

By Dindy in 12 Jul 2016 | 18:03
Dindy Dindy

Dindy Dindy

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Member since: 26 Jun 2016
please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story..........

[WRITER SPEAKS]=>The lines of the palm, held the handle of pain and sorrow blade.upwards and downwards tears the sack of life,the echoing sounds reveals itself out of pain,the lines of the palms are felt on the flesh of dust,knees of the bone meets the structure of earth, respecting the law of gravity.drag on an airplane becomes possible to the oval shape underneath,the caps are of fallen angels from the sky above, tears are to inhabit sorrowful pains of the mind,plain darkness becomes known,reflections of memory happiness turns to the labour of sorrow.
[WRITER SPEAKS]=>what is the use of leaving in this world when the colors of life are now like the shadows of distortion within your soul and spirit,life is a miserable place to stay when there is no day or night, nature becomes hopeless and useless when the beauty of it can only be seen by the darkness of your face,the penetrating light becomes only for the love of the skin and for the pain in the heart,the sounds of beats and of nature are like a noisy damaged engine to the tone,joy is only felt in the dream world of sight,hours have no count,days are of hours,weeks are of days,and years are of eternity...............story begins.......

[WRITER SPEAKS]=>a man in a room filled with the smell of joyful pain,a room where the light of hope,joy,happiness,good life and smiles are driven away by the pride of sorrow,a room with the wisdom of darkness and pain, a room of unclean memories,a room with the mountains of deep emotional struggle,the room lays out crippled imaginations of the future,a room with muddy unchanging clay of the soul,a room where the magnetic source of joy was melted by the overwhelming flame of soulless pain,a room clouded with clones of the principle sadness,a room were shifting motive digs under the slow moving body...............
[CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=>all my pains are channeled to this position I'm in,I have become a useless living man who can't feed or fight for himself,I am now a little toy for the bed bug that lives in this flat bed,nothing can bring back the light into my eyes,nothing can fill that empty space In my life anymore,the future holds more darkness for me now,this life is nothing to me anymore.
[WRITER SPEAKS]=>droplets of tears ran down his eyes as he laid hopeless and lifeless;like a man who was pulled by the legs until death.
[CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=>I have come see how blameful life can be,back when I was still a real complete man,people praised me to the highest level.I was the most wanted individual in the city,because of my gift,now look at where I stay;in a small, dirty, almost falling apart wooden house.
[WRITER SPEAKS]=>thunderstorms gathered with rainy clouds and travelling winds from the sky above,darkness was filled at every inside of Celestin house. Celestin heart was also filled with darkness.Celestin heard the sound of the thunderstorm,the wind blew pushing the weak roof of the house a little to the right.
[CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=>ah!,not again,this rain has moved this roof, and now it will deal with me again,after the last time it fell on me,causing me sickness.well that's what life has reduce me to,life has made me a beggar amongst insect,life has twisted my fortune to shame,i pray the rain falls so heavy that it floods me,let the flood drown me to death,it will be a very nice way to leave this world filled with people who never really loved me,if only I knew where or how to get a rope,I would hang myself with it.
[WRITER SPEAKS]=>tears ran down his eyes as those words ran up and down his thoughts............story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
12 Jul 2016 | 18:03
12 Jul 2016 | 18:11
Nice One
12 Jul 2016 | 18:29
Bring It On Sha.
12 Jul 2016 | 18:29
13 Jul 2016 | 04:21
Nice start..... Nice.
13 Jul 2016 | 07:28
13 Jul 2016 | 16:43
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 2 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.......... [WRITER SPEAKS]=>he wiped the tears off his eyes with his right hand,then he tried to get up from the flat bed touching everything around him,so that he could Stand properly,he wanted to move away from their so as to avoid the rain that fell on him the last time,to fall again on him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>{flash back}:->the last time the rain fell on him was two weeks ago before that day.he was in a deep sleep, unknown to him rain clouds were gathering in the sky above,he forgot to lock the wooden window which was right over his head,his forgetfulness gave the wind the opportunity to push the window open.while in his sleep he dreamt of his old life and the wonderful things in them.the rain started falling very early by 4:00am,he was deep in sleep when he felt something cold on his body,he didn't want to wake up because he was having one of his sweet dreams of his past sight. the cold increased forcing him to wake up and came back to his world of total darkness. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>He woke up back to real life still lying down straight with both hands placed on his chest,he didn't sit up right,his soul felt sadness because he was thinking that the dream he had was a real thing,he touched his body to know whether the rain has occupied his dirty clothes he was wearing,his left and right hands touched his body from his waist upwards, then he placed his hands on his flat bed,both his body, the flat bed and the floor was completely wet.he began to curse life for making him the way he was,the rain never stopped and he didn't get up from his flat bed,the rain came in through the window and the roof,he was so angered and in pain that he laid on his flat wet bed which was completely drenched by the rain and he refused to get up,he later changed his mind, he turned and laid on the wet bed with his left sides on the bed and his right sides facing upward,making the rain to fall on his right hand side more than the left,he brought his two legs which were already closed together up to his stomach region,making his legs form a triangle shape.after the rain stopped he felt so wet and cold,although the rain stopped he couldn't sleep again because he was wet,no one was there to help him,his body was shaking; like that of a fish out of the ocean,after some hours the sun came out,by that time the time was 8am,his body was very weak,he couldn't stand up because he had pity for his life in his soul,he just laid in that position for hours.the clothes he wore were like net so the harsh heavy cold rain was able to penetrate into his clothes and have direct contact with the layers of his sick causing him to fall sick later in the afternoon of that same day. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>.......{presently}:->he stood up and walked forward as he moved his hands around,so that he wouldn't hit any object in front of him,as he walked forward and moved his hands around,his left hand touched an iron chair that was right towards the wall side,he then placed his right hand on the chair,and he slowly turned to sit on the chair as he place his left hand on the chair's hand.the chair was without foam or a sitter foam on the part were one places his/her butt,he sat as slowly as he could, not to injure himself placing his right hand on the chair's right hand.he sat down but he was not fully comfortable,because the iron only supported his butt at both sides leaving the middle opened,it was as if he was not sitting,but he had no choice. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>His two hands were on the chair's hands,he pushed his head backwards slowly,and went into another world of thoughts. [CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=>..{breathes out, then shakes his head a little}..,at last I won't be a victim to this evil rain that always like to fall on me,but I just wonder why the rain likes to fall each time I..{yawns}.. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>he was unable to continue with what he was saying because the mistress of sleep had encounter his weaken body. [CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=>I think I should sleep now,at least I am away from that bed side..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=>he couldn't finish up the statement because sleep took him to the dream world.his face lightened up with a smile after 10mins into sleep,he dreamt a happy dream filled with colors that he hasn't seen for a very long time. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>The rain started and it blew a very heavy wind,although celestin locked the windows of his house properly,the great wind pushed all the windows of Celestin's wooden house open.the chair Celestin sat on was close to a window,the window hit the back of his head with an extreme force making him loose consciousness as he fell from the chair towards the left side dropping to the floor............story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
13 Jul 2016 | 17:47
Hmmmm.. #still Following!
13 Jul 2016 | 17:51
14 Jul 2016 | 09:38
14 Jul 2016 | 09:39
14 Jul 2016 | 10:27
why are you confused??@ ebube
14 Jul 2016 | 16:58
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 3 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.......... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He was on the floor and unconscious,his head was pointing toward the back side of his house,his left leg was on his right leg,his left hand was under his stomach region,his right hand was on the floor close to his waist region,he had blood at the back of his head. The window that hit him at the back of his head was broken at the edge side due to the force it used to hit Celestin on the head,the window fell from its position after Celestin fell,it landed beside Celestin. There was no more coverage at that part of Celestin's house, making the rain which was falling from the west direction according to the wind, to come through that side,and other sides of the windows that were pushed opened by the wind, plus the roof which was even pushed more to one side.although the side which Celestin was, had no protection again the rain,the roof still helped him a little, because it still covers the side he lays. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The wind blew again changing the direction of the rain, from south to west,and also blowing the roof of Celestin's house out of it's position to the muddy ground below. Celestin's house was no rock,so the rain which it has being absorbing from the past years made it weak and soft. His house was like; a glass cup that was being filled with water,which was at its boiling point. Thunder stroke an apple tree beside Celestin's house,the apple tree which Celestin sees his daily meal from. The apple tree caught fire and it burnt seriously,killing both the sweet juicy apples on it and the leaves,the apple tree puffed out black dark smoke due to the intensity of the fire. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The fire cut deep down inside the tree causing it to fall apart from its branches. The branches fell to the ground making another stage of fire elimination due to the grasses which were all around the tree. The wind which was blowing from the south pushed the fire which was on the grasses to move forward;making it spread like rashes on human body. The tree beaches continued to fall one after the other, making the fire to Spread round the whole place,the fire spread further to Celestin's house,but luckily for him the roof which fell was on the ground, blocking the fire from getting close to his house. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The roof was made of weak aluminum,so it was not going to hold the fire's heat for too long,the fire spread towards the other side of the house through the help of both the grasses and the south blowing wind,the grasses at the other side of Celestin's house was lower,so the fire couldn't reach into Celestin's house from that side. The tree was now fully weaken that it broke from the middle, and fell forward to the ground,there was a little muddy pond on which it fell into,splashing mud around and causing the flame on one side of the tree to quench,the other part still carried on burning;like a man on a journey for gold. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Although the rain was falling heavily,the fire didn't reduce. The fire which was burning close to the aluminum stretched forward through help of the heavy wind that blew, the aluminum began to melt little by little making the fire advance more. The aluminum melted, leaving the house exposed to the hungry fire,the fire got close to the house,it was about to start burning the wooden house, when a part of the house fell,it landed on the fire which was on its path, putting it off,but not the fire which was not on its path,the fire which was not on the fallen wood path started burning the wood,it burnt the wood from the top to the bottom,which was linked to the wooden house. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The rain was so heavy that the soil began to erode,little particles of sand ran down,reducing support to the house, both in front and at the back. The soil washed downwards by the help of the rain and the slop of the topography,the wooden house began to loose more support on one side of its structure,it made a loud squeaky noise,the squeaky noise became more noisy; like a wood which was joined with another wood with nails,and were being removed from each other by force. As the soil eroded downwards,the fire which was about to burn the wooden house was no longer able to do so,because the erosion became heavy on the side the fire was domination,the erosion was able to put out the fire which was burning close to Celestin's house. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The side of the wooden house which was about to be engulfed by flame fell out,pulling some parts of the roof with it. It landed on the ground slashing muddy water round the place,the other side of the wooden house which didn't given up the ghost was still there standing;like a man with pride. It was still able to hold the front and the back side of the house. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The rain was now beating Celestin very seriously;like a cloth which was forgotten under the rain. He was still unconscious,but he didn't know that he was unconscious,he thought he was sleeping,he didn't know the lost that was existing right around him. The wooden house made another squeaky noise from the back side,Celestin's head was right at the position it was about to fall to,the wooden house lost total support at the back,it started falling little by little bending the weak nails that held it together with the other side of the wooden house,it fall right be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
14 Jul 2016 | 17:10
Hmm :s
15 Jul 2016 | 03:41
:b More!
15 Jul 2016 | 03:41
15 Jul 2016 | 04:27
Ride on
15 Jul 2016 | 04:27
Still Confuse...
15 Jul 2016 | 04:48
What happen to dx quy... Why from qrace to qrass.
15 Jul 2016 | 04:52
Write the main story... Where celestine is stayinq don do.
15 Jul 2016 | 04:53
15 Jul 2016 | 10:11
15 Jul 2016 | 10:12
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 4 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.............. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> It fell right on the floor an inch above his head,the noise it made was so strong that it sounded; like a gun shot coming from an ak47. Celestin didn't even notice a single thing,due to the state he was in;a state of total lost of knowledge,a state of confusing,a state that reduces a man's ability to zero. The rain reduced,so did the wind which blew from the south,the erosion stopped because of the reduction of the rain,the fire was no more burning on any thing,but the damage which it caused was written all over the place.Celestin's life was surly going to be more difficult when the wakes up from his dream or gains his consciousness back. ......mean while in Celestin's dream under the influence of his unconscious mind......... Celestin:"Good morning dad",he said putting a large grin on his face. Celestin's Dad:"how are you?,boy o boy",asked his dad, with a smile on his face. Celestin:"I am fine dad,and you dad?",he asked sitting down close to his dad. Celestin's Dad:"well son, i am as good as the old donkey of our state",said his dad in a playful way. Celestin:"Laughs". Celestin:"oh dad you are such a funny man,you always know how to make people laugh",he said with a grin on his face. Celestin's Dad:"well son i am gifted in that side",he said smiling. Celestin:"You know dad, its never to late for you to enter that open mic contest for comedians",he said teasing his dad. Celestin's Dad:"laughs". Celestin's Dad:"son don't start that with me again",he said with a smile. Celestin:"I am for real dad",he said with a jokey look and voice. Celestin's Dad:"boy if you start that,I will chase you round the house, and you will run and get tired of running",he said as he set himself to run after celestin. Celestin:"you will make even the tables and chairs laugh, with your jokes",he said as he ignored what his dad said and prepared to be chased by his dad. Celestin's Dad:"That is it!,I will catch you and pin you down",he said as he smiled and stood up from the chair he sat. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin being a sharp boy,quickly stood up, by pressing his hands Down on the chair and pushing his body upwards. His dad pressed his hands on the chair he sat on, then pushed his body towards the left where Celestin was,and chased Celestin immediately he made a move. Celestin turned and ran pass the chair he sat,his dad was right at his back,Celestin's dad threw his right hand thinking he was going to get hold of Celestin,but he was wrong,his hands didn't touch celestin at all,instead his hands slap the chair's side,but he didn't stop with the chase. They both ran into the kitchen,Celestin who was ahead quickly calculated the next move to make in his head, as he ran towards the kitchen exit door leading outside. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> His dad who was chasing him from behind, did his own calculation of how he would catch Celestin,Celestin knew that the only way he could escape his dad, was to run away by the use of the exit door. Celestin got to the exits door,but little did he remember that it was lock since last night,to avoid thieves from entering into their house at night. He turned the handle of the Door downwards as he pushed his body to the door to unlock it with force..(bad idea)..the force which he used to push the door was not greater than the force acting on the door,both at it's lock side and at it's fixed position,due to the inability of Celestin to produce a greater power to over come the door forces. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He bounce back;like a ball which was bouncing forward and then it encountered an iron door pushing it backwards. He fell on the floor with his butt kissing the floor first,his hands were right beside him, stopping his back from touching the floor when his butt kissed the floor. His dad on seeing what happened stopped running and smile,he spread his hands and legs wide open; like a goal keeper who is about to catch a penalty. Celestin's dad;"you are faster than i, but i was the best goal keeper when I was your age boy o boy",he said with a devilish smile. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin quickly stood up and faced his dad, then he looked left and right,then he tried running away from his father from the left,his dad followed him up,Celestin moved back,then he tried running to the right but his smart dad followed him up again. Well his dad was smart, but not smart enough. Celestin's dad thought he had got Celestin due to the way he followed him up, by running to the right hand side as quick as Celestin,Celestin stopped as soon as he saw that his dad followed him fast,then celestin quickly passed in-between his father's legs, which was opened like a goalpost. Before his dad understood what was really going on,Celestin has gone through between his goalpost legs. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He ran as fast as he could to the parlour,as he ran,he grew a beard underneath his jaw,his body structure began to change from the top of his head to the soul of his feet,the clothes he wore grew like his body did..(dream magic)..under seconds his body was completely changed,suddenly he heard a knock on the door, He walked up to the door and opened it,after he opened the door, fear took over him. Celestin:"Mary wha...wha..what are you doing here?",he asked in total fear. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She looked at him and smiled,then she brought out a hot boiling substance, and poured it on his eyes. He screamed placing his hands on his face,then he dropped to the be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
15 Jul 2016 | 18:11
Wait na acid she poured him.
16 Jul 2016 | 11:18
16 Jul 2016 | 11:19
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 5 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.............. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The night passed away; like an old man at his last hours,likewise the rain,the weather was calm and peaceful,the sunlight touch his face so did the cool breeze that blew. Celestin woke up from his unconscious dream state,the floor which he laid on was wet,due to the heavy rain that entered into his house at night,he felt the breeze's movement very strongly on his body because there was no more covering against agents of nature. He couldn't figure out what was happening yet,he adjusted himself properly by separating his legs and lying down flat on the wet floor. He didn't still understand what was really going on because he found himself on the wet floor lying down in an unpleasant way. He tried to turn up right, but he was unable to do so because when he tried to turn, he felt a sharp painful pain,at the back of his head above his neck region. Celestin:"ah!",he screamed due to the pain. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> he moved his right hand to reach the back of his head, with him still lying on the wet floor and his stomach facing the wet floor. He touched the back of his head above his neck region and felt something. Celestin:"oh my God,what's this, that I am feeling?",he questioned himself as he moved his fingers around the area. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He removed his right hand from the back of his head,then he managed to turn with the support of his left hand, which he placed on the wet floor to lift himself gently. He sat right up properly,then he brought his right hand close to his mouth to taste it. His right hand met with his mouth in a slowcomotive way. Celestin:"Jesus!",he shouted. Celestin:"it is blood",he said as he dropped his right hand down slowly. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He was still confused on how he got such amount of blood at the back of his head above his neck region. He lain forward still feeling the strong pinch at the back of his head above the neck region, and then he started moving his hands around to touch the chair he sat on last time,as he moved his hands from left to right with his fingers dancing up and down;like a bunny. A nail pricked his left pinky finger as he moved it too quickly toward the side his head laid and pointed at night. Celestin:"oh shit",he expressed his pain in words. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He quickly fixed his hand into his mouth to lick off the blood that came out from his left pinky finger. Then he slowly sat back on the wet floor with his finger still in his mouth. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He sat down on the wet floor,with wonders written all over his face,he was confused and not sure what happened to his house. Deep down inside him, he knew that things were not right and probably his house might have fallen down due to its weak structure. He removed his left pinky finger from his mouth and placed it on the wet floor. Then he began to have inner thoughts. [CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=> What is really going on here,why are things so not in order,how come I feel the breeze so strongly,like there is no more blockage at this side,and how come there is a nail on the floor pointing straight; like it was held by a man in warfront. I hope the rain has not pulled down my house underneath my eyes,how come I never felt the pain at the back of my head until this morning,what is really going on, even the floor is wet. Hmmmm,I am sure that this rain most have come through the roof. I better stand up from here and check around to know what really happened. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He push his hands downwards on the wet floor,lifting his body upwards slowly. Now standing,he was not sure were to follow again because it was not very clear to him that some parts of his house must have fallen down,so he had to mind his steps and where he moves his hands, not to injure them;like he did to his pinky finger by mistake when he didn't understand what was really going on. He walked slowly, heading to the front side of his house, putting his hands in front not to get hit by an obstacle,he was walking without knowing what he was going to encounter,he raised both his left and right legs very high up and placing them softly on the floor to avoid hitting his legs on wood or for a nail to insert into his leg. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> his right leg stepped on the wood of the front side of the house which fell last night,then he relaxed a little before he gently moved his left leg upward and placed it on the wood,he walked straight;like a slow hungry zombie. He got to the edge of the front wooden structure,he didn't know that he has gotten to the edge of the wooden front. Suddenly as he lifted his left leg,the weight acting on the wood was too much for it to handle because it was weak. Immediately, the wood forced him to fall front, with his head leading downwards,his head bent so well that it was his back that landed on the sloppy ground,after his back landed on the sloppy ground, he rolled down; like a rolling stone,as he rolled downwards his hands were on free movement,going up and down and hitting both parts of nails and woods,his right leg which was already wounded at the beginning of his fall from the wooden structure brought out blood ,he couldn't figure out or really feel what was going on until he found himself inside the little gutter at the edge of the road. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He was inside the gutter with no one to help him,he was both in pain and was disorientated by what happened,he tried to get out of the gutter,but unknown to him,his entire body was full of bruises,he placed his hands on both sides of the gutter,then was about to pull himself upwards,but before he could pull himself upwards,he felt the pain of both the woods and little nails which were on his skin, the pain of it came;like a man after a woman, he sat back down in the gutter as he tried to remove them piece by piece from his skin,one went deep down inside his left hand,so he relax his mind a little,then pulled it out. It hurt him so much that tears came down his eyes,but he held it back like a man. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After he removed the parts of both the nails and the woods from his body he gat up and used his remaining energy to pull himself out. He was out of gutter and now on the road,but was totally confused,he didn't know what to do or where to walk to,as he made a little more step further,his injured right leg which was now bleeding properly began to hurt him more than the one at the back of his head above his neck region, and the one on his hands. He removed the shirt he wore slowly because his hands still hurts, then bent down slowly to tie up the injury. .................MEAN WHILE.................... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> A man and his daughter were arguing in a car, as he drivers' on high speed. Julian:"dad I think I can do this dad",said Julian with a sad face. Julian's dad:"Julian I said no you can't",he said trying to focus on the road more, and on Julian his daughter less. Julian:"dad no!,I really wanna do this dad whether you support me or not!",she said shouting in anger. Julian's dad:"don't you ever shout at me again Julian",he said facing her, lifting his focus off the road, and putting it on julian. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He turned back to focus on the road,then he saw a man in his thirties bending down,he tried to match the breaks but by mistake speed up. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Before you can say Nnamdi ossy, Julian's dad hit Celestin on the head with his car,pushing his head and snapping his neck with a heavy force,Celestin fell and rolled on the road,after he rolled on the road for 6 times,he stopped,then blood came out his nose,mouth and ears as he laid on the road hopelessly. Julian's dad was in shock,all he could do was look. Julian:"Jesus!",she shouted. Julian:"dad what was that?",she asked breathing heavily. Julian's dad:"I just knocked a man down",he said in stock. Julian's dad:" And I think he is dead",he said in be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@ [email protected] or [email protected] facebook name ssy nnamdi
17 Jul 2016 | 04:43
17 Jul 2016 | 08:52
Dead Ke
17 Jul 2016 | 08:52
Next Dude.
