Deadly Disciple

Deadly Disciple

By hammychenko in 6 Jun 2017 | 06:09
hammychenko hammychenko

hammychenko hammychenko

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[SEQUEL to BONES OF THE DEMON KING] Once the victim of a horrific abduction, Joelynn Lewis is now trying to live a normal life. When she discovers that her cousin Eva has gone missing, she tries to search for her only to become the target of a madman who calls himself The Deadly Disciple. With his identity unknown, Joelynn must play a deadly game of cat and mouse to save her cousin and herself.

The story starts in a few days time
Click the link below to read Bones of the demon king which is the title of the season 1
6 Jun 2017 | 06:09
Prologue . The putrid stench was assaulting her nose. Like rotting flesh... That's what it smelled like. She tried to open her eyes to see what the source of the smell was, but she couldn't. All she saw was darkness. She began to panic. What the hell was going on? She could feel a coarse piece of cloth against her eyes and her mouth tasted bitter from the dirty rag that was stuffed into it. She tried to spit it out but couldn't because someone had secured it in place with duct tape. Since she couldn't see, she tried to hear what was around her. A symphony of the mundane filled her ears: water dripping, wind howling from outside, windows rattling, and trees scraping against the window screens. There was nothing special to tell her where she was at. Was this a nightmare? She tried to move her hands and legs but they too were bound. As fear enveloped her, she began to make guttural screaming noises in the back of her throat. "Tsk tsk...I would be quiet if I were you," a male's husky voice told her. She stilled at the unfamiliar sound of it. Was he trying to mask his voice? She wasn't sure. "I bet you're wondering why you're here," he smiled. She could feel something sharp graze her left hand and slowly travel up her arm towards her neck. The prick of a knife to her clavicle caused her to swallow her cries. "That's better," he said. The knife continued upward to her cheek. A gloved hand gripped the right side of her face. She felt the knife pressing into the fleshy part of her cheek. It stung a little. She cringed when she felt a rough tongue slowly lick where the knife had made her bleed. She felt him kiss the cut and against her face in a low whisper he said, "Mmmm...tastes like fear." She couldn't help it. She began to whimper in fright. The hand that had been holding her face moved to the back of her head and yanked on some of her hair. She groaned at the pain of it. "I said to be quiet." His voice had become hard and upset. She tried to control her crying as best she could. He let her hair go and she could hear his footsteps walking away. "You piss me off. He would've wanted this...otherwise I would've just killed you hours ago," the man said. After hearing his words, her mind was racing and she thought of what she remembered last before she found herself being held captive. She was supposed to meet Roxy, one of her prostitute friends, to try and get information on a local politician that was cheating on his wife. Her friend always gave her any information that was newsworthy. Despite her profession, Roxy was deeply religious and always wore a thin cross necklace. When asked why she wore the spiritual necklace, Roxy explained that it always kept her safe from violent customers or Johns that liked it a little too rough. A week ago, Roxy had called her and told her she wanted to meet behind a local bar. When she showed up, Roxy was nowhere to be found. She remembered waiting for thirty minutes and then deciding to leave. She must've been attacked from behind, because she didn't remember anything after leaving her meeting spot with Roxy. His breathing had become ragged and then he began laughing. "Do you know who I am?" She shook her head left and right. No. "Are you scared?" he asked. It took her longer to answer because she hated to admit it but she slowly nodded her head up and down. Yes. He laughed. "Do you think I'm going to kill you?" She nodded again. Yes. "Would you rather I give you a quick death?" He had walked back towards her and let the knife caress her face. She didn't respond. "Would you rather I let you live?" She nodded quickly. Yes. He stepped behind her, cut the blindfold, and ripped the tape from her face. With her eyes shut, she quickly spit out the dirty rag and began coughing. "Don't worry, I don't plan to kill you anytime soon," he said as he made his way around to the front of her chair. "But you're gonna wish I did." She looked up and finally got to see her abductor's face. Her eyes widened in surprise and fear. She could hear someone was screaming. Was that scream coming from her? She heard him yelling at her to be quiet. He hit her and kicked the chair she was sitting on, knocking it over. As her head hit the hard cement floor beneath her, she could see a dead body on the opposite side of the room. A thin cross necklace hung around what should have been the neck of the mangled corpse. She said a quick mental prayer that this would all end quickly. Then she let her mind fade into oblivion. -------------------------------- ****WARNING: Before you read on, this book is a SEQUEL to Bones of the Demon King. Although, you won't really need to, I STRONGLY suggest you read that book before delving into this one. Why? Because if you decide you like this book and want to go back and read the first one...the surprise of who the killer is will be ruined for you. :( Also, it's always nice to really read the first book first. If you don't read the first book, you'll still be enjoy. . MANY CHARACTERS MAY NOT MAKE IT OUT ALIVE IN THIS STORY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! [hr] links to available episodes Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6&7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12
6 Jun 2017 | 06:12
[color =pink]Next![/color]
6 Jun 2017 | 07:01
bring it on
6 Jun 2017 | 07:16
6 Jun 2017 | 07:21
@jummybabe @itzprince @olayintan @emmazzy @adeniyi @mdcollins @denciebabe @victoriouschild @willingyung @lonewolf05 @munapete @ladyg @wyse-one @timileyin @damariseze and others sequel to the bones of the demon king is here guys
6 Jun 2017 | 07:23
Am right here Thanks for the IV @chilovely
6 Jun 2017 | 07:48
Bring it on Thanks @chilovely
6 Jun 2017 | 09:29
Abeg make una shift, i don show, oya lets go there,@Chilovely thanks dear.
6 Jun 2017 | 12:01
@Chilovely thanks sis
6 Jun 2017 | 15:00
@chilovely thanks dearie
6 Jun 2017 | 17:13
Thanks @chilovely
6 Jun 2017 | 17:33
Bring it on.. Thanks for the beep @chilovely
6 Jun 2017 | 23:53
Chapter 1 “I had another dream last night. This time my teeth were falling out and I kept trying to ask for help but all that came out of my mouth were bubbles. Bubbles! Can you imagine?” Joelynn rolled her eyes. Artie Wilkerson was always having strange dreams about his teeth falling out or being naked in public. "You have insecurity issues!" she wanted to yell at him. Any online dream dictionary would tell him that. Dr. Colt Spencer simply smiled and then turned his attention to Joelynn. “Ms. Lewis. I’m glad you could make it today. Three times in a row. Do you think you’ll be able to share your last dream with us today?” Joelyn could feel the stares of the other support group members boring into her. She had come a total of five times but hadn’t had the courage to speak up yet. It was at Jacob’s suggestion that she started attending a support group for people that had been through traumatic experiences. After the first meeting, she refused to go back until Jacob, her best friend, threatened to drag her there himself. Then she went a second time and thought group therapy was too weird for her and that the other people were just fruitcakes. Jacob didn't threaten her again but her nightmares hadn’t stopped so she decided to give it one more try. For the past three weeks, she had forced herself to attend the group sessions but she still refused to speak up. “Joelynn?” Dr. Spencer was in his early thirties. He had dark brown hair that was almost black and big hazel eyes to match. He wore thin rimmed glasses and always dressed in slacks and a button up shirt. The other women seemed to adore him because he was cute in a nerdy kind of way. Joelynn looked around at the others. They all seemed normal on the outside…well except for Artie. He was just plain weird. Listening to them talk about themselves had made her feel a little less bad about herself. “C’mon sweetie, it’s just us,” said Bertie, an overweight lady that had been a victim of sexual assault. She had been a swimsuit model before she had been attacked. Her traumatic experience had caused her to eat until she gained over two hundred extra pounds on her once thin body. She was wearing a calorie tracker on her wrist. Joelynn smiled when she first saw it. It was Bertie’s way of taking control of her life. She was going to lose the weight and prove that she could deal with her rape without hurting herself further. “Joelynn?” Dr. Spencer prodded again. “Okay fine,” Joelynn muttered hoping she didn’t come off as some petulant kid. “I don’t really dream. I have nightmares…except they’re not really nightmares. They’re more like…like memories.” She took a deep breath, looked down, and continued. “My hands and legs are tied and I can’t move. I can’t see anything. I’m scared and confused. I can hear him breathing close to my face. I can feel his hot breath on my cheek and he keeps poking me with a knife. Then he starts cutting my arms,” Joelynn unconsciously started rubbing her arms up and down. “I can feel the blood leaving my body where he cut me. I don’t know why he’s doing this and I start to remember every bad thing I ever did to deserve this. Why me? It’s all I can think of. Why me? It hurts and I’m scared. I keep trying to scream but nothing comes out. I want my mom and my dad. I want someone…anyone…to come and save me but no one is coming. No one is coming. Then he starts pressing the knife into my neck…” Joelynn looked up and could see everyone silently staring at her, enthralled. Bertie has her hand up to her throat as if she was the one that had been poked with a knife. Joelynn smiled, “And then I open my mouth...and bubbles come out.” The group groaned in unison and Artie Wilkerson mumbled something about bubbles being a common theme in the group. Dr, Spencer cleared his throat, “Joelynn, our sessions are to be taken seriously. I want to see you after group is over.” She felt like a kid being scolded by the teacher. She sighed and nodded. Ten minutes later when group ended, Dr. Spencer called out, “Joelynn!” Joelynn grimaced. She had planned to sneak out in hopes to avoid him. She turned around and gave a fake smile, “Yes, Dr. Spencer?” Dr. Spencer removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes with his right hand. Without his glasses, he was pretty hot, at least to Joelynn he was. “Joelynn, I’ve read your case file. I know what you went through was pretty traumatic. I think it might be a good idea to focus on your one on one sessions rather than participate in a group.” “Are you kicking me out doc?” Joelynn smirked. Dr. Spencer cocked his head to the right, “Isn’t that what you wanted?” Joelynn didn’t understand. “Look, I know you’re still trying to cope with what happened to you three months ago, but the other people in this group have also been through some pretty serious situations. It wouldn’t be fair to them to let you continue if you’re just going to mock them.” Joelynn raised her eyebrows, “Mock them? Who did I mock doctor?” Dr. Spencer shook his head in disapproval, “Bubbles?’ You opened your mouth and bubbles came out?” “What? Can Artie be the only one that dreams about bubbles?” Dr. Spencer frowned, “I really think you could benefit from group but only if you take it seriously. If you continue to act like you did today, I’ll kick you out myself.” He didn’t wait for her to respond, but walked past her and out the door. “Asshole,” Joelynn muttered. Couldn’t he be a bit more sensitive to her situation? It wasn’t easy for her to go to group, much less speak up. Joelynn stormed out of the small room that was used for their sessions and down the hall of the old community center. As she made her way to her blue Focus, she was stopped by Bertie. “Joelynn!” Joelynn half-heartedly smiled, “Hi Bertie. What’s up?” Bertie looked around and licked her lips in nervousness, “I don’t know what you’ve been through…but what you described today…I know that. I’ve been there. I just wanted you to know that you’re not alone and if you need anything, I’m here for you.” Joelynn finally gave a sincere smile. “Thanks Bertie. That means a lot to me. It really does.” Bertie smiled and nodded before going back to her vehicle. As Joelynn sat behind the wheel of her car, she thought of what Bertie said, “You’re not alone.” Joelynn disagreed. She felt nothing but alone. Three months ago she lived with her cousin, Eva. She hung out with her best friend, Jacob almost every day, and she looked forward to getting a handsome boyfriend. She hadn’t talked to Eva since she had been held hostage and was interviewed by the FBI. She started staying with Jacob and then eventually moved into an apartment on campus where she was studying business. She and Jacob were still close but she felt like he coddled her too much and didn’t quite understand what she had been through. She couldn’t talk to him about it. Sometimes she felt like she was in this fog of depression and just needed someone to tell her to “snap out of it.” Joelynn thought of Eva. Eva was the only living family member she had. There were many times that she had thought of reaching out to her cousin…but she didn’t. She felt too guilty. When Joelynn had been abducted by the Demon King, he had given her a choice. Joelynn could live, but only if she cut Eva out of her life. Joelynn chose to live. She remembered the hurt look she saw on Eva’s face when she told her that she was going to move out. What Joelynn had done was unforgivable. Eva said she understood, but Joelynn knew what she had done was wrong. Eva had even told the Demon King that she would give up her life for Joelynn’s. The guilt of what she had done to Eva was overbearing. She couldn’t stand the idea of having to look in Eva’s eyes and be reminded of what a selfish and terrible family member she had been. She rested her head on her steering wheel and wondered what her cousin was up to. Across Town The pounding bass was giving him a headache. Jacob looked up from the bar of the Pink Flamingo, a local gay bar, and spotted the sexiest man alive standing in front of him. Mr. Sexy was wearing a black suit with a black dress shirt underneath, “Can I buy you a drink?” He wasn’t sure what was going on. Between his headache and Mr. Sexy, he felt a little disoriented. He shook his head and smiled, “Another time.” He took one last swig of his beer and stood up. Mr. Sexy watched him leave and whispered, “I’ll remember that.” Back at her Apartment Joelynn was getting ready for bed. She checked all of the cupboards, closets, and under her bed to make sure no one was secretly hiding somewhere in her apartment. She was about to get into bed when she heard a knocking at her door. Joelynn walked to the door and looked through the peephole. “Who is it?” she asked. “It’s the police ma’am.” The police? Joelynn didn’t know of any reason that the police should come by. “Show me your badges,” she demanded after opening her door a little. The officers both produced their identification before she let them in. “What are you doing here?” she asked. One of the officers looked at the other before clearing his throat, “Are you Joelynn Lewis?” Joelynn nodded. “Yeah…” “We’re actually here about your cousin, Eva Lewis.” “What about her?” Joelynn asked. “Well…we wanted to know if you had any contact with her recently.” Joelynn took a deep breath before answering, “I haven’t had contact with her in months. What is this about?” “I hate to be the one to tell you this Ms. Lewis…” he seemed to prolong the news which was upsetting Joelynn. “Can you just spit it out? What’s going on with my cousin Eva?” “Well ma’am…she’s missing.” ***** Just in case you skipped the prologue: ****WARNING: Before you read on, this book is a SEQUEL to Bones of the Demon King . Although, you won't really need to, I STRONGLY suggest you read that book before delving into this one. here is the link Why? Because if you decide you like this book and want to go back and read the first one...the surprise of who the killer is will be ruined for you. :( Also, it's always nice to really read the first book first. If you don't read the first book, you'll still be enjoy.
