

By AYIS in 16 Sep 2016 | 06:59


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Member since: 7 Mar 2016
(season 2)

Just as agreed, I dialled Babisky's number which
rang immediately I clicked on the call button;
ME: Hello sir!
BABISKY: Hello! Who is on the line?
ME: I am Anini and needs your help
BABISKY: Anini? That isn't your real name, your
name is Eli
(How on earth does this guy who I haven't seen
or talked to before knows my name?)
ME: Yes my name is Eli but____
BABISKY: Your cohorts call you 'ANINI' right?
ME: Yes
BABISKY: Don't be surprised brother; I know all
you need from me, as I was talking to you the
black magic network showed me your profile. It
searches your heart and I discovered you are a
nice person who did all you have done, because
of Family Love. I will help you with all you want
ME: Thanks, so how can we get to you?
BABISKY: You and your friend there should walk
down to the junction of that road, you will see a
red carved mortal. Place you left hands on it,
and you will be brought to me by my messenger
(Babisky words really shocked me, but it makes
me believes he is real)
ME: We will do that, but how do you know I am
with a friend?
BABISKY: I sees and know everything I want,
what you will acquire from me will explain more.
Waste no time young man
ME: Okay
I ended the call and told Great-kali all that
Babisky said. He was also surprised and had a
rethink of thought;
GREAT-KALI: If all you said is true then that guy
is a god on his own
ME: That is why we need him
GREAT-KALI: I don't need him oo, such people
don't give powers freely without taking
something dear to you
ME: We shall know when we get there; he said
we should hurry about it
GREAT-KALI: Count me out, I still love my life
ME: I don't think you love your life, how many
top criminals have you seen working without
external powers? Even the military men uses
voodoo (juju). What we’re going for is even
better compare to voodoo (juju) because it's
from abroad, and not our local chief-priest that
gives you little and take something bigger
GREAT-KALI: Are you sure we can trust this so
called Babisky?
ME: Yes I do. You always call me Anini because
you believed in me, and I accepted the name but
I don't want to die like the Anini people know,
rather do greater. He uses our local fetish
powers, and I am going for an international one
that can't be hacked
GREAT-KALI: Okay, I will go just because I trust
ME: Not just because you trust me brother, let's
do it for Patata and Shakitibobo
GREAT-KALI: Yes let's do this for 'Lion Squad'
ME: For Lion Squid
Great-kali who limbs while we walked, tried his
best to walk as fast as he could until we got to
the junction.
Just as Babisky said, we saw the mortal painted
with red.
Immediately we held it, a great force pulled us
into the thin air. It was really a surprising thing
that if someone tells me about it I won't believe.
The next thing we saw was a building, fenced
with tilted glass. We couldn't see anyone but an
alter and all sorts of colored candles burning out
blue flame.
We tried to relax our nerves as a scary whirled
wind blew within a circle, like a tsunami. The
breeze was so powerful that myself and Great-
kali get hold of each other, until a very young
man of his early 30's appeared right in the point
of the whirled wind.
We adjusted ourselves in the comfort of assurance, that the so called Babisky is the man in front of us.
He was dressed in a long satin apparel with a wool scarf, knotted on his head. I knew he was harmless as his attires of pure white tells peace, and his staff rod tells his dignity accompanied with supreme powers.
He walked sluggishly to a mat that was spread on the altar, and sat at the middle using its both legs to cross each other in a trickish manner, just like Muslim does while praying.
I and Great-kali were still maintaining our standing mood, as we observed his movement and activities. We were brought back to reality when we heard his cracked voice talking to us;
BABISKY: I can sense fear all over you both, I hate fear because it’s a silent killer. You must know that the ground you are standing is a sacred temple of Shakti the mother goddess. Shakti is the divine force, manifesting to destroy demonic forces and restore balance. Every god in Hinduism and the world at large is under Shakti and without Shakti they have no power. All the powers you will acquire today must be used according to the terms and conditions
ME: The great Babisky, how do you mean by terms and conditions?
BABISKY: The powers are given to those who have pure heart and good intention. I know you are into crime, and the magical power of Shakti does not support crime
ME: What shall we do then, since you already know the job we do?
BABISKY: You can still continue with your crime but with a better aim
GREAT-KALI: What is the better way in crime again? See me see parable oo
ME: Great-kali stop that, you have to listen up and ask questions instead of doubting. Sir please explain to our understanding, because we are yet to understand what you meant
BABISKY: Yes you can, there is always a good part and bad part of everything
GREAT-KALI: We want to know the good part
ME: Yes tell us the good part; are we to steal from criminals like us?
BABISKY: * Hahahahahaha* You got the answer to your questions, but only if you intend to return the stolen property to its rightful owner. *sigh* It's fine to steal from a thief, not because the thief is a thief, but because the property belongs to someone else, and all you're to do, is return it to its proper owner.
GREAT-KALI: This is not funny at all, so if we hustle N1Million we will return it to an unknown owner without even eating from it
BABISKY: Exactly. But the day you do otherwise you shall die the second death of no return
ME: Second death when we haven't die once?
BABISKY: For you to acquire this power of immortality, your real souls must be submitted to shakti and you will be given another soul of spirituality. This is your first death
ME: But we will still have our old brain and recognize our family
BABISKY: Yes of course
ME: We are in, great Babisky
GREAT-KALI: You nor go speak for yourself
ME: Aren't you with me on this?
GREAT-KALI: I am na! but we have to go think over it and come back
ME: Don't be stupid bro, we are not thinking about anything. Whether you like it or not, we must leave this place with what we came for and save Parcy and Sharon
BABISKY: Take note that no one is given second opportunity of this powers, if you leave now don't bother to contact me again
ME: You see! Guy do na!
(With the look on Great-kali’s face, the task is too big for him and I need to convince him to carry on with the ritual rite)
GREAT-KALI: Are you sure we are safe on this?
ME: For sure, we are safe. If we fail to do this now that we have the opportunity, our friends will die and our homes and properties will be seized by Government
GREAT-KALI: Okay, since you want me to do this I will do it. You got a point
ME: Great Babisky we are ready
BABISKY: Step forward to the altar.
We stood up, had a deep breath and walked towards the alter with our both hands glued to each other.


Please invite your friends ???
16 Sep 2016 | 06:59
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 2 At this point in time there was no going back as we have already crossed our heart to carry on with the ritual rites. Getting to the altar, Babisky instructed us to stand on a platform that was filled with charcoal. We did as he instructed, and after some incantation made by him, he pointed his rod towards the platform which evolve burning flames immediately. The pain from the fire was so severe that we started shouting, he ask us to walk down in turn. We tried to move fast but our movement seems to be slow like that of a snail. EXPLANATION ON THE EXPERIENCE: Walking barefooted across a pit like platform, filled with burning hot glowing charcoal. According to Babisky, the fire is to send our soul to the mother goddess while the walking is done in honour of the goddess who will never forsake us when finally gotten the powers. So rather than hurrying across the coal, Greatkali and myself the devotees of the power have to do it slowly. We finally step down with our legs filled with burnt sores. We taught it was over, but to our greatest surprise Babisky pointed a direction for us. I turned towards the direction and found two casket that appeared from nowhere, seeing it makes Great-kali to be scared and asked him what we are to do with the casket; BABISKY: There you shall give up your mortality for immortality, and build up a new flesh that is indestructible Hearing this, we hastily approached the caskets and lay on it. The cover of the casket which was lean on the wall covered us all of a sudden, without anyone doing so. I experienced total darkness and became unconscious. The next thing I saw was myself laying on a mat. I stood up in a jiffy and realize all the wound on the sole of my feet were all gone. I turned to my right and found Great-kali lying on a separate mat. I quickly walked to him and tried to wake him up when I heard a voice that echoed from the thin air; BABISKY: Don't you dare touch him, for you will make him loss his life forever (I turned around to search if I could see him, but noticed he was nowhere) ME: Please show yourself... BABISKY: You can see me if only you open your eyes ME: My eyes are opened, please come and wake my friend BABISKY: He is still going through transformation, yours is faster because you are powerful compare to him and in addition you are a born leader ME: Why can't I see you anymore? BABISKY: You can't see me because you choose not to (I was really confused, before I could say another word I heard Great-kali coughing) He slowly opened his eyes and found me standing in front of him; GREAT-KALI: What is happening Anini? My wounds are healed. ME: Likewise mine We were still conversing when a bright light shun on our eyes. We covered our eyes with our hands only for me to open mine and found myself on the casket again. I jumped out and found Babisky standing in front of the both casket. It didn't take long when Great-kali rose up from his own casket; BABISKY: Welcome to your new world where you will look like gods in the eyes of all sundry ME: Did you just say god? BABISKY: Yes, the sky is now your dwelling place and nothing can harm you since the sky is existing GREAT-KALI: Hehehehe, what a supernatural assurance. I am now above death BABISKY: You must surely die if you break the only rule I gave GREAT-KALI: We won't steal from the innocent and poor ones, we will face politician's who are the main thieves and give the money to the poor and orphanages. ME: Is there any other thing we must know? BABISKY: Don't betray your team and don't get lust in love. Those are the things that can make you lose your powers GREAT-KALI: Love don baff? Apart from this family no girl deserve my love ME: Babisky the Great, if that be the case we got no problem. We have to go prepare ourselves for the mission we have at hand, which is to rescue our friends. They will be transferred to Abuja in 3days time, which is Saturday BABISKY: Hahahahahaha!!! ME: Why are you laughing? Please talk to us BABISKY: Tomoro is Saturday... You guys were on the casket for 2 good days and woke up today Friday which is the 3rd day. Myself and Great-kali were astonished, what a surprising news... Well, I called what Babisky said about being in the casket for 2days surprising news because it’s unbelievable. I remembered when I entered the casket, how I saw myself laying on a mat and how I suddenly rose up from the casket. Does it mean all this happened within 2days? Well doubting won't change what has already happened, we will still leave the place and ask people outside just to confirm. _______________________________________________ Babisky walked briskly to an enclosure where he dipped his hands inside and brought out two rings, he gave one to me and the other to Great-kali; BABISKY: With or without this ring, you will still be powerful but always go with it ME: May we know the purpose of the ring? BABISKY: It is meant for communication, with that ring you can get in touch with me or your partners anytime, any day. It will also enable you to get quick signer of any danger, which makes it to be called alertness ring ME: Thank you the Great one, we shall at all time be indebted to you BABISKY: Yes of course, I shall contact you whenever I need you. I have seen your victory already in rescuing your friends, but make sure you bring them here for cleansing, so I can give them their own powers ME: That exactly we shall do, what is our pay? BABISKY: I need no pay from you, all you have to do is always obey 'The mother goddess' by serving her alone. Don't worship any traditional god or gods. Shakti is a jealous goddess, she shall retrieve all that has been given to you ME: I am a chief in my community with the tittle 'OKOLOLO 1 AKA THE TIGER' does that mean I will drop the title? BABISKY: You can retain the title and work as a chief but don't serve their god, don't even think of paying homage to it because you are even more powerful than that god GREAT-KALI: Ewele! So we are gods? BABISKY: You shall discover that yourself, anything your mind wants is what happened in physical. You may now leave We tried looking for an exit door but couldn't see any. Babisky, after laughing for several minutes instructed us to make a wish of any destination and there we shall find ourselves. Obeying his instruction, we then wish to see ourselves in our house and within a twinkle of an eye, we found ourselves in our sitting room. Great-kali was overwhelmed, knowing that he can now disappear and appear whenever he likes. We laugh together joyfully and ended up drinking champagnes... This is a fantastic confirmation that we have arrived, our missions will be unstoppable and we shall make ourselves known to the country at large. After lots of jubilation, we arranged some criers from our stock room and got a nice custom to wear for the mission. I knew my parents will be worried about me, so I told Great-kali that I have to go see my family and will probably returned in some hour’s time. Exactly 4:30PM I was is my family’s mansion. They were so happy to see me and openly confessed how they missed me; ME: Mama, Joy, and Lucky I missed you all too. I had to follow Great-kali to his family house where we stayed for days before returning JOY: Brother I would have even went to your house, assuming I know where you stay MUM: Yes, I wanted to asked you this long ago. Where do you stay self? You provided this big house for us which is meant for more than 12persons, and you don't even stay here with us ME: Mummy!!! I have my own house na! I stay’s there with Great-kali. Don't worry I will take you all there someday MUM: When exactly? Because I want to know your house oo ME: Okay, any day next week. LUCKY: Hmmm, Brother please be careful on how you spend money oo. It's all over the news that some group of Criminals are terrorizing the town, they called themselves the Lion squad JOY: I even heard that they have caught two of them oo, a girl and a boy who refuse to give the police information about their boss called 'Anini' ME: I also heard the news, don't worry they can't get me. God is on my side (Immediately I said that the ring given to me by Babisky, flashes a dim light) JOY: Brother Eli look at your fine ring, I know that must be very expensive because it blinks light (I really don't know why the ring blinks but I believed it’s a signal yet unknown to me) ME: It’s not that expensive my sister MUM: All this your flashy things are becoming too much, I will seize some of them if you don't stop purchasing them ME: Mama you have started, seizing them won't stop me from buying more. Actually I am not into flashy things, I just wanna be comfortable. MUM: I have heard you; I know you missed my food. Let me go and bring you something to eat ME: Okay mama. My mum brought a well cooked jollof rice and chicken which I ate with my siblings. She also served some in a flask, for me to give to Great-kali when I get home. After eating, I stayed with them for some hours before retiring to my house. -- -- -- -- Reaching home, Great-kali was already sleeping. I woke him up and asked him if he has eaten, he said he haven't taken anything because he was waiting for me to return so we can go to any eatery together. I gave him the food flask from my mother and he devours the contents inside. that very evening, we made some concrete plan on the next day mission before going to bed... TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
