

By Captain in 9 Dec 2018 | 23:28
Captain Joseph

Captain Joseph

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Posts: 236
Member since: 7 Jul 2017
Chapter 1
(Isabelle pov)
'They say never judge a book by its cover'. Thats how i live my whole life so i reserve all judgement till later.
thats the third time my friend Amy have called me, we are late for school and am just deciding which lipstick to apply am not a makeup freak, once again i heard my name louder this time it shows she's getting impatience and her main reason wasn't cause she's late its cause she's seeing her mate for the first time after 2 weeks
"Isabelle if you don't come down this instant am coming up there and am carrying you to school whether you ready or not" Amy screamed with much anger
"Am coming" i decided to put her out of her misery, i decided to put on red lipstick its pretty much what i put on everyday and ran downstairs
"Thank your stars you're out, if not my shoulder would've been your ride" she glared at me
yes she can do it for she is a wolf and i weigh next to a feather to them they're super strong I sometimes wish to be them.
We are living in a supernatural world consisting of Vampires, Wolves, Witches and lastly humans like us that was abducted from the human world and was used as slave until someone liberated us I heard he was called the King of the supernatural and he also stopped the great war
"Girls you're late for school" my mom said coming down from their room still on her nightgown
"be going" she said as she literally pushed us out d door more like me cause Amy is already out and heading to her car, she use the car because of me so we can drive around, my dad bought me a car but am too lazy to drive so Amy bought one so we can drive around since its awkward to carry me around.
"So all this, for Damian" I said as i sat on the passenger seat
" Yes I havent seen him for 2 weeks, my wolf can't keep calm cause she knows we will be seeing him today" She said as she drove off

When we got to the school Damian is already in front of Amy's locker waiting, on seeing him she threw herself on him and they engaged in a hot kiss which i wouldn't want to hunt me in my dreams so i looked away, luckily for me i saw my ever charming cute boyfriend Silas, he is a wizard and a strong one he's from a strong generation of witches and wizards. I just smiled as he was walking towards me am never the type for PDA (public display affection) or probably am just lazy
"Hi" said Silas as he reached and kissed my forehead which am glad he didn't go for the lips
"Hi" i replied trying to sound cute. I dont know if its me or that our relationship lacks this eletricity and butterfly i read in novels or the one in Amy and Damian relationship, maybe they have it cause they are wolves and their mate bond is strong and love is different for humans
"So how was your weekend" he asked
"It's fine" i reply with a shrug thats have always been our routine "and yours?" now thats like a ticket to Silas talk show
"It was fun, i tried developing a new spell but it didn't work, I think am missing something........" I just tuned him out, its not my fault that his magic stuff never impressed me, maybe it's because he never used it to impress me you know like make stars fall not the real star but imaginary stars
"They stopped kissing" Silas said as he got my attention back
yes thats Amy and Damian they were kissing all these while i swear they never get tired of exchanging saliva
"Good" I said with a disgusting look
Damian great Silas and I so he just noticed our presence now, Amy would be all red now if she was fair but lucky her she's chocolate skin the only evident that she had a fierce kiss is her swollen lips, I wanted to make fun on Amy about her lips but unfortunately the bell rang so we all left for our class luckily we have the same subject first period so we all made way to our class i was hugging my books with my both hands to my chest so Silas couldn't hold me he was just trying to make up conversation am glad he's trying but i would love the silence better
Amy and Damian were holding hands and whispering to eachothers ear, am jealous of them I.have always wanted that, its even part of the reason i started daing Silas but i can't find myself doing it with him, how will I explain it, it feels so wrong even kissing him never felt right.

"Today we will discuss about the people considered the strongest in supernatural world" our history teacher said, she is new so i haven't get her name yet.
"First i will tell you about the three people that formed the Azalk group" she said
We all know about the group but its rumoured that the three that formed it are dead but the group still terrorize some small countries and tries to break the peace, am glad am in the capital thats the most guarded region in supernatural world so they can't even think of attacking here
"They're Omeh, Adam and Matthew. Omeh the wolve, Adam the vampire, Matthew the wizard. together they formed a group known as Azalk 400 years ago and once again they threw the supernatural world into a turmoil but luckily out unity gave us a winning edge" the teacher said
"Why didnt the royal took care of them since no wolves or vampire defy royals" Silas asked always the curious one
"They're are not your average supernatural, with Matthew being a powerful wizard he summoned a demon inside them granting them power far beyond every supernatural even royals...." she paused and looked around before she continue a typical method for teachers to know if everyone is paying attention "but luckiky for us we had beta Jacob of Hunters pack he was strong enough to handle Omeh a fleet considered impossible so with him taking care of Omeh the royals both vampire and wolve was fighting Adam and the witches were fighting Matthew then the soldier was taking care of their minions" she breathed as if to catch her breath "beta Jacob led a great victory but he suffered a mortal wound" she walked up to her book and turned a few page I took the time to look at the back seat and saw Jacob he is the grandson of Beta Jacob they say he looks like his grandfather I wouldn't know cause my father is not even born when beta Jacob died, what I like about jacob is though he's Grandfather is considered stronger than royals he is not a proud type he is just your typical humble type of guy
"After the three was defeated we never knew if they survive or not but we never saw them again but their group still terrorize some cities, but not to worry they will soon be taken care of" our history teacher said with much faith
And i hope so cause the thought of them makes me afraid
"What made beta Jacob so strong to defeat them or did he have a demon soul too?" Silas asked once again
"No he did not cause summoning a demond soul is an abomination, though it will give you power it will also make you an enemy of the public and remember no matter how powerful you are you will never be stronger than the public" she said but still didnt answer why beta Jacob was stronger
"Hunter Winslor" she said with much admiration "He is considered the the King of supernatural world, he have wolf gene, vampire gene, witch gene all in him so he's considered the hybrid, he's more powerful than all the supernatural, he is said to have control over the supernaturals" she looks at Silas "the reason why beta Jacob is stronger than royal is because he was powered by Hunter" she said clearing Silas question
"Why didn't he fight the three if he is so strong why leave beta Jacob to do it" Amy asked, now that is a bit of a shock cause she never asked question
"Cause he left us 500years ago we never knew if he died, or left to another world in search of his mate I heard" she answered with a shrug
I felt pity that he have no mate, i can't imagine the burden of not having someone. I dont know much about mate but according to Amy she said its the best thing in life, that you have an unexplanable happiness once you find your mate. She kept talking about her mate when we were kids, you cant imagine her happiness when she first felt the mate pull, it was last year when Damian the son of a very strong Alpha and will be the next Alpha came into our school, she couldnt stop herself from kissing him that instance.
"Will he be back if he finds his mate?" I asked for the first time
"I suppose, if its really the reason he left" the teacher answered
The bell rang and we all left the class, so far this is my best lecture
"See you at lunch" Silas said to me as he wave and left i nodded and walked towards my next class like everyone else cause i wouldnt want to be late

We are now in the cafeteria eating our lunch I was sitting beside Silas Damian and Amy was sitting opposite us am having fries for lunch
"Someone is not suppose to be that strong" Silas said, i noticed he never like someone being so powerful and strong but he won't have a problem if he is that powerful i think he wants to be that powerful and if you ask me that's hypocrisy, but i wouldn't tell him that
"Atleast he did a good thing in the supernatural world" Damian said
"How so?" I asked, since am human we dont age like them so we dont know much, we age faster, we can hardly live to a 100, while they live for centuries. They stop ageing at 18 until they find their mate then start ageing 10 times slower than humans
"He liberated the humans, closed down the portal so that no more humans will be abducted, united the supernatural world" he took a big bite from his burger "that is a fleet considered impossible and a good fleet if I may add" he concluded.
We heard the emergency bell, the cafeteria got quiet until Leo, a royal wolf, too proud of himself if you ask me, rushed in and gave us my worse nightmare as a news "The Azalk are here" he said, i went numb
"Come on!" i heard Silas screaming and dragging me out of the cafeteria, I started hearing the scream and bangs I felt so powerless most of the humans are now crying as we came out in the hallway
"Stay in the middle" Damian said as him,Silas and Amy circled me, i felt so scared and glad to have them. I heard a growl i looked and so five ugly looking wolves charging at us my friends stood in front of me, Damian and Amy transformed, Damian wolf is bigger than Amy they are both brown Silas hands went on fire, if the situation was different i will certain be impressed.
The five wolves rushed toward us Silas started throwing d fire from his hands and luckily it burned down two but the remaining three dodged it so Damian rush one and ripped his throat out with his teeth as one ran pass him heading towards Amy he was fast enough to catch his hind leg and Amy used to opportunity to slit his throat, the blood will make me sick
"I got this" said Silas as he burned the last wolf "come on lets go" he said as he drag me down the hallway i looked behind and saw Amy and Damian behind us, I have to admit my friends are cool
As we stepped out the school compound i felt stuck to the ground cause of the sight before me
"They have never attacked like this before" Silas said as he saw the number of Azalk attacking student
I looked around and saw Leo wolf it can easily be recognise cause its bigger than all wolf here and he's pretty much ripping Azalk apart, his brother wasn't in school today he would have been a good help, I also saw Jacob still in human form but killing a whole lot of Azalk no wonder his pack is considered the strongest
"Run" Silas pushed me back as he engaged in the fight Amy and Damian have joined too, I couldn't move my leg was stuck as i saw the countless bodies in the ground vampires, wolves, witches, but mainly humans i looked up and saw a big scary wolf coming towards me, i shifted back and i hit the wall, i heard Silas screaming at me to run i looked at him he have his hands full fighting Azalk witches, Damian and Amy is also occupied. This is it for me, am going to die a virgin, so i closed my eyes and waited for the inevictable, then i heard the earth trembling roar.
Chapter 2
(Isabelle pov)
The roar was loud and long, it can scare any man to death, but funny enough I felt safe for it gave me strength and courage, so I opened my eyes and the scene before me is now different, all the wolves are back in their human form and are all naked cause when they transformed their cloth got ripped, disadvantages of being a wolf, the only person still in his wolf form is Leo but he has his tail in between his legs, the vampires fangs are gone, the witches are powered down cause I see no fire in their hands. Then the wolf that was suppose to rip my throat out is now human like others he is nothing but a scared ugly looking man, but wait everybody here is scared both supernaturals and humans even Damian I often considered a daredevil. Then why am I not scared cause am easily scared, I looked around and saw Jacob with a smirk, he's not scared.
As i was still taking in the scene before me and wondering why am not scared thats when I saw him coming, a man that can only be described as Adonis, he is walking towards me, everybody he walks pass bows starting from Jacob, even Leo, he walks like he owns the world. He is wearing a black silky trouser that doesn't seem like its from this era but he looks like a model in it and a rope that is open and i can see his well chiselled abs, he can definately charm the pants off any woman, am already making up fantasies about him, whats wrong with me I never made up such fantasies with Silas
"Hi" he said as he approached me with his eyes closed, his chocolate voice made me light headed and am having a hard time keeping my feet up
"Hi" I manage to say above a whisper also wondering why his eye is closed, he then turn to the man that wanted to kill me, and looked at him, I can see his eyes is open from his side view that I can see, after what seen like 3 seconds the man fell and died, the Adonis now turned back to me with his eyes closed, i wanted to see his eyes so badly
"You're Hunter" I said being surprised for he's the only one in the supernatural world that have such powers, he's truly a king
"Yes I am, and you're?" he asked with a smile that melted my heart away
"Am Isabelle" I just realized, maybe he's back cause he have found his mate, I felt happy for him but more sad for a reason I can't explain.
He turned to the people "Go put on your cloths, the soldiers will soon be here to take care of the infidels, the witches and wizards should take care of the injured" everybody start moving around doing what he just said, he then walked towards Jacob and Silas rushed to me
"Are you alright?" Silas asked as he examine me to know if am hurt
"Am fine" I answered nonchalantly, for my attention is focused on Hunter, I kept looking at him to know if he will turn towards me though he still have his eyes closed but i will be glad to have him face my direction. I noticed the only time he had his eye open was when he killed the ugly man, maybe whoever he looks at dies and he don't want to kill anyone.
He is a hybrid so ofcourse his senses are higher than all supernatural so he doesn't need his eyes to see where he is or what and who is coming but still he can't see the beautiful part of this world, like the colour of the sky, the forest, the colour of my dress, snap out of it Isabelle he have a mate.
"Come the soldiers are here" I heard Amy said as she drag me inside the school which am sad about for I have missed the chance of having Hunter turn towards me
"Wait" i said as I notice we just pass my locker, she stopped i opened it and brought out my sun glass, the cool one I bought last year but never used
"What are you going to do with that" Amy asked a little bit confused
"Its for hunter" I rushed outside without waiting to hear what she have to say as I stepped out I saw Silas tending to an injured wolf and Damain was speaking to his father, then the Azalks have been cuffed with silver chains thats for the vampires and wolves but witches and wizards are tied with a rope that seems like a wood it makes them powerless. I focused and looked around for Hunter, I saw him discussing with the royals both Vampire and wolf, before I could get scared and chicken out I marched towards him
"Hi" I said as he turned towards me with his eyes still closed, i had hope it would be open
"Isabelle" he said with that same breathtaking smile, and he still remembers my name
"I came to give you this" I said as I handed him the sunglass, though he have his eyes closed am shy to look at his face now
"How thoughtful of you" he said as he took it and wore it "wow" he said I looked and saw him facing me, its hard to say what he's looking at cause i can't see his eyes but I reveled on the fact that it's me and that I was beautiful enough for him to say 'wow'
"It looks good on you" I said and its true, he can model for whatever he wears
"Thanks" he said as he turned and started the discussion he was having with the royals
Thats my cue to go, i wanted to say so much, I left sadly, I looked at Silas and notice he was staring at me with anger, that shows he saw what happened and is angry, he might think am being this nice to Hunter because he is so powerful and I want to be on his good side, I looked away from Silas, he's least of my worries. But whats happening to me, I have never felt this attracted to anyone before, he is an Adonis I get it but his every being invites me in. I wish there is a simple explanation for this emotions am getting.

Its been a week since the attack, every news is about the return of Hunter and hows he's the most eligible bachalor, the journalist keep asking him why he returned and where have he been, if he have actually found his mate, he didn't answer about his mate he just said he got tired and went into a supernatural sleep and he just woke up.
I felt so tired I haven't picked Silas calls or even Amy, my parents have been going to the royals for meeting cause of the Azalk attack, they're after all the human leader, so all this week am always alone at home, whenever someone knocks I ignore cause its either Amy or Silas, I know they can sense me but I still don't care. I just went to the living room and turned on the tv and bang the face that appears in screen is my Adonis
"I will be attenting the capital high school, in other to learn this era, for I am alive far beyond my time" he said
that is my school he's going to be attending my school I got so happy and my energy returned cause that means I will be seeing him again, I never thought I would, now I can't wait for tomorrow to come cause I really want to see him I looked at him again on the tv and he is wearing the sunglass i gave him, I gasped, the joy he still had it on is unimaginable that i had to start jumping around like a kid that just received he desired present for birthday
"Not to worry again for I have marked all habited area and if any Azalk should try to infiltrate any terrritory I will know and I wont be merciful, the ones under our custody will soon give up and reveal their hide out" he said as he ended the interview and the newscaster started talking about what he said, I off the tv as its now boring
"What am i going to wear?" i sighed Amy would have been of help if I haven't been such a snub, I gathered my courage and called her and she picked on first ring
"You better have a reasonable explanation" she shouted through the phone and I flinched
"Come to my house and I will explain better" I invited her over and within few seconds she's knocking on my door I guessed she used her superspeed
"So start spilling" she said immediately i opened the door
"I just got scared and chickened out so I've been messed up and I didn't want you guys to see me like that" I lied though I was messed up but it was for another reason she looked at me and gave me a warm hug
"Am sorry you had to see that, you poor child" she said slightly above a whisper
"So, I called you to select a nice cloth for me so that I will look good tomorrow in school" I said I walked up to my room to my closet
"oh thats how you want to apologize to Silas" she said and I gave her a weak smile how could she have known it wasn't for Silas, I wonder where this fantasy will get me
After checking out some cloth I decided to wear a blue gown it looks cute I wish it will really get Hunters attention
"How does the mate bond works?" I asked cause its been on my mind since I saw hunter
She looked at me like an alien cause i never asked but she decided to answer
"It pulls you towards each other, though you will be pulled towards each other but you have to see eachothers eyes to see the glow and know he or she is your mate" she answered
"Have a supernatural mated a human" I asked i don't really know why I did
"I heard that it have happened few times that was part of why Hunter liberated the humans so that the supernatural mated with humans won't have to hide it" she thought for a bit "a wolf and vampire and even a witch can sense their mate from afar I don't know much about other supernatural but wolves are very possesive about their mate especially alphas" she laughed and I know she just remembered Damian "you can see the possesiveness in Damian"
"Yes i can" i sighed. She gasped "whats wrong" I asked
"I just thought of Hunter, if alphas and royals can be so possessive about their mate I can't imagine how possessive he will be, you know being the hybrid" she said with a look that can be interpreted as pity
"Yes cause everything about him is intensified" I said and I kept seeing him in my mind, truth be told no girl will complain if he is possessive over her
"Silas will easily forgive you if he sees you wearing this" Amy said as she looks at the gown
"I will come tomorrow morning to give you a fine make up, don't worry it's going to be light" she added as she know am not a fan of make up "I will be going I have a date with Damian, bye." she said as she ran down and out she goes I sluggishily went and locked d door and came to my room.
