

By Shaxee in 9 Nov 2014 | 07:06
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Posts: 2461
Member since: 19 Oct 2014
Episode: 1
I hate women"; I know
hate seems like a
strong word but that's
the only emotion I feel
towards them; then
maybe disgust. I mean,
what else can I feel
when the woman I
loved with all my heart
for four years told me
she never really loved
me, and that it was
more like she stayed
long because she felt
pity for me. This was
my third failed
relationship and I
believe everything is
wrong with how the
love section of my life
story was written.
My first relationship
seemed promising at
first. Kemi and I were
extremely close and
never really had
problems, just minute
arguments here and
there. Although
everything came
crashing down when
she slept with one of
my friends and he
bragged about it to my
face, “Omo she bad!”
said. Till today I cannot
comprehend how that
happened exactly, but
she didn’t even deny it.
My second relationship
was supposed to be a
passing fling in the
beginning but then it
turned into something
serious and lasted for
six months, Vivian was
a light-skinned goddess
with an amazing
personality. She
brightened my day just
by smiling, I swear I
thought that was
finally it, I’d found the
“one”. But then good
things always come to
an end, don’t they?
Three failed
relationships within
years and I was left
with a heart that
I stared at the query
letter with so much
disdain, my attention
work had reduced
drastically since the
break-up. I refused to
drown my sorrows in
alcohol simply because
drinking makes me go
full slowpoke. My job
at Apex Bank was
simple but frustrating,
worked in the IT
department and for
better part of my day,
was seated helping the
“dazed & confused”
The query was a result
of an incident that
happened at work
recently, I was sent by
my supervisor to help
setup internet
connection in a new
branch that was about
to open, my colleague
and I were busy
up the connection
the branch manager
who happened to be a
woman walked in and
yelled at us saying we
were taking too long to
just setup "simple
internet", I turned
around with so much
anger packed in my gut
and with my head
about to explode, and
told her to go act like a
Dam somewhere else.
I know it wasn't my
finest moment but the
anger that had been
stored in me for so
finally got out. I felt
silence around me for a
moment, she stared at
me with disbelief and
then walked away, her
departure was
by the loud laughter of
my colleague and I
knew my death was
imminent. On my arrival
at the office, my
supervisor called me
and asked for an
explanation but all I
could say was "I was
having a bad day". He
gave me the query,
asked me to answer it,
and then head back to
that branch and
apologise to the
I’ve been seated in
front of my laptop
trying to explain why I
was having a bad day
and all I could write
were these three
words: I HATE WOMEN.

***To Be Continued***
9 Nov 2014 | 07:06
Episode: 2 I had a really shitty day and I am going to put the blame on every living creature that has a protruding growth on its chest known as bosoms. I spent the entire day at work trying to figure out the way a woman’s mind works, I know that’s quite impossible but as interesting as they are, they’re also quite silly. Women demand that they want to be treated like men; they want to have equal rights but refuse to bear the same responsibilities that a man does. That’s just pure undiluted stupidity right there, their responsibility lies in the kitchen and in the bedroom if they’re not so lazy. Putting a woman on the helm of affairs in an organization is just a recipe for disaster, she’s like a time bomb waiting to explode when she’s under pressure, and brethren you don’t want to be in their cross-hairs when they’re on their period and need to make an important decision. A woman knows that she’s subservient and she will always be that way but the feminist in her won’t calm down and realize the reality that her job is to submissive to a man and he reciprocates by showering her with his love and affection. Self- proclaimed feminists are going to rise up and tag this as an insult to women but there will be more peace in the world if they just accept this one simple truth: WOMEN ARE SUBSERVIENT TO MEN. Almost all the women in my office that hold superior positions all have the same problem: They are all single. After years of bagging several degrees, they’ve come to believe that they cannot be involved with any man ”inferior to them” and he needs to have at least a six figure salary. They don’t want to settle for an average man and that’s going to leave them single for a long time. This all seems like a cry for help and a bad way to generalize women but I don’t really care about all that, I just want to fade out and disappear. I can taste this hatred for women in my tongue or that could just be the after taste of the ... I submitted my query reply to my boss and concluded my work for the day before heading home, my apartment was a constant reminder of all the ladies that broke my heart but I couldn’t move out because I didn’t have the luxury of pouring money into a new apartment. I prepared something to eat but the loss of appetite took over me and I delved into my deep thinking process again, I was going to shut myself off from the world and live my life like a hermit. There’s so much more to life than trying to always impress these women that don’t deserve me. Henceforth, I’m going to write down all these thoughts that flow through my mind in a journal of some sort and try to reflect on them. These words of mine might make no sense to some people but I find solace in those words and I hope they bring me the much needed comfort that I crave badly. ***To Be Continued***
9 Nov 2014 | 07:09
Uhmmmmm can u pls complete d oda unfinshed stories???
9 Nov 2014 | 17:57
Episode: 3 The following day was a regular day at work, configuring network devices and troubleshooting any error on the bank’s network as usual. It seemed like a promising day because I had a smile on my face, I was happy to be at work for the first time in a long time, before going on my lunch break my boss called me and asked me to setup a new workstation in my department for a new staff, I got to work immediately so I could settle the rumbling in my stomach before the lunch break came to an end. While setting up the system, I was passing the Ethernet cable under the table when I noticed a pair of smooth legs walking towards the table and stopped right in front of me, I pulled my short self from under the table to find a slim looking lady standing in front of me, her skin looked like butterscotch and I wanted to lick her on the spot just to know what she would taste like; she was a goddess. With a smile that had the intensity to brighten up my life like sunlight, she finally spoke: “Hi, are you Bayo?” I replied her and asked how I could help her, she was the new staff I was setting up the work station for and she was sent by my boss so I could introduce her to everybody in the department. I was angry at first because that was someone else’s job, but I decided to enhance my calm or I might just get another query. Her name was Kofoworola, a corps member that got posted to the bank, I made the necessary introductions and asked her to feel free to ask any questions that she encounters while working, I left her in the office and went to settle my stomach before it develops a voice and f**ks me up. I returned to my department and met my boss there talking to Kofo, I tried to walk past him unnoticed but he called me back and asked if I had any work pending that I needed to get to, I made the mistake of being honest and said no, if I had known what is next statement was going to be then I would have lied my Bottom off and said I had a lot of work to get to. He told me I was going to be in charge of teaching Kofo what we do in the IT department, “show her how the different monitoring softwares work and how to collate the daily, weekly and monthly reports” he said. At this point, I knew this was the punishment for my outburst the other day; I totally suck at teaching people anything, my patience runs thin when I'm trying to get a message across to someone and they are just too dense to assimilate every word coming out of my mouth. I had a disgruntled look on my face as he spoke but I couldn't say anything, I noticed someone close staring at me as my boss kept on talking and as I turned, I saw Kofo giggling. Uncertainty set in and I wasn't sure if she was happy because I had to be her "teacher" or because of the look I had on my face. A call came in to his phone and he had to leave to receive it, I turned to Kofo and said with so much disinterest: "Alright, let's get this over with". I showed her the basic concept of how most of the softwares work, explained to her that the best way to learn how to use them was learning on the job and not trying to cram everything, she seemed eager to learn and asked intelligent questions that made me task my brain, I concluded the brief lecture and told her to get familiar with the softwares while I retire back to my desk. All this while, my colleagues were laughing at me because they knew how frustrated I get when I try to teach, there wasn't much work to do in the office that afternoon so my colleagues decided to talk to Kofo and get to know her better; Dami, Ben, Cynthia and Alex were the outgoing bunch in the office, I was the loner that hardly spoke in the department and as they began their little chit-chat with Kofo, I just delved into playing angry birds on my phone. They all got along well, Cynthia was happy to have a fellow female colleague in the office that she could gossip with while Dami, Ben and Alex being the flirts that they are kept showering her with amorous advances, I caught few glances of her smiling as they poured buckets of compliments on her and couldn't help but think that at the end of all this, she's going to end up in one of their beds. After a good day's work, I closed and packed my laptop and other documents in my bag and began to walk out when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder from behind, I turned and saw Kofo smiling and she said: "Have a lovely night, be happy". I managed to draw a wry smile on my face as I muttered and said thank you before walking away. I was slipping, I'm not going to fall for this girl only to get my heart positioned in the tracks of a train and get crushed. I'm not going to feel depressed again, Hell no, not when I'm trying to find happiness again.
9 Nov 2014 | 19:24
Hmmm, is that all bro? Oh no!
10 Nov 2014 | 09:02
Episode: 4 Friday, the last day of the week, got out of bed late and began to rush all in attempt to get to work on time, I drove like a mad man past an intersection and I could hear a woman hurling insults at me but I wasn't bothered, I had a meeting with my boss that morning to show him the weekly report from my department, we all took turns in the department to present the report and I was so unfortunate to be the one this time around. I got to the office ten minutes late and rushed up to my department to get the report only to find out that it was in my laptop bag and I forgot it at home. Luckily for me, I saved the document on my workstation also, I made a new copy and rushed to the boss's office, he had this "you again" look on his face and told me to drop the report and leave because he has to attend an impromptu meeting at another branch immediately. I felt relieved and walked back to my department, I walked past Kofo's desk and she was smiling at me as usual and this time I was curious to know why she had a smile on her face so I went back and asked with a stern look on my face: "Why are you smiling?” She paused and stared at me for some few seconds and said with a smile on her face. "Your eyes make me smile." I wasn't sure what to feel, my colleagues just sat and were watching the drama unfold before their eyes. "My eyes?! What's so special about my eyes?" I asked inquisitively with a straight look. "They make you look like a mouse, a cute one" she giggled. I realized my stern look wasn't getting to her so I walked away, my colleagues just laughed away as I retreated to my desk to sit my Bottom down and get some rest from all the running around I just did. I checked the network for any error and discrepancies but I could get just little work done because most of my documents were saved on my laptop. I decided to use my time to find out if Kofo was learning anything because I was trying to avoid a situation where my boss comes to the department and decides to ask her some questions and she doesn't have the right answers, I called her to my desk and asked if she had any question for me to answer "No, I don't. Alex and Cynthia have been really helpful so far." She said excitedly. "Will you be coming to the cinema with us later this evening after work?” She asked tentatively. "No, I've other plans." Friday movie nights was a thing that Alex started a while back, they all go to the cinema to see a late movie and have dinner afterwards. I never went out with them because I had a girlfriend and we always had plans for Friday nights but since I became single, I indulged myself in watching the food network every Friday night, sounds weird but seeing people get creative with food really calmed me down. "What other plans? Can I join you?” She asked mockingly. "None of your business." I was trying to get rid of her but she was just being so persistent. "Well I'm sorry if I offended you". She turned and walked back to her desk. I noticed everybody in the office staring at me and I felt lithe bad guy with guilt written all over my face but I didn't give a damn. We all went back to our respective duties and before we knew it, closing time was here, I could hear Semisonic's 'Closing Time' playing in my head as I got excited to leave the office. My attention was distracted by a gloomy looking Kofo sitting at her desk, she wasn't the all-smiling girl that I saw this morning and this was all my fault, my ego came to play and I was adamant about apologizing to her but Cynthia gave me this mean look when I looked towards her and I didn't want to get on her bad side, I might want to pound that box later, I walked up to Kofo, dragged a chair and sat beside her, I apologized about how I responded to her question earlier in the day and I would do anything to make it up to her, she lit up immediately and said I had to follow them to the cinema, the apology was genuine but I wasn't expecting her to cash in on the "make it up" part, Urgh! I turned and saw Cynthia giving me this "I dare you to say no to that poor girl again" look, I really hate Cynthia but like I said before, her box is still of high value so I turned to the already smiling Kofo and said: "Okay no problem, this should be fun." My fellow male colleagues were not so excited but I wish they knew how much I wanted to go home and enjoy a bucket of chicken while watching The Food Network. Filled with so much excitement, Kofo packed her bag and said we should all leave on time so we could get good sits at the cinema. Goodbye bucket of crispy chicken I was looking forward to all day.
