ANGELS season 1

ANGELS season 1

By Dindy in 27 Jun 2016 | 04:29
Dindy Dindy

Dindy Dindy

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ANGELS episode 1

What are we?,how can one be an angel?,how can one see us?,how can we meet an angel?,where can we meet an angel?,how do they look like?,what will I do to get an angelic power?,why do they have wings?,why were they made?,how many are they?,what are their names?,how do they move?,how can I know an angel when I see one?,are they all the same?,do angels have gender?,are they the only medium for us to meet GOD?What really are we?
Well let me tell you what we are,we are ministering spirit,we do most of the unfinished jobs that you guys won't even notice.we move as fast as the speed of light.well you can see us if GOD allows it because we are spirit and no normal eye can see us.......(The angel telling the story talking)I still remember when an ordinary human tried to see us with her ordinary.she ended up loosing her eyes(her eyes exploded) due to the brightness she saw. the glow on our mighty wings was to much for her human eyes to contain..........but you could see us when we come in form of a human and you will hardly know.some humans are so passionate on see us instead of being passionate about meeting the TRUE KING OF BOTH HEAVEN AND EARTH AND RULER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE.
Humans can never be like if it ever enters your head that you wish you were angel.well forget it because it won't happen.but do you know that humans are more than angels.if only you could know how important and who you really are to GOD.I wish you guys know how hard it is to be an will fight with creatures that could even defeat you and you will be cage for days until a stranger angel sent by GOD will save you.believe me is not so fun.sometimes you will be sent on a mission that will be so hard that you might fall like the fallen angel(the devil).it is extremely hard to be angel.but you humans have the gift of free will.but we don't.if we sin.we are going to be cast out of THE GLORY AND MIGHTY ABOVE to the pit of pain(hell).but humans sin and yet God forgives them no matter what.and we even help does sinner sometimes because we were sent to do so.
Some angels are warriors.we fight day in and out.we are so many that I can't even count because I don't stay one place too.but GOD knows all of us with our names.i know you guys might have wonder how is it possible to know all our names.well stop trying to understand just accept it.because no matter how you try to understand him you won't because his ways are not like that of human or angels.he is the supreme GOD of the whole universe.
Its hard trying to help people who don't really need it.but what can we really do.after all we have to do our jobs right to keep God happy for him not to be angry with us.God made us particular because of the is so impossible for a human to get an angel power even if you were a demon.our power is that of light and can't be gotten.but why do will you want the ability and power of an angel when you already have the ability to call on THE GREATEST LIVING GOD EVER and he will send millions of us on your seriously you humans can do funny and very strange things that is very very uncommon.I sometimes wonder why some humans think that we are the only medium to get close to GOD.but there are very wrong because we are just minister(messagers) of GOD.the only way to get to GOD is through his son JESUS........(The angel writing the story talking)do you know that we angels are going to be judge some day.I am for real. you could check 1corinthians-6:3 "know ye not that we shall judge angels?"
We have different types of angels and we have male and female.some angels are the ones that delivers blessings,some are gift givers.some are guardians,some are warriors (that is were I am).some are singers,some are for nature,some are the animals.they are so many of us and various types of things we do.we all have names but the most popular of all is angel Michael and Gabriel.angel Gabriel is the greatest messager while angel Michael is the most powerful warrior solider that's why he is called the archangel.he stands in the presence of GOD.if you see how BIG he is.he is taller than the highest skyscraper humans can ever build in millions of years to come.he ones lead us in the first battle in heaven against the devil and his rebellious angels.if only you saw the way he fought with his right hand smashing 200 angels in a single wave while his left hand was holding a rebellious angel on the neck.i was not too far from him. he threw the rebellious angel he was holding with his left hand on the ground with a force more than that of a force of a whale land on a building from the sky.the rebellious angel wings broke lost its wings.i was wowed because i have never seen angel Michael fight with which anger. Angel Michael picked him up again but this time the rebellious angel had nothing like a wing or wings at his back because his wings broke from the joint of his back. angel Michael threw him far away where he landed on another rebellious angel back pushing the other rebellious angel to fall landing with his face.I can never forget that was so outstanding how angel Michael fought.since that day I always hoped I be like him one day
Our wings are like that of an eagle but bigger and is one of our greatest strength and is hard for a demon to kill us because of our wings.we use it as an upper edge in war anytime we fight with them.we even fight some of humans unseen battles.We look like you guys but we are a lot more bigger than you think.but if we choose to we will appear in small size or human form for humans not to run in fear or faint instantly......................................................................................................To be continued......story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi
27 Jun 2016 | 04:29
ANGELS.EPISODE 2 I know this story is meant to be about every single angel.but if I start telling you about every single angle in heaven it will take might get up to ages and thousands of millions of years before I can explain about all of us up I will just tell you about myself and tell you all about what I went through and how I look where I am writing this story from.I am amongst one of the angels that fought battles in darkness(night,evil corners) and in light (day time). My name is AME a female angel.I was one of the lower ranked angels when I was first made.i had to fight and try as much as possible before i got higher in rank.......(AME talking)we are military so we go for war and get higher rank and powers.but its not only worrier angels that get ranking.ministry angels do get ranking too and others too............getting a rank is not have to fight with a beast that you are not stranger than in some cases.some may even be bigger than you but you have to try your best to defeat them.and when you do.your rank will increase.anytime an angel is ranked its wings increase in size so does the angel and its sword becomes bigger.ln fact we grow bigger in size anytime we are ranked(get higher post or sit) A day came and i heard my name from THE FIRST HEAVEN.i knew it was GOD'S voice......(AME)i knew it was my the LORD that called me.we angels knows when GOD talks......."AME! AME! GOTO THE FORTH DIMENSION.THERE SHALL THOU SEE THOU MISSION"......(AME)I clearly understood what HE meant....i took off from where i was to go to the forth dimension.that was how My first mission began. But inside me I began to wonder why he choose me for this mission when clearly there are so many archangels who could do better than me in this mission.that was when I came to the understanding that it was my time to get ranked. let me tell you guys what I was really sent to do.i was went to go and cage a demon which was smaller than me but it was surely powerful. its name was "hike".it was one of the fallen angels that fell in the time of the first war in heaven.he was in the forth dimension where different type of beast and demons rule and from there they control different people and places on earth."hike" was unleashing his smaller beast to go and destroy a man's future because the man refuse to continue serving him............