I grabbed my phone send a text to Silas telling him the same lie I told Amy and I got his reply saying how sorry he is and will make it up to me in school, am not ready for any drama I hope he knows thats. I slowly drifted to sleep with one person on my mind and I hope we have a blast tomorrow.
Chapter 3
(Hunters POV)
I just came back from the interview and am tired, though its sort of impossible, the reason am tired is because of the fact that I haven't seen that pretty face, that sweet scent. It invaded my nostril the first time I approached her it made me loss my motor sense, it's lime, I didn't see her looks when she realized who I was but I could sense her shock from her voice. I wanted nothing more than to look at her face but I can't, cause earlier before I approached her I could hear the thought of everybody except her, so I caught the thought of a guy, who I later found his name to be Silas and through his thought I found out he is her boyfriend it really broke my heart and I regret looking at everybodies thought.
"Hunter" Jacob called, he is the same with my old friend no different even in character thanks the gods for that cause I really need my friend and jacob really fill the gab
"Yes" I answered and he came inside my room
"The journalists are here" Jacob said with a bit of pity he could understand why I hate them, they're too inquisitive for their own good I think so far they're what I hate most in this era
"Would it be bad if I use my powers on them" I asked cause am so tired of them
"Yes" he answered geniunely, and thats one of the reason he remind me of my friend Jacob he is always up for a mischief and with his answer it sealed the fate of the journalists
So with that we step outside as I stepped out I saw them and they were more than 20 not that it matters anymore, they all stood and pointed out their microphone, some with camera and my ears is already flooded with thousand questions I won't dare tapping into their thought for it will be question after questions
"You all have all been curious to know how powerful I am" I ignored their questions and made my voice loud and radiates with power, I could see them all cower in fear
"well let me show you a glimpse of it" I said as I look at Jacob and he still have his famous smirk, he is so my new best friend, so I turned and looked at them with a devilish grin and used my telepathic powers to control them. Only high order of witches can do it to a limited amount of people and lucky for me my grandfather (maternal) is a high order wizard so with his gene and my other gene it amplified my powers so I can control more amount of people but still limited though
"You all should go home and give me rest, cause because of you guys I haven't rested since I woke up" just like that they all left and I smile inwardly and glad am the hybrid that holds such powers
"That's wicked" Jacob said as he high five me and I just smiled "so whats up for today" he asked. He have been with me since I woke up and we have bonded alot and I promised not to read his thought wish he was glad about
"I don't know, since I've pretty much seen everything so am not really in the mood to go out" Being a super being like me have its down sides since you're hardly surprised I see things or sense them miles away.
"Ok" he said then looked at me an continued "you have been sleeping for 500 years and you never woke until now, can I know why now?"he asked just like his grandfather ever the curious one
"Well" I decided to answer him truthfully and confide in him for his my bestfriend now "I went to sleep cause I couldn't find my mate so I grew bored being stock in 18 for many century so I decided to sleep" I chuckled as I remembered it "even your grandfather wanted to join me since he haven't found his mate" he looked surprised and I knew nobody ever told him
"So what stopped him" he asked
"the day we decide to go we were just taking care of things to leave command to Elijah, 3rd in command that same day he saw his mate, she was visiting our pack for the first time." I laughed again as I remembered the shock when he saw his mate, it was pure euphoria for him cause I could feel his overwhelming emotions
"So he now stayed back, even I stayed back for a month, for their weddings and with hope that I will be lucky like him but unfortunately I wasn't, so I went ahead with my plans and said my goodbye to Jacob" I remembered it just like yesterday I could still see the sadness on his face, I felt bad for not being there for him
"So as I sleep I could feel emotions strong ones" I looked at him "like when your grandfather died I felt it, but it wasn't strong enough to pull me out of my slumber" I can feel the guilt rise up from my stomach
"So what was strong enough to pull you out" Jacob asked, from the looks on his face, I can tell he doesn't blame me for his grandfathers death, and am glad for that
"My mate being in danger" I said as I remembered that day "I opened my eyes immediately I felt her emotions, it was fear, its the strongest thing I have felt since I went to sleep" I walked and sat on the little pavement and now we are sitting opposite eachother "so with her emotions I now felt you, its the same with your grandfather and then I felt everybodies, while everybody was fear, some afraid they will die, some afraid they can't protect their love ones. Yours is just pure anger" I looked at him and saw anger flashed before his eyes then it dawn on me that he hates them for taking his grandfather, but he was not yet born when he died what made him hate them so much
"When I got up I ran at a lightening speed as I reached I saw the wolf trying to rip her throat, so I gave the loudest roar" I finished since he knows the rest of the story
"From this story I still can't say for sure who the mate is but I have a good guess" He said and I told him to guess "Isabelle Kings" he said and I giggle
"Yes" I confirmed his guess
"So thats why you're also starting school which you don't actually need" he asked with a smug
"bingo" I said I learnt its a word in this new era
he just laugh
"Why close your eyes, cause she need to see your eyes to know you're her mate" he asked cause techinally speaking every supernatural thats their first instinct.
"Well I was reading peoples thought to know who is Azalk and who is not so I read Silas thought and knew he is her boyfriend and according to his thought they're pretty much in love" I said sadly
"Still, she is yours and nobody is allowed to touch the queen" he said angrier than me
"You really sound like him" I said with a smile and brough out the sunglass she gave me am going to be seeing her tomorrow I wonder if she would naturally be drawn to me or will she be with her boyfriend, that might set a dark cloud since it will make me jealous. Since am Alpha of Alphas the king of supernatural am expected to be possesive over my mate even more than royals, any person that touch her in a way inappropriate will be at the risk of loosing his life, thats normal, but unlike what people expect I have a high level of control and am calm by nature how funny
"Lets go race" Jacob said "I've always win every member of the pack but I suspect you will win me" he said as he stood up and ran off
I chuckle "Thats cheating" I said as I ran after him, it's only fair if he had a head start for am faster than any supernatural, in no time I caught up with him and pass him and I was not even trying
"You're faster than I thought" he said panting
"You have no idea" I said as we both head to the pack house
The Azalk that we captured I have found out their locations from their thought and I will go there with Jacob tonight, since just like his grandfather he is my partner and he is strong and uses the power he draws from me perfectly, so I don't have to worry about him, so we decided when we leave tonight we won't alert anyone.

It's midnight we're currently standing infront of a hole inside a thick forest that looks like it will lead down to underground. As we move down it sure did lead to underground with my superhearing I could hear chatters and this place smells awful
"This place smell awful" Jacob said my thought
"Yes, we are about to enter, be ready all of them are bad so no prisoner" I have already read their thought and they have no vital information they don't even know if they're the only Azalk group remaining, the one that acts like their leader thinks they are, I was glad no kid is there so I won't feel guilty. I kicked the door open, I want to have fun so I didn't roar or control them cause that would be easy kill and it will be lame to kill defendless people, so I allowed them free will, in order to put up a fight, as the door went down they all stood to attacking position and the wolves transformed and the vampires had their fangs on while the witches hands flame up
One wolf ran towards me I position with my claws out but before he reached Jacob came infront and slit his throat, he looked backed at me with a smirk, cunning bastard he got the first kill, now lets see who kills most, as if he knew what I was thinking, we attacked the same time
I was faster , I kept ripping heads, slittings throats, tearing limps I took the time to look at Jacob and he looks happy and doesn't need my help as I focused back on the fight about ten witches circled me with their hands ablaze I gave a devilish grin and did my telepathy thing and each of their heads busted like a balloon filled with excess air that got the remaining Azalk scared to their guts. Jacob came close to me with his bloody face and hands but non, his
"Looks like we should put them out of their mystery" he said and I nod as we attack to finish them all.
I kept thinking what Isabelle will think of me if she sees me like this with countless corpse surrounding me and Jacob, surely she will be afraid of me I hope she never sees me like this ever
"That will be all" Jacob said as we step outside and I magically set the hideout on fire and felt relieve that we won't be hearing of Azalk, all this I do is for my people and for her safety and no matter what I do no matter how hideous and monstrous its for the safety of my people
"Come lets go" I said and with that we went home and am glad and happy cause I will be seeing Isabelle tomorrow, my Queen, the Queen of supernatural world.
Chapter 4
(Isabelle pov)
Finally am in school looking as beautiful as I will ever be, I keep looking around hoping to see that perfect face that well built body that well tan skin, but he seem to be absent. Maybe he skipped school cause he have a lot of duties, since he came back he's been going to series of meeting.
"Isabelle" I looked up and saw Amy calling me, whispering though, so the teacher won't hear her "you have been absentminded" she said.
So its that noticable "Am fine" I asurred her and try to focus on the lesson, but I don't even know the subject we're having, what a bad day I sigh
The day was so boring I didn't see him and thats such a downer, I kept sighing and my friends kept asking, I tried so hard to engage in their conversation. Silas didn't notice much luckily, not that he ever notice, he is always talking about himself
Hunter, I can't get you off my head, if you knew you couldn't make it why did you get my hope high. Well not only me cause almost all girls even the mated ones kept staring at the entrance expecting to see him walk in.
The way he walks, like he owns the place, his deep voice, the authority that radiates from him, everything about him is perfect. So here I am fantasising about a boy technically centuries older than me and lets not forget the fact he's never going to be mine and virtually all unmated girls are having the same fantasy that am having. Thats too sad, but why am I filled with hope
I really don't have strength for tomorrow school but I won't wash my dreams down the drains for this, I need to keep my focus and stop this teenage fantasy. I felt determined as I went to sleep.

Am currently in my first lesson geography, and it takes everything in me not to look at the door whenever it opens. I plan on focusing......
"Sorry am late" I heard the very same voice that speaks to me everynight in my dreams, I felts the sparks travel through me I couldn't stop myself from looking at the entrance. Lo and behold, there stands my ADONIS still wearing the glass I gave him
"Don't worry mister Hunter, find a seat" the teacher said as humble as he can
"Thanks" he turned and looked at me and gave me the million dollar smile, which melted me. Thats it am totally a goner, he moved and sat in the seat behind me that made my brain to work in hyperspeed without actually doing anything.
All the lesson was a waste cause I couldn't focus, with him behind me and I can see all the girls eyes on him, that got me angry and I want to pluck out their eyes for looking at him like the last chocolate in the world, what made me more angry is I can't just turn back and see his face.
He's wearing the glass and just like the day I saw him on tv wearing it, it still made me happy, adding more to my hope. Normally we are not allowed to wear unprescribed glasses to school, but I have a feeling no one will ask him about his, cause no one wants to die.
The bell rang and the class ended I started packing my bags quickily so that I will be far away from him and stare at him from distance,
"What's your next class" he said, again I melted. I looked at him and saw the face I so yawn to see, its a miracle am still standing
" studies" damn am stuttering, why won't I when he's doing all these to me, I looked away so he won't see me blushing like a tomato
"me too" he said with his deep sexy voice. I froze, me, him, another class together can I survive that "grab your things lets walk to class together" he said
Now thats a shocker, I nod since I can't form a word again. After that we left for class, I could see the eyes on him but he wasn't phased by it, he just kept walking, and am hardly holding myself together, I hope his not using his magical powers on me, after all he is the most powerful. I am blushing like a tomato now
"You cute when you blush" he said. What, how embarrasing, couldn't he just keep it to himself
"Am just shy, cause I have never have these much attention" I said, half a truth
"Oh" he looks around, like he just noticed it "well you still are cute" he said, which made me blush more if its possible
"We're here" I said and the door opened, automatically, that never happened before, wait did he just opened it magically, I looked at him and he shrug.
I entered and he sat behind me again, I made a mental note to sit behind next time. This class was also the same with the last I couldn't concentrate and I kept scowling at the girls looking at him, some even winked at him, can you imagine the audacity, am such a kid.
We're having our lunch, Silas is not yet here, but Hunter and Jacob decided to join us, oh and he showed me his timetable He have the same schedule with me, I don't know if I should be glad or not
"What are your powers" Amy asked, she said she have been dying to know
Hunter just chuckled "Stronger than royals,faster, have control over supernaturals, though I can't do spell but I can do some magical stuff and I read mind" he said.
"Read mind?" I asked
"Yes that's normal for Alpha wolves, they can read the mind of their pack members and pass message to them too" Damian answered, I was relieved cause I don't like the fact, people reading my mind
"So an Alpha can't read the mind of someone that is not his pack members?" I asked and he nodded "what of the royals" I want to be sure
"They can only read a pack mind if the Alpha let them, which you will cause you can't say no to them" He said
"What happens if you say no" am getting more curious
"That means you're challenging their authourity and they will have to fight you, and you can't win cause they're stronger and its so for every supernatural, as Royal wolves have control over wolves so does Royal vampires have control over vampire as High order witches have control over witches and they can only have such control over humans if you join any"Amy said clearing my thought. Am now happier being a human, cause our leader won't have to snoop inside my head
"Hunter is different" Jacob said, talking for the first time, now am panicking
"How" Damian asked, I guess we are all curious to know
"He don't need permission to get inside your head to know what you're thinking, or control you to do his bidding" he looks at me "he's that powerful"
"so you mean you can hear my thought" Damian said angrily
"yes, if I want to, but I don't go around reading peoples mind, unless its critical" he said, ignoring Damian anger
"So tell me what am thinking" Amy said "I just want to be sure"
Hunter sighed showing he doesn't want "You're thinking about how cute Damian is when he wore your undies" he shakes his head knowing the thought is weird
"Wow he's right, he really can read mind" Amy said with admiration
"Of all things to think about you choose that" Damian said angrily, and Amy apologized and they started their mind conversation
"So have you read my mind" I asked cause that would be embarrassing if he have
"No, I don't invade peoples privacy" he assured me and am happy for that
"Why didn't you came yesterday" I asked cause am curious, I never want this lunch to end cause I get to look at him, though am now with constant blush I don't mind he said its cute
"Well I had some business to handle with Jacob" he said "you have a boyfriend right" he asked
Silas, I've totally forgotten about him "yeah" I answered as I felt my throat dried up
"Where is he" why is he curious about him. Before I could answer Silas walked in and sat beside me
"Hi love" he said and pecked me, I flinched and moved a bit from his touch, I don't know why I felt like its wrong with Hunter here. I look at him though I can't see his eyes but I notice his mood change
"Hi hunter am Silas" silas said, didn't even wait for Hunter to reply "hey guys how is ya day" he started talking to Damian and Amy. How rude, as I was about to caution him the weather changed suddenly, there was thunder and dark clouds
"Its a thunderstorm" Damian said
"Its magic" Silas said, everybody was looking out through the window but I was.looking at Hunter and having a feeling that I did something bad, though he's wearing glasses I know he is looking at me, I blinked and he's gone, I looked around but can't find him
"He's gone" Jacob said as he stood up and left
The storm quiet down immediately, "Where are they" Amy asked
"they're gone" I said as I felt my heart tighted and tears started flowing I stood up and left before anybody could notice, this is not just a teenage fantasy, am falling for Hunter, King of the supernatural, can I survive it.
