Amina's pride

Amina's pride

By marcus in 7 Mar 2019 | 04:11
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Episode 1

The woman’s dress brushed past the tall grasses as she made her way back home. She pulled off her niqab angrily; she hadn’t made any sales at the local market today. Her name was Amina Tukur, and she was the most beautiful Shuwa woman in Dafa.
Dafa was a little town to the West. Amina Tukur had lived all her live there. Nostalgia washed over her as she walked across the field of wild grasses, leading to her home. When she was a kid, her mother would grab her by the waist and together, they would both run through the tall grasses. But those memories were only in the past, Amina Tukur, her mother, had passed away when she had been only six. She was left alone in this cruel world, and her father’s ambition and greed were making things worse for her.
“What took you so long?”, Mallam Tukur a thin and scrawny looking man barked at his daughter. He wore dirty brown socks and worn out clothes which were threadbare from frequent use. He had won the same boots for many years now.
Tukur was a small scale farmer, who grew wheat and barley but wasn’t satisfied. He desired to own a ranch soon. He had always dreamt of breaking free from poverty; and he knew the key that would open the door to his breakthrough.
Amina had gone to the local market to sell some of the farm produce; not many people had patronized her goods, but she was able to sell much wheat. She gently dropped the basket which contained the remaining goods on the rocky floor, next to where her father was standing.

“There weren’t many people in the market father, and most had come to buy themselves new horses.” Amina replied calmly. Apart from being overly ambitious, her father was a grumpy man. Tukur was foul tempered and impatient. Since the death of her mother, something had changed in him and Amina feared he would never be the same again.
He scowled, “this is the reason I have always wanted a ranch. Ranch owners never lack what to eat. They make a lot of money from those animals. I just wished that fool never ruined my chances of partnering with Mallam Idris. I regret that day all the time.”
Amina drew in a breath and steadied her gaze on the old man. Mallam Idris was the richest ranch owner in Dafa and the other towns of the Great Plain. He was a man in his middle age, and had a lot of fame for his womanizing ways. Amina had seen the man once, and he had tried to flirt with her. She didn’t like him.
She knew about the range war that had taken place in the Dafa Valley many years before she was born. Her father always spoke about a man, Abdul. This Abdul once lived in Dafa and he was a successful ranch owner too. One day, Abdul had stepped on Mallam Idris’ grazing area, and a war had broken out. Idris had called on her father to help fight Abdul’s men off with a promise of helping him start a ranch. Tukur had agreed, but on getting to the valley, Abdul’s men had already prepared themselves.
That day, Abdul lost five of his men, while Idris lost ten horses. Tukur had failed to keep the deal of protecting Idris’ property. And Abdul had become his greatest enemy.
“Father, you should let go of the past. Mallam Idris is a selfish man. If he had really wanted to help you, he shouldn’t have given you any conditions. The farm business isn’t working for us in Dafa. Maybe we should move to another town and settle there. There’s nothing left for us here.” Amina saw how unhappy her father was; she hoped he would consider her suggestion.
Tukur scoffed, ‘you are still a child Amina, though you have grown into a beautiful woman. It isn’t easy to start a new life in a new place for a person of my age. We have lived all our lives here in Dafa, and we shall stay here and start that ranch business I have always dreamt off.”
Amina wondered why her father sounded so confident about ranching.
“We will need a lot of money for that Papa. Horses are very expensive. We will need to build more rooms. You will need men to tend after the animals. How do we even begin?” Amina searched his eyes carefully, after spotting a smug on his lips.
The old man knew something or was plotting something. She didn’t like the look in his eyes, because he looked devious.
“I tell you what…”Tukur drew close to his daughter and cupped her tiny face between his palms.
“What?” Amina’s lips trembled.
“You and me would go together to see Idris. I hear he has a thing for dark haired women.” The man laughed and released his daughter’s face at once.
Blood crept to Amina’s cheeks as she glared at her father in shock.
“That man is a dog! I can never go close to him.” Amina spat on the floor as she remembered Idris’ advances towards her.
The laughter died from her father’s eyes immediately, “don’t you ever say that Amina. You will do whatever it takes to get us a new ranch. You are a gift from heaven and you will marry Mallam Idris. I will collect a bride price of twenty horses.”
Amina could see that her father wasn’t joking. He was a man of his word and she couldn’t stand up against him. Her hands trembled as she imagined being married to a man like Mallam Idris. The thought of it made her nauseous. She was determined not to be used a pawn in her father’s game of greed.
“I’d rather die.” Amina whispered silently.
“We ride early towards his ranch in the morning. Get yourself prepared.”

She found it difficult to sleep at night. Amina tossed on her bed a million times, wondering why her father would take such a decision without considering her opinion. She had lived with the man for twenty five years, she when he was joking, and when he was serious.
Amina felt her heart leap as she thought of the visit to Mallam Idris’ ranch. What if her father had already made arrangements for her to be given to him? What if he was taking her there to become his wife?
“No,” she rose from the bed and began to pace her room. She moved towards the window and stared at the beauty of the night. A soft wind rushed towards her, and ruffled her black curls. Her emerald eyes twinkled like the stars in the sky. The Gibbous moon was in sight, and she couldn’t help but stare at the majesty of the heavenly body. Adoring nature distracted her mind for a few minutes.

To be continued…

7 Mar 2019 | 04:11
7 Mar 2019 | 17:04
Ride on
7 Mar 2019 | 21:51
8 Mar 2019 | 04:12
Permit me to suggest one thing Amina… “RUN”
8 Mar 2019 | 04:12
right here
8 Mar 2019 | 13:21
Hmm... Force marriage in this 21 (first century)
8 Mar 2019 | 15:04
Pease continue
9 Mar 2019 | 05:09
Episode 2 Amina knew she had to be careful with the old man. Mallam Tukur would do anything to have the ranch he had always wanted, including selling her off to a man she hated. Even though he’d wanted to give her in exchange for some horses; she wouldn’t have a problem with that. Her only worry was that the man in question was Idris, Dafa’s finest womanizer. She had never been with a man before. But she had always wished to have a blissful and quiet marriage like that of her parents. She wanted to be with a man who loved and cherished her. And not some middle aged philandering man. She hated to think there was no way out of this. If she remained in Dafa, her father would never stop talking about Idris. And the next thing that would follow would be his incessant nagging and complaining of her refusal to do his bidding. “Hajia,” a sigh escaped Amina as an idea presented itself to her. She had to be prepared for what was coming her way. Apart from ranching and farming, Dafa was known to have the highest number of matchmaking houses. A lot of young women from the poorer families were ready to get fixed with men who would take care of them. This eased the burden on their families. The most famous house belonged to HajiaUraira, and she was popularly known as “Hajia.” The old lady was Amina’s friend. In fact, she had advised Amina to try putting herself up for a potential mate, but the idea sounded ridiculous to Amina. But now, she was having a rethink. She’d rather be married to a total stranger, than someone like Mallam Idris. Amina peeled herself from the window and hurried to a wooden trunk, where she kept her special dresses and pictures. Without waste of time, she pulled out her finest picture. She had taken it when she was just nineteen. Dafa had been visited by some photographers who were interested in taking pictures of the rural dwellers. “Excellent,” her eyes twinkled as she stared at her image. She would follow her father to Idris’ ranch first; and if things didn’t work out well. She would have no choice but to put her picture up, in search of a husband. The ride to Mallam Idris’ ranch was quiet. Tukur said nothing to Amina and she remained silent. He couldn’t wait to show off his exquisite daughter to his old friend, Idris. He knew quite well that Idris favored light skinned women. And his daughter was perfect for him. It wasn’t long before they sighted the wooden gates that caved the ranch in. Tukur’s heart thudded with excitement. It was only a matter of time, before he owned a ranch as enormous as this. He brought the horse to a halt as they reached the ranch. “Be nice Amina, having our own ranch depends on us now.” Tukur announced. “Yes father,” Amina nodded. The men on Idris’ ranch glared lustfully at Amina as she got down from the horse. She was the prettiest woman they had ever seen. Her petite figure added to her allure. She wore a yellow dress, which clashed with the greenness of her eyes. Her black curls tumbled in waves down to the middle of her back. She had a small waist, and ample bosom whose peaks were incredibly smooth and creamy. Her father had told her not to wear a niqab. “Where is your master?” Tukur asked one of the men. He had come to the ranch several times, so they knew who he was. “Erm, he is in,” the man stuttered as he peered on at Amina. Amina gritted her teeth angrily as she strolled towards the bungalow with her father. She could feel the lusty eyes of the wranglers on her small frame. They were definitely undressing her in their minds. “You are a beauty like your mother. See how they all adore you. Idris will not refuse my offer.” Tukur’s smile was satisfactory. He loved the confusion that Amina’s beauty caused in the ranch. They hadn’t reached the entrance of the bungalow, when a pot bellied man stepped outside with a scowl on his face. He was short, stout and the sides of his face were covered with white hairs. He looked like he was about to burst. Mallam Idris had come out to punish some of his wranglers for disobeying his orders, but the sight of Tukur’s fine daughter; all his anger fled. “Tukur?” Idris got rid of the scowl and surged forward. He remembered Amina’s face quite well. She was one of the finest women in Dafa who had refused his advances. “What a long time Idris.” Amina’s father moved closer to his friend and they hugged each other, like old friends would do. Amina stood quietly and watched their exchange. She ran her eyes over the big bungalow and the ranch. It seemed AIdris had taken half of Dafa for himself. She was impressed by his hard work and industriousness, but she could never marry him. Idris was yet to say a word to her. Instead, he decided to show her father around the ranch, while she waited for him. Angrily, Amina began to stamp her feet. She quickly pulled out her picture from the little purse she carried with her. She couldn’t wait to hear the outcome of this visit. After what seemed like eternity, Idris returned with her father to where she had been waiting. While taking a tour on Idris’ ranch, Tukur had gone straight to the point of his visit. He wanted his daughter to be Idris’ wife, in exchange for some horses. “My beautiful one…” Idris flashed a smile and advanced towards Amina, who quickly got on her feet. Without her permission, he grabbed her wrist and placed a soft kiss upon it. “I always knew that we were meant to be together. Your father has stated your wishes to be my wife. I do not object. I will be travelling to Qabir shortly, to purchase a finer breed of cattle. Once I return, we shall have our wedding.” “Hmm,” Amina forced a smile that hurt her chin. So, her father had been serious about this eh? She couldn’t wait to get home. She was paying Hajiya a visit, and that would solve this problem. Tukur felt happy that Amina played along and answered all of Idris’ questions. “I told you she wanted you. My daughter is a well bred woman.” Tukur showered praises on Amina. Idris nodded in agreement, “she would make a fine bride.” Idris’ journey was going take a month, and this had given Amina all the time in the world to execute her own plan. After they had reached home, she had told her father of the need to fetch water from the stream before it got dark. He believed her and let her go. Amina wasn’t going to any stream. She quickly hid her bucket in the tall grasses, and hurried towards the Dafa Market Square where she would find the matchmaker. She had to escape this marriage by all means possible. Idris wasn’t a good man, and she wasn’t prepared to be one with him in marriage. The woman sensed a stranger by the entrance of her house. She had been going through the fixtures of the previous months. Young ladies flooded her house every day, in need of a mate. And she made a lot of money from their visits. “Who is there?” She quickly dropped one of the catalogues she held, and pulled on her Hijab and rested against the chair. Hajia had been working since morning; maybe the entrance of this stranger would help her relax. Amina took a deep breath and glared at the picture in her hands. Once she was in that catalogue, there wouldn’t be any going back. She would be free from her father’s hold, and from Idris’ grip. “It is I, Amina Tukur.” She released the breath she held slowly and gently. Hajia’sthick brows contorted, “come on in sweet little thing. Why stand by the door? You’re no stranger to me.”
11 Mar 2019 | 04:58
Episode 3 mina smiled and strolled in casually. Certainly, she wasn’t a stranger to the old woman. She moved straight to Hajiya’s desk and gave her a peck on the cheek. This made the woman very happy. She had always favored Amina right from childhood. Amina’s mother had been a good woman, and everyone in Dafaloved her. Sadly, her husband’s attitude had changed since her death. Hurriedly, Amina dropped her picture on the desk. “I want to be in the catalogues, as soon as possible.” Amina bit her lip and avoided the old lady’s penetrating gaze. Hajiya smiled, “I won’t ask for the reason you’re doing this. I’ll make sure you end up with a good man, alright?” She waved a finger over Amina’s face. “Thanks for helping me Hajiya. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Amina felt relieved. She couldn’t wait to get out of Dafa. Hajiya was happy that she could help. A dark haired man leaned on the rails that prevented the horses from leaving the barn. He tried to get rid of the numbing pain by staring at his animals. All his life, he had worked so hard to make a name in the ranching business, and he had. Mallam Abdul’s ranch was the largest Ranch in Kanem Dazau. His only regret and pain was that the wife of his youth, Fatma had two years ago. They had struggled together, and built the ranch from the dust. Now she was no more, and his world had been plunged into darkness. Three years after Fatma’s departure from a brief illness, Abdul had found it difficult to move on. If not for the help of his devoted workers, the ranch would have fallen. He had gone into his shell, and wouldn’t speak to anyone. He was now a shadow of his old self. While staring at the horses, and listening to the call of the wind, a sharp voice interrupted his moment of solitude. It was the voice of Hazim, one of his cowboys. “Abdul!” Hazim rushed forward with a paper in his hand. Hazim had been his oldest companion on the ranch. Right from the beginning, Ander had always been by his side. He was second in command. “I got something for you.” Hazim moved closer. “Go away Hazim, we’ll talk later.” Abdul grumbled. “No, this is important. You should see it.” Hazim offered Abdul the paper. Abdul swirled round and grabbed it from him. He unrolled the paper and glanced at it. The creases on his forehead came together in a frown and he scoffed. “A match made bride?” He scoffed. “Fatma has been gone for too long. You should consider having another woman by your side.” Hazim replied. Abdul glared at the beautiful picture. She was young and full of life. Her eyes had fire in them. For the first time in three years, he noticed a woman who was far more attractive than Fatma, to catch his attention. “Should I send for her?” Hazim cocked his head to one side. “Amina Tukur from Dafa. She is not Fulani but a Shuwa. This explains her peculiar looks.” Abdul’s heart skipped. Could it be the same Tukur that betrayed him many years ago?” He decided to confide in his friend. Hazimr grabbed the paper from him and stared at the young woman. “I think this could be Mallam Tukur’s daughter.” Abdul chuckled softly; maybe it was time to exert revenge of the traitor after so many years. “Pay for her, she will be my bride. Through her, Mallam Tukur would be brought to his knees.” He whispered before leaving the barn. Hazim remembered the cattle war at the Dafa Valley. He had a sick feeling of bringing an innocent girl into this game. But he had no choice but to send for her as Abdul had commanded. He had been there, when Mallam Tukur had connived with the greedy Idris to steal Abdul’s grazing portion. Hazim hoped that the woman in the picture wasn’t anyway related to Tukur. “The marriage would be a disaster " Back at Dafa, Amina was getting nervous. Hajiya was yet to give her feedback after her submission, and she had only two weeks left before the return of Mallam Idris. She lived in agitation for many days, but her fears came to an end one sunny Tuesday afternoon. Amina had gone to the local market to sell her father’s wares as usual. While calling on buyers to check out the farm produce, a little boy rushed towards her and tossed a paper on her lap. “Abu! Wait….” Amina grabbed the paper and rose to her feet. “Hajya asked me to fetch you. Now come on!” The little boy scurried through the streets of the market square. Amina’s heart leapt with joy and expectation as she glared at the dirty brown paper in her hand. This was it; she was finally leaving Dafa to start a new life. She finally had the freedom that she needed. Without hesitation, Amina grabbed the paper and hurried after the little boy. It was only a matter of time before she got on the train to the place where her husband would be. “Salam! You sent for me.” Amina sauntered into the office. The old lady, who’d been busy reading her Quran, dropped the Holy book and glared up at her visitor. “Did you read the paper at all?” She chuckled as she noted the look of excitement on Amina’s pretty face. Amina shook her head, “I just couldn’t wait to see you.” “Open it,” Hajiya pointed at the paper, and Amina calmly obeyed. One Mallam. Hazim Isram had paid for her. From the faint picture in the background, she could tell he wasn’t a very handsome man. He wore his hair long, and he had a crooked nose. The man was probably in his early forties. “Don’t you like him? He paid handsomely for you.” Hajiya pulled out a purse and showed Amina some money. She wasn’t thrilled about meeting Mallam Hazim Isram her husband. But the thought of fleeing Dafa and avoiding a marriage of convenience with Mallam Idris made her happy. “He isn’t a very fine man Hajiya.” She folded the paper and smiled. The old woman burst into a laughter that was crackling to the ears. “You have much to learn child. What matters in love isn’t about a man’s looks, but the way he treats you.” Sorry for the last post I was sick 2 episode as compensation Thank you
11 Mar 2019 | 05:01
11 Mar 2019 | 14:25
Sorry dear hw is your health now?
