

By Ireoluwa in 26 Apr 2018 | 05:20
Ireoluwa Emmanuel

Ireoluwa Emmanuel

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Member since: 3 Oct 2017
This is a story of a 34year old beautiful, young and a single lady , that has vowed never to be in a damn bondage called marriage,,,, despite all pleadings from her mother to find a man and settle down, she still don't Have any interest in getting married,,, and even went as far as founding a forum called sisters for freedom for those ladies that are not interested in been under any man's roof like herself... She can't just bring herself to be a married woman. Until her mother sets her up with the ex governor's nephew, Kyle,, a guy that is set to walk down the aisle with his long-term fiancée of seven years,,,,, let's take a seat, grab yourself a park of popcorn and coke and if you are the type that hate popcorn like myself, get yourself any brand of sausage with the drink of your taste, and enjoy as the story unfolds....

26 Apr 2018 | 05:20
26 Apr 2018 | 05:28
26 Apr 2018 | 05:39
26 Apr 2018 | 07:17
@ireoluwaemmaunel it is done
26 Apr 2018 | 07:19
@jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @softtouch @repentance
26 Apr 2018 | 07:31
@myraruby if u are coming come with my pop corn
26 Apr 2018 | 07:32
26 Apr 2018 | 08:52
@senatorDaniel thanks for the IV
26 Apr 2018 | 08:53
Come and continue...
26 Apr 2018 | 08:54
26 Apr 2018 | 10:18
thanks the only senator in cooval not like dino
26 Apr 2018 | 11:08
Senator@ keep updating de register in time. U are perfect for de job
26 Apr 2018 | 11:31
Miss ireoluwa emmanue@ update de story fast fast, at list 2times every day. no dull de movement of dis ministry.
26 Apr 2018 | 11:36
ride on am with you
26 Apr 2018 | 12:07
@senator: I want to start it but will I post it Hia in d comment box? I dunno
26 Apr 2018 | 13:12
A HEARTBREAK AWAY CHAPTER ‘1’ (Chriswick Night time In a large executive hall About 200 women are seated watching and listening to Akorfa Cullen 36, give her speech from behind the glass podium.) AKORFA ….and we have been programmed to fit into these social norms. We have been competing for the same from the day we let out our first cry. From birth, this socialization process shapes our sense of identity, and little by little a social mask is formed and we tend to behave accordingly. Believe me, we have been masquerading and there are still a large number of sisters out still masquerading, and tonight if you are listening to me via any of our social media platforms, I invite you to join our movement. Set yourself free. Question your thoughts and beliefs. It's time you seek to rediscover your true self and believe me you will achieve authentic happiness. (Applause from the crowd. Akorfa continues, her voice growing higher) AKORFA Not everybody was born to be married. I knew from an early age that marriage wasn't for me. And all these years I've steered cleared off everything relating to that, especially men. (Laughter from the crowd) AKORFA …. We are been coerced to be something, take on the beliefs of others. Listen to me, we don't need the men or don't need to marry to be complete. If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be. Stop wearing that happy mask. Deep down you know it isn't so. You may only be functional but not fulfilled, successful but not satisfied. Why can't you be you? (Cheers) AKORFA So wherever you are , listening or watching, join us. Let your truest self come out. We are here to support you. Tonight, we celebrate our one millionth membership. We are one million ,so what are you waiting for? (Loud cheers) AKORFA Before I step out of here, I will want to leave you with this. Sister, believe in yourself, celebrate your uniqueness. An original is always more than a copy. A toast to success, ladies. Sisters for Freedom is here to stay! (After the speech, Akorfa makes her way towards the backdrop. Kirstie Aggrey, her assistant walks to her) KIRSTIE A really good speech. AKORFA Thanks. KIRSTIE I'm sure our pages are going to be flooded tomorrow. AKORFA Hopefully. KIRSTIE Anyway, your mother is waiting on the main line. AKORFA My mother? For how long has she been waiting? KIRSTIE For about 15 minutes. She didn't want to hang up and call back. AKORFA Mum, she can be a real pain at times. KIRSTIE Must be something important, there could be many reason why she doesn't want to hang up. AKORFA It's my dad's 70th birthday tomorrow. Nothing else. KIRSTIE Oh, congratulations. So is there a party tomorrow? AKORFA Yeah, but not gonna be like your kind of party. It's a party for the oldies. 50 years and above. (Kirstie laughs. ) KIRSTIE I see. (Akorfa walks to take the receiver. She starts to speak into the phone) AKORFA Mum ? VOICE OF JOANN Akorfa? AKORFA Yeah it's me. What's up? Kirstie said you didn't want to call me back. JOANN No. AKORFA Why? JOANN Are you gonna get here earliest by 7am tomorrow? (Akorfa sighs) AKORFA You are not even gonna ask me how I am doing? JOANN I know that you are very well. AKORFA Mum, we haven't spoken all day yesterday and today. JOANN What matters is that you are fine. AKORFA At least you knew I will be here. Ask me about the ceremony or something... JOANN I am not interested, honey. AKORFA Mum, this is a big night. Look we are one million now. We are what I envisaged years ago. We are a movement now and we are here to stay…. JOANN Cut it. You know I'm not interested AKORFA Mum, at least you got to be happy for me. JOANN Do you really expect me to have a change of heart? AKORFA Mum.., this is the journey I want to embark. I want to dedicate the rest of my life to help women discover their truest selves. JOANN Leave the sane ones alone, Akorfa. If you don't believe in marriage, keep that to yourself. Stop running around spreading such false ridiculous beliefs. AKORFA Mum… JOANN Be here by 10am for the family breakfast. I don't want you skipping . Your siblings are all gonna be in town tomorrow. AKORFA Why can't you make it lunch? JOANN Why? AKORFA I'm not sure I'm gonna make it to this family daddy's birthday breakfast. It's very early for me. JOANN You are only an hour away by car. Your sister and brother are six hours away by flight, and they are going to get here before 8am. What is your excuse? AKORFA I will see what I can do. JOANN Be here before 10am, Akorfa. (Akorfa hesitates for a while. ) AKORFA Okay. JOANN See you then. (Cherry Hill The next morning at the Cullen family home. Aseye Cullen - Ofori, 32, younger sister of Akorfa arrives with her two kids Damian 5 and Danielle 3. An hour later, she joins he mother in the kitchen. ) ASEYE Need help? JOANN No honey. Your eyes look heavy. (Aseye rubs her eyes with her hand) JOANN Do you want to go in and take in quick sleep before breakfast? ASEYE No. JOANN We have a long day ahead, honey. ASEYE I will take a nap after breakfast. JOANN If you can wait till after breakfast. ASEYE I will be fine. (Joann cellphone pings with a text message. She takes the cellphone, opens message and reads) JOANN Your brother will soon pull up. He's almost here. ASEYE Awesome. Is he alone? JOANN He didn't say he has company. ASEYE Was hoping he would bring his fiancée. Their wedding is only four months away. We need to start getting together. (Aseye turns and looks out into the backyard) ASEYE Mum,you've transformed the backyard. It doesn't look like the same backyard we grew up playing in. JOANN I told you. ASEYE I think it looks a lot better with the pavers than the grass. JOANN I told you. ASEYE You were right. I guess these pavers has given dad some leeways now to work on other things. JOANN Of course. ASEYE Luckyhim, he doesn't have to mow or water any large land of grass like he used to. Are you thinking of adding a pool? JOANN I want to. ASEYE That won't be a bad idea. JOANN But I have to learn to swim first. (Aseye laughs) JOANN Or do you think I'm too old to learn to swim? ASEYE I don't think you are. Retirement is a beginning of new chapter in your life, mum. Live it. Learn to do new things. You and dad have worked hard enough. (Joann beams at her daughter) JOANN Thank honey. So how was the flight? ASEYE Tiring. Most airplanes are not kid friendly these days. . JOANN They've never been. Gosh, when are they gonna make changes to suit mothers with kids? ASEYE I'm not sure that is going to be considered anytime now. They are even looking to add more seating to these tiny aircrafts, would you believe that? JOANN That is robbery ASEYE Somebody got to speak up. JOANN Well you can. Why wait for somebody to do it. ASEYE I'm not as outspoken like your daughter Akorfa. She can well handle these kind of cases. JOANN Then she isn't using her gift for a good course. (Aseye laughs) ASEYE When is she going to get here, anyway? JOANN Ten. ASEYE Couldn't get to talk to her yesterday. (Joann stops and stares out through the window. ) JOANN I don't know what I am going to do with your sister. ASEYE You have to accept it, mum. It's what makes her happy. She doesn't want to live this way of life with kids, husband, …. JOANN I'm not going to watch her waste her life. ASEYE She is not wasting her life. Akorfa is not a baby, mum. She's your eldest child. JOANN She will forever be my baby. ASEYE Mum, she's 36. She's not a baby. JOANN So be honest with me. What did I do wrong with her? Did I speed through some mommy daughter sign? (Aseye laughs, closing up to her ) ASEYE Mum.. calm down. JOANN Who doesn't want a good husband and beautiful kids? ASEYE Well, unfortunately she's different. JOANN What if she's a lesbian, Aseye? (Aseye shakes her head, her lips quirking up in a half smile) JOANN It's a possibility. What if…? ASEYE My sister isn't a lesbian. That I can strongly say no. JOANN So then why doesn't she have feelings for a man? Everybody at a point in their lifetime has to fall in love with somebody, or with something …. ASEYE Then I believe she has found love in staying single and fighting for women who doesn't wanna be committed like her. JOANN I see she has done a good job getting you on her side. ASEYE Mum…a lot is changing now. (Elikem Cullen, 29, the youngest of the children enters the kitchen, closely followed by Shayna, his fiancée.) ELIKEM Your boy is home!! ASEYE Elikem! Shayna! (Chriswick Same morning in Akorfa’s 3 bedroom house. She talks with Maren Arthur, 40, an old friend she had rented a room in her house to, in the living room, as they are sprawled lazily on the sofa) AKORFA We had a good night. Our best night by far. MAREN One million members? AKORFA You heard me. MAREN In less than 3 years? Congratulations. AKORFA Thanks. MAREN You are growing like some wild fire. AKORFA We certainly are but don't rule out the hate too. MAREN I know. Can't take that out. AKORFA The more we grow, the more the hate grows. (Maren chuckles) MAREN You are stronger than I thought you were. AKORFA Now I guess I might be the most hated woman on this planet MAREN I don't think you are the most hated woman. There are a lot of you championing women rights, although you have a taken an entirely different route. AKORFA The men don't like me. MAREN Why should they? You are taking away their women AKORFA That includes mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts uncles….. the list goes on. They all don't like me. MAREN So what's the future for ‘Sisters for freedom’? AKORFA A lot, and we are only beginning. There are so many women in the closet that we need to set free. They are not happy married. Some even don't know why they are in it. They will want to be free but families won't allow it. MAREN So what is the plan for the year? Any outline of programs….?? AKORFA We are still drawing a table for the year. MAREN I see. You are a full blown movement now. AKORFA We are on a journey to set these women free, even if we have to hire lawyers to get them out of these bondages. MAREN Started receiving dues yet? AKORFA No. MAREN Then how are you going to fund these law suits and programs you planning for the year? AKORFA Out of pockets for now but we will start raising funds. MAREN Then you got to start raising the funds now. You need the money (Akorfa stands up from the couch) MAREN Are you gradually winning your mummy over? AKORFA That's never going to happen. MAREN Oooh? Mummy is still not a fan. AKORFA Never will she be? I didn't fulfill her wish. MAREN It's what every mother wishes for a daughter. What about your daddy? AKORFA He's cool. He doesn't care. MAREN Does this classify you as a feminist now? AKORFA Yes I am. I am championing women's rights, women’s liberation. MAREN Good luck (Akorfa turns and starts to leave for her room.) AKORFA And we are still waiting for you to join us. (Maren laughs out hard) MAREN Don't waste your time waiting cos I am not. I love men. AKORFA You are 41, Maren. What do you want to get married for? MAREN 41 does not mean life is over. AKORFA You don't even have a boyfriend. MAREN I'm going to start dating soon. I've registered on two dating site. AKORFA Again? MAREN I'm very hopeful this time Mr Right is gonna come along. And I'm gonna cut down my hours at work, will be making changes to my closet, will be… AKORFA Our doors are always open if you ever change your mind. (Maren shakes her head laughing) MAREN Never happening. But I will be covering your stories in my column for free for you. AKORFA Thanks. I got to go get ready. (Akorfa starts walking... ) MAREN Are you coming back tonight? AKORFA I would want to but we will be going for a thanksgiving at church tomorrow so I have to sleep over. (Cherry Hill Akorfa arrives at her family home later that morning. At 10:30, the family together with Aseye’s kids and Elikem’s fiancee were seated at the dining room for the birthday breakfast. ) AKORFA Where is Israel? Why isn't he here with us? (Israel is Aseye’s husband) ASEYE He's out of town on assignment. He will be back tomorrow. AKORFA Plans for a third baby? ASEYE Not right now. AKORFA What are you waiting for? Danielle is 3 JOANN Don't worry your sister. What are you doing with yourself? AKORFA Mum? JOANN At least she's married and has two kids. You have neither a husband nor kids. AKORFA Because I don't want to marry, mum. But I haven't closed my mind to having kids. JOANN Oh, how are you going to do that? I thought you didn't want a man in your life. AKORFA There are several modern ways to make babies, mum. JOANN Don't bring a bastard into our home. (Elikem frowns) ELIKEM Mum….don't talk like that. AKORFA I think breakfast is over for me. (Akorfa starts to get up ) JOANN No, sit down. AKORFA I don't want to, mummy. EUGENE I thought we agreed this was going to be judgement free breakfast. JOANN I can't keep still, Eugene. Why would you wanna live your life like this, Akorfa? I raised you well, took you to the best private schools... AKORFA Mum, this has got nothing to do with you. I've never wanted to get married since I was in high school. JOANN Why do you want to be different? AKORFA It's the way I want to be. JOANN Are you a lesbian? (Shock run through the faces at the table. Shayna coughs, then rises from her chair . ) SHAYNA Sorry I got to use the bathroom. (Shayna leaves) AKORFA I'm not a lesbian, mummy. JOANN Why don't you wanna be married and have family like your sister?Do you just don't want to be married at all or you simply don't like men? Could it also be you have a preference that you are not meeting …. I could help you find the kind you want …. AKORFA It's not about preference, mummy. I love being lonely and managing my own affairs. I'm savoring this solitude lifestyle and my privacy every blessed day of my life. JOANN And you are happy? AKORFA I am very happy. Some day you are going to be proud of me, for this route that I've taken.. JOANN I don't believe you. AKORFA Okay…I can't stay. (Akorfa stands up again. ) AKORFA I will be at the back. (Later after the breakfast, their father Eugene and Joann stand aside to talk. ) JOANN She is not telling the truth, Eugene. EUGENE She says she's not what you think she is, so stop it. JOANN Any woman that doesn't have an interest in a man obviously is interested in her own sex. EUGENE That's not true. JOANN Then she's hiding something. EUGENE Why don't you let her be? JOANN That's what I can't seem to do. She's not a baby. EUGENE You have to leave her alone, Joann. JOANN I'm surprised you don't even feel the shame she's bringing on this family, Eugene. (Outside in the backyard, Aseye and Akorfa had leaned against a tree chatting) ASEYE So are you planning to quit your job anytime soon? AKORFA Not right now. ASEYE But you are growing and you ain't gonna have time for both. AKORFA We are only one million now, and we have no money in our coffers. Might quit the when we reach 3 million, and starts to raise good funds for our programs. ASEYE I see you turning into a millionaire in the very near future. AKORFA I'm not in this for money, Aseye. ASEYE Well yeah, but fame sometimes comes with wealth. You might be lucky. You may get endorsements. AKORFA That I don't think I'm ever gonna get some. (Aseye laughs. ) ASEYE And about mother, don't worry. You are going to win her over one day. AKORFA I don't see that happening. ASEYE She will have a change of heart. Believe me. It's only gonna get tougher in the beginning. (They turn to see their dad walking to them) ASEYE Dad wants to speak to you. AKORFA I think so. ASEYE Cheer up, you have the main man behind you. I'm going to take a quick nap. (Cherry Hill Later that evening Kayleigh Gyan 35, sits at a diner waiting. Minutes later, Adobea Anderson 27, enters and marches up to her to her table) ADOBEA Hey.. KAYLEIGH You are here. (Adobea looks around. ) ADOBEA I haven't been here in a really long time. KAYLEIGH Why haven't you? ADOBEA After the chef quit, the food didn't become the same. KAYLEIGH Really? ADOBEA Heard it's gotten better but I'm yet to find out. KAYLEIGH I was here a few weeks ago with a friend and it wasn't bad. ADOBEA I see. Hoping to get the same results today. (Waitress comes by, takes their order and leaves) KAYLEIGH So why did you decide to meet me today? ADOBEA I need a favor KAYLEIGH Favor? ADOBEA It's actually for my friend. She needs help. KAYLEIGH Who is this friend? ADOBEA My friend Jenna. You met her at the house the other time. KAYLEIGH Yeah… so what about her? ADOBEA She wants to get her boobs done at the clinic. KAYLEIGH So what is this favor that she wants? ADOBEA The wait time. She was at the clinic last week. She found out she had to wait for a month. She's willing to pay if you can help her get an early appointment. (Kayleigh looks up, sighing) ADOBEA I believe you can do something so she doesn't have to join the queue. You are a respected surgeon at the clinic, Kayleigh. (Kayleigh leans back in the chair. She folds her arms) KAYLEIGH I thought you needed a favor for yourself. (Adobea smirks, shaking her head) ADOBEA I don't need a favor. Why do you think I needed a favor? KAYLEIGH I thought you wanted to lose some weight. We talked about this. ADOBEA I'm not going to. KAYLEIGH Why? ADOBEA At the right time I will do it. KAYLEIGH And when is this right time going to be? ADOBEA I don't know. KAYLEIGH Adobea,.. ADOBEA Look, I'm not going to lose weight because a man left me for how much I weigh. KAYLEIGH But you loved him. You wanted to keep him. ADOBEA Not anymore. KAYLEIGH Adobea, if you give me a chance I will transform you into that woman every man will want to be with. ADOBEA I'm happy the way I am. KAYLEIGH You may wanna start dating again, and you may face the same problem. ADOBEA Not anymore. It's all done for me. KAYLEIGH What are you talking about? ADOBEA I'm going to be living a happy single life from now. KAYLEIGH What do you mean by that? ADOBEA I'm never gonna date again and I'm never gonna get married. (Kayleigh laughs) KAYLEIGH Are you serious? ADOBEA Yes I am. KAYLEIGH Because a guy left you for another woman, now you don't want to get married? ADOBEA It's not about a guy leaving me for another woman. I don't think this whole marriage thing is for me. And why should I change my body to please a man? KAYLEIGH Now hold on. What did you just say? ADOBEA I don't want to be married, Kayleigh. KAYLEIGH Adobea…, what has gotten into you? ADOBEA Look, I have tried to fall in love, be in a good relationship, go on trips, it's just not working. And I'm most happiest when I'm single and free. KAYLEIGH Have you discussed this with your mother, father… cousin ? ADOBEA No. Not anytime now. KAYLEIGH You are their only daughter. You can't do this to them, Adobea. You are the ex Governor’s only daughter. ADOBEA It's my life, not theirs. And It doesn't mean I'm not happy for you. You are lucky. You are getting married in a few weeks to the most wonderful man in my family. KAYLEIGH Does that mean you can go back on this decision one day? That is if you meet the right guy? ADOBEA I don't think so. KAYLEIGH You don't think so? ADOBEA I found this support group, that I've registered as a member. It does feel like a new family to me. And it turns out there are a million of us who don't want to be married or tied down to some archaic life called marriage. . KAYLEIGH What is the name of the group? ADOBEA Sisters For Freedom. Cherry Hill Evening at the Cullen Family home. The birthday party is underway. Joann stands outside by the back door chatting with two friends who had come to the party with their husbands, Araba Gyimah and Ayerley Anderson, wife of the ex Governor Aaron Anderson) AYERLEY You must be a proud grand mother. These kids are so cute. (Ayerley had glanced at Aseye's kids who were playing on the back doorstep) JOANN I am, but I want many more. ARABA Two grandchildren is very okay. I have only one, and I'm very happy with that. AYERLEY I have to wait for years to hold mine in my arms. Adobea is still very single, and it's as if she's totally lost interest in men. Now I don't know if I have to set out and search a man for her. (Laughter) JOANN She's still very young and busy. My eldest still hasn't brought forth a child. AYERLEY Akorfa? She's still not married, is she? JOANN No she's not, and sadly she's not willing to get married. ARABA Why? JOANN You haven't been reading a lot these days, have you? ARABA Why? What is going on? JOANN Heard anything about Sisters for freedom? (They shake their heads) AYERLEY What is that about? JOANN It's a movement, kind of a support group for women who wants to remain single their entire life. AYERLEY And what has your daughter got to do with it? JOANN She's the brain behind it. AYERLEY What? Are you serious? Akorfa? JOANN You can go ahead and ask her. ARABA And what are you doing about it? JOANN I don't know what I do. ARABA You can't wait around and watch her mess her life. She's such a pretty girl. JOANN I've done everything. AYERLEY Could she be a lesbian? JOANN I am afraid that thought alone scares me. She says she's not. ARABA Do you believe her? JOANN I don't know but I do know that she's hiding something. (Joann turns and sees a young man chatting with Eugene and Aaron Anderson, the ex Governor) JOANN Who is that young man? Do you know who might have invited him? (Ayerley turns, then smiles brightly) JOANN Do you know who that is? AYERLEY That's Kyle. Aaron’s nephew. ARABA The neurologist? AYERLEY Yes. He brought Aaron his meds. JOANN I've never met him before. (Minutes later Kyle walks up to say hello. Ayerley introduces him.) KYLE Pleased to meet you, Mrs Cullen and Mrs Gyimah . JOANN You are always welcomed here. Ayerley says you moved here about seven months ago. KYLE Yes I did, and I am not my moving away anytime now. JOANN Good to know. We need more young professionals in the town. ARABA So which hospital do you work for? (Same time Akorfa enters the paved backyard with Aseye and their brother's fiancée Shayna from the house) AKORFA If people see me in a bridesmaid gown, what are they gonna think? ASEYE You are not totally against marriage or are you? They will understand. SHAYNA Especially when it's your brother's wedding . (Akorfa looks around ) AKORFA Look, we are the only people under 40 years here. Everybody is over 50 years. SHAYNA Well he made that clear his party wasn't for the young. AKORFA It's so boring out here. I really want to go in and hit the sheets. ASEYE You can't do that now. We have to wait till everybody leaves. (Akorfa turns and sees Kyle chatting with ladies. ) AKORFA Who is that with mum? When did he come in. (Aseye turns. Her eyes shines when her eyes fell on him) ASEYE Oh thats Kyle Anderson. AKORFA You know him? SHAYNA Who is he? ASEYE He is a neurologist. We met at the MS Conference last year in Hudson. AKORFA So why is he here? Did dad invite him? ASEYE He's Governor Anderson’s nephew. AKORFA I see (Aseye starts to leave. ) ASEYE I'm going to say hi. Will be right back. (Later that night, after the party Joann walks with Ayerley to their car outside on the front yard) AYERLEY I had so much fun JOANN I'm happy you did. AYERLEY What have you been doing? We should be hanging out or we will soon be bound to wheel chairs. (Joann laughs) JOANN I will need to speak with Kyle. AYERLEY Sure, anytime. JOANN I will need his help. AYERLEY You're sick? JOANN I need to find out if my daughter is a lesbian or not. AYERLEY Okay…so? JOANN I want to see if Kyle can lure her into falling in love with him. story continues later Please Comment/ Like/ Share /Tag friends Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright ©Josephine Asante, September 2017
26 Apr 2018 | 13:24
chapter 1 is Hia,,, @senatordaniel,,,,, help me do d rest
26 Apr 2018 | 13:25
come ooo another episode done land. @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @softtouch @repentance
26 Apr 2018 | 17:44
tnx dear @senatordaniel
26 Apr 2018 | 18:14
Akora u de crase, if u don't like men gud for u but stop convicing others. Wot do u want men to do if u succid with ur nasty idiologyg?. BULSHIT
26 Apr 2018 | 18:34
Am here......@senatordaniel thanks for the i'v
26 Apr 2018 | 18:51
count me in
26 Apr 2018 | 18:57
Bring It On
26 Apr 2018 | 19:01
26 Apr 2018 | 19:09
Ride on
27 Apr 2018 | 03:49
this girl get scoring o haa!OK let's see what happen as story continue
27 Apr 2018 | 05:00
It's your headache if you don't love men....Stop misleading others
27 Apr 2018 | 05:39
@senatordaniel thanks for the iv, African women and marriage,,,,, they will pressurize their children into marriage and when things turn out badly they won't be there to do anything
27 Apr 2018 | 06:11
this girl hate men with out no reason hmmmm well nice one keep it rolling
27 Apr 2018 | 06:35
Bring it on
27 Apr 2018 | 08:56
still observing
27 Apr 2018 | 08:57
thanks @senatordaniel for the iv
27 Apr 2018 | 08:58
@senatordaniel no i.v 4 me?. anyway kip it up en' coming @Ireoluwa Emmanuel
27 Apr 2018 | 13:59
Abeg make somebody shift make I sit down.
27 Apr 2018 | 17:33
@senatordaniel thanx 4 d i.v.
