

By chimmy in 2 Nov 2018 | 16:41
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Everyone Falls In Love

Episode 1

The tables were wooden but looked golden from the way they were polished. Same with the chairs Andrew and his friend were sitting on. The air-conditioning was set for when the bar was filled to the maximum, so it was extremely cold with just 3 people in the 12 by 12 room. He held tightly unto the girl on his laps as he engaged in an argument with his friend at the table.

It was 2 in the afternoon, but the room was covered with the heavy blinds, and you couldn’t tell what time it was if you had been inside for a long time. Red light bulbs placed inside the glass floor and a chandelier of yellow light gave the room its only illumination. The place used to be a small furniture showroom, and the new owner bought the furniture along with the space.

The girl started giving him a lap-dance when a song she liked came on and it didn’t even distract him from the discussion he was having. She had her eyes closed as she moved seductively, rubbing her butt on his g---n. Her black leather skirt went higher and higher, revealing a huge portion of her thick laps, which caught the eye of Andrew’s friend’s who was seated directly opposite them. Andrew smiled when he saw his friend staring. She opened her eyes and laughed when the room got quiet. She leaned back and whispered in Andrew’s ear before hopping off his lap and doing a catwalk towards the entrance.
“Dude, where do you get these girls from?” Banky, his friend leaned in to ask him. “You have a new girl with you every time we hangout.” He added.
Andrew laughed a little before answering. “I don’t know. I guess the ladies love them some Andrew.” He said and poured himself a drink from the Hennessy bottle. He was scooping up some ice-cubes for his drink as he added, “with my pot belly and all.”
“But dude, for real, you anchor weddings every weekend, but you don’t believe in love. How…”
“Love! Love never helped anyone but the two people in love.” Andrew said, cutting his friend off. He shook his drink gently before continuing. “Love is selfish. Love makes you contented with your life. How many people that changed the world were in love when they did so?” He said and waited for his friends to answer before adding, “That’s right…none. That’s because love is an unnecessarily distraction on your way to success.”
“Well, that’s your theory, I just want to know why then you do what you do?”
“I do it because I am really good at it.” He said with a smile. “ i do it because people are ready to pay me a quarter of a million Naira for it.” Just then his phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket with his left hand while his right hand held on to his glass cup. He stared into his phone screen and the smile on his face was replaced by a frown. And then his whole body tensed up before the glass cup in his hand was shattered by his grip and pieces of glass and ice cubes went flying in every direction.
2 Nov 2018 | 16:41
2 Nov 2018 | 17:15
wat hapun
2 Nov 2018 | 17:56
who was the caller that made him behave that way?
2 Nov 2018 | 18:44
His own theory is semi correct but i don't like dat idea
3 Nov 2018 | 04:22
His grip broke the glass?! What kind of anger is that?
3 Nov 2018 | 05:57
nawa o
3 Nov 2018 | 10:16
Andrew's theory is right but at the same tym wrong
3 Nov 2018 | 10:48
Who called him?
3 Nov 2018 | 13:05
Lyk av read dis tory be4 buh lets c
3 Nov 2018 | 16:18
Take it easy Andrew
3 Nov 2018 | 17:15
what happened? ride on
3 Nov 2018 | 18:02
3 Nov 2018 | 18:41
Everyone Falls In Love episode 2 The wake keeping service was held at the school assembly hall that Andrew and Tunde attended as kids. It was close to Andrew’s house so he got there earlier than most people. He watched as people walked in dressed in black, with long faces. He recognized some of Tunde’s family members, but most of the people in the hall were unfamiliar faces. He still did’t want to believe his friend was gone. And the fact that his family had deiced to bury him a week after his death was weird to him. Why were they so much in a hurry to bury him? He thought to himself. He guessed they wanted to do it as fast and as quietly as possible to avoid the possible stigma that might get attached to the family. As people got up to sing another song from the hymn book they had all been handed when they came in, two boys appeared from the back of the stage with a big placard. When they turned it around, it had a picture of Tunde on it, with a smile on his face. Tears rolled down Andrew’s face as he quietly walked out of the hall. He stopped just outside the hall for a couple of seconds to take a few deep breaths before walking to the back of the building, towards the school’s football field. At the end of the south west part of the high school wall was a small rusted gate. Memories came flooding back; he could remember how he and Tunde used to sneak out of school sliding underneath the gate, and a smile appeared on his face. He pulled out a lighter and his pack of Pall Mall cigarette from his back pocket. A stick of cigarette slipped out of his fingers as he picked it out of the pack and he caught it just before it dropped to the floor. He placed it between his parted lips and flicked the lighter. With his back to the wall, he took his first drag and let out a sigh of relief as he exhaled. It was the long school holiday and the part of the school compound he was at hadn’t been tended to in a while, so there was grass up to his ankles where he stood. Crickets made chirping noises every now and then, but got quiet any time Andrew moved around. A light went on in the upstairs apartment of the building opposite the school and Andrew turned around. A naked female silhouette from behind a curtain caught his attention. He took another drag from his stick of cigarette and focused on the figure. Just then he heard footsteps behind him and instinctively threw away the cigarette. He turned around and saw a curvaceous lady approaching him. He didn’t know if he was more ashamed that someone caught him smoking outside a wake keeping service, or that he was seen staring at a naked lady. It was dark and all he could make out was that the person had own a black gown with a silver belt around her midsection. He wondered why she was walking towards him. And then he heard her familiar voice say, “Andrew.” “Wow!” That was all he could say for the first few seconds as he came into view. “Sorry I made you throw away your cigarette.” She said and smiled up at him, which was slowly replaced by a sorrowful look. “Wow! Anita, you look…” He was saying and stopped when he saw tears roll down her eyes. He took her in his arms and she cried. “Why? Why did he do it?” She said between sobs.
