In most cases, these people had known each other for a very long time, but you two put them to shame. I never witnessed such chemistry before. Chip and Barbi are going to be pleased as punch.”   Punch. I liked that word. In fact, I’d love to punch the smug look off Jude’s face.   “Thank you, Belinda.” Jude placed a chaste kiss on the back of her hand.   She blushed before reaching into a bohemian style bag to retrieve an envelope. “Here is the information for the massage.” She pulled me into a hug. “Congratulations, sweetie, he’s a dream.”   Yup, sure was. Jude Soren was every woman’s dream. Wow, did he have them fooled. My guess would be he didn’t stick around long after he got what he wanted to find out whether he was, in fact, a dream or a nightmare. How was he not thinking about what happened last night? Now, if only I could forget it. The problem was, I didn’t know if I wanted to. The bigger problem was I wanted him to do it again. I was so screwed.   As soon as we walked into the house, Jude took his smug ass into the shower. When the water turned on, I was able to let out a breath. Being on pins and needles all day was exhausting. Of course, the prick who put me in this mood was completely unaffected.   How was it men could do that? It was like they had a switch connected to their brain like a remote control, and with just a flick, they could change the channel. I’d love to get off the all-Jude-all-the-time network.   I flopped down on the bed and bounced slightly along with the small throw pillows. A nap would be lovely. Maybe that was what I needed to rid my brain of all things Jude. God knew I didn’t sleep much last night. As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard him singing. Seriously? The pillow that bounced toward me now was being used to muffle the sound of his voice.   I couldn’t help but notice what song he was belting out beyond the bathroom door. Was he even serious? I Touch Myself by the Divinyls? He even changed the lyrics to include my name.   Frustration grew, and for once, I disliked how small this house was. That’s when I remembered the prize we won. Yes, a couple’s massage sounded perfect. I opened the envelope containing a card we needed to fill out with our preferences and leave in the basket on the porch.   I glanced at the bathroom. The door was still closed and Jude was still singing. Taking a pen from my bag, I began to fill out the form. We needed to tell them what types of massages we wanted based on the choices given. So, for Jude, I picked deep tissue, which sounded awfully painful, and for myself, a relaxing reflexology massage. Also, whether we preferred a male or female masseuse.   Tapping the tip of my pen on the table, I contemplated the best answer for this. Hedging my bets, I picked both. If the guy was good looking, I’d take him. If he was older and creepy, Jude could have him. Then again, if the woman was gorgeous, I’d take her since Jude would make a field day out of it. All I could do was hope for a hot guy and an older woman named Helga to show up.   All my sleeping habits changed since I started sleeping next to Jude. He was always eager to let me know I snored and hogged the bed. Occasionally, I’d feel my foot brush against his leg or my hand graze his chest. That was when I squeezed a pillow between us as a barrier. However, most of the time was spent staring at the ceiling. It had been three days since his act of kindness, or whatever he called it. Seventy-two hours, and still no mention of the way he touched me, kissed me, and made my body feel things it never had before.   We’d wake up, have breakfast, chat about the weather and what we were going to do for the day. It wasn’t easy pretending anger when all the man did was walk around half-naked. Clearly, to him, it was nothing special—just another woman under his Swedish spell.   I stared at the window, waiting for the sky to lighten. Jude grumbled something I couldn’t understand. When I turned to look at him, he had a grimace on his face. Maybe he was having a bad dream. Rather than waking him, I got out of bed, grabbed my robe, made a cup of coffee, and sat on the deck. A gentle, warm breeze blew across the beach. I tucked my knees under my chin and stared out at the waves, waiting for the sun to rise.   It was probably a good thing we were getting our couple’s massages today. That thought put a smile on my face. Not only could I use a good rubdown, I was curious to see if my requests would be carried out. Granted, it all could backfire, but a girl could dream.   “You’re up early.” Jude’s deep voice echoed in the still morning air. He walked up to the chaise next to mine and sat down. Of course, he only had a pair of boxer shorts on.   “You know, wearing shorts isn’t against the law.” I took a sip of my coffee before enjoying the sunrise.   “I am wearing shorts.” When I glanced at him, he smirked.   What was it about this man that made him get under my skin? Right before I was going to give him a witty reply, my inner voice reminded me of why I was dealing with this nonsense. Eye on the prize . . . eye on the prize.   “I’m going to go shower. Don’t forget our masseuses are coming today.” I stood, and Jude’s eyes raked up and down my body. The way they fixed on my robe, I almost thought he had superhero powers and could see through it. That was enough to spur me to move faster.   Damn that man. Resting my hands on the bathroom vanity, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. “Don’t fall for him, Brae. He’s just a means to an end.” I nodded at my own words and decided I needed to find that magic switch in my brain. Turning off how his presence sent a spark through every cell within me wasn’t going to be easy, but it had to be done.   I pulled the shower curtain closed, hoping the hot water would soothe my nerves. After I washed up, thoughts of his hands on my body plagued me. Dammit, I should have picked number two. To be continued
18 Aug 2017 | 13:11
Nice nice... Now u are talking
19 Aug 2017 | 14:26
Now u are regretting picking him
19 Aug 2017 | 17:30
Is too late for that
20 Aug 2017 | 01:37
***********EPISODE 24 ************** JUDE’S SIDE OF THE STORY FROM LAST EPISODE   Brae was talking to two people out on the deck. They didn’t look like a couple. The woman looked like she could be the guy’s grandmother. Maybe they were out on the beach for a walk. We hadn’t really seen a lot of people over the nine days since we’d been here.   “Good afternoon.” I stepped outside and all heads turned toward me. With an extended hand to the woman first, I introduced myself, “I’m Jude.”   “I’m Svetlana.” Her strong Russian accent mirrored the grip on my hand. Damn, she could shatter bones. My eyes landed on her chin. More specifically, the long hair protruding from a nasty mole.   Suppressing a grimace, I said, “Nice to meet you.” She released my hand. “This is Blase.” Svetlana motioned toward the man standing next to Brae, who had a wide smile on her face.   “Blaine?” I reached out my hand.   “No, Blase. Like a hot fire.” Brae was all too eager to correct me. “Svetlana and Blase . . .” she put an extra emphasis on his name, “are here for our massages.”   No way. Just as I was about to say exactly what I was thinking, the Russian woman grabbed me by my forearm and said, “You with me.” Her broken English was almost as terrifying as her grip. She pointed at Blase. “He take care of her.”   Brae giggled at something preppy boy said before he handed both of us a white cotton robe. “We’ll be back in fifteen minutes. Please, go change, and then get under the sheet. You can leave your undergarments on—or not.” He winked at Brae, and I saw red.   Back in the house, I set the robe on the chair while Brae went into the bathroom to change. Not giving a flying fuck if she saw me changing, I decided to strip down to nothing before putting on my robe.   “Are you ready?” Brae’s hair was now pulled up into a knot on top of her head. Her sleek neck looked extremely inviting. “I’m so stiff, I could use a good rubdown. I hope Blase likes using oils,” she quipped, a glint in her eye.   Just like always, she knew how to get to me. Not wanting to have a tent form under my robe, I thought of Svetlana’s mole and all was good. I knew what Brae was doing. Well, two could play at that game.   A thin white sheet covered both tables, which were three feet apart from one another. This wasn’t like a spa. Being out in the open, hearing real waves rather than manufactured ones . . . it was relaxing.   “This is lovely.” Brae said before releasing a calming breath. We stood between the tables, facing each other. She cocked a brow. “Do you mind?” Swirling her finger in a circle, she added, “Please turn around.”   It wasn’t long until I heard the creak of the table. That’s when I turned, caught her eye, and dropped my robe onto the sand. Standing in all my glory without a care in the world, I smiled at her. Her eyes raked up and down my now naked body, and I almost did a jig at seeing her jaw drop a bit.   Rather than saying anything right away, I stood there so she could get a good look, stretched my arms above my head, and twisted the upper part of my body toward the ocean, then back toward the house. “Nothing like enjoying a bit of nature.” With my hands now on my hips, I cut my eyes to Brae, assuming she’d be face down in the donut style headrest, but she wasn’t. Sparky was studying me. Her eyes were level with my dick, which was starting to show signs of life.   Svetlana and Blase came around the corner and stopped dead in their tracks. Both—yes, both of them—stared at me. “You get on the bed and cover up. I not give happy endings.”   Brae giggled, and I did as I was told. With the sheet barely covering the top of my ass, Svetlana rubbed her hands together before squirting something on my back. It smelled like flowers and was warmer than the sun beating down on us.   “What type of massages are you giving us today?”   “Looks like you picked the deep tissue, and this pretty lady picked the reflexology.” When I glanced up, Blase loud-whispered to Brae, “Great choice, by the way.”   “Hold on a second. I didn’t pick anything.” Before I could stop what was happening, Svetlana rubbed me so hard, it felt as though her fingers were under my muscles and in my ribcage. I grunted in distress, and begged, “Can you please switch mine to the Swedish massage? I heard they give the best ones.”   Svetlana let out a “pfft,” but changed her method—thank God. Finally relaxed and ready to doze off, I heard groaning. Then moaning.   “Mmmm . . . ahhh . . . ohhh . . . yes . . . mmmm . . . just . . . like . . . that . . . mmmm.”   What the fuck was he giving her, an orgasm or a massage? “You okay over there, Kitten?”   “Mmmhmm. You have great hands, Blase. So strong. So intuitive. It’s like you know what my body needs and how to satisfy it. Sooo gooood.”   “I was all-star quarterback. Wait, did you just call her kitten?”   I lifted my head and glanced over Mr. All-American. “That’s right, I did. She purrs in bed.”   “Is that so?” Dickhead smiled at me. “Sounds like a great story.”   “Don’t pay attention to him,” Brae said, her voice sounding like a porn star’s.   Without giving me anymore thought, Blase resumed his ministrations on Brae’s back, which was now glistening. I wasn’t fond of this feeling coursing through me. I wasn’t sure what it was exactly, but if I had to guess, I’d say jealousy—which was completely and utterly ridiculous.   Svetlana started using her elbows rather than her hands, and it felt like she put all her body weight behind each push. I bet she weighed more than I did and stood just as tall. Rather than my muscles relaxing, they did the opposite and stiffened in pain. Between that and Brae’s orgasmic taunts, it was time to put an end to this. “I think we’re done here.” I sat up, stood up, and wrapped myself in the robe. “Thank you, Svetlana, but I’m tired. I haven’t been sleeping well.”   “Oh, okay. Maybe go inside and take nap. Sleep is just as good for the muscles as is massage.”   “Yeah, thanks.” With that, I left Brae outside and went in to cool down. The sounds she made coupled with that tool she was flirting with having his hands all over her bare skin pissed me off . . . and that confused the fuck out of me TO BE CONTINUED.
22 Aug 2017 | 09:32
Ride on
22 Aug 2017 | 11:11
ride on
22 Aug 2017 | 21:25
dis two
22 Aug 2017 | 21:59
Jude is jealous
22 Aug 2017 | 22:05
Don't be pissed. he is ur hubby after all
23 Aug 2017 | 06:46
***********************EPISODE 25******************* BRAE’S OF THE STORY FROM LAST EPISODE   Walking into the house and seeing Jude lying on his side with the quilt barely covering his boxer shorts wasn’t what I expected. Guilt started to settle in my chest when I realized I’d ruined his massage. Yes, it was my intention because the man just infuriated me, but that made me no better than him. Why couldn’t he acknowledge what happened between us?   Rather than shower, I decided to lie down. Every muscle in my body felt like a wet noodle. Blase had amazing hands, he truly did. I changed into a T-shirt and a pair of boyshorts. As slowly as I could, I pulled the covers back and slid into my side of the bed.   Jude’s body shifted just as I laid my head on the pillow facing him. God, he was beautiful. Every inch of his skin was toned and perfect.   “Sparky?” I smiled at his nickname for me. I’d decided it was much better than kitten since I knew I didn’t snore. With his eyes closed, he stretched his arm out, his hand landing on my hip. His lips curled up in a sweet grin, but he didn’t say anything. When his eyes opened, they settled right on mine.   “Yes?” I asked, curious about what he was going to say.   “Did you have a good massage?”   “I did. It was amazing.”   I prepared for an insult to come, or a snippy or snide comment, but with his eyes still pinned to mine, he simply nodded before saying, “I’m glad.”   “Are you hungry?” I asked, trying to hide the shock in my voice over his civility. “I can make spaghetti. I’m pretty sure you can’t botch spaghetti.” By offering the gesture, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to say I was sorry . . . loophole.   “Well, I’m sure you can find a way to, but I’m starving, so I’ll take my chances,” he teased with another sweet smile.   Jude was even more gorgeous when he smiled. The kind of gorgeous that literally knocked the wind from your lungs, left you speechless, rendered you stupid. I knew I should have moved my ass off that bed, yet there I remained, lying on my side, still staring at him while smiling right back.   The smile slipped off his face. The butterflies in my stomach felt like bats flapping their wings the longer I stared. Electricity bounced between us as if it was a living, breathing thing. He flexed the hand still laying on my hip. It was on the move, skimming my side, slinking under my T-shirt and around to my back, before it rested right above the curve of my ass. His touch was warm. Wondering what he was going to do next both scared and intrigued me to the point where I waited, stone still.   “Sparky?” he repeated, his tone much huskier this time, much lower than a few minutes ago. The levity was gone, replaced with a heated, penetrating gaze.   “Yeah?”   He closed his eyes, and I watched his brows pull together. “Stop me,” he said, refocusing on my face.   “Stop you from what?”   As I waited for my answer, he shifted his entire body closer, eliminating the distance between us. His arm was no longer stretched straight, but slackened just enough, allowing him to rest his hand at the apex of my thigh and ass. His lips were so close, the slightest lean on my part would result in contact. I debated, argued even, whether I should or shouldn’t. He had taken the liberty a few times now. It would only be fair for me to. Before I could act on my stupid rationale, he made the decision for me.   “From this,” he said before pressing his lips to mine. The first few seconds were soft, sweet, tentative. When no resistance came, when the argument I should have voiced failed to find its way out of my mouth, he changed the kiss to something entirely different. Both hands now met on my lower back, his knee slid between my legs, and when his tongue skimmed over mine, back and forth, he tortured me in the best of ways.   I should have been embarrassed by the moan I released into his mouth, but it really couldn’t have been stopped. And hearing it only seemed to fuel his determination. He pulled me into his body, causing the curve of his thigh to press perfectly against me. It provided just enough friction to cause an involuntary humping on my part. Again, I should have been embarrassed for shamelessly using his leg to try to get off, but I wasn’t at all. When his moan came, and he followed my motions with his hips, it fueled me even more.   I tangled my fingers in his hair, holding him to ensure the kiss continued. His hands moved up my back, one stopping in the center, the other sliding around and cupping my breast.   That was all it took. One simple cupping, a skim of his thumb over my hardened nipple, and I could feel the shocks of a small orgasm rippling through me. It wasn’t nearly as intense as the first one he gave me, but it was just as satisfying.   He broke away, his breaths coming in short, forceful pants as he gauged my reaction to what just happened. Through my haze, I considered the orgasm score: two Brae—zero Jude. Even with my mind thinking out of sorts, I knew I needed to do something for him.   The silence between us became deafening, making my heartbeat even more amplified than it was. I removed my shaky hands from around his neck and slid them down his bare chest. One of his hands fell away from where he held my breast, landing with his knuckles pressed against the skin below my belly button. His lips parted ever so slightly as my nails traced over every bump and ridge of his abs. I could feel his eyes pinned to my face, but I wouldn’t dare to look. If I was going to do this, I needed all the courage I could muster.   