20 Jun 2017 | 03:17
@ last this story is back... Eva is missing?!, the demon king is @ it again.
20 Jun 2017 | 07:49
20 Jun 2017 | 07:53
Let go
20 Jun 2017 | 08:47
demon king at work again
20 Jun 2017 | 10:18
Oh my goodness , so demon king has finally adopted Eva. Oh noooo.
20 Jun 2017 | 10:41
20 Jun 2017 | 11:53
Hmmmm.. Demon king
20 Jun 2017 | 11:58
The Demon King again
20 Jun 2017 | 11:59
Ride on bro.. Nothing do you.
20 Jun 2017 | 12:29
Wow bring et on
20 Jun 2017 | 14:02
not too late
20 Jun 2017 | 15:52
20 Jun 2017 | 16:40
Chapter 2 “Hey honey you looking for a good time?” He pulled over and looked at the blonde woman who had a thick Southern accent and must’ve been in her late thirties. She had bleach blonde hair with bright pink tips at the end. She wore a black mini-skirt and a leopard print top. She was smacking her gum like a cow chewed grass. She smelled of cheap perfume, cigarettes, and if he wasn’t mistaken…Bourbon. He smiled, “Well how did you know?” She flashed him a fake smile that showed off her lipstick stained teeth. “You just look bored honey. Them glasses you wear make you look like a professor or somethin’.” He laughed. “You’re close. I’m a doctor,” he answered. “A doctor!” the woman exclaimed thinking he must be rich, “Well what kind of doctor are you?” “A love doctor,” the man joked. She didn’t think it was very clever but laughed anyway. She hoped he wasn’t lying about being a doctor. She encountered a lot of men that lied about their profession. “What’s your name?” he asked. “Well honey, my name is Trina but you can call me anything,” she was leaning into his driver’s side window. “Trina. I like that. How about you get inside this car with me, Trina?” She looked around and smiled. A doctor meant money so she would be sure to charge double. “Okay baby. Anything you want.” She walked around the car, opened the passenger door, and slid in. As soon as she was in, he pressed the automatic lock button and drove off. “Where are we going?” Trina asked. When he didn’t respond, she began to get antsy. She hated Johns that acted like they were better than her. “Are we going to the Motel 6 nearby? Where are we going honey?” He looked over to her and his smile gave her the creeps. The hair on her neck stood up when he answered. “To Hell.” Across Town It was dark. She could feel the blood on his chest. Her body tensed in fear. She knew she had to get up. She stumbled in the darkness as her eyes began to adjust to her dark surroundings. Suddenly she felt a searing pain in her back. She tried to breathe but couldn’t suck in any air. Drenched in her own sweat and gasping for air: that’s how Sally Roux woke up. She looked at the alarm clock that sat on her nightstand. 3:30 AM Sally sighed and removed the damp cover from her body. She walked over to her bathroom and turned on the shower. When she looked in the mirror, she hated to recognize the dark circles under her eyes, mousy hair, and general look of tiredness that had overtaken her for the past three months. She quickly stepped out of her damp clothing and took a quick shower. After she was done, she wrapped herself up in a bathrobe and padded to her living room. On her coffee table sat an old newspaper written two weeks ago. She looked at the headline again. Demon King Spawns Copycat Killer Sally knew the article had been written by Eva Lewis. “I wish I could bounce back as easily,” Sally muttered to herself. Three months ago, both she and Eva, the newspaper journalist, had been attacked by the Demon King, a psychotic serial killer. After Sally had killed him, she had been rushed to the hospital to deal with her stab wound. She had lost a lot of blood and was placed on medical leave. Sally knew she had no choice but to kill the Demon King, but the guilt of killing another human being still weighed on her. She was also forced to attend therapy sessions with the FBI’s shrink, Dr. Colin Spencer. He was a young guy but pretty anal about her attending her sessions. He still hadn’t approved of her getting her gun back. So here she was, still on leave, waking up in the middle of the night because of her nightmares. Sally continued to read the article again, “Forums of fans calling themselves the Disciples of the Demon King have been increasing daily in part to the bestselling book Raising the Demon King by Vincent McDaniels.” Sally scowled. She didn’t like Vincent McDaniels. There was something about him and the fact that he was profiting off his son being a murderer that she just didn’t trust or like. In addition to that, a movie was supposedly in the works based on his books. This had caused tons of psychos to come out of the woodwork and claim to be fans or disciples of the Demon King. She didn’t understand how a serial killer with a catchy name could cause such an uproar. Sally let the paper fall back onto the coffee table. Clearly Eva Lewis hadn’t been affected by that night’s ordeal as much as she had. Sally walked back to her bedroom and popped two Tylenol PM pills. She quickly changed her sheets and climbed back into bed. Sally closed her eyes and pretended to sleep in hopes that her mind would take the hint and finally let her rest. At his Home Jacob was inebriated. He didn’t want to wake his mother, so he snuck into his own home. He took his shoes off and was about to tiptoe to his bedroom when he heard his mother whispering in the dark. His mother, Lupita Torres, was in the kitchen. She was whispering desperately into the phone, “Why are you calling me? I want nothing to do you.” There was a pause. “That was a lifetime ago. Usted es el diablo. Don’t call me anymore!” She hung up the phone and put her hand up to her chest. Jacob had never seen his mother so frantic before. “Mamá? Are you okay?” he asked. She slightly jumped at the sound of his voice. “Jacob…when did you get here?” Jacob had lost his liquid buzz after hearing his mother on the phone, “Who were you talking to?” Mrs. Torres looked flustered, “Oh nobody. Just bill collectors.” Jacob looked at her dubiously, “This late at night?” “Yes, they really want their money.” Mrs. Torres didn’t give Jacob a chance to ask any more questions. She quickly walked past him and to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Jacob was left dumbfounded in the kitchen. His mother didn’t get after him for coming home late and smelling like liquor, she was scared of whoever she was talking to on the phone, and Jacob knew for a fact that a bill collector wouldn’t call this late so his mother had lied to him. Jacob walked over to the phone and picked it up. He held the receiver in his hand and began to dial *69. He put the phone up to his ear and listened. “Dulce is that you?” a deep voice on the other end asked. Jacob was taken aback, “Dulce? Who’s Dulce?” The other voice became quiet but didn’t hang up. Jacob could hear him breathing steadily on the other line. “Who is this?” Jacob demanded to know. He used his tough guy voice to ask. He didn’t know who this caller was but he was scaring his mother and if he was some pervert calling random numbers for kicks, he was going to verbally kick some ass. “Who am I?” the voice asked in an almost playful manner. “Yeah. Who are you? I don’t want some pervert calling my mother in the middle of the night,” Jacob was about to threaten him when the man asked, “Jacob? Is that you?” Once again, Jacob was shocked, “How did you know my name? Who is this?” The voice on the other end laughed. “Of course I know who you are. The question is…do you know who I am?” Jacob didn’t want to play phone games and said as much, “I don’t have time for this. Either tell me who you are or I’m hanging up.” The voice sighed and said, “You’re no fun. Very well...if you must know. My name is Vincent. Vincent McDaniels.” Later that Night “Eva…Eva baby, wake up. I need your help. Eva.” The whispering voice was tickling her ear. Eva slowly opened her eyes and tried getting up from the floor. She couldn’t. It was as if she kept forgetting that the monster who held her captive, had shackled her to the wall. Her legs were attached to the wall by a short chain and her hands were tied together. “I see you finally decided to join us,” the male voice that had been whispering to her started to chuckle. Us? Eva looked up to see a woman tied to a chair. Unlike her, she was gagged and blindfolded. She had blonde hair with pink tips and was wearing a trashy outfit that screamed hooker. The woman’s muffled cries were similar to the ones Eva had been making not too long ago. “What are you doing?” Eva whispered. Her throat was parched. He had only given her scraps of food and small sips of water every few hours. “What am I doing? I’m giving you a get out of jail free card, Eva.” Eva looked up surprised. She didn’t say a word as she had learned that his temper was volatile. “I’ll let you go Eva. All you have to do is one little thing for me.” Eva didn’t trust him. He was lying. “You don’t have to do it, but if you don’t,” his voice became hard, “I’ll beat the shit out of you.” Eva shuddered. For the past few days he had stopped physically attacking her. She didn’t know if she could survive another one of his beatings. Eva coughed and in almost a whisper asked, “What do you want me to do?” He smiled, “Something simple. Well for me. I don’t know about you.” She repeated herself, “What do you want me to do?” He walked over to a small table in the middle of the room and picked up a large knife. He held it in his right hand and stood next to the prostitute. He let the knife poke her in the neck. Her cries became more frantic. He laughed, “Eva, all you have to do… is kill her.”
22 Jun 2017 | 04:55
hmmmmm credit source
22 Jun 2017 | 06:30
Killing her is impossible for Eva
22 Jun 2017 | 10:50
Eva might not do it
22 Jun 2017 | 13:45
Hmmmm Eva can't kill
22 Jun 2017 | 14:25
Vicent again???, this guy should be taken care of already.... I dont think Eva can kill but with her current situation am not sure about what she will do.
22 Jun 2017 | 17:58
Vincent again??, this guy should be taken care of already... Eva cant kill.
22 Jun 2017 | 18:00
I dnt think eva wil do it
22 Jun 2017 | 18:56
Eva is not a killer na
22 Jun 2017 | 19:29
Killing....Eva I think u should think of something instead if killing her
24 Jun 2017 | 04:52
Chapter 3 "All you have to do is kill her," he repeated. Eva laughed as best she could until her laughter began to sound like quick sobs. She was on her knees and he shoved her to the ground with his booted foot. "Do you think I'm joking?" he asked angrily. Eva didn't respond. Instead, she kept her head down. "If you kill her, I'll let you go. I'll really let you go." Eva looked up at him. The cries of the hooker were distracting but she had no choice. "Fine," she said. He showed a quick expression of surprise but quickly masked it. He didn't think she would take him up on his offer. "I won't stand too close to you, Eva. I'm not stupid. You may try to stab me. If you do that though, how would you get unchained? I'm the only one with a key." Eva gave a twisted smile. "I understand. Give me the knife," she said and reached her palm up and out as far up as her chain would allow. ~The Next Day~ It was hot. It was really hot. Detective James Smith was chomping on a cherry snow cone in his car. As some of the ice fell between his legs and onto the seat, he cursed. His partner, Colton Ellis, got into the car beside him. Ellis took one look at the snow cone and scowled, "What the hell Smith? You know I like Tiger's Blood Snow Cones. You didn't get me one?" Detective Smith smiled, showing off his syrup stained lips and slightly red teeth. "Sorry pal. You want some of mine?" Ellis rolled his eyes, "No, I want my own." As he spoke this, he reached across the car and snatched the snow cone out of Smith's hands. More ice fell and some of it landed on Smith's pants. "Dammit," Smith cursed again. His attention was taken away from his pants by a knock on his window. He looked up to see a young brunette with big blue eyes. He frowned and she frowned back. He pressed the button to roll down his window and asked, "How did you find me? We're kind of busy right now." Detective Smith had been in the parking lot of the police station waiting for Ellis. The two of them were headed to a crime scene where two dead bodies were discovered. "I need to talk to you," the woman said. Ellis, who was absorbed in his cup of shaved ice, looked over at his partner and asked, "Who is she?" Detective James Smith looked over at the brunette, "Other than being a pain in my ass, she's Eva Lewis' cousin, Joelynn Lewis." The name Eva Lewis rang a bell to Detective Ellis. She was the reporter that had been missing for almost two weeks. Joelynn asked, "Well...are you gonna talk to me now or what James?" James groaned in frustration. "Ellis I'll be right back." Ellis smiled, "No prob. It's not like those bodies are going anywhere." "'re a bucket of laughs," Smith walked a few feet away from the car with Joelynn trailing behind him. "What do you want Joelynn?" "What do I want?" Joelynn asked in disbelief. "I want some answers on my cousin's disappearance!" "So why are you asking me? I don't do missing persons," Smith explained and not for the first time to Joelynn. She crossed her arms, "The guy in charge of the case is an idiot. Besides I know you." Smith massaged his temples as he regretted ever dealing with Joelynn Lewis six months ago. At the time, his then friend, David Wilson, had recommended he go out with Joelynn. The date went okay but James felt no chemistry. He never called her back and she was actually pretty cool about it. He later found out that she was the cousin of Eva Lewis. Eva was a beautiful woman and the secret crush of most of the police force. She was always hanging around the police station trying to get some inside information for an article she was writing. Every officer was devastated to learn that she had gone missing. There were some theories that perhaps she had been abducted by one of the Demon King's followers. After the serial killer known as the Demon King had been killed, men calling themselves the Disciples of the Demon King began cropping up on online forums. When the book Raising the Demon King was released, their groups increased. There were YouTube channels of teenagers pretending to be Disciples. It grew into a crazy phenomenon similar to the mask of the Scream movies years ago. Except now, it was women wearing flower crowns and men calling themselves disciples. "James," Joelynn was clearly frustrated, "James can't you do anything? They haven't given me any news since they told me she was missing." Smith sighed, "Look Joelynn, I understand that you're concerned but I can't help you. You have to talk to the officer in charge. Look I have to go. If I do hear anything, I'll let you know." He patted her shoulder, turned around, and headed towards his car. Joelynn recognized the brush off. It wasn't the first time he had given it to her. When she had first gone on a date with Detective James Smith, she felt giddy. He was cute with his smouldering brown eyes and caramel colored hair. He was also a detective which was sexy to her. After their date, she expected him to call. He didn't. Eventually, David Wilson, her friend at the time, had given her the bad news. She was really bummed about it but secretly held a small torch for James Smith. Later, Eva and David would start dating but that didn't last long. Joelynn saw James and his partner drive away. She looked back at the police station and took a deep breath. "What would Eva do?" she asked herself. "She'd find some answers," Joelynn thought. She had treated Eva horribly before she had gone missing. Joelynn owed it to her cousin to help her as much as she could. She straightened her shoulders and walked back into the police station. She was going to get answers one way or another. On the Way to his Crime Scene Detective James Smith felt bad about dismissing Joelynn so easily. He wished he could've helped her. He liked Eva Lewis. He remembered trying to ask her out a few times and getting rejected. As he and Ellis arrived at the crime scene, he could see the other officers walking away while holding their stomachs. "Oooh we must have something rank out there," Ellis laughed. Smith smirked, "How bad could it be?" It was bad. Two dead bodies were dumped in the woods off of the main highway. One had been there longer and the other was discarded as recently as that morning. Ellis cursed. The older body was too mangled to recognize. The wounds on her body were done by a sharp object like a knife. The woman that had been left recently had the skin of her face removed. If that weren't enough, she had been gutted. Remnants of her clothing were still visible. A black skirt and leopard top. Both women were wearing a crown of white flowers. "Well I'll be damned," Ellis whispered. "He's back." Meanwhile Jacob still didn't have too many answers about Vincent McDaniels. After talking with him over the phone, he went online and searched his name. Vincent McDaniels used to be a famous author but then disappeared and was now back in the limelight. His latest book, Raising the Demon King, was based on his real life. There was a lot of mystery surrounding McDaniels. He used to be a notorious alcoholic, womanizer, and drug user. He would constantly check himself into rehab and residential treatment centers to get clean. Lately, he had been clean and had just bought some giant house in town. Jacob didn't understand why Vincent McDaniels would be calling his house or calling his mother Dulce. He had asked his mother about Vincent but she became pale and told him not to ask about that devil. The phone rang, and Jacob went to answer it, "Hello?" "Is this Jacob?" Jacob immediately recognized the voice. It was Vincent McDaniels. The phrase "speak of the devil" popped into his mind. "Yeah, it's me," Jacob answered. "I was hoping it would be you. Your mom doesn't like me too much. She keeps hanging up on me." "Yeah. Why is that?" Jacob asked. "She keeps calling you the devil." Vincent laughed, "Do you really want to know?" Jacob nodded then realized Vincent couldn't see him, "Yeah. Yeah I do." "Good. Give me your cell phone number and I'll tell you where to meet me. Your mom doesn't like me calling your house." Jacob felt a bit uneasy but his curiosity won out and he shared his personal contact information. A few minutes later, Jacob's cell phone dinged with the message, "Starbucks on Main St. 5:00pm. The Devil will wait for you."
