A Game Of Love And Obsession

A Game Of Love And Obsession

By chimmy in 25 May 2019 | 23:32
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 1

© Lewis Dampson 
Jesse sat in the sand on the seashore thinking to himself. He seemed lost in thoughts not considering the heavy tides coming against him. He got up and paced with his left hand supporting his chin. He looked into the sky and wagged his head. Without thinking twice, he ran towards the vast water and stopped abruptly with tears streaming down his cheeks. He stared at the water again and ran for the second time towards the water. This time around he didn’t stop. He continued to run until he got into the seemingly angry water. In no time, his feet couldn’t touch the seabed. It was then it occurred to him that he couldn’t swim. He wanted to turn back, but it was too late. He plunged into the water.

He wrestled for sometime, came up to the surface. He couldn’t sustain his floating and therefore plunged into the water for the second time. This time around, he could feel his breath ceasing. His lungs were being filled with water.
With all his strength, he wrestled again, but this time not as before. His strength was failing him and his life was slipping away from him. All hope was lost for Jesse. In the midst of nowhere, a powerful tide rescued him. He was brought ashore by this dangerous, but lifesaving tide.
He sprawled on the shore vomiting all the water that had filled his lungs. He laid still on the shore for sometime. Thoughts of Sandra still flooded his memory. He couldn’t hold back his tears.
Jesse walked briskly to the bus stop. He was already late for work and didn’t want another confrontation from his boss. The voice of his boss echoed in his head as he hurried to the bus stop. “Gentleman, the next time you are late to work, don’t bother coming at all. Because if you do, you will only come and meet your sack letter,”.
Jesse was lucky when he got to the stop. He was second in the queue. “Oh, thank you God! I thought a lot of people will be here by now,” He said to himself. Others came to join the queue in no time. The bus arrived in two minutes and Jesse boarded it. As it was expected, he sat next to the person who was first in the queue.

In the heat of things, Jesse didn’t take a good look at the person standing in front of him in the queue. He was so caught up with thought to get to work on time. He caught a glimpse of the lady sitting beside him when the bus started moving. Jesse admired her, but on a second thought decided not to bother himself. “They are all the same,” he said to himself.
He took a magazine from his bag and started reading. He was doing everything possible not to think about the beautiful lady sitting beside him. The lady on the other hand was also fidgeting with her phone.
“Driver, please, I will alight at the next stop,” said the lady. Jesse squinted at her. Truthfully, he wanted to speak to her, but he was scared. He had been disappointed by many ladies and that had made him think of all ladies as being the same. He was very sensitive when it came to the matters of the heart. Little issues could throw him off-balance. He made a decision not to get himself involved in any sort of relationships to avoid such bad experiences. “Love is not for me,” he constantly told himself.
The bus got the stop the lady was supposed to alight. She grabbed her bag and got up to leave. “Excuse me please!” She said to Jesse. Jesse made way for her to pass. She opened her bag to pay for the fare when she realized she had no money inside it. She freaked out and began rummaging the bag by bringing out one item after another. People on the bus became impatient with her since she was delaying. Jesse was one of those people. He was running out of time and needed to get to his workplace in ten minutes. Failure to do that meant he being fired from his workplace.
The lady kept searching for the money. “Driver, please, I left my money in the house,” the lady said sadly. “So? What do you expect me to do?” the driver said harshly. “Please can I pay tomorrow when I pick the bus? You know I always pick this bus to work every morning,” the lady asked. “No way lady!! I have to make sales today and I need my money now!! Or else I will seize your phone!! Said the driver angrily.
“What!!? The price of this phone is like a hundred times the fare. How can you suggest to take my phone? I won’t give it to you!!” The lady retorted.
Now, Jesse was getting angry at what was going on. His job was on the line and these people were arguing on something that seemed unimportant to him. He lost his patience and walked to the driver. “Can you please move this bus now!! I am late for work!” He exclaimed. “I won’t move an inch until this lady pays her fare. I am always being cheated. People patronize my bus and refuse to pay. How do they expect me to cater for the needs of my family? Eh? Tell me!! I won’t move this bus until she either gives me my money or deposit her phone as a collateral,” the driver said firmly.
Jesse without thinking took out money and gave it to the driver. “I am paying for her and myself. I will get down at the next stop. Now, please, move the bus! I am late for work!” He immediately moved to his seat without even looking at the lady. He didn’t even respond to the ladies “thank you “. The lady got off the bus and the driver moved.
Jesse closed from work that day very tired. “The start of every week is always hectic. Man, I need rest. I have to get home as soon as possible.” He ambled as he got nearer to the bus stop due to tiredness. He sat on one end of the bench provided at the bus stop with his face buried in his palms.
He got startled when someone touched him on the shoulder. He looked up and realized it was the lady he paid the fare for in the morning. “Hello, I guess you remember me?” the lady asked. “Of course, I do,” Jesse answered sharply.
“I am glad you remember. I tried thanking you in the bus this morning, but you moved back to your seat quickly that I couldn’t get the chance. I really appreciate what you did for me in the bus this morning. The way you came through for me to save me from such an embarrassment. Thank you very much!” Said the lady. “You are welcome, but have money in your bag next time,” Jesse said sharply and again buried his face in his palms.
To be continued…
25 May 2019 | 23:32
Nice start. Bring more episodes
26 May 2019 | 11:59
Ride on
26 May 2019 | 12:32
right here
26 May 2019 | 13:38
new episode loading
26 May 2019 | 22:14
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 2 © Lewis Dampson “I am glad you remember. I tried thanking you in the bus this morning, but you moved back to your seat quickly that I couldn’t get the chance. I really appreciate what you did for me in the bus this morning. The way you came through for me to save me from such an embarrassment. Thank you very much!” Said the lady. “You are welcome, but have money in your bag next time,” Jesse said sharply and again buried his face in his palms. “Anyway, I am Sandra. What is your name?” Sandra asked. “I am Jesse,” he replied with his face still buried in his palms. “Nice meeting you, Jesse!” Sandra said. Sandra was expecting Jesse to respond to that, but he didn’t. He behaved as if he didn’t hear what she said. With that, she sat on the other end of the bench and waited for the bus. When the bus came, Jesse got up and entered it without a word to Sandra. Sandra followed among others to enter the bus. She sat on a different seat. Jesse took out his magazine and started reading. He put his earphones on and started listening to music. He was so much into his world. When it was time to pay for the fare, he paid for himself and Sandra. He got back to what he was doing immediately after that. Sandra couldn’t understand this strange attitude from Jesse. Why does he always help her, but doesn’t want to get into a conversation with her? He doesn’t even stick around for her to even show her appreciation. “This gentleman is weird! Why does he behave like he owns the world. He is so mercurial. Anyway, let me mind my business. I will never make such a mistake again by forgetting my money in the house. On a second thought, I think he thinks of me as a puppet! That explains his behavior towards me. If he is thinking of that, he should better change his thinking because I am no puppet!!” Sandra thought about all these while she sat in the bus. In no time, the bus pulled over and all of them were supposed to alight. As usual, Jesse hurriedly got off the bus and headed straight for his house. Indeed, Sandra wanted to express her thankfulness for him helping her for the second time. But, there was no room to do that since Jesse was gone before she alighted from the bus. She also went home. Now, Jesse got to the house weary. He quickly took his shower and came to find something to eat. While going to the kitchen, he saw the portrait he didn’t want to see, but yet couldn’t resist seeing. The portrait of Theodora hanged on his wall. He immediately lost appetite when he saw it. He was filled with sadness. He couldn’t hold back his tears. Jesse took the portrait from the wall and held it passionately. He wanted to shatter it into pieces, but found himself caressing it. “Oh, Theodora! What is this you have done to me? Why did you have to leave me this way? I showered you with love and affection. I gave you access to my soul and what did you do with it?” he said and paused for a moment as if waiting for an answer. “You deceived me and made me believe the feeling was mutual. I had my hopes high. I was always thinking about our future together and how happy we will be. You severed these strings of wonderful thoughts when you surprised me with you wedding invitation card. How could you!!?” Jesse said crying as he held the portrait firmly and pressed it against his chest .”How couldn’t I see this coming? Why was I so blind to be led deceptively like a sheep? I followed your sweet words and gestures and that blind spotted me to your treacherous tendencies,” said Jesse this time with his eyes fixated on the portrait as if looking into the eyes of Theodora. “You are an ingrate!! A pathetic liar!! A daughter of Eve!! You have indeed led me to my downfall!! Now, I can’t love again. I don’t even know how to start all over. You have ruined my life and happiness. You didn’t even have sympathy on me. You sent your pictures with your husband to me. As if that wasn’t enough. You pierced my soul with the pictures of your baby. Why do you do all these, Theodora? Tell me!! I am here waiting! Tell me why you constantly want to hurt me this way!! Eh!? Speak !! Speak!!! Speak!!!!” Jesse exclaimed and threw the portrait on their floor and stood there crying. In less than thirty seconds, he hurriedly took the portrait from the floor and wiped it with his shirt. “I am sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. Please forgive me. I won’t do that again. I am sorry Dor ! I am sorry, “ he said amidst crying. He laid on the floor with the portrait in his bosom. In Sandra’s house, she had been thinking of the weird guy he met on the bus earlier in the day. While she was thinking, her phone rung. She took the phone to look at the caller ID and it displayed Desmond. She ended the call abruptly and turned off her phone. She continued with her thoughts about Jesse. Apparently, Desmond had had a crush on Sandra since their school days. He had tried everything in his power to win her heart, but all to no avail. There was nothing Desmond wouldn’t want to do for Sandra. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to impress her. He had proposed several times to Sandra, but she declined all his advances. Desmond was determined not to lose hope. He believed that he will win the heart of Sandra one day. And until Sandra walks down the aisle with another man as her husband, he still got a shot. He called Sandra in the morning, afternoon and evening. It was because of him Sandra forgot her money in the house. It isn’t that Sandra was heartless to see the plight of this sweet young man who waits to sweep her off her feet. The issue was that, she had tried severally to reciprocate his affection on different occasions, but she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. Although Desmond was sweet and all that, Sandra felt there was no connection. In short, she didn’t have any affection for him. She liked him as a friend, but not a lover. She had tried on several occasions to explain things Desmond which of course fell on deaf ears. His behavior began to irritate her and she begun to feel his advances as a sort of harassment. Now Desmond was thinking what could cause Sandra’s phone to go off abruptly. He tried calling her severally, but the line wasn’t going through. “Could it be that her battery is so low that her phone has gone off? Or it is the network? These network companies and their ‘wahala’. They always disappoint when their services are most needed. I can’t sleep without talking to Sandra. I have been thinking about her the whole of today. I can’t wait for the day she will finally accept my proposal. I can’t wait either to take her to the altar to make her my wife. How wonderful that day will be!! The day that Sandra will be by my side forever! I won’t give up! I will continue to chase my dream and I believe my perseverance will yield fruits one day,” Desmond continued to daydream about Sandra. He dipped his hands in his pocket and brought out his wallet. He opened it and brought a passport size picture of Sandra. He looked at it for some time and smiled. “I will never regret stealing this picture from your collection. Because, this picture reminds me of the first time I set eyes on an angel like you. I will never forget that photographer’s shop where we all went to take our passport size pictures as freshmen. You were so wonderful that the pureness of your heart could be seen radiating from your cute face. You still look the same as to this day. How I wish your heart could be knit together with mine. How I wish you will understand my feelings and realize I mean no harm. All I want is your happiness which I will go to any extent to provide. I won’t let you down my beautiful Sandra. I have stalled many relationships all because of you. To proof how much you mean to me. To proof you mean the world to me. Why are all these going unnoticed? Is it that your are still putting my loyalty to test? I know within that, you are doing exactly that. I will wait for you, my sweetheart. I will prove my loyalty to you, “ Desmond said fantasizing about the picture. He placed the picture back into his wallet, smiled at it for the last time and went to his room. …to be continued
26 May 2019 | 22:15
Jesse, you don't have to kill yourself because of woman
27 May 2019 | 05:44
Jesse is killing himself for an person, Sandra is thinking of him, Desmond is thinking of Sandra,see how this life is
27 May 2019 | 08:25
A whole lot of heart breaks n obsession in de air,continue..
27 May 2019 | 09:15
Jesse, Desmond and Sandra are thinking about this ,mysterious feeling which is LOVE
27 May 2019 | 09:22
Jesse you have to move on Theodora is married... Desmond you also have to do same, if Sandra was meant to be your soul mate she would still be and finally Sandra since you don't feel anything for Desmond tell him and also hope that he meets the right person and also that you meet the right person
27 May 2019 | 09:28
Keep the story going....
27 May 2019 | 09:29
Jesse,Theo Is Married u Crying 4 Her. ok Let see Wats Next.
27 May 2019 | 15:40
keep moving
27 May 2019 | 17:06
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 3 © Lewis Dampson To proof how much you mean to me. To proof you mean the world to me. Why are all these going unnoticed. Is it that your are still putting my loyalty to test? I know within that, you are doing exactly that. I will wait for you my sweetheart. I will prove my loyalty to you, “ Desmond said fantasizing about the picture. He placed the picture back into his wallet, smiled at it for the last time went to his room. Jesse got up the next day to realize that he crushed on the floor. He still had the portrait of Theodora in his bosom. When he looked at the time, it was 5:00 am in the morning. He had to prepare for work. “Oh gosh!! So I have been sleeping on the bare floor all this time? I have to prepare for work.“ Meanwhile, Sandra couldn’t wait to see her mystery man. She wanted to know why he behaved the way he does. “I have been trying to decipher what could be the problem with this guy all night, but I couldn’t come up with any tangible answer. I guess I have to get closer to him. I can sense he is hurting inside. What might have caused this? He seemed to be a nice person just that he is too introvert. There is only one way of finding out,” she said as she picked her bag to go to work. She checked the bag to see if she didn’t forget the money this time around. She didn’t want a repeat of the incident that occurred the previous day with the bus driver. When Sandra got to the stop, she was expecting to see Jesse. But, to her disappointment, he wasn’t around. She stood in the queue hoping he would show up, but he didn’t. The bus came and she boarded it along with the other passengers. She looked through the windshield to see if Jesse would approach the bus, but he didn’t. The bus drove off and still Jesse was not in sight. She was really disappointed. Unknown to Sandra, Jesse had been to the bus stop earlier. He didn’t want to be delayed like the previous day, so he just picked a taxi to work. Sandra alighted from the bus and walked to her office. Her phone rang and as usual , it was Desmond. She received it this time. “Hello Sandra,” greeted Desmond. “Hello, Desmond,” she responded. “I hope you are fine?” He asked. “Yea, I am doing great,” she replied sharply. “I tried all night to reach you on phone, but I couldn’t get through to you,” said Desmond. “Oh yea, my phone was on low battery. Sorry for that. I slept while charging it. I planned to call you this morning, but had to get to work,” Sandra explained. “It is okay, Sandra. Can we go for lunch this afternoon? I have booked a reservation at a very nice restaurant,” Desmond asked. There was a long pause on Sandra’s side. “Hello… Hello.. Sandra… Hello..” “Yes, Desmond. I am here,” Sandra responded finally. “Thank God. I thought your line went off. Will you go with me?” He asked again. “I am sorry, Desmond, I don’t think I can make it. I have a lot of work to finish today. I have a deadline to meet. Please let us make it another time,” said Sandra. “Hmmm.. If you say so. Anyway, I would like to see you after work. I could come pick you up and give you a ride to the house,” Desmond said trying to convince Sandra. He wanted to do everything possible to have fellowship with Sandra. “Ermm… That wouldn’t be necessary Desmond. I don’t know the time I would be closing. Don’t worry, we will catch up some other time. Please I have to go. My boss is coming,” Sandra hung the call before Desmond could even say goodbye. “Ah! This guy can really be a bother. I don’t enjoy doing this to him. I have tried to explain things to him, but he wouldn’t listen. Now, he has left me with no option. Maybe if I do this, he might get fed up and find another girl. A girl who will love him. I can’t be that girl. I don’t want to mess up our friendship by entering into a relationship with him. What if it doesn’t work? Which I know it won’t. Then I lose Desmond as a friend. I can’t let that happen. Desmond is too good for me. I pray he gets another girl that will suit him better,” Sandra said undertone as she approached her working desk. She sighed and placed her bag on the table and begun to work. “Jesse, come over to my office,” said his boss over the telephone. Jesse quickly got up from his desk and headed for his boss’ office. He knocked and entered. “Jesse, I would like you to take these letters to a friend for me,” the boss handed the letters to him. “I believe you are aware of the meager between our company and Silicon International?” Jesse nodded. “Very good! I want you to take these letters to the CEO of Silicon International. He will give you some drafts in return. I want you to work on those drafts. Go over the accounts so that we can proceed with the deal,” said the boss. “Yes Sir, consider it done,” Jesse said and took his leave. He called the company’s driver and headed for Silicon International which was few blocks away from his office. He quickly went into the company’s building when he got to Silicon International. He was in a hurry because he knew the kind of work that followed after taking the draft from the CEO. “Hello, please I am Jesse from Xilic Company Limited. I am here to see the CEO,” Jesse said. “Please wait for me to verify your appointment,” the receptionist said, while making a call. “Mr. Jesse, the CEO is expecting you in his office,” said the receptionist finally. “Thank you,” Jesse thanked her and headed for the CEO’s office. He came out of the office with a bunch of files in his hands. He tried to pick his phone from his pocket to call the driver to come help him with the loads, the phone fell from his hand in the process. He left the files on the ground and begun to pick the separated pieces of his phone. While picking the shattered pieces, Sandra walked in his direction. Sandra was so perplexed to see Jesse at her workplace. ”What a coincidence!!” She thought. She hurried walked down to where Jesse was. Upon reaching, she realized what had happened to Jesse’s phone. She bent down to help Jesse pick up the pieces. Meanwhile, Jesse didn’t notice Sandra. He was so worried about his seemingly spoilt phone that he didn’t see Sandra walking up to him. All he could see was a hand going to pick a piece of his shattered phone. He was actually going to pick that piece himself. He looked up to see who it was and lo and behold, Sandra. He was quite surprised to see her in the building as well. ”Please don’t bother. I will pick them up myself,” Jesse said trying to restrain Sandra from helping him. ‘Don’t worry, I got this. You helped me yesterday. Today is my turn to help you. After all, you are in my company’s building. So I insist,” Sandra insisted. ”Okay, if you say so!” Jesse replied sharply. Sandra was happy within that she had finally gotten through to Jesse. This is the first time she had had a complete conversation with him. “Jesse, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for what you did for me in the bus the other day. I really appreciate it,” Sandra said as she got on her feet. ”Sandra right?” Jesse asked. ”Yes,” she responded. ”I heard you when you thanked me at the bus stop. It is kind of embarrassing if you keep repeating it,” Jesse said and began to walk away. ”I am sorry, Sandra, but I have to get going. My boss is expecting me and I am running out of time,” Jesse said. ”Yes please. I guess we will see again some other time?” Sandra asked. ”Sure! But, it is not a promise,” Jesse said as he walked briskly out of the building. Sandra stood and watched him enter the car. She stared until she could no longer see the tail light of the car. …to be continued
28 May 2019 | 02:34
am with you...pls bring on the next episode...all good so far...nice!!