12 Mar 2019 | 10:01
Amina if u asked me; I see no difference in what u are doing, u still doing a contract marriage...
12 Mar 2019 | 10:03
and What country is this story... and secondly it not like a 21st century story
12 Mar 2019 | 10:04
enjoying this story, Amina hope u are not running from frying pan and jump inside fire
12 Mar 2019 | 16:38
@ryder Thank u am better now
12 Mar 2019 | 17:34
sorry dear,,, how is now Ur health???? but Abdul should please treat Amina well, she is not like her father
13 Mar 2019 | 01:44
Episode 4 Amina noticed how her eyes glowed as she spoke of love. Hajiya had never been married from the rumors she heard. Perhaps, she fell in love with a man who broke her heart. “You will take a cart to the great city of Kanem Dazau. Your husband shall collect you there.” Hajiya gave her more instructions. Amina rubbed her chin thoughtfully. She knew quite well she would be moving to the West. This meant that her journey would take her far away from the Great Plain. A bitter sweet feeling washed over her as the thought of the little town where she had built all her life. She would miss her father. She would miss Hajiya and some of her neighbors. She would miss walking through the tall grasses and reminiscing about the good times she shared with her mother. Yes, there was a lot to miss about Dafa. But she had already taken a decision. She would leave at the descent of dawn. “Thank you for helping me Hajiya.” Amina rushed forward and hugged the woman. “It’s nothing darling child. This is all I could do to help so you wouldn’t end up with Idris. The man is a monster in sheep clothing.” The woman whispered. Amina quickly pulled her niqab back, “how did you know about that?” She didn’t remember telling anyone about her father’s plan to marry her off to his old friend. Hajiya shrugged, “Dafa may have many dwellers, but it is a small town. The walls have ears. Nothing can be hidden from the sun.” *** Amina had found it very difficult to sleep at night. She stayed awake thinking of what her new husband would be like. Was Mallam Hazim a good man? Was she making a mistake by running away from Dafa? While watching the stars at night, Amina noticed that the moonlight was slowly fading, and the sun was trying to descend. Dawn had crept in like a thief. This was her only opportunity to leave the house. Quickly, she rushed to her trunk and pulled out a pen and a dirty sheet of paper. She would write her father a letter; this would help him understand why she had to leave and quench any fear he could have about Amina being hurt. Her hands trembled as she scribbled the first sentence. In a few hours, she would start a new life with her new husband. Abdul couldn’t believe his mind could be preoccupied with something else, other than Fatma’s untimely departure. At first, he thought he was just drawn to the beautiful woman on the photograph. But days passed, and his admiration was becoming an obsession. “Amina…” her name sounded sweet to his ears. He had kept the paper Hazim had brought him in the barn some weeks back in a special place. Though he was yet to set eyes on Mallam Tukur’s daughter, he had a feeling she wasn’t as treacherous as her father. Something about her sparkling eyes drew him to her. It was a like the scent of water, to a thirsty deer. His days were no longer dark and gloomy. His spirit was no longer broken. He had found the perfect distraction, and he couldn’t wait to set eyes on her. A devious smile danced at the corners of his mouth at the kitchen table. He was having breakfast with his trusted friend, Hazim. “What are you smiling about?” Hazim caught Abdul’s impish smile from the corner of his left eye. “And why is the master in the kitchen? Where are Nabila and Keerna?” Hazim asked after the maidservants. “I wasn’t smiling.” Abdul denied. He shrugged. “I told them to take some time off for the Salah celebration.” He quickly added. Hazim had never seen his friend this happy since the loss of his wife. Without Abdul telling him the truth, he could tell the reason for that devilish smile. “If you are thinking of using the poor girl in your game of revenge, forget it.” Hazim pointed a finger at him. Hazim knew that Abdul’s aversion for Mallam Tukur and Idris was deep. Well, no one on this side of Kanem Dazau really liked Tukur or Idris. They had lost five men at the Dafa cattle war. And Tukur was to be blamed for everything. “Is it so bad if I try?” Abdul tossed a date into his mouth. “I know Tukur hurt you. But that was many years ago. You cannot take out your anger on an innocent girl. She probably wouldn’t know you and her father had a feud, years back.” Hazim advised. Abdul considered his words for a moment, “what if she is a betrayer like her father?” Hazim could see Abdul had made up of his mind about the revenge. “Well, whatever you do remember I paid for Amina in my name. I could always return her to her hometown if you treat her badly. But I know you won’t.” Hazim smacked his gloved hands together and tossed his cowboy cap on the head. Aminawould be joining the ranch in a few hours and he would be the one to pick her. “Why do you think I wouldn’t revenge?” Abdul was curious. “Because you’re a good man,” Hazim strolled out swiftly after his response. He left Abdul to ponder on the words he’d spoken. Abdul’s appetite fled as he thought on the words. A dark cloud rested upon him as a memory flashed. Fatma had said the same words to him on one occasion. She had confessed that his kindness and forgiving heart had won her love. Hazim’s confession had brought back more memories of his days with Fatma. A soft ache rose from his belly and travelled to his heart. Abdul was still a broken man, and he needed someone to fix him. Amina quickly stepped off the cart with her trunk and waited by the roadside for her new husband to pick her. The picture of Mallam Hazim was tightly clasped between her small fingers, as she searched the sea of men that stood at a shade after the roadside. Perspiration poured in patches on her back and on the bridge of her nose as she waited for the man. Was it going to take forever to pick her up from the train station? Amina grabbed her trunk and started towards the shade. She would find a seat there and wait for the man. A feeling of respite washed over her as she realized she had left Dafa for good. Her father would get her letter, and she planned to write him more just to know he was fine. But she was never going back home. She was bound to Kanem Dazau, she felt free and happy. She liked it here. The weather was cooler, the sun was milder, and the air smelt of different flowers. Hazim had spotted Amina right from the moment she’d gotten off the train. But he had bumped into one of Kanem Dazau’ finest farmer and they’d been discussing something really important. After the conversation, Hazim marched towards the frowning Amina.
13 Mar 2019 | 08:39
Hope you find happiness there
13 Mar 2019 | 21:48
@Ifeoluwa Emmanuel Am fine thank you
14 Mar 2019 | 10:32
I pray Abdul loves u and forget about the past
14 Mar 2019 | 12:17
Episode 5 She was even more beautiful in person than in a picture. Her green eyes were little coals of fire. They could pierce into the darkest places of a man’s mind. Mallam Tukur’s daughter was a paragon of beauty. And Hazim had a feeling that Abdul wouldn’t resist her good looks. The thought of his friend finding love again, made him excited. “Amina!” He bellowed as he reached her. He almost stumbled when she heard someone call her with a strange accent. When she looked up, she recognized him at once. It was Mallam Hazim, her husband. The Kanuri’s spoke Fulani in a strange accent; this surprised her. “You are very pretty.” He took off his cap and searched her eyes deeply. Amina didn’t know how to respond, she blushed. “Don’t be shy of me. Prepare for the one who needs to see those crimsoned cheeks.” Hazim chuckled and collected the box from her. His response didn’t sit well with her. It confused her. “What?” Amina stuttered. “Oh, I forgot to tell you.” Hazim paused in his steps. “Tell me what?” She felt something clog her throat. She didn’t like the look on the man’s face. “I am not your husband. I only paid for the matchmaking.” Amina’s inside swirled in confusion on hearing this. Her heart broke into a wild race. “I don’t understand, if you aren’t my husband, who is?” “Mallam Abdul.” Amina couldn’t believe her ears. This was the most ludicrous arrangement she had ever heard off. If this Abdul man really wanted a wife, why didn’t he come and pick her himself? He seemed like a very cocky person and Amina began to regret her elopement. The ride on Hazim’s horse was quiet. The man hadn’t said anything to her; neither did she bother him with any question. Something bothered her deep down, but she couldn’t voice it out. The name, “Abdul,” wasn’t novel to her. Her father had always spoken of a man who sabotaged his chances of owning a ranch like Idris. They had been engaged in a War, and some of Abdul’s men had died. She had never taken the story seriously, because her father had become a vindictive man. However, if her husband was the same Abdul, then she may just have gotten herself into a trap. She quivered at the thought of being married to someone who hated her family. He would treat her worse than Idris would have treated her. One thing was certain; if her husband was the same man her father spoke about, she would flee Kanem Dazau, first thing in the morning. *** Abdul had been staring out the window of his room from the time Hazim had left to fetch his new bride. If Fatma had been here, she would have told him to forgive Mallam Tukurand move on with his life. She had been the sweetest person he’d ever met. He would always live his life, the way she would’ve wanted him to. Mallam Tukur had offended him, and not his daughter. Maybe marrying Tukur’s daughter was revenge enough. It was time to let go of the past and face the future. His heart leapt when he sighted the beauty on the horse. She wore a green dress, with a silver scarf upon her head. Abdul found it hard to breathe as she came off the horse and took off her scarf. Waves of thick raven hair tumbled upon her small shoulders. Her sparkling eyes were the finest he had ever seen. Amina had stepped into his Ranch. Abdul had a feeling he would never be the same again. He moved away from the window and decided to do the right thing. It would take him time to get over Fatma, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be friends with the delectable petite woman. “Welcome to Lord Abdul’s Ranch.” Hazim dragged her trunk and led her towards the main house. But Amina wasn’t paying attention to him. She was fascinated by the lush green vegetation of the ranch and the little spring she spotted ahead. This place was a lot different from Dafa. She felt at home and alive. This was strange for her. “Master Abdulwould be eager to see you,” Hazim continued, he wore a mischievous smile, knowing that no sane man could resist someone like Amina. Not even “grieving,” Abdul. She cleared her throat and riveted her mind back to something that bothered her. Though she liked her new environment, she wanted to meet the owner of the ranch first. She wanted to set eyes on her husband. Only then, would she take a final decision. The duo hadn’t reached the entrance when Abdul stepped outside of the house. Amina felt her neck stiffen as she locked eyes with him. He was far more attractive than Hazim. He stood tall like a tree. His body was firm and lean. Like her, he had black hair, only that his’ was short. It was the darkness and the broodiness in his eyes that allured her. They possessed an ancient sadness. His eyes were unhappy and sorrowful, but still attractive. Amina had never experienced this sort of thing, but a yearning arose within her. She desired to comfort him; to be with him, to be his friend. Why was Abdul so sad? “Um, let me drop your trunk inside.” Hazim cleared his throat and hurried past the lovers. He noticed the way they looked at each other. It was too soon to assume, but Ander knew they would end up together. Abdul was spellbound by her beauty. Her green orbs carried words of softness, consideration and kindness. How could she possess the same aura as his Fatma? He found it difficult to utter a word in her presence. She was his goddess, and he was enthralled. Amina was the one that broke the magnetic gaze and she cringed at the first words that popped out of her mouth. “Are you the enemy of my father?” Hazim dragged the boxes into the house and towards the room that had been specially made for Amina Tukur. He was excited that his old friend Abdul was starting to crawl out of his shell. After the death of Fatma, Hazim had feared that Abdul would lose his mind to depression. But now that the attractive Amina had come, he was rest assured that Abdul would be fine. “Where are you going with those boxes?” A sharp female voice called out to him. Hazim recognized the voice at once. In the whole Ranch, there were just two women; Keerna and Nabila. Nabila was the senior cook and a milk maid. Keerna washed the clothes of Abdul and some of the cow boys. These two were very close friends and they spent their time gossiping about the happenings in Kanem Dazau and the handsome men in the ranch. To be continued…
15 Mar 2019 | 02:25
Huh? do women still do in this 21st century?
15 Mar 2019 | 04:16
Wrong question
15 Mar 2019 | 04:17
Ride on with it
15 Mar 2019 | 15:11
16 Mar 2019 | 10:08
Amina and abdul hmmm hope u two find solace in each other's arms
16 Mar 2019 | 10:21
thank God that Abdul likes her
16 Mar 2019 | 13:44
sorry get we soon, Amina I pray u should not go with that man ,that want to get revenge to ur father thro u
16 Mar 2019 | 14:26
Amina made the right decision, even though it has to do with the past war. Her nice waist is not something to waste with idris the bitter loser.
16 Mar 2019 | 17:50
Tukur should just be with himself and use himself 4 his nonsense dreams if all that is more important than the safety of his only daughter.
16 Mar 2019 | 17:56
Hazim and hajiya has been doing a good job on the hook up things with these two that has got love. Amina and abdul are looking like they wanna fall in love. With love it will be easy 4 them to forget the past war.