(AME talking)after the fallen angels fall out of heaven they were striped of there light and wings. because of the speed at which they fell.the white cloth which they wore was burnt so was there wings as they fell and the glory they had on them was lost.they fell to different places of the world and other dimensions. they landed so hard that it made the skin,faces,sharp,size change."hike" was one of them and he was one of the angels who supported the devil the most in his doings of dethroning GOD."hike" wasn't his name before it was "ekih" but due to the what he did his name changed.he was a messager angel,but now he is one of the destroyer of human and nature.he has done so many evil and now was his time to be locked up in the "PIT OF HELL......(AME)the devil told "hike" to destroy the man's life totally which "hike" accepted."hike" has done so many devilish things but he crossed the line by accepting the devil's offer to destroy men that are loved by GOD........he was also about to destroy a man who GOD loves very much and GOD was not going to allow that happen.the man was a man who GOD wanted to use and win souls for HEAVEN. I went to the world of dimensions to get "hike" in his wicked I flu pass the 1 and 2 dimension I saw other monsters that i have never seen.I didn't fear because I knew that they were fallen angels but I never knew that they could look so dark evil and soulless.I could have fought them if I wanted to but I had no business with them because I was on a mission to get "hike". I am sure that their time will soon come to an end because they all will be put in the "Bottomless Pit Soon". when I got to the third dimension an unknown little creature blocked my has the face of a snake,its teeth was of that of a purana fish,its ears of a wild pig.its eye were like that of a zebra skin.its hand were of that of a bird's claws.from it's waist down was like that of a fly. The creature:how dare you come to this have no right to be here. AME: I am not here for you,let me pass and be on my way to the fourth dimension. The creature:you shall not pass here.go back to your master and tell him you failed....."hahahahahaha" the creature laughed..........(AME talking) We angels hate it when demons or monsters or beast talk to us in that format.especially when they say "go back to your master and tell him you have fail".we are angels of war.we don't back down and we always obey the last command of GOD no matter what it takes or what we face............I became infuriated when I saw it laughing. AME:how dare you talk to me like that.I am an ANGEL of the let me warn you again.clear off my part. The creature:what if I do.will thou strike me with thou sword?.it said with its hand adjusting for a fight with me and its teeth were sit for attacking me. AME:I shall pull thou to the darkest dimension of no return. The beast screened like an evil bird.then I knew it was time for a battle with a beast.i pulled out my Golden sword from my back and placed it across my face with an eye looking at be continue .......story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
27 Jun 2016 | 04:29
ANGELS. EPISODE 3 The beast ran towards me like a charging male elephant.I smiled as I pushed my wings out.I displayed the power of my wings by pushing it back and front which made strong air that forced the beast to fall face down as it came very close to it was faced down and confused.........(AME)our wings has this strong power to control air around.and each time we use it against any beast or demon.they always end up loosing there ability to do anything.they get confuse and loose their ability to focus right.but if the beast or demon is stranger than us it won't cause them any effect..........I rose my right foot and placed it on its back. AME:"now will thou clear from my path?".I asked pointing my sword at its head The creature:"thou shall never beat me are nothing but an angel of foolishness".it said trying to stand up. I got more angered then I pushed my sword through its head.I swung it left then right making its head fall off its was headless but it was still was now powerless........(AME)beast like this are not fallen angels.they were actually made by demons to stand and guard there dimension or do their evil work.........I left it there and flu ahead. I got to the forth dimension and I saw hike siting on a high tower like the king of the demons. with his dark eyes looking at me.I knew he was already there waiting for me.....(AME) he was the one that sent that beast to stop me and to try my ability and strength........when I saw him.he looked more different than I thought.he looks very big in size and height......(AME)I guess he increased in size when he saw what I did to his short minion through his dark ability of sight......his hands were far more longer than his legs.the length of his hands was below his knees.he had the face of a deformed clay.his legs was of that of a red panda.his whole body was full of hair.his body was not completely straight.from his waist upward was leaning forward while from his waist downward was leaning backward.I saw his creatures just like the one that faced me........(AME).....the beast I saw was the strongest of them all that hike created with his dark powers.........they were everywhere and some were a little bit different in colour and size. Hike pointed at me and they all went after me while hike stood and watch.they were about ninety of them.but I could still beat them all.......(AME)remember that I am an angel of war.and I was made to be able to fight what so ever I they came closer to me.I closed my eyes and kneelt down with my left knee. my right knee was facing the warfront. my sword was standing in front of me and my hands were on it. with my head laying in between my hands.i started praying to my FATHER(GOD) to give me the grace to win the war I was about to face. I had a scream close to my right ear.I quickly pointed my sword to the direction which I heard the sword spared the beast in its forehead making blood gush sword was still on the beast's forehead when another came from behind.I push my sword upwards making its head to divide into two halves.then I used the same fast motion to push my sword downwards on the head of the other beast making it to divide into two halves from top to the beast fell apart I saw another one coming.I quickly moved closer to it and cut of its I turned four more came.I pushed my wings forward making all four fall. I fought and fought but non of them could defeat or stop me from taking hike to the"PIT OF PAIN".I fought so much that I killed so many of them.they were now only 6 that remain.I looked at them and said to them with my sword pointing at them as a sign of last warning. AME:"clear of my path you forbidden beast of hike". Beast 1:"no" Beast 2:"screams" Beast 3:"thou shall die here" Beast 4:"I shall break thou wings" Beast 5:"how dare you weak angel talk to us in much manner.we shall kill thou" Beast 6:"we shall eat of thou flesh"........they all said at the same time. I looked at them all and smiled then I opened my legs and faced my sword forward.when they saw I was ready for battle they merge their powers together and formed something I have never seen before.they were even bigger than hike.they were as tall as Aso rock. They took the form of a lizard snake head but its lower jaw was push outward exposing the sharp large teeth that look like that of a saber tooth had a curved horn and its remaining body was like that of an ant. I knew getting hike would be hard but I never knew that hike has become more evil and wicked and his beast has grown powerful be continue...........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
27 Jun 2016 | 04:29
Nice One Bring It On
27 Jun 2016 | 04:31
27 Jun 2016 | 04:32
[color =green]The creator of all perfect things (God) has bestowed on us a damsel, queen, brainbox, pure hearted and good writer[/color] @Victoriouschild [color =blue]She needs no other thing but your support and vote to be the next miss coolval 2016... I promise you won't regret voting for her... Dear friend vote wisely and let your vote count for the chosen one[/color] [IMG][/IMG] TEAM VICKY @eliboy @hauwa @j-sharp @macrex
27 Jun 2016 | 04:59
bring it on.... Angel narrating a story...!