10 Nov 2014 | 14:23
Episode: 5 Stubbornness and persistence seemed to be the perfect words to describe Kofo, as we exited the office she made it known that she wanted to be in my car for the drive to the cinema. My only problem with this was the fact that she was going to start one awkward conversation or the other, I couldn’t object because I was trying to make up for how mean I was to her earlier. We got into my car and began the drive to the cinema with Alex & Cynthia driving behind us in Alex’s car, the first ten minutes was filled with silence which I enjoyed, we were another twenty minutes away from the cinema when Kofo turned and asked with all the seriousness in the world written boldly on her face “Who hurt you?” I was speechless and I tried to talk after a while but I just decided to ignore and pretend like I didn’t hear her talking to me. We arrived and parked at the cinema then walked in to check the movies showing for the night, I wasn’t really interested in whatever choice they made, the only thing on my mind was making up for my annoying act at the office earlier. I took a walk away from the ticketing counter and as I turned, the sight of who I saw gave me a mini heart attack, standing in front of me was the first woman to ever break my heart; Kemi. She stared at me with so much fear in her eyes, her body language depicted the fact that she wanted the ground to open up to swallow her and spit her out in another part of the continent. I decided to make the situation less awkward by saying “Hi” with a smile on my face, there was a little bit of tension but I was trying my best not to loose it, after a series of questions that I didn’t care about, I realized that she was meeting a friend there to see a movie. We said our goodbyes and as I turned back to meet Alex and the others, I met Kofo’s eyes fixed on me with so much intensity. I felt myself sinking into that pit of depression as all the thoughts of me and Kemi came rushing back to me, my heart was already familiar to this feeling, I wanted to be left on my own but I didn’t want to be the person that was an Naughty Person during the day and a jerk at night. As I pondered on what to do, Kofo walked up to me with a smile on her face and said: “If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears, you’ve been hurt; you need to be happy again” She handed me my movie ticket, turned and walked away. I was left in awe of how well she read me and all I could do was just walk behind her as we all marched into the cinema hall to take our seats. The one hour and fifty minutes of the movie was spent thinking about the statement Kofo made to me, there was something special about this girl but I was uncertain about what it was, by the time the movie came to an end, I was still busy trying to come out of my shell of depression. Inebriation seemed to be a good idea and that was my one and only solution to this "down-casted" feeling that was taking over me. We all decided to go out for drinks at a bar close by before heading home. Alcohol wasn’t a friend to my metabolic system but I opted for it just to feel better. The night went by fast as I cuddled my bottle of Vodka with a glass by my side, I was intoxicated and really hyperactive, the only thing I can remember is me being chatty with everybody at the bar especially a really cute lady that found my company interesting, she was meant to meet with a friend that stood her up so I was her entertainment for that night and the rest is a blur. The following morning, I woke up in a room that didn’t look familiar and a bed that felt more comfortable than mine, as I came out of my drunken slumber, I looked under the sheets to find myself Unclad and lying next to me was a female body that was also Unclad. I didn’t know what to make of this but one thing was sure, I got laid last night, I wanted to get out of the apartment as soon as possible and as I dressed up hurriedly, I felt the urge to raise the covers a little bit and look at the face of the woman that was bestowed with such a lovely body but a part of me wanted it to remain a mystery so I left. Parked outside the apartment was my car, a part of me was happy to find it there and another part kept wondering how I was able to drive or if the mystery woman was the one that drove, the keys were left in the ignition so I jumped in and began my drive home. I wasn’t sure of where I was but I was able to navigate my way home thanks to the Maps application on my phone. As I drove home, I had a feeling that something that was going to change my life just happened, it could have been the sweet realization of getting laid or it was just the fact that this was the best weekend I’ve had in a while.
10 Nov 2014 | 14:26
Episode: 6 The weekend went pretty fast and I found myself preparing for a brand new week of stress starting on Monday but the thought that I got laid that weekend was the only consolation I had but I still had to figure out who the mystery lady under the covers was. I got out of bed on time and after my early morning rituals, I began my drive to work. I arrived at work some minutes early so I decided to complete some work that was left undone the previous week because I didn’t have my laptop with me. The next person to arrive was Alex; he began to laugh hysterically, I had a feeling his source of amusement was my behavior at the bar on Friday. He began to explain what happened that night to me when he was done laughing and I also found it funny, according to him, I got drunk and tried to jump from one table to another claiming I had the super powers of Spiderman. The laughter continued for a while then Dami and Ben walked in, apparently my adventures that night was already broadcasted to them so they joined in and laughed at me, we continued talking till the ladies walked in and all of a sudden a breeze of awkwardness came in with them. Although they also laughed at me but their body language was saying something different, Kofo seemed to be avoiding me but I wasn’t sure why she was doing this. Cynthia was her normal self and kept insulting me as usual, we had to get to work before the boss came walking by to meet us laughing, as I sat at my desk trying to compare my reports for the previous week with that of other weeks to determine a trend analysis of the network, I received a text message from an unknown number. Excerpts from the message: “I had a good time with you on Friday but I’ve been waiting for you to call me so I decided to be proactive and text you instead, I hope I’m not being too forward and pushy but I just wanted to check up on you. Have a lovely week. Brenda” I was clueless as I stared at my phone. I couldn’t remember most of the things that happened that night so I decided to talk to Alex about it maybe he could refresh my memory a little bit. As I walked to his desk, I felt a tap from behind and when I turned, I saw Cynthia staring at me with so much intensity in her eyes, I asked if she was alright and all she said was that she needed to talk to me immediately, I had a feeling it was one of her usual pranks so I asked her to give me a minute that I had something to discuss with Alex urgently. Alex was busy being a hoe by chatting up with girls on his phone as usual, he was known for his cocky behavior and being the asshole of the office but I was the new contender for that position due to recent events. “Do you’ve any idea if I met anybody new at the bar on Friday?” I asked inquisitively. “Yeah you did, Brenda. I’m still wondering what you were saying to her that made her laugh so much, she seemed to enjoy you company all night before I took off” He said sardonically. I thanked him and walked back to my desk, I noticed that Kofo had been unusually quiet since she got into the office so I decided to talk to her to find out if everything was alright. She had a smile on her face as usual as I walked up to her desk, there was something different about her, her eyes were sad. She was trying to conceal whatever was wrong with her by smiling excessively but for some reason, I could see through the façade. I was cut short before I could say a word by a phone call she received and she seemed really eager to receive it so I had to excuse her but she walked out of the office instead and went to the restroom to receive the call. I walked back to my desk and was confronted by my own dilemma of what to do about Brenda, should I call her back? What would I say? Was she mystery lady under the sheets? I was busy racking my brain for an answer when my train of thoughts was derailed by the appearance of Cynthia in front of me, she seemed so serious and I had a feeling this wasn’t about a prank. The next question from her mouth cut me unaware and left me in awe: “Why did you leave my place on Saturday without calling me since then?” she asked with so much intensity. I was confused, a part of me was secretly wishing the mystery lady was Brenda; the last person on my mind was Cynthia even though I’ve been sexually attracted to her for a while. I was clueless and speechless, I searched my brain for an answer but I couldn’t find any, I just sat there like a clueless prostitute that just got duped. She stared at me continuously and when she noticed that I wasn’t going to say anything, she said: “I wasn’t expecting you to cuddle me in the morning, it was purely physical to me and all I needed in return was just a phone call or message from you.” I was finally able to conjure a reply and said: “I’m so sorry about what happened. It wasn’t intentional”. I went on to explain to her that I rushed out of the apartment and I didn’t remember what happened from that night. Surprisingly she understood and told me that it was okay that she has been in my shoes before, I was glad to get such a smooth reply and I felt glad that things weren’t going to be awkward. Since Cynthia was the “amebo” of the office, I decided to ask her if she knew what was going on with Kofo, from Cynthia’s “ameboism”, I was able to know that Kofo was having boyfriend issues and she wanted to be alone for a while. I could say I didn’t care because the only thing going through my mind was if I could get lucky again and get laid by Cynthia before she turned to me and said: “Kofo likes you a lot and I honestly do not see what she sees in you so you better get your shit together and do something about that.” I was surprised as I heard this, I thought everything couldn’t get more complicated than it was already. As I thought about this new piece of information I just got, Kofo walked back into the office and our eyes met, I could feel the sadness filled within and I had a feeling that I was the only one that could take away that pain.
10 Nov 2014 | 14:35
No more updates ni???
12 Nov 2014 | 11:09
Episode: 7 The series of event that took place from that particular Friday night till this midday of Monday was one that was going to change my life indeed. I found out that I met a lovely lady at the bar that was into me, Cynthia & I had sex and Kofo was also into me. My emotions were torn into three different dimensions, one was interested in maintaining a physical relationship with Cynthia but a part of me was aware that it wasn’t going to end well; the second dimension was interested in testing the waters with Kofo, to find out what could come out of that, it could either be a joyful relationship or a heartbreak or both. I was still unaware of what was going to happen between me and Brenda so I am to keep a lid on that for the main time. Lunch break came and everyone went to get themselves something to eat, I was really hungry but I noticed that Kofo didn’t leave her desk and it looked like she didn’t have any plan to do that so I decided to stop by her desk to talk, she was so deep in thought that she didn’t even notice me walk up to her desk and sat beside her, I called her name to get her out of her trance and she had sadness written all over her face. I faced her and said: “A wise lady once said to me ‘If I can see pain in your eyes then share with me your tears, you’ve been hurt; you need to be happy again’ and she was very right about what she said. Tell me what’s going on with you” She went on to explain to me that her boyfriend cheated on her for the second time and she loves him too much to break-up with him. I wasn’t the best when it comes to dishing out relationship advice so I asked her when last she felt genuinely happy with him, and she was unable to give me an answer. According to her, the relationship has been on the edge of the cliff for a while but she was the only one holding on to it and making sure it doesn’t go off the cliff because he is her first love and she keeps telling herself that he can turn a new leaf even though he’s always doing something to hurt her, he has been avoiding her calls all day because she’s trying to talk to him to know what else they’re going to do, they had a big fight that weekend about him cheating and he denied the whole thing even though she saw messages from the girl on his phone by mistake. I felt bad for her as she talked, I’ve never seen someone feel so much pain in them except for myself, I could relate to all what she was saying and I just wanted to hug her and tell her she’s too good for him and she deserves all the happiness in the world. She was trying her best to remain strong to hold back the tears as she spoke and the next thing I heard in my head was a voice that said “Hug this girl for Christ sake”, I moved closer to her and gave her a really tight hug, she held on to me and didn’t let go as I whispered into her ears: “Everything will be alright, you’ve me now, you’ll be happy again. I promise you.” We finally let go of each other and as our faces met again she was smiling, I felt fulfilled with myself, and I guess Cynthia was right even though she could be crazy sometimes. I told her I was famished and was heading out to eat before the lunch break came to an end and she was going to accompany me, no excuses. A smile that looked like sunshine came across her face and she stood up to follow me, as we walked out of the office, a tall figure walked up to us and asked to speak to Kofo alone, I turned to her and from the look on her face, I could tell that this was her boyfriend, for a moment I felt like someone just snatched my most precious possession as she walked away to him but I wasn’t going to get myself depressed because I had a brief “romantic” moment with her, I brought out my phone as I walked away and dialed Brenda’s number, I guess I was left with my third dimension of emotion that was yet to be explored.
12 Nov 2014 | 19:29
Uhmmmm.... Continue
13 Nov 2014 | 09:06
Episode: 8 I finally gave Brenda a call and we decided to see and hangout after work that day around 6pm, I couldn’t remember most of the things that happened that Friday night but I could remember her voice, it sounded like sweet persuasion. I finished my lunch and I headed back to the office, Kofo was back at her desk and seemed to be back to her normal self, I went to my desk and got myself back to work so I could have time to go home and freshen up before I went out to see Brenda, I was feeling nervous, I get really chatty when I’m drunk and I get the confidence that only gods can understand so I can do anything. But I wasn’t going to be inebriated tonight so I was hoping the quiet part of me won’t ruin the night for me and make a nervous and sweaty monkey. The remaining part of the day went by pretty fast and I found myself closing for the day, as I walked out, Kofo stopped me and tried to explain what happened after I left her with her cheating ass of a boyfriend but I cut her short and asked her one question: “Did you get back with him?” I asked with a smile on my face. “Yes, he said he’s going to change because he loves me”. “I’m sure he does, love comes before anything” I said and walked away. I drove home quickly as the time for my date drew nearer. I jumped into the shower and had a quick shower; I dressed up and got back in my car as I began my drive to meet up with Brenda. I got to the lounge we were meant to meet some minutes early so I could get comfortable, I practiced in my head the topics I could talk to her about and felt really stupid with myself, I decided to calm down and just act like myself, there must be something about me that created that attraction she has for me. As I contemplated on how I was going to make a fool of myself that night, I noticed a lady of average height walking towards me, she had a short red gown on that accentuated her curves, I could feel the inner child in me getting excited, I wasn’t so sure if that was Brenda because her picture in my head was a bit hazy. She finally stopped in front of me and said “Hello Bayo” with a smile that could make a million angels serenade her with the chorus of love, I stood up and gave her a hug and asked her to sit. We spoke at length about my drunken misdemeanor at the bar that night and how I was feeling like Spiderman. She reminded me of all what we spoke about that night, she explained that I told her of how my boss sneaks a fart whenever he thinks we don’t notice him in the break room, about how Alex was the asshole that believes all the ladies love him and believes he’s the Ryan Gosling of the office. We laughed for a long time while drinking before we ordered something to eat. The night was going better than I expected and the nervous side of me disappeared, we spoke about the kind of work we did, she was a financial analyst at an auditing firm, we spoke about our past relationships and from what I learnt, she was attracted to assholes and guys have always treated her badly so I was curious to know why she was attracted to me and according to her, she likes the fact that I can always make her laugh. We had so much fun talking about our lives but we had to bring the night to a short close because she had an early flight to catch the next day. I walked her to her car which was parked outside, I told her I wasn’t going to make the mistake of not calling her on time again and will give her a call to be sure she got home safely, this brought a smile to her face and she gave me a kiss on my cheek before she got into her car and drove off. As I walked to my car feeling really happy with the introduction of this beautiful woman into my life, I got a text message from Cynthia. Excerpts from the message: “I need you tonight if you’re interested, you were awesome the last time and I want that feeling again. Should you choose to come over tonight, you’re gonna be my official booty call. Feel free to disregard this message if you want. In case you’ve forgotten where I stay, I also included my address. I hope I see you soon”. As I unlocked my car, I was faced with the dilemma of what to do with this message. Should I go over and have an awesome night with a co-worker? Won’t that be awkward when we are at work? Should I wait and see what happens with Brenda when next we see before I jump into Cynthia’s pant again? Or Should I see where the case of Kofo & I leads to by being a good friend and staying away from any complication so I can be by her side when she sees that her boyfriend is her bad choice?