28 May 2019 | 06:12
That's how you people will start
28 May 2019 | 07:48
28 May 2019 | 12:28
I believe this will end well. Ride on
28 May 2019 | 12:49
Like play like play... That's how e dey take start
28 May 2019 | 14:47
28 May 2019 | 15:11
Good Continue
28 May 2019 | 15:19
28 May 2019 | 17:47
getting more intense
29 May 2019 | 01:17
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 4 © 2017 Lewis Dampson Sandra was happy within that she had finally gotten through to Jesse. This is the first time she had had a complete conversation with him. “Jesse, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for what you did for me in the bus the other day. I really appreciate it,” Sandra said as she got on her feet. ”Sandra right?” Jesse asked. ”Yes,” she responded. ”I heard you when you thanked me at the bus stop. It is kind of embarrassing if you keep repeating it,” Jesse said and began to walk away. ”I am sorry, Sandra, but I have to get going. My boss is expecting me and I am running out of time,” Jesse said. ”Yes please. I guess we will see again some other time?” Sandra asked. ”Sure! But, it is not a promise,” Jesse said as he walked briskly out of the building. Sandra stood and watched him enter the car. She stared until she could no longer see the tail light of the car. Back at Jesse’s house, he was going through his things and realized he was running out of groceries. “I need to go to the supermarket to get a few groceries. Today is Saturday, and I think I have the time. Next week is going to be busy because of the meager,” he said and took his wallet. Jesse went out of his house to the supermarket. When Jesse got the supermarket, the place was packed with people. He quickly got his shopping cart to shop. “Hey, Jesse!! Is that you!? Oh my God, I can’t believe this!! I thought I wouldn’t see you again!!” Said a lady in the supermarket, shouting at the top of her voice. “Jasmine!! What are you doing here!!? I thought you have traveled overseas. Wow!! Really nice to see you!” said Jesse still surprised. “Me too, Jesse. I am also happy to see you! I wasn’t able to go to Germany. I couldn’t get the scholarship I applied for. I am doing my masters degree here. Anyway, how is Theodora? I am sure by now you guys are married,” Jasmine asked teasingly. Jesse’s countenance fell on hearing the name of Theodora. He was almost at the brink of shedding tears right in front of Jasmine. He had to control himself not to, least he disgraced himself. “Jesse, why are you sad all of a sudden? What is it? Hey, you know you can tell me anything. Hey, Jesse, come on,” Jasmine said trying to convince Jesse to open up to her. Jesse looked up into the eyes of Jasmine. She took the items he was holding in his hands, and led him out of the supermarket. “Dear, let’s sit in my car and talk,” she said and opened the door of the car for Jesse to enter. She used the door on the other side. “Now, no one is here. Can you tell me what is wrong with you? I never knew you to be like this! You were the most free-spirited and happy person I knew back in school. You always had smiles on your face. Please tell me what is bothering you. Who knows? I might be of help,” Jasmine said still trying to convince Jesse. Finally, Jesse sighed and started to speak. “Jasmine, I have been through a lot of bad experiences in these past months. Something I never thought or dreamt could happen to me happened. You were aware of my relationship with Theodora. You know how we came together. That was after you bounced me for that sugar daddy. I was so brokenhearted that I couldn’t even concentrate on my studies. I couldn’t even eat. Theodora came through for me. She came as a divine compensation to the pain you caused me. Although, “Dor” was ahead of me two years in school, she was always humble and respected my decision as a man. She was all I could’ve ever ask for in a future wife. Her sense of humor, kindness and her caring tendencies made me love her the more. I completely forgot about the pain. I always thanked my stars that you didn’t accept my proposal at the time. She was always patient with me. She always said she would wait for me to finish school and get a job so we could together prepare for our marriage. Our nice relationship began to deteriorate when her boss started making advances towards her. Initially, she talked to me about it and we could laugh over it sometimes. We could tease the boss together when the issue came up. But, it got to a time she stopped talking about him. I thought that meant he had stopped making those advances towards her. I didn’t make an issue out of it. In fact, I forgot about it entirely since it wasn’t necessary and was a trivial issue.. Theodora’s attitude towards me changed completely as the days went by. I suddenly became an enemy to her. She stopped calling me and even stopped sending me night messages. The sad aspect of the whole issue was that, she stopped picking my calls. I even remember an incident she threw me out of her house. In fact, i was devastated. I was very confused and sad. I didn’t know what had caused this change of attitude overnight. I heard rumors of her always moving around with her boss. I didn’t take them serious because i hadn’t seen them with my eyes. I was in the house one day when Theodora came to visit. I was so happy to see her around because i hadn’t set my eyes on her for almost two months. But, my happiness was shattered into pieces when she handed her wedding invitation card to me. I was so shocked and terrified at the same time. I became speechless as I looked into her eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes and began to stream down my cheeks on their own accord. There was no remorsefulness in her countenance. She rather looked excited. “I will be expecting you at the wedding, Jesse. Please, don’t disappoint me by not coming. I will be hurt if you do that,” she said that and joyfully stormed out of my house, Jasmine! I have not been the same again. I always think about her and her betrayal. I have lost interest in love, Jasmine,” Jesse explained and started to cry. “Jesse… Jesse… It is okay! There is no need in killing yourself over this issue. Please calm down,” she said as she took out a handkerchief from her bag and began to wipe the tears off his face. “I am here for you now, Jesse. I caused all these troubles in your life and I am back to fix them if you will give me another chance. I regret ever bouncing you for that old fool! He destroyed me! I have been looking for you everywhere to make amends and I am glad I have found you today. Don’t cry over Theodora again!! I will do everything in my power to make you forget her, I promise you that!!” Jasmine said with confidence. “Let me drive you to your house, dear. We could catch up on old times, watch an interesting movie together or maybe I can cook for you,” said Jasmine. “I would have loved the cooking aspect, but my groceries are finished. That was why i came to the supermarket to get some. I am really famished,”Jesse lamented. “That is not a problem at all. Stay in the car and let me get them. I will be back soon,” Jasmine said and left the car with her handbag. She came back in ten minutes with the groceries, entered the car and left with Jesse to his house. Jesse was snobbish outwardly, but needed fellowship inwardly. To him, the re-appearance of Jasmine was a miracle. Perhaps, that was God’s solution to heal his broken emotions. He had loved Jasmine in the past. Jasmine was way hotter than Theodora although Theodora had more character than her. She was known for her promiscuity back in their school days. Maybe she had changed and become a better person due to life’s experience. The lingering affection for Jasmine began to resurface in Jesse’s heart. Upon this assumption, he decided to give Jasmine another chance. Jasmine could be the chosen one for him. Maybe, it was divinely calculated that Jasmine was the chosen one. If not so, then why had their paths intersected again in his greatest moment of despair. …to be continued
29 May 2019 | 02:33
Jesse by this action and thoughts about Jasmine changing because of fee seconds meeting makes him the dumbest guy I've ever heard about. She's gonna ditch you again when another sugar daddy come calling
29 May 2019 | 02:58
You're a big fool, Jesse
29 May 2019 | 04:15
this Jesse guy is such a fool,, how can he takes back a lady dat left him for a sugar daddy.... Je should rescind his decision oo bcos Jasmine will soon show him anoda phase to life
29 May 2019 | 06:40
this guy na mumu ooo,I hope u we not have another heartbroke
29 May 2019 | 09:48
Jasmine might be back as a gold digger
29 May 2019 | 13:03
Sorry Jesse
29 May 2019 | 15:44
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 5 © Lewis Dampson Jesse was snobbish outwardly, but needed fellowship inwardly. To him, the re-appearance of Jasmine was a miracle. Perhaps, that was God’s solution to heal his broken emotions. He had loved Jasmine in the past. Jasmine was way hotter than Theodora although Theodora had more character than her. She was known for her promiscuity back in their school days. Maybe she had changed and become a better person due to life’s experience. The lingering affection for Jasmine began to resurface in Jesse’s heart. Upon this assumption, he decided to give Jasmine another chance. Jasmine could be the chosen one for him. Maybe, it was divinely calculated that Jasmine was the chosen one. If not so, then why had their paths intersected again in his greatest moment of despair. Meanwhile, Desmond had not seen Sandra for days and he was getting worried. The last time he heard from her was when he called her in the office. He was hoping to spend some time with her, but that didn’t happen. Since then, Sandra had not been picking his calls. The only thing he had was just the passport-size photograph in his wallet. He looked at it day and night. “What is wrong with Sandra these days? Is she sick or something? I have been trying to reach her, but all to no avail. I think I have to pay her a visit in the house. Today is Saturday and I think she will be in the house,” Desmond said and got up to dress. He was getting worried. Sandra was in the house alone thinking. She had been hoping to see Jesse after the incident at her workplace, but it seems that wasn’t happening. She sometimes intentionally waited for him at the bus stop, but he never showed up. She was worried something had happened to him. “I would have paid him a visit if I knew his house. But, as it stands now, I have no choice than to wait till I see him again. Wait!! What is happening to me? Am I having feelings for this guy? Hell no! I am just concerned I guess. I hardly fall in love. I am just worried for him. He seemed so disturbed. But, wait a minute, why is it that I can’t wait to see him? He is all I have been thinking about these past few days. What is happening to me!?” Sandra brooded over these thoughts as she laid in the sofa. Sandra was startled when she heard a knock on her door. She was surprised because she wasn’t expecting any visitor. “Who might this be? I am not expecting anyone,” she said as she ambled to the door to see who it was. She was surprised to see Desmond in her house. “Hello, Sandra. How are you doing?” Desmond asked with a smile. “I am well, Desmond. But, you didn’t tell me you were coming here,” Sandra said. “Seriously! I have called you severally, but you weren’t picking my calls. Not to even talk about the tons of messages I have sent you. What is going on? Are you trying to avoid me?” Desmond asked with desperation and anguish in his voice. “No, Desmond. That is not it. I hardly have time for my phone these days because of the meager. My phone is always on silent mode,” Sandra lied to Desmond. “It is okay, Sandra. But, wait! You look worried. Like there is something on your mind. What is it?” Desmond asked. “You are always a darling and the best friend I will ever have. You always know when something is wrong with me. Actually, I have been thinking a lot about something lately and I need advice,” said Sandra. “What is it? You know I am always there for you,” Desmond asked. “We can’t talk about it here. Let us go inside,” Sandra suggested. With that, Sandra led Desmond to the hall. “Am all ears, Sandra. What is it that you wanted to discuss with me? “ Desmond blurted out as soon as he sat down. “Hmm.. Desmond. It looks like I am having a crush on someone,” Sandra confessed. “Really!! That is nice! Who is this person?” Desmond asked and smiled. To him, he knew he was the one Sandra was referring to, but was shy to say it head-on. “There is nothing to be shy of, Sandra. I have been waiting for this day for a long time,” said Desmond to Sandra. “What if it is another person? No! That can’t be possible! I haven’t seen any guy around Sandra. I am the only male friend she has —” “Desmond! Desmond!! Are you listening to me?” Sandra’s question brought Desmond back to reality. He has been thinking of all those things while Sandra was talking to him. “Yes… No… Wait… What were you saying?” Desmond asked with a confused gesture. Sandra squinted at him, sighed and spoke again. “ I was talking about my crush,” said Sandra. “Oh, yes. Please continue,” Desmond said happily. “I met this person, you know. Initially, I wasn’t attracted to him. But, he started being kind to me although in a strange way. I have been thinking about him throughout the week. To an extent, I can’t even concentrate on anything. All I think about is how he is always there for me when I needed help badly. Do you understand what I am trying to say?” Sandra asked. “Of course!” Desmond responded. “So what do you think? Do you think it is okay to let him know how I feel about him?” Sandra asked again. “Why not, Sandra. You should let him know exactly how you feel. Who knows, he might be dying to be with you. You just need to come out of those walls you have built around yourself,” Desmond answered with the perception that Sandra was referring to him. “That is a wonderful suggestion, Desmond. I think i will do just that! Thank you very much. You are a darling,” Said Sandra thankfully. “You are welcome, dear. But, I think you should tell him now. Who knows, he might be dying to hear those words from your mouth now. Maybe, he can’t wait to be with you,” Desmond said passionately as he looked into Sandra’s eyes. “Okay, I will do that,” Sandra said and picked her phone to make a call. “Wait!! What are you doing?” Desmond asked. “What does it look like I am doing? I am doing what you advised! I am calling my crush!” Sandra replied sharply and continued to look for Jesse’s contact number on her phone. “Sandra, wait a minute! So all this was about another guy!?” Desmond asked desperately. “Another guy? What do you mean by that?” Sandra asked in shock. “I thought you were talking about me!” Desmond said in exasperation. “You!? Why would you think that!!?” Sandra responded still confused. “What a question! You know I love you. And you know I have been trying my best all these years to impress you. I don’t understand why you always put other guys above me? Am I not good enough for you?” Desmond asked feeling very disappointed. “Not that, Desmond. The problem is that, I see you as a brother and i don’t want to hurt or lose you. You are too good for me to lose over a break up,” Sandra said almost in tears. “Don’t cry, Sandra. I hate to see you cry. That is why I want you to be mine so that I can protect you from all the hurts. I love you very much and I know you will understand this one day,” Desmond said. “I am sorry, Desmond for hurting you. Please don’t abandon me,” Sandra pleaded. “Come on! Why would I do that? I am with you. I wish you all the best with your new found love. I will be happy if he keeps you happy. Your happiness is my happiness,” Desmond said and faked a smile. “Thank you very much, Desmond for your understanding. You are so understanding,” Sandra said and hugged Desmond. “I think I will be taking my leave now. I will see you some other time,” Desmond said and took his leave. Desmond was very disappointed on hearing the new development. He thought that he might be lucky this time to win the love of Sandra. But, that didn’t happen. He had tried everything in his power to make Sandra his own. He had put his life on hold for almost four years all to wait for that moment Sandra will accept him. He left Sandra’s house very heartbroken although he told her he was okay. He was far from being okay. His hope had been deferred and he felt like he had wasted four years of his life. …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 6 © Lewis Dampson Desmond was very disappointed on hearing the new development. He thought that he might be lucky this time to win the love of Sandra. But, that didn’t happen. He had tried everything in his power to make Sandra his own. He had put his life on hold for almost four years all to wait for that moment Sandra will accept him. He left Sandra’s house very heartbroken although he told her he was okay. He was far from being okay. His hope had been deferred and he felt like he had wasted four years of his life. Meanwhile, Jasmine was snooping around the hall when Jesse went out for the drink. She chanced upon the portrait Jesse had hung on the wall leading to the kitchen. She was perplexed as to why Jesse would still be keeping a portrait of a girl who broke his heart. She looked at the portrait for sometime and went to sit in the sofa because she heard the footsteps of Jesse. Jesse returned with a glass of fruit juice and some pastries. “Jasmine, this is the only processed food I have in my fridge. Please manage it for now till you are done cooking,” Jesse said as he served the drink to Jasmine. “Thank you, Jesse,” Jasmine said in appreciation. Now, Jesse could perceive the mood change on Jasmine’s face. Her gestures towards him had changed totally. She seemed to be worried about something. “Jasmine, is anything the matter?” Jesse asked. “No… Yes! What is Theodora’s portrait doing on your wall?” Jasmine answered and asked. ” I am sorry, Jasmine. I didn’t mean for you to see that. I will take it down. It is about time I move on. I can’t hold on to the past. In fact, I am going to take it down now,” Jesse said and got up from the sofa. Jesse walked straight to the portrait and brought it down while Jasmine looked on with smiles and a sense of accomplishment. “Well done, dear. I am so proud of you,” said Jasmine. “You are my future now, Jasmine. I need to keep that in mind,” Jesse said and smiled at Jasmine. With that, Jasmine moved to where Jesse was standing, hugged him and went to the kitchen to cook. They ate the food together. Jesse escorted Jasmine to her car after they were done eating. Indeed, Jesse’s face had begun to glow with happiness. He was no longer gloomy as before. “Jasmine! Where are you? I have been trying to reach you for the past six hours.” A voice inquired the whereabouts of Jasmine on phone as she was driving home. “Madam, don’t be angry. I mistakenly touched the airplane mode on my phone. I just discovered it and turned the network back on. I am really sorry,” Jasmine lied. “I see. Anyway let us forget about that. I have a new assignment for you and I need you in my house right now. Leave whatever you are doing and drive straight to my apartment right now!” the woman said authoritatively. “Okay, madam. I will be right there,” Jasmine responded. Jasmine arrived at Madam Diaz’s house. She drove in a rush, got down and hurried into the house. “Madam Diaz, what is the problem? It seemed so important,” Jasmine asked immediately she saw Madam Diaz. “Yes, dear. It’s very important. One of our top class customers called. He said he needs ladies now and he specifically named you. So I had to call you immediately. You are leaving for Paris right now. He has his private jet In Nigeria. You will pick a flight to Nigeria and meet him there to board the jet. Don’t worry, I have bought your ticket and have packed your bags already,” said Madam Diaz. Jasmine was taken by surprise. She knew Madam Diaz was unpredictable, but she caught her off-guard this time around. Since she was introduced to this job, all she had known is emptiness. She had intimacy with men she felt nothing for. In order to stay focused, she was introduced to drugs which further deteriorated her state. She only entered into the business to pay her fees, but it seemed there were many things involved she wasn’t made aware of. Now, she had made a covenant with the pimp, Madam Diaz which had made it difficult for her to stop the business. She finally thought that happiness had come into her life when she met Jesse. She knew Jesse adored her and was happy to meet him single. Now, with this new business deal to Paris, how was she going to explain things to Jesse. They sort of came together not long ago and leaving to Paris was not the best. But, what could she do? She had sown an oath to Madam Diaz and wouldn’t dare to say no to her. She knew the consequences that came along with such froward attitudes. She decided to remove her sim card from her phone. “Madam, this is so sudden. At least you should pre-informed me yesterday so I could get some stuffs from my house,” Jasmine lamented. “Come on, Jasmine. Don’t talk like an amateur. You know how this business is. When a customer calls, we have to be there to satisfy their needs. Remember, it is all about the money. Don’t worry about whatever you are going to pick from the house. This customer is very wealthy. He will buy anything you need. Now, get going or else you might miss your flight to Nigeria,” said Madam Diaz. With that, Jasmine went to pick the things Madam Diaz had put together for her. Although she was sad leaving the country without telling Jesse, there was nothing she could do. She will pick up from where she left off when she comes back from Paris. There was no way she was going to let Jesse go. Although she was into prostitution, she needed a man to call her own. Someone she could always go back to after her rendezvouses. Meanwhile, Jesse was trying to reach Jasmine on phone, but her line wasn’t going through. Her phone had been switched off. He was happy that his broken emotions were being healed gradually. He had nostalgia about his time with Jasmine. He smiled to himself occasionally, but was becoming worried about his inability to reach Jasmine. After several failed attempts to reach Jasmine on phone, he gave up and slept. Jesse was in his office when he saw a familiar face approaching. “Hello, Jesse, it has been quite sometime. Where have you been,” Sandra asked Jesse. “I have been home,” Jesse responded sharply. “I have not been seeing you at the stop lately,” Sandra said trying to ignore Jesse’s sarcasm. “Oh that, I have been picking taxi of late to work. The bus always makes me get to work late. But, if I may ask, what are you doing here?” Jesse asked. “Hey, Jesse, I believe you have met, Sandra? I can see you guys are getting along,” a voice from behind said. Jesse turned and realized it was his boss. “Yes, Sir,” Jesse answered. “That is very good. She is from Silicon International and you will be working on the meager with her. She heads the account department in her company. You guys will be working on the accounts of the two companies together ahead of the meager,” the boss said. “Yes, please,” Jesse responded politely. “That is good, Jesse. Now, let me leave you guys alone to work,” the boss said and left Jesse’s office. Jesse was surprised about the latest development, but Sandra didn’t feel the same. She was very excited to be working on the meager with Jesse. It was like a dream come true for her. Just when she needed to get close to Jesse, an opportunity had presented itself. This could be the opportunity to know more about Jesse because they would be seeing each other often and would even be working together if the meager should go through. The more she thought about it, the more thrilled she became. …to be continued