17 Jul 2016 | 08:52
still following
17 Jul 2016 | 12:33
17 Jul 2016 | 12:34
will write the next episode tomorrow
17 Jul 2016 | 14:45
@best98 @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @gamanuel @bidex @bright @sommyangel @amazingbaby @deweny @blixin @wunmi @wunmi @lady @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @princeoftheseas @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @chinedueze @praise22 @praise22 @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @emileagosu @emileagosu @emileagosu @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @klaussimbo @peoray @peoray @samnolimit @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @emzy602 @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @gamanuel @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @sommyangel @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @kessben @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homstrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @humphreycool @emmablink23 @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @gsoul @somisom @divathemmy @mavbirth @deborah200 @michaelendurance @peacebright @adebeauty @macrex
17 Jul 2016 | 14:50
Hello everyone if you need any of my stories that you have read or didn't read from the beginning or didn't finish up just ask me for it directly.and please don't share my stories without letting me know First.....THANK YOU...please let it be known to all my fans that I am the original writer of the stories...i do not copy or fake identity....any other person that post any of my stories saying his/her wrote it,is a faker,and should be reported to me please...THANK YOU, FROM NNAMDI AKA DINDY Here are the list of my stories 1.NIGHTMARE 2.RAPE 3.I MISS YOU MUM 4.THE SORRY LETTER 5.THE PEN 6.ANGELS 7.THE IMBECILE AND THE EPILEPTIC 8.MY FIRST PREGNANCY 9.INSECT 10.BLIND BY NATURE whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
17 Jul 2016 | 15:07
Ride on..
17 Jul 2016 | 15:59
Ehnn Ehnn!!!
17 Jul 2016 | 16:50
17 Jul 2016 | 16:50
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 6 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.............. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin was on the road,body stained with his own blood, his right hand was bent behind his back,his left hand was beside him,his left leg was broken,and his right leg was right on top of his left broken leg,his face had a cut which ran in-between his two eyelashes downwards to the right side of his face which was facing right,his eyes were shut closed. Julian:"oh my gosh!",she shouted in fear. Julian:"what are we going to do now dad?",she asked him. Julian's dad:"I don't know",he said, still in stock,and his hands on the steering wheel of his car. Julian's dad:"let me go check on him",he said as he slowly removed his hands from the steering wheel of his car. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad hand came down to his right side and removed his seatbelt,then he gently closed his car door, as he came down his heart raced;like a spinning wheel,his hands became cold,his thoughts took his happy side. He walked gently towards Celestin,as he walked his thoughts took him on a journey. [JULIAN'S DAD THOUGHTS]=> God please help me,I hope this man is not dead,I hope he is still breathing very well,if this man dies in my hand, I will be in big trouble. Why did I take my eyes of the road in the first place,I shouldn't have argued with Julian. God help me,if not for anything but for the fact that my wife,sons and daughter needs me more than anything,and for the fact that I do goto church every sunday and for the fact that I help the needy. God let him survive,I don't want my hands to be stained with blood of an innocent man. As he walked very close to him,his heart almost fell out, because of the amount of blood he saw which he has never seen in his life before except in movies. He saw blood all over Celestin body,he was so afraid that his hands were shaking; like a man held at gun point. Ah!,but this man might be dead oo,see the blood on his body and face. ........IN HIS HEAD HIS MIND STARTED PLAYING TRICKS ON HIM....... Julian's dad's mind:" forget about this guy and let us move out from here. Remember that cars pass here from Time to time,and if anyone sees you here,you will be taken to a police station and will be charged for murder, only God knows how long your sentence will be,it might even be for life. And you even broke the law of driving, so death is what they will sentence you to. So leave this man here and run for your dear life, now that you have the opportunity and time to leave here,I beg of you,I know you won't want to be seeing your family from inside jail walls,and I am sure you won't want them to be visiting you in jail. Can't you see how scattered he looks,i am sure the man was already died, see his rough beard,even his hair is very unkempt. He might be a madman. Maybe you hit him so that he could die and leave this world to rest in after life. I think you should turn back and driver off now that you have the time to run away. Beside he is at fault, he shouldn't have bent down on the road,in fact you are not to be blamed if you leave him here,after all he broke a law himself, no normal human begin will hear a car coming and still bend down doing only God knows what. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad turned back and was about to walk back towards his car when....... Julian:"dad is he still alive",she asked with fear in her voice, and an increase in her heart beat which sounded;like beat used in rapping. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad looked into his car and saw how his daughter Julian held her two hands on the seatbelt which ran through the middle line of her chest to her waist region. He saw that she was in fear. [DAD THOUGHTS]=> I can't lie to my daughter. What was I even thinking. This man maybe lost or something, and maybe his parent might be looking for him. No way,I won't allow the devil to fool me,I better check on him to know whether he is dead or not,if he is dead,I will pay for my crime,and if he is not, well thank God. But I pray he still breathes. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He immediately turned and walked up to Celestin. Then the middle finger of Celestin's left hand moved a little. Julian's dad was so happy inside him to know that Celestin was still alive. [JULIAN'S DAD THOUGHTS]=> thank God that he is still alive. Thank God that i didn't leave him alone. I would have had blood on my hands,i better quickly take him to the nearest hospital. I hope he hangs on until we get to the hospital. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad quickly bent Down to pick him and put him in his car. He used his right hand and placed it under Celestin's head,then he used his left hand and placed it under Celestin's legs, to enable him to carry Celestin very well. He tried to lift Celestin up at first but he didn't carry Celestin properly,Celestin's legs slipped off his left hand and dropped on the ground. Julian's dad dropped Celestin slowly and tried once more to carry him properly. This time he made sure that his left hand was rightly placed under Celestin's legs before he carried him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He carried celestin until he got to the back door of his car,he dropped Celestin on the ground to open his car. Julian:"Dad is that you,is the man still alive?",she asked. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad was not able to answer julian at that moment, because he was too busy trying to place celestin in the backseat. Julian's dad:"yes dear,its me,the man is still alive,i pray he shouldn't give up the ghost before we get to the hospital",he said as he properly laid celestin in the back seat. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He quickly closed the backseat and went into the driver's seat. the clothe he wore was stained with blood,but that was never the case on his mind at that time. Julian was speechless and didn't know the bad condition of the man her dad knocked down be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
18 Jul 2016 | 18:46
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 7 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.............. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He started his car,fixed his seatbelt, then zoom off. As he drove, things ran through his unstable mind,he was so busy thinking of the nearest hospital around,he was also thinking of the man he carried at the back of his car,who was knocked down by him,he mind was busy going up and down that he didn't notice that he was driving really fast,he was a good driver, so that wasn't an issue . He avoided police check points,because if they see him stained in blood, they will surly stop him, and they will see Celestin at the backseat,and if that happens,he will be asked alot of questions which will take more time, putting Celestin's life in more danger. And if Celestin dies with the acknowledgement of the police,he will surly be jailed for it. His mind was a total field of thoughts and ideas. Julian:"dad is he still breathing?",she asked in a low tone. Julian's dad:"I think so Julian", he replied her focusing on the road. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He refused to look back;like a man who had a great destiny to follow,because he didn't want to make the same mistake he made before, to reoccur again. Julian:"dad don't you think you should check on him?",she asked gently. Julian's dad:"I can't for now,I am driving,and I can't take my eyes off the road at this point",he said has he drove fast without knowing. Julian:"ok dad",she said with her hands by her side. Julian"dad I think you are driving too fast dad",she said holding on to the seat she sat on. Julian's dad:" I never knew that",he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Although his daughter told him that he was running on a high speed,he didn't reduce the speed,he continued driving. Julian:"dad ain't you going to slow down a little?",she asked. Julian's dad:"I can't dear,this man's life is in danger,and the more time I waste, the more he gets closer to death",he said,focusing on the road. Julian's dad:"And if he dies,I will goto jail",he said to Julian. Julian:"oh shit!",she said. Julian:"why did this have to happen right now",she said as tears ran down her eyes. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian is a very emotional girl,any little thing could make her cry. Julian's dad:"Julian please don't cry now,please I beg of you",he said. Julian's dad:"don't make things hard for me,please dear don't cry,he wont die and I won't go to jail,ok?",he said trying to calm his daughter down with his eyes glued to the road. Julian:"ok dad",she said as she wiped the tears off her pretty face. Julian:"dad let me check on him to be sure he is still alive.she said as she placed her left hand on the seat beat lock and her right hand on the belt which ran across her chest region. Julian's dad:"no dear don't!",he shouted. Julian:"why dad?",she asked as she made a pause. Julian's dad:"I don't want your finger print to be on his body,and I don't want his blood to stain your hands",he said. Julian's dad:"just incase he dies,the police won't say it was a planned murder.he said still focusing on the road. Julian:"but dad what difference does it make if I check him now and he is dead,or when we take him to the hospital and he dies before we get inside the hospital,or if I check him now and he is alive and we get there and he survives",she said. Julian:"dad it's better for us to know his condition now before he gets to the hospital,so that we could know what to do next",she said to her dad. Julian's dad:"ok dear I agree with you",he said to her. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian removed the seatbelt gently and place them at its position with the help of both hands,although the road was smooth without bumps, she slowly turned back because her dad was driving fast. She gently moved her right hand to the back seat while her left hand was placed at the head of the seat,Celestin's right hand was the first things Julian's right hand touched,then she moved her hand upwards his face,then she felt his beards and the blood on his face,she felt pity and sorry for him. She moved her right hand down to his chest to check whether his heart was still beating. Her right hand reached his heart region,Celestin heart gave out a slow beat:like a music box. Julian:" Dad he is still alive",she said. Julian's dad:"thank God,we are almost there".he said with both eyes fixed on the road. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's hands were still on Celestin's heart region,she wanted to remove her hand but the feeling she felt held her back,she has never had such feeling before,it was deep and strong,she loved what she felt,she enjoyed the way his heart raced. She moved her hand upwards to feel his face, her right hand touched his beards first then she felt his lips then his nose,she was touching his face gently because she really wanted to know how he looks like, although there was blood on his face she never minded. Julian's dad:"Julian what are you doing?",he asked with his eyes on the road. Julian:" Dad I am just making sure he is still breathing",she lied to avoid her dad from asking her more questions. Julian's dad:"ok dear,please sit down,we are almost at the hospital".he said taking a left turn leading to the hospital. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She turned and sat back on her sit,her right hand was folded as she sat, because she didn't want her dad to notice the blood on her hand, after she sat,she used her left hand to hold the seatbelt, she forcefully pulled it down into its lock, then locked it. As she sat,she felt his heart beat on her palm. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad was almost at the hospital but the path he took had traffic. Julian's dad:"oh shit!,there is traffic here",he said. Julian:"dad is there no other road for us to be able to skip the traffic?",she asked. Julian's dad:"oh yes!,I remember,there is another path at the other side",he said as he looked back to reverse. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> luckily for him there was no car at his back,so it was easy for him to reverse. After he reversed he quickly turned Right, then he entered into a street,the road wasn't so smooth,but he had to manage the bad road no matter how bad it is. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Within minutes they got to the hospital escaping the traffic. Julian's dad:"Julian stay here,I will be back",he said as he quickly unlocked his seatbelt then opened his door and ran into the hospital, leaving his car engine on and his car door opened. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian was left alone in the car with Celestin, she opened up her right hand then place her left hand on it,feeling the blood of Celestin on her palm. She could still feel his heartbeat on her palm. She turned back to look at him,but all she could see was total darkness, because she was be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi
19 Jul 2016 | 17:56
Blind? Ok na @sonshine @frankkay Abeg reg...
20 Jul 2016 | 10:27
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 8 (STORY BY DINDY) do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story.............. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She reach for a white handkerchief which was right beside her,then she used it to clean both her hands,then she kept the bloody hanky back. She was about to remove the seatbelt from its lock which was on her, to check on Celestin when...... Julian's dad:"please come over here,he is here",he said as he directed the nurses to his car. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> On hearing her dad's voice she ended the idea of checking on Celestin, and she hid the hanky under the seat she sat on, using her right hand. She did that because she didn't want her dad to suspect anything, She just acted normal like nothing was going on. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad went to the back door of his car, and opened the door to its fullest,without wasting time the nurses which were at his back,came with a wheeled bed which was with them. The three nurses brought the wheeled bed closer to the left hand side of Julian dad's car,when they saw him, their hearts felt pity for him, because his condition was at the high side,one of the nurses went into the car to check his pulse. She felt a positive pulse,which means he was still alive,then she signalled the two other male nurses. Two nurses male and female stayed at the left door to support his legs while the other male nurse went to the right door to support Celestin's head to be moved out gently,they gently pulled him out. When he came out but not fully,they couldn't make him stand because one of his left leg was broken, so they carried him up then placed him on the wheeled bed and moved into the hospital>emergency room. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> His daughter Julian who didn't see anything that happened, but heard and felt only the noise and movement that went on at her back, had so many questions in her head about how Celestin was and where he was taken to. [JULIAN'S DAD THOUGHTS]=> Ah thank God that this young man didn't die,even after all the delay,he still made it here,ah thank God,and I didn't even run into the police,and I was able to escape that traffic,thank God my sweet loving daughter was with me,if not I would have being lock up there in the traffic, and this young man would have gone to God in heaven. Now what remains is for him to not die in the hand of the doctors, if he dies in there, it will hurt me alot,God please save this young man's life for me,for my family and especially for his family too. God you are really good,if you can make him live up to this moment,i am sure he will scale through the operation. God all i have to say is..... Julian's dad:"THANK YOU LORD!",he shouted out loud as he raised his head upwards to the heavens above. [WRITER SPEAKS] Julian's dad was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even know when he shouted "THANK YOU LORD" out loud. Julian:"dad where is Celestin now",she asked making her dad to realize that he shouted out loud and bringing him back to real life. Julian's dad:"he has been taken into the hospital",he replied her putting his head back to its normal front facing position. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After julian heard what her dad said, she was calm and relaxed. Julian's dad walked up to the driver's seat side, then he opened the door and entered and sat down. Julian's dad:"I better go and check where he is being taken too",he said to Julian as he switched off his car engine and lowered his car windows. Julian's dad:"please Julian,stay here,I will soon be back",he said as he quickly removed his car key from his car. Julian:"ok dad",she said to him placing her head on the seat's head support,then she placed her right hand on the door handle and her left hand on her laps. Julian's dad:"be careful dear",he said leaving his car. Julian:"ok dad",she said closing her eyes to take a nap. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He left Julian and ran to meet the nurses. At first when he ran inside,he wasn't able to locate them,because there were three linking paths, left,right and front linking to the entrance door. The hospital was a big hospital with both normal/abnormal people, nurses, doctors, security men moving up to down,down to up,right to left and right to left. His eyes were running up and down,looking and thinking of the path they took,he finally looked up and saw boards directing people to where they want to goto. He looked to the left and saw "toilet and bathroom" written on the board, he looked right where the reception which he call the nurses from, and he saw " reception and drugs collection" written on the board, he looked forward and saw " sickbay,emergency,operation and labour room" written on it. He came to a conclusion that they most have taken him there, so he quickly ran straight forward. A door was ahead of him,so he slowed down,when he opened the door he saw them, he quickly ran to meet up with them. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He stoped running, and walked slowly behind them as they pushed Celestin in the wheeled bed,the bed was already attracted with a drip,and the nurses fix an oxygen aid on Celestin's nose to help him breath better, because his brain was loosing strength which unable enough air to get into his brain. Celestin was;like broken pieces of glasses,his body, soul and mind were in three different dimension. The Three nurses were talking as they pushed Celestin,two other nurses a male and female, came to help them as they pushed Celestin's body to the emergency room>operating room, because his case was a serious case. Julian's dad:"is he going to survive?",he asked walking closely behind them. Male nurse 2:"sir please don't worry everything is under control",he said still pushing the wheeled bed forward. Female nurses 1:"sir please,you will have to stay here",she said as they got in front of the emergency room>operation room. Julian's dad:"ok ma",he said as he stopped walking and obeyed the nurse. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad watched as they took him inside the emergency room,he was relieved a little. [JULIAN'S DAD THOUGHTS]=> ah thank God everything is under control,I better go check on my daughter and bring her in here. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He quickly left to meet his daughter in his car, And he did as he thought. ............MEAN WHILE IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM................... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> They took him to the operating room,everything was already set. Nurse 2 was busy writing and taking down report,while Nurse 3 and 5 brought the second bed closer,so that they could transfer Celestin,they communicated as they did their jobs. It wasn't so easy for them to carry Celestin because of his broken bones. [WRITER SPEAKS]=>The doctor was not to far from them. Immediately they placed him on the bed and attached a larger oxygen,the doctor came in all dressed up with the necessary kits,the nurses also were dressed up and prepared for the task they have on ground. Doctor:" What is his report?",he asked putting his right hand out to collect the report from nurses 2. Nurse 2:"here is it sir",he said giving the report to the doctor. Doctor:"hmmm,this is really serious",he said shaking his head. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Before the doctor could say anything else, Celestin heart failed,his pluses dropped;like a falling angel. The nurses jumped into action,two nurses went to bring the heart revival machine, they switched it on and immediately gave the negative and positive charged plates to the doctor, the doctor took it and robbed it together to create an electric charge,as he rob it very fast,it made a raising sound which indicate that it was charging up,then it made a steady thin sound which indicated that I was fully charged. the doctor asked. Doctor:"clear?". Nurse 5:"clear",she replied. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> the doctor place the charged plates on Celestin's chest, Celestin chest push upwards as the heart revival plates were placed on his chest. The doctor and nurses checked the heart reading machine which read his heart rate and pulses, but his heart didn't respond. The doctor charged it and placed it on Celestin's chest again,and again but no responses, the doctor tried it once more. Doctor:"clear?",he asked. Nurse 5:"clear",she said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The doctor placed it again on his chest,Celestin's chest pushed upwards because of the amount of heavy charges being applied on it. The doctor and nurses kept hoping to get a positive result from Celestin. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> But Celestin's heart didn't respond,all hope was lost,there was nothing the doctor or nurses could do again,they all just watched as his life slipped be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi.......Skype: 07087750433 or [email protected] Announcement announcement announcement!!! hello guys,I will be going on a two months break very soon,love you all.