3 Nov 2018 | 19:31
E be like say ways don gas?? Bring it on baby
4 Nov 2018 | 02:03
Hmmmmmm only God knows
4 Nov 2018 | 09:26
4 Nov 2018 | 12:45
Andrew was busy having fun with that hot girl doing him that thing with her bottom when he had the sad news
4 Nov 2018 | 14:11
He had his own reason why he's not gonna fall in love any time will be much better if he says that he's not ready 4 any relationship
4 Nov 2018 | 14:17
Love is much more than relationship things...someone is tunde that he has lost, that made him to cry, he must have loved him like a brother and friend
4 Nov 2018 | 14:24
Maybe he just wanna sext more girls...he should just say that, he just wanna sex more girls...even sex is part of love...or he should just say that he's not ready 4 a relationship which is the midst of love.
4 Nov 2018 | 14:33
Girls love andrew, andrew love girls which is normal 4 sexting things...even that girl was dancing and shaking her things
4 Nov 2018 | 14:39
Whatsoever it is that made anita to cry must not be good...i know anita very well...i will call her later and tell her to take heart
4 Nov 2018 | 14:43
Maybe andrew should give more reasons why his view 4 love is like loaf...he's even smoking, smoking that can kill him from his heart...Love can give him joy and strength from his heart.
4 Nov 2018 | 14:54
Next pls
4 Nov 2018 | 17:37
Everyone Falls In Love episode 3 An awkward silence lingered in the air on the drive to her place. He had remembered seeing her wedding pictures on Facebook a couple of years back, but he hadn’t kept in touch with her for years now. She had been Tunde’s only other friend back in school. They had even dated at some point, but their relationship had ended as abruptly as it started, and they remained good friends afterwards. He had gotten close to her in their final year at the University when the hostels were closed, and everyone had to come from home. He already had a car back then and the three of them would ride back home in his car, sometimes with a couple of their other friends. He usually dropped Anita off last as her house was closer to his. “Should I reduce the Air Conditioner?” He asked, with his hand on the AC controller on the car dashboard when he saw her body shake. “Umm! Maybe a little bit.” She said and laughed. The inside of the Lexus ES 300 got quiet again. They had talked a little about general things before leaving the wake keeping venue, but it just felt strange having chit chat when their friend had killed himself just a week ago. “Oops! You missed the turning.” She said and Andrew slowed down the car. “I’m sorry. I was totally lost in thought.” She added. “It’s okay.” He said as he looked into the rear view mirror. There were no cars approaching, so he quickly reversed the Lexus. “You can park under that coconut tree.” She said as he drove into the street. “Oh, I didn’t know this was where we were headed.” Andrew said as he brought the car to a halt. “I’m staying at my parents’ for now.” “Okay.” He said and turned off the engine. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said and got out of the car. He did the same. He leaned on the roof of the car and smiled at her. “What?” She said, with raised eyebrows. “You used to be super skinny.” “Oh! Yea, people say I changed a lot.” She said and leaned on the tree. “What about you. You…” “I’ve always been big Anita.” “No. You were just tall and a bit chubby. Now you look like Fat Joe.” She said and Andrew laughed. “Actually, Fat Joe has lost weight.” He said between laughs. ‘Okay. You look like the old Fat Joe.” She said and Andrew laughed some more. There was silence but neither of them moved. Anita was leaning on the tree and Andrew was leaning on the car’s top. “It’s been what? 9 years?” Andrew said, breaking the silence. “Actually, 11 years.” “Wow! Time sure does fly.” “Yup!” She said and got off the tree. “See you tomorrow Andrew.” She said and headed towards the yellow painted building with no fence. “I’ll pick you up at…9 am?” “Okay.” She responded without turning around.
4 Nov 2018 | 23:57
I think this story av been posted here b4, but continue, reading all over isn't a bad idea
5 Nov 2018 | 02:07
Continue for us who have not read it before.... Seems to be a nice story. I think Anita and Andrew might.....