27 Apr 2018 | 17:34
Abeg I want creat my own movement o. It is call BROTHER FOR FREDOM *LOL*
27 Apr 2018 | 17:37
CHAPTER 2 JOANN I want to see if Kyle can lure her into falling in love with him. AYERLEY Why do you want to do that? You want to test her? JOANN A huge part of me doesn't believe her. AYERLEY But what if she’s serious. JOANN If she is dead beat on living a life like that, then I can get her to see a therapist. There’s gotta be a lot to this. AYERLEY Was she ever molested? JOANN None of my children has ever been. AYERLEY The kids don’t tell us everything, Joann JOANN Well, not that I know of. She's never mentioned anything of that kind to me. Do you think Kyle will do it? (Ayerley’s brows wrinkles. She gives a little shake of the head) AYERLEY I am pretty sure he is not going to agree to this. JOANN Why? AYERLEY He's getting married in 9 weeks. (Joann’s brows flies in shock) JOANN Kyle is getting married? AYERLEY Yes. (They continue to walk) JOANN What a surprise. AYERLEY We had planned to bring him over to meet with you and your husband first before officially inviting you. He’s been pretty busy since he moved back. Now that you’ve met him tonight, l believe its cleared to send you the invite. JOANN So who is this lucky girl? AYERLEY Her name is Kayleigh Gyan, she's a plastic surgeon. JOANN A surgeon. AYERLEY She is his college sweetheart. She moved here from Naples about a few months ago. JOANN Such a lucky girl. AYERLEY I will talk to him about it. Well, you never know. JOANN Now I doubt he will agree. AYERLEY Its only going to be a short chase. I will do my best to convince him, and I will make sure he tells Kayleigh about it, that is if he agrees to. (Joann shakes her head, frustrated) AYERLEY Don't blame yourself, JoAnn. Respect that however things progress, this is your child’s life, and at the end of the day, they are driving their own love life. JOANN My heart aches for her everyday. AYERLEY At the end of the day she's doing what makes her happy. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Later after midnight In the ladies room at the Cullen House. Akorfa and Aseye gets ready for the bed) ASEYE ....He is planning to live here for as last long as. AKORFA He is most welcomed to town. ASEYE Isn’t he very easy on the eyes? AKORFA He is alright... ASEYE That is not true. He is no ordinary looking guy. ASEYE For once, praise a man for his striking appearance, Akorfa. (Akorfa sighs and rolls her eyes) ASEYE I have never met a man with such a perfectly put together eyebrows like Kyle’s. So dark, thick, curly and painfully natural. It’s his distinctive feature, and they give him a stunning face. AKORFA Are the Andersons planning on moving back to Naples? ASEYE Mum told me they are staying. Governor Anderson has retired. This is his home state. He was born and bred here so he is not going anywhere AKORFA So Kyle used to live in Naples with them? ASEYE I believe so. AKORFA Where are his parents? ASEYE I don't know. They must be living somewhere on the surface of this earth. AKORFA Is he married? ASEYE His finger is bare. You didn't see? AKORFA I don't search fingers for bands. ASEYE He is not married but he has a girlfriend. AKORFA I am pretty sure she must also be a neurologist like him too. ASEYE She could be. These days doctors are locking up with their mates. I won't be that surprised. AKORFA Ever met her before? ASEYE No, but my colleague Praba has met with her once. AKORFA Praba has met everybody. ASEYE It's her job. She is the director of the Outreach program. AKORFA I'm quite surprised you didn't get married to a doctor, but rather to an Electrical Engineer. (Aseye turns, and shoots a look at her elder sister. ) ASEYE Why are you saying that? AKORFA You have an unhealthy obsession towards them. Everybody in the family knows, and even your close friends..... ASEYE That's not true, Akorfa. AKORFA You know that I'm not lying. You have always been crazy about doctors. ASEYE I like them. It's a prestigious profession, and they save lives. I have absolute respect for them. But I never thought of marrying one. No... (Akorfa gives her a funny look) AKORFA Didn't you ever? (Aseye shouts back at her sister) ASEYE No!! AKORFA I thought you were going to... ASEYE Liking them has got nothing to do with who I marry. AKORFA You've always been attracted to doctors ASEYE Yes cos I had wanted to go to the medical school, become a doctor and save lives like they do. AKORFA Yes but you changed the route and stopped at public health ASEYE Because it was going to be a long road, and I couldn’t do it. But I'm happy with what I'm doing now. I work for the Centre for Diseases and Control. I work with a lot of doctors across the country. I am saving lives like how I have wanted to. ( Aseye starts for the door) ASEYE Going to check on the kids. (She stops at the door) ASEYE Mum says Mr Anderson and his wife will be joining us to church tomorrow AKORFA Great. (Cherry Hills In the same midnight hour, in just a shy of 1 O’clock am. Kayleigh is visiting her fiance Kyle in his two bedroom apartment at the doctors quarters. She talks to him as he works out on his thread mill) KAYLEIGH Everything is not working. Nothing seems to work in this town. KYLE Are you sure nothing works here? KAYLEIGH Well for me... KYLE You have only been here for a few months. KAYLEIGH This town is no where close to Naples. It's so behind, in many things. Infrastructure, malls, entertainment, recreational areas...and i can’t believe i am going to be living here till God knows when (Kyle laughs, then shakes his head) KAYLEIGH And last week l find out our house isn't gonna be ready until 3 weeks after the wedding. Did I see this coming? Yes! Why? Because nothing works here. KYLE This is a construction issue, not the town. KAYLEIGH But its a construction company stationed in this town. Of course they are part of the town. KYLE This is a company issue. KAYLEIGH They promised me they were going to get the house ready before the wedding. KYLE They didn't rule out delays. They made that clear, Kayleigh. KAYLEIGH How disappointing that you can’t move into your new home after you get married. (A worried look now pasted over her face) KYLE We can live here till they get the place ready (She glares across the living area) KAYLEIGH No. KYLE You don't want to live here with me after the wedding? KAYLEIGH No, Kyle. This apartment isn't the place I want to move in after my wedding.. KYLE It is only going to be temporary KAYLEIGH Please no! Stop it. I’m not ..... (She starts to move away (Kyle laughs, pausing the speed on the treadmill. ) KYLE Don't you pretend you haven't spent nights here. KAYLEIGH It’s only for a few nights, and its not as if i liked the place. KYLE But you managed to stay for the nights … KAYLEIGH Kyle, I am not looking to stay here for 3 weeks. I can't survive in that tiny bathroom and that teeny tiny oak kitchen there. And these ugly flooring sucks the joy out of me. KYLE They wouldn’t make you sick. KAYLEIGH Why don't you want to join me in my apartment? At least, its better than this place a million times. KYLE A man doesn't move in with a woman after their wedding (Her eyes shoots up in shock) KAYLEIGH Kyle, you are so archaic! Oh my goodness. (He breaks into laughter) KYLE We can make it work in here… KAYLEIGH I don't think so, Kyle. KYLE This is a doctors quarters. You can't expect so much. It’s not a private property. KAYLEIGH But they should have at least touched up the place before they sent you in. The floors are ugly and the bathroom and kitchen are so dated, they are literally screaming for help. KYLE Come on, this place isn't that bad. Stop exaggerating. (She starts to walk back to him) KAYLEIGH I am not exaggerating. Ok, so what about we move in for a week here and then spend the remaining weeks at my apartment . KYLE Your place? KAYLEIGH Yes. Cos...cos it's better than this place many times. (He shakes his head) KAYLEIGH Kyle, I’m serious.I can’t live here with you. (Half an hour later, they cuddle up in the living room couch… KYLE I will be working the first shift tomorrow. I had to swap with Steven. He has a family emergency KAYLEIGH Then we can hang out later in the evening, eat dinner. KYLE Yeah, we can. Did you get to go out with Essilfua? KAYLEIGH No KYLE Why? KAYLEIGH Because I don't have time to do girl dates. KYLE You need friends around, Kaye. KAYLEIGH Not necessarily. KYLE Need I remind you that we are going to be living here for a really longer time (She draws in deep breath and glances across the living room) KAYLEIGH And that’s what scares me. KYLE You need friends. KAYLEIGH Adobea and Meghan are enough for now. Thank you (She stands up and starts to button her white sleeveless shirt ) KAYLEIGH It’s almost 2. I have to go. I am going for first mass. (She takes her bag) KAYLEIGH Seen Adobea today? KYLE No, why? KAYLEIGH We had dinner this evening. KYLE How was she? KAYLEIGH She has a lot going on with her, Kyle. I think you need to speak to her. KYLE What is going on with her? KAYLEIGH She says she's never ever getting married. KYLE She told you that? KAYLEIGH Yes. And I’m beginning to get worried. KYLE You believed her? KAYLEIGH I believe she is, Kyle. I think she's fed up. KYLE With who? Men? KAYLEIGH Yes. KYLE I don't believe it. KAYLEIGH You got to believe me. KYLE This is somebody who falls in and out of love so quickly. Why should you be worrying about her? KAYLEIGH Cos now she has come to a realization that they take her for a ride and then push her out onto the street after they get what they want from her. KYLE Don’t be surprised to see her with a new guy next week. (She plucks a peck on his cheek and runs for the door) KAYLEIGH I doubt she will do that. (Cherry Hills The next morning at the Cullen house Akorfa gets ready in the girls room. Aseye appears at the doorway and halts. Her eyes suddenly goes wide) ASEYE Oh my God, Akorfa.... You look sensational. (Aseye walks to her) ASEYE Your so well toned. Look at you in the dress. AKORFA I work hard for it. You know I don’t joke with my work outs. I do it religiously ASEYE It’s going to take a lot of hard work to be able to get this body. AKORFA You can if you put your mind to it. ASEYE That’s not going to happen. It isn’t like I haven’t given it a try. I have, and several times. This body has brought forth two babies and there is absolutely no way she can reset to factory settings. (Laughter) ASEYE And you know how to flaunt it. You stick to figure hugging dresses. (Aseye walks to stand in front of the vanity) ASEYE My eyelashes. AKORFA What is it with them? ASEYE They look as if they are about to fall out (She examines the lashes infront of the vanity mirror. She frowns) ASEYE They look so cheap. I am never buying from that store again. You have a call. (Akorfa turns and sees her cellphone flashing on the vanity) ASEYE It’s Kirstie. (Akorfa hurries over to the vanity and takes the cellphone. She answers the call) AKORFA Hey girl? VOICE OF KIRSTIE Hey, where are you? AKORFA Home, in Cherry Hill. What’s up? KIRSTIE I got great news. (A thrill shoots through her) AKORFA Really?I’m ready. Tell me. KIRSTIE Have you checked the website today? AKORFA No. Why? What is going on? KIRSTIE We’ve gained over a hundred thousand members since Friday night. (Her mouth drops open) AKORFA Are you kidding me, Kirstie? VOICE OF KIRSTIE I wouldn't be calling you this early morning. AKORFA A hundred thousand? KIRSTIE Over a hundred thousand. (She shouts) AKORFA Tell me you are joking! KIRSTIE I don't have energy for that, Akorfa. I got two kids. I ain’t got time for morning jokes. (Akorfa turns and gazes at her sister who stood there watching. ) AKORFA KIRSTIE You certainly captured the hearts of many last Friday night with your speech. AKORFA I'm going on to the website to check right now. I am gonna call you back, Kirstie. KIRSTIE Hey, waiting… (Akorfa hangs up.) ASEYE Everything alright? AKORFA Its the movement. She says we’ve gained over a hundred thousand members since Friday night. ASEYE Really? (Aseye walks to her drawing closer) AKORFA Yes, and this has only been two days, and my video is going viral. How many more are we going to rake in a week’s time then. (Akorfa logs on to the website from her phone.) ASEYE Impressive AKORFA I am in shock. ASEYE You need an office. AKORFA Not right now. ASEYE You do. AKORFA And who's going to be sitting in that office? We are all doing our thing. ASEYE So you employ somebody ASAP. Membership is fast growing AKORFA We have to meet and discuss the way forward. ASEYE How many are you in the admin now? AKORFA Still three. Kirstie, Alisa and moi. ASEYE You need more hands. (JoAnn calls from the kitchen.) ASEYE She is calling. The kids are done eating. We gotta get going. (Later that morning at the Thanksgiving service at the church. During the praises and worship, Aseye leans over to whisper to her sister) ASEYE Did you see that who woman who was glaring dangers at you when you went to drop your offering? AKORFA No. Where is she? ASEYE The woman seated on the second row in the blue and white kente. AKORFA She was looking at me? ASEYE With very cold eyes. I believe she wasn’t even batting an eyelid. AKORFA Are you serious? What did I do to her? (Aseye works out a small smile) ASEYE People are beginning to recognize you. AKORFA Do you think so? (Aseye gives a short laugh) ASEYE Who knows? May be her daughter, niece may have joined your movement. Public enemy. AKORFA Stop teasing. I know how to get you. Anyway Mrs Anderson has asked to talk to me after the service. ASEYE Oh she asked to see you? AKORFA Yes. I believe mum must have done a good job running her mouth on my life and choices. ASEYE Be ready to defend. AKORFA If she ever brings that up, I am not going to waste my chance (After the church service, Ayerley takes a walk with Akorfa on the church lawns) AYERLEY Chris Johnson has been in that position for a long time. Twenty years. AKORFA He is doing so much. He hired me. AYERLEY He did? AKORFA Yes. Six years ago, the only woman in my group at the time, and I will be forever grateful to him. I almost didn’t make the cut. He gave me a chance. AYERLEY He is a good man. So.. (Ayerley changes topic) AYERLEY When are you getting married? (Akorfa laughs, then breaths out an enormous sigh of relief. She had long expected her to go straight to the topic) AYERLEY So what is keeping this gorgeous woman from settling down with a good man? (She smiles, turning away but continues walking) AKORFA I ....don't want to get married, Mrs Anderson AYERLEY But why? AKORFA I don't want to. (There was a moment of stillness between them) AYERLEY I see. Your mother was telling me you are spearheading a campaign against marriage. Is that true? (Akorfa laughs, defensively) AKORFA It’s not against marriage AYERLEY What for? (Akorfa lifts her head up in the sky and laughs) AKORFA We’ve set out to liberate women, women who don’t want to be tied down to a system that has been enforced on them. AYERLEY Marriage? AKORFA And many more AYERLEY But marriage is from God AKORFA It is from God, you are right, but there is no where in the Bible that says a woman sins if she doesn’t marry. AYERLEY It’s not a sin but marriage is an institution ordained by God and every woman is a expected to marry. AKORFA I don’t believe so Mrs Anderson AYERLEY Eve was God’s last creation. She was created to be Adam’s helper. We are the man’s helper, honey. Thats why its our duty to take care of the home and its not the best for a woman to remain single for the rest of her life. AKORFA A lot has changed, and so as the today’s woman, Mrs Anderson. The single woman is on the rise. Today marriage is not necessary in a woman’s life. Sharing your life with someone isn’t also necessary. AYERLEY Honey, that’s not true. AKORFA A lot of us including me has started to question our traditional beliefs, the beliefs of our ancestors that we have taken on.......... (Minutes later after a long lecture AYERLEY There is nothing to say anymore. (Akorfa chuckles) AYERLEY Your mother is very worried about you, honey ... AKORFA She will be fine. (Ayerley looks around, searching) AYERLEY Where is Aaron? He is not back? AKORFA He's not with my father. Where did he say he was going to? AYERLEY To the rest room. But he has kept too long. AKORFA Please wait here. I can get a man to check on him for you. AYERLEY Please do. (Akorfa leaves for church’s restroom. She approaches a man the male section of the bathroom and enquires from him. He had not seen him. She hangs around for a while and starts to walk out. When she got to the main door, she could hear a man call her) VOICE OF QUAYE Akorfa, you got to get your dad. (She turns around, her eyes falling on the Church Music leader, Quaye. There was panic in his voice) AKORFA Why? What's wrong? QUAYE Governor Anderson has passed out on the toilet ( Characters and plot lines are property of Josey Asante. Any duplication or reproduction of all or one part of this work without written consent by author is illegal ) (Later that afternoon At the New World Medical Center. Aseye walks in the hallway with Kyle.) ASEYE I didn't know Governor Anderson has MS. Is that why you went to specialize in neurology, to care for him? KYLE I developed an interest after he was diagnosed. I wanted to know more about the illness, and help him. We were devastated at the time of the diagnoses. I have been hoping to find a cure. ASEYE How long has he been living with this? KYLE You mean when he was first diagnosed? ASEYE Yes. KYLE For about 12 years now. ASEYE 12 years? KYLE He decided to keep it private. But I believe your parents know. ASEYE I think so. KYLE Don’t you think its always better that way, to keep some health issues private? ASEYE As a public figure, I can’t agree. (Kyle laughs) ASEYE Twelve years and he isn’t in wheel chair, why? (Kyle lets out a short laugh) KYLE It hasn’t progressed to that stage, and fortunately he has the the mild form of MS ASEYE Is Multiple Sclerosis hereditary? KYLE It’s not directly hereditary. There is a genetic component though. The disease is caused by a number of factors, many still unknown. ASEYE This is sad (They spot Akorfa standing by a huge window in the hallway, talking on her cellphone. ) KYLE Wait a minute. She was at your house last night, right? ASEYE Yes. That's my sister. KYLE Your sister? ASEYE Yes KYLE I didn’t know that you have a sister. ASEYE I do. Sorry I couldn't introduce you two last night. Akorfa ends the call and walks up to them) AKORFA Hi (She greets, extending both hands to him with a beaming smile) AKORFA Hi, I am Akorfa. (He holds out his hand to receive her handshake) KYLE Kyle. AKORFA You were at the house last night. I saw you but I was so busy to come around and say hi. KYLE Thats alright. How are you doing? AKORFA Very well. Thanks, and you? KYLE Not bad. AKORFA Your uncle must have given you a scare. KYLE He did. AKORFA So how is he doing? KYLE He's doing well. AKORFA Good to know. So will he be staying here for a few days ? KYLE I am looking to get him released this evening. ASEYE This evening? KYLE Yeah ASEYE But he passed out on the toilet at the church. This is critical health issue. KYLE Was just a reaction from a new med we prescribed for him. AKORFA So he’s in a good shape to go home. KYLE Absolutely (Aseye’s cell phone buzzes from her pocket). ASEYE Excuse me. I got a text message. (Aseye takes the cellphone from her pocket and opens the message to read) ASEYE Elikem and mum are here with the kids. I got to go. KYLE You leaving right now? ASEYE Yes, my flight is at 4, and they are taking me to the Airport. KYLE Too soon. (Aseye leaves later , Kyle and Akorfa continues ...) AKORFA When is my father gonna come out? KYLE I believe he will be out soon. Dr Kotin, my supervisor will soon head to his room and he won’t need the visitors. So lets assume in a few minutes you should be exiting from these double doors. (Akorfa grins, politely) KYLE So do you live here? AKORFA I live in Chriswick. It’s about an hour away. KYLE Chriswick. I have been there a couple of times. Nice town. AKORFA Heard you just moved here. KYLE Yeah, about six months ago. AKORFA Welcome to town. KYLE Aww thanks. It’s actually my hometown but I have never lived here till this year AKORFA Welcome back home. I was born and raised here so it has become my hometown too. KYLE So what do you do? AKORFA I am Financial Risk Analyst with Bill Trust Insurance (He furrows his brow in question) KYLE Financial Risk Analyst? AKORFA Yes. Why ... KYLE You live in a world of business. (She laughs) KYLE I may need your help in a few years. Planning on some investments outside the country. AKORFA Sure, I will be happy to. (Footsteps approaches. They turn to see Ayerley walking towards them) AYERLEY Kyle, they need you in his room. KYLE Has Dr Kotin joined him? AYERLEY Yes (He turns to Akorfa) KYLE I got to go. AKORFA Sure. KYLE I believe you will be heading out very soon too. AKORFA I am hoping so. KYLE I will see you around. It’s been a great pleasure meeting you. AKORFA Same with me. KYLE Bye. (Kyle rushes out towards the patient area. ) AYERLEY He was at your father’s party last night. AKORFA Yeah, I saw him but we weren’t able to talk. AYERLEY He moved here a few months ago. AKORFA He told me. AYERLEY So I think he will be thrilled to have you show him around town ( A lazy smile edged up her face) AKORFA Sure (Later in the evening at the Anderson family house. Ayerley hangs out in the kitchen with Kyle. It was after dinner) AYERLEY Weddings are no joke these days, whereas divorces are easy to do now. KYLE But why is it so? AYERLEY Because people give up so easily these days. They forget all the beautiful vows they say at the alter. KYLE I pray to God to give me the strength to stay married till I die. AYERLEY All you got to do is invite the Lord to take in charge in your marriage. (He nods) AYERLEY How is she doing? KYLE Kayleigh is doing well. We planned to have dinner tonight but i had to cancel. (Kyle steps down from the bar stool) AYERLEY Leaving? KYLE Yeah. (He glances up towards the staircase) KYLE Where did Adobea go? AYERLEY She is upstairs, in her room. KYLE I want to have a word with her. AYERLEY Before you go,I want to ask you for a favor. KYLE Favor? AYERLEY It’s actually for a friend KYLE She is sick? AYERLEY No KYLE What favor does she want then? AYERLEY It's Mrs Cullen who wants the favor. (He returns to his seat) KYLE What does she want me to do for her? AYERLEY It’s about Akorfa, the lady you .... KYLE Yeah, what about her? AYERLEY She doesn't want to get married. KYLE Huh. A typical today’s woman. AYERLEY And her mother is very worried. KYLE I get it. So what favor is she looking for? AYERLEY She needs a man to take down the walls she’s built around her. A man to chase her, to make her fall in love with him madly ... (He suddenly pulls his chair back. He begins to stammer} KYLE Wa..wait, this isn’t the favor, right? AYERLEY It is the favor, and l want you to be that man {Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continues
27 Apr 2018 | 18:46
@senatordaniel: come oooo,,,,, anoda chapter is Hia.... @ryder: Hav not seen you oooo
27 Apr 2018 | 18:47
Where do u pple want him to put his Kayleigh
28 Apr 2018 | 07:15
These z gonna b d bomb. Waiting 4d next
28 Apr 2018 | 08:59
this is crazy,,,, so if Kyle makes Akorfar to fall in love then later he will tell her, 'sorry, I was testing you to see if you can fall in love'..... and her mother is behind it. I can never forgive them
28 Apr 2018 | 10:22
this is not good for her because at the end of the day Kyle will be in mess
28 Apr 2018 | 11:23
This will just make d whole issue worse.
