ANCIENT PROPHECY ( a life lived before birth)

ANCIENT PROPHECY ( a life lived before birth)

By Hakalima in 2 Apr 2021 | 17:57
Hakalima Danny

Hakalima Danny

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Forums Best User
Posts: 35
Member since: 29 Mar 2020




"the end of days is come,
who shall stand to defend humanity?"

Seven thousand years ago, just after the Wars of Extinctions, there lived powerful gifted in Mandali-which in the Creational Tongue is translated, " Home of the gifted." These gifted, who were known then as Guardians Of Life, commanded great magical powers and had sworn their lives to protecting the Fountains Of Life, a holy site entrusted to them by the Supreme One Himself.
Peace reigned. The world forgot about its past losses and humanity enjoyed the joy of freedom until one day when JAN SAHR an influential gifted became power hungry and ambitioned to set up a monarch in Mandali to rule the gifted, an act that the Supreme One forbade when He first founded Mandali.
To aid his ambitious quest, JAN SAHR did the unimaginable, he used great magic to break through the barriers into the fountains of life and drunk of the LIVING WATERS and he became like the gods, immortal.
Before the Council of Guardians could take any action against the rebellious JAN SAHR and his followers, the most powerful gifted,Grand Guardian, VAN MOHR was murdered. His death has remained a mystry to this day.
VAN MOHR was the only one with the power required to fight the rebels.
His murder silenced most gifted as they could not bring themselves to fight the rebel gifted who had become immortal. Hundreds of the Guardians were murdered in cold blood and hundreds also abandoned their duties and joined forces with the rebels and together they ushered the world into the dawn of a new age, an age of tyrrancy and misery. The lives of humanity were put on a balance.
One night, a couple of dozen gifted, who refused to abandon their duties of protecting the fountains of life and were awaiting executions in the morning managed to escape.
They used great magic to hide their identities and together they journeyed to the far east into the Virgin Lands and in the mountains there founded a city HAKAM- which in the Creational Tongue is translated,’’ City of the lost.’’
It has been two and a half thousand years now since the SAHR REBELLION and the rebel gifted has continued destroying the world and has even demanded worship from the humans.
The actions of JAN SAHR has created a way for the return of the banished gods, evil gods, who wanted to blot man out of existence during the Wars Of Extinction.
It was the banishment of these gods by THE SLAYER that ended the wars.
Now these evil gods are about to return with a single purpose, wipe mankind off the face of the earth.
Will mankind survive what is to come? Will they be able to defeat the banished gods? Or this might just be the end of human life on earth.
The lives of humanity has been put on a balance and unless the Slayer learns how to fight what is to come, human life shall be wiped out of the face of the earth.

Episode 1 loading....... please wait

This will be a long ride, don't forget to invite your friends who love epic fantasy stories so we can ride together.