5 Nov 2018 | 05:10
5 Nov 2018 | 05:39
I can see luv in de air,time will surely tell... Continue sha!!!
5 Nov 2018 | 12:57
let's go there
5 Nov 2018 | 17:03
new episode
5 Nov 2018 | 17:03
Everyone Falls In Love episode 4 As he walked out of the cemetery gate, he remembered the many times he had passed by the place when they were in school, and now his friend was buried there. It was all over. His body had been laid 6 feet deep, and it finally dawned on him that he would never see Tunde again. Guilt slowly crept in as he felt he could have done a lot more for his friend. Anita had asked if he could drive her down to their alma mater, and they were heading towards his car now. They were initially walking together, but were displaced by the crowd leaving the cemetery. She had on a grey skirt suit and the scarf she had used to cover her head at the cemetery was now around her shoulder. The end part of her jacket sat on her big behind. For some reason, he thought of Mercy Johnson. The skinny little girl his friend had been dying for in college was now unbelievably hot. She looked back at him; sunshades covering her eyes as she urged him along with a slight head movement. He walked up to catch up with her and they walked quietly to his car. A lanky teenage boy was posing to take a picture by the black Mercedes Benz 280 SEL, and he stylishly bounced along when he noticed they were approaching the car. Anita looked at Andrew and smiled as she walked over to the passengers’ side of the classic. “This wasn’t the car you drove yesterday.” She said as she fastened her seat belt. “Umm! No.” “Your MC job really pays I guess.” “Well…I do other things.” He said as he navigated out of the tight corner he was parked in. “Hmm! I’d love to know what those other things are. This banking job is killing me.” “Maybe we can talk about that over a drink after…” “No girlfriend to get to?” She said, cutting him off. Her voice was a higher pitch than her normal husky tone. “Nah!” “Okay. I understand. Girlfriends?” She enquired and they both laughed. ……………….. Andrew parked at an open space at the end of a dead-end road when they got into the University. The person Anita wanted to see was staying at the hostel just beside the parking lot. She called and found out the girl had gone out to eat, and would catch up with them in 5 minutes. “What was Tunde into?” She asked in a low tone. “Umm!” “I am guessing you guys were still close, right?” She said and turned sideways in her seat to face him. “Yea, we were.” He said and paused to switch gears. “He…He actually was…You know him, always trying to do everything at the same thing.” He added and they both laughed. “You know I feel really guilty.” She said after a moment of silence. “Why?” “He…Let’s just say Tunde was the man I should have married.” She said and looked away. “I loved him, but…you know…he just couldn’t get his s--t together.” She said and laughed a little. “So I went and married this stable guy my parents liked and…the marriage didn’t even last 4 years.” She added. “Oh! I didn’t know…” “Yep! I’ve been divorced for about three years now. Definitely not how I thought my life would turn out.” “Any kids?” “Nope. And I don’t even know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.” She said. Her phone started to wring and she pulled it out of her bag. She spoke to the person on the other end for a few seconds before excusing herself out of the car. Anita walked over to a short and chubby lady with glasses on, standing in front of the hostel gate. In the car, Craig David’s Walking Away song came on and memories came flashing back again. Andrew shook his head as the guilt feelings started to creep up. He slowly removed the gold cuff-links he had on, placed them in the glove compartment of the car, and rolled up his shirt sleeves. From the side of his eye he saw Anita approaching with a big brown envelope in her hand. She got in, closed the door and placed the package at the backseat. She massaged her neck and then turned over to Andrew before saying, “Okay. Let’s go and get that drink you were talking about.” ************************ *FOLLOW OUR STORYLINE ON WHAT'S APP +2348127215829* *TBC.✍✍* ***********************
5 Nov 2018 | 17:04
5 Nov 2018 | 18:46
5 Nov 2018 | 18:49
Maybe the duo will become together
5 Nov 2018 | 19:18
Everyone Falls In Love episode 5 It was about 3pm and the bar was scanty. They got a seat at a table next to where the band stand was. Four metal chairs with cushions were placed at each side of the metal table. They took seats opposite each other. The place was a relief from the hot weather outside and she complimented him for bringing her there. Andrew had forgotten his second phone in the car and excused himself to get it after placing his order. The waiter was just dropping their drinks when he walked back into the bar. He sat back, poured himself a glass of Guinness Stout, took two quick gulps and sighed. He took a look at her drink before saying, “Orange juice?” “Yep!” She said and took a sip from her glass. “I was thinking you would have wine or at least Smirnoff Ice.” She put down her phone and looked up at him. “The last time I tasted alcohol was with you and Tunde, and I can never forget what happened to me.” “What? When was that?” “That stupid concoction you guys used to take back in Jaja Hall.” “What?” He said, looking confused, and then like he realized what she was talking about, he said, “Oh! You’re talking about our special cocktail?” He said with a smile on his face. “Please don’t try and make it sound funky. It was some cheap rum and milk.” She said, and he laughed. “Oh my God! I can’t even believe you remembered that.” He said between laughs. “It was Dark Sailor and milk.” “Yea, I remember. I don’t know what made me drink it that day.” She bowed her head and laughed a little before adding. “Please don’t bring up what I did that day.” “You…” He was saying and stopped to chuckle. “Don’t.” She said, with a frown on her face. Just then, his phone started vibrating on the table, and his countenance changed immediately before picking up the call. He spoke for a few seconds and said ‘one hundred dollars’ a few times before ending the call. He dropped his cell phone back on the table and then looked up at her with a smile on his face. “What are you selling for one hundred dollars?” She enquired. “What? Oh, yea.” He said and paused to take a sip from his cup. “I told