28 Apr 2018 | 16:18
28 Apr 2018 | 17:32
kyle u need to be observant
28 Apr 2018 | 17:33
28 Apr 2018 | 17:33
A HEARTBREAK AWAY Chapter 3 AYERLEY She needs a man to take down the walls she's built around her. A man to chase her, to make her fall in love with him madly ... (He suddenly yanks his chair back. He begins to stammer} KYLE Wa..wait, this isn't the favor, right? AYERLEY It is the favor she is asking, and l want you to be that man, Kyle. (That has him frozen on the spot. For a second, he was too surprised to speak) KYLE Who? Me? AYERLEY Look here son, I understand you are engaged to be married to your sweetheart in a few weeks. This won't change anything. (He shakes his head) KYLE Kayleigh is never going to let me do this, do you understand? AYERLEY She might. KYLE She's not going to agree to this, mother. AYERLEY Let's wait and see what she has too say then? KYLE Let us not waste our time. AYERLEY It's only going to be for about 3 weeks or it could be even less. KYLE And why do I have to be the man? Why me? AYERLEY Her mother mentioned you, honey. KYLE Why? Last night was my first time ever meeting her. AYERLEY Because you are a really nice young man with a prestigious career. 99 out of a hundred 100 women will effortlessly say yes to you and she believes her daughter could be no different. (He returns to the kitchen chair, folds his arms over the counter and sighs heavily.) KYLE So what if, ...what if she gets to fall in love with me?What do i do? Tell her it was all a trap? AYERLEY Not exactly. KYLE So then what do l do when we ever get to that stage. AYERLEY You back off. KYLE Back off? AYERLEY You are not going to tell her you want to be with her. No, you are not. Your assignment is to get her to like and fall in love with you. So if she ends up falling in love with you, you didn't do it. She did. And that is victory right there. KYLE But I can't do that. That will break her heart. I am not gonna be with her. AYERLEY Look, I doubt that you will even get to that point . KYLE Why? AYERLEY She is a very strong spirited young woman. If it ever gets to that point, I am sure that isn't gonna come easily. Deep down, I doubt she is going to fall fo this. KYLE So why do you want us to waste our time? AYERLEY Her mother wants to be convinced where her daughter stands. Whether she is lying to herself or us. So we got to give it a try. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) Footsteps are approaches and Adobea enters thee kitchen) ADOBEA I thought you had left. KYLE I am still here (She marches over to the fridge) ADOBEA My stomach is growling. I need some cake. KYLE I was about to come over to see you ADOBEA Oh, then I will be waiting for you. (She takes the cake out of the fridge) KYLE I will make it the next time. I got to be home in 20 minutes. ( Characters and plot lines are property of Josey Asante. Any duplication or reproduction of all or one part of this work without written consent by author is illegal ) (Chriswick Three days later Akorfa is curled up in a blanket on her couch with a steaming cup of tea in hand. She is watching the news on the TV. Maren, her roommate emerges from the laundry room with basket full of freshly laundered clothes. She starts towards the staircase) MAREN So how did the meeting go last night? AKORFA Great. We couldn't finish. MAREN Creating an office? AKORFA Now we believe it's time. MAREN Nice. (Maren halts on the staircase) AKORFA So we will be renting an office soon and we are going to hire in the next few weeks. For now, we are scouting for location for the office. MAREN Who is paying? AKORFA Us, the members. MAREN You need the dues, ladies. (Akorfa takes a gulp of her tea and gives a nod) AKORFA Yea.., and a lawyer, cos the more we grow, the more challenges ahead. MAREN Thats true. AKORFA If we don't armor against the attacks, then we will be clutching at straws. MAREN True. Hey, I'm going on a date tonight. AKORFA It's Wednesday. Who goes on a date on a Wednesday? MAREN Come on, what is wrong with the day? AKORFA It's a Wednesday MAREN It doesn't matter. AKORFA Aren't dates supposed to be scheduled for weekends? MAREN Where did you get that? AKORFA That has always been. MAREN That's not true. Wait a minute, why should I be listening to you? AKORFA Why shouldn't you? MAREN You are on the opposite side of us. (Akorfa explodes with laughter.) AKORFA Oh Maren... MAREN You don't have a man, you don't go on dates. So why should you be telling me how and how not to do something that is totally out of your reach? AKORFA But you do know that before I chose to be celibate, I had gone on several dates. MAREN That was many years ago. AKORFA But what he changed? MAREN Nothing AKORFA So I am right about the day? MAREN There has never been an issue with the day. (Maren starts to climb the staircase. ) AKORFA So who is he? MAREN He is reporter. AKORFA Aww. Which of the TV Stations? MAREN CBC (Akorfa puts her cup down on the coffee table and turns around quickly ) AKORFA You are going on a date with a colleague? MAREN What is wrong with that? AKORFA Maren, isn't there a policy that prohibits employees from dating one another? MAREN So? AKORFA You can be fired. MAREN Well then I look for a new place to work. AKORFA You can't be serious, Maren. MAREN Why should I let a job decide for my future? What if he is turns out to be the one? AKORFA So who is he? (Maren resumes climbing the stairs.) MAREN You can call him Nene. AKORFA You are so desperate, Maren. MAREN Don't blame me. I am on the brink of dying a spinster, and whatever I have learnt about your movement terrifies me. (Akorfa breaks down, laughing) AKORFA You are banned. (Cherry Hills Later in the morning At the Neurological department at the New World Medical Centre. Kyle and his fellow Neurologist, Curtis Ansah 42 talk in the corridor, on their way to meet with a patient) CURTIS Who is she? KYLE Her name is Akorfa. CURTIS Pretty name. KYLE And we got to talk to each only last Sunday. CURTIS Only last Sunday? KYLE Yes, in this same hospital. CURTIS This is going to seem very awkward. KYLE In every way. CURTIS So are you going to tell Kayleigh about this? KYLE Of course. I can't keep this from her. She wants me to ask her if she will agree. CURTIS No woman is ever going to agree to this, especially when her wedding is only weeks away. KYLE I know right. CURTIS This isn't going to work. KYLE I told her but she insist I give it a try. CURTIS Her mother can use me as the decoy. Essilfua won't know about it. (Kyle gives a short laugh ) KYLE I don't get it. She doesn't wanna be married. They better stick their noses out of her life. The girl is a grown woman. They got to respect her choice. CURTIS So when are you telling Kayleigh? KYLE Tonight, before she goes fo her night shift. CURTIS There is absolutely no way she is going to agree to this. (Cherry Hills Later in the afternoon Kayleigh walks into her two bedroom apartment after a quick visit to the uncompleted house they had purchased. She pulls out her ringing cell phone from her bag and answers a call from her sister Nessa Gyan, 41) KAYLEIGH Hey sissy? NESSA Where are you? Did you leave the place? KAYLEIGH I just got home. I couldn't stay for another minute. I ...couldn't. NESSA But why.... why would she do that? KAYLEIGH I don't know. I am losing my mind. NESSA So what did she say she was going to do? Rip them off? KAYLEIGH I told her to hold. NESSA I am sorry this has happened. You know what, just keep it. KAYLEIGH Keep what? No, I can't, Nessa. NESSA Keep them for about a year and then..... KAYLEIGH I don't want subway tiles in my home kitchen. No, not in my home too. My workplace canteen has them for the backsplash, and I have to come home, my only intimate space to meet the same backsplash? NESSA What is Kyle saying? KAYLEIGH I have not told to him yet. I will meet him for dinner tonight before I go to work. That is why I have asked her to hold it. NESSA You know you should have mustered up and said no to Mrs Anderson when she recommended her interior designer friend to you. Now its clear her friend is in a different category as you. She isn't doing what you like but what she prefers KAYLEIGH I am trying to create a home that I can walk in, after a difficult day at work. I am a surgeon. I cut into bodies to reconstruct. My hands are always in blood. It never gets better. On top of it, I am going to be living in a town that is at the least of my favorite places. My home is only going to be my place of solace, that can give me some form of tranquility. We purchased a newly built in a trendy neighborhood.There is a reason I am going for the best in everything this town can afford. She is depriving me of.... NESSA I understand you sissy KAYLEIGH I just want to get rid of her but I want to find a better way to do it without it generating a rift between me and my mother in law. NESSA that reminds me, his biological mother. So what are you doing about her? KAYLEIGH Doing? NESSA Have you decided on inviting the biological mother? KAYLEIGH I wanted to reach out to her like I already told you.. NESSA So what's keeping you? There isn't much time left. KAYLEIGH He doesn't want her at the wedding. NESSA You don't say. KAYLEIGH To him, Ayerley is his mother. NESSA His biological father is going to be there, isn't he? KAYLEIGH Well he sticked around, sort of , but the mother didn't until recently she started getting in touch. She gave him up to his uncle when he was only three days old, I told you NESSA Hmmm, it doesn't get easy. You do have her contact right? Where is she living? KAYLEIGH She is in Fisher Island. NESSA You as a daughter in law has a responsibility KAYLEIGH To bring them together? NESSA I can't tell you but you do have a responsibility as a daughter in law, either to heal the wounds or bring the family together. (Kayleigh gives a long weary sigh) NESSA On a good note, Pro Pharmaceuticals has gotten back to me. (Her face lights up suddenly. She shrieks out of excitement on the phone ) KAYLEIGH Get out of here! NESSA Yes they have written back to me. KAYLEIGH And what are they saying? Did you get the job? NESSA I did! KAYLEIGH You go sissy! NESSA So I am the new incoming head of their pharmaceutical Sales Group. KAYLEIGH Oh I am so happy for you! NESSA Thank you. KAYLEIGH Wished I was Naples today. I would have bought you dinner. (She walks into her kitchen) NESSA Don't you worry about that. As a matter of fact, I am going out to dinner with Dag tonight. KAYLEIGH Wait a minute? Dag? Your husband? NESSA Yeah. KAYLEIGH You two, what are you doing? Why don't you move in back home together? Nobody is stopping you. It is clear you can't get over each other, and we absolutely understand. NESSA No, not right now. I think this separation thing is working the magic for me. KAYLEIGH Living separated? NESSA Yes, Kayleigh. KAYLEIGH How? NESSA Cos it does feel special all over again, like when we first started dating. And I want to keep it this way for a longer time before we move in back together. I am falling in love with him all over again. KAYLEIGH Oh my God, Nessa NESSA What.... (She spots an insect on counter. She freezes, then panicks) KAYLEIGH There is an ant on my kitchen counter, Nessa. NESSA An ant? How did it get in there? KAYLEIGH I...don't know. May be..the window or from the door (She had started to breath harder now) NESSA Get it out. KAYLEIGH I am about to cry. NESSA Is this your first time seeing an insect in there? KAYLEIGH Yes but I am not going to rule out they may be hovering about out of my sight. NESSA Yeah, that could be true. KAYLEIGH I am paying so much for this damn place cos I thought it was better than most places I saw. Gosh, what sort of town is this? NESSA Just get rid of it, sanitize the surfaces and you should be fine. (She breaks down in tears) NESSA Are you crying, Kayleigh... ? (She clears her tears) KAYLEIGH It's so hard. I am doing everything that I can to make me accept ..... NESSA Hey, its going to be okay. You will get used to the place KAYLEIGH This isn't a town I want to live in after I get married, Nessa. Everything I ever dreamed of ... NESSA I like Cherry Hills. It's peaceful, quiet and the taxes are low. It has become like a retirement place sort of for the elderly but we are different. You have always preferred the bustling city life. KAYLEIGH There aren't even many young couples around. NESSA The kids move out to other states . KAYLEIGH Why should it be so? Cherry Hills is the capital town of this state.There shouldn't be exodus of any kind. NESSA So why don't you bring the change you are looking for? KAYLEIGH Who? Me? NESSA Yes you, Kayleigh. You are going to be married to the former Governor's son. Someday he might want to go into politics, who knows, might run for Governor and you are going to occupy the First Lady pos (She lets out a little chuckle) KAYLEIGH No, he has zero interest in politics. NESSA Then you look for opportunities to turn the place around. KAYLEIGH I am not ready. NESSA Love me love my hometown. (Kayleigh breaks into laughter) KAYLEIGH Get outta here! NESSA Hey when is Barbara coming to Cherry Hills, I suggested .... (Cherry Hills In the evening Kayleigh and Kyle eat dinner at a restaurant. They talk through the meal) KAYLEIGH did you know? Did she call you? KYLE Yes KAYLEIGH I didn't think she will call you. So what did you tell her? KYLE I told her to rip everything off. KAYLEIGH So has she? (Kyle nods. A satisfied grin spreads across her face) KAYLEIGH Better (They resume eating, in silence) KAYLEIGH You are so laid back tonight. Did you encounter a difficult patient today? (He looks at her, with the same tired expression he had been carrying on the entire time) KYLE No. I have been asked to do something, that will need your permission. It's a tough one. KAYLEIGH Okay, so what is it? KYLE There is this lady that I met..... (A minute passes,and Kyle is still talking .... KYLE ....I feel they should rally behind her instead of working to break her. Sometimes you have to choose your own happiness, which you don't have to owe it anybody. At the end of the .... (He abruptly pauses, then studies her. He realizes she has not uttered a word since he started. Her expression was indifferent. She was silent and wasn't smiling) KYLE ...You know what forget it, I wasn't going to do it anyway. I was asked to seek your permission first but if ... KAYLEIGH Do it. (His heart slams into his mouth. ) KYLE Do what? (She tilts her head to one side and gives him a slight nod) KAYLEIGH She needs help (He stares at her, doubtfully) KYLE You don't mean it, right? (She laughs although not amused) KYLE What is going on with you, Kaye? KAYLEIGH But there isn't going to be sex, or is it? (He was so surprised he had started to shake his head) KAYLEIGH Look, this girl is clearly a victim of Sisters for Freedom. KYLE Sisters for what? KAYLEIGH Freedom. It's a society created to exploit disgruntled women. KYLE But how can you tell she's part of that society? You haven't even met her. KAYLEIGH I don't need to meet with her to confirm my suspicion. From what I can gather from your story she is a young girl who's life is being derailed and her family has reached out to you for help. Why should that be a problem? (He continues to stare in disbelief. His heart at the moment couldn't even keep a steady beat) KYLE Is there a reason for this or you are just looking to make some fun out of this? KAYLEIGH Not worth my time. KYLE Are you serious? Who will allow her man to do this, especially they are only weeks away to their marriage ceremony? KAYLEIGH Kyle, you are not going to be sleeping with this little girl or are you? (He does not respond. He had wanted to correct her that she wasn't a little girl as she had thought.) KAYLEIGH You are only a decoy, not a man going out to chase her for real.. KYLE So you mean you are going to be good knowing that I am out with another woman? KAYLEIGH Only when I am aware who she is and what you are doing with her. (He sighs, still reeling from the shock) KAYLEIGH Look, I am agreeing to this because I want to offer some sort of assistance to the family in this process of winning their daughter back from this nearly occultic group. Your own cousin Adobea, she has joined them. I told you the other night. I met a patient on Monday, her married friend has joined them too, and she is in works to dissolve her marriage. And there are many families, marriage breaking apart because of this same group. They aren't running on a good course. I have plans on winning Adobea back, and I plan to use a decoy too. So if a family is seeking permission to use my man as a decoy to win their daughter back, why shouldn't I agree? Your job is to make her fall for you, and after you awaken that dead part of her, there won't be the need to stay with them. We win her back And eventually she is going to find out you are not single. (He leans back in his chair, not particularly amused with the response.) KAYLEIGH Look, I want to be that one person to clamp down on that group called Sisters for Freedom. They are toxic to our generation and we got to stop them with ... KYLE We got to get going... (He cut her. He couldn't take in anymore. (After dinner Kyle calls to talk Curtis on his way home) CURTIS She agreed? Are you serious? KYLE I can't joke about this. CURTIS Did she really get what what you were saying? KYLE I didn't mince words. CURTIS This is shocking .So what are you going to do? KYLE Go ahead. (Curtis bursts out laughing) CURTIS You don't say. KYLE I guess I have to get back to my mother, and we set the ball rolling. CURTIS Can you repeat it to her tomorrow morning. I am sure something might not have been right with her tonight. KYLE She was good. Nothing seemed odd though. And she heard every word. But she has her reasons though. CURTIS Reasons? I think she trusts you, man. You are one in million to find a woman like that. (Sunderland The next morning Aseye pulls up to a curb on the side of a hotel. She takes her ringing cellphone from the front passenger seat and answers the call) ASEYE Hi mum....can l call you back? Im walking into a meeting in the next few minutes. VOICE of JoANN No problem. I am going to be quick about it. ASEYE Okay. JoANN Kyle Anderson will be calling you tomorrow ASEYE Kyle? But why? Is there a problem? (She climbs out of the car and locks it) JoANN He will be going to see your sister at her workplace ASEYE What for? JoANN He needs insurance. ASEYE Well he doesn't need to see Akorfa. There are people are the front office designated for that job. JoANN I will want Akorfa to help him. ASEYE Okay okay so why wont you tell Akorfa...., (She halts abruptly) ASEYE Wait, are you planning something? (JoAnn laughs, heartily) ASEYE Mum, you are setting your daughter into a trap? Are you planting Kyle as a decoy to trap Akorfa? (There is a brief silence at JoAnn's end, then she responds) JoANN So what if? (Aseye , at that instant is gobsmacked) ASEYE Mum, now you are going too far. JoAnn I am helping her. ASEYE No mum, you are wrong! Just let her be, please! She is happy. Don't make things harder for her. JoANN Look, this is only to see if your sister is well or not. ASEYE Akorfa is hundred and over percent sane and healthy. She just doesn't want to be married, period. It's her choice. And Kyle, he has a girlfriend. You can't do this to him. How is the girlfriend going to feel when she finds out her man has been set up to entice another woman? JoANN It's not a real thing. ASEYE Come on, mum. This is the most ridiculous far fetch thing you will have to put your daughter through. (She looks down on her wristwatch) ASEYE You know I gotta go. I will call you when I get out of the meeting. But stop this, mum Sunderland Midnight Aseye talks to her husband Israel in bed while they tucked behind the sheets. ) ASEYE I am beginning to feel seriously freaked out now. I want to talk to her. I got to let her know what is going on. ISRAEL Your mother won't be happy about it. ASEYE I don't care. ISRAEL Are you afraid she might fall into the trap? ASEYE I can't say. I know that my sister is tough, unlikely to be swayed. She has turned many prominent guys away. She knows what she is about. ISRAEL Then there is nothing to worry about. ASEYE But I can't say the same about Kyle. The few times I have spent talking with him... (She pauses, then leans on the headboard)) ASEYE He unnerving. He is a really nice guy, he might take a different approach and... ISRAEL I doubt she will give in. ASEYE She is woman. She is not too extraordinary. If he decides to go ahead, we don't know what he is going to uncover. (She sighs, turns over and grabs the cordless telephone from side drawer) ASEYE I have to let her know. (Israel nods in agreement) (Aseye places a call to Akorfa. It rings and she answers. ) AKORFA Hey ASEYE Are you home? AKORFA No. I am outside with Kirstie and Alisa. ASEYE It's midnight. What are you girls doing. AKORFA Meeting. If you want something so bad, you work hard at it. ASEYE I am excited for you. AKORFA Aww thank you. You wanted to talk? ASEYE Yeah, but you are busy so we can talk in the morning. AKORFA Sure. ASEYE Are you working tomorrow? AKORFA Yeah ASEYE Okay... AKORFA So I will call you when I get to the office tomorrow. ASEYE Sounds good. I will talk to you in the morning then. (Aseye hangs up. She turns over to her husband) ASEYE She is out with her co leaders. She has promised to call me tomorrow. ISRAEL Alright. ASEYE What about Kyle? Should I call him? (Sunderland The next morning at the CDC offices Aseye arrives for work. She walks to the elevator area and finds Praba Maison, 34, Head of the outreach Program waiting to be taken upstairs) PRABA Hey .. ASEYE I haven't seen you all week PRABA Wasn't feeling too good. ASEYE Glad to have you back. PRABA Thanks. How was Cherry Hills? ASEYE So much fun. Hey, Kyle was at my father's birthday party? PRABA What a surprise! So he moved to Cherry Hills already? ASEYE Yeah, he has been living there for over six months now. PRABA Kayleigh must have moved in too or she is probably yet to. ASEYE Kayleigh? Who is she? PRABA His fiancée. I met her at the York seminar, I told you. ASEYE Yeah, but I didn't know they were engaged to be married. PRABA Oh, you didn't know? They are getting married in a few weeks. ASEYE Who is getting married?!! (There her cellphone started to vibrate. ) ASEYE Sorry I got a call. (She takes her cell out and checks caller. It was Kyle... {Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continues next . Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2017 by Josey Asante
29 Apr 2018 | 02:44
@senatordaniel: chapter three is here, help me call d reg, tnx for d work.
29 Apr 2018 | 02:46
@kingsbest: am personally inviting u here bcos I havnt seen u @ryder: am waiting
29 Apr 2018 | 02:47
What a difficult task
29 Apr 2018 | 03:49
another episode done land @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @softtouch @repentance
29 Apr 2018 | 04:40
let watch out
29 Apr 2018 | 04:41
bring more
29 Apr 2018 | 04:42
Wow! Lets see how it goes
29 Apr 2018 | 10:35
this story is something else
29 Apr 2018 | 16:34
move on
29 Apr 2018 | 17:02
Akorfa have to stop her mession, to avoid scarcity of women in de future
29 Apr 2018 | 17:54
Akorfa will fall for kyle and vice-vasa. I hate the way Kyle fiance is complaining about everyting
29 Apr 2018 | 22:42
Kyle be careful
30 Apr 2018 | 07:09
it seems you guys don't Hav any interest in dis story,,, maybe am d only one dat feels its interesting.... but don't worry, after dis episode 4,, I won't post it again. @senatordaniel, pls help me wit d invitation, new chapter is here. A HEARTBREAK AWAY CHAPTER 4 ASEYE Sorry I got a call. (She takes her cellphone out and checks caller. It was Kyle. She returns to Praba) ASEYE It is an urgent call so I will see you later on the floor. PRABA Sure. (The elevator arrives sliding it doors open) PRABA Oh its here. I will see you then. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Praba flashes her a smile and then enters the elevator. Aseye continues to a secluded area in the lobby. She answers the call) ASEYE Hey Kyle, what a surprise.... KYLE Hey Aseye, well yeah.. good morning? ASEYE A very good morning to you too, Kyle. KYLE How have you been? ASEYE Good. You? KYLE Not bad. Thanks for asking. Where are you? At work? ASEYE Yes I am at work. I just got here. Haven’t even stepped foot in my office KYLE Gosh, I am so sorry for calling you this early. ASEYE Im fine. Don’t apologize, please. So what’s up? (He utters a quiet laugh) ASEYE Why are you laughing? KYLE Do you really have no idea why I have called you this early morning? ASEYE Ermmm, well... KYLE Is it a yes or no? (Aseye grits her teeth tightly, then laughs too) ASEYE Yeeeess... KYLE Then it turns out my call wasn’t a surprise call after all. (She gives an excited laugh) ASEYE You caught me. KYLE Thanks for the truth. That makes my next question easier. ASEYE Kyle, first of all, why did you agree to do this? KYLE Agreed? ASEYE Yeah. I can’t imagine you saying yes to this. KYLE I never agreed. ASEYE You never? KYLE I...should rather put it l wasn’t given the option to agree or disagree. ASEYE But why? KYLE I don’t know. Kayleigh, my fiancee was the only one they needed permission from. ASEYE And she agreed to let you to go through this? KYLE Or we wouldn’t be talking right now. (Aseye is completely in shock) ASEYE What? Why did she agree to this? KYLE I don’t know. She tried to explain a reason out but I didn’t want drag it ... ASEYE What sort of reason could it be? I thought girls are more wiser these days, and now this....? KYLE Hey, I leave it to Kayleigh. I don’t want to know what she is up to. She say yes, I am going head with it. ASEYE Gosh... KYLE Is your sister working today? ASEYE Yes she is working today KYLE Have you already told her that I will be coming? ASEYE No I have not. KYLE I thought you are supposed to let her know that I am visiting the office. ASEYE Yes I am supposed to let her know. KYLE So why haven’t you? ASEYE Because this has been very difficult for me. KYLE I understand you perfectly. ASEYE I feel I am conniving with my mum to hurt my sister. There is absolutely no way she will do something of this kind to me. She has always been a protector. KYLE I get you. ASEYE I really want to stay out of this. (Kyle exhales deeply. She could hear over the phone) KYLE Don’t worry too much. ASEYE I wish. But how are you even going to do it,Kyle? This doesnt look like its going to be easy. (He laughs) ASEYE Are you seriously going to get my sister to fall in with you? KYLE Isn’t that what I have been tasked with? ASEYE But how are you going to do it? That is my point. KYLE I have no idea. After I see her today, I don’t know what I will be doing next. ASEYE Really? KYLE Don’t worry. She’s not going to fall in love with me. ASEYE How do you know? (He pauses, then continues..) KYLE Wait, is she? (She bursts out laughing even harder) KYLE You did not answer. Is she? ASEYE No, she is not going to fall in love with you. My sister is very tough. KYLE Okay. That got my heart race jumping to the maximum. ASEYE You don’t want her to fall in love with you. KYLE No. ASEYE Why? KYLE I respect your sister. She deserves to be happy the way she wants it. ASEYE You are right. KYLE No matter what, at the end of the day she is going to win this. We can’t let her down. ASEYE We can’t KYLE Hopefully your mum will give up and accept her choices. ASEYE We hope so. Thank you Kyle. So what time are you going to get there? KYLE A little before noon. ASEYE Okay, and after you buy the insurance what is next? KYLE I ask her to lunch. ASEYE Wow, I didn’t see that coming. KYLE Don’t tell her just yet. ASEYE I am not. As a matter of fact, I am not even going to tell her you will be coming to her office. KYLE Why? ASEYE I want to have some fun with her today. KYLE Okay. I gotta go. ASEYE I will talk to you later . ( Characters and plot lines are property of Josey Asante. Any duplication or reproduction of all or one part of this work without written consent by author is illegal ) (Chriswick Later that morning. At Bill Trust Insurance Office. Akorfa arrives at work, late. She enters her office, lays her bag on the desk and walks over to her chair. Eugene, a co worker knocks and enters) EUGENE What happened to you? You knew we had a group meeting, and you refused to get here on time. AKORFA I slept at 3am, Eugene. (She slides down into her chair) EUGENE Why? What happened to you? AKORFA We had a meeting too. EUGENE You and who? AKORFA Kirstie and Alisa. EUGENE But you could have still come to work early. AKORFA I repeat. I went to bed at 3am, Eugene. EUGENE That is no excuse. Next time just don’t stay up too long with your friends. Work meeting is more important than Sisters for whatever you call that! (She shoots him a daring look) AKORFA Eugene, get out of my office. I will take no insults. EUGENE I am serious. AKORFA Leave! I just got here, please. Let me settle first. EUGENE Anyway, we postponed it to Monday. (She looks up at him, exasperated) AKORFA Can’t you have a meeting without me? EUGENE No. We can’t. (Eugene heads for the door) EUGENE I will be back. AKORFA Not right now, Eugene. I need some peace in the next two hours. (Eugene ignores, then bounds out of the front door. Minutes later she calls Aseye on the telephone. It rings and she answers at her end ) ASEYE Hey I have been waiting for your call. AKORFA I just got to work. ASEYE Why? AKORFA I went home late. I slept like around 3am. ASEYE That was so late. AKORFA Tell me about it. I am feeling all groggy and weak. ASEYE I know how that feels. AKORFA I should have taken the day off. I don’t know how I am going to pull through the rest of the day. So what did you want to talk to me about last night? ASEYE It’s about mum. AKORFA What about mum? Is she sick? ASEYE No. About her birthday. AKORFA What about her birthday? ASEYE Planning a party? AKORFA That is like five months away, Aseye. ASEYE I know but it’s not too late to start planning a party now. You start early, you achieve great results. AKORFA No. It’s too early, and moreover its her 63rd Birthday. She doesn’t need a big party. ASEYE Are you sure? AKORFA You should know this better, Aseye. Was that why you called me that late? ASEYE Yeah AKORFA Aseye, I can’t believe you stayed up till midnight for this. Thank Goodness I wasn't in bed yet. ASEYE So when is it going to be the appropriate time to discuss mum’s 63rd birthday. AKORFA Never. ASEYE Akorfa! AKORFA We will buy her present and take her out to dinner. No party. It’s a waste of time. ASEYE She is going to be so disappointed. (Eugene returns ) AKORFA Let me call you back. Eugene is here. ASEYE Your favorite Co worker. AKORFA That’s his wish. Sometimes I happen to feel like I am married, and to him. (Aseye laughs) ASEYE You guys would have been perfect couple. Too bad he is married. AKORFA Who? Me? ASEYE Say hi to him for me AKORFA Ok, I will talk to you later. ASEYE Sure. (Akorfa ends the call. He glances up at Eugene ) AKORFA What again? You couldn’t be gone for 15 minutes! (He marches over to her desk) EUGENE Can I use your computer.....? (Half an hour to noon, Akorfa receives a call from Julia at the front desk) AKORFA .....A man? VOICE Of JULIA Yes, a man. AKORFA Whats his name? JULIA Kyle. AKORFA Kyle? JULIA Yes Miss Cullen, Kyle. (She positions herself well. Her forehead wrinkles in thought) AKORFA Kyle Anderson? JULIA Please hold the line. (There was a short pause and Julia returns to her) JULIA Yes. AKORFA Ok...kay. JULIA Do you want to speak to him? AKORFA No I am coming to the front desk. JULIA Sure. AKORFA I will be there soon. JULIA I will tell him. (At the Front desk Akorfa goes to meet Kyle ) AKORFA What are you doing here? (She reaches over, beaming radiantly and they shake hands) KYLE What do people mostly come here to do? AKORFA Well.. (She stops mid sentence then laughs A minute later....) AKORFA So you came to buy an insurance. KYLE Correct, I needed a new insurance for my car. AKORFA Thanks for choosing us. I promise you are not going to regret this. KYLE I want to believe so. AKORFA Believe me. If anything happens, I am only a phone call away. (She searches her pocket for company complimentary card. She could not find one. ) AKORFA I have to grab a card for you from the office. KYLE Sure. AKORFA Are you leaving right now? KYLE Yes. (She turns and starts to leave) AKORFA So do you hear from my sister? KYLE I spoke to her this morning. (She halts) AKORFA So did she know you were going to be here? (Kyle smiles, then nods) AKORFA I spoke to her about an hour ago. She didn’t tell me about you coming here. KYLE It might have escaped her. AKORFA I don’t think so. (They laugh) AKORFA