30 May 2019 | 02:47
I don't know wen Jesse will be ryt oooo,,,,
30 May 2019 | 08:01
Jesse you better open your eye wide
30 May 2019 | 11:31
Jesse still has a long way to go
30 May 2019 | 14:43
Jesse why don't u go for Sandra instead of that ur fake formal girlfriend
30 May 2019 | 18:28
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 7 © Lewis Dampson Jesse was surprised about the latest development, but Sandra didn’t feel same. She was very excited to be working on the meager with Jesse. It was like a dream come true for her. Just when she needed to get close to Jesse, an opportunity had presented itself. This could be the opportunity to know more about Jesse because they would be seeing each other often and would even be working together if the meager should go through. The more she thought about it, the more thrilled she became. Meanwhile, Desmond was in serious thoughts about what took place at Sandra’s house. He realized that he was growing in age and needed someone to settle with. He came to the conclusion that the “Sandra project” was a façade and a lost cause. He needed to be realistic and accept the situation on the ground. “I have to find another person to love who would reciprocate my affections. It is clear that Sandra would never enter into a relationship with me. She sees me as a brother and that will remain. But, who am I going to approach since I have practically made all those girls lost interest? Think… Think boy… Think!!! Yeah, let me try Bella,” Desmond said and took his phone to search for Bella’s contact. He was finally able to find Bella’s number on his phone. He immediately called her. “I can’t believe who is calling,” was Bella’s response when she received the call. “Why do you say that, Bella?” Desmond asked. “I can’t remember the last time you called me and even if I call, you don’t pick my calls,” Bella lamented. “I am sorry about that, Bella. Everything is going to change from today,” Desmond said. “Really?” Bella blurted out. “Yeah! In fact to proof to you that I am serious, I will like to take you out for dinner. That is if you will love to go with me,” said Desmond hoping Bella would agree to the dinner. “Err… Err… I have a tight schedule this week, but I will reschedule to make time. When do you want us to go?” Bella asked. “A day after tomorrow,” Desmond responded immediately. “Okay, Desmond. I will make time for it,” Bella responded. “Thank you very much, Bella. I will call you,” Desmond said. “Really? There is no need to thank me for that. In fact, was waiting for a day like this. I will be expecting your call,” Bella responded. Now, Desmond took out his wallet from his pocket and took the passport-sized photograph of Sandra. He looked at it for sometime, folded it into two parts and placed it in the chest pocket of his shirt. He was done with Sandra for good. It was now time to start a new life with Bella. He closed his wallet and slipped it into his back pocket. Meanwhile, Jesse and Sandra were enjoying each passing moment they were spending together. Jesse had tried severally to reach Jasmine, but all to no avail. The only available person around was Sandra and he was gradually getting acquainted with her. Sandra on the other hand was glad that she was now able to penetrate the wall Jesse had built around himself. To her advantage, the work they did together always brought them together. She now spent most of her time in Jesse’s office. They sometimes go home together when they close from work. To Jesse, Sandra was just a colleague from work. Little did he know he was growing fond of her. In the absence of Jasmine, Sandra had begun to take over. “Jesse, don’t you think it is about time I got to know your house?” Sandra asked one day after work. “Oh, that is no problem. We can go there from here. I was even thinking about that,” Jesse responded. With that, they both took off to Jesse’s house. Jesse led the way to his house when they got down from the bus. Sandra was surprised that his house very close to hers. “Jesse, I never knew you lived here. Do you ever come out?” Sandra asked. “I don’t like going out, Sandra. I am an indoor person,” Jesse responded. “Are you sure about that? I think you are an outdoor person trying to be an indoor person. This can only happen when people have had an unpleasant experience and want to protect themselves. Are you trying to protect yourself from something?” Sandra asked. Jesse looked at her in surprise. “Welcome to my house, Sandra. Make yourself at home. We still have some work to do. We need to finish the review before tomorrow,” Jesse said to change the subject. He didn’t want to answer the question because his mood always changed when he did. But, it seemed Sandra wouldn’t back down until she received her answer. She repeated the question and Jesse had no other choice than to answer. “Yeah, I am protecting myself. I haven’t been lucky when it comes to my love life. I have suffered a lot of breakups in my love life. So it is difficult for me to trust again. A lady I was planning to get married to surprised me with her wedding invitation card. It has taken me several months to overcome that shock. That was the reason for my behavior when we first met,” Jesse explained. “Oh, I see. I now understand you. I am sorry to hear that,” Sandra said to console Jesse. “So are you in any relationship now, “ Sandra asked. “Not necessarily. I mean it is complicated. I met a friend of mine few days ago at the supermarket. Actually, she was my crush back in school days. I proposed to her and she rejected my proposal for a sugar daddy. It was as a result of that hurt I entered into a relationship with the lady that left me to marry another guy. We came here after we met at the supermarket. Indeed, we had a nice time together. She said she wanted us to enter into a relationship. She said she had changed and had learned her lessons. So I decided to give us a chance. It is strange though that I haven’t heard from her since she left my house that day. I don’t know what has happened to her and that makes me worried,” Jesse said. Sandra was sad when she heard of a new lady in Jesse’s life. She would have loved it if she was the only lady in his life. Sandra was very surprised as to why she had grown so fond of Jesse in such a short time. No time in her life had she been so quickly attracted to someone. Jesse had something that kept drawing her to him. She just wished everything will go on well. For the meantime, she had to give her support since the new girl wasn’t around. She just hoped in her heart she wouldn’t return. So that she could have Jesse all to herself. Apparently, she knew that wasn’t possible. “I am sorry, Jesse for all that you have been through. I am proud of you for staying strong. Many people do silly things when confronted with such situations. They are deceived into thinking that their world is over. Little did they know that there is someone waiting for them at another junction in their life. They allow their present situation to rule their thinking and do unimaginable things. Very sad! You really handled the situation well, Jesse,” Sandra said. “ Thank you, Sandra. No one had ever spoken to me in such a manner before. Thank you for the encouragement,” said Jesse thankfully. Sandra looked at the time and realized it was getting late. “Jesse, we have been doing this review for almost three hours. Aren’t you hungry?” Sandra asked. “I began to feel hungry once you mentioned it. I was enjoying your company so much that I totally forgot about food,” Jesse confessed. “That is so flattering. In that case, let me get to the kitchen and fix something for us to eat. I am hungry as well. I hope you have groceries?” Sandra asked. “Yeah, I bought some from the supermarket. They are in the refrigerator,” Jesse answered. Sandra got up and made her way to the kitchen to cook while Jesse continued with the office work. There was a knock at the door and Jesse got up to see who was at the door. He was surprised to see Jasmine. She was appearing and disappearing like a ghost. “Would you just stand there? I thought you have missed me?” Jasmine asked. “I am shocked. Where have you been? I have tried to reach your line severally since you left here the other time. What happened to your phone?” Jesse asked. “Please let us go inside, Jesse. I will explain everything to you,” Jasmine said and entered the house. …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 8 © Lewis Dampson Sandra got up and made her way to the kitchen to cook while Jesse continued with the office work. There was a knock at the door and Jesse got up to see who was at the door. He was surprised to see Jasmine. She was appearing and disappearing like a ghost. “Would you just stand there? I thought you have missed me?” Jasmine asked. “I am shocked. Where have you been? I have tried to reach your line since you left here the other time. What happened to your phone?” Jesse asked. “Please let us go inside, Jesse. I will explain everything to you,” Jasmine said and entered the house. Meanwhile, Desmond and Bella were enjoying their time together at the dinner. Desmond realized he had a lot in common with Bella than he thought. He hardly took note of time while at the dinner with Bella. “I have really been a fool for a long time for wasting all my time trying to impress Sandra. Look at the way I am enjoying my time with Bella. I am just myself. I am not under any tension to impress anyone, and I am enjoying every moment of it,” Jesse thought to himself as he sat with Bella at the dinner table. He stared at her throughout their meal. “Desmond, why are you staring at me like that?” Bella asked with suspicion. “I am just wondering,” Desmond answered with his hand supporting his chin still staring at Bella. “Would you like to share what is going on in your mind?” Bella asked. “I am just wondering why I didn’t ask you out all this while. I am surprised,” Desmond confessed. “I believe there is time for everything. I am happy though that we are finally having this time together,” Bella said. “Bella, I want to make this formal,” Desmond said and got off his seat. He knelt with a knee. He took Bella’s hand and looked into her eyes. “Bella, I have searched through the mountains and the valleys. I have gone through the thick and thin in search of love. There are many ways to be happy in this life, I have come to realize that, all I really needed was you. I promise you, no one will work harder to make you happy or cherish you more than me. From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home. Will you marry me, Bella?” Desmond asked as he continued to look into the eyes of Bella. Bella was mortified by what Desmond was doing. She thought they were just there to have a nice moment together. She least expected Desmond of all people to suddenly propose marriage out of the blues. She was speechless as she looked at Desmond in awe. Before she knew it, she had accept the proposal on impulse. “Oh my God!! I just said yes!! I just said yes!!” Bella thought aloud. Desmond took a promise ring from his pocket and placed it on Bella’s finger. He got up and embraced her. “I think it is time for us to leave, Bella. You have indeed made me the happiest man today,” said Desmond. “And you have made me the happiest woman today, Desmond. So let us say, the feeling is mutual,” Bella said and gleamed. They got up and left the restaurant hand-in-hand amidst giggling and chatting. Now, Jasmine was comfortably seated in the sofa. She took the television remote and began to operate the TV. Jesse got back to what he was doing before Jasmine’s intrusion. “Hey, babe. You are very distant today. What is the problem? Haven’t you missed me?” Jasmine asked. “That is not the case, Jasmine. I have to finish this work. Don’t worry, I will be done in no time. I will be with you in a moment,” Jesse responded. “Okay, honey. If you say so. What is that nice smell from your kitchen? You never told me you were a good cook,” Jasmine teased. Sandra came out of the kitchen and was surprised to see company. Jasmine was also surprised to see a stranger coming out of Jesse’s kitchen. A female to make matters worse. “Has Jesse been cheating on me while I was away? No way!! I won’t accept that! Why should he allow another girl into his kitchen? I am the only one who should possess that right,” Jasmine battled with these thoughts. “Oh, Jasmine, meet Sandra. She is from the other company we are having the meager agreement with. We have a deadline to finish some work, but we are far behind time. We had to bring the work home. Sandra, this is Jasmine, my girlfriend. The one I told you about,” Jesse introduced the two ladies to each other. This calmed Jasmine. For Jesse to refer to her as his girlfriend in front of another lady meant he loved her. So all the issues in her mind were resolved. She smiled at Sandra and greeted her. “Jasmine, I didn’t know you were coming, so I prepared the food for two,” said Sandra. “Don’t worry, my sister. I am not hungry,” Jasmine replied sharply. With that, Sandra went back to the kitchen. Sandra came back from the kitchen with the food she had cooked. She dished out the food and served Jesse and herself. They continued the review immediately they were done eating. They laughed at and teased each other while working. They had completely forgotten they had company. Jasmine was just looking at them in amazement. Who was this lady that had come to infiltrate her space? She sat in the sofa changing the TV channels in frustration. She was enraged by what was going on between Jesse and Sandra. “Are these people sure it is only work they are doing? Jesse doesn’t seem to care that I am around. I, Jasmine of all people!! I remember those days Jesse was chasing me around. Now, look at me competing for his attention with this ugly girl! Who would have thought!? Anyway, I am fed up with this empty life of mine. Jesse is the solution to my emptiness. I have to make this work. This lady is a real threat to my happiness and anything that stands in the way of Jasbaby’s happiness must be eliminated,” Jasmine spoke indistinctly to herself. She couldn’t control her anger and jealousy anymore. She needed to get out before she does something she would regret. She was trying as much as possible not to show her true colors to Jesse. She didn’t want to fight another lady in his sight. She knew that would make Jesse lose respect for her. She got up and went to where Jesse and Sandra were seated. “Jesse, I have to get home immediately. I have to attend to something urgently. I can see you are busy as well. I will pass by later,” Jasmine said and excused herself. She didn’t even respond when Sandra bade her goodbye. She gave Jesse a hug and went out. Sandra was happy within that Jasmine had left. She was excited that she was able to capture the attention of Jesse. They were becoming closer and she needed to work more. When Jasmine got into her car, she quickly took her phone and called her friends. They all knew about her plans and were excited for her. Actually, they had similar plans too. To have a serious boyfriend whom they can fill their emptiness with. They were angry when Jasmine told them about the ordeal she had to go through in Jesse’s house. “Come over, girl! We are at the club. This is a serious issue that needs urgent attention. Come and let us decide how best we can solve the situation. You can’t lose your man to any stupid girl. We are all here waiting for you. No one can mess with us!! Get here as soon as possible,” said one of Jasmine’s friends. She was nicknamed “Friendly Tigress” because of her ability to switch between being nice and unpleasant. She was also known for using her fingernails and other sharp objects to disfigure peoples faces. …to be continued
31 May 2019 | 02:54
its all Jesse's fault,,, he shouldn't Hav given Jasmine an opportunity to be his gf so soon
31 May 2019 | 05:03
It now looks like Sandra will soon enter into serious problem
31 May 2019 | 07:05
Am not sure of Sandra's safety
31 May 2019 | 08:11
Oh Sandra u Not Safe From That Prostitute
31 May 2019 | 16:38
Jesse's at fault I think
31 May 2019 | 17:18
Sandy I think u aren't safe here,but I pray God should interven in ur case
31 May 2019 | 19:04
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 9 © Lewis Dampson “Come over, girl! We are at the club. This is a serious issue that needs urgent attention. Come and let us decide how best we can solve the situation. You can’t lose your man to any stupid girl. We are all here waiting for you. No one messes with us!! Get here as soon as possible,” said one of Jasmine’s friends. She was nicknamed “Friendly Tigress” because of her ability to switch between being nice and unpleasant. She was also known for using her fingernails and other sharp objects to disfigure peoples faces. Jasmine’s friends were waiting for her when she drove to the nightclub. They had managed to call other girls to come join them. “To touch one is to touch all” was their code. So they all joined to lend a helping hand when one member had an issue. Jasmine went straight into the club when she got down from her car. She located her friends at the left corner of the club. Some of them had blacked out due to excessive usage of narcotics and alcohol. The ones who were still conscious waved at her to come over to where they were. Jasmine quickly made her way there and took a seat. “Jasmine!!… Jasmine!!!… What were you saying on the phone!!!?” One of the friends screamed trying her best to make her voice pitch go higher than that of the loud music. “You said what!!!?” Jasmine asked in a loud voice. Since they couldn’t hear each other due to the loud sound from the passive speakers and subwoofers, they decided to take their discussion outside. When they got out of the club, they decided to hold the meeting at the parking lot of the club. They all went to where Jasmine had parked her car. “Girl, we are all here now. Let your problem be known,” said Friendly Tigress. “Girls, you wouldn’t believe it. I went to surprise my bae today and I got surprised. You know how our business is like. After we have been roughed by those men, it is necessary to go back into the arms of a loving man to fill the emptiness. I went to the supermarket the other day and chanced upon one guy that had been after me in school. He proposed several times and I rejected him. When I saw him, I just knew I had come across what I have been looking for. I looked at his finger and realized there was no ring on it. I was excited. Fortunately for me, he had just come out of a relationship. You know me girls! I behaved like a good girl and was successful in accompanying him home. I cooked for him and had a nice time with him. That was when I received the impromptu call from Madam Diaz to go to Paris with that man. I came back yesterday and went to his house only to discover that another lady had come to take my place. Can you imagine!!?? She wants to replace me. Although he is so dumb to notice what the lady is trying to do, I have seen it all. I won’t allow that,” Jasmine explained. The girls listened with a rapt attention. “Jasbaby! I feel for you. Don’t worry, we will fix everything. We are with you, dear,” One of the girls said. “So is this the reason why you dragged us from the club to this place. Please, there is a customer waiting for me there. I have to go before someone takes him away,” another girl said and left. Other two ladies followed her and left as well. “Jasbaby, don’t mind them. They are jealous of you. We will help you to deal with that lady. Come on girls, any suggestions?” Friendly Tigress asked. One of the girls lifted up her hand to indicate she had a suggestion. “Yes, Sheila, we are all ears,” said Friendly Tigress. “Let us organize ourselves, cross her path and beat her mercilessly. We will warn her to stay clear of Jasmine’s guy after beating her. I think that will put fear in her,” said Sheila. “That is not a good idea, Sheila. She will identify our faces if we do that. The police will arrest us later on. We need a plan that won’t compromise us,” said Friendly Tigress. Another hand was lifted up and the lady was asked to speak. “Why don’t we try an acid attack? With that, she wouldn’t be able to see our faces since she wouldn’t be expecting it and the acid will burn her face away after all. What do you think?” the lady asked. ” That is a perfect idea, Fatima. That is exactly what we are going to do,” Friendly Tigress said. Jasmine stood there and listened to the suggestions. She was pleased with Fatima’s suggestion. The acid attack will make Sandra unattractive to Jesse. “I know Jesse. He likes pretty faces. She won’t have a pretty face to compete with me after I am through with her,” Jasmine said and smiled. “So when do you suggest we attack?” Friendly Tigress asked Jasmine. “I will trail her and call you girls when it is appropriate for us to strike. So you girls should stand by,” Jasmine said. “Alright, Jasmine. We will be waiting,” said Sheila. “I am grateful girls for the support. You have made me aware of the great friends I have,” Jasmine said and hugged Friendly Tigress. The others joined the group hug. The girls later separated and Jasmine went back to her apartment to scheme. Jasmine woke up early the following day. The evil plans in her mind wouldn’t allow her to sleep throughout the night. She thought about how to execute the plan the girls suggested without leaving any trace to herself. The main issue that got her thinking was how she was going to trail Sandra. She didn’t even know where she lived in the first place. As she was pacing in her room, an idea came to her mind. She remembered Jesse said he worked with her when he was introducing them to each other. If that was the case, then she could start from there. She will follow her after work to her house. She smiled when this idea came to mind. Indeed, it is easy to device the instruments of destruction for the fall of another man. She quickly got ready and left to the company Jesse was working for. She wanted to be there on time to see if they both go to work together. She sat in her car for thirty minutes when she spotted a bus stopping in front of the company. She became alert. Lo and behold, Jesse and Sandra alighted from the bus. They walked together to the building amidst chatting and laughing. This rather got her irritated the more. She was now more resolved than ever to go through with the scheme. “I will stay here till they close. After all, I am free today,” Jasmine said and relaxed in her car. A lot of funny thoughts were occurring to her and she yielded to them. She now wanted to hurt Sandra so bad for coming close to her presumed sweetheart. True to her words, she waited for Jesse and Sandra to close from work. She only got down from the car occasionally to buy food or pee. She watched them as they came to stand at the bus stop waiting for a bus. She just couldn’t stand the sight of them being happy together. Her jealousy knew no bounds. Finally, a bus pulled up after ten minutes and they boarded it. Jasmine followed the bus with her car. She wanted to know where Sandra lived so she could make a call to her friends. Sandra and Jesse got out of the bus when they got to their destination. Jasmine stopped since she didn’t want Jesse to notice her. She decided to follow them from a distance since they were on foot. Jesse and Sandra parted ways when Sandra got to her junction. Jasmine was happy when she realized that Sandra was alone on the road. There was no one in sight. “Or should I forget about these girls and run this stupid girl over with my car? There is no one around. I can quickly speed off after that,” Jasmine contemplated. Now, she was torn between running Sandra over with her