20 Jul 2016 | 18:17
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 9 (STORY BY DINDY) do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story... ........MEAN WHILE OUT SIDE THE EMERGENCY ROOM>OPERATION ROOM....... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad got to his car and he met Julian sleeping;like a baby. Julian's dad:" Julian,Julian,Julian",he called his daughter julian while his head was bent down at the driver's window side and his eyes looking in with both hands placed on the car's top. [WRITER TALKING]=> Julian didn't respond at all,she was in another world,a world where anything can be possible,a world where everything had power to do anything,a world where you can do as you wish,a world that is owned by only you,a world where the blind can see,the disable can walk,a world where you rule the land and you are the boss of the world,a world where your real ambition comes true,THE DREAM WORLD. ....MEAN WHILE IN JULIAN'S DREAM..... [WRITER SPEAKS ] Julian was talking to her dad in the car when suddenly..... Police:"sir please step out with your hands in the air",said the police man,pointing a gun at Julian's dad. Julian's dad:"sir what did I do wrong?",he asked raising both hands upwards in the car, obeying the officer. Julian:"dad what is really going on",she asked him with fear on her face. Police officer:"sir I won't tell you again",he said moving back and pushing his finger back a little, indicating that he was going to shoot if he tries any funny moves. Police officer:"please step out,i am giving you your last warning",he said,using his left hand to support his right hand which held the gun. Julian's dad:" Sir please don't shoot",he said as he opened the door of his car and stepped out, putting his left leg first with his hands up. Julian:" what is happening dad?",she asked her dad with her heart beating fast. Julian's dad:"I don't know dear",he said as he stepped out of his car fully. Police officer:"please slowly turn around and place your hands on top of the car",he said still holding his gun properly. Julian's dad:"ok sir",he said doing what he was told to do. Police officer:" Sir you are under arrest for the death of the young man you brought here",he said bringing out the handcuffs which was hung on his trouser,then he used it to lock Julian's dad hands behind his back, and then he searched him. Julian's dad:"so shit!,"he said,shaking his head. Julian's dad:"after all i did to make sure that he makes it out alive,it was all a waste",he said looking down as tears come down his eyes. Julian:"how can that be,but he was alive when we got here",she said. Julian:"no it can't be,please let my dad go",she said in disbelief as she made attempt to come down from the car. Police officer:"please lady remain where you are,do not try to make any funny attempt or i will take you down with my gun",he said as he pointed the gun at Julian with his right hand and his left hand on the back of Julian's dad. Julian:"ok,okay,I will stay,I won't make a move",she said as tears from her soul ran down her eyes. Police officer:" This is officer David speaking,I have catch the criminal who knocked down the young man,he was even trying to escape from me but I shoot him in the leg",he said placing his left hand on his right shoulder and talking to the transmission radio which was on it. Voice from the transmission Radio:" Good work David,please make sure you come to the court immediately with the murderer",the voice said. Police officer:"Ok sir",he said smiling and removing his left hand from his right shoulder. Police officer:" An officer can't be a liar, so mr choose the leg you would like for me to shoot,and I give you to the count of three to do so , if you don't choose,I will shoot you on both legs",he said moving back with his gun still pointing at Julian's dad. Julian's dad:" I, I, I, I, I, I ",he was stammering because of the fear he had all up in his bones. Julian:" Please don't shoot my dad please don't",she said in a deep emotional tone making tears walk down her eyes. Police officer:" Shut up lady or I shoot you",he said pointing the gun at Julian then back to her dad. Police officer:" Sir choose now",he said. Julian's dad:"sir, sir, sir please",he begged stammering. Police officer:"1,2,3,time out".he said as he shot him on both legs. Julian:"ahhhhhhh!",she screamed with more tears in her eyes. Julian's dad:"my legssssssss",he said as he fell to the ground........... ...... BACK IN REAL LIFE> AT THE OPERATION ROOM..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> All hopes were lost,the doctor and nurses looked at the heart pulse reading machine and watched as life passed away right in front of them. The doctor was about to tell the nurses to cover him up when suddenly his pluses began to read. Nurse 5:"Doctor he is still alive",she said with a smile. Doctor:"ah thank God",he said feeling happy to know that he didn't give up. Doctor:"everyone to your position",he said as the nurses went to there various positions. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> A nurse stood beside the doctor,another stood close to the heart pulse reading machine,and another stood beside the instruments that will be used in the operation,the other which stayed close to the oxygen cylinder right beside the drip, injected a pain relief drugs into Celestin body,while the other which was at the head of the bed adjusted the light to be properly set for the operation. Doctor:"are you all set?",he asked. Nurses:"yes,yes sir,yea,yes sir,yea",they all said simultaneously. Doctor:"good,now i pray he survives this operation",he said as he turned to collect a scissor from the nurse beside him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Now it was time for the operation,and Celestin's life was not on a 50/50 chance but it was on a 10/90,10 for life and 90 for death,his life depended on God,and his strength to be continue......story by dindy.........whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi.......Skype: 07087750433 or [email protected] Announcement announcement announcement!!! hello guys,I will be going on two months break by tomorrow,love you all
21 Jul 2016 | 16:40
Isorit oo
22 Jul 2016 | 04:22
22 Jul 2016 | 04:22
next dude....
22 Jul 2016 | 06:30
Isorit oo
22 Jul 2016 | 12:32
next dude
22 Jul 2016 | 12:33
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 10 (STORY BY DINDY) do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission,thank you for reading this story... .... MEAN WHILE BACK AT JULIAN'S DREAM WORLD......... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After Julian's dad fell to the ground, Julian who scream with her eyes closed opened it and then she saw herself in a courtroom..."DREAM MAGIC".....the tears which was on her eyes were no more,Julian was confused and didn't clearly understand what was really happening,things just appeared right in front of her too fast,the clothes she wore was different. She sat on a small baby's chair,and was chained down with an unbreakable dog chain which was very hot. Julian's dad was kept in a wooden cage, on a large plain iron,he sat on a wheel chair inside the cage because his legs were no more, due to the bullet which penetrated into his bones breaking it behold repair or healing. The judge was about 250cm away from Julian's dad,The judge was an old man in his 70s,he wore a medicated glass,the glass was balanced at his nose bone,the judge opened a small tiny book that weigh the same size with the weight of the entire galaxy. There were about 5 police men in the court,three police men stood close to Julian's dad,while the other two stood where the judge was. There were no lawyers, judiciary or audience. Judge:"sir you murdered a man,and you tried to run away from your crime",he said looking at the book. judge:" Therefore i find you guilty for what you did",he said. Judge:" And I sentence you to life in prison with hard labour",he said standing up. Judge:"take him away,this case is closed!", he said in a loud voice. Julian:"noooooo!!!!!",she screamed as her body forwarded. Julian:"please don't take my dad away from me,please don't take him away please",she said trying to set herself free from the hold of the hot chains which bites into her skin, as tears filled her beautiful eye and gentle soul. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian screamed and cried out so loud that it echoed around the courtroom bouncing on the surrounding walls of the room,she tried all her best to escape from the chair she sat on, but it was impossible,she dangled and wobbled,but nothing flicked the hard strong chains. She watched right in front of her as her dad was pushed away into a place of no return. As Julian was crying and screaming with her face facing down,she left a wet hand on her neck,the hand held her neck tightly. Judge:"do you think you are going to escape after you and your dad knocked me down with your car",he said pushing her face upwards for julian to see me properly. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She tried to talk but words were not able to come out her vocal cords, due to the tightened hold on her neck. She twisted her hands trying to escape from the hot hot. As her eyes moved upwards,she was totally shocked by what she saw. The old judge was now a Youngman...."DREAM MAGIC"....his face and was filled will blood and his hands too,he was the guy her dad knocked down. Julian:talking in a slim thin tone due to the lack of air supply down to her lung with her eyes popped out; like a cap of a wine ,"How is it possible,you,you are dead". Judge:"you and your dad will pay in death",he said holding her neck so tight which made her eyes roll up, singing to the heavens. .......BACK IN REAL LIFE......... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad entered into the car to wake her back to reality,because she didn't respond when he stood outside the car and called her. Julian's dad:"Julian wake up, wake up", he said tapping her on the shoulder. Julian:"oh God!", she said in a high voice and in fear,pushing her body out of the seat. Julian's dad:"what is it dear?",he asked trying to know why she reacted in such manner. Julian:"oh thank God you still here dad", she said placing her left hand on her neck, due to the pain which she felt in the dream that came to life. Julian's dad:"what are you talking about?,wait,did you have a bad dream?",he asked. Julian:" Dad please don't worry",she said, covering up the question asked by her dad. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> she knew that if she told her dad,he will be totally unease and will be confused. Julian:"so dad what about the man?", she asked trying to know whether the dream she dreamt was real. Julian's dad:" Well dear we depend on God right now",he said. Julian's dad:"the doctors took him to the operating room,I hope he scales through",he said. Julian:"I pray also dad",she said with her hands still on her neck. Julian's dad:" your hands has being on your neck since,what is wrong dear",he asked. Julian:"dad its nothing",she said as she quickly dropped her hand. Julian:"dad I think its time we settle this once and for all",she said with a sad face. Julian's dad:"ah not now dear,as you can see,we have an issue right now",he said. Julian:"dad please there is no better time than now",she said. Julian's dad:"but dear I don't want you to do that operation, the doctor told me that its a 20/80 chance,he said you might end up dying in the process,I am really afraid dear",he said then faced downwards. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> she placed her left hand around gently searching for her dad's hands,her dad noticed that she was searching for his hands,so he help her by holding her hand. Julian:"dad please believe that God won't let me die in the operation,dad please I really wanna do this,I really wanna see how the world is like,I really wanna see your face dad,I am tired of imaginations. Please dad let me do this operation",she said holding her dad. Julian's dad:breaths out then said, "ok dear I accept". Julian:"oh thank you dad",she said in an exciting tone,then she hugged her dad. Julian's dad:"ok dear",he said with a smile. Julian's dad:"dear please lets go inside the hospital",he said. Julian:"good idea dad",she said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad got down from the car,then he went to help Julian out of the car,then they both went into the hospital,when they got in, they sat down hoping and waiting for a good news. ......BACK IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The nurses made sure that Celestin's body was kept in stabled balance,they all knew that any change in his body may lead to disaster. Although celestin had blood coming from all parts of his face,his brain didn't crack,and he wasn't bleeding internally,the blood which came out from his mouth,ears and nose was due to the force and shock which send blood cells the wrong directions. So there was no need for a brain surgery, the doctor just closed up the deep cut which was on his face stopping the excessive bleeding,the nurses helped him with the injury at the back of his head and the ones on his hands,they made sure that all the injuries which was on his body was sealed up not to allow infection get into his system,but not all could be fixed under minutes and that was his left leg which was badly broken. Doctor:large amount of blood splashed on the operating uniform he wore then he said, "shit he is loosing too much blood on this side,we can't fix his bone from the angle,we better try the other side,please nurse seal back this part of his leg". Nurse 3:"ok sir",she said as she frist used cotton and spirit to reduce the bleeding, then she used a needle and thick thread to close up Celestin's skin. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> the doctor tried another angle,and was very careful in his decisions. Celestin soul was no more with him, he could see how his own body was operated on by the doctor and nurses.he couldn't get back into his body because he wanted to leave this life,he turned his back then ascended above to the spirit world. .........IN THE SPIRIT WORLD...... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin saw himself in a land where everything was white and shinny. Voice:" Celestin my lovely son I have missed you alot", said the voice very peacefully. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin turns to know the person that called him. After he turned he was so happy to what his eyes behold. Celestin:"dad its you",he said as smile came upon his face and joy filled his soulful heart. Celestin's dad:" Yes son its me,come to daddy son",he said with a smile. Celestin:"daddy"he said running to his dad. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> when he got close to him,and he hugged his dad emotionally. Then they detach themselves from each other. Celestin's dad:"son please come with me,I want to take you to a place of peace",he said placing his right hand across Celestin's neck with a smile on his face. Celestin:"ok dad,lets go",he said smiling. .....MEAN WHILE BACK IN THE REAL WORLD..... Nurse 3:"sir his pulse is dropping,his heart rate is reducing too quickly. Doctor:"oh no,not again",he said sadly. Doctor:"charge up the heart revival machine",he said.............................. ...... AN HOUR AFTER THE OPERATION....... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian and her dad were waiting for the result of the operation,they both prayed in their minds for the young man to survive the operation. Julian's dad phone rang,he was about to pick it when......... Doctor:"you most be the man that brought that young man to the hospital",he said gently and slowly. Julian's dad:jumps up leaving his phone then said very quickly,"yes,yes sir i am the one sir". Doctor:"sir I am really sorry sir,we were not able to save his poor soul,he gave up...........",he said with a sad face. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad was not able to hear the other things the doctor said,he placed his hands on his head,tears filled his eyes,he became scattered. Julian started crying knowing that the dream she had was true and it was going to destroy her life for be continue DINDY TALKING What will really happen?,will Julian's dream come to be of life?,will her dad be jailed?. Well find out in the next episode DINDY TALKING Hello guys,I am going on a break for two months, from now until September,so for now no more stories,I will continue this story after my break,I really need this break because I need to rest my brain,it has been working since the beginning of this year till now,I know you guys will miss my stories but don't worry,I will still be posting other stuffs like inspirational write ups which was written by me,but you never can tell,I may continue this story by next month..... To all my fans out there,I love you guys for loving my stories, and I really thank you for all your support,please guys always feel free to ask me what so ever you wanna ask me, and if you just wanna talk to me feel free. Please I am the original writer of all the stories posted by me DINDY AKA NNAMDI. My up coming stories are 1)lone wolf(dindy's love life;true story) 2)Bus.......more.......please guys always try to comment on my stories,it really makes me happy,and it pushes me more to write more stories.....MUCH LOVE FROM DINDY AKA NNAMDI....THANK YOU FANS,LOVE YOU ALL story by DINDY AKA NNAMDI.........whatsapp number 7087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi.......Skype: 07087750433 or [email protected]
22 Jul 2016 | 19:46
Patiently waitinq
24 Jul 2016 | 10:27
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 11 (STORY BY DINDY) Please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story… [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad jumped out of his dream with the face of fear written all over, he opened his eyes widely; like a beast hungry for blood and flesh, he could feel tears on his face, he could still feel the heavy disorderliness he felt in his dream, he was having a great feel of lost, his head felt like exposing, his heart rate was like that of a racing horse, his hands were shaking like a phone vibrating. He could hear the sound of his racing heart; the speed at which his heart raced felt like it was going to race out of his chest, so he placed his right hand on his chest to hold his heart back not to escape his body (like it could). [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He looked to his left and saw an old man sitting beside him with a walking-stick placed in-between his legs and both his hands placed on his legs; the old man was looking worried, his eyes were looking towards the directing of the door leading to the check up room. Then suddenly a nurse (from the direction which the old man looked at) came out assisting an old lady. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> When the old man saw them his frown changed into a big grin smile, his right hand moved with joy and held the walking-stick, then he placed his left hand on the chair; his left hand pushed against the chair making his body lift up the chair while his right hand held on to the walking-stick tightly to support his body firmly, his hands worked well enough which enabled him to stand up from the chair properly. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The nurse right hand was holding the old lady’s right hand while her left hand was on the old lady’s waist supporting her back for her not to fall, the old lady’s head was looking downwards so as not to miss a step, the nurse’s head was also looking down so as to guard the old lady’s step and movement rightly. The old man walked to meet the nurse and the old woman with a smile on his face; like he just won the key to the universe. The old lady looked up and saw him coming, immediately a smile came on her face, the nurse noticed that she was smiling so she looked up towards the direction the old lady looked and smiled, when she looked up she saw the old man then she smiled because now she knew why the old lady was smiling. The old man walked up to the old lady and he gave her a sweet hug. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad withdraw his attention from there and then looked to his right hand side and saw Julian placing her head backwards on the chair, she had her hands folded together below her stomach region, her eyes were closed, her legs were crossed. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian wasn’t asleep; she was fully awake but her mind was in a pool filled with different thoughts and emotions, her mind was flashing back at the dream she dreamt and the face of Celestin which she felt…. [JULIAN’S THOUGHT]=> I kinda fear that the dream I dreamt is gonna take place. When I placed my hand on his face I could feel, death, sorrow, and stress, even his breathing speed rate was dying fast. His face has this amazing structure that I haven’t felt in my life, Wait!; why am I thinking of this guy so much, I’m not even sure that he might still be alive, what is really wrong with me? Why does the structure of his face keep ringing in my heart. Am I in love?, how can that be?, I barely know him…. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She was not at rest thinking of Celestin, she couldn’t get Celestin of her mind; it was as if Celestin was a part of her. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad was now a little bit relax after seeing his daughter, her presence made him feel alright, his fast racing heart reduced, he removed his hands from his chest and then clapped them together, he bent down throwing his face forward, his eyes were calm a bit but his mind was still hanging on to what the dream gave him (fear), he then started to think……. [JULIAN’S DAD THOUGHTS]=> ah!, so it was not real, I was actually dreaming, thank God oo (he said rubbing both hands in a synchronized manner of saying thank you to God). I just pray for the dream not to find its way to reality, if it does then I don’t just know what will became of my life and of my family, I can’t goto jail now, my daughter needs me badly right now more than ever I can’t afford to leave her right now…… [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As he was thinking and wondering in his world, he didn’t give attention to any other thing around him, it was as if he was sleeping with both eyes opened. An image stood beside him without his knowledge. IMAGE: “Sir”, said the image calling the attention of Julian’s dad. IMAGE: “HELLO SIR”, said again the image due to the lack of reply it got during the first call. [WRITE SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad still didn’t answer at all, even not the noise of the rushing nurses flickered him, his mind was thinking about what he dreamt; he was in a traffic of clouds were everything was in stop and everything around him was a closed dimension. IMAGE: “Sir”, said the image tapping Julian’s dad with its left hand. Julian’s dad: “huh, oh sorry Doc. Didn’t notice you were here”, he said quickly standing up to talk to the doctor. Doctor: “I know you are worried about the young man you brought here”, he said. Julian’s dad: ” yes sir I am seriously worried”, he said looking paled. Doctor: ” well sir….” He said opening a file on his hand. Julian’s dad: “yes yes, what happened to the young man; is he dead?”, he questioned the doctor with fear in his thoughts, making the doctor not to complete his statement. Doctor: “Sir please relax, keep calm”, he said placing his left hand on Julian’s dad right shoulder. Julian’s dad: “ok sir”, he said. Doctor: Looked at Julian’s dad and said with a lovely smile, ” the young man survived the operation, he is safe and sound……… ……FLASH BACK TO THE OPERATION ROOM (THE SPIRIT WORLD)…. Celestin: “No!, wait dad, if I follow you now will I ever return back to the world?”, he ask with a face filled with questions. Celestin’s dad: “No son you won’t, you will be with me and your mum always, there is no stress in that place, you will smile all day, no sorrow, or pain, things there are better than things in the world, I assure you that you won’t want to come back when we get there”, he said with a peaceful tone in his voice. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin looked at his old man in way showing that he was not convinced enough. Celestin: “Dad I don’t think I wanna go there any more”, he said removing his dad’s hand from his neck and moving his left leg backwards. Celestin: “Dad I feel I haven’t completed my mission on earth, I feel I shouldn’t leave for now, if I follow you right now I will regret it”, he said turning back……to be continue…..STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI………whatsapp number:07087750433…. email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi…….Skype: 07087750433 or [email protected]…..twitter@nnamdiossy……Instagram@ossynnamdi
1 Sep 2016 | 18:16
i am back@ebube
1 Sep 2016 | 18:17
sure... u haven't complete ur mission on earth. save this man and her daughter from their worst nightmare
1 Sep 2016 | 21:34
thanks for calling @dindy
1 Sep 2016 | 21:35
Just Hmmmmm
2 Sep 2016 | 03:05
Enjoying this. .
