Amanda Season 1&2

Amanda Season 1&2

By marcus in 26 Feb 2019 | 04:14
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Member since: 30 Mar 2016

Episode 1

The evening breeze danced along with the trees as they swayed to the windy rhythm, another day had come and gone, but tonight would be different, tonight the stars would dance on her face, tonight she would taste the wanton side of life.

‘Are you sure you want to do this Mandy’? Her mother said to her.

‘Mum? I am not twelve, I can take care of myself’ the blue eyed blonde replied.

‘Honey, parties could get complicated, I don’t want anything bad to happen’ the woman expressed her fears.

‘Mum, come on, stop doing this. I am an adult besides it’s not like I am going for the party, I am just paid to usher there; I hear it’s organized by some really rich folks’ Amanda replied.

‘Okay…is Alex coming with you’?

‘Sure, she is, we are riding in her car’ Amanda replied.

‘You don’t have to worry , I know you’re scared but nothing bad is really going to happen, you know how much this would help; I need the money, okay’? Amanda rushed and planted a sweet kiss on her mother’s cheek.

‘You know, sometimes I really wish I could do something to help you, I feel so bad that I am pulling you back; I am drowning your efforts’ the woman groaned.

‘Mum…stop’ Amanda began to shake her head.

‘No, it is my fault that we are living like this’ tears welled up in her eyes as she recalled the events that had led to her being crippled.

She had gotten married to the love of her life, Amanda’s father; the marriage was a youthful one, her parents and friends had not been in support of it, but she was too blinded by love to hearken to their words.

Her husband turned abusive and pushed her off the balcony, one year after Amanda’s birth and that was how she lost her legs.

‘It is not your fault, you fell in love with a man; falling in love is not bad’ Amanda had heard the story over a hundred times.

‘No, falling in love is a good thing, but it is better to walk out of it when you see the signs that love is gone forever. I knew he was crazy but I still stayed; I thought I loved him, but he ruined my life’ she cried.

‘Mum, it’s been twenty something years this happened, you need to move on. I know it’s hard for me to get and keep jobs so I can take care of us both, but I am not complaining. Everything would work out eventually’ Amanda offered her another kiss.

‘Thanks Mandy, you’re so smart and intelligent; you’re a hardworking woman and I wish I were half what you are when I was your age’ she smiled proudly at her daughter.

‘Thanks, Ma, now, I think I need to go’ Amanda peered out the window of their tiny bungalow.

Alex had arrived in her convertible; she announced her arrival with the blasting of the horn, very loudly.

‘Are you trying to turn deaf or something’? Amanda shouted.

‘No, something better, I am practicing Studio’ Alex grinned.

‘Crazy girl’ Amanda smiled and rushed towards the door.

‘Promise me one thing’ her mother’s words halted her.

‘What mum’? She swirled round.

‘Promise me you will never fall in love with the wrong person’ she returned.

‘Heart on my chest, I promise’ Amanda smiled and rushed out of the house.

She thought her mother’s behavior really weird but could she really blame the woman? Her mother had been terribly broken, physically and emotionally by the man she loved; she didn’t want the same thing for her and she clearly understood that.

‘Don’t worry mother, I don’t plan to fall in love anytime soon’ Amanda sighed as she reached the car.

Amanda Atkins was a twenty five year old student of Humboldt State University where she majored in “Business management” with the hopes of getting an internship with one of those high flying firms in New York.

She was in her third year in school; her grades were doing fine, the only problem was her financial power, it was really weak and that was why she needed a job.

Like this one she was paid to do, ushering at a party.

She was too engrossed in bettering her life to engage in anything romantic; she never had a boyfriend, she didn’t have time for one.

‘Hey come on, don’t tell me that’s what you’re wearing for a party’? Alex’s face feel as her friend moved closer to her.

‘Seriously? This took me great effort’ Amanda rolled her eyes and joined her friend in the car.

Alexandra was her best friend; they hit off at an event two years before and remained close ever since; she was out spoken and kind hearted and she always looked out for Amanda.

‘Who wears a T-shirt and worn out denim for a party? Girl, step out and go get yourself a short dress’ Alex snorted.

‘Hey, I am waitressing not partying. I wanna feel comfortable’ Amanda replied.

‘Comfortable my dear, is totally boring. You never know who you would meet, we still got time’ Alex stared at her designer’s watch.

‘I am fine really. Let’s go’ Amanda said.

Unlike her, Alexander came from a wealthy home but she made sure this did not affect their friendship.

How could she tell Amanda that the clothes she’d put on were her very best clothes? She couldn’t afford designer wears or accessories, so she made do with what she had.

‘And your hair? You could have fixed it up Mandy; your curls are wild. You are one sexy girl who actually has no inkling on how to pull sexy off’ Alex scanned her briefly.

‘At least I wore lipstick, see’? Amanda pouted her lips hoping her friend would talk about something else.

‘Suit yourself, I intend to get a man for myself tonight. You know what I mean’? Alex winked at her friend.

‘Alex! You just broke up with Bellamy last week, gosh! You should be taking it easy’ Amanda stared at her friend in bewilderment.

‘Honey, life is too short to stick to one man. Since it didn’t work out with Bellamy, I shouldn’t beat myself up about it. That’s the difference between me and you. I am a river; ruthless and always moving but you? You’re a pond. And ponds are boring’ Alex sighed.

‘Now that really hurts’ Amanda said.

‘Sorry’ Alex gave her hands a squeeze.

‘Um, you should probably get a boyfriend tonight; fall in love; have sex and do wild things with him’ Alex chuckled.

‘Alex! Focus, we don’t wanna get involved in car crash, do we’? Amanda scoffed.

‘I’m focused’ Alex muttered and focused on the high way.

They listened and sang along as they headed towards the Rocky spur where it was going down that night. It was an architectural masterpiece surrounded artifacts and flowers. Lights surrounded the walk way.