car or calling the girls to go ahead with the acid attack. Both had their advantages and disadvantages. Which of them was she going to decide on? Do you think Sandra will survive the diabolic plans Jasmine has for her? …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 10 © Lewis Dampson Jesse and Sandra parted ways when Sandra got to her junction. Jasmine was happy when she realized that Sandra was alone on the road. There was no one in sight. “Or I should forget about these girls and run this stupid girl over with my car. There is no one around. I will quickly speed off,” Jasmine contemplated. Now, she was torn between running Sandra over with her car or calling the girls to go ahead with the acid attack. Both had their advantages and disadvantages. Which of them was she going to decide on? Jasmine looked into the side mirrors to see if any car was behind her. He looked around and the road still appeared empty except for Sandra walking along its lanes. “This is a blessing in disguise. I need not to bother myself to involve all these girls in this issue. This issue can be solved here and now! There is no one around to play witness if I run this girl over,” said Jasmine as she decided to hit Sandra with her car. Meanwhile, Sandra was having nostalgia about her moments with Jesse as she walked. She wished she would be by his side always. She smiled and giggled as she walked. Jasmine on the other hand was coming at top speed towards Sandra. Her main aim was hit to kill. Sandra couldn’t see the car approaching her direction since she was so engrossed in her daydreaming about Jesse. The next thing she knew was darkness. Jasmine had hit Sandra with the car and sped off. Sandra laid on the street unconscious. Her bag and the items in it were littered on the street with her shoes far separated from each other. Finally, someone came to the scene and saw the almost lifeless body of Sandra lying on the street minutes after the accident. He quickly called the attention of the neighbors and Sandra was rushed to the hospital. Sandra regained consciousness on the way to the hospital, but was still not able to move a limb. “Girl! What is happening? We have been waiting for your call to come over. The acid is ready,” said Friendly Tigress over the phone with Jasmine. “Don’t worry, girl. There is no need for the acid attack. God had indeed fought for me. He knows that Jesse belongs to me. He provided a way for me to deal with that rat! Opportunity presented itself from above, and I utilized it,” Sandra responded. “What are you saying at all? I didn’t understand a sentence of what you just said,” Friendly Tigress lamented. “Okay let me explain. As I was trailing the girl, I followed her unto a lonely road. There was no on in sight. It was as if nature knew what I was about to do and had planned and arranged everything for me. I thought about it and decided to run over that fool with my car. Girl, I did it and there was no witness. I am sure she is saying “hi” to her ancestors in the land of the dead. I am happy girl! I am taking all of you out today. Everything is on me. You can drink as much as you want,” said Jasmine. “I see. Then this calls for celebration as you said. I will inform the girls immediately. Now, the threat has finally been eliminated,” Friendly Tigress said cheerfully. Jasmine decided to visit her friends after she ended the call. She had to find a way to ditch the car she used for the crime and only one person could be of help-Friendly Tigress. Sandra was taken to the emergency ward when the people took her to the hospital. The doctor attended to her to access the degree of damage. He realized that she was still breathing. “You guys are lucky. She is still breathing and her pulse is okay. We need to do few things and take an X-ray of her skeletal system to know which bones are broken or not,” said the doctor to the people that brought Sandra to the hospital. Jesse was in his house trying to prepare himself dinner when he heard a lot of noise and movements outside his house. He ignored it, but realized later that many people were pouring in and the noise was increasing. He opened his window and saw that all the people were coming from a particular direction. From the look on their faces, it looked like something bad had happened in the neighborhood. He didn’t know what happened to him. He became curious all of a sudden. That had never happened to him before. He got out of the house to inquire. He saw a woman coming towards his direction and approached her. “Please, why are you all coming from that direction? What is happening?” Jesse asked. “Hmm.. It is very sad. I was in my house and heard that a car had knocked down one pretty lady in the neighborhood. She was rushed to the hospital before I got to the scene. According to the people who saw her, they said it was a sad scene. The awkward thing about the whole incident was that, the driver didn’t stop. No one even saw the driver or the car,” the woman reported. “Oh, that is sad. Who is this girl?” Jesse asked. “I don’t know her in person, but I heard some people saying she is called Sandra and lives in the neighborhood,” said the woman. “Hmm… That is very sad. She even bears the name of a friend. I am really sorry for her. I hope nothing bad happens to her. Anyway, thank you,” Jesse said and went back into his house to continue his cooking. To him, Sandra was coming over to his place in the evening and he wanted to surprise her with a nice meal. Within few hours, the doctor came with the results from the X-ray. “We are lucky she didn’t sustain major injuries. She sustained some fracture in the patella and tibia of her left leg. There were also minor fractures in the scapula and humerus of her arm. She will be fine in few weeks. I was happy the damage didn’t occur at her spinal cord area. She would have been left paralyzed. We will take her to a different ward by tomorrow,” the doctor said to the Good Samaritans. “Thank you doctor. But, we are not her family. We found her lying on the streets and brought her to the hospital,” a man said. “Do you know his family?” the doctor asked. “No doctor. She lives in her house alone. She relocated to the neighborhood last year because of her work,” another man responded. “I see. You should try to contact her family or anyone close to her. It is necessary. Excuse me, I have to attend to other patients,” the doctor said and left them. They all left the hospital when they realized Sandra was out of danger. Jesse had waited for Sandra for several hours, but she wasn’t showing up. He tried calling her, but her phone was switched off. He waited for another thirty minutes, but there was still no sign of Sandra. He decided to go to her house to check on her. Maybe she was so tired from the tons of paperwork they had to review that day and was sleeping. He dressed and headed to Sandra’s house. He got to her house and realized the gate was locked. It definitely looked like there was no one in the house. “Where could Sandra be? We have to go through the financial statements before tomorrow. Where could she be at this time of the day? Has she gone on a date? No, that is not possible. Sandra vividly told me she wasn’t having a boyfriend,” Jesse said while he still struggled to find the whereabouts of Sandra. He walked back to his house. When he was almost getting to his house. He saw someone standing at the gate. Initially he thought it was Sandra, but realized the person had parked a car. He knew immediately it was Jasmine. Jasmine had come to visit him and he wasn’t even in the mood to talk to her. He was worried about Sandra. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. “When the woman I spoke to earlier today talked about the accident, she said the name of the victim was Sandra. Could it be my Sandra? No way!! Why am I even thinking this way? I saw Sandra this afternoon. It can’t be her. Let me not think about these things or it might happen,” Jesse thought about these things as he was approaching Jasmine. “Hello, baby. I have really missed you. Come and give your honey a hug,” Jasmine said and went to hug Jesse. “I have a surprise for you this evening ?” said Jasmine. “And what can this surprise be? I have a lot on my mind, Jasmine. I am stressed already,” said Jesse. “Don’t worry, dear. That is why I am here. By the time I am gone, stress will be history to you,” Jasmine said and wrapped her arms around Jesse. “Let us go inside first. I can’t surprise you while we are still outside,” continued Jasmine. She entered the house with Jesse. …to be continued
1 Jun 2019 | 03:26
Jesse! I'm just pitying you cos it'll be a nightmare if you eventually fall into Jasmine trap
1 Jun 2019 | 03:41
Wicked soul
1 Jun 2019 | 10:37
Jasmine ur plan we not work bec Sandra didn't do anything to u
1 Jun 2019 | 17:47
bAd girl
1 Jun 2019 | 18:11
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 11 © Lewis Dampson Suddenly, he had a thought. “When the woman I spoke to earlier today talked about the accident, she said the name of the victim was Sandra. Could it be my Sandra? No way!! Why am I even thinking this way? I saw Sandra this afternoon. It can’t be her. Let me not think about these things or it might happen,” Jesse thought about these things as he was approaching Jasmine. “Hello, baby. I have really missed you. Come give your honey a hug,” Jasmine said and went to hug Jesse. “I have a surprise for you this evening ?” said Jasmine. “And what can this surprise be? I have a lot on my mind, Jasmine. I am stressed already,” said Jesse. “Don’t worry dear. That is why I am here. By the time I am gone, stress will be history to you,” Jasmine said and wrapped her arms around Jesse. “Let us go inside first. I can’t surprise you while we are still outside,” continued Jasmine. She entered the house with Jesse. “Okay, we are now in the house. What is this big surprise that couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Jesse asked. “Why are you in a rush, Jesse? Okay, I will tell you now. I have come to spend the night with you today,” said Jasmine. “Really!? Why didn’t you inform me before coming?” Jesse quizzed her. “I don’t understand you Jesse! Should I call to book an appointment to spend some time with my boyfriend?” Jasmine asked I return. Now, few years back, Jesse would have been thrilled to be granted this opportunity. The girl he had been daydreaming about was now offering herself to him on a silver platter. But Jesse wasn’t so enthused about the whole thing. He was so worried about the whereabouts of Sandra and that was the only thing on his mind. “Jasmine, I am not saying that. I have told you about the pressure from work. I have some work I need to finish before tomorrow. A work I can’t finish if I take time off to keep you company. I was even waiting for Sandra to show up to help me with something, but she hasn’t come. She is good with those stuffs. I can’t seem to know her whereabouts. Only if I could see her so…. “ Jesse’s statement was interjected by Jasmine. “Why is it that you always bring that girl before me! Any time I want to spend time with you, she is either here or you let us spend all the time discussing her. What is going on between the two of you? Am I not good enough for you?” Jasmine lamented. “That is not the case, Jasmine. I am not putting her first. It is just that I am worried about her. I feel so uneasy. And we need to go through this work before tomorrow,” Jesse explained. “Please, give me a break! Sandra this, Sandra that!! I am so tired of you. I even wish she is dead so that she would stop interfering in my relationship,” Jasmine flared up. “How can you wish that sort of thing on a fellow human, Jasmine. I didn’t expect that from you at all,” said Jesse. “I am sorry, dear. It was just a slip of tongue,” Jasmine said trying to explain. “Please, I have had enough of this. I want to continue with my work since Sandra is not coming. I have to stay up all night to figure things out. I will see you some other time, “ said Jesse. “Jesse, are you sacking me from your house?” Jasmine asked. “No, Jasmine . I am just asking for an excuse to work. Please don’t misunderstand me,” said Jesse. Jasmine got angry and left. She banged the door on her way out, walked to her car and sped off lividly. Jesse sighed and brought out his briefcase. He brought out the account statements and began to work on them. While he was still at it, his doorbell rang. He quickly dropped what he was doing and went to see who was at the door. “Hello, are you Jesse?” the man standing in the doorway asked. “Yes, I am, Jesse and how may I help you?” Jesse asked. “Err.. Do you know of any young lady by name Sandra?” asked the man. “Yes, please. She is a very good friend of mine. I was even expecting her this evening, but she hadn’t shown up,” Jesse responded. “Well, that is understandable since she is at the hospital,” the man said finally. “Hospital? Why is she at a hospital? She didn’t tell me she was sick this afternoon when we came back from work? How then would she end up in a hospital?” Jesse asked rhetorically. “She was knocked down by a car this afternoon on her way from work. I happened to be part of the people who took her to the hospital. She has been mentioning your name since she regained consciousness. She finally gave us your address. That is why I am here. You need to go and see her, “ said the man. Jesse became confused. He didn’t know what to do to himself. What he feared most had happened. It occurred to him that the accident the woman was talking about was concerning her own Sandra. He had assumed it for a different Sandra. Without much thinking, he locked his door and stepped out with his bathroom slippers to the hospital. He boarded a taxi with the man and headed to the hospital where Sandra was admitted. Jasmine was so bored that she wanted to go to the club to blow off some steam. She could channel her anger into work. She wouldn’t mind who her customer would be. All she needed was to engage in something that would take her mind off Jesse. “Look at all I did because of him and he still thinks about that girl. Just imagine him asking me to leave his house. I went to offer myself to him and he rejected me like a plague!! Just imagine!! Does he know how much people pay to spend an hour with me? People pay huge sums of money to patronize me and this guy treated me like I didn’t matter. Upon hitting that stupid girl with car, I still don’t have his attention. I risked everything for him. I could have gone to jail for that,” Jasmine complained as she drove to the nightclub. There were lots of activities going on in the nightclub when she got there. She went to the bartender and bought few drinks to calm herself. She lit a cigarette and started smoking. As she sat down puffing the smoke from the cigarette, a gentleman walked up to her. She had been in the business for long and she knew what that meant. She knew the guy was a potential customer. “Hello, pretty. Can I sit beside you?” the gentleman asked. “Please, Mister. Cut to the chase. We all know what you want so stop pulling out those cards. Hit the nail on the head. I am not your girlfriend for you to flatter,” Jasmine said harshly. The gentleman smiled and went straight to the point. He told her he wanted to patronize her for the night which she agreed. She agreed on a low fee which she wouldn’t if she wasn’t depressed. She followed the young guy out of the club to a hotel. Few minutes later, her friends also came to the nightclub. They were now coming to start work. One of them moved to the bartender. “Have you seen any gentleman in a dark-blue suit around? He said he was waiting for me here, “ Sheila asked the bartender. “Oh, yes. He was here some minutes ago,” the bartender answered. “And where is he? Do you know which way he went?” Sheila asked again. “He went out with Jasmine before you guys came in,” the bartender responded. “What!!? That is my favorite customer. Why would Jasmine do that to me? Everyone knows he is my customer. Why is that girl so greedy. After all the customers that are at her disposal, she wants to steal this one too from me!! She will come and meet me here!!” Sheila exclaimed and went to sit on one of the seats in the club waiting for Jasmine to show up. Jasmine finally came back in an hour. Sheila confronted her immediately she set eyes on her. “Thief!! Thief!! Why are you so greedy, Jasmine? Eh? Tell me! After luring all the customers with your charm, you dare come and steal this one too from me? Do you know how I struggled to nail him? After all I did for you, is this how you appreciate my efforts?” Sheila asked in anger. “What are you ranting about? Is it the guy I just went out with? Is he the reason you are trying to disgrace me? Let me tell you something, that guy is not my class. I even considered him because I was not feeling well. I am done with him. He is all yours now. Not that I need him anyway,” Jasmine said and shoved Sheila aside. Sheila grabbed her by the hair and slapped her. Jasmine retaliated and a fight broke out. The other girls came to separate them and they were both sent out of the club. “I will deal with you, Jasmine. Watch out!! And I mean it,” Sheila threatened. “There is nothing you can do, my friend. Go to hell!!” Jasmine retorted, entered her car and drove off. …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 12 © Lewis Dampson Jasmine finally came back in an hour. Sheila confronted her immediately she set eyes on her. “Thief!! Thief!! Why are you so greedy, Jasmine? Eh? Tell me! After luring all the customers with your charm, you dare come and steal this one too from me? Do you know how I struggled to nail him? After all I did for you, is this how you appreciate my efforts?” Sheila asked in anger. “What are you ranting about? Is it the guy I just went out with? Is he the reason you are trying to disgrace me? Let me tell you something, that guy is not my class. I even considered him because I was not feeling well. I am done with him. He is all yours now. Not that I need him anyway,” Jasmine said and shoved Sheila aside. Sheila grabbed her by the hair and slapped her. Jasmine retaliated and a fight broke out. The other girls came to separate them and they were both sent out of the club. “I will deal with you, Jasmine. Watch out!! And I mean it,” Sheila threatened. “There is nothing you can do, my friend. Go to hell!!” Jasmine retorted, entered her car and drove off. Jesse went straight to Sandra’s bed when he got to the hospital. He was really shocked that it was real that Sandra was hit by a car. “Jesse, you are here,” said Sandra indistinctly when she opened her eyes and saw Jesse sitting beside her bed. “Go back to sleep, Sandra. You need rest. I will be here when you wake up,” said Jesse to Sandra. He held her other unaffected hand and waited for her to go back to sleep. He got up and went straight to the doctor’s office. He knocked on the door of the doctor’s office and was asked to enter. “Please, have a seat,” said the doctor to Jesse. Jesse sat on the chair opposite the doctor. “What can I do for you, gentleman?” asked the doctor. “Please, I am a friend of Sandra’s. The lady who was hit by a car. I came to inquire if there is anything I need to do,” responded Jesse. “Finally! Someone who knows her in person has shown up. What about her family? Are any of them reachable?” the doctor asked again. “None I know of, doctor. We recently got acquainted. I don’t really know about that part of her life yet. But, her family is not in this town. She relocated to this place because of work. That is why I am here. I want the bails so that I can settle them,” responded Jesse. “Alright, young man. You can go to the cashier with this folder. He will tell you how much you are to pay,” said the doctor as he gave Sandra’s hospital folder to Jesse. Jesse thanked him and went to the Cashier. Jasmine got to the house very bored. She was really angry at Sheila for trying to disgrace her at the nightclub. “Just imagine!! Sheila coming to fight with me over that broke guy. If not for the fact that I needed something to do to occupy my mind, how on earth would I have stoop so low to his standard. I regret allowing myself to be patronize that customer. I didn’t even know he was Sheila’s customer. Anyway, that is how the game is. We fight today and laugh tomorrow. I guess we all had stuffs to deal with. Everything will be fine by tomorrow,” said Jasmine to herself as she laid down to sleep. She was asleep in no time because she was weary. Sandra woke up the next day to find Jesse sleeping in the chair beside. She tried to move and touch him, but wasn’t able to do that because of the pain she was feeling. She just smiled and watched him for a long time. Jesse finally woke up and saw Sandra staring at him. “Good morning, sleeping handsome,” Sandra teased while Jesse rubbed his eyes. “You are awake, Sandra. That is very good. I am happy to see you smile,” Jesse confessed. “Aren’t you going to work? It is past 8:00am,”Sandra asked. “Don’t worry about work, Sandra. Your life is more important. I called the office to inform them of the situation. I told them you had no relative around, so I was given a day off to attend to you. I will go to work tomorrow,” said Jesse. “That is very nice of you, Jesse, ”Sandra said with lots of emotions. They became quiet for sometime. Jesse held her hand again and spoke. “Sandra, I didn’t realized I have grown fond of you until I thought I lost you. You are a nice person and please don’t scare me again. I don’t want to lose you. You have been such a wonderful person in my life, Jesse said. Sandra’s face gleamed as she heard those words from Jesse. She was about to talk when they were interrupted by a phone call. Apparently, someone was calling Jesse. Jesse looked on his phone and realized it was Jasmine calling. “Hello, Jesse, my dear. How are you this morning,” Jasmine said when Jesse picked the call. “I am doing well, Jasmine,” Jesse replied. Sandra’s countenance changed when she realized Jesse was speaking to Jasmine. She became jealous. “I want to apologize for yesterday. I wasn’t myself. I had been stressed lately. I am sorry for the outburst, Jesse. Please forgive me,” said Jasmine .”Don’t worry, Jasmine. I understand and I am not mad at you either, Jesse said to the relief of Jasmine. “I am glad to hear that sweetheart. How is work?” Jasmine asked. “Oh, I wasn’t able to go to work today,” Jesse answered. Jasmine smiled when she heard that. That meant she could have some alone time with Jesse. She thought that after all, Sandra was out of the way now. “What is wrong, Jesse? Are you not feeling well? I could come over to your place,” said Jasmine. “I am fine, dear. I am at the hospital at the moment,” Jesse replied. “Hospital? Why would you be in the hospital if you are well?” Jasmine asked curiously. “It is Sandra, my dear. She had an accident yesterday. That was why she couldn’t come to my place yesterday,” Jesse explained. “Is she dead!!” Jasmine asked with a lot of anticipation. “No! She is not dead. She sustained some injures, but the doctor said she will be fine,” said Jesse. “I see. That is good news,” Jasmine said indistinctly. “But, why has your voice gone down all of a sudden?” Jesse asked. “Nothing, it is just that I am sad,” said Jasmine. “Me too, Jasmine, but I am happy she didn’t die as a result of the accident,” Jesse said. “Same here. You know what Jesse? I have to attend to something right now. I will call you back later,” Jasmine lied. “Oh, sure,” Jesse said. With that Jasmine ended the call. Jasmine was confused. She paced her room for several minutes in confusion. “How could this girl survive the accident. I intentionally hit her hard because I wanted her dead. Now this is worse. Jesse will now be spending more time with her because she is in the hospital. I know him. He is always drawn to weakness. I have to do something. But, what should I do? Should I go to the hospital and finish what I started? No! that is a bad idea. I might get caught. Most hospitals have surveillance cameras and my face will be captured. What should I do now? I think I should call the girls to discuss this with them. Friendly Tigress and Sheila always have solutions to issues like this. Yes! I will call and go to them for more ideas. Sheila can help me. Come to think of it. Would she? Considering what happened yesterday. Oh, that is nothing. I know Sheila. She had a lot to drink yesterday. I think she won’t even remember what happened yesterday and even if she does, it is no big deal. Stuffs like this happen all the time. She will forgive me,” Jasmine brooded over these thoughts as she paced in her room. What do you think Sheila will do? Is it true she had forgotten about the fight? …to be continued
