

By kingsabinto in 6 Aug 2019 | 16:08
kingsabinto kingsabinto

kingsabinto kingsabinto

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I stare at the wall happily. Laying on a king-sized bed and grinning from ear to ear, I was enjoying the cool freezing breeze that was coming out of the air condition and also the ticking sound of the clock. .
Tomorrow's my wedding day, I sang in my head and squeaked when the word wedding echoed in my head, I was nervous, yet excited.. I'm gonna get married to Richard and we'll live in holy matrimony.. I'm going to get my married to Richard, Richard Wayne, the love of my life.
How we met wasn't actually romantic but the past four years has been the romantic moments of my life.. He's just so kind, handsome, caring and loving and I'm just so lucky. He's 6'4ft inches tall, blonde hair chestnut eyes, body built and has an awesome personality..
Thinking about him is making me drool, he's just so perfect, and I can't wait for tomorrow I'm not allowed to see him even though we're both at the same hotel, cause it's kind of bad luck if you get to see your bride the night before your wedding, but his room is just two doors away and anything could happen like me sneaking up to meet him.
Just as I was thinking about sneaking up on my soon to be husband, the door of my room clicked opened and someone walked in.. "Richard?" my eyes widen at him and he quietly close the door.
"what the hell are you doing here? It's bad luck for us to see each other tonight" I said even though I don't kind of believe In all those stuff.
"you believe that?" he scoffed and I falsely nod
"well I do not, and I just can't help it, I want to see you" he stated while I rolled my eyes.
"I'm missing you already Pen" he said and I smiled a bit, while he moved closer to me and started to kiss me, I was about to reciprocate but I stopped my self and slowly push him away.
"stop Richard we can't," I said and he sighed.
"C'mon Penelope" he groaned.
"what If someone catches us, you know how your mom reacts when a rule is broken" I said and he huffed .. "everyone who came here with us is asleep, the only one awake is Kirana and she might be busy or feeling sleepy" Richard stated and I paused and I stared at him for a minute before saying.
"Kirana's awake and you're still here" I said dryly and he laughed.
"C'mon Pen, okay just one kiss and I'll be gone" he begged and I rolled my he before agreeing..
He kissed me, which I reciprocated and after that he kissed my cheeks and said "goodnight".
"goodnight" I replied with a smile.
He walked out of the door smirking at me whine I just gave him a hard stare.. He finally closed the door and I walked to the bed, isn't he sweet,.. He misses me so much, and so do I. I'm missing him already.
The door clicked open again and I huffed and turned.
"Richard what are yo-- oh it's you" I said as Kirana closed the door and walked in looking at me suspiciously... "was Richard in here just now?" she asked.
"no" I lied.
"yes" I said when she gave me one of her hard glare.
"seriously, you know it's bad luck, for you guys to see each other the night before your wedding" she said and I fold my arms and breathe heavily.
"there is no such thing as bad luck and Richard and I love each other so much and he just came here because he misses me." I explained and she rolled her eyes.
"whatever" she scoffed .

"I just came here to talk cause I can't seem to fall asleep, you're the one getting married and I'm the one getting the butterflies" she said and we both laughed,
Kirana is my best friend, she's like my other half, my partner is crime, I can't go a day without her, we grew up together. So we're like twin sisters.
That night we talked about this and that, about our first crush.. Mine was Richard it was five years ago he was an assistant manger in the same company where I worked as a waitress.
He accidentally splashed pea soup on me.. Or should I say he did it on purpose cause he asked for napkin so he could be able to put his phone on it on the table, I disagreed and he got kind of angry and "accidentally" splashed pea soup on me, I gave him a slap and well we both created a big commotion in the cafeteria and I got fired. I hated him after that day, I got another job at a super mart as the cashier and it turns out his best friend dad owns the place and after work he comes there to hang out with his friend Mason, everyday, he comes there receiving numerous glares from me.. But he just smiled in return. That how it kept going until he finally apologize and said he kind of did it on purpose, splashing that soup on me. I accepted his apology and we kind of became friends, and then I started having this huge monster crush on him. But kept it a secret, except from Mason and Kirana cause me and Mason were like friends before Richard came in but he later found out cause I told Mason and Mason told him.. Well that's just how it all started and now I'm getting married to him.
That's what kept playing in my head until I felt sleepy and turned off the light before getting into the bed with Kirana and then I slept off waiting for the big day tomorrow..
Finally tomorrow was here, and nobody had to wake me cause I immediately sprung out of the bed like a sprouted flower, and I couldn't move cause the butterflies in my stomach was too much, I'm just so excited..

Finally I was dressed in my beautiful wedding dress, my red hair was tied up in a beautiful bun and my Veil was placed at the bun, I was given a makeover and after putting on my shoes, I was done.
Kirana was dressed too, as my brides maid 'of honor'.. And Kirana, my mom, Richard's mom and I want to the huge church with a limousine, yeah. Richard's parent are stinkin' rich. I think he named after wealth, Rich-ard. Maybe his real name is just ard.
Finally we got to the church and I was told to wait in a room behind the church until I hear the bridal chorus playing.. My dad would come pick me up so we could walk down the isle together.
Kirana and I waited in the room together, and I couldn't count how many times she complimented me of how I look.
We both waited for minutes till we heard the bridal chorus and I smiled and held my flower tightly waiting for my dad to walk in.. But unfortunately Mason, Richard best friend and best man, walked in looking smoking hot in a tuxedo. His golden brown hair was pushed back with jell and his grey-blue eyes gave his broad face a perfect highlight that went with his manly chin and pointed nose.

"Mason what are you doing here, aren't you like supposed to be in front of the church standing behind Richard." Kirana asked and Mason wore a frown and sighed.
"what's wrong" I asked.
"it's Richard, we can't find him anywhere" Mason said and my heart skipped.
"what? What do you mean you can't find him anywhere, I saw him this morning" Kirana said moving towards him.
"he came to the church with us but after everyone walked into the church he was nowhere to be found" Mason explained and I just stood still not knowing what to do.
"have you called him?" I suddenly asked.
"I called him nine times but he didn't pick up" Mason said showing me his phone.
Richard where are you?!? I'm starting to panic..
"everyone's busy looking for him and the guests are getting worried" Mason said
"that son of a bitch" Kirana seethe and walked out..

I started to breathe in and out heavily, Richard is going to show up.. I tell myself but myself still fails to believe..
"hey, hey.. Pen... Penelope.. It's okay.." Mason said coming closer to me..
But I was still in my panic state, I started to look around quickly not looking what to do.. I could swear I almost passed, if Mason hadn't come to me and place his hands on my cheeks.
"Penelope.. Stay with me. He's going to be here, I know Richard, he's going to be here" he said and I nod.. I might look tough and all with my stern looks and all but I'm actually pretty fragile..
Yes he's going to be here, I tell my self, and nod again and Mason let's go of my cheeks and smiled.. "it's okay" he said and I nod.
We both stayed like that for a few minutes not saying anything, waiting for any body to barge in the door and tell us Richard is here..

Seconds later Mason's phone beeped and he brought it out from his pocket and peeked at it.
"it's Richard" he said and I breathed a sigh of relief. Mason passed the phone to me with a strange look he wore on his face and I took the phone from him and peeked at the message slowly.

**Pen. It's me Richard, I know you must be worried sick knowing I'm not at the church, but I am, and I'm okay, but can you please See Me at the church's fountain, alone?**
I read the message and dropped my flower. Richard. I hope you're not up to something stupid.
"do you want me to come with you?" Mason asked when I start to walk away.
"no it's okay, it's just Richard right?" I said dryly, not looking back at him and I held on to my dress and walked out.. I made my way to the church's fountain without anyone seeing me and there I saw Richard, dressed in casual clothes, and I frowned, he's not in his suit.

"wow you look beautiful" he said but I didn't react to his compliment I just gave him a stern look.
"why aren't you in a tuxedo, and where were you" I asked my voice low and shaky.
"look Pen. There's something I need to tell you" he said and I bit my lips and gave him a "go-on" look and he sighed and started.
"I don't think we're doing the right thing, I mean are we even ready for marriage.."
I moved back a bit and huffed.
"what the hell are you saying" I said my hand shaking... Which I have no idea why it was shaking.
"look I love you, you love me but I don't think we're ready for marriage yet, I wanted a marriage with you but I've put a lot of thinking in it and I don't think we're ready for marriage" he said and a tear pricked my eyes.
"so you're calling off the wedding?" I said and he sighed and moved closer to me.
"I'm sorry Penny," he said.
"we've been dating for four years Richard, how far do you want us to go before getting married, you love me, and I do too, isn't marriage the next thing" I said, tears had already start to pour down my eyes..
"I know, and I'm scared, we can't get married now, I don't think we are ready, I mean look us" he said gesturing his hand back and forth between us and I gave him a slap.
"you are not doing this Richard, you will not do this to me" I yelled, but he just stared at him holding mixed expression.
"you are going to inside, put on your suit and we're going to get married," I said threateningly
"marriage is a big deal Pen, and I can't deal with that right now, let's just wait and be pati--
A flying shoe came from no where and stumbled on Richard's face and I turned to see Kirana walking towards us angrily..
"YOU BASTARD!!" Kirana yelled at Richard who seemed a little bit frightened by her.
"how could you say those junk to Pen, she's been a lot because of today, everyone's been waiting for this day and here you are saying non-sense, you son of a bitch" Kirana yelled and Richard sighed.
"look Kira, you don't yell at me, I love Penelope but I'm just saying now's not the right time to get married" Richard said again and I lost it, full tears burst out of my eyes and I grabbed my dress, took my heels and walked away crying.
He just broke us.
Today is the worst day of my life.
T. B. C.
6 Aug 2019 | 16:08
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 2. With my wedding dress I wonder down the street looking for a taxi, with tears rushing down from both my eyes and nose. Richard Is such an asshole.. A bastardized fool.. I don't even know what to call him. I hate him so much.. Who am I kidding I love him.. So much, But what he just did was unforgivable and unfair, he knew how this day meant to me.. Loosing patient I bent down on a particular spot in the street and cried on my knees. I heard a familiar voice calling my name from afar but I didn't bother to stand up or turn. I just cried cause I feel like this ground should just open and swallow me, cause this is a total embarrassment, what would the guest say, what would my friends say.. Richard didn't just only ruin our wedding, he ruined my life. I stood up slowly and angrily dragged my Veil from my hair ripping it apart, I didn't stop I let my anger rip the stupid Veil into pieces.. "Penny, stop" Mason said out of nowhere and held my hand, avoiding me from ruining the Veil completely.. "let me go" I cried, struggling to get out of his grip and tear the Veil and then after that I'm going to rip my dress till I appear naked, what else can I do. My life is ruined. "no I'm not going to let you go, if you continue like this you're going to hurt yourself" he said but I didn't care. "I don't care, I have a big injury in my heart already, what difference does it make if I have another one physically.. Just leave me alone" I yelled-cried. That some of the few people passing by were throwing glances at us but I didn't care. "Penny.." Mason breathed out and pulled me into a hug while I cried even more.. "really, I don't know what to do or say, I don't know what's wrong with Richard, this isn't him, he's my best friend I know him more than his parent do" Mason said and I pulled myself from the hug and slowly cleaned my tears. "well I know what to do. I'm getting out of here" I said sternly and was about to walk away but he caught my hand. "where do you want to go, I'll take you, my car is around the back" he said but I shook my head negatively. "it's okay, I can manage and get a cab" I tell him. "but you might hurt yourself, and I don't want that, no one wants that, okay I know Richard fucked up just now, but he still loves you and he wouldn't want you to get hurt" he tells me and I fumed "don't mention his name in front of me" I warned. "sorry, I won't but just lemme drive you instead of you taking a cab" he offered and my fragile self nods and he gave me a small smile and slowly walked me to his car which wasn't far from where we stood. "where do you want me to take you?" he asked. "anywhere but here" I mumbled and glance at myself in a small mirror laying in front of the car, and saw that my Makeup was ruined, my mascara was all over my face and I look like a cast from the Walking Dead. Mason started to drive and I just kept quiet and stared out the window and burst out crying again. "Penny.. C'mon don't cry" Mason said and sighed. "I'm sorry I just can't help it, I t-thought t-t-that i-i... I cried even more I couldn't even speak, my word fumble cause it was like my throat was clogged. "look it's gonna be okay. Okay?" he said soothingly "how" I shrugged my shoulders at him. "I don't know how, but I know it's going to be okay" he said and glance at me but I just bit my bottom lip to stop my self from crying,.. "do you want me to take you to your house?" he asked after a brief silence.. My house? I don't want to face my mom or dad.. Cause that would be one embarrassing moment.. I don't think I can face anyone right now. I didn't even think I would be able to face Mason since he's kind of like Richard entourage, but after his soothing and caring attitude, I'm in his car.. The only person I think I'll be able to face is Kirana. "so?.. Mason said suddenly breaking me out of my thoughts "what?" I sniffed "so you want me to take you to your par-- "no.. No please no." I said and breathe in and out slowly. "then where do you want me to take you, wanna go back to the hotel..?" he asked. "No. God. No" I said remembering Richard and his sweet words last night. "then where do you-- "just take me to your place.. I don't know" I cut him off and he nods and returned his gaze back to the road. I use to hate going to mason's house, because of his love of video games and chocolate, and I hate chocolate, and his house smells like chocolate I've gone there once, when Richard insisted we both meet there, .. And now it seems like its the only place I can go. It's a good thing Mason and I had known each for a long time cause, assuming I just met him I wouldn't have agreed for him to take me to his house, he would have been a complete stranger to me. * Finally he parked at his driveway and opened the car door for me and I walked out with my stupid wedding dress stained with mascara and lipstick. And thank goodness the two other boys Mason lives with her out of the country. Unless I wouldn't have come, but where would I have gone to, I'm sure Kirana is still at the church, cause I left her with 'Richard'. Oh now I don't like hearing his name cause it stings.. "C'mon be careful" Mason said as we climbed the four short stairs before going to his porch. He opened the door and I walked in, it's been months since I came and the house has changed a lot, the TV's not on the floor again but on the wall, the video games which he had has been replaced with the latest DVD player, and the butt cracking couches, has been replaced with comfortable couches, the wall has been repainted and it doesn't smell like chocolate or any other junk food. It's looks like a real home now not an arcade. I sat down lazily on one of the couch and took off my shoes. "what would you like?" Mason asked. "a wedding" I said not realising I said that until he coughed. "I'm sorry.. I mean I don't want anything I just want to take a shower and lay low in a coffin" I said Depressingly and Mason sighed and knelt in front of me.. "look just because Richard said some pretty, naïve and sophisticated things doesn't mean your life's over, you still have a life okay, just think of it as, the four friends, Penelope, Kirana, mason and Ric.. Well and then the last one went away and never came back, your life won't be over just because one person in your life say something stupid, I don't know why he said such things but that's dumb of him but don't worry I'll talk to him." Mason blasted and I rolled my heavy eyes at him "do you think I'll ever go back to having a relationship with him after what just happened, even though you talk to him do you think I'd ever go back?" I asked angrily standing up. He stood up too and shook his head negatively "no I don't, but please don't get angry and why you look like a zombie" he said and I rolled my eyes. "thanks for the compliment" I said and he nods. "what I mean is you need to take a shower, and get out of this dress okay?" he said and I nod and started to walk to his bathroom. "and Penny," he called and I turned. "don't kill yourself in the bathroom" he said and I sighed before saying, "I'll try not to". I got to his bathroom which looks like a normal bathroom instead of boys jungle zone.. I slipped out of my wedding dress and shoved it in the bathroom's waste bin.. I also slipped out of my under garments and slide into the bathtub.. I turned on the hot water and let it beat my sore and tired.. I stayed in the bathtub for almost an hour, crying here and there, I just hate today, I just feel so stupid right now.. My fingers were already getting wrinkled and the hot water was finished transforming into cold one. I stood up from the bathtub and grabbed the huge towel from a pole above the bathtub. I tied it around my chest and loose the stupid bun I had packed for my wedding and let my red hair fall down to my back.. Suddenly I heard a knock outside the bathroom door. "Pen?" Mason called. "yes" I replied forcing my voice to sound normal cause it's shaky from my cries. "oh thank goodness you're not dead" Mason said and I smiled a bit at his little joke, but frowned as I got close to the door and opened it to meet him face to face. "oh you're done, you can go to my room and change into any of my clothes" he said and I gave him a thank you look. "wait." he stopped me and I turned. "you've been crying haven't you?" Mason asked and I nod. "well it's okay to cry, but crying won't change anything Pen" he lectured and I nod and walked to his room,. I don't think I can cry anymore cause my eyes are feeling heavy and dry and so is my throat. I think I cried too much that I ran out of tears. I wore one of his baggy sweatpants and shirt before coming out of his room and met him by the door, "great, now you're wearing one of my good shirt" he said gesturing his dramatically on the air, "I am?" I said lowly "you're not I was just kidding, so lemonade or coffee?" he asked "coffee please" I said and he nods and walked to his kitchen while I walked to his living room and sat on one of the couch staring at the floor, I tilt my head and found a huge picture of me, Kirana, mason Richard and his two other friends Jacob and Liam. Richard and I look so happy and so close in the picture, I started to tear up again, and I thought I was out of tears. The memory of that happy day of me and Richard flooded my mental screen and I angrily grabbed one of the pillows beside me and threw it angrily on the floor, I was about to throw a remote next to me when Mason came and held my hand stopping me from ruining the remote. "Penny. I just bought that, look you need to stop crying sometimes okay?" he said and handed me the coffee. "I'm so sorry" I sobbed. I looked up to the picture and Mason realised my sudden break down came from there , "I'll take it down if you want" he said referring to the picture but I shook my head. "it's okay.. I'm fine" I said staring down at my coffee taking a big sip, the coffee was burning hot and perfect that i wished it burned my throat so I'll never speak or cry again. Mason sat down at the other couch opposite me and watched me drink the coffee slowly... "look.." I said slowly and his head tilts for me to continue. "don't tell anyone I'm here okay?" I said and he smiled. "what do you think am I a dummy?" he said playfully but I didn't laugh, I don't think I can ever laugh again, and now I feel so dry and weak. "but I can tell Kira right?" he asked and I nod. Of course Kirana is my best friend. "thanks.." I said after a long silence.. "for what?" he asked "letting me stay here" I said lowly and he flashed a smile. "what are friends for" he said and I nod and dropped the coffee mug on the table, "oh you're done. Do you want anything else" he asked but I declined my shaking my head. "I just want to rest" I said lying down on the cough. "you can go sleep on my bed in-- "it's okay I'm fine here" I said and he nods, and slowly I laid on the couch and before I knew it, I drifted to a deep slumber. * * Two familiar voices woke me up and, slowly I sat down properly and as my blurry vision brightened, I saw Kirana and Mason eating and at the same time talking. "Kira." I called and rushed to give her a hug, boy was I glad to see her.. "easy there chipmunk" she said with a smile and I let go of her. "are you okay?" she asked calmly as I sat down back on the couch I was stood up. "I wish I am" I mumbled lowly and she sighed and gave me a sympathetic look. "here.. Have some" she said handing me a slice of pizza.. I took it from her and start to eat. She kept quiet and didn't talk about Richard, and I was glad She knows me to well. "how's my mom?" I asked "she's fine but worried about you, but I told her you'll be fine, and when I found out you didn't go to my apartment I noticed you'd be here and it hasn't been to long since I came here" she said and I just nod and continued enjoying the pizza. "so... Mace we're both staying overnight cause she's not going home tonight" Kirana said to Mason referring to me. "sure, the last thing I thought would ever happen to me is two girls sleeping overnight in my house" he said and Kirana rolled her eyes. "I know that's a dream come true for you so quit being whiny" Kirana said and Mason laughed, and I smiled a bit. "what? Dream come true? I should be scared of you girls, so you don't rape me while I'm asleep." he said and Kira burst into laughter and so did I.. He made me laugh, it's a relief I can laugh again. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
7 Aug 2019 | 05:15
wow interesting. hope u don't fall in love with Mason. Ride on
8 Aug 2019 | 12:51
10 Aug 2019 | 12:53
DANGEROUS❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 3 That night Mason, Kirana and I talked about a lot of things, or should I say Kirana and Mason talked about a lot of things before we all went to sleep. Kirana and I slept on Mason's bed while he slept in one of the bed of his other roommates. * The next day I woke by my self without anyone waking me up and I couldn't find Kirana by my side, I got out from the bed and sighed slowly, I looked out of the window and the cool morning breeze blew my hair back, and that moment it seems like all my problems and worries had vanished, but when I sighed again, I realised I'm still in this cruel world. Today I'm supposed to be a married woman who can brag to the whole world that she has a perfect husband. But here I am being single as always... but what can I do.. This is life. Different things happen everyday. I stood up and lazily walked out of the room only to bump into Mason, "hey Penny," he said with a smile. "I was just about to come check up on you" "where's Kirana?" I asked "oh she... She's making breakfast for you" he said and I sighed and nod. "thanks again.. For letting me stay here" I said he smiled. "it's fine, anything mine is yours" he said and I gave him a look. "that came out wrong I meant to say, if you need any help, I'll always be here for you" he said and I gave a small smile and walked away. "morning sugar.. I made you breakfast" Kirana said coming out of the kitchen with a tray of half burnt bread and tea. "I think I over toasted the bread" she said and handed me the tray. "no doubt in that one" I said and she laughed.. I ate silently while she turned on the TV and kept changing channels until she got tired and turned it off. "okay so I'm not going to pretend like it didn't happen, I'm going to talk about it" Kirana suddenly said making me look up. "talk about what?" I asked lowly. "about Richard," she said and I faced my food. "don't worry I'm not going to tell you to get back together with him, I'm just going to tell you to get over him. Cause yesterday when I gave him a piece of my angry mind, he said you guys are still kids and too young to get married, I mean hello! You're twenty four, you are a complete lady, and he called you both a kid. Richard is nothing but an oversized dickhead... And what he did is pretty unforgiveable.. So my advice for you is to stay the hell away from him.. Cause c-cause ..ugh I don't even know what to say cause I'm pretty mad righ-- She stopped talking when she saw me sniffing, tears had started to crawl out of my eyes and I hate that I'm weak when I hear his name. "look I'm sorry to upset you but I'm just saying, you need to get over him even though it happened hours ago, he's not a real man, the Richard I know is tough and acts like a real man, and I don't know where That other douchebag Richard came from yesterday." Kirana said angrily and I sighed and cleaned my tears, she's right I can get over him but it's going to be hard. * ~¤~R.i.c.h.a.r.d p.o.v~¤~ I woke up the next morning and found out I was sleeping outside in front of my parents house. I remembered the argument we had last night concerning my "eerie" behaviour and words towards Penelope yesterday morning, according to them. I don't regret saying those things to pen. Cause I am actually afraid to get married. I love Penelope.. So much but it looks like marriage actually made me chickened out of our relationship.. My mom and dad are married but they fight all the time and they're close to divorcing. My uncle and aunt are married but few months ago I found out they got divorced. And that's not what I want with Penelope. I don't want marriage to break that special thing we had. But it looks like I just broke the "thing" we just had. I know I did the right thing by calling of our marriage, even though I received different swears and curses from different people especially my parent and especially Kirana, who even tear up calling me names. But I don't care I just don't want the divorcing Curse to land on me and pen. I know she's never going to forgive me again but well she will.. I know pen. I stood up from where I was sitting and yawned before sliding my phone out of my pocket and tapping on my call history to call the first person I see. Cause now I don't know where to go or what to do, my parents won't let me inside, saying I need to beg and apologize to Penelope. And my apartment is locked and the keys are inside my car which I left in the church. "my heart" was what I saw in the first line of my call history and that was Penelope. I sighed and scrolled down a bit and found Mason's name laying on the screen. I tapped it and he picked up at the first ring. "hey Mason" I said into the phone tiredly. "I can't believe I'm hearing your voice." Mason said and I didn't know if he meant it the good way or the bad way. "okay I don't know if you're mad at me like everyone el-- "of course I'm mad at you, dude she loves you and you just said those stuff to her like she meant nothing to you" Mason lashed from the other side of the line and I sighed. "I know.. I know and I'm sorry" I said "sorry? You're apologizing to me?.. Dude I'm not Pen" Mason said and I sighed, again, "Mace, you're my best friend you're supposed to be on my side" I said and I hear him sigh. "on your side?.. Look Rich, I don't hate you, I won't.. Ever... It's just that what you did was pretty stupid and unreasonable.. I mean why? Why the hell did you do that" Mason asked loudly from the phone and I breathed in and out slowly before answering. "okay look I was just scared" "scared to get married?" "yes.. There I said it" "Richard you're way dumber than I thought, marriage is what makes your relationship stronger, but you just have to foolishly end it" "look let's talk more face to face.. I'm coming over to your place" I announced. "don't." he said "why?" "just don't come over" "but why? I have no where to g-- "pen's here" he cut me off. Great. "well I can still come over" I said "do you even regret what you did" he asked calmly. Do I? "no.. I saved us from tearing apart" I said and he scoffed. "saved my butt, Richard, Penelope's a disaster, she's been crying since yesterday.. And I don't think she'd ever forgive you, I wonder how crazy she would have gone if Kirana hadn't come to her rescue.." Mason said and I bit my tongue.. Kirana. I'm not so sure if I like that girl, ever since I found out she's Penelope's friend, I've never liked her, I just have to pretend I do because of Penelope. She talks too much and like putting people in their places with her blabber mouth. I don't like people like that. "okay now I don't know what to say" I said with a sigh. "neither do I, but I have to say this.. Stay still and keep thinking of what you did cause you just lost your girl..and that's the biggest mistake you've ever made in your life.. I love you man, but you just fucked yourself up.. I'll catch up with you later." Mason said but I just stayed silent before hanging up. Damn it. Now I don't understand how I'm feeling. * * •¦¦¦¦ Penelope's Pov ¦¦¦¦• After having burnt bread and tea Kirana made, I decided to leave Mason's house cause I can't run from my parent forever. "thanks for the food" I said at Kirana and she smiled "I know you hate it, you just pretended to love it" she said referring to her food, but I just ignored her words and stood up, I seriously hate it but I'm not in the mood to be selective of food right now. Kirana took the empty dishes to the kitchen while I stood up and turned to see Mason, gazing at his phone. "Mace.." I called and he looked at me. "thanks... But I have to leave now" I said and he nods. "I understand, do you want me to drive you back home?" he asked and I nod. "okay, I'll get my car ready, come meet me outside when you're ready" he said and walked away. I looked side-ways and scratched my itchy hair.. Kirana walked out of the kitchen and I turned. "Mason's getting his car ready and I'm going home." I said and she walked closet to me. "are you sure you want to go home yet?" she asked calmly and I nod.. "okay then I'll come with you" she said. "it's okay you can go home I'll be fine" I said and she smirked and nod.. I was ready and went to meet Mason outside, and I met him focused on his phone, he noticed me and flashed a small smile. "you ready?" he asked and I nod. I went to his car barefooted and his mouth dropped. And He took a good look at me.. I was still in his sweatpants and shirt, my hair was rough like I just escaped from a war and I was was barefooted, which made me look like a homeless begger. "are you going to go home looking like that?" he asked and I nod. "I've got nothing to loose" I mumbled before entering his car. I sat down at the back seat while he took the driver's seat and a few minute later Kirana joined us and sat down at the passenger's seat. "I thought you were going home?" I said lowly to Kirana as Mason starts driving to my house. "I am but I'm going to stop at your house first cause I can't stay alone by myself in Mace's house" she replied and Mason glanced at her. "you could have waited patiently at my house till I take Penny home and then come back to take you home, but no. You just have to be an escort, you just act way ahead of yourself sometimes" Mason said and Kirana smacked his arm. "or you could stay a little bit longer with Mason in his house" I said lowly and Kira glared at me before saying. "me? Mason? Together? I just came over to watch over you, me and this dude and I can never stay under the same roof" Kirana snarled and I smiled a bit.. "yeah right when we first met you had a crush on me" Mason said and Kirana gasped making me giggle a bit, when you have friends who makes you smile. "crush on you, oh you wish" Kirana rolled her eyes "Penny.. I'm right aren't I.. Kira totally had a crush on me" Mason said and I nod and Kirana gave me a hard glare. "you two are crazy people" Kirana said and Mason smiled at her. "yeah you're crazily in love with me" Mason joked and Kirana rolled her eyes and fold her arm angrily. * Finally I was home and after giving Mason and Kirana a hug, they both left And I walked inside, my mom gave me a hug after seeing me.. She asked me a lot of questions and I just lazily answered them, mostly about if Richard and I had any argument before the wedding, which made him call it off. But I told her we didn't which made me tear up and start to cry again. After receiving sweet and soothing words from my mom I finally fell sleep, with tears till the next day. . * The next day I woke up with my face so dry but I feel a little energy, likewise yesterday . My mom came in, serving breakfast in bed, she hasn't done this since my sixteenth birthday, I know she's just doing this out of sympathy because of Richard.. After eating I took a shower and slipped my legs in a pair of Jean before putting on a yellow shirt and a pair black snickers. I am actually preparing for my job. My mom didn't want me to go to work today but I will cause I just can't stay home and do nothing because of "one" person. I got to work and sighed as I stepped in cause it reminds me of Richard, cause he was the one who got me this job.. I work as a cook.. I got in and met my partner Randee who greeted me with a smile and I had to fake a smile too so she won't question my dull mood. We both started working and I worked harder than before cause I need every distraction I can get to forget about Richard.. During our break I decided to eat with Randee for the first time cause normally I eat alone or Richard would stop by and we'll both eat together. But today I ate with Randee and I was glad cause she kept my thoughts occupied with her outrageous stories. We both went back to work and continued working till it was time to go home. After cleaning the kitchen, Randee said goodbye to me and grabbed her bag before going home, while I turned to the trash bag and carried it cause it was my turn to take out the trash. I went to the back of the huge restaurant holding the heavy trash bag careful not to fall or step on something cause it was getting dark and everywhere was deadly quiet. Just as I threw the trash bag in the garbage can, a big strong arm flung round my neck almost choking me and a deep husky voice said in my ear. "don't scream or I'll shoot" I didn't scream, I just kept quiet and slowly I felt something lay on my temple and I glanced at it to see a gun in front of my ear and I shivered in fear. "okay now, you will do as I say or I'll shoot" the voice said and I nod slowly. And he let's go of my neck and placed his arm around my waist, still pointing the gun at my waist and I breathe in and out heavily.. "breathe fine" the huge man beside me said and I nod not daring to look at him.. Suddenly two police officer.. I think. Came to us and they both took a good look at me and the man beside me. "what do you guys want? Can't I spend some quality time with my Fianceé" the man beside me said and I turned to look at the police men but due to fear, I couldn't. "I'm sorry but you look like someone we're looking f-- "you dare interrupt my wife and i" the man beisde me said angrily and the policemen apologized and walked away and the man who held me let's go of me. "I'm sorry I had to do that." he said and I slowly, look up to see his face, his hair was jet black, long and was packed behind his head.. He had midnight eyes and dark rims under it, I couldn't see the rest of his features cause it was dark already, but he looked scary. "it's pretty dangerous in this time of night so you should watch out for bad guys" the huge dude said to me but I just watch him with a befuddled look. "this is a fake gun by the way don't get to scared" he said in a whisper showing me the gun Okay what the hell.. Who the hell is this guy, he just kind of hijacked me and now he's telling me to stay away from dangerous guys. "I'm sorry if I scared the shits out of you, I just had to do that in order not to get caught," he said but I just stared at him, my mouth opened I can pass out any minute from now "hello" he waved his hand in front of my face. "great. Now she's frozen" he mumbled to himself and took a step towards me. I moved back a bit and he smiled. "thank goodness, I thought you're lost in shock.. Well my job here is done, sorry for using you.. I'm Leonard by the way, if you get in touch with any police officers, FBI or detective.. You never knew me.. Or met me" he said, smiled and walked away.. Who the hell is that guy.. Leonard.. What the hell.. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE.
10 Aug 2019 | 14:29
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 4 After getting a hold of my self, I cleaned my eyes and started to walk inside the restaurant.. I got back into the restaurant and grabbed my purse, before turning off the lights and after that, I locked the kitchen before, .. I waved goodbye to Jimmy, the guy who works late in the restaurant and who locks it and comes early the next day to open it. He's kind of the hardworking guy around here. I took the night bus and found my self lost in thought as the bus started to drive. First Richard call off our wedding.. Now I got hijacked or attacked or whatever I'll call that, by a criminal What's next, I'll be pushed off a mountain. My Life's Just too rigid, and complicated.. Seriously I wish for nothing but death.. I got to the second bus stop and came down and found my hair roaring in the wind, the wind should just take my body too. I walked down the not to crowded road, different convenience store had lights from many Angle making the road not so lonely.. And I walked slowly not having the strength to walk faster.. My hand was pushed in my sweater pockets and I stare at the floor not watching where I was going until I bumped into someone. I quickie apologize not wanting to look up. "Pen" Mason's voice said and I look up. What a coincidence.. "hey.." I said moving my hair back. "what are you doing here?" I asked looking around cause by this time of the day, mason is usually home or helping his dad at work. "I came here to meet Richa.. He stopped talking and I sighed and looked away. "just because he did a pretty stupid thing to me doesn't mean you guys can't still be friends" I said and he smiled. "sorry I'm just being too careful" he explained and I nod. "you're going home right?" he asked, "where else can I go?" I returned the question. "classic Pen" he said and placed his arm around my shoulder, "come-on I'll be your escortee" he said. "but you're going to get home late" I warned. "it doesn't matter, I can't just ditch my lonely bored friend and go home, that would made me a bad friend" he said and I smiled a bit "thanks" I mumbled. "anytime chipmunk" he said and I rolled my eyes. "don't call me that" I said, Kirana and Mason are always fond of calling me chipmunk cause they say I have a gummy bear smile and my cheeks are full when I smile.. "okay.. What about chipy?" he asked.. "don't call me any names" I said and he nods with a smile .. We both walked home together, talking about this and that and I'm so glad I ran into him cause his company was forgiving, I told him about that stupid Leopard guy who whatever his name was. And he was shocked too asking me if I'm okay or if he injured me but I just assured him that I was fine. Finally I got home and I breathed a sigh of relief. "thanks" I tell him as he let his arm slide away from my shoulder. "anytime, sleep tight and dream about fairies, cause they're pretty good in making your day better" he said and I smiled and nod. "night." I said before walking to the front porch, I turned and saw him still standing and staring at me. "won't you start going?" I yelled a bit so he could hear me from where I stood. "I will, I'm just acting as a bodyguard in case anyone's trying to attack you again" he said and I chuckled before going inside. I got inside and met my mom savoring on a mug of hot chocolate, and suddenly I wanted some. "Honey how was work?" she asked and dropped the mug of hot chocolate on the table, "the same" I replied and took the mug of chocolate and gulped down the whole thing. "awwn honey I'm sorry" my mom said and I looked at her "I said work was the same, I didn't say it was bad" I said and she stood up. "I know but how you said it, make it sound like it was bad" my mom said and I rolled my eyes and sighed, dropping down the mug. "look honey.. It's like he took you away" my mom said and I narrowed my eyes at her. "what are you talking about" I asked and she sighed. "you used to be this girl.. This girl with so much energy, you're filled with fun and smiles, I remember you coming back home everyday with a smile talking about this or that, but suddenly after the incident with Richard, you suddenly became this quiet spooky girl,-- "what do you think I'm supposed to do mom, Richard was my life, he was smile, he was my everything, and yes he did take all of it away from me.. I can never be happy again" I said and now I'm starting to tear up. "No honey don't say that" my stated and walked up to me. "I will.. He ruined me mom, cause he was my first everything, how do you expect me to be myself again, I'm trying to get over him but I can't. I can't" I said, actually cried. "honey look at me." my mom said and I did. "you will get over him okay?" she said and pulled me in a hug while I cried, In her arms. I will. I must. Get over him, cause if I don't I'll just only kill myself inside. * I had my dinner alone in my room, while watching some comedy show, it was funny but somehow I didn't laugh and I suddenly realised he broke me. And I don't think I could ever be fixed. That night I fell asleep peacefully but without happy thoughts.. The next day I woke up after my morning alarm has stop ringing and I stood up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that I pushed my body in a black jean trouser, and a Blue shirt before wearing a yellow sweater. I grabbed my bag and put on my shoes, and finally after packing my hair in ponytail, I was good to go, I pecked my mom goodbye and left for work. I got to the bus station and Kirana called, we talked over a few things over the phone as I got in the bus. I got to work a little bit late, but no one Complained cause our boss isn't the type that stays around, he's a very busy man. I put on my apron and started to cook with Randee.. We chopped this, slice that, boiled this and fried that.. We were both so busy with cooking until, our boss assistant Maxwell came into the kitchen. Looking stern.. We greeted him politely and he nods in return.. "so Penny" he called and I slowly turned to him. "yes" I replied, "Janet didn't come today cause she is sick and I'll like you to fill in for her" Maxwell said and I gently dropped the knife I was holding.. "but who's going to fill in for me if I fill in for Janet?" I asked. Sensitively "don't worry Jimmy will fill in for you, he's a great cook and you, you're pretty good in waiting tables, I've seen you do it before and I want you to do that today again, for Janet's sake" he said and I nod, not arguing any further, that great news I'll be a waitress for today instead of a chef. That isn't too much of a hardwork. I removed the apron from my body as Jimmy walked in and I took the "waiting" apron and tied it around my waist. "great, there's a order at table six and Seven" Maxwell said before he walked outside. I attended table six and seven and got them what they wanted.. And after that I got orders from different tables and got them what they wanted.. I got an order from table three, and after getting their food, I grabbed the pen and small notebook I was holding ready to take order from the next table and with a fake smile I said. "welcome to Eatees... Shall I take y-your orde--- I stopped talking and suddenly froze.. The long dark hair, the midnight eyes, the voice.. It's that leopard guy, I can't believe he's here with two other scary looking men I think they're his friends. "yeah I don't want anything just get me a glass of water" the leopard guy said and I nod lightly and quickly turned thank goodness he didn't recognise me.. I was about going when one of his friends called me back "hey" he called and I sighed and turned.. Making sure I don't make eye contact with Leopard.. And thank goodness he was looking outside "yes what would you like to order?" i asked.. "I'll just get a small plate of French fries and a pineapple juice" he said and I nod and wrote it down. I turned to the other one and gave a fake smile. "what would you like?" I asked and I somehow felt Leopard was staring at me. "just a glass of water like him" the dude said and I nod, and was about to go but the Leopard guy suddenly stood "hey" he said calling for my attention and I sighed and slowly turn to him. "y-yes" I answerd, he's not going to point a gun at me in front of everyone in this place, so there's actually nothing to be scared about. He tilts his head sideways before smiling and a small dimple appeared on on of his cheeks. "you're t-that girl, that trash girl from yesterday right?" he asked inquisitively, Trash girl?!!! "y-y-yeah" I stutter. "great, I didn't get to apologize profusely yesterday for startling you so I'll do it better." he said "no... It's okay, p-please just sit, I need to take orders from other tables" I said and he nods and sits down.. I took my heels and went to the kitchen, getting two glass of water and a plate of French fries with pineapple juice. I went back to the leopard guy table and slowly drop their orders on the top of their tables and the Two friends grimaced at me and I force myself to smile back at them. I was about going but his voice stopped me again. "trash g-girl.. He called and I huffed and turned. "sorry what's your name?" he asked "I'm sorry I don't give my name to strangers" I said boldly and he laughed and so did his friends, what's so funny. "okay well I'll just keep calling you trash girl" he said and I forced a smile. "enjoy your meal" I said ignoring his statement. "Penny.. There's a order at table nine.." Maxwell suddenly yelled from the kitchen. "coming" I yelled and start to walk away. "bye Penny!!" I heard leopard said and I walked faster than ever. I did the waiting job perfectly, I served here and there making sure I avoid eye contact with Leopard who keeps staring at me with every move I make.. I served here and there till the day started getting dark, and later Maxwell joined Leopard and his friends and they all talked and laughed about things I don't care about.. And for some time they all paused and watched me go here and there and I knew they were talking about me. But ignorance was what I served them. And I don't get why they haven't leave yet. Finally the day was over and the restaurant was empty and slowly I took off my apron and handed it to Maxwell who walked up to me. "nice job today Penny, you really nailed it" he said and I shrugged. "so those guys over there, aren't they leaving?" I asked referring to Mr badboy. "they will pretty soon, they're just hanging around" Maxwell replied and I nod. "okay then I'll get going" I said and went to the kitchen to grab my purse and I was about walking out when I bumped into Leopard. Great. "hey Penelope" he said with a smile "hi.... I was about leaving" I said and was about to walk away but he blocked my part and I froze . "I have this feeling you're scared of me" he said, hell yeah I am. "and why would I be?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him. "because you stutter around me and you don't look directly at my face" he said and I try to look at his face to prove him wrong but I was wrong, he is so scary. I quickly look away and he sighed. "just know I'm completely harmles, oh and Max told me your full name's Penelope. Cute name, you know mine right" he said and I nod slowly "yeah, you're Leopard" I said, I think I'm running out of breath "Leopard?, it's Leonard, but just call me Leo for short" he said and I just nod Please leave me alone. "s-sure" I said. "so about yesterday I'm sorry for using you to co--- Mason suddenly walked in the restaurant and I was so glad to see him. "Mason" I called happily and he turned to me. "oh your boyfriend's here, I better walk away" Leo said and stepped back finally. "hey pen.. I came to pick you up?" Mason said with a smile and I smiled back.. I wanted to ask why he came to pick me up cause he never picks me up from work but I just kept quiet followed him outside. Saved from Leo. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
10 Aug 2019 | 14:36
Is Manson falling in love or was all those are just him being a true friend
11 Aug 2019 | 10:18
leopard so funny ?
11 Aug 2019 | 15:29
Is Mason falling for Pen gradually or he's doing all DAT out of pity??? We will find out later!!!
12 Aug 2019 | 12:03
i think this Leonard guy is interested in pen
12 Aug 2019 | 14:38
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE . EPISODE 5 I followed Mason outside and I didn't wait for him to open his car door for me, I opened it myself and got in.. Made got in the driver's seat and turned on the ignition before driving. We were like five blocks away from the restaurant when I asked. "since when did you start picking me up?" I said and he smiled. "well today?" he grinned. "anyway who was the dude you were talking to.. Your new boyfriend??" Mason said and I gave him a look. "do you really think I'm that kind of girl?" I said and he laughed. "no. I was just teasing you" he added and I folded my arms and rested my back properly on the car seat. "looks like work was real tough today Huh?" Mason said "nah.. Work was fine I did waiting today, which is more better than cooking" I said and he nods and we both kept quiet till he got to my 'home sweet home'.. "thanks.." I said as he parked in front of the yard "no biggie" he replied "I don't know where this sweet, caring and awesome Mason came from, but it's really nice to have you come pick me up from work, but don't I know you have better things you than come pick your bestfriend ex from work" I said and he chuckled.. "don't say that, it will be my pleasure seeing you happy" he said and I nod, but suddenly paused and turned to him. "are you doing all this for me out of sympathy.. Because Richard broke me?" I asked and he kept quiet. "thought so" I muttered and was about to come out of the car when he pulled me back. "the reason I'm doing all this is because of Richard." he said and I rolled my eyes. "not because you broke you or anything, it's because he personally asked me to take care of you, to be caring towed you, cause he knows he's out of the picture" Mason exclaimed and I scoffed. "so now he's regretting what he he did?.. He should die filled with regrets" I said and walked out of the car and Mason came out to. "look Pen. You don't need to get angry okay? I'm just doing a favor for my best friend and maybe some part of my kind gestures can be part of my doing too you know" he half yelled and I turned. "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at him for still thinking of me when he ruined my life" I said and Mason nods. "I understand," he said and I smiled a bit. "thanks for understanding, but please don't do anything Richard tells you to do for me, we're clearly over and he should know that." I said. "got it" mason said boldly making me smile. "good... I'll get inside then. Good night" I said and he nods slowly "goodnight." he said before entering to his car and driving away. I sighed and got onside my house too. * *MASON:S POV* I got home that night and as I expected, I got a visitor.. Richard. "thanks for letting me crash here tonight man, you're the only one I can rely on when everyone's turned their backs on me" he said and threw his jacket on the couch and I gave him a look. "don't get to comfy" I tell him. "so how did it go?" he asked. "how did what go?" I returned the question. "you... And pen.." he said lowly and I rolled my eyes.. "look Rich, I told her you're the one who's making me do all the nice acting and stuff for her cause she knows I can never get that nice with her, so I told her" I said and he suddenly remained calm before saying. "but still can't you just go-- "look Richard, I'm not doing any favors for you, and Also Pen wants to let you know that you guys are clearly over and doesn't want you to interfere in her life again." I said and he sighed and ruffled his hair. "just admit you regret what you did" I said. "I don't" he replied. Sternly. "I saw her with a guy today at the place she works" I said and Richard's head suddenly snapped at him. "a guy?. What was he like?" Richard asked and I smirked "I don't know but I know he was handsome" I said, I didn't even see the guy's face. "oh" Richard breathed out and a frown took over his face.. Mighty jealousy written over it.. "but seriously man, I don't get you, you really love pen, why would you do such a thing.. Cause now you're clearly regretting it I can see you clearly in your eyes" I said and he laid and on the couch and use his jacket to cover his face. "let's not talk about that now, I'm getting sleepy" he said. "whatever" I said and walked to my room. I removed my jacket and shirt before sliding my shoes out of legs, and I got into the bed and pulled the blanket to cover my cold body.. I grabbed my phone and started to check some stuff on Google but I got bored and got to my gallery, I started with some old pictures, which is just filled with, me, Richard Kirana and Penelope and my other two roommates.. We were all just so happy together, but it's like Richard broke something from us. I totally love Penelope and Richard together, they look so happy, so alive with each other and they're publicly romantic.. Which makes Kirana say things like she gets irritated when they start their lovey dovey stuff but she's just kidding, she's totally rooting for them together too. Penelope is just going through a lot and needs 'friends attention' now, but I'm just helping her out cause of Richard and a little bit of sympathy I have for her. I could still remember the first time I met her, she was standing at the bus first stop, looking all pale worried and looks like she was about to cry, I couldn't look away cause somehow she wanted to cry and I wanted to see that happen. She sighted me and quickly rushed to me making me scared a bit cause she held my hand firmly.. "please I got to breek college near by and I lost my wallet or forgot it at home I don't know, but can you p-please lend me some m-m-money?" she said but I just silently stared at her.. "here you can take my accessories, just think of it as trading" she said taking off her wrist watch, earrings and necklace and stuffing it in my breast pocket.. "please I need your help" she said.. "I go to break college too I can just drive you there, my car is parked of that coffee shop please keep your things" I said and gave her the accessories she gave me.. And I drove her to Breek university and after that day we became friends and then I got to meet Kirana, it was just the three of us, I knew Richard then but he didn't attend the same school with us so we didn't hang out much . But one day when he met me in a coffee shop with Kirana and Penelope, I introduced the girls to him and after that day he started having thing for Penelope. And well look at where we are now.. He just ruined his future. I turned on the air condition and turned off the night light before pilling my blanket over my head and finally I fell asleep. * *PENELOPE`S POV* It was the next day, which was Wednesday.. I hate Wednesday's it's just not my day, somethuhg usual always happens.. Like last two weeks Wednesday before this me and Richard's stuff I accidentally burned two of his shirt by ironing but we both just laughed it off. And then last week Wednesday at the restaurant while cooking, I accidentally spilled ice blocks inside a hot boiling vegetable oil while passing it to Randee and it caused a little bit of fire around the pot.. I've recently been having bad Wednesday's, it so not my day. I moved my blanket away from my body and got out of the bed and head straight to my bathroom, I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, and I walked up to the sink and my sender figure appeared in the mirror. I started brushing my teeth and I looked at reflection irritatingly, I'm normally a skinny person but Richard's callousness actually made it worse. My collarbone are now exposed and my waist is more tinier than ever. And my wrist looks like if I wore a watch, it wouldn't fit, it would be to big for me.. After brushing I took a bath, grabbed breakfast with my parent, and my dad suddenly noticed skinniness.. Maybe I shouldn't have worn shorts and a tank top.. But whateves I just go with what I'm comfortable with. I grabbed my bag and took a bus, getting to the restaurant I remembered Leo and sighed, I prayed so hard for him not to be here and when I got inside the restaurant, thankfully he wasn't there.. I breathed a sigh of relief and walked in boldly.. "morning Penny" Maxwell greeted and I smiled in return and walked in the kitchen. Randee and were chopping some vegetables when she cleared her throat and I know she water to speak. "so.. Pen.. She called and I turned. "what?" I asked. "you invited me to your wedding though, but I couldn't go cause I was crazily busy.. But since after the wedding you haven't said anything about it" she said and I sighed. "like when are you guys going your honeymoon" she asked with a smile but I just looked away. God this is embarrassing "i-i.. I'm not in the mood for talks right now Randee, we need to get this vegetables chopped as fast as possible" I said, we can cut the vegetables as slow as we want but, I just can't tell her what happened. "so.. Gina went to your wedding.. Gina is a girl who attended the same High school with me, and Randee knows her and I don't know how she did but the three of us get along just fine.. Sometimes. "and she told me the wedding didn't happen" Randee said and I suddenly chopped something that wasn't lettuce but my hand.. Dang it I cut myself. "she said Richard blew you off and didn't want to have wedding you" Randee said and I dropped the knife. I slowly turned to her with tears in my eyes but she wasn't looking at me, she was happily cutting carrots. "you knew he blew off the wedding then why did you ask me how it went" I asked lowly and she turned her face to look at me. "cause I wasn't sure, Gina Can cook up lies sometimes" she replied and I cleaned my tears. "or you just wanted to rub it on my face, that he didn't get married to me" I said angrily but lowly and she remained quiet. "I can't believe you' can be this low Randee" I said and stormed out of the kitchen, tears filled my eyes and I walked out of the restaurant angrily. "hey Penny, where the hell are you going?" I heard Maxwell's voice yell behind me but I didn't bother to turn back.. I went back of the restaurant and sat down on a small stood crying my eyes out. I suddenly became a laughing stock just because of Richard. God Life is so unfair for me... If only he could have warned me sooner that he didn't want to be with me anymore then I wouldn't be this way. Scratch that even if he did tell he didn't want to be with me sooner I would have still be broken cause I love him to the core.. God I hate myself. "penny?.. What are you doing here?" I heard Leo's thick voice called and I looked up to see him staring down at me Fucking great. "why are you crying?" he asked and I cleaned my tears and sniffed ignoring his question.. He's asking like we're friends and we know each other. I stood up and was about to walk away but he stopped me and grabbed my hand.. Making me flinch and turn back to him. "I just asked a question, why are you crying" he asked again. "I wasn't crying" I said and he gave me a look and I looked away, okay I hate this dude like so much .. What does he have with me, I don't like his presence and I don't understand why he's always disturbing me. He just met me two days ago by the trash. "you were literally crying.. I saw you storm out of the restaurant angrily and you started crying" he said seriously and I bit my lip not to react in any dangerous way Cause now I'm getting pretty mad. "look I've got to say this, I don't know who you are or where you came from.. But we are not friends and we will never be so don't act like you know me cause I hate your fucking guts.. I don't know what you and your homeless friends are doing in this restaurant anyway, and I don't know if you're one of those stupid homeless Criminals cause I'll rat you out to the police so if you don't want to get on my bad side stay away from me.. I'm not your friend or someone you know.." I said looking at him in the eye and I yanked my hand angrily from his grip but he just stared at me with a straight face and I glared at him one last time and walked away angrily, I am so mad right now but I don't have a bad side.. But I just want him to leave me the fuck alone!. I bumped into Maxwell while trying to get back into the restaurant... "sorry.." I apologized tiredly. "you know you should be nice sometimes." he said and I looked at him in a way he understands that I don't understand what he meant. "I mean Leo, what you just said was pretty rude, you should apologize" he said and I rolled my eyes "apologize my butt, I don't even get why he's always here with his stupid friends, I get that he's homeless but he shouldn't hang around here rub off his nuisance attitude on me. He should go some place else" I said angrily. "wow. Pen I don't know you could get this angry, and homeless, Leo isn't homeless, he owns three Manson here in Break, seven huge oil refinery company and also this restaurant which he handed out to Boris our boss.. Homeless?" Maxwell said and laughed. "Whatever I don't care" I said. "he might fire you, you know" he said and I rolled my eyes. "I don't care he should fire me.. It can't make any difference in the kind of life I'm living now" I said and suddenly remembered Randee and her big mouth. I walked away angrily, my breathing became thick and my forehead was covered in sweat. "I don't know who made you mad pen.. But SORRY!!" Maxwell yelled as I walked away. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:48
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 6 I walked back into the restaurant and into the kitchen, like I said is Wednesday's are just not my days. "look Pen" Randee called and I quickly turned and gave her a glare "what?" I said aggressively.. "look no need to get mad" she said calmly "i'm already mad" I said and he cleared her throat and looked away. "I'm sorry for saying that earlier. I mean it's just so surprising, you and Richard are just so close and perfect everyone was rooting for you two but I can't believe he blew it off.. I just wanted to hear it from you, I'm sorry" she said and I felt something drop from my eyes . Gosh I hate tears. "it's okay.. It's not what you see you get" I said my voice shaking and suddenly burst out crying, Randee suddenly pulled out her cooking gloves from my hand and pulled me in a hug. "why don't you just take a day off today Penny" Maxwell's voice said from the door and I walked out of Randee's hug and turned to him.. "it's okay" I tell him. "no it's not, I don't want you to cut yourself or get something's burnt while cooking, you can work tomorrow when your anger is lessened" he blurted and I sighed, "look Max, I'm okay I can't go home because of some anger issues" I said and did air quote around "anger" .. "okay then don't go home, just stay somewhere in the restaurant until your anger lessened" he said and I agreed by nothing slightly, I do really need some time alone and less work for me. I walked out of the kitchen and went to the huge store room behind the restaurant that has a door that can lead you both outside the restaurant and inside the restaurant and kitchen. But I made sure I closed both of the doors, cause I need to be alone.. I sat down near the store window and sat down on a very tall stood. I brought out my phone from my pocket cause I suddenly red a text message and it was from Kirana.. *hey gurl..* I read her message. *hey* I replied Her back. *are you doing okay?* she sends again and I sighed and typed *why do you ask* *cause Wednesday's are not your days I always tell you it's just coincidental accident but I just want to know how you're doing* she sends and I read it and looked away before sending back . *wed.. Is so not my day* *what happened.. Full Details* *i can't write them all how about we meet on Saturday* *but you have work* *yeah, but you don't, meet me at the restaurant* *ugh I hate coming to that your stupid restaurant you work* I laughed at her message and typed. *why* *i think that Maxwell guy still has a crush on me* *seriously Kira, you think all the dude in this world has a crush on you* I texted.. Another message beeped in my phone but I didn't look at it cause I was paying attention to the voices I was hearing outside. ' "seriously dude, that girl is kind of a bitch, I mean just imagine the way she spoke to you, she even called you homeless" I heard the first voice said from outside the window and I recognised it immediately knowing it was one of Leo's friend, "I thought she was nice, nacelle said she was but wow she is a rude one, and I don't understand why you talk to her anyway" his other friend said and I peeped out of the window to see the three of them seated on a plain old barrel each. "I don't know why I talk to her too, maybe I just wanted to be friends with her" Leo said and suddenly a slight guilt passed through me buy I washed it off. "friends? Dude you have us." one of his friends said and he looked at them and laughed. "Pete, you guys aren't my friends, you're just my partners" Leo said, so the bad mouthed one is Pete.. "we hang out with you everyday, talk to you, we literally do everything together and we're not friends?" Pete said and Leo suddenly looked confused. "are you?" Leo asked and Pete and the other dude rolled their eyes. "you've gone soft man, and I don't know why you want to make friends with that little miss goody two shoes, when you have a lot of bad ass bitches waiting for you every where" Pete said and Leo glared at me. "anyway I'm sleepy.." the other guy said and Leo said slipped his hand in his jacket pocket and brought out a key handing it to him. "you can go sleep at my house" Leo said "okay, but seriously, why have a mansion when you don't even stay there" the dude said and Leo glared at him. "don't question me man a just get outta here" "whatever" the guy said and walked away leaving Pete and Leo. "so should I apologize to her?" Leo asked Pete "who?" Pete asked. "Penelope" Leo said and I bit my lips out of guilt . "dude, you are crazy, don't apologise cause you did nothing wrong.. And don't even talk to her.. Again." Pete warned and Leo nodded his head. "you're right.. These days, I don't know what's wrong with me" Leo said and stood up from where he was sitting.. "you're suddenly like this because of Harmony" Pete stated and he glared at Pete. "me being like this has nothing to do with harmony, she's on her own and I'm on my own okay" Leo said and walked away and Pete later trailed behind him. I sat down back on the stool and noticed I've received tons of message from Kirana, I forgot I was having a text conversation with her. *what the hell I don't think like that I just know Maxwell as a thing for me* *he's charming though, but he's so not my type* *hey* *you still there* *pen? Are you okay?* I sighed as I read all the messages. *I'm fine, I gotta go anyway* I typed one last time before slipping my phone back in my pocket. I stayed there silently and slowly I start to doze off.. One bad habit of mine is that I sleep anyway and both my parents and Kirana hates it cause apparently it can be "dangerous".. But who cares, my eye lids are too heavy to even think about anything right now. I sighed one last time before going into dream land . * * I woke up hours later with my neck hurting like crazy, my skin's so dry and I'm thirsty and hungry . I got down from the stool and my phone slipped out from my pocket and fell to the ground, I gasped and immediately picked it up to see that the front was cracked, broken. I rolled my eyes and slipped it back in my pocket Fucking great. I went back inside the restaurant and noticed it was evening, and the sun would set any minute now. With few people in the restaurant, I made my way to the kitchen, there I met Randee and Jimmy talking. "hey where have you been" Randee suddenly asked immediately she noticed me. "in the storage room" I said and she nods and continued to talk to Jimmy. Why did she even ask me. "so it's looks like we're almost done for the day" I said and Randee looks at me and nodded "and Maxwell said, not to touch anything, that you just have to rest" Randee said and I nod and walked out of the kitchen, oh Maxwell, I went to sit on a table at the corner of the restaurant staring out side the window, when Maxwell suddenly sat down opposite me. "gee.. Where have you been?" he asks "I was asleep.. In the storage room" I said honestly and he nods and looks away slowly before turning back at me. "so I heard about you and Richard" he said and I sighed and laid my head on the table.. Not again. "hey look don't be offended by me bringing it up but I heard from Randee" he added and I just stare at him plainly. "don't take it out on Randee, I was the one who actually forced her to tell me.. But as a concerned assistant manager, I say you take a day off tomorrow" Maxwell said and I smiled a bit. "for a manger, you sure stink. Boris wouldn't even give me a second of work and yet you're giving me another day off because of Richard." I seethed. "that's because I'm not Boris, he's one serious boss, and I care about every single employee working here, especially Jimmy, that kid is going through a lot" Maxwell stated. "look I'm trying to get over Richard, no I'm not trying, I'm getting over Richard and I don't need a day off because of him" I deadpanned and Maxwell smiled. "I never knew you were so brave" Maxwell said dramatically and ruffled my hair making me smile a bit.. "I wasn't until 'he' happened" I tell Maxwell and he sighed. "well keep being strong and don't get angry, cause your angry side is so out of your innocent and nice league" Max said and stood up, before walking away. Everyone is telling me to cheer up and forget about Richard, but somehow I don't want to forget about him cause he was actually the best thing that happened to me. I feel so lost. I don't even know what to do with my life anymore . I sighed and turned to see Leo sitting in front of me. How the hell did he sit here that I didn't notice. He tapped the table with his fingers and pursed his lips together making it protrude, I looked away and stayed silent like no one's in front of me. And he stayed quiet too. My phone vibrated and I brought it out from my pocket and grunt when I saw the broken screen. It was a text message from Kirana but I couldn't see it clearly because of the cracks and I called her. "hey?" she suddenly said when she picked up "hey Kira" I said lowly and my voice surprisingly came out low and shaky making me sound awful. "are you Okay?" Kirana asked "yeah, I'm fine.. What is it. I um saw your text message but I actually couldn't read it, my phone..the screen got broken" I said slowly cause I know Leo was looking at me again and I just don't want to turn that way. "your phone got broken? Too bad, anyway I said I'm free tomorrow, work is cancelled for some reason which I'm going to tell you tomorrow when I come meet him at work" Kirana said and I smiled "you're coming here?" I asked again to be sure "yeah duh, I just said that." Kirana breathed from the other side of the line making me giggle a little. "but I thought you're on the lookout for Maxwell" I said "oh shut up" Kira tells me making me smile. Leo suddenly cleared his throat making me glance at him.. Kirana heard it and asked. "who was that?" she asked "no-one" I lied .. "look I gotta go, see you tomorrow" I quickly said and hung up. I was putting my phone back in my pocket when it slipped from my hand and fell to the ground, AGAIN!! "damn it!!" I yelled and picked it up, angrily I placed it on the table and huffed heavily. I breathed in and out slowly making my anger lessened. Leo stared at me and I stared back at him. Looking at him now, he doesn't scare me again like before.. "do you want to say something?" I asked "like what?" he returned the question and I kept quiet and looked away, few hours ago I was feeling guilty for yelling at him when he just wants to be "friends" with me.. But now he just sounded like a jerk .. I stared at my phone wishing it would just magically turn back to the new phone I bought, I mean Richard bought three months ago. I don't think I'm ready to save up to buy another one. "you know, the reason why I suddenly approached you was because I wanted to apologize for what I did when I first met you, and you talk and act like someone I know.. I'm sorry if I annoyed you or something" Leo said making me look at him. Great. He apologized now I'm feeling bad about myself. "n-no actually.. It's okay... I'm the one who's supposed to apologize to you.. I got mad about something else and let it out all you... So I'm sorry" I said honestly and he smiled. Okay admits. He looks cute with his dimpled smile. "so friends?" he asked. This guy is unbelievable, I can't believe he still wants to be friends with me, even when his friends said not to. "I'm sorry... no," I said gently and looked away, "why?" he asked.. Seriously?. I sighed still facing the exit of the restaurant, "i-i don't m—— I stopped talking when Richard walked in the restaurant and his eyes slowly landed on me making my breathing rapid. . T. B. C