During our heated make-out session, the lightweight quilt shifted between his feet. With an impatient hand, I tossed it to the floor. Holy hell, every inch of this man was sexy. His feet, his calves, the way the muscles defined his thighs—every part of him was all male.   The fabric of his briefs left nothing to the imagination. My eyes focused on the outline of his erection as it impatiently pushed toward his waistband, desperately wanting to be let out. It pointed right toward the star tattoo closest to it, his tip causing a slight gap in the elastic running around his hips.   When I glanced at him, Jude looked angry. I knew him well enough now to determine it was also the same look he got when he was turned on. The way his nostrils flared, the way his brows tilted toward the bridge of his nose, were all effects of what little effort I’d already put into this crazy plan. I could only imagine what his face would look like once my mission was accomplished.   Refocusing on his lower half, I used my fingertips to peel away his underwear. Instantly, he sprung free. Without barriers keeping him confined, he stretched proudly toward his belly button. It could have been my tiny gasp, or the way my eyes bulged, or even the way my fingers halted their movements that caused Jude to say my name. Or, it could have just been his way of saying, please don’t stop.   There he was in all his Swedish glory. God love a Swede. If I had a Swedish flag, I’d wave it with pride. If I knew his parents’ address, I’d send them a thank you card.   My manscaping question was answered in the neatly trimmed hair showcasing his beautiful penis. I saw him outside before our massages, but it only now registered he was cut. “So, wait . . . you’re circumcised?” I blurted out, then clamped a hand over my mouth.   He looked down and smirked. “Wow, look at that, Sparky. It seems I am.”   “Very funny.” My entire body flushed from head to toe. “You’re European. Doesn’t that mean you wouldn’t be?”   “My dad’s a surgeon.” After a long, uncomfortable pause, he said, “Do you want me to formally introduce you?”   “Wait, to your dad?”   “No, Sparky. My cock.”   “I’ll take care of that introduction.” The smug look on his face intimidated me, but I’d gotten this far, there was no way I’d turn back now. I dragged his briefs down his legs and repositioned myself between his spread thighs. Being so close to his manhood almost made me giggle with thoughts that maybe I should introduce myself. A quick glance at his face caused the giggling instinct to immediately fade. Sporting his sexy angry face, his greenish-brown eyes drilled right through mine. Just as I placed his tip on my tongue, he groaned and bucked his hips, wanting more.   A sudden surge of courage controlled my actions. Keeping my eyes pinned to his, I trailed my lips up and down his length. I gripped him at the base and stood him straight up, pointing toward the fan rotating above our heads. The first few seconds, all I did was tease him, working him up with every long swipe of my tongue. I had yet to cover him with my mouth, and the anticipation he felt was obvious in the way he flexed his fingers into the sheet beneath him.   I covered the head of his cock with my mouth, and he hissed at the contact. The angle of my body between his legs wasn’t working well, so I lifted to my knees, allowing myself the access I needed. I took him as far into my mouth as I could, my hand working the part of him that wouldn’t fit. I tightened my lips around him as I slowly moved down toward my fist, then loosened them as I dragged my tongue back up his underside toward his slit. Hard and firm going down, loose and teasing going up . . . over and over.   He dug both hands into my hair and had a firm grasp on my head. If any other man ever did that to me, I would have immediately stopped and walked away, but having Jude do it caused a delicious clenching deep within me. I was as turned on now while pleasuring this beautiful man as I was when he pleasured me.   The moans coming from his mouth, the way his fingertips tightened on my head, and the way his thighs flexed beside my knees all told me he was dangerously close to reaching his breaking point.   “Brae, I’m coming.” With his admission, he tried to pull my mouth away from him. I removed one hand from his base, and slid it under his thigh to anchor myself to him. He didn’t argue. He didn’t try to stop me again. Instead, he clutched the pillow behind his head, his eyes closed shut. I took the opportunity to study his reaction. His abs flexed, showing their definition through every bump and crevice. The muscles of his arms bulged as he white-knuckled the pillow. And then, his lips parted just as he released into my mouth with a guttural groan.   Never had I been so eager for a man to finish as I was in that moment. Never had I wanted to accept every drop he offered without wanting to flinch away once I did. For the first time in my life, I enjoyed every goddamn minute of a blow job.   “Holy fuck,” he said when he opened his eyes. I remained on my knees, leaning back on my heels. “Brae.” He reached for me, and I accepted his hand to lay beside him on the bed.   I waited for him to say something, anything—and once again, he frustrated me with his silence. I tried not to let my anxiety bubble to the surface, but the longer I lay there, the harder it was. He tilted my chin upwards with his thumb and index finger. His face searched mine before he asked, “Are you okay?”   “Yes, I’m fine,” I rushed out, my eyes deceiving me by cutting to the side.   Based on the confused look on his face, he clearly wasn’t buying it. But he obviously didn’t care enough to say anything else. What was I expecting him to say, anyway? Oh hey, thanks for doing a stellar job sucking my dick. No, but something like “that was amazing” would work. I knew he enjoyed it, that was blatantly obvious . . . but it would have been nice to hear that he did.   While still holding my chin, he leaned closer and kissed me. Before it could progress, I pecked him back and darted to the bathroom. “I’ll be back,” I called over my shoulder.   With the door firmly closed, I stared at my reflection and sighed. A soft knock preceded an even softer, “Brae?”   “I’ll be right out.” I needed time to think, and quickly jumped into the shower to buy that time.   As I figured it, I had three choices. Go out there and pretend it meant nothing, just as he did. Go out there and talk to him about it. Or, go out there and tell him off. If there was one thing I wasn’t good at, it was pretending. My parents always teased me about how my feelings were always so visible on my face. So, option one would probably not work well for me, and option three wouldn’t work well for him.   Either way, I couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever. After drying off, combing out my hair, and dressing back into what I had on, I opened the door, expecting to see him lying on the bed, his eyes focused on the door. What I found was an empty place where his stunning body had just been.   The sound of pots clanging clued me in. I turned the corner and there he was in his briefs preparing dinner. Just as he flung a dishtowel over one shoulder, he looked up and smiled.   “I can do that,” I said, coming closer to take the pot from his hands. “I did offer to cook tonight.”   “No, I’ve got it. Go relax. It’s the least I can do after you . . .” He glanced up, and upon seeing my face, stopped mid-sentence. “Um . . . did my laundry yesterday,” he finished with a devilish smirk.   “Okay.” He raised a brow at my lack of a comeback. Undeterred, I poured myself a glass of wine and went outside to my happy place. to be continued.
23 Aug 2017 | 15:27
Lol funny bae
23 Aug 2017 | 16:11
U too should continue pretending as the spark increases
23 Aug 2017 | 19:34
Niw we are enjoying the story very much
23 Aug 2017 | 20:18
Continue still following
23 Aug 2017 | 22:52
Pretending season, hmmmmmm
24 Aug 2017 | 05:07
24 Aug 2017 | 06:25
Just talk to him tell him how you feel
24 Aug 2017 | 08:00
24 Aug 2017 | 10:17
******************EPISODE 26************************ JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY FROM LAST EPISODE I was determined to figure her out. It was frustrating as all hell. Just when I thought I had, she threw me off once again. I’d teased her before, both verbally and physically with random kisses and touches, but never had she responded like she did today. When she pushed herself against me as we were kissing and humped my leg to climax, my initial thought was that masseuse riled her up. However, when she blew me as fucking fabulously as she did, I knew it had to be me who riled her up. So then, why the hell did she run yet again? Why was she looking at me the way she was? These questions ran through my head like a puzzle begging to be solved. Brae Daniels was one of the most complicated women I’d ever met. But, being the man I was, I loved a challenge. And the one I was currently living with was most definitely a doozy—albeit, a hot one. As I prepared our meal, my thoughts replayed the last twenty minutes. Maybe she was PMSing, and that was the reason for her mood swings. I knew enough about women to know not to dare mention that. Growing up with five sisters, I knew to back away slowly and shut the hell up. I opened the back door and called for her before plating our pasta. If I waited until then, by the time she ran through her feet cleaning routine, it would be cold. She appeared a few minutes later, just as I placed our plates on the table. “Smells good. What is it?” “Spaghetti Carbonara. I hope you like it.” She quirked a brow when I pulled out her chair, but sat without a word, allowing me to push her closer to the table. Aside from my random comments, conversation was brutally awkward between us. The more she simmered over whatever she was angry about, the more I wanted to call her out on her mood. “That was so delicious. Thank you.” She surprised me and spoke before pushing away her plate. “My plan for spaghetti was to open a jar of sauce and smother it over the noodles.” “Yeah, no. That’s awful,” I shuddered. “Well, I’m impressed you managed to whip up a carbonara sauce in less than thirty minutes.” “And I got you to eat bacon,” I bragged shamelessly. “Yeah, well, I was too hungry to argue. And the way you chopped it up into the tiniest of pieces made it impossible to pick out,” she said with a raised brow. “You can pretend all you want, Sparky. I know you loved every tiny piece of it.” A swoosh had us both glancing at the door. There on the hardwood floor sat another envelope. I flew to the door and yanked it open, but to no avail. “I’m going to catch that fucker one of these days,” I said with a smirk. I lifted the envelope and read out loud, “Brae and Jude.” Her groan caused a chuckle. “What’s wrong, Sparky?” “I’m dreading what they’ll have us do next. Diving for pearls? Swimming with sharks?” She stood, taking our plates to the sink. “Nope. Sand castles.” A grumble and a few inaudible words preceded a sigh. “What are you griping about, Sparky?” I came to stand behind her, watching her take out her frustrations on the poor dish. “I think this is clean enough.” Leaning over, I pulled it free from her slippery fingers. “What’s wrong with sand castles?” “I haven’t exactly hidden the fact that I despise sand. It gets everywhere, and it itches.” “We’re living on a beach, Sparky. It’s kind of unavoidable.” Another chuckle from my lips worsened her scowl. “You are by far the strangest woman I’ve ever met.” “Stop making fun of me.” “That would make things boring.” I tossed the card on the counter. “It’s a reward challenge, so like it or not, we are kicking ass for this one. We get five days to practice. We’ll start in the morning.” “Great,” she mumbled. “I’ll design it, and since you’re so good at everything, you can build it. Something big and annoying, I’m sure you can think of the perfect design.” She mumbled something else I didn’t hear. “What’s that, Sparky?” “I said, maybe we should consider a donkey for the locals. You’re familiar with them, right?” The snark in her voice was obvious. “That’s it.” I turned her as the water still poured from the faucet and held her upper arms to keep her from running. “Okay, now tell me what really has you all pissed off.” She thinned her lips and folded her arms in defiance. “Well?” I prodded. Still nothing. I slammed the faucet off and hoisted her over my shoulder. “Put me down, you jackass!” “No.” Her wiggling while trying to get down was in vain. With one arm wrapped around the back of her thighs, I guaranteed she wasn’t going anywhere. For good measure, I added a hand on her ass beneath the fabric of her shorts and nearly moaned when my fingers felt a thin scrap of lace. “Hey!” “Oh please. Now you’re getting modest?” I asked as I carried her out to the beach toward the ocean. “What are you doing? I just showered, Jude. Have you lost your mind?” Ignoring her, I flipped one shoe off her foot, then the other. Replacing my hand on her ass, I kicked off my own shoes while never breaking stride. The closer I got to the surf, the more she struggled in my arms. “Jude, stop. Okay, I’ll talk. I’ll talk!” she squealed. I stopped when my toes reached the water, tightening my grip on her thighs and ass. When she said nothing, I took another step. “Okay! What do you want to know?” “Let’s start with why you’re angry.” “I’m not angry!” Another step had her saying, “I’m just annoyed.” “At me?” “Yes.” “Why?” Silence. Another step. “Because.” Another step. “Stop! I’m talking,” she gritted out through clenched teeth. I couldn’t see her face, but I laughed anyway at what it must have looked like. That earned me a two-fisted punch to my ass. “Ow. Talk faster, Sparky.” “Maybe most of the women you seduce are okay with your ‘love them and leave them’ act, but I’m not.” “Love them and leave them? I know English is my second language, but what the fuck are you talking about? I haven’t left, I’m right here.” “Ugh, I don’t mean literally. It doesn’t matter. Put me down.” Step. The waves now hit above my knees, splashing the bottoms of her feet. “Jesus Christ. Jude!” Step. “I’m now doubling my steps if you don’t talk. The sun is just setting and the surface of the water is shimmering with golden highlights. It’s a shame you’re missing it, Sparky, and being forced to stare at my ass instead.” Silence. Two more steps. The water was now to my waist, soaking her feet. She kicked up a leg, drenching us in the process. “You’re already so wet. I may as well finish this.” “No! Okay, after you did . . . you know, to me.” “Ate you out?” “Must you always be so crass?” I lifted my leg dramatically and she squealed. “Wait. Stop. Yes, when you ate me out. You ruined an act of kindness by making it all about you. Don’t do me any more favors, I’m fine without your acts of kindness.” “You didn’t enjoy it?” “That’s not the point.” “No? Then fill me in. I’m still lost here. I made it all about you, yet I still enjoyed every minute of it. I can still taste you on my tongue. I can still hear your moans in my head. So, explain how you interpreted all that as a bad thing.” She squirmed against me, forcing a satisfied smirk on my part. “You acted like it never happened.” She went very still and her hands loosened around my waist. “And then you walked away without a backward glance.” The last part she said so quietly, I barely heard her. I turned and walked back toward the beach stopping to slide her down the length of my body. She wouldn’t look at me, but her pink-tinged cheeks deepened in color the more I stared at her face. Forcing her to meet my eyes, I asked, “I thought you were embarrassed for letting me do that to you, and for enjoying it. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. I never meant to hurt your feelings.” “You did it again, earlier. It took a lot for me to . . .” She looked away again, and I gripped her chin, turning her face back to mine. “For me to do that to you. I don’t even know you well enough. I wanted to please you, and I also enjoyed it. Probably more than I should have, which caused even more confusion on my part. But then there was nothing but awkwardness between us. No ‘thank you’, no kind words on your part. I’m not the type of girl who engages in casual sex.” Her eyes shimmered in the dusk. She blinked a few times and shrugged. “So, now you know.” I had no idea my actions affected her as much as they had. Now that I knew, it fucking hurt to know I hurt her. There was no logical explanation; it didn’t make sense. Yet here I was feeling bad regardless. It was obvious the more time I spent with her the more I liked her. This, though, went way beyond like. As I stood staring at her beautiful face, I realized I cared about her. This woman, who I was thrown into a very unorthodox situation with, was beginning to make me care. And it went beyond just caring about a friend. I’d never felt this way for anyone I was friends with. Friends. Were we even friends? We went from strangers to roommates. Now we were roommates with benefits. What the fuck did I get myself into? Fucking Kyle. All these foreign feelings were his fault, and now I needed to deal with them while trying not to hurt Brae or myself in the process. I raked my hand through my hair before pulling her into my arms. She remained wooden against me, until I said, “I’m sorry, Brae.” At my words, she relaxed against me. Once she did, I tightened my hold on her. After a few long seconds, she sniffed and pulled away. “You okay?” I asked, now afraid anything I said or did would hurt her feelings. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I guess I’m not handling this all that well. I can’t be good at everything,” she quipped with a lopsided smirk. Her admission made me smile. “Well, I can.” She shoved me playfully, causing me to laugh. “Hey, I’m not handling this any better than you. So, I guess we’ll have to figure it out together.” TO BECONTINUED
28 Aug 2017 | 06:49