9 Dec 2018 | 23:28
Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for episode 5-8 •Episode 6-16 Episode 17-18 Final Episode
9 Dec 2018 | 23:33
Nice story here
10 Dec 2018 | 04:50
CHAPTER 5-8 Chapter 5 (Isabelle pov) Since I came home today from school I have been crying, now its just sobs since I have no more tears. As I got home I received a call from Amy, I wanted to ignore it but since I dont need her coming to my house I just told her I had stomach ache but I will be fine after a few hour sleep and luckily she bought that, as for Silas he called and asked if am alright immediately I said yes, he told me he's travelling for a witch stuff which made me think he called not to know how I was but to tell me about the witch stuff. I kept thinking of Hunter and how I have offended him, but I can't think of anything though but I feel so weak. But why do I feel like this towards him, why does his opinion matter so much, how miserable will be if he finds his mate. "Isabelle am home" my mom calls "am up in my room doing assignment" I lied cause I don't want her to see me like this, my eyes red from crying, come to think of it I never cried like this or over emotional stuff, am a strong girl, but now am weak. I need to figure out this feeling I need to sort myself out with that I slept off. I woke feeling so heavy, my head hurts, I just got up went downstairs and brought out a cold water from the fridge and gulped down. "Are you alright?" my mom asked and i turned, she was standing by the kitchen door wearing a nice dress which indicates shes going out "am fine just a slight headache" I roamed my eyes all over her "where are you going?" I asked "We're going to a ball party hosted by the royal vampire" she said. we as in she and dad "oh, so where is dad" "Here I am" he came to view wearing a nice tux, he is really a fine man and I have some of his qualities like his dark brown eyes and I have my mothers curves, such a lovely family we are "lets go honey, we don't plan to be late, remember hunter is coming" my dad said, with the name Hunter, thousand scenerio rushed through my mind "You mean the king of supernatural" I asked just to be sure "yes" my mother answered as they both went out and entered their car "don't wait for us dear" my dad said as he drove off Maybe I should've gone with them at least to see Hunter and know if he's angry, will he even talk to me, am so confused. I went upstairs to bath and calm myself. I spent more than 30 minutes in the bath but I still didnt clear my head, am here killing myself over someone that is not mine, am hopeless. I went up to my room to know if I can sleep, but no I keep turning, am incurable Thats it I have made up my mind to go to the ball and search for Hunter, so i grabbed my black hoodie already wore my black trouser and went off to the vampire town that means I have to take the car, perfect. I opened the car and luckily the engine revved alive, good its been long I touched it so I drove out of the garage and drove off, I never like going to the vampire town its dead silent and cold but today I have to and being alone in the car is no fun so I tried putting on the radio but it didnt respond "stupid radio" I muttered and focus on the road Am almost there, and the unexpected happened the car went off that was went I notice the fuel guage and its empty, "no no no no, this can't be not in this spooky place" am literally scared, cause I know vampires favourite food is blood, I don't want to be anybodys food, so instead of stalling I opened the door and took of to the ball. I know its being held at the Royal house and I know there cause I have been there more than twice Am getting tired, am never good in sports but I still try to move fast, I noticed some movement at my back, I looked back and saw nothing, maybe am just paranoid so I just focus and kept moving, but I keep getting this feeling of being watched and being followed so I started running as I run I looked back and saw a shadow moving towards me so I ran faster only to be knocked down by a wall. I felt dizzy but shook my head as I tried to fight the dizziness. Though my vision is blurry but I notice I didnt hit a wall but a vampire and surrending me was 5 vampires, it looks I will after all be a food "Pretty girl, where are you going by this ungodly hour" one of them asked "Am going to the ball" I replied with fear visible in my voice "you dont look like you are going to the ball" he said as he examine my cloth, he is right there. "come on lets guild you" he said as he stretch out his hand for me to take and for a moment I felt relieved "On a second thought, you smell so delicious" he said as I literally felt myself drain "please, dont hurt me" I said with tears in my eyes "Dont worry dear it wont hurt much" another one of them said "I thought drinking from a human is prohabited" I tried to reason with them "Yeah, that why we will kill you and nobody will know" this one came from behind me I dared not to look for he sound colder than others "Please" I kept apologizing though it was falling on deaf ear, so I close my eyes as I welcome my death but instead of filling a pang in my neck i head a rip, it sounded like a body part is being ripped apart, I heard woosh sound and more ripping then everything went silent, I waited for a few seconds before opening my eyes and gasped as I so the headless body of the vampires and in the middle is standing Hunter wearing a tux with his eyes still closed I could see him well cause of the light produced by the moon and I noticed his bloody hands "Are you alright?" he asked with that voice I have yawn so much to hear "Yes" I said as I hugged him call me stupid but I had no control over myself, luckily he returned the hug and am glad I breathed in his forest smell He broke the hug "why are you here?" he asked "I came to see you" I said truthfully "and I have questions for you" yes I do He raised his eyebrows, which was cute but still didnt open his eye "what questions" "Do you use magic on me" I asked bluntly he laughed loudly and thats the first time am hearing the sound of his laughter and its melody "why ask such" "cause am having all this weird feelings and attraction towards you, I have never had it before so explain why am having it with you" I feeling a bit relieved He just took a deep breath "maybe its just teenage fantasy, like almost every girl have for me and besides you have a boyfriend" he said sounding a bit sad, it in a way made me sad cause I never want to see him sad "Silas, is sort of an agreement relationship" and its true we decided to date last 2 years not because the emotion was there and we know we will eventually separate, so I did the unthinkable and most cruel thing, I picked up my phone and called Silas and he picked up "Hello Silas, I have been thinking" "You want to break up" silas said "how did you know" I was surprised, is it magic "I know, the relationship have not been working out and I have been thinking how to tell you but it appears you have more courage than I do" he said "fine" am relieved he felt that way too, but really the relation is destined to fail "still friends" I asked to be sure "sure I won't miss that for the world" he laughed "bye I have something to do" he cut the phone "So now am single and its not just a teenage fantasy" I assured him, yet he kept quiet "say something, anything" still no word "k read my mind to see what I feel but cannot say" my tears are now pouring out "I cant" he said barely above a whisper "sure you can, you the king of supernatural, the most powerful" I came closer and I am now holding on the last thread, what if he have a mate and he is just feeling pity towards me for falling for him, if he have a mate I will beg him to make me forget him, sure he can do that he have the powers "I cant, I can read everybodies mine except yours" he said, now thats a shocker, those that means something is wrong with me "how is that possible" I asked "because" he said as he slowly opened his eyes and they were black just black and then the unexpected happened it zing "AM. YOUR. MATE" I said Chapter 6 (Hunter's pov) Am currently in a ball party hosted for me by the vampires, and am so miserable am trying so hard to keep up a smiling face and engage in conversations, but truthfully all my mind is with Isabelle, her lime smell, her well curved body, I have always imagined what my mate would be like, I never imagined her to be this beautiful and innocent, her beautiful brown almost black eyes. "Hunter" Jacob calls as he approached me "thats really bad" he said, about the dark clouds I made when Silas pecked Isabelle "Yes I know" I sighed "but I lost control, he was all over her and that really angered me, he's really lucky I didn't rip his heart out" I growled, so low only jacob heard "You can't continue this, you need to tell her, and I can tell she is really feeling you but can't explain the feeling" Jacob said. He is right I can sense her feelings, though I cant read her mind but I can still smell her hormones, and its always on high alert whenever I come closer, though other girls hormones spike up as I get closer to them but I find it disgusting, unlike my mates own her own is intoxicating, its like my very own brand of drug "Next time I see her I will show her" I said making up my mind, and he nodded as we drink in silent. Lime, I caught the smell, its my mate, though shes still a bit far but she is heading here, and I can't smell any other person with her. What is she doing alone by this time and the road to here is not exactly pleasant. I kept fidgeting I want to go but I can't just leave and beside she's is coming here, faster than normal, too slow for a car but too fast for a normal human walk, that means she is running. I closed my eyes tried to sense if anything was after her but I sense nothing, thats a good thing. I tried to calm down but I sensed her fear, perhaps she is afraid of the forest, I thought so, but she is getting more afraid, thats when I lost all reason and ran towards her with hope to get rid of whatever is making her afraid As I reached I saw 5 vampires trying to kill her and her eyes is already closed, showing she have accepted her fate with no second thought I reaped their heads off, I wonder why I couldn't smell them. Her eyes is closed, so I took the time to stare at her but the pleasure was short lived as she opened her eyes and I closed mine. Whats wrong with me I thought I have made up my mind to show her, king of supernatural is such a kid. "Are you alright" I asked though I can't smell any blood from her but I need to be sure, she answered positive and hugged me, her scent filled my nose and I had to squeeze tighter but easy not to break her. I broke the hug asked her why she is here, she said cause of me, and it made me glad, I was surprised when she asked if I have used magic on her cause of the feelings she is having for me. Am so happy hearing it though I knew but hearing it from her made it sweeter. She also surprised me when she broke up with Silas, to show me there is no more obstacle, not that he was even an obstacle, and urged me to read her thought "I can't" I said barely above a whisper "sure you can, you're the king of supernatural the most powerful" she said as she came closer, and I can feel her desperation she is holding on the last thread "I can't, I can read everybodies mind except yours" I said, I know she will be confused by that "how is that possible" she asked with a bit of confusion laced in her voice "because" I said and decided to show her why so, I opened my eyes and looked at her face before looking into her eyes as my eyes zinged "AM. YOUR. MATE" she said, as she passed out, but before she could hit the ground I caught her. I guess thats too big for her to process. I carried her and laid her beside a tree and came back and incinerated the vampires, I don't want people knowing, later I will ask Jacob why I couldn't smell them. I remembered that people will be worried cause I was too fast for them to see when I ran away, to them its like disappearing, am really glad am powerful. I decided to pass a message to Jacob telling him am alright, that he should cover for me, and he agreed So its now time to carry my mate to a suitable place, so I carried her and ran to my favourite place, the lake behind my house, its night with the moon shining it made it beautiful, I laid her in a comfortable place waiting for her to wake up as I looked at her, she is beautiful, I ran my hands through her body and marvelled at the smoothness and softness, she is really beautiful, thank the moon goddess for giving her to me Few minutes passed and am still staring at her sleep, she twitchs her nose once in a while and its by far the cutest thing I have seen. She stirs and opened her eyes and I was looking at her too we stayed still and enjoyed the moment till she spoke "Why?" she asked "When I woke up from my slumber it was because you were in danger, so I had to come to your rescue, but as I was reading people's mind I read Silas and it was pretty convincing that you guys love eachother, so I decided not to show you yet" "Why did the match maker choose me as your mate, am a weak human, and I can only make you weak" she said and I could sense her sadness, and I never want her sad "No man is invincible, we all have our weaknesses and am glad you are mine, and you're not just my weakness, you are my strength" ofcourse she is She raised her hands and touched my cheeks, it gave me goosebumps and I lean to her touch "My ADONIS" she said, her voice is so gentle before I could open my eyes and reply she leaned forward and gave me and earth shattering kiss. I gasped and she used the opportunity to deepen the kiss, I also returned the kiss as we both kissed with much hunger like our lives depends on it, I carried her up with our lips still locked and she wrapped her legs around me and I walked to the lake and we both drenched and she stiffened "What" I asked as I broke the kiss "Cold, the lake is cold" she said as she let a little shiver. I didn't notice since am a supernatural, I have a high resistance to cold "Do you want to see a trick" I said and she nodded as I placed my hands on the water and made it warm, from the look in her eyes I know she is impressed "For the second time, you impressed me....mate" she said with the word mate sounding so much better in her month "the first is when you open the door with your mind and then this". Now all I want to do is impress her, "whats your favourite colour?" I asked "Pink" she answered, so girly I chuckled, then raised my hands, and looked at the sky so did she as I made pink stars fall and that left her mesmerized. I learnt ages ago that I can make people see my imagination, though the stars are not real its my imagination but am letting her see it. She move closer to me and wrapped her arms around me "If this is your way of wooing me, consider me wooed" she said as she deepened the kiss. I found my hands moved to her breast as I cupped it and she moaned thats a melody to my ear, I moved to her neck , nibbled and sucked it. I was overwhelmed with the urge to mark her and mate her I don't know which feeling was greater, so I used all my might to push back "Whats wrong" she asked as she came closer and I moved back "I might loss control and thats going to be bad" I stated the fact, and felt ashamed as I couldnt control myself "Am yours, down to my last dna am all yours, so do with me as you please" she assured me. I know I will still mark her and mate her but not now so I carried her inside to change our cloth and plan how to tell people. I can't imagine the look on Amys face We are now inside and shes wearing my shirt which just made her sexier and me more hornier, what a sweet torture "So how should we tell people" she asked as she sip the juice I gave her and sat on the table right accross me, she going to kill me "erm" I cough as I felt my throat dried "whatever you decide" people's opinion never mattered to me She looked away deep in thought, then stood up and went and got the sunglass she gave me and chuckled "I prefer it stay hidden for now, cause I don't want to be the center of attention just yet" she said I understands her, cause once people finds out she is mine, the reporters won't let her rest. She yawned, a sign she is tired "lets go to bed" i said as I stood up "Carry me" she said and stretched out her arm, she looked so cute and innocent, so I carried her bridal style to my room. Our first night together, awesome. Though I plan to leave the room as she sleep cause I might lose control "Hunter, you are my ADONIS" she said as I felt her sleep off, I laid her in bed covered her, stared at her a little longer, God why can't I stop this dirty thought, with that I left the room happy that she is finally mine. Chapter 7 (Hunters pov) I still can't sleep, am too aware of Isabelle in my room to sleep, her lime scents fills my whole nostril I can't concentrate on anything I have stood in front of the door many things trying to enter her room and ravish her but always able to stop myself, though I don't know how long I can keep calm. Good I just picked up Jacob scent "Come to my house" I mind linked him atleast he will be able to keep me occupied "Am here" he let himself in and it didn't take him 3 seconds to get here, he used the wolf speed "something happened" I said as I gulped down the remaining whiskey, I have been drinking to get my mind of her but its not working "let me guess" he sniffes "she is here, and she already knows" he said with a sly smile yea he can easily find out but thats not the main discussion "she was attacked" I said and the smile faded from his face "hope she is fine" he asked and I nod "I couldn't smell her attackers or hear their thought" I said and still wondering why he also looked a bit shock ""I think its the new spray use to cover up their smell" he said with a shrug "something like that now exist" I asked surprisingly "yes, and its a secret only the Royals, the alphas and leaders knows about it" he said "why am I not aware" am angry for not knowing, seriously nobody thought it wise to tell me? "you still got back and if you did read the minds of the Alphas you would've known" "thats true, but still won't read peoples mind, let me just allow myself to discover things my way" beside I don't like prying into peoples secret "and why can't I hear their thought" this is the one that bothers me "I have no idea" he said and also went into deep thought, I guess he is thinking how it's possible cause am powerful to read everybodies mind even a royal, though royals are really difficult, I have only done it once "you can go and sleep tomorrow is school" I can sense he is tired and need the sleep, he just nodded and left, for a second I thought he will want to hear how I told Isabelle, but he didn't which am glad for now "you will still fill me in on her reaction the moment she found out" Jacob mind linked me, I chuckled and decided to rest a bit its almost dawn (Isabelle pov) I woke up and nothing seem familiar, on a bigger bed with white sheet and bigger room with white colour, my room is purple with normal bed. Where am I? I asked as everything rushed back to me. AM HUNTERS MATE. Now am in a state of euphoria, am in Hunter room. I sniffed to know if I could smell him, but sadly can't, am a human, but still smelled his scent on the bed, I stood up went to the door and that instant it opened to reveal a shirtless Adonis, am such a horny teenager "How was your night" he said with his deep morning voice, chocolate, "Lovely" the bessssssssst "and yours" I said trying to keep my eyes on his face and not his abs "same, here" he passed me a cup of coffee and I took, I think its the best coffee I have ever tasted or just happy its Hunter that made it "Soooo, when are we going to school?" I asked though I really don't want to "No school today miss, you are staying here" I try to oppose thinking of my parents "don't worry about your parents and your friends they have all been taken care off" he said like he read my mind "What did you tell my parents?" am curious to know "I went to your house, told them you are with me and you are my mate" he said with much authority "your mom was so happy, I could sense her happiness, your dad was a bit shock but still told me to take care of you" he said, I know if he really said it to them, they won't oppose cause most mate will start living together espcially alphas and royals "What of my friends," I asked I don't really care about it I just want to keep him talking now we are now in the living room and both sitting accross eachother "Just told them you are with me, before I could even say the word mate, Amy said it and said she have been suspecting but Damian was surprise, so all in all they agreed to let us have today to