In The Name of
Allah, the
Beneficent, the
*Peace Upon the holy
Prophet and his
Foundation Of
Disbelieve/Evil (Kufr)
There are three traits
identified to be the
root of all Evil that
mankind commits.
First trait is Kibr, Pride/
Arrogance. Seeing the
truth but one denies
due to level of pride
whilst inside, one
recognizes the Truth.
This was the downfall
of Shaytan (satan).
Second: Hir's - Greed
and covetousness. To
desire excessively due
to inability of self-
control. This leads to
crossing the limits of
God and moral
Third: Hasad - Envy.
This is one of the deep
traits of kufr
(disbelieve) for it leads
to a lot of crimes. One
of the first crimes
committed by man on
earth was instigated
and motivated by Envy
e.g Qabil (Qain) wishes
to murder Habil (Abel),
both sons of the same
parents (Adam), out of
jealousy and envy.
Scholars of Ethics
opined that no human
being is free from Envy,
and that only the
Prophets and Saints
were able to free
themselves from it.
ENVY: Definitions
And Descriptions
* Envy is when one
desires to get
something that other
person possess.
* When one considers
what he possess to be
* And then not happy
with what he has and
desires that others
should lose what they
have irrespective of
whether you have it or
So long envy doesn't
show itself in terms of
action whereby one
wishes to harm the
other, possibly it is
forgivable. However,
the continous harboring
of these evil intentions
have the danger of
slowly eaten up one's
Teachings Of Other
Faith On Envy
*HINDUISM, one of
their holy text says:
"Among valuable things
a person may acquire
none surpasses and
excel the precious price
of having a soul free
from Envy towards all"
"Desires nothing if its in
possession of others
because all belongs
(finally) to the Lord"
NB: This is what Qur'an
emphasize by "Lau Mulk
samawati wal Ar'dh -
To Him belong the
dominion of heavens
and the earth"
Hinduist believe man
can live for more than
100years when he
frees himself from
Envy since it will not
eat up his health. Here
man works with
freedom without
bondage and inner
slavery to desire and
covet what other
JUDAISM, part of 10
commandment in the
Torah is " Thou shall
not covet your
neighbor's house, wife,
servants or other
possessions ". This is
desire in negative
sense, for example,
that he should not
have it and one should
12:15 says: "And he
said unto them, Take
heed, and beware of
covetousness: for a
man's life consisteth
not in the abundance of
the things which he
But indeed, the truth
worth of man is his
inner qualities (Imam
'Ali revealed).
If indeed, the first
crime of man on earth
was out of envy,
there's no surprise that
all the major faith
warns about Envy.
the holy prophet (peace
be on him and his
household) has been
instructed to seek
(God's) protection from
the evil of the envious
when he envies ("min
shari Hasidin idha
Hasada" ~sura Falaq:5)
Also, in sura Nisa verse
54, the people of the
Book when they saw
the success of the holy
Prophet (peace be on
him and his household),
they began to instigate
the Polytheist against
the Prophet and the
muslims, telling the
polytheist that their
faith is better than
what the Prophet
preaches. Yet they
knew the truth of the
prophet's message but
out of jealous, they
commit this lowly
behaviour. Qur'an
condemned this thus:
"Or do they envy the
people for what Allah
has given them of His
ayah (verse) above^
highlighted the root of
envy which is a protest
and a complaint to God