26 Jun 2017 | 16:15
na WA oh, ha! the devil will wait for him? Jacob don't go oo, anyway first to comment
27 Jun 2017 | 11:14
Jocob, do you really want to meet with the devil??
27 Jun 2017 | 12:14
Be careful o Jacob
27 Jun 2017 | 12:32
Why will you want to go @Daniel
27 Jun 2017 | 16:47
You better be careful Jacob
27 Jun 2017 | 18:58
No way am goin to meet d devil
28 Jun 2017 | 05:54
Did Eva really killed d woman or wat? Jocob b careful.
28 Jun 2017 | 08:08
Chapter 4 Earlier that Day Eva woke to her abductor whistling. She knew he had been lying about letting her go.”Bastard,” she thought. Her head ached. If people could see her now, they probably wouldn’t recognize her. She sported two black eyes and a busted lip. His temper was unpredictable. That was something she learned quickly. When he became upset, he would usually pull her hair or slap her. He was careful in how he doled out his abuse because he didn’t want to kill her…not yet anyway. She thought of what had happened the night before. He had asked her to kill that hooker in exchange for her freedom. “All you have to do is kill her.” He made it sound so if he was asking for her kill a roach and not another human being. Eva had asked for the knife and as soon as he gave it to her, he had stepped out of reach. Smart man. The chair that held the prostitute was close enough that she could’ve stabbed her with ease if she wanted to. Instead, Eva tuned out the poor woman’s muffled sobs and turned the knife towards her own body. She didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of killing her and she was tired of being at his mercy. Her weakness made her movements slow enough that he was able to figure out what she was trying to do. He quickly jumped forward and snatched the knife away from her. “What do you think you’re doing? You don’t get to call the shots around here Eva. I do!” He quickly turned around and made quick work of killing the other hostage. Eva was on the ground vomiting what little food she had consumed earlier that day. “Just for that…you get to watch what I do next.” Never in her life had Eva imagined she would have to watch another human be defaced and gutted. She tried to close her eyes but he threatened to rape her if she didn’t obey. She cried the entire time she watched. “So we’re conscious again, are we?” Eva groaned. After he was done with the prostitute, he had slapped her so hard she fell and hit her head on the floor. “I want to warn you that the next time I ask you to do something, you better do it. If you don’t, who knows what I might do.” Eva’s laughter turned into a coughing fit. “What’s so funny, bitch?” Eva let her head cock to the side as she whispered, “What else can you do to me? Why don’t you kill me already?” He shook his head, “No…no…no. I can’t do that. I want you alive so that I can play with you a little longer.” He knelt down and clasped her face in his hands. “You think there’s nothing else I can do to you? Did I break my favorite toy?” Eva shrugged. “Well maybe you’re right,” he pulled out his cell phone and opened his picture gallery. He found the image he was looking for and showed it to her. “If I can’t do anything to you …maybe I can do something to her …” Eva focused on the picture before her and her chest tightened in dread. Talking to an overweight woman in some random parking lot was her cousin, Joelynn. Later that day After talking with Detective Smith, Joelynn stepped back into the police department’s headquarters. She went to the missing persons unit and asked to speak with an officer Dempsey. He was the one in charge of Eva’s case. The woman at the counter told Joelynn to wait. She sat next to a lady that was clearly dressed too provocatively for the daytime. The woman looked over at Joelynn and said loud enough for the officer at the counter to hear, “These pigs don’t care if people are missing. So I hope you don’t plan on finding your friend anytime soon.” “I’m not here for a friend. I’m looking for my cousin.” “Yeah well I’m looking for my friend. I even have a picture of her,” the woman said as she showed Joelynn a picture of a group of women giving an older gentleman a lap dance. “Umm…well I hope they find her.” “I don’t know. It’s been almost two weeks now. She was going to meet a reporter for some extra money but she never came back. I think that reporter had something to do with it.” Joelynn shrugged her shoulders. “Trixie!” the lady at the reception desk called out. The prostitute next to Joelynn got up quickly. “That’s me. I hope they find your cousin.” “Joelynn?” Officer Dempsey called out. “Any news?” Joelynn asked. He shook his head, “No, but we’ve been watching the online chat rooms for the Demon King to see if there’s been any new information. If it’s related to him and his fans something may come up. The last person to talk to her was her boss and he said she was working on some secret story and was going to meet a source. Do you have any idea who her sources were?” “Of course not. Well she used to say that you had to go to the scourge of the earth to get the dirt you wanted. Who would you consider the scourge of the earth?” “Well that means different things to different people. For me it would mean my ex-wife.” Joelynn failed to see the humor. “Alright, well keep me posted.” She walked out of the police station feeling defeated and guilty. If only she hadn’t moved out. If only she hadn’t abandoned Eva. None of this would have happened. Eva used to always check in with her when she went on dangerous assignments. She scanned the parking lot for her car and spotted Trixie talking to… Artie? Was that Artie from her group therapy sessions? What was he doing here? Joelynn was about to call out to him when he suddenly lifted his head and noticed Joelynn. His eyes widened and he whispered something to Trixie and quickly fled the area. Joelynn was dumbstruck. Why was he pretending not to know her? She walked over to where the two had been standing. “Uh…Trixie was it?” Trixie turned around, “Yeah that’s me.” Joelynn cleared her throat, “Who was that man you were just talking to?” Trixie gave a languid smile, “Sorry honey, I don’t talk about my customers to anyone.” “Customer?” Trixie was about to leave when suddenly an idea struck Joelynn. “Hey Trixie…you said your friend was going to meet a reporter, right?” “That’s right. They think her pimp Carlos did this but I know he didn’t. He loved Roxy like a sister.” Joelynn stopped herself from mentioning how brothers wouldn't sell their sisters for casual sex. “Do you know the reporter’s name?” she asked instead. Trixie scratched her hair causing her weave to move. “I don’t really remember but she was always in the paper for that serial killer a few months back.” “Listen Trixie, I think your friend met my cousin who’s also missing.” Joelynn felt a glimmer of hope. “Maybe the two disappearances are related somehow.” “You think they have something to do with that cheating politician?” Trixie asked. “What cheating politician?” Trixie walked up to Joelynn and put her arm around her, “Honey, let me drop some knowledge on you…” During a Therapy Session Dr. Colin Spencer sat across from Agent Sally Roux who had her arms and legs crossed. “Sally your body language is telling me that you don’t really want to be here.” “Is that so? I could’ve told you that myself,” Sally took a frustrated breath and adjusted herself on the leather sofa in Dr. Spencer’s office. “The longer you refuse to open up, the longer it will take to get back into the field Sally.” She hated when he called her Sally. He should address her as Agent Roux but he insisted that it would make them build rapport. “Can I be honest with you Dr. Spencer?” “Always,” he smiled. “I think you’re a quack. I’m not sure why you’re taking so long to reinstate me but I will find out.” “Are you always this suspicious?” “Oh my God…can you please just stop with the therapy mumbo jumbo? I killed a man! I have nightmares…so what? Who wouldn’t? Do I feel guilty? Yes, at times I do because even though he was a psychotic sonofabitch, he was still a human being. Pulling the trigger on him was something I had to do. Would I do it again? In the same situation…hell yeah I would!” Sally was pacing the office now. “I’m not sure what magic words I need to say to you before you can give the okay for me to go back to work but tell me what they are and I’ll say them. I’m not afraid to kill again but I pray to God that I won’t have to.” Dr. Spencer smiled. “What now?” she asked in total irritation. “Nothing. I just think you’re ready to be back into the field now.” Sally didn’t wait for him to say another word. She stormed out of his office and let the door slam behind her. She was back. Disciples of the Demon King Chat Room The-Deadly-Disciple: The Demon King believed in justice. For an FBI agent to kill him was a travesty. DKingRulz91: Whatever happened to that lady cop that killed him? JC_DemonKing: She’s probably at home. Waiting to get hers. DKingRulz91: Yeah man the Demon King was like the Jack the Ripper of our times. Sucks that he’s gone. You think Brad Pitt’s gonna play him in the movie? I hope they get somebody good. The-Deadly-Disciple: As disciples of the Demon King, we must strive for revenge. I shall personally take vengeance. JC_DemonKing: Dude shut up already! Hey I heard that lady reporter went missing DKingRulz91: lolololol R u serious? The King’s gf? JC_DemonKing: Yeah the cops think one of ours took her The-Deadly-Disciple: She WASN’T his girlfriend! A girlfriend wouIdn’t have betrayed him. She’s being punished. JC_DemonKing: Riiiight…get a life man. Who’s punishing her? You? DKingRulz91: You’re always saying weird shit. We’re here to talk about the new movie Raising the Demon King…not listen to your crap. JC_DemonKing: Preach it! The-Deadly-Disciple: does this look like crap to you? He posted a picture of a woman chained to a wall. Both JC_DemonKing and DKingRulz91 recognized her. It was Eva Lewis. Meanwhile Jacob waited at the coffee shop for Vincent McDaniels. He didn’t know why but he was nervous. When he spotted McDaniels come in, he waved his hand in the air. Other patrons recognized him and some asked for autographs which he was happy to give. When he finally sat down with Jacob he ordered them two mocha lattes. “So how do you know my mother?” It was the only question Jacob wanted to know the answer to. “She didn’t tell you?” Vincent raised his eyebrows, “I met her when she was a prostitute.”
29 Jun 2017 | 13:16
Why Repeating The Demon King??
30 Jun 2017 | 06:43
Pls Continue, Following Closely
30 Jun 2017 | 06:50
Jacob ur mum a prostitute? I guess Vicent is ur dad. Demon king havin disciples hmmm it wont b easy o.
30 Jun 2017 | 07:27
30 Jun 2017 | 09:10
What next
30 Jun 2017 | 09:32
she was a prosti
30 Jun 2017 | 10:34
30 Jun 2017 | 11:36
30 Jun 2017 | 18:28
Prostitute khe
30 Jun 2017 | 19:16
Oouch!, McDaniels is so blunt.