wow nezt
28 Aug 2017 | 14:20
28 Aug 2017 | 14:59
28 Aug 2017 | 23:52
Let the love sparkle
29 Aug 2017 | 17:22
Nice nice episode
29 Aug 2017 | 18:50
**************************EPISODE 26******************** JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Who could have predicted rolling around in the hot sand with a bikini clad brunette beauty would have been absolute torment—in a salacious way? Every time her smooth thigh pressed against my leg, or my left hand brushed her boob, it was pure torture. Hiding the effect she had on my cock wasn’t easy while wearing nothing but a small swimsuit. Bending forward while working on our masterpiece turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise. It wasn’t for fear that she’d see my cock hardened to painful proportions, but more so that if she did and unintentionally gave me a welcoming response, I couldn’t guarantee I’d be able to ignore it. On the one hand, taking her right there on the beach beside our medieval castle may have won us this stupid game. On the other, when the day came that I took her, it wouldn’t be in the sweltering heat on a sandy beach with a rotund man looking on. Felix came over with a tiny silver key and unlocked our cuffs. Brae began rubbing her wrist while moaning in relief. Taking her hand, I resumed rubbing the red welt marring her skin. Her eyes looked up into mine just as she bit her bottom lip. “Congratulations,” Felix said while our eyes remained locked in some sort of a trance. “I was most impressed with your teamwork, communication skills, and final results. You have achieved a very high score in all categories. Your reward will be delivered tonight to your cottage.” When we still hadn’t looked his way, he cleared his throat, and added, “I’ll give you some privacy.” His last comment caught Brae’s attention. “What did he say?” “He said he’d give us some privacy.” Her head twisted from side to side. A few people were scattered way up on the beach to the left, sunbathing and swimming in the ocean. No one was nearby, nor were they paying attention to us. It would have been very easy to act on my urges. “So, we won?” I nodded while staring at her lips. “Yes, Sparky. We won.” In an abrupt move, she stepped away, pulling her wrist from my grip. “It feels better now, thanks,” she said, avoiding my gaze. With the distance between us, there was no hiding my hard-on any longer. When she looked back into my eyes, she appeared nervous. “What’s wrong, Sparky?” “Nothing.” Turning her head, she focused on our castle, but the rosy tinge on her cheeks gave her away. She was just as turned on, just as wired as I was. “I did a great job,” she quipped, tilting her head slightly to give me a sideways glance. “You did a great job?” “Yes.” She pointed to the tiny flag she stuck in the highest tower. “That was my idea. And that moat, it’s perfect. But what I think won it for us was the detail I put into the brick fa?ade. You’re welcome.” The look on my face and my hands on my hips caused her to break out into a fit of giggles. The sound of it, the look of pure unguarded happiness on her face, and the way her hot body looked in that damn royal blue bikini was what had me propelling toward her. She froze for a moment before she took off running down the beach. I caught up quickly, lifting her and dropping to the sand with her in my arms. Pinning her arms above her head, I said, “Admit I won us this contest.” She shook her head in defiance. “Sparky, last chance,” I warned, a gleam no doubt in my eyes. “No,” she retorted, her lips twitching. I switched my grip into one hand and used my free one to tickle her relentlessly. “Stop, Jude!” “Say it, Sparky!” “No. I won.” She squirmed beneath me, giggling while twisting and turning, trying to break loose. The more she wiggled, the more our bodies lined up perfectly. The moment my cock pressed against the nylon fabric of her bikini bottom, she immediately halted her movements, her eyes darting to mine. We were completely covered in sand, and that fact confirmed she was as preoccupied as I was. Because instead of insisting I let her up so she could brush it off, she lifted her head and kissed my lips. That one move caused a chain of events that started with us writhing in the sand while making out and ended with her on my back as I sprinted us back to the cottage. “Wait, I forgot my bag.” “Fuck your bag.” On a mission, I bounded up the few steps to the cottage. “Wait! We’re all sandy.” I halted my steps and turned to look at her. “Seriously, Brae?” She tightened her grip around my neck. “Let’s go for a swim. Please?” The woman was a fucking tease—intentional or not. The way she said that against my ear and the way her pussy pressed into my lower back as her thighs tightened around my waist was fucking me up. With a sigh, I turned and bolted for the ocean. When I got to the water, I twisted her around my body until she straddled my front. Pausing with my hands holding her up by her ass, we came nose to nose. The look in her eyes made me want to fuck her right then, right there. Salty waves splashed up at us, but the coolness of the water was not helping my disposition in the least. The nylon fabric of her top now looked as if it was molded to her body. My thumbs grazed the sides of her tits, coming very close to her pebbled nipples. I focused on her lips and moved in closer, surprised to see her tilting her head back. Our eyes met again before hers darted around the beach. Even though I knew no one but the two of us were present, it didn’t prevent me from looking as well. “Jude, we can’t.” All the playfulness that had been in her voice vanished. From the time we were rolling around in the sand to then, she must have snapped back to her senses. The lust that had been visible a few minutes earlier was now replaced with apprehension and fear. It wasn’t the right time . . . she wasn’t ready. Reluctantly, I set her down, the water now resting just below the top of her bikini. All I could do was stare at her. Maybe I’d been reading the signals wrong, or maybe it was my dick doing the thinking lately. “Are you okay?” She worried her bottom lip. No, I’m not. I need to fuck you. I need to feel you, was what I wanted to say. But we still had a few weeks left together. If I spewed my thoughts, she might be turned off completely and I could be left sleeping on the hammock. “I think I’m going to stay out here for a bit. I won’t be long.” Brae’s eyes searched mine as she nodded her head. “Okay. I’m going to go take a shower. I have sand in places it shouldn’t be,” she said with a forced laugh. “I’ll leave a towel for you on the porch.” “Thank you.” I watched her hot body walk away and adjusted myself under the water. I needed to reel in my shit and figure out what was going on in her head. Taking advantage of the water, I dove in under a gentle wave and realized I needed to figure out what was going on in my own head first. As the water supported my back, I looked up at the sky. This would all be so much easier if I’d met her at a club, picked her up—because I definitely would have—and had a one-night stand. But here, neither of us could leave after we had sex. The problem was, if she felt awkward afterward and shut down on me again, I now knew one time with her would never be enough. My feet hit the ocean floor, and I looked at the home we were currently sharing. Fuck, I was so confused. What I did know for sure, Sparky was different than other women. Now I needed to figure out what to do about it. Just as she promised, a nice clean towel was waiting for me on the railing. I dried off and washed the sand from my feet, chuckling to myself as I did. Boy, did she have me whipped. When I walked into the house, there was a note sitting on the table addressed to both of us. Since the envelope was opened, I read it. We were being awarded a gourmet dinner for winning the sandcastle challenge. Our instructions were to dress for a fancy dinner, which would be held on the beach behind the cottage, at 7:00 p.m. Brae’s hairdryer turned off just as I was looking through the clothes hanging in the closet. Thankfully, I had appropriate attire for this evening. The bathroom door swung open and my mouth went dry at the sight of her. She looked gorgeous. Her skin had taken on a golden color, which glowed against the pale pink strapless dress she had on. The soft fabric hugged every one of her curves, making me jealous of a dress. “Oh. I didn’t hear you come in.” Her fingers clenched and unclenched at her sides. She glanced at the clothes I’d laid out on the bed. “I gather you saw the note?” “Yes.” I took a step toward her. “You look stunning.” “Thank you.” A blush crept up her cheeks and a shy smile spread over her lips. “Are you done in there?” She nodded as her eyes focused on my chest for a moment. An awkward silence passed between us, one I didn’t particularly care for. “Okay, then, I’m going to take a shower.” TBC.
29 Aug 2017 | 19:42
OK oo following
30 Aug 2017 | 06:16
When is this two going to realise there feelings for each other
30 Aug 2017 | 17:33
@prince111coolva22-com this last post was supposed to be episode 27 not 26 again right?
31 Aug 2017 | 05:47
u HV posted this nah
31 Aug 2017 | 11:46
Loving every bit of this story
31 Aug 2017 | 13:18
**************episode 28*********** BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY We crossed some sort of threshold in our relationship. I began to feel like I overreacted. He really wasn’t a bad guy. It was obvious in the tiny little things he did that often showed his true colors—like making me dinner, even after I said I would. After he forced my confession, he led me to our lounge chairs and helped me to sit. Then, in a very sweet move, he pushed his chair flush against mine to eliminate the gap between them. The rest of our evening was spent lying side-by-side while drinking wine and talking. For the first time since we met, we had a real conversation about his likes, and mine. He shared stories from his days at Yale, and had me in tears over hearing the trouble he and his friends had gotten into. “Tell me about you, Sparky.” Even in the moonlight, his eyes sparkled when he used the nickname he assigned me. “What do you want to know?” I took a long sip of my wine. Something told me I would need some liquid courage. “Ever play twenty questions?” He flashed me a cheeky grin. “Aside from the questions you asked the night I met you.” I laughed at the memory of his answers that night. “That reminds me, could you have been any cruder?” “Oh, trust me, the answer is yes. Don’t change the subject. Ready?” “No, but why do I have a feeling I don’t have a choice?” Jude let out a chuckle. “You’re learning. Okay, I’ll go first.” Draining what was left of my wine, I handed him the glass. “Refill first.” He leaned over and grabbed the bottle sitting beside him on the sand. Once my glass was replenished, I took in a few cleansing breaths before nodding. “Okay, ask.” “How old were you when you lost your virginity?” “Wow, you’re not wasting any time.” His eyebrows arched, waiting for my reply. “I was eighteen.” His head bobbed forward, assessing my answer. “What about you?” “Fifteen.” “You were young.” Jude shrugged. “She was older. I went to a party at a sorority house and hooked up with someone. She may or may not have known my real age.” “So, it was meaningful, and a felony.” I wasn’t sure whether it was my nerves or the wine, but I was the one laughing now. “Sorry, that was rude.” “Was yours?” “Was mine what? A felony? No.” “No, Sparky. Meaningful?” I thought about my first time. It was sweet, gentle, but I wouldn’t say it was meaningful. He gauged my shrug and nodded, thankfully not prodding further. “Okay, next question.” He narrowed his eyes, and asked, “Have you ever kissed a girl?” God, how I wanted to lie and tell him I did in college just to get a reaction out of him, but I couldn’t. “Not in the way you’re imagining.” “Shame, that would have been an awesome visual.” “I’m sure it would have. Sorry to disappoint you.” I suppressed a laugh, but he didn’t. God, even his laugh turned me on. “That’s okay, I have a great imagination.” He winked at me. “Were you attracted to Blase when he touched you?” Where the hell did that question come from? “That’s two questions. Blase did have great . . . hands,” I said with a waggle of my eyebrows. He grimaced at my comment, and now it was my turn to laugh. “No, Blase isn’t my type.” “Who is?” I shook my head. “Nope, it’s my turn to ask. Did Svetlana turn you on?” “More than you know.” We both laughed. “You set me up, didn’t you? What did you do, fill out a questionnaire asking for a manly woman with brute force to come over?” “Not exactly.” I took a long sip of my wine, feeling his eyes on me. “Yeah, yeah. Nice try. I’m on to you, Sparky.” “You have no proof.” He shook his head, amused. “Are you close with your parents?” he asked, changing the subject. “Very. They’re really all I have aside from the friends you met.” Thinking about everything my parents had been through over the past few years, the hardships they’ve endured, saddened me. It also fueled me to see this through to the very end. “Does your family live here or in Sweden?” “Sweden.” His lips turned down. “I miss them.” “How often to you visit?” I asked, wondering if I would have to spend time in Sweden. It didn’t matter. I’d visit Timbuktu if it meant winning the money. “A few times a year. During the holidays and usually in the spring,” he said with a faraway look on his face. “You said you had five sisters. Where do you fall in the lineup?” “Youngest, but we’re all very close in age. Two of my sisters are twins. My parents were busy making babies for about a dozen years.” “Wow, five girls, one boy, all about two years apart? That must have been fun when you were growing up.” “More so chaotic,” he admitted on a chuckle. “Dad worked around the clock. I already told you he was a surgeon . . . thoracic. He lived at the hospital for most of my childhood. It was up to Mom to hold down the fort.” “Was?” “He retired.” Jude refilled my wine glass without request. “Thank you.” I stared at the burgundy liquid, contemplating my next question. “How mad were you when I picked you?” He raked his hand through his hair, practically scrubbing his scalp. “I’ll admit, I was pissed. Especially since I tried my damnedest not to be picked,” he said with a sideways glance. The cords in his neck tensed as he worked down a swallow. “This is nothing I’d ever sign up for. I have a business and being out of touch with the real world is the worst part of this game. I pray every day it’s not imploding while I’m stuck frolicking in the Caribbean with you.” Stuck? I turned away to hide my disappointment. I knew how he felt about being here . . . and really, I felt the same. Regardless, it stung a bit hearing him voice it out loud. “Are you sorry you chose me?” he asked. “Spark number one was pretty perfect.” “No. I’m not sorry.” My cheekbones rose with my smile. I didn’t want to rehash my motive for picking him. Bringing up the reasons I chose him would open a can of worms. I dropped my gaze to my hands before meeting his eyes again. “So, now that we’re here, are you sorry I picked you?” Without hesitation, he said, “Not at all.” His immediate admission lessened the sting of his earlier comment and left me wondering why it meant so much to hear. We sat back in comfortable silence, nursing our wine and staring at the ocean. I let out a yawn and rested my head on his shoulder. “Is this okay? I’m getting sleepy.” “Of course. But if you’re tired, we can call it a night and head inside.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and placed his hand on the small of my back. “Maybe in a little while. I’m too comfortable to move.” Closing my eyes, I let the sound of the waves take over all the thoughts swirling around in my head. With a gentle touch, Jude’s hand started rubbing my back. The warmth from his palm soothed me through my cotton shirt. After a few minutes, I lifted my head and looked at him. “Thank you.” “For?” “This.” He placed a sweet kiss on my forehead, causing a shiver to run through me. “Let’s get you inside. You’re cold.” I nodded, although the reason for the goosebumps pebbling my flesh had little to do with the ocean breeze. We stood and Jude gathered the wine bottle and our glasses. Everything seemed different tonight. Even the air in the house seemed lighter. “I’ll wash the glasses while you go do what you do in the bathroom.” He turned the faucet on and laughed. “You’re something else, Sparky.” I wagged my finger at him. “Don’t mock my nighttime ritual.” Turning to get ready for bed, I paused. “Jude?” “Yeah?” He wiped his hands on the towel before laying it over the handle of the stove. “It was nice getting to know you better.” Before he could reply, I smiled and headed into the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, I looked in the mirror. “I think you just made a new friend.” That thought alone spurred me to go through my nighttime steps a bit quicker than normal. Jude was standing with his back to me, gazing out the window. “It’s all yours.” “It’s about time.” He walked by me and smiled. The bed sheets were cooler than the air. Nestling myself in, I rolled onto my side and gathered the quilt around my neck while staring at Jude’s side of the bed. TBC....
4 Sep 2017 | 17:00
Ride on..........