27 Jun 2016 | 05:00
ANGELS. EPISODE 4 I stood there looking at the beast and hike.the beast was right in front of hike.I kneelt down again to ask my FATHER(GOD) to give me more power to defeat the beast and hike. The beast:"hahahahahahaha".laughing with a bold voice. The beast:"thou are crying to thy father to help thou win a war thou can't fight".it said changing emotions from smiling to a squeezing it's face. AME:"DEAR FATHER I pray unto thee please grant me the power and the strength to defeat and win the mission thou gave to me.".I prayed as I ignored what the beast said to me AME:"AMEN".I said as a conclusion to my prayer Hike:"kill her!!!!!"He shouted with a very loud voice that caused vibration. I looked up and saw the beast running toward me.I too ran with my two hands and my sword flying at my back toward the beast with the same speed it ran toward me .we were both running at the same got very close to me so did I to swung its two left hands.......(AME)remember it has the body of an ant. so it had four hands. two left and two right...... to knock me down.I slide downward putting my sword upward with both hands.its two left hands moved above my legs towards my sword while my eyes was fix on hike.its hands crossed my sword making the beast to loose its two left screamed in pain and fell forward towards the side I ran from. I got up and ran toward hike to get him. Hike sat and watch me while I ran close to him.I boost myself very high with my wings and with full force shouting"MAY THE NAME OF THE LORD BE PRAISED" while I push my sword from my back to my front to knock hike sword was very close to his face when I saw a dark ant hand coming from hike's front toward my face to knock me down.I quickly use my sword to block my face.the force at which the hand came pushed I and my sword back.I fell back landing with my legs and pointing my sword forward and my face down. After I landed I look up and I saw the beast which lost its two left hands beside hike.the beast left hands has grown back.but I didn't understand how it ran so fast to stop me.......(AME talking)well I guess beast can do anything for there master.they could goto any length to defend there was breathing heavily while hike was smiling.....(AME talking)deep down i know that the only way for me to kill the beast was to take of its head........I looked at hike and the beast and said to the beast. AME:"back off thou beast from my path before thou suffer THE ANGER OF GOD" Beast:there is no GOD.the only god is said standing in front of hike. .....(AME talking)The beast was a stubborn one and its stubbornness would make it see my other side.................THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 4 CONTINUES......when I heard what it angered me very much.I held my sword and open up my wing in anger and force.I thrust my wings forward and backward making a turbulence of wind toward the beast.the wind was so heavy that it destroyed the throne hike sat on forcing hike to stand on his hideous feet......(AME talking)remember when I said that our ability to control air won't work on demons who are stronger than us.while hike was stronger than me but he was not better than me in fight).......... The beast lost focus but was still standing.I flu forward placing my sword in front of me with My right hand.the beast began to gain focus little by little.but my sword was already close to its head.It saw me and tried to use its hands to block me from was too late for sword cut through the middle of it's mouth to the back of its head while my eye were focus on hike.making a division between its upper and lower jaw.the beast fell forward making a very loud noise like a thunder storm while its halve head fell backwards.i landed very close to hike on the tower where he stood with my knee slightly bent down while my hand and sword was beside me. and my eye still fixed on hike. Hike:"hello AME".he said with his two hands at his back AME:"I am not here to chat with thou.I am here to take thou to the "PIT OF HELL".I said standing up and adjusting myself for another battle Hike:"c'mon AME we were Friends before.we can still talk just for old time sake.remember the time when we stood beside each other in time of training.I didn't allow him finish his talk because I knew what he was doing.....(AME talking)he was trying to waste more time so that he would find my weakness and use it against me.all demons are like that....... AME:"enough!"I shouted with a commanding voice.thy time has ended I raised up my sword to hit he with it.but he was quick so he weaved it and gave me an uppercut.I fell backwards from the tower and landed with my wings.hike jumped from the tower and came down to where I was. Hike:"do you know who I am?.I am hike.a great dare you talk to me in such I shall divide thy wings from thy body and thy head from thy body and thy tongue shall be feed to the creatures of the first dimension".it said demonstrating every single thing it spoke out. I stood up still trying to recover from the very heavy punch it unleashed on me.I used two seconds to get myself back on the battle.then I ran towards him carrying my sword like a 5 years old kid who was carry a 25kg of beans.hike just stood and watch as I came closer to him.I jumped as i raised my sword so that i could use it to hit his head. he knew what I was about to he threw a punch towards my head to knock me off.but little did he know that it was all my plan for him to throw a punch at me.i weaved his punch then I turned my sword over to the other end(in a quick motion).then i used it to hit him heavily on his stomach pushing him backwards.he held his stomach and his face was faced down as he moved backwards. When he stopped moving back.he looked up and saw a smile on my face.he got angry and screamed raising his two hands up simultaneously.he ran toward me like a wolf after an antelope.he was aiming for my head with his mouth.each step he made cause vibrations.he was very fast and he came closer i fastened my hold on my sword .his mouth got very close to my head then he opened his mouth widely to decapitate me.I quickly pushed my head backwards as I raised my right knee to his lower jaw to knock him over. my knee hit his lower jaw so hard that it made his entire body to fly over me.he land with a big bang and with his back.......(AME talking)very demon has their own weakness and hike's own was underneath his jaw.and if a demon lands on it's back then it shall be weak.......i stood up properly then I turned to look at hike.he was laying i walked up to him.he started changing back to his normal short form.i looked at him and took him by his legs to go put him were he belongs. in the "PIT OF HELL". When I got there.the gate opened then I threw him he fell.he looked me in the eyes and said we shall see again AME.the gate closed as i flu back to HEAVEN saying "MAY THE NAME OF GOD BE PRAISED" be continue....................THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
27 Jun 2016 | 17:17
ANGELS.EPISODE 5 After my first mission.I became a stronger ranking wing and sword were bigger than before.but I wanted more.i wanted to be an ARCHANGEL.I wanted to be one of the big angels that fight wars not only for man but for GOD.I wanted more and it was not going to be an easy task for me to accomplish at all.I was still sent on normal occasions to fight beast and to lock up demons.there was a mission I went to with 5 angels of my ranking. we were to go face a group of demons. that Were terrorizing a village and were causing death and pain every where in the village.GOD sent us there because their time for liberation has come. Angel GABRIEL called upon us to tell us what GOD sent us to do. ANGEL GABRIEL:"YELO,SHAON,TEHI,GURW,TIENER,AME".he called upon us YELO:yes sir! SHAON:yes sir! TEHI:yes sir! GURW:yes sir! TIENER:yes sir! AME:yes sir! We all answered according to how he called us. ARCHANGEL GABRIEL:"the LORD has sent six of you to go down to the evil place of the demons of confusing pain suffering and death.the LORD said thou should slay them all.for they have done the unthinkable to the ones he love.SHAON shall be the leader in this go and let "THE NAME OF THE LORD BE PRAISED".he said SHAON:"we shall be victorious! And the name of the lord shall be praised!".he said Shouting We all shouted with him and then flu down to earth to fight the evil demons that caused pain and sorrow they were located in a dark forest inside a tree not far from the village where they caused pain and sorrow right in the middle of we flu across the village we saw their handworks everywhere.when we landed in the dark forest inside the tree where they were.we saw them......