© Danny Hakalima 2021
2 Apr 2021 | 17:57
Bring it on Links To Available Episodes. ?????? [color =purple]Scroll Down For Episodes 1-2.[/color]
3 Apr 2021 | 14:39
Seated, carry go
3 Apr 2021 | 16:33
ANCIENT PROPHECY********(a life lived before birth)- episode 1 “In the days when the Slayer shall walk the land, The eternal kingdom shall fall. ‘ Wars shall be on every land And the entire world will be in chaos.’ ‘ He shall come from the untrodden lands, The lands of the waiters, Bearing soul slayer in his hands, The eternal sword which kills even the soul.’ ‘ To save mankind or to destroy it Shall be his destiny. But what shall be, will be decided by his free will.’ With the lives of many Shall he gamble with him who walks in shadows. Lessons learned along the way Shall determine his victory.” The Final Days by Jessica Duru. ****************************** It has been seven days now, since Wizard Bernadius left his small isolated village heading South with a band of three young people. In the first four days, they rode hard as if they were being chased by an army of the dead but on the fifth day, their speed reduced as if the wizard had no pressing matters to attend to. “Bernadius,” Joel began after they finished eating their afternoon meal. “Don’t forget the wizard part young man.” Bernadius mentioned as he fetched for his waterskin to take a drink. “Alright wizard,” “Now you have forgotten Bernadius,young man can’t you address a gifted properly?” “Fine, wizard Bernadius,it has been seven days now since we left home. And if my mind serves me well, you told us that we were just escorting you and once your travelling companion joins you, you were going to let us head back home.” “Your point being?” “My point being, who are you meeting, because me I want to go back home.” “Homesick already boy?” The wizard asked. “That doesn’t answer my question wizard Bernadius.” Joel said “Let me worry about who I am meeting, saddle the horses, we ride.” Wizard Bernadius said as he stood up preparing to leave. “Well, I am afraid I can’t go any further. As far as I am concerned, this is how far my horse can ride South. I will sandle my horse,yes, and ride back home.i can’t be moving blindly, with all due respect wizard.” Joel answered with a stubborn look on his face. “Nelly, talk some sense into your brother, his stubbornness will not help him one day.” ” I am afraid wizard, my brother’s stubbornness always comes at the right time.” “James, do you …..” “yes wizard I support Joel too.There must be something you are hiding from us? James answered without waiting the old wizard to finish his talk. Wizard Bernadius has lived quite a long time, and he has seen the passing of time. He has watched the fulfillment of prophecy, events happening in their expected order. But he has never expected to live long enough to see the final days come upon them. Two weeks back , the sign that was prophesied to herald the coming of final days happened. A heavy blood rain, the last of which was only experienced during the Wars of Extinction as the world cried for the lives of those that were lost during the War. The blood rain caught the attention of the gifted in Sibusu village and around the world because of the sure words of prophesy spoken thousands of years ago…… ” when it rains blood, know that the Slayer lives and the final days are come. Lives shall be lost, and the land will bleed. Man’s salvation lies in him born true, seek for the Slayer for he alone will wield the great sword, Soul-Slayer , in his pure hands and enter the final battle to defend all mankind.” The Final Days by Jessica Duru. Now because of that prophecy the wizard was taking a journey to find a place that he didn’t even knew if it existed. He was not supposed to lie as a wizard, but the things that were happening were not for the small ears to hear and hence he couldn’t tell them what was happening. The little they knew the better for them. “nothing is going on, I just asked for your company until I meet my travelling companion. And once she is here, you will be free to head back home. The are really important matters which demands my attention, and it is vital for the human race that I take this journey.” the wizard answered with all sincerity. “well that is , I don’t know. But I am sorry wizard we can’t go any further, the plain of ashes is just a day’s ride from here and to tell you the truth that is the last place we can ever enter, of course not forgetting the wilderness of death.” “ guys….” James called their attention.”I think we have company.” he said pointing North where they were coming from, having spotted a rider on a horse back riding at a full speed. “ is she being chased by the spirits” Nelly asked,”because the way she is riding it’s like she is running away from the Dark One himself.” “dear ancestors, isn’t that sorceress Chichi?” James answered wondering why she was riding like that. “i guess she is, though she is still like two miles away,” Joel said,”this better be good.” he added. The four waited patiently for the young sorceress to reach at their location without saying a word to each other. James said once she arrived,” are you being chased by demons sorceress Chichi?” gazing the young sorceress up and down, her