13 Nov 2014 | 11:07
Episode: 9 As I began my drive to Cynthia’s apartment, I contemplated turning back and saying No to this outrageous arrangement but a part of me liked it and wanted more. I remembered I promised Brenda a call to check up on her so I decided to fulfill my promise, I called her and she picked after two rings, she was really excited to hear from me and sounded like a teenager that was drunk in love. I told her how much I enjoyed her company and couldn’t wait to see her again, we decided to have another date when she got back into town from her trip, we said our goodbyes and I wished her a safe flight. I arrived at Cynthia’s apartment as I dropped the phone, I walked up to her door and knocked, she asked who was at the door and I stupidly replied: “Officer Bayo reporting for booty call duty”. She laughed as she opened the door, I was amazed at how her night gown accentuated the curves on her body, I wanted to take her on the spot but I maintained a sane level of composure. I walked into her apartment and took a sit on the sofa, she offered me a drink but I already had enough with Brenda so I turned it down, she sat next to me and said to avoid any awkwardness, there’s no point having any small talk, she went further to tell me she was going to her room to get naked on the bed and she would be waiting for me, she smiled and bit her lips as she stood up and strut away. I knew this girl was trouble and I could runaway if I wanted to, I had two choices, to walk out the door or walk into her room, my conscience was conflicted but I didn’t really give a damn again, I had been through so much shit and having meaningless sex wouldn’t cause any harm to me so I opted for the second choice, I walked into her room and we had hot steamy sex before I wore my cloth like a cheap whore and drove back home. The next day at work was so perfect, I was in a happy mood because everything was going on well for me, I had a woman that was falling for me and another one that wanted me for my body, I don’t really care about that but I’m good with it. I was expecting some form of awkwardness to creep into my professional relationship with Cynthia at work but nothing happened, she was the same mean Cynthia and I was comfortable with that. It was a busy day as usual at work but I was happy to be there for the first time in a very long while. We all got our work done as usual and when it was time for lunch, I noticed Kofo wasn’t in the office. I asked where she was and Alex said she got a call some few minutes ago and went outside immediately, I had a slight feeling about who called her but it wasn’t any of my business. I went to the restaurant for my lunch when I noticed Kofo sitting with her boyfriend at the far right corner; I didn’t want to make my presence known so I took a sit far from them and signaled at a waiter to come take my order on time. I thought I was safe until I felt a tap on my shoulder, as I turned, Lo and behold it was Kofo standing behind me, and her face beamed up with her smile that felt like sunshine, I missed the smile and was really happy to see it. She went on to tell me she came to say Hi since we had not spoken since the day before, as she spoke, I looked behind her to see her boyfriend staring at me with so much intensity, I cut the conversation short so she could go back to him, I didn’t want him to redecorate my face with some punches. As I sat alone waiting for my food, I noticed she and her boyfriend changed their seat to the one not so far from me, their food came and as she ate, she kept looking up and our faces met, each time her face lit up with a smile, I wasn’t so comfortable with what was happening so I asked the waiter to put my food in a takeaway pack when it was ready because I had something important to do at the office, after another five minutes wait, my food was ready and as I walked out, I could feel her eyes trailing me. I tried to walk up to her to say goodbye but there was no point since I was going to see her soon in the office and I wasn’t so sure her boyfriend would respond well to my greeting so I left. Lunch time came to an end and as Kofo entered the office, she walked up straight to me and said she didn’t like the fact that I left without saying goodbye, I tried to explain my actions but I just apologized instead, she smiled and said it was okay as she walked back to her desk. Not so long after that, I received a call from Brenda, her trip got cut short due to the fact that she finished her work on time, she asked if we could have our second date the following night, I was so ecstatic and said yes, I acted like a gentleman and asked for her address so I could pick her up when it was time, she sent it to me later and I knew this was going to end well. Minutes after my call, I got a text from Cynthia saying she would like me to come over after work; I didn’t have anything planned for that night so I agreed. After a long and busy day at work, I drove home and took a cold shower and slept a little so I could have some strength in me before leaving for Cynthia’s apartment. I was glad I was having sex without any emotional entanglement but I knew I was going to end it soon if everything goes well with Brenda. All I hope for is for me not to f*!k it up.
13 Nov 2014 | 11:17
Episode: 10 I left Cynthia’s apartment really early so I could go home and prepare for work. The night before was quite awesome and I was looking forward to another session. My second date with Brenda was scheduled for this night so I had to be on my best behavior, prepared for work and got in my car to drive to work when I got a call from Kofo if I could come pick her up. I couldn’t refuse because she sounded upset so I asked her to send her address to me. After about thirty minutes of driving and battling traffic, I got to her place. She was standing outside the gate which I found odd because I told her I was going to give her a call when I was outside. I honked to signal her to come over and she did hurriedly, she looked really upset and her eyes were swollen like she had been crying. I asked what was wrong but she just replied me by asking if I could please drop her off at her place with a really sad face, I was confused because I believed I just picked her up from her place, she noticed my confusion and decided to explain to me. Apparently I picked her up from her boyfriend’s place where she spent the night, they had a fight that morning and he chased her out, I was infuriated on hearing this, I felt like turning back to his place to give him the beating of his life but I had to console her first because she was weeping profusely as she explained. I told her everything was going to be alright and asked her to give me directions to her place, as I drove to her place, I called Alex at the office and told him to hold down the fort till I get there because I had some personal issues to take care of and would explain to my boss when I get back in case he needs my attention. Finally we arrived at her place and told her she should go in and take care of herself, she could take the day off and I would cover for her at work. She appreciated my kindness towards her but I felt angry that her smile that brightened up everywhere like sunshine was nowhere to be found. As she came out of the car and walked into her apartment, she turned back and begged me to come in with her that she couldn’t afford to be lonely at the moment, I was reluctant but I couldn’t say no to a sad woman. I walked her in and took a sit while she went to her bedroom to freshen up, her apartment was quite conducive and had a warm atmosphere, I felt uneasy sitting there knowing there was someone somewhere that deserves some beating. After some few minutes, she came out looking a little bit better and asked if I wanted to have breakfast, I said no but she was able to understand and came to sit beside me inside. She wanted to explain what happened but I asked her if talking about it will make her feel better or just remind her of his horrific action towards her? She replied with the latter so I decided to bring up other things to talk about that will take her mind off her present predicament, we spoke for a while, laughing and gisting before the unexpected happened, we were sitting really close with her head on my shoulder, I looked down at her as she spoke on and on, she felt my stare down at her and lifted her head and our eyes met, that was an awesome moment and feeling for me because her smile returned as she looked up at me, the staring continued for a few seconds before she grabbed my head and kissed me, I couldn’t pull back and kissed her back, I felt all the blood in my body flow to a specific part of my body as I kissed her soft and pink lower lips. We were cut short by the ringing of her phone which she hurriedly ran to, she looked down casted as she picked up her phone; it was her ass of a boyfriend that was calling, she looked up at me and told me to leave immediately, before I could say anything, she looked at me with a straight face and begged me to leave, I was confused but I respected her wish and left. I drove back to the office and it was already past noon but luckily for me, the boss didn’t ask if I was around or not. I told others Kofo was taking a day off because she had some issues to clear up and everybody went back to their work as always except Cynthia, she just gave me this long suspicious stare as I walked to my desk. I didn’t care about whatever might be going through her head because I had more important things to think about. As my thought process began, I remembered I had to call Brenda to be sure we were still meeting up for the night. I called her and as she picked up, I could hear the excitement in her voice to receive a call from me, we spoke about how her trip was and she told me she needed to rest but will be better and ready for me by the time I came over to pick her up later that night, she even went ahead to ask if I wanted to have lunch first but I insisted she should have some rest first. I was perplexed by the way she loved and needed my attention and company; I was intrigued by this woman and was really interested in where this was leading. The day at work came to an end really quick and I was excited about the rest of my night, before I could leave, Cynthia walked up to my desk and told me we needed to talk and it had to do with Kofo, I told her I couldn’t do that tonight as much as I wanted to because I already had an appointment with someone later that night. She understood and told me to give a call when I was less busy, I had a feeling Kofo might have called Cynthia and told her what happened with us since Cynthia was her trusted confidant in the office. I arrived at Brenda’s apartment on time and went to knock at the door, when she opened it I couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked; I stood there speechless in awe of how her beauty overwhelmed me. We walked to my car and as a gentleman; I walked to her side of the car and opened the door so she could sit. We drove to a restaurant in a nice part of town and had a lovely night, we had more fun than our first date and laughed so hard at each other’s jokes, I was amazed at how much this woman understood me, I felt like I finally found my missing rib but I didn’t want to rush anything this time around so I just played it safe all night long. We finally left the restaurant and began our drive back to her place, as I drove back in silence, I felt the atmosphere in the car was changed to that of two people falling for each other, I turned to notice her staring at me with so much intense then she smiled, we pulled up to her driveway and I walked her up to her door, I told her how much fun I had with her and was hoping we could do it again real soon, she just kept on smiling sheepishly and in my experience, that’s a cue for you to kiss the girl. I moved closer to her and stared deeply into her eyes as I planted my lips on hers, she responded immediately. We stopped and she kept staring at me before she asked if I wanted to come in, I smiled and replied with an ecstatic yes. She opened the door and pulled me in, we kept kissing till we found our way into her bedroom and brought the night to an end with an awesome climax.