1 Jul 2017 | 14:34
Chapter 5 “So your parents aren’t coming home at all tonight?” Shaun was nervous but didn’t want to back out. He had been dating Lisa for three months and she promised that tonight was the night she’d finally have sex with him. Shaun laughed. He was finally going to get lucky. He felt for the condoms in his back pocket as they walked to her bedroom. Lisa kissed his cheek, “I’m going to the bathroom to get ready. You wait here for me.” She laughed and walked down the hall. He rubbed his sweaty palms against his jeans and began undressing. He wasn’t sure if he should wait or not but teenage hormones won out and he quickly discarded all of his clothing except his boxers. He was about to remove those too when a sudden bang downstairs startled him. He could hear people running up the stairs and Lisa screaming. He was about to grab his clothing when the door to Lisa’s room burst open. Three men dressed in black and carrying firearms shouted, “FBI! Freeze!” At the Coffee Shop “What did you just say?” Jacob thought he must’ve misheard Vincent McDaniels’ last statement. Vincent took a drink from his coffee and repeated himself. “I met your mom when she was a prostitute. Back then she went by the name of Dulce.” Jacob wanted to hit the man sitting across from him, “Don’t lie to me you asshole.” “Who’s lying? Ask her.” “Yeah right. My mom practically lives at the church. There’s no way in hell she would ever sell herself.” Vincent threw his head back and laughed. Some of the other patrons actually turned to look at them. “If you think I’m lying…why are you getting so upset, Jacob?” “I don’t like anyone talking bad about my mom. Even if it’s lies.” “Your mother had to raise you and your sister on her own, didn’t she? She didn’t go to college…never finished high school. How do you think she paid for the food you ate, the clothes you wore, or even the roof over your heads?” The smile Vincent showed him was ruthless. It was as if he was trying to purposely see how far he could push Jacob. “I’m not gonna sit here and listen to this. Stop calling my mom and lose my number.” Jacob quickly got up from his seat and hurried out of the coffee shop. He needed to talk to his mother. In her Closet Joelynn was rifling through her clothes, looking for the sluttiest outfit she could find. After talking to Trixie, she found out a few key facts. 1) Eva’s source was a hooker 2) Eva was gathering information about a married state representative that was hiring hookers for his personal pleasure 3) Trixie saw Roxy get into a car with some John before she met Eva and according to Trixie, she seemed frightened of him “He was a white guy and I think she was scared of him,” Trixie had told Joelynn. “Why do you say that?” “Because Roxy was always friendly and joking around but when this guy came ‘round, she got real serious all of a sudden. Like she was in court or somethin’ you know?” Joelynn wasn’t sure what to make of Trixie’s information. When she asked what the man looked like, Trixie couldn’t give an adequate description, “I don’t know. He looked like any other white guy. I think he had glasses…yeah he had glasses. Does that help?” Joelynn was grateful for any information she could get but a white guy with glasses narrowed it down to no one. She pulled out a black lycra dress that she wore once when she went bar hopping with Jacob at the Pink Flamingo. “This screams skank. I think it’ll work.” Joelynn walked to her kitchen and pulled out a Bomb Pop from her freezer. She wasn’t sure if she was thinking logically. She probably wasn’t…but she had to do everything she could to find her cousin. The cops hadn’t gotten very far and Joelynn wouldn’t be able to live with herself if Eva turned out to be dead. The guilt of having abandoned Eva weighed down on her like a ton of bricks. Even if the cops were looking for her, Joelynn couldn’t sit back and do nothing. If the shoe were on the other foot, Eva would move mountains to find her. As stupid as it sounded, Joelynn felt like she had no choice. She was going to have to start looking for clues on her own. At Jacob’s House “Madre! ¿Dónde estás?” Jacob called out when he got home, “Where are you mom?” Lupita Torres smiled when she saw her son. She looked tired and frail. In his mind, there was no conceivable way that his mother was ever a prostitute. “I’m here Jacob. I just came back from the church. I was lighting a candle for Nessa.” Nessa was Jacob’s older sister and a victim of the Demon King. Both he and his mother still felt the loss of her presence. “Mom…I met with someone today and he told me something weird.” Lupita Torres was walking into the kitchen, “I’m going to make tortillas Jacob, you want to eat fajitas tonight?” “Don’t you want to know who I met with?” Lupita turned around, “It can’t be someone good. You look enojado.” She began kneading her dough. “It was Vincent McDaniels.” She had her back to him and stood still. “Hijo, ¿por qué te encontraste con él?” “Why did I meet with him? Because you lied to me…and you never lie to me. At least I thought you never did.” She turned around and stared at her son whom she loved so dearly. “What did he say?” “What do you think he said?” “I don’t know. He’s an evil man so I wouldn’t trust anything that would come out of his mouth.” “He said you used to be a prostitute…a hooker…that you sold yourself for money.” Lupita’s face turned ashen. That was answer enough for Jacob. He knew his mother well enough to know by her reaction that Vincent McDaniels wasn’t lying. Jacob cursed under his breath as a cavalcade of emotions ran through him. All these years he had thought his mother was a God-fearing woman and a devout Catholic. Because of this, he kept his homosexuality a secret. He and Joelynn had concocted this scheme that the two of them were a couple when he was really gay. He didn’t want to disappoint his mother or her beliefs. He began laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. “So you used to go by the name Dulce?” Lupita felt humiliated. She never wanted her children to find out about her past. “It’s not what you think…” “How do you know what I think?” Jacob yelled. “You know what? I’m glad this happened. I’m glad I know the truth about you. I have a secret too mom. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long…but I didn’t. Joelynn’s not my girlfriend.” Lupita was surprised but stayed quiet. “I’ve never had a girlfriend because I don’t like girls. Do you understand what I’m saying? I’m gay!” Jacob watched his mom’s face start to crumple and he felt a bit better. He wanted to hurt her with his secret like her secret had hurt him. “I can see you approve,” he said sarcastically. “I’m gonna go see Joelynn. I don’t think I can be in this house for another moment with you. I might say something I regret.” As soon as her son left the house, Lupita slid down against the counter and sat onto the floor. She had to explain to her son what had happened but doing so would hurt him even more. She thought of Vincent McDaniels. “God forgive me, but I think I’m going to have to kill a man.” At Joelynn’s Jacob arrived at Joelynn’s apartment upset and angry. Once Joelynn saw him, she knew something was wrong. “Jacob…what happened?” “Joelynn…I don’t really want to talk about it right now. I just had an argument with my mom and told her I’m gay.” “What!” Joelynn was shocked. This was a discussion that she and her best friend and been discussing since before they were teenagers. “Oh wow Jacob. How did it go? What did your mom say? Was she upset? Was she accepting? Tell me everything.” Jacob sat down and Joelynn sat next to him on her green sofa. “She looked like she was going to cry but she didn’t say anything.” Joelynn frowned, “Man, I thought your mom would totally be accepting. It’s why I’ve been trying to convince you to tell her. I’m so sorry Jacob.” Joelynn put an arm around her best friend and hugged him. He hugged her back and said, “Joelynn, why are we both going through so much right now? You with Eva and me with my mom?” Joelynn shrugged. “I don’t know Jacob but I do have some good news.” Jacob smiled against her shoulder. He took a deep breath and dramatically shook himself, “Okay girl, I’m done with my crap. I need to hear something good. Bring on the happy news.” “I met a woman earlier today that may have a lead to find Eva!” Jacob was happy for Joelynn. He knew how guilty she had been these past few months. The Demon King had abducted Joelynn and threatened to kill her if she didn’t leave Eva’s life. So Joelynn moved out and stopped having contact with her only family member, Eva. Even after the Demon King was killed, Joelynn still didn’t reach out to her cousin. Jacob assumed it was because she was still scared something would happen to her. The Demon King had somehow become this infamous character that had tons of fans and followers online. “That’s great Joelynn!” “That’s not all…” Joelynn continued. “Officer Demspey called me to tell me that they think Eva is still alive.” “What? Shut the hell up! That’s incredible!” He hugged Joelynn who was laughing with joy. “Do they know where she’s at?” Joelynn shook her head, “No he didn’t want to give me too many details but he said he would update me if anything else came up.” Jacob frowned, “So now it’s just a waiting game.” “Not exactly…”Joelynn hedged. “Joelynn…” Jacob knew that tone of voice in his best friend. It usually meant she had something up her sleeve. “What are you planning to do?” “Now Jacob…understand that I’m doing this for Eva.” “Doing what? “I met a woman named Trixie and she’s going to help me go undercover. She's a prostitute” “Undercover?” Jacob asked. “Why would you need to go undercover? Undercover as what?” “Before she went missing, Eva met with a hooker named Roxy. I want to find out if there’s any other information I can find out.” Jacob was dumbstruck. “So…you’re going to pretend to be a hooker? Why?” “Why? What do you mean why? She’s my cousin…the only family I have. Of course I’m going to do everything I can to get her back!” Joelynn thought Jacob would support her…especially after what happened to his sister, Nessa. “Are you stupid?” “What?” “Joelynn, you’re not the police! Why would you do that?” “Because I want to do everything I possibly can to find my cousin!” “So putting yourself in danger is going to help Eva? Do you know how stupid you sound right now?” “Jacob!” “Joelynn!” Jacob mocked. He was pissed. He couldn’t believe Joelynn. She was going to put herself in danger and right now she was the only person he felt he could depend on. It was like she was abandoning him too in a way. Worst of all…it involved prostitution. “I’m sorry Joelynn. I didn’t mean to call you stupid…I just don’t want anything to happen to you. I already lost Nessa. I don’t want to lose you too. You know you're more than a friend to me. You’re family. Please…please don’t do this.” Joelynn took a deep breath. “I’m sorry Jacob. I understand what you’re saying but I have to do this for Eva. She’s my family.” It felt like a punch in the gut to Jacob. “You do what you have to Joelynn…but don’t act like you’re doing this for Eva. You’re doing this for yourself. You feel guilty because you ditched her and you want to stop feeling that way. I wonder if you’ll eventually feel guilty for abandoning me too.” “Jacob I’m not abandoning you…” “Really? ‘Cuz that’s not how it feels to me. I’ll leave you to it.” Jacob got up and made his way out the door. Joelynn tried to stop him but he still left. After he was gone, she leaned against her door and prayed that she was making the right choice. Across Town He laughed when he thought of the reaction the other online disciples must’ve had after he posted Eva’s picture. He looked across at Eva. She had been throwing up since he had killed that prostitute. If he thought about it, she had been dry heaving since he had taken her. He looked at her sleeping on the floor. She was lying on her side. He walked towards her and looked at her carefully. Physically, she looked the same. He bent over and listened to her steady breathing. He placed a hand on her stomach and felt a slight swell. Her eyes opened in fear. He cursed and asked her, “Are you pregnant?” *** *** Translations: ¿Dónde estás? - Where are you? Enojado - Angry Hijo, ¿por qué te encontraste con él? – Son, why did you meet with him? ***
3 Jul 2017 | 16:45
Eva is pregnant??, then who is responsible??...
4 Jul 2017 | 07:53
gosh. Eva pregnant
4 Jul 2017 | 09:07
if u people r confused abt who impregnate Eva den am Happy to say it loud dat I'm d one.....gbam!!!!!!
4 Jul 2017 | 09:43
it's really a shocked for Jacob for Discovery d truth from someone else abt his mum.. it's really a mockery trauma
4 Jul 2017 | 09:45
Pregnant?..... Continue sha?
4 Jul 2017 | 10:31
Pregnant khe
4 Jul 2017 | 13:14
Pregnant? How come
4 Jul 2017 | 16:20
Eva is nt pregnant anytin, pls ride on.
5 Jul 2017 | 08:21
Chapter 6 FBI Agent Sally Roux couldn’t believe herself. She was sitting up in bed with her head in her hands regretting the night prior. Next to her, hidden under a thin white sheet was a scandalous specimen of a man that she had no business getting into bed with. She groaned in dread. Yesterday was a mistake. It was a Friday night and her partner and some other work colleagues decided to take Sally out drinking to celebrate her reinstatement. They ended up going to some club called The Drunken Monkey. “Shot…shot…shot,” they had chanted as Sally drank one tequila after another. Eventually, she started to feel a little woozy and as her balance went out the door, so did her inhibitions. Sally had pulled out her cell phone and drunk dialed, “Where are you?” “Hello? Is this Sally?” the voice on the other end asked. “Where are you?” she repeated impatiently. “I’m at home. Where are you?” “Hmm…I’m at,” she looked around and giggled. “I don’t know. Where am I?” “It sounds like you’re at a club.” Sally giggled again. “Riiiight! I’m at the Drunken Monkey. C’mere and join me.” “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “C’mere,” she slurred. “Are you alone?” Sally was starting to feel hot. She took a deep breath and exhaled so that her bangs moved by the strength of her own breath. “Sally are you still there? Are you by yourself right now?” “Come and get me,” Sally had pleaded. “Give me twenty minutes. I’ll be right there.” That was the last thing she remembered until she woke up this morning to find something heavy across her chest. Imagine her surprise when she saw that it was an arm attached to a very attractive man that a few hours earlier she had sworn was the bane of her existence. “What was I thinking? Why? Why? Why?” “Why what?” the male voice next to her asked. Sally cringed. She had no idea how this had happened. It was wrong on so many levels. Sally never usually drank and this was why. She was a horrible drunk and couldn’t hold her liquor. She ran her hands over her face and tried to rub off any eyeliner that may have smudged from the night before. She needed to gain her normal composure. She was an FBI badass not a messy drunk. This had to be handled delicately. If she wasn’t careful, both she and he could get into some serious trouble. She looked over at the source of her problems this morning. She still couldn’t believe it. Lying in her bed, as if he didn’t have a care in the world was, Dr. Colin Spencer, her FBI therapist. At Group Therapy Artie Wilkerson wasn’t sure if he should’ve come to group this week. He couldn’t believe that he was almost caught by Joelynn Lewis at the police station the other day. He had given Trixie a ride to the police station because she wanted to report her friend missing. He was going to take her back to her motel but then he saw Joelynn and she saw him with Trixie. How humiliating. Maybe she couldn’t tell that Trixie was a hooker. "Yeah right," Artie thought, "A blind man could tell Trixie was a hooker." “Does she think I use prostitutes?” Artie asked himself. He had been attending the group sessions and was thinking of quitting until Joelynn Lewis showed up. She was like a ray of light in the dark community center classroom that they held their sessions in. Her personality wasn’t bright but she was still alluring. She kept to herself and it was obvious she wasn’t ready to open up yet. Artie noticed that she seemed to care for Bertie, another group member. He also noticed that Dr. Colt Spencer kept looking at her. Every time Artie glanced at Dr. Spencer, he would notice the therapist staring at Joelynn. It was weird. Therapists weren’t allowed to date their patients so he didn’t understand why Dr. Spencer looked at Joelynn so much. Artie couldn’t help but look at Joelynn. She was beautiful. She only talked once in group and although she tried to play it off as a joke, Artie knew she had been telling the truth when she was describing the horror in her dreams. Artie also knew she was related to Eva Lewis, the reporter. This fascinated Artie as he was a huge fan of Eva’s. Artie watched the door to see if she would enter. His biggest fear is that she would point a finger at him and yell, “Pervert! I saw you with a prostitute! Pervert!” Artie’s stomach was in knots. She wouldn’t be wrong if she called him a pervert. He did spend time with prostitutes and Trixie was his friend. He looked at the clock on the wall. Five minutes until group started. Maybe she wouldn’t show. Artie wasn’t sure if he felt relieved or depressed about that. As soon as it turned seven, Dr. Spencer clapped his hands and asked everyone to take a seat in the circle of chairs that were laid out in the middle of the room. Artie noticed the therapist’s eyes scan all of the faces present, then wander to the door, to the clock, and finally back to the door. Maybe he was waiting for Joelynn too. “Alright folks, this week we’re talking about fears. This may be tough for some of you but it’s necessary to pinpoint exactly what it is that we need to overcome. Now who is brave enough to start?” Dr. Spencer looked around but no one was ready to share. “Sorry I’m late,” Joelynn Lewis came striding in the room and smiled awkwardly at everyone. Artie noticed that Dr. Spencer’s smile grew when he saw Joelynn. “Joelynn! I’m glad you could make it. Today we’re talking about our fears.” Joelynn sat down and put her purse on the floor next to her feet. “Anyone?” Dr. Spencer asked, looking for a volunteer. Everyone was surprised to see Joelynn raise her hand and say, “I’ll go.” When everyone looked at her, she said, “If that’s okay…I mean if someone else wants to go…” “No. It’s quite alright for you to speak first Joelynn,” Dr. Spencer smiled again at her. Joelynn was nervous. She specifically came to group to talk to Dr. Spencer about her decision to dress as a prostitute and try to get information about Eva. “My biggest fear? Umm…well that’s a little hard to explain. When I was kidnapped…I thought…I thought I was going to die. I wasn’t sure what he would do with me and that was scary. I mean really scary.” Joelynn looked around at the other group members. None of them seemed to be judging her, so she continued. “I still have nightmares about that night. I wake up gasping for breath. Sometimes I’m covered in sweat. The truth is that I feel a little stronger because I survived that experience.” Joelynn looked up to see Bertie nodding in approval. “What really scares me now…well it’s myself. I know that probably doesn’t make any sense. I’m sorry.” “No Joelynn…please continue,” Dr. Spencer encouraged. “Well…I’m afraid that I’m scary. Sometimes I feel like I’m losing myself or rather I’ve already lost myself. I feel empty, like I’m hollow inside.” Joelynn took a deep breath and said quickly, “I was taken by the Demon King. He tied me up and threatened me because of my cousin. He gave me a choice: me or my cousin. I chose me.” Joelynn started to shed silent tears. “I was so selfish. I chose myself! How many people do that? In the movies people always choose the other person. What’s wrong with me?” “You didn’t have a choice sweetie. You can’t blame yourself,” Bertie piped in. Joelynn gave her a watery smile. “I do blame myself. The thing is…my cousin. She’s fearless. She was given the same choice. She picked me. Now I have to choose again. Me or my cousin?” “Why do you feel you have to choose again?” Dr. Spencer asked. Joelynn shrugged, “I just do. If there’s anything I could do to help my cousin, I want to do it. If I don’t then I feel like I would become an even worse person.” “You’re not a bad person Joelynn. Self preservation is an instinct we shouldn’t ignore.” Dr. Spencer explained. “Thank you for sharing Joelynn. I know that was difficult for you.” As the group members talked about their individual fears, Joelynn continued to think about her idea to dress like a hooker. She had to do it. “Alright everyone, that’s it for today. Next week we’ll meet at the same time.” Dr. Spencer stood up and everyone began making their way out the door. Joelynn lagged behind because she wanted to talk to Dr. Spencer. She looked over at Artie who was staring at her. When he noticed she was staring back at him, he blushed and quickly turned away. “What a weirdo,” Joelynn thought. “Joelynn did you need to speak with me?” Dr. Spencer asked as he watched the other group members leave the room. “Ummm…yeah. I wanted your advice.” “I don’t know if giving you advice is the the best idea but I’ll try my best to help you make a decision.” “Okay well…it’s about what I was saying earlier. Do you think it’s okay to do something that’s not safe in an effort to help my cousin?” “What do you think?” he asked. “I think I have to do it.” “Why?” “Because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do anything about it.” “Is there anything I can say to stop you or change your mind?” Dr. Spencer asked. “No,” Joelynn was adamant. “Then I think you have your answer.” Joelynn smiled at Dr. Spencer. Maybe he wasn’t such a quack after all. She noticed he was looking over her shoulder, “Hi Artie. Did you need something?” Joelynn turned around to see who Dr. Spencer was talking to. She spotted Artie Wilkerson staring at them. There was something about him that gave her the creeps. He didn’t answer Dr. Spencer, just nodded in recognition and walked away. *** Artie didn’t like seeing Joelynn and Dr. Spencer smiling at one another. To him it was wrong. He quickly drove to his home. It was fairly empty but he did have a green parakeet to keep him company. “Hi Zucchini…I’m home.” The bird tweeted in response to Artie giving him some bird food. “You’re my friend, right Zucchini?” The bird tweeted again making Artie smile. He walked into his bedroom and turned on his computer. He clicked on his favorites tab and brought up The Disciples of the Demon King chat room. He smiled as he recalled Joelynn talking about the Demon King. Artie looked up at the large bulletin board above his computer. A collage of photographs covered the cork material. The photos were professional pictures coupled with candid shots that were taken while the subjects were unaware of being photographed. Artie smiled as he looked at his wall of photos that starred Eva and Joelynn Lewis.