ourselves" he finished with a smile, am surprised that Amy suspected but still relieved to spend the day with my mate "So first I will go take a shower and come back with tons of questions" I said, he nodded and escorted me to the room, it have a bathroom, wow "Everything you need is in there, so do come down after bathing" he said as he left me. Am still in euphoria, cause I can't believe he is my mate. I went inside to bath, I found the toothbrush, I literally brushed like never before cause am really want to kiss him and I wont want him to smell anything, so after that I took my bath. I only have one underwear, the one I have been wearing, I don't wear undies twice, what am I going to do, am already panicking when I heard a knock "Its me, am with a new pair of undies, cause I know you wouldn't want to wear your own again" Hunter said. How embarrassing "I will leave it here on the bed" he said as I heard his footsteps fade Way to go Isabelle, I came out wrapped with towel and saw the undies on the bed, white pant and bra, I think he likes white, I put it on and it suits perfectly so I went to his drawer and brought out a white shirt, I chose the white shirt cause I have come to the conclusion that he love white, I hope am right Fried egg filled my nose as I came out to see he already passed our breakfast, which is fried egg and bread with milk, nice how cute, he made me breakfast. I walked down he was standing beside the dinning then I blink and he is infront of me, I gasped and he kissed me, deep kiss full of emotions it didnt last long, how disappointing "I couldn't control myself anymore" He said, spending few moment with Hunter made me realise he like having control over himself and its difficult for him to let loose, thats a different definition of what have before, we all thought he will be on the loose side "You don't have to control yourself with me" I assured him cause I really want him to loose control, he just nod and took me to the dinning table "Hope its delicious" he asked, I nodded cause I have my mouth full and its so delicious I forgot to complement him, he just chuckled "How did you know am in danger the second time" I asked, I intend to ask a lot today "Though, I can't read your mind, but I feel your presence the most, so I felt you when you were coming and I felt your fears too so I rushed to your rescue" he said like its nothing "If its not for the mate bond would I still be crazy over you" I asked cause it would be agonizing if its so He smiled "actually yes, cause many girls are crazy about me" he said with a smug "but if you are not my mate, I will still wish you were, cause I have not seen any girl as beautiful as you" he said and it really made me smile "Won't people be disappointed to hear that their queen is a weak human" I said sadly He held my hands, though we are done eating but still in the dinning "They wont mind and beside, you still get strong, stronger than a royal" he said nonchallantly "What did you just said" I asked cause I dont see myself being strong "Naturally, you are my mate that means my strength will gradually transfer to you, then after mating and marking you, you will be in your full strength, more than the royals" he said "So I will be that strong" I said above a whisper, and he nodded, thats really awesome but I still can't see myself being strong "How powerful are you, really" I asked, I have heard many people assumption, but I want to hear from him He scoff "As you know, I have all the gene in me, and its not just ordinary gene, my father, is a royal wolf that was disown for mating a vampire princess, cause they were enemies then, even my mom was disowned too" he said "Then how did you get the witch gene?" I asked "Oh, then witches that sided with vampires sealed their bond with marriage so the Vampire king married the leader of the witch,they gave birth to my mom, so I got the witch gene from her. So with me having all the powerful gene together, all enhancing eachother hence making me a very powerful being" he said it proudly "The most powerful" I said and really happy he is mine, I want to know more of him "Lets go to the river" he said, I am wearing his shirt and my legs are exposed "dont worry nobody will see you and I will make the water warm" he said and smiled. I stood up on my feet, he towered over me and I thought how to kiss him, but he beat me to it as he bend down and kissed me, more furious than the morning, I grabbed his neck and wrapped my legs around him, I swear he is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted and I will always want more. He stopped and I rested my head on his shoulder, sensing am not planning on coming down he carried me like that to the river........ Chapter 8 (Hunter's pov) I carried her to the river with her arms and legs around me, I can feel her bare legs and it amaze me with its softness and smoothness. We got to the water I made it warm by just dipping my foot in it, I wouldn't like her to feel cold "Warm" she said as I dipped her into the water "did it for you love" love that sound cute, imagine a king being cute She stepped down and stared at me and I got lost, that dark brown eyes is the prettiest thing to gaze upon "You are beautiful" I said breathlessly for just with a gaze she always knock the breath out of me "and am saying this not as your lover or mate but as a man that is not blind" I said truthfully and she giggled "When you normally wore sunglass was I pretty" she asked with the cutest smile and I just nodded cause I couldn't find my voice I kissed her, I planned on just a little kiss but got carried away I started kissing her furiously and she returned it with equal force we were both lost till she hissed out of pain "The water is too hot" she said "am sorry I lost control" I lost control of my power and the water got too hot and, what am even hard down there, thank goodness for the water so she can't see it "don't worry about Mr johnson down there" she said with a wink, how naughty, I gave her a sheepish smile when I notice she got me "So tell me things about you, Mister hybrid" she said as she swim around. "Well" I swim closer to her "am 18 by looks but am about a 700 years or so, I lost count and I slept for 500 years cause I couldn't find you, I planned to have the slumber with my bestfriend Jacob but fortunately for him he found his mate" I said "What of you?" I asked cause its only fair if she share too "Am 17 will be 18 in 3 months, was born on April 17th, the only child of my parents, you already know my best friends, I hate vegatables, my best food is fries with egg," she said "Well as you know after I was born, I was most feared, I threatened the balance of the world, I was an abomination to them, so many tried to kill me but failed cause the pack my father formed with mom and some loyal wolves and vampire that want peace and nothing to do with the war, they were strong, so they always protect me" I felt sad remembering it "They protected me as long as they could until the force that united was too muchou almost all wolves and vampire with witches wanted me dead. It was the first thing they agreed on, it even made them stop the war a bit, some wanted to have me so that I could be their winning card but as soon as my father rejects the offer they will also join others to kill me" I felt her caress my cheek and I lean to it, she could feel my sadness "So that night I was just 12 years old, have not gotten my powers, or more like activated it, they attacked in larger numbers, when my father noticed we couldn't win, he urged my mom to run away with me, she carried me and ran, even with her vampspeed we didn't go far when she fell and screamed in agony. I didn't understand the scream then, it was later that I realized that when your mate dies you feel such pain" I can never forget that night. "You can stop if you want" she said with pity in her face "Don't worry am fine" so I continued "as she fell I tried carrying her but am weak" I regret being weak "I sensed the enemy approaching, before I could react we were surrounded, my mother was too weak to put up a fight and I sense she just lost the will to live 'be strong, live and may your fathers strength fly to you' that was her last words before they killed her" I said, I did't even know I was crying until she wiped the tears "I felt so much anger, so much hatred, then I saw a black shadow head towards me and entered me, that was when I lost all reasoning and killed them all, they were more than hundred" I remembered the shadow that went inside me, I can still feel it inside "So after that I ran inside the woods, always covering my tracks, the supernatural went back to war and I was forgotten, so I lived my life in the woods." I laughed as I recalled when I first met jacob lost, a rogue "I saw Jacob in the forest, he was afriad his parents have been killed cause of the war, so we started staying together and became bestfried many others joined us, vampires, wolves,witches and some humans that were able to escape their captors" Sweet memories "Jacob suggested we become a pack and sujected I become the Alpha and he called the pack Hunters pack" I scoffed as I remembered that I may have been the Alpha but jacob is the leader I was just the muscle, he was wiser than many teenagers "What a wierd park" Isabelle said smiling, yea she's right on that "So we formed the pack, and I found a place in the woods and we started building our homes" I looked around and thought how this place was once a forest. Nothing is impossible, just work hard and everything will be possible. "I was away to the human realm, I escorted some of the humans, that wanted to go back and start live over again. When I got back, the pack was a mess, jacob said that blood moon pack came, and tried to bully them cause they thought we are not an official pack, so they fought back and unfortunately killed the Alpha's son." she gasped as she heard this, she knew no Alpha will take that lightly "What did you guys do" she asked "I did the best thing, we held the official ceremony, and they were all initiated by drink my blood and with that they have sown alliance to me" I saw the frightful look on her face when I said they drank my blood. It was funny "actually not my blood, but a fountain that have my blood, I cutter myself and spilled my blood in it, thats why even when I was gone they were able to accept new people, cause all they have to do is drink the water" she visibly relaxed "After the ceremony, we decided to go see bloodmoon Alpha in the morning. When we got to their territory, I took only Jacob since I meant to have peace and not war, there was already enough war. But they took us prisoners, I pleaded to see the Alpha, but we were kept in prison for two days" I sighed "Why didn't you fight" She asked bewildered "Like I said I wanted peace, so after 2 days, they took us to the Alpha, and he demanded Jacobs head, I refused but Jacob said he is willing to, that he regret killing the boy and I should not stop him." "Thats so brave of him" she admired Jacobs courage "Yea but everything turned sideways when Jacob asked him if he will leave the pack alone after they kill him, the Alpha said yes but he was thinking something else, I was able to read his thought and discovered he have already sent his troops to my pack" Alphas then were really ruthless "So I killed the Alpha instantly, killed the soldiers before they could react, I explain to Jacob, so we started fighting the pack, wasn't afraid for my pack cause I know the ceremony have made them the strongest pack in the supernatural, so to end the fight quicker I roared" she laughed as I said this I bet she just rememered what my roar can do and she is sure right "They went back to their human form and was scared, they don't stand a chance against my might, so jacob asked them to run to other packs and tell them the king of supernatural is here" I laughed at how Jacob knows when to sieze a moment "I hope your pack was alright when you got back?"she asked with much care. Without even knowing it she is exhibit the character of a Luna, a Queen "They were fine, so like that Jacob suggest we try and stop the war, so we worked towards it I called a meeting with the leaders, they came probably because they were afraid, its funny, a teenager in control. So after the meeting I discovered they have even forgotten why there were at war so I made each other release their prisoners and relinquish the lands they forcefully took from each other and they accepted" "You really did good" she said with an adorable smile, and gave me a warm hug "but how did you close the portal" she asked "Well, I stopped vampires from forcefully feeding from humans, but some still secretly go to the human world and fist on them, so I annouced that every human that wants to go back should go and ones that want to stay should stay, after that I sealed the portal" I sign damn I just narrated my life story. I looked around, its already evening and I know she must be hungry "Lets go back inside and fix something to eat, after that I will take you home" she got sad when I said she is going home, call me a psycho am glad she is sad "come on" I carried her bridal style inside and fixed dinner after that she decided I use my speed back to her house and only stop a mile a way so we can walk as normal couple "So how old where you before you went to hypersleep" she asked as we walked towards her home "Well as you can see, am 18" I answered though I knew what she was asking "I mean technically" she said with an eye roll, everything she does is cute "I was 218, I think, like I said I don't keep count, the only reason I know am 18, its cause I know we stop aging at 18" we are already at her doorsteps, how time easily fly pass We were both reluctant to let go off eachother, I lean and kissed her I stopped cause I sensed her mother and I wouldn't like her to see it yet so I let her go, I walked half way turned and winked her before she entered inside. She have no idea what I plan tonight, I may be known as the noble king but I still have my naughty side.
10 Dec 2018 | 22:30
You can survive
11 Dec 2018 | 01:13
go on
11 Dec 2018 | 02:49
ride on
11 Dec 2018 | 05:49
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11 Dec 2018 | 05:56
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11 Dec 2018 | 18:39
please continue
11 Dec 2018 | 18:41
12 Dec 2018 | 15:14
chapter 6-10 Chapter 6 (Hunter's pov) Am currently in a ball party hosted for me by the vampires, and am so miserable am trying so hard to keep up a smiling face and engage in conversations, but truthfully all my mind is with Isabelle, her lime smell, her well curved body, I have always imagined what my mate would be like, I never imagined her to be this beautiful and innocent, her beautiful brown almost black eyes. "Hunter" Jacob calls as he approached me "thats really bad" he said, about the dark clouds I made when Silas pecked Isabelle "Yes I know" I sighed "but I lost control, he was all over her and that really angered me, he's really lucky I didn't rip his heart out" I growled, so low only jacob heard "You can't continue this, you need to tell her, and I can tell she is really feeling you but can't explain the feeling" Jacob said. He is right I can sense her feelings, though I cant read her mind but I can still smell her hormones, and its always on high alert whenever I come closer, though other girls hormones spike up as I get closer to them but I find it disgusting, unlike my mates own her own is intoxicating, its like my very own brand of drug "Next time I see her I will show her" I said making up my mind, and he nodded as we drink in silent. Lime, I caught the smell, its my mate, though shes still a bit far but she is heading here, and I can't smell any other person with her. What is she doing alone by this time and the road to here is not exactly pleasant. I kept fidgeting I want to go but I can't just leave and beside she's is coming here, faster than normal, too slow for a car but too fast for a normal human walk, that means she is running. I closed my eyes tried to sense if anything was after her but I sense nothing, thats a good thing. I tried to calm down but I sensed her fear, perhaps she is afraid of the forest, I thought so, but she is getting more afraid, thats when I lost all reason and ran towards her with hope to get rid of whatever is making her afraid As I reached I saw 5 vampires trying to kill her and her eyes is already closed, showing she have accepted her fate with no second thought I reaped their heads off, I wonder why I couldn't smell them. Her eyes is closed, so I took the time to stare at her but the pleasure was short lived as she opened her eyes and I closed mine. Whats wrong with me I thought I have made up my mind to show her, king of supernatural is such a kid. "Are you alright" I asked though I can't smell any blood from her but I need to be sure, she answered positive and hugged me, her scent filled my nose and I had to squeeze tighter but easy not to break her. I broke the hug asked her why she is here, she said cause of me, and it made me glad, I was surprised when she asked if I have used magic on her cause of the feelings she is having for me. Am so happy hearing it though I knew but hearing it from her made it sweeter. She also surprised me when she broke up with Silas, to show me there is no more obstacle, not that he was even an obstacle, and urged me to read her thought "I can't" I said barely above a whisper "sure you can, you're the king of supernatural the most powerful" she said as she came closer, and I can feel her desperation she is holding on the last thread "I can't, I can read everybodies mind except yours" I said, I know she will be confused by that "how is that possible" she asked with a bit of confusion laced in her voice "because" I said and decided to show her why so, I opened my eyes and looked at her face before looking into her eyes as my eyes zinged "AM. YOUR. MATE" she said, as she passed out, but before she could hit the ground I caught her. I guess thats too big for her to process. I carried her and laid her beside a tree and came back and incinerated the vampires, I don't want people knowing, later I will ask Jacob why I couldn't smell them. I remembered that people will be worried cause I was too fast for them to see when I ran away, to them its like disappearing, am really glad am powerful. I decided to pass a message to Jacob telling him am alright, that he should cover for me, and he agreed So its now time to carry my mate to a suitable place, so I carried her and ran to my favourite place, the lake behind my house, its night with the moon shining it made it beautiful, I laid her in a comfortable place waiting for her to wake up as I looked at her, she is beautiful, I ran my hands through her body and marvelled at the smoothness and softness, she is really beautiful, thank the moon goddess for giving her to me Few minutes passed and am still staring at her sleep, she twitchs her nose once in a while and its by far the cutest thing I have seen. She stirs and opened her eyes and I was looking at her too we stayed still and enjoyed the moment till she spoke "Why?" she asked "When I woke up from my slumber it was because you were in danger, so I had to come to your rescue, but as I was reading people's mind I read Silas and it was pretty convincing that you guys love eachother, so I decided not to show you yet" "Why did the match maker choose me as your mate, am a weak human, and I can only make you weak" she said and I could sense her sadness, and I never want her sad "No man is invincible, we all have our weaknesses and am glad you are mine, and you're not just my weakness, you are my strength" ofcourse she is She raised her hands and touched my cheeks, it gave me goosebumps and I lean to her touch "My ADONIS" she said, her voice is so gentle before I could open my eyes and reply she leaned forward and gave me and earth shattering kiss. I gasped and she used the opportunity to deepen the kiss, I also returned the kiss as we both kissed with much hunger like our lives depends on it, I carried her up with our lips still locked and she wrapped her legs around me and I walked to the lake and we both drenched and she stiffened "What" I asked as I broke the kiss "Cold, the lake is cold" she said as she let a little shiver. I didn't notice since am a supernatural, I have a high resistance to cold "Do you want to see a trick" I said and she nodded as I placed my hands on the water and made it warm, from the look in her eyes I know she is impressed "For the second time, you impressed me....mate" she said with the word mate sounding so much better in her month "the first is when you open the door with your mind and then this". Now all I want to do is impress her, "whats your favourite