13 Nov 2014 | 11:45
Am So Luvin dis Story Man, Ǧ☺☺ϑ Job.. Keep it Commin
13 Nov 2014 | 12:51
Episode: 11 I woke up the next morning smiling as I stared at the beautiful woman lying next to me; I kissed her on her forehead which woke her up. I told her I had to leave because I had to be at work early that morning because I had some work pending from the following day but I would love to have lunch with her later in the day, she was happy to hear this and told me to give her a call with the location and time. I dressed up and stepped out of her apartment feeling like a new man, I drove hurriedly to my apartment, got ready for work and was in the office on time to pay attention to my work. The first person to arrive at the office was Cynthia who walked straight to my desk as she came in to confront me about my failure to call her yesterday as I promised, I didn’t want to tell her I went on a date that led to me getting laid so I just lied I slept off because I was really tired. She believed me and said we had to talk about it now since it wasn’t time for the office to resume anyway, I couldn’t say no so I decided to give her a listening ear. To my surprise, she was unaware Kofo and I kissed, she wanted to talk to me about how Kofo’s boyfriend was treating her and if I had any advice I could give her since Kofo looked up to me, I told her I already told her what to do but Kofo is in love with him and love is stronger than anything I know, the only way Kofo can leave him is if she decides to leave, nobody can influence her decision, I said. Cynthia said that wasn’t true, according to her, the only person that could influence Kofo’s decision was me and that I need to step up to the plate and take her away from that guy, I wasn’t surprise Cynthia was talking this was since what we had was purely physical. I decided not to tell her about the kiss because I believe Kofo should be the one to tell her that if she chooses to, I told Cynthia I was going to talk to Kofo later in the today and that I'd tell her how it went, she felt better and happy, and has she left my desk, she turned and said “Well till you figure out what’s going to happen with you & Kofo, our arrangement still stands” I wasn’t bothered about this so I just smiled and said okay. As she walked to her desk, Alex, Dami and Kofo walked into the office, it was a normal day as usual and everything was going well until I received a text message from Kofo asking to see me if we could talk during lunch, the message reminded me immediately that I already promised Brenda lunch that day so I called her immediately and asked her to meet me at my favorite lunch restaurant by noon then I replied Kofo telling her I couldn’t do that because I was going to be busy and she didn’t reply me again. Lunch time came and when I got to the restaurant, Brenda was already waiting for me. I was happy to see her again and as I sat beside her, she welcomed me with a kiss. We sat and talk about how our days were going before we made our order and had a nice afternoon before returning back to work, I told her I may have to work late for my boss that night but I would call her if my plans changed, she understood and gave me a big hug before she entered her car and drove off. By the time I got back to the office, Kofo was the only one back. I couldn’t avoid her now so I just walked to my desk and pretended to be busy with something and like I thought, she walked up to my desk and said we have to talk about the previous day. I told her I was all ears and she began to explain to me about how much she loves her boyfriend and how they’re having a tough time in their relationship because they hit a rough patch, she went on further to explain that what happened with me was a mistake because she was in a vulnerable state and she hopes I can understand. I just smiled and told her it was alright and everything was okay, she smiled reluctantly and walked back to her desk. I couldn’t let everything end that way so I walked to her desk and said to her with a smile on my face: “You deserve all the happiness in the world and you deserve someone to make you feel like his princess and to fill every corner of your heart with joy, I’m sorry but your boyfriend isn’t doing that and I know you’re really smart so I know you believe that you deserve better than the treatment you’re getting at the moment. You deserve better Kofo, you really do” I left her looking surprised and confused then went back to my desk to finish my work to avoid working late that night. The day went on and by the end of our working hour, I was able to finish everything I was doing so I gave Brenda a call and asked if she had anything she was doing for the night, her plan was to sit at home watching movies till she fell asleep, it seemed like a good idea to me so I asked if I could come over and she was really happy to say yes. After work, I went to my place and had a change of cloth before heading over to Brenda’s place. I got to her place on time and as she opened the door, she jumped on me excitedly, I sat on the sofa and she went to get the popcorn and drinks for the movies, she turned down the lights and put in the first movie of the night: Crazy Stupid Love, I knew the movies she was interested in were chick flicks but I didn’t mind so far I got to spend time with her. We were halfway into the movie when I got a call on my phone, it was Kofo calling. I was reluctant at picking it up but I finally did. She was weeping profusely on the phone, I couldn’t hear what she was saying in-between her tears, I had to calm her down and asked her to tell me what happened, apparently she broke up with her boyfriend and it didn’t go so well and she couldn’t be alone now, in my mind I was thinking about why she called me, she could have easily called any of her other friends or even Cynthia, Why me?! I decided to stop thinking and told her I was coming over. All this while, Brenda just sat and was looking at me carefully, I turned to her when I was done with the call and explained that a friend needed my help and I couldn’t say no and I would do everything to come back as soon as I was done, she smiled and told me it was okay. I walked out and got into my car and as I drove over to Kofo’s place, I couldn’t help but think about why she called me, if I was a mistake to her, why was she so bothered about what I think about her? I kept thinking as I drove to her place.
14 Nov 2014 | 14:08
Episode: 12 As I drove to Kofo’s apartment, I kept thinking about the event that took place the last time I was there but I tried my best to derail that train of thought so I can be a good friend and console her properly. After a long drive, I got to Kofo’s apartment and after knocking twice, she opened the door and hugged me, I wasn’t so surprised because she needed company and comfort so I whispered in her ear that everything will be okay and hugged her tightly. She finally let go of me and we moved over to the sofa to sit down, she explained to me that everything started with an argument, she told him she wanted to be treated better and he told her that she isn’t worth is time anymore and said he was done with the relationship and stormed out. I tried calming her down but she just kept sobbing, I moved closer to her and drew her into my arms, her head was laid on my chest and she could hear the steady beating of my fragile heart. I knew how broken she was feeling and nothing I could say would make her feel better, once again her beautiful smile had disappeared. I was consumed by anger and wanted to rip her ex’s head off for putting her through such emotional stress, she chilled comfortably in my arms and was quiet, there was an uncomfortable silence in the living room so I decided to crack a joke about the paint on the wall and she scoffed a little, I brought up random topics just to take her mind away from her present condition and it seemed to be working, she forced a smile occasionally and before I knew it, she was laughing gently. Everything was going well till we heard a knock on the door, she stood up to open the door and to her surprise, it was her ex. He came back to beg but when he saw me sitting in her living room, a screw went loose in his head and he went mad, he lifted his voice at her and called her a whore, saying it wasn’t even up to a day and she already had a new guy in her apartment, I couldn’t take it anymore, I was raving mad with the way he was treating her, Kofo just stood trying to explain herself amidst tears, I walked up to him and told him to reduce his voice and he was wrong with the way he was treating her, I tried to explain that I was just a friend but before I could complete my sentence, he lodged a punch towards me, my reflex was quick to react but not quick enough as his fist graved the side of my cheek slightly, I retaliated with a right jab to his jaw and before I could complete my second attack, Kofo held me with all the strength she had in her and begged me to stop, apparently he was an asthmatic patient and couldn’t handle much stress, he didn’t try to throw any more punches as he recovered from my jab, he just stared at me and walked out of the apartment hurriedly. She turned to me, touched my cheek and noticed I had a small cut on my cheek due to his incomplete punch, she told me she didn’t feel safe staying in her place for that night and wanted to leave immediately, I could take her to an hotel to stay for the night but leaving her alone wasn’t an option, I told her to pack a small bag and get in the car and we would make a decision as we drive away. Since Cynthia was her friend, that was the best place she could stay for the night but all attempts to reach Cynthia on a mobile phone proved futile. She had no one else she could call so the last option was to take her to my place, she felt more comfortable with the thought of staying over at my place. I had to think of what to tell Brenda since I promised her I was going to make it back to her place on time, how am I going to explain the cut on my face, I decided to cross that bridge when I get there, for now I have to figure out what’s going to happen with Kofo. The drive to my apartment wasn’t so long since there wasn’t any traffic on the road, she settled in and I showed her the guest bedroom where she was going to spend the night, not so long after I got in, my phone rang and it was a call from Brenda, I wanted to ignore it but that might make her suspicious that something was wrong and I didn’t want to lie to her also so I picked it and told her I was going to be in her place in thirty minutes to explain properly, she was really understanding and said she would stay awake for me. I explained to Kofo that I had to rush out to see someone and would be back so she would be alone for a while but she has no reason to be scared, she understood and told me not to stay out for too long because it was getting really late. As I walked out, she called me back and told me to wait; she said she couldn’t let me leave the house without treating the cut on my face to prevent it from getting infected. She asked if I had a first aid kit and luckily for me, there was one in the restroom, she went to get it and told me to sit down as she took care of the small injury, she touched my face gently and kept saying how sorry she was for what happened, her face was really close to mine as she cleaned my injury, she brought it closer and I could feel her warm breath on my skin, I turned my face slightly to look at her and our lips almost touched, our eyes locked and we kept staring at each other and before I knew what happened, I grabbed her head and kissed her, she kissed me back and refused to let go, she grabbed my neck to have a firm lock on my head and kissed me passionately, I was enjoying this too much to think and I was hoping in a corner of my mind that there would be a phone call to distract us.
14 Nov 2014 | 14:14
Plss This Is Anoda Story I Like... Plss Give Updates On It.. I Beg Yu ASAP
16 Nov 2014 | 07:59
<b><fg=eeff1994> Episode: 13 I woke up to the soft embrace of Kofo’s arms wrapped around me on the bed, the night had taken an unexpected turn as we began making out from the living room till we got to my room. The images flashed in my head as I took off every piece of clothing on her and planted wet kisses on her body. She had a perfect body; I knew I had to take my time so I could pleasure her properly. I pushed her bare Unclad body on the bed and began to work on her starting with her lips then to her neck and down to her bosoms, I continued my journey down as I kissed her abdomen before I finally got to the awesomeness between her legs. I spread her legs wide open and made her box my ambrosia. It drove her crazy, she grabbed on to the bed sheets and moaned softly. She gasped as my fingers entered her and moaned loudly, I enjoyed every bit of this adventure I was having between her legs. I finally got up to pull off my jeans then I got on top of her and a night of hot and intense sex began. It was an awesome night and now I was lying next to her, trying to piece my thoughts together. I got off the bed to dress up and met 10 missed calls on my phone from Brenda, she was expecting me back at her place last night and I’m sure she must have been so worried. I came up with different lies in my head before I decided to call her and the best one I came up with was the fact that I couldn’t leave Kofo alone in the house and my phone was on silent and I also slept off quite early due to how tired I was. I couldn’t make the call until I made up my mind about what to do with Kofo as she slept comfortably. Things might get awkward now but I didn’t really care about that at the moment. I walked to the living room and made the call to Brenda, she sounded really anxious as she called my name on the phone, and I told her the lie I already contorted. She didn’t make a fuss about it but she told me that I was going to make it up to her later that weekend; I agreed and told her I was looking forward to spending time with her again. Minutes after I dropped the call, Kofo walked into the living room dressed up. She had a beautiful smile on her face as she walked towards me and gave me a big hug before planting a kiss on my lips. Everything seemed perfect but I couldn’t get too comfortable because I was about to get myself into a complicated situation. We didn’t talk about the previous night and decided to just take what the day had to offer one step at a time, as we sat down talking; she received a phone call that brought a serious look to her face, after some few minutes on the phone, I discovered it was her aunty who had travelled outside the state on business that owned the apartment she was staying in and she was checking up on her. She said she had to leave soon because she didn’t want her aunty to get home to an empty house. I had no objections towards that but I made it clear that we both had to have breakfast before going anywhere and she agreed with a smile on her face. I had a loaf of bread in my fridge so I whipped up some eggs and sausages for breakfast and before long we were on our way back to her apartment. On the drive back to her place, I decided I was going to make a stop at Brenda’s after I dropped Kofo off. As we arrived back at her place, there was a car parked in the driveway that wasn’t there the night before, at first I thought it might have been her ex but with the look on her face and the gasp that followed, I was able to deduce that it was her aunt’s. She got out of the car quickly as I parked and ran to the door which opened as she approached it. Her aunt was standing there looking at her inquisitively, I maintained a safe distance as Kofo explained why she didn’t stay the night at the apartment. After some minutes of convincing, Kofo beckoned to me to come closer, as I moved closer to say hello to her aunty, I noticed that the face looked familiar but it was hard to place but I wasn’t so bothered. I finally got to where Kofo’s aunty was standing and her reaction shocked me. “You?!” She exclaimed, with so much intensity and anger in her eye. Now the face was easy for me to place, her aunty was the woman I yelled at some months back when I went to fix some network devices at a nearby branch, the same person that got me a query. I knew I had no choice but to apologize now and offer a reasonable explanation for my outrageous behavior that day, Kofo just stood there with so much confusion on her face. After some minutes of explaining myself, she told me my reaction wasn’t necessary and she was going to overlook it because of how good I treated her niece the previous night. She invited me in to have breakfast but I refused politely because I had to be somewhere else. I told Kofo I was going to call her later in the day then rushed off to my car and drove off, next stop; Brenda’s apartment for some good loving. I wanted to call her as I approached her apartment but I wanted to surprise her plus it was a weekend so I knew she would be around, as I parked my car, I noticed there was another car apart from hers parked in the driveway, I wasn’t so bothered and I walked to her door. I spent some few minutes knocking but there was no reply then I decided to call her cell phone but no reply as well. I could hear her phone ringing through the door so I decided to open the door and to my surprise it was unlocked. Her phone was placed on the table but she was nowhere to be found but as I paid close attention, I could hear soft moaning coming from upstairs, I didn’t want to believe my ears but I had to see with my eyes to believe. I walked stealthily as I approached her room and opened the door, the moaning got louder, my eyes almost popped out of their sockets with what I saw, I was speechless. I couldn’t think for a second with the sight in front of me; there was another woman in between Brenda’s legs making her moan really loud.
