A young boy met a very rich business man and asked
him"sir, what is the secret of your
success?" and he replied, "boy,
you have to use your number 6 in 6
ways". The boy was so surprised
and asked him "sir, how in 6ways?" he further replied "I only do
business 6 times in a year,
1. I sell bags of rice during d xmas
2. I sell children clothes
duringchildren's day celebration, 3. I sell poultry during the easter
celebration period,
4. I sell condoms on valetine day,
5. I sell indian hemp on Bob
marley's rememberance day. So,
you see why i am successful?" the boy asked "sir, you did not tell me
the 6th" he then smiled and said "
6. I go on VACATION" the boy
asked"VACATION? To where?"
The man replied " yes I normally on vacation go to jail".