16 Aug 2019 | 13:49
DANGEROUS❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 7 I quickly broke the sudden eye contact between Richard and I and turned to my front, I can't believe he's here, what the hell is he doing here... Suddenly I could hear my heart beat so fast.. I could see Maxwell staring at me from the counter far away, I didn't know what to do.. Suddenly I felt his presence beside me, his scent his warmth and Leo suddenly looked up at him wondering who he was. But I didn't dare to look up at him . "Pen." his familiar voice called me and my breathing hitched, this is so not happening no matter how hard I think I'm trying to get over him, I was wrong. With him standing right here beside me, and the way he called my name brought memories of us together. And as always I couldn't help the tears, I bent my face towards my fingers which was ontop my thigh making my hair cover the sides of my face and I let my tears drop freely into my fingers. "pen? Can we talk" he said again and this time I sniffed, not saying anything. "please?" he added but still I didn't make any attempt to raise my head up. "Richard I think I'm gonna ask you to leave." Maxwell's voice said from nowhere.. "leave? Max I just got here" Richard replied. "yeah I can see that but can't you at least just realise whatever you came here to do isn't working" Maxwell said and Richard sighed. "pen.. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm always around" Richard said and I heard as his boots made a turn and walked away.. "he's gone now, you can stop crying" Maxwell said and I slowly lift my head, my face, nose eyes, everywhere was covered in tears and I know I'm looking terrible. Leo stare gave made me chilly, but I looked at Maxwell who held a sympathetic look on his face.. "it's okay" Maxwell Said and pat my shoulder, I cleaned my tears and nodded.. While he forced a smile... "stay here I'll get you a glass of water" he said and I nod, not objecting.. I tucked my hair behind my ear and sniffed, I know my nose would have turn red my now.. I glance at Leo who was still staring at me not saying a word, but I ignored his stare and waited patiently for Maxwell, seconds later he appeared beside me with a glass of water and I genuinely took it and chug down the whole thing and gave him back the cup. "I think you should go home now, it would be closing hours soon, but just go home" Maxwell said and I nod and stood up. "thank you" I said lowly. "no problem.. " he replied and I walked away and went to grab my purse, I removed my apron and walked out of the restaurant. The cool fresh air blew my face hair and body making the huge lump in my throat vanish.. But I still didn't feel okay. I walked to the bus-stop slowly and luckily I caught the bus, just as I was paying, I realised I had forgotten my phone back in the restaurant but i didn't care, maybe Maxwell is going to see it and help me keep it. * I got home but didn't meet neither of parent at home and somehow it sucks being an only child cause I can't seem to share my day with anyone, and that's why Kirana is my best friend but she's not here all the time she works too. I went to my room and pull all of my clothes off my body, and before I knew it, I found my self crying under the warm shower inside the bathtub. I am a stupid weakling.. I'm so fragile, friable and soft and I hate myself for being that way. I got out of the shower and slipped in my pajamas, I got into the bed and covered myself with my blanket and stare at the TV till I fell asleep.. The next day I woke up by the sound of my morning alarm and I did my morning routine and went to work sadly.. I grabbed my apron from the kitchen and tied it around my body, ready to start today's work when Maxwell walked in. "good morning" Randee greeted and so did I. "morning, so Pen how are you feeling." he asked "the same." I replied "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or being genuine, but I'll take it that you're okay" he said and I smiled at him, he was about leaving but I called him back and he turned. "did you happen to see my phone, I left it at the table I sat down yesterday" I said. "oh yeah I did... But I'm not with it.. Leo took it" he said and I groaned. "don't worry he'll give it to you, he promised me he'd give it to you" Max said and I nodded and turned to the knife in front of me while he walked out. "have you been noticing that within this few days a guy and his friends are always hanging out here" Randee said and I nod "yeah I know, apparently he's the owner of this place" I said sarcastically.. "oh my God! Really? He owns this place and he's handsome.. Damn it he's my dream guy" Randee said placing her hand on her chest dramatically, making me laugh a bit. The littlest thing gets me laughing, and also makes me cry too. After chopping this, frying that, boiling this , steaming and roasting that... We finally took a break from cooking the whole menu while Janet who's now okay did her waiting job and started serving the foods we just cooked. During our break Randee was busy with her phone in the kitchen while I just stared at my purse, I finally stood up to take the trash out and just like I expected, I met Maxwell and Leonard talking. I looked away and walked passed them and getting to the trash cans I gently place the trash bag beside them and made a turn to get inside, passing Maxwell and Leo's front my name was called and it was Leo.. And I slowly turned it's kind of hard facing him cause I seriously embarrassed myself in front of him because of Richard yesterday.. Well whatever it's not like I'm trying to impress him or something. "yes?.. I said in a gently mannered way.. Just then Maxwell heard his name and he grunt angrily and stood up to go inside. Being an assistant manager Is not his job. "I um. I took your phone yesterday" Leo suddenly said and my attention immediately went back to him. "oh yeah, Maxwell told me, do you have it with you?" I asked nicely, I'm being nice to him cause he's been nice to me and I don't see any reason that would make me get angry, so I should just flow with the niceness. "yeah.." he replied and shoved his hand in his pants pocket and brought out an iPhone and placing it on my hand.. I scanned the shinny new expensive phone on me hand and then looked at Leo. "I use vojio xx4 not an iPhone.. Where's my phone?" I asked. "well your phone is broken, and also I figured out its going to expire soon cause xx4 is really an old version of vojio lines of phone, so I bought you a new one" he said.. "but this costs like a billion dollars and I can't pay you all that" I pondered staring at the phone. "don't worry the phone's not up to a billion dollar and you don't have to pay me" he stated and I slowly look up at him. "but my contacts, apps, pictures m--- "don't worry I had everything moved from your old phone to the new one" he immediately caught me off and I sighed.. This is so nice of him.. "why are you being so nice to me? When all I do is loathe and ignore you" I asked.. "because I am nice and like being nice" he replied and I suddenly blinked rapidly.. He doesn't look like someone who's nice.. Like all the way nice.. "okay I have a reason, but let's just say I just did it cause I wanted to and your phone was badly ruined" he added and I nodded understandingly "thank you" I says softly.. "you're welcome.. So friends?" he asked and brought out his hand for a shake. So this is the reason he bought this phone or what. But anyway there's no harm in making new friends, who can be somehow dangerous - by being extremely handsome, scary and huge, who knows he might be a thief, a big time criminal or worse a serial killer??!! But what am I even thinking I think way ahead of myself sometimes..i shook his hand and smiled after him. Oh Penelope Loretta Vandale, what are you getting yourself into. * I got back into the restaurant and walked back to the kitchen, and met Jimmy cooking with Randee. "where the hell were you" Randee asked. "I went to take out the trash" I replied.. "well there's no need for me to say anything now cause Jimmy's taking your spot already" Randee said and continued with whatever she was boiling.. "so what should I do now?" I asked placing my hands on my hips.. "well we're not doing much anyway, so you don't have to do anything" Jimmy said and I nod with a smile. "Jim shut up, to make everything easier, just slice this green peppers" Randee said and sighed and took it from her before grabbing a knife.. With the three of us working, the three of us wasted no time and it was ready in to time.. Just as I was washing my hand Kirana walked in the kitchen looking stunning as ever, she was in a red mini dress that fits her perfect chubby body and also she ends it with a two inches heel. "Kira!" I said happily.. And quickly whined the faucet to turn off the running water from the sink.. "pen" Kira said with a smile and pulled me in a hug. "it's so good to see you" I said "I told you I'd come today didn't I? I also called you yesterday but I couldn't reach you" she said and I remembered I wasn't with my phone. "well something happened to my phone actually" I said and she shrugged, we suddenly we heard grumbling... From the sky. . "today's sunny, is it going to rain?" Kirana asked me.. "you're asking me? Do I look like a weather reader." I said sarcastically and she gave me a look. "you're done working for now right?" she asked and I nodded. "great let's get a table" she said and we both happily walked out of the kitchen and took a table at the window side and while sitting down I carefully brought out my phone of my back pocket, so not to sit on it and ruin it, I place it on the table and Kirana suddenly gasped and yanked it away from the table "since when did you become an iPhone user" she asked making me smile a bit "since today" I replied and she looked at me weirdly.. "wait. Have you been saving to buy this, cause this cost like a billion dollars here" she said and I smiled cause I made the same statement as her. "I know but it's not up to a billion dollar" I tell her repeating Leo's word and she looked at me with a funny face.. "look at my bestie being all cool. So tell me how do you buy this" she asked . "someone actually bought it for me.." I replied and she scoffed. "I don't think I can think of anyone who'd buy this for you" she said and I sighed "it's actually a long story.." I said, and as she wanted to reply Maxwell came from nowhere "Ira!" he exclaimed happily seeing Kirana, and Kirana hates being called Ira, "what? Maxsweat!" she rolled her eyes at him. "great you still remember my name" Maxwell said, okay I don't know if Maxwell has a crush on Kirana but.. Well I don't know cause Kirana actually thinks every guy who talks to her likes her. "so you're looking beautiful as ever, what are you doing here?" Maxwell asked. "why would I be here if it's not for Pen" Kirana replied savagely and Maxwell smiled. "oh I get it, bestication.." he said and I smiled, we heard grumbling sounds again and when I look out I noticed the day was getting dark.. Gee.. It is going to rain. "what the hell, I had no idea it's going to rain, I'll be right back" Maxwell said and walked away, "please don't come back" Kirana yelled after. "you're so rude to him" I said "I know right, maybe I should be even worse than rude" she said with an evil smile. "hey Pen" I heard my name and looked up to see Leo smiling at me.. "h-hey.." I replied lowly and looked away, Kirana looked up to see who I was talking to and she suddenly gasped. "Leo!" she exclaimed happily. Hi santus on+2348091756761 to join story group. "Katherine?" he called unsure of her name.. "it's Kirana" she corrected and they both shared a brief hug. Well they know each other, that's surprising. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:50
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 8 ?????????? "what are you doing here?" Kirana asked Leo.. I own this place' that's what I expected to hear from him but instead he said. "I hang around here often" "what are you doing here?" Leo asked Kirana, "oh I came here to visit my friend." Kirana replied referring to me. "oh you and Pen know each other?" Leo asked. "childhood friends" Kirana replied and Leo smiled, "how do you know Pen?" Kirana asked sitting down. "well I-- "LEO!!" Maxwell yelled from outside and Leo sighed. "I have to go, see you later Kirana" Leo said and smiled before glancing at me and walking away.. "you know that guy?" I asked when I know the coast was clear.. "yeah.. You do too?" Kirana asked "yeah like four days ago and he's been forcing me to be his friend" I replied and Kirana blinked rapidly. "really? The Leo I know isn't like that, he doesn't force people to be his friend neither does he talk to people.. I'm surprised he's even talking to people like Maxwell" Kirana said and I shrugged.. "well I don't know the old Leo you seem to be talking about but the one I know, he's nice, he makes friends and he is the one who bought this" I said pushed my phone forward. "wow. I didn't know he could be this nice.. The only person who would ever do and buy stuffs for is harmony" Kirana tells me and I gave her a lost face. "Harmony who?" I asked. "oh his girlfriend" she replied and I understood and nod. "well he bought it for me and somehow we're friends" I said and she looks at me confusingly, tilting her head. "what?". "nothing" she quickly said "so how did you know Leo" I asked and she started. "well the company where I work now, he owns it, well it was two years ago then and I didn't know he was the owner of the company, I was working as an intern there, at that time remember? as an intern I run all the errands and then one day accidentally I bumped into him, he was pretty mad, he yelled about this and that and how stupid I am, I insulted him back cause I didn't know he was my boss yet.. He was so rude I hated him to the core after giving him a huge insult I walked away cause I know that would piss him off. Well to cut things short, the next day I Bumped into his girlfriend harmony, I didnt know how I became a bumping machine then, but harmony was so nice to me she apologized to me when I was supposed to apologize to her.. Well I later met her with Leo and she tried to introduce me to him but he told her we knew each other as enemies but aside that the three of us kind of became friends and then I learned that he's the owner of the company and that's he's stinking rich and it's almost a year since I saw him and Harmony.. And now he's gotten a lot prettier but he's kind of different" A huge lightened flashed across the sky and a huge thunder sound grumbled after it, making everyone in the restaurant flinch and starts to murmur.. "this rain is going to be a blast" Kirana said and I nodded agreeing with her. "but wait, if Leo's so rich why does he hang around here all the time, he should be at home or at work doing some business stuff or something" I asked "I don't know, we used to be friends but not the buddy-buddy kind of friend, and it's been a year since I heard from him so I don't know what's going on in his life" Kirana replied and I nod. Suddenly the rain starts to pour heavily and before we knew it, the customers in the restaurant starts to leave, remaining two couples who later left when the rain got heavier, it wasn't just a rain it was like a tornado rain .. Heavy wind blew and threw things around recklessly.. Maxwell and Leo walked back into the hotel looking a bit wet, but I immediately Turned to Kirana who was talking to me. "we better get away from this table before the wind carries something heavy and hit the window, killi---- Kirana hasn't completed her words when something hit the window smashing the glass real hard and the two of us screamed and left the table with speed. We both burst out laughing cause that was funny but also dangerous.. I snatched my phone from the table and Kirana and backed away slowly, "looks we're both gonna be here all night if the rain doesn't stop" Kira said.. "none of us are going to be here if the rain doesn't stop. So we better get comfy" Maxwell said behind us and we both turned to see him and Leo. "I wanted to come see my bestie and this happened. Damn it" Kira said and I giggled. "god I hate being wet" Leo said taking off his jacket and leaving his dry black shirt on.. He pushed his long wet hair back and I quickly looked away cause that was kind of breathtaking and weird.. For me. "well good thing I'm used to bringing extra clothes I'm taking off all my shirts, Ira care to join me?" Maxwell said playfully with a smile. "You'll regret having me join you when something gets missing from your body" Kirana replied and looked down. In between his legs. "yeah I'm good" he quickly said and walked away. "that's what I thought" Kirana breathed out while I giggled, we both sat down at a table not close to any windows or doors, it was the centre of the restaurant and it was way better. "so... What do you think about Leo?" Kirana asked suddenly and I gave her a look. "what do you mean by what do I think about Leo?" I re-asked the question and she quickly cleared her throat and said "nothing" "hey.. Hey... You there.." Kirana said wanting Jimmy's attention. "his name is Jimmy" I tell her and she yelled. "Jimmy!" he flinched turned to us "get me a glass of orange juice" she said and he nods and walked away, "orange juice huh?" we heard Leo's voice said and we looked at him as he slowly sat down "yep, suddenly I started craving for that" Kirana replied and Leo smiled. "so how's Harmony?" Kirana asked. "harmony's fine" he replied. "cool. But pen said you've been hanging out here a lot and I don't think you've ever brought her here" Kirana stated, which made Leo narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips together.. "well You See Harmony and I, we're not together anymore" Leo muttered out lazily. "really?" "oh my gosh. What happened why did you guys break up?" Kirana asked curiously, her lips slightly open. "well apparently I wasn't good enough for her.. It was two weeks ago on Saturday actually she just didn't want me anymore, she told me I wasn't good enough for her and till today I didn't know what I did wrong, I gave her all the love and care in this world" Leo said with this sad eyes and for the first time I felt sympathy for him.. "OMG I'm so sorry" Kirana said pitifully "it's okay. I'm getting over the loneliness I feel without her.." Leo breathed out and sighed. "uh-- I'll be right back" Kirana said, stood up and walked away cause she saw Jimmy talking to someone, I know she's going to yell his head off cause he forgot her orange juice. Thunder suddenly grumbled as I realise it was Leo and I at the table alone. "so you and Kirana are pretty close" Leo said looking at me. "yeah, she's like an instant sister" I replied and looked away. "you know, you and I are pretty similar" he started and I looked at him. "Huh?" I said bewilderingly.. Similar? how? "Maxwell told me.. The dude who came here and made you cry the other day is your ex Fiancee but he bailed off your wedding, on the wedding day, that's the same day my harmony broke up with me" Leo explained and sighed. I didn't know Maxwell was a blabber mouth.. "and I don't see how that makes us similar" I said seriously. "we are, we're both humans who got heart broken on the same day" he replied and I blinked rapidly and looked away, he's kind of right but I don't see how that's helping any of us. We both remained quiet and I just looked at my phone while enjoying the sound of the heavy rain, we heard a hard object which hit the window forcefully and I flinched.. "wow. This rain is pretty stormy and dangerous, my mom told me, a tornado rain storm took place when I was born" Leo said and bit my lips, worrying that I'll yell out of anger and boredom.. Why is he telling me things about him that I don't want to know, we're not that kind of "friends" we're just two people who happens to know each other, weirdly.. "good for you" I muttered very low.. Gritting my teeth. "are you okay?" he asked. "I'm just bored" I said and he nods, I looked back but I couldn't see Kirana anywhere, where the hell is she!!! "am I boring you?" he asked nicely and I sincerely nod.. "I'm sorry.." I said lowly and he smiled. "it's okay, lately I get that a lot, Pete and Liam, my two partners, said I've gone soft and boring and I can see it now" he said and I still have an "am-sorry" look.. Kirana suddenly walked up to us looking all red, puffy and happy. "what happened where's your orange juice?" I asked her "what orange juice?" she quickly said and I gave her a weird look. "the one you asked Jimmy" I help her recalled it and she breathed out an "oh.. Well let's just forget about that.".. Something fishy, I know my best friend to well and I know something happened "okay what happened?" I let it out, observing her very carefully. "well.. She squeaked and looked back and forth between Leo and I.. "I'll tell you later" she breathed out "what? You can't say it front of me?" Leo added and Kirana nodded. "I can't, not even a single alphabet" Kirana said looking at him sternly "nope, you didn't change a bit. You're still the rude Kirana Pattie, I know" Leo sang and I chucked a bit.. Which made Kirana rolled her eyes.. The three of us talked a lot, well I didn't talk like that Kirana and Leo did a lot of talking, it's nice to see that she has other friends aside from Mason and I. Cause I don't, I've only got her,and Mason and maybe.. Leo.. nah I don't think so.. As they both talked, laughed and played , I looked at them and envied them a little bit, they're so happy and look at Leo, he doesn't look like someone who got heart broken, I guess girls are really the week ones. Suddenly I started hearing the song mirror by Justin Timberlake over the rain and I looked around to know where it was coming from.. "that's your phone ringing" Leo said immediately and my head snapped down to my 'new phone' "Oh!" I exclaimed, Mason was the caller and I gently carried the phone from the table standing up "why did you make that song the ringing tone, she told me you bought the phone for her" Kirana said to Leo who was standing up and ignoring her words, and she got mad and slapped his butt and pushed him towards me, making me pick the call and also bumping into me and accidentally and coincidentally, his lips almost touched mine.. it just touched the side of my lips, And I pushed him aside cause he was interrupting my call. "what did you do that for" I heard Leo said behind me. "hello" I said into the phone. "it was a mistake I didn't know you'd kiss Penelope" I heard Kirana's voice behind me.. Ugh they're so loud . "hello!" I said into the phone again "we didn't kiss" I heard Richard's voice from behind and I angrily walked away.. "hello! Mason?" I said slowly now cause I'm away from those two noise makers. "hey Pen" I heard Mason's voice and I smiled, I missed him. It's nice hearing his voice. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:51
DANGEROUS❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE . EPISODE 9 ??????????????? "how are you?" Mason said into the phone . "I'm fine, everything's fine." I said and he breathed out an "okay" from the other side of the line. "so why are you calling?" I asked "really? I can't call my friend and asked how she's doing." he replied and I imagined he rolled his eyes. "you're not that kind of person, it's either you want something from me or you want me to do something for you, that's the Mason I know" I said and hear him laugh. "well In that case you do not know your best friend at all, I just called to ask if you're okay cause, well Richard told me he came to see you" Mason blurted out and I sighed. For once in my life can't I just live without hearing his stupid name. ??? "yeah he came here, apparently to visit me. He just said he needed to talk and I foolishly cried seeing him" I said angrily like I tasted bitter. I hate myself for crying that day. "one thing about you is that you cry a lot" he said and I scoffed. "you're suppose to be on my side Mr. Not oppose me!" I reprimanded "I am on your side I'm just telling you things you shouldn't do, Pen you cried on my birthday last year just because I was cutting the cake.. I mean hello! Who does that?, look some things In life are bound to be forgotten, like what Richard did and also forget about him too cause you'll only be hurting yourself, he's my best friend and I'm supposed to be on his side but he did wrong and it's not fair to support him.. So stop acting like an old lady snail and forget about him okay? Move on Pen" Mason yelled and a hell of a thunder strike causing me to jump, but I cooled down and sighed. "you're right... But it's going to be kind of hard, I'm still trying though.. Cause I love him too much" I said and regretted I said that. "he loves you too but I think his dumb self is working" Mason said me making smile a bit, but my heart tightened.. He loves me too, then why did he do that.? I remained quiet for a while holding my tears... No fucking way. I'm not gonna cry.. It's getting way out of hand "hello.. Pen? Are you still there? You're not crying are you?" Mason suddenly said breaking me out of silence.. "no.. I'm not crying" I replied and he breathed a sigh of relief. "thank God, just be strong for me, for Kirana, your parents they will love to see you move on" he calmly said and I nod "okay thanks," "anytime" he said cheerfully "but seriously I didn't know you could be such a great advisor" I said after a brief silence. "I had no idea until my best friend broke my best friend heart" he said and I smiled. "well it's still raining, do you want me to pick you up after work? Or should I come over there?" he asked "well the rain's pretty tough and dangerous, I don't want you to die while cooking to me" I said with seriousness and he laughed. "like you wouldn't be happy?" he said, making me gasp playfully. "you are such a goofball.. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you.." I tell him and I could feel his smile from the phone. "yeah, I know.. I love you too But guess what?" he suddenly asked. "what?" I asked inquisitively. "are you close to the restaurant door?" he asked "no but I can see it from here" I replied. "great cause.. The door to the restaurant suddenly opened and Mason walked in making me gasp. His hair was a bit wet but aside that he was perfectly dry , thanks to his leather jacket, I guess. From the table Kirana sat down she saw Leo from the door and watching stood up making Leo flinch a little. "what are you doing here?" Kirana yelled. "don't worry I didn't come here for you" Mason said to her walking up to me, I slowly pulled down my phone from my ear and cut the phone call. Mason spread out his arm coming towards me, and with a smile and an eye roll, I hugged him... "you didn't tell me little Mrs tigress was" Mason whispered in my ear reffering to Kirana and I giggled and pulled away from the hug. "C'mon" I tell him and went back to the table I was sitting before with Leo and Kirana. "hey! I told you I didn't come here because of you" Mason said to Kirana who was looking at him awkwardly and settling down beside me. "I don't care about that? Why did you come in this rain, it's dangerous out there" Kirana said and Mason smiled at her. "what? You Care about me?" Mason playfully said and smiled "shut up" Kirana tell him and sat down.. Mason glanced at Leo who was staring at the table and being quiet. "who's this" Mason leaned closer to me and asked. "he's Leo" I replied, trying to whisper but in a way my voice came out loud. And Leo turned and figured out I was introduced him to Mason. "hi.. I'm Leo Penelope's friend" Leo said and Mason smiled.. "Friend?" he said and glance at me smiling making me nudge him. "I'm Mason.. Also Her friend.. But closer. .. We're close friends like best friend a--- "you know what? Why don't you two get to know each other, Pen? Can I talk to you?" Kirana cut Mason off and I nodded and stood up.. "get to know each other and we'll be back" Kirana said one last time before dragging me away from the table and taking me to the one we both ran away from. "why are we here, do you want us dead another deadly object can strike through the window and kill us" I said "I don't care" she quickly said and I gave her a look. "sorry.. I just need to tell you this and since we're here the rain can cover our voices.." she said apologetically and I sighed and before saying. "go on." "okay so when I got to meet that Jimmy guy for my orange juice, I walked up to him and started yelling at him for forgetting to bri-- to just cut things short, I kissed Maxwell, I mean he kissed me, we both kissed" she said in a panic voice and I gasped. "so you do like him?" I said almost happily and she rolled her eyes. "shut up would you?" she said angrily and I bit my lips and bat my lashes at her.. "you don't have to pretend you don't I'm your bestfriend, you can share anything with me. " I primped and she sighed. "well, we're just arguing about the orange juice and then I said something which made him dared me to do something and not wanting to be a chicken in front of him, I did and then he dared me to kiss him and I did. And then he reciprocated which Led to a hot and never ending kiss, that's why my face was all red and puffy, I could feel it..and now I am so freaking out.. But in a good way actually" my best friend panicked and I laughed.. I use to believe Kirana's a tough girl, who doesn't let things get to her skin easily, but look at her being all afraid because she kissed a man, she may or may not have a crush on. I guess when it comes to love. We all become weak.. It's just to powerful and gets us easily. "look Kira, you don't need to panic, just follow your heart" I tell her. "eww following my heart is the worst.. I followed my heart once and what happened. I dated a stupid Germany guy who tried to sell my cat.. So me and heart we don't work together" Kirana said and I smiled softly. "just trust me on this one and follow your heart" I blurted and she sighed. "okay I'll try, but don't you dare tell Mason about this cause seems like we're not best friends anymore and more like you two, so don't tell him anything" she warned and I rolled my eyes. "do I look like that kind of girl to you" I asked, half way angry. "you don't look like that kind of girl you are that kind of girl" Kirana said and I scoffed with a smirk "well I'm not gonna tell him" I said "whatever" she primped and walked back to the table where the boys are and I trailed behind her. Getting to the table, the boys were already talking and laughing, wow guys get along real fast. Leo and I had known each other for almost a week and we didn't laugh like this. But he just met Mason today and they're already talking and laughing their lungs out like they've known each other for years. "what are you silly boys talking about?" Kirana said taking a sit beside Leo while I took mine beside Mason. "I was just talking about my birthday party last year where Kirana entertained us while I was cutting my cake" Mason said and my head snapped at him and I gave him an angry look. "oh yeah that was hilarious" Kirana said and starts to laugh. "pen.. I can't believe you cried" Leo laughed making his dimple holes so wide and deep. "nice story goofball" I said and angrily to Mason and he grinned. "sorry I couldn't help it when the story came out of my mouth" he said and I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. Randee came out of the kitchen with her attention all to her phone "Randee!"Mason called and her head turned to our table. "hey Mace.." she said walking up to us "it's nice to see you?" she added grinning from ear to ear. "well it's nice seeing you too can you get me a plate of yam fries.. I love eating that when it rains" he said and she nods. "would you like anything?" she asked Leo nicely "I'll get the same" Leo muttered and she nods "Kirana?" "just get me a glass of orange juice" Kirana replied and Randee nodded and walked away.. "why didn't you order anything?" Mason asked me when Kirana left. "I'm not hungry" I replied and he nods. Randee came back and placed a huge bowl of yam fries in the middle of the table and Mason looked up at her. "who's gonna eat this? It's too much And I don't have enough money to pay for this, I thought you were going to give us differently?" Mason whined and Randee eyed him. "shut up and eat, you don't have to pay, you're eating with the owner of the restaurant" Randee said and flashed Leo one of her flirty smile. She dropped Kirana's orange juice and walked away. "you're the owner of this place" Mason asked Leo.. "yeah, kinda, sorta.. Maybe? Let's eat" he said and quickly shoved one of the yam fries in his mouth. Mason starts to eat while I just stared at Kirana's juice. And suddenly I wanted it. "can I have some?" I said to Kirana "no" she answered dryly and I grunt. "here" Mason said bringing a fry to my mouth. "I don't want that" I said. "just open up and you'll like it" he said pushing the fry to my closed mouth. I sighed and opened my mouth while he shoved it inside my mouth, smiling, I chewed the little yam in my mouth and gosh it was delicious.. "I want more" I quickly said, my hand almost reaching for the bowl but Mason slapped my hand away. "you didn't want it before so you're not going to get it now" he said playfully making me scoff. "you are such a child" I blurted out loudly and he laughed. "still the best word you've said to me all year". "come-on Mason.. Don't be a child and just let me have some" I whined like a child. "whose the child now?" he scoffed. "you can get yours you know" Leo who was watching us said. "I know I'm just too tired to stand up" I replied not looking at him, sometimes it's just so hard to look him in the eye. And I don't know why. "okay fine here" Mason said and brought another yam fry to mouth. "what? you're gonna feed me now" I said sarcastically.. "sweetie.. Half Is better than none you gonna argue with that one or stick with me feeding you" he said and I sighed and opened my mouth for him to put it in.. "that's my girl." he said and I rolled my eyes "you guys are such dorks" Kirana said and Mason playfully glared at her.. Mason fed me for a while, whilst Leo watched us with this kind of amusement in his eyes.. Like he wanted to try it out too.. Mason continued feeding me and I couldn't take it anymore, at the tenth feed.. I bit his finger making him yelp and flinch . And I packed all the fries could my palm could take "Penny!!" he yelled while I laughed and so did Kirana and Leo. "sorry but I couldn't take anymore" I said and place three yam fries in my mouth. "if you hadn't been so nice I would have drag out those vampires teeth from your gums" he said and I laughed even more He sat down and continued eating and kept looking at his fingers.. "I'm sorry" I said.. "it's okay but it still kind of hurt" he replied and I pulled his finger towards me.. "lemme see" "there's not even a single scratch here and you're being all whiny about my teeth" I said and threw his finger to himself.. "yeah but it still hurts" he said and I rolled my eyes at him. I looked up and notice Leo staring at me but he quickly looked away when I caught him I just ignored that and enjoyed the yam fries.. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:52
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 10 ??????????? So after our big bowl of yam fries which Kirana later joined in and I also had her orange juice, I was the one who took the bowl and cup away cause I work here. Well aside that we just talked a little before the rain stopped, but the day was still dark and it was only four in the afternoon. Maxwell came out later and said Randee, Jimmy and I could go home early cause the rain kind of ruined business today and he's going out also to do some important stuff.. Randee and Jimmy left while I stayed and cleaned the kitchen cause I did less work today, and cleaning the kitchen, just covered It all up. After that I took off my apron and packed my hair in ponytail, I don't want it roaring in the cold wind outside.. I grabbed my purse and walked out of the kitchen and I saw Maxwell and Kirana talking at a corner and saw Leo and mason talking not knowing who to go to I just stood still and watch myself tap my feet lightly on the concrete floor.. I admit I am a boring person.. "hey! Pen. You done?" Mason yelled and I looked up at him and nodded immediately. "okay. Well I can drive you home" Mason said walking up to me. Home. I don't feel like going to my old boring house with just me and my parents, who would probably be at work right now. I cant stay alone in that house, I'll die of boredom and I don't think Kirana would want to come with me cause there's an old lady she's scared of in my neighborhood. "home? I don't think I want to go home." I tell Mason. "why?" he asked making Leo suddenly pay attention to us. "cause if I go home now I'll die of boredom, you know how my house is, and these days being alone isn't the best thing for me." I said and he straightened his slopped shoulders.. "I understand, where do you want to go I'll be your driver for today." he said with a smile. "your place?" I said remembering how I felt a little bit comfortable on my supposed-to-be-wedding day "why Mason's place?" Kirana suddenly chipped in from no where and I turned to see she was no longer talking to Maxwell. "cause it's nice now and feel somewhat like a home" I said and Kirana rolled her eyes. "look you can't come to my place" Mason said with a sigh. "why?" I asked "Richard's there" he said and I breathed out an "oh!".. "we can go over to Kirana's place" Mason said and Kirana looked at him weirdly. "I'm sorry, we? Who said you could come to my place, the only person allowed in my apartment is Kirana, I don't want your weird presence in my sweet home" Kirana blurted.. "have any one ever told you how annoying you are" Mason deadpanned "no one has and anyone who does is probably a fool, and wait you just said that which makes you a lifetime idiot" Kirana said cheerfully.. "you are the mo-- "okay can you guys just quit fighting, you both fight all the time, let's just go someplace else and hang out" I interrupted Mason and he apologized for the small fight but Kirana didn't. "so should we go to the arcade or something?" Mason asked with s grin. "an arcade, do we look like boys to you" Kirana asked and I know it's going to start another childish fight between them. "or you guys can over to my place" we heard someone said and looked around for the person who said that. And it was Leo.. "sweet.. I'll drive" Mason said with a smirk. "dude, you just met this, guy he's kind of like a stranger to you and you're taking the chances of going to his house!" I said to Mason in almost a whisper but Leo and Kirana heard it. "like the old saying, strangers make the best of friends" Mason stated and Kirana laughed. "you blockhead that's not an old saying you just made that up. And pen he's not a stranger to either you or more.. So Leo let's go" Kirana said and walked towards Leo who started walking outside.. I know nothing about this guy.. All I know that he owns this restaurant and that his girlfriend broke up with him. That's all I know about thing, and one thing I hate is going to stranger's house.. It hasn't been too long since I adapted with Mason's.. "come-on let's go" Mason said and pulled my hands dragging me to come with him, Leo and Kirana. . I stayed quiet in the back sit of Mason's car, with Leo beside me.. Kirana took the driver's seat and Mason the driver. "I should have gone home" I muttered to myself and Leo glanced at me. O "are we there yet?" Mason asked. "just take two right turns and one left and we're there" Leo replied.. The car became silent, and I sighed and rested my back on the car seat. Kirana muttered something to herself and turned on the radio, "power of love" by Celine Dion was playing and God I hate that song.. "please turn off that music" Leo and I said together and we turned to look at each other before turning back to Kirana. "gee.. I was just trying to make the car lively.. Birds of the same feather." Kirana rolled her eyes and turned off the radio. "much better" I breathed out and she glared at me. But then turned to leo, "so Leonard, why didn't you bring your car my claustrophobia is acting up in this car" Kirana said and Mason glance-glared at her. Kirana and her abusive words. "I don't ride that anymore, I don't go places that's why I don't ride any of my cars" he said and I breathe in heavily. Wow he doesn't just have one he has "other" cars "wow you've changed so much" Kirana said looking back at Leo. "how do you mean?" Leo asked. "you used to be this arrogant prick. Who's annoying and Hates other people's gut.. But look at you now making a bunch of friends like this stupid one driving the car, i'm not saying it's a bad thing though.. But it's just not you, it's like I'm talking to a whole new different Leonard" Kirana explained, while Leo smiled before giving her a reply. "I guess my break up with Harmony did change me a lot" Looks I'm not the only who's still having a huge monster emotional breakdown after my stupid fiance.. I mean Richard broke me.. But his is kind of funny, it made him turn nice.. "I've made two right turns and a left one and I don't know, is your house getting more far" Maxwell suddenly said and Leo's head tilt up. "just drive a little and we'll be there" he assured Mason "are you sure you're not trying to sell us" Mason said and Leo laughed. he's cute when he laughs.. "there. We're here" Leo said and Mason stopped the car. "finally" I breathed out within myself and.. Opened the car door and walked outside. Finally fresh air.. "finally fresh air" Kirana breathed out my thought and I laughed lightly.. "that car was suffocating me" Kirana added making me Laugh even more. "where's Leo" Mason asked coming out of the car. We all turned and saw him walking towards a gigantic marbles painted house.. "sweet cheese is that your house?" Mason yelled. "don't embarrass us and keep your voice down" Kirana said and used her elbow to hit his stomach. Kirana and Mason walked up to Mason, while I tried to trail behind them I hit my toe nail on a small rock and dang it, it hurt so much. So much for wearing sandals, I should have worn one of my canvas or sneakers. I ignored the pain which was still hurting and followed them. The day was getting brighter little and by little and the sun has start to come out... Thank goodness. We all got in Leo's house and. Wow was just all I could think about or say.. He lives alone in this kind of Mansion and yet he doesn't stay here.. What's up what this dude.. "help yourself with anything" he said as we got in the living after crossing a small pool that has a small decoratively bridge that led to the living room. This house must be way too expensive.. "pen, you're bleeding" mason said as he sat down on of the super shiny expensive couch. I looked down at my toe cause that's where mason was looking at I gasped. "Must be a small wound from the rock I hit my toe earlier outside" I said feeling uncomfortable as my blood sprout out of my big-toe nail and stained, Leo's clean tiled floor.. "well you better cover that up" Kirana said and I nod.. "Leo you've got any first aid kit" Kirana asked and he nods and walked away coming back with a small first aid kit.. "give it to me.. I'll give her the treatment" mason said and Leo passed the first aid kit to him "don't worry I'll do it myself" I said sitting down and taking off my sandals.. "it's okay.. I'm here I'll do it" Mason said and knelt in front of me opening the first aid kit. And started to treat my wound. "lately you're just being all nice to pen and you're not like that before, are you sure you're not having a crush on her?" Kirana said teasingly and Mason sighed and looked at her. "sometimes, you have to shut up" he said angrily "I was just joking you birdbrain" Kirana snarled and threw him one of the couch pillow. Which he bravely dodge with a smile. "there.." mason said and I glance at my feet to see that my leg has gotten treated and was wrapped up with a clean small, tiny bandage. "thanks mace" I said and he shrugged. "what would you do without me" Mason said smiling at me "everything! She can do anything without you" Kirana chipped in and Mason huffed and sat down .. I later cleaned my blood which spilled on the floor and joined the others who seemed like they wanted to watch a movie.. "OMG it's a picture of you and harmony" Kirana said bringing out a picture from a box filled with different kind of DVD cassette player .. "lemme see" mason said and snatched it from her hand. Which made Kirana sighed angrily and continued looking at the box for a good movie to watch. "she's cute.. Looks a little bit like Pen to me" Mason said and I gave him a look. "see for yourself she looked a little bit like you.." he said and handed me the picture... "I look nothing like her, we just have similar red hair that's all" I stated. "you both kind of have the same smile" Leo suddenly said and I looked at him and shook my head negatively. I handed Mason back the pictures and he gave it to Leo shoved it back in the film box. "why are you putting in there, aren't you going to hang it up or put it in a place where you or anyone can see it" mason asked Leo. "I love harmony and I will love to put that picture up in the wall but she can come here any day and she'll see it and think I'm not over her" Leo replied "but are you over her?" mason asked. "no! But she has to believe I am" Leo said and Mason laughed. "you are smart.. And also nice" mason said.. "oh I'm far from being nice" I heard Leo said lowly but I don't think mason heard it cause I was like in between them but there's a space between Leo and I but no space between mason and i.. "got it.. The perfect movie!! We're watching princess switch tonight." Kirana said standing up from the floor. "ugh.. I think Pete's sister bought that movie and left it here" Leo said. "well have you seen it" Kirana asked "no but I think it will be boring, do you even hear the name princess switch" Leo said in his deep voice and Kirana rolled her eyes. "don't judge a movie by its cover" "I thought it was don't judge a book by its cover since when did it change" mason said playfully to Kirana but only received a glare. These two are kind of funny. "okay keep quiet everyone, the movie's starting" Kirana said happily "no one was talking" mason deadpanned and Kirana angrily stoned him the remote she was holding. "shut up" she yelled and came to join us on the couch but quickly stood up after realising she's sitting down beside Mason who rolled his eyes immediately she left and took a single chair. The movie started and we all remained quiet and payed attention to the movie, Even Leo the Opposer of the movie payed real attention. The movie had already gone half way when Leo starts to dose off.. "hey don't fall asleep here" I warned him lowly.. "me? Fall asleep.. I can't" he said and few minutes later his head was lying on my shoulder.. "you said, you wouldn't sleep" I said and smacked his forehead making him jerk up. "you said you wouldn't sleep." I tell him. "sorry I couldn't help it, it's just so boring" he said and I rolled my eyes and pushed to the TV. And before I knew it he placed his head on my shoulder again and this time I just let him be. The movie became was becoming more interesting and I know it was about to end and at the ending.. I couldn't help it, I cried.. It just ended so happily and I just wished my life could be like that. "I thought you're over crying in movies" mason said as I sniffed lowly not letting anyone know I was crying. I quickly sit properly and used my shoulder to hit his head. "I thought you were asleep" I said pretending I never cried. "I was never asleep, I was watching from your shoulders" he said with a smile. "now my shoulders hurt" I said and he laughed.. "well that was one heck of a movie" Leo breathed and laid his head on his couch. "then if you were not crying, why are your eyes red" Mason suddenly said making my head turn to him "something got in my eyes." I lied. "oh really, lemme see" he said and placed his index finger under my chin and lifting my face up. He moved his face closer to mine and looked inside my eyes. "I don't see anything.." he said suspiciously and brought his face even more closer to mine, making only an inch to prevent our face from touching.. And him looking in my eyes was awkward, he was looking for anything in my eyes.. He had this look in his eyes that I couldn't explain actually.. And my breathing suddenly hitched. "get away from my face" I said looking at him in the eyes. "your breath smells like orange" he said. "are you two gonna kiss or what is happening" Kirana said and I angrily moved my head back making it hit Leo's head. "ouch" I said and glared at mason. "sorry.." he laughed. Leo sighed heavily and stood up. "sorry I didn't mean to bump into y--- "it's okay.. Ice-cream sundae anyone?" Leo interrupted me. "count me in" Kirana said with happiness. "we all get it you like ice-cream, so just shut up" Mason said.. He's trying to get into Kirana's skin again. Kirana ignored him and said. "C'mon Leo I'll help you carry the ice-cream" "don't eat it on your way back" mason teased and Kirana showed him her middle finger before walking away with Leo. Mason and I remained quiet being the only one in the living room and I turned to him. "don't so that again" I said to him "do what?" he asked. "what you did earlier, bringing your face to mine" I said and he laughed. "what? were you scared we were gonna kiss" "no!.. Yes" I said honestly and he laughed again. "don't worry we didn't and we're not gonna do it" he said and I sighed.. Leo and Kirana came back with two bowls of ice-cream, one for Mason and I and the other one for Leo and Kirana, but Kirana loves ice-cream so much she took the others to herself that Leo had to get another one. And we all sat down on the cool neat tiled floor and enjoyed our ice-cream. Hi santus on+2348091756761 to join story group. "oh my gosh.. This is so good. Don't worry pen I'm gonna make you get married to Leo, so we can get free food" Kirana said and Leo laughed while I glared at her. "that wasn't funny" mason said, I didn't know if he was teasing Kirana or it wasn't really funny to him "no it wasn't" I added. "chill girl it was just a joke" Kirana said and rolled her eyes. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:53
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 11 ????????????? After a little bit of chit chat and playing of different games in Leo's house we decided to leave.. Cause it was getting late.. I put on my sandals, careful not to touch my injury and after that, I grabbed my bag and stood up. "I'm good to go" I said and smiled at Kirana who didn't make any attempt to stand up cause she seriously loves this place. "yes we do!" mason said and pulled her up from the couch.. "let go of me streetwall" Kirana insulted and I sighed. "Kira, just let the boy drag out of here we need to leave and it's getting late" I said and she huffed and stood properly.. "fine let's go" she said and pulled her hand from Mason's grip.. "Leo don't worry, we'll be back again soon" Kirana said and Leo laughed "sure" We all start to head out and Kirana kept sighing.. "bye Leo" she said to him with a smile. "bye" Mason just said and they both nodded at each other. Boys.. I waved to him and he smiles in return.. "bye" he breathed out and we all walked out of his beautiful.. So beautiful house. * Δ LEO”S POV Δ After, Kirana, mason and pen left, I sighed very loudly and sat down on my couch and stared at the TV, I hate being alone. .. Harmony kind of ruined me.. Before I was a this lonely and always angry boy who hates other people presence.. But all that changed when I met harmony.. I met her three years ago in a subway where I accidently bumped into her. She forced me to apologize which I didn't want to and she started throwing curses at me and dragging other people's attention in the subway, embarrassing me like crazy.. But I later apologized angrily after hearing rude comments from the people around us. After that day coincidentally we met again and well.. Let me just say, that's all we both started and I really love her.. But one day she just decided she didn't want me anymore and I didn't know what I did wrong.. Was it me? Or her?.. I asked myself everyday and I couldn't believe myself, that one day I actually almost cried... Almost but me being the strong leo I am.. I didn't but I guess no matter how strong we think we all are when it comes to love.. We're just right under it, it's makes us weak. And in life after every sweet hi.. There's still a bitter sweet bye... After ending things with harmony I decided to make new friends cause being alone would just make me sick, 'cause she's not here with me and all I can just do it miss her which the most hurtful aspect of love.. Missing someone you know you can't ever get back.. I kind of ran away from home cause it's reminds me of harmony everyday and hang out in the restaurant I handed to one of my business partner, Boris and through Boris I get to know Maxwell, I hang out with them everyday until Boris went out of the country until it was just me, Maxwell and my other friends Pete and Liam or would I call them business partner cause all we do is talk about business when we're together.. And well why hanging out in the restaurant everyday, I get to meet Penelope, while she was throwing out trash bags in the night and I had to use her to lie to a cop cause Liam stupidly Broke into an old lady's car just because he thought he saw a snake and he wanted to help .. But sadly two cops who were standing there thought we were robbing the car and we suddenly had a run for it, Liam and Pete hid somewhere while I used Penelope as my alibi. That night was crazy we talked and talked about it over and over the next day in the restaurant. And then I found Penelope okay, she looked pretty in daylight cause well, I didn't get a god look at her last night. She suddenly reminds me of harmony, her everything, the same hair the same height, the same body features but different attitudes. Harmony Is more like a savage bitch who is so rude and don't care what people thinks about her and that's why I love her.. while Penelope is more like this nice girl, who loves everyone around her, who doesn't seem to care about the present or future but the past and who gets intimidated easily.. She's got a cute fierce face but she's so fragile.. Me making friend with her is just that she' reminds me of harmony but nothing else, but it seems like she doesn't like being around me.. But she acted really okay today cause Kirana and Mason were here with her, Well I guess making friends isn't that bad cause I sure had a lot of fun today with Kirana, pen and Mason and now that they're gone I don't think I want to stay here anymore. Cause the sound of loneliness is calling.. I breathed in heavily and stood up.. I walked to my room upstairs, and seriously it's been ages since I slept in my room. Cause you know it had always been harmony and I, God I miss her so much, like Ariana' said, 'who ever said money can't solve your problems, must not have had enough money to solve 'em.. But she's wrong, I have like enough money... I don't have any problem cause money solved them all But still I'm not happy, cause I don't have harmony and money can't solve that . I got on my bed and sighed heavily and before I knew it, I fell asleep... • Δ PENELOPE`S POV Δ It was Friday, I woke up and looked at my alarm, surprised that it didn't wake me up, I sighed and got out of bed and did my morning routine. Yesterday was fun, I guess.. Hanging out in Leo's house with Kirana and Mason wasn't so bad as I expected. I put a pair of Blue Jeans covered in white dots and a white T-shirt, before putting on a while sneaker. I am so not wearing sandals today.. I rushed breakfast which I made by myself and the bread I toasted tasted like burnt trees but I didn't care..i ate it anyways.. I got to work and as usual met Maxwell by the counter and greeted him with a smile, suddenly remembering he kissed my best friend yesterday, I flushed that out of my head cause it's none of my business.. I got into the kitchen and met Jimmy and Randee cooking already, actually Jimmy was the one cooking while Randee was busy with her phone. Janet, the waiter who has suddenly recovered from her illness walked in the kitchen.. "guys a whole table just ordered for macaroni and meatballs, and you guys still haven't prepare that" Janet complained. "just give us five more minutes and we'll be the done in no time" Jimmy said calmly to her. "we? Seems like you're the only one working.. Pen just got here and Randee who's been here since is busy with her phone" Janet said angrily. "who said I haven't done anything!" Randee said angrily. "I did, I don't know who the hell you're chatting with but the customers are starving and you need to drop that goddamned phone sometimes" Janet yelled and it's not good to get on her bad side.. She's a hot tempered girl. "look blondie, why don't just shut up and get out of here, waiting tables, is your job not yelling at me.. You got that barbie?" Randee reprimanded and Janet gave her one last glare before walking out of the kitchen. "whoa" Jimmy breathed out, "that was little harsh, you know she hated being called Barbie" I tell Randee.. "that's why I called her that, she's just so bossy and I hate her for that". "but seriously you spend too much time with your phone" I beckoned. "oh so you're going to be Janet the second now" Randee said angrily and I rolled my eyes and looked away. The three of us started working, and still Randee looks boil this and turned to her phone, chopped this and turned to her phone and it was just getting out of hand. "Randee, have you put the vegetable oil on fire" Jimmy asked. "yeah" she said her attention turned to her phone. Jimmy and I shared a worried look before turning to what we were preparing.. "pass me the ice-blocks" Jimmy said to Randee, who completed didn't hear what he was saying or who chose to ignore.. "Randee?!!" I called this time louder than Jimmy's so she can hear me.. "what?" she turned to us. "you're not paying attention to anything but your phone and that's pretty dangerous, when cooking you have to be focused or else something might go wrong" I said strictly and she rolled her eyes. "don't lecture me I know what am doing" she stated and I sighed. "Janet was right, you don't do anything in here, all you do is play with your phone" I yelled "look pen, don't yell at me cause you ain't my mom.." "I'm just saying you just focus more on what you're doing here than your phone" "what I do is non of you business, like I said, I know what am doing, so back off pencil" Randee said abusively and grabbed the bowl of ice block Jimmy told her to bring. "here.. Isn't this what you asked for?" she said shaking it dramatically and unfortunately it slipped from her hand and the ice blocks fell into the boiling oil. Making fire flames come out of the pot and the three of us moved back immediately cause it was bringing out so much smoke. "quick go get the fire extinguisher" I tell Randee. "don't boss me Around" she yells back at me. "I am not bossing you around, just go get the fire extinguisher, look have what you've caused" I yelled "whatever" she said and walked out immediately. "what is going on here" Maxwell walked in. "no time to explain we have to get turn off the fire before it could get worse" Jimmy said coughing real hard and so am I cause the smoke was getting to much and we couldn't see clearly, and sadly a rag beside the pot caught on fire, and spreading a little. "I'll go get the fire extinguisher" Maxwell yelled. "Randee Left al---- I suddenly passed out. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:53