5 Sep 2017 | 07:24
I see love hovering the air space
5 Sep 2017 | 10:46
This is love
5 Sep 2017 | 19:33
falling in love already
6 Sep 2017 | 05:17
************episode 29********** still on brae's side of the story Being held by Jude felt right. We moved as if we had danced together for years. Allesandro arrived with our main course—grilled lobster tails with drawn butter and lemon—and replaced our empty bottle of champagne with a fresh one. We sat back down and Allesandro took the liberty to refill our glasses before walking away. “Wow, Jude, I can’t believe you drank that entire bottle.” “Me?” He pointed toward my glass. “You’re the one who appears to love the bubbly.” I ignored his comment and took a sip. He cocked one brow. “I rest my case.” Jude dove right into his lobster, dipping a piece he’d cut off into the melted goodness while I squeezed the lemon wedge on mine. “No butter either?” He chuckled. “It’s the best part.” I could feel my nose crinkle. “Do you know how many calories are in butter? If I ate everything you did, I’d be a ball with limbs. You gain muscle like a freak of nature, whereas I’d grow cellulite.” “You’re insane. You really don’t realize how beautiful you are, do you?” His words hit me straight to my core, automatically commencing my Kegel exercises. “Maybe if I ate what you recommended, I wouldn’t look this way, ever think of that?” Jude chuckled while dipping another piece into the butter filled ramekin. “Like I told you before, there are ways to burn off those calories.” More clenching. At this rate, my hoo-ha was going to be in the best shape of its life. “Just try it.” He extended his fork across the table, small droplets of butter landing on the linen tablecloth. “Open wide.” With a hard swallow, and trying not to look like someone who wanted more than what was on the fork, I licked my lips before taking his offering into my mouth. In the most seductive way, I pulled the succulent bite off with just my lips. A moan escaped me as I began to chew. It was mouthwatering, just like him. “Mmmm. . . . it is delicious.” His gorgeous eyes darkened. “Please don’t do that.” “What did I do?” Feeling embarrassed, I dabbed my lips with my napkin. “You moaned. You have no clue what that does to me.” Needing to change the topic before my muscles squeezed the hell out of my vagina, I asked, “So, I know you come from a large family, you’re Swedish and clearly a successful business man, but what I don’t know is why you’re here aside from the fact that Kyle signed you up. Why would he do that?” Jude shook his head. “Because he’s a dick.” I couldn’t help but laugh, but that didn’t answer my question. “And . . .” I prodded. “Kyle, Luca, and I have a habit of pranking each other. This is his payback. A while back, I set him up on a blind date and she turned out to be a he. Well, I knew his date was a man, but Kyle didn’t. In my defense, Randi was better looking than some of the women he had gone out with. Personally, I thought I did him a favor.” Jude broke out in a laugh and I followed suit just picturing it. “That’s awful.” He shrugged. Then his words sunk in. “So, you’re here because of a prank?” Sadness lined with fear hit me square in the chest. I was here because I needed to be and he was here because . . . of a joke? The smile fell from my face. “This isn’t a joke to me, Jude. Based on your perfectly tailored suit, your Ferragamo shoes, and everything else about you, I can tell you don’t need the money.” Suddenly losing my appetite, I set the fork down and leaned back in my chair, feeling utterly defeated. “Sparky, I’m not going to abandon you. Just because my ex-friend thought this would be funny, I know you need to finish this to help your parents. I won’t let you down.” “I want to believe you, I do. It’s just . . . lately, being let down seems to be the norm for me. I’m not trying to turn this lovely dinner into Brae’s pity party, I’m just stating a fact. Please don’t make me regret picking you.” As soon as the words escaped my mouth, I regretted them. Jude’s eyes narrowed on me. “I just said I won’t let you down. Even though you’re this complex woman who clearly loves to drive me crazy, I also know you wouldn’t allow me to help you outside of doing this together.” “Thank you. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about something else.” Before we could say more, Allesandro was back to clear our dinner dishes. I hadn’t even touched my asparagus or baked potato, but it was hard enough finishing the lobster, and I loved lobster. Rumba music started playing—the same song we danced to during our lesson. Jude looked at the small wooden floor. “Shall we?” I smiled and took his hand. Aside from our hips pressing together, we didn’t dance the typical Rumba. We just moved together in an intimate way. Being there in his arms caused an immediate swell of desire—enough to throw my steps off kilter. Tightening his grip, he looked into my eyes. “Are you okay?” “Yes. I think the champagne is going to my head,” I fibbed . . . kind of. I was feeling the effects of the alcohol, but it was Jude who had me all discombobulated. I felt like every cell in my body was electrically charged. I wanted this man desperately, yet worried it would change everything between us. “Mind if we sit?” “Of course not.” He led me back to the table just as Allesandro appeared again. I was stuffed. There was no way I could eat another bite. That was, until he placed a chocolate lava cake drizzled with salted caramel in the center of the table. Two forks leaned up against the plate. I dropped Jude’s hands like they were on fire. “Let me get this straight,” Jude eyed me as I dug in with my fork, “you won’t eat bacon or butter because they’re fattening, but a chocolate cake is okay?” I shrugged. “Dark chocolate is good for you.” The gooey sweet confection danced around my taste buds, soliciting another moan from me. Did I always moan when I ate? “You’re killing me, Sparky.” Jude hadn’t tasted the cake yet, so just as he did with the lobster, I took a piece with my fork and held it out to him. He cocked a brow before taking my fork in his mouth. A smear of chocolate rested just under his bottom lip, and without conscious thought, I got out of my chair, sat on his lap, and licked—yes, licked the chocolate off of him. His eyes widened and his hand on my hip tightened when I fused my lips to his. I pulled away, and seeing the smoldering look in his eyes caused my head to spin. “Chocolate is a terrible thing to waste. It’s also an aphrodisiac.” “How drunk are you, Sparky?” I wasn’t that drunk, just tipsy. But I suppose this was out of character for me. When I released a hiccup, he laughed. “I think it’s time to go inside.” “Can we make-out?” Before he could decline the offer, I kissed him again. No sooner did I pull away, he stood up, grabbed the champagne, and carried me in his arms into the house. “Still want to make-out?” He set the champagne bottle on the nightstand. And then some, I wanted to say. Instead, I nodded. He lowered me until my feet hit the floor and began to remove his clothes. Was it possible that he got hotter as the day wore on? When he pulled his shirt over his head, exposing those sexy stars, I answered my own question with a “yes.” “I’m going to show you my favorite way to drink champagne.” His voice was merely a growl. “How’s that?” “Ever hear of body shots?” “Of course. I’m not a nun.” “Lose the dress.” In just his tiny dark blue boxers, which I appreciated even more since they matched the suit now laying on the floor, he laid down on the mattress. He repeated in a deep seductive command, “Sparky, take off that dress or I’ll take it off for you. If you like it, I suggest you do it, because I’ll be ripping it off.” Knowing how much I spent on this tiny piece of fabric, I took it off myself. Jude’s eyes widened when he saw the pink lace bra and matching thong. “You’ve been half-naked all night?” I looked down like an idiot, confirming that I was indeed half-naked. “Looks that way.” A jackhammer now took up residence in my chest as his eyes raked over every inch of my body. Part of me thought this was wrong—the tiny sober part. Naturally, I ignored the little angel in my head, reached around my back, and watched my bra hit the floor. Before I could lose my nerve, I removed my thong. “Jesus, Brae.” Jude’s hand went to his crotch as he adjusted himself. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” My nipples immediately went hard. I could actually feel my skin stretch into tiny peaks. “Why am I the only one naked?” Without hesitation, he took off his boxers. Even though I’d seen his penis before, I still gawked in the most unflattering way. “Why are you all the way over there?” “Is there any part of you that isn’t toned and spectacular?” “Nope.” He smiled. “Now, grab that champagne and get your sweet ass on this bed.” The glass bottle was cool to the touch. Then as provocatively as I could, I slid onto the mattress. Jude sat up, took the bottle from my hand, and drank. He then held my head and kissed me, forcing the cool champagne into my mouth. I didn’t think I would ever be able to drink champagne from a glass again. “More?” he rasped. “Yes,” I said with baited breath. After another swig of Jude flavored deliciousness, he instructed me to lie down. “Too bad we don’t have those handcuffs.” Jude’s eyes never left mine. “I’d love to cuff you to this bed.” All I could do was blink. Doing my best to get the handcuff visual out of my brain, I admitted, “Yeah . . . too bad.” “We’ll just have to be creative without them.” Jude took a sip from the bottle before releasing the cold bubbly liquid onto my stomach. It pooled in my belly button and slid down my sides onto the sheet. My body shifted as I watched the bedding darken from the liquid. “If you’re even thinking about the sheet below you, it can be washed.” I rolled my lips between my teeth. This man knew me better than I thought. “I wasn’t thinking that.” He shook his head. “Just like you believe you don’t snore. Keep lying to yourself.” Again with the snoring. Before I could defend myself, I felt his tongue. Warm, wide, smooth strokes lapped up the champagne from my body. Jude took another sip and released it into my cleavage. My back automatically arched, causing it to flow onto my neck. Jude leaned over and licked me clean again. “I want some,” I said, my voice a heavy sigh. He smiled and tipped the bottle toward me. “No. I want to drink it off you.” We switched places. Jude was now on his back, I was on my knees at his side, and his dick was looking at me. God, how I wanted to lick it. Rather than take a sip like he did, I tipped the bottle and watched a small stream trickle onto the ridges of his stomach and each nook filled. Starting at the highest star tattoo, I licked my way down. My chin hit his hardened tip, a groan burst from his lips. Leaning back again, I took a sip of the champagne and swallowed it. “You’re not sharing . . .” All at once, I took him in my mouth. “Sparky, shit . . . Brae . . . God . . . damn . . . you have to stop . . .” After one long drawn out lick, swirl, and suck, I released him. “I’m sorry, I just wanted a taste.” “Don’t apologize, but . . . I won’t be able to hold back.” Surprising me, he started trailing his lips across my chest before latching onto a pebbled nipple. be continued.
20 Sep 2017 | 06:54
Wow comment reserve
20 Sep 2017 | 15:33
I have to comment honestly
21 Sep 2017 | 14:35
Damn... So hot like fire ?
21 Sep 2017 | 18:14
***************Episode 30******************* JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY FROM LAST EPISODE Jude Brae looked completely flustered when she walked outside to get me. If Penny weren’t waiting for me, I’d pull her into my arms and hold her until she felt better. Since I didn’t have the time, I settled for, “Did you tell her you snore?” trying to add a needed bit of levity. She laughed. “No, because I don’t.” “Whatever you say, Sparky. I might have evidence to prove otherwise.” Before she could reply, I shot her a wink and walked inside. Penny greeted me as I sat down with my ankle resting on my opposite knee and my arm slung on the back of the couch. “So, Jude, tell me how the past three weeks have been.” I smiled, thinking about how the past four days had been. “Surprisingly, they’ve been great.” “Hmmm . . .” She started writing something in her notebook. “What has been surprising to you?” Wasn’t it obvious? “Well, the fact that I’ve been stranded on an island and forced to live with a woman I didn’t know for starters.” I flicked a piece of imaginary lint off my shorts. Penny laughed. “Yes, well, that was the point of the experiment and what you signed up for, so it couldn’t have been that surprising.” An image of Kyle behind bars popped into my head. “True, I just didn’t think I’d get picked.” “Yes, your answers were very blunt, to say the least. One would think you didn’t want to be selected.” “I was just being myself.” I shrugged. “We were told to be truthful, right?” Penny nodded. “How do you feel about your relationship with Brae?” A genuine smile grew on my face. “It’s better than I expected it to be. She has her quirks, but I’ve come to like them. Being with her day in and day out has allowed us to become great friends.” “That’s good.” She wrote something else down before clicking the top of her pen a few times. “It’s what your company wanted, right?” “Well, it’s what we hope for, but it’s not for us, it’s for our clients. In this case, you and Brae. Speaking of companies, you’re a successful businessman, correct?” What the hell did that have to do with any of this? I folded my arms across my chest. “Yes, but why does that matter?” “Well, I’m just wondering why you’re here. You didn’t think you’d get picked, yet you signed up for the experiment, and I’m guessing, being successful, you don’t need the money like Brae does. I’m just wondering what your motivation was.” Shit. Did Brae tell her she just wanted money? Does she know I’m wealthy? “One can never have enough in the bank. Plus, most women in my experience have been gold diggers and not much of a challenge—I’m always up for a challenge. As you said, I’m successful. Once a woman knows my net worth, they often put that before anything else and it becomes their sole focus. It’s nice to be with a woman who doesn’t expect to be courted with expensive dinners and getaways.” “I can imagine how difficult that would be.” No you can’t. “Yes, well, now that I’ve met Brae, she’s the only prize I’m focused on.” Penny sighed. “That’s lovely. Brae is a lucky woman.” “The way I see it, we both are.” “One more question.” Penny rolled her shoulders back. “Do you see yourself leaving the island with a wife?” A wife. Mrs. Brae Soren. My heart jackhammered in my ribcage as I imagined me on one knee and the most gorgeous diamond adorning Brae’s petite hand. There was only one way to answer that question. “Yes.” Brae was back inside just as we were when we started this interview. Our fingers laced together and a sudden calm washed over me when Brae squeezed my hand. Penny smiled at both of us and closed her book. “Let me say how wonderful it’s been getting to know the both of you. Just knowing this experiment is working makes me very happy. I can’t wait to report back to Chip and Barbi.” “Don’t you need to interview us together?” Brae’s voice was a bit shaky, making my insides twist. “No, I think I have everything I need. We’ve been monitoring your progress. Actually, Belinda, your dance instructor, works for us. She boasted about the chemistry you two had.” “Wait,” Brae leaned forward, “Belinda was a spy?” “Well, we don’t call her a spy.” I chimed in. “So, an informant?” “We refer to them as a love liaison,” Penny boasted. “Them?” Brae’s question was immediate. “There’s more than one?” “I’m not at liberty to say. Just know, you are both on the right track.” This Penny chick was getting on my nerves. Losing my patience, I raked my fingers through my hair. “What track would that be?” “Happiness.” She stood and adjusted her flowing skirt a bit. “It was wonderful meeting you both. Since this was a success, tomorrow you’ll be taken into town where you can hang with the locals, shop with the allowance you were given, and spend the day somewhere other than this small part of the island. I suggest you take advantage of it.” Brae and I stood to walk her to the door, and Penny turned before leaving to look at us. “You have something wonderful. Keep the flame burning and don’t lose your spark.” We both exhaled when Penny drove away. I pulled Brae into my arms. “Are you good?” She bit her bottom lip. “I’ve been told I’m amazing.” “That you are. But you know what?” “Hmmm?” I lifted her off the floor, forcing her legs to wrap around my waist. Pinning her against the door, with the weight of my body supporting her, I held her hands above her head. “I think you need to remind me how amazing you are.” Her breaths came in short pants as I licked and nipped at her neck before dragging my tongue up to her earlobe. When I took it in my mouth and pulled on it with my teeth, she let out one of those moans I loved to hear. “Jude. I want you.” “Sparky, you have me.” HAPPY SUNDAY TO ALL MY FANS BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Today was going to be a great day. To say I was excited would be an understatement. Going into town was just what I needed. Being all alone with Jude was beyond anything I had imagined, but now I was going to be able to hold his hand while strolling the streets in town. Not knowing what we’d be doing other than shopping, I opted to wear a cute short white sundress with spaghetti straps paired with my favorite flip flops. Jude, on the other hand, looked as though he was ready to strut down the runway in a Ralph Lauren fashion show. His loose-fitting navy shorts, untucked, white, short-sleeve, button-down shirt, and slip-on white sneakers made him look downright edible. We stepped outside to wait for our ride. “What are you looking at?” Jude asked, looking down at himself and then to me. “You. How is it that no matter what you wear, you always look model perfect? Even your hair. It’s hot and humid today and your hair looks like you just had it styled. Meanwhile, I had to pull mine into a ponytail so it wouldn’t puff out like Chinese noodles.” Jude let out a laugh right before grabbing me by the waist. “I love when your hair is like this.” He wrapped my ponytail around his hand and tugged my head back. His lips landed on my neck, followed by his tongue. Pressure started to build between my legs. “Leave it like this.” He whispered in my ear. “I plan on using it later.” Kegel. I was back to those damn exercises. This man was going to make me combust. Just then, a Jeep pulled up to bring us into town. I did my best not to clench my legs together as I walked, but that was easier said than done. The town we went to was quaint. Multi-colored building fa?ades made everything seem more tropical than it already was. A cruise ship had just docked, unloading hoards of tourists. Families and couples filled the streets. Jude linked our fingers together as we strolled down the sidewalk and window-shopped. Women of all ages eyed my guy, and I couldn’t fault them. He was a wonderful specimen of a man. We stopped at an art gallery where a local artist had some photographs for sale. “Wow, look at this one, Jude.” It was a stunning picture of the sunset just after a storm. It was titled, Settled by the Storm. I had a thousand dollars to spend, but this picture alone would take half of my money. “Do you want it, Sparky?” A voice came up behind us. “I’m sorry, that piece just sold.” We nodded and stared at it a bit longer before walking away. It was for the best. I couldn’t imagine spending that much. My plan was to buy a souvenir or two, then keep the rest of the money. There wasn’t a rule stating I had to spend it all. “There are other galleries, maybe you’ll find something else.” Jude sensed my disappointment, but I was also relieved. “Yes, maybe. Let’s keep shopping.” As we made our way down the streets, weaving in and out of a sea of tourists, one man kept looking at me. I thought maybe it was my imagination, but even Jude noticed. “Do you know that guy?” I’d never heard him sound so stern before. I shook my head. “No. Maybe he was looking at someone behind me.” Then I let out a laugh. “Maybe he’s looking at you. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the ladies have been eyeing you.” “Very funny, but his eyes are definitely on you.” Jude possessively slung his arm over my shoulder as we continued on our way. “Oh! Look, this store has handmade items. Can we go in?” I bounced on the balls of my feet. “Whatever you want, Sparky.” I loved boutiques like this. “There are so many cool things in here,” I said, making my way from case to case, looking at ornate baskets to handcrafted jewelry. “Wow, this is stunning.” Jude looked over my shoulder into the glass case I was eyeing. A salesman appeared. “Would you like me to take it out for you?” “Yes, please,” Jude answered for me. The man unlocked the cabinet and took out the most unique bracelet I’d ever seen. It looked like sterling silver, but what caught my eye was the pattern etched into it. A line of abstract stars that reminded me of Jude’s tattoos. The salesman explained it was designed after the yellow elder flower. “Would you like to try it on?” I extended my hand to him in answer, and he put the bracelet on me, clasping it with a small hook. “Wow, it’s beautiful. How much is it?” I turned my arm in different directions to get views from various angles. “That piece is a one of a kind and retails for six thousand dollars, but for you, fifty-eight hundred.” The man acted as though he just did me a huge favor by knocking off two hundred, but in all honesty, he could have lowered the price by two thousand and it would still be too much. “It is eighteen-carat white gold,” he added, trying to further persuade me. I smiled at the man and unfastened the bracelet. “Thank you, but that’s a bit out of my price range.” He looked up at Jude, but there was no way he was buying it for me. “Thanks, again.” With my hand in Jude’s, I quickly led him out of the store. “Brae . . .” I hated the tone in his voice. He sounded like the banker ready to foreclose on my house. I wasn’t poor, but I was frugal. “So, are you hungry?” Jude gave me a tight grin. “Yeah, there’s a place across the street that looks good.” “Great, because I’m starving.” A few minutes later, we were seated at an outdoor table on the sidewalk of a quaint restaurant. The aroma of Caribbean spices and citrus filled the air. A waitress welcomed us and offered the rum based house cocktail to start. It was early in the day, but when in Rome—or in this case, St. John. “Everything sounds so good.” The menu was filled with seafood and other foods I’d never heard of before. “What is conch?” Jude grinned. “It’s a mollusk. It’s good. We should order the fritters. Anything tastes better fried.” The waitress was back with our drinks, and since I had no clue what to order, Jude took the liberty of ordering what sounded like half of the menu for us to share. “I’m going to gain so much weight. I can’t keep eating like this.” “Sparky, how many times do I need to tell you, there are ways to burn calories.” He shot me a wink, which made me laugh. “You’ve probably burned close to two-thousand over the past few days, so eat and be merry.” A witty retort was on the tip of my tongue when the man we spotted before walked past us, slowing down right next to me. “That’s it,” Jude said, tossing his napkin on the table. My heart raced. I’d never seen that look in his eyes before. The saying, “If looks could kill,” came to mind. ...TO BE CONTINUED.