I will be right back KYLE So what are you doing? It’s noon , if you wouldn’t mind grabbing lunch with me. I don’t want to drive an hour back hungry. (A small smile pulls out on her face. She nods She goes back into her office and quickly dials Aseye’s number. It goes through and she answers at her end. ) ASEYE Hey sis? AKORFA You didn’t tell me Kyle was going to be in this building. (Aseye laughs) AKORFA Now that’s not funny, Aseye. ASEYE What? I forgot. AKORFA You should have at least said something to me at least. ASEYE You need some little bits of surprises at times. AKORFA Did you recommend this place to him? ASEYE Well, may be. AKORFA Thanks anyway. His account is going to raise my credit here. ASEYE Awesome. AKORFA He has asked me to lunch. ASEYE Great. Did you accept his invitation? AKORFA Yeah. It wouldn’t be a good idea to say no. ASEYE No. It’s only a lunch. AKORFA So I will talk to you when I back but this got to be your last time. ASEYE I promise. AKORFA Bye. (Akorfa ends the call On her way out she bumps into Eugene at the door) EUGENE Where are you going? AKORFA Out to lunch, Security. EUGENE We are having a group lunch this afternoon, need I remind you again?. AKORFA The Risk Management Group couldn’t even have their meeting this morning, why bother meeting for lunch? (She continues walking away from him) EUGENE You are banned from the group, Akorfa. AKORFA Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Eugene! This has been a long time coming. Freedom! (She turns, winks teasingly at him, then hurries off to the elevator) (Cherry Hills Same hour at Kayleigh’s apartment. She talks to Nessa on the phone as she gets ready for work. ) NESSA Are you fuckin outta your mind? KAYLEIGH What is wrong with it? NESSA How could you say yes to that, Kaye? KAYLEIGH Nessa, hear me out. This isn’t it like he is going out to cheat. NESSA He is going to cheat, Kayleigh. A man is like a dog. You don’t put a bone before him and expects him not to rip it apart. KAYLEIGH Kyle has never cheated in our 7 years of dating. Why now? NESSA How do you know if he is yet to? KAYLEIGH No way. Nessa. Kyle is far from that. He is not going to be chasing a girl behind my back. His mother has sought permission from me. This is not coming from him. He is going to be on surveillance....... NESSA Why did you even say yes to this? That’s what I need you to tell me KAYLEIGH Because I want to help. NESSA This is ridiculous. I think you are outta of your mind, Kaye. KAYLEIGH The girl has joined the movement and I can’t watch another girl turn her life turn upside down. I am already working on getting Adobea out ASAP. I just want to help. NESSA Why do you always feel like you are indebted to her? KAYLEIGH Do you mean Adobea? NESSA Yes. KAYLEIGH Come on, Nessa. I am not indebted to her. She’s like our third sister. I thought you liked her. NESSA Don’t get me wrong. I like her. She is a sweet girl and all that but you make it seems like owe her. KAYLEIGH No. NESSA You met Kyle through her, when you went to volunteer at her high school and this all started and .... KAYLEIGH You are getting it all wrong, Nessa. NESSA How am I? KAYLEIGH To her I am a sister. She is the only child of her parents. And she isn’t the type that opens up to her mother. Adobea talks to only me, thats why I feel it’s important I get her out of this movement. She is not going to tell her mother she has joined them. I think I have a duty here. NESSA But not to a stranger you have never met. You can concentrate on getting Adobea out, but don’t get your man involved. You hear me? This is not right, Kaye. Anything can happen. And this man is like your heartbeat. KAYLEIGH You are exaggerating. NESSA Do you know who she is? KAYLEIGH No. NESSA Now you messed up. (She laughs) KAYLEIGH God, you are scaring the hell outta me. NESSA Because this is scary. KAYLEIGH From his story, it seems like a young girl, probably out of college. NESSA Still dangerous. KAYLEIGH Okay. I hear you. NESSA So stop him. (Kayleigh takes her car keys from the console table by the doorway) KAYLEIGH I will stop him. Happy now? NESSA Yes. (She opens the door, then steps out of the apartment) (Chriswick Akorfa and Kyle eats lunch in a restaurant, a few blocks away from Bill Trust Insurance) KYLE I like this place. Their food is good. AKORFA Many people do like this place. I think its the best around here. They are well known for their goat meat soup. KYLE Why didn’t you tell me to order some? AKORFA I didn’t know you would you wanted to drink some soup under this scorching sun. I am sorry. But it isn’t my favorite restaurant. KYLE So where is your favorite restaurant? AKORFA It’s in FairShield. KYLE Next town? AKORFA Yeah, not too far. KYLE I have never been to FairShield. AKORFA Everybody living in this state has been to FairShield. KYLE Not me. AKORFA How come the son of the former governor hasn’t set foot in the land of great delicacies the state boasts of? (He laughs) KYLE Because I was raised in a different state. I have never lived here till now. AKORFA That is still not an excuse. Where were you when your father was the Governor? KYLE I was doing my residency in Naples. I came around only a few times. Didn’t stay for long. But now, I am back home for good. AKORFA I will give you a pass on that. KYLE So when are you taking me to your favorite place in FairShield? AKORFA Any...time. Whenever you are ready. KYLE I will be ready on Sunday, lunchtime. AKORFA I will check my schedule and will get back to you. KYLE Sure. (Sunderland Evening. Aseye and her family are back home. She prepares dinner in the kitchen while her husband Israel help the kids with homework in the family living space. They chat across) ISRAEL Why couldn’t you tell her? ASEYE Because he called me first. ISRAEL That shouldn’t have stopped you from calling her? ASEYE It did, Israel. ISREAL Why? What did he say? ASEYE He is on our side. He is not gonna let mum win ISRAEL How? ASEYE He is not going to make her fall into a trap. He respects her choices like the rest of us. ISRAEL I see. (Sounding unconvinced) ASEYE So there wasn’t the need to tell Akorfa. ISRAEL So did he go to Bill Trust as he had planned to? ASEYE Yes he did. ISREAL Oh so he saw her today. ASEYE And he asked her out to lunch. ISRAEL Okay. ASEYE So he is using the opportunity to build some sort of friendship with her. He is new and definitely need a town maestro like Akorfa to give him a warm welcome. (Israel laughs) ASEYE He is so personable. I believe they will hit off right away. . (The home telephone rings.) ASEYE I will take it here. (Aseye reaches for the telephone in the kitchen. She look at the caller ID) ASEYE Oh its mum. (She takes the receiver and answers) ASEYE Mum? VOICE of JoANN Aseye, how are you dear? ASEYE Very well. JoANN How was work today? ASEYE Less stressful. JoANN And the kids and Israel? ASEYE Everybody is well. JoANN We thank God ASEYE How have you been? JoANN Good. I went out to do a few groceries this afternoon ASEYE I see. JoANN I just got off the phone with Ayerley. ASEYE How is she doing? JoANN Good. She told me Kyle went to see Akorfa today and they had lunch. ASEYE Yes, that’s correct. JOANN So you knew they had lunch today and you didn’t call to tell me. ASEYE Mum, its only a lunch. JOANN For you its only but that means a whole lot to me. (Aseye chuckles, shaking her head) ASEYE I get you. It means the whole world to you. JoANN This has started off so well. ASEYE Just as you wanted. Congrats. (JoAnn laughs) JoANN So do you know what they are doing next? ASEYE No. JoANN Talk to your sister. She might tell you. ASEYE I thought Mrs Anderson is supposed to report to you. JoANN She might not be able to tell me everything. Moreover its better you get it from both sides. ASEYE Fine, I will talk to her and then will get back to you as you want it, mother. JoANN Good girl. ASEYE Is dad home? JoANN He stepped out. Do you want him to call you when he comes back? ASEYE Yes mum. JoANN I will tell him. Now I gotta head back to the pantry and reorganize. ASEYE Right mum. JoANN I will call later and talk to the kids. ASEYE They will be waiting for you. JoANN Bye. (Later that night after the kids and Israel had gone to bed, Aseye stays in the kitchen to receive a phone call from Akorfa. She talks to her on the telephone under the dim light in her kitchen) AKORFA Yeah ....we had lunch. He didn’t want to return to Cherry Hills hungry I think. And that was like an hour drive back. ASEYE Yeah that’s right. AKORFA A reason I couldn’t say no. ASEYE Did you ever thought of saying no? AKORFA Why not? ASEYE That wouldn’t have been so nice of you. AKORFA I have no choice if I am busy. ASEYE You will come up with something instead of a flat no. He is terrific person. So did you enjoy his company? AKORFA Yeah. He has really a good sense of humor. He will make a good friend. (Aseye laughs a little) ASEYE Thats very true. AKORFA The other night at home you said he has a girlfriend, right? ASEYE Yeah, Why? ........ {Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continues
3 May 2018 | 03:19
3 May 2018 | 08:17
Hmm this is going to be a hard task for you Mr k
3 May 2018 | 12:50
akorfa I thought u stood your ground.... y are you inquiring about his girlfriend? too early to judge bt I think you are going to fall for him
3 May 2018 | 16:54
I think Kyle is getting there at start for her to say is good to be his friend
3 May 2018 | 18:04
Already making enquiry about his relationship status, Akoyor? Don't disappoint the girls
4 May 2018 | 02:45
move on, next episode
4 May 2018 | 08:10
A HEARTBREAK AWAY CHAPTER ‘5’ AKORFA The other night at home you said he has a girlfriend, did you? (Aseye hesitates a bit) ASEYE Yea yea.....Why? AKORFA I want to watch my back, you know. (Aseye releases a light giggle) ASEYE Why do you want to watch your back? AKORFA He’s new to the state and I can tell he wants to turn me into a tour guide sort of. He hasn’t been to a lot of places. ASEYE He wants you to take him to places? AKORFA He’s not said it yet but I think it’s coming. He’s definitely going to tell me. ASEYE Ooooh? (Aseye smiles, almost about to burst out into laughter) AKORFA And since I have not met the girlfriend, and I want to be sure that I am safe. ASEYE I’m sure that won’t be a problem AKORFA A lot more women are protective of their men these days, Aseye. She is not going to agree. ASEYE I believe he ywill tell her about you. Kyle doesn’t look like the type to hide stuff from her. You are only a new friend he’s made, and he needs you to show him places. I believe when she comes around to visit he will want you to meet her. AKORFA I want to believe you. ASEYE You are afraid....huh? AKORFA Yeah. I want to be sure I am stepping into a safe zone. ASEYE This shouldn’t be a big deal. AKORFA Look, I am careful around a man who belongs to another woman, for fear of insecurities. He’s hot, with a prestigious career and all that. There is absolutely no way she won’t be watch dog around him. ASEYE You will be fine. AKORFA So where is she at? ASEYE Naples. AKORFA I see. ASEYE Actually they are about to....erm... (She pauses, retracts the statement. The time wasn’t right ) AKORFA They are about to what? ASEYE They are a ...really nice couple. AKORFA I thought you didn’t know a lot about her. ASEYE Praba told me a lot about her yesterday. So where are you two going next? Any plans? AKORFA He wants me to take him to Fairshield. ASEYE To eat? AKORFA What do we go to that town to do other than eating? ASEYE When? AKORFA Sunday. ASEYE That will be fun. I’m sure he has been there several times himself. AKORFA No. ASEYE He hasn’t been there? AKORFA No. That’s what he told me. ASEYE Kyle hasn’t been to a lot of places then. AKORFA It seems so. He’s only been around for a few months and he seems to be busy all the time. ASEYE Oh then you got work to do. AKORFA Hey no. Not me. I told you that I don’t want to take that up. I am busy with my work, organization and a whole lot. And I can’t be running around with another woman’s man. She will come after me, and tear me up into pieces. ASEYE She won’t do that. She’s civilized. (Aseye’s husband, Israel, enters the kitchen. He walks pasts her to the refrigerator.) ASEYE You are only doing him a favor. AKORFA I am yet to confirm though. We have a meeting tomorrow then I will get to see what if there will be available time to do that on Sunday. ASEYE Don’t disappoint my friend. AKORFA That won’t be my fault. ASEYE Do your best to show up in Fairshield. Do you think he will ever run for Governor in the state? AKORFA I should be asking you, Aseye. You know him better than I do. ASEYE Ask him when you see him, he might tell you. AKORFA Not interested. (Aseye laughs, Akorfa follows suit) AKORFA Hopefully I get the chance to take him to Fairshield, and that will be it. ASEYE It? So does that mean if he didn’t have a girlfriend, you wouldn’t have a problem taking him to places? AKORFA Exactly. Girlfriends are pains to deal with. They are venomous. ASEYE I get what you mean. (Akorfa yawns) AKORFA Hey, I got to hit the sheets. It’s been a long day and a stressful week. ASEYE Right right. . AKORFA My kisses to the kids. ASEYE Sure. AKORFA Goodnight ASEYE Goodnight sis. (She ends call, puts the telephone on the counter) ISRAEL You are beginning to change stance. (She glances at her husband) ASEYE Why are you saying that? ISRAEL She doesn’t want to see him again, and you are forcing her to. Are you on board with the game? ASEYE No. The fact is that he is new to the town. He needs somebody to take him on a tour. And Akorfa is the best person right now to do that. And all he wants to do right now is build a healthy friendship with her instead. He isn’t going to follow with the plans. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Cherry Hills The next morning At the New World Medical center. Curtis and Kyle get ready to visit a patient. They talk in the common room during preparation.) CURTIS Was she surprised to see you? KYLE I think she was. You could tell it from her face she wasn’t expecting me to pop up there. CURTIS So how did the lunch go? KYLE Great. She took me to a nice restaurant a few blocks down her work place. CURTIS Nice. KYLE Good food too. CURTIS What did you even talk about? KYLE General. Work stuff. CURTIS Boring. (Kyle laughs) CURTIS So what is next on the list? Are you going to see her again? KYLE Our next meeting? CURTIS Yeah, or you two have nothing coming up? KYLE Actually we do. CURTIS So what are you doing? KYLE She is taking me to a place. CURTIS She is taking you out? KYLE Not out as in a girl taking me out. CURTIS Man, she likes you already. KYLE Come on, not really. CURTIS Where is she taking you? KYLE She is taking me to Fairshield to eat at her favorite restaurant. CURTIS Oh ok. To eat. KYLE Yeah. Have you ever been there? CURTIS To Fairshield? KYLE Yes CURTIS Many times with the family. KYLE I guess I am the only one now. CURTIS They got better restaurants. KYLE I am looking forward to. She is yet to confirm though. CURTIS So how long is it going to take you to get her on your side? (Kyle laughs lightly then shakes his head) KYLE No. CURTIS What do you mean no? KYLE I am not going to do it. CURTIS You are not? What report are you going to give? KYLE Easy. She didn’t fall in love with me. CURTIS Why are you not going to do it? ( Characters and plot lines are property of Josey Asante. Any duplication or reproduction of all or one part of this work without written consent by author is illegal ) (Chriswick Same morning Kirstie 5 bedroom house in Chriswick. Management of Sisters for Freedom Akorfa, Alisa and Kirstie have gathered for a meeting around in the living area) ALISA She has endured untold amounts of emotional and physical abuse. AKORFA Why did she decide to stay in the marriage? That fool she calls a husband is going to kill her. KIRSTIE Her mother won’t let her go. She tells her society frowns on divorce. AKORFA So it has never occurred to her he could kill her daughter oneday. (Alisa laughs ) ALISA No. AKORFA What is going on with society? There is this unimaginable sickness of conformity rolling through everywhere. A man abuses your daughter and you tell your daughter to stay? ALISA She fears her daughter will be stigmatized. AKORFA God save us. KIRSTIE She sees nothing wrong with that. AKORFA And he rapes her every night after he beats her. Where is her father? KIRSTIE He is dead. ALISA He wouldn’t let her go back to school to do her masters. He wouldn’t let her look for a decent job to work. He says a woman belongs to the home, to take care of the kids and . And he wants to have 3 more kids with her. AKORFA What? He what? ALISA Yeah. AKORFA Is she on some secret contraception? KIRSTIE She takes the depo shot. AKORFA That’s smart. KIRSTIE Yeah, I told her the same. AKORFA It sounds like he is nasty piece of work. He deserves to go to jail. ALISA That will be later. For now, we have to get her out of the house. She’s so ready to run away. KIRSTIE How soon can that be? AKORFA Now, today. KIRSTIE We can’t do it today. Her oldest son has musical concert at school this evening. She can’t miss it. ALISA How about tomorrow? KIRSTIE Could be fine. I will find out from her. ALISA We got to be fast about this cos the man is out of town this weekend. AKORFA Oh... ALISA She said he will be back Monday afternoon KIRSTIE Then we got to get her out by tomorrow. ALISA Where do we put her? She will be coming with the two kids. She will need a bigger space. (She shakes her head) AKORFA I am not sure about tomorrow. KIRSTIE Why? AKORFA I have to go somewhere. I promised a friend I was going to take him somewhere. ALISA So you can’t come with us? AKORFA I can’t. KIRSTIE Akorfa, this is important. She has to see you there. Although I am the one she reached out to because she was inspired by my lady abusive story, she is always voicing her gratefulness to you for this incredible movement. AKORFA I am going to meet with her when you bring her. She’s going to see me. ALISA What you are going to do on Sunday can’t be more important than this, Akorfa. KIRSTIE You have to come with us. (Akorfa sighs, then nods after. Driving back home she calls Aseye on the cellphone) ASEYE Yes girl.... AKORFA Where are you? ASEYE At the grocery store. AKORFA It’s noisy. The music is so loud. ASEYE It’s always louder here. AKORFA Tell the store manager to keep the volume down. ASEYE I love it. It’s the reason I shop here. AKORFA You are sick. Hey, I don’t have too good news for you. ASEYE What is it? AKORFA I am sorry I can’t take Kyle to Fairshield. ASEYE Oh no. AKORFA We just closed from our management meeting.We are going to Webster. You know that’s like 3 hours away. By the time we get back it will be already dark and I will be exhausted from the long ride. ASEYE I get it. AKORFA I wanted to stay back but they wouldn’t agree. ASEYE He is going to be so disappointed. AKORFA I know he is going to be but the good thing is I didn’t confirm the day. I told him I was gonna to check my schedule and call him back. So he knows it could go either way. ASEYE Alright. AKORFA So we can postpone to next week Sunday if he is available and I will let the ladies know I won’t be around. ASEYE You are pretty busy on weekends. It can happen again. AKORFA It’s not going to. I promise. ASEYE So why don’t you do it on a weekday after work instead. AKORFA Yeah, you are right. ASEYE I hate for you to disappoint him. AKORFA I know and you could tell he was quite interested to go to the place. ASEYE So come up with a good day that wouldn’t interfere with your engagements. AKORFA Sure. I will check my schedule and we can set another day. ASEYE Good. AKORFA I am doing this for you, you know. (Aseye smiles) ASEYE Thank you sis. AKORFA Just this one, and that will be it. (Aseye laughs... (Cherry Hills Later in the afternoon In the vacant patio, at the newly constructed house Kyle and Kayleigh had purchased. Adobea Anderson is making a flower art on the wall. She is surrounded by her tools and paints. Kyle appears at the doorway) KYLE Knock knock (Adobea stops and looks at the doorway. ) ADOBEA You are here. When did you come? KYLE A few minutes ago. ADOBEA What do you think? KYLE You have an incredible gift. ADOBEA Aww thank you. KYLE It’s perfect. ADOBEA I had to do this for my girl Kayleigh. Nothing about the town fascinates her. A colorful room with flower arts on the wall can be soothing after a hard day at work. (Kyle smiles, gratefully) ADOBEA It hurts to think that you may not stay here for as long as you planning to, Kyle. KYLE Don’t pay any attention to what age says. She is going to love it here. It’s only going to take a while. ADOBEA I don’t think she will. Please take the short brush for me. (Kyle takes it and gives it to her. ) ADOBEA Anyway you guys are going to have a lot of fun in this house. It’s huge. (Kyle laughs.) ADOBEA How many kids are you planning on having? KYLE One, and a boy. (Adobea breaks out laughing) ADOBEA A boy. KYLE Just it. ADOBEA You are not serious. It’s a huge house, with 4 bedrooms. You can’t have just one child. KYLE We are going to turn them into guest rooms. You will sleep in one when you visit in the future with your husband and kids. (She cocks an eyebrow at him) ADOBEA That is never happening. KYLE What is not happening? ADOBEA Marriage. KYLE Huh...when did that come in? ADOBEA I’m over it, Kyle. It’s not for me. KYLE What do you mean it’s not for you. ADOBEA I can’t do it. It’s not what I want. KYLE What if you meet the right man? ADOBEA I have made up my mind. Ther right man doesn’t exist in my world. KYLE You don’t have to give up because the right person hasn’t surfaced yet.. ADOBEA I am not going to wait for him, or no man. (She starts to pace towards him) ADOBEA I have come to discover that I am most happiest and hopeful when I am single because I get to be me, the authentic Adobea. I start to feel my life has a meaning and purpose. I have always been judged by my appearance. They don’t know the peaceful soul in me is more than my body. (Kyle nods) ADOBEA I take better care of myself. I don’t starve my self to lose weight because I have to look thinner to get accepted by my man. KYLE Have you talked to mother about this? ADOBEA No and that is not going to be anytime now. KYLE Why? ADOBEA She won’t agree. There’s absolutely no way she will yes to me. (She laughs but he remains mute) ADOBEA And I have found this amazing group of women who shares the same. Marriage is not for everybody, Kyle. When you discover your true self, you embrace it and it’s uniqueness. KYLE What is this group? ADOBEA I don’t know if you’ve heard of them since it’s popular among the single ladies. Sisters for Freedom. That is the name. KYLE Okay. ADOBEA And we are over one million members. Isn’t that groundbreaking? I am not alone. Women, we are thirsty for freedom. (Kyle nods, grinning.) ADOBEA I am happy you are not putting me down. KYLE No. ADOBEA It didn’t sink in well for Kayleigh when I told her, although she is a woman and I felt she would understand. KAYLEIGH Who are the leaders? ADOBEA Kirstie, Alisa and the main girl, Akorfa. KYLE Have you reached out to any of them? Do they know who you are? ADOBEA No. (She shakes her head, laughing ) KYLE Why? ADOBEA I don’t think I will ever reveal myself to them. (She returns to painting. ) KYLE Do you know dad’s friend Mr Eugene Cullen? ADOBEA Mum tells about them. (She stops, drops the paint brush on the floor. She runs her index finger down her chin) ADOBEA Wait, they are Cullens. So could it be the lady Akorfa relates them? KYLE That’s what you need to find out. ADOBEA Yeah..... (They heard footsteps approaching, heels clicking and echoing on the marble tile flooring A moment later Kayleigh breezes through the door with the widest grin ever.) KAYLEIGH This is gorgeous!! ADOBEA You like it? KAYLEIGH Like it? God, I love it. Kyle, you didn’t tell her that this art is on stellar level. KYLE I just told her. KAYLEIGH We are serious, Adobe. (She calmly walks to Kyle and he kisses him shortly on his mouth ) KAYLEIGH Why don’t you go into painting full time? ADOBEA No. I wouldn’t get time to do that. KAYLEIGH A job like this can fetch you millions ADOBEA No. It’s too time consuming. Look I have been here since 8am and I am not even half way through it. KAYLEIGH So you charge for a whole day. ADOBEA No. KAYLEIGH Think about it. ADOBEA No. KAYLEIGH You just handed me my most favorite space in the entire house. ADOBEA Glad that I could help. KAYLEIGH Anyway I brought you some yummy steak pizza. ADOBEA Oh thank you. KAYLEIGH Where should I put it? ADOBEA Give it to me. My tummy has already started talking cos it can smell it so close. (Laughter) ADOBEA I will be right back. (Adobea leaves.) KAYLEIGH She has a gift to turn plain surfaces into gold. I am amazed at how her fingers can create magic. KYLE She doesn’t believe in her gift. KAYLEIGH This is an interesting piece of art. Yes! You know what I am going to do? KYLE What are you going to do? KAYLEIGH I am going to capture this on my cell phone, and then I will post it on my Instagram page. I got a few following. I will tag her, and a few people then we wait for the reaction. When the voices get louder, she will get a change of mind. KYLE Well. KAYLEIGH How was work today? KYLE Not bad. KAYLEIGH Hey, I spoke to Nessa last night, about the decoy. KYLE What did she say? KAYLEIGH She doesn’t support it. (Kyle laughs, lightly) KAYLEIGH Why are you laughing, Kyle? You knew she wouldn’t say yes. KYLE Yeah. So are you considering changing your answer? KAYLEIGH Well, may be. KYLE May be. KAYLEIGH You don’t have to do it if you really don’t want to. I thought it was only a favour you were doing the family but Nessa is totally against it, and she may be right. Ninety nine out of hundred, she has been right KYLE So I shouldn’t do it? KAYLEIGH Don’t do it. (She smiles into his shoulder) KYLE I won’t do it. (Kyle’s cellphone starts to ring.) KAYLEIGH You have a phone call. KYLE Yeah. (He plucks the cellphone from his pocket. ) KAYLEIGH I got to head out. It’s almost 2. (She kisses him on the mouth) KAYLEIGH I will see you at midnight. Bye. KYLE Bye. (She leaves and Kyle answers the call from Akorfa. ) KYLE Hey.... AKORFA Hi, it’s Akorfa. Do you remember me? (He laughs) KYLE Yes I do. AKORFA You are laughing....why? KYLE I am sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh. It sounds funny you asking that if I remember you. AKORFA Well, you see a lot of people daily so I had to be sure you know who you are talking to. KYLE I have been expecting your call. AKORFA Oh I am sorry. I was in a really long meeting plus I wanted to be sure about the day first before I call you. KYLE I’m fine. So are you we going?? AKORFA No I am calling to reschedule. KYLE Hmmm AKORFA I am going out of town tomorrow and will be back late so I wanted to know if we can do it on Monday after work . KYLE Monday after work? AKORFA Yeah. What time do you close? KYLE I get out of work at 3 AKORFA Great. It will give you enough time to drive to Fairshield. I get off at 4. KYLE Sure. AKORFA So I will see you then. KYLE Yeah sure... AKORFA Will text you the restaurant address after the call. Bye. (Adobea enters the room) KYLE Bye. (Chriswick At Akorfa’s house She (Akorfa) calls Aseye from her bedroom. Aseye answers) ASEYE What’s up? Found a good date. AKORFA Yes. We are going this Monday. ASEYE Awesome. Have you called to tell him? AKORFA Yes. I just got off the phone with him. He’s excited. ASEYE Thank you. AKORFA Remember that I am doing it for you. ASEYE Don’t tell me. I know. AKORFA But it’s going to be the last time. ASEYE Sure. AKORFA Good. (Fairshield Monday evening Akorfa arrives at the Yebby Seafood Restaurant. She enters, scans the place for a few seconds and then spots Kyle at a table in a back corner reading on a tablet. She smiles to herself. She was wearing the trousers of her pantsuit, and had rolled up the sleeves of her shirt. Her medium length hair was cascading loosely to her shoulders. She marches to the table grinning. ) AKORFA You got here. KYLE Hey... (He stands up from his chair and hugs her friendily. After, she slides into a chair across from him) KYLE How was work? AKORFA Not too bad. I was swamped the entire morning. But I am working from home tomorrow so I will get a good rest. How was work for you too? KYLE Not too bad. AKORFA Did you drive around the town for a while? KYLE I did. It’s a terrific place. Chain of restaurants AKORFA Yes KYLE But I believe this could be the best AKORFA Absolutely. Have you looked through the menu? KYLE Yes. But I would want you to order for me. I’m leaving it all to you. AKORFA Sure. I will be happy to. (40 minutes later ,after they had started to eat.. KYLE These stories are sickening.. AKORFA Just how could a man be so violent towards his wife. KYLE Did she date him before marrying him or it was an arranged marriage? AKORFA I don’t know. I didn’t ask her. KYLE So where is she now? AKORFA With Kirstie, a co leader. KYLE How long is she going to keep her? AKORFA I guess for as long as we will get a place ready for her and the kids. KYLE Do you raise funds for these cases? AKORFA No. We’ve never. KYLE So how are you going to cater for them and pay legal fees? AKORFA Currently we are in a bit of a pickle. There is a program in the pipeline. We have created accounts with the two leading banks. We will soon begin raising funds. Because we need the money to fight. KYLE Why did you start a group like this? What motivated you to do this? AKORFA The practice of conformity, Kyle. We’ve been programmed to fit into the ancient social norms that marriage is a taboo to walk away from it. Every woman is expected to marry and have kids. Quite a number of women abandon their dreams and starts to live under the shadows of a man. I want to change that. (He smiles at her, nodding in agreement) AKORFA Marriage shouldn’t be measured as an achievement. KYLE Right. AKORFA We need to be able to live to our full potential. For many women, marriage stops them. They are unable to pursue their education and or propel to their full height. We have been paralyzed by fear for so long. We have taken on beliefs of others that is doing us no good. For how long are we going to let the society shape us? (He continues to nod, fascinated) AKORFA I am not against marriage. I am against enforced marriage. There are many women out there who feel they have the potential to do something great in life, and they just can’t get up to do it. Because they are stuck in bondage.. KYLE So, do you ever want to get married? AKORFA No. (Half an hour later, they get ready to leave. ) AKORFA You should make me pay for my meal, please? KYLE No. I won’t let you do that. (She sighs, smiling in gratitude) KYLE I enjoyed the food. AKORFA Aww, I’m happy. KYLE So where is next? AKORFA Next? KYLE Where are you taking me next? AKORFA I don’t know yet. KYLE Aww sad. (She laughs. Aseye was right. She was beginning to like him. He could be a good friend) KYLE I thought you could be my tour guide. AKORFA I won’t be a good tour guide. I am always busy. KYLE Okay. AKORFA But I will see you again. (She rises from her chair, with a grin of relief) KYLE It’s fine. AKORFA I am sorry. (Chriswick The next day at Akorfa’s home She talks to her Kirstie in the telephone at her work space) KIRSTIE We’ve received some funds. AKORFA Funds? From who? KIRSTIE From an anonymous person. AKORFA Anonymous person? KIRSTIE Yes. I received a notification in the morning from the Bank that funds have been wired to our account but sender chooses to remain anonymous. AKORFA That’s strange. How much? KIRSTIE 20,000 dollars (Her mouth pops open.) AKORFA That’s huge. And he or she didn’t include the name? KIRSTIE No. AKORFA God, who did this? KIRSTIE I found out. AKORFA Great. KIRSTIE I called Sally, the account manageress. She gave me the name. He could remain anonymous in the system but not on the receipt. AKORFA What is the name? KIRSTIE Kyle Anderson. Do you know anybody by that name?..... Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continue. Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2018 by Josey Asante
4 May 2018 | 13:20
chapter 5 is here guys @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @Others
4 May 2018 | 13:26
is it a sign of friendship on Kyle's part or is it something else,,, Akorfar u like him..... something is up... move on
4 May 2018 | 13:58
nice one ride on
4 May 2018 | 14:08
nice move from Kyle akorfa you will surely fall for this guy @ifeoluwa if you decide to stop this story now please just think about we that following this thanks for notified me
4 May 2018 | 17:54
That is going to be the begining of a great friendship.
