1. PASSERS BY:- They are the one’s
that don’t really comment on posts
and if some of them will comment,it
won’t be sensible like “any
blackberry charger here” “just
passing by” “just dey observe” e.t.c
2. PROFESSORS:- The self acclaimed
professors are very common in every
group chats, they write grammars in
discord to their sentence just to
prove their fake professorship.
3. Attention Seekers:- They are the
one’s that use vulgar words,
comment out of box, use bad English
intentionally, just to be noticed.
4. Constructive Criticizers:- They
criticize others constructively by
making their points clear in a
comment and also suggest a possible
way out. They don’t bad mouth
5. Regulars:- These are set of people
that are always online, they
comment on every post even if it
was posted at midnight, they struggle
for first to comment and most times
their comments are shallow because
they are in hurry to post a comment.
6. Mr Perfect:- These type of people
likes correcting mistakes, they wait
patiently for people’s mistake before
they comment, they correct others in
such a way that can annoy them.
7. Add:- you can add yours.