you about the other thing I do.” “Yea, I almost forgot about that.” She said and smiled at him. “So what is that other thing you do?” “I rent out classic cars.” “Hmm! You mind explaining further?” “The car we came in is a 1983 Mercedes Benz SEL. It is popularly called Shagari Benz.” He said and stopped to crack his knuckles before adding, “It was used in the movie, Coming to America by Hakeem’s parents.” “Oh! I think I can remember that movie.” “Yea, I am sure you can. Anyway, people would pay good money to rent cars like that for a music video, or a wedding, or just for a night out.” “Okay.” “So, I buy up some of rarest vintage cars, and rent them out to people that value them.” “That’s lovely.” “The one I got a call for is the latest in my collection; a 1982 Porsche 911.” He said before gulping down the drink in his cup. She studied him for a while and then said, “You know I can actually get you a really low interest loan from my bank if you ever need money to expand.” “Hmm! I think I might need that soon. I am trying to get that James Bond Aston Martin…” He was saying when his phone started ringing again. He picked up, spoke for a while, and then hung up. “So, as we were saying… I think I would need a loan soon, maybe like…” He was saying and stopped to pour himself a drink. “Anita, I think we should stop the formal talk and just reminisce.” She smiled for a while before yelling out in a low tone, “Anita! Anita!” Andrew looked at her with an inquisitive look on his face. “You don’t remember?” “No. What…” “The shocking fridge at your house.” “What?” “The party you had at your house in our first year at the University.” “Oh!” “Yea, I didn’t know about the shocking fridge, and I went to get drinks for guests.” “Yea, I remember now.” Andrew said as he sat up in his seat. “And you guys came running, shouting my name, trying to save me from getting electrocuted.” “God! Your memory is something else.” “I had the best times with you guys.” “I am still wondering how you didn’t get shocked by that fridge.” “You guys said it was because I was dark skinned and you guys were light skinned.” He laughed a little before saying, ‘How old were we?” “18. Well, we were 18, but Tunde was 19.” She said and then there was silence. They both stared at each other, but their minds were miles away. And then Andrew signaled to the bar man to bring him another bottle.
6 Nov 2018 | 18:39
You guys are really getting along. Its good sha, to help forget some things
7 Nov 2018 | 10:24
everyone falls in love
7 Nov 2018 | 14:40
new update
7 Nov 2018 | 15:44
Everyone Falls In Love episode 6 Andrew had his eyes on the pastor, following his every movement on the altar, but his mind was someplace else. Two things were bothering him. Once he managed to get rid of one, the other thought would occupy his mind. It would have made sense to entertain the positive out of the two, but it was so foreign to him that it scared him. He had even turned down a Sunday afternoon visit from Veronica, one of his favorite lays. It would have been a great distraction right now, but he was trying to face his fears head-on. Everyone in the congregation got up in response to something the pastor had said, and he saw himself rising with them. He closed his eyes and started praying. ……………….. Anita had had to change churches a lot in the last couple of years and she was getting tired of the act. It usually happened when people started asking too many questions about her private life and trying to reconcile her with her ex-husband. She always wondered why most of them didn’t understand the difference between separation and divorce. So far at her new church, things had been going okay, till a particular couple found out they lived close to her. They started trying to make her attend home fellowship services which were held every Wednesday at their house, and they also always wanted to follow her home after church. Today, she was hoping to get out of church as quickly as possible without having to greet anyone, so before ending ‘the grace,’ she was already on her feet heading out. Standing at the church entrance, along with the other people waiting for the second service was the friendly couple. Anita sighed and contemplated headed back into the church. She quickly replaced the frown on her face with a smile when she noticed they had seen her. They were about the same height and looked like teenage siblings in the matching Ankara outfit they had on. Anita exchanged greetings with them and was relieved when they said they had to rush in to get seats. As she walked to the main road, she thought of calling up her Uber guy and heading to the mall. She had been longing to see the new Beauty and the Beast movie, and she felt like right now would be the perfect time to do so. A bus pulled up right in front of her when she got to the bus stop, and she instinctively walked up to get in but stopped when she saw there was just one vacant seat and an old lady had been waiting at the bus stop before she got there. The lady said some prayers to her in Yoruba before getting on the bus, and Anita just smiled and nodded her head. A few people joined her at bus stop, and minutes went by with no bus in sight. She removed her hat and fanned herself, hoping not to stain the collar of the white shirt she had on with sweat. A fancy looking car drove by and she instinctively thought of Andrew. A smile appeared on her face thinking of their time together yesterday. Working in a bank, and dealing with strangers all day and having to be formal with most of her human interaction had made her too rigid, and she had enjoyed being carefree with Andrew the last couple of days. But she felt it would be awkward calling him up to hangout when they spent the most part of yesterday together. And he would probably be with one of his girlfriends anyway, she thought to herself. She pulled out her phone from her handbag, and scrolled through the recently called numbers. She was about to dial his number, but changed her mind and put the phone back in her handbag. Something cast a shadow in front of her, and when she looked up, the exotic looking car she had seen a few seconds ago was parked a few inches from where she stood. That’s strange, she thought to herself. She put her hat back on her head and took a few steps back. The car engine went off and the driver got out and leaned on the roof of the car. She looked at him and smiled.