4 May 2018 | 22:16
nice one next
5 May 2018 | 06:35
A HEARTBREAK AWAY “6” AKORFA What is the name? KIRSTIE Kyle Anderson. Do you know anybody by that name?..... (Akorfa’s mouth drops open. She takes in a long deep breath) AKORFA Ye..ah. KIRSTIE You know him? AKORFA I know a Kyle Anderson....I am just not sure if he’s the same person. KIRSTIE Same person? Are there many Kyle Andersons out there. AKORFA There could be only a few but the one I know, ....I can’t .... KIRSTIE Do you think he’s capable of donating such a huge amount of money to our organization? AKORFA he could. KIRSTIE Then it could be him. Why doubt him? AKORFA Kirstie, can I call you back or later? KIRSTIE Sure. AKORFA I have to make a phone call. KIRSTIE But hey wait... listen. AKORFA What is it? KIRSTIE Please don’t call him and ask him. It’s an anonymous donation. You shouldn’t let him know that you found out it was him. AKORFA Okay. KIRSTIE I promised Sandra I was going to keep it a secret. I can’t let her down. AKORFA Sure sure. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Akorfa hangs up, shocked. She walks to stand at the window. She stares out blindly, open mouthed.) (Sunderland Later in the evening after work Aseye receives a phone call from her mother, in the car on her way home) ASEYE Hey mum…? VOICE JoANN Aseye, where are you? ASEYE In the car. Just got off from work.. JoANN Where are the kids? ASEYE Home with Israel. I had a meeting so he went to pick them up. How are you today? JoANN Good. The potted plants arrived this morning. ASEYE Awesome. Cant wait too see how the backyard is going to turn out. JoANN Has your sister talked you about Kyle? ASEYE That what? JoANN That she’s beginning to like him or if they have been hanging out lately? (Aseye lets out a muffled giggle) JoANN You are laughing, ASEYE No, no I am sorry. JoANN Has she mentioned anything to you? ASEYE No, mum. She has not mentioned about that to me. JoANN I am quite disappointed ASEYE Glad you are. JoANN Aseye, this is for her own good. ASEYE It wasn’t gonna work out, Mum. I told you. Akorfa knows what she is about. Kyle isn’t the first and he won’t be the last. It doesn’t matter whether you are the president or the pope. She is not made for it, period. JoANN But Kyle complements her. He brings her to perfection. ASEYE Exactly, yet he is not winning too. JoANN He is very good looking, tall, with a highly regarded career from a perfect home. Why wouldn’t her heart flutter for such a man? (Aseye makes a funny face ,then laughs.) ASEYE They are not important to her. It doesn’t matter who you use in the trap, she has made up her mind, mum. She’s had it all, seen it all. JoANN I don't believe it ASEYE So what is Mrs Anderson saying? JoANN Nothing. She doesn’t even know what is going on. ASEYE So after they went out to lunch last week, she is not aware if they have gone out again or not. JoANN No. Kyle is not talking. ASEYE Oh I see. Could also be he is busy at work. JoANN I am so disappointed in him. I though he could pull this for us ASEYE He is busy, mum. His job is demanding, and he is about to get married anyway. JOANN But he’s been tasked with an important assignment. He agreed to do it. ASEYE When I spoke to him, he told me he wasn’t given the chance to say yes or no. His fiancée was all you needed to give you a green light. JOANN Well it’s still the same. ASEYE So are you having a change of mind? JOANN Yeah, I am thinking. ASEYE So what do you want to do? End the game? (She said, smiling cheerfully to herself) JOANN I think I need a new man. A serious man who will bring me the results I have been searching. ASEYE Oh, a new man. Who? JOANN I don’t know yet. ASEYE But its only been a week,mum. JOANN And it’s beginning to look like better than nothing. ASEYE Mum,you need to give him more time. Probably this has been a busy week. You never know, he could have some tricks up his sleeves. JOANN Well….then what is keeping him? ASEYE We got hear what he’s got to say too. If he doesn’t want to do it, I am sure he will tell his mother and she will tell you. But he hasn’t said anything so there could be more to this. Give him another week or two. (She pleads) JOANN So why is he not saying something to us? He should tell us what is going on. ASEYE You leave that to me. I will talk to him, that he needs to let us know what he is doing or what his next plans are. JOANN Exactly. ASEYE I will talk him when I get home. Don’t go for another man just yet. JOANN I will wait. (Aseye ends the call. She stops at a traffic and dials Kyle cell numbers. Call goes through In the staff garage at the New World Medical center, Kyle is walking to his car. His cell phone rings and he plucks it from his pocket. He answers the call from Aseye) KYLE Hello.. ASEYE Hey, how are you? Is it a good time to call? KYLE Yeah. I just closed. I’m walking to my car. ASEYE Great. Perfect time. KYLE So how are you doing? ASEYE Not bad. This deadly flu out there is giving me draining me.. KYLE I know. It’s kind of getting out of hand now. ASEYE It is. But we are working tirelessly to keep it under control. We don’t want any more deaths. KYLE Not anymore. ASEYE So what’s up with my sister? What is going on? (Kyle approaches his car and unlocks. ) KYLE We are good. We hung out yesterday ASEYE I know about that. Did you have fun? KYLE Fairshield is spectacular. I love it. ASEYE Everybody can’t get enough of Fairshield. So do you have something coming up? You two? KYLE No. ASEYE Why? I thought my sister was going to take you to places. You are not done with her just yet, correct? (He leans on the car) KYLE She’s busy. Thats what she told me. ASEYE She is right about that but you are on a mission, Kyle…That shouldn’t stop you from seeing her. KYLE This mission is about to come to a close. It wasn’t going to work from day one. (He laughs) ASEYE I don’t want you to end the game now, please Kyle. KYLE Why? ASEYE My mum, she’s not done yet. She will replace you. KYLE With another man? ASEYE I just got off the phone with her. She is a little disappointed in you and already thinking of replacing you. KYLE Is she serious? ASEYE Yes Kyle....She is, and I am already scared. KYLE But why? ASEYE Because she doesn’t know what is going on? You are not doing the job she has contracted you to. KYLE But we went out last night. ASEYE She doesn’t know about it. Your mother has not told her. KYLE We only began it last week. ASEYE She is desperate. She wants to know everything that is going on. KYLE I see. Your sister, she is not interested in seeing me again. (Aseye laughs) ASEYE I am not surprised. She is quite busy and obviously do not entertain men too. She is so tough at that. So how about you take a break from her this week and call her next week? KYLE Okay. ASEYE I am going to do all that I can to get her to see you next week. KYLE Fine. ASEYE Please drag it on for at least a while, for her sake. I don’t know what my mum is planning to do next. I just don’t want her throwing men at my sister. She’s far too good for that. Chriswick Later that night at Akorfa’s house. Maren arrives home from work. She walks to Akorfa at the workspace) AKORFA You are back. MAREN You didn’t hear me come in? AKORFA No. I had the ear piece on. (Akorfa slides her chair back) MAREN How was your day? Fun working from home? AKORFA Not exactly fun but kind of refreshing. I am able to take breaks easily. MAREN Are you able to get everything done? AKORFA Not yet MAREN Why? It’s a lot? AKORFA No. MAREN So? AKORFA Something happened today. MAREN All ears. (Akorfa smiles, and then pushes her hair back) AKORFA Something that has stopped me in my tracks. I have lacked the ability to concentrate all day. MAREN What happened? (Akorfa stands up, crosses her arms over her chest) AKORFA I met this guy a few.... (Maren’s eyes pop wide) MAREN A guy. .. AKORFA It’s not what you think. MAREN It got to do with a guy? AKORFA Just let me finish, Maren. It’s not what you thinking. MAREN Continue. AKORFA He came to the office to buy insurance for his car and we ended up going to lunch. MAREN When was this? AKORFA Last week. MAREN And you joined him to lunch same day? Interesting AKORFA He asked me if I could join him to lunch since he didn’t want to return to Cherry Hills hungry. It’s an hour drive so I kind of considered.. MAREN So then what happened. (Akorfa pauses. she stares at her ) AKORFA You look attentive. MAREN It’s about a man, of course. I am interested and don’t want to miss a word. AKORFA I’m not going out with him, Maren. MAREN I don’t care. All that matters is you getting laid anytime soon cos it’s been so long. (Akorfa shakes her head, laughing. Her friend was sick of her celibacy ) AKORFA You are going to get disappointed, Maren. MAREN He has been able to stop you in your tracks, he is clearly a winner. AKORFA Ok, so we had dinner last night... MAREN Holy Moly! AKORFA Will you let me finish the story? MAREN Go on. I can’t keep still. AKORFA We had dinner at the .... in Fairshie... (Maren uncontrollably breaks in again) MAREN Hold it there. Is he interested in you? You didn’t tell him you don’t date? AKORFA He is not interested in me, Maren. MAREN How do you know? AKORFA He has a girlfriend. MAREN That means nothing. They are not married yet so he is available. AKORFA Well that is not my problem. The issue at hand is that this morning we received huge funds in our ABL account by an anonymous person. MAREN Anonymous? AKORFA Turns out it’s him. MAREN How much did he give you girls? AKORFA $20,000. MAREN For what? AKORFA For the organization of course. Not for me. MAREN Why? What did you tell him? That you needed funds? AKORFA Everything he needed to know about the organization. But I didn’t ask him or begged him to fund us. Nothing indicated he was going to be this generous to us. MAREN That’s a lot of money. I am happy for you.. AKORFA So what do I do? MAREN Do what? You are not returning the money, are you? AKORFA No. MAREN So what are you worried about? AKORFA How do I get to say thank you to him. He decided to remain anonymous and I can’t let the bank down. MAREN Then he doesn’t need your thanks. AKORFA Twenty thousand is a lot of money, Maren. I just can’t keep my mouth shut about it. I have to come up with a better way to say thanks. MAREN It’s not necessary. There is a clear reason he chose to go anonymous. AKORFA I understand you perfectly but I can’t pretend to him I don’t know. MAREN Ok so what do you want to do? AKORFA I want to do something, to show my appreciation. I have ran out of ideas. MAREN You know him better than I do. AKORFA I’ve only met him a few times. I don’t know him that well. He’s a family friend. Aseye knows him. They have been friends for a while. MAREN Talk to Aseye. AKORFA I doubt that will be a good idea. MAREN Why? AKORFA Aseye might let it loose. MAREN When are you going to see him again? AKORFA I don’t know yet. Not any time now. MAREN Why? AKORFA We are not that close, and he has a girlfriend. You know I don’t like to stay friends with men with girlfriends. MAREN He will call you. What does he do? AKORFA He is neurologist. (Same night. Cherry Hills At the Anderson family house. Dinner is underway. Kyle, Ayerley and Aaron are seated around the dining table) AYERLEY I have been thinking about it.We need to do something here, a dinner or a party. We can’t have all the celebration in Naples. Our friends are here, and you guys are going to be living here. We need to get everybody involved in your wedding. KYLE You made a point. AYERLEY We should, right? KYLE I think so. Sounds perfect. AYERLEY What do you think, Aaron? AARON Great idea. (An hour later after dinner, Kyle joins Ayerley in the kitchen. She was doing the dishes ) AYERLEY Where is Aaron? KYLE He went upstairs. (Ayerley looks around to double check he wasn’t around. He beckons me him to draw closer ) AYERLEY Come closer. (Kyle takes few steps towards to her ) AYERLEY How is she? (He knew who she was referring to. Akorfa) KYLE Good. AYERLEY How is it going? KYLE Not too bad. We had dinner last night. AYERLEY Perfect. Do you think she is beginning like you? KYLE I don’t know yet. AYERLEY You should know by now. KYLE Well its only been a few days. AYERLEY It doesn’t matter. You’ve been out with her twice. By now there should be something brewing in her heart. KYLE Well..I doubt. AYERLEY Is she playing harder to get. KYLE I doubt she is going to ever fall for me. AYERLEY Your charms are fading. (He laughs) AYERLEY I knew she was going to be tough but her mother, thinks otherwise. She thinks you are not doing enough. KYLE I am. Tell her that her daughter is tough and it might take some time. AYERLEY Some time? I don’t want this to drag on for weeks. KYLE Why? AYERLEY It’s not healthy. You are getting married. You shouldn’t be chasing another woman for whatsoever. KYLE Right. AYERLEY You got two more weeks to get done with this. KYLE Two? AYERLEY Yeah. We can’t go beyond that. Kayleigh might begin to suspect me. (Kyle laughs me (Adobea walks in through the main door) ADOBEA I am home. What was for dinner? (Cherry Hills Next morning Kyle talks with Kayleigh on the phone while he prepares to leave for work) KYLE …and we can do it at the residence. We don’t need to rent a place. VOICE OF KAYLEIGH Kyle, no. KYLE Kayleigh? KAYLEIGH I can’t agree. KYLE Why can’t we do it? Why can’t we? KAYLEIGH We can’t make anymore changes. We already discussed this. KYLE It’s only about seven weeks away. KAYLEIGH There isn’t enough time on our hands. Seven weeks isn’t that far. Who are you doing it for? Its not important. KYLE We are doing it for our friends and families here. KAYLEIGH Friends? I have only two friends in this town. KYLE Well my parents do have a lot of friends here that we didn’t invite to the wedding. KAYLEIGH They can join us in Naples for the main pre wedding dinner. We can create a room for them. KYLE Naples is far. KAYLEIGH But it’s in our original plan. It’s either we stick to it or leave it as it is. KYLE Kayleigh, my parents are excited to host their friends at home to celebrate us. We should be grateful. I can’t go back and tell them you said no. KAYLEIGH It’s our wedding, not theirs. KYLE It’s only a party, Kayleigh. It wouldn’t change the vows. KAYLEIGH So what if I don’t want to be there. KYLE I can’t force you to. KAYLEIGH Honey, I can’t support this. Let’s stick to the original plan. Please. (Kyle takes his car keys from the bed. He sighs, disappointed. ) KYLE Fine. (Three days later Chriswick Akorfa sits eating breakfast at the kitchen. Maren walks in carrying her bags for work. She stares along with a funny look) AKORFA It’s going to be a long day, huh? MAREN Only in the morning. We are going to interview the Attorney General. Afternoon will be easier, hopefully unless an unthinkable happens. (Akorfa flashes her a smile) MAREN What are you doing tonight? AKORFA I don’t know yet. MAREN Why? AKORFA Waiting on Kirstie to confirm tonight’s meeting. MAREN Meeting on Friday night? Who sets meeting on Friday nights? Come on, let’s hang out tonight. Its been so long. AKORFA That will depend on Kirstie. MAREN So you right away cancel if she confirms to you there will be a meeting AKORFA What do you want us to hang out for? MAREN You and I, we haven’t been out together for more than 6 months now. We shouldn’t be just sharing a house. We need to go out and have some good time. We are growing farther apart. AKORFA So what do you want us to do? MAREN Go out to eat, watch a scary movie... AKORFA I don’t do scary movie. It’s only going to make me lose sleep. (Maren laughs ) MAREN You are still a baby. So we can go out and eat, continue to the club to boogy. We can do a whole lot in one night. AKORFA Okay, I am game. Where? MAREN Masons in Cherry Hills is my pick for tonight. AKORFA Because of the live band? MAREN Who doesn’t love it? (Akorfa takes a gulp of her drink, draining her glass. She puts the glass in the sink.) MAREN Did he call? AKORFA Who? The guy that donated? MAREN Yes. Did he? AKORFA No. MAREN Interesting. Many guys wouldn’t wait this long to prove how relevant he can be to you. AKORFA You are right. But he hasn’t. MAREN May be he wants you to call him AKORFA It’s anonymous. How am I supposed to call him? MAREN May be he wants you to find out and call him. AKORFA Not true.. MAREN So what are you going to do? AKORFA I have no idea. MAREN A simple calling to check on you can take you the next step. AKORFA May be some other time. Not now. MAREN How about you talk to Aseye? She can help you out. It’s already been days now and you are pretty much deadlocked. AKORFA I can’t trust Aseye with this. She will tell him. MAREN I got to head out now. AKORFA You didn’t take anything for breakfast? MAREN No. I will eat at work (Cherry Hills Same morning Kayleigh is leaning against her kitchen wall. She is holding a mug of tea in her left hand and her cellphone in her right hand, talking to Nessa ) VOICE OF NESSA Kayleigh, it’s only a party. KAYLEIGH Two parties in two different towns, Nessa. It isn’t right. NESSA It doesn’t matter. His parents just want to do something for their friends. KAYLEIGH Is it that important? I don’t know them. They are strangers. NESSA Kayleigh, if his parents want to do ten pre wedding parties, let them do it. You love and is happy to marry their son. You’ve moved states to start a new beginning with him. You have sacrificed so much to ruin it at this point. KAYLEIGH But they just can’t get up and make changes. It’s my wedding. NESSA Let them do it. It won’t change a thing. KAYLEIGH Then I am not going to be there. NESSA You have to be present. KAYLEIGH Why should I be? NESSA Kaye, why don’t you wanna be there? KAYLEIGH Because there is no friend of mine who is going to be attending it. NESSA Now that’s not true. KAYLEIGH Nessa, I am not going to send out invitation to any of my friends. NESSA Guess what, I am coming. KAYLEIGH Nessa, you are joking. NESSA I am serious. KAYLEIGH What are you coming to do? NESSA It’s a pre pre wedding party which is going to be hosted by your future in laws. I believe they are doing this to outdoor you and their son to their friends and family who are clearly not invited and won’t be stepping foot at your wedding. KAYLEIGH I hate to be in the midst of strangers. Wedding party is supposed to be with the people that I know and adore. NESSA That’s why I am going to be there, and hopefully mum and dad can join in too. You just never know. KAYLEIGH Do you think Mum and dad will come? NESSA Why won’t they? (She sighs, sliding down into a kitchen chair) (Evening Cherry Hill At Masons Restaurant, Akorfa and Maren are seated by a window dining and chatting) AKORFA So you are ready to lose your job? MAREN Why not? AKORFA So why don’t you let him go first. MAREN What are you afraid of? AKORFA I am afraid as soon as you leave the job, he will leave you. MAREN Come on. AKORFA You really don’t know this guy, Maren. Why don’t you give yourself more time before you take the next step with him. MAREN More time? AKORFA I am serious, Maren. You don’t have to be the first to quit your job. MAREN I can get a job easily and anywhere. AKORFA You might not get lucky. MAREN Geesh Akorfa, life is too short to lug around fears and failures, doubts and disappointments, regrets and assumptions that hold less water than a sieve. AKORFA You are dangerously desperate. (The restaurant gigantic door slides open and Akorfa turns to look. There, Kyle calmly marches in. Her eyes suddenly shines, her heart thumping hard) MAREN Seen a friend? AKORFA Yea… (She keeps staring, shocked) MAREN You look shocked. AKORFA Because ...he is the last person I am expecting to pop up here. MAREN Who? (She watches him stop to talk to a waitress.) AKORFA Over there, the guy in the white shirt talking to the waitress. (Maren turns. ) AKORFA I can’t tell if he stalking me or its just coincidence ... (Maren sees him) MAREN Its Kyle Anderson. AKORFA Where do you know him? MAREN He is the former governor’s son. Governor Anderson, you remember him? AKORFA I do but how did you get to know him? MAREN I did an article on them in his final days at the office. AKORFA I see. MAREN And I had the honor of meeting the whole family. His wife, daughter and him. He flew down from Naples for the interview. AKORFA He did. MAREN I had an instant crush on him the minute I sat down to interview him. He was so unnerving. (Akorfa smiles) MAREN It was so fast and furious. I got out of it the minute I walked out of their house. AKORFA Why? MAREN Did I ever think he would be single? AKORFA Oh you big girl with a teeny weeny faith. MAREN Oh come on. Girls are too desperate these days. Every good guy out there is taken. I didn’t even want to give it a try. AKORFA Thank goodness these are the least of my worries. MAREN Where do you know him? (They watch him follow the waitress to a table at a far end of the restaurant where a pretty lady was waiting.) AKORFA He is the guy I told you about. MAREN Which one? AKORFA He donated anonymously to our fund. MAREN That was Kyle? (Kyle Anderson approaches the table Kayleigh was sitting and waiting. She stands up and receives his hug and kiss) KAYLEIGH What was keeping you? KYLE I sent you a text. There was an emergency meeting. I couldn’t call from the room. KAYLEIGH Are you sure you hit the send button? KYLE You did not receive my text? KAYLEIGH No. KYLE That’s strange. KAYLEIGH Check it again. I’m sure you did not press the send. (Kyle takes out his cell phone from his pocket. He clicks open the phone and checks. He laughs after ) KYLE You are right. (She tilts her head and smiles at him) KAYLEIGH How was your day? At Akorfa and Maren’s table) MAREN Who is the lady with him? AKORFA I don’t know. I have never seen her before. MAREN There is no doubt she is his girlfriend. He kissed her on the lips. You saw them, right? AKORFA Yeah. MAREN She is cute. I like her short hair. Back then I heard he was dating a doctor. I’m not sure if she’s the same person. Did you think he was stalking you when he first came in. AKORFA Well.... that was what I thought. MAREN Be honest with me. He likes you, right? AKORFA No. MAREN You have been out with him twice. There got to be something. AKORFA Totally friendship, Maren. MAREN He donated to your organization, you have been out eating with him twice and half an hour ago that he walked in, you thought he was stalking you. AKORFA Come on, Maren. It was just a crazy thought. (Maren grins, unconvinced) MAREN Are you going to say hi before we leave? AKORFA No. Chriswick Midnight Akorfa lies in bed, tucked under her white sheets, staring up at the ceiling. She takes her cellphone and then types a message. She hesitates for a while before pressing the send key. Less than a minute later, her cellphone starts to ring. She checks caller ID. It was Kyle. She answers after the second ring. ) AKORFA I thought you were going to see the text in the morning. (He chuckles) VOICE OF KYLE So why didn’t you drop me a text you were sitting that close to me? Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continues soon. Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2018 by Josey Asante
5 May 2018 | 07:57
Chapter 6 is here guys @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @druid @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz- chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb- anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel And others come o..
5 May 2018 | 08:05
Akorfar you are drifting
5 May 2018 | 08:42
good work, move on
5 May 2018 | 08:43
nice one pls ride on _____
5 May 2018 | 08:56
It has began
5 May 2018 | 08:57
5 May 2018 | 11:22
i sight you @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel, druid is here
5 May 2018 | 11:36
uwc on board dear @druid
5 May 2018 | 11:38
okeke I cite you please ride on
5 May 2018 | 18:16
@okeke I cite you please ride on
5 May 2018 | 18:17
Hmm she don de fall small small
5 May 2018 | 20:03
A HEARTBREAK AWAY CHAPTER 7 AKORFA I thought you were going to see the text in the morning. VOICE OF KYLE So why didn’t you drop me a text you were sitting that close to me? AKORFA I thought you were too busy eating and chatting.... KYLE I wasn’t that busy. AKORFA You were with her. I couldn’t interrupt you. I couldn’ that. KYLE That is why a text message will have been way better. AKORFA Well I didn’t think it was. KYLE I am in shock that you were sitting that close to me. What were you doing in Cherry Hills? Visiting family? AKORFA No. I came to eat with my roommate. We haven’t been out in a while so she dragged me out tonight to enjoy a good meal... KYLE So how are you doing? AKORFA Good. You? KYLE Not bad, just hanging in like every one. AKORFA Where is she? Is she not gonna be mad at you for talking to a lady after midnight? KYLE You mean Kayleigh? AKORFA Aww, that is her name? KYLE Yeah, she’s not here. AKORFA Now that explains why. (He gives a slight chuckle) KYLE What are you afraid of? (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (She gives a bark of laughter, then sits up on the bed) AKORFA A couple of things. KYLE What? AKORFA I don’t want to be a person of interest in any kind. A lot more women are watchdogs of their men these days. I try to stay away. KYLE And shouldn’t you be the one person they never have to be afraid of? (She breaks into laughter) AKORFA You hit right on the nail, Kyle. AKORFA So did you return to Fairshield? KYLE I wanted to but I didn’t want to do it alone. AKORFA So you could have taken her there instead of staying in Cherry Hills .. KYLE That is set for another day. (An awkward ten seconds pass, and conversation continues ) AKORFA Your girlfriend, she’s pretty. You picked out the best. (He laughs, softly) KYLE Oh thanks. AKORFA What does she do? KYLE She is a plastic surgeon AKORFA Oooh, such a top profession. So you couldn’t date an outsider? KYLE Not really. I didn’t set out searching a doctor for a wife. We met and got things rolling. AKORFA I see. Sounds fun. KYLE We will set up a meet up one of the days. AKORFA Sure. Will love to meet her. KYLE So what about you? AKORFA What do you want to know about me? (She asks him, her voice softening.) KYLE Everything. Have you ever dated before? (She gets down from the bed, barefooted and makes her way to the partially open door) AKORFA Yes, I have dated before. KYLE What happened? (She laughs, heading out of the door..) AKORFA Nothing really happened.... Two hours later, conversation had gone deeper. Akorfa sits at the kitchen stirring her mug of tea with spoon, her now heated cellphone by her ear.) AKORFA Of course I was a little annoyed. I could barely even speak at that moment. KYLE So you don’t talk when you are annoyed. AKORFA No. KYLE Why? AKORFA I have learnt not to react when I am angry because I may regret my actions. I have come to endure a constant barrage of derogatory comments. It’s victory for me. KYLE Hey, its half past 2. AKORFA Are you serious? KYLE Check the time (Akorfa looks at the the clock on the kitchen wall. Her jaw dropped) AKORFA Oh no. Time runs so fast at night. (He laughs) KYLE So we will continue later in day. AKORFA Sure. KYLE Have a good morning, Akorfa. AKORFA You too Kyle. Bye (Call ends and she places the cellphone on counter. She was stunned. The conversation could have gone on and on if he hadn’t prompted her about the time. It has been a while that somebody has sparked her interest to talk endlessly on the phone. She liked Kyle. He was a good listener, and definitely a good friend to keep to her side. And there was no touch on the money subject. She gulps down the remaining part of her tea in the mug and runs off to her bedroom ) (Morning Cherry Hills Kayleigh’s apartment. She (Kayleigh) walks to open Meghan Essien, a fellow doctor at the door. She was panting, gasping for breath) KAYLEIGH Right on time girl. But why are you panting? MEGHAN I had to walk like a mile. Your visitors parking is too far. I couldn’t get an empty spot around so I had to go all the way. KAYLEIGH I know and I have been complaining. MEGHAN That is mean. KAYLEIGH Don’t worry. My days here are numbered. I’ve got only a few weeks to good. Come in. (Meghan enters the apartment) KAYLEIGH What did you bring? MEGHAN Apple pie. I told you. KAYLEIGH I thought you wouldn’t be able to. MEGAN I made them last night. KAYLEIGH Awesome MEGHAN Who else did you say will be joining us for the breakfast? KAYLEIGH Adobea. MEGHAN So where is she? KAYLEIGH She is on her way. MEGHAN What is she bringing? KAYLEIGH Hausa porridge and bean cakes. MEGHAN Yummy. (She carries her bowl to the kitchen, sets them on the counter.) MEGHAN What did you make? KAYLEIGH A whole lot. French toast, omelet, pancakes…. MEGHAN Are we gonna eat all that? KAYLEIGH Yeah…. MEGHAN Kayleigh, I am sorry but I am working so hard to drop 15 pounds for your wedding. My bridesmaid gown has to fit. I can’t consume so much. KAYLEIGH Come on, its only today. (Meghan returns to the living area) MEGHAN Is Kyle coming? KAYLEIGH No. MEGHAN So its just us? KAYLEIGH Yes. Time with two of my favorite people in Cherry Hills. MEGHAN You need to make more friends, Kaye. KAYLEIGH Now that reminds, we are gonna be having a pre wedding party here, in this town. MEGHAN Great. KAYLEIGH Great? MEGHAN Yeah. Why? I had wanted to suggest that to you. KAYLEIGH Really? I don’t want it. His family is handling that. MEGHAN I like that. You don’t have any friends to invite anyway (She throws her a look) KAYLEIGH Really? MEGHAN It’s not a lie, Kaye. KAYLEIGH I have agreed anyway but its not my thing. I am not gonna be actively involved. You are invited. (Knocks come sounding on the door. ) Kayleigh goes to open. Adobea was waiting at the door ) ADOBEA I hate coming here. It’s such a long walk from the visitors parking.. KAYLEIGH A good workout for you. ADOBEA I didn’t ask for a work out. KAYLEIGH Come on in. Meghan is here. ADOBEA She is here already? (Chriswick Akorfa enters her house talking on her cell phone. She is in her gym clothes. She throws her gym bag on the floor ) AKORFA That is expensive, Elikem. VOICE OF ELIKEM There is absolutely no way we can afford that. AKORFA Don’t go for it. ELIKEM We are not. We are going to go with the old one. AKORFA Yeah, that is even going to soften the blow on your pocket. ELIKEM Exactly AKORFA Weddings are so expensive these days. Such a money pit. (A call comes through. She stops to check. It was Kyle. She continues the call ) AKORFA So how is everything going so far with preparation? ELIKEM Perfect. I can’t complain. AKORFA Good to know. They are a lot more work too. ELIKEM I didn’t know that. I should have been warned. AKORFA May be I should have ELIKEM The planner just walked in, sis. I will call you when I get out. AKORFA Sure. Call me. (She ends her brother’s call then calls Kyle back. He answers after the third ring) KYLE Was I interrupting a meeting sort.... AKORFA No. I am home. Just got back from the gym. KYLE You had very little time to sleep. AKORFA Very little but I managed to go. It’s a Saturday morning ritual. I can’t be anywhere but the gym (She laughs) KYLE Impressive. AKORFA Thanks. Your body is your most important asset so you take really good care of it. KYLE Truth. Are you closer to the tv? AKORFA Yes. Why? Is there a problem? KYLE Turn on the tv. I think you are trending this morning. AKORFA Me? KYLE Yes (Her heart starts to beat) AKORFA What about me? KYLE I want you to turn on the tv, go to channel 77 AKORFA Okay. (Akorfa turns on the tv, changes to channel 7. A morning show panel were discussing a story that had broken that morning involving Sisters of Freedom. She listens for about a minute.) AKORFA Oh no. KYLE Is it about the same woman you went to rescue? AKORFA Yes KYLE Who is Jim Laryea AKORFA It’s the name of the husband. KYLE So he is planning to sue the organization? AKORFA I guess that’s what they are talking about. KYLE Do you have qualified legal team to win this for you? AKORFA We haven’t one yet. I have been talking a friend of mine. She is currently not in town but I think she will be ready to take this on. KYLE What is her name? AKORFA Kukua Sey. KYLE Okay. AKORFA This won’t break me Kyle. KYLE Happy to hear that. I have to run to the store. AKORFA Sure. Thank you for calling me. KYLE No thanks. I will call you later AKORFA Sure. (Akorfa calls Kirstie after Kyle’s call.) VOICE OF KIRSTIE Was just about to call you AKORFA Have you seen it? KIRSTIE Yeah. That douche bag is planning to sue us. It’s all over the news this morning . AKORFA He is telling a different story, painting our organization so evil KIRSTIE Of course, he is going to do that. He is not going to mention how abusive he has been to his wife. AKORFA Let’s get ready to fight. We are under attack now. KIRSTIE We are but do we have what it takes to take this on? AKORFA What do you mean? KIRSTIE He is making this a national case. It might go beyond what we may expect. He is working to throw us in the mud. He is telling a totally different story that we are plucking people out of their homes. We are breaking marriages, brainwashing the young girls ... AKORFA Kukua can take this on, believe KIRSTIE Kukua isn’t just there yet, Akorfa. She is still an underdog. We need to assemble a tough legal team or this could do us real damage. AKORFA Believe me. Kukua can do it. (Same morning at Kayleigh’s apartment It’s after the breakfast, and ladies had returned to the living room to watch tv. ) MEGHAN Wait, they forced the woman out of the house? KAYLEIGH Yes MEGHAN But why? Are they forcing women out of their marriages? KAYLEIGH Exactly what they are doing. ADOBEA I don’t believe it. KAYLEIGH Stop defending them. ADOBEA I am not. They have done no wrong. There could be more to this story. It’s so vague. KAYLEIGH Why are they discussing them then? Don’t you think they have other better things to discuss than take on a false story? ADOBEA This is clearly a bitter person working to bring this organization down. MEGHAN Who are sisters for freedom? Why haven’t I heard of them till today? KAYLEIGH Now you know about them. ADOBEA It’s an amazing organization, Meghan. They are for the single woman, the unhappy married woman, the ambitious woman .... KAYLEIGH Stop it, Adobea. That’s not true. ADOBEA I am part of them, what are you saying? KAYLEIGH They are taking advantage of the vulnerables, women whose heart are broken MEGHAN Who is Akorfa? ADOBEA She is the leader. MEGHAN Do you know who she is, Kaye? KAYLEIGH No. Doesn’t even know how she looks like. Clearly a low life self pitying bitch. Too happy somebody has finally taken her up. May be I should join the wagon. ADOBEA You wouldn’t do that, Kaye! (Two days later Chriswick Akorfa gets ready for work at home. She takes a call from Kirstie.) AKORFA What is next, Kirstie? VOICE OF KIRSTIE Malcom Ansa Of PBG TV wants to interview you. AKORFA Interview? KIRSTIE Yes. He called me. AKORFA What does he want to know? KIRSTIE Everything about the organization and what we stand for. Why we took Efe from her family. AKORFA When does he want to talk to me? KIRSTIE On Thursday AKORFA Okay. KIRSTIE You want to do it? AKORFA Yes, of course. KIRSTIE I think he is giving us a chance to tell our side of the story. AKORFA That’s what I think too and we are grateful KIRSTIE Do you think you will be ready by Thursday? AKORFA Yeah, yeah.... KIRSTIE When is Kukua Sey coming? AKORFA She says next week. KIRSTIE We will need to be present at the interview. AKORFA I will call her again to see if she will be able to make changes to her schedule and fly down here on Wednesday. KIRSTIE Okay. Let me know what she says then. (After the call she texts Kyle about the emergency interview on Thursday, then places a call to Kukua Sey. He calls her in the car, on her way to work) KYLE Malcom is coming to town on Thursday to interview you? AKORFA Yes. KYLE Why is he coming? AKORFA I guess everybody knows who we are now, thanks to Jim Laryea. I think this is a chance to tell our story. KYLE Has he briefed you on the questions he is going to ask you? AKORFA Not yet. I’m yet to speak with him. KYLE Do you think you will be ready by then? AKORFA I don’t know. I got the news about an hour ago. KYLE Do you need help? AKORFA I don’t know yet. KYLE Who is your legal advisor? AKORFA As at now I guess I don’t have one yet. My friend Kukua can’t be here for the interview. Just got off the phone with her about half an hour ago. She will come to see me on Monday and we can.... KYLE I will get you one. Forget about your friend. AKORFA You will? (Eaton Amarachi Edwards 42, is walking to her office at the Prudential Tower. Her cellphone rings and she takes the call) AMARACHI Kyle Anderson, what a surprise. Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continues later Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2018 by Josey Asante
8 May 2018 | 01:47
Chapter 7 is here guys @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @druid @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz- chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb- anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @gbolahanalaka @maths And others come o..