24 Sep 2017 | 13:08
25 Sep 2017 | 04:57
He is being a man.... He has every right to know why the man is staring
25 Sep 2017 | 09:51
Continue pls
25 Sep 2017 | 11:51
25 Sep 2017 | 12:31
Wetin d man want abeg
25 Sep 2017 | 16:14
that man must be a spy
25 Sep 2017 | 19:21
What's dat guy's problem?
26 Sep 2017 | 05:07
**************EPISODE 31**************** JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY . What in the ever-loving fuck? I was about to stand and ask this fucker what his problem was, but Brae put her hand on mine to calm me down. A sense of possessiveness mixed with protectiveness filled me. My eyes tracked the fucker as he walked down the street and turned the corner. “So, this drink is tasty, isn’t it?” Brae slipped her lips around the straw of the fruity concoction and took a long sip. Knowing she was trying to change the subject, I took a deep breath and tasted it myself. “Holy shit, this is all sugar.” My taste buds grimaced. “I need a beer, you can have mine.” A large group of ship-goers entered the small establishment, blocking my view of the waitress. Not seeing that asshole on the busy street, I added, “I’m going to head to the bar. Will you be okay for a minute?” “Yes, of course. Don’t be silly.” I needed a beer to calm the anger that prick caused by looking at my girlfriend. That word stopped me in my tracks and I looked back to where Brae was sitting. Yeah, she was my girl, all right. My eyes scanned the room full of tourists in tropical shirts. Steel drum music played over the speakers, drowning out some of the chatter from patrons. I waited a few minutes at the crowded bar. Once I ordered my beer, I paid and made my way back outside. As soon as my foot hit the sidewalk, my eyes landed on the cocksucker who had a hard-on for my girl sitting in my chair at the table with Brae. Dude had balls, I’d give him that. The closer I got, the more my blood began to boil. Brae’s back was to me, but I could tell she wasn’t comfortable by the way she shifted in her chair. Weaving my way through the throngs of people, I finally got to her. “Everything okay here?” Brae’s eyes went wide. “Yes,” she immediately replied, her voice shaky. “You shouldn’t leave such a beautiful woman all alone.” The stranger’s words caused my grip on the bottle of beer to tighten as my free hand clenched. Figuring he was about my age and size didn’t deter me from protecting what was mine. “Get lost,” came out of my mouth on a growl. I set my beer down on the table, but the dickhead didn’t move. “Now.” Finally, he got up. We stood toe-to-toe. “Brae here was . . .” “How do you know her name?” “I heard you calling her that.” This fucker was lying. I’d been calling her Sparky all day. “So, Brae was telling me this was your first visit to this restaurant. I was just informing her how trying new things was a way to experience life.” I quickly cut my eyes to Brae, who was twisting her napkin in her lap, before looking at this guy. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you’ve been eyeing my girlfriend for hours. Now, walk away before you can’t.” A crooked smirk grew across his face. He took a few steps forward, passing Brae, but then took one back and whispered something in her ear. I didn’t give a shit if he was telling her the time and temperature. No one was getting that close to her. Without further thought, I grabbed him by his shirt collar, brought my arm back, and punched him square in the jaw before tossing him onto the pavement. He wiped the corner of his lip with the back of his hand, smearing the drops of blood onto his cheek. “Chill out, I wasn’t going to kiss her.” Just the thought of his lips on hers provoked me to reach down and pick him up by his shirt. “Jude, don’t. He’s not worth it.” Brae’s panicked voice stopped me from kicking this guy’s ass. “All he said was I was pretty.” My face millimeters from his, I said, “Get the fuck out of here. If I see you even looking in our direction, I’ll finish what I started. Do I make myself clear?” I shoved him back, knocking him into the waitress who was bringing us our lunch, which was now on the sidewalk. Well, this turned into a complete cluster-fuck. Brae shot out of her chair at the sound of the plates crashing to the ground. Her hands held my face until my gaze focused on her. “Jude, ignore him.” She looked at me with glistening eyes and pressed her lips against mine. Once we separated, I helped our waitress pick up the evidence of my fury. “I’m so sorry. Let me clean this up. Can you please just bring us our check?” Another waiter came out and started to help. I felt like an asshole, but what the fuck was with that guy? All I could think about was what if he pressed charges. I’d be in jail in a foreign country. However, no one seemed to be upset, as if this were a daily occurrence—either that or islanders were naturally calm people. A portly man came outside. “Sir, we’d be happy to bring you a new order.” When I looked around, the other patrons were going about their business, totally ignoring what just went down. I took Brae’s hand in mine before pulling her close to me. “I’m so sorry for ruining our lunch. What do you want to do?” She craned her head back to look at me before kissing me, but this time, without abandon. Her fingers fisted my hair, pulling me as close to her as possible. My hands were firm on her back. Finally breaking the kiss, I looked down at her, only to see her smiling. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.” She picked up my right hand in hers and kissed my red knuckles. “And I’m still hungry.” I asked the waiter to bring us a new order. Annoyance still coursed through me. Brae placed her hand over my clenched fist resting on the table. “Let’s just enjoy the rest of our day.” She looked up at the sky. “I love it here. The sun is always shining.” I knew what she was doing, and it worked. My entire body felt relaxed by the time our meals were set in front of us. We finished our lunch without further incident and although they comped our check, I left the waitress a hundred-dollar tip. Brae and I continued our excursion, tasting frozen mango ice at a local stand before heading into a souvenir shop. I bought us both T-shirts that said, “Keep Calm and Enjoy the Island.” Naturally, Brae picked them out, finding it to be appropriate attire—especially for me. I had a feeling Brae wasn’t going to part with her spending money. The woman was as frugal as they came. We walked in and out of galleries and shops until my feet started to ache. It was almost time for us to head back when we turned down a street off the beaten path. It was much different than the colorful one we’d been on. Brae spotted a building that looked out of place, the sign in front claiming it was an orphanage. Kids were playing in a broken-down playground on the side of the building. The swing set looked rusted and as old as I was—definitely not safe. She walked toward the fence surrounding the play yard and just watched the kids. “This is so sad. They don’t have parents.” An older woman walked up to where we were. “Do you kids need directions?” Brae shook her head. “No. Do all of these children live here?” The woman smiled. “Yes. But these are only half of them.” We both looked at the building, which didn’t look much bigger than the house we were staying in. “How many kids live here?” Brae asked without taking her eyes off the little girls playing with old dolls in a sandbox. “Right now, there are twenty-seven. They range from four years old to sixteen. Once they become adults, they can leave. Unless, of course, they’re adopted, but that’s very rare with older children.” I watched Brae as she worked down a swallow while fighting back tears. “Do you take donations?” The woman smiled. “We rely on them. As you can see, we don’t spend what we have on entertainment items. Since our funds are limited, we use it for food and medical supplies.” Brae reached into her small handbag, took out the envelope containing the spending money we were given, and slid it between the bars of the fence. “Here, this is for you.” The woman looked at me before taking the envelope from Brae. When she looked inside, her eyes went as wide as the sun. “Sweetie, this is too generous.” Reaching through the fence, Brae placed her hand on the woman’s. “No, it’s not. I wish I could do more. Thank you for taking care of these children. Family is very important to me, and it breaks my heart that they don’t have any.” I put my arm around her and kissed the top of her head. My girl was the best. Before we left, I reached into my wallet and pulled out a wad of bills. Without bothering to count it, I handed them, along with my business card, to the lady. Both women gasped. “Please use this to buy new playground equipment. If it isn’t enough, call that number on the card. I’ll be back in the office in a few weeks. My name is Jude, and this is my girlfriend, Brae.” “I’m Virginia, and thank you both from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you.” A bell sounded from inside. “I need to get the kids inside. The little ones need naps.” We headed back to where our ride was going to pick us up. “You’re an amazing woman, do you know that?” “You’re pretty amazing yourself.” She rolled up on her toes and kissed me. “How much money did you give her?” “I’m not exactly sure, but it doesn’t matter.” Brae’s eyebrows rose to her hairline. “Wow, what’s that like?” “What’s what like?” The Jeep pulled up. “Not having to worry about money? That’s all I seem to worry about. It’s been my sole focus for years.” Just hearing her admit that after she made the donation proved she was someone special and different from the rest. “Money isn’t everything.” I now knew that for a fact. Opening the door to the Jeep, I added, “Hop in, Sparky. I have a date with your ponytail.” ...TO BE CONTINUED.