30 Jul 2017 | 08:47
Uh oh,is d story taking long?
30 Jul 2017 | 14:31
That Artie is something else o
30 Jul 2017 | 16:03
Artie is up to something
30 Jul 2017 | 18:39
chapter 7 “Answer me again…you really know nothing about the Demon King?” FBI Special Agent Donald Ferguson asked Lisa Carlson. Lisa began crying. She had planned to spend the night with her boyfriend Shaun, but instead the FBI ransacked her home. Shaun would probably never talk to her again. “We told you we don’t know anything about this Demon King!” her father exclaimed. He and his wife had been out of town visiting Lisa's grandmother when he received a phone call from the authorities that his daughter had been taken to the local police headquarters. “You’ve had us here for hours. When are you going to let us go?” Agent Ferguson sighed, “I’ll be right back.” He had a hangover and he was tired. His supervisor had asked him to come in early today to question the Carlson family. The FBI team found nothing in their sweep of the Carlson house the night prior. A short Hispanic man from IT came walking towards Donald, “Hey Ferguson. Our analysts looked but we couldn’t find anything that shows the computers in the Carlson house have ever logged onto the Demon King forums. Whoever posted that picture of Eva Lewis used some kind of spoof IP address and it happened to be one that matched a laptop in their home. “ “You’ve got to be kidding me. People can do that now?” “You’d be surprised at what people can do. We even have apps that let you spoof the number you’re calling from.” “Unbelievable,” Agent Ferguson muttered. “So do we have any leads on where the picture came from?” “No. If he logs on again as the Deadly Disciple, we might be able to try and pinpoint his location.” “Okay. Thanks,” Donald picked up his cell and texted his partner, “No leads yet.” At Her Home Special Agent Sally Roux was looking at the text message from her partner, Donald Ferguson. She had just been given the green light to return to work and would soon begin working on the Deadly Disciple case. According to the case file, he was a copycat killer of the serial killer known as the Demon King. The Demon King had brutally killed many woman and was now dead. The Demon King also had a crazy following that called themselves his disciples. Now there was one disciple in particular that was calling himself the Deadly Disciple. He was murdering hookers and had possibly kidnapped a local reporter, Eva Lewis. Sally popped an Advil. She had gone out with her friends last night and had a little too much to drink. Okay, scratch that…a lot too much to drink. Unfortunately, she now found herself sitting at her breakfast table across from the FBI shrink, Dr. Colin Spencer. “Do you feel uncomfortable?” he asked her. “Well I don’t exactly feel comfortable…so uncomfortable is probably the best way to describe myself right now,” Sally took a bite of her jellied toast. “So do you think last night was a mistake,” Colin asked as he buttered his dry toast in a very matter of fact tone as if he were asking about the weather. Sally inwardly groaned as she thought of the implications of last night. They couldn’t date. He had been her shrink and it was unethical. She wasn’t even sure if she liked him as a human being much less a potential love interest. Sally watched him as he methodically took a bite of his now buttered toast. He wore thin rimmed glasses and his shaggy dark hair was kind of sexy if she was being honest to herself. He was definitely handsome…in a bookish sort of way. He looked comfortable in his grey slacks and black tee. Sally licked some stray jelly from her lips. “Listen Sally, I’m not going to lie to you. I feel it is best to be open and honest in all relationships. I didn’t expect you to call me last night but I’m really glad that you did. We can’t date as long as we both work for the FBI. You were my patient and that would be unethical. I could lose my license. Although, I should also add that I am undeniably attracted to you.” Sally choked on her toast. “Are you okay?” Sally nodded as she chugged a glass of orange juice. “Look Dr. Spencer…” “Colin,” he corrected her. “Call me Colin.” “Look Dr. Spencer, last night was a mistake. I think we should treat it as a once in a lifetime thing.” Sally wanted to clear the air. “Is that your way of sugarcoating a one night stand?” “If that’s what you want to call it,” Sally hedged, “Then…yes.” Colin put down his cold toast, “I see.” He quickly stood up and grabbed his car keys which were on the table. “I’m glad you understand,” Sally mumbled. “I’m an intelligent man. I understand perfectly.” Colin walked out of the kitchen and she could hear the front door slam behind him. Sally cursed. He was probably pissed. She was a little disappointed that he didn’t at least try to convince her that what they shared wasn’t a one night stand. As Sally was putting the dishes away, a realization came to her. Last night was the first night in three months that she didn’t have a nightmare. 9:30 PM at The Pink Flamingo To Jacob, gay bars were always unpredictable which was why he enjoyed going to them. He looked around for a possible hookup. He didn’t really sleep around but he needed an emotional release. In less than twenty-four hours, he had fought with his mother and then his best friend, Joelynn. He felt incredibly lonely. A man wearing a pink boa across the bar winked at him. Jacob nodded and looked the other way. He wasn’t attracted to effeminate men. He liked strong manly men…much like himself. Jacob took a swig of his beer and was startled when a hand touched his shoulder. “Hey there. You alone tonight?” Jacob looked up to recognize Mr. Sexy. He was the man that Jacob saw a few nights ago and thought was incredibly handsome. He had dark hair and beautiful hazel eyes that looked like they would change color depending on what color clothing he wore. He was wearing a dark suit “Umm…hi. I think I saw you a few nights ago.” The man laughed, “Yeah. I tried to get your number and you gave me the brush off.” Jacob blushed, “I’m sorry. What was I thinking?” He laughed as the man sat next to him and ordered a longneck beer. “So…what’s your name?” Mr. Sexy asked. “Jacob.” “You don’t say? This must be fate. Wanna guess what my name is?” he took a swig of his beer. “Hmm…I’m horrible at guessing,” Jacob leaned in closer to Mr. Sexy. “Edward.” They both looked at one another in silence and then suddenly started laughing. “You’re kidding me, right?” Jacob asked. “I swear to God.” Edward held up his hand to mock his statement. “Can I be honest with you though?” Jacob nodded. Edward leaned in, “If someone were to ask me right now to pick a side, I’d choose Team Jacob.” Jacob was not a Twilight fan but he just about melted in his bar stool. He smiled and took another drink of his beer. “So what are you up to tonight?” Jacob shrugged, “Not much. Just trying to relax.” “Well I can help you with that…if you want.” Jacob could feel his face growing hot. “I actually have an appointment later tonight…but if you want to meet tomorrow,” the man began writing his number on a napkin, “Give me a call.” He handed the napkin to Jacob and smiled before he walked away. Jacob looked at the napkin and above Mr. Sexy's phone number was written: Team Edward ♥'s Jacob. Across Town 11:00 PM Joelynn was trying on some hooker heels. At least that’s what she called them. They were shimmering gold glitter heels with an ankle strap and a clear three inch platform. She paired it with a black bodycon dress with a leopard print bust. Joelynn’s teased blonde hair fell past her shoulders. She decorated her face with bright red lipstick, blue eye shadow, and fake eye lashes. When she looked in the mirror she was reminded of Kelly Bundy from some old TV show called Married with Children. She drove to a local Motel 6 and met Trixie in the parking lot. Trixie had promised to introduce Joelynn to some of the other working girls so that she could possibly get some information about her cousin Eva. “Look hon, all I know is that the man had glasses. He was nerdy but cute. That’s what the other girls told me.” Trixie was putting on her lipstick as the two of them walked over to the street that she usually worked. When they arrived, there were three other women standing around smoking cigarettes. “Who’s this?” one of the women asked. “Cool it Candy,” Trixie waved her hands in front of her, “This is Joe. She’s with me so don’t mess with her, alright?” Candy rolled her eyes and turned back to the other two hookers to finish her cigarette. “Am I dressed okay?” Joelynn whispered. “Yeah honey, you’re dressed perfect. I love the heels,” Trixie dragged Joelynn with her to an older woman wearing a purple mini-skirt and a black bra. “Hey Wanda. This is Joe. She’s the one I was telling you about.” Wanda looked Joelynn up and down before saying, “She looks the part but what exactly is she gonna do?” “I told you Wanda,” Trixie said exasperated, “She’s gonna look for the guy that killed Roxy.” “She ain’t a cop so how is she gonna do that?” Wanda asked. “She’s gonna take his picture. If the other girls recognize him, we’ll know who the guy is.” Wanda walked around Joelynn as if inspecting her. “You look good. Stay out of the way and you’ll be fine.” Joelynn nodded and thanked Trixie. It was going to be a tough night for her but she had to do this for Eva. If she could take a picture of the man and his license plate, maybe the police would be able to find her cousin Eva. She would have to be careful. Joelynn had thought of a plan that she would pretend to be taking selfies, but really be taking pictures of license plates and customers. In His Car Artie waited across the street for Trixie to arrive. He always met with Trixie on Saturday nights. When he saw her coming down the street, he smiled…then frowned. What was Joelynn Lewis doing with her? Was she prostituting herself now? Artie became angry and gripped his steering wheel. This was unlike her. She shouldn’t be selling herself like some whore. Did she need money? Artie watched her as she paced back and forth trying to take pictures of herself. What the hell was she doing? Was she going to post pictures of herself hooking on Facebook? “I wonder if she’ll friend me,” Artie whispered. He scrunched low in his car and simply continued to watch her. Meanwhile He sat in his car watching the woman with the long blonde hair and the tight black and leopard print dress. He licked his lips. She was perfect. She kept playing with her phone, trying to take selfies. He thought of all the pictures he wanted to take of her. He felt himself harden. She was perfect for tonight. He pushed the glasses he was wearing up his nose and drove his car to the corner she stood at. “Hey sweetheart,” he called out his window. The blonde woman looked around as if she was surprised anyone was calling her. She was alone so he was clearly talking to her. She looked nervous. He licked his lips again. Maybe this was her first time. “What’s your name?” he asked. She looked around again and took a timid step forward, “Joe. My name is Joe.” The man took his glasses off, wiped them clean with a handkerchief and put them back on. “Well Joe, you looking for a date tonight?” “I don’t know,” she smiled. “I don’t just date anyone .” He laughed. He liked her hard-to-get bit. “Do you date doctors?” he asked. She giggled and took another selfie. “Are you a doctor?” she asked. The man smiled, “I am. You want me to give you a physical?” The woman smiled and stepped forward to his car window, “And what if I said I do?”
31 Jul 2017 | 07:15
Hmmmm Joelyn u better b careful in dat ur quest o, hope Eva is still alive in dt demons king's doom o? Bt guy i kn come understand u nd dis story update again o.
31 Jul 2017 | 15:18
You have your target Joe, just be carefull.