(AME talking)this demons did not look like other ones I have seen.they took the sharp of the tree they were in.their eyes was where their ear ought to be.their mouth was underneath their jaw.they had double horns where their eyes were suppose to be.they were called the sixfiten.they all couldn't change sharp except one of them was sitting as the king while other were sitting on a smaller chair.they were up to sixteen of them.they were busy manipulating people from where they were.they were with an object like a mirror. And they were using a native doctor to do there evil works in the physical world.they all were laughing and smiling because they did what gave them joy and happiness. SHAON:"thy end has come thou demons of wickedness".he said pointing his sword towards them. They all turned and looked back to see who was talking. Demon 1:"hahahahahahaha SHAON angel of war,what have thou come to find in our world".it said looking at us TIENER:"we are not here to talk to thou".she said as we all drew our swords out to battle with the demons of evils. (AME talking)"we were face to face with demons not beast or creature made by demons.and this demons were as powerful as wing power was not an upper hand in this case.the only way for us to defeat them was to take them sword to sword............... Demon 5:what make you think you can defeat us?.it asked with it eyes all moving from side to side in disorderliness TEHI:we are the angels of THE MOST HIGH GOD and thou shall be defeated in the name of THE LORD MOST HIGH Demons:"hahahahahahahaha.we can't be defeated.we are the sixfiten!!"They said simultaneously standing up and setting for battle. They started coming for us.we knew it was time to battle fallen angels.we kneelt down and prayed to GOD to strengthen us.we opened our eyes and screened "MAY THE NAME OF THE MOST HIGH GOD BE PRAISED" We all both ran towards each other clashing each other and the battle began. SHAON gave demon 9 a head-butt making it fall back while he used his sword to cut off the hand and head of demon 15 then he faced demon 3 and 9 which was getting up on its be continue.....THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 5 CONTINUES.......YELO was fighting with demon 4 and 11 when demon 13 jumped on YELO wings to bite it off.but that was a bad idea.YELO used his leg to push demon 4 and 11 back a little bit back then he pushed his sword to his back chopping off the head of demon he decapitated demon 13,demon 4 and 11 came closer to him.still in that same motion he pushed his sword forward cutting of the head off demon 4 and 11 then he went after demon 5 which was already coming for him. GURW was fighting demon 6 face to face when demon 2 jumped from afar towards his head.he used his to block demon 2 from getting his head then pushed his sword into demon 6 guts.he then pushed his wings upwards making demon 2 which was on his wings to lift up in the air.GURW then thrust upward.GURW used his sword to divide demon 2 into two halve from its waist then he descended downward pointing his sword at demon 8. TEHI was fighting with demon 10 and 7.they were seriously pushing their hands at the same time making it hard for TEHI to take them down.TEHI used her left wings to hit demon 7 on the head making its head to hit demon 10 head.then TEHI held demon 10 on its throat and used her sword to spare demon 7 underneath its demon 7 fell to the ground.TEHI used her sword to bisect demon 10.then TEHI went for demon 12. TIENER went for demon 1 but as she ran demon 14 held her leg and wanted to bite her foot off.she bent down in a fast motion face back then she spared her sword into the mouth of demon 14 killing it.then she raised her sword with demon 14 still on it.she threw demon 14 dead body on demon 1.demon 14 dead body fell on demon 1.she then jumped up raising her sword shouting "MAY THE NAME OF THE LORD BE PRAISED"as she descended on demon 1. I was left alone with demon 16.believe me it was the last but not the was stronger than all the demon combined.I fought and fought with it until I used my left foot to knock it down.but that wasn't the stood up.and it transformed into a big hideous demon making smoke envelope the atmosphere........(AME talking) when I saw how it transformed.I knew I was in for a battle of my horns grow eyes went to the top of its head.its body was of that of a black leopard.its head was of that of a bull.its mouth were in-between its eyes. I looked at it then flu high up to attack it from the jumped to eat me with its mouth that was on top of its I descended down. it ascended up.I then threw my sword for its right sword spared its right eye making it fall back to the ground .I landed on its head to redraw my shook me off its head along side my sword.I landed with both feet on the ground and with my sword in my had only one looked at me angrily then it charged up against me.I set myself up for a head on battle.its horns where very sharp and pointy.I placed my sword beside me with both hands holding it got close to me.I jumped upward cutting the demons head into two halve..........(AME talking)Menn I cut that demon so hard that it rain its blood everywhere....... the battle was Over.we had won the war over the we left the tree it caught fire and that was the end of the sixfiten demon. When we went back to heaven we were all got increased in rank.I finally got what I wanted.I was rank as an ARCHANGEL and that was the end of my be continue.......story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
27 Jun 2016 | 17:21
ANGELS 6 (THE WRITER TALKING)AME story ended at episode 5 because she got what she wanted.and she was happy all through her angelic ministry.but it was not the end of the story. Remember when AME said that there are other angels apart from warrior angels.well she was let me take you on a journey of a messager angels.believe me I won't be the one telling you about how the messager angels operate.they sit back,relax and read about them ............................................. My name is CIONS a messager angel.unlike warrior angels we deliver message and blessings to humans.we move in groups sometimes we moved individually.angel MICHEAL is the strongest of all messager angels. we even ran into different types of demons and beast that stop us from delivering blessing and Gifts to human.some even pin us down for days but they don't hold us for too long because angel MICHEAL always comes to free us even ought sometimes it could take up to 3weeks or more or less.sometimes we go on missions with warrior angels because of the demons we may have to face on the way to deliver the blessings to that you know little about us.let me take you on a little ride down the story lane of messager angels.and I will tell you about how I and a warrior went on a quiet tough mission.well the mission wasn't so tough for me like that but I can't say about the warrior angel because he had to do the fighting and fighting.his name was all happened like this....................... Angel MICHEAL:CIONS,LIOBCE.come forth thee and take blessings for the home of Grace and cage the evil that moves around the home. LIOBCE shall be with thou as thou collect this mission.I took the blessing from him to deliver it to the home of Grace.LIOBCE was right beside me as we flu together down to earth. Grace was a married woman who has been praying for years for a child and she also prayed for her husband to get a job in a multinational company.but each time she prays the witch and demons in her area and her home blocks it. sometimes they hang it in the sky.and some of the witch are on the roof of her house.while some are in front of her house . we were suppose to deliver the message to her first then go face the demons and witch present in her home and area but things didn't work out that way. As we descended down to Ghana where she was based.we were in the sky when we saw the witch of her home invoking the spirit of frustration to fall on her.when the witch saw us she tried to run away from us but she was not faster than us.we cast her down to a cage that was right under Grace house.As she fell down to the cage her form changed to mud. Then we went to her house.on getting there two demons were right in front of her house. They were short like a normal evil demon should be.they had horns and their skin was dark.their teeth was like that of a dog. Demon 1:please step back you angels of the LORD.blessing and good news is not for this home. Demon 2:her great grand father made a seal with our master and that seal can't be broken.she and her household shall continue to suffer.until they die CIONS:who are thou to stop the blessing or good news from the LORD.she is a daughter of GOD so thou have no saying or conclusion over her life.she is a daughter of light not darkness.her life has been given light not darkness.she choose Light not thou can't hold her back with thy evil seal.her time has come to be free of you demons. Demons:no it shall not happ........they said simultaneously.but they were not able to finish their statements because LIOBCE knocked both of them away from the front door with his leg.......