27 Sep 2017 | 10:42
this is brae my girlfriend? hmmmm
27 Sep 2017 | 16:15
first to comment
27 Sep 2017 | 16:16
I love this couples They are just so perfect for each other
27 Sep 2017 | 17:07
Loving this
27 Sep 2017 | 19:35
Mr and Mrs right
27 Sep 2017 | 20:04
really loving dis
28 Sep 2017 | 03:41
I love dis.. Next
28 Sep 2017 | 04:17
Really nice... That date will be hot
28 Sep 2017 | 06:52
******************EPISODE 32************************* BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY FROM LAST EPISODE Barreling into our island home, I couldn’t keep my hands off Jude or the burning need to rip his clothes off. His alpha male display at lunch coupled with his large, carefree donation made him sexier than he already was—something I didn’t think was possible. Our lips were fused together, forcing our bodies to angle away from each other in order to take off our clothes. We broke our connection for all of five seconds for Jude to lift my dress. Braless, my boobs sprang free and Jude pounced. We ravished each other, practically panting out our desires. “I need you so bad, Sparky.” He toed off his shoes while palming my breasts. “Jude, you have no idea what you did to me today. My panties are soaked.” “Holy fuck,” he growled before placing his hand between my legs to confirm my statement. “Jesus Christ.” He pushed aside the cotton and slid a finger inside me. “All mine. You understand. This is all for me.” “Just you.” Without much grace, I unbuttoned his shorts and shoved them down his legs. He kicked them off to the side, and in a swift move, I wrapped my hand around his considerable length over the cotton of his boxers, which were the next item of clothing to hit the floor. I heard fabric ripping and felt a tug on my hips as I watched what was one of my favorite thongs fall to the floor. “Hey, I liked those.” I pouted. “I’ll buy you a dozen more—and more after that. I intend to rip your clothes off you on a daily basis.” His finger continued to move in and out of me as my hand stroked him up and down. My thumb rolled over his engorged tip, finding a delightful bead of wetness there. Remembering how good he tasted, I almost went to my knees, but Jude lifted me up until I felt my back hit the mattress. All the while, his fingers never stopped teasing me. Those damn stars on his body were like beacons. Every ridge of his torso combined with the most delectable happy trail was too much for me. I needed to touch him. Reluctantly, I released his stiff shaft from my grip and ran my fingers over his abs, memorizing every dip and valley before resuming my place on his dick. Jude hissed. “I need to be inside you.” “I’m on the pill. I have no idea why I blurted that out. Not that it isn’t true, I just didn’t want anything between us. Technically, we’ll be married soon and foregoing protection would be inevitable . . . oh my God.” His eyes widened as I babbled. “I just meant I’m clean, I promise. I was tested.” “I’ve never gone without one. Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Mortified at my forwardness, but not enough to stop, I dropped my knees to each side in invitation, and simply said, “Yes.” “Sparky, you surprise me at every turn . . . and I love that you do.” Jude held himself, dragging his tip up and down my wetness with one hand while wrapping my ponytail around his other to keep my head still. “I need to see you when I’m inside you. Keep your eyes on me.” Just as he started to slip in, there was a knock on the door. Both of our eyes cut to where the annoying sound originated, but when it stopped, we resumed where we left off. Again, the knock sounded, and then again, louder. “Go away!” Jude yelled from the bed, making his dick bob and me laugh. Clearly, the person was on a mission because the knocking never ceased—it just got louder and more determined. Jude got up and grabbed the sheet to wrap it around his waist, leaving me completely bare. Scrambling toward the quilt, I wrapped it around me in a makeshift dress and huffed. It wasn’t as though we lived in a house with many doors. He flung the door open. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Upon hearing Jude’s angry words, I rushed beside him to see the man from lunch . . . although, now he had a swollen lip and bruised jaw. I hoped he wasn’t here to press charges. The man looked at Jude, then me. Jude pushed me behind him. “Are you that stupid? Did you come back for more? Do you have some sort of death wish?” Even wrapped in a sheet, Jude was ready to fight. When he took a step forward, the sheet dipped in the back, exposing the top of his ass. I probably should have been focused on the fact that Jude was ready to beat the shit out of this stranger rather than his ass, but he had a great ass. The man put his hands up in surrender. In one hand, he had an envelope with the Ignite Your Spark logo on it. “I’m Toby, and I work with Chip and Barbi. My job is to gauge couples’ reactions when their union is tested. I’m pleased to announced you both passed.” His words came out rapid fire, most likely to thwart any move Jude was ready to make. “Both?” I stepped out from behind Jude, clutching the quilt to my chest. “What do you mean, both? Wait, that’s how you knew my name?” “Yes. When I sat down with you, never once did you give me any indication that I stood a chance. All you said was you were with your boyfriend and I was in his chair.” He looked at Jude. “And we don’t need to discuss your reaction.” Jude ran his free hand through his hair. “You mean to tell me you go around hitting on other guy’s women for a living?” “The point is, you both passed with flying colors. This is for you.” He handed Jude the envelope. “Have a good rest of your day, and I’m sorry if I interrupted.” Toby closed the door and I started laughing. “If he interrupted?” “Can you believe that guy?” Jude was clearly frustrated. Once again, he ran his hand through his sexy as fuck hair. “Jude?” I dropped the quilt just as he turned to look at me. “Where were we?” “Fuck,” he said, releasing the envelope and letting it float to the floor. In a flash, he dropped his sheet, scooped me up, and sat me on the kitchen table. This wasn’t exactly where we were, but I liked where this was going. He pushed my bent knees apart, sat in a chair, and lowered his head. A mewl escaped me as his tongue met the hardened bud between my legs. The rough scruff on his face scratched the insides of my thighs in the most delicious way. “You are the best meal I’ve had on this table.” Jude licked, nipped, and sucked until my entire body began to quiver. “God . . . yes!” “That’s right, babe, let it go.” Jude thrust two fingers inside me, curling them just enough to hit my hot button . . . and I came. Before I could come down from my climax, he carried me to the bed and positioned us just as we had been before the interruption. “You’re sure about this, right?” “Get inside me. Please, for the love of everything holy, I need to feel you—all of you.” JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Resuming my position, her head nestled between my hands, my body between her legs, I looked into her eyes as I slid inside her. It wasn’t a hard, quick thrust. No, this I needed to savor. Skin on skin, heat on steel, the way she molded around my cock sent a surge of electricity down my spine and into my balls. Buried deep inside Brae without anything between us was heaven on earth. Her breath hitched as I started to move. She wrapped her legs around my waist, giving me even deeper access. “Fuck, you feel fantastic.” Her eyes glistened at my words. She tilted her head back as I thrust forward. My hand moved down to cup her ass, squeezing as we both moved simultaneously. I kissed her without abandon. Our tongues mimicked the movements of our hips. Not wanting this to end, I flipped us around so she was straddling me. Looking up at this woman, I felt as though I’d known her all my life. In reality, I hadn’t even known her for a month. “Mmmm . . . Jude . . .” She arched her back as she slid up and down my cock. My hands instinctively grabbed her tits while she teased my balls with the tips of her fingernails. I began to massage her clit with my thumb, applying just a bit more pressure each time she moved forward. Every time I did that, she rubbed my balls. I wasn’t going to last. I needed to come inside her. The exquisite feel of her tightening around me and the way she said my name, over and over again like a chant, caused spots that looked like fireflies to flutter under my closed eyelids. Before I came, I looked up at her. Noticing her eyes were closed as well, I instructed her to open them. When she did, they locked with mine. “Brae, don’t stop looking at me.” She nodded. My hands gripped her hips. Doing my best to keep my eyes pinned to hers, I felt her tremble and came harder and deeper than I ever had in my life. I made us a simple dinner, then we moved outside to relax in the hammock, her head nestled in the crook of my shoulder. “Remember how we fought over this when we first got here?” Brae’s sweet voice made me smile. “Yeah, when you fell on your ass?” Chuckling at her pout, I placed a quick kiss on her lips. “That seems like a long time ago, doesn’t it?” I stroked her arm with the tips of my fingers, relishing in the softness of her skin. “Yes, it does. Sometimes, I feel like I’ve known you forever, and other times, I don’t feel like I know you at all.” I smiled. She felt the same way I did. “What do you want to know, Sparky?” She turned to look at me. “How old are you?” “How old do you think I am?” I smirked at her, but she just cocked a brow. “I just turned thirty on December nineteenth. How old are you?” “I’ll be twenty-seven on June ninth.” “Ahhh, you’re a baby.” I beamed at her. “Okay, what else?” “You’ve told me a little about your family, tell me about your business.” Just thinking about my business stressed me out. Not having been there for so long and being without contact was driving me insane. “I own a financial company. When I was at Yale, I’d watch the market and invest money for myself and friends. It became a game. Some of the fraternity guys would play poker and I’d play the market. When they realized I wasn’t losing money like they were, they would give me their money to invest. I’d take a small commission and it became quite lucrative. Luca and Kyle, who you met the night I met you, acted like my salesmen. They’d spread the word and drum up business.” I let out a laugh. Brae’s eyebrows lowered. “Why is that funny?” “Because Kyle being Kyle would concentrate on the sororities and female population who had zero interest in investing. And he had more interest in sleeping with them, so he basically sucked at his job. Luca, on the other hand, focused on the technical and business majors. They saw the long-term potential, and some are still my best clients.” “Kyle sounds like he’d get along with my friend Vanessa. I’m sure that’s what she would do too. Well, not the sororities, but she’d hit up the football team.” “I’m sure they’d get along famously, for a night or two.” I couldn’t help but laugh. Fucking Kyle. “Isn’t he dating Shelly?” “The chick who got you involved in all of this? I highly doubt they’re still together. Kyle doesn’t do girlfriends.” The sun started to set and we walked to the beach, not wanting to miss it. Naturally, I had a large towel in my hand for Brae to sit on. God forbid she got sand on her ass. “From what I remember, you don’t do girlfriends either.” Brae nudged me with her shoulder. “Correction, I didn’t do girlfriends.” Not wanting to dredge up my past, I continued with my story. “Anyway, Luca still works for me. He’s holding down the fort while I’m gone.” “Luca works with you?” she asked, surprised. “Yes. He’s one of my right-hand men. I trust him implicitly.” Brae nodded, but otherwise didn’t respond. When she sat up and wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling them into her chest, I wondered what went through her mind. Her eyes studied the pink and orange sky as the sun lowered out of sight. “I love it here,” she said, changing the subject. “What about you? I know you’re unemployed, but what is it you want to do?” A warm breeze picked up the ends of her hair, forcing the scent of apple to waft past me. She was absolutely gorgeous. I’d been with and seen many beautiful women in my day, but Sparky was in a league all by herself. “I loved my sales job. It was something I was good at, which had nothing to do with my upbringing. I grew up in upstate New York. As I told you, my parents have a farm. It’s a dairy farm. So, my mornings started very early with tending to our chickens and cattle. It’s a lovely piece of land. They own fifteen acres.” She lowered her head and closed her eyes. “They can’t lose it.” Oh, how I wanted to pull out my checkbook and pay off the debt just so Brae could breathe a bit easier, but I knew she wouldn’t want me to do that. What blew me away was the donation she had made to the orphanage. This conversation was getting her down, so I changed my direction of questioning, knowing she needed it. “Where do you want to live when we leave here for the year we’re together?” Her shoulders slumped a bit before she shrugged them. “I have a one-bedroom in SoHo I love. It’s rent controlled, so I can afford it. We could live there. I’m not prepared to give up my home.” “My place is a two-bedroom on the upper east side. You’d love it. It has a gourmet kitchen and everything you’d need to make your man dinner.” We both laughed at that comment, knowing the only thing she’d be using in that kitchen was the microwave—and even that was a stretch. We both fell silent, lost in thought. After a few long minutes, she asked, “What do you think the next card will say?” That’s when we both remembered Toby, the pick-up artist, brought us one we had yet to read. After a few more minutes, we went inside and found it under the table. Jude and Brae, Congratulations on passing yet another test. For your reward, we are allowing you one phone call to a person of your choosing. Two phones will be delivered to you within the next few days. Each will have a total of ten minutes of cellular time. Choose wisely. This will be the only call you will be able to make. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi I let out a loud breath. “Well, that’s a great reward.” “It’s going to be nice to talk to a friend. Do you know who you’ll call?” Part of me wanted to tell her I was a friend, but I understood what she meant. “I’ll probably call Luca. Kyle will waste the ten minutes talking about the last chick he laid. What about you? Will you call your parents?” Brae’s body tensed. “No, I’ll most likely call Desiree.” “Do your parents know you lost your job or that you’re away?” She shook her head. “Not exactly. They know I’m away on business. Desiree is covering for me. If they knew what I was doing, they’d sell the farm to help me out. It’s bad enough they don’t know I’ve been helping them.” This woman amazed me. Not only did she give the orphanage all her spending money, it appeared she sacrificed for everyone. “You’re a good woman, Sparky.” “I know, and don’t you forget it.” Her smile was as bright as the sun we watched set. “Never.” TBC.
6 Oct 2017 | 08:31
NEW EPISODE @ele1 @promzy @pizzaro @tenniebenson @eliboy @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @frank @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @taiwo @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @valking1 @grealdobinna @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @pweety @fii-fi @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @miztr-fabulous @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @cizzle @tiana @pappyjay @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @olatunjitobi @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @kessben @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @sirmike @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @tiana @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @omodemilade59 @rufus @megatron @classy @frankymario @yusfaty @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @xtopher @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @mubavak @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @oluwatosin @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @henryjay @ajisam @reyhanat @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @prettyjewel @johnudo @luckykeyzz @mrsolace @horlamzy @nabla @histee @temmy @annie01 @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @starplus10 @sopedammy @abbamayor @usen @jakaph @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @3plex @youngdave @macrex @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @hi-bee-kay @noel @adauche @mavbirth @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @gsoul @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @michaelendurance @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam
6 Oct 2017 | 18:57
So nice to see u guys getting along pretty fine
7 Oct 2017 | 10:34
Gud,kip d spark sparkling
7 Oct 2017 | 15:11
Next pls
8 Oct 2017 | 15:52
**************episode 33************ BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Since learning we would be allowed to make one phone call in a few days, the unknown weighed heavily on my mind. We’ve been comfortable—oblivious in our own little bubble. Fear rushed in and I was scared something from the outside would pop it. It didn’t help my situation when my time of the month arrived just as these insecurities did. The early morning sun shimmered on the ocean, almost blindingly, yet still mesmerizing. It was times like then when I could just stare into space and think. Without him close to distract me, it was easier to remember the purpose of this madness. I came in not wanting any chance of a relationship, yet here I was in one and enjoying every minute of it. Most of the time Jude made me feel like I was the only woman on earth for him. Of course, being stuck here with me had a lot to do with it. But if he could change so much in just a few weeks, what would happen after a year? And more importantly, what would I want to happen after a year? What would he want? I honestly couldn’t answer those questions, and that terrified me. After lying awake most of the night, plagued by thoughts, I slipped out of our warm bed and went to my happy place in an attempt to channel my goals and refocus. Once I was settled on my chaise, it did little good. All I’d been thinking about while sitting out on the beach was Jude. His smile that could change my mood in an instant. Every touch affected me. A few weeks ago, I was able to come out to the beach and contemplate my situation. Now, it didn’t matter whether I was lying next to his naked body or sitting out on the beach alone, I still felt his presence and could no longer think clearly. Funny, when I started this whole thing, my mantra to keep my eye on the prize often got me through, especially when he was being his charming prick self. Somewhere along the line, I subconsciously bulked him in as part of the prize. I was screwed. Taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, I sighed and tightened the towel I carried out as a blanket around me. The morning chill felt much cooler than it actually was. Just as I closed my eyes on another sigh, a pair of warm lips on my ear said, “Want to have sex on the beach?” Jumping and spilling coffee on my legs caused him to chuckle at my startled response. “Oh my God! You scared me.” I used the towel to wipe up the droplets that sloshed over the side of my cup. “Sorry, Sparky. Didn’t mean to scare you, but who else would be whispering about wanting sex in your ear?” “I was just lost in thought.” “Why are you out here so early?” He reclined on his chaise facing me. Once again, he was practically naked in his tight boxer briefs, displaying every ridiculous bump and dip of his abs. “How long have you been out here?” “A while. I couldn’t sleep.” A sly grin spread over his face. “Next time, wake me up.” He waggled his eyebrows, then frowned. “You didn’t answer my question. Sex on the beach?” “No.” I dismissed him with a wave of my hand. “Ouch. Have your period? For the record, we could do other things.” My open-mouthed gape caused another chuckle. “Ah, you do. I knew it had to be coming. You’ve been quiet, and last night you were very weepy and restless.” “I was?” I was a bit taken aback that he noticed. I had been lost in thought the past few days, but tried very hard to camouflage my mood. We fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, only for me to toss and turn the rest of the night. “Yes. You mumbled a lot. Cried even, and I knew something was wrong when you didn’t snore.” “Shut it, I don’t snore.” “Okay, Sparky. I have to provide my evidence soon.” He skimmed his hand over one bare leg, eliciting goosebumps. “Is this from my presence, or are you cold?” I shook my head, frustrated at his ability to flip back and forth between the caring, sweet Jude and the sexual, arrogant Jude who never failed to rile me up—and even more frustrated at my inability to hide how much he did. “I’m cold.” “Liar.” When he turned around and pulled me into his warm body, that move almost caused tears to well. “Talk to me, Sparky.” I looked away, trying to hide my emotions, but I couldn’t hide them for long. Everything I did, every way I acted, was on display for this man to see. Rather than making excuses for what had me so somber, I played on the one thing he picked up on. “It’s just how I get every month. No worries, woman problems.” “How can I improve your mood?” He nuzzled my neck and skimmed his lips across my skin up to my ear. The lower half of my body immediately sparked to life from his touch. Trying to push my gloom aside, I turned my head and captured his lips with mine. His low moan single-handedly erased my doubts, and with each kiss after that, he managed to distract my thoughts. Uncharacteristically, he was the first to break away. “Let’s get inside and have breakfast. Are you okay now?” “I’m fine. Don’t mind me.” A genuine smile spread over his perfect face. He stood and held a hand out for me, which I immediately took. Together, we walked back to the cottage and he amused me through my sand removal routine. Once inside, Jude went into the kitchen to whip up something to eat. He no longer even asked for my opinion, and just took it upon himself to make whatever he was in the mood for. Most of the time, I was absolutely fine with his decision. Just as I began to set the table, a knock sounded on the door. “It’s so freaking’ early. How do they even know we’re up?” he grumbled while I heard the first piece of bacon pop and sizzle from the pan. Him and his bacon. “I’ll get it,” I said, walking toward the door. “I wouldn’t want you punching someone this early in the morning. It’ll delay my breakfast.” I threw him a devilish grin and he reciprocated with his own. “I love how the smell of bacon now turns you on. I can see it written all over your face.” “I’m just hungry.” I opened the door to a small box sitting on the ground and looked around, but no one was in sight. Lifting it, I pulled the card off the top, and read, “Jude and Brae.” What is it?” he asked as he flipped another piece of bacon. At my short pause, he looked over, catching me ogling his work-of-art body. The combination was hot as hell. What was it about a practically naked sexy man cooking that caused my crotch to clench in an instant? Damn it, I couldn’t take him right there on the floor with the bacon popping above us on the stove. “Would you rather I take my shorts off, Sparky? You’ll get eyestrain.” “Shut up.” No longer phased by his conceit, I resumed the simple task of walking back to the table and ripped open the package. I read the note out loud. Jude and Brae, Your phones are included in this package. You can make your ten-minute phone calls at any time during the day. Use your minutes wisely. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi Lying at the bottom of the box beneath two very outdated flip phones, was another note I, again, read out loud. Jude and Brae, We will begin preparations for your matrimonial ceremony taking place two weeks from today. Our eyes instantly met across the room. “What else does it say?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. I looked down and continued. Arrangements have been made. One week from today, Brae will be picked up for her bridal gown fitting at one p.m., and Jude will be fitted at the cottage by our tailor for his tux. During the next week, please use the stationary included to compile your guest list for the ceremony. In total, you are allowed ten guests. You’ll have to work together to decide who they will be. Other details of your wedding day will arrive over the next two weeks. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi With his back to me, I saw him grip the counter top on each side of the stove, his head bowed in thought. This was getting very real, very fast, and with that one little note, the fairy tale we’d been living these past few weeks became a scary reality. JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Our breakfast was silent while we ate, each of us lost in thought. She pushed away from the table, and said, “I’ll be back,” before walking into the bathroom without another word. Chalking her mood up to her hormones, I cleared the table, impatiently tossed all the dishes into the sink, grabbed one of the phones, and walked out onto the deck. Maybe that notecard freaked Brae out as much as it did me. Shit, how did the one part that made this all too real sneak up on us so fast? I stared down at the phone for a few long minutes before flipping it open and dialing his cell number. On the second ring, he answered, “Luca Benedetto.” “Luca.” “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Spark!” In his deep Italian baritone voice, he added, “Didn’t expect to hear from you. How’s it going in paradise?”