7 Nov 2018 | 15:46
Its Andrew, right?
7 Nov 2018 | 19:34
You both are thinking of each other, why don't you guys make it real?
7 Nov 2018 | 19:35
u kip on remembering d gud time u share togeda
8 Nov 2018 | 00:18
8 Nov 2018 | 00:22
8 Nov 2018 | 07:15
little comments
8 Nov 2018 | 16:49
anyway the next episode is here
8 Nov 2018 | 16:50
episode 7 It just so happened that Andrew’s church was along the same road as Anita’s, and she was standing at the bus stop while he was heading home. She said it was a coincidence, he said it was fate. He was thinking of going to drop her off at home but decided to ask her if she would like to go and watch the new Wolverine movie with him. With a surprised look on her face she said, “What? You were heading to the cinema?” “Yea, why are you shocked?” He said and studied her for a while. “Well, I was also thinking of going to watch Beauty and the Beast today.” “That’s Interesting. We are really in sync.” “What? You mean like the Justin Timberlake band?” She said “No, I mean…” “I know! I know!” She said excitedly, cutting him off. “So…So, you will watch Logan with me?” “Let’s watch Beauty and the Beast.” “Beauty and the what?” “Come on! Please! I am sure you would love it.” She said, and Andrew took a quick look at her. She was acting like a little girl but her husky voice was so sexy it was driving him crazy. “Okay. What do I get if we watch the movie?” She smiled before saying, “I’ll watch Logan with you next week Sunday.” “It’s a deal. Beauty and the Beast it is.” He said and revved up the engine of the Porsche. ……………….. After the movie they went to a bar called Rhapsody overlooking the mall’s car park. Anita took orange juice as usual. Andrew ordered a bottle of whisky after she made fun of his big belly and said it was filled with beer. They talked, and laughed at some silly things they did back in the past. And then the both of them became silent. He looked at her for a while and when she got uncomfortable, she said, “What?” and chuckled. “Anita, I think I am falling in love with you.” Andrew said with a straight face. Anita burst out laughing and some of her juice went flying straight at his face. She brought out her white handkerchief and cleaned her mouth before leaning in to clean his face while still laughing. “Andrew, I think…” She was saying, and stopped to clean a part of his face she had missed earlier and then continued, “…I think you are drunk.” Andrew didn’t say anything; he just let his stare burn through her soul. She looked away after a while, and took a sip from her cup. She looked up and saw someone familiar heading towards the spiral stairwell. The person looked her way and smiled. She smiled back still not recognizing who the person was. Now the petite looking girl in denim dungarees was heading towards their table. Andrew looked sideways to follow Anita’s gaze and said in a low tone, “Hey, Bimpe how are you doing?” The girl stopped when she saw Andrew, and the pleasant look on her face got replaced with that of disdain. She muttered some curse words under her breath, turned around and headed back towards the stairs. “Andrew, who is she?” Anita asked, tensed on her seat. “Who is she?” She repeated louder this time when he hadn’t answered her the first time. “She’s Tunde’s younger sister.” Anita searched Andrew’s eyes for more answers, but he said nothing. His head was bent low now. Without saying another word, she got off her seat and walked up quickly towards the stairs.
8 Nov 2018 | 16:51
9 Nov 2018 | 03:12
I knew it that Andrew will fall for Anita
9 Nov 2018 | 06:40
that's Andrew right?
9 Nov 2018 | 07:05
what's up with the girl
9 Nov 2018 | 07:10
Anita, are you jealous?