travelling dress was all sweaty and she smelled like a horse, though that was understandable as she has been riding a horse for like a month now, well that is from the look of things. “ no offense meant, but when last did you take your bath?” Nelly asked with a small smile on her face. “happy to see you too Nelly” sorceress Chichi answered ”sorceress, I wasn’t expecting your presence,” wizard Bernadius began,” what news do you bring from home.? Is everything okay?” “ four days after you left, Seer Chani, received a vision. Though she didn’t reveal what she saw,she sent for me and ordered me to follow you, saying I am important in this mission.” the sorceress said. “well, Seer Chani has been having troubleous times since the blood rain and you are much welcome to travel with me sorceress Chichi, it’s just that I never expected the turn of events.” the wizard said “ she also sent a message for Joel,” the sorceress said turning her attention to him “what message?” Joel , who has been quiet finally asked. “ in the hills of ashes, there you shall find your path.” those were her exact words. “what does that mean?” Nelly asked, “Seer Chani better not start playing games with my only brother.” “you are being over protective of your brother. I guess you will find out what that means and the path he has to find once the time comes. These are difficult days my children.” the wizard spoke. ”prepare your horses, you head back home and I guess you will find out from her what that means once you reach the village. Sorceress Chichi and I will continue from here.” The three without saying anything went to their horses to prepare for departure back home. And all that Joel was thinking were the words of the Seer, “in the hills of ashes, there you shall find your path.” © Danny Hakalima 2021
4 Apr 2021 | 06:20
Getting the hint
6 Apr 2021 | 08:58
Unedited The three without saying anything went to their horses to prepare for departure back home. And all that Joel was thinking were the words of the Seer, “in the hills of ashes, there you shall find your path.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. After Joel and his company left, the wizard and the young sorceress took off too in search of the city they have never seen. When the wizard too off from his small village , he had no idea where to look for. It was like being sent to wander across lands until you reach where the earth touch the sky. But the coming of the young sorceress brought some hope and narrowed their search too. The Seer had given sorceress Chichi some clue through the words, “Hakam lies where comes the light. Far across the virgin lands, in the mountains thought inhabitable. Find the city , find the Slayer for mankind shall burn to ashes without. Protect him with your lives until he enters the last battle otherwise mankind stand no chance against the coming evil without him.” “Does these words make sense to you wizard? She knows we have to find the Slayer and it’s important that we do, looking at all that is at stake. But what I don’t understand is why she had to speak in riddles concerning the location of the city.” sorceress Chichi complained. “I am afraid I may have an idea on what that means and you won’t like it.” the wizard said. “ what does it mean, wizard?” “the virgin lands,have for so long been associated with the lands beyond the Plains Of Ashes. They are termed the virgin lands as they are believed to have never been inhabited before. There is also a prophecy which associates the Slayer to these lands ,” from the untrodden lands shall the Slayer come to fight a war already lost.” the wizard quoted with a distant look on his face. “i don’t like any of the things you have said.” the sorceress said with a troubled look on her face. “for thousands of years no one has ever crossed the Plains Of Ashes and here we are, cursed to do what even the powerful gifted during the Wars of Extinction failed to do. This mission is impossible wizard, we have to accept that or we will die and I don’t want to die young, I still have a lot of things to do and see. This woman has sent us to our own graves.” “no one is going to die sorceress , we will just have to find a way to cross the wilderness. It’s important that we find the Slayer, mankind depends on him.” “wizard I have studied history for my last ten years and one thing I know for sure, it’s not possible to cross the Plains Of Ashes. This wilderness covers thousands of hundreds of miles without any water bodies. If we don’t die of hunger, thirsty will definitely kill us.” “i understand all that you are saying sorceress and especially the fact that you don’t want to die young but at times impossibles are done to prove the failure of man. But if we don’t find the Slayer in time and this world falls into the hands of the enemy you won’t have any life to live. We can do this , you and me, and so we have to stop wasting time and find out a way on how we are going to survive as we journey across the Plain Of Ashes. The earlier we find the city and the Slayer the better for you who still have longer lives to live.” the wizard said with a determined look on his face. “the Supreme One has placed this burden on us for He know we can carry it and if we sit here all day mention why we can’t do it then it will be very unwise of us. All we need is one reason why we must do what is thought impossible, and that is the lives at stake. We can’t think our lives precious and let the whole world die. We must cross the Plain , the Supreme One will guide us unto our destination. But you have to choose to do this, will you help save humanity sorceress?” “fine wizard, let’s least I will die pursuing a good course.” ….