Amanda felt nervous as she took in the sheer magnificence of the building. She had never seen such beauty in her life. The night was about to come alive. Already she could see scantily clad females troop in, some with their partners and others with their girlfriends.
26 Feb 2019 | 04:14
am here... ride on with it
26 Feb 2019 | 05:39
26 Feb 2019 | 06:40
Alex is like a wild goose.... @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel and @ladyg new something
26 Feb 2019 | 06:41
Ride on
26 Feb 2019 | 07:25
26 Feb 2019 | 08:15
tnx for d invite @ryder... am now seated...
26 Feb 2019 | 10:06
Nice one
26 Feb 2019 | 11:14
Seated.... Ride on!!!
26 Feb 2019 | 18:04
Ride on
27 Feb 2019 | 07:08
Episode 2 Wow do you see all that?’ Amanda murmured. ‘I certainly see a lot of horny males seeking me’ Alex laughed. ’ I feel out of place’ Amanda released the breath she held. ‘That’s because you wouldn’t listen and wore that tacky dress. I gotta go now’ she announced, after placing another coat of lipstick on her thin lips. ‘I thought you were gonna help me locate Mr Shultz?’ Amanda wished her friend would stay. ‘No, I wasn’t’ Alex patted her shoulder and jumped out of the car. ‘Alex! Come back’ Amanda called out to her. ‘Sorry honey, I gotta boogie’ Alex grinned mischievously and rushed into the hall. ‘Shit’! Amanda swore. She stared at the mirror and shuddered at her reflection. Maybe Alex was right, she should have done better with her clothes. ‘Whatever, I can do this, I can do this, I can do this’ she muttered the words to herself and stepped out of the car. Amanda walked unsteadily towards the building. She spotted a group at the entrance. They seemed to be paying attention to a man in a tux. She noticed they had tags so she hurried over. ‘Hi, I’m waitressing’ she said breathlessly. ‘Name please?’ the man asked. ‘Amanda Atkins’ ‘Ok ‘there was a pause as he checked the list in his hand. ‘Third floor’. Loud music blasted in the background as she found the stairs. She found Mr Shultz. ‘Honey why aren’t you dressed?’ he asked in dismay Her lips moved but nothing came out. He signaled one of the other girls. ‘Brenda, show her the changing room, fix her up,. Brenda gave her a friendly smile and led her away. Moments later she emerged wearing a mini red dress and fishnets , her blond hair was folded up in a loose bun. She had looked at the mirror in dismay wondering where the real Amanda went. The lipstick was outrageous; she was sure she looked ten years older. She joined the others as they picked their trays. The bartender was in his elements, mixing, pouring and singing along at the same time. She watched the others carefully as she gingerly picked up her tray filled with glasses. She basically had to walk around and offer guests the drinks. ‘Hi there, I need some drinks’ Amanda smiled at the young man, feeling nervous. ‘Obviously’ he murmured and continued filling the other glasses. He didn’t return her smile. ‘So which table ordered this’? He pointed at her tray. ‘Table’? She rolled her eyes in confusion. ‘You don’t just walk in here with a tray. You take their orders’ he pointed at the dancers. ‘Oh, I never knew, I was not told’ Amanda shrugged and swirled round. There were a lot of tables without drinks; where would she start from? Her eyes fell on a table with three young women; they were all smoking and they kept laughing loudly, even the sound of the music, couldn’t drown their laughter. ‘Excuse me’ she set the tray on the bar and moved towards them. ‘Good evening, please I’d love to take your order’Amanda fiddled with her hands. ‘Fu#k off bitch’! One of the girls screamed at her. ‘Oh, Fergie, you didn’t have to be so rude to this poor Bambi’ another laughed. ‘Just get us martinis, dirty’ the least drunk one stuttered. ‘Okay’ Amanda was visibly shaken by their outburst. This was the first time she was around drunken people. She released a breath and turned to leave, but she wasn’t fast enough to see the man that approached. ‘Geez, I am so sorry’ she murmured a dozen apologies as she bumped into a guy. ‘No problem’ he smiled kindly at her. It was as if something clogged her throat, her mouth felt dry as she stared into the most beautiful set of green orbs she had ever seen. ‘Nathan’ he offered her his hands. ‘Amanda’ she smiled shyly and took it. ‘Um, I have to go now, I have drinks to serve’ Amanda pulled her hands away and hurried to the bar. ‘If you’re done flirting, there’s a note for you’ the bartender guy said to her. ‘A note’? She wondered who would send her a note. ‘One of the ushers dropped it here, she said it’s for the blue eyed blonde’ he replied. ‘Oh’ she fetched the piece of paper that was stuck in between the glasses, this had to be interesting. ‘What is this’? Her features contorted into a frown as she read the note. Why would someone send her something to so rude and obscene? ‘What does it say’? The bar guy noticed her discomfort. ‘It doesn’t matter; did the girl tell you which table this came from’? Amanda swallowed. She hated it when people disrespected her; she needed to find the writer of this obscene note and deal him a heavy blow. ‘Um, table 26’ he lifted his brow. ‘Thanks’ she shuffled the note into her jean pocket and scanned the room for the table. Once she found it, she drew a deep breath, feasted her knuckles and trotted purposively towards it.
27 Feb 2019 | 10:27
ooh i am late again but why na?
27 Feb 2019 | 15:13
please dont hit anybody,this is a mega event
27 Feb 2019 | 15:20
What are you going there to do Miss
27 Feb 2019 | 17:25
Tag Me For Next Eposide Please
28 Feb 2019 | 04:27
28 Feb 2019 | 12:56
ride on
28 Feb 2019 | 13:45
Episode 3 There you are’ she sighed as she finally found the owner of the obscene note, he had to be the one. She took a brief glance at his handsome face; his eyes were chestnut brown;he had dark hair and a pair of sensuous lips and she suddenly imagined what it would be like kissing him. She forced the disturbing thoughts out of her mind and moved nearer to the table. ‘Hey’ she drummed the table with her slender fingers. ‘I would like a tequila’ his sensuous lips moved. ‘Baby, I want something more than a tequila’ the red head that sat next to him placed a soft kiss on his face. ‘Me too, I want your kiss’ the blonde that sat at his other side begun to caress his hair. ‘You heard my queens, now got get us some wine Blondie’ he said laughing. Amanda eyed him angrily. He couldn’t even apologize for sending her such an obscene note and here he was ordering her around. ‘Well, that’s what you’re paid for,what’s the face for?’ he replied and the trio burst out laughing. ‘Here, have this’ she moved nearer to him and landed a slap on his face. His face burned from her slap; the liquor slowly faded from his brain as he realized that he had just been slapped by her. ‘Did you just slap me’? He rose to his feet. ‘And I will do it again, you psycho’ she fetched the note from her pocket and threw it on his table and then stormed out of the hall. ‘Trudy, didn’t you get the note I sent to you’? He turned to the blonde beside him. ‘No’ she shook her head. ‘I wonder how that crazy girl got to the note’ he staggered and fell on his seat. ‘It doesn’t matter honey, just forget her. She is a lame blonde bitch’ the red head sneered and there all burst out with laughter. ‘Where are you’? Amanda rushed towards the car as she dialed her best friend’s number. Her phone kept going to voice mail. Amanda’s face was flushed as she thought about what had just happened; she wished she could’ve followed up with some blows too. She felt insulted and denigrated by his crazy note. ‘Mandy, why are you out here’? Alex walked towards her. ‘Thank God you’re here’ Amanda gave her friend a hug. ‘Yea? What happened? You look very pale like you have just seen a ghost’ Alex replied. ‘Something worse, can we get the hell out of this place’? Amanda sighed. ‘What?! The party just started and I am really having fun’ Alex wore a frown. ‘What’s up with you? Don’t be so uptight, loosen up’ Alex quickly added. ‘Someone harassed me tonight’ Amanda exhaled sharply and cringed as she remembered the words of the note. ‘Geez, what happened? Are you hurt’? Alex moved closer to her. ‘No. Nothing physical, it’s just an obscene note’ Amanda retorted. ‘An obscene note? Can I see it’? Alex asked. ‘No, I threw it at the crazy guy along with a slap’ Amanda’s lips curled as she remembered the astonishment that had been written over his face. ‘What! what if he called the cops? You know, you don’t look bad tonight, you shouldn’t have slapped him’ Alex shrugged and pulled open the car. ‘Whose side are you on? You needed to see this note’ Amanda tried to explain the reason for her actions. ‘What did the note say’? Alex settled in the car. “I want to suck your pussy and f#ck you till your knees go weak’ Amanda said. ‘That is really weird for a secret admirer, are you sure he wasn’t drunk or something’? Alex chuckled. ‘Not funny. Now you see? He deserved that slap and more’ Amanda gave a long hiss. ‘Alright, remember I told you a lot of rich folks are at this party’ Alex started. She knew her friend quite well; the things she loved and the things she hated. Amanda was not really thrilled by pity and undue generosity and that was the first mistake she had made in their early days of friendship. She had offered to pay some of the faculty dues for her friend and Amanda had really gotten mad about it. “I don’t need your pity or your money. I can handle myself” those were the words she had spoken to her that day. ‘Yea’? Amanda waited for more. ‘I heard rumors about some vacancies in the Beecroft Empire; they’re hiring’ Alex announced. ‘You mean that multibillion Software corporation’? Amanda’s blue eyes blazed, in surprise. ‘Yes, I thought you should check it out. You really ought to give it a shot’ Alex suggested. She had a lot of rich friends and it would’ve been an easy thing to get her friend a spot, but she didn’t want to interfere. Telling her about it was enough; Amanda loved to fight for things on her own. She was a very independent person. ‘That’s really sweet, but there’s a little problem’ Amanda sighed. ‘What’? Alex lifted a brow. ‘What if am not good enough? Beecroft Corps is a huge business empire; a lot of people would want to seize this opportunity, what if I don’t make it’? She voiced her fears. ‘Hey, you don’t need to waddle in negativity; all you need is to prepare for the interview. You can do this’ Alex reassured her. ‘Thanks Alex, you’re the nicest person in the world’ she leaned forward and gave her friend a hug. ‘That means so much to me Mandy’ a smile split her face.
28 Feb 2019 | 14:52
28 Feb 2019 | 16:16
And what about your pay?
1 Mar 2019 | 06:24
Your money is gone
1 Mar 2019 | 09:16
1 Mar 2019 | 15:11
hmmm thy no pay u again
2 Mar 2019 | 11:39
Episode 4 The shrill cry of the alarm clock interfered with his sleep and he straightened on the bed; he cursed and fell back on the California king sized bed. The sun’s golden rays streamed into his room and he felt like going back to sleep but he couldn’t. ‘Another day, another dollar’ he groaned and jumped out bed. His head throbbed like he’d been hit with a club or something heavier; this was his aftermath after some wild partying. Greg Beecroft was the C.E.O of the Beecroft software Empire; he had taken over the company when he was just twenty as he showed so much promise; he had worked so hard to take it to the level where it was now. Now he was thirty, he had not given up on the software empire; he had bigger and better plans for it, except that his father was starting to get in the way of that. He turned on the shower and stepped into it. The water was cool to his skin; it quenched the ache he felt in his head; it relaxed and soothe him. As the water ran down his thick black hair, he took a mental trip to the events at the party. Before he got dead drunk; he remembered a girl slapping him for something he didn’t do. Why she was so mad? He would never know, but there had been a mix up obviously; he had sent the note to one of his numerous girlfriends, Trudy and somehow the note had gotten to the crazy faced blonde. ‘Savage’ he murmured and stepped out of the shower. He was Greg Beecroft and no woman had ever laid hands on him before; no woman had ever disrespected him. He was a god and women swooned over him, they lived to worship him. He wished he knew a little bit about her, maybe he could teach her a lesson or two; he had been slightly tipsy when that had happened, that was why she was able to go scot free. As he dried his body with the towel; there was a light knock on his door. He stopped. He lived alone in a penthouse; far from his father or other members of his family; he hated any form of family interference. ‘It’s me Wendy, open up’ a voice called out to him. His heart froze at the mention of her name. Out of all the girls he dated, Wendy was the only one that he really liked; she loved the things he loved; she was ruthless and ambitious, not to mention sexy. She was tall and slender; her breasts were perky and round; her eyes were bright green like emeralds and her hair; a mass of auburn curls. ‘Are you going somewhere’? Wendy sauntered into her boyfriend’s bedroom. ‘Yes. Work. I’ve got an important meeting’ he replied. ‘I came here with your father’ she replied with a frown. ‘My father? Are you on his side now’? Greg scoffed. Ever since his mother passed, he had fallen out with his dad; they hardly got along except when it came to business. ‘When will you ever grow up Greg’? Wendy’s green eyes glowed angrily. ‘I don’t understand you? He slipped on a shirt and quickly worked on his buttons. ‘Look’ she took a deep breath and showed him some pictures; they had gone viral on the internet. “The Sexy Billionaire goes wild again” said the caption along some photos of him kissing the girls from the other night. ‘Where did you get this’? Greg snatched the phone from her, this would be the third time something like this was happening and it wasn’t good for his image as future CEO. ‘The internet of course! why are you so irresponsible, you’re thirty Greg not sixteen. You are the C.E.O of Beecroft, don’t you think your wild habits are getting in the way of that’? Wendy was exasperated. ‘You don’t have to call me names, I know I cheated on you again and I am sorry. I know you are hurt that I cheated, but it just happened, it was a mistake’ he stuttered. Greg and Wendy had begun their relationship five years ago after they were introduced by their parents at a dinner event. ‘I can’t believe this, you’re such a liar. I don’t have anything to say to you Greg, but I think your father does’ Wendy hissed angrily and stormed out of his room. ‘Phew! What now’? He rolled his eyes and moved out to meet with his father. ‘Morning dad’ he murmured a greeting. ‘Sit’ the older man ordered. He was an older version of Greg, but still very handsome for his age. ‘I handed over the company to you in good faith. I thought you were hardworking and smart and against the advice of so many, I resigned and then you took over’ the man begun. Greg moved to the fridge and fetched a bottle of water he fidgeted abit . ‘When you started sleeping around; partying and going crazy, I ignored it. I felt you were young and would come out of it someday; but as the years rolled by, you have only gotten worse. Tell me, what do you think our partners and competitors would think when they see that picture of you? This is the third time this crap is happening Greg and I am really sick of it’ his voice rose as he spoke angrily. ‘So I made a mistake and some crazy person took a photo of me, what do you want me to do about it? Partying does not make me less efficient at work; you’re all making a big deal out of this’ Greg sipped his water coolly. He was not in the mood for any argument. ‘There’s only one way that I can give up the hold I have on Beecroft Softwares; I can only will everything to you when I know that you are responsible’ he rose to his feet. ‘And what’s that supposed to mean’? Greg saw the dangerous glint in his father’s eyes; he didn’t like the tone of his voice. ‘Get married to Wendy before your thirty first birthday else I’ll take Beecroft away from you’ the older man said with finality.
2 Mar 2019 | 13:22
3 Mar 2019 | 06:52
WHAT?! just like that?
3 Mar 2019 | 09:32
Marry wendy and leave Amanda 4 who
3 Mar 2019 | 10:32
Amanda must have thought of a party where those involved will be gentle. She never thought of a wild crazy party of insult. She met some drunkards last night.
3 Mar 2019 | 14:23
Alex on her own part has a different way of doing things. Two friends like amanda and alex with different attitudes and their friendship lasted long are rare.
3 Mar 2019 | 14:31
The mistake that led to the slap has been made. The bully words were enough 4 the slap. She couldn't take it anymore until another mistake was made.
3 Mar 2019 | 14:38
The guy that received the slap was greg who is incharge of beecroft. The same company amanda wanna give a try. Many things may happen in that scene when they meet.
3 Mar 2019 | 14:48
Maybe is about that time greg live a life that was expected of him. A responsible life of no public disgrace. His inheritance is at stake. He dad is serious, wendy his girl is worried.
3 Mar 2019 | 14:56
na by force?
3 Mar 2019 | 15:35
by force marriage
3 Mar 2019 | 18:13
Episode 5 Slowly, Greg dropped the bottle and focused on his father; maybe he had not heard well, but the words had really sounded funny and so he laughed. ‘All my life, I have served this company with loyalty, commitment and dedication; you cannot take it from me, there is no one else that can run Beecroft like I do. No one else, it would crumble in two weeks should you give my position to someone else’ Greg scoffed. ‘Prove it, get married to Wendy, or you forget it’ the man repeated boldly. ‘And what if I don’t’? Greg returned. ‘I’ll give it to my other son, Nathan’ the man replied firmly and walked out of his house. ‘You cannot be serious, that bastard knows nothing about running a company’ Greg spewed angrily. He felt hurt and betrayed that his father would threaten him like that. ‘I am’ the man replied and shut the door. ‘Shit’ Greg’s face paled as he watched the car leave. He reached out for his phone and quickly texted his best friend, he was greatly confused; he had never seen his father in that mood before. Determination and confidence were written all over his face and it terrified him to see his father that way. The morning was bright with promises as she served her mother a breakfast of pancakes and syrup. Amanda was unusually excited as she thought of the job interview that was to come up in seven days time. ‘So how was the party’? Her mother asked. ‘Fine’ she replied coolly. ‘You returned rather early’ her mother observed. ‘Yea, I did, got a little choky in there….oh I’ll be applying for a spot to intern at Beecrofts ‘Amanda announced cheerfully. ‘That’s a huge honey, how did you hear of it’? The woman asked. ‘Alex. She got a gig from last night. I already sent an email to my school and they responded. So I’ll use one year with the company for my Industrial Training’ Amanda answered hopefully. ‘That’s a good one, you are the best ’. ‘It will work out’ she nodded her head confidently. Her mind still strayed to the man at the party. She couldn’t wrap her head as to why he sent her such a note. His eyes were highly penetrating; they could bore into one’s soul and as she thought about their seductive glare, her legs felt weak. ‘Why are you smiling’? Her mother had been observing her. ‘Smiling? I am not smiling’ she grinned. ‘Yes you were, tell me about it’ the woman was curious. ‘Nothing. I am just so excited about this job, I want everything to work out perfectly’ she replied. ‘Okay, if you say so’ the woman chuckled. Her daughter wasn’t a very good liar and it was written clearly on her face that she wasn’t willing to share whatever was on her mind. Amanda focused on her meal and the thoughts of the stranger kissing her again; the buzzing of her phone shut the thoughts out, Alex had sent her a text. ALEX: Hi hun, how are you? AMANDA: Morning, happy, you? ALEX: More than happy. Guess what? AMANDA: You know I am not very good at guessing. ALEX: I had the best sex of my life and this guy turns out to be an asset. AMANDA: Really? ALEX: Yea, coincidentally, he works with the Beecroft Softwares Empire; he is friends with the C.E.O, Greg Beecroft. AMANDA: Wow that’s really nice. ALEX: Aii, I have to go now, he’s out of the bathroom. AMANDA: Whatever. Love. You. ‘You like someone, you’re have a crush’ her mother scanned her face briefly. ‘Mum’! Amanda protested with a laugh. ‘Come on darling, tell me about him’ the woman pressed on. ‘There is nothing to tell because there is no one’ Amanda smiled and sipped the hot chocolate from the mug. ‘Who was that’? Morgan asked as he stepped out of the bathroom. He had met Alex at the party and they’d clicked instantly. They had exchanged numbers and had decided to meet up later. As they had made small talk the night before; Morgan had briefly mentioned that he worked with Beecroft and they were hiring. ‘Amanda, remember? I told you she could use a job’ Alex replied. ‘Okay…I do remember her. I really have to go now’ Morgan announced. ‘Really’? Alex pouted her lips as she stared at the blond. ‘Yes, Greg sent me a text, it’s definitely work related. So we’ll do this some other time but in a classy restaurant, over some good food and wine’? Morgan climbed the bed and planted a kiss on her face. ‘Are you asking me on a date’? Alex grinned and chuckled. ‘Call it whatever you want darling, but I really enjoyed your company’ his hands encircled her creamy boobs. ‘Hey, you better hurry, else you’d be late for work’ Alex laughed and pushed his hands away. ‘Alright, stay cool, goodbye now’ he blew her a kiss and trotted out of their hotel room. ‘You too’ Alex murmured in a shaky voice. This was the first guy she had really connected with since her break up with her last boyfriend. She was unsure of what she felt but this was sure, thinking about him brought butterflies to her tummy and she couldn’t help but wonder what it was. ‘It’s just the sex. He is very good in bed’ she thought aloud.
4 Mar 2019 | 01:58
Cntinue decievx urselft alex
4 Mar 2019 | 11:48
Hmm Alex... Sex on a first Date!? Seriously?
4 Mar 2019 | 13:29
It just d sex....da there da turn your own brain....
4 Mar 2019 | 15:57
Next plz
4 Mar 2019 | 15:57
as in???? is it only Wendy dat can make him become responsible? why forcing him into marriage???? some parents shall!!!
4 Mar 2019 | 18:43
Episode 6 It had not taken him much time to reach his office where he was to meet with Morgan, his best friend and employee. His father had not been joking about the marriage issue, he couldn’t get married to Wendy or any other woman, he wasn’t ready; he had his whole life planned out and marriage was not one of his plans. ‘Good morning sir, there’s a little problem’ Gwen followed him into the office. ‘Now it’s not the time, tell Holly to fix me a coffee, I could really use one now’ he snapped at his secretary. ‘Um, that’s where the problem lies’ Gwen shrugged. ‘What problem’? Greg was getting impatient, he just needed time alone. ‘She is not coming back’ Gwen drew a deep breath in readiness to share the news. ‘What’s that supposed to mean’? Greg asked. ‘She resigned and left for Nevada’ she said. ‘What? How on earth am I supposed to find another personal assistant at this short notice? What the fuvk’? Greg swore under his breath. ‘I am really sorry sir’ Gwen stuttered. ‘Just go, get out’ Greg swallowed. How could Holly quit like that? She had not even given him a sign; he quickly let her pass and focused on other important matters. Holly was trivial, his company was hiring and that was the opportunity to find himself a personal assistant. You are reading Davina Diaries Fiction: Amanda Ep6 ‘Morning Fresh prince, I got your message, you ready for the meeting’? Morgan swaggered into his office. ‘Sit down Morgan, this isn’t about the meeting’ Greg rose to his feet and shut the door. ‘Whoa, this is really serious; spill! Did you cheat on Wendy? Oh my God, you broke the internet again’ Morgan chuckled as he found the answer. ‘It’s not funny; I don’t know who took photos of me last night, you assured me that the party would be safe’ Greg blamed his friend for everything. ‘I thought it would be, so, Wendy can handle that, she is your Media Management officer’ Morgan shrugged. Wendy also worked in the company and she had handled the first two problems of Greg that had gone viral. ‘My father wants me to get married to Wendy’ Greg blurted out. ‘That’s a good thing, getting married of course’ Morgan nodded. He almost laughed as he scanned Greg’s face; he had gone as pale as sheet, like he saw a ghost or something. ‘Morgan! This is damn serious, I have never seen my dad this way, I am in some deep shit, he could even cut me off his will’ Greg sighed. ‘Cut you off? Wait, he can’t do that, you have worked so hard for this company. Beecroft would be nothing without you’ Morgan straightened on the chair, this was getting serious. ‘He wants me to get married before my thirty first birthday else he would hand over the company to Nathan’ Greg said. Morgan scoffed, he knew Greg’s half brother was a real jackass, they never got along. ‘Nathan doesn’t have the experience to run Beecroft, the old man probably just wants you to get serious’ Morgan decided. ‘You needed to see his face; I know that man; I know when he wants something so bad. He could play dirty just to earn it’ Greg groaned. ‘Hey, getting married to Wendy is not a bad idea, if that’s what will please your dad, then you gotta do it’ Morgan advised. ‘Are you crazy? Wendy? I know she is my girlfriend officially; I like her a lot but I don’t see myself getting married. Ever. Greg ruffled his hair. Why couldn’t anyone understand him? His parent’s marriage was a rocky one; they only managed to stay with each other to avoid a major scandal; he didn’t believe in true love or marriage. ‘Calm down, take a deep breath and think. What do you want Greg? If Beecroft is of any value to you, you’d get married to her; you don’t need to love her to get married; what are your fears anyway? You just get to sleep in the same bed, have sex every night and grow old together’ Morgan tried to paint a good image of marriage. ‘Isn’t that sad and boring? You’re not helping me Morgan, I called you here to get your advice and not your teasing. I don’t want to get married to Wendy and I love Beecroft too much to let it go. What should I do’? He was desperate. ‘When is your thirty first birthday coming up’? The words rushed out of Morgan’s mouth. ‘Oh shoot, I am supposed to remember that because I am your best friend’ he quickly fetched his phone and searched the calendar. ‘I know, I am screwed’ Greg exhaled; his birthday was coming up in a month’s time. ‘You have thirty days’ Morgan bit his lip. ‘So’? Greg drummed his fingers on the table. ‘Tell your father the truth, that you are not ready for marriage. He either takes it or leaves it’ Morgan advised. ‘That would mean standing up to him’ Greg had a bad feeling about this. ‘Yes’ Morgan rose to his feet and moved to the mini bar, he was thirsty for a drink. ‘That reminds me, Holly is gone, I’ll need a new personal assistant’ Greg joined him at the cellar. ‘Okay, we’ll have a lot of people coming up for the interview, I could get you one. What’s your spec’? Morgan offered Greg a glass. ‘No blue eyed blondes, they’re just plain stupid’ Greg snorted, Holly had been a blonde. ‘Okay boss! I need to take this’ Morgan reached out for his phone, Alex was calling. ‘Who is that’? Greg stared at him suspiciously. ‘New catch, you know what, I may have just found you your new personal assistant’ Morgan winked; he remembered Alex had told him of her friend who could really use a job. ‘Whatever, I really need to talk to my father and Wendy’ Greg gulped the red content in his glass
5 Mar 2019 | 01:48
Episode 6 It had not taken him much time to reach his office where he was to meet with Morgan, his best friend and employee. His father had not been joking about the marriage issue, he couldn’t get married to Wendy or any other woman, he wasn’t ready; he had his whole life planned out and marriage was not one of his plans. ‘Good morning sir, there’s a little problem’ Gwen followed him into the office. ‘Now it’s not the time, tell Holly to fix me a coffee, I could really use one now’ he snapped at his secretary. ‘Um, that’s where the problem lies’ Gwen shrugged. ‘What problem’? Greg was getting impatient, he just needed time alone. ‘She is not coming back’ Gwen drew a deep breath in readiness to share the news. ‘What’s that supposed to mean’? Greg asked. ‘She resigned and left for Nevada’ she said. ‘What? How on earth am I supposed to find another personal assistant at this short notice? What the fuvk’? Greg swore under his breath. ‘I am really sorry sir’ Gwen stuttered. ‘Just go, get out’ Greg swallowed. How could Holly quit like that? She had not even given him a sign; he quickly let her pass and focused on other important matters. Holly was trivial, his company was hiring and that was the opportunity to find himself a personal assistant. You are reading Davina Diaries Fiction: Amanda Ep6 ‘Morning Fresh prince, I got your message, you ready for the meeting’? Morgan swaggered into his office. ‘Sit down Morgan, this isn’t about the meeting’ Greg rose to his feet and shut the door. ‘Whoa, this is really serious; spill! Did you cheat on Wendy? Oh my God, you broke the internet again’ Morgan chuckled as he found the answer. ‘It’s not funny; I don’t know who took photos of me last night, you assured me that the party would be safe’ Greg blamed his friend for everything. ‘I thought it would be, so, Wendy can handle that, she is your Media Management officer’ Morgan shrugged. Wendy also worked in the company and she had handled the first two problems of Greg that had gone viral. ‘My father wants me to get married to Wendy’ Greg blurted out. ‘That’s a good thing, getting married of course’ Morgan nodded. He almost laughed as he scanned Greg’s face; he had gone as pale as sheet, like he saw a ghost or something. ‘Morgan! This is damn serious, I have never seen my dad this way, I am in some deep shit, he could even cut me off his will’ Greg sighed. ‘Cut you off? Wait, he can’t do that, you have worked so hard for this company. Beecroft would be nothing without you’ Morgan straightened on the chair, this was getting serious. ‘He wants me to get married before my thirty first birthday else he would hand over the company to Nathan’ Greg said. Morgan scoffed, he knew Greg’s half brother was a real jackass, they never got along. ‘Nathan doesn’t have the experience to run Beecroft, the old man probably just wants you to get serious’ Morgan decided. ‘You needed to see his face; I know that man; I know when he wants something so bad. He could play dirty just to earn it’ Greg groaned. ‘Hey, getting married to Wendy is not a bad idea, if that’s what will please your dad, then you gotta do it’ Morgan advised. ‘Are you crazy? Wendy? I know she is my girlfriend officially; I like her a lot but I don’t see myself getting married. Ever. Greg ruffled his hair. Why couldn’t anyone understand him? His parent’s marriage was a rocky one; they only managed to stay with each other to avoid a major scandal; he didn’t believe in true love or marriage. ‘Calm down, take a deep breath and think. What do you want Greg? If Beecroft is of any value to you, you’d get married to her; you don’t need to love her to get married; what are your fears anyway? You just get to sleep in the same bed, have sex every night and grow old together’ Morgan tried to paint a good image of marriage. ‘Isn’t that sad and boring? You’re not helping me Morgan, I called you here to get your advice and not your teasing. I don’t want to get married to Wendy and I love Beecroft too much to let it go. What should I do’? He was desperate. ‘When is your thirty first birthday coming up’? The words rushed out of Morgan’s mouth. ‘Oh shoot, I am supposed to remember that because I am your best friend’ he quickly fetched his phone and searched the calendar. ‘I know, I am screwed’ Greg exhaled; his birthday was coming up in a month’s time. ‘You have thirty days’ Morgan bit his lip. ‘So’? Greg drummed his fingers on the table. ‘Tell your father the truth, that you are not ready for marriage. He either takes it or leaves it’ Morgan advised. ‘That would mean standing up to him’ Greg had a bad feeling about this. ‘Yes’ Morgan rose to his feet and moved to the mini bar, he was thirsty for a drink. ‘That reminds me, Holly is gone, I’ll need a new personal assistant’ Greg joined him at the cellar. ‘Okay, we’ll have a lot of people coming up for the interview, I could get you one. What’s your spec’? Morgan offered Greg a glass. ‘No blue eyed blondes, they’re just plain stupid’ Greg snorted, Holly had been a blonde. ‘Okay boss! I need to take this’ Morgan reached out for his phone, Alex was calling. ‘Who is that’? Greg stared at him suspiciously. ‘New catch, you know what, I may have just found you your new personal assistant’ Morgan winked; he remembered Alex had told him of her friend who could really use a job. ‘Whatever, I really need to talk to my father and Wendy’ Greg gulped the red content in his glass
5 Mar 2019 | 01:50
Get ready for work
5 Mar 2019 | 05:25
hmmm this girl enn
5 Mar 2019 | 10:36
Hmm Alex… Sex on a first Date!? Seriously?
Osumi o
5 Mar 2019 | 19:14
Episode 7 She had laid everything out for the interview; she felt a bit nervous but she knew she had what it took. She needed the right oufit to boost her confidence. ‘So what should I wear’? Amanda laid out all her clothes. ‘Gosh!, you shouldn’t be asking me that’ Alex rolled her eyes. ‘Come on, this is a huge one for me and we both know that; we’re talking about the Beecroft Softwares Empire here’ Amanda said, she noticed her friend was distracted. ‘Um, what did you say’? Alex dropped the phone and quickly turned to her. She was sexting Morgan. ‘Alex? Why are you so busy with that phone’? Amanda dropped a dress she had fetched and moved over to grab the phone, but Alex had been quite fast. ‘Is that the guy you told me about’? Amanda smiled and stared at her friend arms akimbo. ‘Yes’ Alex seemed evasive; she was not ready to talk about Morgan yet. ‘You seem really happy to be with him’ Amanda lifted a brow. ‘Sure, feels like I’ve known him for ages’ Alex placed a hand on her chest. ‘You’re just infatuated, be careful before you get yourself hurt’ Amanda returned to choosing a dress. ‘Look who’s talking, you should be encouraging me to pursue this, but how would you understand? You don’t have a boyfriend, you have never been in love or a relationship before’ Alex picked her phone and continued texting. ‘ I think Amanda has found a guy, she has chosen to keep him secret’ her mother wheeled into her bedroom. ‘Good day Mrs. Atkins’ Alex moved towards the woman and gave her a warm hug. ‘Hello Alexandra’ the woman returned the hug. ‘Mum! Don’t start now’ Amanda’s cheeks were flushed. ‘Is this true Amanda? How could you hide such from me’? Alex grinned. ‘No, don’t listen to mum, there’s no one’ Amanda avoided Alex’s penetrating gaze. If only they could read her mind, they’d be surprised to see that she was still thinking about the stranger back at “Seductress”. How could she forget his chestnut eyes, they were the finest pair of brown eyes she had ever seen; pools of golden brown, pure and crystal and they called out to her. She dreamt of his lips; they were cute and plump and she yearned for a kiss. Her desire and hate for him was conflicting, it confused her more. ‘Really? But I told you about the dude I met in the club’ Alex threw her hands in the air, not quite understanding why Amanda would keep her boyfriend a secret. ‘You said “guy”, doesn’t he have a name’? Amanda asked. ‘Morgan. Morgan Wills. That is his name, are you cool now’? Alex fetched her buzzing phone. ‘I will be if you help me figure out what to wear’ Amanda replied. ‘Honey, you should wear that purple dress, it would look good on you and it matches your eyes’ her mother wheeled towards her. ‘Are you sure about this mom’? Amanda was uncertain about getting fashion tips from her Mother. ‘Ok? sooooo…. something else came up gurl!’ Alex announced excitedly. ‘What’s that’? Amanda asked. ‘Would you like to work as the C.E.O’s personal assistant? The pay is great and from what I’m being told, he is a nice guy’ Alex beamed. ‘Are you kidding me? Why not? Yes! Yes’! Amanda screamed. ‘Oh’ Alex’s face fell as she read the incoming message. ‘What’s that’? Amanda asked. ‘Um, nothing, just that the interview demands include wearing a hat’ Alex replied. How could she tell her friend what Morgan had just said? She wondered why his boss did not want blue eyed blondes, a description which fit Amanda perfectly. ‘Why! That’s Cool, wearing my Sunday Hat isn’t going to be a problem at all’ Amanda’s eyes glowed confidently. He couldn’t remember the last time he had paid his father a visit; they lived separately and far from each other. He hated the house that brought back painful memories that he had tried to forget; that was the house where he had been raised; the house he so much hated now. A flicker of light pierced his eyes and transcended him to another realm of memory. “Always remember this Greg, I love you and I will always be with you” those were his mother’s words when he had just been five. Now she was gone and he blamed his father for it. He was barely seven years old, but he remembered everything quite vividly; an older woman had showed up at their doorstep one day with a green eyed brunette; that was the beginning of his mother’s sorrows. From that day on, he noticed she was withdrawn; she no longer played with him or sang his favorite songs or read him a bedtime story before he slept. And then his father was always yelling and breaking plates; he was quite young but he remembered everything and he knew that his mother was unhappy. Five years later, she died and he grew to hate his father, because everything had been perfect before his mistress showed up with their love child. ‘Welcome Mr. Greg’ his father’s security welcomed him. ‘Thanks Gates’ he shook hands with the man and stepped into the house. One thing he’d learnt about his father was this, Silas Beecroft was quite the decisive man, there was no bone of wavering or indecision in him; once his mind was fixed on something; nothing could sway it. Greg scanned the walls of the room ‘same old, same old’ he muttered to himself. Everything seemed dead to him; there was no life in this cold room; this wasn’t a home, it was just a building like the numerous ones his father owned in other states. ‘Greg’? A familiar voice called and he swirled. ‘Good day dad’ Greg faced him. ‘You didn’t call’ he said to his son. ‘Really? Do I have to call’? Greg asked. ‘Honey! I am still in need of that lemonade’ a female voice called out. ‘I see, same old you, drinking and whoring yet you make me feel bad for partying’ Greg snapped angrily. His dad was just a huge hypocrite; he definitely had one of his girlfriends at home and that was the reason he didn’t look so welcoming. ‘Stay put Beth! I’m coming’! His father ignored him and moved to the refrigerator. ‘Just like I thought, you have nothing to say’ Greg moved to a chair. ‘What do you want me to say Greg? That I am sorry? I know you hold a grudge against me, but I don’t care. You are my son and I don’t need to explain myself to you’ Silas poured himself some brandy.
6 Mar 2019 | 02:43
Waiting for the next....good one there
6 Mar 2019 | 11:50
Can a lion give birth to a goat? no way wat were u expecting mr silas
6 Mar 2019 | 13:41
6 Mar 2019 | 13:59
na by force father
6 Mar 2019 | 14:03
okay,next episode
6 Mar 2019 | 14:35
6 Mar 2019 | 14:36
6 Mar 2019 | 15:11
Episode 8 He had been married to Greg’s mother for some years; they had been happy at first; but then he made a mistake, the love affair he had with a woman few years back produced Nathan, his other son. He knew Greg’s love for him waned from that moment; but he couldn’t blame the boy; there was a lot of things Greg didn’t know about his mother, she was far from perfect. ‘Well, your personal life is your business. I came here to tell you that I would not be threatened; I am not getting married to Wendy. I know I messed up but I promise it wouldn’t happen again’ Greg said. ‘When I told you about my plans for you earlier, I wasn’t negotiating, it’s an order. You need to get married to Wendy else I give Nathan Beecroft’ Silas replied. ‘Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to punish me for just one mistake? But look at you, you have someone over your house’ Greg gestured with his hands. ‘Hey, keep your hands and voice down. Beth is different, I want something serious with her, I have not been with any other woman since your mother died’ Silas replied. ‘Whatever, just get my point. I am not ready for marriage; I don’t wanna end up an unhappy person, so please, take back your words and let’s go back to living our normal lives’ Greg retorted. ‘Wait, you think I am threatening you because I want to punish you for being irresponsible? That would be quite shallow of me; you have no other choice but to marry Wendy else we would lose her parents, I guess I never told you they owned 10% of Beecroft, they’re silent partners’ his father explained. Silas had another reason why he wanted Greg to get married to Wendy but he wasn’t prepared to tell him now. The river of brown in his eyes became turbulent, why hadn’t his father told him this before? Why was he just saying this now? Was that why he had insisted on him dating Wendy? ‘How come you never told me this before’? Greg felt sabotaged. ‘Well, it wasn’t necessary at the time, but it is now. Think of this, should her parents pull out and invest more than 10% in our competitors company, where do you think that will leave Beecroft’? Silas asked. ‘I can’t believe this; you’re a real joker, I actually thought you wanted me to get married because you cared about me, because you wanted me to be more responsible; but all I see now is a selfish man with selfish interests. I am sorry to burst your bubble, I am not getting married to Wendy or anyone else for that matter’ Greg rose up and made for the door. ‘That means Nathan would get to run the company’ Silas relaxed against the chair. ‘He has no experience, Beecroft will crumble within a week’ Greg stopped. ‘You think? I knew a day like this will come when you will disobey me and that’s the more reason I sent your brother to the best business school in the world. Havard. So now you see? You are not indispensable’ Silas marched towards him. ‘I can’t believe this’ Greg felt weak at what his father had just revealed. ‘Get married to Wendy or you’ll lose the company’ Silas repeated. Suddenly the front door creaked and fell open, Greg and Silas turned. ‘Hello dad, Hello Greg’ Nathan walked into the house with two boxes. ‘What are you doing here’? Greg scowled as he stared at his half brother. ‘I’m home for good’ Nathan gave him a wicked smile ‘So are you sure you really want to get married to Greg? I know I and your dad thought you two best for each other and that’s the more reason we invested in Beecroft; but from the look of things Greg is not ready for marriage’ Elena said to her daughter. ‘That’s the more reason I want him mother, he would learn to be responsible for us and his child’ Wendy’s hands went to her belly. ‘I don’t understand? Are you pregnant Wendy’? The woman dropped her little dog and rose to her feet. ‘Not too sure, haven’t been on the pill for a while and I have been feeling a little bit funny’ she continued to rub her stomach. ‘I don’t want this for you Wendy, I want you to get married to a man who will love and cherish you and not someone like Greg, look at this’ Elena flipped through the pages of a magazine that had carried Greg’s latest escapades. ‘It was just a mistake mum, Greg is a nice guy, I know he has a weakness of flirting around but I still love me and I know deep down that he loves me too. I really want this marriage to work; I told Silas that I was pregnant and that’s the reason he is really pushing Greg over’ Wendy replied. ‘That boy better make things work else we’re pulling out of Beecroft’ Elena hissed and stormed out of the room. ‘It’s going to work ; it’s really going to work’ a mischievous smile appeared on Wendy’s face. She had fallen in love with Greg from the first day she laid eyes on him; he was tall, had a sexy and lean frame; his jeans had hugged his lean hips perfectly; his hair was soft and raven; his lips called out to her for the kissing and his eyes? ‘They’re just perfect’ she smiled and fetched her phone. They’d dated for two years now and she was ready to take their relationship to the next level; she didn’t see herself with any other man except Greg, he was the love of her life and her soul mate
7 Mar 2019 | 03:58
Is it do or die
7 Mar 2019 | 04:20
Nt easy oh
7 Mar 2019 | 21:44
hope you are not forcing urself on him
8 Mar 2019 | 04:34
if the is no in love with u, leave him alone na
8 Mar 2019 | 13:42