9 Nov 2018 | 09:14
why na
9 Nov 2018 | 18:04
anyway new episode
9 Nov 2018 | 18:05
episode 8 Anita caught up with her half way through the car park. “Bimpe, please wait.” She said when she was a few feet away from the girl. She turned around, and the mean look on her face scared Anita for a second. “What’s wrong? Why did you…” “He knew Tunde was going to commit suicide and he didn’t do anything about it.” She said, cutting Anita off. She was hyperventilating as she searched through the big brown leather bag she had on her shoulder. They were in between two cars now and Anita leaned on the car on the right as what Tunde’s kid sister told her sank in. The girl brought up an old looking Blackberry phone, with fidgeting hands; she tapped on the keypad very fast, and then handed it over to Anita. “Please read this conversation.” The girl said, standing at akimbo, looking up at Anita. As an afterthought, she added, “I came here to get a new phone case for his Blackberry.” After a few seconds of staring at the phone screen, Anita’s hand fell to her side. ……………….. He exhaled smoke and leaned back in his seat. Just when he was having the best time of his life, things took a left turn. The pack of Pall Mall had gone with him everywhere for the last couple of days, and he just realized that before the cigarette stick he had between his lips right now, he hadn’t smoked since he reconnected with her two days ago. The tall and busty girl with the mini skirt that had served them drinks came to ask if he needed anything and he handed her a couple of Naira notes. The girl counted it and she would go and get his change, but he told her not to worry. She left with a smile on her face and he was happy that he could at least still make someone happy right now. “Andrew.” He heard the husky voice he grown so found of over the days call his name. He turned to the side and saw her standing there, with no expression on her face. He would have even been more comfortable if she had a frown on her face. “Please, I want to get my bag from your car.” He wanted o ask her to seat, but the music playing in the background wouldn’t have made it the right place to talk. So, he picked up his park of Pall Mall cigarette and car keys from the table and got off the couch. The walk to the car was the longest two minutes of his life. He thought about how someone’s actions can affect so many people negatively even after he is gone. He knew his friend was depressed, but he never believed he would actually kill himself. When he was a few feet away from the Porsche, he hit the lock remote, and as the ‘Beep. Beep’ sound came on, Anita barked out, “He needed five thousand Andrew. Just five freaking thousand Naira.” “Anita, I had sent him money on numerous occasions before then.” Andrew said in a low tone. “He told you he hadn’t eaten in three days.” She said as she stood with her arms crossed, by the car’s trunk. “Anita, you don’t understand. I had…” “Understand what? He told you he was going to kill himself, and you didn’t reply him.” She said and he became quiet, lost in thought of the decisions he had made. He had thought his friend was bluffing. “Andrew, you read his message and didn’t reply him.” She aid with disgust in her voice. “Anita, I understand how it must sound to you, but…I didn’t know he was serious.” He said as he fiddled with the car key in his hand. “I had just sent him fifty thousand a few weeks before then. And…” “Andrew, I don’t care if you sent him a million Naira a week before. You knew your friend was suicidal and you overlooked it?” She said and he bowed his head in shame. When he didn’t say anything for a few seconds, she said, “Sorry, I can’t be in your presence right now. Let me get my bag and hat please.”
9 Nov 2018 | 18:05
What has happen has happened you guys should forget the past and move on
9 Nov 2018 | 20:42
He needed only five thousand and he had to murder himself to prove that he was hungry or what? thats absolutely immature
9 Nov 2018 | 20:44
wat hapun to d girl
9 Nov 2018 | 21:37
What has happen has happened you guys should forget the past and move on
9 Nov 2018 | 21:42
I think Andrew has done dis bimpe girl b4
10 Nov 2018 | 02:24
so bcos someone refuse to give u 5k, he now resulted to killing himself,,,, its bcos he is tired of dis world ni
10 Nov 2018 | 02:28
so bec he was not having money to eat ,an the best thing to do is to kill himself? how abt him going to family members
10 Nov 2018 | 16:28
So what cud have made Tunde to kill himself? Was he in some kind of debt,addiction or something??? Too bad!!!