16 Sep 2016 | 07:01
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) Error At this point in time there was no going back as we have already crossed our heart to carry on with the ritual rites. Getting to the altar, Babisky instructed us to stand on a platform that was filled with charcoal. We did as he instructed, and after some incantation made by him, he pointed his rod towards the platform which evolve burning flames immediately. The pain from the fire was so severe that we started shouting, he ask us to walk down in turn. We tried to move fast but our movement seems to be slow like that of a snail. EXPLANATION ON THE EXPERIENCE: Walking barefooted across a pit like platform, filled with burning hot glowing charcoal. According to Babisky, the fire is to send our soul to the mother goddess while the walking is done in honour of the goddess who will never forsake us when finally gotten the powers. So rather than hurrying across the coal, Greatkali and myself the devotees of the power have to do it slowly. We finally step down with our legs filled with burnt sores. We taught it was over, but to our greatest surprise Babisky pointed a direction for us. I turned towards the direction and found two casket that appeared from nowhere, seeing it makes Great-kali to be scared and asked him what we are to do with the casket; BABISKY: There you shall give up your mortality for immortality, and build up a new flesh that is indestructible Hearing this, we hastily approached the caskets and lay on it. The cover of the casket which was lean on the wall covered us all of a sudden, without anyone doing so. I experienced total darkness and became unconscious. The next thing I saw was myself laying on a mat. I stood up in a jiffy and realize all the wound on the sole of my feet were all gone. I turned to my right and found Great-kali lying on a separate mat. I quickly walked to him and tried to wake him up when I heard a voice that echoed from the thin air; BABISKY: Don't you dare touch him, for you will make him loss his life forever (I turned around to search if I could see him, but noticed he was nowhere) ME: Please show yourself... BABISKY: You can see me if only you open your eyes ME: My eyes are opened, please come and wake my friend BABISKY: He is still going through transformation, yours is faster because you are powerful compare to him and in addition you are a born leader ME: Why can't I see you anymore? BABISKY: You can't see me because you choose not to (I was really confused, before I could say another word I heard Great-kali coughing) He slowly opened his eyes and found me standing in front of him; GREAT-KALI: What is happening Anini? My wounds are healed. ME: Likewise mine We were still conversing when a bright light shun on our eyes. We covered our eyes with our hands only for me to open mine and found myself on the casket again. I jumped out and found Babisky standing in front of the both casket. It didn't take long when Great-kali rose up from his own casket; BABISKY: Welcome to your new world where you will look like gods in the eyes of all sundry ME: Did you just say god? BABISKY: Yes, the sky is now your dwelling place and nothing can harm you since the sky is existing GREAT-KALI: Hehehehe, what a supernatural assurance. I am now above death BABISKY: You must surely die if you break the only rule I gave GREAT-KALI: We won't steal from the innocent and poor ones, we will face politician's who are the main thieves and give the money to the poor and orphanages. ME: Is there any other thing we must know? BABISKY: Don't betray your team and don't get lust in love. Those are the things that can make you lose your powers GREAT-KALI: Love don baff? Apart from this family no girl deserve my love ME: Babisky the Great, if that be the case we got no problem. We have to go prepare ourselves for the mission we have at hand, which is to rescue our friends. They will be transferred to Abuja in 3days time, which is Saturday BABISKY: Hahahahahaha!!! ME: Why are you laughing? Please talk to us BABISKY: Tomoro is Saturday... You guys were on the casket for 2 good days and woke up today Friday which is the 3rd day. Myself and Great-kali were astonished, what a surprising news... Well, I called what Babisky said about being in the casket for 2days surprising news because it’s unbelievable. I remembered when I entered the casket, how I saw myself laying on a mat and how I suddenly rose up from the casket. Does it mean all this happened within 2days? Well doubting won't change what has already happened, we will still leave the place and ask people outside just to confirm. _______________________________________________ Babisky walked briskly to an enclosure where he dipped his hands inside and brought out two rings, he gave one to me and the other to Great-kali; BABISKY: With or without this ring, you will still be powerful but always go with it ME: May we know the purpose of the ring? BABISKY: It is meant for communication, with that ring you can get in touch with me or your partners anytime, any day. It will also enable you to get quick signer of any danger, which makes it to be called alertness ring ME: Thank you the Great one, we shall at all time be indebted to you BABISKY: Yes of course, I shall contact you whenever I need you. I have seen your victory already in rescuing your friends, but make sure you bring them here for cleansing, so I can give them their own powers ME: That exactly we shall do, what is our pay? BABISKY: I need no pay from you, all you have to do is always obey 'The mother goddess' by serving her alone. Don't worship any traditional god or gods. Shakti is a jealous goddess, she shall retrieve all that has been given to you ME: I am a chief in my community with the tittle 'OKOLOLO 1 AKA THE TIGER' does that mean I will drop the title? BABISKY: You can retain the title and work as a chief but don't serve their god, don't even think of paying homage to it because you are even more powerful than that god GREAT-KALI: Ewele! So we are gods? BABISKY: You shall discover that yourself, anything your mind wants is what happened in physical. You may now leave We tried looking for an exit door but couldn't see any. Babisky, after laughing for several minutes instructed us to make a wish of any destination and there we shall find ourselves. Obeying his instruction, we then wish to see ourselves in our house and within a twinkle of an eye, we found ourselves in our sitting room. Great-kali was overwhelmed, knowing that he can now disappear and appear whenever he likes. We laugh together joyfully and ended up drinking champagnes... This is a fantastic confirmation that we have arrived, our missions will be unstoppable and we shall make ourselves known to the country at large. After lots of jubilation, we arranged some criers from our stock room and got a nice custom to wear for the mission. I knew my parents will be worried about me, so I told Great-kali that I have to go see my family and will probably returned in some hour’s time. Exactly 4:30PM I was is my family’s mansion. They were so happy to see me and openly confessed how they missed me; ME: Mama, Joy, and Lucky I missed you all too. I had to follow Great-kali to his family house where we stayed for days before returning JOY: Brother I would have even went to your house, assuming I know where you stay MUM: Yes, I wanted to asked you this long ago. Where do you stay self? You provided this big house for us which is meant for more than 12persons, and you don't even stay here with us ME: Mummy!!! I have my own house na! I stay’s there with Great-kali. Don't worry I will take you all there someday MUM: When exactly? Because I want to know your house oo ME: Okay, any day next week. LUCKY: Hmmm, Brother please be careful on how you spend money oo. It's all over the news that some group of Criminals are terrorizing the town, they called themselves the Lion squad JOY: I even heard that they have caught two of them oo, a girl and a boy who refuse to give the police information about their boss called 'Anini' ME: I also heard the news, don't worry they can't get me. God is on my side (Immediately I said that the ring given to me by Babisky, flashes a dim light) JOY: Brother Eli look at your fine ring, I know that must be very expensive because it blinks light (I really don't know why the ring blinks but I believed it’s a signal yet unknown to me) ME: It’s not that expensive my sister MUM: All this your flashy things are becoming too much, I will seize some of them if you don't stop purchasing them ME: Mama you have started, seizing them won't stop me from buying more. Actually I am not into flashy things, I just wanna be comfortable. MUM: I have heard you; I know you missed my food. Let me go and bring you something to eat ME: Okay mama. My mum brought a well cooked jollof rice and chicken which I ate with my siblings. She also served some in a flask, for me to give to Great-kali when I get home. After eating, I stayed with them for some hours before retiring to my house. -- -- -- -- Reaching home, Great-kali was already sleeping. I woke him up and asked him if he has eaten, he said he haven't taken anything because he was waiting for me to return so we can go to any eatery together. I gave him the food flask from my mother and he devours the contents inside. that very evening, we made some concrete plan on the next day mission before going to bed... TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
16 Sep 2016 | 07:03
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 3 That very Saturday morning, as early as 5AM we were fully prepared. We knew the police might change the road to take, and decided to get good information on where to block them and the time they will be leaving for Abuja. The only way we could get information on that is from the police themselves. We drove our car down to a police checkpoint where we found only two officers on duty, they parked us and asked where we were going-to at that early hours of the day, and I told them that we came for them. They were surprised with the words I used, they asked us to come out from the car which we obeyed. They search our car and found lots of guns. The police officer with the highest rank told the other officer to handcuff us, but we didn't wasted a seconds in bundling them. We beat the hell out of them, and interviewed them on the transfer of the two members of our gang that will be taken to Abuja that very day. They pleaded they knew nothing about the transfer and confessed to us that it's only the states CID, and those escorting the warders that can give us the information we needed. Hearing this, we requested the address of the State CID which was given to us. We bundled them together and zoom off to the given address... _____________________________________________ ________ We went straight to the state CID's house and displayed a little show there, by falling the security men that were guiding the building. After they were all fallen, we tried to open the door but it was locked with a very powerful security lock. We remembered our ability to materialize and dematerialize, in a jiffy myself and Great-kali held hands together and with the clue given to us by Babisky we found ourselves in the sitting room. A lady and two innocent looking girls were shivery in tension. When they saw us all of a sudden, they prostrated on the cold tiles in fear. We were thinking we would meet the man of the house but met his absence, we got no other option than to interrogate his family; ME: Madam we are not here for jokes, where is your husband? WOMAN: My husband called us last night that he won't be coming home because of a National assignment GREAT-KALI: So our friends are the National assignment eh? ME: Madam we are not here for plays, for the last time where is your husband and how can we get him? WOMAN: I am saying the truth Sir (Crying childishly) ME: Okay, now put him on call. The wife to the State CID instantly brought out her phone and dialed the husband's line; WOMAN: Its ringing now ME: Let me have it, don't panic madam we won't hurt you and your children because we didn't come for you okay? WOMAN: Okay. I placed the phone on my ears and before the call could end, the State CID picked-up; CID: Hello sweetheart! Why calling this early, I taught I told you I have some work to do in the office today? ME: May we know the job you have today in the office? CID: Hello! Who is this? ME: You haven't answered my question, but if you must know I am ANINI the man you guys are looking for CID: Please don't hurt my family, please I’m begging you ME: I won't hurt them because they did nothing to me, but I swear I will hurt anything that will make you feel hurt CID: Please what do you want? ME: I want my friends to be released otherwise, your wife and one of your daughter's will be on my custody, just as my friends are in your custody CID: Your friends are no more under my custody, you guys issue has been placed on National files. It's beyond my capability now. ME: Your family life is in the hands of World Powers, so take whatsoever outcome you see CID: We can talk over this ME: And I am ready for dialogue CID: How do you want it to be done? ME: Drive down to your house; we are here waiting for you. CID: Okay ME: Don't play smart by coming with men of the NPF because they will all die like flies, and get ready to dispose the corpses of those you placed as securities in your compound **call hanged by me** I quickly wore my mask and asked them all to rise. They all sat down and I asked the wife to prepare something for us to eat. She did that and we all ate the food together in the dinning. After the breakfast which we finished at exactly 6:55AM, we sat together in the sitting room gisting. We went further in asking each other questions and became conversant. The entire family, who were formally afraid of us, suddenly became relaxed and felt safe with us... The State CID walked in and found his daughters and wife smiling with us. He was surprised because he taught he will meet them in hardship. We sat him down and told him all we needed from him, with great caution that if he gives us false information we will fetch him out and kill him. He complied and gave us all the information we needed before we left. -- -- -- -- Working with the information given by the State CID, we got to the express way that leads to Benin. We would have lost the show if we didn't met with the CID. Instead of the police taking Lagos-Akure-Owo-Ibilo-Okene-Lokoja-Abuja Which is the normal rout used by transporters, they opted for Lagos-Benin-Auchi-Okene-Lokoja-Abuja Exactly 9:00AM we heard their siren from afar. We quickly drove a very long bus (Marcopolo bus) along the road, which blocks any coming and going. In a jiffy the police gets to where we were, they parked their cars on the middle of the road and ordered us to give way for them to pass. We were just looking at them as they angrily steps down and took cover; POLICE: I repeat, take off your vehicle from the road or face a disastrous outcome that you never call for We still ignored them, this time resting on the bus. Myself and Great-kali observed the 6 Hilux van they used, and discovered the very one that Parcy