Episode 9 And so she lifted her phone and dialed his number. ‘Pick up, pick up’ she wiggled her fingers nervously. ‘Greg…’ she drawled his name. ‘Now is not a good time Wendy’ his voice was tense and stern. ‘I really need to see you right now, I am so confused and I don’t know what to do’ she broke into sobs. ‘What is it’? He asked gently. ‘I am pregnant’ she answered. ‘Hey, your mum don’t lie, and from the way you’re avoiding my eyes, there’s something you’re hiding from me’ Alex moved closer to her friend once Mrs. Atkins had wheeled out of the room. ‘Come on Alex, you know how dramatic my mother can be, I assure you there’s nothing, I don’t keep secrets, remember’? Amanda licked her lips nervously. ‘Really? You’re stuttering, I want you to be honest with me’ Alex wouldn’t give up. Amanda knew her friend would bug the life out of her, so she threw her hands in the air and decided to tell her about the guy she’d slapped at the party. ‘I think I have a crush…’ she begun. ‘On’? Alex asked. ‘The guy that sent me the obscene note, I just don’t know but I can’t stop thinking about him’ Amanda sighed; she had never felt this way before. ‘Really? I thought you hated him, you were so upset, what’s he like’? Alex returned. ‘He’s really cute with the sexiest brown eyes I have ever seen. He is tall and lean; his body is hard and firm; his muscles are well shaped and his lips? Oh my, pure heaven’ Amanda rolled her eyes dreamily. ‘Wow, you really like this guy’ Alex winked, she had never seen her friend gush about a guy like this. ‘It’s just a crush, it’s going to fade, besides I would never see him again. I give myself two more days’ Amanda raised two fingers in the air. ‘Better, you don’t need any distraction now. Focus on the interview’ Alex replied. ‘I wonder what my new boss would be like’ Amanda shrugged. ‘Maybe we should Google him, you know, read about him, see the things he hates and likes; it would help you flow better with him’ Alex suggested. ‘No, I love the element of surprise’ Amanda shook her head, not really interested in checking her boss out. ‘Whatever, just wear the hat and look nice in your purple dress’ Alex replied. ‘Thanks very much Alex, for helping me out, cause I know you put in a good word for me’ Amanda was grateful. ‘It’s nothing, just get ready, I’ll pick you up by eight; I love the element of surprise too’ Alex winked. Morgan had asked her out on a date; she decided that she liked him very much and she was going to show up at his work place unannounced. ‘Give me a five’ Amanda raised her hand. ‘Yea baby’ Alex received her palm. ‘I am so fucked, my whole life is over’ Greg loosened his tie and sank into the sofa. He had just asked Wendy to come over so they talk more about her pregnancy; how could she allow that happen? he felt trapped and uneasy. He had a feeling his dad knew about her pregnancy and that was the very reason he was pushing them to get married. ‘There is no way out for me, no way’ he drank the scotch greedily, it burned his insides, it swirled his head. ‘I am here’ Wendy walked towards him. ‘How long have you known’? Greg bit his lip angrily. ‘Hello darling, is that anyway to welcome your girlfriend’? Wendy winked. ‘How long have you known about the pregnancy’? Greg yelled at her. She swallowed and moved back, she had never seen him this way ‘Easy tiger, I just knew, I am a month gone and please don’t blame me; I always insisted on condoms but you loved it raw’ she grinned and settled on a chair. ‘Does my father know about it’? Greg curled his fingers together. ‘Yes, I told him. I am sorry, I know I should’ve checked in with your first, but I was so scared and confused’ Wendy’s eyes lit with tears. ‘Damn’ Greg swore and settled back on the Sofa, he felt weak, all his energy had fled him. ‘And why didn’t you tell me your parents owned 10% of Beecroft’? Greg focused on her eyes. ‘Actually, I never knew that, i only got to know that today’ Wendy replied. ‘I can’t believe this’ Greg rose to his feet again. First, Nathan was in town; and he had been trained to run a company; now this? The odds were against him, he felt trapped in dark cave; there was no way out. ‘Why are you not happy Greg’? Wendy walked towards him. ‘You don’t understand Wendy, I like you as my girlfriend, but I am not ready for marriage. We cannot get married, we will be a total disaster, so, you can keep the baby, we’ll figure out a way to raise it’ Greg said his mind. The notion of marriage was a scary one; he’d seen how unhappy his mother had been and he never wanted to end up that way. ‘Baby, we have been in a relationship for two years now; I love you very much and I know you love me. I am the only woman that can tolerate you, your boozing and playing around; I stuck around because, I knew one day we would end up together’ Wendy caressed his face with her palms. Why couldn’t Greg see that there was no other woman for him? Why couldn’t he reciprocate her love. ‘I know Wendy, but us? We can never be married’ Greg replied. He was ready to stand up to his father; he wasn’t going to be force into something that his mind rejected. ‘Are you saying you don’t love me’? Wendy swallowed the bitter lump that clogged her throat. ‘I love you Wendy, but I don’t want to get married’ he replied. ‘Fine’ she drew a deep breath and released it. ‘Fine’? He lifted his brow. ‘Yes, I guess you know what you really want’ Wendy nodded and stormed out of the house but she was not getting any of that. She loved Greg very much and he would eventually belong to her. She slid into her car and quickly fetched her phone, she dialed Silas Beecroft. ‘Hello Silas, Greg is adamant. I don’t want to have a child out of wedlock; my parents are Catholic and wouldn’t approve of an abortion. You must really work fast else I tell them everything that is going on’ Wendy complained over the phone. ‘Sure. I’ll handle Greg’ Silas murmured. ‘Yes! I got this’ she rolled her red curls into a bun, started the car and sped off.
11 Mar 2019 | 05:05
Episode 10 Are you okay dad’? Nathan stared at his father, he thought he looked rather pale. ‘Fine’ Silas replied tightly. Why was Greg so stubborn? Why was he bent on destroying the relationship he had built with Wendy’s parents? It baffled him. He had a feeling Greg would do all in his power to avoid a marriage to wendy. ‘You aren’t fine dad, here, sit , tell me everything’ Nathan led the older man into a chair. A smile carved Silas’ face at the gesture of his younger son; in many ways Nathan had shown so much concern for him unlike his elder brother Greg. ‘Is this about Greg’? Nathan asked nervously. ‘Yes. He is refusing Wendy; I don’t know what to do’ Silas’ head swayed back and forth. Nathan drew a deep breath and watched the man he called father; he had known from an early stage that he was less loved and less preferred to his half brother, Greg. His mother had told him about the affair she had with Silas that gave birth to his existence; it had hurt him those years, when he had yearned for a father; one to accompany him to his baseball games; one to read him a bed time story; one to look up to but Silas had never been there. He only sent him and his mother money; but money wasn’t everything.Nathan’s green eyes were unsettling as he stared at the older man, thinking up a suitable plan that would align with his’. Greg had their father’s love and favor; though Silas kept saying he would hand over the company to him, deep down he knew his father was just bluffing. Deep down, he knew Silas didn’t trust him as much as Greg; didn’t believe in him. If he did, why had he placed Greg as the C.E.O at the tender age of twenty? However, he wasn’t perturbed. Beecroft was equally his birthright and he had returned to fight for her; he had carefully planned every moment of his ascension to the Software Empire. First, he needed to appear like the good guy; he needed his father to play into his hands, that was the only way to hurt Greg eventually. ‘Greg can be handled, even the toughest rebels were tamed’ Nathan replied. ‘Not your brother Nathan, you don’t know a thing about Greg. He is purposeful, strong, self willed and his decisiveness scares me at times’ Silas felt frustrated with Greg, but he couldn’t beg him. He would never allow Greg see that side of him. ‘Have you told him that Wendy is pregnant with his child’? Nathan inquired. ‘Does it matter? Greg would still refuse to wed her and that means her parents would pull out’ Silas replied. ‘Or not’ Nathan breathed. ‘You have a plan or something’? Silas scoffed. ‘Of course, it’s time to employ tact’ Nathan replied. ‘Tact? Tact doesn’t work when dealing with your brother; hell, I don’t even know what works’ Silas replied. ‘Invite him over for dinner, I have something in mind’ Nathan’s emerald orbs gleamed mischievously. ‘And what could that be’? His father wondered. ‘Just make him come home’ Nathan replied and returned to his laptop. ‘Okay then, I’ll do just that’ Silas left for his room. He grinned as he watched the pictures of a drunken Greg and his side chicks; he had been at the party and he had taken the pictures and leaked them on the internet. ‘How fun, daddy’s boy always gets into trouble’ Nathan sniggered. Greg had been so drunk that he couldn’t recognize him and that was when he seized the opportunity to discredit Greg before Silas. What was so special about Greg? Why couldn’t Silas choose him? ‘Done with that’ Nathan murmured and shut his eyes for a while. He still remembered her lovely face; her light brown curls that cascaded to her shoulders; the glow of her sapphire eyes, her luscious pink lips and her shy smile. ‘Amanda’ he drawled her name. She was the most beautiful blonde he had ever come across and he couldn’t stop thinking about her; he had searched the internet for her, but no results came. ‘I’ll keep looking’ he shut the computer and rose to his feet. He would search the town for her later but now? He needed to work on his plan. The sound of the doorbell halted his steps and he made for the door. ‘Who’s there?’ He asked. ‘A mail for the house, a man responded. He opened the door and the uniformed mailman thrusted two envelopes towards him. ‘Please sign’ ‘Why couldn’t you leave it in the box’? Nathan peered outside. ‘Because it is filled, thanks’ the man replied and rode away. Nathan shut the door some agression. ‘What is that’? Silas observed he held two envelopes. ‘I don’t know, so have you spoken to Greg’? Nathan dropped the envelopes on the table. ‘Yes. He would be joining us for dinner’ Silas announced. Sorry for late updates I was sick 2 episodes as compensation Thank you
11 Mar 2019 | 05:08
Hmmmmmmm! War is about to start between two brothers
11 Mar 2019 | 16:03
battle of inheritance!
11 Mar 2019 | 17:22
Greg should better sit up before his birthright slips through his fingers,because Nathan is working tirelessly for his downfall
11 Mar 2019 | 17:25
Wats happening here,,,, is d pregnancy for Silas or Greg?
12 Mar 2019 | 04:04
Victoria Hope U are well shall...
12 Mar 2019 | 15:17
can someone please remind me where Amanda met Nathan, I know it was at the party but i am trying to remember the incident
12 Mar 2019 | 15:18
I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
12 Mar 2019 | 16:19
And i was eve thinkx nathan was a gud guy
12 Mar 2019 | 20:35
Episode 11 Mandy,still up? you need to get some sleep, you got an early start tomorrow’ her mother wheeled close to her chair. She tried to peek at what her daughter was doing. ‘I need to be like extra prepared you know; this opportunity could change a whole lot for me,for us’? Amanda sighed as she envisaged all she needed to accomplish. It was now or never for her. ‘I know honey, but you don’t need to wear yourself out a day before the interview, get some sleep, you’ve done enough reading; the woman insisted. Amanda truly felt tired. She needed no further persuasion. ‘Ok mom,’she said. ‘Good. Now, off you go’ her mother grinned. ‘Goodnight, I love you’ she kissed her mother on her frail cheeks and trotted to her room. ‘Night Mandy’ the woman smiled as she watched her daughter. She was hopeful. It’ll be fine,she thought to herself. ‘I need sweet dreams tonight Amanda thought as she dived under her duvet. She couldn’t wait to land a job at such a prestigious company. Her eyes were wide open as she looked around her room. Her eyes strayed to her purple dress that hung on her closet along with the nude beret that she planned to wear. ‘Beautiful’ she smiled and shut her eyes as sleep dragged her into a world of fantasies. She found herself in a field of flowers; hydrangeas, roses, irises, Honeysuckles and Yellow bells. Everything smelt so beautiful; the azure clouds were impeccable; it snowed silver; everything was at peace in this place. ‘Where am I’? She thought aloud. ‘Here with me’ a male voice whiled ‘You’? Her face lit as she turned and faced the handsome stranger. ‘Darling, you are so beautiful’ he advanced towards her in a kingly match. She stood there smiling; he was so handsome tonight; his deep brown eyes seduced her, called out to her and she couldn’t resist him. ‘You’re mine, forever’ he took her into his arms and caressed her golden head. ‘I love you’ she whispered and buried her head on his chest. ‘I love you too’ he whispered and then adored her lips with his kisses. He was hesitant at first; why did his father invite him over for dinner? The man never ceased to baffle him. He felt so pressured and he knew he had aged over the past few days. ‘To accept that little bastard of course’ Greg scowled. He had tried reaching out to Morgan but it kept going to voicemail; the job interview was the scheduled for the next day, Morgan was in total control of that. He trusted him to handle all its logistics. He had never gotten along with his half brother Nathan; he liked to think he was the reason his parent’s marriage was strained. Everything had been perfect and blissful, till thate fateful day he showed up with his mother on their doorstep. Nathan was a self absorbed egomaniac; the last time they met, there had been a very huge fight. Nathan had come to spend the holiday with them; but he wouldn’t keep his hands off Greg’s things. He seemed to be all over the place. They were worlds apart. He had sneaked into Greg’s room and had mistakenly broken the vessel that held the ashes of his mother as she had been cremated; all hell was broke loose and they’d fought so hard with each other. Greg tried to push Nathan out of his thoughts and decided to focus on what was right in front of him; he was still going to stand by what he’d said earlier: He was not getting married to Wendy or any other person for that matter. He slipped on a blue shirt and pulled up tight fitting denim pants that clung to his toned torso and left for his car. He knew his father was trying to punish him for having been so reckless at the party; a lesson he had learnt quite well. Now he was going to put a stop to partying altogether, he needed to focus on taking Beecroft to its next level. He drove out with determination written on his face. It took him thirty minutes to arrive his father’s mansion. ‘Devil’s den’ he cursed and stepped down from the car. Yes, his father was a devil for trying to manipulate his life; he was a bird and nothing could cage him. ‘Greg! You came’ Silas rose to welcome him. For a moment he seemed pleased to see his older son. ‘Yes father, I came.’ Greg drew a chair and settled close to the table. The table had been set and assorted dishes graced it; but he wasn’t in the mood to neither dine nor wine; he knew his father had called him for something important. ‘Good evening big brother, remember me?’ Nathan sauntered into the dining room. ‘No, clearly I have amnesia’ Greg growled. ‘Hey boys! No time for all this, this is the first time in a long while that we would be dining as a happy family, let’s not ruin it’ Silas gave a warning to his sons. ‘So, how have you been little bro?’ Greg stared at the green eyed monster that had made him lose most of what was left of his mother. ‘Awesome!. You never cared to check up on me; it’s been a long time Greg’ Nathan poured himself a drink. ‘Considering what you did the last time, you’re the last person that I wanted to see’ Greg replied. His father gave him a stern look but he ignored it. ‘So what now? You’re back in town for’? Greg asked. ‘Beecroft. I’ll be working there’ Nathan replied confidently. ‘Well, I am the boss , I’ll think about it’ Greg’s voice dropped low and became deadly. Nathan sensed his brother was threatening him, but he wasn’t perturbed, Beecroft was also his’. ‘Before you guys cut your throats out, I have good news for you Greg’ Silas fetched a document from an envelope and offered it to him. ‘What’s that’? Greg took it without looking, his throat was patched, and he needed some wine. ‘Microsoft wants us to send over six of our workers for intensive training, sign here, to affirm’ Silas handed him a pen. ‘Wow, that’s great news’ Greg was filled with joy at this, his plans of taking Beecroft to a higher level was gradually coming to life. ‘There, done and dusted’ he placed his signature and returned the papers to his dad. ‘Congratulations Mr. Greg’ Nathan raised a glass and chuckled softly. ‘Thanks’ Greg replied, he failed to note the mocking glare in his brother’s eyes. ‘So, what date would your wedding take place’? Silas grinned. ‘What wedding? I told you already, I am not getting married’ Greg’s appetite fled. ‘Of course you are getting married before your thirty first birthday else I give the company over to Nathan’ Silas replied. ‘What nonsense! You cannot force me nor threaten me’ Greg decided this dinner was over. ‘You’re right, I cannot force or threaten you because you already agreed to it’ Silas exhaled. ‘What are you talking about’? Greg’s jaw tightened. ‘Here, you signed the papers’ Silas offered him the documents; his face paled as he took time to read the words that were written on it. His head swirled in a confusing maze; his heart raced; his legs felt weak as he realized that he had just been played
13 Mar 2019 | 08:42
You're a big fool, can't you read what's written there before signing it
13 Mar 2019 | 21:38
Greg beware of Nathan
14 Mar 2019 | 12:24
Man u are a fucking businessman u are suppose to read before signing dammit...
14 Mar 2019 | 14:43
Episode 12 Amanda was in high spirits, singing and dancing as she dressed for her interview. ‘Someone seems excited and beautiful’ the woman smiled in admiration as Amanda stepped out of her room. ‘How do I look mother’? Amanda asked. ‘Elegant! That beret though…’ her mum replied doubtfully. ‘Its ok, its not waaayy off!Thanks mum, I’ll see you soon’ Amanda walked over and placed a light kiss on her forehead. Here goes nothing she thought. ‘Sure, now run along, don’t keep Alex waiting’ the woman waved at her, as Alex’s horn almost blasted their ears. ‘Bye mom’ Amanda made her way out of the house. She wore a flowery purple dress; a pair of nude pumps and held a clutch purse. ‘Looking good gurl!’ Alex screamed across, then rolled her eyes as she realized Morgan would be very mad at her once he discovered Amanda was blonde, but she didn’t care. Why would someone have a thing against hair color? Wasn’t that even illegal? She thought it was a huge joke. Amanda would display her intelligence and they would love her, she told herself firmly. ‘Thanks hun, I did my best’ Amanda’s face lit with a smile. ‘You sure look happy today, look at that glow’? Alex scrutinized her. ‘I am always happy’ Amanda laughed. ‘No. If you weren’t a virgin……hmmmm I’d be thinking something else’ Alex replied and she meant every word. ‘Well, I dreamt about my crush’ Amanda blushed. ‘Oh my God, was it a sex dream? Did you guys have sex’? Alex was curious. ‘No! He just lifted me in his hands and kissed me deeply, it felt so good and perfect’ she recounted the dream to her friend. ‘Wow, that’s sweet; I wish we knew this guy, maybe you two are meant for each other, like soul mates’ Alex teased. ‘It’s just a crush, I’ll be fine I’m sure’ Amanda released a sigh. ‘Speaking of crushes, Morgan says we are running late!’! Alex exclaimed as she looked at her phone. ‘What’?! Amanda’s eyes grew wide, she hated being late for anything. She hoped she wouldn’t be too late when they got there. ‘Put on your seat belt its time for take off, we are gonna fly’ Alex dug the key into the ignition and fired the engine. ‘Wait! you mean you just signed a document without reading its content? How could you make such a silly mistake? Gosh!you’re business man Greg, what if that document wasn’t given to you by your father? What if someone else tried to outsmart you’? Morgan paced the room. ‘I don’t know Morgan. I am done beating myself up about it, I don’t know what to do now. My father has just gotten me into the corner where he wanted and he is about punching me in the face’ Greg replied. ‘You have to take a decision Greg, Wendy is not that bad, you could marry her and divorce her once your father dies; but giving up everything you have built to Nathan is sickening. That guy is crazy, I don’t like him’ Morgan complained. ‘Don’t you think I should call my lawyers’? Greg felt slightly irritated that his friend Morgan was fiddling with his phone at the heat of this important discourse. ‘No, you’ll never win because you weren’t coerced to sign that document’ Morgan replied. ‘What’s so important’? Greg pointed at the phone. ‘Oh, I got you a personal assistant, Alex just texted me, she has arrived. I am sure you’ll like her’ Morgan replied. ‘Alex? Who’s that again’? Greg asked. ‘You’ll see, let me speak to Gwen to get us some coffee, you could really use one’ Morgan moved out of the office. ‘Hey, Gwen could you kindly get us coffee’? Morgan asked sweetly. ‘Oh,sure’ Gwen snorted and left her work. ‘Morgan’! He swirled as he heard his name. ‘Alex’? Morgan was surprised to see her, she had not told him she would be coming along with her friend. They had arrived Beecroft an hour later; Amanda had been so awed and intimidated by the architectural beauty of Beecroft that she failed to notice any other thing or person. ‘Meet my friend Mandy’ Alex grinned and pushed Amanda forward. ‘Hi…’ Amanda jerked back to reality. ‘Nice to meet you, Amanda…’? Morgan raised his brows questioningly. ‘Atkins. Amanda Atkins’ she supplied. Morgan took her in briefly; she was simply dressed, not that he cared; he just hoped she would be good at work and making coffee. ‘Um, why are you wearing a head covering’? Morgan noticed the beret, he hated it. ‘Its a fashion accessory, is that a problem’? Alex chipped in. ‘No, I hope Greg likes it, come with me’ Morgan beckoned to her. ‘You can do this Mandy, be confident’ Alex gave her hand a squeeze. ‘Thanks’ Amanda smiled and trotted after Morgan. She stepped into the office after him; there was another man in it, obviously that would be her boss, but she couldn’t see his face because his back was to her. He was taking a call. ‘Have a seat Amanda’ Morgan gestured with his hands. ‘Thank you Mr. Morgan’ Amanda replied with a smile, and sat on the edge of the chair. ‘Morgan please’ he replied. He was already liking her; she seemed nice and easy going and that’s just the kind of person they needed around here. ‘Coffees are ready’! Gwen sauntered in. Greg had just been on the phone with his brother; Nathan had called to apologize for the trick their father played on him. ‘Get me some milk, I would like some milk’ Greg swirled and held his breath as his eyes landed on the stormy blue eyes, her face was familiar, he had seen her somewhere. Amanda’s heart raced like never before as she stared at the man she had seen in her dreams; what was he doing here? Was he the boss? ‘Greg? Are you okay’? Morgan noticed the coldness on Greg’s face. ‘I am sorry Morgan, I have to go’ Amanda couldn’t stand the humiliation; she rose to her feet and rushed out of his office. ‘What was that about’? Morgan’s eyes widened. ‘That was the girl that slapped me at the party, what did I tell you about Blue eyed blondes’? Greg scowled. ‘Is she blonde? and is that really necessary?’ Morgan had not seen her hair. ‘Maybe I am blind’ Greg snapped. He was enraged that his father tricked him and he took all the anger out on his friend; he was surprised to see her again; this time, in broad day light. His heart raced as he thought about her innocent blue eyes, they seemed soft and gentle; a contrast to the slap she had offered him the other night. He was about rendering an apology to his friend when a loud scream filtered the air. ‘Mandy’! Greg quickly rushed to the window, his heart stopped as he realized she had just been hit by a car.
15 Mar 2019 | 02:21
O m g
15 Mar 2019 | 14:30
Now she ran into an accident
15 Mar 2019 | 15:08
Nathan why are u planning evil against ur brother
15 Mar 2019 | 17:10
u are a big fool for not reading that notice b4 singing it Greg
15 Mar 2019 | 17:36
Oh no!I just hope it's nothing fatal.
15 Mar 2019 | 18:17
Greg am just wondering hw u are going to get out of the mess u put yourself
16 Mar 2019 | 11:24
Nathan u are a fool for calling now to apologize because then u were smirking or are you planning to get under the sleeves of Greg in a cunning way; why dont u come out as the bad guy u are? I hate pretending punks Menh I just hope Greg notice ur stupid moves
16 Mar 2019 | 11:30
Episode 13 Amanda had never been so shocked in her entire life; seeing him there, looking so smart and handsome in his three piece suit tore down all the confidence she had built; she had no other choice but to run. She also felt stupid. ‘I slapped him, I slapped the boss’ those were her thoughts as she ran down the stairs, down into the streets. In a swirl of confusion, she had failed to see the speeding vehicle; the last thing she heard was a loud screaming of her name: “Mandy”! by a very familiar voice, but it was too late, the fender of the car rammed into her. She gasped as she felt herself fall. Everything else faded; and she was plunged into the field of flowers, the place where it rained silver, the place he had kissed her. Alex rushed down to where her friend lay; tears stung her eyes as she stared at the driver of the classic Mustang. ‘What the hell where you thinking driving like that’? Alex yelled at him. ‘I am so sorry,I…’ the driver raised his hands up. Though her legs hurt badly; she had not gone out completely; she just felt weak and sleepy. ‘Mandy? Please say something’ Alex begun to cry. ‘Amanda’? The driver moved closer to her as he recognized the face. ‘Hell! Stop calling her name, dial 911 or something’ Alex couldn’t hold back her frustration. ‘Okay! Okay’ he fetched his phone and was about to dial when he spotted his elder brother running towards the scene. ‘Nathan? What the hell did you do’? Morgan was the face to notice him. ‘I swear to you, it was a mistake’ Nathan threw his hands in the air. ‘Were you drinking or something’? Greg glared at him darkly; not that he cared about the girl in question; she had slapped him and he couldn’t forget it. He was just concerned that this happened around the Beecroft’s premises. ‘She is awake! Mandy, how are you feeling’? Alex took off the beret that held her hair captive and her blonde curls fell free. ‘I think I went to heaven’ Amanda smiled; the pain she felt had faded away. ‘We still need to get her to the hospital’ Alex fired at Nathan. ‘Sure, I’ll do it’ Nathan offered. ‘I’ll come with you’ Alex helped Mandy up her feet. They’d almost reached Nathan’s car when a deep and commanding baritone caused them all to pause. ‘I’ll take her, alone, the rest of you can go to work’ Greg moved forward and snatched the keys of the Mustang from his brother. ‘I am coming with you’ Alex was about to protest, she didn’t know this guy and she didn’t know if her friend’s was in good hands. ‘I’ll be fine Alex’ Amanda’s eyes danced dreamily as Greg placed her in the backseat of the car. ‘He is a gentleman, I promise you’ Morgan rubbed Alex’s shoulder. ‘Alright, I feel so scared, what really went on back there’? Alex turned to Morgan. ‘Hmmmm, appears to me Greg and Mandy have met somewhere before’ Morgan stated matter of factly. ‘Where did they meet’? Nathan was interested in the conversation. He had searched the net for days but he couldn’t find his “Amanda”, the sexy blue eyed goddess. ‘Can you just find something else to do instead of hanging around like a sissy’? Morgan scowled at him. ‘Okay, whatever’ Nathan snorted and moved away. ‘Who is that anyway’? Alex stared after Nathan. ‘Nathan, Greg’s younger brother, but he is not important, let us focus on Greg and Mandy’ Morgan brought back her attention to what they had been discussing. ‘Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think those two have ever met’ Alex was surprised. ‘Really? Because Greg mentioned that your friend slapped him at the party we met? Does that ring a bell’? Suddenly, it dawned on Alex why Amanda had appeared like that; she ran like she had seen a ghost. ‘Oh my God, this is not happening; can I ask you a quick question’? Alex inhaled deeply. ‘Go on’ Morgan nodded. ‘Is Greg a forgiving person’? Alex asked. Morgan lifted his brows, why would she ask that? ‘Not really’. ‘Not really? As in Yes or No’? Alex repeated. ‘No’ Morgan replied. ‘Well, something happened back in the club; Greg sent Amanda an obscene note, she got pissed and ended up hitting him; I wouldn’t blame her, I would’ve done same if someone were to send me an obscene message’ Alex returned. ‘Alex sent her an obscene note? Are you sure’? Morgan was skeptical. ‘Of course, she has never lied to me, if that’s what you’re insinuating’ Alex felt offended that Morgan would see her friend in bad light. ‘Hey, come on, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just that, your friend is not exactly Greg’s type’ Morgan was sure of this. Amanda seemed like a simple girl; she wasn’t material and she looked inexperienced in the things of the world. Shw was a far cry from Greg’s trail of glamourous dolls. ‘Excuse me’? Alex bit her lip. ‘Hey babe, we shouldn’t even be talking about this; I am sure they will sort themselves out. I like your friend already and I feel she would be a good personal assistant to Greg, The past doesn’t matter’ Morgan reached out for her hands. ‘So, are we still on for our date tonight’? Morgan winked. ‘I don’t know, I need to know that my friend is okay’Alex shrugged. ‘Oops, okay then, I’ll check up on you later. I really want us to be more Alex’ Morgan placed a light kiss on her hair. ‘Me too’ she smiled
17 Mar 2019 | 11:43
Episode 14 She had drifted off to sleep again; to that fantasy land where Mr. Rude had kissed her; the pain seemed to hurt just a little on her ankles. ‘Wake up’. The tone was harsh. It was the sound of the voice that jerked her out of her sleep. Immediately her eyes flung open, she realized who was sitting next to her in the car; blood rushed to her face; her eyes grew wide in surprise. She suddenly realized who he was, Greg Beecroft, the man she was supposed to work for; but would never because of the events of that night. Memory tugged at her and led her back to the events of that night; how was she supposed to know that he was Greg Beecroft? One of America’s finest millionaires. ‘I would’ve still slapped him’ she thought. What he did was wrong, how could a he disrespect a woman in such a way? Her features contorted into a frown; she wasn’t going to apologize for her actions; he deserved every bit of it. Greg wondered why the crazy blue eyed girl was staring at him that way; he had offered to take her to the hospital because he didn’t trust Nathan’s driving; what if he rammed into other people? That was the last thing the company needed right now; his party pictures had attracted enough negativity. He really was not prepared for this new bit of drama. He had seen the shock on her face when she had stepped into his office; apparently, she had not known that he was Greg Beecroft before slapping him back at the party and before applying for a job in his company. He stepped out of the car and opened her side of it. ‘I need to take you inside’ he said. They had a family doctor and he had decided to take her over to his hospital. ‘I can get out by myself’ Amanda muttered. She realized she was uncomfortable, or was it shy around him? He had this unsettling effect and she couldn’t look into his eyes. ‘Okay then, Ms Independent, show us what you got’ Greg was annoyed by her attitude. She was yet to apologize and here he was trying to help her. He moved away from her. Amanda took a deep breath and tried to step down from the car but she found this very process totally difficult. The pain that had ebbed away suddenly felt so alive. She gritted her teeth as she tried to lift her weight from the car. She stiffled a scream. ‘Whatever’ Greg decided he had no time for all that. He scooped her into his arms, banged the door with his left foot and took her into the massive building. Her insides melted as she took in his masculine scent; it was rare; it was inviting; it was intoxicating. Her skin burned as he carried her; she had never been carried by a man before, let alone such a georgeous piece of meat. ‘He is a rude pervert’ she reminded herself and decided to focus on getting better. Greg carried her gingerly into the family physician’s office. ‘Is that Greg’? Dr. Walsh noticed he carried a fine young lady in his arms. ‘Yes Dr. She just had an accident. Nothing serious I hope’ Greg replied. He knew her eyes had been fixed on him; he didn’t mind, he knew he was hot; so little Ms. Rude found him attractive too? And she had acted like a pure saint the other night. He laughed inwardly. ‘I see, lay her here’ the doctor pointed to the examination bed in his office. ‘How do you feel dear?, show me where it hurts’ The man walked up to Amanda and began to examine her. She pointed out the places that hurt; he carefully examined them and prescribed some drugs for her. Her injuries were minor. ‘Lucky you Greg, your girlfriend is totally fine. No sign of internal bleeding; just a sprain which these drugs would take care off; give her two days and she would be walking fine again’ the doctor handed a sheet of paper over to him. Girlfriend? Greg scoffed and shook his head ‘I can’t date a girl like her, she is not my spec’ he said. Blood flooded Amanda’s cheek as he spoke those words; what did he mean by that? She was about to say something when the pain in her ankles hit her again and she groaned slightly. ‘Sorry dear, you will be fine’ The Dr. reassured her. ‘Thank you Dr. Walsh’ Amanda managed a smile. ‘See you around Greg, I’ll advise she stay a little while the hospital ,the drugs will make her drowsy and she cannot do anything really’ the man suggested before stepping out of the room. ‘I have done my part, Nathan can take over from here’ Greg decided he had done enough. ‘Who is Nathan’? She dared to ask. ‘You’ll see’ Greg snapped at her and then stormed out of the room. ‘I’ll see’? Amanda swallowed. Why was he so mean to her? He had deserved that slap for heaven’s sake! ‘Rude brat’ she muttered. If she ever saw him again, she was going to give him a piece of her mind; she had nothing to gain from him; she was sure she wouldn’t get the P.A job. That made her a bit sad. She wondered how her mother would take it. She would probably be back to waitressing. She was so lost in her depressing thoughts that she did not realize her cell phone and the purse she held were still in her possession, it was the buzzing of her phone that jolted her. ‘Alex’ a smile warmed her eyes as she saw who the caller was. ‘Savage wild thing’ Greg was highly infuriated by her actions. She had not apologized and she couldn’t even utter as much as a “Thank you”. ‘Who does that’? He snorted and moved to his car. He had instructed Morgan specifically to find him a personal assistant that wasn’t blonde or blue eyed, but his friend had flaunted his order. Anyway, one thing was for sure; Little Ms. Rude Ass wasn’t going to work in his company; not ever, not on his watch.
17 Mar 2019 | 11:46
Greg how sure are you about that??
17 Mar 2019 | 13:30
why do I have this feeling that Greg and Nathan will fight for Amanda
17 Mar 2019 | 14:29
let's see abt that
17 Mar 2019 | 18:46
hmm getting more interesting and deep
18 Mar 2019 | 10:05
You can say that again
18 Mar 2019 | 11:11
Greg,i will advise u not to start something DAT u will find it very difficult to end especially when luv plays a key role!!!
18 Mar 2019 | 12:10
Episode 15 Greg darling…’ someone drawled . It was wendy. She looked like a little cat. He felt irritated. ‘What now’? He thought about all he had to deal with; he needed to take a decision before nightfall. Wendy was the last person he wanted to see. ‘What are you doing here’? Wendy inched closer to him. ‘Wendy? What are YOU doing here’? He asked in return. ‘I am pregnant, people like us visit the hospital often’ her hands instinctively went to her belly. ‘Oh’ Greg’s face paled as he remembered this other problem. ‘That reminds me, I have a gift for you, you’re going to love it’ she fetched an envelope from her bag and gave it to him. ‘What is this’? He stared at the black and white diagram, it wasn’t making any sense to him. ‘Our baby dummy! This is my first ultra scan’ Wendy was quite excited about it. ‘Wow’ blood drained from Greg’s face, so he was really going to be a father? ‘Yea right? This is awesome, we should celebrate’ Wendy suggested. ‘ I wish I could Wendy, but I have a lot on my plate right now; when I am free, we’ll meet up and talk about the baby’ Greg replied. ‘Are you fucking kidding me? This is our baby! You should show more excitement’ Wendy threw at him. ‘Nathan hit somebody; I brought her to the hospital’ Greg explained. ‘Oh my God, Nathan? Was he drunk or something’? Wendy realized why he was acting this way. ‘I don’t know, I am really sorry Wendy, I’ll call you when I have time’ he placed a light kiss on her lips and rushed out of the building. He needed to get away from her; he needed to be far from his father, Nathan; from everyone. ‘Goodbye Greg, soon we will be a family and I wouldn’t have to miss you this much’ Wendy smiled and watched his back as he left. The moment Amanda replied her text, she sighed a breath of relief knowing very well that her friend was okay. She was going to spend a few days at the hospital and she would be needing her things; so she had summoned courage and gone over to the house. ‘Oh my poor baby, is she gonna be okay’? Tears rushed down Mrs. Atkins face. ‘I am so sorry Mrs Atkins; Amanda will be fine; would you speak to her’? Alex quickly dialed Amanda’s number and gave the phone to her mother. She watched as the woman cried while receiving the call; her heart seared but she felt happy that her friend had not lost her life in the accident. ‘She is fine. From the way she spoke, I believe you’ Mrs. Atkins sighed with relief once she was done speaking with her daughter. ‘I have to go now, I’ll be back to check up on you late’ Alex pecked her swiftly on the face and dashed out of the house. She couldn’t wait to see her friend; they had a lot to discuss. She had not forgotten about the job interview; no matter what happened between Greg and her, she still needed the job even though that possibility was now dim. She had asked Morgan to put in a good word for Amanda to Greg; she knew Amanda had so much dreams and talents; she needed that job to work on them. ‘Amanda Atkins’ she stated the name of this patient she wanted to see. ‘Room 49’ the nurse gave her clearance. ‘What took you so long’? Amanda smiled as Alex sauntered into her room. ‘Hope mom is not too worried’ ‘ Nah, she’s fine.I got your clothes, nightdress and food, see? Your favorite’ Alex lifted a bag of potato chips. ‘Give me that’ Amanda grabbed it from her and straightened on the bed. ‘It smells awful in here’ Alex wrinkled her nose. ‘Yes, I hate hospitals, but I don’t have a choice, that guy hit me’ Amanda rolled her eyes. She had not even taken time to have a good look at the driver. ‘Nathan’ Alex said his name. ‘What’? Amanda was confused. ‘That’s the name of the guy that hit you; Morgan told me he is Greg’s younger brother’ Alex explained the connection. ‘Oh, I see, crazy runs in their family’ Amanda rolled her eyes. ‘Okay, you need to stop right there, Greg is still your boss’ Alex pointed out. ‘Boss? Hell no, I am never working for that crazy brute’ Amanda snapped. ‘Why’? Alex widened her eyes. ‘Such a man could sexually harass me; he is not safe to be with’ she replied. ‘Really? I talked to Morgan, he assured me that Greg couldn’t have sent such an obscene note to you and maybe there was a misunderstanding somewhere; he even told me you’re not Greg’s spec’ Alex explained. ‘Okay, enough of this spec thing! Whose side are you on? Mine or Greg’s’? Amanda was getting pissed off. She suddenly lost her appetite as she recalled the mocking glare of his chestnut eyes when the doctor had called her his girlfriend. ‘Okay! But you still need that job anyway’ Alex reminded her of what was important. ‘Nah! I can get myself another job within two weeks. Once I am fully recovered, that’s my next agenda’ Amanda’s appetite fled as she thought of the prospect of job hunting afresh.
19 Mar 2019 | 02:14
You are full of yourself Amanda; to survive and eventually live you have to bend once in a while with the wind or you break in half opposing
19 Mar 2019 | 15:18
Episode 16 Morgan had gone over to Greg’s at his invitation; he was going to use the opportunity to put in a good word for Amanda. Greg had a bottle of brandy in his hands as he laid slumped on the sofa. ‘You’re going to kill yourself, the rate you’re going’ Morgan snatched the bottle of liquor from his’s hand. ‘What do you want me to do? I have finally played into my father’s hands; I am fucked’ he swore aloud. ‘Think, Plan, take a decision; drinking won’t solve your problem, thinking will’ Morgan replied. ‘ You are a smart dude’ ‘I saw Wendy today’ Greg moved to the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of water. ‘And’? Morgan waited patiently for the next line. ‘She is really pregnant. I met her at the hospital and she showed me proof; she is carrying a baby. What am I going to do’? Greg asked. ‘What is suggested earlier? You cannot sue your dad, you’ll lose everything, but you can turn the table around; you can outsmart him but it would involve hurting someone’ Morgan had come up with a plan. ‘Hurt who’? Greg thought this interesting. ‘Wendy’ Morgan supplied. ‘Get married to her; ask her for a divorce nicely and if she refuses to grant you one, you get the divorce documents and trick her into signing them, just like your father did to you. How does that play out’? Morgan asked. ‘Good plan, why don’t I skip the asking her part? I’d just trick her. And how long is this marriage supposed to last’? Greg asked. ‘Two or three years. That would buy you enough time to work harder and cover for the 10% partnership that her parents offered’ Morgan explained. For a moment, Greg considered this advice. He had told Wendy about his fear of marriage but she wouldn’t listen; he was getting married to her and he would divorce her after two years. ‘Fine. I’ll do it. I’ll get married to her on my thirty first birthday’ Greg nodded vehemently, he was in and there was no turning back. ‘Good. Now let’s talk about someone else’ Morgan switched topics. ‘Amanda’ he added. ‘Who is that’? Greg sipped more water. ‘Come on Greg, the girl you sent an obscene not to? The one your brother hit’? ‘Excuse me? I hope you don’t believe that deluded attention seeker; the note I sent to her was meant for Trudy, hold up, let me get the note, I still have it’ Greg rushed into his room, carefully searched the pocket of the trouser he had worn to the party. ‘I told you before, Amanda or whatever she is called isn’t my type, who wears a beret to an interview anyway’? returned with note. ‘There, have it’ Greg showed Morgan the note. He was surprised to see “Trudy” at the end of it. Hadn’t Amanda seen that part? ‘Maybe she was drunk, I guess that was why she slapped you? Why would someone slap Greg Beecroft’ Morgan returned the note to is friend. ‘Whatever. Drunk or not, I don’t want her in my company. I told you bro, no blondes and no redheads too, redheads remind me of Wendy and all the crap I am going to deal with’ Greg instructed. ‘So I we should get Kim Kardashian? But Greg, I have a feeling she would be very good at this job. She is currently studying at the University of ….. And she is majoring in Business management’ Morgan pressed on. Alex had promised to have dinner with him once Amanda’s spot was secured in Beecroft and he was not ready to miss spending time with the woman that he loved. ‘Still not interested. Why are you so into her business? I thought you had a girlfriend’ Greg wondered. ‘I do. Just give her another chance, I strongly believe that she was drunk that night’ Morgan repeated. ‘And there we go again, blaming liquor on our bad behaviors. Tell you what? I could be willing to work with her if she is willing to apologize’ Greg considered hiring her. It was going to be fun tormenting her and giving her tons of work to do; she was still gonna pay for slapping him. ‘Really? Ego much’? Morgan shook his head. ‘I am Greg Beecroft, I deserved to be honored’. Her first night at the hospital had passed easily; it didn’t seem like she was in the hospital as Alex had been there to keep her company; she had dreamt of him again; she had seen herself in the same field where he’d kissed her. ‘Morning lovely, how are you’? Alex returned with a chocolate drink. ‘Hey’ Amanda called her quietly. ‘Um, I got you this and this’ she handed Amanda cup of chocolate drink and a book. ‘Wow, thanks…..interesting’ Amanda raised her brows. “How to Get a Man” she read the words of the book aloud. ‘Yes, you need to read this, it is really good’ Alex winked. ‘Why are you doing this? Alex’? Amanda straightened on bed. ‘What’? Alex feigned innocence. ‘Alex’! Amanda called her sternly. ‘Well…you have a crush on the mystery guy, I was thinking reading this book will help’ Alex lifted the book up. ‘Really? I don’t have a crush on any guy and this conversation is over’ Amanda replied. ‘Okay, so how about your job? You’re getting out today, you still need to go for that interview, Greg may be willing to consider’. ‘No. I don’t want to ever work with that brute or in his company’ Amanda replied. ‘But it’s a really good job and its not like you have much of a choice’ Alex cut in rolling her eyes. ‘I slapped him remember? He deserved it though, what makes you think he will be willing to work with me’? ‘You are going to apologize of course, you should tell him you’re sorry for slapping him’ Alex replied. ‘Like hell I will. How can you even say that? I am not the one at fault here, he is. He sent me an obscene note and you’re asking me to apologize? Come on, you’re better than this’ Amanda couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into her friend. ‘I know, but you need this job; an apology wouldn’t cost you a thing; and who says you have to stay on that job forever’? Alex asked. ‘What are you insinuating’? ‘Well, after you’ve apologized and have gotten hired, you can work there for just three months; it’s not a permanent thing, you really need this Mandy; you have to swallow your pride and do the right thing. If you say you want to look out for other jobs, trust me, you cannot get something as good as this; this job right here with Beecroft is perfect. It is all you need’ Alex explained. ‘Proud? I am proud now’? Amanda snapped at her friend, why was she taking Greg’s side? ‘I know honey, I know it hurts to hear the truth, but once you get out of the hospital, go tender you apology’ Alex advised.
20 Mar 2019 | 03:17
Go ahead
20 Mar 2019 | 10:13
Amanda all this why u are jobless better listen to ur friend
20 Mar 2019 | 13:39
Greg planning to punish Amanda,hmmmmmm, interesting times ahead!!!
20 Mar 2019 | 13:41
you better save your pride and apologize
20 Mar 2019 | 13:51
u see how the devil is using pride to play both of u like tennis weldone, continue 'priding' u hear
20 Mar 2019 | 13:51
Buh shez stil a student dnt go and waste ur time he has a pregnant wife to be already
20 Mar 2019 | 15:18
Am I the only one that have this feeling that Wendy and Greg's father have something in common? I mean its not only the 10% share of a thing, am sure there is more to it
20 Mar 2019 | 15:37
The battle line for Nathan and Greg has just been drawn
20 Mar 2019 | 15:38
what a world. what goes around comes back around.
20 Mar 2019 | 18:03
Contenue nah
21 Mar 2019 | 09:24
Alex is such a good friend
21 Mar 2019 | 18:33