…………………………………………………………………………………………….. For the past four days Joel and his company rode at a steady pace as they journeyed back home. They were happy from the look of things but deep down each had a lot of different thoughts running through the mind. Each had inwardly concluded that these were different times. Their lives were about to change forever and the days of peace and happiness were to be forgotten. The winds of change were blowing and mankind may not be able to weather the storm that is coming. From all the corners of the world , evil seemed to be giving birth to evil swallowing every land like the great flood. The very smell of the air was heralding danger and everything seemed in a state of unrest. There was no need of a prophet to warning someone that something great was about to happen. A deciding moment in the lives mankind. And when James couldn’t hold his silence any longer he,” surely something is going to happen. I can feel. I think we are in the last days.” “ I can’t agree less , it’s like we all are about to take a long adventure and things may not happen our way. But one thing that is scaring me is that I have this feeling that the three of us are somehow connected to what is happening.” Joel said with a troubled expression. “ what do you mean connected? Don’t let what Chichi said misguide your thoughts Joel. there is no connection whatsoever. We are nobody in the eyes of the world and ignorant of the outside world. The only world we know is the one within the boarders of our isolated village and the is no where we can be connect to what is about to befall mankind. The smell of this evil is so great that I don’t want any part of it” Nelly answered her twin brother but one could tell that the thought of that has sometime crossed her mind. “ Nelly I know you. You can’t tell us that the thought of what Joel is saying has never crossed your mind. If we are to look back and reflect on everything that has been happening in our lives we can’t deny that our lives are for a purpose and that purpose may just be somehow related to what is happening now. We don’t need the wizard to tell us that there is some evil that is growing somewhere but the most important question should be what role are we going to play in all this. And there is also the part of Joel finding his path in the Hills Of Ashes.” James said “whether I have thought about it or not is not important. But all I know is we are going to live our lives free of influence from and growing evil. Someone can not just wake up and fashion our lives after his own pleasure. “ “ fine have it your way Nelly”,James said ”Joel do you by any chance happen to know what those words mean?” “in the hills of ashes, there you shall find your path” “ no , I am afraid I don’t know. whatever that means I guess we will have to find out once we get home.” Joel answered. But there is something he didn’t say and Nelly noticed that. “ and what other thoughts are having in that head of yours boy?” she asked “ I am just wondering why Seer Chani had to send that message to me when she knew that I will be coming back. Why didn’t she just wait for me to return and tell me the message herself.?” “unless that was the only way for you to hear the message.” James answered “so what does that mean? Are you saying she is also going out to some place too.?” Nelly asked “we all know the seer is not in the condition to take any journey and that leaves us with one answer.” Joel answered “ what are you guys taking about? If that was the only way for you to receive the message and we know that the seer is in no condition to leave the village then that means there is…….? no,no,no” Nelly’s facial expression began to change as it dawned on her what Joel and James were trying to imply. “ are you guys for real suggesting that our village……” Nelly couldn’t even finish the thought as she took off galloping at full speed back home. She needed to be sure if everyone back home was safe and she can only know that once she is back. “ wait for us Nelly, James shouted from behind as their horses began galloping too.” But Nelly couldn’t wait for a second. There was no time to waste, if they couldn’t catch up with her they were going to find her home. If what the three were thinking was true, then she needed to be home as she was among the best they had. The rising dust was all that any reasonable man needed to see to stay away from her but Joel and James knew that, if what they were thinking was true, then the greatest mistake they could ever make was to let Nelly arrive first at the village and that made them increase the speed of their horses. They needed to make sure that everything was okay. But what if everything was not okay.? ….……………………………………
16 Apr 2021 | 17:06
If everything was not okay na e be say yawa don gas b that o.