8 May 2018 | 02:02
I like ur boldness Arkofa. Kyle wil always b a good friend.
8 May 2018 | 03:55
I like the way Kayle handle this he win arkofa heart am very sure
8 May 2018 | 04:43
after Akorfar tells her side of the story, that will regret going to defame the organization..... Kyle is totally on a different mission
8 May 2018 | 05:07
Wow! Kyle is going out of his way to help Akorfa and sub-consciously, she'll start developing huge feelings for her.. I must confess that Kyle is a good man with a large heart
8 May 2018 | 07:44
8 May 2018 | 08:02
am loving this story
8 May 2018 | 08:03
next pls
8 May 2018 | 08:04
next plzzz
8 May 2018 | 08:56
am back from my long break,, so where are u guys, let someone put me on track @senatordaniel @dencygirl @pesman and others
8 May 2018 | 08:58
You're doing a great job.....continue
8 May 2018 | 10:08
nice one keep it rolling
8 May 2018 | 14:39
Kyle is using dis strategy to win akorfa over
8 May 2018 | 18:37
What is wrong with Kaye
8 May 2018 | 19:30
Splendid Episode
9 May 2018 | 02:33
Interesting... Kyle and akorfa will soon be feeling so close to each other
10 May 2018 | 18:18
Pls incase anyone here whats to help out his or her sister or female friend that that has the same mindset as akorfa, I am kindly available and willing to help out like Kyle ?
10 May 2018 | 18:21
@softtouch: Dats just you,,,, a great helper
10 May 2018 | 18:23
Josey Asante A HEARTBREAK AWAY CHAPTER 8 Eaton Amarachi Edwards 42, is walking to her office at the Prudential Tower. Her cellphone rings. She pulls the phone out of her handbag and answers the call) AMARACHI Kyle Anderson, what a surprise. KYLE Too busy to reach out to old friends, huh? AMARACHI Come on, not that busy Kyle. KYLE You are all over the news, and it seems like every time I turn on my tv, you are there. AMARACHI Because your girl has been working her ass off. KYLE And the women love you to death. (She laughs ) AMARACHI Whatever. So whats going on? How is Kayleigh? Calling to alert me the wedding is only a few weeks away? KYLE Not really. AMARACHI Oh there is something else? KYLE Yeah, I need you to take on a case. AMARACHI Hmmm,and what is the case? KYLE Do you know about the Sisters for freedom? Ever heard of them? AMARACHI Sisters for freedom? KYLE You haven’t? (She pauses. Her forehead wrinkles in a thought.) AMARACHI I am thinking. I can’t remember hearing or reading anything on them. KYLE It’s a movement, kind of an organization that supports women rights. AMARACHI Really? So why haven’t I heard of them then? KYLE Exactly my thought cos there are about a million members. AMARACHI Wow. That’s a lot. Is it some sort of a secret group? KYLE No. AMARACHI Well then I am surprised it’s never been brought to my attention. KYLE Clearly because you have been too busy representing high profiled cases. AMARACHI Oh come on, Kyle.. KYLE But did you read in the news about a man suing an organization for plucking his wife from their home? AMARACHI I think .... I read something about that in the news. KYLE The organization he is planning to sue is the Sisters for Freedom. AMARACHI Oh ok. I see. (Amarachi waves at a man at the elevator area then opens the door to her office.) AMARACHI How long has the organization been in existence? KYLE For about three years. AMARACHI What do they really do, and what is different about them.... KYLE You asking too many questions. AMARACHI Because I just don’t represent any body or organization. You need to carry a message that holds some weight. KYLE They are different, Amarachi. AMARACHI You know Kyle let me explain something to you, a new wave of feminism is here, thanks to social media. It has amplified the marginalized voices, there are hashtags all over. There are plenty gender based support groups springing up these days on these platforms, quite a lot of them call themselves feminist groups, calling for equal rights, fighting sexism and all that. But lately I have come to realize that a lot of them are doing women more harm than good. They’ve lost their focus, they are fighting, advocating for the wrong reasons and creating even more problems in the society. I have turned away lots of the cases that were to my office. The fact that I run a women rights law office does not mean that I should..... KYLE They carry a totally different message, Amarachi. Take a short trip to their website. AMARACHI Then I guess I have to. KYLE You’ve confirmed you may have seen the story. It has gained a national attention and it’s about women’s right. What else do you need? AMARACHI I have to do a little digging first. You need to give me time. KYLE Amarachi, you are on the forefront representing women. No one deserves to take this case on but you. AMARACHI You are right about that, but currently my office is been flooded with too many cases and it has been tougher so I have been pushed to pick and choose cases these days...But if you can’t wait I can give them to my friend. KYLE No, I want you to represent them. (She takes in a long deep breath) AMARACHI Kyle, what had that case got to do with you anyway? KYLE Look Malcom is talking to the leader on Thursday. AMARACHI Malcom Ansa will be talking to her? KYLE Yes. (Her lips twitches into a smile) AMARACHI Then it is a top case. KYLE I told you. . (Amarachi slides down into her executive chair. She pulls out a sheet of paper) AMARACHI I can meet with them on Wednesday before the interview on Thursday. Will that work for you? KYLE Perfect. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Chriswick Afternoon Bill Trust Offices Akorfa talks to Aseye on the phone in her office) AKORFA I am fine. Don’t worry your head over what they are saying. ASEYE But it is giving you a such negative attention. They are rubbing your name in the mud. I can’t keep still, sissy. AKORFA My name and photograph aren’t out there yet, right? ASEYE What do you mean by that? AKORFA Because they are attacking the organization, not me. ASEYE You are the organization. AKORFA It’s not a big deal. ASEYE That’s not true, Akorfa. ASEYE I think you went too far this time, taking that woman out of her matrimonial home? AKORFA I didn’t force her out. She always had wanted to leave. ASEYE You are losing focus. I thought this movement was primarily focused on single women who do not want to have anything to do with men. So what are you doing now? AKORFA And for married women who are fighting to get out of bondages. ASEYE Now the future for this movement looks very bleak to me. This could bring it down to zero. AKORFA Within every uncertainty, there is a possibility, so look here I don’t dread any challenge that lies ahead. Sisters for freedom is here to stay. ASEYE So where are you hiding her? AKORFA She is in a shelter for now. By the way I will be sitting down with Malcolm Ansa on thursday to tell our side. ASEYE Now that sounds good to me. You got to bring it on that day. AKORFA I just need to take sometime off to get myself fully ready. ASEYE Are you sure you can do Malcom’s interview? He’s a bit tough on his questions (She laughs) AKORFA I am not afraid, Aseye. Hey, on a lighter side, I saw Kyle and his girlfriend the other night. (Aseye suddenly goes mute.) AKORFA Hey, are you there? ASEYE Yea…yeah AKORFA I thought I lost you. ASEYE No errmm...I am here. Where did you see them? AKORFA At the Mason’s Restaurant in Cherry Hills ASEYE Did he see you ? AKORFA No ASEYE So you didn’t even approach his table? AKORFA No. ASEYE Why? AKORFA Because he was with his girlfriend. I couldn’t interrupt. ASEYE How do you know that was his girlfriend? AKORFA He told me. ASEYE He told you? How did he do it? AKORFA What’s that supposed to mean? Why can’t he tell me? ASEYE I thought you guys weren’t communicating at all. AKORFA That’s not true. We talked later that night. ASEYE He called you? He must have seen you too? AKORFA No he didn’t. I sent him a text when I got back home and he called. ASEYE Is she pretty AKORFA Yeah, nice girl with a nice pixie haircut. ASEYE Sounds cute. (A text message arrives on her phone. She opens and reads. She ) AKORFA Aseye, I gotta call you back. I have got to call someone. ASEYE Yeah sure. Is there a problem? AKORFA No, no ASEYE Okay. Call me back then (Aseye goes off the line and Akorfa calls Kyle. He answers the call, his voice low) KYLE Hey, did she already call? AKORFA Call? Kyle, what did you just do? KYLE What? AKORFA l can’t afford Amarachi Edwards. KYLE Heyyy...... come on. AKORFA No, there’s no way. Amarachi is prominent attorney that handles huge...high profile cases but not like ours. KYLE Do you realize your case has gained a national attention? AKORFA I understand that but Amarachi is so over the top. I am in shock you have been able to find her and convince her to take our case. She operates the leading law firm in women issues and all that, but what if we don’t win the lawsuit? We won’t be able to pay her. And ..... KYLE Hey,... (He cuts her calmly) KYLE Can I have my turn to talk too, please? AKORFA Sure. KYLE She is my friend. AKORFA Okay..... KYLE And your job is to let her represent you. I will take care of the rest including the bills. AKORFA No Kyle. KYLE Look, it is okay..... just let her do the job for you. AKORFA You have already done so much .... KYLE Done what...? (She almost let it out.) AKORFA I mean the care ,the support it’s enormous. KYLE Just let me do this for you, okay? You got a lot going on right now. (She lets out a huge breath) AKORFA Okay, and it’s going to be the last time. KYLE Accepted. So she is going to call you anytime soon and will let you know when she’s going to fly down here to see you. AKORFA Okay...Wow. Amarachi? Thanks for everything, Kyle. KYLE Don’t talk about it. AKORFA Why are you whispering? KYLE Because I am walking into Radiology to see a patient. (She laughs) AKORFA Sorry dear friend. KYLE Will call you when I get out. Later in the afternoon after lunch Amarachi’s call arrives on Akorfa’s cellphone.) VOICE OF AMARACHI Hi Miss Cullen, this is Amarachi Edwards from the Edwards Law Group (Akorfa drops on her seat, stunned) AKORFA Hi. AMARACHI How are you doing today? AKORFA Better than I thought I would be. AMARACHI Great. It tells me you are in good spirits. AKORFA I am. AMARACHI Awesome. I spoke to Mr Kyle Anderson this morning and I must say that I am more excited to represent your organization, and we take on Jim Laryea. AKORFA Thanks, and I can’t wait. AMARACHI And I must commend you for spearheading such an incredible movement. I think yours is currently the best I have seen so far. AKORFA Thanks. AMARACHI I will be able to see you on Wednesday, get you prepared for the interview with Malcom. AKORFA That will be awesome AMARACHI Malcom is a seasoned journalist and he can be a little bit too much at times. AKORFA Oh yes he can be. AMARACHI His interviews are currently the most watched on tv so he will want to put you on the spot. He is giving you a chance to tell your story but remember that he will be looking out for himself too. Everything is about the ratings these days. AKORFA You are right. AMARACHI I am going to ask you a few question and then we can take it from there. Do you have time on your hands? AKORFA Yes. AMARACHI Great. Then let’s get to it. (In the evening in Chriswick, after work. Akorfa meets with Alisa and Kirstie for an emergency meeting at a bar. ) KIRSTIE Amarachi Edwards. You mean you’ve spoken to her? AKORFA Yes, this afternoon. KIRSTIE So you mean Amarachi Edwards is going to be representing us? AKORFA Correct. (Kirstie throws a look at Alisa.) KIRSTIE How did she come in? When we spoke in the morning, Kukua was still in the picture? What happened? KIRSTIE A friend recommended Amarachi ALISA So you have spoken to Amarachi herself or to rather somebody working for her. AKORFA Amarachi, she called me. ALISA Wow. KIRSTIE How did you get her cos rumors are swirling she is hard to find. She throws out cases. AKORFA I know, right. Kyle called her. I guess they are very good friends sort of. And it was so quick. KIRSTIE Kyle Anderson? AKORFA Yeah, him. ALISA What are we waiting for? AKORFA Waiting for what? ALISA We got to send him an invitation to join our team. (Kirstie and Akorfa laughs ) ALISA He is a man but is giving us so much. AKORFA I know. He’s just an incredible guy. KIRSTIE So then what happens to Kukua? AKORFA We can’t rely on Kukua. I guess she doesn’t consider us to be that important. KIRSTIE But Amarachi do we afford her? AKORFA We are not going to pay her from our pockets. ALISA What? She is working for free? AKORFA I don’t know. He says it’s on him so we are not going to worry ourselves over that. KIRSTIE Well..then it’s a cakewalk to victory. AKORFA Think about it, do you think Jim will go ahead with the lawsuit if he finds out Amarachi is with us? ALISA I doubt he will. AKORFA Exactly. ALISA I admire that woman. She’s outstanding, a powerhouse in women’s right issues. AKORFA She is coming on Wednesday. KIRSTIE Kyle, does he like you Akorfa? (Akorfa shakes her head and laughs) AKORFA God no. He has a girlfriend. I saw her the other night. He is not interested in me or pursuing any sort of affair with me. ALISA How do you know? AKORFA He doesn’t, Believe me. He’s just a person beautiful inside and out. And he supports what I stand for. KIRSTIE I see. (Akorfa’s cellphone starts to ring. She checks. It was Joann, her mother.) AKORFA Am I ready for this call? ALISA Your mother? Cherry Hills Late that night about 11:20 at the Doctors quarters Kyle walks into his apartment talking on his cellphone. ) KYLE So what do you want to do? VOICE OF KAYLEIGH I want to go. Shirley, she has been there at times. KYLE That’s perfectly okay. KAYLEIGH I can go to Naples on Thursday and return on Monday. KYLE Monday? Why Monday? KAYLEIGH Yeah. Nessa isn’t going to set me free till the weekend is done with. KYLE So then what about the book fair we have been invited to? KAYLEIGH You can go without me. KYLE The gender reveal is on Friday, Kaye. Why can’t you return on Saturday? KAYLEIGH I will give it a try. KYLE I thought the book fair was so important to you. KAYLEIGH Still is but there are gonna be more for the year. (She laughs) KAYLEIGH You will be fine. Hey, I got to go to bed. I have a 7am liposuction surgery. KYLE I will speak to you in the morning. KAYLEIGH Goodnight, love. (He ends the call, goes into the kitchen. He takes out the juice jar from the fridge and pours himself an amount into a glass. He opens the cellphone again and starts to make a call. The call goes through and a sleeping voice answers on the other end) VOICE OF AKORFA Heeeeeyy, did you just close? KYLE I am home. I just got here. Just saw your message. AKORFA It’s so late. KYLE Very late and usually these are the regular time I get home or do you want me to call you back tomorrow? AKORFA No, no. Let’s talk. KYLE Are you sure you want to talk? AKORFA Yeah. KYLE How did your evening go? AKORFA Great. I sat down with the girls and they are excited .... KYLE They are excited Amarachi is going to be representing you? AKORFA Super excited, Kyle. We can’t wait for Wednesday. We will have a dinner meeting with her at the Seasons Hotel KYLE Great place. AKORFA Do you want to come too? I can reserve you a seat. KYLE No. Just you guys and her team should do AKORFA You are on your way becoming our fourth team member. We need you there. KYLE Sounds interesting and kind of flattering, but no. Strictly women. (She laughs, he follows suit) He returns to the living space, turns on the tv, slides into the sofa) KYLE That will be fun AKORFA It will be. So how was your day at work? KYLE Started well but ended on a sad side. A patient died in his home this evening from spinal related injuries. He had an accident a year ago. AKORFA I am sorry... KYLE He was a really good man, only 56. AKORFA Gone too soon KYLE Too how was your day? Getting funny staring looks. AKORFA Not yet. I guess the organization is rather being attacked and not me... (He laughs ....) AKORFA So how do you know Amarachi? A little after 2am they were still talking. On the other end Akorfa had moved from her bed to the gray carpeted floor in the bedroom .) AKORFA ....My goodness, you are so brilliant. I figure I have to pick my battles with you very carefully. KYLE Don’t worry, you are never gonna get me. (Akorfa glances at the radio clock beside her bed lamp and gapes.) AKORFA Is that the time? It’s after 2am? KYLE Yea.... AKORFA Why does time run so fast at night? (He laughs quietly, does not respond) AKORFA I can’t believe this. KYLE Quite unusual, right? AKORFA Yea... cos it seems like it was only some few minutes ago that I picked up the call to talk to you and it’s already 2 hours? KYLE Yeah. AKORFA Wow. (She rises from the carpet and slides under the sheets on her bed) AKORFA Magic happens at nights. Guess it’s time to say goodnight then. Some of us needs to be at work by 7am in the morning. KYLE Sure. (Obviously she didn’t want to get off) AKORFA Goodnight Kyle KYLE I will speak to you in the morning. Goodnight and good morning dear . (She ends the call, glances at the clock again. She picks it up and stares right at it) AKORFA Why do you run so fast whenever he calls, clock? You don’t like men, do you? Or are you jealous? Don’t worry he’s only a friend that I love to talk endlessly with. Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming } story continues Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2018 by Josey Asante
10 May 2018 | 18:28
Chapter 8 is here guys @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @druid @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz- chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb- anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @gbolahanalaka @maths And others come o.. Enjoy and don't forget to visit Josey Asante on her Facebook page. I promise u guys, u will love it
10 May 2018 | 18:34
Akorfar you are falling for him
10 May 2018 | 19:40
Thanks for the I V
10 May 2018 | 22:16
hmmm okay let's see where it's end to
10 May 2018 | 22:18
That's how it starts... You now even think that the clock is jealous of you, Akorfa...