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 12 ???????????? I woke up with my visions all blurry but suddenly it was clear.. I turned to my side to see Mason beside me.. I realised I was lying on what seems like an hospital bed and an intravenous drip was connected to my hand. No doubt I'm in a hospital.. "what happened?" I asked slowly, pushing myself up to sit. "careful" mason said and I wiped his hand away as he tried to hold me and help me up. "I don't need to be careful, I'm fine, what going on, why am I here?" I asked lowly but very fast. "you're here because of the fire that happened in the restaurant where you work and too much smoke got in your lungs you passed out." he replied and I sighed. Right the fire, Randee is just so.. Ugh I don't even know what to say about her. "so what happened?" I asked mason. "what?" he asked back. "aside from me did anyone else got hurt" I say it properly and he understood and shook his head negatively. "well actually I don't know, cause I only came here when one of the nurses called saying I'm the last person you called and she told me how you ended up in the hospital making come here as fast as possible" mason explained and I nod. "well I need to get out of here, I want to know if everyone's okay" I said trying to get down from the bed but he pushed both of my shoulders back and Gave me a look "you seem fine, you look fine and you are fine, but you need to let the doctors come discharge you before you leave" he beckoned and I huffed and laid back on the bed. "when are they going to discharge me?" I asked lowly. "next month" he replied and my eyes widen at him. "next month!!" I yelled and he laughed a bit. "no I was just kidding.. That was a joke you were suppose to laugh" mason comprehended but I just rolled my eyes at him. "your jokes don't get me laughing" I said and he shrugged. We both stayed quiet without saying anything and that got me worried and really stressed out, is everyone okay?.. I asked my self and breathe in and out slowly until a nurse walked up to my bed and I quickly got up and sat down properly. The nurse removed the drip connected to my hand and I couldn't be more glad. "miss Penelope vandale, you are lucky this wasn't serious, don't worry you didn't take much smoke in your body.. And we're not prescribing medicines for you anymore so you're good to go" the nurse said and I smiled. "okay thanks". After clearing everything with the hospital, I got into Mason's car with him and told him to take me back to the restaurant so I could see how everyone is.. He refused but I kept pleading and he agreed, and drove me there.. We went back to the restaurant and I almost cried when I saw half of the restaurant burnt, there was a group of firemen still walking around with hoses when the fire's already quenched. The place was filled with people and it was hard finding the people I know.. Luckily I saw Maxwell being treated by two nurses without their uniform in front of him. "Maxwell." I called as I got close to him and gasped heavily when I saw his wrist got a little burnt "oh pen, you're here! And you're okay.. That's nice" he said almost happily. "and you're hurt" I said sympathetically "don't worry, it's not as painful as it seems" he said and I know he's lying he's trying to endure the pain when he can't. "but how did you get burnt" I asked with my voice shaking real bad. "I-i.. "you need to give him some breathing space please, let him get treated first" one of the nurses said and I nod slowly and backed away. "maybe I'll tell you' everything later" Maxwell said and I nod before walking away with Mason, I tried to get into the restaurant but three huge police wouldn't let me in so I just back off and when I turned to my side, I saw Randee sitting down on what seemed like a rock but wasn't and I didn't what it was. I was about to walk up to her and give her a piece of my mind when Janet suddenly did that. "look at the mess you made" Janet said to Randee gesturing her hand in the dramatically. Randee ignored her like she wasn't there but Janet continued anyway. "you made the restaurant got burnt, Maxwell hurt and you made all of us loose our job and you also made Penelope passed out" Randee rolled her eyes and stood up, but Janet stepped in her way as she tried to walk away. "I am talking to you Randee and you're going to listen to me.. People like you don't learn from their mistakes and that's pretty stupid.. That's dumb and that's self foolishness, you always think you're right when you're hundred percent wrong, you think everyone's bossing you around when everyone's actually telling you the right thing, you're afraid to let people control you when you're not in control of yourself, and I've had with you seriously, you make me sick." Janet yelled bitterly and Randee turned to her. "look don't go all Judge Judy on me.. Like I caused the accident alone. Some part of it were Penelope's fault too" Randee lied, she's seriously accusing me behind my back, not knowing I'm listening to their conversation. "no fucking way, even though I wasn't in there when it happened, I know Penelope can never be careless.. Ever if millions of people hand me billions of cash for to admit Penelope did it.. I wouldn't take that money cause I know Penelope can never be careless like you" Janet stated and all I could think of was wow. I never knew she could stand up to me like that. Randee didn't know what to say or do anymore so she angrily walked away. Janet pushed her blonde hair back, sighed and turned to See Me staring at her. "pen!" she exclaimed happily walking up to me. "you're okay" she said and I gave her a smile and nods. "that Randee is just so annoying I was talking to her seconds ago and she wouldn't even look at me or even listen" Janet said angrily. "Jennie just let her be, we don't need to ruin our voices just because of girls like that" I said and Janet smiled and nod. "you're right." she said with a sigh of relief. "anyway I have to go check on Maxwell, everything just happens so fast and I didn't know where I was.." Janet complained "and we didn't just loose the restaurant, we lost our jobs too" Janet added before walking away making me sigh bitterly. I turned to my sides but I couldn't find Mason, and suddenly I saw Leo coning out from the restaurant which I couldn't get in minutes ago. "Leo!" I called and his head turned to my direction immediately.. Okay this is the first time I'll be calling him. His name actually. For him to hear, "Pen.. What are you doing here?" he asked as he walked up to me "I thought you were at a hospital," he added. "I was but not anymore, I've been discharged and I came here to see if everything's okay with everyone" I said and he nods. "well.. It's a good thing nobody got hurt, well.. aside from you and Maxwell." he said and I nod agreeing with him.. "what about the restaurant" I asked lowly. "half of it got burnt" he replied. "well is it fixable" I asked like I'm gonna fix it myself, I just wish Randee had listened then all this wouldn't have happened.. This restaurant can take months to be completely fixed and aside from being with Richard and my parents, this restaurant has been part of my life too. "of course it can be fixed, but it's up to Boris if he wants it fixed or not I called him minutes ago and told his about the incident" Leo replied and I nod and sighed sadly. Suddenly I was zoned out, thinking of the time I've spend in the restaurant and how much Iove it. "Pen?.. Why are you crying" Leo suddenly asked. "I don't know it just seemed like some part of me were burned to, I mean I kind of grew up in this place, I spent three years here and now it's all gone. And I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you by crying but I'm sorry I just can't help it." I cried covering my face with my palm. "you're not embarrassing me, I know how you feel, even though it hasn't been too long since I started hanging out here, I did have fun while being here and seeing it burnt now feels like something in me got burnt too, so I understand how you totally feel and sometimes you just have to let your tears out than for it to be build an ocean inside of you and make you go crazy, so it's totally okay for you to cry" Leo advice and I cleaned my tears. "thanks" I breathed out and sniffed. "I didn't know you give pretty good advice" I said and mean it, still cleaning my tears properly "I'm bad at advice, but I actually learned that from my ex" he said and I know he's talking about his Harmony. and suddenly I feel bad for him "sorry... You must have loved her a lot" I said sympathetically.. "yeah I did.. But the past is in the past, even though I can't get over her.. I still have to move on cause she's not here anymore" he breathed out. "and you have to too" he added which made me glance at him. He's talking about Richard, and he's right. "I know" I breathed old, doubting he heard me.. Look at me talking about ex's and stuff with the least person I'll ever think of, Leo.. But he's not so bad.. He's actually a great listener and his communicating skills isn't so bad either. Maybe I've judged him to much. "we're both similar.. Like I said before, so people like us needs to take a step forward but not too quickly." Leo adviced and I nodded again agreeing with him. He is so right. "you know I've always judged you the wrong way because of the way, you look , your dressing, I assumed you for a serial killer and/or a high criminal.. And I'm sorry" I said truthfully and he nods with a small laugh. "okay sometimes, don't be too honest and it's okay.. I do look like serial killer" he said still smiling. "thanks.." I muttered. "for what?" he asked. "you actually kind of made me felt a little bit okay with what's happening" I replied not looking at him. And he smiled "yeah, what are friends for?" he said.. Yeah, friends. I think we are friends now.. Maxwell came up to us, his hand wrapped up with a clean bandage.. And he started. "hey Leo... Boris just called me and he said he'll talk about the restaurant when he comes back" "okay.. So it'll be on lockdown foe now" Leo said and Maxwell nodded. I don't know why Leo handed his restaurant to Boris, and now he can't fix it cause he has to get Boris approval.. "and Pen, I think you all should go home, I'm going to send you all the payment you've worked half of the month.. And Randee is so going to regret her mistakes cause the restaurant holds a lot of good memories" Maxwell said making me sigh. "so I guess this is goodbye.. No more coming to work and hearing your horrible jokes" I teased..but in sad way and he laughed as we shared a brief hug again. "don't worry Breek is a small town pen, we'll totally each other again and you know my address, you can come visit me if you miss me" he said and I rolled my yes with a smile. "no thanks." "anyway bye" I said and turned to Leo and waved a little bit before walking away, trying not to cry, If there's no Eatees restaurant or Richard what am I going to do with my life. I looked at the restaurant one more time before walking up to mason, who didn't hesitate to walk back to his car with me and drive me home. We both remained quiet as he drove me home and I was glad he didn't say a word cause I wasn't in the mood for talking. Finally he got to my house, and suddenly someone stood in front of the car and when looked properly, it was Richard. And he was staring at me. Kill me. "so should I keep driving or.. "no." I interrupted Mason. "he wants us to talk. And I'll give it to him" I said, opened the car door and walked out of the car.. Today isn't so great for me but there's one thing I've learned from a friend today, and that 'thing' Is moving on and putting the past behind me. And that friend is Leo, and Richard it's time to have a taste of your own coffee. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:55
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 13 ????????????? I walked up to Richard and he wore a stern face.. His chestnut eyes were piercing right through mine but I didn't have the time to drool over them. "what do you want?" I asked with a serious face. "I want to talk with you" he replied and I sighed and folded my arms. "okay then. Start talking" "okay.. I know this sound cliche but I'm sorry" he said and I sighed and folded my arm "okay..." I said and he paused. "okay? That's it.. I said am sorry and you just replied me with an 'okay" he said with a befuddled look. "what else do you want me to say, what else do you want from me..." I asked "I don't know yell at me.. Curse me. "I don't yell Richard, not today or tomorrow or anyday, look, if sorry is what you say then I forgive you" I said and he paused. "you do?" he asked lowly.. "yes, I forgive you" I replied lowly and calmly and he remained quiet. "so is there anything else you'd like say, the sun's burning me" I said and he nods.. "okay spit it out." "let's get back toget-- "oh my goodness." I interrupted him and laughed. I totally expect that. "you're joking right?" I said still smiling but with a confused look he shook his head negatively. "no Richard, you are joking cause I can never have a relationship with you again. How can you think I will when you ruined me.. Don't get me started on telling you what you did." I said pointing out my index finger at him. "please Penelope I love you, you do too" he said with a shaky voice. I do love him. "no way, my love for you was gone, crumbled, smashed when you told me that non-sense words on our wedding day" I yelled and he flinched. I don't yell too much but he got me yelling and this is not going to end well. "but It was wrong of me to do that and I was scared of getting married, cause I was afraid to loose you." "loose me? You can't loose me I loved you," "everyone around me who was getting married, were getting divorced and I was scared that would happen to us too but I couldn't tell you because you were so Happy about the wedding" Richard explained and I breathe in heavily so I wouldn't cry and it worked. "you could have told me before our wedding day, you had your chance but you let it go, and we could have talked things out Richard, why are you so stupid" I said, my body boiling and it feels like I'm gonna explode "I know and I'm sorry..but please pen.. I'm asking for a second chance.." he said pitifully and I rolled my eyes "you should hear your self Richard, you sound pathetic. In this life there are no second chances," I stated clearly.. "there are no second chances for others, but it's your choice to make for us we, you can make that happen" Richard blurted and I sighed angrily "us? Richard Wayne, there might have been an 'us' two or three weeks ago but now there is no us. There will never be an us.." I seethe, I seriously fought with my tears and had to end this before I cry. I can't accept Richard again.. I can't.. I love him but what he did was beyond repair. His eyes suddenly became glossy and I smirked. He thinks I'm gonna get back to him when he cries?. "l-i-.. Pen.. Are you saying the four years we've spent together will just go in vain?" he asked his voice becoming very low.. "don't you dare say that, like it was my fault.. And yes it will all go in vain cause you choose to have it that way." I tell him and he bent his head down before slowly raising them up. "I'm sorry pen" he breathed out. "you don't have to apologize anymore, I already forgave you, and that's enough for me to give to you, if you're asking for more I'm afraid you won't get it, so just accept me forgiving you than forcing some things that can never happen and let's just be two people who happened to know each other somehow" I said calmly and a tear dropped from his making me look away.. "I wish could get back again Richard, but we can't, not in this century or the next one.. I cannot be broken twice" I said, turned and started to walk away but his voice stopped me. "Pen. Do you still love me?" I paused hearing that and I sighed taking all the air I could get and I slowly Turned "no." I lied. plainly and he nods and sniffed. "okay.. Just so you know I don't regret the four years we've both spent together, it was the best time of my life" he tells and my started to get clogged from holding up my tears. "well you shouldn't regret it cause you're not going to witness anything like that again." I said and finally walked into my house, my legs became weak when I got in and immediately I fell to the ground and tears poured out like never before. I still love Richard, and I don't regret the four years we spent together but something's are not meant to stay the way they are.. The door suddenly opened and Mason walked in. I looked at him and looked away crying every more. He gently closed the door and walked up to me... "you left your purse in my car" he said and dropped my purse gently beside me on the concrete floor. He sat down on the floor with me and I turned to him. "what are you doing" I asked in my shaky crying voice. "I don't know.. Keeping you company?, cause I'll actually be a jerk if I happen to leave." he replied .. I became quiet and let my tears flow like never before, I at least I'm crying in front of Mason, not in front of Richard, I stood my ground so he wouldn't think I'm still the soft Penelope he knows. And I am still the soft Penelope he knows but I can't let him see that. "I heard the whole conversation you and Richard had" Mason said through my silent cries. "please you can talk about it anyday but not today" I cried and he nods... I cleaned my tears and sniffed.. "uhhhh... This is so uncomfortable" I blurted loudly so my cracking crying voice would clear from my throat. "what is? Me sitting here and watch you cry or-- "I'm not uncomfortable around you" I interrupted Mason. "and you've seen me cry a lot, so it's not something that makes me uncomfortable.. Sitting here on the floor with this tight jeans on is making me uncomfortable" I said and he laughed. "so stand up" he said and stood up before helping me get up. "thanks" I said and breathed out a sigh of relief.. "so I should get going, now that it seems that you're okay" "oh.. Yeah.. Okay, thanks anyway" I smiled at him. And I pulled him in a hug, he smiled at me before walking out making me sigh.. Again. I went upstairs to my room and stripped my clothes off my body before walking into my bathroom.. I walked into the bathtub and turned the faucet beside me, making the shower above me pour out warm water, I stayed like that for an hour, my hair to my face, my hands hugging my knees and my face buried inbetween my hands. I was lost in thought and didn't make a move until the warm water turned cold. I let the cold water beat my body and making me shiver but I still didn't make a move to get up and if I should here like this with the cold water hiting me, I could catch a cold. And I did stayed like that, till I hear the door downstairs open and I know it was my mom, I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around my body and on my hair, I change into my pajamas and dried my hair before going downstairs. My mom and I ordered deep fried turkey and ham because non of us had the straight to cook, and I told my mom about the fire today in the restaurant.. After dinner I kissed my mom goodbye before going up to my room and there I drifted to sleep. * The next day, I woke with the sun shining on my face and it wasn't a good thing cause your eyes will feel like exploding.. I heard a familiar voice and I cleaned my eyes to see Kirana sitting beside me. And I sat up "finally princess Penelope has finally woken up" she said and rolled her eyes "do you know what time is it? It's two in the afternoon" she said making my head turn to my wall clock. Great. I slept too much.. But it's not a bad thing though since I don't have any place of work to go I might as well have another round. "what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice was horsey so I coughed to let it get cleared up. "I heard about the restaurant and came here to check if you're okay?" she said and I sighed. "don't remind me.." I groaned and fell back on the bed causing my body to bounce and I liked that. "I heard everything from Mason and also about --Richard.." she said the last part hesitantly but I just sighed. "look I don't want to talk about that" "who said I was going to talk about old news like Richard, I'm here to cheer you up and I have the perfect thing for that" "if it's about the restaurant, food, or a Prince Charming to Marry me and take me to his castle then you're free to cheer me up, but if it's neither of those things, I assure you leave cause nothing is going to cheer me up" I beckoned. "oh shut up pretty face. There's a new club downtown and they're having a pretty great opening night today." Kirana said and bit her lips making me sit up straight. "Kira.. Kirana.. Ira... Rana..Which ever one your name is.. Cause your mom calls you all when she's pissed and I'm pissed too.. How the hell do you think going to a 'new club' club zero-zix downtown is going to cheer me up, you know me I don't do clubs and I've never been to a club before" I half yelled. "okay maybe it's not to cheer you up, but it's a new club and I really wanna go but I just need someone to go with me.. So will you be my someone?" she asked with pleading eyes and I folded my arms and looked away.. "please!.. Pen.." she said and suddenly hugged me. "what the hell. Let go of me" I said cause she's hugging me too tightly and will squish my bones any minute from now. "not until you agree to go club zero-zix, with me" she said. "okay fine. I'll go just let me go you're hurting me" I barked and she giggled and let's go of me. "great.." she squeaked making me roll my eyes. I walked out of the bed and went to bathroom to brush and take my bath, after that I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom and entered my room cleaning my hair, and Kirana suddenly gave me a look.. "what?" I asked "you're getting Skinner than ever" she said and I rolled my eyes and walked into my closet to get changed.. * Time skipped// #fast_forward * Finally, for Kirana who suddenly said "finally" when she looked at the time.. "finally what?" I asked, as I gulped down a glass of milk I poured myself. "it's 7:30pm we have to get ready for club zero-zix.." she said and I groaned, I almost forgot about that stupid club we're attending tonight. "come-on, don't bail on me at the last minute and get dressed" Kirana said excitedly and I rolled my eyes and dropped my glass of milk. "I don't have anything to wear" I mumbled to myself and opened the door to my closet, I shook my head negatively and started to throw my clothes from side to side looking for a better outfit for club zero zero or whatever Kirana called it. "how do I look" Kirana suddenly said making me turn. "wow!" I breathed out with a smile. "you look amazing Kira" I said as I admired her rose flowered dress that hugged her body so well bringing out every hidden curves. "what are you wearing, picked an outfit yet?" she asked and I nod. Bringing out a blue jean trouser and a plain blue shirt. "sometimes, I'm ashamed I'm friends with you" Kirana said and snatched the clothes from my hands and throwing it on the floor.. "you're crazy" I tell her. "and you're crazier. I know you'd totally wear something ridiculous so I got it all planned and got you this" she said and threw an elastic dress at me.. "put it on.. Its better to look sexy than to look like the daughter of a hunter" Kirana tells me making me glare at her a bit before changing into the dress. I pulled the hem of the tight dress to cover my thigh but it was too short. "can't this dress go any further" I said angrily pulling the dress. "no it can't" Kirana said angrily. We got ready about, I didn't do any makeup like Kirana and she forced me but still I didn't.. We both took a taxi to club zero zero which wasn't so far from my house, apparently Kirana said as clubbers, we can't wall to clubs.. It was already nighttime and the light from inside the club house was shining outside making a wave of nauseousness hit me and making me breathe rapidly. We walked in the club and It was worse, it was like I was trapped in my own nightmares, girls were wearing similar dresses like Kirana and I. We both went to the barman first thing cause Kirana said she was thirsty and she ordered for a non alcoholic drink.. After drinking she told me to wait there for her that she suddenly saw someone she knew. Me being extremely irritated by this place and also tired, I sat down on one of the stool and waited patiently for Kirana. "Pen?" I suddenly heard my name behind me and turned. "Leo!" I exclaimed surprisingly "what are you doing here?" we asked at the same time and he laughed and so did. "one of my good friend owns this place and he invited me for the opening night" he said and I nod. He sure has a lot of friends. "what are you doing here?" he asked "magically I just found myself here because of Kirana" I replied. "you don't like club parties?" he asked.. "never been to one and never liked one" I said and he shrugged and turned to the barman to order for a drink. "pen." I heard Kirana's voice behind me making me turn, okay my neck really hurts because of turning lately. A girl was standing behind Kirana, she looked familiar but I couldn't tell because of the club stupid flashy lights.. But she's the same height as me, I think, red hair, skinny like me. I'm pretty sure we'll weigh the same. Wait. Isn't she?.. "this is harmony." Kirana suddenly said. "oh Leo I didn't know you were here" Kirana added after seeing Leo and feeling guilty for bringing harmony here. "hi" harmony smiled at me "hey" I smiled back, Leo suddenly turned and they made eye contact. Which made him almost spit out his drink. "hey Leo" she said sweetly, her voice calm but thick. "H-harmony what?.. I mean how.. Hi.. I mean hi" Leo stuttered, oh goodness he's freaking out. "wow I've seen you've moved on pretty fast" harmony said to Leo but smiled fakely at me.. Moved on pretty fast,? Wait.. Is she saying we're dating? . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:55
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 14 ???????????? "what? Moved on what are you talking about" Leo breathe out somehow he has manged to calm himself down and also prevented himself from freaking out and saying something stupid. "don't act dumb with me Leo, why don't I have a word with her alone" harmony grimaced and we all stared at her confusingly.. Leo suddenly understood what she said by moving on quickly and he smiled. "Pen and I are not dat--" "oh come-on leo don't lie to me.." she interrupted Leo and Leo rolled his eyes. "believe whatever you want" he said and gulped down his drink. "so can I have a word with her?" harmony asked, referring to me "a word with me?" I asked "yeah is anything wrong with that" harmony replied and I shook my head negatively. She suddenly looked back and forth between Kirana and Leo making them look at her bewilderingly. "aren't you two getting the message?" she said to them. "what message" Kirana asked. "I said I'd like to have a word with her alone and I mean without you two here" harmony stated and Kirana gave me a look and I nodded at her, making her walk away.. Harmony looked over her ex waiting for him to leave so she can 'have a word with me' I don't know why she wants to talk to me. Leo sighed angrily before standing up and walking away. Harmony quickly sat down on the stool Leo stood up from and smiled at me. "so.. I'm harmony" she said, like I didn't know that. "I know" I breathed out, but doubted she heard me because of the blasting music the club was playing. "and you're?" she asked, "I'm Penelope" I said with a small smile. "oh that's why Leo called you pen, you both have a couple pet name already" she said and I didn't know if I should laugh or not, she's jealous. I can feel it. "you know Leo's a really sweet guy, you'll really like him, and don't worry he's rich and cause girls go after money a lot these days" she said and I sighed, yep she's the rude, disrespectful and annoying type . "well I'm not like other girls, I don't go after money" I defended myself, if she thinks I look like a gold digger then she should take a look at her self in the mirror. "oh well you totally should go after money cause it'll change you a lot" she said with a smile and I almost lost it, she just insulted me!! She's the type of person who likes to bring others down with a smile not actually letting them get the idea they're been insulted but let them feel bad in some ways. "did money change you too?, cause if it has then you still need a lot of money" I said and she suddenly laughed. "wow Leo didn't tell me he's dating a comedian.. But don't worry he'll laugh at your jokes someday, he's the type of person who hardly laugh at jokes, or make friends or even smile, but don't worry he'll actually do that someday" she beckoned "you know for someone who broke up with him, you sure talk about him a lot" I said. "really? I had no idea" she lied and I shrugged. "well so I have to ask, why did you break up with him?" I asked and she suddenly paused but turned to the bartender and ordered a drink before turning to me. "in life sometimes, you have to make choices" she replied and I wore a confused look. "choices? What does that has to do with you breaking up with Leo" I said and she sighed and passed me the drink she ordered from the bartender. I didn't want to drink anything so I didn't take the drink from her. "don't worry I'm paying" she said with a twisted smile. "I'm not declining because of the money, I just don't feel like drinking anything." I backfired but she didn't let that slide until I took the drink from her hand making her order another one.. "dating Leo was one of the best things actually, but in every relationship there's always a downfall" she said and chug down her glass of red wine. Okay this girl is just saying gibberish, "no not every relationship has downfall unless you choose for it to have" I said boldly. "oh I stand corrected" she teased and laughed to herself. "or maybe you were cheating on Leo and just for him not to find out, you broke up with him" I assumed and she suddenly paused and dropped down her glass.. Wait, did my assumptions actually got her, cause it's true. "for a girl who has such a quiet face, you actually kind of talk too much." harmony said not looking at me. "well that's a compliment for me" I tell her and celebrated for talking by drinking the drink harmony got me. And it tasted horrible, it was hot in my chest and sour in my tongue. "what's this?" I asked harmony who was lost in thoughts but suddenly came back to reality when I asked her about the drink. "it's a non alcoholic drink" she said and I nod, wow this tastes horrible.. "i-i h-have to go" harmony said standing up.. "uh okay" I replied not understanding her sudden departure. She was already walking away when I called her back making her turn swiftly making a perfect sexy hairflip. "what?" she asked quickly "if you're not happy being away from Leo, then get back to him I have a feeling he'll accept you back" I said but she threw another fake smile .. "we're both okay without each other, and just try to be a better girlfriend for him like me although no-one can be better for him than me but still you'll try" she said in a weird Tone, she's jealous.. "you sound jealous." I tell her "why would I be" she said nervously trying to hide the fact that she jealous. "cause your breathing's heavy, you talk a little bit too quickly, your face is a little bit red, and you're trying to put me up in a competition with you of who's better for Leo" I stated and she opened her mouth to say something but she couldn't. "well I am not jealous" she huffed. "try telling yourself that. And PS.. Leo and I aren't dating, we just got to know each other a few days ago" I said and she looked at me surprisingly before walking away. I signed and turned to my drink in front of me and took a big sip, I squeezed my face suddenly remembering how awful this tastes. And yet I still took another sip, "so finally she's gone." I heard Leo's voice and my eyes followed him till he sat down back at the stool. "yeah" i replied finishing my drink. I hate it but yet I love it, I told the bartender to fill my glass again with the same drink and he did. "so I know it's stupid that I'm asking this but did Harmony said anything about me." Leo asked leaning closer to me "you were our topic of the day" I replied and he smiled. "really?" "I think Harmony really likes you, just about the way you do like her, I don't know anything about her or why she broke up with you but she does misses you and is afraid to admit it. She thought we were dating and started to say hurtful things to me thinking I would be jealous like she is, 'cause of her idea of me and you being together, but I just told her to go back to you if she really loves and misses you and I told her we're not dating" I tell Leo and he smiled. "thanks" he said "for what?" "for being really nice" "nice Is my middle name" I said and he laughed. I raised my glass of who knows whatever is inside there and swallowed the whole thing within a blink of an eye and it hurt and hot my chest but it was worth it. "gimme another one" I smiled at the bartender "you sure?" the bartender asked and I nod, and I turned and smiled at Leo.. After taking four more glasses my body becomes hot. "wow it's hot in here" I said fanning my self with my hand. "hot? The temperature in here is pretty fine" Leo said and I shrugged.. "gosh I feel sleepy" I complained and looked around to see if I could see Kirana anywhere but my vision was kind of blurry so I just stopped looking. "I want another drink," I tell the bartender but he shook his head negatively. "I'm sorry miss but I'm afraid I can't give you more, it's liquor and it's kind of dangerous" the bartender said. "what? Are you crazy or what? I've seen dangerous and nothing's dangerous to me, so pour me bigger glass" I said and moved my glass forward but Leo snatched it from my hand, "you seem kind of drunk" he said. And sniffed my cup drinking the last drop of the liquor inside the cup. "hey I was gonna drink that." I said angrily. "do you even know what you've been drinking?" he asked looking back and forth between me and the glass cup. "well it's liquor I guess" I said like I had any idea of what I just drank. "this is brennivín, an alcoholic drink made in Iceland, it's similar to vodka, and you're asking for more do you know what that could do to you?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. "what can it do to me" I asked like it can't actually do anything to me. I suddenly stood up proudly but unfortunately my legs became weak and I fell on Leo's body, "see?" he said and held me tightly preventing me from falling. "I need to call Kirana" he said sliding his hand in his pocket and brought out his phone, I rest my head on his chest and held him tightly so I wouldn't fall down cause I feel like so weak right now. Leo started talking to maybe Kirana on the phone but I couldn't understand what he was saying or even listening cause I was too busy trying to sober up from my emotions which were mixed with the club's blasting music and the alcohol inside of me. I think I'm gonna throw up any minute from now. "okay you told me there's an emergency and I see you hugging my bestfriend, you could have told me you were enjoying yourself instead of ruining my enjoyment" I heard Kirana's Voice said. "stop babbling she's drunk" Leo said and I turned swiftly so I could hug Kirana, and I did and we both stumbled almost crashing to the ground. "oh, god Penelope how can you be so careless and get this drunk" Kirana said holding me.. I wanted to talk but all I could do was cover my mouth lazily with my hand cause it feels like I'm about to throw up. "if you accidentally throw up on me. I will not only behead you, I will ruin all your clothes and your dead body will be my laundry lady for a whole year" Kirana threatened and I giggled. "come-on let me have her, I brought my car" I heard Leo's voice said and before I knew it I was lifted up the ground. A strong arm was placed around my neck and another strong arm was placed at the back of my knee, I think I'm being carried in the bridal position. Everything suddenly happened so fast and before I knew it, I was climbing the stairs to my room with the aid of Leo who held me and Kirana who held my shoes. I got to my room and the first thing I did was ran into the bathroom to throw up. I threw up like six in a role that night before taking tea which Kirana made for me and it stopped a bit. I heard Kirana' thanking Leo before he left I changed Into my pajamas, thanks to Kirana and managed to climb the bed before taking a ride to sleep town. * T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:56
DANGEROUS ❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 15 ??????????? I woke up the next morning with my head pounding like never before, the Sunlight from my window almost blinded my eyes, making me turn away quickly, I turned to my side and found Kirana looking at me strangely.. I kept quiet when my head started hitting hard, I rubbed my forehead praying the pain should disappear when I do that but I was wrong it kept getting worst. "stop that! It won't take the pain away" Kirana said and removed my hand from my head "what's wrong with me?" I asked lowly "you're having what's called a hangover" "a hangover?" I asked "yep an illness caused by drinking too much" she said and I gasped. "wait. Last night did I drink at the club yesterday?" I asked not remembering anything but remembering I went to a club Kirana forced me too. "you drank like never before, you couldn't even walk but thankfully Leo was there, he carried you to his car and brought you home he even walked you to your room" Kirana explained and I sighed and closed my eyes. "okay, well can you close the window?" I asked. "no. The morning sun is perfect for everyone's body, and here take this it'll help" Kira said and slipped two unknown pills in my hand making me sit up. "what's this?" I asked as she handed me a glass of water. "it's hangovers medicine, now take them." she said pushing my hand to my mouth .. I took the medicine and rested my back on the wall sighing softly. "I will not go to a club with you ever again" I said and Kirana looked at me. "look I'm sorry you're like this, but it wasn't my fault you're the careless one" she said making me glare at her "but still I'm sorry?" she said with an apologetic smile before giving me a hug but pulled away immediately. "wow! You are burning hot" she said. "tell me about it" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes, but winced, okay I won't roll my eyes until this stupid hungover or hangover whatever Kirana calls it is gone cause the stupid headache is affecting my eyes too. "no I'm serious" Kirana said touching my neck but I pushed her hand away. "I need to take a shower" I said standing up slowly.. "can you walk?" Kirana asked me like I'm some kind of cripple freak. "I can dance" I replied Her and walked perfectly to the bathroom. "take a cold shower" I heard her yelled from the room and I sighed, my headache was slipping away slowly and I was glad. I took of my clothes and got under the shower, I turned on the cold water like Kirana said and it felt good actually. After taking my bath, I went back to my room and Kirana wasn't there, since there was no surprise there, I changed into something comfortable, none other than a baggy sweatshirt and a jean shorts. I didn't have the strength to dry my hair, so I just wrapped it in a towel and went downstairs to check if Kirana was there and like I expected, she was and also noticed an unexpected company. Mason. "hey.. Mason what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked down the stairs carefully . "oh I just came to hang out since my sister's taking over my place at work today " he replied and i nod.. "wow what's that smell" I asked as I perseved a sweet smell. "That's chicken soup, I'm making it for you" Kirana replied with a smile. "wow that's the nicest thing you've done to me all year" I said sarcastically and she rolled her eyes. "so... Penny, I heard you drank a lot last night in club zero-zix and you couldn't even walk" mason said holding the urge to laugh. "you heard? Or Kirana told you" I beckoned and he laughs. "yeah she did.. Oh I wish I was there to see the drunk Penelope" he said and I rolled my eyes and thankfully it didn't hurt this time cause my headache was gone. "here!" Kirana said and handed me a small bowl of the chicken soup and a spoon.. I started to drink it and it was good. "can I have some?" mason asked. "no!" Kirana blasted "it's perfect for her hangover that's why I made it for her" Kirana added and Mason sighed. "oh this is so good.." I groaned, "don't rub it in my face" Mason said making me laugh a bit, We all suddenly heard the doorbell and looked at each other and I sighed cause I was the one close to the door and I angrily dropped my soup. I opened the door and found Leo standing outside my door. "Leo?" I said surprisingly "hi" he breathed out "c-come c-c-come in" I stutter and he smiled and walked in, and I closed the door. Why Is he here? "Leo! My man. How you doing" mason yelled. Earning a glare from Kirana. "never been better" Leo said and Kirana smiled and waved at him, making him wave back. "what are you doing here?" I asked, "oh.. Yeah.. Kirana forgot your purse in my car last night" Leo replied and shoved his hand in his pocket bringing my only expensive and fancy purse.. "oh my gosh, thanks" I said taking it from his hand. "no problem, looks like you're okay too, last night wasn't so good for you" he stated and I grimaced. "yeah I heard, from the scale of one to ten how crazy did I get?" I asked "just two," he said with a shrugged "oh.. That's good to hear, anyway thanks" I said sincerely "no problem I'll take my leave now." he said but Kirana stopped him. "before you leave, how about a plate of chicken soup" she offered and Leo smiled "why not". "oh so he get to tastes your soup, but I can't" mason whined "if you stop complaining I'll give you two bowls" Kirana tells him and he quietly nod. The four of us sat down quietly with only the sound of our air sulking out the soup from our spoon to inside our mouth could be heard. And it was extremely awkward. "okay this is awkward" mason breathed out my thought and we all nodded at his statement. "so any good news about the restaurant?" I asked, "not really, Boris said he doesn't feel like rebuilding it, so I don't think the restaurant's ever coming back" Leo replied "well looks like you have to get a job sooner or later, or else you'll just be like the girl who got heart broken with no job" Kirana said and I threw her a look. "I'm just saying" she added. "well you're right cause I do need a job, I'll be renting my own apartment soon" I blurted out and everyone suddenly turned to me surprisingly. "what?" I asked taking the last bite out of my soup and dropping my plate. "you're going to leave on your own?" mason asked "yeah what's wrong with that" I threw back the question. "nothing.." he smiled, and turned back to his food and I know something's up. "okay if you want to say something, spill it!" I deadpanned and Mason flinched. "okay look you're, young, innocent, cute and well.. Young and it's kind of not your thing to leave alone" Manson said slowly and I huffed. "seriously!! Kirana lives alone and I'm older than her" I yelled angrily, "with seven months red hair" Kirana tells me but I rolled my eyes at her and turned to Mason, who's still seeing as a girl, but not a lady. "look Kirana's like an elephant or let's say a rhino, and you're like a little lost puppy" Mason said with a smile, "that is not funny!" I warned, giving him a stern look. "what he's trying to say is.. It might be difficult for you to live on your own" Kirana blasted making me more angrier. "you all see me as this weak girl who can't do anything for herself, well you're all wrong cause you haven't seen the other side of me" I said, feeling brave for my bold speech. "Penn. I've known you all your life and you have no other side" Kirana said and I sighed. "you know what? I don't care, whatever you all say won't change my decision, I'm getting my own apartment sooner or later, whether you all like it or not" I tell them, Kirana just shrugged while Leo, I didn't think he was listening cause he's too busy enjoying his chicken soup. "or you can come live with me at my place for free no paying of rent, and you and I can share my bed" mason stupidity suggested and Kirana laughed. "no thanks, I don't want to wake up with your foot on my face, and I don't want to do 'your laundry" I said and he nods angrily as Kirana's laughter increased. "so Leo how's the soup, looks like you're really enjoying yourself" Kirana asked taking the plate from Mason cause he was done with his. "yeah, you're a really great cook" Leo tells Kirana "thanks, learned everything I know from Pen" Kirana said, making Leo glance at me then back at his food. "so Leo, ever planing of dating another girl aside from Penelope" Mason suddenly asked making everyone look back and forth between him and Leo including me. "no I don't" Leo plainly replied "why?" Mason asked. "dude? Have you ever fallen in love or dated a girl once?" Leo asked but mason shook his head negatively.. "well if you have you'll know exactly how I feel" Leo said and Mason smiled. "it's sad though" mason breathed out.. While Kirana rolled her eyes. * Soon enough they all left including Kirana, who promised to call everyday, just because I drank one stupid alcohol, she's treating me like a sixteen years old lost teenager, I should be the one acting all tough and adult-y, I use to think having a cute young face was amazing, well I still think it's amazing it's just that people are not seeing me the way I want them to, the Lady in me.. I went back upstairs to room later that afternoon, and started looking at some old pictures and albums from highschool, college and few months ago, and Richard were in a lot of them and I as I looked some of the pictures and remembered the day, I just cried cause i missed it. But before I know it, I fell asleep. I woke up to see myself on my bed, and a blanket over my body.. I heard voices from downstairs and I knew my parents were home, I got down from the bed and realised it was nighttime,my face felt strong and tight, and I remembered it was my tears from earlier. After washing that off, and wiping it with a towel, I tucked my hair behind my ears and walked downstairs . I told my mom i will begin a job hunt the next day and about having my own apartment here in Breek, she wasn't so happy about it but sees that I'm a grown lady and I can live on my own, and that's why she's my mom. She told my dad about it and well since he's a good man, he clearly said. "I won't make decisions for you sweetie, you make them yourself and I know you're doing the right one, I'll help you look for one if you like". I went to bed again that night but it seems like I wouldn't get any sleep so I stayed up all night listening to one of my mom's favorite oldies song. 'she could be you' And strangely it helped me fall asleep again. : : The next morning, I woke up late as usual since there was no alarm waking me up again. I got dressed, ate and got ready for my job hunt which I thought it would be easy.. Well it wasn't easy, after going here and there asking for different jobs from different restaurants to be a cook, cause I'm a cook. And its what am good at.. I don't think I can do anything right aside from cooking. Anyways after going here and there, I finally settled down in a coffee shop cause I couldn't take the heat anymore, I needed something to drink so I could continue my hurtful job hunt journey. Just as I placed my order on getting a coffee with extra foam, I heard my name and looked up to see Leo, smiling and sitting down opposite me. "Leo! Hi" I said cheerfully "wow, I thought after the fire outbreak in the restaurant we wouldn't see each other so much, but I think the universe has it own way of working things out, we meet each with other like everywhere we go" he said happily. "so, what are you doing here?" he asked calmly, "remember when I mentioned about searching for a job yesterday?" I asked and he nods. "yeah that's what I'm doing, I'm on break now" "well how is it going" he asked. "not good at all, I've been to like fifteen restaurant, asking to be a cook but apparently none of needed more of cooks.. And gosh it's tiring" I complained and sighed after it. "wait! I do have a lot of companies, and I could get you a job there" he said with a smile. "no thanks, I don't do companies, cooking is my thing, it's like I've got gifted hands for cooking and I love doing it" I said looking at my hands, and not knowing why.. "okay then how about you be my private chef" he said making me look up at him. "private what?" I asked blinking rapidly. "my private chef, like my own cook in my house" he replied, "uhm.. How can I be your private chef when you don't even stay at home, who'll get to eat what I cook, rats?, so I'm passing this one" I said and he laughed. "well, strangely and lately I've been staying home since the restaurant got burnt, and I learned that living without harmony is not bad as I thought" he explained and I smiled, "good for you" "so..? "so what?" "will you still be my private chef?" he asked. "how much will I be earning a month" I returned the question "name your price and I'll pay you" he said making me me smile. Okay this is a good start, I can start working and get my own apartment!! This is so nice.. "well Leo, you've got yourself a chef" I said and a waiter walked up to me and placed my coffee in front of me. What took him so long. "so deal?" Leo said bringing his hand forward. "oh it's a deal!" I said and shook his hand happily. "so when do I start working?" I asked "whenever you want" he replied "how about tomorrow" I grimaced "tomorrow's perfect" he smiled . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 13:58
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 16 + 17 ????????????? After drinking all my coffee, Leo and I talked a bit about this 'private chef' "and what time do I get to come, like everyday." i asked "six in the morning" he replied. "six? That's too early" I complained, "that's for me to decide" he said sternly, not smiling. "okay fine six" I breathed out "what time do I get to go home?" I asked, "after my dinner, and I eat dinner pretty late" he replied. "which is.. " "eight o'clock pm" he stated, "eight pm! Are you trying to imprison me?"I said and he laughed. "Penny, I'm offering you a job and letting you decide your payment and when it comes to doing business I'm not soft, so six and eight it is" he deadpanned and I rolled my eyes. "you're being disrespectful to your boss" he said plainly "excuse me?" I said surprisingly but he just smiled, "I was just kidding, I've had other cooks before and I let them go home anytime I want them too" "you've had other Cooks?" I repeated what he just said. "yes, there were three of them actually, I don't remember their names but they're talkatives, they actually make great dishes for harmony and I" he tells me and I scoffed, "what?" he said "what?" I asked "why'd you scoff" "how can you be with your woman and still have cooks, can't she cook for you at least" I said "I don't know, harmony doesn't like the kitchen, she says cooking is like punishment" Leo replied and I almost laughed And she's calling herself a lady. "well she is messed up, I can't let other people cook for my man, or let alone have my man eat other people food, even his parent, he must eat mine and mine alone" I stated boldly making Leo laugh a bit. "wow you're so Committed" he breathed out.. "yeah, right" I smiled, "well that was then, cause I have no man now" I breathed out, circling the rim of the coffee mug with my finger, and thinking of Richard and how he used to love my food. "well I could be your man" Leo said making my head snap up at him. "what?!!!" I said surprisingly "no.. No look I didn't mean like your man, like to get married to you or date you or something like that, what I mean is, you're a cook and I'm a man, and I'll be the man you'll be cooking for" he explains properly and i breathed a sigh of relief and nodded. "okay, then.. I think that's all right?" I said and he nods,. "well thank you.. Cause thanks to you, I can go home and get some rest" I said and stood up. "sure." he said before I grabbed my bag and walked out of the coffee shop, Happily I went home and turned on the air condition cause my body was on fire.. I brought out my phone happily and called Kirana. "hey.." she said into the phone, "hi... You sound tired, you okay?" I asked and she replied with a low "yes" "why the sudden phone call" she asked making me smile "I'll be getting my apartment soon!" I yelled happily. "really? How come" "I got a job" I squealed happily "wow! That was fast, what kind of job" she asked "a cook!" I squeaked "wow, your talent is never going in vain. I'm happy for you pen, so how's the salary, is it okay for you?" she asked with a concerned tone. "well that's for me to decide" I said "I don't understand, for you to decide?" Kirana repeated. "well.. See.. I breathed out and started to explain everything that happened to me today, how I met Leo and how he offered me a job and what we talked about. "wow.. I didn't know Leo's this nice" she said from the other line.. "neither do i, cause maybe after working for a month or two I can get my apartment" I said grinning from ear to ear, I heard Kirana sigh before saying, "I don't think leo just offered you that job to be just a 'private chef'," "what do you mean?" I asked "I think he gave you that job to be his talk buddy too" she replied, "talk buddy?" "like someone to talk to when he's bored" Kirana explains "well I don't care, talk buddy, eat buddy, giggle buddy, sister! I don't care as long as I'm getting paid.." I tell her and I could feel her smile through the phone. "yeah, whatever.. Do anything you wish to do, anyway I have to go cause thing's getting a little Busy in here" Kirana said and before I knew it we said our goodbyes.. I sighed happily, rolled over on my bed thinking about the job.. I heard the doorbell and paused, I stood up from my bed and hurried downstairs to open the door. "Mason? What in the world, are you doing here?" I asked. Not kind of happy he's here cause he says unreasonable thing's sometimes, but he's my friend anyway. "I came to hang out with you" he breathed out. "is your sister covering for you at work today again?" I asked and he nodded slightly. "her boyfriend Smith, just broke up with her and she thinks working will take her mind off him for the main time" "oh Raina' must be so sad" I breathed out sympathetically "of course she is, but most importantly, can I come in?" mason half yelled. "oh sorry, I thought you were inside already" I apologized with a smile. Mason walked in and closed the door, he took of has Jacket and carefully threw it on the couch. "this is not your house Mace, don't carelessly throw your things on my cushions" I warned him and he smiled. "don't worry I'll take it with me when I leave." he said and placed his hand around my shoulder, as I walked upstairs to my room. "let go of me" I tell him "C'mon this is not the first time I'll be doing this" he said and I just let him be and opened the door to my room and we both walked in. "wow your room hadn't change in a bit, since the last time I came here, your creepy teddy bear doll still sits beside your closet" he said and pointed to the doll, my dad bought for me at my eleventh birthday, it's a bit old but I still likes it even if the fur body has been less furry and one of the button eyes is gone. "DJ is not creepy" I defended my doll and regretted, cause I just sounded like a seven years old. "wow! I can't believe you named that doll and I still can't believe you're still keeping it, and I still can't believe y-- "just shut up Mason, don't believe anything, but please just shut up" I said and he raised his hand in the air surrenderlike "sorry, sometimes I talk to much" he said "no kidding" I added and he sat down on my bed. "so guess what?" I asked "what?" "just guess," I pushed. "you and Richard got back together?" he stated and I gave him a brief glare. "okay I'm sorry but you just have to tell me" I pondered "I got a job" I said happily. "wow! Really that's good news, you can finally get your dream apartment" he said and I nod. "and you won't believe who I'm working for!" I said, happily. "who?" he asked uninterested "Leo" I tell him. And he gasped "I'm working as he private chef" I Said. "pirate what?" he asked confusingly "it's not pirate you dweeb, it's private" I corrected and told him everything about the job without leaving a single detail out. "wow!" he breathed out. "Leo's nice, but I don't think you're actually working, I just think that private chef is just a cover up" mason stated and I turned to him sitting on the bed slowly. "what do you mean?" I asked "he's a guy, and I'm a guy, so I understand this situation better, he's actually helping you. But in a way it doesn't seem like helping but like it's coming from your own effort, when he's actually helping you" mason explained and I rolled my eyes "okay, you're just saying gibberish" I beckoned and he shrugged "okay then, take it as gibberish" he tells me and we both became quiet, throwing glances at each other waiting for one another to bring up a topic so we can talk on that one.. But none of us came up with anything. But alas mason said something. "let's play truth or dare" he said cheerfully. "truth or what now?" I asked again. "truth or dare" he repeated. "no fucking way" I breathed out and he gasped. "I can't believe for the first time in forever you said an "eff" (f) word, my girl's growing up so fast" mason said dramatically making me smack his shoulder playfully. "C'mon it'll be fun, I know you haven't played it before but just give it a try " Mason begged but I shook my head negatively and he kept pleading until I yelled.. "fine!!" and he smiled "okay truth or dare?" he asked me "truth" I replied and he rolled his eyes. "uhm.. Okay, what do you think about Leo?" He said plainly .. What does he mean by that! "just tell me what you think about him, like what things and features you think you like about him" he added and I nod. "firstly he's nice. And well a little bit playful and he's down to earth" I explained and Mason nods. "okay now, the physical features, you like about him" mason said and I gasped, I don't know where he's heading to but. Whatever "okay, well.. He's handsome" I said honestly and Mason gave me a corny smile. "what?" I said aggressively, "nothing keep going," he smiled. "okay well, he has scary eyes but it's lovely at the same time but I like them , and I like his long hair too. he has great body features, actually" I explained and Mason nodded "so you have a thing for him?" mason said and I huffed "what thing, I just explained what I liked about him cause you told me to and now you're saying I have a crush on him" I blurted out.. "I'm not saying you have a crush on him, I said you have a thing for him" mason said slowly and I glared at him. "It's the same thing dog poop" I cursed and he giggled and apologized for assuming I have a crush on 'Leo' "okay it's your turn" Mason breathed out and I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear. "okay truth or dare?" I said rapidly, "dare!" he said in a deep and seriously tone. "okay, I' dare you...uhmm.. I scratched my head thinking of what to tell him, but nothing came into my mind. I'm bad at this game. "I'm waiting".. Mason said and peeped and at his "watch"less wrist.. "okay I dare you to promise me not to make Kirana angry again, or get on anyone's nerve around me" I said and Mason's face almost blew up. "you're the worst" he tells me. "I know, now promise me!" I ordered and he sighed and gave in. "okay fine, I promise not to get on anyone's nerve Around you and Kirana" he said dryly and I smiled in return.. "you're the worst partner in this game of truth or dare, remind me to warn everyone not to play this game with you, and anyway it's my turn, so truth or dare?" mason said and as myself I picked truth. "seriously, truth! Again" Mason yelled and I nodded and smile, "okay I forgot you're Penelope,.. Well anyway.. Be truthful, what do you think about me!" he asked with a serious tone and face. And then I started "well, firstly I think, you're annoying, childish, too playful, says nonsense all the time and li-- "geez.. Pen isn't there anything nice to say about me! You didn't say anything like that when I asked you about Leo" mason interrupted and I cleared my throat and decided to say the true good things about him. "okay.. I'm sorry, well what I think about you, well sincerely, you're nice, giving, forgiving, you put others before you and you have a good sense of humor" I tell him and he smiled, "wow! I didn't know I had all that in me, now tell me what you think about my physical body features.." he said and I rolled my eyes. This guy is crazy . * By RUTHIE LEE * ****EPISODE SEVENTEEN (17)*** * "no way, what do you actually want me to think about your body features," I half yelled . "C'mon, but your told me what you liked about Leo" he complains and I sighed, "that's because he's not here" I tell him. "so you're secretly crushing my on him behind his back" mason said dramatically and I shot him a glare, if looks could kill, he would have been dead by now. "oops, I'm sorry, but please I just want to know more about me, coming from Somebody else" he said and I sighed and gave in. "okay well, you're handsome I like your eyes, it's a perfect combination, of grey and blue and well you have beautiful hair it's golden brown and well your smile, it's kind of put someone at ease, you have a beautiful smile too" I tell Mason and he was kind of frozen staring at me.. "mason?.." I called and waved my hand in front of his face but it seems like he was lost in thoughts. "mason!" I yelled and shook his shoulder. And he finally got a hold of himself "sorry, I just.. You really see all that in me?" he asked and I nod. And he looked away slowly "you're the one who asked me to tell you what I think about your face features and now you're the one acting weird!" I said still holding his shoulder. "sorry, I got lost" he said and I rolled my eyes. And he still seemed lost "I feel a little off.. I-i need to go." mason said standing up. "you are one weird man" I tell him and he smiled a bit before walking out of my room.. "remember to pick your jacket from the couch!" I yelled as he closed the door. "sure" he yelled back and I sighed and laid back on my bed. I don't know what's wrong with him but I know it's not something I should be worried about. I got up from my bed and start to move about in my room not knowing what to do.. I have to pick an outfit for my job tomorrow, I thought and moved to my closet, when I got there I sighed and gave up cause seeing my clothes pile up in the closet made me cringe it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone with my dressing so I better just let that go, tomorrow I'll just wear anything my hands touch. After spending some boring time alone in the house all by my self my mom finally came back from work, and I was glad I saw someone could talk to but our conversation wasn't so good.. My mom didn't sound like herself at all. "honey, it's time we talk about you" she said to me after watching a movie together. "what about me?" I asked at tuned to her. "isn't it time for you to move on" she said with a frown. "move on to where?" I asked in a playful tone. "Penelope Loretta vandale, this is not a joke, I am being serious right now, when will you move on, I know Richard turned your world upside down, but you have to move on.. Hmhm.. Every girl has to get married someday, and I've prayed so hard for you to do that also with Richard but he messed up, but I want you to move on... Get a new life pen" my mom said and I glared at her. "mom i have moved on, moving on doesn't mean I have to date some random guy just because Richard left me you're actually forcing me to go throw myself at a guy now, so we can just get married" I said angrily and my mom gasped. "no I'm not saying you should throw yourself at any guy, I just want you to just try and make some new friends" my mom said. "new friend? Or you mean new boyfriend" I stated and my mom sighed. "alright fine! I want you to get married to any guy because, Mrs Grundy's daughter is getting married next week.. And well everyone got all excited and asked me if you're going to stay single forever or get married soon like Mrs Grundy's daughter." my mom said and I stood up angrily. "mom that is her life, and this is mine, I get married to whoever I love and when it's my turn to get married, I will, you can't force me into marriage mom, it's takes for just the two people to be just the opposite sex,.. You can't compare me to Mrs Grundy's daughter okay! And I don't care if I get married at the age of fifty, cause that's my life.. So please don't force me into marriage" I yelled and walked upstairs angrily. I can't believe my mom! But what. I can't blame her I'm her only daughter and she just wants the best for me, but she's just going to far. That night I slept.. Normal after setting my alarm.. I slept with No mixed emotions but still a bit angry with my mom. The next morning I woke and quickly grabbed my phone to turn off the alarm, I stretched a bit before walking away from my bed and into the shower, I picked a simple outfit, a simple jean trouser and a plain white shirt, I put on my white sneakers, grabbed my phone and shoved it into the purse, I hurried down the bus to catch with the early morning bus, and luckily I got caught the bus. Thankfully my memory is still fresh and young, I remembered the route to Leo's house.. Correction mansion.. And I got there safetly, a strange man opened the gate for me and I walked in slowly, I moved to the door and knocked lightly, the door was thick and I doubted he heard me. As I was about to fist my hand and knock harder, I found a doorbell beside the door and internally laughed at my dumbness.. I pressed the door bell and waited a few seconds before I heard locks open behind the door and finally the huge door opened in front of me, revealing a sleepy Leo with only a short on and not a shirt on. And wow. His body.. Is. .. "oh you're here, isn't it too early?" he asked pushing his hair back. "no it's not early cause you Told me six in the morning is the perfect time" I tell him and he remembered immediately and sighed. "okay, come in" he said and opened the door a little bit, making me walk in and squeeze myself not to touch his body, he closed the door behind us and sighed. "so?" I tell him. "Well it's kind of too early for me to eat," he said and I nodded uncomfortable, okay seriously he should put on a shirt, "okay, then I'll wait till you're hungry" I tell him and he smiled, he took a step closer and his hair falls on his face. . "you can help yourself out with anything" he said, smiled and walked upstairs. Help myself out with anything? Is this a job or heaven. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE..
16 Aug 2019 | 13:59
DANGEROUS ❤❤ ❤❤ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ❤❤ . EPISODE 17 contd.. ❤❤ I walked around Leo's house, looking at the way it was built and decorated, it was beautiful. Since I didn't want to cross my boundaries, I went back to the living room and sat down quietly on the couch. I can't believe he lives in this big house alone with no one.. I was becoming bored and decided to turn on the TV, but this wasn't my house, so I kept my hands to myself and brought out my phone to keep myself busy, I stated playing an online game Kirana loves and after playing it three times I dropped my phone cause I can't seem to understand it, or to even love it. I suddenly became quiet and stood up impatiently, not knowing what to do, I suddenly Heard footstep and turned swiftly,. There I saw Leo comin down the stairs, he was dressed in all black and his hair fell to his face. Finally!. "so you're finally awake and you've freshened up, so what do you want me to prepare for you?" I asked with a smile. "don't think this too seriously" he suddenly said. "take what seriously?" I asked "this job" he replied. How can I not take my job too seriously. . . "I'm sorry but I'm the kind of person who takes her job very seriously" I tell him. "okay, do what you like then" he said with a smile. "so.. I asked "what?" he asked "what should I make you" I asked. Again. "oh.. Just make something simple, I'm not the kind of person who eats a lot" he said and I nodded "oh and If you need anything just tell me and I'll run to the grocery store" he said and I gave him a weird look. "aren't I supposed to be the one to go to the grocery store?" I said and he blinked twice. "are you?" he asked and I nod "well.. Okay, you can go ahead and start cooking" he said and looked away awkwardly, while I find my way to his kitchen. His kitchen was shiny, shimmering and splendid, that I thought if I touch anything I'll actually stain everything, buy after admiring everything in the kitchen, I finally started to cook.. I made a simple homemade breakfast.. Pancakes with maple syrup, and bacon, and I also made coffee to go with it. I placed the food perfectly on the dining table in the dining after getting lost three times just because I was looking for the dining room, this house is just so big and mixed up with many unfamiliar rooms. But I hope in time I'll be able to walk around the house freely without getting lost. Leo walked into the living room and gazed at his breakfast awkwardly, "you made all this?" he asked Who else made that? "yeah" I rolled dryly. "I don't eat this... Like, I haven't eaten all this before" he replied. "who hasn't eaten pancakes and bacon for breakfast before? It's like one of the most eaten breakfast around the world" I stated. "I might have eaten it before but I don't remember, I just eat chocolate, cakes or any fast food or snacks for breakfast" he said and sat down. "well that's pretty unhealthy" I tell him and he shrugs. "I look healthy to myself" he said and grabbed the fork beside his plate I stood still not knowing if I should stand and watch him eat or get the hell out of here. Wait. I'm not his servant, I don't need to stand here and watch him eat. Just as I was about leaving he called me back and I turned. "where are you going" he asked "the living room?" I said lowly, "oh well I thought you might want to have breakfast with me" he said, I'm only here to cook so I don't think I'm supposed to eat with him. "am I supposed to have breakfast with you?" I asked "aren't you supposed to have every meal with me?" he returned the question and I suddenly became confused. "I mean it's my job to cook for you, that's why it's called private chef' I'm not suppose to ha--" he suddenly laughed interrupting me and at the same time making me flinch. I didn't know his voice was this thick. But what is he laughing about anyway. "you're taking this job too seriously and it's kind of funny" Leo said and I gazed at him bewilderingly feeling a little vexed. "of course it's my job why won't I take it seriously," I said dramatically and he breathe in and said. "okay well don't, and as a friend not as your boss, I'm asking you to eat with me cause clearly I can't finish all this" he said and I nodded slowly, before sitting down on one of the chairs. We both ate breakfast quietly with only the sound of our forks hitting the glass plate could be heard and the tension there was to DIE for, it was awkward, silent, and.. Well awakward just covered it all up. "wow! Your cooking is really good" he said. "thanks" I mumbled lowly without looking at him. "you know you should be---" "I'm sorry I don't talk while I eat" I suddenly interrupted him and he flinched. "oh sorry, I didn't know you're the table mannered kind of people" he said, I'll try taking that as a compliment. We both ate quietly and no one could have guessed how happy I was when we were both Don eating, I quickly took the plates away and i threw them in the dish washer.. Well after getting the dishes clean. I found my way out of the kitchen and to the living room, the only place I'm familiar with.. . I sat down on the couch and started with, my phone, I texted Kirana a hi. But she didn't text me back so I just dropped my phone and sighed. The couch I was sitting suddenly sank down and rose up and I turned to see Leo sitting beside me, but we were not that close. "so what are you doing?" he asked.. "nothing" I replied plainly. "you look bored" he said. "I am, bored" I replied. "welcomed to my world" he smiled. "so can I talk to you?" he asked "you're already seated, so it's up to you" I replied and he nods. "okay it's about harmony" he said and I almost rolled my eyes It's about little miss annoying.. "what about her?" I asked calmly. "well I know you know how I feel about her, and I know she still loves me and I want her back, but still I have no idea what to do" he said with a sigh. "what makes you think that I can give you a better idea, cause look at me I'm as broken as you" I said and he shook his head negatively. "no you're not, Richard, or whatever his Is might have left you but you still have people around you, people like Mason Kirana and your parents, so your life is actually going great" Leo said with a small smile. "no it's not, my mom's actually forcing me to get married" I said and suddenly regretted, I had no idea why I just told me that. "but do you want to get married?" he asked. "yeah, I do but not just with any guy" I replied. "don't worry, I hope you'll find the right one" he said and I smiled and nodded at him. I hope I find the right one. "and back to Harmony, do you want to win her back?" I asked "I don't know who' she's dating now but yes, I want her back" Leo replied. And I started. "well girls like harmony may seem tough but they're the most easiest to win back when it comes to a situation like this, if you've apologized to her and she ignored you, just know she's thinking that she's won cause crawling on your knees is just what she wants to see you do, but girls like her get easily crumbled with just this eight alphabet j.e.a.l.o.u.s.y, jealousy, just make her jealous, let's say by pretending you've moved on and find a girl to hang out with in front of her and boom, you've gotten a jealous ex girlfriend who suddenly wants her ex back, just because she thinks, he's hooking up with a new girl" "wow! Leo breathed out.. How do you know all this" Leo asked. "what do you expect I'm a girl" I replied and he smiled. "but Pen, have you ever thou--" Leo paused cause he heard his doorbell ringing, and so did I "I'll get it" Leo said and walked up to his door to open it "mason?" he called. Oh goodness, what's he doing here.. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
16 Aug 2019 | 14:02
Leo should move on and forget harmony
18 Aug 2019 | 19:07
Ride on
18 Aug 2019 | 21:04
Dis Mason guy,I hope it's not what I'm thinking na???