10 Nov 2018 | 17:39
episode 9 Andrew couldn’t believe he could ever feel suicidal. He was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, with a cigarette in his hand, wondering if anyone would ever fully understand life. Just when he was giving love a chance, he got slapped with the opposite real quick. His flat felt emptier than ever right now. Was it really my fault? He thought of it all. He had given Tunde hundreds of thousands to settle his debt last year and even gave him more money afterwards to help him stand on his own two feet. But, as talented and ambitious as Tunde was, he always ended up in debt and needing money every time. He thought if he didn’t help out again, Tunde would be able to be self reliant and stand on his own feet, but never did he think Tunde was actually going to kill himself. Veronica came back into the room naked, and he didn’t even feel any urge. The sex they had had a few minutes ago was more mechanical than anything. He was even regretting calling her over as he wished she would just leave, but he couldn’t just kick her out. He just wanted to feel a little better, but now, he was feeling worse off. She bent down to take a drag from his cigarette stick and walked over to his wardrobe with the mirror in the middle. He and Veronica had an understanding, and she hardly asked him personal questions, which was why they had remained friends for this long. He never asked her why she was so beautiful but had a nasty scar on her upper arm, and she never asked why he wasn’t married at 36. Michael Jackson’s You Are Not Alone song came on, and Andrew was tempted to share his situation with Veronica, but he shook off the thought. He didn’t want to risk getting things more complicated than it was already. Even though he was going through his worst time, he got an epiphany. He realized he really didn’t need the mindless sex. And he made up his mind that if he made it out of the whole issue, and if Anita could forgive him, he would become monogamous. There was really more to life than money, sex, and cigarettes. He took one puff from his cigarette and laughed as he crushed the bud on the silver ashtray by the small stool beside his bed. Veronica looked back briefly with a questioning look on her face, but turned back around when he didn’t say anything.
10 Nov 2018 | 18:19
I think dia re more mistery to be reveal
10 Nov 2018 | 20:07
sucide is not de nxt option mr andrew
10 Nov 2018 | 20:14
episode 10 After driving aimlessly for about an hour, he decided to go and see some old friends he hadn’t seen for a while. Church service was cut short because of a bomb threat that had been making rounds in the area, and he didn’t want to go to his lonely home right now. He turned up the music full blast and headed towards Western Avenue are of Lagos. ………. Like old times, he met his friends outside sitting on white plastic chairs facing a football field, watching teenage kids playing soccer while sipping on gin and juice. It was their after church Sunday ritual. A ritual he had tried to get away from, but right now he knew he needed to be around familiar people. As he parked his grey 2017 Camry by the road side, he looked at all the cars lined up at every his old street, and he was reminded where his love for cars came from. This had always been the trade in this part of town, and it was so easy for him to go into it. You could get just about any car you wanted here; from an old Jaguar, to the latest Bentley. Before he got out of his car, some of his friends were chanting his name, ‘ANDREW!’ ‘ANDREW!!’ He felt so great and his spirit was lifted instantly. Even though he was not Yoruba like most of them, they had taken him like a brother. He rolled up the sleeves of his white long sleeve shirt, and tucked in the shirt properly into his sky blue jeans when he stepped out of the car. “Andrew! I thought you had checked out of the country?” One of his friends said and they all laughed as he approached the table. “Nah! We are going to make our billions in this naija.” Andrew said as he greeted a lanky guy in white native with a bottle of Jack Daniel Whiskey in his hand. The guy poured a little content of the bottle in his hand on the floor before saying “To our fallen one, Tunde.” The atmosphere around them went dull, as they all got up and poured liquor out their plastic cups. And then, after the few seconds of silence, the lanky guy turned to the barber shop across the street and shouted out “Yusuf, play us some music men! No dulling.” ………. The music was not so loud that they couldn’t talk, but they still had to use loud voices in communicating with each other. Andrew joined in the political talk every once in a while, but his mind was miles away. He didn’t care if the President had been away from the country for more than two months. He didn’t even care about bad governance anymore; he just wanted to be happy. Every now and then, a new plate of fried meat would be brought to the table, and within 5 minutes, the plate would be empty. They were on their second bottle of Jack Daniel and Andrew was thinking of leaving any time soon. Even though the drink and being with old friends had lifted his spirit, he didn’t want to get drawn back to the old lifestyle. He gulped down the content of his cup and was about to announce his departure when power went out, and everywhere became silent. The lanky guy then turned his car to face Andrew and said “Yes! I heard you are in love.” It got Andrew off guard and he smiled before saying, “Who told you that?” “Hahaha! So, it is true? Praise God o!” The guy said and his other friends shifted their attention from the football field to Andrew. “What!!? Are you for real?” The short robust guy in black Adidas track suit said as he drew his chair closer to Andrew. “Please, I want to hear this story.” As he thought of what to say, his phone started vibrating on the table. When he picked it up, he was shocked to see the caller ID display ‘Angela.’ “Please give me one minute guys.” He said as he got up and walked towards his car. “Hello.” He said into the receiver. “Hey! Are we still watching Logan today?” “Umm! Yea.” Andrew responded as his mind wondered what was going on. “Cool. I’m driving to the mall now. Can we meet there in about an hour?” “Okay.” “Okay then. See you in a bit.” She said and the line went dead. Andrew stood still, with the phone still glued to his ear after the line had disconnected as he thought of what had just happened.
11 Nov 2018 | 15:44
What situation are you in Andrew?
11 Nov 2018 | 15:51
11 Nov 2018 | 18:31
Andrew whats up?
11 Nov 2018 | 21:00
12 Nov 2018 | 01:51
lol andrew funny you
12 Nov 2018 | 06:57
guess Angela also loves him
12 Nov 2018 | 10:16
But its not your fault nah? whats your life turning into?