10 May 2018 | 22:52
wow nice one pls ride on @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel
12 May 2018 | 04:41
I can see it coming
12 May 2018 | 08:45
Waiting for the nxt epic
12 May 2018 | 17:16
fabulous story going on here~lemme go and buy pawpaw,i'm coming
12 May 2018 | 17:46
Am Sure She Just Can't Deny It For Long, And I Hope She Will Be Ready Fop What Comes Next
12 May 2018 | 19:07
Josey Asante A Heartbreak Away Chapter 9 Chriswick Half past six the next morning Maren is making breakfast in the kitchen. She is wrapped in a morning robe, her medium length hair tied up in a short tail Akorfa enters dressed, her work bag hoist over her shoulder) AKORFA Hey.... (Maren glances at the clock) MAREN You leaving? AKORFA Yeah MAREN Early morning meeting or what? AKORFA Yeah, the Risk group is meeting. MAREN So early. (She walks over and grab her lunch box from the refrigerator) MAREN Have you been served yet? (Akorfa shakes her head, grinning) AKORFA Not yet. We don’t know if that is gonna come or not. (Maren laughs) MAREN So how are you preparing, anyway incase? AKORFA We are ready. MAREN How ready? AKORFA I mean charmingly ready. MAREN Do you have an attorney representing you? (Akorfa nods at her friend, confidently) AKORFA Of course we do. MAREN Who is your attorney? AKORFA Amarachi Edwards (Maren stops stirring in her porridge on the stove, then stares at her) MAREN You are playing, right? AKORFA I would have loved to be joking with this. (Maren continues staring, stunned) MAREN Sit down. (Akorfa turns and starts for the door) AKORFA I got to go. I have a meeting at 7. MAREN Wait, please. (Akorfa stops) MAREN Last sunday when we talked, you didn’t mention to me about hiring Amarachi Edwards AKORFA Right. MAREN So how did she come into the picture? You called her? AKORFA No. MAREN So how did you get her? AKORFA It’s Kyle. He talked to her and she accepted to represent us. MAREN The Kyle Anderson that we both know? AKORFA Yes, He called her and she accepted to represent us. MAREN He knows her? AKORFA Of course or he couldn’t have convinced her . You know Amarachi is the most sought after attorney. MAREN How did you get him to do it? Did you call him to help you out? AKORFA He saw it on tv and called me, and the rest of the story is now you know Amarachi is on our team MAREN That’s a savior right there. AKORFA He is pretty fascinating. (Akorfa’s cellphone starts ringing. She pulls the cellphone from her bag and looks at the caller id ) AKORFA It’s my dad. I will see you tonight MAREN Yes. I will be here. AKORFA One more surprise for you, I will be talking to Malcom Ansa this Thursday. MAREN You must be kidding me! AKORFA I will see you tonight! MAREN Call me at work. (She nods, then swipes right on the phone and starts towards the door) AKORFA Hi dad? (She waves Maren and flies out of the house. ) MAREN Why didn’t I think of interviewing you first? Gosh, Malcom is a wizard! (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Cherry Hills A little before noon At the New World Medical. Kyle is at the information desk looking through stacks of files. Curtis, his friend and fellow doctor walks up to him) CURTIS Frank’s wife called the office. KYLE How is she doing? CURTIS Not good. It’s hard on her. KYLE Can we stop by their house this evening after work? CURTIS Yes, yes. KYLE I don’t have good news for you. CURTIS What is the news? KYLE Kayleigh, she can’t come to the book fair. She’s leaving for Naples on Thursday and she will be returning on Monday. CURTIS Essilfua is going to be mad disappointed KYLE I know. I did my best to get her to change her mind but she wouldn’t. CURTIS But you are coming, right? KYLE Yea, but alone though. CURTIS What about Adobea? KYLE I could let her know. (Chriswick At Bill Trust Insurance Offices Akorfa talks to Kirstie on the phone in her office ) AKORFA He was super warm on the phone with me. KIRSTIE He is cool, kind of a smooth talker AKORFA Is he going to be that warm at the interview when cameras starts to roll? KIRSTIE I don’t think he is going to be. Sorry, ma’am (She laughs ) KIRSTIE So how many questions did he give you? AKORFA Sixteen. KIRSTIE Easy? AKORFA Tricky (Kirstie laughs) AKORFA I will forward them you later. KIRSTIE Please do. I am home all day. I could help you prepare the answers. AKORFA Awesome. One more thing, my daddy will be coming to the interview. KIRSTIE Nice, and what about Kyle Anderson? AKORFA What about him? KIRSTIE Is he going to be there? AKORFA I don’t know yet, if he will be coming there or not. I have to ask him KIRSTIE I want to see him, and I guess Alisa too. (Akorfa chuckles) AKORFA What’s all the fuss about him? KIRSTIE Don’t ask me. Our mini savior. (Akorfa laughs) AKORFA How is Efe doing? KIRSTIE She is doing well. Got off the phone with her over an hour ago. She went to visit her friend yesterday in Aldrich. AKORFA Good to know. KIRSTIE She can’t wait to get her own place. AKORFA Can’t wait either. KIRSTIE Hey, I gotta run to the office. AKORFA Let’s talk later. (Minutes later Eugene her co worker enters the office beaming strangely. ) AKORFA What’s up? EUGENE I will buy you lunch today. AKORFA Why are you buying me lunch? EUGENE A team work makes a dream work. You showed up this morning for the meeting and I want to buy you lunch to say thanks. AKORFA I appreciate Eugene , but no , and by the way. thanks. EUGENE Why? AKORFA Because I am not hungry. EUGENE How about tomorrow? AKORFA I don’t know yet what tomorrow might bring me. EUGENE Any time next week should be fine. (He sees a printed sheet on the desk) EUGENE What are those questions for ?You have an interview? AKORFA Yes. EUGENE You are leaving us? AKORFA No. (Eugene takes it from the desk. He looks at it) EUGENE An interview with a tv station? AKORFA Yes. EUGENE Where? The local tv? AKORFA Nope. EUGENE Where? AKORFA I am talking to Malcom Ansa this Thursday. EUGENE Malcom Ansa is interviewing you? AKORFA Yes Eugene. (He laughs) EUGENE Malcom Ansa can’t interview you. You are not there just yet to score an interview with him. AKORFA What do you mean? EUGENE Your story in the news shouldn’t score for an interview with Malcolm. Its really not that important. (Akorfa gives him a disgusted roll of the eye) AKORFA Huh EUGENE Did you pay him to interview you? AKORFA Pay who? EUGENE Malcom. It’s no secret interviews are bought these days. (She stops and stares at him) AKORFA It’s sad you share the same first name with an incredible man I proudly call my dad. Get out of my office, Eugene. EUGENE Hey, come on. I was only joking. AKORFA Out. EUGENE Alright.... (Evening Cherry Hills Kyle pulls up into Kayleigh’s reserve day parking spot at her apartment after a brief night out. He puts the car into park but leaves the engine running. Kayleigh turns on her left to him after gathering her bag and files) KAYLEIGH Coming inside? KYLE No. KAYLEIGH Come on, don’t say no. My place already lost the sweet and musky smell from you. It’s been ages, honey. KYLE I am pretty worn out, Kaye. KAYLEIGH I could make you a cup of your favorite tea. I understand you are grieving. A patient you love died. Come in for a cup of tea. (He does not respond) KAYLEIGH Or we could watch a movie.... or you can even sleep over. KYLE I am working in the morning KAYLEIGH The night is young, Kyle, and many nights and days confined in those walls right there, it is lonely. You know it. (He sighs) KYLE Alright, for only 20 minutes (Her face lights up, excited) KAYLEIGH It’s better than nothing. (10 minutes later Inside Kayleigh’s apartment She makes him his favorite tea, then settles next to him, cuddling her arms against his) KAYLEIGH Have you been reading the news lately? KYLE What’s new? (She turns on her tv) KAYLEIGH Sisters for Freedom. You remember them? (He nods) KAYLEIGH They are going to fall apart soon. (She chuckles) KYLE What happened to them? KAYLEIGH They are going to be sued. Can you believe they forced a a married woman out of her home into a shelter, with her kids? KYLE Really? KAYLEIGH I told you they are toxic to the society. You didn’t believe me then. It’s about time now. (He gives her a vague grin) KAYLEIGH Now majority is beginning to feel the same way I have been feeling . Better part if they get booted to the drains , Adobea will be back , and surely that girl her family contracted you will also find her way home. (He remains quiet for a while. She stares at him) KAYLEIGH You hate the topic, don’t you? KYLE I told you that I am beat KAYLEIGH Fine. I am changing topic to something more fun. (She leans forward, brushing her lips on chest, their bodies touching ) KAYLEIGH So how about you and I make love, right this minute? (Chriswick 10:40pm Akorfa and Maren talk) AKORFA It had been an insane couple of days. MAREN Never in my wildest dream did I think you could book these two giants in one day. Amarachi and Malcom Ansa in one week. AKORFA Thanks to God, we did. Now, back to the interview tips. MAREN Go on. AKORFA So what if he asks me something that is not here? I understand how you guys work. He might be saving the best for the last. MAREN You get ready. AKORFA But what if I fumble... it could happen, you know. MAREN So you tell them to cut. You are not appearing on live tv. AKORFA Is he not gonna think I’m lying. MAREN So you make no attempt to fumble AKORFA I will try not to ... MAREN No awkward ‘ums’ and ahs (Akorfa giggles) MAREN Do not interrupt him when he is talking. AKORFA I know that MAREN Desist from talking too much cos that might drown you. AKORFA Right. MAREN You got to be confident. Don’t look in the camera. Forget the audience. Look him, I mean Malcom in the eye. AKORFA Appearing on tv can be pretty daunting. MAREN What are you wearing? AKORFA A black dress. MAREN Perfect. You need to appear comfortable and smart and fierce. AKORFA I couldn’t go wrong with that. MAREN I can’t explain why but I have a good feeling about this interview. AKORFA Tell me more. . MAREN You never know, this might be it. (Akorfa’s cellphone starts ringing from the counter next to Maren. Maren looks at the caller id and suddenly a huge grin lights up her face) MAREN It’s Kyle. (Akorfa glances at the clock on the wall, then she nods) AKORFA I have been expecting his call. (Akorfa gathers her stuff from the counter, hides them under her arm then collects her cellphone from Maren) MAREN You are going to your room to talk to him? AKORFA Yeah. MAREN Why can’t you stay here and talk to him? We are not done with what we are doing? We are only half way..... AKORFA We will continue tomorrow, Maren. Look for the book, I will take it to work tomorrow. (Maren’s eye eyebrows jumps up questioningly). MAREN Really? (Akorfa swipes right on the phone screen) AKORFA Hi Kyle.... (She answers the call, then saunters away into her bedroom) (Chriswick Wednesday morning at Akorfa’s house. Akorfa bounds out of her room and matches towards Maren’s room. She is all set for work and ready to go. She knocks twice on her door and then enters the room. ) AKORFA Maren... ... (She finds her curled up on her bed reading on her iPad) AKORFA Hey, morning. Did you find the book? MAREN Yeah, over there, on the dresser. AKORFA Awesome. (Akorfa runs to dresser and picks the book) AKORFA I will see you tonight. I might get home late cos Amarachi is touching down at 5pm. MAREN So do you guys often talk late nights? AKORFA You mean with Kyle? MAREN Yes. AKORFA Recently yes. MAREN And his girlfriend we saw at the restaurant is okay with you talking such late nights with his man? (Akorfa shakes her head lightly on an eye roll) AKORFA Come on, Maren, we are not having an affair. MAREN I am not saying you are. You went inside your room to talk to him at 10: 57. At 12: 22am, you guys were still talking. I don’t even know when you got off. AKORFA It’s the only time of the day he is available to talk to lengthily. He is busy treating patients all day and he only gives you seconds on the phone with him when you call. MAREN I see. AKORFA After the interview and the lawsuit, we will be back to normal. It’s not a big deal. There is really nothing going on between us. MAREN So you mean to tell me you spent the whole time last night talking about your interview and the lawsuit? (Akorfa sighs) AKORFA What are you searching? MAREN In my opinion, there is a chemistry. AKORFA Chemistry? MAREN I believe so. (Akorfa turns towards the door) AKORFA Can’t a girl have a male best friend? MAREN Not when they talk late nights, (Chriswick Evening At the Seasons Hotel, Amarachi is seated working on her laptop in a executive closed area at the restaurant located at the lounge. Seated next to her is her assistant Oumie Johnson. AMARACHI Did you bring the yellow file? OUMIE It’s in the white leather bag upstairs. AMARACHI I will need it later. OUMIE I will grab it for you. (Amarachi cellphone starts to ring. ) AMARACHI Finally available to talk to. OUMIE Who? It’s Kyle? AMARACHI Yes (She answers the call) AMARACHI Gentleman.. VOICE OF KYLE Lady, welcome to my home state. AMARACHI It is gorgeous. KYLE How was the flight? AMARACHI Not bad. It’s better than most aircrafts and routes I have been on. KYLE Nice. AMARACHI Am I gonna see you here tonight, with the ladies? KYLE No. AMARACHI Why? I am beginning to accept that you are the fourth admin of the organization. (He laughs) KYLE I am not an admin, and will never be. We are going to leave it to the women. AMARACHI I see. KYLE I am staying at work tonight. The overnight doctor called out cos he came down with a flu so I have decided to stay. AMARACHI Right. KYLE And I am working in the morning too. AMARACHI You need to rest. KYLE Yeah, I will take a 3 hour break at 11pm and will leave here by noon. AMARACHI So how am I gonna see you? KYLE I will see you before you leave tomorrow night. But we will talk before then. AMARACHI Where is Kaye? KYLE She is at work? AMARACHI Did you tell her that I was coming? KYLE No. AMARACHI Is there something else that I need to know? KYLE About what? AMARACHI About my reason for coming here. Does she know why? KYLE No. AMARACHI Perfect. That’s enough to feed my suspicion. (Kyle chuckles ) KYLE Enjoy your short stay and I will talk to you ... (She sees Akorfa walks into the restaurant) AMARACHI Wait, I think she is here. KYLE Akorfa is there? AMARACHI She looks more like the girl in the photo on the website. Hair is straightened and different compared to the kinky hair in the website. KYLE That her. AMARACHI She is very pretty KYLE Hey, I gotta run. Have fun. Call me if you need anything. AMARACHI Of course. KYLE I will talk to you later. (Few seconds later Akorfa approaches her table at the enclosed section) AKORFA Hello Amarachi? (Akorfa extends both hands with a beaming smile. Amarachi rises and receives her) AMARACHI It’s an absolute pleasure to meet with you in person, Akorfa. AKORFA Me too. By the way Alisa and Kirstie will be here soon. They are stuck in traffic. AMARACHI It’s rush hour. I can’t complain. (Amarachi directs her to Oumie ) AMARACHI Please, meet Oumie, my assistant. (Cherry Hills Same evening Kayleigh is in her car, on her way home from work. She talks on a call to Nessa via the car bluetooth) KAYLEIGH Gosh, somebody better remind her that it is only a gender reveal NESSA No. It’s much more than that for me. KAYLEIGH Shirley Osei is a spender. NESSA She is wealthy. KAYLEIGH I didn’t think a sex shop could be that lucrative. NESSA Me too. KAYLEIGH I will need to grab a few items from her shop on Saturday. NESSA For the honeymoon? KAYLEIGH Now. NESSA Why? KAYLEIGH I think Kyle and myself, we are sick. NESSA Sick? You are funny. KAYLEIGH We haven’t had sex for like 13 straight weeks. NESSA Now that’s not funny. KAYLEIGH I don’t know why. We’ve totally lacked the interest in sex. NESSA Are you guys working too much? KAYLEIGH We are. And we usually meets for dinner at the restaurant and we go our separate ways. NESSA Bad, bad,bad. KAYLEIGH Last night, he came over to my place and I started to least get us into it. NESSA And then what happened? Did you do it? KAYLEIGH We fell asleep (Nessa breaks into laughter) KAYLEIGH It’s not funny, Nessa. NESSA You guys are losing some chemistry. KAYLEIGH I know and we are in dire need of help. We need help! NESSA Shirley might help you. KAYLEIGH She better. I’m walking into her shop first on Saturday morning. NESSA May be when you start to live together, your sex life might return to normal.... KAYLEIGH Fabolous is the word. That was how it used to be. NESSA Whatever KAYLEIGH And I can’t wait. Few weeks to go. NESSA You got work to do. (Kayleigh pulls up into her reserved parking spot. ) KAYLEIGH I am home. (Chriswick The next morning Akorfa gets ready to leave for the Seasons Hotel. She talks on the telephone with Aseye whilst applying slight makeup on her face) ASEYE What else do you have to tell me? AKORFA Nothing. ASEYE I thought I would be the first you will call about Amarachi. AKORFA Sorry. It has been an insane week. Not joking. ASEYE I forgive you. AKORFA Thanks sissy. ASEYE So what are you gonna do for Kyle, to show appreciation, for getting you the most sought after attorney of our time? AKORFA I have absolutely no idea. ASEYE I don’t believe you. AKORFA Truth. ASEYE Will he stop by? AKORFA He promised to but it sounded very vague. He has worked many hours last night and this morning. I am not too certain he will be able to. ASEYE Well then if he does stop by, you can buy him dinner. AKORFA Take him out to eat tonight? ASEYE Yes. AKORFA What if he has other plans? ASEYE So you ask, and if he is not available to, you postpone. AKORFA Alright. ASEYE Wishing you the best of luck at the interview this evening. AKORFA Thanks. ASEYE Truth is a mighty sword and I need you to stick with that. AKORFA Thanks sissy. (On her way out , she bumps into Maren watching tv) AKORFA Time is up. Amarachi is waiting for me. MAREN When are you gonna be back? AKORFA Late. MAREN Where will you change clothes? AKORFA At the Seasons Hotel. It’s the same location for the interview. I told you. MAREN I didn’t get that. Malcom is in town? AKORFA Not yet. He will get here by noon. MAREN I see. (Akorfa walks to the door) MAREN Good luck. (Chriswick An hour before interview In a room at the Seasons Hotel, Alisa and Kirstie are having the final word with their leader, Akorfa. She (Akorfa) was glam ready and was waiting for a representative with the TV crew to give her the green light proceed to the location). AKORFA Girls, have faith. I am not going to blow this. I have rehearsed enough to mess this chance up. ALISA We believe you. AKORFA Cos this will make or break us. KIRSTIE Obviously there will be some butterflies in the start. That is acceptable.This is your first major tv interview. (Knocks come sounding on the door ) ALISA I think they are here. (Kirstie goes to open the door) AKORFA Dad!! (It was Eugene Cullen,Akorfa’s Father. He enters the room, and she embraces him) AKORFA You came. EUGENE Of course. AKORFA I’m about to tear up. (She hugs him again) AKORFA Thank you for supporting this vision. EUGENE Don’t mention it. AKORFA Did you tell mum you were coming here? EUGENE Yes and she can’t wait to watch you on the morning show next Monday. AKORFA I don’t believe you daddy. (Laughter) (Knocks on the door) KIRSTIE This could be them. ALISA I believe so. (Kirstie goes to open the door) VOICE OF A CREW MEMBER It’s time. (An hour later, the Malcom Ansa interview was in progress in a conference room they had rented. ) MALCOM Do you say that was the best decision, helping her pack out of the house? AKORFA Yes. MALCOM Why? AKORFA She was in danger, and the children as well. For a longer time she had endured untold amounts of emotional and physical abuse. He was going to injure or kill her, and we didn’t want to wait for another powerless woman to become the next victim of a viral video or story. ...... (At the backdrop, Alisa walks to Kirstie who was chatting with a crew member. Kirstie leaves the crew member and joins Alisa, smiles surging proudly on their faces. ‘ ALISA She is killing it. KIRSTIE She has exceeded the expectation. ALISA Akorfa undoubtedly is a natural good talker. KIRSTIE This is victory right there. Malcom is clearly impressed with her. ALISA How many minutes to go? KIRSTIE 30 minutes. (Alisa spots Eugene Cullen with a man) ALISA Who’s that with Mr Cullen? (Kirstie steals quick glances at him) KIRSTIE I don’t know. He is not part of the crew. ALISA A family? KIRSTIE May be, or wait. Could he be Kyle? (Alisa mouth drops) ALISA He could be, Kirstie. KIRSTIE Well, we are yet to find out. ALISA God, he is steaming hot! KIRSTIE Look, I think Amarachi is getting ready to join her at the interview. ALISA Now the best part is about to come. The powerhouse is in the House. (30 minutes later Interview was over and they disperse Akorfa rushes out to hug her dad and then proceeded to Alisa and Kirstie) KIRSTIE You killed it. AKORFA I did? Thank you Jesus. ALISA Check for all the boxes. AKORFA Aww. KIRSTIE The last section with Amarachi is my favorite. Nothing beats that. AKORFA Me too, right? ALISA Jim Laryea, we are coming for you. (Akorfa turns and begins scanning the crowd. She easily spotted Kyle chatting happily with Amarachi. A thrill of satisfaction suddenly runs through her. He came.) AKORFA I will be right back ALISA That must be Kyle, right? AKORFA Ye..ah. How did you know? ALISA It was obvious. AKORFA Hmmm, why? ALISA He stands out. I like him. AKORFA He has a serious girlfriend, you pitty thing of a whore. (Laughter) ALISA He is not married, please. KIRSTIE Alisa.... ALISA Look, good looking men like him is the reason I never want to get married. I can’t be tied down to one man. It’s better to stay single and date as many hot guys as you can. AKORFA We know about that but you try and stay away from this gentleman. He’s far too refined for your senseless fantasies. (Laughter ) AKORFA I am going to see him. KIRSTIE Is he going a place from here? AKORFA I don’t know yet. KIRSTIE We can all go out and eat at the restaurant downstairs . ALISA Not a bad idea (Akorfa shakes her head lightly, clearly displeased with the request. ) AKORFA He must have plans. KIRSTIE Find out. AKORFA I will. ALISA Don’t forget to introduce us. (Akorfa leaves. She approaches Amarachi and Kyle, a pleasant smile spreading over her face) AKORFA Guess who came to Chriswick too? (Kyle’s eyes suddenly glints when they lay on Akorfa.) KYLE Hey.... (He launches forward and hugs her tenderly. Amarachi speechlessly stares at them. ) KYLE That was incredible. AKORFA Aww thank you. It means a lot to me. KYLE You were awesome. AKORFA I put my all in AMARACHI I guess my job is done for now. I need to get back to my room and collect my luggages. AKORFA You have been amazing, Amarachi. AMARACHI You too, and everybody. (Akorfa hugs her too) AMARACHI I will leave you two to talk. I want to have a word with Malcom. KYLE Sure. (Amarachi leaves. ) KYLE So what are you doing now? AKORFA I guess.... nothing. We are packing to leave. KYLE Do you want to join me grab some burgers downtown ? (She gives an excited little laugh) AKORFA Actually, I was about to ask you to dinner. (He raises his beautiful eyebrows at her, then smiles, a cool gleam in his eyes.) KYLE Hey, that’s perfect. Later, Upstairs in Amarachi’s hotel room, she takes a call from Nessa Gyan, her friend) VOICE OF NESSA Are you coming to Naples tomorrow for Shirley’s gender reveal party? AMARACHI No. NESSA She didn’t send you an invite? AMARACHI She did but I can’t make it. NESSA Are you in Eaton? AMARACHI No. I am in Chriswick. NESSA What are you doing in Chriswick? Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming ) story continues on tuesda Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2018 by Josey Asante
12 May 2018 | 21:06
Chapter 9 is here guys @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @druid @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz- chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb- anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @gbolahanalaka @maths And others come o.. Enjoy and don’t forget to visit Josey Asante on her Facebook page. I promise u guys, u will love it
12 May 2018 | 21:09
Akorfa, u don de compromise ur standard. u better find urself a man or regret ur nasty decision in de future
13 May 2018 | 02:52
what a hottest story
13 May 2018 | 03:11
The feelings are getting stronger... Thumbup @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel I'm enjoying this story
13 May 2018 | 05:25
getting stronger
13 May 2018 | 08:12
Kyle and Kayeghien are loosing some chemistry whereas the chemistry is building between Akorfa and Kyle. it's so obvious that everyone is noticing..... Maren noticed, Amarachi has also noticed...hmmmmm
13 May 2018 | 09:08
@softtouch: tnx,,,, na u na
13 May 2018 | 09:37
getting more hotter
13 May 2018 | 10:14
The battle 4 the single ladies who doesn't wants to get married continues....
13 May 2018 | 16:46
Kyle and Akorfa still coming together like friends but this is more than friendship
13 May 2018 | 17:05
Kayleigh is loosing it...she's trying to bring those days back when they do close things and have S£X
13 May 2018 | 17:10
Akorfa,kirsty & Alisa didn't loose their taste 4 me...all of them ready to meet the handsome kyle...Alisa ready to have S£X
13 May 2018 | 17:17
Amarachi is here 4 them to fight the lady in troube...they have a choice to get married or like there leader is falling in love.
13 May 2018 | 17:35
Amarachi is here 4 them to fight the lady in trouble...they have a choice to get married or like there leader is falling in love.
13 May 2018 | 17:39
hmmm, ride on
14 May 2018 | 05:33
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel what is delaying.... Pls post 2 or 3 updates as compensation for delaying and failing to post updates yesterday
15 May 2018 | 09:33
@softtouch: one chapter of d story is long enough,,, how will u now be able to read 2-3 chapter in a day? it will be too long for u to read biko
15 May 2018 | 09:37
am sorry guys, my phone ba3 is low, Dats y I didn't post oooo, b4 night sha, I wil post. tnx for enduring wit me
15 May 2018 | 09:39
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel thanks for the concern but i don't even mind reading all the episodes tonight *?