Episode 17 Amanda was about to argue with her for taking sides when there was a soft knock on the door. ‘Should be the doctor, you’re getting out today’ Alex moved to check. ‘Hello there…’ she trailed off as she stood facing a very hot guy. ‘I am here to see Amanda’ he replied holding a bouquet of flowers.’ Hi’ ‘Oh? You’re Nathan right’? Alex widened the door; he was the guy that had hit her friend. ‘Yea, Nathan and I am so sorry about what happened’ he replied.’ your friend moved so fast,I didnt see her on time’. ‘Its okay, come on in’ Alex led him in. ‘Nathan’? Amanda recognized his face, this was the guy she had met at the club. ‘Amanda, you remember me’? He felt excited as she called his name. She looked tired but still beautiful. ‘Of course I remember you’! How could she forget those green eyes. ‘Wait, you two know each other’? Alex was lost. ‘Yes, we met at the club’ Nathan said. ‘Oh’ a sly smile touched Alex’s lips. She had finally got her answers, Nathan was hot enough to sweep any woman off her feet and her friend was not an exception; she had finally found the guy Amanda was crushing on. She stole a glance at them and decided that they were perfect for each other. ‘How are you feeling now Amanda’? He dropped the flowers close to her bed. ‘Never better, thanks for the flowers Nathan’ she offered him a smile, the kind that raced his heart. How could one person be blessed by so much beauty? He took in her sea blue eyes; their color were ever clear and seducing; her lips were plump, ready for the kissing and her nose was straight and sharp but that wasn’t what drew him to her. It was the color of her hair; it was the pale golden of her curls; he took a liking to blondes, just like the ones his brother had dated. ‘Anything for you princess, so what were you up to that day’? He had seen her running out of Beecroft. ‘Um, nothing important. I was just running…’ she stuttered. ‘Oh, I see. I heard you were getting out today’ Nathan added. ‘Yea. How did you know’? She asked. ‘Dr. Walsh told me, he’s our family doctor’ Nathan replied. He was so happy to sit by her side; he was happy to have a discussion with this goddess, he needed more. ‘Yea’ She lowered her eyes Alex wondered if Amanda was falling for Nathan already. For some reason her mind kept going to Greg, she was sure he would never approve of this liason. She sensed a conflict was coming. ‘Um, I really have to go now, can I have your number, maybe we could talk some time’ Nathan reached out for his buzzing phone, Trudy was calling. ‘That wouldn’t be a problem’ she took his phone and typed in her number. ‘Thanks, See you later princess’ he caressed her hair gently and walked out of the room. ‘Bye Nathan’ Amanda smiled, feeling somehow glad that she had a friend. There was something about Nathan that she liked; he seemed so simple and down to earth; she wished all men were like him and not perverts and brutes like Greg. ‘Wow, he is such a cutie’ Alex winked. ‘Focus! Thats not important now’ Amanda rolled her eyes, from the look on her friend’s face, she knew what was coming next. ‘I see, you never told me about that guy, that you met at the club’ Alex spoke of Nathan. ‘Of course I did! The one that wrote be the obscene note’ Amanda ignored her. ‘Really? Well, If you ask me, Nathan is a nice guy; good looking and he seems romantic; just look at the flowers he brought you. Why did you have to keep him from me Mandy’? Alex fetched a rose and inhaled it. ‘Nathan means nothing to me; I just met the guy at the club, we literally bumped into each other, said a few words and that was all. His hitting me is a complete co-incidence’ Amanda explained. ‘Really Mandy’? Alex glared at her. ‘Yes! What do you want me to say’? Amanda was getting frustrated. ‘Okay, Amanda Atkins, I think you’re set to go home’ Dr. Walsh sauntered into the room. ‘Good morning Dr. Walsh’ she grinned excitedly. She had missed home, she had missed her mother. ‘Morning Ms.’ The doctor examined her legs for a few minutes and decided she was fit to go. ‘Thank you Doctor’ Amanda was grateful for his kind words. ‘Welcome, take it easy’ he patted her shoulder and walked out of the hospital. Thirty minutes later, Alex was driving her back to the house. Amanda couldn’t help but ponder on her friend’s words; now she was well, she needed to get another job and finding a good one wasn’t going to be easy. She would try waitressing again if she needed to. ‘No’ she murmured, she would never apologize to Greg Beecroft, he deserved what he had been served. ‘What’s that’? Alex turned to her. ‘Nothing’ Amanda replied and stepped out of the car. ‘Mandy! My baby is back’ Mrs. Atkins wheeled on the romp towards the car. ‘Mom, how I have missed you’ she hugged and kissed the woman. ‘I miss you too baby’ she kissed her mother on the cheek. ‘Alright Mandy, see you later’ Alex waved them goodbye and drove off; she had a dinner date with Morgan. ‘Are you okay mother’? Amanda noticed her mother looked gloomy. ‘Our electricity bill is due and the water bill too. They are gonna cut us off tomorrow’ the woman replied grimly. ‘What!?’ Amanda’s face fell. She had completely forgotten about that. She didn’t have much money left in her account; she was dazed and confused. What was she going to do?
22 Mar 2019 | 02:28
Episode 18 ‘I miss you so much Nate, how long was it going to take you to come see me’? Trudy complained as she played with the buttons of his shirt. ‘Trudy…’ Nathan tried to pull away from her. ‘What? Don’t I deserve a chunk of that sweet goodness’ she eyed his body lustfully. ‘We can’t do this now, you came at a very wrong time’ Nathan pushed her away gently. ‘I don’t understand you Nathan, we have been going out of six months; I love you and I have done everything that you have asked of me, including having sex with your brother, what am I not doing right’? Tears welled up in her eyes. ‘Come on Trudy…I didn’t mean it like that’ Nathan sighed. He had been stalking Greg for a while now; he had seen him a couple of times with Trudy and he had checked her out on the internet; seduced her and promised to love her forever if she could help him taint Greg’s image. ‘You promised to love me always, I know your brother never really liked me; he only liked the sex but I am looking for something more, something solid, and that’s what you offered’ she was scared to lose Nathan as she loved him very much. ‘I love you Trudy, always remember that’ his hands caressed her slender neck and grabbed it firmly. ‘Aw, come on Nate, do me’ she groaned and buried her hands below his belt. He was going to keep to her desires; he would make her feel good like never before but this wasn’t going to last long, his heart had found another, one blonder and prettier and he was going to have her at all costs. His hands encircled her perky breasts, his touch tickled her skin but in a sweet way; her blue eyes were smoky, dazed by desire and she decided that this was the man worthy of her heart.His hands caressed the tip of her round and firm boobs; they fondled the tip and she groaned louder. Her lips parted in desperate pleasure; she was hungry, for him, all of him and so she further explored him with her slender fingers. She moved her hands slowly but determinedly to the place where all his desires lay, to the place where he was hard and throbbing for her, without hesitation, she unzipped his denim and grabbed his firm and hard rod. ‘Baby’ Nathan relished her touch. He gasped at her dexterity. ‘You like it uh? How about I go down on you’? Trudy winked, her eyes held a tint of shyness. ‘You’re free to love me’ Nathan replied, and at that moment, he saw her face, it was a different face.He saw her hair, but it was a different hair and a different pair of blue eyes. He saw Amanda Atkins going down on him. Greg had taken Morgan’s advice and decided that he will get married to Wendy but only for a short while. He was going to screw his father over for the tricks he had played on him. He had decided to pay Wendy a visit; it was time for drama and all he was going to do was read the script. He wore a deep blue shirt on a pair of black jean; he knew what Wendy loved most about him and he had not disappointed her. ‘Coming’! He heard her voice as she rushed to open the door for him. ‘Hello there sexy’ Greg winked and ran his eyes seductively all over her. ‘Greg? What are you …’ she trailed off as his mouth covered her lips. She loved the taste and smell of him; it was clean and drugging; Greg had always been a good kisser and she had missed him for such a long time. Why was he acting so nice all of a sudden? Her heart raced, could he have known? He dug his tongue into her wet mouth and made the kiss deeper; his hands scooped her rouge strands and pressed her delicate body close to him. She couldn’t help but moan out his name as his hands left her hair, grabbing her hips. ‘Wendy! Greg’! Elena walked in on them. ‘Mum’! Wendy gasped and pulled away from Greg. ‘Get a room guys, that is a disgusting sight’ the woman’s face blazed horror. ‘Good evening Elena, I am sorry about that; I just love your daughter too much, I find it difficult to keep my hands to myself’ Greg grinned at the woman. ‘Whatever, Welcome Greg’ Elena fetched a glass of water and rushed back to her room. ‘Definitely wrong answer’ Wendy laughed as her mother left. ‘Why does she act like that every time she sees us kissing’? Greg raised a brow. ‘Like you don’t know how religious my parents could be’ Wendy winked and led him into the house. ‘I know you’re wondering why I am here baby; I am so sorry for speaking to you like that the other day; I don’t know what came over me’ Greg reached for he hands and focused on her eyes. ‘I don’t know what to say Greg…I am grossly amazed by this change of events’ she stuttered and pressed a shaky hand to her chest. ‘I know darling, I was just scared of responsibility’ Greg’s voice was filled with emotion. ‘Scared? Was that why you didn’t want to get married’? Wendy asked. ‘Yes, honey, it was very embarrassing to admit it but I do now and I believe our love would help me work through it’ he replied. ‘Why were you scared love’? She asked. ‘My parent’s marriage was not the greatest; they were once in love but before my very eyes, they fell out of love with each other and that had hurt me very much. I don’t want to have a broken home or a broken heart. I love you so much Wendy? Do you believe that’? Tears welled up in his eyes.
22 Mar 2019 | 02:32
Know what exactly? this statement though
22 Mar 2019 | 08:11
Good acting Greg
22 Mar 2019 | 08:12
Nathan is a wolf in sheep clothing
22 Mar 2019 | 08:13
Nathan and greg has many things in common; including the club things sex things. But when it comes to love, nathan is ready to love and trying to choose from the two=AMANDA OR TRUDY= It's like amanda won.
22 Mar 2019 | 17:26
Greg never thought of love and right now he's about to deceive wendy just because of the company. All he needed was to reciprocate her love but no love 4 any girl was found in his heart.
22 Mar 2019 | 17:37
Alex and morgan has something good going on; including their closeness and kindness to their friends, "mendy and greg".....nathan and greg has some kinda competition going on between them 4 the legacy 4 the empire.
22 Mar 2019 | 17:52
22 Mar 2019 | 18:03
next pls
22 Mar 2019 | 18:13
i forsee Nathan and Ethan fighting for the company and also for Amanda
23 Mar 2019 | 16:45
Episode 19 Sometimes it was difficult to believe you cared about me at all, but whenever I stared into your beautiful eyes, I knew that you had feelings for me. Even when you chased after other girls, I still knew you had come back to me’ she said. She couldn’t believe Greg’s confession of his love for her. ‘I know and I am sorry. I swear to be faithful to you only from now henceforth’. ‘I love you so much Greg; I love you more than you can ever know’ she cried. ‘Me too. I am glad I realized how special you are to me. I promise to love you and our unborn child’ his hands caressed her belly and she smiled. Her heart was content that Greg had realized this truth, even more content that her secret was safe. His phone buzzed ‘Excuse me love, I’ll have to take this, it could be important’. ‘Go ahead’ Wendy nodded. Greg’s face split into a smile as he saw it. Now the rude ass girl that slapped him at the party could take her job back as she had just sent him an email message: it was an apology. ‘I got you something’ he turned off his phone and faced her. He fetched a casing from his pocket and handed it to her. ‘What is it Greg’? Her heart race, she was sure it was her engagement ring, but she knew Greg quite well. He couldn’t have engaged her in such a boring, so cliché way. ‘Do you like it’? He kissed her hair. ‘Yes. Yes’ her heart sank. She had been right, it wasn’t a ring, it was an emerald necklace. She had dressed in a very revealing gown; the peach creamy dress clung tightly to her slender body, revealing all her curves and all her edges. Her lips were crimson; her eyes were dark and sexy, a canopy of thick long lashes graced her eyes. ‘Are you sure we’re doing the right thing? This could backfire’ Morgan said to her. ‘They will never know the truth’ she smiled at him. He wore a black tux; his hair was well place; no strand was out of place. His eyes were glowing, filled with desire for her. ‘Why can’t your friend just apologize herself, you said yourself that she really needs this job’ Morgan shrugged. ‘Yes she does. But she wasn’t totally wrong, your friend sent her an obscene note’ Alex replied. She knew Amanda would be too proud to beg Greg and that is why she had done it on her behalf. ‘Wrong? Greg never sent her a note, maybe there was a mix up, clearly your friend doesn’t know how to read’ Morgan defended his friend. ‘Are you serious? What’s that supposed to mean’? Alex was hurt he would say that about Mandy. ‘Okay, I take that back. I am sorry, but Amanda had not read the note to completion; Greg showed me the note; there was a name beneath it, the note was meant for Trudy and not for her, so there was a mix up that night’ Morgan explained. ‘Really’? Alex felt uncomfortable, how was she going to explain this to Amanda? ‘Yea, but it’s too late to tell her that, I already sent the apology to Greg’s Email, let’s just forget this happened’ Alex replied. ‘I think your friend deserves to know the truth’ Morgan was insistent. He didn’t want the girls to have a bad image about his best friend. ‘Okay, I’ll talk to her, but is that really necessary? I already apologized’ Alex cringed at the thought of what she had done. She had apologized to Greg and if Amanda ever found out, it would bruise her ego badly; even Greg’s ego would be shattered if he discovered the other email message that she had sent. ‘Baby, I want this relationship to last; I want more for us and we can only get that by staying honest with each other and to the people that we love; we can start that by doing the right thing. It doesn’t matter if Greg has already received the Email message; I wouldn’t tell him a thing about it, but you need to clear his image before your friend’ Morgan said. ‘I will. I promise’ she reached out of his hands across the table. ‘Thanks, now we can enjoy our dinner date’ He winked and then snapped his fingers, a waitress rushed in to take their order. ‘You look so beautiful tonight; if I were a poet, I’ll write you a song; if I were a musician, I’ll play you a tune and if I were a painter, I’ll adore you on my canvas’ Morgan winked. ‘Where did you read that’? Alex chuckled softly. She loved Morgan for many things; he was understanding, patient and tolerant but she loved him more for his good sense of humor. ‘I can’t tell you’ he joined in the laugh. ‘You look handsome too, prince charming’ she decided to play bold, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. ‘I love that’ he drew her closer and deepened the kiss. Her lips were soft and plum; they sent desire coursing through his spine. His hands rubbed her back. They were in a restaurant; but it seemed the whole world had disappeared before their eyes; that moment was theirs; that moment was for this, for love, for kissing. ‘Hmmm’ the waitress cleared her throat as she arrived with their order. ‘Oh’ the lovers pulled apart and realized that all eyes were on them. ‘Thanks’ they mumbled as the waitress dropped the tray. Once she was gone, they burst out laughing. ‘I am never coming to this restaurant again’ Alex sniggered. ‘Hell we are coming, who cares what people think’? Morgan laughed. ‘I do. See that one over there probably calls us “the pervy two” in her heart’ Alex pointed at an old lady. Morgan bubbled with laughter; he’d thought the only person that could really make him laugh this hard was his best friend Greg, but he realized Alex’s sense of humor was out of this world. She was cheerful and perfect.
24 Mar 2019 | 06:13
Episode 20 They had slept without power; the house was dark and sadness hung heavily in the atmosphere like a thick blanket. They had eaten in silence each lost in her own thoughts. She tossed and turned on the bed; her mother was definitely asleep, she thought as she stared out of her window. She couldn’t sleep. The moon was bright with hope but there was none for her. She knew she needed a job and real fast; she had a heap of bills to pay and she couldn’t escape them. She wasn’t going to ask Alex for money; no, she preferred to sort herself out. She hated to be a burden. What if she apologized to Greg? What is she chose to forget what had happened? Was she too proud? Her mind was a prison of confusion; she was greatly trouble as she considered the odds of landing a job soon enough to pay all the bills she owed. She fetched her phone and contemplated sending him an apology ‘should I or should I not’? ‘No’ she decided and threw the phone on the bed. She couldn’t apologize for something she was not guilty of; if anyone needed to apologize, Greg himself had to take the first shot. Minutes later, her phone beeped. She almost ignored it, she told herself it was Alex? Who else would call her or text her apart from her best friend or her mother by that hour? ‘This is not possible’ she stuttered as she stared at the message. She couldn’t believe her eyes. ‘An Apology’? she scoffed and read the text aloud: “I am so sorry for sending that note; I was slightly tipsy and it had nothing to do with you. Morgan tells me you would make a very good personal assistant, so if you’re still up for it, you can come tomorrow for another interview. I am sorry once again. G. Beecroft. ‘Oh my God’ she screamed and jumped on the bed. ‘Mandy? Is everything alright’? Her mother called from her room. ‘Yes mum, do you believe in miracles’? ‘Of course yes’ her mother yelled back. ‘I just had a miracle’ Amanda laughed excitedly. Finally, she was going to get the P.A job and it would solve all their problems. He was not so rude afterall; her admiration for him grew. Her heart raced as she imagined what working for the handsome Greg Beecroft would feel like. ‘He is your boss now’ she muttered to herself. She needed to get rid of any ideas that danced in her head; she decided that her crush on him was over. Her eyelids fluttered at the thought of a new job; it was time to sleep, she needed to wake early, but then her phone buzzed again. She swallowed and wondered if he was the one calling; what if he was the one? How was his voice going to be on phone? She was sure it was him, the number was not in any way familiar. She took the phone and placed it on her left ear: ‘Hello, Amanda Atkins on the line’, she waited for a response. ‘Hello Princess, how are you’ the voice said. ‘Nathan’? She called his name, he was the only one that called her princess. ‘Yes, it’s Nate. So how are you now’? He asked. ‘Stronger, better. Thanks so much for looking out’ she replied. She briefly wondered why Greg had not showed up in the hospital but she pushed the thoughts away, he had done enough by taking her there in the first place. ‘Good. I really like you Mandy, you seem like the type of person to be friends with’ Nathan started. ‘Oh? You too, you seem pretty nice’ she replied sweetly. ‘Not pretty, I am nice’ he corrected and she laughed. He loved the sound of her laughter; he loved the smoothness of her honeyed voice; just like her hair, her voice was perfect. ‘So, can we have lunch tomorrow’? Nathan asked. ‘Are you asking me on a date’? She rolled her eyes and toyed with her curls in the dark. ‘Yes. What do you say’? Nathan asked. ‘Yes of course, but I may be quite busy, I have an interview tomorrow’ she replied. ‘Oh. Trust me, I wouldn’t take much of your time, I just want to be friends, get to know you better’ he replied. ‘Alright then, I’ll call you’ Amanda replied. ‘Thanks, goodnight. Sleep well’ he said to her. ‘Night Nathan’ she replied. ‘phew’ she sighed as she ended the call. ‘Who was that Nate’? Trudy curled her hands round his neck, with her naked boobs pressing firmly to his back. ‘Er, Greg’ he replied and shut the phone. ‘Greg? But you don’t like Greg, you sounded so happy talking to that person’ Trudy ran her fingers through his hair. ‘Remember I have to play my part as you have to yours’ he replied calmly. He was getting irritated by her clingy nature but he needed to be patient, Trudy was a key player in his game and he wasn’t letting her go till he got Beecroft and then Amanda. ‘So, what about Greg? Should I continue sleeping with him’? She decided to change the topic. ‘For now, no’ he replied and placed a kiss on her face. ‘You have a better plan on getting your father to hand over everything to you’? Trudy asked. Back at the party, she had been the one to spike Greg’s drink and take snapshots of him; that had been her third time of doing it. She usually gave the pictures to Nathan and he’d leak them to the media. She did all these because she loved him and wanted to be with him. ‘Not really. But I worked out one that would make Greg miserable for his whole life; and when he becomes miserable, Beecroft would crash in his hands and our father would have no other choice but to hand over the company to me’ Nathan was confident his plans would work. ‘Really? What did you do’? ‘I set Greg up to sign some papers; I know my brother, he is not willing to get married to pregnant Wendy but he signed the papers anyway and so he is stuck, there is no way out for him. I know Greg very well, I know his weakness, I can smell his failure, it is not faraway’ Nathan sniggered. ‘That’s such a good plan honey, I am happy you’re making progress’Trudy smiled. ‘Thanks honey’ he whispered and cuddled her in his arms, he was cuddling Amanda Atkins. ‘That feels good’ Trudy smiled as Nathan stroke her hair. ‘Yes, Mandy’ he whispered, too little for her to notice and then she fell asleep. His heart raced as he thought of his date with Amanda; he couldn’t wait to spend time with the woman of his dreams; he just couldn’t wait.
24 Mar 2019 | 06:18
Nate u I'll not succeed in ur evil plans
25 Mar 2019 | 03:39
The way i pity u eh
25 Mar 2019 | 17:03
Episode 21 They had made love all night; he littered her body with his firm kisses; he touched every part of her, nibbled her ears and made her feel pleasure; till morning came. ‘I have to go to work and so do you’ Greg muttered as he rolled out of the bed. ‘I am getting tired of my job; maybe I should switch positions’ Wendy suggested. She was the media manager for Beecroft and she was getting bored at her job; it started to feel so routine and “normal”, she wanted something fun, something adventurous. ‘Really? What position would you like’? Greg asked. He was willing to do anything that pleased her for now. ‘I want to work closely with you’ she winked and moved closer to him. ‘Really? I already have a secretary’ he said. ‘I know. But you don’t have a personal assistant’ she winked. She imagined so many things that could happen with her and Greg in the same office. They could have office sex, one of her greatest fantasies; they would eat and play together, it would make their relationship stronger. ‘Really’? Greg gritted his teeth. He remembered Amanda, the girl who had slapped him at the club but had later apologized. She looked desperate, how was he going to break the news to Wendy. ‘What’s that’? She read tried to read his features. ‘It’s just, Morgan got me a new personal assistant, but she is yet to be interviewed’ Greg replied. ‘Oh, what if she doesn’t have experience, what if she is not good enough’? Wendy thought aloud. ‘If she is not good enough, I’d fire her and you’d take her place’ he said to her. ‘Okay, I’ll follow you to the office, we would interview this lady together’ Wendy’s voice dropped low and seductive. Then she moved closer and hugged him from behind; the naked flesh of his back tickled her tits and she moaned in ecstasy. ‘Are you up for another round’? Greg swirled and winked. ‘Yes’ she nodded a response. He lifted her up abruptly and carried her off to the bed; he was going to make love to her again. He was stark naked before her; her eyes took in his very male form. The hard and hairy chest; his firm muscles and lean hips and his gorgeous face. ‘Come to me’ she spread out her hands. He rushed and took her lips quickly; he sucked the life out of them and then plunged his tongue into her mouth; a gentle moan escaped her. He sucked her tongue while his hands searched for the opening of her ; once he found it, he caressed it. ‘You’re a delight’ he murmured. ‘You’re my star’ she smiled. ‘I love you Wendy’ he stared deeply into her eyes, he needed to convince her. ‘I will always love you’ Wendy smiled and leaned forward to kiss him. He sucked her ears; he kissed her face; he fondled her perky breasts. His hands trailed from her belly to her precious pleasure well, he found her moist for him and then dipped a hand into her core and caressed it. ‘Honey’ she moaned and writhed against him as his hands penetrated that sweet place. He rubbed her with his fingers; he glided the wetness between her legs and pleasured her. He felt the heat spreading from her thighs, he felt the button bulging and knew she would soon reach her heights and then he stopped. ‘Why did you stop’? Her eyes were cloudy, she was intoxicated by sweetness. He said nothing; he gently caressed her hair. She wasn’t satisfied; she yearned for his touch. ‘Ride me’ Greg commanded boldly and lay on his back. ‘Ride you’? She raised a brow not understanding him. He raised her up till she settled close to his erected and hard shaft; he wanted her to take control this time; he wanted this moment to be hers alone. She took a deep breath and parted her legs; then she settled comfortably on top of him. With her slender hands, she grabbed his rod and caressed the tip briefly. ‘Ugh’ Greg gasped at her touch. She rubbed the tip, rolled it and gave it gentle squeezes, he was so big and she loved the fullness that he brought her. Once she was done rubbing him, she guarded the rod into her opening and begun to twirl her waist. They both groaned at this new found pleasure; his rod had touched the very place that screamed for pleasure; that sweet bud inside of her. Her juices poured down on his rod as she moved it deeper inside of her. ‘You’re killing me with desire’ Greg groaned and squeezed the tips of her breasts. ‘I love you’ she gave his chest another squeeze and then increased her pace. ‘Wendy’ he called out her name before they both reached the clouds. ‘My angel’ she moaned and fell beside him. ‘How was that’? Greg winked and placed a soft kiss on her forehead that was laden with tiny bits of sweat. ‘I died in your arms’ she laughed. ‘You’re all I want’ he whispered and jumped out of bed; he hoped this was convincing enough. ‘Then let’s get ready for work’ he jumped on his feet.
26 Mar 2019 | 11:22
Greg when u find the truth u will wish u hadn't not play this game
27 Mar 2019 | 05:17
27 Mar 2019 | 05:18
Greg you dont know what you're doing
27 Mar 2019 | 16:06
27 Mar 2019 | 16:07
Who impregnated Wendy then?
28 Mar 2019 | 09:36
Episode 22 Wish me luck mother’ Amanda straightened her dress, she wore something different for the interview this time. ‘Best of luck honey’ the woman replied. ‘Will Alex take you’? She asked her daughter. ‘No, I think she is very busy, I can go there myself. Bye. Love You’ she waved her mother a kiss and left the house. Alex had texted her about this amazing dinner that she had with Morgan; she seemed really happy and she didn’t want to ruin that; she decided to go on her own. Her heart raced as she thought about him; she couldn’t wait to tell Alex everything about his apology; it was so amazing. ‘Beecroft Street’ she waved a cab and jumped in. His apology to her changed her whole perspective about him; she had thought him a rich spoilt brat who felt he could get away with anything; from the way he had spoken to her at the hospital; she had thought him rude and arrogant but maybe that was partly because she had slapped him at the party. ‘Thanks’ she jumped down from the car and rushed into the elevator. She decided she would apologize for slapping him since he had equally apologized for the note. She had dressed painstakingly for the interview; she wore a peach a-line skirt and a black silk blouse and a pair of black ankle boots to go along; she felt it. She was dressed impeccably enough for the interview; while in the elevator, she decided to examine her face as she was alone in it. ‘Superb’ she smiled and closed the mirror. Her brows were well lined; she had worn a little mascara and pink lipstick.She hardly used make-up but she just had the need to look good. Was it to impress her new boss so she could get a job or was it to make him admire her for who she was? ‘Focus’ she pressed a hand on her chest and stepped out of the elevator. ‘Good morning, I am here to see Mr. Beecroft’ she moved over to where a nerdy looking lady sat. ‘Got an appointment with him’? Gwen looked up. ‘Yes. An interview’ Amanda replied. ‘Oh? You were the Cinderella that got her ass hit the other day’ Gwen quickly recognized the lady that had run out of Greg’s office. ‘Yes I was’ Amanda couldn’t help but smile. ‘What’s your name’? Gwen fetched her phone. ‘Amanda, Amanda Atkins’ she said. ‘Alright’ she pressed the landline on her ear. Minutes after she dropped it ‘You may go in and don’t come running out again; this time, it may be a truck’ Gwen laughed. Amanda grinned and pushed the knob without knocking. She stood there horrified as she saw Greg lip locking heavily with a very attractive woman. She felt slightly jealous and it bothered her, what was happening to her? All these emotions were alien to her. ‘Wendy’ Greg sensed her presence and broke the kiss. ‘Do we have to stop? Come back later’ Wendy fired at Amanda. ‘Okay…’ Amanda said and turned. Greg saw the desperation in her blue eyes; he had not seen her very well at the party; she was a very attractive lady. ‘Wait’ Greg rose to his feet. ‘What? Honey…’ Wendy drawled but stopped when she saw that he was serious. ‘Have a seat Ms. Atkins, this wouldn’t take long’ he offered her a seat. ‘Good morning Mr Beecroft, Good morning miss’ Amanda moved towards the seat. Greg thought her very humble; he decided to forget their past, since she had apologized, he would hold nothing against her. ‘Welcome’ Greg nodded. Wendy fell silent; she took in this human scarecrow and decided that she would manipulate Greg to fire her; no one could interrupt her special moment with Greg. For some reason, Amanda felt the woman’s eyes were on her; a negative energy emanated from her; like she hated her or something but she reminded herself that she was too quick to assume. She now focused on his brown eyes; they were so lovely; but she had to push the thoughts of him out of her mind, he had a girlfriend. ‘So, tell me about yourself briefly’ his eyes bored into hers and he quickly looked away as he felt an odd sensation growing from their gaze. ‘My name is Amanda Atkins…’ she gave him a brief introduction of herself, where she was schooled and her work experience. ‘Fair enough’ he shrugged, still not looking into her eyes. ‘Greg, she doesn’t have the experience to be your personal assistant, she is just a student, how long does she have before her holiday is over, you need someone more permanent’ Wendy chipped in. ‘Okay…I think we should give her a try. Gwen is tired of making me coffee, we could use her for now’ his eyes met hers again. Anytime his brown eyes met with hers, she felt a flutter in her tummy; butterflies danced in her heart and her fantasies blossomed right before them. Her ears stung as his girlfriend’s words; why was she so cruel? Wasn’t it that obvious that she needed this job so badly? ‘You have the job Ms. Atkins; you may leave now, ask Gwen, my secretary to show you around. Take a rest and meet me after two hours. Is that clear’? His tone was commanding. ‘Yes sir’ she murmured and rushed out of the office.
28 Mar 2019 | 11:03
Episode 23 Why did you have to do that’? Wendy rose to her feet and walked towards his cellar. ‘Do what’? He wondered. ‘Undermine me before that vermin’ Wendy spat out. ‘Really? You don’t have to call her names; you don’t even know her and she looks like she really needs that job’ Greg replied. ‘Obviously, from her fashion sense or the lack of it’ Wendy pulled out a bottle and then stopped. ‘What are you doing’? Greg raised a brow. Did she want to take alcohol? ‘Er, I just wanted to pour you a drink, I thought you asked for one’ she stuttered and regained composure. ‘No. I never asked for a drink’ Greg watched her sternly. ‘I guess I didn’t hear you well, pregnant women don’t drink wine’ she laughed, it was dry. ‘Yea’ Greg nodded in agreement. But his mind wasn’t focused on Wendy or her pregnancy; it was focused on his blue eyed Personal assistant; there was a sadness that her eyes held; a song that drew his interest and he suddenly became curious about her. ‘So, when do we start our wedding plans’? Wendy returned to her seat. ‘ Can we talk about later?; we should take a day out and plan extensively, what do you think’? Greg dropped his phone and focused on her. ‘Wow, that will be romantic’ she smiled and rose to her feet, she needed to meet with her wedding planner as soon as possible. ‘Okay then, I’ll see you later’ she walked over and kissed him. ‘Bye baby’ he called after her. ‘You got the job or not’? Gwen called to her as she stepped out of Greg’s office. ‘Sure, thanks for asking’ Amanda smiled and walked towards her table. ‘Don’t thank me, I just need someone to make the coffee around here’ Gwen replied and this tickled Amanda. They discussed for a while and from their little chat, Amanda realized Gwen shared something in common with her, her dad was dyslexic. ‘It was really hard at first, but he accepted himself’ Gwen dropped what she was working on and faced Amanda. ‘How did it happen? How did he lose his legs’? Amanda asked, Gwen was about to reply when her phone rang loudly. ‘I am really sorry for the interruption’ Amanda mumbled a thousand apologies, Nathan was calling. ‘Hello Nathan, Good morning’ she called cheerfully. ‘Morning Princess, I have some bad news’ Nathan cut in. ‘Bad news? What happened? Did somebody get hurt’? Amanda asked. ‘No. I am with my dad right now, we’re really busy, can we move this date next week? I am really sorry’ he apologized. ‘It’s okay, next week it is then’ Amanda replied and broke the call. ‘So where were we’? She dropped her phone in her bag ready to continue her chat with Gwen when she spotted her boss’ girlfriend. She wasn’t the type to cower or get nervous around people but she felt uncomfortable as Wendy’s eyes bored into hers, filled with hate and contempt. ‘You’ll be out of here, sooner than expected, Ms. Smartass’ Wendy cast a dark glance at her, snorted and walked away. Amanda released the breath she held as Wendy trotted away; what had she done to deserve such harassment? ‘Don’t bother about that one, she is as proud as a peacock and arrogant too; you need to develop a tough skin around here even our boss could be very difficult to please at times’ Gwen gave her some tips. ‘So tell me, who is she’? Amanda was curious. ‘Wendy? That’s our boss’ girlfriend’ Gwen replied. ‘Nice, she is really cute’ Amanda replied feeling jealous as she remembered Greg’s words to her back at the hospital; he had told her bluntly that she wasn’t his type; now that she had seen Wendy she knew exactly what he was talking about. Where the likes of Wendy where, she could never step her foot. ‘Are you kidding me? You’re way hotter’ Gwen scoffed. ‘Whatever, so, the story’ Amanda laughed, was Gwen kidding her or what? ‘Yea, he had an accident that affected his spine, how about your mother’? Gwen asked. ‘An accident too’ Amanda lied. How could she tell Gwen that her father had pushed her mother from a high place and that was the reason she lost her legs. Sometimes, she wondered if true love was real; if it were, she was really afraid of loving, of giving your heart wholly to one person. ‘Can you excuse me for some five minutes? I need to get these documents to the accounts department, when I am back, I’ll show you around’ Gwen said to Amanda. ‘Oh sure’ Amanda fetched her phone, she needed to chat with her friend. ALEX: You there? How did the interview go? AMANDA: Really? I sent you that message three hours ago, it went on fine. Greg seems to be a perfect gentleman. He wasn’t rude at all. I guess he was drunk at that party and do you know that he apologized for the obscene note? Though not in person? ALEX: Wow, that’s really nice to hear. I am glad everything worked out. So what are you up to now? AMANDA: Gwen is to show me around the whole building. ALEX: Who’s Gwen? AMANDA: Greg’s secretary ALEX: Oh, cool. I had hot sex with Morgan last night, I think he is the one. Smiles. AMANDA: Wow, that’s very sweet, Nathan asked me on a date but later cancelled. ALEX: Wow, really? I see, your green eyed prince charming. Tongues. AMANDA: Funny you, I met Greg’s girlfriend, she is a total pain in the ass. ALEX: Humor me; really? AMANDA: I have to go now, Gwen’s back. Catch ya later. ALEX: Alright. Kisses.
28 Mar 2019 | 11:05
Wendy You're so full of yourself
29 Mar 2019 | 05:02
Wendy the Peacock
29 Mar 2019 | 07:13
So Amanda why are u chatting about ur boss affair with another lady? [Right answer: You are in love]
29 Mar 2019 | 07:14
Mandy meeting rude wendy in a romantic situation saved another apology. Mandy got the job, she got the experience too. Wendy was just jealous 4 that position she hoped 4.
29 Mar 2019 | 14:58
Alex and morgan played the peaceful game very well to unite mandy and greg after that complicated dispute. Alex and morgan were united with enough love to unite the boss and his PA.
29 Mar 2019 | 15:09
A deceit from greg to wendy, another deceit from wendy to greg; they have some deceit game going on. Nathan has a better plan with mandy. Gwen became that work companion with mandy but the competition between nathan and greg continues.
29 Mar 2019 | 15:29
Nathaniel, its unfair
30 Mar 2019 | 06:25
30 Mar 2019 | 09:33
Nathan ur cup go soon full oh
30 Mar 2019 | 13:12
nathan fear Godooooo
30 Mar 2019 | 19:31
Nathan d scheemer
30 Mar 2019 | 19:38
this Nathan is wicked
31 Mar 2019 | 07:40
Episode 24 He heaved a sigh of relief once Wendy had gone out of his office; she was so clingy, such a bug and he was happy to get rid of her. He quickly moved himself to the cellar and poured some wine; he was going crazy, was this really going to work? Was being fake the solution to his problems? ‘Why do you look so grim man? Isn’t it too early to start your day with liquor’? Morgan walked into the office. ‘I don’t know bro, I am tired of playing nice to Wendy, why can’t I just tell her the truth, that I don’t want to get married’? Greg exhaled sharply. ‘That’s because, you will lose your company to Nathan, is that what you really want’? Morgan asked. ‘I had sex with her the night before; she drained all of my energy; she is all over me, I don’t love her Morgan; I am stuck with her; how can I keep up with this for a year or more? I’d rather die’ Greg sank into his armchair. ‘No, you wouldn’t die, you may actually fall in love with her in the process; Love is a mysterious thing. Wendy is amazing, just the kind of woman that suits you’ Morgan replied. ‘Suits me? Hell no, she was very rude to my personal assistant, called her names, mocked her clothing; who does that’? ‘Wait, you got a new personal assistant’? Morgan asked. ‘Yea, she finally apologized and I have forgotten about it’ Greg replied. ‘Apologized’? Morgan frowned, apparently, Alex was yet to tell her friend the truth, he didn’t like lies. ‘Yes, why are you frowning’? Greg noticed. ‘Nothing’ Morgan replied, he was going to speak to Alex later. ‘I just have this vibe that Wendy is fake; she may not really love me’ Greg said. ‘You think she is after your money? Hell no, she got hers, remember her parents invested 10% in Beecroft’? Morgan grinned. ‘It doesn’t matter; what if the plan was to get married to Wendy and somehow she manipulates me into giving her family everything huh’? Greg had another thought. ‘And there’s another thing, she walked towards the cellar today, I swear she was about to pour herself a glass of wine, that’s what she does when she is worked up’ Greg added. ‘That’s crazy, are you sure about that? Because pregnant women don’t drink’ Morgan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘I saw the results though, she is definitely pregnant, she’s just so reckless though’ Greg replied and took out his phone. ‘My father wants to see me’ Greg announced. ‘Good, I have some work to do, see you later’ Morgan patted his arm and left for his own office. ‘What does he want now’? Greg dragged his keys from the table and rushed out of the office. Silas was having a good time with his younger son; he had never shared such precious a moment with Greg; he still wondered when Greg was going to forgive him for the crash of his marriage to his mother. ‘She is really beautiful and homely too, what’s her name’? Silas stared at the photograph of a very attractive blonde girl. ‘Amanda’ Nathan supplied. ‘Nice name for a beautiful lady, so when are you bringing her home’? Silas asked. ‘Um, we just started dating…but I’ll definitely introduce you two’ Nathan smiled proudly; he loved his princess dearly and couldn’t wait to be with her forever. ‘That’s nice, I am proud of you son, can’t say the same for your brother; Wendy is just the sort of girl that can keep him’ Silas rose to his feet and peered at the window, Greg had arrived. ‘Talk of the devil’ he trailed off. Nathan’s heart beamed at his father’s words; this meant that his father was slowly warming up to him and soon he would be topmost in the man’s heart. ‘You called me’ Greg stepped into the house wearing a frown. ‘Hey bro’ Nathan winked. Greg ignored him; he had not forgotten how they’d tricked him to sign the papers, now he was stuck with Wendy forever. ‘You don’t have to be so rude, I am still your father’ Silas said to him. ‘Father? What kind of father forces his own son to get married to a woman that he doesn’t love’? Greg scoffed and settled in a chair. ‘They type that wants his son to succeed’ Silas replied. ‘Cut it, why did you call me’? Greg asked. ‘Have you finally accepted to marry Wendy’? Silas asked. Greg couldn’t help but laugh, what kind of question was this? ‘You made me sign those papers; you threatened me, what else do you want from me? I am done’ Greg rushed to his feet and stepped out of the house. ‘Greg’! Silas called after him but he wouldn’t stop walking. ‘Let him be dad, the drugs are starting to have effect on him’ Nathan held his father’s shoulder with a hand. ‘Drugs? What drugs’? Silas was alarmed at the mention of drugs. ‘Aren’t you aware? Greg is on Meth’ Nathan replied. ‘Meth? Are you serious about this Nathan’? Silas was terrified by this news. If Greg had started taking drugs, it means that the company wasn’t in safe hands. Drugs meant bad news.
2 Apr 2019 | 02:39
Episode 25 Yes I do. Give me some time, I’ll find you proof’ Nathan said. ‘This is so hard to believe, I need to call him and speak some sense into him myself’! He was infuriated. ‘No dad, you know how addicts behave; he would lie through his teeth; just be patient with me. What do you plan to do with him anyway’? Nathan asked. ‘I’m definitely taking Beecroft out of his hands and I’ll offer it to a more capable person, Greg has ruined all my plans’ the man was greatly troubled. ‘What about Wendy’? Nathan asked. ‘Wendy can wait, let’s focus on Greg for now’ Silas replied. A satisfied smile split Nathan’s face, his plans were starting to germinate; he couldn’t wait to take Greg’s position and pay him monthly visits at the Rehab. All what he needed was to cook up a better plan, he needed to make it very believable. ‘Fuck, who does he think he is? Just because he is my dad doesn’t mean he gets to toss me around’ Greg muttered to himself. He found it hard to understand why his father would invite him over the house without having any tangible thing to say; he’d totally wasted his time. Of course, he knew he had no choice but to marry Wendy; why did he have to remind him of his lifetime of misery? And his brother Nathan? He could see the mischief brewing in his eyes; he had a feeling Nathan knew about what was going on but he wasn’t sure yet. He needed to get evidence, it almost felt like Nathan and his father were plotting against him; he recalled how bright their faces had been when he’d walked into the house; they seemed so happy together. Not that he cared much, but his father had never been that way with him; he wasn’t ready to give him such an opportunity. The man had been the reason his mother had died. She died of heartbreak. Something strange happened to him; out of the torrent came a flash; out of the storm came a calm and his mother’s face appeared; her eyes were bright with unshed tears; there was a familiar sadness in them. This was more strange, the next face in his mind’s eye were a striking and piercing blue of his personal assistant’s eyes. ‘Amanda’ he whispered her name and brought the car to a halt. He found it difficult to focus since she had walked into his office; he quickly reminded himself that she wasn’t his spec though she was pretty and she was his employee. His ways had been rough with women; but he made it part of his core values never to sleep with an employee or a minor. Amanda fit into the first category. He turned his radio on, Justine Timberlake’s song glided through his ears, able to regain composure; he ignited the engine and fired on. She had not expected it, but Greg had already given her some allowances on her first day of work; she had used it to pay off the electricity and water bills. ‘You seem very happy Mandy, tell me, how was work’? Mrs. Atkins wheeled behind her daughter. Work had been many things; she had not expected it to turn out so nicely but she did enjoy herself with Gwen showing her all around. ‘Amazingly beautiful’! She decided. ‘Wow, somebody is so happy’ Mrs. Atkins said with a smile. ‘Tell her Mandy else I’d go first’ Alex chipped in; she’d been the one that picked Amanda from work. ‘Alex’? Amanda warned, she didn’t want her mother to know a thing about Nathan. ‘Okay, I’ll just do it’ Alex snorted and spilled the beans. ‘There’s this hot guy that likes Amanda and she likes him too; the one that hit her by accident and showed up with flowers; I think they’d make a cute couple’ Alex winked. ‘Is that so baby’? Mrs. Atkins grinned, she felt excited that her daughter had finally decided to start dating. ‘Yea mom, Nathan is a nice guy’ Amanda replied, she felt it deeply in her heart that he was nice. ‘How long have you known him’? Her mother asked. ‘Um, not really long, I first met him at the party, he was really polite even when I bumped into him’ she explained. ‘Are you sure about this guy? Men could be very tricky; they’re mostly chameleons’ her mother asked. ‘I know Mom. I know that you’re scared, but I promise you, I’d never allow any man to hurt me’ she replied. ‘Good, I am happy for you’ her mother gave her slender hand a squeeze. Alex watched the exchange between mother and daughter; she also felt in her heart that Morgan was a nice man; the kind of man she yearned for, but he’d asked her for something that she couldn’t do. He had asked her to tell Amanda the truth about the obscene note, to clear Greg’s name. But she had told him it wasn’t necessary; Mandy had gotten the job and Greg was okay with her; what was the need of bringing up the past? ‘Alex’! Amanda called her name the second time, she jerked out of her thoughts. ‘Are you okay’? Amanda raised a brow. ‘Yes, yes I am, we should prepare you for your first day at work, I brought you some gifts’ Alex forced a smile. She had not seen that side of Morgan; he seemed so sensitive with lies; how was she going to tell Amanda that Morgan had ended their relationship simply because she refused to tell her the truth about Greg? No, she assured herself that she was doing the right thing. Even if it meant sacrificing her feelings for Morgan, she as ready to do anything for her friend. ‘Wow, these are beautiful…and expensive’ Amanda caressed the designer clothes Alex offered her. ‘I am sorry, I cannot take these, they’re way above my paycheck but thanks anyway’ Amanda dropped the gowns. ‘Hey, don’t be an ingrate, I wasn’t asking you to pay me back; we’ve been friends for two years and you always reject my gifts; how would you feel if you were in my shoes’? Alex felt hurt. ‘Mandy, Alex is right, it is not nice to reject a gift’ her mother cut in. One look at her friend’s face told her she had hit a nerve; they were just clothes and shoes and make-up, it wouldn’t hurt to accept them. ‘I am sorry Alex, I promise never to reject your gifts again; I accept them, thank you’ Amanda brushed her chin lightly. ‘Welcome, so, are you ready to look the part of a personal assistant’? Alex winked. ‘Yea, whatever that means’ Amanda stuttered. The clothes, shoes and accessories were all new to her; she briefly wondered if Alex could dress her up to look like Wendy. Was Greg going to like that? ‘Focus’ she muttered and reminded herself that she had no business thinking about him, Greg was her boss and would be nothing more, plus he had a girlfriend that was way hotter than herself.