(CIONS talking)LIOBCE is not an angel of too much talk.he likes starting a fight with demons by throwing the first punch especially when they start talking simultaneously........ LIOBCE:CIONS go deliver the blessings to grace.i shall take care of this little unholy demons. I matched forward as LIOBCE went towards the demons who were already back on there feet. I went in.every where was filled with the spirit of pain and sorrow.happiness was not found in the house.the walls were all engraved with hopelessness.i moved to her room where she kneelt down and prayed Grace:oh lord please help me.i have been like this since 14 years of child.i feel like I don't have a future.oh Lord I need your help.i need your blessing.oh LORD save me from this pain and sorrow.lord help me..... She prayed as tears ran down her eyes. I looked at her then I dropped her blessings on her head.then a cold breeze filled the room........(CIONS talking) when blessings are being released cold air or rain or happiness or you could have a warm humans don't know that because of the ignorant nature you live by..............I left her and went to help I got out side LIOBCE has already caged them......(CIONS talking)LIOBCE is one tough warrior angel.he knows how to deal with demons.........our job there was done so we flu back to heaven.for another mission awaits us be continue.......story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
27 Jun 2016 | 17:23
27 Jun 2016 | 17:27
Stop creating different thread for each episode. Just post the next episode in the comment box as a comment
27 Jun 2016 | 17:28
this one is strong.... let me ask one stupid question... fairy tale right or revelation? I don't just know but I just wish to know..
27 Jun 2016 | 17:32
27 Jun 2016 | 17:39
27 Jun 2016 | 17:40
just type the story in the comment box... the moment you start creating new thread, all the story will be so bored
27 Jun 2016 | 17:48
mehn! U try o
28 Jun 2016 | 10:47
nice one, ride on
28 Jun 2016 | 10:55
he tough oo
28 Jun 2016 | 13:31
ANGELS 7 (WRITER TALKING)I hope you guys don't mind me changing and shifting from angels to angels.but hi!.it is for fun.i want you guys to see works they do and how they go about this episode is about another angel.i won't tell you what type of angel It is.just chill and read it yourself................................................. There are angels you haven't heard about.some stand by you all day and night.some are only fighting for you.some are always bringing blessing and good things to you.some are always blocking evil incantations against you. Have you ever felt so down that suddenly you heard or saw something that made your soul lighten up or someone you don't know will just say something that will make you feel happy once more .well that was an angel and they are called ANGELS OF ENCOURAGEMENT. We always go around encouraging people who have lost hope and believe in GOD and in themselves or people who have lost courage to move on in life.sometimes we appear in human form to pass a message.unlike the warrior and messager angels we go alone but sometimes we go in groups .even ought sometimes we face challenges from the demons who don't want humans to be happy.we even tell you when you are right and wrong.well I would just say we kinda dwell amongst human beings We are encouragement angels but we all have were we ain't good at.some encouragement angels are good at encouraging people who has lost all hopes.some are good at encouraging people with pain.some are good at encouraging people to move forward.there are so many aspect of our ability.even the Missions we are being given are based on what side we are best on. I am best at encouraging people who has lost hope and has taken life has the worst thing that have ever happened to them.I specialise in making them feel happy once more.sometimes I fall into long conversation with them so as to make them joyed once more. My name is PHLOME and my journey was as that of an air that blows from an area of higher altitude to a region of lower altitude.I move around to the specific people I was sent to help out..........(PHLOME talking)the good thing about us is that we can be seen.if you look deep down inside your soul........... I was sent to an innocent young man who was about to take off by plane from south africa to INDIA for a surgery.he was diagnosed with a rear sickness of the brain.he was in a hopeless state.inside him he had lost hope of surveying the surgery.his name was Jameson and he sat right beside the window in the plane. Jameson:"oh lord I am sure this surgery won't do anything.death is assured for me.there is no hope for me.why did this rear sickness come my way.why did life place me in this state.I shouldn't have being given birth to.its better for me to go off this plane and get home and wait for death to overwhelm my entire body".he said as he was about making effort to stand. I knew how to do my job very at that time I kept quite........(PHLOME)sometimes we don't talk no matter how Bitter or sad humans are.we just wait for the right time to speak because we know that if we speak at the wrong time you humans might probably not listen. sometime we just talking to you directly but if you are not careful and attentive enough you won't hear us speak........... He sat back then looked at his wrist watch and the time was 6:45am the plane was to leave 7:00am.he wanted to leave but I tried to hold him back.but his motive to leave was more than the motive for him to stay.he finally stood up after some minutes of inner fight of whether he should stand or sit.he walked towards the open door which was 3 seaters away from he moved out three more passengers came in.they were young.two were male and one was a female.the female passenger was in front of the two male be continue......THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 7 CONTINUES.......Passenger 2: "HOPE is such a nice name for my dog". She said as she turned back to talk to the guy behind her Passenger 1: "yea but I ain't sure it would".he said as he stood to reply her back. Passenger 3:"please excuse me.i wanna take my seat please".he said with a calm and bold voice. Passenger 1:"oh sorry about that".he said as he and passenger 2 moved to one side so that passenger 3 could pass. After passenger 3 passed.he turned back and said. Passenger 3:"actually HOPE is the best name for a first pet was named HOPE". Passenger 2:"oh thanks.see I told you"...she said as she did the tongue to passenger 1. Jameson heard what they said but he didn't put enough attention. so he didn't know I was talking to him through them.he passed them as passenger 3 moved aside for him to pass. so did passenger 2 &1. he got out side the plane as he was about going down the staircase he looked up and saw a billboard which says "HOPE IS NEVER LOST".he stoped and that was when I spoke to him in his mind.but before I spoke. I allowed the word to sink into his heart PHLOME: You have come this far to go back and die?.why do you think you are still alive.remember what the doctor said about your condition.he said your condition has reach the limit to kill you but he wonders why you are still alive.why don't you just go and do the surgery.I am sure you won't die.if you can still stay alive till now then believe me this rear sickness won't kill you at all Jameson:but how am I sure that I won't die during the surgery? PHLOME:just look at that is even telling you not to give up.believe me you won't die. After I said that he felt happy once more and went back inside the plane......(PHLOME talking)all this things happened in a space of 12mins........he sat on his seat then he looked out the window to the billboard and he read to himself "HOPE IS NEVER LOST" he smiled once more as the pilot said "please fasten on your seat belt.we are about to take off".he smile with joy as he did what the pilot said.then the plane took off.his eyes never left the sight of the billboard until it was unseen to him. My duty was I left him for be continued.......story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