15 May 2018 | 13:55
@softtouch: Lol,,,, OK oooo
15 May 2018 | 18:42
A HEARTBREAK AWAY CHAPTER 10 (Naples That night, moments after Nessa had ended the call with Amarachi she joins Kayleigh in the guest room in her four bedroom house. She finds her unpacking her suitcase ) NESSA Amarachi is in Chriswick. KAYLEIGH What is she doing in Chriswick? NESSA Work, that’s what she told me. KAYLEIGH She has a case there she is representing? NESSA That is what she said. KAYLEIGH What could that be? NESSA I don’t know, if that’s true or not. KAYLEIGH Chriswick is like an hour away from where I live. NESSA I know. KAYLEIGH So she’s not coming for the party? NESSA She’s not. KAYLEIGH It’s not important to her? Shirley is her best friend. NESSA And she is the Godmother. She says gender reveals aren’t that important. It’s when the baby gets here when that is important to celebrate. KAYLEIGH So she is staying in Chriswick for the weekend. NESSA She’s leaving tonight. She was packing when I called. KAYLEIGH Then she could still make it. Eaton is only like an hour away. NESSA She says no. KAYLEIGH Oh no. Does Kyle even know she is in town? NESSA I don’t know. KAYLEIGH I will text him. (Nessa throws a newspaper at her) NESSA That is the girl you’ve been searching. I found her image for you. (Kayleigh takes the paper, and giggles) KAYLEIGH Akorfa Cullen. Finally an image of her. (Chriswick Same evening. At a burger place downtown, Akorfa and Kyle are locked onto seats adjacent to each other. They eat and chat happily) AKORFA I think the media made it more to be a little bit more than it had to. (He nods) AKORFA Because this wasn’t supposed to blow out like it did. There is a disease plaguing the media today. It’s as if everybody wants to get the bad and untrue news out. Why won’t they challenge the facts and report the truth. We want to read the truth. KYLE Because there is no money in the truth. AKORFA That’s true. It’s so sad that people choose to focus on the bad. People are speculating me, the organization to be from what they see, read and hear. It’s embarrassing, in a sense it’s hurtful because many things said about us are not true. KYLE A lot is going change after they air the interview on Monday. Discerning viewers will bring that change to the story. AKORFA I am hopeful. (Suddenly sad expression washes over her face. He stares at her, then grins) KYLE You want us to go for another round of burger? (She explodes, taken aback) AKORFA ...You want me to what? Kyle, you rewind that for a minute. (He laughs) KYLE Another round. AKORFA I am feeling ridiculously bloated right now. You’ve watched me consume a huge double quarter burger, with fries and you think it’s not enough? (She chuckles. He grins) AKORFA My stomach is almost about to burst. (Kyle’s phone rings from the table. He turns on his side and looks at the caller id) KYLE I have to take this call. (He starts to get up) AKORFA Sure. It’s Kayleigh? KYLE Yeah. I will be right back. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors. ) (Kyle gets up and leaves for outside. Akorfa takes her cellphone and calls Aseye. Aseye answers the call on the second ring) ASEYE I was about to call you again. AKORFA Oh nothing was ever gonna stop you, right? ASEYE Why weren’t you answering my call? I’ve called you like ten times. AKORFA It’s only five times. ASEYE Still close. What were you doing? AKORFA I was busy. ASEYE Where are you? AKORFA I’m out with him. ASEYE Kyle? AKORFA Yes, you requested that I buy him dinner so we are out eating. ASEYE So why didn’t you text me or call me you are out with him? AKORFA I can’t explain why but I have a weird feeling that it’s not a good idea to talk to you in front of him. ASEYE Whaat? Why? AKORFA Because you are fond of asking silly questions. How am I supposed to answer you when he is sitting right in front of me. ASEYE So where is he? I guess he is not sitting with you next to you now. AKORFA He went out to receive a phone call from his girlfriend. ASEYE Oh okay. AKORFA Some calls are that important. ASEYE Well they certainly are. So how did it the interview go? AKORFA I am not the best person to tell you. You should ask the people who were there. ASEYE So what are they saying? AKORFA That it was good. ASEYE Yaaay. AKORFA Wait till Monday to judge for yourself. You usually don’t support what everybody supports. ASEYE But you did let out all that you wanted to tell the people. AKORFA Absolutely. (She spots Kyle walking back in) AKORFA Hey, he’s coming so I will talk to you later. ASEYE I am going to bed. AKORFA Okay then I will talk to you in the morning. (Kyle returns. He slides down back into his chair) KYLE Sorry. AKORFA Come on, what are you sorry for? She’s in town? KYLE No. She is in Naples. AKORFA How do you guys keep the relationship going? Long distant relationships can be incredibly difficult. KYLE She lives here. (She cocks an eyebrow at him, stunned) AKORFA She ... lives where? KYLE In Cherry Hills. AKORFA Whaat? With you? KYLE No. In her own place. AKORFA I didn’t know that she lives here. How long has she been living here? KYLE About seven months or more. AKORFA Oh. You convinced her to move here? KYLE Yeah. AKORFA You could be the cure to the brain drain our state is currently aching from. KYLE Me? AKORFA Yes you, Kyle. I think you should meet with Essilfua Steele. She is not a native of the state but she has taken the initiative to revive some of our beautiful cultures. She has been organizing events to keep the state vibrant. Oh that reminds me, she has book fair this Saturday on the gardens at the Cherry Hills Library. KYLE Are you coming? AKORFA Wait, are you going? (He gives a short excited laugh) AKORFA You know about it. KYLE Yes. I have been invited. AKORFA Have you two already met? KYLE A lot of times. AKORFA Wow! Here I thought you didn’t even know who she was. KYLE Honestly she is a colleague’s wife. AKORFA Oh okay. I heard her husband was a doctor. KYLE So am I going to see you at the fair? AKORFA I don’t know. KYLE What can I do to make you attend the fair? (She laughs) AKORFA You don’t have to do anything. KYLE So are you gonna come? (She nods, still laughing) AKORFA Okay I am going to be there but for only an hour. (Kyle looks at his wrist watch) KYLE I have to take you home. (She shakes her head, grinning) AKORFA Actually, my car is at the hotel. KYLE Oh okay. I forgot we came from the hotel. AKORFA But thanks anyway for offering to take me home. (She tells him, smiling sweetly) (Cherry Hills Later that night. At the Cullen family home Joann and her husband Eugene talk in bed) JOANN Eugene, what are you doing? Why are you working on the opposite of what I am doing. Can’t we find a common ground. Our daughter needs help. It’s a shame she’s bringing on our family. EUGENE I don’t think that’s true. JOANN You have no idea the hell she is walking herself into. EUGENE She doesn’t wanna be married. Let her be. JOANN I am done. Goodnight. (She sinks further into the bed and covers her body with a comforter) EUGENE Aaron’s nephew was at the interview. He says hi. (She turns to him, her eyes popped wide) JOANN Who? EUGENE Aaron’s nephew. The doctor ..... JOANN The neurologist? He was at the interview too? EUGENE Yes. JOANN What was he doing there? EUGENE To support her I guess. I didn’t even know they were friends. JOANN You mean he came there to support Akorfa? EUGENE Yes. (Joann jumps up, excited) JOANN Really? Huh! EUGENE She went out with him after the interview. They said they were going to eat. JOANN She went out with him to eat? EUGENE Yes. They must have left right after I did. (A huge excited smile spreads over her face) JOANN I love you Jesus. (Cherry Hills The next morning Joann calls to talk to Ayerley Anderson from the kitchen.) JOANN Eugene met him at the interview yesterday. AYERLEY I don’t know about this. JOANN He didn’t tell you he was going to see her? AYERLEY No. JOANN Why didn’t he tell you? AYERLEY That’s what I need to find out. He is supposed to tell me everything that is going on. Lately there’s really nothing from him. JOANN That was the plan but I am not complaining. He is actually doing a good job. AYERLEY Ye....ah looks like. JOANN The juicy part is that he took her out to eat AYERLEY After the interview? JOANN Yes. They had dinner, Ayerley. My daughter actually accepted to eat dinner with him. AYERLEY Huh, I see. JOANN It’s exciting. AYERLEY Ye...eah JOANN I think she is an inch away from falling for him if she hasn’t done so already. AYERLEY Ye..yeah. Um....just us we were hoping for. So um when do we end this? JOANN Let’s give them another week or two. AYERLEY We have a wedding in about a month’s time and the girlfriend although she consented to the plan I think wouldn’t be too happy her man is still out there chasing another woman. JOANN For only two weeks, Ayerley. AYERLEY I can’t agree to two weeks, Joann. I don’t want to mess up the wedding. JOANN I understand. One more week then. (Next day A Saturday morning. In Akorfa’s house. She(Akorfa) bursts into the house from outside. She was returning from the gym. She finds Maren wrapped up lazily in a blanket on the sofa watching tv. ) AKORFA Hey, what’s going on with you? Sick? MAREN We broke up last night, Akorfa. (Akorfa freezes at the spot. She shakes her head at her friend) AKORFA Maren, no. MAREN He’s not what I think he is. AKORFA What did he do? MAREN There is a new intern in his department that I found out yesterday that he has been sending racy messages to. There are evidence. They are true. AKORFA Such a jerk. I am sorry, Maren. (She walks over and slides next to her) MAREN I should be grateful to my maker that he got me out in time. I was going to quit my job for him. Can you imagine that? AKORFA And I wasn’t happy about that. I made that clear from day one. MAREN I have been too desperate to settle down, that I have been too blind to even watch out for red flags. AKORFA I have told you that if that is what you want, you are going to get it. Mr Right is going to locate you wherever you will be. MAREN I am over 40, Akorfa. I can’t wait any longer. AKORFA Age is just a stupid number. It’s totally irrelevant. Never let it limit you. MAREN Time is ticking. AKORFA That’s not true. Live your life and forget your age, Maren. MAREN It’s not as easy as you saying it right now. AKORFA So you are afraid you are never gonna be married? MAREN Yes and I am scared. AKORFA You will get married. Have faith. MAREN Where am I going to find him then? (Akorfa laughs,she follows suit amid her sorrow) AKORFA I will help you find him. MAREN Where? AKORFA Online. MAREN I don’t believe you. AKORFA I mean it. MAREN okay.. AKORFA So I am going to help you screen a lot of hot guys on the dating websites. (Maren laughs.) AKORFA But I want you to never pursue a relationship because you are scared of being alone. If marriage is what you want, pray to God and have the faith he is going to answer your prayer. MAREN I hear you. AKORFA And hey, what are you doing this afternoon? MAREN Home. AKORFA Let’s go to the book fai in Cherry Hills. MAREN No. I don’t want to step out of these walls today. AKORFA It’s going to be fun. And book fairs are a great places to score, you know. You can be lucky to grab the attention of a decent man. (She shakes her head) MAREN Not right now. AKORFA And Kyle is going to be there if you need someone to have a nice chat with. (Maren shoots her a funny look) MAREN He is going too? AKORFA Oh come on, Maren, there is nothing between us. MAREN I am not saying there is something...I am asking if he is going? AKORFA You mean much more than that. (Maren laughs) AKORFA You think I am that stupid to date a man when I have been tirelessly advocating for freedom of celibacy and single women? I have come too far to mess this up. MAREN You two have a sort of chemistry, you know that. AKORFA He likes me , and I like him too. We are good friends, there is nothing more. And he has a serious girlfriend which I pretty much think they will be getting married soon. MAREN Is that so? AKORFA Yes. I found out yesterday she lives in the state, in Cherry Hills. . MAREN She lives with him? AKORFA No. She lives in a separate place. She moved here about seven months ago. MAREN Oh interesting. AKORFA Yeah. They could be in the works to getting married. MAREN Could be. And he’s going to stop talking to you late nights too. (Akorfa laughs, heartily) AKORFA Yes we won’t be able to talk late nights. That will be okay with me. MAREN You like him, don’t you? AKORFA For a good friend, absolutely. MAREN Would you have ever given in to him if he had asked you to marry him, that is if you weren’t like this? (Akorfa mouth pops wide at her friend. She wasn’t expecting that question at that moment) AKORFA Maren...gosh MAREN Tell me. AKORFA Well, may be yes. He is a terrific guy so....I could, may be. MAREN You know that it’s never too late. You can make it happen. AKORFA Oh come on, Maren. MAREN I want to see you married, Akorfa. I think you will be a great wife, mother and more than this. AKORFA Wife, it’s a big no. Mother, at the right time. I want to have kids some day. MAREN Wouldn’t you be happy to be married to this guy you can’t get off the phone with? Do you realize how joyful it will be to have him sleep next to you every night? (Akorfa stands up) AKORFA Guess who is preaching me now? The one I thought is so heartbroken. (Akorfa’s cellphone starts ringing. She plucks it from her back pocket.) AKORFA He might have heard us talking about him. MAREN It’s Kyle? AKORFA Yes. (She turns and starts to leave for her room) MAREN Tell him I say hi. (Cherry Hills At the Book Fair, it was busy and noisy. Everybody was mingling and chattering happily. Kyle and Akorfa appears walking together and chatting. They stop at a stand, and she points at a book) AKORFA I have read that book like 5 times. (Kyle picks the book up, titled Milk and Honey ) AKORFA You should read it. KYLE I think I should. AKORFA They are basically a collection of poems that seeks to empower women to embrace and value themselves regardless of the turmoil we come to face daily. KYLE Interesting. AKORFA It’s pretty amazing. KYLE I guess I will take it home then. AKORFA Awesome. (Essilfua Steele 43, approaches them) ESSILFUA Hi. Are you having fun? AKORFA Completely. Look, I got him to buy a book. (Essilfua looks at the book and grins) ESSILFUA Milk and Honey is an amazing book. KYLE She was just telling me. ESSILFUA They are poems and they are addictively page turning. You will never be able to put it down till you get to the last page. KYLE Then I am going to start tonight. I am going to be home all day tomorrow after church. ESSILFUA Don’t forget to grab a coffee first. (Laughter) ESSILFUA Can I take you guys a picture, with the book? AKORFA Sure. (They pose with the book and she takes them a photo with a professional camera) ESSILFUA It came out good. I didn’t know you two knew each other. (Akorfa and Kyle exchange looks funnily) AKORFA Our families are close. Our parents have known each other for long, and we want to continue with that. ESSILFUA Huh, I see. Anyway, I have a gift for you two. See me before you leave. AKORFA Okay . KYLE Where did Curtis go? ESSILFUA He went inside to talk to the chief Librarian. Will let him know you are looking for him. KYLE Thanks. (Minutes later, Essilfua bumps into her husband at the library door) ESSILFUA Kyle was looking for you. CURTIS Where is he standing? ESSILFUA At the best seller stand. CURTIS Okay I am going to see him. ESSILFUA They look so good together. CURTIS Who? ESSILFUA Kyle and the lady from the insurance. CURTIS You mean Akorfa? ESSILFUA I think I like her better than the Kayleigh. (Curtis furrows his eyebrows at her) CURTIS Thought I told you why he is with her? (Eaton In the afternoon Outside Amarachi’s house, she (Amarachi) is out on jogging. Her cellphone rings. She stops and takes a call from her friend Shirley Odoi, 42) AMARACHI Shirley...? VOICE OF SHIRLEY Now you are the worst godmother ever nominated. (Amarachi laughs ) AMARACHI What did I do? SHIRLEY Where were you last night? AMARACHI Eaton, I told you. SHIRLEY I thought you were joking when you said you were not gonna make it. AMARACHI I wasn’t joking. I had work to do. I went to Chriswick on Wednesday and returned on Thursday. I had to be in court yesterday, twice. There was no way I was gonna make it, Shirley. SHIRLEY It was a gender reveal party and you are her God mother. AMARACHI Better days ahead. I am waiting till she gets here. SHIRLEY How did you know it’s a girl. AMARACHI You just told me, seconds ago. SHIRLEY So when am I gonna see you? AMARACHI On Wednesday after work. I will drive over to see you. We can have dinner. SHIRLEY Kayleigh came. She is in town. AMARACHI Nessa told me. SHIRLEY I didn’t think she was going to make it. AMARACHI She tried. Good for you SHIRLEY Her wedding is at our doorstep now. I am so excited for her. AMARACHI You know that I have never been. You shouldn’t be discussing this with me. SHIRLEY Amarachi, don’t do that. She likes you. AMARACHI I like her, to some extent. She has a great profession, and I adore that. I just don’t like her for my friend. I will be going to the wedding anyway but I am least happy about their union. SHIRLEY They have been together for seven years. If she was that bad for him, do you think they would be here?. AMARACHI Because she lay her hands on a good man who is an absolute keeper. Believe me many guys wouldn’t keep her for a month. SHIRLEY Well their relationship has survived for seven years and now they are going to get married in a few weeks. Get over it, Amarachi. AMARACHI Look, my instincts tells me something is going to happen, before the wedding. SHIRLEY Have you heard something, Amarachi ? AMARACHI The straw who is set to break the camel’s back,I think she has arrived. SHIRLEY What are you talking about? He is cheating? AMARACHI No, I think not yet, but likely soon. SHIRLEY My God, Amarachi, what have you heard or seen? Tell me. AMARACHI Can I even trust you? (Next day Sunday after church in Naples Kayleigh eats lunch with Nessa at an outdoor restaurant. ) KAYLEIGH I am going to sleep home tonight. NESSA You are leaving me tonight? KAYLEIGH Mum and dad need me too. I have been with you since Thursday night. Understand. NESSA Then I will be going to my husband’s place tonight. KAYLEIGH You will make his night better. (Kayleigh started scrolling through some photos on Facebook) KAYLEIGH When are you gonna move back home? NESSA I don’t know yet. KAYLEIGH Oh, the book fair that I missed was successful. There was a fair turnout. I am looking at the pictures on Facebook. NESSA Good for them. KAYLEIGH I am happy for them. (She sees a photograph of Kyle and a lady who looked hell familiar. Nessa notices her sudden change of expression. Her face had turned red with rage) NESSA Seen something ? KAYLEIGH Nessa, look at the lady with Kyle. Tell me where you remember her. She has been in the news lately (Nessa takes the phone from her and looks.) NESSA She ....looks like her. The girl from that movement.....Akorfa? Comments, Shares & Likes keep a writer going. Please keep them coming story continues Concerns/Questions? Please MESSAGE me Copyright©2018 by Josey Asante
15 May 2018 | 18:43
Chapter 10 is here guys @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @druid @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz- chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb- anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @gbolahanalaka @maths And others come o.. Enjoy and don’t forget to visit Josey Asante on her Facebook page. I promise u guys, u will love it
15 May 2018 | 18:45
Hmmm I hope Kayleigh will not try something stupid. Continue o
15 May 2018 | 22:12
I think this will be turning point
16 May 2018 | 03:23
Interesting... @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel we agreed on two episodes :g
16 May 2018 | 04:16
it might turn out that Amarachi's instincts are correct..... Kayleigh is looking for a way to leave Kyle
16 May 2018 | 05:03
Kayleigh if u are nt careful with the way u take things u will loss kyle.
16 May 2018 | 07:00
Hmmm, hope Kayleigh is not gonna do something craze
16 May 2018 | 07:15
16 May 2018 | 07:16
@softtouch:::: Lol,,,
16 May 2018 | 07:33
Kayleigh are supprise or jelous?
16 May 2018 | 08:57
Ireoluwa@ na only one episode u post instead of two u promise WHY? {i de verse oh}
16 May 2018 | 09:01
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel u are enjoying urself abi... Don't worry i will revenge
16 May 2018 | 10:18
interesting pls ride on@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel
16 May 2018 | 12:59
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel ......
16 May 2018 | 13:02
Kyle...u are about to get like u are loving another,someone u really love.
16 May 2018 | 17:27
Kayleigh...u are beginning to find out about something...something about your man...something u don't know
16 May 2018 | 17:42
Akorfa...u really wanna have kids but u are falling in love right now...the love that wants to take over u
16 May 2018 | 17:48
0 Likes's not only u that is seeing this kinda love that is coming with speed that is that is that is loading....
16 May 2018 | 17:54
Some parents wanna take it to a game to see if she can fall in love to to to but is very risky
16 May 2018 | 18:00
@repentance : no vex jare
16 May 2018 | 19:47
@softtouch my guy, I no fit now,,,, I just don't want u to Hav indigestion from reading too many episode at a time ni
16 May 2018 | 19:48
but am going to post two chapters now
16 May 2018 | 19:49
A HEARTBREAK AWAY Chapter 11 (Nessa takes the phone from her and looks at the picture on the screen.) NESSA She ....looks like her. The girl from that movement.....Akorfa? That is her name, right? KAYLEIGH It’s her. NESSA Wow, she looks quite different here or... KAYLEIGH She changed her hairstyle. NESSA Yeah, it isn’t kinky anymore. That photograph must have been an old photo. KAYLEIGH It definitely is an old photo. (Kayleigh’s face screws up in a dissatisfied expression) NESSA So he knows her. (Nessa forces a smile) KAYLEIGH What is he doing with her? NESSA They might have met at the fair. (Kayleigh shakes her head on an eye roll) KAYLEIGH They don’t look like they just met, Nessa. NESSA Well you could right about that but there could be a reason too. KAYLEIGH So Kyle knew who she was all this while I was talking about her organization..... NESSA Don’t assume stuff. You need to talk to him first. KAYLEIGH He knows her, Nessa. This pose doesn’t look like they just met and started to get to know each other that minute. NESSA Hey...that might not be true. KAYLEIGH So ...what is she doing in Cherry Hills anyway? What is her business there (Nessa gulps down her wine, draining her glass) NESSA You never know, may be she lives there or she must have family. (Kayleigh breaks into an uncomfortable laugh) KAYLEIGH No way.
16 May 2018 | 20:19
I don't know ooo, my network is not good oooo
17 May 2018 | 03:14
Abeg repair ur network oo and nice work dear but the episode is short
17 May 2018 | 04:58
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel thanks i owe u 2 French kisses ?
17 May 2018 | 11:33
@softtouch: and tnx for d French kisses but I will pass,,,, prefer peck, I don't like exchanging of saliva
17 May 2018 | 12:02
Ireoluwa@ u no try at all well i will reconsider u becos of de link.
17 May 2018 | 17:31
by joseyasante A HEARTBREAK AWAY Chapter 11 (Nessa takes the phone from her and looks at the picture on the screen.) NESSA She ....looks like her. The girl from that movement.....Akorfa? That is her name, right? KAYLEIGH It’s her. NESSA Wow, she looks quite different here or... KAYLEIGH She changed her hairstyle. NESSA Yeah, it isn’t kinky anymore. That photograph must have been an old photo. KAYLEIGH It definitely is an old photo. (Kayleigh’s face screws up in a dissatisfied expression) NESSA So he knows her. (Nessa forces a smile) KAYLEIGH What is he doing with her? NESSA They might have met at the fair. (Kayleigh shakes her head on an eye roll) KAYLEIGH They don’t look like they just met, Nessa. NESSA Well you could right about that but there could be a reason too. KAYLEIGH So Kyle knew who she was all this while I was talking about her organization..... NESSA Don’t assume stuff. You need to talk to him first. KAYLEIGH He knows her, Nessa. This pose doesn’t look like they just met and started to get to know each other that minute. NESSA Hey...that might not be true. KAYLEIGH So ...what is she doing in Cherry Hills anyway? What is her business there (Nessa gulps down her wine, draining her glass) NESSA You never know, may be she lives there or she must have family. (Kayleigh breaks into an uncomfortable laugh) KAYLEIGH No way. NESSA Why can’t she? KAYLEIGH We can’t have that like of a woman in the town. NESSA She may be a simple person upclose. KAYLEIGH A woman advocating for such nonsense in the society can’t be simple. Essilfua might have invited her to the fair, for whatever reasons. She sends out invite to whoever that comes to her mind. NESSA Then she is probably closer than you think. KAYLEIGH What? No, please. NESSA So are you gonna ask him why he was with her? KAYLEIGH Absolutely. NESSA Is that even important, Kayleigh?? KAYLEIGH I need some explanation here. I am already beginning to have doubts. NESSA You are sick, Kaye. Finish your glass, we got to go. (The story is not edited so readers are expected to understand there will be spelling and grammatical errors.? ) (Chriswick Same afternoon Akorfa’s house She (Akorfa) calls to talk to Aseye from her cellphone in her bedroom) AKORFA ...mum has invited me to come home for dinner. ASEYE No way, she didn’t. What did you say again? AKORFA I know how shocking this must sound to you , especially when she has expressed her disappointment about this interview they going to air tomorrow . ASEYE I know right. She doesn’t even want to watch it. AKORFA Did you tell her something different? ASEYE No. We haven’t spoken all morning. AKORFA So why would she call me and invite me home to dinner when it’s clear she’s at the peak of her anger. ASEYE May be dad has been saying a little something to change her her mind...... AKORFA Not true. Dad can do nothing to change her mind. ASEYE Or is she going to roast you for dinner? AKORFA Oh come on. (Laughter) AKORFA Well then may be that could be why she wants to see me tonight. On the eve of my much awaited huge TV interview. ASEYE How did she sound on the phone? Nice, fake? AKORFA Excited. ASEYE What? AKORFA She sounded very excited on the phone, Aseye. It didn’t sound fake to me. ASEYE Hey, she’s up to something. Watch out! AKORFA I know, and I am little scared. I truly am. ASEYE You should rather be a lot scared. AKORFA So what should I do? Should I go or tell her I am busy. ASEYE I don’t know. Dad is going to be there so you should be fine. AKORFA Well yeah but you can’t count on him at times. ASEYE Before dinner you can ask dad quietly what is going on with her. He should be able to tell you something. AKORFA You are right. I will talk to him (An hour later, she was ready to go. On her way out she takes out her cellphone and texts Kyle.) AKORFA ||How is the book reading going? Are you about completing?|| (Kyle replies in less than a minute) KYLE ||I am halfway. You were right. It’s a great book|| (She texts him again) AKORFA ||So would you be able to finish it today? ?|| KYLE ||I won’t be able to. I have stepped out of the house.|| AKORFA ||You said you were going to stay home|| KYLE ||Had to escort the old man to the country club || AKORFA ||I am coming to Cherry Hills for a family dinner|| KYLE ||Nice. And will I have the pleasure of seeing your face? ? AKORFA ||I could try to meet with you briefly. ? I will call you after dinner. You can stop by the house || KYLE ||Perfect. || STORY CONTINUES
17 May 2018 | 18:07
chapter 11is here @jummybabe @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @omaisabella @druid @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz- chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb- anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @gbolahanalaka @maths
17 May 2018 | 18:12
episode 36 Jedidiah and got along well. He’s still on holiday, I keep his company when his doing his chores around the house. We hang out a lot this days. I do take him along with him whenever I’m going out, we do shopping together, salon, cinema, hair. He even accompanied to my mum’s place once. “Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked him while we are taking lunch. “No, I don’t have one” he replied “At 27? Why? You don’t look like a player to me or are you?” “Far from it” “Why? you are handsome, you would fit into any Lady’s specs” I said. “Specs you say, who dates a broke guy, you should have seen me before I met Doc Tinuke. And the little I have now has been planned, spending it on a girl is o obviously not part of the plan. I need to plan my life. I can’t live off her all my life” he explained “I understand and I’m glad you have a vision, may all your dreams come through” “Amen” “My turn” he said “What turn” “I’m I free to ask you a question” “Really! So it’s a question for a question, anyway feel free to ask” I said smiling. “First all, thank you for been a friend, I wonder how I would have survive alone is this house during this holiday” he said. “We are keeping each other’s company I would have been bored if you’re not here” “ Yea, back to my question. You don’t work but yet you spend so much. I see the way you spend when we go for shopping, the last time we went out you spend close to #400k, you also gave me #50k that very day. You used the most expensive things, Your car your phones even, I use to buy up to #30,000 recharge card for calls and data in a week” I smiled. “I don’t work, although I worked for some months before I resigned last month. And for the way I spend, let’s just say is God’s blessing” I said “Now you are lying to me, I thought we are friends. You even stopped me from been formal too yo”We are friends” “Then tell me how, are you into runs?” “No I’m not but I have a rich man I’m dating” “Young rich man?” “No, he’s way older” “Why?” “Do you want to judge me” “I’m not judging you, you are too good to be involve in jobs like that” “Do you want to hear my story?” I asked “I’m all ears” he replied. “I’ve never shared my story with any friend before except Tinuke. I know so many wished to know the source of my money, but I never talked to anyone about it” “I met a man at the darkest hour of my life………..” I narated everything to him. He heard the story of my life and appreciated the fact that I open up to him. He asked for my decision and I told him what I already Told Tinuke the previous night. His countenance fell when I told him my decision. “Jedidiah, don’t be sad for me. He’s a good man, it’s just the age difference” “If you say, so. I wish you the best” he said. I’ve decided to marry Prince. I don’t want to talk to him over the phone I’ll go to Abuja the following week to give him the news. ???? Tinuke came back from work very early. I went to her room to ask how her day went. “My day was fine” she replied with a blank face. “What is it again, did you loose a patient today?” “No, far from it” “So what’s with this face” “Anike, I need to tell you something you may hate me right now. But God knows I’ve always wanted to tell you” “Remember I told you I met Olamilekan in US” “Yes you did” “We started hanging around and we became close” “What’s wrong with been close” “Do you also remember, I ask you one time, if you can still get back with him if he comes back to Nigeria” “And I said if God wants it, then it will be. What are you driving at Tinuke” “Anike, Olamilekan is the guy I told you about” “I still don’t get you” “We are engaged” “Olamilekan is your fiance?” “Anike, I’m sorry. I would have gotten myself any other guy apart from him. But he was the only supporting guy around me as at that time. He was there for me in days of troubles, I couldn’t help but fall in love with me” I laughed. Olamilekan was there for you Tinuke and I had no one when I….was in trouble” “Anike…. “You know what I always thought if you two are still in my life, that maybe I won’t be in this position I’m in right now” I started crying. “Do you know how long he took me before I could get over you two when you left” “Anike just forgive us, I should have asked you directly” “No wonder you have no pictures of him on your phone, and you never allow me speak to him, now I get it” I said “I carry the guilt every day, since the relationship started. He said I should inform you from the beginning, but I kept on postponing it” “Why are you telling me now” “There’s no way I wouldn’t tell you, it’s just hard to say” “So you guys discussed me during your pillow talk, right” “I swear with my life Anike, he knows nothing about Prince Alawode” “Tinuke please don’t spoon feed me, I can eat it by myself” “Anike he’s my fiance and you are my best friend. Do you think I could do that to you” “I believe you, congratulations to both of you” I wiped away my tears and turned to leave. “Anike!” She called out. I turned back. “You have my blessings. My heart belongs to someone else” I smiled and left the room. That week was not too good for me. I believe Olamilekan wasn’t meant for me, maybe that’s the reason why things turn out this way. I remembered the good old days when I was with him, and a tear drop from my eyes. Like I said, I wish them well, Tinuke is lucky to have him. He later called me and we talked, he apologized for keeping the relationship from me. I told him it’s fine. Tinuke was happy when I finally made up with her, the house became lively again. ???? Some days later, Sunday morning to be specific. Tinuke woke me up and told me to start preparing for church. “Get out of bed, sleep head, we are running late” She said and removed the duvet covering my body. “Good morning to you too” I sat up “Are you still travelling tomorrow? “Yes, I’m travelling to Abuja tomorrow, missing me already?” “Ofcource I’ll miss you, Prince will be so happy” she said “I can imagine. Why I’m I feeling nauseous this morning?” I was actually asking myself “Are you sick?” She asked touching my forehead with the back of her palm. “No, I’m not…… I rushed into the bathroom to throw up. She came to my aid, she held me and patted my back while vomiting. In less than two minutes, I throw up again. “Let me get a stereoscope” she came back with it and examine me. “You look pale, are you feeling dizzy?” “Right now, yes” I replied “When last did you menstrate?” she asked and I told her. “When last do you have S£x” I told her “There is 80% possibility that you are pregnant” “I can’t be pregnant, I’m on pills” “Some pills are not that effective” “I’m been using this for four years now, and it’s effective” “What’s the name of the drug?” she asked and I gave her the name. “You are right it’s one of the effective ones” “So I can’t be pregnant” “You need a test to be sure. I have a pregnancy test strip in the house, let me get one for you” “You have one in the house?” “I’m a doctor!” she left the room and came back with the PT strip. More stories at “Go to the bathroom and pee on the stick” She ordered. I took it from her and went into the bathroom. “Tinuke!”I called out and walked out of the bathroom. “What is it?” “I’m pregnant!” “Congratulations” “Congratulations! I don’t plan on having a child outside wedlock. What baffles me is that I never missed the pills, so what went wrong?” “Let me see the pills” I brought it out of the drawer and gave it to her. She opened the container and smell it. Then she brought one out. “What’s with the face?” “Nothing” “Don’t give me that, I saw the look on your face just now” “Well, the pills smells like hematinic “What are you implying?” “I’m not too sure, I’ll take it to the lab to be sure” She took one of the pills and put it a small plastic bag. She wrote a note on a paper and attached it to the plastic bag. She opened the door and called Jedidiah who answered her call immediately. “Please take this to the hospital’s lab. Just give it to the lab scientist. He knows what to do” she handed the small plastic bag to him. “And please be fast about it, so you won’t be late for church” she added. “Yes doc” he said “Take my car” I told him We came back from church. Tinuke called the lab scientist, he said the result will be ready by 7pm. The man said he’s shift ends in the afternoon. But he will tell the lab technician on night shift to call her and give her the results. Some minutes after 7pm, Tinuke received a call from the lab technician. “Ma the drugs contains thiamine, riboflavin, niacin/niacinamide, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, and pantothenic acid” he informed “That’s Vitamin B complex” “Yes ma” “Thank you very much, I’ll collect the paper work tomorrow, Good night” she said and ended the call. “Bco!” I stood up and pacing up and down the room. “Who could have changed the drugs?” She asked. “Who else, it’s Prince of course. I need an lab result that confirms I’m pregnant” I said. “You’ll come to the hospital for another test” “I can’t believe Prince tricked me to get me pregnant. I’m getting rid if this pregnancy and for the marriage, I’m no longer interested” I stated. “Don’t talk like that, I’m not saying what he did was right, but you should know he did this because he wants to be with you. As for me, I advice you keep this baby, the father wants it” “He asked me, I said no. He changed the drugs so I could get pregnant. And you want me to applaud him” “Stop been dramatic, you’ve already decided to marry him, pregnancy shouldn’t change that. You should be thinking on how to plan your small wedding now and not doing this” “And I said no” “Anike, you need to work on this your temper. Do you know how many ladies will kill to have something like this” “I’m not some ladies, why are you talking like this he got me pregnant without my consent” “Anike, Ladies do this things for money, they would have held Prince down with pregnancy since, if they are in your shoe. Marry him and accept your fate. You love him and your mum who could stop you also support you. Stop this childishness, please….” “Whose side are you on?” “I’m not anyone’s side, just do the right thing” she said and left me all alone. . . . TBC
17 May 2018 | 18:17
Senatordaneil@ u don try pass but u can still make it two episode next time
18 May 2018 | 16:27
Senatordaneil@ no be de story u post
18 May 2018 | 16:33
18 May 2018 | 18:00
@repentance: bianne,,,, Dats y I left d link,,, hope u Hav gotten it?
18 May 2018 | 19:52
Ireoluwa@ NO
18 May 2018 | 20:05
what happened here, @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel?
26 May 2018 | 07:26
won't you post the remaining episodes......we are waiting ooooo
14 Jun 2018 | 08:35


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