2 Apr 2019 | 02:45
keep on deceiving yourselves
2 Apr 2019 | 09:48
Cont. pls.
2 Apr 2019 | 09:52
Ride on
2 Apr 2019 | 13:15
Amanda focus oh coz if u dnt focus on greg.u'll end up focusing on nathan and nathan isn't who he claims to be
2 Apr 2019 | 18:29
3 Apr 2019 | 00:03
Episode 26 Her eyes were wide and scared; her lips trembled, her hands shook as she stared into her lover’s eyes. ‘Are you sure about this? Think again’ Trudy said to him. ‘I am done thinking and this is all you have to do if you really love me’ Nathan handed her the vial. ‘Do you know what you’re saying? We could get into big trouble if we’re caught doing this’ Trudy declined, she was terribly scared. ‘We wouldn’t if you play your part well; do you want to help me get Beecroft or not’? Nathan was getting impatient. ‘Of course, I want you to get it but he is still your brother, don’t you think we’re going too far’? Trudy was very uncomfortable with Nathan’s plan. She had set Greg up many times, spiked his drink and took snapshots of him which Nathan leaked to the media but this? What he was suggesting was dangerous. ‘Do you love me’? Nathan asked. ‘Yes. Yes I do’ Trudy nodded vehemently. ‘If you don’t do this, then it’s over between us and I mean it’ Nathan raised the vial once again. Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at him and then at the vial; she loved Nathan to let him go; he was her obsession, no other man could love her or fuck her the way Nathan did. He was her drug, her soul mate, a mix of everything. In him she found completion. ‘I’ll do it’ she cried and took the vial. ‘Good. Get to work’ She had spent one her dressing up for work with Alex in full control of everything; from her hair, to her dress, to her lipstick color and her shoes. ‘Can I look at the mirror now’? Amanda was getting impatient. ‘Not yet, almost done, your curls are stubborn, I need to straighten them’ Alex combed through her thick mane. ‘Remind me again why you aren’t a beautician’? Amanda said to her friend whose creative talent was more than anyone could ask for. Alex could wear a ribbon and make it look like a crown; she could wear a boot and make it look like Cinderella’s slippers. She was unique and classy. ‘Now you’re free to look’ Alex showed her the mirror. Amanda stared at the mirror speechless; she swallowed a lump of unbelief that settled in her throat; she looked completely changed. She was a different person now, almost like Wendy. ‘Thank me later, I have to go now’ Alex placed a kiss on her hair. ‘Wait, are you okay’? Amanda had known Alex for a long time, she knew what irked her, what humored her, what made her laugh or cry; something was definitely off. ‘I am fine Mandy, see you later’ she waved and rushed out of the house. ‘Bye’ Amanda waved back and returned to staring at her gorgeous reflection. ‘Time to go’ she rose on her feet. ‘You’re such an angel, my beautiful darling’ her mother’s words gave her confidence. ‘Thanks, wish me luck on my first day’ she kissed her mother. ‘You are all the luck that you need’ the woman couldn’t tear her eyes off her beautiful daughter. ‘Bye Mom’ Amanda waved at her and rushed outside. She arrived the Software empire minutes later; today was really a different day for Amanda. As she stepped into the elevator, she noticed the way guys gawked at her, they were practically ogling her and she was loving it. ‘Good morning Gwen’ Amanda rushed out towards her new friend. ‘Is that you or am I dreaming’? Gwen’s jaw fell open. She had known the girl had beauty in her, she was just too afraid to show it. ‘The very same me’ Amanda smiled confidently, she couldn’t wait to set her eyes on her boss or his girlfriend who had felt on top of the world. ‘So, give me tips on how to work this job’ she asked Gwen. ‘I don’t know Mandy, I can’t really say how your relationship with him would be like; Holly wasn’t that dedicated to her job and that brought out the monster in him’ Gwen started. ‘The monster’? She almost laughed at the description. ‘Yea. He is a yeller, so get ready. Some days he could be absolutely impossible to please; you know what? Just do your best honey, put in a 100% at what you do. He admires hard work; I still feel that’s what drew him to Wendy’ Gwen explained. ‘She’s hardworking’? Amanda lifted a brow in astonishment. ‘Sure, go in now, he arrived ten minutes ago’ Gwen ushered her towards his office. ‘Okay’ Amanda drew in a breath, reminding herself that she was all the luck that she needed.
3 Apr 2019 | 04:24
Carry on please
3 Apr 2019 | 09:08
3 Apr 2019 | 13:48
Can't wait to read about the expression on his face
3 Apr 2019 | 15:27
Next please
3 Apr 2019 | 15:30
4 Apr 2019 | 05:20
good luck Amanda
4 Apr 2019 | 17:02
Episode 27 Feelings of misery and anger spiraled round him; he was in the middle of a whirlwind that threatened to consume him; he still had second thoughts about his marriage to Wendy. She had bombarded his phone with several calls, he was choked with her; what then would marriage be like? ‘Come in’ he called absent mindedly. His back was to the door; leaned against the window and stared down at the streets; this made him feel relax when he was troubled. A memory waved at him, he recalled how Amanda had run out of his office when she had discovered that he was Greg Beecroft; his eyes were nailed to the spot where Nathan had hit her. ‘Savage’ he murmured. He was thinking about the girl more than was necessary; what the hell was happening to him? He was acting like a teenager having his first crush. ‘Gwen? Get me the files from Morgan’ Greg ordered without turning round; he was sure she was the one. His eyes strayed to his watch, Amanda was yet to show up, he wondered what was keeping her. ‘Good morning Sir’ she held her breath as her eyes scanned his back. Greg had good hair; his lean frame was further accentuated by the tightness of his pants; his muscles were well outlined; he looked like the men she saw in Fitness magazines. She was here, he suddenly felt nervous; her voice was soft and gentle like the whispering of the wind on a cold night; her fragrance filled the air; she smelt of a garden where many flowers grew. He took her feminine scent. ‘Make me coffee’ he said. ‘Okay sir’ her confidence waned, his tone was commanding and authoritative. ‘Great, what were you thinking? That Mr. Boss would be all smiles when you step in’? She thought to herself. Walking in the heels Alex had gotten from her wasn’t easy; she managed to get close to the cupboard where the coffee pot and the rest of equipments were and then she felt something claw at her legs. Her feet wavered, gave way to the slippery floor and she fell down. At the sound of the heavy thud, Greg swirled round at once, afraid that she had hurt herself a second time. ‘I am so sorry, it’s just this stupid heels that my friend got me’ she struggled to her feet. Greg saw her lips move but he wasn’t listening; his focus fled, he was lost in her beauty. The girl that had walked into his office wearing a hat and a churchy dress was gone; a highly attractive woman faced him. Her hair was straight, fiery and golden; her brows were perfectly arched, giving her face an aristocratic look; her skin glowed like glass and he yearned to touch it; she wore a knee length skirt that hugged her lean hips and revealed a set of sexy legs he had ever seen. Her legs were slender and straight. His eyes trailed to the polka dot top she wore; her firm and round breasts clung to it; she really had a nice form, but all his attention was focused on the swelling of her lips; their redness, eminent softness and allure and the flowery fragrances that rocked his brain. He fought hard for control but her innocent blue pebbles wouldn’t stop calling him; they were rimmed with eye liner; and shaded by her thick lashes making her more sexy. He yearned to place a kiss on her lips; he yearned to kiss the sadness and uncertainty away from her blue eyes. He took a step and then another. Amanda’s eyes were glued with his’, it was a moment of raw admiration; no shame, no pretence; all of her was fixed on his seductive chestnut eyes and his sensuous mouth. Her dreams of kissing him in a field of flowers yearned for reality; her dreams were enclosed in the box of anticipation, could she open this box? He drew near to her. She swallowed as she watched his steps, his eyes were calculating and she prayed he wouldn’t stop. Greg walked towards her swiftly, this was his last step; she licked her lips, nervously waiting for his kiss. He reached her and then leaned forward and whispered: ‘You have lipstick on your face’.
4 Apr 2019 | 18:25
Episode 28 ‘‘You have lipstick on your face’’ Greg’s words reechoed in her brain; slowly, her fantasies and imaginations of him kissing her fled, the world stopped turning and she was faced with reality. ‘Oh, I…will er fix it…I better go fix that coffee’ her face reddened, she was thoroughly embarrassed. She wondered if he could hear the sound of her heart beating. ‘Better’ he said to her. Minutes later she scurried out of his office like a scared little bunny and he sighed with relief. ‘What the fu#k is happening to me’? Greg drummed his fingers on the table, he had never felt out of control before. He always had his emotions and urges under control; this was new for him.Was it because she looked so different? Was it because she was more alluring? Or he was just in the mood to kiss somebody. He pushed the wavering thoughts away and fetched his buzzing phone. He didnt recognize the number. ‘Hello, Greg on the line’ he placed it against his ear. ‘Darling, you forgot all about me’ a familiar voice drawled. He couldn’t miss the owner of the voice, she was one of his numerous girlfriends. He had a one night stand with her at a club where they’d first met and somehow they bumped into each other months later and started dating.Like most of the women that he dated, she knew he had other girlfriends but didn’t care; most of them came for the money. ‘Trudy, can you call another time? I am really busy’ he said, he didn’t have time for all the drama; right now he was in a mess and he needed to sort his was out of it. ‘Greg? But it’s important, I really want to see you’ she insisted. ‘Not now Trudy, I promise to call when I am less busy’ he replied. ‘Okay’ she hung up. ‘Whatever’ he sighed. He decided that his time for playing games with women was over; he needed to focus on his life; he needed to plan; he still hoped there was a way out of his father’s plan. He wished a miracle could happen; his eyes briefly strayed to the calendar and he realized that his birthday was drawing close. ‘Hell’ he cursed. ‘What’s hell? You upset or something’? Just in time Morgan walked in. ‘Hey’ Greg waved. ‘Are you staring at the calendar now? You got a wedding date’? Morgan moved next to him. ‘No. My birthday is coming’ Greg replied simply. ‘Oh, there’s that, so what did your old man say’? Morgan inquired about the visit. ‘Same old, same old. When are you getting married to Wendy’? Greg mimicked his dad. ‘As if there’s a big trophy attached to her’ Greg added. ‘Of course there is, there’s that 10% thing with her parents’ Morgan reminded me. ‘Oh, enough! What if that’s a lie too? My dad could cook up anything to trap me’Greg replied. ‘You know what? You need to get some air, there’s this new lounge in town; let’s hang out, play some games and you’ll feel better. If you weren’t such a workaholic, I’d say you should go on a vacation, Hawaii or the Bahamas’ Morgan winked. ‘Why do I have a feeling that you just broke up with someone’? Greg studied his friend. Morgan wasn’t the outdoor type; but he loved to have a drink or two when he felt stressed, especially after a break up or if he was looking to flirt. ‘Oh my God, don’t tell me you broke up with her, I didn’t even meet her’ Greg scoffed. ‘I had to. I like a relationship based on truth and honesty and you know that’ Morgan stated. ‘Yes I do’ Greg nodded in agreement. He understood where Morgan was coming from, he had been in a relationship some years back and she hurt him real bad with lies and cheating. Minutes later, Amanda reentered the office with some coffee; it had taken her eternity to regain control of herself. After leaving his office, the very first place she had visited was the lady’s, she had checked her face for any sign of lipstick, but there was nothing on it. She was still confused about Greg’s words. ‘Here’s the coffee sir’ she dropped the tray with shaky hands and paused as Greg brought out a sheet of paper. ‘Thanks, here are a list of things I need you do today’ Greg handed her a sheet. She scanned the list briefly and decided that this job wasn’t as stressful as she imagined. ‘Got it’ she smiled and rushed out of the office
4 Apr 2019 | 18:28
Nice one
5 Apr 2019 | 04:56
I cnt help bt imagine both greg an amanda's reaction when they'll discover that none of them did apologize to the other. pooo!!
5 Apr 2019 | 07:16
lets see hw things goes, Nathan is still somewhere planing how to blackmail Greg
5 Apr 2019 | 08:06
Greg how long will you pretend?
5 Apr 2019 | 16:09
Episode 29 He stared at her behind as she trotted out; she was every inch sexy and he wondered how he would concentrate with such a hot personal assistant. Even his friend wasn’t left out of this ogling. ‘You can stop staring now’ Greg said as the Amanda carefully shut the door behind her. ‘Is it hot in here or is it just me’? Morgan found it difficult to believe that was the same girl that had worn a hat for the interview. ‘She’s so damn sexy! I would have considered her if I weren’t dating her friend’ Morgan said. Greg didn’t know why, but he felt slightly uncomfortable hearing his friend say that. ‘Hey, focus, we were talking about your break up, what happened’? Greg switched the topic. He didn’t want to hear more of Morgan’s fantasies concerning Amanda. ‘I don’t wish to talk about it; she lied about something really important and refused to say the truth; lies is a deal breaker for me, no matter how small’. ‘Okay! I give up, so when are going to this lounge’? Greg asked. ‘Excuse me’ Morgan fetched his phone and checked the calendar. ‘Next weekend would be fine, I hear a lot of interesting things go on there’ Morgan winked. ‘Whatever, I gotta get back to work’ Greg replied. ‘Okay, see you later man’ Morgan rose to his feet. ‘Phew’ Greg sighed. He contemplated on a lot of things while sipping his coffee. ‘Come in’ he murmured, there was a knock on the door. There she was standing by the door with a killer smile; her blue eyes danced, he noticed she had the best set of teeth; how was he going to survive this sweet torture? ‘I through’ she walked in with a confident smile on her face, hoping to please him. She dropped some files on the table. ‘Oh, really? Let me see’ he pushed the mug aside and scanned the documents. Though his face was buried in the papers; his mind was not really there, her flowery fragrance wouldn’t let him be; they reminded him of kisses under the rain and making love on a really cold night. Her eyes were drawn to the arch of his brows; to his capturing eyes and his soft lips; a sweet feeling crept into her belly as she imagined a kiss, yet again. ‘So…’ he abruptly looked up and found her staring at him. Once their eyes met, she quickly looked away and focused on the mug instead. ‘You’re done, I’ll do something about finding you an office, tomorrow’ Greg grinned. ‘Um, as your personal assistant, I think I should really be close by, in case you need me urgently’ Amanda fiddled with her hands, not that she had any intention, she just wanted doing the right thing. ‘Are you suggesting we share an office Ms. Atkins’? Greg raised a brow. Blood crept to her cheeks; his tone suddenly became tense and formal and she wondered if she had done anything wrong in asking. ‘Well…I…no’ she fetched the mug and left his office. ‘Better’ he replied tightly; and once she was out, he stamped his feet on the ground. This was just the first day of working with her and he found it difficult to control himself; he wouldn’t lie to himself, there was something about her and he was drawn to it. ‘No employees’ he reminded himself yet again. And then an idea came to him, he had done it many times whenever he was distracted by something or someone; he loved to bury himself into work but this time, it was going to be the opposite. Tears stung her eyes as she left his office; she’d sensed a tint of mockery in his voice; was he mocking her suggestion or what? ‘Are you okay Amanda’? Gwen stopped working her computer and called Amanda over. ‘I am fine, totally fine’ Amanda blinked the tears away and took a seat beside her. ‘Really? Tell me all about it, it’s your first day, I know. You could be overwhelmed’ Gwen said. Amanda decided it was best not to talk about what had happened earlier; she was too embarrassed. ‘It’s okay, feel free. I have worked with Greg for a long time; I know what he likes and I could help you win him over’ Gwen suggested. ‘Really’? Amanda was hopeful, she didn’t like his bossy tone earlier. She just wanted them to have a cordial relationship and less of the formal nonsense. ‘Not yet’ Gwen raised a hand. ‘Why’? Amanda was baffled. ‘Tell me what happened back there, don’t hide a thing from me’ Gwen said. ‘He wanted to get me an office, so I suggested I stay close, in case he needs me as his personal assistant and he didn’t respond fine’ she explained what had happened back there. ‘That’s strange, Holly stayed in his office the whole time; though it was partitioned’ Gwen narrowed her brows. ‘Oh, I think I know why he is being so hard on you’ Gwen bit her lip. ‘Why’? Amanda asked. ‘Holly was just like you; blue eyes and blonde hair; she was really irresponsible; maybe he feels you’ll turn out that way’. ‘Really’? Amanda felt even more hurt, was he regretting hiring her? ‘Not to worry, he probably has his reasons for doing that. So here’s what Greg likes…’ ‘Fitness magazines, he has a bunch of them; a collection of video games; shades and pistachio nuts’ Gwen made a list. ‘Whoa’ Amanda laughed at the last one, she loved pistachio nuts too. ‘Okay, I know just what I’ll get him’ she replied. ‘That’s better, be patient with him, soon, you’ll both be the best of buddies’ Gwen assured her. ‘Thanks, I have to take this’ she fetched her phone. ‘Hello Princess, how are you today’? Nathan was the caller. ‘Nathan, I am fine thank you and you’? She was delighted to hear his voice, she could really use a friend now. ‘So, can we meet tomorrow? I am free now’ he asked. ‘Sure, tomorrow would be fine’ judging by the little work Greg was giving to her, she was would have time to do lunch with Nathan. ‘Thanks Princess’ he replied and brought the call to an end. Her smile easily faded as someone’s wild perfume stung her nostrils; she raised her eyes and found Wendy staring at her darkly. ‘Good day Madam’ Amanda stuttered nervously. Wendy’s heart raced as she stared at the girl whose amazing beauty she couldn’t compare with; she felt jealous instantly as she imagined so many things happening with Greg in the office. ‘I told you, you’ll leave sooner than expected’ she hissed and stepped into Greg’s office. ‘I don’t really get, why does she hate me’? Amanda was starting to get bothered. ‘That one, she’s a real pain in the ass, learn to ignore her’ Gwen advised. Amanda sighed, she had a lot to tell Alex, she just couldn’t wait for her first day to come to an end. Alex’s sad face flashed in her mind; her friend was wearing a mask, she wasn’t happy; what could’ve gone wrong? ‘I’ll be back, let me get this files to Morgan’ Gwen left her for a moment and she wondered briefly if Alex and Morgan were having problems.
6 Apr 2019 | 05:29
this is funny,I'm waiting for the day the two of you we discovered the truth that u didn't apologize to each other
6 Apr 2019 | 06:12
Getting along
6 Apr 2019 | 08:48
I hope Morgan hasn't broken up with Alex cos she lied? Too bad!!!
6 Apr 2019 | 19:38
Mandy made it to the top of her job on her first day at work with an unexplainable feelings from mandy to greg, from greg to mandy. She's the gorgeous mandy like never before, like thanks to alex.
7 Apr 2019 | 13:34
Trudy has all her love for nathan who is not really into her love. The reactions of trudy when she will discover that it wasn't really love from him is another thing. Trudy shouldn't have been doing things she couldn't do for a relationship that's demanding what she couldn't do.
7 Apr 2019 | 13:47
It would've been an easy task for alex to clear the name of greg to mandy on who sent the controversial note in that party but she thought more of her lovely friend mandy than her relationship with morgan and that's not a good enough lie for morgan to break left with her.
7 Apr 2019 | 14:00
Next please
7 Apr 2019 | 18:24
Seriously i just wonder hw they (Mandy and Greg) will feel when they knw the truth about their apologies
8 Apr 2019 | 09:53
Tension tension how lng wil it last btw u two eh amanda and greg?
8 Apr 2019 | 11:34
Episode 30 You need to fire her’! Wendy yelled as she reached his office. ‘Fire who? I don’t understand and you’re not supposed to scream like that. One, you are in my office. Two, you’re pregnant; What’s wrong with you Wendy’? Greg was getting frustrated and tired of her. ‘You know very well who I am talking about’ Wendy replied. ‘Last I checked, I wasn’t a magician’ Greg returned to his work. ‘Your personal assistant, I hate her so much; there’s something dark about her and you have to fire her now before you regret it’ Wendy added. ‘Something dark? Like’? He pinned his brown eyes on her. ‘I don’t know; I just have a hunch’ she replied. ‘Ms. Atkins is good at her job and she is very professional; you have no need to worry’ Greg assured her. He rose to his feet and encircled her in his arms; he reminded himself that he still needed to play his part. ‘Are you attracted to her’? Wendy asked. That did it, he released her immediately ‘What’s that supposed to mean’? ‘I know you Greg; you find it difficult to resist blue eyed blondes, that’s why I want her out of here; I don’t want anyone to come in between us; what we have is special; it’s really beautiful’ Wendy complained. ‘I don’t sleep with my employees and you damn well know that; stop accusing me of false things. Now I have some work to do’ he returned to his files. ‘Well I am sorry. So, I came to tell you about my doctor’s appointment, I would love for you to come’ Wendy rubbed her belly proudly. ‘That would be great, what time’? He peered at her. ‘8 o’clock’ she replied. ‘I’ll be there’. She had eavesdropped on his connection and she felt her heart raced as he called another “princess”. ‘Who was that’? Trudy stepped out of the bathroom. ‘Um, no one’ Nathan murmured. He had not been aware she’d been listening to his call to Amanda. ‘Really? Are you cheating on me? Who’s the bitch’? Trudy cursed. ‘I am not cheating baby, have I cheated on you before’? He felt her hands gently, so softly that her anger fled. ‘No’ she replied quietly. ‘Then trust me, you have no cause to be suspicious’ he said to her. ‘So when are you meeting up with Greg’? He asked eagerly, he still had to deal with his half brother an take over the company. ‘Not successful, he sounded kind of busy’ Trudy replied. ‘Busy? How busy’? Nathan’s features contorted into a frown. ‘Busy! He seems he didn’t want to meet up with me’ Trudy replied. ‘That’d because you didn’t make an effort; you were not persuasive enough’ he hissed. ‘Really? That’s insensitive, I tried my very best to convince him’ she felt hurt that she wasn’t appreciated. He wasn’t excited about the outcome; it only meant a delay in his plans. ‘Baby, you know what this means to me, to us; if I become the C.E.O of Beecroft, you’ll have all the finest things you’ve ever dreamt of; we would travel the world together; get our own yacht and jet, our love would be forever’ Nathan moved over to her and caressed her face. ‘I know but does it really matter? Those are material things, all we need is our love for each other; what if you just forget about Greg and focus on us instead’? Trudy asked, as the days passed, she felt Nathan gradually slipping away from her hands. ‘Hey! If you don’t make this work; if you don’t set up a meeting with Nathan, then it’s over between us’ he placed a kiss on her lips and stormed out of the house. ‘No…please’ her voice was broken, her soul was weak as she watched him walk away. * After having a nice dinner with her mother; she had decided to pay her friend a visit as they had a lot to discuss and she didn’t want her mother to hear a word about all the negative things that happened on her first day. She lay beside Alex on the bed feeding on some candies; Alex was a real sweet tooth. ‘So, how was your first day hon’? Alex winked. ‘Can you turn that off? If you plan to hear me’? Amanda pointed at the Television. “Keeping up with the Kardashians” was on air, Alex was a real reality T.V show freak. If she wasn’t watching “Rich Kids of Beverly Hills”, she was watching “Real housewives of Atlanta” or “WAGS”. ‘Before that, can I ask you a question’? Amanda rinsed her sugary mouth with a glass of water. ‘Yea’ Alex nodded. Amanda decided to tell her about her experience with Greg, but she didn’t mention his name directly or disclose his office as her boss; she just used the word “guy”.
9 Apr 2019 | 04:23
Episode 31 So, you stared into a guys eyes and he did same; you guys bonded for that moment and had chemistry; then he moves closer with intent and purpose; his steps are sure and determined; you’re sure he is going to kiss you but he walks over and says “there’s lipstick on your face”’, honey, that guy meant to kiss you, he just lost his courage’ Alex replied. She was more experienced than Amanda so she had answers to such a question. ‘Really? Are you sure’? Amanda was glad, that meant he felt it too, the positive vibe that brewed between them. ‘So did Nathan tell you that? He didn’t strike me as a shy guy’ Alex rolled her eyes. ‘Um, yea, I was really surprised too’ Amanda lied. She told Alex about Wendy; about Greg’s attitude and his hate for blue eyed blondes. She saw a glint of amusement in Alex’s eyes and she had a feeling her friend had been keeping a secret from her. ‘I knew about his hate for blondes, but I just couldn’t tell you; it would’ve broken your heart’ Alex laughed. ‘Wait, was that why you asked me to wear a hat’? Amanda smiled. She couldn’t believe this, why would Alex play tricks on her. ‘I am so sorry; Morgan stated clearly that his boss was allergic to blondes with blue eyes; I lied to him too and I am so sorry’ Alex kept on laughing; she laughed so hard till her insides ached and a tear slipped from her eyes. ‘Are you okay Alex’? Amanda noticed she was crying. ‘I broke up with him’ she sobbed. ‘What? Morgan’? Amanda swallowed, she had know her friend wasn’t okay; there was something off about her. She had lost her charm and her cheer. ‘Yes, I broke up with him, I miss him so much’ Alex cried hard. ‘Why? What happened’? Amanda inquired. ‘He…I think we’re just too different, it was never going to last long but I really felt happy that I met him’ she sobbed. ‘I am so sorry Alex’ Amanda comforted her. She cried along her friend, but her tears weren’t totally for Alex; the tears were reserved for her own heart; she was heavily drawn to Greg and he had something serious with Wendy. ‘Thank you, so, about the list, what are you going to get for your boss’ Alex switched the topic, she wanted to lighten the atmosphere. Ending things with Morgan had really hurt her, but everything she did was for Amanda who deserved her undying loyalty. She felt stupid about it sometimes though. ‘Pistachio nuts’? Amanda winked. ‘That’s cool’ Alex nodded. ‘And, I have this, you are going to help me, I didn’t want to do this at home, my mother would’ve totally freaked out’ Amanda fetched a pack from her bag. ‘What’s this’? Alex lifted a brow. ‘Dye. I don’t want to be blonde no more, I want to be a brunette’ she winked and handed the package to Alex. ‘Are you sure you want to do this’? Alex was skeptical. ‘More than sure’ Amanda replied. She wanted her relationship with Greg to turn out perfectly; she was going to get him pistachio nuts and she had get rid of her blonde hair. That should fix it! That’s what she thought. *** Hate filled her heart as she stared at the profile of Greg’s personal assistant; even though Greg had professed love for her, she was still not satisfied, she couldn’t trust him completely. Only few men could resist such a charming woman and Greg was not on that least. ‘Amanda Atkins, Humboldt University’ she whispered and took down some notes about her. She was going to keep to her promise and get her fired when she least expected it. Satisfied, she turned off her laptop and moved over to the dining; her insides yelled for food; she moved over to the table and fed on the remnants of chicken wings. ‘That’s not really healthy for a pregnant woman’ Elena replied, she had just checked her daughter’s room, but she had not found Wendy there. ‘That’s what the baby craves for’ Wendy rubbed her belly. ‘When do you start your baby shopping’? Elena asked. ‘After we are married’ Wendy replied and poured herself a glass of water. ‘How is Greg taking it now’? Elena asked. ‘Fine’ Wendy replied but the wave of unhappiness written on her face couldn’t be easily dismissed. ‘What’s wrong darling’? Elena moved to her side. ‘Nothing. Just his personal assistant, she dresses like a bitch and she tried to seduce him today. I’ve asked him to fire her but he isn’t willing to’ Wendy suddenly lost appetite. ‘Honey, I know we wanted you to get married to Greg but if you don’t want to marry him; you don’t really have to. We’ll accept this child and raise it like our own; I and your father had a very happy marriage and I want same for you honey; I want you to be happy’ she rubbed her hair gently. ‘But I am happy mother, I am really happy with Greg. He is the right man for me and nobody can stand between us’ Wendy replied. ‘I know he is the right man but what if you have that perception because you have not fallen in love with any other guy before? All your life has been built around Greg; sometimes I felt he didn’t deserve you. Are you really sure about him’? The woman repeated. ‘Yes. He is coming with me to see the doctor tomorrow, isn’t that romantic’? She peered at her mother with smiling eyes. ‘Yes it is. Just be careful with your heart’ Elena placed a kiss on her forehead. ‘I will be, I am working on it’ Wendy replied sagely.
9 Apr 2019 | 04:25
who's the father of her baby na
9 Apr 2019 | 16:35
Wendy you re a looser
9 Apr 2019 | 17:39
Wendy, I promise you that you will end up getting your heart shattered
9 Apr 2019 | 20:03
Episode 32 He had taken a nap once he’d arrived home from work; his chef had prepared a meal and once he was done eating; he moved straight to the bathroom. As the water trickled down his spine, he took a mental trip to the events of the day. He wondered why Wendy was so obsessed and delusional; she bombarded his phone with calls and he had gotten irritated and turned it off. His mind travelled from Wendy to his personal assistant; slowly, the water turned to ice; and the ice turned to snow and he found himself in a world of fantasy. He imagined kissing her delicate lips; he imagined caressing her white throat and playing kisses all over her body. She seemed to him a very hardworking and ambitious person; those were the two qualities that had drawn him to Wendy. He believed in hard work and vision hence he found it difficult to resist women who had a mix of it; reason he had slept with some of his business partners, but that was in the past now; he was a new creature and old things were gone. ‘Focus’ he reprimanded himself. Amanda was his employee and he had no business fantasying about her; he decided he would distract himself. A mischievous smile curved his lips; he knew the perfect plan that would get her out of his mind. As for Wendy, he still believed there was a way out; he couldn’t see himself being with someone like her. Since his father always used Nathan as a threat, he needed to remove that threat and he could only do that by pinpointing Nathan’s numerous weaknesses to their father. That way, the old man would realize he was still the best for Beecroft Another day had rolled by quickly; he was dressed in tight black pants and a fancy shirt that clung firmly to his body and revealed his muscles. He noticed Gwen wasn’t on seat and neither was his personal assistant;not that he really cared, he needed to speak with Morgan urgently. He had to find something on Nathan; something to prove that he wasn’t worthy of being the C.E.O ever. ‘What now’? His eyes pinned the sachet on the table. It looked familiar, this was something he loved and only someone close could’ve gotten him pistachio nuts. He scanned the room briefly and settled his eyes back on the table; this was his favorite snack, somebody was trying to bribe him. ‘Wendy’ his eyes glared darkly, his irritation for her suddenly came alive and he picked the sachet that contained the nuts and dumped it in the trash bin; he had no time for her games. Wendy only gave him gifts when she needed something that he wasn’t willing to give. He guessed the nuts was probably to cajole him into firing his personal assistant but he was not going to have any of that. Minutes later after he had settled and written his “to do list”, there was a knock on the door; he guessed it was either Gwen or Amanda. If it were the latter, he had prepared himself adequately to face her. He wouldn’t be unnerved by her charms; he would fight for control and that’s because she was going to be far away from him. ‘Good morning sir’Amanda stepped into the office with a bright countenance. She noticed her boss was not frowning; his expression was neutral and this bothered her; she had expected him to be delighted after chewing his favorite snack. And what about her hair? She had changed the color so it would make him see her in a different light. She wanted to prove so much to Greg; she wanted to prove that she took her job as his P.A seriously and she was hardworking and resilient as compared to his former assistant, Holly. ‘Morning’ he replied tightly. His eyes travelled first to her hair, it was perfectly done, jet black; it gave her the look of an Amazon; a fiery woman and it projected the blueness of her eyes. He almost asked if she were a natural blonde or that had also been a dye but he held restraint by the shoulder. He didn’t want to encourage the attraction he felt for her. ‘I made your morning coffee’ Amanda dropped the tray on the table. ‘Oh, thank you Ms. Atkins’ Greg flashed her a quick smile and tore his eyes away from her. Making eye contact was difficult. Anytime he stared at her, it seemed an unseen fire burned him; it opened the box of desires buried within him and resistance was difficult. He drew a deep breath and fetched a paper from his drawer. ‘Have this’ he looked up and their eyes met again. This time, Amanda was the one who felt the fire; he looked very different in his ensemble; more casual and a little bit sexier. She was lost in the pool of his eyes. His eyes travelled from her well shaped brows to her succulent lips and her neck; she wore a green shirt on a pair of tight pants that revealed her neat little hips; her breasts seemed bigger than before and he couldn’t help but imagine what was underneath. ‘So, that’s the list of things you would be doing today’ he managed to focus. What was she doing to him? ‘Oh’ Amanda stuttered as she recovered from their locking gaze. Her lashes fluttered at first, maybe she had not read it well; how was she able to do all these in one day? ‘But sir, I know nothing about bunnies’ she stuttered, her first duty was buying him a bunny and looking after it; once she was done, she would go over to his house and clean it up and a ton of other irrelevant things; things that were not related to her job. ‘You are my Personal assistant Ms. Atkins, I need that bunny today, now run along, can you drive’? He asked. ‘Yes’ she nodded. What did he take her for? She wasn’t a pet sitter or a house cleaner? Why did she have this feeling that he still hated her even after she had dyed her hair. ‘Here, the keys to my car, so run along’ he replied and buried his face into the files before him. ‘Okay’ Amanda replied smugly. ‘Oh and Ms. Atkins, empty that trash bin’ he ordered. As she fetched the little trash basket, her heart sank once she realized the pistachio nuts she had bought him was in there. Greg Beecroft really hated her; was he paying her for slapping him back at the club?
12 Apr 2019 | 05:04
Episode 33 Oh, sorry about that’ Morgan almost bumped into her. ‘What was that about? And why is her hair black? Did you tell her to change it’? Morgan eyed his friend suspiciously. ‘No, why would I do something like that? Her hair, her business’ Greg replied. ‘Cool, so what’s up, you said you wanted to see me’ Morgan pulled a chair and settled in. ‘I have a plan that could help me get out of my father’s cage’ Greg was hopeful this would work out. ‘Um, first, remember we were supposed to hang out next weekend’? Morgan raised a finger and Greg paused. ‘Yea’ Greg nodded. ‘Let’s do it this weekend’ Morgan replied. He still felt bad for ending things with Alex and that was getting into the way of his work and other facets of his life; a hang out at the lounge wouldn’t hurt, it was the magic he needed to get over her. ‘Okay, so, I want you to go over Nathan’s profile, his accounts, records, just check if you can find anything dirty; I have a feeling he conspired with my father against me’ Greg asked. ‘Are you asking me to spy on your brother’? Morgan asked. ‘Not like that, you know they tricked me into signing the papers’… ‘No, you weren’t tricked, you just failed to read the content’ Morgan reminded him. ‘Okay, I accept that all these is my fault but you need to help me Morgan; I can’t win this battle on my own; please’ Greg pleaded. Morgan had been friends with Greg since their teenage days; Greg was the nicest person he’d ever known and he was going to help him out. He was good at internet stalking. ‘I’m on it’ Morgan replied. ‘Thanks man’ Greg felt relieved. ‘Always’ Morgan replied and walked out of the office. ‘That’s that’ Greg sighed. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his father’s face once he realized that his own plans had backfired on him. ‘Good morning, Mr. Beecroft’ Gwen sauntered in. ‘Gwen, did you see Wendy around here’? He asked. Now he thought about it, it couldn’t have been Wendy that had sent the nuts, she had a doctor’s appointment that morning. ‘No, why’? Gwen raised her brow. ‘Um, I walked in here and found pistachio nuts on the table, you know how much I like to eat that’ Greg replied. ‘Oh no, you think Wendy brought that? Was that why you threw it in the trash bin’? Gwen blurted out then regretted it immediately. Was her boss having a problem with his girlfriend? ‘So it is not Wendy’ Greg murmured. ‘No. Amanda did’ Gwen replied. She had seen the hurt that had been sprawled on her face; her pistachio had been stashed in the trash basket. ‘Oh, how did she know I liked that’? Greg felt slightly guilty for throwing the nuts away, he hoped she wouldn’t take it personal. ‘I am not supposed to say this, but you are still acting like she is Holly but she is not, Amanda is a different person and I promise that you wouldn’t regret hiring her’ Gwen was confident. ‘Really? You two are that close’? Greg was suddenly curious to know more about her, he decided to use tact. ‘Yes’ Gwen nodded. ‘So, why did she bring me the nuts’? ‘She feels that you don’t like her, you aren’t comfortable and that’s why she’s trying everything possible to feel accepted’ Gwen explained. It was all making sense now ‘Wait, was this why she dyed her hair black? Because I remember telling Morgan I didn’t want a blue eyed blonde’ Greg rose to his feet. ‘Yes’ Gwen replied with a smile. This new set of revelation made him feel like a devil; well, he didn’t want to spend a lot of time around her for both of their sakes; but giving her such a long list was uncalled for. ‘I need to call her’ he reached out for her resume. He had to fix this and make everything right. He realized that they both had not spoken of the night at the club and he hoped to clear the air; she may feel the list he’s given her was related to her slapping him; but that wasn’t it at all. He didn’t hate her, no, he was drawn to her. He didn’t resent her, he was curious about her and that was what scared him. He had never felt so drawn to anyone like that before; the attraction he felt for her was beyond his control and that was why he gave her such a long list. He was avoiding her. ‘Oops’ he threw the resume down on the table as Wendy was calling. ‘I have to take this’ he whispered and Gwen rushed out of the office. ‘Hello Baby’ he placed the phone against his ear, Wendy was calling. ‘Honey, I need you now more than ever’ her voice was broken, shaky; it was filled with fear. ‘Really? What happened’? ‘Our baby is in danger, my gynecologist would like to see you’ Wendy replied. ‘Okay, I am on my way’ Greg dialed his driver’s number. He had given his car to Amanda, he still needed a means to get to the hospital.
12 Apr 2019 | 05:07
I hope u aren't finding ways to spend time with him
12 Apr 2019 | 13:46
I just pray you have miscarriage or stilbirth
12 Apr 2019 | 14:50
@bukolami aahn aahn! thats too much na.
13 Apr 2019 | 17:30
both of them have clearly misunderstood each other from the beginning
13 Apr 2019 | 17:33
i just hope they get to understand each other better, because i'm tired of them seeing FIRE in each others eyes
13 Apr 2019 | 19:31
13 Apr 2019 | 19:38
Episode 34 Wendy’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears; they glowed with fear as she sobbed. ‘What happened? Is the baby okay’? Greg realized he actually cared for this baby. ‘Tell him doctor, tell him everything’ Wendy sobbed. ‘Welcome, Mr. Beecroft’ a female doctor approached him and he took the hand that was offered. ‘Your baby is okay’ the doctor said. ‘Thank God’ Greg sighed with relief. ‘For now’ the doctor quickly added. ‘What do you mean’? His hopes quickly faded away like dreams that never saw dawn. ‘Your baby is suffering from a kind of trauma, the fetus is stressed’ the doctor begun. ‘Stressed? Make me understand’ Greg felt completely lost in her medical language. ‘I wish I could make it easier for you to understand, but simply, the baby needs a healthy home so it can grow perfectly’ the doctor explained. ‘A healthy home’? Greg arched a brow. ‘Yes, the parents of the child must be together; you aren’t always there for Wendy’s sessions; the baby feels neglected too and the only solution to this, if for both of you to come together’ the doctor added. ‘Like husband and wife? Or we could live together’ Wendy found the strength to speak. ‘Oh, that wouldn’t be a problem Doctor, I’ll think about it’ Greg moved over to Wendy and placed a soft kiss on her face. He seemed very calm on the surface but he was terrified of that prospect of staying next to Wendy; something wasn’t right. He had not studied medicine but he could swear that what the doctor said made no sense; it wasn’t logical. Well, like he said, he was going to think about it. Right now, finding dirt on Nathan was the most important thing. ‘I have to go now love, I’ll see you and the baby later’ he kissed her forehead, rubbed her belly briefly and rushed out of the ward. ‘Do you think that would work’? Wendy straightened on the bed. ‘Of course it will’ a mischievous smile split the doctor’s face. Tears stung her eyes as she stepped into the fifth animal shop in Los Angeles; Greg had specified that he needed a brown chinchilla rabbit; she was yet to find his preference. She felt frustrated and confused; Gwen had assured her that everything would work out fine; but it didn’t. He had thrown her gift into the trash basket and that meant a lot. ‘Can I help you’? the sales girl asked as she stepped into the pet shop. ‘Yes, I am looking for a bunny’ Amanda blinked away her tears and focused. ‘Really? We have a lot, different species, come have a look’ the girl replied gleefully. ‘Oh, thanks, but I am actually looking for a brown chinchilla rabbit’ Amanda replied. She noticed stars in the girl’s eyes, like she was confused. ‘Um? Chinchilla’s are mostly white, so it could take you ages to find a brown one’ the girl grinned. ‘Oh? Really’? Amanda swallowed. Why did she have this feeling that Greg was trying to punish her? She guessed he knew all along that there was nothing like brown chinchilla and he wrote it on his screwed up list to frustrate her. ‘Yes. So what sex are you looking for’? The salesgirl asked Amanda. ‘Um, Female’ Amanda rolled her eyes and exhaled. This only meant one thing, Greg was still holding a grudge against her. ‘Here she is’ the girl returned with a caged furry rabbit. At the sight of the cute white bunny, all her rage faded like chaff in the wind; all her anger and resentment towards Greg turned to love and likeness as she stared at the animal. ‘She’s such a cutee’ Amanda smiled and caressed the pristine fur. ‘Yes. So, always hold her by the ears, be gentle and feed her very well plus lots of water; I’ll take your email address, so I could send you more tips on how to care for a chinchilla’ the sales girl instructed carefully. ‘That would be nice. Thank you very much’ Amanda settled the bill and was about leaving with the cage when the girl screamed. ‘Oh my God, is that Greg Beecroft’s car’? She jumped to her feet. ‘Yes…you know him’? Amanda got curious. ‘Sure. Sure. He is a nice person’ she beamed. ‘Really’? The words rushed out of Amanda’s mouth before she could hold them back. ‘Call me Sam, short for Samantha’ she introduced herself. ‘Amanda, Mandy’ they both shook hands. ‘Well, he is a philanthropist, my sister was able to pay her tuition fees from his scholarship, “LucyBee” scholarship’ Samantha explained. ‘That’s nice, I have to go now, he is my boss’ Amanda replied. ‘Goodbye Mandy, I wish I could meet Greg in person to thank him for all he’s done’ she waved happily. ‘I could send your message across’ Amanda waved back. ‘Wow’ she sighed. She never knew he had it in him, the ability to be kind. That softened her heart and she was immediately curious; Greg was not a spoilt brat afterall. She dwelt on the moment back at the office; she had been lost in his eyes once again; she needed to focus else she was going to lose her job one of these days. ‘Focus Mandy’ she stared at the bunny that sat next to her in the car. Greg’s car was the sleekest she had ever seen; it smelt of expensive fragrance; it shone like it had been polished a hundred times; and it looked really expensive. She had just tended to the first chore on his long list and the day was almost gone; she fetched her phone and checked it briefly. Alex had sent her a text asking her to meet up; her mother had left to visit one of their neighbors and the last one was what she really needed right now. Nathan had asked if she was free to hang out. ‘Oops, I totally forgot, but I am set. We are going to enjoy this date together’ she said to the rabbit. And then she thought to herself ‘You should have a name beauty, you really should, and it would make our relationship easier’. ‘Maybe I should call you Lucy’ she winked at the creature and ignited the car.