and Sharon were. It was the only Van that has different colour, it was a green Hilux pickup while the rest were black. We knew we can't just walk into them, rather we decided to stay back so they can do their worst before we start ours. In our minds, we prayed the 'mother goddess' should not disappoint us as we waited for them to stone their bullets on us. The head of the team seeing that we weren't shaking from the road, ordered them to shot at us, which they all did... They shot at us continuously and to our greatest surprise, the bullets hit us with the effect of just the force of a groundnut. {Yes, you know the way the force of a groundnut stone at you can be felt, that was exactly what we felt} They shot at us for almost 15minutes until some of them got tired. At this point all the glasses from the bus had been destroyed by their bullets, even part of the Marcopolo were compressed by the effect of the bullets shot by the police, but we were both untouched. We looked at ourselves and smiled to each other, it's now time to go rescue our niggers from them. **Slow motion** We walked confidently towards them which makes them reload their guns and continue with the firing. We brought down our crier which has been on our shoulders while resting on the bus, and clear the unlucky police officers off our way. So many of them died on the spot, while some ran off for their dear life. We shot at them until we got closer to the first police van. We looked inside to see if there was any living soul but there was none. That was how we searched all the police vehicles, until we gets to the fifth one. We saw the officer with three stars and a coat of arm on his rank; he was the Superintendent that led the team. Assisting him was an officer, a sergeant with three red Vee's as his rank. They were trying to escape with Parcy and Sharon when we caught them; ME: Officer nice show! You ordered your men to shoot at us while you were here trying to escape with our friends PARCY: Oh!!! Sharon I told you not to lost all hope that my brother who I fondly call 'blooder' will come rescue us ME: Patata relax… Now you old fool will you take off those handcuff from their wrist? SUPERINTENDENT: I will Sir, Sergeant where is the key? SERGENT: It's in your pocket na! I don't have any with me SUPERINTENDENT: You are correct, my friend please I am sorry GREAT-KALI: Old man unlock this thing before your hands are shaking like one who saw a ghost. SUPERINTENDENT: Oh I have opened it, sorry Oga GREAT-KALI: Are you not the Oga here? (Referring to the Superintendent while observing Sharon) Shakitibobo what is wrong with you? SHARON: We were given some drugs and it’s really telling on me ME: You both should step down, Oga police I am sorry to tell you this I can't spare your lives. You both must die (Sharon and Parcy alighted from the Van with the help of Greatkali who supports them) SUPERINTENDENT: Please don't kill me ME: If I should spare your life then I am a sinner. You deserved to die because you killed all the officers that are gone. I will spare the Sergeant so he can go tell the rest what happened, while you must die. He tried to explain but I didn't listen to his explanation as I shot him down, wasting more several bullets on his chest. We boldly walked to our car leaving the large bus we drove down on the road. We got home peacefully, and had a little celebration for the returning of our members to us... TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
16 Sep 2016 | 07:06
16 Sep 2016 | 07:08
16 Sep 2016 | 07:21
16 Sep 2016 | 07:39
I ve been waiting for viz
16 Sep 2016 | 09:08
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 4 After popping champagne, I went into my room, leaving the guys in the living room exhausted and wasted. I felt like calling the doctor. Guess you remembered him (the very Doc we kidnapped, who treated Patata back then). I don't even remember his name, so I went in search of his complimentary card which I later found on a particular file of mine. I quickly typed his number on my phone after confirming his name to be Dr. Okowa. After several attempt of dialing it, the contact fails to connect leaving me with no other choice than to forget. I was in the room thinking on the best action to take, but was disturbed by the noise from the sitting room, I could hear Parcy’s voice shouting ‘patatatatatakpokpo’. And talking about Parcy, that boy can be crazy sometimes, always talking at random and shouting lot of patatatata…. I felt like calling the Doctor to come check on them before, since I don't want anything to happen to my squad members, but gave it a second thought. Afterall they will be immortals soonest. I really want to fortify them badly, but the problem here is; will they be willing to go by the rules of the mother goddess? Sharon can be easily convinced because she's a woman I thought but Parcy? Always wanting to shoot at anything and get money, and we're not to touch any money collected till it reaches its owner or the less privilege, who might consider to give us something as appreciation. I was so lost in thought that I didn't know when Sharon entered into my room. I was so oblivious of my environment that I don't even know when she started removing her clothes till she was wearing nothing (you know what that means), I jerked when I felt her hands on my shoulders messaging it softly with her wonderful naked bosoms rubbing my back. I relaxed back, only to turn my head and found her smiling seductively. Well as a smart guy, and a boss for that matter, I needed not to form for her since she just returned from a difficult hardship; ME: (Sounding weak) You know we shouldn't be doing this right now SHARON: Why? I've been waiting for this moment. ME: You're wounded you know SHARON: Spare me that, you don't know how much I missed you being inside me. I almost lose hope of seeing you again, and having your hmm____ inside me again will be a thing of joy... ME: Really? SHARON: Yes na! I came to realize how much you mean to me, even God knows that. The moment she said so, the ring on my hand glows again but this time a little brighter, 'making sense' I thought to myself ME: So you want us to make love right? SHARON: Yes and now ME: Well on one condition... You'll promise to stay faithful to me and never give your sharwama (literally my cockpit) to any man again even if it’s the military men for criers (gun)... DEAL? Why I said that or where that is coming from, I don't even know. I guess the mother goddess is passing her jealousy onto me and I think that's not a good thing at all... Sharon was kind of taken aback by what I said and seems to process it for a while, before deciding on what to say; SHARON: As long as you'll always be there for me when I need your seeds... YES As she said that, my curve7 stood like an hungry lion that sees its prey. I pounce on her immediately with my hands fondling her boobs like they're balloons, 'so soft' I said in my head, actually I've missed her very badly. The alcohol I took, has taken its toll on me but as a boss no weakness must be shown. Well as we were romancing, my mind wandered to the warning given to us by Babisky, 'never get lost in love' it echoed in my ears. The sentence makes sense but I'm still yet to get the message in there, the warning wouldn't have bothered me if not the fact that I still have a soft heart somewhere inside, a soft space that only love can fill unlike Great-Khali that has a stone-cold heart, and will always say ‘Love for where?’. We were so into what we were doing, romancing, kissing, fondling, pressing, eating, fingering and all that, and was about to put something inside the other thing when the ring shone brightly again but this time it showed red which means a danger (I just guess actually since in most cases red is used to symbolize danger). She saw this but as a warrior she is, she didn't flare up but rather gave me a questioning look. That was less of my concern, my concern is WHAT DANGER? TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
20 Jan 2017 | 19:54
landed... coded... more fire
11 Jun 2017 | 09:42
14 Jul 2017 | 20:43
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 7 I went to town later in the afternoon to go get us a better outfit to wear, I already know the size of everyone so it’s not hard picking clothe for the remaining three but all the same I still decided not to go alone, so I took Parcy along when going leaving only Great-Khali at home. Sharon already left the house since the moment we ending the meeting. Me and Parcy got to the clothing mall, after searching frantically for a nice outfit, we settled for a black shining jacket and black jean to match with two pairs of black fingerless gloves (if you know those type of gloves the soldiers use). After trying the wears, it look awesome so we didn't wasted time in taking them. We got home to meet an empty house, I tried reaching Great-Khali but his number was busy which got me worried. After about 15mins he called and told me he went for clubbing, while Sharon is yet to return from her criers dealing. Parcy and I decided to go back to any electronic mall, just to buy play station 3 (PS3) in order to keep ourselves busy (We too should have fun na! Although Parcy preferred his more than the game as we started playing). ++++++++++++++++++ OPERATION DAY »6PM« We are well prepared, ready to take any threat down with our guns. We could have just teleported to his house but we want to have some fresh air on the way and have some fun with his security guards. I was standing in front of them while the three (Parcy, Sharon & Great-khali) were staring at me with great determination in their eyes, waiting for me to say something. Right in front of me was a small center table in the middle, with criers of different brand lying on it; ME: (Returning their gaze with a bossy look)… We are aware of our mission tonight; a mission of justice, a mission to help the less privilege, there must be no mistake whatsoever. You must not kill him unless he proves stubborn. SHARON&PARCY: Yes boss GREAT-KHALI: Let's go show that so called Mr. Clement that the gods are angry ALL OF US: Yes! The gods are vexed! We put on our masks and went out to the waiting car parked neatly outside. Great-Khali jumped in, occupying the driver’s seat while I took the seat beside him and the remaining two took the back seat, he kicked the car engine to life and expertly drove out of the compound and off we went. We got to his house by 7:15PM, awaiting the remaining 15minutes before his arrival, the place was a busy area and it would attract attentions to us if we engage his guards in a battle, so we bolted silencer to the criers we want to use. Getting to his gate we horned and the gateman peeped through the hole and asked who we are? I looked back to Parcy signaling to him with my eyes to go meet the man, he got down without his crier. He moved towards the man and whispers something we didn't ear. The gateman on hearing what he said quickly close the hole and started rushing to open the gate in a hurry, like someone wanting to urinate (person wey won piss), he opened the gate and we drove in (wondering why we decided to drive the car in instead of parking it outside? Percy’s expensive car for that matter) Parcy followed behind and the gateman closed the gate. On diving in, we spotted the 6security guards immediately, stepping out of their car with cool criers at hand, shining as a result of the light rays from the sun. We didn't waited for the guards to process what they saw with us before we sent bullets to their way, hitting them hard as we sprayed the bullets directly to the direction they were, sending off their souls as they all dropped dead immediately.. I was the one that led the way to the entrance door. Parcy has already tied up the gateman and he taped his mouth to prevent him from shouting, as he stood by the gate waiting for Clement in order to open for him when he comes. I didn't bother to knock as I opened the door immediately and sent bullets to the four guards who were stunned to react quickly, seeing what I got for them. I shot 3 on their chest while I gave the fourth a bullet in his right thigh, he screamed in pain and rolled to the ground crying and clutching the place the bullet penetrated. I moved closer to him and pointed my gun to his head and asked him where Clements’s wife and children are. He told me they were in their rooms upstairs and I asked Sharon and Great-Khali to go bring them down to the sitting room. I make myself comfortable on one of the couch while they proceed up. "Move bitch" I heard Sharon shouted at the woman as she made her way downstairs shivering badly, in the presence of her children. They were asked to kneel in front of me while Sharon and Great-Khali stood at their back, pointing criers to their heads; ME: Don't shiver woman, we haven’t done anything to you, have we?... We did not come for you, we are here for your husband and I believe he's gonna be home in the next (I checked my wristwatch to analyze the time) 5minutes, and before he arrives, I want you to entertain us... The woman stood up in fear and went into the kitchen with Sharon following closely in case she tries anything funny. I asked the kids to have their seats while we all wait for their thief of a father to return. The woman came back with a tray in her hand which contains a plate with plenty of fried meat and also with four wine cups. She placed it on the center table and made her way to the bar to get a red wine. After done entertaining us, I asked her to sit with her kids who were all consumed in fear waiting for their father. My guys sat down too, just to have their share of the entertainment, dropping their guns closer to themselves. I was about eating the second meat when the door suddenly burst open... "Look who we got here" a voice suddenly said... PARCY: Look at who we gat here (Pushing Mr. Clement inside). Mr. Clement was so afraid that he started peeing on himself, the fear in his eyes made him look too innocent to be a thief but all na wash; ME: Welcome home Mr. Clement, before we get started why don't you order your wife to get us something delicious for dinner. She reluctantly stood up and headed to the kitchen, Sharon followed her aiming the gun at her head. CLEMENT: Who are you guys please... (Stammering) ME: Your worst nightmares (Laughing endlessly) PARCY: Hahahaha…. You just heard the voice of Anini the great On hearing this Mr. Clement begin to shiver badly like someone suffering from heavy coldness, he started sweating profusely. I couldn’t bear it that I busted into an hysterical laughter. The food was taking long so I decided to get straight to business. ME: So, you don’t want to pay people their pension’s right? CLEMENT: No Sir, they haven't paid the money... (He received a slap from Parcy) PARCY: You dey craze? We be ajebutter for your eye? CLEMENT: Ah brother I swear I'm not lieing (Another heavy slap landed on his cheek again from Parcy) PARCY: You still get mind to dey lie eh, see this goat oo! You think say na play we come play here. ME: You see, I don't want to do this the hard way but it seems you don't want to cooperate, Great-Khali break his ankle… (Great-Khali pointed his gun to his ankle ready to shoot when Clement shouted that he'll cooperate, I guess he don't want to lose his leg) ME: So where's the money you collected? CLEMENT: Its inside my room please don't hurt me GREAT-KHALI: Oya lead the way Clement quickly stood up and led the way to his room, Great-Khali followed him up and within minutes, they came back downstairs with a GhanaMustGo bag. We checked it and confirmed it contains money; ME: Are you sure it’s complete? CLEMENT: Yes, I haven’t started using from it ME: Now on to the next step. You'll bring out the list of the pensioners and start dividing the money into the amount a person is to collect. Secondly, you must make sure you finish it before we finish eating. CLEMENT: Yes Sir... He sprung into action and started dividing the money into big envelopes, with each person’s name written on it, he was doing this when his wife came in to tell us the food is ready. She has already sets the dining, so we left Mr. Clement in the living room to go eat. After eating I ordered the kids to go sleep which they obeyed without delay, while I went into the livingroom, seating where I was previously. Mr. Clement finished the task and I asked him to send a text to all of them. The content of the text consist of, the time and location to where they would collect their money. _____________________________________________ ________ NEXT DAY I woke up kind of late due to the fact that we didn’t got home on time, it was past two that we arrived because we made sure to get the money to the location with Clement himself. I got off bed and went into the bathroom to have my bath; I was feeling very hungry that I didn't even use up to 15minutes in the bathroom. I got to the sitting room to find Parcy and Great-Khali sleeping with the game pad in their hands, and the TV running (I wonder why they hardly sleep in their room). I was so full of laughter, imagining the fact that they fell asleep while playing Game. I didn't know when I fell to the ground laughing, forgetting the reason I came out. They both suddenly woke up and saw me laughing, they have the 'watin dey worry dis one' look on their faces. Instead of talking they decided to keep playing their game ignoring me totally. I controlled my laughter and greeted them, in return they only mumbled a reply I didn't hear. I went into the kitchen and luckily I met fried rice and chicken in the pot, the aroma alone was delicious enough to make me full, but I was so hungry. I didn't wait to reach the dining before I started eating, that signifies how hungry I was. I went back to the Living room to get the shock of my life; I met Sharon and someone seating side to side chatting happily... The moment they set their eyes on me, they pick up a heavy laughter that the plate of food I was holding almost fell down. TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