1 Aug 2017 | 09:05
Joelyn just be careful
1 Aug 2017 | 09:18
Artie is a suspect.. Joe play safe o
1 Aug 2017 | 10:46
she ain't being carefully at all
1 Aug 2017 | 14:02
A/N: I'm really hoping you already read Bones of the Demon King...before reading The Deadly Disciple, which is its sequel. :) Chapter 8 Joelynn leaned into the man’s car window. “Calm down Joelynn…you don’t know if it’s really him. He could be any man with glasses not necessarily the man you’re looking for,” she thought in her head. She really wanted to help find her cousin but she had to be patient. “So…you want a date or what baby?” “Sorry, but I don’t believe you. You look like a cop.” “I’m not a damn cop! Get in the car already,” he stopped himself from shouting. “Get lost cop!” Joelynn shouted and suddenly everyone was staring at them. The man ducked down and looked around. He gave Joelynn an evil look, “You stupid bitch.” As he drove off, Joelynn was certain to pretend to take a selfie in order to get a picture of his license license plate number. “Don’t pull that crap again,” Wanda warned her. “Sorry,” Joelynn tried to look contrite. “Where’s Trixie?” “Some John picked her up. She left while you were dealing with your cop .” “Crap, I wanted her to introduce me to the other girls so I could try to get more info. Do you think you could possibly…” “Not a chance sweetheart,” Wanda cut her off. “I’m not getting involved in your kinky games. You couldn’t pay me to get mixed up with you.” “C’mon Wanda,” Joelynn pleaded. “No way. Girls like you should be at home baking cookies and watching Pretty Little Liars or some crap…not standing in the street trying to make a few bucks. I bet your daddy paid for you to go to college.” Wanda started lighting a cigarette. Joelynn frowned, “No. Daddy didn’t pay for me to go to college. I pay for it myself. He passed away a few years ago.” Wanda began smoking her cigarette. “I’m sorry to hear that.” “My cousin is the only family I have and I want to find her. I was horrible to her before she was taken.” Joelynn felt like her eyes water and she took a deep breath. “Have you ever made a mistake? A big mistake that you wish you could fix? This is it. For me, this is it. I need to find her.” Wanda watched the ashes from her cigarette fall to the ground. “Yeah, I’ve made mistakes. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. Fine. I’ll tell you what. If you want the other girls to talk to you…buy them some smokes. They like the Salem brand. There’s a shop around the corner.” Joelynn smiled, “Thank you Wanda! Thank you!” She hurried off to the corner shop. Meanwhile “Eva…Eva are you awake?” She was tired of waking up to his voice. She felt groggy and sick. “I’m awake,” she whispered. “Good girl. I brought you a present.” Eva looked up to see a woman dressed in a red mini-dress and black stilettos. She was another hooker. “Look mister, I don’t know what kind of perverted crap you and your girlfriend like but I don’t do S&M.” “Not even if I pay you extra?” he asked. “How much extra?” Eva watched as the hooker and her abductor agreed on a price. He laughed as he asked her, “What’s your name?” “Trixie.” “Trixie. I like that. Eva, baby. Do you like it?” he asked Eva as she sat on the ground. Eva just nodded. “She likes it too Trixie. Now we’re going to need you to be tied up. I told you my girlfriend is into some weird stuff.” He brought a rope and had Trixie sit down as he tied her up. “Try to escape Trixie. I want to know if I tied the rope tight enough.” Trixie tried moving but couldn’t, “I think it’s good.” “Great. I’ll be right back.” He walked away for a few minutes and came back with a large knife and a small plastic baggy from the Dollar Store. Eva looked up but didn’t ask any questions. Trixie saw the knife and started to freak out, “What the hell? Is that knife real?” He ignored Trixie. “Eva, I told you I had a present for you.” He opened the bag and pulled out a small pink box. It was a First Response home pregnancy test. “Is that a pregnancy test?” Trixie asked. “Is she pregnant? If you're pregnant, you shouldn't be doing this perverted's not good for the baby.” The man looked over at Trixie, “Shut up. You talk too much.” Trixie noticed the evil glint in his eyes and immediately shut her mouth. “I’m not taking a pregnancy test,” Eva said. She wrapped her arms around herself. “What does it matter if I’m pregnant or not?” He walked over to Eva and clasped her face. “It matters Eva. It really matters.” He brought over her pee bucket and handed the pregnancy test to her. “Take the test.” “No.” “I said take the damn test Eva!” He was getting upset. “No!” He grabbed his knife and held it against Trixie’s throat. She screamed and blood began to drip down her neck. “Take the test or I’ll slit her throat in front of you.” Eva shrugged. Trixie was crying and began pleading as well, “Take the test. Please take the damn test.” Eva knew that he would kill her anyway but she couldn’t stop herself from trying to help the woman named Trixie. “Fine. I’ll take the test. Close your eyes.” Trixie shut her eyes tight while she was gasping in fear. He didn’t close his eyes but continued to watch her. “Do you want me to take the test or not? Close your eyes!” “No, what if you pull some trick on me? I want to watch you take the test.” Eva made a disgusted noise in her throat, “I won’t be able to use the bathroom if you’re watching me. What trick can I pull? You have me chained to a wall. No one else is here.” “What if you don’t pee on the stick so I don’t find out if you’re pregnant?” “It has to get wet to give you a reading. You’ll know like that. Now close your eyes!” “Don’t boss me around!” he shouted as he dug the knife deeper into Trixie’s throat. She cried out and he told her to shut up. Eva squatted over the bucket and did as he asked. She took the pregnancy test. When she was done, she said, “I’m finished.” He opened his eyes and walked over to her. He took the pregnancy test and placed it on the table. “We have to wait three minutes.” He looked at his watch in order to time it. Trixie was still crying. Eva looked at her and said, “Would you please be quiet? There are worse things than death.” Eva thought of how she had begged him to kill her but he wouldn't do it. He enjoyed torturing her too much. He looked up from his watch, surprised. Trixie closed her mouth but was still sniffling. “Three minutes have passed Eva. Let’s take a look at the results.” He held up the pregnancy test and frowned. There were two lines. “I want you to tell me the truth…” he said, “Who is the father?” Eva gave a bitter laugh. “Am I pregnant?” He held out the pregnancy stick to her and it showed two lines. Two lines meant pregnant. Eva wanted to die. She didn’t want to be pregnant. She couldn’t imagine what her baby would grow into. He picked up his knife again and held it back up to Trixie. “I want you to tell me who the father is.” Eva asked, “Who do you think it is?” “Stop answering my question with a question and tell me!” he shouted. “No. I’ll never tell you!” Eva raised her voice. He was getting angry. She didn’t understand why he was so upset and interested about her being pregnant. He grabbed a dirty rag off of the floor and stuffed it into Trixie’s mouth. “If you don’t give me an answer, I’ll really kill her.” “Why are you making threats? It’s not like you.” Eva laid herself back on the ground. She wasn’t feeling well. Eva could hear Trixie’s muffled screams. She was saddened to think that this wasn’t the first time she heard a woman scream like that nor would it be the last time. She closed her eyes against the noise in hopes that it would soon stop. It did. Eva kept her eyes shut so that she wouldn’t have to see Trixie’s dead body. “Eva…I need to know the truth.” She opened her eyes to see him standing next to her with a bloody knife in his hand. “Who is the father of your baby Eva? Tell me now.” “Do you want an explanation or just a name?” she asked. “Stop playing games Eva. Tell me the name…now.” Eva smiled up at him. He just wanted a name? She’ll give him a name. “Hurry up Eva. Who is the father of your baby? Just say the name!” Eva cleared her throat and answered. “Vincent McDaniels.”
2 Aug 2017 | 09:48
Haaaa. I don't believe dis
3 Aug 2017 | 03:16
u want a name u just gat a name
3 Aug 2017 | 05:26
U got the name now
3 Aug 2017 | 09:08
3 Aug 2017 | 09:21
Vincent? Or did she just give out that name
3 Aug 2017 | 09:36
“Vincent McDaniels.” how come?
3 Aug 2017 | 09:54
Nice play Eva.
3 Aug 2017 | 16:02
A/N: If you haven’t read Bones of the Demon King…please do so now! Otherwise, this chapter will ruin it for you…or keep reading…your choice. :) Chapter 9 “You’re obviously lying.” He was upset and pulled her hair. Eva groaned. It was none of his business who the father of her baby was. Eva looked at Trixie, the now dead hooker, her body growing colder by the second. Hopefully he would leave soon to dispose of her body. “Tell me the truth.” “Why should I?” Eva asked. “What? Are you afraid to admit that you’re carrying the Demon King’s baby? What would that make him? The Demon Prince?” Eva cringed at his remark. He was right. Eva was carrying the Demon King’s child. She hadn’t known it until her abductor had asked her if she was pregnant. Even before he took her hostage, she hadn’t had her period. It all made sense now. Her appetite was off, no period, and constant mood swings. She had even cried at a spaghetti commercial. Almost three months ago, Eva had slept with and sort of dated a man named David Wilson. She knew him as a friend, a cop, a confidant, and a really sexy guy. She would eventually find out the truth. That he was a total sociopath that had been murdering women to frame his biological brother Tom, whom he was jealous of and hated. David and Tom’s father was Vincent McDaniels. Vincent used to be a famous author but had stopped writing after Tom killed his younger sister when they were children. He had recently gotten back into the writing spotlight after writing a book entitled, Raising the Demon King. Vincent McDaniels was an odd man. He suffered from blackouts and was known to check himself into the local residential treatment center to keep himself sober. In the past, he was a horrible drug user and adulterer. Apparently, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree when it came to Vincent McDaniels and his errant children. Eva thought of David Wilson, her former lover. If she separated him from being the Demon King, then she didn’t feel bad about carrying his child. When she remembered that David was a psychopathic serial killer, her heart began to race. Could she really carry the child of a man who killed women, skinned their faces off, and then stabbed them? She didn’t have a choice. She looked at her abductor. She still didn’t understand his motive in kidnapping her. He had told her before that he hated her because she betrayed David. Eva wasn’t sure how she had betrayed him. Maybe one day he would tell her. He was obviously enamored with the Demon King. “Are you a disciple?” Eva asked him. "Am I a what?” “Are you a disciple of the Demon King?” Eva thought he had to be. Why else would he go through so much trouble to kidnap her and then bring in prostitutes to kill in front of her? A strange look came over him. “I’m not just any disciple Eva. I’m the Deadly Disciple. The strongest disciple. The disciple that’s going to get vengeance for the Demon King.” “Why do you hate women?” “Who said I hate women?” he was starting to sound defensive. “You must hate women since you keep killing them.” “These aren’t just regular women Eva. These are whores. I hate whores!” Eva smiled. She clearly hit a sore spot with him. “You don’t like whores?” she asked. “Of course not! Why would I? Why would anyone? Whores are worthless!” “I hope your mother doesn’t know you talk about women that way,” Eva said. “What did you just say?” he asked in a low almost lethal tone. Eva swallowed in nervousness. “Does your mother know that you talk about women that way?” “My mother was the biggest whore of them all. Wait. I take that back. You’re probably the biggest whore of them all.” He clenched his fists and began pacing the floor. Eva braced herself. She knew he was going to lose it soon. “So you do hate women.” He suddenly stopped and let his head fall to one side as he stared at her. “I know what you’re doing Eva Lewis. You’re trying to get inside my head. It won’t work. Whatever it is you’re doing…it won’t work.” He quickly picked up Trixie’s body and began carrying it to a large black trash bag he had prepared for her body. “I’ll be back later,” he said and left. Eva sighed and leaned against the wall she was chained to. She didn’t like her abductor but being with him was actually less scary than being alone with her thoughts. Meanwhile Joelynn walked past the small group of prostitutes that Trixie had pointed out to her earlier. To find her cousin, she may need to question some of them as well. Candy gave her an ugly look as she passed and shouted, “What are you looking at?” Joelynn shook her head and walked faster to the corner shop. As she walked down the street, she noticed groups of men in khaki pants and white wife beater tops. They were in groups and as soon as she passed, they all began to stare. Their heads moved in her direction all at once. In her mind, Joelynn was praying that an Angel was looking out for her. She saw the light of the corner shop. It was named La Tiendita. Joelynn walked in and a dinging bell from door indicated she had entered. Two men were manning the counter. One was a short Hispanic man and the other was a tall Caucasian fellow covered in swastika tattoos. Joelynn wondered how the two got along. They didn’t greet her when she walked in but watched her with their eyes. The man with the swastikas was chewing on a straw while the Hispanic man was playing on his phone. Joelynn was too nervous to ask for cigarettes so she pretended to look at candy. The man in swastikas left the counter and walked to the store’s door. Joelynn walked to the counter and asked the man for a pack of Salems. “You want Salems?” he asked. “Yes, please.” Joelynn didn’t think she was being funny but the Hispanic man laughed, “Yes, please.” He repeated as if mocking her. “Are you a hooker?” he asked. “What?” Joelynn was taken aback by the question. She forgot for a moment that she was dressed like a lady of the night. The sound of a loud click startled Joelynn. She turned around to see that swastika man had locked the store’s door. “How much you charge for two?” the Hispanic man asked. “You want these Salems?” The hair on Joelynn’s neck began to stand up. Her fight or flight instincts were kicking in. “I’m sorry but I think I have to go now.” Joelynn turned around to leave but ran straight into swastika man. “Where you off to baby?” he asked. “My friends are waiting for me,” Joelynn said. “I really really have to go.” “You ain’t got no friends. You hookers never look out for each other,” swastika man said. Joelynn felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked around for a weapon but all that was next to her was a box of suckers. Joelynn shrugged off the hand on her shoulder and grabbed a lollipop. She shoved the stick part of the lollipop in the Hispanic man’s eye and ran to the door. Swastika man grabbed her from behind and threw her to the ground. “You stupid bitch! I think she blinded me!” The Hispanic man yelled. Joelynn began screaming for help. Swastika man just laughed. “That’s right baby. Keep screaming. I like it that way.” Joelynn prayed for a miracle as the sound of her dress being ripped was only drowned out by her blood curdling screams.
5 Aug 2017 | 10:05
Shocked...May God help u Joe
5 Aug 2017 | 12:14
She didnt consider the bad side of her plan before carrying it out and now she have to face the consequences.