20 Oct 2017 | 03:43
**************episode 33************ BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Since learning we would be allowed to make one phone call in a few days, the unknown weighed heavily on my mind. We’ve been comfortable—oblivious in our own little bubble. Fear rushed in and I was scared something from the outside would pop it. It didn’t help my situation when my time of the month arrived just as these insecurities did. The early morning sun shimmered on the ocean, almost blindingly, yet still mesmerizing. It was times like then when I could just stare into space and think. Without him close to distract me, it was easier to remember the purpose of this madness. I came in not wanting any chance of a relationship, yet here I was in one and enjoying every minute of it. Most of the time Jude made me feel like I was the only woman on earth for him. Of course, being stuck here with me had a lot to do with it. But if he could change so much in just a few weeks, what would happen after a year? And more importantly, what would I want to happen after a year? What would he want? I honestly couldn’t answer those questions, and that terrified me. After lying awake most of the night, plagued by thoughts, I slipped out of our warm bed and went to my happy place in an attempt to channel my goals and refocus. Once I was settled on my chaise, it did little good. All I’d been thinking about while sitting out on the beach was Jude. His smile that could change my mood in an instant. Every touch affected me. A few weeks ago, I was able to come out to the beach and contemplate my situation. Now, it didn’t matter whether I was lying next to his naked body or sitting out on the beach alone, I still felt his presence and could no longer think clearly. Funny, when I started this whole thing, my mantra to keep my eye on the prize often got me through, especially when he was being his charming prick self. Somewhere along the line, I subconsciously bulked him in as part of the prize. I was screwed. Taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, I sighed and tightened the towel I carried out as a blanket around me. The morning chill felt much cooler than it actually was. Just as I closed my eyes on another sigh, a pair of warm lips on my ear said, “Want to have sex on the beach?” Jumping and spilling coffee on my legs caused him to chuckle at my startled response. “Oh my God! You scared me.” I used the towel to wipe up the droplets that sloshed over the side of my cup. “Sorry, Sparky. Didn’t mean to scare you, but who else would be whispering about wanting sex in your ear?” “I was just lost in thought.” “Why are you out here so early?” He reclined on his chaise facing me. Once again, he was practically naked in his tight boxer briefs, displaying every ridiculous bump and dip of his abs. “How long have you been out here?” “A while. I couldn’t sleep.” A sly grin spread over his face. “Next time, wake me up.” He waggled his eyebrows, then frowned. “You didn’t answer my question. Sex on the beach?” “No.” I dismissed him with a wave of my hand. “Ouch. Have your period? For the record, we could do other things.” My open-mouthed gape caused another chuckle. “Ah, you do. I knew it had to be coming. You’ve been quiet, and last night you were very weepy and restless.” “I was?” I was a bit taken aback that he noticed. I had been lost in thought the past few days, but tried very hard to camouflage my mood. We fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, only for me to toss and turn the rest of the night. “Yes. You mumbled a lot. Cried even, and I knew something was wrong when you didn’t snore.” “Shut it, I don’t snore.” “Okay, Sparky. I have to provide my evidence soon.” He skimmed his hand over one bare leg, eliciting goosebumps. “Is this from my presence, or are you cold?” I shook my head, frustrated at his ability to flip back and forth between the caring, sweet Jude and the sexual, arrogant Jude who never failed to rile me up—and even more frustrated at my inability to hide how much he did. “I’m cold.” “Liar.” When he turned around and pulled me into his warm body, that move almost caused tears to well. “Talk to me, Sparky.” I looked away, trying to hide my emotions, but I couldn’t hide them for long. Everything I did, every way I acted, was on display for this man to see. Rather than making excuses for what had me so somber, I played on the one thing he picked up on. “It’s just how I get every month. No worries, woman problems.” “How can I improve your mood?” He nuzzled my neck and skimmed his lips across my skin up to my ear. The lower half of my body immediately sparked to life from his touch. Trying to push my gloom aside, I turned my head and captured his lips with mine. His low moan single-handedly erased my doubts, and with each kiss after that, he managed to distract my thoughts. Uncharacteristically, he was the first to break away. “Let’s get inside and have breakfast. Are you okay now?” “I’m fine. Don’t mind me.” A genuine smile spread over his perfect face. He stood and held a hand out for me, which I immediately took. Together, we walked back to the cottage and he amused me through my sand removal routine. Once inside, Jude went into the kitchen to whip up something to eat. He no longer even asked for my opinion, and just took it upon himself to make whatever he was in the mood for. Most of the time, I was absolutely fine with his decision. Just as I began to set the table, a knock sounded on the door. “It’s so freaking’ early. How do they even know we’re up?” he grumbled while I heard the first piece of bacon pop and sizzle from the pan. Him and his bacon. “I’ll get it,” I said, walking toward the door. “I wouldn’t want you punching someone this early in the morning. It’ll delay my breakfast.” I threw him a devilish grin and he reciprocated with his own. “I love how the smell of bacon now turns you on. I can see it written all over your face.” “I’m just hungry.” I opened the door to a small box sitting on the ground and looked around, but no one was in sight. Lifting it, I pulled the card off the top, and read, “Jude and Brae.” What is it?” he asked as he flipped another piece of bacon. At my short pause, he looked over, catching me ogling his work-of-art body. The combination was hot as hell. What was it about a practically naked sexy man cooking that caused my crotch to clench in an instant? Damn it, I couldn’t take him right there on the floor with the bacon popping above us on the stove. “Would you rather I take my shorts off, Sparky? You’ll get eyestrain.” “Shut up.” No longer phased by his conceit, I resumed the simple task of walking back to the table and ripped open the package. I read the note out loud. Jude and Brae, Your phones are included in this package. You can make your ten-minute phone calls at any time during the day. Use your minutes wisely. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi Lying at the bottom of the box beneath two very outdated flip phones, was another note I, again, read out loud. Jude and Brae, We will begin preparations for your matrimonial ceremony taking place two weeks from today. Our eyes instantly met across the room. “What else does it say?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. I looked down and continued. Arrangements have been made. One week from today, Brae will be picked up for her bridal gown fitting at one p.m., and Jude will be fitted at the cottage by our tailor for his tux. During the next week, please use the stationary included to compile your guest list for the ceremony. In total, you are allowed ten guests. You’ll have to work together to decide who they will be. Other details of your wedding day will arrive over the next two weeks. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi With his back to me, I saw him grip the counter top on each side of the stove, his head bowed in thought. This was getting very real, very fast, and with that one little note, the fairy tale we’d been living these past few weeks became a scary reality. JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Our breakfast was silent while we ate, each of us lost in thought. She pushed away from the table, and said, “I’ll be back,” before walking into the bathroom without another word. Chalking her mood up to her hormones, I cleared the table, impatiently tossed all the dishes into the sink, grabbed one of the phones, and walked out onto the deck. Maybe that notecard freaked Brae out as much as it did me. Shit, how did the one part that made this all too real sneak up on us so fast? I stared down at the phone for a few long minutes before flipping it open and dialing his cell number. On the second ring, he answered, “Luca Benedetto.” “Luca.” “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Spark!” In his deep Italian baritone voice, he added, “Didn’t expect to hear from you. How’s it going in paradise?” to be continued.
20 Oct 2017 | 03:43
**************episode 33************ BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Since learning we would be allowed to make one phone call in a few days, the unknown weighed heavily on my mind. We’ve been comfortable—oblivious in our own little bubble. Fear rushed in and I was scared something from the outside would pop it. It didn’t help my situation when my time of the month arrived just as these insecurities did. The early morning sun shimmered on the ocean, almost blindingly, yet still mesmerizing. It was times like then when I could just stare into space and think. Without him close to distract me, it was easier to remember the purpose of this madness. I came in not wanting any chance of a relationship, yet here I was in one and enjoying every minute of it. Most of the time Jude made me feel like I was the only woman on earth for him. Of course, being stuck here with me had a lot to do with it. But if he could change so much in just a few weeks, what would happen after a year? And more importantly, what would I want to happen after a year? What would he want? I honestly couldn’t answer those questions, and that terrified me. After lying awake most of the night, plagued by thoughts, I slipped out of our warm bed and went to my happy place in an attempt to channel my goals and refocus. Once I was settled on my chaise, it did little good. All I’d been thinking about while sitting out on the beach was Jude. His smile that could change my mood in an instant. Every touch affected me. A few weeks ago, I was able to come out to the beach and contemplate my situation. Now, it didn’t matter whether I was lying next to his naked body or sitting out on the beach alone, I still felt his presence and could no longer think clearly. Funny, when I started this whole thing, my mantra to keep my eye on the prize often got me through, especially when he was being his charming prick self. Somewhere along the line, I subconsciously bulked him in as part of the prize. I was screwed. Taking a sip of my now lukewarm coffee, I sighed and tightened the towel I carried out as a blanket around me. The morning chill felt much cooler than it actually was. Just as I closed my eyes on another sigh, a pair of warm lips on my ear said, “Want to have sex on the beach?” Jumping and spilling coffee on my legs caused him to chuckle at my startled response. “Oh my God! You scared me.” I used the towel to wipe up the droplets that sloshed over the side of my cup. “Sorry, Sparky. Didn’t mean to scare you, but who else would be whispering about wanting sex in your ear?” “I was just lost in thought.” “Why are you out here so early?” He reclined on his chaise facing me. Once again, he was practically naked in his tight boxer briefs, displaying every ridiculous bump and dip of his abs. “How long have you been out here?” “A while. I couldn’t sleep.” A sly grin spread over his face. “Next time, wake me up.” He waggled his eyebrows, then frowned. “You didn’t answer my question. Sex on the beach?” “No.” I dismissed him with a wave of my hand. “Ouch. Have your period? For the record, we could do other things.” My open-mouthed gape caused another chuckle. “Ah, you do. I knew it had to be coming. You’ve been quiet, and last night you were very weepy and restless.” “I was?” I was a bit taken aback that he noticed. I had been lost in thought the past few days, but tried very hard to camouflage my mood. We fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, only for me to toss and turn the rest of the night. “Yes. You mumbled a lot. Cried even, and I knew something was wrong when you didn’t snore.” “Shut it, I don’t snore.” “Okay, Sparky. I have to provide my evidence soon.” He skimmed his hand over one bare leg, eliciting goosebumps. “Is this from my presence, or are you cold?” I shook my head, frustrated at his ability to flip back and forth between the caring, sweet Jude and the sexual, arrogant Jude who never failed to rile me up—and even more frustrated at my inability to hide how much he did. “I’m cold.” “Liar.” When he turned around and pulled me into his warm body, that move almost caused tears to well. “Talk to me, Sparky.” I looked away, trying to hide my emotions, but I couldn’t hide them for long. Everything I did, every way I acted, was on display for this man to see. Rather than making excuses for what had me so somber, I played on the one thing he picked up on. “It’s just how I get every month. No worries, woman problems.” “How can I improve your mood?” He nuzzled my neck and skimmed his lips across my skin up to my ear. The lower half of my body immediately sparked to life from his touch. Trying to push my gloom aside, I turned my head and captured his lips with mine. His low moan single-handedly erased my doubts, and with each kiss after that, he managed to distract my thoughts. Uncharacteristically, he was the first to break away. “Let’s get inside and have breakfast. Are you okay now?” “I’m fine. Don’t mind me.” A genuine smile spread over his perfect face. He stood and held a hand out for me, which I immediately took. Together, we walked back to the cottage and he amused me through my sand removal routine. Once inside, Jude went into the kitchen to whip up something to eat. He no longer even asked for my opinion, and just took it upon himself to make whatever he was in the mood for. Most of the time, I was absolutely fine with his decision. Just as I began to set the table, a knock sounded on the door. “It’s so freaking’ early. How do they even know we’re up?” he grumbled while I heard the first piece of bacon pop and sizzle from the pan. Him and his bacon. “I’ll get it,” I said, walking toward the door. “I wouldn’t want you punching someone this early in the morning. It’ll delay my breakfast.” I threw him a devilish grin and he reciprocated with his own. “I love how the smell of bacon now turns you on. I can see it written all over your face.” “I’m just hungry.” I opened the door to a small box sitting on the ground and looked around, but no one was in sight. Lifting it, I pulled the card off the top, and read, “Jude and Brae.” What is it?” he asked as he flipped another piece of bacon. At my short pause, he looked over, catching me ogling his work-of-art body. The combination was hot as hell. What was it about a practically naked sexy man cooking that caused my crotch to clench in an instant? Damn it, I couldn’t take him right there on the floor with the bacon popping above us on the stove. “Would you rather I take my shorts off, Sparky? You’ll get eyestrain.” “Shut up.” No longer phased by his conceit, I resumed the simple task of walking back to the table and ripped open the package. I read the note out loud. Jude and Brae, Your phones are included in this package. You can make your ten-minute phone calls at any time during the day. Use your minutes wisely. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi Lying at the bottom of the box beneath two very outdated flip phones, was another note I, again, read out loud. Jude and Brae, We will begin preparations for your matrimonial ceremony taking place two weeks from today. Our eyes instantly met across the room. “What else does it say?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. I looked down and continued. Arrangements have been made. One week from today, Brae will be picked up for her bridal gown fitting at one p.m., and Jude will be fitted at the cottage by our tailor for his tux. During the next week, please use the stationary included to compile your guest list for the ceremony. In total, you are allowed ten guests. You’ll have to work together to decide who they will be. Other details of your wedding day will arrive over the next two weeks. Love and Sparks, Chip & Barbi With his back to me, I saw him grip the counter top on each side of the stove, his head bowed in thought. This was getting very real, very fast, and with that one little note, the fairy tale we’d been living these past few weeks became a scary reality. JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY Our breakfast was silent while we ate, each of us lost in thought. She pushed away from the table, and said, “I’ll be back,” before walking into the bathroom without another word. Chalking her mood up to her hormones, I cleared the table, impatiently tossed all the dishes into the sink, grabbed one of the phones, and walked out onto the deck. Maybe that notecard freaked Brae out as much as it did me. Shit, how did the one part that made this all too real sneak up on us so fast? I stared down at the phone for a few long minutes before flipping it open and dialing his cell number. On the second ring, he answered, “Luca Benedetto.” “Luca.” “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Spark!” In his deep Italian baritone voice, he added, “Didn’t expect to hear from you. How’s it going in paradise?” to be continued.