15 Apr 2019 | 05:18
Episode 35 Greg’s eyes were fixed on the clock the whole time; her number wasn’t reachable each time he called and he was anxious? Had something bad happened to her? If she was hurt, he would never forgive himself. ‘Is she back yet’? He rose to his feet as Gwen walked into his office. ‘No sir, but I think you should relax, it’s not easy finding a brown chinchilla’ the sarcasm that dripped from Gwen’s voice didn’t go unnoticed but he chose to ignore her. ‘Find her. Track my car’ he gave an order. ‘I am on it’ she rushed to her system. While Gwen was on it, his mind replayed the scene at the hospital; the doctor seemed fake and her positions and observations were ridiculous. Wendy was obviously very desperate for marriage; he could see that now. As he was contemplating on the best way to ditch her, Morgan walked in wearing a frown. ‘What’s with the face’? Greg asked. ‘We found nothing dirty’Morgan replied. ‘Shit’! Greg ran his fingers through his hair, this meant that his father had won. ‘Hell no, he started this but I’ll finish’ he grunted. ‘But there’s something interesting I found’ Morgan began… ‘Let me hear it’ Greg couldn’t wait to hear the news. ‘It seems Trudy is dating Nathan’ Morgan announced. ‘That’s not possible, they don’t even know each other’ Greg scoffed, his blonde girlfriend couldn’t possibly be going out with his brother. ‘Here’s what we found, we searched extensively for Nathan, we found this picture on her timeline, and she tagged him to it’ Morgan showed his friend a picture of Nathan and Trudy kissing in a park. ‘This is not California’ Greg noticed the atmosphere. ‘Yes, it’s New York, it seems your brother might have met her first before you did’ Morgan suggested. ‘Well, she is a slut and isn’t going to help me get Nathan; I need something dirty; Trudy is not dirty’ Greg felt stuck in a cage; he was terrified there was no way out of it. ‘I don’t know Greg, but I’ll keep searching; my team are working on it’ Morgan assured him. ‘I found her’ Gwen rushed into the office. ‘Found who’? Morgan glared at his friend. ‘Long story buddy, I’ll be back’ Greg rushed out of his office. ‘There you are princess and who is that little honey with you’ Nathan forced a smile, he wasn’t a fan of pets. He hated them. ‘Meet Lucy, Lucy meet Nathan’ Amanda smiled as she made the introductions. ‘Nice meeting you Lucy’ Nathan cringed on the inside when he touched the animal’s fur. ‘So, how are you Nathan? Sorry I got your message late, I have really been busy’ Amanda followed him into the restaurant, she had parked Greg’s car safely in the lot. All she yearned for now was ice cream and a shoulder to lean on. She needed someone to confide in aside Alex, she had complained enough to Alex, and she felt Alex needed space. ‘Not a problem, I’ll always wait for you, anytime anyway’ Nathan winked. ‘So tell me about you briefly’ he asked. ‘Amanda Atkins; I am schooled at Humboldt University; I am working now to save up; my father is later, so it’s just I and my mother and my boss is the meanest person ever’ she sighed. ‘Really? Tell me about him’ Nathan appeared to be interested but deep down all his thoughts centered on fucking her from behind and pulling all her blonde curls off her head’ his fantasies faded as he realized that her blonde was gone. ‘Hello? Nathan’? Amanda shifted uncomfortably; he was staring at her too long, like he was hypnotized. ‘What happened to your hair Mandy’? Nathan’s voice was stern, his green eyes lacked emotion. ‘Well, my boss doesn’t like blue eyed blondes; I just really wanted us to get along’ she replied. ‘Who the hell is your boss? Sounds like he is a real piece of shit’ Nathan swore loudly. Blood tweaked her cheeks as she realized people looked towards their table ‘Nathan it’s okay, I am fine with this hair now. I look better in it’. ‘No you don’t. You’re ugly’ he bit his lip. ‘Excuse me’? She felt bad he would use such a word on her. ‘I am sorry Princess, I didn’t meant to, I am also having a bad day too; my half brother hates me so much; he accused me before our father’ Nathan sought for her pity. She noticed the glimmer of tears in his emerald eyes as he spoke of his mean half brother. ‘He told my dad I take drugs and that ruined our relationship’ he said. ‘Oh my God, that is such a cruel thing to do. I am so sorry Nathan’ she reached out and rubbed his hands. He loved the touch of her delicate skin; he loved the silkiness of it; he yearned to run his tongue on her bare flesh. She was his princess. She was his love. His eyes settled on her plump lips and he decided to tell her how he felt by adoring her alluring lips with his’. In a swift moment, Nathan leaned forward and bruised her lips with his’. Fear gripped her as he kissed her in the open and without her permission; she tried to break free but his hands had encircled her. ‘Get off me Nathan’ she struggle but his hands were too powerful for her to run free. But at the drop of a familiar baritone, Nathan released her at once and when she looked up, she found Greg staring at them both darkly. Her heart stopped as his fiery gaze seared her into pieces and yet she was still alive. ‘Greg’? Nathan was surprised to see him there. ‘Let’s go’ Greg ignored Nathan and turned to Amanda. ‘I am sorry sir, I didn’t meant…’Amanda tried to explain but he offered her that dark look and she kept her mouth shut. ‘Wait, are you going with him’? Nathan trailed behind him. ‘I am sorry Nathan’ she slid into the car next to Greg. Tears filled his eyes as he watched his princess walk away; what relationship did she have with Greg? He had seen the way they looked at each other; were they dating? A jealous rage filled him and he decided to speak to Trudy on his plans concerning Greg.
15 Apr 2019 | 05:21
Wow interesting
15 Apr 2019 | 12:06
i like where this story is heading to
15 Apr 2019 | 13:24
hmmm no bi small trouble, Amanda u are in btw these two brothers an I believe u didn't know they knew each other
15 Apr 2019 | 16:19
Oya, fire on
15 Apr 2019 | 16:51
Two to one. The fight will be an interesting one
15 Apr 2019 | 17:15
Episode 36 The ride back to the office had been awfully quiet; Greg couldn’t regain from the shock of her kissing another man, his brother. He had sent her on an errand and she had spent the whole day hanging out with her lover. He felt jealous for no reason; he questioned his own heart, but there weren’t any answers. ‘I am really sorry sir, it’s not what you think; I found it difficult to get a brown chinchilla, that’s what killed my time the whole day’ Amanda broke the silence with another round of explanation. Greg said nothing to her; he still wondered why her kissing another affected him that much. ‘Keep the bunny’ those were the last words he spoke to her before leaving the car. He realized that he felt pained someone was able to have free access to those lips he craved for yet could never have. He could never have her; she was his employee and that rule as never going to change. There was only one way to end this all; he didn’t understand himself anymore and everything begun when Amanda had walked into his office. ‘Sir…’ she rushed after him with the caged bunny. ‘Here’s your change’ she handed him some dollar notes. ‘Keep the change and don’t ever come back here’ Greg said in a cold stone, he walked briskly towards his office, afraid that he may change his mind but that was the best thing to do. He had many battles to fight; he had a lot of things on his plate; a distraction like Amanda was what he needed least. ‘I don’t understand’ tears welled up in her eyes as she watched him walk away. It didn’t hurt her that she had just been fired; it hurt her that his voice was so cold; that his eyes were so distant; and that she was completely unnoticed in his world. It was just like a bad dream that Greg had fired her; so many thoughts ran through her mind; was it because he found Nathan kissing her? or was it because she had bought a white bunny instead of a brown one? ‘Mandy, are you okay’? Her mother noticed she was picking her food, bit by bit. ‘I am fine Mom, I need to go see Alex, I’ll be back soon’ she pushed her plate aside as she had no appetite. ‘Alright, be good’ her mother beckoned her for a kiss. It hurt so much that Greg’s hatred would spur him to fire her; it was worse because she had grown to like him. First, he’d stashed her nuts in a trash basket, given her a long list to work with and now he’d fired her. ‘Knock, knock’ she rapped on Alex’s door. Her mind went back to the date with Nathan and she summed it as the worst date ever; the guy was creepy and she decided she didn’t want anything to do with him. ‘Come on in’ Alex welcomed her in. ‘Okay, join me’ she had been busy with a lot of ice cream. ‘Alex…is this about…’ Amanda was sure she was eating a lot of ice cream because of the break up. ‘It’s okay, you can say his name’ Alex encouraged her and she did: ‘Morgan’? ‘I thought it would be so easy to get over him at first, but now, I can’t go through my day without thinking about him’ her voice cracked and fresh tears rushed down her cheeks. Amanda was really curious as to why Alex broke up with Morgan, but she decided that was not her call. ‘So enough about me, you don’t look fine, is your mum okay’? Alex asked, concern written all over her face. ‘Um, yea she is’ her eyes brimmed. ‘Mandy? It’s okay you can tell me everything’ Alex squeezed her hands. ‘Greg fired me’! she yelled and burst into tears. ‘Wait, that’s not possible, you only just started working with him, tell me, what really happened’? Alex was baffled. Greg couldn’t fire her; she had sacrificed her relationship so Amanda could have this job; now she had lost it, it meant she had broken up on Morgan for nothing. ‘I don’t know Alex, but he caught I and Nathan kissing and maybe that pissed him off because it was during work hours’. ‘You kissed Nathan’? Alex didn’t see that one coming. ‘More like he kissed me, he forced his lips on me; that is the worst date ever’ she narrated her ordeal with the green eyed freak. Alex couldn’t help but laugh, Nathan had seemed so charming and filled with promise, but hearing about the forced kiss thing, she wasn’t really thrilled about him anymore and decided to warn her friend. ‘Stay away, sounds like a creep to me’ Alex warned. ‘I don’t know what to do, he gave me such a long list to work with, and I could only achieve one thing on it; he stashed the pistachio nuts into a trash basket; he didn’t even noticed my new hair color’ tears rushed down her face. Her ego was bruised; he’d humiliated her; raised her hope and crashed it. She felt nervous as she thought of all the bills she had to pay, where would she start from now? ‘You know, it’s really hard to believe that same guy apologized for sending me and obscene note; he’d seemed so sweet, turns out he is a real monster’ Amanda said, with her heart tingling in an odd way as she thought about him. ‘I don’t know what to make out of all these’ Alex sighed, she was a bit scared though, had Morgan told Greg the truth? That Amanda never apologized? Was this the reason he was acting up? ‘And I really liked that job, made a new friend. I feel so hurt and scared’ Amanda’s blue eyes narrated all her pain. ‘It’s okay, I’ll make sure you have your job back’ Alex patted her shoulder. She was going to see Morgan’ talk to him; beg him. Hell, she could even locate Greg himself but first she needed to make sure that her friend was okay. ‘How do you plan to do that? The way I see it, Greg is a strong willed person; I just wished he’d told me the reason he was firing me, and you know what? He gave me the bunny? Who does that’? She threw her hands in the air. ‘Wow, that’s beautiful’ Alex couldn’t help but smile as she stared at the picture of the bunny. ‘What’s her name’? She asked. ‘Lucy, mum is taking care of her; she absolutely adores Lucy’ Amanda smiled. As they were still speaking, her phone buzzed and she fetched it. ‘What’s that’? Alex noticed her stunned expression. ‘Greg just gave me a lot of money, this would definitely last me for more than six months, I don’t understand why he is doing this’ Amanda gave Alex the phone. ‘Seriously? That’s a whole lot, it should be your salary’ Alex was sure of this. ‘Still, it’s too much; this is like a pity party and I hate pity. I don’t really get him’ Amanda threw the phone on the bed and decided the first thing she would do when morning came was to match into his office and give him a piece of her mind.
16 Apr 2019 | 05:03
Just take it easy
16 Apr 2019 | 12:07
Amanda u an this ur boss ,u guys should better tell each other how u feel an stop the drama na
16 Apr 2019 | 20:06
Even when the two brothers are in competition of who will take over their empire. Somethings are becoming clearer about the two brothers. There's more to their love lives.
17 Apr 2019 | 09:05
At first, greg was like the bad guy that can never fall in love. With the presence of mandy in beecroft, greg couldn't control his feelings for mandy anymore even when he hadn't told her about this feelings.
17 Apr 2019 | 09:12
Nathan started like the most loving and caring among the two. His attitude was becoming clearer by the reviews of his heart and secret things about love in his heart. Looking like he's more desperate for the empire.
17 Apr 2019 | 09:22
Mandy has a lot to do with these two brothers. She's the one that knows the direction of the love in her heart. She's also having feelings for greg, just like greg did, she prefers greg and not nathan.
17 Apr 2019 | 09:32
Alex love for morgan and morgan's love for alex is still there, waiting for them to restore what they have shared among themselves. It wasn't really a good reason for them to be far away from their love.
17 Apr 2019 | 09:42
These feelings between mandy and greg can only get better when they say it out like they really love and felt. Trucy shouldn't be loving this way because she can still love another. Wendy on more pretense.
17 Apr 2019 | 09:56
Interesting times ahead..... Push it up!!!
20 Apr 2019 | 18:04
Episode 37 Maybe you should keep it, having a lot of money is not a crime, you earned it’ Alex encouraged. ‘No, I didn’t. I like to get things mainly through hard work, if there should be any bonus, it shouldn’t be like this’ she pointed at her phone. Alex was quiet for a while; she took in everything Amanda had told her from beginning. First, he had stashed her pistachio nuts in the basket and then given her a long list and then fired her. Was Greg trying to avoid her friend? Was Amanda doing something that he hated? ‘I think Greg is actually feeling guilty for firing you, that’s why he gave you this much money; I think he has been avoiding you, that explains the long list of things you were to do’ Alex aired her opinion. ‘And the firing’? Amanda wondered why Greg would want to avoid her. ‘Well, though extreme, I still fell he doesn’t want you around him for some reason; maybe you remind him of someone, I am not talking about Holly this time, she’d be too insignificant to have such a hold on him; maybe he was once in love with someone that looked like you and anytime you’re around him, it triggers the memories’ Alex suggested. ‘Well last I checked, I wasn’t his spec. I just feel very bad, I wish this feelings would go away’ she sighed. ‘I know what will make it go away, let’s party and drink’ Alex suggested. Months back, she would’ve declined but finding herself in this state was no longer funny. She needed to channel all the dark energy into something else. ‘I am up for it’ Amanda nodded. ‘Okay, let me get dressed’ Alex jumped to her feet and pulled open her wardrobe. ‘What are you doing’? Amanda noticed a package, similar to the one she had bought earlier, chemical dye. ‘I want to change my hair color too’ Alex winked. ‘Really to what’? Amanda’s hands caressed her black curls. ‘Blonde’ she winked. ‘Wow, that would be stunning, can I change mine too’? Amanda decided she didn’t want black anymore, she had had dyed her hair black to please Greg; now she no longer worked for him, she decided that she didn’t need any reminder of her job at Beecroft. ‘That would be cute! Let’s be blondes’ Alex cheered. ‘As you wish, your highness’ Amanda rolled her eyes. He had spent more than an hour admiring her lovely face; admiring her blue filled eyes and her sensuous plump lips. Absent mindedly, his hands touched the place where he had kissed her. He had never felt so much happier than now; he had finally kissed her and he yearned to do more. ‘Nathan’? Trudy crept up from behind and he quickly shut down his laptop. ‘Who was that’? She asked in a pained voice. ‘Just a distant cousin, I swear Trudy, I am not cheating’ he raised his hands in the air. ‘So how was it with Greg? Still working’? Nathan faced her. ‘Yes, but he is not returning my calls’ she said to him. ‘Then try harder’ he pressed a kiss on her face. ‘I need to gather evidence about him, so when our father finally sees the results, the evidence would back it up. I have to go now’ Nathan fetched the keys and made for the door. ‘You always leave; why don’t you spend some time with me’? Trudy complained, lately, Nathan had blocked her out completely and that wasn’t what she had hoped for in their relationship. ‘Just get Greg to drink the damn thing’ Nathan snapped at her. Tears ran down Trudy’s cheeks as she peered through the window; she wiped her face once he was far and fetched his laptop. He had a password for it, one she knew very well but had acted like she knew nothing about it. She quickly typed in the password and swallowed as she stared at the picture of a very pretty blonde. All her pictures had little notes written on it by Nathan; he proposed his undying love for her and for her golden hair. ‘Am I not good enough’? She ran her fingers through her own hair. ‘Princess Atkins’ she pronounced the name. There was something oddly familiar about her face, like she had met with the girl before, she had seen her somewhere. She wept and wondered why Nathan would choose this path; she had sacrificed many times for him, still she wasn’t good enough. ‘I can’t do this anymore’ she sobbed and shut down the computer.
22 Apr 2019 | 06:27
Episode 38 He had searched his house thoroughly for the mini sized picture of his mother that he always carried around; he’d checked his cars, his briefcases and there was nothing. ‘That would be later’ he relaxed on the bed. He felt like crap after firing Amanda; the truth was that he felt jealous when he had seen Nathan kissing her and she had seemed to enjoy it very much. He had sent her a lot of cash so she could use it up while looking for another job; she was a hard working person and deserved it. He wondered if his life would revert to “normal” now she was out of it; he hoped her face wouldn’t pop up in his mind while he tried to work on some papers because that would be the most frustrating thing ever. His phone beeped, he’d been expecting Morgan as the weekend had come and he favored Friday nights particularly. ‘Wendy’ he murmured her name. WENDY: Hi darling, you never called? You never checked up on I or your baby. GREG: Honey, I am so sorry, I was so damn busy; you know how work could get? WENDY: I am sorry for being too hard on you. GREG: So how is our sweet baby. WENDY: It’s going to be a girl, so I looked up names, you’ll have to find some names too. GREG: Yea, a girl? I totally adored baby girls. WENDY: Guess what I’d love us to call her? GREG: I am waiting… WENDY: Lucy. GREG: Oh my God, that would be such an honor. WENDY: Yes, she means so much to you and I don’t want her memory to be gone just liked that. GREG: I don’t know what to say, but I am really touched Wendy. WENDY: Say nothing. There’s something of utmost importance that I would love to discuss with you later. Now is not a good time. GREG: What’s it about? WENDY: Work. GREG: Just so you know, I fired Amanda. WENDY: That’s wonderful news. GREG: Yea, I have to run along now. WENDY: Bye love. Kisses. He realized this was the first time that he had really cared about her pregnancy and the child that she carried. It was very thoughtful of Wendy to have named the child after his late mother; it meant so much to him and at that moment, he made up his mind to be with her. Wendy was the mother of his child and he was going ahead with her. He had named a lot of things after her with the hopes of immortalizing her name; like the scholarship program that he had “LucyBee” and amongst other things. He checked his phone for other messages from Morgan but he found none. He heard the doorbell ring and he rushed to get it, he was very sure his best friend, Morgan had come for him. He walked swiftly to the door and pulled it open. Blood drained from his face as he stared at his younger brother. ‘What are you doing here, you little freak’? Greg’s eyes were cold and unwelcoming. ‘Stay away from my girlfriend you asshole, Amanda is mine for the records and nobody can take her away from me, because she is mine’ Nathan yelled. ‘I don’t really understand you, are you on some cheap coke? You just barged into my house and now you’re yelling at me? Last I checked, I never invited you over’ Greg replied. Anger coursed through him as he imagined Amanda and his half brother together. He felt jealous; he felt enraged. ‘Stay away from Mandy’ Nathan poked a finger at him. ‘Are you fucking kidding me’? Greg launched a punch at his face; he staggered and fell to the ground. ‘Now get the hell out of my house’ he pointed at the gate. ‘You’re such a mean person Greg and you got a lot of anger inside of you, you always act like you’re perfect but trust me, you’re far from it. ‘Whatever, just get out of my house’ Greg said. He didn’t feel any remorse for hitting his brother. Nathan was just one rude asshole and he needed to be put in place. ‘Hey buddy, I just saw Nathan walking away from here, what happened’? From the way Nathan bled, he knew they had a one on one. ‘Nothing, let’s go’ Greg flexed his fingers and then fetched his phone. ‘Tell me’ Morgan insisted. ‘If you tell me why you ended things with Alex, because you really seemed happy with her’ Greg had observed how relaxed his friend had looked the whole time he dated her. ‘Deal’ Morgan grinned. ‘I fired Amanda; I found her kissing Nathan during work hours and she got me so worried, which was so unprofessional’ he explained. ‘That is not enough reason to fire her; Greg…’ Morgan wondered why his friend had acted so impulsively. ‘Hey, don’t blame me, I paid her good money that should last her till she gets another job; I am not the mean person here’ Greg replied. ‘If I didn’t know you well, I’d say you like her and you felt jealous when you saw your brother kissing her’ Morgan was suspicious that this was the real case scenario. ‘Like her? She is not my type, I have taken my decision. Wendy is the woman for me’ Greg moved to the cellar and poured himself a glass of wine. ‘Really? Because she has been really sexy these days’ Morgan asked. ‘Can we stop talking about Amanda for a moment? Now tell me about Alex, why did you break up’? Greg asked. ‘Well, she lied to me about something and when I discovered it, it triggered some memories from my past relationship and I really felt hurt, but now I have been able to clear my head. I think I was overreacting and I feel deep down that I am still judging like she is my ex’ Morgan replied.
22 Apr 2019 | 06:30
Trudy he is just using u just move on with ur life
22 Apr 2019 | 06:40
I pity u Trudy,Nathan is just using u for Christ's sake.... Morgan,i think u r getting it all wrong,Alex isn't a liar as u think,she was just helping a friend!!!
22 Apr 2019 | 20:08
how are wish this Trudy will come an tell Greg the truth
23 Apr 2019 | 07:58
Episode 39 That’s a good one. Let me drink to that’ Greg poured himself another glass. ‘We have to go now, we would be late for the show’ Morgan stared at his watch. ‘Show? You said it was a lounge, where people drink and talk’ Greg said. ‘Of course, but there’s something special they’d be doing tonight. Are you still up for it’? Morgan asked. ‘Sure, let’s go’ Greg trailed after his friend. ‘So what crazy things do you hope to do tonight’? Morgan asked as he fired his engine. ‘Not getting drunk and ending up in the papers’ Greg winked and they both laughed. He noticed his phone was buzzing, he ignored it. Trudy was calling. ‘Hey, what if it’s important? Just saying’ Morgan noticed he ignored the call. ‘It’s not, just another distraction’ he replied. Minutes later, Morgan and Greg arrived the lounge; it was crowded with a lot of people; music blasted in the large hall; liquor flowed uncensored, this was going to be a perfect night for both guys. ‘Now that’s a lot of masks’ Greg noticed everyone in the lounge except himself and Morgan that had just come in, had masks on. ‘It’s a masque party’! Morgan yelled, the music was really loud. ‘Let me go over the bar and get us something to drink’ Morgan excused himself. ‘Excuse me sir, you need to wear a mask else you’ll be kicked out by those men over there’ one of the serving girls presented a plastic basket with a variety of masks. ‘Oh’ Greg’s mouth fell open as he glared at the huge bouncers. ‘I’ll pick the black one, it’s classy and gothic’ He fetched one for himself and one for Morgan. ‘Once again you’re welcome’ the masked face said to him. ‘Thanks, so what else is going to happen apart from us wearing masks and drinking’ Greg winked before putting his own mask on. ‘I don’t know, just have fun! Live in the moment’ she blew him a kiss and disappeared. ‘Hey, I see, you’re adapting’ Morgan slipped on his mask and handed Greg a drink. ‘What other choice do I have’? Greg replied. ‘Listen up everyone, let’s make a toast’…the music stopped as the owner of the lounge stood at the stage. ‘I have to get this, my father is calling’ Greg fetched his phone. ‘Okay, I’ll be waiting for you’ Morgan replied, his eyes was drawn to a slender blonde, her frame reminded him of Alex; maybe this was what he needed to get over the break up. He gulped the remains of his glass, tossed it aside on the nearest table and walked up to meet the blonde. ‘Hello baby, I am Morgan and you’? Amanda was lost in the thick crowd; she had never been to such a big party before; she had lost Alex as usual and now she was totally alone. ‘Damn’ she cursed as she was tired of dialing her number. Where the hell was Alex and why wasn’t she answering her call. She exhaled sharply and almost took off her mask but she refrained from doing so; it was one of the rules of the party. She decided to take some air outside; she needed to breathe; it was as hot as hell. Alex had lent her one of her clothes; the skimpy orange dress revealed the clear and smooth skin of her laps and bared the surface of her creamy breasts. With this mask, she became another person; she felt totally different, this was her alter ego and she had introduced herself to a couple of guys with the name, Diaz. She released a sharp breath as she stepped outside; her eyes were drawn to a desolate place in the arena; it was surrounded by a hedge of flowers and she decided to cool off there; till she found Alex. ‘What a beauty’ she breathed as she arrived the area. The air was cool; the wind was friendly; it seemed the flowery palace had been built from her; its separation from the main hall was very obvious. She settled on the grass and stared at the moon light; it was a clearly a romantic scenery; her taught wandered to her fantasies and she briefly wished Greg was right here to kiss her and make her dreams come alive. ‘Brute’ that’s what she called him, she still contemplated whether to accept or reject his overwhelming payment. She decided she would return some of it; she hated taking money without working for it. Her thoughts spiraled from Greg to the freaky Nathan and her friend who had abandoned her; she silently swore never to follow Alex to any party. Tired of covering her face, her hands went to the rope that kept the mask on her face; she was about to untie it when she heard light footsteps; the scent of this stranger was familiar but she pushed that aside and rose to her feet.
23 Apr 2019 | 15:36
Last episode of season one Greg had spoken with his father briefly about Nathan’s complains; he had responded by telling his dad how Nathan barged into his house and accosted him; it was not his fault but Nathan’s. His father still blamed him for hitting Nathan and had accused him of taking drugs; that did it, that accusation was the most hurting and had grossly affected his partying mood. He had withdrawn to the separated area with a hedge of flowers; he had come there to sit alone; to think of the next action to take but he was surprised to see someone there. He had wanted to take off his mask but he had decided to keep it. ‘Hello sexy’ his eyes ran over the hot brunette briefly, this was the distraction that he needed. ‘Hello handsome’ she replied in a sultry voice. There was a fire between them as they stared into each other’s eyes from their masks; silently weighing their options; kicking their thoughts. Her eyes were blue, he noticed. It reminded him of Amanda’s eyes. His eyes were brown, seductive, calling, it reminded her of Greg’s eyes. What if she took this moment and lost herself in it? What if she lived out her fantasy right there? To be honest, she knew she could never have a man like Greg; he had already pointed that out clearly; all she needed was a substitute. She had taken a little wine and for the first time; she felt slightly lightheaded and very bold as she ran her fingers on her bare chest. ‘Come on here and kiss me’ she called to the stranger. ‘Are you sure you really want that’? Greg was hesitant, he felt like kissing her pink lips right from the time he met her; everything about this brunette spoke of Amanda but maybe he was being paranoid. ‘I am sure darling’ she drawled. He moved towards her and took her delicate lips in his mouth; their softness was impeccable, almost unbeatable; her mouth was a sea of fruits and flowers; he delved in his tongue and deepened the kiss. Amanda loved the taste of his mouth; she imagined Greg kissing her in a field of flowers; she loved the way this stranger kissed her and this was her first kiss with any man. She felt a sweet ache in her belly and her legs felt like jelly. Blood rushed to his veins; he felt like doing more, making love to this hot brunette, right in this field of flowers; maybe this was the only way to get over Amanda forever. He didn’t need any distraction. He broke the kiss and she was startled; why did he stop the dance that gave her so much pleasure; but he didn’t, he was about to unleash raw passion on her. His lips moved to her earlobes and took them; ripples of pleasure coursed through her body as he licked her earlobes; she had never felt this sort of sensation before. It was oddly sweet and she liked it, she craved for more. ‘I want to make love to you’ Greg murmured. ‘Yes. Yes’ Amanda whispered in a rush, she imagined Greg asking her this same question. ‘Good’ Greg replied and was about to take off his mask but she stopped him. ‘I prefer it this way’ Amanda held his hands. She wanted him to appear as Greg and if he took the mask off, she would be faced with reality. No, she didn’t want reality tonight, she preferred her world of fantasy. Greg took off his shirt; his hands scooped her breasts and squeezed it gently. Amanda was amazed by his beautiful body; she ran her fingers all over his chest. Her lips parted into a moan as the stranger caressed her breasts. ‘Take off your clothes’ he commanded. She rose to her feet and peeled the orange dress from her body; she was nervous and afraid, this was going to be the first time for her. He gasped at the perfection of her body; her breasts were firm and perky; her skin was creamy; she was incredibly sexy with a pair of fine legs. Slowly, his hands unclasped her bra and her boobs fell free; immediately, he took one swollen nipple into his mouth and sucked it. Amanda couldn’t help but moan; she had never felt this kind of pleasure before; his free hand rubbed her back and gave her hips a squeeze and then he peeled her pants and slipped a finger into her. A finger into her core. ‘Aw…’ she moaned as his finger found her wet and ready at that sweet place. He was awed by the reception her body had given to him; he rubbed her knob and ran her juices over it. His rod grew in strength as she begun to moan and twirl her hips. ‘You’re killing me’ Amanda whispered. ‘Honey, I have not started’ Greg paused and released his rod from the shorts he wore. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at the hard and large pink rod; she licked her lips nervously and waited for the next action. Slowly Greg lay her on the cool grass; he gave her one slow and long kiss; and then parted her legs. ‘Are you sure you want to do this’? He still needed to be sure. ‘Yes’ Amanda replied, what was the point of waiting? He held his rod and directed it into the opening of her sugar well; she gasped at the pleasure she felt and then something happened. Everything changed. Pleasure became pain and passion became darkness. Greg had begun to ride her when he felt an obstruction ‘You are a virgin’? ‘Yes, please continue’ she groaned, it was painful but she would bear it to the end. She yearned for this experience. With all the strength he had in him; he dived in and out of her; he groaned as her tightness clasped his rod firmly and sent pleasure through his spine. It was a beautiful sight of two naked bodies in a garden; making love under the full glare of a thousand stars and one majestic moon. Amanda’s groan heightened as the pain was quickly replaced with maddening pleasure; this was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted. He increased his pace as he noticed she was about to release; together they moaned; together they found their place on the apex of the pleasure mountain; together they released. ‘Greg’ that was the name that escaped her lips as she came. He was immersed in pleasure but he wasn’t deaf. Did she call his name? ‘Take off your mask’ he begun to untie the ropes that bound his’. Amanda noticed a change in him; she obeyed nevertheless. As their masks both came off; their eyes were glued to each other. Tears welled up in Amanda’s eyes as she realized her fantasies had come to life; Greg had made love to her! He had taken her virginity. ‘Amanda’? Greg was stunned. How could he have not known? ‘I love you Greg, I’ve always wanted this’ she reached out to stroke his face but he stopped her and rose to his feet. ‘What is it’? She swallowed and slipped into her dress. ‘I am sorry Amanda, this was a mistake’ Greg fetched his phone and hurried away from her, he had chosen Wendy and there was no turning back. He needed to fix a date for his marriage to Wendy; he had failed her this once, he wouldn’t do it again. He would get married to her on his thirty first birthday. ‘No,it’s not’ her voice was shaky, still unsure of what had happened but the echo of his voice wouldn’t let her be. “I am sorry Amanda, this was a mistake”. To be continued
23 Apr 2019 | 15:40
It wasn't a mistake, you were destined to be together
24 Apr 2019 | 03:15
24 Apr 2019 | 09:42
These feelings can't be wrong, this hot sex can't be wrong. It started from the office to their unknown faces and later knew their faces. Their coming together again through sex looks like something more is coming.
24 Apr 2019 | 12:27
Now that greg is beginning to feel love with the presence of mandy. It will be much better for him to ignore the unknown pretense and deceit from wendy. Alex and morgan had led mandy and greg to have fun but they had sex.
24 Apr 2019 | 12:38
Now that nathan's cover has been blown by trudy, she may come up with surprises that wasn't expected. Nathan got a bloody blow because of his immaturity and the rude way he approached without asking.
24 Apr 2019 | 12:49
Season two, To be continued....
24 Apr 2019 | 12:57
Like the super epic story...... Hope she won't b pregnant in the near future
24 Apr 2019 | 16:32
mistake indeed!
24 Apr 2019 | 17:33
lets see how it turns out
24 Apr 2019 | 17:34
nice story
24 Apr 2019 | 17:35
keep it rolling
24 Apr 2019 | 17:36
24 Apr 2019 | 17:37
I don't think is a mistake,thy call it love , waiting for season two bec I no this is not the end
24 Apr 2019 | 18:47
waiting for season two
24 Apr 2019 | 18:58
So u guys just had sex abi? Na well done oo!!!
24 Apr 2019 | 20:40
Episode 1 ‘I am starting to believe the things you told me about your brother; drug addiction could make people to act and react violently’ Silas administered first aid to his younger son. Greg’s behavior troubled him greatly. ‘I told you dad, Greg is an addict. I’ll get you the evidence you need but I have something better’ Nathan’s green eyes gleamed wickedly. ‘I don’t understand’ Silas paused and stared at him. ‘Here, I found some files, Greg has been stealing from the company’ Nathan fetched a file from his bag and gave it to his dad. ‘That’s not possible, your brother has served Beecroft for over ten years, there has been no complaint’ Silas took the files and flipped through them. ‘What if he shared part of the money with the board of executives? Do you think they would’ve complained then’? Nathan asked. Silas was fed up as he ran his eyes over the papers. Greg’s signatures were all over them; he was misappropriating funds. ‘Get ready Nathan, soon Beecroft shall be yours’ Silas rose to his feet, he needed to speak with his lawyers. ‘Way to go dad’ Nathan smiled. He had enough plans for Greg; if Trudy ever failed on their first plan, many more were coming. Greg would never get out of this one, the papers all had his signature on them; it was a 100% credible. She watched as he walked away, all her strength failing her; the wine slowly faded from her brain and left her to reality, what had she done? ‘Mandy, come over here’! Alex called to her after the party was over. ‘Where have you been? Sorry I missed your calls; I have a lot to tell you, where have you been by the way’? Alex spoke in a rush, she seemed very excited. ‘Um, I just left to take some air, these masks could be very suffocating’ Amanda threw hers on the floor. ‘Of course, and they could lead to great things’ Alex winked. ‘I don’t understand’ Amanda flushed, she wondered if her friend could tell that she had just had her first sex. ‘Let’s get to the car, I’ll tell you everything’ Alex dragged her along, but all she could focus on was Greg and the words he had spoken to her. ‘What happened’? Amanda tried to push him away from her thoughts. ‘I met Morgan, we kissed’ Alex’s brown eyes bubbled. ‘Really? How? Did you know he was coming? Was that why we came here’? Amanda raised her brow. ‘Um, no! It was just a coincidence, maybe we are meant to be together’ Alex replied. She had dyed her hair blonde; she guessed that was the reason Morgan had not recognized her at all; he’d walked up to her and kissed her briefly; she knew the taste of her mouth; she knew the smell of him; the unique and rare fragrance and that was how she knew he was the one that kissed her. He felt it too. He’d equally taken his mask off after the kiss. ‘So? After the kiss? What else happened’? Amanda asked. She wondered if Alex had sex just like she did. ‘Um, nothing. We took a drink and just talked, but I just feel so happy right now; I still like him and he wants us to go on a date to talk about our feelings for each other’ Alex explained. ‘Really? That would be great. I am happy you are happy’ Amanda laughed, but the laugh didn’t reach her eyes. It was a hollow sound, one that lacked spirit. ‘Yes’ Alex smiled, she watched her friend closely, something was off. ‘Are you okay Mandy’? Amanda drew a deep breath and decided she could never tell Alex what had transpired between her and Greg. Alex would be so disappointed and that was the least thing she needed. ‘I am fine…it’s just the alcohol, makes my belly squirm’ Amanda replied. ‘Oh? You took a drink? There you go girl! That’s your first time and take this from me, you’re holding it fine’ Alex chuckled. She now understood why her friend was acting that way; she was happy Amanda had a good time. ‘Yea, can we go now, I don’t want my mother to die of worry’ Amanda winked. ‘Sure’ Alex slid the key into the ignition and fired the car. **** Alex was the least person he had expected to see at the lounge; he never knew blonde looked that good on her. He relished their kiss and yearned all over for it. He had been too hard on her, that’s why he had asked her on a date, so he could apologize and they could talk about their feelings for each other. ‘Why are you so quiet man? What did your father say to you’? Morgan noticed Greg had been awfully quiet since they returned from the party. ‘I am fine’ Greg replied tightly. ‘No you are not, what is it’? Morgan repeated. He could read Greg like a book. ‘I don’t know really, maybe it’s the fact that I hate masks and you tricked me into going to a mask party’ Greg replied. ‘So you’re pissed with me? How was I supposed to know that it would be a mask party? I was as surprised as you’ Morgan rose towards the cellar and fetched himself a bottle. ‘A little’ Greg replied. His mind dwelled on what had transpired between himself and Amanda at the club; that was the best sex he had ever had but he felt badly about it. She was a virgin and he had taken advantage of that. ‘Greg? Come over here’ Morgan called across. ‘What is it? My legs feel like Jelly, I don’t feel like walking’ Greg fired at him. ‘Hey bro, I am serious’ Morgan repeated. ‘Yea, what is it’? Greg moved towards his friend. Morgan had reached the cellar to fetch himself something relaxing, only to find pieces of broken bottles and liquor that spilled on the marble floor.
25 Apr 2019 | 02:36
How Have I missed this
25 Apr 2019 | 03:22
I dey your back
25 Apr 2019 | 05:31
25 Apr 2019 | 13:13
Greg, u have a devil for a brother
25 Apr 2019 | 14:11
hmmm ur brother is planning serious evil against you,may God help u
25 Apr 2019 | 16:08
Episode 2 Look’ Morgan pointed at the mess. Greg was surprised at first, he didn’t remember breaking any bottles by mistake, this was strange. ‘Do you have cameras in your house’? Morgan asked. ‘No, I don’t need them’ Greg replied. Honestly, he felt people that had cameras were living in fear. ‘What? That’s dangerous’ Morgan was flabbergasted on hearing this. Greg was a powerful and wealthy personality and had a lot of competitors in the software business, what if they tried to attack him in one way or the other? ‘I don’t understand why you’re asking, I guess this happened during my fight with Nathan’ Greg stared at the broken pieces. ‘Or someone must have broken into your apartment while we were at the lounge’ Morgan countered his argument. ‘Wow, you see? That’s why I don’t like cameras, you’re just afraid. No one broke into my house, no one ever has. Besides, how would they access my security codes’? Greg snorted. ‘That happens all the time, you don’t need to rely on the codes; someone that really wants you down could go a long way’Morgan replied. ‘And this someone would be’? Greg raised his brow, he had never experienced any burglary attack, so he found it believe someone must have broken into his house. ‘I don’t know’Morgan shrugged. ‘Don’t worry friend, I would be fine’ Greg reassured him. The night rolled by quickly, in a rush, morning flooded the skies and everything was brightness. Greg was a the head of a business empire and that meant he was a very busy man. ‘I need coffee’ he said to Gwen and rushed into his office. He was having a very important meeting with the board of directors today and he needed to be alert; they were going to deliberate on the future of Beecroft Softwares. ‘I need my coffee Amanda…’! He yelled and paused as he realized he didn’t have a personal assistant anymore. ‘How hard is this going to get’? Greg released a sigh and moved towards the window. The harder he tried, the worst it got; she had found a permanent place in his heart and that troubled him greatly. He was a very self determined person who knew what he wanted and what he wanted was Wendy. ‘Here is your coffee and good morning’ Gwen walked in with a tray. ‘Thanks, get me the files from the Legal department’ he instructed. ‘Got it! What else’? Gwen stared at him. ‘I have not seen my Wallet, have you come across anything of that nature’? Greg asked. First, his mother’s picture was missing, he had placed it permanently in the car and it was nowhere to be found, now his wallet? If Gwen had not seen it, then his best bet was that he dropped it at the lounge and that meant disaster. ‘No Sir’ Gwen replied tightly What he saw in her eyes was unmistaken; she seemed pretty upset and uptight about something. ‘Is this about Ms. Atkins’? He corrected himself. ‘Not really, maybe it is a little about the fact that I am tired of making coffee. I am your secretary and not your waitress’ Gwen replied. One thing was this: though Greg had a commanding personality and a domineering aura, she wasn’t scared of telling him her mind. ‘Oh? So it is about Ms. Atkins’ Greg dropped his coffee and focused on her. ‘She was really good and needed this job badly; are you aware that her mother is dyslexic? She is the only one fending for them both; paying the bills, feeding them both; it’s not fair that you fired her over a mere kiss’ Gwen replied.‘The person you should blame is your crazy brother Nathan, he kissed her, she didn’t kiss him’ she added. Nathan had come by the office after Greg had left for home, Gwen had totally ignored him; he wanderedaround the company till he was tired and left. ‘Get out’ Greg scowled. Gwen felt better that she had spoken her mind; Amanda didn’t deserve to get fired. Suddenly, all the walls he’d put up since childhood, since the time he lost his mother came crashing down; guilt washed over him as Gwen told him all about Amanda. He realized why she had been so dedicated to her job; he had never tasted that part of life and he felt horrible for firing her. But what was he supposed to do? She was getting in the way of his job, thoughts of her distracted him for work, Wendy, the mother of his child and his wife to be. There was only one way to amend this, and he was going for it. ‘Come in’ he spoke in a gruff voice. There was a knock on his door; it had to be his loud mouthed Secretary who had a strong loathing for coffee making. ‘Hello there…’Trudy walked in a very tight and revealing dress. ‘What are you doing here’? Greg rose to his feet. ‘Honey…I have missed you, I need you…right now’ the words dripped from her lips like honey from the comb. *** She couldn’t get over the sweet words Greg had spoken to her the night before; this was really working; her love for him grew in strength. She was going to be the mother of his child and his wife and there was no stopping her. He had fired Amanda and that made her feel more relaxed; now all of his focus was on her and her child. ‘You seem very happy this morning, care to share’? Elena watched her daughter’s face closely. ‘Yes. Greg said he would fix a date, so I am going by his office so we could have a little discussion on what we both want’ she replied. ‘That’s so beautiful daughter, I am so proud of you’ Elena planted a kiss on her baby’s head. ‘You know, I think naming the child after his mother really pleased him; I can’t wait for that wedding Ma! E.TV is going to cover it’ she clapped her hands excitedly. ‘Um, and Vogue or Elle too, I want my daughter’s wedding to be the best thing that ever happened to California’ Elena beamed. ‘It’s finally happening! I can’t hold my excitement back’ Wendy replied. Elena’s eyes strayed to Wendy’s knuckles, they were bruised. ‘What happened’? She lifted her hands. ‘Um, nothing, just an abrasion, wall’s to blame’ Wendy snatched her hands away and grinned. ‘Okay, be more careful next time, I don’t want Lucy to get hurt’ Elena blew her a kiss. ‘Where are you off to mom’? Wendy called after her. ‘Finding you a wedding planner’! ‘Go well mother’ Wendy’s eyes glowed darkly, she fetched the file that sat next to her and threw it in the trash bin. She had no need of it anymore, she had established a new plan. ‘So here we go’ she applied another coat of lipstick, fetched her bag and left the house. It was time to set her plan in motion.