16 Mar 2019 | 18:07
Episode 6 Nabila was the fairer one, and her looks had bought her favor before many men. She was tall and slender, with supple bosom and a slim waist line. Nabila had the longest hair in Kanem Dazau, and other women envied her. She had come into the ranch when she had just been eighteen years old, and Fatma, Abdul’s late wife had treated her kindly. Now she had blossomed into a fine young woman. Keerna was short and stout. She had a dark brown complexion, but her greatest asset was her almond eyes. They were soft and clear like streams of water. Keerna had a beautiful heart, and Hazim found her very attractive. But he couldn’t pursue his love interest because he wasn’t sure if Abdul would approve of the relationship. “And good morning to you,” Abdul snorted and continued advancing toward the room. Keerna could come off rude sometimes and he knew just how to put her in her place. Keerna didn’t like his response. She adjusted her scarf and rushed to stop him. Clearly she had feelings for Hazim, but he was too blind to see it. Of all the cowboys, Hazim had stolen her affection and she was desperate to be with him. “By God, you aren’t going anywhere.” Keerna blocked his way. Hazim shrugged, “fine, you can take the boxes to her room yourself.” Keerna’s eyes glowed with surprise. She wasn’t aware that a visitor was coming. “Her?” Keerna asked. “None of your business,” Hazim snapped at her. Keerna knew he was upset with her because she had refused to greet him. “I am sorry Hazim, I just felt like getting on your nerves today. Good morning handsome one.” She flashed her dimples, and at the sight of her pretty face, Hazim knew that he couldn’t be angry with her for too long. Keerna smiled and stepped out of his way. “So tell me, are we expecting someone?” Keerna continued. Hazim knew he had to tell her; else she would bug him to death. “Yes. Mallam Abdul has taken a new wife.” He replied calmly. “Walahi, you are very bad in telling jokes.” Keerna rolled her eyes and pressed a hand against her chest. How could the master take a new wife when he was still in mourning? She wasn’t comfortable with this joke. If Nabila were here, it would break her heart for she had fallen in love with the master. Hazim ignored her and parted the door to Amina’s room. “I have said my truth. Now that the ranch has a mistress, you and Nabila would have less time for gossip.” He dropped the boxes in the room and shut the door immediately. Keerna’s heart sank as she realized Hazim wasn’t bluffing. How could the servants not be told about the master’s new wife? “See you later Keerna, I have important matters to attend.” Hazim cast one glance at her gloomy face and strode away. It baffled him why she looked so sad at the hearing of a new wife for the master. He scoffed and rolled his eyes. Women were such unpredictable creatures. Keerna glared at the door to Amina’s room darkly before running towards Nabila to tell her the news. Abdul glared into her green eyes. She had no fear in them. Her voice was neutral and commanding. Amina knew the history between himself and her father, yet she wasn’t trembling before him. “Your father isn’t my enemy, but I am his.’” Abdul replied calmly, while watching her expression. He noticed how her dark brows gathered together in confusion. “I don’t understand that.” Amina replied. There was still time to run back to Dafa. She could still make it. She would beg her father to forgive her, and then she would agree to the marriage between her and Mallam Idris. She had no option now. Getting married to that old fool would be a better choice than staying with her father’s enemy. “My relationship with your father cannot affect us. Except you intend to harm me…” He regarded her lovely eyes steadily. Amina knew she could never harm Abdul. In his eyes, she found kindness and accommodation. And it made her wonder if her father had been telling the truth all these years. She didn’t trust her father again. He had been overcome with greed and ambition to own a ranch like Mallam Idris. “I cannot be like my father. I would not work in his shadow. I wasn’t there when the feud took place. Why play a part in it now?” Amina asked. Her words were intelligent. She was a wise woman. Her wisdom reminded him of Fatma. How could two people from different places be this similar? “You are a virtuous woman Amina Tukur. I will bury whatever grudge I have against your father. I will take you as my wife. Later tonight, I will show you to all my servants. You are now the mistress of my ranch.” He moved closer to where she stood and cupped her face between his palms. Blood tweaked her cheeks and she stared down at her toes in shame. How could she be attracted to a man she had just seen in one day? Something was wrong with her. Maybe he had cast a spell on her. The Kanuri people were known to use powerful spells whenever they went hunting. Maybe Abdul had purchased a powerful charm so she could fall in love with him. “I mean no harm,” he whispered into her ears, sensing her hesitation. “I have to learn to trust you then.” Amina mustered courage and looked into his eyes. There were still speaking when Hazim returned. He made a crackling sound with his throat and the couple broke apart. “What do you want Hazim?” Abdul asked. “I came to announce that her room has been prepared.” Hazim bowed his head and advanced towards the gate of the ranch. “Where are you off to?” Abdul asked. “I have an appointment with Mohammed. He says he has something important for me,” Hazim returned. Mohammed owned a gambling centre in the market square. Apart from selling gin and tobacco, he was an information seller. If Mohammed had something to tell you, it was very likely to come to pass. Gently, Abdul grabbed her hand and led her inside her new home.
17 Mar 2019 | 11:37
Episode 7 Nabila had been working on the beef one of the cowboys had dropped in the kitchen. The white apron she wore was now dirty brown and stained with blood and pieces of bones. Her attention was on the knife and the meat on the table smart. She cooked for everyone in the ranch and she enjoyed it. Nabila paused and slipped into a short reverie. She dreamt of getting married to the master whom she had always been in love with, and becoming the mistress of the ranch. She would no longer be the cook, but she would appoint her best friend, Keerna to take the prestigious position. The master was the perfect man for her, and this was the reason she had rejected all of her suitors. Many men had come for her hand. Many men had fallen in love with her great beauty, but her heart was for Abdul. And soon, they would be together. She had served Fatma well, but Fatma wasn’t good enough for Abdul. When a deadly sickness had ravaged Fatma’s body, Nabila knew that Allah had sent her a sign. She was meant to be the only mistress of the ranch and her dreams would come to pass. It was well know in the ranch that Abdul was still grieving, and she was patient. He had loved Fatma greatly, so he needed time to heal. She had her plans ready. She would go closer to Abdul and seduce him. No man in Kanem Dazau could resist her body. The devious smile on her lips faded as she heard footsteps behind. She dropped the knife and turned around. Just as she thought, Keerna had come to visit her in the kitchen. “Why do you have that frown on your face? Get rid of it, it doesn’t suit you.” Nabila wondered why her friend was upset. Keerna said nothing. If only Nabila knew what was about to befall them both, she wouldn’t tease her. “What is wrong Keerna? Do you not want to assist me in today’s cooking?” Nabila had never seen her friend in this sort of mood. Keerna seldom got angry. Keerna released the breath she held slowly, “the master has taken a new wife. Hazim told me of it this morning. She would be formally introduced to us later.” A dry laugh poured out generously from Nabila’s lips. “You make me laugh,” Nabila bit her lip and glared at her friend. What in the name of the devil had gotten into Keerna to crack such an expensive joke? Surely, Keerna knew of her plans to become mistress of the ranch, and she the cook. Keerna knew her friend would disbelieve her. “I laughed as you just did sister, but Hazim is right. A room has already been prepared for her. The master has moved on.” Nabila spat on the rocky floor, “I will never let that happen. I have waited all these years to be his wife. I am the right woman for him!” Anger shot in her veins. It possessed her entire being, as she realized it wasn’t a joke. Keerna shrugged, “what could we possibly do about it? We are only servants, besides Master never showed interest in you.” Nabila scoffed, “he didn’t desire me because he was grieving. How could he betray me like this?” Just as they were speaking, a unique flavor of roses and oranges wafted into the kitchen. It was the scent of someone new. Amina had left Abdul’s side because he had a visitor from the Royal House. She decided to check the ranch for herself. From what she observed, Abdul was a wealthy man. Only few men could afford to build their house with stones and cement. The floors were designed with crystal stones and the walls glared with silvery light. If she didn’t know he was a rancher, she would mistake him for the Sultan of Kanem Dazau. Abdul was a powerful man, and it seemed luck had smiled on her, the day she had asked HajiyaBinta to match make her. Amina had heard some screaming from the kitchen, and it had attracted her. Gingerly, she followed the screams and the aroma of garlic and onions, till she reached the kitchen, where she found two women. They seemed older than she was; and one was more beautiful than the other. “Salam,” Amina gestured with her hands. Nabila went mute at once. She and Keerna knew who had stepped into the kitchen without introduction. They both bowed their heads and responded, “Walekum Salam.” Nabila’s beauty was crushed in Amina’s perfection. Amina’s loveliness stood out, and there was no need for comparison. Nabila took in the foreign way she dressed, her raven black hair and her green eyes. Amina’s skin was the fairest she had ever seen. It reminded her of milk, and the color of the sun at morn. A heavy feeling of jealousy weighed on Nabila’s shoulders, as she stared at this creature of quintessence. And she knew in that moment, that she had used her charms to seduce the master. From the fairness of her skin, Nabila could tell that Amina wasn’t from Kanem Dazau. She wasn’t Kanuri either. She was a Shuwa; a breed of Arabians that had taken over the Great Plain to the West. They shared a boundary with some Fulani communities; hence their fluency in many languages. “Erhm, you have a nice place here and your kitchen smells nice.” Amina stuttered as she searched for the right words to speak. She could tell from the way the girls looked at her, that her presence or was it her beauty that intimidated them? “Thank you mistress, you are highly welcome.” Keerna chipped in. She was stricken by the beauty of the mistress. And the innocence in Amina’s eyes drove away all the anger she bore in her heart against the master’s new wife. Amina was a golden butterfly, and anyone who would follow her would find treasure. “Can you tell me your names?” Amina smiled, she noticed Keerna was warmer and more receptive. Keerna was the first to speak, “I am Kerianazad, but people call me “Keerna,” for short.” She was excited to tell Amina her name. Nabila pretended to be busy with the meat, she didn’t want Amina to learn of her name. “That is all. I am happy to be in Kanem Dazau, I hope you would show me around some day.” Amina new Nabila didn’t like her for some reason, but she didn’t care. She smiled at Keerna one last time, before moving to other parts of the house. Nabila tossed the knife angrily at the table and faced her friend. “What were you trying to do? Why did you talk to her?” Keerna shrugged, “and you think ignoring her was the good thing? You acted badly Nabila. I see kindness in the mistress’ eyes. We can still find favor before her, if we are good.” Nabila couldn’t believe her ears. “You traitor! You are already calling her mistress? She is your mistress and not mine.” Keerna understood why her friend was annoyed. She had felt the same way when Hazim had broken the news. But her mind was changed now. “Nabila, you have been blessed by Allah with prominent beauty. Why don’t you forget the master and marry one of those wealthy gold miners that have come for your hand? They are wealthier than master, and they would treat you kindly as well.” Nabila could see already that Keerna had fallen in love with Amina. That Shuwa woman was taking away all the people she liked with her charms. “You are pathetic and weak. You are supposed to stand with me, so we could oust this woman out of the ranch. You betray me with your words.” Keerna shook her head, “I do not betray you Nabila. I only speak the truth. We have seen the mistress for ourselves. She is a living goddess. She is perfect in all her ways and she has grace like mistress Fatma; bless her soul. The master would never look your way. That could only happen if the mistress is dead.” Keerna adjusted her scarf one last time and hurried out of the kitchen; knowing that her conversation with Nabila was pointless. She had clothes to wash, and she needed to hurry to the stream, before the cowboys would take the herd there for some water. An evil thought crept into Nabila’s mind. “That could only happen if the mistress is dead.” Keerna’s last words continued to ring in her ears. She was obsessed with Abdul, and she would die if he refused to love her the way she loved him. She had to find a way to destroy Amina. There was only one person that would help her out; her advisor. To be continued…
17 Mar 2019 | 11:38
Nabila oh nabila bad market
17 Mar 2019 | 13:16
oops... desperate lady clash
17 Mar 2019 | 14:33
Amina while did you ask him that , what if he start treating u bad
17 Mar 2019 | 18:47
nabila may Allah punish u
17 Mar 2019 | 18:48
You're about to dig your grave
18 Mar 2019 | 11:58
Episode 8 The Prince of Kanem Dazau had come to pay Abdul a visit. After the royal house, the most powerful man in town was Abdul, and the Prince and his father usually consulted Abdul before taking any important political decision. “It has been a very long time my friend,” Prince Fadin said. He hadn’t visited Abdul for two years. Word about the ranchers depression had spread over the land and the regal hadn’t wanted to bother Abdul with matters of the land. However, the latest development couldn’t be handled by the royal family alone. Kanem Dazau was under attack by some mischievous bandits, and they had to be brought to book. “You all left me in my hole to rot,” Abdul replied with a smile. He was happy to see the prince. He had wanted to send for Nabila and Keerna to serve the regal some food or wine, but he declined. Abdul had a feeling that something grave had happened. Fadin smiled, “you were in deep sorrow Abdul. We all know how much you cherished Fatma. She was indeed a virtuous woman. I didn’t want to disturb you.” Everyone in Kanem Dazau knew of the strong bond that had existed between Fatma and Abdul. Many feared Abdul would kill himself after the death of his wife, but he shocked them all with his resilience. “I appreciate your visit. How is the King?” “The Sultan is in great health, but he sent me to you first.” “I see,” Abdul touched his beard gently. The prince knew it was time to tell Abdul about the threat from the Western Cattle owners. “Five horses have been under attack for some months now. At first, we thought we were dealing with local thieves and robbers, but the situation has only gotten worse. We found evidence at one of the ranches that had been attacked by these men…” the prince pulled out a scarf from his pocket and handed it to Abdul. Abdul took it gently and ran his eyes over the fabric. He felt the softness of the silky material and the Arabic inscriptions that were on it. Only the Fulani and Shuwa tribes of the Great plain had this style of writing. “The bandits are from the Great Plain?” Abdul wondered. “We think so too. I have heard word from Mohammed, the information seller from the Great Plain. Mohammed says that certain rancher wants to rule all the cattle lands. He wants everyone to bow to him. He plans to unite all the cattle towns and fight anyone who would stand against him.” The prince informed Abdul. Abdul fondled the silky scarf. He was eager to know this man. “Does he have a name, this power hungry man?” Abdul asked. The prince shook his head, “we are not sure but Mohammed only revealed his location.” “Where is that?” Abdul asked. “A little town in the Great Plain, Dafa.” At the mention of that name, the scarf wriggled out of Abdul’s hands. His heart pounded heavily against his chest. Blood pumped into his ears. The only man that could think of such conquest was Idris. One thing Abdul had learned about Idris, was this; he was strong willed and unstoppable. “Are you alright?” The prince noticed the fire in Abdul’s eyes. Many people in Kanem Dazau didn’t know much about Abdul’s history. Most of the City dwellers had come to meet him an already made man. They didn’t know that he had left Dafa for a reason. He had left Dafa because of Idris’ cruelty and Tukur’s support of him. “I have encountered this man you speak of. There is only one man that can dream of ruling all the lands. He is none other than Idris. I have fought with him, and he killed five of my men. I could never forget his brutality and cruelty.” The prince was shocked. “What do we do now? He seems like a very dangerous man. Our land could never bow to his authority and he knows this. Kanuris can never bow to a Shuwa or a Fulani. We are not the Hausas that they conquered. We would fight with our blood.” Abdul loved the courage of the prince, “It is easy to say these things. All the Kanuri towns and cities, have no choice but to come together. Idris is like a brooding viper. It won’t be long before he attacks us.” “Very well, I must tell the King what you have said. We would have a meeting at the palace soon.” The prince rose to his feet and shook hands with Abdul. He noticed how gallant Abdul’s face was today. Was he done grieving for his wife? Just as the men were still holding hands, Amina strolled into her husband’s chambers. Her eyes almost popped out of her head, as she realized that the visitor was still around. “Apologies, I am sorry.” Amina was about stepping out of the room when Abdul called her back. He introduced her to the King as his wife and it shocked Fadin. Never in Fadin’s life had he come across such delectable beauty. “Your eyes are enthralling. You have charmed your way into my friend’s heart.” Fadin winked at Abdul whose eyes were fixed on his new bride. “Thank you my Lord,” Amina bowed her head shyly. “You always pick the best Abdul. I pray Allah grants you happiness.” The Prince bowed his head and strolled out with the guards he had come with. Amina’s face was flushed the moment the prince left. The restlessness she felt around him had returned. How long would she continue living like this? “What are you thinking about?” Abdul grabbed her small hands and stared into her eyes. “Nothing,” she shook her head. Abdul was drawn to her like moth to flame. But the latest revelation from the prince made him wonder, if Amina had come to marry him or if she was a spy for Mallam Idris. He would speak to the information seller himself or his friend Hazim. He needed to be sure of what to do next. “You are everything I have always wanted in a woman.” Abdul murmured Amina was shy. She didn’t know the right words to speak in return. “I hope you are real my darling. You have helped me overcome my pain.” Abdul’s hands caressed her hair. She wondered what pain he was talking about. Amina realized she didn’t know much about her husband Abdul. And she desired to be a part of this man. He dropped a sweet kiss on her forehead and pulled her into his arms. God had seen his pain, and brought someone to replace his Fatma. His only prayer was that Amina was innocent. He had faith that she wasn’t like her father, Tukur. He would love her with patience and kindness. The City Square was the busiest place in Kanem Dazau. Potion vendors and traders were scattered like sea shells. Women of low virtue stood by the brick walls of the square and advertised their heavily made up faces and the henna designs on their arms. At the far end of the square was a building on its own. It was made with terracotta and a red roof. This was the domain of the information seller, Mohammed Abdulazid.