26 Oct 2017 | 03:33
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 8 Sharon and Joy kept laughing and that attracts the attention of the guys playing video game, they at once knew the reason for the laughter when they glance at me and I knew without doubt that it’s their turn to laugh, they threw the pads down and started laughing. I was so embarrassed but I didn't show it rather I kept a smiling face. I moved closer to them and greeted Sharon and Joy who had stopped laughing. I was about to ask them where they went to when Parcy suddenly increase the volume of the TV, gaining my attention. I turned to the TV and found out its the news time... HEAD LINE reads: THE DEADLY AND DREADED ARMED ROBBERS DID SOMETHING SHOCKING Reporter: The dangerous and wanted armed robbers which comprises of 3males and 1female lead by someone called Anini, after rescuing their members last week resurface yesterday and did something shocking that kept people wondering if they repented or what. They showed at the house of Mr. Clement to fight for justice when they asked him to differentiate the pensioner's money according to their name and amount they are owed. They took him to a location where the pensioners are to collect their money and tied him to a tree with a note plastered to his head with the inscription 'WATCH OUT FOR ANINI". The people of the State were so happy, and hoped they should keep doing the good job instead of what they are known for. Let's see what people have to say... PERSON1: What they did is shocking and good at the same time and we hoped they keep doing this. PERSON2: It’s a good thing if I may say, because they help save the life of some pensioners and I hope they continue doing this so that the government will remove their names from the wanted list. DCO: It is a very surprising outburst, but that doesn't remove them from the wanted list, we're still going to nab them and punish them for what they have done so far. REPORTER: Mr. Clement has been taken to the police custody for fraud. This is what we have so far and we'll stop here for now, we will keep feeding you on it as soon as we get more reports. Parcy changed the channel and reduced the volume immediately the station went for break, I was happy and angry at the same time. I’m happy the people appreciated our mission but angry because of what the DCO said, he thinks his life is safe by what he said or what? Or did he expect us not to be watching the news to know what's happening at the moment. I stood up and went inside leaving the food I was eating behind, it seems Parcy saw my countenance when I stood and he quickly followed me in, to cool my temper; PARCY: Don't mind that yeye man (referring to the DCO), he just dey show strong face but deep inside he dey fear diiee.. ME: But that doesn't give him the chance to say that, does he think the government have the power to get hold of us? PARCY: Boss abeg forget ahm, where you dey go today? ME: Just gonna cool off in town. PARCY: Shey make I escort you? ME: If you want to... Just be ready in the next 15minutes PARCY: Yes boss Parcy bowed slightly and hurried out of the room to change his clothes while I went to my wardrobe to get something casual and nice; I chose a white round neck and a blue Sean Jean with a blue shoe to match. I laid them on the bed and went into the bathroom to shower. I went outside after finished dressing to find Parcy already by the car waiting for me. He was wearing a yellow round neck Tee=shirt with a blue pencil jean, immediately I got there I hooped into the driver's side and he entered the other side. Within minutes, we're already outside the compound. We exhausted up to 30minutes in the town just driving randomly and stopping once in a while to buy something, we drove pass a company. I checked the name and immediately I remembered someone, which was the very company he works with… "Ogheneovo" I muttered... Parcy looked at me and asked what I said; I told him I remembered someone and I'll like to pay him a surprise visit. I halted the car, turn back and head towards his house. I drove for like 30minutes before I got to his area, the place looked renovated in some way but all the same I still know his house very well. I drove towards his gate and pressed the horn, a man who seems to be the gate keeper answered and asked who I was looking for, I told him the name and he asked us to wait for him. He closed the gate and left. Few minutes later he opened the gate and let us in, I drove in and find somewhere good to park, I got down and Parcy followed. In appreciation, I thanked the man who convincingly directed us to the entrance. We got there and I knocked gently. Not too long I heard a female voice from inside ‘come in’, I opened the door and stepped in, what I saw shocked me to the bone... I saw my friend setting the dining table while his wife with three other friends sat on the couch facing the Plasma TV and chatting happily. Being a supernatural being I've become or should I call myself a god, I knew at once that he's under some kind of spell. Ogheneovo looked towards the entrance and was so shocked to see me but he quickly hide it and ran back into the kitchen to get the remaining things to set the dining. ‘He can't even come and greet me' I thought to myself as I move towards the ladies while Parcy who seems angry by what he saw followed in silence. Immagbon was also shocked and surprise to see me, she thought I'll never come around them again after what she has done to me in the past which turns me into the person I am at the moment. Well she turns me into that because if she hasn't lied against me, my friend wouldn't have sent me out of his place that day and I wouldn't have met Great-Khali and others. In another sense I was thankful to her for that. She hugged me and introduce me to her friends, after which she called out her husband from the kitchen, oblivious of the fact that he already saw me. Ogheneovo came out, greeted me and took us to his room, we left the ladies who have started what we met them doing, although I have a different plan in mind anyway. On getting to the sitting room I used my hand to Rub Ogheneovo's face while Parcy use his right hand to rub him from the front head to the back, he shook like something came out of his body; OGHENEOVO: Ah Eli please forgive me for what I did the other day (he prostrated after his eyes cleared)… ME: I’m not holding any grudges against you man OGHENEOVO: Please just forgive me, I knew what I did was wrong and I hurt you in the process, I was clouded by anger that I didn't give you the time to explain yourself.. Am sorry ME: Stop doing this man, everything is in the past and as you can see, I've made it also.. PARCY: Bros abeg stop that one na, my blooder don forgive you so forget ahm OGHENEOVO: Who's this? (Facing Parcy) PARCY: I’m his brother from another mother ME: He's right, a very good brother at that, his name is Parcy but you can call him Patata OGHENEOVO: Oh ok… So what should I offer you? ME: Nothing for now, we're good… So what happened to you? OGHENEOVO: After you left that day, I became so depressed. I knew I've hurt you so badly and I wish every second that I could draw back the hand of time just to apologize. I was down for so many days, I searched for you but I couldn't locate you. I started suspecting my wife when she didn't even seems bothered about the issue, so I confronted her one day to know the reason why she seems unperturbed by it, but instead of having a cool conversation she flared up, and since that day I decided to find out what really happened. After about a week to that time, I found out when she was having a phone conversation with one of her friends that she was the one that entice you to have something with her but you refuse to do anything with her, and she threatened to send you out of the house which she accomplished. I was so angry that I also threaten to send her out of the house but she nagged me and told me I can't do anything to her, I stormed out of the house angrily and told her to be out of my house before I come back. I went to the club and came back after about 2hours, I stepped into the house and felt like something hits me hard on the chest... That was all I could recall. PARCY: Wow, what a story ME: Truly, what a story. Well, let's thank your stars for taking you out of the darkness, because you were under a spell OGHENE: What! ME: Yeah and thank me and Parcy for taking you out of the spell. PARCY: Bros, you need to beware of women because they can do and undo OGHENE: Thank you guys ME: I need you to see something, go check inside your wardrobe, bring whatever you see here, don't open it... I repeat, don’t open it… He stood up quickly and went inside the other room in the house, the moment he leaves, my ring and Parcy's shone yellow meaning...DANGER TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
8 Jun 2018 | 02:08
17 Sep 2020 | 01:09
17 Sep 2020 | 01:09
17 Sep 2020 | 01:10
17 Sep 2020 | 01:10
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 10 Three days later I got the same message, but this time it was sent by the king himself. According to the content of the message he wrote that he has something to tell me aside the reason they wanted me to come home. Truly speaking I sensed something suspicious about it, and I knew without the ring blinking, there was danger locking around. I called for Great-Khali to discuss the issue with him, he got to where I was and I told him the reason for calling him; GREAT-KHALI: Hmm, There's more to this message like you said, why can't they send at least two of the elders to come deliver the message instead of sending it through phone, or better still the king should call you himself.. ME: You're right, that was exactly what my Mum said GREAT-KHALI: Well I think you should go, you need to find out the real reason behind the whole thing ME: What if they're planning something evil against me? GREAT-KHALI: Have you forgotten you're a god, no danger will come your way and who even told you that you're going alone? ME: I trust you. GREAT-KHALI: You'll have to be patience because what you may find out might be more than you bargain for, and we're going fully armed.. ME: I’m ready for anything; go get the guys ready, we're living tomorrow... We’re taking just a car and our arrival must be a silent one GREAT-KHALI: Yes bro, see you later. Great-Khali walked out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts. I knew what am about to do might pose a danger or reveal some hidden secret, either which way, I must confirm by myself. I went into the bathroom to take a shower, allowing the water run freely on my body as I stood there naked. I closed my eyes reminiscing about my life in a whole, I remembered the day I got admission into higher institution, how I was happy and my family more happier especially my Mum, she vows to go through anything just to make me finish my school without dropping out and I thank God for I didn't disappoint her. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't make it this big, though illegally, but I'm happy I could do something for my family and make them happy. I was lost in memories when I felt a warm hand on my back, I opened my eyes and turn back to see Sharon half naked with pant and bra on, "why is it that this girl always invades my thought?" I questioned myself inwardly; SHARON: What are you doing? ME: I should be the one asking you that SHARON: Uh! Am horny and I need your hmm____ to make me feel good ME: I’m not in the mood, maybe some other time. SHARON: You must be kidding me (frowning), you promised to be there anytime am in need, don't you? ME: Just understand me please, maybe when I come back SHARON: I can't understand, and where are you going? ME: My family house SHARON: We're going together but before that we need to do this… We eventually had sex, a boring one because I wasn't in the mood but all the same she never complained. We showered together, and after showering she went into her room to change into something nice for the outing. I noticed some changes in her but I never termed it anything. I picked a nice T-shirt and a black chinos trouser, wore a Pam sandal instead of shoes and went outside to wait for her by the car. Few minutes later, I saw her coming outside looking more beautiful than usual, she looks hot and sexy with a yellow gown that stopped at her knee. She looks pretty with light make-ups, and her skin glowing under the sun. I was staring at her like it’s my first time seeing her, I realize she has been tanning her skin and why she's doing that is unknown to me, she proved to me that she's truly a goddess. I felt a place in my heart melt, I started suspecting myself with the unknown, and quickly compose myself before saliva dropped from my mouth. She smiled at me when she caught me staring at her; I just smiled back feeling kind of embarrassed. She moved to where I was standing and kissed me briefly on the lips, after which I opened the door for her and she got in while I moved to the driver's side. I stared at her for a while and noticed she has this happy smile on her face, which baffled me. _____________________________________________ _______ We got to my Family house in no time. Well it’s been a normal thing because I go there from time to time but the difference today is that my Mum and Lucky weren't at home and that surprises me. Joy hugged me tightly on seeing me and I wondered when she will grow up. She disengaged and went to hug Sharon who was her best friend but she said something that knock me off balance, I felt like cutting her head the moment she talked... JOY: My in-law She said hugging Sharon who kept on smiling but this time the smile has turn to a shy one, I was like 'What! This girl must be crazy'. That