2 Sep 2016 | 03:05
2 Sep 2016 | 07:40
thanks everyone
2 Sep 2016 | 19:23
2 Sep 2016 | 23:11
Hmmm... Following. .
3 Sep 2016 | 08:28
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 12 (STORY BY DINDY) Please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story… . Celestin’s dad: “Son listen to me; do you want to continue with your life of sorrow and pain in the world of the living? Do you wish to continue with your suffering on earth? Don’t you miss I and your mum?”, he questioned celestin. Celestin: He stopped for a moment then replied back, “Dad I don’t want to continue with such life, I miss both of you badly”. Celestin: “I miss the feeling I usually have each time you chase me, I miss the times when mum kisses me on my soft cheek, I miss having fun with you dad, I miss the sight of you coming back from your travel with gifts in your hands, I miss it when you call my name”, he said as tears rolled down his eyes; like rolling stones from a valley. Celestin’s dad: “I know son, I miss the call of ‘dad’ from your lips, I miss the fun we always had, I miss the games we played each summer”, he said. Celestin’s dad: “Son I miss you more than you think; I miss you so badly and so does your lovely mum, please son come to me”, he said with both hands opened and with a smile that can engulf ones heart. Celestin: Still facing backwards With tears in his eyes he spoke in pain, ” dad i wish we could be together forever for eternity but (head facing upwards) dad nothing can make me change my mind”. Celestin: “No matter what you say to me or what you do, I won’t change my mind, (head facing downwards) goodbye dad when my time comes I will see you again”, he said walking away…… [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Just as he was walking back to the land of the living a voice called out his name in a caring and loving manner. VOICE: “CELESTIN!”, shouted the voice. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The voice sounded so familiar to his hearing which made him turn back to see the image of the voice that called him. Celestin: ” mum!”, he shouted with disbelief together with more tears and happiness in his soul. Celestin’s mum: ” yes son it’s me your loving mum”, she said smiling. Celestin: ” mum why did you leave me when I needed you in my life?”, he questioned her with his mouth and with the tears that ran down his face. Celestin’s mum: ” son I am truly sorry but I couldn’t hold on to life any more, I was too weak to carry on, but son I am here and we will spend time together for eternity”, she said walking forward to celestin with a smile. Celestin: ” mum the day you left I and dad; I wasn’t able to do anything again in life, I almost killed myself with a pen”, he said as tears moved down his eyes and as he made little ant steps to meet his mum. Celestin’s mum: ” son I know, I was there right beside you”, she said walking closer to celestin. Celestin: ” (He stopped) if you were there mum why didn’t you stop me?”, he asked looking at his mum with little anger. Celestin’s mum: “son I stopped you son but you never knew”, she said as she stood in front of him. Celestin: ” how mum (tears), how did you stop me (more tears)?”, he asked hoping to get an answer. Celestin’s mum: “I spoke to you through your heart son”, she said. Celestin: ” (crying) but mum I needed your presence more mum”, he said as he knelt down with both hands and face on the ground and tears dropping down from his face to the ground. Celestin’s mum: ” (bends down and raises Celestin’s head up) son please don’t cry, I am here now with you, no one can separate us now”, after those words came out her mouth she hugged him. Celestin: “(still crying) I miss you so much mum”, he said hugging his mum. Celestin’s mum: “I miss you too son”, she said. Celestin’s mum: “stand up son and come with me”, she said standing up and pulling Celestin’s right hand up. Celestin: “(cleans of the tears from his eyes) no mum I can’t come with you”, he said as he removed his right hand from the hold of his mum and stood up on his own. Celestin: ” mum I am sorry but I can’t come with you, mum nothing can change my mind, not even you mum”, he said walking backwards. Celestin’s mum: “(opens her hands) son please come to me, please son, don’t you want to be with me and your dad? Son please come to me”, she said putting on a frown on her face. Celestin: “no mum no mum”, he said turning backwards and walking away back to the land of the living. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As he walked into the land of the living he heard his mum’s voice saying “son we are always here for you no matter where you are or what happens”. ……..FLASH BACK IN THE OPERATION ROOM(REAL LIFE)……. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The nurses and doctor were all sweating due to the struggle they were facing to keep celestin alive. Nurse 3: “sir his pulses are coming back”, said nurse 3 with joy. Doctor: “(sniffs) good, make sure his body temperature is stabilized and please make sure the blood gets to his heart properly…. Nurses: They all said synchronically, “yes sir”…. …..BACK TO THE PRESENT (OUT SIDE THE OPERATING ROOM)….. Julian’s dad: “(shouted will an out standing voice filled with joy and happiness) yes!, thank God”, he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> the way Julian’s dad shouted drew the attention of everyone around including Julian who was in deep thoughts. Doctor: “lower your voice sir, you are in a hospital sir”, he said smiling. Julian’s dad: “oh sorry doc. I was too joyed to hold myself”, he said smiling. Julian dad: ” so can I see him now sir?”, he asked. Doctor: “sure you can see him but it would be from the out side, his body is still healing so he doesn’t need any disturbance of any kind”, he said. Julian’s dad: ” no problem, even if it is from the roof as long as I see him breathing that’s all okay by me”, he talked in an amusing way. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad turns around and walk-up to Julian to inform her of the awesome news. Julian’s dad: “Julian he is alive he didn’t die”, he said to Julian, sitting beside her with a grin on his face which Julian couldn’t see. Julian: “(feeling extremely joyed)oh my gosh, dad are you serious?”, she asked. Julian’s dad: “(gives a low eyes look) no I am joking, for crying out loud I am d**n serious”, he said with his mouth folded in a funny way. Julian: “c’mon dad don’t start again”, she said with a smile. Julian’s dad: “but you started it”, he said with his left eye brown raised up. Julian: ” ok dad I’m sorry”, she said smiling. Julian’s dad: ” apology accepted, now let’s go and see him”, he said standing up holding Julian’s right hand with his left hand to assist her to stand-up. Julian: ” ok dad”, she said standing up. Julian’s dad: “doc. Please lead the way”, he said as his left hand was on Julian’s left shoulder and his right hand holding Julian’s right hand. Doctor: “please sir this way”, he said walking ahead of them. Julian’s dad: “ok sir”, he said as he walked with Julian. Julian’s dad: “watch your step Julian”, he said. Julian: “c’mon dad I ain’t that helpless and you know that, if I had brought my guard-stick from home you won’t need to hold me like this”, she said in a cool tone……….to be continued….STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI………whatsapp number:07087750433…. email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi…….Skype: 07087750433 or [email protected]…..twitter@nnamdiossy……Instagram@ossynnamdi
4 Sep 2016 | 00:18
Hmmmm.. Next O
4 Sep 2016 | 04:28
4 Sep 2016 | 07:18
Thank God he survived
4 Sep 2016 | 19:52
Tnk God for him
5 Sep 2016 | 01:18
Thank God he survived. Next
5 Sep 2016 | 01:28
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 13 (STORY BY DINDY) Please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story… . Julian’s dad: “yea I know but you are helpless for now so zip up your mouth little girl”, he said in an amusing way. Julian: “gosh, you are so unbelievably annoying sometimes old man”, she said rolling her eyes. Julian’s dad: “what did you just call me?”, he asked her. Julian: ” I said young beautiful man”, she said then smiled. Julian’s dad: “good girl, I thought I heard you say old man”, he said. Julian: “I can’t call a beautiful young man like you ‘old man’, it would be a lie”, she said teasingly. Julian’s dad: “(laughs) that’s my lovely girl”, he said happily. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian and her dad were so very happy that they forgot that they were worried before, they also forgot that they were going somewhere before the accident happened. Doctor: Opens a door and says, “there he is”. Julian’s dad: “wow he breaths, thanks so much doc”, he said using his right hand to shake the doctor Julian:” Where is he dad?”, she asked her dad. Julian’s dad: “he is right in front of us Julian but there is a glass window in front”, he said to his daughter Julian. [WRITER SPEAK]=> After he spoke to Julian his attention went back to the doctor, this time he removed his left hand from Julian’s left shoulder to talk to the doctor, Julian was now left to stand alone. [JULIAN’S THOUGHTS]=> I need to get close to the glass window, I better be careful since I am not with my guard-stick. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian walked away from where her dad stood slowly to touch the glass window. She walked slowly and calmly until she finally touched the glass window. [JULIAN’S THOUGHTS]=> I am so happy you are alive, what I wish to do now is to talk to you and to know you, I can’t believe it’s me saying this, you have truly infected me with your face stranger. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She stood there smiling in a beautiful way with sparkles in her glorious eyes. Julian’s dad: “Doc I have to say thank you for all you did for me”, he said shaking the doctor again but this time with both hands. Doctor: “no need to thank me, I am nothing but a mere mortal that was use to save another mortal’s life”, said the doctor smiling. Julian’s dad: “so doc like how many days do you think he will remain like this?”, he asked.. Doctor: ” well sir this young man is a strong and tough young man, he is a real fighter”, he said. Doctor: ” he just needs some few days to recover a little, but don’t worry he will be fine”, said the doctor. Julian’s dad: “that’s a great news”, said Julian’s dad with a smile. Doctor:”ok sir I have to go now, need to attend to other patient”, said the doctor as he made his step out. Julian’s dad: “ok sir”, he said moving his body forward and backward. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> he turns to Julian and saw how she stood so close to the glass window. Julian’s dad: “I know you wish you could see him and wish you could see him breath”, he said as he walked closely to Julian. Julian: She came back to reality then said “yes dad, I just wish I could see him”. Julian’s dad: ” don’t worry dear it won’t take too long”, said Julian’s dad as he held Julian by the hand. Julian: “I just pray he recovers quickly so that you can be at peace dad”, she said. Julian’s dad: “yea he will, the doctor said he needs a few days to recover a little and that he is a strong young man”, he said. Julian’s dad: “so don’t worry dear, everything is alright”, he said smiling. Julian: “ok dad”, said Julian smiling. Julian: “Dad I just remembered something”, said Julian. Julian’s dad: ” what is it dear?”, he asked with a wondering face. Julian: “dad remember mum said we should go to the supermarket to get stuffs she needs to prepare dinner”, she said. Julian’s dad: “ohhhhh d**n, I totally forgot”, said Julian’s dad in shock. Julian’s dad: “let me check my phone and see whether she might have called”, Said Julian’s dad deeping his right hand into him front pocket. Julian’s dad: “oh shit I forgot it in the car”, he said with a face in shock. Julian: “That is a bad news, mum gonna kill you for not picking her calls”, she said smiling. Julian’s dad: “please Julian let’s quickly go pay the bills and go to the car”, he said pulling Julian away from the glass slowly. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad and Julian walked slowly to the reception and made the necessary payment he had to do. After the payment he and Julian went straight to his car. Julian’s dad: “watch your head Julian”, said Julian’s dad helping her to push her head into the car. Julian: “thanks dad”, she said sitting. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian’s dad quickly walked to the driver seat side, when he got into his car he picked up his phone and unlock it. Julian’s dad: “Julian I am in deep trouble”, he said in a troubled tone. Julian: “mum called right?”, she asked smiling. Julian’s dad: “yes she did”, he said. Julian: “how many missed calls?”, she asked with a grin on her face. Julian’s dad: “twenty eight missed calls”, he said in a low tone. Julian: ” ‘laughs’…you are so dead old man”, she said laughing. Julian’s dad: “c’mon girl don’t start again”, he said in a low tone. Julian: “sorry dad, so what are you gonna do about it?”, she asked still keeping her smile. Julian’s dad: “well I have to call her but you are gonna be the one to talk to her because if I do she is gonna slam me with questions and complains”, he said in a pleading tone. Julian: “ok dad but only on one condition”, she said putting up an evil look. Julian’s dad: ” ok dear anything, I will do anything”, he said very fast. Julian: “i won’t tell you what it is until the time comes, then I will remind you”, she said. Julian’s dad: ” whatsoever it is I will do it just help me out here please”, said Julian’s dad pleading. Julian: “ok dad, give me your phone”, she said throwing her left hand towards her dad’s side to collect his phone. Julian’s dad: ” thanks, here is it”, he said dialling his wife’s number and placing the phone on Julian’s left hand. Julian: “I hope you dialed the number?”, she asked. Julian’s dad: “yes i did, what do you take me for? An old man”, he said playfully. Julian: She place the phone on her left ear then In a low tone replied her dad saying, “yes”. Julian’s dad: “sorry I didn’t get what you said, do you mind repeating it?”, he asked raising an eyebrow. Julian: “I said no, happy now?”, she asked smiling. Julian’s dad: “yes I am, you are luc……”, his words were cut short my Julian. Julian: “quiet old man, mum just picked the call”, she said very fast closing the mouthpiece of the phone with her right hand. Julian’s dad: Gives a low eyes look then said in a very low tone “hmm you just called me old man”. Julian: “hello young lady”,she said giving her dad the tongue out…………to be continue……STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI………whatsapp number:07087750433…. email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi…….Skype: 07087750433 or [email protected]…..twitter@nnamdiossy……Instagram@ossynnamdi
5 Sep 2016 | 16:37
See suspence ooo next abeg
6 Sep 2016 | 06:15
Jillian:hello young lahuhdy we are on our way back there is traffic on the way cos of two trailer dat collide Mum:so why is ur dad not picking his call
6 Sep 2016 | 07:00
Hmmmm... Still following
6 Sep 2016 | 08:13
7 Sep 2016 | 01:30
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 14 (STORY BY DINDY) Please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story. .....BACK AT JULIAN'S HOUSE.... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's mum was busy cutting meat while she was answering Julian over the phone. Julian's mum: "Julian young lady where is that OLD MAN!", she shouted angrily. Julian: "mum please cool down let me explain", she said calmly. Julian's mum: "explain what?", she said angry cutting the meat roughly. Julian: "mum are you cutting meat?", she asked kinda surprised because of the sound she heard. Julian's mum: "don't try to change the topic young lady", she said as she continued cutting the meat with anger. Julian: "mum take it easy with the meat, don't take all your anger on the poor thing mum", she said sounding soft. Julian's mum: "(shouting)of course I won't take all my anger out on it but I will to your dad when I lay my hands on his neck!", she said as she stabbed the meat with the knife she held. Julian: "mum cool down it hasn't gotten to that", she said. Julian's mum: " yes it has, I don't even know why I am talking to you", she said with an angry face. Julian: " c'mon mum don't get so angry, it's me your 'Julian'", she said trying to cool her mum down. Julian's mum: " I know it's you that is why i haven't realised my evil dragon words on you", she said removing the knife from the meat. Julian: "that's my mum....", she said but didn't finish her words because her mum interrupted her. Julian's mum: " don't mum me, I am still da*n angry", she said. Julian's mum: " where is that OLD MAN I asked you about?!", she asked shouting very loud which drew the attention of Julian's brothers (Sam and jack) who were in their room playing games. Julian: "Mum please calm down and listen to me", she begged. Julian's mum: "you know what? I will end this call and call you back and when I do your dad had better pick it if not he is gonna see the bad side of me!", she said very loud. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's mum ended the call and stabbed the poor lifeless meat once more with anger then she walked to the cooking gas and switched it on because she wanted to prepare lunch. [JULIAN'S MUM THOUGHTS]=> I will so teach that man a lesson, he actually thinks that by using Julian he can get me to cool down, I will never accept such non sense from him. He intentionally didn't pick my calls although I called his countless times, what non sense, if it was me he would frown like a freaking monkey(hissing). [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As she talked with anger within herself she reflected it physically by roughly handling things she held. .....BACK IN THE CAR..... Julian: "mum please, let me explain", she said but it was too late because her mum had ended the call already. Julian: "da*n Dad, she ended the call", she said. Julian's dad: "girl your mum is seriously annoyed but all I did was not to pick her calls which I actually didn't do intentional", he said facing Julian. Julian: "like really dad do you wanna go down that lane?", she asked him giving him back his phone slowly. Julian's dad: " what are you talking about Julian?", he asked her collecting his phone. Julian: "do you remember that time she mum didn't pick your call because her phone was in her bag?", she asked him. Julian's dad: "oh!, but but but", he said. Julian: "no buts dad", she said. Julian's dad: "it was a small case", he said. Julian: "yes it was but you took it to another level which was on for about a week, now tell me dad does she not have every right to get mad at you?", she asked. Julian's dad: "she does but she should know what we went through", he said. Julian: "I agree with you dad", she said placing her right hand on her forehead. Julian's dad: "I think we should quickly go get those stuffs she asked us to get before it adds to her anger", he said as he wore his seatbelt and inserted his car key to start his car. Julian: "sure dad", she said as she wore her seatbelt. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad started the car and they zoomed off to go get the stuffs needed for dinner. .....BACK AT JULIAN'S HOUSE.... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Sam and jack were unable to continue the game they were playing because of the noise their mum made which got them worried. So they both went to meet their mum in the kitchen. Sam: "mum what's the problem?", he asked putting his two hands apart. Jack: "Rose who fu**ing annoyed you?", he asked standing close to Sam. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She Turns and looked at Sam and jack with red eyes and pointed an iron spoon at jack. Mrs Rose: "(shouting)I have always warned you to never call me by my name and you should never use that da*n word 'fu**ing' when you are talking to me!", she said as she moved closer to jack. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Sam quickly moved back bit by bit without jack knowing. Jack was shocked and didn't know whether to run or to just melt at that spot. Mrs Rose: "where dah hell do you think you doing to Sam?", she asked him redirecting the iron spoon at him. Sam: " I I I", he became a stammerer at that point. Mrs Rose: " you da*n what?", she asked him moving the spoon around his face. Sam: "(stammering) I i wanted to go go bring out the bird foo food", he spoke very confused. Mrs Rose: "just shut up", she said angrily. Mrs Rose: She withdrew her focus and anger from Sam and slammed it at jack, " as for you jack you are gonna cut this remaining meat here and cook it", she said with anger. Jack: " yes mum yes mum", he said like a humble dog as he quickly ran to do what his mum ordered him to do. Mrs Rose: " and you better be fast about it or else you will regret it", she said looking at jack. Mrs Rose: "Sam you wanted to know why I was angry right?", she asked angrily. Sam: " yes but not again bye mum", he said smiling a little and walking away. Mrs Rose: "get back here boy!", she ordered him. Sam: Turns slowly and walks back to where she stood, "I'm here mum", he said with a racing heart. Mrs Rose: "You will stay here and you will find out why I am angry whether you like it or not", she said. Mrs Rose: "now go help jack!", she ordered. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Sam quickly walked to where jack stood to do as he was commanded by his mum. Mrs Rose:"ahhhhh!!!!", she screamed with anger hitting the iron spoon on a stainless plate. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As they heard the sound (which was made when their mum hit the iron spoon on the stainless plate) it gave them heavy fright. They looked at themselves and talked to each other in low voice. Sam: "Jack why did we leave our sweet game to come here?", he asked cutting the meat with a shaking hand. Jack: "are you asking me?", he asked back. Sam: "no I'm asking the short n**ga on your shirt", he said. Jack: " dude can't you ever be serious for once in your life", he said cutting the meat Sam: "you started the whole shit", he said still cutting the be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
7 Sep 2016 | 17:08
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 15 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... Jack: "keep shut I think she is looking here", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> They both ended their conversation and continued cutting the meat as they took a peek at her with an eye to know when she might attack. Mrs Rose: "(angry) let me call that old man back and let God save him if he doesn't pick my call, I will break his bones when he gets back", she said picking up her phone from where she dropped it. ......BACK IN THE CAR..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's dad was driving and talking to Julia about how he was going to handle the matter at hand when Mrs Rose call came in. Julian: "I guess it's mum calling right?", she asked. Julian's dad: "yes you are right dear", he said as he use his right hand to pick the phone from where is was (right beside his side). Julian: "dad why are you so afraid?", she asked. Julian's dad: "I am not afraid", he said driving and fighting within himself (on what to tell his wife to make her calm down) and with his focus on the road. Julian: "if you ain't afraid dad then why is your heart beating so fast, I can hear it from here dad", she said raising an eyebrow. Julian's dad: "girl just forget, just know that I ain't afraid of your mum!", he said strongly like a man. Julian: "oh really?", she asked smiling. Julian's dad: "yes", he said with full boldness. Julian: "then pick the call", she said. Julian's dad: Looks at the phone and saw the caller then said "no, I can't Julian, I am afraid". Julian: "(laughs) I knew it, but dad you just have to pick it if not it will surly be worst", she said. Julian's dad: "no I can't dear, I just can't", he said like a weak man. Julian: "dad you have to pick it remember she is your one and only love and if you don't pick her call she is gonna kill you", she said as she demonstrated what she said. Julian's dad: "oh yea!, you just gave me a sweet idea to win her over to my side, thanks little girl", he said as he picked the phone. Julian: "you are welcome old man", she said in a very low tone as she gave her dad a tongue out. ......PHONE CONVERSATION..... Julian's dad: "hello", he said looking at Julian and giving her a tongue out too. Mrs Rose: "don't you dare hello me, how dare you hello me, I......", her words were cut short by the words of her husband. Julian's dad: "The stars in the galaxy are there just for you, the shining blazing sun shines for you, the moon comes back to its full self just to love you, the trees go green each time you touch them", he said in a soft and sweet tone. Mrs Rose: "see Mr Smart what you're saying won't remove the angry I have for you", she said calmly. Mr Smart: "Your smell reunite the reasons of my life, your voice opens my world, your name grows deep inside the darkest region of my heart", he said sweetly. Mrs Rose: "(blushes) thanks my love", she said playing with a little spoon and smiling. Mr Smart: You are welcome dear", he said smiling. Mrs Rose: " dear I don't like the fact that you didn't pick my call, I was so worried", she said. Mr Smart: "I know dear but something happened and I wasn't even with my phone", he said talking softly. Mrs Rose: "what happened dear", she said sounding worried. Mr Smart: "Dear I could have been likely jailed for killing a man", he said still focusing on the road as he drove. Mrs Rose: "what! are you serious dear?", she asked in shock. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He was about saying "no I am joking, what! do you think I just said a joke?" Then he remembered that if he tries it that it would end up badly because his wife would go wild on him so he cancelled the idea. Mr smart: "Yes dear, everything happened so quickly", he said. Mrs Rose: "so what of the man, is he still alive?, she asked. Mr Smart: "yes he is, he is recovering", he said to his wife as he made a turn to the left heading to the supermarket. Mrs Rose: " oh dear I am really sorry for misunderstanding things", she said sounding sad. Mr Smart: "don't worry dear", he said. Mr Smart: "when I get home I will explain all there is to explain to you, ok?", he said. Mrs Rose: "ok dear drive safely", she said. Mr Smart: "ok dear, do you want me to get you any other thing from the supermarket?", he asked. Mrs Rose: "no dear", she said with a sweet voice smiling. Mr Smart: "ok sweet love bye", he said smiling. Mrs Rose: "(kissing her phone) bye dear", she said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> When Mr Smart dropped the call he smiled like he just won the universe as he drove happily. Julian: "Dad you are really bad man, I wonder where you got all does sweet words from, I am sure you've won her over", she said with a smile. Mr Smart: "oh yea girl, I'm dah man!", he expressed his joy in a girly way with his hands on the driving wheel. Julian: "(laughs) you are so funny dad, so just because mum didn't go all crazy on you that's why you feel so much joy", she said. Mr Smart: "you won't understand Julian, any married man with a wife like mine will be so happy after escaping her angry", he said smiling. Mr Smart: "you know how off your mum could act when she is so angry", he said. Julian: "yea yea I know lucky you smart man (laughs)", she said smiling. Mr Smart: "that's my name girl", he said smiling. .......BACK AT HOME..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After Mrs Rose dropped the call her face was full of happiness, she placed her hands on her heart and felt it beating with love, she giggled a little then stopped and smiled once again. Mrs Rose: "(turns to sam and jack) you boys can go back to your room and continue whatsoever you were doing. Sam and jack: "(they both looked at themselves with surprise) huh?", they said simultaneously. Mrs Rose: "don't you boys wanna go?", she asked. Sam: "(turns around)but mum you...", he said but wasn't able to finish his statement because jack interrupted him Jack: "(turns around)Dude mum just said we can go, don't you get it?", he said putting up a fake smile. Mrs Rose: "boys don't worry, just go ok", she said with a happy voice. Jack: "ok mum", he said as he washed his hands and walked out leaving Sam. Sam: "mum how come your mood changed so quickly?", he asked. Mrs Rose: "well son you see I was angry at your dad because he didn't pick my calls but now I know why he didn't pick it", she said smiling. Sam: "so you were angry at dad and you took the anger on us", he said washing his hands. Mrs Rose: "sorry dear", she said smiling. Sam: " it ain't cool mum, if I did it to you would you like it?", he asked. Mrs Rose: "what, are you still talking? do you want us to start our own here?", she asked. Sam: "no way mum", he said smiling walking out of the kitchen. Mrs Rose: "you naughty boy", she said as she gave him a light slap on his ass. Sam: "ah mum", he said smiling running off to his be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
10 Sep 2016 | 00:48
Nice epi! Next dude...
10 Sep 2016 | 02:57
..Still following..
10 Sep 2016 | 02:57
Hehe this family sef
10 Sep 2016 | 03:59
I love this story mehn
10 Sep 2016 | 21:43
Funny family .
11 Sep 2016 | 00:46
Still Following
11 Sep 2016 | 01:28
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 16 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... ......THREE DAYS LATER...... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin opened his eyes feeling weak and tired, everywhere was completely dark (remember he is blind) and quite like a grave yard, he tried raising his body upwards but he just couldn't so He raised his left hand upwards and placed it on his head. [CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=> Dam* how did this happen to me? Where I'm I? What is this pain I feel all over? What happened. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He questioned himself so much within, with a soul of confusing deep within his spirit. [WRITER SPEAK]=> While he was battling and asking himself questions a nurse came in to check on him. Immediately she came in she saw his reaction (his facial and body reaction was moving according to the rhythm of fear and confusing) which made her run to him fast. Nurse: "Sir keep calm you are safe in this place", she said softly to calm him down. Celestin: "What is going on? Why do I feel pain all over my head", he questioned the nurse confusingly. Nurse: "Sir please relax, you had an accident", she said. Celestin: "What!", he shouted. Nurse: "Sir please you need to relax", she said trying to calm him down. Celestin: "How did it hap..", he said holding his head in pain without completing his statement because he felt a bang in his head. Nurse: "Sir please stop talking and just relax", she said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Immediately Celestin relaxed his body back on the bed (with the help of the nurse) the nurse ran to call the doctor. On getting to the doctor's office she saw him leaving his office. Nurse: "Sir, the patient has woken up", she said breathing fast. Doctor: "That's good news, let's go", he said walking to go see Celestin. .....MEAN WHILE AT JULIAN'S HOUSE..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Days ago Sam made Julian angry after he called her a name she doesn't like (sick sack), she told him that he would surly pay for what he said but Sam paid little attention to what she said (he took her words for mere talks). [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Sam had plans that day to go see his girlfriend (who leaved three streets away from theirs) and to go check out some new stuffs at the mall, After showering that morning he went to his room to get dressed. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> When he got to his room he saw Jack playing games (Jack is a lover of games), he ignored him and went to his closet to bring out his outfit for that very special day. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He was able to bring out his red designers t-shirt, black wrist watch, belt, and light blue trousers from the closet but he wasn't able to find the one thing that best complete his dressing which was his red sneakers. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He became confused and was thinking who could have taken his sneakers, as he was thinking his mind flu back to the time when he annoyed Julian and he remembered all she told him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Deep within him he knew that there was no way Julian could do such thing without the help of someone, immediately his mind pointed at Jack (the naughty and stubborn boy of the house), he knew it was only jack who could help Julian to fulfill her plans against him. Sam: "Jack do you have any idea where my red sneakers are?, he asked looking at jack. Jack: "I don't like it when you guys ask me about things I don't know of", he said faking a frown. Sam: "Jack stop faking a frown, that shit doesn't work on me, got that?", he said sounding serious. Jack: "As you can see I'm playing a game", he said. Sam: "Jack don't try closing up what I asked you before", he said. Jack: "What you asked was not an open question but a closed matter", he said with a smile. Sam: "So you know that Julian took my red sneaker?", he asked. Jack: "I have nothing to say bro", he said smiling. Sam: "Jack Where did Julian hide my sneakers?", he asked. Jack: "Like I'm suppose to know", said jack. Sam: "Don't act like you don't know jack", he said. Jack: "Hy guess what bro?", he questioned Sam: "What?", he said with a low eyes look. Jack: "Its your biz", he said giving Sam the evil smile. Sam: "I am gonna kill you!", he said angrily pushing his hands forward to catch jack. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Jack being a very smart boy dropped the pad of the game very quickly then he ran outside the room, Sam ran right behind. Luckily for Jack; Julian was coming from outside the house (Front yard) where she sat alone. Jack: "Julian save me this dude wanna chop my head off", he said running to Julian's back for protection. Julian: "(confused) What going on here?", she asked blocking Sam from jack. Sam: "Julian I am gonna kill Jack for helping you hide my sneakers". He said trying to catch Jack. Julian: "No you better leave him alone, remember you started all this shit first and now you are gonna pay for it", she spoke with power. Sam: "So that's how is gonna be", he said with a soft voice and hard face. Julian: "yes boy", she said smiling. Sam: "Ok", he said turning back. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He was about making more foot steps back to his room when he remembered that the red sneakers was super important for his outfit that day, he then turned and went on his knees to beg Julian. Sam: " Please sis I need that sneakers please", he begged. Julian: "Wait let me think of!", she said with an evil smile. Sam: "C'mon sis all I did was to say two words", he said. Julian: "Yea and I warned you to stop but did you?", she asked. Sam: "I know I was wrong sis but please show me mercy please", he pleaded. Julian: "ok", she said with a smile. Jack: "what? Ok?, are you gonna give him his sneakers after all he said?", he asked. Julian: "Shut up before I start with you", she said to Jack. Jack: "ok fine, but he called you a...", he said but wasn't able to complete his statement. Julian: "Jack.....don't try that shit", she warned him making him keep shut. Julian: "Sam your sneakers are right underneath the dining", she said. Sam: "Oh thanks Julian", he said running to go collect his sneakers. Jack: "Sis you're wicked", he said. Julian: "Like I care what you think", she said. Jack: "After making me steal it you still went ahead to give him back, like seriously why did you make me steal it before?", he asked. Julian: "I had plans to return it back to him and by the way it was your idea to steal his sneakers and hide it in the first place", she said raising an eyebrow. Jack: "Yea I know but at least you shouldn't have given him back today because I already had plans to wear it out tomorrow, well I guess that plan is cancelled", he said leaving Julian and heading to his room. Julian: "(Laughs) You naughty boy", she said with a be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
17 Sep 2016 | 15:17
Still following
18 Sep 2016 | 11:46
next PLS
18 Sep 2016 | 12:47
Naughty brother
18 Sep 2016 | 20:48
lvin do ride nice tori
18 Sep 2016 | 23:04
Loving this
18 Sep 2016 | 23:11
Loving this
18 Sep 2016 | 23:11
Loving this
18 Sep 2016 | 23:12
Loving this
18 Sep 2016 | 23:12
19 Sep 2016 | 10:32
19 Sep 2016 | 14:03
Hmmm.. Following!