28 Jun 2016 | 17:35
ANGELS 8 My sword and light I use to face spirit beings.we live to protect the human races under the grace of GOD. We stand tall and strong as a mountain defending a village.we Are the angels that protect you from certain things.both the ones and the ones you can and can't explain.we always stand beside you when face some certain things but you won't know or See us because you were made to see only the physical life not the spiritual one.our mission is to protect and stand for the humans where ever their power can't reach.sometimes we Fight battle right in front of you but you won't know or feel anything.sometimes we go ahead of you to clear your path to keep away death,sorrow,sadness,disappointment,shame,disgrace,dishonour,fear and pain.every individual has his/her angel of protection.why do you think that something that others will do and die or others will do and get will do it and nothing will happen to you. We are called protector angels.we are totally different from the warrior,messager and encouragement angels.unlike them we stand beside humans always or appear in human form to do our mission. Now let me take you to our world and try to catch up fast remember we fly very fast...................... (A Little girl)gift:"GOD please help my him from the evil things that walk and move around.don't let anything happen to him.send an angel ahead of him.oh oh LORD please give my daddy plenty money today so that he can buy me ice cream.and let him come back home safely".she said as her two little cute eyes were closed and her little hands clapped together. Dad&mum:"amen","amen".they both said smiling and looking at her.i just stood their looking at them and smiling........(ANGEL talking)actually we were 12 angels assigned to that home.2 stood for the little girl.same for the dad and the mum.the other 6 were standing guard over the house................... Little did gift know that her prayers for her dad will make him surpass that day,the fight I saw ahead was much and plenty.everyday is a battle field in his life,but that day battle seems very very much seriously deadly. After the prayer gift's dad and mum stood up with's dad picked up his suitcase which was beside him. Gift's mum collected the suitcase from his hand as they came closer to her dad then she asked him to carry her.he smiled and carried gift.they both walked towards the front door with her mum beside them. The second angel was told to go ahead of him which he did as the little girl requested from now it was just me and him. As he opened the door I saw a spirit which was both bull and a was in a man like figure with his hair packed sat on the bull which has a nose ring on.but in this case the man was merge with the bull.making it a bull human.its human form start from the back of the bull.the human form had no had a bow and an arrow which was black in colour.I knew that it was the angel of death and disaster.its arrow was in its right hand while the bow was in its left move its right hand fixing the arrow to the aimed at gift's dad heart and was about to shoot the arrow of death at him.I quickly came to his front to block the arrow.the spirit stop and relaxed its hands. Then it's dad kept on walking without knowing the battle and spirit that was right in front of him.he walked up to his he slot his car key in to open his car.the spirit of accident stood in front of him. I order the spirit to leave him.the spirit looked at me and disappeared.but it was still going to come back.........(ANGEl. TALKING)that spirit is very stubborn .each time we order them to stop what they want to do.they always come back later with reinforcement.............he entered his car.then he kept his suitcase on the second seat beside him.he started the car then drove off to be continue.....THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 8 CONTINUES....... He was driving on the highway while I was over his Car eyes was on him and was on the road at the same time.I was looking ahead of him when I saw the spirit of accident was waiting for him again.and if his car comes in contact with the spirit then that is the end of his life.the spirit stood like a big mango tree...........(ANGEL talking)there were many spirit of death and accident I saw there but one was after gift's father.I am sure that an unlucky person will fall into their trap but surly gift's dad is not among.things like this happens everyday of once life.that is why you should pray every morning before you go out because you humans encounter both spirit and demons everyday of your life.and if you are not protected by us through the GRACE OF GOD then you are totally gone................ He was about 20seconds to touching the spirit. I flu ahead of him to clear his path off the spirit of accident.surely it was a tree but I am a moving it out of his way was not a hard task.he scaled through without even knowing what would have happen to him Now he was half way to his work unknown to him.there was another spirit of the occasional trip and fall death on the entrance of his office.......(ANGEL TAlKING)do you know how lucky you are to escape that many people end up tripping to you think its because of your stamina that's why you survive that fall or trip.well know now and know forever that.It is not. By your hand you survive it but by the GRACE of GOD on you...........the second angel that was protecting gift's dad with me was already pushing away the evil spirits that was in front of his parking space before he got there. He parked his car in front of the office.then he took his suitcase which he had kept at the second seat beside him.he got down from his car with the bag in his right hand.he used his left hand to lock his car. he walked closer to the door in a hurried way.he opened the door with his left hand pushing his head ahead of his entire body.his right leg scaled through the little iron fence at the bottom of the door.but his left foot was the main aim of attack for the spirit of occasional fall and trip.his left foot didn't scale through.his left foot hit the little iron fence and he tripped but I held him back not to fall while the second angel chased the spirit away.he gained himself back but his suitcase was now on the floor..........(ANGEL talking)the fall of the suitcase could have being his own fall to death.but it was exchanged.let me explain better.that spirit is intensively stubborn so it was either he falls or something else falls,so its better for the suitcase to fall than him.......... "Sorry sir,sorry sir"said the male and female worker that were walking to their office. "Thank you"he said as he bent down to pick up his suitcase. He adjusted himself while we stood beside him.then he went straight to his be continue........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
28 Jun 2016 | 17:38