was when everything started making sense, not complaining about the boring sex we had, the changes I noticed, the tanned skin and that permanent happy smile are all for me. She was trying to look good for me and at the same time trying to impress me, I laud her for that. Take a look at it, she's beautiful and sexy, hot and good in bed, it’s not a bad thing if I try her. What surprises me was that Sharon who is a runs girl that can fuck anything for money and pleasure is having feelings for me. No doubt that anybody can change, but I don't think I can have anything doing with her than fucking her brains out anytime I feel like. We entered the house and Joy entertained us, she has this 'You better don't let her go' look anytime she looks at me, after a while the two ladies left me in the living room and head for Joy's room to have some female business. I started feeling bored; I took out my phone and engaged myself in playing with it. 30MINUTE LATER My Mum and Lucky entered, with Lucky holding a black polythene bag which contains some unknown content; ME: Welcome Mum! MUM: How are you doing today my son? ME: Am fine, where did you go to? MUM: We just went to buy some things ME: Why don't you send Lucky and Joy instead? MUM: I told Joy to wait at home, I just felt like going out today, you know I've always been sitting at home without doing anything. ME: Hmmm, that's good and its part of exercise. MUM: So, what have you eaten? Or Joy didn't offer you anything? ME: She has given us something to eat. MUM: Us? Who is us? And where's Joy? ME: I didn't come alone, I came with Sharon and she's with Joy inside. MUM: (Smiling) I'm suspecting you. ME: For what? MUM: You and that girl na ME: Ah! There's nothing between us oh MUM: You think you can lie to me? She's a good girl sha ME: How did you know that? MUM: She has been visiting us from time to time and I haven't seen or notice anything bad about her, besides, ever since she starts coming here Joy seems to change a lot. ME: In what way? MUM: In a good way if I may say, it wouldn't hurt if you marry her. The choice is yours though; you might have someone else in your heart that we don't know of. ME: Thanks Mum...I'll think about it but I came here for something else (I brought out my phone and showed her the second message). I received this one today and it’s from the king himself. MUM: This people are up to no good with this their messages, when you have nothing on you they didn’t regard you as somebody ME: I think so too, I think There's something fishy about it MUM: So what do you plan on doing now? ME: I'll have to go, I need to know the reason why they want me to come by force MUM: Don't go please, it might be dangerous ME: Mum don't worry, they can't do anything. It could be they needed my presence as one of the chiefs. Let me just honor the call… After much convincing and pleading she finally agreed to let me go, not that if she insists I won’t go, but I just need her consent so that she wouldn't get angry if perhaps she got a call from the Village that I was seen there. We (I and Sharon) stayed with them for about an hour more before we bade them goodbye and drove back home in silence. I was occupied with the thought of what might happen in the village, while she was occupied with what I don’t know about. ***** SAME DAY I was never okay as I kept on disturbing myself concerning my movement to the village. Just to be at a safer side, I decided to consult Babisky with the aid of the ring; ME: Babisky I summoned thee (Speaking to my ring) BABISKY: Open... Longest time friend ME: Don't be crossed, I'm just so busy this days BABISKY: Is that why you didn't want to make Sharon happy? ME: What do you mean? (Confused) BABISKY: Don't worry, with time you'll understand ME: Hmm ok... So____ BABISKY: I know what you summoned me for ME: So what do they need me for? BABISKY: You should find that out yourself but all I can tell you is that I see victory ME: Thanks...That’s enough to put my mind at rest BABISKY: You're welcome, see you some other time I was relieved, knowing that it will be victory at last, but I don’t know what the whole thing is all about yet. I rested my back on the bed and drifted off to sleep. TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:11
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 11 I woke up the next day feeling strong; I looked at my side to find Sharon still sleeping peacefully. In satisfaction I smiled to myself which later turned to a frown, hoping something wasn’t wrong with me because I tend to develop an uncalled anger… I stood up and went into the bathroom to have my bath. Sharon was already up before I finish bathing. Hastily, I put on a short and singlet before going into the living room and met only Parcy playing with his phone and laughing with earpiece plugged to his ears, I concluded that he was watching a comedy skit. Just to engage him with a talk, I walked up to him, and immediately he noticed my presence he removed the earpiece and greeted me. We kept discussing till the remaining guys met us there, I allowed them to settle down before I raised the Village issue up; ME: As we've already known we're going to the village today, we're not going for a visit but for a mission like we've been doing and we're going to use our teleporting power to the fullest. PARCY: Watin you mean by that? ME: We're not driving into the village so as not to announce our presence GREAT-KHALI: Ok, this is how we're to go about it; we'll drive to a nearby town and lodge into a hotel, so from there we can easily materialize to the village. ME: Yeah that's it... So are the criers ready? Though we might not need them SHARON: Always ready ME: Ok, we're set to go then, we can get back to our previous activities and make ourselves ready by 2pm ALL: Okay ME: Sharon please fix us something to eat, I’m feeling so hungry She smile and head for the kitchen to cook something, while I grab the Game pad and switch on the TV to play ‘Rise To Honor by jet li’… ********************************************* ********** We left home at exactly 2:15PM in our Toyota 18 passengers’ bus. We specially bought the bus for disguise incase we're going to a faraway place like this one, we drove to a nearby filling station to full our tank after which we left there and headed for the village straight without dropping by anyplace because we don't have anything to do or buy. On our way, I called my Mum and told her about the movement. After hours of driving we got to the nearest town, and drove for like another 30mins looking for a good hotel to lodge in. We finally got one and drove in, the environment was serene and breathtaking, the gateman saluted us and have a little conversation with us before directing us to the parking lot, he is was the jovial type. We parked and head straight in, myself and Great-Khali went to sit at the hotel restaurant while Parcy and Sharon went to meet the female receptionist to check-in. I could see the receptionist smiling and at the same time using her eyes to scrutinize Parcy, I was like 'choi, parcy don dey flirt with this girl'. The girl glance at where Great-Khali and I were, and I could decipher Sharon has told her she's going to be in a room together with me. They finished and walked up to us, they told us they ordered for two room, one for Parcy/Great-Khali and the other for Me/Sharon. Parcy threw me the key with the number 107 on it, and we head straight to our rooms with our roommates. In duration of no time we were in our rooms, where we freshen up and head back to the Restaurant to get something to eat. When it was 8PM we went back inside the room to prepare for our mission, changing into our outfit but without mask, the masks were kept in the bag which held the criers. We teleported to my family house in the village, the place look so silent like a graveyard; ME: Guys this is where we separate for now, you need to be ready always because I can send the signal at anytime, I don't know what to meet at the palace PARCY: We're always ready ME: Good, make sure you bring the criers along, who knows we might be killing some pests… We all laughed at my statement before I left the trio in the compound. I head for the palace, stopping once in a while to greet those who have sharp eyes enough to recognize me in the dark, someone even asked me if I was going to a mafia war for me to wear that kind of outfit, I just laughed and dismiss him with a joke… I got to the palace to meet the king outside having fresh air, I was greeted by the servants while the king stood up and shook hand with me. He dismissed all the servants remaining only four mean and heavy looking guards, he was all smiles but I can capture wicked intention behind those smile because it didn't reach his eyes; KING: I was waiting for you, I knew you will come, you're the true son of your father. ME: You seem to know my Father much (I interrogated) KING: Hahahaha! Yes, he's my good friend; in fact I've known your family way before I became the king ME: Wow! I never knew that KING: So, what should I offer you? ME: Anything is good… He waved his hand and one of the guards went in to bring a red label wine, I didn't know this man too drink good drinks, I thought he's one of those kings who drink Palm wine only. I didn't want to drink it because it has already been opened, but the King convinced me that he just opened it. I checked the cup in his front and saw that it has the same content. I took a sip from the wine and noticed the king smiled in satisfaction, I was surprised and had to view the glass cup once again. I didn't take it further as I drop the cup on the table, In pretence I took out my phone to send message to the guys, I typed what I wanted to send and was about to click the OK button when I noticed that my hand isn't moving and I started feeling dizzy. I struggled to click send and return the phone back to my pocket; I knew the message wouldn't deliver at that moment due to network problem. I struggled to stay awake but it didn't last for long as I went into the world of darkness. _____________________________________________ __________________ The king smiled in satisfaction as he saw me falling backwards due to the effect of the drug added to the wine, he would have added poison but because he still have a huge amount to demand from me before he kills me, he decided to make fall into a deep sleep for the time being. ********************************************* ******************* ON MY BEHALF (UNCOUNCIOUSNESS) He ordered the four mean looking men to carry Eli’s unconscious body to their special place, a place known to the king, the four guards and the elder. They carried him like a dead corpse while the king followed behind with cup of wine in his hand, he kept smiling and sipping his drink till they got to a place that look like an underground passage, the door was old but still standing fit. They got in and did a good job in tying Eli with thick rope to a poll. The king took the chair in front of the poll, he took out his phone and dialed the elder's number, the man picked at first ring. "Meet me in there" the king said and dropped the call. The elder got there in less than 10minutes, smiling devilishly, he has waited so much for this day to come, a dey when he would become a millionaire again. Their reason for capturing Eli is to force him to send some certain amount of money and discard him at the end; KING: What do you think? ELDER: He's right where we want him KING: Now to the next step, let's get this over quickly ELDER: (Turn to one of the guards) go get some water. Just as the guard was about to move, Eli made a movement with his head, grunting in the process as he opened his eyes... _____________________________________________ ___________ MY PRESENT STATE I can't help but grunt as I started regaining consciousness; I woke up with a banging headache. Whatever they add to the drink is something very dangerous to the body and can kill if added in large quantity. I opened my eyes to see that I have been tied to a poll, I look around and the place look very dark. I saw the King, an elder and the four guards looking at me in amazement; KING: Wow! What a remarkable strength you've got ELDER: Those that we've used the drug on either wakes after we bath them with a 25litre jerry can of water, or they wakes no more ME: What do you want from me? (Coughing) KING: You look tough but not as stubborn as your father, Hmm! it seems you're the cooperative one. ME: What are you insinuating? (Confused) KING: Hahahaha! Your father was once in the spot you are, why don't you explain to him elder Thomas… ELDER: You see young man, your Father was rich and thought because he's richer than us he can do anything or anyhow he likes, so we called him one day to collect some amount of money from him but he didn't give us rather he told us to work hard. We had no choice than to bring him here and after series of threatening he accepted to give us what we wanted. True to his word, he gave us even more than what we asked for, and we planned to silence him before he start saying what we did to him, so we concluded to torture him but it seems we're not the only one after him then, your Uncle double-crossed us and finished the job unknowingly. KING: We shouldn't have told you this, but since you're going to meet him soon, we need to give you a parting gift. ELDER: What we need now is small; we just want you to wire the sum of 100million into our account. ME: (I laughed wickedly which left them confused) How do you expect me to do that uh? KING: Well, your phone is with you and with just a phone call, you should be able to do that… He moved closer to me and dipped his hand into my pocket, he took out my phone, pressed the button and his eyes widen in shock by what he saw. Just then, we heard a voice from behind… VOICE: Nice one king TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:11