16 Nov 2014 | 11:39
Episode: 14 The sight that was rendered in front of me left me completely speechless, I stood in awe as this mysterious woman made love to Brenda with her tongue and finger, Brenda was in a complete state of ecstasy and didn’t notice my presence till she opened her eyes and saw me standing and looking like a confused puppy. I walked away as she jumped off the bed to dress up then try and chase me down to explain herself but there was nothing she could say to make me feel better. I didn’t feel so bad because we weren’t exclusive yet and I had sex with a different woman the previous night. She caught up with me as I walked down the stairs and as I stared at her, I could see she was sincere about the apologies coming out of her mouth, she went on and on about how she didn’t know how to break it down to me about her bisexuality and she really hates the fact that I had to find out this way. She held on to me and begged me not to leave, she was close to tears and I didn’t want to be the reason to make her cry, we moved to the living room to sit then she told me she had to go back upstairs in order to settle things with her “female partner”. I just sat on her sofa thinking about all what I just saw and heard, it was a huge shock to me but I was also contemplating if I should tell her I had sex with Kofo the previous night. I wasn’t sure I wanted to date a woman that is confused about her sexuality, there was a lot going on in my head but I just decided to watch how things play out, over thinking everything wasn’t going to lead to anything good at the moment. After some few minutes, the mysterious female partner walked down the stairs and gave me this spiteful look as she stepped out, Brenda came down not so long after and sat with me, we spoke about where this leaves our premature relationship and if it was going to lead anywhere, I told her I had a lot to think about so for now we should take some time apart, I really felt she was the one but the series of event that occurred the previous night till now made me have a change of heart. I walked out of her apartment leaving her in tears and began a really sad drive back home, the events that took place this weekend went from bad to good then back to bad, and I couldn’t think straight, all I wanted to do was sleep. There was a little bit of traffic as I drove home and before long I was home, I went straight to my bed and had a really long nap. After what seemed to be an eternity, I finally woke up from my slumber. I checked on my phone and saw different missed calls from Kofo, Brenda and Cynthia. I was so confused and didn’t know if I wanted to return any of the calls, I knew Kofo was calling to find out how my day went and wanted to know what was going to happen now between me and her, Brenda probably still wants to apologize and make things right and Cynthia is definitely calling so I could come over and keep her bed warm. Returning Kofo and Brenda’s calls meant drama will definitely be involved so I decided to call Cynthia instead, it was the usual “if you’re free come over” conversation so before long I was on my way to her apartment. Got to her place on time and after some rounds of hot steamy sex that scattered her room, we laid on her bed and she noticed that I seemed troubled, she asked me if there was anything wrong but I was reluctant to answer her, I finally turned to face her and narrated how my weekend had been, she watched and listened with rapt attention, she seemed so concerned as I spoke, she didn’t make any snide comment about anything and that made me feel more comfortable to tell her I was completely clueless about what to do. For the first time, Cynthia acted like a human and gave me a really good advice, she told me according to all what I told her, I was more concerned about how Kofo was going to be affected by all these and this means I care for her than any other girl in my life. I knew this was true but I have been trying to tell myself otherwise because I didn’t want to hurt her. Now I had to figure out how to end things with Brenda and Cynthia then focus on Kofo. It was going to be hard with Brenda but I knew Cynthia would understand since she was the one giving me the idea, she can always find another "fuckboy" to keep her bed warm. I got up and got dressed and decided to take a drive to Kofo’s place so we could talk, I tried calling as I drove there but my battery was too low to make any calls thanks to the numerous calls I got from the different women in my life. After a long drive thanks to the horrible traffic at night, I got to her apartment and went to knock on the door, It was opened for me by Kofo’s aunty who greeted me with a smile on her face, I guess this meant she and I were now cool. As I walked into the apartment, I was met by a surprise; Bayo, Kofo’s ex sitting with an elder woman beside him, as I stood there astounded, Kofo’s aunty introduced me to the woman as Kofo’s friend. Apparently the woman was Bayo’s mother and she came over to apologize for her son’s actions, as I sat there and wondered what was going on, I realized Kofo had been betrothed to him and their affair was a family thing, Kofo’s aunty pleaded with me to go and beg Kofo to come down and talk to their visitors. I was reluctant at first but decided to go to her room just to avoid the atmosphere of awkwardness in the living room. Kofo was excited to see me as I knocked on her door; she jumped on me and gave me a tight hug, I was also happy to see her but I wasn’t sure I could fulfill my mission of telling her how I really felt about her. I sat her down and tried my best to convince her to go down to talk to Bayo and his mother, she didn’t like the idea but only decided to go because I was the one pleading with her to go. She got dressed up properly then followed me downstairs, Bayo got up immediately he saw her and walked up to her hurriedly to apologize for his actions and told her how much he loved her and couldn’t live without her. My heart was too fragile to stand there and witness the woman I was falling in love with get taken away from me by another man.
16 Nov 2014 | 11:43
16 Nov 2014 | 16:12
Awwwww! How Sweet and Turchin.. Thinz will Alwayz Work dem selfs out.. Dont worry Man..and as 4 Brenda bein A Bisexual... Hmmm dat seems to Bε̲̣̣̣̥ D in Thin 4 som Hi class Ladies dis dayz.. Dont kknow why
16 Nov 2014 | 18:48
Sorry guys i've been busy! I'll post as soon as possible
17 Nov 2014 | 12:55
Episode: 15 The confusion that engulfed my life this past weekend was the worst I ever came across. As I got out of bed to prepare for work, the events that took place at Kofo’s place last night as she got back with her boyfriend kept replaying in my head. I tried to shake off the downcast feeling that was taking over me and finally got myself to a place that was okay mentally and began my drive to work. I got to work early as usual and just stayed at my desk to brood. After some few minutes, Alex came into the office with his usual excited mood, he came over to my desk and began to tell me how his weekend went and all the conquest that met his bed, he asked how mine went and all I could say was that I don’t know. He noticed I wasn’t really in the right state of mind so he left me in my sad state. Next to walk into the office was Cynthia, I didn’t call her the previous night to explain how my plan to profess my love to Kofo went so I guessed she was going to walk up to me anytime from now to ask me different questions. After a while, Cynthia walked up to my desk and just stared at me for a while before she spoke: “Kofo called me last night and told me she finally got back with her boyfriend and you played a key part in making that happen. Are you mad?!" She asked with a stern look on her face. I went ahead to explain my actions, she didn’t seem satisfied and advised me to look for how I was going to make my intentions known to Kofo because she believes I’m right for her. We spoke for a while and digressed to other topics but my attention was cut short as my eye cut the glance of Kofo walking into the office, she was stunning. She looked gorgeous on this beautiful Monday morning; her smile as usual was radiant. She walked hurriedly to my desk to meet Cynthia and they did their usual female greeting as they screamed with their high pitched voice like they hadn’t seen each other in forever, she finally turned to me and said hello with a shy smile on her face. I smiled back and asked if everything went well after I left last night, she seemed reluctant to give me an answer and said we would talk better during the lunch break. I had no objection towards that as long as her boyfriend doesn’t come to kick my Bottom due to a jealous fit. After what seemed like forever, lunch break came and Kofo walked up to me and said we should head out together. We went to the usual restaurant across the office and after settling down and making our order, Kofo said she had some news for me; she had the most serious look I had ever seen on her face, I paid my full attention to her as she began to talk and said: “Bayo proposed to me last night and I said yes” I blanked out after I heard that, every other thing coming out of her mouth didn’t make any sense to me, I didn’t know what to think, talk less of saying. I just sat there staring at her. I finally came back to my senses and told her I was happy for her with a forced smile on my face, I also asked if this wasn’t too early since she wasn’t even done with her university education but she replied that the plan was to get married immediately after her graduation the following year. She went on to talk about how he was glad that I was able to talk to her to forgive him and he was hoping he could be friends with me since we were also namesakes. I didn’t want to say anything that will make her see how hurt I was so I just told her okay. The food finally came but my appetite already took a long walk away. I stared at the food hoping for it to come alive and tell me everything will be fine, I felt like I already lost everything. I decided to act like I got a phone call from my boss about him needing my attention back at the office immediately, this worked so I asked for my food to be packed and I left with it and told her I was going to be in the office when she was done. I rushed back to the office to look for Cynthia to find out if she knew Kofo was already engaged when she spoke to me this morning, I finally found her and lo and behold, she was aware, but Kofo told her not to tell me because she wanted to break the news to me instead. I felt like poo, I walked back to my desk and sat there for a while as I kept thinking and processing all the information that I just found out in the past thirty minutes. In my state of complete melancholy, I received a text from Brenda apologizing, I figured I couldn’t stay angry with her forever so I called and told her I was over it. She asked if I could come over when I was done with work but I told her I was really stressed and would like to rest for the rest of the night but the next night might be a possibility. She had no problem with that and told me to take good care of myself and try not to involve myself in any strenuous activity for the rest of the day, I was glad to hear how caring she was and that put a little smile on my face. The day came to an end finally and I was glad. I couldn’t wait to get out of the office just to get that day over with. Before I could leave, Kofo walked up to me and told me we didn’t finish our conversation from lunch, she said she wanted to be sure if there wasn’t any bad feelings between us because of what happened during the weekend at my place. I told her she had nothing to worry about, all I wanted was to see her happy and if it lies with him then there’s nothing I can do about it. I walked away and tried not to look back, I got into my car and began my drive back home, after so much rush hour traffic, I got home and took a shower, laid in my bed and got consumed by the gloomy mood that had been knocking on the door of my heart all day.
17 Nov 2014 | 12:59
Episode: 16 The week didn’t start well for me and I was hoping for something better as I woke up to begin this wonderful Tuesday morning, I didn’t have much sleep that night due to all the thinking I was doing. I stayed on my bed and thought of coming up with a lie that would stop me from going to work that day but nothing came up, I could lie I was sick but I already used that card too much and I didn’t want to get into trouble with my boss. After much deliberation, I got out of my bed and got ready for work, I planned to see Brenda that night so I decided to try my best to be in a good mood before seeing her. Got to work early as usual and buried myself into some leftover work from the previous day just to keep myself busy from thinking about anything else but that unhappy feeling always found its way right into my mind. I couldn’t take it but I couldn’t let the people around me notice how sad I was feeling. Thankfully, the day went by quickly, everybody was busy with their respective duties today so there wasn’t time for unnecessary chit chat. Lunch break came but I didn’t move from where I was, Cynthia, Kofo and others beckoned to me as they went out but I forced a smile and told them I was busy compiling a report that needed to be submitted to the boss and shown to a client the next morning. The lie seemed to work since none of them bothered to beg me to come along and this made me glad, finally I had time to be alone and drown myself in my much deserved sorrow. I began to think if this was God’s way of punishing me for trying to juggle three women, am I getting the fair punishment? I was just trying to have fun but I fell in love instead, and that is my punishment. It seems totally unjust, I was always the victim of heartbreaks but this time I tried to avoid that but I couldn’t. The woman I fell in love with is in a useless relationship with another man that doesn’t deserve her and I can’t do anything about it or Can I? Can I try to break them up so she ends up with me? What if she ends up hating me for pulling such a manipulative stunt? What if she ends up falling in love with me if I pull the stunt? What do I’ve to lose? Well a lot, I have a lot to loose. If it doesn’t go my way then Kofo might hate me for the rest of her life. I’m not willing to take such a risk, I would rather be a friend to her and try to make her happy in any way that I can. All these thoughts flashed through my mind as I sat down alone in pity, my train of thoughts was cut short as I noticed two people walk into the office; Kofo and her fiancé, Bayo. I was shocked as they walked up to my desk smiling, then Kofo spoke excitedly: ”Bayo is here to ask you himself if you’d like to be his best man”. I was dumbfounded; the question racing through my mind was why a guy I gave a beating recently will want me to be his friend and best man. “Are you sure about that? Don’t you’ve a brother or close friend that can do this? I asked inquisitively. “No I don’t. I’m the only child and I don’t really have any close friends, I’m a lone ranger. He said with a smirk on his face. It was hard to say no to him because of the joy I saw on Kofo’s face, I knew doing this would make her happy so I said yes and she jumped to hug me when she heard this. Bayo and I exchanged numbers and said we would keep in touch and get to know each other better, as we did this, Cynthia and others walked into the office and they all started to shower the couple with their congratulatory pleasantries, Cynthia noticed my countenance changed as the couple walked away from my desk to meet them, she came to me after they left and asked why Bayo was talking with me, I explained what happened and I could see that she was trying her best not to laugh at my misery. She was in awe of how I was handling the whole situation and told me I still stood a chance and I should try to fight for Kofo’s love. I told her that boat already sailed and all I could do now was sit and watch what happens, she looked at me with what looked like pity as she walked away, I’m not entirely sure. The rest of the day went on as usual. Work, work and more work. I sent Brenda a text and told her it was important for me to see her that night and she replied that she would be looking forward to my visit. Finished up my work on time and packed up when it was closing time and left before anyone else, this was the first time this was happening, I lied again that there was something I had to do so it was imperative for me to leave work early. I didn’t really care if they believed me this time around; I just wanted to get out of that environment. I went straight to Brenda’s apartment from work and I could see the excitement on her face as she opened the door for me to enter, she met me with a hug and I forced a smile as I gave her a peck on her cheek. I sat her down and told her we needed to talk about something that happened in the past few days, the atmosphere in the living room quickly escalated with tension, I could feel my heart pounding really fast, sweat trickling down my forehead even though the air conditioning unit was switched on. This was my first time confessing to a woman that I cheated on her and it wasn’t easy, even though Brenda and I weren’t official yet, I felt the need to let her know then she could decide if she still wanted to be with me. I went ahead to tell her everything that happened when I left her apartment that night to help out Kofo till the present moment. I told her every single detail and I felt like a huge burden was let off my chest when I was done. I let out a sigh of relief and asked her. "Do you still wanna be with me?"