19 Mar 2019 | 02:18
Wow following...
19 Mar 2019 | 07:21
getting hot
19 Mar 2019 | 15:25
Episode 9 Nabila covered her face in the black niqab she wore over her head and shoulders. No one could see her go to Mohammed. She needed to speak with him urgently. As it stood, he was the only one that could help her get the master. Droplets of rain splashed on her. A gust of chilly wind tugged at the help of her orange dress. Nabila only increased her steps, until she reached the entrance of the gambling house. “Mohammed’s Den is no place for a woman!” A drunken man staggered towards her with a mug full of beer. Angrily, Niqab pushed him to the ground and stepped into the house. Men chattered and laughed nosily. They had whores to warm their sides in this cold weather, while some men stared gloomily at the candelabra that hung from the ceiling. Mohammed had been in a corner; counting the coins he had made for the day when he noticed the feminine movement in his house. The woman was tall. He had sold information to many beautiful women, especially those who wanted to know whom their husband was cheating with. He hoped one of such women wasn’t coming for information. He was tired, and needed rest. Once she reached the corner of the gambling house, Nabila pulled off her niqab and sat on a chair next to him. “I need your help.” Her voice was heavy with desperation and thick in fear. “Nabila…I am very tired…” He started, but trailed off as she ran her hands seductively over her supple breasts. Of all the women he had ravaged, Nabila was the best. She was experienced in the art of pleasuring. She had done wild things to him in the past, and he would like to taste of her lovemaking again. “Tell me what you need,” Mohammed ran his eyes over her body lustfully. “My master, Mallam Abdul has taken a new wife. Her name is Amina and from what I could gather, she isn’t from here. She could be Shuwa or Fulani. I want to know everything about this woman.” He watched her eyes carefully; he always read the motives of people before selling them information. Nabila had no business with her master’s personal life, except she was in love with him. He suddenly realized that Nabila was in love. “You have fallen in love with a man that doesn’t love you the same.” Mohammed whispered. Nabila’s heart jolted when she heard this. “I came to get information and not advice.” She snapped at him. “I know of the woman you speak of. I have an old friend in the Great Plain who supplies me with information. An old but witty lady; she showed me the picture of Amina Tukur once. I understand your master’s fascination with her.” Nabila was getting impatient, “I didn’t come here to learn history. I need something to pin her down. I want her to return to the shithole she came out from.” “I can only tell you what you need if you agree to let me defile you in bed.” His eyes twinkled devilishly. He had a fetish for a forbidden sexual practice. If Nabila would grant him this request, he would tell her anything. Nabila knew that Mohammed was a man of pervasive passions. What he was asking her to do could lead them both to the gallows. Sodomy was a forbidden practice. And those that were caught in the act would pay gravely. “And if I don’t?” A strand of sweat ran down her face. Mohammed shrugged, “no information for you then.” “I will do it. I will do anything you ask of me.” “Good, I will tell you all that you need to know when we are finished.” He threw his hands into the air and beckoned to his servants. They would take over the money, while he would take over Nabila. It was time to unleash his long locked fantasy. Abdul had waited until midnight before he left his chambers to pay his friend a visit. Hazim had left the ranch to meet with Mohammed, Abdul needed to know what secret he had discovered. He needed to tell Hazim about the recent development in Kanem Dazau and Idris’ part in it. Idris was their common enemy and they had to come together to fight him. The help of his black garment melted into the darkness of the night as he arose from his bed. He snatched a lighted torch from the wall and strode outside his room. Everywhere was quiet. Everything was calm. He paused briefly at Amina’s door and listened. A smile touched the corner of his lips as he heard her murmur in her sleep. She was speaking Fulani, and he found it difficult to understand some words. Satisfied that she was fine, Abdul continued towards the exit door. The cowboys had a separate building from his’ and Hazim ruled over them. Abdul had to be certain that Amina wasn’t a spy for Idris. Once he was sure of her loyalty, he was willing to give his heart to her. He was willing to start over. He had honored Fatma with his tears, and she would be happy for his decision to find love again. The air smelt of cow dung. The gibbous moon floated gently through the clouds. The sky was like a heavy blanket with a few stars; it was a dark night in the land. As he moved across the field, droplets of dew kissed his ankle. He moved swiftly and agilely like a hyena going on a hunt. It wasn’t long before he reached Hazim’s window. “Hazim!” He tapped on the window. “Hazim,” the second call was harsher and louder. It wasn’t long before Hazim staggered out of his room to heed the call of his friend. The only person that would wake him up at such an hour was Abdul; and he knew whatever he had to say was really important. Hazim wiped his eyes with the back of his palms and moved towards the shadow and the flame. “You trouble my sweet sleep,” Hazim yawned. He had been dreaming of a wedding ceremony with Keerna. By God, he loved that woman. “I am sorry Hazim, but we have a lot to discuss.” Abdul covered the space between them. “Let’s do it in my room.” Hazim led the way and both men stepped into the room. “You look troubled my friend.” Hazim noticed the fear in Abdul’s eyes, something was wrong somewhere. “Prince Fadin was here today. Some bandits have been attacking some ranches in our city. These men are cow and horse thieves.” Abdul waited for Hazim’s reaction. The news didn’t come as a surprise to Hazim. The bandits had troubled Kanem Dazau for many months. Abdul’s ranch was one of the few ranches that weren’t attacked. “You knew about this? Why didn’t you tell me?” Abdul noticed the relaxed expression in Hazim’s eyes. Hazim shrugged, “you were grieving Abdul. That is no time to share bad news.” Abdul snorted, “News that concern the wellness of the ranch is bad news? What if those bandits came here for our cattle? You should always tell me the truth.” Hazim understood that his friend wasn’t happy he had kept the news about the bandits away, but Abdul’s refusal to get over Fatma had left him with no choice.
20 Mar 2019 | 03:10
I just pray mohammed would nt gv fake information concerning amina to hazim since he had his way with nabila
20 Mar 2019 | 10:17
I hope one the secrets involves Nabila Screwing Mohammed
20 Mar 2019 | 10:27
getting more interesting
20 Mar 2019 | 13:37
ride on
20 Mar 2019 | 14:05
I just understand all dis desperate ladies oooo,,,, love Na by force,???
20 Mar 2019 | 15:12
this nabila woman we not stop?
21 Mar 2019 | 18:34
Episode 10 The prince suspects an ambitious man intends to rule all the cattle lands. The man comes from the Great Plain. I only have one person in mind…” Abdul trailed off. Without Abdul completing his statement, Hazim had a feeling that their old enemy was involved in this evil plan. “Idris?” “Yes, and this is the reason I have come to you. We both know Tukur and Idris are one. If he intends to take over our land, he would start with the smaller ranches first and then come to mine.” “What are you insinuating?” Hazim had a feeling his friend had come to share an important secret with him. Abdul inhaled some air sharply and fixed his eyes on Hazim’s. “I am attracted to Mallam Tukur’s daughter, but I don’t know if she is an honest woman. What if her father sent her here for revenge? What if she knows about Idris’ plan? She isn’t Kanuri like us. How can I trust her?” Abdul noticed a smug on his friend’s face and it irritated him. Why did Hazim find his questions funny? Amina was his new wife, no doubt, but he would do away with her if she had any idea of what Idris planned. “Do you wonder why I left to see Mohammed?” Hazim played with his fingers. “Anyone can go to Mohammed for anything. He trades in alcohol, tobacco, women and information.” Abdul shook his head. “Right from the moment I set eyes on Amina Tukur, I had a feeling you would find it hard to resist her beauty. She has a pure spirit and Allah’s grace is upon her. I rushed to meet Mohammed to see if he had any information about the damsel. I needed to be sure that she was the right woman for you. And we both know that Mohammed has friends everywhere. He knows a lot of matchmaking houses and I figured I could trust in his information.” Abdul was surprised, he hadn’t thought about this. “What did you find?” He couldn’t wait to hear it from Hazim. “Amina eloped from Dafa for a reason. Her father intended to sell her off to Idris for twenty horses. He is desperate to own a ranch even at the expense of his daughter’s happiness. We both know how cruel Idris is to women. Amina decided to advertise herself with a popular matchmaker in Dafa. She is a good woman. She has no evil intention. You can love her.” Hazim advised. Abdul was touched by the story his friend had just shared. He suddenly felt bad that he had suspected the poor girl to be like her father. Amina had almost become a victim of her father’s greed, but she had escaped. She meant him no harm. She wasn’t evil. And he could love her. “How can any sane man present his daughter to Idris?” Abdul scoffed. He tried to imagine what horrors would have befallen Amina if she had stayed back at Dafa. “Idris is an old viper. I have a feeling he may want her back.” Hazim rubbed his stubbles gently. Abdul swore under his breath, “I would never let anyone take Amina away from me. I would promise her my love and cherish her forever. Her entrance has helped me overcome my grief. I’d rather die than let that old fool take her.” Hazim nodded in agreement, “you deserve a woman like Amina. Allah has sent a replacement for Fatma. Do not be afraid, whatever decision you take, I shall stand by you.” Abdul gritted his teeth in annoyance as he imagined Idris riding towards Kanem Dazau for Amina. His blood boiled and his breathing increased. “We shouldn’t relent in planning on how to get rid of Idris forever. He is coming for us, we have to prepare ourselves.” These were Abdul’s last words before he stepped out of the room and into the night. Hazim was glad that his friend had found love, but he was also burdened by something Mohammed had told him. Mallam Idris was more powerful than they thought. He had conquered seven Hausa lands and taken all of their animals and women. In no time, he would ride towards Kanem Dazau. “May God save us all,” he prayed in a whisper. Keerna had waited all night for the return of her friend, but she hadn’t set eyes on Nabila even after midnight. She had fallen asleep with a troubled mind. Keerna had seen when Nabila had put on the body covering; she had inquired from Nabila her whereabouts. But Nabila had rudely answered, “go and worship your Shuwa mistress. Mind your business.” Keerna felt bad that her friend was pushing her away. Nabila and Keerna had never kept secrets from her, but Nabila wasn’t being honest with her intentions. Keerna loved the new mistress and would serve her loyally; she hoped her friend would come to understand that some things weren’t meant to be. Slowly, the dark clouds began their journey from the east, towards the west, to welcome the golden sun that loomed in the clouds. Dawn was creeping in fast, and morning would burst out like a secret. It was the bleating of the sheep that stirred Keerna from her sleep. It was time for her morning prayers and she wouldn’t relent in fellowshipping with Allah. Keerna straightened on the wooden bed and rose to her feet. She noticed that the lamp was fast losing its light. She needed to get some oil for it. She grabbed the strands of her hair and gathered them into her scarf. She would bring oil for the lamp first, before kneeling to pray. Keerna noticed that Nabila’s bed was empty. Where could she be? Nabila had never stayed out this late from the ranch. “This is indeed strange. Could she have absconded from the ranch?” Keerna wondered. She was about moving out of the room she shared with Nabila, when she heard a knock on the door. Keerna froze. The hairs on her neck arose. “Open the door Keerna!” A still voice came in the cool wind. Keerna rushed towards the door and listened carefully. There were stories of night demons, who could take the form of people. These demons could appear as one’s beloved or friend, and kidnap them to the deepest part of hell. She had to be sure that it was Nabila’s voice she had heard.