1 Jun 2019 | 19:35
hahahaha u end is near
2 Jun 2019 | 09:05
Sheila is the game changer
2 Jun 2019 | 17:00
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 13 © Lewis Dampson Jasmine was confused. She paced her room for several minutes in confusion. “How could this girl survive the accident. I intentionally hit her hard because I wanted her dead. Now this is worse. Jesse will now be spending more time with her because she is in the hospital. I know him. He is always drawn to weakness. I have to do something. But, what should I do? Should I go to the hospital and finish what I started? No! that is a bad idea. I might get caught. Most hospitals have surveillance cameras and my face will be captured. What should I do now? I think I should call the girls to discuss this with them. Friendly Tigress and Sheila always have solutions to issues like this. Yes! I will call and go to them for more ideas. Sheila can help me. Come to think of it. Would she? Considering what happened yesterday. Oh, that is nothing. I know Sheila. She had a lot to drink yesterday. I think she won’t even remember what happened yesterday and even if she does, it is no big deal. Stuffs like this happen all the time. She will forgive me,” Jasmine brooded over these thoughts as she paced in her room. With this in mind, Jasmine tried to reach her friends on phone. As expected, Sheila didn’t pick her calls and she couldn’t get through to Friendly Tigress. This made Jasmine more confused as she didn’t know what to do at the time. Finally, Sheila picked up. “Yes!! What is it!!? Why are you bothering me at this time of the night!!? Eh!!? After stealing my customer from me, you dare call my line again!!? You ingrate!!” Sheila exclaimed. “Sheila, I deserve all those words you are using. I am so sorry for doing that to you. The truth is that, i was going through a tough time at that moment and didn’t even know he was your customer. I should have apologized immediately, but I had so much to drink that i wasn’t thinking clearly. Please forgive me. You know you are family. I have nowhere to run to except to you,” Jasmine apologized. Sheila remained silent on the phone for a while before she spoke. “I know you are apologizing because you need something from me. I know you, Jasmine. I know you both internally and externally. Anyway, as you said, we are family. So I have forgiven you. Now, let us discuss the reason you called. What can I help you with?” Sheila asked. “Yes! Can you believe that goat is still alive?” Jasmine said. “Which goat are you referring to?” Sheila asked in amazement. “I am talking about, Sandra. The lady chasing after my man. She survived the accident, my dear. I don’t know what to do again. I thought she died. Jesse has been spending all his time with her. I can’t even get through to him. I need to do something about it, Sheila and I need your suggestion,” Jasmine lamented. The line was silent for a while again. “Hello… Sheila… Are you listening to me?” Jasmine asked. “Of course, I am. I was just thinking about how to help you solve this problem once and for all. Now listen to me carefully. If you allow this girl to recover, you will lose your man to her. I suggest you finish the game while she is still in the hospital,” Sheila suggested. “I thought about that earlier, but it didn’t sound like a good option,” said Jasmine still confused. “Listen to me. You can do this secretly in the hospital without anyone knowing. I believe Jesse will be in the hospital by now. Just go there and pretend you are sad about what is going on with that girl. Gain his trust to gain access to her. Then finish her off when no one is watching,” Sheila suggested. “Hmm… What about if I am caught? What will I even use to finish her off?” Jasmine asked. “You are a smart girl, Jasmine. I know you will figure something out once you are near her,” Sheila responded. “If You say so. I am leaving my right now to the hospital. I will give you feedback when I get back. Thank you very much , Sheila,” said Jasmine thankfully. “The pleasure is all mine,” Sheila responded and hung up. Jasmine immediately dressed up and headed to the hospital. Jesse was still at the hospital although it was very late. Sandra was worried within because Jesse would have to go to work the next morning. She had tried severally to make Jesse go home, but he still stood his grounds on staying a bit longer. “Sandra, life is more important than work,” was what Jesse often repeated when Sandra tried to persuade him to go home. Sandra knew there was no way she would win the battle. She gave up and slept while Jesse stood outside the door, but peeped through the glass in the door to watch her. He was so much into his own world when a tap on his shoulder brought him to reality. He turned to see who had tapped him. He was kind of surprised to see Jasmine in the hospital at that ungodly hour. “Jasmine, what are you still doing here? Don’t tell me you went to my house to look for me?” Jesse asked. “I didn’t do that, dear. I knew you will be here so I came straight to this place. You know, I can’t leave you to bear this alone. I can see you care so much for this lady and I am here to support in any way,” Jasmine told Jesse. Jesse was impressed by the words of Jasmine. “That is so nice of you, Jasmine. It is very helpful and encouraging,” said Jesse. “It is late, honey. You have work tomorrow. I think you should go and rest and come back tomorrow. How can you help her if you get sick by stressing yourself. I will give you a ride home,” Jasmine suggested. “You have a good point there, Jasmine. Let us go. I will pass by to check on her in the morning before going to work,” said Jesse finally. Jasmine was happy that her plan was going according to plan. She intentionally left her bracelet on the floor close to the door where Sandra laid. She gave a wry smile and went along with Jesse. “Jesse, have you seen my bracelet anywhere,” said Jasmine as she began rummaging through her bag when they got into the car. “I am sure you left it in the house,” responded Jesse.” No, it was on my wrist when I entered into the hospital,” Jasmine insisted. “Really!!? Then maybe it fell off your hand while we were coming out. Go and check in the hospital. For all you know, it will be lying on the floor,” Jesse suggested. “I think so, Jesse. Please wait for me, okay? I will be back in no time,” Jasmine assured him and stepped out of the car. She went back into the hospital. Jasmine was discrete about her movements. She made sure that she wasn’t noticed approaching Sandra’s room. She was able to unlock the door without being spotted. Lo and behold, there laid Sandra on the bed with Jasmine standing right next to her staring at her. “Stupid girl! You think you can mess with my boyfriend and go scot-free. I will give you a free visa to meet your Creator,” Jasmine said in her mind as she picked a pillow from the bed Sandra was slept on. She immediately pressed the pillow on Sandra’s face suffocating her in the process. Sandra woke up from her sleep, but was helpless. She couldn’t scream for help or fight back because of her broken arm and leg. She was at the mercy of Jasmine. Jasmine continued to suffocate Sandra. She wanted to achieve her goal in the short time she had. She mercilessly added her weight to fasten the process. All of a sudden, two police officers barged into the room and caught Jasmine red-handed trying to kill Sandra. They immediately stopped her and arrested her. The policemen alerted the nurses who immediately attended to Sandra. Sandra was immediately put on oxygen. Jasmine was dragged out the room in handcuffs. She was shocked and surprise. How could the police find her? There was no policeman around when she was entering. She knew she was in serious trouble. Right at the reception, she saw Sheila. Sheila looked at her and gave out a wry smile. Jasmine immediately knew that it was Sheila who alerted the police. It was Sheila who betrayed her. She thought she was a friend. It seemed Sheila meant her threat at the nightclub. …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 14 © Lewis Dampson All of a sudden, two police officers barged into the room and caught Jasmine red-handed trying to kill Sandra. They immediately stopped her and arrested her. The policemen alerted the nurses who immediately attended to Sandra. Sandra was immediately put on oxygen. Jasmine was dragged out the room in handcuffs. She was shocked and surprise. How could the police find her? There was no policeman around when she was entering. She knew she was in serious trouble. Right at the reception, she saw Sheila. Sheila looked at her and gave her a wry smile. Jasmine immediately knew that it was Sheila who alerted the police. She thought she was a friend. It seemed Sheila meant her threat at the nightclub. Jesse was sitting in the car when he saw policemen entering into the hospital. He didn’t seem much bothered initially since he thought they might be there on night patrols. He waited for some time, but Jasmine wasn’t coming out of the hospital. “What is keeping this girl? Doesn’t she know I have to return to this hospital early in the morning,” said Jesse in frustration. Jesse became tensed with the intensity of the police presence. He was wondering why there was a heavy presence of the police at the hospital at that time of the day. “I have to get inside and get Jasmine. It seems there is something wrong. Yea! That explains why she has kept long inside the hospital. I need to get her,” Jesse said and got out of the car. To his amazement, he saw Jasmine coming out of the building surrounded by two policemen. He also noticed her hands were behind her. He was glad to see her. He thought the police were evacuating the building and had found Jasmine. He ran towards her direction only to be stopped by a policeman. “My friend!! Where do you think you are going to?” The policeman asked with a harsh tone. The look on his face frightened Jesse. “I am going for my girl. There she is,” Jesse responded while pointing at Jasmine. “That! She is under arrest,” said the policeman. Jesse was shocked and confused at the same time. But, his eyes were not deceiving him. Jasmine was indeed in handcuffs and he was dumbfounded. Nothing could express the shock on Jesse’s face as he watched Jasmine being tossed into the police car. “Please sir, what did she do?” Jesse asked the officer. “She has been arrested on murder charges. She was caught red-handed trying to kill a patient,” The Police Officer explained. “What!! Are you sure of what you are saying? I was with her in the car just some minutes ago. How can this be possible?” Jesse asked back in surprise. The Officer began to suspect Jesse. “You mean you were with her before the incident took place?” the Police Officer asked ignoring Jesse’s initial question. “Yes! I was with her. A friend of mine is on admission here. I was with her when Jasmine came. We decided to go home together before we realized she had left her bracelet in the hospital. She had to go back for it,” Jesse said trying to explain himself. “And what is the name of this your friend?” The Officer asked. “Sandra is her name,” Jesse answered. “Sandra… Sandra… That is the name of the victim she tried to murder. Her name was given as Sandra,” the Officer blurted out. “I think there is a mix up somewhere. Why would Jasmine want to murder Sandra!!? This is insane and ridiculous!! It doesn’t make any sense!! They are not enemies, Officer!” Jesse exclaimed. “I am just giving you the facts. Anyway, since you know both the victim and the accused, your presence will be required at the station. You need to answer few questions,” the Officer finally said. Jesse had no other choice than to follow the Officer to the Police Station. After answering few questions in the police station, Jesse came to know the truth about Jasmine. He felt sad for not being able to see those evil traits in her. “Why would Jasmine want to do this evil thing all in the name of love. And the fact that she is a prostitute is killing me. Stealing from all those men after sleeping with them? Jasmine, the one who calls herself my girlfriend is on a police wanted list for fraud? I can’t believe this! Why is this always my case? Why do I always encounter ill-lucks in relationships. Theodora left me for another man and slashed my heart into pieces. Now, Jasmine has succeeded in ripping my heart out of my chest,” Jesse said and cried on his way home. Jesse was greatly troubled and depressed. The only thing that gave him some sort of Joy was when thoughts of Sandra came to his mind. “I have to go to the hospital to see how Sandra is doing. Oh, that poor girl! Innocent and calm as a sheep. Through no fault of hers, she is battling with death all because of that maniac called, Jasmine,” Jesse said and changed his direction from going home. He headed for the hospital. Jesse got to the hospital to find Sandra on oxygen. The door to her hospital room was being guided by policemen. Jesse knew there was no way they would allow him to enter. He stared at Sandra through the glass in the door for some time, turned around and went home. Jesse was greatly troubled when he got to the house. It was very late, but he couldn’t sleep. Sleep was not part of his problem. He was thinking if he was under a sort of curse that always lands him in the wrong relationship or he had wrong priorities. He thought about these things for a long time. “I have always wanted to be in a lasting relationship all my life. But, the more I search, the more i get unlucky. It is as if I am immune to happiness in a relationship. I poured out my heart into every relationship only to be disappointed with betrayal. How will I ever trust another woman again after this? They are all the same. The only difference is their curvatures and calving. They are all made up of the same component-betrayal!!” Jesse exclaimed as he laid on the sofa. Although Jesse said those words in his moment of frustration, he still felt different about Sandra. He knew it would be difficult for him to trust another lady, but was he going to stay single forever. He thought it would be foolish to do so. “I won’t give up. I will continue to search until I find the one who will be true to me. There is no victory without strife and trials. I need to overcome this trial. The only person I know can be true to me is, Sandra. That lady has a pure heart. And as far as I am concerned, she is not dating. The only way I can forget about Jasmine is to enter into another relationship and Sandra is the perfect choice. My only prayer is for her survives and recover quickly so I can make my intentions known to her, “ Jesse said. He smiled and went to the bedroom to get a nap. The sun would be rising soon and he had to be in the office and the hospital. Would Jesse be able to find happiness with Sandra? …to be continued
3 Jun 2019 | 02:02
Thank God the she devil has been unmasked
3 Jun 2019 | 05:07
he we tell us
3 Jun 2019 | 13:05
I think so but why he wanted to kill himself in the first place
3 Jun 2019 | 17:19
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 15 © Lewis Dampson Although Jesse said those words in his moment of frustration, he still felt different about Sandra. He knew it would be difficult for him to trust another lady, but was he going to stay single forever. He thought it would be foolish to do so. “I won’t give up. I will continue to search until I find the one who will be true to me. There is no victory without strife and trials. I need to overcome this trial. The only person I know can be true to me is Sandra. That lady has a pure heart. And as far as I know, she is not dating. The only way I can forget about Jasmine is to enter into another relationship and Sandra is the perfect choice. My only prayer is she survives and recover quickly so I can make my intentions known to her, “ Jesse said. He smiled and went to the bedroom to have a nap. Day would be breaking soon and he had to be in the office and the hospital. Jesse startled from his sleep with the thoughts of Jasmine and everything that had happened the previous day. He looked at the time and realized it was 5:30 in the morning. He got up and started preparing for work. He wanted to pass by the hospital to see how Sandra was doing. Within minutes, he was done and was out of the house en route to the hospital. Jesse was at the hospital in no time. He needed to be fast to get to the office. As expected, he saw the policemen keeping watch over Sandra. He stopped and hesitated.He was thinking if they would allow him to enter the room to see Sandra. They refused him entry just the night before and he had no choice than to go home. He gathered courage and walked up to them. “Hello, Officers. Good morning,” greeted Jesse when he got nearer to the police officers. “Good morning, Sir. How may we help you?” One of the policemen answered and asked. “Please, I am here to see the patient. I came last night, but I wasn’t able to see her. Please can I see her now?” Jesse implored. “You can go in, but you have to be searched first. We are investigating a murder case and we can’t take any risk,” said another policeman. “No problem, Sir. You can go ahead,” Jesse responded. With that Jesse was searched and allowed entry. He opened the door and was shocked by what he saw. He saw another guy in the room sitting beside Sandra. What even drew his attention was how the guy held Sandra’s hand. He held it so passionately. He wept as he spoke. Fortunately, Sandra was conscious, but was too weak to speak audibly initially. It seemed she just woke up from her sleep. Sandra was also sharing tears. Both of them seemed to be lost in their world that they couldn’t notice Jesse’s presence. Jesse stood there and eavesdropped on their conversation. “Sandra, I am very sorry I left your side. I am feeling responsible for everything you are going through now. If I were to be by your side, I believe the story would have been different from this,” the guy said amidst tears. “It is not your fault, Desmond. You had every right to go. I was happy when I heard you were dating. I knew you loved me with all your heart and I am sorry for not reciprocating the feeling,” Sandra said almost indistinctively. Now, Jesse was lost. He had no idea of where the conversation was getting to. First of all, he didn’t know Desmond. Sandra never mentioned his name in their numerous conversations. Jesse was wondering who Desmond was to Sandra. Was this how all his relationships were going to be? He just thought of Sandra as the right person and here she was catching up with God knows who. He was tempted to interrupt the conversation, but courtesy wouldn’t let him. “I am here for you, Sandra. I won’t go anywhere this time around. I tried to find happiness elsewhere, but it all ended in misery. Do you think I will leave your side again? Never! I won’t dare. I will stay by your side always. I have realized that bad things happen to us when we are separated. We are meant for each other, Sandra,” said Desmond as he wiped tears from his eyes with the back of his hand. Jesse couldn’t stand the scene anymore. His emotions were completely imbalanced at the time that he forgot about how late he was to the office. He wouldn’t have minded if it didn’t appear that Sandra was thinking about what Desmond was saying. Sandra was also weeping alongside Desmond. Jesse unintentionally kicked the door with his shoes out of nervousness. It was then, the two realized they had company. Sandra looked over Desmond’s shoulders and saw Jesse. “I am sorry for intruding. I will come back later,” Jesse said and began to fidget with the doorknob. “Jesse, I want you to meet, Desmond. He is my best friend,” Sandra said. Jesse left the doorknob and walked into the room nervously. He shook Desmond’s hand and went over to Sandra. “How are you feeling?” Jesse asked. “I am better today. I am just glad that your crazy girlfriend didn’t send me to the grave at my prime,” Sandra said teasingly. “I am really sorry for that, Sandra. Another thing, I don’t want you to refer to her as my girlfriend. It is over between us! I cannot be in a relationship with the devil,” said Jesse. “I hear you, Sir. I believe you are dressed for work?” Sandra asked. “Yes, but I decided to see you before going and I am glad you are doing okay,” Jesse said and smiled. “The doctor said I will be discharged in three days’ time. I will join you when I am discharged,” Sandra assured Jesse. Jesse just smiled and Sandra reciprocated. Meanwhile, Desmond was feeling uncomfortable with the way Jesse and Sandra had become so acquainted with each other. To the best of his knowledge, he was the only one who had that rapport with Sandra. He thought after the horrible breakup with Bella, he would come back to meet Sandra unattached. He was wondering how Jesse was able to get close to Sandra in such a short time. He knew Sandra to be a reserved person and only he had had the opportunity to penetrate her walls. Jesse excused himself after speaking with Sandra for a while to go to work. He shook hands with Desmond the second time and said goodbye. Although he was happy he had the chance to talk to Sandra, he wasn’t feeling good leaving Sandra alone with a guy who was just professing love to her. But, there was nothing he could do to help the situation. He just needed to have hope. He was already late to work and he needed to hurry. “I can see you have gotten yourself a new friend, Sandra,” said Desmond. “Oh, Jesse. He is my coworker. He is from the other company my company is having a meager with. We have indeed become close during the past few weeks. Actually, we are working together on a project,” said Sandra. “I see. That was why I wasn’t hearing from you anymore. I guess he is good at keeping company, “said Desmond jealously. Sandra just smiled and refused to comment on his statement. Desmond realizing the silence decided to ask more questions to satisfy his curiosity. “So are you guys dating or something? Because I can really see the closeness,” Desmond asked. “Oh, no. His girlfriend was the one who ran me over with her car and tried to suffocate me yesterday. She almost killed me, Desmond out of jealousy. She thought Jesse was cheating on her with me,” Sandra responded. “You got to be kidding me! You mean that maniac is his girlfriend? “Desmond asked. “Was, Desmond. He broke up with her yesterday after the incident,” Sandra blurted out. Desmond was immediately troubled when he realized that Jesse was single. He knew he was a real competition. “What are you thinking about, Desmond?” Sandra asked. “Nothing in particular, dear. Was just thinking about what I would have done if I had lost you. Considering the fact that I haven’t seen you in months. It would have been very difficult for me. I am just glad you survived. I am happy that you didn’t slip away from me, Sandra,” Desmond said passionately almost at the brink of shedding tears . Who will win the battle for the love of Sandra? …to be