20 Aug 2019 | 14:53
DANGEROUS❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 18 ???????????? Leo opened his door widely for Mason to enter and he looked happy that Mason's here, well what do I care, it's like it's my house for me to be aganst visit. "hey pen!" mason called "I didn't know you'd be here, what are you doing here?" he asked and I sighed and turned to him. "like you don't know" I said and rolled my eyes. "oh yeah, I remember now, you're working here now" he said and I rolled my eyes at him again. "what are you doing here anyway?" I asked. "my sister's still in charge of my work and I'm free so I came here to see Leo." he said and I shook my head negatively and looked away. "what is wrong with that?"he asked but I didn't give him a reply. "wish you could've come here earlier, cause you just missed breakfast" Leo said and I scoffed he's no nice, it's not a bad thing that he's nice, but if anyone's showing off their kindness, they shouldn't show it to this dweeb mason. "well it's okay, I ate some sweets on my way and that's my breakfast" mason said and I sighed, boys don't care what they eat. Mason sat down on a single couch opposite the one Leo and I were seated and the three of us suddenly became quiet. And I remembered yesterday, "Mason, yeah I forgot to ask, why did you suddenly left all of a sudden In the middle of our little game of truth or dare?" I asked "oh yeah about that, I have no idea too" he replied, "weirdo" I mumbled and he smiled. Suddenly he turned to Leo and they started to talk about a movie, I didn't even know if they were talking about a movie, or soccer game or a video game cause it all rhymed and it was boring me to death, and before I know it, I started to doze and I had no idea when I fell asleep.. * I opened my eyes with the familiar smell of Leo's couch and my eyes suddenly snapped to its widest when I realised I fell asleep on Leo's couch. I was not supposed to sleep. I quickly sit properly and found Mason on staring at me with his phone in his hand, "did I wake you up?" he asked "I don't know.. And why are you still here," I said and turned to my side but I didn't see Leo. "where's Leo?" I asked. "he's outside talking to someone" mason replied. I noticed the sun was out and I quickly stood up. I looked around for a wall clock to know what time is it but I couldn't fine. So I asked Mason "it's 3:44pm" he replied and I gasped.. I'm done. I'm supposed to make lunch for Leo at three o'clock, but now I slept for so long that I forgot. Damn it, I'm going to loose my job. "while I was asleep, did he complain about me being asleep" I asked, "not really, he even suggested we wake you up so you can go upstairs to the guest room, so you can sleep more comfortable, but I told him not to" mason replied and my brows arched. "really? He said that!" "yeah, what are you so worried about" mason said and I sighed and sat down back on the couch. "I'm worried of getting fired," I answered. "worried of getting fired?? I don't think you'll ever get fired" mason smiled. "what are you talking about?" I asked. "like I told you before, you working isn't something he's counting as a job, he's Just doing it so he can help you without you getting the idea of that" he replied and I rolled my eyes. "yeah right. Mr know it all" I said sarcastically while he just shrugged and said "you'll see". Leo walked in with a worried face and sighed after closing the door and I quickly stood up. "I'm sorry I suddenly slept!" I yelled awkwardly and he paused as he walked closer to us while Mason just laughed. "actually it's okay, I forced you to wake up six in the morning and you didn't sleep well so you just had to continue that here, so it's not your fault" Leo said and I smiled... Oh thank god he's not mad. "I know it's a little bit past lunch time but what do you want me to make for you?" I asked nicely, He said still thinking for a while but he had nothing, so he turned to Mason who was busy with his phone. "Mason, what meal do you think is the best for lunch?" Leo asked and I turned to Mason who suddenly gave me a mocking smile. "for me I think pasta is alright" he said and I rolled my eyes at him.. I turned to Leo to see if he agrees with what this goofballs is suggesting, and when he nodded. I know I'm making pasta for lunch, I glanced at mason and he was still giving me that stupid mocking smile, so I pulled his hand and dragged him to the kitchen with me. "since you're the one who suggested pasta, you're going to help me make it" I said as we got into the kitchen. "what the hell.. No I'm not" he blurted out. "yes you are! I know the reason you came here today is because you know I'll be starting my job today and you just can't wait to sabotage it so I can get fired" I whispered yelled.. And he sighed and rests his body on the fancy looking kitchen counter. "Leo can never fire you, and that's not the reason I came here today" mason said defended. "yeah right? Keep telling yourself that." I said and picked out a small pot. "I don't think you'll even have the strength to bicker with me if you know the real reason I came here" "you know what, I don't want to know, just help me with the stove okay?" I said in a flamboyant way and he shook his head negatively and did what I said. Even though Mason's kind of annoying sometimes he's a good listener, he obeys what I tell him to do actually and while talking and cooking, we were done in no time. "okay now, go set these plates on the dining table in the dinning room" I ordered handing him some fine ceramics plates.. He was about taking them but then paused. "there's something in your hair" he said walking to touch my hair but I moved my hair back and pushed the plate towards him. "leave the 'something' on my hair and help me set these plates" I said but he insisted on removing the 'thing' on my hair, I thought he was about taking the plates from my hand but his hand moved so quickly to my hair that the plates from my hand and crashed on the floor and a loud a loud gasped escaped my lips. "are you trying to kill me?!!" I yelled. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were giving it to me." he apologized. "you didn't know?!! I was clearly shoving them at you and still you didn't know I was giving them to you!!" I yelled angrily and he flinched a bit. I bent down angrily and started to pick the broken plates but unfortunately one pricked my forefinger and I squeaked. "are you okay?" Mason suddenly asked. "I'm fine" I breathed out angrily, feeling dizzy at the sight of my blood. "don't worry I'll get get the broken plates, you just re-- "what happened??" Leo's voice suddenly interrupted Mason.. I quickly stood up and start to apologize. "I'm sorry, Mason and I were being clumsy and we both accidentally broke your plates, please don't be mad and I'll pay you back for the plates I'm sorry" "you're bleeding" Leo ignored everything I just said and blurted that out. "oh this is.. Is nothing" I lied. My blood pouring out from my hand is seriously making me dizzy. Mason sighed and bent down, he started to pack the broken plates, "leave it I'll do it" I tell him,. "don't worry just treat your hand" he said lowly and turned to Leo. "can you please help her with your first aid kit" Mason said and Leo hurried to his cupboard and brought out his first aid box, this will be the second time I'll be having another encounters with this box. I was Planing to take the box from Leo and treat myself but instead he dropped the box on the counter, opened it and pulled my finger towards him, and starts to treat my small cut, I glanced at Mason as he carefully packed the plates with a sad look and I suddenly felt guilty, maybe I shouldn't have yelled at him.. He was being really helpful and I just lashed at him like that. "and it's done" Leo said and I turned to him suddenly remembering that he's treating my hand. "thanks" I mumbled and gazed at my hand which Is now covered with a small plaster. "I promise, I'll pay you back for the plates" I said in a rushing tone. "don't worry, actually harmony got me those, so it's a good thing it's broken though. I mean I'll be getting over her stuff before getting over her" Leo said with a sigh and I breathed a sigh of relief, Happy he's not mad. Mason walked out of the kitchen with the broken plates, while I stood there greiving. * After setting the table later on, the three of us sat down quietly Around Leo's table and glanced at each other a bit before eating. Mason kept glancing at me and I could feel it. So I turned to him and sighed. "what is it?" I asked lowly "I'm sorry!" he said. "it's okay" I tell him, even he didn't apologize it's actually okay? I'm not mad at him anymore, I realised some of the incident earlier was kind of my fault too. "really? I really am sorry" he added "mason! I said its okay already, it was kind of my fault too" I said and he audibly signed before smiling. "thank goodness, thought you were still mad at me and for a second I thought you were going to give me the silent treatment" he said buy I shook my head negatively. "I don't hold grudges" I said. "thank God, cause I hate that when Kirana gave me the silent treatment I almost went crazy, even if we make trouble all the time I still like talki-- "mason!" I interrupted him "I don't talk while I eat" I said and he suddenly apologize he knows me better than anyone that I don't talk while I eat. It happened to me when I was fifteen, eating instant noodles with my mom and dad and talking about when all of a sudden I started to choke and cough, I had to take five bottles of water so it would lessened down, and after a cooled down a noodle crawled out of my nose and that was what freaked me out. And after that I pretty much learned my lesson. Don't eat and talk, it doesn't end up in a good way. After eating with, Brown eyes and blue_grey eyes, (Leo and mason) , mason who still wanted to please me thinking I haven't forgiven him. Helped me cleared the table and we talked, while doing the dishes, well I wouldn't say do the dishes cause the dish washer actually did all the work. But Mason was a really good company, I have to admit .. "what are you guys talking about" Leo asked all of a sudden, standing still at the entrance of his kitchen "oh we're just talking about some old memories" Mason replied and Leo nodded. "okay well then.. I'll be in the living room" Leo said walled away,. What was that all about?. Mason and I went to the living room afterwards and the three of us talked about a lot of things before Mason received a text message saying he suddenly got up and said he had to leave. "I'll be leaving then" he said, after telling us he's leaving. "okay then tell your sister I said hi" I tell him "which of them?" he asked "Amanda" I replied. And he nods and waved at Leo who waved back and stood still staring at me. "what? Aren't you going?" I asked "aren't you going to bid me goodbye?" he returned the question "okay then goodbye" I said. "no! Like aren't you going to give me a hug or something" he smiled. "Keep dreaming" I said dryly and he laughed. "I expected it anyway, I'll see you around though, bye" he said and walked out of the house and suddenly I missed his presence. "you and Mason seem close" Leo said a few seconds after mason left. "yeah we are," I said plainly. "have you ever thought of like maybe, becoming more than just friends with him?" Leo asked shocking me with that question. "Mason is just a friend, a really close friend of mine and no I don't want to be more than just Friends, and I don't even think Mason like me that way," I blurted out. "I don't think you should keep thinking that" Leo mumbled, Where's he getting at. Me. Mason?.. No way.. . T. B. C. By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:33
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 19 ????????????? Five days passed, with me enjoying my new job, Leo has been like the nicest person on earth and that side of him doesn't suit his looks at all but what can I say. He's the real judging of 'don't judge a book by its cover' he looks terrifying, arrogant, cold and scary from his outside but he's just a fluffy teady bear from the inside. During the past four days Leo and I seemed pretty close and all we do is talk, eat, watch TV together, talk about what we just watched, eat, talk and I go home and, I don't even know if I should call this my job or my new home. I don't get to work on Sundays cause Leo says he doesn't stay home on sundays. And during the past week I haven't seen or heard from Mason and I'm a little bit worried cause. Well he's my friend, I love him and I wouldn't want anyone thing to happen to him, while Kirana, Kirana and I talk on the phone like every every single day, with me telling her what Leo and I talked about, she's like my memory bank. It's monday morning and I woke up and started to get ready for work happily, well I can't possible see any normal human being who'll be so happy about going to work. After shoving my skinny legs in a pair of black jeans and some comfy boots, I put on a shirt and a sweater, cause it rained last night, and the weather's pretty cold.. I placed my phone into my purse, packed my hair into ponytail and folded it into a messy bun. I hurried out of my room and met my mom, who's lazily eating breakfast, i grabbed one slice of bread from her plate and kissed her goodbye, after my last annoying conversation with my mom, she apologized for being pushy, and she said she's ready to support me with anything I do in life. On my way to the bus stop, the wind kept blowing hard making it hard for me to be clearly cause I have to close my eyes halfway, I couldn't take the breeze anymore, so I place my hood over my head making it cover my head and face a little bit, and just when I thought I could finally open my eyes and see clearly, I bumped into someone and almost fell but gladly the person caught my hand making me not to fall, I got my balance and looked at the person I bumped into. Blonde hair, blue eyes, full lips attractive and beautiful. "Amanda!" I called with a smile. "oh pen.. I can't believe it's you" Amanda replied. Amanda's mason older sister, she's older than him with just few months, she's he's half sister actually, the same mom but different fathers, they look pretty alike even if theyre not full blood related.. She's the one whose boyfriend broke up with her few days ago and who's been taking over Mason's work, at her dad's super-mart "it's been ages.. How are you pen" she asked after discussion the hug she just pulled me in. "I'm fine.. How are you?" I returned the question. "not so good." she tells me. "Eliot broke up with you?" I asked and she gasped. "Mason told you didn't he." she said in an angry but playful tone. "yeah, he just kept coming over to my place so he had to tell me the reason for his sudden freedom" I explained and she sighed with a smile. "that guy tells you everything, I'm afraid I can't tell him a secret cause he'll probably tell you that too. Well I can't blame him if I was a guy and had a pretty girl like you for a friend, I'll actually tell you everything I know too" Amanda stated making my cheek a little bit red, from being flushed, cause Amanda just called me pretty. "where is Mason anyway? I haven't heard from him for week now" I said with a serious tone. "oh you didn't know? He went to Texas, he went there to stay with my aunt, who just gave birth to her sixth child, since no-one in the family didn't want to go there, mason went and Mason's kind of like her favourite person In the family, but I haven't got to talk to him too for the past week, I don't know if everyone's okay over there, but I don't need to worry much cause he's Mason. No matter how playful he is, he doesn't let people he cares about worry". "okay, if you manage to get a hold of him before me tell him I said hi" I said and Amanda nodded. "oh and I heard about you and Richard from Mason few weeks ago, I'm sorry" she said lowly and I smiled.. "it's okay Richard's old news." "old news?? Is there anyone you're dating now?" she asked surprisingly. "what No. I just mean that I've moved on" I said and she nodded understandably.. "that's very brave of you, so where you heading too?" she asked. "to my new job" I replied. "oh yeah, I heard Eatees got burnt, okay well take care, I don't want to make you late.." she said and tucked her hair behind her ear.. "okie.. Then bye.." I said and walked away, after waving my hand out.. I almost missed the bus, but thank God I didn't and also Leo changed my time on coming to work.. He said instead from six in the morning it should be eight Am instead. I got to his mansion and typed in his code and the door opened like always, he gave me his code to his house the third day of job here and since that day instead of me ringing the doorbell and waking him up, I'll just type in his house code and get in. I got in his house and removed my boots beside the door, I walked up to the couch and threw my purse there. "hey.. good morning" I heard Leo's voice behind me and I turned swiftly, I saw him coming down the stairs, his hand dipped in his pockets, him looking good 'as always' and a suspicious smile today. "someone's feeling Happy today, what's with the smile?" I asked sweetly.. "oh just letting yesterday's memory replay over and over again" he replied.. "really? What happened" I asked inquisitively. His yesterday was good. I really do want to know what happened, I remembered mine, I was on my bed all day stuffing my face with peach pie my mom made and watching TV as the rain fell heavily... "I was about going out as usual since it was Sunday, when I got an unexpected visitor,.. Harmony." Leo said and I gasped. "no way" "oh yes way,.. She walked in furiously without me telling her to come in, she firstly looked around the house before turning back to me, and breaking out a simple hi, I returned her greetings and she remained quiet, I didn't know why she came here but I was ready for whatever she has to say, but luckily to my surprise she didn't say anything, she just looked around my house one more time and I just let her do so, and then she found your scarf, lying on the couch, the one you accidentally left here on Saturday--" "and I almost broke my house down looking for it, well anyway continue.." I tell him, I want to know where this story unfolds. Harmony may seem tough and all, but I know she's never tough. "well seeing your scarf, she picked it up and asked for the owner but I didn't tell her, and the next thing she said was "seems like you've moved on faster than I can ever imagine" "well so you want me to still crawl in your shadows, wash your feet and beg you to come back to me." I tell her but she didn't say or do anything, but just let out a tired sigh. "look Leo just because we've broken up doesn't mean we're enemies, how about we grab lunch together sometimes.." she said nicely to me and I didn't know how to hold in my smile anymore so I just nodded swiftly, "and since this scarf doesn't have an owner, I'll hold onto it for a while" she said and was about walking away but I had to stop her and tell her it belongs to you.. "Oh Leo don't lie to me., you and Penelope doesn't rhyme and I know you're just saying she's the owner of this scarf just because you want to make me jealous, but what do I care, ..anyway I'll see you another time." she said, pecked me and walked out. And seriously I couldn't believe all that happened." Leo explained and I laughed a bit "she totally wants you back." I breathed out. "you think so?" Leo asked and I rolled my eyes. "seriously Leo, don't tell me you're that dumb, she clearly said 'how about we grab lunch sometime, and us breaking up doesn't mean we're enemies.. Doesn't that give you any clue that she wants you back and she's currently begging," I explained and Leo smiled. "wow." he breathed out. "but if she do ever comes back, are you going to accept her back into your life" I asked lowly and he nods with small smile. "you really love Harmony, don't you?" I asked teasingly. "I really do" he said. "but if Richard wants to ever come back to you, will you sleepy him" he asked and I sighed and looked away.. "he does want to come back to my life" I said. "well. Will you accept him?" Leo asked cautiously. "I want to accept him but I'm afraid, I don't want what happened last time happen again, if not for Mason, I would have committed suicide on my wedding day, cause that day I just felt like a fool when he said he doesn't want to get married to me" I said lowly staring at the floor. "sorry.. Leo mumbled but I quickly brightened up so I wouldn't cry.. "so. What do you want me to make for you this morning" he asked.. "whatever you think is good" Leo added and I nod and walked to the kitchen. . Leo and I sat down quietly at the dining table eating breakfast. The tension between us before would be awkward but now it's seems normal. Cause I'm so used to it. "I know you don't like it when someone talks and eat, but I have to ask this... I know you're looking for an apartment here in Breek, have you seen one?." he asked. "no" I breathed out "Do you want me to help you look for one?" he asked, "no it's okay" I tell him "oh okay!" he said with a frown. : I was doing the dishes when I got a call from Kirana and picked up at the second ring cause I had to clean my wet hands. "hey!" I breathed out. "hi.. How's your day going?" she asked from the other line. "good. Yours?" I asked "not so good I've got loads of work waiting at my desk and I'm afraid to step into my office, I called you so you can cheer me up before working, you know like giving me a little morale" Kirana said and I chuckled. "what? So I'm like your work cheerleader?" I said sarcastically. "yeah.. You should be proud" Kirana said and I sighed. "crazy girl" I breathed out. "you can never find someone crazier than me.. Oh so have you heard from Mason since he went to Texas?" Kirana asked. "you knew he went to Texas?" I asked surprisingly. "yeah he told me the day he left, you didn't know?" "I didn't I had to find out from Amanda this morning" "I thought you're like his buddy-girl cause he tells you everything, I thought you'd be the first person to know" "well maybe he forgot, and lost his phone cause Amanda hasn't heard from him too" I said. "well maybe, and even though he's kind of stupid and annoying sometimes I still kind of miss him" Kirana said and I smiled. "yeah me too" I admitted. "anyway, I'm stepping into my office wish me luck." Kirana said. "good luck" I said nicely. "your good luck just made it more impossible cause I think more papers are being put on my desk, anyway I got to go, tell Leo I said hi" Kirana said and hung up. I carefully dropped my phone and continued with the dishes and I finished in no time. I grabbed my phone and was about to walk out of the kitchen but bumped my head into Leo's chest at the entrance of the kitchen. "sorry." we both apologized at the same time and laughed a bit. "how long you been standing here?" I asked, placing my into my pocket cause it almost fell when I bumped into him. "since you came in" he said honestly, I can't believe he's been standing here watching me and listening to Kirana and I conversation. "why?" I asked, it's like he's following me around. "I guess I just don't like being alone" he smiled. Weird. T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:35
DANGEROUS❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 20 ????????????? The day ran faster than ever and before I knew it, Leo and I were having dinner. Our conversation through out the day was just about harmony and Leo told me a lot of things about her which was quite amusing, he said she's from a wealthy family, she likes cat, dogs and rabbits but pretends not to like them, he also said she rather like people to fear and respect her than make friends with her or even be nice to her.. He said she might seem, High and mighty, scary and savage, bitchy and annoying, on the outside, but in the inside she's actually this cute happy girl who loves so many things, and whose heart flutter at every little things and that's what he loves about her. He really Harmony and that's all that matters in love, for the guy to be so committed to love than the girl. After dinner and everything, I got ready to leave and grabbed my sweater and purse. "okay Leo I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled walking to the door. "do you want me to drive you home?" he asked Since when? I wanted to say but instead I said this. "no it's okay, I always take the bus". "okay well I could always walk you to the gate" he offered and I turned to him. "okay, Leo you're kind of acting weird, you never walk me to the gate, you never asked to drive me home before.. It's not a bad thing though, but it's kind of weird coming from you" I explained and he smiled making his dimple appear. "okay so.. A friend asking to help a friend is weird?." he asked "it's not weird, I mean, it's just..ugh.. I can't explain, even if I do we can never be on the same page here, so just forget about it, and thanks for your offer but maybe another time" I said, flashed him a smile and walked out of his house. The cold wind suddenly pinched my skin making me put on my sweater. I walked down the bus stop faster than ever cause I just can't wait to go home and enjoy some warmth. I got to the bus stop and wanted for like fifteen minutes before the bus stopped in front of me and some couple of other people waiting too. People started to walk in including me and while we all paid as we got in, a girl with black short hair paused and started to search for something in her jacket pocket. "damn it, I forgot my purse" she said angrily. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you have to walk out of this bus, if you're not paying." the driver said and she glared at him for a minute. "my house isn't far from here, it's exactly at the next stop, maybe if you drive me there I can go in--- "lady, please just leave!" the drive yelled making her flinch. She was about to walk out of the bus. But I yelled "wait!" and all eyes went on me. I ignored the looking eyes and walked up to the lady and the driver. "I'll... I-I'll pay for her" I said to the driver and did so and the girl gasped. I walked back to my seat and she walked up to me. "hi.. Thanks.." she said quickly. "No problem.. It was nothing" I mumbled, "no it was something, I know no one in this bus was ready to do what you just did for me.. You're too kind and I promise to pay you back." she said with a smile. "no it's okay, no need to pay me back" I said and she grinned happily. "Olivia." she said and moved her hand forward. "Pen. Penelope" I continued and shook her hand. "gosh Penelope, thank you so much, I can't thank you enough're an angel sent to earth, if it wasn't for you that stupid driver could have embarrassed my life.. But because of your kind heart, he didn't, thank you so much, if not for you I would have slept in the bus stop cause I left my purse at my friend's place and my phone's in there too, so thank you so very much" she breathed out and I smiled. "no problem" Finally the bus stopped at the second bus stop, which was my stop, and surprisingly Olivia's too. "Oh you live in this neighborhood too?" she asked happily as we both walked out of the bus. "yeah" I replied. "yay! looks that we're going to be seeing each other more often" she said happily before we walked our separate ways. I walked in my house and sighed joyfully, it felt warm and cozy. I removed my sweater and boots and climbed up the stairs to my room. I dropped my sweater and purse on my bed and threw my boots carelessly on the floor, I stripped my clothes off my body and sped up to the shower.. After taking a warm bathe, I changed into my pajamas and was about to climbed on my bed but tripped on my boots.. Dang it. I carefully place my shoes well and jumped on my bed. I remove my phone out of my purse and dropped it beside me, these days I've been sleeping early, cause I end up eating dinner with Leo which makes me full and sleepy and when I get home I just jump on my bed and boom, I'm asleep. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 8:00pm. I was about to drop it when it buzzed and I looked it and noticed I've gotten a text message... From Mason!! I opened the message and read it. MASON: hey.. I sighed and shook my head negatively he's so crazy and so dead, I quickly replied him without wasting time. ME: hey? That's all you're going to say?? I sent that and he replied immediately and that's how we started texting till night fell. MASON: why do I feel like you're mad at me. ME: because I am mad! MASON: why? ME: why?? You were Leaving Breek and you told everyone except me, I thought you were dead, did you know how worried I was.. MASON: oh my god , I'm really sorry, I texted everyone of my sudden leave and just as I was about to text you my phone got drained and didn't know what to do, so I planned to tell you when I got to Texas but there was just so much going on that I forgot. I'm sorry. :-(( ME: oh well I forgive you I can't stay mad at you for being so forgetful, but what happened no one could get a hold of you for a week, is everything alright there? MASON: everything's fine actually but not so fine, I had to go buy a new phone this morning cause my aunt's kids placed my other phone in the dish washer, and then in the washing machine before ending it's life after placing it in the micro wave and I didn't even know they did all that, it was my aunt who showed me the phone and apologized for her kids outrageous behaviour who found what they did funny. ME: how sad. MASON: but luckily I got a new one and you're actually the first person I'm calling with it. So how's Breek though? ME: Breek's okay and it's been getting cold here lately, but it's still fine. And everyone's fine too. MASON: dang it, they're here. ME: who's there? MASON: my aunt's kid, they're here for me to read them bed time stories. I promised them, these days I've been loosing sleep cause of them, they're all pains in my neck, while my aunt and uncle are busy taking care of the new born child I'm now the father of the remaining five kids.. You'll think five and four years old boys are stubborn and playful but teenage girls are the worst. ME: your aunt has girls?? I thought she's a boys lady only MASON: oh she has girls, two actually, well three now, one's seventeen, she's the eldest one's fifteen, and the other one is the new born child while the rest are boys. And the seventeen years old is trying to flirt with me, she even tried to kiss me yesterday. If you don't hear from me soon, know that I'm dead. ME: LOL can't stop laughing, wow you've become a daddy overnight, hope you don't die soon cause we miss you. MASON: I miss you oidydhididmvs ME: what? MASON: sorry, my aunt's little boys are trying to kill me.. They made me type that by mistake ME: they must be real headaches MASON: oh they really are. MASON: *sent a photo* A photo of Mason appeared with him shirtless and three adorable little boys around him, one was currently pulling his hair as he took the picture, his brown hair was scattered and his eyes were puffy, he look tired but still held his mason smile. ME: those boys looks so adorable. MASON: those adorable boys are actually devils.. They think they're playing with me but they're just menaces, ME: don't worry you'll fit in with them soon. be a good father and stop hating your kids. MASON: actually even when you put it as a joke it's not funny cause they're actually killing me right now, maybe they're stop hurting their dad if they see their mom. Why don't you teleport yourself here so you can read them the bed time stories instead ME: tell them they're mom has to rest cause she's tired of working today MASON: I'll do just that, anyway I have to go cause it seems like Jenna, the fifteen years old, just had a bad dream cause she just screamed and I have to go check what happened. ME: me too, I'm as sleepy as a koala. MASON: okay then goodnight. ME: goodnight. I turned my phone off before finally going to sleep... : I woke up the next morning, with a sigh I grabbed my phone and switched off the alarm, I remembered my conversation with Mason last night and I smiled. He's funny. I took my shower, got dressed and for some reason, I decided to curl my hair, which I've done once but Richard said he didn't like it so I stopped it, but today I just felt like doing it cause I still have a lot of time and I did and it kind of really suit me. The weather was normal today, so I put on a yellow short and a black top. I grabbed my purse and hurried out of my room and to the living room. I walked out of my house and hurried down the bus stop. I caught the bus and immediately received a call from my dad. "hey dad!" I said cheerfully into the phone. "hey dear, how are you? I haven't gotten to see your face more often because of my job and yours" he said "yeah" I breathed out. "anyway, about the apartment you were talking about that day wit-- "you found one?" I quickly interrupted him getting a few stares from the bus "yeah, and I thought maybe you'll want to check it out today, I found out about it yesterday but forgot to tell you and when I came home last night you were asleep." my dad explained. "okay, well I don't think today's going to work, how about tomorrow?" I said lowly. "okay. I'll create a chance, but if I can't, it's at bayn street, 52, you can go ahead and check it without me" my dad said. "okay dad, thanks" I mumbled "bye dear" "bye dad" I breathed out and hung up. Finally the bus got to my stop and I got down and walked my way to Leo's house. I typed in his house code and walked In, I saw him sitting quietly on his couch, his attention on the floor and he didn't notice me.. "hey good morning" I said as I closed the door. "oh hey.. You're here" he said with a smile. "yeah" I breathed out. He kept looking at me so I had to ask. "what?" I finally asked "your hair." he said lowly. "oh yeah, I just decided to curl it today for no reason." I said nervously. "well it really suits you" he said with a small smile. "thanks" I smiled back. "so what do you suggest for today menu" I said and walked up to the couch, where he was and dropped my purse. "I don't know, you're always the food ideal lady" he said and I rolled my eyes. "quit whining" I said and walked passed him to the kitchen and he trailed behind me. "so I'll just make blue berry muffins and hot chocolate today, simple and healthy what do you think?" I asked and turned to him but he was concentrated on his phone. He quickly looked up and said "yeah well, whatever you make I'll eat it" he said and walked closer to the counter, where I stood, "I need a glass of water" he mumbled and grabbed one of his glass cup with the same hand he's holding his phone, and his phone slipped from his hand almost crashing to the ground, but luckily I caught. "wow.. You need to be careful" I said breathlessly handing him his phone. "th-thanks" he said taking it from my hand and leaning down to me, surprisingly giving me a peck on my cheeks which made me gasp a little which heard. "i-i -i-i.. I'm so so-sorry I didn't know why i-i did that" he stutter, It's not a big deal no need to get worked up. I tell myself and breathe in and out slowly before saying. "it's no biggie, it's just your way of showing appreciation". He didn't say anything he just stood still staring at the floor before sighing and walking out of the kitchen, I place my hand on my forehead and sighed. Maybe it was I who needed that glass of water. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:37
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 21☆☆ ????????????? I made breakfast that morning, trying to forget why Leo did that, why did he peck me??. I just used my own excuse for him saying, it's his way of showing appreciation but, he apologized for what he did cause he knew he was wrong and it wasn't his way of showing appreciation. The first set of the blueberry muffins I made was a little burnt since I wasn't my self but the rest was okay. Leo and I sat down at the table quietly and for the first time in forever the tension between us became awkward. After eating and doing the dishes, I walked to the living room where I met Leo sitting quietly on the couch. "hey..." I said and sat down on the same couch, he was sitting but not to close to him. "look I'm really sorry about earlier" he said and I smiled and rolled my eyes. "you're still apologizing for what's in the past already" I said cheerfully so he'll snap out of his boring and quiet self and be the more energetic Leo. "you're not angry?" he asked and I shook my head negatively. "why would I be... Also I want to ask for a small permission tomorrow to leave" I said immediately changing the subject. "a permission to leave?" he repeated. "well you know I've been looking for an apartment, and thankfully my dad, found one I have to check it out with him, before it's taken and I don't know if you're willing to grant that" I said in a calm and pleading tone. "actually, you can take anyday off, I don't mind..." he said and I gasped. "really?" "yeah, I don't mind, and if you don't mind yourself, I can come with you and check it out too.. I have good eyes for things people and places" be said and I smiled. "it's okay, my dad and I are already going, so there's no need too, thanks though" I assured him and he nods. We both remained quiet, staring at the floor and I suddenly sighed, naming him sigh too and few minutes later we both sigh at the same time which made us both laughed.. "that was funny" I laughed. "that shows how bored we are" Leo said. "do you want to play a game?" I asked cheerfully. "a game?" he asked again and I nod. "er.. I don't have the strength for playing some TV games" he said and rested his head on the couch making his hair fall backward and for the first time I noticed he's wearing an earring a black one. "I'm not talking about TV games I'm talking real life games, like scrabble, solitaire, and maybe noughts and crosses(X and O)" I said but he just shook his head negatively. "those games make me sick" he said with a smile. "C'mon it'll be fun." I squeaked and he sighed. "okay I've agreed to, but I don't have the scrabble board or the entire game equipment here, or even the solitaire cards" he said, and he's somehow got a point. "okay then let's play noughts and crosses, it's actually called Xs and Os" I said. "you don't need any equipments in this one, just a pen and a sheet of paper, and I just happened to have a pen" I added and dipped my hand into my purse bringing out a black ball pen. Leo sighed heavily and gave up, After getting a small jotter, Leo asked how the came was placed and I explained. "Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3×3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row wins the game." We both ended up playing noughts and crosses, with me waning, three times in a roll which just pisses him off. "dang it., I'm playing no more" he said drooping the pen. "C'mon we just started." I said "yeah, I know but how am I going to enjoy the game if you keep winning" he asked dryly. "I dont know.. But in order to be the best, you have to beat the best" I said and he rolled his eyes. "so you're saying you're the best?" he asked and I nodded. "okay then, i don't like when people brag about themselves, so just wait and see as I crush that best. I'm going to win this time," he said and grabbed the pen back. We started to play again, and now it was hard for me to win cause instead of him trying to win, he was just blocking my chances of wining,.. And it was kind of annoying. After playing and playing, we both became tired and bored cause no one was wining and which made us both quit. "that was the most boring game I've ever played." Leo breathed out. "how could it be fun when you didn't want to win, and didn't want to make me win too" I tell him but he just laughed. "what's so funny?" I asked .. "you.. Me.. The idea of paying this game with you.. It's just something I won't do before" he said still smiling .."well that was before, and now is now, people change every single day, so it's not new" I explained. "well you're right, people do change and I'm not Just talking about myself, I'm talking about you too" he said. "me?" I laughed. And rested my head and back on the couch like he did. Making us stare at the ceiling "yeah, when I first got to know you, you seemed pretty kind of mean and ignorant" he tells me and I scoffed. "I was never mean or ignorant, you could have said, I was mean and ignorant to you, and that was because I didn't know you so well then," "well you have a point, maybe you never changed, but I know I did" he said.. And I sighed I'm starting to feel sleepy and it's not nice for me to, but I couldn't help it, Leo was talking to me but everything sounded so far away I didn't hear what he was saying, and through the sound of his voice, slowly my eyes start to close, and little by little his voice start to fade away, I was falling asleep... "Penn.." I heard my voice. "Penn!!" I heard my voice again, which suddenly made my eyes open immediately, and I quickly turn to my right side where leo was seated and he was looking at me strangely.. "do you feel sleepy?" he asked. "a little bit, I'm sorry for falling asleep" I apologized lowly. "oh no, it's okay, you can always sleep in the guest room upstairs, if you're tired" he said but I quickly shook my head negatively. "no.. Thanks, but it's okay I'm not tired" "okay whatever you say!" he said, stood up and walked away.. I rested my elbow on the arm of the chair and rested my chin on my palm, Sleeping will just make me look lazy and weak and he'll think I'm lazy and weak and I'm not. I'm just bored and maybe doing something interesting will just take that boredom away. Just as I thought of something interesting to do, my phone started to ring, I quickly grabbed it which was beside my purse and turned it to look at the screen. And it was a video call from Mason. Prefect timing. I answered the call and after waiting for like a second a two , it got connected and I saw Mason smiling happily on my screen and he was shirtless.. No kidding. "hi." I said and waved a bit. "hi" he replied and immediately three little heads popped out from nowhere and covered mason face, "hi!!!" the three little boys shouted from the other line and I remembered them from last night when Mason sent me a picture of him, they were the ones around him. "okay get away from here!" mason yelled at the boys making them, all move out of the way, and I could see Mason, but the three boys were still behind him and they were so cute, their eyes looking at me curiously wondering who I was. "so how's things over there" he asked. "things are fine actually." I replied, "is everything still the same as usual" he asked. "yeah nothing changed and no-one changed, if that's what you're expecting, oh and why are you always shirtless over there, are you in Texas to be a body model or a second parent to your aunt's children" I said and he laughed. "actually it hasn't been too long since we ate and one of this nugget brains, poured hot tea on me," he said angrily and glared at one of the boys at his left side, Who quickly gave him an innocent look. Mason rolled his eyes and turned back to me. "anyway I'll be coming back home next week..i don't know the particular day but I know I'll be coming back home next week" he said. "okay well we'll be expecting you then, so why didn't you put on another shirt when hot tea was spilled on your clothes" I said seriously. "cause I'm out of shirts, but thankfully, their sister's actually helping me do my laundry" Mason replied. "which of them, the one having crush on you?" I asked. "yeah, how did you know" "cause she has a crush on you and will probably do anything for you" I pondered. "wow.. Girls do understand girls, when I start dating I'll remember to come take advice from you everyday" he said and I smiled. "she's pretty" one of the boys said and I smiled at him... "awwn thanks" I breathed out.. "what is your name?" I asked the boy and he seemed like he's the littlest one.. "I'm Michael" he said happily. "well Michael, I think you're pretty too" I said and his eyes lit up in excitement. "and I'm Jaden" one of the boys said quickly. "and I'm Landon" who I think is the eldest said, "okay well, Jaden, Landon, I think you guys are pretty too" I complimented them since it seems like what they wanted and they all looked at each other with a smile. "who're you guys talking too" a voice said behind Mason and the three boys,.. "we're taking to Mason's girlfriend" Michael, the one who complimented me said and Michael laughed while I rolled my eyes, a teenage, blonde mean looking girl suddenly walked up to Mason and looked into the phone, she saw me and gave me an angry look while I just smiled and waved at her, Teenage girls.. "Pen, this is Mavis, my cousin she's the eldest, the one I keep telling you about" Mason said and gave me a knowing look. "hey Mavis, Mason's told me a lot about you" I said with a smile but she just rolled her eyes and walked away. I totally expected that, since she's crushing on mason, seeing him talk to other girls will just piss her off but girls like her are easy to read, soon enough she'll drop the cursing of a thing and finally see him as a cousin. After talking for a while, we finally ended the call and I smoked and dropped my phone, that was one heck of a video call, I really miss him though.. : Well the day went by pretty fast, and before I knew it, I was putting on my shoes was easy to leave Leo's house. "remember if you don't have anyone to go with you tomorrow to check out the new apartment, you can always call me," he said before I left and I just nodded and walked out. I got home feeling a little but exhausted, I crashed on my bed and didn't even remember to take a bath, but I was too tired to stand up so I just let myself fall asleep without taking my shoes or clothes off.. * The next day, I woke up feeling strong, likewise yesterday, I jolted up from my bed and pulled my shoes off my legs before doing the same to my clothes, I took a bath and brushed my teeth before putting on something plain and casual. I'm just so glad Leo gave me a day off, he's too nice . I walked downstairs and noticed neither of my parents are around so I called my dad, cause it was supposed to be me and him checking out the apartment. My dad picked up at the first ring and immediately he apologized. "I'm sorry". "seriously dad, it was supposed to be me and you today" I said sadly into the phone. "I know Penny and I'm sorry. I thought we could both go there together, today, but I couldn't fit it in my schedule, I'm sorry dear, I think you'll go alone, I'll text you the address I'm sorry" my dad said and I sighed. "oh well, it's okay, I guess I'll just go alone then" I said and hang up, my dad sent me the address and I sighed sadly and did the last thing I thought I'd do. I called Leo. "pen?" he said surprisingly. "hi.. Leo I know you must be wondering why I called" I said lowly, "yeah.." he breathed out "well about the apartment, you said you'd go with me if my da-- "you want me to go with you?" he suddenly interrupted me. "y-yeah, well my dad kind of bail out on me at the last minute, and instead of going alone, I thought maybe we could go together." I said slowly, cause calling him was awakward for me "okay, no to explain, I'll be there in a jiffy" Leo said and hanged up. I slowly shove my phone inside the pocket of the jacket I wore.. I straighten my dress and tuck my hair behind my ears, apart from the dress I wore to club zero-zix a month ago, it's the first I'm actually wearing a dress of my own.. I walked to the kitchen to brew green tea, for myself, and after preparing it, just as I was about to take a sip, I heard the doorbell ring.... I held my tea in my hand and walked to the door. I opened it and found Leo standing there, he looked the same. In a good way actually. His hair was packed up, his eyes had dark circle lines around it, and he wore his black earring in both ears which made him get his scary looks and he was dressed in all black.. I have this strange feeling that if we're walking together, people would think he kidnapped me. "wow that was fast" I said as I opened the door wider for him to come in, "I wasn't doing anything so I came as fast as I could cause I was bored." he said and I finally took a sip out of my tea. And goodness! it was hot. "don't you go to work or something, Maxwell said you have so many companies, but yet I don't see you working or directing in anyone, you're a rich guy but you don't seem like one" I said sensitively while he smiled. "I do have a lot of firm and companies but I have people working under it, and yes I don't look like a rich guy, I kind of look like a criminal cause people say that to me all the time, but actually money isn't everything, I just don't know what to do with my life, I guess I was just lucky with money, I do have a lot but I just don't need it" he said freely and I shook my head negatively. This guy is unbelievable, it's true some people are lucky with money, and neither me nor my parents are one of the lucky people. "anyway, I'm done with my tea, let's get going instead of talking" I said and dropped the cup I used on the living room table beside me are grabbed my purse. "my dad sent me the address it's not that far, well maybe a little but far but we can take a cab—no cab is to expensive— or we'll just take the bus" I said walking briskly to the door. "don't worry, about a cab or bus, we'll just use my car instead" he said and my eyes lit up in excitement. He brought his car. "well then let's go" I said cheerfully. Leo and I walked out of my house and I locked the door.. And turned to see him beside his car, he opened the car door for me. "lady's first" he said. "thanks" I tell him and got in and suddenly remembered my first date with Richard, he did and said exactly the same thing, I shook that out of my memory, I don't need every little detail to make me remember him. . Leo started to drive, while I just sat down quietly and directed him of where to go.. Finally we got to Bayn street, and I had to go over the message my dad sent for me to know the number of the building.. After calling my dad and asking for the house number and what the building looked like even though I've seen the house address I just don't want to be mistaken,. Leo and I got there and we both went to check out the apartment, the building was a six storey and the rented apartment was at the last floor,... "the apartment's nice though" Leo said as we both walked around the empty room, and it looks Like it hasn't been long since the other tenant left this place cause it was still neat and the furnitures were still new and neat. "what do you think?" Leo asked me. "I think it's nice, it has a great view from the small balcony, and since it's at the top of the building it absorbs lot of cool breeze, and it's got a perfect space for Just a single person, I like it." I breathed out. "so you're getting it?" leo asked. "yeah!.. I just need to call the landlord and ask about the payment" I said and moved to where a flyer was pasted on the wall and brought out my phone cause the landlord's phone number was written there. I called the 'landlord' which happens to be a lady and we talked about me getting an apartment in her building and she said she'll be over here in a few minutes to talk about the price and all that.. I placed my phone back into my purse and turned to find Leo at the open balcony. "Leo." I called and he turned. "nice view right?" I said and he nods. "so what did the landlord say" he asked. "it's actually a lady, and she said she'll be here soon, in the mean time, let's check around the building." I said and he nods, and we both walked out of the apartment,.. We got in the elevator and started to go down, the two of us were quiet and I just kept sighing. "what are you going to do if the price of the apartment happens to be higher than what you have" Leo asked as we got the third floor. "well I'll just keep looking till I see the one that won't cut off my budgets" I replied and he nods and looked away, We got to the first floor and the elevator door opened and I quickly walked out bumping into someone. "oh my goodness, Penelope!" I heard a somewhat familiar voice said. I looked up and saw a girl, and I tried to remember where I met or saw her... I quickly remembered her, the girl from the bus, the other day who I helped payed for the bus, who kept thanking me. "Olivia." I smiled "Penelope, I can't believe you're here what are you doing here! I talk about you all the time, what you did that day was grateful, I won't stop thanking you, I talk about you to my Richy all the time" she said happily and looked behind me to see Leo.. "hi I'm olivia a friend of Penelope" she said shook Leo's hand. "olivia..!" I heard a very familiar voice call Olivia's voice and I looked behind Olivia to see the person only for my jaw to drop. Richard Olivia quickly smiled and ran to him. "oh Richie, it's her Penelope, the girl I talk about like everyday" Olivia said happily clinging to Richard who just kept staring at me. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:40
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 22☆☆ ???????????? "Pen.." Richard called me lowly while I just stood still and stared back at him. Olivia looked back and forth between the two of us before saying. "do you guys happen to know each other before?" "uhm.. Wh-what are you doing here" Richard asked slowly and I snapped out of my blank reverie. "i-i'm here to check out the apartment for rent." I replied, like we knew each other and nothing ever happened to us. "what about you what are you doing here?" I asked and tilt my head suspiciously. "I'm he-- "he's here to see me" Olivia interrupted him, and he glanced at her before turning back to me, Leo walked closer to me and whispers in my ear. "i didn't know your boyfriend has gotten another girlfriend's so fast" I turned to Leo and glared at him, but he just smiled and looked away. I turned back to Richard who was currently glaring at Leo, but Leo just kept smiling at him. "so, you said you're here to check out the apartment for rent right?" Olivia asked and I faked smile and nodded at her. I'm not in the mood for smiling right now cause I feel like my ex Fiance has either be cheating on me before we got married with this girl or has easily moved on after breaking the marriage with this girl, but either way I'm jealous. Because my heart still loves him. And I hate that, but I can't let him see that, if he's moved on, then I've moved on too. "well what do you think, do you like the apartment?" Olivia asked. "yeah" I breathed out. "Yay! I hope you get it, cause we're gonna be neighbors" Olivia said happily, she's jovial and free spirited, so this is the kind of girl Richard went for. "yeah I hope so too" I seethe. The huge front door of the building suddenly opened and a middle aged woman walked in dressed in all red. "Mrs. Aleksey," Olivia grinned at the woman and waved her hand happily at her. The woman rolled her eyes and turned to talk to a man who suddenly called her. "that's Mrs Aleksey, the owner of this place" Olivia whisperered to me. Oh she's the landlady. And Aleksey, Is she Russian or something. "well I better go talk with her, cause she's actually here for me" I tell Leo and Olivia and ignored Richard's Stare towards me, his girlfriend is right beside him, he should stop looking at me that way before she gets suspicious. Just as I was about to walk away Richard called me. Making me turn back to him. "yes" I said boldly and sternly. "can we talk?" he said lowly. Talk!??.. Talk about what??? "yeah, sure" I said calmly not wanting to cause a commotion or let his new 'girlfriend' get suspicious. I turned to walk to Mrs Aleksey but Richard called me back. "Pen, can we talk like right now.?" "I have to meet Mrs Aleksey first" I tell him. "please." he said with pleading eyes. "okay, but you better make it quick cause I'm not loosing this place" I said and he nods. I sighed and turn back to glance at Mrs Aleksey, I hope she won't be mad if I run a little late. Leo suddenly place his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him. "don't worry I'll help you meet with Mrs Aleksey" he said and I smiled a little "really?" I asked. "yeah," he nods. "thanks, and please while talking to her, If the apartment price is bigger than what I can afford please just cancel it" I said and he nods. "got it." he said and walked away, bless him for he is so nice. I turned to Richard who watched as Leo walked away, and sighed. Richard snapped out of his glaring state and turned to Olivia . "Olivia, can you please give us some privacy" Richard said sweetly to her "sure thing Richie" she said happily and walked to me. Richard sighed and took a step closer to me but not too close. "hi" he said breathlessly "hi?" I repeated. Is this guy okay or what .. "okay spill whatever you want to say to me, Leo can't really tell Mrs Aleksey what's in my mind you know" I said and fold my hands. "Leo? Oh that's his name" Richard breathed out. "yeah, seriously are you going to talk or waste my time" I asked and tucked my hair behind my ear,.. "okay fine, I've seen you moved on" he started. So he doesn't want me to move on ? "what are you talking about, you've moved on too, Olivia's a sweet person" I said calmly and he looked at me awkwardly. "Olivia?" he said, "yeah, aren't you two dating" I asked. "no.. No Olivia and I are just friends". He breathed out. "yeah right." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "no I'm serious, I met her like a week ago and she's been clinging to me since then," Richard tells me and I sighed. "look Richard, you don't have to explain what she is to me okay! Nothing is going on between us" I said and gesture my hand back and forth between us. "I'm sorry.." he apologized. What is he apologizing for?? "Rich. I don't know what you're apologizing for, but please for once can I not get the word 'I'm sorry' from you anymore, let's just be Normal people from Breek who happens to know each other so well,. now if you excuse I'll be going to Leo now" I said calmly and turned. "Pen. He called and I paused and turned with a sigh,. "Leo. Is he your boyfriend" Richard breathlessly asked,. "what do you think?" I shrugged and walked away. Just as I was getting close to Leo and Mrs Aleksey, Mrs Aleksey smiled at Leo before walking out of the building,.. Why is she living, what did Leo said to her?, did she know that I'm the one who wants to rent out the apartment!! I quickly walked briskly to Leo who smiled seeing me. "oh finally you're here" he said. "yeah. Why Is Mrs Aleksey leaving I didn't have the chance to talk to her," I said breathing heavily. "calm down, I talked to her" he said.. "yeah I know I told you to do so, what did she say?, how much is the place?" I asked inquisitively. Leo sighed and brought a paper out of his pocket and placed it in front of my eyes, "this is the price of the apartment" he said and my eyes almost burst out when I saw the price. "th-this is bigger than me I can't afford this" I said still looking at the paper he placed in my hand. "and this is your receipt" Leo said and brought another paper out of his pocket placing it in my hands. "a receipt for the apartment??" I blurted out. "but I... "don't worry the apartment's under your name I just helped with the money" Leo interrupted me and I gasped softly, Don't tell me he payed for my apartment. "y-you payed??" I asked to be sure. "yeah" he replied sternly, "but I can't afford this, and how can I pay you back?" I said lowly, What if he deducts it from my salary, then that's two months pay, I'm doomed. "you don't have to pay me back" he said with a serious face. "why?" I asked, even though it's cliche to ask why, I just can't help but know why. "because I don't want you to, don't friends help each other everyday?" he said with an arched eyebrow. "they do.. But Leo, this is two much, with this kind of amount you payed for four years?" I said calmly cause this is crazy. "Pen, this is no big deal, I've bought houses and cars for some of my friends so this is no big deal" he said and I suddenly remained quiet.. This is not only crazy, but awkward, he's way too nice and helpful and that just makes me feel.., Ugh.. I don't even know how it makes me feel but I know somehow I should be described as, lost, confused, pleased, and awkward right now. "a thank you would be fine." he said suddenly breaking me and my inner thought's conversation.. "oh sorry,.. Thank you" I breathed out and he smiled. "that's more like it" "Penelope!!" Olivia's voice called happily behind me and I turned swiftly, "did you get it, did you get the apartment?" she asked. "yeah" I smiled. "we're gonna be neighbors" she squeaked happily and pulled me into a hug. She let's go of me and turned to Richard, "heard that Richie?, she got the apartment" Olivia said happily. "I have to go" Richard said to Olivia and walled away.. "Richie, come back! You haven't tried the cookies I made for you" Olivia yelled and trailed behind him. "is it time to leave or are you waiting for Richard to come back and kiss you or what?" Leo asked and sighed. "let's leave, I've seen and heard enough today," I breathed out Leo and I walked out of the building.. We got back into his car and he turned on the ignition and start to drive, "so.. When are you going to start moving in?" he asked. "I don't know, maybe tomorrow or the day after, but Leo thank you. much" I said lowly. "don't mention" he smiled, I received a text from Mason and I talked a while with him about getting the apartment with the help of Leo and what he said left me thinking. *are you sure he's not doing all this for another reason* Mason texted. *what reason?* I texted back. *never mind* he sent back to me and that's how our conversation ended. What reason? I asked myself but shook that outta my head. After being quiet with Leo in the car for a while we finally got to my house and I couldn't wait to get inside and throw myself on the bed, cause I'm so exhausted. And maybe a little heavy at the heart for seeing Richard. I got down from Leo's car and thanked him several times .. "okay, I'll see you at work tomorrow" he smiled. "okay" I smiled back and waved a little before he drove away.. And making me turn and walk inside. * ——LEO'S POV—— I drove my car back to my car and just kept sighing cause everything suddenly feels empty and black as Penelope left, even if she was just focused on her phone, I still felt the company she occupied. During this past few days, she's been the only one I've been with and talk with and I've become really fond of her, sometimes when she's at work it feel like she should just stay at the mansion with me and not go home. Not that I want or need her romantically in my life, I just need someone, anyone with me cause loneliness is a disease.. And getting her this apartment with my own money, is really nothing cause I can do more for he than she can expect. I got back to my mansion and before entering inside I sighed like a zillion times cause it seems like I'm about living my disease.. I packed my car and got inside the mansion, I was about typing my house password, but it seems like my door was a little bit open already. I opened the door slowly and walked in, I think someone broke into my house.. I walked close to the couch hearing light sobs coming from there. And when I found a red hair stiletto heels and over glossed lips on my couch I called. "harmony?" She quickly turned to me and I was shocked to see tears crawl out of her eyes and her mascara was already scattered by the tears which made some of her face black,, "Leo." she cried and flew into my body and gave me a hug I stood still surprised by her act, but slowly hugged her back, Incase she's looking for comfort. "Leo. I'm sorry, I really am, please I want us together again, I missed you" she cried on my shoulder.. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:41
. DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 23☆☆ ????????????? "Leo. I'm sorry, I really am, please I want us together again, I missed you" harmony cried on my shoulder.. I sighed heavily and dropped my hands from her body and slowly and gently pull her from my body, I brought my face closer to hers and said, "and what suddenly changed your heart that you suddenly want us to get back together?" "I was wrong" she breathed out. "I didn't know why I broke up with you, I was just so confused at that time 'cause, there's this guy my mom wants me to get married to instead of you, cause she doesn't like you but I told her I didn't want to, but then the guy started being sweet and all to me, and I foolishly fell for him and broke up with you, but what I feel for you is nothing compared to what feel for him, breaking up with you would be the best thing, that's what I thought before, breaking up with you, I thought was the best thing and that's what I regret now, the stupid guy my mom brought home was just toying with my feelings and I realised that, I suddenly missed you cause you'll never toy with me.. I'm stupid and I'm sorry you're unique in own way and that's why you'll never be like any normal person cause you're you and thats what I love about you" Harmony explained and I held the urge to smile. "and what makes you think I want to get back to you?" I asked. "w-well.. I-i d-don't ..because you love me, you still love me I can feel it Leo" she said and cleaned her tears making the mascara spread everywhere.. "you can still feel it?, didn't you take my girlfriend's scarf the last time you came here, how can I still love you and have another girlfriend." I said and folded my hands standing straight. "Leo, you first said the scarf belonged to Penelope, and I doubted that first, but then I believed you after taking the scarf and then I had second thoughts you and Penelope can be really good friends, she can come over to your place, she can accidentally, forget her scarf, hair pin, pen or whatever, but she can never be your girlfriend cause you can't date someone like her" harmony narrated and I sighed. Her wanting me back is like a dream come true.. And I do want her back but I have to make hesitations first. "and what makes you think you're different from her?" I asked "because I am" she replied, "Leo, I'm sorry, and I'll keep saying it till you tell me a better answer and then I'll stop, I'm sorry am sorry am sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "okay enough" I smiled. "what? Does this means you're not angry with me anymore?" she asked and placed her hand Arvind my waist. "I was never angry with you," I breathed out. "okay, then does this mean you've accepted me back?" she asked with her 'harmony' smile. I nodded and she quickly jumped on me.. "that's what I wanted to hear," she said and pulled away from the hug with a smile which made me smile too . "that's more like it, finally I can see your smile again" she said and touched my cheeks. Being around harmony has always been like this, I talk less and smile so much. I think everything I need in life is her.. "hope you didn't share your cute dimples with anyone while I was gone." she said and placed her hand around my neck this time. "actually I did. Ever since you left I've been sharing them to people around me carelessly" I tell her and she hugged me "I'm sorry..I'm just so stupid for leaving you" she said. "no doubt in that one" I say and she hit me playfully. "I'm offended you know" she primped. "sorry." I laughed. "so have you eaten?" she asked. I shook my head and she gasped. "oh my poor baby, don't worry I'll look for something for the both of us" she said and my eyes twitched at her. "are you going to c-c-ook" I stutter. She can't cook. "cook? Eww. I'm going to order us some ..zza's" she said bringing out her from her jean shorts pocket, well to be frank pizza's are kind-of better than her cooking. "before you order that pizza, you'll like to wash off those mascara on your face" I tell her and cleaned some part of her face to show her I was telling the truth when the mascara stained, "it was because I cried earlier" she huffed. "I know." I said. We both kept quiet and just stared at each other, I mean the girl I love is staring in front of me. All of my first was with her, my first love, my first kiss,.. and other things.. This is actually a dream come true, my harmony Is back for real, I don't see anything breaking us up this time. I leaned towards her and slowly we both kissed. After ending our makeup kiss, she smiled and said. "thanks for having me back I'll go make that phone call and get this off my face" "okay." I muttered and she smiled and walked away.. I sighed and moved to the couch and set down and when I looked out the living room window, I finally noticed the sun was brighter than ever. : "okay the pizza will be here any minute and I've gotten the mascara off my face, so all we have to do is wait" Harmony said coming down the stairs, How I missed her presence in here, and how I missed her voice echoing through the whole house and the sound of her feet walking on floor and stairs. How I missed her. "so you really haven't change your house password, still my birthday. I thought when I broken up with you, you would have changed it or something" harmony said walking up to me. "yeah I'm not that kind of person" I said. "I know, and that's why you'll always be my Leo and together we'll be Harmonard" she said and sat down on my thigh "Harmonard?" I laughed "yeah that's the most horrible pair of couples name ever, just forget that" she laughed too. "no, as long as it's coming from you, it's the most amazing pair of couples name ever. Harmonard" I tell her and she shyly smiled. And believe me I've never seen her like this before.. Getting deeply flushed by my words.. Just as we were about to kiss we both heard the doorbell and we stopped. "must be the pizza guy, I'll go get it" harmony said and got down from my thighs and walked straight to the door.. She came back with the pizza box and sat down beside me placing it on her thigh, I took one slice and so did she and we just stuffed our face with pizza quietly until she said. "Why did Penelope left her scarf here, did she come to see you or what?" "didn't I mention it to you before, Penelope's working here now" I tell her. "no you didn't mention it to me before and what and why is at working here." Harmony seethe. Did I forget to mention she gets angry easily. "she works as my cook and nothing else." I said. "what about Beth Carly and Annie, they were the only cooks I know in this house" "oh those three? I fired them right after you left and then later on Penelope started looking for a job and I was just suddenly there for her." "you were just suddenly there for her? How close are you two?" my aggressive girlfriend asked me aggressively. "we're not that close actually, but to think of it, we are pretty kind of close.." I said honestly and she huffed. "but don't worry I know where you're getting at, nothing is going on between us and nothing will go on between us, so don't worry you'll always be mine" I said calmly and her angry face suddenly softened and she sighed. "better live by your words cause you know I get jealous easily, and you don't want to make that jealous girlfriend jealous." she huffed and I smiled. "don't worry, you can never be replaced" I said and kissed her forehead while she smiled in return. We both ate our brunch in peace and turned on the TV to make the moment more forgiving,. This is how harmony and I spend our day on normal days, instead of going to dates we just sit back home, stuff our faces in foods, talk , kiss and well lemme just leave that last detail out. . ☜☆☞ Penelope's pov ☜☆☞ I was on my bed all day, doing nothing, after meeting up with Richard and Olivia I don't feel too good, I've been chatting with Kirana and Mason telling them what happened today, and how I almost lost the apartment because of the price and if not for Leo I would have lost it cause it had all the qualities a single lady like me need and Mason made me stopped chatting when he wrote. *are you sure, Leo's not doing this for another reason?* *what reason are you always talking about* I texted back *nothing just ignore that* he texted back and I angrily dropped my phone and that's how the conversation ended even with Kirana. During dinnertime I went downstairs and made myself dinner and eating alone just pisses me off cause I kept thinking of Richard and Olivia, even though he said they're not dating I still feel they are, And I'm going to be staying in the same building as Olivia, if he sees her everyday that means he'll be seeing me too. Ugh. This just got more complicated than ever, I'm jealous and I hate it. Well nighttime finally came and after turning and tossing, I finally fell asleep, and I don't think I'll start moving in my new apartment tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow cause I feel pretty confused and I have no idea why. The next morning, I woke up before my alarm and just stared at the ceiling, the day has not begin yet but I'm already feeling gloomy. My alarm went on and I just slowly took my phone and turned it off. I did my morning routine, before putting on something casual and going to work. I got to Leo's mansion and typed in his password. 4*1*1*9*9*4 The door opened and I walked in but suddenly bumped into someone and hot coffee was spilled on my body that I yelp in terror. Cause the hot coffee almost burned my cloth to my skin but thankfully it didn't, I looked up angrily to glare at Leo but only to see a red haired lady, wearing only her undergarments. Harmony. "oops! Did I spill that on you?" she said like she enjoyed what just happened and I breathe in heavily to hold out my anger. What is she doing here anyway, it's like they're back together or something or are they? "I know you didn't intentionally did that but a sorry would be nice" I said. "sorry" she smiled "don't worry I don't need your sorry, since it's not coming from someone who's alive" I seethe with anger. "take what you said that back." harmony warned. "or else what?" I asked sarcastically.. "or else -- She didn't complete her words when she held my arm aggressively pricking her finger nails into my skin, but I showed no sign of weakness. "look, Penelope Leo is mine and mine alone, I don't know what you two have but you're never getting him, that's right we're back together and nothing's gonna break us up" she said strictly. "look here harmony" I said using the same strict tone she used for me. Hi santus on+2348091756761 to join story group. "I'm not here to steal your boyfriend, I don't people's man you and I are totally different.." I tell her and she gasped. "are you saying that I st-- "Pen you're here" Leo suddenly interrupted harmony as he walked down the stairs, when he got closer and saw our angry state. He asked. "what happened?" And suddenly harmony let's go of my arm, and yep one of her nails sliced my skin to open a bit causing droplets of bloody to crawl out but I just ignored it. "Leo, baby, I accidentally spilled the coffee I made for you on Penelope and I was just directing her to the bathroom upstairs cause she seemed lost" harmony lied and I sighed. Today's going to be the longest day ever. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:48
DANGEROUS❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 24☆☆ ????????????? Leo looked back and forth between me and harmony and then the coffee stain on my maroon coloured shirt before saying, "but Penelope knows her way around the house" "oh, I guess I didn't know that" harmony said ..." with an innocent smile, while I just rolled my eyes at her and walked away to the bathroom downstairs, I cannot just deal with her right now.. I took my shirt off when I got into the fancy bathroom, I called to the sink and turned the faucet, as the water rushed out of the tap I placed my shirt on the sink and shoved the stained part under the running water. I sighed deeply as I slowly washed my shirt. I can't blame Leo for taking her back, he loves her. But she's just so amusing, rude and..ugh.. I dislike her so much. Even when I first saw her, I know she'd be like this. The door to the bathroom suddenly flew open, and I almost freaked out cause I thought it was Leo who walked in cause I'm not putting on a shirt, I'm just in a jean pants and a bra, but thankfully, not so happy about it though, it was harmony. "here" she said stretching a clean white shirt towards. "no need I'll wear mine like that" I said and looked away. "ugh, you're so stubborn and annoying" she said with a disgusting scoff. "so you even think i'll lend you one of my shirt even if I had to, Leo suggested I lend you one of my shirt so this isn't my doing, don't get the wrong idea and put it on" harmony added and I sighed and snatched it from her hand while she angrily walked away slamming the door pretty hard.. I sighed and turned the faucet from the sink making the water stop running from the tap I clipped my shirt on a rope line beside the window, I rolled my eyes before putting on harmony's shirt, wearing her clothes is as annoying as looking at her. I walked out of the bathroom and head straight to the living room and I met Leo and harmony making out on the couch. I let them cut off their lips till they were satisfied and finally stopped before I said. "so what do you want me to make this morning?", they both noticed me and turned. "oh I almost forgot you're 'our' new cook" harmony said standing up.. And I held this huge urge from rolling my eyes. "and sweetie, I get to decide what you make now,you'll follow my orders now" harmony said and I suddenly felt like Cinderella. "what's this, I'm just Leo's cook, not your slave" I seethe. "Leo and I are one now so I get to decide for us now" harmony said and I glance at Leo to see him smiling a bit. "you know what I don't even know why I asked cause I always decide since I'm the chef here" I said and started to walk to the kitchen. "hey! Get back here I'm going to be the one deciding now I don't care if you're the chef-- "just let her be" Leo tell and she kept quiet. I got into the kitchen and huffed angrily, she Is just so annoying, if we're going to continue like this I don't think I can work here anymore.. I started to Make breakfast that morning my blood still boiling because of harmony. I was chopping some vegetables when Leo walked in the kitchen and walked to the fridge to get a bottle of water. "are you okay?" he asked. "what makes you think I'm not" I said and looked up. "the way you're chopping those vegetables, is different from your normal way of chopping vegetables" he tells me and I sighed and turned back to the vegetables, "well then I'm okay." I breathed out "you're not." he said and I sighed heavily. "where are you trying to get to Leo?" I asked tiredly "is it Harmony, is she giving you a hard time?" he asked curiously and drank from his bottled water. "I'm glad you noticed" I tell him. "yeah I did noticed, you two don't get well with each other and yet standing together you both look like sisters" Leo said with a smile. "sisters?, don't make me stab myself with this knife" I warned and he laughed warmly. "I'm sorry though, I love her and I just can't do anything if she's being rude to you" Leo said and I rolled my eyes. "I know, you don't need to apologize, she just doesn't want to loose you, she thinks I'm trying to steal you from her" I explain. "you're not?" Leo teased and I rolled my eyes, "I can't steal you from her, one. You're clearly not my type and even if I was trying to steal you from her I would have done that a long time ago cause she's not a smart person.. No offense" I said and Leo shrugged, taking in the pain of me calling his girlfriend 'not-smart'. "maybe I need to explain more to her about us being friends" Leo said. "our friendship haven't even gotten to the 'E' in FRIENDS, It hasn't even been a month since we met. Or get to know each other so you really need to tell your red-haired girlfriend to leave my single life alone" I say Calmly to Leo and he smiled "sure, I'll tell her that" Leo said and I nod and turned back to the vegetables.. "anyway why are you here, aren't you supposed to be with her?" I asked "oh, she's actually taking her bath, so..." Leo replied and I shrugged and stayed quiet. I thought he was about going when he paused and turned. "so, when are you moving into your apartment?" he asked. "maybe tomorrow" i muttered "so you're taking tomorrow off again" "yeah can I?" "Of course, you can take any day off" he said. "thanks" I smiled. "do you want me to come with your tomorrow, when you'll be moving?" he asked but I shook my head negatively. "thanks, but I don't want to be murdered by harmony" I tell him and he just chuckled softly and walked away. I prepared breakfast that morning and got everything set on the dining table, Leo and harmony walked in both of them dressed in all back looking like grim reapers..they really suit each other. Harmony sat down and sat down and start to eat. Before Leo and could even blink "wow.. How nice I didn't know such good cooking skill could come out from someone like you" harmony said and I rolled my eyes, Leo sat down and they both start to eat and I just didn't know why I suddenly remembered Richard. I wonder how he's doing with Olivia. Why do I even care if they're doing well.. "aren't you eating" Leo suddenly asked breaking and avoiding me from entering the world of me getting jealous over my ex. "oh.." I breathed out and sat down. "wait, why would she eat with us?" harmony asked suddenly with a loud voice. "cause she always does" Leo replied lowly. "no way, when Annie Beth and Carly was here, they don't eat with us they-- "Mony! Just.. Look pen's not Beth Annie and Carly, okay just let her be" leo said calmly and harmony glared at me and continued eating, I glance at Leo and he gave an apologetic look while I just shrugged and stood up. "maybe it's best I just eat In the living room" I said grabbing my tray of food. "or the bathroom." Harmony added, "seriously, harmony," Leo breathed out while I just walked to the living room with the tray in my hand.. The day went by slower than I could ever imagine and I almost committed murder because of harmony, she Just kept pissing me off and even though I was getting pissed of by her blabber mouth I just ignored her.. I didn't eat lunch or dinner with them, and I could never be happier when it was time for me to go home. "so you'll be back here tomorrow again right?" harmony asked as I put on my shoes. "why do you care, you don't like me anyway" I said and tied my shoe lace before standing up. "I don't.. that's why am asking" harmony replied and I rolled my eyes and walked passed her. Leo came down from the stairs and I glance at harmony before turning to him. "I'll be leaving then" I tell him. "okay," Leo breathed out. And I glance at harmony one last time before walking out. I got home safely and soaked myself under the shower, after that I wrapped my self in my towel before changing into something comfortable. I got in my bed tiredly and sighed, harmony voice and face flashed in my head and I rolled my eyes.. She's a pain in the neck, head, hips, she's a pain everywhere. I got down from my bed and looked around my room, tomorrow's my moving day, there's a lot of things for me to do. I haven't even gotten a chance to clean my new apartment before moving in, gosh there's going to be a lot of work for me tomorrow, but thank god nothing in the apartment needs repair, the place's still new and that's what am happy about. Since there was still time before going to bed, I started to arrange some of my stuff in some cardboard boxes we have in our attic, so it'd easier for me when moving tomorrow,.. I got a black maker pen from my drawer and after placing all of my shoes in one of the boxes, I carefully wrote 'shoes' in the body of the box. I picked an outfit for tomorrow and carefully folded my clothes and after placing them in a nylon bag, I placed them in another box and titled it 'clothes'.. I did that for some time and my room started to become empty little by little. I heard a knock on my door and yelled 'come in' My mom walked in and I gasped softly, and smiled "mom, when did you get back, I was too busy with all these I didn't know when you got back" I said, And my mom slowly looked around my room. "oh I almost forgot you've gotten an apartment" My mom said. Smiled and walked up to me.. "yeah, all Thanks to dad" I said. And thanks to Leo too but I better leave him out of this cause my mom doesn't know who he is and I don't have the strength to explain who he is to her. "I can't believe my daughter's all grown up, I can still remember the first time you started walking and now you'll be leaving home, I couldn't be more proud Pen" my mom said and I smiled at her. "so? Is there anything you'd like me to get for you, like a microwave, or a mini fridge or a-- "it's okay mom, I' can get all those myself," I smiled. "okay. I can't believe it's going to only just me and your father tomorrow" my mom breathed out. "I can still stay here tomorrow, like sleep here if I don't get everything done by tomorrow" I tell my mom and she nods. "okay well do you want me to help you with anything? Should I help you in gathering your stuffs?" she offered but I shook my head negatively, "no it's okay, I'm almost done I don't really have much stuff here" I tell my mom and she nods and walked to the door. "okay then since you don't want me to help you with anything, how about I help you book up a pick up truck tomorrow" my min said and I smiled "that would be nice mom thanks," I said and she smiled and walked away. I continued with packing my stuff and like I expected I got a call from Mason, he calls me like every night before going to bed, its not like its a bad thing though, it just keeps me kind-of connected to him.. Since I was busy I just placed the phone on my bed and switched it to speaker, so I can hear him from where I was seated,. We talked about a lot of things, he made me laugh a lot and he made me feel lively and I got more strength to pack my stuff and before I know it, it was only my bed and closet that occupied my room the rest were lying inside the cardboard boxes. He told me he changed the date he's coming back, he told me he's coming tomorrow instead of next week and I just wished him a safe journey and hang up before going to bed. The next morning, I woke up and stretched like never before, I looked around my room and almost freaked out when I noticed all my stuff was gone but then I calmed down when I let my mind travel back to Memory Lane of last night. I breathed out a sigh of relief and sat down properly, I noticed something stuck to my forehead and when I touched it, it felt like a piece of paper, I removed it from my forehead and noticed it was a note from my mom. Classic mom. She couldn't find a better place to stick her messages note but my forehead, I set the paper before my eyes and read what was written there. “honey the pickup truck comes here, at exactly twelve pm on the dot and make sure you get ready for it and stay healthy, love you,.. Mom” I dropped the note on my bed and rolled my eyes, she's such a mother. I went to my parent's room to take my bath, cause I already cleared out my towels from my own bathroom so I had to use my mom's.. After taking my bath, I went back to my room, which won't be my room anymore after today, I guess. I changed into something nice and took my boxes downstairs one and by one and waited for the pickup truck. Finally the stupid truck arrived with me after waiting for hours.. I got to fix my boxes in the truck all by my self, the driver didn't even lend me a hand.. //fαst forwαrd// The truck safely delivered my stuff to my new apartment and I also got a new key for the apartment also. Just as I stood at the front of the building thinking of how to carry the boxes up there to last floor. I heard a loud voice call my name and someone suddenly hugged me.. "h-hey Olivia.." she's so loud. "is today your moving day?, are you finally going to move in today, do you want me to help you move those boxes to your apartment?" she asked happily "yeah thanks, I was actually looking for someone to help me with that" I said nicely and she grinned. Thanks to Olivia, my stuff got to my new apartment and I couldn't stop thanking her, she wanted to help me clean but I thanked and told her what she's done is okay but she disagreed and then I came with the idea of pretending to be hungry and just like I expected she hurried to a store down town to get me food. Just as she left I started to clean my apartment, My new sweet home. It didn't need any cleaning though, cause it was so neat already but I still gave it the cleaning of its life.. After cleaning I was glad olivia isn't back here and cause I wasn't ready for her loud voice. I bent down beside a box and opened it to see it was filled with my pictures, I smiled and started to look at all of them one by one. "hey." I heard a familiar voice said and I looked up to see Leo standing by the door, and I quickly stood up. "w-what are you doing here?" I asked surprisingly, isn't he supposed to be with harmony of something "I came to help you out" he smiled. "aren't you supposed to be home, with harmony?" I said making it sound clear. "harmony's not home, she went to a family meeting or something, so I came to help you out" he explained and I smiled. "well thanks" I breathed out. "sure, anything for a friend" Leo said and we both smiled at each other before he started to unpack the other boxes. He keeps saying anything for a friend, but I actually feel like he's giving the whole world to me, but just not as a friend. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
26 Aug 2019 | 09:49
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 25 ????????????? Leo helped me with some things, well actually a lot of things, he helped me unpack most of the boxes and after helping find a spot for my TV and other little things, we got to hanging pictures and frames on the wall which wasn't very hard but we just had to look for a good spot on the wall. "where should I put this" he asked holding up a portrait frame picture of me, my mom and my dad when I was just nineteen. When I graduated from high school. "oh no, don't hang that up, I've always let that one stay beside my bed" I tell him and he suddenly wore an understanding look and brought the picture to his face, he laughed and I arched my brows and gave him a stern look. "what's so funny?" I asked and stared at him as he looked and laughed staring at my picture.. Wait! Is he laughing at me!? Or how my graduation dress was bigger than my small and petite body. "are you laughing at me?" I asked and walked up to him pretending to be angry so he'll hand over the picture. "you look so small and different" he laughed. "I knew you were laughing at me, just give me the picture" I said and stretched my hand out to him. "when was this taken?" he asked ignoring my statement of him handing over to the picture to me. "none of your business" I said "come-on, you don't have to be rude, just tell me when this was taken and I'll give it you" Leo said and I breathed in heavily before saying, "can't you tell by looking at it, that was taken like five or four years ago when I graduated from high school" He looked back and forth between me and the picture and held the urge to laugh, "wow." he breathed out. "for a girl, you're sure a late bloomer" he said and I gave him a confused look. Late Bloomer? What does he mean by th-- I suddenly gasped when I understood what he means. "you!" I said not knowing what to complete the 'you' with and he Just laughed. I can't believe he said that. That's for Mason to say, not that I like the idea of being a late bloomer, it's just that Mason say all these kind of stuff a lot and it's weird when Leo says it.. "it's not my fault for being a late bloomer" I said and he shrugged. "it's true but you look so different here, without your.. You know.. Woman features." he said hesitantly and I rolled my eyes. "hand over the picture or I'll throw you off the window" I threatened. "you're bluffing" he tells me "you wish I am" I replied. "you can't even lift my forefinger and you're going to throw me off the window" "Leo! Just give me the picture" "it's funny when you say my name" he said, I sighed tiredly and moved closer to him to snitch the picture from him since he doesn't want to hand it over to me. Just as I was about to snitch it from him, he noticed and suddenly stretched his hand up preventing me from taking it, cause he knows he's taller. "thinking you're taller than me or.. you stretching your hand higher than your head, you think I can't take that from you" I said boastfully, I can't actually reach that. "then take it" he smiled. "I can, and I will" I said looking at the picture in his hand. "you know I won the most tallest girl in Class in College" I said and he laughed. "and in which century is that valid or when is it a game or competition to be tall, or you can just stop babbling and just take it" he said and I stood on my toe and stretched my hand to grab it from his hand but he lost balance and was about to fall, I stretched my hand to catch him, but me being a light-weighter couldn't pull someone as heavy as him and unfortunaty we both fell down, with me on top of him. "am I missing something here or am I interrupting you guys?" we both heard Olivia's voice and immediately I got up from Leo's body so she wouldn't misunderstood, but it seems like that was too late. "no you weren't missing or interrupting anything." I quickly said, and she glanced at Leo who was standing up. "okay you said you were hungry earlier, so I helped you get a perfectly wrapped sandwich and a bottle of coke" olivia said and pushed every stuff in her hand to mine. "thanks." I smiled. She looked around the room and gasped. "wow, you're almost done" "yeah, my stuff isn't that much, that's why we're almost done, it's just remaining my bed and I'll be do-- Leo's loud ringing phone prevented me from completing my sentence and when I gave him a look, he returned an apologetic look before walking to the small balcony to answer his call. "anyway thanks for the food" I said and sat down on the clean, shiny concrete floor, and she sat down next to me immediately. "so how do you get to know Richard" my mouth said without me controlling it. And I sighed, I'm a jealous nerd and I know that and I seriously hate it. "oh Richard?" she called and smiled to herself and as his name escaped her lips a tint of bitterness laid on her lips but her eyes lit up in pure bliss and love. "yeah Richard" I replied "well I met him not too long ago in a subway station, I was walking behind him and he dropped his wallet by mistake and I picked it up for him and went to hand him the wallet but he started saying rude things like I stole it, and it got me very angry, I wanted to yell or throw curses at him but I calmed down cause judging by his looks, voice, eyes and well the paleness of his skin you'll know he's going through something depressing.. And I just had this sympathizing feeling toward him all of a sudden.. And I gentle dropped his wallet on his hand and walked away, thinking I wouldn't see him again I let my mind forget him for good but fate had it way, I met Richard again around this neighborhood in a bar in the mid-afternoon where he was drinking and could not be easily seen, and I suddenly forgot why I came to that bar and sat down in a corner and watch him drink and then I saw him cry silently, I felt like crying too even though I didn't know the curse of his tears but it seemed like it was my eating him, he became drunk and when he start to leave, I had to follow him, out of curiosity about him, out of care, cause I didn't want anything to happen to him. That night I became like a guardian angel, guarding him, I followed him to his house without his knowledge and when he got in safely, I went back to mine, I suddenly had this engrossed interest in him and then he started to hang around a coffee shop where I worked and then I stated to talk to him and he kind of became friendly with him but still he doesn't feel transparent towards me, even if we're just friends at least he can just share a little detail about himself or what happened to him cause I know he's not like this before" Olivia explained and sighed, and suddenly my jealously chart dropped. "so you guys aren't dating?" I asked inquisitively. "I wish" she scoffed. So they're not dating. "Richard may seem open and calm a little around me or even close to me, but I don't think he's interested in me one bit. I think he's in love with someone' else.... And that is making me go crazy" olivia said and huffed angrily folding her arm. She loves Richard,.. "do you like him?" I asked to be sure. "isn't that obvious?" she replied, wow she's really admitting it. I took a slow bite out of my sandwich and Olivia suddenly gasped making me turn to her, "What?" I asked with my mouth full. "you're suddenly asking questions about Richard. Do.. D-do you like him" she asked, looking at me strangely with her her huge eyes. I smiled at her question "no" I breathed out. "then why do you want to know so much about him?" she asked. "I don't want to know anything about him cause I already know so much about him" I replied and continued my journey into the sandwich.. "you know so much about him?.. Do you happen to know him before, like were you guys friends?" Olivia asked. "well Richard and I had some kind of history together" I replied, I know she's going to ask me about the history we both had together and I was ready for it. "history? what hist-- She hasn't completed her words when Leo walked up to us and interrupted her. "uhm. Sorry, pen I have to go, harmony's back and well we're goin-- "no it's okay, you can go you've helped me out a lot actually I really appreciate that" I smiled and he smiled back before walking away. I sighed and gulped down almost the entire bottle of the coke Olivia bought "who's harmony?" Olivia suddenly asked "his girlfriend" I replied plainly. "his girlfriend?? I thought you were his girl... "oh no Leo and I are just friends" I tell her. "wow.. Then you guys must be really close friends." Olivia said "we just met like a month ago we're not that close" I primped. "but you guys act like you're more than friends." I wanted to reply Olivia but I was too busy pulling my phone out from my pocket, cause it was ringing and vibrating on my butt.. "I have to take this" I tell Olivia and stood up when I saw the caller, .. Mason. "hey Mason" I said Into the phone with a smile. "hello, are you my-pen by the way." I heard a strange voice say into the phone. "my-pen, what the hell is a mypen" I muttered. "pen, how about Pen, does your name happen to be pen" the strange voice said. "I'm sorry this happens to be my friend's phone, may I ask who, you are please?" I said calmly. "my name's doctor Ralph, I'm calling from the private hospital of Breek and this happened to be the phone of one of our patient who got into an accident a few minutes ago, and h--- I didn't hear the rest of the word the doctor was saying but the sound of my heart beat so fast. Mason, in an accident?? My breathing hitched and I couldn't speak, what kind of accident.. Why Mason. "hello.. Mrs pen" the doctor said into the phone. "what w-hat hospital.. D-did you mention earlier.." I faintly said. "Breek's private hospital" he repeated and I quickly hung up on him... I slid my phone into my pocket and found myself running out of the apartment and leaving olivia confused. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE..