22 Mar 2019 | 02:09
Episode 11 Idris’s laugher reechoed in the empty house as the man that had been his friend once, was carried away. He couldn’t wait to set eyes on Amina again. He would teach her a great lesson of submission. He would make her beg for mercy. Until then, his new focus was the next town to attack. Already his bandits had attacked Kanem Dazau, the richest city in all of the cattle lands. “Speaking of Abdul…” Idris laughed softly as he thought about the range war that had taken many years back. He decided to call off his bandits from Kanem. He would ravage other cities and keep their women for himself. The last place he would attack before conquering the cattle lands would be Kanem Dazau. Abdul and Hazim would feel the wrath of his anger and the fire of his vengeance. She’d slept like a baby, until a crow cried next to her window. The sound of the ugly bird was scary, and its presence was ominous. An impending doom hung in the air, but she couldn’t point a finger at it. Amina awoke with a heavy heart, she didn’t know what was wrong, but she felt unhappy within. Slowly, she peeled herself from the bed and moved towards the adjacent room, which was meant for washing her body and dressing up. Amina noticed that her door was slightly open. Someone had come into the room, while she had been sleeping. The first person that she thought about was him! She thought about her husband, Abdul. A slow smile started on her lips, and spread to the rest of her face. Wasn’t it strange, that she had just seen the man, yet her heart was with him already? Amina sucked in the freshness of the morning breeze that twirled through her slightly parted window. When the breeze had faded, she stepped into the room and noticed that a golden basin, large enough to fit her small body had been kept. Besides the large bowl, were three water pots, filled to their brim. As a little girl, Amina had dreams of marrying a wealthy merchant or farmer, who would give her the life of a princess. She suddenly realized, that her dreams had come through. Although, they didn’t follow the course she expected, yet she was married to the wealthiest rancher in Kanem Dazau, and he had promised his love to her. The bathroom had a lovely smell. She began to undress, piece after piece; until she was left in nothing. Steadily, she stared into her reflection. Though the feeling of loom hung over her shoulders, her eyes seemed content with her new life. She pulled off the ribbon that held her hair in place, and tossed it on the ground, along with her clothes. Amina began to hum a song, as she stepped into the bathing bowl. It was a song of sweet sorrow; of a woman who went to the farm and lost all her children. She rarely sang the song; her mother had taught her when she was just ten years old. She shut her present world out, as she closed her eyes. Amina drifted back to the past, while the music poured from her lips. Abdul had found it difficult to sleep at night. He wasn’t troubled. He only missed his new wife. Her name was the last word his lips her whispered. During his morning worship, he had thanked Allah for bringing Amina Tukur his way. Hazim had advised him to love her, and he would do just that. He would treat her like a man should treat his wife, and nothing would come in between them. After washing his face, Abdul grabbed a black Jalabir and put it on. He moved towards the trunk that contained some of Fatma’s things. He had bought them for her while travelling to Ismahika; a little Hausa land, to the south. He had bought expensive fabrics, scrubbing stones and herbs for his Fatma. But death and disease had not let her touch any of them. Now that he was healed, his heart was open and ready. The only one that deserved these gifts was his new wife; his pretty one. Abdul pulled out some things Amina would like. Then he moved towards his own box, where he kept his valuables. He loved Amina already, and he would make her the queen of his household. Without hesitation, Abdul pulled out a golden necklace from the trunk. He had purchased it from one of the miners that came to town. He had paid in seventeen horses and five cows. It was very costly. He would give it to his darling wife. Satisfied with his choices, he gathered the gifts together and called out to one of his maidservants. “Nabila!” “Nabila!” The second call was more urgent and needy. In a split of seconds, Nabila reached the master’s bedroom. Her golden eyes flicked with the flame of affection, but Abdul could never notice it. “Good morning Master,” she bowed her head. “Morning Nabila, gather these gifts and take them to my wife’s room. Tell her that I will visit her shortly.” Nabila felt a sharp ache in her chest, as she stared at the gifts that Abdul would give to that vermin. All her life, she had served him. She had fed his household. She had nursed Fatma, until her death. Yet, the master hadn’t paid any attention to any of her deeds. He had never given her something expensive. She swallowed the bitter lump that clogged her throat. It seemed her unfortunate friend, Keerna, was right. Only a man in love, would display this sort of generosity. “What are you waiting for? Get on with it…and return with my breakfast. I am famished.” Abdul wondered why the maid hesitated in carrying out his orders. Nabila nodded, “I am sorry Master. I shall obey your bidding.” Tears stung Nabila’s eyes as she gathered the gifts in a little basket. Abdul was oblivious of her love. How blind could a man be? He had made her servant over that fool. She rushed out of his room, so he wouldn’t see her tears. Her mind was made up, Amina had to be taken out. She had no place in this house. “Why do you look sober my friend? What happened?” Keerna, who’d been sweeping the house bumped into Nabila. She’d noticed Nabila had been acting strangely, since her secret return from last night. “Get out of my way, you cursed fool! When I finally become mistress of this ranch, I will lock you up with the cows.” Nabila snapped at Keerna. Keerna’s eyes fell on the little basket that Nabila carried and she followed the direction where Nabila was headed. It was obvious, that the master had sent her on an errand to Amina. “I’d rather plunge a knife into my own belly, than live to see you rule this house.” Keerna kissed her teeth, and went on her way. “We’ll see about that.” Nabila gritted her teeth and continued. After her chores, she would travel back to her parent’s. She would revive the magic of the serpent in her. That was the only way to take back what rightfully belonged to her. As she neared Amina’s room, her chest tightened as she heard the sweet melody that flowed out from the room. The witch was singing. It was with her demonic voice, that she had charmed the master. “Foolish woman, you’ll go back to where you came from soon.” Nabila murmured before strolling into the room. Jealousy overpowered her as she noticed how finely decorated Amina’s room was. Fatma’s room hadn’t been half as beautiful as this. Abdul was totally smitten by this Shuwa woman! He had lost his senses! Nabila dropped the basket gently at the feet of the bed. She noticed the furniture was carved from expensive wood, acacia. It was enormous and soft, compared to the one she slept in.
22 Mar 2019 | 02:20
you are the witch, you want to revive the spirit of the serpent or something like that
22 Mar 2019 | 08:43
Best Friend, worst enemy
22 Mar 2019 | 08:43
this nabila is really a witch oooo,,, some pple can be so desperate sha,,, haba!!
22 Mar 2019 | 10:06
nabila u are too desperate,u I'll not succeed in ur evil plans
22 Mar 2019 | 18:01
Episode 12 She grabbed a pillow and rubbed it on her cheeks; they reminded her of the soft dough, she used while making bread. The fool wasn’t even royalty, yet Abdul treated her like a queen. Angrily, Nabila tossed the pillow aside and rose to her feet. She had wasted too much time already. It was time to reawaken the dark magic inside of her. She almost bumped into Abdul on her way out, but she quickly bowed her head and mumbled words of apology. “Where is she?” Abdul noticed the room was empty. “Bathing,” Nabila answered and left. A mischievous thought flashed in his mind. Gently, Abdul closed the door behind and moved towards the next room. He had wanted to sneak up on her and make her scared. But the sound of her sweet voice distracted him. It dripped like honey from a comb. It felt like water to parched throat. It was a river to a dry land. It was healing. It was soothing. He parted the door to the bathroom and stepped in without knocking. The sight of her naked body was yet another beauty, which had just been revealed. Again, Abdul thanked God for his blessings. Her voice ebbed away slowly and her eyes cracked open as she sensed another presence. When Amina found consciousness, she saw him. The man whose brooding and sad eyes, captured her heart. He was dressed in black, and this reminded her of the crow by her window. She prayed that no evil would befall him. “You are so beautiful, my love…”he knelt by the bathing basin and ran his eyes over her body. Amina’s face reddened. She felt shy that he had see her naked. He was the first man, to behold her nakedness. “Your hair is your glory. Your skin is like silk.” He dipped his hand into the water, and collected the soft sponge from her. She said nothing. Amina kept looking into the water. Was he going to make love to her right there? What would that feel like? She had so many thoughts. She yearned to be in his arms. But she wasn’t bold enough to say it. Abdul sensed her shyness and laughed. “You remind me so much of Fatma…” he bit his lip. He hadn’t prepared himself for that information. Her eyes moved from the water and fell on him, “who is she?” “We’ll talk about that later, now let me bath you.” Abdul ran the sponge over her naked back. He was slow. He was deliberate. He wanted to see how she would react under his touch. Amina closed her eyes and relished the sweetness of his hands. Abdul was definitely skilled in the ways of pleasing women. He scrubbed her toes. He scrubbed her feet. He touched the crevice between her two breasts. Now, he was travelling towards the end of her abdomen. She felt a slight ache between her legs, and jelly pouring down on her thighs. A soft moan escaped her lips. “I love you Amina Tukur,” Abdul whispered. He tossed the sponge into the water and pulled her face closer to him. He rubbed his lips against hers. Amina parted her mouth to let him in. It wasn’t long, before his tongue was dancing inside of her. “Tonight, I will show you to all the servants. You are my pretty one.” He murmured softly, as he kissed her. Once everyone had eaten in the ranch, the master had called an assembly. It was an important meeting, and everyone had to attend. Nabila gathered her bags and decided to visit her parents. She would miss the meeting, and give the master a flimsy excuse. “Where are you going to Nabila?” Keerna sauntered into the room they shared. The master had sent for everyone, it was a strange thing that her friend was leaving. Nabila was irked by the sound of Keerna’s voice. Truly, no one could be trusted but God. Keerna had always encouraged her to wait. Telling her that Abdul would come to realize how deeply she loved him. The same Keerna, had turned against her. She had chosen the company of Amina. “In the name of Allah, stay out of my affairs Keerna. You and I have no bonds. You are not my sister, and you will never be. Stay away from me.” Nabila pointed a finger at her foe. Keerna felt bad that Nabila would treat her this way. “I am not your enemy, I only want you to accept the truth. The master has moved on, so should you. I don’t want you to keep chasing shadows. I am for your interests.” Keerna missed Nabila’s friendship and company. Her days in the ranch were boring, without Nabila to make her laugh. Nabila was a nice person, but she had allowed her obsession with Abdul, to change her into a different person. “You became my enemy the day you called Amina, mistress.” Angrily, Nabila grabbed her bag and rushed out of the room. Her parent’s house was at the outskirts of Kanem Dazau. She had to hurry, so she could execute her plans as soon as she could. Keerna’s heart was heavy. Her friend had changed overnight. Love brought out the best and the worst in people. Keerna wondered where her love for Kazim, would take her to. “I pray it doesn’t change me negatively.” She whispered. Back in the house, all the servants had gathered. They all stood and faced Abdul and his new wife. Most of the cowboys found it difficult to look away from their master’s wife. She was the most attractive woman they had ever seen. And being a Shuwa, made them more curious. “You all know how much I cherished my late wife, Fatma. I grieved for years. My days turned into nights. My life was plunged into darkness….” Abdul paused and looked at Amina’s radiant face. Her sparkling green eyes, always gave him the grace to continue. In her, he found strength and wisdom. “I fell in love with this woman…and I present her to you as the mistress of this ranch. She would be accorded equal honor and respect as I. And any of you, fail to do this, you shall find your way out of my ranch.” Amina’s heart glowed with pride as she stared at his face. Abdul had shown her what love really meant earlier. He had embraced her with passion. He had kissed, like his breath depended on the sweetness of her mouth. And in that moment, she had learned of the sadness in his eyes. Fatma. The woman he had been married to. Amina had wept quietly as he told her the story of her death. It brought back memories of her mother’s death. She had cried so hard, that Abdul had to console her. Now she knew him. There was no secret between them. Soon, she would move into his room, and together they would seal their love as husband and wife.
24 Mar 2019 | 06:00
Episode 13 The servants clapped and cheered for their master’s new wife. She was as quiet as a dove, and her eyes were as calm as the sea. They all loved her instantly, because she made their master very happy. Keerna’s eyes met with Hazim’s. They glared at each other hungrily. Hazim could see that she desired him, and he felt the same way too. But they could never pursue their passion for each other, unless the master approved of it. “Would you like to say something my darling?” Abdul lowered his head and whispered softly into her ears. “No, you have said it all, my lord.” Amina smiled and dropped a soft kiss on his neck. The meeting was over, and the servants strolled out of the house, back to their work places. Amina noticed that only Keerna had come. She wondered where the other maid was. “I must go now, let me attend to some matters as mistress of the ranch.” She winked at her husband and rose to her feet. She needed to speak with Keerna, about Nabila’s strange attitude. “Very well then,” Abdul caressed the sides of her face, before releasing her. He couldn’t take his eyes off her figure, until she was no longer in sight. “I thought you never believed in matchmaking.” Hazim returned to the master’s chambers. Abdul scoffed, knowing that his friend had come to tease him. “Sometimes, we break the rules we created by ourselves when we find the one that suits us,” Abdul returned. He was content with Amina. He had kissed and touched her passionately in the morning. He wanted her to move into his room. He wanted to wake up by her side, and sleep in her arms; until old age. “I told you, she is nothing like her father…” Hazim trailed off. He was about saying more when the door flew open, and prince Fadin stormed into the room with his guards. There was fire in his eyes. He paced the room angrily. “My prince!” Abdul rose to his feet. “Lord Fadin,” Hazim bowed his head. “You were right! Idris is the man behind the attacks. This morning, there was a breach in the palace and my father was stabbed to death. But there wasn’t any trace of the killer. My men search everywhere in the palace; the mountains and the valleys, the killer escaped.” Both men were shocked by the news of the dead king. Abdul had known all along, that only Idris of Dafa, could be that ambitious. “He is more dangerous than we thought. From what Mohammed said, he has a great army of skilled men. Men that followed him out of their own volition, and men he subdued.” The prince continued. “What do we do now?” Abdul was deep in thoughts. “We have to find the killer. That is the only way, we will get more information about Idris and his next plan. If we fail to catch the killer, we are useless. We are blind against Idris’ plans.” Hazim explained. The prince was livid with rage, “I already told you that the killer escaped! What more do you want us to do?” “I am sorry if I upset you, it was only a suggestion. I must leave now…” Hazim bowed his head and moved towards the door. “No, stay…” The prince called him back. Fadin had a feeling that Hazim could help. He was a smart and intelligent man. Maybe his advice would be worth more than the advice of the old kingmakers. “I don’t think a killer can escape that quickly from the palace walls. Even if this person succeeded, Kanem Dazau is a rocky city. It would be difficult to move.” Abdul finally shared what disturbed him. Hazim nodded, “I agree with him. It is impossible not to find a killer, except one that is greatly skilled with the sword. Or one who makes use of magic.” “My father’s blood was fresh, and he had cried for help. Before we got there, the deed was done. I may have to believe that the killer is still within our walls.” Prince Fadin hadn’t thought about this the first time. Abdul had a better idea, “or the killer is someone who works in the palace or has access to the palace. There should be a lockdown tonight. Everyone should be searched properly. Idris would not relent, until he battles all the cattle lands and takes over as King.” “I think we can send a man to travel towards the Great Plain. Someone who could sneak into Idris’ camp and find more information,” Hazim suggested. Abdul and the prince exchanged glares, and then the prince said, “no, that is a suicide mission. I wouldn’t endanger the lives of my men yet. If Idris gets hold of this person, we may have well have lost the fight. It is too great a risk.” Abdul didn’t like the fire in Hazim’s eyes. He had a feeling that his friend wanted to take that risk and sneak into Idris’ camp. “What if this person is willing to lay down his life for the greater good?” Hazim asked. “Then I cannot stop him.” Prince Fadin felt Hazim was speaking for himself. “The problem is solved my lord, I will ride for Dafa at first light. If I do not return with information in three days, know that I have been killed.” Hazim had encountered Idris before, he knew Idris’ tricks and strategies. He would use that to his advantage. “My friend, are you sure about this?” Abdul didn’t want to lose anyone in his life after Fatma. “I pray for Allah’s grace. You should pray also for me. Take good care of your wife and the ranch. I will be back. If I don’t return, give this to Keernhafaz.” Hazim pulled out a pearly necklace and dropped it in Abdul’s palms. This came as a shock to the master. “You desire her?” Abdul’s brows knotted together. “I have always. All I wanted was your permission.” Hazim bowed his head. “You have been a good friend to me Hazim. I could never deny you anything.” Abdul confessed. “If I return then, you will throw us a big wedding.” Hazim smiled, and the other men guffawed. The palace would be on lockdown, while the search for the murderer began. Hazim would move to Dafa at the sight of dawn’s elegant face. They all hoped to defeat Idris. Unknown to the trio, a greater evil was coming upon the ranch. Pagans had been banished to the outskirt of the city. Those who refused to drop their old ways of idolatry and sorcery were forced to live apart from those who embraced the new religion. Sultan Lahi was a lenient man. He was more thoughtful than his predecessor, Sultan Geva who burned pagans alive, for refusing to accept the new religion. Sultan Lahi believed in fairness and the power of choice. He created a village at the outskirts for the idol worshippers. Her heels ached from trekking too far. The scorching sun burnt her skin and the harsh win cracked her lips. The outskirt was a curse. It was nothing compared to the main city. It was desolate and scanty. And the few people that dwelt, lived in small huts, adorned with sticks and tattered clothes; this place reeked of misery. It had a powerful scent of darkness and poverty. It wasn’t a place, where one of the new religion should stay for too long. Else, the person, could become corrupted by the demons of the open space. Nabila sighted her mother as she neared the hut where they lived. Tears welled up in her eyes as she noticed their poor living conditions. She had never understood why her parents refused the new religion. She brushed a tear and took off the veil that shielded her face. Ummi had always taught her to be strong. She couldn’t show weakness now. The old woman had patted her ill husband to sleep. She was out of the hut now, ready to prepare a potion he would take, to make him feel better. Ummi Sazir was the mother of Nabila. And she was a powerful witch and healer. She had a vision two days back about her daughter coming to find her. Even as she worked on the rosemary leaves, she sensed a presence with her third eye. Someone strange had stepped into the outskirt of the city. The woman dropped the leaves into the gourd she carried, and rose to her feet immediately. When she swirled round, she found Nabila staring at her, with tears in her eyes. “Mother!” Nabila rushed into her arms. “My sweet Nabila, how I have missed you, you have grown…” The woman kissed her daughter and hugged her closely to her body. “I miss you too mother, I am sorry I couldn’t visit more often. The work at the ranch is demanding.” Nabila hoped her mother would understand. “Or you were upset that we tried to marry you off to a rich merchant?” The older woman could read her daughter’s thoughts. Nabila hadn’t wanted to marry the man, but they were desperate for a suitor, that will take them out of poverty. Nabila bit her lip, and looked at the hills far away, “where is father?” “Your father is resting. I gave him a sleeping potion to ease his pain.” Ummi could see that her daughter wasn’t comfortable talking about the past, so she dropped it. Nabila’s chest tightened, “Is father ill?” “Your father would be alright. The goddess has assured me of that.” The woman grabbed her daughter’s hands and have them a squeeze. Nabila smiled and stared into her mother’s eyes. “You always do that whenever I am worried.” “I don’t like to keep you on the edge, my child.” Ummi replied. She knew the reason why Nabila had come. Nabila was a child of the serpent deity, Ukdran. She had come to activate her hidden powers of snake charming.