20 Sep 2016 | 02:41
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 17 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... : : [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As Julian walked blinded to her room, her dad called her from behind. She turned slowly and faced him with a smile. Mr Smart: "Guess what Julian", he said with a smile. Julian: " You just laid an egg", she said as she smiled back at him. Mr Smart: "Not funny Julian, must you always be playful?", he asked her. Julian: "You started it all dad, remember what you did to me this morning", she said raising an eyebrow. Mr Smart: "I did nothing", he said confidently. Julian: "Dad you placed a bucket right in front of me, and you laughed at me when I fell, you call that nothing?", she asked folding her hands together. Mr Smart: "[Laughs] That was so hilarious, it got six thousand viewers on you-tube", he said. Julian: "What!, dad you uploaded that shit?", she asked looking totally surprised. Mr Smart: "Yes of course I did", he said with an evil smile. Julian: "You are gonna pay for that, [low voice] egg layer", she said. Mr Smart: "I heard that", he said. Julian: "I know, wanted to make sure your ears are working perfectly", she said with a smile. Mr Smart: "Now, let me tell you the good news", he said. Julian: "ok go on", she said. Mr Smart: "[Speaks loud] The guy I knocked down has waken up, the doctor called to inform me about his health status", he said with a grin on his face. Julian: "[Screams] Oh my gosh!, are you serious dad", she said with great joy. Mr Smart: "Wait I think that part I said "the doctor called" was a joke", he said. Julian: "[Sniffs] Dad...., you are getting to old for this you know?", she asked him. Mr Smart: " Julian......, you were asking a stupid question you know?", he asked her. Julian: "Ok fine, I'm sorry, so are we going to see him now?", she asked without knowing that a grin came on her face. Mr Smart: "Hmmm..., fishy, we will go now", he said looking at Julian strangely. Julian: "[Smiles] Cool", she said. Mr Smart: "First you smiled like you've won the universe and then you said cool", he said. Julian: "What are you trying to say dad?", she asked unfolding her hands. Mr Smart: "[Smiles] I am not saying anything, just know I gat my eyes on you Julian", he said. Julian: "Can we go please dad", she said. Mr Smart: "Sure we can", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian was well dressed the way she was (so was her dad), They left immediately Mr smart told Mrs rose (who was busy in the kitchen) about the news. After minutes of driving, they were close to the hospital when Julian remembered something. Julian: "Dad I just remembered something right now", she said. Mr Smart: "Ok, tell me", he said. Julian: "It's about the operation", she said. Mr Smart: "What about it?", he asked with his focus on the road (as he drove). Julian: "I called the doctor this morning", she said. Mr Smart: "[Sniffs] Julian, why do you keep talking so slowly, tell me everything at once", he said as he stepped on the break pedal approaching a traffic light (which had the red light on). Julian: "[Talks super fast] Ok dad, the doctor said that the operation will be in 3 months time and there are new modernized machines which will perfect the operating, he said their is no need for you to fear again, but I told him....", she said but was put to stop by her dad (who felt she was talking too fast). Mr Smart: "Girl you talk too fast, cool down", he said stepping on the accelerating pedal after the traffic light turned green. Julian: "But you were the one who told me to talk fast", she said. Mr Smart: "I know but I didn't say you should talk like Grace", he said focusing his eyes on the road. Julian: "[Laughs] Dad, you always understood how she talks", she said. Mr Smart: "What?!.. Who ever told you that big lie?", he asked. Julian: "[Smiles]But dad you always connect more with her each time you guys talk, not even mum (her sis) understands her", she said. Mr Smart: "I have never for once understood her, I just use the first and last words she says to know what she is talking about, sometimes I just fake smiles unnecessary just to make her end her talk but no she won't instead she continues", he said. Julian: "[Laughs hard] You are so mean dad, you actually made her believe that you can understand her", she said. Mr Smart: "I had no choice, she made me do so", he said with a smile. Mr Smart: "Now back to what you were saying before the spirit of Grace came over you", he said with a smile. Mr Smart: "I now feel calm inside me, since the doctor as assured you that nothing will happen, my worries are over", he said. Julian: "Thanks dad", she said smiling like a kid. Mr Smart: "You are welcome dear",he said. Julian: "Today is such an awesome day, two good news in one day, this calls for a celebration", she said. Mr Smart: "Sure we will but before that, let's visit the man in the hospital first", he said. Julian: "Ok dad", she said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Immediately after silence took over, they got to the hospital, as they were about to come down from the car Mr smart's phone rang vibrating heavily. Mr Smart: "[Looks at the caller] Oh shit!", he exclaimed. Julian: "[Confused] What is it dad?", she asked. Mr Smart: "Your aunt is calling", he said. Julian: "[Sniffs] Dad you know I have many aunt both from mum's side and your side", she said. Mr Smart: " It's your Aunty Grace", he said bending his head feeling displeased. Julian: "[Laughs hard] You can never escape your destiny dad", she said. Mr Smart: "I can't pick it", he said. Julian: "[Smiles] You gat no choice dad", she said. Mr Smart: "[Frowns] Yes I do, you talk to her", he said as he moved the phone closer to her. Julian: "No way dad, I don't understand her English you know", she said. Mr Smart: "well you will right now", he said picking the call and putting it on speaker. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] Hello smart", she said. Julian: "[Frowns ] Hello aunt", she said slowly. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] where is that old man?", she asked. Julian: "[smile devilishly] he just came now, dad take your phone it's aunty Grace", she said. Mr Smart: "[Low voice] you will pay for that Julian", he said with a frown. Mr Smart: "hello Grace", he said as he awaits Grace to slam him with her supersonic be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
30 Sep 2016 | 04:01
30 Sep 2016 | 19:31
1 Oct 2016 | 04:10
I think Julian is falling for the guy jare
1 Oct 2016 | 08:37
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 18 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] Hello old man of the century", she said Mr Smart: "[Sniffs] How are you Grace?", he asked. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] I'm fine, where are you?", she asked. Mr Smart: "I am in front of a hospital right now", he said. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] What!, I thought my rage sis was jesting around, I never knew she was life!", she exclaimed. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] What happened?, did your ways befall to the ungrateful nature of life?", she asked. Mr Smart: "[Confused] Actually nature comprehended negative pulse upon my gently soul", he said making Grace believe that he understood what she said. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] That is very rear for your person of love, what did you do to attract such negative pulse of pain?", she asked him. Mr Smart: "[Totally confused] I obviously observed that the.....cur...lin...i...op...we....", he spoke as if the line was breaking. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] I can't hear your words of sense", she said. Mr Smart: "[Smiles within] I think the line is", he said. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] Shit!, maybe we would talk when you resume home after your negative adventure from the hospital", she said. Mr Smart: "Sure", he said as he quickly ended the call. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian laughed so hard after her dad ended the call, with tears running down her eyes. Julian: "[Laughing hard] you should be given an award for the smartest human existing, like seriously, you're totally the craziest dad ever!", she said. Mr Smart: "[Low eyes] I just have only one thing to tell you; lets go see the Doctor", he said. Julian: "[Laughs hard] you thought you were smarter than me, MR SMART", she said then laughed again. Mr Smart: "Thanks to you, she slammed me with her Unknown out of the universe English", he said. Julian: "But you guys are twins", she said then laughed. Mr Smart: "Julian.... Can we just go see the doctor?", he asked. Julian: "sure old man of the century [laughs]", she said. Mr Smart: "[Low eyes] I ain't gonna help you walk, since you called me 'old man'", he said. Julian: "No need, I ain't so helpless, I brought my guide-stick along", she said. Julian: "[Deeps her right hand into her bag] see... Here is it", she said. Mr Smart: "Oh!, you brought the adjustable one, lucky you", he said. Juliana: "I sure did [Tongue out]", she said as she opened the car's door gently. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mr smart came out quicker than Julian, then he locked his car after Julian came (without help from her dad) and they both went inside the hospital to see the doctor. On their way in a lady who was one of the nurses that help them when they first came with Celestin, was walking by. Mr Smart: "Excuse me nurse", he said. Nurse: "[Turns] Oh it's you", she said. Mr Smart: "You know me?", he asked sounding surprised Nurse: "Yes I do, you were the man that Brought a blind man who was seriously wounded", she said. Mr Smart and Julian: "[simultaneously] Blind man?", they both said surprisingly. Nurse: "Yes blind man, don't you know?", she asked. Mr Smart: "No we don't", he said. Nurse: "I guess you wanna see the doctor", she said. Mr Smart: "Yes", he said. Nurse: "Ok then, please come with me, let me take you to the doctor's office", she said. Mr Smart: "Ok", he said as Julian placed her right hand back on his left shoulder for support. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As they walked slow and steady to the doctor's office, a lady who wore a strange perfume (Julian hasn't smelled it before in her entire life) passed Julian, the perfume smelled like rose mixed with banana. Julian liked the smell she perceived making her nose follow the smell in a space of seven seconds. After the lady passed Julian began to think about the perfume she previously perceived. [JULIAN'S THOUGHT]=> Da*n that perfume really smells awesome, I just wish I had my sight; I would ask the person where he/she got it from, it is so unquestionably awesome. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> while she was busy thinking about the perfume she perceived, they got to the doctor's office. Nurse: "[Stops walking] The doctor is inside", she said. Mr Smart: "Oh thanks alot", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mr smart knocked then opened the door, the doctor was seated with his eyes fixed on some report/result. Doctor: "[Surprised] oh it's you sir, please come in", he said. Mr Smart: "Thank you", he said as he and Julian walked in then sat on the chairs which were there. Doctor: "Sir, I didn't tell you something over the phone because i wanted to tell you face to face", he said. Julian: "I hope it ain't something extremely bad?", she asked. Doctor: "No it's not", he said. Mr Smart: "[Sniffs] Thank God", he said. Doctor: "Well sir, He can't remember where he came from, I guess it was the way his head was hit, but no worries he would remember things in due time", he said. Julian: "Thank God it's not that bad", she said. Mr Smart: "Is he blind?", he asked hoping to find out whether what he heard from the nurse was true. Doctor: "Yes, he is blind", he answered. Mr Smart: "Shit!, why didn't you tell me that the accident look away his sight?", he questioned the doctor unhappily while Julian face was written with sadness all over it. Doctor: "[Smiles] No sir, it wasn't the accident that caused it, he was already blind, from the look of his eyes, someone poured him acid which ate up his eyes", said the doctor. Mr Smart: "[Feels sorry] Oh, that's so sad", he said. Julian: "[Sad] Why will someone do such an evil thing?", she asked. Doctor: "Well not everyone you see are actually humans, some are demons from hell", he said. Mr Smart: "Sir why didn't you tell me this from the start?", he asked the doctor. Doctor: "I knew that if I gave you that report from the start you might over react and there would be no way for me to calm you down", he said. Mr Smart: "How did you know?", he asked Doctor: "Sir, I'm a professional doctor, it's never advisable to give your patient all the bad news at once, it might promote some necessary hard feelings which might not be controlled", he said. Julian: "Hmmm, smart doc", she said. Doctor: "[Smiles] Thanks", he said. Doctor: "Sir, who told you that he was blind?", he asked. Mr Smart: "A nurse that brought us here", he said. Doctor: "Please can you describe her/him for me?", he asked. Mr Smart: "Yes sure, she is dark, 5.6 foot tall, has..", he said unable to finish up his describing about the nurse due to the way the doctor be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
2 Oct 2016 | 01:36
2 Oct 2016 | 04:12
2 Oct 2016 | 06:11
continue pls
2 Oct 2016 | 13:17
pls continue
2 Oct 2016 | 20:48
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 19 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... Doctor: "[Breaths out heavily] Not again", he said. Mr Smart: "What is it Doc?", he asked. Doctor: "I have always warned her not to disclose any info about any patient to anyone even to the people who brought the patient", he said. Mr Smart: "Oh, hospital's rules I guess", he said. Doctor: "Yes, it's also for the safety of the patient because most times the person/people might actually be the reason why the patient is in that present state", he said. Mr Smart: "Oh, I see, please pardon her", he pleaded for the nurse. Doctor: "I will but I have to teach her a lesson", he said. Mr Smart: "Ok sir but please let it not be too much", he said. Doctor: "Ok sir, will think about it", he said. Mr Smart: "Doc, i wanna ask you something", he said. Doctor: "Please go on sir", he said. Mr Smart: "How come he recovered so fast?", he asked. Doctor: "That question is what i'm still asking myself", he said. Mr Smart: "[Surprised] Are you serious?", he asked. Julian: "[Smiles] Dad.... Of course he is", she said. Mr Smart: "Julian c'mon, i was surprised", he said. Doctor: "[Smiles] You guys are one funny comedy zone", he said. Mr Smart: "Doctor don't mind my Little girl, she just enjoys rubbing my mistake all over my face, so doc back to what you were saying", he said. Doctor: "[Smiles] Sir, he has a strange and rare system, it's like something I have never seen before, his blood cells and tissues were quick to heal all wound within a short period of time", he said. Julian: "[Surprised] That is serious", she said. Mr Smart: "So he is a super human?", he asked. Doctor: "[Laughs] No he is not, he is just an ordinary man", said the doctor Mr Smart: "No ordinary man will 'heal so fast' like you said, but yet you call him ordinary", he said. Doctor: "Sir it is kinda twisted, it's like saying he is an ordinary pencil with double easier attached to it", he said demonstrating. Mr Smart: "Oh now I understand", he said. Julian: "I hope he speaks English?", she asked the doctor. Doctor: "[Laughs] Yes he does, he is not an alien", he said. Mr Smart: "Don't mind my daughter, he tends to ask silly questions sometimes", he said mocking Julian. Doctor: "[Smiles] Ok sir, by the way sir, his name is 'CELESTIN'", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As she heard his name, her hearts started beating real fast (with joy), she felt like a bird in the sky high above the clouds. So many thoughts ran through her mind which made her less attentive to what the doctor and her dad was talking about. [JULIAN'S THOUGHT]=> His name sounds so lovely, i just wonder how he really looks like, i'm sure he would be more handsome than i imagine. Mr Smart: "Ok sir, can we see him now sir?", he asked. Doctor: "Sure we can", he replied him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The doctor got up first then so did Mr Smart and julian (with the help of her dad), They all walked out heading to where Celestin was roomed; the doctor lead the way with a file in his hand while Mr smart held Julian's right hand with his left hand to assist her as she walked with her guard-stick. They passed 4 rooms before they got to where Celestin was (they had been there before), unlike the other time that they didn't go inside; this time they went inside. [WRITER SPEAK]=> Celestin laid lost with bandage on his head, hands, and legs. As he heard the door open he moved his body upwards in fear. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Who is there?", he asked. Doctor: "It's me Celestin", he said. Celestin: "ok", he said slowly relaxing back his fears knowing that it was the doctor. Doctor: "How do you feel Celestin?", he asked while Mr Smart and Julian kept quite and stood close to him. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] I feel pain but it ain't too serious sir", he said. Doctor: "ok, you have two visitors", he said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Who are they?", he asked. Doctor: "The man who mistakenly knocked you down and his daughter", he said. Celestin: "[Weak voice] Ok", he said. Doctor: "Please don't ask him too much questions, he needs to rest", he said to Mr smart and Julian then left. Mr Smart: "I am very sorry for knocking you down", he said apologizing. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] No need for you to be sorry", he said. Mr Smart: "[Surprised] Why?", he asked. Celestin: "[Breaths in slowly] Everything I had was gone already", he said. Mr Smart: "Can you remember any of your relatives?", he asked trying to know where to start on the hunt of Celestin's family search. Celestin: "The doc most have told you that I can't remember where I came from right?", he asked. Mr Smart: "[Shocked] Yes, how do you know that?", he asked. Celestin: "[Talks in very very low voice] I'm a good guesser", he said. Mr Smart: "Maybe I should leave you to rest more", he said. Celestin: "[Talks slow] Yea", he said closing his blind eyes to rest. Mr Smart: "[Whispers] Julian stay hear wanna see the doc will be back in a few", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mr Smart sat Julian Down on a seat close to Celestin's right hand side and left, immediately he left and shut the door silence took refuge and occupied the living existence of them both. Silence existed only physically but not deep within their thoughts. [JULIAN'S THOUGHTS]=> His voice sounds so weak and lovely, dad shouldn't have asked him so much questions, I just wish I have enough courage to talk to him. [CELESTIN'S THOUGHTS]=> [Slowly] Why can't I remember my family? What is really going on?, how come i can't fully remember my past? what is wrong with me?. I have nothing now, not even a house to leave, my life is so hopeless, wait what do i hear?, Someone is still here? who could it be?. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Who are you? and why is your heart beating so fast", he asked hoping to hear the reply of the unknown person who sat close to him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian was afraid and confused, she didn't know what to do at that moment, she became mute. ....MEAN WHILE BACK AT JULIAN'S HOME..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian's home, was now a land of literature works since the arrival of (literature master) Aunty Grace. Mrs Rose: Grace please don't question me please", she said as she picked up her phone to send a message. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] Please don't misunderstand my hungry words", she said. Mrs Rose: "I don't misunderstand you, i only don't understand what you are vomiting out of your vocabulious be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
4 Oct 2016 | 16:22
Bueno..Next :g
4 Oct 2016 | 16:46
coming soon......:D
4 Oct 2016 | 21:10
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 20 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] But all I asked of you was that you should explain to me the concept in which you constructed the life that gives life, which I really enjoyed", she said. Mrs Rose: "There, that's what I'm talking about, I do not bloody understand the words that escape your mouth", she said leaving the dinning table to the sitting room where Sam and Jack sat watching a movie. Aunty Grace: ""[Talks super fast] Relax bond, what I said wasn't hard at it's peak, it is accessible to the brain break down", she said following Mrs Rose close behind. Mrs Rose: "[Annoyed] Oh gosh!, Grace just let me be for crying out loud", she said throwing her hands up and down then stamping the ground with her foot as she walked into the sitting room then stood. Aunty Grace: "Stop your excessive reactions, I was only trying to acquire more wisdom of the human race from you", she said to Mrs Rose her sister as she kept on following Mrs Rose behind then stood in front of her. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Sam and Jack attention shifted away from the movie which was on, to the real life scene between their mum and aunt. Sam: "Hi bro, Who do you think will win this game bro", he said to Jack looking at his mum and aunt. Jack: "Dude mum stands a chance to lose as usual", he said. Sam: "Oh shit, aunty Grace is looking at us", he said turning his head back to the tv. Jack: "Da*n, she is about to speak to us", he said then did what Sam did. Aunty Grace: "Sam, Jack, can you younger race come over here and help me explain to your mum what I'm trying to word out", she said facing the direction which Sam and Jack sat. [WRITER SPEAKS] Sam and Jack looked at themselves and were both confused, they didn't know what to replied her back with, for they knew that if they say anything wrongly she would use her hard heavy words on them which they won't be able to breakdown successfully. Sam: "[Low voice] Jack we better make a ran for it now or else we would be dragged into a pool of endless drown", he said still facing the tv. Jack: "[Low voice] I am way ahead of you bro, just follow my steps", he said then stood up so did Sam, they walked towards where aunty Grace stood. Aunty Grace: "[Talks super fast] Good young generations, here they come to explain to you what you could not breakdown easily", she said facing Mrs Rose who was in front of her. Mrs Rose: "Where are your so called 'younger generations?", she asked. Aunty Grace: "[turns back and Talks super fast] Where are my younger generations? I just saw them moving unstoppable towards this side", she asked and spoke confusingly. Mrs Rose: "[Laughs] I'm sorry to announce to you, but they ran away through that side when you faced me [Laughs]", she said descriptively. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Aunty Grace became speechless while Mrs Rose kept on laughing and laughing. Sam and Jack ran out of the house because they knew that was the only way to escape the claws of their aunty who was ready to skin them alive with her words. .....BACK IN THE HOSPITAL..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian was mute and sweat ran down her face, she didn't know what to say, she couldn't control the way she felt deep within her soft sweet heart. [JULIAN'S THOUGHTS]=> What should I tell him? da*n I'm so afraid. Why do I feel this way, this is unlike me, i can't control myself, I better don't reply him. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] I know you are there, you just don't want to talk, but I assure you that if you don't talk I will scream", he said. [JULIAN'S THOUGHT]=> I have to just speak up, I don't want him to scream and stress himself more, it would just be unfair. Julian: "[Calm voice] It's me Julian", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Oh you, why didn't you speak up when I asked you who you were?", he asked her. Julian: "[Calm voice] I was thinking of something, my mind wasn't here", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Ok then, if I may ask, what were you thinking of that made your heart beat so fast?", he asked. Julian: "[Confused] I was thinking of where my dad went to", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Why are you lying?", he asked. Julian: "[Surprised] I don't understand", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] I heard when your dad whispered to you that he was going to see the doctor", he said. Julian: "[Smiles] So you gat good hearing ability like me", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Wait, so you are blind too?", he asked. Julian: "[Smiles] Yes I am, how did you know?", she asked. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] I figured it out myself with what you said", he said to her. Julian: "[Smiles] Don't you think you need to rest, you sound so weak", she said playing with her long hair. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] I agree with you, but I find it hard to rest", he said. Julian: "Why so?", she asked. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] My past memories which I find hard to remember gat me on a long journey of thoughts", he said. Julian: "Just relax, it will come to you little by little with time, if you push your brain too hard it won't be able to give you what you really want", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] You are so right, but maybe if I could remember something connected to my past it would help alot", he said. Julian: "I wish I could help you out", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Yes you can", he said to her. Julian: "How?", she asked. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] The doctor must have told you and your dad something about my present state right?", he asked. Julian: "Yes he did", she said. Celestin: "[Coughs then Talks slowly] Can you please tell me what he said", he said. Julian: "You sound so weak, please rest ok?", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Ok I will, but first, tell me what the doctor told you", he said. Julian: "Ok, he told us that your blood cells and tissues were fast to heal and you couldn't remember things due to the accident, he also told us that your cause of blindness might have been acid, due to the way your eyes are", she said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Hmmm, that doesn't ring a bell in my head at all", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian and Celestin kept on talking learning more things about themselves while Mr Smart and the doctor were discussing about Celestin. Doctor: "Well sir, I don't know what to do about that but one thing is for sure, he can't stay here forever", he said. Mr Smart: "I know, he will stay with me sir immediately he is dismissed from here", he said. Doctor: "That's a good idea", he said. Mr Smart: "My house is spacious and well ventilated filled with flowers and trees, it would help him recover faster", he said. Doctor: "You are right, patients with lost memories need a place like that to reveal back to normal", he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After they spoke and conclude about Celestin's matter, they both went to see him in the room where he was kept. Julian's: "[Laughs] Celestin you are so funny [Laughs]", she said. Celestin: "Nah I'm not so funny", he said. Doctor: "[Walks in] Oh, you are still awake Celestin?", he asked as Mr Smart walked in. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Yes doc, I couldn't rest", he said. Julian: "[Smiling seriously] I kept him company", she said. Mr Smart: "Hmm, I guess it's time to go Julian", he said. Doctor: "You still need to rest Mr Celestin", he said. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Ok doc, well Julian it was nice meeting and talking to you", he said. Julian: "[Smiles] Same here Celestin", she called his name in a lovely way. Mr Smart: "Good bye Celestin", he said as he assisted Julian to stand on her feet. Doctor: "Celestin, please rest, ok?", he said leaving the room with Mr Smart and Julian. Celestin: "[Talks slowly] Ok doc", he said as he closed his blind eyes to rest his body. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian left with smile all over her face, Smart noticed the smile but said nothing. Celestin couldn't rest, he tried as much as possible to remember what his past hid from him, his thoughts were deep and hard. [CELESTIN SPEAKS]=> I just wish I could remember all that happened in my past, it would help me alot. Julian said something about acid being poured on my eyes, Acid!..... Celestin: "[Screams] Ah!, my...head!", he exclaimed in pain holding his head. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin started having flashbacks, Immediately after he mentioned the word "acid" (in his head). All his past were coming back to his memory causing his head to ache very bad, he turned from left to right because It felt like his head was going to explode like a time-bomb. The pain was too much for him to withstand so he be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
6 Oct 2016 | 16:13
painful memories
6 Oct 2016 | 17:27
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 21 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story… …..A DAY LATER….. [WRITER SPEAK]=> Celestin’s memory was back fully, he had remembered all that happened to him from his past to his present, everything in his memory was back again; like hairs regrown. The doctor called mr Smart to inform him of the new changes. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mr Smart saw his phone ringing, so he checked his phone to see properly who the caller was. To his belief; it was the doctor that was calling him. When he picked it, his eyes all opened up, after he heard what came out from the doctor’s mouth. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mr Smart was extremely eager to help and know Celestin’s family, so he quickly picked up his car key with all happiness and Joy, knowing that celestin had all his memories back. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He left a Job he was doing, with his laptop and rushed out, leaving everyone at home; including Julian who was his best pal (without informing them). [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He got to his car, got in then drove off. While he was driving approaching a traffic light, his car encountered a small wicked nail which deflated his car tyre. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He noticed the strange way one side of his car felt, so he stopped; parking by the road side. When he came down, he saw the deflated tyre which was the back tyre. He looked at his deflated tyre, then took his mobile phone to make a call. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Three minutes later after the call, a man came with a brand new tyre for his car. Without no excitation, mr Smart car’s tyre was changed immediately and the old one was threw into the boot of mr Smart’s car. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After a short while of driving, he got to the hospital. He called the doctor to inform him of his arrival, the doctor told him that he would be with him very shortly. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He Looked around; like an owl, searching for the doctor. Within 4mins of his arrival the doctor show up (due to the call he made to the doctor). [WRITER SPEAKS]=> When mr Smart and the doctor met, the doctor explained everything that happened from how Celestin screamed to after he wake up when he fainted. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mr Smart just nodded and steered like an agama lizard. As the doctor explained more and more, they got closer and closer closer to the room where Celestin was. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> When they got there, Celestin was trying to sit up properly (although he still felt pain) on the bed. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin was trying to sit because his mind didn’t let him rest, from the deep thoughts that went through his mind, about his past and the marks it left deep within his soft undertaken soul. [CELESTIN THOUGHTS]=> Now I have nothing to live, hope, and fight for. Everything was destroyed by the rain and heavy storm that fell that day. I think it’s time for me to change from my attitude, I need to stop blaming life for where it kept me. What made me come back to this world? I was with my mum and dad. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> While he tried to sit up right with his thoughts rolling like a car’s wheel, the doctor called his name causing a breakage in his mind. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin smiled, after the doctor told him that he had a visitor (who was mr Smart). The doctor left both of them, when they started talking because he had other works at hand. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After mr Smart asked celestin how he felt, Celestin told mr smart said something, which was very interesting to mr Smart because he wanted to know about Celestin’s past and he wanted to help him find his parent. Celestin: “[Talks slow] Sir, I know you really want help me”, he said now sitting up right. Mr Smart: “Yes i do”, he said. Celestin: “[Talks slow] Sir, you want to know about my parents?, he asked. Mr Smart: “Yes I do”, he said sitting down on a chair right beside Celestin. Celestin: “[Talks slow] Ok sir, Iet me tell you about to my parents”, he said. Mr Smart: “Please do, I’m eager to know”, he said expanding his ear sensors. Celestin: “[Talks slow] Sir, 7 years ago when I was just a young adult, I went out to go get something for my dad. On my way back home, I saw people gathered around my house. I quickly ran to know what was going on, I found my parent right there in front of our house, they were short in the head and heart”, he said as little tears drop came down his eyes. Mr Smart: “I’m really sorry to hear that”, he said feeling pity for Celestin. Mr Smart: “Don’t you have any other relations? Or family friend?, he asked. Celestin: “[Talks slow] I did, but no more”, he said. Mr Smart: “What happened?”, he asked. Celestin: “[Talks slow] He was killed, the same way my parents were”, he said. Mr Smart: [Shocked] Gosh!, that’s serious”, he said. Mr Smart: “Do you have any idea who the killer might be?”, he asked. Celestin: “[Talks slow] No sir, I have no Idea”, he answered. Mr Smart: “Well, thank God you are alive and ok”, he said. Celestin: “[Talks slow] Yea”, he said. Mr Smart: “Celestin, since you have no one and no house as you told the doctor, I have made up my mind that you will leave with me”, he said. Celestin: “[Surprised] Are you serious sir?”, he asked talking slowly. Mr Smart: “Yes I am, well at least let me pay the price for knocking you down”, he said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin was very happy, to hear what he heard from the mouth of mr Smart, he was also happy because he believed his choice to take a new life style was beginning to go well for him. ……MEAN WHILE AT CELESTIN’S OLD HOUSE (WHICH WAS DESTROYED BY THE RAIN…… [WRITER SPEAKS]=> A lady with a red bike, stopped and looked at the deserted place, she came down her bike and walked up to where the position of Celestin’s house was ought to be. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She walked majestically, opening the soil ground with her killer high heels. When she finally got to the right position of the house, she saw things scattered everywhere, she also saw the trace of fire. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As She moved forward ahead, she spotted a shinny bottom on the ground. She bent down and picked it up. Lady: “[Grin] So you are still alive, no matter where you are, I will surly find you someday”, she said……… be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
11 Oct 2016 | 19:10
Following keenly
12 Oct 2016 | 06:25
so ur killer is still after you
12 Oct 2016 | 06:31
Next plz
13 Oct 2016 | 02:09
13 Oct 2016 | 03:14
This is interesting. I pray nothing happens to mr smart and his family
13 Oct 2016 | 15:00
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 22 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... .......TWO MONTHS LATER..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin now leaved with mr Smart and his health was back to normal, although some marks caused by the accident were still visible on his soft skin. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Everyone loved him, especially Julian who was in love with him, but was too shy to let it out from her mouth. Her shyness were as strong as the bones underneath my flesh until one day............... Mr Smart: "[Smiles] Hello, I hope I ain't disturbing you guys?, he asked Celestin and Julian who sat side by side together in the parlour. Celestin: "[Smile] No sir, we were talking about animals sir", he said to mr Smart who was standing in front of him. Julian: "Yes dad, you are", she said teasing Mr smart, as he sat on a sofa close to them. Mr Smart: "Julian, you must always find a way to tease me", he said then smiled. Julian: "Well we are pals or ain't we?", she asked. Mr Smart: "[Evil smile] Sure little girl", he said while Celestin shook his head with a smile glued to his face. Mr Smart: "I see you are smiling Celestin", he said looking at Celestin. Celestin: "Yes sir, the way you and Julian act is so funny, if you guys were played as a movie or read like a book, many people would laugh there lungs out", he said. Mr Smart: "[Laughs] You are such a funny young man", he said to Celestin who was engulfed with a smile on his face. Mr Smart: "Celestin, I would like to tell you something", he said looking very serious. Celestin: "Sir, please tell me whatsoever you wanna tell me, he said to Mr Smart. Mr Smart: "It has been up to two months you've leaved without us", he said. Celestin: "Yes sir, I really appreciate it sir, thanks", he said. Mr Smart: "[Smiles] You are welcome", he said while Julian kept quite to hear the next word that would come out his mouth. Mr Smart: "Celestin, you might not like what I'm about to tell you", he said as different types of thoughts ran through the minds of Julian and Celestin. Celestin: "Sir, whatsoever it is, I will accept my fate with a smile on my face", he said as Julian's heart bounced due to the sound of courage that came out Celestin's mouth. Mr Smart: "ok Celestin, you are going to stop leaving with us soon", he said. Julian: "[Surprised] Why dad? what can't he stay with us anymore? what's wrong with him staying?", she questioned her dad heavily while Celestin said nothing. Mr Smart: "Julian you need to chill, you ain't Celestin you know", he said looking at Julian. Julian: "[Calms voice] Yea I know, but at least give a good reason why he can't stay here anymore", she said. Mr Smart: "Well I have a very good reason", he said. Julian: "Well let's have it and it better be the best", she said. Mr Smart: [Smiles] Celestin can't own a house and still leave with us", he said putting Celestin and Julian in a confused state of mind. Julian: "I don't understand, I think I speak for both of us here", she said to her dad and Celestin. Celestin: "Sure you do", he said still trying to figure out what Mr Smart was trying to say. Mr Smart: "I know you guys won't get the gist", he said with a smile on his face. Julian: "C'mon dad, get to the point", she said propelling her dad to speak up. Mr Smart: "Celestin, you are now the owner of a brand new house", he said. Celestin: [Surprised and shocked] Oh my gosh, thank you sir", he said standing up gently, expressing his joy and happiness heavily. Mr Smart: "[Smiles] Please don't border yourself thanking me, I just wanna help you", he said while Julian said nothing, but smiled with great passion. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As Mr Smart was being poured with words of appreciation from Celestin, his phone rang making him leave Julian and Celestin alone once again. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After Mr Smart left, Celestin talked about Mr Smart to Julian, which was not a new thing to Julian because she 've heard about it from others. Few minutes later Julian decided to ask Celestin a question which was unexpected by Celestin. Julian: "[Laughs] Ok mr house owner, that remains me", she said. Celestin: "What is it?", he asked. Julian: "[Sweet voice] You've not told me how you got blind", she said. Celestin: "[Breaths out] It was a very painful day for me, I lost my life that day", he said feeling down and sad at heart. Julian: "[Sad] I'm truly sorry about that, if you can't tell me, I'm ok by that ", she said. Celestin: "No Julian, I will", he said although still feeling heavy at heart. Julian: "Are you sure?", she asked. Celestin: "Completely Julian", he said. Julian: "Ok then", she said as she reach for Celestin's hand. Celestin: "it all started be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
13 Oct 2016 | 17:45
...Next... Following.
13 Oct 2016 | 17:53
@dindy nyc one
14 Oct 2016 | 03:34
why do u stop pls continue
14 Oct 2016 | 05:14
14 Oct 2016 | 11:30
Cliffhangers..Ride on dude.
14 Oct 2016 | 12:10
Plz continue this interesting story
15 Oct 2016 | 02:45
Bring it on
15 Oct 2016 | 16:55
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 23 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story... ......MEAN WHILE...... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> At the hospital, where Celestin was dismissed from, a lady went to the reception to make inquiry on Celestin. Lady: "[Smiles] Good morning", she greeted politely to the receptionist who was also a nurse. Nurse: "[Smiles] Good morning", she returned back the greeting. Lady: "I'm looking for a patient, he was brought here months ago", she said. Nurse: "We receive many injured persons, so you have to be direct", she said to the lady. Lady: "His name is Celestin, he was brought here due to the fatal accident that happened to him", she said to the nurse. Nurse: "Please wait let me check my system", she said to the lady. Lady: "ok", she said. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> While the nurse was busy with her system, the lady was looking around. Nurse: "Sorry ma, but he was discharged two months ago", she said. Lady: "[Frowns] Oh no", she said. [LADY THOUGHTS]=> Shit!, He was here that day I came. da*n it, I have gat to find him fast, I really miss him. Lady: "Do you have any idea about where I could find him?", she asked the nurse. Nurse: "I'm sorry, I can't help you with that", said the nurse. Lady: "Please I will do anything, please help me out", she pleaded. Nurse: "Who are you to him?", she asked wanting to find out who the lady might be to Celestin. Lady: "[Sad face] I'm his girlfriend, I traveled overseas and came back weeks ago. I'm so worried about him", she said to the nurse who looked less convinced of her story. Nurse: "Ok, please wait let me call the Doctor", she said then picked up the landline which was placed below the counter. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Immediately the nurse bent her head to call the doctor, the lady moved out of sight. She went straight to where she had parked her bike, then she quickly drove out of the hospital. ....FLASH BACK ON CELESTIN'S SIDE OF THE STORY.... Celestin: "[Angry] Are you mad Mary?!", he exclaimed with great anger. Mary: "I love you so much my love", she said holding him tightly on his jeans short. Celestin: "My parents just died and my uncle too, and you're talking about marriage?", he questioned her angrily then freed himself off her hold and walked to a position. Mary: "Yes, God knows why they had to die", she said walking closer to Celestin. Celestin: "What're you trying to say?", he questioned her again. Mary: "They have always come between us, they never wanted us to be together", she said. Celestin: "Yes, it was for a good reason", he said to her. Mary: "They are died now and can never come between you and I my love", she said to Celestin, giving him a wide grin and walking closer to him. Celestin: "[Angry] Do you have any idea that you are talking about my family, my life, my world!", he exclaimed with more anger. Mary: "They're no more your family, I'm now your family Celestin", she said. Celestin: "Are you mad?", he questioned her angrily. Mary: "I can't live life without you", she said to Celestin standing close to him. Celestin: "[Angry] What is wrong with you?", he questioned her with anger in his eyes. Mary: "I am crazy in love with you, my soul is for you", she said to Celestin as she kissed him on his chest. Celestin: "[More anger] Stop it!", he exclaimed with high anger then pushed her away. Celestin: "You really need to goto the mental institute", he said pointing at her. Mary: "Yes I need to because your love is driving me nuts", she said then jumped on Celestin and forced a kiss on his lips. Celestin: "[Shouts] ah!, Get off me you witch!", he said pushing her away from his body. Celestin: "Get it straight into your da*n head", he said pointing at her where she landed on the sofa. Celestin: "I don't love you and can never in this world or the next one love you", he said to Mary. Mary: "My love for you is more than enough for us to share together for eternity my Celestin", she said to Celestin as she gently pulled her short gown up for Celestin to get sexually arose. Celestin: "[Angry] What do you think you're doing?", he asked with an angry voice. Mary: "[Talks softly] I want you now Celestin, I'm all yours", she said pulling her short gown up more, exposing what she wore under. Celestin: "What non sense!", he exclaimed angrily. Celestin: "Now get up and get out of my house now!?, he shouted, as he pulled her up from the sofa and dragged her out the door, to the gate of his house. Mary: "I love you dear, I want you in my life, please my love", she said pleading to Celestin not to throw her out, as they got closer to the gate. Celestin: "Mary get this into your head", he said, pushing her out the gate as tears came down her eyes. Celestin: "I don't love you and can never, I can never marry you not even in your dreams. Never you come back here again or i'll get you arrested!", he said then jammed the gate on her face and locked it. Mary: "[Crying heavily] Celestin don't do this to me", she said banging the gate and crying on the gate. .......THREE HOURS LATER....... Celestin: "Who is that?", he asked walking towards the gate after he heard a bang. Celestin: "Who are you!", he said opening the gate. Celestin: "Mary!, I thought I warned you not to come here again!", he said to Mary who was standing right in front of him holding something. Mary: "If you can't love me then no one will ever love you and you shall not have the sight to look at another girl", she said then she poured the acid which was in a container she held in her hand. Celestin: "[Screams] Ah!, my eyes!", he said in pain falling backwards to the ground.... ..........PRESENTLY........ Celestin: "That was how I lost my sight and also lost all I had", he said to Julian. Julian: "[Sad] I'm so sorry about that", she said to him. Celestin: "thanks dear, she even tired to kill me but I luckily ran away and ended up in a river that brought me here", he said to her. Julian: "Girls are really wicked", she said to Celestin. Celestin: "Really?, so that makes you a boy right?", he said then smiled. Julian: " [Laughs] You are not serious", she said. Julian: "[Smiling] She was wrong you know", she said. Celestin: "About what?", he asked her. Julian: "About no one ever being able to love you", she said to him putting up a smile on her face. Celestin: "What do you mean?", he asked her. Julian: "Come closer, let me tell you want I mean in your ear", she said smiling. Celestin: "ok", he said as he moved his face forward. Julian: She puts her mouth very close to his ear.......... "[Talks softly and slowly] 'I LOVE YOU'", she said then planted a kiss on his soft lips, kissing away the shyness she felt inside her. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin couldn't stop her because deep down he had strong feels for her. Mrs Rose who was about coming into the parlour, stopped when she saw Celestin and Julian kissing. She stood at a corner looking at them and smiling. Mrs Rose: "Oh that's so sweet, finally Julian has found someone she loves", as she spoke, Mr Smart came from behind and saw what she saw. Mr Smart: "What is this?", he asked. Mrs Rose: "Can't you see they are kissing? so sweet", she said. Mr Smart: "No way, not in my house, this can't happen here", he said as he made a step forward to stop them. Mrs Rose: "No way, you won't stop them", she said, as she pulled him back and gave him a hot kiss, pinning him down. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Sam and Jack were coming down from their room and found the action going on. Jack: "[Shocked] WTF!, Celestin and Julian? Mum and dad?", he said. Sam: "They are all kissing bro", he said. Jack: "Its so not cool, let's make it even", he said. Sam: "like?", he asked. Jack: "Bro let's kiss", he said. Sam: "Cool idea bro", he said then pushed his lips forward. Jack: "Da*n bro you're gay", he said moving backwards. Sam: "[Laughs] Come and kiss me bro", he be continue. STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
16 Oct 2016 | 12:18
thats family kiss
16 Oct 2016 | 14:09
family kiss indeed
16 Oct 2016 | 16:42
Feed me more..