26 Aug 2019 | 09:50
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE. . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 26 My legs became faster than my body as I walk down the road, looking for a cab. Mason was all I could think of, he's my best friend and I don't think or want anything to happen to him. A cab finally stopped in front of me after waving my hand through the heavy air. "where to ma'am?" the cab driver asked as I got in. "Breek's private hospital!" I tell him and he nods and without wasting time he starts to drive... "please can you go more faster?" I said to driver but he shook his head negatively. "I'm sorry ma'am I can't, I don't want the cops chasing me" he said and I sighed and bit my lips impatiently. I brought my Phone out of my pocket and called Kirana. "hey" she said cheerfully. "kira" I called breathlessly. "you sound off what is it?" she asked in a friendly and concerned tone. "it's Mason" I said and noticed my cheek had suddenly became wet from my tears. "Mason? What ha-- are you crying?, what happened.?" she asked. "he got into an accident" I sniffled out as lowly as ever. "an accident??!!" she screamed and gasped after that. "where, when, how,??" she asked breathlessly. "I don't know" I cried. "all I know is the doctor called asking if I was a friend to mason and saying he got into an accident.. I, i just didn't didn't want to hear the rest of it and I hang up and now I feel like.. "just breathe Penelope, you're scared and I can feel it, you're talking way to quickly and it's not good, I'm as surprised as you but don't worry, it's okay, Mason's a strong person, nothing will happen to him, I assure you, now just breathe in and stop crying it's going to be okay, what hospital do you say he is?" Kirana said soothingly "Breek's private hos-- "I'll be there" she cut me off and I breathed out, and noticed I've holding my breath. "just breathe okay! He's going to be fine, I'll meet you there" she assured me and hanged up. I place my phone on my thigh and buried my face in my palm, I hope he's okay. Finally we got to the hospital and gave the driver tons of cash, not caring how much it was or even waiting to collect a change. I hurried in the huge hospital and suddenly I became lost, everything in there was happening so fast everyone was busy and I didn't know who to walk up to and ask about mason or where to go, I just stood there looking around the hospital. "yes, put him in room 122" I heard a familiar voice say behinde me and I turned swiftly i an elderly man wearing who was way taller than any other person in the hospital and by his clothing and voice, I assumed he was a doctor and the one who called me earlier.. "doctor.. I paused trying to remember his name "doctor Ralph!" I called and he turned immediately.. He gave me a confused look, probably confused of who I am and why I called his name. "it's me pen the girl you called earlier" I tell him and his eyes suddenly lit up, "oh you're the mypen" he smiled. Oh goodness, I'm not in for jokes right now. "it's actually short for Penelope, please how is mason?" I said rushing my words. "he's been treated and he's okay.. Well slightly" the doctor tells me and I got affected by a sudden hiccup, what does he mean by slightly. "slightly? I don't understand what you mean, you said he's okay but you added slightly" I said and was shocked as how my voice came out bossy and demanding. "he actually got into a car accident on his way back from Texas, when he got to Breek. Well it was a huge accident but thankfully out of seven people three survived and he was among the three, he got a little injury in his head and he fractured his knee bone a little, but his head and knee injury has been treated, he's resting but don't worry he'll wake up soon," the doctor explained and I felt my eyes getting wet, I quickly cleaned my tears as it poured on my face, he was among the lucky survivors, that makes me happy but I'm still worried. "are you certain, his injury wasn't huge a–– "I assure you miss, he's fine and his injury wasn't too big of a deal, his head injury was just a small scratch and his knee, well just give that like three weeks or a month and it'll heal. So there's nothing to worry about miss" "can I see him?" I asked immediately. "he's actually resting but sure, you can go ahead and see him. He's in room 122 just go to that direction" he said and pointed an empty passageway.. "thank you" I said and hurried to the directon. "room, 119, 120, 121, 122.. My breath hitched when I got to the room and I breathed out a sigh of nervousness. I heard beeping sound coming from the room and I sulk all the air around me in me before walking in the room. My shoulders dropped when I saw Mason lying helplessly on the bed, a huge bandage neatly wrapped around his forehead and his knee wrapped in a bandage too but it seemed like something was slipped inside before they wrapped the bandage. The hospital cloth he was wearing was stained with a little blood at the neck side and I sighed and walked up to the bed and sat down on a chair beside the chair. "Mason!.. I hope you're really okay" I said and held his hand which wasn't occupied like the other one which was filled with a plaster, a needle and a small transparent rope line that connected his hand and an intravenous drip.. I bent my head down and sighed, with only my breathing, a beeping sound and the sound of Mason's breathing could be heard in the room and with that I tell him. 'don't worry, I'll wait here until you wake up'. * ¤LEO'S POV ¤ I got home safely from pen's new apartment, and truth be told I really didn't want to leave but I was needed by harmony. I walked inside my house and immediately two tiny hands hugged me and I smiled and hugged her back. "where did you go?" harmony asked pulling away from the hug. "oh, I uhh.. I went to Penelope's new apartment" I said truthfully and her brows furrowed. "really? Penelope?? Leo, why would you go there" she whined like a five year old. "to help her get the stuff done" I said and tilt my head my head in confusion, replaying the meaningless thing I just said in my head. "to get the stuff done? What is that supposed to mean?" she asked angrily, folding her arms. "I mean, to help her in arranging her stuff cause she's moving into a new apartment" I explained better, but either way my girlfriend didn't like that. "why would you help, doesn't she have a friend who can help her with that or a boyfriend, why is she bothering you." "she's not bothering me, I went there myself, and she has a lot of friends is just that none of them are here right now" I tell her. "and you're the only one available" she rolled her eyes and looked away. "I don't get why you hate Penelope so much, but I'm sorry, okay?" I said sweetly and her rues slowly dart back to me.. "whatever" she rolled her eyes again. "how was the family meeting?" I asked her changing the subject, actually I'm not changing the subject cause it seems we're already done talking about that, and I've wanted to ask her about the family since this morning she said she was leaving. "what family meeting?" she asked with a befuddled look. "the family meeting you told me you were going to this morning" I said slowly, how can she forget what she just came back from. "I didn't attend any fam–– oh yeah right the family meeting, yeah I almost forgot about that." she said and breathed out a nervous laugh. "how can you forget, you just came back from there" I said, a little bit pissed is she lying to me or what!. "w-well there's just too much going on and I don't know how I forgot about the family meeting but it wasn't that bad, but you know how our family meetings always end up, there's always a brawl" she said and got close to me and wrapped her hand around my waist resting her head on my chest. "can you take me upstairs? I'm tired" she said and brought her face up to mine and standing on her toe to reach my height. She was about to kiss me but I quickly moved my head back making her completely shocked by my act and I was also surprised by my act, why did I do that? I asked myself.. "did you just ignored my kiss?" she asked surprisingly. Even I don't know why I did that. "i-i-i.. Honestly don't know why I did that" I tell her. "you don't love me anymore?" she asked with a sad look and let's go of my waist. "no.. No don't think that way, I still love you" I smiled and placed her hand back on my waist. "then why'd you do that, ignored my kiss? Leo that is the most hurtful thing you've ever done to me" she said sadly her eyes getting misty. "look harmony, I'm sorry I won't do that again, I promise." I said and leaned closer to her and kissed her forehead, nose and lips. "there, you see.. I didn't ignore that, instead I invented that" I said and she rolled her eyes. "just take me upstairs" she said and I nodded and placed my hand around her waist and we both walked upstairs together. My mental screen suddenly gave me a glimpse of Pen and I smiled to myself, I hope she's doing okay with that Olivia girl. "why are you smiling?" harmony asked me. "was I smiling,?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. Funny, remembering pen is just making me smile. Classic. ** ** ¤¤PENELOPE'S POV¤¤ I was already feeling sleepy cause it's been an hours since I've been waiting for Mason to wake up, and still he's still not showing any sign of waking up, suddenly the door open widely and Kirana walked in looking tired, her hair in a messy bun, her buttoned white shirt ruffled and her tight mini black skirt..well nothing was wrong with her skirt but with the way her shirt, and hair was, you'll know she's tired. She gasped seeing mason and dripped her back at a small cabinet beside the door. "don't worry he's going to be okay" I tell her. "I know" she breathed out, I told her what the doctor told me about the accident and she smiled. "he is going to be okay, cause he's a lucky person and always has been" We both stared at him for while, his brown hair was pushed back so the bandage could rest and his face looked pale while and so did his lips.. He had a very small cut on his stomach, but not ruining his complete six packs.. "what are you looking at?" Kirana asked as she caught my eyes on his body. "I was loo-- "don't tell me you'll drooling over his body, now that's he's injured, you didn't drool over his body when he was okay but drool over them now that he's injured" Kirana said and my eyes glared at her. "shut up Kira, I was looking at these small cuts" I said and pointed at them. "oh" she breathed out. "Mason's body is beautiful but I don't fall for bodies, I fall for you" I said and Kirana snorted out a laugh. "sorry," she apologized when I gave her a look. I laughed too cause seeing the funny look she held, I couldn't resist. Sometimes having funny and playful friends are the best cause even your hardest time, they still make you remember the word 'smile'..hi santus on+2348091756761 to join story group. Mason's hand move slightly under my touch and immediately my eyes went to his face and slowly his eyes started to blink with them still being closed and slowly his eyes fluttered open, making me and Kirana gasped in happiness. "mason!" we both called out happily. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE..
26 Aug 2019 | 09:51
I've been reading all morning, very long and interesting
27 Aug 2019 | 04:42
Why do I have dis itchy feeling abt harmony? I don't trust her n I think she's up to something fishy... Speedy recovery Mason!!!
28 Aug 2019 | 15:24
wow very interesting, I think harmony is cheating on leo
28 Aug 2019 | 18:48
I have been reading for the past 2days now, wow!! harmony is still cheating no doubt, ride on very interesting
29 Aug 2019 | 16:58
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 27 Mason's eyes fluttered open and it took him like ten second to observe the place he was, while Kirana and I watched him as he carefully move his eye ball from side to side. "are you blind?" Kirana asked suddenly when he blinked his eyes twice. I gave Kirana a look but she just rolled her eyes at me "can't you see the way his eyes are going, what if he's blind" Kirana whisperers to me. "you joke with everything" I whisper. "I'm not joking" she half yelled and I immediately shunned her. "are you trying to give him a heart attack by yelling." I whispered yelled. "I didn't mean to" she replied back with a whisper. We both turned and found 'our' Mason staring at us with a blank expression on his face. "Mason?" we both called together and gave each other a brief look. "are you awake?" I asked and Kirana nudged me. "he's awake and you're still asking if he's awake, are you dumb" "his eyes can be open but it's still possible for him to be asleep" I said and Kirana rolled her eyes. We both turned back to mason and he held on a small smile that made our heart melted. He is okay. "okay maybe I should go get the Doctor" Kirana said and I nod, while she walked out. I smiled back at Mason and held his hand. "are you felling any pain?" I asked. "a little bit." he said but his voice comes out as a small and low whisper, and then he starts to cough. "oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cough" I rushed my word and rubbed his hand and when he stopped coughing he sighed. "I'm sorry," I breathed out. Kirana and doctor Ralph walked inside the hospital room and Kirana walked up to me and stood still while the doctor walked to the other side of the bed and pulled out a syringe from nowhere, filled with yellow liquid and he inserted the yellow liquid into his drip from the syringe. "there" he said and dropped the syringe on a tray. Mason kept looking at the Doctor maybe feeling a little confused "mason, finally you're awake, both of your friends have been waiting for that, in case you're wondering where you are, you're in a hospital and you got into an accident, but don't worry you'll be fine and what you just need today is enough rest and also you're not allowed to talk today till you're feeling strong enough unless you'll end up coughing out blood" the Doctor said dryly and I turned my head away. I made him talk. "okay till then,.. He said and turned to us. "don't make him talk, until tomorrow just make him rest, I'll take my leave first" the doctor said and walked out. "heard that pretty boy?, you're not allowed to talk" Kirana said with a tint of humour in her voice, while Mason just gave her a small smile. Mason turned to me and kept staring at me, and it seems like he wanted to say something. "if you have anything to say, just let it go for today and tell me tomorrow okay?" I said and I didn't know if that was a nod he gave me or his adjusted head cause he was uncomfortable. But I'll take that as a nod. I was supposed to be moving in my apartment today but due to mason, I think I'll be cancelling that, I wonder how Olivia and my open apartment are doing. I sighed thinking about that and Kirana tilt her head at me. "what's wrong?" "I'm supposed to be moving in my apartment today but I had to pause that 'cause of Mason" I sighed. "well I don't see how he's stopping you from going back to your apartment, you can go and I'll stay with him" Kirana tells me. "no it's okay, I'll stay, you go, you had to take excuse from work, you'll get fired because of him, just go and I'll stay" I replied. "really? Get fired?, pen! Leo owns where I work, aren't you two like dating or something, you just have to seduce him and tell him not to make them fire me" Kirana said and winked at me. "seriously, you think so dirty, what the hell would make you think I'm dating Leo, and besides he and his girlfriend are back together" I said and she looked at me bewilderingly "girlfriend? Who's that?" she asked. "who else harmony!" I replied. "harmony?" she repeated. Why is she surprised "yeah Harmony." I said. "but harmony's dating Steve" she breathed out. "who's Steve? She's already back with Leo" I tell her. "she went on a date with him today, Steve hangs around our department in the company like everyday, waiting for harmony to show up and also she came to him this morning and they both went out on a date" Kirana explained and I gasped. So does this mean harmony is cheating on Leo. Poor Leo. "but how do you know all of this" I asked Kirana. "didn't I just explain that Steve hangs around our company like everyday waiting for his precious harmony, sometimes they make out in front of us. And also aside from Leo who comes to the company regularly before, but not anymore and me, harmony knows no-one but me and Steve and she hates making new friends, so anything going between she and Steve, she's the talker and I'm the listener. She always tells me how sweet and funny Steve is and how cute he is when he eats , but all those just seemed uninteresting to me cause, she's dating another boy after dating Leo and I didn't see her any of that concerned me. But now it just became a whole interesting cause she's both dating Leo and Steve." I sighed and shook my head negatively. "that girl is the most heartless being on earth" I breathed out. "no kidding" Kirana said. "so what now, I feel sorry for Leo, do you think we should tell him?" I asked. "no.. Don't. He's always acting like a smarty pants around me, I wonder how wise he is, if he's wise enough, he'll notice his girl is cheating on him." Kirana said and I nod. "but I'm not sure if I can keep my mouth shut about it around him" I said and Kirana rolled her eyes at me. "you're pathetic" she said. "anyway you can leave and I'll watch over your boyfriend for you" she said referring to mason who has been listening to our conversation the whole time but unable to say anything.. "when it comes to you, everyone's my boyfriend" I said and she laughed. "okay then, Mason I'll be taking my leave" I said standing up but with a little bit of strength he held my hand that was still in his hand. "I'll be back" I say and slipped my hand out of his light grip. I'm so glad he's okay. "okay then, I'll see you tomorrow?" Kirana said and I nod and waved at mason and her before turning to leave. "you're stuck here with me now, so don't act like the old mason or else I'll break your other knee" I hear Kirana said to Mason and I smiled before walking out. She's good with threat but not with action. With a breath of relief, I took a taxi and went back to my apartment, my stuff were still half arranged and Olivia was still sitting on the spot I left her, and I suddenly felt sorry for leaving her. "Penelope!" she said seeing me and stood up. "sorry, I had to tend to something" I said but she still wore a sad face, "my friend got into an accident" I explained better and she gasped.. "oh my god, I'm so sorry" she breathed out. "it's okay, cause he's fine" I smiled. With the help of olivia, I got my things arranged and later the pickup truck came back with the rest of my stuff including my bed. * It was evening time and I was almost done setting my apartment, and lastly it was my bed after setting everything and all, I thanked Olivia. "you don't need to thank me, I'm not returning the favours you did for me that day" she said and I pulled her into a hug, "well I don't care cause I know I wouldn't have finished everything today without your help" I said and we both disengage from our hug. "well this is great cause we can both see each other more often, and I also didn't tell you, my apartment is opposite yours" she said and I smiled. "that's fantastic". "but even though you're done with arranging your apartment, it's still a little bit empty" Olivia said. "yeah, I Know, I still need to save up to buy, a mini fridge, a cooker, a microwave and a wishing machine" I replied and she nods. "well If you need to warm up your food, or do your laundry or anything, you can always Borrow mine" Olivia offered and I nod and thanked her. It's almost the end of the month and I'll be getting my salary soon, and I think my salary is going to cover everything I need, so there's no need to use any of Olivia's stuff, she's way to nice and I appreciate that. Before leaving my apartment, she invited me to come over her apartment later this night so we can both watch a movie together and how could I say no to that, even though I'm as tired as ever. I laid on my bed and sighed, I stared at the ceiling but closed my eyes cause it feels unfamiliar to me, I got up from my bed and pulled my clothes off my body before walking into the bathroom.. I took a long bath before taking my pajamas and putting them on.. I called my mom and told her everything that happened today, and how I've gotten my apartment ready already through the help of olive, but I left Mason's Part out, I don't want anyone worried. Later that night I fulfilled my promise by going over to Olivia's and having a movie marathon with her, her apartment was nice warm and cozy, covered in all yellow and I assumed her favourite colours were yellow. After the movie with her, I went back to my own cold room and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up and while taking my bath, I thought of going to work before going to Mason and I aceded to that thought.. I put on something casual and before I knew it, I saw myself in the bus stop waiting for the bus, as usual, while I was inside the bus. The thought of having to face harmony made my fingers twitch on its own and I just had to control my anger that was already booming because of her. I got to Leo's residence and typed in the password and walked in. I met Leo coming down the stairs. He saw me and smiled. "good morning" he said. "good morning" I smiled back, look at him being all happy not knowing his girlfriend is cheating on him.. So sad. "so.. sorry, I had to leave yesterday, harmony was freaking out cause I wasn't home" Leo said, So she was freaking out just because he wasn't around, when she went out with a dude name steve. "oh no it's okay, I actually left after you left, cause. Well mason got into an accident" I tell him "mason?" he asked. Surprised "yeah, he got in an accident yesterday in Breek on his way back from Texas, he got a small injury on his head and dislocated a bone in his knee but it'll heal in no time and he's alright" I tell Leo and he sighed. "that's.. That doesn't sound good either, if you're here, then one of his family members but be there right?" he asked "No. None of his family members know about this but Kirana's with him" I pondered. "Kirana? Are you sure she's not going to add more to his injury?" he asked but I just smiled.. "no Kirana and Mason may fight all the time but they don't hate each other," "okay, that's good to hear, what hospital was he admitted to, I'm going to see him today" "I'll be going there to, so instead of telling you let's just go there together" I said and he nods. "go where together??" I heard harmony voice called.. I thought she was dead. "oh our friend got into an accident and we'll be going to see him together" Leo replied Her. "and who's this friend that you speak of that I don't know" harmony asked "mason, cause you don't know him" Leo said and harmony huffed, she quickly looked at her phone, cause it buzzed, she became lost in it and after some time she raised up her head. "when are you guys going?" she suddenly asked. "uhm... .. Leo hummed and tired to me. "after breakfast" I replied for him. "perfect, I'll be going out too" she said and start to walk away. "babe.. I'm going to take a shower first" she announced as she happily walked upstairs. "okay" Leo yelled back. Look at her, I know she's going to get ready to meet Steve, poor Leo, clueless about Harmony. * That morning I made breakfast, and also asked for permission from Leo to make breakfast for Mason too. And just like I expected he agreed. After having my own breakfast in the living room and leaving harmony and Leo to eat theirs in the dining room, I packed Mason's breakfast. And placed it in a paper bag, leaving it in the kitchen.. I walked out of the kitchen and bumped into Leo and apologized. "aren't you getting ready? We'll be leaving soon" I said. "I will" he replied. "where's harmony?" I asked. "oh she's upstairs getting ready to go meet her friend" he tells me and I scoffed "friend or you mean Steve" I muttered lowly to myself. "what?" he asked, "uhm nothing, just go get ready" I said and he nods and turned to go, when harmony starts to walk down the stairs, dressed in all red, her hair down and styled into big curly waves, her strappy heals were red and almost seven inches in height, her red dress glued to her body exposing her small curves and her lips filled with red lipstick. "you're dressed like that Just to meet a friend?" Leo asked. Walking close to her "yeah, my friend has a good sense of fashion and she's really judg-ey when it comes to dressing" she lied, I know she's going to meet Steve. "uh okay." Leo said, she smiled and pecked Leo before walking away, while Leo just watched her go. He sighed and walked upstairs. While I shook my head negatively pitying Leo. Finally Leo got dressed, still in all black looking like a grim reaper as always, and I thought we were going to take the bus or a cab to the hospital but Leo reminded me he has a car, while I just laughed and got in. We got into hospital and it was like Leo had this dark aura around him cause of the way people were staring at him was weird like he was about to bring them bad luck. Note. Dressing in all black isn't nice, I try to tell him that. We got into the room Mason was and Leo had that same expression Kirana had when she walked in. Kirana was looking tired sitting my the bed side staring at mason she noticed us and quickly jumped to her feet. "oh thank god! You're here, I can finally go home" she said hugging me. I laughed as she pulled away from me cause she was looking pale and sick. "I'm feeling like the one who got into an accident cause Mason couldn't sleep last night and I had to stay up all night talking about things I don't want to talk about even though he's not allowed to talk, but thank god he's alseep and you guys are here, I'll be going home to get a shower.." she said and without wasting time, she grabbed her bag and walked out. Immediately I sat down Mason's eyes fluttered open like he sensed my presence and he smiled seeing Leo and I. Leo sat down on a chair , at the other side of the bed opposite me. "hey" I smiled at mason. "thank god you guys are here" mason breathed out and I smiled cause he can talk without any side effects. "why? Was Kirana giving you a hard time?" I giggled. "kind of.. She kept telling me how dumb I am" mason complained and I laughed even more. . He turned to Leo and they both gave each other a guy-ish greeting and Leo asked him if he was feeling any pain, but he just said, a little bit. "we brought you food" I said pulling up the paper bag to his face and he smiled. "thanks guys" he breathed out. I brought out the food from the paper bag and turned to him. "you're going to sit up and eat, do you want me to help you sit up?" I asked. "don't worry I can manage" he said and pressed both of his hand on the bed and slowly starts to move his body up, it was like he was loosing balance but was quickly assisted my leo. "thanks man" mason said and sighed. "I feel like a total prick" mason sighed. "don't say that" I said sympathetically. But he just sighed in return. "here" I said and handed him his food, he took it from me but it seems like his hands were shaking a bit, so I just took it from him anyway. "don't worry.. I'll.. I'll feed you" I said and grabbed the fork. "it's okay pen I can mana-- "no I'll feed you" I tell him and stabbed a bacon and brought it to his mouth, but he shyly brought his head down . "I'm sorry pen, I'm just being a burden to you" he said and I gasped softly. And used my index finger to lift his chin up so he'll look at me. "listen to me mason, you'll never be a burden to me, so don't you ever say you're a burden to me" I moved the bacon closer to his mouth and he slowly open his mouth "is he supposed to eat bacon, didn't he hurt his head" Leo asked and he was right, bacon will be too hard for his teeth and it'll affect his head. "no it's okay, as long as Penelope made it I'll eat it" mason said and took the whole thing in his mouth. "oh" I breathed out and touched the bandage on his head, "doesn't it hurt?" I asked. But he shook his head negatively. "okay then," I said and continue feeding him, I mistakenly placed the food on his cheek instead of putting it close to his mouth "oops! Sorry" I laughed and so did he. I felt a stare coming from the other side of the room and found Leo staring at me.. Actually 'us' mason and I, he held this sad but agony and enthusiastic look that made me wonder what was wrong. "what's wrong" I asked. "nothing" he smiled. As I kept on feeding mason, I could still feel his Stare. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 06:39
DANGEROUS❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 28 Mason was done eating, and later a doctor came and injected his drip and walked out, while Mason sighed and Laid down on the bed. "so how's your new apartment coming out?" mason asked and held my hand which was on his side by the bed and I looked at it before looking at him. "it's coming out fine, I've manged to get everything arranged and I slept there yesterday all thanks to Olivia" I said. "olivia? She helped you?" Leo asked and I nod. "who's Olivia?" Mason asked. "long story" I breathed out. "I'm all ears" he tells me and I sighed. "she's a girl who I accidentally met at a bus and also ended up paying for her cause she wasn't with any money, and also the girl who happened to be around Richard lately and lastly, which happened to be that she's my neighbor next door." I rushed my words and Mason nodded.. "so aren't you going to call anyone from home and tell them what happened?" I asked taking his phone, which had a big broken mark at the screen. "no I don't want them worried, actually my mom doesn't really care, so If it's anyone who cares, it's Amanda and I don't want her worried" he said and I gave him a look of sympathy and sighed.. "well anyway we're here for you" I said and flashed a smile, the three of us talked for a while before Mason started to doze and he fell asleep. Leaving Leo and I to do the talking. We both talked about a lot of things, from one thing which led to another thing, and just then Kirana walked in the door, and she looked okay likewise hours ago before she left here looking a vampire bait. She's changed her clothes into a black skinny jeans and a white buttoned T-shirt which saw tucked in stylishly. Her hair was down and she looked alive. "I brought lunch." she said happily and wiggled the bag she held in her hand. "thank goodness I'm starving" Leo said with a sigh. "uh.. I didn't bring it for you or you,.. She said referring the other you to me. "it's for Mason." she finished. "so now you cook for Mason but not for me?" I said and I rolled my eyes. "it's because his sick" Kirana said as she dropped her bag on a huge cabinet beside the bed. "or there's more to that" I said and gave her a sly smile.. "it's dumb when you try to act like me" she rolled her and motioned her hand around her body.. She sat down beside me and stared at him with a sigh, "look at him looking so peaceful, like he's not a trouble maker," she said and I giggled. "Oh, I almost forgot, Mason said you called him all sort of names and said you used abusive words at him , when you two were alone yesterday and when he couldn't talk" I tell Kirana and she suddenly held an innocent look. "I was just telling him what he acts and looks like, look at him, doesn't he look like an troll to you," Kirana said and nudged her. "you say mean things too much," I said and she smiled. "that's why I'm Kira, I give people what they don't want of though it's what they really are,, for example like Leo" she said and turned to him. "Leo, you look all strong, wicked, wise and bold, but in truth, you're a actually a softie who got nothing up here" she said and pointed to his head. "and you also look like first person to commit the world's first sin" Kirana added but Leo just arched his brows at her, not being affected by her words. And that made me laugh, cause she's trying to get into his skin but he's not being affected by it.. Kirana glance at me and gave me a brief glare before saying, "and also like you Penn, people see you as this nice and innocent girl, when you're actually this.... Kirana paused when I gave a an odious look. "when you're actually an angel" she quickly added and I rolled my eyes and looked away. I stood up and tucked both sides of my hair behind my ear and stretched my hands bit. "well since you're here, I'll be leaving then, even if I'm done with arranging my apartment, there's still some petty things I need to do so I'll be leaving." I said and Leo stood up too. "I'll be taking my Leave too" Leo said and Kirana mischievously grinned at him. Which was creepy and he moved back a bit. "what?" he asked her. "is it because our dear Penn is leaving that's why you want to leave too??" Kirana said and Leo hiccuped. "I w-was planing to le...leave before her, alrea..already" Leo stutter and I couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with him. "what's with the stuttering" Kirana laughed. "are you afraid, I'm going to find your little secret of having a crush on pen." Kirana said playfully with another mischievous smile and I pushed her head forward, "stop saying gibberish" I snapped. "hey I was just joking, you didn't have to take it all on my head, it took me an hour to get this waves done" she and touched her hair slowly.. "since you're leaving then, should we go together?" I asked. "sure." he replied and looked away, what's wrong with him. "pen and Leo sitting on tree K. I. S. S. I-- "what's wrong with you," I yelled at Kirana who started singing rubbish all of a sudden. "like I always say, I'm joking.. I'm always joking, now get out of here before Mason wakes up and see you leaving with him." she replied and sighed. See me leaving with him'.. Why did she say that.? "what do you mean by See Me leaving with him.?" I blurted out my mind. "uhm..... nothing. She said and looked away. I rolled my eyes and glance at Leo, who was lost thinking about something. "Leo?" I said lowly and his head immediately snapped up at me. "we can go now" I tell him and he nods and walled up to the door with me following him. "Kirana don't let him eat by himself and feed him cause his hands are still a little bit shaky" I instructed. "Eww, what am I, his mother?" she said disgustingly "you're not his mother but a good friend," I replied before walking out and closing the door behind me. I didn't see any trace of Leo inside the hospital and I assumed he might be outside. And I was right, when I walked out I saw him resting on his car and still lost in thoughts. "you okay?" I asked as I got close to him and he finally noticed me and said. "uhm yeah, I am" "get in" he said and I nod and was about opening his car door for my self not knowing he was about to open it for me too and we both bumped our head together, it was painful but at the same time it was funny, so we both fell out laughing. "sorry" we both apologized the same time and I finally opened the door by myself and got in. He went to the other side of the car and got into the driver's seat. "your apartment right?" he asked and I nod. He starts the car and started to drive while I just turned my head to the window and watched other cars and motorcycle pass by. * ** KIRANA'S POV ** Still in the hospital watching Mason and his annoying body lie peacefully on the hospital bed. I kept sighing cause I was bored, so I bought out my phone to keep myself busy by streaming down my favorite YouTube channel.. Just as I was about clicking on a video which would look pretty interesting to watch, I heard a heavy breathing. And I looked up to see Mason's eye open slowly, he looked around slowly and his eyes dart back to me. "where's pen?" that was the first thing he asked. Just like I expected. "Penn's not here, she left with Leo a while a ago" I said and his face was suddenly filled with sadness and disappointment. "don't worry, she had to go check on something she'll be back, since she's the only one you seem to care about" I said and he sighed. "so I Brought lunch," I tell him. "I'm not hungry" he muttered lowly. This dude has got to be kidding me. "okay. damn you Mace, I spent almost an hour making this food for you just so I can be the 'good friend' Pen says I am to you and you're just going to reject it just because it's not Pen who made it." I said with a bit of anger. "it's not that, I'm just not hungry," he said. melancholy, "you better be, cause I didn't make this food for nothing, it's either you eat, or I break your other knee.. And I'm not joking this time" I threatened. "Kirana can't you at least be like Penelope for once" he sighed and I rolled my eyes and stood up. "she's Penelope, and I'm Kirana, we both can't be the same person" I said and pulled his lunch from the bag I brought. "C'mon get up, you're eating." I said and he didn't argue with me, he just slowly get up and sit himself up. I placed 'his' food in front of him and held the spoon. "do you want me to feed you?" I asked, holding the urge to puke as I asked that. I don't want to feed him I just want to see if he'd agree for me to feed him. "no thanks, I can eat myself" he said and took the spoon from me, just like I expected. "so your hands aren't shaky when you're around me but are mysteriously shaky when you're around pen,?" I asked but he just remaind quiet. He started to eat in silence not wanting to start or have a conversation with me. So i blurted out what's on his mind. "I know you have feelings for pen" His head suddenly turned to me and I raised my eyebrows at him and he sighed and turned back to his food.. "is it that obvious?" he asked lowly. "yes it is. I don't know how dumb Penelope is that she hasn't figure that out yet, but I have, I mean, you wouldn't miss a day without wanting to see or talk to her, and you ask of her like all the time, and you saved her number as my pen, in your phone it's not like she's your property or something, but aside from those proofs of mine that you have feelings for pen, someone can easily tell you actually have feelings for her" I tell him but he just continued to eat without talking. So I asked "so when did it all start? When did those feeling's arrive?" "i..i.. I don't know" he replied. "you don't?" I asked. "maybe it's when she and Richard ended things, I tried to stop it but it just kept coming and it's actually hurting, I don't think she'll ever return those Feelings, I don't think she'll ever come around. That's why I treasure every moment I spend with her" he said and sighed while I just looked at him sympathetically. I wanted to yell and scream at him to get rid of those feelings because Penelope's never going to come around but I just kept calm and quiet cause if I do it may cause more pain and illness to the situation, he's already and I don't want that, no one wants that. So instead I said "don't worry she'll come around", I tapped his shoulder, it seems like he suddenly lost his appetite cause he stopped eating, cause what I just said seemed like the biggest lie of all time,.. "please, don't lie to me, to make me feel better" he breathed out and his voice seemed shaky. And I pitied him But it's sad, loving someone you aren't supposed to be in love with. I placed my hand around his neck and hugged him from behind, "I'm sorry" I breathed. But she's never going to come around. * T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 06:41
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 29 ** LEO`S POV ** After dropping Penelope in front of her apartment building, she waved goodbye to me and walked inside, while I just watched her go, with her red hair swaying behind her as she walked, I sighed and turned to my front, it's weird how I find myself around her these days... I started to drive not feeling so good about going home, so I decide to stop at one of my friend's restaurant to grab a drink before going home... I parked my car in front of the restaurant and walked in .. Sitting down on a table before the door, a waitress walked up to me with a smile, "what would you like to order sir" she asked. Placing a menu book in front of me. But I shoved it away, "just give me a glass of water" I said and the way she turned remind me of Penelope. "waitress." I called and she turned. "it's Sofia" she said flirty. "yeah sandra, where's Cosmo?" I asked Cosmo's my friend who owns this place. "it's Sofia and Cosmo is out of town" she replied with a small huff while correcting her name. "okay." I said and she walked away. Someone walked in the door and since I was so close to the door I didn't have a choice not to look at who walked in. "Maxwell?" I said surprisingly and his eyes searched for who called him and after a few seconds his eyes landed to me. "Leonard?" he smiled. He looked the same wearing a washed jean and a white T-shirt.. "whoa, I didn't think someone like you would be here" he said as we both shook hands. "what is that supposed to mean, aren't I human?" I laughed as he took a sit opposite me. "you're human but you seem like a busy person" he tells me. "well I used to be a busy person but not anymore" I said and my eyes moved to the waitress Sandy as she walked up to me with my glass of water. "thanks Sandy" I tell her as I took the water from her. "it's Sofia" she huffed angrily and walked away.. "Huh, still got girls wrapped around your finger" Maxwell said and I rolled my eyes. "how's everyone, I haven't heard a word from one person since the fire. "everyone's fine," I replied and took a sip out of my water. "how's Kirana?" he asked. "oh Penelope's fine" I replied and took another sip. "I asked of Kirana not Pen" Maxwell smiled and I couldn't help the small embarrassment that appeared on my face. "oh well I guess they're both fine right?" Maxwell asked and I nod. "but they've been stressed out lately, their friend Mason got into an accident and they've been watching over him taking turns, and Penelope just started working for me and at the same time gotten a new apartment, trying to move in and still watching over mason, so they've been really stressed out." I explained and Maxwell nodded, .. The door of the restaurant opened and two people walked in making me spit back the water I just sulked in. Harmony and a tall boy with stupid blonde hair, "excuse me" I tell Maxwell who was talking and stood up. "harmony!" I called with a smile and when she turned to me it seems like she'd seen a ghost. She quickly whispered something to the dude and they both walked up to me. "Leo, baby, what are you doing here?" she said through her clenched teeth. "oh, you know Cosmo owns this place so I decided to come check on him for a while" I replied and kissed her lightly on the lips and moved my mouth closer to her ear and whispered. "think of that as our goodbye kiss" I stood straight and looked at her and the guys sternly. "won't you introduce him to me?" I asked, she looked confused for a bit but she quickly composed her self and said. "this is Steve. He's my dance tutor, Steve this is Leo my boyfriend" she rushed her words. "oh you're the Steve, I guess we must be twins then, sharing the same name, I used to be called Steve but I changed that cause it was a really stupid name and now I guess we're both sharing the same girl" I stated and harmony face went pale. "Leo, he's.. He's my dance tutor" she said and her voice shook slightly. "I didn't know you dance, and how can you dance with this?" I said eyeing her red dress. And then my eyes dart back to hers. "look it's complicated" harmony breathed out. "what the fuck is complicated." I almost yelled. "that Steve's.. Steve.. "you don't have to think of a lie Harmony,.. I know you're dating Steve behind my back, I read all the text messages you love birds send to each other, you didn't think I was that dumb not knowing you were cheating on me? First you lied to me about your meeting when you were actually going on a date with him, I can't believe you harmony I thought you came back to me to have a fresh start with me, not knowing I was actually sharing you with someone else. Did you even for once think about my feelings for you" I said, and I know I'm being cheesy but who cares, I'm so pissed that I feel like I can tear a mountain into two. . "okay fine! I came back to you cause I was just jealous, I was jealous of you and that girl, that Pen girl, I hated her being around you" she cried, I don't know why the hell she's crying cause technically, I'm supposed to be the one crying. "but you knew nothing was going on between us but the jealously never ended, you're just so selfish harmony, you aren't the girl I once knew, I spoiled you too much and I hate myself for that, you hated me being around Pen when we both clearly have nothing with each other while you,.. You're busy having a lot of fun with this guy, you're clearly a slut harmony, the nation's lady slut" the moment those words left mouth, heavy tears fell out of her eyes and I know my anger was unstoppable. "and you," I said and looked up at the guy. Skeve or leaf whatever his name was.. "I heard you're working in one of my companies, yeah 'J-ORB" the moment I mentioned the name of the company he flinched. "and congratulations, you just got fired" I said angrily and about walking out when I noticed a girl at a corner in the restaurant videoing me. I turned to her fuming in anger and she tried to dispose her phone, but you late, I already caught her. I walked up to her and she moved back with fear.. "did you find what we just did funny?" I asked snatching her from her hands. "I'm sorry I..i didn't mean to" she said with quivering Lips. "well next time you'll like to mind your own business" I said and smacked her phone on the ground smashing the screen with my shoe, I could hear gasp coming from different corners of the restaurant but i don't care, when I'm angry, no one, not even a fly can touch me and go scott free. I walked out of the restaurant and walked outside to my car, I walked in and pulled my phone from my jacket pocket, I called Gideon the guy I put in charge of one of my companies the one Steve works. "good day boss" Gideon said cheerfully into the phone .. "Gideon, I'll like you to do something for me." I said huskily. "and what is it sir?" he asked. "there's a guy named Steve who works at the company" "it's Steve Hughes sir" "I don't know his surname, I just know he's known as Steve, he has blonde hair, he's 6ft tall I think and-- "that is Steve Hughes sir, he works as the manger of the department of-- "I don't care of what he works at, I just want him fired!" I said calmly. "sir, are you sure he's one of the be-- "don't question me if you don't want to get fired too" I yelled. "yes sir, I'll do as you wish" he said lowly and I hang up on him. I didn't know what to do or where to go so I just place my head on the steering wheel of my car and sighed melancholy. I baffled with myself on whether to go home or not, and I ended driving to any place my car takes me. * ** PENELOPE`S POV ** When Leo dropped me home the first thing that came to me was 'sleep' i couldn't think of anything than to sleep cause I was just so tired and I needed to rest like immediately, I'm just getting tired these days and I don't know why. I removed my shoes and changed my skinny jeans into something comfortable, a baggy sweatpants. I packed my hair up and rolled it into a messy bun, just as I got in my bed and wrapped my self in my blanket, breathing out a sigh of relaxation, I heard a heavy knock that almost knocked my door down. Who could that be? I thought angrily as I got down from the bed, who's that, that had to ruin my almost amazing siesta . I opened the door and was surprised to see Leo standing there and looking angry, I thought he went home. "what are you doing here?" I asked. "I.. I don't know." he said softly and his angry eyes suddenly soften. "you don't?.. Then why are you here-- "can I just come in" he cut me off and I rolled my eyes and opened the door wider for him to enter. "make yourself at home" I said sarcastically and closed the door as he walked in. He looked around my room and said "your room's still kind of empty" "I know" I mumbled and got back on my bed and pulled my blanket over my body, I looked at Leo as he stood in the middle of my room wondering where to sit when there's no single chair. "you're welcome to sit on the bed" I tell him, he was surprised by it but he moved closer to my bed and sat down at the edge. He rested his elbows on his knees and buried his face in his palm, sighing, I didn't want to ask what was wrong cause sleep has already start to take over by body, but curiousness leads the best of us. "what's wrong" I asked sitting up. It was like he was waiting for me to ask that cause when I did he suddenly turned to me. "it's harmony" he said. "I broke up with her" he added. Not surprising but, she doesn't deserve him. "I'm sorry" I said in a soothingly way. "it's okay, I expected it though, I kind of noticed she was dating someone else behind my back but I didn't do anything about it" he said. "oh yeah, Steve" I mumbled to myself "what did you say?" he suddenly asked. "I.. Uhm nothing." I lied "I thought I heard you say Steve cause that's the douchebag who's dating harmony" Leo said In any an angry tone. "actually I kind of knew harmony was cheating on you" I said not feeling the urge to tell the truth, but I just wanted to. "what do you mean?, were you doubting that her love for me was fake and that she was dating someone behind my back?" he asked but I shook my head negatively "I never let my mind guess or Doubt her love for you cause..well what do I care, but I found out from Kirana two days ago that she's actually dating Steve behind your back, I wanted to tell you but Kirana insisted you find out yourself since you think you're a smarty pants" I said truthfully and he smiled .."classic Kirana" he mumbled then frowned. "well you could have at least told me sooner, I had to find out last night cause the Steve kept sending her stupid love messages when she was already fast asleep, so I had to check her phone even if I was invading her privacy but I just had to and that's when I found out and kept quiet so I could catch them red handed so she wouldn't deny it" he explained and I sighed. "well you've broken up with her, and that's not my business, and please I'll like to have a wonderful time sleeping since you're okay" I breathed out and slowly lie down pilling the blanket over my body. "it's just three in the afternoon and you're going to bed, you're such a boring person" he said. "I know, Kirana tells me that too. She says I just make people feel better when I'm around them, but I'm as boring as fuck, her words not mine, now that I have made you feel better, the door's that way" I say with my eyes closed and pointing to the direction of the door. I felt his weight press more to the bed and I opened my eyes to see him laid down on the bed too, his legs still on the ground but his body was on the bed facing up, his eyes closed. I huffed heavily and used my right knee to nudge his head. "hey wake up,!" I half yelled. "you're disturbing" he mumbled and placed his hands under his head. "disturbing? You have a big, house with nice cushions and a big bed and here you are sharing this single tight bed with me" I huffed and smacked a pillow on his face but he didn't flinch. "get up! This bed isn't big enough for two people and you can't sleep with a girl not after breaking up with your girlfriend" I stated and he smiled slyly making his dimple appear quickly and opened his eyes . "like anything can happen if the two of us stay in the same bed" he said sarcastically and closed his eyes, closing his smile and dimple and I rolled my eyes. "I don't care if anything happ-- you know what just get lost" I said and pushed his shoulder but his weight was too much and I gave up and sighed laying back on the bed. "you're pretty stubborn you know that" I mumbled "not as stubborn as you" he replied.. We both remained quiet and I didn't know if his eyes was open but nine was and I kept staring at the ceiling until he asked. "do you think I can ever fall in love again". "I'm not you Leo, what do you think"i said and he sighed. "well.... I don't know" he said and let out another sigh, he suddenly got up and I breathed out taking over the huge space on the bed. "finally" I said happily making an angel shape with my hands and legs on the bed sheets. He chuckled "can I show you something?" he asked calmly. "what now?" I groaned. Like a nine year old. "just C'mon" he said and grabbed my hand pulling me from the bed, and when I got down I asked. "what?" He smiled and said "you've been tricked, you're so soft" before I could analyze what he meant by what he just said, he jumped on the bed and took over the bed with his huge body "you child." I gasped, using one of my pillow to smack his face again and he couldn't help but laugh. I don't know he plays like this. "you're easily tricked" he said still laughing and I put on a fake angry face and used all my girly strength to push him from the bed making him roll over and fall to the ground on the other side. "I win." I said playfully as I got on my bed back. After staying a few seconds I didn't hear Leo say anything or even stand up from the ground and I got to the other side of the bed and looked down to see him lying hopelessly on the floor and my heart skipped a bit. "Leo?" I called scaredly and got down from the bed, walking over to him and kneeling beside him. "Leo?" I called but my voice comes out as a gasp. I shook him lightly but he didn't move, my heart beat has increased and I was starting to loose my breath, "leo." I called again and shook him. But no response, I placed my hand under to his nose to see if he was breathing but he wasn't and my breath hitched. No he's not dead. I tell myself, refraining me from crying. I slowly place my ear on his left chest to hear his heartbeat when he pulled my ear and smiled opening his eyes . "are you crazy" I said, my voice shaking as I stood up and before I knew it the tears poured . He stood up after and his smile faded. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry I just wanted to joke with you for a while" he said soothingly. "you scared me to death" I said and cleaned my tears. "I'm sorry," he apologized with a smile. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 06:43
* DANGEROUS ❌❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 30 I tried to send Leo out of my apartment after the stupid prank he played on me but he still wouldn't leave and he kept apologizing and smiling which was kind of annoying.. I got on my bed and huffed before giving him my last glare. "Leave before I wake up. And don't even think of playing another one of your stupid games cause even if you play dead this time, and happens to be dead truly, then that's it for you cause I'm going to leave you there" I said strictly and he laughed. "you can't, you're Penelope," he said and I rolled my eyes. "watch and see then" I mumbled with my eyes closed.. When he didn't say anything, I opened my eyes and I couldn't see him where he was standing before, and when I turned, I saw him entering my small balcony and I sighed and laid back on my bed, drifting to sleep. * My eyes fluttered opened and after yawning lightly and stretching a bit, I sat down on my bed and cleaned my eyes, I gabbed my phone which was on my drawer and I checked the time, it six in the evening, I breathed out slowly and stood up from my bed, I so much enjoyed my nap. My ghost almost left my body when I saw a shadow in my balcony, but when the shadow turned it happened to be Leo and I breathed out a sigh of relief. "you're still here?" he asked, my voice cracky and low. "oh.. Yeah," he said nervously and rubbed his neck. He's been wandering around my apartment for four hours! "why didn't you go home" I asked. "well I just didn't feel like going home, I hate being alone" he said and I not understanding what he means, since harmony's gone it'll be difficult for him to stay home alone. "I understand you but it's kind of creepy for you stay awake and do nothing while I was asleep" I tell him and he nods. "I get it, I'm sorry, it's just so comfortable in here and your balcony has a nice view and you also get plenty of fresh air." he replied and I sighed and turned. But suddenly turned back to him. "it's past dinner time, don't tell me you're sleeping here tonight" I said, a little panic in my voice. "don't worry, I'm not, I'll be leaving soon anyway, I just need a bottled water and I'll be gone," he said, walked passed me and started to look around my apartment.. "what are you looking for?" i asked, as I trailed behind him every corner he walked to. "a fridge." he replied turning to me "I don't have one, but I'll be buying one tomorrow or the day after, after I get my salary, which is tomorrow" I said and he looked at me strangely. "oh. I'm paying you tomorrow?" he asked and I nod. "you were waiting this whole time for your salary just so you could buy a fridge" he asked and I nod, again. "why didn't you just ask me to get it for you" he said, "because I didn't want you to, and besides, a fridge isn't the only thing I need, I still need, a washing machine, and a microwave, so thanks for your offer but I'll just wait till I get paid, I feel guilty when I 'ask' someone for something" I tell him and he sighed and brought his phone out. "you know what, I'll just send your salary into your account, right here, right now." he said tapping his phone screen but I suddenly held his hand and his phone together bringing them down. "don't. I can wait till tomorrow" I tell him and he nods slowly and I smiled and he shoved his phone into his pocket without smiling. "okay then, you can leave" I said walking to the door. "wow you really hate my presence don't you" he breathed out walking close to the door, where I stood. "I don't hate your presence, I hate you" I said dryly and his eyebrows suddenly arched up. "I was joking, I don't hate anyone" I said "not even Richard?" he asked. "I wish I could hate him" I smiled and he rolled his eyes and opened the door. "are you sure, you don't want me to leave?" he asked with a grin. "I don't want you to stay, that's for sure, you need to go home Leo, and have a good rest just because you and harmony have ended things doesn't mean the world has ended things with you, you still have a life, now get out of my apartment before I get my apartment out of you" I said and he laughed. "okay, then good night, thank you for your hospitality, I'll be leaving then" he said formally and I shrugged. "oh well goodnight." I muttered. "and before I leave, I met with Maxwell today and he's sending his greeting and regard to you and Kirana" he said quickly and closed the door just as I was about to ask more of where and when he met with him. But I let it slide and locked the door. I sighed and went back to my bed, That night I ate Chinese noodles as my dinner and watched TV till two in the morning, before having another round of sleep. . The next morning I woke up, not feeling to energetic, my body was kind of weak and tired and I was hungry for more sleep. I managed to get out of my bed and walked to my bathroom, stripping my clothes off my body I got in the shower and as the thousand droplet of warm water fall over my body, I breathed out cause it was amazing and it kind of made my sleepiness disappear. I got out of the shower, dried my hair and body before putting on some body lotion, and my causal clothes.. Grabbing my purse and shoving my phone inside, I walked out of my apartment and locked the door placing the key inside my purse, just as I turned I bumped into someone and quickly apologized. "Pen .. It's okay you don't have to apologize" I heard 'that' familiar voice and looked up to see Richard. "oh. Okay" I breathed out. And we both stood together awkwardly in the small corridor. "oh well good morning" I said. "morning, I see you're already living here" he breathed out .."yeah I am" I replied with a smile. "you're here to see Olivia right?" I asked not knowing why I asked that, he looked at me a little blown off but he nodded slightly, and I expected my jealous blood to rise up but it didn't. "well good luck, I'm off to work" I said, still smiling and I walked away. ,I took the staircase instead of the elevator, I just wanted to exercise my body a bit and when I finally reached the last flight of stairs I was exhausted and regretted taking the stairs. I walked out of the building and was hugged and welcomed by fresh wind,.. I breathed the fresh air in me and made my journey to Leo's residence. * I got to Leo's house and typed in his password but it didn't work, I thought I missed a number but I realise I didn't after trying it three more times. So I had to Knock. My knuckles became weak after knocking on the thick door like four times, and just as I was about knocking the fifth time, the door opened only for me to see Leo standing there looking the same, only he's wearing a fancy expensive robe and a toothbrush stuck in his mouth. "really?!! I had to knock seven times for you to open the door" I said increasing the number of time I knocked. "good morning to you too, and besides you didn't knock seven times but four" he said and I gasp. "so you heard it and ignored to open the door for me" "I didn't ignore to, I was putting this on" he said motioning his hand around his body.. "whatever" I sighed. "why did you even change your password?" I asked. "cause.. He sighed. "it's harmony birthday and I don't want anything to do with harmony so I changed it." he continued. "so childish" I rolled my eyes. "like you still have Richard's phone number, I know you'd have deleted that" he said. "I still have his phone number, just because we broke up doesn't mean we can't be friends okay now shut up" I said angrily. "I wasn't even talking" he blurted. "well what's your new password?" I asked. "" he said. "16514.. got it" I replied and he nods and walk away. I dropped my purse and walked to his kitchen to make breakfast, the house was harmony free and quiet, it'll look like I'm a bad person but I'm kind of happy she's gone.. * * The day ran by pretty fast and before I knew it, I was thanking Leo and making my way out of his house. "take care" he waved with a smile as I closed his door, I caught the bus and made my way home, thankfully Leo had transferred my salary for this month to my account and I can't wait to make my apartment feel more like a home. I got home and this time and I didn't even dare to look at the stairs I just walked in the elevator. I got to the last floor and finally I was at my doorstep, I brought out my key from my purse and unlocked the door walking in. I almost walked out of my apartment cause it didn't seem like mine, so I had to check if I was in the right room and yes I was cause my room number is 207 and it was right, my pictures were still hanging on the wall but aside from that I couldn't see my TV anymore, I could only see a big plasma vojio TV , and my bed too, wasn't the single bed I use to snuggle myself in but a huge bed big enough to contain three people, and also taking a lot of space in my not so big apartment. I turned to my kitchen and I gasp as I saw the huge fridge that stood firmly at a corner before you walk in the kitchen, and from the room I could see a shiny microwave that laid beautifully on my kitchen counter. Inside the kitchen I gasped so loudly almost making my tongue fall back in my throat when I saw a washing machine at the entrance of my balcony. Who could have done all of this, and how did the person get all this in when I locked my door. Is it Richard? I thought But he doesn't know I need all this. Just as I was rampaging on who did all this I got a text from Leo Could it be him. I thought LEO: *are you home?* I read. ME: *yeah what's it to you* LEO: *did you notice any change in your new apartment* So he's the one. ME: *so.. You did all that?" LEO: *yeah, you're welcome* ME: *but this is all just too much* I texted back and waited for some time before I got his message.. LEO: *there's nothing too much about all that, I got you a fridge so you could have cold drinks and preserve your meal, I got you a new TV cause watching from small TV can make the film boring, I got you a microwave so you could Heat up some fast foods, and I bought you a washing machine so your hands can be free from your laundry, and I bought you a bigger bed so you could not only sleep with so much space around but you can also share... ;)* I gasped as I read his message. This guy is unbelievable.. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 06:44