24 Mar 2019 | 06:03
hmmmmmm,,, snake deity indeed
24 Mar 2019 | 15:39
Is lik she don't know about LOVE deity that Abdul and Amina are in to,I think she should b careful
24 Mar 2019 | 17:19
so ur mother is into that act to, like mother like daughter
25 Mar 2019 | 03:39
Episode 14 “I cannot give you what you ask.” The woman released her daughter’s hands immediately, sensing a dark force from Nabila. Nabila raised a brow, “but I haven’t asked yet.” “Ukrdran is a serpent deity, but her powers are for good and revenge, to only those who hurt you. The woman you seek to destroy is harmless. She hasn’t committed any crime against you.” Nabila’s heart sank, “she is with the man I love. I cannot live without Abdul. I have waited all these years to be his wife. To stand by his side is great honor. The Shuwawoman, has taken my prize.” “Ukdran is with her. You cannot harm her…” The woman closed her eyes and parted her lips. The air had called her. The sun had whispered. The goddess had come to her. Nabila moved away from her mother, seeing that her spirit had left her. “You can help me mother. I will do whatever it takes to pay back the goddess. I need you to activate my powers.” Nabila begged. Shortly, Ummi’s eyes cracked open, and were consumed by total darkness. “Ukdran has a price and you must pay it.” “What price is this?” Nabila could feel the deity speaking to her through her mother. She lowered her knees to the rocky ground and spread her palms wide. “If the serpent fails to kill this woman, you shall fall in her place.” Ummi spoke the will of Ukdran. Nabila smiled; she couldn’t believe the price would be this easy. “The serpent would definitely kill her. I know where she stays. I will drop it there and charm is against her.” “So shall it be, rise and let me activate the snake charmer in you.” Ummi’s eyes slowly changed back to their light grey. The darkness had gone, and she was back. “I will forever be grateful mother.” Nabila couldn’t wait to own the powers, which she needed to destroy Amina Tukur and Keerna, for betraying her. Keerna was lost in her own thoughts. She wondered when Hazim would have the courage to tell her of his feelings. From the way they had stared at each other from the meeting, they shared an attraction. She wasn’t happy that Nabila was snubbing her. Usually, she normally shared her thoughts with her friend whenever she was confused. But now, she had no one to talk to. “Why do you look so solemn?” Amina strolled into the kitchen. She had stood at the entrance the whole time, watching Keerna knead the dough she would bake by the fire. Keerna’s heart jumped. She hadn’t known someone else was in the kitchen. “Mistress…” she bowed her head and smiled. “You may call me by name.” Amina smiled at the woman. “I will never show you such disrespect, lest the master would have my head on a pyre.” Keerna bowed again. Amina shrugged, “suit yourself then.” She was drawn to the basket of fruits next to Keerna. Amina dug a hand into the basket and pulled out a bush apple. “I haven’t had these in a long while,” Amina smiled and circled the fruit in her palms. “They are tasty fruits. Nabila is the one who collects all the fruits from the ranch farm.” Keerna responded with a smile. There, Amina had her. She had come to talk about Nabila, without making it look like she was gossiping. “Speaking of your friend, where is she?” Amina asked. Keerna bit her lip confusedly. She wasn’t comfortable discussing Nabila with the mistress. If Nabila ever found out, it would make her more furious. And this would cause them to drift further from each other. “I…I don’t know Mistress. She never told me.” Keerna replied. “I thought you two were friends.” Amina was surprised to hear this. “We have some problems, but we will reconcile soon enough.” Keerna hoped Amina wouldn’t pry further. She didn’t want to lie to her mistress, neither did she want to snitch on her friend. Amina sensed that Keerna was hiding something from her, but she wasn’t sure. “Continue with your cooking,” Amina waved her goodbye and strolled out of the kitchen. She was about moving towards her husband’s chambers, when she noticed a black bird, perching on a juniper tree that sprouted at the entrance of the ranch. The feeling of despair and sorrow she had felt earlier, returned. And Amina sensed something evil had happened to someone close to her, or was about to. She threw the apple to the ground and rushed towards her room. She had to pray to God. He needed to avert the evil happening. Now the palace had been locked, and the search had begun. Hazim had gathered food supplies and a map that would lead him towards the west. He would disguise himself as an old man and sneak into Idris’ camp. He wasn’t afraid of dying. He was ready to lay down his life for Keerna, and everyone else. The whitish clouds disappeared, and gave way to the black ones. Evening had fallen upon Kanem Dazau. The sky resembled a thick black blanket, with tiny drops of silvery pebbles. Hazim knew that Keerna always rose up at dawn to pray. He couldn’t let her know he was leaving! “I must leave at nightfall,” he whispered. He grabbed his back and rushed out of his room towards the master’s special barn. He would take the strongest horse and begin his ride. For the night, he could sleep in an open space or the outskirt of the city. He just couldn’t stand Keerna witnessing his departure. That would hurt her beyond what he could ever imagine. As he stepped out of his room, and towards the barn, he failed to see the figure cloaked in black. He bumped into the stranger and moved backwards. “Keerna?” He felt the softness of her body, and knew at once that she was a woman. The figure said nothing, she continued to move. “Show your face or I plunge my sword through you!” Hazim quickly released his sword from his scabbard. These were treacherous times, and a killer was hiding in Kanem Dazau. He had to be careful, because he knew how much Idris hated Abdul. “It is I, Nabila, put your sword down.” Nabila spoke softly. The magic that welled within her was powerful. Her eyes glowed like stars at night. This was the reason she had veiled her face. If the master found out she had involved herself in paganism, he could send her out of his ranch. She had to be careful. At the sound of her voice, he felt relaxed. He returned the sword to the scabbard, “Greet Keerna for me. Tell her that I love her.” “Where are you going?” Nabila sensed the urgency in his voice. “I shall return soon. Tell her I went to Tudu to see my mother.” Before Nabila could answer any question, he dissolved into the darkness and scurried off.
26 Mar 2019 | 11:26
The battle has parted into two, idris attacking kanem dazau and nabila involving herself with evil just to take the love that doesn't belong to her. The prince is worried, gathering advice 4 the next action.
26 Mar 2019 | 19:52
Abdul has found love again with this virtious woman of beauty. He has found someone with the qualities of replacement 4 fatma. Amina is the woman that has fitted into his loving heart and kindness.
26 Mar 2019 | 20:03
Amina has found a man that has taken her away from unpleasant men. Amina has found love with the man of her perfect love making. Hazim wants to take the risk now and take keerna as wife later.
26 Mar 2019 | 20:12
I pray for your success Hazim
27 Mar 2019 | 05:24
Nabila that's how u sign ur own death warrant, despite the warnings that the goddess was with Amina
27 Mar 2019 | 05:26
27 Mar 2019 | 05:27
I pray Nabila's plans bumarang on her.
27 Mar 2019 | 15:42
Ride on
27 Mar 2019 | 16:49
nabila will not succeed,,, but I hope she will not destroy too many things b4 dey get to know her secret
28 Mar 2019 | 05:35
Episode 15 Calmness returned to her as she sensed his absence. One of the people that could’ve taken her prey to safety was Hazim. Like Keerna, he adored Amina. He was the one that chose her for the mater. “Now that he has gone to Tudu, I shall have time to wreak havoc on this household tonight. There shall be much wailing, but joy would come when I become mistress.” Nabila was determined to get rid of Amina. She had waited for three years to have Abdul to herself. She had run out of patience. Her eyes danced as she stared at the entrance of the ranch. She felt the weakness of the serpent that clung to her hands. It was unconscious. The cobra had been given to her by Ummi. All she needed was to activate its strength when the time was ripe. The time was ripe. The time was now. Nabila gritted her teeth, and tightened her slender fingers around the slender but venomous serpent. It had a slim body with two heads. Its colors were a mixture of brown, red and white. It was a rare cobra, and its poison killed fast. As she stepped into the entrance of the ranch, she noticed the whole house was silent. Nabila closed her eyes and sniffed in the air. No one was in the house, except for Keerna. She wondered where the master could’ve gone with his wife? “I better hurry now, I may not have this opportunity again,” she whispered. Nabila moved towards Amina’s room. Her breathing was heavy, and her palms were sweaty. Once she dropped the serpent in the room, there would be no going back. In that moment, all her dreams of marrying Abdul; of making love to him; of bearing him sons and daughters came to life. Her mind beamed with happy images. She had waited for a long time; the master was the reward for her patience. So, she took off the veil and exposed the serpent. “In Ukdran’s name, you shall serve me. You shall obey my bidding. You shall stink and bite anyone who steps into this room after me.” She felt a strong force swirling within her. At the same time, a whirlwind started outside, sweeping a lot of sand, into the house. That was a sign of the goddess’ presence. Ukdran, delighted in her sacrifice. Nabila’s eyes radiated silver, evil and possession by a dark power. She pushed the door to Amina’s room with her feet and strolled in. By now, the cobra had woken from its sleep, but it remained calm. It waited for instructions. Nabila dropped the serpent in the middle of the massive bed. “Perfect, you shall sting her for all the pain she has caused me. You shall kill and destroy.” She smacked her hands and covered her face quickly. Nabila stared at the candle lit room for the last time before stepping out, and closing the door behind. She moved swiftly back to her room, where she found Keerna in a deep sleep. “Better,” Nabila smiled. She took off her garment, and joined Keerna in the bed. Abdul had taken Amina for a night stroll. He kissed her all through, and whispered sweet words into her ears. “Tell me, what fascinates you about me?” Amina asked. Most men were fascinated by her beauty, but she hoped her husband’s answer would be different. “I would lie if I leave out your green eyes…” Abdul squeezed her hand, and she laughed. He cleared his throat, “There’s something angelic about you. You are surrounded by an aura of kindness, love and purity. From the first day Hazim showed me your picture, I was never the same.” Amina’s heart raced with this realization. All the men that had come for her in Dafa, had never said these words. Idris was after the desire of his loins. Those men had been selfish with their needs. And they had viewed her like property, to be owned and tossed aside when its use was outlived. With Abdul, she had no fear. She had no doubts of his love. He treated her like a queen. He gave her great respect. “I will make love to you, tonight…” Amina blushed, but the darkness hid her shame. “Will you?” Abdul scoffed. She was a virgin, and wasn’t ready for his touch. He wanted her to be ready for him. “I know you think I am not ready. I want you darling. I want you now!” Amina was excited. She couldn’t wait for Abdul to make her a woman. “Show me then…”He said. “Let me take you to my room.” They ran across the field like two teenagers, who were about to do something naughty. Together, they rushed into the entrance of the ranch. “It is so dark in here. I wonder why Keerna or Nabila hasn’t put on the lamps.” Abdul complained, he wasn’t a lover of darkness. There were only three candles in the whole house. Amina sensed this could ruin their special moment, “Go into my room and wait for me. Let me find Keerna.” Abdul didn’t want to stress her. “No, you go to the room. I will fetch the servants.” “You are my master, I should serve you.” Amina stood her ground. Abdul noticed she had a streak of stubbornness in her. He liked it. He didn’t want his woman to be like sheep or mare. He grabbed her hands and kissed them softly. “If you insist, I shall wait for you…” Amina noticed his eyes were clothed with desire. Abdul was hard and ready for her. She couldn’t wait to let him in. He hummed a love song in Arabic as he marched towards her room. He pushed the door open and stepped in. “Fair enough,” he whispered. Her room was brighter than the other parts of the house. Abdul moved straight to the bed. He had failed to see the silent beast that lay in waiting. The serpent had heard his song. It was appalled by the goodness of it, for it was filled with darkness. The moment Abdul fell into the bed, the cobra hissed and erected. At first, Abdul thought he hadn’t heard well. Before he could realize that he was in bed with a serpent, the cobra’s fangs sliced into his arms twice. He gave a loud scream and slumped into unconsciousness. Abdul’s scream had pierced the heavy silence and darkness of the night. His voice resonated to all the quarters and everyone rushed out. Amina felt a sharp pain in her chest as she heard his voice. Her fears had come to life! The dream of the crow had manifested! “Oh no,” she paused and ran towards her room. At the same time, Keerna awoke and found Nabila sleeping beside her. “Wake up,” Keerna tapped her friend twice. “Why do you rouse me from sleep?” Nabila hissed angrily. She had been dreaming of her wedding with Abdul. “I heard someone scream. I think something bad has happened to the master or his wife. Or the ranch could be under attack.” Keerna thought. Nabila was overjoyed on hearing this. Ukdran had helped her! The serpent goddess had kept to her promise! “Let us go and see them then,” Nabila climbed out of bed, and put on her clothes. It wasn’t long, before all the servants gathered in Amina’s room. Amina noticed that Abdul’s breathing had slowed down. His body grew colder by the minute. “No…wake up!” She shook him. “I think we should take him to Mohammed, he may be able to help.” One of the cow boys suggested. “Take who to Mohammed?” Nabila rushed into the room. Her heart stopped when she noticed that Amina was still breathing, and in her place, Abdul had fallen. “No….” her lips trembled as she remembered the price she was to pay.