26 Apr 2019 | 03:56
Planning just because of Greg
26 Apr 2019 | 04:37
So what cud Dis plan be? I really pity Greg oo,hmmmmmm!!!
26 Apr 2019 | 07:09
Wendy will meet Greg Banging Trudy
26 Apr 2019 | 17:49
Episode 3 ‘Where would you like to go Ma’m’? She had waved a cab down. ‘That address’ Wendy offered him a piece of paper. ***** Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably; she couldn’t get over what had happened the night before. She had just lost her virginity to the man she desired and he told her everything that happened was a mistake. He had kissed her so passionately; he clung to her body like his life depended on it; his touch was sweet and delighting and she didn’t want it to end. He had torn her veil and exposed her to the world of sinful pleasure. Even as she cried, she thought about the way he made her feel; he yearned for his hands all over her body. ‘Mandy! It’s morning, aren’t you going to work today’? Her mother knocked on her door. ‘I’ll be out soon, can you give me some time’? Amanda quickly wiped her face and straightened on the bed. ‘Sure, meanwhile, Lucy is hungry, I am really loving her though’ her mother said. ‘That’s nice mother, but Lucy isn’t really mine, I’ll be taking it back to the owner’ Amanda informed her mother. She fetched a mirror and stared at her face; it was puffy from crying and sobbing; she needed to take Lucy back to Greg and everything that reminded her of him. ‘I can’t wait to see your face, you have a lot of explaining to do’ her mother wheeled away. She didn’t offer a response; instead she ran her fingers over her face and her brown hair. ‘This is not me, this is not who I am’ she sighed. She was going to take back her God given hair color, she was blonde and blue eyed and there was no shame in that. Her phone beeped and she fetched it, she guessed Alex had called to check up on her. Her best friend would probably think she was having a hangover and she had called to offer tips on how to get over it. Her heart raced as she saw his name; she inhaled sharply. ‘Son of a …’ she trailed off. Greg had just transferred half a million dollars into her account, was this still part of her supposed salary? ‘Are you okay in there’? The woman had returned, she heard her daughter cursing. ‘Morning mother, there is an important matter I must attend to’ Amanda slipped on a dress and moved towards the door. ‘What’s going on with you Mandy, you’ve been acting strangely of late? Talk to me baby’ her mother wheeled next to her. Tears filled her eyes as she stared at the woman she had made a promise to; she broke that promise in the heat of passion and now she regretted it. She had given herself to a man who cared nothing about her; who had just objectified her by transferring such a huge amount of money into her bank account. Was he paying for the sex or what? Did he think she had sex with him because of money? ‘I am fine. Trust me, I got this’ Amanda replied, fetched the cage that contained Lucy and moved out. ‘I trust you. I hope you know what you’re doing’ Mrs. Atkins cried. What had just happened felt so familiar. When she had started dating Amanda’s father, she had begun to hide things from her mother; she had started drifting into her own world and that was how she had made a grave mistake of marrying an abusive man. She shuddered at the thought of her daughter towing the same path. ‘Talking helps, I hope you talk to me before you do something stupid’ Mrs. Atkins stared at Amanda’s childhood picture as she cried. Minutes later, there was a ringing. The doorbell cried. Who could that be? She wheeled towards the door in wonder, she wasn’t expecting anyone. ‘The door is open’ she yelled. Slowly, the barrier creaked and split open and she was faced with a very attractive redhead. ‘Hello good morning’ the lady paused. ‘Morning, can I help you’? Mrs. Atkins was sure she had never seen this face before. ‘More like, can I help you? Obviously you’re the one in the wheelchair’ Wendy scoffed and ran her eyes over the woman. ‘Excuse me? You don’t just walk in here and talk to me like that; I think you should leave’ Mrs. Atkins said firmly. ‘Cut the crap. I am looking for your daughter, Amanda’ Wendy decided she was at the right place as her eyes were fixed on Amanda’s picture on the wall. ‘Ma’m, you have to leave now, else I’ll call the police’ she threatened. ‘I’ll be quick, you see this man over here’? She fetched a photograph from her bag. ‘I guess you do, he is super rich and famous, so, I know your daughter has been fired; but I don’t trust her one bit, tell her to stay away from him else the consequences would be dire. Goodbye’ Wendy walked out with a hiss. Leaving the older woman terrified and perplexed.
27 Apr 2019 | 04:58
u are truly destined together
27 Apr 2019 | 09:10
greg u ve to follow ur heart nd nt ur situation
27 Apr 2019 | 09:12
wendy bitch fuck off
27 Apr 2019 | 09:24
Woow Wendy is something else,so full of herself!!!
27 Apr 2019 | 13:35
Wendy you're just stressing yourself
27 Apr 2019 | 15:31
Greg you're just stupid
27 Apr 2019 | 16:57
this Wendy is a big fool, what make her think by going to amanda house we help her?
28 Apr 2019 | 07:10
Wendy is just too desperate
28 Apr 2019 | 11:36
i hope your act of desperation pays off at last
28 Apr 2019 | 11:39
28 Apr 2019 | 11:41
No matter how adamant greg could be to the yearning of the love in his heart for mandy. That money is really necessary for mandy to take care of herself and mom. Mandy really need to accept it.
28 Apr 2019 | 13:26
Another necessary part is the waiting and yearning of the love in greg's heart for mandy. If mandy gets pregnant by that sexting with greg, then the issue will increase, waiting for his understanding for real love.
28 Apr 2019 | 13:40
In the same romantic mask night, there was a reunion between alex and morgan , that sounds better. Recently, trudy and nathan has been intruding like never before while wendy is becoming more rude.
28 Apr 2019 | 13:50
Episode 4 Morgan drummed his hands nervously on the table; he had changed his mind and rescheduled their date, it was now lunch and no longer dinner. ‘I thought you wouldn’t come’ his face brightened as Alex walked in a denim and a crop top that revealed her well shaped and sexy belly. ‘Why wouldn’t I? You’re so important to me’ Alex dropped a kiss on his lips and settled in a chair. She noticed he wasn’t relaxed. ‘Are you okay Morgan’? ‘Yes I am, I am really sorry for the way I reacted, it’s just that, my past experiences with women have not been very nice. I have been lied to, cheated on and I felt really hurt when I found out you had not told Amanda the truth. But I realize you were defending your friend and so was I, and maybe I overreacted and I am really sorry’ Morgan reached out for her hands, lifted it and planted a kiss on her fingers. Tears filled Alex’ eyes, she was really touched by his words; she had not understood why he had been so mad with such a trivial issue, but she understood where he was coming from now. ‘I get Morgan, I really get why you were so hurt. I thought I was doing what was best for Mandy, but at the long run, I realized if she doesn’t know the truth, that she may still harbor a little resentment of Greg and even have a bad image of him now especially now that he fired her’ Alex replied. ‘Are you saying you’re going to tell her the truth’? Morgan was surprised by the change in her. ‘Yes. She deserves to know it. Though I don’t like the way Greg fired her, I can’t make him be the bad guy in her eyes, I’ll tell her everything. I want to be happy Morgan and I felt this emptiness and loneliness when you were no longer with me. I want us to be totally honest with each other and I promise never to break your heart’ she cried. ‘It’s okay baby, I love you so much’ those were the words that flowed from his mouth; they flowed unhindered. And it was the first time he had spoken the words to her. She felt it. She felt the novelty of the words and she replied. Alex leaned forward, stared deeply into his eyes, when she found her answers; she sealed her love with a soft and slow kiss. ‘Excuse me Lady, your change’ the cab driver call out to her. ‘Keep it’ Amanda fired at him and rushed into the building. She was many things; poor, wretched, low class but she wasn’t a whore. Why did he transfer such a huge amount of money to her if he didn’t think her a wayward woman? ‘Mandy! Are you back’? Gwen was greatly excited to see her. ‘Not really, is he in’? Amanda bit her lip. ‘Sure, are you okay? You look really…brown’ Gwen grinned and settled on her hair. She had meant to say “angry and wild”, this wasn’t Amanda; something was off. ‘You can go in, he is alone’ Gwen nodded. ‘Thanks’ Amanda busted into his office without knocking and that was the first mistake she had made, she found him kissing another. A very curvy blonde. ‘Trudy’! Greg pushed her away, she had ambushed him. ‘Honey, you enjoyed that, why push me away now’? Trudy eyed him seductively, and then followed his eyes; there was someone else in the room. ‘I have seen you before’ Trudy stared at the girl; she had seen her once in the club and on Nathan’s computer. ‘You have to leave now Trudy’ Greg’s voice was stern. ‘Are you gonna call me baby’? Trudy winked and blew him a kiss. ‘Of course I am going to call you, now run along’ he waved. ‘Bye! Greg and you too’ she glared darkly at Amanda. ‘What are you doing here Ms. Atkins’? Greg avoided looking straight into her eyes. ‘Oh now I am Ms. Atkins? I see you are very good with women’ Amanda scoffed. He had made her feel so special the night before but now she saw who he truly was; a man- whore; whose drug was the venom of women. ‘Careful now, you no longer work here and so I could call the guards to throw you out’ Greg turned his back and faced the window. The sight of her morning face had unsettled him; it had broken every control that he had but he wouldn’t show it. He was strong; he was fearless and brute. He was Greg Beecroft, the C.E.O of the Beecroft Empire and he wouldn’t be unnerved by a silly girl. ‘I am a not a whore Greg’ she called his name. He liked the sound of “Greg” on her lips and what the hell was she talking about? ‘This is what I am talking about’ she walked towards him once he had swirled round her and their eyes melted together. His eyes were fire, browning confusion; he was lost. Her eyes were water, brewing, angry and relentless. ‘Why did you send this? Did you think I slept with you for money? Who do you think you are? You think because you were born with a golden spoon that you’re entitled to treat people like crap’? Tears filled her eyes, but she wouldn’t let them drop; she wasn’t weak and she would show him that. ‘I don’t need your money, take all of it. I don’t need your pity’ she said through clenched teeth and then dropped Lucy on his table. ‘What do you think you’re doing? Get this bunny out of my office’ Greg rushed and lifted the cage. Her words were like blade, they seared his flesh and tore his heart into tiny pieces; he felt horrible. He had not meant for her to feel that way when by sending her that much money; he realized he shouldn’t have fired her, maybe he should’ve gotten her an office that was very far from his’. He had sent the money out of guilt.
29 Apr 2019 | 03:57
Wendy is on her way coming
29 Apr 2019 | 07:31
Oh gosh! Getting more and more dramatic...loving it.
29 Apr 2019 | 10:06
Hmmmmmm Greg n Mandy,,, de end will justify de means!!!
29 Apr 2019 | 10:48
i love your reaction Amanda, show him that u are not a weak womanand a whore
29 Apr 2019 | 16:28
i am solidly behind you
29 Apr 2019 | 16:30
Hmm, nice one Amanda
30 Apr 2019 | 02:17
Episode 5 Watch me leave’ she replied and made for the door. ‘And for the records, last night was a mistake too, my finger is bigger than that thing in between your legs’ Amanda cursed and rushed out of the office before he could see her tears; leaving him perplexed by her outbursts. ‘Mandy, are you okay? What happened in there’? Gwen tried to stop her. ‘I’ll call you when I get home Gwen’ Amanda waved and rushed before anyone could see her tear filled eyes. ‘Hey Gwen, the meeting has been cancelled; I have to go now, watch this’ he dropped the bunny on her desk. ‘But…’! She had wanted to object, but one look at Greg’s angry face shut her up. ‘Yes sir’ she drew a deep breath and fetched the cage. His legs led him outside and just in time, he found her waiting for a cab. ‘Amanda’ he called her name and rushed to the spot where she stood. ‘What do you want Greg’? She took a few steps away from him. ‘Look, you misunderstood me; I sent you that money because I felt bad for firing you; it has nothing to do with last night. I don’t usually say this, but I am sorry about last night and I am sorry you felt I objectified you. You are a hardworking person and you deserve the money; except of course, you want to repay me by taking back your job’ Greg said to her. You are reading DavinaDiaries Fiction:Hidden Passion Ep5 Tears brimmed her eyes as she stared at him; she had not seen this coming; she had not even seen Greg as the type of man that could apologize; well except for the obscene note issue. ‘Are you saying you want me back at the office’? Her voice was husky with emotion. ‘Yes. I am really sorry for everything. I hope we can still remain as professional as before’ Greg said, giving their affair previously. ‘Of course! Yes, I will be professional’ Amanda nodded. Whatever that meant, she was very glad that she had gotten her job back; at least she wouldn’t have to go through the pain of telling her mother all about it. ‘Good’ Greg replied. His brown eyes were focused on her blue and it took him great effort to resist himself from kissing her again. She could feel it again; that fire; that glow that emanated from their stare. How would she work with the man she had slept with in the same office? It was really going to be hard. He wanted to do right by Wendy, no doubt; she was the mother of his child now; but those looking into her sea of blue, he found tranquility, it seemed her eyes answered all the questions that ever plagued his mind. It was swift but deliberate; it was quick and determined. Greg launched himself forward and bruised her gentle lips with his’. Her eyes widened in surprise as she had not seen that coming; she had wanted to struggle at first, but the spice of his mouth drugged her, glued her and she found herself desiring him at that moment. Images of his love making flashed through her mind as he deepened the kiss. Right there in the open streets, Greg kissed her; he was no longer the Beecroft regal; all his armor and gold was stripped off; he was bare, a man who loved the lips that he tasted; focused and unaware of the passers-by and those who had just arrived. The buzzing of her phone riveted her back to reality and tore them apart. ‘I am sorry I kissed you. That was not supposed to happen’ Greg was confused, what had gotten into him? ‘I…I Amanda stuttered but words had fled her and she was left alone in the open streets, only then did she find six pair of eyes glaring darkly at her. ‘Nathan’ she took a deep breath as he approached her. ‘Greg! Stop right there’ Wendy called after him. Silas Beecroft was appalled by the scene he’d watched minutes ago; why was Greg bent on ruining the good name of the company? ‘Why did you let him kiss you’? Nathan’s face was red with rage. ‘I…I have to go’ she felt ambushed. ‘No, you stay right here; why did you kiss my brother? He is brute and mean and doesn’t deserve you’ Nathan spewed. ‘Greg? Greg is your brother’? Her eyes widened. ‘Yes, princess; but you can’t be with him, he is not the man for you’ Nathan said. Her eyes were questioning and afraid, she was sure of what she felt for Greg. It was undiluted love and raw passion. ‘Because I am your new boss’ Nathan replied, planted a kiss on her face and walked away. ‘Hell no’ Amanda’s lips shook. What was Nathan talking about?
30 Apr 2019 | 04:00
On a cross road
30 Apr 2019 | 06:16
Her new boss? How manage
30 Apr 2019 | 08:32
New boss, how?
30 Apr 2019 | 09:01
why is it that most times u wouldn't be caught doing the right thing, but when u are doing the wrong thing especially when it is your first time?
30 Apr 2019 | 15:18
Greg is in a real fix
30 Apr 2019 | 15:19
waiting 4 d nxt episode
30 Apr 2019 | 15:22
Omg i pray it isnt wat am tinkx
30 Apr 2019 | 15:28
her new boss,but how?
30 Apr 2019 | 17:17
Episode 5 Silas and Nathan trotted into the building, living Wendy and Greg to sort themselves. ‘Greg! I can’t believe this, you told me you had fired her, what was that bitch doing here’? Wendy almost clawed his throat. ‘We can do this here Wendy, you don’t want us to be on the news, so let’s go talk in my office’ Greg dragged her along. She felt deeply hurt that he would kiss Amanda; it means he was still cheating and unrepentant. Once they reached his office, he shut the door and pulled her in. ‘I am sorry Wendy, it was a mistake; I swear I wanna be with you and our child; I want us to be happy’ Greg apologized. ‘I can’t accept that, how do I know you aren’t lying to me’? Wendy asked. ‘Um, I have fixed a date for our wedding, on my birthday, we would get married’ he announced, hoping this would quench the fire he’d ignited by kissing Amanda. ‘Are you serious’? Wendy jumped on her feet. She was extremely excited. ‘I need to call my mother, so she can kick off the wedding plans’ Wendy fetched her phone and then stopped. This was the time to pay Amanda back in her own coin. ‘How much do you know about Amanda’? She asked Greg. ‘Um, fifty percent? I know that she is hardworking for one, what’s that’? He asked. ‘Okay, I know I wasn’t supposed to look her up but I did; from the first time I set eyes on her, I felt this dark energy emanating from her…’. ‘Get to the point Wendy’ Greg was getting impatient, he wondered why his father had come. ‘I found out that she has some mental health challenge; I even have a photocopy of her history, but I left it at home’ Wendy said. ‘And’? Greg wondered where this led. ‘She is a kleptomaniac Greg, you need to be careful around her. Kleptos are not to be trusted, you know that right’? She asked. ‘Are you saying that she has light fingers’? Greg adjusted his tie. ‘Yes. Just be careful, you may notice things missing from your office, just know she took them; they’re like addicts, but their drug is stealing. I have to go now, see you later baby’ she placed a kissed on his shocked face. She realized that her works affected him the way she desired. ‘Thanks Wendy’ he replied. He fetched his phone and hurriedly dialed Gwen; was Gwen aware that Amanda was a kleptomaniac? First, his mother’s picture was missing, the picture had always been in the car till he gave it to her on the day he’d sent her on an errand. Secondly, he had not found his wallet and he had searched his house, office and car thoroughly. It was all making sense now, he suddenly found the strength he needed in getting her out of his mind. She was a crazy person and he had no business with her. ‘I am here’ Gwen showed up. ‘Did you know that Amanda was a kleptomaniac’? Greg asked, his eyes were focused on her the whole time. ‘Um no but that is not why I am here. I thought you’d call me in respect of the meeting that was postponed. It’s happening right now in the conference room and your father is spearheading it’ Gwen said. ‘What? And why didn’t you tell me this’? Greg fetched his file and marched out of the office. ‘Because I thought you knew’! Gwen yelled across. ‘Whatever’ Greg snorted, he had known Silas and Nathan were up to something. ‘Now what’? Gwen sighed. What was that crap about Amanda being a Kleptomaniac? She was tempted to call her but she decided to stay out of it; that was really a strong allegation. *** ‘I got my job back’! Amanda screamed her way to the house. She paused as she noticed Alex’s car, she had not told her that she was visiting. ‘Hello house, I got my job back’ she did a little dance but she noticed the gloom on her mother’s face and couldn’t help but wonder what the problem was. ‘What’s happening’? She exhaled and took a seat. ‘Wendy came to the house and was very rude to your mother’ Alex explained carefully to Amanda, just the way Mrs. Atkins had told her, she didn’t leave anything out. ‘I didn’t know who to call, I tried your number but you were not picking; I could only think of Alex’ her mother cried. Tears filled Amanda’s eyes as she imagined the ton of hurtful things Wendy must have said to her mother. ‘Why is she doing this? She has never liked me from the start’ Amanda wiped her face with the back of her hand. ‘She thinks you have interest in Greg’ Alex blurted out. ‘Why would she think something like that? Greg is my boss, I could never have an affair with him’ fear gripped Amanda, what if her mother got to know she had developed feelings for her boss? How would she take it. ‘I told you Mrs. Atkins, Amanda has no interest in Greg. Wendy is a paranoid person and she needs a shrink. I am so sorry for the things she said to you’ Alex apologized. ‘I am so sorry mum’ Amanda gave her a warm hug. ‘I feel better now Mandy but you must be careful, she seemed so evil. Ok? ‘I will be’ Amanda kissed her mother on the forehead. ‘So it was true you were fired, why didn’t you tell me about that’? Mrs. Atkins asked. She didn’t like the feeling that her daughter was towing the same path she did when she was about the same age. ‘I didn’t want you to worry, but everything is fine now. I promise’ Amanda reassured her mother with another kiss. ‘Can we talk in my car’? Alex winked. ‘Sure, girl’s time, see you soon mom’ she waved at her mother and rushed out of the house.
1 May 2019 | 04:52
Please this is episode 6
1 May 2019 | 04:55
Wendy has succeeded in panting Mandy black in front of Greg
1 May 2019 | 15:15
Am sure she stole those things so as to perfect her evil plan
1 May 2019 | 15:20
this evil duo are up to no good
1 May 2019 | 18:27
destroying peoples reputation for their own edification
1 May 2019 | 18:34
okay, Amanda is only God can help u?
2 May 2019 | 09:11
What is wrong with Wendy
2 May 2019 | 11:44
People are wicked oh
2 May 2019 | 18:01
episode 7 .So Nathan Beecroft would be taking over from his brother for some reasons known to me. He is more capable and trustworthy. Thanks for your time, ladies and gentlemen. This is not debatable. Have a nice day”. He froze at the entrance of the massive conference hall; maybe he had not heard his father well. ‘Dad’ he rushed up to meet him. ‘This is neither the time nor place Greg. I gave you enough time to prove yourself but you didn’t; You called my bluff but Nathan is taking over; you’re no longer needed’ Silas moved out of the hall with his team of lawyers. ‘But I want to marry Wendy on my thirty first birthday, you cannot do this; I have worked really hard for this company and i have more plans to take us global’ Greg felt frustrated and slammed his palms the wall. ‘You think this is about Wendy? Wake up Greg; stop leaving a false life; I don’t ever want to set eyes on you again. If you’re done here, you can clear your table and leave’ Silas replied in a stern voice. When Nathan had shown him the files; he had first consulted his lawyers and they confirmed it was original and Greg had been stealing from the company. ‘At least, tell me what my crime is, since this is not about Wendy’ Greg asked. ‘You stole lots of money from the company Greg; are you satisfied now’? Silas asked. ‘Hello brother, Amanda would be working for me now’ Nathan winked. ‘Bastard’ Greg grit his teeth, something wasn’t right. His father and brother had set him up once again. ‘I thought so’ Silas had waited for an answer but he got none. ‘I can’t believe you’d lay me off like that’ Greg felt deeply hurt that he was dismissed unceremoniously. ‘Go home Greg’ Silas replied. Amanda joined her friend in the car, she was still unsure about telling Alex about everything with Greg. ‘So spit it out, what’s wrong with you? I didn’t want to say anything in front of your mother’ Alex snapped her fingers. ‘I don’t understand Alexandria, I am perfectly fine. Trust me’ Amanda smiled. ‘Seriously? You just called me Alexandria; you only do that when you are nervous. If I may ask, why are you nervous? Is there something you are hiding from me’? Alex stared at her with great intensity. ‘Um, no…Uh, I can’t do this, I feel so horrible’ Amanda fidgeted. ‘Hey, come on, you can tell me anything. I have shared my worst secrets with you and you never judged me; if you cannot trust me with things that bother you, then I may have to question our friendship’ Alex felt hurt that Amanda would keep something away from her. They’d been friends for two years; two years was long enough to earn someone’s trust and reliance. ‘I didn’t mean it like that Alex, you’ve been a wonderful friend’ Amanda exhaled, she felt terrified; words clogged her throat. ‘So what’s stopping you from telling me’? Alex asked. ‘I slept with Greg at the Lounge’! Amanda blurted out and then she broke into tears. ‘Oh my God, did he’? Alex couldn’t say the word. ‘No! He didn’t rape me, it was consensual and I really liked it, is that bad? I feel bad because he has Wendy and he doesn’t feel the same for me’ Amanda realized she was pouring out her whole heart to Alex and she felt better. Alex’s face brightened as she watched her friend speak; she realized that she had been wrong the whole time. Amanda had fallen in love with a guy at the club, that guy wasn’t Nathan; he was Greg. ‘Why are you smiling? You should be crying with me, my heart is broken Alex. I feel stupid, he kissed me again; it felt so real and beautiful but who am I kidding? He has someone and he can never be with someone like me’ she eyed herself briefly. ‘Hey, I am happy because you are in love; this is your first love Amanda. Not many people have the ability or capacity to fall in love. What if Greg likes you too? Why do you think he fired you? All the hostility? Maybe he is avoiding it, maybe he is scared’ Alex explained. ‘Scared? Why would Greg Beecroft be scared’? Amanda felt hopeful. ‘You know, we tend to judge such highly placed men and women in the higher echelon harshly; everyone has fears; his could be love. From the way your mother described Wendy, I doubt if any sane man would love such a piece of crap’ Alex replied. ‘Aw, I just love the way you put it, but you don’t have to treat me with kid gloves; you don’t have to say all these nice things to make me feel better; I made that choice to make love with Greg; I allowed to kiss me and this is where it landed me. I’ll be fine’ Amanda reassured herself, but deep down she was worried. She had never felt this way for any man before. She had never dreamt and thought of just one person, like the way she dreamt and thought about Greg. ‘Good. I and Morgan made up’ Alex announced. ‘Cheers! That’s good news, now can you tell me why you broke up in the first place, because you never really did’? ‘Excuse me; I have to take this’ Alex placed her phone against her ear, Morgan was calling.
3 May 2019 | 04:13
Nathan your plan will fail
3 May 2019 | 06:31
what kind of a father is Silas,who couldn't call his son Greg to question him seriously on the accusations leveled on him...he rather acted out of annoyance and bitterness
3 May 2019 | 14:23
he laid him off just like that? MADNESS!
3 May 2019 | 14:24
lets see what happens next
3 May 2019 | 14:25
Silas thats so bad i reali pity greg dat company will suffer in the hands of natt
3 May 2019 | 15:20
I told u, i told u, i told u...The sex between greg and mandy wasn't a mistake. It has been a long time love building beyond their emotions. They couldn't control the bond between them, including the recent kiss.
3 May 2019 | 16:42
Nathan has been so bad and heartless without love recently. Silas has been fooled by nathan, things are becoming more complicated. Nathan maybe thinking that he has won just because he's close to their father.
3 May 2019 | 16:54
Mandy has to lay it all out to alex her lovely friend who is fully back with morgan, both precious friends has more to lay out. Now that greg is getting better with love, he needs to get wiser in business and, wendy and trudy can be deceit.
3 May 2019 | 17:07
Nathan Beecroft now the manager, hmmmmmm I just hope that the company won't run into bankruptcy
3 May 2019 | 17:43
Whatever de circumstances may be, Greg,pls don't marry Wendy,she's evil As for ur dad,he will surely regret his decision, just take heart!!!
3 May 2019 | 18:33
this Nathan is a devil in he form ,I pity ur father who is putting his hope in u
4 May 2019 | 05:59
Episode 8 As she took the call, Amanda watched her friend’s features contort into a frown; what was happening? ‘Greg has been fired and Nathan is now the C.E.O of Beecroft Software Empire’ Alex announced. ‘That’s not possible, but Greg has more experience’ Amanda was shocked, Nathan had mentioned something like that. ‘I don’t really know what to say, are you still going to work under that creep’? Alex asked. ‘Hell no! I’ll just miss Gwen, I wonder how she will cope with him’ Amanda replied. Blood drained from her face as she imagined working under Nathan. ‘He’d be the type to smack your ass while you’re at them files’ Alex joked and they laughed. ‘He is really creepy, I was surprised he was Greg’s brother; they are so different’ Amanda said. ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you that. Half brother thought, from different mothers’ Alex explained the relationship. ‘So? You wanted to tell me something before the call’? Amanda was curious. ‘Yes, yes. I broke up with Morgan because I lied, I know you’d be angry and you’d probably not speak to me again but I did what I thought was best for everyone’ Alex sighed. ‘Go on, tell me. You know I could never hold anything against you’ Amanda said. ‘Um, you avoided me when I forgot your birthday two years ago’ Alex reminded her. ‘Hey, that was two years ago; I’m grown now’ Amanda winked. ‘Okay. Deep breaths’ Alex bit her lip and exhaled. ‘Greg never apologized for sending the obscene note. I sent it myself; but in all honesty, he actually didn’t send that note to you; he sent it to some girl named Trudy, I swear; I saw the note myself. Morgan showed me, there was a name written at the edge of the paper, I guess you failed to see it’ Alex hoped Amanda would forgive her. ‘Is that all’? Amanda asked. ‘Yes’ she nodded a response. ‘Not a big deal. Wait, does that mean you also apologized on my behalf’? Amanda chuckled. ‘Yes, I knew your ego was standing between you and that Job and I needed to do something about it. I am sorry, I should never have done something like that’ Alex truly regretted her actions. ‘I see why Greg was so cool with me; I guess I saw Trudy at his office earlier, she seemed to be forcing herself on him; not that I care. It means I was the one who was at fault and I need to apologize’ Amanda said. Greg deserved an apology; she had tainted his name and called him all sort of things. ‘That would be cool, so are we good’? Alex winked. ‘Sure. But we need to find me a new job cause there’s no way in hell, I would work with Nathan’ Amanda rolled her eyes. ‘What’s the rush? Greg sent you a lot of money, you could use it for now’? Alex suggested. ‘Um, about that, he sent me half a million this morning; that’s why I had gone to his office to thrash things out. I don’t need his money or his pity. I am returning everything. At least, if things get worse, I have a wealthy friend’ she winked. ‘I am always here Mandy, I love you’ Alex squeezed her hand. ‘I love you too Alex and I am very happy for you’ Amanda smiled. She had made up her mind to return everything that belonged to Greg; she had returned Lucy first, now she would return his money. She needed to move on with her life; Greg was never going to return her feelings. ‘We did it darling, now Beecroft is mine’ Nathan walked in with two glasses and a bottle of red wine. ‘How did you pull that off’? Trudy raised her brows. She was surprised Nathan had another plan aside what they’d at first. ‘High level forgery, that’s all you need to know. I have planned this for a long time since I came. I got Greg’s signature the day he signed the papers my father tricked him to. I studied and reproduced it. There’s nothing Greg or anyone could say to absolve him. I am happy it worked, now the company is rightfully mine’ Nathan poured himself a drink. The scene at Beecroft played back in his brain. He had felt so happy at the sight of Greg’s sunken eyes; he had won; now conquering his princess was the only thing left. ‘Um, so I met Greg today, he said he would call; should I go on with our plan’? Trudy caressed his head. ‘Of course, we need to make everything believable, so if he manages to come out of one, he would still have another problem, do you understand’? Nathan caressed her face. ‘I do darling, he should be in a very bad mood, knowing him very well, he would be drunk and alone; the right time to strike’ Trudy kissed her lover’s lips.’ ‘Good and then you take pictures and videos and released them to the press. It would be a hit story’ Nathan smiled. ‘Yes honey. Yes. It would be a hit story’ Trudy planted another kiss on his head and trotted out. ‘Bye princess’ he waved at her and quickly recollected himself . Only one was worthy of that name, he couldn’t wait to see her the next day.
6 May 2019 | 11:35
Nathan, am sorry to disappoint you, but the one whom you think deserves that name will never be yours
6 May 2019 | 15:27
You'll wait for her forever
6 May 2019 | 15:39
Trudy u we soon find out where u belong, Greg I pray should be okay,u can now plan what to do with ur life
6 May 2019 | 20:33
The heart of man! Hmm i pity u nathan,
7 May 2019 | 01:45
ur cup will soon full nathan
7 May 2019 | 02:18
Nathan you're too creedy
7 May 2019 | 04:54
i hope the company doesn't go bankrupt under nathan's management
7 May 2019 | 15:03
Lets see how things unfold
8 May 2019 | 01:22
Episode 9 You need to stop watching that, you’d get yourself more depressed; and what’s with all the ice cream anyway? You need to stay strong for the baby’ Elena turned off the television. ‘I can’t believe this Mum, I have tried Greg severally but he is not taking my calls. I hope this is not true; my whole life would be ruined’ tears rolled down Wendy’s eyes. ‘Honey. Silas is a man of his word; he must have a good reason for handing Beecroft to Nathan; I assure you sweetheart. Your father called him and he confirmed this news, but this does not affect you wedding plans with Greg does it’? Elena felt a slight change in her daughter. ‘No…No’ Wendy cried. ‘Good. So, you need to stay strong; this is the time where true love matters most; you need to stand by him no matter what happens and eating ice cream and sobbing is not going to help you’ Elena took a seat next to her child and wrapped her hands all over her. ‘Thank you mum, I wish this were a dream’ Wendy cried. All her life she had dreamt for a man like Greg; hard working, successful; self made and hot; now she almost had him. She had almost grabbed him by the tip of fingers till this happened. All her plans for the future; the castles she built in the air had crumbled; and what about all the hard work and time she had invested in their relationship? ‘So, are you still giving Beecroft 10% of your money? I thought that deal was centered on I and Greg being together’ Wendy stared at her mother’s face, searching for answers. ‘Maybe, we are not sure yet, what do you think’? Elena asked. ‘I don’t know and I don’t care; I am just worried about Greg and what he must have done to piss off his dad’ Wendy wiped her face. ‘We would never have the answer to that; maybe you should go see Greg later’ Elena suggested. ‘Sure. I am gonna see him’ Wendy sighed. It was time to face reality. ‘Don’t worry, you and Lucy would be fine’ Elena smiled. She couldn’t wait to have her Greg was still yet to believe his dad had acted on his promises to hand over his position to Nathan. ‘It happened so fast, I have been set up and I don’t know what to do; I have spoken with my lawyers; they have seen the documents. All are receipts for money transfer into an account with my name; it’s not making sense’ Greg explained to his friend Morgan. ‘Your account? Did you explain this to your dad’? Morgan asked thoughtfully. He had known Greg since their teenage years; he knew what he was capable of, money laundering wasn’t one of them. Nathan must have done something to set Greg up and he was going to do everything possible to help Greg out of this situation. ‘He didn’t give me time to explain; I know my signature is on the documents, I don’t even know how it got there; someone is setting me up and my own father is now willing to believe me’ Greg poured himself a bottle of scotch. Only liquor could drown his pain and frustration. ‘You’ll be fine Greg, we’ll get to the root of this; Give me a minute, I have high profile trackers, they would send us the information we would work with. Keep away from your father as your lawyers advised; we would find all that we need’ Morgan moved away from him to make the call. ‘This better works out’ Greg’s phone buzzed. It was Wendy. WENDY: Honey, I heard what happened and I am so sorry. GREG: Thanks. How are you holding up? How’s baby Lucy? WENDY: Okay. GREG: So about the wedding, are you sure you want to marry me now? I am not the most eligible bachelor in town. WENDY: Hmm, I think I would come over tomorrow and we would talk about that. GREG: Alright. Take care of you. Goodnight. WENDY: Night. ‘It’s done, I have asked them to track that strange account okay? Just be calm, I am with you’ Morgan returned. He noticed Greg was smiling. ‘What’s it’? He thought the liquor had gotten into his friend. ‘I have a feeling Wendy is out’ Greg scoffed as he ran his eyes over their chat. ‘Why? Did she say so’? ‘Not that she said it. She always ends our chat with “I love you. Kisses”, tonight, she just said “Night”. I’ll be so thrilled if that were the case’ Greg sighed to Morgan’s chagrin. ‘I thought you had made up your mind about her, you’re way too indecisive’ Morgan shook his head. ‘With everything going on now, marriage is the last thing on my mind. I need to sort myself out’ Greg replied and poured himself another glass. ‘You have to be strong. A baby is coming and you don’t need this. You’ve had enough’ Morgan took both the bottle and the glass away from him.
8 May 2019 | 04:46
Episode 10 ‘It’s like a bad dream and I am stuck in it’ Greg groaned. ‘Tough times don’t last, tough people do’ Morgan said as he walked towards the cellar. ‘Hey, stop. I don’t need philosophy or life lesson’s tonight’. ‘Okay whatever, let’s talk about something else; I see, the mess was cleaned’ Morgan noticed the spot where he’d found broken bottles. ‘Yes. I told you, not thieves, just a mistake’ Greg replied. ‘I am curious though, apart from yourself, who else can access your house in your absence’? Morgan asked. ‘Um, Wendy. She is my girlfriend and I do trust her; never had a reason to doubt her’ Greg supplied. ‘Really? I guess it wasn’t a burglar anyway’ Morgan returned. ‘Hey, I can’t find my wallet and my mother’s picture, have you seen anything like that’? Greg asked. He still wondered if someone as pretty as Amanda could be a klepto. ‘No’ Morgan shook his head. ‘Wendy told me she looked Amanda up and found out she had a mental illness, she is a kleptomaniac’ Greg said. ‘Are you implying she stole your wallet and your mother’s picture? That’s really weird, why would you assume that’? Morgan raised his brow. ‘Well what do you expect me to believe? I noticed the picture was missing the day I sent her on an errand in my car’ Greg replied. ‘That’s not enough reason to suspect her, what if Wendy felt insecure and decided to cook up a lie’? Morgan differed. ‘I don’t think she would do something like that’ Greg trusted Wendy. ‘Well, my girlfriend just shared something disturbing about your Wendy and it seems she is capable of anything’. ‘What did she do’? Greg wondered. ‘According to Alex, she went over Amanda’s house but couldn’t find her; so she lashed out on her mother; called her lame and all sort of mean names and asked Amanda particularly to stay away from you else she’d pay. Who does that’? Morgan trusted Alex enough to know she wasn’t lying. ‘Shit! Why would Wendy do something like that’? He tried to reason out answers. If she had done this before the time she found him kissing Amanda, it would’ve made total sense; but it didn’t. Maybe Wendy was not so innocent after all. His phone buzzed another time, he picked it up; Trudy was calling. ‘Not the time Trudy’ he turned off his phone and focused on Morgan. ‘Yea, you should really talk to her when she comes; I am a little bit concerned though; Wendy would not act that way if something wasn’t up. Be honest, is there something you’re not telling me about Amanda? I wouldn’t judge you, I like her myself’ Morgan encouraged him to speak. ‘Nothing’ Greg lied. How could he tell his friend the passion they both had shared that night? How could he unveil such a special moment; now he thought about it, he was awed that girls like Amanda still existed. She was a virgin and he had been the one to tear down her innocence and invade her ash cloud. ‘Greg’? Morgan called. ‘Nothing’! Greg released a breath. A smile twitched the corner of his lips as he remembered the way he had kissed her in the open; he always lost control when she was around him; this feeling was alien to him. He had never felt this way with Wendy or any other woman. ‘Just stay strong bro, everything would be alright and by all means, avoid television and social media. You know how the media tends to blow stories out of proportion? ‘Thanks Morgan. Thanks a lot’ Greg felt happy he had such a good friend The night wind was soft and gentle; it blew away all her pain and confusion and propelled her to the land of her dreams. There he was dressed in a faded jean and a dark brown shirt that matched the color of his eyes. ‘Greg? What are you doing here’? She rushed up to meet him. It was just like that night at the lounge; the familiar scent and ceremony of flowers married them and they stood in the middle of the colorful field. ‘Greg’? She called again but he said nothing, he simply stared at her and then back to the skies. ‘You see up there darling’? He fetched her hand and lifted it to the skies. ‘Yes. I do’ Amanda nodded. ‘You’re like them. A star, bright and special’ he smiled and curled his arms round her shoulder. ‘Do my eyes twinkle too’? She sniggered. ‘Yes they do, they glow like diamonds and the call out my name to kiss you’ Greg replied and pulled her in for a kiss. ‘I love you’ she laughed. ‘I love you too’ he replied and adored her lips with his’. ‘Damn’ she sat up as the shrill cry of the alarm clock had woken her up. ‘What a dream’ she pressed a hand against her chest. She felt alive anytime she thought about him; what if there was no other man for her except for Greg? No, there had to be; she couldn’t tie herself to him; she was just having a crush and it would fade with time. She ran through her messages. Her first call for the day was to return Greg’s money and start a job hunt immediately. ‘What now Gwen’? She scanned through the message. Gwen couldn’t stop complaining about Greg’s pet bunny; she guessed she would pick it up on her way after all she had been the one who had purchased it. She took a shower, got dressed and hurried out of the house before her mother could stop her.
8 May 2019 | 05:03
Mandy I dont think there is any other man for you. With time you will get to find out then you will remember my words
8 May 2019 | 14:27
Soon Greg will find out the type of person Wendy is
8 May 2019 | 14:30
Wendy is a pretender, don't trust her Greg
8 May 2019 | 14:58
8 May 2019 | 15:34
if God want the two of you to be nothing we stop u
8 May 2019 | 16:01
Greg you have to stay strong
9 May 2019 | 06:00
next please
9 May 2019 | 06:01