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 31 I sighed and turned back to my phone as my fingers tap through my keyboard I bit my lips. *you're a crazy person* I send to Leo and I didn't have to wait for even a Second when he replied. *is that how you say thank you?, if so you're welcome* I rolled my eyes and dropped down my hand, I looked around my room observing the new change in my apartment. I'm grateful for what he's done but it's all just too much, Or am I going to pay him back? I thought and my breath hitched, i was so lost in thought and that I almost smashed my phone to the wall when it buzzed, but I breathed out and slowly looked at my phone, I thought it was a message from Leo but I was wrong it was from Mason. *do you hate me?* I read and gasped, why would he think that, before I knew my fingers started to work on its own typing: *no, why would make you think that Mace?* *cause you forgot about me* he texted. "forgot about you? No I've just been busy* *I'm clearly alone at the hospital and Kirana's gone cause she can't give any more excuses at work just to look after me. But thankfully the doctor said I'm recovering faster than ever, but it doesn't feel like it* he texted and I sighed dropping my hand by my side and breathing out a heavy sigh again, even if it's late maybe I should just pay him a small visit. I made a U turn and dropped my phone into my purse walking out of my apartment. I locked the door and took the elevator down, I walked out of the building and took a cab to the hospital, I was pretty tired and sleepy but I don't want my best friend to hate me.. I knocked lightly on his door and walked in and his eyes immediately lit up when he saw me.. "hey" I said lowly walking closer to his bed. "hey" he breathed out sulking his smile. "so.... .. I said not knowing what to actually say and I sat down beside him on the bed making him adjust a little. "sorry?" I said but it came out as a question. "it's okay, just being in the hospital alone freaks me out, even now that the doctor said I can't stand and walk" mason said and I gasped. "that's wonderful" I exclaimed "with crutches" he added and my smile disappeared. "crutches?" I asked and he slowly nod. "well it's just to support your legs it's not like its forever right?" I asked and he nods. I didn't notice but when his eyes flickered around me I looked at his forehead and I couldn't find the bandage that was lying there before. Only a small part of his skin that was scratched that laid there. "your bandage's off your head, how do you feel?" I asked "like I can control my own head and think again" he smiled and I smiled too. I touched the small bruise on his forehead lightly and asked "does it hurt?" He covered my hand with his and pressed my my palm to him forhead while I looked at him strangely. "it doesn't hurt but this feels warm" he said pressing my hand more to his head. "and I feel cold myself" I said and he laughed letting me slide my hand away from his head. I looked around the small room and found a pair of crutches, laying on the wall. "have you tried using the crutches to walk?" I asked but he shook his head. "I rather lay down here till my knee is fully healed than walk with those," he said and I tilt my head and sighed. "eventually you'll have to use it, so your knee can respond to your body knowing you want to walk, and then it'll heal" I said. "yeah, whatever, so how's your apartment coming out?" he quickly changed the topic . "it's coming out okay, I'm done mowing and I've gotten more stuff to the apartment the remaining thing for me is adaptation." I explained and he nods. "wish I could go there with you, to see it myself" he beamed and I smiled, "don't worry, you will soon" We both remained quiet not knowing what to say, and he suddenly held my hand and sighed. "I wish I never went to Texas" he breathed out. "don't feel that way, everything happens for a reason" I tell him and he sighed, I got up from the bed and sat down on a chair beside the bed with him still holding my hand. "rest, I'm here" I assured him and he nods.. "I'm sorry, you're going through all this because of me" he apologized but I shook my head. "don't feel sorry, it what friends do" I said. "friends." he repeated, "that word is driving me crazy" he continued, I didn't know what he meant by that but I didn't bother to ask him or even know what he meant by that, my eyelids were getting heavy and my sight was becoming blurry, I have to stay awake I tell myself but before I could stop and think about staying awake, I slept off. * I woke up by the sound of voices having a fun conversation and I noticed my hand was still in Mason's hand and that I fell asleep and slowly I raised my head closing my eyes tightly from the bright light in the room, I cleaned my eyes with the back of my hand and slowly open them. And there I saw Richard sitting on a chair on the other side of Mason's bed and beside him was Olivia, who was standing and holding up a big smile. "you're finally awake" Mason said, "I thought you said I should rest and you'll watch over me but you're actually the one who fell asleep and I became the watcher" he teased and I smiled and gave him an eye roll and looked up at Richard and Olivia who were both looking at me. "hey, I didn't see you guys there" I lied. "yeah, it hasn't been too long since we came," Richard said and I nod, I almost forgot he's the best friend of Mason, but why is Olivia here!. Well I don't care why she's here or why they're together though. Cause it's none of my business. I stood up and yawned a little covering my mouth with my hand and my eyes dart to Mason, "since he's here.. I said referring to Richard. "I'll leave I don't want anyone to think I'm over taking the patient's bed and sleeping routine" I added and he smiled. "but isn't it to late to leave now?" Richard asked slowly avoiding eye contact with me. "well I can't sleep here so I don't have a choice" I tell him. "or.. You can wait till Richie and I leaving and he'll take us both in his car and since we're both leaving in the same building it'll be easy for him" olivia suggested and I almost gave her an eye roll. "Richie?" Mason repeated, the way Olivia called Richard, "since when?" he muttered and turn to me. "anyway you both, thanks for the offer but I'll just take a cab" I said and grabbed my purse. I got close to Mason and gave him a stern look and he look frightened for a minute but eased up when I smile and held his head. "make sure you get well soon and use your crutches, I promise they'll help, okay!" I said and gave him a small squeeze in his hand. "yeah sure whatever" he said and rolled his eyes. "use them!" I said sternly and let go of his hand.. "bye" he smiled, I looked up to see Richard staring at us surprisingly, now I don't get why he's surprised but I don't care. I waved a little to him and Olivia before walking out, "I'll see you at home" Olivia yelled as I walked out. I got outside the hospital still feeling a little sleepy and I saw Richard black Mercedes parked at a corner, a little bit of annoying memory came of him opening the car door for me, the both of us smiling from ear to ear before walking in the car.. I rolled my eyes at that memory and turned my sight to somewhere else. The night was dark and jet black and everywhere seemed quiet, I walked down the lonely road looking for a cab but I couldn't find one. Less car and people passed by and it was not very nice. I started to walk slowly cause my eyelids were still heavy and I just needed to go forward a little bit and catch a taxi, I walked slowly with my footsteps echoing around me, but suddenly I heard another footsteps covering mine but when I turned I couldn't see anyone behind me, that frightened me a bit so I started to walk a little fast, how late is it that everywhere has to become this quiet. As I walked quickly I heard the footstep again and this time I stopped and turned back but I couldn't find anyone, I sighed and was about walking again when I bumped into someone who suddenly held my shoulder. "Now what's a fine young lady like you doing here in the dead of night" a deep scary and husky voice said, like Leo's but this one's way scarier. "let go of me" I said and freed myself from his grip and moved back a bit but bumping into another person who held my shoulder too. "she's definitely a keeper" the one who held me suddenly said and they both shared a small laugh. I tried to free myself from this other one's grip but he was too strong, he brought his mouth closer to my ear and said, "don't fight it sweetie" I almost died cause his Breath smelled like cigarettes and alcohol. I still struggled to get out of his grip but he was still holding me so tightly. "now, how are we ever going to be gentle with you if you keep being violent" the one holding me said and I start to cough cause of his breath, the first one snitched my purse from me and smiled, and through the help of the dim streetlight, I could see his dirty teeth and I almost puked. "give me back my purse" I ordered angrily. "and who's going to make me?" he asked. And laughed, making the other one holding me to laugh to. "Dont worry we're not taking anything from you, we're just going to check your purse for anything valuable and then get down to business" the one with my purse said and I huffed angrily "give me back my purse or I'll scream" I threatened. "oh an iPhone, I've totally wanted one" the guy said ignoring my threat, and suddenly I screamed my voice louder than before echoing around us. "shit!" the guy holding me said and covered my mouth with his hand, and I almost bit his hand but I didn't because of the stench coming from there. "let go of her or let go of this" I heard a not-so familiar voice behind me and the stupid guy holding me and suddenly the guy holding me let go of me.. The guy who held my purse wanted to run but another guy wearing all black suddenly attacked him and pinned him to the ground, taking my purse and phone from him, "get lost" he said to the guys who attacked me and with a blink of an eye they both ran.. They act all tough and strong around girls but with their fellow guys they're just lazy jobless dudes. "thank you." I said to the guy who saved me as he handed me my purse and phone. "no problem, but seriously Pen you shouldn't be walking alone by this time of the night it's dangerous" he tell me and my jaw dropped slightly, he knows my name. "I'm sorry do I know you?" I asked, befuddled. "don't you remember or recognise me? It's me Liam, Leo's friend" he said and I gasped remembering him. He's one of the two guys who hang around with Leo back in the restaurant before it got burnt, he's the nice one and the other one Pete isn't as nice as he is. "oh Liam! Sorry for not recognising you" I apologize but he smiled "it's okay you do now so it doesn't really matter".. * Liam escorted me home and I couldn't thank him enough, I walked in my apartment building and when I got in my apartment I sighed and threw my purse on my new bed remembering leo. I spent just a small amount of time in the bathroom taking a shower and after that I changed into my pajamas and got on my bed. It was soft comfy and filled with so much space. I smiled as I buried my face in my pillow, closing my eyes and before I knew it I drifted to sleep.. peacefully. * I woke up not hearing my alarm go and I gasped when I saw the time that I was late for work, the bed was just so comfy that I overslept. I quickly took a shower and wore my clothes even though I know Leo won't get angry, I just hate being late. This time instead of taking my purse, I took one of my bag which was small in size like my purse but was a bag, I slipped my phone inside and wore the bag on my shoulder, I walked out of my apartment and locked the door, I turned and met olive coming out of her room too. "hey, good morning" she said cheerfully. "morning" I said quickly and start to walk away but she stopped me. "I'm kind of late Oliv--- "I just wanted to give you these" she said handing me some papers that look like some sort of ticket. "there's a new amusement park that Just opened here in Breek and they're giving away free tickets for the opening tomorrow and I just wanted to give you those since my brother happens to have like a dozen, Richie and I are going there together tomorrow and you can also go with anyone you have in mind" she explained with a smile. "OK thanks, I'll see to it" I said hurriedly and wave her goodbye before squeezing the two tickets in my bag. : I got to work and typed in Leo's password before walking in and I bumped into him. "oh pen!" he exclaimed "I didn't expect to see you at work today" he said. "why?" I questioned. "I heard you were ambushed yesterday night by two guys" he replied and I sighed, Liam. "well it was nothing, just help me thank Liam" I said wanting to walk pass but he held my hand and pulled me back "are you hurt or anything?" He asked inquisitively and I gave him a weird look . "Leo, I'm fine" I said and removed my hand from his grip. "are you sure?, do you want to take a day off" he asks "no. I am fine" I said slowly, shook my head negatively and walked away. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 06:47
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 32 I made breakfast that morning and Leo and i both ate quietly, and while eating I noticed he kept glancing at me and after chugging down a glass of water making sure the food was way down away from my throat I turned. "okay why do you keep staring at me?" I asked. "me? I wasn't staring at you" he said, with a mouth full. "you kept glancing at me I could see it" I tell him. "oh yeah I was glancing at you but I wasn't staring, there's a difference" he stated like it's something I should take note of. "it's the same thing" I said and turned to my food. "I was just checking if you have any injury cause I don't want to be in trouble when you pass out due to loss of blood from your injury you're hiding from me." he said and I rolled my eyes. "you imagine too much". I took the last bite out of my meal and chug down another glass of water before wiping my mouth with the clean napkin beside me and then I smiled at Leo. "what?" he asked dropping his fork. "can I take a day off tomorrow?" I asked nicely and he scoffed making his dimple appear a little. "I'm giving you the permission to take a day off today but you're insisting on taking a day off tomorrow, but nothing's wrong with you so no." he said and I huffed. "nothing's wrong with me but I have somewhere important to go tomorrow" I said, well it's not that important but if Olivia doesn't see me tomorrow in the new amusement park, she'll be sad and she personally gave me those tickets and aside from that, growing up I haven't really been to an amusement park, I'm sure it'll be so much fun. "somewhere important.? You seriously have to tell that 'important somewhere or I can't give you a day off'.. " he said and I almost rolled my eyes but maintain my manners, I don't want him to be vexed. "er.. I.. I.. My sis..s.sister just gave birth and I have to see her?" my stupid lie came out as a question and I balled my fist. "you're not a very good liar, Penny" he narrowed his eyes at me and I sighed. "okay well there's this new amusement park that's opening tomorrow here in Breek and Olivia gave me tickets and I just don't want to let her down by not going" I explained and he still didn't look grateful with the truth. "I have two tickets and I can give you one and you can come with me" I smiled and he looked at me sternly making me look, "don't try to bribe me, I donated money for that park, and I happened to be assistant owner of that 'amusement park' which I don't want to be but since my money helped the place so much I became the assistant owner and I can walk in there anytime without any ticket" he tells me and I sighed, does he have to be involved with everything. "well don't you want to go and see how the place has turned out?" I asked but he shook his head negatively. "no, I rather stay home" he said and I rolled my eyes at him. I stood up and packed the dishes in front of me and him, "since you won't let me go, I guess I'll just go anyway without your permission" I said trying to make him a little mad. "and if you do go without my permission, remember am your boss and I can fire you" he warned and I smiled. "oh please do fire me, cause I've already gotten what I wanted, an apartment and the things inside and you were the one who got all those for me and IF you happen to fire me, then that would be your loss not mine" I said and he gave me a confused look before sighing knowing that I'm right. But still I don't want to get fired I just "who said anything about firing you I was just joking" he smiled and stood up. "your joke actually sound like a threat" I tell him. "really? I had no idea" he said. "anyway just give away those tickets and you can come with me as a vvip" he bragged and I rolled my eyes, "don't worry I'll just go with the tickets and take someone else" I said. "then you won't be going cause I won't allow that" he said sternly. "but I thought you've already given me the permission to go" I said dryly "yeah I have, I've given you the permission to take a day off tomorrow and go to the carnival with me, not with someone else" he replied and I huffed.. I moved my hair back and what he just said sounded like he's asking me out. And I looked at him. "are you asking me out?" I smiled slyly. "asking you out?" he repeated. And then smiled "please!. Don't flatter yourself" he added. "stop being pathetic, you just asked me out, what you just said was way too showing that you asked me out." I said dramatically. "I don't know how you girls think things but I clearly did not ask you out" he blurted. "keep telling yourself that." I muttered, he seemed confused a bit and remained quiet, I laughed cause that was actually my brief goal, to get on his nerve or make him confuse. His eyes dart to me and he wore a frown as I laughed. "I was joking." I smile. "Gosh, you could have seen how confused you looked" I laugh and his frown turned into a smile. "okay then, what if I did happen to ask you out, would you say yes?" he asked with a smirk "don't. Flatter yourself" I repeated his words and walked out of the dining room with the plates in my hand. "nice one pen!" I heard him yell, and I smiled and shook my head before walking into the kitchen. * The day went by slowly with me and Leo trying to get into each other skin, playing boring jokes on ourselves.. After having dinner, it was time to for me to leave, I grabbed my bag and Leo escorted me to the door, and I turned to him just as I was about opening the door. "so.. Goodnight?" I said "yeah, goodnight, I'll see you at the park opening tomorrow." he replied. "what park opening?" I asked like I was clueless. "the amusement park!" he said. "what amusement park?" I asked clueless again and he rolled his eyes. "you've started your lame pranks again" he stated and I laughed.."can't help it" "well I'll see you tomorrow;" I tell him. "what's tomorrow'?" he asked trying to sound like me. "don't even start with me" I said narrowing my eyes at him and he smiled. "well goodnight" he said still smiling. "goodnight, for the tenth time" I smiled and he nods lightly while I slowly walked out and for the first time I didn't feel like leaving. I got home and plopped right into my bed sighing, thinking about today and the funny jokes and stupid pranks Leo and I pulled at each other. Just then I heard a knock on my door and I got up from my bed, who could it be..i thought. I thought of no other person than Olivia and when I opened the door it was her. "hey Ollie.." I said giving a tired smile. "hey Pen" she said cheerfully, as always. She walked in immediately making me move back a little and closing the door. "so are you going to the carnival tomorrow" she asked happily. "carnival, I thought it was an amusement park" I said. "oh it is. they're having a carnival in the amusement park, it's like having a birthday party and a regular party in one place, oh it's going to be so much fun." she said and spin playfully making me smile. "so have you found a partner to go with you?" she asked. "yeah" I nodded, thinking about Leo. "well that's great, I'm taking Richard" she blurted out. "I know you told me this morning" I tell her and she grinned. "oh I did. Maybe I'm just too excited I forgot I did" "oh" I breathed out and walked away from her and to my bed bringing out the tickets from my bag. "give these to someone else I don't think I'll be needing them" I said handing her the tickets. "are you sure? But without this you can't get in" she said lowly. "I can and don't worry you'll see me there" I assured and she smiled "okay!" she said and took the tickets from my hand. "goodnight Pen" she squealed and walked out my apartment, no matter how many time I've seen her she's just so full of energy. I wish I was like that. I got back to my bed and took my shoes off and laid back staring at the ceiling, I got surprise call from my dad and we both talked till I fell asleep without showering. The next day, I woke up as late as ever. since I've been given the permission to stay home today, I heard someone banging my door but I was still too sleepy to yell come in or stand up to get It. So I just ignored the sound and fall asleep again. After hours of sleeping so well I woke up. Finally. And gave a happy stretch, there's nothing like sleeping too well. I got out of my princess bed and walked into my bathroom taking off all my clothes and got under the shower. After bathing I started a rally in my closet looking for clothes to wear, after littering all my clothes in the whole house, I gave up and wore a jean blue short and a black shirt, then shoved my clothes back in my closet. I plopped down onto my bed and drag out my hair-dryer from my drawer, plugged it and start to dry my hair.. I heard someone knock on my door and just as I stood up to get the door it opened and Leo walked. "hey" he smiled. "how impatient are you that you couldn't even wait for me to open the door?" I asked and placed my hands on my hips dramatically. "well at least I knocked" he said with a shrug. "well at least you knocked" I mimicked his voice and rolled my eyes. "what if I was naked or putting on clothes?" I asked almost angrily. "well there's no difference cause there will be nothing for me to actually see or be surprised at" he smirked and I gasped. "perv.." I murmured and walked back to my bed drying the remaining of my hair. While he just stood still at the edge of my bed watching me. When I was done, i packed up my hair and turned to where he's standing "done" I smiled "you've wasted like five hours drying those hair" he teased looking at his watchless wrist. Making me roll my eyes. "so you ready?" he asked. "yeah." I mumbled. I'm so ready for that carnival thing or whatever Olivia called it.. * Leo and I got out of my apartment building and got into his car and he started driving. The both of us remained quiet as he drove into the lonely road, I just kept looking out the window at passers by, and then I saw Amanda, Mason's sister, she saw me And we both share a quick wave. I turned to my side and saw a white paper lying at edge of the seat I was sitting and I grabbed it, and turned the other side to see it's actually a photo not a plain paper. Inside the photo was a woman and a man but the man's head had been ripped off from the picture, the woman looked a little bit like Leo with her elegant dark hair that fell to her waist. So I asked. "is this your mom?" "I don't know, maybe." Leo replied still focused on the road. "maybe?,, don't you know your mom" I asked. "I grew up with my dad so I don't really know my mom," he replied "oh, she's really pretty" I said and smiled at the picture. "if she's pretty then I'm pretty too right?" Leo smiled and Turned to me for a reply but I just gave him my recent 'eye roll'. "don't flatter yourself" I repeated his words from this morning and he laughed, I dropped the picture and turned my face to my front and let out a loud gasp almost screaming. "what's wrong?" Leo asked and glance at me a little startled. And I pointed happily. "it's a Ferris wheel, I can see it from here" I said happily, "we're almost at the amusement park" I beamed. I Iooked closer and I could also see a rollercoaster, a skyroaster and other tall amusing rides I've never seen before. "oh I can also see a rollercoaster ride and a skyroaster ride," I said to Leo, feeling so excited. I've never been to an amusement park before even as a child or an adult. and going there now is making me feel all excited I can't help it. "wow I didn't know you get excited at stupid things like this" Leo said and I hit his arm. "they're not stupid, they're magically" I said and Leo scoffed which turned into a laugh. "magical my foot" Finally we got to the amusement park and he parked outside, we both got down from his car and couldn't help being all jumpy and happy. We got to the entrance where two huge men stood wearing some kind of masquerade mask. "ticket please!" they said to two couples who stood in front of us and the Two couples handed their ticket to one of the huge men, and they walked in. Leo and I walked closer to them and one bowed his head a little. "welcome sir, have fun" he smiled showing his white teeth. Leo nodded and was about walking in when the man stopped us "excuse me ma'am" he said, referring to me, I hated the idea of being called mama but I just turned to him. "yes." I smiled "your ticket please" he said. "but I'm.. "can't you see she's with me" Leo said huskily glaring at the man, "oh sorry I didn't know, please have fun" the man said with a forced smile. I gave him a not-so-friendly look and walked in with Leo. I gasped when 'we' walked in cause there were just so many people. So many rides, so many festive games that instead of the butterfly feelings in my stomach, I felt something bigger like dragons inside my stomach. I was just so excited. "so what do... "let's go ride the rollercoaster" I cut him off. "wow. You seem excited as ever, it'll be okay if you just breathe and we'll go there" he said and I rolled my eyes. "if you're not going then I'll just leave without you" I said and was about to walk away but he pulled me back. "what If you get lost in this big crowd" he asked and I scoffed. "I'm not a child Leo" "oh really, judging from the way you're being jumpy and happy for coming here, there's no difference from you and a child" he smirked. "OK shut up Leo, or I'm leaving without you" I snapped. "save your breath, I'm coming" he said, and we started to walk, he was still holding my hand and just as I was about to make a comment on it, he let's go of it and held it again, this time clasping our fingers together. I looked at it and my voice failed to come out and comment on it, and when he saw me looking at our hands he asked "what?" "uhm.. Nothing" I replied and looked away. "what, you haven't held a guy's hand before?" he smiled looking down at me. "it's not that, just shush" I said and rolled my eyes. "don't worry I'm just holding so you won't get lost" he smiled, "have I ever told you, you're an annoying person?" "no." "well you are" I said And he just laughed. . T. B. C. By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 06:50
DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 33? Leo and I got close to the rollercoaster and there's was a sign that said "rollercoaster one dollar per person", and I couldn't help the wide grin that laid on my face. This is amazing, there was a woman in front of the sign who seemed like she was the one collecting the cash. When Leo and I got to her, she greeted Leo politely and gestured her hand for him to go forward without taking anything from him. I couldn't help being jumpy. The two of us walked to the beginning of the rollercoaster where it was still close to the ground and where the car or boat or whatever it is called that will ride us through the rollercoaster. Inside the car thing, there were ten seats, two at the front two at the middle and two at the back. With another two seat at the back making it for ten passengers, there were already four seats that were taken and it was around the back side leaving the front seats open. "let's get in the front" I tell Leo. "why? I hate front seat" he said irritatingly. "well hate it, I'm getting in" I said and let go of him walking to the car thingy' why got in, placing like the seatbelt around my body. Leo sighed as I glance at him and he walked up to me and sat down down on the seat beside mine. "thought you aren't going to get in" I said but he just looked away, we waited patiently until more people got in for it to be full, and finally it was filled with people and the lady who was standing in front of the ride walked up to us, Leo and I, and crossed an iron handle over our legs. "this will prevent you from falling even when your seatbelt are out" she said and I nod happily, while Leo just scoffed. "okay everyone fasten your seatbelt and you'll be good to go" the lady informed. And everyone fastened their seatbelt but I didn't have to cause I already did. The Lady move to where it seemed like a metal box but it has different colours of small round or square shapes and i assumed that must be the control buttons. "okay everyone! Your will bring in 3 2 1..." the lady yelled and pulled down something like a lava I think. And the car started to move up slowly.. "OMG. OMG.. OMG.. ... I started to murmur as it was moving.. "if you're so scared then why did you get in" Leo said. "I'm not scared,.. I'm.. I'm just warming up" I lied, maybe I'm so excited but I'm a little bit scared, well excited and scared "well if you're scared you could always hold my hand, cause you don't want to know how you'll be when this thing start to move fast up and down the coaster ride" he said and I rolled my eyes "no need. I'm not that scared" I said and he shrugged and said "we'll see" .. The car starts to move up and it was getting really fast and my breathing hitched. The heavy wind has already take control of my hair and it's like we're getting close to the sky . Immediately the car sped up and I gasped and without thinking I held Leo's hand and he laughed lightly, some girls had Start to scream behind us happily as everyone's hair was roaring in the wind. We got above the coaster ride and I could see the entire amusement park and so many people.. I wanted to talk but the wind was so strong due to the fact that we're driving speedily and we're way up above the ground like it feels like I could touch the sky, so instead I let out a happy scream letting the wind take my voice.. And before I knew it my hair was all over my face and getting into my mouth, the wind is too strong it must have slip my rubberband off my hair. I was about removing my hand out of Leo's and move my hair back but he beat me to it. Moving my hair back with his other hand. "thanks" I said lowly but I doubt heard me. "we're going down" Leo tells me and with speed the car faced down and started to go all the way making all the girls in the ride scream including me, and holding Leo tightly, the car went up and down like a dozen times before it finally reached the end of the ride and started to slow down and then it stopped.. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and start to walk out of the car thing. While I took my time to breathe in before unbuckling my seatbelt, Leo has already gotten out and as I was about getting out, I lost my balance and almost falling but he caught me. "you need to be careful." he said as he let's go of me. "thanks" I mumbled while he shrugged, we walked away from the rollercoaster ride, and I was still loosing my balance not walking straight. "are you okay?" he asked, as he held my arm, stopping me from walking. "why do you ask I'm fine" I replied not feeling too good. I was feeling a bit nauseous and I don't like it. "you don't walk straight and... He paused. "your face is all red" he said making me touch face.. "but I feel fine" I said slipping my arm out of his hand and was about to walk away when a heavy wave of nauseousness hit me and I held my mouth and ran to a lonely place were no one was only tall grasses.. I bent down immediately and puked on the grass coughing after it. "oh my God Penelope" Leo sighed behind me and handed me his handkerchief. And I slowly took it from him, stood up wiping my mouth, "sorry you have to see that" I said and he fold his arm and looked at me with a small mocking smile. "what?" I asked.. "you were just so excited on getting a rollercoaster ? ride not knowing your body isn't strong enough for it." he scoffed and I looked away. "well that' doesn't matter anymore cause the ride's over and I'm fine" I blurted loudly. "yeah really, what if you passed out in the middle of the ride" he assumed. "but I didn't." I said and he sighed and shook his head. "let's go get ice-cream or cotton candy" I tell him quickly changing the subject and pulling his arm making him release his folded arm.. After my small vomit I think I feel a little bit okay. We passed through thousands of people just to get to a man and he cart where he sells cotton candy. "two cotton candy please!" I said to the man cheerfully almost sounding like Olivia. "what flavour?" the man asked. "uhh.. I said and glance at Leo who doesn't seem interested in what I'm buying. "strawberry?" I said and the man nodded. "strawberry, why do all girls like strawberry flavors" Leo asked. "I just didn't know if he'll have other flavours, cause isn't strawberry the only flavour in cotton candy?" I said lowly to Leo and he smiled "you kind of have a point" I shrugged and turned to the man and he handed me two cotton candy, and I gave one to Leo. "are you trying to insult me?" he asked looking around. "what? Are you embarrassed of eating just a cotton candy?" I asked. "of course how old do you think I am, five?" "three" I tell him and he rolled his eyes. "look around you Leo, look how many people are eating cotton candy, it doesn't matter how old or how you seem to appear, it's about how much fun you're having." I explained And he sighed and shyly took it from my hand.. I paid the man and told him to keep the change cause well the excitement is still bubbling in me and I just had to do that. "why didn't you let me pay" Leo asked as we walked away. "just because you're rich doesn't mean you have to deal with everything that involves money, and mostly not around me" I stated, shoving a hand full of cotton candy in my mouth. "that is offending" he said and I gave him an apologetic look even though I'm right. A girl suddenly walked passed us and bumped into me making my cotton candy fall from my hand and touching the sandy ground. She looked at me and ignored the fact that she bumped into me or that she should apologize.. She was about walking away when Leo pulled her back. "what the hell.!" she said and turned to see that Leo was the one who held her. "apologize" Leo said to her, his eyes darkening. "why would I apologise to you I didn't-- "not me. Her!" Leo cut her off and she turned to me "I'm sorry." she said angrily. "it's okay" I breathed. "Leo let's go of her and she glared at me before walking away. "you didn't have to do that you know" I said moving my hair back. "she was being stupid and I had no choice" he said and I sighed, I looked down and saw my cotton candy on the floor melted and contaminated with dirt. "here, you can have mine" Leo said making me raise my head up and giving it to me. "you don't have to g-- I haven't completed my words when he grabbed my hand and place the cotton candy there. "I didn't have an appetite for it anyway" he said and I smiled. "thank you". "you're not welcome" he said smiling a bit,.. I didn't know if it was my imagination or something, cause his was definitely sweeter than mine. We both started to Walk again seeing many games, rides and people. I didn't want to get in any ride cause I don't want to end up embarrassing Leo by puking, and I really wanted to get on the Ferris wheel. I gasped when I saw an eye catching game. "what?" Leo asked tracing my eyes.. He saw the small tent where the game was being held and he sighed. "do you have to be such a lame person" he said dryly but I ignored his words and said "come-on" we got close to the tent and on top of the tent they boldly wrote , "CROSS BOW SHOOT". "I love this game like so much," I said taking the last bite out of my cotton candy and throwing the stick away. "this game, you play it by shooting all the little balloons on top of those dolls heads with that gun" I tell him pointing the doll, the balloons and the gun which the barker the owner o the game held. His eyes eyes turn to me and he pointed the gun to me. Making me move back a bit. "miss want to give my game a try?" he smiled and I nod happily, pushing Leo away, who was in front of me and going in front of the tent . . The barker handed me his gun and grinned, "it's ten cents for playing a round miss" he said and I dipped my hand into my pocket to see if I have any coin but I didn't , Leo quickly handed the man some cash leaving him surprised and I gave him an annoyed look while he shrugged. "you can take as many rounds as you want miss" the barker said dipping the money in his wallet. "see miss, the gun you're holding is filled with tiny darts, and above this dolls head are tiny water balloons if you happen to shoot all five of the water balloon then you win that big doll over there" he said and pointed to a very huge stuffed teady bear with a heart shape on his stomach, I gasped at how huge the bear is, it might be a little taller than me. "and if you happen to shoot from three and Below, you'll get one of those" he said and his hand pointed to a medium sized stuffed animal toys, "I'm going to win that one" I stated and pointed to a panda doll.. "good luck" the barker said and moved away so I can see and shoot the water balloons. I pointed the gun to the first water balloon on top of the standing doll head and my hand couldn't stop being shaky cause it felt like a real gun. I pulled the trigger and shook, and instead of hitting the water balloon it hit the standing doll. I sighed and tried again but I missed, I tried again and missed, Leo who seemed like he was getting bored snatched the gun from me. "move, your girly hands are not fit for this game, you don't even know how to hold the gun" he said making me roll my eyes. "and I assume you're a pro" I said sarcastically and he smiled. "watch and learn" he said and scoffed. He raised the gun up and his eyes darkened as he pointed to the first water balloon, the barker and I gasped loudly when he shoot all the five water balloons successfully.. "wow that was amazing." I shout and walked up to him. "that was indeed a High score" the barker said smiling and, Leo proudly dropped the gun and smiled arching his brows at me. "I could have gotten a high score too I just wasn't paying attention" I said and he laughed. "here, you earned this" the barker said and handed Leo the big teddy bear, Leo tried to return it but I dragged it from him and the barker. "I'll take that" I tell the barker and he smiled .."that thing is clearly bigger than you" Leo said. "I don't care, I'm going to brag to Kirana that I won it and Mason too" I said happily and Leo laughed.. We walked away from the cross bow shoot game with the barker waving to us. And gosh the teddy bear was huge and covering my face I couldn't see where I was going, Leo saw me struggling with the teddy bear and took it from my hand. "thanks" I breathed. "we should rest a bit" I said "oh you're tired?" he asked mockingly. "don't get on my nerves" I tell him and he laughed, by my right eye, I saw two couples kissing and when I turned fully it was Olivia and Richard. I felt a little sad about it, I thought nothing was going on between them. I sighed hating it that I'm actually feeling sad about it, my fingers went numb as I watched them kiss and immediately I felt Leo's hand around on my shoulder "don't tell me you're getting jealous" he said looking at me cautiously. "I'm not jealous" I said lowly looking at my feet. "let's get out of here" I said and Leo nodded without arguing with me. He let's go of my shoulder and we both turned about to walk away when I heard my name. I turned and saw Olivia running up to me and Richard walking as slowly as ever behind her. "hey Olivia I didn't see you there" I said and gave her a faux smile. "I was with Richie over there, I didn't know you'll bring Leo, hi Leo" she said waving to Leo who just nodded at her. Richard got to us and just gave Leo and I a simple hi, and I crystal clear ignored him when I didn't want to. "wow! Did You guys win that bear at cross bow shoot?" olivia asked happily. "yeah Leo won it for me" I lied, Leo didn't want it or even wanted to win it for me. "wow. Leo you're awesome," Olivia grinned. "yeah he is" I said and Leo glance at me. "Richie tried to win it for me but he couldn't" Olivia said. With no sad emotion in her voice. "such a disappointment" I said and glance at Richard who looked away as I said that. "even though he didn't win the bear, we still had a lot of fun" she said happily and held Richard's arm. "well Leo and I have to go, see you at home!" I said and immediately turned hearing her happy "bye" Leo and I Walked away from them and I couldn't help the small angry frown that laid on my face. "let's go home" I tell Leo. "why? because your ex fiancee was kissing your neighbour?" Leo asked and I sighed. "I hate that it's bothering me but I can't do anything" "how about one more ride before we leave, I don't care if you puke" Leo said with a smile. "if you're trying to cheer me up, don't! Cause it won't work" I said and he laughed. "we'll see about that" he said and pulled my hand dragging me toward the Ferris wheel. *. Leo and I had so much fun, and him trying to cheer me up worked and I couldn't be more glad, finally we were ready to go home and the day was already getting dark, Leo and I found our way through the crowd and to the gate, we walked out of the amusement park and got in his car, throwing the teady bear at the back seat. He drove me home and when I got down from his car I started to feel sleepy. "okay goodnight" I wave to him and started to walk inside the building when he called me back. "aren't you forgetting something?" he asked, and I gasped. "yeah my teddy" I said he smiled and brought it out from his car handing it over to me. "so what would you name it?" he asked. "is it a must?" I asked and he nods. "I'll just name it John, one of my dead goldfish when I was in grade six" I said and he laughed. "okay you're funny, instead of giving it a dead deceased goldfish name, why not give it Leo. As in me, cause I won it" he said and I scoffed. "you didn't want it so I took it and that means I'll name it Penny" I tell him "okay since I won it and you took it why not give it, Leopenny" he smiled. "or PenLeo" I stated. "no Leopenny" he said "okay fine, whatever" I rolled my eyes, I don't need to argue with him its my doll and I can call him whatever I want. And I'm getting sleepy anyway. I turned to take the teddy and myself to my apartment when I lost my balance falling the teddy bear and me falling on top of the teddy. "seems like the Teddy's to heavy for you" Leo laughed. "can you just help me up" I half yelled and he smiled and helped me up grabbing the teddy, "I'll carry this up for you" he said. Leo helped me carry Leopenny or PenLeo or whatever his name is upstairs and to my apartment door and I thanked him and as he dropped the teddy in front of my door. "no need to thank me" he said and I smiled. "okay goodnight" I said as I opened my door, and before I knew it Leo pulled my head forward and kissed me. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE.
30 Aug 2019 | 06:56
DANGEROUS✖✖ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 34 (kisses) Leo suddenly pulled my head forward and kissed me, his lips were soft and warm that I couldn't find myself to push him away, he pulled away from the kiss and smiled. "goodnight" he said before walking away. I stood still at my doorstep frozen, lost and confused, "why did Leo kiss me?" I ask my self. Why did he kiss me and smiled like it was a pretty normal thing between us. I couldn't define what I was feeling now but I know being confuse is one of those feeling. The sound of someone slamming his-her Door snapped me about of my reverie and I breathe in heavily. I turned my head to the teddy bear and sighed heavily almost feeling like crying, what's this feeling. I walked up to the teddy bear and opened my door, and dragging the teddy bear inside with me. I placed the teddy bear beside my bed on the floor in a sitting position and I threw my bag on my bed, after that I walked to the bathroom. Under the showers I kept thinking of the kiss not knowing I spent almost an hour in the shower. After taking my bath, I changed into my pajamas and plopped tiredly on my bed. Today was supposed to be a great day but Leo ruined it, well not that he ruined it but he kissed me and that's.. That's.. I don't even know what to say about it. I turned to the teddy and sighed at its smiley face, I touched it's nose and sighed again. "Leopenny.." I called slowly staring at the teddy bear . "why do you think Leo kissed me?" "does he like me?" I asked dumbly and rolled my eyes when I realize I was talking to a stuff toy, "I must be going crazy" I tell myself and breathe in heavily. I looked up at my ceiling and I kept staring at it. I started feeling stuffy on the bed and I got down from it and walked to my small balcony. I looked up at the sky and watch as the starts twinkle weakly. I grunt when I heard a knock on my door and walked out of my balcony and got to my door, I opened it and saw Olivia in her pajamas grinning from ear to ear. "what are you doing here?" I asked dryly not really looking forward to her company. "well I just came to talk before sleeping, since you're the only friend I have in the whole building,.. Can I come in" she squeaked. "make yourself at home" I said plainly and walked away from the door making her walk in happily, she closed the door and walked up to me on the bed and smiled widely seeing.. Leope.. I mean the teddy bear. "wow it's blends with your apartment so much" She said happily and walked up to it. "so what do you want to talk about, I'm feeling sleepy" I lied. "about anything." she said and we both remained quiet before she said. "how did you enjoy the carnival today?" Don't remind me,.. I wanted to tell her but I stopped myself. Well it was actually fun, it's just that Leo had to.. Gosh that kiss me making me uncomfortable. "it was fun" I said stretching my lips to smile. "but wait I don't get it!" she said titling her head cutely. "why would you and Leo go to the carnival together when he has a girlfriend" she questioned and I sighed and laid on my bed. "they broke up" I said "oh" she breathed out. "I may not have seen her before but you two totally suit each other" she said grinning which made me gave her a hard stare. "sorry if you don't like that" she apologized. "what about you, did you have fun?" I asked "so much" she said and spread out her arms dramatically. "even though I had so many rides and played many games and meet many people, my best part was kissing Richie." she said staring at the floor, maybe recalling the kiss. "you guys kissed?" I asked, pretending I didn't know "yeah we did" she smiled. "are you guys dating?" I asked, she still doesn't know he's my ex fiancee so she wouldn't get any idea that I'm jealous even though I'm not... Anymore . "we're not dating. Well yet.. But back at the amusement park, he said he wanted to tell me something and when I asked him what, he just pulled me and kissed me, I didn't understand why he did that but I reciprocated and after the kiss I saw you guys" she explained and I nod. So he's just kissing random girls.. Well I don't care it's his life, what's my business. I closed my eyes and breathed out slowly, Olivia was saying something but I wasn't really paying attention or listening, then she tapped me and I opened my eyes. "are you sleepy? Should I leave?" she asked and I nod. "okay sleepy tight and goodnight" she said happily and got up from my bed before walking outside. I close my eyes and tried to process everything that's happening around me, that happened today hours, minutes ago and in my head. But before I knew it I fell asleep. . ¤¤ LEO'S POV ¤¤ I got home and threw my car keys carelessly on the couch and walk upstairs to my room Today has been one hell of a day and it was also a day to never forget, I took off my shoes and sat on my bed, my elbow placed on my knees and my face buried in my hand. I kissed Penelope. I don't know what suddenly gave me the courage to do that but I did and was surprised at myself when I found myself kissing her. And after kissing her i didn't even explain to her why I did that, I just smiled and blurted out goodnight like a fool, then walked away. she's going to be so confused, I hope she doesn't hate me for not giving her an explanation.. Gosh I don't want to regret this kiss but thinking of her reaction and the fact that I let her solve my kissing puzzle at her doorstep is just so stupid of me. I should have apologized or lied it was a mistake, but that wasn't a mistake even the walls could tell the kiss wasn't a mistake, I hate myself for doing that. Lately she's been on my mind, everything I do reminds me of her, I've been so fond of her I can't do a day without being with her. And she's just so small, skinny and fragile that I feel like protecting her every time she's beside me and when I held her hand yesterday It just felt so warm and little inside mine, that I resisted every urge not to kiss her at the amusement park. There's no surprise that I'm in love with Penelope. Even my house password is her name, Pen. 16514 P- is the sixteenth number in the alphabet, 16. E- is the fifth number in the alphabet, 5. And then N- is the fourteenth number, which makes it, 16514, spelling pen in alphabetical order. I moved my hair back cause all this is freaking me out, cause I think I'm going to be in love with her for the rest of my life with her not responding the feelings. Cause I don't think she's ready to be with any guy ever since Richard. But that dude's crazy, a sweet girl like Penelope just about to marry her and he screws it up. What was he thinking, yesterday the look in his eyes shows he still loves her. He failed to make eye contact with her anytime she looks at his direction and then he looks at her like he's seen angel when she looked away. Girls like her, you don't let go easily cause you can never grab a hold of them back, not even a strand of their hair. I pulled my hair back with full force and laid on my back, I think I'm going crazy, no I'm already going crazy, she's making me go crazy, not the fact that I kissed her tonight but the fact that I'm never going to kiss her or be with her, and that I'm giving to face her tomorrow.. . ¤¤ PENELOPE'S POV ¤¤ The Next morning I woke up from my deep slumber and found tears lying at the corner of my eyes. I sat down and last night memory rushed into my head when I looked at the teddy bear.. and I groaned... I walked slowly to my bathroom and grabbed my toothpaste and toothbrush. As I slide the paste on my brush I sighed, I can't believe I'm going face Leo today and somehow I want him to give me an explanation for that kiss and somehow I don't want him to. I took my and got dressed before grabbing my bag and walking out of my apartment. I got to Leo's house and as I typed in his password my hands were shaking slightly , I breathed in heavily and said to myself, "you don't need to be nervous.". I walked in and suddenly paused when I saw him coming down from the stairs, he was wearing his fancy expensive robe and which was showing off his chest a bit, his long hair was wet which made it look so much darker, I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat when his eyes dart to my, his wet lashes dangling on top of his eyes as he blinked. "g...goodmorning" he said forcing a smile which failed to appear. "" my voice cracked and I felt like dying. I looked away and walked up to couch slowly dropping my bag, "I'll make breakfast" I tell him and he nods. "uh okay" I walked into the kitchen and breathed properly, we're both acting like immature and I couldn't hate myself Less. I prepared breakfast like always and before I know it, we were both sitting together at the dining table eating slowly and feeling awkward I don't know about him but I'm feeling awkward!. Finally I was done eating but he was still eating but I sat still not making any attempt to stand up. I need to know why he kissed me and I'm going to ask him why, right here right now. I sulked all the courage around me in and raised my head up to look at him. "about last night" we both said together and my eyes widen. "well you go first" he said and I nod. "well you said about last night too so you clearly know what I want to talk about" I tell him. "I do?" he smiled and I arched my eyebrows at him, the smile from last night.. "oh well, if it's about the kiss then I'm sorry" he said with a serious face and sucked his bottom lip in his mouth. "why did you do it." I asked inquisitively. "is it bad that I did?" "no not that it's a bad thing but.. I mean.. Yeah it is a bad thing for you to kiss me cause well. We're just friends.. Actually no, you're my boss and am your employee and we don't have that have that kind of relationship or did have that kind of relationship, I mean who kisses their employee" I said "most people do that" he laughed. "Leo this is not a laughing matter" I tell him. "what's there not laugh about it's just a kiss" he said. "just a kiss?" I asked, there's no such thing as just a kiss to me some people take kisses as greeting or as an appreciation but I take kisses as the touch or pressing of one's lips to another that can express sentiments of love, passion, romance, sexual attraction,.. "well if you're just so against it, you can forget about it okay?" Leo said without smiling this time. Forget about it, how can I forget that when he hasn't given me an explanation. "it's not that I'm ag-- "please. Just forget about it, I'm sorry for kissing you pen, is that apology okay or should I kneel" he yelled a bit making me flinch a little . "why are you suddenly getting angry"i yelled "you're the one getting angry" he yelled back . "I'm not you are!!" I yelled. "then why are you yelling?!!" he yelled very loudly. "I'm not yelli__ I sighed and stopped talking. "we're both yelling" I said lowly. "what I'm just saying its that it's just a stupid kiss and you should forget it ever did that and we should just continue with our lives" he said and I nod "yeah fine. It was just a stupid kiss anyway" I blurted out standing up and packing the dishes in front of. I was almost walking out of the kitchen when I stopped and without turning to face Leo I said. "I've planned to go see Mason this afternoon is my permission granted?" "yeah whatever" Leo said and walked out of the dining room first.. I sighed and walked out, judging from his reply I don't know what the hell he's angry about. After doing the dishes and resting a bit, sending and reviving text messages with Kirana, I decided it was time for to go see Mason, as I picked up my bag and wore my shoes, I saw Leo coming out of the kitchen and I turned my face back to my shoes. I stood up and moved my hair back. "okay I'll be leaving" I tell him. "should I give you a ride?" he asked calmly likewise the tone he had this mourning. "no it's okay I'll take the bus" I assured him and he nods and walked away while I walked out. I got to the hospital and met Amanda outside Mason's door, apparently she had happen to find out from Kirana that Mason's in the hospital cause Kirana accidently sent her a text message to come to hospital and see Mason instead of sending it to me. After waving goodbye to Amanda, I walked inside and saw Mason walking to his bed using crutches to support his legs and balance. "now look at my baby boy using his crutches." I said cheerfully as I walked in and he smiled seeing me. "please don't embarrass and close the door" he laughed and I laughed too and closed the door. "you can stand not now? And even walk?" I asked sitting down on his bed. "well I can stand, but walking not so much, I can walk but slower than a snail, the doctor said I'm recovering faster than ever," he explained and I smiled, "well that's a relief,, you're getting better but me I think I'm feeling sick myself" I said and sighed heavily "what's wrong is anything going on" he asked sitting down. "well no. But I've been getting tired lately" "what? Is Leo giving you a hard time at work?" he asked. Curiously. "ugh don't remind me" I blurted. "what he is?" "no he's not giving me a hard time, he's pretty cool, nice and sweet and he just do everything I ask him to do and sometimes do what I don't ask him to do, he's pretty considerate though but last night he..." I paused not having the audacity to finish my sentence. "he what?" mason persuaded. "he nothing." I smiled. "so when do you think you're getting discharged?" I asked, changing the subject "maybe next week I guess" "well I can't wait for your recovery" I said "thanks" he smiled. "you're welcome" We both remained quiet and Mason suddenly pulled his phone to his face cause maybe he received a text message I don't know but he dropped it down and sighed. Looking straight. "I love you" he said. "Huh..?" I turned to him. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE ✌
30 Aug 2019 | 06:58
DANGEROUS✖❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE?? . EPISODE 35? "I love you" mason said. "Huh?" I turned to him, "that's what my mom said" he said and he brought his phone closer to my face showing me the message. *i love you* his Mom wrote. "I mean if she loves me she wouldn't be telling me this through the phone but in my face, when Amanda found out about me being hospitalized, she told my mom and instead of her coming here she just send a stupid message saying she's too busy to come that I'm gonna be okay and that she loves you" mason spat angrily and I smiled. "you don't have to get angry mason, your mom loves you even if she sent it through a few phone in her she really means it, "what are you my mom? How would you know that?" he scoffed. "cause no mother would hate their child" I said and bat my lashes at him. "well that's easy for you to say, your mom loves you but when it comes to my mom. It's different" he sighed and pat his back. "look well even if you think she doesn't love you there's still your dad, Amanda me, Kirana and Richard there's still plenty of love to go around" I tell him and suddenly he turned his curious blue-eyes at me bringing his face closer to mine but not too close. "who's that girl anyway?" he asked. In a whisper "what girl?" I returned the question. "the one with the short black hair, that smiles too much" he replied. "short black hair.. " I mumbled trying to think of a girl with short black hair. "what's her name again, uhh.. Olive, Olly.. "oh Olivia" I exclaimed. "yeah, the one with Richard lately" he said and I rolled my eyes. "she's just some chick who's been clinging to Richard lately she's in love with him but I don't Richard's returning the feeling" I explained and Mason smiled weakly, "I know how that must feel" "what do you mean by that, know how what feels" I asked curiously. "to have feelings for someone and the person not returning that feeling, it hurts" he said with a sad sigh. "what, are you in love with someone?" I asked. "I'm afraid I am" he replied, looking down at his hands that were laying on his thigh and I gasped and moved closer to him. "who is it? I smiled and he turned to look at me and then he looked away. "no one" he mumbled. "is it a girl from Texas? Tell me is she pretty, who is she tell me" I beamed holding his arm. "it's no one" he said looking down shyly, his hair covering his face.. "hey why won't you tell me, I'm your bestfriend, we share everything together and don't think you can keep up with this cause you're so going to tell me" I said pulling his arm. "you're hurting me" Whined as I pulled his arm for him to speak. "I don't care if your arm falls off cause I want to know who you Mason of all people like, I bet Kirana knows, C'mon just tell me" I whined like a six years old swaying his arm. And he laughed lightly and said "okay okay, let go of my arm first and I'll tell you" "yay" I smiled and let go of his hand. "okay well the girl I like she stays here in Breek and well she just got a new apartment like you, she has red hair, golden-brown eyes, cute nose, beautiful lips and her name's Penelope Loretta vandale" he explained and slap him on the arm. "do I seem like a joke to you,!! Tell me or I crack your neck" I said placing my hand on his shoulder closer to his neck. "hey I already told you her name's Penelope Loretta vandale" he repeated laughing, he thinks I'm a joke. "you still don't want to tell me right!" I said holding his neck but very lightly and he was still laughing. The door opened and Kirana walked in with a plastic bag in her hand. "uh.. What's going on here? She asked slowly. I quickly got down from the bed and ran to her. Giving her a hug "gosh it's been so long since I've seen you in person" I said and she smiled and rolled her eyes "stop being cheesy" she tells me. "hey did you know that Mason here has a girl he likes and he doesn't want to tell me" I said quickly and Kirana glance at mason and they both exchanged weird glances with Mason shaking his head negatively a little at her. "uh. No I do not" she said slowly still looking at mason and by that attitude I know she knew something.. "you know?" I gasped at her "I don't" she quickly defended herself moving back a bit. "I Can tell you're lying" I said moving closer to her and she suddenly stood straight. "and what if I do happens to know the girl Mason likes and decide not to tell you" she said and I pout, "why wont you tell me?" "cause I don't want to" she said and moved me aside walking close to Mason "here. It's for you" she said and handed the plastic bag to Mason. "thanks" mason smiled and gently took it from her. "so you two are keeping secrets from me now isn't it?" I huffed placing my hands dramatically on my hips, "even if we tell you who Mason like you won't know her so stop bothering yourself" Kirana said and narrowed my eyes at her.. "still just tell me her name" I said. "Beatrice" she replied. "who's Beatri--- "I told you, you wouldn't know her now stop bothering me about that!!" kirana yelled. And I flinched "well I'm sorry for asking" I said lowly and moved back a bit and she sighed and walked up to me pulling me Into a hug. "look Pen, I'm sorry for yelling but you just ask so many questions at a time and it's brain crashing, Beatrice is a girl who lives in Breek and who mason likes, that's all I know, I'm sorry for yelling" she said and disengaged the hug "it's okay, I was being annoying too" I said and she smiled. "I met Maxwell yesterday" she smiled. "oh really!?" I beamed. "yeah I didn't know if it was me or he was looking smoking hot." she said and I laughed making her laugh too. "nerd love" Mason mumbled chewing on a doughnut. "nerd what?" Kirana yelling throwing him her purse and it hit him right in the face. "hey, I'm a patient here you don't hit a patient" Mason stated bitterly. "you seem more like a dead person than a patient to me" she said and he glared at her. I smiled cause they're back to their cat and dog cave of loathe. I phone started to ring and immediately brought it to my Face to see Leo's name on the screen. I sighed tiredly not wishing to pick this call.. I stared at the phone as it ring and Kirana turned to me. "aren't you going to pick that up? " she asked and glance at the screen to see that it was Leo. "well yeah I am" "then what are you waiting for?" she said and touched the answers button making me squeak a little and I placed the phone on my ear. "who's that" Mason mouthed to Kirana. "Leo" Kirana whispered and he nodded. "hey." I said dryly into the phone. "hi." he replied and we both remained quiet. I used to love the word silence or quiet but Leo is making me hate it. "so why are you calling?" I asked. "well I just wanted to check if you're still in the hospital" he said. "oh, yeah well I am" I tell him and I felt Kirana's ear suddenly pressed against the back of my phone to eavesdrop on our conversation, I tried to push her away and she glared at me and stayed like that eavesdropping on our conversation. "oh okay, should I come over?" he asked. "No. I mean why, I mean I'll be leaving soon anyway to make dinner anyway so there's no need to come" I said and laughed nervously. "oh okay?" he said lowly and I could hear the sadness in his voice. "okay, well can I hang up now?" I asked. "I remember it was me who called you pen, I'm suppose to hang up since it seems like you don't want to talk to me anymore on the phone too then you can hang up and don't worry while coming back from the hospital you don't have to come to work just go home," he tells me, his voice plain and low "are you firing me?" I gasped. "no why would I do that" he mumbled and I breathed out a sigh of relief. "okay then goodbye" he said. "bye" I said lowly and he hang up. I dropped my hand down and sighed while Kirana just looked at me weirdly. "is something going on between the two of you cause lately you guys seem close and now on the phone is something wrong cause the way he sounds and the way you reply it's just sound as if something off" Kirana Explained. "well nothing's going on between us don't get the wrong idea Ira" I said and she eyed me for calling her Ira. "you.. just keep lying to me, but don't worry I have spies watching you and Leo's every move" she said playfully and I rolled my eyes "Yeah right." "Oh you think I'm joking, then how do I know that you both went to the amusement parks together, rode on a rollercoaster, and you puked, and also Leo won a teddy bear for you which you named Leopenny." Kirana explained and I gasped. How did she know all of this. "a teddy bear? Leopenny?" Mason repeated and Kirana nodded at him. If she knows all of this then why didn't she know that Leo kissed me. "I think someone told you all this" I tell her. "no I was there myself I saw everything" she said loudly folding her hands. "if you were there when we named the teddy Leo Penny then you should have known it didn't ended there" I primped. "what? Did anything happen after that?" she asked holding me. "I thought you knew everything" I laughed. "well nothing happened I was just lying" I lied and she rolled her eyes. She, Mason and I talked for a while, well mostly Kirana and I did the talking cause Mason seemed lost in some kid of thoughts. Well after that I bid both of them goodbye and head home straight at Leo suggested. I got to my apartment and inserted my key into the lock. I opened my door and walked in but paused when I saw Leo sitting at the edge of my bed. "what are you doing here?" I almost screamed that out and he looked up and stood up. "oh you're here" he smiled "how did you get in?" I asked closing the door. "I kind of have a master keys that opens any lock" he said bringing out a fancy key from his pocket. I sighed and walked passed him and place my purse on my pillow. "okay what are you doing here?" I asked packing my hair up. "I'm here to apologize" he stated and I paused and look at him. "apologize for what?" "for my rude remarks and yelling this morning" he said "oh that, I totally forgot about that." I said and his brows arched at me. "no you haven't forgot about that cause you're kind of avoiding me since that" he said and I walked closer to him, "okay fine I kind of was, and I apologize to," I said and he smiled making his dimple appear. "so still friends?" he asked "yeah" I replied. "not the boss to employed friendship cause I don't like that" he said and I laughed. "of course not, we're normal friends real friends" I laughed and he smiled. "so I'm about making dinner, you joining?" I asked. "wouldn't miss it" . . I made dinner and Leo and i ate it together watching TV, instead of sitting around the dining table sitting and eating properly I was sitting on the floor and he was sitting at the edge of my bed, we were both eating and laughing Hard because of the comedy movie marathon we were watching. Not knowing it was late we were still watching the movie laughing, we've finished our dinner like since forever and before we know it the movie ended. "finally what a movie" I said standing up and grabbing my plate and Leo's. I gasped when my eyes fixated at the wall clock.. It was 11:50pm "Leo, it's almost twelve midnight aren't you going home" I asked and he shrugged. "maybe?" "maybe? Don't think you're having a sleepover here cause I won't allow that" I said and he smiled. "well how about a slumber party?" he beamed and I rolled my eyes. "it's the same thing you doofus" I said and he laughed which also came with a heavy yawn. "you can see I'm already sleepy so how do you expect me to drive" he murmured and laid his back on my bed sighing. "I don't care, leave before I get back" I said walking into the kitchen, I washed the dishes we used for dinner and after Cleaning my kitchen I washed my hands and walked out. "you haven't left yet?" I almost yelled when I saw Leo still laying on my bed. He didn't say anything so I just walked up to him and paused when I found out he was asleep. "Leo?." I called softly and shook his hand. "are you asleep" I asked softly and sighed when I touched his hand and he let out a heavy breath. I groaned and sat down beside him, how am I ever going to sleep with him here. I stood up and pulled the blanket over him, a little hospitality won't kill me. I turned to him as he adjusted a little on the bed stretching his lips and making a little dimple appear before fixing it to its normal state and sleeping soundly, I stared at him as he slept peacefully. And I saw some strands of hair on his face and my fingers went up to his forehead and moved it back, instead of dropping my hand to myself, I didn't know when my hand crawl down his face cupping his face. He's pretty gorgeous, I thought. My heart beat increased as I watched him sleep and as my hand laid on his face.. My thumb moved a little and touched his soft lips and I gulped, my face starts to move down on its own and I paused and gasped when my face were inches away from him.. What am I doing? I thought and let go of his face and stood up from my bed moving back slowly. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
30 Aug 2019 | 07:00
31 Aug 2019 | 12:18
i hope its not what i am thinking
31 Aug 2019 | 12:18
abeg come and update this story
11 Sep 2019 | 12:13
Am here ooooo
17 Sep 2019 | 18:15
@queenprecious1 @jehliohn @bimpevics Am back
17 Sep 2019 | 18:28