28 Mar 2019 | 10:56
Episode 16 Tukur’s head was bowed, and his breathing was heavy. Three days had passed since Idris asked his men to capture him. They were in the ranch waiting for their master’s return, as Idris had gone on one of his raids. “Wa—ter,” Tukur groaned. His throat burned. His lips burned for a taste of water. His belly churned to be filled with food. Three days. He had neither eaten nor drank. His strength was slowly fading away. Tukur knew he had to eat something, else he would die in this ranch. And Idris didn’t care about him; his ambition to rule the cattle lands was more important. “Please, in the name of God. I need water.” Tukur mustered the little strength he had in him and begged the men, but they ignored him. It was clear that Idris had given them orders to starve him to death. “Oh Idris, I curse the day that I met you…” Tukur whimpered in a broken voice. He had always dreamt of owning his own ranch; he had been envious of young Abdul. Angrily, he had ganged up with Idris against the young man. Maybe Allah was punishing him for his actions. Abdul hadn’t harmed him in any way, but he had killed some of his men and cattle. “Forgive me Allah, if I die, may I die a righteous man.” Tukur’s lips moved in silent prayer. Scenes of memories flashed through his mind. He remembered his late wife and the last moments he had shared with her. He thought of his lovely daughter, Aminat. He cursed the day that he allowed greed and aimless ambition take over his life. “I have sinned against God and man. Allah, please accept my soul as I breathe my last.” Tukur knew he was the reason Amina fled Dafa. He had been living comfortably with her, and she never showed any signs of discomfort; until Idris was brought into the picture. This same man that he was willing to sacrifice his daughter for, didn’t care about him. He didn’t care that Tukur didn’t own a ranch of his own. Idris was never his friend, he cared only for himself. “Shut your mouth old man!” There were only two guards left to watch over him. The rest had followed Idris for a raid with all the horses in the ranch. Idris’ ranch seemed like a desolate place. It was the first and stout guard that spoke. “You disturb the peace and quiet of the ranch!” Tukur’s lips trembled with thirst as he glared darkly at the men. He wished he could plunge a fine sword through their sturdy necks. Anger stung his back. Desperation washed over him. He was hungry for freedom. If he had a way to escape, he would flee Dafa and never return again. “I am thirsty my sons, please have mercy on an old man…” The second guard scoffed, “you should’ve asked Idris to show you mercy. Maybe if he showed us the ropes, we would follow suit.” When he said this, the other guard chuckled and they burst out with laughter. Tukur realized that no matter the amount of persuasion, these men weren’t going to help him. He had two choices right away; life or death. If he chose to die, he could never straighten his ways. He needed to find Abdul and make peace with him. He needed to find Amina, his daughter and ask her forgiveness. He couldn’t die now. He needed to find a way to stay alive. “Idris doesn’t love anyone but himself. He’ll get rid of you two soon enough!” Tukur barked in a voice, eager to convince the men to his side. The men stopped laughing and focused their attention on him. “We both know that. The rich only care for themselves.” The second guard turned his attention on the prisoner. There was something that he noticed in the older man’s eyes. It was knowledge and reason. “You shouldn’t talk to him. He is trying to buy his way out by stealing our hearts with vain words. I have been tricked by a prisoner before. I learned my lesson.” The first guard called back the attention of the second guard. Tukur ran his dry tongue over his cracking lips. He tasted a drop of his blood, and shuddered at the thought of starving to death. “Idris is not a good man. You mustn’t help him.” “He will stab you in the back like he just did to me,” Tukur continued, but the men weren’t paying attention to him. One of them sneered, “Idris doesn’t like weaklings and you just proved yourself to be one. It’s time to get over with you.” He pulled out a sword from his sheath and advanced towards Tukur. He was about plunging the sword through the older man’s right arm when the second guard called him back. “Rafai!” The guard tightened his fingers around the head of his sword and tilted his head backwards. “What is it?” “Someone is coming!” The men abandoned Tukur and rushed towards the entrance of the ranch. Idris wasn’t going to return till two days, and he had given them stern instructions. Who was this man? “He is not from around here, he comes from a far place.” The first guard whispered as they stepped outside. “I don’t care where he comes from, he is not welcome here…” the second guard gritted his teeth angrily and reached for his sword. Three days of journeying to the Great Plain had worn him out, but Hazim’s mind was fixed on penetrating Idris’ camp. He had come to get information; a dangerous mission, but he was determined to help his people. He knew how suicidal it was, to step into the camp of one’s enemy, but he was willing to risk it. Hazim paused and placed a hand on his brows, so he could see clearer. A sandstorm was slowly building up, and the brown fog built by dust blurred his vision. Many years had passed since he stepped his feet to the little town of Dafa. “This is the right place,” Hazim murmured. He was quite sure he was at Idris’ ranch. Something bothered him. The place looked desolate and deserted. Where were the horses and cows? There wasn’t any bleating or mooing. Did something happen to Idris? Tired of speculating, Hazim pulled his horse and continued trekking towards the widely opened gate. “Don’t worry boy, we’ll leave as soon as I get what Kanem Dazau needs.” No one could allow Idris take over the Cattle Lands. He was a tyrant. Inflicting pain on the innocent was his mastery. Idris had to be stopped, before it was too late. Hazim thought about the ranch he had left behind. He thought of his good friend Abdul. He thought of Amina. A smile curled on his lips as he remembered Keernahaza; the love of his life. “If I survive this mission, I shall profess my love for her.” Suddenly, his horse began to neigh and struggle. Before Hazim could tell what was happening, two men jumped out of nowhere and buried their sharp swords into the animal. The horse’s wild cries filled the air, before the animal stumbled and fell. It died. Hazim’s felt a surge of energy within him. He felt powerful. He felt the need to protect himself. Clearly, he had walked into a trap. “I come in peace,” Hazim carefully revealed a fine silver blade. “We do not care. We only understand war, blood and dust!” One of the men replied, and advanced towards Hazim with a sharp dagger. He moved like a hyena; swift and smart. The dagger brushed Hazim’s face, and blood rained down slowly. Hazim knew he couldn’t fight longer. What if they were more men? He couldn’t fail Kanem Dazau; he had to return to his people and his family. He had to see Keerna again, even on his dying bed. To be continued…
28 Mar 2019 | 10:59
Come and see me dancing! nabila wil die and abdul wil be fine
29 Mar 2019 | 04:16
Better fight, these guys last statement is no joke
29 Mar 2019 | 08:02
had it been Idris has not back stab u, u would't have realize your mistake right? well somethings happens for knowledge anyway
29 Mar 2019 | 08:04
I wish u well hazim
29 Mar 2019 | 09:12
good for nabila but I pray for Abdul's safety
29 Mar 2019 | 10:11
wat is wrong wit dis idris animals? dey suppose to hear why hazim has come to dia ranch now
29 Mar 2019 | 13:32
may God help him
30 Mar 2019 | 09:00
better fight these people, Don't allow them to kill u
30 Mar 2019 | 09:01
hmmmmmm,,,, y should a wolf eat one of her children
30 Mar 2019 | 10:28
Hmmm nabila nabila oh ok
30 Mar 2019 | 13:23
this is serious, nabila u are in for it now
31 Mar 2019 | 07:39
Episode 17 The Ranch was as silent as a grave yard. Three days had passed and Abdul was still unconscious. Mohammed was out of town, so there wasn’t anyone to help them at the moment. “Please wake up…”Amina’s tears dropped on Abdul’s naked and hairy chest. Nobody knew what had happened to the master. He had only screamed, and passed out after that. For now, his clothes had been taken off, and a piece of white clothe was tied around his waist. “You do not have to cry mistress, the men have gone in search of a healer. They could be a way out.” Keerna knelt beside Amina and gave her hands a squeeze. But Amina couldn’t be consoled. “Allah is cruel to me…” Amina’s lips shivered. All her life, she had dreamt of love and happiness, and just as she was about to get it; something stepped in and blocked it. Nobody knew what had happened to Abdul. There weren’t any markings on his body; some of the ranchers speculated that he had been hit by a powerful demon. But there wasn’t any evidence. Such things had only occurred in ancient times, when the people were still loyal to the gods and goddesses of the land. “Do not speak that way mistress. Allah is not cruel to anyone. He has a reason for this. Where is your Iman? Where is your faith?” Keerna whispered. Keerna had noticed Hazim’s absence for a few days now, but she couldn’t ask anyone about it. The master’s health was priority and they had to find a way to revive him. “We cannot tell the Sultan or prince Fadin about this. They have more important matters to attend to. Matters that concern us all,” Amina’s lips shivered. She hadn’t seen this coming. She hadn’t known that her joy would fade away; and that sorrow would welcome her so swiftly. Keerna nodded and adjusted the silky gray scarf on her head. “We have to be patient mistress.” Nabila found it difficult to stay at the master’s side. Guilt washed over her, and the fear of taking his place enveloped her mind. As she stood outside his bedroom, tears stung her eyes. Her hatred for Amina had led her to this. The serpent of Ukdran had killed the wrong person. And there wasn’t any cure. “I am doomed, there is blood on my hands.” Nabila’s lips trembled as she cried. She couldn’t tell her mother what had taken place, for the woman had warned her about the price she had to pay. Nabila was sure there wasn’t any remedy to Abdul’s situation, and her fears increased when she thought about the invisible serpent. That night, when the master had fallen, all the men in ranch had searched Amina’s bedroom, but they hadn’t found anything. This scared Nabila more. The serpent of Ukdran was a mysterious creature. It could hide in the darkest places and it could stay hidden in the light as well. It only revealed itself to those it wanted. She had meditated and tried to find the serpent with her mind, but there was no connection. And it made her wonder, if the serpent had died in the room; or if it was waiting to strike her on an occasion “Nabila?” A soft voice called her, and she jerked out of her thoughts. Keerna had stepped out of the master’s room to get some warm water for Amina’s bath. She had found her friend weeping silently. Though they weren’t in speaking terms, Keerna was moved by Nabila’s tears. She knew why Nabila was crying. It showed that she really cared about the master. Her love was pure and true, but misplaced. “Why is everyone weeping in this ranch? By Allah, I will lose my faith as well.” Keerna moved towards her friend and pulled her in for a hug. Nabila clung to Keerna’s shoulders and cried softly. “Forgive me Keernahaza. I am a wrongdoer.” “It is alright my friend. You were blinded by love and passion. You love the master, which is why you cry so hard.” Keerna patted her back and kissed her cheek. But Nabila’s tears were for another purpose. She knew she would pay the price, but she didn’t know when. “I must go see my mother, maybe there is a way to avert the curse of Ukdran,” Nabila thought. She had to find away to appease the serpent deity. Abdul had abandoned her for a Shuwa woman; even after all her years of faithfulness. Maybe he deserved what befell him. Now that he was doomed for death, she could move on with her life. She would fall in love with another. But Amina would be doomed forever, and this was what she had always wanted. Amina would be in greater pain, for the rest of her life. “I must leave for the outskirt, I must see my family.” Nabila pulled away from the hug. “This isn’t a good time Nabila, what if you wait a few more days? We need each other…” Keerna wasn’t comfortable with her friend’s plan. Nabila was about to cook up a reason, when two cowboys stepped into the ranch, with an old woman. She wasn’t of Islam. She wore a dress with glittering pearls upon it. Her dusty black hair wasn’t shielded from the eyes of men. Her neck was long and scrawny; and her eyes were like two little pebbles. They were sharp as an eagle’s, and deadly as a mamba’s. She was blind. But her third eye was open. “The healer of Neferti comes…”one of the boys announced. “Why did they let her in here?” Nabila whispered to Keerna. She was a pagan! “We must do everything to save the master.” Keerna replied in a soft voice. As the woman was led towards the master’s chambers, she turned her head sharply and pinned her eyes at the spot where Nabila stood. A strange sensation ran through Nabila, the woman was a child of Ukdran! “There is evil in this ranch. We must first drive it out.” The healer mumbled, and continued on her way. A devious smile played on her lips as she discovered what had happened to the master. A child of Ukdran had used dark magic; it would backfire. “I must go, I must leave…” Nabila rushed towards the room she shared with Keerna. In a matter of hours, the healer could cure Abdul and that would mean her death. Keerna wouldn’t let her go, “No, you have to stay!” Keerna rushed after her. Amina was still crying, when the old woman stepped into the room. “Wipe your tears daughter, your husband was destined for many years. He cannot be allowed to cross to the Vale of dark shadows. His mind is trapped within his own body. His soul is lost and his spirit is wanting.” The woman snapped her fingers, and the little girl she came with, dropped the basket of potions. Amina was surprised to see her. “You can help him?” “Yes, but at a cost…” The woman nodded. “What cost?” Amina was prepared to give the woman all the expensive things Abdul had gotten for her. “A life, but not yours,” “My life?”Amina’s brows joined together in surprise. She was ready to lay down her life for Abdul. The healer shook her head, “No. You both are meant to be. You will grow old with your children, but a wolf would eat one of them…” Amina cringed at this dark prophecy. The woman sensed her fear and bit her lips to silence.