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 12 SHARON: Nice one King She moved forward with Parcy and Great-Khali followed, before the guards could do anything, different bullets has entered their heads and they fall dead immediately. The Elder made an attempt to run away but got a bullet gift on his right ankle which made him screamed at the top of his voice, this terrifies the King and he started to shiver; KING: (Frightened) What’s happening here? Who are you people? ME: I guess they're your doom. (Laughing…. Parcy was made to come untie me by Great-kali but I stopped it) don’t worry, let him untie me himself… The king shakily moved to where I was and untied the rope slowly. The moment I was freed I couldn't help but landed a heavy slap on his face, I was boiling in anger and resentment. I just thank my stars, for if I didn't accept the call, I wouldn't have known what they have in store for me and my family; ME: Parcy get me a gun. KING: Please don't kill me, I promise to give you any amount you want ME: You think any amount will rebuild all you have done to me and my family? Can you give me 500million if I request for it? KING: Ah! That's too much please I beg you ME: Then it’s too much to spare your life, I wanted you to be put to shame but no one sees Anini's face and get to see another face again PARCY: Who ever seeth and face the burning fire, shall see no fucking light no more. SHARON: The goddess is at the brim of her anger and whenever she's vexed, nobody escapes her wrath. She pointed her gun to the elder’s head who was creeping to safety and pulled the trigger, the bullet penetrated his brain cells and got out on the other side, splashing his entire brain and leaving his head useless and disgusting; ME: As you can see, my people are not willing to give you a chance talk more of letting you see the sunlight again. Great-Khali please hand me you machete, I need to give him a slow and painful journey to the underworld. He handed me the machete, which I held firmly with the intention to strike. I wanted to take it down his head when I saw that he has closed his eyes, I felt a little ting of pity for him but I didn't let that distract me as I landed the sharp object on his neck and watched his head flew off. _____________________________________________ ________________ NEXT MORNING * I woke up to the sound of running water. The event of last night played on my mind continuously which made me got up and waited for Sharon to finish in the bathroom. I was feeling very hungry so I called the hotel service and ordered for fried rice and chicken with red wine. Sharon came out few minutes later and I went inside to brush and bath, I stared at myself in the mirror clamped to the wall of the bathroom. Many things running through my mind, I believed that within an hour or two the news of the King will be heard on the air and it will be on every news stations and when that happens, the first call I'll receive will be from no other person than my Mum. The police will investigate the deaths and with all the palace workers including the maids that saw me arrive there last night, I might be called to book. I grabbed my toothbrush, added paste to it and started brushing, well the news report will surely come when its time. Whether I am mentioned or not, there must definitely be a way out. I finished bathing and entered the room to find the food already placed beside the bed, I didn't see Sharon but I saw a note on the table, I picked the note and read what she wrote; “I’m downstairs with the guys, chilling at the hotel restaurant” I just shrugged after reading the short note and went on with toweling my body. I wore a nice outfit, after applying cream on my body. When done, I settled down with the food and in no time I realized I've finished it. Mehn the food no reach me, so I placed another order, I packed the plate waiting patiently for whoever is bringing the food. I can't help but recall I told them to hurry up. Few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring, ‘come in' I yelled… The door opened and a lady walked in, I was dumbfounded immediately. She was just too beautiful with killer curves and body; she has this smile that makes my heart melt as she moves towards me still smiling. Getting to where I was, she dropped the tray she was carrying in front of me and greeted; HOTEL ATTENDANT: Good morning sir ME: Morning HOTEL ATTENDANT: It looks like you enjoy our food and service ME: Yeah! Its good, and you have good and beautiful staffs here, just like you HOTEL ATTENDANT: (Blushing) Thank you sir… ME: So, what's the name? HOTEL ATTENDANT: Alicia Smith ME: Wow! What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady, that is a foreign name though ALICIA: Thanks... I'll take my leave now so you can enjoy your meal She bent down picking the first sets of plate I ate with, and was about to leave when I halted her; ME: Hmm not so fast, can I at least have your digits, wish to hangout with you later in the day ALICIA: Uh! I can't give you my digits and I don't have any reason to give you ME: When are you getting off work? ALICIA: By 4PM ME: See you later then… She smiled and cat walked out of the room leaving me stunned by myself, I was really confused because I don't know if I really know what's happening to me at the moment. I started eating my food with the aim of seeing her later in the day. ********************************************* ******************** 11AM I was taking a nap when I heard the doorbell ring, I stood up and head for the door. I opened the door to find Great-Khali standing patiently with a newspaper in his hand, I ushered him in and closed the door back as we took our seats; GREAT-KHALI: This is what I came here for (handing the newspaper to me)… It’s not a big deal, Just wanted you to see it, flip the page over to see another headline. The first headline reads: THE KING OF OTOR-OWHE LAND KILLED AS HIS HEAD WAS CUT OFF AND DISPLAYED AT THE MARKET PLACE, HIS BODY WAS FOUND WITH FIVE OTHER DEAD BODIES, ONE IDENTIFIED AS AN ELDER AND THE REMAINING FOUR AS THE KINGS PERSONAL GUARDS. ME: (Laughing) you guys are wicked oh, Choi! I didn’t instruct you guys to stack the head at the market square. I said while still laughing hysterically GREAT-KHALI: Na your order we carry out oh, Anini the great, the man wey no man fit match him face and go Scot free without losing a leg, hand and head… I hail oh ME: All thanks to the disciples, the lions and lioness who made the squad strong and firm. Well make I continue with the reading Second Headline: THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR OF LAGOS STATE MR. GABRIEL GORDONS AFTER BUYING SOME ACRES OF LAND WORTH 100 OF MILLIONS REFUSE TO PAY. Story line: ONE MR RAYMOND, A PETTY FARMER ALLEGELY ACCUSE THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR OF LAGOS MR. GABRIEL GORDON OF THEFT WHEN HE REFUSED TO PAY THE MAN AFTER BUYING SOME ACRES OF LAND THAT WORTH 100 OF MILLIONS FROM HIM, THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR IS YET TO DENY THE ACCUSATION AS HE REMAIN SILENT LEAVING THE PEOPLE WITH THE BELIEVE THAT THE ACCUSATION IS A TRUE ONE. THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT GIVING MR. RAYMOND THE ATTENTION HE NEEDED AS THEY FAIL TO BRING THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR TO JUSTICE… ‘IT’S NOT FAIR!’ THAT IS EXACTLY THE PHRASE THE PEOPLE AROUND ARE SAYING.. ME: This is some huge amount of money that can make someone rich forever if God wants… GREAT-KHALI: Exactly, how can someone be so heartless to do that to a fellow human, he's not even afraid of the lion squad. ME: (Smiling) He thinks we can't strike a person like him since he's a top citizen in Nigeria but he forgets that the gods never know if someone is at the top or the bottom because they're all equal in our eyes. GREAT-KHALI: That's why we need to teach him some lessons before the month runs out, I'll gather the necessary information about him immediately ME: That's good, I'll talk with Parcy and Sharon about the new mission so they wouldn't be caught off guard GREAT-KHALI: Yes bro, I will be glad if we pick up this fight as our own fight. He stood up leaving me with my thought. Immediately Great-kali left, I hastily pick up my phone to call Mum and she picked at first ring; ME: Hello Mum! MUM: My son, good morning… I heard the news about the King's death, what happened? ME: I can't really say, I'm also in the dark...We'll talk more when I return back___ Yes, we really need to talk MUM: (Frighten) what happen? Talk about what? ME: Don't worry you'll know when I come. MUM: Ok o... bye I hung up and went back to bed to continue my short sleep (nap). TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:12
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 13 I stood outside the Hotel by the gate waiting for Alicia, I have earlier told the guys of my movement and I clearly saw the Jealous look on Sharon's face but that didn't deter me from doing what I wanted to do. I barely know why I was so serious in tracking her, but I think I find her attractive though. I saw Alicia coming out of the hotel with changed clothe, she's now wearing a short free blue gown that stopped just above her knee, the gown did a great job of hiding her hips but not her boobs. I pretended like I didn’t see her and concentrates on my phone, typing nothing in particular, I was about to check where she reached when I turned back and found her just in front of me smiling; ALICIA: Waiting for me? ME: Uh! Hmmm (Nodding my head affirmatively) ALICIA: (Whining) Really? Why? ME: Nothing, just felt like hanging out with you before I leave. ALICIA: Hmm, I dunno… ME: So, where will you take me to? ALICIA: My house perhaps. ME: Sounds like a good idea… You’re looking good ALICIA: Thanks and you're not bad either… Let's go We boarded a taxi to her street. On our way I made a mental note to know the routes we took and where we told the Driver we're going. Myself and Alicia gisted formally as we were in the taxi, and I eventually convinced her to give me her number even if she picked up a show by forming hard-to-get. We arrived at her place in less than 30mins, she's not the only one living there, she was living with one of her friend who accommodated her for the time being. She planned moving out when she achieve money to rent an apartment for herself. The house is a two bedroom flat. Getting there we didn't meet her friend at home, “she’s yet to return from her place of work" Alicia said... She ushered me in and told me to feel free as she entertained me in the little way she can. She went in to change into something simple, and returned looking beautiful even without makeup; ME: How was work today? ALICIA: Fine but kind of stress-filled ME: Oh sorry! So why are you working at a hotel instead of a business firm? ALICIA: (Sighed deeply) I once work in a company ME: (Interested) what happened? ALICIA: (With a downcast gaze) I worked with Xyz as a secretary for the General Manger, one Mr. Simon, I worked hard to the extent that I work overtime almost 5days out of the 6days we use at work. After about six months of working for him, Mr. Samson started making funny moves on me, complimenting me at any slight opportunity he got, telling me to wear shorts and offering to take me out for dinner or hangout with me every Sunday. At first, I thought he meant nothing bad because he didn't say anything out of the ordinary, acting cool until one day when he approached me and told me to be going out with me, though he's a handsome man and nice. I don’t really know how I figure out but he has a darker side. I politely refused his proposal which he acted cool about. I thought everything is fine until he started acting bossy, blaming me at any slight chance and all sorts of bad things. But he did what makes me resent him, (crying…) he forced himself on me right in his office, as if that isn't enough, he lied to the board of directors that I was seducing him with some invincible evidence I don’t know of. After much deliberation by the boards and convincing from Mr. Simon, they eventually relief me of my post and gave me a sack letter, I begged but all to no avail as their minds were already made up. I accepted my fate and started applying for jobs in other companies, even small ones but I wasn't employed and after searching and nothing came, I settled down for the hotel job so that I wouldn't have to depend on my friend… I was so dumbfounded and at the same time angry after I heard her story, I was touched and felt this hunger for revenge boiling in me and revenge I vow at that moment to take for her. I glance at her and saw her crying face; I can't help but draw her closer to me. She cried freely on my chest as I soothe her; ME: (Rubbing her hair) sorry dear, where does this Mr. Simon live? ALICIA: I dunno, I’ve never been to his house ME: Ok, give me the address of the company… She gave me and started to relax on my body as her breathing reduces to steady and normal. I drifted into the world of thoughts after she relaxed on my chest, I can't help but think of a way to take down the so called Mr. Simon, I wonder what the country is turning into, people cheating/ robbing/matching other people because they're superior than them in power and money... I was glad I can do something for those people... A knock on the door shifted my attention and drafted me from my taught, I was so oblivious of the surrounding that I didn't heard the sound of the small gate that was opened outside, I would have been caught off guard if the person didn't knock. I looked at Alicia's face only to find out that she's already fallen asleep, I gently lay her on the couch and move towards the door to open it.. I opened only to find a beautiful lady standing at the door, she have this sexy face and lips with a killer curve but all in all, she's not as beautiful as Alicia or Sharon... She scrutinized me within 30seconds and licked her lips unconsciously, which made me to present a shy appearance. She finally looked at my face and gave me the 'who are you' look; ME: (Smiling) Hello beautiful lady! LADY: (Mimicking me and smiling) Hi Handsome! ME: What can I do for you please? LADY: I came to pay my friends visit... Aren't you going to usher me in? ME: Sorry, pardon my manners, please do come in… She entered and saw Alicia sleeping on the couch wearing a yellow Singlet and yellow bum-shot to match, she glance at me and give me the 'Hope you didn't touch my friend' look; LADY: So, who are you? ME: I’m Eli and a friend of Alicia (pointing at her)… You? LADY: Am Cynthia, a friend and flat mate of Alicia ME: Wow Wow! She told me about you, don't know you're an angel, she fail to include that… CYNTHIA: (Blushing) Thanks ME: You know you got me back there CYNTHIA: How? ME: That you are here to visit a Friend of yours CYNTHIA: Uh, well (She shrugged) We chatted for a while and she later went inside to freshen up after a hectic day at work. Surprisingly, Alicia woke up before she came back, and they both trill me with their combined jokes and fun games. The ladies were so fun to be with as they entertain me to the fullest and make me laugh hard which I haven't done in a long time. They told me almost everything about themselves with me only giving them little about myself; as much as I tried I couldn't take my eyes off Alicia. I even got caught by Cynthia, who teased me about liking her friend and playfully warned me never to hurt her or else… I eventually left their place by 7:00PM. I was so marveled at how time passes by without one noticing, you'll use almost 5hrs at a certain destination and it will seems like just 1hr. That was exactly what happened to me in the company of the girls, I took a cab back to the hotel where I met my goons at the hotel restaurant having fun, eating suya and drinking red wine. I was only surprised how the suya got there, because they don’t sell such in the hotel. I greeted them and settled down on a vacant seat, Parcy and Great-Khali answered cheerfully while Sharon mumble an inaudible reply, saying things under her breathe and that jealous look on her face earlier has turn to something I can call anger, an anger that can make someone commit murder… I ignored her and decided to speak up; ME: Attention! (Facing Parcy and Sharon) I think Great-Khali has updated you guys on our next mission. BOTH: Yep ME: We have another one that I'll want us to do as soon as possible, if possible tomorrow. GREAT-KHALI: Detail..? ME: One Mr. Simon who works at xyz company, he's the General Manager of the company. That’s what I have for now; perhaps you can do more research about him. PARCY: Offense? ME: Raping of female staff and lieing against her, causing the board of directors to fire her and perhaps many female workers under him have passed through the same or other bad things from him SHARON: Strategy? ME: Make him confess all his atrocities the soft way or the hard way while we record, we will also make him write a resignation letter immediately and go straight to the police station to report himself GREAT-KHALI: I'll try to work on it right now and I hope we get something tangible about him before the night runs out, I don't think he wil be a hard nut to crack ME: I think so too, but you can never judge a book by its cover PARCY: Either which way, he's going down tomorrow… I rounded up the meeting and they concentrated back on what they were all doing earlier "Eating suya" after which Great- Khali set to work immediately as he went to his hotel room engaging himself with his computer, well he can be a computer guru sometimes. TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:12
17 Sep 2020 | 01:13
17 Sep 2020 | 01:13
17 Sep 2020 | 01:14
17 Sep 2020 | 01:14