DANGEROUS✖❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 36 / 37 That night I couldn't sleep, not with Leo in my bed but with the way I'm feeling and acting right now, it's strange and I hate it. Afraid of almost kissing Leo while he's asleep, I sat down on the floor at the edge of my bed. My hands wrapped around my legs and my forehead laid gently on my knees, I sighed loudly staying like that for some time before falling asleep. The next morning I woke up to find myself on the bed, alone, and my blanket over my body, I remembered yesterday night and how I slept on the floor because of Leo. And I pondered on how I got on the bed, I gasped when my mind guessed it might be Leo who carried me up here. I got down from the bed and yawned a bit before walking into the bathroom, after taking my bath I put on my clothes and truth be told I wasn't feeling like going to work, well not because of Leo or my outrageous behaviour last night but because I'm feeling tired and my head was hurting a bit. I walked out of my apartment building and head to the bus stop. I got to Leo's house and I opened the door and walked in, I saw him talking on the phone and I quietly dropped my bag on the couch he was sitting on, and he Turned and notice me. I tried to smile but I was taken aback by the heaviness of my head and my smile faded.. "I'll talk to you later" he tell the person on the phone. And hang up. "hi Good morning" he smiled. "good morning" I replied without smiling and my voice came out weak... "sorry about last night though. I made you sleep on the floor" he quickly said. "it's okay" I said, the past is in the past he doesn't need to bring that up. "so I'll just go make breakfast" I said quickly And he nods while I walked away. Making breakfast wasn't as easy as before cause I didn't have the strength to do so my hands felt shaky and the heaviness of my head was getting worse. But still I made breakfast successfully but didn't have the appetite to eat. "aren't you eating?" Leo asked as we both sat down around the dining table.. "I don't feel like eating" I said dryly and he nods and start to eat.. I glance at him and watched as he ate and stare at his phone in anticipation at the same time and wondered who he was texting that he's so into his phone than his food, his eyes turned to me and I suddenly looked away not wanting him to see I was staring at me, but it was too late cause he caught me and that was embarrassing to death. I glance up at him again and sighed softly when I found him looking at his phone and not at me, as I watched his dark eyes roam his phone, I recalled last night and bit my bottom lip for my stupid attitude towards him. . *no I'm not falling inlove with him* I tell myself and covered my face with my palm, I don't want to fall in love again..cause I don't want my heart broken twice, even if I don't get my heart Broken twice I'm still afraid to fall, cause I've come to learn that nothing lasts forever. I placed my head on the table and sighed "you okay?" Leo asked and I turned my face to look at him "what makes you think I'm not" I said slowly. "I don't know seems like you're thinking about something, you hid your face in your palm and you kept sighing and now you're laying your head on the table, are you feeling guilty of what you did yesterday?" he smiled. Taking his last bite and diluting his meal with the bottle water beside him. "feeling guilty of what?" I asked raising my head up. "you don't remember?" he asked still smiling and for first time his smile made me felt cold. "remember what?" I asked. "okay lemme give you a hint, I'm a light sleeper" he tells me and I tilt my head in confusion still wondering on where he's trying to head to and my eyes widen when I suddenly realise his words. He's a light sleeper, so he must have known that I touched his face and almost kissed him. Oh my god this is.. This is embarrassing. "i-i.. I.. I.. I.." I fumble my words and he laughed and stood up. "oh I guess you remember now, and by the way, you've got soft hands" he nods at me and carried his plates, smiled at me before walking out of the dining room. I sat still frozen and freaking out on the inside, this is so... Embarrassed I feel like choking myself, so he actually knew I tried to kiss him, he must have felt my breath on his face.. This is not funny at all. I placed my head on the table again and huffed, I tried to stand up but my body failed me and I tried again and stood up but almost lost my balance when it seems like my head was in control of my body cause it felt heavy and was throbbing badly. I slowly walked to the living room using the walls to balance myself, I didn't see Leo in the living room when I got there but I just didn't care at the moment cause I think something's wrong with me, my eyes felt like misty like I was about to cry and at the same time it felt like It was getting pricked by needles.. I groaned when the throbbing in my head became worse and I closed my eyes and rested my head on the couch and just then I heard his footstep, I opened my eyes and saw him walking up to me smiling. "so... Still feeling guilty ab-- "uhh.. Are you okay?" he asked when I closed my eye again cause opening them it feels as if they're on fire. I started to feel cold and my head kept on throbbing. "pen. Are you okay?" he asked again. But I couldn't reply him cause I was falling asleep but I could see still hear his voice. I felt his warm hand on my neck and I felt my body vibrated under his touch. "Geez. Pen you're burning up" he said, why would my body be hot when I feel so cold, I wanted to tell him but it feels like my life depended on sleeping like right away. "I think you have a fever" I hear him say and that was the last thing I heard him say before falling asleep. * I woke up and my head was still pounding and I still felt cold, my vision was blurry but I cleaned my eyes and sat properly, I touched my body and noticed it was still pretty hot. My vision became clear and I noticed myself on a huge round bed, fancy and huge, the walls were silk gold paintings and the curtains were to die for, it was gold and thick, the ground were golden tiles I think and in the middle of the room was a black or purple rug that covered the golden floor.. The room was a bit dark due to the closed windows but you could still see how Rich, beautiful and fancy it is . . I was about coming down from the bed when the door opened and the room lights were turned on revealing the complete beauty of the room and I selfishly wished my apartment could be like this. "oh thank goodness you're awake" Leo said with a glass of water in his hand. "you kind of scared me though, I mean you just suddenly fell asleep and I thought you were kind of dead" he said and laughed to himself. He walked up to me and gave me the glass of water. And I gave him a "what's-this-for?" look. "I just came back from the hospital not too long ago and I explained your situation to a doctor and he said you have a mere fever and it nothing to worry about and he prescribed some pills for me, well you..." he said and chuckled at his mistake, he opened his golden drawer and brought out a plastic bag and I don't know why everything's mostly gold in his room. He sat down on the bed beside me and poured out everything from the plastic bag and it was just pills meant for me. "here you're going to take this one, two pills two times in a day morning and night and so is this one.. And this you'll just take this one just for today and lastly you're taking this one, three in just a day, any time of the day, all before or after a meal" he explained and I nod grabbed one of the medicine. "you can't take anyone cause you haven't eaten Anything yet" he said and I sighed. "there's some leftovers from breakfast I'm sure I can take like one or two bites from there" I shrugged and he nods. "I'll go get them" I said standing up. "no it's okay, you're the sick one I'll get it, and it's kind of all my fault though, I let you sleep on the cold floor last night taking over your bed" he said and stood up. "oh, no it's not your fault" I said lowly trying not to make him feel guilty and trying to make him forget about last night and stop bringing it up!!. "it's my fault" he said plainly and before I know it he left the room, I sighed and placed the blanket over my legs cause I was still feeling cold. I rested my head on his huge pillows and sniffed in air but instead I persevered his smell and it felt like he was here. And thinking of his presence it felt warm and I hugged the pillow tightly. Just then the door opened and 'he' walked in with my food,. "it's weird you're hugging my pillow but I'm not gonna ask questions your food's here" he said and I let go of the pillow feeling a bit embarrassed by that cause it was because of him I was hugging that pillow and now I'm feeling stupid for doing that. "I was feeling cold and I just thought that was the easiest way to keep myself warm.. " I said and he smiled and shrug.. Nice one Pen. I tell myself. I started to eat slowly still having no appetite but because of the pills I'll be taking I had to force myself. Leo watched me with every bite I take and that just made me uncomfortable and more sick. "you know, I'd be able to eat more, if you just don't look at me" I said and he laughed and looked away. "sorry" he apologized . After eating I took the pills I'm supposed to take today and the one I'm taking anytime of the day. After taking them, I rested my head on the wall and pulled the blanket over my body. Leo sat still at the edge of the bed well I don't know if that was the edge of the bed cause it's a round bed and all sides are the edge. But anyway he sat at the edge of the bed faraway from me since it was a huge bed and we both remained quiet. "thanks Leo." I breathed out. "for what?" he asked looking at the ceiling. "for everything you did now" I said slowly and he smiled. "no big deal, friends help each other even in their darkest days" he said and I smiled. He's a real charmer. We both kept quiet again and I just stay still and few minutes later the heaviness of my head start to drop, but it was still throbbing a bit and I was still feeling cold but I know I was getting a little better. I turned my head to my right and saw that he had a golden mirror hanging on the wall.. "why did you make everything in here gold?" I asked looking at his room. "well it's a long story" he said and shrugged at me. "lucky you, I love stories" I said and he smiled. "okay well I'll just cut it short cause I hate stories,.. Well I never got to know my mom but I've leaved with my dad and he's an asshole.. He's strict and sometime's I assume he was the one who killed my mom even though she was died in a car accident, i guess. . This isn't a fun or meaningful story but anyway, my dad and I.. well.. My dad was not as rich as me we barely eat and he did all he could to make money but he couldn't and then he started to drink and then he'll come home everyday crying about how he failed my mom and how he couldn't make her live in gold like he promised to. And after he'd cry he'll make me promise him to get really wealthy and make him live in gold and well I promised him. And well at the age of nineteen I got this job and well let's just said that job made me where I am today, I got rich at the age of twenty and well I fulfilled my Dad's promise, we use to both live in this house and the whole living room used to be gold and everything around the house, and my dad was proud of me but not too long he died. His death didn't really get to me cause I didn't really like him, but since I didn't want to have any memory of him my house which was once gold became a normal home, I didn't have the time to rearrange my room cause I was busy that time and I just got used to the way my room is and didn't feel like changing the golden-ness, so that's why my room's all gold-ish" he explained and I nod. So he got rich at the age of twenty, all by himself. He must have worked so hard, I feel sorry for him. I got down from the bed and stretched a bit feeling like walking cause my leg's feeling a bit numb. He watched me as I walked to his window touching his gold and thick curtain, "but still your room's still pretty awesome with all the gold" I tell him smiling and looking out the window. "yeah I know" I hear him say behind me. "but still it must have been so hard for you working so had at such a young age" I said emotionally and hear him chuckle behind me. A cold wind suddenly blew from the window making me shiver and moving back a bit, I started to feel so cold and regretted ever coming out of the bed and just as I turned to go back to the bed, I bumped into Leo and he used that and suddenly hugged me. Tightly. "what are you doing?" I muffled into his chest. "isn't it obvious, I'm keeping you warm" he said and I could feel his smile from his voice. I fought the urge to hug him back cause he felt so warm.. I tried to walk out of his grip but he held me tightly. "to fight it Pen. And let's just stay like this for a while" he said and my heart skipped a beat. T. B. C By R.L . DANGEROUS ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE . EPISODE 37.. My heart kept beating fast as Leo grip tightened on my body, my cold body started to heat up and this feeling was so familiar .. It was with when I first met Richard. "i.. It's okay.. I'm totally fine I'm not cold" I said and forced my self out of his grip and head to the bed.. I covered the blanket over my body and over my face not wanting to look at him. That was so weird, "okay.. Since you don't want my warmth, I'm going to downstairs and make myself a cup of tea" he said and I heard as his boots Clanked on his tiled floor and as he slammed the door. I pulled the blanket away from my face and breathed a sigh of relief. That was crazy.. I thought. I held my chest and noticed my heart beat has decreased. I can't believe I'm falling for Leo. I can't believe me... This isn't supposed to happen. He doesn't even like me, he just likes me as a 'friend', ugh gosh I hate this. I stayed in his room for a while before walking out, I need to go home and calm my head, cause all this is all just too much. I walked out of his room and scratched my neck looking sideways as I stood Clueless in his hallway not knowing where to go or how to get to his living room cause I haven't been up here before and I don't know my way. Up here, only downstairs . Luckily I heard Leo's loud voice coming from the living room and I followed his voice and made my way downstairs.. I got to the living room and found him making a phone call and seeing me he immediately cut the call,.. "oh you're here" he smiled and took a sip of whatever he was drinking, maybe his cup of tea. "I thought you wanted to rest more" he added and I shook my head negatively. "actually, I'll like to take a sick leave" I said and his brows arched. "well that isn't a bad idea, do you want to go home now?" he asked and I nod. At least I'll be able to rest well at my own apartment. Not some golden room "well I'll be happy to drive you home?" he said and my almost blooming smile faded. "sure. " I said bitterly. "well I'll help you go get your medicine" he smiled and dropped his cup of tea-or whatever. And hurried upstairs to his room He's being so nice and that is not so good , cause it's heart throbbing. * =:= RICHARD'S POV =:= I walked out of my house and entered my car and start to drive to my everyday place. Olivia's apartment. I don't know why I like going there when I don't really like her. Maybe it's just that she's a good listener and does everything I say, she's cheerful and I've recently become fond of her. And it seems like she's the only friend I have now aside from Mason who's in the hospital, for Mason being in the hospital it's kind of hard for me meeting him cause I'll get to meet Kira and pen. it's weird for me meeting Kirana or Penelope cause they both hate me now especially Penelope. She now Hates my guts and my presence, she even called me a disappointment on the day of the carnival thing which Olivia forced me to go, .. I've missed pen so much but she doesn't know that, I've missed how she always calls my name when something's difficult for her or when she' accidentally cut herself while cooking. How she cutely calls my name for help, I missed how she throws a fit when I'm with other girls and how she cried during Mason's birthday and every other things that aren't worth crying , I missed her smile most especially, I missed her everything. But now seeing me with other girls, she doesn't care cause she's dating that seven headed asshole, Leo, or Doe or whatever his name is. I love Penelope but I lost her because of my foolishness, I'm not a man, I'm a failure and I don't deserve her .. .. Even though I want her back so badly. I got to the building Olivia's apartment is and also where pen's apartment is but she doesn't stay home by this time of the day, I got to Olivia's apartment and I glanced at Penn's apartment before knocking on Olivia's door. The door suddenly opened and Olivia smiled seeing me. "hi Richie, come on in" she said cheerfully as always and I walked in and she closed the door. "so I just made lunch, do you want to have a bite" she asked happily. "no thanks, it's okay" I tell her. "that's not fair you know, every time I ask you to eat breakfast or lunch or dinner with me you always decline that offer and yet you still come to See Me and thats just messed up" Olivia pouted and I sighed. "okay fine just a bite or two" i said and she squeaked happily. And turned her heels to the kitchen, I sighed and again and turned on the TV sitting on her bed. And they were showing Penelope's favourite TV show Full house. The both of us used to watch this like every single day, she'll be sitting on my thigh. Her hands around my neck and hands around her waist and we'll be laughing out our intestines. Gosh, how I missed those days "did you know you came at a perfect time cause lunch Is already ready" I heard Olivia's voice as she walked out of the kitchen with a tray in her hand smiling from ear to ear. "here, I'll get the water" she said giving me the tray.. and moved to her fridge bringing out bottled water. "aren't you eating?" I asked cause there's only a plate in the tray she gave me. "we're both eating together, silly" she laughed and my eyebrows arched on its own, I wanted to protest but I just let her be, cause she's been so kind to me ever since I met her but I keep giving her cold shoulders. We both ate together and she just kept laughing so hard at the TV show we were watching I wasn't laughing cause I've watched the whole episodes so many times, but when I remember how pen laughed on a particular thing someone said, I'll laugh too, I lost my appetite after remembering so much about pen. "what's wrong" Olivia asked "nothing I'm just not hungry" i tell her. "oh-okay" she said sadly and looked down. "so since this is the first time you're tasting my cooking how's it" she asked happily. Drowning her sudden sadness. "it's good, but not up to pen... I quickly stopped talking and regretted what I just said, cause I know she's going to be sad "Pen? You've tasted her food?" she asked lowly. "well Pen and I have some kind of history together." I said. And she sighed, "Pen already said that you guys have a history together what history?" She asked curiously and stopped eating. "well she's my ex-fiance" I said. "oh.. I didn't know" she breathed out. "well, what broke you guys up" she asked lowly and I sighed. "i-i don't feel like talking about it" I sighed and she frowned and she held my arm. "come on tell me" she said shaking my arm "I tell you everything" she added bating her lashed at me. "fine. It's nothing to be proud of but well, on our wedding day, I told her we aren't ready to get married and well she kind of got angry and well that how it happened" I shortened the story and she gasped "oh my god, Richie that isn't very nice, that is messed up" she said and I rolled my eyes "I know, and I regret it" I said and she smiled, "well don't let it out on yourself cause everything happens for a reason" she said and rubbed my shoulder soothingly "I've heard that shit a dozen times and I still think it happened because of my foolishness" I said and she laughed and I don't find anything funny there. She became quiet for some time and later said "she's moved on, aren't you going to move on too?". "I've moved on too" I said and she gave me a look. "well do you still love her?" Olivia asked. "well, yeah kind of" I answered hesitantly and she suddenly looked down and let's go of my shoulder. "I don't think she loves you, she's with Leo Now, even though they're not dating, they will soon, I can see it so you have to move on" she said and I looked at her surprisingly. "they're not dating?" I asked almost happily "yeah they're just friends" Olivia said, and I held my smile. I've been thinking they're dating all this while but I was wrong.. "what? Do you think you still have a chance with her?" Olivia said angrily standing up. "Yeah.. "don't be a blockhead Richie, she hates you, do you remember when she called you a disappointment, it hurt me too but I just took it in cause you're not a disappointment. Just let her be and be with those who want you" Olivia explained and I rolled my eyes. "no one wants me, don't you get it!" I half yelled standing up. "but I wan-- "it's nobody but her, she's my first and I'll want her to be my last" I pondered and Olivia's eyes suddenly went glossy. "if you love her so much then why'd you kiss me" she yelled making me flinch a bit. "kiss you?" "yeah, on the day of the carnival, you just suddenly kiss me without any reason or explanation before or after the kiss.." she said and start to cry. "that.. That was a mistake" I tell her. "a mistake? God Richard, I treasured that kiss with my life, and heart but you called it a mistake?" she said this time her cry and voice was getting louder . "what else could I call it and when the hell would you treasure it" I asked irritated. "isn't it obvious Richie, it's because I love you, I always have, with you it's love it first time," she said and cried even more which left me speechless. "but everything you say or want to do is with pen.. I don't understand she doesn't love you anymore just face the fact. I love you Richie, I gave you my love My heart, my body, everything but still you want her" she cried and ran out of her apartment. I took a little of time to think everything that just happened before calling and chasing after her. "Olivia wait." I called and ran out of the apartment bumping into Leo and Pen. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE!
17 Sep 2019 | 18:47
DANGEROUS✖❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 38 (Mason) =#= PENELOPE'S POV =#= Leo drove me home to my apartment and still escorted me back to my room, it was nice of him but I didn't need an escort. We were almost at my apartment door when I Olivia suddenly ran passed us, crying so seriously and I wondered what was wrong for her a cheerful girl like her to cry so seriously and suddenly seconds later, Richard walked right out of her apartment yelling her name and bumping into me which made me hit Leo. "sorry" he quickly apologized and we made a brief eye contact before he walked away. "that was weird" Leo Turned to me. "there was nothing weird about a boy chasing a girl who was crying" I replied. "they're not just any girl, they're your girlfriend and your Ex-fiance aren't you like jealous or something" he said and I rolled my eyes. "Jealous my butt, I don't need to be jealous Richard can date anyone he wants it's not like I tied a rope around his neck to follow me around and FYI Olivia's not my friend" I said and Leo smiled slyly. "judging from your tone it's seems like you're jealous," he said and I sighed and looked at him. "can you just leave, I have to, no I need to rest" I tell him and he pouted. "after everything I did for you today? You're still giving me cold shoulders." he said. "don't act like a child in front of me" I said sternly and he laughed. "anyway I'll be leaving since you don't want me here, and make sure you take your medicine, if you don't feel too good about coming to work tomorrow you can stay home and I'll come check on you okay?" he said and tapped my shoulder and that made me flinch a little. "yeah sure, thanks" I said and he smiled and walked away. Still turning back to look at me. I widen my eyes at him when he turned back to look at me again and he laughed, which made me laugh too before walking in. I got into my bed and turned on the TV, maybe watching a boring movie can make me fall asleep. As the movie started I heard voices from outside and recognized the voices it was Richard and Olivia, I don't know what's going on between them but they don't have to disturb the whole building. I started to watch the movie playing on my TV and I thought I'd sleep two minutes after the movie starts playing but I was wrong I was so engrossed and interested in the movie cause it was catchy and was a romantic movie that I got lost in it, and after crying at the happy ending I fell asleep. * ¤~¤ MASON'S POV ¤~¤ back at the hospital I sat down alone on my bed reading some shit boring article in the news paper, Kirana sitting on a chair beside the bed, engrossed in her phone,smiling and laughing her lungs cause she's busy chatting with long lost love Maxwell. I threw the newspaper at the corner of the room and stood on my feet. I walked to the window, without my crutches. And sighed looking out the window and thinking about pen. I kind of hate myself for lying to her about not being able to walk properly without my crutches, but I can actually run without my crutches but I just want her pity cause, her pitying me will let her take care of me, and when Penelope takes care of someone even though you're the same sex as her you'll definitely fall in love with her... I just want her to See Me as this poor boy who needs help and then she'll give me all the care in the world. "so are you going to keep lying to yourself and Pen that you can't walk" I heard Kirana say behind me and I turned. "you know she's going to find out sooner or later and also you're getting discharged tomorrow." Kirana added and I walked back to the bed. "i don't care, I just need her by my side for the main time" I said and she rolled her eyes "you are the dumbest person I've ever known, she's not your property for her to remain at your side for the main time.. You're her best friend for God's sake if she ever learned that you lied to her, you'll be dead, and you falling in love with her is just another stupid thing you could ever do" "it's not my fault that I fell in love with her, it's nature, and I know I can't keep it to myself, I have to tell her how I feel someday" I breathed out and Kirana dropped her phone. "what if she doesn't want you" Kirana asked lowly. "I..i.. don't know actually, but as long as I can tell her how I feel I'll be okay, I guess" I said. "okay, then what if she rejects you and accepts Leo?" Kirana asked which made me a little surprised. "she rejecting me is a very possible situation, but why would she accept Leo, does he have feelings for her, is anything going on between them?" I asked and she sighed and stood up. "well see... Mason lately you've been lying in this bed and not knowing what is going on, Leo and pen have been hanging out together lately and well... I don't know how to say this but.. I think they're one step away from being a couple cause, these last few days I've become Leo's diary and he like tells me everything we text each other like every night and he tells me how he's been interacting with Penny lately and to my own point of view, I think he might have a thing for pen, I'm not suppose to tell you this since I promise him not to say anything to anyone but you're my friend and I love you,.. No who I'm I kidding I totally hate you but Pen's your friend and I love pen and she loves you so I which means I do to, but what I'm trying to say here is, get rid of those feelings cause you're going no where without them." she explained but I didn't like what I was hearing, I thought Pen was just working as a normal cook in his house, I thought he'd be this bossy boss who would have nothing to do with his employee cause the last time I was with the two of them they never really talked to each other much, but what I didn't remember is that pen is a sweet and sensitive lady, any one can fall for her easily. He may have fallen for pen but I don't think she would fall for him,.. No she can't. "look Kira, I know you like that Maxwell guy, how do you feel when he's close to you?" I asked. "it's weird that you're asking me that and it's also weird that I'm answering that, but anyways, I feel really happy, really loved and really special" she replied "that's how I feel when I'm with Pen" I smirked and she gave me a sympathetic look, that's what I wanted I also want to buy Kirana's pity, cause she's like pen other half, even though they're both different people. "so please help me be with her" I added and she moved back a bit. "I don't think she would want that Mace". "I know, well but please try to say something nice about me to her and I need you to help me confess my feelings to her, I'm not the brave type when it comes to confession" . "mason, I am not going to help you confess your feelings to her cause I'm not the one inlove with her, but I am going to see what I can do including saying nice things about you." Kirana said before a sigh and I smiled. "thank you" I said and pulled her in a hug but she pushed me away. "never hug me again." she warned. "hey we've hugged before and I didn't know why I did that either so don't think I did that on purpose I wasn't thinking straight, it's not like you're some kind of great celebrity that I want to hug, you're just some cr-- "try insulting me and me helping you is off the chart" she interrupted me and quickly stopped talking. "I'm sorry" I smiled and she rolled her eyes. "anyway I have to get going" she said. . "going where? To see Maxwell" I asked "to meet Penelope" she said sternly. "I see her once in a while and I miss her and also I have to help you too even though it irritates me that I'm doing so, today's my only free day I have to go to work tomorrow, so good day" she said and her phone starts to ring immediately. "oh Maxwell's calling" she said and glance at me smiling before picking the car. She waved bye to me before walking out. I sat down on the bed and buried my face in my palms, Penelope, why did you have to be so pretty and nice.. I have to.. No I must tell you how I feel before Leo does. * =#= PENELOPE'S POV =#= I woke up by the sound of huge bangs on my door. "who is it" I tried to yell but my sleepy voice failed me. So i sluggishly crawled out of my bed feeling so cold, I wrapped the blanket around my body and walked to the door. I opened it and smiled seeing the person. "Kirana." I called and she looked at me weirdly. "why are you hiding yourself in that huge blanket, are you naked?" she asked but I just drag her in and closed the door. "wow your apartment looks fantastic" she beamed. "thanks" I said and got back to my bed. "I called your line, but you weren't answering I almost went to Leo's house thinking you'd be there but when I called him he said you're home so I came here instead" she said and sat down on the bed beside me. "what's wrong, you're so quiet" she asked me. "you just woke me up and what do you want me to do, sing?" I asked and she smiled. "I hope you're not sick cause if you're sick then I am too" "well too bad I am" I said and coughed a bit. "what. What's wrong with you?" she asked touching my body but I moved her hand away "don't worry I'm not that sick.. I'm actually getting a little bit better it was worse before" I said and sat down but the blanket was still on my body. She turned to look at my drawer beside my bed and gasped seeing the pills I'm supposed to take all together in a plastic bag. "are all this for you?" she gasped. "yeah" "what, were you diagnosed with cancer or what? How can you take all these?" Kirana half yelled "don't shout, you'll hurt my head. And just looking at the pills it's so plenty but actually it's not that much, I've taken some this afternoon and I'm feeling okay, so if I take the rest I'll feel better so don't be so dramatic" I tell her and she rolled her eyes and dropped the plastic bag. "this is the first time I'll be in your apartment, let me check it all out" Kirana said and suddenly stood up and walked to the kitchen, then the bathroom and then to the balcony. Before walking back to my bed. "your apartment's great, but that balcony is the best of all it has a great view" she said. "yeah that's what Leo said too" I grinned "Leo's been here?"she asked. "a dozen times he even slept here yesterday" I said and Kirana gasped loudly.. "no freaking way he did?" she said walking closer to me. "Yeah, he's the reason I got this sudden fever, since he fell asleep on my bed I couldn't sleep on the bed anymore and then I slept on the floor.. But today he felt guilty for that, he bought me those medicines and also gave me a day off" I said and Kirana shook her head negatively. "you poor girl, he's obviously giving you a hard time" she whined and I smiled. "he's not giving me a hard time, he's actually been pretty nice to me" I smiled. But Kirana just paused and gave me a weird look, "why are you smiling all of a sudden" she asked "I wasn't smiling" I hesitantly answered. "you totally were, just as you were talking about Leo your lips pressed into a smile" Kirana blurted and got on the bed looking into my eyes. "what?" I asked and she brought her face closer to mine. "don't tell me you're falling in love with him" she said almost in a whisper, and suddenly I started to cough an unexpected cough.. While she rubbed my back . "don't worry when you're done coughing, you'll tell me" she said and I stopped coughing finally. "what.. a..are you ta..talking... About, me in love with Leo?" I scoffed. "don't try to act dumb I know you are" she said and pushed my forehead back with her index finger. I ignored her words and her eyes suddenly dart to something beside my bed and she gasped followed by smile "is that Leopenny?"she asked and walked to the huge teddy bear. "gracious it's huge" she laughed and touched it ears which was bigger than her hand. And I laughed too. We both heard a knock on the door and I yelled "come in" while Kirana just kept enjoying her playdate with the teddy. The door opened and Olivia walked in, her eyes bloodshot red and her nose swallowen and red.. "Penelope can I talk to-- she paused when she saw Kirana and they both made eye contact. "oh you must be Pen's friend, hi can I steal her for a minute" Olivia said softly to Kirana. "she's not something you can steal and besides can't you see her inside that blanket, I'm afraid you can't talk to her right now she's not feeling too good" Kirana said and stand up. "but I just want to tell her something ver-- "please leave! You can see I'm in the middle of a conversation with her and it'd be rude for you to cut in" Kirana protested and Olivia glance at me before sighing, I wonder what she wants to tell me, she wants us to talk privately and that means Kirana would have to leave. And I don't think that's very pleasing cause she's my guest. "Olivia how about we talk later tonight" I assured her and she nods and glared at Kirana and it's the first time I've seen Olivia glare at someone. Kirana walked close to her and folded her arms. "she said you guys can talk later what are you still standing here for, the door's that way" Kirana said and pointed to the door. "I was about leaving" Olivia said angrily in her squeaky voice. "I was about leaving" Kirana mimicked her voice and laughed to herself. "okay then leave." Kira added and Olivia walked out angrily and Kirana slammed the door so hard that it made my heart skip. "why didn't you just tear my door down instead" I said and she balled her fist. "I don't know why I never liked that girl even when I first saw her at the hospital with Richard. I never liked her, she' acts like she's too nice, she's too squeaky she's a talkative and she's always interested in what's not Her business" Kirana explained. "hey she's not that bad" I smirked. "I guess I should stop talking since you two are kind of birds of the same feather" she said and walked up to me and lying beside me. "so you hate me? I asked "so much that you could ever imagine" she smiled and I rolled my eyes "so where were we" she suddenly asked. "we weren't anywhere" I replied "no we were having a conversation on how in love with you are with Leo" she said and I groaned "for once can you just have a normal conversation with me" I shouted dramatically and she laughed. "Loretta, we are having a normal conversation" Kirana said and I groaned again. "I know but can we talk about the one that says less about Leo". "okay fine mason?" Kirana said looking at me. "what about mason" "I don't know, don't you think he's cute" Kirana smiled. "mason's cute but it's weird that you're actually complimenting him behind his back are you still the Kirana I know" I said and she laughed. "even though I pretend to hate Mason I kind of like him though, and don't you ever dare tell him I said that okay!" Kirana yelled and I nod with a smile. "do you think Mason can ever get to date someone?" Kira asked and I turned to her. "why would you say that of course. Mason's not only a pretty boy , he's also sweet and caring" "sweet and caring only around you" Kirana scoffed "what is that supposed to mean" I said but she shook her head negativelike "if I ever want mason to date someone I'd like that person to be you" she said and my eyes dart to hers making us make a heavy eye contact. "why would you say that aren't there other girls other than me" I said kind of pissed off . "I know but you're nice, pretty and sweet" Kirana complimented and I blushed a bit. "b..but Mason would never fall for someone like me, I think his taste of ladies would be more like those hottie type not someone as boring as me." I primped "okay, then let us just assume what if he happens to fall for you, don't get this in your head I'm just assuming" Kirana said and I laughed. "he can't" "I'm just assuming, what if he is then would you date him?" Kirana asked grinning from ear to ear. "well actually.. I don't know" I said sincerely. "why don't you know?" she pressured. "cause I don't you can't tell what your heart wants so I don't know" I tell her. "I don't care, about heart or something, okay then how about this would you date him if you happen to be in love with him?" Kirana asked slowly. "no" I said plainly. "why?". "cause he's my best friend" "that is the most lamest reason I've ever heard pen" "I don't think he'd want that" I said and Kirana rolled her eyes "why wouldn't he want that" she said and I turned to her angrily "okay I've had it can we just stop talking about mason, it's mouth piercing and it's like you're forcing me to marry him I don't understand you" I said angrily and she looked away. "okay fine I'm sorry" she apologized and I huffed. "Mason I tried" I heard whisper to herself and I wondered why the hell she would say that . . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
17 Sep 2019 | 18:48
DANGEROUS✖❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 39 (confessions) Kirana stayed quiet for a while facing the other side of the bed, I don't know if she was angry with me when I'm supposed to be angry one. I mean it's difficult to see Kirana compliment mason and now suddenly he's the topic of today and Kirana's actually kind of forcing me to like him . I mean I do like him but she's forcing me to fall in love with him, now she apologized for saying that and doesn't want to talk to me when she's actually laying beside me. I'm not angry with her cause, it's not something to be angry about, I'm just a little surprised at her act. Since she was being all quiet, I remained quiet too and we just stayed quiet and listened to the ticking of the clock. "I'm sorry" I said after a few minutes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you" I added and she turned to me. Finally. I hate a meaningless silence with my best friend. "why are you are you apologizing, you did nothing wrong, I was the one being stupid" Kirana said and sit up. "I didn't want you to give me the silent treatment I hate it" I said and she smiled. "I wouldn't dare" I smiled and hooked our arms together and rested my head on her shoulder. "remember when you gave me the silent treatment" I said knowing she would recall that pretty easy cause that was our first meaningless fight and also the last one. "that was way, way back in high school" she chuckled. "yeah, it's been years but I can't forget that day, you just stopped talking to me and when I tried to ask why, you just ignored me, do you know I cried for a week?" I asked and she laughed. "no way" she beamed. "I did cause it was heartbreaking, you just stopped talking to me and I didn't know the reason why, up until now" I said and her smile beamed. "I never told you the reason even after we started talking, after you reporting our small quarrel to your mom and she had to convince my mom to make me talk to you" Kirana explained and we both laughed. . "what is was the reason you stopped talking to me anyway,? You never told me" I asked and she struggled. "it's just some stupid and meaningless reason, that's too embarrassing to talk about" she said and I scoot even closer to her and smiled. "on a scale of one to ten, how embarrassing is it for you not to talk about it" I asked. "ten" she replied. "well you have to tell me now cause you just gingered my curiosity" I said and she nods. "well it's just that you didn't wait for me as usual when I told you to, I wanted you to wait for me after my basketball practice so we could go home together but you left without me and then I just became this stupid mean girl and stopped talking to you" she explained and we outburst in another laughter that filled the room. "oh my god" I breathed out when my stomach hurts from laughing. "I kind of figured that would be the reason back then," I said and she smiled. "well that can't happen anymore cause we're no more high school scholars but grown ladies and we can't stoop so low to have the silent treatment anymore" she said and I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief for that. Kirana loosened her hand from my grip and stood up from the bed. "anyway I have to go, I'm afraid if I stay here any longer I'll definitely have a sleepover" she said moving her hair back. "well that will be amazing, it'll be like old times" I said grinning weirdly. "I'd like to have a sleepover here but I'll be late for work and I don't want that cause I've been taking too many off days because of Mason, and not being punctual will make me get fired, even though I can't get fired because Leo's the boss and he can't let that happen but still that's an act of selfishness and partiality and I don't like that cause I'll be the new talk of the town, so then I'll be leaving" she said and I smiled and stood up to hug her. "when will I see you again, I hardly see you" I said and she rolled eyes. "oh child, don't pretend that you'll miss me when you have Leo by your side" "what. Wh..hat is that.. Supposed to mean" I asked and she laughed. "why are you freaking out when I was only joking" "I wasn't freaking out" I defended. Kirana sighed loudly and made eye contact with me, pushing back her hair. "I hate keeping things from you but Mason can wal.. He's getting discharged tomorrow" she said. "really? Is he already walking so well that he's getting discharged" I asked. "well yeah, kind of.. B-but not too well" Kirana replied and bit her lips. "don't be surprised if you find him here tomorrow, well till then, I'll take my leave" Kirana announced one last time before grabbing her bag and strangely grabbing Leopenny,.. I mean the teddy bear along with her. "uhh. .. Kirana are you okay or what?" I asked dryly watching her trying to open my door. "what? I thought you didn't like the bear" she said. "if I didn't like it then I wouldn't keep it" I said and walked up to her and dragged the bear from her. "but it's so cute I want one for myself too" Kirana said and I rolled my eyes. "since when did you start to like cute things" I asked. "since tomorrow,.. Are you sure you even like the bear or the real owner of the bear" Kirana blurted and I groaned at her silliness. "I'm the real owner of the bear" I smiled and carried the bear back to the bed. "then why did the bear first name starts with Leo?" Kirana pondered and I sighed. "I wasn't happy you were Leaving earlier than I expected, but now I'll gladly show you your way out of this building." I said and she Laughed. "oh well, I'll leave, goodbye" she smiled and walked up to me giving me a kiss on my cheeks. "ugh, can you be less cheesy" I said wanting to clean the place she kissed but she held my hand. "why are you about to clean it, are you pissed that it's not from Leo" she teased. "Kirana.. I called and she laughed, "teasing you is my hobby, goodbye for real this time.. Dream about me and uhm.. Leo.. I mean Leopenny, the bear, not what you're thinking" she said and I rolled my eyes which made her laugh and walked out. I got back to my bed and got under the covers smiling for no particular reason. I smile disappeared when I heard a knock on the door and I assumed it was Olivia and when I yelled come in, it was her and she smiled friendly as she walked up to me. "I decided to come have that conversation I was on about since your slightly rude friend is not here" she said. "Kirana's not rude, it's because she doesn't really know you" I defended and she shrugged. . "anyway I'm here to have talk to you about something" Olivia breathed out. "okay.." I said and beckoned my hand for her to come closer and sit beside me. She did and breathed out a worried sigh. "okay, I don't know how to start this and I don't know if you'll feel okay with me telling you this.. But I think.. I'm in love with Richie" she blurted out and covered her mouth like she's said something horrible. "okay?" I said looking at her plainly. "what, you don't seem so angry about it" she said calmly and smiled. "did he tell you we were almost married?" I asked and she nods. "just because he's my ex fiancee doesn't mean he can't like anyone and he doesn't get to be liked by anyone, anything he does, is none of my business cause we're over and we have nothing with each other" I said feeling proud of myself for saying that out loud. "have I ever told you how charming you are, and awesome" Olivia said and I giggled. I get that a lot. "you seem to have moved on but.. Richie hasn't, he's still.. In love with you" she said and her voice faded at the last words.. "I'm sorry" I tell her. "it's Okay... you don't have to be sorry, it's not like you did anything wrong.. He's the one in love with you and I'm the one in love with him" Olivia said and gave a sad sigh . "I didn't have any idea you two almost got married but I knew you both had a history together but I didn't know it was that" she said but I just stayed quiet since I didn't know what to say. "I so feel stupid for falling in love with him and I feel awkward for coming here and talking to you about it" she laughed, a sad one. "you know.. I started. "talking about it with someone wasn't a bad thing cause you being in this state will just leave you devastated and confuse, and just because I've dated Richard doesn't mean you have to call it awkward and you falling in love with him is not stupid but amazing cause who doesn't fall in love? And trust me I know Richard, he'll come around and when he does he'll never let go cause he's learnt his lesson, maybe we were never meant for each other cause we having seen what the world is like yet, but trust me you won't regret it about falling in love with him, Richard might have made a mistake on our wedding day but he hasn't for once make a mistake when we were dating he's always been nice and caring and if you give him a chance you'll learn to love him even more than I did" . " you still love him?" Olivia asked nervously. "no" I smiled. "I don't" I continued and she suddenly hugged me. "you're such a good friend, I thought talking to you would cause more problems but it's actually great and it has put me to rest, thank you pen." she said and I smiled. We both talked for a while, till the day got dark and she got back t her apartment. I laid back on my bed and breathed out a sigh of relief. "maybe all I needed was a little talk too" I said to myself. Talking about Richard was the best way to remove him from my head completely. And now seeing the both of them together would just make me smile. Thinking about this and that. I finally stood up to make a late dinner, and then I took my medicine and after that I fell asleep.. * The next day, I woke up feeling so much better, no more cold or the weak feeling in my body but I'm not going to work today, cause I didn't feel like going out, and besides Leo said I should stay home if I didn't feel like coming and I need to follow that order. I spent almost an hour under the shower and after that I wore a baggy black sweatpants and shirt, I was making breakfast when I heard a soft knock on my door. "coming?" I yelled and turned down the stove before heading to the door. I opened the door and gasped when I saw Mason, looking good in a washed blue jean trouser and a white shirt but not with his crutches though, his crutches ruined his boy-swag. I almost forgot Kirana told me he's getting discharged. And I have no idea he'll be coming here early. "c-come in" I said and opened the door wider and he walked slowly using his crutches to balance himself.. "not that I'm not happy you're here but, why did you come here so early in the morning when were you discharged?" I asked closing my door. "I was discharged this morning, and it's not that early, it's almost twelve" he said and pointed to the clock on the wall. Oh. I guess I must have slept so much. "okay, then, make yourself at home," I said and he smiled at me, his eyes widened around my apartment and his eyes and smile beamed. "your apartment looks great" he said. "thanks" I smiled. "breakfast or brunch, or whatever is almost ready you in?" I asked and he shook his head negatively. "I already ate" he said, "okay then, just make yourself comfortable" I said and walked into the kitchen, I came out later with my breakfast on a tray in my hand and I found mason sitting on the bed and staring at Leopenny. The teddy bear. He suddenly turned when he noticed me. "yours?" he asked referring to the bear and I nod. "actually Leo won it at Breek's carnival and he didn't want it so I took it" I explained and his eyebrows furrowed. We both stayed quiet and I start to eat.. While Mason just kept looking back at the bear. "have you not seen a stuffed toy before?" I asked. My mouth full of toasted bread "I have, I'm just a little surprised of how huge it is" he said and I laughed. "you and Kirana ar....i stopped talking cause the bread I was eating suddenly clogged my throat and almost move up to my throat and I start to cough. This why I hate eating and talking. .. Can you get me a glass of water from the kitchen. I tried to tell Mason but I couldn't stop talking. like he read my mind, he said. "are you okay,.. I'll get you a glass of water" "b-but you can't wa.." but you can't walk, I tried to say but he stood up immediately and ran to the kitchen Leaving me surprised and coughing even more. He can walk!!! Mason came back with a glass of water and I snatched it from his hand and gulped down the whole thing, I breathed out and sigh feeling okay and then I turned to Mason . "you can walk? --- "are you okay?.. We asked at the same time and he gave me a nervous grin and turned his head away. "since when?" I said and yanked his hand. "I don't know like since forever" he said. "why'd you lie to me" "nothing.. I. I didn't mean too" he said and I huffed.. "you're something else" I started to eat angrily, can't believe he'll lie to me. Why did he lie to me. "would you want to know why I lied" he said and I rolled my eyes. "save it" "no, I think it's time you know" he said sighed and stood up. Time to know what? "Pen.." he started. "I love you, I've always have, I don't know how it started but I know it was when you and Richard ended things, it might seem shocking to you but I'm not lying, I was shocked too when I found out that I was in love with you, I've tried to tell you many times but I was too confused and scared that you might hate me forever, Kirana knows about it but I begged her not to tell you so you won't hate me.. I also wanted to tell you at the hospital and I did but in a joking way which made you not to believe me, but right now I'm standing here and letting you believe that I'm in love you, I'm tired of keeping it a secret cause it's tying me up. I know telling you that I love you would make you see me differently that's why I kept it a secret and decided to keep you by my side by lying that I can't still walk properly, so you'd pity and give me the care you've always given to other people when they're in need of it.. I don't care if you hate me or not but I just want to tell you this so I can be free from being love sick, and this is the main reason for coming here, to tell you how I feel". I've stopped eating for a long time when I heard the word I love you, so he does have feelings for me and Kirana knows about it. I didn't know what to say I just sat still frozen, that's why Kirana came here yesterday to let me give him a chance, she was helping him. I didn't know what to say or do and I heard his voice said. "I expected this traction from, you don't need to think about it much I just wants to let you know that and didn't want to keep it a secret to myself, I don't want you to do anything or want anything from you I just wanted you to listen, and Now that you have I'll be taking my leave and it was stupid of me to lie to you and I'm sorry, please don't hate me and thank you for listening" he said and grabbed his crutches and before i knew he wasn't in my room anymore. I wasn't thinking about anything but I was frozen, I didn't know for how long but a knock on my door brought me back to reality. I looked at my door and I couldn't stand up cause my feet felt numb. So I just stared at it wishing the person would just open it and coming without me walking or yelling. Luckily the person opened the door and walked in. Leo. "hey, I can see you're having breakfast all by yourself" he said cheerfully and closed the door. Due to my surprised and frozen state I couldn't do say anything. I watched him and he held a happy smile and walked up to my bed. At Least he's feeling happy like I was earlier, but now I'm not sure how I'm feeling now.. "so.. Good morning How was your night? Did you take your medicine yesterday?" he asked but I just stared at him. "hey are you even here? What's wrong with you" he said and playfully push my shoulder back with his index finger, and I sighed and looked at my food. "I'm sorry, but can you please leave I'll like to be alone" I manage to say moving my hair back and standing up. I've lost my appetite. "what.. What's wrong" Leo asked . "nothing, and I know you're just coming but can you just give me some alone time" I said sniffing. "why? What's wrong" he asked again and I sighed and raised my head up to look at him. "it's nothing please. Just leave" I said,, hating that I'm chasing him out. "okay." he said sadly "but before I leave I'll like to tell you something" he added. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
17 Sep 2019 | 18:49
DANGEROUS✖❌ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 40? "but before I Leave I'll like to tell you something" he added and I tuned to him. Tell me what? "uhm... Okay, I don't know how to put this cause I'm not those kind of people who say out their feelings so well" Leo muttered and I flinched on the inside. Say out his feelings?. Is he trying to conf-- "I find you really attractive Pen" he said and my heart skipped a beat. "not only attractive, I find you beautiful, extraordinary.. Okay well this is awkward for me, I'll just cut to the chase already. See Pen, I like you, not just like any k-kind of.. Damn it" he murmured and shut his eyes before opening them again. "I love you" . He said very loudly that I my eyes widen. "I'm not so good at telling people how I feel so this might come out very weirdly, But I really do so much than you could ever imagine, I didn't want to tell you cause. ..well you just ended things with Richard and you'll be so angry hearing those cheesy words like I love you again, but for me I really do love you pen" he said with seriousness in his eyes and I couldn't help feel flushed about that. I moved back a little not wanting him to hear the sound of my heartbeat and how loud it is. He loves me. That's amazing and at the same time disturbing. "i-I.. I.. I.. I... I" I shut my mouth when I realised I wasn't saying anything but "i" . "I want to be alone" I finally said without looking at him. "yeah okay, as long as you heard me fine I'll leave, and I'm kind of starting, I'll just grab one of these if you don't mind" he said with a smile and grabbed one of my toasted bread, shoving it in his mouth. "adios" he said and turned his heels to the door before walking out. I grabbed the Tray of food and walked into my kitchen shoving the whole tray in the sink. I sat down on the kitchen counter and covered my face with my palm. I am not feeling so good. I thought I was the one who's having a thing for Leo nothing knowing he also have a thing for me, a huge one. Him confessing to me is sweet, really sweet, but it's heart throbbing and keeping me in a confuse state and not to talk about Mason. I never thought Mason would fall for a girl like me, cause he's always trying to Flirt with all those hotties when we hang out sometimes. I shoved my fingers in my hair and pulled my hair with fire trying to pull out my hair off my head. I'm going crazy. Two guys in love with me. Which I had no idea that they were in love with me. And then they confessed on the same day. One is my best friend and the other one is my boss. And the both of them waiting for a joyful reply, and here I am not knowing what to do, what to tell them or even how to face them. I came down from the kitchen counter and did my dishes, before walking back to my bed. I picked up my cellphone and stare it for a minute, contemplating whether or not.. Should I give Kirana a call. Just as I was about to call her, she called me instead and I picked it up with a sigh. "hey" I said breathlessly. "how you?" she said. "good." I lied. "really?.. Y-you don't sound so good." "I can't lie to you, I'm not feeling good actually" I said. "w-what's wrong, what happened.." Kirana asked like she's being forced to say those words to me. "mason and Leo happened" "Leo and Mason?? Why what did they do," she asked dryly again like she's not interested. "I dont think you' even want to know what's wrong with me judging by your tone" I said and nervously from the other line. "that's absurd, how can you say that, I'm just a little stressed out cause I worked my butt off yesterday, so tell me what's wrong with you, mason and Leo as you speak" she said and I breathed out. "like you said mason was getting discharged today and he was, and the first thing he did was coming here to me" I exclaimed. "go on.." Kirana ordered. "he lied about walking to me and suddenly he confessed that he's in love with me, since when Richard broke up with me" I explained but I didn't get any surprise gasp that I expected to hear from Kirana. "okay" Kirana said dryly. Okay? . Isn't she surprised. Oh yeah right, why would she when she knows everything already. Forcing me to like mason at all cost "you knew right?" I asked Lowly. "I'm sorry, look pen.. I wanted to tell you but Mason didn't want me to, he's afraid you'll hate him" Kira sighed. "I'll never hate Mason, but this--he-- ugh I don't even know what to say." I said gripping the hem of my shirt. "but do you love him?" Kirana asked. "yes. I mean. No. I mean I do love Mason but not that 'kind' of love he wants me to reciprocate, I just love him as a friend" I said sincerely. "I understand" Kirana's Voice softened my heart. "but still I don't want to hurt him by rejecting him and still I don't want to accept him" I said , "then you have no choice, you have to tell him to quit loving you rather than wasting his time" Kirana tells me and I shut my eyes and grit my teeth knowing well that she's absolutely right. "I guess I' have to," I mumbled into the phone. "oh and what about Leo.? You mentioned him earlier" Kirana said and I sighed. "yeah, he also confessed to me that he's in love with me.. Truth be told Kira I'm going crazy." I explained to my best friend and she laughed. "there's no surprise there Pen, Leo confessing to you was something you could have predict." "what do you mean?" I asked. "I know Leo was going to confess to you anytime soon cause the love he had for you was too obvious." "what do you mean?" I asked again. "if you think deep and everything's he's done for you, you'll understand me" Kirana said and I rolled my eyes. She can't See Me though, but she's being too cliche. "so.?" Kirana asked. "what?" I replied. "about Leo". She sad "what about Leo?" I returned the question. "are you going to tell him how you feel about him?" she asked and I gasped faintly. "what do you mean, tell him how I feel about him" I asked. "don't give me crap Penelope, I know you have feelings for Leo". "i-i.. I ..don't" I said lowly.. "really? Even your voice is disagreeing with you, you do don't you?" she asked in a huge tone. "I don't" . "seriously, you're speaking to your best friend not a stranger. You have feelings for him, right??" Kirana yelled making me shift the phone from my ear a little bit. "I don't know, maybe, yes. Yes. I do" I yelled back and breathed out. "okay see that wasn't that hard, you just told me and now all you have to do is tell him?" Kirana suggested. "tell him? What? Why would i tell him I have feelings for him". I yanked. "are you dumb, were you planning to keep it a secret?". "of course." "you're dumber than I thought Pen. Why would you keep that a secret, look. You have to tell the two guys how you really feel before things get out of hand" Kirana reprimanded. "why don't you just tell them yourself" I scoffed. "I'm being serious pen, tell Leo how you feel and tell Mason too, cause you never know what can happen next" Kirana stated seriously. Which made me sigh. "okay, I'll try my best" I announced. "don't try your best, give your all" Kirana said and I sighed again and hanged up. This is so not my day. I spent almost an hour on my bed thinking about this and that, how in the world am I ever going to turn mason down and what would happen to Leo and I if I ever tell him how I feel. I kept turning and tossing on my bed till I fell from it and landed on Leopenny. "L.P" I called, Leopenny, LP for short. "what do you think I should do, should I follow Kirana's advice and tell Leo and mason how I feel" I asked the dumb stuffed toy in front of me, "I wish you could talk" I mumbled on Leopenny's face and pinched it's nose. * ** KIRANA'S POV ** I dropped my cellphone on my table after taking a call with Pen, I bent my neck sideways feeling tired for working my butt off today, I know don't when I became such a workaholic. It haven't completed a day and I feel so tired already. I took a sip out of my coffee which has gotten cold which also made me to cringe as I tasted it. My phone blinked and I grabbed it and noticed I've been sent a message. From my stupid assistant, Neil. I thought it was someone important someone like Maxwell. I pressed back my home button and a pictures of Penelope and I appeared on the screen and I smiled remembering when we took that picture, we were so young. But now we're both getting old that even two men are crawling over Penelope, she's a lucky girl. She should just open up how she feels to Leo and just easily turn down Mason, he deserves it actually, cause I warned him. I received another text message from my phone which was from Maxwell and I smile and read it gracefully. **hi, I'll be at the company you work in 15, gotta introduce you to someone* *okie.. I'll be waiting" I texted back and dropped my phone. Maxwell and I have been talking a lot, but not in real life though, though phones, but that doesn't mean anything, I think soon enough we'll be dating, we're just chatting and friends but I deep down he wants to be more than friends and I do too. He haven't reminded to ourselves the kiss we kissed last time but what was a killer kiss and it meant something to me, it actually made me realise I had feelings for Maxwell all along. I stood up from the chair I was sitting pacing out in my office and staring at my horrible nails, I really need a manicure And pedis too .. I heard a soft knock on my door and I walked up to it expecting to see Max even if it was a bit too early but to my surprise I saw Mason and he walked in without me telling him to, but I just closed the door and let him be. "hey Kira" he said and walked up to my table. "why are you here?" I asked. "I don't know.. Maybe, cause it's the only place I can come after a life time confession" he breathed out "a confession to who? Pen?" I asked like I didn't know. "yeah" he replied rubbing his neck. "how did it go?" I asked. But he didn't say anything he just stared at my desk. "I warned you" I mumbled and he rolled his eyes. "nothing happened it is went well, you don't have to be all whiny" he said and grabbed one of my pencil. "did pen give you any reply" I asked folding my arms. "no, she doesn't need to give me reply I just wanted to tell her how I feel that's all" . "yeah right." I said sarcastically. "I heard Leo' confessed too" I said lowly thinking that he barely heard it but he heard it fine. "Leo did?" he turned and I nod which made him bring out a hopeless sigh. "look you don't nee--" a knock interrupted me from completing my words and I sighed, before walking to the door. I opened the door and saw Maxwell, which made me smile, but my smile faded when I noticed a blonde brunette behind him, her hand intertwined with his. "Max, you're here" I said and forge a smile. "yeah" he Walked in, with the girl. "we were on our way to a friend's house and since we were close by I just decided to stop by for a while to say hi" he explained but my eyes dart to the girl behind him. "who's this?" I asked with another forged smile. "oh her?.. sorry for Not introducing her earlier this is Dawn, my girlfriend" Maxwell said and I blinked rapidly.. Girlfriend???!!! I thought...... ....... "Dawn. It's so nice to meet you, I'm Kirana a friend of Maxwell" I said shaking her hand all of a sudden. "nice to meet you too" she smiled her pink lip gloss glimmering on her lips, I turned to glance at Mason and saw that he wasn't even concerned with what ever we were saying but looking out the window and was lost in thoughts. "so I didn't kno-- Dawn's phone ringtone distracted me "Maxie, I have to take this call" Dawn said and Maxwell nodded at her while she smiled and walked away leaving me and Maxwell alone. Good. "so how's everyone doing?" he asked with a grin. But I just stared at him. "what? Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked. "no special reason,... A girlfriend? Really?" I said almost in a whisper. "what's wrong about me having a girlfriend" he asked "nothing's wrong, b-but I just I thought.. and I had something.." I said feeling so stupid of myself "something? I'm sorry but I don't remember you and I having this something... He paused. "are you talking about our kiss from last time" he continued. "Look we should forget about that kiss cause.. Well I did enjoyed the kiss but thinking of it would just make me feel guilty since I'm dating dawn, when the restaurant got burnt I had no job, I just stayed home and did nothing, I didn't get any call, either from you or pen and then suddenly Dawn came, like her name she brightened my days and then "WE" happened" he said and I blinked surprisingly. I'm a big time idiot. "well that's such a sweet love story" I said with gritted teeth and he smiled happily. I've been here drooling over him when he's been with Dawn of a girl. "well that you've stopped by, you'll be late to your friend's place if you don't leave now so you better hurry up okay?" I said and he nod lightly, before saying bye to me and before waking out to leave with his Dawn. I slammed the door pretty hard that Mason flinch. "whoa, what's up with you" he said and I huffed and throw myself on my chair and moving my hair back angrily. "I've been such an idiot" I said and Mason smiled "and you're just realising that today?" "don't tease me mason, I'm being serious" I said. "okay, what did Maxwell say or do that made you this angry" he asked calmly, and I started. "I've been crushing on him for so long that I didn't know he had a great girlfriend". "oh" mason breathed out. "yeah, that Blondie that walked in with him" I muttered and grabbed my mug of cold coffee. And started to drink it, hating the fact that it's cold but I still didn't feel like stopping. Until mason pulled the cup from my mouth and hand, and brought it to his mouth to drink. "cheers to broken hearts" he smiled after taking the coffee. "my heart's not broken" I said and he shrugged and sat down on my desk opposite me. "well mine is" he said taking another sip. "cause I know pen doesn't like me the way I like her" . "well that's your problem, cause I'm not you, but don't worry you'll find someone like Pen." I said and grabbed the coffee from his hand. "I hope so" he mumbled. "well in that case, cheers to being single" I smiled. And he laughed. "we're single and searching." he beamed. "you're single and searching not me" I primped. "well I agree" he said and tried to take the coffee from me but I moved the coffee from his hand. "hey.. That's so not fair." he echoed. "there's a coffee machine there, go make yourself another coffee" I yelled and pointed to the coffee machine. "but I want this one" he said and pointed like a child. "well you're not getting it" I arched my eyebrows at him and he did the same and still tried to pull the coffee from my hand, I let go of the coffee and with the force he used to grab it, the mug Turned the coffee poured on his shirt. "Kirana..." he called my name bitterly, his blue-grey eyes piercing into mine. "what? Don't give me that stupid look it's your fault" I pondered. "but... " he didn't say anything cause he knew he's at fault so he just jumped down from the desk, dropped the empty mug and started to unbutton his shirt.. The coffee also stained the white shirt he wore inside his dark blue buttoned shirt. I stared at him as he removed the white shirt he wore inside leaving him shirtless, my eyes dart to the necklace he wore and It looked familiar and I suddenly remembered when pen gave him for his birthday two years ago. "what are you looking at.. It's awkward for me to see you drool over my body Kira" Mason suddenly said with a bit of humor in his voice and I glared at him. "that's the last thing I'll be doing on earth, drool over you? Don't get your hopes up" I said and sat down back on my chair. He laughed and I pushed the mug to the edge of the desk. "now. Make me another coffee" I commanded and even though he glared at me, he still did it. . . #THE_NEXT_DAY ~• Penelope's pov •~ I woke up the next morning not feeling like going to work cause I have to face Leo. but still I have to cause I want to become clean and clear to Mason and Leo, I have to tell them how I really feel. I did my morning routine and after putting on a skinny jean and a not so thick sweater, I grabbed my phone and dialed Mason's number. "hey" his sleepy voice echoed through the phone. "good morning, sorry for waking you up but can we meet?" I asked. "yeah sure" he mumbled. "okay I'll be coming over your place" I said and hang up. I have to make things clear today,.. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE ✌
17 Sep 2019 | 18:52