17 Nov 2014 | 13:03
hmmmm......ride on :)
17 Nov 2014 | 14:39
Episode: 17 Do you still want me?” I asked frantically. Hoping for a positive answer from Brenda. Anymore rejection would drive me into a complete state of depression. She delved into a deep thought and soon surfaced and told me she didn’t see any reason why we couldn’t try to make things work and be together, we both made mistakes and we both want to make it up to one another. Hearing those words made me feel better, I knew I still had her love, but she told me I would have to get over Kofo for things to work well and this seemed to be a difficult feat. I told her I would do everything to get over her but in my mind I knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as I made it seem. Her face brightened up with a little smile and she made her way into my arms to cuddle me then she told me she knew I was really tired so she was going to get into the kitchen to make something for me to eat really quick, I was going to object but she told me she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I smiled and told her I will be waiting for her delicious meal. I sat in the living room alone surrounded with an ocean of my thoughts, trying to place everything that had happened to me but I knew I had to let go of them because I have a woman that really wants me and is willing to do anything to make it work and keep me. After some minutes, I decided to go and keep Brenda company in the kitchen just to keep myself from sitting alone and over thinking every single situation. She was happy to see me and beamed with a huge smile on her face, she pulled me closer and planted a long kiss on my lips before she asked me to have a taste of the chicken stew she was making for me, it tasted really good and I couldn’t wait to have it with some pasta. We stayed in the kitchen together as she cooked, gisting and recounting how work had been treating us recently. The food was ready and she served it in one plate so we could eat together. The night was turning out much better than I imagined. We played with each other as we ate and kissed at different intervals. She wanted me to stay the night but we both had to be at work early the following morning so I had to leave later and begin the long drive home. The good part was that traffic had reduced so it was a smooth ride, I got home and the first phone call I got was from Brenda, she wanted to check if I was home already, we went on to talk for about one hour and we kept cracking each other up. It felt like we just met for the first time. Everything felt new and better, I totally forgot about how unhappy I felt the whole day, I told her I was going to spend the next night at her place and we should plan on going out to perform an activity together that coming weekend. This made her really happy and I could almost hear her inner child scream with joy, we spoke for a few more minutes then she told me to take a cold shower then head to bed so I could get refreshed and better for the following day. It felt so good to have someone care about my well being so much, I felt loved and I wasn’t going to do anything to f!*k this up again. I said my goodnight to her and told her I couldn’t wait to see her the following night. I slept like a baby and woke up feeling really good with myself; I jumped in the shower and got ready for work on time. Put on one of my best shirts, got in my car and drove my jolly self to work as I felt so ecstatic. Got to work and it was the usual routine of trying to do my work on time so I could leave the office on time, but this time around it was good to feel happy again. As usual, Alex got in after me then Cynthia, Dami and Kofo. Everybody seemed to have work pending on their desk so they all went ahead and delved into their various activities instead of the usual chit chat that occurs. We all worked till it was time for the lunch break and the atmosphere in the office was so saturated that we all decided o go have lunch together. I had no problem with this so I went ahead with them, we all got to the restaurant and got a group table, ordered our food and kept making jokes and gisting as we were waiting for the food to come. After several banters, they all turned their attention to me and asked what I had planned for the bachelor’s party, I laughed and told them there was still more than enough time to do all the necessary planning so they shouldn’t worry so much about it. Alex then went on to talk about how he was more sociable than me and he would definitely plan a better bachelor party than me, I ignored him at first but finally acknowledged his claim just to get him to shut the hell up. Our orders finally came and we had a nice lunch before we all went back to the office to complete our respective duties. I was the first person to complete my work and told them I was going to leave the office early today again. Every other person didn’t seem to have an issue with that except Kofo. She came to my desk as I packed up for the day and asked if everything was cool with us, I said yes with a huge smile on my face. I went ahead to tell her there was a woman in my life that was making me really happy at the moment and I was on my way to spend the evening with her. Hearing those words left Kofo in a sad state, I could see it but I didn’t really care. A part of me wanted to stand up and hug her and tell her she was the only woman I needed in my life but I had to remind myself that she was engaged and there was a woman waiting for me to do everything to make me happy. I stood up from my seat, said goodbye and didn’t look back.
21 Nov 2014 | 18:07
Pls Man I Really Du Luv dis Story.. I Really will Bε̲̣̣̣̥ Appriciative if U̶̲̥̅̊ Are Fast With The Postin of new Episodes
21 Nov 2014 | 18:27
Episode: 18 I spent the night at Brenda’s place and as usual we played, had dinner and made sweet love before I left really early to go home and change for work that day. I switched off my phone all night just to avoid any distraction. I switched it back on when I was driving back home and it kept buzzing repeatedly with messages that were waiting to be read, I turned my attention to the phone and the messages were from Kofo and Cynthia. Excerpts from one of Kofo’s messages: “I don’t know if everything is fine between us but I want it to be. You’ve been the best person I’ve met in a while and I don’t wanna lose you. You mean a lot to me and I hope you know that” I ignored the message and continued my drive home; I arrived at my apartment and got into the shower hurriedly. I decided to talk to Brenda about keeping some of my stuffs at her place because I was going to be spending the night there more often so as to make it easier for me to prepare for work. The contents of Kofo’s messages kept replaying in my head as I took my shower. I really hate the way she has grown on me and how all her actions always affect me. I knew I still had feelings for her but I wasn’t going to ruin her engagement because I was unsure of how she felt about me. Her messages depicts that she may be in love with me but what if she isn’t, what if she’s just trying to keep our good friendship from crumbling. Urgh! This is the effect Kofo has on me; I end up over thinking every single scenario but I had to cut myself short so I could get ready for work on time. As I drove to work, the unexpected happened. An accident occurred on the freeway and caused a backlog of traffic, it was sure that I was going to get to work late even though I left the house on time. I had to call my other colleagues to make sure they take another route so as to avoid getting trapped in the traffic also; at least there should be someone in the office to receive phone calls and get some work going. Minutes turned into hours and it felt like eternity, it took the traffic monitoring authority almost a decade to come through and clear the scene of the accident after the emergency services already took the victims away. The freeway finally got free after about four hours of standstill traffic, I was frustrated and angry, I had to make up for the lost hours at work but luckily for me, I didn’t have any work pending from the previous day. By the time I got to work, it was already past noon and lunch break was over, I was starving but I couldn’t go out to eat yet, I had to make sure everything was in order. After I got everything in check, I was able to rest for some few minutes before I got a call from my boss asking if I got to work fine. I was shocked at how nice he was towards me. Apparently, Kofo already went to his office to explain to him that I won’t be in on time that day because of the accident that occurred on the freeway, even though I didn’t call her to tell her about it, she still went ahead to stick up for me. I knew she would be waiting for a reply to her text anytime soon and since she could see me face to face, she was definitely going to come and disturb me later for a reply but I was wrong. The day went by quickly and Kofo didn’t come to me for a reply. I kept thinking in my head about the possibility of her being over me and didn’t care about my opinion anymore. As I sat at my desk, I remembered that I got a message from Cynthia also and I totally forgot to read it, I finally opened it and I was left in awe of what I read. “Hey Bayo, I’ve got some unpleasant news and I’m sorry to drop it on you like this. Kofo and I shared a bottle of wine together last night before she went home and we got a little bit drunk and our emotions were in the air, she complained about how she was expecting a reply to her messages from you and I couldn’t control the words coming out of my mouth. Long story short, I told her about us, I told her about how we have been having sex for a while without any emotional entanglement and she didn’t take it well” I was shocked at what I read, this explained why Kofo didn’t bother to come to me for any reply and why she hadn’t given me her attention all day, I also noticed that Cynthia was unusually quiet but I just assumed that she was too busy to talk. Everything finally made so much sense now. I didn’t know what to do. The woman that I wanted to give my love to must see me as a pig right now and must think I was playing her all along, I tried to come up with a reasonable explanation in my head but nothing sensible was created. I finally replied Cynthia’s text and told her we had to figure out a way to fix this problem that was created by her drunkenness. I was expecting her to walk to my desk so we could talk as usual but she replied via text, I guess she didn’t want Kofo to see us talking. She replied me and said she wasn’t sure about what to do; she already tried her best to explain to Kofo last night and this morning but everything was to no avail. I was clueless about what to do to make this situation better but there was no way to justify the fact that I was having sexual relations with another woman while I had sex with her but then I thought about it, she was with her boyfriend even though they had issues when we made out but then I didn’t want to play it that way, that would be immature and unnecessary. I decided to reply Kofo’s messages from the night before but first I wanted to apologize to her. I composed a message that would make her heart melt, I explained my actions and what led to the physical relationship that existed between Cynthia and me. I finally summoned enough courage to press the send button and sent the message to her. I noticed Kofo pick up her phone when she heard it buzz but she threw it away when she noticed it was a message from me then she turned back to look at me with so much disappointment and disgust written on her face. I couldn’t help but feel bad. Closing time was finally here and before I could pack my things up, I noticed Kofo walking out of the office hurriedly; I decided to run after her and try to explain myself at least. I couldn’t catch up with her and by the time I got outside the office, I saw her entering her fiancé’s car and just like that I watched the potential love of my life drive off with so much anger in her heart towards me.
21 Nov 2014 | 23:27
Dat kofo gat craze 4 head jae... She wan marry 2 ppl @ a time? If she is so into bayo.. She shld 4gt her fiance na... Abi which kind wickedness be dis? She dsnt want bayo 2 be with some1else.. Nd yet she is gettn married 2 anoda person.. Habah!
22 Nov 2014 | 08:35
#Tinnie ur head dey dia, she really get craze 4 head
22 Nov 2014 | 17:02
Nawa o, love wahala!