17 Oct 2016 | 02:09
Family kiss
17 Oct 2016 | 02:26
Lolzzzz.... Really loving this story. In that case, the perfume julian heard that day was from mary. Hmmmmn.... After blinding she isnt satisfied, nawa o. Julian's operation will be successfull and i see her as the saviour
17 Oct 2016 | 10:45
17 Oct 2016 | 12:05
BLIND BY NATURE EPISODE 24 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story.. ......3 DAYS LATER..... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The lady was in her house, with a bottle of alcohol thinking deeply of all the years and times she has stayed alone without celestin. she drank slowly, the bottle of alcohol with pains and drops of tears in her eyes. Her house was upside down, bottles and plates where littered around, the house smelled of hard drugs (cocaine and marijuana), she wore a bum-short with a shirt coloured grey, her hair was parked backwards into a long attractive ponytail. Her left hand was placed on her head as she drank of the bottle of alcohol which was half way over. Her mind was not where her body sat, as her mind juggled up and down her present and past life. [LADY'S THOUGHT]=> My Celestin is still alive and close to me, it's been so long I saw him. I'm sure by now, he would be more handsome than before. [Laughs] I do remember those times I text him and he would reply immediately the message enters his phone, the times he would fight his friends just for me, I guess that was what build the love I really feel deep down for him. Celestin really brought air to my breathless life, he gave me what no one did and he also helped me through my challenges, There is absolutely nothing compared to the love I have for him. [LADY'S THOUGHT]=> I need him to take me back, I need his forgiveness, he might be scared when he hears my voice, but I have to make him understand that, it was because i love him so such that it got me so mad when he rejected me and throw me out like a useless piece of rag. I really need to make him see reasons to take me back to his arms. [LADY'S THOUGHTS] I understand that it was all my fault, that he lost everything he had, both the companies and his high standard in the state, I caused his down fall and now I wish I had never done that, but he actually caused what happened. He should have taken me into his arms when I threw myself to him, instead he turned me down and pushed me because of some stupid reasons. [LADY'S THOUGHTS]=> I can't even understand myself anymore, time to time I just sit and think all about him, seven years as gone by and all I feel and have are regrets of what I did to him, seven years of uncontrollable heartbreaking pain. Life is horrible without him, every passing day of each of this seven years; I have spent without him are my days of pain. I have tried as much as I could to forget him, but it never seemed to work at all. [LADY'S THOUGHTS]=> When I dated Prince, I couldn't forget celestin my first love, I kept on calling 'Prince' 'Celestin' and I also called the name of Celestin each time i and prince kissed. I am truly in love with celestin and wish I had never made such mistake. [LADY'S THOUGHT]=> Why have nature chosen to treat me in such manner? Why have life chosen to punish me like this?. I know it was wrong of me to do what I did, I know what I did was beyond normal, but I was young and confused, I was really hurt by his rejection. I didn't know how to handle rejection from Celestin because I loved him ten times more than i loved myself, nature should understand me and the pain i feel now, nature should favour me so that i could rewrite my wrongs. At least I have tried my best, after seven years of trying to find celestin, maybe nature wants to teach me a lesson. [LADY'S THOUGHTS]=> Wait a sec, how could this be? I couldn't get his current address, after all this years of searching for him both day and night, why did i give out so quickly when the nurse was about calling the doctor, well what is done is done, what can I do now?. [LADY'S THOUGHTS]=> Wait a sec!, I could hack the hospital's system, why didn't i think of this since, nature have sided me this time, yes!. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> The lady, quickly stood up from where she sat leaving the bottle of alcohol on the table, where it stood like a little dangerous tree of confusing. She walked slowly, passing six empty bottles of alcohol which was drank by her alone. She walked into a room, filled with the pictures of Celestin --You could call it a Celestin shrine-- all over the walls, from the top to the bottom. A large laptop, was placed on a table close to the window side with the map of the state they habitat. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She quickly turned on her laptop and waited patiently for it to fully turn on. As it came on, she danced her left and right fingers on top of the table waiting in absolute excitation to explore her idea. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Finally the laptop came on, so did the smile on her face too. She quickly did what she knew how to do best (hacking), but there was one more thing she eliminated from her mother plan and that was. Lady: "Da*n!, this sh*t needs passwords", she said angrily. Lady: "I would have to try out my password cracker numbers out, one of them should work", she said then she typed in one of the password cracker. Computer: "[Robotic voice] Password denied", it said rejection her access. Lady: "sh*t I have to try another", she said typing in another password cracker. Computer: "[Robotic voice] password denied. Lady: "[Frustrated] what the fu*k!, just accept", she said out of deep frustrating then typed in another password. Computer: "[Robotic voice] password denied. Lady: "[Angry] c'mon accept", she said putting in another password cracker. Computer: "[Robotic voice] password denied. Computer: "[Robotic voice] password denied. Computer: "[Robotic voice] password denied. Computer: "[Robotic voice] password accepted", it said making the lady smile widely. Lady: "Yes!, I've done it!", she exclaimed with over loaded joy. ........MEAN WHILE...... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin and Julian were out in the garden, they sat on a wooden chair which was right beside the entrance of the colourful garden. The cold breeze blew calmly and the sunlight shined bravely but gently in the atmosphere. Celestin: "I wish I could see your face and tell you how beautiful you look", he said holding Julian's hands. Julian: "I know dear, I feel the same way too", she said smiling wide. Julian: "[Low voice] Baby, I want to tell you something", she said tighten her hold on Celestin's hand. Celestin: "[Worried] go on, tell me", he said then moved a little bit closer to Julian. Julian: "[Sad] I should have told you this a long time ago", she said. Celestin: "Julian you sound so sad", he said. Celestin: "Please Julian, don't feel sad, just tell me what you wanna tell me", he said to her in a sweet tone. Julian: "Ok", she said. Julian: "[Talks very slow] I would be going for a surgery next week", she said cowardly. Celestin: "[Shocked] so you're going for a foot surgery?", he asked then smiled. Julian: "[Laughs] Celestin stop it", she said. Celestin: "Well you never told me what type of surgery you wanna go for, so I made one with my brain", he said. Julian: "[Laughs] C'mon Celestin, I'm being serious here", she said giving him a smile. Celestin: "[Laughs] Ok, I'm sorry my love", he said as he lifted her right hand with his, to his mouth level then kissed it. Julian: "[Blushing] Ok, i forgive you baby", she said. Celestin: "What surgery are you going for?", he asked her. Julian: "Eyes surgery dear and i won't be back until 3 months", she answered. Celestin: "Cool", he said. Julian: "What!, i just told you i'm going for a surgery and all you could say is 'cool'!?", she shouted. Celestin: "Yea, i already know, over heard it when you and your dad were talking about it yesterday", he said. Julian: "What!, so you already knew and didn't even ask me!", she said. Celestin: "You talk too much Julian", he said. Julian: "What!, i talk too much?", she asked. Celestin: "Oh come here you", he said as he gently placed his right hand at the back of her head, then pushed her head towards his side forcing her lips on his, making them kiss. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> While Celestin and Julian were kissing, Sam and jack where heading towards the garden. When they got to the garden, they paused due to what their eyes behold. Jack: "Oh sh*t!, not again", he said looking at Celestin and julian kissing. Jack: "This house is now a kissing ground for love partners", he said. Jack: "Sam, i think we need to run out of this house", he said then turned to Sam. Sam: "[Licking lips] let's kiss love", he said smiling. Jack: "fu*k!, not this sh*t again bro", he said. Sam: "Come closer my love", he said as he moved closer to Jack. Jack: "Mummy help me!!!!", he screamed running be continue STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi Dindy blog is now active••••!!!!
21 Oct 2016 | 17:35
22 Oct 2016 | 03:23
Next pls
22 Oct 2016 | 03:52
your brother is gay
22 Oct 2016 | 07:09
22 Oct 2016 | 13:44
Lol, so funny
22 Oct 2016 | 16:39
Hmmmm...Forge on.
22 Oct 2016 | 18:38
Lol Mum plz come nd help him o
23 Oct 2016 | 00:50
BLIND BY NATURE THE LAST EPISODE 25 (STORY BY DINDY) please do not share without talking to me personally and asking for permission, thank you for reading this story.. .....3 MONTHS LATER..... Mr Smart: "Sam!, Jack!", he called his sons. Sam & Jack: "Yes dad", they replied simultaneously as they came out from the room they were in. Mr Smart: "Where is your mum?", he asked them. Jack: "I have no idea dad", he said separating his hands in a 'i don't know' manner. Sam: "I think she went to go get something from the supermarket", he said to his dad. Mr Smart: "ok, when she gets back, tell her that I went to pick Julian from the airport", he said as he picked up his car key which was on the table where he dropped it. Jack: "dad, has Julian arrived?", he asked wanting to find out about his sister. Mr Smart: "No she hasn't, but will in the next one hour", he said to Jack. Jack: "If she's gonna arrive an hour from now, why do you wanna leave now?", he asked Sam: "oh, this boy, stop asking unnecessary questions", he said to Jack. Mr Smart: "[Laughs] Sam don't mind Jack, he has started fooling around again", he said as he walked slowly towards the front door. Mr Smart: "[Stops walking] That reminds me", he said turning back to Jack and Sam. Mr Smart: "You guys should decorate Julian's room", he said. Sam and Jack: "Ok dad", they said. Mr Smart: "Ok then, see you guys later", he said as he left from his house to the airport. ............MEAN WHILE.......... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestine had moved to his new house, which was spacious with colourful decorations that he couldn't see because of his fate. The house was a one story-house with a well designed structure and surrounding. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He had everything he needed in the house (thanks to the help of Mr Smart), he owned his own little business which grew under the space of two months due to high demand by customers. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin and Julian had been talking over the phone since she travelled for the operation. He was expecting Julian that very day, but he didn't know what time she would be arriving. He was in his sitting room alone thinking of what he would do. [CELESTIN'S THOUGHTS]=> Finally, my love would be coming back. I need to get something very nice for her, that she would love so much. [CELESTIN'S THOUGHTS]=> Now that she can see, I really need to buy her something that she would love more that anything. Celestin: "Yes!, I know what to buy", he shouted out loud. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Celestin picked up his phone which he dropped beside him, knowing how to use his phone very well (although he was blind), he called a taxi man who was assigned to him by Mr Smart. Celestin: "Hello", he said to the taxi man at the other end. Taxi man: "Hello, sir", he said. Celestin: "Where're you?", he asked. Taxi man: "I'm driving pass your house right now, do you want me to take you somewhere?", he asked Celestin. Celestin: "Oh yes, I wanna get something from the shopping mall", he said. Taxi man: "Ok sir, I will be waiting out side. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Immediately Celestin dropped the call, he heard a car horn which came from out side. He knew it was the taxi man, so he picked up his wallet which he had kept on the table, then he took his guard stick with his right hand and walked out his house locking the front door before leaving. ........AN HOUR LATER....... [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian had already arrived into the country and she was filled with happiness, not because she could see everything and (for the first time) would see her dad, mum and brothers in real life, but because she knew she was going to see and met Celestin her one true love. As she was looking around, her phone rang. Julian: "Hello dad", she said. Mr Smart: "Hello dear", he said to her. Julian: "Dad, where are you?", she asked. Mr Smart: "Dear, I'm stuck in traffic and I don't think I'm gonna reach there in an hour time", he said to Julian. Julian: "Ah, ok dad, I will board a taxi", she said as she carried her luggage along with her, heading out the airport. Mr Smart: "Good, I think that would be better", he said. Mr Smart: "Are you sure you can find your way around?", he asked her. Julian: "Sure dad, remember the lessons and online research I did?", she asked. Mr Smart: "Oh yea, my pocket paid the price. Do you have the house address?", he asked. Julian: "Yes I do, Sam sent it to me", she said to her dad. Mr Smart: "Ok, your brothers and mum are really excited", he said. Julian: "We have been talking through skype since dad", she said. Mr Smart: "I know but they still miss you, well ok then", he said. Julian: "Ok bye, see you when you've escaped the traffic old man [smiles]", she said teasing her dad. Mr Smart: "Oh!, this girl you have started again, I'm gonna....", he said but couldn't finish his words because Julian ended the call. [WRITE SPEAKS]=> Julian walked out of the airport slowly and stopped a taxi. Julian: "Hy taxi!!", she shouted and a taxi man park in front of her, then she entered with her luggage. Taxi man: "Where're you going to?", he asked Julian. Julian: "Here is the address", she said and then gave the taxi man her phone to see the address. Taxi: "Ok, this place ain't too far", he said then kicked off his engine. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> As the driver drove quietly, Julian was busy thinking of something.. [JULIAN'S THOUGHTS]=> Should I go home first? Or should I surprise Celestin. I really want celestin to be the first person I see with my sight. Thank God Sam also sent Celestin's address, I better tell the driver to change direction. Julian: "Driver, please I wanna go somewhere else", she said making the driver to park on a spot to listen to what she said. Taxi man: "Ok, where is the address?", he asked. Julian: "Here it is", she said giving her phone once again to the driver. Taxi man: "Ok, it would take us 30mins to get to that place", he said. Julian: "[Smiles] Great!", she exclaimed. .........30 MINS LATER....... Taxi man: "We have arrived", he said to Julian. Julian: "Are you sure this is the place?", she asked. Taxi man: "Yes I'm sure, this house number is 21, which is the house number I saw on the address you gave me", he said convincing her. Julian: "Ok, thanks", she said then came down the taxi with her luggage. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She came down the taxi and dipped her hand into her hand bag, then brought out some cash and get it to the driver. After counting his money the driver drove off. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She took her luggage and went straight to the gate of Celestin's house, which was slightly closed. She opened it properly and went into the compound. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> When she got to the front door, she knocked but got no response, so she tried turning the door handle and it opened. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> She entered inside and found the places scattered. She gently threw her luggage on a chair right beside the entrance of the house, then she made a presiding step forward wanting to know what caused such happening. Julian: "Celestin love", she called out gently perceiving an old smell from the past. Julian: "This smell reminds me of the time Celestin had an accident, but how came I smell it here", she said with a wondering mind. Julian: "Ahhh!", she screamed in pain as a silent small bullet Pierced into her guts. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Julian fell to the ground looking at the person who just gunned her, blood gushed out her guts and tears came down her eyes. .......MEAN WHILE........ Celestin: "Do you think she would love this?", he asked the taxi driver who accompanied him to the shopping mall. Taxi driver: "Sure she would, no girl can resist it at all", said the driver as he came to a stop right in front of Celestin's house. Celestin: "Ok good, I guess I'm right in front of my house right?", he asked the driver. Taxi driver: "Yes sir you are", he replied to Celestin. Celestin: "I really appreciate your help for me", he said as he gently opened the door and came down the taxi. Taxi driver: "you're welcome sir, anytime you need my help just call me", said the driver. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> After they spoke, the driver drove off and Celestin walked towards his house using his guard stick to lead his way, with what he bought for Julian in his right hand. [WRITER SPEAKS] When he got to the gate of his house, he used his guard stick to push it open (which he always does). When he got in, he turned again then used his guard stick to shot it close. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He walked straight towards his front door (blindly), as he dipped his right hand into his pocket, to bring out his house key. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> He inserted the key into the door lock, but it was free which was not meant to be. He became afraid because he wondered who could have broken into his house. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Immediately he entered into his house, he step on something thick, he felt it underneath the shoe he wore. Voice: "Hello my love", said the voice harshly. Celestin: "[Afraid ] Who's there!", he shouted in fear. Voice: "It's me my love", said the voice from a distant. Celestin: "[Afraid] Tell me who you are!", he shouted. Voice: "[Laughing] If I don't tell you, what're you gonna do blindy?", said the voice very harshly. Celestin: "[Shocked] Mary!!, What, what are you doing here?", he asked confused and afraid, as he pointed his guard stick in different directions away and towards the sound of the voice. Mary: "So you think, you can be happy with out me right?", she said angrily. Celestin: "[Shaking] Mary please leave me, please I beg of you", he pleaded. Mary: "I wanted to ask you for forgiveness and I wanted you to take me back", she said. Mary: "But you had to spoil everything by loving that girl, arhhh!!", she shouted in anger pushing a glass cup to the ground making a loud noise that shook Celestin. Celestin: "[Shaking] Mary please stop, please stop", he pleaded. Mary: "Do you think your parents and uncle where murdered because of their money?", she asked. Celestin: "What are you talking?", he asked in fear. Mary: "I killed your parents and uncle because they stood in my way", she said. Celestin: [Angry] you witch!!, where are you!!, come out here!!", he shouted with great anger, hitting the guard stick on a chair he was close to. Mary: "[Laughs] Your girl came to see you", she said. Celestin: "Where is Julian, what did you do to her?", he said with anger. Mary: "She has a surprise for you, she is right on the floor [laughs]", she said. Celestin: "you're lying!", he exclaimed. Mary: "You think?, what do you think you're stepping on that's so thick?", she asked. Celestin: "No!", he exclaimed as he threw what he held on his hands and fell down to the floor, touching fresh blood. Celestin: "This can't be blood!, no not Julian!", he cried in pain as he moved his hands on the floor finding Julian's body. Mary: "So you bought her a gift", she said as she picked up the gift which fell right in front of her. Celestin: "[Crying] You will pay for this, I swear you will", He said to Mary in serious pain as his hands touched Julian's lifeless body. Mary: "You got a diamond ring for her?", she asked in surprise and anger. Mary: "[Angry] Were you planning to Marry her?", she asked angrily. Celestin: "I hate you, I hate you", he said crying on the floor. Mary: "[Angry] After all I did to get you, you still turned your back against me!!!!!", she said as she ran towards celestin with a dagger to kill him. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Hearing how she shouted, Celestin quickly stood up to defend himself as a man, but it was too late for him. The dagger pierced through his kidney giving him limited time to live. Celestin: "ahhh", he moan softly. Mary: "If I can't marry you, then no one will ever marry you in this world", she said as she twisted the dagger further in and pushed it out. Celestin: "[Pain] Mary you__", he couldn't finish up his words because life was leaving him. He dropped to the ground close to Julian lifeless body. [WRITER SPEAKS]=> Mary was breathing heavily with her eyes all red, she looked at Celestin. Mary: "[Angry] You wanna marry her?, marry in death!!", she shouted as she left the ring off her hold, then she walked out of the house. [WRITER SPEAK]=> The ring fell right on Celestin's head. Celestin with his last strength took the ring on his head with his left hand. Celestin: "Julian my love__", he spoke with his last strength. Celestin: "I bought__ this ring for___you", he said as he used his right hand to hold the left hand of Julian's lifeless body. Celestin: "I hope___you__like it", he said with blood gushing out his mouth as he fixed the diamond ring on her finger. Celestin: "I___LOVE__YOU__JULIAN", he said using up all his strength and holding her hand with great passion of love. [WRITE SPEAKS]=> Celestin gave up the ghost and there laid two lifeless bodies of two great love. .........THE END........ WORDS FROM DINDY I know many of you would be angry because of how celestin died, but I'm sorry celestin was a dead man to me even before I started writing the story, please accept my apology. WATCH OUT FOR MY NEW STORY MY FIRST TRIP TO ABUJA AND ZARIA AND THE BUS You guys would surly love them. One more thing before I end this, please please and please, I'm the real Dindy. I don't know why people still doubt me when I tell them I'm Dindy, I am the real Writer of any story with DINDY written. I don't copy and paste.....well that's that...... Thank you fans, for loving me and my works.....i love you guys too....especially if you're a girl [laughs] na joke o.....DINDY OUT! STORY BY DINDY AKA NNAMDI contact me on Whatsapp/Viber: 07087750433 Email: [email protected] or Email: [email protected] Facebook: Ossy andy Nnamdi Skype: 07087750433 or Skype: [email protected] Twitter: @nnamdiossy INSTAGRAM: @ossynnamdi
28 Oct 2016 | 20:47
Nexxt 0...
29 Oct 2016 | 03:07
29 Oct 2016 | 08:05
Sorrowful ending
29 Oct 2016 | 17:09
Foll0wing keenly
30 Oct 2016 | 04:33
30 Oct 2016 | 09:25
thanks alot @adun........ :yes: sorry about that @oluwaferanmi
30 Oct 2016 | 09:27


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