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 14 ME: Mr. Simon, it took us sometime to get you and I wouldn't mind playing with few more time with you before I end your miserable life here in front of your family (I paused to look at his face) I looked at them (His wife and children) and saw the fear on their faces, I couldn't help but pity them. They didn't know the kind of man he is or what he does to other people, I guess he's good at masking his character at home. He has two kids, a boy and a girl (twins) his wife is beautiful and a full housewife, he doesn't allow her to work, "A sword-man can cut someone's head but can't allow his head to be cut off" I thought; MR. SIMON: Please don't kill me.. I'll give you anything you want ME: Why is it that big men like you always volunteer to pay anything for lives? Like I earlier said, we're not here for your money because we aren't armed robbers and when it comes to cash, we got plenty of it PARCY: We are here to teach you some lessons, real lessons man ME: He's right, do you know this person (showing him a picture on my phone)… The photo is not Alicia's but for a lady he raped as of recent and got her fired by lieing against her that she was having sex with one of their staffs in the office after closing hours, I wonder how the board of directors could be fooled not to know that he was lieing against those girls. MR. SIMON: Y..Y..Yes, she was once my secretary ME: Well am happy or should I say sad to tell you that what you did to her has made her loose her mind, because she hasn't being able to say anything or remember anybody since then, I guess you're a good soul breaker. With that I stood up in anger, my blood was really boiling that I thought my skin will melt from its hotness, I felt like strangling him to death or better still choke him by grabbing his testicles till his face turn grey and life slowly slip away from him. But I didn't want to kill him for I was seeing the apologetic and fear face his wife and children are giving me. I concluded he's just a lucky bastard because if it was back then wen Anini dey collect money with guns and explosives, I go don dash ahm one bullet for his head and another at the middle of his chest. The guys begged me to calm down and go on with the earlier plan; ME: Oh..I remember... our findings made it known that you've done almost the same thing to numerous ladies that worked under you, especially the secretaries. MR. SIMON: (Trembling) sir please forgive me, I'll change, in-fact I have already changed this moment, please spare my life, I'll do anything you want me to ME: Sure you'll do it even if you don't want to (Turning to Great-Khali)… Please get the camera… Great-Khali did as told and he positioned the camera in a way that it’s only Simon that will be captured. I asked his wife to sit beside me while we listen to her husband's atrocities, I commanded him to start confessing ranging from Alicia to the last girl. After the confession session, we made him write a resignation letter which he read every single word out for us to avoid him playing a fast one on us though he surely wouldn't dare. From step to step, we finally accomplish the mission successfully. ********************************************* **************** SAME DAY IN THE HOTEL ROOM Sharon sat patiently on the bed with her legs crossed, throwing daggers at me with her eyes. I guess she was keeping her anger in check; I stood beside the bed with wrapper tied to my waist while some trail of water drip down from my body as I just finished having a shower. I waited patiently to hear whatever she wanted to say, but yet I was uncomfortable with her stare as I saw her staring at my bare chest, the look on her eyes was a mixture of lust and anger. She closed her eyes and breathe in and out before speaking up; SHARON: It was about her right? ME: (Confused) Who? SHARON: Alicia ME: What about her? SHARON: The mission was because of her, and the thought of what he did to her made you that much angry ME: (Silent) SHARON: Are you loosing it? You barely even know her, someone you met just few hours ago and you've started making decisions and conclusions because of her, you may think you know her now but you might be wrong ME: (The words got to me, but I pretended it didn't) ok ok...I've heard you, are you done? SHARON: What have I done wrong to you? ME: What do you mean? SHARON: (Her voice breaking) why are you treating me this way? I moved closer to her and sat beside her, I wrapped my hand behind her shoulders and drew her against my chest, as she let tears flow freely from her eyes; SHARON: Do you know how much it hurts to see you talk to another lady? Do you know how horrible I always feel whenever you're not around? Do you know how full I feel whenever you cuddle to yourself when we sleep? ME: I'm sorry (I was short of words, I don't even know what else to say) SHARON: It’s crazy to say this but I LOVE YOU… Bang! My head felt like it was hit with a sledgehammer, I was like "this is not good" I didn't even know how to reply what she said because it took me off guard, yes I knew all along that she has a thing for me but I don't expect it to be love and for her to say it out, mehn its really something. I held her to myself and let her cry while I think of my life. She slowly reached for my chest when her cry subsidized, stroking my chest slowly and her long nails tickling me, I looked down at her and she give me small smile, she slowly brought her lips to mine and we kissed passionately, our tongues tackling each other like they're on a battlefield, well they're on a battlefield of lovemaking. FEW MINUTES LATER I went for a re-bath. I was so exhausted from the lovemaking sexton we had, if I could remember vividly, Sharon was saying things unconsciously when we were having sex, at a point into the pleasure, I became afraid that I thought of getting off her but she held me firm to herself. She made some *bad* revelation of what she was thinking in her head. She planned to kill Alicia so that I will feel how it hurts not to have someone you love by your side, my head was thrown into confusion because I don't know if I should take the matter serious or not. I was so confused that I don't know if I should still have something to do with Alicia or not. I don't even know what I'll do if any harm comes to her, I might go crazy or become a monster. I can't deny myself of the truth again because I already fell in love with her, what I have for Sharon was just attraction which might later turn to hatred if care is not taken. I came out of the bathroom, I toweled my body and wore something simple because it’s already late in the evening and I can't go anywhere again. I gave my Mum a call to know how she's fairing and asked her about my siblings, that was when she told me that she's coming to the village the next day to sympathize with the king’s family. I was not comfortable with what she wanted to do, so I asked her why, she told me she received a call from the third wife to please come at least am a chief in the village, if I'm not chanced to go then she should be able to have time to come."Damn" I thought, this people are on it again, what is my own or my family problem with the bad king's death. I told her to come that I want to tell her everything that happened when I met with the evil king and the elder. She blessed me over the phone, and told me to extend her greetings to the others; she ended the call and I sighed deeply. "Why is things happening like this?" I asked myself. I was so lost in thought that I don't know what to even think again, I decided to call who I think can make me happy and that person is no other person than Alicia, I dialed her number and she picked at second ring; ME: Hello beautiful! ALICIA: Hi handsome ME: How are you doing today? ALICIA: Fine and you ME: Kind of bored ALICIA: Uh sorry dear... (Excited) guess what? ME: (Anxious) What? ALICIA: Guess na? ME: (Smiling) you hit a jackpot of million dollars? ALICIA: You're a bad guesser but you try sha (I can bet she was rolling her eyes playfully) ME: So, what's making my queen happy? ALICIA: First, Mr. Simon, hoped you remember him? ME: Yes ALICIA: He was made to confess all his atrocities by some unknown gunmen, he was also recorded confessing and they asked him to go turn himself in, at the police station ME: Wow! That’s nice; he deserved it, what's the second one? ALICIA: There's this company that I went for interview few weeks ago, I received a message from them yesterday that they've finally decided to give me the job ME: (Happy) Woa! What a good and great news, this call for celebration ALICIA: Yes, we need to celebrate ME: So, when are you starting work? ALICIA: Next tomorrow ME: That means we can celebrate tomorrow ALICIA: Yep, I’ll be expecting you ME: See you tomorrow then ALICIA: Bye dear... I hung up and flung onto the bed, I was very tired and at the same time having a terrible headache. I called for room service and ordered for salad and a packet of Panadol Extra, hanging up after making the order and laid my back on the bed thinking about nothing in particularly. I was about drifting off when I heard the door bell, I asked who it was and he said He's the room service, I ushered him in and he served my requirement, I thanked him before he left. In duration of no time I ate and took the drug, before I knew what was happening, I drifted off to the dream land. TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:14
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 15 The sky looked dark with a red cloud. The clouds can be what you call Blood Ocean; an ocean which you don't know where it came from or where it’s going to, the sky has no limit likewise the Blood Ocean. The thunder rumbled loudly like the heaven is angry at the creatures on the earth. I looked at the sky, fear gripped my heart, and I stared into the air where I saw nothing but a thick fog, not an ordinary fog but a thick reddish fog. I looked at my feet and found out that I’m standing on sand mixed with blood soil, I was thrown into fear and confusion at the same time. I started walking, going straight without destination. I walked slowly, rotating my head left and right in searching mode, maybe I'll see something to satisfy my curiosity. I have walked for like 15mins and am yet to see or touch anything, I wanted to turn back but I decided to give it a second thought so I kept on walking and the more I walked the more the fog become clearer. I finally got to a stream, blood flowing stream if I may say, I felt tasty but I can't in anyway even in my wildest dream drink blood, I was even more confused with what I've seen earlier, I need answers!. It was just as if the water/blood heard my voice as it started boiling up with a strong hot smoke emanating from it. Standing close to if felt like am in hell, I felt as if it was on my body that the hot water was boiling. Suddenly, a dead human body came out of the boiling surface, I stared intently to identify the person and to my greatest fear the body belongs to___ Suddenly I sprung up from the bed, my body was as hot as hell, my clothes wet with sweat, I looked around me to found out am still in the hotel room," I was having a nightmare" I yelled curiously, as I stood up to go take a shower. ****************************** *************** ****************** My mum came the next day and I went to meet her at the village with the guys but before we set off, I went to Alicia place in the morning to spend some time with her to celebrating the good news. She was so happy to see me that I wonder what the reason might be. I got to meet Cynthia's boyfriend there, he's a cool and nice guy, friendly and fun to be with but he has some kind of strange aura around him that I can't place my hand on, so I ignored it. He said we should go out to town to celebrate, something like a date but I declined telling them my reason and that I wouldn't stay long there. When it was around 12PM, my mum called to tell me that she's already in the village and I told her to give me some minutes because am currently not at the hotel. I took Alicia to somewhere private to inform her of me departure, she felt bad about it but got no choice than to let me go. * We got to the village in a jiffy and went straight to the palace, I was very happy to see my Mum in good health, I consoled the queens who were surprise to see me because they didn't expect me to come or they thought I don't want to come. After that I went to meet the other chiefs to have some words with them, the palace was looking pure, fresh and cool with no dark energy around it again. We spent less than an hour there before we took our leave, I was about to enter into the bus we came with when a maid started calling my name, I looked at her and gave her a questioning gaze. She pulled me to one corner and said she saw what happened that day, she started to explain but what she didn't know was how I escaped. I looked at her with a smile and cooked up some lies for her, I gave her some change and discharge her before joining my guys. They noticed something unusual about me as I approached them, but I told them to go back to the hotel that I have something to discuss with Mum which they oblige. Mum came back after like 2hrs, I was taking a nap when she came, she woke me up and I wasted no time in sitting her down. I explained everything to her omitting the gruesome killing of the King and elder, she was very angry but all the same she thanked God for keeping me alive. She prepared something for me to eat. I wasn’t really hungry but I ate it like tomorrow won’t come, it’s been a while since I taste homemade food. I was about to sleep at night when I made a statement that threw Mum into confusion..."In days to come, things might never be the same again" I said... We left the village 2days later, taking my Mum along to save her the stress of waiting at the garage for public transport. When we got home, we decided to branch at the family house before going home. Lucky and Joy were so happy to see us, and hastily prepared something for us to eat. Sharon and Joy went inside to discuss as usual and I noticed Sharon's gloomy look when they were going. I was just thanking my stars, because Mum was so tired to notice it or I would have received some scolding from her. At this junction, I was really confused on what to do about Sharon, ever since Alicia came into our lives, things has never been the same though we were never into any relationship. I asked Lucky about his school processing, and he told me that he has gained admission into the University of Ibadan. The joy in me knew no bound because that's what I've always dreamt of, for my siblings to go to standard university. A thought came into my mind as we were chatting, which engineered me to take Lucky to an empty room just to have a private discussion with him; ME: What preparation have you made? LUCKY: I've made some necessary preparations, all that's left is for the school to resume so I can finish the remaining procedures ME: That's good… I don’t know how you guys are using the money I dropped, but I will give you something special for your school. Do you have a bank account? LUCKY: Why do you asked bros? ME: Nothing really, just answer my question LUCKY: Yes, I opened one about 2months ago ME: That's good LUCKY: (Suspiciously) Hope everything is alright? ME: (Fake a smile) Yes, perfectly alright. We went back inside to continue the fun with the guys, by that time Sharon and Joy has already gotten back to the sitting room. Sharon has cheered up and I was happy to see her do so, I couldn't accept the fact that she's not happy because of me, it just didn't feel right. We left the family house around 4PM. Before leaving, I collected Lucky's account number, and on our way home we branched at a supermarket to buy some things before heading straight home. We got home; freshen up, before I and Sharon stayed back while Great-Khali and Parcy decided to hit the club. Alicia called to know if we're already home and I told her ‘Yes’, after which we chatted for a while on phone before she hung up. I rested my head on the chair as