continued A Game Of Love and Obsession – Episode 16 © Lewis Dampson Desmond was immediately troubled when he realized that Jesse was single. He knew he was a real competition. “What are you thinking about, Desmond?” Sandra asked. “Nothing in particular, dear. Was just thinking about what I would have done if I lost you. Considering the fact that I haven’t seen you in months. It would have been very difficult for me. I am just glad you survived. I am happy that you didn’t slip away from me, Sandra,” Desmond said passionately almost at the brink of shedding tears . During Sandra’s brief moment at the hospital, both guys made it a point to visit her on daily basis. After all that Jesse had been through in the hands of his former fiancées, he was not ready to lose this one to some random guy who just surfaced out of nowhere. This time around, he wasn’t going to sit down and fold his arms like some scared cat for someone to snatch his happiness from him. He was going to fight for it. His ideology of leaving things to chance was way over. He had learnt that, in order to get what you want, strife was necessary. Likewise, Desmond saw Sandra as his soulmate. He had tried several relationships and they all didn’t workout. He always ended up crawling back to Sandra. He wasn’t going to allow some stranger who just popped out from the skies to steal his soulmate from him! He knew he and Sandra were meant to be and he got to fight for his happiness. Sandra was discharged from the hospital after two weeks. Jesse was the first to be at the hospital to drive her home. He brought a check from the office indicating that the company had paid all her medical bails in full. “I can see you are doing well now, Sandra. That is good! You could barely stand on your feet last week. I am really impressed with how fast you are healing. We miss you back at the office, but I got to confess, I miss your company more,” said Jesse as he was helping Sandra pack her belongings. “That is nice of them. It is a good feeling to know that people care about you that much. Thank you, Jesse for being there for me,” Sandra said with a smile. “We are running late, girl. We got to move before they start giving us bails o long chatting,” Jesse said and laughed. Sandra also laughed as she enjoyed Jesse’s sense of humor. Jesse carried all of Sandra’s bags to the car he brought from the company. He quickly went back and helped Sandra to the car. Sandra started laughing heartily the moment she entered the car. “What is so funny? You can share so that we can both enjoy the moment,” Jesse said and smiled. Sandra continued to laugh the more. It was as if every sentence Jesse spoke was a comic line to her. “You are freaking me out now, Sandra. Please tell me why you are laughing,” Jesse implored. “It is nothing really, Jesse. Never mind,” said Sandra. She stopped laughing when she realized what she was doing was actually getting to Jesse. “I mind, please. Tell me why,” said Jesse as he looked into Sandra’s eyes. “A thought just came to mind. A thought of the first day we met. The way you were behaving then and how you are behaving now. I just can’t correlate the two you know. But, it is all good. I knew you were this tenderhearted the first time we met and I was right,” Sandra responded. Jesse remained silent for a while, wagged his head with a smile and drove off. Just after Jesse drove off from the hospital, Desmond came to the scene. He also knew Sandra was being discharged that morning and wanted to be the one to pick her from the hospital. But, as you know, he was very late. He went to Sandra’s hospital room only to discover an empty bed. He knew he had been beaten. He knew Jesse had come to pick her up, but there was nothing to do. The only thing he could do was to find time and visit Sandra in her house. Jesse dropped Sandra in her house and drove off to work. He sought permission from work to pick Sandra from the hospital. The duration he was given to execute that job was expiring and he needed to get to the company as fast as possible. Sandra went to take a shower the moment she got into the house. She laid on her bed to rest for a while, but couldn’t. She found herself thinking about both Jesse and Desmond. She was now hit with the reality of choosing between the two. Initially, it was just Jesse in the picture, but now Desmond had been factored into the equation. “What am I going to do now? Both Jesse and Desmond are great guys and I don’t know who to go for. Desmond has been a sweetheart since school days. He has never given up on me although I never reciprocated his feelings. He has been there for me always. What if I am making a mistake of shunning the only person who knows both my good and bad attitudes, but still loves me for who I am. Look at what happened to me some weeks ago because of Jesse. I was nearly killed by that crazy girl! Who knows what will happen next if I continue with Jesse,” Sandra pondered. She got down from the bed and started pacing in her bedroom. “But, wait! What happened to me wasn’t Jesse’s fault. There was no way he could have known about that. To think of it, he is also very caring just like Desmond. To be frank with myself, I have intimate affection for him. What I feel for Desmond is more of a brotherly affection. What should I do? I’m so confused!” Sandra continued to ponder about the issue. “There is this saying that the devil you know is better than the angel you don’t know. I know Desmond very well. It will be wise for me to stick with him rather than plunging my future into the realms of the unknown. Throughout these years, I have not given him the chance to prove himself. I think I should do that now. Perhaps, this brotherly feeling might change over time,” Sandra thought as a knock on the door interrupted her thinking. Sandra ambled to the door. She was wondering who could be knocking on her door at the moment she was deciding on her future. She opened the door only to find Desmond standing in the doorway. Desmond!! I didn’t see you at the hospital today. How are you doing?” Sandra asked. “I am doing great and I am glad you are also doing fine. I went to the hospital only to realize that I was late in coming to pick you, “ Desmond said. “That is no problem, Desmond. I got someone to bring me home. Come on! Come in! The place is quite messy, but I guess you can manage. Will clean it up tomorrow, Sandra said and led Desmond into the house. Desmond brought out food and drinks. “ I knew you would be hungry now and you won’t have the strength to cook. So I bought us something, “Desmond said and went to the kitchen to get some plates and wine glasses. Sandra was surprised and shocked. She didn’t understand why Desmond was so super romantic towards her. “This is it!! I am going to give Desmond a chance. He is so good to me. I don’t want to be part those girls who get a perfect gentleman for a future husband in their reach and let them go all in the name of seeing them as mere friends or brothers. I won’t make that mistake and regret later,” Sandra said. Desmond came back with the plates and glasses on a tray. He dished out the food and they both began to eat. “Sandra, I know this is out of place considering you have just returned home from the hospital, but I have no other choice. I need to know my fate and where I stand. I believe you remember all that I told you in the hospital, “Desmond said and waited for a while for Sandra to nod in agreement before continuing. “Very good! I am glad you remember. So what is your answer, Sandra? Do you have an answer for me? “ Desmond asked. “I have had a deep thought about all that we spoke about at the hospital. The truth is that, I still don’t have any intimate feelings for you yet. But, I want to give us a chance. You are a good friend, Desmond and I know you will make me happy. I am just hoping I will be able to see you as something more than a mere friend one day,” Sandra answered. Desmond was very happy with the answer. He had finally succeeded in letting Sandra say yes to him. It was a relief after many years of rejection. …to be continued
4 Jun 2019 | 00:11
Good for you
4 Jun 2019 | 05:09
Would you be bale to start seeing him as being more than just a friend? Won't your heart always long for Jesse?
4 Jun 2019 | 12:11
good for you,if he didn't change his behavior towards u one day
4 Jun 2019 | 12:33
Prayer answered
4 Jun 2019 | 16:36
Another Heartbreak For Jesse.
4 Jun 2019 | 16:39
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 17 © Lewis Dampson Desmond came back with plates and glasses on a tray. He dished out the food and they both began to eat. “Sandra, I know this is out of place considering you have just come home from the hospital, but I have no other choice. I need to know my fate and where I stand. I believe you remember all that I told you in the hospital, “Desmond said and waited for a while for Sandra to nod in agreement before continuing. “Very good! I am glad you remember. So what is your answer, Sandra? Do you have an answer for me? “ Desmond asked. “I have had a deep thought about all that we spoke about back at the hospital. The truth is that, I still don’t have any intimate feelings for you yet. But , I want to give us a chance. You are a good friend, Desmond and I know you will make me happy. I am just hoping I will be able to see you as someone more than a friend one day,” Sandra answered. Desmond was very happy with the answer. He had finally succeeded in letting Sandra say yes to him. It was a relief after many years of rejection. Jesse was at work when he heard his phone rung. He quickly took it from the table only to be stunned by who was calling him. It was Theodora. He hesitated for some time, but finally picked the call. “Hello,” said Jesse. “Hello, Jesse. How are you doing?” Theodora inquired. “I am fine,” Jesse responded sharply. “Why are you acting cold towards me, Jesse,” Theodora asked. “After all you did to me, you have the boldness to ask me this question!? You thought you were leaving me so I would be miserable. Your plans didn’t work, Theodora!! I met a wonderful girl who has made me forget all about you. I don’t even think about you anymore. Oh, and your portrait that hung on my wall is long gone. I am over you, Theodora,” Jesse lashed out at Theodora. Theodora began to cry over the phone. She had never seen Jesse react that way. She was calling to apologize for what she did to him. She had began to have problems in her marriage and needed someone to talk to. She knew Jesse was a good listener and hence was calling him for some advice. Her hope was shattered when Jesse lashed out at her with those words. Jesse realized that Theodora was crying. He felt sad within for treating her that way. He didn’t even ask for the reason she called. At that point, Theodora’s crying intensified and Jesse could feel the pain in her cry. “Hey, Theodora, I am sorry for what I just said,” Jesse apologized. “It is not your fault, Jesse. I deserve that. I treated you in an inhumane way when I left you for my husband,” she said amidst crying. “What is it? Why are you crying? Is it because of what I said? I am sorry for hurting your feelings,” Jesse asked and pleaded. “That is not the source of my worries, Jesse,” Theodora responded. “Then what is it?” Jesse asked. “It is my husband, Jesse. I am beginning to feel I made a mistake,” Theodora confessed. “Wow! Those are strong words. Can you explain further?” Jesse asked. “I will Jesse, but not on phone. I will come over to your place when you close from work. This is not an issue to be discussed on phone,” Theodora responded. “Alright, if you say so, Theodora,” Jesse said. They said goodbye to each other and Jesse ended the call. Meanwhile, Sandra and Desmond were enjoying each other’s company. Desmond didn’t want to leave Sandra’s side. He had daydreamed about that moment for years and now that it was finally happening, he wanted to enjoy every moment of it. “Desmond, you didn’t tell me why you ended things with Bella. What happened?” Sandra asked Desmond. “Hmm.. It was hell dating that girl, Sandra. Bella had been showing signs of interest in me for a longtime. When it became apparent then that I wouldn’t have any place in your life, I thought of Bella as an excellent replacement. But, I was wrong to think so. Within the first weeks of the relationship, everything was wonderful. It was so full of excitement and love until familiarity began to set in. That was when the true nature of Bella began to manifest. It was like we were two enemies fighting a war. Every conversation turns into an argument and we could hardly go a day without arguing to an extent I became used to it. It got to a time I couldn’t handle it anymore. I reasoned that, if we could fight as much as that just some few weeks into the relationship, then how was it going to be when I married her. I realized I was heading for disaster and had to call it off,” Desmond explained. Sandra stared at him for some time. “Are you sure it is not for my sake you broke that poor girl’s heart?” Sandra teased. Desmond smiled and took Sandra’s hand. “That was not it my dear. It is true that I love you very much, but when I am committed to something, I stay committed. I wasn’t happy with her and had to end the relationship before things got out of hand. Maybe, we were not meant to be. I am sure she would find a better suitor,” said Desmond. They both smiled and talked. Desmond received an urgent call and had to leave immediately. Sandra escorted him to his car and he drove off. “I just pray I will be able to love this guy as he loves me. He has a good heart, but I don’t understand why I don’t feel any intimacy for him. I love him very much, but as a brother. I really need time to develop this feeling because I think of Jesse even when I am with Desmond. Why should it be so? Why can’t everything in life just be simple!? I want to be with Jesse, but I can’t because I am scared I might get hurt again by those his lunatic and obsessed girlfriends. This is really a war,” Sandra brooded over this as she headed back into her house. She was indeed confused, but was determined to make things work out between her and Desmond. Jesse closed work and decided to pass by Sandra’s place before going home. Sandra was asleep when Jesse got to her house. She hadn’t rested because of the long chat she had with Desmond. Jesse knocked severally before she ambled to the door with sleepy eyes. When she opened the door, Jesse realized she was asleep and apologized for waking her up. “It is okay, Jesse. I was actually expecting you to pass by after work. Is the meager agreement going smoothly? I hope my absence hadn’t caused any major inconveniences?” Sandra asked. “There is no need to worry about anything, Sandra. I have covered everything. I want you to rest well so you can heal faster. Don’t burden yourself with work,” said Jesse. Jesse waited for a while to make sure he had got Sandra’s attention before he continued. “Sandra, these past days had made me analyze a lot of things. I have come to realize that I have strong feelings for you. I don’t want you to be afraid of anything because the person who could have cause troubles is behind bars. I know that the feeling is mutual because I also see how you enjoy spending time with me. I want to make it official, dear. Would you want to be in a relationship with me?” Jesse asked. Sandra became quiet for a while. Actually, that freaked out Jesse since he was expecting a straight ‘yes’ answer from Sandra. But, his hope began to dwindle by Sandra’s mysterious silence. “Jesse, I am surprised. I wasn’t expecting that at all, trust me. Please, can I give you an answer later? As you are aware, I was discharged from the hospital today. Can we please discuss this another time?” Sandra implored Jesse. Jesse agreed by nodding. He was showing signs of displeasure although he agreed. He had come there to pour out his heart only to be met with an indefinite answer. He knew himself. Raising such a topic again wouldn’t be easy. He had to show virtues of patience if he was going to win Sandra’s heart. He had no idea that Sandra had accepted Desmond’s proposal earlier in the day. Why didn’t Sandra inform Jesse about her new relationship? What has she got in mind? What about Theodora? What is she trying to achieve by contacting Jesse? …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 18 © Lewis Dampson Sandra became quiet for a while. Actually, that freaked out Jesse since he was expecting a straight ‘yes’ answer from Sandra. But, his hope became to dwindle by the sudden silence of Sandra. “Jesse, I am surprised. I wasn’t expecting it, trust me. Please, can I give you an answer later? As you are aware, I was discharged from the hospital today. Can we please discuss this another time?” Sandra implored Jesse. Jesse agreed by nodding. He was showing signs of displeasure although he agreed. He had come there to pour out his heart only to be met with an indefinite answer. He knew himself. Raising such a topic again wouldn’t be easy. He had to show virtues of patience if he was going to win Sandra’s heart. He had no idea that Sandra had accepted Desmond’s proposal earlier in the day. The only option for Jesse now was to allow Sandra to think about his proposal for some time. Perhaps he was too eager for the relationship to commence. He thought of it as a good idea. He immediately changed the topic to the relief of Sandra. He later excused himself to go home. Sandra escorted him to the door and bade him goodbye. The moment Jesse started walking on the road, thoughts about what Theodora said came to his mind. He was wondering what at all could have made her contact him in such a manner. There was only one way of finding out. He just hoped she will fulfill her promise by coming over. True to her promise, Jesse found Theodora in front of his house. It seemed she had been standing there for quite some time. Jesse had mixed feelings about everything that was happening. “Finally, Jesse. You are in,” said Theodora. “Yes! I must confess, I am surprised to see you,” Jesse confessed. “I know, Jesse. I have been waiting for you here for some time. What kept you? Because I know the time you close,” Theodora inquired. “I had to pass by a friend’s house. She isn’t feeling well,” Jesse responded. “Wow! She!? I see you are doing well without me,” Theodora teased. “She is not what you think. I said a friend not a fiancee,” said Jesse. “if you say so, Jesse, but I know you. Can we go inside?” Theodora asked. “Sure! Please come in,” Jesse said and opened the door for Theodora. Theodora started pacing the room immediately she entered. “I see! Same old Jesse. Nothing has changed here except my portrait. You were serious when you said you have thrown it away. I never thought you could get over me that quickly,” said Theodora as she still paced the house. Jesse kept mute and ignored her. “Silent as always,” Theodora teased. “You said you wanted to discuss something important with me. I am here now. Can we begin?” Jesse interjected. “What is the name of the girl you were talking about over the phone? Was she the one you went to see before coming here?” Asked Theodora trying to divert Jesse’s question. “Please, that was not the answer to my question. That is my private business. Can you start talking about your reason for coming here? I don’t have all day!!” Jesse exclaimed. “Calm down, Jesse. I was just pulling your legs,” said Theodora. Theodora sat in the sofa in silence and began to cry. “This is the only laugh I have had in months, Jesse. There is no joy in my marriage. What I am seeing is horror. I never thought I would end up like this,” Theodora said amidst tears. Her tears moved Jesse. He felt sorry for her although he didn’t know what her problem was. “What is it, Dor? You know you can tell me anything,” Jesse said as he tried his best to comfort her. “You are the first person I am disclosing this to, Jesse. No one knows about this. It is actually difficult for me to tell anyone. I trust you very much that is why I am going to tell you this,” said Theodora. “I am all ears, Theodora,” Jesse said. “You remember the day you proposed to me?” Theodora asked. “Yes, I do; and I also remember how you ripped my heart out of my chest when you laughed at me. I still remember those words coming out from your mouth. “You can’t handle me, Jesse. I am too big for you to contain,”” Jesse responded with pain and sadness in his voice. “I am so sorry for that, Jesse. I was not wise then. I met this guy on my way to your place that faithful day. He gave me a ride from my Junction to this place. The guy looked very rich and in fact was very rich. We had a lengthy chat in the car on my way here. I realized he was interested in me. You know my weakness for money, Jesse. I couldn’t resist. I weighed both of you in my mind and came to the conclusion that he was a better choice than you. That was why I gave you the kind of answer I did when I came over,” Theodora explained. Jesse just looked on in silence. He was lost for word. He just watched Theodora as she paused for a while to wipe her tears. “That was the worst mistake of my life, Jesse. The day I rejected you for him. He was very intense with his approach and I fell for it. He talked about marrying me and I couldn’t control myself. I mean who wouldn’t want to be married to such a successful guy?” Theodora asked rhetorically. “We scheduled the married for the following month. He quickly went to see my parents to ask for my hand in marriage. My mom was quite suspicious when she got to know how long we have dated. She advised me to take my time to know the guy well before committing myself to the institution of marriage. I would have none of it. I remember vividly the constant disagreement I had with my parents because of that issue. It got to a time I wasn’t talking to them anymore. I gave them no choice, but to accept my decision. The date for the wedding was finally fixed and I got married to Newman. Everything was working as I envisioned. Newman was so sweet and caring. He often showered me with expensive gifts anytime he came back from his travels. It was just me, him and the dog in the house. He treated both the dog and myself well. I was beginning to get jealous since Newman gave the dog the same attention he gave me. Sometimes the dog got more attention. I was thinking why he would give an animal so much attention than a human being. But, I reasoned that, the dog had been with him for a long time and they have really gotten acquainted with each other. So it was a normal thing. Three months into the marriage, I got pregnant. That was where everything took a turn. Newman initially was supportive even until the baby was born. I gave birth to the baby in London. I came back to Ghana to find a new Newman. He was surrounded by new friends I didn’t know of. He became distant and always spends his nights out of our matrimonial bed. I followed him one night when he got up from bed to do whatever he had always been doing at that ungodly hour. I was so filled with curiosity. I trailed him as he walked on the compound backward in a spiral movement. He removed his clothing at a point and did walked backward again with his nakedness. I was so frightened. He was mumbling some words on is lips as he walked. The next thing I saw was that, he approaching the dog’s kennel. What I saw with my eyes can’t be explained with words. But, let me try and explain as well as I can. I saw my husband having intimacy with the dog with do much passion. He had never expressed such passion to me in our entire marital life. I was so horrified. It was then I understood why he gave the dog more attention. It wasn’t just a dog to him,” Theodora began to wail at this point. Jesse embraced her and began to comfort her. …to be continued
4 Jun 2019 | 22:45
good for her Jesse's
5 Jun 2019 | 02:56
What a fuck!