Episode 11 She arrived Beecroft fifteen minutes later; she hurried straight to Gwen’s desk; she didn’t have much time to spend there. ‘Mandy! Thank God you came, you can have your duties back’ Gwen sighed and pushed the cage closer to her. ‘Duties? I don’t understand you’ Amanda widened her eyes. ‘Of course, I thought you got your job back, start making coffee! Do something around her’ Gwen exclaimed. ‘I am sorry, I cannot work here anymore, I came here to take the rabbit; I’ll keep in touch Gwen’ Mandy waved at her. ‘Hey wait. Is this about Greg? You could work with his brother, he has beautiful eyes and he seems he would be really nice’ Gwen winked. ‘I don’t know Gwen; I just feel I need another job aside personal assistant’ Amanda returned. She couldn’t tell Gwen about Nathan’s freaky nature and how he had been instrumental to her job loss the first time. ‘Alright then, have fun, we’ll keep in touch’ Gwen had made a friend in Amanda and she was really going to be missed. ‘We’ll keep in touch, goodbye Mandy’ Gwen waved as she trotted out of the building with bunny Lucy. ‘Bye Gwen’ she sighed as she stepped into the elevator, her heart stopped as she found Nathan right in there. ‘Nathan…Good morning’ she forced a smile and hoped he wasn’t going to kiss her again. ‘Princess, you look beautiful, have you come to work? That office is really dirty, my brother was a total pig’ Nathan wiggled his nose. ‘Um, not sure about that Nathan; I have a new job’ she lied, that was the only logical explanation she could make. ‘Another job? Don’t kid yourself; the best job you could ever hope for is right here and you really need the money’ he said. ‘Excuse me’? Amanda shook her head. ‘Did I say something wrong? Or you don’t wanna work here anymore because Greg is no longer the boss’? Nathan scoffed. ‘Your brother fired me even before you got here’ Amanda replied. ‘That doesn’t matter, you should be working with me now. I promise to treat you better’ Nathan reassured her. ‘I am sorry Nathan, it’s over for me’ she replied. ‘I really love you Amanda and I want us to be together’ he switched topics. She rolled her eyes and wondered when she was going to reach her destination. ‘Did you hear me’? He was thrilled to stand beside his princess. ‘I heard you Nathan and I don’t feel the same way. I am sorry’ she rushed out of the elevator. ‘Greg’ Nathan’s eyes glowed darkly. She was in love with Greg; she had chosen Greg over him. ‘I’ll make sure he pays’ he fetched his phone and texted Trudy, she was yet to give him feedback on what had transpired between her and Greg; he needed answers; he needed results. NATHAN: You aren’t taking your calls? Should I have a reason to be worried? TRUDY: Not at all. Greg has not returned my calls either. NATHAN: Find a way and get that shit into his system. TRUDY: Of course. I’ll work it out today. NATHAN: Good. TRUDY: I love you Nate, You mean everything to me. NATHAN: I love you too. ‘I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she finally sees him for the junkie he truly is’ Nathan chuckled. She was going to come back to him; crawling and begging on her knees and he would accept her back and fuck her till he was done with her. Only then would his desires be sated and his heart would yearn for another blonde. After Morgan had left his house; he couldn’t resist the urge to take another glass; one thing led to the other and he had more than three glasses. ‘The aftermath’ Greg groaned and leapt out of bed. His head throbbed like a thousand needles had pricked it. His eyes were puffy and his vision was blurred. He couldn’t feel his legs though he was well aware of his surroundings. He sighed and drew a deep breath; Morgan had been right, taking too much alcohol was never the way to solve a problem; it further aggravated it. He managed to reach his kitchen; he had told his housekeepers to keep off for some days as he needed time alone to process everything that had happened to him. He pulled open the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water, he really needed this to quench his intoxication. As he gulped the chilled water, he realized he had dreamt about a woman; she was faceless but not nameless; though wine had blurred his fantasy vision, he could swear he’d kissed Amanda Atkins in his dream. ‘I’m coming’! He yelled as his doorbell rung. He was sure Morgan had come to check up on him. ‘What are friends for’? Greg chuckled and pulled open the door. It was Trudy. ‘Perfect timing, now where were we’? Her eyes danced as she scanned the house to be sure he as alone. ‘Trudy? Now is not a good time’ Greg started to argue. ‘Oh, I see you’re wasted, I have a drink that would help you with the hangover; clear the headaches and make you feel your legs’ she fetched a vial from her bag. ‘Really? Come in then’ truth be told, that was what he really needed right now. ‘Yea’ Trudy joined him inside. Without hesitation, he pulled open the vial and poured down the contents of it into his mouth. ‘What’s that taste’? Greg was confused. ‘It’s all you need to stay calm’ Trudy moved closer to him and fetched a recording device from her bag.
9 May 2019 | 14:01
Episode 12 Wendy dragged herself out of bed; it had been a terrible night for her; seeing Greg all over the news and allegations of money laundering that had put dirt on his name made her disappointed. Well, she knew Greg was many things, but a thief? ‘I don’t really know him well’ she reminded herself as she stared at the mirror and then to her bruised knuckles. ‘Shit’ she turned on the tap and quickly washed her face. In all fairness, she was a good woman and had stood beside Greg when he got into trouble; she had always painted a good image of him after he got himself drunk and snapped at parties; but she was done playing his guardian angel. Greg had ceased to be the man of her dreams when he lost the position of C.E.O of the Beecroft softwares empire. What need did she have for him now? Her hands moved swiftly to her belly; she grinned and rushed to the bathroom. It was time to let Greg go. As the water rushed over her red curls, she took a trip down memory lane; she remembered the good times she had spent with him; she remembered how he had won so many awards. It was his hard work and position of authority that had drawn her to him in the first place; she was done with Greg now, he was nothing to her. All her efforts to get married to him was ended. ‘Wendy’? Her mother called as she stepped out of the bathroom. ‘Mother’! She was startled. ‘Sorry, I barged in on you like that, I am curious though, are pregnant women supposed to drink? Why do you keep taking decisions that are irresponsible? Why do you want to harm that child’? Elena had found some beer bottles in the sink. Her husband didn’t drink and neither did she. It had to be Wendy. ‘Hey mum, let’s not start. What I do to myself is my business’ Wendy blushed, she had been caught. ‘Is that all you can say? I am calling Greg right now’ Elena dropped the bottles and rushed out Wendy’s room. ‘Come on mum, you don’t have to. I…I am really sorry I lied about everything’ her eyes glistened with unshed tears. ‘Lied about what’? Elena arched a brow. ‘I am not pregnant. I never was. It was my only shot in tying Greg down’ she sobbed. ‘Oh my God Wendy, how could you do something like that’? Elena was grossly disappointed. ‘I know I did wrong but I thought it was best’ she cried. ‘And in this stupid plan of yours? What was supposed to happen if Greg had finally married you and discovered you were never pregnant’? Elena asked. ‘I don’t know. I am really sorry mother; all my life I built it around him but seeing his name on media like that, it ruined everything. Even if his name is salvaged, how long would that take? Besides, I doubt if Greg really likes me that much. I am sorry for lying to you’ she sobbed. ‘I know you are, but you have to fix this. Greg deserves to know the truth’ Elena replied and walked away. Wendy was speechless as she watched her mother leave; her eyes strayed to her bruised knuckles a second time, her mother’s words kept ringing in her ears: “You have to fix this”. Greg could’ve sworn Trudy had just fed him with water as the liquid felt so; he started feeling slightly better; his eyes strayed to the files and the recording device she fetched from her bag. ‘What are you doing’? He asked. ‘Saving your life from your crazy and self centered brother’ Trudy replied. ‘I don’t understand, how do you know my brother’? Greg rose to his feet. ‘It’s going to be hard for you to forgive me Greg but I don’t need your forgiveness, I am not doing this for you but for me’ Trudy replied. ‘What are you talking about’? He still wasn’t on the same page with her. ‘Nathan and I have been dating long before I met you at the club; our meeting was a set up, Nathan wanted me to get close to you so we could bring down your image before people’ Trudy confessed. ‘That’s not possible, why’? The effects of the liquor loosened their hold on him. ‘Nathan has always been envious of you, he wanted Beecroft for himself and he felt your father had more trust in you than him, so he worked with me to pull you down; look at these’ she fetched some photographs from the file. ‘Where did you get this’? Greg stared at the pictures of him drunk, those same pictures had been leaked to the media long ago. ‘I was the one who spiked your drinks and took the snapshots, please listen carefully’ Trudy begged as she played the voice recorder and all her conversation the last time with Nathan were heard by Greg. NATHAN’S VOICE: “High level forgery, that’s all you need to know. I have planned this for a long time since I came. I got Greg’s signature the day he signed the papers my father tricked him to. I studied and reproduced it. There’s nothing Greg or anyone could say to absolve him. I am happy it worked, now the company is rightfully mine” Nathan poured himself a drink. TRUDY’S VOICE: “Um, so I met Greg today, he said he would call; should I go on with our plan”? His hands shook as he replayed the audio file; this was unbelievable; Nathan was even more dangerous than he’d thought. ‘Why are you doing this? I could turn you in as an accomplice’? Greg’s eyes shot up, he was visibly angry and he felt betrayed. ‘Because you won’t. I helped expose your brother, he should be the one in jail not me’ Trudy jumped to her feet. ‘What second plan was that’? Greg had heard a mention of s second plan in the recording. ‘You don’t need to know Greg. Just take this recording and all the evidences I have dropped here and get back your company. Goodbye’ she blew him a kiss and made for the door. ‘Why are you doing this? Helping me’? Greg asked. ‘I loved your brother Greg; he made me sleep with you; frame you and all that because he promised he would always love me, now and forever but he never really did love me; he was just using me’ Trudy replied. Nathan was in love with Amanda, the girl she had seen in Greg’s office and she hated betrayal very much; when she loved, she loved with her soul. She wasn’t a fool, Nathan had treated her like one and that was what had hardened her. He didn’t deserve her or any other woman for that matter; she had made up her mind about Nathan and there was no turning back especially now that she had exposed him. ‘Then you really have to get far from here, I could just change my mind and turn you over to the Feds’ Greg said to her. ‘Take care Greg’ Trudy waved and rushed out of the house, Greg could make good of his threats and that’s why she had to run as possible. ‘Shit! I got this! I am free’ Greg jumped on his feet; he couldn’t wait to see the look on Nathan’s face and his dad, who for the records he was never going to forgive.
9 May 2019 | 14:04
Wow! Wendy - confessed....... Nathan - slightly exposed. Secret opened!
9 May 2019 | 16:34
Smart Trudy. Good of u. I never believe Wendy is pregnant b4. Just confirmed! Now, Greg, shine up. Best option Mandy. But no rushing
9 May 2019 | 16:37
Next pls, no dulling, thanks
9 May 2019 | 16:39
oh some many secret,I like the way Trudy behave,I hope she's going to go far as Greg said
10 May 2019 | 13:53
Trudy you really did a great job
10 May 2019 | 17:07
Many unpleasant secretives has been reviewed. Awareness has been created personally, later to the public. Greg now has the key to unlock their empire that was led by him, in total recovery.
10 May 2019 | 18:25
Mandy listened attentively as alex her close friend reviewed the secret to the beecroft job. She understood perfectly well that it was all for her good. Friends for Real without grudges.
10 May 2019 | 18:34
Oh dear trudy has done fabulously well with a momentum that gave her freedom from nathan's fake love, she can find that real love someday. Morgan, always their for his friend. Wendy's deceit is becoming clearer.
10 May 2019 | 18:43
Episode 13 He fetched his phone ready to tell Morgan his best friend everything that had just happened, when his door bell rang a second time. He rushed and pulled the door open. ‘Wendy’ he parted the door and welcomed her in. ‘Greg…I don’t have much time but you must forgive me’ she fiddled with her hands. ‘Forgive you? I don’t understand’ he folded his hands across his chest. What was happening? First, it was Trudy, now Wendy? ‘Take a seat; you look nervous’ he pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and offered it to her. He didn’t know if this was a good time, but he felt like hitting the nail straight on the head; he liked Wendy only as the mother of their unborn daughter Lucy and he was done being dishonest with her and himself. ‘How is our daughter doing’? Greg smiled. ‘About that…’ Wendy licked her lips, she needed to fix this, and she quickly reminded herself. ‘Are you okay Wendy’? He moved closer to her. ‘Did something bad happen to the baby’? He swallowed. She nodded her head and burst into tears ‘I am so sorry Greg’. He encircled her in his arms and pressed a soft kiss on her hair, he felt her pain and the news hurt him too. It was more hurting than his father’s and Nathan’s betrayal. ‘I was never pregnant Greg’ she blurted out. He was too stricken with grief to hear her; he thought about Lucy and all the plans he had for her. ‘I was never pregnant Greg, I lied’ she pulled away from him and then jumped to her feet. ‘Excuse me’? ‘I lied. I really wanted us to be together at all costs; I am sorry for everything. I am not longer interested in getting married to you’ a tear slipped from her left eye. ‘You lied to me? You’re despicable’ she he exhaled. Wendy was more than a devil; how could someone cook up such an expensive lie? ‘Amanda is not a Kleptomaniac, I cooked that up because I saw you picked interest in her and I felt jealous and insecure, but all that is over now. Here’s your wallet’ she dropped the piece on the table. ‘Did you break into my house’? Greg’s mouth fell open. ‘No. There’s no proof. Have a nice life’ she wiped her face, straightened her gown and left for the door. ‘I can’t believe you Wendy; you faked a pregnancy and you broke into my house and accused some innocent person, I can’t let it go’ Greg moved to stop her. ‘Don’t act like you are a saint Greg; I know you never really wanted that marriage; you were just acting up same as me. You only cared because you thought I was carrying a child, your child’ she jerked her arm away from his’. ‘Is that all you can say’? Greg asked. ‘Look into my eyes Greg and tell me that everything I just said was a lie’ she asked. Greg felt slightly guilty as he had wanted the marriage for selfish reasons; he had planned to divorce her once he was able to cover the 10% her parents put into Beecroft. ‘I know I was wrong, but breaking into my house? Wendy, you went too far’ he was disappointed in her. ‘I am sorry once again, I really have to go now’ she hurried out of his house. Greg was stunned, so many things ran through his mind; how was he going to face her now? He had almost believed Wendy that she was a kleptomaniac. ‘Who now’? He almost screamed as his doorbell rung a third time. ‘I am sorry Greg but my trackers were not able to find anything substantial, I am so confused right now’ Morgan rushed into the house. ‘What are those’? He paused and scanned the empire of files that lay on the table. ‘Come, I have a lot to share with you, I am getting my company back’ Greg moved to the table. It took Greg thirty minutes to explain everything that had happened during Trudy’s and Wendy’s visit. ‘Sounds like a movie to me’ Morgan whistled, this was unbelievable. ‘Which of the stories’? Greg asked. ‘Both. Those women are crazy, especially Wendy. She is such a liar and a bitch. I told you I didn’t think Amanda was a Kleptomaniac’ Morgan laughed. He felt more relaxed now that his friend was absolved; his humor had returned. ‘So what are we going to do next’? Greg stared at all the files and the voice recorder. ‘We’re calling your lawyers right away, you’re getting back to your seat and your brother is going to jail’ Morgan’s voice was laced with a high dose of confidence. ‘I’ll be fine here’ Amanda said to the cab driver as the car came to a halt. ‘Are you sure ma’m’? He asked. ‘Yes. Thank you’ she fetched the bunny and stepped down from the car. Her eyes were glued to the glorious mansion before her, she had never seen a house as beautiful as this; it was enormous; its architectural design was every bit unique and classy. ‘Let’s get on with it Lucy’ she blew the bunny a final kiss. She had come to deliver it back to Greg along his pity money, which she didn’t need. ‘I can do this’ she sighed and pounced the door with her fists. There was no answer; she suddenly felt nervous and wondered if this was the right time; he had just been deposed, what if he was not in the mood to see someone? ‘Here we go again’ she raised her fists ready to knock again, when the door flung open and she stood face to face with him.
11 May 2019 | 10:49
Episode 14 Their eyes were locked in that moment. Her blue glazed with yearning and desire, she realized she longed for him. His brown were dull, unreadable and neutral, she couldn’t say what was on his mind. ‘Good morning, I came to return this to you’ she raised the cage. ‘Morning, Ms. Atkins’ Greg steadied himself. He was hesitant at first when he had heard the knock as he had been heading to his lawyers but Morgan relaxed and encouraged him to see who it was. And there she was, looking so simple in a pair of faded jeans that matched her eyes and a cream top that revealed her curves; she was not wearing any make up. He noticed her blonde was back; the light golden curls swayed as the gentle breeze fanned them; her nostrils flared as he stared at her; she looked so simple yet so sophisticated. It took him great strength not to grab her into his arms and kiss her breathless; there was nothing stopping him now, nothing weighed on his mind. Wendy was gone; Nathan would soon be and everything would rivet to normal. ‘I told you to keep it’ he collected the cage nevertheless. ‘And, I don’t need your money’ she fetched her phone. ‘I came here to do a transfer’ she worked on her keypad. ‘Is that all’? Greg raised his brows. ‘Yes’ she blushed. Wasn’t he going to say anything? She felt slightly disappointed that he would just let her go. ‘Goodbye Ms. Atkins. I have a lot of work to do inside’ he forced a smile and shut the door to her face. Her face was burning; why was Greg such a rude brat? He acted like she didn’t exist; she sighed and rushed out of his premises. ‘Thank God I am over with’ she muttered to herself. But she felt like a liar, she would miss seeing his face, she would miss working for him. ‘You can stop staring at her ass’ Morgan spanked him lightly on the back and he jerked away from the window. ‘What? She’s cute’ Greg laughed. ‘Why did she come’? Morgan asked. ‘To return the money I sent her and this’ he raised the cage. ‘Oh Lucy? I think Alex has shown me a picture of this bunny’ Morgan said. ‘Lucy? Who named the bunny’? Greg frowned, that was his mother’s name for heaven’s sake. ‘Hey, not me’! Morgan chuckled. ‘I think she is an honest person’ Greg relaxed in a chair. Only few people could return such amount of money, it was really huge. ‘So do you like her or not’? Morgan asked. ‘Why do I have a feeling you’re setting me up’? Greg avoided the question. Seeing her there had unsettled him; he had felt like kissing her again but he held himself; there was an aura that radiated her; she was very different from the other women he had been with. ‘You like her then, but you’re just scared, because you have never felt that way for anyone not even Wendy’ Morgan decided. And he was right, but Greg was stubborn ‘No, I don’t. Can we see my lawyers now’? ‘Sure’ Morgan trailed behind him. ‘He is such a rude person, he couldn’t even show gratitude’ Amanda complained to her friend about Greg. ‘For caring for Lucy’ she quickly added. ‘Whom you named after his mother by the way’ Alex laughed, Morgan was filling her on everything that happened. ‘Can you drop that phone and focus on me’? Amanda sighed and dragged the phone from Alex. ‘I am sorry darling’ Alex raised her hands in the air. ‘And why are you grinning’? Amanda snorted. ‘You are smitten by Greg Mandy, you like him. You’re mad because you expected something spectacular to happen, like a kiss or him begging you take back the money but nothing did and that’s why you’re mad’ Alex said to her. She realized her friend wasn’t far from the truth; she felt disappointed when Greg had shut the door to her face. ‘And he called me Ms. Atkins, can you imagine? He called me Amanda the other day’ she chipped in. ‘Don’t worry, you two are perfect for each other’ Alex grinned. Morgan had also shared the part where Greg was ogling her friend’s ass. They would be a perfect match. ‘Whatever, I have to take this, you can have back your phone’ Amanda fetched hers which was buzzing. Her eyes widened as she stared at the screen. ‘What’s up Mandy’? Alex moved closer. ‘He sent the money back’ Amanda replied. ‘Not funny’ she turned to her friend whose face was horribly twisted as she tried to contain her laughter. ‘I am sorry but I can’t help but laugh’ Alex chuckled.
11 May 2019 | 10:53
Funny episode. Cnt help but laugh
11 May 2019 | 17:37
Cnt help but laugh
11 May 2019 | 17:38
Next pls
11 May 2019 | 17:39
Nathan may have won the battle, but the war isnt over
11 May 2019 | 19:36
i hope he doesn't make any mistake this time around
11 May 2019 | 19:37
cant wait to see how it all unfolds
11 May 2019 | 19:55
am lost OOOOOOO
12 May 2019 | 05:30
so many things in one day,if u love her,she love u,thn tell each other na
12 May 2019 | 09:34
12 May 2019 | 10:40
this guys are just full of drama
12 May 2019 | 10:40
Haha kip decieving yourselves
12 May 2019 | 11:29
Greg & Mandy are surely meant for each other... Nathan,u better watch ur back!!!
12 May 2019 | 12:19
Episode 15 You need to focus Greg’ Morgan wondered why his friend would be driving and fiddling with his phone. ‘I just sent the money back, so get set, we’re taking my company back’ Greg winked as they both marched towards his lawyers. Minutes later, Greg’s team of lawyers walked into the office. ‘Mr. Beecroft, so pleased to meet you’ the eldest of them welcomed Greg. ‘Thanks, Professor Bill, I am here to take back my company’ Greg dropped the files and the recorder on the table. ‘About that, like I told you before, there is nothing much we can do, we are still looking….’ He trailed off as Greg cut in. ‘Just take a look at that will you’? Greg pointed to the table. There was shock first on the lawyer’s face, followed by relief ‘Where did you get this’? ‘Doesn’t really matter? What’s the next step’? Greg asked. ‘Now we have substantial evidence, we could sue your father and your brother and they could end up in jail for a really long time or we could show this evidence to them and you’re given back your position’ the lawyer replied. ‘What do you want Mr. Beecroft’? The lawyer asked. ‘Keep my father out of this, Nathan is the one I want in jail; it is his voice in that recording and he was the one that forged my signature’ Greg replied. ‘But your father tricked you into signing those papers, he needs to be punished too’ the lawyer said. ‘He is old, I guess Nathan must have fed him lies about me and that’s the reason he pressured me into getting married; just deal with Nathan’ Greg insisted on keeping his father out of the lawsuit. ‘Okay then, work begins now, get across to Silas’ lawyers’ Professor Bill snapped his fingers at his subordinates. ‘One more thing Mr. Beecroft, it would take just a few days or a week tops for you to take back your position and have your name cleared, is that okay’? ‘Thanks for doing this; I have to go now’ Greg shook hands with his lawyer and left. ‘I can’t believe it is over’ Morgan laughed and hugged his friend. ‘It is. Like a dream’ Greg laughed, he couldn’t wait to see the look on Nathan’s face once he found out he had been defeated. ‘So do you mind if we stop at a bar and celebrate’? Greg was excited; he couldn’t wait to see the look on his father’s face. ‘Sure, where do you think’? Morgan affirmed. ‘The new lounge’ Greg shrugged. ‘Fine by me’ Morgan fetched his phone and resumed his chat with Alex. ‘You really love her don’t you’? Greg glanced at him. ‘More than, after I got my heart broken, I didn’t think I’d find love again’ Morgan was all smiles as she went on and on about his blissful relationship with Alex. ‘Good for you. Love makes people weak, clouds their judgment’ Greg aired his opinion. Love had turned his mother into a fragile and broken person; there was nothing like “love” in his world. ‘Don’t say that bro, you are only speaking this way because you have never been in love before’ Morgan offered his rebuttal. ‘Um, remind me again what love is’? Greg snorted and rolled his eyes. ‘Love doesn’t have a fixed definition; it could be many things to different people. Love could be a feeling; a smile that lightens your whole world; the color of her eyes or the smell of her hair. Love makes you thrilled and wanting; your thoughts are consumed by the very person you love’ Morgan explained. ‘You’re really in love Morgan’ Greg laughed. ‘I read that from a book’ Morgan chuckled. They fell silent as they reached the lounge. Morgan’s words haunted him, “Love is the color of her eyes or the smell of her hair. It makes you thrilled and wanting, you thoughts are consumed by the very person you love”. ‘Come on now, we’re here, I hope they don’t make us wear masks today’ Morgan slipped from the car. ‘Right behind ya’ Greg called to him. His eyes strayed to the spot where he had made love with Amanda that night; he noticed the flowers were gone; a tent had been erected there. His heart warmed as he remembered the strawberry scent of her hair; her beautiful smiled that always made her sapphire eyes to dance; her tall and shapely body. He realized he had done all he could. From firing her, to paying her off yet still, she plagued his thoughts.
13 May 2019 | 04:38
Episode 16 He was afraid, more afraid than he had ever been; he wasn’t the type of man to spiral out of control, but this was what happened to him. He felt like an addict and Amanda his drug. His heart softened as he typed her name and found the pictures of her and her dyslexic mother. He briefly wondered how she had been able to survive alone; caring for both herself and her mother. He clicked on one of her photographs, she wore a flowery dress with a pink hat; she looked innocent and adorable and he couldn’t help but smile as he ran his fingers over her face. ‘Greg’! Morgan knocked the glass window. ‘Coming’! He mouthed the words and turned off his phone. He had avoided it at first; he had masked what he had felt using Wendy and work as an excuse, but for how long would he live a lie? How long would he avoid amorous shadows that tugged at his sleeves? How long would he fight with these feelings that grew every day? Feelings of happiness and desire anytime he thought about her. How long would he deny his love for Amanda Atkins? ‘You look bothered’ Greg noticed his friend was excited about something. ‘Your lawyers are really fast considering we just spoke with them three hours ago’. ‘What are you talking about’? Greg wondered. ‘Come on in, it’s all over the news’ Morgan dragged him along. He had come to work as usual; gone through all the files from the various departments but he still felt off and somewhat nervous. He had asked Gwen to make him four cups of coffee and he had gulped it down at once. Trudy’s number couldn’t be traced; she seemed to be missing; he had searched the neighborhood, called her friends but none seem to know about her whereabouts but her luggage were still intact. ‘Are you okay sir’? Gwen had showed concern. ‘Yes. Yes. I am fine’ he had forced a smile but deep down he wasn’t fine. He didn’t care if something bad had happened to her; he didn’t care if she got killed in an accident or just got missing; he cared about all his secrets he had shared with her; if they had somehow gotten out, then he was doomed. ‘Your father would like to speak with you’ Gwen had informed him. He had taken the call on Line 3 and spoke well with the old man; he had asked about his new job and how he was handling things, he had answered all the questions. Shockingly, his father showed up ten minutes later with some feds and he was left bewildered. ‘What is this nonsense’? Nathan struggled with the men. ‘You set your brother up, led me all the way to believe you, but you are the dirty one. I regret ever having you as a son, take him away’ Silas was red with anger.. ‘Are you okay sir’? Gwen rushed to Greg’s father. She was confused as everyone else about what had just taken place. ‘You could find me Greg and tell him that I am terribly sorry; I messed up because I know he would never speak to me’ Silas sighed and walked away. ‘Dad, you can’t let them take pictures of me, I am innocent. Greg is dirty, he set me up’ Nathan struggled with the men. ‘He set you up? You’re such a terrible liar; I heard the recording, your voice was unmistaken; I saw the files and all the things you planned for your brother’ Silas scoffed. ‘Excuse me? What recording’? Nathan was confused. ‘Mr. Beecroft, you have the right to remain silent else anything you do or say would be used against you in the court of law’ one of the men handcuffed him and he was led out of the Beecroft building. *** All three women were glued to the television just like majority of Americans were doing right now. ‘I can’t believe he was capable of such’ Alex groaned. ‘Are you kidding me? From now on, I’d stay away from guys with green eyes’ Amanda laughed. She didn’t know why, but she felt slightly relieved that Greg’s name had been cleared and everything would revert to normal. ‘We should celebrate this’ Mrs. Atkins joined the conversation. ‘Really? And why is that’? Amanda raised her brow. ‘He is still the C.E.O, meaning you don’t have to look for another job’ Alex cut in. ‘Really? I don’t ever want to work with Greg Beecroft and I still plan on returning his money’ Amanda rolled her eyes. Why couldn’t they just stop talking about him? That would make forgetting him easier. ‘Don’t let your pride get in the way of your success, I need to take this, Morgan is calling’ Alex pecked her swiftly and rushed to the kitchen. ‘I am not proud’ Amanda muttered to herself. ‘Yes you are, come over here Mandy’ her mother beckoned to her. ‘Mom’? She pulled a chair next to the woman. ‘Are you in love with him’? Her mother asked. ‘What? No’! She rose to her feet. ‘Did Alex tell you anything’? She wondered. ‘No. I am no fool. You have been very distant of late and when Wendy came up here and showed me a picture of Greg, I wouldn’t blame you if you fell for him’ her mother returned. ‘Hey mum, I know you are worried I’d get hurt but I am not. I am not in love with him. Okay’? Amanda drawled. ‘If you say so but just so you know, don’t allow my fears to get in your way of happiness; I know I get worried a lot that you may end up with a man who doesn’t adore you and love you as much, but you need to get all that behind you; set your heart free and enjoy the thrills of the moment, see where it leads. I made the mistake of rushing, just open up yourself to love’ her mother advised. ‘Thank you’ tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to those words. She was madly in love with Greg but where would it lead. ‘I love you baby’ her mother drew her in for a kiss. ‘I am so scared mum’ she confessed. ‘Don’t be. If he is yours, you’ll both would make it work’.
13 May 2019 | 04:41
Yeah! Greg is yours Amanda
13 May 2019 | 05:50
interesting.......... love in air
13 May 2019 | 05:54
interesting.......... love in the air
13 May 2019 | 05:55
Ofcos he's surely urs ma dear!!!
13 May 2019 | 20:05
14 May 2019 | 04:37
now that your name has been cleared,WHAT NEXT?
14 May 2019 | 04:46
Wow! This epi is a hit!! Next pls
14 May 2019 | 17:33
Episode 17 A week had passed since Nathan had been arrested and Greg had taken back his position as the C.E.O of Beecroft Software Empire. He had given Gwen series of instruction not to take any call from his father or let him into the office; he felt really hurt that his father had fired him without due process and based on allegations. ‘I need another cup of coffee Gwen’ Greg yelled across. ‘Here you are sir, I am wondering if you could still hire another personal assistant’ Gwen smiled as she dropped the tray of coffee and cookies on the table. ‘Really? How hard is it to make coffee’? Greg laughed. ‘Very hard. Let’s face it, Amanda was really suitable for that job, maybe you should get her back’ Gwen suggested. ‘I’ve heard you, I have to work now’ Greg grinned and pointed at the door. ‘Amanda’ he whispered her name and stared at his phone, he had saved her picture in his gallery and he couldn’t stop staring at it. ‘Congratulations man! C.E.O of the year’ Morgan walked in with a magazine. ‘What’s this’? Greg wondered why his friend was so excited. ‘You’ve been awarded as C.E.O of the year by the AEB, it’s a big deal and we’re going’ Morgan flipped the business magazine and showed it to his friend. ‘Why did they have to use that picture of me’? Greg scoffed; he really looked funny in it. ‘And what’s AEB anyway? Never heard of that before’ Greg asked. He had received a lot of awards in the past, this was alien to him. ‘American Entrepreneurs Board, I’ll write your speech’ Morgan offered. ‘That’s if I am going; my father stained my name, how do you think those people will see me’? Greg was still mad even though Nathan had paid for his sins. ‘And your father is sorry, maybe you should hear the man out; Nathan was really one smart asshole who fooled your dad; it’s okay to be mad but you should let this one go’ Morgan advised. ‘Whatever, I’ll go for it, but I’ll need to go with someone’ Greg winked. ‘Find a date, I’m coming with Alex’ Morgan suggested. ‘Really? I thought we had a BROMANCE thing going on here’? Greg laughed. ‘Yes we do, but it’s time for you to move on from Wendy and the happenings of the past week’ Morgan added. ‘You’re right. I have a date’ Greg’s lips twitched mischievously. ‘Wow, you move fast don’t you? Who’ s she’? ‘Gwen’ Greg replied. ‘you mean your secretary’? Morgan grimaced, those two were too different, I didn’t see that coming. ‘Kidding’ Greg laughed. ‘Good’. ‘Better’ Greg replied. ‘So how about Amanda’? Morgan winked. ‘You really liked her and she is hot, all eyes would be on you two for the night’ Morgan suggested. Greg resisted the urge to smile; she had been on his mind the whole week. When he woke, he saw her face; when he took a bath he saw her eyes and when he was resting, her smile flashed in his mind. This has to be it. He was in love. ‘I think I love her but I might have ruined my chances’ Greg finally admitted it aloud. ‘Oh my God, this calls for celebration, Greg Beecroft is in love’! Morgan cheered. ‘Hey keep your voice down, she probably hates me for firing her in the first place, besides, I don’t know if she is seeing anyone’ Greg sighed. ‘You know what? I’ll come over house after work and we would devise a plan on how to conquer the blue eyed blonde, how does that sound’? ‘Cool. See you later bro’ Greg grinned and returned to the files he worked on but not before watching her picture one last time. He was acting like a teenager who was having his first crush; he was actually thinking of a woman, something he had never done. Love was a crazy thing but he felt happy he had fallen for someone as honest and hardworking as Amanda. A week had passed since she had openly admitted her feelings for Greg Beecroft; she didn’t know what to do with them. She found it hard to focus on other things except his seductive eyes and his hot lips and the scenes of their night of passion kept playing back in her mind. ‘Are you really doing this’? Alex scoffed and stared across her friend who was sitting before her dressing mirror. ‘Sure, I meant it. I don’t need pity money’ Amanda powdered her face and wore a little make up. ‘It’s not pity money for the last time, Greg is a billionaire; he can afford to throw money around; it fell on you this time; you’re lucky’ Alex could never understand why Amanda acted this way. ‘You don’t understand I’ll be back’ she blew Alex a kiss and rushed out of the house. ‘Hey, don’t be too hard on him, he is smitten’ Alex held her mouth. Morgan had told her Greg had feelings for Amanda and she had almost slipped. ‘What’? Amanda paused. ‘Nothing, go ahead’ she replied. It didn’t take her long to arrive the company. Memory whisked her back in time and she realized how time had flown. She remembered the first time she’d seen him at the clock; his face was hard and handsome, his jaw was arrogant, from that moment her heart had melted for him. She had started dreaming about him shortly and now everything she dreamt had come to pass except the part where they told each other “I love you”. She stepped into the elevator and decided she was doing the right thing; there was no turning back now. As she reached the floor where Greg’s office was, the first person she bumped into was Wendy. ‘Oh, I am sorry about that’ she quickly apologized to Amanda. Amanda was surprised, so Wendy the rude lady could apologize? ‘Listen, your mother must have probably told you I visited and I was really mean. I am sorry about that; I know I have not been so nice to you and I am sorry too’ Wendy apologized and scurried off. ‘Wow’ she was thrilled. She felt jealous as she remembered that was Greg’s girlfriend; her heart sank as she neared his office. ‘Mandy’! Gwen almost screamed as she approached. ‘Gwen’ Amanda rushed and hugged her. ‘I really missed you, I was just telling Greg about you today, you look wonderful, how have you been’? They exchanged pleasantries for some minutes. ‘Can I see him now’? Amanda asked. ‘Sure go in’ Gwen nodded. She drew one last breath and knocked. ‘Come in Gwen, I have some work for you’ he called to her.
15 May 2019 | 04:25
Last episode ‘Good day’ Amanda stepped into the office. Seeing him in his tux, hair in place looking so adorable, all her confidence fled and she suddenly felt tongue tied. ‘Amanda’? Greg rose to his feet. For a moment, the world stopped; their eyes glued; they were inseparable. ‘I came to return your money; I don’t need your pity Greg. Really, I am fine’ she said. ‘It’s not pity money, you’re a hardworking person and you deserve it’ Greg felt bad she would reject his money. ‘I know but I only take money that I earned. This is too much for me, way beyond my paycheck’ she sighed. ‘What if you work and earn it? I wouldn’t pay you again’ Greg suggested. ‘No. I don’t want to work here in Beecroft, I got myself another job’ she lied. How could she stand there and pretend that his presence wasn’t affecting her? ‘You have another job? Where’? Greg carefully picked his phone, he was going to ask them to sack her. ‘It doesn’t matter’ she braced up. ‘Or you’re lying? And why would you be lying Amanda’? He noticed she was blushing. ‘I don’t lie’ she almost stepped back but held her stand as Greg took calculated steps towards her. ‘Are you sure? I feel you like me and your feelings for me may get in the way of your job’ he stopped. Their eyes facing each other, breath touching, an inch apart. ‘I don’t have time for this, you’re delusional’ she made for the door but he grabbed her so fast. She had not seen that coming. ‘Then deny this’ he whispered and covered her mouth with his kiss. His lips tasted so nice; sweet and familiar and she found herself lost in his arms. He loved the womanly scent of her and the lushness of her pink lips. He was in love and he wasn’t ashamed; he wanted her to feel what he was feeling now. ‘Stop’ she pushed him away. ‘Why’? He asked. ‘I can’t do this anymore. I love you but we cannot be together’ a tear slipped from her eyes. ‘I love you too Amanda; though it took me a long time to realize it. I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings in the process. You’re all I want, all I desire’ he was scared of her words. ‘We can’t be together Greg’ she repeated. ‘Why’? His heart was breaking, did she have someone? ‘Wendy’ Amanda whispered. ‘Wendy? No, we’re no longer together, I swear to you. We could even go ask her’ Greg reached for her hands. ‘No, that wouldn’t be necessary’ she searched his eyes and found truth glaring at her. ‘So where does that leave us’? He asked. ‘I don’t know; I am really scared, this is my first time of loving someone’ she poured out her heart. ‘I know me too. We could make this work, we’re meant to be together’ he replied. ‘I love you Greg, from the first time I met you at the club; I am really sorry I slapped you that night, I thought you’d sent the obscene note to me’ this was the right time to apologize and she had taken it. ‘I love you too darling and I am sorry for being mean to you. For firing you like that, and for calling that night at the lounge a mistake. Can you forgive me’? He pressed a soft kiss on the back of her hand. ‘Yes. I don’t regret that night; it was supposed to happen’ she said to him. ‘Yes and I want all the moments we would ever spend together to feel so wonderful’ he dragged her gently towards himself. She didn’t resist. She followed the amorous flow. ‘I love you Amanda’ Greg stared deeply into her blue eyes. ‘I thought you hated blue eyed blondes’ she joked and they both laughed. ‘Maybe but not you’ he whispered and placed a kiss on her face. They had found each other; her dreams had found the light of day and everything was perfect. Yes, he desired her and she desired him and everything about this beautiful longing and craving was perfect. *** EPILOGUE Her days now had meaning, all her life she had lived feeling empty but since she found Greg, she felt alive; the days she spent with him were filled with bliss and laughter and she wondered if there was any other thing sweeter than being in love with the right man. ‘Hurry Alex. He just texted me, he is close to the house’ Amanda said to her friend who was dressing her up for the award night. ‘Stay calm, don’t ruin your make up, tonight is a special night’ Alex said to her. ‘I feel so happy with him Alex, sometimes I feel it wouldn’t last or it is not real enough’ Amanda sighed. ‘Stop having negative thoughts. Just relax and enjoy this perfect moment’ Alex advised. She understood where her friend was coming from, love was a perfect feeling and not everyone was used to perfect. ‘You just sounded like my mother’ Amanda smiled. ‘No smiles! You’ll ruin the make-up’ Alex snorted. ‘Mandy! He is here’ her mother called out to her. ‘I told you Alex! We’re late’ Amanda cried and jumped to her feet. ‘Remember to smack your lips and smile for the cameras’ Alex advised. ‘I thought you and Morgan would be there’ Amanda’s face fell. ‘No, change of plans, I have a dinner with his parents tonight’ Alex winked. ‘Wow bold move, do you think he would propose’? Amanda asked. ‘I don’t know, but I’ll really be thrilled’ Alex replied. ‘I love you so much and I happy for you’ Amanda voice broke. ‘Please don’t cry else you’ll ruin the make-up’ Alex rushed and hugged her. After they broke up, Amanda rushed to the parlor to see Greg while Alex left for the bathroom to wash her hands. She paused and watched as Greg related with her mother; they flowed very well and this was their first meeting. “Are you kidding me? I love rugby, boyish huh”? Mrs. Atkins laughed. “I’ll take you some time and we would watch live” Greg smiled. ‘Hello there’ Amanda walked in, she was really glad they got along; she’d feared her mother would be too hard on him as she was very overprotective. He opened his mouth to speak but words failed him. She looked stunning; all the stars and the moon where going to envy her tonight. ‘You’re beautiful’ his voice was husky with emotion. ‘Thank you’ heat crept up her neck as she stared at him, he was impeccably dressed. ‘You look good too’ she replied. ‘You both should go now, before it’s too late’ her mother said. ‘Goodbye mum and make sure you keep the T.V on, you’re going to see me on it’ Amanda kissed her face. ‘Bye Mrs. Atkins, I’ll make good on my promise’ Greg waved. She reminded him of his own mother. ‘Thanks Greg, have fun’ she waved. ‘You can stop hiding now Alex, we both know they are going to kiss; they were just too afraid to do it before me’ Mrs. Atkins laughed. ‘I need to see them kiss’ Alex laughed and rushed to the window. ‘I am so happy for her’ Mrs. Atkins smiled. His hands were warm on hers as they both stepped outside underneath the full glare of the moonlight. ‘You’re astonishing’ his eyes were filled with passion. ‘I love you Greg, you’re a kind man’ Amanda smiled and raised herself up to meet his mouth. ‘You’re very special to me’ he held her still and when he was done adoring her beauty with his words, his lips fell on hers. They engaged in a passionate kiss; the stars bore witness; the moon was the judge, her hair was danced as the wind whistled. He had found freedom in her; all his life he had lacked one thing, he had found Amanda. She lured him with the sweet taste of her mouth; she had met fulfillment. So together, they chased after passion and desire till they reached the pleasure grove, a place meant for lovers alone. Only then did he break the kiss and whispered ‘I love you’. Her eyes found the truth and she buried her golden curls in his chest, she had found the one Wow finally am in tears here Love is real Thanks for all the comments I love you coolval To all who followed till the end Oya chop kiss muah Thanks once more Don't forget to read this story titled MY FATHER'S WIFE >>
15 May 2019 | 04:33
Nice One, I Enjoyed it
15 May 2019 | 14:47
WOW TAKE DIS SONG speechless speechless thats how u make me feel when am with uuuuuuu speechless speechless and nothing is for real... wow dat wax a gwt piece amazing indeed oya chop kiss :*
15 May 2019 | 15:36
Thumb up
15 May 2019 | 16:15
so lovely,I think I'm still waiting for continuation, nice story Weldon @marcus Victoria
15 May 2019 | 18:19
perfect end to a wonderful story
15 May 2019 | 19:20
so Greg still bore a grudge with his father till the end
15 May 2019 | 19:22
once again nice story
15 May 2019 | 19:23
so painful to say,but i have to follow due protocol THE COMMENTS OF JEHLIOHN ARE ENDED ON THIS STORY
15 May 2019 | 19:26
Love is a welcomed development especially when the love that was talked about was meant to be and it became the very joy of the first timers to fall in love. Mandy and greg were really meant to be and they became the joyous lovers.
16 May 2019 | 06:10
Alex and morgan made it clear in the path of love to meet greg and mandy their best friends. Love never left morgan and alex because they are also in love and made it easier for mandy and greg to imbrace love more. Mrs atkins cheers up for love, gwen knows the truth, silas, trudy and wendy found the truth as nathan the malicious was punished in jail.
16 May 2019 | 06:26
16 May 2019 | 06:29
Woow DAT was really lovely at long last.. Kudos...
16 May 2019 | 16:02
Wow! Love every bit of it! Nice ending. Its real in some cases, but rare.........
17 May 2019 | 09:33
Nathan ur days are numbered
19 May 2019 | 03:49
wow!! Kudos.. Great story really enjoyed it. criticism did a WONDERFUL job.
1 Jun 2019 | 12:59
wow wow
20 Jun 2019 | 19:30
this story was so sweet
20 Jun 2019 | 19:31
A blessing in disguise
2 Oct 2019 | 02:30
Love is indeed beautiful when you meet the rightful person,I love the happy ending of this story bravo to the author
4 Oct 2019 | 14:38
I guess she will fall in love with the wrong guy,still reading
5 Oct 2019 | 01:35
Wow!!! I love this Thank you @Marcus Victoria for the wonderful story
29 Oct 2019 | 10:43
Wow!!! I love this Thank you @MarcusVictoria for the wonderful story
29 Oct 2019 | 10:45
Like the story its so touching
31 Jan 2020 | 06:43
So Emotional i love the story from the Onset to the end
31 Jan 2020 | 06:44
Kisses Too
4 Jun 2021 | 07:08
hmmmm what a suspense
10 Sep 2021 | 19:37
Great job
10 Sep 2021 | 19:37


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