17 Apr 2021 | 08:25
Long time here Seated to enjoy
17 Apr 2021 | 09:20
Go on
17 Apr 2021 | 11:06
Hey guys, I guess am back. Had been very busy with school work and I had no time for writing. Okay,,,,, here we go This piece is not edited and hence it may contain some grammatical errors The rising dust was all that any reasonable man needed to see to stay away from her but Joel and James knew that, if what they were thinking was true, then the greatest mistake they could ever make was to let Nelly arrive first at the village and that made them increase the speed of their horses. They needed to make sure that everything was okay. But what if everything was not okay.?….………………………………………………………………………………………………..Sibusu village was located in between mountains, mount Mora to the east and mount Sara to the west. The two mountains shielded the small isolated village from the storms. The people of this village had never seen civilization before. For thousands of years they have remained isolated from the lest of the modern world. According to legend these people where to remain isolated until the time of the world’s greatest need. They had heard tales of great cities to the far north, cities that rose higher to the sky adorned with beautiful and precious stones. Cities built with splendor and beauty and all glorious but as far as the subusians were concerned such cities never existed, they were just stories for the young ears to hear and waste their youth time dreaming of seeing such greatness. They had heard also of wars, where some crazy sick men and women kill each other in the name of a course. As long as you don’t believe in what someone believes that makes you the enemy and disqualifies you to live. And because of these sick men and women the sibusians had be trained in the art of war. Though they never thought a day could come which will require them to use their war skills. But they say preparation is better than being taken unaware. Boys and girls, youths, men and women rose to became best swordsmen and great archers. A sibusian could shoot an arrow close to two kilometers and still manage to hit the target with great precision. But today as Joel ,Nelly and James stood hidden on top of mount Mora looking down at their small village , their eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing, the view was close to impossible. Their hearts hurt and were filled with the power for revenge. Their entire village had been burned to the ground and dead bodies covered the ground.Tears of pain flowed down their cheeks as they beheld the massacre of those they loved. Even from this distance Joel and his companion could agree that something extraordinary had happened down there during the fight. Tracing the dead bodies of the enemy Joel could agree that the battle was in favour of his people but something happened to change the olds. “i should have been here to help defend my people. We all should have been here. These dead needed us more than the aged wizard did.” Nelly spoke at last ending the silence that lasted for almost eternity. “our presence could have changed nothing my dear sister. If we were here , we too could have been dead too but our absence has given us an opportunity to live another day and avenge the death of our people” James replied in a pained voice. “but we could have made a difference” Nelly insisted “a dead man makes no difference, remember that every time you breath in the air.” James answered back The trio were hurt ,yes, but what troubled them was how they managed to maintain a calm face “i guess we have observed the place for a long time now , it’s about time we got down there and see what really happened.” Joel said as he stood up from his hiding place but was immediately pulled down by James “i think we may have company” he said as he pointed over to mount Sara, “I can see movements behind those bushes over there” “that is good news. As we still have a chance to kill these bastards who murdered our families and friends.” Nelly said as she checked her bow and the bag of arrows which hang behind her bag “fine then, I don’t want to waste time in killing the barbarians. You guys are good with bows and I love my sword, so you guys will give me support from up here while I go down and meet the enemies. Kill as many as you can with your arrows but leave some for my sword too, it needs to taste their blood” Joel said and without waiting for a reply he rushed down the mountain into the village crying out very loudly. His cry caught the attention of the hidden soldiers and the waited for him to get close to the village before they can come out of their hiding.Just as he was a few meters away from the main entrance to the village, an arrow zipped past him ,bringing him to a halt. Following the direction of the arrow, his eyes couldn’t believe what he saw. Descending from mount Sara were close to a hundred well built soldiers putting on leather black pants and jackets to match with. Some carrying battle axes, others swords, only half a dozen were carrying bows. Most mens were huge, mostly referred to as mountains of men and almost all the courage that Joel had almost failed him. The only thought at the moment which occupied his mind was “run boy” otherwise you are a dead meat. But as he looked around the dead, fresh tears trekked down his cheeks as he saw the how his people died. Some were skinned, all the flesh off the skin, others were cut in pieces and sawn again