5 Jun 2019 | 05:25
Jesse u better set ur priorities straight.
5 Jun 2019 | 07:36
that was what she wanted now
5 Jun 2019 | 08:20
So you and dog are rival
5 Jun 2019 | 09:11
Oh God Intimacy with Dog.
5 Jun 2019 | 09:36
dat is wat u want now,,, since u love money, den u must accept everything dat comes wit dat money now,,, why running back to Jesse?
5 Jun 2019 | 13:00
Jese,u ve got to be careful with Theodora, don't say I didn't warn u sha... Sandra,I hope ur relationship with Desmond works but all de same pls listen to ur heart OK!!!
5 Jun 2019 | 13:25
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 19 © Lewis Dampson I followed him one night when he got up from bed to do whatever he had always been doing at that ungodly hour. I was so filled with curiosity. I trailed him as he walked on the compound backwards in a spiral movement. He removed his clothing at a point and did walked backward again with his nakedness. I was so frightened. He was mumbling something on is lips as he walked. The next thing I saw was he approaching the dog’s kennel. What I saw with my eyes can’t be explained with words. But, let me try and explain as well as I can. I saw my husband having intimacy with the dog with do much passion. He had never expressed such passion to me I our entire marital life. I was so horrified. It was then I understood why he gave the dog more attention. It wasn’t just a dog to him,” Theodora began to wail at this point. Jesse embraced her and began to comfort her. “I couldn’t keep quiet any longer since I was so horrified. I began to scream and something unexpected happened,” continued Theodora. “What happened?” Jesse asked. “He just looked at me, smiled and continued with what he was doing. My soul was pierced with arrows of disappointment and regret. I just looked on with my mouth wide open as he continued to do what he was doing. He occasionally looked at me and smiled. I couldn’t take the humiliation anymore so I fled to the bedroom in tears,” Theodora said and took a handkerchief to wipe off her tears. “He came to the bedroom after thirty minutes. At that time, the pillow was soaked with my tears. Newman came and knelt beside the bed. I turned my face to the other direction because I couldn’t look at him without getting a flashback of what I had seen earlier. He continued to smile and began to talk. After all, he knew I could hear him loud and clear.” “Now listen to me you fool! You are my wife and that means I own you. You can’t come into my life and determine my pace!! Do you know how all those money you are enjoying are made? All you know is spending! I am warning you seriously, no., rather take it as a threat because your life depends on it. If you dare inform anyone about what you just saw, I will kill you with my bare hands and nothing will happen!! I want you to behave like my wife and I don’t give a damn about how you feel. If you can’t love me anymore, fake it for the outside world. I don’t even need your love anyway. If not for my parents who pressured me into getting married, do you think I would have come for a baggage like you!!? From now onward, we will be sharing the bed with the dog. It is far more important to me than you since I get all my money from it. So you can either accommodate it or move to another room. But, don’t dare think about divorce!! I will kill you before you even do that,” that was what he told me, Jesse when he came to the bedroom. “I cried my eyes out, but those tears could do nothing for me at the time. How foolish I have been to fall into this ditch? How could I have traded my relationship with you for materialistic gains? I have not been the same again since that faithful night. I am depressed, Jesse. I feel like taking my own life. I can’t bear this inhumane humiliations anymore,” said Theodora amidst crying. “Don’t say that, Theodora. That is not the solution to the problem, “ advised Jesse. “Then what is, Jesse? Tell me because I am going crazy!!” exclaimed Theodora. “Give me some time. I will come up with something. I promise you that,” Jesse said. “If you say so. I have to take my leave now. I need to get to the house before that monster comes home. Please, Jesse, I am relying on you to come through for me. Keep me updated,” Theodora said, wiped off her tears again with the handkerchief and stood up to leave. Jesse escorted her to her car and she drove off. Desmond tried all he could to make Sandra realize she made the right choice in choosing him. He constantly pulled up surprises and Sandra was indeed impressed. She still hoped she could actually fall in love with Desmond one day. He was so caring and romantic. She wondered why she couldn’t just love him back. She sometimes forced herself to establish that missing connection, but nothing worked. It became a constant worry since she always brooded over the issue. She often found herself thinking about Jesse although she was in the caring arms of Desmond who was putting in his all. A lot of things were going on in Sandra’s mind since she was resuming work the following day. She had been playing hide and seek with Jesse since the day he proposed to her. She didn’t want to tell him she had another guy in her life. She didn’t know why she felt that way. The only thing she thought was right for her to do was to hide herself from Jesse. She ignored his calls and even refuse meeting him physically. Jesse didn’t understand why Sandra was distancing herself from him. It wasn’t like that before. She was the one who would even come to his house. But the situation was different now. She didn’t even want to pick his calls. He was wondering if what Jasmine did had caused an irreparable rift between Sandra and him. He even tried to visit her in her house, but she refused to see him. Or he had freaked her out by his proposal? He just couldn’t concentrate on anything. He was under stress from two situations. Theodora’s problems and the issue he was going through with Sandra. He was happy though that Sandra would be resuming work the next day. He shared the same office with her. That meant there was no way she would be able to avoid him. He needed answers for what was going on. Jesse woke up early the next day to go to work. He quickly got dressed and was on his way. Perhaps, he would see Sandra at the stop. He was very disappointed when he didn’t see her at the bus stop. The bus that usually pick them came, but Sandra was still not in sight. He boarded the bus and went to work hoping to see her. To his amazement, Sandra wasn’t at the office too. Was she not going to work that day? Sandra didn’t go to the bus stop because Desmond had promised to give her a lift to work. “I don’t like it when you always have to queue at the stop to go to work. You are my fiancée now and I want that to stop. So from henceforth, I will be taking you to work myself with my car,” Desmond said to Sandra. So in respect to that, Sandra waited comfortably in her house for Desmond. Jesse was in the office looking through the glass window waiting for Sandra to show up. He saw a car stopping in front of the company. The driver of the car which he knew came out and opened the car door on the other side of the car. Sandra came out of the car and they hugged. The guy stepped into the car and drove off. Sandra on the other hand walked into the building. A lot of things were going on in his mind. Because, he remembered what happened at the hospital when he went to visit Sandra. He knew the guy was interested in Sandra. But, as to if Sandra was also interested, he wasn’t sure. Now, this is the same guy who had come to drop her off. He even hugged her passionately and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Why would Sandra be avoiding me and moving around with this guy?” he asked himself rhetorically. “No, there is nothing going on. I am just being jealous for nothing. I know Sandra likes me very much and she wouldn’t do that to me. I am sure he saw her at a junction and decided to give her a ride. After all, they are very good friends,” said Jesse trying to give himself some sort of hope. He was still troubled and needed answers. He was just waiting for Sandra to come to the office to explain everything to him. What do you think will happen when Sandra shows up in the office? Would she be bold enough to tell Jesse she is dating Desmond? …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 20 © Lewis Dampson A  lot of things were going on in his mind. Because he remembered what happened at the hospital when he went to visit Sandra. He knew the guy was interested in Sandra. But, as to if Sandra was also interested, he wasn’t sure. Now, this is the same guy who had come to drop her off. He even hugged her passionately and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Why would Sandra be avoiding me and moving around with this guy?” he asked himself rhetorically. “No, there is nothing going on. I am just being jealous for nothing. I know Sandra likes me very much and she wouldn’t do that to me. I am sure he saw her on the junction and decided to give her a ride. After all, they are very good friends,” said Jesse trying to give himself some sort of hope. He was still troubled and needed answers. He was just waiting for Sandra to come to the office to explain everything to him. Sandra stood at the gate that led to the office for some time because she didn’t know how to explain things to Jesse. She knew Jesse would be expecting an answer from her which she wasn’t ready to answer. She mustered courage and entered the office only to see Jesse sitting on the office desk upright facing her. She became petrified by the process. “Won’t you close the door?” Jesse asked. Sandra still became mute. She moved and occupied her seat in the office trying her best to avoid eye contact with Jesse. “Sandra, you seem not to be yourself today. What is the matter? I have been trying severally to contact you, but all to no avail,” Jesse inquired. Sandra managed to put herself together to reply Jesse. “I have been around, Jesse,” she replied. “Around!? I have been to your house on several occasions and I always meet your absence. What is going on with you? You are behaving strange of late,” said Jesse. “Jesse, I said I am fine. I was still recovering and needed time for myself. That is why you haven’t been hearing from me of late. I am sorry,” Sandra lied. Jesse looked at her for some time, sighed and continued “so do you remember what we discussed the last time we met?” Jesse asked. “Yes, I remember,” Sandra replied. “And you promised me you were going to think about it. I guess you have had enough time to consider my proposal?” Inquired Jesse. “Not really, Jesse. I am still thinking about it,” Sandra replied. “Still thinking? Oh, Sandra! I thought we had some sort of connection. I thought the proposal would have just been a formality for us to build something together. I don’t understand why you are dragging your feet,” Jesse lamented. Sandra became uncomfortable when she realized Jesse was becoming emotional with the whole thing. Part of her wanted to confess to Jesse that she was dating Desmond while the other part wanted to keep it a secret. She knew she would lose Jesse immediately she confessed. She was so confused at what to do or how to reply Jesse. Luckily for Sandra, she was saved by Jesse’s phone. Jesse got a call while waiting for Sandra to answer his question. The call was from Theodora. Jesse didn’t want to receive the call in the presence of Sandra so he went outside to speak to her. “Hello, Theodora. Please I am at…” Jesse heard her crying before he could complete his sentence. “What is the problem? Why are you crying?” Jesse asked. “I can’t take it anymore, Jesse! I can’t Just take it!! He is ruining my life! Can you imagine he sacked me from our matrimonial bed only ti be replaced that animal!! I need a way out, Jesse,” said Theodora in tears. “Calm down ,Theodora. Listen, this is what we are going to do. I want you to meet me at the coffee shop near my workplace. Let us discuss everything properly there,” suggested Jesse. “What time, please?” Theodora asked. “You can leave the house now. I have nothing doing at present. I can meet you,” said Jesse. Jesse hung up the call and went back into the office. Sandra was sitting in the office thinking about what to tell Jesse if he should return. It was undeniable that she was attracted to Jesse. But, she was committed to Desmond. She had been trying all her best to fall in love with Desmond, but all to no avail. She thought she would with time. To Sandra, Desmond was a nice guy who deserved the best. He needed someone who would love him and reciprocate his tenderheartedness. Thinking about it, it was selfish for her to be holding on to Desmond while her heart lies with Jesse. She reasoned that if she wasn’t careful, she might lose both of them. She had to make the right decision and make it as fast as possible before she loses everything. And the first thing she was going to do was to talk to Desmond and make him understand the situation. She would then tell Jesse the truth and accept his proposal. “Sandra, I have to meet someone right now. I will be back soon. Please go over the files I worked on yesterday to see if I did everything right. And don’t forget, I will come back for my answer, Jesse said. “Don’t worry, your answer will be ready the next time we speak about the subject,” Sandra replied. Jesse smiled, took some things from his desk and went out of the office to meet Theodora. Sandra saw the opportunity to speak to Desmond when Jesse went out of the office . “Hello, Desmond. How are you doing?” Sandra asked when Desmond picked the call. “You know I am doing well, sweetheart. Ever since you came into my life, everything has been working perfectly,” Desmond responded. “Hmmm… Desmond we need to meet and talk. We need to have a discussion, “said Sandra. “Talk about? I was just with you this morning. You are sounding too serious on the phone. Can’t we talk about it on phone?” Desmond asked. “Please let us meet over lunch and talk. The time for lunch break is almost due. What I want to discuss cannot be done on phone,” said Sandra. Desmond had to agree to that since he was so anxious to know what Sandra wanted to discuss with him that couldn’t be done on phone. Jesse met with Theodora at the coffee shop. They exchanged pleasantries the moment they met. Theodora started crying immediately she saw Jesse. Jesse tried his best to comfort her. “Have you come up with anything, Jesse?” Theodora asked. “I have been thinking about this for some time now, Theodora. The only thing that came in mind was that, you should report the matter to your parents and then to the police. He is tormenting and threatening you, my dear. Your parents and the police should know about it before he carries out his threats one day,” Jesse advised. “I have thought about that, Jesse. But, the shame! The public ridicule!! I don’t think I have the capacity for that,” Theodora said. “And do you have the capacity for what he is doing to you?” Jesse inquired. “No!” Theodora answered. “Good! That is why you need to do what I am saying as soon as possible. They may say they advised and you didn’t listen, but come-on, they are your parents. They will do anything to make sure you are okay, “ said Jesse. Theodora thought about what Jesse said and realized it was a good idea. She had to inform the police and her parents. She had gone through enough torments under the roof of Newman. It was about time she stood up for herself before she goes to her early grave. Thoughts about committing suicide had flooded her memory for some time and she knew she would act on those thoughts with time. She went into a pensive mood for something and Jesse knew that she was thinking deeply about what he said. “Thank you very much, Jesse for the advice. I think I should be on my way now,” said Theodora. Jesse was shocked at that statement. “why?” he asked. “You just gave me an advice and I need to act on it now! I am going to see my parents from here. I have to tell them everything. I can’t keep all these things from them,” Theodora said and took her leave. …to be continued
6 Jun 2019 | 02:27
okay let see how it goes
6 Jun 2019 | 03:57
Theodora should not think she can still have Jesse if Newman is out of d way oooo
6 Jun 2019 | 05:39
Why Iz wrong With this Sandra.