I remembered what transpired between me and Joy before we left… {FLASHBACK} JOY: Senior bros you're annoying me, do you know that? ME: No, perhaps you can tell me what I did wrong JOY: (Soberly) what did Sharon did wrong? ME: What do you mean? JOY: Why can't you just give her a chance uh? ME: Uhm (sighed deeply) JOY: She told me everything that happened on your tour or what should I call it, yes she has a past, a dirty one at that but you should give her a chance and don't see her as a cheap slut ME: (Withdrawn) You're still young for this, you can't understand JOY: (With seriousness) Do you know what you're saying, I may be young but what's here is not (touching her head). ME: (Jokingly) I never knew my kid sister is now grown up, happy to hear that JOY: I’m not joking, she loves you, and don’t you see that? Perhaps you've tasted her and you think you can just dump her... Bros its unfair and I know you won’t take that from anyone that tried it on me (she shouted and walked out on me, leaving me surprised) PRESENT I looked so confused, a god is supposed to be happy forever but am not at the moment, I struggled with my thinking ability but I can't seem to find a solution to this puzzle that lays in front of me. Sharon took a seat beside me on the couch, she gently lay her head on my shoulder and remain silent, I glanced at her face and only one thing came to my mind...”AM BEING UNFAIR" We stayed still for awhile, life seems to come to a halt for the both of us as we were lost in the moment, both of us with different thoughts on our heads, both of us with our worries and confusions. I glanced at the wall clock and it reads 6:12PM, I gently tapped Sharon that it’s time to start cooking something before the guys arrive. She stood up and head to the kitchen while I followed suit, she gave me the "what are you doing" look when she saw me coming behind her; ME: (Smiling) I don't want you to be lonely in the kitchen. (I fatefully muttered) She smiled at me before proceeding with cooking. In a jiffy, the food was ready. We left the kitchen and settled down in front of the TV to play some animation game. We were totally engaged with the game-set as Sharon found it interesting, it got us laughing at the top of our voice when the guys came in at exactly 7:38PM. They looked wasted with each of them holding a bae (those olosho), I knew they need the shawama badly which prompted them bringing those girls in that late. I was invisibly angry with that but I kept my cool because I knew they got right to do anything that pleases them. They freshened up and took some rounds before coming out to join me and Sharon. Sharon dished out the food for all and we ate happily. After eating I retired to my room and picked up my phone to do some transactions. I checked my bank account balance and was satisfied with what I saw. I confidentially made a transfer of almost everything I had in it to Lucky's account, leaving only few hundreds of thousands. After am done with that, I threw the phone on the bed as my mind drifted off to our next mission. TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:15
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) EPISODE 16 NIGHT BEFORE OPERATION {IN OUR SITTING ROOM} GREAT-KHALI: The deputy governor has 2 houses here in Lagos and five others in different states, he has two wives who stays with him plus many girlfriends, each wife gave birth to 3 children making his children 6, the sixth of them is currently out of the country. ME: Security tightness? GREAT-KHALI: He has a very tight security, even the president of Nigeria is competing with him when you talk about security PARCY: (Smirked) he's handwork is evil then, why wouldn't he have a tight security? ME: Let's know what we're dealing with. GREAT-KHALI: At his main house where he sleeps with his wives, he has a total of 30 armed men, men with tough military training. There are 5 outside the building, 15 inside the compound while the reaming 10 are inside his main cottage, so it'll be a very tough mission for someone to penetrate and get to him. I also confirmed that the man is spiritually fortified. PARCY: That's for an ordinary person SHARON: So what's the plan? ME: We strike during lunch time, no matter how tough a man can be, you'll always eat something to retain the strength PARCY: Na true talk ME: We take them off guard, we strike straight, no foreplay because the more we waste time the more the risk of being napped GREAT-KHALI: We're going fully armed this time around, we may be needing some explosive, remember we're dealing with a top citizen ME: Yeah, we don't know what might happen PARCY/ SHARON: Why are you talking like this? ME: Like how? SHARON: Like something bad will happen? ME: Nothing bad will happen, it’s just a precaution measure… I wasn't even sure of the statement I made, with all the nightmares and bad signs I've been noticing all this while, I still believes nothing bad will happen. __________________________________________ OPERATION DAY * We prepared physically and spiritually, ready to face anybody that comes our way. We all assembled in the sitting room to have a last briefing before embarking on our operation, I reminded them of the danger that comes if we kill any innocent soul and they all promise to apply discretion in throwing bullets from their criers. Parcy carried the two bags on the table, it contains our cries and explosives. We headed out to our waiting bus. Hmmm, I suggested we take the bus because I imagined the kind of damage that will happen to both side (we and military), and they all agreed. Great-Khali got behind the wheel and we took the passenger’s seat and off we went. ********************************************* **************** We got there just when the five guards outside are about to change position with another five from inside, so that they'll go for lunch giving us a total of 10men outside. Great-Khali drove roughly to their midst and before they could react, Parcy and Sharon has already sent bully flying at them, taking each man down with at least 2bullets in the skull or chest. The sound of the bullets might have alerted those inside as I started hearing shouts from within. Someone barking orders at the rest in a commanding tone, I signaled to my team to wait that I'll go first. It’s time again to test if bullet wouldn't penetrate our immortal body. I silently prayed to the mother goddess not to forsake us at this point. I opened the gate and step inside to the waiting hands of bullets, many groundnuts (bullets) hit me but I felt nothing, I removed my hands from my pockets, bringing out two pistols which I used in sending two men down on a go, each man with a bullet in the skull, my goons followed behind and they waste no time in sending corpse lying on the floor, releasing different hits on skull, limps, chest, eyes, and groin. We walked towards the door where I turned the door knob but the door refused to give way, "playing smart" I thought; ME: (Laughing) they want to test our ability PARCY: Make we show dem watin we get, my blood dey boil like-this like-this. We met ourselves in the lavish sitting room; the security men were so shocked to see us. I could see fear in their eyes but that doesn't deter them from pulling the trigger and that also doesn't deter us too from turning them to corpse. I scanned the whole sitting room for the Deputy Governor, but couldn't find him, I guess he has cowered inside his room. I located his room in no time, to see the foolish man banging one of his numerous sluts while his guards were outside dyeing, I was so angry that I wasted no time in sending bullets to the girl’s head, he looked back to see who did it and he was shocked to see me standing there with a devilish smile on my face. I dragged him naked to the sitting room, where he met five men on their knees with their heads down. I told him to kneel down as well which he did without hesitation, leaving me with no other option than to smile as I took my seat; ME: (Looking at the guards) raise your head, (they did) look at who you call your boss, he was having sex while you're here sacrificing your lives for him, you fools; PARCY: Dem be ode, common sense dem nor get ME: So, Mr. D.G, the sex addict old fool, what do you think we are here for? D.G: What do you want, please tell me? PARCY: (Anointed him with a slap) you dey craze, you no dey fear, Na my boss you dey talk to like that? SHARON: Whenever you're talking, you talk with your head down, grab that? D.G: Am sorry sir ma ME: Sir Ma your head…. You owe MR. Raymond 100 of millions, Yes or No? D.G: Yes sir ME: Why haven't you paid him? D.G: Erm Erm... Parcy gave him another deafening slap that I wonder if the man will be able to hear anything again, the boy like slapping so much and I had to halt him when he was about to give him another one; ME: I hope you still have the man's account number? D.G: Ah, no sir (crying), I deleted it GREAT-KHALI: Wow! That’s good and I hope it’s not a bad thing for us to delete you also? PARCY: See as the Rod when he take dey butcher fresh sharwama bend like plantain (hiting his manhood with gun) TO BE CONTINUED…✍️ Please invite your friends ???
17 Sep 2020 | 01:16
? ANINI RELOADED ? (season 2) FINAL D.G: Please sir, don't do that please, I still have his number ME: Ok, (tossing his phone to him) now call him to send his account details. He did as told and the man happily sends the account details, I was thinking of what to do to him after he makes the transfer. I knew he's powerful enough to deal with Raymond even after paying the money back; ME: Now transfer his money to him. (He did hastily) PARCY: It’s time to go, but before we do I'll like to give you a parting gift… Saying that, he killed all the security guards and pointed his gun to the head of the D.Governor; D.G: Please don't kill me ME: Well, I would have let you live, if not that you're a dangerous man, I know what you're capable of, but I can still_____...*POOOOOO* I was cut short by the sound of a gun, I looked at my front to see the D.G in the pool of his own blood, a bullet imprinted in the center of his forehead, I traced where the shot came from and my eyes fell on Sharon. Her face has turned red with the smell of anger, what she's angry at is yet to be known. The color of her iris has changed to total darkness, I was afraid inside me because I've never seen her that way but I hid it from the others. I signaled to them and we walked out of the house almost immediately, Great-Khali took his position behind the wheel, started the ignition and off we went. Three minutes into our journey, police vans and cars started coming out from nowhere, I was marveled at how fast they were. I told Great-Khali to press the pedal harder; I don't want to go into battle with them yet. I glanced at Sharon and she has this devilish/knowingly smile on her face, before I could say "Calm down" she opened fire on the police. Seeing this, Parcy and myself have no option that to follow suit as we started raining bullets on the cops, I was lucky to hit the driver of the one behind us in the chest and he lost control of the wheel sending the car crashing, with the one coming behind them and they both exploded. I thought it has finished but I was wrong when I saw more police vans coming through the fire, "we're in for a long thing" I said out loud. Sharon looked excited by the whole thing as she kept on releasing alongside Parcy who was just shouting pratatatatata. It’s been a while since he last shoot like this and he took his time to enjoy what he knows how to do most, though I was shooting, at the same time I was praying that we should escape it, my prayer was countered when a bullet hits the tyre of our bus. Great-Khali struggled with the wheel but he couldn't do much as we left the road and crashed into a bush. The bus tumbled almost four times before stopping. We didn't sustain any injury as we all struggled out, the police has already surrounded us and our criers has been knocked out of our hands. Lion squad stood in a circle mode, turning their backs on each other, looking helpless as they were surrounded with tons of cops ready to take them down by all means. I looked at my front to see who led them and I was so surprise to see cynthia's boyfriend… "You" I said as he laughed, he was about to say something when I heard a gunshot, I look forward only to see the guy down with a bullet in his skull, guess who shot him… ITS SHARON AGAIN! How she got hold of a gun I can't say because the last time I checked, all our guns has already been knocked out. Well the deed was done; all that's left is to pay for the prize. A policeman fired at Sharon but I was quick enough to intrude it with my chest, the bullet hits me and it penetrates. I felt my life slowly sipping away as I remembered the face of the dead person in the boiling blood stream, it was myself I saw in the dream. I couldn't help but let a small tear fall from my eyes, I could hear the crying sound and pleading of Sharon, I struggled to stay awake but it was just for few seconds as I lost consciousness. I woke up few days later to find myself at the hospital, my left hand cuffed to the bed with four police men standing guard, I knew my family would have heard what happened and I don’t know how I'm gonna face them, my Mum will be so heartbroken that I prayed nothing bad should happen to her. I was discharged after I recovered and I met with my goons, they were unharmed, Sharon kept seeking for my forgiveness about all that happened, she explained how she felt possessed by a dark energy which she didn't know where it came from, I knew at once that I was the cause of everything, I was lost in love. Mum came to visit me at the police custody, she has turned to a shadow of herself, and I seek for her forgiveness as I told her everything from beginning to the end. She forgave me but with a very heavy heart. She also forgives the others too and prayed for us with the hope of leaving there someday. The government charged us to court with the case of murder and robbery; we didn't bother to hire a lawyer since it’s obvious that he/she would never win the case. After much talk and deliberations from the government lawyers, the judge finally passed his judgment; JUDGE: After much deliberation from the lawyers it shows that you're guilty of the charges laid against you, this is my judgment, you Mr. Anini and the rest of your gang are hereby sentence to life imprisonment. ********************************************* SEVEN YEARS LATER Eli and the rest were given freedom after much pleas and protest from those that have benefited in their fight for justice one way or the other, especially Mr. Raymond. He made sure the government find a job for them in the force. Finally they were lucky to be taken and they still retain their title *LION SQUAD*, boldly written on the van they use Parcy rested his back on the Range Rover 2027, as he pressed his phone with his right hand and an AK47 hanging loosely on the second hand, Great-Khali on his left side, Sharon on the right side while Eli stood at the center of the tarred road with an AK47 hanging on his shoulder, ready to shoot. Their mission there is to stop a robbery attempt; they waited patiently as they could hear the sound of a car approaching… ELI: Here they come guys SHARON: Time for the gods again. GREAT-KHALI: What did you say???? PARCY: Let's burst some bubble!! THE END THANKS FOR READING THIS FAR… Watch out for another interesting story LIKE,SHARE and Comment your point of view while anticipating for the upcoming. God bless ?
17 Sep 2020 | 01:16
i surely love this story!
4 Feb 2021 | 15:24
Oya make una stop stealing
21 Jul 2021 | 15:58
Nice one
21 Jul 2021 | 16:49
Ride on
21 Jul 2021 | 17:30
Nice story
22 Jul 2021 | 02:51
Nice story
31 Jul 2021 | 17:58
Oh boy! I didn't ended up posting it after all these years.
18 Feb 2022 | 03:29


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