12 Nov 2018 | 11:46
I think Angela has decided to forgive u so DAT u guys can move on with ur luv lives!!!
12 Nov 2018 | 15:55
Everyone Falls In Love Last Episode She met him with a smiley face and a hug when he walked into the frozen yogurt joint they planned to meet before the movie started. They sat by the table close to the door and she let him know it was her treat, and that she had already gotten two tickets for the movie. He declined her offer for a cup of frozen yogurt, and just watched as she took scoop after scoop as she told him about what happened at her church earlier on in the day. It was almost like they never had the argument about Tunde’s death and she never shouted at him at the parking lot of the same mall they were now seated at. He didn’t know what she was up to, but he didn’t want to ruin the high spirit she seemed to be in, so he didn’t bring up the past. She had on a white cotton gown with black patterns running along the hemline. As he listened to her talk about how panicky everybody was in church earlier because of the bomb scare, he wondered what part of her made him fall in love with her. Though he was a novice when it came to love matters, he knew his love for this girl sitting in front of him was unconditional. Even if she wasn’t as witty as she was, he would still love her. Even if she wasn’t as beautiful as she was with her shining brown complexion, he would still love her. Even if she didn’t have such beautifully shaped b-----s on her chest, he would still love her. Even if she didn’t have a great body, he would still love her. He just wondered if she felt the same way about him. ………. After the movie, they walked to the same bar they had been last week, and the talks continued. They discussed the movie, and how they had expected more. Andrew said he thought there would be more action, and Angela complained about how violent the little girl was. After a while, there was silence. She started playing with her glass cup, running her finger around the circular top, and then she looked up at him and said, “I’m sorry about last week.” He looked up at her but didn’t say anything. “I shouldn’t have overreacted like that.” She added. “It’s fine.” He said ad took a deep sigh. “We both loved Tunde, so I understand how you would act like that.” “I sat down to think about it, and there is really nothing you could have done.” She said and picked up her drink. She was about to take a sip from her glass cup when she stopped to say, “I heard you visited Tunde’s family?” “Yes. I had to talk to them. The issue was killing me inside.” He said and sighed as he remembered how Tunde’s parents burst out crying when he had visited them a few days ago. Burying a child was something most parents prayed against. Tunde’s sister, Bimpe was also there, and at some point, she ran into his arms and cried profusely. He understood how losing a sibling can make one lash out at anyone they felt could have saved the loved one, so he totally understood her early outbust at the mall. A tear rolled down Andrew’s eye and Angela reached for his hand on the table. She stared at him with the look that said, ‘it’s okay.’ She had done her own grieving in the quiet of her room the last couple of days, but she understood how feeling like you could have done something to save a friend’s life can make one feel. ………. By the time Tunde walked Angela to her car later that day, it was already dark. She leaned on her car and he stood a few inches away from her. He was about to say his goodbye and leave when he noticed she was staring at something behind him. When he turned around, he saw an old couple making out in the front seat of a yellow 1981 Volvo 244. He had to look again to be sure of what he had seen. “This sure doesn’t happen every day.” He said with a smile. *Add +2348127215829 for more interesting stories* She chuckled and looked down. When her face came up, she looked straight at him and said, “You know what?” “What?” He said. “The real reason I snapped at you the other day was because…” She was saying and stopped to look at him intensely. “It was because I was fighting my feelings for you.” He looked at her trying to understand what she was trying to say and she continued. “You had told me you loved me, and I felt the same, but…” She said and stopped as tears rolled down her eyes…”But I didn’t believe I could get a second chance at happiness.” He reached out for her and she held him in a tight embrace as she cried tears of joy. *The End.* *A story from ?S.A.F.F LIBRARY*
12 Nov 2018 | 16:38
13 Nov 2018 | 02:30
wow nice one at last u too end togeda
13 Nov 2018 | 02:35
13 Nov 2018 | 16:20
Andrew wasn't the love type of he has fallen in love with anita angela is another surprise 4 the season.
13 Nov 2018 | 18:06
He was becoming a better person...having anita by his side...smoking is moving away from his life...until what, how and why tunde.
14 Nov 2018 | 03:00
He should have given tunde the money he asked 4...since he has been giving him a bigger cash...he's not to be blamed 4 his death...tunde had a different problem
14 Nov 2018 | 03:08
Bimpe understood after all that is not really his fault...bimpe has another brother in andrew...Andrew and Anita Angela has started with LOVE LOVERS LOVE.
14 Nov 2018 | 03:14
14 Nov 2018 | 09:42
14 Nov 2018 | 13:14
Wonderful,nice write up, well done!!!
14 Nov 2018 | 18:11
what happen
14 Nov 2018 | 18:21
nice story
14 Nov 2018 | 18:22


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