colour?" I asked "Pink" she answered, so girly I chuckled, then raised my hands, and looked at the sky so did she as I made pink stars fall and that left her mesmerized. I learnt ages ago that I can make people see my imagination, though the stars are not real its my imagination but am letting her see it. She move closer to me and wrapped her arms around me "If this is your way of wooing me, consider me wooed" she said as she deepened the kiss. I found my hands moved to her breast as I cupped it and she moaned thats a melody to my ear, I moved to her neck , nibbled and sucked it. I was overwhelmed with the urge to mark her and mate her I don't know which feeling was greater, so I used all my might to push back "Whats wrong" she asked as she came closer and I moved back "I might loss control and thats going to be bad" I stated the fact, and felt ashamed as I couldnt control myself "Am yours, down to my last dna am all yours, so do with me as you please" she assured me. I know I will still mark her and mate her but not now so I carried her inside to change our cloth and plan how to tell people. I can't imagine the look on Amys face We are now inside and shes wearing my shirt which just made her sexier and me more hornier, what a sweet torture "So how should we tell people" she asked as she sip the juice I gave her and sat on the table right accross me, she going to kill me "erm" I cough as I felt my throat dried "whatever you decide" people's opinion never mattered to me She looked away deep in thought, then stood up and went and got the sunglass she gave me and chuckled "I prefer it stay hidden for now, cause I don't want to be the center of attention just yet" she said I understands her, cause once people finds out she is mine, the reporters won't let her rest. She yawned, a sign she is tired "lets go to bed" i said as I stood up "Carry me" she said and stretched out her arm, she looked so cute and innocent, so I carried her bridal style to my room. Our first night together, awesome. Though I plan to leave the room as she sleep cause I might lose control "Hunter, you are my ADONIS" she said as I felt her sleep off, I laid her in bed covered her, stared at her a little longer, God why can't I stop this dirty thought, with that I left the room happy that she is finally mine. Chapter 7 (Hunters pov) I still can't sleep, am too aware of Isabelle in my room to sleep, her lime scents fills my whole nostril I can't concentrate on anything I have stood in front of the door many things trying to enter her room and ravish her but always able to stop myself, though I don't know how long I can keep calm. Good I just picked up Jacob scent "Come to my house" I mind linked him atleast he will be able to keep me occupied "Am here" he let himself in and it didn't take him 3 seconds to get here, he used the wolf speed "something happened" I said as I gulped down the remaining whiskey, I have been drinking to get my mind of her but its not working "let me guess" he sniffes "she is here, and she already knows" he said with a sly smile yea he can easily find out but thats not the main discussion "she was attacked" I said and the smile faded from his face "hope she is fine" he asked and I nod "I couldn't smell her attackers or hear their thought" I said and still wondering why he also looked a bit shock ""I think its the new spray use to cover up their smell" he said with a shrug "something like that now exist" I asked surprisingly "yes, and its a secret only the Royals, the alphas and leaders knows about it" he said "why am I not aware" am angry for not knowing, seriously nobody thought it wise to tell me? "you still got back and if you did read the minds of the Alphas you would've known" "thats true, but still won't read peoples mind, let me just allow myself to discover things my way" beside I don't like prying into peoples secret "and why can't I hear their thought" this is the one that bothers me "I have no idea" he said and also went into deep thought, I guess he is thinking how it's possible cause am powerful to read everybodies mind even a royal, though royals are really difficult, I have only done it once "you can go and sleep tomorrow is school" I can sense he is tired and need the sleep, he just nodded and left, for a second I thought he will want to hear how I told Isabelle, but he didn't which am glad for now "you will still fill me in on her reaction the moment she found out" Jacob mind linked me, I chuckled and decided to rest a bit its almost dawn (Isabelle pov) I woke up and nothing seem familiar, on a bigger bed with white sheet and bigger room with white colour, my room is purple with normal bed. Where am I? I asked as everything rushed back to me. AM HUNTERS MATE. Now am in a state of euphoria, am in Hunter room. I sniffed to know if I could smell him, but sadly can't, am a human, but still smelled his scent on the bed, I stood up went to the door and that instant it opened to reveal a shirtless Adonis, am such a horny teenager "How was your night" he said with his deep morning voice, chocolate, "Lovely" the bessssssssst "and yours" I said trying to keep my eyes on his face and not his abs "same, here" he passed me a cup of coffee and I took, I think its the best coffee I have ever tasted or just happy its Hunter that made it "Soooo, when are we going to school?" I asked though I really don't want to "No school today miss, you are staying here" I try to oppose thinking of my parents "don't worry about your parents and your friends they have all been taken care off" he said like he read my mind "What did you tell my parents?" am curious to know "I went to your house, told them you are with me and you are my mate" he said with much authority "your mom was so happy, I could sense her happiness, your dad was a bit shock but still told me to take care of you" he said, I know if he really said it to them, they won't oppose cause most mate will start living together espcially alphas and royals "What of my friends," I asked I don't really care about it I just want to keep him talking now we are now in the living room and both sitting accross eachother "Just told them you are with me, before I could even say the word mate, Amy said it and said she have been suspecting but Damian was surprise, so all in all they agreed to let us have today to ourselves" he finished with a smile, am surprised that Amy suspected but still relieved to spend the day with my mate "So first I will go take a shower and come back with tons of questions" I said, he nodded and escorted me to the room, it have a bathroom, wow "Everything you need is in there, so do come down after bathing" he said as he left me. Am still in euphoria, cause I can't believe he is my mate. I went inside to bath, I found the toothbrush, I literally brushed like never before cause am really want to kiss him and I wont want him to smell anything, so after that I took my bath. I only have one underwear, the one I have been wearing, I don't wear undies twice, what am I going to do, am already panicking when I heard a knock "Its me, am with a new pair of undies, cause I know you wouldn't want to wear your own again" Hunter said. How embarrassing "I will leave it here on the bed" he said as I heard his footsteps fade Way to go Isabelle, I came out wrapped with towel and saw the undies on the bed, white pant and bra, I think he likes white, I put it on and it suits perfectly so I went to his drawer and brought out a white shirt, I chose the white shirt cause I have come to the conclusion that he love white, I hope am right Fried egg filled my nose as I came out to see he already passed our breakfast, which is fried egg and bread with milk, nice how cute, he made me breakfast. I walked down he was standing beside the dinning then I blink and he is infront of me, I gasped and he kissed me, deep kiss full of emotions it didnt last long, how disappointing "I couldn't control myself anymore" He said, spending few moment with Hunter made me realise he like having control over himself and its difficult for him to let loose, thats a different definition of what have before, we all thought he will be on the loose side "You don't have to control yourself with me" I assured him cause I really want him to loose control, he just nod and took me to the dinning table "Hope its delicious" he asked, I nodded cause I have my mouth full and its so delicious I forgot to complement him, he just chuckled "How did you know am in danger the second time" I asked, I intend to ask a lot today "Though, I can't read your mind, but I feel your presence the most, so I felt you when you were coming and I felt your fears too so I rushed to your rescue" he said like its nothing "If its not for the mate bond would I still be crazy over you" I asked cause it would be agonizing if its so He smiled "actually yes, cause many girls are crazy about me" he said with a smug "but if you are not my mate, I will still wish you were, cause I have not seen any girl as beautiful as you" he said and it really made me smile "Won't people be disappointed to hear that their queen is a weak human" I said sadly He held my hands, though we are done eating but still in the dinning "They wont mind and beside, you still get strong, stronger than a royal" he said nonchallantly "What did you just said" I asked cause I dont see myself being strong "Naturally, you are my mate that means my strength will gradually transfer to you, then after mating and marking you, you will be in your full strength, more than the royals" he said "So I will be that strong" I said above a whisper, and he nodded, thats really awesome but I still can't see myself being strong "How powerful are you, really" I asked, I have heard many people assumption, but I want to hear from him He scoff "As you know, I have all the gene in me, and its not just ordinary gene, my father, is a royal wolf that was disown for mating a vampire princess, cause they were enemies then, even my mom was disowned too" he said "Then how did you get the witch gene?" I asked "Oh, then witches that sided with vampires sealed their bond with marriage so the Vampire king married the leader of the witch,they gave birth to my mom, so I got the witch gene from her. So with me having all the powerful gene together, all enhancing eachother hence making me a very powerful being" he said it proudly "The most powerful" I said and really happy he is mine, I want to know more of him "Lets go to the river" he said, I am wearing his shirt and my legs are exposed "dont worry nobody will see you and I will make the water warm" he said and smiled. I stood up on my feet, he towered over me and I thought how to kiss him, but he beat me to it as he bend down and kissed me, more furious than the morning, I grabbed his neck and wrapped my legs around him, I swear he is the most delicious thing I have ever tasted and I will always want more. He stopped and I rested my head on his shoulder, sensing am not planning on coming down he carried me like that to the river........ Chapter 8 (Hunter's pov) I carried her to the river with her arms and legs around me, I can feel her bare legs and it amaze me with its softness and smoothness. We got to the water I made it warm by just dipping my foot in it, I wouldn't like her to feel cold "Warm" she said as I dipped her into the water "did it for you love" love that sound cute, imagine a king being cute She stepped down and stared at me and I got lost, that dark brown eyes is the prettiest thing to gaze upon "You are beautiful" I said breathlessly for just with a gaze she always knock the breath out of me "and am saying this not as your lover or mate but as a man that is not blind" I said truthfully and she giggled "When you normally wore sunglass was I pretty" she asked with the cutest smile and I just nodded cause I couldn't find my voice I kissed her, I planned on just a little kiss but got carried away I started kissing her furiously and she returned it with equal force we were both lost till she hissed out of pain "The water is too hot" she said "am sorry I lost control" I lost control of my power and the water got too hot and, what am even hard down there, thank goodness for the water so she can't see it "don't worry about Mr johnson down there" she said with a wink, how naughty, I gave her a sheepish smile when I notice she got me "So tell me things about you, Mister hybrid" she said as she swim around. "Well" I swim closer to her "am 18 by looks but am about a 700 years or so, I lost count and I slept for 500 years cause I couldn't find you, I planned to have the slumber with my bestfriend Jacob but fortunately for him he found his mate" I said "What of you?" I asked cause its only fair if she share too "Am 17 will be 18 in 3 months, was born on April 17th, the only child of my parents, you already know my best friends, I hate vegatables, my best food is fries with egg," she said "Well as you know after I was born, I was most feared, I threatened the balance of the world, I was an abomination to them, so many tried to kill me but failed cause the pack my father formed with mom and some loyal wolves and vampire that want peace and nothing to do with the war, they were strong, so they always protect me" I felt sad remembering it "They protected me as long as they could until the force that united was too muchou almost all wolves and vampire with witches wanted me dead. It was the first thing they agreed on, it even made them stop the war a bit, some wanted to have me so that I could be their winning card but as soon as my father rejects the offer they will also join others to kill me" I felt her caress my cheek and I lean to it, she could feel my sadness "So that night I was just 12 years old, have not gotten my powers, or more like activated it, they attacked in larger numbers, when my father noticed we couldn't win, he urged my mom to run away with me, she carried me and ran, even with her vampspeed we didn't go far when she fell and screamed in agony. I didn't understand the scream then, it was later that I realized that when your mate dies you feel such pain" I can never forget that night. "You can stop if you want" she said with pity in her face "Don't worry am fine" so I continued "as she fell I tried carrying her but am weak" I regret being weak "I sensed the enemy approaching, before I could react we were surrounded, my mother was too weak to put up a fight and I sense she just lost the will to live 'be strong, live and may your fathers strength fly to you' that was her last words before they killed her" I said, I did't even know I was crying until she wiped the tears "I felt so much anger, so much hatred, then I saw a black shadow head towards me and entered me, that was when I lost all reasoning and killed them all, they were more than hundred" I remembered the shadow that went inside me, I can still feel it inside "So after that I ran inside the woods, always covering my tracks, the supernatural went back to war and I was forgotten, so I lived my life in the woods." I laughed as I recalled when I first met jacob lost, a rogue "I saw Jacob in the forest, he was afriad his parents have been killed cause of the war, so we started staying together and became bestfried many others joined us, vampires, wolves,witches and some humans that were able to escape their captors" Sweet memories "Jacob suggested we become a pack and sujected I become the Alpha and he called the pack Hunters pack" I scoffed as I remembered that I may have been the Alpha but jacob is the leader I was just the muscle, he was wiser than many teenagers "What a wierd park" Isabelle said smiling, yea she's right on that "So we formed the pack, and I found a place in the woods and we started building our homes" I looked around and thought how this place was once a forest. Nothing is impossible, just work hard and everything will be possible. "I was away to the human realm, I escorted some of the humans, that wanted to go back and start live over again. When I got back, the pack was a mess, jacob said that blood moon pack came, and tried to bully them cause they thought we are not an official pack, so they fought back and unfortunately killed the Alpha's son." she gasped as she heard this, she knew no Alpha will take that lightly "What did you guys do" she asked "I did the best thing, we held the official ceremony, and they were all initiated by drink my blood and with that they have sown alliance to me" I saw the frightful look on her face when I said they drank my blood. It was funny "actually not my blood, but a fountain that have my blood, I cutter myself and spilled my blood in it, thats why even when I was gone they were able to accept new people, cause all they have to do is drink the water" she visibly relaxed "After the ceremony, we decided to go see bloodmoon Alpha in the morning. When we got to their territory, I took only Jacob since I meant to have peace and not war, there was already enough war. But they took us prisoners, I pleaded to see the Alpha, but we were kept in prison for two days" I sighed "Why didn't you fight" She asked bewildered "Like I said I wanted peace, so after 2 days, they took us to the Alpha, and he demanded Jacobs head, I refused but Jacob said he is willing to, that he regret killing the boy and I should not stop him." "Thats so brave of him" she admired Jacobs courage "Yea but everything turned sideways when Jacob asked him if he will leave the pack alone after they kill him, the Alpha said yes but he was thinking something else, I was able to read his thought and discovered he have already sent his troops to my pack" Alphas then were really ruthless "So I killed the Alpha instantly, killed the soldiers before they could react, I explain to Jacob, so we started fighting the pack, wasn't afraid for my pack cause I know the ceremony have made them the strongest pack in the supernatural, so to end the fight quicker I roared" she laughed as I said this I bet she just rememered what my roar can do and she is sure right "They went back to their human form and was scared, they don't stand a chance against my might, so jacob asked them to run to other packs and tell them the king of supernatural is here" I laughed at how Jacob knows when to sieze a moment "I hope your pack was alright when you got back?"she asked with much care. Without even knowing it she is exhibit the character of a Luna, a Queen "They were fine, so like that Jacob suggest we try and stop the war, so we worked towards it I called a meeting with the leaders, they came probably because they were afraid, its funny, a teenager in control. So after the meeting I discovered they have even forgotten why there were at war so I made each other release their prisoners and relinquish the lands they forcefully took from each other and they accepted" "You really did good" she said with an adorable smile, and gave me a warm hug "but how did you close the portal" she asked "Well, I stopped vampires from forcefully feeding from humans, but some still secretly go to the human world and fist on them, so I annouced that every human that wants to go back should go and ones that want to stay should stay, after that I sealed the portal" I sign damn I just narrated my life story. I looked around, its already evening and I know she must be hungry "Lets go back inside and fix something to eat, after that I will take you home" she got sad when I said she is going home, call me a psycho am glad she is sad "come on" I carried her bridal style inside and fixed dinner after that she decided I use my speed back to her house and only stop a mile a way so we can walk as normal couple "So how old where you before you went to hypersleep" she asked as we walked towards her home "Well as you can see, am 18" I answered though I knew what she was asking "I mean technically" she said with an eye roll, everything she does is cute "I was 218, I think, like I said I don't keep count, the only reason I know am 18, its cause I know we stop aging at 18" we are already at her doorsteps, how time easily fly pass We were both reluctant to let go off eachother, I lean and kissed her I stopped cause I sensed her mother and I wouldn't like her to see it yet so I let her go, I walked half way turned and winked her before she entered inside. She have no idea what I plan tonight, I may be known as the noble king but I still have my naughty side. Chapter 9 (Isabelle pov) Am now on my bed thinking of only one person, Hunter, my Adonis. He is perfect in all angle, I truly enjoyed today with him, I wish it never end. His lips is the sweetest, his touch most gentle, his eyes so memerising, he is really an angel. When I came back I saw my car in the garage, that means Hunter brought it home, I wonder how, my mom was so happy and said am now the queen of supernatural, dad just asked me to be careful cause being the king mate means a lot of responsibilities. I heard some knock on my window, I looked, lo and behold its my Adonis, I rushed towards the window and opened it "What...." he caught my lips with an unexpected kiss I was thrown off balance but he held me and deepened the kiss, and I kissed back we moved inside and I heard the window close, he used his powers. We kissed till we got on the bed, he moved to my ear and nibbled it, the sensation travelled all over my body it made me curl up my feet, he's killing me, he sucked my neck and I had to grab a fist full of my sheet cause the pleasure is too much. I find myself moaning, never expected that. "The house got so lonely" he whispered to my ears "Right" I said for I couldn't form any other word to say "Though your scent was everywhere but not ur presence" he nibbled my ear again "so I had no choice but to be here with you" he said and stared at me holding himself with his hands, his eyes is darker now. "So you came cause the house is lonely and bored" I said as I try to keep up the gaze "No, I already made the plans to come from the moment I left you on your doorsteps" he said and slumbs beside me. We enjoyed a few moment of conforting silent. "Lets not tell people am your mate yet" I said cause I still don't want the publicity "I understand" he said and turn towards me and wrapped his hands around me which made me warm, I hope this feeling never stops "Do you think this feeling will fade" its like a sickness and eventually sick people get cured, but I really don't want to cured "It only get stronger, when I mark you, you will be able to feel me more and I you, it will be the most amazing experience." he said "How do mate mark eachother" I asked out of curiousity "Normally they bite eachother, but since you don't have fangs I will just cut myself and you lick it, but I will bite you" he said and I tensed up, bite me? wouldn't that be painful, "No it wont be painful, it will only be painful at first" he said answering my question He just read my thought "I thought you can't read my mind" I asked "Yes I can't but I feel you the most, and I felt your fear when I said the bite thing" he answered, am glad he feels me this much "will I be able to feel you like this" cause that would be good "Yes you will, with time" he kissed my neck "lets go to sleep for school is tomorrow" he said and kept silent, he sleep fast I thought sleeping 500years is enough, I slept not long after. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't see Hunter which made me thought last night a dream. But that was until I saw the note he left. "I couldn't let myself wake you, cause you were peacefully sleeping. You are such a pretty angel, I love what you do with your nose I will see you in school love" Am so happy for the note, I took my bath and prepared for school. I can't wait to see him again, I took my car cause am eager to see him and luckily its full tank, cause he filled it. I drove to school faster than before, I came before everybody "Hi friend" Amy said from behind me with a wink, I bet she is eager to hear the story "Hello friend" I replied as she gave me a bear crushing hug, shows she miss me, I might have missed her more if I didn't have Hunter. And speaking of hunter he is not yet here "Hello ladies" Damian said as he kissed Amy and Silas came to our side. I looked at him and I really had no feelings for him, I dated him for dating sake. "So who is the lucky guy" he bluntly asked, I wonder how he quickly knew, or did Amy told him, I glared at her she just shook her head "don't look at Amy, I knew you can only break up with me if you find a guy" he said smiling "Well, Hunter is my mate" I have no reason hiding it from him "Wow, I never expected that" he said, he is surprised, well any sane person will be surprise We heard the bell and went to our class, Hunter is not yet here, and Jacob too, now I regret coming to school, cause school is nothing without him. "Sorry we're late" Hunter said, I turned and saw him with Jacob and he is with his sunglass, that made a smile came to my lips. He sat behind me "Did you miss me" he whispered to me, I nodded. Why bother ask what he knows the answer to Rest of the lesson was fun, not because of the teachers or subject, but because Hunter uses every opportunity to touch me, I love when he controlled a guy that wanted to seat next to me to leave the seat and he took the seat. He is such a child and I love every bit of it We are currently having lunch and I have explained everything to my friends even Jacob wanted the details too that surprised me. "You really hit the jackpot" Amy said and she is really happy for me , so is everybody else. Everything was going fine until Melissa came into the picture. In case you don't know her, she is a slut of the school, believes she is hot enough to get anybody. She really have a body to die for. "So I think its only proper to come introduce myself" she said as she sat on the table facing Hunter and crossed her leg "Am Melissa " she said stretching her hand "Pleasure to meet you" Hunter said and shook her hand, but was quick enough to remove it before she could hold it, she ignores all off us in the table "and also thank you for the good work you have been doing since you got back" she said as she bend showing her cleavage, Hunter just nodded, am now really pissed, regardless she is a wolf but all I can think of is ripping her head. "He is my mate!" I screamed and Melisa flew 2 feet away, I got confused, did hunter do his magic thing, but why did I feel this surge of energy, I looked around everybody is staring at me with shock "I told you, the more time you spend with me the more powerful you become" Hunter said as he stood up and hug me, he held me there, I could hear murmurs and some camera snap. Way to go I sabelle, you will soon have your house flooded with reporters "Lets leave" Hunter whispers as he carries me bridal style and zoom out of the school, I want to be alone with him. Chapter 10 (Isabelle pov) Hunter brought me to the lake behind his house, its now becoming our favourite spot and am so loving it. Now whats the reasonable explanation to what happened in school. "Don't be so lost love, I told you the more time you spend with me the more power you draw from me" Hunter said and his voice brought me back to the present. He definately looks hot in his leather jacket, looking more like a model, am drooling, snap out of it Isabelle "So you mean I just used your magical ability" I asked more to myself "yeah, you just did" He answered though I didnt require it. Its cool being powerful, I bet I will get more respect especially now everybody knows am his mate, way to go Isabelle Kings. Those stupid journalists will swap my doorsteps, thats the only thing I hate about being popular "Don't worry about the journalists, we will take care of my them" he said as if reading my thought. I gasped "did you just read my thought" that means he must have seen all the dirty thought I have, damn He laughed "No I cant read your thought just yet, I just guessed you were thinking about the journalists" he still giggles and shook his head " When will you be able to read my thought" I asked, I can't stop myself from the dirty imaginations, it will be embarrassing when he finaly sees it "Only when I mark you" he looks at me all over in a hungry manner "and don't worry I also have naughty thought" I gasped and he giggles once more, I so want to ravish him right now. "When I mark you, you will be able to feel what I feel and I will feel you too, being a human it will be too much for you to handle, thats why am a bit hesitant to mark you" he said as he threw a stone inside the river. "Am pretty strong you know" am just saying cause am weaker than most human, then why the hell am I the mate of the strongest being "Sure you are, my love" he said as he threw the second stone. He said I will draw his strength, will that make him weak when I use his power, "When I use your powers, does it weakens you" cause am already a weak link, I wouldn't want to be more useless "No, though I feel you, but it won't make me weak, I have even heard that mates draw strength from eachother" he said. Yes thats true, but being a human how can he draw any strength from me, "Don't worry, I can already feel the strength in you" he said, he must be joking, Cause I have always been a wuse, if not for my friends Amy, Damian and Silas I would have been the kid everyone picked on its now evening, we have been chatting for more than two hours and am reluctant to go home, cause I know the journalists will be there, I wonder why they are not in Hunters house too. "Why are the journalists not in your house?" I asked and he giggled "I gave them quite a scare d last time they came here" he said and turned to me cause he have been backing me and throwing stones to the lake, and am not complaining cause I was enjoying the view. "When I said you give me strength I know you doubted it" he said as he search my eyes and I looked down embarassed for not believing him "I will make you believe love" he smiled "How" I asked "Nobody have ever seen my wolf form, not even beta Jacob" He said. That's unbelievable cause everybody proudly show his wolf to everybody whenever the opportunity arise "Why" I asked, am now very curious to see it and also be the first to "My wolf is very gentle and lazy wolf and also shy so he really dont like coming out" he said and smile, how cute for the King wolf to be shy and scoffed."So my dear Isabelle, you are going to be the first to ever see it, cause through the strength you gave me I can show it to you and not be shy" He said as he left to the bush side before he got behind the tree he turned and winked at me. Everythinng went silent, before I started hearing some cracks, like bones shifting, I don't need anybody to tell me he is transforming, after a while it got quiet and I start hearing some footsteps. Lo and behold its a wolf, I first saw his legs before I looked up and saw it all "Such a beautiful creature you are" I felt the words leave my lips as I stare at the big white wolf in front of me, he tilted his head to my touch as I ran my finger through his neck and I felt glad, proud and special for being the first person to see his wolf form I always pictured him to be a bad black wolf since he is the demon hybrid. I guess my best quote 'NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER' its very real He gestured me to climb on his back and I did, he is really big, bigger than royals, Damian will really be dazed if he see him, I grabbed on to his fur as he took off not in a lightening speed like always, he knows I will fall off if he do, but the speed was enough for me to feel the wind. We ran around for a while, before he brought me back at the lake side and went to the tree he removed his cloth and transformed back to human and wore his cloth "How did you like my wolf" he said as he stepped out "More than you" I teased him a little and he smiled "So whats his name" yeah their wolf have names I have forgetten the name of Amy and Damians wolf "Wolf" he said, what, he means his name wolf thats lame, "Why wolf, can't you choose a better name for him" I asked am already making up names for him, Throne, Leo.... "He chose it himself, cause he believe he is the Wolf and others are just miniature of him" he said, well the name Wolf fits when he puts it like this and I now like it. "Come on let me take you home, and no wolf ride" he said and I frowned, thought he can't read my thought, then how can he always guess what am thinking. Hunter said he is hesitant to mark me, cause he is afraid I might not take it all, but I have to also prove I can, I want to tell him to do it now but I also need to prepare myself. I will surely be marked by him tomorrow so that his scent will be all over me and mine will be on him too cause I boiled when that useless girl advanced on him "How do you keep your cool, I hear Alphas are possesive over their mate and you are suppose to be the worse but you are not" I asked "As you can see my wolf is gentle and am also gentle, so with that I can keep calm and not show my possesive nature" he said, I think his wolf gene is the strongest in him. We arrived at home earlier than I thought, I wanted more time, well maybe he will sneak into my room today like last night "No I wont sneak into you room" he said and smiled, am I that predictable, how annoying "I would want to sneak in but I have things to take care of" he said and gave me a warm kiss and left. There goes my bundle of joy, goodbye love, till I see you again, I noticed there is no reporter in my house how weird, it dawn on me that i must be Hunters handwork, what can't he do I smiled as I went into my house (unkown pov) I came to the hide out, my dad just recently told me about his involvement with them, I disagreed to join at first but after the powers they promised me I agreed without a second thought. So they gave me the task to report about Hunter and his mate Isabelle "So what happened today" Matthew asked, he is the wizard and the brain behind the Azalk and he is my role model "Well Isabelle was able to draw Hunters strength, she magically pushed away a girl that was trying to flirt with hunter" I said as I look at my father and he nodded showing his pride for me and I revelled on it "We should move fast, before she gain full access to his powers then we can't capture her" Adam the vampire said, he is calm like Matthew and always give the cold aura "Lets just attack now, they would never expect it, three of us can overpower him" Omeh said, always the hot headed one, typical wolf, he is underestimating Hunter. I have experience how powerful hunter is and nobody here is near that level of power. "Not yet, we need to stick to the plan else we fail, and we only have one shot at this" Matthew said "you are dismissed now" he said to me, I bowed and left "Am proud of you son" My father said to me once we are outside "Thanks" I said, am betraying my friends and everybody and I feel no remorse, am only excited about the powers they promised me, am really power craving "am going now, see you later" I said as I left.
12 Dec 2018 | 17:22
You're toying with death
13 Dec 2018 | 10:33
interesting next episode please
13 Dec 2018 | 10:56
chapter 11- 13 Chapter 11 (Hunter pov) Gathering with all the Alpha, Royals, and Witch leader sure have some tension, I surmoned them to discuss why I can't sense the vampire or hear their thought. The meeting didn't help much since non of them knew why I couldn't hear their thought but they were all aware of the scent covering perfume. "I think I figured something out" Rolf the wizard king said, He is really a wise man, I think all wizard are, I wonder if he knew my grandfather. "And whats that" King Herbert the vampire, I always see him as proud fellow always eager to show his authority "Like royals we can only read a mind of a pack member if the Alpha let us" King Rolf said "But hunter is different, he don't need excuse to read anybodies mind" King of the wolf Lander said "True thats why maybe the vampires he killed have their alligence to a strong pack that even Hunter need excuse from their Alpha or leader to read their mind" Rolf said. It might actually be true, that the vampires are with a powerful group that even I cant break their barrier but which park or group is that powerful "The only people that powerful are the Azalk but that is if their leaders are alive, but the last I check they're dead" Lander said Maybe its true but someone powerful is now alive, maybe more powerful than me, that's bad news if the person is bad and judging from the actions of his/her followers I can say the person is bad. We have a real situation here. "Well lets go home and fortify ourselves probably they might be a dangerous group maybe more than he Azalk or still the Azalk and their leaders have return, lets just be ready" I said and they all agreed and left. "All is going to fine" Jacob said, he helped handle the reporters situation, by promising them I will personally come for the interview "I hope so" I said, I left the world in peace now am back for my mate and war is about to erupt, I just hope it doesn't divide the world again "With this new group, don't you think its best you mark your mate so she will be able to use her full powers and protect herself when you are not around" Jacob said and that is really a good suggestion, but will she survive the marking "You are right, but will she survive the marking?" I asked him, I bet am now looking like a baby that lost his toy "Of course, if she can't survive it she wouldn't have been your mate" Jacob said as a matter of fact, to which I just nod So first thing tomorrow I will tell her about it and ask her parents permission, though its just for formalty sake cause the only permission I need is my sweet Isabelle. I was lost in thought I didnt even know when Jacob left, as I look around nobody is in sight, I came outside looked at the crescent moon and its beautiful so I decided to take a walk. (Isabelle pov) I tried sleeping but couldn't, I kept wishing for Hunter to be by my side after many turning I decided to open my window to feel the night breeze and voila there in the sky is the beautiful crescent moon and it mesmerized me "Hello" I heard the voice of the most handsome man I know, Hunter, and I looked down and he was standing in all his glory "hi" I responded with a huge grin, we kept smiling at each other "I thought you couldn't make it tonight" I asked still will a smile "Yea, but the meeting finished early so I decided to take a walk" he looks back the road he came from "then my legs brought me here unconsciously" he said, he don't know how happy he just made me "You just made me a very happy girl" I said truthfully, and with a leap he is in my window I moved back and he entered, he parted his mouth to say something but I lost control of myself and started kissing him, he was surprised at first so it took him a few seconds for him to reciprocate, and this is what I have been missing. After a serious make out session we were both lying on bed cuddling "Mark me" I said out of the blues, I noticed how his breath sucked, that shows he is doubting my strength "I want to ask permission from your parents first" he said, wow that surprise me, cause seeing the king asking for permission that shows he is really a humble guy, cause normal supernatural being don't ask such permission, am really lucky "sure, if you say so" I said happily. Then after a while I fell asleep When I woke up he is not in the bed with me so I figured his gone, then after a while I decided to walk downstairs, on getting closer I heard voices of my parents and Hunter, that means he's not gone yet, it made me happy. "Hello love" he said, wow I can't sneak up on him,its not fair that he can "Hi" I said as I came to their view and greeted my parents which they responded and looked at Hunter "we agree" they both said, agreed to what I wondered but before I could ask what. Hunter stood up walked up to me took my hands and led me back upstairs to my room, am getting more confused, "Whats wrong?" I asked as calmly as I can "They have agreed to let me mark you" he said calmly too, am happy they did but now am worried about the pain "First I have to take your blood by biting your neck" he chuckle as he saw the look on my face "don't worry its not bad, when I take the blood thats like your soul coming inside me then I will be able to feel everything you feel and your thought too" he said the last part happily. I know he have always wanted to hear my thought, he never had to cause he is pretty good at guessing them. "Then after that I take yours right?" I asked though I know he have also explained the process to me "right" he said, needing no more explanation i moved closer to him tilted my neck to the side to give him free access and braced myself for the pain to come. He gentle kissed my neck and I felt the pang, it was painful at first but before I could fully register the pain it turns to the highest pleasure I ever felt, he hugged me closer as I also grabbed his head, I don't want it to stop even if he suck me dried, but to my dismay I felt him removed his fang and kissed it again. We stared at eachother eyes "sweet" he said, I moved to the mirror to see the open wound, its not bad as I expected, I started thinking if he could bite me like that when we finally have sex, I won't complain if he does though "Really?" he said, I turn to see him with a smirk, to which I furrowed "you seriously would like me to bite you during sex" he laughed as I gasped, he have full access to my mind. How can I block him "You can learn how to do that after you take my blood, and you can also hear mine, and everything I feel" he said he seem