23 Nov 2014 | 09:04
Episode: 19 As she drove away with her fiancé, all I could think of was the series of mistakes I made that led me here. Complication and confusion were the order of the day, the only woman I was willing to give all of myself to probably feels nothing but hatred for me at the moment. I stood outside trying to figure out what I was going to do or say to her if she finally replies my texts or picks my calls, I was cut short by an incoming call on my phone; it was Brenda, she wanted to ask what I would like to have for dinner since I already told her I was spending the night at her place again. I told her to make anything since I was really hungry. I went back into the office and decided to pack up my things and head out for the day when Cynthia walked up to me with a sad look on her face and said; “Did I ruin things between you guys?” I hesitated before I gave her an answer, I told her there was nothing to be sorry about because it was a mistake and this was when I noticed how uneasy she felt with what I said so I asked if she was okay. “I lied” She said with a crack in her voice. “Lied about what?” I asked inquisitively. “I wasn’t drunk when I told Kofo about us, I don’t know why I did it, it wasn’t out of jealousy or anything but it just happened. I’m not trying to justify my action but I’m really sorry Bayo. Please forgive me.” Words couldn’t explain how I felt. I stared at her with so much contempt buried within me, I couldn’t lash out at her, all I could do was tell her to figure out a way for us to fix this. As we tried to come up with a solution, I got a call from my boss asking me to come to his office immediately. I knew all my reports were compiled and up to date so I was so sure that I wasn’t in trouble with him. The look on his face when I entered his office wasn’t a good one, in his hand was a letter that he had been reading, so I assumed it had to be that. “I’m reading a request for transfer letter that was written and signed by Kofo and I’m going to assume that as her supervisor, you had no idea that she’s applying for this” I stood there shocked and speechless because this wasn’t on the list of things I was expecting him to talk to me about. “Sir, I had no idea that she requested for a transfer and I’m going to get to the bottom of this and find out why” I said with confusion written all over my face. As I walked out of his office, I tried to figure out why she would want a transfer. Was it because of what she just found out about Cynthia and I or this had to do with her new engagement status? I didn’t know what to think. I got back downstairs and Cynthia was still waiting for me, after so much probing, she admitted that she knew about the transfer and it had nothing to do with us. Kofo's fiancé got a new job in Abuja and he wanted Kofo to come with him since the bank had another branch over there she could complete her service over there. It finally dawned on me that Kofo was going to leave and might not come back forever. She moves there for her service, they get married after and she starts her new life while I’m over here wallowing in sorrow and sulking about how I lost my one reason to be really happy. Cynthia and I sat down thinking about what to do but she finally spoke up and told me I have to fight for Kofo, I have to be persistent, staying here and doing nothing wasn’t going to help anybody and I agreed with her. I rushed out like a mad man chasing a dog to get into my car and drove over to Kofo’s place, I wasn’t sure if she was going to be home but it was worth a try, I drove over hurriedly and as I approached her house, I noticed her fiancé’s vehicle parked outside so I was quite certain that she was home. I parked and walked hurriedly to the doorway and knocked till I got a reply, I was happy to see her face but once again her smile was nowhere to be found, I went ahead to apologize for what happened between Cynthia and I then I decide to pour out my feelings to her: “There is no pretending, I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there's a life after that, I'll love you then. Sometimes you want to say, I love you, but… Yet the “but” takes away the ‘I love you’. In love there are no ‘buts’ or ‘if’s’ or ‘when’. It’s just there, and always. No beginning, no end. It’s the condition- less state of the heart. Not a feeling that comes and goes at the whim of the emotions. It is there in our heart, a part of our heart, eventually grafting itself into each limb and cell of our bodies. Love changes our brain, the way we move and talk. Love lives in our spirit and graces us with its presence each day, until death. I say this to you now: I love you, with no beginning, no end. I love you as you have become an extra necessary organ in my body. I love you as only a man could love a woman. Without fear. Without expectations. Wanting nothing in return, except that you allow me to keep you here in my heart, that I may always know your strength, your eyes, and your spirit that gave me freedom and let me fly.” I felt a smile creep up on her face as I laid out this words to her, but we were cut short by Bayo the fiancé who had been eavesdropping behind the door all along, he walked out in anger and met my face with a nice punch. I fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes and couldn’t move for a while, I think I was unconscious, everything was so vague but all I could hear was Kofo’s voice as she pleaded with him to leave me alone. After some minutes, I regained my senses and walked to my car and drove off. I had no idea where I was going but I just kept driving. I finally came to a stop and I found myself in front of Brenda’s house. I stumbled to her doorway and knocked, her face was filled with horror as she saw the black eye that was given to me. We went in and I explained everything that happened to me as she massaged the side of my face with an ice- pack and she got me some painkillers. I told her about how in love I was with Kofo and I might not get over her, I went on further to tell her that I was hoping the feelings were dead but I was wrong. She was sad as I explained my misery to her but then she turned to me and said “Does she make you happy?” She asked with teary eyes. “Yes she does, in more ways than I can explain.” I replied. “Then do everything you can to make her yours”. I couldn’t believe that someone like Brenda could be so selfless and give me such good advice, I knew that’s what I had to do but first I had to rest because that punch came with a killer headache and I had to get myself re- energized in case I get more punches when I go to fight for what’s meant to be mine the next day. be continued
23 Nov 2014 | 09:36
Episode: 20 The only thought that kept recurring in my mind was the fact that Kofo was about to leave and I might lose her forever. This might be the perfect love that I deserve after so much heartbreak. I could let her go and search for someone else but I also deserve a shot at happiness, we clearly make each other happy and there’s a lot of complication involved. My calls and texts to her weren’t replied; I guessed her fiancé was keeping a close watch on her. I wasn’t so sure of what I was going to say anymore, I already poured out my heart to her and I got a black eye as a result of that. I decided to send one last text to her "It’s just...I look at you and see the kind of person I want to share my life with. And I know I probably sound crazy but I’ve never been able to look at someone the way I look at you. You’ve become the beat to my heart. It’s an enigma when you fall in love and accept that some good things never last. Suddenly, you’ll begin to see yourself as nothing. It’s an agony to accept that despite the feelings you have, it’s all not enough. But when you love someone as much as I love you, you would do the hardest thing. And yes, it’s not going to be easy, but at least you know that what you felt was real. " Moments later, I heard my phone ring and I was so excited to answer until I realized it was Cynthia calling, I didn’t answer the first time because I assumed she was calling to apologize for the umpteenth time. But she kept calling so I decided to answer and end her misery but before I could say anything, she cut me short. "Where are you?" She asked with so much intent in her voice. "I’m at a friend’s place." I said. "You need to get to the airport immediately, Kofo just sent me a message to say goodbye, I guess she and Bayo are leaving for Abuja earlier than expected. You need to go there and convince her not to leave." I was dumbfounded for some few seconds before I finally spoke out and told her I’m heading there now to do and say everything possible to Kofo. I believed I still had enough time since her request for a transfer wasn’t approved yet but one factor I failed to remember was Kofo’s aunt, a manager in the bank and she was going to help Kofo process the request. How could I have been so silly? Now I’ve just limited time to make her mine and the risk of getting another black eye but that wasn’t a big deal when it came to matters of the heart. Since I slept off at Brenda’s place, I spent the night on her couch. I had to inform her that I was leaving and this might be my last time in her place if all goes according to plan, she wished me good luck, we hugged and said our goodbyes. I got into my car and began the drive to the airport that was on the other part of town, I kept praying for a minimal amount of traffic on the road and God seemed to be answering my prayer as I drove on. As I drove, I kept thinking of what would happen if Kofo rejects me after all these. What if she sees me as just an infatuation? What if the feelings aren’t mutual? Is this drive worth it? I had to cut all these negative thoughts out of mind and give myself a little morale boost by turning up the music that was playing on the stereo. The drive was going smooth till it took an ugly turn, some few blocks to the airport; I approached a traffic light and stopped when it turned red. The traffic light was taking way too long to turn green, I could feel the impatience growing in me then it finally turned green after some few seconds but the driver in front of me was on the phone and wasn’t paying any attention to the light. I kept honking my horn for him to move but he just pretended like he couldn’t hear anything. I decided to reverse a little so as to get to the other lane and keep driving to the airport. My attempt to do this was cut short when a trailer coming with full speed trying to beat the traffic light rammed into me. I felt the car tumble and somersault several times before it finally got to a stationary position. I lost consciousness. Blood everywhere, as I opened my eyes. I was wondering how I could still be alive. God must really love me. I could hear the voices of people trying to get into the car to rescue me but surprisingly I could hear the siren of emergency medical services approaching, I couldn’t feel anything but pain. After a careful procedure by the first responders, I was brought out of my car that was completely totaled and carried into the ambulance with a stretcher. The last thing I could remember was the doors of the ambulance closing as I lost consciousness again.
23 Nov 2014 | 09:40
23 Nov 2014 | 09:41
Mehn... I don dey love up.... I'm sure Kofo will be back... I really feel 4 Brenda
23 Nov 2014 | 18:27
Heeyyyyy.. pls o bring it on, dis level of luv maa nawao.. No P, am certain kofo will b urs my bro.. Cont'd d story plsssssss
24 Nov 2014 | 12:54
[SEMI FINAL] Episode: 21 I regained consciousness and stretched my left hand to block the light rays from the florescent tube as my blurry vision got clearer. I saw Kofo smiling down at me, she had the most beautiful smile and she looked like an angel. I tried to touch her with my right hand but felt a sudden sharp pain, I couldn't raise my arm because it was fractured and already covered with a POP (plaster of Paris). I turned to Kofo and she wasn't there. My mind was playing tricks on me. I saw a bandage on my left leg, it was huge. I remembered the event of the accident and wondered how I made it out alive and with lesser injuries than I expected. I saw Cynthia dozing off on a chair nearby, not too long after she woke up. I could see the relief on her face as she saw me. I could tell she had cried her eyes out. "Thank God. Bayo you scared me!" and she rushed to hug me. I was in pains but I felt it wouldn't be fair to leave her hanging so I hugged her with one arm and pushed her away gently when the pain became unbearable. She apologized immediately and sat beside me. Her eyes were sore, her skin was pale, her makeup smeared but somehow she still looked beautiful. She held my left hand and rubbed them and I could hear the words "You'll be fine" in her action. A part of me hoped she was doing this out of love while another part of me hoped it was just out of guilt. "Please I need to see Kofo" I stuttered. She withdrew her hands gently and I saw the smile on her face disappear, she was about to say something when a nurse walked in, Brenda was behind her. The nurse didn't look surprised to see me awake, Cynthia stood up and went back to sit down on the chair while the nurse took my vital signs. Brenda just stood there in awe. After the nurse was done, she adjusted the speed of my drip and told me my sister was here then she left. Brenda managed to smile, said hi to Cynthia and walked up to my bed. I smiled and asked her when she became my sister, she just shrugged and asked me how I was doing. "Not so good, but I'll live" I answered. She sat on the bed beside me and put her palm on my cheek and rubbed on it gently "of course you will." Her hands felt warm and relaxing. I could tell from the look on Cynthia's face that she wasn't comfortable with what was going on. She picked up her phone and left the room to make a call. Brenda told me all about how she had found pictures of my car and read about the accident on Twitter last night. "By the way, hope I didn't scare Kofo away." She said refering to Cynthia. "No, that's my colleague." "Wow! She really looks torn for you. So you couldn't get to Kofo. I'm really sorry dear." I looked at Brenda and I was sure she was far from being really sorry. Although I wouldn't blame her, with Kofo out of the picture we would have a chance to make what we have work. Cynthia came back and told me she was leaving to get me something to eat as per the doctor's advice. I asked Brenda to help me look for my phone but she couldn't find it. So I asked her to help me dial Kofo's number. It was one of the few numbers I could recite by heart. She was reluctant at first but she did. She put it on speaker and although I didn't want her to listen in, I didn't have much of a choice. It rang for a while before Kofo's fiancé answered. I froze, I didn't know what to say "Hi, my name is Brenda, may I please speak with Kofo?" Brenda cut in just in time to save me from embarrassing myself. He replied that Kofo was in the bathroom and he could take a message. Brenda told him not to bother that she was going to call back then he asked to know more about her. He justified by saying he didn't really know Kofo's friends. She concurred and gave him the basics then he proceeded to ask if she was prettier than Kofo. I didn't know whether to be angry or sad. Brenda laughed and answered "Of course!" I asked her to take it off speaker and go outside to complete their conversation. She came back several minutes later and quickly apologized for leaving me. An hour went by, Brenda was texting on her phone when I woke up from a brief nap. She smiled warmly and asked how if I felt better, I nodded in the positive. It was almost noon and I was getting hungry. A few minutes later, Cynthia walked in with a basket in her hand, she was wearing a black dress that could be likened to a good lecture (long enough to cover the subject but short enough to create interest) and she looked really beautiful. She was accompanied by a nurse who helped me tilt my bed up so I could sit up and eat. I couldn't take my eyes off Cynthia and the nurse couldn't help but notice what was happening below my waist as she adjusted my sheets and she gave me a condescending look as she left. Cynthia went ahead to serve the food, she had prepared rice and chicken stew, bread, fried egg and tea, she said she didn't know which one I would prefer and my phone was with her so she could not call to ask. I opted for rice and chicken stew. Brenda got up kissed me on the cheek and told me she had to go to work and she would stop by after work. The meal was delicious but eating with my left hand and in a lot of pains was a bit tedious although Cynthia offered to help but I refused. I could see the pity in her eyes and I didn't want to seem totally helpless. She asked me to let her call my family but I insisted that she didn't. My family troubles were far greater than my present predicament. "Don't worry your family members from the office will soon be here." she said in a bid to console me. I forced a smile, I knew it wasn't going to be the same without Kofo. I thanked Cynthia for the meal and collected my phone, the screen had cracked from the accident. I decided to send a text to Kofo, I didn't know what to type at first but I finally managed to summarize what happened to me and ended telling her how much I missed and needed her then I sent it and prayed she would respond. The following day, Kofo called me and she couldn’t stop saying it was her fault, she apologized several times but I could sense she had not forgiven me completely. I would need more than sympathy to get back in her good graces. I told her she had nothing to be sorry about that it was all my fault and that I would understand if she was still mad at me then she promised to call me back later. I was happy, this was a good sign and I could still have a chance with the love of life after all. TGIF! I had a lot more to be thankful for besides the fact that it was Friday, the doctor had come earlier to let me know my survival was a miracle and my case wasn’t has bad as it looked when I was brought in and that I would be discharged the next day hopefully. Cynthia had brought me breakfast before she went to work and she was very relieved to hear the news. She came back later in the afternoon and brought me lunch, she had asked Alex to cover for her so she didn’t need to go back to work. “You know Cynthia, you can stop feeling guilty about this whole thing” I said, “I spoke to Kofo this morning and I have a good feeling we’ll work out our issues and even if I don’t get her back I won’t hold it against you.” “I’m glad you feel that way. So I guess I’ll just have to get another booty call. Not that you were that great anyway.” she said jokingly. We laughed it off and we discussed about work and the office. She told me of one of the managers who had a thing for her and has been on her case for a while, not minding the fact that he was married and had a daughter almost as old as she was. She played with my fingers and glowed as we talked, I’d never seen her this way before, we were usually at loggerheads with each other even after our affair started but now she was gentle and seemed like the most caring person in the world. Our chit chat was interrupted by a nurse who came to check my vital signs. She seemed nicer than the nurse on duty the night before. “Madam, your husband is a very lucky man.” She said to Cynthia and smiled. I was about to correct her when Cynthia cut in “Thank you. I’m very grateful to you guys.” “You’re welcome” she turned to me and asked if I had taken my medication, I nodded in the positive and she left. “You want us to be the topic of their gossip?” Cynthia said “Don’t worry, I’m off limits anyway.” “Really? When did you become off limits?” I asked and tickled her on her back. “Leave me alone jor” She laughed. Later that evening she told me she was going to stick around for a while but I insisted that she shouldn’t. “You shouldn’t dull up because of me. It’s Friday, go and have fun. Besides I’m tired and I’ll sleep soon.” I said. After she left I sent a text to Kofo telling her that I was going to be fine. Brenda called some minutes later to apologize for not coming over apparently she was very busy and was still at work, we spoke for a few minutes before I drifted off to sleep. I woke up the following morning and struggled to walk with my new crutch. I was pressed and I needed to get to the rest room. When I got back Cynthia was waiting for me, she came bearing breakfast. She offered to help me but I told her I needed to do it myself. I found my way to the bed and sat down. It was painful but bearable. Cynthia helped me tilt the bed upward so I could rest my back. We locked eyes for a moment and I felt a deep connection with her. “My head hurts” I said in a bid to escape the moment. “I could help with that” she looked away and put the food basket on the bed side locker. “Really? What do you have in mind?” I asked enthusiastically. “This” She turned and kissed me passionately. “Did that helped?” She whispered with her nose and lips still touching mine, our eyes locked once more and I grabbed her by the nape of her neck and kissed her. We were interrupted by the sound of cans dropping to the floor. Kofo had dropped the basket in her hand, she stared at us for a moment then she ran out of the room.