ANGELS 9 We stood by him all day and from time to time evil spirits walked about seeking for who to destroy and moved around him.but we fought them away.we even fought with the evil spirits that rules the area........(ANGEL talking)every single place on earth has a demon or spirit that rules there but GOD is the greatest.we angels fight with spirit and demons in areas over humans we protect............... the time was 8pm and it was ringing on his wall was time for him to he shut down his laptop and packed his suitcase while he was standing.after he was done he went out to where his car was packed.then he opened his car.he threw his suitcase inside his car first then he entered.he started his car engine but it didn't pick.the second angel went ahead again of him to clear his path while I was with him.he tried it again and it came up. he fixed his sit belt then reversed back and drove off as he drove he turned on his audio player in his car with his ac on high fan.he turned to the left side to connect to the highway. As I flu over him.I saw the same spirit of accident there waiting for him to come.and this time it came in full force more than before.a big lorry with a container at its back was right in front of him.the spirit wanted the container to fall on the gift's dad and kill him.but I was not going to allow that to's dad drove on a normal speed on the slant road.he got close to the lorry.the lorry driver was on a normal's dad horned for the lorry driver so that he could pass.the lorry driver moved aside for him to's dad quickly drove ahead pass the lorry. Suddenly the lorry driver start losing control on the steering wheel of the lorry.the lorry drive tried the breaks but it didn't respond.the driver flashed his head lamp countless times trying to warn him that his had no control again over the lorry.unknown to gift's father he thought the driver wanted to overtake him so he slow down for him To go's father was now beside the front of the lorry at the right hand side.the driver wined down his left car window to call out to him to warn him about the present situation he was facing with the lorry.he even pushed his lorry's horn countless of time.but dad's dad didn't hear him because his car window was wined up, the ac was on plus music which was on the high side and he was focused on the road.all that did not let him hear the noise the driver made.but finally he heard the horn but all he could say was Gift's dad:"oh! Come on go ahead I have given you chance to move ahead"..after he said that he increased the volume of his audio player making it hard for him to hear the lorry's horn. the driver looked ahead and saw the very bent slant road up ahead.he tried diverting his hand to the other side of the road to hit the demarcation wall between the two roads. he knew that if he didn't do it. it will end up badly for both of them.he tried turning the wheel but it was stiff. it refuse to turn.the lorry just kept going father was still beside the they were both running on the same speed of about 115km/h. The lorry driver kept on trying to turn the lorry as they both got to the very slant part of the road. the four back left tyres started lifting up.the driver noticed it so he unhooked his sit belt and set himself to jump off the's father finally noticed it when he looked at the left side mirror of his car.he saw that the lorry was about to fall on him and it was at that stage it became a die or death affair because now he was in-between the lorry and the container.he stepped on the accelerator to move extremely fast.he had only two seconds to escape from there which was impossible.I knew what I had to do at that point.the angel that went ahead of him was already waiting for the right time to do his job so was his car accelerated one second was gone and he was now remaining another was now time for us to take action.I and the other angel flu to the lorry and held it from totally collapsing on him.his entire car successfully passed the lorry except the back bumper.we left the truck to fully fall knowing that nothing will happen to reach the ground right after his back bumper slightly move an inch away from the lorry.the lorry diver also jumped out of the lorry immediately it almost landed.the lorry diver landed with his legs then he rolled over to regain his's dad had passed through the danger but it was not yet over.the speed at which the lorry ran made it not to stop immediately it hit the ground. instead it trailed at the back of gift's dad car.the lorry was now slowing's dad looked at his side mirror and he saw that the lorry has stop.he didn't stop instead he continued driving and in his mind he was thanking God for saving him. cars from the back that saw what happened slowed down except another which had a drunk driver in it.the drunk driver rushed into the lorry as he almost knock the lorry driver over who was still trying to get himself.the drunk driver didn't die..........(Angel talking) no one dead that day because all of them had their ANGELS of protection protecting them from the spirit of accident........... We continued our journey with gift's dad.I could tell that he was still in torment by what just happened to him.he drove his car into an ice cream he step out of his care.his phone rang as he was locking his car to go into the ice cream shop. be continue......THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 9 CONTINUES......the human bull beast appeared again and This time the beast shot the arrow at him as he stood to answer his phone call.I blocked the arrow from hitting him by standing in front of him with my sword.the second angel pushed the human bull with his sword and they both went into battle.after he answered the call.he went into the ice cream shop to buy ice cream for his daughter. although we still encounter some evil spirit of the night. He got home safely without a single harm done to him or his car .he knock on his front door .the first person that came out was gift.she opened the door for him then he walked in. Gift:"daddy welcome back home!".she shouted with joy. Gift's dad smiled then asked "Where is you mum?". Gift:she is in the bath room.she said as she pointed the direction where her mum was. Gift's dad:"ok,now take the ice cream I bought for you".he said has he separated his suitcase and the nylon that contained the icecream which he was holding in his right hand. Gift:"thank you dad!".she shouted with more excitement. He left gift in a hurry to see his wife to tell her what have happened to him.he got to his room.saw his wife cleaning up then he started telling her all that happened that evening.she knew it was GOD'S she sang aloud praising GOD. after all the singing,talking and eating.they call gift to come to their room so that they could do their night prayers.after they prayed.they all slept in the same room beside each other. the angels that PROTECTED his house stood tall and strong so did we around the evil could get into the house.or over the house.the house had the seal of GOD on it. My name is HSIEL and that is how we angels of protection operate...........................................................To be continue........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
28 Jun 2016 | 17:43
ANGELS 10 "Rescue me me o LORD from this people.I don't wanna die like my friends and other people that died.GOD please if you save me from this situation I will never again go back to my old ways.I will always pray and I shall serve you forever.just please save me.i promise I will do all this I said" Racheal prayed in her heart with tears on and in her face,soul and mind. Rachael was a lady in her early twenties.she was in need of help because she was in a big case of death. It all started on Wednesday 26 of july 2006.she was invited to a party filled with people of her age.her mum and dad are People who fear GOD very much.they we actually pastors. she had no respect for GOD or her parent.her parent warned her not to go but she didn't listen to them.instead she blasted out screaming at them.her dad bent his head in shame because he couldn't believe that he had lost the ability to control his own daughter........(ANGEL talking)that is how GOD feels when you humans disobey is seriously hurtful believe me............ The party was to hold on the 28. Friday from 10pm until dawn.she had planned to go stay with a friend called ify on the 28th so that they could go together.ify stayed 8 blocks away from hers and they were very close friends ify was a girl who once was a good girl but after she was introduced to Racheal by a friend named Daniela.she became as bad,nasty and naughty as racheal. The day came for the party and racheal was fully ready for it.she even went to the market a day before the party, to buy a new clothe that she would wear to the party.she had already planned that she would move out the house by 12noon to ify's house.her morning went on smoothly but slow.she couldn't wait until 12noon so she decided to leave the house by 10:30am.she packed the clothe she bought inside her middle sized hand bag that she kept beside her bed. After she was done packing, her bag was filled with the new clothe,shoe and money plus other girlish stuffs. she zipped it close and went to take her she was taking her bath. her phone rang uncontrollable on her bed.she quickly took her bath so that she could come out and know the caller was. She came out of the bathroom leaving a trademark of foam on her left ear.she went to her bed and picked the phone up.she saw 5 missed calls. when she checked the name is was ify.she unlocked her phone then called ify back.they both discuss for 6mins