6 Jun 2019 | 10:40
Let me guess, Sandra will meet Jesse and Theodore in the coffee shop and Desmond will use that opportunity to confuse and convince Sandra of sticking with him with the excuse that Jesse is not to be trusted
6 Jun 2019 | 11:21
Theo shld face her cross o b4 complicating issues 4 Jesse
6 Jun 2019 | 14:48
6 Jun 2019 | 18:27
A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 21 © Lewis Dampson Theodora thought about what Jesse said and realized it was a good idea. She had to inform the police and her parents. She had gone through enough torments under the roof of Newman. It was about time she stood up for herself before she goes to her early grave. Thoughts about committing suicide had flooded her memory for some time and she knew she would act on those thoughts with time. She went into a pensive mood for something and Jesse knew that she was thinking deeply about what he said. “Thank you very much, Jesse for the advice. I think I should be on my way now,” said Theodora. Jesse was shocked at that statement. “why?” he asked. “You just gave me an advice and I need to act on it now! I am going to see my parents from here. I have to tell them everything. I can’t keep all these things from them,” Theodora said and took her leave. Sandra met Desmond during her break time. He was so anxious to know what Sandra had to say that couldn’t be said on phone. Had she gotten herself into another trouble? Had she been fired? These thoughts ran through Desmond’s mind while he stared at Sandra waiting for her to start the conversation. “Desmond, say something. You are making me nervous,” said Sandra. “Me? Making you nervous? You are rather making me feel uncomfortable. You said you wanted us to discuss an issue. So I am waiting for you to commence,” Desmond responded. Sandra thought she had gathered all the courage to break up with Desmond. But, it seems her courage wasn’t enough to go straight to the point. She looked at Desmond and saw a guy who would do everything possible to make her happy. How could she break such a heart? She felt bad about the decision she had taken earlier. She wondered if she should continue with her mission. There sat across the table an innocent guy who knows nothing except to shower her with love and attention. Who wouldn’t have wished for such a treatment? Sandra felt terrible about herself. She felt like an insensitive person to even think about breaking up with Desmond. Upon careful consideration, she thought it wise to spill the beans. There was no way she could continue to be in a relationship with a guy and be thinking about another person. The whole thing made her feel she was cheating and she hated that feeling. She needed to set things straight and that begins with telling Desmond the truth. “Desmond , you have been so good to me all these years. I want to begin by saying that I appreciate all that you have done for me. The times you were around even when no one was. You are indeed an angel. I never thought that this day would come and it grieves my heart that my fears has finally come to pass.” Desmond was confused at this point. He didn’t know where Sandra was going with her speech. He initially thought she was appreciating him for all the sacrifices he had made all the years he had been with her, but her diversion into matters of grief really confused him. “What are you talking about, Sandra? Is someone dead or what?” Desmond asked anxiously. “Please Desmond, don’t make this harder than it already is,” Sandra responded. Her sharp response stunned Desmond. He remained quiet and only listened to her. “As I was saying, I have watched you through all these years trying to win my heart. The truth is that, I sincerely wanted to give you my love, but I couldn’t . The more I tried to love you, the more difficult it became. The only feeling I had towards you was that of a big brother. When we met recently due to the accident, I wanted to give it a try. I thought maybe it was fear that was keeping me bound. I thought maybe if I get more intimate, I will come to love you like how you love me. But, that wasn’t the case, Desmond. I have tried, believe me, but all to no avail. I keep thinking of another guy while I am with you. I can’t keep on with this pretense. I can’t watch you any longer investing your time while I know it wouldn’t yield anything. I am in love with someone else ,Desmond. I am sorry, but that is the truth, “ Sandra said and buried her face. Sandra was expecting Desmond to speak after she was done with what she was saying. She waited for some time, but she didn’t hear anything. She looked up finally to see what was preventing Desmond from speaking. She saw tears streaming down Desmond’s cheek when she looked into his face. Sandra was lost for words at the time. She didn’t know how to handle the situation. There was nothing she could do to help the situation. She couldn’t console Desmond because she was the cause of his pain and she couldn’t also retract what she said because she meant every word of it. Desmond finally broke his silence and spoke. “Sandra, why would you do this to me? Have I done anything wrong in loving you with my everything. I even loved you in moments when all had forsaken you. What else should I do to prove my love for you. When you accepted my proposal, I thought my dream of having you as my wife had finally come to pass. I didn’t know that it was a mirage. I didn’t know I was daydreaming. You have broken my heart, Sandra. I am deeply hurt by your constant rejection,” Desmond lamented. Sandra could barely look into the face of Desmond. It was time for her to go back to the office, but she felt glued to her seat. How could she leave Desmond in such a state. Her news had changed his mood drastically. Desmond finally stopped shedding tears and spoke. “Sandra, I want to let you know that you can’t do away with me. I will never give up on you. Like always, I will be waiting because I know you will come back to me. I will see you later,” Desmond said and went away. Sandra sat in her chair for some time and thought about what had transpired between Desmond and her. Although she felt sorry for doing what she did, she knew in the heart that it was the right thing to do. Now, she was free to follow her heart. Sandra left the coffee shop to the office. She met Jesse already back at the office. He was sitting in the exact position he had sat in the morning. “I have been waiting for you, Sandra. So you couldn’t even wait for us to go to lunch together? I told you I will come back for my answer. It has been a longtime and I need to know the way forward,” said Jesse. Sandra walked across the room and sat in her chair. “Jesse, I have thought about your proposal. I had to make sure I wouldn’t be making a mistake by being with you. The fact that we are in the same office is even a distraction on its own. But, I can’t deny my feelings for you anymore. I have loved you since the day we met and I had secretly wished you will propose some day. I was scared when that day came because of what Jasmine did to me. I am not scared anymore because love conquers all things,” Sandra said. Jesse watched Sandra and listened with a rapt attention while she spoke. He was glad Sandra didn’t turn down his proposal. He got up and hugged her. “I will always love you, Sandra. I will never let you down. Please, let us keep this fire of love in our hearts burning. We will be the happiest couple ever, “ Jesse said and smiled. They hugged again and separated because they didn’t want any of the workers to chance upon them. Before Jesse could sit, Theodora walked into the office. She jumped on Jesse and hugged him. “Jesse, you are such a darling. I would have given you a kiss if this wasn’t your workplace for giving me such a brilliant idea. I love you, Jesse. You are my angel,” Theodora said as she still hung on Jesse. Now, Sandra couldn’t believe her eyes and ears. What was happening? She remembered Theodora as the lady in the portrait that used to hang on Jesse’s wall. What was happening to her minutes old relationship? She got angry and stormed out of the office. …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 22 © Lewis Dampson He was glad Sandra didn’t turn down his proposal. He got up and hugged her. “I will always love you Sandra. I will never let you down. Please, let us keep this fire of love in our hearts burning. We will be the happiest couple ever, “ Jesse said and smiled. They hugged again and separated because they didn’t want any of the workers to chance upon them. Before Jesse could sit, Theodora walked into the office. She jumped on Jesse and hugged him. “Jesse, you are such a darling. I would have given you a kiss if this wasn’t your workplace for giving me such a brilliant idea. I love you, Jesse. You are my angel,” Theodora said as she still hung on Jesse. Now, Sandra couldn’t believe her eyes. What was happening. She remembered Theodora as the lady in the portrait that used to hang on Jesse’s wall. What was happening to her minutes old relationship? She got angry and stormed out of the office. When Jesse realized it, he quickly got out of the grips of Theodora and chased after Sandra. “Sandra!! Sandra!! Sandra stop!! Wait and listen to me!” Jesse screamed after her. Sandra maintained her pace. She was so angry at Jesse to an extent that she didn’t want to turn to look at him. Jesse increased his pace and soon caught up with her. “Wait, Sandra!! What is the meaning of this!?” he asked. “Are you seriously going to pull up this card? You want to use reverse psychology on me? Isn’t that, Theodora? What is she doing in your office? Look at the way she was all over you! To an extent of telling you she loves you!! Wow!! I didn’t see this coming! Do you know the price I had to pay to be in this relationship And for what!?? Eh!? For you to return to your ex-girlfriend!?” Sandra lamented. Jesse listened attentively for Sandra to finish with what she was saying. “Sandra, you need to calm down. It is not as you think it is,” said Jesse. “Why, do you think I am blind or deaf!? What do you take me for? I saw what the lady said and did in that room. I can see you can’t get over her. Go back to that room and continue what you have started,” Sandra said in anger. As soon as she finished her statement, Theodora walked in on them. “You don’t even have to bother going back to the office. She has brought herself right here in the corridor. Please, let me excuse both of you so that you can have ample time to catch up for lost times,” Sandra walked out on Jesse and Theodora. Jesse was confused as to what was going on with Sandra. They were happy just moment ago. What happened? It seemed that no happiness had existed before. Theodora smiled at him and walked closer. “I can perceive that is your new fiancee. Don’t worry, she will come around. We ladies are like that. We tend to be jealous when we see another lady encroaching our space,” Theodora assured Jesse. “I don’t understand what is wrong with her. I have never seen her behave this way before,” said Jesse. “My dear, that is the power of jealousy. It makes one do things they never imagined they could do. Trust me, everything will be fine,” said Theodora. Jesse was almost done for the day at the office so he asked Theodora to wait for her in the company’s waiting room. He told her he would be with her in no time. Theodora agreed and went to the waiting room. There were a lot of things she needed to tell Jesse. Jesse came to the waiting room in thirty minutes. “Please, let us go. I can see you have some exciting news to share,” said Jesse as he led the way out of the company’s building. “Of course, I have an exciting news to share. And I will explode if I should keep it bottled up. Please, let us go to my car. We can talk there,” Theodora suggested. “If you say so. Please, lead the way to your car,” said Jesse . Theodora led the way to her car. Before they could enter into her car, another car pulled up behind them. Three muscular guys came out of the car and charged at Jesse. Jesse didn’t know what was happening. All he knew was to escape from those guys as fast as he can. He didn’t even think about it. He took to his heels and the guys chased him. Newman got out from the car. He went straight to the now horrified Theodora. Theodora was mortified. She thought she was done with Newman’s threat forever. Fear was her evident friend at that moment. “You think you can do whatever you want and walk away with it? I told you not to tell anyone about my secret and you went ahead to tell your parents. Do you know what those stupid parents of yours did? They called my aunt to inform her. Now the whole village knows about my activities. Everyone is calling me a ritualist and it is all your fault. You will pay for this, trust me!” Newman exclaimed. “Boss, the guy has run away. He was too fast for us,” said one of the muscular guys. Jesse had outrun them. “Get hold of her and let us go,” Newman commanded the guys. They forcefully pulled Theodora into Newman’s car and drove off. One of the guys took Theodora’s car and drove behind them. Theodora was sore afraid. She feared for her life. Newman had warned her to remain quiet or pay with her life. Was that a threat or he actually meant what he said? Jesse came back to see that Theodora’s car was gone. He immediately took a taxi to a nearby police station to report the incident. Since Jesse wasn’t around to see Newman’s face, he didn’t know who was after him. In fact, even if he had seen Newman, he wouldn’t have recognized him. He wrote his statement to the police and decided to go to the house and return later to check if they have any leads. Meanwhile, Desmond had come to pick Sandra from work without the knowledge of Jesse. She was so angry with him. She needed someone to talk to and the only person that came in mind was Desmond. Desmond didn’t waste time in coming to get her. “What is the problem, Sandra?” Desmond asked. “I am sorry Desmond for the way I treated you this afternoon,” said Sandra. “Please, I don’t think that was an answer to my question,” Desmond insisted. “I just got into a fight with, Jesse,” Sandra confessed. “Jesse… Jesse.. Oh, the guy I met at the hospital. The one you said you are working with?” Desmond asked. “Yes, Desmond,” Sandra answered. “Why? Is he giving you a hard time at work?” Desmond asked again. “He was the guy I told you I am in love with,” Sandra confessed. “Actually, we started our relationship today. We had a disagreement some hours ago and I am worried, Desmond. He should have called by now,” said Sandra. Desmond looked at her for some time before replying. “Tell me what really caused the problem,” Desmond requested. “I went straight to the office after we met at the coffee shop. Jesse was already in the office when I got there. Actually, he had been pestering me for an answer to his proposal. I decided to give him answer after I had sorted out things with you, which I did. Immediately after i said yes to his proposal, his ex-girlfriend came to interrupt our nice atmosphere. She came and threw herself at him and even tried kissing him. She even told him she loved him. Can you imagine!!? She didn’t even have the courtesy that I was present in the room. So I got angry and left. Jesse ran after me and tried to explain things. But, I was so angry to listen. Jealousy was eating me up at the time,” Sandra explained. “You shouldn’t have done that, Sandra. You should have allowed him to explain himself. Maybe it is not as you are imagining,” said Desmond. Desmond drove Sandra to her house. Sandra knew she had made a mistake by jumping to conclusion. What if Jesse wouldn’t want to see her again? What if Jesse judged her as a jealous and an impatient lady and decides to end everything? That was a possibility she wouldn’t want to hear. She would be so shattered because she loved him very much. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to cry. She got out of the car still crying. Desmond crossed over to her side and hugged her. Sandra sobbed and held on tight to Desmond. “What is happening here!? So this is your solution to the problem? I see,” said Jesse as he walked away in anger. Jesse had come to see Sandra to explain things better to her only to find her in the arms of his rival. He couldn’t stand the sight of what he saw so he walked away. Sandra quickly left Desmond and ran after Jesse. Jesse was so brokenhearted that he didn’t have the emotional stamina to listen to her. Relentless Sandra continued to follow him. She implored him to listen to her, but Jesse would have none of it. …to be continued A Game Of Love And Obsession – Episode 23 © Lewis Dampson“What is happening here!? So this is your solution to the problem? I see,” said Jesse as he walked away in anger. Jesse had come to check on Sandra to explain things better to her only to find her in the arms of his rival. He couldn’t stand the sight of what he was seeing. Sandra quickly left Desmond and ran after Jesse. Jesse was so brokenhearted that he didn’t have the emotional stamina to stand and listen to her. Relentless Sandra continued to follow him. She implored him to listen to her, but Jesse would have none of it. Newman drove Theodora to the house. He asked his boys to drag Theodora out of the car into the house. “Tie her to that chair!” Newman instructed his guys and they tied Theodora to a chair in the hall. “You have made me very angry, Theodora. I never wanted to hurt you, but you have destroyed my name by your foolish act. Now, I can’t go back to the village because people will be pointing fingers at me. I can kill you here you know and no one will hear of it. I can make your death seem like an accident. But I am giving you a second chance to redeem yourself. I know how stupid you are. You couldn’t have had the courage to inform your parents about my activities, except you had help from someone. Now, I want you to name the person whom you discussed my issues with. I will not hurt you if you do this simple thing,” said Newman. Theodora knew giving Jesse’s name could put him in trouble. She knew Newman will hurt or kill Jesse. She decided not to give any name to Newman. “Newman you are hurting me. There is no one involved in this. I couldn’t take all the treatments you were giving me in this house. You were more attached to your dog than me. How do you expect me to feel normal. I got fed up with the situation and had to tell someone. I was going crazy. I had to seek help from someone,” Theodora explained. “And that someone was?” Newman asked. “My mother of course,” Theodora explained. Newman was becoming convinced by what Theodora said. But, he wasn’t going to let her go without any punishment. “I have to punish you for what you have done. What were you thinking!? You thought the police could help you? Never!! I am going to lock you in the storage room for four days without food or water. You will behave when you come out. You will take my threats more seriously when I am through with you,” said Newman and instructed his boys to take Theodora to the storage room. He seized her phone so she won’t be able to receive any calls. He began to fidget with the phone trying. He wanted to know if her wife was contacting anyone. He searched her call log and messages . In the process of doing that, he came across a certain message that caught his attention. He realized that the person who sent the message was trying to comfort his wife. He continued to read the message and other messages his wife had sent to the same number. It was there he saw the complaint his wife made to the said number. The name of the contact was Jesse. Newman immediately asked his boys to get Theodora . They obeyed and brought her from the storage room. “Who is, Jesse!!?” Jesse asked angrily when they brought Theodora. Theodora was shocked and afraid at the same time. She knew Newman had found out the truth. “I am asking you a question, woman!!” Newman exclaimed. She trembled and looked confused. “So this is the foolish guy you are cheating on me with!!? You discuss everything that happens between us with him!” Newman exclaimed. “No! I am not having an affair with him,” Theodora responded finally. “I see! So you are acknowledging you know him!! Where can I find him!?” he asked. “I don’t know,” answered Theodora. Newman became angry on hearing that. “I am giving you 30 seconds to give his name or I will torture you. You think I can’t kill you? You will be making a mistake if you are thinking like that. Because I will hurt you real bad if you don’t give me his name. No man will ever look at you twice if I descend on you,” Newman threatened. “Why are you so mean, Newman? You always treat me like an animal! I am you wife for God’s sake!! Your lawfully wedded wife!! “Sandra blurted out. A dirty slap landed on her face immediately she finished her statement that she toppled over. Theodora sprawled on the floor in pain and tears. “The name!!” he requested again. He picked her from the floor and landed a severe punch on her face. He lost control and began to kick her on the floor. Theodora screamed in pain. She begged Newman to stop, but he wouldn’t. She couldn’t take the pain any longer. She had to give the name. “I will tell you!! Please stop, I will tell you!!” Theodora screamed out these words. Newman immediately stopped abusing her. “Yes, I am listening to you, “ said Newman. “His name is Jesse,” Theodora answered. Newman gave the phone to her. “Show me his picture!” Newman demanded. Theodora took the phone and showed Newman Jesse’s picture. “Isn’t this the guy I saw you with when I was coming to pick you today with the guys!? “ Newman asked. Theodora nodded in response. “I see! Take this pen and paper and write his address. Theodora now trembling violently took the pen and paper and wrote down Jesse’s house address. Newman instructed his boys to take Theodora back to the storage room and tie her up. Theodora pleaded with Newman to allow her go. She also pleaded with him not to hurt Jesse. Newman watched her as she was carried away by his boys. “Let us go and deal with this b******!!” Newman said to his boys when they came back. Newman drove them en route to Jesse’s house. Sandra had followed Jesse to the house since he wasn’t listening to her. She kept on pleading for Jesse to give her attention, but he wouldn’t .He was so hurt that he didn’t want to talk. He went to sit in the sofa when he got to the house. Sandra sat beside him still trying to get his attention. “Jesse, please listen to me. Please look at me. It is not as you think,” said Sandra. Jesse squinted at her for a while when she made this statement, but didn’t say anything. Sandra thought she had had enough of the silence. She decided to say everything she wanted to say whether she had his attention or not “Jesse, I was hurt when your ex-girlfriend came into our office to do what she did. I needed to go home and decompress. That was why I called Desmond to come pick me with his car. I was crying in the car and he asked what the problem was. I told him and he even advised me not to jump to conclusion. He was on your side, Jesse!! He convinced me not to destroy our relationship. I was still crying when I got to the house and that was why you saw what you saw. He was telling me that everything will be okay and that I shouldn’t worry. There is nothing going on between us, Jesse. I can assure you that. It is true we dated before, but I ended things with him because of you,” Sandra explained. Jesse squinted at her again, but didn’t say anything. Sandra was once again ignored. She was beginning to feel irritated by Jesse’s attitude. Why wouldn’t he even say a word after all her explanation? She had told him everything and he wouldn’t even say a word. She got angry and stormed out of the house. Jesse didn’t do anything to restrain her from leaving. He just laid in the Sofa and began to cry. While he was crying he heard footsteps. He assume it was Sandra and ignored it. He heard the footsteps again and realized they weren’t the footsteps of one person. He decided to check it out. He was surprised to see the guys that chased him earlier in his house. He quickly went to lock his door and fled to hide. Newman and his boys tried to open the door when they got there, but realized it was locked. One of the guys took a master key and opened the door. They realized the house was empty when they got inside. Newman asked them to spread out and search the house for Jesse. He ordered them to shoot on sight if they found him. The guys checked the house, but still couldn’t find Jesse. They just assumed he might not be in the house. Newman decided to go and come back later with them. They were almost at the entrance of the house when they heard a phone ringing. The sound was coming from the house. They were now sure there was someone in the house. They went back into the house to continue their search. They realized that Jesse had seen them and was hiding in the house. They decided to do a thorough search this time around until they find him. They searched the whole house, but they couldn’t see Jesse. One of the guys decided to check the wardrobe in the bedroom. Actually, that was where Jesse was hiding. Jesse was peeping through a small hole in the wardrobe and saw the guy approaching. He was getting closer and his heart was pounding in his chest. He knew the guy was coming straight to open the wardrobe. He knew he would be killed if he was seen. He began to sweet profusely and suddenly felt like using the toilet. As soon as the guy got his hands on the knob of the wardrobe, there was a loud gunshot noise. The guy immediately left the knob and ran out of the room. Jesse was confused. He didn’t know where the sound came from. He waited for a while to be sure no one was in the house before he came out. He walked cautiously and silently to the hall and there he saw an unimaginable thing. Sandra was lying in a pool of blood. She had been shot in the head. Jesse froze immediately he saw her. His mouth was wide opened. He later got control of his members and rushed in tears to Sandra. He shook her violently, but she was already dead. He quickly picked her from the floor and went out with her. He looked for a taxi and took her to the hospital. Sandra was confirmed dead on arrival and the matter was reported to the police. Jesse was shattered. He didn’t know what to do. The girl he loved had been murdered in cold blood. He didn’t even get the chance to tell her he loved her. She died with the knowledge that he didn’t care and love her. Nothing could console him. Present Day Jesse cried while lying on the seashore. He knew there was no replacement for Sandra. He felt like taking his life, but it seemed death didn’t want him. How could he live without Sandra. Although Newman and his boys were arrested later, that couldn’t solve his problem. There was no way Sandra could be brought back to life . He had allowed the brokenness of his past relationships to destroy the beautiful relationship he had with Sandra. Only if he had listened to Sandra, she wouldn’t have been dead. It was out of frustration Sandra left her phone in his house the night the dark incident occurred. She might have realized she left her phone and was coming back for it when she met her untimely death. It was her phone that rung to get the attention of the gunmen who were already on their way out. Jesse stood up still sobbing. He ambled from the seashore. He wailed and said Sandra’s name severally as he went. The End
6 Jun 2019 | 22:44
this is rubbish oooo and a bad ending
7 Jun 2019 | 06:21
the end of the story is not ok at all
7 Jun 2019 | 06:30
Dis z bad
7 Jun 2019 | 08:34
sad ending
7 Jun 2019 | 15:34
na wow for this ending ooo, while would Sandra be kill like that na
8 Jun 2019 | 07:04
what a tragic end.
8 Jun 2019 | 07:25
sorry I don't like this Story joh, beautiful beginning and bad ending
8 Jun 2019 | 08:07
Nice one,continue am enjoyin dis story lik i cant wait to see d next episodes
12 Jun 2019 | 14:31
4 Jun 2021 | 07:03
Kudos to the writer What a perfect ending Lesson learnt
19 Aug 2021 | 15:35
U tried but nt so much of a ending
2 Sep 2021 | 15:49


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