5 Aug 2017 | 12:29
have said it b4 she's stupid
5 Aug 2017 | 17:48
Hmmm only God can save you, Joe
6 Aug 2017 | 03:32
Chapter 10 Jacob stumbled home and unlocked the door. He called out into the darkness, “Mom!” He needed to talk to her. He wanted to clear the air. Fighting with his mother wasn’t something he had ever done before so an uncomfortable feeling had lodged itself in his chest. He knew he had overreacted the last time the two of them had spoken. “Mom,” Jacob walked to her bedroom and opened the door after lightly knocking. She wasn’t there. “Where is she?” He walked to his bedroom and sat on his bed. He needed to make up with his mother but it looked like she was out. It was really late so he didn’t know where she would be. He texted her. “Where are you?” He didn’t get a response. Jacob emptied his pockets and saw the napkin he had gotten earlier from Edward. He smiled and placed it on his dresser. He once read a quote that life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. He thought of Joelynn saying goodbye and now here he was saying hello to Edward. People come and go in our lives. Jacob sighed. He didn’t want anyone to leave his life…for any reason. He checked his phone again. Still no messages. He called his mother but she didn’t pick up. Now he was worried. It was almost midnight and his mother wasn’t home. Where could she be at? In the Lobby of a Days Inn Lupita Torres waited for him. She held her purse tightly against her body. Her right hand was hidden in her purse, clutching a small Smith and Wesson. “Have you waited long Dulce?” a voice she recognized asked. “Don’t call me that!” she hissed. She stared at Vincent McDaniels. He was wearing a baby blue dress shirt with black slacks and loafers. He simply laughed, “Why not? You used to love that nickname.” “I don’t remember that you evil man.” “Fine… Lupita . Could you please stop with the dramatics? I’m glad you wanted to meet. We need to talk.” He led her from the lobby to the room that he had rented. “So…what did you want to talk about?” He tossed his keycard onto the nightstand and began unbuttoning his dress shirt. Lupita stared at the man that didn’t seem to age. His dark hair, blue eyes, square jaw, and cleft in his chin made him incredibly handsome. Any other woman would probably be excited to be alone with him. Lupita was not. She knew him for what he really was… evil. “What are you doing?” Lupita asked as he took off his dress shirt. He had been wearing a white tank underneath. “I’m getting comfortable. “ Vincent answered. He smirked at her discomfort. “Why are you acting so shy Lupita ? It’s not as if you haven’t seen me naked before.” She gasped, “As if I had a choice!” He kicked off his shoes and asked again, “What did you want to discuss? Or did you want to do something else other than talk?” His eyes roved up and down her figure like a starved animal looking at a delicious piece of meat. Lupita felt uncomfortable and her grip tightened around the small gun in her purse. “You still haven’t change. You look the same as you did over twenty years ago.” Lupita’s eyes narrowed, “How could you remember? You were always high or drunk back then.” “Oh I remember Lupita. I remember everything about you.” “I want you to stay away from my son.” Vincent smiled, “Your son? Don’t you mean our son?” “You were never a father to him! You should be in jail for what you did!” Vincent hooked his hands in his belt loops. “And what have I done to deserve to be in jail?” “You know what you did!” He took a step towards her, “No, I don’t.” “Stay back!” she yelled. “Lupita, did you honestly think I was going to away?” “No. No I didn’t.” “See? You expected me to get close to you but you came to meet me anyway. Do you know what that tells me Lupita?” She didn’t answer. “It tells me that you want me to get closer to you Lupita. Tell me the truth. You still think of me, right?” He took another step forward. “I’m warning you! Stay back.” “Make me,” Vincent teased as he took another step forward. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Lupita pulled out her gun and pointed it at Vincent. He stopped dead in his tracks. The right side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. “Can I be honest Lupita? I’m even more attracted to you right now.” “I’ll be honest too. I didn’t come here to talk estúpido.” Vincent had his hands raised to his shoulders, “Then why did you come?” Lupita gave an evil smile. It was something Vincent had never seen her do. He asked again, “Tell me Lupita. Why did you meet me tonight?” “I thought it was obvious. I came here to kill you.” At the Corner Shop Joelynn was struggling with swastika man who was trying to hold her down. The Hispanic man was still screaming about his eye. “You’re gonna wish you never did that you stupid puta !” he shouted. “That’s right,” swastika man laughed, “Keep screaming.” Joelynn could see him struggling to hold her down while trying to pull down his zipper. “Oh God please help me. Stop! Don’t do this,” she was screaming as she fought him with all of her strength. “Jose help me hold her down!” swastika man yelled. A gunshot followed by the sound of glass shattering filled the air. “What the F…” the Hispanic ran behind the counter while swastika man rolled over and jumped up. Joelynn held her ripped dress together, tears staining her face, and she quickly stood up. She looked up to see that someone had shot the door’s glass several times and was now kicking the door open and shouting, "Police!" “Joelynn!” a male voice shouted. “I’m here!” Joelynn cried. The door finally kicked open and Joelynn was surprised to see Officer Evan Dempsey. “The police are on their way. Show me your hands assholes! Joelynn get beside me.” Joelynn limped to his side as they waited for the police. When they arrived, they came to take the two men away. Joelynn refused to get in the ambulance. She stayed with Officer Dempsey who had given her his jacket. They had gone to the police station where she pressed charges and had been given police sweats to wear. Officer Dempsey had stayed with her the entire time. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” he asked. Joelynn wiped her face with the back of her hands and shook her head, “No. I just want to go home.” Officer Dempsey helped her into his car and asked, “Do you have anyone you can stay with tonight?” Joelynn thought of Jacob. This is exactly why he didn’t want her to do this. “No. I have no one.” Evan Dempsey cursed, “I’m trying my best not to yell at you right now. Promise me you won’t do something so stupid again.” “How did you know?” Joelynn asked. She turned her head and looked at him suspiciously. “I didn’t tell you I was going to do this.” Evan Demsey didn’t answer her. He just looked straight ahead. “Why did you do it?” “You answer me first!” He looked at her with disbelief, “Are you serious right now? I just saved your damned life and you’re acting like I’m some kind of bad guy.” “Well thank you for saving my damned life. Now tell me how you knew I was there!” “Candy called me.” “Candy? Candy the hooker?” Joelynn was confused. “Yeah. Candy the hooker.” “You buy hookers? Won’t you get fired?” “Are you always this dumb?” Evan cursed again. He was being insensitive to a woman that was almost sexually assaulted. “I’m sorry Joelynn. I was just really worried about you. Candy isn’t a hooker. She was undercover tonight. She called me as soon as you showed up tonight. She recognized you from all the times you came to the station to talk to me. I came over as soon as I found out what you were doing. Thank God she asked one of the other girls where you were going. I almost had a heart attack when I heard you screaming.” Joelynn started to remember what had happened and the tears began to fall again. “I’m sorry Joelynn,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to make you cry again…but can you at least explain what you were doing acting like a prostitute? Is this some kind of lifestyle change you’re going through?” “I was trying to find out information about Eva.” “Eva? Your cousin Eva? How is pretending to be a hooker going to help?” “The last person she was supposed to meet was a hooker,” Joelynn whispered. Officer Evan Dempsey gripped his steering wheel in anger. “I asked you last time if you knew who her source was and you lied to me?” “I didn’t lie to you. When you asked, I hadn’t known. It wasn’t until I met Trixie. She’s the one that told me Eva was going to meet her prostitute friend named Roxy.” “So why didn’t you tell me?” That was something Joelynn couldn’t explain to him right now. “I don’t know.” “I want you to understand how dangerous it is to try and find Eva on your own. Look…I know you’re probably upset that it’s taking so long to find Eva…but taking things into your own hands isn’t a solution. It’s reckless.” Joelynn thought of Jacob’s earlier warning. She should’ve listened to him. As they drove up to her apartment, she could feel herself shaking. “Joelynn? Are you okay?” She gave him a fake smile. She was a wreck. “Do you want me to find someone to stay with you tonight?” he asked. “No. I need to be alone right now,” Joelynn thanked Officer Dempsey. He walked her insider her apartment and checked to make sure it was safe. As he was leaving, he left her his card and said, “Call me if you need me.” With her arms wrapped around herself, Joelynn nodded. As soon as he left, she stripped herself of her police sweats and got into the shower. She let the hot water scald her skin until it was red. She wanted to wash away the tainted feeling that was devouring her. Wrapped in a towel, she walked to her bedroom and looked at a picture of Eva. She held the picture and began to weep. As bad as she felt about what happened to her, she knew Eva was probably going through something much worse. Joelynn felt like her mind and her spirit had been though enough. “Eva. Please be alive. I need you and I'm not sure how much more I can take. Please come back to me. Please Eva.” 6:30 AM the Next Day “Are you still asleep?” Eva grimaced. Why wouldn’t he just let her sleep? “I’ve been thinking.” Eva looked at her abductor with sleepy eyes. While she had been sleeping, he brought her a thick mattress. Her eyes widened in surprise but she didn’t say anything. There were also sheets and a pillow. “I didn’t bring these here for you! I brought them for the baby.” Eva didn’t respond. She didn’t want to make him think she was happy about not sleeping on the cold floor anymore. “I still don’t know why you won’t be honest about who the father of your child is…but I think he belongs to the Demon King. I can’t risk him dying so I’ve decided to stop hurting you.” A single tear escaped Eva’s right eye. “Crying in happiness?” he sneered. Eva shook her head. “That’s right. Don’t get too happy just yet. I need someone to take your punishments for you…and I picked the perfect person.” Eva dreaded what he was about to say. “If I can’t hurt you,” he laughed, “I guess I’ll just have to get someone to take your place.” “Who?” Eva whispered. “Your cousin of course. Joelynn Lewis .”
7 Aug 2017 | 06:01
Her abductor is really satan... I hope Joelynn will be wise enough
7 Aug 2017 | 07:51
ha,God help her
7 Aug 2017 | 10:06
Satanic human being is ur abductor ...God help Joe
7 Aug 2017 | 11:52
I just pray you survive this @Joelynn
7 Aug 2017 | 14:25
dat is going to be his mistake
7 Aug 2017 | 15:21
This guy is the twin brother of devil.
7 Aug 2017 | 15:50
This man is crazy
7 Aug 2017 | 16:33
Chapter 11 “Now Lupita…you should put that gun down.” Vincent McDaniels said in the most soothing voice he could muster. If he was honest with himself, he knew that he wasn’t afraid. His books would live beyond him so he wasn’t afraid of dying. Immortality was already in his grasp. “Be quiet!” Lupita yelled. He could see that her hands were shaking. Vincent wanted to laugh. He knew firsthand the courage it took to kill someone for the first time. If you didn’t have courage…you at least needed the desire. Lupita was a woman that could constantly be found at the church. She wouldn’t kill him even if she desired it. “Lupita, killing someone would mean breaking a commandment.” Vincent smiled. “Why don’t you just put the gun down and tell me what’s wrong.” “You ruined my life,” Lupita’s hands were shaking even more. Vincent remained calm as he waited for a moment to take the gun from her. “How did I ruin your life?” “Don’t play stupid. Alejandro died because of you !” Vincent smiled. Alejandro Torres was Lupita’s deceased husband. As far as the police were concerned he had died in a car accident. Vincent knew better. Alejandro Torres had been a police officer. He was married to Lupita and they had a young daughter named Nessa. Vincent had asked Alejandro to help give him expert information for a book he was writing. Alejandro was a kind man that was always willing to help others so he agreed. Alejandro had invited Vincent over to his home. At the time Vincent was married to his second wife. When they arrived at Alejandro’s home, Lupita was there. It was the first time Vincent had felt like he had been poleaxed. She was a slight woman with beautiful dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was always smiling. She had a dusting of flour on her cheek. Vincent remembered she had cooked them homemade tortillas and enchiladas with red rice and a side of frijoles . To Vincent, she was amazing. And he wanted her. Vincent found himself going over to Alejandro’s house more often than not. Lupita was always kind and smiling. At least she was smiling until the one afternoon that Vincent stepped out of bounds. Alejandro wasn’t home but had been expected to arrive later that day. Lupita had greeted Vincent and allowed him in to wait for her husband. She was cooking in the kitchen, when Vincent decided to join her. “ Sentarse Vincent. Sit down.” She gave him a cupcake that she had just baked and motioned for Vincent to sit while she began washing some pans that she had just used. Vincent didn’t sit but stood next to her, watching her. “So you and Alejandro have been married a long time?” “Yes. We were high school sweethearts.” Lupita smiled at him. Vincent took a step closer and noticed that she took a step further away from him. She clearly didn’t feel comfortable with him so close. Vincent stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “What are you doing?” she asked in Spanish then English as she pushed him away. “I’m sorry. I thought you wanted this. Why else would you let me in your house when your husband isn’t home?” Vincent asked as he took another step forward. “Get away!” she cried. Vincent had grabbed her wrists and tried to kiss her. “Mama?” a small voice asked from the kitchen entryway. It was Nessa, her four year old daughter. Vincent didn’t let her hands go. He laughed, “You think she’ll stop me?” Lupita pushed him away and shouted, “Get out of my house!” Hearing her mother scream was enough to scare Nessa. She began crying. Vincent straightened his shirt and smiled, “I was just kidding Lupita.” A few days later, Alejandro died in a car accident. His brakes went out. This left Lupita vulnerable and easy prey as far as Vincent was concerned. “Are you listening to me?” Lupita asked as she held her gun to him. Vincent laughed, this wasn’t like her. Not one bit. “Lupita. You can’t kill me. Alejandro died in a car accident. Are you blaming that on me? Are you suggested that I somehow tampered with his brakes while he was at work?” Vincent asked. “I said be quiet. Because of you…he was upset. I told him what happened the day you tried to kiss me. He was so upset that he drove to find you. That’s when he got into his accident!” Vincent could see Lupita’s eyes become watery. “So you’re blaming me for his death?” “Who else can I blame?” “Yourself. You shouldn’t have told him what happened Lupita.” Vincent could see her body slightly slump as the guilt of what he just stated renewed within her. He quickly lunged forward and wrestled the gun away from her. Lupita started to scream, only to have him cover her mouth with one of his hands. “Oh Lupita, you shouldn’t have brought a gun. What were you thinking?” Vincent asked her as he held it to her head. “I could kill you right now, you know.” Lupita stared up at him. He was above her holding her down with his weight. Her thin wrists fit into his left hand while he held the gun with his right. “Did you know I always thought you were beautiful Lupita? That night when you stood outside with all those other whores…it was finally my chance. “ Vincent kissed Lupita’s forehead. “I’ve always wanted to keep you Lupita. When I found out you were pregnant with our child…I was so happy. I was still married so I couldn’t go to you. Forgive me for that.” Lupita felt sick. Vincent McDaniels had her pinned down and a gun was being held to her. This was punishment for trying to kill him in the first place. As Vincent reminisced about their past, nausea started to flood her body. Lupita remembered feeling overcome with grief after her husband Alejandro had died. She had a small child to take care of and she had no education past high school. Nobody wanted to hire her. Lupita tried to block out the horrible memories of being kicked out of their rented home, not having any food, and not having any family to turn to. Lupita ended up going to a women’s shelter and spending the night there. One of the women, a lady named Wanda, had told her an easy way to make money would be to sell herself. At first Lupita was shocked by the idea. As things got worse, the idea of becoming a lady of the night seemed less and less appalling. Finally, one night, she decided to do it. She left Nessa with another mother at the shelter and followed Wanda to the dark side of town. Wanda was going to show her the ropes, “Don’t tell them your real name. You’re Hispanic so we’ll call you…Dulce. That means candy, right?” “This is Dulce,” Wanda had introduced her to the other girls. Lupita was scared and not sure what to expect. “Don’t worry. I know a guy that’ll be perfect for you. He’ll treat you right and pay you a lot of money. Who knows, you may become his regular.” Wanda cackled. Lupita cringed. A dark car with tinted windows pulled up. Wanda nudged Lupita, “This is yours. I want you to treat him right. I already told him about you the other night.” Lupita nodded. The window rolled down and Wanda said, “This is Dulce. She’s the one. Don’t forget to pay her extra since it’s her first time.” The man laughed and Lupita found herself in a car with a complete stranger. She didn’t talk and neither did he. He drove her to a Motel 6. “Let’s go,” he said. Lupita followed him. He got a key and handed it to her. “Room 32.” “Aren’t you coming too?” Lupita asked. “You go on ahead.” Lupita unlocked the door to room 32. It was pitch dark inside. The light of the moon shone through the window. She could see a dark figure sitting on the bed. “Who’s there?” she asked. He didn’t respond. She struggled to feel for the light switch and quickly turned it on. Sitting on the bed was Vincent McDaniels. “What are you doing here?” Lupita started to feel the hair on the back of her neck rise. “What do you think I’m doing here?” Lupita immediately turned around and tried to walk out the door. The man that had picked her up was waiting on the other side with a gun. “Turn around and close the door,” he threatened. Lupita was frozen with fear. It was as if she walked into a trap. She felt arms grab her from behind. That was the night that she was sexually assaulted. It was also the night Jacob was conceived. “What’s the matter my love?” Vincent asked as he held a gun to her. Suddenly, a Ramon Ayala song began playing from her bag. Vincent looked at Lupita, “I’m going to get up but remember I still have a gun so don’t do anything funny.” He slowly stood up and leaned over to pull her phone out of her purse. 2 missed calls from Jacob “Our son is calling you,” Vincent smiled. He read a text message from him, “Mom where are you? I’m getting worried.” Lupita sat up from the floor, “He’ll worry about me if I don’t get home soon.” “He’s a good boy, our son.” Vincent looked at Lupita and passed her the phone, “Tell him you’re on your way home. I don’t want him to worry.” Lupita was surprised that he was even remotely concerned about Jacob. “Lupita,” Vincent said as she was about to walk out the door, “Next time you won’t be so lucky.” Lupita shuddered and quickly walked out of the hotel room. As she walked to her car she thought of how she would stop Jacob from finding out the truth about Vincent McDaniels. To her knowledge, Vincent McDaniels gave birth to murderers. He had bad genes. Evil genes. The last thing she wanted was for her son Jacob to turn out like his father.