which made her phone a little bit hot.she dropped her phone after they both talked.she went back to the brush her teeth then she came out and applied Cream, got dressed and applied make up.she took her bag and phone which was on her bed then she left her room and head to the parlour after locking her room.when she got to the parlour her mum and dad were not there.they went out.she walked pass the parlour and moved out side closing The door behind her.she got out side then she remembered that she forgot her sun she went back to get it.she got to her room and her sun glasses was on the shelf where she left it.she picked it up and left the house.she locked the gate with the spare key that she had.she didn't want to trek to ify's house so she stoped a bike man who was going down her street. She got to ify house and knocked on her door.ify came out and unlock her door to let her she entered they both started talking of how they will rock the party and other silly stuffs they would the afternoon they both went to see a friend that would follow them to the party.they all agreed that they would leave by 9:30pm.Ify and Racheal stayed there until around 7pm then they left to go get dressed for the party. Racheal and ify to home then they moved into action by getting dressed up.racheal brought out the gown and shoe she planned to wear to the party.The gown was short and blue in colour .while her shoe was a 4inches high heel and it was red in colour.after she got dressed,she looked at herself in The mirror then she smile.ify and racheal with the other friend left for the party by 9:30pm as they planed. The other friend had a car so they all boarded into the car and drove to the party in style and class.they got to the party by 9:50pm.the place was a very big place.but it was an under ground house.they parked and went straight they walked people where just steering at them.they got to the door leading to the underground part of the house. they pulled the door open and went in.there was a staircase drop down from the door to the floor.they walked majestically until they got to the floor.the time was now 10.00pm so the dj started the music.people where still coming in.the music was on a middle level sound of loudness.racheal and her friends took drinks which got them turned on to dance.......THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 10 CONTINUES....... the time was now 11:27pm and the party was still bubbling. Racheal,ify and the other friend met some guys who where the main host of the party.they all related and exchanged number.the security men locked the door leading out side because they didn't want anyone moving out and they didn't want robbers to get time went on the dj started increasing the music.racheal was looking around and she saw a man wearing a complete black suit with a black shoe and hat..she turned to ify and they both made mockery of the man that wore suit to a hot night party. 5 minutes later racheal saw another man wearing the same suit,shoe and hat.she started feeling uncomfortable.then she saw another and half of the people in the party both male and female were wearing the black suit, shoes and hat. now it was 12:00 mid night.the light changed to red as the dj killed the music.racheal became very afraid she turned and looked around then she saw that they were only fifteen people that were not wearing the black suit,shoes and hat.she turned over to ify and the other friend.they were shaking in fear.racheal, her friends and the remaining people all ran towards the door.racheal was in the middle running but she fell to her knees when her left high heel plunge into a medium crack on the floor.she quickly pulled off the heels and dropped it there.she hopped with one leg while she tried to remove the other heel.they got to the door and tried pushing it open but it was totally a waste of effort.they all started crying and shouting for help.but it was hopeless because no one could hear them cry or shout out loud.racheal looked at the dj and bar man and they were both in the same dressing like other.she knew that it was a cult group and she was going to die. They all went down in tears and were forced to kneel down.they brought out a greenish substance for them to drink in a glass cup.they all drink it and fell to sleep. She wake up the next day still a little bit confused of where she was.she tried standing up but it was hard for her.she noticed that she was tied she turned her head to the left and to the right she saw that all of them had no head.they had all been behead including her friends.she started crying and crying.that was when she started praying to God from her heart and mouth to help her After 30mins she had two voices talking about how they will throw away the bodies and how they will kill her because her head was not used in the sacrifice .after they talked finish the two huge man came out for where they of the men untied her while the other stood and watch.after he untied her he took the edge of his cutlass to knock her out. They threw her into a hole and left her there to die or to be killed by a wild animal.but luckily for her God held her prayer and he sent me to rescue her. When I got to the hole I disguise myself as a hunter.she was very unconscious and couldn't tell a man from an ant.I jumped down and jumped by up with her at my back.then I took her to where she could enter a car.I dropped her there.before she could say a word.i left then I changed to a young taxi driver.she got fully hold of herself then she stop a taxi.I was the taxi man she stopped.she entered and I drove off.I asked her "where are you going to".but she didn't reply me back instead she first asked where she was.I told her the place where she was. she was totally shock because it would take up to 6 hours to get to the state where she lives.she told he that she didn't have any money.I told her no problem as long as she paid me when she gets to where she is going to. I drove her for six hours and finally we got to her house .she said "thank you please wait let me go and bring the money".I said to her "remember your promise to GOD".she looked at me with that eyes of "how do you know I made a promise to GOD". she went inside to get the money.I disappeared after she went inside......... We rescue angel do what we have to do when we have to do it. and why we do it?.well we do it to the glory of GOD......THANK YOU FOR READING THIS STORY.........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME EPISODE 10 CONTINUES...... GOD the greatest of all gods.the superior being.the most powerful GOD ever.everything Tremble underneath HIS foot.HE is an understanding teacher.HE knows your secret and life are an open book before can't explain HIS accelerating power and understanding.HE knows everything and I mean everything.HE owns beauty.HE owns gold and diamond.HE own powers.we angels are just nothing but HIS creations.HE made us to glorify HIM not for humans to glorify us.HE loves the humans more than us angels.if we angels and the 24 elders pray and song to GOD every single day.who are you not to.who are you not to sake his face and mercy. who are you not to beg for his protection.who are you not to serve name is ENTT and my existence is nothing without my GOD the one and only true God of the heavens and galaxies...............................THE END THIS STORY WAS NOT BASE ON NORMAL THINKING.BELIEVE ME GOD TOLD ME WHAT TO WRITE THROUGH OUT THE STORY.....THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING THIS STORY.THANKS TO ALL MY SUPPORTERS AND TO THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN ME..........MY NAME IS NNAMDI AKA DINDY. I AND MY GOD WROTE THIS STORY.....FEAR GOD MY PEOPLE, FEAR HIM I SAY.....story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
28 Jun 2016 | 17:53
[b]Who Do We Designate Vote For @topbliss Dont Hesitate Vote @topbliss As The Next Misscoolval[/b]
29 Jun 2016 | 05:02
Dnt forget to VOTE @victoriouschild God bless u as u VOTE
29 Jun 2016 | 05:18
Angel on battle cage a demon
29 Jun 2016 | 12:48
From your story u only mention God. What of Jesus who all power has been given to? Is this story for real?
29 Jun 2016 | 13:09
Thanks guys......nkluv the story's main aim was about angels so I focused on that only and I had to talk about God who created them
3 Jul 2016 | 09:03
thanks guys for the correction
3 Jul 2016 | 09:36
and its a real deal
3 Jul 2016 | 09:37


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