sad, I thought he would be happy "am happy just that feeling everything I feel is really not a good thing, I feel the whole supernatural I hear their thought their pain deep pain, I just blocks it out but when you take my blood for the first time you won't be able to do the blocking" he said, now I know "But I will eventually be able to, I heard it not learned, that you can do it once you think of it" I said to which he nodded, "am ready" He bit open his wrist and blood sipped out, the sight of blood still sickens me but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do, he chuckles, he heard that, am so gonna block you when I first get the powers with that I brought the wrist to my mouth and sucked it, I felt it ran down my veins and moved to all my body, it gives me tingles as they move throughout my body, and as I felt it reach my heart I felt pain, heard screams, collection of thoughts I can't quite figure, but what I felt most is the pain, it was beyond anything, I screamed and saw black. Chapter 12 (Hunters pov) I caught her before she hit the floor, I knew this would happen I told her parents about it and the doctor was ready when I came out to tell me she is passed out. "She is lying on the bed" I said as I stepped in the living room, I could see the worry edge on the faces of her parents, but no need for that cause I know she is ok, cause I feel her now more than ever, but no need telling them cause it won't help their situation, they will only be fine when she wakes up "k let me go check on her" the doctor they called went up to the room, I would have gone all alpha if the doctor was a man, but luckily she's a cool lady, so I sat down and didn't bother to keep up a conversation with the Kings since all of us are deep in thought. "she is fine" said the doctor when she came down "she just fainted because she was overwhelmed by the power" she confirmed and Isabelle's parents exhaled, it seems I was mistaken thinking the news won't help their situation "so when will she be waking up" Her mom asked "couple of hours probably evening or so" the doctor replied, she left after the assurance. I went back upstairs to stay with my love, she was peacefully lying down looking more beautiful you can ever imagine, "Love, I feel you inside, I cant wait for you to wake up" I said as I lay beside her. I lost track of time and doze off. I felt a hand caresses over my face, I smiled for I know who. "You could tell am the one" she sent me a link message, I smiled "Always" I replied, then turned to her "how do you feel" I asked "Like you're inside me" she replied with a smile, I smiled back and she leaned forward to kiss me, the kiss is better than all, I can feel her pumping through my veins, and am certain she feels me with the way she is kissing. Nothing minding the fact her parents is downstairs, she ripped my cloths of, "Powerful now" I chuckled, she slammed me against the wall, now that definitely an invitation for her parents to come up, with both of us clouded with lust, I now have to be the one to stop it. "Calm down now love, all good things come to those who wait" I said as I evade her, I went to the other side of the room, she tried speeding me to but that's when her parents came up. "How are you dear" her mom asked as she saw her. "Am fine now" she answered, fidgeting, why is she fidgeting then it caught me, her hormones is on high alert, time to be naughty. As her parents ask her questions mainly about how he feels, I send her images of us making out, I have always wanted to do this, now I have asses to her thought. She closed her eyes, and a slight moan escaped her, I saw her clenched her fist, its really affecting her, her hormones smells nice, am now wearing a wicked grin. "Are you alright" her father asked "Fine!" She answered pushing me away from her thought, wow she learnt that fast, she gave me a cold stare " just getting the hang of my powers" she said. "We will leave you with your mate" her father said and left with his wife. I stare at the beauty before me and if I can get to make her smile for the rest of my life then I won't ever complain. "Naughty huh" she said and I smiled, she came closer "I can feel all the power inside me, and I want to explore" she said. She is quiet happy for someone that felt the pain of almost the whole supernatural, that's the strength she never know she have. "Come on, let's go out for a run" I said and took off, she ran after me, am not using my full speed but she is quiet fast, faster than anybody and its just the beginning. I looked at her as we run and she is happy, this is the feeling you get from a mate and its indescribable. "Is the pain always like that" she asked as we stopped at the lake. "Nop, you can always block it out" I said as I step inside the water, and she followed "Alright, its amazing feeling everything" she spread her arms, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She is beautiful. "So if we fight now, I can win you if I put up a good fight" she said making me laugh, she still have no idea how strong I am. "Yea maybe" I said and she narrowed her eyes at me. "You just lied, we have mark each other so I notice when you lie" she said, and I smile, "Am strong, very strong, you are currently the only one closet to me, but that doesn't mean you can still win against me. I said, she was about to say another world, but I sealed her lips with a kiss, it been on my since today, time to consummate our love and the late is the perfect place. Chapter 13 (Isabelle POV) We are now going to the borders, we were about to do the deed when he got the sensations, trespassers, we are both going to check it out, I can feel the fear of the people at the borders, so this is what it means to be the ruler, we serve as protector. "Don't get yourself dirty" hunter send me a link message, he is running ahead of me and I still think its not his best. "By dirty you mean killing" I asked, and he said yes, I also don't plan to, I hope there will be more diplomatic way to handle things. "We are here" he said and we stopped, I can already smell the blood, "Something is wrong" he said, am just waiting on him to roar like he did the first time, but he is not, I saw, some of my class mate, its really chaotic. "Roar Hunter" I said in case he forgot. "It won't affect them, they are using dark magic" he said and with that he took off, I was dumbfounded with his speed, before my eyes could catch him, countless head is already ripped. "What monstrosity" He growled and they all charged at him giving our own people time to escape, I wonder why people are in this deserted place. I would've move to help him but he was handling things alright, so no need. I then decide to help the injured. I went down to lead them out of harms way, "all of you come this way" they all came to me, the injured was being attended to, I see to things being done right. "Why are you guys here" I asked Melissa, not that I want to speak to her but I needed the answer. "We often come here to party, its spacious and no disturbance" she said, and truthfully, its all young people, nobody is older than 30 here. "That's dangerous" I said, and she turned toward me with much hatred. "Its fun, well that's something a weak human won't understand" she said and her words affected me "look at him" she said looking at Hunter with much admiration as he handles the rogue so well "if I was his mate, I will be there with him, but since a weak human like you is his mate, you can't" she said. "He asked me to to get myself dirty" I was forced to defend myself. And she laughed. "That's because you are a leech, you suck power from him and gives him nothing in return, so you engaging in the battle will make him weak since you have to use his strength" she said and I feel my eyes sting with tears, she is right, I am weak, Melissa feeling its her victory left me with a scoff. I stood as I watch hunter kill the whole rogue, leaving only one alive. He is bloodied, he is really the king of supernatural and am nothing. "Its not true" I heard his voice in my mind. "What's not true" I asked, still in agony. "What she said" he said then turned to me, he is like 10 feet away from me, but it feels like a million miles, he is someone I can't reach. The people he saved all went to thank him, he still had his eyes on me. "You can leave now, we will take care of the rest" I heard Jacob said behind me, I turned to him and he gave me a warm smile, I needed it, I gave him a nod and left. I took off as fast as I can, am such a failure. "This is far enough" I heard before I could register what I just heard, I was stopped by Hunter. I looked around and we are in the woods, wow, how quickly I got here. "Why did you run away" He asked. "It turns out you never needed me" I said, being angry, at who? I don't know. "Why would you think that" he asked "is it because of what that wench said" he said before I could answer. I just nodded. "Am a human, I hear since you drive no strength, am now a leech, and as such making you weak" I said quietly, facingbthe ground. He raise my face up and believe me his touch is still heaven making me close my eyes for a bit as I took a deep breath. "I have enough strength to power a whole nation, so powering the both of us is nothing, am a witch, a wolf and a vampire, am the most powerful" he said and I love him for that. "I know, but I feel so bad that I give you nothing" I said and she scoffed. "Nothing you say" he walked like 3 feet away "you have seen my witch ability, my wolf form" he took a deep breath "but you have never seen my vampire side" he said and I felt a chill, the chill came from him, it was coldness, am feeling what he is feeling "What you feel now, is the vampire in me, cold blooded killer" He said and I saw his pupil turn red, it scared me to the core.
17 Dec 2018 | 09:29
chapter 14- 16 Chapter 14 (Isabelle POV) "What you feel now, is the vampire in me, cold blooded killer" He said and I saw his pupil turn red, it scared me to the core. I have never gotten this killing aura before, my heart hurt for him. "Before I close the human world, just before I went to slumber I did the unthinkable" he said and I can feel the hurt in his voice. "How do you mean" I asked with my voice coming out as a dry "As you know, vampire live on blood, for centuries, they use human as blood bag, forcefully, but now they use animal many still use humans though but no longer kill human like before" he scoffed. "Yea, all this became possible because of you" I said remembering what Damien said before the Azalk attack. He laughed "Vampire crave for blood, as a hybrid mine is much more" he said. "I have not seen or hear you suck or attack anyone" I said as a matter of fact. "Yea, that's because of you, you are the calm to my storm, that the strength I draw in you" he came closer "so don't let people fool you" he said and I could feel his honesty, but then again the honesty may be because of the mate bond. "Its because of your self control" I said, and that's the truth, he laugh "It seems we have to take a trip to the darkest part of me" he said and caresses over my cheek "I hope it changes nothing" he said and gave me the warmest smile, its so contagious I had to smile back, with that he invaded my thought and just with a blink am in another place, everywhere is dark, its night. "Where are we" I asked "This is the memory of my last visit to human realm" he said holding my hands and I looked around. With my sharp hearing, I heard a distinctive noise from distance, I heard, shout and crying of women, I think people there need my help, I ran towards the noise locked hands with hunter though its his memory I know he is letting me do what I like. "What's all this" I said as we got there, I saw dead bodies, women, children men, all ripped apart, it was an appalling sight, I hid my face from most of them. "What would've caused this" I said, already wiping "Not what, who" Hunter said, and just that moment he allowed me feel the deadly aura here, and then I could feel and smell all the dead bodies, this is a village and the whole village is dead. I went pale as I realize who did it, I can still feel his deadly aura and its horrifying "Hunter, its you" I said, then just that moment, another came out from the darkness, soaked in blood, this is the hunter that did this, this is the cold blooded vampire hunter, he is a monster. "Why" I asked with tears "Like I said, my craving is worst, and with a bite I will be blinded by a frenzy and I just couldn't stop, 1 turn to 10, ten turns to hundred, hundred became a whole village"he said with sadness, as much as I feel his sadness, I still see the monster in him. "What have you done Hunter" I heard a voice, I turn and saw Jacob, I easily knew it was beta Jacob, Jacob grandfather. He was here with a group of people "We have to stop the alpha" he said to the guys he came with "That's impossible beta, our strength even come from him" one of the guys said "I know, the more reason we have to bring him back to his usual self" Beta Jacob said, what a man of courage I thought to myself. "Attack" he ordered and the all lunged at Hunter he easily beat them down, but for some reason didn't kill, he jut wanted to leave here and go to the next village, they kept attacking stopping him from going further, they were brave men. When Hunter got bored of their attack he rendered them immovable, everybody was stuck, for the first time and with the motion that Silas said someone should not be this strong. "Come on Hunter, open your eyes" Beta Jacob kept trying to move, blood started coming from his eyes, ears, nose "Come on, make it stop" I cried out "Its a memory, I can't" Hunter said, I kept watching as Beta Jacob is about to bleed to death. "You're meant to protect life, not destroy it" beta Jacob said, with that he fell, I think he lost his whole strength, but before he could hit the floor, Hunter caught him. "What have I done" he said and I feel the cold and killing intent disperse, he is back to his usual self, he released his men from their state, he looked around and saw the massacre of his own making. "What have I done" he cried "All is well as long as you're back" Beta Jacob said, opening his eyes. With that Hunter brought me out of the memory "This is what I will be, if I don't have you in my life" Hunter said with all earnesty But am really in delimma, is it who he will become without me or who he really is, cause being with me doesn't make his vampire gene disappear, he is and always will be vampire. Can I put up with this monster Chapter 15 (Hunter's POV) If I say am not scared then I'd be lying, showing her this part of me wasn't easy but she needed to see it, to know me more and know its because of her I no longer crave blood and keep my thirst at bay. "Your silence is killing me" I said, she looked at me and blink twice, she raised her hands and caresses over my cheek, "You're my beautiful monster" she said with a genuine smile, thank whoever made her my mate, "You forgive my atrocities" I said almost move to tears. "Yes, it doesn't matter, its all past what matter most is you regret it and you changed, no longer a monster" she said and I smile "Its always there, the vampire gene I mean, so that makes me a monster" I said, she smiled and caresses over my cheek "That's why am here" she said and I smiled, Yea she keeps my monster at bay. "If I remember correctly, we we're doing something before we were rudely interrupted" I said, tapping more to my naughty side, it earned me a giggle from her. "Catch me and then we might continue it" she said and took off, I smiled. As the king am suppose to have an urgent meeting with my subject about the situation at hand, my fear of a strong rival, using dark magic that cloak them from my powers. Yes as a good King that's what I should do, but right now am no king, am just a corny mate running his mate and there's not I would rather do than run after her. (Unknown POV) I have given them all the information I could gather, and they were happy, it made me feel good about myself, "So his powers didn't affect our men" Omen asked with a smirk I just gave him a nod "Everything is going as plan" Adam said taking a sip from the goblet which is blood I suppose. "Yes, soon the weapon will be ready and we will attack" Matthew said mixing some portions, he is my mentor, I love his calmness. "You are dismissed, keep what you're doing" Omen said and I left their chamber, supernatural world and am among the people bringing about the change. "Am around of you son" I heard my father said, he work under the leader of witches, but in true he is a mule, he also have his role at watching over the leaders and report to the Azalk, we also have spy in both the royal vampire and royal wolf. "Am glad dad" I said, and gave him a bow " am leaving I have appointment with my friends" its better I don't do things that make them suspect me, he gave me a nod and I left. (Hunter's POV) My joy was half lived cause the royal decided to call the urgent meeting, and regardless of how reluctant I was Isabelle asked me to go meet them, that she have to spend sometimes with her friends. So am now with the royals and I miss her. "We have did everything possible to get information from the rogue, but he didn't speak till the end" the witch man said, I don't know his name but I think he is the one that tortures people "So he is dead" Rolf said, and the guy gave him a nod "As it is, we should fortify our security and bear in mind that we dealing with a strong group" king Herbert said, looking at me now you will think am deep in thought, but actually am thinking of my mate, give me a break I have waited for 700 years. "Yea, it send chills down my spine when I think that even Hunter can't control them, that means whoever their leader is, he is sure strong" King Lander said, and its quiet true, maybe their is a monster like me after. Thinking of monster made me the darkness in me once again, the darkness that took over me on the day of my parents death, till date I have never felt that darkness till date. "So Hunter, what do you think" Jacob asked, I always go with him to every meeting, normally it should be his father, but am closer to Jacob than him "Good, they should all carry out with the plan. So if that's all then the meeting is over" I said, since I rather be somewhere else. Am happy once again for the unity as I saw King Landers telling King Herbert joke about Rolf making them both laugh and Rolf squeezed his face. "Its Azalk you know" Jacob said being so sure, I don't know why he hate them so much, "Maybe" I answered, and he just scoffed, I would love to seat and chat him up, but duty calls "Am still with Amy, we are having girls night" I got a link message from my mate, and just like that, my dreams was shattered "What!" I roared, Jacob whimpered, I tried sending message back to her, but she already blocked me, so no sending naughty image, I made a move to go but I stopped myself, she really need the time. So I guess I have to spend time with Jacob. "So Jacob, want to tell me why you hate the Azalk" I asked, time to be a brother, a leader, a king. "You mate ditched you" he said, ever the shrewd one "so am your second option" he said and smile, how do I answer this question, I just gave a nod. He took a deep breath "sorry brother but I have someplace to be" he said and left. "Where could that possibly be" I whispered, today is just and off day for me, I just quietly left the meeting chamber and went to my home, at least I can smell Isabelle everywhere, that will be enough tonight. Chapter 16 (Hunter's POV) I work up with a loud boom sound, immediately I knew its terrorist attack, its earlier than I planned, I rushed outside, everywhere is already messed up with people running around, my first automatic reaction was to link with my mate. "Isabelle, where are you" I ask hoping she is open "At home with Amy, I heard the sound" she replied and it was a relief. "Stay with her, don't leave I will have to go check things out" I said. "Alright, be careful" she replied and I zoom off, I already know they use a magical barrier so my Roar doesn't work on them, even my psychic powers so I just have to rip them to shreds. On getting there the Royals are here, its really an all out battle, and they have the advantage, since they are prepared and they everything about us I suppose, we know nothing about them. I have a bad feeling about this I hope am strong enough to fend them off. I engaged in the battles, it was pretty easy to draw attention to myself, I was ripping their heads off, the royals made sure to ask the warriors to protect the citizens instead, so few of us are fighting them off, with me and the royals it seem easy, Jacob is here too, my man. Its a tough battle but it looks we are winning, it made a smirk appear on my face, I continued