in a disorderly manner but mostly were cut open on the stomach and their internal organs removed. He felt like vomiting but his power for revenge took control of him. All he needed to do, was to cut to pieces these barbarians as such brutalness could never go unpunished. The great danger to the life of a soldier during a battle comes from a man having a bow. And Joel knew that if his companion don’t take the archers first then his life will be put in a great danger. A voice brought him back to reality, “ I am Nathan, the third in command of the heralds army of emperor Jan Sahr, the god of the world. We came to this small village to bring the gospel of our god emperor but these dead did not welcome us as the messengers of the true god neither did they acknowledge the divinity of our emperor saying there is only one true God, whom they called the Supreme One. Their behaviour was a heretic one punishable by death. And this village has been set as an example to the fate of all those who don’t honor our god emperor Jan Sahr. The death of these people was an atornment for all their sin of heresy.” commander Nathan spoke in the most dangerous voice Joel has ever heard. Commander Nathan was a well trained soldier. He was of mid height, round face and dark brown hair. His hands and legs were big, like those of a small giant. All his life he trained in the school of the heralds, a sect that was responsible in murdering all those who opposed the divinity of emperor Jan Sahr, such that his mind became diseased with the Sahr dogmas and he could stop at nothing in punishing the unbelievers. But he was also a merciful commander. Once you don’t accept his gospel, you all out of his mercies will be slaughtered so that you don’t go out and poison the minds of others against the god emperor. “today boy you stand on the boundary, the other side is life and on the side death but what you choose today determines where your poor soul shall be. Put down your sword as you are outnumbered a hundred to one. Don’t waste you life foolishly as there is a place for you in the empire of our god.” “you killed all my family, relatives and precious friends. What assurance do I have that you are not going to kill me the moment I put down my sword?” Joel spoke in a surprising calm voice. “because your life is at our mercy, we can kill you in any way even with that sword of yours. We are giving you a chance to live here, acknowledge the divinity of our emperor god Jan Sahr and worship him ,the you shall live. Or your can hold on to this your Supreme One and suffer the same fate as these. You have your life in your own hands but I challenge you to choose life that you may live to see another day.” this was it. The young boy has been given a chance to choose life that he may live but if he couldn’t acknowledge the divinity of the emperor the he was not worthy to breath the air. His choice was to decide his fate. "am afraid I can’t enter into an agreement with my enemies who murdered all the people I knew in the name of heresy. The truth is Jan Sahr is no god. You should have read history. He is nothing but a rebel wizard who did what he was not suppose to do about two and half thousand years ago and the fact that he is immortal doesn’t make him a god. The man is nothing but flesh and blood, he is no divine. And cursed is he who bow down before him” Immediately Joel finished talking an arrow was four arrows were zipping toward him. The heralds could not tolerate such level of heresy and only his blood could atorn for his sins. Then without thinking , Joel’s sword was moving up trying to defend himself from the arrows. He cut to arrows, blocked one by his sword. But as he was trying to bring back his sword into a defensive stance, he missed a step and the arrow found an opening. It was the tilting of his head that saved him as the arrow zipped past him, cutting through his right ear. And within the twinkling of an eye, it was all over. “ take him down,” commander Nathan shouted as he removed his battle axe from his belt. “we cannot let a heretic live” and the all the enemies were moving toward him with bloody thirsty battle cries. As if reading his minds Nelly and James took down all the enemy archers with their arrows in a split of a second and Joel was great for that. The greatest danger to his life was eliminated and all he needed to do to remain alive was to dance with the sword as he has be trained for the past fifteen years without fear of being shot by an arrow from the enemy. As the enemy soldiers were closing in on him, though most of them fell down from the arrows of Nelly and James, Joel saw there were still all too many of them to kill with his sword and then he remember the words often spoken in the training grounds of the Sibusians,”when you are outnumbered a hundred to one in a real battle, remove all fear and don’t lose sight of your ultimate goal,” to survive”,put your trust not in your comrades but in your sword alone. Dance to the turn of death but when you cut an enemy ,cut to kill, for the death of your enemies guarantees your survival.” then he knew to survive this encounter was only possible if he danced in the circles of death. He lifted his sword and spoke to it in a soft tone,” my trust in you, see me through this crisis today.” and then he was ready to kill…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. tbc
11 May 2021 | 12:28


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