2 Apr 2019 | 02:50
Episode 18 You will have many happy days. The sad ones cannot overshadow the happy ones.” “What price shall you accept?” Amina ignored her prophecies. She wasn’t a believer in the old religion. “A life but not yours,” the healer repeated. “Whose?” Amina wondered. “The one with the fire of Ukdran.” Before Amina could utter one word, the healer collected a vial with golden designs. She spilled the black liquid in it over Abdul’s hairy chest. She closed her eyes, and searched deeper with her mind. A surge of energy arose within her; her fire was ignited by the magic of Ukdran, that swirled within her. She spread her slender fingers over Abdul’s body. The poison of the serpent would meet with the serpent oil. It would be over soon. “Release him Ukshal. Release his soul from the well of death, mother. Release his mind from the grasp of fear. Release his healing from the great serpent, Ukshal…” She chanted the words twice. On the third count, she grabbed Amina’s hands and held it. “You must repeat after me. With my magic and with your love, shall your husband return.” Amina licked her lips nervously and nodded. She wasn’t used to the practice of the old ways, but she had to learn. “Release him Ukshal. Release his soul from the well of death, mother. Release his mind from the grasp of fear. Release his healing from the great serpent, Ukshal…” The women chanted in unison. On the third count, a loud and ear-shattering scream hit the ranch. It was a woman’s voice. Just in time, Abdul’s eyes cracked open and he found a stranger, a little girl and his beautiful wife in the room. “What is happening?” He whispered in a weak voice. Hazim launched forward and pierced his sword through the first man who sliced him. “That is for my horse!” Hazim withdrew the sword, dripping with blood and pointed it at the second man. “You either surrender, or you end up like him,” Hazim pointed the sword at the man. The guard sneered and spat on the ground, “I’d rather fall on my own blade, than surrender to a half breed!” Hazim chuckled, the guard like Idris, was a Shuwa and they considered themselves superior to other tribes. They were filled with ambition and power lust. “Good, you have chosen!” Hazim screamed in a loud voice and jumped closer to the man, but the guard escaped the blade. He outsmarted Hazim and gave him a kick that unsettled him. Hazim found himself on the floor, and at the mercy of the guard. The silver blade had fallen out of his palms. He couldn’t defend himself now. “I told you Kanuri man, I do not surrender to anybody! I only answer to Mallam Idris!” Without hesitation, he raised his sword and was ready to plunge it into Hazim, but he wasn’t quick enough. A sharp arrow pierced through his chest, and found his heart. Blood oozed from the orifices of his eyes, nostrils and mouth. The sword he held fell out of his hands. The man staggered and fell. Hazim couldn’t believe what had just taken place. Someone had saved his life! He quickly grabbed his sword and waited for the arrival of the man on a horse. His face was cloaked. Hazim couldn’t deny the fact that the man was a handsome archer. From the distance he stood, he was able to kill Idris’ guard. “Idris’ men are good fighters! It was foolhardy to come here alone!” The cloaked man bellowed. Hazim said nothing. There was something strangely familiar about the voice. He couldn’t wait to see the stranger’s face. The horse swiftly covered the distance between Hazim and the man. “Is this any way to appreciate your life saver?” The cloaked man asked. Hazim scoffed, “how am I sure you aren’t one of Idris’ men?” “Hazim’s men don’t save, they destroy!” At once, the man pulled the cloak away from his face and Hazim’s eyes radiated with shock. The man was the last person he had expected to see in Dafa. “Mohammed? What are you doing here?” Mohammed laughed, “I work with Idris. Prince Fadin told me where to find you. Idris thinks I am loyal, but I am not. We must ride back and warn the Prince and everyone. Idris would attack Kanem Dazau in two days and with full force.” Hazim couldn’t believe his ears. “How did you get Idris to trust you so much?” Hazim sensed Mohammed was hiding something. Mohammed replied with a dry laugh, “that my friend, I cannot tell you. It has been my plan with Prince Fadin all along. To defeat an enemy, you must get into his camp.” Hazim slowly understood that the Prince hadn’t been working with just him and Abdul. He was working with the information seller as well. “What did you do to win Idris’ trust?” Hazim repeated. Mohammed sighed, he knew Hazim wouldn’t let this one go. “The Sultan was dying from an ailment. I promised Idris his head. When I approached the prince and told of him of my plans, he agreed to work with me. We made it look like one of Idris’ men had sneaked into the palace. This was the only way I could convince Idris that I am for him.” Hazim felt a cold chill running down his spine, “you killed the king? To what end, what purpose?” “Idris is more powerful than you and Abdul think. He killed my parents when I was just a child. This is the only way I could honor their memory. This isn’t the time to do what is right, we do what must be done.” Hazim was confused. Prince Fadin had made his father’s murder very believable. He couldn’t wait to tell Abdul all about it. For Mohammed to risk his life by working with Idris, he was really very powerful. “Where is Idris now?” Hazim asked calmly. He had known Mohammed all his life in Kanem Dazau; the information seller wouldn’t have a reason to betray them now. “A Hausa village to the south; he intends to take their horses and rape their women. We must hurry back to Kanem. If he finds me here, I will be in trouble. I told him I will be returning home.” Hazim nodded, “thanks for saving my life Mohammed.” “It’s nothing. I trust you would have done same, if I was in your shoes.” Mohammed bowed his head. The men were about mounting Mohammed’s huge stallion, when they heard a loud voice. “What is that?” Mohammed raised a brow. “It seems someone has been in there, all these while…” Hazim grabbed his sword and rushed into the ranch. He was right. Tukur had been captured by Idris’ men. He had heard the clashing of swords; the screams of death and the silence that followed. He wasn’t prepared to die like a coward. He had to cry out for help. “Hazim!” Mohammed called in a sharp voice. “What is it?” Hazim paused. “I don’t think you should go in there. Idris could return anytime. I don’t want him to distrust me. I have enough information about his army. If he senses that I am no longer with him, he’ll have my head.” Hazim understood that Mohammed was in a hurry, but his conscience wouldn’t let him return to Kanem, without checking the captive out. “I promise to be quick about this.” Hazim followed the sound of the groan, till he reached an empty barn. It smelt of animal dung and dead grasses. Little insects and maggots danced in the dung; lizards crawled on the floor. Hazim felt sick.
2 Apr 2019 | 02:52
eeww!! that's one thing about rearing animals
2 Apr 2019 | 10:02
that's how nabila lost her life bcos of possessive love,,, and takur should thank his star
2 Apr 2019 | 14:22
Hazim wil nw want to save tukur coz of amina
2 Apr 2019 | 18:38
takur u are lucky someone come to help u, Amina thank God ur hubby is okay
3 Apr 2019 | 04:07
Last episode It was Tukur that saw him face. And his heart leapt. He wasn’t mistaken, this was Hazim! The man he had betrayed with Idris, many years back. “Hazim!” Tukur called. At once, Hazim’s eyes rested on the captive. A frown ate into his face as he realized it as Tukur, the man that had betrayed him and Abdul. “I thought an innocent man was locked in here. I must ride back to Kanem Dazau before nightfall.” Hazim spun on his heel and made towards the entrance. Anger coursed through him, as he remembered how Tukur had killed some of their men. He had betrayed Abdul! Tears trickled down Tukur’s face. He wasn’t desperate to be released. It seemed he was fated to die. But maybe Allah had brought Hazim to him, so he could amend his ways and die peacefully. “I betrayed you and Abdul! I was eager to have a ranch of my own. I was jealous. I am guilty of sin. You may not release me from this bondage, but I do not beg of it. I only want your forgiveness and if Abdul is here, I’d like his forgiveness as well.” Hazim froze where he stood. Was Tukur apologizing for his wicked deeds? “And your daughter? You had wanted to sell her off like property, to the same man who betrayed you?” Hazim scoffed. Tukur was surprised to hear about his daughter, “you know Aminat? I only wanted her to be happy, but I regret my actions now. I pushed my child away.” Hazim scoffed, “you never cared about her happiness. All you wanted was a ranch. All you have ever wanted is control and power. You deserve everything Idris is doing to you.” Tukur swallowed, “please, forgive me. Captivity has a way of making one sober and reflective. I have been a fool all these years. I regret what I did to you and Abdul. I want to make amends.” Hazim closed his eyes and thought of what to do. If Amina found out that he abandoned her father to die, she would never forgive him. Mohammed had just saved his life, maybe it was for this purpose. Maybe he was meant to rescue another person. “How do I trust you? You keep betraying all those around you.” Tukur had no word in his defense, “I am at your mercy Hazim. Do with me what you want.” Hazim pitied the old man. He had aged badly, and he looked stricken with hunger. “Just so you know and prepare yourself, Amina is married to Abdul. Do you still want to come with me?” Tukur couldn’t describe the emotions that ran through him at that moment. He was ashamed. He was regretful. He was happy. “Yes, please. I will be indebted to you all my life.” Hazim nodded and moved to unchain the man. The minute Tukur’s bonds were broken, he fainted and fell upon Hazim. For he had been tortured day and night; by hunger, strife and remorse and his strength had failed him. “Allah help me,” Hazim sighed. Soon, he was outside the ranch with Tukur’s limp body. Mohammed sighed, “we have to steal a horse from somewhere.” “Where?” Hazim laughed. Idris had taken all of his horses. “I saw a little farm by the hill.” Mohammed winked. Hazim understood they had to steal an extra horse for this journey. The men burst out with laughter. They would travel back to Kanem Dazau peacefully. They would tell the Prince everything they had learned. Idris would be defeated. And there will be a reunion of love and forgiveness as Tukur would meet with his daughter, and his enemy, Abdul. He would abandon Dafa, and live in Kanem Dazau, for the rest of his life. “Nabila? Nabila?” Keerna rushed to her friend’s side. “I wanted to kill the mistress! I hated her so much for taking my man. Please tell her to forgive me. Tell everyone to forgive me!” Keerna cried uncontrollably and shook her friend, but the invisible serpent, Ukshal, had struck her. The price was paid in full, and glory returned to Ukdran, the goddess of serpents. “Nabila!” Keerna found it difficult to understand the words her friend had spoken, but the entrance of the healer confirmed it. Amina, Abdul and the healer had traced the loud scream from Nabila’s room. The healer hadn’t wasted time in telling the master and the mistress the truth. The price for Abdul’s healing, was Nabila’s death. She had been the one to plot against the innocent at first. Keerna wiped her face and rushed out of the room. She had to tell everyone about her friend. How could Nabila just perish like that? How could God be so merciless in striking her friend dead? She slowed in her steps, when she neared Abdul’s room and heard his voice. He was risen! The master was awake! She would have been very excited about his healing, but the death of her friend cast a dark veil over her. It was the veil of sorrow. As Keerna leaned closer to the door, she heard the healer’s prophecy about Nabila. “Your maidservant has always been evil. She is a child of Ukdran, but the darker side in her is greater. She has always been in love with the master, but he never shared in her desire…” The old woman paused and pointed at Amina, “Your entrance to the ranch, brought so much hatred and jealousy. Nabila intended for the serpent to strike you. But your husband stepped in and saved your life.” Amina found this hard to believe. Though she had sensed Nabila’s discomfort around her, she couldn’t believe the girl would try to kill her. “I never loved her. I have only loved two women in my entire life; Fatma and Amina,” Abdul mumbled softly. He was still weak and dizzy, but there was life I him. Tears strolled down Amina’s face, “I cannot think of one evil thing I did to Nabila…” Just then, Keerna stepped in and fell on her knees. She couldn’t believe her ears. The healer just confirmed her late friend’s strange behaviors. “The woman is right, Nabila has always been in love with the master. I never knew she would go to such extent to win him over. You must forgive her now, for her serpent has struck her dead.” Amina and Abdul glared at Keerna’s swollen eyes; she had been crying. Amina’s heart softened when she saw Keerna. She couldn’t blame Nabila for loving a man like Abdul. She felt lucky and blessed. “We have to forgive her…”Amina whispered, but Abdul didn’t share in her plans. “No. Nabila is an ingrate. What if she had killed you? I shall not forgive anyone that intends to take you away from me.” The healer rose to her feet and was led out of the room by her young assistant. “Your forgiveness does not matter now. The price has been paid. Her soul roams in the great black desert of evil souls.” Once the room was cleared, Abdul pulled Amina into his arms. “Stop crying my darling, I am back.” “I thought I had lost you forever.” Amina bit her lip, desperate to fight the tears that blurred her vision. “No, you didn’t lose me. We are meant to be. We are destined for each other.” When he said this, she licked her lips and straightened on the bed. “The healer spoke a prophecy. We will be happy for many years. We will have children and we will grow old…” her voice croaked, and more tears splashed on her cheeks. Abdul didn’t like the look on her face; he sensed a deep sorrow. “What is it?” “One of our children would be eaten by a wolf,” Amina said. Silence hung grimly in the atmosphere as they both looked into each other’s eyes. “Why don’t we live in the moment? Why don’t we bask under the beauty of the sun and moon? Why don’t we love and forget what destiny holds? If God wills it, we cannot stop him. We can only pray for fortitude to move forward and love and live…” He had not finished his statement, when a fiery passion overcame him. He would kiss her this minute. He would make arduous love to her. “I want you…” he pulled her gently towards him. She did not resist. Abdul covered her lips quickly and slipped a tongue into her mouth. His hands roamed her slender body and found her soft breasts. He was about touching her more, when a knock sounded on the door. It was Keerna, and she had seen her lover returning with a stranger on a horse. “Hazim is back!” She screamed excitedly. Though Nabila was gone, Hazim would be around. She was tired of hiding what she felt. She would tell him of her love. “Hazim can wait!” Abdul laughed and pulled his wife closer. Amina blushed and smiled shyly. “Make love to me…”she begged. And her husband dropped a sweet kiss on her forehead, “Of course I will my love.” Slowly, they began to dance to the ancient drums of lovemaking. Heaving, sighing, moaning; love was birthed at the time. Love would reign. Forgiveness would come. Father and daughter would reconcile. Old enemies would become friends. Idris would be conquered in the end. To be continued… Watch out for part 2
3 Apr 2019 | 04:28
interestingly wonderful!!!! waiting for part two oooo
3 Apr 2019 | 12:14
Sure as hell
3 Apr 2019 | 15:17
Nice story, Nabila your dead came more quicker, now ur soul will roam in one dark empty void world
3 Apr 2019 | 15:19
Nabila died in pain and regrets 4 her evil. She broke the hedge and the serpent has bitten her to death 4 the death she had wished the destiny lovers of real passion.
3 Apr 2019 | 17:19
True love is taking the lead with ABDUL AND AMINA. The joy of keerner is filled with love 4 hazim who has returned with the rescued and mohammed the secret opponent of idris. The joy of abdul's empire is back.
3 Apr 2019 | 17:26
3 Apr 2019 | 17:28
interesting , waiting for part two
4 Apr 2019 | 17:01
Can't wait for the second part... Very interesting I must confess
20 May 2019 | 16:49
Interesting Cant wait for part 2
1 May 2021 | 07:33
We Don Wait Tire Oh
4 Jun 2021 | 08:18
4 Jun 2021 | 08:19
Next Oh
4 Jun 2021 | 08:19


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