9 Aug 2017 | 15:34
too bad
10 Aug 2017 | 08:35
I feel sorry for the woman
10 Aug 2017 | 16:19
Are you sure he's not worse than his father?
10 Aug 2017 | 19:48
Things is about to get more complicated.
11 Aug 2017 | 02:53
Chapter 12 “He seems to have a thing against women,” Dr. Spencer sat across from Special Agent Sally Roux as she sat at her desk going over the Deadly Disciple case file. “What are you doing here?” she asked as she began placing the pictures back into a manila folder. “I’m here to consult,” he took a sip of his coffee and smiled at her. “Aren’t you proud of me for not being upset about how you treated me the other day?” “How did I treat you? I don’t remember a thing.” Dr. Spencer gave a half smile and shook his head as he straightened his tie and put his coffee down. “You win Sally. Let’s forget it ever happened.” “Dr. Spencer, I didn’t ask for a consult this morning. Despite what you may think, I am able to read your notes in the case file.” “I just wanted to check up on you since this is your first case in three months. Also, it’s very closely related to your last case.” “Thanks but I can handle myself and this case without you playing watchdog over me.” Sally stood up and realized she had no reason to. She just felt uncomfortable being around him. “I’m not playing watchdog over you. I just wanted to check on you.” His eyes traveled up and down her body making her feel as if the temperature in the room had gone up. “Stop it!” she hissed. “Stop what?” “You know what…coming in here without a good reason.” “Actually what prompted me to come here is your supervisor recommending you attend additional sessions with me.” “What?” Sally didn’t believe it. “Why would he recommend that? Are you lying to me?” “Still suspicious of me I see. I feel as though your trust issues are a problem you continue to have. If you don't deal with them, they’ll affect your life not just professionally but personally.” “Problem? I’m an FBI agent! Of course I’m going to be suspicious of people! And if I were you…I would get your professional and personal life in check before you start talking your psychobabble to me,” Sally slammed the case file down on her desk. “Listen Sally, there’s no need to be so defensive. Your boss just mentioned that you were starting to make accusations against Vincent McDaniels.” “How is that a problem? I asked if we could bring him in for questioning and was shot down. How does that make me require your services again?” “Your supervisor thinks you may still be caught up in your last case. There’s no evidence to indicate that Vincent McDaniels is involved in these murders.” Dr. Spencer was looking down and tracing his finger around the edge of his coffee mug. “No evidence? Am I in the Twilight Zone right now? Vincent McDaniels wrote a book which helped make the Demon King famous. He has legions of fans that love him and a dead serial killer. How is he not involved?” “He just wrote a book Sally.” “No, didn’t you read it? It’s called raising the Demon King. He didn’t just write a book, he spawned a murderer. For all we know, he’s probably doing it again…except this time it may not be a biological son. Or maybe it will be considering the way he got around in the past.” Dr. Spencer sighed. “I’m going to have to recommend you continue your sessions with me Sally.” Sally stood there quietly fuming. She was trying to get a grip on her anger. “Fine,” she said. “I’ll go to the extra sessions. I’m not sure how this is appropriate considering what happened between us, but fine. I’ll play this game with you.” .. Dr. Spencer stood up, “I’m sorry Sally. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Happened between us? A game? I’m just here to help you.” “Asshole,” Sally muttered as he exited the room. She thought of her boss who had practically bit her head off earlier when she suggested bringing Vincent McDaniels in for an interview and possible surveillance. “Hell no Roux. Not unless you can give me some solid evidence. Did you know he was on Good Morning America yesterday? His book is going to be made into a movie. Johnny Depp wants to be in it! I can’t afford to have our agency look like idiots if you’re wrong about him,” her supervisor had been pretty blunt about not wanting to involve McDaniels in the latest string of murders. Sally had a feeling it wasn’t about getting concrete evidence so much as it was about McDaniels tapping her boss to be an expert consult in the field of law enforcement for the screenplay he was adapting. Sally knew she should follow orders but she had a feeling in the core of her being that Vincent McDaniels was guilty of something. Sally looked at the door that Dr. Spencer just exited. “Trust issues? I’ll show you I don’t have a problem with trust issues.” Special Agent Sally Roux just decided that she was going to trust her gut. At Her Apartment Joelynn had skipped her classes that day and was staying at home. She was too scared to leave her apartment. She felt like she needed someone to talk to but there was no one. A knocking on the door startled her. “Ms. Lewis! Joelynn…are you home?” Joelynn walked up to her door and looked through the peephole. It was Officer Evan Dempsey. She quickly unlocked the door and opened it a crack. “What are you doing here?” “I just wanted to check on you Joelynn…make sure you’re doing okay. That’s all. Did you sleep alright?” He took in her Spongebob pajama pants and oversized white t-shirt. Joelynn smoothed down her mussed hair and gave a weak smile, “I’m fine.” “You’re not fine. C’mon get dressed and I’ll take you out for breakfast.” Joelynn was surprised and confused. “Why?” “Why? Because you had a really rough night yesterday and you probably need someone to help distract you.” “I really don’t want to leave my apartment today,” Joelynn let him inside. “Fine. We can make breakfast here. Do you have any groceries?” Joelynn shook her head. She was attending college and living off her student loans. She mostly ate Ramen Noodles and bologna. Dempsey laughed, “No problem. I’ll run to the store and get some and then we’ll make something together. You cool with that?” “Why are you doing this?” “Doing what?” Joelynn crossed her arms, “Don’t act stupid. Why are you coming over here and trying to make me breakfast. It’s weird. You’re a cop…not my boyfriend.” “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be weird…it’s just that I know things must be really hard for you right now. Last night you said you didn’t have anyone. I have my reasons.” “What reasons?” Joelynn wanted to know. “They’re personal reasons…let’s just say I know a girl who suffered in the past and I don’t want to see another woman go through the same thing she did.”..... “Who?” “Not telling. So should I get breakfast? Yes or no?” He waited for her to answer him. “I like waffles," she said begrudgingly. He smiled at her answer and said he would return in thirty minutes. A few minutes after he left, she heard another knock at her door. Joelynn ran to the door shouting, “Did you forget something?” As she opened the door, she was surprised to see Detective James Smith. Surprised, she asked, “What are you doing here?” “Are you going to let me in?” he asked. Joelynn opened the door so that he could enter. He turned around and faced her, “Are you alright?” She could see the worry in his eyes. She nodded. He bent at the waist and took a deep breath, “Do you know how worried I was? I got to the station and Ellis told me what had happened to you.” Smith hugged Joelynn, “I’m glad you’re okay.” To say that Joelynn was shocked would be an understatement. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine James Smith hugging her and being worried over her. She had a crush on him and he had crushed her by not calling her for a second date. What brought this on? She gently pushed him away, “What’s going on James? You on your period or something? Why are you acting like I’m related to you?” He was confused, “What do you mean?” “Up until this moment, you’ve avoided me and treated me like the plague. Why are you acting like you’re worried about me all of a sudden?” “All of a sudden?” he brushed a hand through his brown hair, “What are you talking about?” “Look, I just think it’s weird that you’re showing up here acting like we’re close when we’re not.” Detective Smith stared at her. “I always considered you a friend Joelynn.” “You have a funny way of showing it.” “If this is about not being able to help you with Eva’s disappearance…I told you it’s not my case.” Joelynn didn’t say anything. Smith cleared his throat, “Okay…clearly it was a mistake for me to come and check on you. I was just worried that you’d be alone since Eva’s still missing and it sounded like you went through a difficult situation last night. I’m not close to a lot of people but I always considered you a friend Joelynn. You and Eva.” Joelynn looked away. “I didn’t expect this reaction from you…but I’ll try to understand it. You’ve been through a lot. I’ll go. If you need me…call me okay?” Joelynn scoffed at that last statement. After he left, she felt like a bitch. He was just checking on her and she totally threw him to the dogs. Perhaps it was for the best. Joelynn didn’t want to harbor anymore feelings for Detective James Smith. Her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number but answered the call. “Hello?” “Joelynn Lewis? Is that you?” The voice sounded somewhat familiar. “Yeah this is she. Who is this?” “This is Dr. Spencer. Are you okay?” "What the hell? How did he know? " she thought. “Why are you asking me that?” she asked. “I looked your number up because I got a strange note under the windshield wiper of my car this morning. It said to call you and that it was important. I thought you wrote me the note.” “No…I didn’t write you anything.” She could hear Dr. Spencer quietly breathing on the other line, “Well maybe it was just a prank.” “Yeah…maybe,” Joelynn thought this was a divine sign or something, “Hey Dr. Spencer?” “Yes?” “Do you think we could have a one on one session? I don’t mind group but I think there are some things I want to discuss with you in private.” It was like she could feel him smiling on the other side of the phone, “Okay. I’ll have my secretary schedule an appointment for you.” “Thanks.” Joelynn hung up the phone and sat down on her living room sofa. Her phone made a dinging noise. It was a text message from Jacob, “We need to talk.” Joelynn responded right away, “I’ll come to you in a few hours.” Joelynn scanned through the pictures in her phone, they were unclear and she cursed. She had opted not to use the flash option to avoid drawing attention to the fact that she was taking photos of the men's license plates. In doing so, the pictures were too dark and she couldn't see the plate numbers. "I should've checked them last night. Ugh I'm such an idiot. Now I went through all that for nothing!" She tossed her phone on the sofa and took a deep breath to stop herself from crying. Today was turning into a bad morning. In His Car Detective James Smith sat next to his partner Detective Ellis feeling like someone had turned him inside out. Did Joelynn really just do that to him? He wasn’t expecting it since she was the one that always sought him out. “You okay, man?” Ellis asked him. Smith shrugged his shoulders, “I’m fine. I was just thinking.” “About what?” “Women.” Ellis laughed, “I haven’t seen you strike out with a woman since Eva Lewis. Did someone else turn you down?” Smith laughed, “Yes as a matter of fact. Her cousin.” Ellis gave him a sideways glance, “You’re not supposed to go after women in the same family partner. That’s just dirty.” Smith laughed again, “I’m not. I thought Joelynn and I were friends. Apparently we’re not.” Ellis laughed at him again. “Let’s just get to the crime scene already,” Smith mumbled. Once they arrived, Ellis and Smith took the lead. A dead woman wearing a crown of flowers was found under the city bridge. An officer that had arrived at the scene first, held an evidence bag in his hand. “Sirs, you might want to take a look at this. It was found on her body,” he showed them the bag. It contained a blood stained note that read: “The Lewis woman is next.”
27 Sep 2017 | 14:45
28 Sep 2017 | 02:15
Fire on the mountain!!!
28 Sep 2017 | 08:15
tired of this story
28 Sep 2017 | 11:36
Who is behind all this gan
28 Sep 2017 | 12:45
hmmm welcome back from exile.. lol
28 Sep 2017 | 16:02


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