27 Nov 2014 | 00:29
see another gobe ooo
27 Nov 2014 | 10:55
Ohhhhhh yawa don gas aqain
27 Nov 2014 | 14:38
Nawa o, don't even knw were Bayo belong
28 Nov 2014 | 03:12
Jezz! Not Again.. How Are U̶̲̥̅̊ now gona get Your Self Out of Dis New Mess.. Bε̲̣̣̣̥ sides I strongly Feel dat Kofo's hobby Is A Big Flet, he will end up askin Brenda Out Am sure of dat.. But Sinx U̶̲̥̅̊ hav A Connection With Cynthia, stay With her.. With D way she has been carin 4u in D Hospital, its obviours she Lovs U̶̲̥̅̊.. Not even brenda could bring U̶̲̥̅̊ anythin
28 Nov 2014 | 03:58
wat a life!
28 Nov 2014 | 13:16
Nd meshack did nt post sha #sobbing#
28 Nov 2014 | 17:31
Guy u no fit control your pole?
29 Nov 2014 | 06:04
{FINAL EPISODE} Episode: 22 I couldn’t believe my eyes, the day I dreaded the most had finally come. I never thought I would get here, but here I am about to get married to a woman. The accident changed my life and I decided not to take my life for granted. My life took a series of unexpected turns to get here and I wouldn’t say I’m proud of all my choices but one way or another they led me right where I was standing facing this little crowd. I didn’t think I deserved to be married off in a church but for some weird reason I was more comfortable with taking this sacred vows in here than anywhere else. Finally it began, the sound of the keyboard playing the very famous “Here comes the bride” tune. As my bride walked up to me in her beautiful white dress the past few months of my life, flashed before my eyes. Cynthia ran after Kofo and almost fell on her way out as she stepped on a milk can Kofo had dropped. A nurse quickly came to pick up the cans. I tried to get up but she told me to get back on my bed. I tried to imagine what Kofo would be thinking, what Cynthia was going to say to her, I knew it was only a matter of time before my world came crashing down again. I waited and waited for someone to walk through the door, seconds turned into minutes and the minutes began to seem like hours, finally I gave up, she was never going to forgive me, not this time. “Hi…Hi Bayo” her voice cracked. I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was Kofo. I starred at her speechless. “Cynthia explained to me…” she said. “…Kofo, I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know what came over me…” before I could finish my apology, she ran to me and hugged me. “I should have been the one here for you, not her. I pushed you to her. I’m so sorry dear.” I felt the tears rolling down and it soaked my chest. I was grateful that Kofo was able to forgive me, more especially to Cynthia who was staring at us from the door. She was hurt and was about to explode, her eyes widen in an attempt to hold back the tears then they shut. I saw the tears roll down her cheeks and she left. I knew at that moment that it was over between Cynthia and I, we wouldn’t even be platonic anymore but I took consolation in the fact that the love of my life was back in my arms. They say if you love something, you let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be. I couldn’t wait to be discharged from the hospital. The next few months would be quite dramatic. I would have to revive Kofo’s trust in me, seeing Cynthia was going to be hard, avoiding her would be the preferred line of action. Kofo would move in with me and eventually life would go back to normal. At least that’s what I hoped. The doctor came in a few hours later to check my progress and I was discharged 30 minutes later. He told me to get plenty of rest and that I would need to come back for check-up. I was relieved that I was leaving. I missed my apartment. I was delighted to be back in it and most grateful to God that I survived the accident. Kofo helped me to the three-seater sofa in the living room and she sat on the carpet beside me. “Bayo, I’m really sorry I put you through all these. I’m sorry I left. I shouldn’t have.” “But you’re back now” I responded “that’s all that matters.” “I love you.” The words resounded in my ears. It occurred to me that she had never said those words to me before now. Although I had dreamt of this moment for a long time, it felt strange. I didn’t know how to respond. I was confused. I shouldn’t be. This was Kofo, the goddess who changed my life, the one whom I almost died trying to get to. Her gentle eyes looked like they were probing me. I turned to her and she kissed me passionately. I kissed her back and prayed that was the response she was looking for. She stopped and starred at me for a while then she kissed me again. This time around it was more passionate than the first. I must have forgotten how good it felt to kiss her lips. They tasted like strawberry. I was getting too excited for my own good, my groin was hurting so I pulled away. “I love you too.” She fluttered her eyelashes at me and asked me what I wanted for lunch. I told her to prepare whatever she could find and she hurried off to the kitchen. I was fumbling around with my phone and found pictures of myself lying on the bed at the hospital. They were lots of them. I kept scrolling and I found one with Cynthia and I, her face was a bit swollen and I was lying on the bed in the background. She took another, pretending to be asleep next to me and it looked really convincing. The next one, she had a broad smile on her face. It was the day I regained consciousness and oh that black dress! “What are you smiling about?” I quickly closed my gallery. “Nothing” “Hmmm…Well I need to go get some things at the market. Hope you’ll be fine?” “Of course I will.” I thought about calling Cynthia after Kofo left but I didn’t know what I was going to say. I dialled Cynthia’s number anyway and waited for her to answer. I called three times but there was no answer. I sent her a text thanking her for everything she did for me and that I would forever be grateful to her. Kofo got back from the market and looked upset. I asked what was wrong and she told me her fiancé just called her. He was furious that she left for Lagos without telling him. They exchanged words and she told him it was over between them. I consoled her the best I could, she lighten up a bit and took the products from the market to the kitchen. My phone beeped. It was a Cynthia. “You’re welcome.” I was delighted that she replied my message. A little too delighted. The following day I told Kofo she didn’t need to stay over anymore that I would be fine. Besides I wouldn’t want her aunt to find out I was the one camping her niece from the world. Kofo mentioned she wasn’t planning on continuing her service with the bank anymore. She also wasn’t comfortable with the fact that I would still be working in the same office as Cynthia. I admit, it would be a little awkward but I didn’t have an aunt somewhere who could get me jobs at the snap of her fingers. The weekend was over and I wasn’t going to partake in the Monday morning rush. At least not this Monday. Kofo had prepared breakfast the night before and I just had to microwave it. She had an interview with an IT firm that belonged to her aunt’s friend. After my breakfast and a long nap I woke up and found four missed calls from Kofo. I called her back and she had told me she had started work already. She promised to stop by on her way home. I was bored and tired of watching TV and craved company, work, anything. There was a void in my heart. I called Cynthia and she answer at the first ring. She probably was in her “hyper work” mood and didn’t realised I was the one calling. “Hello Cynthia” She was silent. I could hear her breathing. “Cynthia, I don’t know why I feel this way. I miss having you beside me. I miss seeing your pretty face. I can’t believe I’m about to say this but a part of me wishes Kofo didn’t come back…” “…why are you telling me this?” she interrupted in a low tone. “I..I don’t know.” She cut the connection. Did I say something wrong? I called her back and this time she spoke first. “Look Bayo, it was fun while it lasted. I don’t want you to be my booty call and I don’t want to be your booty call either. I’m happy you got a second chance with Kofo and I really hope you don’t mess it up.” “But I love you.” I did it. I said the three dreaded words. It felt like it slipped but deep down it felt true. “What!?” and she cut the connection. Kofo stopped by as promised and brought dinner along. After she left I tried calling Cynthia again but she didn’t answer. I tried to get across to Cynthia all week but she kept ignoring my calls. I sent numerous texts but she didn’t respond. I was feeling stronger so I decided to go over to her place. I rang the doorbell a couple of times and she opened without asking like she was expecting someone. She was surprised to see me leaning on the wall with my crutch. She wore a red V-neck pencil dress. She was definitely expecting someone. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “I had to see you. You haven’t been picking my calls or replying my text.” “It’s called moving on, Bayo…” “…but I don’t want to move on. I want you in my life. I need you in my life.” Her date arrived just before I could say anymore. She apologize for leaving me hanging and went with him. When I got home, I got a text from Kofo that her aunt was leaving town for the weekend and she would be coming over to spend the night. About an hour later, I heard someone knocking on the door. I opened the door and was surprised to see Cynthia. She grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me. I pulled her in and she kicked the door close with her Louboutin pumps. We staggered and almost fell. The pain raced to my spine and Cynthia noticed as I whimpered. She helped me to the sofa and we laughed it off. Her side bangs covered one of her eyes as she starred at me wordless. I brush her hair aside with my hand so I could see her eyes. “Cynthia, I…” “Shhhh” She shut me up and kissed me. She pulled closer to me carefully not to hurt my arm or my leg and we continued kissing. Kofo walked in and found us. Cynthia pulled away, looked me in the eyes and said it “I love you.” “I love you too.” Kofo dropped the bag of groceries in her hand “You Dam!” she screamed at Cynthia. She turned to me and said with tears in her eyes “I never want to see you again in my life! I never want to see both of you again!” then she walked out. Few months later I was standing at the altar. Cynthia looked adorable in her beautiful gown. Her brows perfectly arched, flawless skin and plump lips. It wasn’t long before we said “I do.” I was going to spend the rest of my life with this woman. She had forced me to reconcile my differences with my family and they were present to witness this special day. At the reception, I was a little surprised to see Kofo’s ex-fiancé with Brenda but I wasn’t about to bother my head with that. I couldn’t wait to whisk my wife away to our honeymoon suite at the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. I always wondered what happened to Kofo, I got my answer two years later, during a business trip to Ibadan. I went to the hotel bar to have a couple of drinks when this beautifully shaped damsel in a short bodycon dress took the seat beside me. I caught a glimpse of her thighs as she sat down, I looked up and was surprised to see that it was Kofo. She was also surprised to see me. We exchanged pleasantries and I bought her a drink. “So what brings you to Ibadan?” she asked. “Business” I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She looked different, radiant and her dress was barely long enough to cover her butt. A few drinks later, she swung the door of her suite open and we entered making out from the door. We ran into a few furniture along the way but finally found the bed. She pulled down my pants and pushed me to the bed. She read my mind and didn’t take off the dress. She straddled me and f**ked my brains out. I woke up as Kofo wiggled her Unclad body out of my grip and went into the bathroom. I felt the hangover creeping inside me. What have I done? The details were hazy and I wasn’t sure I wanted to remember. I got up and quickly got dressed. As I searched around and found the key to my suite I also found Kofo’s journal. My curiosity got the better of me and I opened it. I flipped through and one statement stood out on various pages “I HATE MEN!” I was the origin of it all. I heard the water closet flush so I grabbed my key and made for the door. I was just about to close the door when my phone rang. It was Cynthia, I knew from the ring tone. There was just one problem, the phone was not with me. I went back in and got there just in time to see Kofo pick it up and answer. She smiled. I struggled to catch the phone as she tossed it towards me. Finally I was able to hold on to it. “Hello dear...” *** “It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was mine, for trusting you.” THE END
29 Nov 2014 | 07:07
Still Abit Confused Hea.. Dos it mean dat His Wife new he had A Fling With Kofo or wat? Som one plss help me out
29 Nov 2014 | 10:52
I've been enjoying dis story 4rm d start.. But d end? I dnt get it... Is cynthia aware? Is kofo nw a runs gal? Why is it dat dere is alwyz an ish with dis stories ending? Plz do something abt d way u guyz end stories o
29 Nov 2014 | 12:55


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

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