DANGEROUS ✖✖ ?? ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 41 I took a cab to Mason's place, and while I was inside the cab my mind wasn't at rest I was still feeling bad for turning him down but I have no choice, I can't split myself into two. Finally the cab stopped in front of Mason's house and I payed him and walked out of the car. I walked to his porch and lightly knocked on his door with my shaky hands. Goodness, why am I nervous?? It's just mason. “it's open come in” I heard Mason's voice from inside and I turned the door knob and walked in. "hi" I said as I saw him on his couch, already dressed and stuffing his mouth with Chinese noodles. "hey" he said trying to smile with his mouth filled with food. "so I came here to talk" I said slowly and walked around his couch so I could stand near him. "the way you said that, made my heart skipped, talk about what?" he asked looking at me with serious eyes and and dropping his food, then wiping with mouth with a napkin. "I want to talk about yesterday, what you told me about having feelings for me." "oh" he breathed out. And then stood up. But my eyes didn't leave his sad face. "I'm sorry Mace, but I don't actually fe--- "feel the same way" he interrupted me. "I'm sorry" I sighed. "why are you being sorry, it's okay Pen. I know you have feelings for Leo" he said and my jaw dropped, I tried to say something but words just failed to come out of my mouth. Is it that obvious that I like Leo.... "how hearts can be unfairly picky and I understand.. It was wrong for me to fall for you, you were irresistible so I had no choice, but don't worry you I totally understand where you're coming from, so don't apologize to me and go meet your Leonard." he said and tried to smile but I couldn't, he's hurt, I can hear it in his voice. Tears pricked my eyes and it ran down my cheeks and Mason rolled his eyes. "Penny.. C'mon you don't want to be 'that girl" he said and starts to clean my tears. And then pulled me in a hug "I'm so sorry Mason, I never wished to hurt you" I muffled in his chest and he pats my back while I cleaned my tears. "You're not hurting me okay?. So stop crying" he said and I nodded and pulled away from the hug. "I'll get going now, thank you for listening to me" I said and he smiled. "okay get going and cry no more, cause no one hurts the boulder" he said and tap his shoulder playfully, he's trying to cheer me up even though I can still see how hurt he is. "okay" I murmured and finally smile. He moved closer to me and kissed my forehead. "take care" he said. "I will" I said and as I walk to the door I turned back to glance at him and he stood still and watched me go. I opened the door and walked out, and just as I was about closing it, I glance at him one more time and caught his eyes getting glossy. No.. I'm sorry Mace.. I closed the door and walked away, taking a dreadful and sad journey to the bus stop. I got to the bus and couldn't help how bad I feel for making mason cry. I finally got to Leo's house and I imputed his password and walked in bumping into him, he was brushing his teeth. In the living room!! "sorry" he muffled. "why are you brushing your teeth in here" I asked rubbing my forehead cause, when I bumped into him my head hit a button from the robe he was wearing. "I had a feeling you'd be here so I wanted to know if my instincts were right" he said and I rolled my eyes. "you're kind of late" he said. "yeah, I have to stop by at masons sorry for that" I said lowly and walked passed him. "no need to be sorry" he said, his mouth still foamy. "can you at least get your teeth brushed before talking" I said And he smiled at me before walking to the bathroom downstairs. I dropped my bag on the couch and breathe in and out heavily. You can do this Pen. I tell myself. It's just to tell him how I feel nothing else. But how do I start, I'm freaking out. But it's just Leo. Why am I freaking out, I kept arguing with myself on the inside until Leo's voice interrupted my thoughts. "what are you doing?" he asked and his eyes dart to his couch which I've dug my fingers into. "nothing," I was just about preparing breakfast" "oh okay, I'll go take a shower" he said and I nod and walked into the kitchen, I decided to make a lot for breakfast and I didn't know why, but I did. As breakfast was getting ready I walked out of the kitchen and was getting ready to tell Leo how I feel, when he comes down to the living room. And suddenly he started coming down from the living room, his long hair went and was dripping droplets of water on his shirt. And he was actually looking like a god ... On his right hand was a hairdryer and I watched him as he glance at me, threw me a smile and walked over to the couch, he plugged in the hairdryer and started to dry his hair. He was having trouble in drying is back and middle hair and again I started to contemplate on whether or not to help me. I didn't know when my legs walked to the back of the couch, and he noticed my presence and turned. "what?" he asked. "let me help you out" I said and he smiled. "really? Thanks" he said and I shrugged and started to help him dry his hair and gosh his hair was soft and black that I wanted it for myself. "so Leo about yesterday" I said but be didn't seem to be interested in whatever I'm trying to say cause it was like he was enjoying the drying of his hair .. His eyes was close and his back was resting on the couch. "what.. about.. yesterday?.." he asked slowly, his eyes still closed. I turned off the hairdryer and he immediately jilted up. "what are you doing? Continue" he said putting my hand back on his hair and I held my back my smile and pull back my hand from his. "can you just hear me out first?" I said and he folded his arm and sighed. "okay go on" "okay, yesterday when you told me about your feelings for me, I couldn't tell you because Mason also said the same thing, but you just have to leave that out cause what I'm trying to say... Is that I do feel the same way about yo-- I haven't completed my words when two strong arms hugged me making me gasp faintly. "you don't know how Happy, I am hearing you say those words" Leo said hugging me tightly. "but you didn't let me finish" I said over his shoulder. "I didn't have to" I smiled and released myself from the weird hug cause the couch was actually in our middle. "so are we?" he asked. "what? Are we what?" I returned the question trying to hide my smile. "are we... He said gesturing his hand back and forth between us and avoiding my eyes "dating?" I help him complete his words with a smile "yeah" he laughed. "what do you think?" I winked weirdly and tried to walk away but he pulled me back, his hands cupped my cheeks and he winked at me. "you're not the only one good at winking" he said and I rolled my eyes. "and also I get to do this" he said and suddenly locked his lips with mine. I reciprocated and we both kissed passionately, it was one hell of a kiss but I was loosing my breath but didn't feel like stopping. But still I had to stop. The sound of the doorbell stopped us from kissing. And I start to breathe in and out heavily, smiling at Leo who rested his forehead on mine catching his breath too. "I'll go get the door" I tell him. "no let's continue" "don't be a perv, and let me answer the door" I said and he let's go of me and rolled his eyes. "or.. help me check the breakfast , while I get the door" i said and he nod and walked towards the kitchen while I walk towards the door. I opened the door and moved back a little seeing a man, I couldn't tell if he was a young man or an old man cause his hairy eyebrows and bears couldn't make me tell. He wore dangling earrings on both of his ear, at the edge of bottom lip laid another earring with another one on top of his nose and his skin was covered in tattoos. "I believe this is Leonard Finn residence" he smiled. "yeah, it is" I said not feeling like opening the door to let him come in. "can I com-- "who's there" Leo's voice interrupted him from behind me and I turned swiftly. And opened the door widely for him to see his guest. "hey Leo" the man smiled slyly which I found really creepy and scary. "what the fuck you doing here?" Leo barked. "don't yell and let's talk this out like real men" the man insisted. "real men!! You dickhead I already told you, I am not doing that anymore, I cancelled it" Leo yelled and I flinched. The man glance at me and smirked. "see you've gotten yourself another lass, If you don't want any chaos, simply step out and let's have word together." he said, his deep voice echoing around the house. "Allen, we have nothing to talk about, just get the fuck out of my house" Leo said and walked up to him and was about closing the door but the Allen guy stopped him by pushing the door back. "you don't want to regret this Leo, we made that deal happily, what the fuck made you change your mind!!" the guy yelled and Leo pushed his hair back and turned to me. "excuse us" he said and walked out with the man slamming the door. I don't know what they're arguing about. But I know it's not good. I tucked my hair behind my ear and walked to the kitchen. As I arranged the food on the dining table, I started to think about us, Leo and I... Since I'm his girlfriend, is things gonna be different now. Cause it still feels pretty the same, am I still going to be working here? Cause he can still be my boyfriend and my boss. I sat down on one of the dining table chairs, and sighed heavily.. Leo walked in not looking happy and he sat down opposite me, I glanced at him and pushed his meal towards him. "enjoy your meal" I smiled. And started to eat. Leo stared at me as I eat not taking a bite from his food, which made me pause and asked. "whats wrong?" "aren't you suppose to be asking me about the dude from earlier." he asked. "you didn't seem like you wanted to talk about it and I didn't want to push you, and even if I did wanted to ask you about him, it's definitely not during breakfast" I said and he smiled. "you're way too nice and it's not a good thing, be a little more aggressive on the outside" he said and I laughed. Okay.. "who's that dude you were talking to earlier" I asked, forging a huge voice and Leo couldn't help but smiled exposing his charming dimples. "okay I give up, your aggressive side isn't that aggressive" he laughed. We both started to eat slowly throwing flirty glances at each other and when our get caught with each other's we laugh. "he's a Allen, he used to work with me before, but not anymore" Leo said after our small laugh. "okay..." I mumbled and nodded, his face expression shows that he doesn't want to tell me this, but he's actually forcing himself to do so. "if you see him anywhere pretend you don't know him, if he comes here next time ignore him even though he's talking to me or in front of you.. And..and..a..a" Leo sighed and bent his head down. "you don't need to talk while eating okay" I said and covered his hand with mine and he raised his head up to look at me. "Penelope.. He called my name and I arched my eyebrows at him. "that's me" I smiled. "I love you" "what.. Why are you being cheesy all of a sudden" I laughed. "I'm being serious" he said not smiling and I smiled, "I know". We continued our meal and after that, I did the dishes but Leo was right beside me talking about this and that, he just follows me everywhere I go, until we both settled on the couch, with me sitting down and him lying down with his head on my thigh. We talked about a lot of things, which let us sometimes laugh.. And his company was really amazing. / / The day was finally over and I was ready to go home. "do you have to go" Leo mumbled. "yes, yes I do" I smiled as I put on my shoes. "can't you and least live here with me" he asked and raised my head to look at him. "no I can't" I said resisting the urge to kiss him when he pouted "give me a reason". "then who's going to live in my apartment" "I can help with that don't worry" "Leonard, it's okay, no need for that okay? It's not like I'll be gone forever" I said and removed his hand from my face to continue with my shoes. "but why do I feel like you'll be gone if you walk out of that door." he said and I laughed, "then why don't you drive me home" "great idea, why didn't I think of that" he said and grabbed his car keys before walking out with me. We both remained quiet In the cαr αs Leo drove me home, We were halfway to get to my house when he stopped the cαr, "why'd you stop the Cαr?" I αsked "sorry pen but I really need to get something in there" he said and pointed to a super mart nearby. "okay I'll be waiting" I smiled. "thanks" he kissed my forehead before walking out of the car. I waited patiently for him and got bored being alone in the car, so I walked out and rested my back on the car and waited patiently there. "oh if it isn't Penelope. The worst woman of the year" I heard a familiar voice and turned to see harmony. Her hand intertwined with a guy's hand. She's so useless, dating different guys everyday. "harmony, how are you?" I asked like I love her "don't give me crap, we totally hate each other, what are you doing here" she asked. "I'm here with Leo, any problem?" I asked. "oh nothing, I see you guys are getting closer everyday, why don't you Losers just date already." "too good we already are" I said and I saw the expression I wanted to see on her face. "then I guess you must know Leo so well he must have tell you his secret". Secret. What secret. Or she just trying to get on my nerves. "we don't keep secrets from each other" I said, not sure of my words. "oh Penny, you don't have to lie, he probably hasn't tell you, maybe he's too scared you run away," she said and rolled my eyes. "if you think I'm lying try asking him where his riches come from, I could have tell you that myself but no. The little princess has to find it out from her prince Prince Charming, you have to ask him about it if you don't want to feel troubled, or actually be troubled" she said and smiled. "C'mon baby, let's walk away" harmony said to her partner and they both walked away, leaving me troubled. "hey I'm back" Leo voice said and I looked up and smile, making him smile too. What secret, could be hiding. Or was harmony playing with me. Leo and I got back to the car and he drove me home., we got to my apartment and I breathed out and threw my bag on the bed. "what a day" he Said and I smiled and nod... "so I guess I better get going" he said sarcastically , cause he didn't want to which made me laugh, I walked up to him and hugged him from behind. "what, you're missing me already, I haven't even left yet" he laughed "Leo." I called and let's go of him which made him turn to face me. "promise me you won't keep anything from me" I said, hugging him again.. "why are you bein-- "and promise me you won't hurt me" I interrupted him and his arms hugged me. "I won't... I promise" he sighed. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
17 Sep 2019 | 18:53
DANGEROUS ❌✖ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 42 I was still in my small hug with Leo before he kissed my forehead and pulled away from the hug.. "okay goodnight" he said, his voice Dry and sad. Not like it was minutes ago. What if it's true, what if he's really keeping something from me. But he promised me he won't hurt me, and I've given him a trust on that one. I guess "goodnight" I said and he smiled weakly and head for the door, he glance at me one last time and immediately placed his phone on his ear. "yeah about what we talked earlier.... I heard him say before he closed the door and I sighed tiredly and plopped down on the bed. I'm back in being in a relationship, the feeling is mutual, and somehow inside of me, I'm scared. But we do things to move on, cause without moving on there is no life. That night I soaked my body under the shower before heading to my bed, I decided to call Mason and see how he's doing but, on second thought I decided not to call him cause he might get emotional hearing from me.. I dropped my phone and dug my face into my pillow thinking about Leo. I love him, I really do. After Richard I thought I'd never feel this way again, but he managed to make me feel like this and that's why I feel alive again but one thing I'm scared of is getting hurt, I don't know if our relationship is going to last but I want to give it a go, I want to give it a try and see where it goes. Cause you can never know what lies in front you or what waits in front of you until you decides to give it a try. That night I slept soundly, immediately folding all my worries at the back of my mind.. ¤ The next morning, I woke up before my alarm and I didn't know why I woke up early, and since I couldn't sleep I turned off my alarm and decided to call my mom since its been ages I've talked to her. We talked about most things and I told her about being in a relationship again and she asked me if that's what I wanted and that she's really happy. Why wouldn't she be, when she wants me to get married right away. "love you too mom" was the last word I said to her before hanging up. I sluggishly got down from the bed and went to take a bath, I wore my casuals and I head to work, and goodness I feel tired. I got down from the bus and made a little walking before getting to Leo's house. I pressed in his passcode and walked in.. The house seemed silent and I thought he'd still be asleep, Maybe I'm too early. I thought, and dropped my bag on the couch and head upstairs to check if he's still asleep. As I have predict. I opened the door to his and turned on the lights only to find it empty, could he be in the shower? I thought but there was no sound coming from anywhere, I head down the stairs and called his name. "Leo..." No reply. "Leo.." I called again but no reply, Suddenly the door opened and Leo walled in, "Leo.. I called softly seeing him look tired and he was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. His tired but Charming eyes dart to me and he tried to smile. "hey, you're here early, good morning" "Leo are you okay?" I asked softly walking up to him. "what do you mean, I'm fine" he said stretching his lips into a smile and from the smile you'll know he's not okay, it's not his usual smile and his face is as pale as a ghost. "you're not" I said and placed both of my hands on his cheeks, "tell me, what's wrong?" I demanded and he covered my hands with his. "nothing's wrong" he smiled falsely. "please Leo, don't lie to me" I said calmly. He sighed and his eyes dart from me to the floor, "okay fine, I wasn't home last night.. But can we talk about this after I shower I feel dirty" he said and I nod and slid my hands away from his cheeks. "okay I'll go make breakfast" I assured him. "thanks" he said, and then laughed, "what?" I asked. "all this is heart warming and kind of funny too, it's like we're married" he smiled. "what?" I tilt my head not understanding him. "you know, you preparing breakfast for the two of us, and me wanting to take a shower, and then we'll both eat together, isn't that what married couples do?" he asked and I swallowed my laugh. "just go take your bath" I stated. "you just know how to ruin moments, don't you" he said and I laughed. He walked upstairs while I walked to the kitchen. I made breakfast that morning and he made a perfect timing at entering the dining room when breakfast was ready. We both ate quietly and he still seemed troubled but not as troubled as he was when he first walked in, I remembered harmony's words yesterday and a sudden heaviness filled my stomach. “”if you think I'm lying try asking him where his riches come from, I could have tell you that myself but no. The little princess has to find it out from her prince Prince Charming, you have to ask him about it if you don't want to feel troubled, or actually be troubled“” Harmony's word ringed in my head and I sighed, I should probably ask him. I have to. "I want to ask you about something" -- "I have to tell you something" we both said at the same time and he sighed. "okay you go first cause I don't think I can" he said and I nod and dropped my spoon. "yesterday, while you were at the super-mart, I met Harmony and she said some things that... I paused and look at him to his curious eyes piercing mine. "some things like.. "some things that kept bothering me" I stated. "thing like" he said and leaned his head forward. He's so curious. "she said you have this secret which she knows of, that I don't. And.. And.. The secret's about your wealth, your riches and the way she said it made it sound bad that it made me feel worried, Leo... I hope it's not something bad" I said and my voice shook out of anxiousness. Leo reached for my hand across the table and clasped our fingers together bringing out a heavy sigh. "that's why... That's why you told me to promise you not to hurt you right?.. But don't worry I won't ever hurt you.." he said and I watched as his head turned down. "Pen... I'm a..i.. I.. I smuggle drugs" he said and I gasped. "'re a drug dealer?" I asked, like.. I don't even know what to think. "that's the secret harmony's talking about, we just started dating and I don't want anything to come between us, and I' smuggle drugs doesn't make me a drug dealer" he said. "yes it does, you know thats illegal like everywhere.. What If you get caught,?" I said, my voice shaking like real bad. "that's why I've been cautious for the past ten years". "ten years?? Leo that's absurd.. How can you do som-- "cause there was nothing for me to do, I had to get rich at all cost I had to make my dad proud even if it means doing stuff like this without his knowledge even after his death, Harmony knew about this and encouraged me to do more ev-- "she encouraged you to do more.. Well I am not like her.. Cause I want you to stop it, you have to quit" I tell him and he sighed "can you let me finish". "harmony encouraged me and I continued but after we Broke up for the second time I had a real thought about it, I've gotten everything I wanted, wealth. I've mange to own a few companies of mine here in Breek and they're really moving up and then I have you, even though we were not dating when I thought about it, being around you was enough cause you really know how to make someone feel alive, and after thinking about having everything, I Quitted.. Two weeks ago, I canceled every deal I had with everyone, I didn't want my hands caught up in illegal things so I quitted, and yesterday I had to make it clear to everyone that I've quitted cause I have everything I want now and it won't be smart of me to continue, so I've decided to quit and just live on with my life with you in it" he explained and I couldn't help the small smile that grew on my face. "that was a smart thought, quitting was the best thing you could ever do" I tell him... "I know, I want to be a new person for you" he said and gave my hand a little squeeze. "that's sweet of you" I smiled. "but there's still one thing, Allen... The guy who came here yesterday, he's still bothering me.." Leo sighed. "bothering you about what? Is he one of your like.. Dealer friend?" I asked not knowing how to put my words. "he's someone I made a deal to, you understand the kind of deal I'm talking about right?" "like to sends drugs to him?" I asked and he nod bashfully. "I made this deal to him months ago but later I told him I've quitted and I don't want anything to do with drugs but he kept bothering me not believing me, cause this deal would make him millions of cash and he doesn't want to loose it but, I cut off that deal, but yet he's still bothering me, he threatened me once but his threat was like bad music to my ears, he couldn't do what he swore he would do and now he's back again with millions of threat but still they all sound like Bad music to me" Leo explained. "but like aren't you scared he might actually want to do something to you?" I asked standing up and walking over to Leo. Never letting go of his hand "scared? Please. That guy's a looser he can't do anything" Leo scoffed and I arched my eyebrows at him. "you never know for sure, he might want to do something to you" I said and he shook his head negatively "he can't" Leo pulled my hand making me sit on his thigh. "don't be too sure of yourself okay, he might want to do something to harm you and I don't want that, no one wants that" I said and circled my hand around his neck, resting my forehead on his, our breaths were synchronizing with each others and our lips inches away, his hands slid around my waist and he held them firmly. "I just want you to know that I've changed and that I want to focus on you and only you okay" he said softly, his breath all over my face. "okay." I smiled. "and I'll never keep anything from you pen I promise, the only thing I've been keeping from you minutes ago is that I've totally lost my appetite and I don't know why" he laughed. "silly" I mumbled. "can we just stay like this for some time?" he asked. "why not" I replied and his grip on my waist tightened. * // MASON'S POV \\ since there was nothing to do nowhere to go, no Penelope to talk to or admire I decided to go visit Kirana, she might seem more of an insane person with me but she's the most sanest person I've ever met. I got to Kirana's workplace and head straight for her office, yesterday I felt sorry for her when Maxwell told her about his girlfriend. I don't think she deserves someone like Maxwell, not that he's not good enough, but she deserves better. Even though Kirana's mostly rude to people she's always there for her friends, like she was with me at the hospital and she's the kind of person who listens to things and tries to make you understand yourself better. So it's like I'll be there for her today since she'll be feeling down about the whole Maxwell thing even though I got rejected by Pen I still feel okay cause I expected it. I knocked lightly on the door and her loud voice yelled an angry "come in".. I opened the door and seeing me she rolled her eyes. "what are you doing here?" she asked standing up from her seat. "I'm here to see you" I smiled closing the door. She paused and took a good look at me. "I'm sorry, did I hear you say the word *im here to see you*?" she said and I nod. "yeah is there anything wrong with that" I asked and she laughed hysterically. "is there anything wrong with that? Mace don't tell me you're crushing on me now that Penelope's rejected you" she said dramatically, her hand on her chest. "please Kira don't make this weird for the both of us" I said and mean it. "good cause not only will I reject you, I'm gonna murder you, and Now since you're here you're going to help me with work, I've got loads of work waiting on my desk, and you're not going to free while you're here" she said and with a shrug I said. "fine no problem" Kirana walked up to me and moved my hair back touching my forehead, "are you sure you're okay or the Mason I know" she asked. "what makes you say that" I returned the question removing her hand, slowly. "cause you suddenly just agreed something with me, when you're supposed to be arguing with me that's unlike you" she said and arched her brows at me. "what's up with you is it weird for a friend to help out a friend" I asked and let go of her hand. "it's weird when it comes to the both of us but I'll take it.. you can go help out with that files over" she said and pointed to her desk and I did as she said, I helped with a lot of her work while she just bossed me around and it did keep me busy, which made me do more actually, at least it'll keep me from thinking of pen.. * ^~^~^~^~^ Leonard`s pov ^~^~^~^~^~^ Pen and I laid on my bed in my room, her head laid on my chest and my head laid on my pillow, we both staring at the ceiling not saying anything, I was enjoying her company but I wasn't feeling too good. I didn't know what was wrong with me cause my body didn't feel the same, it felt weak and a bit dry. Penelope started saying things to me but I wasn't hearing what she was saying, she sounded so far away and I felt a bit dizzy, I didn't know what was wrong with me, I haven't feel like this before.. Recalling from breakfast this morning I remembered not taking anything that would make me feel this way. I didn't even eat breakfast I lost my appetite after talking to pen about my worries and then she took the food away and we both ended up here. "Leo." I heard her voice beside me and manged to see her touching my face. "Leo are you okay?" her voice echoed in my head but I felt weak to answer and before I knew it everything went blank. . T. B. C By RUTHIE LEE
17 Sep 2019 | 18:54
* DANGEROUS ✖❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 43 ~•~• LEO'S POV CONTINUES •~•~ My eyes fluttered open and I saw pen looking at me with a worried look. "thank God, you're awake" she said and kissed my forehead. "what happened" I asked and my eyes dart to the other person in the room. Liam. "you passed out all of a sudden, I was complete shock, I didn't know what to do I was in complete shock, but then he showed up and helped me wake you up and then called him." pen said and her eyes dart to my back and I sat up and turned to see a man, he looked so matured and I arched my brows at him. "I'm doctor Jim," he smiled at me but my eyes went back to Pen I still feel pretty weak though but but not like before. "can you tell him to leave?" I tell pen. "but he's a doct... "please" I added and she sighed, "okay doctor Jim can I talk to you outside" pen smiled at him and the doctor nodded while they both walked out of my room with me watching them. "so how you feeling?" Liam asked me. "useless" I replied. "wow, that's pretty deep" he laughed while I glared at him. "I'm supposed to be the strong one here not Pen" I said and he shrugged "things happen you know, but what I don't really understand is that you don't get sick easily and now you're sick to the extent it made you pass out, dont tell me you ate it drank something that's making you like this" Liam said and I paused and remembered yesterday, I met with Allen and we both had a drink together,, he even ordered the drink from the bar, so I don't think he could slipped anything in my drink. Just then pen Walked in and my eyes turned to her "okay Leo be safe, I'm gonna head out now" Liam said and I nodded while he waved at pen before walking out. Pen sat down beside me and held my hand. "you're going to be fine, doctor Jim told me that and he diagnosed you with fever but I don't think that's it cause he prescribed this drugs" she said and moved a bunch of pills in front of us and picked one up a particular one.. "and this" she breathed out her fingers rubbing the small cylinder plastic bottle she held. "this is not for fevers, I've seen this before, it's for poison.." she said looking at the pill bottle sternly. "don't tell me you were poisoned" she quickly gasped turning to me "I wasn't" I tell her. "then why would Jim prescribe this pill for you?" she asked "I don't know" I shrugged, I was cautious and would know if I Was poisoned. "if possibly you were poisoned, you're taking this pill instantly" she said removing the bottle cap. And I smiled, she do cares. I took the pills and put her at ease, I laid on the bed and she laid beside me, and her two hands hugged my arm. "please don't fall sick" she mumbled "I won't, I promise" I chuckled. We both stayed quiet and I slowly let my hand smoothen her hair and she laughed a bit. "what?" I asked and she moved her head to look at me. "stop it, you're making me feel sleepy" she smiled. "then go ahead and fall asleep" I tell her. "but I'm supposed to be watching over you" she mumbled and scooped closer to me. "see that's where you're wrong, even if I'm sick I'll always be there to watch and protect you" "don't be so sure of yourself". "you keep saying that, and you know what. I am sure of myself and I'll forever be okay." I said and rubbed her cheek while she laughed, I continue to smooth her hair and her before I knew it I began to hear her light and girly snores, she's asleep. I smiled as I stared at her sleepy face that held no emotion and I kissed her lips lightly, I am going to love and protect every bit of her cause she's mine and no one else's. * ΦΦΦΦ Richard's pov ΦΦΦΦ I was at home alone, as usual for the past few days, Olivia hasn't been talking to me since, after her confession I didn't know why I didn't get the idea that she's in love with me. I wish I can love her back but I can't force my heart, I still love Pen.. I guess. I'm not even sure of my heart. I sighed and laid my head on the arm of my couch and sighed heavily, my house's messy and I think I have the strength to make it clean. I feel empty and lonely, I've been busy chasing Pen who doesn't want me anymore and chased away Olivia who managed to love me for my stupid ways. I deserved her ignorance, I kind of missed her though, she's a good person and yet I toyed with her feelings. I'm such a prick. I heard the doorbell but I was feeling too down to get it. But I finally got my butt off the couch and head for the door. I opened the door and was surprised to see Olivia, like really surprised. Cause after confessing and crying to me I tried to explain some things to her but she wouldn't listen to any words I had to say. She said I should get lost and she'll never ever want to see me or meet someone like me ever again and now I'm just so surprised that she's here. "hey, won't you let me in" she said calmly and held her small hand bag firmly.. " in" I said and opened the door wider while she walked in. I closed the door and turned to her. She looked around my room and turned to me, "your room's a mess" she Said "I know I can see that" I said. "well good thing I'm here" she said with a bounce and dropped her handbag on the couch and right in front of my eyes she started to arrange my apartment.. "where should this clothes go" she asked as she held piles of my clothes. "Olivia, you don't need to he-- "hey I'm the one doing the chores not you and I'm not complaining, so tell me where should this clothes go" she asked in a bossy tone... "in there" I said and pointed to a basket in my lobby. "hmm" she smiled, and walked away. She carefully placed them beside the beside the basket and start to fold them and place them in the basket, I just watched her as she made my messy room a living place again and after she was done, she breathed out a "finally" and plopped on the couch. "come sit" she said and tapped the empty space beside her and I obliged to her gesture and sat down beside her, but not too close. "you must be wondering why I'm here right?" she said and I nod lightly as she glance at me. "well to cut things short, even though I did say mean things to you about hating you and never want to see you again. I did mean it then but I still just can't do without you and it's killing me" she said staring at the floor. She's way too straight forward. "I love you and you know that, and well..well I know that you love Pen, but she doesn't love you, she's with Leo Now, they're together, are you still going to force yourself on her?" Olivia said, her voice changing and I suddenly prayed she doesn't cry. "I know it's hurting you that I still have something for Penn, and I can't do anything I'll have to wait for my heart to turn to you" I tell her and she quickly turned to me. "then I'll wait, I'll wait for you anytime, even if it takes a hundred years" Olivia squeaked and I kind of flinched on the inside by her words "but what if it doesn't turn to you?" I asked. "then you'll make that happen" she said and then stood up. "Richie.. I haven't felt like this before and I don't want this feeling to die cause loving someone is the sweetest feeling of all time, even if you don't return the love, I want to see you everyday, I want to hold you, I want to cook for you and I want to love you even more" she said and I sighed softly, this girl is something else. "just how much do you love me" I asked standing up and immediately she turned. "so much than you could ever think of" . "then.. "do you want us to date?" I asked. "yeah, but.. I. .. Why all of a sudden I thought you didn't have anything for me, why would you want to date me?" I asked. "cause I.. cause I'm flattered that you opened up and tell me how you feel, and it's rare seeing someone love you so much, and I don't want that to go to waste, even if I don't feel anything for you now, I'll Learn to love you Olivia cause you've given me so much and it's the least I can do" I said, and mean it. This is an opportunity for me to love again, cause Pen's gone and I have to move on, I don't think I can find someone like Pen and neither can I find someone who'll love me so much like Olivia and be sure about it, so why not be with her. "oh my goodness Richie, that means so much to me" she said and hugged me tightly. My hands slowly moved up and wrapped around her body. She quickly pulled away from the hug and stood on her toe, kissing me. I hesitated for a second and finally let go before reciprocating. ** ** ΠΠΠ Leonard's pov ΠΠΠ I laid on the bed still feeling weak with pen on the bed with me, she's been sleeping for hours and I've been awake watching her even though I'm sleepy myself, I just couldn't sleep cause it feels like closing my eyes it kind of feels like she's going to disappear. I tried to stand up but I couldn't my body felt heavy and I started to feel hot, I pressed my weight on my hand and managed to sit up, shaking pen a bit and immediately she waked up. She's such a light sleeper, at least we both have something in common. "oh.. I can't believe you let me fall asleep" she muffled in her palms and then moved her hair back. She turned to look at me.. "are you okay?" she asked me. "I'm just feeling a little gloomy and hot on the inside" I replied and she smiled a bit. "then the pill you took earlier is working, that's the side effect" pen said. "how did you know all this?" I asked. "cause I'm smart" she said playfully and got down from the bed, she looked around for a wall clock and found one.. "oh, it's late, do you want me to make dinner?" she asked "it's okay, I'm not hungry" I said. "well you have to eat cause you'll need to take your pills, I don't want anything to happen to you Leo, not when I'm still breathing" she said and it sweetened my heart. "okay, I'm hungry all of sudden" I said and she laughed. "oh well I better start cooking--- or, actually there's still some left overs from breakfast I'll microwave that and be right back.". "but you just woke up, shouldn't you rest?" "I'm a woman Leo, and women don't rest, unlike harmony I'm way responsible." "oh really?" I smiled and she nods. "you're not only responsible, you're unique, beautiful, special, you're one of a kind Penelope. And I love you" I said and she paused and her little smile brightened. "I'm... I'm.. I'll.. I go make your dinner" Penn stammerd and I smiled at her shyness as she walked out. ** ** Penn came back into the room with a tray in her hand. "here.. Your dinner is served" she said lively and dropped it in front of me. "you're amazing" I tell her "I know" she primped and laughed. "go on and start eating or your food will get cold" I carried the spoon and was about about to dip it in his meal but suddenly dropped it. "what's wrong" she asked. "I can't seem to lift up my spoon" I lied "feed me" I continued and she scoffed. "are you kidding me! I can tell when you're lying Leo" "I'm not, if you really care about me you'll do as I say" I said giving her sad eyes. "you're such a child" she stated and grabbed the spoon, "open up, cause I'm going spoon full" I smiled and opened my mouth while she shoved the spoon inside and let out a hysterical laugh. "this is so weird" she laughed "what's so weird about feeding me" I said mouth full.. After eating I took my pills still with pen being all caring and I couldn't hold on the joy that filled my heart when Penelope said she's having a sleepover to 'watch over me' since I'm still not feeling better. We both talked about a lot of things, I was still feeling weak but Pen's company made my spirit alive. That night we both slept peacefully I haven't slept so well since I was born. . The next morning, I woke up with the sun on my face, my body weakness increased and I was feeling so hot on the inside, I touched my side and noticed pen wasn't on the bed with me, I forced myself to sit and found a sheet of paper on the bed instead and I picked it up and what I saw really gave me a fright??.. hi santus on+2348091756761 to join story group. On the paper it said. //I've gotten your girl since you failed to give me what I asked for, and Now you can't or will have her back or you agree to what I'm asking you, and I don't think you'll be able to get her since you're all weak and useless, it was nice of me to poison you, in such a short period of time, you are so dumb you didn't realise I did poison you, while you're being weak and useless I'll be the one enjoying your girl, you'll regret ever turning me down. . . 'Allen// I threw the paper and gritted my teeth, how dare he.!!! . By RUTHIE LEE T. B. C
17 Sep 2019 | 18:56
. DANGEROUS ✖❌ ??ROMANCE . BY RUTHIE LEE ?? . EPISODE 44 **LEO'S POV CONTINUES** πo, this can't be happening, I thought. That bastard how could he, my pen.. How dare he kidnap her. I stood up slowly from my bed and grabbed the poison pill pen forced me to take yesterday and turned almost the whole bottle in my mouth. I moved slowly to my closet and grabbed one of my jacket and slowly put it on.. That piece of shit Is going to regret the day he was born. * **PENELOPE'S POV** I woke up by the smell of cigarette and it almost gave me a heart ache. I thought I'd be in Leo's bed but I was wrong, when I opened my eyes I found out I was in a strange looking, actually not strange looking, it was just dirty and has some food stains on the wall, there was a dirty and torn couch in the middle of the room, a big box with hole at the edge was at the corner of the room, and the ground was littered with the remains of cigarette and broken bottle made up the floor. I felt my hands tied behind the chair I was sitting and when I looked at the person in front of me, I sighed, I expected it to be him Allen , and I warned Leo too. I wanted to speak but I noticed my mouth was covered with a dirty rag and my body cringe at the feeling of it. Allen looked at me with his dull grey eyes and tilt his head. "wanna speak?" he asked, Like I could reply that. so I rolled my eyes. He stood up from the ground and walked closed to me, he removed the rag from my mouth and blew his stinky cigarette smoke breath on my face and I felt like dying. "here, it's off what do you want to say" he said tossing the rag into a corner "lemme guess. .. He started, "you're going to ask, where you are and why I brought you". I was still feeling a little bit sleepy so I wasn't in the mood to yell 'let me out of here' or something like that. So after a little yawn I breathe out a "really?" and threw him off the cliff a bit. "I get this, you're gonna keep me hostage till my boyfriend agrees with that stupid drug stuff deal or whatever you guys call it" I said. He froze for a while but then threw the remaining of his cigarette,. "oh so he told you. Such a loyal boyfriend". Allen smiled and I rolled my eyes. "seems like you're smart, like I expected, it's nice for Leo to have someone smart by himself cause he comes before the word dumb" . "okay! Look Allen, you're still a child I can see that" I said and he arched his brows at me. "and what the fuck makes you say that" he said getting angry. "cause kidnapping me is the worst idea you could ever think of, Leo said he's cut off the deal, and clearly you're just wasting your time" I said and he suddenly burst out laughing. "don't try to sweet talk me to let you go cause I won't" he said and I shrugged. "okay, let me make things a bit clear for YOU, you know Leo's already cut off the stupid deal between the two of you and you're holding me hostage, even if Leo finds me he'll never agree to it, so you're just wasting everyone's time" I explained, my sleepy eyes disappearing. "sweetie, I'm not forcing him to Make that 'stupid' deal, as you call it, with me again, I'm just having revenge" he said with an evil grin, and he kind of looks like harmony while doing that. "revenge? You're still not going to get what you want after revenge, what Is up with you guys!" I exclaimed angrily. "I know I won't get what I want, but at Least I'll feel we're even" "gosh, Allen you're the worst" I mumbled. "and you're the prettiest" he said and stood straight. "did I ever mention that your beauty caught my eyes uh... Penelope" he said with his wicked grin. "and did I ever mention, that your every 'you' disgust me" I replied and he laughed. "now don't try to play, “two can tackle” with me cause I'm the one standing and you're the one sitting on the chair with hands tied behind your back." he said slowly coming close to me and when he got to me he brought his face closer to my face.. "how about we share our first kiss" he said and I almost fainted cause his breath stinks of cigarette. "go to hell" I said and sulked my lips in my mouth. "if I'm going then you're coming with me" he said and touched the top of my nose with his tongue and that made me cringe like so Hard that I felt like giving my ghost up. "get away from me" I mange to muffle through gritted teeth and forcefully hit my forehead on his making him move back with pain, my hurts too but it was worth it. "you hoe" he said and was about to slap me when I quickly raised my leg up in between his legs and kick him in the groin'. He squeaked and he covered that part with his hands, I didn't know I could be that fierce. He angrily slapped me hard making me my hair fall heavily on my face "try and hit her again and you're gone" Leo's weak voice suddenly said out of nowhere and my neck jilted up to find him and I saw him at the door behind Allen, and I gasped when I saw the gun he was pointing at Allen. His face looks pale and by the way he stood you could tell he's weaker than weak itself. My poor Leo. "oh if it isn't our unfortunate boyfriend" Allen said with a bit of humor in his voice, and he was smiling stupidly. Liam suddenly walked behind Leo and I breathed out a bit. At least he's not alone. "oh you brought a friend" Allen smiled. "let go of her now or I shoot" Leo said angrily .. "you look like a living dead, guess my poison's working" Allen smiled and walked closer to me.. "step away from her Allen I'm warning you!!" Leo said through gritted teeth and Allen glance at him with a smiled.. "you don't tell me what to do Finn, cause I already had it with you, so fuck off" Allen said to him and held my chin and I gasped, not because he held my chin, but because Leo pulled the trigger and was ready to shoot, but Liam suddenly pushed his hand down. "Allen stop all this you're acting like a maniac, you can let pen go and take me instead" Liam insisted. "I don't have anything with you so I don't want you" Allen said, and knuckles as white as snow, Liam suddenly punched Allen knocking him to the ground. Two guys suddenly came behind me and attacked Liam who was busy on the floor with almost killing Allen. I looked up at Leo and his poor pale face, seeing the guys on the floor he slowly walked over to me and removed the rope on my hand making me free and first, I gave him a hug. "why'd you come, you shouldn't have, you're not feeling well" I said and touched his cheek with my palm. "to save you, I'm ready to do anything" Leo said and pulled my hands away from his cheek with a weak smile. We both heard a groan and we suddenly turned and saw blood on the floor. Whose blood is it?? I thought.. The three guys were still on the floor battling with each other, so we didn't know whose blood it was. Liam suddenly punched, Allen and one of the hard before standing up, and when I looked at the other guy, he wasn't moving that much and his face was becoming pale and I kind of figured out, that was his blood.. "come-on let's get out of here" Liam said, heading for the door and I was about moving when Allen got up from the floor and pounced on Leo making the gun he held roll out of his hand and stopping at the top of my feet. Allen started to punch Leo real hard, tearing his lips with his fist and Leo couldn't fight back, 'cause he was as weak as a candle. Liam started to run towards them to help Leo but the other unharmed guy attacked Liam. Leaving me to watch a horrible fight between my boyfriend and his ex-business worker and my boyfriend's friend and his ex-business worker's friend and a half dead man bleeding on the floor and his wicked face crying for help, I don't know between Liam, Allen or the other guy, who stabbed him but he deserved it. Left alone with the horrible fight, I decided to save my Leo and I ran towards him and Allen and started to pull Allen away from Leo with my girlish strength, but with anger, Allen pushed me and I moved back with full force, hitting my head the irritating wall. Leo manged to punch him weakly when he did that and that made Allen more angrier that he started to hit Leo angrily, I stood on my feet and since I couldn't fight him or do anything , I glanced at the gun that laid on the floor just five inches away from my feet. And slowly, I picked it up with my shaky hands. And pointed it at Allen. "get off of him this instant" I reprimanded. "you can't dare!" he laughed. "get off of him!??" I warned,. Again. "look how shaky your hands are and you think I'll be able to believe that you can actually shoot, such a lame girlfriend" he laughed again He's right, I'm such a lame girlfriend, if it were harmony she would have shoot him a dozen times in his head, but I don't know how to use a gun, this is also my first time seeing and holding a real gun in real life, I've only seen it in movies and still yet I don't know how to don't know how to shoot and I don't ever want to. Cause all this is crazy.. "Pen, or whatever your name is, do it!! I'm waiting for you" Allen said giving me a wicked grin. *don't do it* something said in me *do it* said another thing in me. *pull the trigger pen!!" something yelled in me *don't do it* *do it* my mind kept saying different things, pulling me back and forth and I became so confused, not knowing what to do. "yeah just like I expected" Allen mumbled and let his fist meet Leo's face again and I didn't know when I pulled the trigger shooting Allen and he froze and fell to the ground, I froze too and the gun dropped from my shaky hands. I did... No.. I did not just not kill someone.. I killed a human being.. I killed someone!! I killed a human being.. My mind kept telling me and the hair on my body rose to their fullest and I started to feel nauseous, and everything went blank... * * I woke up by the sounds of water droplets having a rhythmic beat as it hits something hard. I noticed I was in a bed, a hard bed and I slowly got up. I looked around the room and noticed I was alone in this very room, I was about to walk down from the bed when the door opened and Liam walked in with a band aid on his chin. "oh you're awake" he smiled and close the door. "where's Leo? I asked. "he's in another room, causing a comotion cause he wants to see you and he hates being in a hospital" Liam said. "can I see him?" "sure you can, he'll be calm when he's around you" Liam smiled, I slowly walked to the door when I paused remembering what brought me here and I stared down at my hands. "Liam, I killed someone" I breathed out. "uh.. No you didn't you jus-- "I killed him, I killed Allen" I said starting to cry. And my body started shivering "no you didn't" he said giving me an assuring smile. "I did, then where is he now" I asked. "he's with his friends" Liam lied. He's lying. I clearly killed someone and that'.. Murderer, I've committed murder. "I'm a murderer Liam" I said loosing my breath. "no you're not" Liam and Leo's voice said at the same time and I turned to the door and found Leo standing there, his face was swallowed everywhere and he still looked pale, and like he's going to die any minute. "no pen, you're not a murderer, he deserved it and what hurts me most is that he's still alive," Leo said and I felt a little bit relieved. "Oh, thank goodness" I breathed out. "but.. I don't think he's going to make it though, he's under going a surgery now but I think it's too late cause he lots a lot of blood already" Leo smiled and I gasped. "what... What If he dies.. That means. I'm.. "pen he's going to die and you're not a murderer, don't you ever call yourself that, you did the right thing and you should, cause it's a selfishly world and all need to fight for what's right for us, he's already a living dead before and you just gave him a perfect ending to his life, don't be foolish my calling yourself a killer okay?" Leo said and hugged me with one arm. While I hugged him tightly with two of my hands and I wasn't shocked when I felt how hot his body was.. He's sick but he didn't care all he wanted was so save me. "excuse me!" we heard a tiny voice behind which made us disengage from our hug. We turned and there stood a nurse, she has a slender body, but a fat face, and not so friendly with height. "Mr Finn, please I'm nurse Ruby," she announced. "I'll be the one in charge of your treatment and i-- "I'm not sick thank you" Leo said and I glared at him. "sir, please.. Let us treat you or else it may get worse, you were poisoned and took an overdosed pills that you weren't supposed to take and now it's reacting badly in your body, and your face has been hit badly, and if it's not taken care it may get into a critical condition" the nurse explained. "let it get into a cricket condition instead, I don't care, I'm going home" Leo said and held my hand. "C'mon Pen, let's go" he said and was about to drag my hand but I pulled my hand back. "you're getting the treatment or I'm not coming with you" I said and tucked my hair behind ear and he wore a sad face and stared at me, we both held a heavy eye contact and after a minute of silence he sighed. "okay fine" he rolled his eyes to the nurse. * Leo got his treatment and before we know it we were on our way home with Liam, who was driving, while we were back at the hospital, he took a small chance to get to Leo's house and get his car to the hospital. So we could all drive in it when coming back. We got to Leo's house and Liam helped him get inside cause he doesn't seem himself, and I wondered how the hell he made a 'commotion' in the hospital with his weak body. Leo laid on his bed and after talking to Liam about something, their almost ending conversation was interrupted when Liam's phone ring, it seems like he was talking to his sister cause the way he keeps sighing, playfully abusing her and apologizing, at the same time was funny and it made me think of Kirana and Mason, and I missed them so dearly. Liam bid goodbye to Leo who was on the bed and I escorted him out Leo's bedroom and I couldn't thank him enough. "what are friends for! No need to thank me" Liam said. "Leo might think he's alone, but he's not, he's got friends who really care about him, and that's you and me for example, I'm also ready to help Leo in any ways cause he also helped me years ago, so I'm just returning the favours and doing what a good friend should" he explained and I nod. "okay then take care!" I said "take care, have a nice day!" he smiled and walked away.. I walked back into Leo's room and his eyes was half closed and his breathing was heavy and I smiled, such a pitiful boy.. Looking at him this way you'll think he doesn't disturb and doesn't know how this world works, but he's actually a builder in the world. "keep staring at me and I'll blow up" Leo mumbled and his eyes open. I laughed and walked close to me, sitting beside him. "I thought you were asleep" I said touched the top of his nose. "your mind kept saying how beautiful I was, so it was hard to let of that compliment and fall asleep" he said and I laughed. "just fall asleep and stop talking already" "I can't seem to when you're beside me" he said. "then should I leave?" I ask. "no" he smiled, my fingers dug in his hair and I started to roll his hair in my fingers while we talk about some things and I before I knew it, real this time he fell asleep. . T. B. C... Up nxt.. Last episode By RUTHIE LEE
17 Sep 2019 | 18:57
**FINAL EPISODE** DANGEROUS ❌❌ ??ROMANCE ?? . . EPISODE 45❤ Four days after. Leo has gotten better and we've both been living happily, I still go to work, in his house. Well I wouldn't call it work cause it doesn't seem like "working" since I just cook for him and we just spent the day together. It was Sunday morning when I woke up by the loud sound of my ringing tone. With my eyes closed, my hand reached for my phone on my bedside drawer. When my hand touched my phone I grabbed it slide my hand on the answer button which was on the left side of the screen and I placed it on my ear. Without looking at the caller. "hey!." I heard 'his' voice and my eyes fluttered open. "hey? really?" I said, a small smile appeared on my face. "what's wrong with me saying hey?" Leo said into the phone. "Okay let me get this straight, we're both Two people, who fell in love and when you were sick, like seriously sick I was the one who took care of you, stood by your side and made your gloomy hours lively and here you are giving me the 'hey' attitude," I said slowly and he gave a loud chuckle. "okay babe?, is that any better" he asked. And my cheeks flushed. "that's not any better". "okay.. Then what else do you want me to call you?" he asked. "I don't know think of something" "aren't you the one who wants me to call you a sweet name" he said. And I could sense the smile in his voice. "well as an absolute boyfriend can't you think of something?" I asked. "well no, cause I'm not the Corky type who calls, honey, sweetie, or darling, it's dorky, cheesy, lame and cliche.. I'll just call you by your name, and just because I'm calling you by your name doesn't mean my I don't love you, I do and you know that, and me calling you by your name means a lot of things that no one but only you and I can understand" he said and I placed my hand on my chest grinning from ear to ear, that was romantic. "hello.. "pen.. You still there?? "uh--uh...yeah.. Sorry I was just lost." I said with a nervous laugh . "lost in my words?" he asked "uh.. No way "really?" his voice teased "--yeah, yes I was" I said truthfully. "see nothing hurts in lying, it actually made me smile, and you know these dimples are only meant for you" he said "stop with the flattery okay? Or I'm gonna explode" I said and said the last part lowly, but he heard it and let out a hysterical laugh. "you are so cute" he laughed. "anyway, get dressed, I'm coming over to pick you up" "what? Are we going somewhere" I asked sitting up. "somewhere? No not really just get dressed in three minutes, I'll be there soon" he said "three minutes!!, I'm not a guy, guys take three seconds to get dressed while ladies take four hours" I smiled. "four hours!! Are they dressing up as clowns or what?" Leo laughed. "anyways take your time but be expecting me in exactly three minutes" . "okay I'll be waiting" I smiled. "okay..." he said not hanging up "aren't you going to hang up" I asked. "nope, just keep talking I love your voice" he said which made me groan loudly and he laughed. "okay, I'm just teasing ya', I'll be there soon" he said and finally hung up. I got down from the bed and appeared under the shower, the warm water made the happy me more happy, I dried my body, put on some body lotion and walked into my closet, I started to tear down all of my clothes to look for a dress cause I hardly wear dresses and wearing trouser is just my casual wears and if I happen to wear it today not knowing where Leo's going to take me, it might seem too inappropriate, I have to look good. After searching and searching I finally found a dress, but I sighed when I looked at it well, it was the dress Kirana bought for me when we went to club zero-zix, I paused for a minute and stared at the dress. It's a bit too much! I thought "I'll just wear it like that" I said to myself after glancing at my horrid closet, I shoved the rest of my clothes in my closet and closed it, suddenly hearing a knock on my door. "who's it??" I yelled, careful not to open the door for anyone, cause I'm in a towel. "it's your mother, open the door this instance" Kirana's Voice echoed through the door and in my room, making me laugh. "silly girl" I smiled when I opened the door. "hey, good morning" she said walking in with plastic bags. But still trying to give me a hug. "hey, how are you?" I asked as I closed the door. "never been better" she said dropping the bags on my bed. She spotted the black dress on the bed and turned to me. "going somewhere?"she asked "yeah, I don't know, maybe" I said and she rolled her eyes. "you don't know!" "actually Leo called me this morning telling me he's coming over to take me out or something" I grinned. "bummer! I came here to celebrate the Sunday with my bestfriend and now she's leaving, I even bought pizzas" she said bringing them out of her plastic bags. "I'm sorry Kira, you know I'd kill to spend a day with you, but I haven't had the chance to hang out with Leo normally cause, he's been sick for the past few days" I tell her, walking to my closet again. "he's been sick??" she gasped. "yeah" I replied faintly. "he doesn't look like someone who'd get sick that easily, and even if he did get sick, he looks like someone who'd recover quickly, what happened to him, was it serious?, why didn't you tell me about it?" Kirana question and I sighed and turned to her. "he was poi-- poured down with a little fever" I lied. I know I'm not supposed to lie but, she doesn't have to know the truth, about his poisoning and my kidnapping.. I just don't want her being all jumpy and cheesy and am not in for long stories. "oh.. That's common, the weather's been changing creepily these days," she said and I nod. "so he's okay now right? Perfectly okay." she asked and i nod. "pass me the dress please" I said to her and she threw the dress at me and it flew above me and hung on my head covering my face, and she laughed. "it's not funny" I said as I pulled the dress from my face. "hell yeah it was" she said still laughing. I slipped on the dress and it feels a little tight, Leo said I've been getting skinny because of him but I don't think so, I think I may be adding more on the flesh, and that's great. Kirana then stood up to help me with the zipper. "so.. I guess I better start leaving cause I'm not spending the day with you and I don't want to waste any more time" she said as she pulled the dress up from the zipper. "I'm sorry,... I mumbled "we can hang out tomorrow'' "I have work tomorrow dummy, I'm not like you who doesn't have to work but still live on diamonds" . "but I work" I exclaimed. "spending all the day with your boyfriend, cooking and the both of you eat together, you call that work?" Kirana said and I pursed my lips together. "but don't worry, I can't force you to hang out with me, whenever you're free I'll make myself free too, just have a good time with him." she said and tapped both of my shoulders . "thanks" I mumbled. I packed my hair up in ponytail and but on some earrings before grabbing my phone and checking my reflection on my screen. "do you think I should put on some makeup" I asked touching my face. "no. And do you even have any makeup" kirana asked and I gasped. "I don't" "well don't put any makeover cause it'll ruin your hot, sexy but innocent image, and... you'll look like a giraffe" she said and I rolled my eyes. "okay then I'll be off, I'll just be alone, stuffing my face in pizza" Kirana said picking up the plastic bags. Just then her phone beeped. It looked like a text message, she read it and smiled at the phone then at me "what?" I asked, my lips stretching into a smile as I saw her smile.. "looks like I'm not going to be alone, I almost forgot we got Mason, I'm going to share some of these with him" she said waving the bags in the air. "good luck, seems like the both of you have been hanging out a lot, I never imagined that cause, you two are like Tom and Jerry" I said with a laugh. "he's been coming around the company a lot and he's been helping me out on a lot of work, I never knew breaking his heart would break this side of him" Kirana said and I gave her a look. "I'm just saying, but he's been real nice and he's been saying normal things around me, he's changed, you should see this side of him, it's really nice" Kirana said smiling and I winked at her. "growing anything for him?" I asked with a sly smile. "eww. Don't go there!"she said and I laughed. "anyway I'll be going see you anyday" she said and pulled me into a hug. Before walking out of my apartment. "oh hey Leo." I heard Kirana said from outside, and suddenly a happy fire in me ignited and I smiled. "hey Kira" I heard him say, and then walked in and closed the door . "whoa" he said when he saw me. "what, do I look awakward?" I asked. "you just took my breath away, the last time you wore this dress it was beautiful, but not as it is now, it's changed a bit, it's more clingy to your body, and goodness I am dying" Leo said dramatically and I rolled my eyes. "drama queen" I laughed. "drama king" he corrected "like I care, so where are we going?" I asked. Walking to my bed. "how did you know, I wanted to take you out" he asked "during our phone call, you said I should get dressed that you're coming to pick me up and when a guy tells a girl, he's coming to pick her up, it's means he's taking her out" I explained and he laughed. "you're smart" "thanks, I got that from my dad" I primped, and grabbed one of my shoe slipping it on my feet. "so you ready?" he asked. "yeah" I said standing up. "okay then close your eyes." he said. "what?!!" "just do it" he said and I closed my eyes. I felt something cold on my neck and I quickly opened my eyes to see Leo placing a golden necklace with a Dove pendant on my neck and I smiled. "see now your dressing's complete" he said and I smiled. "thanks". "no need, I have one and you should too cause, we're one and whatever I have, you shall too" he said showing me the same necklace. "well that's awesome" I said and quickly turn to give him a kiss, which he immediately reciprocated.. We both stopped kissing, and he snaked his around my shoulder and smiled, "now, let's go, time waits for no body" "where are we going?" I asked. "it's a secret" he replied as we walked out of the door. "really?" I rolled my eyes. "yep" he said. "bummer!" I pouted and he laughed, that sweet laugh that you envy his dimples and drown yourself in his voice. We both walked down the building, meeting Richard and Olivia, saying just a simple hi to them, we walked passed them and to Leo's car. Leo opened the door for me and I smiled at him before walking in.. * =«”»= KIRANA'S POV =«“»= I went over to Mason's house cause he texted me if I wanted to hang out and yep, I am looking for someone to spend the Sunday with, cause Pen bailed at me. I finally got to Mason's house and walked out of the cab that drove me there, my hand was full so I just slipped out a bunch of money from my purse and gave it to the cab man.. "keep the change" I tell him. "but ma'am this is not enough, you're missing out on fifty cents" he said looking at me and the money. "then that's your luck" I said and closed the door. "but ma'am... The man called. "happy Sunday.." I smiled at him before walking away. "madam." he still yelled. "IT'S JUST FIFTY CENTS OLD MAN!!" I yelled back, even though he's not old, I have to put that old man so he'll scram out. I got to Mason's front porch and looked back to see the taxi driver still looking at me. I sighed and dropped the plastic bags beside the door and walked back to the cab.. "it's just fifty cents, I don't know what your problem is" I rolled my eyes at him, shoving out a dollar from my purse and handing it to him. "here. For reals this time, keep the change" I said with my eye brows arched and he smiled, "thanks madam" . Who knew he knows how to smile. I shook my head negatively and walked back to Mason's house, this time pressing the doorbell, and after a second he opened the door. "hey" he smiled, "hey?, be a better someone and help me take these inside" I said and he smiled. He grabbed the plastic bags and walked in while I followed closing the door behind me. "you even bought pizza for me, you just love me too much!" mason said peeping at the bag. "it's for pen, don't flatter yourself" I said, rolling my eyes and plopping down on the couch. "then why isn't it with her then?" he asked, "cause she's going out with Leo and I don't want to ruin whatever he wherever they're going to" I said, "oh" Mason breathed out, My head raised and I gaze at him till we made eye contact. "what?" he asked opening one of the pizza box, "feeling jealous" I teased and crossed my ankle over my knee and start to remove my shoe. "what?.. No way" he smiled. "really? Cause I smell jealously coming from you" I laughed. "I'm over her" he said. "really?" "yeah, If she's happy that's okay with me, even though I'm just a teeny tiny bit jealous about them, I'm happy for them" he said and my eyebrows arched.. "don't tease me Ira, I am happy for them, I've been over Penelope ever since I started hanging out with you" mason said and shoved a slice of pizza in his mouth. And I paused "you've been over Penelope ever since you started hanging out with me?? Don't tell me I've been the one on your mind for the past few days" I said standing up. "what? That's not what I meant" he said with his mouth full. "really? You just confessed your feelings and you're denying it" I said with a serious face crossing my hands on my chest . "what confession" he said surprisingly. "the one you just did" I said and he almost spit out his pizza. "I did not confess, that wasn't a confession" he said and I laughed. "I was just pulling your legs, gimme some" I said referring to the pizza and he passed me the box and sat down on the couch, while I sat down beside him. "turn on the TV" I said passing him the remote. "don't boss me around" he said taking it. "I'm always the boss" I said when he turned on the TV. "but it won't be bad dating someone like you" mason said after a moment of silence. "so you admit you have feelings for me" I grinned at him. "I didn't say that" he half yelled. "you don't have to yell, I know when you lie, so yelling is wasting your time" I said and he sighed and shook his head negatively. "I don't have time for you, since all you want to talk about is junk" he said and took another bite from his pizza while I smiled. "since you've been talking about feelings and all, sure you don't have any feelings for me?" Mason said after eating his pizza and I rolled my eyes. "keep dreaming" I said and he laughed. * ???Penelope's pov ??? After driving for what seems like eternity, Leo finally stopped in front of a big restaurant, .. He got out of the car and helped me open mine, while I got out he took my hand. "okay that's new" I laughed. "don't make me feel stupid" he said and I laughed. "why are we here?" I asked as he took my arm and a walked me into the restaurant. "you talk too much." he said and I laughed, We got into the beautiful but empty restaurant and we sat down at a table at the back of the restaurant that Leo suggested we take, and suddenly a white haired waiter walked up to our table. "good day, Mr Finn and Mrs vandale, your table for two has been checked, and Now would you like to order anything now?" the man asked and I glanced at Leo, surprised that the man knows my name. "no thanks,..I'll.. I'll.. Just have water" I tell the waiter. "are you sure?" Leo asked me. "or orange juice," I changed my mind and the waiter smiled "and you?" the waiter asked Leo, "same thing" Leo said and the waiter nodded and walked away. "so what do you think of this restaurant? Is it okay to your taste?" Leo asked. "Huh? To my taste, why would you ask me tha-- "I bought this whole place for you,.. For us just for today " he said. "whoa,.. Are you serious! Why?". "I realised ever since we've been dating we've never had an actual date and I just want this to be our first and most memorable date". "awwn, Leo that's so romantic," I said clasping my hands together. "thanks, I'm not those romantic kind of guys but with you I think the romantic side is rubbing off, I love you pen" . "I love you too" I smiled. The waiter came back with our orange juices and after talking about some things we later ordered some real food and we ate, talked and laughed about a lot of things, Leo told me a lot of things about himself about his childhood days and the one that got me laughing is when he sleep walked and peed on the couch. I shared some of my childhood memories with him too, mostly about Kirana cause she's the one who made most of my childhood days fun. We were still talking until we got tired and faced our meal .. Leo said something but I didn't hear him so with my mouth full I looked up "what?.." I asked softly. "marry me" he said. M..marry him.. I started to cough without no reason and he sighed and handed me his glass of water and I drank it till I'm okay.. "I'm serious Pen." he said after my moment of silence. "I mean we both like each other like so much, and I don't see what's keeping us from getting married, if you're worried about me bailing on you on the last minute of getting married in a church or whatever, don't be. Cause I'm not" he said and I sighed, he knows my problem.hi ishmeal on+233544142683 to be added to his story rooms to enjoy more stories from there. "we don't need to have a wedding for people to know we're married, we don't need a priest to court us together and make us say the word I do, to make people believe we're together, neither do we need a pastor to pronounce us as husband and wife to make you my wife cause saying the word 'yes' you already are" he said and I sighed again looking at me. What am I doing, I'm finally in love again and I don't need to ruin myself and have regrets. Just as I was about to say yes, he placed his hand inside his jacket pocket and brought out a small box, He opened it and a small shiny ring laid on, "if you just put this ring on and say ye-- "can you just stop being dramatic and hear me out first" I cut him off. "uh...... okay" he said and sulked his lips into his mouth. "well yes. I'll Marry" I said plainly. "really?" his eyes brightened. "isn't that what we want, to be together, I know that's what I want" I smiled shyly and he smiled exposing his dimples. He quickly placed the ring on my fourth finger and kissed me. # THE END!!! A perfect ending doesn't mean all people have a happy ending ? Everyone has their own direction ? ?life is so long. Someday in future, you may meet someone, you may fall for someone.? And may also forget someone. So they are,?? so are w??e. Not everything requires an answer ? Right or wrong is not necessary ☀ Someday you'll just recall that it happened. ? Then move on with your life.. ☺ ? That's all. ✌ Thank you all for reading.
17 Sep 2019 | 18:58
i have almost forgotten the story
17 Sep 2019 | 19:19
welcome back....and good bye to the story
17 Sep 2019 | 19:23
nice ending
17 Sep 2019 | 19:24


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