20 Oct 2017 | 03:44
NEW EPISODE @ele1 @promzy @pizzaro @tenniebenson @eliboy @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @frank @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @taiwo @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @valking1 @grealdobinna @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @pweety @fii-fi @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @miztr-fabulous @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @cizzle @tiana @pappyjay @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @olatunjitobi @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @kessben @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @sirmike @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @tiana @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @omodemilade59 @rufus @megatron @classy @frankymario @yusfaty @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @xtopher @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @mubavak @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @oluwatosin @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @henryjay @ajisam @reyhanat @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @prettyjewel @johnudo @luckykeyzz @mrsolace @horlamzy @nabla @histee @temmy @annie01 @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @starplus10 @sopedammy @abbamayor @usen @jakaph @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @3plex @youngdave @macrex @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @hi-bee-kay @noel @adauche @mavbirth @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @gsoul @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @michaelendurance @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam
20 Oct 2017 | 03:46
Net plz
20 Oct 2017 | 07:48
emagency wedding
20 Oct 2017 | 19:17
I cant wait to see how the wedding will go on
21 Oct 2017 | 07:35
21 Oct 2017 | 08:27
It is going fine Luca
21 Oct 2017 | 08:49
What else do you except paradise to be Luca? If not joyous and full of excitement.
21 Oct 2017 | 16:24
sparky no worry
21 Oct 2017 | 18:12
Next episode
22 Oct 2017 | 06:06
************episode 34********* “It’s fine. I only have ten minutes. How’s my company doing?” “Um . . . okay?” My hackles rose at his nonchalant answer. “What do you mean, um . . . okay?” Luca cleared his throat. “We have a situation with Waldon Industries. He’s been giving us a hard time over your absence.” “How hard of a—” Luca went on to speak over me. “I personally didn’t think you’d last this long, but things must be going well with that hot piece of ass you’re stuck with. Did you do her yet?” “Shut the fuck up, Luca.” “Wow. What the hell is going on over there? Did you fall for this chick?” “No.” The more I waited to explain things, the worst it would be for me. “I care about her is all. Just focus, please. They only gave us ten minutes of cell time. I have more important things to worry about. How hard of a time is he giving us? I need you to tell me what Waldon said.” “There was a tiny dip in his stock last week and he’s claiming it’s because no one was watching his portfolio . . . which is a fucking lie.” The ten silent seconds that stretched between us were ten wasted seconds. “Luca, spill it.” “He’s threatening to walk. We’ve been able to stall up until now, but our tactics are no longer working. We’re meeting with him tomorrow.” Fuck. Howard Waldon was my biggest client, and my biggest pain in the ass. Since his portfolio was thriving, I had hoped he’d be content while I was gone. “I planned to hear him out, and if he was serious, I was going to call to say your aunt died. Anyway, during my call with him this morning, he said he wants to speak to you directly. He’s not buying the fact that you can’t be reached.” Shit. Shit. I needed to think. I glanced at the phone and watched the time tick ominously. “Okay, listen carefully. One week from today, we have our fittings for the wedding.” “Wedding! Shit, Kyle just won back his hundred bucks.” “Luca, focus,” I said through gritted teeth. “Get online, quick. Look for flights arriving that afternoon.” “Okay.” I heard Luca’s fingers flying over the keyboard. “There’s a flight arriving on St. John at twelve forty-five.” “Perfect. Fly here with those contracts. Before you take off, arrange a taxi to pick me up at twenty-two Beach Haven Way at one-thirty. I should be there by the time you disembark. I’ll meet you at baggage claim and we will call Waldon and assure him I support what you guys have suggested. Make sure you schedule that call with him at two p.m. sharp for no more than thirty minutes.” “Got it.” “My time is up. If anything goes wrong from now ’til next week, call via the emergency ruse that my aunt died.” Just as Luca was saying, “Is there anything you need me to bring . . .” the call went dead. My head pounded with an oncoming headache that had all to do with the helplessness I felt regarding my pride and joy. I knew going in this could happen, but denial and being swept up in this fantasy with Brae had dulled my logic. Lesson learned: lust always trumps logic. I walked my aggravated ass back into the cottage, sandy feet and all. She’d just have to deal with it. I found her at the sink cleaning the dirty dishes I dumped before calling Luca. At my entrance, she turned her head and frowned. “You made your call already?” she asked, shutting the water off and wiping her hands on a dishtowel. “Yeah. I called Luca.” Gauging my expression, she asked, “Is everything okay?” Her eyes widened a bit with concern. “Yep.” My clipped response caused a frown to pucker her forehead. In the way she stood staring at me expectantly for a few seconds, it was obvious she wanted a better explanation. When it was clear I wasn’t offering one, she asked, “You look upset. Are you sure you’re okay?” “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t concern you.” She nodded with a tight smile before snatching her phone off the counter. “I might as well make my call now.” Without a backward glance, she walked out the door, slamming it shut behind her. Why was it her ten minutes went by a lot slower than mine did? When she walked back into the house and avoided eye contact with me, I wondered if she received bad news as well. “Who did you call?” “Desiree.” Without looking my way, she busied herself by making the bed. “Everything okay at home?” My question caused her to twist her head in my direction while sporting a scowl. “No. But I have nothing to hide, so I’ll tell you. I need to sign something from the bank. Des is having it faxed over tomorrow. If you see it before I do, I’d appreciate it if you could be sure to find me asap.” “That shouldn’t be hard. You’ll probably be in the bathroom,” I quipped. Her livid expression cut me to the quick. “Screw you. I meant if I was on the beach.” Leaving the bed half made, she walked past me toward the door, stopped abruptly, and looked down. “Can you please clean up the sand you tracked in?” “Yes, dear.” With a disgusted shake of her head, she opened the door and walked onto the deck. The echo of the door being slammed yet again shook the glass cabinet fronts. “What the fuck did I do now?” I grunted out loud to myself, and walked outside to find her staring at the ocean. Her arms were folded tightly across her chest. “Did I do something to piss you off, Sparky?” Without turning her head, she said, “Nope. Nothing at all.” “No? So, this little hissy fit you’re throwing just has to do with your period?” Her lip curled up in a snarl before I dragged my leg behind me as I hit the shallow the water. She crossed her arms and snapped, “What are you doing?” “Just trying to get used to the ball and chain clamped around my ankle,” I called out with a smirk. “I get it, you’re stressed out. Well, so am I. Too bad I can’t take off to a bar and drink with my buddies to release my own stress. Instead, I’m stuck here like a fucking prisoner.” The moment I said it, I regretted it. Her expression went slack, and her face paled. Without a word, she turned and walked back to the cottage. I called out to her, but she ignored me. It was more than the aggravation I felt over my business that caused me to feel sick to my stomach. It could have been the wedding talk or our phone calls that triggered our moods—the list went on and on. But one thing I knew for sure as I sunk to my knees in the wet sand feeling like the world was imploding around me, Brae Daniels had gotten under my skin, and I hated that I cared so much. Chapter 24 Brae Heavy footsteps sounded outside of the bathroom door, followed by the slamming of drawers. What the hell was he doing? After taking a much-needed breath, I pulled the door open to see Jude jerking on a pair of jeans over his bare ass. “Where are you going?” His eyes narrowed as he looked at me. “For a walk. I need air. Just like you need everything to be neat and tidy, I need my space to think.” “You know you can’t be gone longer than an hour.” That’s all I needed was for him to get sidetracked and us to get busted. “Don’t worry, Miss Rule Follower, I’ll be back in time. So, just calm your tits. I wouldn’t want you to lose the prize money. After all, I know that’s your main reason for being here.” My mouth dropped at his words. Of course, that was my main reason, but now he played a large factor in it too. Did he think we were just playing house all these weeks? That I’d just sleep with him because he was available? “You’re an asshole.” . . . .to be continued.
23 Oct 2017 | 10:23
What is wrong with the both of you
23 Oct 2017 | 16:31
Getting frustrated due to their stress
23 Oct 2017 | 17:08
Well, I Hope U Will Solv Ur Problem 2geda
23 Oct 2017 | 17:14
Can't you two put aside your egos and fall in love? Gush, you're are so annoying.
23 Oct 2017 | 17:17
I don't even know what to say anymore about this situation
23 Oct 2017 | 19:26
this people are pimples I swear
23 Oct 2017 | 19:57
***************episode 35************* BRAE'S SIDE OF THE STORY FROM LAST EPISODE “So, I’ve been told.” With that, he turned and left out the back door. Even though I was furious, I couldn’t help but watch his toned body walk away. His worn jeans hung low on his hips, cradling his ass in the most delectable way. God, I hated that man. It was a shame he held a solid place in my heart. Him giving me a few minutes to myself was a good decision. With my blood boiling to dangerous levels, I filled a tumbler with ice and topped it with the chilled white wine we opened yesterday. Forfeiting the hot chaise on the beach for a shadier spot, I made myself comfortable on the hammock. Wave after wave rolled in, but the sound of the surf, which usually calmed me, failed. All I heard was him calling me his ball and chain as I took a large gulp of wine. It was becoming clear he didn’t want to get married. His entire demeanor changed as soon as we received our instructions regarding wedding attire. It would appear I was back to square one of being here for my original reason. But things changed, and it’d be hard to block out the effect Jude had on me. His need to keep that phone call private, even after I told him all about mine, was very telling. Something was going on and it was stressing him out. Part of me wanted to ask him if it was his time of the month, but I refrained. Not knowing the exact time, my nerves began to spike. It was then movement caught my eye. Jude strutted down the beach looking sexy as hell. Those damn tattoos. His skin glistened with sweat and his bare feet kicked the sand with each step he took. The washed-out denim defined every inch of his long, muscular legs. And from twenty feet away, Jude Soren, managed to spike my temperature quicker than the island sun ever had. Even though I couldn’t see his face, his actions painted a clear picture. When he ran his hand through his hair while staring down at the sand, I knew his short walk didn’t do him much good. He stopped when he saw me relaxing in the hammock. Neither of us spoke for a short moment, but it felt longer. Not since we first started this dating adventure has the tension been so high between us. I grew accustomed to his jokes, nicknames, and incessant teasing. The thought of all that being gone saddened me. “Did you have a nice walk?” “I did. What have you been doing?” Taking a sip of my wine, I relished in the ice hitting my lips, temporarily cooling me down. “Sitting here thinking about all we’ve been through the past few weeks. We got another note. Three days before the wedding, we’ll be picked up and taken to a jeweler to pick out rings.” His jaw tensed, and I quickly changed the subject. “You look hot, would you like something cold to drink?” “You still think I’m hot, Sparky? If we’re exchanging compliments, I think your tits look amazing in that tank top.” I rolled my eyes, but secretly loved his retort. Maybe he was feeling better. “So, that’s a no to the drink?” “I think a shower would be better. Care to join me? I’ll let you wash my back. I’d be more than happy to take care of your front.” “As you keep reminding me, I am on my period. Plus, don’t forget we’re supposed to be mad at each other.” “I’m sure you’ve heard of make-up sex.” He took a step toward me, the expression on his face one that said he wanted to devour me. “Besides, do you think your period is going to stop me?” My mouth gaped open in shock. Holy shit. I’ve never in my life had sex during my time of the month. Was he suggesting what I thought he was? “I see your wheels turning, Sparky. You think too much.” In one fell swoop, he tossed me over his shoulder, sending the hammock swinging and my wine glass crashing to the sand. “Jude! Put me down.” My legs kicked, but it didn’t deter him. Each of his movements caused the waistband of his jeans to gap. Once again, my eyes were fixated on the top of his ass. I purposely fisted my hands to keep myself from slipping them in to cop a feel. “You can’t fix everything by having sex.” “Do you know me at all?” Setting me down in the bathroom, he turned the shower on before sliding the metal button through the hole of his jeans. His eyes pinned to mine, he lowered the zipper until they fell to the floor. There, in all his glory, stood an infuriating man. “Ready to make up, Sparky?” “I don’t know. Should I make up with you? I’m not sure what a ball and chain would do.” I planted my hands on my hips and stared up at him. Jude smiled smugly, unfastened my shorts, and pushed them down until they rested on my feet. His hand went between my legs, over my panties, causing me to gasp. Shit. There was no way I would let him touch me there, not today, not for a couple more days. He tucked his thumbs under the elastic of my panties and slid them down. Two gentle tugs on the pink string hanging between my legs practically caused an instant orgasm. “Do what you need to do, Brae, but I will be inside you. Either you take care of this, or I will.” His lips found a spot on my neck that had clearly become his favorite to nibble on. My entire body tensed. Could I do this with him? I thought as steam filled the small room. With every flick of his tongue on my skin, he convinced me in less than five seconds. Tilting my head to the side so he could continue, I whispered, “Get in. I’ll be right behind you.” He lifted his head with a wicked grin. “I’d rather be behind you, but that could be round two.” The moment he turned his back, I rushed to remove the only barrier stopping him from taking me on the spot. I glanced his way, and was thankful he kept his back to me until I finished what I needed to do. I joined him in the small shower, and between the pounding spray of warm water and his proximity to my body, there was no hiding how turned on I was. JUDE'S SIDE OF THE STORY I’d never wanted a woman as much as I wanted her right then. That confirmation seemed far-fetched, especially with my sexual history. But wanting to fuck someone wasn’t nearly as all-consuming as wanting to own someone. I didn’t merely need to be inside her; I needed to mark her, take her, and possess her in every way. I took half a step closer until every part of me pushed against every part of her. One more step forward successfully sandwiched Brae between the stone wall and me, the rock hard man in front of her. “Jude, I’ve never done this before,” she said, panicked. “Neither have I, and that makes it even hotter. Lift your legs, Sparky,” I demanded without giving her an option. She held my shoulders and did as she was told. I gripped the back of her thighs to help her along. Without the slightest hesitation, I slid my entire length into her pussy in one deliberate thrust. “Oh, fuck.” The euphoria of being buried balls deep in her warmth was immediate. I didn’t think I’d ever tire of her, or how she so perfectly surrounded me. My movements were anything but gentle as I pounded my hips against hers, a growl marking each move. She dug her fingers into my hair and tugged, causing me to hiss against her lips. Her penetrating gaze held me hostage. I couldn’t look away, and when she came nose to nose with me while tugging harder on my hair, I practically came. “You’re still angry, Sparky. I can tell.” “Congratulations, Captain Obvious.” Her labored breathing, glare, and the way her pussy gripped me were all telltale signs that she was beyond turned on. “Angry or not, you’re also hating the fact that you like me fucking you hard in a shower.” I pressed my fingertips into her thighs, pushing up against her even harder with each move I made. “Enough talking,” she gritted out before crushing her lips to mine. We swallowed each other’s grunts; consumed each other’s ire. With our mouths cemented together, our bodies joined as one, her anger and my frustration took on a life of their own. Together in that shower, we used an act of primordial fucking to douse the fire raging within us. I pulled far enough away from her face to demand, “Get there, Sparky.” She stared back at me in defiance, but otherwise ignored me. Taking it upon myself, I shoved my hand between us to fondle her. The river of water flowing over and between us felt hot to my skin. The pressure in my balls begged for release. I couldn’t hold back any longer, and gave one final warning. “I’m coming, with or without you.” TO BE CONTINUED.
30 Oct 2017 | 13:30
Lol,Brae n Jude,couple of d yr
31 Oct 2017 | 05:08
31 Oct 2017 | 07:33
So this story is still going on... Good to know
31 Oct 2017 | 09:54
Continue o
1 Nov 2017 | 04:51
3 Nov 2017 | 08:54
please can you help us by continuing this story for us because there is a lot can learn from it.
12 Jan 2020 | 09:06


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

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