fighting, they all stopped attacking, they just moved back, we too stopped attacking and for the moment everything seem quiet. "Is this the calm before the storm" I muttered, still confused, then I started hearing a clap, I look and saw Omen and Matthew walking out, my face went pale, I can recognize them cause their image is encrypted in our history book. "I expect nothing less from the king" Omeh said with a mockery bow, Jacob rushed towards them but Matthew blew him away, he should have known better than attack, "How about you let the people watch and bear witness to how strong men fight" Omeh said to me, the nerves "Strong you say, strong men don't bully the weak" I said, he have no right to call himself strong. "Be at as it may, fight us in other to reduce casualties" he said, I wonder where Adam is, no matter how I look at it they are buying time or trying to deceive me from knowing their real purpose. But if I don't fight them they can easily kill everyone, so I have no option. "I accept" I said, "be careful and alert something is up" I passed the message to Lander, Rolf and Herbert. They gave me a nod. "Perfect" Omeh said and dashed towards, I rushed towards him, siezed him by the neck and smashed him to the ground, that moment I notice Matthew throw the flame at me, I put up a force field, but the impact moved me back. Am about to face my strongest opponent but my worries are about Isabelle. "You fighting the both of us" Matthew said, "Makes no difference" I said just to irk him, the lunged at me, I keep evading because they gave me no room to attack, high order wizard are elemental, that is fire, water, air and earth, now Matthew is enhanced high order with a demon soul, and Omeh have a demon soul, now you know why am having difficult time. "Is this all you got" Omeh said with a smirk, making me draw him closer telekinesis and delivered a powerful punch that threw him back, using the shock in Matthew face I rush close to him, disadvantages of witches they are not fast, I also gave him a punch, that is enough to knock them unconscious. I heard my peoples cheers, I won, I took a step back but stopped cause I heard Omeh giggles. "Not bad, now time to show you the demon in us" Omeh said and started turning black, he's transforming to the demon wolf, this is bad, as if that's not enough, the cloud grew darker, and Matthew stood up his eyes totally dark, he is trying to make a thunderstorm, things are getting bad, I saw the first lightning coming down towards Jacob, I pushed him back saying him, "Everybody clear, witch try and create a force field to keep it from spreading" I yelled at Rolf and he moved his people to position. "Its been long I let loose" Omeh said and dashed at me, he is faster than before, given me very little time to react, this is a pain in the ass, I got more serious, using my forcefield I could defend myself from Matthew lightning. If these two are this difficult, what if Adam was here. After fighting for a while with no one having the upper hand, I decided to use more magic than strength, I looks up the sky and struggled with Matthew to control the sky which I won, I rain down thunderstorm on them, with Matthew trying to gain back control, I use the opportunity to attack Omeh. I was faster so I kept beating him, I delivered enough face to get him blood, as Matthew got back in control of the sky, I rushed towards him, I saw him went pale seeing I now have the upper hand and Omeh is out cold he froze. I know raise my hand to smite him with lightning, finally I won. As I was about to strike I felt a stab, I staggered, something is wrong, I feel my energy as it runs own, my heart pains. I remembered the day my parents died, the pain my mother felt because of my fathers death. And the face of my world appeared to me, something is wrong with her, I tried to move and go to her but I lost balance and fell, in my blurry vision I saw Jacob fall, all park feels weak when something happens to the Alpha. My Isabelle, my love, with that, I lost conscious and fell into the dark abyss
17 Dec 2018 | 09:30
Chapter 17 (Hunter's POV) I slowly opened my eyes and took in where I am, a room, I tried to move then discovered I was tied down, I couldn't break free, am still weak, my mate, I can't feel her, is she dead. Thinking it made tears slip away, I kept weeping till I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Silas. "What are you doing here" I asked, talking is even stressful, he walked closer and sat opposite me "You know the world is changing, so I decided to change with it" He said, and it made no sense to me "Have you heard anything from Isabelle" I asked the most question to me, he smirked. "Yeah, she is dead" He said it so casually like it gives him joy "Pardon?" "She is dead" he repeated and my world crumbled. "How" I asked, with tears "I have been spying on you, knowing you are invincible, we devised a plan to kill her weakening you at the process" He said, so he is a traitor. "Why, thought you were all friends" I asked, why didn't I notice "Actually her death saddens me, but she chose the wrong mate, and Azalk promised me power" he said with a shrug. How brutal. "You know, she never suspected anything, when she saw me, I told her that we have to go help you, she instantly believe and because you were engaged in a fight her message couldn't get through" he took a deep breath, stood up and paced the room "As she turned her back at me, I stabbed her with what Matthew gave me, and that's when you felt it, she turned and at me, her face,.... The looks was priceless when she fell" he scoffed. "Am guessing now you feel happy" I said already feeling the darkness inside me. He gave me a smug look "how about the royals and my people" I asked, he exhaled. "All tied up, it was pretty easy to take them down after you fell, thought it took 2 days and with Omeh weak it was hectic" he said, my eyes widened, so I was out for two days. "What do you intend to do with the prisoners" I asked, "What else, public execution setting example, and fear into the people" he said, they want to have a tyrannical rule. I have no strength to argue, my world is of not the world again, he left after his gloating. I wish the execution will take place immediately so I can be with her. Not long after the door opened up again and they threw Jacob in, "Jacob" I called, he was surprised "You are awake" He said and came closer, "What have they done to you" he said after seeing how weak I am, I just smiled "Am sorry" I said, I feel sorry for failing them, they had so much hope on me. "No need Brother, you did your best" he said and slump against the wall, silence fell on us, no one knows what to say. After a while he spoke "Funny I didn't get my revenge" he scoffed, I looked at him, he is about to say the reason why he hate Azalk. "What happened" I asked "As a kid, I had a friend, she was quiet the daredevil, Ivy, that was her name" he smiled "we did everything together, she was my first love, knowing that we might end up mating to another person she decided to give me her first kiss" he said and I could feel how hard it is for him. "So one day we decided to leave the capital, and on that day the Azalk attack where we came, I lost her among the crowd, everything was a mess, even as everybody was running away, I kept looking for her, I saw her" he said and wiped his tears. "I saw an Azalk gut her out, I was so angry I triggered my wolf, and killed the guy. When I came to her side, she just smiled and said "I love you' and that was her last word" he said already sobbing, I wish I wasn't tied, I would go console him. "I then swore to kill them all" He said. "You already killed enough" I said and he scoffed "I suppose so" he said, and once again we went silent. I was tied with chains, I could easily rip it off, that's if I have my strength. After a while I fell asleep. I jerked up when I heard a noise the door flew open and Omeh walked in, he is alright now, wearing his smirk, "How the mighty have fallen" he said "Have you come to gloat" I asked still tired "Nop, just to take you to your execution ground" He said, then his men unlocked me dragged me and Jacob with them, I could barely stand. I will soon go meet my love. They tied me up, both arms apart, I saw the royals and the alphas including Damien, I feel so sorry, for the frightened people that are force to watch, I face down since I couldn't look at them. "Here is your savior" Adam said to the people, I tuned him off and started thinking of my love, I have no idea how after life looks likes, but I just want to be reunited with her. "Hunter" I heard the sweetest voice called, I raise up my head and my heart bleed as I saw my mate in chains, "You're alive" I said with hope bubbling inside me.
17 Dec 2018 | 09:31
chapter 18 semi final (Isabelle POV) I was stab in the back, literally, when Silas came to me and said Hunter needed my help, I was happy, the rush to help him made me lost my reasoning so I started heading to the battle, told Amy to stay back and be with the people. Funny people tripped to my house when the war started, I asked Amy she said they were drawn to their queen. So I left her in charge and left, just half way gone, I felt the stab "Why" I asked as I felt my life running low, I thought I was dying. "Power" He said, I tried connecting with Hunter but couldn't, I wonder if he will be affected, with his face on my mind I lost consciousness. I woke up being tied to a wall, have been out for 2 days, how happy I was when I heard we will be executed, since I got the news my mate is dead, I can go meet him. My only regret is failing the people and leaving them in the hands of evil men. "Hunter" now am face to face with a man I thought dead, my mate, Silas said He's dead, that the stab that weakens me, made him weak making him an easy kill. "You're alive" he said showing he was told the same lie, but he is weak, tied up, I was just chained standing opposite him. I smile, even in this situation He is handsome with powerful aura. "Here is your King and Queen" Adam said, "they will be the first to die, no man is truly indispensable" he said smiling, I kept looking at Hunter who have his eyes on me, I wish I can connect to him, that our link wasn't down. I will tell him how much I love him and how every moment with him was worth it, how sorry I am for being the weak link. "On a second thought, let me have her as my trophy" Omeh said and I jerked my head up, what did he mean by that. "I need a Queen to rule my kingdom with" He said and came closer to me, pat my head and I flinched "beside she is beautiful" He said "Alright" Adam said and I went cold, I looked at Hunter he is angry struggling to break free, but its impossible, cause whatever they did to me, stripped him of his strength. "Do anything you want with me just don't touch her" He screamed, Omeh rushed to him and punched his stomach, making him cough. Omeh whispered to his ear, nobody knew what he whispered, but what surprised all was Hunter started laughing, Omeh too was shocked "You think you have seen people like me, in a world of predators, am a monster, in a the world of supernatural am the king" Hunter said and stood upright, I watch as the colour of his eyes changed to black, and the pupils glows like a hot coal. The cloud start growing darker, the wind got heavy, I start feeling my strength returns, he is getting his strength back. "This is not possible" Matthew said taking a step back, the Hunter pack, that are in chains, started screaming, they are about to turn, they were all weak because of Hunter, but with his new found strength they are regaining theirs. "Thought you said you've stripped him of his powers" Omeh said with much fear. "Yes, I have, he is suppose to be powerless" Matthew answered "That seems to be wrong" Adam said with calmness. "How is this possible" Matthew asked "Am a Demon Hybrid" Hunter screamed tearing the chains and his body started changing, a dark aura surrounded him, I can feel his anger and coldness, its solder than his vampire self, he is really a demon. He changed completely to his demon form, He is black now, with face of a wolf but still standing upright, his nails are out, there are red markings on his body. The sky is now raging with lightning. "Run" I heard Amy said and dragged me with her, I easily tore the chains off me, I stopped her. with my strength back so is my confidence. "Take the people out of danger, the transformed and angry Hunter pack members are already tearing Azalk group to shreds, but with their rage coming from their alpha they don't know friends from enemy. "What of you" She asked "I will see what to do, free the royals too, they are all weak, I think Matthew did something to them" I said and she went to do as I said. I wonder why I don't feel the rage, am angry I know but I didn't go berserk, its a good thing then I have the chance to stop them, but first I will leave him deal with the 3. "Are you afraid" Adam said to Omeh, who still haven't change to his wolf form "If you have seen him in action, you will" Matthew was the one to answer. "Now I will" Adam said and rushed towards Hunter, but was stopped, hunter ripped his heads off, I felt like puking, he roared, so loud, the whole supernatural got powered down, except the Hunter park, they still look menacing, they continued killing the Azalk. Matthew threw him fire, but it didn't reach, like there is a force field protecting him, Hunter kept walking closer, unaffected, as he reached Matthew, he dragged his hand inside Matthews chest and tore out his heart, Matthew fall dead instantly. Omeh left powerless fell on his knee, "am sorry, it wasn't my fault, I was dragged into this, I was just a wolf with ambition, I meant them so I thought we were the same cause they had ambition" He is looking like a pub now "they told me their plans, I refused, I was forced, Matthew killed our mates and summon their soul into us, making us demons" he is already crying "the demon now turned me bad, please have mercy oh king" he cried out, I pity him, he was a victim, I can't imagine the pain, hunter held him by the neck and drag him up, please stop I muttered. He brought him closer and bit him "No" I screamed he kept sucking till Omeh died and he ripped his head off. I remember he can't stop once he start. "There is no coming back, we have to stop him for our own good" I hear Rolf said, I turned and saw lots of Wizard in battle formation. "What do you mean" I asked "We have to kill him" he said and I went cold.
17 Dec 2018 | 09:32
What U can't kill Hunter, there is always a way out
19 Dec 2018 | 08:20
Isabella it is time to be his strength u have to calm him down
20 Dec 2018 | 13:39
U guys can't kill him even though he has become something else u have to use Isabella to calm his demon
20 Dec 2018 | 13:42
Next update cause this is the most tensed part of the story
20 Dec 2018 | 13:44
No need Killing him. He can be stopped since he has a mate.
20 Dec 2018 | 21:56
This is really thrilling. Just like the Chosen One.
20 Dec 2018 | 21:59
[color =red]★★★★★[/color] [color =blue]¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶[/color] This is really Big Hit. You can't afford to miss. @coolval222-2 @jummybabe @hormortiyor @frankkay @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @ele1 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz-chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @maths @anachrist @mophresh And [url]others[/url] come o... Don't forget to comment.
20 Dec 2018 | 23:40
FINAL EPISODE Chapter 19 (Isabelle POV) This can't be happening, how can they easily want to kill their savior, after his sacrifice "Why, he have never done anything bad" I cried "Yes, but we are in danger, he is a demon and he can't differentiate friends from foe, look at his park members" Rolf said, he is right but their must be a way, why am I so weak, is this all I am to him, weak link. "Stay back miss" He said, I gave him a hard look "No" I said, "Fine" he said and used a force field to hold him, for Hunter this can't hold him but am not as strong as him, so I could do is sit and watch as they kill my mate. "Attack" Rolf said an they all attack, they bind him, making him immovable, used a forcefield to hold his pack from interfering, they kept trying though. I saw as they attack him with series of fire, he is in agony, I kept screaming for them to stop, nobody listened. When I thought they are winning, hunter broke his bind, and sends lightening to them, causing explosions, he just broke their formation, he looked mad now, he started walking closer, I know what is coming next, I have to stop him. So I concentrated and broke the forcefield, I rushed towards him standing between jima nd Rolf. "Hunter" I said and he stopped. "You're meant to protect life not destroy it" I said quoting beta Jacob, He bared his teeth at me, but am not scared. "Hunter you're the strongest in supernatural, you're protector of the weak, you're my king, my mate" I said taking his hands. He first tensed up, but relaxed, with his free hand he caresses over my cheek, with my peripheral vision I saw, his raging pack calm down, its working. We stood like that looking at each others eyes, slowly the darkness started leaving him, in no time he returned to normal. "You have the most beautiful eyes" he said, with a weak smile, I smiled back, all the pack member returned to normal, "am sorry" "No dear, am sorry for being a weak link" I cried, he kissed him, it amazed me, I stopped crying. "Weak you said, love you gave me the strength to resist the demon in me, that's pure strength. You see? I do gain from you" he said and I hugged him, am just glad he is back. "Hunter" Rolf called, bringing us out from our moment "Am sorry for the mess" Hunter apologize "No, we are sorry for not having more faith" He said with a bow, and Hunter asked him to rise "but sire, are will still in threat of seeing the demon hybrid" Rolf asked. Hunter exhaled "No, it was my father's soul, angry soul, but he left, I don't know why but because of Isabelle, he left" he said and Rolf gave him a nod "let's start with the clean up" he said. "You go home sir, we will take care of things" Rolf said, and we started heading home, the hunter packs have all gone to get cloth. "Jacob" Hunter said, Jacob was standing in front of us wearing only trousers "My revenge is done" He said with a smile, Hunter smiled back "so go home I will help clean up the place" He said and left to go help out. "So it was your father" I asked "Yes, I think my mom summoned him the moment she was about to die, but he left" He said looking happy. "Why, I know you said it was because of me, but why" I asked and he stopped. Then turned to me "He knows am safe with you, finally he have seen someone string enough to protect me" He said and it swelled my heart, "So no monster again" I asked, just to be sure. "I still have the vampire gene, so I will still be tasty one day, and go mad with cravings" he said with a shrug "Don't worry, am here to give you strength and help you out" I said and he smiled, he look so hot and I can't wait to ravage him. "Having naughty thought are we" he asked with a smile, I smiled and took off, he laughed and ran after me, I know our next stop is the lake and there will be paradise. I know as long as we both live that we will have to struggle with monsters, both the one within us, but with him I know I can do anything. I can split the heavens and break hell if its what makes me be with him. We are in this forever. I stopped as I reached the lake and slowly went in, so did he, he slowly touched my skin, goosepumps appear, he have control over me, he kissed my neck and I moan, its like forever since I last felt his touch, he is magical. He stopped and moved back, I wonder why, I need him close, he stretched out his hand to the lake, It started bubbling till something came out of the lake, its a ring, he took it and brought it closer to me. "Will you marry me" he said looking nervous, am just 18 but for some reason I feel so ready. "Do you have to ask" I said with a smile. "Is that a yes?" He asked "Yes, mate" I answered and he slip the ring to my finger, wait till I tell my parents, as a Queen I can sense them, they are alive and not harmed. "This is the start of our happily ever after" He said and I sealed it with a kiss, ladies and gentlemen, this Hybrid is my mate and am happy. The end.
21 Dec 2018 | 02:56
Nice Ending
21 Dec 2018 | 06:19
Wonderful ending or should i say happy ending
21 Dec 2018 | 12:07
Kudos to you the writer keep it up
21 Dec 2018 | 12:10
Wow! Great story
21 Dec 2018 | 16:52
Lovely story
22 Dec 2018 | 11:27
Nice story
22 Dec 2018 | 14:24
Fabulous story
23 Dec 2018 | 13:13
Amazing. So sad it had to end.
27 Dec 2018 | 10:34
nice one
7 Jan 2019 | 22:52


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